#amerei frey
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vermithwhore · 1 year ago
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hollowwhisperings · 2 years ago
reblogging bc i did some very minor editing & tag fixing.
the Frey Civil War keeps being Relevant to Every Other Plotline? srsly, i've found motives for Amerei Frey to be involved with the Blackfyres/Golden Company (from at LEAST two fronts!), the Battle on the Ice, AND [Sansa's] Tourney in the Vale.
Castle Darry is Too Geographically Convenient to go unused by its current Lady.
A/N: this post was a delight to research, a horror to draft. i am now overly invested in the Real Houselives of House Frey. i did not mean for this: it's a joke gone too far - the wiki of ice and fire has this all on Lord Walder Frey's personal wiki page! i had not realised that, in the beginning, but it's too late for me now: that bridge has burned! its castles have crumbled! may the blackfish be merciful!
"LATE" WALDER FREY, b. 208AC: Lord of The Crossing & its two identical guarding castles, "The Twins". Has hosted 3 kings and the Red Wedding. 92 y/o and Winter Is Coming...
- ALLCAPS child of Lord Walder Frey
- *Black Walder's by rumour - +(dead)
- ×marked for death by Red Wedding
- [daughters, in case you're pondering Dornish Laws of inheritance]
~ all characters bear the surname "Frey" unless specifically stated otherwise ~
FREYS OF THE CROSSING/TWINS LINE OF PERRA ROYCE, wife #1: 1. Edwyn, b. 257~79AC: m. Janyce Hunter, 1kid. 1stborn of Ryman+, 1st son of STEVRON+. Lord Frey's great-grandson. Probably doomed. 2. Walda*, b. 290/1AC: Edwyn's. 3. Black Walder, b. 258~280AC: 2nd son of Ryman, unwed. [*child by rumour] 4. Perra*, b. 294AC: daughter of Petyr+ [Ryman's 3rd son] by his wife, Mylenda Caron. [Marianne Vance, b. 270~90AC: daughter of STEVRON+/J. Lydden's daughter. Eldest of 3 sibs.] 5. Walton, b. 248~268AC: son of STEVRON+/M. Waynwood. m. Deana Hardyng, 3kids. 6. Steffon the Sweet, b. 260~280AC: 1stborn of Walton & Deana Hardyng. [Fair Walda, b. 280/1AC: 2nd child of Walton & Deana.] 8. Bryan, b. 281~91AC: 2nd son of Walton, a squire. 9. Aegon "Bloodborn", son of AENYS+: an outlaw. 10. Robert, son of Rhaegar+ & his wife, Jeyne Beesbury+: grandkid of Lord Frey. [White Walda: Robert's sister.] 11. Jonos, 3rdborn of Rhaegar+. [PERRIANNE: m. a lord Haigh, 3kids & 1grandkid. Unknown seat.] LINE OF CYRENNA SWANN, wife #4: [Zia, b. 285AC: great-grandkid of Lord Frey.] [Kyra Goodbrook, b. 261~78AC: widowed, 2kids + 1grandkid.] LINE OF AMAREI CRAKEHALL, wife #5: 12. see WINTERFELL FREYS. [Lady LYTHENE Vypren: 2kids. Ser Hosteen's sister.] 13. Alesander: a singer, anti-RW. [Alyx, b. 282AC: sister of Alesander.] 19. Sandor: son of Carolei Waynwood & GEREMY+ (10th son of Lord Frey). [Cynthea, b. 290AC: Sandor's sister, ward of Lady Waynwood.] 20. RAYMUND×, b. 264/5AC: m. Beony Beesbury, 7 kids. 11th son of Lord Frey. ×Killer of Catelyn Stark. 21. Malwyn, 2nd son of RAYMUND: studying alchemy in Lys. [RAYMUND's 3 daughters: - Sarra&Serra, 285AC: twins - Cersei, 292/3AC: AKA "Little Bee"] 22. Tywin&Jaime, b. 299AC: twins. LINE OF ALYSSA BLACKWOOD, wife #6: 24. LAME LOTHAR×: m. Leonella Lefford, 4 girls. Steward of The Twins. 12th son of Lord Frey. ×Plotter of the Red Wedding. 25. JAMMOS: m. Sallei Paege. 3 sons. 13th son of Frey. 26. see WINTERFELL FREYS. 27&28. Dickon&Mathis: infant sons of JAMMOS. 29. WHALEN×: m. Sylwa Paege, 2 kids. 14th son of Frey. ×abetted the killing of Grey Wind. 30. Hoster, son of WHALEN: page of Ser Damon Paege. [Merry, b. 288AC: Hoster's sister.] [MORYA, 3rd daughter of Frey: m. Flement Brax, 3rd son of Lord Brax. Has 3 sons. Unknown seat.] [TYTA "The Maid", b. 269/70AC: 4th daughter of Lord Frey.] LINE OF BETHANY ROSBY, wife #7: 31. PERWYN, b. 269~78AC: 15th son of Lord Frey. Defacto heir/lord of Rosby. Anti-RW. [Deaf Della, b. 296AC: daughter of the 16th Frey son, BENFREY+] 32. Osmund, b. 297AC: son of BENFREY+ & Jyanna (cousins). 33. OLYVAR, b. 281AC: 18th son of Frey, loyal squire of King Robb I. [ROSLIN: m. Edmure Tully, pregnant. Lord Frey's 5th daughter. Anti-RW.] LINE OF ANNARA FARRING, wife #7: [ARWYN*, b. 285AC: 6th of Lord Frey's daughter. 1stborn of Annara.] 34. WENDEL*, b. 286AC: 1st son by Farring. A page/hostage at Seagard. 35. TYR*, b. 289AC: 21st/3rd son. 36. ELMAR*, b. 290AC: youngest & 22nd son of Lord Frey. Briefly betrothed to Arya Stark. [SHIREI*, b. 292/3AC: Lord Frey's 7th daughter & youngest child thus far.] LADY JOYEUSE ERENFORD, b. 282/3 AC: wife #8. pregnant with Frey #24. The current Lady Frey.
RIVERRUN-FREYS A. Lord EMMON, b. 237/8AC: m. Genna Lannister, 4 kids. 2nd son of Lord Frey. Terrified of Black Walder. B. "Ty", b. 287/8AC: son of Cleos+ & Jeyne Darry. 1st of Emmon's grandchildren. Named for his great-uncle. C. Willem, b. 289/290AC: Ty's brother. A page at Ashemark. D. Lyonel, b. 258~283AC: m. Melesa Crakehall, no issue. 2nd son of EMMON/Genna. E. Red Walder, b. 285AC: 4th son of Cleos+. A page/squire at Casterly Rock. • BASTARD WALDER×, eldest of Frey's bastards: m. unnamed lady of House Charlton, 2kids. • Aemon Rivers, son of "BASTARD WALDER": 1kid, Walda (b. 295AC). • RYGER RIVERS×.
HIDING AT DARRY'S 15. DANWELL×, Frey's 8th son: m. Wynafrei Whent, sadly without child. Defacto heir of Harrenhal. [Amerei "Gatehouse Amy", b. 282AC: eldest child of MERRET+, 9th son of Frey. Defacto heir of House Darry, her mother its Lady.] [Marissa, b. 285AC: youngest surviving child of Mariya Darry & MERRETT+]
• an assortment of Frey cousins
WINTERFELL FREYS 12. "Ser Stupid" HOSTEEN×: m. Bellena Hawick, has 1 son. 26. "Big" Walder, b. 291AC: 1stborn of JAMMOS. Found his cousin, "Little" Walder, dead in the snow. Reluctant squire of Ramsay.
• a Schrodinger's Army of Freys, soldiers, lead in two hosts by Ser HOSTEEN & Ser AENYS+ (WoW excerpts). En-route to the army of Stannis Baratheon. Supposedly victorious, according to The Pink Letter (...which arrived at Castle Black before either army had achieved contact, given the heavy snows between them).
- Septon LUCEON, in King's Landing. - MELYS, maester of House Rosby. - Zachery, brother of Zia: becoming a septon in Oldtown. - Robert, forging his maestery at The Citadel.
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chickren · 3 months ago
Do you think Jaime has any idea of Brienne's affection for him during AFFC/ADWD? Or does he still believe Brienne's in love with Renly?
i mean, i joke a lot about her negging him into falling in love with her, but i honestly think she kind of accidentally did?
so, no, i don’t think he knows she’s in love with him. i don’t think he has a fucking clue. to be fair, she didn’t know either the last time they saw each other before pennytree.
you have to remember how their last two interactions in storm went down. first, jaime has her arrested after loras accuses her of renly’s murder. jaime does this to protect her, but brienne doesn’t understand that and she looks at him with eyes full of hurt, thinking he betrayed her. and jaime is borderline apoplectic that she would believe that of him.
then they both carry those emotions into their final asos scene in the white sword tower. jaime’s still smarting from her low opinion of him and is determined to prove to her just how wrong she is about him. his little plan backfires spectacularly. he finds out she still thinks he’s absolute scum, that her opinion of him is perhaps worse now than ever.
as for brienne, she is genuinely confused about what’s happening when she goes into the white sword tower scene. she understands jaime is trying to get loras to drop his accusations, but she has no idea why he’s doing anything he’s doing for her, and she has a hard time trusting people even in simple circumstances. and then jaime makes things worse by being so caustic because she hurt his feelings thinking he betrayed her. the funny thing is, brienne does walk out of the white sword tower scene with jaime vindicated in her mind. from that point on, she talks herself into trusting him, even when she has doubts, until the end of feast where she believes in his sincerity and his good intentions enough to full-throatedly defend him against accusations of villainy.
but jaime is privy to none of that. the last message he got from her was that she thought he would try to bribe her to kill sansa. she tries to backtrack from that accusation in the moment but he’s emotionally checked out of the conversation at that point, melted into a puddle of toxic jaime goo.
so by the time they meet again in dance, they’re in this weird position where i’d argue brienne is probably more ready to accept that jaime could have feelings for her than he is to accept that she has feelings for him. just the fact that someone with brienne’s life experience can bring herself to wonder what jaime would do if she cried on his shoulder tells me she has a slight clue he feels something.
but jaime really doesn’t have anything to hang onto that would indicate brienne has feelings for him. lol, i mean anything nice or good she’s done for him are things he could write off as basically being her job.
the only caveat to jaime’s knowledge of brienne’s feelings for him is that he does know she is physically attracted to him.
after loras leaves them in the round room, brienne is awkward and hesitant when jaime compliments her, and then she flounders trying to compliment him back. compare it to the bathhouse scene where we know from brienne’s pov that she was very attracted to him but jaime didn’t really clock it. here, he notices. she’s “flustered.” she wants “to flee.” even if he doesn’t explicitly diagnose the cause of her slightly bumbling reaction to seeing him in the white cloak inside his own head, i think he knows. mostly because he’s still just arrogant, smooth-talking jaime at that point, as opposed to later when she emotionally disembowels him in slow and painful stages and he turns into a wounded animal.
to me, the way he notices brienne’s physical attraction to him is not dissimilar to the way he describes amerei frey’s interactions with him. he never explicitly thinks that ami’s hitting on him, but it’s obvious that she is, and it’s obvious that he knows she is.
also important to note for the white sword tower scene is that jaime deliberately gets dolled up in his full kingsguard kit for brienne, and then sits there like a clown for fucking hours waiting for her to show up. so, of course, he’s paying extreme attention to her reaction to his efforts.
but everyone thinks jaime is hot, so it’s also understandable that he wouldn’t take that to mean that she actually likes him.
(he did want to make sure she knew he was hot, though.
he wanted. to make sure. she knew.)
now. if jaime finds out brienne was ready to die for him? well. he’s not an idiot. this whole thing could turn around real fast. so—
tl;dr - do i think jaime has any idea of brienne's affection for him during feast/dance?
his angst about her physical attraction to him is 0%
his angst about her emotional attraction to him is 100%
[as jaime has amply demonstrated, he is constitutionally incapable of taking her feelings for renly seriously and i doubt he’d start now]
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nobodysuspectsthebutterfly · 6 months ago
Honest question, how is what Orys Baratheon did (claim a house and words changing the name) allowed? I guess that since it was a conquest nobody would question it, but yes
Allowed? It happened. Aegon, the king, approved of it. Where else does the law come from?
"From the people!" some might say, and indeed in a feudal society the ruler only remains ruling through the support of his lords. Evidently the lords of the Stormlands accepted Argilac's defeat by Orys as well as his and Argella's marriage, since we never hear anything about "overmighty vassals" in the Stormlands complaining afterwards (unlike in the Reach with the Tyrells or in the Riverlands with the Tullys). Acceptance = "allowed" as well.
And in main ASOIAF, we can look to the Darrys, whose male line died out in the War of the Five Kings, and Lancel Lannister married Amerei Frey, whose mother is a Darry. So we have House Lannister of Darry, whose sigil quarters the Darry plowman and the lion of Lannister. Again, perfectly "allowed", with the king's approval and the vassals not complaining (much). Mind you, since Lancel's annulling his marriage, this situation may change, so we may see a plum/plowman or boar/plowman sigil in the future. There's also the example of Tyrek Lannister and Ermesande Hayford; the fact that Tyrek is missing and Ermesande is a baby is probably the only reason we didn't get a "Lannister of Hayford" situation. Ditto Sansa's disappearance (and Tyrion's arrest) re Tywin's "Lannister of Winterfell" plans. And Genna Lannister is hoping that Roslin has a girl for her grandson Tywin Frey to marry, to cement the House Frey of Riverrun situation amongst their new vassals-- would that include a quartered sigil, castles and trout? Perhaps, though in the end it's unlikely to happen considering the Second Red Wedding and all.
And there's other examples where marriages and sigils takeovers must have been a thing in the past. Whether quartered or fully... Joffrey Lydden changed his name to Lannister when he married the Lannister king's only daughter, but presumably because this was not a conquest but arranged while Gerold III was alive. And as for Lannisters themselves, the Casterlys had a lion sigil before them, along with the Rock. Was it red-and-gold, did they also use "Hear Me Roar"? That we don't know.
But suffice it to say, Orys Baratheon's taking on the Durrandon sigil and words was meant to honor Argilac's valor. To promote the continuity of rule, to tell the people of the Stormlands that their noble traditions would not end with a new lord and new name. And that's all there is to it, really.
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goodqueenaly · 2 years ago
I wanted to appreciate a few aspects of Aegon III’s life and personality that feel reflected or paralleled in the life and personality of his son Baelor.
For one, Gyldayn makes a very brief mention that “[a]s a man grown, [Aegon III] … was known to wear a hair shirt under the velvets and satins required of a king”. We know virtually nothing about Aegon III’s personal piety, but it is at least possible that during his adult years the king undertook this sign of self-mortification, usually (and certainly in Westeros) associated with religious repentance, because he sought to contextualize the terrible calamities of his life in the Faith of the Seven. Perhaps the king, who had witnessed and endured so much terrible loss during his childhood, wanted to personally repent for what he might have seen as the sins of his family and/or the realm (compare, say, my suggestions on Alysanne Osgrey potentially having done the same if she voluntarily chose to join the silent sisters). The selfish ambitions of both black and green factions, resulting in the chaos and destruction of the Dance for both House Targaryen and (perhaps even more importantly, in the king's mind) the people of Westeros, were, so Aegon III might have seen them, national tragedies for which he, as king of that nation, would offer himself as a sort of sacrificial victim. Maybe Aegon decided that he would suffer, regularly and personally, so that his people would never suffer; if their king undertook this penance, he would perhaps be that much less likely to forget the suffering his own family had caused them. 
We do not know at this point whether Baelor himself specifically wore a hair shirt, although I certainly would not be surprised if GRRM reveals as much in the future: after all, Lancel Lannister, who himself has venerated the memory of Blessed Baelor (and whose marriage to Amerei Frey broadly mirrors Baelor’s marriage to Daena Targaryen) had as of AFFC taken to wearing a hair shirt. Even if he did not do so, however, Baelor used other means of self-mortification as demonstrations of his devotion and humility. Indeed, his journey to Dorne served as a sort of personal repentance for what Baelor seems to have seen as the sins of Daeron’s war in Dorne: by walking barefoot, clad only in sackcloth, Baelor subjected himself to physical pain and deprivation explicitly as (so Yandel quotes him) an “act of piety” in suing for peace. Likewise, during his reign, Baelor engaged in penitent fasts, depriving himself of all but the barest amount of bread and water in contrition for both his own sinful feelings and broader events he regretted: his apparent lusts, the short-lived twins born to his cousin Naerys, and the birth of Daemon Waters to his sister Daena. By physically harming himself almost to the point of death (and - ostensibly - actually, in the end), Baelor seems to have wished to repent for what he believed were the sinful natures of not just himself but also the wider world (including other Targaryens), much as his father may have wanted to use the wearing of a hair shirt to atone for the chaos and destruction of the Dance and the associated guilt of House Targaryen. 
Gyldayn also notes that during the Winter Fever, the young King Aegon III “spent his days visiting the sick, and often sat with them for hours, sometimes holding their hands in his own, or soothing their fevered brows with cool, damp cloths”. While Aegon's Kingsguard were apparently horrified by the king’s willingness to visit the sick and physically interact with them, those who survived the infection reportedly praised the king’s “healing hands” as the explanation for their survival. Aegon III may have believed in the “magic in a king’s touch” which Gyldayn relates as a smallfolk superstition, or the supposed Targaryen disease resistance/immunity (which, for the record, I think is in practice bullshit, but that’s mostly beside the point), but his actions objectively demonstrated a true courage on Aegon’s part. That the Winter Fever had already proven devastating by the time Aegon III began his visits to the sick was clear: this was a disease which had wiped out half the population of Sisterton, struck down thousands in White Harbor, Gulltown, Maidenpool, and Duskendale, and reportedly killed three quarters of those infected. Yet Aegon III did not apparently hesitate to go personally to the bedsides of the infected and dying, and not merely as a passive observer either. By himself holding their hands, wiping their brows, and allowing the sick the opportunity to have someone to speak to during a time of mandated isolation and fear (no less a person than the king himself, in fact), Aegon underlined his resolve to serve his people, no matter their rank or status. No king was so great, Aegon III may have wanted to show, that he could not put himself at the service of the least of his people; he had been made king not to glory in the throne but to use his power for the benefit of those he ruled. 
Aegon III’s personal devotion to the sick, crossing the divide of rank, reminds me of a very brief allusion to an action taken by Baelor the Blessed. In “Davos IV” ASOS, after Stannis astounds Axell Florent by stating his intent to hear Davos’ opinion on his, Axell’s, planned attack against Claw Isle, Davos compares Axell’s reaction to “the look that proud Lord Belgrave must have worn, the day King Baelor the Blessed had commanded him to wash the beggar's ulcerous feet”. Given Baelor’s dedication to characteristic expressions of charity for the benefit of his poorest subjects - Yandel describing how Baelor “emptied the treasury regularly to fund his charitable acts, including the year when he donated a loaf of bread daily to every man and woman in the city” - Baelor may have decided to take matters a step farther, literally serving his subjects by washing the feet of the poor. Likewise, given Davos’ description of that Lord Belgrave as “proud”, it may have been the case (and not mutually exclusively with the prior thought) that Baelor specifically ordered this lord to wash a beggar’s feet to teach him, Belgrave, the same humility and commitment to (what Baelor saw as) the service of the poor as he, Baelor, professed. Just as Stannis had summarily humbled Ser Axell by promoting the worth of a smallfolk (or, at least, about as close as the series ever gets in its POV characters), so Baelor, it appears, wanted to humble Lord Belgrave by reminding him that even the greatest in the land could and should recognize the worth of the least, as represented by that beggar. (It perhaps goes without saying that, as GRRM has already explicitly cited Jesus as inspiration for the appearance of Baelor, so the author may also have been thinking about the Gospel account of Jesus washing the feet of the Apostles at the Last Supper for inspiration for this moment, as well as the royal practice of this rite on Maundy Thursday in, for example, any number of European monarchies.)
Whatever the specific context of this moment, I see again certain parallels between Baelor and Aegon III. Just as Aegon III would define his reign as one of service to his subjects - disdaining elaborate crowns in favor of a simple gold band, and promising not feasts and progresses but “full bellies and dancing bears” - so Baelor may have had that same desire to place the needs of his people first and foremost. As Aegon III had proven that being king required the readiness, even eagerness to care for one’s subjects on a personal, indeed intimate level, so Baelor may have wanted to emphasize that neither he nor any of his aristocrats could rest on their feudal privileges when faced with the miseries of the poor. The beggar afflicted with those “ulcerous feet” deserved, so I think Baelor believed, as much aid and compassion as did those infected with the Winter Fever during Aegon III’s reign, whom his father had so selflessly tended. These were the crown’s people, and they were suffering; it was, consequently, the crown’s responsibility, father and son may have agreed, to ease their sufferings as much as possible, either by the king doing so himself or (and again, perhaps not mutually exclusively) ordering his vassals to do the same. 
What I like about both of these examples is the way GRRM has the opportunity, as he continues to write about this period, to compare father and son and draw parallels between them. While on the surface Aegon III and Baelor may not appear particularly similar - and while their respective styles and philosophies of rule demonstrated pretty stark differences from one another - they are not entirely different personalities either. Baelor the septon-king did not emerge from a vacuum; he spent the first roughly 13 years of his life as the son of King Aegon III, who had himself been king for a decade by the time Baelor was born. As GRRM has so brilliantly discussed father-son relationships throughout his Westerosi works (see, for example, in “The Mystery Knight”), so I hope he uses Aegon III and Baelor as another chance to connect seemingly very disparate monarchs in paternal-filial influence. 
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windriverdelta · 10 months ago
Minimal theory on Red Wedding 2.0
Inspired by this ask and answer by @nobodysuspectsthebutterfly which raised some legitimate concerns about the common fan theories - namely, that there is no explicit indication that the wedding by Daven Lannister will happen soon, nor that it will be in Riverrun.
True, there is no explicit statement. But let's look at how these events in Jaime's AFFC chapters look from the Frey perspective:
The two of them were huddled over a map, arguing heatedly, but they broke off when Jaime entered. "Lord Commander," Rivers said with cold courtesy, but Edwyn blurted out, "My father's blood is on your hands, ser."
"If you will pardon me for intruding on your grief," [Jaime Lannister] said, in a dry tone, "we have other matters to consider. When you return to the Twins, please inform Lord Walder that King Tommen requires all the captives you took at the Red Wedding."
Ser Walder frowned. "These prisoners are valuable, ser."
"His Grace would not ask for them if they were worthless." Frey and Rivers exchanged a look. Edwyn said, "My lord grandfather will expect recompense for these prisoners." And he'll have it, as soon as I grow a new hand, thought Jaime. "We all have expectations," he said mildly.
When Jaime had taken his leave of Lady Amerei, she had been weeping softly at the dissolution of her marriage whilst letting Lyle Crakehall console her. Her tears had not troubled him half so much as the hard looks on the faces of her kin as they stood about the yard. "I hope you do not intend to take vows as well, coz," he said to Daven. "The Freys are prickly where marriage contracts are concerned. I would hate to disappoint them again."
Ser Daven snorted. "I'll wed and bed my stoat, never fear. I know what happened to Robb Stark. From what Edwyn tells me, though, I'd best pick one who hasn't flowered yet, or I'm like to find that Black Walder has been there first. I'll wager he's had Gatehouse Ami, and more than thrice. Maybe that explains Lancel's godliness, and his father's mood."
To recap, the Freys lost the marriage to Lancel. Jaime has demanded the hostages the Freys took at the Red Wedding & did not promise compensation and treated the Freys pretty shabbily besides (Jaime's contempt for them is apparent throughout his POV chapters). And now Late Walder's heir, Ser Ryman, was killed seemingly because of Jaime. I think Late Walder is getting rather pissed and perhaps a bit worried. So I expect him to demand Daven's marriage, soonest. And the Lannisters, weakened by Cersei's arrest and Jaime's disappearance, will have to acquiesce.
But here's the thing: While I expect Walder to demand a wedding at the Twins, Daven has no obligation to have it there - as he says, he knows what happened to Robb Stark. I expect that Genna Lannister proposes to have the wedding in Riverrun. Possibly also to negotiate a bethrotal between Roslin's child from Edmure and her grandson Tywin Frey, as she alluded to. She is a Lannister already married to a Frey, so she has pull on both sides. Daven and Late Walder will agree, and the spy Tom O'Sevens will sing ... and the Brotherhood without Banners will know where to strike.
What I like about this is that it solves a problem with Jaime's storyline a few people have identified: If Brienne is bringing him to Lady Stoneheart, he's a dead man. Stoneheart would have him hanged on the spot, for being a Lannister, "Jaime Lannister sends his regards", and the trebuchet thing that Tom O'Sevens was around for. I don't buy the notion of a trial by combat in the slightest, Lady Stoneheart has never held any sort of fair trial for anyone...
...but if in the moment that Jaime meets Stoneheart, Tom O'Sevens' report of the impending marriage hits the Brotherhood without Banners? Then she might decide to handle Jaime and the wedding guests in one big slaughter. And an ongoing massacre might be the opportunity for Brienne to cut him free.
Oh yeah, and another thing. Tom O'Sevens was with Jaime before deciding to stay in Riverrun - and crucially, he was there for Jaime's demand that the hostages be handed over. Given that the Brotherhood managed to capture Ryman, I expect they'll be able to break these hostages free, thus gaining a lever with which to obtain the Riverlords' cooperation - and their troops, which per the sadly departed @racefortheironthrone (RIP) number about 10,000. Even a fraction of that should be sufficient to overwhelm any guard the Freys have, if (not "since"; we don't actually have numbers on the Brotherhood right now) the Brotherhood without Banners can't do it themselves. Note also that the other army loyal to King's Landing, Randyll Tarly's, has left the Riverlands after Margaery's arrest. The Freys and remnants of Lannisters are on their own.
PS: We know that Late Walder rode to King's Landing for a tourney a year before the War of Five Kings, so we know he's not immobile at the Twins. Given his spiteful nature, I can absolutely see him go to Riverrun to rub it in the Tullys' nose that he's now the top dog. And his attitude to apologies has the hallmarks of a GRRM threefold revelation: "What good are apologies? I ask you" in AGoT as a setup, "Oh, but I’ll make you an apology, that will mend them all again, heh" at the Red Wedding as reminder, and the payoff (h/t: @turtle-paced): Screaming apologies as Stoneheart murders him.
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444namesplus · 10 months ago
all character names used in the song of ice and fire pile
addam addison adrack adrian aegon aegor aelyx aemma aemon aemond aenar aenys aerea aerion aeron aeryn aerys aethan aethelmure aggo agnes ahai aladale aladore alan alannys alaric alarra alayaya alayne albar albett albin alchemist alekyne alerie alester alfyn alicent all allar alleras alliser allyria alton alvyn alyce alyn alys alysanne alyssa amarei amerei amory amos and andar andrey andrik andros androw anguy annara antario anya archer archon's ardrian aregelle areo argella arianne arlan armen armond aron arra arrana arrec arryk arryn arsa arstan arthur artos arwood arwyn arya arys asha ashara ashford aubrey aurane aurion axell ayrmidon azor b baelish baelon baelor balaq balerion ball balman balon banefort bar baratheon barbara barber barbrey barneby barra barre barristan barthogan bass bastards beesbury bella bellanora bellegere bellena bellonara belly ben benard benedict benfred benfrey benifer benjen benjicot bennard bennarion bennifer benton beren berena beric bernarr beron bertrand bess beth bethany bettley bharbo big billy biter black blackbar blackberry blackfyre blackshield blacktyde blackwood blade blood bloody blount blue boarkiller boisterous bolton boremund boros bors borys botley bowen boy bracken bran branda brandon brax braxton breaker brella brienne brightstone bronn broome brother brother brune brus bryan bryce bryen brynden bryndon buckler bullock bulwer bump burley burton byan byrch byron bywater c cadwyl cafferen caleotte calla captain captain's cargyll caron cassana cassel cassella caswell category catelyn catspaw cayn cedric celtigar cerelle cerenna cerissa cersei cerwyn ceryse character characters characters charlton chataya chayle chett chiggen children clarent clayton clegane clement cleos cletus cleyton clifton clydas cockshaw codd cohollo coldhands colemon colin colmar commander commander's connington corbray corlys corne correy coryanne costayne courtesan cousin cox craghorn
crake crakehall crane cregan cregard creighton cressen creylen crow culiper cuy cynthea cyrelle cyrenna d daario dacey dacks daegon daella daemion daemon daenerys daenora daenys daeron daeryssa dagmer dagon dale dalt dalton damion damon danny danos danwell dareon daring darke darklyn darlessa darnold darry daryn daughter daughter daven davos daxos dayne deana deceased deem delena demonlover denyo denys desmera desmond devan deziel dick dickon dobber donal dondarrion donel donella donnel donnis donnor dontos doran doreah dormund dorna dornishman dragons drogo drumm drunkard dryn duckfield duncan dunstable dunstan duram durran durrandon durwald dusk duskendale dusky dustin duur dyanna dykk dywen e ebrose eddara eddard eddison edgar edgerran edmund edmure edmyn edric edwell edwyle edwyn edyth eerl egen elaena elder eldred eleyna elia elinda elinor ella ellard ellaria ellyn elmar elmo elric elwood elyas elyn elys elysar emberlei emma emmett emmon emmond emory endrew erena erenford erich ermesande erren erryk essie estermont estren ethan euron ever eye eyed f falena falyse farman farring farwynd father fenn fergon flatnose flement fletcher flint florent florian florys flowers folk follard fool foote for forel fork forley foss fossoway fox franklyn free frenken frey from g gael gaemon gage galbart gardener gared gareth garibald garlan garrison garse garth gaunt gawen gendry genna gerald geremy gerion germund gerold gerrick gevin gilbert gilliane gilly gilly's glendon glover godry gold goodbrook goodbrother goode goren gormon gormond gorold gower graceford gran grance greatjon green greenbeard greenfield greenhand gregor grell grenn grey greydon greyiron greyjoy griffith grover groves guard guncer gwayne gwenys gwin gwynesse gylbert gyldayn gyles gysella h h'ghar haegon haereg haggo haggon hagon haigh hairy hake hal halder hali halleck hallis hallyne halys hammer hardy hardyng hareth harlan harlaw harlon harma harmen harmond harmund harrag harras harren harrion harrold harron harry harwin harwyn harys hawick hayford heddle helman hendry henly herndon hero herrock heward hibald high hightower hill hilmar historical hoare hoarfrost hoat hobb hobber hobert hodor hogg hoke hollard holly hop horas horgan horn
hornwood horpe horse horton horys hosman hosteen hostella hoster hot hotah hotho howard howland hubard hubert hugh hugo hullen humble humfrey hunter huntsman husband illifer illyrio ilyn imry irri iv ix j jacaerys jacelyn jack jacks jaehaerys jafer jaime jalabhar jammos janei janna janos jaqen jared jaremy jason jasper jast jax jayne jennis jenny jenye jeor jeren jeyne jhiqui jhogo jirelle joanna jocasta jocelyn joffrey johanna john jojen jommo jon jonah jonnel jonos jonothor jonquil jorah joron jorquen jory joseran joseth joss josua joy joyeuse jurene justin justman jyck k kaeth kandaq karlon karstark karyl kedge kegs kella kenning kermit kettleblack kevan kezmya kindly king king kings kingsblood kingsblood's kingsguard knight knights kurleket kyndall kyra l lad laenor lake lambert lancel langward lanna lannister larence lark larys last laswell leana leathers leek lefford lelia lem lemoncloak lenwood leo leobald leona leonella leonette leslyn lester lew lewyn lewys lharys lia lianna lickspittle lily locke lodos lollys lomys long longbough longleaf longthorpe longwaters lonmouth lonnel loraq loras lorch lord lord loren lorence lorent loreon lorimar lorimer loron lorra lothar lothor lucamore lucas luceon lucifer lucimore lucinda lucion luthor luwin lyanna lyarra lydden lyle lyman lymond lyn lynara lynora lyonce lyonel lysa lythene m mace mad maege maegelle maegon maegor maekar maelor maelys maester maia maid maldon malegorn malleon mallery mallister mallor man mance manderly mandon manfred manfrey manfryd manly marbrand
margaery margaret marghaz margot mariah marillion maris mariya mark marla marlon marna maron marq marqelo marsella marsh martell martyn maryam masha maslyn massey matarys mathis matthar mattheus matthew maz meadows medgar medrick medwick meera megga meha melantha melara meldred melesa melessa melisandre melissa mellario melony melwyn merianne meribald merlon merlyn mern merrell merrett merryweather mervyn meryn mikken milk mina minisa mirri mo mohor mollander mollen monarchs moon moore mooton mopatis mord mordane moreo morgan morgarth morgon mormont moro morrec morrigen morros mors morya moryn mott mounts mullendore mullin mully munda murenmure musgood mya mycah mychel myles myr myranda myrcella myre myriame myrielle mysaria n naerys naggle naharis nan narha night's norbert norcross norjen norman normund norne norren norrey norridge norvos notch noye nute nymeria o o' oak oakenshield oakheart oarsman obara oberyn of old olene olenna ollidar olymer olyvar olyver omer ondrew orbert orkwood ormond ormund orryn orton orys osbert oscar osfryd osha osmund osney osric oswald oswell oswyck oswyn othell otherys othgar otho othor ottyn owen oznak p paege pahl palehair patchface pate pater patrek paul paxter payne peake penny pennytree penrose perceon peremore perianne perkin perra perriane perwyn petyr philip pie piper plummer podrick polliver poole porther pov praed pree prentys prester preston prince
princes promised prudence prunella pryor puckens pyat pycelle pyg pyke pypar q qalen qarl qarlton qhored qhorin qhorwyn qorgyle qotho quaithe quaro queen quellon quenten quentin quenton quentyn quincy qyburn qyle r ragged rakharo ralf rambton ramsay randyll rast raven ravos raya rayder raylon raymont raymun raymund raynald raynard reach red redbeard redfort redpool redwyne reed reference regenard regis regnar renfred renly rennifer reynard reyne reysen rhae rhaegal rhaegar rhaegel rhaella rhaelle rhaenyra rhalla rhea rhogoro ricasso richard rickard rickon rivers rob robar robard robb robert robett robin robyn roderick rodrik rodwell roger rogers rognar rohanne roland rolder rollam rolland rolley rolly rolph romny ronel ronnal ronnel roone roose roote rorge roryn rosamund rosby rose rosey roslin rowan roxton roy royce rufus rupert rus russell ruttiger ryam rycherd ryella ryger ryk rykker rylene ryman rymolf rymond ryswell s saan sabitha salladhor sallei saltcliffe samantha samgood samwell sand sandor sansa santagar sara saranella sargon sarra sarsfield sarya satin sawane scales scarb seastar seaworth sebaston selmond selmy selwyn selyse senelle septon serena serra serry serwyn sevenstreams shadrich shae shaena shagwell sharp she shella shepherd shett shiera shierle shireen shirei shortear shrike shrykos sigfry sigfryd sigorn simon sister sisterton skahaz skinchangers sloane slynt small smallwood smike smiling snow son son soulless sour sparr spicer spotted squire stackspear stafford
stallion stannis stark starvling staunton steffarion steffon stevron stillwood stiv stokeworth stone stonehouse stonetree storm stout strickland strong suggs sumner sunglass surly swann sweet swyft sybell sylas sylvenna sylwa symond syrio t taena tagaros talbert tall talla tallhart tally tanda tanner tarbeck targaryen tarle tarly tarth tawney templeton teora ternesio terys tess that the the theo theodore theomore theon thoren thorne thoros three timeon timotty tion titus tobho todder todric togarion tollett tom tomard tommen torghen torgon torrhen torwyn torwynd tower towers toyne trant tree tregar tristifer triston trystane tully tumitis turnberry turnip tyana tybolt tyene tygett tyler tyrek tyrell tyrion tyrion's tysane tysha tyta tytos tywald tywin u ulf uller umber umfred umma urragon urras urrathon urrigon urron urswyck uther utherydes uthor utt v vaegon vaellyn valaena valerion valiant vance varamyr vardis vargo varly varys vayon velaryon veron vickon victaria victarion victor vikary vines visenya viserra viserys volmark vorian vortimer votyris w waif walda walder walderan waldon walgrave wallace wallen walter walton waltyr walys was waters watt waymar wayn waynwood weaver webber weeper wendamyr wendel westerlands westerling westling wex whalen whent white whittlestick who wick wife wildling will willamen willas willem william willis willow wind wineseller winterfell wode wolves woman woodcock woolfield world woth wulfgar wull wyl wylde wylis wylla wyman wynafrei wynafryd wynch wynton wythers x xaro xho xhoan y yandry yarwyck yew ygon ygritte yohn yorbert yoren yorko youngest yronwood ysabel ysilla z zo zollo
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years ago
Making sure Sansa was complacent in poisoning Joffrey (I mean there is no reason the poison wasn't in anyone else's hairnet) means it is easy to subdue and manipulate her into going with their plans. Its very improbable Tywin would have let Cersei kill the heir of Winterfell for Joffrey. As long as Tywin was alive, Sansa wasn't in danger for being executed for regicide and the Tyrells (and everyone else) obviously did not expect that Tyrion would somehow avoid being killed/sent to the Wall and instead kill his own father. Tyrion was the main fall guy (the whole plan was Littlefinger's, and he wanted to 'free' Sansa from marriage too) but Sansa doesn't know that, does she? The price on her head is one thing which makes her grateful to Littlefinger for 'saving' her and the Tyrells planned the same thing basically. Whisk Sansa away to Highgarden, keep Joffrey's death hanging on her head, gaslight and manipulate her. Alas Littlefinger one-upped them here.
(the posts referenced)
Honestly, I don't think they could have whisked Sansa away at any point other than the one she herself used to escape in the chaos of Joffrey choking. Since they made no move there, I don't think that was the plan.
Once she is accused of regicide, there is no getting her out unless she is cleared of any wrongdoing. At which point Olenna has nothing on her without incriminating herself.
But I do like the general angle that Olenna thought Sansa might be spared and become available again. By that point Lancel is promised to Amerei Frey, so there's a chance they could suggest a match for Willas that Tywin Lannisters can't reasonably refuse.
Littlefinger definitely had a more elaborate idea going on, using the regicide accusation itself as a prison for Sansa, and you've summed it up brilliantly.
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smallcatsims · 2 years ago
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And now, we have the youngsters who live in the eastern castle. 
Up top, from left to right, we have Fat Walda, who is being courted by Roose Bolton, Earl of the Dreadfort. She has had a dozen new gowns made in Bolton colors and will be marrying him within the fortnight. She has an immense dowry due to the Viscount promising her weight in silver to Roose upon their marriage.
Then we have Miss Roslin Frey, a sweet, shy and unusually pretty daughter of the Viscount. He is saving her for the most ambitious political marriage he can muster up.
And then on the right, we have Amerei Frey, a young romance sim who gets up to all kinds of shenanigans that could bring scandal upon the family.
In the middle photo we have Marissa Frey who is only three and ten and not out in society yet. She exclusively prefers the company of women, and wants to be a cook, though that is obviously beneath the granddaughter of a Viscount, so she’s trying to enjoy the few short years she has before being forcibly married off and helping out in the kitchen as much as she is allowed. 
In the bottom photo we have Olyvar Frey, one of the Viscount’s much younger sons who is a Lieutenant in the army, his youngest son Elmar Frey, and Merrett’s youngest son, Little Walder.
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dyannawynnedayne · 2 years ago
Have errands to run this morning so assigning songs on my main playlist to asoiaf characters to amuse myself
You wish by flyana boss is rhaenyra and daemon
White lie by lenii is cersei @ jaime
Boss bitch by doja cat is amerei frey 8]
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rainsofcastamererpg · 5 months ago
Tierras de los Ríos
Edmure Tully
Edad: 29 años
Estatus: Señor de Aguasdulces
Requisitos: Casting
PB Sugerido: Sam Heughan
-De carácter bondadoso, Edmure busca el favor de su familiares y amigos. Sin embargo, esto le lleva muchas veces a hacer incoherencias que pueden llegar a ser perjudiciales para los que le rodean.
-Desde pequeño ha tenido problemas familiares y ha tenido siempre el amor de los que le rodean. Con su nacimiento, Aguasdulces perdió a Minisa Tully, y toda la atención se centró en el joven muchacho que se encontraba sin figura materna.
-Actualmente, se encuentra en Aguasdulce tras recibir a su sobrino Robb. Quiere ser un señor fuerte y decidido, aunque no tiene plena confianza de su sobrino o de sus vasallos.
Brynden Tully
Edad: 62 años
Estatus: Noble
Requisitos: Casting
PB Sugerido: Clive Russell -Brynden es el hermano menor de Hoster, sin embargo eso nunca le supo mal. Estuvieron muy juntos desde pequeño y se adiestró y armó caballero temprano.
-Tras rechazar a la mujer propuesta por su hermano para que contrajese matrimonio, Hoster le llamo "la oveja negra de la familia", Brynden respondió que su emblema era el pez, asi que seria el Pez Negro
-Tras la Rebelion de Robert, acompaño a su sobrina Lysa al Nido de Aguilas, y fue nombrado Caballero de la Puerta por Jon Arryn
-Después de que Lysa rechazara acudir a la guerra con Robb, Brynden abandona su cargo y vuelve a Aguasdulces.
-Robb lo incluye en su consejo de guerra y le asigna el mando de los exploradores.
Walder Frey
Edad: 94 años
Estatus: Señor de los Gemelos
Requisitos: Casting
PB Sugerido: David John Bradley
-Es ambicioso, y utiliza a sus numerosos hijos para conseguir favores de otras familias, mediante alianzas matrimoniales.
-A pesar de que apenas se puede mover, le gusta presumir de que aun puede tener descendencia.
-Inspira poca confianza, es vengativo y no pasa las ofensas por alto.
-Durante la Rebelión de Robert, Lord Walder retrasó su llegada a la Batalla del Tridente hasta que los rebeldes habían ganado. Por esa razón, Lord Hoster Tully, lo llamó "El Tardío Lord Frey"
-Cuando el Rey Robb Stark se levanto en armas, acordó casarse con una de sus hijas a cambio de que le dejase atravesar el Cruce y dé que sus hombres se le unieran en batalla.
Beric Dondarrion
Edad: 24 años
Estatus: Líder de la Hermandad sin Estandartes
Requisitos: Casting
PB Sugerido: Richard Dormer
-Llega a Desembarco del Rey para participar en el Torneo de la Mano, donde conoció a Thoros de Myr tras ser derrotado por él.
- Eddard Stark, le encomienda junto a Thoros de Myr la misión de traer ante la justicia del rey a Ser Gregor Clegane.
- Su destacamento es atacado por Gregor Clegane y Beric fallece por primera vez.
- Beric se convierte en el líder de la Hermandad sin Estandartes, formada por los restos de su grupo y todo aquel que se quiere unir. Luchan contra el ejército Lannister en una guerra de guerrillas.
- Crecen los rumores de que Beric está desaparecido o muerto.
Thoros de Myr
Edad: 45 años
Estatus: Sacerdote Rojo
Requisitos: Casting
PB Sugerido: Paul Kaye
-El Sacerdote Rojo.
-Originario de Myr y devoto del Dios Rojo R´hllor.
-Le encanta el vino, la juerga y bromear.
-Aún con su apariencia es capaz de grandes milagros con una fe renovada, aunque no está muy seguro de si es R'hllor quien les ayuda.
Roslin Frey
Edad: 16 años
Estatus: Noble
Requisitos: Ficha
PB Sugerido: Alexandra Dowling
-Es la quinta hija de Walder Frey. Su madre fue Bethany Rosby, la sexta esposa de Lord Walder, siendo la única hija de ese matrimonio.
-De pequeña se perdió en el bosque, jugando con su sobrina Amerei, un año mayor que ella. Desde entonces la tienen vigilada constantemente.
-Ahora, Walder planea casarla con Robb Stark siempre y cuando no tenga otra proposición mejor.
Jason Mallister
Edad: 37 años
Estatus: Señor de Varamar
Requisitos: Ficha
PB Sugerido: Timothy Omundson
-Cabeza de la Casa Mallister y Señor de Varamar.
-Participó en la Rebelión de Robert así como en la Rebelión Greyjoy, donde mató a Rodrick Greyjoy.
-Caballeroso y honorable, es la muestra de un caballero perfecto.
-Es valiente y no le teme a lanzarse en la batalla con su caballo.
-Es considero guapo a pesar de la edad.
-Jason se añade a las fuerzas de Robb y participa en la Batalla del Bosque Susurrante.
Jonos Bracken
Edad: 39 años
Estatus: Señor de Seto de Piedra
Requisitos: Ficha
PB Sugerido: Danny McBride
-Cabeza de la Casa Bracken y Señor de Seto de Piedra.
-Casado por tercera vez, tiene cinco hijas. Dos de su primera esposa y tres de la última de ellas.
-Uno de los vasallos más antiguos y leales de Lord Tully.
-De modales toscos aún siendo caballero, es pronto a la ira pero resuelto en la diplomacia.
-Su odio hacia los Blackwood es capaz de llevarle a hacer cualquier cosa.
-Tiene una cuenta personal con Tytos Blackwood pero no se sabe el qué, se rumorea que por arrebatarle a su prometida años atrás.
-Tiene un bastardo Harry Ríos, al que no está seguro si convertirlo su heredero.
Tytos Blackwood
Edad: 33 años
Estatus: Señor de Árbol de los Cuervos
Requisitos: Ficha
PB Sugerido: Jeremy Irons
-Cabeza de la Casa Blackwood y Señor de Árbol de los Cuervos.
-Tiene seis hijos y una hija.
-Devoto de los Antiguos Dioses, apoyó a Robb cuando se proclamó Rey en el Norte.
-Aprecia la caballerosidad aunque no dudará en defender su Casa de cualquiera.
-Tiene una cuenta personal con Jonos Bracken pero no se sabe el qué, se rumorea que porque Tytos le arrebató a su prometida años atrás.
Edric Dayne
Edad: 15 años
Estatus: Señor de Campoestrella
Requisitos: Ficha
PB Sugerido: Ed Speleers
-Apodado Ned, es cabeza de la Casa Dayne y Señor de Campoestrella.
-Tras el compromiso de Beric Dondarrion con Allyria Dayne, fue enviado a Refugio Negro para servir como paje. Actualmente ostenta el puesto de escudero.
-Es un chico servicial, atento y agudo aunque un poco orgulloso.
-Quiere llegar a ser tan conocido como Arthur Dayne.
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meryllfrey · 9 months ago
Meryll of House Frey (OC) -- Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire
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FULL NAME:  Meryll Frey BORN: 281 AC ALLEGIANCE: House Frey CULTURE: Riverlands STATUS: Unmarried RELIGION:  The Seven LOCATION: The Twins, Riverlands SOCIAL CLASS: Noble SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Westerosi Common Tongue, High Valyrian
MOTHER: Mariya Frey (of House Darry) FATHER: Merrett Frey, Ninth Son of Walder Frey SIBLINGS: Amerei "Gatehouse Ami" Frey, "Fat" Walda Frey, Marissa Frey, "Little" Walder
FACE CLAIM: Gemma Arterton HAIR COLOR: Chestnut Brown EYE COLOR: Light Brown TATTOO(S): N/A SCAR(S): N/A
ATTRACTS WITH: Captivating charm and compassion, complexity, humour, loyalty, marvellous mind, eccentricities, humanitarian conscience, high ideals and inspiring imagination, exaggerated curiosity
LOSES WITH: Self-righteousness and brutal honesty, emotional defenses and paralysis, lack of deep personal engagement, unreasonable arguments and opposition
BIOGRAPHY: Meryll was the fourth daughter born to Merrett and Mariya Frey. Four girls, and no sons. Her father had been greatly disappointed by the birth of another daughter. Meryll can't remember if anyone ever told her that, but as a child, she must have sensed it on some level, because as early as she can remember, she tried to be the son her father wanted. She dressed in boys clothing and followed him everywhere. He taught her how to care for the horses, how to fish, how to ford the river when the waters were high, and other practical skills.
After Meryll's tenth nameday, Merrett and Mariya were finally blessed with a boy -- "Little" Walder, and her father finally had a real son. She was getting to an age were she couldn't really pass herself off as a boy anymore anyway. Around this same time, Merrett began suffering terrible headaches as a result of a head injury suffered when he was a squire. He started drinking heavily and became known as the Twin's biggest drunk, none of which improved his mood. He was a mean drunk and Meryll began to feel as if her very existence offended him somehow. Fortunately, her Uncle Danwell and Aunt Winnifrei, who had not been able to have children, stepped in and raised Meryll as if she was their own.
Meryll begged for a sword but Uncle Danwell didn't think it wise to give such an unruly girl a blade, and instead presented her with a bow. She turned out to be a natural with a good eye and steady hand.
Growing up at the Twins, Meryll was close with her three sisters, Amerei, Walda and Marissa, as well as an uncle of similar age to her, Olyvar, and a cousin, Alesander. Meryll didn't have a bad relationship with her mother, but Mariya wasa prickly woman, lacking in warmth.
While home at the Twins, Meryll spends as much time as possible outdoors, and can often be found reading by the riverbank. She is particularly fond of tales of the great knights, her favourite being Ser Barristan the Bold, Ser Gerald Hightower, and Ser Duncan the tall -- in that order.
There will be blood | Pre- Red Wedding (AGOT, ACOK)
This is a time of uncertainty for House Frey. Meryll has kinsmen who are loyal to the Starks, and kinsmen who think the only way for House Frey to survive is to kneel to King Joffrey. In this verse, Meryll can be found in: 
The Twins (default)
Kings Landing – attending the Tourney of  the Hand with her Uncle Danwell
Winterfell – as Catelyn’s wards along with Little Walder and Big Walder
The Dreadfort – helping pregnant sister Walda
10 things I hate about you | Post- Red Wedding
Meryll is conflicted about her family’s actions and is looking for a way to leave The Twins. It is a dangerous time, however, with House Frey being persona non grata, and it’s hard to know who to trust. In this verse, Meryll can be found:
At The Twins, plotting her escape
Travelling around Westeros, hiding her identity
Across the Narrow Sea | Post- Red Wedding, in Essos
Meryll has accompanied her childhood hero, Ser Barristan Selmy, to Essos to find Daenerys Stormborn. In this verse, Meryll can be found:
in various locations of Essos, still searching for Daenerys
anywhere along Daenerys’ book or show route
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goodqueenaly · 1 year ago
I think it's a bit of a complicated situation that may become more unstable in TWOW.
With the deaths of Ser Raymun Darry and his young son and heir Lyman in AGOT and ACOK, respectively, House Darry appears to have lost its last male-line male dynasts. The only remaining (known, living, legitimate) male-line Darrys are the late Raymun’s two sisters, Mariya (the elder) and Jeyne (the younger). Each of the Darry sisters married a Frey brother (or half-brother, technically), with Mariya marrying (the late) Merrett and Jeyne marrying (the late) Cleos. Mariya had three surviving daughters (Amerei, “Fat” Walda, and Marissa) and a son, “Little” Walder, while Jeyne had two sons, Tywin and Willem.
So when House Darry went extinct in the (legitimate) male line, and Tywin distributed Darry to his eldest nephew, Kevan sought to bolster Lancel’s claim through a quasi-Darry marriage. As the eldest child of the elder Darry daughter, Amerei had (and has) a strong claim in her own right to Darry (if, at the moment of the grant and betrothal, Amerei’s claim might have been argued to be slightly weaker, as purely a matter of male-preference primogeniture, than that of her younger brother). Jaime correctly recognized, when visiting the castle in AFFC, that “House Darry had ruled [its] lands since the Andals cast down the First Men”, and that Lances “would have an easier time of it if the peasants saw him as a continuation of the old line, holding these lands by right of marriage rather than royal decree”. Amerei was not named Lady of Darry in her own right - Tywin was far too keen on securing prizes for the Lannisters wherever he could - but her bloodline claim directly influenced her marriage to the crown’s appointed Lord of Darry.
However, with Lancel voluntarily surrendering the lordship to join the Warrior’s Sons (and leaving his bride childless), the question of the Darry succession is at best unclear. Genna Lannister offered a neat (for the Lannisters, anyway) solution, to substitute Lancel’s only surviving brother, Martyn, as Amerei’s lord husband, about as direct a transition of power from the crown’s original nominee as possible. Though Jaime countered Genna’s dynastic complaints about not receiving Darry in the first place by suggesting that Genna “write to Cersei and make your case”, Genna dismissed the idea, citing her husband’s ambition to “rule the riverlands” despite their own grant, of Riverrun, being in her opinion a “poisoned prize”. Interestingly, Genna does not nominate Cleos’ younger son, Willem, for the lordship, though as the only surviving, legitimate, eligible male of Darry blood remaining (since elder brother Tywin is set, ostensibly, to inherit Riverrun after his grandfather), Willem could, at least on paper, make a case for himself. Nor does the Darry question arise during Kevan’s last meeting with the small council (despite nearly every other political issue across Westeros being addressed, or at least noted).
So Darry, going into TWOW, has no clear heir, much less actively ruling and so-named lord (or lady). Is it possible that Amerei marries Lyle Crakehall, who consoled her as Jaime departed Darry, and Lyle claims Darry as its jure uxoris lord? Is it possible the remaining Freys at Darry are too distracted by wider circumstances to debate the problem (the antagonistic smallfolk Amerei so naively honestly reported to Jaime), perhaps even something like a second Red Wedding? Is it possible someone - like, say, the would-be King Aegon VI - distributes Darry to one of his supporters (perhaps to that bastard Darry cousin alluded to in the grant of Darry to Lancel, or at least someone who claims to be that person)? Any or none of these might be possible for Darry’s fate.
Given that she was the Lady of Darry, wouldn't Amerei technically rule the fiefdom?
I think part of that was the Lannister appointment of Lancel as the Lord of Darry in an attempt to consolidate control over the Riverlands via marriages and appointment of loyalists. Given that the authority was given through the Iron Throne's appointment of Lancel, who is disinterested, and given that the Iron Throne is about to have a whole boatload of other problems, that claim isn't very strong if Ami can't find people to enforce it.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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goodqueenaly · 1 year ago
In your opinion, would it have been a good option to solve Saera's scandal, for her parents to solve the problem by marrying her to Braxton Beesbury?
In the end, it seems to me that making her Lady of Bessbury was a better option for her so that her children could inherit Honeyholt.
Good for whom?
As an aristocratic Westerosi daughter (and the daughter of Jaehaerys I - more on him in a moment), Saera had neither the agency nor the liberty to choose her romantic/sexual partners in the ordinary course of events. While she answered, somewhat blithely, that she would likely be married to one of her lovers once her parents discovered her relationships (we'll put aside her comment on marrying all three), it does not appear that Saera had a deep interest in marrying any of them, Beesbury included. Rather, what Saera seems to have wanted was the freedom to do as she liked with her sexuality - a choice fundamentally incompatible with Westerosi marriage, where not only would Saera be cut off from the possibility of any romantic/sexual relationships beyond that with her husband, but also where she would have been required to be available to that husband for sex whenever he decided.
Jaehaerys, for his part, was not simply a patriarchal Westerosi father, but a particularly violent misogynist, one whose love for his children (and his female relations generally) seems to have been not only limited but defined by those biases. If there is some precedent in Westeros for aristocratic fathers covering up their daughters' sexual scandals (as Westerosi society sees them, anyway) through quick marriages - see, say, Delena Florent's marriage to Hosman Norcross, or Amerei Frey's marriage to Ser Pate of the Blue Fork - I don't believe Jaehaerys had any interest in such a marriage for Saera following the revelation of the affair. To marry Saera to Braxton might imply, in the king's mind I think, that Jaehaerys almost post facto approved of their sexual relationship. To satisfy that violent misogyny, Jaehaerys would instead redefine both parties in a way which both absolved him of blame and allowed him to channel his fury: Braxton became the criminal knight who had "seduced and despoiled" a royal maiden - who had, in effect, taken from Jaehaerys the ownership of Saera's virginity and sexuality - while, simultaneously, Saera was retroactively defined as a "whore", to be punished and shamed as Westerosi society so often does sex workers.
And all of this is in the context of a king (and queen) who seem to have cared little if at all for the political advantages any of their children's marriages might have brought. Indeed, Jaehaerys' pleasure that "[t]hey would not need to scour the realm to find a match for Saera, when three such promising young men were here at hand" speaks to how little Jaehaerys contemplated the diplomatic alliance Saera's marriage might have represented: Braxton was the heir to an old but relatively minor family of Hightower vassal lords, hardly as high-ranking as Saera herself (and in fact, perhaps not even of the same rank as his two fellow suitors, both of whom were the lords or heirs to seats directly sworn to the crown's paramount vassals). Any good, in a purely geopolitical sense, that might have come from the marriage of Saera and Braxton Beesbury would have been at best speculative and limited by lack of power, ability, and influence on the parts of both House Beesbury and Braxton personally.
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hollowwhisperings · 2 years ago
some asoiaf crackships for thought:
obara sand/gerold dayne: butch lady warrior hunts a renowned & infamous knight at her lady's command. said knight is of dubious morality and seemingly contradictory loyalties.
ashara dayne/howland reed: lady of Aerys II's court finds her frog prince amidst multiple conspiracies and tragedies. A + H = M.
amerei frey/ser donnel waynwood: "gatehouse" amy weds the knight of the bloody gate (this would actually be a huge political move but is, mostly, Just For Pun).
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alsethwisson · 2 years ago
My favourite moment was where the whole fandom went with Jaime making fun of Lancel. As in, a boy of barely eighteen, exploited by an older woman and actually blaming himself and not launching into lengthy monologues about how that (a lot of slutshaming words) woman destroyed his life.
Sure, he’s gone off the deep end into religion, but he is still better man than Jaime. Note that his wife is ~Amerei Frey~ and he not once called her the choice words Jaime reserves for his sister.
My favorite moment in Jamie’s redemption arc was when he threatened a father with trebucheting his newborn baby to get him to surrender a castle his family stole by treachery
My favourite moment was when agreed to give his horses the names 'Honor' and 'Glory', then daydreamed of being called Goldenhand the Just.
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