#|| meryll of house frey
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meryllfrey · 9 months ago
Anonymous asked:
"What have you done."
fallesto answered:
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He had seen the madness within her. He had tried to fight it. He had done all he could through these years to guide her onto the right path. To ensure she did not fall like her father had before her. He had believed in her. He had followed her without question and like so many others he had loved her. He had fought for her, bleed for her, killed for her.
All to see her onto the iron throne. He had served many kings in his lifetime, each and every single one of them not worthy enough to call themselves a king - but she was different, she truly wanted to change the world. To break the wheel and bring around change.
But not like this, nothing was worth what she had done.
He had done it again. He had done what he had done all those decades ago with her father. He had just stood there – and done nothing. She had slaughtered them all. Burned them all to ash and cinder. Her father had done the same and then - he even stood there and protected the man, stopped any from helping him even when he knew it was wrong, he was the king and he was his knight. Again - again it had happened and again he had done what was expected of him.
He had stood there and done nothing while thousands perished.
All his life he had wanted to be a knight. From the moment he could stand and hold onto something - he had wanted to be a knight. To defend the people. To protect the innocent. To stand for those who could not stand. To fight for those who did not have the means to do so.
To protect everyone no matter what there name was or were they had come from. He had sworn to fight the wrong and protect the good and he had failed the people. It was only now - in this final moment did he finally see that Jamie was right in what he had done and that he - he was the one that was wrong.
“I – I –”
He could not form any words as he had fallen to his knees to lay here down on the ground. He still held her as his sword had been thrown to the side. Her blood still on his hands as history had repeated itself in this very throne room, on these very steps. A kingsguard had slain there ruler. A sword in the back as Ser Jamie had done all those decades ago. He - he could not allow her to continue. She wanted to burn them all, she wanted to push her forces forward, she had not had her fill. He had no other choice, for once in his life. For the first time since he could remember, he had done something on his own. He had done something not for his ruler, but for the people.
@fallesto (Barristan)
They'd had so much hope.
A queen who was different. Who wanted to make a difference. A queen who would put her people first.
They'd bent the knee to Dany happily -- Meryll swearing her service, Barristan swearing his sword.
They'd had so much hope.
There had been so much to be hopeful for. Dany had broken the chains of the slaves. She'd turned the east on its head -- making the slaves the masters, and the masters the slaves. She'd counted the children nailed to the posts along the road to Meereen, and she answered injustice with justice. 163 times.
Perhaps they should have known. Had it not been Ser Barristan who had pleaded for mercy that day? Perhaps the swift and violent justice carried out by their queen that day should have been a sign of what was to come.
Meryll remembered hearing of how Dany had burned the Khals. The awe on Ser Jorah's face. Or had it been fear? Perhaps Daario had had the right of it: All rulers are butchers or meat.
It hadn't happened over night. Dany had not gone to sleep a child and woken the next as mad as her father. It had happened gradually, like the proverbial frog in boiling water. And none of them had noticed, until the city was burning around them in the shadow of a dragon.
Hope faltered.
Meryll had known on some level what was happening when Ser Barristan took that first step toward his queen, in that instant before he drew his blade. She moved after him, wading through the mud of regret and misplaced hope, her arm outstretched as if she could stop him, but never reaching far enough.
Now, she stood useless, watching as the blood spread across the floor and moved past the soles of her boots, watching as the steadfast knight faltered and flailed, unable to find words to match the surety of his actions.
She should not have cried out to him in outrage. What had he done?
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"You ... you did your duty," she said shakily. “Your duty as a knight. You swore vows. To protect all women and children. The innocent."
He'd failed terribly in his duties as a sworn queensguard. But today, he was no queensguard. Today, he was a knight.
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ofrosesandash · 6 years ago
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Holy crap, I've broken a hundred followers. And this reboot of Margaery has been kind of fantastic for me, so thank you to everyone following me, and everyone who has talked to or written with me. In honor of this milestone, I am giving a nod and a shout out to some great blogs and their writers. Due to my ass being terrible with noticing these details, I'm using the pronouns "They" because I'm not positive who is a she or a he or in between.
To begin with, my first shout-out to those I feel are constantly under appreciated: MultiMuse Blogs. I mean, there can be rare and wonderful Muses in their rosters. Running one of these Bad Boys is a HUGE commitment to multiple characters you believe you'll use frequently. These peeps are the lifeblood of RP Communities.
Cori is amazing and we go way back to when I first started writing Margaery, I wanna say in 2015. We've both bounced between in different URLs and Blogs. While I've only written with their Sansa at this time, they have a lovely selection of ladies they write quite well!
They've got a selection of top notice rare muses, and at least one nifty OC. It's been a bit since I checked out the roster. The ones I've written with are Edward Covenant from "The Order", Herc Hansen from "Pacific Rim", their Pacific Rim original, and Riddick-aka the badass Scifi Anti-Hero portrayed by Vin Diesal. Not only are all of these characters available, they write them damn well. Talking with them has been a true delight; and though there is a time zone difference, it's worth waiting for them to respond. Not to mention, they're honestly just great to talk to about antics planned or occurred.
This lovely person reblogs a roster of their active muses. They've got some of the tougher ones in the fandom-Cleganes, Joffrey, Qyburn, Selmy, and others. The roster also currently includes all of Margaery's husband. You should, honestly, already be following them.
A multi Muse by Lady Grey. A fantastic Mun and a dynamite writer. We haven't written quite as much as I'd like yet-but we have spoken a bit. Lovely person, brilliant writer.
Don't let the URL fool you, they’ve got more then one muse. They've got a cool selection of OC's and Canon characters, and they're a lot of fun to write with!
I haven't written with them yet (my bad), but they seem very nice, and on their roster includes the lost Tyrell brothers, Willas and Garlan!
A lovely person I spoke to and wrote with a little; their roster contains Margaery's sister in law, Leonette Fossoway.
The Squad
These are two who've had the most OOC and partial crack interactions which. These discussions have been pretty much perfect, so, I identify them as Margaery's squad.
I mean, look at that URL. There are many talented Sansa's on this site, but that URL definitely stands out to me. We've been plotting and talking out of character almost fairly regularly, and they've got a great grasp of their muse.
Similarly there are a number of great Loras's out there. That said, this particular Loras writer has always been the easiest for me to talk to. I don't know them well, but they're friendly, and a great writer, and I've really enjoyed writing with them.
Precious Ones
These are people I love writing with. Maybe they aren't in Margaery's squad (at least yet), but she definitely enjoys her time with them, and is prepared to fight for them.
NORA IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SUNSHINE SPOT IN THE FANDOM. We mostly scream head canons about Margaery and her smol King Husband back and forth at each other, but we have threaded. It's always a treat, and it usually tugs at my heart strings. For instance, once upon a time, Margaery found herself romantic with a Tywin. And she started to apologize to Tommen and explain she didn't think it was wise if they married, because she'd fallen in love with another. When she revealed who, Nora's Tommen's response was the most precious, purest things ever. "But he's old!" Also they've got an older Tommen/Arya ship that's to die for.
This is the first time Margaery has really connected to an Arya. And, like most of the older people Arya meets, she would kill for this murder inclined child. We've already got one AU for my Olen verse, where both Arya and Margaery are at the wall pretending to be boys.
So far we've got one thread; but ya know, it's been great watching Margaery and Jaime interact. This is furthered by the fact that their grasp of Jaime hurts my heart.
Margaery is so happy to finally connect to her twice sister by law. And honestly, I've never quite grokked full book or show canon, as I personally favor blended-so I really like what the mun has done with their muse.
The Greatest Ladies GRRM Inspired
I have a mad love for original characters. While writing a pre-established character takes talent, original characters express one's love and passion for a fandom. That fandom has inspired a whole character. Side note, I honestly love original character relations to canon characters. (If you couldn't tell). I don't see role play as needing to follow canon, as long as everyone acts in character. So, the more the merrier.
Margaery didn't know how much she wanted a real sister until Trysta appeared. I'm a bit slow to respond to my threads with them, but this isn't commentary on my appreciation for mun or muse.
A newer lovely muse, one can never have enough Blackwaters. Where GRRM stopped with Bronn, they decided he needed a sister.
Honestly this is an original character that's managed to stick around, and that's saying something. Writing an OC can be extremely discouraging, with minimal interaction, almost no chance at shipping. But Lady Grey's Meryll Frey is a testament of creativity and determination.
Shout Outs
These are people I've talked to but for whatever reason haven't written with yet. For some of them, this is strictly on the standard of Margaery wouldn't interact with them, or I haven't cooked up anything yet.
This is a super sweet muse running a book based Danaerys Targaryean. While I favor blended canon myself, book canon is nuanced, so pulling it off is an impressive ability. And pull it off, they do.
I first ran into them on one of my OC blogs, and honestly, I love them. Other then a previous absence of Jorah Mormonts in the fandom, well, let me quote them "Jorah Mormont FUCKS". This highlights their delightful attitude.
For obvious reasons, Margaery and Cersei will never be best buddies. That said, this is still my personal favorite Cersei-and not just because they put up with my originals. They're lovely as a person, and a very talented writer with some brilliant insight about their muse.
This is another monument of the fandom. I've been dabbling between different muses since Season 3, and I can usually find that URL around. A fandom treasure, and a nice person
In talks with them, I fleshed out Margaery's wizarding world verse. They also put up with me because we were in the middle of discussion when I found myself in the ER due to a negative medication reaction. Even checked in. So, if you've got an HP verse, I strongly suggest following this Draco Malfoy.
Shameless Self Promo For Other Blogs of Mine You Should Check Out:
Did you know the Hightower's - Margaery's Mother's Family - are actually really interesting? They have a Valyrian blade called Vigilance. Their house is one of the oldest, they man a Lighthouse, and their words are "We Light the Way". OH and more notably, they're rumored to dabble in alchemy, necromancy, and other magic. So Margaery has two side Blogs: One for her mother, and one for one of her Aunts.
Alerie Hightower is probably the mother of your favorite Tyrell. Olenna was born a Redwyne, she doesn't count. That's right-this is Mace Tyrell's wife, mother of Willas, Garlan, Loras, Margaery-and Trysta too!
First of all, consider that that's not just a clever url. That's literally what she's called-the Mad Maid, rumored to dabble in spells, last seen locked away with her father looking for a method to stop the Greyjoy Incursion.
Next up I have a pair of OC Families. The Wildcrows, completely Original Content, and House Ferren-mostly original content.
Technically Alyssa and Baelor Wildcrow had different names when I first conceptualized them. But those original concepts were AU's for characters whose face claims already existed in Game of Thrones-and characters I'm actually plugging in original works. As I result, I created these two. Lys and Bael Wildcrow are Sellswords born of a Night's watch Deserter and a Wildling. Their father may have been a Blackfyre, but they have no idea what that means-nor would either of them care. If I'm not bothering with giving them a claim, why bother making them Blackfyres? One: I wanted to give them purple eyes. Two: Fire invulnerability neither of them realizes they have, as they grew up isolated. I find this could make for excellent hijinks.
See, I love ferrets. Probably my favorite animal. So when a canon house was revealed called Ferren with two silver ferrets on its banner, I was desperate to know more. Except there wasn't much. They existed. Banner House of House Lannister. So I got a little carried away creating a history of a House and occupants to inhabit it. While the primary character is Seiran-the sudden Lady of her house after her father's sudden death-I also have the whole damn house hold available for interactions.
Finally, just a pair of fandomless girls I think you might just like:
Beatrix is a favorite creation of mine. She's a fandomless original character with explosive tendencies, behaviors, and habits.
This is a side blog of Beatrix. Deia was inspired by Deadpool-what with the ability to poke the Fourth Wall and know way more then she should about pre-established character. I'm winging her as well somewhere between a Time Agent from Doctor Who and a member of the Temps Commision from Netflix's Umbrella Academy Adapttion.
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wolveshonor · 6 years ago
@meryllfrey liked for a starter 
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Robb lowered his hood only after the wagon had dissapeared down the road. It was important that no one recognized him now in these dark and dangerous times. He returned to the clearing where he’d left Meryll, his arms full with food and weapons, and not a single coin left to his name. That was it then: they were on their own: the king of the North with no army and--for the time being--no title; and a Frey’s daughter, a runaway from her father, likely the last survivor of a fallen house. 
They were dead, all of them: his wife, his mother, his men. And Robb had taken quite a few of Meryll’s brothers and uncles with them before the Twins had caught fire. They had not stayed to count survivors, though Robb secretly hoped there were none. He had not said a single world to Meryll through the journey so far--only a day’s time--but his thoughts were not kind. She was innocent--as were her sisters. But for all he cared--for all he hoped--every last man of the Frey family was turned to ash. 
“Eat,” he said, the first time he’d spoken since the wedding, the night they would one day call The Red Wedding. “There may not be another chance for some time.” 
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Possible Meryl-Fedor Wedding Venue
Le Mas des Poiriers – A Farmhouse in Provence
Our family's renovation of an 18th century farmhouse in Provence set on 65 acres of pear orchard and sunflowers. Bienvenue!
For additional information, please visit Le Mas des Poiriers and follow @provencepoiriers on Instagram for daily inspiration.
August 4, 2017
For years, American expatriates Shauna Varvel and her husband enjoyed spending summers with their five children in Provence.  In 2014, kismet led them to rent the home that is now Le Mas des Poiriers, an 18th century farm house nestled among 65 secluded acres including working pear orchards. The family fell in love, and a year later when the property became available for sale, they decided to buy it. Le Mas des Poiriers underwent extensive renovation by the esteemed Alexandre Lafourcade. Landscape architect Dominique Lafourcade transformed the gardens, and Susan Bednar Long redesigned the interiors using Pierre Frey fabrics exclusively.  Every inch is true to the spirit of Provence.
Le Mas des Poiriers is available for rent, and I am fantasizing about a dream vacation in Provence! In the meantime, I am delighted to welcome Shauna Varvel to The Glam Pad today for a virtual holiday…
Q:  How did Le Mas des Poiriers receive its name, and what is the English translation?
A:  Our farm, Le Mas des Poiriers, produces 60 tonnes of pears annually and the house sits adjacent to the pear orchard. The actual and original name of the house is Grange Neuve, which we use, but we have named the farm Le Mas des Poiriers, which translates as “The Pear Trees Farm House.”
Q:  In what year was Le Mas des Poiriers built, and what is its history?
A:  The house was built over 200 years ago as a farm house, or a “Mas.” The Rhone River divides near Avignon and the Palace of the Popes and the farm sits between the two arms of the Rhone, on an island. Thus the property’s land is very fertile and green, which is unusual in this dry and rocky region. The farm was formerly in a flood plan and had a high platform near the barn that served as a place to put the animals during during a flood.
Q:  What inspired you to purchase this beautiful property?
A:  Provence has been a passion of mine for many years. When my five children were young, we would rent a house for a month or so in the summertime, spending our mornings at the markets or visiting ancient Roman ruins, our afternoons by the pool, and our evenings making dinner together and eating al fresco in the garden to the tune of cicadas. We created beautiful memories as the children ran around in the Provencal sun without the distractions of everyday life, picking grapes and pears and enjoying the beauty and serenity of the region. In the summer of 2014, we rented the home that is now Le Mas des Poiriers and fell in love with it for its uniquely large structure and distinct location, being within minutes from the charming city of Avignon and yet in a secluded world of its own on a fertile island within the Rhone River. We were thrilled a year later to discover that the property had been listed for sale. We knew that we loved having 10,000 square feet in one building to fit our large family (many properties in Provence connect small buildings together to make one), the high volume in the ceilings and the flat and green land surrounding the property. We also knew that it would be a lot of work but we felt that in the end, the effort and investment would pay off in a way that it couldn’t in other properties.
Q: Please tell me about the architectural, interior, and landscaping renovations you have overseen.
A:  We hired the Alexandre Lafourcade architect team for the renovation. They are the clear specialists in this region for these kinds of old houses. Through their vision we were able to re-organize the exterior, adding a new front door in a new location, tearing out ceilings and staircases to make a new beautiful front entry, add a new master bedroom, family bedroom, living room and mud room in a space that had formerly been a barn, with a dirt floor. We tore out floors, walls, all bathrooms, added antique fireplaces, new floors throughout, etc. We used finishings that would have been used traditionally in the house, like Dordogne stone floors, on the main level, reclaimed antique terracotta floors on the upper level and traditional marble cut in a Provencal style in the bathrooms. We completely changed the landscape working with the famed Provencal landscape designer, Dominique Lafourcade. We moved the swimming pool from the south side of the house to the west, the kitchen side of the house which made more sense to us. We added a tennis court adjacent to the swimming pool and Dominique designed a charming tennis court house on the east side of the court, painted a beautiful French blue. The property boasts 75 200-year-old plane trees in three allées, which were cleaned and pruned to highlight their beauty. Additionally, we added very tall cypresses to form a cypress allée coming off the center axis of the house. We added a wisteria covered arched walkway to the pool and also a beautiful rose covered archway off of the living room. The tennis court is surrounded by old olive trees, lavender and plants that would be found in the Luberon valley, giving it a distinct feeling that is different from the rest of the property. There was an old decrepit barn on the property that we renovated to house two staff apartments with a two-bedroom apartment upstairs and a one-bedroom apartment downstairs. On the east side, there is a view of Mount Ventoux and we have a large room that can be used as a rec room or a staff room.
Q:  What was your vision for the beautiful interiors, and were you able to work with antiques original to the home? How did you decide to use Pierre Frey fabrics exclusively throughout?
A:  The house is very large and could have been decorated and finished to feel more like a Bastide or a Villa, but I felt strongly that it should maintain the feeling of the country farmhouse that it is. I absolutely love and was inspired by the La Mirande Hotel that is just across the river from us. The La Mirande is a city hotel and is very elegant but we took inspiration from their fabrics, bathrooms and from their Chef’s Table kitchen, in the basement of the hotel. In fact, our kitchen, was built by the son of the gentleman who built the Chef’s Table kitchen years ago. We did inherit some antiques with the house and have used them in a few places. We inherited some lovely hunting dog paintings that feature in the entry and living room and two small desks that are in the living room. Additionally, I travelled between Paris, shopping on the left bank and at the weekend market, Isle sur la Sorgue in Provence and London for the Decorative Antique Fair, every few months collecting antiques and art. It took the full two years to find all of the pieces needed to fill the house.
Regarding Pierre Frey, I have long loved their traditional French country fabrics and was thrilled to be able to integrate them here. I worked with a decorator, Susan Bednar Long, with whom I have had a long professional relationship. We worked together on this project and sat in the Pierre Frey showroom in Paris for two days straight pulling fabrics and creating fabric schemes for each room. The manager of the Paris showroom, Eleonore, came to the house several times during the project and recommended the seamstress and upholsterer that Pierre Frey uses in Paris.
Q:  For a guest staying at Le Mas des Poiriers, what does a typical itinerary look like for a long weekend visit? And for a week or more? What activities do you recommend?
A:  We rent the entire house for approximately 4 – 5 weeks a year on a weekly basis. In a week, you could cover many of the famous Provencal villages in the area and visit some of the most popular markets. There are a myriad of sites and markets to visit in Provence. We recommend that you take it slowly and balance days out with days lounging by the pool or playing tennis, touring the gardens, sunflower fields or pear orchard at Le Mas des Poiriers attended by our thoughtful and professional staff. Gordes is a favorite among most visitors along with the other hilltop villages in the Luberon Valley such as Bonnieux, Lacoste and Menerbes. When visiting Gordes do not miss the lovely Abbey Senanque with its lavender fields, just beyond Gordes in a beautiful canyon. Avignon is just ten minutes away and is home to the Palace of the Popes, one of the largest and most important Medieval Gothic buildings in Europe, and a UNESCO Heritage Site. Pont du Gard, the highest and one of the best preserved Roman Aqueduct and another UNESCO Heritage Site, is just 30 minutes away to the west. St Remy and Eygalières are very popular market towns with markets Wednesday and Friday mornings. Arles boasts a beautiful Roman Coliseum that rivals the famous coliseum in Rome and Nimes is home of the beautiful Roman Maison Carree.
Lavender fields at Abbey Senanque
Q:  Your culinary team sounds amazing, please tell me about dining at Le Mas des Poiriers.
A:  Our culinary team are state of the art with experience from New York’s Park Avenue to fine French kitchens. They are on-hand to create a personalized menu for each meal during your stay, moving your dining experience from our patio to the plane tree allée, the cypress allée or by the pool for a beautiful and varied experience at each meal.
Q:  How many guests can Le Mas des Poiriers accommodate at one time? I would imagine this would be an ideal venue for a destination wedding!
A:  We have nine double bedrooms and have a maximum sleeping capacity of 18 guests. Le Mas des Poiriers is a perfect wedding venue and we collaborate with the incredible talented team of Matthew Robbins Design to coordinate events.
Thank you, Shauna, for sharing your enchanted home with us today!  Le Mas des Poiriers is now at the top of my bucket list.
With seven bedrooms in the main house and two additional bedrooms in the guest house, Le Mas des Poiriers offers the utmost in seclusion and luxury. The property boasts a tennis court and swimming pool, and it is professionally staffed with a culinary team of two chefs and two waiters, as well as full-time housekeeping. Within easy reach of Avignon, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Gordes, St. Remy, and Aix-en Provence, Le Mas des Poiriers is ideally situated to access all that the region has to offer, should you decide to spend a day away from the peaceful property.
Le Mas des Poiriers Vacation Rental
The property's 65 acres offers true seclusion, amidst working pear orchards, which produce six tonnes of fruit annually.
​With seven bedrooms in the main house and two additional bedrooms in the guest house, Le Mas des Poiriers offers the utmost in seclusion and luxury. The property boasts a tennis court and swimming pool. The interiors, which are undergoing final touches, include Pierre Frey fabrics exclusively. Drawing from the iconic style of the nearby La Mirande hotel, every inch is true to the spirit of Provence.
​​The home has recently undergone extensive renovation by the esteemed Alexandre Lafourcade, with gardens overseen by Dominique Lafourcade, the famed Provencal landscape architect. The house is professionally staffed with a culinary team of two chefs and two waiters, as well as full-time housekeeping.
​Within easy reach of Avignon, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Gordes, St. Remy, and Aix-en Provence, Le Mas des Poiriers is ideally situated to access all that the region has to offer, should you decide to spend a day away from the peaceful property.
Accommodations Le Mas des Poiriers is an 18th century farm house in Provence, located near the Medieval city of Avignon on Isle de la Motte.
Date Picker:      Guest        
Travel Dates
Min. Night Stay
Now to Dec 31, 2019 97
/per night
Security Deposit: €10,000 + APA  €10,000 (Advance Provisional  Allowance) needed for the cost of food and drinks.
Minimum Stay: 7 Nights.  Minimum night stay may vary by villa. Please contact a villa specialist to confirm.
Important! Non-USD rates above based on approximate currency conversion. Please confirm rate and currency with your Villa Specialist at time of booking.
Main House
7 Double bedrooms
Large Dining Room with seating for 18
Living Room
Family Room
Kitchen with Family Dining Area
Mud Room
Orangerie with Herve Baume dining table to seat 22
TV Room
Guest House
2 Queen bedrooms
Sitting Room
Provence Travel Guide
Understated Elegance
Provence, located in the south of France, is one of France’s most beautiful provinces. It’s perhaps most famous for its striking, fragrant lavender fields which bloom in early summer. But you don’t have to time your visit to the lavender; the region offers plenty more to see and do.
The delightful city of Aix-en-Provence is a highlight in the region with its Cours Mirabeau, a miniature Champs-Elysees, which is alive with restaurants and shops. On the coast of Provence you’ll find the fishing village of Cassis, where you can take a boat tour of the harbor. And further west you’ll find Marseille, France’s oldest city and an important trading port throughout history.
Other notable destinations include the Roman city of Arles, the city of Avignon with its famous medieval bridge, the Pont d’Avignon, and Les Baux de Provence, a fortified hilltop village. And throughout your Provence villa vacation, you can enjoy regional produce like olives and truffles, as well as famous Provençal dishes such as bouillabaisse and boeuf en daube, which, like Provence, are meant to be savored.
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meryllfrey · 9 months ago
@burnnouts (Robb)
Three years of war. Much of the Riverlands had been ravaged -- the fields burned and salted, villages ransacked, lords and ladies hanged. A new stag sat upon the throne. And yet, here at the Twins, nothing had changed.
It was Grandfather's way. A few words of support, a mayhaps here, a we shall see there, but nothing binding. It didn't win the Freys any respect, but they'd managed to keep their heads in the war.
But still, Grandfather always took his toll, and Lord Stark was here to pay up.
This was a little different from the usual line-up of her sisters and cousins in the great hall, a veritable feast for some lordling to peruse and haggle over. The last line-up had been for Lord Bolton, and a collective sigh of relief had been heard in the hall when Meryll's sister, Walda had been chosen. Walda had been thrilled, oddly.
There was a feeling of excitement in the air today -- so different from the day of Lord Bolton's visit. Lord Stark was young and handsome, and of a respectable house.
And chivalrous, Meryll thought as she stared at the offered arm for a moment before coming to her senses and linking her own through his. Chivalry was something not often seen at the Twins.
She knew the young lord was just being polite. Grandfather had scoffed a bit on Robb's insistence on meeting each potential bride, but in the end must have decided a place for one of his broodlings in a house as powerful as House Stark would be worth a little mummer's display. The girls had already agreed that it would surely be Fair Walda who was chosen, although a few outliers had bet on Marissa.
Despite the agreement between the girls, Meryll couldn't help but notice the jostling and elbowing that had been happening in the courtyard as her sisters and cousins fought to stand in the most strategic positions to gain the young lord's attention.
Being a granddaughter rather than a more valuable daughter, Meryll was one of the last maidens to walk with Lord Stark. She couldn't help feeling sorry for the man. After the valor he'd shown in the war, surely he would have been able to negotiate a more advantageous marriage alliance than this. She wondered what he thought of the agreement now, three years later. Was the toll worth it?
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She couldn't help but offer him a sympathetic smile. "Better than you, I suspect, my lord. This is but a usual day in the life of a woman in my house."
@meryllfrey gets a starter
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The war, finally, had ended. It had been more than three years since Robb had been promised to one of the Frey girls--three long years of traipsing through the South and fighting lions in the field--but finally, he had returned to the Twins to make good on his word. Arya, at his side, had not been pleased about her betrothal to one of Walder's grandsons, and she had complained often that Robb was given a choice when she was not. The choice, however, was an uncomfortable one, as Walder Frey had lined his daughters and granddaughters up like cattle for the butcher and told Robb to "take his pick."
Robb had hoped for less public of a spectacle, not wanting to insult any of the girls in the process--and he had hoped to speak to them at least once before agreeing to unite their lives for all time. Lord Frey had consented to this much--though he did not seem happy about even more 'delay'. So Robb had begun walking around the yard of the Twins with each girl in turn. It had been hours of this before he came to walk with Meryll.
"My Lady," he said politely, offering his arm, and trying not to look as though he was tired by this whole display. After all, she was quite beautiful, and he doubted very much it was her choice to be here either. "How are you?"
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thelightninglord-blog1 · 7 years ago
*casually slips url into inbox and runs away screaming*
Send me your URL and I’ll tell you
My Opinion on;
Character in general: oh man, I love me some good, fleshed-out OCs, and meryll is all kinds of awesome! I especially like that you went with an usual choice of house, taking a name as universally disliked as the frey’s and making a character you can’t help but fall in love with.How they play them: beautifully! a lot of thought and effort has clearly been poured into meryll, and she fits the world so easily that when I first took a peek at her page, I thought she was a canon character from the books! The Mun: really fun to talk to!
Do I:
RP with them: not yet, but there’s something in the works!Want to RP with them: hell yes!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: a wonderfully executed OC with a fab mun! everyone should go follow!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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aion-rsa · 6 years ago
Upcoming Movies Based on Books Releasing in 2019 and Beyond
Novel adaptations coming to the big screen this year and beyond.
Movie studios are always after great source material to adapt, and it’s not all comic books, board games, and rides at Disneyland. Books can provide some of the best inspirations for films of all genres, from gruesome horror to weighty Oscar bait. And there are quite a few movies based on books coming your way in 2019 and beyond.
Here’s a round-up of the book-to-film adaptations on the horizon. Better get reading so you can annoy your friends by telling them "it’s not as good as the book."
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The Art of Racing in the Rain
August 9
Kevin Costner stars as a dog (ok, the voice of one) in this comedy-drama from Simon Curtis who made My Week with Marilyn and Woman in Gold. In it old woofer Enzo recalls memories and lessons he learned from his time with his racing driver owner Denny (Milo Ventimiglia). It’s based on the novel by Garth Stein and marks the first Fox movie to be officially marketed by Disney on its site post-acquisition.
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Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
August 9
This kid-friendly horror based on the book series by Alvin Schwartz was once going to be a Guillermo del Toro vehicle. Del Toro’s still had a hand in the screenplay but directing fell to Troll Hunter helmer André Øvredal. It’s a period piece, set in 1968, which sees a group of kids in small-town America gather to read a (mildly) terrifying book written by the daughter of a wealthy family who one day mysteriously vanished. Expect Stranger Things vibes with the ‘80s swapped for the ‘60s.
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The Informer
August 16
Joel Kinnaman stars in this adaptation of Anders Roslund’s crime novel which sees an ex-con deliberately get himself sent back to prison so he can go undercover and infiltrate a gang of organized criminals. Expect tense ticking clock thrills as he struggles to complete his mission before he’s exposed as a mole. Rosamund Pike and Clive Owen co-star.
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Official Secrets
August 30
Based on the book The Spy Who Tried to Stop A War: Katharine Gun and the Secret Plot to Sanction the Iraq Invasion by Marcia Mitchell, this thriller based on a true story stars Keira Knightley as Katherine Gunn, a whistleblower who exposed a spy plot which was designed to push the UN Security Council into sanctioning the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Gavin Hood, who made Eye in the Sky, directs, while Matthew Goode, Ralph Fiennes, and Rhys Ifans also star.
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It Chapter Two
September 6
The second part of Andy Muschietti’s Stephen King adaptation sees the adult Losers' Club return to Derry, Maine to face the ultimate terror once again, 27 years after they first faced the monster known as Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Adult Losers include Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy, and Bill Hader, while Bill Skarsgard returns as the red-nosed menace. The first movie was a critical success and made a boat-load of money and we expect more thrills and chills from the hotly anticipated sequel.
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The Goldfinch
September 13
Based on Donna Tartt’s bestseller of the same name, The Goldfinch follows a young teenager who survives a terrorist attack that killed his mother and ends up embroiled in the world of art forgery (the title refers to a picture he pinches from the art gallery where the attack occurs). Ansel Elgort stars opposite Nicole Kidman and Sarah Paulson, while John Crowley, who made Brooklyn, is on director duties.
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Jojo Rabbit
October 18
Taika Waititi’s signed on to direct Thor 4 after doing such a cracking job with Thor: Ragnarok, but before that, we’ll get his next directorial outing, Jojo Rabbit, based on the novel Caging Skies by Christine Leunens. It follows a 10-year-old boy in Nazi Germany who is recruited to join a Hitler Youth camp and discovers his mom (played by Scarlett Johansson) has been hiding a young Jewish girl in their attic. It’s a war drama, but in typical Taika style, it’ll have a strong vein of humor. Waititi himself also stars as the boy’s imaginary best friend, Adolf Hitler.
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Motherless Brooklyn
November 1
Edward Norton plays a detective with Tourette's Syndrome trying to solve the murder of his friend and mentor in this crime thriller (which Norton also directed) that could be a possible Oscar contender. The book, published in 1999, is by Jonathan Lethem and won several literary awards. Bruce Willis co-stars along with Willem Dafoe and Leslie Mann.
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Doctor Sleep
November 8
Stephen King’s long-awaited sequel to The Shining focuses on an adult Danny Torrance, who’s now a recovering alcoholic working in a hospice. He’s retained his powers and connects with a young girl named Abra, who is in grave danger. The Haunting of Hill House’s Mike Flanagan directs and he’s said his movie is an adaptation of King’s book, set in the world of Kubrick’s The Shining (which King famously hates). Ewan McGregor plays Danny (now Dan), with Rebecca Ferguson as the sinister Rose the Hat.
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Little Women
December 25
Ladybird director Greta Gerwig has chosen an adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s classic for her follow-up feature and it’s packed with amazing talent. Midsommar’s Florence Pugh plays Amy, Emma Watson is Meg, Saoirse Ronan is Jo, while Laura Dern and Meryl Streep play Marmee and Aunt March. It’s a coming-of-age tale set in the aftermath of the Civil War, and with the pedigree of the cast and the material, Gerwig could well be cruising for her second Oscar nom - two for two would be pretty impressive stuff.
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The Woman in the Window
There have been all sorts of buzz around this "grip-lit" thriller since the novel's publication in January 2018, in part because of an article in The New Yorker about the author A.J. Finn’s slightly odd (understatement) behavior. 
But that shouldn’t overshadow the adaptation, which is packed with talent. Amy Adams stars as Anna Fox, an agoraphobic woman who witnesses a violent crime in her neighbor’s house when she’s spying on them, Rear Window style. The supporting cast includes Gary Oldman, Anthony Mackie, and Julianne Moore; it’s directed by Joe Wright who’s got good form with literary adaptations, including Pride and Prejudice and Atonement.
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A funny and painful study of female friendship based on the novel by Emma Jane Unsworth (she wrote the screenplay too), Animals sees Holliday Granger and Alia Shawkat play codependent friends whose relationship is forced to change when Granger’s character gets engaged to a teetotaler. The plot has echoes of Bridesmaids and Trainwreck but early reviews from Sundance suggest this indie offering is a bit edgier and unusual.
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A Million Little Pieces
James Frey’s moving bestseller was the subject of controversy when the author was forced to publicly admit that the book, which was initially presented as a memoir, was actually a work of fiction. Nonetheless, the story could still make great material for a movie adaptation, which focuses on a drug-addicted writer who checks himself in for grueling rehab. Sam Taylor-Johnson, who made Nowhere Boy, directs and her husband Aaron Taylor-Johnson stars as the fictionalized version of Frey.
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Feature Rosie Fletcher
Jul 19, 2019
from Books https://ift.tt/2Yh3pRb
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tetharthewhore-blog · 8 years ago
@meryllfrey :
Meryll almost didn’t notice the girl talking to her, so taken was she with the many sights, smells and sounds at the Tourney. She turned around to see that the voice came from a girl selling flower wreaths at a booth.
“I sincerely doubt it, unless you’ve ever travelled to The Twins,” Meryll said, smiling at the girl. Uncle Danwell had told her to stay where he left her and not talk to any strangers, but where was the fun in that?
“I’m Meryll, of House Frey. This is my first time south of the reach!”
Tethar couldn’t help but to smile. “Ah, a Frey, I’ve probably just confused you with one of the other Freys.” she said. “I hope I haven’t offended you.” she said. It was a very busy time in King’s Landing, and Tethar had taken to working a day job, make a few extra coppers selling flowers in the light of day, then back to the brothel at night. 
“You sound so very excited to be here. It is a magnificent city when you first see it.” 
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meryllfrey · 9 months ago
Meryll of House Frey (OC) -- Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire
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FULL NAME:  Meryll Frey BORN: 281 AC ALLEGIANCE: House Frey CULTURE: Riverlands STATUS: Unmarried RELIGION:  The Seven LOCATION: The Twins, Riverlands SOCIAL CLASS: Noble SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Westerosi Common Tongue, High Valyrian
MOTHER: Mariya Frey (of House Darry) FATHER: Merrett Frey, Ninth Son of Walder Frey SIBLINGS: Amerei "Gatehouse Ami" Frey, "Fat" Walda Frey, Marissa Frey, "Little" Walder
FACE CLAIM: Gemma Arterton HAIR COLOR: Chestnut Brown EYE COLOR: Light Brown TATTOO(S): N/A SCAR(S): N/A
ATTRACTS WITH: Captivating charm and compassion, complexity, humour, loyalty, marvellous mind, eccentricities, humanitarian conscience, high ideals and inspiring imagination, exaggerated curiosity
LOSES WITH: Self-righteousness and brutal honesty, emotional defenses and paralysis, lack of deep personal engagement, unreasonable arguments and opposition
BIOGRAPHY: Meryll was the fourth daughter born to Merrett and Mariya Frey. Four girls, and no sons. Her father had been greatly disappointed by the birth of another daughter. Meryll can't remember if anyone ever told her that, but as a child, she must have sensed it on some level, because as early as she can remember, she tried to be the son her father wanted. She dressed in boys clothing and followed him everywhere. He taught her how to care for the horses, how to fish, how to ford the river when the waters were high, and other practical skills.
After Meryll's tenth nameday, Merrett and Mariya were finally blessed with a boy -- "Little" Walder, and her father finally had a real son. She was getting to an age were she couldn't really pass herself off as a boy anymore anyway. Around this same time, Merrett began suffering terrible headaches as a result of a head injury suffered when he was a squire. He started drinking heavily and became known as the Twin's biggest drunk, none of which improved his mood. He was a mean drunk and Meryll began to feel as if her very existence offended him somehow. Fortunately, her Uncle Danwell and Aunt Winnifrei, who had not been able to have children, stepped in and raised Meryll as if she was their own.
Meryll begged for a sword but Uncle Danwell didn't think it wise to give such an unruly girl a blade, and instead presented her with a bow. She turned out to be a natural with a good eye and steady hand.
Growing up at the Twins, Meryll was close with her three sisters, Amerei, Walda and Marissa, as well as an uncle of similar age to her, Olyvar, and a cousin, Alesander. Meryll didn't have a bad relationship with her mother, but Mariya wasa prickly woman, lacking in warmth.
While home at the Twins, Meryll spends as much time as possible outdoors, and can often be found reading by the riverbank. She is particularly fond of tales of the great knights, her favourite being Ser Barristan the Bold, Ser Gerald Hightower, and Ser Duncan the tall -- in that order.
There will be blood | Pre- Red Wedding (AGOT, ACOK)
This is a time of uncertainty for House Frey. Meryll has kinsmen who are loyal to the Starks, and kinsmen who think the only way for House Frey to survive is to kneel to King Joffrey. In this verse, Meryll can be found in: 
The Twins (default)
Kings Landing – attending the Tourney of  the Hand with her Uncle Danwell
Winterfell – as Catelyn’s wards along with Little Walder and Big Walder
The Dreadfort – helping pregnant sister Walda
10 things I hate about you | Post- Red Wedding
Meryll is conflicted about her family’s actions and is looking for a way to leave The Twins. It is a dangerous time, however, with House Frey being persona non grata, and it’s hard to know who to trust. In this verse, Meryll can be found:
At The Twins, plotting her escape
Travelling around Westeros, hiding her identity
Across the Narrow Sea | Post- Red Wedding, in Essos
Meryll has accompanied her childhood hero, Ser Barristan Selmy, to Essos to find Daenerys Stormborn. In this verse, Meryll can be found:
in various locations of Essos, still searching for Daenerys
anywhere along Daenerys’ book or show route
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notenoughmuses · 6 years ago
➳ (Bronn ... assuming they've never met before)
           Send ➳ for your character to receive mine as a gift/spoil of war.         
“What the fuck.”
Bronn stared at the girl, House Frey in origin.
“No, what the actual fucking fuck Jamie?”
They’d been fighting in the Riverlands, won finally and now Waldar Frey was running with his tail between his legs, throwing every grandson he had at the war and every granddaughter to make an alliance or someone happy.
“If I wanted a whore I’d go pay for one.”
Jamie leaned in, whispering something into his ear and as Bronn listened intently, his eyebrows raised and he seemed to perk up. “Oh, really? Well, Meryll Frey. It seems you’ve found yourself in the best possible place. Better would be my lap but I’ll take what I can get now....Just how many of your Lordly kin would you say are still about?”
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ao3feed-tywin · 7 years ago
Elevator Music
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HKaMGb
by LadyGrey81
just a little something to get the words flowing
Words: 3318, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Tywin Lannister, Original House Frey Character(s)
Relationships: Tywin Lannister/Original Female Character(s), Tywin Lannister/Original House Frey Character
Additional Tags: Meryll Frey, Yuletide, One Shot, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Trapped In Elevator, Office Party
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HKaMGb
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tinamrazik · 8 years ago
Don Henley with Special Guests JD & The Straight Shot Come to Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Hollywood, Florida on Wednesday, January 25, 2017
The classics never sounded so good.
  It’s a rare treat to experience a double-bill show as well-crafted as the one I witnessed tonight at Hard Rock Live in Hollywood Florida.  A perfect blend of rock inspired country – country inspired rock.
In support of their 2016 all acoustic release BALLYHOO! JD & the Straight Shot began the evening with a nine song set that was everything a music lover could want and more. The six piece acoustic country band played with a sound as full as any twice its size. JD’s deep vocal tones resonated through the hall with a true richness and pure country twang.  Make no mistake country music was not the only genre on their musical menu.  Many film buffs may recognize a few of the songs the band played this evening.  Their first of such selections, “Perdition,” from the Natalie Portman film JANE GOT A GUN was closely followed by “Violet’s Song,” from AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY starring Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, and Juliette Lewis.  Their final film selection Midnight Run from the Gary Oldman film LAWLESS - the film version was actually performed by Willie Nelson.  All were as good as the next and filled with unmistakable imagery.
 Adding to their set list were two selections from their latest release BALLYHOO! - The title track and an up tempo “Better Find A Church.”  The band’s wonderful harmonies made the melodies even sweeter especially with the cover songs Nature’s Way by the rock band Spirit and Little Feat’s Let It Roll. It was their tribute song to Johnny Cash that created the most buzz among the audience.  Here He Comes painted a broad and sweeping canvas of Cash with many of his song titles interwoven in its lyrics.  Though this was the last show of this leg of the tour with Henley I strongly suggest you check out JD & The Straight Shot on your own.  There is immense talent in this band that shouldn’t be overlooked or not heard.
  What can one say about Don Henley and do the man’s work justice?  For those of us who were fortunate enough to grow up in the 1970’s, the band the Eagles were unquestionably part of the soundtrack of our lives. Henley (drummer, singer) along with bandmates Glenn Frey, Bernie Leadon, Randy Meisner, Don Felder, Joe Walsh, and Timothy B. Schmit rode the wave of 70’s California rock by writing and performing the biggest hits of the decade.  Some of those hits were highlighted in Henley’s set tonight.  Four decades of music spanned over a 2 hour and 15 minute show – what an evening.
Henley’s entrance to the stage was certainly unique. Above the stage hung dozens of old radios.  As the show began and the house lights dimmed a singular spot light hit each one.  As it did some of the most famous speeches and music played through the hall.  John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Richard Nixon was accompanied by the groundbreaking music of our modern time.  The Beatles, Aretha Franklin, James Brown, John Lennon, The Bee Gees, all represented the diversity of musical tastes and genre’s.  Then there is the man himself: Don Henley.  Telling stories to set up many of the songs, he expressed a genuine desire to bring the audience into his world with a wit that was sharp as a knife. Commenting about his band – eight musicians (including Don), three women back-up singers, and a five piece horn section, Henley remarked, “You can see I brought a few people with me.  It’s not profitable but it sure is fun.”  Quickly adding, “That’s what it’s all about, having fun. And right now we all need fun. This world’s bats**t crazy.” roared the audience into laughter and applause despite ourselves.  
 This evening was not merely about having fun, it was about a life’s work of music. The hits poured from his lips and guitar at a pace that made the two-hour plus show seem like minutes. The Eagles selections were the best of the best though I must admit a did miss a few. That being said, this wasn’t an Eagles show – it was Don Henley.   Witchy Woman, One Of These Nights, and an acoustic Seven Bridges Road was the start of the hit fest.  A beautiful rendition of Garth Brooks (his alter ego in the 90’s Chris Gaines) song It Don’t Matter To The Sun was stirring and a wonderful surprise.  There were a few more tricks up the man’s sleeve.  Stating it was his and his band’s therapy song, Tears for Fears Everybody Wants to Rule The World had the entire Hard Rock Live on their feet and dancing in the aisles. It was however Henley’s solo work that received the most applause. Dirty Laundry, The End Of The Innocence, Heart Of the Matter, Sunset Grill, and The Boys Of Summer brought back the purity we all felt when we heard these songs for the first time.
 It was the two encores that solidified why Don Henley is the master he is. Requesting at the beginning of the evening no one take photos or videos he promised the audience one opportunity to knock themselves out.  That groundbreaking video taking moment came with Hotel California (one of my favorite all time songs).  It was a classic performance that will certainly remain in my memory.  Life In The Fast Lane was a raucous rock’n’roll ballbuster that did not disappoint.  It was fun, loud, everything rock music used to be – should be.  The second encore was a tribute to Henley’s late songwriting partner and brother in the Eagles, Glen Frey.  His renditions of Wasted Time and Desperado left the sold out audience speechless and lost in the music. Don Henley live in concert is a music fan’s dream.  He sounds as good as he ever did.  Proof positive great songs and performers live forever.
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meryllfrey · 9 months ago
I'm in the process of moving all my muses to this account so I don't have to switch back and forth anymore. Until I get there, here is a list! (My fanfic account can be found @ladygreywritesstuff)
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Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire/Fire and Blood/House of the Dragon
Meryll Frey (OC of House Frey, GoT timeline)
Perriane Frey (GoT timeline and earlier)
Sabitha Frey (HotD timeline)
Tywin Lannister
Roose Bolton
Jaqan H'ghar
The Witcher
Phillipa Eilhart
Eveline Gallo
Ellafain (OC, former Scoia'Tael)
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meryllfrey · 4 years ago
fallesto: (original post)
HOW COULD YOU LIVE IN THESE KINGDOMS, and not take a life of your own. It was something he could not understand nor was it something he was ever going to understand. These kingdoms were a living, breathing, hell. Every single day it was a fight, a fight to stay alive. A fight to get into the next day, a fight to continue to push forward, to power through and get one step closer to his goal. His REVENGE. This noble lass, with her high born lord, with her endless horde of brothers, she would never have to left a finger, she would never have to do anything, she has no idea what the real world is really like.
His sister knew. She knew what this world was like. That one was gifted. She had talent. The best horse rider he had ever seen, with a bow in her hand and some arrows on her back, no man or beast lurking in the forest was save from her. There was no other that could compare to her. It was the reason he held such disdain for people like her. There silk hair, there fancy little dresses, they live in a fantasy fucking world with there heads up there backsides.
“That does NOT surprise me at all.” There was hatred in his word and there was a clear lack of shock. Of course she had not killed anyone or anything. Of course she had not done anything to anyone. She has no doubt not even lifted a finger her entire life to do a thing. Maybe if one of her brothers snapped, burned half her face off, murdered her father and sister for no reason at all, maybe then she would know what this world is like, maybe then she would be willing to actually play by it’s rules and not bury her head in the river.
“There is imagining doing it, then there is actually fucking do it. You can either do it, or you cannot. There is no middle ground.” His eyes flickered down as he stared at her. A noble lass and a hound. Her family were nothing more than scum and filth. Backstabbers and oath breakers, not one of the men had a pair of balls between them.
“When it comes time, do you think you will be able to do it.”
@fallesto​ (Sandor)
House Frey was certainly not the most privileged house -- they didn’t have the long history that some of the others did, and their money came from collecting tolls on a bridge they built rather than riches of the land such as minerals or crops. As such, most considered House Frey only a scant step above a house of landed knights, such as House Clegane.
But while Meryll hadn’t grown up with the opulence and excess of a southern house such as the Lannisters or Tyrells, she would be hardpressed to say she had experienced any real hardship. They were still a noble house ruling over the smallfolk on their lands. She would never go hungry or lack a place to lay her head at night -- and never had she known any real danger.
Even now, with all the kingdoms at war, she knew her position was much better than most. The Twins were south of the fighting between the Ironborn and the Northerners, and north of the pillaging happening in the Riverlands -- and even if the fighting were to reach them, Grandfather had armies at his disposal, and enough food stored survive at least a year under siege. He also had gold to pay a ransom for her safe return should it ever come to that. Whether or not Lord Grandfather would be willing to part with that gold was something she preferred not to think too hard about.
She had to tilt her head up, way up, to look at the Hound. He did not have the look of a man who had enjoyed an easy life. She did not know which of the stories about how he came to be burned were true, but she did know that his face had been like that as long as anyone could remember -- which meant he’d likely only been a child when it happened.
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“I’ve led a comfortable life, I know that -- never have I felt that my life was in danger, or had a real need to fight. But neither do I think I would be one to faint at the sight of blood. I’d like to think that if it came down to it ... I would be able to take another life in order to save my own or that of someone I loved. I’m not sure I could kill for any less, however.”
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meryllfrey · 5 years ago
meryllfrey  asked:
“ i’m not a beggar , i live here . ”
HE WAS NOT SOME OLD GEEZER. He may look like he had seen more summers than all on this dock combined and that may be true, but he was not some old fool who had just wondered onto the docks. He was Ser Barristian The Bold - one of the greatest knights of this generation or any for that matter. Lord commander to numerous kings and now framed for the death of King Robert. The young boy who sits on the throne, has his mother and small council whispering into his ear, already trying to attach strings onto him to control him and make him into a puppet ruler.
He had been insulted, he had his titles stripped from him, his name was dragged through the dirt and another kings death was placed on him and he was at fault. He had tried to change there minds, but it was done. He was outcasted and after what he had done in the tower. Writing down his deeds in the book, killing those who tried to get in his way and stop him - he had to leave. This was no longer a safe place for him. The boy would want his head, if he could kill Ned Stark without fair trial or council - he could kill anyone.
“You are no beggar that much is clear and you don’t live here.”
He had stopped by a woman. Dressed in drags with her face hidden. It might have worked for a normal guard or soldier. The golden cloaks would have walked right by her without a second glance. Just another filthy beggar on the docks to be ignored, but he was not so foolish. Her hands were too clean, too soft and untouched by hardships of a life living in the slums. She was well nourished as well, all the rags and dirt could not hide the fact that she had been fed well and cared for a long time.
This was no homeless woman, she was no beggar nor even a peasant, he had seen this before many times - noble woman trying to flee there families. Arrangements they don’t agree with, deals that put them in a worse situation than ever before, always the third or forth daughter - a problem he has seen many times before and one he would resolve before he left, he was still a knight, even if he held no title or rank - it would still be the right thing to do to get this girl to go home before she got herself hurt.
“You need not lie to me anymore, you play the roll well, but not well enough.”
The city was no longer safe. It was hard to believe that a little over a turn of the moon ago, she’d thought she was living a dream, leaving the Riverlands for the first time in her life to experience the excitement of a royal tourney along with the retinue from House Frey. The Hand’s Tourney was over and done, and Meryll had remained as a lady of the court even as her family returned home to the Twins. And then everything changed. 
The King was dead, his Hand was dead. A new king sat the throne, though only a puppet to his ambitious mother. Under the careful watch of the Red Cloaks, the keep felt more a prison than anything else. What had once seemed a dream, now seemed something else entirely. 
Home, she had to get home.
After slipping her guard, she had remained close to the docks for days on end, hoping to hear of a ship heading north -- to Gulltown or the Saltpans or even White Harbour. There had been one, but the Gold Cloaks were everywhere, double checking each ship’s manifest. They were looking for something, or someone. Meryll was quite certain it was not she that they searched for, but neither could she risk getting caught. 
The old man before her was dressed in rags not unlike her own, but he spoke well, and he stood straight and tall, not hunched over as one might have expected of a man so white bearded. He wore his rags no better than she wore hers. 
There was no one else within earshot, thank the gods, and she considered running but the man did not seem to pose a threat. Perhaps he was trying to escape the city as well. Still, it would be foolish to place her trust in a stranger.
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“You are not who you pretend to be either, old man. Leave me, or I will call the guards.” 
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burnnouts · 9 months ago
Robb tried not to frown at that. He felt that was all he ever did at the Twins: try not to frown. He had learned to control his face ever since he'd been named Lord, learned to be stern and unyielding when he felt like breaking, learned to be emotionless when he felt like crying or screaming instead. To be a Lord was--at least occurring to his own Lord Father--to be in control, to be as unyielding and cold as the North. His bannermen must have someone to look up to, to trust, must feel that there was some sense of control. If you were afraid, you could not show it, and if you were annoyed, you best not let it be seen. There was a certain decorum expected of the Great Houses, but Lord Frey was the most unpleasant man Robb had ever met, making this polite, respectable demeanor all the more important--and more difficult to maintain.
The truth of the matter was that Robb wanted to be far, far away from the Twins, and he hoped to never return. That concept was seeming less and less likely as he made his turns around the yard, memorizing the same beaten path beneath his leather boots. No matter who he left with, this awful place would be his wife's home, the place of her grandfather and her kin. Surely, she would want to return to it from time to time, to show their future children the place where she had grown up. He did not suppose it would earn him any favors with his new bride--or be very honorable--to admit that he'd rather be back in battle than talk to the Walder Frey ever again.
Luckily, this granddaughter--and many of the daughters in turn--did not look like their grandsire: that weasel sort of look, with glimmer of mischievous cunning in their eyes. The girls, at least, were kind and patient, and many seemed as eager to be rid of this place as he did. This one was also beautiful. Beauty is not the most important thing, his mother had told him: make sure she is kind and strong and intelligent, that she can bare you children and keep conversation. But surely, beauty was not a bad thing.
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At Meryll's words, Robb allowed himself a small smile. "I hope, at least, you have had good company." As Lord Bolton had been one of the last Lords to choose his bride at the Twins, Robb doubted it. Walder Frey had rarely ever negotiated a good match for his house, and his daughters and granddaughters alike suffered for it. "I have been asking the same questions all morning," he admitted through a huff of tired laughter. "What do you like to do? And how do you feel about living in the North? I suppose what I should really be asking is: do you want to be married? Or: is there anything you'd like me to know?"
@burnnouts (Robb)
Three years of war. Much of the Riverlands had been ravaged -- the fields burned and salted, villages ransacked, lords and ladies hanged. A new stag sat upon the throne. And yet, here at the Twins, nothing had changed.
It was Grandfather's way. A few words of support, a mayhaps here, a we shall see there, but nothing binding. It didn't win the Freys any respect, but they'd managed to keep their heads in the war.
But still, Grandfather always took his toll, and Lord Stark was here to pay up.
This was a little different from the usual line-up of her sisters and cousins in the great hall, a veritable feast for some lordling to peruse and haggle over. The last line-up had been for Lord Bolton, and a collective sigh of relief had been heard in the hall when Meryll's sister, Walda had been chosen. Walda had been thrilled, oddly.
There was a feeling of excitement in the air today -- so different from the day of Lord Bolton's visit. Lord Stark was young and handsome, and of a respectable house.
And chivalrous, Meryll thought as she stared at the offered arm for a moment before coming to her senses and linking her own through his. Chivalry was something not often seen at the Twins.
She knew the young lord was just being polite. Grandfather had scoffed a bit on Robb's insistence on meeting each potential bride, but in the end must have decided a place for one of his broodlings in a house as powerful as House Stark would be worth a little mummer's display. The girls had already agreed that it would surely be Fair Walda who was chosen, although a few outliers had bet on Marissa.
Despite the agreement between the girls, Meryll couldn't help but notice the jostling and elbowing that had been happening in the courtyard as her sisters and cousins fought to stand in the most strategic positions to gain the young lord's attention.
Being a granddaughter rather than a more valuable daughter, Meryll was one of the last maidens to walk with Lord Stark. She couldn't help feeling sorry for the man. After the valor he'd shown in the war, surely he would have been able to negotiate a more advantageous marriage alliance than this. She wondered what he thought of the agreement now, three years later. Was the toll worth it?
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She couldn't help but offer him a sympathetic smile. "Better than you, I suspect, my lord. This is but a usual day in the life of a woman in my house."
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