#amity with fangs
m1ssvex · 1 year
Posting maned lioness beta amity/amelia in the middle of a class😍😍
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zibiscusloon · 1 year
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These two broke in and occupied every corner of my mind scape and refused to leave-
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satoshy12 · 1 year
Tall Girl Jazz x Jason
Jason had already spent a few days in this city called Amity Park. He was planning to take a break, and this place was far away from villains and similar places as it was so isolated.
As he walked down the street, he bumped into someone. It was a woman, a very tall woman—he would say over 2 meters tall—with aqua blue eyes and long orange hair. And it was love at first sight.
"You must be new? Sorry, I didn't see you."
Jason worked fast:" No, no, no, it was my fault. How about making up for it with a cafe?"
She smiled at him with a bit of surprise, and he saw tiny fangs. "Sounds good; my name is Jazz Fenton, and yours is."
"Jason Todd, my name is Jason Todd."
The Ectoplasm in Amity Park had such effects on the people that all of them are now Metas.
Jazz is as tall as Alcina Dimitrescu, who is 2,9 m tall.
Jason is 1,82 m tall.
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crimeronan · 1 month
okay here's an AU hunter and an amity to match the luz one, using this picrew.
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hunter's expression is very specifically "guy who is trying really hard not to laugh at whatever luz is doing" and amity's is "i'm experiencing compersion and going to have a crisis about it in five minutes."
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barsikscorner · 10 months
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Gay supportive partners give me life
They're just really fun and heartwarming to think about
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rosemaidenvixen · 11 months
Hollow Fangs: Part Three
<Previous Ao3
tw: body horror, mild gore, animal death
Hunter stepped through the trees, snow crunching beneath his boots, Flapjack fluttering just ahead. Tweeting that he saw more of the prints in the snow and that Hunter should follow. Hunter complied, trudging forward hands in his pockets and breath visible in ghostly puffs. It might have been freezing cold, but thanks to the full moon he could see perfectly fine. The cool light glowing against snow drifts and casting black shadows off of pine trees
This human kingdom of ‘Maine’ reminded him of the knee with all its cold and snow and miles of wilderness, but according to Camila there weren’t any slitherbeasts here–
His throat abruptly went tight at the reminder, blinking back the sudden burning behind his eyes he pushed down the feeling and continued on through the snow. 
There might not be slitherbeasts out here but there was something else.
Not a beast, a friend, a friend who desperately needed help.
“I should have noticed something was wrong!”
“Sweetie this isn’t your fault,”
“You don’t understand, I helped Un– Belos with his curse for years. I was with her when she got bitten! I know all the signs, I should have seen how much she was–”
Without warning Camila stepped around the counter and wrapped him up in a tight hug “I wish Luz had reached out to me to, I wish she told me how much she was struggling, but she chose to hide it from me, from all of us. And that was her choice and not your fault,”
Hunter buried his face in her shoulder with a sob.
Three months, it had been three months since they’d seen Luz when she tossed them into the portal with her last bit of clarity.
Actually it had been eleven weeks, five days, and approximately fourteen hours.
Not that any of them were counting.
It had taken three weeks to sort things out in the Boiling Isles and get back to the human realm, but by then Luz had been long gone from Gravesfield. Leaving them to chase rumors and urban legends in a desperate attempt to find where she’d gone. One day they’d have to try and hunt Belos down the same way but for now Luz was more important. In the meantime while trying to track her down they’d also worked on a way to actually help her once they found her…
Reflexively Hunter reached up to feel the shape of the bottle in his jacket pocket.
He and Eda had worked together, combining his knowledge of Belos’ curse with her potions know-how to come up with something that would help Luz. Luz was human so they couldn’t just use Eda’s elixir. And palismen were not an option, fortunately they’d found a much more potent alternative.
Titan’s blood was powerful stuff, their entire cauldron of modified elixir had only needed one tiny drop donated by an equally tiny titan–
“Bring her back, I’ll give you all the blood you need, just bring her back!”
Then just two weeks after they’d developed their ‘elixir’ they received a break. Hopkin’s cousin posting to his blog about the demon he’d seen flying around the backwoods of Maine.
That brought him to where he was now; him, Willow, Gus, and Amity prowling through the dark woods searching for any sign of Luz, lit only by the glowing moon, each with a bottle of modified elixir. They’d split up to cover more ground, with Eda covering the skies, but each of them had a human ‘radio’ to contact the others if they saw anything.
This was their fourth night of searching woods without any trace of her. Just tonight Hunter had been walking for hours, even through the coat and cloves the cold bit into him, but he forced himself to ignore it. Using years of scout training and practice to stuff down his own discomfort and focus on following the tracks he’d spotted twenty minutes ago. Large and clawed and dotted with blood. No matter how hard it was they couldn’t give up, he couldn’t give up. Luz had sacrificed everything to keep them safe and he couldn’t just let her–
Flapjack tweeted sharply in alarm, Hunter looking up at the sound and freezing midstep.
Up ahead the tracks led into a clearing, coming to a stop by a massive animal with black fur, a bear he remembered from Camila’s lessons about human animals. It lay sprawled on its side in the snow unmoving, blood dripping from its fur and muzzle.
But that wasn’t what stopped him in his tracks.
Another creature, just slightly smaller than the bear, was crouched in the snow, face buried in the bear’s belly. Wet crunching and tearing noises echoing through the cold woods as it devoured its– her meal.
Dark purple from head to toe, a pair of large wings sticking out of her back. Horns, not antlers sprouting straight up from the sides up her head, but crooked horns sweeping back from the top of her skull.
In many ways the sight in front of him should have been horrific, but Hunter wasn’t scared at all. Despite the cold he felt a warmth spreading out from his chest. A hopeful, desperate flutter rising in him.
She was here. After months of searching here she was, right in front of him.
Shaking his head, forcing the surge of emotion back under control, Hunter squashed the urge to rush to her side and pulled out the radio. Raising it to his face and pressing down on the button.
“Guys, it’s Hunter, I found Luz,”
For a few seconds there was nothing but silence, then Eda’s voice crackled out of the device “How close is she, you have eyes on her?”
Hunter glanced up again, spotting Luz still facing away from him munching on the bear, his presence still unnoticed “I see her, she’s straight ahead out in the open, about forty feet west of my position,”
“Alright I’m heading your way, for now you keep watch on her. The rest of you kids stay quiet and try to surround the area we’re in in case she tries fleeing on foot. We’re bringing her home tonight,”
“Affirmative, over and out,”
Hunter put the radio away and stepped over to a nearby tree, partially crouching behind it to conceal his position. Flapjack fluttering over to perch on his shoulder as he settled in to wait.
He didn’t have to wait long.
Only a minute or so later he heard the soft flapping of feathers on air and saw a shadow swooping over the snow. Eda descending down in the clearing about twenty feet behind Luz.
Talons crunched against the snow, Luz snapping upright at the sound, gleaming gold eyes piercing through the silvery night, jaws dripping in blood.
“Hey kiddo,” Eda’s voice was soft “It’s ok, it’s just me,”
Luz hissed, backing away until she was perched on top of the bear’s carcass, wings flaring in alarm.
“Hey hey I’m not here to hurt you,” Eda folded her wings behind her back and knelt down in the snow, probably trying to make herself look smaller and less threatening “Three months fending for yourself in the wild, dang kid, I always knew you were tough,”
Another hiss and Eda made a shushing sound, Hunter didn’t move, eyes locked on the two of them.
“You fought the good fight, but you don’t have to tough it out any more…” Eda pulled out her own elixir bottle, a deep sapphire blue in the dark woods “We’re here for you, just let us help,”
Luz snarled, this time the sound was almost a roar. Teeth bared and wings fluttering rapidly, ready to take flight.
Eda slowly got to her feet, eyes never once leaving Luz “Blondie get ready to move,”
Hunter started a bit when he realized she was addressing him. 
“Luz is gonna make a break for it any second,” her voice stayed low and steady, even as her wings spread to their full length, gaze never once leaving Luz “I’m going to try to grab her, but if she gets away from me I need you to be ready with your elixir, can you do that?”
“Y– yes,”
“Good,” Eda lowered into a crouch, wings flared, Luz mimicking her stance with a growl “Get ready…”
All at once Luz launched into the sky only to have Eda shoot up and tackle her in midair.
The two tousled in the sky, Hunter watching with a death grip on his staff, not even daring to breathe.
“Come on kid, easy does it…” Eda uncorked the elixir with her teeth “I’ve got you–”
Luz opened her jaw wide, wider, hanging down unhinged, for a moment he couldn’t help but think of Belos–
An ear splitting shriek echoed through the woods, Hunter slapping his hands over his ears in a franting attempt to try and dull the drilling pain. Eda was writhing in midair, struggling to keep her grip on Luz.
Quick as lightning Luz stretched her arms out, grabbed Eda by the shoulders, and threw her off.
Eda shot past him and crashed through the brush beyond Hunter’s line of sight. The sapphire blue elixir spilling uselessly on the snow. At any other time he’d run to Eda’s side to check for injuries, but right now–
Luz shook herself off, wings fluttering to regain her bearings, readying to take off into the sky.
Hunter wasn’t going to give her that chance.
He flashstepped once, twice, three times and he was directly behind her. Throwing his arms around her neck without wasting a second. 
Luz howled, thrashing and clawing at him from behind. Wings like clubs battering him left and right but he forced his grip to stay iron.
This was bad. She was strong, really strong. It was only a matter of time until she threw him off or screamed again. He needed to disorient her long enough to give her the elixir. He’d only ever tried this once so he had to make it count–
Gritting his teeth, Hunter adjusted his grip to shift his staff up into his hands, barely able to hang on to the twisting, howling Luz.
Then he stepped.
Luz’s writhing increased tenfold, her shriek of rage turning into one of confusion, and he stepped again.
Hunter managed to step three more times before he became disoriented himself. The two of them crash landing in the snow.
Before Luz could regain her bearings he positioned himself directly between her wings, swinging his staff around her front and grabbing it. Gripping the staff tight with both hands and pulling her back to his chest, her wings thrashing harmlessly on either side of him, arms pinned to her sides as she screeched and clawed at the air.
I’m sorry I didn’t see how much you were hurting, I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me. But I’m here now and I won’t let you down again.
Luz shrieked and howled and thrashed in the snow, Hunter having to fight to maintain his grip, but he didn’t have to hold her forever. It was only a matter of time until she tried her sonic scream again, had to time this just right–
He shifted the top of his staff into the grip of his elbow, grabbing the elixir with his now free hand.
In front he heard the tell tale pops of her jaw opening.
Hunter’s gloved hand tightened around the bottle, heart pounding.
Almost, almost…
He saw her jaw dropping open impossibly wide, heard the sharp intake of breath–
Hunter popped the cap off with his thumb and shoved the bottle into her wide open maw, pouring its contents down her throat.
Her shriek trailed off into a gurgle, claws scrabbling against the snow as the glowing blue elixir slowly drained away and vanished down her throat. 
The now empty bottle dropped soundlessly into the snow, Luz still hissing and thrashing against him as Hunter held her back with his staff.
For a few moments nothing happened, then a shudder swept through Luz’s entire body, arms and legs trembling and wings slowly but surely shrinking away.
Heart leaping, Hunter nevertheless kept his grip steady as Luz’s body slowly but surely shrank in his grip. Wings and horns receded and vanished, purple bled away into brown. Then he was holding Luz, human Luz. Standing there in the snow, Azura costume reduced to filthy rags and hair in tangles hanging down to her waist.
She wobbled on her feet, Hunter dropping his staff, Flapjack fluttering around to her front, in order to grab her by the shoulders. Holding her upright, keeping one hand firmly on her shoulder as he stepped around to face her.
“...ugh…Hunter? Wha…” Luz looked up at him, brown eyes blearily blinking at him through tangles of dark brown hair “Wha…what did I…”
She glanced down, staring at her arms and watching her fingers flex, going up to touch the dried blood still caked on her face, eyes going wide and horrified as the realization sank in.
“It’s ok! That’s…that’s just from a bear,”
If Luz heard him his words didn’t have any effect, arms going up to wrap around herself, entire body trembling “Hunter I– I– I’m sorry I did– I didn’t–”
“I…uh…like what you’ve done with your hair,”
Luz looked up sharply at him.
Hunter gave an uneasy smile, curling a finger through his forelock.
She just blinked back at him.
Oh titan how could he be so stupid, after everything Luz had been through of course she–
A wet sound bubbled up from the back of her throat, then another, a third and a fourth and Hunter realized the sound was laughter.
Luz was laughing hysterically, before he knew what was happening Hunter was laughing right along with her. The two of them laughing and sobbing standing there in the snow in the dark woods, tears rolling down their cheeks. The emotion coursing through them more than their bodies could contain.
“Wait is that– Luz!”
They snapped their heads around, seeing Amity, Gus, and Willow running through the woods towards them from various directions. Three sets of eyes shining with tears
“Sweet Potato!”
Amity swooped her up into a tight hug that Luz just as readily returned. Hunter had just enough time to smile at the sight before Willow and Gus collided with them and snagged them in their arms.
Someone was squeezing him, he and Luz were still laughing, everyone was crying. Then another voice cut through the sobs and hiccups.
Luz’s eyes went huge, the rest of them shuffling out of the way giving Luz a clear view of the person hovering at the edge of the clearing.
“Eda….?” her voice was small, eyes large, staring like she expected the harpy witch to vanish at any second.
Eda’s own black and gold eyes filled with tears “Luz!” she swooped forward, trapping all of them in a tight, feathery hug.
There were feather’s in Hunter’s face, someone’s elbow digging into his ribs, his arms pinned to his sides from the crush of bodies, and it was still freezing cold. But there was nowhere else he’d rather be than right here.
Luz, their Luz was here, right back here with them.
Above all the other cries Luz let out a keening sound that trailed off into a wet sobs “Guys…I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It’s just– at first I thought it was nothing, but then when I figured out it wasn’t– So much time had passed and we were all so worried about making a new portal and I didn’t want to make you feel worse–”
Eda shushed her, the eleven armed two winged group hug pulling in tighter “That doesn’t matter now, the important thing is you’re back,”
“Yeah,” Gus piped up “We can talk all about that stuff once we’re out of the snow,”
Luz let out another wet laugh “Yeah, now that you mention it, it is very cold out here, and I am not dressed warmly,”
They all laughed again. 
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lilmcttens · 6 months
👻⊱ "Flustered? Flustered? Who's flustered?! I'm not flustered! Gosh, you... you're so... just... ARGH!"
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shad0w-s0lver · 8 months
Alternate Universe Summary! Part 1: Glitch-Bound AU
Glitch-Bound V1: An apocalyptic world where the corruption is a pibby-like virus, & the "lucky" are spared. They can either let the corruption take over everything, or they can try to find the source of it & destroy it Glitch-Bound V2: Death is temporary, an unknown virus kills of people, but they get revived afterwards. But it's not even them anymore. Glitch-Bound V3: After the deaths of certain Protagonists, they don't revive, they revive in the void a completely new person, as puppets. There's quite a lot of them in the void, & they are willing to kill of old friends for their own personal gain Glitch-Bound V4: Dreams of certain characters kill them off in gruesome ways. They respawn in the void, but they have floating limbs & scars from how they died in that dream. But once they escape the void, they turn into blood-thirsty, insane monsters, destroying anything in their paths Characters in Glitch-Bound: V1: Boboiboy, Luz Noceda, K.O, Anne Boonchuy, Cuphead, Ash Ketchum V2:Luz Noceda, Anne Boonchuy, Cuphead, Boboiboy V3: Luz Noceda, Anne Boonchuy, Amity Blight, Marcy Wu, Boboiboy, Fang, Cuphead, Mugman, Uzi, N, Tanjiro Kamado V4: Tanjiro Kamado, Wally Darling, Cuphead, Mugman, Boboiboy, Sonic, Luz Noceda
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
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im still upset by this
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galamon · 2 years
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Underbite Amity!
Underbite Amity!
Underbite Amity!!!!
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bloodmoon24 · 2 years
What do you want to come back?
Katina x Hunter
Stormy x Winter
Jafaar’s backstory
SeaSnake Trolls
Galena June
Jafaar x Venessa
Swirly Hearts
Jafaar’s family
Aquatic Trolls Story
Past OrcaTroll leaders: Queen Ahtohallan (first leader of the OrcaTrolls), King Holloway (Bling Fighter), Rain SeaBreeze (First Non-Binary leader), King Makaio and Queen Takara (Katina’s parents)
Grandma Willow Sparks
Suzi Kali
Amity Jade
Hitch Mountains
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m1ssvex · 1 year
Some extras
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fanaroff · 4 months
DP x DC: Downed Danny Prompt
The Justice League are enlisted/hired by the GIW to capture and contain a dangerous ecto-entity. With the media blackout of Amity Park, the JL only have Constance’s input on these types of creatures. Since dangerous beings of the Infinite Realms, ones with intent on destruction, are the ones known to leave the Realms, the JL believe the GIW and begin to work with them on a plan.
The GIW have a ghost contained as bait. A big white creature covered in fur and ice, not unlike descriptions of yeti. It growls and howls at anyone that happens to come near or make eye contact. It speaks in what seems to be a mix of Esperanto and static. What is understood from it tends to be along the lines of “destroy you if you-“ before whatever is said is lost to ear-splitting static.
The creature is all claws and danger and does little to make the JL think that the entity they are after is not a villain. It only makes it seem more likely.
With a trap set far north, above any human civilization that could get caught in the crossfire, and following the tracking path the entity seems to be taking (following the bait), they wait to enact their plan. Drs. Jack and Maddie Fenton work with them to create the weapons and containment unit that can burst on with the press of a button.
When the entity appears, the JL do not expect it to look like a child. At least, not this much. All lanky limbs and awkward posture, it almost seems the perfect image of a teenager. Until one notices… the uncanniness. Bright, wild, green eyes that reminds Batman of one of his sons. Untamed white hair that drifts without a breeze. Claws. Fangs. It’s not human.
It barks something that strange screeching mixed language at them. It’s angry and has spotted the bait. It says the same thing, this time it’s hands light up green. Demanding. Its stance changes. It’s looking for a fight.
The yeti says something back that seems to only anger the entity further. Its fangs seems to grow longer, nails sharper, eyes brighter, and it aims a hand in the general direction of those present, outside of the yeti.
This is “Phantom.” The ecto-entity the GIW have been after for its destruction on the living plane for years. The one that seems hundreds of years old with pottery and paintings and crafts backing up the claim. It needs to be stopped. So the JL don’t hesitate.
The skill sets of ghosts were explained early on, so each member is ready with a Fenton-made weapon. Phantom’s eyes only harden when they aim them towards him.
Rather than immediately fight, like they assumed it would do, it flies straight towards the yeti. And suddenly, it’s falling.
None of the JL took the shot, but one of the Fenton’s (bundled in ghost proof arctic gear and holding the strongest hitting weapons), did.
Phantom goes down, hard.
The yeti flips out, growling and pulling at the exit chains that bind it. It’s making horrible, gut wrenching sounds and pulling towards the downed ghost until the binds break and it’s leaping towards it. The GIW slam on the ghost shield containment unit and the two are trapped together.
It’s only when the yeti is making mournful cries, holding a small shape as close as it can, green spilling and staining the white, white snow does the JL think that maybe, just maybe, they fucked up. That they should have done more research rather than blindly trust a group that convinced them that they only have humanity’s best interest.
*Feel free to use or add to it. I may make a full detailed one-shot of it soon too
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satoshy12 · 10 months
Amity Parker Don't understand other Hero cities.
And started a massive pilgrimage to Amity Park.
It all started when a few people from Amity Park went on a field trip to other hero cities and got very confused pretty fast. - What do you mean people die here so often in hero fights? - What do you mean by buildings getting destroyed and not fixed? (blob Ghost do that all the time, they seem to love it!) Are your hero not doing their job!!!?
At first, the people of Gotham, Metropolis, Coast City, Bludhaven, or Dakoto City were pissed, but after the people of Amity Park just said they should stay a few weeks in their city, they would notice it. After one week in the new city,  most people moved out of their city to Amity Park. While this city had once a week has a world-ending threat, that threat seems to just have fun with the child hero in a fight. And those people helped them. The Victims of Scarecrow actually got help from the Master of Fear Fright Knight, who fixed their minds.
Number 1 rule in Amity Park - Don't feed the tiny cryptid Fenton after 10 p.m.; the last time we had winter in the summer was because of that. - Yes, they are fangs, and they are real. Don't try to let yourself be bitten. When he slept, the last one almost lost their hand. + The other Hero in their cities didn't take long to notice it, that they have significantly fewer people living in their cities. Like most of their cities, they lost 30–50% of their civilians! And no one seems to want to tell them where they are, as more civilians are leaving!
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barsikscorner · 8 months
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They're gay alright
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maythray · 2 years
i still really want to make art giving amitie antennae... shes just like me fr...
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