#amberpricefield save me. amberpricefield. save me amberpricefield
whimsicalcotton · 10 months
various eepy headcanons:
there's like. a five minute window where you can get Rachel up in the morning and she Won't take your head off but otherwise she's one of those ppl who needs caffeine + nicotine + 10 minutes to lament her existence Immediately or she'll be grumpy as sin the whole day. says she 'doesn't believe in the concept of breakfast,' and pretty much only has some if Chloe is around to pester her about it
Chloe is The Most restless sleeper. she's snoozing at 40 different angles. she's halfway to the floor. she's curled up at the end of the bed like a cat. all in the span of like half an hour. Rachel doesn't mind but only bc she sleeps like a fucking log and basically has no idea
Max will be out for all of five minutes and wake up in a rush like "damn i slept in why didn't you guys get me up" and amberprice are just staring at her like "babygirl there is something so very very wrong with you"
Rachel sleeptalks. like, entire nonsensical conversations and complete gibberish delivered with the utmost confidence type of deal. Max thinks it's cute but doesn't bring it up. Chloe also thinks it's cute and brings it up at every available opportunity
the only place Max will take a (mostly) uninterrupted nap is in the backseat of the truck while amberprice are up front singing along to whatever's on the radio. they're both aware of this and constantly coming up with excuses to go for a drive
whenever Max is having a particularly bad night due to the Paranoid Insomnia™️, Chloe will try and stay up with her. sometimes they have midnight movie marathons, sometimes they just talk for a while. Chloe never quite manages to make it through the whole night but Max appreciates it regardless
bonus: Rachel listening to pricefield comparing weird dreams over breakfast
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macabre-crab · 6 months
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pov im showing you my new ""poly"" ship that is totally not like any of the other poly ships i have
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bulletbilltime · 6 months
I thought the Life is Strange brainrot was gone. Well, it's not. The Life is Strange brainrot never goes away. It only goes dormant.
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skye-huntress · 3 months
Life is Strange Shipping
Wasn’t expecting to be posting again so soon but I’m seeing this topic be brought up a lot and there are many of you who have very strong opinions about this.
First of all, I am primarily a Pricefield shipper. However I also ship Amberprice. And Amberfield, Amberpricefield, and even Chasefield. Somewhere along the way as I was playing Before the Storm, I became a multi-shipper.
The relationship between Max and Chloe was one that is very important to me, and it is important to both characters respectively, regardless of what choices the player makes. Even so, I see a lot of potential between Max, Chloe and other characters, whether it is with Rachel, Warren, Kate, or even Victoria. This series has never been short of interesting characters and compelling relationships, even if they are strictly platonic in the games.
Now, some people are not happy at the idea of Double Exposure having potential new romances for Max, but romance has always been optional. I think it would be interesting to explore these options. I’ve already decided that my first save file will be my dedicated “Chloe Faithful” file, while I use the others to explore other ships I might be into. I certainly didn’t start out as a Pricefield shipper on Day 1 and it wouldn’t be surprising if my list of Max ships got a little longer. Plus I think I’ve always wanted to see a Bay>Bae ending Max have an opportunity to find love again. She deserves it and Chloe would want that for her.
Plus, I’m curious about some of the implications. With the exception of Safi, we’ll be interacting with two different versions of every other character. If I romance the same person across two timelines, does it count as cheating? But I don’t know which version I’ll be stuck with by the end so I have to make sure I’m on good terms with both, right? Hah, I can easily imagine Max having these same questions running through her head. Then there’s the possibility a girl I’m pursuing could be the killer, so imagine how that’ll play out, and how that will f### with Max’s feelings? It could happen and if it does, I want the full emotional gut punch!
I guess what I’m saying is I’m a Pricefield shipper, and I’m still down to see Max woo all the ladies she can in Double Exposure.
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c0unt3rc0m84t · 2 months
I just started thinking (ik dangerous) and it went to Chloe and Rachel which went to Rachel's association with Dragons and Deer and the fact she has 2 (actually 3 with the bluejay) animals associated with her and it got me thinking.... what if there is the spirit animal and the relationship animal? Like, there are people who say a soul mate is 2 halves of a whole so thinking about it, why not? Max and Chloe have the Buttetfly together, Max and Rachel have the Doe, and Chloe and Rachel have the Bluejay. Then you have Rachel with the dragon, Chloe with the Raven, and.... idk what Max's extra animal is. I'm not saying there aren't holes I just think it makes sense. Hell, maybe the Bluejay is Amberpricefield since Rach has the feather, there's the theory of the Bluejay representing Chloe, and Max is saving the bluejay.
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bambinella · 5 months
Tales as old as time
A/N: Even more domestic amberpricefield! At this point there's literally no saving for me anymore, they've completely taken control. Enjoy!
Summary: Max asks how the couple met, so Chloe and Rachel take a trip back to memory lane all the way back to their days in Blackwell.
Warnings: Da fluff
Word Count: 1567
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Max, Chloe and Rachel were lounging in the living room, having just finished dinner. The couple had claimed the couch so Max had settled for the bean bag, which was the better option in her humble opinion. She looked at them, leaning against each other while laughing at something on Rachel’s phone, and smiled fondly. While she missed Chloe a lot, she was so happy for the Chloe here, who’d found happiness with Rachel. And she was really grateful for Rachel to show up in Chloe’s life when she did. Thinking about it, she didn’t really know more than the fact that Rachel showed up and saved Chloe from drowning in her own sadness and anger. She frowned.
“I just realized I’m an idiot and never asked this before, but how did you two meet?” Max asked, carefully looking at best friend’s face while she waited for her answer. This could be a sensitive topic, since it would take Chloe all the way back to when life wasn’t really good, for neither of them apparently. Thankfully they didn’t seem taken aback by the question.
“Who, Rachel and I? Damn, that would be all the way back to our time at school in Blackhell,” Chloe said with raised eyebrows and a chuckle.
“Wow, it's been a long time since I’ve heard that name. It almost feels like another lifetime,” Rachel said with a smile as leaned against Chloe, and Max’ jaw just slightly tightened at that. Rachel had no idea how close to the sad truth she actually was.
“Yeah. I know you guys met after I… left, but I don’t know much more than that. Care to tell me?” She smiled, actually curious. She wanted to know more about Chloe and Rachel from this reality, and how they escaped hell.
“Of course! Let’s see… that first week when we met was absolutely crazy,” Chloe recalled with a smirk as she crossed her legs underneath her, playfully bumping her shoulder into Rachel.
“I saved Chloe’s ass the moment I first laid eyes on her, of course,” Rachel said with a proud smirk, causing her girlfriend to lean in and kiss Rachel’s cheek.
“Ah yes, Rachel saved me from a pair of dickheads cornering me at a concert in the old mill. My guardian angel,” Chloe snickered. Max playfully raised an eyebrow at her.
“Never saw you for the damsel in distress type,” She teased, letting out a giggle as Chloe stuck out her tongue at her.
“Then the day after we skipped school, spied on random people in a park, stole a bottle of wine, discovered my dad was a liar and a douchebag,... I can keep going,” Rachel summed up, counting the events on her fingers.
“That all happened in one day? Geez, you two sure were busy,” Max chuckled. She wondered if her Chloe did all those things with Rachel too, before things went… wrong. Maybe she’d ask one day, if Chloe was ready to talk about it.
“Like I said, that week was just crazy. I, of course, was innocent and I fully blame Rachel,” Chloe grinned with a shrug, earning herself a punch to the shoulder.
“You hush. Anyways, Chloe got kicked out of school the next day after taking the blame for me for skipping, even though she obviously didn’t have to,” Rachel said with a roll of her eyes, playfully tweaking Chloe’s nose. “That’s when we started making plans to escape Arcadia Bay. It still took us about two to three years to actually leave, since we had to prepare and save up, but in the end it worked out. However, the most important thing that happened during that week was the fact that I may or may not have forced Chloe to partake in the school theater play. She was so embarrassed and it was so cute,” Rachel grinned, causing her girlfriend to huff.
“I still haven’t forgiven you for that,” Chloe playfully glared at Rachel, who blew a kiss in her direction.
“But you were amazing at it! And you had fun too, remember? You said so yourself,” The blonde smirked while folding her arms, knowing she had the upper hand. Max heard Chloe mumble ‘maybe’ under her breath and couldn’t help but smile fondly at them. It was kinda odd to see Chloe as the submissive one of the couple, especially when thinking of her Chloe, but it was also really adorable.
“Oh man, I would have paid real money to see that,” Max giggled, glad she was sitting safe in her bean bag, out of Chloe’s reach as she noticed her mischievous glare.
“I’m pretty sure I have a recording of it somewhere upstairs! I’ll show when Chloe isn’t home,” Rachel winked at Max, both of them bursting into laughter as Chloe started protesting with a blush.
“Hey! None of that! That’s so unfair!” She cried out, pouting as she folded her arms. Max shrugged with a grin and Rachel placed a kiss on Chloe’s cheek.
“Sorry not sorry, I need all the blackmail I can get on you, sister,” The brunette teased. Chloe raised an eyebrow at the two of them, before smirking as she got an idea. Time to shift the attention away from her.
“Blackmail, huh? Well if it’s blackmail you want, then let’s talk about Rachel here for a second. Let’s see, what to tell first? Maybe the fact that she almost burned down an entire forest in a fit of rage, or that she fucking slapped a dangerous drug dealer with a piece of wood, resulting in her almost dying after getting stabbed with a knife? Or–” Chloe started summing up with a wide grin, yet was interrupted by her own squeal as Rachel started squeezing her ribs.
“Lies! Besides, there's no need for all this negativity in this house!” She declared, a blush of embarrassment present on her cheeks. Chloe curled in on herself and fully leaned against Rachel while giggling madly, trying to grab her hands to stop the ticklish assault. Max merely giggled at them.
“Remind me to never get on your bad side, Rachel,” She grinned as she watched them playfully fight, leaning her chin on her palm. Rachel shot her a smirk and wiggled her eyebrows.
“You better not, unless you wanna end up like Ms. Price over here,” She said, finally pulling her hands away from her girlfriend. Chloe still giggled and rubbed her sides as she sat up.
“You’re so mean! Ms. Price here was only telling the truth, after all. Just saying, Max, maybe you shouldn’t always be picking on me,” Chloe suggested with a smile and a shrug.
“Yeah but you’re an easy target, and Rachel is way more scary than you,” Max said with a wide grin, making Rachel smile into her hand and her best friend stare at her with an open jaw. Bullying Chloe remained her favorite hobby, yet judging by the look Chloe was giving her Max figured she’d probably get murdered for it one of these days. Worth it.
“Oh yeah? I’ll show you just how scary I can be!” Chloe said with a determined smile, standing up from the couch as she made her way over to Max, who immediately giggled and held her hands up as defense.
“Children, children, let’s not fight. Otherwise I’d have to get involved and we all know I’d win,” Rachel said with a smug grin as she folded her arms. And despite what the brunette had said mere seconds ago, in that very moment something clicked between Chloe and Max. The duo shared a glance that lasted less than a second, and smirked at the same time. Whatever playful fight they were about to have had vanished from their minds, as something far more important had taken its place. They had an enemy in common for now.
“Oh really?” Max asked as she stood up from the bean bag, putting her hands on her hips as she looked at the blonde with an evil smile.
“Is that so?” Chloe said with a mischievous grin, cracking her fingers as she looked at her girlfriend. Rachel looked at the two of them and quickly realized she’d made a horrible, horrible mistake.
“N-now hold up, I was just saying! There’s no need for thi– aAH!” She squealed as the duo jumped at her, pinning her down on the couch in mere seconds. If they worked together, maybe they could finally beat Rachel!
“Get her!” They yelled simultaneously with wide grins, wasting no time as they started tickling her silly. Rachel wasn’t used to being on the receiving end, and it showed as she immediately laughed her head off. Max smiled fondly as she watched her friend giggle hysterically, saving yet another precious memory. With every day that passed, she grew more and more attached to Rachel. She truly had been lucky to get to know her and live with her. Rachel was possibly the sweetest, kindest and most compassionate woman she’d ever met in her entire life. Well, unless you decided to test your fate and gang up on her with your best friend, which led Max to start thinking about one small detail she may have forgotten to consider before starting this. She had no idea how she or Chloe were gonna survive once Rachel recovered.
But that was a problem for Future Max.
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idk if you're in the lis fandom, but amberpricefield for 002?
You're in luck! I am, in fact, in the Life is Strange fandom.
When I started shipping them:
I watched a few different let's plays of the first game, and then I promptly fell down a rabbit hole of fanfics. Needless to say, there's some really good ones for these three.
My thoughts:
Chaos trio (quite literally), I love them so much.
What makes me happy about them:
One thing I like about Amberpricefield, is that none of them are perfect. They're all deeply flawed in their own way individually and it's so interesting to see how that kind of influences their dynamic. Their relationship isn't perfect, because they're not perfect but that's what makes it so good. Because, at the end of the day, they're still awkward teenagers.
Any of the individual pairings involved here feels like a pretty realistic take on how a lot of relationships at this stage in a person's life would play out, which is honestly kind of refreshing.
What makes me sad about them:
Canonically, their relationship never had a chance (at least, as far as the game goes, because I've only recently learned about the comics and I haven't had the chance to check them out yet).
Rachel dies before she ever has the chance to meet Max, and if you chose to save Arcadia Bay at the end of the game? Chloe also dies. Depending on your choices, only one or two sides of the ship ever get the chance to thrive (and even then, one of them doesn't last).
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I haven't read any Amberpricefield fics in a while so I can't really remember much that might've annoyed me.
Things I look for in fanfic:
"Canon is dead, we shot it behind a Denny's."
Amberpricefield quite literally can't exist without some serious canon-fuckery. The storm doesn't happen, Rachel never died (whether that was Max's doing or not), Jefferson wasn't a complete psycho, etc...anything that means the three of them actually get a chance to at least meet.
As I've said before, hurt/comfort sustains me and all three of them need it, badly.
Also, while I don't actively look for them, I do enjoy the occasional "no powers" AU.
My Wishlist:
I remember there being a lot of canon-divergence fics for them, but it would be nice to see more fics exploring the aftermath.
Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
For me, Max is very shippable, but if I had to pick one? Kate. Marshfield, while not my favourite ship, is pretty cute and one I could see working out.
The other two are a bit harder because the first game kind of already established that they had something and my memory of the other games in the series is kind of hazy.
Probably Steph for both of them actually? I don't know, this one's kind of difficult.
My happily ever after for them:
As previously stated, canon never happened. They all meet, grow close. They get out of Arcadia Bay together and maybe travel a bit before settling down near a beach somewhere.
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vhsghostricks · 2 years
Your drv3 x lis crossover art made me think... If Maki is Chloe... Miu is Rachel.. and Kaede is Max... kaemakimiu/amberpricefield???
Yeah :) it was a silly passing thought and it works to some degree hehehe
Kaede and Maki childhood friends mmhm yes and Miu being Maki's saving grace after Kaede leaves is so. !!!!!!! !!!!!!
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kayleen756894 · 2 years
Hello! I hope you’re having a good day so far, I was just wondering how you came to discover amberpricefield and how did your love for this ship spark? Was there any particular moment or event that set it off or was it a more gradual thing?
Oh boy strap in Anon cause I’m about to give you my Life is Strange backstory lmao buckle up kids!
So I played LiS back when it first came out and I was OBSESSED with Pricefield. I loved everything about Max and Chloe’s dynamic. The emotion, drama, loyalty, gay, everything, love them, still do, always will. And while I loved Pricefield, I hated Rachel Amber. All of you peeking at my Rachel icon, all my lovingly written Rachel fics, how I simp for her on the reg:
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But I’m serious. I hated her. Venomously. Couldn’t stand even hearing her name. Every time Chloe mentioned her I was yelling at my TV for her to shut up cause Max was right there. I spent a good like year and a half hating Rachel Amber with every fibre of my being. And then—mark your calendars—early in April of 2017 I discovered the fan made visual novel Love is Strange (if you’ve never played it you gotta it’s glorious, gay, soft, 10/10). And because it’s so well made and I love this universe I knew I had to do every route, even though I fucking hated Rachel and wanted nothing to do with her. So after doing everyone else’s I begrudgingly gave her route a try. And Anon My third eye opened. My dead heart revitalized. I’m not sure exactly what moment it was, maybe it was gradual, probably, it’s a blur of feelings and me losing my mind, but I was completely seduced. SHE’S HELLA CHARMING I HAD NO CHANCE. By the end of Rachel’s route not only did my opinion of her entirely 180, but I was head over heels in love with her. And this made me replay LiS with a fresh perspective. I payed more attention. I respected Chloe’s feelings. Let my empathy guide me forward. I tried looking at these events from Rachel’s point of view rather than just blaming her for everything and pointing fingers. Everything that made me feel burning hatred before just made me sad now, made me yearn, made me wish Max could meet Rachel, that Rachel could’ve been given the chance to explain herself, apologize, to become a better person. (Thankfully fanfic writers exist to give her that chance, including myself). So at this point I loved Pricefield, loved Amberfield, and because of the connection between the three characters and what Max would have to go through to save both of them in a perfect timeline, I grew attached to Amberpricefield, I wanted to see them happy and soft and in love, and this sudden spark inspired me to write my first Life is Strange fic which was “Every Step of the Way.” I wasn’t quite sold on Amberprice though, despite this. Mostly because at that point we’d never seen Chloe and Rachel interact. All we knew were some not quite so great things, and with only those things to go on I didn’t think they could last without Max involved to mellow them. And since Life is Strange gave me Pricefield and Love is Strange gave me Amberfield that’s where my passions were strongest. Then the trailer for Before the Storm came out. And the rest is history really lmao I fucking fell in love with Amberprice (anyone who’s seen my reaction to the Amberprice kiss knows how true this is lmfao) and in turn my love for Amberpricefield increased to unbeatable, insatiable levels. And the fandom was so huge at this time that I kinda unknowingly and unintentionally dragged a bunch of people along with me 😂 (to those still here, I love you). And deadass through falling for Amberpricefield and writing about them I realized I was polyamorous myself and god how FREEING it was to realize this I’m telling you. Life-changing. I owe them everything. I owe this series and fandom everything. Life is Strange has taken me on such a journey, how such a burning hatred became such a tender love, and without that journey none of my fics would’ve been written, I wouldn’t have met / bonded with many of the friends I have now, and wouldn’t be who I am today. Thanks for asking anon! Sorry for the rant but I hope it was entertaining lol I love getting questions so feel free to ask me anything anytime! 💕
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elderdragonblu · 2 years
I feel like this needs to be said: If a ship isn’t pedophilic or weird like that, then literally leave people alone
As a multishipper many people have the gull to come up to me and put me down for liking certain ships. And as someone who’s always adored ships like amberpricefield due to my own personal experiences as someone who is poly, I also despise it when people force me to chose between ships as well, or simply just tell me poly ships don’t exist/don’t work in society/whatever other bullshit I’ve been told.
I like amberpricefield, but I also like Wardfield, Chaseprice, and Ambermarsh (Marshamber?). I also like Nathan x Warren. Is Nathan someone who drugged a girl? Yes. Did he kill someone? Yes. But he also had an abusive father and seeked the validation of a father figure (ie Jefferson) and did horrible things to keep it. I’m not saying he was right, or that he was a complete victim, but he doesn’t deserve to be villainized the way he is.
And also: Victoria, Rachel, Chloe, and even Max aren’t inherently “good” people either.
Victoria literally bullies Kate into suicide, and only after she tries to commit/commits it, does she feel any sort of remorse! She bullies her constantly, writes horrible grafiti, even wrote down the link to Kate’s video which she KNEW was already hurting her enough. But Victoria also comes from a home where there are high expectations for her success. She hides behind masks in order to make it in the world because she knows how hard it is. Doesn’t make it right, but it makes her real and raw. Not to mention she dedicates her winning award for the contest to Kate Marsh.
Rachel cheated on Chloe, sure they might’ve had some weird benefits situation, but she also lied to Chloe. She was seeing multiple guys, lied to Chloe repeatedly, and did absolutely anything to try and leave Arcadia. She’s manipulative, there’s no denying it. As much as I love Rachel, I love that she’s real and the fact is that Rachel did a lot of fucked up shit. But she was also being groomed by two grown fucking men, was drugged and kidnapped to get pictures taken of her in the Darkroom, one of her good friends fucking overdosed her on accident, not to mention the fact that she was probably close to becoming a drug addict if she continued taking the drugs she did.
Chloe held a lot of things over Max’s head for probably longer than she should’ve. Constantly put herself and Max in danger. Always blamed the people around her rather than herself. She was problematic, but her father (someone she was hella close with) died when she was fourteen, her best friend left the day her dad’s funeral occurred and then her best friend ghosted her for five years while her mother ignored her constant complaining about David who is in fact canonically ABUSIVE even if he saves Max, it’s not excuse.
Max was someone who left the day her best friend’s dad’s funeral was happening, didn’t call Chloe for fucking years, and when she does come back to Arcadia she stays for a month before she coincidentally meets Chloe again. But she also probably didn’t have control over when she moved, and after all the shit she went through maybe it somewhat redeems her
Point is, characters in Life is strange and any fandom in general are flawed. Some could be doing horrible things but we still love them regardless. Let people ship their ships, they’re not hurting you at all, they’re finding comfort in the ships that make them happy. For example, one ship that I don’t tend to like much is Victoria and Nathan simply because I see them having a kickass sibling like friendship going on. If people like shipping them together? Then fuck yeah! Ship away, ship to your hearts content. I just want people to stop judging others for like content that makes them happy.
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whimsicalcotton · 1 month
I feel like I've got a brand to maintain so 30 and 1 for the otp ask game
and i am maintaining my brand by once again taking the opportunity to ramble semi-coherently about apf. which is sort of like answering for three ships at once and may be cheating a little but Fuck It We Ball
1: Who most initiates PDA?
amberprice initiate most of it but specifically Rachel. Chloe will do stuff like an arm around the shoulder or hair ruffling, but Rachel's the one who usually starts the hand holding & little kisses & flirty touches (see also: dramatically draping herself over one or both of them like a cat demanding attention)
30: What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.)
Chloe likes to kiss Rachel on her scarred arm (if she's feeling especially sappy, which happens far more often than she would ever admit) or on the star tattoo/inner wrist, and she likes to kiss Max on the nose/cheeks bc those freckles Do Things to her.
Rachel likes to kiss Chloe on the throat/neck bc she's gay af and hella dramatic and kind of gets a power trip on feeling Chloe's pulse under her teeth, and she likes to kiss Max on the cheek because even though it's such a small innocent gesture Max always goes tomato red and starts stammering and blushing a bunch and Rachel never gets enough of it.
Max likes to kiss them both on the hands/fingers (something something symbol of devotion something something brave little knight and her two adoring princesses) but i think she'd also be a fan of giving back/shoulder kisses should the opportunity ever arise
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highlifeboat · 3 years
Pricefield or Amberpricefield?😑
I mean, either is good. I think I'd have to pick Pricefeild
I'm not the biggest fan of Rachel. I like her but part of me is also still confused by her and Chloe's whole relationship. Especially since Rachel was seeing Frank, too. It feels kinda like she was playing with hearts. I dunno, she confuses me.
Max and Chloe though? All the way. Fuck everyone else in that town except, like, Kate, I always save Chloe. Seeing hints of their life together in Life is Strange 2? Amazing, love the call back.
Chloe is a chaotic dumbass no matter who she dates, though. Just a walking gay disaster.
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
Why I can’t see Amberpricefield being a thing and why Marshgrahamfield works better
This might be a controversial opinion, but I can't see Max, Chloe and Rachel being friends or even in a poly relationship. This is why the comics do not appeal to me. If anything, Kate and Warren is a better fit for Max.
Max is a largely a quiet and introverted person. Rachel is wild, extroverted and I feel Rachel would be bored with Max as a person until she has a use for Max, her photography skills and her powers.
With Max and Chloe. It relies on nostalgia of a childhood friend and manipulating said nostalgia and Max's guilt. And I just see Chloe focusing more about what Rachel wants instead of paying attention to Max. 
I literally for the life of me cannot ever see Max, Chloe and Rachel being friends or more whatsoever, all I could see is Chloe and Rachel using Max for her powers, trying to talk Max into doing things she doesn't want to do and throwing her away when they are done with Max. If Max cannot help them escape Arcadia Bay, and without the mystery of Rachel’s disappearance, there would be nothing keeping them in Arcadia Bay and I don’t think they would need or want to keep Max around. Chloe largely does whatever Rachel wants and if Rachel doesn’t want Max anymore, that's how it would be.
I feel like Max's friendship circle would be Warren and Kate. Max was already friendly with Warren and Kate prior to the week in the game despite Max's introvert nature. Max trades books with Kate and has tea dates with Kate. While Max and Warren bond over their shared interests. Hell, Max even has a nice connection with Brooke, Dana, Daniel, Stella and Alyssa as well. That could've easily been Max's friend group if Chloe hadn't reentered Max's life.
And honestly? I just wish we could’ve gotten a epilogue showing Max dealing with Chloe’s loss, her grief, but ultimately showing Max living her life and moving on. Show that Max still misses Chloe, but show her living her life. And just show Max living her best life with Warren, Kate, Brooke, Dana, Daniel, Stella and Alyssa. Even show montage of a friendship with Victoria. We just needed to see that despite losing Chloe, Max is okay.
I just for the life of me cannot see Amberpricefield working out as friends or a poly relationship. No matter how much Square Enix tries to shove it down our throats in the comics or no matter how much the fandom tries to make it work. I just cannot see it happening.
Honestly I would want a spin off game or comic series that focuses on if Max never reconnected with Chloe and it focuses on her friendships/relationships with Kate and Warren. The player would also get to choose if you wanna romance Warren or Kate. And the Marshgrahamfield trio would focus on bringing down Jeffershit, bring justice to Kate and stop the storm.
But more importantly. I want to see an alternative to the comics. I want to see a comic that shows us a continuation of the Save Arcadia Bay ending. Max deserved to heal. The fact that we aren’t allowed to see Max’s healing process in a separate comic series or even in a spin off game is sad. Hell, her agency after the first game is ultimately taken away as she pines over Chloe in the comics after giving her a happy ending for Rachel and In the LIS 2 cameo, her personality and looks is absorbed by Chloe. Max never got to have her own epilogue or any agency. Here is my suggestion. We should’ve gotten to see Max learning to cope with the loss of Chloe. Max would see The Blue Butterfly which would represent Chloe just like Chloe saw the Raven that represented William. Max would dream of Chloe. Chloe throughout these dreams would try to convince Max she has to let go of her guilt and move on with her life but know that she will always be in Max’s heart and that Max has to live for her. This would be the story of Max trying to move on, going through grief, Warren, Kate and the rest of Max’s friends helping Max through this sad period of her life. Warren would be a positive presence for Max, always there for her and a good influence during her grieving period. They’d watch movies together in their dorm rooms and just hangout. Warren’s presence soothes Max’s broken heart and this is why Max slowly falls in love with him. With Kate, Kate is Max’s angel. Like Warren, Kate lifts Max up after the loss of Chloe. Kate would take Max to her church and Kate would allow Alice to love Max up and tea dates just to brighten Max’s days up. Max and Victoria would make peace and Victoria would help her through her grief, which would result in Max and Victoria finally becoming friends. Victoria, Taylor and Courtney would take Max out for shopping, dress Max up and Victoria would help reignite Max’s love for photography and would not let Jefferson ruin her passion. Max and Victoria together would take some killer shots. Victoria would tell Max “when you are a famous photographer, you can put your pictures in my gallery” and it was a deal, Max would focus on becoming a photographer and Victoria would become heir to the Chase Space. Max and Victoria embrace in a hug. Max would confront Nathan in a mental institution. Upon being visited by Max, Nathan would break down in tears and tell her he did not mean to kill Chloe, hurt Kate or hurt Rachel. He didn’t want to hurt anyone and profusely apologize, but he knows he has to live with what he’s done and Max takes it upon herself to forgive Nathan and hug him. This results in a monthly visit where Max and Victoria would visit Nathan, think of this like the fanfic The Sense Of Me for Max and Nathan’s friendship. We could also get a dream of Chloe telling Max that she loves Joyce and that she forgives her and misses her and Max would tell Joyce this and Joyce would break down in tears. As enough time to process the grief and begin healing, Max and Warren go Ape and Max thanks Warren for being there for her during her mourning and Max tells her how much she appreciates Warren and confesses that she loves him and kisses Warren. Time passes and Max would graduate from Blackwell with a promising career in photography on the horizon. It could close on Max, Warren, Kate, Nathan(would be after his release and after he visits Chloe’s grave and breaks down and says he’s sorry, would also make peace with Kate, Joyce and David), Victoria, Joyce and David at the Lighthouse. Chloe’s spirit looking on her family and Max proudly, and Chloe’s spirit finally moves on.
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ghost-in-the-hella · 4 years
24. “Is that blood?" with AmberPriceField.
Oh, hey, this might actually be my first amberpricefield! Surprised it took me so long to write something for this OT3, honestly. Hope you like it despite the angst.
CW for blood and referenced suicide
“Is that blood?” 
Max doesn’t recognize the woman’s voice. Everything around her is blurred into a haze, soft around the edges like she’s looking through an unfocused lens; blue and gold and sunset orange. Returning from a photo jump is a bit like surfacing after being underwater. And this time, Max has been underwater for two years.
Hands close on Max’s shoulders. A finger touches under her chin, tilts her head. “Shit, Max, are you okay?”
That voice, Max recognizes. She almost weeps with relief at the sound of it. “Chloe,” she gasps. When her vision comes into focus, it’s on a face she never thought she’d see again. “Chloe,” she sobs again like it’s a prayer, tangling her fingers in blue and violet hair, pulling Chloe closer to her, tears spilling from her eyes and blurring everything again. “Chloe, Chloe, Chloe…”
Chloe’s arms wrap around her and she’s home again, surrounded by Chloe’s warmth and comfortingly familiar smell. Max’s nose is still bleeding slightly, but she can’t stop herself from burying her face in Chloe’s chest and letting her rock her gently in her arms the way she used to do when Max would wake from night terrors. 
She never thought she’d get to be held like this again. Not after… Not after that horrible morning. Not after the worst day of her life.
It had been unbearable to see Chloe die over and over that October, killed by bullets, by trains, by whatever the universe had felt like throwing at her. It was worse to see Chloe curled up on the floor of their bathroom in their small Santa Monica apartment with an empty pill bottle resting near her head and foam dried on her cold, blue lips. Cold already by the time Max found her. Much too late to rewind, though Max tried. Rewound again and again until she bled, rewound until her powers sputtered and failed. They’d stayed gone for days, not a flicker of power as Max sleepwalked numbly through funeral preparations, through packing up her life and moving back to Seattle.
They returned the day the numbness broke, cracking like an eggshell to spill forth the yolk of Max’s anger. Her anger and her determination.
Max has always been a shutterbug. It didn’t take her long to find a photograph old enough, once she knew what she was looking for. 
“Here,” the unfamiliar voice says, and Max finds herself accepting a tissue from a stranger’s hand. It’s a lovely hand: tanned even though it must be February, elegant fingers with chipped black nailpolish, delicate and strong at the same time. The perfume dabbed on the stranger’s wrist smells gently of jasmine. 
A picture from 2012. A picture, more importantly, taken before Rachel Amber went missing. If Chloe couldn’t bear to live in a world with so much loss, then Max would give her a world with less. Even if it meant that she would never be with Chloe - would never live with her, would possibly never even see her again - at least it might be a world in which Chloe could be alive. 
Max dazedly pats the tissue against her own upper lip, and she stares at the woman in front of her. Max has only seen her in photographs before. The photographs were beautiful, but they didn’t do her justice. “Rachel Amber…”
The woman’s brow furrows slightly in concern. “What’s up, Max?” She laughs a bit nervously. “Should I be worried you last-named me? Am I in trouble?”
Max never thought she’d get to meet Rachel Amber. She definitely never thought she’d see her naked.
The rush of blood to Max’s cheeks nearly sets her nose bleeding again.
“Haven’t seen you with a nosebleed since you were a kid,” Chloe mumbles, picking up the bloodied tissue that’s tumbled from Max’s fingers. “You didn’t hit your head or anything, did you?”
“I’m fine,” Max whispers. She’s on a bed, she realizes. One of the tiny, hard beds of the Blackwell dorms. She must’ve still gotten into Blackwell in this reality. Still reconnected with Chloe. And met Rachel Amber.
Blackwell is still standing. Which means that Arcadia Bay is still standing. Which means that… “We’re all fine,” Max says, stunned. “Aren’t we?”
“Uh, yeah, apart from your nosebleed.” Chloe kisses Max on the forehead, and oh, Max has missed that. She nearly melts under the familiar touch.
“Also, I think the lightweight miiiiiiiiight’ve smoked too much,” Rachel adds, climbing onto the bed with a teasing smile. It’s much too small for the three of them. It creaks a noisy protest. She pokes Max’s shoulder with easy familiarity.
“Y-yeah,” Max agrees, even though she doesn’t feel high at all. She can taste smoke on her tongue, but she’s smoked with Chloe a few times before she-- before, and she knows that she’s lightly buzzed at most. 
It’s her own room at Blackwell, she realizes as she looks around. Those are her lights strung up around the bed. Her photo wall beside the bed, except that some of the photographs are different. Quite a few of them, actually. She leans over to get a better look. Pictures of Chloe. Pictures of Rachel. Pictures of the three of them together: walking in the woods, sitting by the lighthouse, hanging out in the junkyard. 
Max sitting on Chloe’s lap. Chloe with Rachel asleep against her shoulder. Max taking a selfie, startled by Rachel photobombing her with a kiss. Chloe smirking while Max and Rachel each kiss one of her cheeks. A closeup of their hands, fingers linked together - pale blue nails, black nails, unpainted nails chewed to the quick…
Holy shit. “We’re together?!” Max blurts out, unable to contain her shock. 
“Uhhhhh.” Chloe chuckles nervously. “I mean, I sure hope so? Otherwise this would be hella awkward.”
Max pulls back enough to get a good look at Chloe, and oh. Oh, shit. Rachel’s not the only one underdressed. Chloe’s wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, and as for Max herself-- oh, shit. Max yanks a sheet over herself, because otherwise she’d be wearing nothing but her blush. 
“Did you hit your head?” Rachel asks with growing concern, sweeping back Max’s bangs to check her forehead for bumps.
“No,” Max says, gathering her breath. “Well, at least, I don’t think so.” She takes a moment to collect herself and process the evidence of this new reality her photo jump created. Okay. Her jump was successful in saving Rachel, Chloe, and presumably Arcadia Bay. And somehow while she was on autopilot for those two years, she managed to not only get Chloe back as a friend but as a lover. And Rachel.
She looks at the two women before her: Chloe looking healthy and robust in a way that Max hasn’t seen since she left for Seattle five years ago, Rachel looking more radiant than she had even in Max’s imaginings and Chloe’s pictures. Both watching her and looking concerned as fuck.
“So,” Max says, “there’s a reason why I’m acting strange. I owe you both an explanation, and… it’s going to be a hard one to believe.” She clears her throat and tugs the blanket a little higher up. “And then, I suspect, there’s a lot you’ll need to explain to me.”
“...Sounds like this could take a while,” Chloe says seriously.
Max nods her head. “Yeah. Definitely.”
Rachel rises to her feet, pulling on a loose-fitting t-shirt that Max recognizes as one of her own. “Well, in that case,” Rachel says, “I’d better put on some coffee.”
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okay @themountainsays I’m more awake now and can write the thing. The thing being my tags regarding this post by @hella-amberpricefield about Anna leaping from the collapsing dam in Frozen 2 and being caught on the other side by Lt. Matthias
I think there’s something significant about how it’s Lt. Matthias who catches Anna, and not Kristoff. I wouldn’t say I have a ‘correct’ answer as to why that is, but narratively speaking, I DO think it’s intentional that it was Lt. Matthias
To be fair, he was right there. The last thing we see Matthias do is rescue a fellow soldier from being crushed by the thrown rocks, which actually puts him marginally closer to the dam than it did when he was banging his shield. In comparison, Kristoff is left off screen needing to find a way up to Anna after boosting her onto the ledge level with the dam. She has a full (though brief) conversation with Lt. Matthias, THEN runs onto the dam itself, then it starts breaking, and then she jumps. This, by the way, takes 1m35s in the movie: from when Anna reaches to top of the ledge, converses, rushes past Lt. Matthias onto the dam, and is then successfully rescued and pulled to safety. We have no way of knowing how difficult the terrain was to navigate, or what Kristoff and Sven had to do to reach Anna in time but...
But it’s also... irrelevant. Because if the writers had wanted Kristoff to be the one catching Anna then they would have just done it. We would have accepted the fact that he’d found a way up in time to save her. In fact you could easily argue that it would have made MORE SENSE for Kristoff to save her because it could have culminated into this moment of, “I’m here for you, I’ve got you, you can lean on and trust me,” and then later on, the proposal would have had an even deeper meaning to it. He already had the, “I’m here, what do you need?” line from before and then he has the, “My love is not fragile” line like - I find it very clear that they wanted Kristoff to be putting Anna’s needs and wants above his own when it mattered most, regardless of his own insecurities and fears.
I can see an alternate scene in my head where Kristoff is the one whose hand saves her and Lt. Matthias is secondary, helping pull her up into Kristoff’s secure embrace. In fact it’s so easy to imagine it, that I think people forget that it WASN’T Kristoff at all!
So why is it Lt. Matthias?
Could be a couple of reasons
For starters, he is (or was) the Captain of the Guard for Arendelle. It’s literally his job to protect Arendellian Royalty and the town itself. In his failure to protect King Runeard the day of the betrayal (not that he knew it was Runeard’s fault) and being uncertain of Prince Agnarr’s location post-fight, his mission became the abstraction of “Arendelle” as a whole, which can I think fairly be summed up as his troops and the dam. To him the dam symbolizes the protection of Arendelle, so damage to the dam is damage to his purpose, the thing that has kept him going for 30 years. When Anna requests that one of these things be taken from him too, he’s understandably distraught. He questions her information (though just as easily accepts Anna’s “my sister [the queen] gave her life for the truth [which puts me in charge by default]” which... sure okay, the plot’s gotta keep pace, we DO have Earth Giants inbound). Saving Anna from falling re-establishes Lt. Matthias’ role as a protecter of the living Arendelle; not the past, not the symbol, but the present and the TRUTH
Also, Lt. Matthias could be interpreted as one of the last remaining personifications of Old Arendelle. Of Runeard’s Arendelle. He is quite literally the last person that needs to be convinced of Runeard’s selfish and horrendous acts against the Northuldra. Old Arendelle physically stands in front of Anna as her final barrier to “fixing the past”
There’s a lot going on here! There’s informational conflict, there’s loyalty conflict, there’s rank and power conflict, there’s personal bias conflict, there’s lived experience and just plain age conflict, there’s generational conflict, LIKE?!?!
It’s literally a conversation that stuffs, 
“What you believe is painfully wrong but you didn’t know,” 
“This new information is correct, comes at great sacrificial cost, and damages what you know about yourself and your country,”
“I need you to reconcile this and the last 30 years of belief ASAP because that dam needs to come down NOW” 
into 55 seconds. ANYONE would have some strong feelings about that xD
But you know what? Shout out to Matthias, because he not only decides to believe Anna, but to facilitate the destruction of the dam (WHICH HE WAS GOING TO STOP HER FROM DOING, may I remind y’all), FASTER, by personally getting the giants’ attention
It is significant that Lt. Matthias catches Anna because it is literally the past reaching out to the present in order to seek the future. It is the past obliterating itself to clutch tightly to the present, hoping for a better tomorrow. Lt. Matthias makes the difficult choice to ACT in the face of his country’s wrong-doing by physically grasping the future of Arendelle by the hand so as to not drown in the mistakes of the past
Kristoff saving Anna removes all of that context and subtextual weight, and I for one and so SO glad that it is not Kristoff who saves Anna. It’s not that, as a character, Kristoff doesn’t deserve to save the love of his life, it’s what we’d expect, actually
But it’s not. It’s Lt. Matthias. It’s the old guard, the father figure, the proud and the traditional
The man who says to do the Next Right Thing
Even when it’s hard. Even when you may not have all the facts. Even when the facts fly in the face of everything you thought was true
When you see the future struggling to escape the flood of the past, of mistakes and lies, and what might feel like an impossible weight to overcome... make the choice. Act
Lt. Matthias, in a few short moments, shows that: he acknowledges Arendelle’s dark past, acknowledges the part he played in it (both in a leadership and follower role aka active and passive), acknowledges his continued participation in inflicting pain on the Northuldran people and land, and acknowledges that all of that requires him to act justly, here and now
And I really hope that the writers were trying to convey that sentiment by having Lt. Matthias, and not Kristoff, save Anna. To say: “You have can have pride in your past and understand that it is filled with harm towards others, intentional or not. And you can recognize that the structures that give you power and status can and have harmed others, with or without your consent. But none of that should paralyze you from acting towards the proper course of action now.”
Lt. Matthias saves Anna because Arendelle cannot be saved otherwise. It’s.. it’s kind of the whole premise for the movie, actually. The past MUST be reconciled with the present for there to be a future, but the past cannot simply be forgotten or swept away. Acknowledgement is key. Past AND Present are key. Kristoff carries none of that weight on his shoulders, and therefore the only remaining option is to have Lt. Matthias there, arm out, waiting to grasp the future 
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tangent101 · 4 years
Pricefield Dabbles
I found this list of “send me a ship idea” from @writsgrimmyblog and realized I could answer most of these for Pricefield! So... here we go! =^-^=
1. Who makes the first move and how? 
Max Caulfield after being dared by Chloe to kiss her now.
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better? 
It would be easy to claim Max, but to be honest both are equally insecure. Chloe is just better at hiding it except when things really start to pile up. What used to make Max feel more secure was taking photographs, at least before someone went and fucked that all up for Max. Now? Chloe helps Max feel better. As for Chloe... sappy as it sounds, Max helps her feel better. When you play LiS you see her slowly calm down and heal over the five days you see them together. Max is very much the catalyst for Chloe’s growth and healing.
3. Who is the most romantic? 
That depends on how you define “romantic.” But the person most likely to indulge on a whim to show the other how she feels is Chloe. Max is more likely to show her affection through physical actions - little kisses, spontaneous hugs, and the like... but Chloe loves the more sweeping gestures. Dragging Max out to a club to go dancing, making her dinner, or even bringing her to an art museum because Max commented on some artist who’s being exhibited there.
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves? 
It’s about equal. Chloe has no sense of personal space and is very bouncy. If she gets excited and enthusiastic she’s all over Max. But it’s Max who is more spontaneous and physically romantic with hugs and eventually kisses. Seriously, in LiS it’s Max who initiates the kisses we see, and I suspect that never truly changes for these two.
5. Who says ‘I love you’ first? 
Chloe. But it’s casual. The first person to say it in a tone that gets the other to blush and bite her lip is Max.
6. Who would they ask if they ever had a threesome? 
Steph. Max never met her as far as we know, but she was likely in college when the events of LiS happened. (Damn it, now I have another idea for a fanfic! Not a threesome, but for where Max and Chloe end up soon after the end of LiS....) Steph is very much a geek and Chloe likes and even trusts her. I could easily see Max becoming good friends with her as well.
While there are a lot of folk who’s want to see Rachel with them... well, even if Rachel were available, Max would feel entirely too self-conscious and feel that Chloe would be better off with Rachel. It wouldn’t work out without something to initially draw Max and Rachel together and then the two of them reaching out to Chloe. So with an existing Pricefield dynamic? Amberpricefield isn’t happening.
7. What do they get up to on a night out? 
They probably relax and enjoy each other’s company, helping each other in the kitchen cooking after a hard day working crappy jobs while trying to get Max’s pictures out there.
8. What do they like in bed? 
Cuddling. Sex is great and all that but just being together, touching each other gently, looking in each other’s eyes... realizing they’re together on a grand adventure called life and yeah it sucks at times and they miss those they left behind but... they’re together. That’s what’s important.
9. What's the most embarrassing thing they've done in front of each other?
Deliberately or accidentally?
Max would say the time she tried to do a striptease in front of Chloe and ended up falling on her ass because she had trouble getting out of the tummy-control nylons she picked up rather than stockings which you can take off one leg at a time. 
Chloe would claim she has no sense of shame but she probably feels rather wretched about some of the times Max ended up holding Chloe’s hair out of her face when she got shitfaced drunk and was worshiping the porcelain throne (and that’s one reason why she used to cut her hair short, damn it!)
As for accidentally? Walking in on each other when someone was... scratching an itch in the shower, shall we say? Though there was also a certain thrill to that so it might have become a game at times....
10. What two songs, two books and two luxury items do they take to a desert island? 
For Songs? Syd Matters "Obstacles" (Max absolutely loves this song), and oddly enough “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” by Meatloaf (for Chloe at least, Max hates the ending of that song).
For Books? Chloe loves the Lord of the Rings. Max is amusingly enough into Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice.
And luxury items? A solar-powered laptop with a huge screen and hundreds of movies downloaded into it, and a solar-powered fridge stuffed full of food and booze (Chloe said the second part. Actually she mentioned the laptop as well and even added “solar-powered” seeing she’s a bit of a geek under her at-times punk exterior).  
11. What do they hide from one another? 
Chloe hides the fact that at times she wishes Max could have saved Rachel, somehow. But she’s never going to ask as she doesn’t want Max to get hurt. As for Max? She hides that she still hears that bastard’s comment of “always take the shot” when she takes a picture and that at times it fucks up an otherwise perfectly fine photograph even though that bastard is rotting in jail.
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious? 
Max loses her nervousness. Seriously, when things get tough she suddenly hardens and becomes “SuperMax” and pushes up her sleeves. Chloe is very impressed with her and loves her to pieces, but also doesn’t want to see Max go through something like that again as afterward Max does fall to pieces and Chloe doesn’t like seeing her hurt. As for Chloe? She actually takes a backseat and does whatever Max tells her to. She trusts Max. 
13. When do they realize they should get together? 
They realized it when swimming in Blackwell’s swimming pool after the school was shut down for the night. But neither thought the other felt the same way. When Chloe watched Max strip down to jump into the pool she had to look away as she realized she was enjoying watching Max undress and Max... Max was talking in the pool and just... realized. She wants Chloe to remain by her side. Always. The kiss the next day in Chloe’s bedroom just was icing on the cake, even if it took them a couple more days to become “official” in each other’s eyes.
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do? 
Chloe makes a homemade soup for Max. She’s actually gotten fairly decent with her soups and experiments with various recipes. She then babies Max even as Max is all surly and insisting she doesn’t need to do this.
When Chloe inevitably gets ill afterward, Max repays the favor with the rest of the soup (Chloe’s realized that she usually gets sick afterward and has taken to making enough for a week at that point) while hiding her own symptoms as she’s still suffering a bit from her cold. But she’s not going to let Chloe know that because otherwise Chloe will push herself too hard!
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why?  Who gets the final vote?
Bladerunner (the director’s cut). It’s their favorite. And it’s always unanimous. Though sometimes they indulge themselves with lighter fare like Princess Bride or Labyrinth. Or even Lord of the Rings because Chloe is a secret Tolkien fangirl
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together? 
Max warns Chloe a couple days ahead of time and they get as much canned goods and the like as they can and then “go camping” - they end up far outside of the cities and someplace defensible until the military or cold weather ends up taking care of the zombies. 
17. When they find a time machine, where do they go? 
Yeah... no. No playing with time. Not anymore. Well, unless they met the Doctor at which point they go wherever the Doctor suggests because it’s the freaking Doctor, of course they’re going to go with her!
18. When they fight, how do they make up? 
Max shrinks in on herself and looks all hurt and Chloe just... she gets flustered and starts apologizing and then they start apologizing to each other and finally start laughing as the silliness of apologizing for “making” the other apologize just gets to them.
19. Where do they go on their first date? 
That depends on what you consider a “date” - I mean, that Blackwell swimming pool could have been a “date” after all. But their first real date after leaving Arcadia Bay? Chloe saw a little restaurant on the side of the road and then smiled, looked at Max, said “hey, how’d you like to go out for dinner? Just the two of us, and our stolen Blackwell money...” and Max blushed and said “we really shouldn’t spend it unless we have to” and Chloe just sweet-talked her into it and the food was only halfway decent but it was being together that just made it work for each other.
20. Where do they go on holiday? 
They’re kind of working retail and the like in hopes of getting Max’s photographs to various galleries. So there’s no actual holidays per say. But they have plans for Paris, one day. And they visited Chloe’s step-dad in Arizona and that went surprisingly well, David stopped being a step-douche and has kind of become a second dad for Chloe, and loves both Chloe and Max. Oh, it wasn’t all roses and the like, but it was David who reached out to them, and Max helped talk Chloe into visiting and giving David a chance. It worked out.
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another? 
Chloe always gets nervous about going to a gallery with Max. She tried bleaching the blue out of her hair but... well, that just turned it into a mottled pale blue-green that she’s now just growing out and she’d have hacked it off by now but Max actually likes her hair longer so Chloe’s been putting it off. She still feels nervous going into art galleries and the like, she’s blacked out her sleeve tattoo with a black sharpy and is dressing less punk these days while trying to fit in with Max. But she still feels like an outsider at times.
As for Max? She’s nervous whenever they go into a club or go dancing. She thinks she can’t dance and that there are lots of girls better than her but... Chloe loves her. So she goes outside her comfort zone for Chloe. And enjoys herself. 
22. Where does their first kiss happen? 
Chloe and Max were in Chloe’s old bedroom and Chloe double-dog-dared Max to kiss her. Max did so. Chloe was very shocked and pulled away (useless lesbian that she is). Their next kiss (multiple kisses) was a couple days after they left Arcadia Bay.
23. Where is their favourite place to be together? 
To be honest? The place doesn’t matter. What matters is just... being together. 
24. Where do they first have sex? 
In Chloe’s truck a couple weeks after having left Arcadia Bay, and then finding a motel room because a truck isn’t exactly the most comfortable of places to have sex in, especially an older truck like Chloe’s was.
25. Why do they fight? 
Chloe thinks Max is pushing herself too hard and refuses to accept that she is talented. Max gets annoyed because Chloe just stacks dirty dishes in the sink rather than on the counter because if they’re all in the sink then you can’t wash them you have to take them out and Chloe just stacks more dishes on the counter next and... yeah.
26. Why do they need to have a serious chat? 
It was about Chloe’s step-dad. Chloe wanted nothing to do with him after they left Arcadia Bay. It didn’t matter that David helped in dealing with the Dark Room situation, Chloe had too many memories of David hitting her, and blaming herself for instigating David at times though that doesn’t forgive David’s actions damn it! But... Max insisted. She talked to Chloe about David, and about how Chloe’s mom allowed this to happen and blamed Chloe instead... and even about how she should forgive David and move on. 
In the end? Chloe feels a lot better about listening to Max. David will never replace William. But he’s kind of stopped being her step-dad and is more her real dad now. Enough at least that Chloe’s the one who calls David.
27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them? 
Chloe will blow off plans to get together because she doesn’t want to. Sometimes it’s because Chloe is exhausted after working retail and they are trying to make ends meet but... yeah. And Max? Oh Max, we love you dearly but will you start actually believing in yourself more? You’re a talented photographer and when Victoria or Steph tell you you’re good, just accept it rather than try to insist they’re wrong. *shakes head*
28. Why do they get jealous? 
Max remains jealous of Rachel to this day. And she does get a bit miffed when Chloe compares Max to Rachel because Rachel was so much more awesome than Max is and is Chloe wanting Rachel by her side instead of Max? 
As for Chloe? She’s scared that Max regrets her choices and will leave. She is so scared of being abandoned. Max left for five years... yeah, it wasn’t Max’s choice, her parents moved away when she was only 13, but part of her feels that Max could have made more of an effort to remain in touch even as she realizes she in turn could have. And she’s scared Max will find someone else.  
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love? 
Chloe sees Max doing something, be it suddenly geeking out over a perfect photography opportunity or a bit of art or even just a computer game, and her heart just... contracts. At times she has to restrain herself from spontaneously hugging Max, especially if Max was geeking out while taking photographs as she doesn’t want to ruin a perfect shot. 
As for Max? Waking up and seeing Chloe sleeping next to her... she falls in love deeper and deeper every day.
30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?
Because they’re Max and Chloe. And they’ll always be together. Always.
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