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ngofundraising · 5 months ago
How to start your business on QuickCommerce platforms like Zepto,Blinkit & Bigbasket
Starting your online business on QuickCommerce platforms can be an exciting and profitable venture. Platforms like QuickCommerce, Zepto, Bigbasket, AmazonNow, and others offer businesses a great opportunity to reach a broad customer base with high demand for convenience. Whether you're an established seller or a new entrepreneur, understanding which products sell best on these platforms can give your business the competitive edge it needs. Let’s dive into some of the top-selling products that can help you succeed on QuickCommerce and similar platforms.
Why QuickCommerce Platforms?
QuickCommerce platforms have transformed the way people shop. With fast delivery and a wide range of products, customers are increasingly turning to these services for their daily needs. If you're thinking of starting an online business, these platforms are excellent options due to their large customer bases and efficient delivery networks. Platforms like Zepto, Bigbasket, and AmazonNow are known for delivering products within hours, making them highly attractive to busy consumers.
Top-Selling Products to Boost Your Sales
To succeed on QuickCommerce platforms, selecting the right products is crucial. Here are some categories that tend to perform exceptionally well:
1. *Groceries and Everyday Essentials*
Groceries are among the most popular items sold on platforms like QuickCommerce, Zepto, and Bigbasket. Consumers love the convenience of ordering fresh produce, dairy, grains, and other essentials with just a few taps. Offering a range of fresh and packaged goods ensures repeat customers, as many people regularly restock these items.
-Example:  Selling organic fruits and vegetables or gourmet spices can set you apart from competitors who may focus on standard offerings.
2. *Health and Personal Care Products*
Health and personal care items like shampoos, toothpaste, and skincare products are top-sellers on these platforms. People prefer purchasing such necessities online because they save time and effort. Platforms like AmazonNow also offer a variety of these products, allowing for quick, same-day deliveries.
- Example: Consider selling niche products such as organic skincare lines or Ayurvedic health supplements, which are growing in popularity.
3. *Home Cleaning Supplies*
Cleaning supplies such as detergents, disinfectants, and other household essentials are also in high demand. QuickCommerce users often turn to these platforms for last-minute purchases when they run out of something at home. Offering a variety of eco-friendly or specialized cleaning products can give your business a unique edge.
- Example: Products like natural cleaning agents or high-efficiency washing machine detergents could cater to a more environmentally conscious customer base.
4. *Beverages and Snacks*
Snacks, beverages, and ready-to-eat meals are other high-demand categories. Whether it’s for a quick snack, a party, or last-minute grocery shopping, consumers frequently order drinks and snacks from platforms like Zepto and Bigbasket. Stocking items that cater to different dietary preferences can also appeal to a broader audience.
- Example: Selling vegan snacks, sugar-free drinks, or protein-rich options can attract health-conscious consumers.
5. *Pet Supplies*
Pet owners are increasingly turning to QuickCommerce platforms for their pets' needs, from food to grooming products. By offering a wide variety of pet products, including specialized pet food, toys, and health products, you can target this growing segment.
- Example: You could specialize in premium pet food or unique pet accessories like eco-friendly toys and biodegradable waste bags.
6. *Baby Care Products*
Products like diapers, baby food, and baby wipes are consistent top-sellers on platforms like QuickCommerce and AmazonNow. Parents often rely on the convenience of these platforms to quickly restock on essentials for their children.
- Example: Offering organic or chemical-free baby care products can help you stand out in this competitive category.
 Tips to Succeed on QuickCommerce Platforms
1. Optimize Your Product Listings: Use clear, high-quality images and detailed descriptions. Make sure to highlight any unique features or benefits of your products, such as eco-friendliness, organic ingredients, or health benefits.
2. Offer Competitive Pricing: While convenience is a huge factor for customers on QuickCommerce platforms, price sensitivity can still play a role. Research your competitors on platforms like Zepto, Bigbasket, and AmazonNow to ensure your pricing is competitive.
3. Ensure Fast Shipping: Quick delivery is a core feature of these platforms, so work on maintaining a strong supply chain and quick processing times. If you can offer faster deliveries, it will improve your customer reviews and drive repeat business.
4. Focus on Customer Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews. High ratings and strong reviews significantly impact a product’s visibility and attractiveness on QuickCommerce platforms.
5. Stay Stocked Up: Since these platforms thrive on quick delivery, ensuring that your inventory is well-stocked and that you can meet the demand is essential. Having popular items constantly in stock will help you avoid losing sales due to unavailability.
Conclusion Launching a business on QuickCommerce platforms can be an excellent way to tap into the growing demand for fast, convenient shopping. By offering in-demand products and following best practices for online selling, you can position your business for success on platforms like Zepto, Bigbasket, AmazonNow, and of course, QuickCommerce itself. The key is to stay responsive to customer needs and be proactive about keeping your inventory updated with trending products. In case your startup needs help in Fundraising or consulting then reach India's best  Fundraising Consultant Mr. Kunal Verma.
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kosherkathy · 6 years ago
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Now we wait . . . . . . . #amazon #amazonprime #prime #amazonnow #teacher #adjunctprofessor #doctoratestudent #writer #editor #filmmaker #dreamer #losangeles #sanfrancisco #newyorkcity #boo #chennai #india #london #uk #ireland #niamey #japan #tokyo #true #thechickenortheegg #chicken #egg #freerange #you https://www.instagram.com/p/BtUvKxIhSa9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17dcknq5y9c2c
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enkeynetwork · 5 years ago
Anche Amazon decide per il blocco dei beni non indispensabili
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Ai tempi del Coronavirus siamo tutti bloccati in casa in quarantena, possiamo uscire per fare la spesa, ma sono aperti solamente i supermercati e pochi negozi di beni considerati indispensabili. Come prodotti per l’igiene personale e per la pulizia degli ambienti (ora più che mai indispensabili). Certo, nel ventunesimo secolo possiamo reperire praticamente ogni cosa online, ed è così che anche i meno avvezzi iniziano ad ordinare tutto online, sui grandi siti di e-commerce. Sarà anche questo il motivo per il quale iniziamo a vedere le strade, che dovrebbero essere deserte, pullulanti di corrieri. Ma poi ecco arrivare azioni ancor più restrittive, tutte le aziende possono lavorare solo in smart working, e le fabbriche che non producono beni di prima necessità chiudono i battenti. Così anche lo shopping online, primo fra tutti il colosso dell’e-commerce Amazon, si adegua al nuovo modo di vivere e blocca i beni non indispensabili.
La decisione di limitare le consegne
Se dobbiamo restare in casa qualcosa da fare la dobbiamo pur trovare. È così che si rispolverano vecchi hobby. C’è chi si improvvisa agricoltore e decide, finalmente, di realizzare un bell’orto verticale in terrazzo. Chi per ammazzare un po' il tempo rispolvera quel vecchio puzzle da migliaia di pezzi. Chi legge, chi scrive, chi disegna. Per tutto questo e molto di più lo shopping online è una salvezza, indispensabile in quarantena.
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Amazon ha deciso di limitare le consegne ai soli beni indispensabili Ma purtroppo, anche questa piccola gioia è svanita presto. Le fabbriche producono solo beni di prima necessità oggigiorno e le vite dei corrieri venivano messe a rischio per appena un gomitolo di lana. Il colosso Amazon ha deciso di limitare le consegne ai soli beni indispensabili. Ma non preoccupatevi se state attendendo che il vostro passatempo per la quarantena bussi alla vostra porta. Sono ancora assicurati tutti gli ordini effettuati prima del 21 Marzo. La decisione è arrivata, infatti, proprio in quella data, quando la compagnia spiega in una nota: “Ci concentreremo sui prodotti che hanno la massima priorità e, a partire da oggi, smetteremo temporaneamente di accettare ordini su alcuni prodotti non di prima necessità sia su Amazon.it che su Amazon.fr”. La misura coinvolgerebbe, quindi, il territorio italiano e quello francese, per il momento.
Cosa si può ordinare al momento su Amazon?
La nota continua affermando che Amazon si sta concentrando sui prodotti di cui i clienti hanno più bisogno e che la misura, mai adottata in precedenza, proseguirà fino a quando sarà necessario. Quali sono, quindi, i prodotti che si possano attualmente ordinare su Amazon? Cosa viene considerato indispensabile dal colosso dell’e-commerce? La risposta la troviamo facilmente, sfogliando i vari prodotti. Troveremo, infatti, che molti di essi risulteranno “attualmente non disponibili” e che altri, nonostante il prime, hanno tempi di consegna inverosimili, che arrivano fino a Maggio inoltrato. Sicuramente i beni di genere alimentare e per la casa, rimarranno quindi attivi i servizi Amazon Now, per la consegna a casa della spesa, e Amazon Pantry, per i prodotti non deperibili. Ci sono poi i prodotti per l’igiene personale e per la pulizia della casa. Anche i prodotti per l’infanzia continuano ad essere disponibili, così come i libri per bambini e ragazzi, che mai come ora hanno bisogno di mantenersi impegnati nel modo più costruttivo possibile.
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Rimangono attivi i servizi Amazon Now e Amazon Pantry Infine, in un mondo che, oltre alla pandemia, si ritrova a dover far fronte ad una crescente crisi economica, derivata proprio dal Coronavirus, grande rilievo è stato dato ai prodotti per lo smart working. Aprite la vostra app Amazon, quindi, penne, matite, quaderni, spillatrici, stampanti, saranno ancora disponibili per permettervi di continuare a essere il più produttivi possibile.
Il problema di Amazon Now
Concludiamo, infine, con una piccola parentesi sul servizio Amazon Now. Il quale si occupa, come dicevamo, proprio della consegna della spesa a domicilio, che in questo periodo è stato preso letteralmente d’assalto. Ma non è solo Amazon ad essere stato preso d’assalto. Tutti i servizi per la consegna della spesa a domicilio si sono ritrovati con un boom di ordini e di iscrizione e con una mole di lavoro senza precedenti.
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Niente più contatti fisici tra il corriere e i clienti Ma si sta lavorando per far fronte anche a questa nuova emergenza, affinché nessuno rimanga senza i beni di prima necessità. Infine, non dimentichiamoci che mentre noi siamo chiusi nelle nostre case ci sono i corrieri che continuano a lavorare per noi. Per questo motivo Amazon ha adottato misure cautelative senza precedenti per garantire la sicurezza dei propri dipendenti. Se state aspettando un ordine in casa, quindi, non solo per Amazon Now, ma per tutti i servizi della compagnia, sappiate che questi non suoneranno più nemmeno il citofono. Ma si limiteranno a lasciare il pacco nel punto e all’orario stabilito al momento dell’ordine. Read the full article
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melissamarsofficial · 5 years ago
TZW TITAN BASE, a new release on AMAZON I am so proud of and excited about! I won’t give any spoiler but you know... appearances can be deceptive... So if you want to find out about Dr Corsini’s secrets... ➡️▶️ Watch - Link in Bio: bit.ly/TZWtitanbase ◀️⬅️ . I had a humongous blast being part of this movie, playing the Frenchy Dr Corsini alongside this ensemble of kickass actors / dear friends & veterans, @trevorlscott, @jamesbane, @jenn13jenn13, @ynotfilm, @mikalvega, @texasspydad, @max_mullenn etc... and our crew directed by the creator @akwatersblue, co-writer @sierrarivers, the cinematographer Crawford Watson, the editor @bryan_edwards1, the composer @dylanbean, the make up artists, designers... This movie was also the opportunity to meet and work for the first time with the screenwriter @brokeyolk !! If you like zombies, TZW TITAN BASE is entertaining, thrilling with some surprising awesome twists! Support an indie movie, watch it, rate it and share it. 🇫🇷~DISPONIBLE SUR AMAZON US: TZW TITAN BASE, un film que j’attendais avec impatience, j’ai trop adoré jouer Dr Corsini! Juste un indice: ne vous fiez pas aux apparences. 😉
Pour ceux qui ont accès à Amazon US, le lien est dans la bio. N'hésitez pas à mettre plein de petites étoiles et commentaires pour soutenir ce film indépendant. . . . #zombies #texaszombiewars #horrormovie #horror #veteransinfilm #womeninfilm #indiefilm #badass #tzw #zombiemovie #specialeffectsmakeup #halloween #frenchy #doctor #texas #movie #movies #badass #melissamars #actress #actor #actorslife #amazonprimenow #amazonnow https://www.instagram.com/p/B4GNMJsB_Vd/?igshid=1n1shpi4z04my
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imstevem-blog · 7 years ago
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The reason why for the past month I haven’t gotten much sleep. #maggie #pooch #maggieandpooch #mykids #myfriends #mypets #siamese #bostonterrier #kitten #puppy #june #petco #purina #cattower #amazonnow #amazon #samedaydelivery #blackandwhite #tan #smart #loving #playful (at Miami South Beach,Florida)
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bodizepha · 8 years ago
I'm so impressed with the new Amazon Now option, delivered to my front door in less then 2 hours. #amazonnow #thefuture
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amanhrana · 8 years ago
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#amazonindia which started out as an ecommerce portal is steadily expanding its services in India. After branching out to movie-streaming with #amazonprime and groceries with #amazonnow , the company has now launched one of its bestselling products, content streaming media device #firetvstick in #india Fire TV stick with a Voice Remote is a plug and play device that turns any HD television set in to a smart TV that streams movies, and then allows the user to access apps and play games. The stick streams content using WiFi.
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man-mohan-singh · 3 years ago
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Thank you, friend, 😊💚
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drwilliamrdeaglemd · 4 years ago
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ngofundraising · 5 months ago
How to start your business on Quick Commerce platforms like Zepto, Blinkit & Bigbasket
Starting your online business on QuickCommerce platforms can be an exciting and profitable venture. Platforms like QuickCommerce, Zepto, Bigbasket, AmazonNow, and others offer businesses a great opportunity to reach a broad customer base with high demand for convenience. Whether you're an established seller or a new entrepreneur, understanding which products sell best on these platforms can give your business the competitive edge it needs. Let’s dive into some of the top-selling products that can help you succeed on QuickCommerce and similar platforms.
Why QuickCommerce Platforms?
QuickCommerce platforms have transformed the way people shop. With fast delivery and a wide range of products, customers are increasingly turning to these services for their daily needs. If you're thinking of starting an online business, these platforms are excellent options due to their large customer bases and efficient delivery networks. Platforms like Zepto, Bigbasket, and AmazonNow are known for delivering products within hours, making them highly attractive to busy consumers.
Top-Selling Products to Boost Your Sales
To succeed on QuickCommerce platforms, selecting the right products is crucial. Here are some categories that tend to perform exceptionally well:
1. *Groceries and Everyday Essentials*
Groceries are among the most popular items sold on platforms like QuickCommerce, Zepto, and Bigbasket. Consumers love the convenience of ordering fresh produce, dairy, grains, and other essentials with just a few taps. Offering a range of fresh and packaged goods ensures repeat customers, as many people regularly restock these items.
-Example:  Selling organic fruits and vegetables or gourmet spices can set you apart from competitors who may focus on standard offerings.
2. *Health and Personal Care Products*
Health and personal care items like shampoos, toothpaste, and skincare products are top-sellers on these platforms. People prefer purchasing such necessities online because they save time and effort. Platforms like AmazonNow also offer a variety of these products, allowing for quick, same-day deliveries.
- Example: Consider selling niche products such as organic skincare lines or Ayurvedic health supplements, which are growing in popularity.
3. *Home Cleaning Supplies*
Cleaning supplies such as detergents, disinfectants, and other household essentials are also in high demand. QuickCommerce users often turn to these platforms for last-minute purchases when they run out of something at home. Offering a variety of eco-friendly or specialized cleaning products can give your business a unique edge.
- Example: Products like natural cleaning agents or high-efficiency washing machine detergents could cater to a more environmentally conscious customer base.
4. *Beverages and Snacks*
Snacks, beverages, and ready-to-eat meals are other high-demand categories. Whether it’s for a quick snack, a party, or last-minute grocery shopping, consumers frequently order drinks and snacks from platforms like Zepto and Bigbasket. Stocking items that cater to different dietary preferences can also appeal to a broader audience.
- Example: Selling vegan snacks, sugar-free drinks, or protein-rich options can attract health-conscious consumers.
5. *Pet Supplies*
Pet owners are increasingly turning to QuickCommerce platforms for their pets' needs, from food to grooming products. By offering a wide variety of pet products, including specialized pet food, toys, and health products, you can target this growing segment.
- Example: You could specialize in premium pet food or unique pet accessories like eco-friendly toys and biodegradable waste bags.
6. *Baby Care Products*
Products like diapers, baby food, and baby wipes are consistent top-sellers on platforms like QuickCommerce and AmazonNow. Parents often rely on the convenience of these platforms to quickly restock on essentials for their children.
- Example: Offering organic or chemical-free baby care products can help you stand out in this competitive category.
 Tips to Succeed on QuickCommerce Platforms
1. Optimize Your Product Listings: Use clear, high-quality images and detailed descriptions. Make sure to highlight any unique features or benefits of your products, such as eco-friendliness, organic ingredients, or health benefits.
2. Offer Competitive Pricing: While convenience is a huge factor for customers on QuickCommerce platforms, price sensitivity can still play a role. Research your competitors on platforms like Zepto, Bigbasket, and AmazonNow to ensure your pricing is competitive.
3. Ensure Fast Shipping: Quick delivery is a core feature of these platforms, so work on maintaining a strong supply chain and quick processing times. If you can offer faster deliveries, it will improve your customer reviews and drive repeat business.
4. Focus on Customer Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews. High ratings and strong reviews significantly impact a product’s visibility and attractiveness on QuickCommerce platforms.
5. Stay Stocked Up: Since these platforms thrive on quick delivery, ensuring that your inventory is well-stocked and that you can meet the demand is essential. Having popular items constantly in stock will help you avoid losing sales due to unavailability.
Launching a business on QuickCommerce platforms can be an excellent way to tap into the growing demand for fast, convenient shopping. By offering in-demand products and following best practices for online selling, you can position your business for success on platforms like Zepto, Bigbasket, AmazonNow, and of course, QuickCommerce itself. The key is to stay responsive to customer needs and be proactive about keeping your inventory updated with trending products. In case your startup needs help in Fundraising or consulting then reach India's best  Fundraising Consultant Mr. Kunal Verma. 
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kosherkathy · 5 years ago
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Prime is #nojoke . . . #amazonprime #blackfriday #cybermonday #burbank #california #amazonnow #amazonprimenow #whatthe #merrychristmas #happyhanukkah #happychanukah #likeaboss #betheball https://www.instagram.com/p/B57C7HVA0cc/?igshid=9wmxv5cv6qv4
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rnewsworld · 5 years ago
Amazon बंद कर रहा 'Prime Now' ऐप्लिकेशन, जानिए वजह
Amazon बंद कर रहा ‘Prime Now’ ऐप्लिकेशन, जानिए वजह
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ऐमजॉन Prime Now ऐप
नई दिल्ली। ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग वेबसाइट ऐमजॉन ने भारत में अपने Prime Now ऐप को बंद करने का फैसला लिया है। यह कंपनी का ग्रॉसरी डिलिवरी सर्विस ऐप है। एक रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक कंपनी यह फैसला ऐप के खराब परफॉरमेंस के कारण ले रही है। इस ऐप को 2016 में AmazonNow के नाम से लॉन्च किया गया था, लेकिन यह सर्विस उम्मीदों पर खरी नहीं उतर पाई। गैजेट 360 की रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, कंपनी ने इसे बंद करने की…
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yoyo12x13 · 5 years ago
Amazon’s new Blink Mini is a small indoor camera that allows for two-way audio
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The latest addition to Amazon’s Blink lineup of home security cams is the Blink Mini, a compact indoor camera that supports two-way audio. It’s available for preorder through Amazonnow for $35 (two of them cost $65, saving you $5), and it will release in a few weeks. Considering the low cost, it seems to hit all of the fundamentals that you might expect from a home security camera, plus…
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melissamarsofficial · 5 years ago
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Is this dark creature going to kiss or kill Dr. Corsini?. Find out in TZW TITAN BASE, a new release on AMAZON ➡️▶️ bit.ly/TZWtitanbase ◀️⬅️ . I had a humongous blast being part of this movie, playing the Frenchy Dr Corsini alongside this ensemble of kickass actors / dear friends & veterans, @trevorlscott, @jamesbane, @jenn13jenn13, @ynotfilm, @mikalvega, @texasspydad, @max_mullenn etc... and our crew directed by the creator @akwatersblue, co-writer @sierrarivers, the cinematographer Crawford Watson, the editor @bryan_edwards1, the composer @dylanbean, the make up artists, designers... This movie was also the opportunity to meet and work for the first time with the screenwriter @brokeyolk !! If you like zombies, TZW TITAN BASE is entertaining, thrilling with some surprising awesome twists! Support an indie movie, watch it, rate it and share it.. . 🇫🇷~DISPONIBLE SUR AMAZON US: TZW TITAN BASE, un film que j’attendais avec impatience, j’ai trop adoré jouer Dr Corsini! Juste un indice: ne vous fiez pas aux apparences. 😉
Pour ceux qui ont accès à Amazon US, n'hésitez pas à mettre plein de petites étoiles et commentaires pour soutenir ce film indépendant. . . . #zombies #texaszombiewars #horrormovie #horror #veteransinfilm #womeninfilm #indiefilm #badass #tzw #zombiemovie #specialeffectsmakeup #halloween #frenchy #doctor #texas #movie #movies #badass #melissamars #actress #actor #actorslife #nycactor #amazonprimenow #amazonnow #creature #kiss https://www.instagram.com/p/B45TF2uhs-H/?igshid=14zqx5m5qyd53
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starry-eyed-forest-witch · 7 years ago
SUCH A CRAVING FOR WHIPPED CREAM!!!! AHHH I'm too drunk to go get whipped cream
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tinasbookpromos · 4 years ago
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I helped Rick Pryll with The Chimera of Prague: Part Ihit the #1 spot on AmazonNow I have just helped him hit #2 spot with La Chimère of Prague: Part II.  A fantastic achievement for both of his books & this amazing writer!
BOOK YOUR PROMOTION HERE... https://www.fiverr.com/share/wW0vWr
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