#ambiguous link
magicpinkbunny · 2 years
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I forgot to post small boi link
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wizard-finix · 7 months
LU Star Wars AU: Part 5
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4
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Time is a direct survivor of Order 66. He was a child living in one of the more remote temples when everything happened, and was able to escape alive by fleeing into the dense forests of the planet.
Time spent many years after that traveling on his own and not getting close to anyone out of fear of being found out, or worse, left behind. He holds a certain bitterness towards everything that's happened, and when he was a teenager, he was involved in a major incident on the planet Termina. Time finally decided to bury his saber on a remote planet after that, unwilling to take on the responsibility that comes with it.
Time actually ended up meeting Sheik and donning Mandalorian armor some time after that in his teenage years. He doesnt always gel with Mandalorian warrior ideaology, but he doesn’t truly fit the Jedi way of his childhood anymore either, after all the war and death he’s seen. He's determined to be strong enough to protect those he cares about, like Malon.
Time doesn't entirely get along with the Chain at first. (Especially Warriors and Twilight; Warriors reminds him of his old Jedi master, who wore a red scarf, and Twilight's saber looks suspiciously familiar.) The boys eventually grew on him anyway, and he counts them among the people he cares about.
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Sky comes from a gaseous planet in the Outer Rim with settlements that float in the clouds, constructed far above its surface.
Sky's planet is a bit of a cosmic mystery, since it should be impossible for islands of solid rock to float; some theorize that it was constructed instead of naturally occurring, or that there is a unique combination of magnetic fields and orbits that make it possible, but no one knows for certain. Loftwings are part of the planet's ecosystem of impossible floating islands, and are an important part of the culture there.
Being so remote, the Empire didn't show much interest in Sky's home planet until Ghirahim showed up. The Empire hasn’t taken over his home yet, and he is determined to keep it that way, along with the rest of the Knights of Skyloft (including Sun). Ghirahim's interest in the planet involved rumors that there was an old Jedi temple hidden on its surface, and the secrets that were hidden within it.
Those rumors turned out to be true; there was an ancient abandoned temple on one of the floating islands, and Sky and Sun ended up discovering it before Ghirahim did. Sky also found a protocol droid named F1, and with Fi's help he and Sun managed to forge their own sabers with the only remaining kyber crystals there.
Sky's connection to the Force manifests mostly as visions, and he occasionally experiences strange, cryptic dreams as a result.
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Linked Universe AU belongs to @ linkeduniverse!
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weepingtalecowboy · 1 month
Fanfiction prompt: what Would be if legend saw Marin in Wind whenever he looked at him like a child he and Marin could have had that also loves seagulls and can even become one just how Marin always wished she could
With a sister that loves hibiscus flowers
Both living on a tiny island and exploring the world
He even has such sweet little ears like her (like how they look when the parents are of human and hylian descent)
But just like Marin Wind knows the wind fish when nobody else knows about the dreaming god
He even knows the gods true name
And legend just thinks that his wish to have a child with Marin got granted finally he got something in return for his endless suffering
He doesn’t even try to think another solution (he can’t do that he can’t afford to lose the only thing left of Marin)
Whenever he sees Wind (who has half the windfish's name already) do something that Marin would have liked he can’t help but smile and hope that his lover ended up returning as wind
Even if he knows that it is wishful thinking (he prays it isn’t ,he prays daily, he hopes and begs to himself that Wind is Marin's son that she lived a good life)
And at some point he even started to think of Wind as the one thing left of Marin even calling him Marin in his own head
Till it starts slipping out and he accidentally calls Wind Marin outright to his face
And as he fully expects Wind to break his illusion that Marin was still with him
Wind awkwardly asks him not to use his mom’s name for him (who ambiguously is never named nor is his dad and a perfect opportunity for the story)
And by then Legend just starts crying because a part of her truly is still alive (still with him)
If Wind's mom truly was Legend's Marin will forever be a mystery because she is already gone
But he decides to completely ignore even a little doubt about her survival
Because there is no way that she isn’t (there can’t be a possibility that he killed her)
He is sure of it
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fourswordsannotated · 10 months
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camcorderrevival · 8 months
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someday, someone, somewhere: the haunting of hill house, hangsaman, we have always lived in the castle
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artemistorm · 5 months
What if Sky is the first hero? What if the Hero's Spirit is Sky's spirit? What if Sky's spirit is in all the other Heroes? Maybe all of the other heroes have Sky's sense of justice, and his skill with the sword, and his desire to help people. Maybe the Master Sword recognizes Sky's spirit in every hero and that's why only heroes can wield the Master Sword. She is forever faithful to her first wielder and his undying spirit.
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yandere-daydreams · 10 months
it's a philosophy final paper open in one tab, explicit getogojo smut loud and proud in the other kind of day babes. wish me luck.
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rainibao · 3 months
Their relationship is weirdly comforting to me so far. Looking forward to seeing how they work together, compared to tianchen with qian jin
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triforce-of-mischief · 5 months
Bunny Bumps and Bruises
Summary: Ravio hits his head and Link tries his best to take care of him. Pre-relationship and pre-LU.
Words: 1600
Please reblog to show your support! Likes do nothing.
Link sat cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by mounds of tiny rings. Wooden chests of various sizes were lined up beside him, most empty but slowly being filled with jewelry. He plucked a ring at random and turned it over a few times, analyzing it before tossing it into one of the chests. He quickly fell into a rhythm, sorting the rings into collections by use, necessity, and danger. Some went into chests with enchanted padlocks, some were placed in his traveling bag, and a few were slipped onto his fingers. He wasn’t near his house very often anymore, so he always took the opportunity to reorganize his inventory whenever he stopped by.
With every visit, the building became less of a home and more of a hoarder’s warehouse. Consequently, this meant that it was very attractive to people who had an obsession with magical items. And Link was no longer the only individual in Hyrule with an affinity for most of the objects in his collection.
“Where do you want these, Mr. Hero?”
Link looked up, barely able to meet the eyes of Ravio peeking from behind an armful of rods and staffs. The merchant had been sneaking into Link’s house more and more, far less content with life on the road than the hero himself was. Link put on a show of appearing annoyed with the unexpected houseguest, but in truth he felt safer leaving his stuff behind with someone watching it.
“Uh, in the basement’s fine. There should be some empty shelves to lay them on.” Link watched Ravio shift the rods around, stumbling on his feet for a moment before regaining his balance. “Are you sure you should be carrying all of those at once? I don’t want any of them falling and breaking and blowing the house up.”
“Oh, I’m fine! I’ll bring these downstairs then.” Ravio beamed at him around his bundle and set off into the other room where the stairs to the basement were. Link continued his ring-sorting, listening to Ravio sing a little nonsense song as he went. He had just filled up one chest when he heard Ravio halt his song to say “Oopsie!”, followed by a clatter. Link shook his head, reprimands forming in his mind. Suddenly there was a crash followed by a scream.
Link froze and called, “Ravio?” There was no answer. He set down the ring he was holding, unsure if he should go see what had happened. A twittering came from the other room, and Ravio’s weird little bird flew in. Sheerow circled around Link’s head, chirping frantically. He jumped to his feet, walking to the basement stairs. “Ravio?” He tried again, once again receiving no response. Worry churned in his stomach, and he picked up his pace as he followed Sheerow.
Link reached the top of the stairs and gasped at the sight of Ravio laying on the floor, rods still rolling away from where they had fallen. Judging by Ravio’s position, it looked like he had tripped right into the shelf on the wall. Link fought the instinct to ask a useless Are you okay?! and instead ran down the stairs to stand over him. “Ravio, can you hear me?”
Ravio only moaned in response. Link hovered for a moment, unsure of what to do. He always travelled alone, and he dealt with his own issues himself. He had never had to take care of someone else before.
Sheerow screeched, interrupting Link’s panicked spiral. Mentally shaking himself, Link knelt beside Ravio. He was curled around himself, pulling his oversized bunny hood over his face.
“Come on Ravio, I need to see what’s wrong.”
When Ravio refused to move, Link grabbed his wrists and tugged, forcing him to let go. He gently pulled the hood over Ravio’s head and winced when he saw the damage. An angry red was spreading above his eye, already beginning to swell up. Bright, tearful green stared up at Link and they took identical shaky breaths.
“Okay… we need to get some ice on that.” Link snatched an ice rod and ran back upstairs, searching for a clean rag. He directed a miniscule amount of magic into the rod, forming a chunk of ice which he wrapped in the fabric. He sprinted back to Ravio, skidding to a stop and handing the makeshift ice pack over. Ravio took it and pressed it gingerly to his face, gasping softly at the cold. Link crouched awkwardly next to him before forcing himself into action again. “Let’s get you to the couch. Can you stand?”
Ravio gave a wavering hum and wobbled to his feet. Link watched closely, hands outstretched a few inches in the air in case he needed support. The two made their way upstairs and into what was supposed to be the living room. It was currently littered with maps, instruments, and the piles of rings from earlier. Link darted ahead and swept the tower of maps off of the couch, realizing his mistake when the parchment fluttered everywhere. He observed Ravio’s unsteady trip to the seat, satisfied when he plopped down. Sheerow perched on the back of the couch, watching them both. Link turned his back to Ravio and started gathering up the maps, pushing them into a pile once more. His nerves were running so high and he wasn’t even the one hurt. He just needed a minute to regather his thoughts and plan out the next steps of his treatment. Ravio had hit his head, so Link would need to test for a concussion soon. He had the symptoms memorized, but what to use as a light-
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Hero!” Ravio blurted out, making Link jump. “I should have been more careful, I could have broken one of your magic rods!”
Link whirled around and stomped over. “Who cares about that!” He said, ignoring Ravio’s shock as he sat beside him and pointed his finger at him. “What matters now is that your eye is swelling rapidly and you may have a concussion.” He regretted his words immediately as Ravio whimpered and reached for his scarf with his free hand, twisting and squeezing it between his fingers.
“A concussion? Am I going to die?” Ravio whispered, and Link snorted despite himself.
“Highly unlikely. If you do have one, it shouldn’t be major, and we can easily give you some… argh! I’m such an idiot! Why didn’t I think of that first?” Link leapt off of the couch and ran to the pantry, yelling again in frustration when his search turned up empty. He returned to Ravio, defeated. “I don’t have any red potion. How am I out of red potion?” Link knew exactly why he was out of red potion, but he would very much like to avoid telling Ravio of his recent cucco-related escapades. He was being such a stupid scatterbrained mess, he needed to focus on helping him. “Um… is the ice helping at all?”
Ravio nodded and mumbled something.
Link rolled his eyes. “What was that?”
Ravio wouldn’t meet his gaze. “It hurts a lot.” He admitted quietly, breathlessly.
Link felt a pang of sympathy. “Yeah, I know.” He laughed bitterly when Ravio’s head shot up in surprise. “Oh please, I’ve been hit on the head more times than I can count.” To his horror, this only made Ravio more distressed.
“I know, I know, and you’re such an amazing hero, Link! I’ll never be as brave as you. Just look at me, all worked up over a little bump!” Ravio’s eyes filled with tears once more, and Link scrambled for the right thing to say.
“That ‘little bump’ is nothing to laugh at. It just now stopped swelling, it’s turning a shade of purple to compete with your robes, and we still don’t know if you have a concussion.” Ravio whined at the description, but Link kept going. “So of course it’s perfectly reasonable for it to hurt. In fact, I know multiple castle guards who would still be screaming their heads off right now.” It wasn’t even an exaggeration. Those fools were absolutely pathetic. Uncle was the best and only competent knight Link had known.
Ravio gave a weak giggle. “You really think?”
“Yup. Now, I think I should check for a concussion.” The next few minutes were spent going through the motions of testing reactions and comprehension, and no symptoms could be found. They both sighed in relief after Link gave his diagnosis. Link wasn’t sure if he could handle something that severe, but he certainly would have done his best if it had come to it.
He was suddenly hit with a wave of guilt. “Ravio… I’m the one who should apologize.” Ravio’s eyes grew wide and he opened his mouth to argue, but Link held his hand up. “It was my stuff that made you fall in the first place. You were only trying to help me clean up my own mess, and I frankly don’t know what I did to deserve that.”
Ravio’s face softened, forming a grin that seemed only slightly pained. “Well, thanks for taking care of me, Link.”
Link found himself having nothing to say to that. Surprising both of them, he simply reached over and cautiously placed his hand on Ravio’s shoulder. Ravio immediately leaned towards him, dropping the melting ice pack in favor of wrapping both arms around the stunned hero. Ravio buried the good side of his face into Link’s tunic, hugging him wordlessly until Link finally squeezed back. They held each other for a few minutes until Ravio sat upright, feeling behind him for the wet rag. Link took one look at Ravio’s now-exposed, bruised, swelled eye and grimaced, although he was smiling.
“Yeah, I’m definitely going to have to go to the market to buy some red potion.”
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pink-alien-queen · 2 days
Two bitter old men (and a shadow) having complicated feelings in this one!
It’s the middle of the night when Alastor appears in Husk’s room in the aftermath of a panic attack. Husk has a routine to fall back into. He knows how this has to go but things between them aren’t the same anymore. So in Husk’s small bathroom, Alastor has never felt further away. And yet Husk finds old comfort in the shadows.
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yuseirra · 9 months
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persona 3 and persona q spoilers(implied)
zen and ryoji on life and ryoji's ring
These two never got to meet in canon, didn't they, but they share a whole lot in common! They'd make great friends. I'd like to imagine them having convos about the things they've discovered through their journey
plus zen is a really underrated character ;v;) he needs to be acknowledged more
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weepingtalecowboy · 10 days
Fanfic prompt: Legend is often shown as a siren or mermaid
And usually he has the ability to charm people with his siren voice
But you know what would be absolutely hilarious if he thought that Wind actually is related to mermaids as well
Because of the command melody (because if people portray the windwaker as a literal conductor of wind's magic it implies that the ability to control people comes from wind himself)
Him being in a Hyrule full of water
Going from
“It takes one to know one”
Like he sees Wind accidentally charm a trader and then take off with cheap supplies
And asks him if he knows that he is commanding people
Wind main while thinks that legend also has the command melody song
And also really wants to learn to control it (because the knowledge that you can accidentally use mind control is very unsettling )
And agrees happily
They bond over it
And legend tries to teach him how to swim with a tail
But Wind doesn’t have one
But he can hold his breath for a very long while (because he has the windwaker and can just get air out of the water if needed like air is literally everywhere on earth)
So Legend kind of takes him by the hand and dives with him instead
They have fun
And the whole situation is just
Legend: “I have connected the dots!”
Wind:”you haven’t connected shit!”
Legend: “I have connected them”
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curestaarlight · 9 days
all this 091305 angst is making me want to write an angsty lu guang character study.....im in my feelings about it guys
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stardustdiver · 4 months
didnt think id be getting arophobia from the ace memes subreddit, suppose it is reddit after all i shouldn't be suprised..
aroace memes it is, its v quiet there compared tho
so, since i initially posted this, OP has deleted their post, and reuploaded but with this commentary:
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and the fact that the OG post garnered 891 upvotes prior to deletion (not taking into account downvotes for bonus math), and anyone pointing out the holes in the argument and the point it was invalidating a large segment of the subreddit userbase were being downvoted initially has shown me all i need to know about the subreddit
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thelinkconvention · 1 year
plink trans flag colors so true
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dont wanna be caught on the wrong end of that sword
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lefemmerougewriter · 9 days
I'm so excited to finally get this out there! I haven't written any SPOP fics for a while and this is my first ever Doctor Aphra fic! I love Entrapta and Aphra as characters, so I thought why not bring them together? Is some of this fantastical? Sure. Did I have fun writing it? YES, most definitely! Already the next two parts are done! I'm so excited to continue this even further...
Update: @astherea and @shellbow, here's the fic! I did wrote some SPOP fics years and years ago (if you are ever interested, its a series called an "Unlikely Alliance Against Evildoers") and a bunch of others. But this is my first fic with Aphra. I have some stand-alone fics too, and I listed them all in a recent post on here.
Update #2: @sapphicstarwars, this fic could be of interest. Also fyi about this fic @queeringstarwars, @starwarsfemslashblog, @queeruscant, @swsapphics-ao3feed (to add to the AO3 feed list), with many more in the works (I have two parts after this written, and many more in the process). I probably should bring together all my *other* sapphic Star Wars fics in a post, but so far, they are only: "High Guardian Space" (crossovers involving Star Wars Resistance and later Star Wars Rebels).
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