#anyway xD
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aeternal-nightmare · 1 year ago
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I don't have a type
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nicoyarobin · 6 months ago
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mikimeiko · 2 months ago
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The Hexgates
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 1 year ago
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skeefee-sky · 6 months ago
*nervously presses 'post now' button* >w< i felt like contributing today so, Thunderfam, as a treat, here are some little snippets of stuff i’m writing/have been writing/am wanting to write, with the boys and their Thunderbirds.
background context – i do not see the ‘birds being sentient all at the same time, lawdy no, too much chaos xD so they’re like, separate from each other… if that makes sense… c:
be nice pls. i haven’t written, in general, for eons >w< so i apologise for rustiness
also bonus points if you can guess which Tracy and Thunderbird is in which part >w>
… And she’s got a pilot wrapped around her landing struts. She hadn’t been expecting to get a hug today. Or an attempted one…
“All good, captain?”
He didn’t move for a moment, simply pressing against cool metal as he collected his breath. Rescues like this didn’t usually throw him so off-guard but, that had shaken him a little more than he’d liked. At least there’d been no serious casualties… With a deep inhale, the pilot finally pushed away from his Thunderbird, looking up at her with a half-smile in hopes that gave some reassurance.
“Yeah, we’re good; just needed a second... Sorry." …
~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~
… The Thunderbird let out a soft huff, extending an arm above her to seemingly test the height of the hangar, before she retracted and glanced back down at her pilot. So far away down at her feet.
“Hey…” was all her pilot uttered, his words lost on his tongue. He hadn’t had any ideas of what she’d look like, none how she’d move. Seeing it all now, safe to say he was breathless. But, the good kind of breathless. If Jeff Tracy had wanted the Thunderbirds to have this ability from the start, she’d probably look a whole lot different to how she did now… …
~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~
… “Have you actually tried changing shape?” her pilot inquired. The Thunderbird answered with a grunt.
“What do you think?”
She shifted and attempted to prove her point, in the end only being able to wiggle her rear-engines. What was it his brother had warned again? About not trying to get any of this stuff on her?
“You’re the worsssttttttt-!”
“Hey, it’s not my fault we got too close!” her pilot defended.
“It totally is your fault!!”
“Never thought I’d see the day where I come down, and you’re arguing with your ship…” A brother is laughing in amusement as he entered the hangar, running a hand through his hair. “You should really clean her up before Brains catches you.”
“I’m working on it!” …
~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~
… “I’m not doing it.”
The Thunderbird tsked, and was sure his frame reflected his mood. There was only so much he could do being stuck in craft-form… His pilot gave an engine a poke, but it merely came off as nothing to the craft. Sometimes being over 179 feet tall had its advantages, and ignoring pilots definitely fell under one, according to the Thunderbird.
“How come when we’re not on a rescue you decide to be difficult? That’s not fair.”
“Totally fair, captain. I’m denying your request,” the craft mused. “Especially since we’re not actually supposed to be using it unless we’re on a rescue!”
“Mannnnnn…” his pilot groaned, and turned away from his Thunderbird, folding his arms with a soft huff. “… Are you sure you’re my Thunderbird? You’re acting like Scott and Virgil…”
A chuckle rumbled through the hangar. Things would definitely be a lot different if one of them were his pilot though-…
“Last I checked, yes. At least we have stubbornness in common!”
“… Hey!” …
~~~ … i did my best to write these without giving away too much of who was who haha xD it’s so much harder as someone who usually writes details >w<
i feel like i have an inconsistent writing style...... anyways xD thanks for reading if you did c:
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thedeafprophet · 6 months ago
I think from like.... okay if you were to look at Penny from a genetic standpoint she probably just has a direct copy of Alex's genes, mixed with Weirdness from Parabola.
Would not operate regularly under observation...
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chenziee · 1 year ago
The Stubborn
This story was written for the amazing @zosanauzine!! You can find it as a part of the main zine :D
It's also a part of the Obstacles soulmate AU verse 👀
This is actually a little bit of an extend version because I needed to cut a scene out for the zine because of word count 😭 there's also a few minor changes because I wrote this way before The Markless so I had to do some edits to make the timeline fit together but shhh
The zine's aftersales are open right now, so don't miss out!! 👀
[ Read on AO3 | Obstacles series | Ko-Fi ]
They say that everyone has a soulmate out there somewhere. There will always be a person matching the mark decorating your skin, you simply have to find them.
Sounds easy enough.
But nothing is ever as easy as it seems when the world is separated into five seas, when it’s nearly impossible to travel through freely unless you have government permission to cross the Red Line and a Navy warship to get you through the Calm Belt. Only the strongest—or absurdly lucky—go wherever they want and survive.
And, even if you overcome all those odds and are able to travel across all the seas to find that person, there can be other obstacles to stand in the way. 
Blank skin is one.
Stubbornness another.
“You seriously don’t have a mark?” Usopp asked doubtfully.
Sanji sighed before he lit a cigarette, taking a long drag. Only after a ring of smoke left his mouth did he bother to look at Usopp to reply, “Seriously. And good thing too, it gives me the freedom to love all the ladies.”
“Uh-huh,” Usopp hummed, raising an eyebrow. A person without a soulmate—or at least without a soul mark—wasn’t completely unheard of but they were usually people like Luffy, people without a single ounce of interest in romance or dating. Not… Sanji.
Torao may have put a tiny dent in that theory but the point still stood.
Usopp knew there had to be a catch. Either Sanji was lying, or his mark was so subtle that he mistook it for a regular birthmark. There was simply no way that—
“Ah, crap,” Sanji cursed when he dropped a spatula.
And then, Usopp could only watch as Sanji bent down, the hem of his shirt riding up on his back and exposing a little bit of skin.
It felt like Usopp’s jaw hit the floor when his mind processed just what he was looking at. There was a mark. The mark. The exact soul mark that Sanji claimed he didn’t have. And its shape was—
Usopp had to rub at his eyes to make sure he wasn’t seeing things but no. It really was three crossed swords, the one in the middle suspiciously resembling Wado Ichimonji.
Immediately, Usopp’s mind flashed to all the times their local Three Sword Style expert pointedly ignored any and all questions about his soulmate. He remembered all the fights that used to abuse the Going Merry and that still continued to abuse the Thousand Sunny to this day. He could practically see the face Zoro made everytime Sanji would go off to hit on yet another random, beautiful woman.
And suddenly, it all made sense.
Gulping heavily, Usopp bit hard on his bottom lip to keep his voice level as he addressed Sanji, who was now scrubbing his dropped spatula in the sink. “Hey, Sanji,” he started slowly. “There’s something on your back.”
Sanji paused at his words, turning his head to look at Usopp, then craning his neck to see his backside. He struggled for a few seconds, even reaching with his hand to blindly try and brush the non-existent dirt off of himself, completely misunderstanding what Usopp had meant.
“I can’t see, can you get it for me?” Sanji asked, frustration clear in his voice.
And Usopp… had to struggle very, very hard to not start laughing as he complied, making a show of ‘cleaning’ Sanji’s shirt.
This was seriously getting better and better. Not only had he learned some wonderful, sweet information that Nami would pay good money for—maybe even forgive the interest on the money he had borrowed from her if he played his cards right—but Sanji also didn’t know about any of this because he couldn’t see his back.
The peaceful days on the Sunny were about to get a lot more interesting.
Zoro didn’t understand. It was as if overnight, the rest of the crew had collectively decided to become a complete pain in his ass. He could simply be training and minding his own damn business, and suddenly, Nami would start loudly complimenting the cook’s new pants, saying how well they fit him. The stupid love-cook wasn’t able to form a single sentence the rest of the day; the only things that came out of his mouth were incoherent mumbles and sighs of ‘Nami-swan’, which only annoyed Zoro more. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to cut Sanji or Nami for that.
Or he could be sitting in the kitchen, trying to eat his late breakfast in peace when Robin would walk in. She’d look at Zoro, then Twirly standing at the stove and smile, only to note how ‘sweet’ the atmosphere was. 
Zoro had nearly choked on his rice.
One time, he was even asleep when Franky had decided to loudly drop one of his creations right next to him. Zoro had startled awake, thinking they were under attack but then Franky’s laughter filled his ears.
“Hey, Zoro! You look super tired!” he said. “You should get some sleep, man.”
“Shut up,” Zoro replied with a yawn. This guy, seriously; what did he think Zoro was trying to be doing?
Franky grinned with a suspicious spark in his eyes, like he was dying to make fun of Zoro further but desperately trying to hold back. “You should ask Sanji to help you sleep.”
Zoro’s eyebrows shot up. What the fuck was this cyborg even saying? “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked finally, after what felt like an eternity of them just staring at each other, trying to gauge each other’s thoughts.
“Who knows?” Franky shrugged, his teasing grin only widening. “But Sanji’s our super cook and he spent two years learning new recipes. I’m sure he can whip up something nice especially for you.”
Zoro blinked, giving Franky one last blank look before deciding to ignore this entire exchange and go back to sleep. There was no point pursuing this further; he was sure he wouldn’t get anything else out of the shipwright that would make any sense.
But there were many more instances like this; Usopp noting how ‘amazing’ Eyebrows was at random times. Brook telling him to cherish his soulmate after reminiscing about the time he had spent with his own. Jinbe earnestly wishing him good luck for no reason. Nami threatening to charge him if she was ever ‘subjected to hearing things’, whatever that meant.
There was something off about the whole thing. It was as if…
No, it couldn't be. There was no way the idiots had somehow learned about Zoro’s soulmate… situation. After all, he’d made both Luffy and Chopper swear to not blab out anything stupid and he always made sure to wear his haramaki to keep his mark perfectly hidden. After all, there was no need for anyone to know, no need for anyone to see the stupid spiral on his hip—least of all, the shitty cook it belonged to.
Closing his eyes, Zoro cursed internally; the universe really had a sick sense of humour. Of all people, of literally all the people in the world, his soulmate just had to be someone infuriating. The only saving grace was that the idiot was too stupid to realise.
Seriously, it was ridiculous. Who even missed something like a soulmark? How did that happen? He might have expected something like that from Luffy but not the cook; he might have been absolutely maddening but he wasn’t dumb. He had saved the crew several times by using his brain before but apparently, finding something on your own skin was a more challenging task than outsmarting the navy headquarters at Enies Lobby.
Zoro startled at the chuckle that easily passed his lips at the thought. Stupid Mr Nosebleed making him feel all these things. It would have been so much easier if he was just an annoyance or just an endearing idiot but no, he had to be both. Making Zoro want to kill him and kiss him and then kill him again all in the span of five seconds just by breathing and it was driving Zoro absolutely insane.
“You’d think I’d get used to all this by now,” Zoro growled, ruffling his hair in frustration.
“Is this about Sanji?” A soft chuckle accompanied the words just before someone sat on the barrel next to him.
Zoro sighed. “Why do I get a feeling no matter what I say, you’re not going to believe me?”
“Because you’re not a very good liar,” Robin laughed, crossing her legs and leaning back against the railing behind her.
“Shut up,” Zoro could only grumble before looking away. At least he could confidently say he was still better at it than Luffy. It was just that nothing seemed to get past this woman.
“You two are so cute. You do know you could just talk to each other, right?” Robin was quite obviously holding back laughter as she asked, even having to raise her hand to hide her mouth when Zoro shot her a glare.
“As if I could just bring that up!” he snapped. “What would I even say? Shitty cook doesn’t even know.”
Robin smiled at him gently. “Doesn’t he?”
Zoro froze at her words, but before he could so much as ask what that was supposed to mean, Robin continued, “The connection doesn’t appear for no reason. It doesn’t have to be that difficult, you know.”
Zoro didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t like she was wrong but it didn’t seem right either. They hated each other. They couldn’t say good morning without it turning into a fight. And yet, this woman was basically saying it was all in his head.
“Easy for you to say…”
Letting go of a deep sigh, Zoro let his head fall back. He couldn’t help but note what a beautiful day it was. Almost too beautiful. They must have been close to a spring island.
If only everything was as simple as the cloudless blue skies.
“I’m off! I’ll make sure to pick out only the best ingredients for you, ladies.” Sanji bowed before he turned around to leave.
The Sunny had docked at a spring island earlier that morning and after some preparations—namely Luffy insisting on getting his pirate lunch-box before going anywhere—the crew was ready to go check out the port town. It didn’t really matter to Nami what any of them did there, as long as Luffy didn’t manage to set the town on fire before lunch but…
As funny as the whole thing was at first, she was also getting a little tired of it.
“Sanji!” Nami called after their retreating cook. “Take Zoro with you!”
Both Zoro and Sanji froze, whipping around to stare at her with open mouths.
“Why would I want to bring the idiot mosshead?!”
“Why would I want to go with the idiot love-cook?!”
Nami sighed deeply before pointing at Zoro. “Because I don’t want you to get lost and—” she paused to point at Sanji— “because I don’t want you to get distracted.”
It was a lie, a transparent one. It wasn’t like this was the first island, the first city where they would each go their separate ways with no idea what the rest were doing. As much as she was right about Zoro’s sense of direction and Sanji’s tendency to chase after women, she had never gone out of her way to force them to stay together for no apparent reason. But if she didn’t step in, they would never get anywhere and she was done watching these two dance around each other like a couple of idiots.
“Oi, Nami,” Zoro hissed but a single stern look from her was enough to end the argument before it even began.
They were going to go together and talk and there was nothing either man could do about it.
Automatically grabbing the bag that was handed to him, Zoro wondered why he had even agreed to this. He wanted to say it was because of the kindness of his heart, because he took pity on the cook, because he had nothing better to do. He didn’t want to admit it was because he was scared of Nami or worse, that he wanted to spend time with Curly. Absolutely not.
But there was a damn limit, alright?
“Hey, Cook,” Zoro growled when he was handed yet another bag. “Just how much stuff do you want me to carry for you?”
Brow raised, Sanji put down the apple he was examining to look at Zoro instead. “What else are you here for? Don’t tell me this is too much for a muscle-head like you.”
“That’s not the point! You carry something, too!” Zoro snapped back because really, it wasn’t like it was heavy but why was he carrying all of the thirty shopping bags?
“Why should I? Plus, I need both hands to choose the highest quality food for Nami and Robin.”
Sanji’s snarky tone softened as soon as he thought of the girls and Zoro hated how much that change irritated him. Why did he have to get stuck with this womaniser for a soulmate? “It’s always about the women,” Zoro muttered bitterly.
“What?” There was a mix of annoyance and honest confusion in Prince’s voice and somehow, that only made Zoro angrier.
“You heard me,” he said curtly, looking straight at Cook in a direct challenge.
There was a moment of silence while Sanji stared back, then wordlessly lit a cigarette. Closing his eyes momentarily, he took a moment to blow out the smoke before he glared at Zoro. “Are you picking a fight? Who do you think all the rice is for, huh?!”
“For me, so the razorblades have flavour!” Zoro shot back, already reaching for Enma despite all the bags in his hands.
“You asked for those!” Sanji’s foot was on fire now, slowly rising up to return Zoro’s attack… but then it froze in mid-air, the flames dying as Browgoro blinked, his mouth falling open, cigarette dropping. “Wait, you actually ate that?”
Suddenly, it felt like the flames from Sanji’s attack jumped over to Zoro’s face; he wasn’t sure why he was embarrassed—he had been very proud back on Punk Hazard for managing to digest those, just like he had claimed he could…
So, why did he feel like disappearing off the face of the earth now?
He couldn’t even look at Dart-brow when he replied, his voice a quiet mumble, “We can’t waste food, right?”
Grave silence settled over the two of them at his words; it was like everyone at the market had disappeared, leaving only Sanji, Zoro, and his increasing sense of mortification.
It felt like several long, agonising hours later that Sanji finally let out a long-suffering groan and buried his face in his hands. “Why did I have to get stuck with this Marimo for a soulmate…”
Immediately, Zoro’s good eye widened.
“You knew?!” he asked in horror. Curly had always claimed he didn’t have a soul mark, that he was ‘free to love all the ladies’, so what the hell was he saying right now?!
Sanji visibly froze; he obviously didn’t think before speaking, was probably just as shocked as Zoro to hear his own voice forming the words.
They stared at each other for a moment, both too stunned to even blink. It took a laughing child crashing right into Zoro to get time to move again… only it felt like it sped up a little too much. Zoro’s head was spinning. He barely knew what was going on anymore, only that he needed to do something. Anything. But… He was never one to think too deeply about things.
That was what Sanji was there for and look where that got them.
Clenching his jaw, Zoro decided.
Fuck it.
He took the two steps that separated them, grabbing Sanji’s arm without a word to drag him away. He didn’t know where he was going, he didn’t know what he was going to do…
But if, at the end of it, he finally learns what Sanji’s lips taste like, that was perfectly fine by him.
“How did it go?” Usopp asked casually when the two of them got back.
“We got everything for your special tangerine sauce, Nami!” Sanji called, completely ignoring Usopp in favour of waving to the navigator. No surprise there.
Zoro clicked his tongue at the cook’s antics, simply walking by while carrying all of the many shopping bags. “Sanji, I’m gonna drop these in the kitchen. Put the shit away yourself.”
“As if I’d let you mess around my kitchen anyway!” Sanji snapped back immediately.
Yep, nothing’s changed. Usopp wasn’t surprised Nami’s plan didn’t work; if forcing them to be alone was enough, then they wouldn’t be—
“Did you just call him ‘Sanji’?!”
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the-blorb-system · 5 months ago
Omg boo- we have a boo as well. I mean that's just one of her three names but it's the most commonly used one.
I would say more about her but I'm afraid of snitchers who'd tattletale me to a gatekeeper.
Oh yeah the imaginary stories. I as a 4 year old heard a story about the lion who wanted strawberries, and then proceeded to apparently babble for 90 minutes about god know who because no one understood a word I said.
..guess who doesn't like strawberries anymore
- Digi
I usually don't like strawberries. Or most fruit, actually, until I tried organic and realized it's because most produce just tastes like chemicals to me. (Autism moment, L)
I don't remember much of anything from being a kid (but I have a handful of pinpoint memories), so I couldn't say whether those home teachers were getting a real story or not XD
I'm also pretty lucky that most of my headmates seem to have decided that what I share on this blog is okay. It's risky, and we acknowledge it, but we've debated making the blog for months, and doing so was a very distinct decision. Hopefully we get to do more with it!
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Once again I've been a fool who thought i knew everything there is to be known about Warsaw
Only to be humbled by discovering a slight but ??? interaction that Bomba and Misto have in like the first 2 mins of Jellicle songs
It's ??? cuz she seems to be making out or smth with a pole she's holding on to, Skimble seems to be confused/judgy when he notices and she stops when Misto, who stands below her, like look up at her and looks around?
Idk, maybe it counts as an interaction or not, but I know i had no fucking idea she was even in that spot and i've watched this boot literally hundreds of times in the last over 3 years so there's that
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bear-cubs-art-things · 2 years ago
I'm in Spain without the a
Spinning right round baby right round U U
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theothervonkarmagirl · 9 months ago
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"Have you ever tried one? It might surprise you."
Clara was holding a tempura cicada.
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crimson-arsonist · 10 months ago
I let my imagination die
I'm realizing it now that I want to dream again
For so many months I didn't see any reason to hope
to imagine what my future might look like
to think about what I'd like to happen
to dream
deep down I knew I would only get let down
but now I have you
and my brain isn't so gray anymore
I see colorful sparkles ever so often
reappearing with increasing velocity
sparkles that you ignited
with one twxt message
your whole presence is inspiring
your whole existence is inspiring
you. are. .
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 9 months ago
hold up why did Tommy say he transferred 5 years ago when Buck's been here for 7
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abd-illustrates · 4 months ago
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🃏  Bandy  🎭
Making some sample pieces for my Vgen page and also ended up making some slight changes to Bandy’s outfit! It feels so nice to work in this black and white manga style again 🥰
[DO NOT EDIT OR REPOST TO OTHER SITES / ACCOUNTS] ♻️reblogs are lovely tho!♻️
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marsipain · 6 months ago
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Norwegian Mikus :)
Left is Miku as a russ and right is Miku in a bunad!
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thedeafprophet · 7 months ago
consumed by so many drawing ideas i can't start anything akdkffllgglh
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