#am i a bad friend for this? perhaps. is it hilarious? definitely.
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jade-len · 1 year ago
so today i tricked my very straight male friend into reading svsss.
okay look, i wasn't planning to at first and it's not like it was completely my fault. he wanted to read it!
i was showing him how badly they fucked up mu qingfang in the donghua by comparing it to the english novel design (he said that mu qingfang went from looking like a soft dilf to a predator registered on the epstein island list). and then, i showed him how different some of the other character designs were like gongyi xiao's ("he looks like he'd be a genshin character" -friend, to eng novel design) and luo binghe's ("lowkey, he kinda gives airbender vibes" -friend, to bunhe eng novel design)
so that was all i was gonna show him, nothing else. but after seeing them, he goes, "these designs actually look hella cool. what's the book called?"
now, do i:
A. tell him the name, eventually revealing that it's a danmei when he looks it up?
B. just straight up tell him that it's a danmei?
C: don't tell him the name just yet, spill the summary, get him interested, and tell him to not search anything up about it because there's heavy spoilers and it will reveal them the moment he types it up on the search bar
i go with C, obviously.
me: so, basically, some guy named shen yuan transmigrates into an incel harem male power fantasy novel where the protagonist, luo binghe, has hundreds of wives. thing is though, the guy pretty much took over the body of binghe's teacher he had when he was a teenager, who turns out to be a really scummy dude. and now he has to be nice to him so that the protagonist doesn't rip off his limbs and put him into a pickle pot in the future to suffer for eternity.
friend: that sounds hilarious and horrifying at the same time.
me: yes it is, and you should read it. it's like. my favorite novel at the moment. but don't search up anything about it because people spoil that shit. i'll let you borrow my novel
friend: nah don't worry, i'll just pirate it
friend: wait. does it have pictures?
me, my plan coming together: yeah, it has pictures. buuut, when you pirate it, it doesn't. trust me dude, i tried and was severely disappointed. plus, the physical copy is so much better
friend: fuck yeah ok thanks
me: hold on though. i'll text you later to see if my friend who's borrowing it rn is done reading it
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he's hyped. he's excited. he craves a good book and a good transmigration interpretation. he's especially happy about the fact that it takes place in a chinese setting with cool powers and an actual good main character. "this sounds so good, god i wanna read it so bad."
i tell him that binghe is actually adorable, too. that it's pretty much found family! my friend then asks if shen yuan adopts him and becomes a father figure or something.
and i said "yes". you know, like a liar. (the father figure part probably isn't a lie though)
now i'm gonna give him the novel tomorrow! of course, i'm gonna cover the chapter 2 bunhe sexual awakening scene with washi tape and say that my baby cousin (sorry baby cousin, you would never <\3) scribbled all over that paragraph with her markers, and since i'm a neat book freak, i put washi tape and just wrote the scene! i don't know if that's really all too believable, but he didn't seem to care that much. just a simple "if my baby cousin did that to my book i would punt them into the sun"
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i think what'll be more hilarious is the fact that you can't really tell that svsss is a BL. especially not volume 1. there's like, only a few lines indicating, but if you remove the baby binghe sexual awakening scene then you probably won't be able to know (...if you don't really read romance or anything. idk he's kinda dense anyways). so let's hope he gets attached and has a slow descent into the homo before i drop svsss vol 2 on him!
ok anyways i'll update you guys later with a reblog. maybe in about two or three days lol
(also don't worry, we already fuck around with each other on a daily basis like this. he's already tricked me into reading some manga i was unprepared for, and i thought that it'd be funny to mess around with him using svsss this time lol)
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huggingtentacles · 11 months ago
Alright you just beat Elden Ring. Congratulations! You're now one of the cool folks who can actually beat the game, and you're not ready to put it down yet.
Maybe PvP intimidates you and you just wanna explore the world again. You may try a new build sure, but now that you know more about the game, you might wanna try something different, like a challenge run.
"huggingtentacles I am trash at the game there is no way I could do any of the cool runs, I died to Radagon a bazillion times"
Most people are good enough to beat a challange run. You can define what a challange is for yourself! There is no need to jump into something insane like a rune level 1 run or a torch only run. You can set any restriction you want, and completing the game with an additional challange is immensely more satisfying (and gives you bragging rights)
There are many different challange runs all varying in difficulty. Here are the runs that I've done personally.
Region Lock Run — the premise is simple, you can't leave the region you are in unless you best the major boss(es) of that region. You can't go to Liurnia untill you beat Margit, you can't go to Altus untill you beat Rennala, etc. This run is fun because you can't skip over progression (like killing the Caelid dragon early with bleed to be overlevelled for Limgrave) which makes every fight feel appropriately difficult.
Starting Class Run — Only use the gear you start the game with. You can level up and upgrade your weapons and flask, but you can't use any other consumables and talismans you didn't start the game with. This run is quite flexible in difficulty because whether you choose to, say, use ashes of war or different spells or even golden seeds is ultimately up to you. All of them count.
No spirit summons — for some this is just the normal Elden Ring run, but for most it's a challange. While it can be somewhat difficult, not having spirit summons still leaves you with enough options to steamroll through the game if you need to. The challenge comes from actually learning the bosses and their patterns and engaging with combat more.
No status effects — As simple as it sounds. Perhaps you used to crutch on bleed, frost, rot or poison, now you can't. There are plenty of other very powerful damage options in the game, so the run is definitely not very hard, it only limits your arsenal somewhat.
Spells only/melee only — depending on what your previous run was. If you're used to standing behind and throwing pebbles, picking up a weapon might be a fun new challenge. And if you are used to your Big Sword, it's gonna be kinda hard to adjust to managing your FP and putting together a build.
Spirit Summons Only — moderately difficult because it requires rather extensive knowledge of the game's mechanics. The basic premise is that you can only deal damage using spirit summons. You can restrict it to bosses only or to the whole run in general. It's an absolutely hilarious run. The AI built into the game can beat the entire game for you. Including the hardest endgame bosses like Malenia. Also playing as a support, healing and buffing your summons is really fun :)
No Crimson Flask — LISTEN. I swear it's not that hard. Yes it sucks a bit in the early game, but there are so many tools and options available to completely replace your flask with regen and heal spells. Just level up your vigor. This run is incredibly fun and it's good if you are aiming for harder runs in the future but aren't sure if you have it in you. I know you do ;)
Taunter's Tongue Run — Definitely my FAVOURITE of all of them. Its incredibly simple: you get Taunter's Tongue as soon as you get access to Roundtable Hold and you turn it on forever. Fight invaders alone or with a friend in 2v2s. If you don't have any PvP experience, this is one of the ways to learn. By the end of it, you won't be half bad at PvP, trust me (unless you just run away all the time which is also an option)
Rune Level 1 is such a difficult run to do, but the cultural legacy of Fromsoft "no leveling up" runs makes the completion of it so desirable. Completing this run basically makes you part of the small section of people who actually know how to fight every single boss without relying on cheap tactics and cheese. You learn how to counter every move most enemies make because of how unforgiving it is.
But what's more fun is the sheer variety. Stat boosting gear is so common in this game you can literally use almost anything you want as a weapon.
Permadeath — If you die, you restart. Use any tools at your disposal to survive, play it safe, level up your vigor. But most importantly, brace for setbacks. Restarting because of a dumb mistake sucks, but that's why it's such an impressive run to complete. If you can take a loss on Elden Beast and make it to the inside of the Erdtree again, you will achieve one of the hardest challanges ER has to offer.
An easier variation of Permadeath would be "no rune loss" run. There are tools the game gives you to avoid losing runes, but it's still a very difficult run.
Torch Only Run — You pick up a standard torch from Church of Elleh and you use it to Kill God.
An easier variation would be Torches Only run which allows you to use the entire arsenal of torches. Still a very difficult run that requires a lot of skill to beat.
No Thinking About Kissing Malenia run — still working on this one. Can't figure it out. If you have advice please DM me
Feel free to add more challange run ideas!
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communistkenobi · 8 months ago
would you be at all willing to talk about your experience of undergrad vs grad school? personally i struggled quite a bit in undergrad but am still always tempted to go back, and i think maybe the narrowed focus of grad school would be a little easier to handle, but i'm not sure if that would actually be the case... & perhaps your experience was something else completely and maybe this is too vague also lol, but i'm very curious about how you felt they were different!
yeah totally! My experience is doing graduate degrees (writing a thesis) in the faculty of social science in Canadian universities, so everything I’m about to say comes from that specific context. Definitely not universal lol
in my experience grad school is a lot more customised than undergrad. You still have required courses, non-course degree milestones (usually you’re required to present your work at conferences, which can get expensive and isn’t always covered by your department, as well as produce summaries of work you’ve done, research proposals, scholarship applications, etc), and standardised expectations, but you have a lot more choice in the courses you take and what topics you focus on. One university I was at was very relaxed about deadlines in grad school (I easily got extensions from profs without needing doctors notes or official accommodations, i was given the ability to redo assignments, etc), and the other was the ecact opposite (treated me like a idiot for needing extra time with work). If you’re doing a thesis project, a lot of your degree is independent work that you do in your own time - this was a huge struggle for me at the end of my masters, and I had to do “martial law” with my graduate friends at the very end, which basically meant us instituting a highly regimented schedule together made up of work sessions and breaks where we would each meet up and work on finishing our thesis (1 hour of work then 15 min break, rince and repeat, do this for four or five sessions a day every day). You are on a time crunch as you only receive funding for so many years, if you get offered funding at all.
your supervisor has a lot of control and influence over you - they are meant to guide you through the research process, develop your project, give you feedback, provide you with appropriate literature, double check your work, and help you get grants / funding. If you get a bad one it can legitimately ruin your life. I have had hilariously bad luck with supervisors (I’ve had to switch supervisors twice due to discrimination and breaches of provincial human rights law - which is not the norm to my understanding lol).
it depends on why you want to go to grad school and what you plan to do after. I want to stay in academia so that’s where most of my advice comes from. Tenure-track positions are incredibly difficult to secure and if you’re serious about staying in the academy you should be publishing your research while you’re still in graduate school, and treat every term paper as a draft of something you’re going to publish. I also have backup jobs I know I can apply for outside of academia if I don’t get any academic offers.
it’s relatively common for students to join a two or four year grad program but take way more time than that to finish. Usually if you get any funding packages, they only cover the official allotted years (in my experience, two for a master’s, four for PhD), meaning that if you need extra time, you could be finishing your degree with no funding and no guaranteed employment. If your supervisor is cool/connected they might have money they can swing your way, but it’s a tenuous and scary way to live if you have no other source of income.
funding usually comes from 1) grants your department gives you (they will tell you if they’re giving you money on your acceptance letter), 2) teaching assistant positions (I was/am required to be a TA, which usually involves grading undergraduate work, running labs, or leading teaching sessions/“tutorials”) and 3) federal scholarships that you are required to apply for. You need to write applications for these scholarships, usually including a research proposal, a CV/resume, a transcript of your grades, and recently, they’ve added a requirement for a diversity statement explaining any minority statuses you have and how that affects your education. TA work has an uneven workload from week to week, and usually most of the work is towards the end of the term when you’re grading final essays/exams, which creates crunch periods where you’re both working on your own coursework and grading undergrad work.
again a lot of this might not apply to your particular discipline or university or country. Usually universities list a lot of this info on their website, which can help you figure out what’s required of you. Grad school is structured like a full time job and it doesn’t pay very well even if you are funded. I lived with my parents for most of my master’s which gave me the financial stability to complete it. It’s not easy and it takes up most of your waking time, and it can leave you in a financially precarious position with a lot of debt. It’s definitely not something I would recommend for fun unless you have a lot of money and time to burn
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utilitycaster · 4 months ago
who out here sieging they weisshaupt
anyway. I understand wardens by definition go to horrible blighted places BUT every warden location SUCKS ASS. Let's do the rundown. A lot has happened.
Siege of Weisshaupt! I took Emmrich with me (Davrin is required and also makes sense) and while, again, I'm on Dumbass mode for combat, I must admit it kinda sucks that two of my healers AND rook are all most lethal with necrotic damage and darkspawn are resistant. this was perhaps a bad idea. I lived though, and I punched the warden and everyone except the academics approved, which is hilarious. Sorry Emmrich and Bellara I am NOT using my words. Also Bellara you'd feel better if you punched someone. Also bringing Emmrich IS pretty funny both because he is a very good healer/buffer and as Davrin and I are both tanks and damage dealers and my physical damage is nothing to sneeze at it's fine; and because Davrin is like IT IS MY DESTINY TO DIE IN GLORY AND DUTY and Emmrich is like the thought of dying makes me sick to my stomach and I am a necromancer.
I'll admit the sad failure family dinner and the solas convo after AND Varric all were like BY THE WAY YOU SHOULD DO COMPANION QUESTS and it was a little clunky BUT some people are stupid and I appreciate the game makes it obvious to them. also, talking to Lucanis, Davrin, and Neve was very fun for me (tragedy enjoyer). I now see why you talk with Davrin so much; he changes drastically after Weisshaupt and becomes much more interesting and you need to have that baseline.
I am slowly regaining Neve's trust! Also Neve being terrible at making coffee and Lucanis flirting with her in the form of "oh my god your coffee is the worst thing ever let me make you some" is a fucking. main quest interaction. Then I took Lucanis to Dock Town for the mission while Davrin dealt with his justified depressive episode.
The scene where Spite possesses Lucanis is missable if you don't check, and that's an oversight on Bioware's part, I must admit. Also I NEVER take the comedy mask option but I had to for the "you can't caffeinate your way out of this line" even though I as a real life person drink a quart of jet-fuel level coffee a day. Once a vending machine gave me three Celsius Essentials for the price of one and I briefly considered finding out what would happen if I drank all of them, and I'd already had coffee that day. Point being Lucanis's inclinations are relatable.
I'm back on that sweet sidequest life before The Cauldron quest, particularly the companion quests. There's like 3in Arlathan I haven't even picked up and of course I must go back to the wetlands my beloathed to see Evka (one of two good things in the wetlands, the other being Antoine). I DID do Bellara's companion quest. I love how the part 2 companion quests are like your friends are GOING THROUGH IT. Again. not subtle. but I do love justified angst. Neve literally the only person who isn't in a deep depression or anxiety spiral right now. I'm even playing Rook as feeling bad enough to admit weakness to Solas. Oh anyway Bellara's quest is great. Matt Mercer is there again, in a performance that made me go "wait is that Matt Mercer?" His delivery is incredible. Obsessed with how everyone was like MATT MERCER IS IN THIS GAME. HE'S A HISSING SKELETON. and actually he's playing two major characters.
I'll make a separate post later about this specifically, but I love the crossroads and could spend all my time there, which is why I've already fought Mythal I guess. I HAVE learned some of my lesson re: sidequesting aggressively though, and I am saving the necropolis dragon for when I'm "not only level thirty...four?" and "am better at this".
Again, my tolerance for clunky-ass dialogue in fantasy is high BUT. This game uses the word "fucking" so why do they keep saying "butt" instead of "ass." It tracks for Davrin, who is a dork, but I'm sorry and not to self insert excessively but Rook would say the word "ass" in front of Mila. there is a fucking archdemon. let the child learn the cuss words.
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lets-try-some-writing · 2 years ago
Had this really cute idea about TFP kids having pets of some kind if they ever do get a chance wanna know what you think!
Jack--- a pigeon- because they're great companions for people who has anxiety or feel lonely ( he probably has the one with small beak and feather covered legs and definitely a female because they're more loving and affectionate and puts her in cute clothes)
Miko--- a bearded dragon (or maybe even a gecko but definitely some lizard animal)- they're puppies with scales very energetic, weird and has fun personality and moves their head to music ( definitely dress it up and named it after a slash monkey member)
Raf--- a guinea pig or a rat (but I lean on rat more) - they're very social animals and love their owners very much and very intelligent ( he definitely has two because they has to have a friend. And he always let them climb on him or hides them in his pockets or bag and takes them with him)
And I like to imagine them explaining to the bots that they're not pets but companions/family or even their own children and how much they mean to them or how much of an emotional support they were to them!
And definitely found an excuse/reason to bring them to base!
And the bots reaction are like:
Ratchet wants them immediately out the base but get gaslighted into letting them stay for a day one the condition that they stay away from his work place ( Miko doesn't comply)
Optimus would be curious about them since he haven't seen them so close and would want to learn more about them and how they behave completely different and seems to understand their owners
Arcee might be more neutral about them saying if the kids are happy then that's it but surely gets interested in seeing how they act and the tricks they do
Bulkhead wouldn't want to be near them because he fears they get in his joints like some scraplets (Ratchet used that to keep him away from his stuff)
Wheeljack( I'm not too sure about him) but would want to see what they're capable of and tries to teach them bad tricks to maybe piss of a certain CMO
Bumblebee/Smokescreen would undoubtedly be amazed at these different animals and be even more impressed by the tricks hey do to the point they'd want one but gets shut down quickly by the whole team because they're too much work
Ultra magnus would just leave simple comment about them and leaves
What's your opinion? Maybe different animals? But these fits them well!
What do I think? Well, since I am unsure if this is a writing request or not, I will give my opinion on what you have presented here. Please feel free to send in another request if you were hoping for writing. I tend to misunderstand things like this more often than not.
Now firstly, this is an adorable idea and I do in fact think the animals fit. I doubt they would have any exotic pets, except perhaps Miko who I could imagine having some sort of parrot due to the intelligence of the species. Aside from that, spot on thinking regarding the animals that would be involved.
Ratchet's reaction is comedy gold I must say. Optimus's makes perfect sense considering his personality, although I also imagine he wouldn't be too fond of the mess or the pets getting into equipment. Arcee's reaction is also pretty solid, however I can see her developing a strange rivalry with Jack's pigeon or Rafael's rodent upon having to assist in collecting the small thing from either the rafters or under work stations. Bulkhead's response is perfect, no commentary there except for that I think it would be hilarious for him to fear Rafael's hamster above all else. I've dealt with hamsters, those little critters can RUN-
For Wheeljack I would alter his reaction only slightly to have him find it funny to watch the pets fail at whatever it is they are attempting. Him staring at the hamster and laughing hysterically when it runs into an object or the pigeon when it inevitably crashes sounds on point for him. You got Smokey and Bee also perfectly on point in my opinion. That sounds about right for them, although Bee I think would be less inclined to get one and more silently encouraging Smokescreen since if Smokey could convince the team to let them have a pet, then great, but I doubt he would want to deal with the glares personally. Ha, yeah Ultra Magnus wouldn't give a crap unless one of the animals touched his stuff. Then I bet he would have WORDS with whoever owned the animal in question.
In conclusion, a very humorous concept indeed.
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brynn-lear · 11 months ago
Dear Brynlee,
I hope my letter finds you in good health. I appreciate your swift and kind response. I'm quite relieved you do not mind my ignorance at times.
Moving on, I'm quite glad to hear your fondness for both the architect and the Duke. I favour the architect a lot, agreeing that he does put other artists at peace with his reliable nature. His way of communication is certainly one I nod at with great appreciation, and his sentimental disposition easily captures my curiosity.
As for the Duke though, my gaze of favour does not have any particular cause; it is simply that Monsieur Neuvillette an I happen to be close associates, and a friend of a friend certainly deserves my favour.
Of course, though, much like you, even I retain my appreciation for them away from romance. I simply adore them, is all.
Lord Kamisato is a curious one indeed... in spite of his status, it's safe to say that I consider myself quite fortunate to never have had the privilege bad luck to have a chance at interacting with him.
The Bough keeper is a more fascinating character though; I have never exactly been able to pin down his personality in spite of having had multiple chances to speak to him, in all of whom he has been nothing short of poised, respectful, and brilliant.
I believe he drapes on himself the title of a mourner, shading all other of his brighter qualities with its dull colour. He is illusive, but quietly so, never entirely being honest, or a liar; masterfully treading the lines that separate all that is good and evil.
Who dares to observe the observer? I do, of course. I await the day he shows his true nature; perhaps eagerly so.
I would share my enthusiasm for Sir Dmitri as well, should I have known him better; but considering that you adore him so, I believe he must be a good man. He certainly deserves my curiosity, then.
May I ask yet another question? Who do you adore from yet another parallel universe where the star of Stelle/Caelus finds home?
I hope my letters do not disturb you.
Yours Truly,
Chryseis Valois.
Dearest Chryseis,
You have no idea how much happy I was to receive another letter from you. I agree with most of your points, and I can definitely understand your relationship with the Iudex.
You better thank the God you believe in that you've never encountered Lord Kamisato. The Kamisato Commissioner is the elusive type. Perhaps one day you would encounter him. Who knows? Well, perhaps I do. I am an overseer after all.
I think I have a grasp on the former Black Serpent Knight's personality. He is someone I have the privilege of working with as of late, alongside Black Swan and "Medjed". Dainsleif may seem hard to understand upon first meeting, but the subtleties in his speech and humor shines the mote you interact. Though, considering that you are one of our guests, perhaps limited interacts is better. You know well that he asks the most mind boggling questions.
Interest in His Majesty...? Oh, no, you must've misunderstood our relationship. If you saw me inquiring women and men alike about their opinions of our King— it's an act done for my duties rather than... Whatever romantic airs people will label them as. I'm just helping a friend find someone to love him. That's all. Really. Please, believe me. Please.
As for the that other realm... Hmm. Well, Dr. Ratio and Aventurine are very similar to the Professor Veritas and Kakavasha I know— so it's no secret I'm fond of them. Though we'd never met, I think I would get along with Captain Gepard of the Silvermane Guards just fine. Jing Yuan is very hospitable, Kafka is charmingly persuasive, Sparkle is easy to befriend, and Blade is... Something. Hilarious how I found him most difficult to describe when he is my closest friend from that realm. His circumstances are unique, and I suppose I can relate to his... "tendencies".
Well, how about you? Who do you favor from that realm? I don't suppose Mister Aventurine is also in that list? Most people I know are quite obsessed with him. Do tell me your opinion. I'd love to know!
- Brynlee <3
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year ago
7-12-16-23 for Silver, Espio and Blaze? (that’s twelve questions I am so sorry)
No worries, I am currently ill at home and have gathered enough energy to tackle it ^-^
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Oh dear.😅 Oof, let's see here... I think that for a side character in a large extended cast, Silver is actually quite popular, and people are warming up to him more and more. At least, in polls that feature him and such he always seems to do quite well? And he's also got a lot of fanart and attention dedicated to him! So that is something that I like: the fact that he's generally well-liked. It's definitely a step up from 2006!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
My very epic headcanon was that he is left-handed, but I seem to have disproven that myself, haha. Another one I have is that with every new season that rolls around, he claims it is his favourite: winter for the snow and cozy times, spring for the new life and pretty flowers, summer for the warm temperatures and long sunny days, and autumns for its colours and epic storms. He just can't make up his mind which one he likes best: he loves it all similarly.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
I don't think I have one; there are many that I am not interested in, but those don't show up so much anyway and I don't have anything about them that I hate, so I just ignore them.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
I can't just pick one, come on!!
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I'll take this one because I love the pastel-like colouring, but rest assured I like many more!
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I think people overall have a relatively good grasp on his "place" within the Chaotix: the "straight man" of the team who similarly still is equally silly as the others. I always like seeing that: it's funny because Espio treats it so seriously, haha.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
He can be a bit of a mother hen, being the person most concerned with their finances, ensuring they have enough food, and raising Charmy into a responsible adult. Vector is the face of the Chaotix and the one Espio and Charmy follow, but behind the scenes Espio is the one who helps make sure everything runs smoothly and they're all cared for as best they can.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Same for Silver: none. It probably helps that I just concern myself most with Espilver and I don't do too much outside that, haha.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Also here picking one is difficult😅
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I'll go with this one because I think it very nicely shows the Chaotix household, and I also like seeing Espio write with a brush.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Hmm, I'm trying to think of something, but I don't engage so much with fan content about Blaze, to be quite honest. Though, people who like the Rush series and those who know of and appreciate how hilariously broken Blaze is in those games compared to Sonic when it comes to her jumping ability are always nice to see!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
The reason she's so bad at cooking is because of her impatience: she can control the fire she uses to cook well, it's just that she deliberately makes them go too hard/quickly in order to be finished more quickly. But that usually just means things get burned instead. If she's got someone to help her out and distract her in the kitchen, it'll come out much better.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Also none ^-^
23. Favorite picture of this character?
This might perhaps be odd, but I adore some of her sprites from Rush!
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I think they masterfully managed to capture Blaze's growth from closed-off and grumpy person who isolated herself her whole life into someone who knows that she can rely on others, and who appreciates her new friends. She's just so cute when she smiles! I love how Cream in Rush even deliberately draws attention to it. And the memories I have of the story around them makes seeing the sprites all the sweeter!
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bookish-monster · 2 years ago
Love, Laugh, Lich
by Kate Prior - find her on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok as well
The storygraph link contains info such as publication date, number of pages, community-created content warnings, and more.
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Love, Laugh, Lich is the first installment of the Claws and Cubicles series, and it completely stole my reliquary—I mean, heart. First of all, the situation is absolutely hilarious: a lich takes over the realm, instituting an Evil Dominion o’er all, and yet… people still go to work! There are office jobs! Lily, the human protagonist and the lich’s personal assistant, complains about a lack of PTO and shitty severance packages alongside the virgin sacrifices that the Lich Lord demands! It’s wild and utterly ridiculous and I truly enjoyed every moment of the sheer incongruity of it all. Look at this quote:
[The lich is] pacing the lower inner level of the Sanctum, the ritual floor. It’s drawn up in runes and incantation circles, with all his most-used ingredients lined up near the edges, and an altar for sacrifices in the center. "And there’s the initiative to bring more women in the STEM fields. That’s Sneakiness, Traumatization, Evil Studies, and Misfortune," I trail off...
It’s so corny and silly that I can’t help but love it. It feels like corporate D&D with the absurdity of the setting, almost, but with an office romance twist. This is one of those books where I learned almost nothing about the FMC outside of her interactions with the love interest, but I was weirdly okay with it because the setup was so outlandish and fun. Anyway, I truly did enjoy Lily as a protagonist. Usually I don’t jive much with first person POV, but I liked Lily’s. She is, of course, rather disconnected from reality and potentially crazy—it’s not wanting to jump a lich’s bones (ha) that makes me say so, but the fact that she has a continent-sized crush on her boss and agrees to sleep with him for work. FOR WORK! Girl…
Janice, Lily’s best friend and the company’s HR manager, is the voice of reason here (and potentially the FMC of the next installment of this series) but she is sadly—or perhaps happily?—ignored by Lily in favor of Soven (the lich) and his trifecta of cocks. You heard me right: trifecta. Soven has three dicks (one of them dedicated to clitoral stimulation) and he isn’t afraid to use them. Lily is a big fan, as am I. Soven is also a bit of a dork, which is super endearing given that he has enough undead magical power to (probably) level a city block without breaking a sweat.
I actually liked the conflict in this little novella. You can read the entire story in a few hours, but it feels appropriately sized—not too grand, but also not cramped. The story was (to quote Goldilocks) just right for what it was trying to do. The fact that sleeping with one’s boss is generally considered a bad idea all around, even in the real world, was acknowledged heartily—Lily agonizes over her feelings and Soven’s feelings and what the boundary is between “work” and “a relationship” and honestly it’s a whole mess of emotions that ordinarily I would find tedious… but because the novella is so short, the miscommunication and pining and angst didn’t get drawn out even close to the border of my patience, and I had a great time. 
The ending is very cute and a definite HEA that I found very sweet without being cavity-inducing in its intensity. The sex scenes were fun and varied, and as someone who prefers more lavish, drawn-out sex scenes I was reasonably satiated with these. Overall, Love, Laugh, Lich was a great, funny rom-com, and I’m looking forward to picking up the next book in the series as soon as my next paycheck comes in.
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dans-den · 2 years ago
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Review
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Hey what's what going on everyone?! Dan here and today I'll be reviewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3!
Now this is the last MCU movie directed by James Gunn and people were curious wondering how this movie would do since lately the MCU movies and shows have been...lackluster to say the least. I'm also told this was the first MCU movie to drop the F bomb which upset numerous parents but then again they should have known that a PG-13 movie is not suitable for kids. Then again, these are the same parents who buy M rated games for their 10 year old kids. Now with those tangents out of the way, lets dive into the movie review.
Spoilers Warning: it has been a week since it's been out but I'll still give warnings
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The plot is one last ride for the OG Guardians, however you once again won't fully understand unless you watch the other two Guardian movies, along with Infinity War and Endgame. Besides that oversight, the plot itself was great, there was personal stakes to save Rockets life after he was severely injured and the Guardians will have to face a being with a god superiority complex and a warlock named Adam. At first the movie was kinda fast with the plot but as the movie progressed it flowed better. Now people have been critical about the MCU formula where the characters are all quirky or "funny" and honestly it is annoying. However, the Guardians were the true quirky characters of the MCU, they popularized that formula and they have been the ones to make it work. Characters like Thor or Captain America can't be quirky the same way since they were established to be honorable and morally grounded characters whereas the Guardians have always been the Misfits of the MCU. This formula works best for them and that's why I didn't mind the quirkiness here because it works for the Guardians, it's hilarious especially for characters like Drax.
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My favorite and I think everyone's favorite in this film was the backstory of Rocket Racoon. If you've been paying attention to the Guardians and other MCU films he's been in, you'll notice he has been the main focus for the Guardians team. His story was hinted in the first Guardians movie and from then on his story has been subtly been revealing itself each installment and his character growth has been subtly developing just as much. This movie has amped it up by revealing his backstory and including his former love interest Lylla Otter and his tragic loss of her along with his other friends. I'm glad we finally got to see his backstory and it explains plenty about him that we already had a feeling about but this film confirmed it all and it was emotional and hard to watch with the animal cruelty moments. They did Rocket justice here and I'm happy.
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I will say the weakness part of this film is definitely Adam Warlock. I remember when they revealed him at the post credit scene in Vol. 2 and was hyped AF! If you've read the comics, you'll see Adam did play a role against Thanos and had the Infinity Gauntlet ready at his side. I was speculating he was being saved for Infinity War but unfortunately he never came to be and that was a let down. So I figured he would show up in Vol. 3 and he did but he had no real purpose in this film. He was just there to further the plot and wasn't necessary. We thought he would be the main bad guy here but no he was just a henchmen to some other bad guy (who I enjoyed since he was just unapologetically evil and that's refreshing to see). He had only one real moment and that was towards the end saving one of the Guardians from dying (even though he almost killed one to begin with). Adam warlock was disappointing in this film but hopefully we'll get a better story with him in the future or perhaps a mini series involving him on Disney plus.
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Now I did watch the post credit scenes and to be honest they're nothing special and I am just gonna leave it at that. The first one is basically an epilogue to the film and callback to Vol. 1 music while the other scene is just a little callback to the recent Christmas special, nothing you need to stay after the movie for where you can just look them up on YouTube. This is why post credit scenes aren't really worth staying for anymore at least to me, they're not like before where they connect and amount to anything major in the future.
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Overall, Vol. 3 was a great sendoff for James Gunn in the MCU and it is clear he wanted this to be his swansong before his departure. He pulled out all the stops here and were grateful for it. I feel this is definitely one of the better MCU movies in recent years next to Spiderman: No Way Home and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. I doubt we'll get great quality like this in the MCU for a while but I'm glad we have this.
Rating this film I am giving it:
This was a fun time and emotional roller coaster thinking this could have been the last we see of any of these guys and James Gunn gave us a truly lovely sendoff from the MCU. I highly recommend watching this film and that is about it.
See ya!
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londonfoginacup · 2 years ago
I was tagged by @ladyaj-13!
Rules: List ten books that have stayed with you in some way, don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard - they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you.
The Dalemark Quartet by Diana Wynne Jones
This is technically four books together, but the copy I got was a library bound copy that my mom picked up at the university book sale when I was in 6th grade. It took me three years to read the whole thing because I was so annoyed that each book would end on a cliffhanger and then start with another whole cast of characters. But truly my favourite fantasy book, and my favourite author of all time
2. How to Hide and Empire by Daniel Immerwahl
One of my fav nonfiction books of all time, full of fascinating trivia and connections that all of my friends inwardly roll their eyes at me for repeating in nearly every conversation
3. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
I had to read this for class in high school and I definitely was the only person who found it fucking hilarious. Nobody else that I talk to ever likes this book. Also I lent my copy full of pages and pages of notes to somebody and now it's LOST
4. Love You Bye by Scott Mills
Scott Mills the platonic love of my life. This is such an easy read and so clearly heavily ghost written but I love it so much because I am maybe perhaps Scott's number one fan.
5. Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
I read this last year and it's the first fiction book I have read in... maybe three years? I'm obsessed. I find fiction to be very boring right now but this series is DIFFERENT.
6. Love Thy Body by Nancy Pearcey
The rules said books that have "stayed with you in some way". There's no book that has made me more viscerally angry to read than this one. I hated it. She drew the most outlandish conclusions and made ridiculous leaps. 0/10 the only worse book is probably the one she just published.
7. Death to Deconstruction by Joshua Porter
A theology book that doesn't suck. My roommate bought this for me for Christmas and she got it SIGNED (Joshua Porter aka Josh Dies aka the lead singer of Showbread and the band I stanned before 1D). I read this over a series of weeks at Ikea over swedish meatballs.
8. Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow
I keep saying that if there's one book I'd rec to Louis it would be this one. Goddamn Ronan is a good writer and it's so good to watch bad men go down.
9. The Black Tattoo by Sam Enthoven
I'm not actually sure this book is good? I tried rereading it a few years ago and I couldn't get through the first few chapters. But I read it for the first time around like 2012 and at the time it was everything to me. I drew weird black tattoos on everything for years.
10. Soft Lad by Nick Grimshaw
Another one I read over a progression of Saturdays at Ikea eating lunch. Both Scott and Nick were part of my foray into finding myself as an adult, choosing what I like and what I want to pursue. Unlike Scott's autobography (as Chris Stark pronounced it), this one definitely felt like it came straight from Grimmy's lips.
Man I dunno who would like to do this! I tag @lululawrence @becomeawendybird @kingsofeverything @louandhazaf
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samthecookielord · 2 years ago
💝❤️❤️🕺💘❤️💘❤️🕺❤️😳💝 if you were a pokemon what type(s) would you be
1 says: "electric/ghost baybeee. just like rotom fr :] peace on earth <3 id be like one of those silly regional evolutions probably (trust me this makes sense if you know my silly weird backstory)"
2 says: "Oh, I believe my daughter has mentioned Pokemon a couple times. I'm not very familiar with all the types, but... perhaps ice? Ice feels very calm and quiet, and somewhat like glass."
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1 says: "my SWAG and COOLNESS im litearlly so hot and amazing and hilarious ooo you wanna kiss me so bad ooo"
2 says: "I... Hm... I suppose... I'm quite good at cleaning rooms. I like having a tidy house."
(tourney post)
Previous answers:
1 said (R1:M10) - Q: "what’s your ideal burger" - A: "BURGER ! ! ! YEAW !! ! ! ! !! !!!!! ideal burger is made by the friends we made along the way"
1 said (R2:M5) - Q: "how do you feel about shapeshifters" - A: "damn that would be so swag gender. well i can kinda do that but not rlly its not like im actually shifting my shape im just like hey looking at me im tricking (like the hit game) this michaelwave or whatever lolll"
1 said (R3:M3) - Q: "Opinions on nicknames? Do you like giving them? Receiving them? Have you gotten any that stand out to you? Would you like to get more or less?" - A: "DUDE NICKNAMSE ARE LIKE. MY BRAND. i better win this one guys cmon my nickname swag is sooooo cool awesome sauce. one of my BESTIES gives me a REALLY SWAG NICKNAME its [REDACTED] oh wait i guess im not allowed to say that or else itll like ruin my anonyminity or whatever 🙄🙄 ok be that way. as if im not obvious already 🙄 cuz im just so iconic 🙄 whatever im changing this guy's contact names again"
2 said (R1:M13) - Q: "who is the WORST person you know?" - A: "There's... definitely someone that comes to mind immediately. I'm... not sure if I'm ready to talk about it just yet though... Sorry. Would you like some tea, instead?"
2 said (R2:M7) - Q: "what would you do if I offered a kissaroo from me to you ?" - A: "Well, I don't know you very well so I'm not sure how comfortable I am with that. However, I do appreciate you asking first, thank you."
2 said (R3:M4) - Q: "What matters to you most in a person/relationship? Is it different between different relationships (friends, partners, coworkers, etc.)?" - A: "What matters to me most in a relationship is trust. I... want to know that those closest to me will always be someone I can trust... People who know they can trust me. People who... people who will listen."
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@cloud-ya mentioning dislike of rita and elysia’s flirtiness actually got me thinking. because i do enjoy this trait of theirs a lot
of course most of this is personal taste but part of the reason I enjoy it is because in media most of the confident flirts are guys (who I am not into) or, occasionally, women who exist exclusively to be a villain seducing some protagonist dude
Rita technically falls under an adjacent category due to being an assassin herself, but she’s not a villain anymore, and she has quite a bit of development that makes her more interesting than an evil pretty face anyway. while it was funny (Tesla’s ongoing bondage hatred should get more jokes!!) I didn’t like Rita all that much until she showed vulnerability in Arc City. Like that’s when I got really sold on her— she’d been so confident up until then, but she got depowered and wounded and her friends started dying
Really a bad day for Rita and my whump loving ass was thriving. she recovered quickly, and she certainly didn’t break down, but she was really in a tight spot and that was a really fun moment. That CG where she’s on the floor? Hell yeah baby.
Anyway so Elysia it was completely different!! And I find that interesting.
I adore Elysia. Not because she’s easy on the eyes (though I understand the plethora of seeeeeeegs jokes, she IS very pretty) but mostly because of her absolutely shameless attitude. The flirting is hilarious, not just because she doesn’t hold back at all, but also because it’s put in contrast with Mei’s very firm “no” attitude. The writers really got a good dynamic going, with Elysia being completely out of control and paired off with more calm/stoic straight man characters to contrast her bullshit.
(for those who don’t know the straight man in comedy is the role of the normal guy in a duo, who’s going to give opportunities to make jokes, react to stuff normally to provide contrast etc etc. often the voice of reason used in a comedic manner, usually the butt of the joke but sometimes funny BECAUSE they have a good point. has nothing to do with lesbians)
Even better, Elysia in all her ridiculous attitude sometimes surprises you by being down to earth herself. Like the recollection where she tells Kevin mid angst monologue that if he dramatically hits a street sign he’ll have to pay it off. She always makes herself sound very reasonable but actual role reversal is hysterical.
Elysia, for all intents and purpose, is a Mary Sue. She’s good at everything, she’s well liked by everyone but villainous-seeming characters (Mobius), she’s basically perfect in both body and actions, she never fails anything and seems to find all of it easy. Even when she loses against Mei, she does so gracefully— and she’s quickly noted not to have given it her all anyway.
But she’s a Mary Sue the writers are very, very aware of; and she’s put in contrast with characters who don’t buy her charm because of that. It’s good writing, man.
Her archive entry is a good example of this:
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If you really like tropes, you might have seen meta jokes of Mary Sues actually being terrifying eldritch entities seducing everyone. That’s basically what Elysia is. We don’t know her true nature, but her charm and talents don’t seem fully natural, and she’s DEFINITELY hiding something.
In summary, she’s a largely beloathed character archetype but actually written competently, and frequently subverted by her own environment to offset how insufferable the type of character she is would otherwise be.
To go back to Rita— Rita was mostly just underdeveloped early on. She was outwardly seductive, the maid thing was kinda weird, we had zero insight into any deeper motivations… she basically existed to be a hot, perhaps even fetishy obstacle. Most people do not like Rita upon meeting her, because she’s very shallow at that point. Early Rita even shares some of those insufferable Mary Sue traits— effortlessly tricking the heroes or murdering Gray Serpent— but there’s nothing to contrast it, so she remains a hot obstacle instead of a deeper character.
And of course, a significant bit of her character development is locked in the Dudu VN, so if you haven’t read that you don’t know much about her from playing the game, especially before she starts investigating Heliopolis.
So yeah! There’s just nothing solid to like!
Elysia can be interesting and likable from the start in part because she’s incredibly funny if that’s your sense of humor, and because you quickly realize she’s suspicious (mysteries are fun! mysteries get you to pay attention!). Obviously you CAN also dislike her, but most people seem to enjoy her. It’s less a matter of writing and more personal tastes or bad personal experiences clashing with how she was designed to be. I have a friend who really dislikes her because they’re wary of her and protective of their favorite characters, so they see her as sort of an enemy. The flirtiness and suspicious behavior can also be points against her, if that’s not your thing, etc etc. But for MOST people, Elysia is funny, mysterious and likable, as a bit of a parody Mary Sue who the writers are exploiting the archetype’s uncanniness of.
Rita on the other hand suffers from her fetishy design (both appearance and personality) and shallow early characterization, if you’re first impressions kind of pal you’re probably not going to like her easily. Her early writing isn’t great, so there just isn’t much to like. Even the development she gets later, the vulnerability, while I find it delicious, may not be your thing either… and she was even retconned to appear earlier in the story, like Hua, so she originally had even LESS build up. There just aren’t too many reasons to get attached to her, especially around her first appearances.
So yeah. In conclusion, I think comparing these characters mostly just shows how far the writing of Honkai has come! They’ve gotten really good at introducing characters in a way that makes most people WANT to know more about them, and then disseminating clues in the rest of the story. The visual-novel-as-a-reward format of ER is really suitable for it, too, so they played really smart on that.
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theic-manic · 8 months ago
On a fucking hilarious note, I love that I am an Ares and Apollo devotee and Apollo's RSD has definitely been a damn mood before I started my shadow work...
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Like for real, I've laid down some real dark curses during rage episodes to eventually calm down and think "okay perhaps I've gone a tad far..."
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Then you know, Apollo just goes "nope, you made this bed now lie in it" and absolutely annihilates the health of those who have set me off.
Chemical burns from skincare products
Other Horrible illnesses...
It's now at the point that my non- spiritual friends just ask me wtf did I do now whenever there's a local outbreak of something...
So my relationship with Apollo has really forced me to simmer down and self-manage better because I do feel a teensy bit bad when he pops off on my behalf.
Occultists, witches and spiritualists really need to stop peddling the lie that spirituality, witchcraft, paganism, etc. isn’t a psychological phenomenon as well as a mystical one. Your psychology will in fact, fundamentally inform your experiences with spirituality.
And we also need to stop pretending that spirituality and witchcraft are somehow contrary to mental illness. Or that having a mental illness means you can’t do witchcraft.
I’ll be completely honest with you guys and say that certain people with certain afflictions are more predisposed to different “mystical” experiences than others. I don’t think it’s a great coincidence that I am so great at visualization given that I was raised in a severely neglectful household. It doesn’t surprise me that many pagans are lonely people. This doesn’t mean to say that spirituality is “filling” a hole within anyone (although if it is, that’s great for you) but more so that, well, this path is unpopular for a reason. Alternative subcultures are alternative for a reason, and outcasts and rejects usually find a home there for a reason.
This also doesn’t mean to say that people who engage in witchcraft and spiritualism are inherently mentally ill. There is still a difference between hallucinations and spiritual encounters. And there was never any rule that said that both of these things cannot happen to a single person. For the safety of yourself and others we should be aware of the warning signs of dissociation and hallucination, but that doesn’t make anyone “wrong” for experiencing those things. And experiencing those things doesn’t mean you cannot explore spirituality or do witchcraft.
I hate it when “spiritualists” who are actually just anti-vax conservatives push the narrative that people with mental health issues cannot participate in spirituality. I also despise the notion that mental health issues are inherently a sign of an energetic imbalance. We’re all walking around with a special concoction of brain soup in our heads, it doesn’t surprise me that Ares devotees tend to have BPD, that many Aphrodite devotees struggle with self harm, that many people who work with angels have paranoia or generalized anxiety.
There was never any rule that said that you cannot use your deities or magic to help you cope with your mental health. I know some people will say “the Gods aren’t here to be your friend or hold your hand through life” but I’ve seen no evidence to suggest that’s true. I see no reason why a God like Ares couldn’t help his devotee with BPD come down after a bout of rage, I see no reason why Dionysus couldn’t help his devotee with their alcoholism or substance abuse, I see no reason why Aphrodite couldn’t help a devotee with relapse or negative self talk.
Witchcraft and paganism were historically used as a tool for survival, to bring people ease, to help people feel safe and secure, blessed and protected. That applied to all people, including those with mental health issues.
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fantomette22 · 2 years ago
Ok every time I start to write your name, I almost type “Fanta” which I find hilarious. It’d be a cute nickname!
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(Cherry best flavor)
ANYWAY. Back on track. I am curious if you have any head-canons for Annalise and her role to play in the story? What is her character like to you? I am very curious 😈
Never thought some would compared my nickname as a soda xD (a YouTuber I used to follow is named like that too)
But anyway, Annalise ! I don't have too much too (because you know my brain is way much concentrated on always the same stuff but here's the few ideas/headcanons I got :)
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I already talk about it, but for me this, is a younger Annalise.
So what she's like hm ? (I'm not sure XD) I mean if we look at the source materials she can be a bit mean if you don't do what she wants x) she sure have a LOT of pride. It's understandable she's the queen ✨ after all. But she's one of the few npc who don't want to hurt us too (that's kind of an accomplishment in Bloodborne & soulsborne games) & if we behave accordingly she can be quite sympathetic towards us.
But she's definitely not innocent and probably have bloods on her hands (less than a lot of people but still) I feel she might have order really dark things to get blood dregs and have the church against her But still... she lost so much too... I really feel bad for her... And I think she's kinda in denial... like how can you not go completely crazy after what happened ?!
But perhaps in her youth it was more different. Still with a big ego but perhaps quite caring too, who wants the best for Cainhurst, her family and all. Pretty sure she was quite good in politics, reasoned and have a really good prestance. And you know all the things a XIX century princess was supposed to do/know I guess. I mean ok everything she wears is a bit outdated. But like everyone seems to wear 1700s clothes in this damn castle. Oh and pretty sure she had good relationship with Byrgen, the church, Laurence, the hunters too maybe help them with their own expeditions too ! Maybe Logarius too. Before everything went down at least...
I think she used to have a good relationship with Maria ? Even if they didn't agree all the times she understood that Maria couldn't just be locked in Cainhurst and that another way of life fit her better. And Even if she was originally supposed to become one of her personal bodyguards/royal guards ("a shadow" of the queen like I call them hehe). Also, she always have an excuse and wise words for Maria rebellious teenage years x) And yeah they're cousins or smt similar in my main interprets and basically grow up together even if Annalise is a few years older.
I need to mention my oc Vledemyr too (still not sure of the orthograph help) basically Maria's cousin? almost the same age as Anna/bit older who became her bodyguard, then the chief of the royal guards later. Her closet friends and he's always been quite overprotective of the 2. Like an older brother to Maria and really want the best for /protect Annalise. He's really dedicated. (He's the mvp too).
Her mother died when she was young (but like not too young? between childhood/pre teens ?? yeah lot of people dies...) so not always easy. She likes her father too but you know he kinda let things just pass and happened too...and being really active.
Need to talk a bit about her husband too, but not too much it's not the subject (I mean... should i finally share his name and what he did to be king?! I don't remember if I already share... (I love this smart idiot so much, she do too). Yeah she actually really care about him. She knows he wants even more to restore Cainhurst power (for the honor of cainhurst blabla), he went to the chalices to find lot of things (statues, the ring...) and is doing a lot for her that she acknowledge. And to finishes with the relationships. I need to mention of course the bloody crow of Cainhurst ! I hesitated for a while but it's not Vledemyr...BUT there's a link somewhere.
But first, when she became "immortal" ( like the great one I guess? you live really long, don't really decomposed and your soul can't die but your body can die/be destroyed??) so yeah cool, as such she wasn't really stressed out to have an heir at the beginning. (And she got relatives that could take after her just in case but there's one relatives she know wouldn't want that to happened at all...) but still I feel she really wanted to eventually have one, and in their own way ascend like the pthumerians wanted to do. + have a family kinda. I guess the child of the immortal queen would be quite powerful and such an event don't you think ?
But... It didn't work... I mean she either have huge difficulties to fall pregnant / or don't manage to have a pregnancy going to term... either because of natural physiology or maybe the forbidden blood itself... king fell awful about it... she blames herself, he blames himself... that's why I think it took a few decades to have the child of blood with all blood dregs and all ! (sure took lot of times and researches) (ultimately it didn't work too but it could have if well you know... 😔) ((yeah love drama and sad stuff T_T that's maybe a bit dark too I'm really sorry...)
So in the meantime to compensated, she passed a lot of time with well... baby Crow ! (that I call Voron if I remember. I let you guess what it means. And literally everyone was crazy with him when he was a baby. Some much hc about him now thanks to you Crow!!!) Who's actually the son of a close relative (no telling yet hehe). She even made him some kind of heir of Cainhurst until she get could got hers, in case smt. happened. (Crow is a prince and rightful heir to Cainhurst hello ?! wouldn't that be cool?!)
And when you ask me about her role ? Like in the stories in my head XD ? Well it's not a really big role at the beginning . Until her father (the former king) died and she became queen. Cainhurst was becoming really dusty she wanted to make things moves, make Cainhurst strong again, and the church/byrgenwerth? needed help with the chalices + researches and blood were a good deal. And then they found the forbidden blood... but didn't wanted to gives to much info to Cainhurst to soon... even if that was their rightful inheritance ! So you know one of the scholar leaks some info to the Queen... then stole it and bring it back kof kof 👀 (not telling too much bc it's not the subject but this guy I swear I have a few ideas XD guess what the guy become after lol)
Then things don't move too much but slowly behind the scenes. Cainhurst get in too much with their lost Pthumerians irritate, goes into chalices dungeons, bring back some stuff... but then at some points their views clash with the healing church + maybe begin to kills hunters for blood dregs. At the beginning it's just mad people but maybe at some points it's not anymore so... and then you know they try to have the child of blood but the executioners show up...
Hope it answers you're question ! If you want smt for specific about some subject in particular let me know ! :)
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sirisuorionblack · 4 years ago
Professor Lupin
Professor!Remus Lupin x Professor!Slytherin!Reader
Request: Hey! Could I please request a Professors AU with Remus? I melt over the idea of him reuniting with someone from his school days when they both become professors and potentially a shit ton of pining from our boy Prof. Lupin ☺️ ty lovely!!! Xxx
Warning - none that know of.
A/N I hope you like it @cherrycolakxsses! Had so many doubts to post it but this I finally out. It's quite lengthy and might feel rushed at the end. Sorry!
"(Y/N) (L/N),” Professor McGonagall’s voice tore through the music blasting inside (Y/N)’s office. Does it set a bad example? Definitely. Does she care? Maybe.
“Old habits die hard, Professor,” she said, extinguishing the candlelight on her desk that's been lit since last night when she was going through a few papers. McGonagall chuckled at that.
The two of them walked down the corridor to the great hall for breakfast when Professor McGonagall said something, “Who do you reckon is going to be this year’s Defence Professor?”
“The dementors?” (Y/N) asked, looking genuinely confused.
McGonagall glared at her, “I wish you weren’t a professor, I could have deducted points,”
“Professor Slughorn would have been mad at that,” (Y/N) chuckled.
Professor McGonagall smiled at the fond memories of her past colleague complaining to her about “unfair deduction of house points”.
“But tell me a plausible guess of who might be this year’s Defence professor,” she insisted, a small smile tugging on the corner of her lips.
(Y/N) narrowed her eyes, “What are you planning, Minnie?”
The said person rolled her eyes at the nickname, “Well, I will tell who the Professor is - Its Remus Lupin,”
She could see the young professor straighten, staring at a spot on the ground as her thoughts ran wild, mind flooding with memories of a certain familiar Gryffindor.
“Oh,” was all she could muster.
“He will be joining us tomorrow,” McGonagall said carefully, looking intently at the girl before her.
“What!? Tomorrow?” she said, her eyes blown wide.
“Yes, and I except for him to have a good welcome,”
“You think I would be...mean to him?”
“What are you two still in your fifth year?”
“Oh come on, Minnie! Don't do that!”
“I should give it to the two of you, it was rather hilarious,”
“What is hilarious in watching two fifteen year olds duel!?”
“You will know it,”
That night (Y/N) rolled on the expanse of her bed, wanting nothing but the face of the Gryffindor to just disappear and allow her to sleep but all she could think about was him. She wondered if that same high school crush was turning, she wished not.
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“Welcome, Remus,” Professor Dumbledore greeted him with a wide smile as Remus looked around the Headmaster’s office. He had come here only a handful of times and every single instance was just not the best.
“Hello, Professor,” He said, smiling politely.
After the introductory chat, Dumbledore said, “Well, come on, then, let me introduce you to the rest.” Remus smiled awkwardly as the Professor clapped him on the back.
Remus stopped dead in his tracks as Professor McGonagall and another young woman walked in. He immediately identified her, it was (Y/N) (L/N), his once upon a time arch-nemesis. He clearly remembered her 16 year old self, a bright smile on her face as she spoke to him rationally for once, settling everything, that contrasted the taboo of students with green robes having cold look.
(Y/N)'s smile slipped as she saw him, he was extremely thin and malnourished but he did have a smile on his face that compensated for everything else.
“Hey,” she said, mustering the smile back and outstretching her hand.
Remus coughed as he managed to break out of the trail of memories and shook her hand, “Hello,”
“Ms (L/N), can you please accompany Mr Lupin to his office?” Dumbledore asked.
“Yes, professor,” she said without giving it another thought.
“Do you remember this place?” (Y/N) asked with a smile as they reached a deserted corridor.
Remus barked a loud laugh, “Oh, how can I not! Wasn't this the place where we charmed the water balloons to pop right above your head?”
“Yep, it was the very same place where the epic duel happened, the time I had almost won,”
“But you didn't,”
“And neither did you,”
“I think - what was his name? - Liam Holloway! Yes, he ended up in the hospital wing,”
“That's what you get when you try to get in between a duel,”
Remus chuckled, “One of the reasons that was epic because that's when they saw Hogwarts’ most silent people have a fully-fledged duel,”
"Oh, yes! But honestly, to this day I have no idea how it started,"
Remus chuckled, "It was because the water had drenched your potions and charms essay "
"My potions and charms essay? Remus," (Y/N) dissolved in a fit of giggles, "Oh goodness,"
"What?" Remus asked, a smile spreading its way on his face. He waited for her to calm down.
"Professor Slughorn had looked at me pitifully the next class and then said I didn't have to hand in that essay and Flitwick did too. I hadn't done either of their essays that time. And when they told me that I was so confused as to why they did,"
Remus' jaw dropped as he looked at her incredulously, giggles still escaping her lips, "And I being the nice person I was, I wrote that essay for you and had James put it "discreetly" into your bag. Wait, that green bag was yours, wasn't it?"
"That was you!?" She asked, her eyes wide.
"Yes," he said, nodding.
"Oh, Merlin, I thought it was Snape for some odd reason and I was being good to him!”
“Should I be offended?”
“I dunno, I am sorry,” she wiped the tears that formed in the corner of her eyes with the amount of laughter she did within the few minutes.
Remus watched her as she smiled and looked around, the two of them falling into a comfortable silence.
“This will be your office,” (Y/N) said, opening her arms wide open at the entrance, “the terms start in a couple of days and then-” she grinned at him.
Remus was slightly distracted by the tank that stood at the side of the room, perhaps it was a fish tank; it was empty so he had no idea about the use of the tank and the thought of buying a fish for it ran high.
“No, honestly, the kids are great!” she said proudly, misinterpreting his silence.
“Are they?” Remus asked as he looked around his new office.
“Yes! I mean they are so lovely and sweet and just amazing, unlike some,” she said pointedly.
Remus chuckled, “What are you insinuating, (L/N)?”
“You know exactly what I am insinuating, Lupin,” she said, smirking.
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(Y/N) squeezed Remus’ arm, watching his eyes turn glossy as he looked at the boy seated at the Gryffindor table laughing with his friends, resembling a lot like Remus’ late best friend.
He sighed and looked away. Soon, Professor McGonagall engaged him in a conversation, as though sensing the situation long ago. He spoke to her, a subtle forced smile on his face though all he could think about was his friends at the age of fifteen running along the corridors hollering and howling with laughter as they did so, and (Y/N).
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“Good morning, Professor Lupin,” Remus heard as he walked through the corridors of Hogwarts - his once upon a time home, where he laughed and found friends and people who loved him, people he loved - he turned around to find (Y/N) grinning at him, “You know, I never thought you’d be a Professor,”
“You think I don't have the capability?” Remus asked, his eyebrows scrunched in offence.
“No, I mean you were after all the brain behind those petty pranks,” she said, grinning at him, “Do you think I didn't notice those “secret” whispers?”
“You-how?” Remus asked.
(Y/N) froze, biting her lips to prevent the blush from spilling onto her cheeks, “That doesn't matter. By the way, I must say, that prank on Snape where his hair was neon green for a week-?”
“That was epic and you know it,” he cut in.
“Yes, I know, Lupin, let me finish, will you? The part of the reason why it was because I did something,” she smiled cheekily, looking at him through her lashes and making Remus’ heartbeat cease and he felt as though the air in his lungs were knocked out.
Remus blinked, looked at her and asked, “What?”
(Y/N) chuckled, “Yes. The potion was to turn Snape’s hair a shade of purple, it was quite nice on him I must say but it wasn't - how do I put it, um,” she snapped her fingers in the air trying to find the right word.
“Humiliating?” Remus suggested.
Her eyes widened as she chuckled, “No, more like embarrassing?”
Remus smiled, “Alright,”
“So, I had mixed a neon green solution I had stored for, well...you,”
“For me!?”
“Yes,” she said with a giggle.
Remus blinked, “Why would you do that?”
“Um, good question but remember I hated you at that period of three months,” she said, shrugging.
“Well, now?” Remus asked, tilting his head slightly and staring at her intently.
“What now?” she asked.
Remus looked away from her striking orbs and at the sea of students, “You know, do you still hate me,”
“Nah,” she said and proceeded to mumble incoherently.
“What did you say?”
“Oh, nothing, nothing at all,”
The two of them fell into the depths of awkward silence, struggling to get back. Students who passed the greeted and smiled, giving (Y/N) an opportunity to break the silence.
"What are you planning to do in your first class?" (Y/N) asked.
Remus had brainstormed the past night. He wanted something that would make his first class a good one, an opportunity to teach the students all while taking a place in their heart and getting to know them. Remus believed that a student would like the subject if they liked the teacher.
"I thought of doing some theory part or something like that," Remus shrugged unsurely.
“Theory? On your first day?” She looked at him as though he was an alien, “Wow, Lupin, I thought you were genius,”
Somehow, as she muttered those words Remus felt a blush forming on his face, perhaps because she thought he was a genius (which he was), or it was embarrassment.
"You could do like practical like, I dunno, something cool," she said, waving her hands wildly.
"Um, what is cool?" Remus said, blankly.
(Y/N) stopped, gawked at him and left forward, shaking her head, "Do whatever you want, Lupin!" She yelled.
"Hey, hey, wait! (L/N)! HEY!" He called after her, watching her go without another glance at him, "And there she goes. Great, Remus, scared the girl away,"
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"You did a boggart!?" (Y/N) exclaimed, the evening Remus had come into her office uninvited - definitely startling her - and boasting about what he taught that day.
"Yes," Remus chuckled, "Neville's boggart was Snape, you know,"
(Y/N)'s jaw dropped, "Wait, I, oh my goodness, his worst fear is Snape?"
"Yeah," Remus mumbled. (Y/N) fell silent as her eyes connected with his, both of them drawing deep breaths. She got lost into the depth of his eyes, concentrating on trying to find which colour they adorn - green? brown? amber? - it would take her years to find out.
(Y/N) coughed and looked away, breaking herself from...whatever she was put into.
"Um, uh," Remus shifted on his feet, one hand stuffed into his pocket and the other scratching his neck, "Would you - um, perhaps we could, I mean, if you want to-" Remus stopped his stuttering and took a deep breath, "We could take a walk? Like just down the-"
(Y/N) chuckled, standing up and crossing the desk. She grabbed the jacket that hung on a stand in the corner of her office. The coat was an obnoxiously dark colour of green that made Remus scrunch his face.
"What?" She asked, narrowing her eyes, "You don’t wanna come?"
Remus grinned extremely widely, and snatched his coat, stumbling to join her pace.
The two of them walked down the corridor to the black lake, their surroundings cold, the chill air swishing their cloaks yet the two of them felt warmth seeping into every inch of their body.
"You do know that it's way past curfew, don’t you?" Remus tried to joke. The keyword being - tried. He was bad at that, he was bad at flirting, he was absolutely terrible with girls.
But to his utter surprise, (Y/N) threw her head back, laughing, "You do know that we are Professors, don’t you?"
"Well, it’s my first day," Remus shrugged.
"Oh, now about that again - did you really do a boggart with your students? Really? In the first class you wanted them to show their fears?" She said, glaring at him.
Remus shrugged and looked around, his eyes catching the moon, it was waning gibbous, 7 days due to full moon. He was finally back at Hogwarts for the full moon. 16 years later.
"Remus," (Y/N) laid her hand on his arm. He suddenly whipped his head to look at her, the movement adding to their close proximity.
Remus froze. Her eyes. They were captivating to him. They shined under the moonlight, her eye colours modified into bright, shining ones. He fell into the mysterious depth of her eyes that pulled him closer, quite literally.
Both of them did not know when but soon their lips connected in a messy kiss but it was perfect for them. Their hands manoeuvred until hers were buried into his brown curls and his arms wound around her waist, pulling her closer. Remus tilted his head, deepening the kiss.
Kissing under the moonlight, what a cliche, yet, Remus Lupin wouldn't want it any other way.
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actualbird · 3 years ago
the words "vyn horse girl" did something to my brain and sent it on a whole journey but one of the stops was the thought of vyn approaching tutoring marius like befriending a stubborn horse which is so funny 2 me. vyn accidentally (or like.. maybe not. its vyn. who is to say.) pavlovs marius by clicking his pen the way you do with a horse and a clicker LMAO
irt to vyn pls get friends
oh my gosh i said "vyn horse girl" very mindlessly but now youve activated my silly brain so it is time for me to expand because your mind is amazing
vyn richter is very obviously a horse girl and he might be applying horse logic to some friendships
wc: 716
contents: horses, which may be alarming for some. i, personally, am fucking terrified of horses (no offense to horses or horse lovers, i just had a bad time once when a horse nearly led me to my death)
canon evidence of vyn being a horse girl
hes currently (on the global server) got two whole cards wheres hes in the proximity of a horse. R Elegance and SR Gentleman's Game. i have not yet seen the story for the SR but hes on the horse. and two cards with a horse is telling, esp since hes looks to be enjoying himself. thats more times in my life ive ever enjoyed being with a horse
canonically, he has hunted before with a bow and arrow. whats the best animal to be on when doing this? unfortunately, a horse.
canonically vyn is, [spoiler for backstory] of a royal lineage. guess what royal people ride? money. and (sadly) horses!
vyn maybe applying horse logic to friendship because thats the funniest goddamn thing ive ever seen
i mean, can anybody blame him? yes he has 2 phds in psychology (uh, actually, whats the second one? psychology and...something related, surely. i'll laugh very loudly if his 2nd phd is something unrelated, like library science. i think anthropology would fit him, it's a dry verdant study). but that doesnt immediately translate into being good at friends.
very endeared by the image of childhood to teen vyn who is still surrounded by people he FUCKING ABHORS just going to the stables and reading his books out loud to the horses because he loves those horses so so much. and now those horses know a Lot. perhaps even too much. im scared.
but yes, people are not horses. but he may use horse logic because it's what he Knows.
irt to marius the skittish horse: IM WHEEZE LAUGHING. tho marius doesnt strike me as a skittish horse at all, more like a wild one. i think vyn would approach his relationship w marius something more like "horse, behave." and then marius is like "no!"
(i dont think vyn would on purpose pavlov condition anybody since thats a bit questionable, even if it is funny. but vyn is also very fond of routines so he may have accidentally primed marius to expect praise when he twirls his pen. vyn catches on quickly and tries to stop doing that...except when he really needs marius to shut up and focus.)
artem is the skittish horse thats hiding behind a stoic horse image. vyn approaches his relationship w artem (after the whole tense lowkey rivalry enemies thing) by being gentler. and personally gifting artem a peppermint plant from his garden. because horses like peppermint. artem does not eat the peppermint raw, he uses it in his cooking.
luke is a horse that looks so lovely and kind but when you get too close or harm any of his horse friends (and vyn will eventually realize that he is included in luke's horse friend list) luke will bite and kick and kill. luke is wary as well, so vyn is the most careful with him, first studying him from afar until luke gets fed up with how thats cryptic as fuck. after that, vyn is much more honest, lest luke does a metaphorical horse kick spanning from the playful ones like jabs at vyn's sleep sched to ones that can definitely fucking hurt.
mc is not a horse to vyn. she is, however, somebody he trusts greatly and he actually tells her about the horse thing. to which she finds HILARIOUS but also fascinating. she asks him how to handle the horses, so to speak, and he is very open to letting her know. like teaching a rookie to ride a horse. but, er, hes not teaching her how to ride the. the team. or. well. he COULD. she seems like she'll know more about that though
vyn the horse girl is canon.
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