#ambiguous predator/s
A creepypasta where the setting is all pretty normal and cliche, but nothing about the situation is clear cut. Who is actually being threatened in the scenario presented? That's left entirely ambiguous until about 2/3rds of the way through.
There is a "human" main character, something appears to be hunting them and their peers, but throughout the story they consistently make decisions that are questionable at best. The audience can kind of tell that they aren't really trying that hard to avoid the predatory creature/s, but everything is just confusing enough with a semi-alternating POV that it's unclear as to why they'd put themselves in harm's way so casually.
None of the other protagonists know what's up exactly, but one does have theories and often uses them to their advantage.
Slowly, as the plot unravels, the audience learns that the MC is absolutely not human themselves. The creatures attempting to prey on the other human protagonists are being hunted by the MC in turn, and the reason behind the MCs dodgy behavior is fully brought to light.
They've been operating like a venus fly trap, luring in individual creatures with promises of an easy hunt and then taking them down one by one in isolation. Their strategy has been to isolate themselves on and off, thus broadcasting a neon dinner sign to the more zealous creatures.
This is why they never really tried to conceal themselves from their would-be killers, because while both the MC and the creatures are considered apex predators by cryptid standards, the creatures are normally pack hunters.
The MC's best bet was always to lure the more foolish ones away from their pack before going after them.
The pack as a whole is absolutely still a huge threat, even to the MC despite the MC's best efforts, but damn if the MC isn't going to spite the other creatures by making the hunt ten times more difficult than it ordinarily would have been.
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kakusu-shipping · 3 months
Vulkin and Leuvius moodboards? (I cannot spell your promised neverland guy to save my life shshssh)
Aaaugh I wanted to do both but I ended up spending literally All Day getting Leuvis' board just right. I'll make a Vulkin one eventually!!!
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 5 months
Stuck on the idea of vampires as a kind of reverse fae, or like someone's twisted, perverse attempt at moulding humans into fae.
They're repelled by liminal spaces.
A vampire could never enter fairyland, not just because they'd never be welcomed, but because most of the usual entry-ways are naturally barred to them.
They can't cross running water. They can't be seen in mirrors. They will wait forever at a crossroads, unable to pick a direction to go in. They can't even step over a thresh-hold unless there is absolutely no ambiguity about whether they are welcome inside.
They crave human blood, iron and salt, but are repelled by herbs and plants. They are supernaturally prevented from harming you unless the rules of hospitality have been invoked.
A fairy may replace your newborn child with something unnatural and ever-hungry. A vampire will do the same, but with your grandmother's corpse.
The fae are typically associated, even in stories where they're the bad guys, with flourishing and purity. Vampires, even in stories where they're the good guys, are typically associated with decay and corruption.
The fae turn ancient human burial mounds into fancy halls for their courts. Vampires take ancient human castles and let them grow mildewed and cobwebbed, exchanging the beds for coffins, turning them into burial places.
Fae don't tend to live among humans, but can generally pass for them with relative ease if they so choose. Vampires nearly always live among humans, but tend to find not revealing themselves a huge struggle.
I can't think of many stories I've read where fae and vampires even exist in the same universe, let alone ones where they actively interact. I feel like their enmity is almost more inevitable than that between vampires and werewolves, however.
The rivalry between vampires and werewolves is, essentially, the rivalry between two apex predator species who share a territory. (Even in stories where the werewolves aren't actually hunting humans.)
The vampires hate the werewolves because the werewolves interfere with their access to prey. The werewolves hate the vampires either because they consider themselves aligned with humans (the prey species), or because they are also predators and the vampires are competing with them.
By comparison, I think there's some story potential in the fae finding something genuinely creepy and uncanny valley about vampires.
They're immortal, like them, but also dead. They can be beautiful, like them, but that beauty is something they actively require humans to sustain. They like to inhabit beautiful and ancient ex-human dwellings, like them, but they actively work to make those places dark, damp and empty.
Fairies who are unflappable in the face of all sorts of Otherworldly monsters, can look an eldritch horror in the eye(s) without blinking, and have never been phased yet by any human, but will recoil from even the weakest vampire.
Vampires who hate fairies just as much, but in a more envious way. The way that the creature for whom immortality is a curse is bound to hate the creatures for whom immortality is an eternity of sunlight and laughter.
Maybe their touches burn each other. Maybe vampires can't stand physical contact with anything so alive and vital. Maybe immortal fairies become ill from too much exposure to the undead.
Maybe they fight over the human population when their territories overlap. The fairy need for servants and people to make deals with, competing with the vampire need for thralls and blood to drink.
Just… fairies and vampires. We need more stories about them interacting.
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monstersdownthepath · 2 months
Homebrew Horror: The Unnamed
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The world hosts all manner of boogeymen and ghost stories, many of which are based on very real entities that prank or prey upon mankind when the sun sets and the lights go out, but few enjoy the obscurity and success of the Thing with No Name. There is perhaps a handful of people in all the world who can claim to have witnessed the nameless horror hunt its prey, and fewer still who are telling the truth about it, as to speak of it to another is to invite it into your life.
The scant scratches of concrete information that can be pieced together all paint a similar picture: It is predator that has haunted thinking beings as far back in history as anyone can look, its methods of hunting and its means of killing leaving precious little evidence behind. What it truly is, where it came from, and why it hunts the way it does are all mysteries which cannot be solved. Rare and esoteric writings which tell of it list numerous titles, all unhelpful; The Thing with No Name, the Stain on the Page (or simply "the Stain"), the Nameless Legend, and simply the Unnamed. It is written that such ambiguous titles are to protect the reader, not the creature, for attempting to affix any more descriptive title to it is the surest way to invite its horrific attention.
The Unnamed is one of several self-keeping secrets in creation, hunting down and annihilating any creature which knows too many details or who becomes too curious of it, for reasons which may never be truly known. For those it hunts, it seems like a nightmare made terribly real in a way few other creatures can match; an unstoppable, inescapable force which will use seemingly any trick to disorient, mislead, and ultimately capture its victim.
Anyone targeted by the Stain can always feel when it's near, and rarely do they ever manage to find help before they're simply never seen again. Witnesses to the scenes rarely speak, and never coherently, never to say what they saw, lest it target them next. Even in scenes where a tremendous struggle obviously took place, investigators struggle to turn up so much as a single drop of blood or scrap of hair of the victim... but sometimes they find something else. A misshapen footprint, a handprint caused by something deeply inhuman, or some strange fluid almost but not quite like blood that causes the mind to reel with a single touch.
Not enough to solve a mystery, just enough to make one curious. Just enough to make one try and wipe away a stain of ink on some dusty old report tucked away in the back of an archive to see what could have been written underneath.
The Unnamed CR 13 Chaotic Evil Medium Aberration (Shapechanger) Init: +8 Senses: Darkvision 60ft, low-light vision, thoughtsense 60ft, blindsight 20ft; Perception +23 Aura: Unwind (30ft, DC 24) ------ Defense ------ AC 29, touch 14, flat-footed 25 (+4 Dex, +15 natural) HP 193 (15d8+105), Regeneration 5 (Cold) Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +14 Defensive Abilities: Amorphous, Unbound, Undone; DR 10/Cold Iron and Lawful; Immune: Charms and compulsions, death effects, poison; Resist: Acid 15, Electricity 15, Fire 15; SR 17 ------ Offense ------ Speed: 50ft, climb 30ft Melee: Bite +17 (1d8+6 plus poison/19-20), slam +15 (1d8+6 plus grab), 3 tentacles +15 (1d4+6 plus pull) Ranged: Bone dart +15/+10/+5 (1d3+6 plus poison/19-20) Space: 5ft, Reach: 5ft (10ft with bite, 20ft with tentacles) Special Attacks: Pull (10ft), rake (Bite +17, 1d8+6 plus poison), Unwind Spell-like Abilities (CL 15, concentration +17) Constant: Freedom of Movement At-will: Dancing Darkness, Ghost Sound (DC 13), Ventriloquism (DC 13) 3/day: Rusting Grasp, Telekinesis (DC 17), Warp Wood 1/day: Knock, Modify Memory (DC 16), Teleport, Traumatic Eyebite (DC 18) ------ Statistics ------ Str 23 Dex 19 Con 25 Int 13 Wis 21 Cha 15 Base Atk: +11; CMB: +16; CMD: 31 Feats Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Improved Critical (bite, bone dart), Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Traumatic Spell-like Ability (Eyebite), Sickening Critical Skills Acrobatics +13, Bluff +13, Climb +21, Intimidate +15, Perception +23, Stealth +21, Survival +23 Languages All; language mastery. SQ Change Shape (any past victim; see Uncanny), Compression, Unknown ------ Ecology ------ Environment: Any Organization: Unique Treasure: Standard (taken trophies) ------ Combat: The Stain enjoys toying with its Target out of both sadism and pragmatism, forcing them to make mistakes and expend resources battling shadows and hallucinations. It goes Unseen as long as it is able to, tormenting them with its spell-like abilities to haunt them, destroy or remove light sources, weapons, and escape routes, and make it seem as though it is coming from everywhere at once. It will attempt to hit them with one or several of its bone darts to infuse them with its poison and terrorize them with the hallucinations, but it will try to avoid killing them with its darts (including by making them nonlethal). It will further toy with them with its tentacle attacks from a distance, making them think their hallucinations are real, until eventually wearing them down and closing in to finish them off and consume them. Against a large group of victims, it will attempt to isolate and pick them off one by one after loosening their reasoning with its poisonous aura, stolen voices, and Eyebite. When the mood strikes, it leaves one survivor (never its Target) alive but traumatized and possibly insane, usually using its Modify Memory to erase the majority of the encounter. But never all of it.
Morale: If a group of creatures has no Target among them, the Unnamed will fight only long enough to potentially traumatize one into becoming a Target later, and then flee to let the memories fester. When in a combat involving its Target, the Unnamed will always attempt to kill them, even if its own life is in danger. If its foes prove to be beyond its power, it will still attempt a death or glory attack against its Target. Its own life doesn't matter. It will come back eventually. ------ Special Abilities ------
Unbound (Ex): The Unnamed will not be denied its happiness. It may make an additional saving throw at the end of each of its turns to remove any effect causing any of the following conditions, even if the effect causing the condition does not normally permit a saving throw: blind, confused, dazed, deafened, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, sickened, slowed, staggered, and stunned. This does not require an action. If it is affected by multiple effects or conditions, it may only make one additional saving throw with this ability each turn.
Uncanny (Ex): The Unnamed can use its Change Shape ability as a full-round action to change into any creature it has ever consumed, but its shape is grotesquely twisted to the point it could not possibly be mistaken for a normal creature. It does not gain any additional abilities, the changes are purely cosmetic. Similarly, though it can speak any language, its voice is completely inhuman and distorted. Creatures under the effects of its poison (see Unwind, below) or who are confused or insane instead see and hear it as if the transformation was flawless. This effect is lost if they are adjacent to it.
Undone (Su): If the Unnamed reduces a Target to 0 HP or lower with its attacks while the Target is both within its reach and suffering from the effects of its poison (see Unwound, below), the Target's body crumbles to a fine dust the Unnamed may inhale as an immediate action or at any point within the next minute as a swift action. When it does so, it regains 4d8+15 hitpoints and may immediately end one condition or effect on itself.
Unknown (Su): Whenever a creature attempts to give a more descriptive title or a name to the Unnamed, or attempts to describe its appearance or abilities in detail to another being, they become a Target. When creature becomes a Target, they are shaken automatically for one round by the sense that they have committed some unfathomable wrong. What "naming/describing the Unnamed" entails will vary at the DMs discretion; it could be as simple as writing details into a document meant to be read by another, speak the details aloud to another, or drawing it, but it must be a willing, conscious attempt to define or describe the Unnamed to another intelligent creature. Creatures defining or describing the Unnamed only for themselves may still become Targets, at the DMs discretion (it often allows these creatures to write just enough to make a potential reader curious, but no more). The Unnamed knows the precise location of all Targets not shielded by divine power, as well as the distance and direction to them relative to itself. Targets become permanently shaken whenever the Unnamed is within 1 mile of them as a sense of impending doom creeps into their minds, and if it is within 100ft, this condition pierces all forms of immunity to fear. All parts of this ability works across all boundaries and through any barrier.
Unseen (Sp/Su): When not being observed by an intelligent creature, the Unnamed may become invisible as a standard action, as per Greater Invisibility, except the effect lasts until an intelligent creature successfully sees the Unnamed through any means (such as if it's outlined through Glitterdust or mundane dust, or viewed through True Seeing), until any creature ends its turn adjacent to the Unnamed (or vice-versa), or until the Unnamed ends the effect itself as an immediate or free action. It can only use its spell-like abilities while invisible using this ability.
Unwind (Ex): The Unnamed produces a powerful, hallucinogenic poison which it delivers with its bite and dart attacks. It may also produce a colorless, odorless version of the poison as an aura that slithers 30ft out from it, affecting all creatures which inhale it, though they gain a +5 circumstance bonus to the save. It may begin producing this aura version of its poison as a full-round action and stop as a move action; its bite and dart attacks do not poison their targets while it's producing the aura, and it can only maintain the aura for a total of 7 rounds a day (they do not have to be consecutive).
--Unwinding Venom: Bite, dart, or aura--injury, contact, or inhaled; save Fort DC 24, frequency 1/round for 5 rounds, effect 1d3 Wis damage plus hallucinations for 1 round (all other creatures have 20% concealment), cure 2 consecutive saves.
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darlingpwease · 2 years
Btw, opinion on naga!reader × ftm!yuuta?? 🤨🤨
Ik naga stuff isn't super big but I've been reader some monster works and just– boom ideas, yknow??
-panna cotta
CONTENT WARNINGS: unhealthy behaviour implied, established relationship, power imbalance, mild size kink / size difference, mild predator/prey dynamic, interspecies relationship / xenophilia, talk about cubs, some details about snake physiology, deep kisses with snake-tongue, mind break [yuuta]
hypersexuality, sex marathon, mild primal kink, unprotected sex / breeding, deep penetration + belly bulge, rough treatment, praise (g., r.), double penetration (g.), fingering (g.), hyperstimulation (g.), choking from squeezing by tail (g.), cum inflation (g.), bondage (g., by tail), body worship (r.)
WRITING STYLE: yuuta's genitals are ambiguous but implied as a vagina ('juice', 'hole'), reader's genitals are ambiguous but implied as a dick(s) ('cum')
DARLINGS: yuuta okkotsu x reader; dom!reader, top!reader, monster!reader, dark!yuuta okkotsu, dark!reader
note: 'opinion' hdhdhdhd ESSAY– he's a guy & he has a vagina because I don't know how to properly write gender. anyway–
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Yuuta has a rather cold body, freezes easily, but when you wrap tail around his thin, fragile figure, almost teasing him with how toylike he is compared to you, like a small prey, even if your sizes are not so different, he is hot like a stove and just as ruddy, giving you to squeeze him and cuddle to a hot chest without feeling even a hint of resistance, but just hearing frantic heartbeat. And Yuuta doesn't exactly consider himself 'kinky' or having questionable tastes, but when you tease him by lifting your tail, giving him a glimpse to touch it to immediately remove it, or twining around just to remind him what this gorgeous tail is capable of, from which he can't take his eyes off, he understands what's something is wrong with him if even your teasing about how he stares at your gorgeous body for an indecently long time can distract him only for a while before he shyly looks at you again.
Yuuta is so hopeless at hiding how often he is distracted by your tail and how much he doesn't mind when you turn around him, wrapping your arms around his warm neck and asking about his red ears while gently rocking on him, letting him feel how good you are on his warm, non-resisting body, as if begging you not to letting it go out of a tenacious grip. And you, you can't resist, lazily kissing his face and ears, stroking wet neck, gently entwining around his hands so that he does not get in the way, whispering how malleable and harmless he is, so sensitive, so vulnerable to you, allowing you to keep him in this state and intoxicatingly kiss until he whines, feeling your tail rubbing him between thighs, trying to get even more heat.
Unlike him, your body is so cold, needing warmth, hungry and greedy as soon as it finds him, looking for more and more, and Yuuta can't tell you 'no' even when you scratch, trying to get rid of his clothes, almost purring when he enthusiastically rubs against your tail, further inflaming your desire to take advantage of his soft, hot body, from which you are separated only by scraps of clothing — and Yuuta cannot hide the trembling when your claws scratch him, almost touching his skin, knowing that you can leave thin marks on him at any moment, branding him as yours. Unlike you, he is too constrained in movements and too open, even if you actually decide to harm him, Yuuta will not have time to react and is not sure that he will be able to get out even if tries, so tightly squeezed that sometimes it becomes difficult for him to breathe, but does not try to stop you even when your embrace become too strong,
because he feels so good.
Even when your sharp claws get to his stomach, gently stroking, purring into his neck, and Yuuta knows what you want to say, but you just remain silent, stroking sensitive warm skin, almost threateningly scratching it, reminding him how vulnerable and defenseless he is, how frivolous he is when so shamelessly naked, — before slide lower, humming quite when he tries to squeeze hips in a playful gesture rather than in a desire to interfere with you, but, of course, not allowing him to do so.
Yuuta is so wet and hot that you are almost intoxicated; sticky, trembling, breathing heavily when you touch wet underwear, rubbing, holding his hips prettily spread for you, trying not to scratch him, but letting him feel your claws, from which only useless fabric protects him — and from which you easily you get rid of it; biting his hot neck, from which he wheezes, but moaning when you lick a new mark; trying to be as gentle as possible when make his body tremble, squeezing you tightly, as if trying to make you stay inside forever.
Your claws are so tenacious, sharp, dangerously sharp, but when they slide over his thigh, they make him moan enthusiastically while you kissing him as passionately as you can, making him feel almost fucked in mouth while rubbing him between thighs — and disappointed when you gently interrupt the kiss, making him whine with frustration,
forcing him to almost growl in frustration when you leave his wet thighs exposed,
before you hide face in his neck again, soothing him with close presence, ignoring his complaints and pleas to continue, feeling how pulsating and hot, moist, stretched, so perfect, ready to greedily accept everything you want to give him, eager to be full, filled with you.
When you gently snuggle up to him, briefly biting and licking his neck, convincing him to relax, but only making him tremble foreshadowingly, understanding what you want to do when comfortably settle between his thighs, — and whine enthusiastically when you press against, stretching, slowly but continuously filling until you are so as deep as you can, forcing him to accept everything despite how tight he is, as if provoking you to continuously fuck and breed him until his body starts to be perfect for you again.
So hot that you feel how your body start to shake involuntarily, convincing you to grab his hips and fuck until you fill him with your cubs, making sure that they will always be warm and protected inside his soft but strong body, ideal so that you do not stop breeding him even after the first brood, biting him for his neck, irresistibly red with shame and marks, while you fill his defenselessly needy body again and again, hearing him whimper while your cum with his juice flows down his thighs — or when he babbles indistinctly while you open him well, letting the leftovers drain out before stuffing him to the brim again, taking care that he will be bred by you as soon as recovers from old cubs; keeping him as your cute warm mate in whom you can always warm up and whom you can always fuck into unconsciousness.
By the time his trembling thighs are comfortably positioned for the deepest thrusts, Yuuta can no longer help fidgeting, squeezing and releasing you, uselessly trying to move, — and crying enthusiastically when you abruptly push inside and out, making him to whine wistfully only to almost suffocate from a new push, fucking him with lasciviously squelching sounds that he can't help but make, being too wet and soaked, so thirsty when you gently begin to stretch with deep slow thrusts, helping him get used to your size again, steadily fucking — but hurriedly hammering in when Yuuta whines that you tease him, only to immediately falls silent, squeezing you so tightly that you can hardly move, trembling in your hands, before starts to squeeze even harder around you, pulsating, letting you feel how everything inside him, hot and soft, tries to feel you as deep as possible.
When Yuuta cums, moaning your name, begging you not to stop, giving you a great view of his hot, excited body, ready to take even more and cum even harder until you stuff him to such a state that he can't even cum, being able to only mumble pathetically while you continue to fuck him, squeezing him like your little prey, which is unable to even move, let alone realize how much he is shackled and caught, tightly grabbed by you and held like your pretty thing.
When his hot soft supple body lets you push into him even through orgasm, not letting him move away from the ecstatic state to be knocked down again by the sensations of how you stretch him, feel how much his attempts to hinder you are useless when you roughly bred him, fucking his tight hole, letting him feel how thick and big you are for him, how strong you are for silly attempts not to let you drive inside and stuff him, how tenacious when your tongue again strives to his mouth for a new wet deep kiss while you don't stop fucking him raw — but without feeling any rebuff, as if your kiss makes his head spin, and your rough animal thrusts into his hole only make him wetter and enjoying, eager to spread his thighs and mouth even more, so that you don't stop even for a moment, using him and shamelessly enjoying even if it means that then the cum will flow out of his used hole while Yuuta tries to regain consciousness,
even if it means that then he will be stuffed filled with your cubs.
But by the time you are already pushing easily, without wasting time on gentle thrusts, letting Yuuta feel how you use his hot wet body, as if not paying attention to the fact that this is not his third orgasm that he experiences from too pleasant thrusts for someone who should be "used", hearing his wheezing and whining mixed with declarations of love and enthusiastic moans about how good he feels, how wet he is, how much he wants you to spread him, fill him, fuck him until his stomach is rounded and becomes soft from the abundance of your cum in it, flowing down his thighs along with the juices,
so enthusiastic and trembling from too much sensitivity and orgasms that does not immediately understand when you start filling him again before his stomach becomes stuffed not only with cum, forcing him to choke with surprise and amazement, sticking out his tongue, drooling when you slightly slow down the rhythm to give a good take before continuing as it was, ignoring his gasping moans and shocked look of amazement, seeing belly bulge because of how completely you fill him, leaving almost no free space. When the first thrusts make him whine with fullness, feeling so full and stretched and squeezed and fucked that Yuuta can't breathe, just gasping for air, feeling like his body is not in his control, seeing stars in front of his eyes, realizing with blind insane delight how you use him, as if losing control, fucking him to such a state that when you cum, you will definitely make him not only flow with it, but also definitely breed with your cubs, — but if not, then offering him again and again to continue to mate with you,
making him even more addicted from how good it is.
By the time you shake, impulsively warning him about it only to feel how Yuuta squeezes you tightly in a blind unconscious desire to be filled — and giving it to him, slowly fucking even when you cum, trying to be affectionate and stroking him, hearing him cry about how beautiful and good and affectionate and tender and perfect you are, even when you're not pulling out despite his thighs getting wet and soaked by you, being unable to keep everything inside, but also unable to get off or move away, obediently accepting, breathing hard while you kiss his skin, convincing him that everything is fine and that you are almost done, and receiving in response only a lazy semblance of purring and trembling attempts to stroke you in response.
By the time you finish and make sure that everything remains as deep inside him as possible, you can't give up the desire to put him down (despite his dissatisfied whining) and gently spread, shamelessly showing you how your cum drips from how much Yuuta is stuffed with it, feeling almost proud even despite his dissatisfied moan, implying a request to snuggle up to him and stop doing something else, and you can't resist, even if, instead of wrapping yourself around his body, you try to curl up, leaving his body in warmth and sweet bliss while he snuggles close to you, smiling happily.
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monster reader go brrrrrr. maybe I'm completely off topic but? no matter. I think I've proved how desperate I am to any idea about them. talk with me pwease,,,,,,
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thecurioustale · 18 days
Writing Psychological Horror Is Hard
Writing horror is hard for me.
I think it is perhaps the clearest example, at least when I'm the subject, of the difference between being the author and being the audience. I find it extremely difficult to know what will creep out someone who doesn't know all the behind-the-scenes details of what is happening. This is despite my considerable experience as a consumer of [psychological / environmental] horror media.
When I think about the things that scare me, or maybe "unsettle" is a better word, it usually comes down to two things: 1) narratively plausible violations of the laws of nature; and 2) foreboding, i.e. the slow-building setup that something bad is coming—something that is specific enough to be apprehensible but still ambiguous enough to be cloaked in mystery.
But! Not just any attempt at these things will actually work. There is definitely a secret sauce that makes some efforts fail and others succeed.
In the game Oxenfree, probably my favorite horror game of all time, there is a scene on the "Find Clarissa!" subplot where Alex et al. are in something akin to a classroom in an abandoned military base on an uninhabited island, and a discordantly upbeat and normal-sounding midcentury-style gameshow host is talking to them through a haunted radio asking them questions in a game of Hangman (whose figure is gradually being drawn by invisible means on the chalkboard), while a lamp overhead illuminates the room in a very unnatural light as it swings back and forth for no apparent reason. And this was one of my favorite moments in the entire game, because it was really scary. It benefitted from the existing atmospheric horror build up in the events immediately preceding it, and also benefitted from not being a narrative climax; it actually ratchets up the tension in the story even higher, without resolving anything (other than itself).
But I think that if you went purely by my description, you would be hard-pressed to create a scary implementation of this scene. I certainly would be—and I know that for a fact, because I have more or less tried it!
What is it that makes something profoundly unsettling in that oh-so-delicious manner of a good horror story? Well, the academic answer is that it's appealing to our instincts of danger: dangerous environments (like rocks or cliffs or plants, or, indeed, "the dark"), dangerous predators, dangerous people, dangerous forces (like fire and wind and water), and dangerous sicknesses (e.g. infectious disease). Most horror taps into at least one of these primal apprehensions in the human psyche. And to succeed it has to feel real, the way a roller coaster feels like you're really falling. But I don't think "the academic answer" really sheds all that much light on the mystery of actually composing horrifying situations and events.
A lot of the craftsmateship is a balancing act.
For example: You don't want to hit the audience over the head with obvious bogeymates—jumpscares for the sake of jumpscares, as it were, or having your big scary cryptid jump out in its full costume in broad daylight and look absurd—but I have also found, through experience, that it is very easy to hide horrifying details too well, to be too subtle about it—and it is extremely difficult for me to get a sense, on the audience's behalf, of how subtle is too subtle.
That leads me to an important insight: Part of the secret sauce of horror is contextually embedding horrifying story elements into a broader context. A "haunted stick of furniture" isn't going to get many people a-quailin' in their boots. It has to be more about how that object is embedded in the story. You know, like a haunted couch, or a haunted table: How do you make that scary? I don't think it can be scary on its own. Not consistently and convincingly. Instead you have to set it up ahead of time in some way(s), by providing information to the audience that you are then going to subvert or manipulate later. Yet it is all too easy to do this in a way that comes across like a paint-by-numbers exercise: "Wait a minute! Wasn't this couch pointing the other way earlier?! GASP!!" No one is gonna be scared by that. It's not enough.
Ultimately, I think scaring people successfully, in the psychological horror sense, therefore involves an element of overwhelming their ability to cope with and anticipate environmental changes, which assumes an elaborate environmental structure that you're going to have to set up, in non-obvious ways, earlier in the story. You have to give them expectations about how things will change and then either gradually go beyond that magnitude of change or else go in a different direction of change entirely—usually the former. Psychological horror is all about the fear of the jumpscare that never comes.
But I'm also just spitballing for the purposes of this essay. I don't really know. I struggle with this stuff!
It really is an art form to be able to scare people in this way.
Additional, medium-specific difficulty comes in the fact that the written media that I work in does not have access to a scary soundtrack or sound effects or voices, or to scary visuals and visual effects. Written text does have the corresponding advantage of having unfettered access to the reader's imagination, allowing them to essentially self-select the personally scariest interpretations of some of the details of a scene. But taking full advantage of this power is not easy at all; you have to put the right kinds of details in, and you have to do so in a digestible format, all without cluttering the flow of the story.
I have been doing a lot of Galaxy Federal writing lately, and have been trying to write some of the "scarier" bits and pieces in it, and I almost resent how totally clueless I am in regards to whether I am hitting the mark to my satisfaction! 😮
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mirror-ralsei · 1 year
or, why this pile of rock is going to tear my heart out
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Ralsei is a Titan.
"The unending pillar of darkness that gives my body form" dedication in Ralsei's manual matches Ralsei's description of Titans "tak[ing] form from the FOUNTAINS"
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Ralsei's body completely disappears when downed
Ralsei was first completely shadowy and amorphous within his hooded cloak, then a bit more defined but still shadowy under his hat, before finally settling on a more visible form at the end of Chapter 1
Just before removing his hat, for a couple of frames Ralsei's sprite changes his paw color from black to white. As well, where Ralsei previously had black paws in various animations such as clapping or spell use, they are now white in Chapter 2. These suggest that Ralsei's shadowy appearance is not simply caused by the shade from his hat.
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Ralsei's initial description is a somewhat ambiguous "Dark-World being"
Unlike normal Darkners, Ralsei does not turn to stone and can seemingly teleport between Dark Worlds at will
Ralsei is the sole denizen of Castle Town, an area seemingly abandoned or evacuated, where Titan-like eye marks and darkness covers the land
Ralsei knows a lot about the Roaring
"Do not be alarmed... I am not your enemy." is one of Ralsei's first words to Kris and Susie
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Ralsei wants to redeem himself for participating in the last Roaring by stopping it from happening again.
Again: Ralsei is the sole denizen of Castle Town, an area seemingly abandoned or evacuated, where Titan-like eye marks and darkness covers the land
Ralsei’s portrait/sprite when talking about the Roaring seems haunted
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Ralsei says “I...I’m sorry!!! I repent!!!” in the generally foreshadowy Poppup dialogue
However, Ralsei is an unwitting pawn in a greater villain's scheme.
Ralsei is characterized as overly keen to follow orders.
Poppup dialogue: “Ralsei moved to click on an ad with a bunny on it teaching you how to make friends... ...and accidentally clicked on an ad of a machine gun that appeared over it!” / “Ralsei tried to click on an ad with a castle on it... ...but it was actually an ad for a company that demolishes buildings with bazookas!”
Again: Poppup dialogue: “I... I didn’t mean to do it... I... I’m sorry!!! I repent!!!”
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In order to fix his mistakes or save the world, Ralsei may sacrifice himself, perhaps becoming the Waterfall statue in Undertale.
Undyne states "That statue's been here forever... No one knows where it came from." This description seems similar to Gerson's explanation of the Delta Rune: "That emblem actually predates written history. The original meaning has been lost to time..."
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The statue is greyscale and cracked, like Darkners such as Lancer when turned to stone
The statue has horns, like Ralsei (note that the direction of Ralsei's horns varies across sprites/portraits and concept art, sometimes being turned inward and other times outward)
The statue is associated with the song "Memory," which is associated with Asriel, who appears connected to Ralsei
The statue in Waterfall may have been part of the original Royal Memorial Fountain before Mettaton's statue replaced it
If so: Ralsei is associated with all three concepts of a "Royal Memorial Fountain," being a prince who is made from a Dark Fountain and, as "memory" is a prevalent theme in Deltarune and Ralsei sings its "Don't Forget" motif in battle, with remembrance as well
Other things:
Ralsei appears self-aware in the same way as Jevil and others.
"(SAVE and take a break anytime you want, OK?)"
"Even if it's not real, you can still have fun, right?"
"It seems like it was just a corrupted program."
There may be multiple "Ralsei"s in some way.
“They [two Ralsei plushes] are both correct. Both beautiful.” (Toby Fox on Ch 1 Livestream)
“Every Ralsei is equally beautiful.” (Toby Fox on Ch 1 Livestream)
“I just wonder what... being “Ralsei-like” even is...?”
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Unknown: why does Queen not notice Ralsei?
“How Thoughtful You Two Have Come To Help Me / Kris, Susie / Which One Of You Wants To Be The New Knight”
“Hey Was There A Third Guy?????????”
“I Will Miss Each Of You / Noelle, Your Un-needed Honesty / Susie, Your Foolish Bravery / Kris, Your Chill Vibes / ... / B...Burghley?”
Unknown: why does Ralsei (seemingly) know about the ThornRing?
"..." if given
(screenshots: 1 2)
DISCLAIMER: this is a predictions post, just laying out the predictions that i have currently and my personal reasoning. eg. i am by no means the first or only person to consider titan ralsei rofl
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spoonyglitteraunt · 1 year
I just checked something on mobile, and that means having to deal with the ads which, sure ok I guess. Usually I either ignore them, or grumble to myself if they are particularly teeth grindy like the diet ads. Because really, Tumblr? Can we just not? Can we just yeet these and their fatphobic bullshit into the nearest trashfire? Just sell me gadgets and gizmos aplenty or something.
So normally I would have zero inclination to share one of these. The less seen of them the better. But I'll make an exception this once. Because, well.
Tumblr, I have questions.
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I just...
Ignoring the bullshittery of the topic with the barely legible 'meal plans" that I'm sure are to die for. (As in they'd kill you if you actually followed them for real.) What in the seven fandom hells even IS this. 😂
Just look at that thing and let it sink in for a second.
So you start with the 45 to 55s.
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Weird place to start, but ok. You get dude who looks like he ran away from a conan the barbarian game with a woman where the only thing they did to make her look "older" was to give her sort of vaguely grey hair. Has the designer ever seen a woman in their 40's early 50's? Or seen any humans in that age range? Any humans at all even? That bicep is bigger than her whole head. Also why are they naked? And why are they the only ones that look computergame rendered compared to the more "photorealistic" ones next to them?
Not to mention none of these "people" look particularly happy or excited about this challenge they are trying to sell you. What is the message here? Take our challenge and be so miserable you need naked hugging times in space to recover? I mean, that's more honest than most diet ads then.
So we move onto the 25 to 33 bracket.
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Weird age to cut it off at, but sure. I guess this age group can expect to suddenly feel the urge to have "supportive Bro time" as part of their need to recover from the hells of depriving the body of natural energy sources. But look at that manly support. Look at the nuzzling, I mean the smelling of eachother's manly musk, I mean the bros will be bros solidarity with definitely no subtext as displayed on the subtext site.
On to the 33 to 44 aged.
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I guess if you are 33 you can pick your fighters meal plans. But not if you're 44 or 45 then you only get ONE! This one is the most ambiguous and thus boring. Is it a particularly muscly lady, a msclady if you will, or just a well hidden second dude? Or could they actually have tried to appeal to beyond the gender binary, quickly confused themselves, and then just went meh throw in some muscles hide the head and it will probably be fine. We'll never know. So let's put this down as ambiguous snuggles and hope that dude goes to see a doctor for whatever AI art went wrong with that arm.
Now all of that was vaguely nonsensical and stupid, but nothing that would compel me to share. No that's for our next contestants age groups.
So, my 55+ dudes. No ladies mind, the only feminine presenting people allowed in this challenge need to be between 45 to 55, maybe 33+. The rest of you ladies get to escape the challenge and find your own reasons to do some sad naked cuddling.
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But my 55+ dudes, you get the chance, nay the unexplainably privilege of tenderly embracing a lion.
Was the lion rewarded to him by the challenge as a comfort animal? Was he already in a committed partnership with the lion? Was the lion just nearby and got caught up in a moment of emotion? And what has any of this to do with diets? Who knows? Certainly not me that's for sure. But our totally real and not badly AI photoshopped apex predator is clearly making the most of snuggling up to the muscly 55+ dude who incidentally looks younger than the two previous categories. Conclusion: cuddling lions in your time of need may in fact be the source of anti aging. Let's all not try this at home.
And then we arrive at the whippersnappers amongst the lineup of tender manly dudes.
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You get to gently kiss a panther on the head. As one does with an apex predator, obviously. Funny though how there are more feline paramours than any other category what with the ambiguous third. So furry is clearly the ultimate relationship dynamic for sad naked cuddling in the aftermath of their product. Maybe they should have given them all cats then. Although I must say the panther seems far less pleased to be used for comfort than the lion did. Maybe they didn't feel photogenic that day. Maybe it's a relationship on the rocks. Maybe they were not paid enough to deal with this shit. Neither were we, my friend. Neither were we.
So, as I said. Tumblr, I got questions.
But I don't suspect you have any answers.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Trying to figure out where the line is between some tags is hard for me. Where's the line between underage and extreme underage? Dubious consent, extremely dubious consent and noncon? I do try for accuracy, but sometimes I look at my writing and go, "Huh. I... don't quite know which horse to bet, here." Canon doesn't make it easier by having unreliable narrators. I agree overtagging is a problem and no one benefits by me using all the tags I mentioned. I just wish it were easier to determine the exact lines for these terms so that I tag things correctly the first time rather than hemming and hawing and going back sometimes and changing things out of some lingering doubt.
Any advice you have as someone who's very well-read in fic and well-versed in terminology would be greatly appreciated. I feel like you have enough expertise to weigh in and provide some clarity, here.
Well... The thing about dubious consent is that it's inherently a gray area. That's the whole concept. So people will often tag with dubcon plus CNTW because they don't want to argue about the exact line.
It's often a genre marker, and the dividing line is how the supposed victim feels at the end of the fic. 'Dubcon' is often used for situations where everybody wanted it and they were just saying no because the other person was sex pollened out of their mind or something. Or nobody said no because yay aphrodisiacs.
'Extreme' tends to get tacked on for situations presented as darker and more fucked up, often with some gaslighting and manipulation where the audience and one predatory character know things another character does not. A lot of people don't use this tag at all though. They tag dubcon or they tag noncon; that's it.
Of course, 'extreme' also constantly gets misused for things that are not extreme, and 'dubious consent' gets overused for consensual drunk sex between grown ass adults who can hold their liquor.
Additional tags for noncon (as opposed to the archive warning) tend to get used when the characters see it as rape. It might still be hot for one or all of them, but they definitely conceptualize it differently than in a light-hearted sex pollen story.
I'll use the archive warning when I think it's clear-cut. Usually, I won't use it because I don't intend the story to be read that way on a genre level. I'll use CNTW if I think an intended-as-dubcon story is too ambiguous and I want to avoid the chance of somebody grudge reporting me.
Underage is easier.
AO3's archive warning is for on-page sex with a character under 18.
"Extreme underage" is commonly used to mean pre-puberty.
You might occasionally see it for tweens. I think it's a flat out mistake to use it for teens dating teens even if they're fairly young teens. If the character is 13-14 but the fic is portraying them as very young and naive and pairing them with a predator, I suppose you might still see the tag.
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hrodvitnon · 6 months
Abraxasverse Timeline GxK:TNE Headcanons and Ideas - Part 1
Exactly what it says in the title bar. ;) Let’s dive down the mine shaft and see what’s in there.
(1) Kong’s introduction to the Scarred Ones. What if in the Abraxasverse version, when Kong first meets the Scarred Ones, his first meeting with the Scar King is a bait-and-switch where we’re expecting it to go just like the film version with tension in the air, but then the Scar King instead of mocking Kong’s tooth, appears to welcome the foreign Great Ape with open arms in the hopes Kong will join his ranks permanently, showing a social predatory intelligence as the Scar King paints himself as a rough-around-the-edges but “Dark Is Not Evil” warrior type.
Of course, it’s all an act and the Scar King’s a “jerk with a heart of jerk” Bitch in Sheep’s Clothing. Once Kong discovers Shimo, how the slaves are treated, how the Scarred Ones got sealed off and/or the Scarred Ones’ plans for the surface world, the next time Kong sees the Scar King about it, the mask comes off and Scar shows in very short and successive order to everyone who’s within his court-cave what a Fucking Monster he really is.
(ADDENDUM: From what I’ve heard of the film portrayal, I have no objection with the canon portrayal where the Skar King’s character is basically just a bully who acquired way too much power - I think that’s a really good message to send, and one that really needs to be heard and listened to in 2024’s socio-political climate; plus it does have a kind of “jungle island adventure story” simplicity to it that fits Kong. I just think it could be interesting in the Abraxasverse to show the Scar King can be a bit of a cunning social predator when it really suits him.)
(2) Tiamat willingly (and NON-fatally) sacrifices her energy to trigger Godzilla’s metamorphosis. Before Xenilla’s incursion occurs, does Tiamat know where Ozymandias disappeared to all those aeons ago? Did she witness Gigan’s worshippers catching him, or did he just disappear one day and she’s never found out what happened to him? If the former version is so, then maybe: Tiamat knows what the Scar King has done to Shimo, and she’s willing to exhaust her energy saving another old friend from the humiliating capture that she wasn’t able to save Ozymandias from.
(3) Jia and the Chens. As a Mythology Gag to the film (since Abraxasverse Mothra is already alive again in Abraxas, and I frankly hate how GxK:TNE completely removed the “Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane” ambiguity for both the audience and the in-universe cast to show them outright magic), Jia ends up having more contact with the Chens after it becomes apparent she has a telepathic link to Mothra.
(3.5) Ilene Chen and Ilene Andrews absolutely fail to escape the ensuing teasing over their shared first names.
(4) Abraxasverse Raymond Martin. 
(4.1) I like to think he’d be a good deal less Over-Cartoonish than the comic version.
(4.2) Perhaps he was associated with Apex Cybernetics and Project Talos’ development in 2020-24, but split from Apex and wanted to do his own thing when he decided towards the end that Apex, caring most about world hegemony, didn’t care ENOUGH about the “slaughtering Titans” part of their plan for Raymond’s liking.
(4.3) I like to think Mark and Raymond would have at least one face-to-face encounter. Given Raymond is like a really nasty mirror image of who Mark was in KotM if Mark wasn’t “all bark and no bite” about exterminating the Titans, and with none of Mark’s redeeming qualities.
Oooh, all good ideas! I better keep these in mind for the extended timeline...
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sytokun · 2 years
there's so many cool but missed opportunities in rwby for their characters, like sun! yk how he's based of "sun wukong" from journey to the west? IK its FOUR characters to a team but i think it would have really been cool if they took more inspo from journey to the west and made HIS team journey to the west characters
Honestly I think that'd be really cool to base the rest of SSSN on the other Journey to the West characters, especially when the basis for a four-man team is already there. And knowing that SSSN was modeled after K-pop boy band Big Bang, imagining the Journey characters as modern hot boys already sounds like an otome-game level move that would fit RWBY pretty well.
That said, if you're making your own interpretation of SSSN, such as by rewrite or AU, you're free to do so. It depends on whether you put more stock into a more cohesive theme for the team, or their original canon inspirations.
...Which is a good opportunity for me to talk about the sketches I did for Sun's team in RWBY: Remnants some time ago. They won't be appearing for a super long time, but I might as well talk about them now.
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Here, I renamed them as Team SNSD (pronounced "Sunset"), with Sun Wukong, Neptune Vasilias, Sage Ayana and Scarlet David. (yes, I am aware there is a K-pop group with the same name, the synchronicity is not lost on me) They're still based on their original allusions as I wanted to work within the constraints of canon here, but the full Journey team may be too good to pass up, so I'll consider coming back in the future to tackle it.
People have always been divided on Team SSSN's name, with many preferring to rename them as SSNS ("Seasons"). I do get it - Team SSSN ("Sun") has that kind of dumb, corny "how do you spell?" vibe that matches a team of himbos. But I think having three S's for one word is just going a step too far into... just plain dumb.
Sun is pretty much the same here, but I decided to dial back towards his Asian features and grey eyes - though they're black here cause I like black eyes too. I also added the Monkey's King's famous golden headband, the jǐn gū zhòu, around his neck.
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Neptune is pretty much the same here - honestly I really like his original design and think it's one of those "if it ain't broke don't fix it" situations - but I do want to redesign him more in the future to better reflect his allusion as Poseidon.
For Scarlet, I wanted to lean more into their "pirate king" vibe and androgynous appearance, so of course the coat-cape slung over the shoulders is a must. I also wanted to change their Semblance into something similar to their canon one but... not boring.
Instead of just gliding, Scarlet can either control air currents (and I do mean that in a very loose, fantasy way) or affect the trajectory of any moving object their Aura recently comes into contact with. This Semblance is called Pixie Dust, and instead of a gun and cutlass, Scarlet wields two guns, either named Hook and Darling like in canon... or Faith and Trust (geddit). They can use this Semblance to fly, and infuse their bullets with their Semblance when loading them to cause them to curve in midair when fired. Yes, basically like that one movie, Wanted.
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People who don't like physics breaking in live action movies hated the bullet curving mechanic, but I think it'd be a perfect fit in RWBY's universe. It adds a much-needed cool factor, and picturing Scarlet engraving smug comments and poetic farewells onto their bullets like lethal fortune cookies injects an element of charisma and playfulness to what I think is a really underutilised character, and one based on Peter Pan no less.
Now for Sage, he had a very ambiguous allusion. Some say he was based on an Aesop fable, and others on Hindu mythology.
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Glad to know Miles Luna doesn't know the allusion to one of his own characters, especially knowing that SSSN is one of the earliest teams designed for RWBY, predating JNPR. But sure, let's give him the benefit of the doubt like we always do for CRWBY. /s
Given that this was so ambiguous and he also had no Semblance, I decided to take some liberties with Sage, and given his surname and appearance, I decided to look to Hindu mythology for Sage's allusion - a really cool but unexplored source of inspiration in RWBY. I was looking at some famous warriors and gods of myth like Arjuna, but I eventually settled on Kartikeya.
Kartikeya is the Hindu god of war. Known for riding a peacock and sometimes depicted having six heads, he also wields a spear with a leaf-shaped blade called a vel. In other countries he is named Murugan, and has a famous statue of him in Malaysia's Batu Caves.
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I've redesigned Sage's clothes to more reflect Indian fashion (albeit a fantasy version of such) and with peacock feather motifs on his collar and chest. Sage here also fights with this spear instead of a greatsword, which you can see him holding in the sketch. His Semblance, Sanmukha ("Six-faced"), allows him to see in six different directions at once, having total 360° vision around himself. This vision can also pierce solid objects within a certain range.
While not immensely powerful by itself, Sage uses this to gain an almost unparalleled martial prowess, spatial awareness and foresight in combat, reflecting the god of war's own wisdom and skill. While I do really like the Roman numeral tattoos on his neck, I was also considering using Sanskrit or Tamil script - I should try that next time I go back to his design.
So yeah, that's Team SNSD from me! I'm pretty attached to Indian Sage, but next time I come back to them I want to take a shot at basing them after Tripitaka, Zhu Bajie (Pigsy) and Sha Wujing (Sandy) from Journey. I also need to be sure actual Hindu people are fine with him, since Kartikeya is still a widely-worshipped god in current times unlike Thor or Poseidon, so I hoped this portrayal of Sage as alluding to him is respectful enough.
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Discover the Sex Panther Strain: Potency & Pleasure
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Ever stumbled upon a cannabis strain that's as intriguing as its name? Let me introduce you to the Sex Panther strain, a rare gem in the cannabis world that's been turning heads. This exotic hybrid is known for its unique aroma and potent effects, making it a must-try for enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike.
In this article, I'll dive deep into what makes the Sex Panther strain stand out from the crowd. From its lineage to its flavor profile and the experience it delivers, you'll get all the details you need to understand why this strain might just be your next favorite.
Whether you're looking for a new strain to spice up your collection or simply curious about the buzz around Sex Panther, keep reading. I've got the scoop on what sets this strain apart and how it could elevate your cannabis journey.
Lineage of the Sex Panther Strain
When diving into the heritage of the Sex Panther strain, it's like unfolding a map to a treasure trove of cannabis genetics. This enigmatic hybrid was parented by two noteworthy strains, each bringing its own exceptional qualities to the lineage. On one side of the family tree stands the Predator Pink, a strain renowned for its vibrant coloration and uplifting effects. Its partner in genetics is the Starfighter, an equally lauded variety valued for its resin production and soothing influence.
This pairing, steeped in potency and aroma, results in the Sex Panther's spellbinding characteristics. Here's a quick rundown of its progenitors:
Predator Pink enfolds a euphoric and invigorating high, making it the more outgoing half of the duo. Users praise it for creative inspiration and a boost in social interactions.
Starfighter serves as the calming counterpart, with its powerful sedative effects providing a deep sense of relaxation and contentment.
The synergy of Predator Pink and Starfighter grants the Sex Panther its complex profile and balanced effects. This strain doesn’t lean heavily towards sativa or indica, and that ambiguous nature is precisely what intrigues aficionados and casual consumers alike.
Exploring its genetics further, one discovers that Predator Pink itself is a cross between Plushberry and Starfighter F2, adding nuances to the Sex Panther strain and a rich tapestry of flavors and effects. Meanwhile, Starfighter F2, with its Alien Genetics heritage, passes down an innate potency and otherworldly feel.
These genetic intricacies give the Sex Panther its fascinating features, making it stand out in a crowded market. It's a masterpiece of careful cultivation, and its breeders have successfully harnessed the desirable traits from both sides of the lineage. Whether you’re after the vibrancy of Predator Pink or the grounded tranquility of Starfighter, you’ll find a harmonious blend in the Sex Panther strain.
Delving into the lineage is essential for understanding what makes this particular strain special. And as a connoisseur or even a casual user, getting to know the roots of Sex Panther means appreciating it beyond just its effects and aroma; it's seeing the strain through the lens of its storied ancestry.
Unique Aroma and Flavor Profile
When I first encountered the Sex Panther strain, its captivating aroma was an instant giveaway that I was dealing with something special. Like the intricate genetic tapestry weaved into its creation, the scent profile is complex and multi-layered. Most users report a predominant sweet berry fragrance, thanks to the Predator Pink lineage. This sweet note often mingles with subtle earthy tones, an inheritance from the Starfighter's grounding properties.
Upon deeper inhalation, I've also detected hints of citrus and pine, which are not uncommon in strains with a rich terpenoid profile like Sex Panther. This olfactory cocktail is likely influenced by the Plushberry genetics that imbued a tartness that balances the sweetness nicely.
When it comes to flavor, the experience of tasting this strain doesn't fall short of its aromatic promises. The smooth smoke or vapor graces the palate with a sweet berry punch initially, which is then intertwined with a nuanced citrus aftertaste. It's a connoisseur's delight to discern the individual notes that come from its Starfighter and Predator Pink heritage.
Interestingly, prolonged curing of the Sex Panther strain can enhance the flavor profile, making it both more pronounced and refined. As with fine wine, adequate time and proper conditions allow for the terpenes to develop fully, offering a richer taste experience.
The appealing combination of aroma and flavor contributes significantly to the strain's popularity. It's also important to note that individual sensitivity to terpenes may influence personal experience. What is unmistakable, however, is the craftsmanship behind the Sex Panther strain, which ensures that it stands out in a crowded market.
Exploring the sensory experience of this strain pairs perfectly with understanding its genetic makeup. Each inhalation not only offers a delightful taste but also serves as a reminder of the careful cultivation and selection that has gone into crafting such a remarkable hybrid.
Potency and Effects of Sex Panther
When I delve into the potency of Sex Panther, it's imperative to note that this strain packs a significant punch. Often testing above 20% THC, Sex Panther can be quite powerful, especially for those less acquainted with high-THC cannabis. Novice users should approach this strain with caution, while seasoned consumers will appreciate the robust experience it offers.
Its effects are as intriguing as its name suggests. Upon the first few puffs, I've found that a wave of euphoria tends to wash over, which can quickly elevate the mood and bring about an upbeat, energetic feeling. This initial burst is often followed by a more relaxed, yet attentive state of mind, catering to those who enjoy an uplifted yet manageable cannabis experience.
Here's how Sex Panther typically affects its users:
Uplifted mood
Increased energy
Enhanced focus
Creativity boost
However, it's also not uncommon to hear about people experiencing a more profound sense of calm and tranquility, leading to a full-bodied relaxation as the session progresses. Due to its potency, the effects can last significantly longer than average, offering a sustained period of comfort or productivity, depending on the consumer's intent.
As with all strains, the influence of individual physiology can't be overstated. I've observed friends and colleagues responding differently to the same batch of Sex Panther, reflecting the personal nature of cannabis consumption. Some find it perfect for a social setting, igniting conversation and laughter, while others prefer to use it for solitary pursuits, like deep thinking or engaging with creative projects.
Medical marijuana patients have also reported finding relief with Sex Panther. A considerable number have attested to its efficacy in combating stress and anxiety, two areas where this strain appears to excel. Additionally, those battling with fatigue have found the energetic properties of Sex Panther to be particularly beneficial. However, as always, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare practitioner before leaning on any strain for therapeutic purposes.
Why Sex Panther is a Must-Try for Enthusiasts
Sex Panther's uniqueness lies in its genetic makeup, which is a fusion of rare and powerful parent strains. For cannabis enthusiasts eager to explore different sensations and profiles, this strain offers a tempting bouquet of benefits. It's potency alone makes it a standout option among other strains on the market. Here's a breakdown of some of the compelling reasons why I believe Sex Panther is a variety not to be overlooked.
Firstly, the high THC levels are notable. With THC percentages often exceeding 20%, it's a strain that guarantees a pronounced experience. This might be intimidating for newcomers, but for seasoned users, it's an invitation to dive into a profound journey with the plant.
The complex aroma and flavor profile of Sex Panther also set it apart. It boasts a nuanced combination of earthy, spicy, and sweet notes, which create a sensory delight for those who appreciate intricate tastes and scents. The lingering aftertaste is just as appealing as the initial scent, promising a full-bodied experience from start to finish.
Additionally, the strain's versatility in effects is remarkable. Whether looking to boost creativity, energy, or seeking solace in a tranquil relaxation, Sex Panther seems to cater to a wide array of needs:
Uplifted mood
Enhanced focus
Creativity stimulation
Sustained energy
Deep relaxation
For medical marijuana patients, these attributes can translate into significant benefits. The ability to alleviate symptoms such as stress and fatigue is not only impressive but also highlights Sex Panther's therapeutic potential. It's crucial to underline the importance of moderation due to its potency, as effects can vary from person to person.
Given these compelling reasons, it's clear that Sex Panther has carved out its niche in the cannabis community. Whether it's for a social gathering or a solitary session of introspection, this strain promises an experience that's rich, varied, and satisfying. With every draw, it's easy to understand why it has gathered a following and why it's certainly a strain that invites curiosity and excitement among cannabis connoisseurs.
How Sex Panther Can Elevate Your Cannabis Journey
If you're well-versed in the cannabis scene or just starting out, it's no secret that different strains offer unique experiences. Sex Panther stands as an exceptional choice for those looking to elevate their cannabis journey. Delving into its intricacies, you'll find that this strain isn't just your average pick; it's a sophisticated blend that caters to a wide array of preferences and needs.
As a cannabis enthusiast, I've had my fair share of experiences with various strains, but Sex Panther has repeatedly shown its prowess in delivering a multi-layered high. For starters, its high THC levels soar, kicking in with an energy boost that's perfect for social gatherings or creative endeavors. Whether you're an artist looking to break through creative blocks or someone who thrives in lively environments, its invigorating effects are unmatched.
One of the key hallmarks of Sex Panther is its ability to balance stimulation with relaxation. After the initial wave of energy, it subtly transitions into a state of deep relaxation without the heavy sedation that some strains induce. This aspect opens up opportunities for users to engage in numerous activities. I find that it's ideal for:
Enhancing yoga or meditation practices
Engaging in light exercise
Enjoying music or movies with heightened sensory perception
Not only does Sex Panther provide an outstanding experience on a recreational level, but it also offers significant benefits for medical marijuana patients. Those grappling with stress and fatigue find solace in its calming properties. Plus, the ability to maintain focus while using it can be a game-changer for patients dealing with conditions that affect their concentration.
Incorporating Sex Panther into your regimen is more than just trying a new strain; it's about discovering a versatile ally that complements and enhances various aspects of daily life. Its complex aroma and flavor profile add to the overall enjoyment, with each use feeling like a new journey waiting to unfold. This potent strain doesn't just meet expectations—it consistently exceeds them, proving why it's become a staple for those looking to enhance their cannabis experience.
I've delved into the multifaceted world of the Sex Panther strain and it's clear this variety is more than just a novelty. With its high THC content and rich sensory experience it's a top pick for those seeking a dynamic balance between energy and calm. Whether you're looking to spark your creativity or unwind after a long day this strain adapts to your needs. I'm confident that incorporating Sex Panther into your routine will elevate your cannabis journey with its exceptional qualities. So if you're on the hunt for a strain that delivers both in flavor and effect look no further—Sex Panther might just become your new go-to.
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morphogenetic · 1 year
Mediaposting 2023, #35: Banana Fish (anime)
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[said while vibrating very quickly and typing out like 20 different bullet points] i like this series a normal amount
okay so. non-spoiler thoughts:
step 1 YOU SHOULD READ/WATCH THIS. it does have content warnings for literally everything you can possibly think of as needing a common content warning (drug abuse, sexual assault, racism, and thats absolutely just the tip of the iceberg) but my fucking god. no wonder it's been such an influential piece of media on literally every jp anime/manga crime story (especially the BL ones) written since
for a series that is literally one of the early genesis points of BL as a genre i was ABSOLUTELY expecting more actual BL than was in this LOL. not that i'm really upset, bc honestly i really like the way that ash and eiji's relationship is written in a shoujo-y "they obviously care about each other a lot but it's not going to be outright romance" kind of way. bc like, honestly? that makes it way more emotionally satisfying (and devastating). i think it would actually make less sense if anything more happened In the story (though more happening in the epilogue wouldnt hurt LOL)
how the FUCK was this published in a shoujo magazine
the time period change to modern day from the mid-80's has both helped and hindered this series bc like. on one hand. much easier to do everything with a phone. also the update to shorter's character design was excellent,10/10 no notes. on the other hand. the Everything About It makes it so obvious that it was written to be a product of its time.
speaking of ^ ash turning from A Guy Who Knows How To Use A Computer into a hacking genius is so. why. i mean you can update it for sure but Why Like This
god i wish this had more room to breathe sometimes bc the exposition goes WILDLY fast sometimes. why did they try and do 19 volumes in 24 episodes. the 39 episodes that the director wanted would have been so nice to have
that said: the emotional moments that i actually give a shit about and that make up the core of the weight of the story are given what they deserve. at least up to volume 5 they are. gestures at ep 9? and 22 with a pained smile
i literally could write an essay about why it works so well as a spin on the american-style gangster story even while it definitely has flaws. and how its influenced so many fucking things. my god.
it has flaws for SURE but the rest is so good that i don't care. which is rare for me (gestures at nirvanai/neo twewy being other examples)
spoiler thoughts under the cut (like full-very-ending-of-series spoilers) but YEAH UH I LIKE THIS THING CAN YOU TELL BY HOW MUCH I WROTE ABOUT IT.
it does kind of annoy me that literally all of the canon-MLM (probably gay but you know) guys are horrible people lol. like wow love how the gay predator stereotype is on full display here. feeeeels baaaaad. i know i know asheiji homoeroticism i am ON THAT TRAIN
however yut-lung being feminine out of a wish to carry on his dead mom's legacy is kind of a slay. ive seen people go "ugh it sucks that one of the villains is a feminine man' but while he is definitely not a good person hes one of the less terrible villains, just like. as a person. hes also a teenager in shitty circumstances just with way more power and sway
here's the part where I admit that I was spoiled on the ending so it didn't hit as hard for me OOPS. however. the anime DOES leave it open-ended and it fucking irritates me that anime-only people are like "boo i hate the ending bc ash dies!!!" when it is LITERALLY AMBIGUOUS. i have heard that the manga is less ambiguous about it but :') oh well. anime-onlys what are you doing
speaking of ^ i actually like the ending. like i think a lot of people who absolutely hate it must not have a lot of familiarity with gangster movies as a genre bc it is a genre convention that the Main Gangster dies in the end. granted this was a hayes code thing which the manga definitely did not have to do LOL but its definitely supposed to feel unfair bc ash's damn LIFE is unfair.
however i'm glad the anime makes the ending ambiguous bc that feels like a more fitting end. like ash's life was always in limbo, considering what he was doing, so making his life in limbo at the end too? Good. Yes. Do That
the fucking. everything with shorter and the sa-yo-na-ra bit. i die. that shit is so emotionally painful
i know this sounds weird but i kind of wish they dragged out the "what the hell does banana fish mean" thing a LIIIITTLE longer but by that i mean like, halfway point of the series. like they could have used a little more time to figure out what it is. also that would have let shorter live a little longer ay lmao that said this criticism also almost definitely applies to the manga soooo. you know
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captain-astors · 1 year
for the tg head canons
Thank you! Why did I get so many 1's you all know my favorite critter is Furuta and I know most of you hate him (fairly) but I'll take it.
1. His whole thing is kind of just layering himself in caricatures full of the hypocrisy he finds so evident in those surrounding him while simultaneously mocking and irritating them despite how arguably he's exactly within the lines set for whatever position he's placed in. Hence the swing from compliant yet cowardly subordinate, to annoying, overconfident and toxically masculine V agent, and so on and so forth. That's a lot of words, allow me to summarize: Nimura's functionally intentionally ticking off everyone at once, but technically he's always the ideal person for whatever role it is. The Washuu King Kichimura is much the same because arguably he's the culmination of everything they wanted in a Bureau Director. He's commanding, intimidating, he's charismatic, he's terrifyingly efficient and if it was actually his intention I have no doubt he could've wiped ghouls off the face of Tokyo but it's not, and no one actually likes him because they're not supposed to. He plays the perfect role not because it's what he wants, but because that's how he shows how truly disgusting those people are. He's efficient but he completely lacks morals and boundaries, he's very masculine and commanding but effeminate and ridiculous in a conflict, he's intimidating but he's so evidently taking none of this seriously, dressing up in a ridiculous costume and calling it a party because really that's what the CCG does, it dresses up the atrocities so that no one has to feel uncomfortable about it. Kichimura dresses up the atrocities so that you feel uncomfortable about the present ones, and have to start thinking about the ones of the past- though it's kind of a thing that works only in retrospect because I imagine all the investigators were a little too focused on "Oh my god what is this guy doing" to realize it was exactly what they've been doing from the start cranked up to 100. All this to say it would be entirely in character of post-clown siege arc Nimura to wear heels and the added height would make a good distinction from the meek persona of Rank 1 Furuta. I REST MY CASE!
Also this is less of a headcanon and more of a thought which is why I'm sticking it here, but I find it hilarious that he's not actually that much taller than I. Can't even joke about biting his shins because I know multiple 14 year olds taller than this man. 2. You didn't specify a character so random person it is! Uta and Itori made use of Uta's kagune disguising ability to pretend to be a pair of famous food critics they ate once upon a time, and it started as a joke but they're in way too deep to back out now. They give the wildest reviews you've ever heard, but as long as they dodge around describing actual flavors and just talk about the feeling people eat their stupid fabrications up, and they find it hysterical. They've singlehandedly demolished the reputation of 3 perfectly respectable restaurants out of boredom and they don't even know what steak actually tastes like, they're beasts unleashed having the time of their lives. 4. Ship unspecified... Mutsukanae? Mutsukanae. Sometimes the two just collapse upon each other after a long day and wrap each other in a spiky, tangled mix of Bikaku and Rinkaku and pass out for an hour. They will not be moving, do not disturb them. 9. Probably just rampant projection but Seidou feel very ADHD ish to me. I have more thoughts on this but I'm too tired to explain it and I don't want to seem like I'm just slapping it on so ambiguous reasoning it is! 12. Kagune cloning and facial copying exists as a byproduct of extremely advanced aggressive mimicry (when a predator acts like the prey animal, or the prey animal's food source so as to catch them off guard) only certain ghouls are capable of the process by nature and they're considered powerful to a fault, however a large number of the already very small portion of ghoul capable of this will go their entire lives without knowing, because their parents were killed before they could be taught how to do so, and/or they simply don't have access to the RC needed to make a branching puppet and then separate it from their main body. If you manage to get yourself to that point in the first place however, (such as Uta) you're pretty much never going to have an issue reaching it again because one ghoul with that many RC cells in their system is formidable enough, but if you're your own hunting party have pity to the poor souls deemed dinner. But such a ghoul comes around so scarcely and leaves so few survivors that it's not even acknowledged by the CCG. Ghouls without this evolutionary advantage occasionally still practice a rudimentary form of it, so people are often cautioned against chasing after a child's silhouette in an alleyway if it looks a little awkward, as there's always a chance it's really a bikaku's tail or something.
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quinloki · 1 year
If you haven't read Quicksand up to chapter 5 you're going to be terribly confused.
Fem Reader x Sir Crocodile
CW: Language, violence, blood, moral ambiguity, murder, sexual themes and situations, yandere, angst with a happy ending, a referenced instance of physical abuse. 18+ only
ADDITIONAL CW: Dub-con, kidnapping, imprisonment
The alternative version picks up at Chapter 6- there's a lot of overlap for the first few chapters as the story slowly peels away from the original. The alternative chapters explore Sir Crocodile's yandere tendencies in a setting where the reader rejects him (vs the original where she never ran).
You can read it as it posts to Tumblr, or sate your curiosity on AO3 // Wattpad immediately.
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Chapter 10: Forgiveness
You’d slept in a little later than usual and weren’t in the office as early as you normally were. You started a pot of coffee for you and Alvida and printed out your letter of resignation. You wanted to set it on Buggy’s desk before he got in so that he couldn’t puppy-dog eye you into not doing it. You’d warn him about it when he came in, you weren’t trying to be cruel, and you’d already given him a heads up before now.
Walking into Buggy’s office you get to his desk before the soft scent of citrus and smoke slips over you. The scent twists your heart, and you set the paper down on his desk with a sigh.
“That’s quite the heavy sigh, Miss (Y/N).” Crocodile says, as Buggy’s chair turns to reveal the warlord.
You nearly fall back on your ass, just barely keeping your feet under you. “Wha-?”
“It seems as though you’ve been conflicted about your departure.” He continues, not answering your murmured half-question. “There’s a far easier route to take in all this.”
“I… how?” You shake your head. “Why are you here?”
His brows rise ever so slightly. “It is my company.” He answers evenly, before looking down at your letter on the desk. “You are still my employee. Though, the conversation we need to have has nothing to do with business.” He admits, looking up at your pointedly.
“The… I made up my mind Saturday night.” You straighten up, no longer leaning in the desk, but you can’t meet his eyes. Despite his even tone and mostly neutral expression you can see emotion in his eyes and it’s hard to face.
“I gave you a chance to leave before that.” He states.
“… You did.”
“Multiple chances, if memory serves.”
It’s not just guilt that grips you, but there’s a sense of fear rising up in you as well. Similar to before, to the time in the hotel room, when you could practically feel the jaws of a predator cage your throat. Eyes that had demanded you stay in place, that had dared you even try to escape.
“I… only promised that night.” You say, but it feels like a meager excuse.
“You left with such resolve you couldn’t even bid me farewell directly.” He says, and his words and tone are sharp at the edges.
“… Sorry. I’m s-.” You try to get the apology out but when you meet his gaze your throat tenses and cuts off your words. There’s hurt in there somewhere, but more than anything the eyes looking back at you are sharp and hard and almost cold.
“Such bravery, young lady, to slight a Warlord that way.”
You swallow thickly, your entire body is on edge, stomach twisted, muscles tense, cold sweat slipping down your back. It almost felt as though Death himself was seated before you. You could feel yourself getting dizzy as fear made it harder to breathe.
“I’m… sorry, I’m sorry b-but… I c-can’t go b-back and un-undo it.” You struggled to get the words out past your fear. “Forgive me… please.”
The silence between you both is heavy. You can’t bring your eyes up to meet his, your body bowing more in fear than anything else, as you’re trying desperately to make yourself as small and insignificant as you can. Something so small as to not needing to be dealt with in any sort of permanent manner.
“Very well.” He says and you feel relief nearly cause your legs to buckle. Your heart and body can’t take much more of this. “Forgiven as though it never happened.” He adds and your relief evaporates.
“As though it-.”
“Never happened.” He says, completing the words for you as he reaches out and crumples the letter of resignation sitting on Buggy’s desk. “My dear, sweet, desert flower.”
You can feel the jaws of something powerful looming around your neck, waiting to strike. You manage to meet his gaze and those golden amber eyes are trained on you. Bright and sharp and completely aware of every shiver and twitch and shudder of your body.
“I… can’t-.” Your voice is small. You’re caught and you know it. Tears sting your eyes as frustration mixes with the fear.
“You can,” he muses, lighting a cigar. “You don’t need to do anything except stay by my side, and nothing will harm you. All your desires, my dear, just as I promised that night.” He exhales a plume of smoke into the air, taking a moment to offer you a reassuring smile.
“You need only offer yourself, (Y/N), as you are, and I will grant your desires even if they are numerous as the sands." He says, repeating his words from nearly a week ago.
Tears slip down your cheeks, and you’re worried the words might be your last. “Then… let me go.” The words tumble from your lips in fear, but there’s an odd relief in having found the courage to say them at all.
“Then you would no longer be by my side.” He answers evenly. “With no reason to indulge your desires, I could do as I please. Is that what you wish?”
Your stomach drops so fast you nearly vomit. Hand over your mouth you shake your head. You didn’t think he would simply kill you on the spot, if he did as he wished, but you were certain you’d have no say over whatever he did choose.
"Hm, kidnapping you, now there's a simple solution."
The memory of your conversation in the café wandered into your mind. Letting you go was obviously not an option.
Crocodile exhales another long cloud of smoke, the scent of which is still oddly calming, and his entire demeanor softens.
“I won’t demand a promise from you in this state.” He says almost lazily. “We’ll operate under the assumption that such a promise is only a matter of time for now. This, however, has been quite the ordeal for you, I’m sure. Allow me to see you home. I’m sure your colleagues can attend to your responsibilities while you rest.”
“I… I can drive myself.” You try to assert, your voice is hoarse, and your uniform sleeve is stained with tears and snot as you had tried to clean up your face a little.
“Perhaps, but there is one more matter I’d like to discuss before we go much further.” He explains, standing up. The act of him moving causes you to take a step back, but you’re able to force yourself still as he comes around the desk. He reaches out to you and stops himself as you flinch.
“Doflamingo.” He says quietly, almost kindly. “Why did you call him Doffy?”
“H-He was adamant.” You answer, doing your best to try and look up and meet Crocodile’s eyes. “But, I w-won’t, ever again, I promise. I-I didn’t even want to in the first place.”
“Resolved before we even got to the car,” he muses, reaching out and caressing your cheek, wiping an errant tear from your cheek. The soft gesture causes a shiver to ripple through you internally, but you aren’t sure if it’s fear or desire or repulsion that fuels it.
You and your emotions are in far too much of a mess right now for you to be sure of anything.
“Now, let’s get you home.” He prompts, gesturing toward the doors.
He walks near you, slightly ahead, opening the door for you and allowing you to walk through it first. Alvida is at her desk when you step outside, chatting with Buggy. The two stop their conversation as you and Sir Crocodile come into the room.
“Miss (Y/N) has had a bit of an ordeal this morning.” He explains, as their concerned expression fall to you. “I’ll be seeing her home so that she can recuperate. I’m certain you’ll be able to see to her responsibilities in the meantime?”
“Absolutely, sir.” Buggy answers. “I will see to her work is taken care of quite flashily.”
Your eyes meet Alivda’s as Buggy responds, and you swear you see her shake her head every so slightly before she smiles and looks up at Sir Crocodile.
“I’ll make sure he doesn’t tend to them too flashily.” She states, looking at you with her best professional smile. “(Y/N) wouldn’t want to come back to a circus, after all.”
You try your best to smile, but you don’t have to worry about saying anything because Buggy interjects.
“Circus? Just because I have a big red nose, doesn’t mean-!”
“I said not a word about that, boss.” Alvida interrupts coolly before looking back to you. “Rest well, sweetie.”
You nod vaguely, muttering a quiet thanks as you were led through the casino. No one dared to stop Crocodile, and what few people tried were put off by hurried staff offering to help however they could. Either all of Rain Dinners knew what was going on, or the staff were assuming you had screwed up so badly you were being escorted off the property.
Either way it was embarrassing.
Crocodile opens the car door for you, and you sit in the backseat of a luxurious older styled car. Everything about it was immaculate, and from the sweep of the body to the color to the soft purr of the engine, it seemed to fit him in every way. A stern-faced man was seated in the driver’s seat, and Crocodile let himself in on the other side of the back seat.
“Home, Mr. One.” He says and the stern-faced man nods before putting the car into gear. “Ah, safety first, desert flower.” Crocodile says, leaning over and buckling you in, before returning to his side of the back seat.
The strange illusion of giving you space was messing with your head. You almost wished he would just touch you without hesitation. He certainly wasn’t allowing you to do as you pleased in the first place, and the odd consideration was frustrating.
For now, however, you put it out of your mind. The turmoil in your heart and your body was not the time to risk saying or doing anything rash. You needed time and space to calm down and go over your situation and your options with as calm a head as you could manage.
Once you got home-.
You turn toward Crocodile and speak before you can stop yourself. “You know where I live?”
“Certainly, my dear.” He replies evenly, and realization begins to dawn on you before he even finishes speaking.
“With me.”
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thecleverqueer · 2 years
First off, how does one “de-gay” anything starring Ahsoka? Come on. You can’t really “de-gay” a queer. We queers are saturated in gay. It is what it is.
Secondly, I like how the author mentions the episode is still the queerest they’ve seen Ahsoka thus far (just leaving an ere of plausible deniability.. a homophobic loophole). I personally wouldn’t say it’s “the queerest” thing we’ve seen. The questionable, ambiguous, close relationships between Ahsoka and other girls predate the Wrong Jedi arc, but that was my first real “wait a minute…is she….??” moment, and it just got gayer with the last season of Clone Wars and with Rebels. I mean, Season 7 of Clone Wars was peak gay. Filoni axed the “boyfriend” in the walkabout arc in favor of two clearly queer women for Ahsoka to run around with in the Coruscant under city in a lesbian jump suit and man-bag. Gay. But then, honestly, I’d argue the Siege of Mandalore arc was the queerest we’ve seen Ahsoka. The flirty looks Ahsoka was shooting Bo-Katan the whole time, the dialogue between the two of them, the urgency to leap when Bo said to jump, even Ahsoka’s demeanor changed, and THAT chemistry. My god. Like, there’s no other explanation for it outside of her and Bo having some sort of, um, “something” going on. Then, fulcrum… a single woman in her 30’s, without fingernails, helping organize a rebellion against fascists. Also pretty gay. But, I guess to the author’s point though, the Tales of the Jedi episode was still gay AF.
Lastly, I know folks are freaking out about the retconning of the novel, but the episode felt like cliff notes to me. It was practically the same story verbatim. She did a lot more hanging out in the cantina in the novel, and it’s fleshed the story out more.. but it doesn’t feel retconned to me. The short was like, 14 minutes long…The Ahsoka novel took like 7 hours to read. Not saying changes weren’t made, but for the sake of time, changes had to be made if he felt compelled to do this. I’d also argue that most egregious thing Filoni did in Resolve was change Kaeden’s name and not keep the girl as a woman of color. Farm girl was CLEARLY fawning over Ahsoka, she just didn’t outwardly state that she wanted to kiss her. Though, she obviously did (who doesn’t?). That’s fine. Whatever. And just like the novel, Ahsoka really was not into it as much as she was with, say, Barriss or Bo or even Trace and Rafa (never mind Riyo, Kalifa or any of the other girls Ahsoka has ever interacted with onscreen) because she was too dejected to care. That is totally fair because *gestures vaguely at all the trauma she just went through*… When she was over in the corner by herself in that one scene eating that bowl of soup, there was part of me that was legitimately worried that she was considering drowning herself in it. I get that. I wouldn’t want to bone anybody in that mental headspace either. So, I don’t feel like the queer representation was axed, just watered down for the phobes (this is a money-making exercise after all). Not saying that the changes were not offensive, as they were, but it could have been worse.
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