#amelia mitchell
jungle-angel · 11 months
Cozy Domestic Prompts for Winter
It's that time of the year guys, when hell freezes over and I'd love nothing more than to bundle up in a bunch of wool and hide under a big cozy blankie (lol). Taking requests for Top Gun Maverick, Outer Range, Bad Times At The El Royale, Catch 22 (Hulu), Salem's Lot, Press Play and Lessons in Chemistry.
Sledding with the babies
First Snowfall
Curling up in the library by the fireplace while the snow falls
Warm apple or pumpkin pies
Bundling up the babies on a cold night and tucking them into bed
Lighting the woodstove in the bedroom
The cat(s) or the dog(s) warming their hoomans' feet
Teaching the baby to catch snowflakes on their tongue
Prepping the farm/ranch for winter
Warm cookies
"Oh my God!!! Your feet are freezing!"
Knitting a hat, scarf and mittens for their s.o
Shopping for Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations
"Do you wanna build a snowman?"
Making Christmas and Thanksgiving decorations by hand
School being called off and having an epic snow day with their s.o and the kids
Warming up in a hot bath with their s.o
Making snow angels
Marshmallows roasting on an open fire
Cooking Thanksgiving dinner while the snow falls outside
Chaos ensuing while Thanksgiving dinner is being prepped
Making fresh gingerbread cake or cookies
Finally not having to plow or shovel the driveway and being able to pay a family friend to plow
"Get your mitts out of the food!"
Warming their clothes near the woodstove before bed
Reading to the babies on a cold winter night while they're all snuggled in momma and daddy's bed
The cat or the dog snuggling with the kids to keep them warm
Sitting with their s.o by the fire and watching the snow fall outside
"I've heard of ugly sweaters but ugly pjs?"
Giving their s.o a piece of winter themed jewelry
Going out at the full moon in winter and calling to an animal friend who lives near the farm/ranch
Getting to see the aurora for the first time
Hot breakfast/lunch/dinner on a cold shitty day
Warm slippers
"Let me warm you up"
A new pair of boots
"I'm only wearing your Carhardt because my jacket is in the wash"
Hot drinks
"How's about an early kiss under the mistletoe"
"Is that even gonna fit in the oven?"
Ice hockey game with family and friends
"It's too cold to go out, you wanna build a pillow fort instead?"
Singing around the fire with their family
Winter hiking
Snowball fight
Watching their s.o paint a winter landscape
School being called off early due to a snowstorm
"What is it with Lucy and that damn football?"
Counting the stars and constellations on a winter night
Winter bonfires
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callsignchicha · 4 months
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Sorry that its kind of a long post, too tired to figure out why the ‘read more’ thingie isn’t working :’3
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*Penny teaching Amelia to drive and taking Rooster and Maverick along for the ride*
Penny: That's a pothole. To the left!
Amelia: Take it back now y'all *drives directly into the pothole*
Maverick: *sticking his face into the front over the center console* Cha Cha real smooth.
Rooster: I don't think that's how the song goes, Mav.
Amelia: That's definitely not how the song goes... The next line is one hop this time.
Penny: *crying, gripping the handle* Please just take me home.
Amelia: Country roads.
Rooster: To the place.
Rooster, Amelia and Maverick: I belong!
Penny: *crying harder* What the fuck?
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Wildflowers For A Hangman Ch. 5
Daisy, a career novelist, moves in with her college best friend Phoenix who has been permanently assigned to Top Gun with Dagger Squad. She finds herself instantly connected with a cocky pilot who's soft only for her and Jake can't help but want to know everything about her. When the past comes knocking at both of their doors, will they stand together or fall apart?
Or: The Dagger Squad can't cook and Jake falls in love with a woman who makes a mean lasagna while they work their personal trauma.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x writer!femOC | 18+ (eventually) minors dni. Fluff, smut (eventual), idiots in love, past trauma.
A/N: Everyone but Penny sees the surprise coming and Jake gets a new lock screen wallpaper.
AO3 Link
Previous Chapter
Amelia and I made eye contact over her mom’s head, holding in giggles. Penny was passed out, head back, snoring softly as a woman massaged her feet. Maverick had asked Phoenix to take the girls out for a mani-pedi but we all agreed that I was the less suspicious choice when it came to a girls’ day out. 
“We should get lunch after this,” Amelia pulled out her phone and showed me a vegan place with a clean aesthetic. “What about here?”
“Sounds good to me,” I lied with a smile. “Is there anything else you want to do today?” I had to keep the girls out of the house for at least another hour but Maverick had said the longer the better. Amelia shrugged,
“If Mav’s gonna propose, we should go shopping,” I choked on my spit, and Amelia rolled her eyes. “Seriously? He was sweating buckets this morning and now we’re getting manicures?”
“That’s fair,” Fifteen-year-olds were very perceptive apparently. Penny let out a louder snore and Amelia elbowed her in the ribs, her mom shot awake.
“We’re getting lunch and then going shopping for matching dresses,” Penny looked at me and I tried to look as enthusiastic as possible. 
“Okay,” And then she nodded off again. From what Amelia and Mav had both said, Penny had had a long night closing up the Hard Deck and then had thrown back shots with her bartenders. Amelia rolled her eyes and then went back to scrolling through Instagram. My phone buzzed.
Jake: Hey, Wildflower. How are things going?
Daisy: Penny’s sound asleep and Amelia saw right through Mav
Jake: Figures, man has no poker face when it comes to her
Daisy: Mav owes me big time, Amelia wants to get vegan food
Jake: I’ll take you for pizza tonight after everything 
Daisy: Deal
I paused, brow furrowing. Did he mean getting pizza as a friend? Or as a date? I shook off the thought, of course, it was as friends. Well…I blushed, it might not have been so bad if Jake wanted to- No. I put the thought away in a locked filing cabinet, the same cabinet where the feeling of his muscled arms beneath my hand was stored. Jake and I were never going to be anything more than friends, even if he was perfect and handsome, and he listened to all of my stories with a smile on his face. Absolutely not. 
Jake: What color did you get your nails?
Daisy: Guess
Jake: Green, the same shade as your bedspread
Daisy: How the hell did you guess that on your first try?
Jake: Because you told me it was your favorite
Jake: And I remember everything you say
I didn’t even know how to respond, so I didn’t. Amelia and I chatted about baking while they painted our toes. She had volunteered to bake for a soccer team bake sale to buy new uniforms for the school year.
“If you need help, just give me a call. I’ll help you bake whatever you need,” Amelia lit up with a smile,
“That would be great! I was planning on using bagged mix but actual homemade stuff would sell so much better.” It felt good to be helpful, Amelia reminded me of my oldest niece, Sarah. Sarah was four and loved soccer, at that age it was mostly just kids running around and screaming excitedly. She had the same blonde hair as Amelia too, always smiling and giving her parents a hard time.
After a very dry and under seasoned lunch that Penny and I managed to grin and bear it through, we ended up at a little boutique. Amelia treated Penny and I like her own personal dress up dolls, having us try on dress after dress until she found one that looked good on all three of us and was up to her standards. 
The dress she settled on for me was a light green made of light, flowy fabric. It cinched at my waist and made my boobs look fantastic. The only negative was that it clung to my stomach a little but I couldn’t stop smiling at how cute I looked and in a moment of giddiness, I snapped a picture in the changing room mirror with an arm around my waist. Then I sent it to Jake. 
“Yo, D, you ready to go?” Amelia shouted and I quickly grabbed the shopping bag filled with my earlier clothes and followed her out to the car. 
Jake: Baby you’re killing me in that dress
Daisy: That was the idea, pretty boy
“Flirting with Hangman?” Penny asked, the pep finally back in her step. “You two are adorable together.” 
“We’re just friends,” 
“Suuuuuuurrreeee,” Amelia patted my shoulder from the back seat, “You keep telling yourself that, D.” 
“You two are horrible, we’re friends!” 
“That man used to go home with a different girl every night and now he doesn’t even look at another woman, even when you’re not at the bar.” Penny shot me a motherly look that had me blushing like a schoolgirl, “In fact, he spends every moment you’re not there on his phone. Would you happen to know what he’s doing?”
“Oh! I know, I know!” Amelia pounds on the back of my seat, “Texting D!” Penny made a dinging noise. “You guys are too cute together, everyone can see it.” 
“I’m not listening,” I plugged my ears with my fingers, “Lalalalalalala.” Penny smacked a hand over my mouth.
“I will bet you a hundred dollars that Hangman’s going to have his hands on you within a minute of us walking through the door.” I was going to lose that bet, I already knew it. 
“You’re on.” I was an idiot.
Penny thought they were celebrating the end of summer, a weak cover story, but Penny was looking forward to it. Especially since Maverick had promised to organize the whole thing so that she didn’t have to lift a finger, me taking them out on a girls’ day on Maverick’s credit card was just the cherry on top. 
“Ready to win, mom?” Amelia asked, the double meaning completely lost on Penny as we strolled through the doors of the Hard Deck. The lights were off inside and it was impressive how quiet the daggers were being before Penny flicked on the lights. Stretched across the rafters was a white and gold banner with the words will you marry me written in cursive and Maverick was on one knee with a ring in his hand.
“Oh my God! Of course!” Penny rushed to Maverick, kissing him soundly as he slid the long overdue ring onto her finger. The daggers came out from the woodwork, hooping and hollering with excitement. I caught sight of Jake who was already beelining towards me with an indiscernible look on his face.
“You’re so losing the bet,” Amelia snorted, showing me a timer that was counting down from a minute. 
“You’re horrible,” Jake swept me into a hug, the bet officially lost. When my feet lifted from the floor I shrieked in equal parts surprise, horror, and delight.
“Jake, put me down!” 
“You look fucking gorgeous, Wildflower.” Jake dropped me gently to my feet but kept his grasp on my waist, holding me at arm's length while he took one long look at me. Amelia walked off, laughing as she went. Jake was looking at me like I was a T-bone steak and he was a starving man, a deep flush working from my cheeks down to my chest under his intense gaze. “I mean it, Daisy. You look beautiful.” 
“Shut up,” I laughed, letting him pull me into his chest. My heart was racing, that stupid fluttery feeling they described in romance books making me a little nauseous. “We’re supposed to be paying attention to Mav and Penny.” 
“I don’t think I can pay attention to anyone but you right now and you, pretty girl, better believe this is Jake talking and not Hangman.” I stopped laughing, wrapping my arms around his waist.
“Well, whoever’s saying it is making me blush,” 
“Well, you made me blush with that picture. It’s only fair.” Jake squeezed my hip, making me blush even harder. I wanted to go up on my toes and press my lips to his but instead, I pushed him away with a laugh, pretending I didn’t believe a word he said like I always did but this time I had doubts that he was joking. “Daisy-”
“Come on, pretty boy. I have to pay the bride.” 
Daisy yelped when I lifted her onto the bed of the truck. We stayed at the party for a few hours, Daisy spending most of the time with the girls while I hung around Mav and the guys. Maverick had been over the moon, talking about his plans for a big wedding and an even bigger honeymoon. Then when he was ready to spend time with his fiancee, sweeping her off her feet and taking her to his bike, Amelia having been picked up by a friend earlier in the night, Daisy had gone right to my side and laced her fingers with mine. 
“Stop doing that! You’ll hurt your back.” She protested, smacking my chest.
“And why would I hurt my back, Wildflower? You don’t think I’m strong enough to manhandle my girl?” Her mouth opened and shut a few times, I could tell by the scrunch of her brow that she didn’t know which part of my words to respond to. Did she insist she was too heavy again? Which was total bullshit. Or did she protest that I called her my girl? I tapped her knee, “Scoot your pretty ass back to the pillows while I grab the pizza.” Daisy muttered something under her breath about me being an ass but did what I said. 
She looked as pretty as a picture, leaned back against the pillows in the bed of my truck, her sundress pooled high up on her creamy thighs, staring up at the stars with a soft smile. Lord have mercy, I needed this woman to give my heart a break before it beat so hard it lept from my chest.
“Are you going to keep staring or join me up here?” Daisy snapped without malice, making me grin.
“Actually, darlin, I want a picture to prove I had the prettiest girl in the world in my bed.” 
“You’re an idiot,” She sighed but smiled for the picture that I quickly set as my lock screen before climbing up beside her. “You know, you’re not nearly half as charming as you think you are.” 
“And you’re a horrible liar. Now eat your pizza and look at the stars,” She responded instantly to the stern tone of my voice, and hell if that didn’t make me that much more attracted to her. We ate in silence, staring up at the sky, and when the pizza was gone, Daisy let me wrap her in my arms. 
I wanted to do this every night, lazily tracing patterns on her thigh and kissing her neck while she giggled at me to knock it off. I wanted her to tell me stories about the stars and lace her fingers with mine. I wanted everything she was willing to give me and a little bit more for as long as she would let me have it. Which was hopefully forever. Forever. I’d never thought about forever before, not like this at least. My biggest dream had always been flying and I would let nothing get in the way of that but Daisy had been on my mind every second of the day that I wasn’t in the sky. 
“Hey, Harvey.” I had been so far in thought I hadn’t even heard her phone ring. There was a jealous spark in my chest. Who the hell was Harvey? Some guy from back home?
Daisy must have felt me tense, her free hand resting reassuringly on my thigh. “No, I’m fine. Yes, I’m telling the truth,” She huffed hotly. “Now’s actually not a good time, I’m stargazing.” The tips of her ears went red, “No, I’m not with Tasha. I’m with,” She looked over at me and I was already staring at her. What was she going to say? Friend might kill me, I knew boyfriend was off the table for now. “I’m with a very good friend,” She squeezed my thigh, “His name’s Jake.”
A very good friend? I could work with that. “Yeah, okay, Harv. I love you too,” Just hearing those three words come out of her mouth was enough to stop my heart. She squeezed my thigh again, biting her bottom lip as she stared up at me. “Give my nieces a kiss for me. M’bye.” Nieces. Harvey must have been the brother Phoenix had mentioned in passing. 
“What was that about?” Daisy shook her head, silencing her phone before relaxing back into my side, her hand still on my thigh.
“He’s just checking up on me. I, uh, historically don’t do well with September.” I waited for her to elaborate, to talk my ear off for an hour but no explanation came. 
“Care to explain?” 
“It’ll ruin the night, trust me. I’ll tell you some other time.” 
“I’m going to hold you to that, Daisy. I want to know everything about you, the good, the bad, and the ugly.” She huffed at me and I just knew she was rolling her eyes.
“Can you just hold me for a little bit longer and maybe…” She trailed off with a sigh, fingers tapping on my thigh. “Can you…” 
“Whatever you want, Wildflower. All you ever have to do is ask.” 
“Kiss my hair?” This woman was going to kill me, it was official, and I couldn’t have been happier to be a dead man walking.
“It would be my pleasure, darlin.” I tried to take a picture of this moment in my mind.
I could feel the warmth of her body against mine, making me forget about everything else in the world. Daisy’s hair smelled like vanilla and lavender and as I placed a gentle kiss on her soft, red hair, I couldn’t help but do it again, and again. We sat there until the air became too cold for comfort, even with a blanket, the sky twinkling above us as her fingers gently rubbed my thigh through my jeans. It was the perfect night, I kissed her forehead when I pulled her out of the truck bed, and then her knuckles after I helped her into the passenger seat.
“Such a gentleman, Jake.” She sighed, looking at me like Penny had looked at Mav when she spotted him on one knee. I swallowed hard, mouth going dry thinking about myself down on one knee.
“I’m your gentleman, Wildflower.”
Next Chapter
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callsign-daydream · 13 days
Maverick: Cyclone didn’t actually seem to like me very much. He threatened to kill me in public. Amelia: Why would he want to kill you in public? Rooster: I think he means he threatened, in public, to kill him.
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imawkwardlysoc · 2 years
you wonder how he got his call sign
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Song: Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift
Paring: mickey garcia x reader (afab)
Warning(s): None, just pure fluff!
Word Count: 2,767
Summary: A little story on how Mickey got his call sign.
Call signs. No matter if you’re in the Marines, Navy, or Air Force, you get a call sign. Some badass ones like Iceman and Maverick may have a cool background if you assume, but in reality, most of them come from pretty embarrassing things. Like Payback for example and the amount of bets that he lost. Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia, on the other hand, has another story.
The first of artists covering other artists' songs first came out in the 1950s. Soon over half a decade later, cover videos started to come out more on YouTube. Singers like Sam Tsui, Christina Grimmie, Conor Maynard, and many others have risen to fame with their covers coming out in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Some have also got the chance to be signed to record labels and winning awards like Y/N L/N. To Mickey though, he doesn’t think of Grammy Award winner Y/N L/N, he thinks of Y/N L/N who he used to help record her cover videos in her bedroom or the backyard of her house.
Every Friday since meeting each other freshman year of high school, Y/N would drag Mickey out of their last period class and out of their high school in Miami to her house to start recording cover videos. As she uploaded her videos onto YouTube, her views went from a few hundred to a few thousand until one day.
“Mickey! Mickey!” The junior yelled her best friend’s name as she ran down the school hallway. “Where are you?”
“Yo! What’s going on?” Mickey closed his locker after grabbing everything he needed.
He turned to face the singer whose face was all red from the running as the screen of her BlackBerry Bold was in his line of sight. Squinting his eyes a little, he looked at the screen which showed one of the recent covers she uploaded.
“Holy shit!” He exclaimed. “One hundred thousand?”
“I know right!” The two of them started to jump together in celebration, ignoring the looks they’re getting.
“This is crazy!” Y/N said, still not believing that her cover of Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood reached that many views.
“You know what this means?” Mickey’s eyebrow was raised. “The chance of you getting signed to a record label.”
“Yeah, not happening,” Y/N let out a laugh. “Never in a million years.”
“Hey,” he gently squeezed her shoulder. “It’s going to happen. I have a good feeling.”
Y/N shook her head at her friend’s nonsense and dragged him to their first class of the day.
Years passed and their friendship grew even more. They shared homecoming and prom dances together. They had many all nighters studying for the AP tests they signed up for and working on college applications. The both of them dated people but their relationships only lasted for three to four months max because they both were missing something. Mickey still continued to help Y/N post her covers on her channel which grew after that one day.
Towards the end of the summer break after they graduated, the duo had to head their separate ways for college. They still kept in contact though by the emails they sent each other and visiting each other in Miami during breaks. With every visit, their feelings grew more without them realizing it.
Mickey had achieved his dream of getting into the Naval Academy and became a weapons system officer, getting the callsign Fanboy from his classmates seeing him geek out and watch Y/N’s covers. Y/N continued uploading her covers onto YouTube while studying literature at the University of Miami. It wasn’t until her senior year of college she got the best news of her life.
The sound of her sandals slapping the concrete sidewalk boomed as she ran down the concrete path which led to the park her and Mickey would sometimes hang out at. With his back facing against her, she leaped on his back which took Mickey out a little.
“Hey, you missed me that much?” Mickey laughed.
“Yeah, but I have some news,” Y/N answered.
“Which is?” He asked.
She didn’t verbally answer but she handed him the small stack of papers. Going through the papers, she saw the look on Mickey’s face as his face lit up with each page.
“No, you’re joking.” Mickey pulled her into a hug.
“I’m not,” she confirmed. “You’re looking at the newest artist signed with Atlantic Records.”
“You’re not going to forget me when you become famous right?” Mickey joked.
“Are you kidding? I won’t forget my best friend.” Y/N lightly punched his shoulder.
“Yeah, best friend,” Mickey sighed.
“What? Are you okay?” A quizzed look formed on her face.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Mickey brushed off his emotions.
“Hey Mick, tell me what’s up.” Y/N held his hand which sent sparks through the both of them.
“You’re going to hate me when I do this,” he said.
“Do wh-” Y/N was interrupted when Mickey’s lips touched hers.
Butterflies and fireworks exploded inside them as their lips moved in sync. Detaching their lips from each other to catch their breath, they looked each other in the eyes questioning what just happened.
“Did that just?”
Kissing each other again, they confirmed that their feelings for each other were true. After the second kiss, Mickey decided to take Y/N for an early dinner to celebrate her getting a record deal and have a pre-first date date.
More years have passed with the both of them graduating with their degrees. Their relationship grew more as they became official. Mickey was out doing the five years required to serve after he graduated after the academy. Y/N on the other hand was busy writing and recording her first album. Constant filming for her music videos and traveling to promote her album.
Despite them being hundreds or thousands of miles apart, they managed to keep their relationship alive. They had many video calls together and if she toured in an area where Mickey was at, he would watch her concerts with Reuben “Payback” Finch, who is the only person that knows her and Mickey are together other than close friends and family. When Y/N started to become more well known, she wanted to keep her personal life private. She did post pictures of her and Mickey together on her social media accounts but they didn’t show Mickey’s face.
On the eve of Mickey’s last deployment, she came back home with the living room of their shared house decorated with flowers and lit candles. In the space where their coffee table used to be, Mickey was on one knee holding a velvet box in his hand. With a short and sweet speech as tears ran down their faces, Y/N nodded her head saying yes to his proposal. A few months after Mickey came back from his deployment, the two had a small private ceremony with their close friends and family in a cabin up in the Santa Cruz mountains. Reuben as Mickey’s best man and Y/N’s college roommate as her maid of honor.
Luckily for Y/N, she could travel and stay anywhere with her job. With Mickey being moved from base to base because of his job, she would follow him while still making music while renting a house off base. From time to time she would have to travel and stay in New York for a little bit for meetings and to record her music. Thankfully when Mickey got called back to Top Gun, they resided permanently in a house that was only a fifteen minute drive away from base after the Dagger Squadron was made permanent in San Diego. Many dinners with her, Mickey, and Reuben were shared as they told stories of the other squadron members they met for the mission. Y/N continued to make music and released her next album which caused her to be away from Mickey to promote it and tour around Europe and North America.
After a day of training, the Dagger Squad decided to head to the Hard Deck for some drinks.
“Amelia has been depressed since the LA tickets for Y/N sold out,” Rooster said before taking a sip of his beer.
“Really?” Mickey raised his eyebrow.
“Yeah, Y/N is one of her favorite singers. Ever since those tickets sold out the first day, she’s been blasting her music in her room and headphones,” the aviator answered.
The WSO nodded his head and excused himself. Taking his phone out, he checked the time to see that Y/N wasn’t on stage yet. Calling her and waiting for a few rings, she answered her husband’s call.
“Hey baby, what’s up?” She asked. “How was work?”
“It was good, got our asses handed by Maverick but that’s normal,” he chuckled. “How are you?”
“I’m good, just two hours before we head onto stage,” she replied. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too, but hey can I ask for a favor?” He asked.
“What is it?” She said.
“You know Rooster right?” Y/N hummed in confirmation. “Well, his little sister wants to see you in LA but the tickets sold out immediately. Is there any way you can get a ticket for her?”
“I’ll check, give me a minute,” she told him. “Stay on the line.”
Taking a sip of his drink, he waited for his wife while admiring the cooling winds of San Diego while the sun setted.
“Hey, you’re still there?” Y/N voice popped into his ear.
“Yeah, so what’s the verdict?” He replied, mentally crossing his fingers.
“Yeah, how many tickets do you need?” The singer asked. “Twelve plus your captain, his girlfriend, and daughter, that would be fifteen. Is that good?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, we have more than enough tickets. Just tell everyone and I’ll send you the info. Also, all of y’all need a break from training.”
“Wow, I’ll tell everyone. Thank you for doing this. I love you.”
“I love you too. You can thank me later when you get to LA.” Mickey could already imagine the smirk on his wife’s face.
Hanging up the phone with a grin on his face, Mickey headed back into the bar and stood next to Rooster.
“I managed to get a ticket for Amelia,” he told the pilot.
“Wait, how?” The pilot questioned.
“I know someone who’s one of the guitar techs on her tour. I managed to get all of us plus Maverick and Penny a ticket,” he told everyone.
“Wait, we’re seeing Y/N in LA?” Phoenix started to fangirl a little. “Don’t mess with me Fanboy.”
“I’m not, I’ll text you the information into the group chat,” he confirmed.
“We’re going to see Y/N baby!” Coyote cheered.
While everyone celebrated, Reuben sent his WSO a smirk knowing who gave them the tickets.
*Concert Day*
“Mick, are you sure we’re supposed to park here?” Maverick asked as he got out of Rooster’s Bronco.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Mickey answered his captain.
“Because we’re by where Y/N L/N’s tour bus is,” Rooster added.
“Trust me, we can be here,” Mickey reassured them while pulling out his phone.
Making the call, they waited for a few more minutes before Y/N’s manager came out of the Forum with VIP passes in hand. Mickey greeted the manager and they handed Mickey the passes. All of the members were shocked when they saw the passes they got, questioning how Mickey managed to get these. All of them thought they were getting tickets up in the nosebleeds, but they were mistaken.
“Mickey!” The singer jumped into her husband’s arms when she saw him.
“Hello my love,” the Navy man mumbled before kissing her.
Everyone except for Reuben was shocked at the sight they were seeing. They couldn’t believe that one of their WSO’s was kissing the singer they would soberly and drunkenly sing out the lyrics while doing karaoke.
“I missed you,” the singer wrapped her arms around Mickey’s neck.
“Me too, four weeks is too long.” Mickey moved a strand of hair out of Y/N’s face. “Everyone’s here already.”
Y/N moved away from Mickey and saw his pilot standing there with a grin on his face. “Ru-Ru, it’s good to see you again.”
“It’s good to see you again too,” the pilot returned her hug.
Letting go of the hug, Y/N looked at the rest of her husband’s squadron who had shocked expressions on their faces. “Hi, you must be Mickey’s squadron and you must be Amelia, is that right?”
“Y-Yeah,” Amelia stuttered as her idol stood in front of her.
“It’s so nice to meet you,” Y/N smiled at her and looked at Maverick who stood behind her. “You must be Captain Mitchell. Mickey and Reuben have been telling me great things about you.”
“It’s a pleasure meeting you m’am. Thank you for inviting us,” Maverick said.
“Anything for Mickey's adopted family,” Y/N smiled. “Also, call me Y/N.”
“I will if you call me Pete or Maverick,” Pete smiled.
“That’s a deal,” Y/N chuckled and faced the squad again. “Mickey, wanna introduce me to your team members?”
Mickey nodded his head and introduced his wife to the rest of the Dagger Squad. After the introductions, everyone headed to the greenroom.
“So, you’re telling me that Reuben knew that Fanboy over here is dating Y/N?” Hangman asked. “The same Y/N who won a Grammy and many Billboard Music awards?”
“Not dating, we’re married,” Y/N corrected the Texan.
“What!” Everyone yelled/exclaimed.
“Married for almost five years.” Mickey and Y/N looked at each other in admiration.
“You knew that already didn’t you?” Halo asked Reuben.
“He should, he was my best man,” Mickey answered for his pilot. “Also, who do you think Don’t Blame Me is about?”
“And I thought Bob over here had secrets we don’t know about,” Omaha chuckled.
“Nah, she’s the only secret that I have.” Mickey tenderly pressed his lips onto his wife’s.
Soon after that, the topic of conversation changed, promising them the couple would host dinner to get to know Y/N more.
After spending an hour or so in the greenroom, Y/N had to start getting ready for the show. Giving his wife one last kiss, he met up with the squad following one of the assistants to the VIP booth Y/N set them in. The booth provided food, snacks, and drinks for them while giving them a view close to the stage.
The lights in the venue started to dim down as the crowd’s cheers started to rise. The band started playing the introduction and the cheers from the audience elevated as Y/N rose into the stage.
Throughout the concert, the energy was amazing. Everyone was screaming and jamming out to the lyrics. All of the Dagger Squad and Penny and Amelia were enjoying the time they were having and thanking Mickey for the tickets. Mickey was pretty sure he saw Hangman and Coyote doing the choreography to I Did Something Bad.
“Alright, before we do this next song, how is everyone doing?” Y/N asked the audience as they replied with cheers. “That’s good. Fun fact, the person that I wrote this next song about is in the crowd tonight with his friends. This song is dedicated to him. Love you darling.”
Y/N sent him a wink and he winked back at her. The band started to play Don’t Blame me and everyone was taken to church by the way she performed it. The singer got down on her knees, belting out the high note which caused Mickey to form a proud smile on his face.
After a few songs and the encore, the last show of the tour was finished. Mickey and the gang headed backstage to see Y/N in a pair of sweat shorts and one of Mickey’s old t-shirts.
“You were amazing.” Mickey picked her up and spun her around.
“Thanks,” she laughed. “So, what did you guys think?”
Everyone started to compliment her performance at the same time. Y/N blushed because she wasn’t used to compliments they were giving her and let out a laugh.
“So, instead of driving back to San Diego this late, my producer is out of town and allowed us to use her house to sleepover,” Y/N told them. “What do y’all think?”
Everyone nodded their heads in approval and started to leave the venue.
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torchflies · 10 days
Does Joey end up becoming a Top Gun pilot after spending so much time with the dagger and the grand-dadmirals?
Oh yeah, absolutely. 🤩💕💕💕
Lt. Joey “Harpy” Seresin will talk anyone’s ear off about her family when she gets a chance, especially her dads, immortal granddads, her gorgeous wife and the family Navy bar they run off the beach.
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incorrect quotes 6/?
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Mav and Amelia driving in the car minding their own fucking goddamn business:
*Guilty Pleasure by you know who comes on*
Mav: Oh, this is a pretty catchy song! *starts singing along*
Cue Amelia screaming in the back while Mav keeps on singing obliviously
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unhealthy-obsesionss · 5 months
tbh if u ship bradley/maverick wtf is wrong with you
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jungle-angel · 11 months
Cozy and Funny Thanksgiving Prompts
Ah it's that time of the year again, one of my favorite holidays is right around the corner when the kitchen can go from cozy to chaotic in a split second. Taking requests for Top Gun Maverick, Outer Range, Bad Times At The El Royale, Catch 22 (Hulu), Salem's Lot, Press Play and Lessons in Chemistry.
Getting up at 6am to cook and prep everything
Cooking while it's snowing outside
"Alright, go grab gram's recipe book, we're going old school"
The babies wanting to help set the table
"Your family is gonna be here in less than an hour and we still don't have the turkey in the oven"
"Whoever thought going out in the middle of nowhere to hunt Thanksgiving dinner was a good idea, clearly forgot that it snows here every year"
The men of the house trying to get the turkey prepped but they end up turning the kitchen into an operating room with doctor scrubs, tools etc.
"Get your mitts out of that pie mister!"
Making the living room all cozy and smelling dinner while it's cooking
Putting out the little decorations the kids made in school once the table is set
Recreating Lucy and Charlie Brown's football gag
The whole family gathering in the living room and the shenanigans that ensue
Dancing in the kitchen while dinner cooks
The one recipe they absolutely have to make
"Darlin the cat's trying to get at the turkey again!"
Thanksgiving movie marathon
Their mother-in-law showing them how to make all the secret family recipes
Their s.o's glasses fogging up when they check the turkey
Sleeping for a while after dinner is done
A big announcement at Thanksgiving dinner
"Oh honey no worries, everybody's first Thanksgiving goes awry sometimes.....now lets see if we can get that apple pie to set properly"
"I don't wanna move this couch is too damn comfortable......and I'm full of food"
Baby's first Thanksgiving
"You sure that's gonna fit in the oven?"
Slipping some of their table scraps to the dog who's hiding under the table
Several members in the extended family playing a prank on the chef with the turkey
Thanksgiving turning into a sleepover because everybody's had a little too much to drink
"How much liquer are you putting into that dessert?"
Making a mixed drink for the guests
"We are NOT frying the turkey!"
Fixing the old centerpiece their grandmother made
Thanksgiving day football game
School getting out early the day before
Thanksgiving dad jokes
"You did what to the bird?"
Having to run to the corner store because there's no more wine
The kids wanting to help in the kitchen
Grocery store shenanigans
After Thanksgiving sandwiches
"Is it too early to start decorating for Christmas?"
A little model ship for the centerpiece
After dinner entertainment
"Ah mac'n'cheese one of the best Thanksgiving staples in existence"
"You're what I'm most thankful for"
"Want some creampie for dessert?" (SMUT)
An unexpected dinner guest
Breaking the wishbone
Hilarious stories told at the dinner table
"Dear I love you but you might wanna get out of the kitchen for a few minutes"
"I'm thankful that we're all together"
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mrsbradshaw-seresin01 · 6 months
Maverick: What do you want for breakfast?
Penny: She wants eggs.
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fryingpansareswag · 3 months
How old is Penny in TGM?
Does anyone know how old Penny is? I'm pretty sure Penny is at least a few years younger than Mav because if he's turning 58-60 he would've been 24 when he went to Top Gun, he knew Penny before then. I believe Amelia (Penny's daughter) is around 13-14 so if Penny is the same age as Mav she would've had Amelia when she was 44. So I think Penny has to be at least in her late forties or early fifties.
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jt1674 · 6 months
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the-authoress-writes · 7 months
Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing
A MavDad/PennyMav Fic
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Synopsis: What do paperwork and a manicure have to do with Pete Mitchell getting the happy ending he never thought he would?
Everything, apparently.
Warnings: Fluff—pure, unadulterated fluff with feels.
Author’s Note: At last, I fulfill my promise to write something for Mav!
I couldn’t be happier to finally write something where Mav is the star, and not the wingman, literal or figurative.
Honestly, this story idea has been floating around in my head for a while, and here it is!
I know I should be working on the next chapter of Wherever You Go, or heck, even my faceclaim post for said fic, but this just wanted to be written already, and hopefully, now that I’ve gotten it out of my system, I will be able to get back to writing that.
I swear I didn’t plan to post this around Valentine’s Day, but hey, I’m not complaining!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy my schmoopy MavDad indulgence!
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“Honey, have you done your homework?” Mav heard Penny ask Amelia, from where he was drying the dinner dishes in the kitchen.
“Did it this afternoon, Mom, and I told you, the light is better here.”
“Okay, alright, let me just open a window before you suffocate us with the acetone,” Penny chuckled.
“Thanks, Mom.”
The sound of latches opening and glass bottles clinking together tinkled through the air, and the shadow of Penny crossing to open the window behind the breakfast nook fell across the counter next to him.
The cool breeze of a San Diego fall evening washed in, much like the distant tide.
A few soft footfalls later, warm arms wrapped around him. “Pete, honey, you coming up soon?”
Cracking a smile at the muted gag from the dining table, he sighed, leaning back against her. “I’ll try—I have a shit-ton of paperwork that Cyclone dumped on me.
The disadvantages of being an instructor and squadron leader,” he ruefully smiled, though he didn’t really regret taking the TOPGUN job and the position of CO of the newly created VFA-223, the “Black Cloaks”, comprised entirely of the Daggers and those who had been selected for the detachment training—or Maverick’s Ducklings, as Cyclone had dubbed them.
She nodded against his back. “Alright, come to bed when you’re done, okay?”
“I’ll be there.”
It was one of the best decisions in his life to work at his relationship with Penny—they had no chance of working when he was younger; his soul was too haunted, his heart, mind, and body chasing ghosts while also fleeing from them, but now… well, now, his mother’s engagement ring was sitting in the drawer of his desk at work, just waiting.
For what, exactly, he wasn’t sure.
The right moment, he guessed.
Mav heard Penny’s footsteps start up the stairs just as he placed the last glass in the cabinet, and after a wistful exhale, he grabbed the reluctantly-owned attaché case that Ice would have cackled over him having, which contained the classwork from his TOPGUN students, and the relatively sensitive training run reports of the Black Cloaks, setting it down at the dining table, across from where Amelia was… doing something to her nails.
He began working on the papers, and soon realized she was doing her nails.
After a while, Amelia murmured, “How’s the paperwork going?” a smirk like her mother’s on her face.
Belatedly, he realized he’d been watching her work instead of reading his reports. “It’s uh… paperworking,” he muttered lamely.
“I bet it’s better than watching nail polish dry.”
He blinked—she had her mother’s and her grandfather’s dry wit, that was for sure.
After that pointed reminder, the two of them worked in silence, the sound of a bottle of clear polish eventually punctuating the air with a sound of finality.
She blew on her hands for a while, then set them down on the table.
He soon felt the weight of her stare, and let it rest on him for about five minutes before he interjected, “How’s the uh, manicure?”
The paperwork?”
“… It’s…”
“Boring,” she dared, raising an eyebrow.
He debated the consequences of telling Amelia responsibility was boring, but the truth was, no matter how interesting the maneuvers were in the air, the constraints of report language made them boring.
“Yeah,” he admitted.
“Figured.” She blinked, thoughtful. “Do you have to do anything special with the paperwork?”
“Not really, just read them over, and make sure that what they’re saying in the report matches up with what happened in the air.
And then I have to grade my students’ homework.”
Amelia nodded, and after a pause, she asked, “You any good at multitasking?”
Even though he wasn’t sure where she was going with this, he replied, “Pretty good.”
It was part of his job after all, especially since he switched to single-seat; having to calculate things like AOA and airspeed relative to the limitations of his aircraft, all while flying faster than the speed of sound, among other things.
You read those reports and grade that homework.
I’m going to tell you about my day while I give you a manicure.” She inhaled, something hesitant in her eyes. “Unless… unless you don’t want me to bug you—it’s teenager stuff and all that—”
He cut her off, “I’d love to hear about your day, Amelia.”
It hit something in his heart to see the quickly concealed shock in her eyes.
Yet another strike for Penny’s dick ex-husband in Mav’s book.
“You would?”
“Yeah, of course, kiddo.
But uh,” Mav scratched the back of his neck, “is the manicure really necessary?”
Like a flash of lightning, she leaned over the table and grabbed his hand, scrutinizing each finger and his palm, wrinkling her nose in disgust. “Ugh—yeah.”
He hedged, “I’m pretty sure it’s against regs for me to have pink—”
“Relax, old man, there is such a thing as clear polish—Admiral Stick-in-the-Mud won’t see a thing.
And I need something to do too, I’m not even halfway tired yet.
Fixing your trainwreck hands oughta do the trick,” she gestured.
He laughed, switching the papers to his right hand. “Alright, Skylark, go to town.”
Amelia ducked her head and grabbed her nail file, failing to conceal her smile at the nickname he’d given her shortly after he and Penny got back together. “Okay, so, um, at school, math is my first subject, and honestly, whoever said math should be the first class of the day needs to be punished…”
Almost two and a half hours later, the paperwork was done, Mav’s nails were cut, filed, and polished, his cuticles trimmed, hands moisturized, and he knew every dirty, juicy secret of North Island High.
Amelia drowsily packed up her nail kit, which was the size of a small toolbox, while he did the same with his attaché case, and as a team, they checked the doors and windows of the house, making sure everything was secure.
The task done, they ended up back at the dining room. “All hatches battened down, Captain,” she sighed.
At his slightly perplexed frown, she rolled her eyes, “Seriously—you’re in the navy.”
“Like I told your mom, I don’t sail boats, I just land on them,” he chuckled.
“Well, it means everything’s good.”
He softly clapped his hands together, “Alrighty, let’s get to bed then.”
Amelia snorted, “God, you’re so old, who even says alrighty non-ironically anymore?”
“Alrighty isn’t cool anymore?”
Was it ever?”
She shook her head, “Remind me to get you up to date, I can’t have you embarrassing yourself out there—you’ll lose all your cool.”
Mav immediately pointed, “So you think I’m cool?”
Caught like a deer in the headlights, she tried to backtrack. “I mean, don’t—don’t all you naval aviators think you’re like, the coolest or something?”
“No, no, no, no take-backsies; you think I’m cool,” he grinned.
She winced, “You’re killing me here—‘take-backsies’?”
“Come onnnn, Skylark.”
“Ugh, fine,” she groaned, “you’re—you’re sort of cool.”
“I’ll take it, kid.”
She smirked, then looked at her nail kit despairingly. “Seriously regretting bringing the whole thing down.
It’s heavy as hell.”
He reached for it, “Lemme get it for ya.”
Amelia attempted to bat his hands away, “No, I can carry it, Mav.”
“I got it—just focus on getting yourself up the stairs.”
She visibly debated the idea of arguing, but a yawn cut her off, and with the element of her eyes closed, he used the opportunity to gently wrap an arm around her shoulder and usher her up the stairs.
“You should have let me carry it—you’re too old to carry heavy stuff,” she muttered, mindful of her likely sleeping mother.
“I can carry this for you, don’t worry about me.
And next time you do my nails, you can carry it.”
They had arrived at her bedroom door, and she stopped short. “Next time?”
“Yeah, who else will help me get through my paperwork, take care of my hands, and let me know if Micah takes Kenna instead of Alyssa to Junior Prom?”
A smile curled the corner of her mouth. “I guess someone has to help you stay in the brass’ good graces so they don’t ship you out to the asscrack of America for not doing paperwork.”
“Can’t afford to leave you and your mom, Skylark.” And he really didn’t want to leave this time, not when he finally had so much to stay for.
“Or the chicken.
And the ducklings.”
“Yeah, them too,” Mav laughed quietly, similarly mindful of Penny, before handing the nail kit to her. “Anyway, here you go, Amelia.”
She took the nail kit, looking at him for a beat, like she had something to say, but wasn’t sure about whether to say it.
Finally, she said, “Thanks.
And, uh… I… I—I know I like giving you crap, but, I—I like—having you around, Mav.
And I—I…” she trailed off, pinching the bridge of her nose, “you know what, never mind, I’m rambling, your disaster hands made me tired.”
He knew that she wanted to say something else just then, but he let it go, not wanting to pry. “I really, really like being around too, Skylark, and if I have anything to say about it, I won’t be going anywhere.”
“That’s good,” she smiled, swallowing thickly. “I, uh, I better go—gotta get that good sleep.”
“Alright, kiddo, goodnight.”
“Night, Mav.”
After a sleepy smile, she softly shut her door, and he continued up the stairs, getting into bed beside a sleeping Penny, wrapping himself around her, quickly drifting off to sleep.
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“Alright, Daggers, good work on the hop, head to the hangar, and we’ll review the maneuvers,” Mav clapped his hands, looking at his squad, most of whom dispersed to the aforementioned location, save for Bradley, who hung back.
“I seriously don’t know how you do it, you crazy old man,” Bradley laughed, his Caravans doing nothing to hide the child-like glee in his eyes. “I thought we’d all learned everything our first TOPGUN sessions and during the detachment training, but somehow, you manage to teach us something new every time.”
“Well, I got to make sure you kids know everything I do, so you all can continue to terrorize the Navy when I retire,” Mav grinned.
Bradley scoffed, “You say that like you’re going to turn in your papers today—we both know the brass’ll have to drag you from your F-18, Mav.” His son in everything but name and blood paused, a twitch of his mustache the only giveaway of his rising concern. “I mean—you’re not doing that any time soon—right, Dad?”
He wrapped an arm around Bradley, “Nah, not about to leave you to the skies just yet, Baby Goose.
Not until I make you all better than me.”
His “Until I make sure you can survive anything,” went unsaid, but his boy, ever perceptive, leaned into the contact and murmured, “Love you too, Dad.”
“Love you more—” Mav cut himself off as he went to run a hand through his hair, frowning at his hand.
There on his thumb, in bright, varnished red, was a neatly drawn heart, and the letter U.
Distantly, he heard Bradley say, “Mav?
Dad, you okay?
What’s wrong?”
“This wasn’t here last night,” he muttered, showing Bradley his thumb.
The worry eased from his son’s face, replaced with amusement. “You let Skylark do your nails?”
“Yes, I did—sue me—but Roo, this wasn’t there last night, I distinctly remember making Amelia use clear nail polish.”
Bradley took his hand, scrutinizing it. “It looks like there’s top coat on here, so she put this last night.”
Mav couldn’t help the surprise on his face.
“Sue me, sometimes Phoe makes me paint her toenails,” the younger pilot muttered.
“How is that possible—I saw my hands after she did it; this wasn’t there.”
Bradley thought for a second, before the metaphorical lightbulb lit up. “Invisible nail polish.”
That’s a thing?”
It goes on clear, but stand in the sun or heat up your hands, it’ll turn the color it’s supposed to be.”
As Mav absorbed this information, the puzzle pieces came together in his head, what Amelia had been trying to say before they said goodnight, and tears sprang to his eyes.
“Amelia loves me, Baby Goose—I can’t bel—I don’t—”
Immediately, Bradley took him into his arms. “Hey; Dad, listen to me: you deserve all the love in the world, okay?
And I am so sorry for my hand in making you feel like you don’t deserve love, but you do, Dad—I can assure you, you do.
I’m really happy for you.
Maybe now, you can muster up the guts to bust out that box that’s been hiding in your desk.”
Mav gasped, “How did you—”
“I saw it when I asked for some Post-It’s last week.
Seriously, you didn’t even make an effort to hide it.”
“You—you’re not mad I didn’t tell you?” he gulped.
Bradley smirked, pulling back, “Dad, I knew this was coming a long time ago, and really, as long as you’re happy and healthy?
I’m on your wing.”
Mav reached up, cupping Bradley’s face. “You’re a good kid, Baby Goose.”
Regret twisted his boy’s face. “Could have been better.”
“I love you regardless, kid.
Now come on, they’re probably all wondering where we are, let’s debrief so we can get outta here sooner; I need your help at the mall.”
“Su—wait, what?” It was amusing to see Bradley stop right in his tracks.
“I need to get something for Amelia; but I don’t know where to start.”
“I…” the younger pilot opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, before finally shutting it with a click and sighing, “I guess we’re going shopping later for Skylark, then.”
Mav eagerly slapped him on the arm, wide grin on his face as he dashed back to the hangar, and Bradley tried to not to feel that this mall mission was like stealing an F-14 all over again.
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“Pen, Skylark, I’m home!” Mav ventured, hoping for the first time, that Penny wasn’t home.
“Just me, Mav, Mom’s still at The Hard Deck!” Amelia called back, and relief flowed through him; it made this a whole lot easier.
He followed the sound of her voice to the dining room, where she was bent over a textbook, and he pulled up the chair next to her. “Hey kiddo, you got a minute?”
Amelia froze and swallowed thickly, shutting her textbook slowly, an unreadable expression on her face. “Mav, I swear, if you have gotten yourself shipped off again, I am not going to be the one to tell Mom—”
“No!” he yelped, “it’s not like that.
I just wanted to talk to you for a bit.”
“Okay,” she breathed, still skeptical.
He reached out and took her hands in his right. “I got your message.”
She frowned, “I didn’t call you this—” she cut herself off at his meaningful look at his hand. “Oh—that.” She frantically shook her head. “I—I was just playing with you, it doesn’t—“
“I don’t think you were,” he gently pressed.
“I—I—Mav,” she breathed, eyes wide, like a deer in the headlights.
He pulled her into his arms. “I love you too, Amelia.”
And God, it broke his heart to hear her gasp, “You do?”
“Swear on my wings, Skylark,” Mav solemnly nodded into her hair.
He held her tighter against him as she sniffled, her small frame trembling.
When her trembling and sniffles subsided, he drew back. “Now, I have a pretty big question to ask you, Amelia.
It’s one I’ve actually wanted to ask for a while, but something held me back; I think I’m ready to ask now.
You up for it?”
She swiped the back of her hand across her face. “Shoot.”
He pulled a small, black velvet box from his jacket pocket, and opened it, laying it on the table. “You think your mom would like that?”
Her jaw dropped. “You…”
I’m asking your permission to marry your mother.”
She dared, “Hypothetically, what if I say no?”
Mav inhaled, wincing, “I would ask you to reconsider, but I’d respect that.”
A deep frown creased her brow. “You would deny yourself happiness just because I didn’t want you to marry Mom?”
He took her hand again. “Amelia, you and your mom are a package deal; the last thing on earth I want is to come between you and your mother.
And if that means that this never gets used… well, so be it.”
Tears welled in her eyes, and her voice shook, “You love Mom, right?”
He couldn’t help a soft smile. “I’ve… I’ve loved your mom for a long time, kiddo.
Yeah, I love her.”
“And you’re not going anywhere anytime soon, right?”
“If I have my way, I’m not going anywhere.”
Wordlessly, she nodded.
Nodding again, she stated, “Yeah, you can marry my mom.”
“Thanks, Skylark,” he beamed, wrapping an arm around her. “You don’t know what that means.
And hey, I have something for you.”
Mav pulled out the small, white bag he’d tucked in his bomber. “I had an idea of what I wanted, and Bradley told me this store was a good place to find what I was looking for—apparently, he’s bought here before.”
Amelia carefully took the box out of the bag, revealing a silver Pandora bracelet with a double charm of a silver swooping bird encrusted with small blue stones, a small round medal behind it saying “Time to fly” with stylized birds on it, and a simple, custom silver medal engraved with his handwriting, saying, “I love you too.”
Mav couldn’t help rambling, “It’s a Pandora bracelet, you can add charms to it if you want, I just wanted to give you something special; I was always going to give you this even if you didn’t give me your permission to marry your mother—”
This… this is too much,” Amelia breathed, interrupting him.
He twisted his mouth self-effacingly. “Nothing’s too much for those I love.”
Tears welled in her eyes again, and this time, she lurched forward into his arms.
He held her for a long moment, before pulling back to look at her. “Now, I need your help.
You and I need to get your mom here early, and you need to help Brads when he comes over in a bit; he’s bringing the food.”
Amelia’s eyes lit up. “You’re going to ask her tonight, aren’t you?”
“That’s the plan.”
“Didn’t know you were capable of making a plan, Mav,” she smirked.
“I am amazing at making plans, Skylark—come on, let’s get to work.”
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Under the pretense of Amelia being very under the weather, both she and Mav had managed to get Penny home before the sun had even gone down—Penny burst through the door, gasping for breath. “Pete—Ames?”
“Here, Mom,” she called out from her seat in the dining room, exchanging happy glances with Mav and Bradley.
“What’s wrong, how are you feel—” Penny stopped short when she caught sight of the trio of Mav, Bradley, and Amelia at the dining table with shit-eating grins on their faces, connecting the dots that she did have. “You weren’t feeling sick, were you?” she addressed her daughter.
“It was my idea, Pen, we didn’t know how else to get you home faster,” Mav sheepishly spoke up, throwing himself on the figurative sword.
I wanted us to… celebrate—family, you know?
Have a family dinner with your kid, my kid.”
Amelia piped up, “And my allergies were acting up really bad today, Mom.”
“You’re a bad influence, Pete.”
He stood, approaching her, his million-watt smile on full brilliance. “Aww, you love me.”
She stared stonily, before her eyes softened and the corner of her lips tipped up under the assault of his gaze and smile. “Unfortunately.”
Amelia and Bradley playfully gagged simultaneously, causing both Penny and Mav to laugh, to which Bradley spoke up, “Well, I still have to heat up the food I brought, because we didn’t know when you’d get here, Penny, so why don’t you two go for a walk on the beach, do whatever two old people in love do?”
Mav teasingly pointed, “Remember who kicked your ass in hops this morning, Baby Goose,” while Penny crossed her arms, seamlessly picking up the thread, “And who can raise the price of your drinks, Rooster.”
Bradley raised his hands in surrender. “That is freaky as hell.
Let’s leave them to it, Skylark, I need a wingman in the kitchen.”
Without even a peep of protest, Amelia followed Bradley, but not before giving Mav a supportive wink.
“What was that about?” Penny narrowed her eyes at her boyfriend.
“That wink Amelia sent you.”
“Did she?
I didn’t see anything.”
She tilted her head skeptically, but he continued, “Why don’t we take Baby Goose’s suggestion and go take a walk on the beach?
It’ll be nice, sweetheart.”
Despite the feeling that Mav was up to something, she nodded and laced her arm through his offered elbow for the suggested beach walk, not knowing the other hand tucked in his bomber pocket was wrapped around a little black velvet box.
It was a nice evening, warm, but with a breeze coming in off the ocean, and the sunset was gorgeous.
Penny walked along the shore, arm in arm with Mav, just enjoying each other’s company in a way they wouldn’t be capable of over thirty years ago.
They had both grown so much as people, in so many ways, big and small, and she tilted her head, briefly leaning it against his shoulder.
“Penny for your thoughts?” he murmured, a smile in his voice.
She chuckled, “You’re corny.
But I was thinking about us.”
“Hmm—good thoughts?”
I don’t think we could have had this years ago.
I’m so glad that we have it now, before it was too late.”
He sighed heavily. “That’s on me, Pen.
I am more sorry than you know—so much wasted time.”
“Don’t beat yourself up, Pete; the time was right.
And we still have time, it’s not like either of us have a foot in the grave.”
“It’s less time than I’d like.”
She smiled softly, “You romantic.”
“I try,” he joked, soon growing serious. “But… as much as I wish it weren’t the case, I guess the time was right for us.
Even just five years ago… I’d have crashed and burned us, and there’d be no hope after that.
But now… look at us.”
“I know.”
“Penny… there’s so much I want to tell you, but I don’t know if I have the words to describe them,” he breathed, tone intense.
She ran her hand soothingly up and down his arm, knowing he was just collecting himself.
“I—with you, solid ground feels just as much like home as the sky always has.
Your love makes me feel free, when I’ve never wanted so much to stay in one place before.
You know all my issues, my shortcomings, my fears, and yet, you’re still here.
I don’t deserve a woman like you, but somehow, you chose me.”
He stopped them, took both her hands in his, and slowly knelt in the sand, before he plucked a black velvet box from his jacket pocket. “All this is to say, Penelope Marissa Benjamin, will you make me the happiest man on earth and make me your husband?”
She gasped, her eyes darting from Mav’s earnest face to the beautiful solitaire diamond set in a simple band of yellow gold. “Isn’t it supposed to be ‘be my wife?’”
“I’m marrying up, here,” he grinned, continuing, “so what do you say?
Because Captain Benjamin-Mitchell definitely has a ring to it.
Though your dad would probably have a heart attack at the thought of me having his last name too.”
“I think he’s come around to you, actually—he calls you ‘that damn Maverick’ instead of ‘that fucking Mitchell’, nowadays.”
Mav tilted his head from side to side, considering. “I’ll take it.
So… marry me?”
Yes, I will,” she breathlessly replied.
“Oh, thank God,” he muttered, delight shining in his eyes, his hands shaking as he placed the ring on her finger.
It fit perfectly, and Mav wistfully sighed. “My mom would be so happy to see this now.
This was hers, you know.”
Her eyes widened, and she looked at the ring again, the vintage cut of the diamond now obvious to her. “Oh, Pete.”
His eyes grew glassy, and Penny immediately wrapped him in an embrace.
“I love you, Pen.”
She could hear the emotion in his voice, and she held on tighter, matching his own grip on her. “I love you too.”
When she felt his hold on her loosen, she pulled back, cupping his face in her hands. “You okay?”
Mav leaned into her touch. “I am now.”
“The kids should have dinner ready by now.” He sniffled, clearly thinking of something. Finally, he asked, “Uh, would you mind… helping me up?
My uh, knee is a little stiff.”
Penny chuckled, shifting her hands to help her now-fiancé up, a surprised little yelp escaping her when Mav spun the two of them in a circle, his joyful laugh singing through the air.
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Mav took in the scene at the dining table before him like it was a fine wine; Amelia and Bradley were animatedly sharing stories from high school, trying to see who had the weirdest stories, both of them sending him “Can you believe this?” glances when they thought the other wasn’t looking; Amelia’s bracelet catching the light as she swept her hand in an expansive gesture; Penny at his side laughing at the stories Amelia and Bradley were telling, while she repetitively ran her thumb across his knuckles, his mother’s ring sparkling on her hand.
He never in a million years could have imagined he’d have this at this point in his life; in all honesty, he had been prepared to burn in over some foreign sea or land, decades ago.
But here he was.
And if not for his wingman ordering him to teach an impossible mission, this reality would doubtlessly be impossible.
Gratitude filled his heart, and he sent a thought to the heavens; “Thank you, Ice—for everything.”
High above the San Diego night sky, a singular star blinked, sending back, even though its intended recipient would never know; “You’re welcome, Mav.”
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Title is from the song of the same name.
(I really like to name stories after songs, don’t I?)
I headcanon Mav as being neurodivergent, and for me, as someone with ADHD, more often than not, having something else to focus on in the background, helps me get something that I am directly focused on done.
Invisible nail polish does exist, though let’s suspend our disbelief about how dark it can turn if the pre-change color is clear…
The charms I describe are real—you can see the bird charm here, and Pandora does offer an engraving service to make charms with your handwriting on them!
I’ll leave it up to your imagination as to who Bradley purchased Pandora for…
(That’s not teasing, I’m genuinely leaving it up to you)
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imawkwardlysoc · 2 years
accepted or denied?
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Pairing- pete 'maverick' mitchell x daughter!reader
Warning(s)- No use of pronouns, use of Y/N, Penny and Mav got together before the movie and Amelia is Mav's daughter
Wordcount- 1,033
Summary- After getting accepted to most of the colleges that the reader applied to, the reader is waiting for just one more responce.
A/N- If you got accepted to all of the colleges you wanted to be accepted to congrats! If not, just reject their rejection. This is coming from the girl who applied to only four schools and got rejected by three of them with two being her dream schools, and now is going to her safety school which I have a love/hate relationship with.
“You are going to tear a hole into the floor if you keep doing that,” my sister Amelia told me as I paced back and forth by our front door. “The mailman is coming soon. Stop worrying.”
“Easy for you to say since you’re just a freshman,” I looked at her. “Once you reach senior year and already turned in your college application, you’ll get the feeling.”
“Y/N, sweetie, distract your mind,” Mom squeezed my shoulder. “It’s going to come soon.”
“I would if the teachers didn’t have that evaluation day and I didn’t have to be home,” I groaned. “This is my make it or break it moment.”
“Says the girl who got into UC Berkeley, UC LA, Cal Poly, San Diego State, and other amazing colleges in California,” Amelia looked at me as if I was crazy.
Hearing the mailman open our gate, I rushed to the front door and quickly opened it which caused our mailman to let out a laugh at my eagerness.
“I guess someone’s eager to hear back from colleges,” George laughed as he grabbed the stack of mail from his bag. “Good luck.”
“Thanks George,” I thanked him before walking into the kitchen.
I heard Mom apologizing to George about my bluntness and met Amelia and I in the kitchen. Throwing non-important mail into a separate stack, I was met with the envelope from CalTech. My hands immediately started to shake knowing I might get rejected from them. Looking at my mom and sister who gave me hopeful and encouraging looks, I took a breath and started to open the envelope. I took the paper out and started to read it.
“Dear Y/N, congratulations! It is an honor to offer you admission to the California Institution of Technology and the Class of 2023!” I read out while exclaiming.
“You got in?” Mom asked with wide eyes.
“I got in!” The three of us started to jump up and down in celebration.
“Mom,” I saw the tears in her eyes.
“I’m just happy,” she sniffed and wiped her tears.
“I need to tell Dad,” I looked at her.
“Take my keys,” she told me and we hugged again.
Taking the keys from the bowl, I unlocked her car and started driving to base. Sitting at a stop light, I let out a sob of happiness knowing that I got accepted to my dream school. Showing my badge and ID when I got to the entrance of the base, I parked the car and rushed into the building. Nodding my head to a couple of commanding officers like Cyclone and Warlock, I made it to Dad’s office to see his receptionist sitting there.
“Hey Shelly, is my dad in his office?” I asked her.
“No, he’s currently in the hangar with the Dagger Squad,” she replied and saw the look on my face. “You got in didn’t you?”
“Yep,” I nodded my head.
“Congrats hun, we knew you would,” she congratulated me.
I thanked her and went to the hangar where everyone else was. Running down the base, I saw my dad and the squadron talking to each other about things.
“Dad!” I let out another sob as I got closer to him. “Dad!”
“Hey, hey, Y/N,” he went up to me and wrapped me in a hug. “What’s wrong?”
“I got in,” I looked up to him with teary eyes.
“What? What do you mean?” A confused look formed on my face.
“I. Got. In.” I repeated as his eyes widened finally realizing what I meant.
“No you didn't!” His jaw dropped and I gave him the acceptance letter, also the digital one that I got a few minutes later after getting my letter. “You did!”
Dad picked me up and spun me around like he did as I was a little girl. I wrapped my legs around his waist and more tears started to fall down. Putting me down, he hugged me again as tears fell down his eyes and wrapped me in a hug again. Letting go, we let out a chuckle as we wiped our tears and saw the Dagger Squad looking at us.
“I got into CalTech!” I yelled out as I ran up to my brother and adoptive siblings.
A bunch of holy shits and congratulations were said and many hugs. Later on the day, Mom closed the Hard Deck for the day so we could celebrate with my friends and family.
*Few Months Later*
Walking into my dorm room, I placed one of my last boxes on my bed and looked around the room.
“Well, I guess this is it isn’t it?” Dad asked as he placed the last box on the floor.
“I guess so,” I looked at my family and felt a lump in my throat. “I’m going to miss you guys.”
“Aw hun,” all of them wrapped their arms around me to give me a hug.
“Hey, we’re a phone call away,” Mom told me.
“If you want to come home, I’ll drive the Bronco the three hours here and the three hours there,” Rooster squeezed me.
“You’re going to kickass,” Amelia said.
“Amelia,” Mom sacked her arm as she heard her youngest curse.
“It’s not like we have a naval aviator as a dad who curses all the time,” she shrugged her shoulders and we let out a laugh.
“So if any of the F-18s or any old plane I buy needs fixing, I know who to call right?” Dad jokes.
“Just give me the time and place,” I smiled and hugged them again.
Taking pictures together and having tearful goodbyes, they left my room and I looked around to look at the place I’ll be getting my degree in. Looking on my bed, I saw a wrapped present and unwrapped it. Tearing the wrapping paper off, I saw a note from Dad and a picture of Mom, Dad, Amelia, Rooster, and I at the beach together. There was another one with me and the Dagger Squad playing dogfight football. With a smile forming on my face, I placed it down on my desk and read the note.
Don’t think. Just do. 
x Dad
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