#amazing episode :DD I really loved it 🥰🥰
Oop! Ahhh a lawyer :D
Dang I was hoping they'd show us who it is lol, like a case we recognize xD
Ah hello lady :) who are you?
Oh cool ocd :))
Ope in the rain?? Hmm I don't remember this xDD when was it lol
Or maybe it is one we've never seen! Idk lol
OPE LOL she's his lawyer now I guess xDD
Oohhh nooo, "how inexperienced"? I bet she's never had a case before xD
Well yk like been in court
Uhhh ohhh
Ohh amputated his hand o.o!! Interesting 😳👀👀
Oh there's her name and like a special over layer voice too lol
Ah yeah there's another lady :D
That lady from the beginning
Ope yeah!!! The Good Lawyer :DD
This is so exciting :DD
OOOFGH I bet this is gonna be good :DDD!!!
Wow!! That's crazy :DD!!
That's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I loved this episode!! I thought it was great :D. We didn't get much interaction between the cases, but to be fair, we usually don't lol :D. We did get a bit though, so that's always nice :)). But the little group scenes we did get were really great :D. Plus some duos we don't always see - ESPECIALLY considering some (one - person/duo) of them haven't been here for 5 seasons XD. It was great having Kalu back lol, and I really liked all of the storylines :). And, slightly different in this case (just by my meaning), the patients were cool too :). When I said storylines a second ago I was talking about the characters' personal storylines, but I'm not always/usually doing that lol. Anyway, great episode!! Really sad for that one plot though DD':. Still, great (not exactly despite that bc it was great too lol but yk :) ).
Now, time for the individual parts!!
Quick bit: Jerome 🥰🥰, love you hun, miss you 😭 <33, excited to see you again soon :)) (hopefully xD). And also nothing better happen to him and Asher lol.
Lim! We didn't see much of her this episode, but she was great for what she was in :DD. I'm so sorry she had to go through that when she was younger <33. And then at the end, she hired Kalu :DD!! And was smart about it too lol :)), finding him a spot. Then of course, her scene eitht he girls at the end :')). Well not Lea but yk lol. Them all having dinner together was so cute 😭😭❤️, AND supporting Morgan? We love to see it 🥰🥰🥰 :')). Them :'DD. But yeah, Lim specifically offering to do it :'). Not that Jordan wouldn't, but this is a section about Lim lol. Also, we didn't see Lim do much of her job medicine wise like hands on, but she helped with Morgan and Jordan's case and she hired Kalu lol, so, she was as always amazing at her job :). Anyway, she's great, love her :DD.
Perez :). Another person we didn't see much, but again, he was great for what we did :)). Did his job well, and seeing him try to help Park out a little while also kind of being deer in the headlights sometimes lol was sweet :). Also him trying to guess who Joe was to Park XDDD. Hilarious lol, I love him <333. But yeah, he was amazing this episode 🥰🥰. I hope the NA is working out for him btw :'D.
Andrews! Too bad he didn't get the donation xD. But lol, he was great this episode. Honestly, I think his level of anger level at Kalu was pretty good - it's been years, lol, he's at least partially over it xD. But I'm glad they could still work together :). And of course, Andrews was great at his job this episode 🥰. I'm definitely excited to see how it goes in the future with him since Kalu's around! Like I said, I think where he was at was good, but I do think they should talk at some point. Also, by the way, I started this paragraph on Sunday (Monday morning?), so it may be a bit short from here on out lol - I'm on a time crunch xD. Anyway! I love him ❤️❤️.
Glassman :)). I'm really glad he could be there for Lea :'DD. He helped her feel better about herself, and her fears, and he found her a way to keep a bit of her 'old' life :')). Amazing 😭😭❤️. Also, again, I love me some Maddie stories :')). The amount of we've been getting lately is just lovely :DD. - wait. Glassman better not die any time soon xD. Anyway, I really loved his scenes with Lea, they were so cute and sweet :'DD. And I'm sure he was great at his job this episode lol - I don't think we saw it xD. But, nonetheless :). He was great :)). I love him <333.
Morgan! I felt so bad for her this episode :'((. Seeing that look the others gave her when they were talking about having an abortion? 😭. But also, seeing them support her at the end of the episode was so :'))). I love them all so much <333. Anyway, Morgan was great at her job this week :'D. It was definitely a tough one, but they all got through it <33. Also, Morgan's conversation with Park was a slay moment xD. I love her :') ❤️❤️.
Asher! Again my man with his tea-seeking tendencies lol xD. But, even though we didn't see too much of him this episode, he was great in what we did see :). He was great at his job, obviously, but it was also fun seeing someone interact with Kalu who never knew him :D! But also. Not that I don't trust Asher. But he better not like Kalu 😒. Or at least not for long and obviously not do anything about it. I trust Asher, I don't trust the writers xD. He better have been just looking for tea lol. Anyway, he was great, and funny as per usual lol xD. I love him 🥰🥰.
Jordan :)). Her case was so sad this episode :'((. I mean obviously it was Morgan's too but yk lol. I'm glad they honored her wishes and tried to save the baby, but I'm also glad they eventually convinced her to let her go. Jordan's conversation with her was so 😭😭. Just, heartbreaking </33. But I'm so glad she managed to do it <3. No one deserves to be put in that situation (the patient I mean, but also them as doctors), but they went through the whole thing with respect and grace. Also I loved them all being there and supporting her for the baptism :'). And of course, that ending scene with the girls was great <33. So yeah :D. Jordan was amazing at her job this episode 🥰🥰. I love her <33.
Shaun! It was really nice seeing him try to help Lea :)). I am glad they found a compromise :D. Also, it was super cool seeing him interact with Kalu again!! I'm interested to be seeing more of that in the future :DD. Anyway, yeah, Shaun was great this episode 🥰🥰. He was of course amazing at his job. Speaking of, I'm SUPER interested in how everything's going to go down next week! I believe this is the introduction (based on context, and just that I don't think it's already running lol) of The Good Lawyer, and it'll certainly be cool :D. But I say speaking of because of the malpractice suit - that's gonna be interesting to sort out!! Anyway, it looks really good :D. But yeah! I love him ❤️❤️❤️.
Lea :)! I'm really happy she managed to find a compromise :D. Kind of, keep a piece of her "old life" with her :')). And her scenes with Glassman were so cute 😭😭. But I just think it was really nice with showing a) that you can have mixed feelings, and b) that just because you have kids does not mean you have to change every bit of your life completely and never look back. You can still have your identity :)). Anyway, I'm super glad she got her cool car 🥰🥰. And I'm sure she was great at her job this episode, lol. I love her :DDD.
Park! I don't always go in importance/plot/idk significance to me order, but I decided to put him at the end in vaguely that (ish) :). Not often he goes last! Cool :)). Anyways, I loved him this episode!! It's not often we get to see Park ANGRY (and I use caps for emphasis), but we did this episode and it was super cool :)). Like, that boxing scene? OOGH, the drama!!! Anyway, he was awesome :DD. He was also great at his job :))! And honestly, for his sake, I'm glad he managed to forgive Joe :'). He deserved that <33. I just think it helped him gain some peace 🥰🥰. Also his conversation with Morgan was great :)). He really did need somebody who wasn't afraid to say anything lol. But, yeah <33. I love him ❤️❤️🥰.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was great :D. The cases were cool and interesting, and there was an abundance of great character moments!! A bunch of emotions swirling around, but also some funny bits :D! And a pretty evenly spread focus, for the most part. And of course, this episode seems like it'll be pretty influential! Kalu is coming back to St Bon's :DD!! That's big news!! I think it'll be really cool having him back 🥰🥰. Looks like I'll have to start doing a Kalu section, lol! I would say again, but it'll be for the first time since I wasn't liveblogging back then xD. And I didn't watch it live anyway, I think I started in 2019 or 2020 lol. Anyway! Still, it'll be super interesting to see ehow everything works out :DD. Like, how it all ends up being from now on. Idk if he's gonna stay around, but it's cool for now! I'm really excited to see what happens :D. And, of course, for the introduction of The Good Lawyer!!! It looks awesome :DD. The episode, and the show/character/concept (both I guess?) as a whole :)). Super excited for that too 🥰🥰. But, back to now, this episode had a ton of great moments. And it was really good in general, not just in moments :)).
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was really great. I'm definitely excited for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 15: Old Friends
I really enjoyed it! I'm nervous for the next one, but I'm super excited as well. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 16: The Good Lawyer
See you then!
0 notes
Promo time!!
:OOOO MARVIN???!?!!?
O.O Clearing his name??
Hmm why?
YUP o.o xdd
Ohhh noo
WAIT O.O that's going all the way through 😬😬😳
HER J U G U L A R ಠ⁠Oಠ????
Did it perfectly plug it or something????
Ohhh gosh o.o
Yeah there's barely any blood :OO but they don't know why o.o
Y'all that is crazy xdd
But back to Mateo, did he commit the crimes or smth?? And that's why he could lose everything?? I'm so confused 😭😳
I remember seeing something about Mateo dealing with Marvin and saw the subtitles of the first few seconds of the promo when it popped up on my recommended and played a bit muted sometime last week but dang o.o
I was more like :OOO :DD Marvin?? and I can't even remember if I knew it was bad xD I think I skimmed the outside description while looking the episodes up but dang o.o
Anyway WHAT 😳😳😬!!???!?!??
That's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I absolutely LOVED this episode!!! It was SO hilarious :D XDD. There were serious moments, but it was funny like, 80-85% of the time XDD wonderful lol. I liked how even though there were definitely people the storylines focused on (and different levels within that), we still got to see everyone today :DD. That was really nice 🥰🥰. I was hoping we'd get to see Carlos (since it's not always a guarantee) so even though it was only for a bit I'm glad we did :D. And we only saw Paul and Marjan for a few scenes but they were still there :)). Anyway! Great storylines all around :)).
Now it's time for the individual parts!
By the way, since the new episode is tonight this probably won't be very long :). But also, I have less to say on the more humorous episodes anyway lol, so it works out
Paul and Marjan! Didn't see much of them but they were wonderful for what we did. Their strategy of trying to get donations XD Or at least, what we saw, of Marjan talking about the gunshot XD. Y'all crazy 😭 xD. Anyway! I love her :)). And of course! I love him <3. And they were great at their jobs!
Judd and Grace! That first scene XDD. Hilarious lol. They were, as always, adorable 🥰🥰. Also Grace helping out TNT with beating Paragon to the call was gold XDDD. I love her so much lol. Speaking of, she was great at her job, as always :)). Judd was also wonderful at his job :D. And back to that first scene, Judd talking sports with the rich guy xD amazing. I love him lol <333.
Mateo! NANTEO MOMENTSSS 🥰🥰. And I'm sure we'll get more next episode too :D. Quick note on that while we're on Mateo: I am scared o.o ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ. Anyway xD. His whole thing with not actually having read the book and then trying to was great lol xD 🥰. I love him :DD. Also, he was great at his job :)). Lastly, it was fun seeing him throughout storylines - man was just around to hear it lol xD.
Nancy! My girlll :DD. Again, Nanteo momentsss 🥰🥰🥰❤️!! She was also just kinda Around for several parts of Owen's storyline, which I just found funny XD. Also, my girl was fighting for her life against Paragon 😭😭. Seriously though, she had the most insults out of the bunch xD. Honestly a slay though lol. I love her 🥰. And of course, she was amazingat her job :D. I do have to say though, the bloody bus was ridiculous XD. In a good way, but still lol.
TK and Carlos! We didn't see much of Carlos this episode, but he was lovely 🥰. Why was he telling the story of his kidnapping XDD 😭😭😭. That was so out of pocket lol. Hilarious though, especially with TK jumping in about the stalker xD. Anyway, I'm sure Carlos was great at his job lol. I love him 🥰. As for TK, if Nancy was insulting people the most with the Paragon situation, he was the most tired XD. Something would happen and my man would just siiiiigh XD. Lovely, lol. Also I just have to mention (though I did in my liveblog) him immediately running in after the explosion :'). Speaking of, he was amazing at his job! I love him :DD.
Tommy! She was great this episode lol :)). While actually in the field, up till the end, she was very respectful, but nooot any other time XD. So with Nancy as the insulter and TK as the sigher, I think Tommy would be the polite but fed up one lol. I'm sure they were all equally frustrated but my girl was going off whenever she wasn't being polite XD. Anyway lol, she was of course amazing at her job 🥰. And I am SO GLAD Paragon ended up getting sued in the end >:DD. As they deserve 😌. But yeah, she slayed this episode 🥰🥰. I love her <33.
Owen! He was great this episode xD. I don't care THAT much about Owen's love life, but it's always hilarious so I'm cool with it lol. But I did like the consistent characterization in the fact that this man repeatedly puts his foot in his mouth when it comes to women lol. But specifically something he thinks is true and decides to immediately confront them about xdd. Honestly though, even though I was pretty sure she was just being nice, I can kind of see where he was coming from. Again though, my man didn't need to shout it out xD. Anyway, the scene of the 126 finding out was HILARIOUS lol XDD. It's the fact that none of them even seemed that shocked xD. Like, they were invested, but they were kind just like "this tracks, of course it happens to Owen" XD. Anyway, I do hope Owen and this lady (I don't remember her name) work out though :)). Not just for the money lol, I just think Owen deserves to chill romantically for a little while lol. Also I loved his interactions with Matoe :D. I love him :). Owen, that is xD. And, he was great at his job 🥰.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was absolutely hilarious XD. Seriously, there were barely any serious parts, and most of those weren't even that serious lol. But even though I love me some angst and serious stuff, I really loved the comedy of this episode xD. Especially since it looks like the next one, while it'll have comedy (how can you have something involving Mateo and Marvin and not have it be funny), will have some serious parts o.o. I'm excited though! Scared too, but excited xD. Anyway, I loved both main storylines and all the other little ones as well this episode :)). It was just a really fun episode :D 🥰🥰.
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was great. I'm a bit nervous for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 10: Sellouts
It was amazing! I'm definitely excited for the next episode, even if I am a bit scared. I'll be back next week for my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 11: Double Trouble
See you next week!
2 notes · View notes
Y'all what the freak :D
I don't like those looks guys o.o
Okay phew I can take a ventilator 😭😭
Maddiee 😭😭❤️
AWWWW y'alllll 😭😭😭💔
DON'T DO THIS TO HER 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔🥺❤️❤️
OR ME 😭😭😭😭🥺💔💔❤️
He's gonna be fine o.o
UAAGHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭😳😳😬😬😬😬💔💔
Guys it's gonna be fine 😌😌😌
I'm not gonna make it guys xdd xD
Well, that's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I absolutely LOOOVED this episode!! It was SO GOOD!! Even though I hated most of the stuff that happened xdd. It's just so good story wise and so emotional and dramatic 😭😭❤️ xd.
Also I forgot to say this earlier but as a commercial started (I believe right after the last Wilson family scene - not last as in last, last in the episode 😭😭) I was like: "I shouldn't beat up mentally ill people. It's wrong. Eddie 😌😑😐" XDD don't remember exactly but it was something along those lines and I was real for it xdd
Also I might go back and add some more specific reactions at some points when I rewatch bits, I just forgot specific words or orders of things because I was so behind lol. And because everything was so emotional constantly xdd it was always the drama 😭😭 xD. Loved it though lol.
I did often talk loudly about killing people though xD
Anyway!! I'm gonna head off now, see you later :DD. Add more before this in the main section as well by the way lol. Bye for now!!
Okay, I'm back (a week later) lol! Now it's time for the individual parts :).
Buck and Tommy! Once again thriving, in their lane, living their best lives 😌😌😌🥰. They're so cute y'all <3. Anyway Buck was an ICON with that look to Gerrard lol, and he slayed with he cooking :D! Also UAGH HIM AND BOBBY'S CONVERSATION 😭😭😭❤️ THE SEVEN YEARS THE TELLING EACH OTHER HOW PROUD AND GRATEFUL THEY ARE FOR EACH OTHER THE TALK ABOUT TOMMY AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! I love them so much guys 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️🥺🥰. Also Buck dealing with the whole Kim thing xD. Bro was baffled, as he should be lol. But genuinely his conversation with Eddie was really good, and I'm glad he didn't back off and just let Eddie get away with it <3. And the "I'm worried about you" OUAGH I'm still not over it guys 😭😭❤️. More on that later. Anyway, I love them (Buck and Eddie, and Buck and Tommy) so much <33.
Ravi! He was such a mood with that food thing lol. An icon, we stan (and agree) <333. I love him ❤️🥰 <33.
Listen okay xD. I get why she's doing what she's doing, but she's insane. Like girl. Also I knew she would pull out the ambulance in that conversation and so then when she didn't I was confused but NAH she was just saving it for extra emotional damage 😭. Girl was waiting for a double points square xdd. Anyway, the scene where they were taking Mara away was genuinely so heartbreaking D:. And like y'all ik you have to take her but you can give them 30 seconds, my gosh!! Anyway they are a family 😭😭😭😭🥺💔❤️❤️, and they better get her back <33. I love them so much <33 :').
Maddie and Chimney! Once again, living their best life, thriving, doing great 😌😌🥰. Once again as in I said that earlier, they rarely are lol. Anyway, they're icons and STOPPP THE ROSEEE :'DDD. They're so cute y'all I can't even <33. AND AAAUAGH THEY'RE MARRIEDDD!!! Y'all I still can't believe it :'D. Also Chimney talking to and about Gerrard absolutely slayed 💀 xD. He was an icon for that o.o <333. They were great this episode (though I realized afterwards - no calls :O), I love them so much <33.
Sir xd. Let's talk lol.
Okay, listen. I'm glad he told Kim, and I'm glad he finally got some form of closure on Shannon. And that scene was absolutely heartbreaking, by the way, Ryan ate this episode up. But MY GOSH 😭😭😭😤😤. THE WAY I WANTED TO KILL THIS MAN (EDDIE)!!! LIKE, SIR!! I know he's going through it but my gosh 😭. Bro was killing me xD. Genuinely though, I really loved his and Buck's conversation, I thought it was really great. And I'm glad he finally admitted it (even if he was forced to) - if there's anyone it would be to, it would be Buck :'D. My lovelies <33. Eddie saying he was worried about himself broke me 😭😭😭🥺💔💔❤️. And then yes, I'm SO glad he told Kim right after that (and I felt really awful for her :((), but that ending scene of them o.o. A, girly, why? I- you are so gone on him. It's a nice thing to do (try and give him closure), but just- what. And I'm glad Eddie tried to not because that's WEIRD y'all, but then that whole monologue broke me again 😭😭😭😭🥺🥺💔💔💔💔❤️. Like SIR!!! The "I'm broken" bit my GOSH 😭😭😭💔💔🥺❤️. The acting was seriously amazing. And then OOUGH CHRIS AND MARISOL COMING IN AT THE END O.O Y'all I assumed Chris was like in bed or something xD. Why would Eddie do this ESPECIALLY knowing they were going to be coming home soon xdd. Anyway, it looked like it was just a hug but in post episode stills I think there was a kiss? So I don't even know what's going on there xd. But oh my gosh poor Chris 😭. Boy must've been so confused :((. Rough on him, definitely <33. Anyway, I just hope everything works out xdd.
Bobby and Athena! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Listen y'all 😭😭😭. They are it up this episode but they killed me doing it xd. Bobby how DARE YOU RESIGN, AND THEN HAVE AN EMOTIONAL MONTAGE OF GROWTH ON ME!!! RUDE!!! STOP IT!!!! And I am SO glad Athena didn't just stand by and let it happen (a theme this episode, it seems - good on her and Buck) when she knew it was out of character. And her going to find Amir to try and help Bobby :')). I really wish he would/could've after coming that far though 😭. Especially because.him being there and leaving surely pushed Bobby farther, though that conversation did need to happen. And that conversation 😭😭🥺. Dude it killed me. I'm so glad they brought up the rooftop in season 2, didn't just brush over it and revealed how Athena felt about it. It's understandable, and it's one of those things people want you to sweep under the rug :'((. I'm glad she kept an eye out for it again, because it was needed here 😭. I don't know that it would go that far, hit Bobby's in a seriously dark place. And that DREAM, UAOAUAGHH!!! The way Bobby seemed kind of childlike, back to his old self when he would've been having that conversation 😭😭, and the fact that he still refused a drink!! I'm not okay guys 😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺. I am glad his dad dream version did kind of support him though lol xD, like it wasn't an evil vision it was one telling him to wake up, trying to help him. AND MY GOSH THAT WAKING UP O.O. AND, MY GOSH DID IT HLEP XDD. But y'all 😳. I'm so glad they both got out, and I am SO happy that Athena is okay 😭😭❤️, and I was stressing, BUT MY GOSH BOBBY!!! I was like "noo he's gonna disregard himself and be injured" BUT NOPE STRAIGHT UP HEART ATTACK O.O 😭😭😭😳🥺🥺💔. Bro I'm not okay <333. HE JUST BETTER BE ALRIGHT GUYS I CAN'T TAKE THIS 😳😳😭😭😭💔💔🥺❤️. Also, I know they're trying to paint it is Amir, but I just don't think it was him. I do think it was probably intentionally set (though they could do something really interesting with everyone thinking it was, trying to investigate, and then in the end having to accept that it just happens), but I don't think it was him. He wants to leave them behind, more than anything, and that doesn't fit with burning down their house as revenge. I hope he can help figure it out though <33. Honestly if it were the cartel I wouldn't be too surprised xD. Anyway, Bobby and Athena absolutely ate <333. And they better be okay xdd 😭🥺❤️. I love them so much <333.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! It had some phenomenal emotional moments, and even a few great funny ones :D. It was pretty wild, and verrry intense o.o (even if some of it was Eddie pining for his ex wife and not like, someone being murdered - not pining for the victim btw xd). But I had a really good time :D. Even if I wanted to kill people a lot of the time xD. I'm terrified for the next episode lol xd . Everything better end up okay. More okay than this episode xD. It was genuinely a good episode though, with some good moments for everyone.
So yeah! I loved the episode, I thought it was great. There were a ton of great emotional moments. I'm excited and scared for the next one. This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 9: Ashes, Ashes
It was so amazing! I'm really excited for the next one, but I'm so terrified at the same time. They better end up okay. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 10: All Fall Down
See you then!
1 note · View note
OOP dang o.o
Yeah go off Aaron 😤😤😌
It's not like a friendship (though they kinda had one) but getting betrayed by your therapist must be such a weird hurtful thing :((
Ahh nice :o :D well at least we got stuff out of her :)) and while she's alive lol
Okay that's good <3
Phew :'))
And yeah Bailey xDD
I hope we don't have to deal with Jason tonight 😭 like before the end of this episode xd
Yeahh she's out there in the middle of nowhere somewhere 😬
Hmm unless she talks her way out of it again xD
Angela last time you did that your enemy vowed revenge and set a hitman after your husband and child xdd xD
Maybe let's not lol
The others want in though, you really did have to call dibs xD
Aww hey guys :'o :')))
Lol xD
Hey you deserve it, you guys both do lol
Weird elevator noise there, kinda satisfying though
Aww yeah :'))
Lol yeah xD it's nice that he can be honest about it though :')))
AWW yeahh :')) y'all :'D 😭😭❤️
AWWW honeyy 🥺🥺❤️😭
Ik they're not about to get back together but is he about to apologize and like, vow to make up for it?? Idek-
Awww 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭💔❤️❤️
AWWW honeyyy 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️ :'(( DD':
Bro you're the one that broke up with her like yes what she allows but you can make up some of the distance you created yourself 😭😭
I'm struggling to express what I mean bc I know he is just just xdd like you broke up with her, it's not like she didn't want you around you know lol? Even if she's reasonably upset about it now xdd and you were fighting
Guagh anyway xdd at least we got some closure for them this season lol xd 😭
OOP hey guys o.o
Oughh noo 😭😭😭 >:((
Just them getting out of general xDD
But also. . . wesley angst 😏😌👀
Eh it won't be after this xD
Lol yeah xD
As if you guys aren't going to the same place xD
Unless he just goes off to some random place and disappears lol
That would be wild xD rarely or never to be seen again LOL
I sincerely doubt it but you know XD
Awww hey guys :'))
Lol fair Bailey xD though he did t exactly have a choice in the matter slfkjdgs
Didn't know that was it xD
Eh close enough
Oof lol
I know the feeling of a laugh pain xD from like being hurt in the wrong area lol (though I have not been shot in the side xD)
Aww ayy :'))
LOL she also compiled xDD
Awww y'all :')))
I was thinking you'd say what age lol, but yeah that's important too :o
Is it gonna be Jason as him o.o
OOPE no wait he's probably telling them of him getting out of jail O.O
And then he breaks in two seconds later lol xD not enough time of a warning
But eh maybe (HOPEFULLY PLEEASE) it is xdd
And good thing we're mentioning Oscar too o.o 😬😬
Yeahhh uh oh is right xdd
From their faces lol
Y'all I'm stressed xD
But also. . . once again. . . the angst 😏😏👀👀😌
I love me some good angst, especially involving Oscar even if it doesn't directly involve Wesley because I can pretend it does xD but also it might 👀👀👀😌 :DD
I know they said maybe or even probably not by the end of the season but my gosh 😭😭😭
Going with Xochtil or Samara y'all xdd not even a guess I'm just deciding lol /lh
Anyway I think we could get a Wesley/Wopez storyline out of this, especially since it'll be next season 👀👀 I mean it's been a while for them, right :D?
Although waiting for Elijah and Oscar at the same time could be cool, and we may want to wait a little longer for that lol. Maybe Elijah from prison, or Oscar laying low for a while? Aeh idk :))
Anyway! I've been chatting a lot lol, but official/full review coming out later (probably in a few days) :D
I love you all!!
See you next time for that :)) 🥰!
0 notes
Y'all I'm losing it
Oh my gosh I'm freaking out
I'm not okay
What the heck
(edit starts here)
Ope a guy with his hand
That's not good o.o
Not really matching your message sir xD
Oh goshh o.o 😳😬
Me when I saw the promo again a little while later: OH MY GOSH HOW DID I FORGET THAT BIT
Gosh. Wow
(end of edit)
Okay, that's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I'm not okay
I LOVED THIS EPISODE SO MUCH!!! OH MY GOSH. This is the anti feeling to last night when I watched tgd and the end killed me for an entirely different reason THE GAYS ARE WINNNINGGGGGG!!!! I'm not okay. Anyway IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! Genuinely though all the plots throughout were really good and there were a TON of good moments. Plus the crossover with The Bachelor was GREAT lol. I need to go back and watch those first two minutes but I will update the post slfjdfhs. Now, I'm going to make a quick celebration post and maybe rewatch that clip if possible, and then I'll be back because I can't possibly put off this review xD. Oh my gosh I'm having so many thoughts.
OKAY AAHHH HI ME FROM THE NEXT DAY I was literally freaking out so much (and still am) that I couldn't do it and I kept procrastinating and then I fell asleep lol xD. I have continued to procrastinate (and I had things to do) but!! Here I am :)).
First though, I'm going to go back to the promo bit and add the second half because apparently I completely forgot about it, and I have since watched it a couple of times xD.
Okay!! Now, let's talk about some other bits of the episode xdd.
The Bachelor crossover was so fun!!! I've never seen The Bachelor lol but it was a great story, great call xD. And everyone freaking out SLFKGHDKS!! Maddie and Josh fighting over the call to Chimney giving them spoilers to Eddie siccing the girls on Buck to Bobby and Hen going 👁️👄👁️. And that poor girl xdd. Also the "Do I have to?" "I wouldn't" just killed me xDD. Glad she's okay though :)). Sucks she'll never have her chance lol. But hey, she got to talk to him :)!! Wild xD. Anyway, I think was a super fun thing to throw in there for the 100th episode :DD. It's also interesting to see a reality show crossover with a fiction show xD. Had a fun time with it!!
Maddie and Chim!! They were so funny at the beginning xD. Her sending the 118 was wild lol. Also I loved her face to him later when he was talking about how cool Tommy was right after Buck was complaining about him (😏😏) xDD. They're idiots your honor lol <33. Anyway, Chimney slayed on the calls today 🥰. Especially figuring out the head trauma for that poor woman! Nice job my guy :)). Also, I didn't notice it until I saw subtitles later but "I'm your basketball beard" AUGHWUOGIH!!!! XDD SLFJDGLKDS HE'S SO WILD FOR THAT O.O. Anyway he did genuinely slay, loved him supporting Buck lol :)). I'm sure there was some brother in law bonding in there xD. Maddie slayed on calls too!! I really loved her conversations with Buck though :D :)). The brunch one was sweet and kind of silly, plus the "Is it circled with a heart?" line was SO GOOD LOL SLFJDHS XDD. Idiot <33 (Buck more than anything but it's all affectionate I promise). Also I really loved Maddie's reaction to Buck talking about maybe accidentally purposefully injuring Eddie. It completely makes sense for her character and I'm really glad it was in there, it added some great depth <33. Though the storyline itself has depth!! Especially after the ending lol. Anyway, poor Maddie with her story about the Sarah's :(( xd. That sucks :'(. I do kind of know how it is (not quiiite as close) and it really can be awful xd. Dyeing your hair is a wild step xD. Plus SLFKGJDS "I would've changed both names" oh my gosh XDDD 💀. Also nice on her for calling Buck out for acting like a teenage girl lol. Anyway, love her, and Chimney <33.
Hen and Ravi!! We didn't see much of either of them this episode but they were great :DD. Poor Ravi xD. Bro had no clue what was going on with anything ever lol. He didn't even know who Tommy was! After all the drama he caused!! Poor guy's out of the loop (well for the drama he would cause, is what I meant) lol. They both slayed this episode though :DD!! Hen was great on the house invasion call and the Bachelor call :)). Love them <333.
Bobby, Athena, and Harry!! AYYY Harry :DD!! Welcome back man 🥰. Seeing him greet Athena and Bobby was so nice :'D. It's nice to have him back :')). Sucks to have a change in actors (Marcanthonee will be missed!!) but I'm sure he's gonna be great :)). Elijah, I believe his name is? Welcome aboard dude :DD! Anyway, his return isn't under the best of circumstances o.o. Love Bobby knowing, or being suspicious yk, and called Michael (they are my besties your honor 🥰🥰, I love them <33). Also really glad he told Athena immediately and didn't turn to hide it or anything 😬 :)). Anyway, glad he was so supportive <33. That whole thing was wild though o.o 😬😬😳. It really sucks so much that that happened :((. Harry didn't deserve that, and he was totally valid in his anger and wanting to respond. I don't think he should've beaten the guy up, but I get it. It sucks that he was to be a representative but that's how it is :'((. Hopefully it'll change one day. Also his conversation with Athena about it all and whether she cares more about being a cop or his mom OOUFGH O.O. That bit hit HARD 😬😭. He did have a bit of a point, but I'm glad he apologized <33. And that Athena was more understanding the second time. On a lighter note, her waking up him by pouring a bucket of water on him was amazing LOL xD. Anyway, seeing his reaction to the video hurt so much :((( 😭😭😭💔. It really is awful to see yourself angry. I only tend it see it in writing and it still sucks and is hard xdd. But HALLELUJAH YAYY he's not being charged, at least with prison time that is :')). And he's sticking around :DD!! I'm sure it'll be difficult with Athena monitoring his community service and such but I think it'll be really fun storyline wise :)). Also Athena having to tell that mom that she shot her son 😭😭😭💔💔🥺🥺. That was so awful, I'm so sorry honey <33? And that poor lady 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔. Her acting was amazing <333. It's such an awful situation and I hope she manages to be as okay as she can be :'((. Pooe guy <33 he seemed great :'( :'). Anyway, love them all (the three I said lol) <33 🥰🥰.
It's time.
Well time to talk about the rest of it besides that one part of the ending lol.
Buck and Eddie, and Tommy!! BROOK this was so wild o.o xD. The jealousy was painful 😭, but I also kinda loved it, it was hilarious xD. It really sucks that Buck was feeling left out, and I do think they were kind of leaving him out, but I don't think it was at all intentional. Eddie invited him to basketball several times, and the other things were things he and Tommy already had plans for. He even seemed excited when he thought Buck was going to come to the fight with them (which that bit HURT by the way lol 💀)!! He did seem kinda shady asking Buck to watch Chris but I'm sure it was an accident xDD. He's just an idiot your honor lol <33. I do wish he was a little more obvious about not blaming Buck when he got injured, but like, he was in a whole lot of pain with a possibly broken ankle xD. It's understandable lol and I don't blame him. I also don't think Tommy was trying to exclude Buck! H was happy to see Buck throughout the episode, he gave him a tour, planned to give him flying lessons!! It was just a really unfortunate situation and Buck wasn't communicating (as he admitted at the end lol). Poor Buck though through all of it 😭😭💔🥺. I know it was kind of on him for not communicating but it just sucks being left out :((, I totally get it. You don't wanna say anything and be told you're overreacting or for people to think it's weird, and you don't wanna be possessive or anything, but it sucks and you miss them :((. I know how it feels xD xd. Still, I'm really glad he was getting aware of it, and he listened to the help from Maddie lol <3.
I think the conversation at the end was a really good way of wrapping it all up. Seeing everyone's side (Eddie's opinion given by Tommy but honestly he wasn't really as involved in the problem lol), and having everyone apologize. Also then them hyping each other up :')). I do find it interesting to see and outside perspective to the 118! We're so used to the family that is the 118 and the 126 that we don't really think about the fact that it's probably not like that for most people xdd. It wasn't even really like that when Tommy was there. And it makes sense for him to be jealous over it!! It's completely understandable and a really cool perspective to see :)). Although I will agree with Buck lol, he's pretty cool on his own lol.
Now, seeing as I was freaking out and forgot half the previous lines, I'm going to say what I thought/my reactions to a few specific lines and everything as it started to ramp up xD.
By the way, I have watched this scene (or at least parts of it) like. 20 times now. And some of it I'm still trying to remember as I freak out once again right now lol xD. So keep that in mind lol.
When they were talking about the mouths static was hilarious xD. In all fairness, it wasn't great lol.
And then the Muay Thai (I think that's how it's spelled?), the after flying lessons bit and "Not in the same day"??? AAAAHHHHHHHHH!! That's where I started to really get stressed and suspicious and in shock xDD. I was like um. what was that. XD.
And then. Buck admitting he was trying to get TOMMY'S attention o.o. I genuinely wasn't expecting it but looking back on the episode it all makes sense yk o.o. Honestly I don't think even Buck really realized that was it until during that conversation, especially given his tone shift. And the Tommy's face afterward 😭. Bro is surprised xD. And I'm going to be completely honest, I thought Buck was saying "I didn't mean my best friend" there and not "I did maim best friend" until like the tenth time I watched it o.o xDD. The first one was wild, a self denial of Buddie because he's oblivious xDD. The second one makes more sense but is equally as wild o.o lol. He's realizing that just before he says it xD. And maim is dramatic but he did injure Eddie 😬🥺. Anyway, the next bit.
You know.
The moment.
"My sister says there's better ways to get someone's atten-" AND HE K I S S E D HIM!!!!! WHEN. I. TELL. YOU. I. LOST. MY. MINDDDD!!!!
It was so wild oh my gosh. You can look at my liveblog for more freaking out about that xD (and probably later in this post lol. And also in anything I've reblogged about it xD). I can still barely believe it's real. That it happened xd. I realized a little while ago that I have no idea what I'd do if Buddie actually got together, and I felt some of that feeling here. We thought for SO LONG,l we wouldn't have it, had kind of lost hope, and then BOOM!!!! I know I had hope for this episode but it wasn't SERIOUS, not really!! Hope but "I expect it.not to happen, no matter how hard I hope xdd". And we may not have gotten Buddie BUT WE DID GET BISEXUAL BUCK!!!!!!! I'm genuinely still so happy about that oh my gosh. I meant to make a post earlier but I was grinning in the hallway at school xD.
OKAY I'm back for a third time lol, later in the day xD. Had a lot to do but now I'm here!
Anyway AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! I barely even registered the sus stuff they were saying beforehand because I was in such shock, and the same goes for afterwards xD. I was just SCREEEAMING!!
But!! Some of these being my thoughts having watched it 20 times, and some of them being what I thought at the time, THE MOUTH STATIC COMMENT 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥺 XD. Also we love Tommy asking if it was okay 🥺🥺🥺❤️🥰 :'). Anyway, it's the way Buck is just absolutely speechless. The only thing he has is the mouth static comment and that's it xD. All he had laid out lol. It's so cute to see him flustered and speechless :')). Also the fact that some of it comes from this revelation he just had (not just being a bi disaster, but discovering he's a bi disaster) is so good <333. And I just- YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!! HE'S F R E E!!! AT 8 ON SATURDAY SURE BUT HE'S F R E E 😭😭😭😭😭💔❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥰🥰😎!!! ACCIDENTAL SUNGLASSES BUT WE'RE KEEPING IT. LIKE THE WAY HE SAID IT AUGOAUHUGIH HE. IS FREE!!
I'm so not okay over that <33
Anyway I love that Tommy does all the talking lol, he knows Buck can't and is short circuiting but he still has a conversation with him xD :).
I mean I know you all do but you know lol.
Also Tommy telling Buck to call Eddie xD. Yeeeah, honestly seems like a good time to call and talk to him if he's on pain pills lol. Buck might have trouble speaking though, given he's still having a queer crisis xD. Kinda crisis, kinda discovery. Skipped some of that stage lol.
Buck's final look of the episode just destroys me :')). He's so baffled and happy your honor <33.
Now here's someone I'll say that I've been thinking of about the whole thing. Buck's tone changed, his vibe changed, something in his eyes changed, during that scene. Around the flying lessons bit xD. You can tell. I think he felt it, he just wasn't exactly sure what it was. And whatever he thought it was was probably terrifying (assuming he guessed correctly or knew lol). I think, if Tommy hadn't done something, he would've just let it go, let the moment pass. And, especially if he's done the same thing before, I think he would've pushed it away enough that he stopped thinking about it. I don't know if he has ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. But it makes me think of a Buck who had Moments, who Wondered, and then dismissed them immediately because there was no way, he Couldn't. Or it was something he couldn't quite place. So he left it alone and forgot about it.
Idk. All I know is I don't think he would've made a move if Tommy hadn't lol, even if he was feeling the vibes xD.
Anyway, I've been genuinely so ill over all of this for literal days now. It's just past midnight on Friday for me lol. I'm just going so insane over it.
Today a question of the day in one of my classes was "What's a moment from tv/movies/musicals that impacted you?", you know something wild or epic or emotional or whatever, that impacted you. And, though it's far from the first time it's happened to me, I said this. Buck realizing he was bisexual. I don't think some people realize (though surely most of us on Tumblr do): This is a masculine, main character (honestly the main character) on an extremely popular mainstream television show, that after 7 seasons realized he was bisexual, and he's not a trope. It is profoundly impactful. Still definitely give credit where it's due to shows that have been doing it since the beginning (Lone Star, for example), but this is huge. They finally CAN do it. And I'm so happy for them, and proud of Buck :')).
Also quick note I just love how much Oliver is committed to and knows his character. The fact that he withdrew media wise because he agreed with us?? Wild. But he genuinely loves Buck so much, probably more than any of us, and he fights so hard to do him right <33. I'm so proud of, but more importantly, happy for him :')). He's been waiting so long for this and he totally deserves it, he absolutely slayed it <33. His acting was AMAZING, as always. I mean it's always great but this was just top both xD :'D. Anyway, thank you Oliver <3.
And thank you to everyone else on the show who worked to make this happen!!! And everyone in the fandom who fought for this!
I still genuinely can't believe it xd. It's just- amazing <3.
Also, quick think on Buddie: I do still want Buddie long-term. But I think Buck and Tommy could be cute, and no matter what I'm just excited to see where it goes for now :)). I actually kind of think it's better that Buck doesn't date Eddie first, for him and for us (a likelihood of them staying together). He needs to discover/explore/understand this new part of himself, and that might require branching out a bit :). Plus it's just good for him to get to be out there and live how he wants to, not worrying about endgame right now. I think Buddie will happen one day, but for now I am absolutely happy with this <333. I think it's gonna be great, and I am so excited :D.
One last scream:
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! It was sooo good, and not just The Moment. All the calls were cool and interesting, including the crossover, which was fun. Everyone's individual storylines were good, and even through a lot of silly moments, packed and stuffed with emotion :'). Plus all the little throwbacks to episode 1, and the series in general, were great and really awesome :'DD. Also, just thinking about the impact of the kiss being in the 100th episode <33. Wow. So insane (me) <33. Anyway, Buck and Tommy was wild but they were cute, I'm glad Buck and Eddie are doing better. I'm also glad everything got worked out between Athena and Harry <33. The situation sucks but I think we made the best out of it :')). I loved the Buck and Maddie interactions and moments this episode, they were great <33. I wish we got a few more team moments, or full family moments, for the 100th episode, but that's a small thing :) ❤️. I still THOROUGHLY enjoyed it and I thought it was just absolutely amazing.
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was super great. There were a bunch of fun storylines, which I don't want to forget about in light of the last scene. I'm so excited for the next episode! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 4: Buck, Bothered, and Bewildered
It was so amazing. I'm so excited but so nervous for the next episode! I'm sure it'll work out fine but it looks wild. I'll be back here next week for my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 5: You Don't Know Me
See you next week!!
10 notes · View notes
I watched the The Rookie Season 6 premiere!!
I started it last night and finished it this morning and just OAUGH it was so good :D
I expected them to not figure it out for a while but I low-key love the way they did it. Because it shows that they (the characters) aren't dumb and gives some action but still keeps a huge mystery to it. Theory wise, I keep thinking of the Dream (nightmare) Team (Elijah and Oscar) but it's been like a half season so I don't think it's time to bring them back yet. Idk tho, we'll see what happens!
Also Lucy is going through it xD like genuinely she is and :(( but everyone (even Wesley xD) knowing about the clown thing was just HILARIOUS lol
Also after Tim said "maybe she just had a fight with her girlfriend" I was like "oh cool we're casually using a gay example- he's talking about him" soo as I said at the time, diversity win! The random person you're projecting your problems onto is a lesbian through you <3.
Anyway xD lowkey, I get both their sides, but I'm lowkey on Tim's lol. I do get being stressed out and just wanting support though, totally, I just think Lucy's going to realize she needs to talk it out with him
Also I'm glad for their development! I'm also kind of glad Tim's not the "instigator" (there's not really one but yk) of the fight since he's been the "mean one" a lot lol. Anyway I hope my babeys work it out (soon - I figure they will eventually) :((
Also this makes it seem like I love chenford and barely about wopez and I do love them but HUGAOAPGHY BABEYS I GOT THEM BACK <3333
Not much but I did :'D
Talking about wopez by the way lol
Thank goodness lol
Also :(( that he wants to help catch the guys that almost killed him but can't - probably for the best though :/. Just don't let it get pent up in any way xd. Also please don't date your therapist or have any kinda funky relationship with her lol.
Also aaahhhhHHH Bailey and Nolan (John just wasn't right) are getting married :D. I'm glad everything ended up working out (for now lol, that promo is scaring me xD I figure it'll be fine but just once I want an uninterrupted wedding, in anything, but especially The Rookie lol) <333. They're adorable 🥰. Also am I crazy or was that Mr. Kevin Kozner as the neighbor guy? At first I thought it was then wasn't then wasn't sure so I figure not but I don't know xD
Also poor Harper :(( I know she'll get through it but it just sucks. And it sucks that she can't talk to James about it (like not legally but emotionally lol), though I do like that they have differing opinions on stuff. It's nice to have couples that don't have all the same views, you know?
Anyway!! I didn't mention them but Celina and Gray are slaying as always <3. And for Celina (and everyone)'s sake I hope we catch this guys soon (but not too soon ;) - I love me some drama)
Also reminder that I love Wesley with my whole soul, thank you <3.
So excited for this season!! Especially the 100th episode, it's so great that they get one :D. I think both of those are gonna be really good and I'm just so looking forward to it :D!! This was an amazing episode, lots of good stuff all around, and I'm so excited for the next one :D. The promo looks wild (also AAAHHHHHH THE WEDDING!!! :DD) but so good and I'm looking forward to it :D 🥰.
This is gonna be a great season :))!!
See y'all later!! ❤️🥰
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Promo time!!
Oof her body
SLFJGHSKDHS wait all the ghosts??
Oh okay just Nancy xD presumably
LOL that's wild
Oh my gosh xD
Okay that's the last of my last thoughts!! Now time for a little. . .
Not as formal as any of the ones I say REVIEW for, even Abbott lol
Honestly I'd been hoping for something like that but they really committed o.o
I do think a full commitment would've been cool but I really miss Flower xdd :( and also I feel like there's a lot that could still be done with her character
If it takes more than just next episode to find her though that'd be cool! And even these four episodes without her has been interesting :o!
(makes me think of that sound lol. I don't remember what the name is but it's a tiktok sound xD)
That's just absolutely wild lol, I hope she sticks around xD but not for like, too long lol
She seems annoying xD
Also poor Sam and Jay with their friends xdd they didn't deserve that :(
I was just DYING throughout the entirety of this episode lol. Even throughout the cringe of second-hand embarrassment lol. Afterwards my mom even asked me if my show was funny or something like that when she came out here because I had been laughing so much lol. It was really just an amazing episode xD. Also Jay digging up Flower's death site for Sam 🥰🥰 we love a man like him /hj. Half joking because it wasn't just for her xD. Although the "because once my wife fell down the stairs" was so real and accurate 💀 xD.
All the ghosts were living for the chaos this episode and I was living for it xD. I mean, they usually are lol, but they had the especially sneaky drams-loving ones mainly involved lol. That certainly did not help Sam and Jay xD.
Also their poor friends xD. Thinking the entire (okay well like half) the time that they were gonna be murdered 💀. That's what you get for making slightly weird comments guys xD. Jokes in the moment, threats/promises later lol.
Now here's what I'm wondering: if Flower's still a ghost (I was gonna say alive dead again because alive was my go to but I've said that a lot lol), what was the pillar of light? They said one of the basement ghosts didn't disappear, and Crash was there, so: who was it?
Wait- they checked Stephanie right? o.o I remember she was in the preview so I think she was mentioned? But uh oh o.o
Hm! I don't know. Anyway, I might have more to say later, but I need to go eat and this is all I have in my brain right now lol :D.
So, yeah!! It was an absolutely amazing episode, I really liked it :). Halloween in March could've felt a little weird, but it was really fun lol!! Probably helped it not feel to out of town by the fact that Halloween wasn't a big focus (stuff happened and worked because of Halloween, but the focus was the stuff, ig, if that makes sense) lol. Anyway!! Everybody slayed this episode :DD. And just once again OH MY GOSH FLOWER AND CAROL ARE GHOSTS!! Flower still, because SHE'S ALIVE (DEAD)!! Still shocked over that lol. The well makes total sense though, poor girl xd. Love her <3 🥰. Also she sounded so scared down there 😭🥺. Poor girlie <33. But, yeah, I loooved this episode :D. It was so good!!
See you guys next time!!
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This episode of Abbott Elementary was wild xD it was amazing lol!
I loved the relay :D so proud that our babeys won, they rarely get a win (and usually just get out down by other schools) so I'm really proud of and happy for them :)).
Speaking of, Jacob!! An icon :D. I love how much he put into planning the field trip, how dedicated he was, and how everyone appreciated it :')). I love him so much your honor 😭❤️❤️.
UAAGHGHHHHH ABOUT JANINE AND GREGORY!!! Y'all I do not deserve this xdd. I get that it's a slowburn but it's gonna kill me 😭 xD. I mean honestly I don't even want them to be together yet I just want them to KNOW yk? But then there's probably be an awkward stage so aehhh you know xD. Anyway, still, getting to see them all happy and chill and getting to know each other (even more) was so great :')). They're so sweet and cute, I love them <3 🥰.
Also Mr. Johnson's storyline was wild xD. I'm happy for him that he got his keys unloaded but my gosh o.o bro went through it, and put Ava's bathroom through it 💀 xD. Kinda deserved though she's been hiding that for a w h i l e lol. Love that nothing in this show is ever really thrown away and forgotten about :D. Although Mr. Johnson's building key was kinda the first, if not the second xD. Anyway lol, cool detail :D.
I loved this episode! I thought it was great :)). Silly with a bunch of sweet moments and a win for the Abbott gang 🥰😌. I'm sure Janine and Gregory will get it figured out eventually :'DD. Even if not for a while longer yet xd. And again, I just love that Gregory didn't care about Manny :). Go off sir <3. Anyway, I love them all so much :DD 🥰🥰🥰❤️🥰.
So yeah! That was Abbott Elementary, Season 3, Episode 14: Smith Playground. See you next time for Abbott Elementary, Season 3, Episode 15: Party :D!
Bye y'all!!
3 notes · View notes
I was hoping for one of those
AWWWWW them riding the carousel together :'DDD
Yeahh I bet this is for a dedication like a wing or something :'))
Wait is this in the future or now Lim xdd
Either way that's amazing :'DD
I'm so happy for you honey 😭😭😭
I'm glad he's okay, and I'm so happy for them :'))
Is this slightly in the future or way in the future and this is another kid xdd
Okay so that's probably Eden lol
Congrats my lovelies 😭😭😭🥺❤️❤️🥰 love you honeys ::))
Now where's Jerome y'all
Where's Jerome
AYYY aww that's amazing I'm so happy for you Dom :'DDD
She's so pretty 🥰🥰
Aww look at her leading :')) I bet she is a great surgeon <33 like she knew she could be :'D
Oop? Going to that talk thing I bet?
Yeah I think so :'D
Oop stoping in Claire :'o :'DD
I was like we better see her x'D
Yeah, him and Dr. Glassman <33
My babies :')))
Aww y'all :')
Yeah, all your saves count as his as well <33
And that's a lot of saves 😭 :') xdd
Where's Jerome guys xdd. . .
Or Andrews too xd 😭
Aww yeah those are all good things :'))
AUAGH a quote book 😭😭🥺❤️
He really was so wise :'DD
AAHHHH that's a bit of Jerome I see :'DD
Hi Jerome 🥰🥰!!
To late into the episode for that 😭 like rude xdd
AWWW back to the beginning again 😭🥺 :'))
Lol yeah hit the table x'D
That is how you show it :')) of course x'D :'D
Is he gonna hit the desk xD :'D
Who's that man sitting next to you Jerome
. . . better just be some random guy
XD I'm fiiiine guys (I am not at all fine in any way shape or form about anything)
AUGHHHH y'all I'm gonna lose it 😭😭😭❤️❤️
This talk is so good y'all :')))
Idek what you're talking about that's just some guy 😤😤😤
Okay without me being bitter for a second xdd: Jeromeee I'm so happy he's happy :'DD I'm just so glad he's doing okay 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰 <333
Anyway back to my life pretending Asher's fine and just out of frame 😌😌😌🥰
Ayy Dalisay and Hawke :'DD!!! Or is it Fawkes. . I don't remember sorry girl xdd anyway Nice to see them :')) 🥰🥰🥰
:'D I'm glad they're doing okay <333
LOL the don't be an a xD
Lol love that xDD
Awww :'))
YEEEEAHHHHH WHOOOOO :'DDD 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎊🎊🎉🎉🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️
I genuinely clapped in real life :'D
Awww y'all I'm so happy for you <3
And that's an amazing program 😭😭❤️, in a bunch of places :'))) ❤️🥰
Y'ALLLLL I'M SO NOT OKAY 😭😭😭🥰❤️❤️❤️🥺❤️
That beard on Kalu is wild xD looks good though eat it up sir slfkfjsdk
I know I usually call him Jared just had to call him Kalu one last time xD
But yeah Jared is slaying :'))
SDLFKFJSKHGS "And now I have two TVs." STOPPPPP THAT'S AMAZING :'DDD 😭😭😭😭🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥰
Look at them :')))
I'm so proud of them, and of all of them <333
They're happy :'))
And that's it 😭🥺❤️💔🥰 :'))
I hadn't really processed that it was and then my dad walked in from the next room and was like "That was his last line of the show?" and I was like "YUP SLFJHDKS" LOL stop that's hilarious xD amazing, iconic <333
I love him so much :')))
Also go off on having two TVs Shaun 😌😌
I love them all so much <3333
Well, that's it
This is the last episode
That was. . .
The end of The Good Doctor
. . . wow
It was absolutely amazing <333
I loved it :')
I love you all so much <333 ❤️
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AYYYY WHOOO they're all okay :'DD and look at those rescue ships!! So slay :'))
Gosh :(( ik it would sink but it just drives it all home yk? Especially having read about stuff like that in real life
Ik they would be after the last scene but yk lol :'))
Absolutely slay
Lol yeah not unheard of xD and now this is one of those precedents lol
LOL SIR XDD You didn't hesitate lol 🙄🙄 yeah right xD
AYYY hey guys :'DD
YEAH LOL at least it means nobody's getting fired :'DD I was afraid we'd have to wait to deal with that till next episode <33
I'm so glad you guys are okay <33
YEAH lol people were in it when it went down 🙄😳😬 xDD
Unless you mean literally sunk lol slfhskdj
Told them to call?
Ohh yeah Maddie told!
Like told the 118 lol!
Yeah, thank you Maddie :'))
LOL yeah, she has your back :'DD
And this just shows that having your back isn't always doing the thing you think is right xd xDD :')
Awww, I love them <33
Hen and Maddie was an unexpected pairing but I really enjoyed it :'D
AAHHHHH hey guys :'DD!!
The slow mo and everything 😭😭😭❤️🥺
And the music 🥺🥺🥺😭 :'DD
And they love each other so much 😭😭😭❤️❤️
Aww I'm so glad they're okay :'))
Buck and Eddie watching and being happy for them xD :'))
They're like to that guy "yeah they're great :))"
Aww yeah a thanks to him :)
Buddie in the background of Bathena <3-
Aww yay she gets to see her son :'))
And him his mother
AWWW 😭😭❤️❤️
That's beautiful :'))
Aww yeah the thank you <333
And there's the rest of the family :'))
Aww I'm so glad they're okay 😭😭 <33
I'm so glad they're all okay :')) everyone <33
That slayed 😭😭❤️❤️
Hey guys :'))
Where'd you get the clothes lol, random ones?
Ah yep tourist shirts xD funny they're both the same type but different styles lol
And food of course LOL
Awww y'all 😭😭❤️ I feel so bad for them, that must've really sucked, but I'm so glad they're okay <33
Thought about "what about- wait yeah they live alone right now" and from that like. Who told their kids lol xD
I mean they probably didn't even find out until Bobby and Athena had a chance to tell them so at least there's that lol xD but dang slfhsjd xD
Aww :'))
LOL her toothbrush xDD
XD yeeeah it's at the bottom of the ocean now lol o.o
As is everything else yeeah xdd
SLDKFKDHLS awww y'all I love you so much xD :') 🥰🥰 <33
Aww <33
Finally alone, and you're all okay :')) you can be alone together <333
AWW AAHHH y'all :')) <333
Them <3
I'm so happy for them and I love them so much :'DD
Also we are winning with all these kisses this episode 😌😌🥰❤️
AWW lol y'all
Idk why but this shot of the food fits
SLFKGHDKS and grab the food xD
Yes absolutely fair enough lol, I would xD
I'm sure they've eaten something but still they're probably starving xD
And also just having something comforting like that lol
Awww them <33
I love them so much :'))
I loved that episode so much <33 it was amazing :O :D
2 notes · View notes
OPE those guns o.o
Yeah that does not look good xd
Hmm who are we telling that we're referring to them as Captain Nash and his wife?
Oh gosh them all 😭😭 they all look so worried :(( 🥺💔❤️
Understandable xD
Uhh is that a bomb o.o
Yeah that's very Bobby
Uhh ohh y'all 😬😬
Yeah of course he is xD an icon lol <3
Y'all when I tell you I am NERVOUS
This better all end up okay lol
Including their relationship because that's one I'm most scared for xD
Okay, that's the last of my last thoughts, so now it's time for the. . .
AAAHHHHHHH I'm so glad to have my babeys back :D.
Now, given that I'm writing this part on the day of episode 3 and I haven't watched episode 2 yet lol, this will be very short. I might come back and edit later xD.
BUDDIEEEE!!! I'm telling you they're a family. Why are they such a family? I don't know. Anyway poor Chris 😭😭💔❤️. That scene at the end, with the letter, was so good <33. And oh my gosh don't even TALK to me about Buck talking to Christopher and then it planning to Eddie in the hall 😭😭. I was not okay over that and I'm still not <3. Also, a callback to Eddie's panic attacks by having him use a strategy to help that woman was so cool :'DD. He slayed <33. Also the joke after?? They're so in love, your honor <33.
Hen! Don't remember much of what she was up to but she slayed :)). And she's doing great as Captain 🥰🥰! Also her not feeding into Athena's delusions xD (although we of course find out that they aren't but yk it's just a funny moment lol).
Chimney and Maddie! Chim stressing was a mood lol xd. And honestly, making sure you make time for yourselves amongst your jobs, child, and wedding planning is a good idea! But don't try that hard lol. Like y'all figured out, you don't need to :). But yeah, I'm glad they just decided to relax <3. Love them 🥰🥰.
Bobby and Athena! I be slightly concerned for them o.o. I'm sure everything'll be fine in the end relationship wise, but it's stressful xd. And poor Bobby 😭. I promise it's not something you've done Bobby xd. Anyway, SLAY on the investigating though lol :D. And even though I feel for him I'm glad Bobby set aside their issues and had his priorities straight lol xD. Anyway, hopefully all goes well with those pirates 😬.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! It's so good to be back :D. I think the cruise ship is a really unique disaster - as are the issues with Bobby and Athena's relationship lol. By that I just mean, it's interesting/nice (even though it hurts) to see some struggles for them (that aren't external) :). There were also really great moments with everybody else, and I'm glad we got to see home ans the ship! Plus, there was a good spread of focus today :). Anyway, I'm a little nervous about the next episode, but I'm sure everything will be alright. It better be lol. Also, the calls were really cool today :O.
So, yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was great :D. It was lovely seeing my babeys again :). I'm so excited for the next episode! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 1: Abandon Ships
It was amazing! I'm interested to see how everything's gonna go down on the boat, and people's reactions. I'll be back here next time with my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 2: Rock the Boat
See you then!
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Quick post for Ghosts 3x03
I never got around to making the post but it's almost time for the next episode so let's do this lol
Hetty's scandalous artwork xD genuinely loved that lol, so good
And Nancy's comment xD she slayed that lol
Genuinely though, getting more Hetty backstory was amazing!! It's so sad what happened though :(( I know we know her dad was Not Good but it just sucks :(. And her poor man xd.
I am glad Isaac ended up not listening to her though lol. Like sure, protecting your money in many cases is totally valid. But also like. It's 10 thousand dollars and you're dead xD. What is either of you gonna do with it without the other's say so lol. It's not a deal breaker xD. Anyway, I love Isaac and Nigel with my whole heart thank you <33.
I knew Bela would start seeing him as a bad boy after lying to her xD. I'm glad she still stood up for herself though!! Also it's just wild that he came up with that lie in the first place 💀. Poor ghosts though, they were so happy and hopeful for a second xd. Anyway, I do think it would've been interesting to see them try and communicate it without Sam! But Sam coming back made for some hilarious moments lol. Her and Jay lying about it too was wild though 💀. And him throwing himself down the stairs xD man is out of control slfjdhs. Also naur the Flower mention 😭😭💔. Also oof for blowing his cover with that xd. I am glad Bela found out, though, she deserved to know. Also the biker being a ghost XDD. But nonetheless, I am glad she's still with a mostly good guy lol. Also why didn't Jay and Sam just try and convince her that made him a bad boy instead of keep up the lie lol xD.
And I genuinely kinda expected him to start seeing ghosts for real after his fall and not have anyone believe him for a hot second XD. Anyway lol!
Ahh right his name is Eric
I saw it when I was looking up a summary to make sure I wasn't missing anything xD.
Also, I loved seeing Thor and Sass watching Hetty's flashback! A their reactions were great lol, and B it's nice when we see the older ghosts in flashbacks :)! Helps everything more connected :D. Also I'm glad they managed to help because of it.
Anyway, Alberta, Pete, and Trevor also slayed <3 we just didn't see as much of them. Though of course there's still Trevor being hung up on Bela lol. Good for him I guess xD
Oh and the idea to bring Flower back with a seance!! I'll talk about that in a minute but for now just AAAHHHH that would be so slay :'D
I also watched the promo for the next episode, and WOW it looks wild lol. A seance, AND CAROL DYING?? I'm wondering if maybe she'll die but go up to heaven, and the seance will bring her down (briefly). But, who knows I guess ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌. I don't think we're going to see Flower, but it would be really nice :')). Especially for Thor :'D :'( 🥰🥰❤️. I miss her so much 🥺😭❤️. But, I'm just not sure that I believe we will.
Anyway, I loved this episode!! It was great :D. It was fun seeing Eric and Bela again, and thinking, if even just for a moment lol, there might be someone else who can see ghosts xD :). And it was great to see more of Hetty's life! Also, just, Nisaac <3. But yeah :DD! I had a lot of fun watching this episode :)).
I'll see y'all for the next one!!
4 notes · View notes
That's about several things :). One of which being!
Y'all have no clue how nervous I was in the scene that it was a mislead xD
But yeah I loved this episode!!! I thought it was really good :)). The pacing did feel a little off to me but I'm pretty sure that's because it took me 40 minutes to watch the Nigel and Isaac scene
XDD I had to pause and freak out a lot okay (as the scene started I literally left and panic-watched YouTube shorts for 10 minutes)
But seriously I'm so happy for them :'))) They love each other so much and they totally deserve it :D 🥰
Also AAAHHHHHH Alberta forgave Hetty :'DDD!!! I'm so happy for them :')). Also poor Hetty rooming with Flower xD. You'll be okay bestie lol
And YAYYY AAHHHH we didn't lose the house!! Slay :DD. So glad it wasn't even just as "oh well we are related but you can keep it" thing lol
Also that montage at the end was so cute and lovely :'DDD y'all I love them so much 😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰 I can't :')) 🖐️😭😭❤️ (hand for the "I can't" lol)
And the ghosts were just hanging around this episode were great too obviously xDD. Like the ghost tribunal group lol - amazing xD. Also their reactions to Isaac and Nigel getting engaged were so cute :'DD 🥰🥰🥰.
And lastly:
WHAT THE H E C K??!?!!!?
And even though I would absolutely despise losing any of our ghost babeys it especially better not be Nigel or Isaac xdd.
Anyway! Freaking out, thank you :'))
Seriously though, it was a great episode and a really good and sweet finale :'))) 🥰🥰🥰❤️
10 notes · View notes
AAH okay promo time 😭😭 I can do this xd
Out here wiping my eyes and stopping screaming to watch the promo (neither of those are true - the first ain't even literal lol)
I didnt even RECOGNIZE THAT as TK's VOICE for a second 😯😯😬😭😭😭😭
But y'all the ANGST <3333 ❤️❤️❤️❤️👀👀😍😍❤️
Anyway back to being DISTRAUGHT and IN FEAR
Oh my gosh
"No one's gonna find you though"yeah that's because you didn't FREAKING TELL ANYONE WHERE YOU WERE GOING!!!!
THE K I T?????
C o n C E R N . jpg ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Oh no
"Looks like a pattern"?????
A SERIAL KILLER????!!?!?!!!?? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😳😳😳
I am actually losing my mind
Y'all I just. I swear
Okay, that's the last of my last thoughts. Now it's time for the. . .
If you'll begrudge me a very long scream again 😌.
I absolutely LOVED this episode!! I thought it was amazing :DD. It had so much DRAMA an ANGST and it was also HILARIOUS at parts xD. I promise that's just emphasis not me highlighting the words lol. Anyway, I loved Owen's storyline, even I'm frustrated over it xD, and I LOVED Iris's :D. Plus the call was amazing xD. The one with he cliff lol. Anyway, I loved it all 🥰🥰. Now, I'm gonna try to keep this short, but we'll see what happens lol - time for the individual parts xD.
First of all - Judd, Mateo, Marjan, Paul, and Nancy. My 126 lovelies 🥰🥰🥰. I was about to just do them four but then I was like nah Nancy gotta join them. I decided to leave Tommy on her own though lol. Anyway!!! As always I loved them :DDD. I missed seeing them much he episode but it makes sense with everything else going on :/ :). Still, the all was great XD (the all did great jobs of course), and the scene at the endddd 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔. Oh my gosh I'm still not over that - I know it's only been like an hour and 20 minutes but still xD. I don't think I'll ever get over it lol. Also, for a second I nearly said just 20 minutes and then I remembered: oh yeah, it's 9:08 (big emphasis on the 9 but I can't capitalize a 9 unless I spell it out lol). Anyway! Gotta shout-out Nancy's acting on the cliff call XDD wonderful lol. "Live!! Live!!!!" XDDD Iconic lol. Also Judd calling Owen out was *chefs kiss* as always. Plus, he's definitely sus, so if we need anyone for anything involving that, Judd's our guy. Kind of like TELLING SOMEONE WHERE YOU'RE GOING- sorry XD. Anyway, I loved them all <33 hope to see them more soon :))). ❤️❤️❤️.
Tommy! I really liked her scene with TK :DD. It was amazing <333. Her being there for him, comforting him :')). Work mom for real <333. And we love her for it (and many other things lol) 🥰🥰. Also, she did amazing with her job as well :DD 🥰🥰. And I just have to mention her acting in the first call XD. Not that she even did much, more just what she was actually doing lol. Girl was just sitting there XD. Like barely blanker than 😌 XDDDD. Icon, lol, amazing xDD. I love her ❤️❤️❤️🥰.
Grace time :). We LOVE OUR GIRL GRACE for being so amazing working out the call :DD. And also she was just so good in that scene in general 😭 - the shock on her face, the near desperation in how fast she was talking to Carlos- MMH, wonderful <33. Anyway, she was an icon all around this episode :DDD, and of course did her job wonderfully <33 ❤️❤️❤️🥰. Amazing, love her so much :'D.
Owennnn! My man. He was wild this episode XD. Like. SIR. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?? XDD. I mean, hey, I wasn't really, genuinely suspicious of O'Brien either - as an overall, at any time in the process sort of thing, Owen was more suspicious of him than I was XD. That was at the beginning lol. But like. STILL. SIR. You can't just go around telling FBI business XD. I just KNOW this I gonna have consequences (obviously), and bad ones xd. Not just in the case but for us, our family/characters. It's gonna be rough lol. You gotta admit though, Owen, and a lot of his scenes, were hilarious this episode XDD. It was a nice contrast to the other plot, the Iris plot, just like last week. Which is wild considering it's a nazi domestic terrorism plot xDD. Anyway lol, I'm excited to see where it's going 🥰. If more stressed, now, lol. Also despite all this I'm wondering, who did he get to play his niece in law XDD. O'Brien, lol - not that that description fits anyone else xd. But like, seriously, who? Is it just another one of the honor dogs' wife or something? Or his (O'Brien's) daughter? Or maybe he's even lying to her, and she really does think he's in there to try to get her husband/boyfriend back. Ah, idk though! Wild lol. Anyway, loved the plot, and yeah, sure, loved Owen lol. Still frustrated with him though xdd.
The moment we've all been waiting for XD
TK and Carlos <3! An also Iris :). So! First let's kinda go over individual stuff. TK first!
My poor booyyyyyy 😭😭. He clearly felt so guilty for like, 80% of the episode xd. All except the call where they found Iris, pretty much, since that was the only time he was under the impression she was kidnapped (which she was but, yk xD). Just- agh 😭😭 xdd. Quick lighter note, amazing acting from TK on the cliff call XDD. Wonderful just as the other two lol, an icon <333. Anyway XDD (gosh that scene was so hilarious lol), TK having to confess going to see Iris in that first scene :((. I wish he got a chance to explain, but he and Carlos were both thinking that could've been the cause, so I don't even think he would've in that short a time. I mean, he just apologized instead of trying :'((. But also, I don't think Carlos would have cared. I don't blame him, but he was emotional and it was something they'd planned not to do, and could've caused Iris's disappearance. It sucks but it makes sense :'(. Also when TK said he wasn't hungry in he last scene I literally wasn't either 😭 xD. I was eating dinner throughout the episode and I'd just finished a bit when I set my food down to watch more intently lol. But I also felt literally a bit nauseous XDD I don't think I was full, I think it was just the drama lol - and THAT is impressive. Especially considering this has to work out lol. Anyway, TK in the last scene was absolutely heartbreaking 😭😭❤️. I really hope he didn't think Carlos's main reason for not coming home was him still being upset :'(((. But I think he probably did <33 💔. Anyway, I love him, he was great this episode xd <3333.
Now, a bit on Iris :D. AAAHHHHHHH I'm so glad she's okay :'DDD. I thought it would take a lot longer to rescue her, but this does make the most sense lol :'). Or t least, a lot of it. In hindsight, I see it XD. Anyway, it makes sense, and I didn't think she'd die or anything, but I'm so glad she's okay :'DD. But my poor girl :((((. Also, the thing about mental health is so sad 😭😭😭. Because yeah, seriously, just as I figured (I assume most of us did), they were discrediting things because of her illness. And it was making her doubt everything :'(((. She didn't deserve that 💔💔💔💔. Doesn't, is probably better <33. And I mean, given that there was no one seen coming out of that house, I cnt really blame the detective, but still :/. I mean, I can partially blame her because of the whole in the trunk, and also head injury hing, but still XD. Most people don't automatically jump to secret passages (like me - or, unlike me I suppose) lol. Anyway, I'm glad Iris is alive and physically (mentally too besides the doubting herself and no doubt the trauma from this :'((( ) okay :'DD. Besides that concussion lol. Carlos still needs that annoying little sister :'). That is not the only reason I'm glad she's alive btw XD, I'm just kinda joking. And annoying bc she teases him lol. Anyway <333. I love her :)) ❤️🥰🥰.
Now, Carlos. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! XDD now, anyway lol. Honestly I'm more distraught than shocked xD. We all knew this was coming lol. And I know, I KNOW, that Carlos is gonna be okay (and I also know it just sounds like I'm trying to convince myself of that but like. we literally know lol xD), but it's still scary 😭😭😭. I'm still nervous as heck lol xDD. Just for how everything's gonna work out! Anyways, more organized stuff time XD. More organized as in more than just now. Anyway, poor Carlos 😭😭😭. His heartbreak in that first scene, and then like almost betrayal when TK revealed that he visited Iris - MMH, AAH 😭😭 xd. I was really hoping tarlos would actually make up, especially quickly, but no such luck 😭. I mean, they're no totally arguing, not yk xD. And there's gonna be so much going on (and much more important stuff at that) when we get Carlos back that I doubt we're gonna talk about it then either. Pro tip: get kidnapped to avoid talking to your fiance. XDD Sorry, I know, I'm evil. But it's not thaaat bad lol. I was just thinking about what I was just talking about earlier while I was a few minutes behind/late catching up on the last of the liveblogging lol, and that thought entered my head XD. Anyway lol. Side now, pretty sure this is about as long as Iris's now and I've barely gotten into the plot xD. Anyway! Let's actually talk about this episode, not the next one lol xD.
I loved seeing protective Carlos, and slightly detective Carlos (lol rhymes) this episode. Him going into shift early - we know it wasn't just anger -, going to the cliff, immediately joining Iris's rescue, carrying her out, holding her hand, standing up for her to the detective, hugging her and kissing her head when she talked about how awful it was and the mental illness side of things. Amazing <33. And then he went and did a dumb thing xdd. Whyyyy would he do that without backup 😭😭. I do remember thinking for a split second "he doesn't want the trail to go any colder" and then passing that as good and forgetting about it in the moment, but I think it was mostly just emotions, even if he did try to justify it lol xD. Also, I'm frustrated but not too mad at him for being mad at TK - he was emotional, it was gonna happen. And UGH I'm rushing this bc I worked on half of this and the end of this post for like 20 minutes and I was gonna be able to do it before midnight and then it didn't save even though my wifi was fine when I clicked save to go post it :'(((. And I am really upset about that bc I had to start from halfway through Carlos's section and I tried but I had three minutes and now it's past midnight xd. So I'mma try to get past how upset I am bc it's arbitrary, and just hurry this up. Besides I don't wanna retype all that anyway xd. This is most of it, I can't remember all of it >://. Ugh I'm really upset xd. Whatever. I'mma just pretend it doesn't bother me. OH MY FREAKING GOSH IT DID IT AGAIN. ALL OF THAT. FREAKING AGAIN. I WANT TO SCREAM TUMBLR COULD YOU PLEASE JUST W O R K!!!! U G H H H H H H H H. I want to SLEEP this has taken me an extra 40 minutes and is making me literally cry just WHY. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME TUMBLR??? I'm literally gonna be saving every two seconds this time and then I'm going to resist chucking my phone across the room. I am going to try and act enthusiastic about this since the entire point of this is so I know what I was feeling instead of just my current rage. This is so stupid I know but whatever.
Anyway, I am so scared for the next episode 😭😭😭. Like VOEUNZUGAKSPB. I don't deserve this :'(((. But like I am so ready XDD. And also not at all lol xdd. It's gonna hurt but I will be LOVING the angst. And dying XD. I don't know how I'm gonna make it through it lol. Because it is going to be ROUGH, Carlos is gonna be going through it xdd. Also, at least they both said I love you at the end <333. That'll make it a tiny bit easier xddd. I will however still be screaming the entire time XDD. Anyway, I am SO EXCITED :DDD. And very scared XDD. Like, I know Carlos will be fine. I'm SURE (literally xD), unless the wedding promo bits (the planning) are with a ghost xD. But I can still be nervous lol. Oh, also! If I don't get to see TK hearing the news, or at LEAST TK telling the others, it is a crime <3. And homophobic <3. Jsyk <3. XDDD But honestly I need it. Anyway, back to Carlos lol! I loved him this episode, he was amazing 🥰🥰🥰. And I am so scared for him next episode xdd. I love him <333.
Overall, I loved loved loved this episode. I am looking forward to regular calls again, though. I love the drama and everything right now and I know it doesn't always leave room for regular calls, but I hope we have them again soon. Though the calm today was great lol. The CPR on the sex doll whole thing was just- amazing XD. Top notch call lol, and amazing performances xDD. Anyway, I loved the storylines this episode! Obviously the whole Iris situation, but Owen's too! Even if I am frustrated with him xD. But, still, I think it's gonna be really interesting, and I wanna see where it goes from here! Also it's hilarious XD. Like it's weird that it has but it has some really funny scenes lol. They've gotta fit it in somewhere xD. I'm cool with it this way lol. And, of course, I loved the Iris storyline :). It was awesome, and I'm so excited to see more. Anyway, I'm terrified of next week, but I'm also so excited :DD. I'm not at all ready, and I am so ready xD. I'll probably just be screaming the entire time. Anyway, I love all of them 🥰🥰❤️ <33.
So yeah! I loved this episode. I really enjoyed the storylines! I'm nervous for the next one. This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 3: Cry Wolf
What a great episode! I am so excited and also so, so scared for the next one. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 4: Abandoned
See you next week!
11 notes · View notes
AAH promo time 😬😬
Wait he better not blame TK for this :O >:OO
Not mad at Carlos mad at the writers XDD
That better get sorted before he leaves
Oh nooo 😭😭 Carlossss my poor boy :'(((
Themm <33
OPE oh no a body :o :(( 😬😬
I don't think it will be
😬😬😬 hey 126 :'))
That crying smiley's for me trying to smile xdd
Ahh okay so Owen's fine too that's good lol
We know he ain't kidnapped if he's here XD
Nah there's no way
😭😭😭 Oh NOOOO Carlosss 😭
Nah nah she gotta be alive she gotta be xdd
I don't think that's her <33
It BETTER NOT BE anyway >:((((
A H okay xddd
I live in fear :')
That's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I absolutely LOVED this episode!!! I thought it was amazing :DD. It was super funny lol, but it had some really great heartfelt moments throughout too! And some other stuff too, like drama o.o 👀👀. It's 40 minutes later since I was catching up on my liveblogging and I'm STILL freaking out lol. I was heating up some food and I was literally like "I am having so many thoughts about blorbos" while staring hauntedly in the distance XDD.
Lol, anyways, time for the individual bits!
I was missing Paul, Mateo, and Marjan this episode 😭😭. Ever since the beginning lol (not like they were missing which they were but I mean I miss them xD) - I don't think we saw them once after that call XDD. But, hey, at least they were awesome during the short time we did get to see them :D. The rescue was really cool!! With Marjan of course being awesome lol. And good on Paul for finding the route!! And Mateo, I love you 🥰. Lol, I don't think he did anything specific, sorry bud XD. Anyway, yeah, they're my babeys and I love them :)).
Same for Nancy - I love her lol. But, at least we got to see more of her this episode :D. Than the others lol - not bc her over them or whatever but yk. I mean, it was still only one scene, but it was basically two, so it was long, and she spoke a lot more than the others xD. Anyway lol, she is of course an icon 🥰🥰. We got her and TK siblings content :DD; amazing as always. And, we got her and Tommy content!!! Also amazing as always :DD. Her making fun of Tommy for this whole situation is the funniest thing ever XDD.
Grace and Judd!! My lovelies 🥰🥰. I love Grace trying to get Tommy to let herself have this, but also for supporting her either way. And giving her a little nudge when she treated the poor guy like that XDD. Plus, in her calls, she was of course amazing :)). She was, as always, an icon <333. Also I love how Judd was just there lol, at the dinner XD. Man was just vibing, had no idea what was going on (not that he knew it) and he did not care lol (though again, he didn't know XD). Amazing lol, an icon <33. And of course for the rest of the time too 🥰🥰.
Plus, AAAH, Charlie sighting!!! My little girl 🥰🥰🥰. Her <333, your honor :'DDD :)) ❤️❤️❤️. I love them (their family) so much :')) <3333.
Anyway, Tommy! And the reverend guy lol. I should really know his name xdd. Anyway XD! Their scenes were HILARIOUS lol! I was just dying this whole episode XD (and at some bits from the drama). Plus, her conversation with Owen? Pure gold, lol. Anyway, it was fun seeing her off-kilter lol :). We only really see it concerning her love life, and I think it's fun :D. And clearly, funny XD. But I think her conflict over the whole situation was completely valid - that's something kinda crazy XD. I'm glad she went with it in the end though :)). Even if she invited the poor man over for a group dinner under false pretenses XD. This poor guy lol. But, AAHHHH THAT KISS!!! THEY KISSED!!! :DDDDD Good for them :)). I'm really interested to see where their relationship goes in the future! I think it'll be a fun journey to watch :D.
And can I just say again that I'm so glad we got rid of Julius 😭😭😭. XD As a love interest, that is. Although imagine if he shows up at some point and it's awkward- o.o . Hmmm, interesting 👀👀. Anyway, lol.
Owen timeee!! I really enjoyed his plot this episode! It almost had some really hilarious moments XD. Just a second ago I was thinking about how funny the episode was and somehow I completely forgot about him for a second lol. Anyway, this plot is really interesting!! I really think Sergeant O'Brien's undercover. They like misdirects and what not (apparent from that promo - I ain't believing that's Iris XDD), and I just think they wouldn't throw this in here. Plus, he covered for Owen, he just didn't want him coming back. But hey, they also like drama lol, so who knows! It's certainly interesting, though 👀. Anyway, I'm nervous for where this is gonna go, and Owen 😬😬. I mean I'm sure he'll be fine, but yk, I guess how everything's gonna down with him wrapped up in this lol. I definitely think it's gonna be interesting, and he's not gonna stop trying to stop them - be that by request of the FBI or not. Also, I'm just wondering where O'Brien took him 👀. I was kinda joking to myself that imagine he goes missing as well as Iris XD (while I was talking about O'Brien saying let's go when catching up on my liveblog lol, so I'd already seen the ending), but then I remembered that he's in the promo. Given said promo though, it looks like we'll be picking right up after the end of this episode, so I wouldn't be surprised if we get a scene near the beginning between Owen and O'Brien, wherever he took him. Idk though! Also, OWENNN STOP MAKING ENEMIESSS 😭😭 XDD. Bro walks in as undercover and calls people Nazis lol - like I respect it, but man, you're on a secret mission xD. Also "as undercover" is kinda a weird way to say it but idk it kinda makes sense so we're going with it xD. Anyway, lol!
Now, of course:
TK and Carlos :DD - and Iris, of course :). If you'll excuse me, ahem, AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! XDD. Y'all how dare they do this to me 😭😭😭😭. The DRAMA this episode!! Though lowkey I loved it lol. The drama, but also the plotline and episode as a whole xD. Anyway, let's go in chronological order here lol - TK doing the rescue with Marjan 🥰🥰🥰. Amazing, 10/10 lol. But genuinely, I thought that was really cool :D. AAAAHHHHHHHH that scene with Iris! Oh and of course TK stressing beforehand (😭 <3 my heart - just like Carlos is TK's hAURGH-), them being sweet 🥰🥰🥰, and Carlos's joke lol. We wanted TK to make those jokes but I'll definitely take Carlos lol - I didn't think he would XD. But I do think he was mostly trying to make TK laugh lol. Not quite accomplished but hey, he tried XD. Presumably lol. Anyway! Back to the scene with Iris lol. It was. H I L A R I O U S XDDD. Dude, possibly the funniest of the entire episode lol. Maaaaybe Tommy and what's his face talking at the station, or her asking Owen for help, but idk lol XD. Anyway, I've said most of my thoughts on the first half of this scene already because of the promo, but I'll say them here - especially now that we have everything xD. No, I don't think Iris was out of line with the questioning; we knew she was blunt and so did they, it may have come off as a bit rude but she wasn't trying to be. And also, just- Carlos supporting TK :'D. He loves Iris, obviously, and he wasn't against her or anything, but those little looks of reassurance, saying "Yes, don't worry about it, it's okay" :'))). Amazing <3. The tarlos body language and expressions in that scene was just 😭😭. Amazing, thank you Ronen and Rafa :'DDD. Continuing on! AGH I wish Iris would've been more clear about the papers, but I'm assuming she didn't know she was gonna go with annulment yet. Still 😑. It was funny though, I'll give her that xD. But tarlos going :DDD!! And then :D? And then -o- XDDD amazing lol. Also Carlos saying that they love each other and that's all that matters - stop 😭😭❤️❤️❤️. And not that I don't want them to get married, far from it, but Iris is kinda right in that they basically already are. Still, though, everything's gonna change for me when they get married 🥰🥰🥰. Not that anything actually will but idk, it's just different XDD. When they want to get married, anyway lol. But yeah, amazing scene 🥰🥰🥰.
Okay I was gonna try and hurry this up but clearly that's not happening XD. I just wanna get through everything without it being TOO long, lol. But, eh, whatever, let's just roll with it xD. Now, I'd already seen it mentioned in an interview, but I love love LOOOVED what TK said about getting legally married. He's so right - they (we) fought for rights for so long, and he definitely wants everyone to know that they did, and that he and Carlos got married :'DDD. It's also super sweet :'))). And of course, love him and Nancy <3. Especially since she suggested talking to Iris :p - because I definitely don't think it's TK's fault she went missing XD. And it did bring about the angst of knowing what she meant with exactly what she expected, but otherwise it would've been later angst or just the unknown, and this meant that we found out about the annulment sooner :DDD!! Bc I'm sure she would've told them eventually, she had to XD. Anyway, TK being so adamant about his love for Carlos - STOPPPP I'M DEAD 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️. It was just so amazing :'D. Like I said, they're giving us plenty of dramatic love declarations, and I think it's making up for the storyline /hj /lh XDDD. But seriously, I love them <33. The declarations, but also Tarlos :D. And TK saying "he's mine" 👀👀👀. Aight, I see you XDD. And even though obviously Iris isn't jealous or anything (thank GOODNESS, I would've hated that), we love to see it :DDD. I think he deserved it 😌😌. And it was iconic too, lol. Plus, I saw it on the subtitles and I was like o.o but I did NOT expect it to be that intense lol - TK said it even more intensely than I thought he would, and it was awesome lol xD :D >:D. Anyway, AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH AN ANNULMENT 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎊🎊. THANK GOODNESS!!!! And hey, now all the people who've been wondering why it hasn't been can be satisfied lol. It was just for the drama XD. But like, AAAHHHH!!! A) we don't have to go through the drama (just like all that it involves) of a divorce, and B) aGH yes, TK deserves to be Carlos's first and last husband 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️. That is amazing :'))). Also, of course, it's great that that was the reason she wouldn't sign lol. But you could've said it earlier girl XDD. Jk lol, I know it was for the drama and I can respect that lol - I'm the one watching the drama show, after all xD. But anyway! YESSSSSSSS!!! Also that hug was so cute 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰. Now xdd. The angsty, dreaded bit lol (not really, just kinda 😭😭 now the angstttt agh feelings lol). Then of course, TK had to ask what she meant 😭😭😭 xD. I mean, I'd rather this then it just be left forever lol, unknown, or that it comes out later, but still xD. And like TK's face and his voice in that scene 😭😭😭. AGH I don't deserve it xdd. It was nice that Iris said they were more :'D, and life long project is KINDA sweet, but not really 😭, girl, wrong words XDDD 😭😭😭.
And then of course, that brings us to that last scene with TK and Carlos. Though, not the last one of one of them lol - we'll be there in a minute xD. Finally, we're back to Carlos lol - no offense TK, it's just been a hot minute. I was like "wait I'm not talking about Carlos at all in the tarlos section, not for a while anyway" lol. Anyway! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. Y'all that S C E N E!!! I did not deserve that 😭😭. I did not come here to be ATTACKED, have angst about my boys thrown in my face like that 😭😭. Luckily it wasn't really and "I relate" kind of attacked, but still lol. Anyway, TK SAYING MAYBE THIS MARRIAGE IS A BAD IDEA 😭😭😭❤️. Sir how dare you xdd. I don't deserve that lol /lh. And Carlos's "That surprised me." XDD. But seriously, the domesticity 🥰🥰🥰🥰. With TK looking like the most heartbroken man ever in the foreground xdd. Kinda ruining my vibe, man XDDD, lol /j. Anyway, it was such a good scene 😭😭😭😭. The vulnerability, the comfort <333. Them and their weird sitting positions xD. I do wish we saw a bit more of a conversation, but having just re-watched it to see what I thought, I'm feeling better about it :). I still would've liked it little more, but TK did seem to be feeling better by the end :)). And I feel like "You're a hot mess. But you're my hot mess" is kinda proving that Carlos doesn't see him as a project - he loves TK, hot mess and all, and isn't trying to fix him. Like I said, I do think it could've been a bit better (and we may see a bit more about it in the future, but I doubt next episode with everything going on, and idk about the likelihood after that - still, it's possible), but I really loved the scene, so I can move past it :D. Oh and also, totally different times, but "He's mine" and "You're my hot mess" 😌😌😌👀. Cinematic parallels XD. Anyway, Carlos saying "the day I met you" 😭😭😭 :')) I knew it <333. I suspected he would say that lol. And also those KISSES AAAGH!! They were so tender and sweeeet 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍. And TK's little "Shut up" and "I hate you" xddd, he is adorable your honor <333. Also Carlos's little "yeah" as he leaned in to kiss TK again reminded me of 3x04 🥰. And about the conversation itself, I like how Carlos explained it - he didn't marry Iris because she was broken (not that she was showing signs of schizophrenia at that point - which I only say because TK specified, and I'm glad he did so that Carlos could point that out. It's something I feel like needed to be said), he married her because he was. Or. thought he was, anyway - and he found out he wasn't when he met TK. Like. Y'all. 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️. That is the most adorable heartwarming thing xdd. Also, it's another thing that's actually answering TK - Carlos wasn't broken, and neither is TK. I only fully registered that as I was writing this lol xD. But yeah, I love that :')). Anyway, then the CALLLL AHHHHHHH 😭😭😭. By the way I think TK starts looking slightly concerned there (I think so, you can just barely see it - I might judt be reading into things though lol XD maybe it's just the remnants of his sad boy face xDD), which just- augh 😭❤️. Oh, also, I figured while watching that Carlos would figure out or ask (or both if TK was cagey lol) what brought this on, and I was s bit confused when he didn't. But, having seen the promo, I now see it's for the drama :D lol. It wasn't strictly necessary he realize there, but it does make room for the drama of him finding out/figuring it out (again, probably a mix, unless they find out she was seen with a man who'd never been at her place of work before earlier in the day lol, and had a description or something XD - as in Carlos might figure it out lol) next episode :). So, it would've been easier now, but even though I'll probably scream and shake and throw up and die, I love me some angst so I'm glad we get it next time :D. Hey, at least we get to see it lol. I'll take that with Tarlos XDD (not that they're particularly bad about that, show wise I mean, but yk lol. I'm pretty much that way with any of my ships XD). Anyway, I loved this scene <333. It was adorable 🥰🥰🥰🥰.
Lastly, the final scene 😬. AAAHHHHHH IRIS IS MISSING!! Also how dare he call her Carlos's wife 😤. Lol, I'm mostly joking xD. Too bad they couldn't have been the annulment papers left in there, though xd. Also, Carlos just looks in shock this whole scene 😭😭😭. Or most of it, anyway. And the way he looks up immediately when that guy said Iris's name - :((((. She doesn't deserve this 😭😭. And he doesn't either :'((. I hope she's okay <333. Anyway! I have absolutely no idea as to who took her, but given that in the promo we saw Carlos carrying someone while in uniform and it might have been Iris (I don't remember but I think some people said it was), and we've also seen him get hit over the head, I'm wondering if whoever it was gets Carlos but Iris is kept somewhere else. Idk! I'm also wondering if they specifically have a fridge against Iris or they were just kidnapping people ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌. Although I will say, Carlos's comment made me think: "She used to be one of them". Iris's case will probably not be taken too seriously since she has a history of mental illness and disappearance. That would add extra reasoning to why Carlos is immediately going to search for her - there's a good chance she's not very high on the priority list. And speaking of a history of mental illness - she was taken without her meds, most likely. So, if she, for example, were the one to hit Carlos, I wouldn't be surprised. Or at least, it would make sense. Not only would (I imagine) her schizophrenia symptoms would return, but it is Not a good idea to go off meds suddenly. So, idk! It'll certainly be interesting though :O.
But yeah, it was heartbreaking 😭😭😭💔💔. I imagine next time will be even worse xd. Even just in the beginning, lol, from Carlos - the promo definitely makes it seem that way xD. Speaking of the promo, I think he may half-blame TK in the heat of the moment, but TK will realize it's just because Carlos is scared and emotional, and that they'll leave that behind before Carlos leaves. Also, since that's almost definitely the same night as the end of this episode, Ronen saying that still was Episode 3 and not Episode 2 makes more sense now xD. I was like "huh, yeah, Carlos can repeat shirts I guess lol", even though the next episode would be kinda soon, but this makes sense XD. I may have vaguely considered that they were just super close together in time, but eh lol, I didn't think about it for that long xD. Anyway, I loved TK and Carlos this episode :DDDDD :')))) 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍. Also Iris 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️. Loved her too :DD. And all three of them together - that was fun lol :D. Anyway, t h e m <333.
Overall, I absolutely loved this episode!! I thought it was really great, and it was just SO FUNNY XDD. But, it definitely had a lot of drama too! Overall just a really eventful and good episode :). I did miss seeing more of the 126, but I'm sure we'll see more of them next time :). Though I imagine it'll be largely focused on Iris, with maybe some of Owen's storyline. Still, we know they're there for the rescue (or whatever you would call it)! Anyway, the calls (call?) today were amazing :D. I just checked, it was only the one xD. Besides Grace's side of that 9-1-1 call lol. But, to be fair, it (the real call) was 10 minutes long, so it makes sense that there was only one xD. Anyway, it was cool :DDD. Plus, Marjan being lowered from a helicopter!!! It was cool, and bringing in O'Brien (plus him owing Owen a drink) set it up nicely for him to show up at the Honor Dog's bar. Well played! Anyway, all the storylines were amazing, and I'm excited to see where they lead :). I'm also very scared for next episode! Less of an immediate conflict thing, more just :(( and I hope Iris is gonna be okay. She better be, lol xD. But yeah, I'm a little nervous for the tarlos bit at presumably the beginning, but I don't think it'll be too bad. Mostly when I say I'm scared I just mean I'm tense and stressed, about next episode but also the situation as a whole lol. Still, I think it's gonna be amazing!!
So, yeah! I really loved this episode. It was so funny, which balanced the drama. I'm super interested in seeing what happens next! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 2: The New Hot Mess
It was so good! I'm really excited for the next one, if a bit scared. I'll be back next time for my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 3: Cry Wolf
See you next week!
10 notes · View notes
Y'all I teared up a lot but no tears have been shed yet lol. That's really because it hasn't sunk in yet xD.
Also, that's a lie, I finished the episode hours ago lol. I have since looked at hsmtmts posts and tiktoks, read a fanfic, and rewatched several scenes (mainly in the finale) xd. I was too in shock but I need to start this lol
First of all, I just- that was the perfect finale. Plenty of the show (looking at you season 2 /lh), satisfying ends for the couples (barely on Jetney but you know we take what we can get lol), amazing music, and everyone's staying together :'). I can't express how much this show means to me <3. I'll have a separate post where I'm SUPER sentimental, but right now I can have some too :'). Anyway, I loved the episode so so SO much <3333.
Nini - we missed you :'). You were the beginning, and you had an end that makes me tear up every time. I'm sure she's off doing the best of things - and hey, she asked Ricky to give them all their cards :')). I'm so proud of her, and so happy for her <33. You're the best, Nini :')) ❤️❤️😭🥰. I love her so much <3.
Emmy! She slayed as Taylor :'DD. And I'm just so happy she gets to continue to learn from Miss Jenn <333. And start to be an older sister as well, not just a younger one :'). She's going to be a leader in the drama department <3. And like Gina said, she's going to take over the world :'DD. I love her 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰.
Did Jet ever actually tell Kourtney xD. I don't know, but they seem to kinda have a Thing lol, so whatever <33 🥰. I'm proud of him either way :'D. And I'm so glad he's finally found a place where he's happy, where he has a family 😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰. He deserves it so much :'))). Also, he slayed as Chad :'DD! Anyway, yeah, I'm just really glad he's at East High now :')). And yeah, he could give Gina a run for money for intimidation x'D. I love him <3333.
BIG RED MIGHT HAVE A THING WITH ANTOINE???!?!!!?? HELLO?!?!!!? JUMPSCARE SHIP!!! BUT NOT IN A BAD WAY JUST T O T A L L Y WILD XDDD. Anyway, why was this man in curtain call lol??? I do not care, as he should be XDD. Also I'm glad he got to be the one to tell Seblos they deserved the trip - show there's not issues there :). Anyway! Still not over jow wild that Antoine reveal was xD. Mans isn't even French!! Anyway lol. Gina described Big Red perfectly - he loves people unconditionally :'). We've always seen that with Ricky, and it's just amazing <33. Like that scene with Ricky this episode (it demonstrates that but yes it as also amazing lol) 😭😭❤️🥰. That scene was so sweet :'DDD. LIKE THEY SAID I LOVE YOU TO EACH OTHER!!! I love them so much :')). Anyway, yeah, he was great <33. I love him 🥰🥰🥰❤️😭❤️❤️.
EJ GOT TO BE ON STAGE :'DDDD!!! WHOOOO 😭😭😭🥳🥳🥰❤️❤️❤️!!! I'm not okay :'D. He totally deserved that, and he did great :'D. Ayy he can have this next bit now!! He slayed playing Coach Bolton 🥰! :'DD Anyway, I'm so happy for him :'). Also Carlos calling him EJ with the pretty eyes was so correct actually xD. Unrelated lol but eh. ALSO THE FACT THAT EJ CARVED ASH AND MADDOX INTO THAT TREE TRUNK??!?!?? OH MY GOSH 😭😭❤️ XD. That is so iconic <3. And I loved his conversation with Miss Jenn - even if it hurt me to hear her tell him to call her Jenn 😭💔, it makes sense :'). He's an adult now <3. It's wild and it hurts me xd, but he is. Anyway, I think he gave some really great advice :')). AND AAAHHHHHHH Y'ALL OUR DREAMS CAME TRUE!!!! POSSIBLE EJ AS EAST HIGH DRAMA TEACHER REFERENCE!!! WHAT WE'VE ALL BEEN SAYING FOR YEARS :DDDD XDD!!! I love that for us LOL 🥰🥰🥰❤️. But seriously, I think he does at least become an assistant director in the future :'). And when Miss Jenn retires, he takes over <3333. I mean, it's even practically what Gina said about him x'd - he taught her about herself :'). I love him so much <333 😭❤️❤️❤️🥰.
Maddox being sad over Ashlyn is my personal death y'all 😭. Also the fact that they mutually confessed and then were just like "well, I guess the only option now is. . . to stay friends 😬😌😐👉👉" - you idiots xDD. And AAAHHHHHH MADISON SENDING THE BALLOONS FOR MADDOX TO GIVE TO ASHLYN 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️!!! OH MY GOSH I'M SO NOT OKAY <3333. Also I'm glad her and Madison are on good terms :')). ALSO THE HAND KISS!!! OH MY GOSH 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. I love them <3333. Anyway, Maddox is just. Amazing :'). I'm so glad she was here this season <3. I love her :'DD ❤️❤️🥰🥰.
ASHLYN FINALLY KISSED MADDOX OH MY GOSH!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH :'DDDDD!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰!!!!! I'M NOT OKAY :DDDDD!!! They're so cute oh my gosh 😭😭😭❤️❤️. AND THE TREE TRUNK!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHH OH MY GOSH ❤️😭😭😭❤️🥰. I'm not okay y'all <333. I love them so much :')). Also Ashlyn's reaction to Maddox leaving 😭😭😭💔❤️. I'm so glad she doesn't have to <3333 :')). I'm so happy for them :')) :'DD. Anyway :'). Ashlyn slayed playing Kelsi :'D! And what Gina said about her :'D - yeah :'). Ashlyn truly is the queen of changing her identity (I mean that in a good way lol), but also still being sure of her identity in between those times :')). I love her so much <333.
MR. MAZZARA AND MISS JENN ARE FINALLY TOGETHER :'DDDD!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥳🥳🥳🥳 WHOOOOOO!!!!! WHOOHOOO FINALLY :'DDDDD!!!!! My babeys 🥰🥰.
And about them separately lol, MR. MAZZARA GETS TO GO BACK TO NEW ZEALAND AND TRY AGAIN :'DDD!! I'm so happy for him :')). And while he slayed playing Coach Bolton, he slayed doing sound too :')). Also him being like "yeah I'm totally not doing so much right now" was great LOL. Honestly kind of a mood xD, though luckily that didn't happen to much to me on lights lol. Anyway, I'm just glad he was there supporting everyone and being amazing this episode :')). Always right there, helping them through it 😭😭❤️🥰. Also how he didn't HESITATE to rip up the letter lol xD. Iconic 😌. As always :'). I love him so much <3333.
MISS JENN'S STAYING!!!! WHOOOO :'DDD!!! She would've been amazing, but I'm so glad she's staying 😭❤️❤️. She's here for Emmy, and Jet and Maddox, and all of the Juniors who were OGs :')). And the second semester for the Seniors too!! She can keep being amazing for them <333 :'DD. Just like Gina said - she gets to be that mom for all of them, and teach them it's about creating something you love :') 😭😭😭❤️. And I just love that :'). She slayed playing Ms. Darbus :'DD. I love her so much <3333.
KOURTNEY AND MO!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH OH MY GOSH THE COMBO I NEVER KNEW I NEEDED!!!! That talk was EXACTLY what Kourtney needed 😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰. Also AAHHHH Kourtney's talk with Jet :'DDD. It was so amazing and sweet 🥰🥰. And AAHHHHH she felt happy at Lewis :'DDD!!! And it came to her mind immediately :'))). I'm so happy for her and proud of her <333. She really is one of, if not the, bravest people in the show <333. What she's done is no easy feat, it's DIFFICULT, with anxiety and without, and again, I'm just so proud of her :'))). Her anxiety storyline means so much to me and I loved it 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️. And yeah - she is the best fashionista xD. She slayed playing Sharpay 🥰🥰🥰🥰 :DD!! I love her so much <3333 ❤️❤️❤️😭🥰.
RICKYYYY HE SAID IT!!! HE DID IT!!! HE SANG THE THING 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰 :'DDD!! HE TOLD GINA HE LOVES HER :'DDDDDD!!!! I'm so proud of him :')). And AAAHHHHH one last "Am I too late?" :')). As it should be <33. Also, his speech to all of the was just- 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️💔 I'm not okay. I know that feels. Theatre is just like :'). And it makes me so emotional but it's just so accurate, and wonderful <33. Also, he slayed playing Troy :'D. AND AAAHHH THE RUN AND THE GUITAR!! AND THAT SONG WAS BEAUTIFUL 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. I'm so glad he got the chance :')). And Y E S I'm glad Ricky was the one to suggest where they go :'D - one more season 1 parallel :'). And just, what Gina said about him <33. It's so beautiful in a Rina sense 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️, obviously, but it extends beyond that. He's been the one to welcome, and include, and encourage, since pretty much the beginning :')). And I love that so much <333. Anyway, his reaction to not getting to tell Gina he loved her before the press conference hurt 😭😭. And YESSS Gina's mom finally approving :'D. He doesn't need it, but I'm glad he got it <333. Also, again, his scene with Big Red was amazing <333. Besties since the beginning :')). And continuing on <33. And of course, I loved how he was practicing saying I love you more to people :')). I'm so happy for him <333. I love him so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰😭.
GINA'S FILMING THE MOVIE IN SALT LAKE!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :'DDDD!!! I'M SO GLAD :'DDD 🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!! ALSO OVOEANOCMPW THE HAT????!!?! OH MY GOSH GIRL 😭😭❤️ XD. She slayed playing Gabriella 🥰🥰🥰. And oh my gosh, her SPEECHES 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️💔💔💔💔🥰🥰. I've already talked about what she said to everyone, but they were just all so so SO amazing. And I've heard some of that stuff said like that at senior speeches before, so it's definitely accurate xdd. But seriously, it was so emotional 😭😭. I know the cast was obviously SUPER emotional as well xd, but nonetheless, the acting was amazing <333. Superb :')). Gina has come so far, and learned so much, and I am just so, so proud of her, and happy for her <333. And I'm so glad she's staying at East High :'DDD. AND getting to do the movie still :')!! And again, the love song was BEAUTIFUL 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰. And she slayed at that press conference lol. I love her so much <333.
Now, hey, I'm allowed to put Seblos last if I want to xDD. It's my finale post :')).
SEB'S DAD KNEW THE WHOLE TIME SLFKFHDKGS!!!! That's so amazing lol <333. Amazing as in it's funny and it's a good thing xD. But seriously that was so funny lol. I am disappointed we didn't get Seb on stage, like acting lol, but I'm glad he was there for curtain call :'DDD 🥰. Even if him and Big Red had no reason this-show-wise to be up there XDD. I'm just happy that he was :')). Also his run up to Carlos after talking about his dad and holding him was so cute 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰 stop I'm not okay <333. And AAAHHHHHH they get to go on their trip 🥰🥰. And again, I loved that their wasn't any animosity towards Big Red :'). But seriously that moment was so cute 😭❤️❤️. And honestly I loved what Gina said about him, especially after the cheating plot this season. Because he really is an angel, he is like a dog in human form lol xD, and he still sees the world pretty pure :')) 🥰. And I just think it shows that even though he made mistakes, he still is and does those things. He's still Seb <3333 😭❤️❤️🥰. And I think that was really needed for all of us :')). Also he went OFF in the limo LOL xD. He really said "step aside" with that belt xD. He slayed, so hard <333 🥰🥰. I love him so much <3333 🥰🥰❤️❤️.
CARLOS HAPPY AGAIN IS MY REWARD FOR THE FIRST SIX EPISODES!!!! XDD!! It keeps randomly hitting me that this is the Last Season, that although luckily we got happy Seblos at the end this is genuinely the last we're gonna see of them and I just- oh gosh that hurts 😭😭😭❤️. But again, their moment after the show (and the ones during curtain call 😭!!!) was SO CUTE AND AMAZING 😭😭😭❤️. Carlos slayed playing Ryan :'DD 🥰🥰🥰❤️. And he really is so funny x'DDD. It also makes me so happy that Gina talked about being co-choreographers with him :')) - something that started way back in season 2, but honestly season 1 unofficially <333. They've always had dance as a connection, and I'm just so happy they have that in each other :')). And I believe something similar to "we just kept dancing" was said at the Quinceñero, which :')))) 😭😭😭😭❤️🥰❤️❤️❤️. That kills me <3. Their friendship just means so much to me :')) :'D <333. Anyway :')). I love how he was kinda the one to set Miss Jenn and Benjamin (he deserves for me to call him by his first name at least once LOL xD) up xDD :'D <33. Like, he was the one who brought up the plane tickets and stuff :')). I mean, they were already pretty close to becoming a thing, but he showed us the audience the official moment of it lol, so I'm grateful for that xD. But that it was him, the one who was by Miss Jenn's side from day one :'), and even used to be enemies with Mr. Mazzara? Was the reason, or at least was half the subject of that scene lol, we met Mr. Mazzara :'DD? Perfect <333. Full circle :')). But yeah <3. I love him so much :'DD <33 ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰.
And a bit of specifically Seblos :'D. After everything they've been through this season, I'm so glad we got two episodes of them being adorable and mostly happy 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰. I mean, we had to deal with the Seb's dad stuff, but it was pretty good (like easy wise ish I guess? Like not too bad) and they were adorable :'D. AND THEY GET TO GO ON THEIR TRIP 🥰🥰🥰!!! I'm so excited for them :'D. Especially after they lived it LOL. Anyway, their moments during curtain call were amazing <333. And LOL SLFKGHJS their kiss going viral xDD. As it should 😌😌. Slay for them lol xD. Also, them running out of the school together 😭❤️❤️. I'm pretty sure they're holding hands in the first shot <3333. Also I love the lines they sing in Born to Be Brave :')). And AAAHHHHHH THEM BEING THE FIRST ONES TO START SINGING BESIDES RINA DURING LOVE YOU FOREVER 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰. AKCIEHSODNWP I LOVE THEM SO MUCH <33333.
And oh my gosh 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰. ALL OF THEM SINGING LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!! I!! AM!! NOT!! OKAY!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰 I LOVE ALL OF THEM FOREVER <333333!!!!! It was so beautiful, the song and the scene and both our together :'DD. And all of them coming forward- oh my gosh 😭😭😭❤️🥰.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THE RUN OUT OF THE SCHOOL :'DDDD 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰!!!! Once again, an epic and iconic moment 😭😭😭😭❤️🥰. I love them all so much :'D.
Y'all it is the way I was screaming (saying but the emotion was screaming) "DENNY'S!! GO TO DENNY'S!!!!"
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰 THAT WAS LITERALLY THE PERFECT ENDING 😭😭❤️❤️❤️💔🥰🥰🥰🥰 <333333 :'DDDD!!!!
And it wasn't just perfect as a nod to theatre kids, but it was a reference/parallel to Season 1, when Nini said: "Usually the theatre kids cry and then we go to Denny's." :'))). I love them all so much 😭😭❤️.
And don't even talk to me about Born to Be Brave :'DDD. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THE PERFECT SONG TO END THE SERIES ON :'DDDDD 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰 <333333!!
And y'all 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️💔💔🥰
FOR GOOD??!?!!!?!?
I'm pretty sure that was just the cast, not the characters, and I just- it was so, so amazing 😭😭😭😭❤️💔🥰🥰. And goshdarnit it made me feel things xdd. As of this entire episode didn't have me as a wreck lol 🙄 xd xD. But seriously, it was SO GOOD, and it reminded me of the Beauty and The Beast announcement, as well as You Are The Music In Me from after Season 2 :'))). I just love this cast so freaking much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭💔💔🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.
The music this episode was P H E N O M E N A L!!!!! It was all SO amazing and all so emotional too 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️. The cast are all such wonderful singers and the songs are all so well put together and beautifully written :')). I am so grateful for all of the amazing music of this show <3333. Don't even talk to me about any of the songs this episode, I'm still not okay over them :')). Special shout out to For Good for being most likely from the cast :')). And being one last reference, as it relates to Miss Jenn's offer <3. The meta show gets one more meta moment :'))) <3333.
This episode was so amazing. It was, quite possibly, the perfect finale <333. Obviously, I have things I wish happened, in this episode and in the season and show as a whole. But it told the story. And it told it well :')). It gave these characters an immensely satisfying ending, and, more importantly in this case? A happy one :'). They deserved that <333. And we deserved to be shown that we can. Especially theatre kids <33 ❤️. And still, amongst all these emotions, they still managed to make this episode HILARIOUS :'DDD. I can't with them, this show is too good xD. I LOVED THIS EPISODE SO, SO, SO, SO MUCH <33333 ❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰!!!!!!
It's been over 12 hours since I finished the episode. It's hit me a couple of times that this was it, but it hasn't truly sunk in yet xd. I don't know if it ever will lol. But, for this being it? It was an amazing way to go <333 ❤️.
This show means so much to me. I've been emotional and sentimental this whole time x'd, and as I've said, I'll make a separate post about this, but I have to say it here. I will never get over HSMTMTS. And frankly? I never want to :'). Thank you to everyone who made this show possible <333 - I am truly, truly grateful ❤️❤️❤️. Possibly more than you'll ever know :').
And thank you to this fandom. Whenever I think it's too crazy, or I'm not involved, you guys are there to remind me :'). Thanks for being my Wildcat family throughout all of this <3. It means so much to me ❤️.
What team?
Wildcats :').
What team?
Wildcats :'D.
Getcha head in the game <3.
What an amazing season guys :')) <3 ❤️. I loved it :'D.
And that is the end of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
I loved it <3
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