#ambiguous lyrics
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cianoci · 5 months ago
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40 days and 40 nights
i waited for a girl like you to come and save my life
[pose ref]
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 5 months ago
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rawliverandgoronspice · 2 years ago
If Ganondorf was lying to anyone during that Wind Waker speech, he’d be lying to himself. The gerudo desert was indeed harsh, and Hyrule sucked during his time, but legit everything he did in Ocarina of Time is completely unjustifiable, except for the murder of the King of Hyrule. The man sat in luxury for 7 years with monsters surrounding the land, while his people remained in the desert. Yet at the end of the day, he believed that he had every right to do all of that.
Self-justification isn’t a trait that’s outright noticeable with Ganondorf, but Wind Waker puts it out in the open and shows that yes, the self proclaimed “King of Evil” truly believes he’s deserving of the world, and that his circumstances justify his crimes.
I feel like the fandom misses that while Ganondorf may not be this complex 5d villain, he still carries an interesting amount of traits like this
Hey, thanks for the ask!! I'm sorry, I haven't slept in over 24h and felt particularly rhapsodic today so uhhhh sorrryyyyy for being cringe about my little guyyyyyy (and the approximate use of English language that might ensue)
So yeah, I think there's absolutely a huge part of that, trying to make sense of the violently absurd situation he found himself in, a monster and one of the last people who remembers Hyrule and how it was destroyed, and rationalizing to himself why it is not meaningless.
I have to say, not to be uhhh a parody of myself, but I think it could be a little bit more complicated than that (all of it being interpretations of the text that I don't think canon entirely backs always, but my point is that it could be read out of it).
If Ganondorf wanted any meaningful chance to reshape his own reality, then there's no doing that without access to the Triforce. If he had wanted to go for the King's head and nothing else, he would have been stopped immediately by everybody who do have access to shards of the keys to the Sacred Realm (not to mention how trigger happy Zelda was about wishing ????? something to the Triforce about erasing him in some form). I don't think it would have been reasonable to aim for anything but the Triforce as a military goal --not to mention that his beef is half with Hyrule, and half with the Goddesses themselves for considering the gerudos beneath them in some form and for some reason (which becomes even more apparent and deranged in Wind Waker, as part of why he can't let go of Hyrule in my opinion is because their intervention was so violent he simply cannot wrap his head around it and, as usual, Will Not Be Defeated >:((( because he's that kind of bitter little shithead, which I uhhhh relate to a little too much maybe). And then, well. You can't exactly ask for the Triforce and be nice about it, right?
I'm not saying he wasn't gleefully horrible about it the entire time, but I can absolutely see a case of him being self-centered enough to see each of his actions as the necessary (or righteous/vengeful) next step to get closer to his goals, and one thing leads to the other, and after seven years of strife, well, the kingdom you wanted to rule is a pile of rubble, ash and misery you enforced at every step, and oops! You have alienated absolutely everyone who aren't your weird moms!
There's a ton of things to say about the many interpretations that could be made of his relationship to the gerudos so I won't over-expand on that, but, uhhhh yeah he probably used them, or at the very least ruled them with an iron fist to enforce his own power he believed unquestionnable (even if the goal was genuinely to do things for their sake, which in my opinion could still be argued --Hyrule is a big nightmare place during his reign, but the Valley is the only location basically untouched with arguably Kakariko after all).
To be honest, I think TP Ganondorf is more accursed with a sense of self-justification than WW Ganon, who has a surprising amount of clarity on his own motives (to restate my tags on a post I just reblogged: I don't think "I coveted this wind, I suppose" is particularly self-pitying, it's soberingly self-aware if anything). TP Ganon is the one who's obsessed with divine purpose and considering himself a weird take on the Chosen One.
But yeah, I think... To be completely honest, I sometimes feel like Ganondorf's potential (!!! not actual execution, very important to draw this distinction) is just kind of too large for the IP that birthed him? The full breadth of his complexity cannot be explored in a setting that demands he merely generates a simple conflict that doesn't seriously question the status quo while everything about him inherently begs for it (and I love Zelda and its simplicity and what it does, to be very clear!). Like, I know this is just me justifying my own investment to a degree, but... his relationship to the gerudo culture, his relationship to gender, to divinity, to fate, to self-definition, to absolute resistance grinded down to the point of absurdity (but at the same time, what else is there to do)... like all of this absolutely has potential to be large and epic and breathtaking, but. Nintendo needs to preserve the statut quo. And Ganondorf just cannot express all of these themes without having this simple world literally collapse around him.
This is what I find incredibly compelling about this dramatic disaster of a guy. And the very media that suggested all of these contradictions and inner conflicts (without necessarily understanding them at first I think) is now fighting tooth and nail against what it introduced, what he can embody and once questioned (in WW most potently) for the sake of Hyrule's moral balance, backpedalling into a state of simplicity that just never truly existed to that degree before --partially, in my opinion, because this conflict is scary to face heads on without taking significant artistic risks I am not confident we will ever see again, to be uhh less than optimistic.
So yeah! He isn't that complicated as the villain of the children video games for sure!! But. As a character, there's so much there, just sitting right under the surface.
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fountainpenguin · 11 months ago
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"I'm not the kind of girl to get messed up with you- Hello! ... You're all right, but I'm here, darling, to enjoy the party..." (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 31 - “Flame (Etho, Skizz, Pearl)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
Scar files a microaggression complaint with the HALO team. Pearl helps Scott settle in while he recovers from glitchy code. They have a spat that's not about a sticker.
Meanwhile, SnifferMyFeet and Etho separate their souls… and start an honest talk about Sniff's identity as Sniff, not Joel. It was needed. It's for the best.
(First 900 words under the cut)
Etho - Fox
Status: Resting
Self-taught programmer, full-time hero
💙  💙  💙
He gets it now.
It's like ice in your water. It's like marshmallows in your cocoa. It's like wind beneath your wings. The final week before he's due back in Between (reluctantly, but definitely due), Etho flops on his bed and sprawls his arms to either side. Is he giddy? He doesn't mean to be, but this feels…
… Oh, it's a game-changer. Which is exactly what he texts Cleo after scooping up his admin panel. They won't see it if they've left their private server, and since Session 2 of Dog's Life could be starting any day now, there's no telling how long that may take.
Etho: hey so Etho: remember after limlife 4 or 5 when we talked about burnout?
Grocery shopping. For a family dinner- he and Cleo both made one (like a peace offering) in a way that wasn't really flirty married life roleplay, but more like… regular, everyday person roleplay. Did all their shopping together so they wouldn't cook the same thing. Call it 'date night' if you want; he walked her home and there might've been a little 'dramatic logout' roleplay in there. We don't… We don't need to go into detail about it.
To some people that's romantic and to some it's completely gross. Not really sure why… It's a natural process, isn't it? Soul-eaters can't help being what they are, and you may as well snap at endermen hybrids for struggling with eye contact or shame unthreaded players if they expose their glitches instead of keeping them covered up. This world's too big and life too long for arguing. Do you really want to make enemies and be rude to people who are going to carry the echo of your words for the rest of their lives?
Lend a helping hand. Extend a little kindness. Be polite. Respond to the hurt. Try not to avoid responsibility when others are counting on your strength. Sit with the injured, even when the night is cold. They're simple goals, but so easily forgotten these days.
Etho: I think you said if I felt stuck then I should break my routine for a while
Nothing happens for several minutes. Etho rotates words without meaning through his head, then types out something else.
Etho: you were right. I get now why you go on adventures with Martyn. Why you let him and no one else log you out all the time. Thanks for the advice. Let me know next time you need a favor. Rating this cycle 10 of 10 and I owe you big xD
He takes a long, guilt-free nap in his cushioned bed. Catching up on block updates and videos really drains a guy (especially this close to the end of the Hermitcraft season, not to mention Vault Hunters and a Life series on top of it), but he spent all morning prepping the bed and it's already providing every agonizing tick of its worth. Two hours later, he's stirred awake by a buzz on the admin panel.
ZombieCleo: yay! So glad that worked for you <3 I want to hear all about it. Maybe in a couple weekends you can watch MCC with me and the kids + Martyn? If we catch a minute alone, I can recommend more stuff you might be into ;)
The kids refers to Bdubs and Scar, who skated through Limited Life like energetic teenagers spreading their wings. It's goofy, it's endearing, and Cleo's got her roleplay voice on because she knows it makes him snort. His tail gives a twitch as he tries to keep a smirk from creeping out behind his mask.
Martyn, huh? he muses, but doesn't say that. Cleo circles between lovers, friends, and exes like a pollinating bee.
Etho: whoaaaa Etho: inviting a fox? that's dangerous! ZombieCleo: nose out of your tail, fur boy Etho: dibs on Martyn, I see ZombieCleo: If you're serious about returning the favor, Martyn says Rhetoric's down here and this might be our best chance at smash and grabbing from your mum's museum Etho: Hm… ZombieCleo: I mean, you did leave my eggshell when you rescued Grian and that other soul
Yeah- it looked distressed. Now Sniff's down here. He can actually talk now when he couldn't before. Honestly, not the worst decision he could've made.
If anyone's going to try getting into the Fox Dragon's museum, a fox has the best chance of doing so. It's kept separate from the nesting cave where souls respawn, but even the deadliest traps won't keep foxes out since they'll just respawn. Unless they're traps that can't be dodged even with careful planning, or some sort of system that short-circuits code. The phantom roost is nearby, right? Frankly, phantoms are excellent trackers, they can fly, and they're probably the fastest of all non-swimming hybrids, so a phantom alone provides great security as-is.
Etho: I'll think about it. Not tonight, though. Full moon fox face isn't for me. Also if there are raiders there then that's probably the worst time to show up ZombieCleo: Fair ZombieCleo: I can think of something else, but if you ever get the chance, I want it back Etho: duly noted ✌️ ZombieCleo: btw say hi to Scar and Bdubs when you see them. They've been cracking nonstop jokes since you disappeared. One can only imagine they're attempting humor to bury immense throes of pain Etho: D:
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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tangerina24 · 6 months ago
I write often ambiguously
so Stairway to Heaven, Kashmir, Calling to You..
Achilles Last Stand on Presence is one of the best things I ever wrote… and only two people know what it means. Ehm
What a talent, Robert. He puts anything he wants to say in the lyrics without actually saying it. So clever
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notemily · 1 year ago
i've got a feeling inside that i can't domesticate. i've got all this love i've got to keep to myself. you're appealing to emotions that i simply do not have. i know i keep my feelings so tucked away. be careful what you bottle up. give up what you love before it does you in.
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sskk-manifesto · 1 month ago
#Watched ep 10 to catch up before the last episode tomorrow!!!! Nothing remarkable to say. An okay episode. I like the ss/kk scene.#I'm thinking about the “So this won't end unless I kill him” and Atsushi willingly refraining from landing the punch and killing Akutagawa–#when he had the chance. Do you think they're going to have a moment where Akutagawa asks why Atsushi didn't kill him back then...#And sure Atsushi doesn't kill (as a general rule lol). But this was a life or death situation.#Atsushi literally would have rather died than kill Akutagawa. It's a lot...#Like it's not ambiguous. He had the chance to kill him. He didn't. They're soooooo#I was watching the anime from a new batch release someone very kindly uploaded and it's got song subtitles too...#The ed lyrics are insane. Really brings you back to the s1 ed and the daz/atsu/aku love triangle. Very nostalgic#I never really stopped to consider it because I hate the s5 ed video with burning passion but the song is actually quite good!!!#OH the s/kk scene is so silly and funny I love it...Really feels like Chuuya was just going “oh SHUT UP *shots him*”#Too bad they didn't include Dazai SPEAKING after being shot to the head like in the manga 😂😂#What insanity#That's all I think.#That's all I think. I think what I had to say (especially about the ss/kks I've already said when I watched the episode the first time#Sigma was very pretty this episode.#I think whoever left the note didn't mean it for Sigma to find. Because he wasn't able to read Russian...#If it was destined to him they would have written down something he could understand? I think?#I'm really curious what that note was about 🤔#random rambles
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windowsloth · 2 months ago
i love ethel cain’s music, but it reminds that me that I don’t love the way fans can get really insistent on the “correct” interpretation of a concept album
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angsthology · 1 year ago
reality club lyrics as prompts
swapped excitement for some comfort
bound by jewels, your happiness
living with these mini-monuments of your love
strangers to a miracle
i mistake intent for better days, while you misled me in different ways
in love not because i want to
where did you go? who are you now?
four summers were never enough to keep us together
you know you’re my pain reliever
i really wanna see you again, i really wanna be your best friend
we shared our youth together, heard now you’re doing better
lately it’s been crazy ‘cause we won’t take it slow
laughing at yourself and so is everybody else
dancing in the breeze alone
when you can’t drive your car anymore
for lack of a better word, i say that i love you but know that it’s not completely true
through his eyes i will hide my fear
life seems to hand out troubles on a tray
do you regret the path you chose with me?
living an illusion, oh but we’re so compatible
beginning of another end
talking to yourself “was she meant for someone else?”
living on imagination that you’d hold her
you start to syncronize your meals
they say she paints with only red, i’d like to show her all the colors
looking for you silently, i know you’re not the kind of girl who stays
some might say the road to hell is paved with good intentions
wide awake while you’re asleep
wasting my time by leaving you behind
the last thing i knew, this isn’t what you’d do
forget goodbyes, we never kept the promises of yesterday
maybe it’s for the better, but someday i’m going back to you
is it too late to say that i wanted to stay until the end?
you take me way too high just to shun me far away
elastic hearts, you bend but you don't break
i got songs to sing to you, if you’d listen
don’t want you to forget my face
no need for warmth when you wanna be cold with me
how can i remember the things that i don’t know
i wander all around, trying to retrace your steps
spilling all my secrets on the dance floor
and i swear it’s the last time you bring me down again
she wondered when the raindrops fell, she wondered why her cheeks were wet
she entrusted a secret that i could not have kept
the sorrowful reunion was inevitable
forget what you said just to make me smile
now it’s much too late, took the car and left
the labyrinth i thought i knew rearranged to shape anew
i fell in love with ____ even though i barely met her
even though we’d break our hearts, before we’d even start
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mrschwartz · 2 years ago
i just feel like, if your fans aren't speculating about your sexuality, are you even living up to your full potential as an artist? why become a musician in the first place
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voltas-do-mar · 1 year ago
something about you and that miracle / i will never see again something about truth and your lungs of gold / same as it was back then
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hurt-you · 1 year ago
i hate that i’m absolutely insane about silent planet but when garrett writes lyrics like “i tore a hole through the fabric of time just to bring you home” “you were my ineffable” “torn limb from limb i am swearing your name” “will you be the fire that burns in my lungs” “this can’t be a dream if it’s not with you” i can’t help but be in love with him and the entire band
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curiositeath · 1 year ago
someday I’m gonna be somebody people want
read here on ao3
Jason’s been to enough universes to know that nothing is absolute. In one life, a single decision changes the entire trajectory and for another it stays exactly the same. Fate and free will are not, and never have been, opposites: they’re two sides of the same coin that never lands, only spins endlessly on its edge. Nothing is absolute, but there has been a single constant.  In every universe, Jason Todd dies.
jason todd & dick grayson and the very bad not fun terrible time
hurt/no comfort, major character injury, canon-typical violence, self-sacrifice (surprise! it's not dick this time!), unreliable narrator, ambiguous/open ending
gen | not rated | 1.4k
whumptober no. 28 28 “We might not make it to the morning, so go on and tell me now.” Bloody Knife | Sacrifice | “You’ll have to go through me.”
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sendmyresignation · 9 months ago
hi! i really enjoy your music writing, every once in a while i read the mcr analysis you've done (hiii heavy metal mcr manifesto!!). but in particular some of the comments you've made on revenge have really struck me and i would absolutely love to read your thoughts on the whole album!! idk i was just listening to venom today and had your post about the serpent son line bouncing in my head. have a good day! :D
hi omg thank you for such a kind ask! always very overjoyed to hear that the way i talk about music resonates but sorry i didn't see this until just now (footnote see most recent post haha)
as far as revenge goes... basically my meta white whale is a reading of revenge through the lens of multiplicity and transness (ie the perspective and fragmentation of revenge lends itself to configuring into a trans narrative). i started writing this track by track but never finished and considering a lot of the original writing is 3 years old now (oh my god.), it would require pretty heavy rewriting for me to ever feel comfortable sharing. maybe one day.
to sum it up, for me, revenge is really fascinating because it was clearly interrupted. it requires you to engage with its own incompleteness. i mean a lot of my chems work is about loss but there's a way in which that is literally a tangible presence in revenge's form. anyway, this sort of break up of the original concept album structure creates a lot of space, imo, for incidental narratives. like. revenge isn't totally coherent and, as a result, there's fissures in perspective! which demo lover is speaking? who is actually dead? for me it's interesting to read this as the duality of one narrator (since gerards perspective- shorthanded here obv theres additional layers at play- ends up taking over with the orientation of the album toward reconciling with personal loss). and from there you get the trans reading and all it's possibilities!
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waveridden · 9 months ago
anyone know any good songs about wolves
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hosseinis · 1 year ago
another song title, I’ll Believe in Anything (by Wolf Parade)
i'll believe in anything
Adam has to trust Lawrence. He has to trust that Lawrence wouldn't just work for Jigsaw unless he didn't have a choice. He has to trust that they're both doing this for a good fucking reason.
or, adam has to believe that lawrence has a reason for working under john kramer. he won't let himself believe anything else.
send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it!
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