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ryandjaxon · 8 months ago
Natalie Portman’s courageous stance on Palestine is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, we must stand up for what is right. Inspired by the wisdom of Amos Oz, who said ‘The only way to defeat darkness is to make its darkness visible.’ Let’s shine a light on the struggles of the Palestinian people and work towards a more just and peaceful world for all. #NataliePortman #AmosOz #Palestine #Justice #Peace
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demelzaspain · 4 years ago
"The seed of fanaticism always springs from adopting an attitude of moral superiority that prevents an agreement" #amosoz __ __ #poldark #demelza #demelzapoldark #rosspoldark #eleanortomlinson #aidanturner #poldarkcountry #poldarkfan #poldarkspain #poldarkpbs #poldarkseries __ __ "La semilla del fanatismo siempre brota al adoptar una actitud de superioridad moral que impide llegar a un acuerdo". https://www.instagram.com/p/CCykY_qKz1Q/?igshid=1orts3173ef8p
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andreavsandrea · 5 years ago
"Se dovessi mettere qui per iscritto tutto quello di cui non abbiamo parlato, mio padre ed io, riempirei due libri. Quanto lavoro mi ha lasciato mio padre. Sono ancora qui all'opera."
Amos Oz - Una storia di amore e di tenebra
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simonecorami · 6 years ago
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Impariamo a rispettare gli altri popoli: ogni uomo è creato a immagine divina, anche se se lo dimentica continuamente. (da Una storia di amore e di tenebra) Queste sono le parole di Amos Oz , grande scrittore che ci ha lasciato. Queste lacrime sono per lui e per un altro grande uomo e artista, Fernando Birri, che moriva un anno fa dopo essere stato il regista di ORG ed essere definito il padre del nuovo cinema latino- americano. Ho avuto modo di conoscerlo ed essergli amico e me lo ricordo a Roma, a Trastevere con bastone, cappello bianco, la barba lunghissima e gli occhi come quelli di questo bambino. #storytelling #child #latinoamerica #child #lacrime #igers #ricordi #memories #blackandwhite #amosoz #citazioni #quotes #fernandobirri https://www.instagram.com/p/Br9i3nxh-lz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hn4402cqfd52
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icst · 6 years ago
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Thank you, #AmosOz <3 https://www.instagram.com/p/Br7_c1iF3HW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1eqn7xuiouec9
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tenerlamappalvento · 3 years ago
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“I libri, loro non ti abbandonano mai. Tu sicuramente li abbandoni di tanto in tanto, i libri, magari li tradisci anche, loro invece non ti voltano mai le spalle: nel più completo silenzio e con immensa umiltà, loro ti aspettano sullo scaffale” #libri #amosoz #storiadamoreeditenebra #admont #biblioteca #benedettini #europa (presso Stiftsbibliothek Admont) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRXXF3arH9B/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lifeequalstraveling · 5 years ago
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Mental illness is cruel. It takes away a chunk of our souls and as if it weren’t enough it also sucks an incredible amount of mental and physical energy from the people closest to us. This is one of the many messages of one of the best books I’ve read this year: A Tale of Love and Darkness by the brilliant Israeli Amos Oz.  ***SPOILER ALERT*** The book talks about many other things too: all the suffering the Jewish people have been facing for thousands of years. People without a “home” is more vulnerable to abuses. The creation of the state of Israel. The sweet narration by the Author of his childhood memories. The first time he falls in love. The difficulties of being an introspective and only child. The small pleasures of a kid’s life such as eating ice cream. He also has the courage of admitting, thorough a lot of sarcasm and humor, that his people and society are also not perfect. But from all things, the one which most touched me was the evolution of his mother’s depression over time. She bravely fought for years against anti-semitism, chauvinism and oppression, only to find out in the end that her greatest enemy was none of those. I can’t imagine how much that woman must have suffered living with an illness, in a time when very little was known about it. An illness that until these days is surrounded by tabus and prejudice. An illness that not only brings much pain but also shame and guilt to its victims. An illness that can kill if not suddenly and on purpose, also little by little as the sufferer withers day after day sometimes without even noticing.  By the end of the book I cried, not only for his mother, but also for himself for only the ones who are or have been in their shoes know how much it hurts. P.S. @mariadecesari , have you finished this one? .
. #amosoz #books #book #goodreads #bookworm #biography #autobiography #stories #writer #reading #bookrecommendations #israel #bookstagram #storytelling #storyteller (at Husberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CByRgoZhdmK/?igshid=1scmslnmy32f6
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vitrinedogiba · 5 years ago
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“O castigo dos céticos é sempre duvidar, e duvidar até mesmo das dúvidas que eles próprios impõem. É o castigo dos desconfiados é suspeitar de tudo, dia e noite. Suspeitar até de si mesmos e das próprias suspeitas.” pág 129-130 do livro De repente, nas profundezas do bosque. Amós Oz # literatura #amosoz #amósoz #dicadeleitura #livros #livrosmaislivros https://www.instagram.com/p/B-SxLinHjj5/?igshid=fxj1uklpvaau
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miastaslow · 5 years ago
Marzec w Bielsku - Białej
Książka:  Rymy życia i śmierci Autor:  Amos Oz Data spotkania: 08.03.2020 Miejsce spotkania: Herbaciarnia Oskar, Rynek 16, Bielsko-Biała Godzina spotkania: 16:00 Osoba kontaktowa: Radek – [email protected]
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Drugie spotkanie w Bielsku-Białej w 2020 roku to przygoda, którą odbędziemy z izraelskim pisarzem Amosem Ozem i tytułem „Rymy życia i śmierci”. Jest to literatura nietypowa, bo traktuje o… samej literaturze – pisaniu powieści, żmudnym i długim procesie kreowania historii, bohaterów, a także okoliczności akcji – wszystko musi być spojone i złączone z wyobraźnią autora.
„Oz, przedstawiając kilka godzin z życia anonimowego pisarza mieszkającego w Tel Awiwie, który przesiaduje w kawiarni, spotyka się z czytelnikami, spaceruje ulicami nocnego miasta, pozwala nam wniknąć w demiurgiczną wyobraźnię twórcy. Pisarz, obserwując i wyławiając z tłumu poszczególne osoby, nadaje im imiona i wymyśla biografie. Łącząc barwne szczegóły, splatając z pozoru oderwane od siebie wątki, tka gęstą materię życia w całej jego różnorodności.
Amos Oz, z charakterystyczną dla siebie wrażliwością i wnikliwą znajomością ludzkiej natury, pokazując nam proces powstawania fabuły, jednocześnie pozwala nam o tym zapomnieć i dać się porwać opowieści.” – oto fragment opisu fabuły, który powinien zachęcić do tego, by tę stosunkowo krótką pozycję szybko pochłonąć i zawitać na niedzielne spotkanie,
Serdecznie zapraszamy.
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victoramaya93 · 5 years ago
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Este #año leí 13 #libros 😁 Y el que más les puedo recomendar es "Una historia de amor y oscuridad" de #AmosOz https://www.instagram.com/p/B6tcwESg7nk/?igshid=v6w5j6ly3a1e
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livros-and-books · 5 years ago
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First book by Oz and I just loved it. An expressionist-epistolary novel about a wrecked marriage that hasn't ended quite yet. "He knows how to create new metaphors, new stories to describe the sorrows within a family, within a love that should have ended, but whose flame is still burning. (https://bit.ly/2SDlGoy)" #book #bookaholic #booklovers #ler #leitura #leitora #reading #instabook #instaread #instabooks #BlackBox #AmosOz #bookstagram  #litsy #booklover #readingabook #amreading #books #Sha2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6qeDCmDhtF/?igshid=13n106hzh57h6
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andreavsandrea · 5 years ago
Quella mattina, e quasi alla stessa ora arrivò anche Yotam, precipitatosi dall'Argentina per un ultimo saluto al padre. I padri morenti, pensò Yotam, esercitano su di noi un potere che non hanno mai avuto. Quando ti muore il padre tu lo prendi e lo porti con te per il resto della tua vita, come un embrione o un tumore maligno, e ti accompagnerà in tutte le tue ribellioni senza più arrabbiarsi o punire ma ridendo sommessamente da dietro di te. Per il resto della tua vita
Amos Oz - Tocca l'acqua, tocca il vento.
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sochisecz · 6 years ago
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Po těžkém dni v práci mě dneska doma čekalo hezké výherní překvapeni v podobě nové knihy Amose Oze. Začínám v tom vidět jistou periodicitu. Cca každých deset let něco vyhraju 🙂 Děkuji iRozhlasu za soutěž #soutezirozhlas @irozhlascz #irozhlascz #bookstagram #amosoz @knihypaseka #knihy #本 #新しい https://www.instagram.com/p/BxkTYWWCQ8S/?igshid=1czc5ftp3eq62
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forhershlag · 6 years ago
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Judas. . . . #Judas #AmosOz #Oz #book #bookstagram #instamoment #literature #bookstore #bookish #libros #literature #historias #libreria #letras #travel #design #blackandwhite #cool #colors #landscape #morning #Sunset #cdmx #home #homeworxcandles #cozy #moments https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwevxj3FlII/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z4v9b5xgnyod
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osomatorio · 6 years ago
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Amós Oz, em “Mais de Uma Luz”. Sanidade em dose cavalar. #amosoz #maisdeumaluz #fanatismo #fé #convivência (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtrKIncDv0PjWh22_wdBQxwqjkdwItZqYGogz40/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xp6uz4wtjw2v
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cyberws · 6 years ago
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#Repost @companhiadasletras • • • • • "Quando eu era pequeno, queria ser um livro quando crescesse. Não escritor de livros, livro mesmo. Gente se pode matar como formigas. Escritores também não são tão difíceis de matar. Mas livros, mesmo se os destruirmos metodicamente, sempre há chance de sobrar algum, nem que seja apenas um exemplar, a continuar sua vida de prateleira, eterna, discreta e silenciosa em uma estante esquecida de alguma biblioteca remota em Reykjavik, em Valladolid ou em Vancouver." — Amós Oz, em "De amor e trevas" Com a morte de Amós Oz, no último dia 28, o mundo perdeu não apenas um grande escritor, mas também um "homem de generosidade ímpar", nas palavras do editor Luiz Schwarcz. A Companhia das Letras publica sua extensa obra, entre ficção e não ficção, e pretende mantê-la viva, em todas as prateleiras, com reimpressões de títulos esgotados programadas para breve. No dia do falecimento do escritor, Schwarcz declarou: "Amós Oz é um homem de generosidade ímpar. Me recuso a proferir o verbo no passado, pois ele estará comigo por toda a vida. É dos grandes amigos que fiz, com quem aprendi tanto. Não sabia do recrudescimento da doença contra a qual lutou tanto. Na última vez que falamos ele estava celebrando os bons resultados do tratamento. O mundo de hoje precisa de mais homens como ele. Mas não é fácil encontrá-los." #SocorroCompanhia: Não encontrou este livro? Mande um email para [email protected] ou uma mensagem para o WhatsApp (11) 94292-7189. #amosoz #deamoretrevas #omesmomar #literatura #literaturaestrangeira #literaturahebraica #bookstagram #companhiadasletras https://www.instagram.com/p/BsRt-1sHKkk_ZVqwxYhWRMIxgo1qmQFuXyrqa00/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19sgjlvfpp0if
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