#am i too uptight?
palmtreepalmtree · 5 months
An attorney in my circle that I regularly referred clients to has rebranded his firm and is now referring to himself as 'the dude' (as in John 'the dude' Smith) and his new email address is thedude @ his firm. And like...
I am not sure I can keep referring clients to him now.
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billpottsismygf · 5 months
Episode 3 of Dead Boy Detectives is the best one yet. The murder is absolutely brutal, but it's tightly plotted and has so many great character moments throughout.
This is the most attached to Charles I've felt so far. He's currently furthest down my list of favourites out of the main cast, but his performance was really moving this episode. I also loved how it highlighted his relationships both with Crystal and Edwin, and the jealousy that Edwin feels there. Interesting that that jealousy seems to go both ways, too, with Charles being the last to leave Edwin and Monty alone at the end.
Edwin and Charles are unlikely friends in a lot of ways, but I do buy it, especially when he occasionally makes Edwin smile. Here, Edwin is confronted with the fact that he actually doesn't know many of the deeper parts of Charles' life, and that he maybe hasn't shared all of his own. Really nicely done.
Edwin's sexuality crisis continues to be really compelling. I actually adore his dynamic with Monty. I know he's literally a plant by Esther, but their tiny interactions so far have so much chemistry. I also have Thoughts on why Edwin is more open to him than the Cat King, and it's the plausible deniability of it all. The Cat King was extremely upfront about what he wanted from Edwin, and Edwin could not quite bring himself to admit he even understood what that was. Whereas with Monty he's able to retreat behind his protests that "he is a boy and I am a boy, if anything he just enjoys ghosts".
Also! Crsytal and Edwin are becoming friends!!! Crystal's my second favourite character and I'm so happy they're warming up to each other. Edwin is such a spiky character but I love him and want everyone else to love him. On that note, him being understanding to Niko about her trauma also made me very happy. Edwin is not budging as my favourite character!
Small things:
Esther continues to have the best, most over the top performance. Perfect, no notes.
Niko yaoi enjoyer and general weirdo, I love her so much <3
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goatyuuji · 5 months
Gojo, out of all people, seeing Yuuji as more than a vessel of Sukuna...man fuck me bro I apologize for thinking so shallow of you Gojo Satoru, this fandom convinced me you were just a powerscaler that dgaf about anyone...
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
im gonna be real with you i did expect some amount of confusion and blocking but i didn't expect a whole callout??? ToT
all i do is make silly drawings... it's not that deep...
but if this is how people are discovering me: hi! im cg (ghost if we're friends), ive been in this fandom for a while now, and i used to be a lot more active a few years ago.
to clear up some things, i dont consider myself a proshipper (i find anti/pro labels useless) and yes, i have been making "problematic" kotlc content for a long time. im very well aware that it's unhealthy/gross/whatever word you want to use, it's just what i find interesting and i don't feel the need to apologize for that.
i honestly didn't expect the tam/linh post to create the stir it did--my "darker" works have usually just slid by unnoticed in the past and i expected that to happen again. and while i don't personally care what people think about my art, (or fics for that matter) i am upset that people decided to "call out" one of my friends for?? reblogging a very mild artwork??
this is the internet, you're going to run into things you don't like, and other people are not responsible for your online experience. filter tags, block, and move on.
back to you quil: sorry for using your blog as a microphone but uh. you do have a larger following than i do and i just wanted to clear some things up. and tysm for your posts on the matter <3 (and thank you to everyone else who's made one!)
sorry to everyone who uses the kotlc tag on the regular, i hope this little stir doesn't stick around for long.
No worries! I've got no problem serving as. whatever you want to call it. a microphone, a mediator, in-between, etc. People have done it before and will do it again.
And yes, sorry to those new and those more marginal and to the regulars who woke up to this. It happens from time to time, and will undoubtedly happen again. Just life
Especially sorry if its your first bigger discourse, as there's a lot of new people in the fandom--it's never as serious as it feels, and it will blow over. It always does
And, while my availability is currently limited, I'm more than happy to talk as I can. anons are on, too :)
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piplupod · 2 months
WIBTA if I said, word for word, "please do not comment on my body or the food that I am eating, it makes me very uncomfortable as someone with an eating disorder" when anyone makes any sort of remark on my metabolism, the health factor of my food, the calories I am taking in, or how skinny I am, even if their remark was meant in a positive way?
this is a genuine question ! i am just very tired of putting up with comments on all of this even if people mean it to be complimentary. hearing "wow you're lucky you have a fast metabolism" when I eat a cookie is actually really fucking upsetting for me for various reasons that I don't want to go into.
so I am trying to come up with a firm painfully clear response that isn't mean but will make people back the fuck off and hopefully think twice about commenting on stuff to me in the future. but I worry I'm going to become a jerk that nobody wants to be around :')
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 4 months
Every so often on the subreddit or on insta people laugh about how Rose and Blanche are so sexual and kinky and Dorothy is so uptight and vanilla and not to take fiction too seriously but uuuugh she spent 38 years with the same man, who was cheating on her wnd only having sex with her rarely - sex that she didn't enjoy or look forward to, if you listen to her descriptions of her first time Stan at best pressured her and at worst raped her via alcohol and roofies, she's from an immigrant Catholic household and has been shames for decades over her sex life/pregnancies and then her lack of sex life, made to feel ugly and undesirable since she was young, and there's significant subtext around her being a closeted lesbian. Seriously, when you pay attention it's wild realising that the queer jokes about the girls are very different: Blanche's are sexual, in line and based around her being promiscuous and just enjoying the physical act. Rose's are indirect and usually coming off of a joke about one of the others. Dorothy is literally just outright repeatedly assumed or implied to be gay.
Anon, I have to say, I was very perplexed by this message -- not because of what you say (which I agree with completely!!) but because Dorothy... really isn't uptight about sex? If anything, she strikes me as particularly liberal about it, even at the start of the series. She can be a bit shy about it, I guess, but that makes perfect sense with her personal history, as you have detailed.
I wonder if the subreddit remembers that she had a relationship with a married man in S1E14, That Was No Lady? And when she talks about sex with him in that episode, she says stuff like:
"It's amazing that I just made love in the daylight. [...] Well, you can't hide anything in the daytime. At night, I could be Godzilla, you'd be thrilled.
And everything that I used to worry about in… you know, I didn't worry about with you. [...] Like, how do I look? How do I sound? Is my breath bad? What's jiggling?"
Which doesn't sound uptight at all, to me -- it sounds self-conscious, which is (once again) perfectly normal, considering everything she's been through. Let's remember she also had an emotionally abusive relationship right before she got involved with Stan, and she wasn't a very popular kid/teenager in the first place! The poor woman's self-esteem has always been on the floor.
If anyone, Rose is the one who's somewhat prudish at the start of the series! We know she had a happy and active sex life with Charlie, but back in S1 she can't even say the word 'sex' (she says 'to be with a man in that special way'). She's remarkably shy when they talk about this kind of stuff. Hell, I watched S1E9 Blanche And The Younger Man yesterday, and she's scandalized about the idea of her mother having a relationship with a younger man -- not to mention her attitude towards her daughter's sex life in S2E7 Family Affair. If I had to pick one girl in the main cast to call 'uptight', it would be S1-S2 Rose. I'm not sure what the subreddit is on about.
Apart from all this, I also agree with what you say about the queer subtext and how it relates to the Girls, of course. I think the main type of queer joke in terms of frequency is the 'these three women live together and have a close bond' type, but Dorothy is definitely read as gay much more often than Rose and Blanche (even by her own mother!!). I often wonder what the writers would have done with her if the show had been made later; a self-recognition and coming-out story line would have been very in line with her journey as a character in the show as it is! Her story is all about learning to know herself, to love herself and to have confidence in herself, overcoming everything that's happened to her, and I feel like that's the kind of story that lends itself well to queer themes. Still, the show as it is allows for a lot of fan analysis and content on her, so I can't complain!
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muppetsnoopy · 5 months
I was complaining to a friend abt some harmless shenanigans my bf had gotten into and she was like "he's really just the ernie to your bert huh?" much 2 think abt........
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violetclarity · 8 months
I'm literally beggingggg people to learn how to have a concise meeting/conversation I am begging. begging. I'll get down on my knees if I have to I s2g learn when it can be a meeting and when an email...
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I've wanted to write a dissertation on the localization differences in Sawashiro's Chapter 13 scenes FOREVER you have NO idea, thank you so much for pointing that out.
I did experience the full game back when it was only out in Japanese so I've certainly got Thoughts on both in comparison to the original as well. Although it's not exactly what you were talking about, I do personally think the playfulness is 100% purposeful and the more accurate take in this case! Not just in a literal sense, but in terms of authorial intent.
Chapters 1, 2, and 13 specifically are full of homages to and subversions of his character as seen in RGGO. Playfulness, unpredictability, and an off-putting sense of humor are central to RGGO!Sawashiro. He also happens to be particularly fond of fake-outs like that. Obviously a lot has changed between games, but there's a lot of fascinating interplay as well, even with 7!Sawashiro's much more subdued presentation. Yokoyama has said he was going for a story that doesn't require RGGO's context to understand or enjoy, but a story that's nonetheless made more interesting by taking RGGO's context into account. The effects of that approach are of course going to be apparent in RGGO's main antagonist.
So I don't think it's far-fetched at all to say there's a sense of humor there we just don't get to see much of, being Ichi and being in the situations we're in when we encounter him. I think that kind of works for him as a character whose idiosyncrasies are conveyed equally by what we see and what we don't see.
... I guess I kind of ended up writing a dissertation anyway lol sorry
this is like getting a letter from the president thank you so much for your dissertation and your work in general im actually framing this on my brain walls
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boysdontcryboycry · 2 years
why be sane when you could build the wheeler house in the sims
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g33ktragedy · 1 year
the introduction of polls has taught me that the majority of tumblr users think i'm kind of gross. but the majority of tumblr users haven't fucked, smoked, or turned 25, which makes me think their opinions might be grounded less in reality and more in being 17
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I was trying to define how I'm feeling rn and I came up with 'horrible, but in a good way'
#i mean yes horrible nasty#but not like yesterday or other days sometimes#(God be thanked that I forgot at the time that there actually is a knife in my room in a box bc if I'd remembered I'd wager anything#that I would not in fact have come out of that unscathed. I have buried the knife further in the box#so that in case such a crisis comes again I cannot easily get at it and hopefully I'll get some sense or tell somebody in the meantime.)#anyway rn it's the sort of horrible which is wearing and nasty but definitely still this-too-shall-pass#i can survive it without danger to life or limb in the least it's not as bad#and i know definitely that this is connected with having friend and her family staying over since wednesday#thankfully they're going home tomorrow at least#yes i am a horrible friend#yes this is making it worse#but i just - yes i love her and i love them. but i need space. i need alone time. i am at the end of my tether.#and yes apparently anxiety and uptightness and general wound up ness can get to the point it did yesterday#i only clawed up my face a bit and nothing lasting#only a few nail marks remain on my hands so im fine#but i won't deny that the evening of yesterday was honestly terrifying#if i'm like this emotionally still in terms of fragility by the time i go back to uni i don't think i'll cope with uni#at least without resorting to something desperate of some kind#i'm hoping getting a job soon if i can will pull me out of this slump#i need to do something about pursuing an adhd diagnosis or at least going to an educational psych like my doctor suggested#i cannot deal with it without at least one or the other of those#i mean i also need a referral from doctor to scoliosis review surgeon so if i can get an appointment with the specific doctor to get that#maybe i'll be able to get a referral to another adhd or educational person as well at the same time. i hope so#i don't know. sorry for having a breakdown all over tumblr#if im having a serious breakdown all over tumblr at any point that's probably my way of keeping me somewhere safe tbh#im sorry y'all have to be dumped with this but idk#and im sorry i can't promise to trigger tag or anything eithr bc i know if im in a state of crisis or my definition of crisis i will forget#guhh anyway idk why i dumped this all over the place sorry#to my followers who followed me bc of shenanigans: sorry#to everybody: sorry
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moe-broey · 1 year
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gayjewishwerewolf · 2 months
Re: the convert, this seems very much like a "not your circus, not your monkeys" situation.
yeah, youre probably right?? he just posts a lot of 'as a Jew this is what we believe....' and even disregarding how much we can unpack that conceptually a lot of it is oversimplified at best or just kind of. Incorrect?? so just a matter of deciding if trying to open the conversation is worth it because on one hand it isnt my problem at all but on the other hand hes presenting himself as some kind of educator to a majority non jewish audience who don't know or care enough about jews to question any of it and is it more responsible to try and gently steer it into something more productive
but also. im just some guy and its not my job to give advice to people who are just kinda embarrassing online
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misskamelie · 3 months
I won't say a thing because everyone around here is legally an adult, but I do consider playing a piano at midnight (and singing, goodness sake) pretty rude and disrespectful towards others
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woahjo · 3 months
i don't talk about it often about how obsessed i am with husband katsuki not being all too concerned with informing the press of things and who prefers to keep things private.
like.. he married you last spring at a small, intimate ceremony held with close family and friends. izuku was his best man, your young niece was the flower girl who walked starstruck up to the altar and then asked to shake kiri's hand because she's a big fan. and the two of you were married. no fuss, no big press release, nothing.
katsuki is usually pretty uptight about what people see. of course, there have been rumors about who he dates, or rather, who he doesn't date. people love to imagine him as a heartbreaker for some reason, even if he's likely one of the farthest things from it. katsuki generally preferred to keep you out of the spotlight when you were dating though. you work at the agency and it was a mutual decision for a long while because the two of you figured that keeping things under wraps would mean it would be easier to actually focus on the relationship.
when you're finally married though, the two of you make the decision to just say fuck it. when out for groceries with you one evening, he's approached by the press. they hold microphones in his face and he grunts, frowning as he pushes the cart full of groceries to the car with you in tow. this is incredibly unprofessional and they're being unusually pushy this afternoon.
"dynamight! who's this you're with today?"
"a new fling perhaps?"
"have you finally decided to take a partner?"
he frowns at them furrowing his eyebrows and turning around. katsuki gives them a look as if they're stupid.
"that's my wife," he says plainly, as if it's common knowledge.
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