#amnesiac roomies
I love them so much 💖
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robo-nonagon · 11 months
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new ocs agon the amnesiac angel and unknown the cassette robot. they're roomies trying to make ends meet, defeat monsters, and figure out the reasons for their existence. just your normal everyday stuff ミ★✌️
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eruden-writes · 2 years
Room & Board - Part 8 - (Tabaeus x Reader)
Anon submitted this prompt: For the prompt submissions a vampire that feels guilty after feeding/attacking someone so they leave obscenely valuable ancient artifacts as payment/an apology?
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After the ordeal of dealing with Jemma and setting up a cage for the gliders, the following weeks, ironically, were quiet.
Or maybe you were just so laser-focused on finding a house, nothing else permeated your thoughts.
Tabaeus and you continue the established feeding schedule. They still ‘snacked’ when they could get away with it. However, they did honor your denials. An unforeseen benefit of the sugar gliders was Tabaeus wasn’t prone to lonely wanderings to find you when you went to work. It was honestly a relief. The day after he brought the new furry family members home, you’d been so concerned they’d show up again. It was almost eerie when they didn’t.
Your real estate search also eventually bears fruit.
The house you find, the one that calls out to you, is an old house, built in the 1800s, with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. A lovely shade of blue, with a large porch and fenced-in backyard. There’s even two stone gargoyles that keep watch from the stoop.
It is located downtown, in an older part of the city. Which essentially means a diverse neighborhood filled with old homes, remodels, renters, and homeowners along with families, childless couples, and singletons.
With two stories, plus a basement and attic, it’s roomy enough for your - grudgingly - growing family- …er, roomateship? Plus there’s a detached garage and roomy kitchen with plenty of storage for appliances. Off the dining room, a greenhouse is attached. The basement is unfinished, which means Tabaeus is less likely to sleep there, but the freezer the previous owner left behind made up for it.
Strangely, it has been on the market for the better part of a year. Either no one had placed an offer or the owner was excessively picky. Regardless, you contacted your real estate agent and asked for a tour. You and Tabaeus walked through the house, pointing out little things you liked and little problems that would need fixing.
By the end, however, the two of you agreed it certainly felt like home. From there, it had been back-and-forth discussions, inspections, and negotiations. It looked like the closing was on the horizon. Which meant gathering the additional funds together for the house and closing costs was needed.
That led you to your current undertaking with Tabaeus. Which entailed the two of you bumbling about in the local sewers.
“Why in the world do you have a cache of treasure here?” It’s not the first time you ask the question and it likely won’t be the last. Every inch of your body is covered in clothing, plus a mask to fight off the stench of the sewage. The acrid scent still manages to get into your nose and you’re certain you’ll have to burn the clothes once you get back to the apartment.
Tabaeus throws you a look, as if to say ‘Are you genuinely asking that of I, your amnesiac vampire friend?’ Their expression is no less stormy than yours.
They are dressed in just as much as you, in a dark hoodie, their hair tucked under the hood, and long pants and boots. Only their red glowing eyes are visible above their mask. An odd comfort, you realize.
Your expression doesn’t falter and they sigh, shoulders slumping as they turn their flashlight back down the corridor. “I honestly do not know. I just know it is here.”
“Well, hurry it up. We’re not even supposed to be down here.” You hiss, jumping out of the way of a rat scurrying by.
“Patience,” Tabaeus sighs, swinging their lone beam of light to and fro. They’re mumbling to themselves, their gloved hand tracing the wall. There’s no way a hidden compartment or room is down here, you think. There’s literally no way. The city would know about it! And if the city knew about it, it would’ve been pilfered a long time ago.
Something pinged at Tabaeus’s memory as they started to stride with more purpose. You followed after them, weakly hoping this wasn’t an utterly useless endeavor. It would just figure that, once you pursued a house, your vampire patron would run dry in finances. Or just not be able to find their literal treasure trove.
You’re not sure how they managed to do it, but you watch as Tabaeus’s touches a certain spot in the wall and twists a nearby knob. For a breathless second, you tense, waiting to hear the clatter of broken pipes or heightened water pressure. But you hear the sound of metal and rock shifting and your eyes widen as an entryway slides open in the wall.
Tabaeus glances to you over their shoulder, a teasing smirk in their voice as they hold out their hand to you. “See? The universe rewards those who hold their tongue.”
You accept their hand, but shoot them a sharp look. It only makes their smirk broaden as they turn to lead you through the darker-than-pitch corridor. Your heart pounds as the world around you turns to deep shadows. There’s no way to spy any silhouettes or make out faint shapes of pipes or gaskets. It’s all so dark. And quiet. You don’t even hear the skittering of rats.
It grows even darker as the door slides shut behind you. You jerk, turning to look, but only see a blanket of black. Fear dances in your stomach.
Sensing your apprehension, Tabaeus gives your hand a squeeze. “I am here.”
“I know,” you mumble as you turn back around, your face flaring with embarrassed heat. Their presence is part of the problem, though. They are a vampire. They feast on your blood. And though you two have grown closer, more amicable, you’re worried where this all will end. It may not be tomorrow or in the year or even in ten years, but Tabaeus could always turn on you and then go on with their life.
Whenever you think of the disparate lifespans between you two, you find yourself wondering if you made a mistake.
“I believe this is it,” Tabaeus says, rousing you from your thoughts. “Shield your eyes a moment.”
You do as they say, before you listen to Tabaeus fumble in the dark. There’s a click and you see lights flash behind your eyelids. Carefully, you squint open your eyes, letting them slowly adjust. After a few rapid blinks, your eyes widen.
It appears to be a huge corridor, with a tiled ceiling - plastered with cobwebs - and arching buttresses. Thankfully, it seems relatively dry, with no oozing sewage to squelch underfoot. It’s not until your eye catches the dip in the floor, where railroad track is laid, that you realize this is an old train station or, perhaps, a closed section on a route. You take a few steps farther down the line. The lighting casts a slightly yellow tint on everything in the vicinity. And there is certainly a lot in the vicinity.
Furniture, racks of clothing, mannequins, shelving. It’s a mishmash of things from different decades, perhaps even eras. You try to peer down the corridor, but the haphazard piles seem to go on forever with only carefully carved paths between their bases. The mingling scent of dust and mildew hang heavy in the air, along with rotting wood, but there’s perfumes you wouldn’t expect. Faintly, you wonder if there’s colognes or potpourris in the mess of miscellany.
Tabaeus suddenly appears again at your elbow and you jump with a yelp.
“My apologies,” they say, offering you an awkward smile. At some point, they had lowered the mask they wore and it hung beneath their chin. In their hands is a large wooden box, an ancient latch on its side.
You nod to it. “What’s in there?”
“Replenished funds!” With a flourish, they open the lid to show off the contents. Inside are more gold coins and jewelry and gems. Much of it looks about the same time period as the other payments you’ve taken from them.
“Why don’t you live here?” The thought strikes you quick and you glance around again. It is roomy and, with a little bit of elbow grease, you’re certain it can become a livable place. Heck, there was probably an old abandoned train car somewhere further down the track. “I’m sure there’s enough things to live comfortably and you could probably head up top for… food, when you need it.”
You stumble when you think of what Tabaeus would have to do to survive in this place. Without thinking, you rub at the spot on your neck that has grown bruised from multiple feedings. The courage to let Tabaeus feed from somewhere else has yet to take root.
“There are a number of reasons,” Tabaeus admits, closing the wooden box. Their shoulders hunch a little as they gaze about, their fingers playing with the latch of the box in their arms. “It is grimy and dusty. Not to mention rather isolating.”
At that last point, they wince. You can’t help the curiosity needling through your thoughts. Thus far, Tabaeus hasn’t mentioned other vampires nor anyone else for that matter. Even if his amnesia was a result of a long sleep, you think there’d be someone they’d remember.
“Besides, I have found I quite enjoy being in the presence of others. Especially you.” You focus on Tabaeus again. They smile crookedly at you, their red eyes flickering from your gaze to your reddening cheeks. More than once, Tabaeus has admitted to enjoying how your cheeks color.
Needing to break up the sudden warm heaviness surrounding you two, you scoff, “That’s me, your little blood bag.”
That draws Tabaeus’s eyes back to your own, an ember in their red depths. “You’re my amata trinkaĵo, actually.”
“Oh, yes, I’ve been upgraded to a drink instead of a bag,” you snort and roll your eyes. Tabaeus had actually taken to calling you Amata on occasion. And each time, you shot them a dirty look. In return, they’d only grin.
This time, however, Tabaeus’s smile is soft and a little sad. They notice your stare and instantly reel back, clearing their throat as they cast their eyes about.
“Can you hold this? I might be able to find other little bits that are fairly valuable,” they ask, holding out the wooden box to you. With a nod, you relieve Tabaeus of the crate, grunting as you realize how heavy it is. They don’t seem to notice your struggle as they turn, off to investigate further.
“Do you think you’ll remember anything if you poke around here?” The question comes so sudden and soft to your lips, you almost think Tabaeus didn’t hear it. But, they did, and they stop suddenly, turning their eyes back to you. It’s a roundabout question that you hope will stir their memories or a nugget of information to research. “There’s got to be tons of memorabilia here.”
“I… do not know.” A complicated expression creases at Tabaeus’s face, their eyes drifting from one item to the next. It wasn’t a complete refusal, though, and they wander toward an old wardrobe. You watch as they pull out the drawers and shuffle through them. Papers, knick-knacks, photos. Picking every little thing up and examining it carefully.
“Some things stir memories,” they admit, after a long few moments. You perk up, edging closer to them, though your loot weighs you down. Tabaeus tilts a photo toward you and you squint, looking over an array of faces frozen in time. “I feel I know these people. As if I grew up with them, but I cannot tell you their names or what year this was taken in.”
They flip the photo back into the drawer it came from, before pulling out another paper. It looks like a letter, typed up on an old-timey typewriter. “And this here. I recognize the name Reginald Taylor. He was a chemist at a general store on Gooseberry Boulevard. Where that is, though, or how long I knew him, I have not the foggiest.”
With a sigh, Tabaeus drops the note into its home drawer. With another look cast about the corridor, creases of wretchedness continue to mark their features.
“What is it?” You start to lift your hand to touch their shoulder, before realizing you’re still hauling the gold around.
“There are many bad memories,” Tabaeus shakes their head, taking a few steps away from you. Their expression is strained and you think you see their eyes growing glassy, wet. “Deaths by feeding and other means. Blackmail. Extortion. Cruelty.”
You’re not sure what to say, so you just remain quiet. Though your mind races with questions and theories.
It’s when Tabaeus speaks again, their words making your stomach lurch, your worries solidify. “I… I do not believe I am a good person.”
“What?” Without thinking you take a step closer. Your heart pounds and a spike of adrenaline has made you grow hot. A small fear of betrayal lashes in you - they said ‘am’ not ‘was’ a bad person - but you hold it down. “What did you remember?”
At that, Tabaeus’s eyes dart to your face. A pained expression crosses their features briefly, before they manage to push it away. Their eyes draw away from you, their shoulders hunching. “Must I speak of it?”
Boldly or foolishly, you take another step forward. Your voice hardens. “Am I in danger?”
“No, not from me,” Tabaeus startles at the accusation, their eyebrows drawing upward. “Never from me.”
You press on, ignoring how a nervous flutter at those two words joins the pounding of your heart.“ Do others pose a danger to me?”
Tabaeus’s lips pressed together, looking sad and wretched. Once more, their eyes flicker away from you, their fingers fidgeting with each other. “That I am not sure of.”
“I would appreciate knowing whatever you know, Tabaeus.” They flinch at the hard sharpness in your tone, but it’s something that has to be said. Your mind is going a mile a minute, trying to confirm Tabaeus is a threat or make excuses for them. The longer you look at the misery dancing on his face, you sigh. “The memories may not be yours. They may be that of those you’ve fed on. Or maybe you have some sort of tactile memory powers.”
That makes curiosity cut through their gloom. “Tactile memory powers?”
With a shrug, you try to explain as simply as possible. “It’s like the ability to see memories tied to an object.”
“Have you heard of such things?” Skepticism has Tabaeus’s eyes narrowing, obviously not believing you.
“I mean, in comics and stuff.” Now it’s your turn to shrug. You’re suddenly aware that you’re still holding the box of valuables, your muscles aching from holding it. “You’re literally a vampire, so I figure we keep our options open?”
“That is true.” They do not sound convinced, though. Their dismal gaze scans the room, the furrow between their eyebrows deepening.
An awkward silence falls between the two of you. Tabaeus quietly wanders off after a polite amount of time, digging through items on the far side of the corridor. Still holding the box of treasure in your hands, you’re not entirely certain what to do. Carefully, you set the valuables down on a larger trunk. After letting your arms rest, you decide to poke about the area yourself.
Half of your brain is looking for valuables or anything of interest. Any old little oddity or fascinating book or strange gadget. The other half is looking for information on Tabaeus. Photos, documents, anything that may lead to information.
“I know you are searching ways to kill vampires.” Tabaeus’s words, coming from behind you, makes you freeze.
You spin around, staring wide-eyed at Tabaeus. Suddenly, you are very aware you are underground, in a hidden place only Tabaeus knows of. Without thinking, your eyes dart around, hoping to scope out an exit. However, your brain starts wondering if the mounds of items are hiding dead bodies in their depths. Are those bad memories that keep Tabaeus from living here actually the souls of his victims?
“My apologies! I did not mean to startle you. I am not angry about it, I understand the need to protect yourself,” they rush to explain, their own eyes widening as they realize how worried you were. You believe they would raise their hands in supplication, if it weren’t for yet another box in their grasp. Warily, you stare at it, wondering what it could hold.
“I recalled this being here. Tied to those awful memories.” Tabaeus mumbles before you can ask. Slowly, as if they were approaching a scared animal, they hold the box out to you. It takes you a breath to realize they’re offering it to you to take. With lips pressed tight together, you don’t take the box, but instead flip the lid open.
As you look at Tabaeus, a rush of confusion swarming your brain, they look away. Their shoulders jerk, as if to hunch in on themself, but holding out the box keeps them from performing the action.
“What is this, Tabaeus?” With a shaking hand, you reach into the box and pull out a wooden stake. It’s old and gnarled looking, but there is a heft to it that isn’t like other modern day wooden items you’ve held. There’s other items in the box, as well.
Herbs and vials, bits of silver, a cross, a mirror, bound bags of who-knows-what, and more. At the very bottom, under everything, is what looks to be a notebook - perhaps a journal - with a crackling leather cover.
Their answer surprises you. “From what I remember, this is a vampire hunting kit.”
“Why would you have this here?” It didn’t make sense to you. Why would they have things around that could kill them? Though a small, dark part of you answers.
“I may have killed a few vampire hunters in my time.” Tabaeus shrugs, as if taling about murder is no big deal. Though, you wryly suppose it’s more self-defense, if these hunters were trying to kill Tabaeus. Your momentary amusement is gone when they voice what that dark part of you guessed, “Or perhaps it is just something all vampires keep. In case eternity becomes too great a burden.”
You gently place the stake back into the box, closing the lid with a snap. “And why are you showing me this?”
“It is yours. For your protection.” It is not a threat, you realize. Their words are too soft, their eyes downcast, their body language submissive for them to seem dangerous. “A token of my sincerity that I will never hurt you, but if I ever do, do not hesitate to use what is in this box.”
The logical, paranoid part of you snorts derogatorily at the statement. There were any number of ways a sly vampire could sully a vampire hunting kit. The wrong herbs, fake silver, tap water in place of holy water. And it wasn’t as if you hadn’t left Tabaeus alone for long swaths of time for them to concoct such a ploy.
You had already begun stashing a cache of items at home and planning to grow anti-vampire herbs in your new greenhouse. Getting stakes was even easier, you’d found out, after being pointed toward the varieties available in the camping eisles. Nothing in lore said it had to be a wooden stake.
It is a struggle to believe Tabaeus would put together a fake vampire hunting kit. It seems too maliciously conniving. But, you suppose, if this was all an act, you wouldn’t know what Tabaeus would or wouldn’t do. Now would you?
Although, you are very curious to know what was in the journal. That is the only reason you relieve them of the box and offer up an uneasy smile to them, “Thank you, Tabaeus. I appreciate the understanding.”
For once, they do not reply. They merely nod, humming an acknowledgement, as their gaze refuses to meet yours.
“We should head back home. I’m sure Bjarka and Liuva are missing you.” You attempt to lighten the mood, balancing the much lighter box on your hip. With an nod to the heavier treasure-filled box, you ask, “Can you take that one? You’re stronger than me.”
With a silent nod, they shuffle to the other box and heft it in their arms. You can’t even tell if it weighs anything to the vampire. There’s no strain to their muscles, no bowing of their back.
Tabaeus finally looks at you and opens their mouth, as if to say something. But it instantly snaps closed and they look away from you.
“What?” You take a step closer to them, cocking your head as your free hand lightly touches their arm. The touch draws the attention of their eyes. Slowly, their gaze travels up your arm and tingles follow their path.
“Will you miss me?” Their words are soft, almost lost under the buzzing of the overhead lights. “When we part, I mean. Whenever that is.”
You raise your eyebrows, trying to ignore the heavy grief painting the air around Tabaeus. “Are you planning to leave me?”
There’s no ‘not yet’ or any other implication they ever thought to leave you. Just a simple ‘no.’ You wonder how far into the future Tabaeus has thought, has planned. Are they thinking just a week ahead? A month? A year? Ten years?
The thought brings a rush of conflicting sensations, warring for dominance in your chest. Overwhelming emotions make you feel the slightest bit dizzy. Abruptly, you pull your hand from Tabaeus and turn back the way you came, crisply saying, “That’s better to ask when your leaving is inevitable, don’t you think?”
You feel Tabaeus’s eyes on your back. It makes those rush of contrary feelings spike and you swallow down uncertain tears. Finally, their feet start to shuffle after you and they say, a little defeatedly, “Yes, I suppose you are correct.”
The two of you walk in silence, both carrying your own heavy baggage as you traverse the dark. When Tabaeus turns the lights off behind you - your hand already on the fabric of their jacket to be guided out - the forgotten world of items is plunged back into darkness.
You can’t help but feel the two of you carry much more than the two boxes out of that place, though.
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If you like what I create, please consider my patreon or my ko-fi!
Comments, tags, and reblogs are real motivators for me, too! (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
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ellenchain · 6 months
Poor naked, shaved angry/amnesiac baby. He never wanted to be a test subject again.
I predict that he tries to escape, at first he gets caught.
But on the last attempt, as he breaks out, he meets 47 and Olivia who are breaking in to get him out.
Shenanigans ensue.
Who knew ventilation shafts could be so roomy?
Ohh who knows what he's been through again! They certainly weren't very nice to him and carried out lots of tests on him. I'm sure if he manages to escape, it'll be bloody on the way….
(except of course when he meets Olivia and 47, who discovered the lab with the help of Diana and catch him on the way, smooch him and take him home)
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alpinefrsh · 1 year
Tommy in LMK crossover ideas
Ahem... Below the cut, you'll find yourself faced with eight different concepts for Tommyinnit in the universe of Lego Monkie Kid. Most of which I'd like to write something for in the future, but honestly, who knows if I'll actually get around to it. If any of these happen to be up your alley, feel free to take as much or as little inspiration from them as you'd like.
1 - Amnesiac c!Tommy: c!Tommy wakes up in a city (Megapolis) with no memories aside from the innate knowledge that his name is Tommy. Lives in a cardboard box he named L’Boxberg for no apparent reason until he befriends Bai He, who, upon figuring out that he’s homeless, drags him to Macaque’s place and doesn’t accept criticism. Tommy occasionally gets fucked up by things triggering his memories from dsmp. Sometimes they’re positive memories, but mostly they’re just traumatic and upsetting.
2 - Fae!Macaque and village child TommyInnit: Tommy, MK, Mei, and possibly Bai He are all children in a rural village on the outskirts of a forest. Whenever there’s no one else around to snitch, MK tells Tommy and Mei (and Bai He, depending on if she’s there or not) about the Fae who’s been teaching him magic (Monkey King). This is great, except it fills Tommy’s head with all the wrong kinds of ideas and he decides to venture out into the forest to meet the Monkey King for himself. Spoiler alert, the fae he encounters is not Monkey King (Tommy’s persistence earns him a fae older brother/father figure out of Macaque anyway).
3 - Ghost!Macaque and Tommy: Tommy moves out into a shitty cheap flat all on his own, only to discover it’s already occupied by a pessimistic ghost named Macaque. Also, he doesn’t believe in ghosts.
4 - Vigilante Tommy, Villain Macaque: SBI is family, all of them, excluding Tommy (who’s too young) are heroes. When a villain called Macaque hurts Wilbur badly enough to put him in a coma, Tommy becomes a vigilante for the sole purpose of getting revenge by putting Macaque behind bars.
5 - Raccoonification Station: In a classic case of ‘wrong place, wrong time’ Tommy gets hit by a mystic artifact Jin and Yin were messing with that turns him into a Raccoon. Now stuck as a raccoon with no idea of how to change back and no way of asking for help, Tommy befriends the first person who feeds him- presumably Bai He, but could hypothetically work as someone else- who eventually realizes that- one, there shouldn’t be any raccoons in China, and two, this raccoon does not act like a raccoon. And then brings him to Macaque (or Wukong, depending on who it is) to see if there’s any mystic shenanigans going on.
6 - Tommy and MK roommates AU: Everything is the same, except Tommy is MK’s roommate. Ongoing joke of one of them hitting the other with “We need to have a serious discussion” and then that ‘discussion’ being things like “MK, you have to stop facing your Monkey King toy in my direction. He stares at me all day long and I am beginning to fear for my life.” (Until of course Tommy gets sick of watching MK’s mental health collapse and has a genuinely serious discussion with his roomie) 7 - Sorry!Tommy in LMK: After being buried alive by the people he thought were his friends, Tommy digs his way back to the surface with a new fear of tight spaces. Except now Tommy finds himself on a mountainous island in the middle of an ocean (Flower Fruit Mountain). He befriends a local troop of monkeys and Wukong is entirely unaware of the random human living on his mountain until he overhears some monkeys chatting about the weird boy who came from the earth.
8 - Noodle Thief AU: Tommy’s part human, part raccoon demon, and a literal child, who lives in the bushes of a local park. One day he smells something particularly tasty and follows the scent to an unguarded vehicle with several containers of noodles. This starts a cycle that will take several years off of Pigsy’s lifespan in which Tommy makes a habit of stealing noodles whenever MK’s not looking. Post season 4 special.
These are all fairly slimmed down to the bare bones premises, so if you'd like more elaboration or plot details for any of these ideas, let me know. (I also have a written scene for both the Ghostcaque AU and the Vigilante & Villain AU if anyone wants to see either of those)
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lucinaofstardust · 11 months
Day 4 - Relationships
Lucina’s pretty new in this AU so i haven’t developed much yet, but here’s the Two important ones i’ve got so far, based on the two characters she’s interacted with in Fics i’ve written. She knows Of a fair amount of peeps from the Standard Dimension though torneys and some Synchro peeps too, but these two are part of what is her main sorta story thing 
Cider: As mentioned, She’s Lucina’s Housemate/ Roommate, Post the canon of ArcV, One Mr Reiji Akaba, without warning, drops off Cider at Lucina's house in standard with very little information to go on. The Relationship is amicable for the first few months, as the seemingly amnesiac Cider settles into a new home, Universe and Job at LDS but She and Lucina tend to stick to their own parts of the house. 
After a few months and a Fancy Halloween party, Lucina and Cider begin to interact more as friends as Cider begins to open up emotionally. Lucina in that time has now bugged Reiji enough to know…. Just as much as Reiji does merely that She’s from a dimension that is not of the four that the public knows of.
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Reiji: how does one small entame duelist get to be on good terms with Mr Big CEO man? Through teaching, duelling Sawatari and a trip to Synchro, Lucina has built up a decent trust with the young head of LDS, as a result of being several years his senior, Luci kind gets the vibe that he’s a bit socially awkward with anything that isn’t important or businessy. 
It might be this same trust that had Reiji choose her to look after and room with the different dimension drinker, Cider as well as having Lucina teaching the occasional lecture at LDS's major school. And hey that trust lasted though Lucina storming into his office many times but why isn’t that trust enough to tell Lucina more about her otherdimensionly new roomie?! what more does Reiji want? Why didn’t he tell Luci earlier…..!
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scvcnmore · 12 days
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Was that [ELLIOT PAGE]? Oh no no, that was just [VIKTOR HARGREEVES/NUMBER SEVEN], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY]. They are [THIRTY] years old, use [HE/HIM], and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long
Viktor Hargreeves was one of forty-three children who were all born on the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989 to mothers without any previous signs of pregnancy, and the seventh -and final- baby that Reginald Hargreeves managed to adopt...and then proceeded to psychologically and physically abuse
Originally, they were thought to have no powers, unlike his six other siblings, and was therefore always treated as lesser by their father. They would spend the majority of their childhood attempting to find ways to feel included and part of the Umbrella Academy proper, and bonding with who they would grow to consider their mother, an android caretaker named Grace
After the death of Reginald, Viktor found himself manipulated by Leanord Peabody who had discovered the old-man's journal on the truth behind Viktor's abilities. Between the sudden onset of powers they were never properly trained to wield and the misplaced growing feeling of resentment towards their siblings, Viktor wound up causing the apocalypse in their original timeline
Being forced to escape, he spent some time in Dallas in 1963, where he spent a large portion of his stay as an amnesiac. After a falling out with Five over being kept in the dark about their role in the previous apocalypse, Viktor returns to the the farm where they'd been living. Shortly after returning, they resort using their abilities to partially drain a lake in order to find Harlan, the non-verbal child of the couple that owned the farm. Having found him unresponsive from having been under the water, he attempts to resuscitate him and inadvertently passes on some of their own Marigold to the boy
They are able to keep from causing yet another apocalypse with the help of the spirit of Ben, and end up in a confrontation with the Commission in an effort to save Harlan. In the aftermath, they are thrust back into the future but arrive in a different timeline where there is an alternate set of Hargreeves siblings, known as the Sparrow Academy. While attempting to work with his siblings to find a means to return to their original timeline and avoid yet another apocalypse, they come out as trans and embrace their identity as Viktor. He meets an older gentleman named Lester Pockets who turns out to be an older Harlan and, who due to the grief of losing their mother, inadvertently used the powers given to him by the remaining Marigold in himself to cause the death of the mothers of each of the Umbrella Academy Hargreeves kids. This last bit causes a major rift between himself and Allison, as this change led to his niece, Claire, never existing in their current timeline
Shenanigans ensue as per usual, though Viktor managed to be the Best Man at Luther's wedding to Sloane prior to everything going tits-up again and the siblings found themselves in yet another timeline. This one saw them lose their powers for several years, before machinations led to them all regaining their powers, another apocalypse threat looming, Viktor finally confronting his father, and ultimately one final reset
Viktor arrived in D.C. immediately following the final Brellie stance, but is currently completely unaware of anything that has happened in his actual life
He's currently living a relatively quite life as the owner of a bar, whose upstairs loft he currently shares with roomie Diana Prince (no dude has no idea that's Wonder Woman)
His wiki: https://umbrellaacademy.fandom.com/wiki/Viktor_Hargreeves
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pointreyesjournal · 1 year
The Amnesiac : ep05
My apartment occupies the top floor of what used to be a local bank building. The bank was purchased by one of the large national banks, who then promptly fired most of the employees, replacing them with ATMs and a micro-branch in the local supermarket. I managed to purchase the building shortly after they vacated and leased the downstairs to a pharmacy to cover my loan payment. They signed a twenty year lease, in which we pre-negotiated raises in rent every five years to account for inflation. By the time the lease is up, the building will be paid off, and I won’t have made or paid a penny to live there, but I’ll have a nice asset earned from a clever real estate transaction. Plus, it’s a nice looking building. If you take the architectural walking tour sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, my building is the one they call “Romanesque.”
The pharmacy has a grand, double door entrance chamfered into the corner of the building. My entrance is an unassuming door in the rear of the building that leads directly up a private stairway. At the top is my front door, and across the hall is a little three room office suite that I lease to an up-and-coming video game developer from Sweden named Henrik. According to city zoning laws he’s not supposed to live there, but I think he does. But I’m the landlord and I don’t really give a shit, so I’ll conveniently neglect reporting him to the authorities. Plus, we’ve become quite good friends. He joins me for my morning coffee run a few days a week.
 My living space has eggshell white lath and plaster walls and large north facing windows overlooking Lighthouse Avenue, giving the entire space a light and airy feel. A tight, black, spiral wrought iron staircase leads to a private deck on the roof for barbecuing and entertaining. It’s a great space for a bachelor. Urban and roomy with panty-dropping sex appeal, and because of the locked exterior front door leading up to the staircase, it’s is extremely private even being in the center of town.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
Nocturnal Beings (They Watch You in the Night)
by delirious_chill
This is basically an alternate continuation of chapter 7 onward from nocturnal animals by bonesandthebees here on ao3. (Check out their fic.) At this point in the fic, Tommy is basically just a vampire hunter that wants to quit his job, so he runs away with his vampire roomie Wilbur, while the Academy of vampire hunters chases after them.
This was my first ever fic that was written a while ago, so feel free to give constructive criticism. However, hate against any of the creators whose characters are in this fic is not allowed. Any other unprecedented hate comments will be deleted.
Words: 526, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Karl Jacobs, Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Ponk | DropsByPonk (Video Blogging RPF), Hannah | Hannahxxrose, Sam | Awesamdude, Sally the Salmon (Dream SMP), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Tina | TinaKitten - Character
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Karl Jacobs/Sapnap, Sally the Salmon (Dream SMP)/Wilbur Soot, Clay | Dream & Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Eryn | Cyberonix & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: BAMF Sally the Salmon (Dream SMP), Wilbur Soot is Not Okay, Wilbur Soot-centric, Sad Wilbur Soot, Embarrassed Wilbur Soot, Shy Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot Angst, Wilbur Soot Needs a Hug, TommyInnit Needs a Break (Video Blogging RPF), Sad TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), only for a little bit, TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), tommy is basically the older brother, Vampire Wilbur Soot, Human TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Loss of Parent(s), Protective TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Amnesiac Wilbur Soot, it’s not really mentioned, Villain Sam | Awesamdude, Villain Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Flashbacks, Panic Attacks, Wilbur Soot Has an Anxiety Disorder, Wilbur Soot Has Mental Health Issues, wilbur soot has intrusive thoughts, Mentioned Eryn | Cyberonix - Freeform, Dehumanization, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst, Depressed Wilbur Soot, no beta we die like men, Narcoleptic GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF)
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I already made a post about who should harbour our favourite hot boi war criminal in their spare room once the Mighty Nein part ways, and now I think Molly deserves his own post too.
So, on a scale of 1-10, who's most likely to offer their basement to an amnesiac tiefling?
Veth: Pros; probably has the room! They'd get to expand on their weird chaos and Molly would be very impressed with her personal progress. Cons; Veth has a young and very impressionable son, things will get broken and no one takes accountability. There's so much screaming - 5/10
Yasha: Pros; platonic soulmates together again! They'd probably stick together like glue until Molly feels like himself again and Yasha can catch him up with her personal growth. Cons; again, is boning Beau which might be a bit much for even Molly after a while - 9.5/10
Beau: Pros; look, they've come a long way and Molly will be able to see her respect and mindset has grown hugely, especially now she's with Yasha. Cons; they're still gonna be dicks to each other at some points but will tone it down for Yasha when necessary - 6/10
Caleb: Pros; a surprisingly better roommate than Molly expected, after all of Caleb's introspection and new knowledge. Cons; may actually forget Molly for days on end while he's out studying with Essek or visiting Veth - 7.5/10
Jester: Pros; the wonderous tiefling duo reunite, Molly gets to teach Jester his tricks, and Jester gets to introduce her mom to Molly. Cons; Molly might get too emotional having a parental figure for once. And then he meets Artagan and all hell breaks loose - 8.5/10
Fjord: Pros; aw fuck yeah the OG roomies! Fjord has come so far and would be so eager to help Molly find his place in the world now too. Plus! Pirate arc for Molly when?! Cons; Uk'otoa- 6/10
Caduceus: Pros; Molly gets a big family to stay with and recuperate in peace, it's gonna be a nice zen time. Cons; might get a little weirded out for.... reasons - 8/10
Essek: Pros; no prior ties between them means everything and nothing is on the table. The potential for spontaneous chaos is at an all time high for Essek. Cons; wanted war criminal might put a damper on the party spirit - 9/10
Yussa: Pros; simultaneously theyre both thinking 'who tf is this guy and what's his problem' but chalk and cheese means they somehow get along like a house on fire?? Cons; every two weeks the Nein have to come get them out of trouble of their own making - 10/10
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kawaiijohn · 3 years
Going Angst Week Day 2: Obsession
Ao3:  Here
WC:  1689
Nav: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 
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The scenery behind the door was very... unique Quizz would say.  
“You know, if I wanted space I would just remove a wall.  A room suspended in the endless void is a little... extra, don’t you think?” They asked nobody.
There was a singular platform suspended in an endless inky void of space with a singular pathway to the door.  Nothing sat upon it but a desk- complete with a fancy looking double-monitor setup and roomy drawers underneath.  It looked sleek, modern, tempting.  
Quizz didn’t know why the single point of focus in an otherwise liminal room was so enticing, but hey!  The feeling in their chest hadn’t led them astray.  Yet.
With a shrug they began walking, their saunter turning into a slow but steady glide as they negated gravity.  “Well, only one way to go.  Down it is!!”
The monitors lit up with a strange logo- a devilishly smiling face with red shades and blue flames for hair.  Okay... that looked really cool, but... why was it lighting up?  They tapped the space key and a password entry blinked before them.
“I can’t even remember my name, what makes this place think I’ll remember a fuckin’ password right off the bat?  Sheesh!!”  He pulled the chair out and took a seat, realizing it didn’t need adjusting and was hella comfortable.  
Alright... he could work with this.
With a too-wide grin he began trying to unlock the machine.
It turned out he could not, in fact, work with this.
Quizz had his cheek pressed against the desk, growling lowly at the password box as it flashed tauntingly at him.  It really didn’t help that the damn thing cackled at him with every wrong entry.
“Stupid computer.  Stupid amnesia.  Stupid Quizz... stupid stupid stupid.”  He pried his face off the desk in despair and slammed his forehead on it a few times.  “The fact that nothing seems to hurt me makes me think I’m just having an awful dream.”  Another slam.  “But with my terrible luck I’m in purgatory or something.” Slam.  
“Why is this so damn hard... Always gettin’ myself into so much trouble- way more than it’s worth!!  Gods mom was ri-...”  Quizz paused and thought.  “.... she was... who?  Who was... right??  ACK!”  They grabbed their forehead, talons accidentally scratching the fuck out of their face in the rush.  “I-I... why do things keep.  Leaving me?”
They took a moment to calm, thinking about it- thinking about the trouble they were in; lost and alone with apparently only a locked computer for company.  “Please, I... don’t want to forget her.  I just want to... know...” The pain in their head subsided as the thing in their chest thrummed violently.  “Who was she to me again??”  They had to remember, feelings of both nostalgia and love rushed over them, followed by a single, near debilitating shudder of regret and the gut-wrenching feeling of failure.
‘I’m sorry I wasn’t enough... I couldn’t be there for you all...’
Quizz gasped loudly.  “I... someone said I get into trouble... it was familiar, but not angry.  Exasperated... and then I... I left them.  How did I leave?”  Their heard vibrated strangely again.  “I don’t think I left them willingly.  But who were... they?”
A happy, yet tired family sits at a table.  A single chair remains empty yet another day; a small plate covered in frogs sits on a placemat in front of it.  There’s three other people, smiling yet tired.  Pizza steams fresh in the center with two figures talking excitedly about something else.  They’re all smaller besides one more in focus than the others.  They look... older?  The image clears a bit more and reveals a stout woman with slightly greying hair and blank eyes...
Something clicks into place.
"Mom!!!  I remember mom- I think... but who are the others?  Kids, at least maybe?  Ah, what was her name- I can... Her favorite color was peach!!”  They readied themself for pain again, but none came.  “ Ah, so the initial memory sucks when I remember it!!  Noted!  Thanks brain, I hate it!!!”  They tapped their forehead and stood in front of the desk, arms crossed.  “Now, brain, my dear friend- can please you do me a favor and, oh... I don’t know... fuckin’ LET ME UNLOCK THIS FUCKIN’ DESKTOP?? Please???”
The monitor snickered softly at them again after a moment of absolute silence.
“ALRIGHT SMARTASS!!!”  Quizz slammed their fist hard on the keyboard, hearing something click softly underneath.  “There’s literally no need to get sassy with me!  So what do you say, help me out here, bud?  Please???”  They pleaded with the computer, but got a loud raspberry in return.  “Cool.  Just fuckin’ great.”  Another smack to the keyboard made something inside the desk click again, the sound of some sort of mechanism unwinding.  After a moment, a drawer (one he was SURE was locked) glided open gracefully.
Quizz perked up, ignoring the fact they were about ten seconds from slashing the monitor in half with their new claws.  “Alright!  Now that’s the shit I’m talkin’ about!  That’s the shit I’m fuckin’ about!!!”  They turned and saluted the blank space surrounding him.  “Thanks, weird void room.  Thanks weird asshole computer!!  I totally appreciate the help you gave me!!” 
‘Ah, sarcasm.  Never fails to lighten the mood.’
With nimble fingers the amnesiac started shuffling through the drawer.  It had several very... interesting items inside- weirdly shaped pens, a neat collapsable cane he was gonna inspect later, but the best of all was a pair of dope-ass red shades that they absolutely donned immediately- a feeling of pride and rightness filling them as they put them on.
They made it to the bottom of the drawer when their chest thrummed violently.  A lone binder, locked tightly, sat at the bottom.  They grasped their chest with one hand and the book with the other, admiring the intricate silver swirls and black glittering stars covering it.  Quizz placed it on the desk, noticing a small, strangely glittering key hanging off of a chain attached to it.
The room seemed to whisper directly into his mind.
‘Open it.  Inside.  Open... learn about... read... learn...’
With a shaking hand, they unlocked it and read.
They read.
And read.
Memories coming to the forefront and fading away just as soon.  Their eyes scanned words that would pixelate and blur as soon as they glanced at them.  Names and places, numbers and facts- blurred away from his sight.  
‘No.  This is not how it should be.’
A growl bubbled up in his chest as he kept reading.  Names were all universally destroyed, photos for the most part blurred out.  But categories- favorite places and things... birthdays and personality types- all of those were categorized neatly and nicely.  
Some pages had just a few, and those names were less obscured- some even with profile pictures fully visible.
Those pages made his chest rumble happily.  He couldn’t understand why.
But there were three specific pages that stood out.  Just looking at them... it made his blood itch, his chest scream in longing.
He needed to finish them.  If he didn’t... he didn’t know what he would do.  
He poured over the pages over and over and over again.
They all had information filled for the most part, more categories were finished than any other page had been, but things like the person’s name and appearance, as well as the photos were unhelpfully blurred out.
They snarled at the thought of not knowing what it meant.  
“Can’t make anything easy for me, huh?”
One was a page that was rather childish.  Observations were written but he could barely understand them- the letters scrambling before his eyes.  But he noticed something- it seemed the entry was cut short; the only clear thing besides crayon drawings of frogs said ‘entry cut short, just like their time with us.’
The second page was filled with pressed flowers- all different types of lilies and snapdragons.  Everything was written with a glittery peach gel pen.  They ran a claw over the script and felt a tear fall from their eyes.  The writing made them feel something deep and painful- the same pain they’d felt a short while ago.
Their eyes scanned the page, noticing a single clear data entry.
Favorite Color:  Peach
“This was... is this my mom?”
Upon saying that, the page become more readable- some smaller things filling out and the photo less ‘thumb over the camera’ and more ‘they moved while I took this’.
If this was information on people they knew then...
Quizz yelled as their chest spiked in pain, something overcoming their willpower.
If this book was filled with things about the people they loved, then they will... they are going to... uncover all of it- collect all the information and find them.  They’ll collect everyone interesting they meet- ask them... get answers, know things, know all things to... to - 
Know. Know them.
After feeling cold pins and needles consume their form, Quizz flipped back to the third and last page that had gathered their interest. 
The very first page in the book.
Their claw ran over the scrawling handwriting- admiring how the writer crossed their sevens with lines, how they looped their letters and underlined things for emphasis.  They felt nostalgic and hollow.
This page had every single category filled, but the descriptions were blackened out; like they’d spilled ink all over the page.  They looked it up and down but couldn’t find a single clue about who page one would have been.
With a sigh they grinned and noticed something peculiar on the inner cover- right next to the bio.  There was a single note, a single clue.
Password:  Page 5′s best friend.
Now that... that tickled Quizz’s fancy.  Page 5... that would be the childish froggie page?  Yes it was.  
Quizz felt the buzzing in their chest become steady, violent yet subdued.  It was telling them this was the right direction- that attaining that information would fill a hunger they didn’t know they had.
Interesting, this was going to just be... delightful.
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Philip Graff - Delta State (2004)
He is so precious
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Hello yes I am Completely Anonymous ONCE AGAIN and I have a prompt for you! Temporary (perhaps potion or drug induced?) Amnesiac!Geralt being absolutely floored and delighted that Jaskier is his lover. Please and thank you.
Hey completely anon,
I may or may not have gone a little off script for this prompt and really wanted to write more for my dumb magical college AU. Hope you enjoy it anyway. May I present!
Magic and Exams: Amnesia
Main tags: college AU, it’s modern but with magic slapped in, Jaskier and Yenn are besties (Fight me), Lambert/Aiden kinda?, Non human Jaskier,  And they were roommates~, pure fluff, pre relationship, pining… Kinda, unbetaed, we die like Renfri
It was official! Fate was cruel and destiny hated him. Jaskier had been fine with how life had been going. Classes were good. Friends were great. And, you know, he had finally stepped into a tentative friendship territory with his hot roomie rather than that weird close relationship you develop with your roomie. Things were just grand!-- Ignore the fact that he had a monster crush on said roomie, not important!-- What was important was that Lambert, the ass, suddenly showed up on Jaskier’s free day-- a day he was dedicating to his reading and composing, bouncing around his hobbies as he pleased-- with a semi confused looking Geralt. The witcher had barged into the dorm room towing Geralt along as Aiden brought up the rear. Now, he was going to ignore this intrusion at first but Lamby seemed to have other ideas. He loudly proclaimed to the bewildered white wolf that this was his room and, oh look, his partner. “Go ham bro!” To which, Geralt’s gaze snapped to Jaskier and proceeded to silently stare at the musician in contemplation.
Jaskier, as one would imagine, was stunned as his brain tried to understand what was happening but the dickhead explained no further as he turned to leave. Having none of it, Jaskier quickly stumbled to his feet and bolted for the two retreating figures, almost tripping several times on the shit covering the floor-- he really needed to remember to clean one of these just as Geralt had nagged him to do days ago! He managed to get a hand on the other wolf before he fully got out the door. “Explain. Now.” He demanded, his voice warbling as his eyes darkened slightly. 
“Woah shrimp!Calm your tits, you’re starting to look a little red around the gills-- Seriously though, a little siren is beginning to show.” Lambert tried to make light of the situation-- fish puns again, really Lambert?-- even though his smile gained a touch of nervousness as Jaskier tightened his grip. He held back his claws for the moment but he was this close to having a truly marvelous freak out on the man if he didn’t start giving answers. 
“Calm down angelfish, Lambert’s just being a prick as per usual.” Aiden cut off anything Lambert was going to say. Lambert gasped in betrayal as he gave the third witcher a look that probably tried to convey how much he was wounded, he couldn’t really see though nor did he really care right now. “Situation is, we were having a class trip across campus, something monster related that our proff was gushing the fuck over and insisted we needed to see. Waaaay too excited over it if you ask me but while we were passing a class of freshies in an outdoor charms 101 class, this one chick starts going off at--” Aiden explained but really, it seemed more like he was slowly getting off topic as he spoke. 
“Kitty, Get. To. The. Point.” He insisted slowly punctuating each word, while frowning in annoyance.
“Rude. I am! Anyway, this girl gets into a row with this guy in her class and fires off some kind of spell which was deflected but hilariously it ricocheted right towards us.” That was not hilarious in anyway but rather terrifying but Jaskier refrained from pointing this out. “You know Geralt though, life loves to fuck with him, so he gets hit straight in the back with it and Poof! He can’t remember some shit now. We think he only remembers up to starting college but nothing after.” Aiden finally finishes with a proud smile at having riveted the musician with his tale of adventure but it diminishes slightly in the face of Jaskier’s baffled expression. The half-siren really was quite proud of it, it just conveyed the right amount of Are you fucking idiots or did you just lose your brain on the way over!?
Jaskier took a deep breath and calmed himself before flatly staring both in the eye, his fingers steepled in front of his mouth as he thought of how to respond. “And why, pray tell, did you bring my accidentally spelled roommate to me rather than sending him to infirm?” He asked, deceptively sweet with a razor’s edge to it. 
Lambert scoffed. “He was being fucking annoying--” His words were abruptly cut off by Aiden’s hand roughly smacking over his mouth. 
“What he means is…” Aiden growled, glaring at the wolf to make sure he kept his mouth shut, to which Lambert huffed and flipped him off but otherwise remained silent. “Geralt kept prodding us ‘bout going to see his partner and, well, you were like the only one we could think of since everyone else has someone and this idiot is single like you.” The man punctuated his simplistic logic with a small shrug. 
Jaskier took a deep breath through his nose. “Uh-huh… This is a terrible fucking idea--” Before he could finish what he wanted to say, Lambert suddenly yanked his self free of his grip and threw Aiden over his shoulder.
“Your problem now bard!” He called over his shoulder as he booked it down the hall, cackling like the bastard he was. 
“Oh nonononono! Get the fuck back here!” He called after fruitlessly. They were already long gone. 
Jaskier sighed as he turned and closed the door to their room. Geralt seemed to have ignored and blocked out the whole exchange. Whether out of courtesy for Jaskier privacy or in favor of refamiliarizing himself with their space, he’d never know nor did he really care. When he finally turned his gaze back onto Jaskier, he just stared while scowling intensely in thought. It was rather insulting if Jaskier was being frank. With a roll of the eyes, the musician realized he’d just have to roll with whatever the idiots told Geralt about their “relationship” but wanted to head off the coming disappointment from the witcher. Jaskier was obviously not what he had been expecting, especially since normally the man barely tolerated him much less ever tried to invite him out, but it would sting less if he were the one to address it rather than the larger man stating it. At least that’s what he told himself. “Ok, alright. I know I’m not what you were expecting and rather disappointing compared to some of your past dalliances but please, let’s just get you to infirm. Once you have  your head back on right, everything will make more sense about the whole us thing and we can just forget about this whole embarrass--”
“You’re so handsome…” Geralt’s awed words cut Jaskier’s rambling off at the knees and had him blinking in surprise. “Or cute. No, both… How do you manage to be both?!” Geralt’s marveling had Jaskier at a loss for words. The witcher had never once complimented him in all the time they had lived together. Barbed jabs? Yes. Playful teasing? Very Often. Statements of facts? Definitely. But actual full on compliments? Nope! No, never happened. Was this how he actually saw the musician or was this some hokey hocus pocus side effect?! Or the man was dying as they spoke and was out of his mind. Either way Jaskier snapped his mouth closed, no it had not been hanging open thank you very much, and tried to get his brain to work again. 
“Wai-What?” Smooth Jaskier. His flabbergasted tone and excessive blinking seemed to not queue in Geralt however. 
“Man, I really lucked out. How’d I get a catch like you to even look my way? Wish I could remember how…” The normally stoic individual whistled long and low as he gave Jaskier a once over. A once over! Like Jaskier was a hottie from a club-- or however Ren said it-- instead of some music nerd overloaded with college minors! Jaskier was so astonished and caught off guard that he bagan sputtering incoherently, much to the Witcher’s amusement apparently if the wolfish grin was anything to go by. He was shocked and scandalized! Delighted but absolutely shocked! He had never witnessed this side of his roommate. Instead of addressing whatever was happening here, Jaskier stumbled over to his phone on the bed and quickly dialed Yennefer. 
It rang twice before he heard the familiar click of her answering and began nearly shouting before she could give her usual passive aggressive hello. “Yenn! I need help--”
“Whoa, calm the fuck down Jask, what the hell happened?!” Her worried demands cut him off. It was rather heartwarming to know his best friend sounded ready to draw blood for him. He could coo and awe about that later though!
“I’m fine but Geralt got hit with some hoodoo amnesia magic but I think it’s really just killing him! He’s acting delusional Yenn! He called me cute-- Stop laughing! This is serious!” He attempted to explain what was going on but his witch cut him off with her hysterical laughing on the other end of the line. Rude, by the way. This was a very serious matter.
“Sorry Dandy, you just, whew, gave me the best pick me up, I could have asked for. You really got me.” Yenn attempted to speak after most of it calmed down but a few giggles still managed to slip out. 
“Yenn… I’m serious. He actually doesn--” He was cut off yet again. People really needed to cut that shit out. 
“Lemme guess, Lambert is somehow involved?” She questioned, finally taking him a little more seriously, and he could practically hear her eye roll at the mischief maker’s name. 
“Yes…” He confirmed slowly as his eye wandered to Geralt again as his panic died down slightly. The white haired man looked very confused as Jaskier tried to smile reassuringly but it probably came off as unsure at best. 
The larger man came closer and placed warm large hands on his biceps as he looked intently into Jaskier’s eyes. “I mean it… I’m sorry if I never told you, I guess I was a pretty shitty boyfriend if I never told you how wonderful and caring you seem to be.” The other man apologized, as he looked away in shame. The words had the musician’s heart going wild as Yenn continued to talk in his ear. He really couldn’t hear her over his heart beating in his ears but it sounded like a demand to get Geralt to the infirmary. 
To which Jaskier answered, “That’s nice dear. I think I have to go to infirm now because I believe my heart is about to give out.” His voice was sighed out in shock as he hung up on Yenn’s sudden worried screeching.  Geralt on the other hand suddenly looked panicked and rather worried. 
“What?” He questioned as he started to look over his “boyfriend”. “Don’t worry Jask, I’ll get you there. Just hang on.” Geralt tried to reassure him, his voice was handsome with how rough and rumbling it suddenly was, as he scooped the smaller man up into his arms like a bride. No, Jaskier did not swoon he’ll have you know! The wolf then booked it out of the room. “Damn it! I wish Roach were here…” He muttered in a growl and Jaskier thanked the heavens that the man did not remember his horse-- cat? Was in their room sleeping. There would be plenty of rumors after this but it especially would have gone down in infamy if the Witcher had rode like the wind across campus on horseback again. Jaskier couldn’t do much at that point except lay back, accept his fate, and enjoy the other’s cooing, about taking care of his boyfriend or how good Jaskier was, while it lasted. But hey, at least he’d finally get Geralt to infirm.
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zontiky · 3 years
wip ask game
RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
thank u @malecacidd for tagging me in this sdjkfhsdk im only going to be sharing the stuff in my tua folder because i on principle cant handle doing all of my stacked up folders of different fandoms and this IS my tua blog. so
alt s2 (they are weirdos)
amnesiac klaus roleswap
bad timeline (predisposed to madness)
BAVE GHOST ROOMIE AU aka mutual pining death roommates
bave magic bookshop?
ben fakes his death. that is all
ben fix it
ben ft commission fuckery
ben is alive on accident
ben is unknowable (fading phantoms) (death changes people)
benji sea monster ben pirate jill “Don’t tell me what to do! It’s my curse.”
BIG s2 fix-it (no sparrows)
born to die (timeloop au)
breaking the walls (fantasy ben)
chronic pain five
cooking attempt
corpse bride klave au
croc ben
dave as bloody mary
drink up au
edith finch au
five but better opus 3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/19479124
five goes feral
food ft siblings (or: everyone keeps stealing luther's food)
frappes (or, five drags allison up to go to starbucks, ikea onion style)
horror ben; restoration
it's the apocalypse baby! - rp
kiss with a fist (benji assassins au)
klaus brings dave to 2019 to heal him
klave reincarnation (the sun will rise with my name on your lips) (they dont exactly,,, match up, time-wise. but then they do)
klave; sick days and married life
levitation with a twist or how they thought up this one
loving ben at 2am || ben feels :'(
majestic diamond octopus (want to rewrite tho :/)
ouch??? (or: dave and klaus get that house together. it's not real though. dave tries to tell him. klaus has to go back at some point)
pennycrumbs (you wouldnt steal a dog?? ...unless)
plant pov luther taking care of his plant (ariel suggestion)
real girl dolores
s2 ben made me cry (stardust)
ship in a bottle (dead ben?? what) (based on the song. think brain think)
sparrow bens and dreams and things (ben vs ben SHOWDOWN /j)
superheroes (diedora)
traumatized assholes sitting in the snow together (aka idfr what this is hfjsk)
x + 1 with klaus continuously failing to realize how queer his family is
then also my tua drabbles/inc folder because why not lol
hh diedora has my uwus
hug fic...? (i dont wanna be sad)
mmmm piano ben
time loopssssss
она родилась в октябре
yeah thats all of them! as u can see i have unrelenting ben hargreeves brainrot but like this is kind of a ben stan blog... so its fine hfsjksdk
i will NOT tag 54 people in this post. but i WILL tag @evelinaonline and @is-jus-me >:)
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btsskinnylegends · 4 years
Masquerade | The First Sighting
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Pairing: Reader x ?  |  Reader x BTS  | Solar & Reader
Word Count: 2687
Genre: Uni life, a tiny bit of suspense & supernatural, Comedy and a tiny sprinkle of fluff. 
Warnings: Just some Cursing. 
| Prologue |
A/N: WOOW!! Thank you everyone for the likes and as well for the follows. Wasnt that active so I didnt notice, and wasnt able to welcome everyone that followed me!! But welcome everyone! :D
Here is the first chapter, I hope you guys will enjoy it!! English isn't my first language rather my third so if you find any inconsistencies with the grammar or something else. Do tell me so that I can improve for future chapters. I hope you will enjoy it!! See ya till next time! And if you have any questions send them my way!! 
The first day of the new semester was truly a beautiful day.  The birds were chirping their songs that somehow sounded even more melodious than usual, the grass was greener and you couldn’t even spot a single cloud on the brilliant blue sky. Everybody seemed to enjoy the perfect weather, all but one. You. 
There you were trudging along the campus path cursing the sun for existing. Miserable was the word to describe you. With a large coffee in hand that was bought in the campus coffee shop and that cost you your lunch for the day. Your wallet may weep, but the cost is small if you want to stay alive and survive the day. You weren’t even sure if you were going the right way or the person that you were walking with was a friend or a stranger. In conclusion, you are whole ass mess.  
One glance at you and even your 88-year-old grandma would have known that you drank yourself piss-drunk. All of the classic signs were there, the big black sunglasses the almost covered your upper face and made you look like a fly. The matted too much hair-sprayed hair that was put in a bun, but looked like something that the cat threw up. At least you had put on the nice outfit that you had prepared the day before. 
Going back to the thought of who you were walking with because at is point it was too awkward to even ask who they were. You decided to lift your head from the hunching that protected your tiny little head from the cruel, cruel world. 
You decided to inspect them to see if anything jogged your memory. You took a long good gaze at them, and it was a good thing that you wore your big sunglasses or you would look like a Furby on crack with your eyes. Okay, so it, was a she. Good start, you thought to yourself. Also, she is very pretty another detail added. Her name, what was her name? You pondered to yourself.  
“KIM YONG-SUN “. Almost like someone whispered the name to you. Whispers that you sometimes heard and stopped to faze you along time ago. But they were a bitch to hear when you were having a hangover.  
“Yong-sun, tell me again why did I drink that much.”, you asked your companion. You really hoped that she was someone you knew and not a serial killer or something worse. Because of your current state you were very easy prey. 
“You forgot my name again didn’t you?” she said to you with a pointed tone. The stare she gave you was one of great disappointment, mixed in with fondness or at least you hoped it was. You looked away in shame. She huffed. 
“First of all do not call me Yong-Sun, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Solar”, she told you. She doesn’t seem to be a stranger by the way she scolds me, you thought to yourself. But couldn’t she be a bit quieter? Btw Solar what kind of nickname is that? Was sunshine taken or som… Your thoughts decided to drift away. 
At this point, Solar again looked at you and was completely done with your bullshit, and decided to take action. To you, though it would be an act of betrayal which you would not forget.   
She snapped her fingers in front of your ears. 
Alas, you were to slow to defend yourself and truly suffered the most grievous of wounds. A headache that was on level 8 but now skyrocketed to level 50. That your head was still stuck to your neck and had not decided to explode and scatter all over the campus ground was truly a miracle.
“Oi, Sunflower what was that for.”, you said to your friend with your tone beyond irritated and sending a glare down her way. Let’s just say you remembered who she was, and it did nothing to soothe your headache opposite actually it upped it, again. Then you also remembered that you had on your big sunglasses, so the glare you sent her was meaningless.  This whole morning is starting to feel pointless. Why were you up again? 
“Well, looks who is remembering her friend. Btw how did you forget that literally we said hey to each other 30 minutes ago, we even rode the bus together and you are telling that you even didn’t know who I was but decided to follow me for the last 10 minutes or so.” her tone was exasperated and defeated. It was too early for this bullshit she must have finally decided. 
“How many times do we have to go through the same idiotic situation.”. So this is an occurring situation. Well, that’s not reassuring at all, you thought and grimaced. Now you were even more confused than before, and it did not help that your companion scolded you at every opportunity she had. Enough is enough.  
“Listen sunflower, - 
“Its Sola - 
“Whatever sunflower, listen now is not that I love your voice I actually do it gives me the good tingles, but for everything that is holy can you quiet down a tone. That’s all I am asking for.” and she answered back with a fine. 
“Now, do you have any explanation to why I am an amnesiac that can’t even remember her own name, and where the fuck am I going?”.  
“Well let me see?”, she pondered sarcastically. “Could it have something to with Seok-Jin´s bet about who is going to do most shots in one minute or Seok-Jin´s other bet who could drink a bottle of wine the fastest and then recite Yakko’s Nations of the world perfect! Wait there is more! Guess who decided upon all of that to smoke some blunts, which again she was dared by Seok-Jin.”.
“This Seok-Jin person sounds like a bad person.”. 
Solars expression said it all, no words were needed. 
You stopped walking and stood still. The memories from last night hit you like a truck and that headache that was level 80, let��s just say the scale is broken. Causing you to drop to your knees and crouch. 
“How am I alive?”, you asked Solar. 
“Trust me it is a question that I have started asking myself almost every day now.”, Solar answered.
 “You are lucky, now hope that luck will help us be on time for the first class.”, she said while pulling you up.
You had somehow survived the day but unfortunately, you still had one more class. To describe how you were feeling at that point would be miserable and gutted. Looks nothing had changed from this morning. With only one class left, you somehow found the energy to seem alive. As for your appearance, you wouldn’t be surprised if people thought that the zombie apocalypse had finally come. 
Instead of sitting on that bench that was strangely beckoning you to lay on it. You decided to head right over the room where your lecture would take place. Fortunately for you, the lecture was just cross from the building that you were exiting from.       
Looks like you arrived a bit early, which worked in your favour for picking seats. The backseat will perfect for you “to concentrate on the lecture”  and not do something else like sleep. No, you would never, perish such a dark thought. 
You put down your computer and made yourself comfortable. Although not too comfortable of course, you had to stay awake. You had some time kill before the lecture started so you decided to scroll through your phone and it looks like infamous enabler had finally decided to wake up.
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After that thrilling conversation with your roomie, you still had time to kill before class. How early did you arrive at the lecture? Deciding not to look a horse gift in the mouth, a little nap would not hurt. Just for a couple of minutes, you thought. It’s not like you will sleep, you just going to close your eyes and rest your head a little (which still had that horrible headache but not bad as before). So you just did that.
Something that was supposed to be a little shut-eye turned into a nap, a deep nap. Slipping deeper and deeper into the world of dreams. Unfortunately for you, the lecture had finally started. Unaware and sleeping on the desk with your arms folded in front of you, and at that sitting furthest back in the room you safe from your professor’s eyes.  You would also have gotten no attendance from this lecture, had it not been for your nice bench mate who answered for you instead. 
“.... hey… up…”, you heard someone whisper. Ignoring it to be apart of your dream. You continued your slumber.
“...wake up… lecture… started”, now the voice was poking you. What an oddly annoying whisper. 
Okay, now you were being shaken. Alright enough is enough, you were going to ask the persistent whisper what it wanted.
“... what do you want.,”, you said quietly hoping it would shut up the voice once and for all. 
“The lecture has started, and you probably don’t want to be asleep for the introduction.”, the voice answered you back. Now that you think about it the voice wasn’t all that bad, it was actually a very soothing voice. Very charming. 
“Hey, don’t go back to sleep!”, the voice said annoyed. Which seemed a common theme for people interacting with you today. 
“NO, wanna sleep”, you even whined. The voice didn’t respond and went quiet for a bit. You thought he had finally left you alone, so you went back to sleep or so you tried. For you could not stop thinking of that voice. He was so persistent a second ago. Why did he stop? 
Starting to feel curious, you wanted to see the face of the voice annoying you. So slightly turning your head around, you opened your eyes. 
The sight that you saw left you speechless. A quiet wow left your lips, as you couldn’t tear your gaze away. 
You weren’t exactly subtle with your gaze, so it wasn't a surprise that the boy caught you staring. Your eyes locked and it felt like an electric current went through both of you. Or maybe it was that pesky headache again deciding to show its head (hah!). The thought of sleeping was long gone. The only thing that mattered was this thing between you and his captivating eyes.  
His pretty brown eyes with a speck of black and gold in them. That somehow held hundreds of tiny universes in it. Sparkling, everlasting and mysterious. Even if you tried to tear your eyes away it was like you were hypnotised by them. If you looked somewhere else an invisible force would pull them back to him. Did you know this man? Because he felt so familiar. He felt like a lost piece to a puzzle finally put in place. Like you had known him your entire life and you felt comfortable to a level that Solar hadn’t reached yet. 
To say he didn’t look confused either would be an understatement. His face read total confusion yet some kinda warmth. 
Deciding to put an end to this “moment” or what you could call it. You asked him a question. 
“Have we meet before?”, you whispered to him.
“No, I don’t believe so.”, he whispered back to you.  
“You sure because it would be hard to forget such a pretty face.”, both of you said in unison. Both of you cringed and couldn’t help to laugh at the absurdity of it all. Then both of you remembered that you were sitting in class, so you tried to keep it quiet and not disturb the lecture. Also start to pay attention to the introduction. 
Did you pay attention to what your professor was saying? No. Did you spend your time sneaking glances at the boy that was sitting next to you? Yes. Were you ashamed, yes and no? You felt shame for acting like a little schoolgirl with her first crush. The unbothered though said enjoy the ride cuz you only live once sister. It was the part that you listened to the most.
Now, what was his name for you couldn’t call him boy any longer in your head.  
“JEON JUNGKOOK”, the whispers said. Well hello there Mr Jeon, nice to meet you thought. 
The lecture finally ended, did you know anything that was going to play in the future course plan. Of course not, you didn’t even remember which course this was. 
Just as you finished your thoughts, the man that had plagued for the last hour or so decided to turn around. 
“So are we finally introducing each other,” you said to him. 
“I guess we are.”, he answered back while sending you a small smile. That little smile drove your heart into overdrive. Stupid heart, shush he can probably hear your hard banking because soon enough you will jump outta my cheat, you thought. 
He reached out his hand to shake yours. Your hand easily dwarfing his, but it felt nice. Although his hand was very cold, must have bad blood circulation. 
“My name is … JK”
“................... Jeon Jungkook. I know.” you said proudly. 
“Wait how did you know my name?” he asked and actually seemed frightened by your knowledge of his name. 
“Well … it’s a little party trick that I have. I can just look at a person and know their name.” 
His frightful expression only deepened with something darker mixed in. You sense the danger decided to lie to save the situation. 
“I’m just kidding I saw it on the attendance list, and it must have stuck on me. And if you look at the cover of your notebook, your initials are written there so it wasn’t that hard to figure it out.”, you said while your manner screamed easygoing. When in a hard spot deploy your charm, is what your mother always said to you and it also seemed to work this time. Maybe Sunflower was right, you did have lady luck on your side. For after you had said it, Jungkook or as he liked to call himself JK, relaxed immediately and a bigger smile was shown. 
If you had only known that his name was never on the attendance list…
“Want to guess my name now?”, you joked to further ease the situation. 
“Let me guess?”, JK said while pretending to pond. 
“Could it be …” as he said your name. Now you understand how the person feels when you guess their name. It is a creepy feeling. 
“Deciding to steal my party trick now, huh. And it was going so good for us also.”. you let out dramatically, all the while falling over dramatically.  
“You know you are reminding me of someone.”
“That can’t be possible there is one person iconic as me and that is me.”, you proudly stated. 
You asked him for serious this time, how he had known your name. What if he had your little “gift”. Turns out the dude had just read your name on your notebook. And out flew that magic you sarcastically thought.  On a positive note, you exchanged social media accounts and numbers. 
“What did you put my name on as.” jk asked. 
“Wait, what??”
“Well you don’t seem to like your full name, and I don’t like your nickname it is too simple. Trust me don’t take it personally I do it to everyone. So yes, Jan.”
“You’re a strange one.”
“Not really just today it seems. I think all of my common sense has left me.”, you smiled at him. Jungkook froze still. 
“Well gotta go, it is finally time for me to enjoy the greatest pleasure of life. Sleep. Bye, Jan.”, you shouted at him after finally leaving the auditorium. As you left you heard a small wow, and goodbye. 
You still had it you thought to yourself, feeling proud. 
Now, what did the roommate of yours make?
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ferrethyun · 5 years
okie but what if,,,,we make a new au,,,to feature cold sarcastic bts who is only soft for y/n,,,,example???sunshine line scary af but also the nicest. yoongi??? looks grumpy but will build you a table. namjoon? dont get me started. jin too. kook the hook ,,,, okie hes not scary scary he just buff lol but it works. y/n??? lives alone (the one au where roomie isnt here :( but now y/n has like a pet pupper or bunny or kitty) probs amnesiac
Nonny. Just come write my aus for me why don’t u,,,
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