#amazing showstopping incredible channel
styllwaters · 7 months
styllwaters??? I'm STYLL waiting for curious archive to make a video on vivere 44 LMAO
Terrifying scenario
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Do you have any other favorite characters in WoT besides Lan? Iirc, you mentioned Perrin being one of your favorites
Warning: Includes spoilers for season 2 of The Wheel of Time under the cut
I have loved him since watching the first episode and watching the man get traumatized by accidentally killing his pregnant wife 😭
Don't care for the whole Perrin loves Egwene storyline they were going for in the first season
So glad it looks like they dropped it for s2 - but who knows if it comes back
I loved his relationship with Hopper and was absolutely devastated with him when Hopper died
I love ghe whole thing of him becoming a wolfbrother! Love how it's been developed since the beginning. Can't wait to see where it goes next
Also love when we get to see him fuck shit up
I love his brotherhood with Mat with my whole heart. The definition of a bromance
Definitely have to check out more of Marcus Rutherford's work
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I loved Barney Harris' portrayal of him in s1. I love that his main concern was taking care of his sisters. I was bummed originally when I found out Barney wasn't coming back in s2.
HOWEVER, I love the way Donal Finn portrayed him in s2. His portrayal is obviously so different. You see a different side of Mat we didn't get in s1.
He's still a bit of a fool (affectionate) but
But I am mad that they kind of dropped his concern for his sisters
Loved the scene of him and Rand talking and them both telling each other that their friends are not better off without them 😭
Loved that he did what he could not to touch the cursed blade
His absolute devastation when he stabbed Rand 😭
I love Mat Cauthon with my whole heart
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Let me start off by saying: Talented, Brilliant, Incredible, Amazing, Showstopping, Spectacular, Never The Same, Totally Unique, Completely Not Ever Been Done Before, Unafraid To Reference Or Not Reference
She is a survivor, a warrior, a protector, a healer
And she is my (and Lan's) EVERYTHING
Love that the only time she seems to channel is when Lan is in danger (more like dead or dying) because BITCH SAME - I know she's channeled besides that but let me have thus
I absolutely loved the scenes where she was living her best life with Lan and their daughter 😭
Wish we could have seen them actually reunite in reality but those scenes at Two Rivers will hold me over til s3
I'm curious to know what's behind the mental block that prevents her from channeling
I would die for her
I would kill for her
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I am lowkey in love with Moiraine - but that's mostly because Rosamund Pike intimidates me and brings that intimidation to Moiraine and I am attracted to women who intimidate me
She is such an interesting character
I'm glad we got to explore more of her past in s2 and meet her family
Also her whole thing with Siuan makes me so soft - up until the end 😭
I'm always here for any type of queer representation even the ugly side of it
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I have a big old crush on Lanfear/Selene
Give me a hot villain and you KNOW I'll fall in love with them instantly
And she is a hot villain
But also woman just wants to be loved
I need to know what happened between her and Lews Therin - it's always a bitch ass man tearing beautiful women down
I am so in love with Natasha O'Keefe and have been since Peaky Blinders
She has my consent to tie me to a wheel if she wants
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Ishamael, my beloved 🥺
Another hot villain
I wouldn't say he's a fav but I definitely was a little bummed when he got killed
I really think Ishamael, Lanfear, and Lews Therin had a throuple situation going on and I don't care if anyone disagrees
Because at the very least Ishamael and Lews has something a little gay going on 👀
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terrorhqs · 4 years
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hello to each and every one of you absolute wonders !! first of all, we would like to apologize for the wait - when we saw 8 apps hitting the inbox in the last few hours, we knew we would have some Serious Work on our hands. it took us longer than we expected to go through all of them, mainly because every single one was absolutely incredible, and this entailed several very, very tough decisions. we also wanted to be as accommodating as possible for certain applicants who inspired us to make a few changes along the way - with their backstories, their line of thinking, their amazing character, which we will note below. this truly was a round of acceptances where we thought we might create a whole new batch of skeletons just to showcase each app. thank you to everyone who applied. and for everyone who got accepted, please make sure to send in your accounts in 24h !!
HENRY for THE COMMANDER (james norton)
henry, your writing was an absolute treat, but it was truly your future plot ideas we were feasting on! we absolutely loved how tightly tied to fitzwilliam’s psyche they were, how terribly heart wrenching they were - particularly the first one - we have to admit it made us weepy and excited in equal measure.
GEN for THE DEVOTED, captain’s steward (richard deiss)
gen, your writing flourishes and entrances and beguiles, just as rowan does, and the two of you do it so effortlessly. your in-character response was a brilliant show of creativity and development in showing how rowan reacts to the same question asked by different people, and we knew he would be a phenomenon onboard the promethean. your app was showstopping, and we couldn't wait to welcome you aboard.
CAIT for THE SOCIALITE (tuppence middleton)
the whole personality of stella was a whirlwind in motion !! we were so eager to read more about them from the very first seconds. and the prose ! how beautiful ! (Worship the altar of this consuming, rebellious  heart and wear it in red, bathe in this baptismal font of sordid gossip, glory, erupting nights of heated duels between wit and ego) - this is the epitome of what we wanted for them, and even more than we could’ve hoped !
KAT for THE DOCTOR (dev patel)
kat, please let us dwell with jonathan in his sunshine and pure spirit forever?? we are all rosa diaz on this blessed day and he is a golden retriever puppy we would all kill for. we love his love for nature’s wonders and for people alike, but we also adore the depth and understanding you brought to his future plots. we welcome you and jonathan to the crew with such, such open arms !
ALICE for THE DOE-HEARTED (su yihan)
alice, your writing was a siren song that lulled us into the depth of sybil's story - in a heartbeat, we would drown in it all over again. you kept the essence of the doe-hearted but took it so much further in making her a girl haunted, the buildup of sybil and her story a grimm fairytale to be told again and again. "You were born by the water, sweet thing. Your story is the sea with but an island in the middle of it." you have truly woven a complexity to the doe-hearted that we never expected - we'll all be holding our breaths to see how our dear fairytale fares on open waters !!
BEAU for THE INTREPID (tobias menzies)
oh, beau. the entire process of your application was as beautiful and chaotic as a natural phenomenon - it felt like we need albert in this rp, and that weight had the certainty of force? we knew we have to give him the leeway for development he deserved. i cannot properly convey how much we loved the schematics of his past, and how it contrasted with his ideals for the future. he is a map of contrasts and we are so eager to see him on the dash !
NAYAB for THE ENIGMA (katrina kaif)
nayab, the way you illustrated jaya's rich history was absolutely delectable - we were positively screaming over the intricate detail you put into the creation of such a nuanced, interesting, and fiery character. the research and thought you put into jaya absolutely wowed us, and it was impossible not to love (and admittedly, cower a little before) her. "what if this expedition makes you encounter what even you - with your cautious gait, and sharp, dark-eyed gaze - never saw coming?" what a cannonball she is, and what an impact she had on us !
JINHEE for THE HARUSPEX (avan jogia)
jinhee, ashwin is an absolute delight and so was reading your application! as rhi screamed, ‘FUCK I BELIEVE IN HOPE AGAIN??’ we loved the icarus imagery and were not prepared to be completely undone by this line: (and weren’t you told never to touch your idols? warned that the gilding will stick to your fingers?). the way you took his father’s ancestry and tied into his present feelings for britain was absolutely chef’s kiss. we were enamored from start to finish - well done.
KYLIE for THE IDOL (garret hedlund)
oh, what a STUNNING app !! it is so difficult to balance guilt and righteousness, and we feel like you did that thoroughly for jack. your level of close-reading through our skeleton was genuinely flattering, but the way you took it to new depths (and heights) was humbling. we are so, so eager to see how the tide will turn for jack, and all the possible ways you can give him a redemption arc - or the lack of one.
N for THE LOVER (zoe kravitz)
N, let me prostrate myself at eleonore’s feet. your application was so rich and beautifully written, truly embodying the lover’s feline lethality that you want to pet anyway despite knowing she might very well be your downfall. “feed me was all she had ever asked in exchange for burning day and night for him.” hello yes, we volunteer.
TILDA for THE NOBLE (madeline madden)
it was very hard choice for the noble, but tilda, i adore helene’s family’s backstory, how it seemed to rot from the core until collapse. you truly grasped the character and her yearning for abandon, her desperation, and her voice/dialogue in your in-character response was utterly delightful! we can’t wait to see her voyage from sea-legged noble lady to tide commanding shanty.
ADRIAN for THE PURSER (matthew goode)
if only you could see how we reacted when we received this app ! and trust me, the hype only increased when we got to reading it. did we channel that excitement through God-honest tears? uh, yes. we did. ( dead can’t receive letters but Edward still writes them anyway. ) we clutched edward to our chest time and time again through that - and the SPLENDID letter added at the end, what a treat to us ! we are so thankful just at the privilege of reading this. we’re even more thankful that we’ll see him on the dash.
EMI for THE ROMANTIC, wardroom steward (yang yang)
emi, we've concluded with all of your beautiful plot points that you and june do indeed, have the range - you gave us such a variety of wonderful exploration of june's personality, psyche, hopes, and dreams all wrapped up in the beautiful poetry that fit june's character like a second skin.  "the light upon the ice. a brilliant, sightless mirror. it comes not from the sun but from our prometheus, barrelling out from dark waters with an inexplicable gift: fire." you've captured him so beautifully and we cannot wait to see how he will be the promethean's sun to the open seas !
CLAUDIA for THE SCION (rome flynn)
you really manged to send a :59 app and still steal the show ! how very Scion-y of you. in all seriousness, i adored augustus background so MUCH - his maternal connection, the wishy-washy tides of his family’s structure, the conflict inherent in his very development !! so so good. you took a carefree skeleton and you gave it a million possible depths. we, as both admins and players, are so grateful for it.
AERIN for THE SHADOW (sebastian stan)
aerin, it is not an exaggeration that your app had us literally with our jaws open the entire time ? you truly took us turn after turn into elijah's story and hours later, we're still breathless and trying to recover from it. you captured the shadow's overcast history the way a shadow slowly looms over you - we were absolutely consumed by the end of it, and we're all here absolutely begging for more. we can't wait to have enoch onboard this expedition !
CASS for THE GODKILLER (kofi siriboe)
this is the sort of role dreams are made of. i think i speak for everyone when i say we never could have envisioned a skeleton as terrific, terrifying, tectonic as abel. stop me with the alliterations - lapsing into poetry is genuinely the only thing left to do when the support of prose fails you? you brought us to the end of prose. their role just jumped out for us and we knew it called for an entire skeleton. what an app !
ANNIE for THE STOWAWAY (riana hardesty)
i have to confess, we had such high expectations for the stowaway, because we knew their motivation would be one of the toughest to crack - and annie, you exceeded literally even the most optimistic of them ! (You’re no musician, but playing the melody of someone else, someone who can weasel their way in and out of a bad spot - that’s one song you know how to sing well enough.) that is such a fantastic rendition of their personality, and written so, so beautifully !
LEO for THE VETERAN (toby stephens)
i think this app was the one which sent me in a banshee-screech session that was genuinely disturbing to everyone on a 100 miles radius. the way you phrased the headcanons at the end had me in stitches - which was a welcome change for how DEEPLY i was feeling wells’ backstory. from sobbing to laughter just like that, huh. you have an unprecedented power, leo, and we love to see it !
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otto-von-stirlitz · 5 years
Wicdiv #45 notes
 I It’s all so... weird and surreal. One last post to honor the tradition that really did keep me hooked on here for years. Something about those 5 years just ending. Having followed wicdiv almost from the beginning, I really feel attached to it and view it through a VERY personal lens of all the changes that happened during those years. From a depressed and passively suicidal 17yo in a highschool, to an almost graduated 22yo, trying to figure out it all with a bit more hope and a bit less of mental health issues. Eh, let’s cut it out and move to a standard spoilery bullet points format, I’m too wordy and pretentious
Of course this issue had to be happy and sad at the same point, as both life and death shine through as central motifs of the whole book, especially underlined here. Two sides of the same coin (no Yavien, you will not say ‘alexa play hyori ittai by yuzu’ to cry over hunter x hunter. no)
You know how as an urban activist I’m ideologically not a big fan of cars, but damn, that McKelvie design! Reminds me of prototypes of future cars I saw in the BMW musuem, kudos for capturing that futuristic tech feel.
I like the subtle implication that Eleanor did grow and change. But then again, she had so much time, so it’s not even that high of a bar.
‘What’s a funeral without morbidity?’ after all those years Cass stayed THE #1 goth of the cast (but Umar gets pretty close with channeling Cam). Yes, I love Cass and I love how after the kiss from #44 we got a whole ass lauracass feels issue, amazing, showstopping, incredible etc etc. You know, Im just a fan.
Gotta admit, reading the issue the first time I did miss that Laura says ‘them’ to refer to Zahid. It really explains why Kieron was so cagey about the pronouns ask back during Fandemonium. They did have time to explore thier gender and pronouns after all of the ‘2 years’ baiting. It’s a win for the nbs (sobs and cries on the floor)
Also goddamn McKelvie really popped off with all the older character designs? All those little details and shout-outs to their youger selves? And all the Minanke practice in drawing basically the same character but as a teen and as a grandma did pay off. And this all while chasing deadlines with hypermobility? Chapeau bas. Although I’m sad that Jon got his fathers aging genes, however his mom looked that age must’ve been better...
‘Every time it rains’ yes A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL SHOUTOUT BUT I AM ALRIGHT I REPEAT I AM ALRIGHT ITS NOT TEARS, IT RAINS (haha both baal ref and fma hughes funeral ref IA M FINE)
Also I’m crying for Aruna, she was in such a bad place by #13 and this issue? HEr new body? The way she learned to mix miracles and songs? And in general finally having this authority over her life? And deciding to use it paritally to help people she often barely knew? I am fine i repeat
Meredith and Zoe, glad to see you and your names confirmed and a confirmation that you were also a part of the Pantheon
Umar’s line about hospitals (and the picture from #16) seems to imply Cass passed away after some illness. Eleanor saying it’s unfair that she smoked and ‘got away’ with it and Cass being prepared she’d die soon kinda ties into that theory? Was it cancer or something else?
Also yeah re: that pic (and the invitation to Was It Cam Or Cass debate) - Umar has two hands, period. And like the fact that Umar literally quotes words Cam said moments before his death in Umar’s hospital room? Yeah, it’s really raining, lieutenant...
Delivering your own eulogy via a hologram is exactly this level of gay panache that Cass would embrace, I LOVE HER SO MUCH. Also being nice AF to literally everyone but in the snarkiest way possible? PEAK CASS. But yeah, something more changed because she wears a white (!!!) shirt. Now that’s a massive wardrobe change
Zahid being one of the closest friends of Cass? I love this song
Also ‘you were never my type. until you were’ should be An Iconic quote of gay tumblr and twitter and yes i will be using it as my lauracass otp tag from now on.
Also Cass focus on how everyone changed themself and tried to change the world, so the future people are born into a better one.
And yeah, same, I also didnt always want to be buried beneath a tree but now as I’m growing out of my old edgeperson ways? It sounds wonderful, I want to be an acorn even after death.
Also yeah, the final themes of growth that takes time, becoming better and finding hope... they resonate with me now, as I also feel like I’ve been through hell for 2 (or actually more, i think) years. But you know, rip to that old me but im different (now). Thank you Kieron for luring me into a flashy colorful YA, then a messed up and depressive story, and then climbing up the walls of hell back when I did. It was not always going to be okay, but then it was okay.
And yes, to the whole fandom, fandom that let me find so many friends all over the world and grow up as a person and have so much fun with our stupid puns and shitposts: I love you. I’ll miss you. (but honestly, still feel free to HMU etc, its not like we actually die. We just lost a source of monthly engagement, thats it. Im just a dramatic lil shit too)
Also yeah, one last word: may Two Slow Dancers by Mitski be the final, ultimate Lauracass song. Let’s all play it now, and cry. No, it’s not raining anymore, I really am crying thinking about Them.
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ophillya · 5 years
100 days of dark academia
well more like 96 but, it’s never too late to read some classics, do some research, be productive, and overall become a pretentious lil bean, right?
my goals:
finish the readings for my paper
finish up my to watch list and watch my to watch list
read more as a lesiure
go to a museum, to the library and to a café alone
take more pictures of beautiful things
finish my history of philosophy book
research on classic music eras and movements
overall do research for my journal/research notebook 
limit my usage of twitter
report my growth, updates and so on here
more to be added!
notes: ever since that beautiful, lifechanging, showstopping, incredible, amazing strange aeons video, i’ve been trying to channel back my 16 year old pretentious and bookworm self. you know, the one that couldn’t wait to go to the library to fish up some books, buy more at the second hand tent every saturday at the market, and just spend her afternoons learning about artists, composers, history facts, etc.
i wanted to go back to the me who cried reading about achilles and patroclo, sending long voice notes to my friend about dalí and lorca, virgina and vita, and listen to the voice notes my friend would send back about modigliani, about fucking rodin and his bullshit. 
somehow, i let myself stray away from such amazing feelings and i wanted to go back, hence why im rather going to call this the 100 first days of da challange. because nothing gives me such a rush better than this lifestyles. where i thought i was lone, it appears there’s community and, quite frankly, i’m in love with it.
gosh, okay i’m ranting, i won’t do that here (that’s reserved for my journal) but again, i hope you do this alongside with all of us, do it for as long as you want to like i’m doing it, turn this into a lifestyle if it suits you! 
have a nice day everyone!
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thotyssey · 6 years
On Point With: Jasmine Kennedie
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One of the city’s breakthrough drag entertainers of the past year, FIT’s crown-winning queen Jasmine Kennedie is known for igniting venues with her electrifying "shablams” and gorgeously glam looks. She’s now in the cast of the popular revue TURNt at the Ritz, which celebrates its second anniversary this week. Thotyssey learned how Jasmine got here, and where she’s going next!
Thotyssey: Jasmine, hello! So last week you performed at the East Village Standard’s Narcbar for their RuPaul’s Drag Race viewing party hosted by Rify Royalty, Bootsie LeFaris and Lucy Balls. Kim Chi was there too, as a special guest! How did it go?
Jasmine Kennedie: It was an amazing viewing party!  Kim Chi was such a sweetheart, and the audience was amazing. I love Rify, and I’ve worked with Bootsie in the past. Always a fun time. And it was my first time working with Lucy Balls--such a sweetheart, and a really smart entertainer.
That’s a crowded panel of performers! Did you get your chance to slay?
Of course! Or at least I tried. The crowd was amazing, and had amazing energy. And everyone at Narcbar and the Standard were amazing. It’s a great venue, because of the outside and inside space. It gave me room to do the shablams.
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You’ve become one of nightlife’s go-to Shablammer over the course of this past year! You bring beauty and showstopping dance to every show that you appear in. How long have you been at this?
I’ve been doing drag for four years now, but the first two years were more “playing in drag.”
Where are you from?
I was born in Binghamton, and lived there and Morgantown, West Virginia for the majority of my life.
What were your early creative interests / pursuits?
I wasn’t into a lot of arts, as a lot of people may think. I was really into sports. I played soccer for eight years, I swam and dove for three. I played lacrosse, did cross country and track as well as cheering--which was my number one passion for three years. But I used to always play in my mom’s makeup and clothes as any drag queen did. And I always use to say when I was a kid, “I’m going to Hollywood, Mom!" So that’s always been in the back of my head since I was a child.
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 I’m guessing it was RuPaul who exposed you first to drag?
Yes and no, I like to say. I remember when It was Raja’s season; it was the reunion. I was flipping through the channels, and it was Raja with just a spotlight on her... and I was in such awe at what I thought was a woman. After that, drag left my life until my senior year of high school, where I found videos of pageantry drag like Continental and EOY and Miss Gay USofA, and I fell in love with drag from there. From then on, I started watching Drag Race.
How did you begin experimenting with makeup and looks? 
At first, I had my sister teach me the basics of makeup when I was playing in drag. And than I watched the really old, 45 minute YouTube tutorials where it was all fast forwards, and looked like it was filmed on a laptop. But I found out the basics from there, and than just experimented from there. I feel I paint more on the “old way” of drag: a lot of powder, and seven different colors for contour. Taking off my makeup takes as much effort as getting to the center of a Tootsie Pop!
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How did you Drag Name yourself?
So when I first started drag I wanted to be a slutty drag queen, as everyone does when they start. So I was originally Jasmine Rikers, like the jail! But then, when my mom (not drag mom) found out I did drag, she said “if you're going to be a drag queen. you're gonna be a classy one.” ”
Good work, Mom! 
Right! Gotta love Joy. So I got “Jasmine” from Aladdin, and “Kennedy” from JFK. But Instagram already had a user with that name, so I switched the “y” in Kennedy to “ie!
And you're an FIT student now. What are you majoring in?
Right now I’m in advertising and marketing, but in the winter I am switching my major to fashion design. Coming to NYC and seeing how cutthroat NYC drag is, it pushed me to use more of my sewing skills, and it made me realize my true passion. Now I am no expert at making clothes, but I wanna further educate myself so I can make a business out of it--as well as be a drag queen--at the same time.
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Sounds like you have it all worked out! Where did you start going out as Jasmine?
I started in upstate NY, and my town only had one gay bar--that was the only bar exposure I had before coming to the city. When I came here, Shequida’s Drag Wars is where I started.
Shequida was probably an important figure in your “dragucation.”
She was a big help when it came to behavior and getting myself out there, and she really gave me the initial push. But my drag mother Mancie Mandell really took me in and helped me shape my character into who Jasmine is. 
As well as Maddelynn Hatter giving me such an amazing opportunity as being part of the the cast at the Ritz. Also, Look Queen! Dusty Ray Bottoms really helped me, and let me perform at her show she used to have at Hardware on Wednesdays, before the Ritz.
All great queens! Mancie is a New Jersey pageant queen, how did you meet up with her?
We actually met at Look Queen. She was there with one of her friends, and we kind of just clicked. And then a month or so went on, and I made a joke saying “you're practically my mom.” The next day she called me and asked if I wanted to be her daughter, and it all started there.
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You have a very high-energy, splits-and-flips performing style. We mentioned an athletic background, but where did those particular moves come from? And also, where does that great onstage confidence come from?
My cheer coaches [trained us to be a] very dance-driven team. My head coach, who used to cheer as a Buffalo Jill, really helped me clean up my technique.
I used to wear heels in my living room at my mom’s house, and when I started performing I used to practice routines and all the “shablams” and backflips. I practiced on carpet, and then over time I got more control of my body and more confident in my dancing and performing. 
And my confidence on stage comes from the work I put into drag. Over the last months, I’ve been making all my clothes and doing all my hair. Thinking of new things. And when I can say I made my entire look, I feel ten times better about what I’m giving to the audience, as well as the confidence to not hold back and just be myself.
Congratulations on recently winning FIT's 12th annual drag pageant! What was that whole experience like for you?
It was honestly such an accomplishment for me. Ever since I applied for the school--and I knew about the pageant before applying--I wanted that to be a personal goal I reached. And it was a lot of work! We didn’t know any of the categories, or how the pageant ran, until three weeks before the event. So I had that amount of time to make and conceptualize everything. It was a lot of fun, and I had a blast doing it.
That's incredible! Along with DiDi Disco, Shangela co-hosted that. Were you able to tell her that she was robbed in All-Stars 3?
No, lol! But she was in need of oil sheen, which I did have, and she was an amazing host. Very nice queen. I really like how she treated everyone the same, and was very raw and real with her personality.
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You've been a frequent guest performer at TURNt--the high-energy, late night dance party and show at the Ritz on Wednesdays that Maddelynn runs--and you've recently become a regular weekly cast member there. It's an insanely popular night! What's your experience been like thus far, being a part of TURNt?
It’s honestly been amazing. To be so lucky to get to perform with girls like Maddelynn and Sherry Pie--who are so amazing in their craft--and we are all like a lil’ family there. We are really about making the show an epic nightlife party. Even though it is already crazy amazing, we are trying to push it to new limits! And Maddelynn has everyone involved in the show. It’s really a team effort, and it’s my favorite gig to perform at.
Egypt, Black Widow and yourself were all just recently recruited at around the same time.
We all are the “newbies” in that sense! Us three are always just giving each other reads and messing around in the fitting room. They’re really good friends to have.
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This week, the show is about to turn 2 years-old, and it looks to be pretty epic. First of all, Jasmine Rice LaBeija is joining the cast! Is there room in the Ritz for two amazing Jasmines?
Haha, of course there is! And that’s the best thing about TURNt: we have such a variety of queens there, and we all get along. We all encourage each other to be ourselves, and we really try to help each other out. And Jasmine is also my drag father Ken Mandell LaBeija’s mom, so I’ve worked with her in the past as well! She’s super funny, and always a blast.
And Aja and Miz Cracker, both former castmembers, are returning as well.
Yes! I love them both. Aja is alway crazy, and I love her--she’s so sweet. And Miz! She was always a blast, and always had a funny thing to add to a convo. And Katelynn her assistant, I love. I would hang out with her a lot when we weren’t performing, and we were in the changing room.
So this anniversary show will basically be Everything.
It is going to be CRAZY! We have really big productions planned, and it’s going to be a show you don’t wanna miss!
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What else is coming up for you?
I just shot for a music video, actually! For an artist named John Presnell, which should be coming out in October if I’m correct. And than other than that, I’m just trying to better my drag and getting out there! Always open to new adventures!
Also, I’m at Sinful Saturdays with Bootsie and Merrie Cherry every second Saturday at Pieces, which is always fun! I like that Bootsie and Merrie are both from two different scenes, and they are really great hosts.
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Okay, final question: what's the most surprising thing you've learned about drag since you started?
The most surprising this I’ve learned is that if you put in the effort and you really give yourself the time and the tools, you can achieve anything you want with your drag--as long as you’re always open to learn. That’s probably the hardest part of drag: learning about so many different things, and then using what you learned and adapting it to your drag. 
Also, I’ve always tried to be nice to everyone: patrons of the bar, the queens, the bar staff... everyone. Not only to keep a reputation for being nice, but also for myself. I’ll always talk to someone who comes up and has questions. Because at the end of the day, you have to live with yourself. And I want to live with myself being nice to people. Not mean, because you never know what someone else is going through.
Preach! Thanks, Jasmine!
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Jasmine Kennedie is part of the cast of TURNt Wednesdays (11pm) at the Ritz. She also performs every second Saturday of the month (11pm) for Sinful Saturdays at Pieces. Check Thotyssey’s calendar for a full list of scheduled appearances, and follow Jasmine on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
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