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gorillahittt848fm · 4 years ago
GHiTTT 84.8FM^LA:http://online-radio.eu/radio/144653-ghittt-84-8fm-los-angeles 🔛 [ #LiNKiNBiO👆] #THEFUNK HOUR WIT 🔛 THE BREWERY 🍻11-1AM #CiGARandWHiSKEY WiT COLOSSUL PRO x Dj DOC STEEL x SHARP JAMES .... BRiNGiNG #BREAKBEATS x FUNK & RNB SOUL 🎙 ....  🎲 PEOPLES CHOICE ViP LOUNGE 11-1AM 🎲 BQ EXPRESS 1-3AM 🎲 #TOP20ATL 3-5AM CHECKOUT GHiTTT 84.8 FM #SPOTIFYPLAYLiST WITH THE TOP 50 [SONG\ARTiST]  REQUESTED ON OUR #NEWMUSiCMONDAYS SHOW YOUR SONG MiGHT BE ON THE LiST ON 👉🏽 THE GORiLLAHiTTTLiST TOP 50 ....🎙 🥃 #MassAppealRecords #youtubemusic #vemo #LiveNation #Bransoncognac #rapradarpodcast #jamaicaNYC #wshh #amnesiahaze #newmusicalert🚨 #amnesiahaze #bodegamusic #sirusxm #tiktokmusic  #dondivamag ® #Thisis50 Reflection .... .  #instaMusic Powered By: @WTS_CLEARS @Bransoncognac  🎙 #PRODUCERS COLOSSUL DOC STEELE @JTAGAME @iB_JONES 📡 #TBE #GHiTTT84_8FM^NY #PRODUCT_OF_HARDTiMES_RADiO  #BROOKJERZ #BOOGiE145_RADiO https://www.instagram.com/p/CQxV_idn-Xz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bloodtypethcandacid · 4 years ago
Tilidin 50mg & Amnesia Haze 👌🏼😎💯
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jexttelez · 5 years ago
Blown Gourds all over the place. 24 hours straight to get this mix. #soundmixer #songwriter #multiinstrumentalist #amnesiahaze #lover #romantic #neversaydie #onward #eternalmusic #takestime #tobecome #bobebeling #analoganonymous https://www.instagram.com/p/B_kVyGlnjSe/?igshid=1bkwv6l5721e4
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gorillahittt848fm · 4 years ago
GHiTTT 84.8FM^LA:http://online-radio.eu/radio/144653-ghittt-84-8fm-los-angeles 🔛⭐ POP SMOKE 💽 NEW ALBUM 🗓 JULY 16 .... iN ROTATION #LiNKINBiO👆 WE GOT A COUPLE THOUSAND LISTENING ON HEAVY.... PLUGIN 🔌  Michelob ULTRA ✅ Sponsered 👉🏽 LIVE SHOUTOUT📲 1-888-805-5227 *⏸▶ GHITTT84.8FM LOS ANGELES & 107.9 FM NYJ/LA SIMULCAST 🎧 ON #TRAFFiC 📀 THE BREWERY 5-7PM #LiNKINBiO👆 ® #WednesdayVibes #HiPHOP #RNB BLENDS #HOUSEMUSiC #DANCEHALL #COMEDY #CELEBRiTYLEAKS #SPORTSBETTiNG ON SPOTIFY CHECKOUT #SPOTIFYPLAYLiST GHiTTT 84.8 FM 👉🏽 GORiLLAHiTTTLiST TOP 50 ....🎙 🥃 #MassAppealRecords #youtubemusic #vemo #LiveNation #Bransoncognac #rapradarpodcast #jamaicaNYC #wshh #amnesiahaze #newmusicalert🚨 #amnesiahaze #bodegamusic #sirusxm #tiktokmusic  #dondivamag ® #Thisis50 Reflection .... . #instaMusic Powered By: @Bransoncognac COLOSSUL DOC STEELE @TGFOTB @iB_JONES 📡 #TBE #GHiTTT84_8FM^NY\LA #PRODUCT_OF_HARDTiMES_RADiO (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQeSLpHnWT4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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buyweedonlineposts-blog · 3 years ago
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Amnesia Haze Royal Queen Seeds Après que les génétiques Haze aient navigué jusqu’en Hollande, un expatrié américain a créé un nouvel hybride qui vint dominer le marché : la Amnesia Haze. Avec 22 % de THC. Amnesia Haze est bien plus qu'un classique des Pays-Bas, c'est probablement un des hybrides les plus populaires au monde. Croisement entre Amnesia et Haze, Amnesia Haze est une variété haut de gamme. Elle produit des rendements impressionnants en intérieur comme en extérieur, elle dégage des odeurs et des goûts riches et elle produit une euphorie psychédélique unique que vous aurez bien du mal à trouver dans une autre variété. Amnesia Haze, aussi connue comme « ami weed » ou « ammo weed », exerce un effet presque psychédélique qui propulse l'esprit dans la stratosphère. Son goût est frais et fruité, tout ce que l’on peut attendre d’une Haze de qualité supérieure. Que ses consommateurs soient prévenus : c’est une variété puissante, et comme son nom l’indique, il est difficile d’empêcher son cerveau de passer en mode veille après une bonne session. #strainofthemoment #AmnesiaHaze #RoyalQueenSeeds #goOk #w33daddict #weedPorn #FrenchStonnerInSpain #EuskaWeed #FrenchGrowerInSpain #Sativa #belarrondoko (à Irun Pays Basque Espagne) https://www.instagram.com/p/COsGrVbsbSHx_77qzNxgeGBMB9gV7QZ2KH5Te40/?igshid=1iz44ti8y9n6r
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mrirk · 7 years ago
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Barcelona // Selva de Mar mar. ´18 _irk
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neverdaretostopthemadness · 5 years ago
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Few shots from #amsterdam Bike City 🚲🚲🚲 . . . #netherlands #bike #bikes #bikeporn #redlightdistrict #pusher #sexworkers #architecture #bikecity #rentabike #canals #boattrip #amnesiahaze #whitewidow #spliff #herring #spacemuffin #coffeeshop #wakeandbake #cologne #denhaag #żebybyłonormalnie #żubrofficial (w: Amsterdam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEFNt94BUSF/?igshid=38p2ne4024m4
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greenfeeling92 · 5 years ago
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Wackybanny 🐰 #frankfurt #kölnsüd #kölnkalk #kalk #südstadt #lemonhaze#amnesiahaze #wiesbaden #giessen #gewinnspiel (hier: Südstadt) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAuvLH3FiIf/?igshid=1212wy1y0o2qo
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thebudtendersociety · 7 years ago
Greasy Greasy "Where's my bike " 🍁Amnesia haze X Biker OG 🍁 Available at @skunk.rx 🌱Grown by @faroutfarmsoregon Great smell and looks like it has diamonds dripping off of every nug 👏🏼🍁🔥👏🏼🍁🔥👏🏼🍁🔥👏🏼 #wheresmybike #bikerog #amnesiahaze #oregonweed #olcc #olcclicensed #dispensary #dispensarylife #southernoregon #rogueriver #oregonlife #terps #trichomes #hazelife #hazesociety #sativa #sativavsindica #oregongrown #nugjar #cannabisdaily #cannabis4us #ommp #oregoncannabis #loudweed #thc #haze #sativas #cannabiscommunity #follow #followtrain
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wdzone · 5 years ago
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Polecam CBD od @hempgru_official #AMNESIAHAZE 💨💨💨 #amnezja #legalweed #cbd #hempgru #hg #diil #diilgang #diilwear #wdzone #wdz _solo https://www.instagram.com/p/B7LmQHilLSU/?igshid=1da15dgktrgev
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gorillahittt848fm · 4 years ago
LIVE SHOUTOUT📲 1-888-805-5227 💣 #LiNKINBiO👆 WE GOT A COUPLE THOUSAND LISTENING ON HEAVY.... PLUGIN 🔌  Michelob ULTRA ✅ Sponsered 👉🏽 LIVE SHOUTOUT📲 1-888-805-5227 *⏸▶ GHITTT84.8FM LOS ANGELES & 107.9 FM NYJ/LA SIMULCAST 🎧 ON #TRAFFiC 📀 THE BREWERY 5-7PM #LiNKINBiO👆 ® #FRiDAYViBES #RNBSOUL #HiPHOP #HOUSEMUSiC #DANCEHALL #COMEDY #CELEBRiTYLEAKS #SPORTSBETTiNG ON SPOTIFY CHECKOUT #SPOTIFYPLAYLiST GHiTTT 84.8 FM 👉🏽 GORiLLAHiTTTLiST TOP 50 ....🎙 🥃 #MassAppealRecords #youtubemusic #vemo #LiveNation #Bransoncognac #rapradarpodcast #jamaicaNYC #wshh #amnesiahaze #newmusicalert🚨 #amnesiahaze #bodegamusic #sirusxm #tiktokmusic  #dondivamag ® #Thisis50 Reflection .... . #instaMusic Powered By: @Bransoncognac COLOSSUL DOC STEELE @JTAGAME @iB_JONES 📡 #TBE #GHiTTT84_8FM^NY #PRODUCT_OF_HARDTiMES_RADiO (at Newark, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQZdskBnA7q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ganjanoodle · 7 years ago
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Tweedledoob and Tweedledab! @canna_4_life_potshop #acmeacres #phatpanda #seattlesourbreath #lemonmeringue #virginiacompany #amnesiahaze #sourdiesel #jointoperation #itslegalinwashington #ganjawoman #stonernation #sativa #ganjaforlife
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s1ckom0d3 · 6 years ago
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Fue un día pulentoooooo🥴🔥 #amnesiahaze #bustalife #guardiarobaydevuelvepitosss (en Parque Bustamante) https://www.instagram.com/p/B12SkFhBV4e/?igshid=1e50igsy8q8sh
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ilgmstrains · 6 years ago
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@ilgmmerch #AmnesiaHazeSeeds @👉ILGMstrains.com #AmnesiaHaze is an unrivaled blend, that deserves its star-status for being so diverse in background, and potent to boot. This sativa produces a strong #cerebralhigh, marked with distinct citrus notes and an intensely psychedelic rush due to its elevated #THC levels. This strain is popular not only for its guaranteed happy-high, but also for its ability to reduce pains and aches greatly. Famously earthy and citrus in aroma, Amnesia Haze is as special as its name may suggest. This strain’s genetics can be traced back to a number of sources, but most prominently, this sativa is derived from South Asian and #Jamaican landrace strains, and cross-bred with Thai, Hawaiian, Jamaican and #Cambodiansativa. This uniquely diverse blend is like a multiracial superstar, and there is no denying it, she is certainly an international beauty. Amnesia Haze has been awarded the #CannabisCup 1st place spot in 2004, and the 1st place #SativaCup in 2012, and has since only grown in popularity in the #Amsterdamcoffeeshops. https://www.instagram.com/p/B1SEjBtnIb9/?igshid=1ll41m9v1ot8p
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greenfeeling92 · 5 years ago
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Kroko? 🐊 #frankfurt #köln #kölnsüdstadt #kölncity #kiosk #cbd #cbdrauchen #cbdvape #cbdwellness #amnesiahaze #germany #bayern #kaarst #krefeld #düsseldorf (hier: Südstadt) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAtK5z8F-p1/?igshid=sxy4xgme01fd
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