#am I lost but he’s been camped out in the woods?
area51-escapee · 4 months
The thing about so many of those tiktok trends that become a big deal like the man vs bear of the all men think about the Roman Empire thing that always frustrates me is just how quickly it dissolves into reinventing the gender binary and enforcing weird bioessentialism shit. The Roman Empire thing wasn’t even that serious until people started turning into “men think about the Roman Empire because they’re inherently violent and aggressive while women think about the titanic and the triangle shirtwaist factory fire because we inherently have empathy and care about people”. And it gets impossible to interact with these things in the same way once you throw transgenderism in there, and when people try it turns into bioessentialist terf talking points even from OTHER trans people.
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bountydroid · 5 months
Darlin' pt 2
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pt 1 / pt3
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x f!reader (right now there is nothing romantic, maybe in the future I am undecided.)
Description: Where the reader arguably makes the stupidest decision of her life, following a ghoul who obviously doesn't want her there.
TW: Talk of physical abuse and bad parenting
I stayed there on my knees in the mud for some time. Stunned at the events that just transpired. I had nowhere to go, my wrists were still bound, and I had no weapon. I was truly fucked. I slowly rose to my feet as I looked around. The ghoul took one of the men's guns and Slim's was far too heavy for me to carry. I stumbled my way to the grave to look down inside. Honcho wasn't moving, and if I crawled down in there to get his gun there was no way I was getting out again. I sighed. I thought back to the ghoul. He was my only chance, but he didn't want my help.
I sighed again as I looked down at the chicken before untying her and setting her free. "At least one of us can be free," I said smiling to her before she ran off. 
I stood there in the dark weighing my options when my eyes fell to the tracks in the mud. Maybe if I stick close to him, I'll be okay? At least until we reach a town. I would stay out of his way. Ideally, he wouldn't even know I was there. 
"You are insane," I said to myself before I started following the tracks in front of me, grabbing Slim's bag on my way past him.
After about a day I was exhausted. I had no idea if I was going in the right direction anymore, I was no tracker and I lost his prints a long time ago. I stopped and bent over, pressing my palms to my knees while trying to catch my breath when I heard a gun cock behind me.
"Now why would you be following me?" The ghoul said behind me. "You must be a special kind of stupid."
I couldn't help the exhausted laugh that bubbled in my throat as I slowly stood up. "I must be. If you killed me right now, it wouldn't make a difference. I'll die on my own anyway." I said still facing away from him, feeling defeated.
There was a long moment of silence before I finally looked behind me. There was no hint of emotion on the ghoul's face.
"Let me follow you until we reach a settlement. I'll stay out of your way. I won't ask you for anything. Please." I begged.
At this, he looked down at my still bound wrists and then back up at my sad face. He sighed as he holstered his gun. "Come here then girl," he said, waving me over. 
I tripped over my feet hurrying over to the man, raising my wrists as he took out his knife and cut me free. "Thank you, sir."
At this, it was his turn to laugh. "Sir? Well I'll be damned you are probably the only person left on this godforsaken planet with some manners."
I smiled up at him, I thought maybe he wasn't so scary after all.
"You will be completely silent. No complaining. If you annoy me, I will turn that pretty ass into jerky. Got it?" He said with a serious look on his face.
"Right. I can do that." I whispered looking down at my feet, feeling stupid. 
We walked until it was far too dark to continue. I silently collected firewood as he put his bag down on the ground. As I made my way to our makeshift camp I stood in front of him with my arms full of sticks.
"What?" He barked out, obviously annoyed. 
"Nothin'" I responded quickly before shuffling away from him embarrassed. 
I tried my best to arrange the wood before pulling the flint out of the bag I took off of Slim. A small fire started and I smiled. I was cold from all the mud plastered to the front of me and was relieved to feel the warmth of the fire. I looked over at the ghoul to see him leaning up against a tree with his hat covering his face. I hummed happily as I thought about the arrangement we came up with, although I couldn't help but want to talk to him, the walk has been incredibly boring. 
After a while of warming up by the fire, I got comfortable and drifted off to sleep.
I woke with a start. I looked around confused before I realized there was a boot in my side. I looked up at the ghoul hovering above me. "Get up darlin'." He said before walking away. "Time to move."
I quickly jumped up and grabbed my bag before running after him. This was the routine for days. I had honestly lost track of how long I had been following the ghoul. The silent marches from sun up to sun down were starting to get to me. I felt like I was going crazy.
"If my memory serves me well. I can be rid of you by tomorrow morning." He said with a sour tone.
"Okay," I responded quickly. I wanted to say as little as possible so he doesn't make true to his threat.
He looked back at me for a second as he continued to walk. "How did you get yourself into this mess anyway?"
I hesitated to answer, remembering he told me to stay silent. I looked up at him to see him scoff and turn away again. 
"I ran away from home. Was on my own for a while before I ran into those idiots. They found me while I was sleeping, I had no chance to escape until you killed them."
"Ran away from home?" He repeated back at me. "That was stupid."
"Well, I'd rather be eaten by a ghoul than continue to be beaten by my father," I responded curtly.
He laughed at this. "Getting feisty aren't we darlin'?"
"Sorry," I responded. "I shouldn't have said that."
"No, you shouldn't have." He said with a tone that I couldn't quite figure out. 
We walked in silence for what felt like forever, I tried to keep track of time by looking up at the sun but it was a cloudy, cold day. I couldn't help but start to shiver. My feet started to ache terribly, I wanted to ask for a break but I bit my tongue. No complaining had been one of his rules. I didn't want to push my luck with him. 
"Stop." He said abruptly, pulling me from my thoughts. 
"Wha-" I asked confused.
"Quiet." He interrupted as his hand slowly wrapped around his gun and turned towards me. 
Before I had a chance to react the barrel of his gun was next to my face and he shot a round off. 
I cried out as my ears rang painfully and I fell to the ground in shock. He said something to me, but I couldn't hear a thing. I held my head as I watched him walk behind me towards a man, dead on the ground. He rummaged through the dead man's pockets, pulling out a couple of caps before walking back towards me. 
"A fiend." I thought to myself.
Instead of saying anything he offered me his gloved hand. I hesitantly took it and let him pull me back to my feet. He mumbled something but I couldn't hear it. Not long after this, we made camp again.
The next day, I slowed down a lot, but we were very close to town. I was beyond exhausted and barely had any will to keep going. The distance was growing between us before he finally stopped and whipped around, visibly annoyed. 
"Walk faster. Remember what I said about annoying me darlin'." He barked at me. 
I stared at him quietly before saying. "Why not just leave me behind, then?"
"Don't tempt me." He grumbled as he roughly grabbed my arm and started dragging me along. 
A few minutes later we reached a small settlement. We got a couple of strange looks as he continued to drag me by my arm before finally letting go as soon as he set eyes on a "doctors" office. I just stood there. Unsure what to do now. I was in town, albeit a small one. There were only three buildings and a couple of food stalls. I could do whatever I wanted. I couldn't follow him anymore, that was for certain. I heard a commotion from inside the office, but it wasn't my problem anymore. I slowly wandered away eyeing up the food stands. Dog meat wasn't appetizing, but I hadn't had real food in days. I rummaged around Slim's pack before I found enough caps to buy myself a meal. 
I hummed happily as I finished my food, I hadn't realized how hungry I was.
"Well, aren't you a pretty thing?" A man slurred behind me. "How much for your time?"
"I am not a prostitute." I scoffed as I turned around to face him.
"Free then?" He smiled menacingly as he grabbed ahold of me. His grip was so tight that I could feel my arm bruising.
Without thinking I drove the empty skewer in my hand into the man's eye and ran. I heard yelling behind me, but I kept running mindlessly. Before I realized what I was doing, I ran right into the arms of the ghoul as he was exiting the doctor's office. 
"What in the hell?" He exclaimed, shocked by my actions before he looked up to see the man following me with blood running down his face. 
"That bitch belongs to you? She must be some kind of freak to be with a ghoul." He growled angrily.
I buried my face into the ghoul's chest, afraid to look at his face. I desperately hoped he would take mercy on me once again.
"Well, darlin' you do have some bite to ya." The ghoul laughed while eyeing up the man standing in front of him. 
"Give me the girl and get gone." The man spit out.
"Well, that just won't do." The ghoul responded while smirking, obviously amused. "Get behind me darlin'," he whispered quietly as he stared down the thug.
I quickly did as I was told before I heard some more shots ring off, before I knew it, the whole town turned into a shoot-off. I dropped to the ground and crawled into the doctor's office hiding behind the counter next to a very dead doctor.
"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself looking over at him, wondering what had transpired between him and the ghoul.
I stayed there until I heard a familiar voice yell out. "Anyone else wanna try me? That was fun, but I am itching for a REAL challenge." Only to get silence in return.
I peeked my head around the counter before finally getting up to my feet and shuffling to the doorway. Before I could stick my head out, the ghoul appeared in front of me. 
"Thank you," I said smiling shyly up at him.
He stared down at me for a moment before saying, "Come on then. I need to get going if I am going to catch that bounty and Filly ain't far."
"I am coming with you?" I questioned, trying to hide the relief on my face. 
"Well, you obviously can't be trusted on your own. Can ya darlin'?" He responded slyly.
"Oh thank you so much. You won't regret this!" I said to him as I grabbed ahold of his sleeve. 
He stared down at my fist before looking back up into my eyes. I could see the hesitation on his face. Little did I know, this was the most human contact he had had in a long time, and it stirred something deep within him. 
An odd friendship had formed between us, and neither of us knew how to feel about it.
tag list: @msrawog
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comfortless · 7 months
Only Other
chapter three of three.
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content/warnings: 18+. minors do not interact. historical au (set around 350BC); potential inaccuracies as i am no historian!, König speaks some German here (as opposed to Gothic), mutual pining & worship, smut (piv), sliiiight breeding kink, violence, as always König is horribly in love and says ridiculously worrisome things, reader feigns ambivalence but is equally unhinged and smitten.
notes: eternally grateful to @wordsbyvani for reading over my shoulder and genuinely being the sweetest throughout every part. ^^ and again to @writersdrug for giving me the idea to begin with!
wc: 9k.
<- previous.
König’s men arrive sometime in the afternoon, a few hours behind but carrying hoards of supplies. There are weapons you recognize to be from your city stuffed into bags, pelts and silks and twinkling stones, meats and fruits. They had not forgotten to bring along wine, either: two barrels to either side of a gray mare led along behind one of their rugged steeds by a length of thick rope.
You don’t ask how they found her, let alone how they managed to actually tame her down enough to follow amidst the chaos that broke out the night prior. A weak string of “thank you”s leaves your lips when you press your nose to the horse's snout, sobbing into her silver fur. She seems less bothered, huffing impatiently as she’s tethered up with the others against broad trees.
You’re not convinced that here or anywhere is safe anymore, and you don’t assist when the men begin to set up their camp. They’ve enough supplies and arms to do it themselves, anyhow.
Guilt, trepidation and confusion, haunt you: cast out for all to see by your forlorn stares and the tremor of your lower lip as you continuously fight an internal battle to keep yourself sane. And how could you? You’ve only come to reason that this has all come to fruition because of you, because of the things that you could not help. Your curiosity, fascinations, and impiety had all led you to be here, now, while everyone you once knew sleeps eternally.
You have condemned yourself to the life of a slave girl, and later to the darkness of the Orcus when you do die.
Though… men do not give their slaves the looks that König gives to you. You haven’t spoken to him in hours, and you do your best to avoid his glances, shoot down his smiles with the curved arrow of your own sullen frowns. Still… amidst setting up the tents and gathering wood for the fire to stave off the chill of nightfall, you catch the very stars reflected over a sea in his eyes.
There is love there, a too-uncanny and harrowing love, but a great devotion nonetheless. It burns like a fire of its own in your chest, inescapable and rampant. You know it in the spaces behind your skull, your ribs, that what he feels is another cage: roomier, softer, but you will never be free of it either.
König does not follow you to the tent when the moon rises. He sits by the fire, watching as you go with the pelt drawn up over your shoulders and curled around you. When you sink into the bed of fur that has replaced the straw mattress from before you find yourself somehow even more fitful here than outside. Sleep is evasive, leaving you tossing and twisting amidst the smell of sweat and animal fur. Not even the crackling fire outside defeats the quiet or the cold in the air.
There’s a sickly pit in your stomach, thorn seedling threatening to take root and spread the longer you stare up at the blackened abyss of the tent ceiling. If you’re to live a life torn, at the very least you could be warm; you take to König’s side in moments, joining him by the slowly dwindling flame.
The brute isn’t sleeping, either, just… lost. Lost like you the day that you met him.
“I need to look at your wound.” Your excuse comes weak and puny, doe limbs and fragile glances when you do sit at his side and speak. You’ve never been anyone’s ‘Göttin’, you don’t know what you’re doing, what blessings to grant or judgments to cast. Avoiding him only seems a punishment for you both, and you’ve had your share of those.
König is anything but small: even amidst the turmoil your silence has gifted to him, he still seems himself, all ego and cruelly cut silver, softened only by your words, your touch.
“Richtig,” he mutters, reaches out to pull you in, and you let him. Straddling his lap with only the moon above awake to witness, cast her curious gaze down and illuminate the expanse of his chest whilst you work to pull away the bandages.
There isn’t much to tend to, it’s healing well. The flesh that once seemed inflamed has only drawn back its redness to simmer to the natural color of his skin. When you begin your careful prodding, it does not hurt him. He doesn’t so much as flinch or huff at your touch.
When you dab your index in the sweet honey that serves as a salve, he grasps at your hand and brings it up to his lips, presses a kiss to your index and middle without hesitation. And you see it then: a glimmer of hesitation in the way his lips pull and his eyes search your own, a silent plea for vindication.
You’ve never been cold to him, not even as he spoke with so much self-importance when you first met, not when he rutted his blade between your parted legs, not even now after all that he’s done. In his own way of thinking, these things have all been some display of courtship. There’s never cruelty toward you, not in his touch, the words that he speaks, and especially not in those somber eyes. These things break down the last fraying edge of your resolve.
You press your mouth to his, sharing the taste of honey pressed to his lips, everything sugary and warm. Over and over until the night begins to close its way in, plump clouds drifting over the pearl hanging in the sky when you finally find yourself tucked back into the tent with König curled at your side. He holds you closer than he ever has, not from a fear you’ll take off under the darkened sky, but in the honoring of something far greater. Some love comes quiet like flower blooms, his comes with fire.
“Wolves pair in winter,” he says quietly, burying his face into your hair. It’s shy, almost, as though the man has not already embedded his scent into your very skin and toyed with your most sensitive parts. It’s truer, more heartfelt, than even his confessions of love.
“Is that what you see us as being?” You laugh, a slow, gentle chime that aches your throat, face still puffy from tears and voice scratchy from those thick clouds of smoke.
“You really…” The words get caught up someplace in the spaces between your lungs and tongue. You don’t want to cry, not anymore, but you find it difficult not to choke up after so much comfort with a lifetime of so very little. “You do care for me, don’t you?”
He answers your question in a grumble, a string of foreign words only meant for mountain caverns and creatures that walk on all fours and somehow they make sense. A resounding yes, in three gutteral sounding words. The frayed ends of guilt and anger finally drift off as you settle into his hold like a den of pure comfort, warm and buried in a world of fur and a man blessed by trees and the earth rather than gods and myth.
When the breeze picks up outside, rustling sprawling oak limbs, momentarily silencing the fire, its as if they answer him in your stead. You don’t cry, though it aches, but you let go of the memories of all your begging to those that never seemed to listen. Here, in the dark you’ve found the only person that seems to understand without even knowing.
You drag the pelts up over the both of you, clasp your hand over his where it rests beneath them, and fall into a haze of contentment. He draws you nearer, breath filtering through your hair from where his head lies just above your own.
The dreams that come are no longer of places you can not reach, but only of the memory of a city that was never meant to house your spirit.
You wake to König’s pawing. It begins along your sternum, hand placed flat there only to glide further up and push at your tit. It’s gentle and testing, pushes fire into your very veins when for the first time he doesn’t seem to remain entranced there. It drifts, further up to cup your jaw.
“You are awake?,” he rasps, propping himself up to inspect your face where you lie, weakened and warmed by sleep.
“Are you still bereaved?,” König asks in such a hushed voice, reaching toward you again. His hand seems to tremble when it finds your face, thumb brushing over your mouth with such trepidation it seems misplaced for him.
You consider your dreams again: the open street, devoid of people apart from those that face down at you with contempt building in hollow eye sockets. Where grass once sprung up beneath the cracks in the stones, there were only small flames. And you do still grieve for those that were innocent in the entire affair, those trampled by cattle when they had only just had a taste of escape. Your very mind begins to darken at the thoughts, your body only tensing further, a bowstring on the verge of snapping,
“Is that why I can not have you?”
“I never said…” Your voice only grows thin, detached almost from the way you purse your lips to kiss the digit toying with you. Your heart is only thunder, the sound of those wretched hooves: yearning was dangerous itself, your own only seemed to take further shape with each passing moment. Claws and a waiting maw, just like the wolves he speaks of.
König hums, a deep rumble from his chest as he gives a slow nod of acknowledgement.
It all becomes tree sap, a sticky confectionery bout. His mouth descends upon your own as though starved, hurried and longing as he samples you, the you who certainly yearned for the bathhouses to clean herself properly. All thought seems to dispel when his hand leaves your cheek and neck to begin its painfully slow descent between your legs, burrow between wax and honey to pull soft cries from your mouth.
He only stills his dismantling of you when you’re trembling and doughy, squeezing around his fingers so tightly you wonder how he can continue to bury them inside at all.
Just as the other gods, Sol is lost here when König crawls over you, all shadow and wretched, led here with the promise of a prey that you are not. Only another wolf… the flame in his winter eyes is the same that’s settled inside of you.
His head dips to kiss into your hair while your leg is pulled to settle over his hip. You feel a kiss, a different sort, when the pillar of his manhood reaches between your bodies to settle over your sex, probing at your slit that only seems to pulse and beg under his touch.
You had never found these silly metaphors enticing with the men of the city, even the entertainers with their pretty words could have never lured you this far down. Yet, here is different, here is cold and lonely and wild: a culmination of all that he is, incarnation of the earth and man and a desperate hunt.
“You are ready for me,” your god hums, pleased, as he coats himself in your arousal, sticky like warm sap. The sounds of his toying with you are something you should be accustomed to now, with him, but still makes your face warm. Not with shame, only a quiet desperation. “Beautiful little goddess...”
It’s summer here; winter tears its claws right out of your flesh when the sun itself sinks inside. The turning of seasons is natural, so dreadfully normal you’ve never bat an eye until you could physically feel it: the strip of your own apprehension tossed into a steaming sea, the dewy wetness all but drowning you entirely.
And it’s König who loses himself first, a sound so pitiful carving its way out of him you would almost believe him to be hurt if not for the way he throbs inside of you. He feeds it, a stuttering twitch of his hips as he slowly brings you toward him by your hips. Far too large to properly bottom out but encumbered and ecstatic by the sensation around him. Tighter than any sheath, but a weapon pushes through you all the same- inch by loving inch, until he manages to fully fill you with himself.
“I don’t want to hurt you, little one.“ Each word is torn from him, punctuated heavily by the shallow movement of his body and the drag of a demanding cock. Restraint is a peculiar thing hovering over him, his brow pinched as though forcing himself to concentrate on not ripping you apart where you lie.
“You’re not hurting me..,” you sigh as your hands find his shoulders, fingernails dimpling the skin there. If anything the urgency is only shared.
When your hips push back to meet him, the lead is dropped, another surrender. Too much trust for a man deserving of none of it.
His response is a breathy groan, mouth finding your shoulder as his hands drift to pull your hips upward to better meet him. Teeth find purchase along your flesh, gentle as he can be, but grinding and desperate to leave a mark, a piece of him behind.
It’s almost with a fury that he stuffs himself into you then, his jaw going slack and eyes wild, hands grasping at every inch of your pillowy flesh that he can reach.
Never could König have looked more beautiful than now, once starved and now tasked, for and now with you. His gaze trails from where your thighs tremble around him, to where the sap pools and nature builds up its own obscene choir at your togetherness… and then, to your face where his gaze only shatters into softness.
Something bubbles right against your lash line, a stray tear, overwhelmed by the feel of the giant ravishing you, pulling you down from your world of jewels and pillars to his own devoid of anything but need.
His head dips immediately, tongue running up the length of your cheek, a hand falling away to pry open your already parted thigh as he licks at and fucks into you like something truly feral. He coos his praises against your mouth, parted and whining, claims a new kingdom all for himself in you, of you.
You feel how the temples must, trodden through and left with gifts, blood and honey and fire as the muscles of your thighs begin to tense. Instinct spurs you to catch his lip between your teeth, push your hips back to laboriously furl around him.
His pace comes to a halt, settling to only grind himself so deeply within you that you feel the last of the stars begin to die out in the recesses of your skull, dim and dumbly smothered until they reignite in a blinding wave of white. König does not give you the time to settle, only spears into you with a renewed fervor as you cinch around him, furthering your rapture to a point that is almost agonizing.
He chases his own end with the same famished glare as before, stares right into your eyes as you pull iron from his lip and cast it into the fire of your waiting mouth. The sting, the bliss, only makes him whimper, a sound so small and choked its unfathomable to have come from a man who slams into you as though you were paid for.
You lick into his mouth in a way so tentative and fragile he immediately crashes down, blankets you in the strength of his arms and kisses you in turn: so soft and chaste it’s uncanny in this moment. His groan of defeat only comes when he stills fully, buried to the hilt, thrumming and shivering through his own release. Honey and seafoam, the rise of a tide touching earth to brim and spill past your joining.
He chases the feeling for several moments longer, bucking his hips sloppily as he lies atop your spent form, barely coherent when he mutters nonsensical praises into your hair, against your neck, the corner of your mouth- any place he can think to leave a kiss.
“… everything,” he mutters when he lies atop you fully, satisfied where he nestles his head into the fur below you both. “Everything I have ever wanted.”
The day passes on like this. Even as his men maneuver about camp, preparing to hunt or practice with their stolen weapons. The only thing König seems keen on doing is bringing you to ruin, repairing you with kisses pressed into your hair, along your cheek.
He leaves you only twice as the day drags onward. Once to gather you a meal of something meaty roasted over the fire, what remained of a boar, a gathering of dried fruit, and water from a small flask. You’re famished and exhausted by the thrill of being shoved down into the fur to tolerate him three times over already. The twinkle in his eye is nothing short of mischievous when you do finally tell him that you need to rest after eating.
After a bout of playfully shoving him away, you only find yourself on top of him, then. He seemed entirely unashamed, more hurried and desperate than before as he bucks at you like a wild horse, voicing his praises and spitting out such sugary sweet nonsense about how you would carry his son and only ever experience him, you almost felt shy. A curled finger hooks under your jaw to force you to look down at him, lose yourself in the vast, uneasy sea of his eyes while he floods you with his seed again. Finally, he seems sated, pulls you down to lie atop him.
König promises you that he will find your mother, that he will take care of you as no other has or ever could, while stroking along your back. He tells you of the mountains, the trees, the animals and the men who live amongst them and inside of them.
He tells you of the sea when you ask, how the sand is softer and sticks as if it never wants you to go. In turn, you tell him that he must be like the sea then, never fully parting from you, leaving his trace imprinted upon your skin with teeth rather than sand. A sea that loves instead of hungers, one that presses you onto your back to wash over you to steal the very breath from your chest and push it back with a kiss.
— — —
The wilderness is cruel. Wild things lurk in the brush and occasionally you pass by other settlements. Less friendly than the small band you have grown accustomed to. You’re always urged to shush, then have yourself tucked further against König while he speaks low and threatening to any would-be bandits. Only once has that resulted in a death, but not to one of König’s own. You didn’t watch when the man with the red hair carved a hole through the trespasser, just squeezed your eyes shut and buried your face into a waiting bicep.
Days pass on horseback, your legs feel stiff and clumsy, and there are no amount of pelts serving as makeshift saddles that could ever help the ache that shoots up from your pelvis. It serves no aid at all that, when riding ahead or too far behind the other men, König takes this newfound intimacy between you two to be a liberty. Regardless of your formation, he never ceases looking at you as though his only wish is to devour you whole.
Those times are often quick, palm pressed over your mouth as he dutifully breeds you beneath the sun, in the softest patch of withering wild grass or barren land available. You melt into him, part your legs like a wife rather than some skittish woman that he himself has whisked away. Each time, he whispers his praises, professes his love in more creative ways, covers you in so many kisses you feel a bit dazed by the time the ordeal is through.
Then, you’re righted back onto the horse with König at your back, the most horribly endearing smile plastered upon his face.
It’s not much of a surprise that his men do start their caterwauling at some point during the journey to wherever— past dormant trees and approaching the silhouettes of hills so tall and vast you’re certain that they must be the mountains you have heard of, even if you had yet to properly see them. König had made it perfectly clear just what you are to him in his coarse words to his companions, but never directly to you. They do not mock your union, but they do often give you strange looks, particularly at your tummy while they discuss you with their leader.
There’s nothing there, you’re sure of that much, but you shoot them your angriest glare anyway and raise your chin to look forward instead. Their talk of the possibility of a little “prinz” does not distract you from your own thoughts, drifting up to scrape the sky just like the peaks of the mountains.
“So that is where the gods live?,” you ask, mostly to yourself as you curl your fingers into the horse’s reins. There’s subdued laughter from either side of you, and you almost shrink at the thought of making a fool of yourself before these brutes. It wouldn’t be the last time, surely. You couldn’t even bring yourself to fully commit to the idea of there being any sort of vast and ethereal field awaiting you when you die anymore; it was already here before you, painted in the color of evergreen and winter blossoms.
König doesn’t laugh, at least. Only places his palm over the front of your neck and guides your head back to look up to him, gives a toothy grin when your eyes light up just from the sight. It was difficult not to when you’ve been fed and pleasured incessantly by him. You reason that your punishment for forsaking all that you once knew must assuredly be your own mind deteriorating to feel the way that you do.
“They are right here,” he says, so quiet and sweet, gesturing between the two of you. He had no interest in your former gods, of what he seems to view as stories for children, but he listens as you tell him the significance of such lofty places cloaked in fog, mist and trees.
His hand finds your cheek, savors in the feel of your skin against his thumb while you tell him of your misplaced belief in him being some son of a war god that he’s never even known, much less prayed to. He then reminds you of the woman he seems certain could have been your mother, says that surely she must have been wed to the shallow of a sparkling lake to birth something as lovely as you.
The men regroup after some time, stilling their horses and your rowdy mare still tethered behind one of the others to speak, access the distance from here and their destination while sipping wine from leather flasks and putting weapons back in their proper places. You listen on, picking up on the few words you did understand from their language, but ultimately gather nothing from it all.
“Where are you taking me?,” you hazard as you try to push yourself forward in a subtle reminder that yes, you were there too, and woman or not you had a right to know.
“Home,” König gruffs simply in response, gathering you back into his arms and taking the reins from your hands. His chin rests atop your head, the fingers of his free hand petting your side in an attempt to snuff out any further questioning. “You will like it.”
Home. Home to the place he had claimed you would find your mother; to foreign woods and wild downs, sprawling hills and little shacks covered in sticks and leather instead of the villas with their terracotta tiles.
You didn’t even know that you had a place to return to at all, not now. Your eyes catch his, though, and you know then just what it truly must feel like to belong someplace. Never had home been Gaius, reduced to smoldering ash in some divine reckoning, but it had always been with someone you truly believe you have wanted. Had you ever even been allowed to want before him..?
Your brow pinches as you shift to rest your head against the broad back behind you, held fast by the iron grip around your waist. The clouds drift by above, the sun casts a warmth over your face and you fall into comfort, into promise.
— — —
Barbarian settlements are strange.
There are no paved streets here crowded with people and decay, no hallowed and looming temples hungry and waiting for sacrifices. The columns are tree bark and very much alive with twisting limbs and growths of green that never seemed to dull even in the winter, not the stiff and lifeless marble you had grown accustomed to.
The homes are pieced together with wood, clay, anything that could be used with no clear rhyme or reason to their architecture. Goats wander about, bleating out for food or ramming into one another for play. The children don’t sit in houses studying or wander from stall to stall snatching and scurrying off, they play and work. There is a strange contentment here, too, something that feathers on the wind as it does the same on each face that you pass,
Everyone seems to have a place, a thing to be, and you feel like the world’s most delicate and forgotten pearl amidst these people who do not even seem to pay you any mind. If anything, they only seem pleased to see the man with his arm cloaked over your shoulders. They smile to him, greet him in their strange words and dip their heads as though he truly were some king.
Maybe he was, to them, to the wild people with no true reasoning to have any sort of monarchy. They barely had land to claim, much less rule over.
You’re not paraded around as a slave: he cups your jaw and lifts your head when your gaze falls to the dirt and dust below your feet, chides you in a rough whisper about how a Königin should present herself. The people do acknowledge you then, with looks of awe and offerings of dried flowers pressed into your palms and tucked behind your ear, Roman bronze dropped at your feet. You look the part of a proper queen too, when you flash them all your loveliest smile and nestle closer to your giant of flame and earth.
Thoughts of your past in the city come to mind when you note their lack of conveniences. Even the dread of forsaking your own gods briefly leaves you halting midstep before a firm hand urges you forward. König’s warmth comes as a comfort now more than ever when your thoughts do eventually circle back to a guilt, heavy and dreadful: the picture of Juno’s altar forgotten and burned away weeks of travel behind you.
“You will like it here,” he mumbles, trailing the same hand up to the back of your neck as he repeats the words he spoke only days prior on your journey. You could, you will, but it all feels so different that your pulse seems to triple its racing.
Your fingers graze over the dried flowers in your hand, sweet smelling as you trace over each petal to center yourself, take back that prideful smile that was in place just a moment ago.
If you’re to run amok, you may as well enjoy it.
You settle, regain your pace and that forced look of utter contentment at his side.
At least, until he begins to speak again.
“I will kill them all if you prefer we be alone,” König whispers into your ear, has the audacity to nip at your lobe, and does not even bother drawing back as if those words were meant to make you wet and pliant for him. All sense of reason must have left you entirely, because a shiver rips its way up each knob of your spine. “Would that please you?”
“No… Do not jest,” you grit out, staring only forward and not offering so much as a glance toward the beast at your side, even as his hand drifts down to palm at your breast.
“I am not.” He laughs, breathy and low when he finds your nipple already hard, thumb grazing over it as though this act of exhibitionism was as natural as any of the other things his madness compels him to do. “I will give you anything. Even blood, meine Göttin.”
Surely… you should be flattered that his loyalty is reserved only for you, but there’s no appeasement held in the glare that you shoot him as you pry his hand away from your chest. He gives you the look of a kicked stray then, even a pout so foreign on a face so scarred, you may have even chuckled if you were in better spirits, but he does relent. His hand drops back to his side and he detached from you after pressing a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth.
You’re led to a shack larger than the others, but more or less in the same state. It’s simple, built solidly with thick carved wood and packed to prevent weather seeping its way in. It’s humble in a way, far more humble than any ruler’s you’ve only imagined. A bench, a table, a mattress likely stolen away from some Roman soldier’s tent. There’s nothing particularly special about it, but it smells like König, like the trees and the earth in a way that is comforting.
It takes a moment for it to fully register that this is what he had meant by home, not the people and their affairs outside, only this place. Only him. A temple all your own that you imagine he must wish to fill with love and children and an abundance of gifts he may steal away all for you.
His men bring in what little of the supplies remained, stuffed away in a corner and voluntarily relinquished; even if it means they’ll be fending for themselves like the others in the village rather than feasting on stores, they only seem happy. The red-haired one even flashes you a contented look of admiration on his way out, as though you just being there was enough to soothe and patch some void here.
That may have been the case.
When the door is shut and all falls to silence, the barbarian king kneels before you. His hands find your hips, thumbs grinding gentle circles along them and further down to your thighs, your calves, to everywhere that aches. A gentle sort of worship that coaxes soft sighs and a buzzing of flesh from you.
König brings you to the mattress when your eyelids begin to flutter, exhaustion settling over you in full when you’re lifted and brought toward his chest. You could fall asleep in his hold alone, but you settle to only rest your head there and reach up along his vastness to rake your fingers through his wild hair.
Your voice tells him that you do like it here, with him, in this strange place circled by withering ferns and trees so infinite that you could never hope to find your way away without him taking your hand and navigating through. Your touch tells him the words that you dare not speak, a kiss to voice that you too would burn away everything if it only meant that you could share in this at his side, a mimicry of his massage along his own shoulder to whisper a great confession of adoration and boundless promises.
— — —
When the ferns and flowers begin to grow again throughout the spring and into the summer, you find yourself accustomed to everything. You aid the women in caring for their children, though you begrudgingly swear that it is not for practice whatsoever. The stitching and cooking that is done here feels far less harrowing— you do not put it off and leave it in a heap upon the floor as you would have in the city. There’s no looming dread of what’s to come when you perfect your work: you’re gifted only smiles, blessings and gifts.
Though the woman König had claimed to be your mother is not here, you ask him to recount the way she looked and spoke to you often on quiet nights, where his hands drift over you and his voice comes in a whisper. She may not have even existed at all, some lost spirit amidst the trees that wails and cries and leads men like him to their destinies. Your heart only tears when you begin to wonder if Juno herself had imparted such a quest to him. Save the lost woman that she favored so much, grant him some divine luck and intoxicating charm to ensure your safety and happiness.
He does not understand when you gather up honey and blossoms to pray over, but he does sit at your side and listen when you whisper your thanks to this new altar. Kisses the crown of your head when you’re through and lures you back into an embrace where he reminds you that he knew what he needed to do the moment that you met at the stream. No other woman could have swayed him the way that you have.
His offerings are only to you, even after such a length of time has passed. There’s no goddess that he kneels for other than the one that sleeps at his side and tells him of her dreams.
The day he gifts you his seax is one that resonates more than even the necklaces and gowns of silk and linen. It feels heavy in your hands, the blade almost as soft as gossamer when your fingers trail along it, though it does not yield. It’s only well polished and freshly sharpened. The handle bears a strange carving in it now, one of two wolves staring up at a broad moon. It breaks something inside to know that even he does find some things sacred: beasts, the glow of an untouched paradise and you.
“Why are you giving me this?,” you manage to whisper as your diligently ghost over the carvings in reverent repetition. “Don’t you need it? For hunting and fighting…”
“You like it?” It’s impossible not to notice the cocky expression on his face that tells you full well he’s recounting that experience. You liked it then, certainly, but it wasn’t as if you had any use for it in such a way when he kept you satisfied enough with himself.
“Yes… but it’s yours.”
He shrugs then, a great lift of his shoulders as you’re pulled to him with a careful grip to the wrist holding the weapon.
“Will keep you safe,” he huffs against your neck, leaving a kiss there when you sheath the seax at the strap you had also been gifted pulled taught along your hip.
You didn’t even know how to use the thing properly, and you were not quite fond of the idea of chasing down rabbits or puncturing another human with it. Your concerns fall on deaf ears when you’re led out into the surrounding forest to a thicket of wild raspberries. Your wrist is steadied by a firm hand as König diligently teaches you to carve away limbs heavy with fruit without actually bringing any real harm to the plant itself.
There are many things to forage this season, some you had never even heard of before he explains their significance to your wonder-filled face. You hadn’t thought him stupid, not truly, but it still comes as a surprise that he seems to know so very much.
When you find yourself seated beside a slow-moving stream, a ripe berry crushed between your teeth, you’re finally allowed to put your new blade away and set it aside on moss-covered stones.
“You should keep it close. A bear might want to eat you, hm?,” he playfully chides behind you, lifting your drab little gown up and over your head. As if to further his point, his teeth rake over your pulse, applying just enough pressure to draw a whine from your lips.
“You are not a bear,” you huff and turn to pull away his tunic, pressing a kiss over the scar he now dons just above his heart.
“Ja…” He lowers his head again to kiss along your neck, trailing a heat up to your ear as he maneuvers you into the water to bathe.
Your foraging and banter go forgotten, and a different sort of howling fills the air shrouded in tree limbs. There are no wolves or wind, only two so feverishly desperate and in love that any other with their dowries and arrangements would find it even more compelling than the Empire itself.
He sinks into you when you’re brought to your knees, bellows his contentment when he brushes your wet hair away from your face and dives forward to cover you fully, bury you in a world of love and sweetness. Even when the act is done, König does not pull away, only lies you back along to shore and tucks you further against him.
You remain chittering and laughing until the sky begins to reflect the very stars you see in his eyes, glittering constellations that seem to flicker and echo the steady beat of his own heart as you lie against his chest.
The summer wedding that the fortune-teller had once spoken of seemed to already take place here. There’s no need for a lectus or some grand display to reveal to others that you’ve united, it comes in the stillness and shared contentment when your voices begin to quiet, and at last you resign yourself to tell him that you belong to him just as much as he belongs to you.
The final flurry of surrender comes out as a soft whisper, one that only leaves you with your knees folded back to your chest and an insatiable giant hugging his gratitude and love into your ear with each graceless snap of his hips.
He drags you down to your own ruin, spells his own with haste and what comes as a twist between a dispatch of tears and a sigh. You can’t recall ever seeing him cry, not even now as he burrows against your neck and shakily breathes against your shoulder, muttering such nonsense about how he would still take you up and into the sky if only you would continue to let him stay with you like this.
“Always,” you murmur fondly, cradling him as closely as possible. Inside, outside, embedded into your very flesh you feel him near. He does not pull out from you this night, only falls asleep in your embrace, cloaks you from the breeze over the water with his own heat. You follow suit, petting at him as though he’s far smaller than his massive weight suggests. He shifts just enough to not fully crush you beneath him, just as you begin to drift off.
When morning does come, König is already stood at your side, staring off into the distance with an expression that only foretells of something you’re certain you will want no part in. He shushes you when you part your lips to speak, nervously scrounging up your gown and the strap holding your gifted weapon. There are no protests from you, and only the babbling of the stream and sounds of distant yelling break up the silence.
You don’t need to ask to know what’s occurring. Just as you had predicted before the Romans had come to dismantle the village just as they had many others before, take the women as slaves and force the children to learn and take up arms for their empire. You had never thought of the violence before when it occurred, when you saw the faces of those miserable women at the sides of people they could never afford to feel any fondness toward. You had always been lucky and blind.
König, however, must have only known wraith. His fingernails dig into his palms, nostrils flared and expression pensive.
“Wartet hier.”
He does not even hesitate as he begins to move, leaving you behind along the peaceful shore. As if to spur you forward, the shallow water rises to lap at your ankles, and still you do not budge. Your hands feel heavy, encumbered by the seax still set in its sheath, and only then does it dawn on you that König had not even had a weapon his person. What good would he even be without one? When so many men armed with sharpened swords and spears had come for his head…
Though fear creeps in, subdues your limbs with its stiffness, rakes fangs of pure ice along every pulsing vein held within you… you can not bring yourself to flee or stay put. You follow, quiet as a wood mouse as you walk along the forest with trembling hands clutching a weapon you almost hope is not too late to save your home, your heart.
There’s no clear trail, no sign of König, not even a shadow or a whisper that may belong to him. Instead there are shouts and the heavy smell of smoke. The gray billows up, more imposing than even the oaks and pines. The only comfort you will yourself to take is the fact that the words you can make out are Germanic, not Latin. Not all is lost, not yet.
You steel yourself and push your resolve to the forefront of your mind, creeping ever closer with careful but steps far more swift. You wind past throning brush and sprawling vine, past trees but familiar and not until you finally cross over from forest to the tall grass lining the edges of the village.
There lies chaos you expect, and that which you do not. Some of the cabins have gone up in flame, fire that coils and spreads to set your nerves alight with memory and dread. There are men fighting at the heart of it all, weapons slick with blood dripping down to the fallen at their feet. The women and children have all fled or have been taken captive, you couldn’t be certain amongst all that was already occurring around you and beyond. You couldn’t even count your enemies, a smaller army no doubt, the arrogance of the Empire knew no bounds. Twenty men to take down one was substantial enough when the others could be used for further conquests.
And there is no sign of König.
You feel numb when no matter where you look you can’t seem to catch sight of him, and how easy a task that should have been given his stature. The seax is pulled from its sheath when grief begins to settle, and the tears that threaten to spill are forced back with a grimace. There was still some hope, you knew. The village was not so small that you could map all of it from the small lump of a hill, but that desire to find him, bare your own teeth and fight at his side to protect what was yours brims up and chokes back the fear harbored in your chest.
Lady or wolf, you cared not. You would lose your titles just as he would if it came down to it. When the histories speak of how that city burned, how a king without a name brought the Empire to kneel if only for a moment before they sought revenge, you would be written in ink alongside it. A devotion so strong echoed in each page, as a barbarian queen that chose to keep her heart and lose her head.
But it doesn’t come to that. There’s another woman stood at König’s side when you do find him, wielding a stolen sword from one of the opposing soldiers as sweat and blood paint his face.
Unharmed and unknowing of the presence at his side, a mirage carved of smoke she was, his eyes stared out towards where the blade struck while her eyes only settled over you. Your breath catches when your gaze moves from König to her and you do find a resemblance: the way that her hair, the same color as your own frames her face, her frame, the way that her nose shapes, even the expression upon her face.
The mother he spoke of, the feral love and protectiveness outspoken and proud in her eyes. You do not recognize this woman, even amidst the cluster of sparse memories in your mind. Not until now had you ever seen her, but the feeling you’re gifted then… a roaring settling in your chest to extinguish all apprehension tells all.
As the last of the Romans is struck down by König himself, a blade sunk so deep into the other’s stomach as the other man spits out a gurgled wail, the woman only seems to fade out into nothing, replaced by the backdrop of the trees surrounding. Nothing left behind in the wake of the place she once walked apart from fallen soldiers and a trail of blood and König, safe as he could be.
When you come to him, teary-eyed and fretful, your roaming fingers do not catch on a single gash. The blood painted over his face, neck, chest is none of his own. He’s well, just as the other men from the village as they rush to snuff out the flames and clear away the bodies.
Though König pants heavily and his eyes are still wild, mind momentarily lost to the thrumming adrenaline in his veins, your touch seems to settle him greatly. The sword falls from his hands to clatter in the dust and muck, curling around you to pull you in. You think he should be angry that you hadn’t listened when he ordered you to stay, but he only seems as grateful as you to find his other half alive and longing still. Always.
You tell him of the woman as you sob into his chest, describe her and her vanishing as best you could in your own muffled voice. He grins, strokes your hair as though he truly believes every word even with how ridiculous it all sounds. There are things far more demanding to focus on now, and eventually you fall to silence as he holds you there.
Your home still stands, built just far enough off from the rest that its managed to avoid the battle entirely. Untouched, except from inside. The altar you had dedicated to Juno is gone, vanished just like the woman you had seen before. The scent of cinnamon hangs in the air, misplaced and unannounced, but a comfort all the same. You smile to yourself, bittersweet but comforting, with tears drying upon your face.
— — —
The village takes time to rebuild.
You lose time just as much as you lose sleep helping out with the endless tasks. König, thinking himself chivalrous, or perhaps hinting at what your future may entail if he continues to ravage you as though he would die without your warmth, never allows you to carry anything heavy. Even clay pots filled with water from the stream are swiftly taken from your hands. Gods forbid you even attempt to aid in cooking over the fires, either. He pulls you away with a hand clasped over your mouth and nose, delicately caressing your face and reminding you to be careful.
Something has changed. What you knew to be love before only seems to double with each passing day. He fusses and dotes over you endlessly, ensuring that you’re well fed, trailing behind you to bathe and it isn’t even just for the chance to sink into your cunt.
Often, he sits with you in his lap, guiding a wet cloth up to gently wash you, toys with your damp hair beneath his fingers, tells you stories of his own adventures and the people who traveled alongside him. Not of the hundred wives his men had boasted about him having, a ridiculous statement only meant to make you pine for him more than you already had, you supposed. He even tells you, sheepishly, that most women seemed afraid of him, but never you.
When you do make love, it’s an act of endless desperation. Along the bank of the stream, your shared bed, against any tree he deems fit enough to not budge beneath your shared weight, and even once in a field of wild blooms you two had found along a foraging trek. The floral aroma had kissed your skin each place he had, left you more doughy and sweet even as you took to conquer him, straddled over his hips with your head thrown back to the wind. You laughed with him when it was through, curled your hand beneath his chin to you with the rough feeling of his unshaven hair.
Everything— each new thing you learn and see with König as your guide only seems to melt away any wall you put up. Your life before only seems to fade from memory, that lonely bitterness consumed by the well of love he’s pushed you into.
When autumn comes and the trees begin to turn, each wealth of green faded and given way for yellow and red, your mare has finally become more docile and tame. You’re not even sure who to thank for it, for the way she struts about with giddy children on her back and doesn’t fuss when even you will yourself to settle over her saddle.
The saddle like all else in your life only seems softer, stitched together with leather, a cushion made of a rabbit’s pelt and stuffed full with straw and down so soft you don’t even dread the idea of the long ride to come.
The mountains, here, surrounding the valley and the village are wild and beautiful, still layered near to their peaks in abundant fields of late-blooming flowers. The stars still hang above, twinkling and glittering as if only to silently deliver their blessings for your coming journey. It is only the sea that you’ve yet to venture toward, the last on the list of honeyed promises König has made to you.
Your luggage is packed and spread between the two horses, your mare and his stallion. There are blankets and preserved food, light posts to set up a tent someplace a distance from the shore, even a pearl dangling from a thin chain that König dutifully places on your neck. It’s no exchange of rings, but you clutch the little gem tight as you will yourself not to cry. There was no need to be so sentimental not now, not after you’ve already shared so many moments far more tender.
The seax dangles at your hip, catching the glow of the sun above when you pull it free and polish it alongside König as he does with his pilfered sword. He shows you how to use a whetstone, delicately maneuvering your hand to sharpen the blade before dousing the thing in oil, makes you swear not to accidentally nick yourself when you’re inevitably dragged in the throes of some hunt at his side.
You’ve yet to use it for that purpose, but going alone means you’ve no choice but to offer your support… even with the knowledge that he wouldn’t actually allow you to do much at all, frustrating as that was.
When morning comes, you say your goodbyes to the village. You’re thrown flowers both pressed and new, petals latching to the fur of the pelt tied over your shoulders. König receives wine, far more useful than the delicate little blossoms that you brush away with shy smiles and glassy eyes.
The language is easier to understand now, when the others offer you great fortune on your travels, the women speaking greatly of your fertility despite the way it makes your nose scrunch in distaste. They call you Königin, only that, never any name you’ve offered for them to use. Perhaps even above the name the people of the city called you by it is more fitting.
You settle into the saddle with König atop his stallion next to you, reach for the reins when he flashes you a wary look, tells you that you will ride slow and he will keep you safe in case anything does happen to occur. You only think to remark the same, gesturing toward the weapon strapped to your hip, smirking when he snorts in amusement.
“Are you ready to depart?,” you ask him as you reach a hand out to trail along his arm, heart thumping wildly when his gaze only begins to further soften. You almost fear he may begin to cry, just as overwhelmed and sweetly pacified as you feel now. “We can stay a while longer if not.”
“Nein… we still need to plan for the stars after,” he whispers as he takes hold of your hand, interlocks your fingers and brushes against each knuckle with the pad of his thumb before bringing it toward his chest.
The moment is broken when the horses begin to huff in anticipation. You don’t get the chance to remind him that you still see each constellation he’s shown to you in the glimmer of his eyes, but you know well enough by now that he would only tell you the same in turn.
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fics-a-plenty · 1 year
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Hurtful Words and Bear Hugs
Astarion x gn!reader x Halsin
Word Count: 1,411
TW: Spoilers for Astarion's story in Act 3, mentions Astarion's victims, reader crying
Hi! It's been awhile!
This game literally has me in a choke hold. I am so weak for these two men. I love that you can have a little romance between the three of you. 🥰
As always, I hope you enjoy. Feel free to send any requests for these two as they own my thoughts at the moment!
The days following their victory over his past master, Astarion had struggled with his thoughts and feelings. He felt terrible for how distant he had become, especially as you tried your best to be supportive. Yourself struggling with how to balance giving him his space and wanting to just hold the lost man until his world seemed to piece itself together again.
The one thing stopping him from his full blow guilt was that Halsin was there to distract you at times. The larger man seemed to have a better grasp on his emotions than Astarion did, always seeming to pull you off to some task that needed your attention just at the right times or to lead you back to Astarion's tent with hands and hearts full from their adventures whenever he felt the weight of loneliness creep back in. The pale elf was even sure that at times the druid spoke to Scratch and the owlbear cub to cause small bits of chaos or demand attention from you when he could no longer keep your focus.
Astarion was especially grateful for the times the three of you could spend time together in peaceful silence, either walking around near the camp or just sitting near the fire while he read next to you as you focused on redoing the braids on the side of Halsin's head. While the days seemed to be getting better, and his heart seemed to fill in the empty spots left behind by his revenge and the past that had lead to it, some days seemed to thrust him right back into the deep of it.
He pretended not to see the sad glances you shot him as you racked your brain for some way to help. He knew you meant well and normally he would appreciate it or tease you for how wrapped around his finger you were, but today it just seemed to be to much. He hadn't meant for the groan of annoyance to leave his lips as you came by his tent for the third time today, wanting to check in on him.
"What is it you could possibly want this time?" He snapped as he slammed his book shut, shooting a glare at you from where he sat in his tent. "If you're coming to see how I'm doing, let me save you the breath. I'm the same as I was the other million times you've interrupted me today. Now do you have something to actually contribute to my time or can I read in peace?"
It took a moment for him to realize just what had been said, and by the time the guilt had built up in his chest, your eyes had gone glossy. You turned your face away, not wanting him to see your tears welling up.
"I was just coming to tell you that Halsin and I were going into the city to get a hot meal. I was gonna see if you wanted to come, but I guess I'll let you read."
He could have sworn that he could hear his cold heart crack at the shake in your voice. His lips parted to apologize, but his throat tightened around the words before they could leave. He sat in silence as he watched you turn to walk back to where Halsin was waiting nearby.
His eyes met the druid's before you got to him. The wood elf's eyes seemed to be conflicted, split between knowing Astarion hadn't truly meant to hurt your feelings and the disappointment that the interaction had gone so wrong. Once the two figures were gone from sight, the vampire let out a deep sigh and tried to go back to his book. The words just wouldn't come to him now, and every thought seemed to lead back to the hurt look on your face.
Tossing the book onto the ground next to him, he ran his hands through his hair, partially wishing that he could physically push the thought to the back of his mind or even out of his brain altogether. Deciding to take a walk around camp, the lingering eyes of the other camp inhabitants pushed him to walk further and further away until the camp faded from view.
He wasn't even sure how long he wandered, lost in the downward spiral his mind had fallen into. The tears in your eyes fading into the tears of the past victims as they realized the pain he had lead into. Visions of the lives he had ruined flooded his mind until he couldn't take it. An almost feral scream ripped from his throat as he swung his fist against the trunk of a tree he had wandered to close to, another innocent victim to the control he didn't have over himself.
The pain pulsing in his hand seemed to help ground him as he fell to lean his back against the hard bark. He would have been a sight to anyone wandering by, the pale elf with a bloody hand resting in the ground. His fangs bared in his open mouth, and his chest heaving to try to catch his breath. The now rising moon beginning to reflect off the streaks of wetness down his face.
As his red eyes stared up at the glowing rock, he began to push through the dark thoughts, trying his best to lock them back in the recesses of his mind they belonged in. The sound of your voice began to ring in his mind, helping to fend off the thoughts of self doubt and hatred that lingered. The countless times you had told him that he was good enough, that he was worth being loved and cherished. The times you had kissed his face until these same bad feelings were long forgotten.
As his heart and breath began to settle, the world seemed to know what he needed in that moment, and the wind shifted to blow gently against his face. His lips curled up slightly as the faintest whisp of your scent kissed his skin as if you were there with him. It dawned on him that in the hours he must have been gone that you were probably running yourself wild with worry. A short laugh forced itself from his lips as he imagined Halsin trying to quell your panic, probably saying something about some time in nature doing him good.
The walk back to camp was much quicker that he imagined, his feet pulling him home faster as your scent got stronger. It lead him straight towards Halsin's tent. The deep sound of the man's snore was almost as if he was walking into a real bear hibernating.
He froze for a moment as he saw you curled up against the bear of an elf. Your hand slowly moving back and forth over the hairy chest being the only sign that you were still awake. His feet moved him toward you before he asked them to, before he could even worry about if you would want to see him. He crawled in carefully behind you, not wanting to wake the other. His hand hovered over your side, hesitating at the thought that you may still be hurt.
Your skin against his brought him back to the moment as you pulled his arm over your waist. You thumb began to move side to side on his wrist, your wordless forgiveness warming his chest and releasing tension that he didn't know he was still holding.
"I'm sorry." The words were so quiet as they left his lips that he wasn't even sure he has really said them.
"I know." The quiet response was just as possible to be a fantasy.
"I didn't-" His throat closed again as you turned to look over your shoulder at him.
"I know." Turning your face back forward, you brought his hand to your lips before squeezing it slightly and clutching it to your chest.
The moment of peace was interrupted by the sleeping druid rolling over and throwing his arm over the two. As his thick arm tightened around them, each you and Astarion let out a groan as you were both crushed into the bear hug. The smiles on the three faces and the quiet laughs drifting from the tent seeming to right every wrong in the world for just the moment as the two of you joined Halsin in a well needed night of rest.
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bloodlust-1 · 11 months
˗ˏˋRelieve Meˎˊ˗ part 2
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Halsin x fem Tav — Explicit 18+
Summary: Halsin is looking a bit tense, Tav offers to massage his muscles and relieve his tension in the best way she can. He wants to return the offer to help relieve her as well.
"You're beauty is one that could have only been crafted by a goddess herself...how kind of nature to allow my heart to touch its most beautiful creation."
-> part 1 <-
TW: smut!
Note: part 2, more juicy. Ik this is what ya’ll been waiting for ;p
As the sun fell from the sky, another night crept on the horizon and coated the sky with stars. The fire illuminated the camp once again and Tav could feel the anxiety build up in her the darker it got. Of course, Karlach had been bothering Tav all day about what happened between her and Halsin last night. She assured her it was a tender moment but nothing happened. However tonight felt different. Halsin requested Tav to visit him tonight, and that she was.
Tav waited until most of the party settled in their tents for bed before making way to Halsin. She stepped out quietly and pulled the drapes of his tent. There he was, sitting on the floor in a kneeling state. He was praying to his god, the oak father. This was something she actually never seen him do.
“Am I interrupting?” She stepped in and kneeled down next to him with her hands placed on her thighs.
"No, never." Halsin turned his head to her. His eyes were so...pretty. She couldn't decide if his eyes were more green, grey, or brown? She'd never seen anything like it. Those eyes told a story, she could see the youth in them. It enticed her.
"Is there something on your mind?" He responded gently.
Tav twiddled her fingers together, nervously, "Tell me about your family." He never spoke of his family nor did he ever have a family of his own. He had it all, so his being alone felt odd to her. Tav leaned her head on Halsin's shoulder, feeling his warmth and strength.
He froze in the moment, but then shook his head as if he was trying to shake off past memories, " They passed away a very long time ago, may they rest with the Oak Father. They taught me all my values: My mother was a beautiful wood elf of various crafts. I did not see her much as she always traveled for her studies. However, my father was a very strict druid. Such a random question in a time like this— why?"
"You just have the most beautiful eyes. Made me wonder who you got them from." Their eyes locked, and they shared a deep gaze, communicating without words the love and adoration they have for each other.
Halsin spoke gently, "My mother's." His thumb gently caressed Tav's cheek, tracing the contours of her face, while she blissfully closed her eyes, allowing herself to fully surrender to his touch. Their breathing slows in unison, their hearts beating as one, lost in the beauty of this tender moment.
With one hand Halsin wrapped his arm around her back, slowly gravitating her back against his bedroll. He hovered over her body, it was way smaller in stature than his. Tav loved how large he was, to feel so protected and engulfed by his size. It was her biggest turn-on about him.
"You're beauty is one that could have only been crafted by a goddess herself...how kind of nature to allow my heart to touch its most beautiful creation." Halsin's mind was consumed by their memories and emotions. His heart raced as he remembered the way she smiled, the sound of her laughter, and the warmth of her embrace. He can't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for her strength, intelligence, and beauty. He wished he could turn back time and spend more moments with her, to cherish and hold onto every second they had together. There was no spoiling that now, he would seize his moment.
Halsin ran his free hand up alongside her figure, indulging in the curves of her hips, waist, and breasts. Every inch of her skin was his to explore, he squeezed her body tenderly under the large grip of his hand. Halsin watched Tav squirm as her face flushed bright red. His eye transitioned from gentle to authoritative. Oh, how Halsin loved seeing Tav make such pleasurable faces under his control.
"Do you know how hard it was to restrain myself the first time you offered yourself to me at that party?" Halsin's hand slipped up Tav's shirt, cupping her breast. He could feel the goosebumps rise on her skin to his touch. "I've been waiting for this moment for so long." His voice was gentle, his tone— commanding. His fingers traced her outer nipple slowly before pinching it teasingly. He loved the way she winced in a pleasurable pain. "And now I have you under me, moaning out such a lovely melody."
She gripped the cloth of Halsin's shirt as she let out small moans of pleasure. How could teasing feel so good, but feel so horrible all at once, she instantly wanted to just indulge herself in him. But for now, she enjoyed his attention. After all, he wasn't a piece of meat.
Halsin pulled Tav's shirt over her head and tossed it to the side. He leaned over and covered her exposed breast with his mouth, whilst his other hand groped her other breast. His tongue twirled over her hard nipple before pressing it against his teeth. The faint noises of grunts, heavy breathing, and slurping filled his tent.
Their skin started to exhume moisture for the heated moment. The sweet smell of musk and sexual tension, it was too intoxicating. Halsin planted sloppy kisses on Tav's chest, making his way up her neck. His steamy breath hit against Tav's ear. Her skin is soft like fresh petals, her sweat salty yet sweet. Halsin thought of her as nothing short of perfection.
"More?" Halsin huffed deep fast breaths into her ear. His lips parted from her neck, and he leaned his head back up in eyes view of her, waiting for her response.
From her view Halsin's face had a tint of red, his skin satin in moisture, not a lot but a glint of sweat. Her chest squeezed to his question because, of course, she wanted more. It was just so hard for her to answer. She almost felt shy to say yes, but this was what he wanted: to hear her voice.
"I—...." She felt a lump in her throat. Gods was she waiting for this, but the words just couldn't come out. She was aroused, nervous, and happy all at the same time.
Halsin put his hand over her jaw, clutching it slightly knowing the intensity of his strength, "Say it. I want to hear you say you want me." Tav had never seen him act this way and, gods was it a pleasant surprise.
Tav hung open her mouth, her heart racing out of her chest, "H-Halsin, I...want you. B-badly...please have me."
"Perfect." He uttered before pulling her face closer to his. He smashed his lips against hers, and his tongue danced with hers. Tav grabbed the sides of his face while wrapping her legs around his waist, pulling his groin against her core. It was hard and thick, and she could feel the heat coming off of it threw his pants. The kiss was roughly sloppy judging from their saliva running down Tav's cheek. She didn't even care, all she knew was that she wanted it rough and messy.
Their lips parted for a moment as they both gasped for air, between huffs, Halsin leaned up and pulled his shirt over his head. Exposing his muscles and hairy chest. His abs glistened in what little light gleamed into the tent from a nearby candle. Its soft glow cast its light that hit his skin in all the right places. He wrapped his fingers in Tav's waistband, pulling her pants down slowly, teasingly. He continued to tug at her pants until it pulled over her ankles, exposing her true form. All of Tav's nature was for Halsin to admire, he stared at her with lustful eyes, admiring her naked body.
His eyes began to glow like two shining suns, their bright yellow glow illuminating the darkness around him. The light emanating from his eyes was so intense that it seemed to cast a warm, golden glow on Tav's body. The effect was both mesmerizing and otherworldly. This was only a glow Tav saw when he shifted into wild form. She felt completely vulnerable, like his prey.
Halsin shook his head side to side lightly while shutting his eyes tightly, "I must tame myself, I don't want to hurt you in my wild form. But know this, you make my blood run so hot that it could awaken its beast."
"That's quite flattering, Halsin. Do I make you that crazy? That you can no longer contain yourself..? I couldn't say I wouldn't enjoy that..." Tav mustered out all her courage. Yes, she felt exposed and shy but the power she felt over Halsin's sexual urge, it was beyond an ego boost.
He scuffed in a small giggle, "Your body must take in me before it can handle any kind of beast, it's very untamed and...large." Halsin admired her ambition but he did not want hurt, this was pure pleasure, pure love. With that being said, He placed both his hands on her knees and spread her legs. "let me taste you." He leaned over, his shoulder was broad over her, his physique chiseled, and she could feel the warmth of his breath hit her core. It was all too real now, his head between her legs. He truly put her needs first before his own sexual desires. Or maybe eating her out was his sexual desire. He wanted this as bad as she did. He wanted Tav to get ready for him.
Halsin loved everything about her down to her scent. It was pure pheromones to him and damn did it unleash his inner demons. He placed kisses against her core, and small traces of her wetness glistened on his lips. His eyes, deadly, stared up at Tav, he licked his lips. She was nature's juiciest fruit, forbidden, and he took a bite. His thoughts blurred and his only instinct kicked in: Eat.
His face buried between her legs, and his tongue explored every fold and crevis. It was so wet, and Halsin rubbed his tongue against her clit. She rewarded him with moans of ecstasy. He was better than good, he was skilled. Halsin must've done this many times before and she was lucky enough for him to paint a picture on her canvas. His tongue skillfully teased her clit, Tav arched her back and clutched his hair between her fingers. She pushed his face closer to her core. Silvia ran down between her inner thighs, and Halsin squeezed her thighs tightly, enjoying all the nature's gifts of a woman bestowed to him. However, this one tasted so much sweeter when you're in love.
Tav winced out in a pleasurable melody from his grip, and in return, she tugged harder. Her stomach rose up and down like a boat riding its waves. Beads of sweat rolled down his temples, he looked so concentrated on pleasing her. The tent filled with moans, gasping air, slurping, and shuffling from Tav squirming under his grip. Halsin refused to let her go. She would have to take all his raw pleasure, even when she became too sensitive for more.
"Hahh— Halsin, fff-uuck—" She gasped out, her stomach became tense as she felt her climax inching closer and closer with each stroke of his tongue. His eyes like daggers stared up at her, he watched her moan and twitch under his grasp. He picked up his pace, as he circled his tongue around her clit.
Tav started to breathe heavier, it was so intense yet pleasure melted her body causing her legs to shake, and her stomach to twitch up. Her climax started to whelm up in the pit of her stomach, her body went tense and frozen for a moment. She shut her eyes tightly, and a single moan left her lips just when she reached her maximum height. She let out a sigh of relief. Tav peeped down at Halsin. From her POV his broad shoulders were hunched over her. She saw him licking up the juices for his sweet reward. His lips to his chin were coated in a slick liquid, it had a slight tint of white. God how sexy he looked when he had her cum on his face.
"You're ready...Come to me now." He sat up and kicked off his pants, his shaft swung up and he was right. A warning was not enough for Tav cause damn was he right, Large. He crawled back over Tav and placed his mouth over hers. She could taste the salty sweetness of her own brand. The musk of sex filled the air and it was heavy.
Halsin pulled away, "Lick." He pressed his fingers against her tongue— she obeyed. She licked the skin of Halsin's fingers, getting them soaked before he pulled them away. Halsin used his wet fingers to lubricate his cock. He pumped his hand a few times against his tip, letting out small grunts before placing his tip against her entrance, "Relax..." He kissed her forehead softly.
He pushed the tip of his head in. "Mmmh!" Tav clutched Halsin, he stroked her hair to comfort her. He slowly pushed in to give her body time to adjust. Her wet walls helped Halsin slide in with a better slip, and moment by moment he was fully in. He took a long steady thrust in and out. The tightness inside her melted from hurt to tinglyness.
Finally, they were one. Sharing each other's body in the name of love. They shared a gaze, lost in one another's eyes. Tav reached out to grab his face, "Halsin...Do you love me?"
"You're the only person that fills my heart. I do." A kiss was pressed against her lips. This one felt different, it was soft, passionate, and loving. He was so selfless. His hips started bucking in and out of her. Halsin grunted from the heat pulsing against his shaft. It only made him want more of her. He groped her breast while pumping in and out of her. His strokes were long and hard. Their chests clashed together in deep breaths.
"ahh, you feel so good" Halsin grunted as he fucked Tav harder. Their hips smashed against each other, and their sweat glided against skin it didn't belong to. Halsin hung his head down against Tav's neck. His moans were manly but slipped off the tongue like a lyric into her ear..
Tav wrapped her legs around his waist, forcing his deeper and harder into her. Fuck, why did it hurt so good? She tightened her walls around him. He skillfully fucked her for moments that felt like hours. Halsin Pulled out, "Turn around, I want to see that pretty back." Halsin gripped her sides and flipped her on her knees.
Tav dug her knees into the ground, her palms touching the bare floor. Halsin had hands like an ocean. Each time he pulled away he pulled her right back in. She looked over her sweaty shoulder to see Halsin. Kneeling behind her in all his messy glory, the sweat beaded down his abs, and that stare of his-- it was animalistic. Halsin returned his member back to her core, this time holding her by her hips. His hands explored her ass, squeezing it hard, it left behind his finger marks.
Each pump challenged Tav to hold her stance, making her sink lower and lower into the ground until her bare chest touched the floor. Their skin clapped against the force, and she could feel him grow hotter inside her. Halsin's grip was deathly, Tav's skin reddened to his touch.
"haahh!" Halsin slumped over her, leaving nibbles and bites on her back. Hickey's formed in random spots on her skin, marking his territory like an animal would. This was him telling everyone 'She's Mine'.
Tav struggled to fight against his strokes without completely crumbling under his strength. Halsin noticed this and grabbed both her wrists in his hands. he pulled her arms outward, her body now completely off the ground as he pulled her arms to push his cock deeper and deeper in her. Their moans entangled the dense air along with the clapping noises.
Halsin's eyes started to glow golden, his climax was coming to a close. But this felt too good. He wanted to stay in her as long as he could. He pulled her body up against his. Her back and ass pressed with no gaps against his abs. It was so wet. it was so raw. He pumped his cock while wrapping his arm around her in an embrace, and the other hand gripped her neck. They fucked in this position for a moment until she felt Halsin's body grow tense, and his grip became stronger.
"I— Ugghh, cumming." He pumped his final thrusts before his cock twitched, it was rock hard when a fill of warm cum burst inside her. His grip became weaker and they were glued to each other until his cum lessened to a stop. Halsin pulled out, a lonely feeling in her core was left as her walls retracted back without him there.
He held her body and allowed it to sink into his bedroll. Halsin held her close to him as he kissed the back of her neck. He was utterly captivated by all of Tav, there was still so much they could offer to each other. He strongly believed in fluidity in a relationship as his bear instincts guided him to where it desired. But there was a piece of him that wished he could have the nature of a swan. Mating for life with only one person. This was something he pondered about a relationship, a family, or even a stable love. For now, he enjoys the tender moment of Tav in his arms. The love and connection that bonded them together. Maybe it was fate that brought them together. Was she a lesson of love? He was scared he'd never find someone like her again.
"Tav, Please don't leave me. You belong at my side." He whispered almost in a somber tone.
"Of course not. Where you go, I go. I promise when this is all over you can show me your home...and all those little ducklings you love so much." She giggled and kissed his hand. It was a promise.
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sarawritestories · 7 months
Unwavering Presence Chapter 6
Cassian X Archeron Sister (Reader)
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Summary: Feyre is in the Night Court and Y/N is trying to overcome the lingering guilt she feels as Cassian leaves for a week. Tensions between the Archeron twins comes to a boiling point where Feyre decides that she wants to take part in the court and meet the inner Circle.
Content warnings: Past trauma ,sibling arguments,
A/N: I am blown away by the love you guys have shown this series and I appreciate every comment, like and reblog. It seriously means more than you know! I have so much planned and plotted out for this I hope you guys are ready!
I made a playlist for this series if you're interested in listening while reading these are just songs that help me write/reminds me of Cassian and Reader
Masterlist Chapter 5
I woke up and I was the only one in the chair with a blanket wrapped snugly around me. I turned to see Rhys resting his hand on his head, his eyes closed. I sat up and stretched and when I looked over to the bed I gasped as eyes like my own stared back at me. “Feyre.” I whispered.
Rhys stirred and looked over to us, “Good Morning,” Feyre was about to talk but began coughing and Rhys was quick to produce a glass of water in his hand and pass it to Feyre, “Drink. You’ve been out for a few days.” She nodded to him in thanks and took a long drink from the glass.
She looked over at me and pursed her lips, “You’re alive.” I nodded words lost to me. “How long have you been here?”
I wrung my hands together nervously, ‘Since Tamlin forced me out.” I said through gritted teeth.
Feyre nodded her head as if digesting how long I’ve been here. “You abandoned me.” She whispered and it felt as if my heart shattered. “You just left me alone. Tamlin told me you died!”
I crossed my arms and leaned back into the armchair. “Right because he had been a picture of pleasantries and kindness to me since that day, he fucking took us away.”
Fury shone in my sister’s eyes, “Yet you could have come back, you could have found me. Instead, you left me alone, didn’t even try to let me know you were okay to see if I was okay!” I flinched guilt swirling in my gut.
“You make it sound like I did it on purpose.” I whispered, “Like I wasn’t attacked in the woods compliments of your priestess pal who left me to die.” Feyre’s eyes widened as I rose from my chair. “Tamlin sent a very clear message of his disdain for me.” I walked to the door ignoring Rhys’ attempt to speak to me in my mind. I opened the door and looked back at her; tears were streaming down her face. “I’m sorry, I failed you a second time, Feyre.” Out of the corner of my eyes I saw sadness flash in Rhys’ face, and I shut the door and walked away.
My feet led me to the dining hall my ears ringing, I didn’t even register where I was until a familiar voice called to me, “Y/N?” I looked up to see Cassian walking in from the balcony, he was wearing his leathers, his siphons gleaming on display.
I swallowed the tightness in my throat, and tried to give him a smile, “Going somewhere?”
Cassian’s brows furrowed concern laced on his features, but he nodded, “I need to go out to the Illyrian camps and make sure my soldiers are up to my standards.”
“And you were going to leave without saying goodbye, Old Man?”
Cassian’s wings twitched as his eyes widened. “Old man?”
I jokingly pressed a palm to my forehead, “Oh I’m sorry, I meant Old Male? Better?”
The General crossed his arms looking at the floor and muttered, “I’d prefer it if Old was dropped all together,” He looked back at me his features softening at me as I grinned back at him. “Do you think I’m old?”
“Cassian, you’re over 500 years old. By human standards you’re ancient. Though I think you’ve just begun your life in terms of the fae so no I don’t think you’re old. However, I will be calling you old just to get under your skin.”
He rolled his eyes, and they go vacant briefly when he comes back to, he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me. He held me tightly and pressed his hand to the back of my head pressing my cheek against his chest, leather, and sandalwood grounding me, “It’s not your fault, Princess.” He pulls away and cups cheeks.
Avoiding his comment I whispered, “I’ll miss you,” I wrapped my hands around his rubbing small circles with my thumbs.
Cassian pulls my face closer to our breaths intermingling, “I’ll be home as soon as soon as I can,” He pressed his warm soft lips on my forehead and my eyes fluttered shut. Too quickly he pulled away and lowered our hands from my face. I laced my fingers with his and we walked out to the balcony. Cassian flared his wings, the sun highlighting the dark red hues and membrane on his wings. He turned to me and gave me a playful wink “Safe travels, General, wouldn’t want you to hurt your brittle old bones.” He laughed, flicked my nose, and launched into the air.
I leaned on the balcony railing watching him take to the skies in awe and tilted my head when he paused and turned to me, I gave him a smile, knowing he probably couldn’t see me and waved at him. He lifted his hand in response and turned and headed out, I stayed out there until he was out of my line of sight and headed into the dining room. Only to be met with a second pair of Hazel eyes. “So, Cassian’s pretty cute,” He joked throwing the line I said to him a few nights before.
Heat flared in my cheeks, “Busy body.”
Azriel just pointed his thumbs at himself, “Spymaster.”
“So, a professional busybody.” Az laughed clutching his stomach. “I liked it better when you were quiet, Shadowsinger.”
Azriel nudged me with his shoulder, “No you don’t.”
I pat the top of his head and the shadowsinger grumbled, “You’re right, I don’t.” I looked to the doors as if I could see Feyre all the way from here. “Where are you off to?” I asked and Azriel’s face showed no indication of his feelings, but his eyes held a glimpse of sadness there.
His shadows danced around his neck and a few strayed from him and swirled and weaved around my legs. The cool kiss of their touch a great reprieve to my heated skin. “I have the day off I was going to go into the city for a bit to have lunch with Mor. I’d figured I’d see if you want to train?”
“Yes, please, I can’t go back into that room. Not yet anyway.”
Azriel nods his head to the door, “Go get changed we’ll work on wielding weapons.” I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran to my room to change into my leathers. I braided my hair into a crown and walked to my door. Opening it I was shocked to see Rhys on the other side arm raised to knock. I’m pretty sure Rhys expression matched my own as he lowered his hand tucking it in his pocket. “You, okay?”
I leaned against the door frame, “Truthfully?” He nodded, “No, I’m not. She thinks I ran away and abandoned her. Thanks to Tamlin and Ianthe and their pretty little lies.” I swallowed the tears, “The way she looked at me, Rhys. It hurt.” Rhys sighed and I could see the exhaustion in his features and taking over his body. “When was the last time you slept?”
He waved me off, “Don’t deflect.”
I crossed my arms, “I’m not deflecting. I answered your question, and I am asking a simple question in regards to the wellbeing of my friend.”
Light sparked into his violet eyes, “We’re friends?”
“Now who’s deflecting?” I cup my hand on his cheek, “You need to sleep, Rhys. She’ll be fine, give her some time alone to process everything.”
Rhys placed his hand on top of mine, “You’re a good sister you know that right?”
“There have been many moments where Feyre would disagree with you.” My mind trailed off to Under the Mountain.
I twisted the goblet in my hand, another night another party that Feyre and I are the full spectacle of in matching outfits. If you could call the see through material that barely covered my breast and my ass an outfit. Feyre had swirls that matched her tattoo throughout her whole body and the same markings swirled on my skin. I remained close to my sister when Tamlin approached Feyre. I averted my gaze to give them privacy.
My eyes scanned across the room looking out for Rhysand and before I could look back to my sister and Tamlin was walking away from her. Feyre whispered in my ear, “Cover for me, Tamlin wants to meet with me for a moment.”
Relief washed over my chest, “Is he going to get you out?” I whispered so low it in her ear. “Feyre, he has to get you out.” I had her face me so she could understand.
Feyre rolled her eyes, “I’ll be fine.” And before I had the opportunity to argue further, she left. I scowled quietly as I watched her walk away and saw the High Lord of the Spring trail after her.
I glared at the door they went behind, hoping that I could him to get her out. A hand fell on the small of my back causing me to jump and Rhys’ voice was against my ear, “Just me.” He removed his hand, and he looked over to where Feyre and Tamlin ran off to and his jaw tightened. The only indication on his calm demeanor that told me he was upset. “Where is Feyre, Y/N?”
I quirked my brow, “I think we both know, you know exactly where she is, High Lord.” There was a pause, and for whatever reason I asked in a hushed tone, “He isn’t going to get her out, is he?”
“No, he isn’t.” Dread took over. I looked down at the goblet contemplating drinking the fae wine and forget my inhibitions, fueled by the anger and disappointment of not only the blonde haired green eyed high lord and my foolish love-sick sister. “You’ve been avoiding it this long, don’t start because you’re angry. That could lead you down a dark rabbit hole.” He grabs the goblet from my hand and drinks the contents, “Stay close to Lucien.” He hands me the empty cup.
“Where are you going?”
Rhys voice floats in my mind, “To fix this.”
Rhys squeezed my hand bringing me back, “That wasn’t your fault either.” I curse under my breath and rebuild my shields. “Tamlin has made a mess of things time and again. It’s going to catch up with him in the end.”
I nod lowering my hand that he is still gripping, “I should go Azriel is waiting for me to start training.” Rhys nods and moves out of the way, releasing my hand. “Go to sleep, High Lord. You’ll need your strength if you’re going to need with your Feyre Darling.” I heard his chuckle as I left to go find Azriel.
Azriel was in the training ring on the roof his arms crossed, “You’re late.”
I lowered my gaze, “Sorry, I ran into Rhysand.” I met his piercing gaze, “Don’t suppose you’ll go easy on me for it.”
Amusement graced his features, and his lips quirked upward, “Not a chance. Pushups, now.” I groaned, “Keep it up Archeron, and I’m going to double how many you must do. Give me thirty.” The morning sun caused sweat to drip down my brow on the first ten pushups. My arms were already shaking by the twentieth pushup, “I am going to have to kick Cassian’s ass for his lack of core training with you.” I was able to finish the pushups and slowly stood up my arms and legs shaking.
Azriel made his way over to weapons, “You have a preference on weapon?”  
I shrugged, “I only had access to a dagger, I don’t know anything else.” I followed him, and looked at the table, there were a few daggers, two longswords and a bow and arrow. The weapon reminded me of Feyre, “I have no interest in archery.” I murmured biting the inside of my cheek as a fresh wave of guilt that washed over me.
Azriel didn’t look over at me and simply said, “Noted.” He grabbed the dagger and handed it to me. “Show me what you can do with this.”
I walked over to the center of the training ring dummy that was on the other side and grabbed the tip of the dagger took in a deep breath as I raised my arm and, on the exhale, threw the dagger as it hit right in the chest of the dummy. I turned to Azriel’s face was unreadable, “What?”
Azriel shook his head, “Just not what I was expecting, you did this when you hunted in the human lands? You ever worried about missing?”
I gave him a wink, “I never miss, Shadowsinger.”
He grabbed a dagger from his belt, not as ornate as his other one that he always kept within his reach “Prove it.” So, we spent the rest of the hour throwing the daggers splinters from the wooden dummy everywhere. “I’m impressed, you have quite the arm Y/N. Who taught you how to throw?”
“I taught myself.” Azriel quirked a brow, “My dad was attacked by some creditors. Nesta and Elain remained hidden in our room, Feyre was begging them to stop. After they shattered his leg, I knew I needed to take action. I took a knife one of the few things we were able to keep, and I threw it and one of them collapsed to the floor. I didn’t even understand that I had killed him. Until the other guys looked at me with pure horror on their faces. They fled right after that. But the damage was done my father’s leg was destroyed and 4 sisters carried out a dead body to the forest to be eaten by the creatures that lurked there.”
“Turns out fae and human are more alike than people think at least in their cruelty.” Az said in response, no judgement, no pity, just stating a fact.
“Their kindness too, Az.” He gave a nod, “Would you mind taking me to the town house?”
“You don’t want to stay here? Close to Feyre.” Again, there was no judgement in his tone simply asking a question.
“Not today. Plus, most of my clothes are in the town house anyway and my journal.” I left out the part about Cassian gifting that to me.
“Sure, do you want to go now?” I nodded and he held out his hand which I graciously took my hand, and his shadows consumed us, and we were in front of the town house.
I looked at him, “That’s a neat trick,” A shadow slithers up to her hand and she coos at it, “Is there anything you little guys can’t do.”
Azriel made a face, “They are shadows not, puppies.”
The shadow kisses my cheek and wraps around my hair before slinking back toward its master, “I think they liked it.”
Az groaned, “They did.” I couldn’t contain my laughter. “You going to be, okay?” Rhys was kind of worried about you.” He paused, “Cassian had fought Rhys to stay. He had to pull rank.”
“He shouldn’t have abandoned his duties to help me. He doesn’t even know me very well.” I shrugged.
Azriel smiled, “Cassian has a big heart, when he sees someone is hurting, he will do anything in his power to make them feel better. I do know he enjoys your company and cares about you.”
Heat rose in my cheeks at Azriel’s words. “Well hopefully he doesn’t have to stay wherever he is at for too long. I find that I enjoy his company too.” He smiled, “Have a nice lunch Az. I’ll talk to you later.” He waved and his shadows consumed him, and he was gone. It made my way inside and ran to my room and began writing in my journal pouring out my emotions from the last few days.
A few days had gone by, and Az has continued teaching me how to hone my skills in throwing daggers along with sparring with a long sword. I spent my afternoons writing and despite Rhys’ efforts avoiding my sister. It was about a day and a half before Rhys and her came into the town house, and I just kept to myself. I kept to my room and wrote in my journal the words were flowing through me and I felt this wave of creativity. I wasn’t writing stories but just getting words on paper was a start.
The week’s end approached and there was a knock on my door as I was sitting in my bed reading a book. “Come in.” Rhys stepped in and I gave him a smile, “How is she?”
He gave me a warm smile, “Good, she wants to meet the Inner Circle. Wants to work with us.” I nodded, “So we’re having dinner tonight.”
“Okay. Have fun.” I murmured flipping the page. The book was ripped from my hand and disappeared, “Rhysand!” He walked to my closet and picked up the new gown that Mor insisted I buy weeks ago and dropped it on my bed.
“Get changed, get ready, we’re leaving at the top of the hour.” He crossed his arms and stared at the floor, “She’s been asking about you and you’ve been blocking me out. Just try, okay?” I nodded and he comes up and kisses my forehead, “Good,��� he gave my arm a comforting squeeze, “Oh, did I mention, Cassian is home.” My head perked up and he had a knowing smirk on his face. “He was wondering where you were and why you weren’t in the House of Wind.” He flicked my nose, and I swatted his hand. “Get dressed.” And he walked out.
Cassian’s POV
It was an agonizingly long week Devlon was fighting me on every order and had a comeback for every word I said. Knowing that I was going to come home and get to spend some time with Y/N. Leaving her when she looked so devastated and Rhys sharing the argument between the twins in my mind set my blood boiling. I had to remember that Feyre was also hurting but it still didn’t make it alright for making Y/N feel guilty for something Tamlin fucking did.
The days blurred together but then I was on the balcony of the House of Wind and the air felt stale and I looked for anyone. My wings slumped a little bit I was hoping to see Y/N. I felt familiar claws against my shields, and I let them down.
Welcome home brother, Rhys’s voice flooded my brain.
I walked into my room and began to take off my leathers, Thanks, where is everyone?”
Azriel is wandering around the city for something, Mor is coming back from the Court of Nightmares and the twins are in the townhome with me. Everyone is coming out there to the House of Wind for Dinner.
Have the two of them made any headway?
No, they haven’t, Y/N has kept to herself except for training with Azriel. I am about to drag her out for dinner. I just wanted to welcome you home.
Thanks, I’ll see you soon.
I walked into the dining room and was greeted by a bubbly blonde, “How was Windhaven?”
I snorted, “Shitty,” I wrapped my arms around her, “How was the Court of Nightmares?”
Mor chuckled, “Shitty.” There was a brief pause before the two of us chuckled and took our seats. Amren sat a goblet in her hand. “How are you, Amren,” Mor gave her a smile.
Amren quirked a brow, “Ready to get this over with.”
“Come on, Little one, you don’t want to meet Feyre Cursebreaker see what she’s all about?” I countered she just scoffed and sipped her goblet.
Thunderous wings announced my brother’s presence both Rhys and Azriel had a sister and something in my chest eased to seeing Y/N. Rhys led a woman who looked so like her sister she was in a dark blue gown, and she looked beautiful. My eyes gazed over to my brother who was helping take off Y/N’s cloak and I swore the room was void of air.  Y/N was in a light blue gown shimmering with sparkles looking like water on the sunset with thin straps and a slit started at the middle of her thigh that showcased her now toned thigh. Her hair was pinned to one side soft curls falling to her full chest.
Rhys slipped into my mind, Brother, close your mouth you’re drooling.
I shook my head and subconsciously wiped my mouth and looked over to Az who gave me a knowing wink before kissing the top of Mor’s head in greeting. I could feel eyes on me, and I turned my gaze back to Y/N her smile almost made me fall to my knees. And before I knew it she was sprinting toward me, I grinned back at her and opened my arms right as she hopped into my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck. “You’re home.”
I squeezed her tightly and took in her scent of Jasmine and vanilla. “I missed you too, Princess.”
There was a cough, and I opened my eyes to meet Rhys’ and I place her down and I whispered in her ear, “You look beautiful tonight.” A blush crept up on her cheeks as the grin never left her face. I led her to one of the seats in between Azriel and myself.
Rhys looked over to Feyre who did not leave the balcony, I decided I should break her tension, “Come on Feyre, we don’t bite, Unless you ask us to.” There was slap of the back of my head and saw Az giving me a pointed look and Y/N trying hard not to laugh.
“Cassian, no one has taken you up on that offer.” Rhys countered as he had his hand on Feyre’s back, she gave me a small smile and I nodded my head and gave her a wink. “The loud one over there is Cassian, Azriel on your sister’s left, you obviously know Mor and Amren, my second in command.” Rhys led her to the table and food appeared.
“So, you took down a Middengard Wyrm, pretty impressive, Feyre.” I said piling food to my plate, Y/n tensed beside me, and Feyre looked to her plate.
“No I didn’t.” Feyre murmured her eyes looming over her twin, “That was Y/N.”
I turn to the human woman beside me, “Why didn’t you say anything?” I asked.
She simply shrugged. “You didn’t ask, it wasn’t worth talking about.” She focused on her food.
Rhys kicked my foot under the table and gave me a pointed glare. Again another few moments went by and Rhys filled the silence with what he would require of Feyre if she were to join the Night Court and fully leave the Spring Court.
 Feyre is nodding along, and Y/N had been picking at her food. I bumped my knee against hers, “Are you okay?”
She looked up at me and she smiled, “Yeah I’m great.” She leaned up to my ear and I tried to tamper my excitement of her chest pressing against my arm, “I missed you, General.”
I met her eyes and noticed her pupils were blown, “Likewise, Princess.”
“What did you do to my sister?” Feyre blurted, “What spell do you have her under?”
Y/N blinked, and her head slowly turned to her twin, “Excuse me?”
“I’ve never seen you this way, you were so cold in the Spring court and the human lands, surely, they have some type of hold on you that you are so comfortable with them. Rhys is capable-“
Y/N slammed her hands on the table and rose from her seat, her dress pooling on the floor, a true vision with rage contorting her beautiful face. “Don’t. Just don’t.” She points to Rhys, “Rhysand, offered me a bargain tattoo as a way of communicating with him in case I needed him when I was in the Spring Court. And has made sure I have been comfortable since being here.” She points to Mor, “Mor, has been a friend and a confidant and welcomed me with open arms.” She points to me and Azriel, “And these two, saved my life from the Naga when your precious High Lord left me out to rot. Everyone has been training me to fight, to strengthen my mental shield, and to read and write. Something that they are still willing to help with you if you choose to take it to give you back control.” Her hand finds mine and links her pinky around mind and my chest hummed with warmth, “You may not trust Rhysand or his friends. You don’t have to like them if you don’t want. However, by while you’re here under Rhys’s protection you will show him and his family some fucking respect, when they provided you aid, because Tamlin failed to.” Feyre balled her fist, and I could see her clench her jaw. Though Rhys had a look of shock on his face his cool mask melted away. Azriel tensed but not because he was uncomfortable it was because he was fighting back tears and Mor gave her a small smile sipping her eye. I could not help the pride swelling in my chest. The selfless, generous woman just defended my family against her own and I focus back on my plate ignoring the erratic beat of my heart.
It was Amren who chuckled low that spoke, “Oh how, I like you, Girl.”
The rest of the dinner was sat in silence, but Y/N’s pinky never unhooked from mine.
Chapter 7
Story tags: @hellodarling1357 @hnyclover @waytoomanyteenagefeels @amara-moonlight @impossibelle @esposadomd @sleepylunarwolf @stressed-reader @kylaisra @marvelouslovely-barnes @magicstrengthandcourage @spideytingley @awkardnerd @donttellthecats @tastydewdrops @vermillionwinter @asweetblueberry2 @bunnyredgirl @homeslices @azriels-mate2 @oksloan3 @wallacewillow0773638 @fandom-crashlanding @writingstreetspirit @hannzoaks @minnieloo @tuggboatfishin @judig92 @atrxidxs @dustyinkpages @secretlyhers @mxblobby @blogforficslol @historygeekqueen @turtleshavesoulmates @scooobies @anuttellaa @earth-to-lottie @slytherintaco @fxckmiup @tinystarfishgalaxy @cheesebookgirl @oucereeng @st0rmyt @starswholistenanddreamsanswered
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mezzy-1 · 9 months
Hope you enjoy!
He was finishing recon in a snowy forest late at night and was done for the day.  He outstretched his arm and sent out the Owl Drone
So far, you had been hiking for about 8 hours through frigid woods and gotten lost about 2 hours earlier.  You were trying to make camp for the night but failing to start a fire
You caught a glimpse of Sova’s drone and followed it back to the man, who immediately regarded you with some suspicion but could see you were of his dimension 
Deciding to keep an eye on you, he led you back to his campsite and helped you set up your tent next to his
He was kind, and he quietly offered you a seat next to him by the fire.  Both of you sat awkwardly at first, not quite sure how to handle the silence
“Do you do archery out here?  I noticed the bow and wanted to ask…” you trailed off as he looked at you 
He removed the bow and two arrows from his sling.  “Would you like a look at them?”  You moved closer and inspected them.  The technology was intricate but your eyes wandered over to the man sitting close to you
“What brings you out here?”
“I wanted to do the Blue Lakes trail but I got lost a while back.  I was planning on stargazing at the top but…” you gestured to your compass, “I got lost”
“I leave here tomorrow, and I can show you to the trail if you would like.”  Sova offered
You accepted his offer and both of you went to your tents for the night
Humiliatingly, the trail back was marked but Sova didn’t seem to care that you got lost so easily.  The two of you just chatted about the surroundings while traveling onward
At the trailhead, you had to part ways.  But it didn’t have to be the end, and you made a fast decision and asked to see him again
“I’d love to!  What did you have in mind?”
Sova Date
At the trailhead, you finished tying your boots before a familiar voice called out
“Hello y/n!  Should we start walking?”  Sova had dressed in pants and a blue flannel jacket
Both of you continued up to a clearing in the forest, just as the sun was begging to set
You laid out a large blanket from your pack and set it down.  Sova took out a pair of bags and bottles of water
You hadn’t expected him to bring home cooked food, but you weren’t complaining either
Sova and you made yourselves comfortable, and ate while you waited for the evening to turn to night
Conversing with him was always peaceful.  He listened deeply and always responded with optimism or curiosity
The North Star was the first to appear, followed by a few faint constellations
Within an hour, the sky was overrun with stars.  Each point of light layered on another creating a portrait of the galaxy
Sova and you took turns pointing out constellations, each time trying to remember what each star was named 
Both of you relied on the book of astronomy you brought along to figure out what was in the sky
Sova had an understanding of stars to navigate, and would name stars in Russian or translate what he could
Although you and him were occupied with stargazing, you started to succumb to the cold of the night
“Y/N, are you cold?”
“No, it’s nothing you need to-”
Sova took his jacket off and place it on you.  The lining inside was warm from Sova’s body heat
“Are you still cold?  Come here, and stay close to me.”  Sova gestured for you to join his side
For the rest of the night, you and him stayed in almost constant contact until you both decided to head back
You followed behind Sova, his sense of direction and torch lit the way.  Despite being deep in the wilderness, you felt safe in his presence
When you arrived at the trailhead, Sova said his goodbyes.  He made sure you would arrive home safely before leaving.  His jacket was still on you
“Sova, you forgot this.” you held his jacket out to him.  
“Keep it Y/N, I want you to have it for the next outing.  I hope it brings you much warmth and comfort while I am away.”
“Here’s something to remind you of me.” you gave Sova a kiss
He was a blushing mess, and held you close before departing back to the Valorant HQ
While you traveled back to your home, you ran your fingers over the soft material of Sova’s jacket.  It smelled faintly of him
You were in LA when the Landfall facility erupted and you were caught in the crossfire of Omega and Alpha variants.  A single Shock Arrow went off course and hit you with enough voltage to knock you out
Once you came to, Deadlock had finished performing CPR on you, including mouth to mouth. 
When you came to, your face was covered in blonde locks of hair, gazing into eyes with intense blue irises, and her body pressed against yours
Iselin was red in the face, and so were you.  Perhaps for the same reason…
Other agents were finishing off the Omega team, Iselin didn’t really have anything else to worry about other than stabilizing you
“Can you tell me your name?” she asked, hoping to establish if you were coherent
You replied perfectly, and set her at ease.  Then you had an idea, and asked for her name
“Deadlo- Iselin, my name is Iselin” she responded
Because you managed to get at least a name, you pressed your luck and asked more about her
“That will have to wait, we’re taking you a hospital to make sure you weren’t injured in any other way”
Sage gave you a check up and confirmed you were fine, then hooked up a heart monitor before leaving to inspect other agents
Iselin walked over to see how you were doing, then sat next to your cot.  It was another chance to get to see her and you tried to converse politely with her
As you chatted she kept looking over your shoulder to something, all while still remaining invested in your conversation
“Do I make you nervous?” She asked softly
“What!  No!  Why would you think that?” you quickly answered back
“It’s just that the monitor says you have an elevated heart rate.”
Looking behind you, the screen did show you that weren’t as relaxed 
“Oh!” you exclaimed, “It’s just that, I find you kind of… attractive”
The machine was beeping rapidly now, but not detracting from the silence that swallowed the moment between you and Iselin.  She spoke first
“Would you like to spend some time together then?”  she was blushing as much as you 
As you walked out of the clinic, you made plans to see her again
Deadlock Date
You and Iselin decided to meet at a Valorant safehouse that Cypher had once used.  He promised he removed all the cameras
She had prepared some ingredients for dinner you could cook together.  Cooking was something she did with her old team
Because you were in LA still, she managed to find fresh salmon at a market and decided to cook it
She gutted it in front of you, and taught you how to debone, clean and prepare the fish.  Her skill with the knife was amazing, if not intimidating
You asked a for some help and she took your hand, showing you the right way to cut
The rest of the preparation was easier, requiring less input.  It was during this that you talked to Iselin 
For her, it was refreshing to find someone who didn’t know about her past, the trauma she’d endured, and could let in gradually
You came to understand that she was ex-military but nothing official.  Her main expertise was in tracking and scouting, which you decided to test
You’d ask about urban legends or survival stories and she’d debunk them or let in on a fact about hunting
The incredulous reactions you had managed to coax a smile out of her
As dinner began, you both started sharing more personal stories and began to get more well-acquainted with the other’s background
Iselin bristled when you asked why she was with Valorant, and she decided to say as much as she could stomach
“I had something happen to me and they were there for me.”  Her eyes darted to her prosthetic arm
There was a moment of silence, tension rose 
“I’m glad they were there for you, if they weren’t I don’t think I would have met you.” 
The words touched Iselin deeply, and she could only utter out a phrase
“Tusen takk.” she smiled up at you 
As you finished your dinner you both had easier conversations about personal tastes.  It was here you found that Iselin enjoyed hiking 
“Would you like to go hiking with me?” you asked tentatively
Iselin’s face lit up and she quickly responded with “Ja takk!”
Sadly she had to leave soon and you both exited the safehouse.  Iselin turned to you as you closed the door 
“Y/N, thank you.  It hasn’t been easy to let people get close but you’ve helped me relax a bit.  I won’t forget you y/n.” 
You got the sense Iselin was signaling something, and you leaned in.  She kissed you and held you close, then cautiously let go
She left you the same way she found you: breathless
Your day at work had come to an end, and you stepped off of your bus preparing to walk the rest of the way home
Iso’s had already began, as he was chasing down a member of his past corporation.  He had finished off their friends, now it was time to end them
His target had managed to jump out of the window to avoid capture, but Iso didn’t let up even as their chase took them onto the street
A small commotion occurred as Iso’s prey shoved you to put distance between his assassin 
As they ran past you, one of Iso’s headphones fell out 
Right in front of you as he ran into an alley from your sight
What else were you to do?  Of course you had to return it to him (not because you wanted to get a better look at him)
You began to head towards the alley to see if you could catch Iso in time.  Meanwhile Iso put his abilities into practice
Iso’s target fell right into the Kill Contract, and the assassin stepped into the space disappearing into the Interverse
Of course you didn’t see anything, just a few strange purple particles floating through the air nearby
By the time he stepped out of his Kill Contract he ran right into you and you both fell over
Iso was bewildered and worried a civilian had discovered his secret  
He and you caught a glimpse of each other and stopped struggling
Sheepishly, you handed him back his headphone and he took it back while being careful to hide the pistol he had in his coat
After helping you to your feet, you asked him what he was listening to and his reply of 99 God was a welcome surprise
“Wait, do you like his music too?” you asked
“Of course, I’ve been to some of his shows too.  I have playlists full of him.” 
You just happened to have 2 tickets to a concert of his, and seizing on the opportunity you asked if he would be interested
It was a yes
Iso Date
At the concert, you met Iso at the front before walking in together.  The ticket staff asked if you were a couple while scanning your passes
Iso blushed immediately and you felt your soul vacate your body
“Ye- maybe?”  “Well it wouldn’t be that, b-” “Uh I think so?”
You both hurried in to the concert and got over the shock
“That was kind of awkward right?  Who even asks that kind of question?”  Iso broke the tension
“I don’t understand people sometimes.” you replied
Eventually that faded into background as the music started, it was a something else to focus on
You and Iso joined the crowd in excitement, dancing and singing to the music that leapt from the speakers
The opening set was absolutely worth the ticket cost
“THIS IS AMAZING!” you cried out.  Iso agreed emphatically
Lost in the moment, you watched Iso feeling the rhythm as purple lights from a nearby projector shown on the crowd
You gazed at him in awe as violet lasers ran over both of your faces, he stared back with equal entrancement
Deciding to embrace the moment, you both stole a quick kiss when smoke machines shrouded the crowd and the show ended
On your way out, Iso and you both talked about your favorite songs, the performance, and the special effects
“This was a great night y/n, we should do something like this again.”
Barely holding back your excitement, you kissed him again before heading home
Iso walked back home listening to a track titled “Songs for Y/N”  
Being a hitman was a lonely job, and even since he had joined Valorant he still lacked closeness.  Luckily, he had found you
Thrash had gotten away from him while he was out running a few errands, and he was worrying at this point
He heard the sound of the creature knocking over cans and moving around the isles.  He dashed over to see her pouncing from a shelf into a cart
Your cart
She didn’t revert to a globule, but instead curled up into the cart along with your groceries.  Gekko was beyond panicked at this point
You cautiously reached down and tapped on the critter, and when it nuzzled your hand you started to pet it
Gekko was astounded by Thrash getting along with someone, and stood there in awe as you picked her up and continued to scratch her belly
You noticed him staring at you with his jaw hanging open
“Uh, is this yours?” you asked while handing Thrash over to him.  She flew into Gekko’s satchel excitedly
“Uh, yeah, thanks for catching her.  I never see her get along with other people so it’s kind of weird to see her like this.  The rest of my crew is a lot more chill.” 
“The rest of your crew?” you asked.  Gekko realized he said too much at that point
“Well I’m not supposed to talk about it but…a no la importa ahorita.”  he summoned Wingman and placed him in your hands
You saw your chance and took it
“I’d love to get to them and you too if you wanted to do something some time.”
Gekko went red, then smiled 
“Meet me tomorrow evening at the Kingdom train depot, past the security fence.”
It was a date, one you were eager for but slightly worried about
Gekko Date
Following Gekko’s instructions was easy enough, getting into the trainyard was easy but the fear of being caught was palpable
It was kind of a rush though, sneaking by all of the cameras and guards.  You knelt down behind some crates and let out a sigh
A finger tapped on your shoulder and you twisted around in fear
“Oye, calma!” Gekko whispered.  “It’s me, you can chill.”  He smiled at you and gestured to a bag you carried
It was filled with spray paints of different colors rattled around inside.  Gekko walked you over to a train car he had already covered in stencils
He grabbed 2 cans gleefully and shook them together.  He tossed the other to you and grinned.  “Lista?  Let’s do this.”
You both got to work, assisted by Wingman to keep watch and hand paint cans.  Deep blues and electric greens covered the car at first, followed by pastel violets.  
Cans of paint traded hands, fingers brushing near but never touching.  Until Gekko looked up at the top stencil and had an idea
He hoisted you up on his shoulders and had you paint it.  Wobbling back and forth, you sprayed the last parts of the design before he cautiously let you down
“Ok, I want you to close your eyes alright?” Gekko pleaded. “Wait up, okay 3. 2. 1”
Your eyes opened and saw the beauty you and him created together
It was a scene of a jungle at night, navy blue foliage covering up most of it while neon green fireflies dotted the mural.  In the middle was a prowling jaguar with a cub between its front legs
“It’s beautiful…” you whispered
“you are too” whispered Gekko.  Wingman abruptly pushed you both together and you met each other’s gaze
Both of you kissed each other quickly before blushing and quickly breaking down into embarrassed apologies
“You, I.  We should, do this more right?”
“Yeah, por supuesto”
Wingman lived up to his name that night
You’d met at after a charity dinner hosted by Kingdom, and it was the most boring thing you’d ever attended
It was a show of corporate goodwill but mainly to placate the public.  The only reason you showed up is because the donations went straight to your city
Plus free wine, which you had taken and were drinking on a balcony that gave you some space from everyone else
“Fait froid non?”
You turned to see a tall man dressed in a fine suit and prismatic tie, his hand extended in greeting
“Vincent Fabron, enchante”
He took your hand, refraining from kissing it and instead shooting you a flirtatious grin
He made small talk with you about the event, and brought up that he had been with Kingdom as a guest.  Both of you started talking about each other's lives
Fabron asked if you had a partner
You blushed a bit and replied “no,” to which he responded “Tres bien, then would you be free for dinner sometime this week?”
You were taken aback by how forward he was, but then again he was a gentleman and quite handsome
A digital chime broke the silence and Fabron checked his wristwatch.  An alert was going off, accompanied by some V-shaped sign
“I look forward to meeting you once more,” he gestured to his watch, “but I am afraid I have some responsibilities to tend to.  Au revoir”
He waved at you as he went back inside and disappeared
In your hands was the card, which had the address of a high end restaurant and a time written on it.  The other side was the business card of Vincent ‘Chamber’ Fabron
Chamber Date
Dressed in your finest clothing, you waited outside of the restaurant building but were unsure where Chamber was
You pulled out the card to see if you had made a mistake and noticed a colorful glow coming from it
In a flash of radiant energy you were teleported, right into a private room with Vincent waiting
“Bonne nuit, I hope the teleportation was comfortable.  Let me get your seat.”  
Vincent had finished lighting candles, setting plates, and took your coat before seating you across from him
You sat down to a prepared dinner of salad, coq au vin, and fresh bread
Vincent pressed something on his watch, then teleported a bottle of red wine to his hand and opened it.  He poured your glass and sat down as he poured his own 
He began asking more about your life, interests, and even a few intimate questions
You naturally responded with your own questions, learning about his time at Kingdom and even a little about his time with Valorant
He asked about your life some more, not forgetting any of the details you told him the first time you met
By the time you both had finished the wine, it felt as if you knew the other as lifelong partners.  Vincent was listening to you explain something, but you became nervous
“Am I boring you?  I didn’t mean to-”
“I assure you, nothing you do could ever be boring.  There’s nobody more invested in you than me, Y/N.”
You were taken aback, and felt a spark of something.  On an impulse you leaned in 
Chambers' lips met yours and both of you kissed, he had found a private room so the moment you both shared was only yours to know
When you finished, Vincent sat back confidently with a somewhat knowing, if not smug, look on his face
“I’ve been waiting for you to do that all night” 
Istanbul is a lively city, so the few places that offered a bit of peace were an oasis.  One such oasis was a bookstore in Kadikoy
You had paged through books but hadn’t really found anything that piqued your interest yet.  The saturation of supernatural romances and dystopian teen novels wasn’t helping
A woman with dark hair was also reading through another book, but unlike you was invested.  She sat at a table with a glass of warm tea
Her hands obscured the title, but you wanted to know if it was worth reading
Not like you had other reasons
“Uhh hi, what are you reading?”
You came face to face with mismatched eyes and a curious stare
“Dune,” she moved her hand to let you see the cover, “I’ve had it recommended to me by friends.  It’s quite good.”
You instinctively replied, “I know right, especially when Paul-” you cut yourself off before spoiling the book
Fade wasn’t normally in a mood to talk with strangers, but something about you was different to her
Normally she could feel fear emanate from people near her, however she didn’t get any sense you held fear
Of course this intrigued her
“Do you come to this store often?  I come here often but I haven’t seen you here before.”
You told her you were visiting for the first time but often went to another store that closed
“So you read often, what genre is your favorite?” she had set down her book
“I prefer science fiction, but I’ll read anything with good characters.” you replied. “What do you prefer?”
“The same, although I’ll read anything when I have the chance.” she took a sip from her glass
Just as she finished, one of Istanbul’s many cats entered the store.  A calico covered in large orange spots and one giant black spot across its back
It came up to you and began rubbing against your legs.  Then it came over to Fade and did the same
“She seems to like you,” you mentioned before Fade took the calico and fed it something from her bag.  She held it in her lap as it chewed on whatever it was eating
“Come, she is friendly.”  Fade invited you next to her.  Obliging, you sat down and started petting the cat
“What is your name?”
“And you are?”
“Y/N,” you took your chance, “Would you want to get khave some time and talk a bit more?”
“Evet, that sounds lovely”
Fade Date
The neighborhood of Moda provided the perfect place to reacquaint yourself with Hazal
Naturally as you were on your way over, Hazal found you first.  The woman is a bounty hunter after all
“Merhaba!” Hazal surprised you and led you into a small cafe.  There were only a few other customers, leaving you and her mostly alone
She ordered khave, and you ordered the same.  The Turkish coffee brought to you was the first you ever had
It was like drinking coffee grounds and pure caffeine in a cup.  It was an acquired taste but very easy to acquire
Hazal and you talked about books you had read recently.  You compared some of the adaptations you both saw in theaters, agreeing mostly that the books were better
The conversation moved to life, and you asked about what Hazal did.  She mentioned that she did ‘private investigation’ but now works with a private security organization
It was a secretive topic, but you were fine with her answer.  It was more important to focus on the future
“Y/N, have you ever had your fortune read?” Hazal asked
“Not really, do you know how to tell the future?” you replied, you were curious at this point
Hazal pointed to your empty cup
You passed it over to her and she looked it over.  She searched it over and then set it in the middle of the table
“I see in your future…a deep unrest and sudden death.”  She turned up to you with a dire look in her eyes
“I’m going to die?” you asked.  Hazal’s facade broke and she laughed a bit
“Hayir, relax, it is only a joke.  In fact you’ll like the reading better now.”
You calmed a bit, and laughed a bit at how she managed to mess with you
“It seems like you’re going to go through some change, brought on by things beyond your control.”  she paused to look over the coffee cup, “But something will bring you great solace during this.”
“I wish I knew what that something was.  Do you see anything else about it?” you asked  
“Well I have one theory,” Hazal pointed to herself, “It could be someone, not something.”
You decided to flirt a bit more, “And who could that be?” 
“Someone close, someone mysterious maybe?  They could even be right here.”
“I’d bet they’d even go for a kiss if given the chance,” you caught Hazal leaning in as you said it
You shared a kiss with her, the first of many 
She rarely ventured outside of her lab and between running Valorant and missions, she had to keep her time off brief and tended to try keep a low profile
Her time outside of the HQ was generally spent visiting parts of the world and visiting art museums
Viper had a particular love of the arts, and museums were often silent so there was little interference from other people 
Except for you
She was observing Goya’s Black Paintings, specifically Saturn Devouring His Son.  It’s savagery was overwhelming and therefore intrigued her
You sat down on a bench to observe it as well, and maybe the other person in here with you.  The grotesque painting was enthralling, if not disturbing to think about
Then she sat down next to you, and you tried to keep your eyes on the painting.  It was impossible not to dart your eyes over to her
“Why do you keep looking at me?” Viper spoke in a bitter tone
Thinking as fast as you could you explained that you weren’t looking at her per say, rather just the…painting behind her.  You were looking over at Duelo a Garrotazos
She raised an eyebrow and sighed, “That’s an awful lie.”
To prove your innocence you went into detail about what you knew about the painting:  History, interpretation, value, and origin.  
Sabine’s suspicion turned to interest
“You know art quite well, is it a passion of yours or a profession?”
“Just a passion, and I wasn’t trying to stare at you.”
“I’m not as concerned with that anymore, what I am curious about is what brings you here.”
“Just wanted to look at the collection.  By the way, I never got your name.”
“Sabine, and yours is?”
“Have you ever painted before Y/N?  Or are you mostly a critic?”  Sabine’s intense green eyes studied your reaction
“Only a little bit, but I enjoy it when I have the chance.”
“Would you be interested in joining me at a studio sometime this week?  I rented a space.”
Caught off guard, you quickly asked if she was trying to ask you out.  She was less interrogative now, and being genuine in her offer
“I would love to.” you answered. 
An alert from Sabine’s phone broke the moment.  Her face contorted into exasperation, and she quickly texted something back.
“It appears I have something to attend to Y/N.  We should discuss this later.”
Sabine handed you a page from a pocket book with her number, and after she took one last look at the gallery, left the museum
As she left, you heard her mutter something about her lab and ‘Phoenix,’ whatever that meant
Her leaving was a bit abrupt, but you would be seeing her again and you could hardly wait
Viper Date
Viper didn’t tell anyone about your date except for Brimstone
In her space she had assembled what she could for a still life: a few beakers and a collection of poisonous flowers like Oleandar, Belladonna, and Hemlock
Her arrangement was of flowers sticking out of scientific glasses.  It wasn’t the most ornate but it did offer plenty to paint
Knocking several times, you waited outside for Sabine to let you in.  She greeted you with a softer tone than at the museum
You began assembling your palette with Sabine.  You went for realistic colors, she went for darker variants
Each of you took a couple of brushes, dipped them in a glob of paint, and began your still-lifes
As you painted, you started discussing what each of you did for work, then chatted about art and world events
Both of you blamed Kingdom for much of the world’s current issues, and Sabine shared stories from when she worked for them 
Some of them were definitely a little worrying, considering she had not only slightly poisoned coworkers but avoided being fired in doing so
Her understanding of chemistry was incredible to listen too, she had a clear passion for it
“Why do you like working with poison so much?”
“I’m good at it, there’s not much more to it,” she paused, assessing her answer, 
“But I guess I enjoy what they mean to us.  We fear them because we don’t understand them, but once we do they control life and death.  I like that, the power they give to those willing to take it.”
“So you think of what you do as a way to help people, but using something that people don’t trust.”
“I suppose so.”
“Do you ever feel alone then?”  Sabine paused mid brushstroke, “It must be difficult having interests people are afraid of.”
“It can be Y/N, but I’ve found it isn’t as bad anymore.  Poisons have their place in my life, people are earning theirs.”  She went back to her palette
You added in more pastels to make the flowers stand out against the background
Once you were done, you shared the results with one another.  Yours was more bright, and had heavier detail.  Sabine’s was more abstract, focusing on brush strokes and tone
At the end, you both exchanged the paintings as a parting gift
Sabine cautiously asked if you would like to have dinner some time.  She picked at one of her nails waiting for a response
“Of course!” you replied.  Then leaned in and gave a Sabine a quick peck on the cheek
She could hardly get a word out
You and her left the studio planning on dinner and more art nights in the future.  You had settled on portraits next
Sabine later thought about asking you pose nude for a portrait but dismissed the thought
Normally, you tried to stay away from explosions, gunfire, and energy blasts.  While slipping away you were caught in a leftover trip wire you didn’t see
The wire had tangled your legs, and forced you on the ground 
You were frantically struggling against the wires when you heard footsteps 
“Well, well, it appears a fly has gotten caught in my web.  Let’s see who it is.” a voice coldly whispered 
A man in a white coat and hat stepped from behind the corner with a gun drawn.  His eyes were hidden by a dark mask, mechanical blue eyes took their place.  Unfeeling
At least until he saw you.  Despite the mask you saw the shock take hold immediately
“Oh, apologies,” he reached his hand out and retrieved the wire, “I wasn’t expecting others to get caught”
The initial fear you had turned to confusion
“Who are you?” you asked
“I prefer people I don’t know to call me Cypher.  Allow me to lead you out of here.”
His offer seemed genuine and you didn’t have any other choice but to follow him into a hidden room where he sat you down
“I didn’t mean to catch you, I hope it was not uncomfortable.”  he sounded regretful, and seemed to truly care about you
“Here,” he handed you your phone, “you dropped this while you were struggling.”
As you checked your phone over, you noticed the screen was glitching out.  It was randomly receiving and exporting data
Your savior/captor was entering something into a desktop set up in the room.  He was typing up something while you scrutinized your phone
Cypher turned back to you, and you caught a glance of a computer screen.  It read: SECURED DATA
“So, Y/N.  What brought you out here?  I know you aren’t a threat, but I’m still going to make sure you don’t reveal anything to someone else.”
“How did you know my name?” Cypher pointed at your glitching phone.  “You hacked my phone?”
“No, I bugged it.  Check the back, I planted it there when I handed it to you.  I wanted to make sure you weren’t spying.”
A small silver disc clung to the back of your phone.  You struggled to pull it off, so Cypher offered to help
“You don’t need to worry about me holding onto any of your secrets, I cleared the data once I was done.”
“Do you always hack people's phones when you meet them?”
“Yes.”  Cypher’s answer was completely serious, not a hint of sarcasm
You asked more questions, getting a better idea of who this mysterious man was.  It was difficult to get clear answers
“Y/N, I trade secrets for a living.  Give me something and I’ll give you something.”
You thought intensely, then it hit you
“I’ll tell you anything about me you want, but on one condition.”
Cypher’s interest piqued.  He leaned in to meet your gaze
“If you take me somewhere that means something to you, you can interrogate me as much as you want.”
His mask stretched in brief surprise, then slyly relaxed as he sat back in his seat.  He clasped his hands together
“You surprised me with that Y/N.  It’s hard to surprise me, so I’ll take you up on your little interrogation.”
Cypher Date
Cypher’s coordinates and description were slightly difficult to follow, but regardless you managed to get there on time
You asked for the second floor room in the tea shop, and were led up some stairs into a room with cushions, drawn shades, and hanging lamps
The entire room was bathed in dim colorful light and smelled faintly of mint
Next to the table was Cypher, his mask undone but eyes covered with glasses
“Ah, Y/N!  Have a seat, the tea was just brought up.” he gestured to a silver tea pot
You placed yourself across from him and watched as he poured a cup of tea, taking care to stretch his arm upwards to let the tea cool as it fell
He passed the cup to you and motioned for you to drink.  You took a small sip from the steaming broth
It was the best thing you had ever tasted.  It was sweet like honey but had a distinct taste of mint.  Moroccan tea was your new favorite drink to say the least
Cypher enjoyed it with you
“So, even though I may have researched you for security I sadly didn’t get to know you that well.  Tell me more about you.”
You told him about what you did for work, and the places you had traveled to.  Cypher probably knew about it but was still invested
He had his fair share of stories too.  A life of information brokering and spying left him with some incredible tales
His ability to make you hang on every word was unlike anything you had heard before.  The man was a natural storyteller, and invested you quickly
By the time you and Cypher had finished most of the tea, it was getting late and you were beginning to learn more about Cypher’s personal life
“Can I trust you with something Y/N?” Cypher removed his glasses to look at you clearly.  His eyes were a deep shade of mahogany
“Sure, I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to.”
“My name, my real name, is Amir.  People who are close to me know it, I believe you should know who I am too.”
“Amir,” you said while getting closer, “that’s a beautiful name.  I’m glad you trust me with it.”  
Amir and you said your goodbyes outside of the tea shop, using his alias of course
“Cypher, before you leave again I wanted to thank you for saving me.”
“It was no-”
You kissed him while you had the chance.  You did want to thank him after all
Amir was more than receptive to it, and you eventually had to break it off.  Glasses hid his eyes, but not his excitement
You had captured him this time
You heard the sound of something falling over and metallic components spilling everywhere
Readying a baseball bat, you flung the door open and prepared to swing 
Instead of a thief or even an animal, you were face to face with an oni.  Spectral blue energy spilled from the out from the portal it was clawing its way out of
Its bright blue eyes glowed with power, and it stepped through the portal towards you 
In your panic you swung and hit him in the ribs
On closer inspection, the ‘oni’ from before was a man in a bike jacket and wearing a mask.  It didn’t change the fact he was in your garage
“Who are you and why are you in my garage?”  You readied another swing
“Yoru, and I just teleported here because I was making an escape.  I didn’t think anyone was home.”
After a few seconds, Yoru tried to get back up but stumbled.  A red stain on his shirt gave away why
“Did you get shot?”
“What of it?  You hit me with a bat so I don’t get why you give a shit.”
You realized that not only was Yoru wounded, he was also unarmed too.  He had nothing aside from the mask he wore
“Stay here, I’m gonna get you some bandages and gauze.”
“I don’t need that.  I’ll manage without you, plus I don’t think you know what you’re doing.  No offense but I’m not gonna take help from-”
Yoru winced as you applied rubbing alcohol to the wound.  He inhaled sharply as you cleaned the bullet hole and applied aid
Once you had patched him up, he sat in the garage across from you
“So what’s your name?”
“Do you always beat your patients before helping them out?  Or are you that bad at first aid?”
“You wear that mask because you got a messed up face?” you weren’t about to take insults from Yoru after you saved him
He removed the mask, and to your shock he was quite good looking.  He continued to scowl at you between sarcastic comments
He noticed the motorcycle in the garage, and gestured to it
“Oi Y/N.  That yours?”
“Yes, why are you asking?”
“I ride too,” Yoru adjusted his bandage before standing up, “looks like yours has got a bit damage.”
It was true, the motorcycle needed repairs and it was a chore to look up videos and learn to fix it.  It was good to learn, but time consuming
“I could look it over,” Yoru smirked at you, “but I’m not feeling so grateful right now.”
“Then you can come back later as thanks for me patching that hole in your stomach.  Sound good?”
Yoru was surprised at the offer, and despite his outward personality did retain a sense of politeness from his time as a yakuza
“I could come by again.   If I teleport in, you better not lose your mind again and hit me.  That pissed me off last time.”
“I’ll get it out if you forget to come by.”
“You’ve got a deal, Y/N.”
Yoru Date
Yoru teleported into the garage later than when he said he would.  A blue flash alerted you to his arrival
He went over to your toolbox, taking wrenches out and checking the sizes of bolts.  He also removed his jacket, placing it nearby
“Start it up, I wanna hear the engine.”  Yoru tossed you the keys.  The sputtering of the engine was not a great sign
“It’s the carburetor,” Yoru was absolutely certain in his voice
You and him got to work taking apart the bike and getting into the engine.  It was an older model of motorcycle, but Yoru seemed to know exactly what to take apart
Both of you finally got to the engine, and removed part of the engine block to get to the carburetor
“We need to replace it.  Give me a second, don’t touch anything else.”  Yoru disappeared into a portal
In the minute he was gone, the engine began to ooze black fluid.  You rolled your sleeves up and started to remove the engine block to keep it from leaking more
Yoru stepped back, holding a replacement carburetor
“What are you doing?”  
“The engine is leaking oil, I took it out so nothing else gets oil on it.”  
He got down to look at engine you removed, his disapproval turning to satisfaction.  He picked up a wrench and handed it to you
“Take the rest of it apart, we’re fixing the whole block.  After that, we’re gonna do everything else.”
After a few hours, the bike engine, tires, and suspension were replaced with new versions.  Yoru even stole some paint and redid the color on the bike
He got on the bike and started it.  A smooth growl came from the new engine
“Hop on, Y/N.  You and I are gonna make sure nothing’s wrong with the bike.” you both grabbed helmets
You got behind Yoru and held yourself close to his back.  Your hands were firmly around his torso
He revved the engine and peeled out of the garage.  Yoru sped towards the highway and weaved between cars
Street lights and vehicles blurred around you as the motorcycle rushed past them all.  Yoru’s driving was precise, but he was pushing the engine to the limit any chance he got
Cold wind forced you to hold Yoru tighter for warmth.  Even through the jacket, he kept you from freezing
Yoru’s driving had attracted some police cars, to which Yoru decided to let chase him.  He began the chase by popping a wheelie and tearing ahead
The cruisers tried to keep pace with him, but couldn’t match his speed.  Yoru flipped them off as he escaped
Suddenly a blockade appeared on your horizon.  Yoru seemed to smile through his helmet.  “Keep holding on.” he commanded
He drifted the bike into the blockade as he activated his mask.  You and him rode the bike into the rift
Your escape led you right into the garage, where Yoru skidded to a halt.  He hopped off the bike and smirked at you
“So, how do you like my driving Y/N?”
“That was insane.  I loved it!”
“You’ll like this too then.”
Yoru grabbed you and kissed you.  It lasted for a second but the moment seemed longer than that
When the initial shock wore off, you turned to a slightly blushing Yoru
“We should go for a joyride more often.” you muttered with what little sense you had
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lust4life01 · 5 months
Too Sweet - David Loki.
Inspired by the song ‘Too Sweet’ by Hozier because I’m obsessed with it!!
Disclaimer: I haven’t seen anyone do this yet but if it has been done please let me know!! ☺️
Pairing; David Loki x f/reader
Warnings!!: brief smut, oral f/recieving, angst-ish, colleagues, alcohol consumption, grumpy x sunshine, mention of crime/murder, knife mentioned, violence, etc.
Summary: David is profoundly attracted to his colleague but tries to stay away due to her sweet nature, which very much juxtaposes his. sulky nature. (key word- tries)
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It can't be said I'm an early bird It's ten o'clock before I say a word Baby, I can never tell How do you sleep so well?
7:20 am , the clock read as you walked in. Coffees situated in hand as your pretty summer dress swayed softly.
“Hey Bill! Morning Sandra!” You greeted everyone in the morning with coffee and a smile, it’s was that time between spring and summer where everything was bright and made life feel worth living.
You fixed your eyes on Detective Loki, who had his nose buried amongst some case files and a frustrated grumpy look across his sharp features.
Taking out a black coffee from the holder you trailed over to him. You two weren’t exactly friends but you had a desperate need to be liked by him. Maybe it was because he was always so stern and earning yourself a smile would make you feel like a winner, or maybe it had something to do with the fact you were ridiculously attracted to him? Well, both things can be true simultaneously.
“Detective Loki, coffee?” You smiled down at him whilst extending the cup towards him in hopes he would accept your kind gesture.
Peeling his eyes away from his paper he met your gaze after you said his name.
“Oh, yes. Thank you.” He said in his monotone voice.
He grabbed the cup from your hands, lightly brushing over your fingers but snapped his head back to his paper in a matter of seconds.
There was nothing profoundly interesting on the paper but he didn’t want to engage with you. Just the thought of your company was overwhelming, never mind when you were handing him coffee and saying his name in such a sweet tone of voice. The smell of your perfume, your pretty summer dress and the sweetness that surrounds you would sweep him up in the blink of an eye. You were gorgeous, smart, likeable. You didn’t need to be getting involved with an older bitter man like him.
He did however wonder how you remained the way you are in a job like this. I mean how at seven in the moring are you considerate and nice? He imagined that you slept the way a princess would, other wise it would be a true mystery not even he could solve.
Smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze?
The huge trees howled and peered down at you. Trapping you in as the screeches of crows was the only noise to be heard amongst the dismal scene.
You and Loki had been sent to a barren camp site out in the woods where two suspects had been reported as camping out. Realistically, you shouldn’t have been there, one because you quite literally weren’t suppose to be but had to be because Loki’s partner was off sick. And secondly, because most of your colleagues doubted your ability and thought infantilising you came from a place of concern rather than blatant misogyny.
Loki, however, didn’t want you there because the thought of just being alone with just you made him want to place his head in his palms. You had only exchanged a couple words as far as a sentence can go and you clearly liked to talk. He wasn’t so keen. He anticipated the awkwardness from the minute his supervisor had told you to go with him.
The crunching of leaves could be heard as the two of you stalked through the woods.
Loki spoke to you lowly as he kept his eyes on the tree line rather than you “These men are dangerous. You let me get them okay.”
You scoffed lightly which prompted him to turn his head to you, with his same expression he always had.
“Believe it or not, I am a fucking detective too. I have a gun strapped to my waist. I’m not an idiot”
Your sweet personality had been lost recently, which was most likely from the frustration of people assuming because you were nice you had to be weak too, and embarrassingly, because you still felt as though Loki was never going to crack. There was something about his cold nature that drew you in. You just wanted him to see you, which felt impossible.
You’re hostile attitude shocked Loki, it was quite attractive the way you stood your ground when he was so accustom to your soft spoken self. He raised his hands slightly as he apologised “Okay, sorry. You're right.”
You both continued to walk in silenced until you could see a campsite through the trees. There was a tent, a blazing bonfire, and some belongings scattered about. Loki protectively stood in front of you as you both spotted a man sat on a log, one which looked exactly like one of the two suspects.
Loki ran towards the man with his gun drawn and shouted “STAY FUCKING STILL!”
You followed behind quickly as Loki wrestled the man to the ground and cuffed him. Even if you were wrapped up in hostility you couldn't help but admit to yourslef that it was one of the hottest scenes you'd ever witnessed.
“Think you can run from me mother fucker.” Loki grunted as the man tried to wriggle his way out of the cuffs.
As Loki was taking care of the sicko criminal on the floor you heard movement from the tent. A man quickly appeared holding a knife but he tried to run from you rather than at you. You chased after him and trapped his foot, sending him flying to the floor, the knife flying from his hand and landing in a brush. Loki had noticed this and leapt up to come and help but you already cuffed the shouting man.
Back up had turned up shortly after to come and collect the two men. You stood by the bonfire and watched as the men were shoved into vans. A feeling of adrenaline consuming you as well as a deep sadness for the women who weren't saved from the foul men.
Loki slowly approached you scanning over your drained features as he stepped closer to you.
“Good job today (y,n).” It was blunt and pretty vague but honestly gaining validation from your older attractive colleague was rewarding and his presents dragged you from your depressing thoughts.
You smiled at him, your face illuminated by the orange flames as the sun started to set. He stared back at you whilst trying to decide if he should say what he wanted to. Fuck it.
“You look like you could use a drink. I’m gonna grab one, you wanna come?” He felt nervous, like he was twelve years old asking out the pretty popular girl to be his date to some cheesy dance. It was purley out of compassion and a need for a drinking buddy he told himself, not because he wanted to spend more of the day with you or anything.
The tiredness in your eyes remained but your lips did form into a smirk “I’d like that a lot, Loki.”
The smell of smoke from the bonfire filled the air before you, as he couldn’t help but stare at the reflection of the flames in your eyes, getting lost in your haze.
He snapped out of his admiration and suggested you guys take his car.
I think I'll take my whiskey neat
The sultry music that played in the background of the barren bar was drowned out by the sound of Loki's glass hitting the bar again, only the smell of whiskey left in the glass. After that day, Loki decided he needed a drink and had reluctantly invited you to come along which was his weird way of forming somewhat of a relationship with you. You absolutely did come along because the thought of the two men you and Loki had caught made you want to drink until a single thought couldn't grace your thoughts. And you felt comfortable with him. It wasn’t some sleazy type of invitation for drinks but more a mutual feeling of despair that could be lifting with the taste of alcohol.
Loki had order whiskey, neat of course, which made so much sense. You however had far one too many vodka and cherry cola’s.
At first Loki admired your ability to somewhat keep up with him, until he realised maybe that wasn’t the case, which he realised when you started to drunkenly cry about how you felt like your boss hated you and everone thought you were weak. Loki knew this was drunk nonsense because nobody could hate you, you‘re too sweet.
“Hey hey come on now, he doesn’t hate you. How could anybody hate you? And nobody thinks you're weak, especially not me.” He tried to calm your drunk ass down and started to think maybe asking you for a drink was not a good idea. That compassion he felt for you did scare him a little though.
He had tried to distance himself from you, but it seemed he couldn’t. Every assignment, there you were. It was impossible to remain distance or blunt around you. Even if he was admittedly a bit of a dick to everyone else he realised after being in your presence continuously that you were now almost friends? In a way?
Loki wasn’t drunk, sure he had drunk but he wasn’t drunk. He walked you to his car and helped you into the front seat. I mean what’s a detective without a little criminal activity, and he was still perfectly fine to drive. You on the other hand was not fine and there was no way Loki was letting you get into a cab on your own , not in this state.
Once driving you had gone quiet from your intoxicated rambling that had entertained Loki as he practically carried you to the car.
“Hey (y,n) what’s your address so I can take you home.”
There was no answer.
Loki peered over and you were sound asleep. Of course you were. He grabbed his phone from his pocket so he could call a colleague to find out where you lived but of course it had died.
He looked over at you and felt an odd feeling in his chest. He let out a huff and made a U turn.
My coffee black and my bed at three
He had helped you into his apartment and made a bed up on the couch for himself. But before that he had fixed you both some coffee in order to help you sober up a little. His was black o. He gave you some toast and your sweetened coffee as you thanked him mercilessly. He was glad you were at least conscious now.
“That’s already. Do you want me to take you home, or you can stay here? I’ll sleep on the couch.”
It was pretty late and he had felt an odd shift towards you from the hours before. Your vunreblity you inviited him to see had eradicated the strange tension you two seemed to possess previously. You felt comfortable with him, so he felt comfortable around you.
Despite your intoxicated state, you could recognise the serenity in his voice, probably being the nicest he’s ever spoken to anyone ever.
You shook your head slightly as you eyes fluttered “David you don’t have to do that, I’ll sleep on the couch. ”
The thought of another car ride did make you want to vomit, and you trusted Loki so there was no harm in staying.
The use of his first name threw him off a bit but he was insistent that you took the bed whilst also briefly apologising for his lack female comfortable clothing. He set out some briefs and a t shirt, that was nowhere close to fitting you, onto the bed.
You slipped them on a thanked him one more time before settling in to his bed. The alcohol in your system left a feeling of guilt upon your conscionous as the smell of him hit you from his pillows. However, after a couple minutes with your head touching his pillows you were fast asleep.
You're too sweet for me
The next morning had arrived and Loki started to get up for work, when he remembered you were sleeping soundly in his bed. He quietly got himself together and left you a note on the bedside table which read;
Gone to work, I’ll let them know you're sick. Help yourself to anything and the keys are on the kitchen counter.
Accompanied with the note was a glass of water and a some aspirin to help with the hangover. He stared down at your face, you looked so pretty. God you were too perfect, far too kind and compassionate to be with the likes of him. He covered the duvet over you before he left and made sure to take a final glance at you before leaving.
After waking up from a pleasant sleep to a not so pleasant headache, you were quickly snapped out of your self pity after realising you were in your colleagues bed. Your colleague who you had been trying to impress forever.
You shortly remembered why that was and the hangxiety demons grabbed ahold of you. You shoved your face into his pillows as you cursed yourself for getting in such a state. God, he probably thought you were ridiculous, a stupid child who couldn’t handle their alcohol. Great.
Then the panic of work hit you, fuck were you late? Where was Loki? What was the fucking time? Your eyes scanned for an indication when they laid upon his note. You let out a sigh of relief after reading that Loki was going to cover your ass. You took the pills, made his bed, changed back into your clothes and called yourself a cab home.
You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate
Once you had gotten home you left Loki a message to thank him for his kindness, not only through letting you stay at his house but also for covering your ass at home. The thought of inconveniencing others made you want to die.
Loki's kindness left you with this debilitating feeling in your chest, you two had becomes somewhat friends but the overwhelming attraction you felt to him only became magnified when he provided you with his security last night.
You felt absolutely disgusting with the hangxiety seeping through your soul, your clothes from yesterday, and the fact you hadn’t showered since yesterday morning.
The sound of the shower blasting accompanied with your favourite playlist playing made you feel calmer and cleaner already. You jumped into the shower and decided you had to see Loki. You had to thank him in person. Something about knowing you slept in his bed last night and you haven’t seen him since just didn’t feel right.
If you were seeing Loki, it had to be an everything shower. You had to look and feel perfect. As you massaged your sweet smelling shampoo into your scalp your mind imagined walking up to his door and kissing him. God, the thought made your heart ache and yearn for it to be reality, but you highly doubted he felt the same. I mean it was Loki.
Once every inch of your body smelt, felt and looked divine you admired yourself in the mirror. Your makeup looked stunning but not overbearing, your hair looked like you had just come out of a Victorian secret catalog and you smelt gorgeous.
You quickly checked your phone and saw Loki had replied, meaning he was probably home from work by now. You opened up the message which read;
‘Thats okay (y,n), no need to thank me. Did you get home alright?’
God why did he care so much? Why did it make you want him more, and why did he have to be a colleague? Without even replying to the text you rushed to your car and made your way over to his. Admittedly, you did have one of your friends from the IT department tell you where he lived a little while back. It wasn’t creep or stalking, you’re a detective okay? That makes it fine, I suppose.
Once you arrived and was stood outside his door your heart started to pound. You took a deep breath and gently knocked on his door.
The minutes in which it took him to open the door immediately made you want to run away. But you didn’t. You stayed and stared at the door.
Finally when it opened you saw Loki standing in the doorway, uniform still on and was that a smile plastered on his face?
“Oh hello (y,n).” He said sounding pleasantly shocked to see you. Then he subtly looked you up and down. Fuck you looked so pretty.
You stared for a minute, wide eyed. “Hey, so um-, I just like, wanted to say thanks. Again.” You could feel your cheeks blush from being so self aware.
You could feel his low brow stare as you talked, making you feel even more nervous. You had talked to criminals that had committed heinous crimes but somehow this was far more nerve racking.
He stepped a little closer to you, looking down. “You didn't need to say it again, I told you it’s my pleasure.”
Without saying anything you stood staring into his eyes.
“Well yeah, I just came by to express how thankful I really am.”
He smirked and then brushed a piece of hair behind your ear with his large hand, a small piece of his own hair falling as he leaned forward. God you were so sweet, but he could tell you weren’t here because of that.
Cupping your jaw he gently connected his lips to yours. You gasped quietly making Loki retreat instantly.
“Fuck. I’m sorry I-“
Before he had time to continue you smashed your lips together again, humming into the kiss. It became heated and as he slipped his tongue into your mouth, feeling as though he had reached heavens gate.
Pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape
You tried to catch your breath as Loki's lips attacked yours mercilessly as you both made your way to his bedroom whilst crashing into every surface on the way.
The base of your back hit the wall as his hands started to undress you in between the hard kisses. “You’re so fucking pretty. Wanted you for so long.”
You could only moan in response as the feeling of his hands hugged your skin and his teeth grazed your neck.
Once he had gotten you in just your lingerie set, which he noticed immediately, he grabbed the backs of your thighs and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
Pulling his hair you whined as he carried you to the bedroom. You were so desperate for him, it was insane.
Placing you down on to the end of the bed, he stood before you. You immediately crawled to your knees, and reached for the hem of his long fitted black shirt. He smiled and reached his big hand around your back and un clasped your bra as his other hand stroked your hair. You bit your lip in anticipation as the shirt slipped over his head, leaving him shirtless with nothing but his work pants on in front you you. You admired his god like torso, covered in tattoos.
You whispered a quiet “fuck” and kissed down his snail trail.
Loki groaned as you reached closer down his torso and gripped your jaw, bending down and kissing you hard once again.
“Lie back for me princess.”
Immediately you did as you were told and Loki quickly followed on top of you. One hand firmly gripped your waist hard enough to bruise, whilst the other held your right wrist again the bed. He kissed your sweet collar bones and made his way down to your nipples. He licked and kissed them as your chest heaved.
“Loki, please. I need you to bad.”
An amused grin spread across his face as blood rushed to his already hard cock. He dipped two large fingers into your underwear and they were immediate soaked by your desperation.
“Not as innocent as you seem, are you baby? Mhm?” He hummed.
You shook your head as you tried to not cry out from your needy incoherent state.
He brought his fingers to your lips and you wrapped your swollen lips around them and moaned.
Seconds later he was tearing off your panties and connecting his wet tongue to your pulsating cunt as he praised you through your moans.
“Taste just as sweet as you seem though. Taste and look so fucking good for me baby.”
He sucked on your clit as if it were a divine exotic fruit, almost as sweet as a grape turned into a majestic wine falling from an enchanted waterfall.
You thread your fingers through his hair and whimpered hysterically “Loki! Fuck!”
You're too sweet for me
The summer breeze trailed in through the open window as your head rested upon Lokis bare chest. You both laid there as you played with his big tattooed fingers and he took in the smell of your shampoo that he so secretly loved.
You started to talk his ear off mercilessly and he simply just listened. Taking in all of your words as if they were the most important words to ever be spoken. He nodded and hummed as he admired you. Your skin glowing. He had to admit to himself your sweet charming personality had caught him in a choke hold. There was an element of purity and sunshine that you brought to his sulky self, he was well and truly fucked. You're too sweet.
(Ugh im so obsessed with this song and it is soooo David Loki.)
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replenaryindulgence · 24 days
Before the Light
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Azriel x Calida (ka-lee-duh)/Reader
Summary: After getting lost in the woods on a camping trip and finding herself in an unfamiliar land, 22-year-old Cal must decide what she's willing to do to get back to her life if she still wants it.
Word count: 5.5k
Warnings: Panic, creepy guy in the woods
a/n: I know there’s a lot of backstory, I promise it’s worth getting through! I really wanted to set the stage and for you to get to know our MC.
I didn't intend for this to be so long, but d*mn my little hamster brain kept running on that wheel!!! The MC's name might seem a little strange, it's of Irish origin & I thought it was pretty and unique. Also, she's a redhead because so am I and me plus Azriel equals two (iykyk). Plz let me know what you think! Thinking about throwing in a slight love triangle moment with Morrigan eventually because how dramatic would that be & because our reader might be a little bi aren't we all? Strap in!!!
I'll try to update this as soon as I can! It might be a week or so. (P.S. my asks are always open! Thanks for bearing with me while I relearn how to use tumblr lol)
 Chapter 1
“I don’t think we’re doing this right. No, definitely not, this piece is supposed to bend across that one.” 
“You suck at this An,” Jack threw back. 
“I suck at this? You didn’t get it right either asshole,” Annie quipped. 
You shook your head, amused by the twins struggling to put together the first tent. The ground beneath the large pines was littered with dried needles, perfect for kindling. Circling around, you collected them into your jacket pocket.
“You hearing this, Cal?” Jack called out to you.
Turning to face your friends, you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“You guys are ridiculous,” You threw back, reaching for a small pine cone at your feet and rolling it in your palm.
You walked back and tossed your growing pile of fire-starter near the center of the clearing. It was still a few hours from dusk, but the hike had been long and you were eager to set up and be done with it. Jack and Annie were tasked with the tents while Brooke gathered rocks for the fire pit and scouted the area, something about checking for bears. A ridiculous idea, you had thought, though if you trusted anyone here with your life it was probably Brooke. Your guess was she wanted to get away from the bickering for a while.
The sweat from the hike still clung to your skin, sitting sticky and uncomfortable beneath your jacket. It’s much cooler now than it had been on the trip in. You touched the back of your hand to your nose to warm it. The sun’s rays peeked through the ever-rising pines, and you welcomed the sparse heat. Closing your eyes, you tilted your head back and let the afternoon look at you. Your feet shuffled slightly until light touched your face, and vibrant red filled your vision from behind closed lids. This moment reminded you of being a kid, observing and learning about the world around you. You tried to remember the last time you felt peace like you did now. It seemed as though no matter how hard you tried to clutch it, life slipped quickly through your fingers like sand. The years passed and suddenly, nothing was the same. But, this moment felt still; the sun was warm, and the lake welcomed you back with familiar hands.
”You’ve been a real help,” Jack whispered, startling you. His arm brushed yours, you smiled at the sky. 
“It’s nice that we’re staying out here. I love the cabin, but I think we could all use the seclusion,” you responded, meeting his eyes. He nodded back, folding his arms. Brown hair stuck to his forehead, damp with sweat. 
“Seclusion, huh?” He teased. 
“Seclusion, isolation, freedom from the expectations and burdens of society,” you replied dramatically.
“Okay, Thoreau, can we get some help sorting through the bags?” He questioned.
Before you could respond, you saw movement beyond the trees. Brooke approached and Jack walked over to help her with the arm full of small rocks she carried. 
“No sign of bears,” she stated shortly. “Only one tent? I’ve been gone for twenty minutes.” 
Brooke wasn’t angry, she just had a way about her. A way that was quick to say what was on her mind, and without much thought to how it would be taken. You learn to let it roll off of you when you’ve known someone for years. She’d been your and Annie’s suitemate freshman year. As a sensitive person, you found her bluntness unpleasant, but Annie liked her, and eventually, you came around. 
You’ve known Jack and Annie longer than you can remember. Your parents were once very close; you’d spend weeks out of the year at their cabin just east of the lake. When your parents divorced it got ugly and uncomfortable, like a festering wound, until neither of them came back to the cabin. You were grateful for that. The cabin, the lake, it remained a place untouched by the crumbling debris of your parents’ failed marriage. Jack’s mom had pulled you aside and assured you that you’d always have a place with them. You knew she meant it. Mrs. Henley, Ruth, was a soft-spoken woman, but always sincere. 
The cabin was almost two hours from the water by car, if cabin was the right word for it. You never talked about how much money the Henleys had, and they didn’t seem to care what your family had in comparison. The twins’ Dad, Eric, ran a few publishing companies in Washington, one in Oregon. After graduation, Mr. Henley lined up an internship for you as an editorial assistant, and asked you to persuade Jack to stay in Washington and work for him. A fruitless task, you were sure. Jack was over living out west, he wanted to travel the states, maybe move abroad for a while. No entry level job at his Dad’s company would sway a 22 year old from the intrigue of adventure.
A month ago, Annie suggested we spend these last few weeks before the fall, fully together. Camping was never your favorite, but you couldn’t say no to Annie. Not when you knew she was right. After graduation, you’d spent the summer mostly together, in your apartments in Seattle, at the Henley’s house in the city, or at the cabin. It felt right, it felt how it always did. But now, the discomfort of change was more tangible, less abstracted by time. Jack was talking of moving east with a friend you’ve known since high school and Brooke was heading to Alaska for grad school. Lucky for you, Annie didn’t seem in a rush to solidify plans, besides staying in the city. Who could blame her, with parents like that? 
You joined Annie in the one set-up tent, helping her spread a blanket over one of the thin camping mattresses. You worked silently, unpacking a small pillow, another blanket, and hooking a portable light onto where the poles crossed inside the tent. 
“You don’t need my permission, you know,” Annie said, breaking the silence. 
You furrowed your brows. “Permission? For what?” You continued looking through the bags, setting one aside and adjusting the blanket beneath you.
"With Jack," She said, smiling at your confused look as she grabbed a bag of peanut M&M’s from her bag. She tilted her head back, letting a few fall into her mouth.
You didn’t know what to say. “It’s not like that,” you assured.
”It’s always like that,” she smiled at you, offering the sweets in her hand. 
You took them, rolling your eyes. Annie assumed everyone was in love. You were definitely a romantic, but you also knew what disinterest looked like. You and Jack had shared a few lingering touches and almost-moments on drunken nights, but it didn’t sway you to gamble your friendship on the possibility that he was interested in anything serious. You were content wondering what could have been. You were typically more fond of fiction, anyway.
“Annie, come help me finish setting this up,” Jack called. She smiled at you once more before disappearing from the tent. You laid back, thankful for the swift death of the conversation. 
The second tent was up much quicker than the first. You had organized them; Annie and Jack’s bags in one, Brooke’s and yours in the other. A small pile of sticks and pine needles glowed atop a circle of rock in the center of the camp. Jack and Brooke had found a small log and somehow managed to carry it over. You sat on it with Jack, rubbing your neck, the ghostly weight of your bag on your shoulders. You tried to pack light, but you brought a few books along; a mystery about a kidnapping that took place at a summer camp, some fairy book Brooke had suggested, and, possibly, one too many sweaters, which added some weight. 
The sun was setting now, teasing the horizon with a gentle touch, and although it meant the temperature would plummet, you were eager for sleep. The heels of your feet ached, your calves felt stiff, and you were sure you needed to drink more water. 
Brooke poked at the fire while Annie was engrossed in her phone, probably looking at pictures she'd taken on the hike in. You and Jack shared dried mango slices while you searched the shared playlist Brooke made for the trip. All Things End by Hozier began playing, and you smiled absentmindedly at the memory of hearing it live.
"Everyone is so quiet," Annie said, interrupting the hiss of the crackling embers. She and Brooke sat on a blanket across from you.
“I’m exhausted,” You responded with a yawn, staring vacantly beyond the campground. You thought you could spot the glitter of sunset on the distant water. 
“Let’s get in the lake,” she laughed. “The cold is supposed to be good for your nervous system, or something.”
The prospect of dipping into the lake woke your body slightly, sending a buzz down your spine. You liked the rush of adrenaline, the euphoria following it. 
“I’m in,” you responded with a smile. Brooke looked behind her, towards the direction of the water, and back with a scrunched nose, but eventually agreed. You turned to Jack, he only groaned. Still, he stood, mumbling something about how men weren’t built for cold water. Tell that to the Vikings, you thought.
You grabbed the thin towels from your tent, and headed towards the water. 
Pebbles crunched beneath your boots. It was a short walk to the mouth of the lake, Brooke had chosen a good spot to camp. You quickly stripped them along with most of your clothes, leaving you in a thin bra and hiking shorts. You dipped one foot in the water, wincing at the temperature. Your friends stripped behind you, while you tried not to lose your nerve. Jack was taking pictures of the sunset from a few feet away, and you quickly slipped out of your shorts while he was preoccupied. Brooke and Annie took to your sides, and the three of you stood apprehensively at the edge of the lake, glancing over the water that expanded before you.
“It’ll be worse if we think too much about it,” Annie said, folding her arms to hold her body.
Brooke took a few brave strides and sank below the surface, cursing as she came up, before tilting her head back and letting the water caress her. Annie squealed before following suit. You blew out a huff of air, trying and failing to compartmentalize the chill in the water. When it got to your stomach your body shivered. No, this definitely wasn’t helping your aching muscles. You pressed on. 
The water kissed your chest, then your shoulders. Finally, you gave in, dipping your head under. It wasn’t unbearable, but you weren’t sure you’d last long. You felt your pulse slightly in the back of your head as you swam under the surface. It had been almost 80 degrees today, but the water refused to acknowledge that. You broke the surface with a gasp, turning to face your friends who hovered near the edge of the lake. Why had you been so enthusiastic about this idea? You watched as Jack strolled over and dropped his clothes in a pile near the rest, quickly avoiding his gaze. Annie called out to him that it wasn’t so bad, and he shook his head in disagreement as he stood with the water just above his knees. He folded his arms, holding himself how Annie had. You stilled, lowering your head so your nose and eyes peaked just above the surface, and watched him sink further. You took a breath and sank below once more.
You had always loved the water. Brooke said it was biological, that it calmed something in the animal of us to be near it. When you were younger you pretended you were the half-blood offspring of Poseidon, counting how long you could hold your breath in it before your lungs felt like fire and you got light-headed. 
You felt something touch your hand, and you lifted yourself from the water and your daydreaming. Jack had swum out, treading water as he watched the sun set over the mountains behind you. Water trickled down his face, gathering in his lashes, and his golden skin was cast in a reddish-golden light. He looked ethereal. 
Turning, you faced the sunset. The sun lit the sky beyond the mountains in the most vibrant hues of red and orange. Where the darkening sky above you met the sun, pale shades of pink gathered. There was a good ten minutes of light left, and you thought that you’d never forget this moment. The beauty of it burned into your eyes. You saw it even as you blinked.
You broke the peaceful silence, "It feels like everything’s changing. I hate it." Change felt like putting on a new leather jacket. It chafed in all the wrong places.
He sighed, “Everything is changing. I for one am excited to leave this oppressive ass place.”
You thought of the vastness of the city, the lake that expanded before you, the mountains that climbed ahead, and wondered how anyone could call this oppressive. You knew he meant the people, but the city was big and it seemed like an excuse for wanting to leave. You stayed silent, sifting through your thoughts. 
“Dad sure is glad you’re staying. At least one of us won’t disappoint him.” He added, wiping his short hair back from his face.
You laughed at the idea of his Dad ever being disappointed in either him or Annie. Their parents were unusually understanding people. Of course he wanted his kids close to home but he never was the type to force anyone’s hand. Sometimes, you thought Jack wanted a reason to brood. 
“He wants you to stay, but I know he’ll live vicariously through you wherever you go, he’s an adventurer at heart. Maybe we can write about it when you get back,” you replied, smiling as you thought of the times you sat around their Dad’s faded armchair as he read you and the twins stories. He filled your minds with images of half-human creatures and monsters that swallowed ships whole. Of wars waged over beautiful women. Greedy dragons and cursed rings. 
He replied with a smile and a ‘maybe’, and you pictured his portrait in the back of a travel book. ‘Everyone has a story to tell,’ His Dad had said to him years ago. 
You heard laughter and splashing behind you as your friends jumped out of the lake. 
“You’re just like him,” he added, nudging your arm underwater. You raised your brows in question.
He continued, “You should come with me. No author came up with anything interesting to say by staying put. New York, maybe Italy, or Ireland. You’d get plenty of inspiration there.” 
“I want to be where the publishing action is,” you joke, “And I’m no storyteller, at least not yet.” 
“Yeah right, you’re a natural,” He adds, “You’ve got an eye for it.” 
You admired how sure Jack was. You liked how it felt to be near him, it put you at ease. He smiled and you could just picture late nights in the sticky bars of Dublin and Vespa rides along the coast.
Of course, you’d agree you had an eye for storytelling, otherwise you'd have wasted the last four years of your life. But, you didn’t have the option of relying on your rich parents for support as you found yourself at the Cliffs of Moher. The Pacific North-West was beautiful, you couldn't believe anyone would want to leave. You’d travel one day, maybe after you’d settled into your career. Until then, this would have to do. You looked out as the sun took its last breath, bowing to the mountains, passing its watch over to the moon. 
“Let’s go, I’m freezing!” Annie called out from the shore. 
"I’ll start dinner," Brooke added, attempting to shake the last of the water from her short hair. 
You didn’t wait for Jack as you made your way to them. You hurried out, thankful for the thin veil of darkness as you dried off. Jack dressed beside you, his hair falling in short ringlets over his brows. He caught your eye and you pulled your towel over your head, hiding your face, and squeezing the lake from your hair. 
The fire started quickly, and you ate slightly gummy re-hydrated pasta that Ruth made for the trip with her food dehydrator. You were sure this was the first time they’d used it. Shortly after dinner you fell prey to the lull of darkness and excused yourself with a ‘good night’ leaving your friends by the fire. The blankets in the tent felt damp. Great. Your sweats, thankfully, weren’t as bad. You fell asleep to hushed conversation, burrowing deep into your hooded sweatshirt. 
You awoke to a sharp, shining light. Brooke was reading something next to you. How long had you been asleep? You hummed a greeting, burying your face further into your blanket, and sank deeply into the comfort of sleep.
The next day consisted of meals around the fire and a short hike to get a better view of the mountains. You trailed behind your friends, deep in thought as you failed to push away Jack’s suggestion that what you needed was travel. You thought of Bilbo refusing to leave the Shire. 
Annie crept scarcely close to the edge of a boulder and you tried to hide your worried face while Brooke took her photo. They pulled you in for a group one, and you held tightly to Brooke as she captured your smiling faces.
The day seemed shorter than the one before, the sunset was more of a dulled pink, dimmed by low-hanging clouds. You made s’mores and failed at telling ghost stories around the fire before turning in early. You grabbed the fairy book from your bag, deciding the mystery should be read in the safety of daylight. You were on page 32 when Brooke joined you, crawling into the tent and kicking pine needles onto your blanket. 
“I swear fantasy writers all had a meeting and committed to only writing weak, sex-depraved female leads,” You tell Brooke as she slips into her sleepwear. 
“That or they become the best fighters and magicians all of a sudden. Can’t a girl just be a girl?” She adds.
You laughed in agreement and attempted to discuss the female archetype in fairy lands while she settled in. You pressed your legs to hers for warmth, and she opened a book about the history of the local tribes in Washington. Your thoughts drifted from the page, unable to comprehend the last paragraph of world-building you attempted to read twice, and you let your head fall back to your pillow. The serenade of cicadas filled your ears, and you tried to commit the sound to memory. A vision tugged at you, of laying on a porch swing in your mother's arms, listening to the cicadas call as she read to you from your book about flower fairies. You laugh at how little you’ve changed, and how much you’ve changed.
“My mom used to read me this fairy book when I was a kid. I’ve probably heard it a thousand times, and I swore I saw fairies in my backyard. My grandma told me if there was a ring of mushrooms, a fairy had been there and I looked all over the yard for them,” you admitted, the memory vivid and colorful in your mind.
“My brother and I used to build little homes for them out of sticks and leaves,” she added. You enthusiastically agreed, remembering sitting outside of your grandparents’ house arranging pieces of earth with your cousins. Hours content in the world of your imagination. You missed that part of yourself, the child in you. You thought of her as you drifted asleep.
The next day the sky was filled with thick puffs of soft gray clouds, the air cooler than it'd been a few days ago. You started the morning off slowly, accompanied by Annie as you laid on a blanket near the water and read. Lunch had been brought to the lake, the four of you determined to spend the whole day in this spot. 
Hours later you sat, Jack at your side, and watched as Annie and Brooke swam further and further out. So far this week you’d gone hiking, swimming, read your books, and walked around looking at fauna. You weren’t sure what camping for a week looked like. The longest you’d camped out was two nights, and it was technically in the backyard of the twins’ house. 
“What time are your friends getting here?” You asked Jack as you chewed the inside of your lip. He sat with his arms resting on his knees beside you.
"Mmm, around five I think," he responded, glancing at his watch. 
A few of Jack’s friends were coming to camp for the rest of the week. They were nice guys, and you weren’t exactly feeling antisocial, but you wished it would have stayed just the four of you. 
“Dylan’s bringing is his girlfriend I think,” he added.
You hummed in response. You liked her, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Mirroring Jack, you looked at your watch; 4:14. Wanting to spare yourself from awkward small talk and having to help set up tents, you decided you’d go for a run along the shore soon. The energy bites Brooke had made and the coffee you drank with lunch were making you restless, anyway. You sat with Jack a little longer, and at half past four you stood, slipping back into your shoes. 
Jack laughed amusingly when you told him of your plan, seeing through your avoidant ploy, but he just reminded you to be careful and to be back before dark or they’d have to form a search party. You called out to Brooke and Annie and they both echoed a warning too. A ‘be careful’, and a ‘bring your charger just in case.’
Back at camp, you threw your small solar charger into your jacket pocket, along with a granola bar, and drank from your water bottle. Anxious thoughts filled your mind, though you weren’t sure why. You’d woken up slightly on edge this morning and chalked it up to the company arriving soon. The path you’d run would be easy and mindless, no reason to worry. You’d stick to the shoreline, and come back the same way long before it got dark; the shore near the camp would be unmistakable. You took a breath and willed your stomach to settle.
You tied your hair up, swinging it to your back, then wrapped your jacket around your waist and began jogging towards the water. You’d gotten a little addicted to running this past year. It trained your breathing and focused your mind, something you’ve been trying and failing to do all your life. In Seattle, you always ran the same four-mile route from your apartment to around the park and back. It took you a few weeks to map down the perfect path. Past the gift shop at the end of the block, steering clear of the traffic near the middle school a half-mile down, and along the widest sidewalk that led to the park closest to your apartment. You focused on your breath and willed your anxious mind to focus on your surroundings. The pines loomed above you, it almost made you dizzy to look at them. The water reflected the mood of the sky. You could see a small group of people kayaking in the water towards the East side of the lake. 
One mile down. 
Deep breath in, deep breath out. The trees thinned out near the edge of the lake and the view was stunning. You sometimes felt like you couldn’t fully experience how beautiful it was here, not in the moment. It would hit you on the way home or when you’d get your film back from being developed. You almost brought your camera but decided it wasn’t worth the risk.
Two miles down.
Stopping, you caught your breath as you snapped a photo with your phone, then slid it back into the band of your leggings and picked up your pace. Your mind drifted to the book you were reading. 
Three miles down. 
Your headphone cord swung annoyingly across your chest, and sweat started to prickle your forehead. A large boulder sat in your path and you swerved around it. 
Shit. You threw your hands up on instinct, hitting something hard. Blinking for a moment, you steadied yourself. How had you not seen this tree? You brought your fingers to your face and winced as your eyebrow stung. Your eyes fell to the blood prickling the back of your hand. You felt it suddenly, the annoying ache of scraped skin and you cursed yourself for being unobservant. You looked at your watch with a sigh; 5:09. You tried not to let your injury annoy you as you turned to start the journey back towards camp. 
Your heart sank. Head darting back and forth, then behind you. Eyebrows knit in confusion.
The lake was gone.
Ripping your headphones out, you scanned the forest before you. What the hell?
Okay, you thought, don’t freak out, don’t panic. Just think. Did you accidentally run further from the shore? You knew the lake was North and camp was West. You looked above you for the sun to verify, but the clouds had gotten even thicker. You scanned the forest confused, trying to find the boulder you had swerved just moments ago. How hard had you hit your head?
Shit. You grabbed your phone and opened the compass app to verify your direction, chewing on your lip nervously as it loaded. You sighed in relief, yes you were facing North. If you walked forward there’s no way you wouldn’t see the lake soon. 
Goosebumps prickled your arms and neck. When did it get so cold?
Throwing on your jacket, you tucked your headphones into your pocket and gripped your phone anxiously. You took deep breaths and tried to settle the sick feeling in your stomach. You’d be fine. 
You walked further and further North, anxiety creeping up into your body with each step. You settled into a light jog and searched for anything familiar. The minutes dragged on. The panic set in. You checked your watch again; 5:15. Keep going.
Darkness flashed suddenly in the corner of your eye and stopped you in your tracks. You swung your head toward where it’d appeared. Your ragged breathing broke the suffocating silence of the forest. Your anxiety screamed into your mind, animal, and all you could think of was Brooke’s comment about bears, but there was nothing. Just you and the never-ending expanse of trees. Did you have a concussion?
The wind howled behind you, and your body reacted before your mind. Shivers ran up your spine into your neck and you ran. Hopping over fallen branches and swerving between trees. The forest grew thicker, swallowing you whole. You felt your vision tunneling; you were panicking but you couldn’t stop moving. You spotted a clearing ahead and prayed to whoever was listening that it was the shoreline. A low-hanging branch scraped your shoulder as you reached the field. The field. Not the shore. Your eyes searched wildly. 
The darkness appeared again, but stood still. 
Not darkness, but pure blackness against the muted brown trunks of the forest. You turned to face it, and there, at the edge of the clearing stood a man in a black suit.
All thoughts left your mind. Something in your DNA clawed at you to run, but you stood, perhaps in shock, staring at this man before you. He was much taller than you, you could tell even through the distance, with golden skin and hair black as night. 
Seemingly out of thin air, another man appeared by his side. Something covered him, or hung behind him, extending above his head. They looked like… What the hell? Was there a group of guys out here role-playing? Your head ached, this wasn’t happening, this had to be a hallucination, maybe from the injury and the anxiety.
The man in the suit took a step further into the clearing and slipped his hands into his pockets. You stood frozen at the edge of the clearing. He cocked his head to the side and squinted, seemingly assessing you. You thought of the group you saw kayaking and a small amount of hope hit you. Of course you weren’t the only people out here, you were bound to run into someone. You could ask for directions back to the lake. If they were playing make-believe in the forest that was their business. A woman with a long brown braid and a dark leather suit walked into view next and you took a calming breath. A woman. 
You swallowed your panic but it stuck in your throat as you took a step forward and lifted your hand to wave. You hoped they didn’t see you shaking. There was a woman, yes, but the two men kept you at edge. Everything seemed out of place.
“Hey, sorry you startled me,” you began with a nervous laugh. “I was running along the shore but I went a little too far, do you know how much further North the lake is from here?” you inquired, heart beating in your throat.
No answer. The suited man looked to the woman next to him, and the man with the giant fake wings kept his arms held tightly at his thighs. Seconds passed.
“Your costumes are great,” you added, trying to sound at ease, and gesturing to the man’s wings. He took a step forward, but the suited man stopped him. 
Time to go whispered into your mind and you managed a tight smile, as you took a few small steps away. 
“Well, I better head back to my group,” you called out. You needed to put more distance between you. You needed to get the hell out of here. 
You started to jog away, but something shot out into your path. You slammed to a stop. Another man, with shoulder-length brown hair half-tied up, clad in black leather gear and the same towering wings rising above his head stood before you. What the hell? He looked at you with creased brows, and glanced at the group of people to your right. He pressed his lips in a line, eyes darting back to you. Your heart raced; you felt like prey. Every hair on your body stood and every instinct told you to run, but the man in front of you was huge. At least six foot five.
You had to go. Whatever this was, you needed to remove yourself from it. They couldn’t run very fast with those things hanging on their back, anyway, right? You took a step back and glanced beside you. You could break for the trees and start heading West.
You began to move, but something stopped you like you'd run into an invisible wall. Whipping around, the suited man now stood before you, just feet away. Your eyes met his. They almost glowed an unnatural purple. He was handsome, they all were, which freaked you out even more. The man next to him looked at you sternly, like he was assessing a threat. What the hell is this?
"I need to get back to my friends, they’re waiting for me," you lied, straining to keep your voice even. 
The man spoke back in a language you couldn’t understand. You tried to pick out familiar words but the dialect was too strange. It wasn’t Native, or any of the Latin languages from what you could tell. You looked to the woman who stood slightly further back, with pure plea written on your face. Her eyes softened and she spoke back in the unfamiliar language. She would help, you convinced yourself. 
They conversed once more. You took a step back, but hands wrapped around your arms tightly, fingers digging into the sleeves of your jacket. You tried jerking them away, but the long-haired man held firm.
Panic now coursed through you in a dam-less stream. “Please, just let me go, what do you want?” you begged them all, looking to the woman once more. She and the suited man exchanged glances before turning to face you. So this is how you’d die, crossed your mind. What kind of sick game had you stumbled into?
The man spoke once more and took a step closer. You looked to the man at his side, the one with towering wings. His hazel eyes met yours. You searched his face, what you were looking for you didn’t know. Sympathy maybe? His jaw loosened slightly and he held your stare. 
You turned to the purple-eyed man before you and pleaded again. He responded, nodding, but you didn’t understand. Tears filled your eyes. A scream pierced your ears. Your scream. It tore its way up your throat as a hot, white pain pierced your brain like a jagged knife. Your knees gave out, but the hands gripping you kept you upright. A golden-brown light filled your blurring vision. Your head fell back, heavy, and your mouth hung open in agony as your body finally gave in.
Darkness washed over you.
Ahhh! I'm so nervous to post this but so excited! Already getting started on Chapter 2. Sorry this was so long LMAO I just really wanted to set the scene for some hard-core angst.
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sannirio · 1 year
Safe and Sound
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part. 2 part. 3
wc: 2530
dom san x amab sub reader (good boy/prince)
18+ MINORS DNI 「im serious」
cw - non!idol au, werewolf san, size kink, swearing praise, mentions of death, slight dumbification? use of puppy.
syn: you got lost in the wood, very lost. just as you were about to give up a tall creature picks you up and brings you to safety.
it was dark. too dark. the trees surrounding you felt like they were suffocating you. the dense forest was claustrophobic especially with only the moon being your source of light. it was midnight, cold and dark. this weekend was supposed to be a fun camping trip with your friends, long weekends don’t happen often. “where is that damn path” you said gritting your teeth in the cold. you enjoyed hikes, this time however was not one of those times. you were lost, incredibly lost with no trace of civilization for what seemed like kilometers. no service not even a bar. “this is hopeless” you thought as a shiver ran down your back. the cold was getting to you now, camping in autumn is a great idea. 
you’ve been walking for what feels like hours and still no sign of the path or even a glimpse of light in the distance. “FUCK” you yelled “WHERE AM I.” speaking out loud for comfort you said “i have to keep moving or i’ll freeze.” that was true, what looked like frost was starting to paint the ground. though you couldn’t see it your breath was creating beautiful clouds of fog right in front of you. it was so damn cold, “i’m going to die” you thought. you started to cry, the tears stinging your skin as they cooled down with the air.  “i’m going to die” you whispered again, falling to the ground in defeat. you fingers were freezing and your body was tired, so incredibly tired. it felt like your body was going give up. the jacket you were wearing hadn’t done much to help to keep you warm with your state deteriorating quickly. as you lay there a bush rustled to your right. then again, this time a twig snapped. with what little strength you had left you opened your frozen eyes, standing in front of you was a tall creature, covered in fur huge sharp claws big paws and dark red eyes. before you could do anything to escape (which was unlikely considering the state you’re currently in) you passed out from the cold. 
a warm glow was dancing across your face. waking up felt impossible, were you dead? dreaming perhaps? as you opened your eyelids the sting of smoke hit them immediately forcing you to close them again before you could properly take in your surroundings. so you were alive, just where were you. a moment ago you were lying in the ground ready to die, the next in a new place with a source of warmth near you. you opened your eyes again, the smoke no longer burning your eyes. was this a cave? the walls beside you were made of rock, so was the ceiling. even your sleeping area was. “where the hell am i?” your mind was racing, then you remembered that creature you saw right before you passed out. was this where it lived maybe? 
sitting up, a little too quickly you scanned the room you were in. it was quite large, the ceilings were a lot taller than you had previously thought. there was indeed a fire burning quite close to you surrounded by uniform looking rocks with jagged edges on some spots. your gaze moved upwards slowly to see..
you let out a gasp, over on the other side of the cave standing there was a tall muscular man. all you could see was his black hair and muscular arms, until he turned around in what seemed to be a reaction to your gasp. he was just as buff facing you as he was with his back to you, his eyes were piercing yet soft somehow, his lips looked soft his skin was sun kissed and smooth. this wasn’t the creature who you saw in the forest a while ago… who was this. 
“you’re awake” he said smirking, taking a big stride in your direction, he didn’t have a shirt on, pants though they were present. “w…who are you” you breathed backing against the wall of the cave. “i won’t hurt you, i won’t hurt you” the man whispered a tone of worry in his voice. “i found you last night passed out in the cold.” “what? no, some random dog looking thing stood over me last night.”
the man laughed, “that was me hun.” you sat there dumbfounded, more confused though to be honest. “forget about it for right now” he said softly “are you feeling all right?” the way he spoke was comforting, he seemed genuinely concerned for you’re well-being, the look on his face pretty much confirmed it. “i think so” you said shivering. the man looked worried when you did that, he walked over to you in maybe two or three steps, “his strides were so long” you thought. sitting down beside you he turned to face you, the worried expression still plastering his face. 
“You’re cold” he whispered, with that he wrapped a spare blanket he had beside him around you. You looked up at him, he was so tall, even sitting down he towered over you. “Here, come sit on my lap” the man said. You did as he asked, not only to get warmer but something about him was comforting… he made you feel safe. Still looking up at him you managed to get a few words out, “who are you?” “im san” the man replied smiling, “like i said earlier, i was the one who found you on the ground.” a look of confusion crosses your face again, ‘how” you asked a little annoyed “you’re a human not a big dog creature.” san laughed, “no sweetheart, im a werewolf.” “hes a what??” you thought “thats not possible, those dont exist, they’re just a myth.” as if he had read you mind he said “yes they’re really real.” “is that why you live in a cave.” you asked sitting up a bit straighter to look at him in his eyes or as close as you could to do so. He laughed again and cupped the side of your face in his hand, “yes it is sweetheart.” “oh…” quickly changing the subject he pulled you back down into his chest. ‘Why were you out in the forest so late little one?” “i got lost” you said, now remembering what happened the previous night. “Why did you save me?” san looked at you again, he looked sad but there was a hint of softness in his eyes. “Because you were dying, i couldnt leave you there.” you sat there in silence for a minute or two, then you spoke up “why?” still looking down at you san opened his mouth then closed it again, probably thinking about what he wanted to say. after a moment he spoke softley, “because you were to precious to leave out there, from the day you stepped foot in this forest i kept an eye on you and when you got hurt i had to do something.”
“hes been watching me” you thought, usually youd be creeped out by something like this but for some reason right now you werent. “Im sorry” he whispered looking away from you, he seemed more upest with himself for having done so than for telling you what he did. You sat there for second before speaking “it’s ok.” he turned his head to face, he looked surprised at your response. “but i watched you without you knowing.” “i know, but something in me tells me too trust you.” san looked even more surprised than before, but only for a second, just as quickly as he’d reacted surprised his expression changed to relife. “Thank god, i was worried you would be scared.” he pulled you into a hug, his body was warm and soft, it felt like he could completely wrap around you like a blanket, it was comforting, safe. “Why did you watch me though” you heard yourself say, again san hesitated than said “i wanted to protect you.” this phrase cemented your feeling of safety, he was almost like a guardian angel, but a werewolf. “you’re so small and fragile, everything about you, i felt the need to protect you.” san spoke under his breath. a weird feeling filled your abdomen, butterflies maybe? You felt your cheeks flush, your ears were warming up. embarrassed you pulled the blanket up to your nose, trying to cover your quickly redning face. “Are you hungry” san asked. he placed you on the ground and proceeded too stand up. You’d forgotten just how tall he was. “yes” “ok i’ll make you some food.” 
The sun was setting now, the warm orange the sun painted the walls of the cave with was quickly disappearing. The small fire and a few candles scattered around the cave were the only sources of consistent light. You had a bowl of soup in your hands, the wooden bowl it was in was warm, keeping the cold from nipping at your fingers. san sat opposite of you across the fire, watching you eat. He sat there intently, his head tilted slightly. “Is the soup ok?” you nodded, your mouth too full to speak. “Good, im glad.” he got up and walked over to you. sitting down beside you, he crossed his legs and put his weight on his hand which were stretched out behind him. this pose was kind of cocky but not in a bad way, it was kind of hot you thought. You finished your soup and put the bowl down. “how are you not cold?” san smiled, being a werewolf has its perks.” you smiled back. “Its getting late,” he said standing up and looking out the cave entrance. by now the sun was all but gone, not a single ray of light was visible. “We should sleep,” san said walking over to a raised part of the cave, the spot where you had woken up on. “You can sleep here like last night.” “where will you sleep?” “on the ground.” “but it's hard and cold.” “i know but ill manage.” reluctantly you crawled onto the “bed’ made of moss and cedar, pulling the two blankets you had over your body as you did so. 
the minutes passed. 15, 30, an hour. you couldn't tell, sleeping at this point was completely out of the question. It was too cold and your thoughts were racing. what are my friends thinking? are they worried? do they think im dead? yeah, you definitely weren't sleeping tonight. you rolled over to see san fast asleep on the ground close to the dwindling fire. he looked so cute… and warm. “i can't wake him up,” you thought “that isn't fair to him.” but the cold, and your mind, you couldn't sleep. With a lot of hesitation, you stood up and walked over to san as quietly as you could. kneeling down you gave him a poke on the shoulder, he groaned and rolled onto his side. you poked him again, this time getting the reaction you wanted. “what is it sweetheart?” he uttered rubbing his eyes. “i can't sleep… can you maybe…” “do you want me to come to sleep with you?” he asked. you nodded your head sheepishly. san stood up taking your hand. the two of you made your way back to the “bed” with what little light the smoldering ashes were giving off. 
“lay down,” he said. you did as you were told. san then lay down right next to you. you subconsciously snuggled into his chest, facing him. you felt his arms wrap around your waist, the sensation made you gasp a little. you were tiny compared to him, he was like a shield protecting you from the cold. looking down san whispered “awwww? did you like it when i wrapped my arms around your waist?” he wasn't hiding the amusement in his voice. embarrassing. as quietly as you could you whimpered “yes” into his chest hoping he didn't hear you. he did, he pulled you closer to his body and tightened his grip on your waist. what was happening? oh my god! the racing thoughts from earlier were completely replaced with lust now. was him grabbing your waist really that intoxicating? “what’s wrong?” san whispered, very close to your ear. his breath brushed your skin making you tense up. “is someone… enjoying themselves?” “FUCK, am i hard? this is so embarrassing” somehow you hadn't notice yourself getting hard the entire time he was beside you. you pulled your lower-half away from his thigh trying, no praying he hadn't noticed. you were wrong once again. one of his large hands reached down to your butt and pushed your hips back to where they were before. he 100% noticed. His hand slowly started to grope you, the sensation sending shivers up your spine. “how adorable, look at how cute my good boy is being.” you melted, completely. good boy? He was driving you crazy. san whispered again “do you need help with that?” you nodded. your face was hot, red hot. You'd never felt like this before, so vulnerable and open to him yet so safe. “be a good boy and grind against my thigh for me, ok?” he cooed. you did as he asked, slowly moving your hips, pushing your hard dick into his thigh. “good boy” he muttered, planting a kiss on the top of your head. you kept grinding against his thigh. it felt so good, you'd never felt this good in your life. your dick was starting to leak covering both his thigh and your pants in precum. every time you pushed against him, a wave of electricity surged through your little body. You started shaking, not from the cold though, the feeling that was spreading out from your dick to the rest of your body was overwhelming. “keep going my little prince” san whispered in your ear, he was clearly enjoying seeing you fall apart beside him. seeing you like this made him feel amazing. he was making you like this, a pathetic needy mess doing your best to get off on his thigh. you kept your pace against his thigh it getting harder to hold it in with every stroke you made. whimpers that you tried to conceal were now escaping your lips. “puppy” san whispered, he said it like you were a cute little animal. one last stroke and you were sent over the edge, cum spilling out of your cock like a river. never in your life have you come this much. san held you close through your high, giving you praise the whole time. you were a sticky dizzy mess, cum soaked and numb. all you could do was lay there shaking, still not completely over the overstimulation. san sat up, and took your cum soaked pants off, “here wear this” he spoke softly, like an angel. he helped you put on a pair of oversized pants. he then laid down beside you pulling you on top of him. “You did so good puppy,” san said petting your head. he planted a kiss on your forehead, continuing to brush your hair with his hand until you fell asleep. 
[ part 2. coming soon :) ]
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bubbleddisasters · 5 months
Stupid Shit I’ve done/Gotten myself into by accident/been dragged into as Twisted Wonderland Characters:
Ace : Heard my sister screaming bloody murder downstairs and didn’t do shit because I assumed she was watching a horror movie. Turns out there was a fire in the oven.
Bonus: Sniped my friend in the eye from across the Cafeteria with a Ketchup Packet, Meant to hit his glasses, but he repositioned them at the last second.
Deuce: Answered Maine four times on a Historical Geography test and was wrong all four times.
Cater: Threw my phone out of the window in a panic after seeing one of my Idols followed me back.
Bonus : Accidentally convinced a transfer camper from Wales I was from London after I quoted something in the accent to myself in the showers and was too awkward to tell them I wasn’t when they struck up the conversation.
(I am from America, and the camp is in America.)
Trey: Accidentally created a puddle of Dark Red Icing and Stepped in it four times in a row while making a cake at 2 am.
Bonus : Befriended and helped out the owner of a French Bakery down the street when they started out, they ended up becoming really popular (rightfully so, her stuff is amazing) and now I either get free shit and/or Friends and Family Discounts.
Riddle : I have read the dictionary on multiple occasions out of sheer boredom.
Bonus: I once read the bible and marked down verses. Im not religious I just needed to win an argument.
Leona: Slept through an earthquake and 3 ambulances coming to my house bcs my sister was hurt.
Ruggie: Waited for families going inside to pass by and asked them to hold the door for me so I could sneak into a VIP rooms for free food. (Usually only at fancy hotels but luckily this strategy is flexible when your 5’2 with a baby face.)
Jack: Used to Smash open large rocks containing Crystals or Quartz at the beach as a kid, and now I have a large collection of them.
Bonus: I have extremely good hearing, to the point I hear into the negative decibels up to -15 - -20 (according to the audiologist this is rare but i literally don’t know shit about audio and decibels) so my old dormmates used to try and bribe me to tell them what I heard about certain things or themselves.
Bonus 2: Almost got shot by an illegal hunter while in the woods with my sister.
Floyd : Cracked my skull open at the pool, lost consciousness for a few seconds and woke up in the water calling for help, then got confused on why I was calling for help.
Bonus : A Sea lion once came up to me while I was scuba diving and did little circles, bumped its snout on my mask and just followed me the whole time in a very gleeful manner as a temporary homie.
Bonus 2: Apparently ate / took bites of my moms library books as a little kid (????) according to the librarian.
Jade: Taught myself to untie my hands with my hands behind my back, tie by hands behind my back with my hands behind my back, deciphered, translated and memorized a fictional hieroglyphic language, Read from Act 1 to Act 6 of Homestuck, and accidentally discovered how to disguise Chocolate Ice Cream as Pistachio; all within the span of 2 weeks. (I had covid and was A-Symptomatic)
Bonus : Lived in the Woods for 7 months (in total), had a large bag of mica and Almost Drowned in a tent when there was no moving water nor rain. (Basically, I was asleep, Woke up underwater, nearly went back to bed, then shot out of my tent screaming “My Tent Titanticed!” )
(It was like 3 am don’t judge me)
Azul: Somehow ended up with $2200 dollars in $100s in Monopoly at the end of the game. Also have been stuck between two identical twins while talking with both and boi that shits TRIPPY. (I also almost died with them later but it was fine)
Bonus: I lived on a middle of fuck knows where island during the spring and summer up until covid, yet I absolutely despise eating fish or Shellfish, and the smell often makes me nauseous.
(Bonus 2: I love shiny things, but very specifically fancy looking keys. I also had a weird obsession with signing a shiny contract after watching Ariel. Another tiny thing Is I own a Flotsam and Jetsam Scarf which I chuck around when Floyd or Jade pisses me off ingame.)
Kalim : Got distracted by a cool leaf while at a fancy resort in Xatapa, Mexico, and waddled off from my parents and explored around to try and find more, somehow managed to get extremely far and ended up lost in a whole different city for 6 hours while trying to find my way back.
Bonus 1: I had an obsession with Kiwis for awhile as a kid, and our neighbors house had a Pangium tree that reached over to our yard. (It was planted before either families moved in so we didn’t know) I thought it was some kind of strange Kiwi and ate one. I didn’t like it and was like “Oh maybe its not ripe” and waited 3-5 months then tried it again, same reaction, repeat process one more time.
I went to my parents out of curiosity and asked them what it was, and so after some process I am unaware of but I think my mom brought one of the fruits somewhere, we discovered what it was.
Pangium contains Fatal amounts of Cyanide if not properly prepared. I was fine but for the love of anything please don’t try eating it like little me did.
Bonus 2: I’ve Almost died more times than I can count on both hands and feet. Im not an heir or something fancy I just have wackass luck.
Jamil: Once had to talk my sister out of jumping off a tour boat because our cousin dared her to.
Bonus : Managed to make French Toast in the middle of the woods with Dehydrated Milk, Cinnamon, Three Eggs I stole, and a loaf of bread we got once a month. Also made 3 kinds marinated chicken in the middle of the woods.
(My Cooking Style is literally “just trust me bro.” I’m like Lilia except it actually works and is edible)
Epel : Whenever we went applepicking at my Grandfathers house, I’d climb into the trees and throw or pass the apples down. Sometimes I actually wish I could sit in trees more often shits comfy.
Bonus: My Mom was a Champion Horseback Rider as a kid, and sometimes took us to this Ranch I shall not name for my own privacy, but I’d run around with this group of kids and this one herding dog like a damn movie protagonist, sometimes go riding horses, or the one time we stole a tractor and near crashed it (THE REGRETS I STILL HAVE-) etc.
The WHIPLASH from that to going back to a whitewashed Northeast suburban town is insane.
Rook: My Cousins and I, and sometimes the kids at the priorly mentioned ranch, would play the most intense games of manhunt (basically really intense hide n seek at night) ,
I mean wearing camo if you had it, alliances, little dollar store walkie-talkies, code words, binoculars, climbing in trees or hiding in bushes/tall grasses/Hay to “scout”.
I hid in a large pot/vase more than once and another time on a roof, and (ONLY ONCE, DO NOT DO THIS IM STUPID) under a car.
I still remain the top in last man standing points. Mostly bcs I’m stingy with rescues but shhh
Vil - Accidentally poured a lot of liquid eyeliner into my eye, was literally crying out Eyeliner for 30 minutes. Also taught myself to run and jump in heels as a kid because I thought it looked cool in movies.
Ortho : Unknowingly was Hacking my Elementary School Databank for several years,
I genuinely thought it was normal to go on the school website, press a few buttons and be able to find a friends address if I had a playdate and needed to tell my mom where the house was, a parents phone number if needed communication with my friends parents , and mostly ignored the other general info.
I didn’t even know I did this until my dad told me a few months ago that I almost got suspended for it but by the time they found out it was the end of my last year there. ;—;
Idia: Accidentally acquired both a Nahida and Eula in Genshin and was genuinely annoyed at the time, they are now my most powerful DPS’s…
Bonus : I own a shit ton of original Japanese first edition Pokemon Cards my cousin gave me, (they are probably worth more than me which is neat), and I have a giant pile of Pokemon plushies I have infact fallen asleep on or in on multiple occasions.
Bonus 2: I was playing Breath of the Wild, and my very first thing I did after getting off the plateau was beeline for the castle. I actually got all the way up and took out 2 blights but the Wind one kicked my ass.
Bonus 3: Got confessed to and asked out by a guy I did not like nor knew very well, and I panicked, said “Maybe, Sorry no.” And ran into a wall. Also have crawled through a chute to avoid an awkward situation as a kid (do not recommend its dusty and definitely not safe)
Bonus 4: Once didn’t sleep for 5 days.
Malleus : Accidentally attended a Private Party and a Private Funeral in the same week. I was not invited nor knew anyone present. Stayed there for most of it because I was too nervous to say I wasn’t supposed to be there. Whoop.
Bonus: Got nicknamed the “Trip Curse.” By my Old Dormmates because everytime I went on a trip with them everything seemed to go to shit or get hella chaotic.
Bonus 2: Another camping one: Once woke up at night with a shit ton of fireflies just chilling in my tent. It was serene but also I genuinely thought I was hallucinating for a few minutes.
Lilia: Literally will hang upside down anywhere I can, its so fun bro.
Bonus : I know an extremely large amount of useless historical information, and once genuinely realized I know more about poison than what flour and eggs are used for in baking.
Silver : Once befriended a wild horse ( Im like 90% sure he was a Chestnut).
I called him Clover the Dog like horse because he was honestly just a golden retriever in the body of a horse.
This is great and theres alot of sweet moments, but then theres the times you have a giant horse galloping full speed at you for attention or trying to nudge you affectionately and nearly pushing you into a creek in the process.
Sebek: Got groundstruck by lightning once. Also I am often told I have a loud voice.
Che’nya : a good friend of mine and I have an inside joke at school where if we see eachother through a window (my school has alot of indoor windows for some reason?), we’ll text the other “Behind you.” Or “To your left.”
Theres more things I can think of but I have run out of characters and this is getting too long, so ye!
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the-froschamethyst4 · 3 months
The Hunted becomes the Hunter
𖤐Pairing: Vampire Hunter! Alex x Vampire! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: smut, angst, language, mention of blood, fighting, gore, and self-harming, reader has power of illusions, female masturbation, blowjob, P in V, manhandling, groping, nipple play, aggressive behavior, kind of toxic,
𖤐Summary: Alex was called in to help stop a Vampire from killing off people livestock, he sets up traps and everything to try and catch the beast, but he stumbles upon an abandoned castle and finds himself stuck with a vampire
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“How many dead?”
“My whole livestock, Alex. I came out ready to feed them and I notice blood thinking maybe one of them probably got stuck in the barb wire but when I came around they’re all dead in the barn.” Farmer Dan shows Alex all of his livestock stacked on top of each other dead, blood drained from all of them.
“What the hell?”
“It’s getting worse Alex, Joni down the road lost all her hens and roosters, Mark a few houses down from her lost all his cows, you need to catch whatever this thing is.”
“It can’t be working alone, there has to be more. But I’ll see what I can do, do you anyone who might still have their livestock? That’ll probably be its next target.”
“Umm~ Jacob up the road, you might have passed him, he’s still got everything, go check with him.”
Alex loaded back into his truck and heads back down the road to see Farmer Jacob. Farmer's for the passed month have been losing their livestock left and right, and it's been getting worse, normally they would have lost 2 or 3 animals, but now it's a whole herd of animals.
To the people they thought Alex was a trapper they didn't question his methods or anything, he has caught a few beasts in his past but Alex is a Vampire hunter, it runs in his family, and after seeing the drained animals in Dan's barn. he knew he had a vampire on his hands.
The question is, how the hell is he going to trap possibly more than one vampire?
"Jacob, I just came from Dan's farm, have you lost any animals last night?"
"Nope, none, I just came out to feed them and they all seem fine, why, what's going on?"
"Dan has lost all of his livestock, I have suspicions your farm might be next. Could I set up a trap here?"
"Sure, anything to stop whatever it is killing livestock."
Alex has spent all day working on the trap making sure it was good and also making sure it was animal proof, he didn't want animals getting tangled up in his trap.
"And this will work?" Jacob asks.
"And if it doesn't?"
"You have every right to sue me or kill me," Alex says.
Alex hops back into his truck and notices the large woods behind Jacob's farm.
"Hey, Jacob, could I set up kind of a base in your woods?"
"Sure, by all means," he says as Alex followed a dirt path into the woods. He stops at the edge of the woods, getting out and finding a place he could pitch a tent and stay out there for the night, cause if he's right and it is a Vampire, he'll probably get to it first before the trap does.
Night rolls around Alex sits by the campfire, gun at his side and he's been on edge since the sun went down and the moon came out. His mind was wondering when this vampire might show up.
"I need to take a leak," he says, placing his gun down and heading a bit deeper into the woods away from his camp. He finds a big oak and unzips his pants.
As he was mid stream he could hear the sounds of cracking branches, and leaves being crunched. He finishes up and looks around before making it straight to his camp.
He must have taken a wrong turn or something, because his camp wasn't out of his sight but when he turned his back, he couldn't see his camp and when he looks up into the sky, he couldn't see the smoke from his fire.
"Where in the hell am I?" He questions, he quickly placed his hand on his holster, empty. "Fuck," he left it at his camp. He placed his hand on the other side feeling a wooden steak, he pulls it out.
"I hope you know wooden steaks don't kill me? That's just some myth," he hears a voice say from the trees, he looks around but couldn't see anything.
"You're a coward, hiding in the trees so you won't face me."
"I'm not a coward hunter, but I would just like to let you know...you are now the hunted," as the voice was gone a murder of crows all launched themselves at Alex, he blocks his face and once the crowds were gone, he sees his campfire.
"An illusion?"
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Alex curses as he runs out of the woods getting into his truck and heading to the farm. "Dammit, it fucking tricked me."
"I...I don't know what the hell happened? I was in the woods and then it was like an illusion or something?"
"What the fuck does that mean?"
"We're dealing with a vampire here."
"A vampire?" Jacob laughs at Alex. "No one...no one had dealt with vampires since the bubonic plague, they would be dead and oh they don't exist anymore?"
"They do exist, I promise they do."
"I'm hearing a bunch of bullshit, please get off my property-"
"Let me do one more thing."
Alex was at the woods again, whatever it was, he must have been close to it's domain. Alex had his gun on him and used a flashlight to guide his way to where he was.
"Come on, where was it?"
Alex looks for the tree which he soon did, touching it and looking around it, maybe he set off a trap of it's own which let it know who was near it's domain, but he couldn't find any wires or anything.
He walks a little farther into the woods, he looks around and didn't notice a sudden drop. Alex falls down rolling a few times before landing on his back on flat land.
"Motherfucker," Alex cusses holding his lower back and sitting up. "Fucking hell," he says as he slowly but surly gets up.
He clicks his flashlight, it wasn't working, he says a few more curses before stuffing his flashlight into his bag and walked blindly. He didn't know this part of the woods, it all looked the same to him. Where was this beast?
Alex bushed some bushes from his face and saw a big, tall castle, it looked abandoned or so he thought, he sees a few lights on in the castle.
"What the fuck is this?" He walks to the castle, the main door was cracked. He pushes it with making as little sound as possible. The lights in the main room flickered on and off, and he could hear humming for a room.
He tip-toes to the room, fire was lit in the fireplace, a chair sits in the room, he walks in drawing out his gun ready to fire at whatever it was in the chair.
"I figured you would find me sooner or later, hunter," a voice says from the chair and a loud caw from a crow. The crow swoops at Alex and lands on the chair facing him giving him one more caw.
"Face me."
"And if I don't?"
"Then I hope you like led between your eyes."
"Hmm~ what a threat, I've dealt with you humans long enough to know..." the figure stood up. "You will hesitate," the figure turns and faces Alex. She was gorgeous, piecing eyes, fangs on full display as her tongue grazed them.
"I will never hesitate when it comes to killing your kind."
"Wow, harsh," she sounded sarcastic but didn't care. "Then go on...do it...you have a clear shot, I'm not fighting back."
Alex points his gun in her face, he was hesitating, why the fuck was he hesitating.
"What a shame, my turn," she gives him a wicked smile and lunges at him, pushing him to the ground getting on top of him and her hands go around his neck as his try to go around hers.
"I haven't had human blood in ages, I usually stick to animals, they're getting boring, human blood is sweet, savory, and fucking delicious," Alex was starting to lose his breath, he tries to find his gun but it was out of his reach, so he digs around for his steak and soon got a hold of it, he brings it up and stabs her in the side.
She gets off of him, bleeding out, hot tears filled her eyes as she tries to pull it out of her side. Alex quickly stood up grabbing his gun and pointing it at her.
"Do it, hunter...FUCKING DO IT!!" She yells, the gun goes off but the bullet landed next to her into the wood flooring. "Who's the coward now?"
Alex doesn't say anything but glares at her, he may live by a life of code, but...something about her...intrigued him really. He bends down seeing the blood leak from her and immediately her wound was healed.
"I'm gonna go on a lime and say...you were turned...you weren't born like this..."
"Why the fuck does that matter?" She says.
"Because ones that were turned are still human inside...you only drink animal blood is because you actually hate human blood, all that bullshit you spat out was to make me afraid of you...but I'm not, I've dealt with vampires all my life to know who was born one and who was turned to one..."
"So what? You feel bad for me now?"
"I didn't say that-"
"But your actions say otherwise, you missed on purpose, you hesitated because you knew, so what? Just fucking kill me already. I've been waiting for the day someone did."
"You cause illusions because you want to be feared, but you fear yourself."
"Is it?" Alex stood up and put his hand out for her to take. She swats it away.
"I don't need your help."
"That's fine, but when another hunter comes along, they won't be as nice to you," he says, walking out of the room.
"Wait," Alex smirks when she called for him. "Why are you doing this?"
"I'm bored, I guess. I live by a code, you are a vampire, I'm suppose to kill you, but there's something in you...that makes me feel bad for you."
"Great, a hunter taking pity on me, how nice," sarcasm again.
"So what if I am?" She stays quiet.
The vampire sat on the chair the crow swooping at Alex again.
"You live here alone?"
"And the skeletons in the basement..."
"Right," Alex walks to the fireplace and looks at the vampire, she looks at Alex. "could I help you?"
"With what?"
"You seem...lonely," he says.
"Because I am, my only friends are crows..."
The vampire walks up the stairs Alex behind her, he was amazed by the castle, even though it was abandoned and lights could barely work, she's kept it pretty maintained.
"Tell me...when did you get turned?"
"When I was 14...I was a stupid little kid, played in the woods and didn't understand don't follow strangers, and I did. It was around 200 years ago, though."
"So how old are you?"
"214 years old...I think, I've lost count a few times, I could older, I don't know," she says as she pushes a door open. "I sleep here," it was like a normal bedroom.
No coffins, or anywhere she could hang upside down.
"I know what're thinking."
"Huh? You don't know-"
"You thought I slept in a coffin or hung upside down."
"Damn...maybe I was."
"Funny," she says, shutting the door. "You should be lucky I allowed you to stay."
"And you should be lucky I didn't stick a bullet between your eyes...I never caught your name?"
"It's Y/n...do you really think people won't know you're gone?"
"People don't know where I live, they call me when something is wrong, so no one will even notice," he says.
"This room hasn't been used in years, so make use of it."
"I'll try, Miss Vamp."
"Don't call me that."
Hours, weeks, months have gone by, Alex is still here at the castle with Y/n. She does everything in her power to avoid Alex, but sometimes she isn't lucky. It was already worse enough she's letting a vampire hunter stay with her.
Alex was outside chopping wood as Y/n looked at him through her bedroom window. She plops on the cushion looking at the shirtless Alex. Her thighs squeezed together like they had a mind of their own.
She started to feel wet, her fingers slide down her chest to be in between her thighs, she was being risky touching herself by the window where Alex could easily see her, all he had to do was look up and it was all over, but he didn't he was focused on the wood and piling them up.
Her breaths were shaky, as her fingers teased her wet folds, she moans as she keeps watching Alex. She hates the fact she's doing this, but he was...something else, a vampire hunter living with a vampire like it was nothing.
Like Alex wasn't ever told the vampires are dangerous and they all must be killed with no hesitation, he disappointed his ancestors, but they're dead, Alex doesn't care, it's time to start a new era.
She then gets off from the cushion and plops on her bed, her legs trembling like she was teasing herself and trying to hold back from touching herself. But she couldn't help it, she needed to do it.
She removes her shirt and pushes her skirt off her lower half, the cold air just touching her now. She sits up on her elbows and moves her fingers back between her folds, pushing them inside of her, moving them slowly at first. She moans and thinks about Alex and how her fingers were his, but they weren't the same.
She was getting frustrated with herself, moving them a faster now, but it was feeling the same.
"Hey, I got the fire wood chopped," Alex says from the other side of the door, she groans and gets up from her bed.
She opens the door but used the door to also shield her bare body from him.
"Good, now leave me alone," she says.
"Hey," he puts his hand on the door. "The hell is wrong with you? You allow me to stay with you, but you avoid me, what's going on?"
"Bullshit, tell me."
"N-No," her fingers were back between her folds as he was talking to her, she was just trying to hide her moans now. "F-Fine, I'm fine," she says.
Alex takes a deep breath and pushes the door open now, he watches Y/n fall to her knees, completely bare before his eyes, he swallows a lump in his throat.
"W-What?" She stutters. "Never seen someone touch themselves before," she asks looking at him through her sweaty hair.
"I-I have."
"I'm just frustrated, I can't reach it."
"Want help?"
"Now," she demands, Alex walks to her, picking her up like nothing and setting her on her bed, he started to unbuckle his pants, Y/n helping him, once he pushes his pants down she could see his soft dick through his boxers. She looks up at him and starts kissing him through his boxers.
"Hey now."
"You're soft..." she says.
"I know that, I can get it hard myself," he chuckles, but she doesn't listen. He takes a hold of her hair and makes a makeshift ponytail using an old ponytail holder he found.
After a few more seconds, Alex's dick was standing and impatient Y/n pulled his boxers down, his dick sprung out making her kiss his tip, he moans throwing his head back.
"Fucking hell."
"Am I doing okay? It's been so long since I've done something like this."
"You're doing just fine," he says, placing his hand under her chin. "Keep going," he says.
Her hands wrap around his dick, deep throating him a few times, his tip hitting the back of her throat. She hums around his dick, the vibration from her throat made him want to cum faster.
She moves her mouth and opened her month pumping him a few times as cum leaks from his tip and squirt a few times landing on her face, she smirks and licks the rest from his tip.
She moves to be on the bed, she lays on her stomach and lifts her ass up in the air slightly shaking her ass, he smirks, and lines himself at her entrance and pushes himself inside of her.
"AHH~!" Y/n moans, Alex looks down at her, his hands on her waist, he starts moving a bit quicker, his tip just barely hitting her spot, she moans when he did it. She couldn't reach it herself, so now when he does it, she feels amazing.
"Fuck," she moans again, tossing her head back, Alex leans down, hand under her chin and he starts kissing her temple and kissed her lips.
"God, you feel so good," he moans when feeling her gummy walls clench around his cock.
"A-Alex," she moans out his name, sitting up and wants to kiss his lips again, he smirks leaning down and kissed her lips. His hands then move to her chest gently squeezing her and pinching at her sensitive nipples.
He then sits back up, hands on her hips and he then pulls her wrists behind her back, she sits up and Alex takes her legs pushing them to her chest. He was starting to just become a bit rough with her. She moans when his tip was just hitting her, just right.
She throws her head back, cupping his chin and getting him to kiss her some more. He sits on his knees using everything he has from falling face first. Alex kisses Y/n's neck as he feels her starting to clench around him, they both gave a few more moans before Y/n ended up coming first.
Alex smirks as he keeps going, he hasn't cum yet, he starts to become rough with her, pinning her back on her stomach, pounding even harder and faster into her.
"Ah! Ah! Ah! A-Alex!"
"What? I haven't come yet," he growls near her ear and bites her earlobe, she moans when she feels cum shoot up inside of her. She collapsed on the bed and Alex fell next to her.
Y/n was in her bed, silk sheets covering her bare body, she stayed asleep as Alex was up next to her, his back against the headboard of the bed. His finger moved some hair from her face. He moves under the covers with her, placing his hand on her waist and kissing her forehead.
He was always taught to kill the enemy and the enemy was vampires, but now he just had sex and is sleeping with the vampire. He didn't care, it was like a switch went off in him when seeing Y/n look so peaceful when sleeping.
"Sorry, if I woke you."
"It's okay...could just hold me," she asks.
"Sure, little vamp."
"No, not that nickname," she says, pushing off him.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding, sure, I'll hold you darling."
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lazyneonrabbitt · 10 months
Arrows and Rags
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Daryl Dixon x reader
You help a wounded creature who leads you to its hideout, where you find the one person you thought you had lost in the walker attack.
🐺 🐺 🐺
With that last horde catching your camping group off guard you were eventually all split up in the still unfamiliar woods.
You were told to grab a pack and run, so you ran until your legs gave out and you hid in a tree.
The light of the full moon illuminated parts of the ground far beneath you where walkers still stumbled by every once in a while as you laid on a thick branch and worried about your group and hoped the others had the same plan of navigating back to the campsite where you all dispersed at first.
You sang a song in your head to try and keep track of how often walkers passed by underneath you and by the time you finished your song for a third time in a row without seeing any passing near you it was time to hop back down and go backtrack.
What you quickly realized was the fact that you were in no way a tracker. You cooked for your group and patched up wounds.
You wished you had gotten away with Daryl but he had been gone for a full day by now, tracking a larger animal that would feed the group for a long while. With your mind so distracted you didn't realize you had been walking without direction and recognized even less of your surroundings now.
Panic started setting in and you franticly looked around you, begging someone familiar would walk into view and not be dead.
Standing still you grounded yourself, taking deep breaths and re-evaluated your plan.
Except you had no plan. You were alone in the woods after running in god knows what direction because your camp with all your new found family got attacked by the undead. All you could do was stand around until a sound caught your attention and you jumped up, grabbing your hunting knife and holding it out in front of you in the direction the noise came from.
The rustling of leaves and heavy breathing got closer and all you could think about was how this large walker with the heavy footsteps was gonna take you out in no time.
What caught your eye wasn't a walker.
Its head was about level with yours with bright blue eyes that held nothing but hurt in them. It limped towards you on three legs, dragging its fourth along. The way it circled you and stepped fully into view had you wondering what exactly the creature was. Stopping at an angle that showed you the arrow sticking out of its hip and looking between it and you it let out a soft, pained whine.
Your heartbeat rung in your ears and your knife shook in your hand as the creature stepped closer to you, keeping its head low. A garbled howl left its maw as it dropped to the ground, yelping in agony as its hindleg slipped on some leaves and moved the arrow around in its hip. A paw reached out in the leaves like it tried to get you to come closer.
"Am I really gonna help the crazy big demon dog thing? No way, I'm gonna walk.." Talking out loud to yourself felt like the only that was gonna keep you sane, but unexpectedly the thing seemed to reply in its own monstrous way.
You sighed in disbelieve of yourself and huffed as you gave it a look. "Help?" You stated, waiting for an answer like a crazy person and to your surprise it nodded in agreement, motioning its head toward the arrow.
You took a quick breath to ground yourself and stepped towards its side, giving the bleeding leg a good look and noticing a piece of fabric stuck to its tail. You diverted your attention to it for a second and recognized it as Daryl's red cloth he always carried in his back pocket. Besides, the rag wasn't stuck in its fur. It was tied around the base.
"Where did you get this?" You asked no one in particular as you untied the rag and went back to the arrow.
With one hand pressed to the fur around the wound you wrapped your other around the arrow and apologized over and over again before breathing in and pulling at the arrow on exhale and yanking it out in one smooth motion. This earned you a loud growl, all clenched teeth and tensed muscles before the creature seemed to deflate with a deep huff.
"You good?" Why you were still talking to the creature was a mystery to you, but you got a nod as response again, this time along with a large paw on your leg.
The sudden touch had you jumping away from the creature and accidentally pressing onto its hurt leg by accident, earning you a loud pained yelp.
"Ah fuck I'm sorry." You kneeled back down to rub at its furred torso, taking a good look at the wound by softly brushing aside the fur to inspect it. Before your eyes the flesh in the wound seemed to move and stitch itself together for the closed up skin to regrow fur and entirely disappear in a matter of minutes.
You sat frozen staring at the hind leg that just healed on its own, not realizing the creature's front had moved and its face was inches away from yours until a warm breath fanned across your cheek and a thick, wet tongue dragged over your cheek.
The lick startled you so bad you grabbed at your cheek and stumbled sideways onto the forest floor.
You wiped the drool off your face with Daryl's rag, giving it a sad look remembering you had no idea where he was.
With its leg healed again the creature sat up, hind legs folded in front of its body and front legs-- arms? reaching for the rag and pointing at its tail. Its movements resembled that of a human, and its proportions as well but everything else was wolflike. Now that it was moving around properly and seemingly not attacking you, you really got a good look at it under the bright moonlight.
"I'm not giving you this." You pulled back the rag close to your body. "It's my boyfriend's and I don't know where he is." The initial sadness of having to run away from your group and not knowing if your boyfriend was even alive.
You looked back up at the creature. "How did you get this anyways? You didn't hurt him, did you?" Like you'd get an answer, this animal didn't understand you.
Except you got a surprised look and a quick shake of its head, paws raising, mimicking the human gesture of defense.
It moved around its paws, pointing at the rag and then holding them out like a bowl in front of you before curling the fingers inward and bringing its closed paws back to its chest, pointing at itself lastly.
"You want this. I know. You're not getting it."
An annoyed grumble left the animal before its maw opened and a garbled noise came out like it tried to speak but forgot how to and huffed in defeat.
“What even are you? I mean, you understand me but you’re an animal.” It gave you a look that screamed ‘do I look like I can talk?’ and just pointed up at the bright moon.
You thought for a second before a dumb suggestion made its way out. “Werewolf?”
An excited nod made it clear you were right, but somehow it still hadn’t clicked all the way because you still hadn’t recognized him and given him the rag back.
As he thought how to get his point across he grumbled until he decided to take you to his hiding place where he kept his stash of clothes and weapons. He got up and motioned for you to follow him, hoping you trusted him enough to do so and to his luck you did. You two walked through the forest, taking out the occasional walker with either knives or claws until you reached a steep ditch.
The beast slid down into it and held out its paws for you to jump into. He squeezed his paws twice to indicate he would catch you, and even though you called yourself insane you hopped in his direction. You were caught and placed onto the dirt gently, suddenly seeing the ditch was partially covered by fallen trees and created a sort of hideout.
As he led you underneath the fallen trees you spotted a pile of items, haphazardly thrown together but easily recognized as Daryl's full attire. Boots, winged vest and even those Calvin Kleins you had snagged on one of your inner city runs.
"What is all this? Where is he?" Panic rose in your chest and tears started flowing freely as your mind went through every single worst case scenario it could come up with.
An apologetic whine left the beast as it took you by the shoulders and pulled you into a hug that enveloped your entire body in soft fur and warmth.
With the side of your face shoved into his chest you had the inside of his upper arm right in your eyesight. There was a weirdly shaped dark spot in his lighter brown fur there and without thinking you had put your hand on it, tracing the shape with your fingertips.
A realization hit the creature as you were touching the mark in his fur.
Large paws took your upper arms as he moved you to face him, one finger pointing at the spot you just touched before letting go and turning around. A hand came over his shoulder to point at the darker spots on his shoulder blade in his shaggy fur. You inspected those as well, fingers tracing the edges and looking over the full expanse of furred muscle, seeing all the familiar scars your boyfriend carried as well. You sniffled and wiped away your tears. “..Daryl?” Your palms laid flat against his back when he turned around and nodded slowly. He couldn’t tell if you were afraid or not, the overwhelming amount of emotions coming off you made his senses useless.
Your eyes scanned over his entire body, grabbing and squeezing at any area your could get your hands on to make any sense of it.
“Is this why you left camp?” Another nod answered your question and another thousand filled your mind but one shoved all the others aside and came barreling to the front in bold letters. “Wait,” with eyes wide and mouth in an open smile you slap him against his chest. “Is this why you’re so growly during sex?” A surprised noise left his lips as he ..laughed? Yeah, that really sounded like a laugh. A grumbly Daryl laugh.
“I thought you were dead..” A relieved sigh left you as you let your body sink into his, all fur and warmth and genuine love for the one you thought you had lost earlier tonight. The rumbling of his chest as he let out a content noise made you feel like the world hadn’t decided to chase you up a tree. With careful touches you were led further into the hiding space and took you down to the ground with him, pulling you down to lay on top of him. He settled into a comfortable position and held you close, making sure you wouldn’t fall off as you slept.
“You’ll keep me safe, right?” Your question was half muffled by how you were speaking into his large chest, but the answer that sounded oddly like a ‘yes’ gave you all the comfort you needed to really sleep for the first time this night.
A/N: This was one of the suggestions I got for ways to make reader find out her boyfriend is a werewolf! Very enjoyable to write ♡
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femalefemur · 4 months
1. Captains and Cabins.
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warnings: mentions of child abuse, mentions of child death, mentions of murder, mentions of dead bodies, mentions of skeletons, mentions of desecrating graves, mentions of piss, please let me know if I missed anything!
word count: 1.2k
synopsis: Kyle, Simon, Johnny and you have volunteered at a summer camp, you've arrived a week early to help with preparations, what could go wrong?
A/N: I am aware that summer camps are not a thing in the UK, I'm also not American so I have no idea if this is accurate, summer camps are also not a thing where I live but camping with other groups are.
“There’s a legend that the camp is haunted, they say that the guy who originally owned this place went crazy and killed all the counsellors one night while they were asleep. Snapped, just like that” Johnny snapped his fingers to emphasise his point as he spoke, a grin spread across his handsome face. 
“Shut up, he did not, that’s just a story kids tell to scare each other” Kyle rolled his eyes as he carried a box into the hall and placed it down with the others. 
“He did too! How else do you explain them all disappearing?” Johnny frowned as he crossed his arms and pouted at the taller man. 
“They probably just got lost in the woods, probably went for a hike and didn’t stay on the path or something. These woods are huge so it’s pretty easy to get lost in them even now, imagine back then when they only had paper maps” Kyle rolled his eyes as he mirrored Johnny’s stance. 
“Whatever,” Johnny rolled his eyes back and turned his attention back to you “don’t listen to him bonnie, the guy definitely went crazy.” “Sure,” you laughed as you looked at them both “I have to say Kyle’s story sounds more plausible than a guy suddenly went crazy and killed everyone” you shrugged as you left the hall to bring in another box, the two men trailing behind you and bickering about what really happened.
The Camp that they were arguing about was the very camp that you were currently at, Camp 141. You had been hired as a camp counsellor for the summer along with your three best friends, Kyle, Johnny and Simon. The three of you were inseparable since you had met in high school and that friendship had carried over into your adult years. 
The four of you had been through it all, helped Simon leave his abusive home, been there for him when his family died, held his hands at the cemetery as he cried at his mother and brother’s grave. You had all watched him piss on his piece of shit father’s grave that very night, hell you’d even helped him smash the headstone and every one after that until they finally stopped replacing it. You’d all been there when Johnny’s family kicked him out for coming out as bisexual, taking him into your homes with open arms, just as you’d all taken Simon in. Been there when Kyle started feeling the pressure of getting into a good university. You’d reminded him to sleep and eat, dragged his fingers away from his mouth when he’d started to bite his nails down to the quick from the stress of it all.
You’d all moved in together into a flat half-way between Oxford and London when you had all finally graduated high school, free to finally escape your small town and leave behind the bad memories. Kyle’s rigorous studying had paid off and he’d been accepted into Oxford University, and Simon, Johnny and you had been accepted into various universities across London. None of you minded the commute as long as it meant you could stay together, your little found family. That all led to the present, you had all graduated university a good few years ago, settled into your jobs and moved together into an infinitely better flat, now that you all had a much better and stable income. 
It was Simon’s idea to volunteer as camp counsellors for the summer, he’d said it would be good for you all to get away from the city for a bit and be close to nature. Though you suspected that he wanted to do something for the children, the camp was for children aged thirteen to fourteen which placed them around the age that Simon’s brother was when he passed. After the three of you had sat around the dining table and looked at every inch of the brochure you’d all happily agreed, not that any of you needed convincing, not with the way Simon’s face had lit up when he talked about the camp. So you’d all taken time off and found yourselves packing into Johnny’s 4WD for the long trip up north to the camp, arriving a week before it was set to open to the children to help set up. 
The camp director hadn’t been there when you’d all arrived, but he had left a note explaining that he’d had to make a trip into town for some last minute hardware supplies. He had also left instructions to bring in the boxes from the storage shed and into the main hall, along with where your counsellors' cabins were and told you to make yourselves at home. You’d all worked tirelessly for the whole afternoon, bringing the boxes in and unpacking the various supplies and activities from them, the thought of children happily following along with the activities making you smile. Your childhoods may not have been the best but you sure as hell could make these children’s childhoods a good one, even if it was only for a couple of weeks. 
“Where do you think the director is?” You had sat down outside on the steps up to the main hall, a cold bottle of water in your hands as you relaxed. 
“Who knows, should have definitely been back by now” Simon frowned as he glanced at the setting sun on the horizon, shades of pink and orange painting the sky as he leaned back on his arms and tapped his boot against yours, a silent “I love you.”
The director still hadn’t returned by nightfall and you’d all made yourselves right at home, settling into the cabin before exploring the kitchen and making dinner. You’d finally settled in for the night, showered away the grime and sweat of the day before slipping into a comfortable pair of cotton sleep shorts and an oversized t-shirt you’d stolen from Kyle. It had already been oversized on him and on you it was even larger, it also somehow still smelled of him no matter how many times it got washed, the warm scent of musk, honey and oud clinging to the fibres of the fabric. 
“You know they say he used to be a SAS Captain” Johnny spoke as he lay on his bunk bed and scrolled on his phone before Kyle smacked it out of his hand and onto his face.
“Stop talking about that, we really don’t need to hear about a murderous camp director right before we go to bed at said camp” Kyle scowled as he was hit in the face with Johnny’s pillow. 
“Someone scared?” Johnny teased him as he grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. “He’s right, it’s just unsettling to hear about it right before bed” You huffed as you watched the two play wrestle and laugh, snuggling in further under the covers while Simon joined in on the wrestling. 
“Am just saying that he could have snapped, probably saw a lot of shit as a Captain, and it could have gotten to him” Johnny shrugged as the three of them lay sprawled out after the wrestling. “Probably knew how to kill them quietly and hide the bodies too” he kept speaking, “maybe they’re buried under the floorboard” Johnny laughed as your pillow hit his face.
“Please shut up, I don’t need to think about sleeping on top of literal dead bodies” You frowned at him as you picked your pillow up and tucked it back under your head, closing your eyes in hopes that you would fall asleep soon and not dream of skeletons or murderers. Failing to notice the shadow that passed by the window behind the men.
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A New Friend (Part 1/2)
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pairing: park ranger!frankie morales x f!reader
rating: M (mild sexual desire but nothing even mildly explicit, reader has a douchey boyfriend, breakups, frankie is an angel because i said so, just cutesy flirting mostly, we get sexy in part two don’t worry)
wc: 4k
frankie masterlist
Where the fuck am I?
You turned to study the woods around you, the trees notched with marks you’d made after having watched one too many survival shows on your couch looking a little too familiar for comfort.
You’d been trying to find your way back to the trail for two hours now, sunset turning into night before your eyes.
Now, you had to come to terms with the fact that you were indeed very lost, going in circles when you were supposed to be heading south—you were supposed to be heading south, right?—to your campsite, the campsite your boyfriend and his friends were at getting shitfaced, likely not even noticing your absence.
As you wandered the dark woods in hopes of finding any sort of sign or guide to safety with your dull flashlight, you considered why you even came along on this trip in the first place.
This weekend marked your fifth anniversary, plans of a trip for just the two of you becoming quickly derailed by the unexpected—at least on your part—visit of his two best friends who showed up and invited him out for a camping trip. Not wanting to spend the weekend all by yourself, contemplating the future of your relationship, you decided to join them, much to their dismay judging by the way they’d been ignoring you since the start of the trip.
This evening, you decided to go out on a walk to get some much needed air from the men who were busy pretending you didn’t exist—including your partner. That’s how you found yourself lost, stuck stumbling through a navy blue washed forest, every sound heightened from fear, your brain creating scenario after scenario of how you’d reach your demise. Be it a bear or a bobcat, a stranger or nature, your anxious heart was sure somehow, this would be the end for you if you didn’t find safety.
Luckily, after a few minutes of hopeless navigating, your flashlight shined on a wooden sign with an arrow pointing left, “Ranger Station: ¼ Mile”.
“Thank god,” you exhaled, nodding as you started off in the direction of the well-used path.
As if the universe were laughing at you, halfway to the station, you began to feel a light drizzle from the blackened skies above, the clouds that had looked harmless this afternoon now slate-grey and rumbling. Shaking your head at your luck, you started to move quicker, but it seemed the rain had the same idea, the drizzle quickly spiraling to a full downpour by the time you walked up the steps to the Ranger’s lodge.
“Please be open,” you mumbled to yourself, noticing that the lights were off inside the tiny cabin. “Please, someone fucking be here.”
You pounded on the door after your knocks failed to earn a response, your eyes frantically looking around the building for any sign of life that could help (or hurt) you. Suddenly, your luck seemed to turn as a man dressed in a tight, form fitting uniform of khaki and forest green came running up the pathway with his coat thrown over his head.
“Excuse me!” you called out over the loud, crashing thunder, pulling his eyes from the ground up to yours. He seemed startled to see you standing there, drenched from the downpour and helpless.
“Oh—sorry,” he apologized as he stepped up the porch to unlock the cabin door, guiding you inside with the flick of a light switch. “I was out sweeping for stragglers when it started to get dark, must’ve missed you.”
“I got myself pretty lost, I don’t blame you,” you chuckled, overcome by the immediate relief brought on by shelter and warmth.
The cabin was small, a warm little space washed in golden light. There was a plaid loveseat in front of a fireplace, a half-read book laying on the coffee table in front of it. Turning your head a bit, there was a kitchen nook built in, nothing extravagant, just a mini-fridge, microwave, portable stovetop, some pots and pans, and a coffee machine. Beside the kitchen rested a desk that looked more like a dinner table, littered with papers and manilla folders as well as a closed laptop. Above, there was a loft built in, though you figured you’d need to climb up there yourself if you intended to study the layout.
“So,” the Ranger’s husky, low voice interrupted your snooping. You turned to watch him as he hung his coat up on the hook by the door before kicking his boots off. “How can I help you? You mentioned you were lost?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, clearing your throat. “I don’t remember the campsite location. I’ve been wandering for hours now.”
“By yourself?” he questioned, a crease forming between his brow as he studied you better, his eyes raking over your entire form before the reality of your soaked state dawned on him. “You cold? I have some tea, or…coffee?”
“Tea sounds great, thank you.” You watched him as he nodded, walking over to the kitchen nook to get the stovetop heated and water placed in the kettle he had hidden in a cupboard. Meanwhile, you looked longingly at the fireplace, hoping that he’d notice your shiver and light it. “Do you…possibly have a spare set of clothes? Anything would help, really.”
“Oh. Sure,” he nodded, avoiding your eyes but remaining attentive as he left the kettle on the burner and walked over to a closet by the door. He tugged out a plastic bin and lifted the lid off, a stack of brand new ranger uniforms inside. “What’s your size?”
You begrudgingly disclosed that information in exchange for warmth, and soon he was setting a pair of forest green pants and a beige t-shirt in your open palms.
“Uh, the restroom’s right there.” He pointed at the closed door in the corner of the room. “I’ll light the fire.”
“Thank you,” you offered him a smile but he was still avoiding looking at you directly, so it went unseen. With an awkward nod to him, you walked into the tiny bathroom to undress and redress, the full-length mirror mounted on the door serving as a good source of entertainment as you studied the way you looked in the ranger’s uniform, the pants undeniably, and shockingly, hugging every good curve on your body.
“The, uh, tea is ready when you are!” His voice sounded through the wooden door, making you jump as you posed in the mirror. gathering your damp clothes in your hands, making sure to hide your undergarments in the pile, you walked back out into the living room, spotting the man in uniform sitting at the table/work area with a mug of his own. “Yours is on the coffee table.”
“Thank you so much, for all of this,” you gestured around and he gave you a nod, no sign of a smile on his face, but there was no apparent anger or discomfort either. “My, uh, my name is…” You gave him your name and offered another friendly smile.
“I’m Frankie,” he greeted you back. Still no smile. “The storm is gonna go on all night. I think the odds of getting back to your campsite are slim, unfortunately.”
Your heart sank a bit at the news. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust this handsome ranger to house you for a night, but the thought of being an inconvenience to yet another person made you feel sick.
“I, um, I have a tent, so…I can stay outside and you can stay in here,” he offered.
“I know I’m not an expert at this stuff but that doesn’t sound very safe.”
“There's a cover, so, it’s not too bad. Your comfort and safety take precedence. It’s sorta my job.” He shrugged and took a sip of his drink.
“I appreciate the thought, but honestly, I think I would feel more comfortable with you in here with me.” You weren’t sure why you cared so much about keeping this glum ranger around, but there was something in his eyes, in his voice that calmed you in a way you desperately craved after the weekend you had. You weren’t naive to the deceit of men, but you truly believed this one meant you no harm. Besides, you were pretty sure sleep wasn’t going to come easy tonight anyway.
“Okay,” he agreed, his voice softer than before. “There’s, uh, not much for entertainment around here.” He chuckled, watching you as you set your clothes down by the fireplace before taking a seat on the sofa. “There’s books. Lots of books, but I know that’s not everyone’s—“
“Oh, I just finished this,” you interrupted him by picking up the book from the coffee table.
“Did—was the end any good?” he asked, standing up from the table and walking over to the kitchen nook to refill his mug.
“It was. Are you liking it so far?” You turned to watch him, the sight of his shirt straining against his broad back making you feel like a cheater for the lustful images your brain decided to flood your mind with.
“I am, but I’m an anxious reader. Constantly have to fight the urge to flip to the last pages.” He laughed again and you felt yourself melt further into the sofa. “So, are you camping alone, too?”
“No,” you sighed as you shook your head and set the book down.
“Touchy subject?” he guessed, resuming his seat at the table.
“I don’t know,” you exhaled and scratched your neck, chuckling at your own predicament. “It’s my anniversary tonight, and instead of spending it with my boyfriend and his two closest friends in the middle of the woods, I’m spending it with a stranger…ranger?”
He chuckled at the rhyme and let out a sympathetic sigh. “Can’t say the first option sounded very good, either.”
“No,” you nodded, looking to him with eager eyes. “It fucking sucks! And they were just ignoring me anyway. This is the most conversation I’ve had all weekend.”
“So is he like…an avid camper or something? You guys do this often?” Frankie questioned, sitting forward with his elbows on the table, his mug held in both hands.
“No, he’s just…an avid douchebag.” Frankie’s boisterous laugh both shocked and delighted you.
“Which is why, I’m assuming, you went and got lost in the woods by yourself?”
“Yep,” you sighed and shook your head. “And the sad thing is, I bet they haven’t even realized I left.”
“It sounds like you need to make this your last anniversary,” he advised, shrugging his shoulders when you turned to look at him.
“Yeah,” you agreed with a sad whisper. “Sucks.”
Frankie studied you for a moment, something more earnest than sympathy in his eyes as you stared down at your lap, picking at your cuticles.
“Hey—“ He caught your attention, your eyes lifting to meet his from across the room. “I’ve got a few board games in case my daughter comes to stay with me on duty. We could…play one? Pass some time?”
Knowing that the only alternative was to dwell on the crumbling state of your relationship, you agreed with a soft, barely there smile and a nod.
Frankie sat down on the rug in front of the fire, clearing the coffee table before pointing to the stack of board games on the shelf below the wooden top.
“There’s Candyland, Life, Monopoly, Scrabble, and Uno.”
“Huh,” you smiled and thought about the options, your stress taken away by this kind and charming stranger tasked with sheltering you for the night, seemingly in more ways than one. “We can start with Candyland.”
“Start, huh? Gonna be up playing games all night?” he asked with a matching smile as he set up the board game. “I guess I’m not one to talk given my personal track record, but I heard that sometimes it helps to face your shit, not run from it.”
“I’ll face it in the morning,” you replied, soft and vulnerable. “Tonight, I just want to be a stranded woman in the woods playing Candyland with a park ranger.”
“Okay,” he rasped back with a smile and a nod.
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“I hate you,” you kissed your teeth and rolled your eyes as you reached for the stack of Uno cards on the table, picking eight up and stuffing them in your hand previously only holding one, that near-victory long gone after he matched your +4 card. “You actually ruined my night, wow. How dare you?”
“Jeez,” he laughed and held his hands up in defense. “I didn’t expect such a violent reaction—“
“Oh, yeah right,” you rolled your eyes at him again before meeting his, your laughter fading into just a few soft, breathy chuckles the longer your eyes remained glued to his soft, brown, puppy-like stare.
“You, uh—“ he chuckled and looked down at his lap, shaking his head. “Nevermind.”
“No,” you giggled and urged him on. “Tell me.”
“You just have nice eyes. That’s all.” He shrugged and went to place a card on the stack, changing the color to red.
“I think you have nice eyes, as well,” you spoke softly, almost shyly as you searched your hand for an appropriate card, choosing a “reverse” card to lay on top of his. “Very puppy-dog.”
“Puppy-dog?” he asked in a laugh, amused by the unusual comparison. “Never heard that before.”
“You know, the way puppies look when they’re begging for scraps? You’ve got that same…charm, I guess. Like I couldn’t say no to you.” You mumbled the last sentence, the words not entirely meant for him to hear.
As much as you were enjoying your time with this handsome stranger and planned to end things with your boyfriend the minute you were reunited with him, you were still a taken woman. Cheating was never your thing, but you couldn’t deny the pull to the man sitting in front of you, illuminated and washed in the golden amber light of the fireplace, the buttons on his long-sleeved beige dress shirt undone at the top, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
“It’s getting late.” Frankie stood up abruptly and cleared his throat before looking at the watch on his wrist. “Two A.M. already. Sun’ll be up around six, we can head out and find your campsite then.”
“And in the meantime?” you asked, standing up as well though you weren’t sure why. Frankie’s eyes softened on you, not missing the hopeful twitch of your lip. He shook his head at you, but it was so subtle you nearly missed it.
“You’re…involved. It’s not cool,” he reminded, proving that at least one of you had your head screwed on right. “But believe me…I want to.”
“Yeah,” you nodded and looked down at your feet, embarrassed by the mere suggestion. “I—uh…yeah.”
“I’ll take the couch. You can go up into the loft. I have some clean pajamas on my bed, if you want.”
You climbed up the wooden ladder to the loft, finding a cozy space with a full-size mattress on the floor by a large window, a little lamp for reading in the corner, and a record player pre-loaded with a copy of Nirvana’s “Nevermind”. The rain was visible from the window, pattering on the glass while lightning struck in the distance, a loud boom of thunder cracking a few moments later. Lowering your eyes back to the bed, you spotted the set of red flannel pajamas at the foot.
“Mind turning the lights off so I can change?” you called out, and for a minute hoped he’d change his mind and come undress you himself.
“Sure thing,” he replied, and a moment later the cabin went black, except for the golden light of the fireplace.
You changed quickly, desperate to wear his clothes, to smell him up close for the first time, but the scent that flooded your nostrils was too clean, too soapy to have been him.
Now dressed, you walked to the fenced in ledge of the loft to watch him as he sat on the sofa, a book in hand. The fireplace illuminated him in a way that made him look painted, almost, like the product of an artist’s imagination. It was a painting you’d quite like to own, so that your eyes could study him everyday.
“Night,” he called, not looking up from his book.
“Good night,” you replied, smiling to yourself all the way to bed.
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Hours had passed by, the sun now up but hidden behind the clouds, the rain pattering against the window calming to a light drizzle. You hadn’t fallen asleep the entire time, your mind spinning with thoughts of seeing your boyfriend again, of the conversation you needed to have before getting the fuck out of this godforsaken National Park.
“Morning,” Frankie greeted you as you stepped down the ladder to the main floor of the cabin. His smile served as a better stimulant than any coffee you’d ever consumed, your tired eyes going bright as you took in the sight of him scrambling eggs in the kitchenette. “Thought I should feed you before I take you back to the douchebags.”
You chuckled. “Thanks.”
“Did you sleep okay?” he asked as he scraped half of the pan of eggs onto one plate before repeating it with another. You pulled up a seat while he carried the food over, placing one in front of you and the other in front of the seat closest to yours. A smile tugged at your lips at his choice of seat.
“I tried,” you answered, remembering that he’d asked a question. “But…my brain doesn’t like to shut off.”
“I feel you there.” The sound of liquid pouring into a cup caught your attention before the waft of coffee hit your nose. You felt yourself salivating as he walked your cup over. “Creamer, sugar?”
“Neither,” you shook your head. “This is incredible, thank you, Frankie.”
“It’s no problem,” he assured as he sat down beside you. “Part of the job.”
“I doubt that,” you laughed.
“Keep the park and its visitors safe. That’s the entire job,” he argued with a tilt of his head, his fork stabbing at the eggs.
“So you do all this for every stray that shows up at your door?” you asked in a playful tone, hoping to conceal your hurt at the prospect of simply being an obligation to him even if that’s exactly what you were.
“No, I don’t typically let my strays wear my PJ’s when I shelter them.” He smiled, his eyes lowered to the flannel set you were still wearing. “And I never, ever, let them win at Candyland like I did with you.”
“Oh, let me win, huh? Someone’s a sore loser,” you teased, grinning at your eggs as you mindlessly stabbed at them. “Maybe we should have a rematch, then.”
“I was counting on it,” he replied. Your eyes lifted to meet his, both of you swallowing thickly at the tension that seemed to keep building with every passing second. “You should eat.”
“You should kiss me,” some out of character being possessing you replied, shocking not only him, but yourself as well. “I’m sorry. That was…god, that was way too forward. I’m sorry.”
“I’ve thought about it,” he admitted, reaching his hand over to lower yours as it shielded your eyes in embarrassment. “Believe me. But I like you, or, could like you…a lot, I think…if we did this the right way, I mean. But kissing you now—“ He shook his head. “S’not the right way.”
“I know,” you exhaled and lifted your fork to your mouth, swallowing down a bite of food that you could hardly get down with all the butterflies swarming in your stomach.
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It only took Frankie about half an hour on his quad to find your campsite based on your half-assed description, your arms hugging him closely as you sat behind him.
When you arrived, your eyes widened at the sight of the once clean grounds now littered with trash, the boys, their tents, and the truck you all came in long gone. All that remained was their garbage and your duffel bag, a note sticking out of it.
“Well,” he sighed as he parked the quad and turned it off. “They are indeed douchebags.”
“What the fuck?” you whispered, staring at the note. You turned to Frankie and shook your head, a tear falling down your cheek as you started to read the note out loud.
Since you want to be dramatic and run off all night, I’m gonna give you all the space you could ever want. I’m so done with your shit. Consider this me breaking up with you.
“Fuck,” Frankie shook his head and through your tear-blurred vision you could see his jaw clenched. Frankie climbed off the ATV and walked up to you, reaching for your hand as it crumbled the note up. “This guy is a fucking dick—beyond a fucking dick, he’s…they don’t make filthy enough curse words to describe how shitty he is. You deserve so much better than that.”
“How do you know that?” you sighed, pulling away from him to pick your bag up off the ground. Frankie quickly took it from you and walked it back to the ATV, tying it onto the back.
“I guess I don’t,” Frankie finally answered your question as he returned with a trash bag. “But, judging by how kind and friendly you’ve been so far…I’d say that alone makes you at the very least better than him.”
You huffed a weak laugh and smiled at the sight of his dress shirt stretching over his back as he bent down to clean the campsite. Feeling guilty for your ex-boyfriend’s sins, you rushed to help, practically stealing the bag from Frankie’s hands.
“Thank you, Frankie.” You gave him a sincere, heartfelt smile. “I’m really sorry you got dragged into all my bullshit—“
He cut you off with a shake of his head and a reassuring smile.
“Don’t apologize,” he ordered before checking his watch. “My shift’s over in an hour or so. Do you live in town? I can drive you home, if you want?”
“I do, and that would…that would be really nice.”
You attempted to keep your tears at bay as he started the quad up and turned back around. Here was this stranger, treating you better than your boyfriend of five years ever had, and he’d only known you for one fucking night.
Back at the cabin, Frankie left you with the WiFi password while he tended to his end-of-shift duties, knowing that your phone had no service and that you should probably update your loved ones on your whereabouts considering you technically went missing last night.
You called your best friend first, giving them the rundown on not only what happened between you and your now ex-boyfriend, but also the building tension between you and your knight in shining khaki, Frankie. After some much needed words of comfort and reassurance that you deserve someone better than your shitty ex, you said goodbye and hung up.
Next up was your ex. You’d planned on telling him off, on calling him out on all the shit you’d been putting up with since the beginning of your relationship, but you never got the chance. The fucker sent you straight to voicemail.
By the time Frankie arrived, you already cried out all the tears you felt your relationship deserved, which wasn’t much.
“Everything okay?” he asked, walking over to join you on the sofa.
“Yeah,” you gave him a soft smile. “Or at least it will be.”
“Breakups are hard,” he empathized, reaching a hand over to rest on your knee. You stared down at the contact with a smirk before looking back to his eyes, finding him deep in study as he watched you. “This might…might not be the right time, but…and it doesn’t have to be anything romantic, but…are you doing anything tonight? Maybe we could go out for a drink or go see a movie or…anything, really. I could be a friend.”
“I’d like you to be more than a friend, Frankie.”
“So would I…eventually,” he added with a smile. “But for now, I don’t want you rushing into anything with me. It’s…it’s easy to confuse distraction for acceptance. Believe me, I made a lot of mistakes after my divorce. And…I really don’t want to be a mistake or a distraction to you. So, for now…friends?”
You twisted your mouth as you smiled, looking down at his hand on your knee and resting yours on top of it.
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frankenkyle19 · 1 year
description: Jimmy finds you at the diner, flirting with another man. He’s pissed.. but why? It’s not like you two are even dating?
word count: 1.7K
Warnings: Jimmy darling being horny and mad, oral sex (m receiving), unprotected sex (don’t do it, Jesus is watching 👁👄👁), use of the word daddy because Jimmy darling is my daddy, and I think that’s it, enjoy!!!
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You and Jimmy were strictly a summer fling. When you had arrived in town and came to see a certain… Freakshow, he invited you to his caravan after the show and you two… well let’s say no one in the camp got any sleep that night because of the two of you.
But it was always only a fling. It wasn’t a relationship, something Jimmy made very clear whenever someone teased him about falling for you. 
But even if he stated over and over you two weren’t a thing, people saw right through that. They seemed to know it was a lie even if Jimmy hadn’t realized that yet.
Jimmy was fiercely protective of his family and friends, and you were no exception. If he saw you getting picked on by some random dickhead at the diner or around the freakshow, he’d take the man outside and show him a piece of his mind.
From how many times Jimmy said you two were just hooking up, that it meant nothing, you figured seeing other people wouldn’t be a problem. Oh boy were you wrong. So so wrong.
You had been flirting with a nice young man in the diner in town one night when none other than Jimmy Darling walked right in the front door, gloved hands at his sides as he looked around. His eyes locked on yours almost immediately and something dark shone in them. 
He made his way over to your table, looking between you and the man, obviously angry. The look he shot the man was nothing short of feral. Absolute rage in his dark eyes. That was all the man needed to grab his coat and run the fuck out of the diner without a word.
You tried to hide your frustration as Jimmy took a seat opposite you at the table, tapping a gloved hand on the wood. He watched you, seemingly expecting an answer, or even an apology. But why would you owe him that? You two weren’t a thing. He had made that more than crystal clear time and time again, so why did he seem so mad that he had caught you with another man? 
“What, Jimmy?” Your words were sharp. Impatient. You looked up at him. Glaring. No doubt your eyes showed the same intensity as his, if not more. He had ruined a perfectly good plan to hook up with the man who had just ran out of the diner.
“What do you think you were doing with him, doll?” He asked, never once blinking or looking away from you. If you didn’t know Jimmy like the back of your hand, you may have been a bit scared. He looked awfully terrifying right now. You found it kind of… hot.
“Talking. Am I not allowed to talk?” You replied with a deep breath, trying to keep your composure. He was such a hypocrite. You had seen him flirting with plenty of girls around the camp grounds, so why weren’t you allowed to do the same? 
“You wanted him to fuck you… didn’t you.” His voice was hard, but he sounded… hurt. God, Jimmy was so sensitive sometimes, which led to him overthinking just about everything.
“What if I was? Is that a problem?” You challenged, sitting up a bit in your seat as you looked him over. His dirty white tank top clung tightly to his form, nearly see through. 
“You want to cheat on me, doll?”
There was a rush in your ears, whatever Jimmy had said next, if anything, was lost to you. What the fuck. What was wrong with him? What was wrong with him? Trying your best not to absolutely explode on him, you simply shook your head.
“Oh so we’re dating now, huh?”
He looked startled, taken aback. That was when he realized he had fucked up.
This was not a conversation that needed to be had in public, and you told him such. You two walked out together after you paid for your uneaten food. You glanced over at Jimmy, who was so tense it looked like he may pull something and hurt himself. 
He offered to drive you back to the camp and you agreed, arms wrapped around his waist as he drove back on his motorcycle.
He had led you back to his caravan to talk, but once you stepped inside, you found yourself pinned to the wall, Jimmy’s hands on your waist as he kissed you, roughly. You loved this side of Jimmy, the dominance, and despite how mad you were at him, you couldn’t deny his actions had you soaked.
“Did you imagine him doing this to you? Did you want him to fuck you? Did you imagine him pounding you from behind?”
A whine slipped from your red lips, some of your lipstick having smeared onto Jimmy’s lips and chin.
“N-no-“ you cried, clawing at his back, trying to pull him closer.
“Dammit Jimmy take those gloves off-“ you groaned, longing to feel his bare skin against your own. You loved his hands, and no matter how much he hated them, he did love how he was able to please you with them.
There was a whirlwind of motion and clothes were thrown in all directions as Jimmy led you to the bed dressed in only his striped boxer shorts, and you in your bra and panties.
“I think you owe me an apology.” He said, moving to slip off his boxers, cock slapping his stomach as it was freed from its confines. God he was absolutely gorgeous. 
“Get on your knees and show me how sorry you are.”
If your mind wasn’t so clouded with lust, you’d argue that you had nothing to be sorry for. It wasn’t illegal to flirt with another man, especially when you weren’t even dating this one.
Without further argument, you got on your knees, wasting no time in engulfing his thick cock head in your mouth, lips wrapped tightly around it as you lapped at the slit.
Jimmy couldn’t help the moan that came from his now parted lips as he tangled his hands in your hair as he panted. You knew exactly how to make him a mess.
You let him pop out of your mouth as you traced the prominent vein on the side of his cock, hands resting on his thighs for support.
Jimmy got impatient and yanked you back by your hair, tapping his cock against your pretty pink lips, smearing his slick pre-cum across them like lipgloss. 
“I’m going to fuck your throat, then I’m going to fuck that pretty pussy of yours.” He growled, shoving his cock past the tight ring of your lips and all the way in till his tip hit the back of your throat.
When you were with Jimmy, you had learned to control your gag reflex, well… as much as you could, because as he shoved into you, you choked a bit before breathing deeply through your nose.
“Mmm just like that doll, so good for me, you just love daddy’s cock don’t you?” You didn’t even have time to nod in confirmation before he was pulling back before thrusting back into your awaiting mouth.
Your mouth felt so good around him, only ever being beaten by having your pussy squeeze around him. 
A tear slipped from your eye, your mascara getting smudged on your cheeks as you looked up at him. He loved seeing you cry while choking on his cock.
After a few more harsh thrusts he pulled himself from your lips, conjoined fingers wrapping around his cock to stroke himself, spreading your spit across his length to lube himself up.
“Up on the bed doll, take off those panties for me.” He whispered, eyeing you like a predator. “And that bra too.” He added. He watched the whole time as you undressed, cock rutting between his fingers as he eyed you up and down, a sheen of sweat resting on his forehead, his hair damp.
You quickly got onto the bed, laying down but Jimmy shook his head, clicking his tongue “all fours, baby. And hold onto the headboard.” 
A shiver ran up your spine as you did as he said and not a second later he pounced on you, giving you no warning before thrusting his cock into your tight cunt.
Jimmy wasn’t a fan of condoms, but always always pulled out, cumming on your stomach or breasts. 
He rested his chest against your back, letting you adjust to his size as he panted, hands holding onto your hips. “God, you’re so fucking good baby doll. Squeezin’ my cock so perfectly, you’ve just got the perfect pussy, like it was built just for me.” He slowly began to pull out before sliding back into you, starting a steady pace, breath shaky.
The caravan was filled with sounds of skin on skin and the loud moans coming from both of your mouths at the pleasure.
You felt the pleasure building and building deep in your belly as you got closer and closer to the edge. Jimmy always knew which spots to hit inside of you to get you close.
“F-fuck- Jimmy-“
Jimmy growled, stopping his thrusts as he grabbed the back of your neck, turning your head to look at him.
“D-daddy-“ you choked out, which seemed to please him as he let you go and continued his brutal pace.
“Cum for daddy, doll. Cum for me.” His voice was like music to your ears, and how were you to ever deny him anything?
So, you clutched onto him, body convulsing as you clenched around him, the knot in your core snapping as you tipped over the edge into ecstasy.
Jimmy made sure to keep his pace steady as he helped ease you through your orgasm before he pulled out, shaking hand stroking his length.
“Turn around baby- I want to cum on those pretty titties of yours-“ he begged, though he’d never admit it.
You did as told, collapsing back onto the bed as you faced him.
“Cum for me daddy” and with those words, he let out a guttural groan, cum spurting onto your breasts, some even shooting up onto your chin. He collapsed next to you, wrapping an arm around you.
“I want you to be my girlfriend…” he panted, looking at you intently. And once again, how were you to ever deny Jimmy Darling?
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