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elementclangen · 8 months ago
Moon 242-Newleaf
The Clan misses Amberwhisker, but he wasn’t super close to anyone.  Still, it’s never a good thing to be down a warrior.  Especially since RaccoonClan has been taking herbs from ElementClan without asking.  Hopedawn (31)  travels to the other Clan to resolve the problem.  Downgaze (23) congratulates her for doing well with it. Tumbleswoop (31) is glad that Hopedawn is such a good sister and adds a bit of her fluff to his nest.  Echomoor (23) is less thrilled with Hopedawn.  Yeah, he’s friends with her brother, but that doesn’t mean she can bump into him without apologizing. Surprising everyone, Sweet Marmalade (27) is actually getting better.  His broken back is no longer infected!  In fact, he thinks he’ll challenge Creekstar (96) to a race!  Maybe in another moon buddy.  Rindlepaw (9) is working hard to be the best Healer apprentice she can be.  While Paleburst (21) is napping and Safariaster (149) is playing with some catmint, she’s busy checking up on the warriors.  Brightmouse (17) wants to get to know Shinebreak (17) better-and what better way to do that than by immersing herself in Shinebreak’s element!  She wonders if she’d make a good swimmer.  Are there any mountain lakes nearby? Rubbleheart (38) notices Brightmouse’s sudden obsession with water and is curious about Brightmouse’s intentions with Shinebreak and is using his wind magic to eavesdrop on her.  Shinebreak notices and doesn’t understand why he thinks it’s his business. Dawnfreckle (26) wishes that he could prove himself, but he’s also happy just being a cat that someone else can talk to.  Oriolepaw (8) feels like she’s a failure and doesn’t fit in with the Clan.  She cuddles up against Almondback (13) and he comforts her, telling her that failures hurt but are a chance to learn.
Meta: Sadly, this is the moon that Eaglepaw (Shinebreak's lost brother) died while lost. He got his adult sprite before he died, so let me know if any of you want to see it.
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k4t-11 · 10 months ago
i love you (/p)
(turns you into warrior cats)
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@z1ish @denserandom @starstruck-webslinger @spear-mint101
explanations or whatevers for all of yall under cut
i wanted to make you a tux cat because tux cats look like they're wearing suits. and half of the characters you like wear suits. and i wanted to make you a tabby cat too because tabbies have stripes and beetlejuice also has stripes! so you get tux tabby markings.
i named you pinesight because pines are trees and trees have wood and WILL WOOD JUMPSCARE!! and sight because you have an eye leitmotif on your blog and eyes have sight so pinesight enjoy
i wanted to make you orange because they are silly and you are silly as well so you got orange cat'ed. and since orange cats are allwayysss tabbies i had to make you a tabby but i thought a normal mackerel/classic was too boring so i gave you a nice agouti + ticked tabby coat!
and deerfur man you have a ticked coat snd and deers have ticked coats so your fur looks like deers lol. i like deers though theyre very cute and i think i made your warriorsona really cute too
ok i saw your intro post and you said you were mainly a tortie longhair so i MADE you a tortie longhair because catkins gotta look out for and reassure eachother ^_^
and i named you amberwhisker because 1. you like the name amber and it is a really cool name and 2. the suffix -whisker is way too underrated and so are you so you get that to your name, hence, amberwhisker!!!
i saw your bio and it said you were a gray tabby minuet cat so gray tabby minuet cat you shall be. i didnt know which type of tabby so you got mackerel tabby lol. accidentally made you look like one of my cats but you should wear that badge of honor /hj
and i know your name looks like some east european word but its not. its its mint (the plant) and sky (the sky) huhu..... i chose mint because. spearmint. and sky because idk i dont see sky as a suffix used often and i dont see people like YOU often either (/pos) so i think it fits you darn well :)
thats long lol anyways enjoy i think :p
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warrior-cats-rewritten · 2 years ago
The final Super Editions Minor Characters list! Starting off with Graystripe's Vow, now under the new name - Graystripe's Clan.
Minor Characters under the cut
Unknown number of Bloodclan leaders after Scourge - 3 leaders. The first after Scourge was Screech, the silver tabby Bloodclan molly Onewhisker was chasing off, unfortunately she was hit by a car. The second was Oil, until she was taken in by humans, now living as a spicy housecat, but loved and safe. The third was short lived, Jaggedtooth. Claw challenged Jaggedtooth, and the wounds from the fight killed him.
Skinny yellow Bloodclan tom - Pirate, he has a stubby tail, and a red collar.
Gray tabby Bloodclan tom Graystripe knocks unconscious? - Snare, I like the thought that his ears are really ripped up.
Ginger Bloodclan molly - Chive, a very tough girl I like to think is the sister of Jaggedtooth and Ginger. She is covered in scars.
Ginger Bloodclan molly - I'll be honest. I'm a sucker for her wiki image. She is a spotted dark ginger molly with long fur. Her name is Fawn, and she is Fury's sister.
Bloodclan tom with a patchy pelt - Ripper, I like the think he is a brown and white tabby.
Black and white Bloodclan tom with a torn ear and a collar studded with teeth - Talon, he has a black collar.
Three Bloodclan cats, but the descriptions are not clear. One chases Brambleclaw and Brambleclaw flees (lmao) - The one chasing Brambleclaw away is Fawn, Fury's sister. The patchy furred one is Rooster's son, Raven, pure black.
Tabby and white molly that does not know what Mothermouth is - Her name is Diamond, she is noted to have a sparkly collar and reminds Graystripe of how Lightflower (Princess) used to be.
Scraps' Father Figure - Scrappy! He died in the Battle of Bloodclan. Scraps changed his name when he transitioned to male to be more like him, before Scrappy died.
Gremlin's ex, Fang's Father - Graystripe. In an attempt to strengthen connections, Graystripe welcomed Gremlin into his and Silverstream's relationship, attempting to Honour Sire kits, but plans fell apart before Fang was born.
Fang's siblings, Gremlin's other kits - The first is a tortoiseshell molly with white patches named Leah, she is still in her home, happy and carefree. Her original name was Ember. The other was another molly, a small gray molly with a darker gray stripe down her back, the spitting image of her father, her name is Orchid, and she left her home to become a loner. She'll reappear during the Warriorclan Super Edition.
Black and white kittypet tom - Tuxy. You can imagine what he looks like.
Black and white molly trapped in the Twoleg den - Flurry, she joins Warriorclan and becomes Flurrynose.
Molly with 3 kittens - Her name is Storm! She becomes Stormjump, I think she is large, and pure black with big green eyes.
Her 3 babies - The first is Moss, or Mosskit. A pure black tom with green eyes, just like mom! The second is Apple, or Applekit, a brown tabby tom with green eyes. The third and final is a deaf, pure white molly with blue eyes, named Cloud, or Cloudkit.
The old tabby molly who gives herself up to the Twolegs - Her name is Maisie. She was reunited with her old family through her microchip, who had all but given up hope of seeing her again.
Small tabby and white molly, warrior of Warriorclan - Amberwhisker! She is a light ginger colour with a white underside and white front legs, she has orange eyes.
Sandy coloured tom from Warriorclan - Splashclaw, because he loves water! He also has blue eyes.
Dark tabby kittypet with a light muzzle and light paws - A dark brown tabby by the name of Pinky. She was named by a little kid. She has a pink collar to match.
Patch furred kittypet - Named Patches. Named by the same kid, but slightly older. Now a white tom with ginger patches! He had a yellow collar.
Tabby kittypet with white paws - Alfred, not named by a child, he is a gray tabby, the oldest and most distinguished in the group. Dark blue collar for this guy.
Pure white kittypet - Missy, possibly named by the same kid who named the others, she is Alfred's baby. A small molly with a purple collar, she joins Warriorclan during their super edition under the new name: Happyfur.
Marigold - Note: This unknown being isn't even given a SPECIES. But in WCR, Marigold was Petunia's mate. Unfortunately, while they were in a shelter together, Marigold's liver began to fail, and the shelter was not able to get on top of things, she was euthanized. She and Gremlin give Monkeystar 2 lives.
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kelpiemomma · 2 years ago
For your ask game! 5, 9, 14, 30.
Also, I hope you are having a wonderful day!
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
>I actually keep a lot of art for myself bc they end up being a ton of sketches. I'd like to share more, but sharing more art means being more proud and happy with what I put out, and I honestly struggle a lot with what I DO share lol. Anywhere from 50/50 to 80/20 for me/sharing, tbh. Kinda hard to say with the new laptop.
9. What are your file name conventions
>i assume this means how I name my files? Depends on how I'm feeling and what I'm drawing. Things I give more of a shit about (harpg ref images, rpg references, animatic sketches) get actual titles like "Paolumu headshot" or "Amberwhisker full body". My current anim wip is just called "welcome to the bay" bc that's what it is. When I'm sketching and doing stuff for fun, it's a lot more relaxed. my current main wip is called "KHAAAAAAAAN", I have another one called "Khannies", one called "sketchees", and the like. I did once draw a cartoon penis and I believe the file name was Wilikens? I do miss him :c
14. Any favorite motifs
i hhonestly don't know 🤔 I don't think I stick with one thing for too long. I also don't exactly know what a motif is and so I googled it. I don't think I have one (from what I understand of a motif) more than others 🤔🤔🤔
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
Anything involving an OC, tbh. It's easy to get traction, even if it's minor, on a fan favorite character. Most people don't give a shit about OC art. It makes me want to love on mine and others OCs even more.
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Good suffixes for Amber-?
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raging-river-novel-blog · 6 years ago
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Mudstar of Riverclan
-leader, 60 moons
-Mudstar is the leader of Riverclan, mate to Maplehill, and father to Springflight and Amberwhisker. He doesn’t play fair, and certainly doesn’t bat an eye at his mate and kits. He has a lying and angry nature, ready to go into battle at the flick of a ear. 
-Mate: Maplehill
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elementclangen · 8 months ago
Moon 241-Newleaf
Streampaw (12) has joined his brother as a warrior.  He is given the name of Streamhiss in honor of his determination.  Xhosa (109) is not a fan of having so many unproven dark-cursed cats in the Clan.  She feels like Frostblotch (16) doesn’t take her role and actions seriously.  Tumbleswoop (30) doesn’t mind having dark-cursed cats in the Clan.  He’s even grown to kind of like them.  At least, one of them.  He asks Echomoor (22) to go fishing with him, using their water powers to herd the fish towards them.  It’s effective, but it would have been more effective if they didn’t keep getting distracted by each other.  Sweet Marmalade (26) has an infection growing in his broken back.  That doesn’t stop him from sparring with Frostblotch though!  She wishes she could help heal him, but Safariaster won’t let her try.  Safariaster (148) is impressed with how well Smokefoot (30) handles herself as a deaf warrior. She’s brave and Safariaster highly doubts any cat would notice she was deaf if they didn’t already know.  Safariaster is glad that Hopedawn’s (30) kits are nice to her kit.  Rootpaw (8) especially is good at making Nettlepaw (10) laugh.  But no cats are laughing when Vaxxstreak (127) brings back the news that Amberwhisker (100) has been killed by a large dog.
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elementclangen · 8 months ago
Moon 239-Leaf-bare
The Clan continues to grow!  Yay!  A kittypet brings her kit to the Clan because she can no longer care for her.  The little Oriolekit (5) is powerless and almost ready to be apprenticed.  Speaking of apprentices, Bluepaw (14) is now a warrior with the name of Bluestripe in honor of her hard work.  Amberwhisker (98) thinks Bluestripe has become less endearing as she’s grown up.  He thinks that she’s annoying and disagrees with her using her powers to help hunt.  What if it taints the prey!  Dawnfreckle (23) really seems to think that his advice will be helpful to the younger dark-cursed cats.  Skipneedle is tired of his ‘advice’ and hopes that she’s not on patrol with him.  Bluestripe has the exact opposite thought and loves spending time with Dawnfreckle!  Smokefoot (28) is proud of Shinebreak (14) for becoming a warrior and is trying to be grateful that she still has one of her kits in her life. Streampaw (10) is paying close attention to how Shinebreak does things.  Spotfoot’s an alright mentor, but he would rather learn water magic from the most powerful water-blessed cat the Clan has ever seen.   Rubbleheart (35) is frustrated that he was injured for most of Skipneedle’s (14) apprenticeship and wishes that he had gotten to train her more.  He snaps at Paleburst (18) for not letting him out of the medicine den to do so.  In other news, Hopedawn’s (28) kits have been made apprentices.  Lilacpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Downgaze (20).  It’s a little intimidating being apprenticed to the leader’s kit, especially when his siblings won’t be training as warriors with him.  Rootpaw (6) has decided to become a mediator, like his mom, and Rindlepaw (6) is (of course) going to become a Healer.  Although she still misses Wildcave, Creekstar (93) is getting closer to Vaxxstreak (125).  In fact, Spotfoot (20) catches her rolling around a little too playfully with Vaxxstreak-ew, mo-om! 
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elementclangen · 8 months ago
Moon 237-Leaf-Bare
Safariaster’s (144) kit has been apprenticed to Xhosa (105).  Hopefully Xhosa’s quiet cunning will help even out Nettlepaw’s (6) more flamboyant tendencies.  There are now almost the same number of apprentices as warriors.  The leadership has taken an interest in Downgaze (18).  Both Primcrest (79) and Creekstar(91) want to spend more time with him (he is Creekstar’s son and Primcrest’s nephew, but I’m sure that has nothing to do with it).  Primcrest is proud of how far Frostpaw (12) has come and is excited to see what she achieves once she’s a warrior.  Vaxxstreak (123)  notices that Echomoor (18) has been helping around the camp a lot lately.  He really wants to do something to prove himself.  Meanwhile, Shinepaw (12) is still being rude to her fellow apprentices.  Amberwhisker (96) tries bringing her behavior up to her, but it ends in a fight that Hopedawn (26) has to break up.  Hopedawn talks with Shinepaw and tries to help her work through her feelings about losing Eaglepaw in a healthy way.  Skippaw (12) is distracted by wondering what her visions mean.  She even calls Hopedawn the wrong name.  Creekstar is curious about these visions and wants to get to know Skippaw better.  Meanwhile, in the Dark Forest, Yuccawillow is watching Creekstar with a sly smile.
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elementclangen · 8 months ago
Moon 235-Leaf-Fall
Shinepaw (10) hopes that Eaglepaw finds his way back to the Clan.  She’s not sure what life will look like without her brother by her side.  However, the apprentices’ den is still full because Xhosa’s (103) kits have been made apprentices!  Streampaw (6) is apprenticed to Spotfoot (16).  He hopes he’ll do something to impress the Clan on his first day.  Maybe he could catch a big fat rabbit?  Or chase off a fox!  That’ll show the Clan he’s the best apprentice anyone’s ever seen!  His brother, Almondpaw (6), is a little more reserved.  He’s apprenticed to Vaxxstreak (121).  With so many apprentices and so few powered warriors, a lot of powerless cats are ending up with powered apprentices.  It’s challenging to train them to control something they themselves don’t understand.  Primcrest (77), unlike her son, does enjoy having kits around camp. She’s reminded of just how cute they are because of Nettlekit (4).  Xhosa, on the other paw, is a bit fed up with all the young cats. She thinks that Skippaw (10) is a rumor-monger and that Palepaw (14) is too stuck up. The kits have decided that they are obsessed with Amberwhisker (94).  Lilackit (2) loves climbing all over him and Rootkit (2) charms him with his big green eyes. Almondpaw is trying to get to know his mentor and tell him a story, but Vaxxstreak is noticeably distracted.  Maybe because he’s old.  Apparently, not every cat loves Bluepaw (10).  Shinepaw is telling jokes about her.  Brightpaw (10) understands that her friend is just stressed after the loss of her brother, but she wishes she would be a bit nicer to her siblings.  The fearsome foursome are still quite close, and Frostpaw (10) feels most like herself when she’s around Bluepaw.  
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elementclangen · 8 months ago
Moon 225-Leaf-bare
Creekstar’s (79) kits have been made apprentices!  Spotpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Amberwhisker (84) and is already fitting in nicely with his older cousins.  Dawnpaw has (9) been feeling insecure and Spotpaw helps him work through his problems.  Spotpaw doesn’t mind that he’s dark-cursed!  Downpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Kestrelcreek (14).  He kind of wishes that he had been able to become a Healer apprentice, but, being powerless, he is not allowed to.  Goldenpaw’s (6) mentor is Rubbleheart (21). He’s longing for the safety of the nursery, which is making his wind powers act up a bit.  There’s a small flurry of snow in a constant whirlwind around him.  Hopedawn (14) is quite impressed with Goldenpaw’s strength and how strong he already is in battle. Auburnpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Smokefoot (14). She’s excited to learn the different techniques that Smokefoot knows, but, unfortunately, comes down with yellowcough before she can start training.  And finally, as expected, Echopaw (6) has been apprenticed to Primcrest (67).   Echopaw sends a quick prayer up to StarClan, hoping that it reaches them and not the Dark Forest, and jumps right into working hard in training. Primcrest appreciates that, but is overwhelmed with trying to train three dark-cursed apprentices at the same time, considering that Creekstar is too grief-stricken over Wildcave's death to train her apprentice.  Xhosa (93) is not a fan of having so many dark-cursed cats in the Clan.  She gets in an argument with Echopaw and the two end up resentful of each other.  There are even little sparks of fire dancing across Echopaw’s fur. A loner leaves their litter to the Clan and Smokefoot decides to take them in.  Surprisingly, both of the kits are quite powerful.  There’s Eaglekit (0), who has a relatively strong fire-blessing.  He already almost lit the nursery on  fire.  Then there’s Shinekit (0), who has the most powerful water-blessing the Clan has ever seen.  As a newborn, she manages to completely fill the camp with snow.  And then melt all of it and send it back out of camp.  Wow.  Smokefoot is a little overwhelmed, but she does her best.  Flowerpaw (9) proves her skill in battle by bravely lunging at a fox’s throat.  It’s not enough to officially prove her, but it could be a start.  The Clan is finally growing, as Safariaster (132) finds a litter of orphaned kits and brings them back to camp.  And they are quite powerful.  There’s the aptly named Brightkit (0), who’s fire-blessing is even more powerful than the famous Nightingaletree’s.  Thankfully Shinekit’s water-blessing is equally powerful and she hasn’t burned down the camp.  Then there’s Archkit (0), who is the most powerful star-blessed cat in the Clan’s history.  Creekstar is glad to have her.  But then there’s the matter of the other three.  Frostkit (0), Bluekit (0), and Skipkit (0) are all dark-cursed.  And they’re all more powerful than Creekstar, Primcrest, and their kits.  It’s kind of terrifying.  Creekstar doesn’t want to repeat her predecessor’s mistakes, but she’s scared.  If they prove to be dangerous for the Clan, she may have to exile them to save the rest of her clanmates.
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elementclangen · 8 months ago
Moon 224-Leaf-fall
The rest of Charipeak’s (90) kits have been made warriors!  Charipeak is so proud of all of her kits, but especially of Tumblepaw (13) who she knows has had a hard time lately.  She cheers the loudest as Tumblepaw is renamed Tumbleswoop for her hard work.  Amberwhisker (83) feels quite close with his apprentice and watches with pride as Kestrelpaw (13) is given the new name of Kestrelcreek, in honor of her composure.  And, finally, Hopepaw (13) has become a full mediator with the name of Hopedawn after her dignity.  Being the mediator doesn’t stop Hopedawn from getting into little arguments with her clanmates.  Today it is with Primcrest (66).  Kestrelcreek is glad that all her sisters are warriors (and a mediator) together now and has been spending more time with Smokefoot (13).  Vaxxstreak (110) knows that his kits are still missing Wildcave, so he carves some time out of his day to spend time with them.  He gives Auburnkit (5) a pretty flower that she plays with.   Primcrest hopes that Creekstar (78), who is still bed-ridden with grief, is going to be up to training her own apprentice before Echokit (5) is apprenticed.  She doesn’t think she can handle training three dark-cursed cats at once.   One of said apprentices, Flowerpaw (8), is working hard to master her abilities.  She gets up early to train and doesn’t stop until the sun goes down.  She wants to prove herself so she can become deputy one day, like her mom.  Rubbleheart (20) knows that he should appreciate the fact that there are so many young cats in the Clan.  But he just finds it a little annoying.  They all want to play with his tail!  While on patrol, the Clan finds a little earth-blessed kit.  Finally!  They take him back to the Clan and name him Palekit (3).
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elementclangen · 9 months ago
Moon 222-Leaf-fall
So much for Tumblepaw (11) being proud she was the leader’s apprentice.  With Primcrest’s  (64) dark-cursed kits now being apprentices, Creekstar (76) felt like she needed to mentor one herself.  So Tumblepaw is now Charipeak’s (88) apprentice while Creekstar mentors Dawnpaw (6).  Primcrest  is mentoring Flowerpaw (6). Primcrest is excited to teach her kit how to control her powers and is already giving advice to her.  With the other dark-cursed kits being apprentices, Echokit (3) is feeling a little alone.  And embarrassed.  Amberwhisker (81) told a story about when he accidentally drained a moth that he had asked the warrior not to share. Goldenkit (3) goes up to Vaxxstreak (108) and asks if he has time to play with him.  Vaxxstreak decides to team up with Wildcave (105) and play with their kits.   In the evening, they pretend to be enemy warriors that their kits get to fight.  Afterwards, Wildcave carries a sleeping Echokit back to the nursery.  The lull in their energy doesn’t last long and the kits have decided that they’re obsessed with Hopepaw (11).  They bug her constantly and find her awkward answers about where kits come from to be hilarious.  The kits are also fascinated by Smokepaw’s way of communicating and so she teaches them some tail signals. Tumblepaw is still having nightmares.  Charipeak does her best to comfort her daughter, which at least makes Tumblepaw’s ears stop drooping.
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elementclangen · 9 months ago
Moon 217-Newleaf
It has been an eventful moon for the Clan, with both good and bad things happening.  To start with, Charipeak’s (83) kits have been made apprentices!  Jumblepaw (6) has been apprenticed to Vaxxstreak (103), in hopes that Vaxxstreak’s more nervous tendencies will balance out the young cat’s strictness. Creekstar (71)  has decided to take on Tumblepaw (6) herself, due to the lack of water-blessed cats in the Clan (that aren’t Tumblepaw’s mother).  Smokepaw (6) has been apprenticed to Xhosa (85).  It may be challenging for a hearing cat to train a deaf cat, but Creekstar trusts that Xhosa is up to it.  Kestrelpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Amberwhisker (76).  Their similar pelt colors should help the two of them develop shared hunting and fighting strategies.  And Hopepaw (6) has decided to become a mediator, so she is training herself. Additionally, Rubblepaw (13) has finally been made a warrior, with the name of Rubbleheart, honoring his intrigue. Unfortunately, Patchkit (6) could not recover from her eagle-inflicted claw-wound and died.  Creekstar and Wildcave (100) are devastated.  They can’t believe their kit is gone.  Creekstar, especially, struggles with it.  She chokes back wails and tears, trying to get to the end of the story she’s been telling about Patchkit’s days in the nursery.  She can do this.  She can make sure Patchkit is honored at her vigil, even if she can’t do anything else for her daughter.  Creekstar is eager to get up and get busy the next day.  She refuses to sit still for even a moment, lest her thoughts linger on Patchkit’s death.  She seems especially determined to not think too hard about it, as she has announced that she is expecting more kits.  Okay.  Xhosa adores Charipeak’s kits and thinks it would be fun to have some kits of her own with her.  Charipeak disagrees.  Five kits is a lot to take care of, even if they are apprenticed now!  Hopepaw feels like the Clan really needs her as a mediator.  Cats can be so rude.  For example, Primcrest (59) bumped into her and didn’t even apologize!  Tumblepaw is looking at Creekstar and Wildcave and is dreaming about having a mate and kits of her own one day.  Xhosa is having a bit of trouble training Smokepaw, and the young cat is struggling to keep up with her littermates.  Kestrelpaw wishes her sisters would leave her alone and is feeling cramped in the apprentice’s den.  There’s just so many of them!
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elementclangen · 9 months ago
Moon 215-Leaf-bare
Apparanty, the luck cannot hold.  Silverspots (33) comes down with greencough and dies.  He was a decent mediator, and the Clan mourns his loss.  Although he didn’t have any kin left and he could be a little hard to be around at times.  Creekstar (69) takes comfort in the fact that her kit is still alive.  She admires how brave Patchkit (4) is being with her injuries and feels most like herself when she’s around her daughter.  Safariaster (122) likes having more young cats around the camp.  She wants to spend more time with Kestrelkit (4), although she wishes Hopekit (4) would share some of the prey she’s eating.  Charipeak (81) is grateful to have help caring for her kits.  She loves them, but they can be a handful.  She also loves watching Xhosa (83) stumble when she hunts.  It’s cute. Rubblepaw (11) has decided to help Amberwhisker (74) fit in with the Clan and jokes with him about neighboring clans.  Amberwhisker doesn’t quite get it, but laughs anyway.  Creekstar recently complimented Vaxxstreak (101) and he took that to heart.  He’s been prancing around her all the time.  Erm.  She already has a mate, but she supposes that her grandparents had three mates. So. . .maybe? 
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