#always makes me happy to interact with you and your great brain <3 ily
rottiens · 1 month
My main question for you today is (and you can, of course as always, take your time with the answer)
If you could choose between your fictional crushes, which one of them would you want to dream about you? Or imagine things? Kind of how we do it, but they know they're fictional and you're real, but they can never really have you. Who would you want to ache for you?
Shikari…….. you really made me think a lot and I, I want to be fair and I will give you an answer, just one person. And I think for no one it will be a surprise that, gojo. Because I want to feel him long for me to be real in the same way I do for him, especially with everything that happened in the manga
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saelestia · 6 months
brief mention, i dont interact with a good chunk of people on here, but I felt it was right to include you all nonetheless. have a great new years, as I hope 2024 is filled with a good change in your lives and a year of better things than the year before, I tried to include everyone who has work up, but on the off chance I did miss you, I love you nonetheless, and think your work is awesome !
if you want to be removed js lmk! in no particular order
starting with . . .
@eijirhoe - dani ; me n dani have been mutuals for forever, and i think its incredible that to this day, we remain interacting occasionally, and checking in on each other, happy new years dani ily n i hope u enjoy the following year, as i hope it could include us talking more asw !!
@slay0368 - sarah ; i doubt you and i have interacted, but you seem fun and I would love to start interacting with you more, one of the rare ones that still loves tokyo rev, and I'm glad that tr is still thriving :3 happy new years !
@milkistoshi - milki ; writes the yummmiest smau for bllk, im acc obsessed, and one of my few bllk mooties, however i will still interact the fuck outta the smau, bc its that good, happy new years milki ! &lt;3
@offbrandkyoya - tri ; you write such a good gi smau, im still trying to catchup on reading it because you're very on it, with posting and keeping it going which I admire n think is pretty awesome, happy new years, I hope its filled with lots of happiness, and more interactions between the both of us !
@katsukike - blake ; my baefy fr, my first collab, my first mutual i really interacted with on this account, I have such admiration for you, and I'm honestly glad you and I connected, you're really cool, and your energy is such a fun one, also we have a mutual dislike for toji, its a sign happy new years snookums! &lt;;3
@pupkashi - jess ; you have on of those pfps where you just know who it is whenever you show up in the notifs, cutest headcanons, n I love ur works so much, oh em gee n ur theme is so cute too guguhuhu ! have a wonderful new years jess !!
@httpshujii - ray ; okok so, another tokyo rev mutual, you seem so sweet, n i'd love to start talking to you more !! your works are so tooth rottingly good, they feel so much like rom-coms, n I like that ! happy new years !
@cursingtoji - sandy ; oh my god the theme is so brain scratching, and your nails oh my god are so freaking pretty n the cutest random thoughts about the characters n I live for it, happy happy new yearsssss !
@astruoise - nadeen ; okay so ur theme, i love the colors n it makes me happy cause its so like CRISPY? idk. its so yum, but u and I haven't interacted a whole bunch, but when we did it was definitely an interesting conversation, it felt good to know someone had the same views as me for a situation, so that's fun! your blog is so cute, and you seem rlly sweet, happy new years !
@httpghostface -bunny ; argues w me over whos more cunty between gojo n dazai, you're so funny n your energy is so inviting, you've always been sweet to me, n I rlly do appreciate u ! dazais still cuntier btw, maybe your opinion will change in 2024, speaking of which, happy new years !
@kittytoru - bon ; we barely interact which sucks so badd, but your smau short scenarios r so ngh like they're so good n I love them, your red theme is so iconic, and its actually so pretty, happy new years I hope to interact with you more !
@awniiie - awnie ; you have no works up, but I'm excited for when the day you start posting comes, imma be the first to hype it up, as i don't have much to go based on, can i just say your theme is so inviting uguguhuh on a new note, have a wonderful new year, awnie !
@kakujis - pibby ; everything about your blog scratches my brain the right way, your writing style is so engaging too and I cant wait to see what you bring into the new year, in which I say, happy new year !
@angelsinmystomach - kokoa ; cutest ever, silly billy who does silly billy things, but either way, you're so chill n silly n its so sos sososos nice talking to you, sometimes you catch me off guard with what you say, n its a good surprise every once in a while, best writings and always sends me the drabbles n ideas that pop into your head, its so cutie, lovely theme, and writing, you never fail to amaze me ! happy new year lovelyyy!
@s-cara - fae ; dedicated scara fan and im here for it, we've only recently become mutuals, but I hope that as time goes on we form some kind of connection aside from our mutual liking of scaramouche! happy new years fae !
@diviennelaw - div ; we recently became mutuals, and it was all because of how much I loved your theme colors, you write sukuna so deliciouslyiylyyk guugughghhh !! happy new years div !
@imissyuuji - mika ; lord, theres so much I could say about how much I genuinely like mika, your energy is just so inviting, and you're literally the sweetest n kindest person ever, I hope 2024 takes it easier on you, aswell as a new start for whatever it is that might need to be better for you. happy new years mika, you're so cool, your blog is so cool, n I love all the stuff you write ! &lt;33
@fxshigurosbae - kristen ; i audibly gasped when i saw your theme its so fucking gorgeous words don't describe how glorious it is, aswell as ur fics, so yum like ohmigod, as I don't have much to say, have an amazing new year !
@drak3n - sena ; obsessed w ur blog, its all such amazing content n I was acc surprised when we became mooties and oh em gee like ur blog is so cute, n mysterious but like you write so well ugguhu, so on that note, have a wonderful new years !
@tojipie - adah ; the way you write toji is like the only way i can read him and feel something, its something about the way you write him and I've been holding this innn ughhugug, happy new years !
@sugudollz - ash ; ur so cute n ur blog is so cute n omg everythins is just so cute, but shit u write everything so good n sexy like hello?!! anyways, happy happy happy new years !
. . .
if i continue with writing, my fingers are going to fall off, I hope everyone has an awesome new year to come, and I hope we all interact more during it ! <3
happy new years everyone, yours truly, rain.
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jaes1lvr · 3 months
associate your moots with your fav song, now!!
ive been seeing these & they are absolutely adorable:( but sorry i didnt do the max 😣😓💔 my brain was REALLY flowing for this!!!
@dovedi — DINA POOKIE 😇 youve been with me from the start and we connected so easily! youre so funny and i miss our random convos:( but i adore you sm 🫂 we are literally soul mates!!!! it feels like i known you before & youre always so supportive. YOURE THE FIRST OFFICAL JAE BAE so i gave this song to you:) 💘💌 ILYSM!!!!
@gigittamic — GIGI GIRL 🎀 youre one of the sweetest ppl on here & it seems where ever i look on here, you are nothing but positive ☹️ you always are leaving sweet comments on mine & others mdbds!!! this is why i associate you with this song, because i want that same type of kind energy your way 24/7 💌 much love to you always <333
@fairytopea — THEE VINI is an icon & legend when it comes to dividers + mdbds!!! your work literally represents your bubbly personality & im so honored to have come across you! it makes me sooo happy interacting with you:) idk i feel like this is a song that could represent you (PLEASE trust my vision 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽) but literally thank you sm for always being so encouraging & kind! ILY 😭💘
@jenfaery — MARIIII our interactions are so special to me! idk i feel like i known you another life or something 😭😭😭 but i absolutely admire you & your mdbds sm 💐💗 its literally a BLESSING to see your username under any of my posts & youre the definition of a sweetheart, so i picked this song for you 🫶🏽☹️ ILYSM GIRL >_< /♡♡♡
@p-oisn — CHI BABY youre so precious & incredibly talented. whenever we interact, i really take it to heart because youre just a legend when it comes to mdbds 😓 your mdbds are so 😻😻 AND IDK HOW YOU ALWAYS DO IT??!!! youre also super encouraging & i really appreciate your welcoming aura all the time💘💗 im hoping you see where i am coming from with this song ‼️ ILY CHI :3
@yeritos — JUNE THE MOTHER OF MDBDS!!! youre one of the 1st accounts that inspired me to start making mdbds & for that youre super important to me 🩷💯💯 from your blog to your mdbds EVERYTHING IS JUST SO PERFECT 😝 and i apsire to be as great as you are. you are also incredibly kind 🫶🏽🫶🏽😊 thanks for being a trendsetter lowkey 🫡 i hope my song choice makes sense??? but june, you deserve everything <3
@seunghnie — DAE your blog is the cutest thing ever! your mdbds are ALWAYS too cute & you genuinely seem so down to earth 😣💔💔 i love seeing you on my feed and i appreciate whenever you comment on my posts 🩷🩷 i hope to see more of you soon!!! i feel like this song could represent you because you seem like a warm person, that can positively change someones mood 😇 much love to you, friend <333
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georgieluz · 7 months
hello! when you get this, list some mutuals you love to see around and then ask someone else! spread the love!!
hello! sorry about the incredibly late reply, work has been hectic, but i can indeed throw some love and affection at my lovely mutuals!
first up: my best friend, favourite person, and overall saint of a human for putting up with all my ramblings, @footprintsinthesxnd! jess, i love you to bits and i'm so lucky to have you in my life! you're a ray of sunshine and a constant safe space in my life. you're so talented, and genuinely kind, and you deserve all the happiness in the world! thank you for being my friend <3 ily a lot!!!!
next we have @ep6bastogne! bel, you make me laugh on the daily.. like literally all the time.. and it's just so easy to talk with you, whether it's about something silly or serious, i just feel like you completely get me. i love our conversations and how similar we are! you and your big brain posts make my dashboard and it genuinely feels a lil bit empty when you're not around. you've got me lowkey crushing on hockey men i don't even know for no good reason but i love it!
@lamialamia bc we always have great conversations and i love how we can discuss everything about hbo war from in-depth meta all the way to the silliest stuff ever. whenever i'm watching something or posting about something it's always so fun to talk about it with you! i hope we have many more interesting conversations!
@theflyingfin you were one of the first people i started talking to when i first came back to tumblr and it really made me feel a lot more comfortable being back here and in the fandom! i love all our chats about andyeddie and f1 stuff and you're just an awesome person who makes my tumblr experience a lot better :)
@merriell-allesandro-shelton for always checking in on me (and everyone else in the fandom). you're such a fun and engaging presence here, and i feel like you bring a lot of people out of their shells, which in turn, makes them feel a lot more comfortable being more interactive in the fandom. you're such a caring friend and i love all the conversations we have and how open and honest we can be with each other! very glad we met and became friends!
@jump-wings and @yeahcurrahhe-e you guys were actually two of my first mutuals on this new account and i love seeing you both on my dash or in my interactions! it's kinda comforting if that makes sense? since you were here when i started this acc
@thewayisset you have such beautiful art!! and it makes me smile every single time i see it on my dashboard!!
some more people i love to see on my dash and whose posts i pretty much adore reading regardless of the topic: @hellofanidea @lewis-winters @jenkil @almost-a-class-act you guys itch a certain spot in my brain with your meta and headcanons that i really dig!
@cody-helix02 @mads-weasley @heystovepipeboys too, i love seeing your posts and i always feel happy seeing you guys pop up in my activity notifications!!
honestly, all of my mutuals are really special to me. if you're a mutual of mine, or even if we just talk on posts outside of following each other, please consider yourself loved and appreciated!
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marshber · 9 months
Ok uh where to begin, uh first off I love you so much wth‼️‼️‼️ . However we are gonna need to get a new house soon, probably explosive proof too.
Umm still so insane to me how quickly we grew close, like to the point we're even qqps⁉️⁉️ INSANE… but arghhh IT MAKES ME RLLY RLLY HAPPY
Like I still remember like the first time you reblogged one of my electro posts AND THEN TAGS YOU PUT MADE ME GIGGLE SO MUCH but also like it gave me such a motivation boost seeing how you enjoyed it. AND ARGHH THEN SEEING UR ART MAN….M AGRHHHH DUDE YOUR ART IS SO YUMMY, AND THEN BECOMING MUTUALS ….. dude I'm so bad at interacting with mutuals but the fact we pretty quickly started talking and exchanged discord users and started talking more
AND LIKE all the silly shenanigans and interactions we get to on tumblr HEHEHE, I look forward to those a lot and they make me really really really happy
AND AGRHH still so insane how linked our brains are, literally the other half of me, it's so crazy to me to connect with someone so easily like that and like argh MANNNNNN
so uh yeah HAPPY BIRTHDAY ‼️ (oh sorry for nearly killing you with the electro shocker angst (no I'm not ) (love you still <3)
Tumblr media
oh ok ...!!!!!! erm. errrr WHATOKAYYYYYY
HEHE THANK YOU SO MUCH ‼️‼️‼️it was a good day :3 and now even better ehehehehe (READING THIS MADE MY DAY WTH!)
HEHEHE I LOVE YOU TOO!!!! SO MUCH I REALLY DO!!! and. well yeah. but do we have the money to get one. we might as well get banned from the country ,😓😓
YEAH.... i was really surprised it happened so fast too but I'M SO RLLY HAPPY AND SOOO HAPPY TO BE QPPS W/YOU ^0^ ♥️♥️
yeah i was going through the tag and i saw that and i went INSANEEEE I WAS PACING AROUND MY ROOM A LOT 😭😭😭 still makes me giggle. AND HEHE HAPPY TO HEAR THAT!
AND THANK YOUUUUU!!!! it means so so much to hear that 😭😭 AND SAME. SAME. i suck SO much at directly interacting with people oops. and still we started talking rlly fast and argghhhh crazy stuff
:333 me too!!!!! the shenanigans are so silly.... they always make my day and i look forward to them!!!!! they make me happy too ILY!!!!
AGHAHAHA YEAH. YEAH I FEEL YOUUUU WE'RE PRETTY MUCH EACH OTHER'S OTHER HALVES ‼️‼️‼️linked brains i tell ya. i never ever connected with someone this smoothly it's insane !!!! wthh!?!
thank you again!!!! (sigh. it's okay. (OK NVM!!!!! (yeah yeah... love you too :3)
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xanzusx · 3 years
Ahhh I'm feeling emotional. 2021 was a difficult year for most of us so having the opportunity to interact with wonderful people in the Moomin fandom truly made most of my days better. Thank you for all the laughs, all the support, the sweet comments and crazy ideas.
I always joke about how joining the fandom was a mistake because 1. I spend a lot of time in here and 2. It possessed like 90% of my brain. But genuinely? Joining it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me, and this is where I want to go with this post: The canon media isn't the reason why I'm so invested in this fandom (I haven't even read all the books!), it is the people I met here who have made my experience here the best thing that could have happened to me in 2021, and the reason why I would love to stay here for even longer.
I don't usually tag people in tagging games, so I want to use this special occasion to do a BIG post mentioning almost all the people I'm talking about.
This is LOONG so I'll use a Read more link. Please do tell me if you feel uncomfortable being mentioned so I can edit this
@krillbeans KRILL! One of the funniest persons I have ever met, multitalented and incredibly creative, it's like a party every time you are around. If I talk to you I take my tea with no sugar, the sweetness of your words and voice is more than enough
@floretfall Floret <3 <3 The sweetest person with a chaotic side that only a few fortunate get to know, the perfect combination! You have to know, your nice tags have made the day to a lot of us, you are truly wonderful!!
@regina-dei-fiori Reggieee, same braincell comadre. Embodiment of Wholesome and an incredible friend, I -need- to eat tacos with you at least once in my life. And your poetry! Las veces que lo he leído me llegan al alma, cañon (also, did you know you were one of my first followers? <3) 
@iemondropsss Eden! You must be the friendliest person I have ever met, I seriously admire you So Much. The fandom wouldn't be the same without you, your creations and your vibes bring happiness to anyone who gets to cross paths with you. 
@hanekdrawsmoomins Hanek dearest, I LOVE your sense of humor, you truly make me laugh like no other person, and I LOVE^2 your art. I'm so lucky to have such an outstanding artist and amazingly sweet person like you as a friend *sobs* ily
@laughinsohard1 Happy birthday Uncle!! I'm forever grateful to you for including me in the Church, I wouldn't be here without you. Great memes and amazing song recommendations are your specialty
@drmaroon Dez! You are so chill that, istg, I still can't believe that you were part of the most chaotic times in the church hahaha you are awesome! Also an incredible artist, your OC is so cuteee and you have a sharp eye for earthy color palettes
@phoena12 BaBean, my face when near you - >🥺 no joke, I couldn't stop smiling for a whole day after reading your fluff fics (coughcough andyoursmutworks cough) I'm a simp for you, you incredibly talented sweetheart /plat you deserve all my hugs
@laecandraw Shibumi!! Supportive like no other and incredibly talented artist. My longest fanfic exists thanks to you *hugs* I would have left Tumblr long ago if you hadn't been here, really, just seeing your username in my notifs is like a serotonin shot. TQMuchisimo!
@finsterniswastingtime Having you as a friend is scientifically proved to be good for your health. Positivity in bold and very wise human being, great conversations are always assured with you. Your analysis of the characters 10/10, your soothing voice 100/10, your vibes 100000/10
@hunsakura I just looove your energy Hunsa, your excitement is contagious in a positive way. You are also SO creative, I could go forever about how awesome your OCs are and how much I smile when I read your tags
@stormy-nights-are-best I feel like we have been friends even if we have never talked in dm hahaha, you are just that amazing! Your art is like a tender hug to my heart and I smile enormously when I read your fanfics because I can FEEL the emotional connection between the characters
@annzybwrites I joined Tumblr so I could follow you so that says a lot! I have thought of you as an AMAZING writer since ever, but when I heard your voice I, no lie, I felt the excruciating need to run to your country, hold you by the shoulders and scream. Goshhh, your talent truly has no limits
@mumrikpaws Mums! Amazing music taste and even more amazing art, I know we haven't talked a lot but I still wanted to include you because you are a HUGE inspiration as an artist. Knowing someone with similar opinions on fandom stuff is so liberating
@smokeys-house Smokey, QUEEN, you feed my Tumblr blog with the best quality posts. I'll keep repeating it, if there was a zombie apocalypse you would be the first I would ask to join my team, please teach me how to be as cool as you 🥺
@a-beautybeast Alex <3 I always have LOTS of fun when we talk in the LCL (lmfaoo, I'm using this name because it's harder to guess) it's odd how we haven't known each other for long yet I would kill to give you a hug/pos you are just so cute aaah
Mutuals who I haven't interacted a lot with, but always give me serotonin with their notifs and amazing art ❤️❤️❤️ whenever I log in and see your posts I feel so happy that I felt the need to include you so I could thank you for being awesome, you are so talented! @hamuletta @nintooner @chlo-le-mouton @gummydamie @littlemystolemypie
+a few friends who preferred not to be mentioned/ have a private account but who I appreciate a lot ❤️.
I began writing this a few months ago so unfortunately I had to delete a few mentions because they already left the fandom or have inactive accounts :') Oh well, let's see what this new year brings us!
(gosh I really hope I haven't forgotten anyone. If I did I'm sorry ;;)
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just sending some appreciation and good vibes to my people for the new year <3
kisses from me bc you all hold a very special place in my heart 💝
Also veryyy long post ahead I’m sorry I had to include everyone Aakklaksks 😭😭
@ominous-meme 🖤 sabah! You were my very first mutual on here I hope you know that! I can’t even begin on how excited I got when I found out you were a fellow desi girl and I will always appreciate you being there and advising me! <3 I love our street racing au! talks ! I’m glad I have someone to share ideas with <33
@weebsausage 🖤 dude omg!!! 😭😭😭 pls I literally forgot how we became moots I’m so sorry I have a tiny brain 😪 but I think we literally just messaged each other and started talking about free! ANYWAYS TYSM FOR PUTTING ME ON HXH I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU FOR THAT WTF ITS LIKE MY FAV ANIME EVER I HAVE BECOME HXH TRASH AJSJSJBS ❤️❤️ but other than that thank you for being a really great friend to me and I hope this year is nothing but good things for you <33
@dokifluffs 🖤 you were also one of my first moots on here! I honestly could not believe when you followed me back bc ur like my biggest inspo! 😭 you’re so precious omg I always look forward talking to you and get excited when I see a notif from you still! I hope the new year treats you well and brings good things in your life! Lots of love from me bae 🥰❤️
@syrenblubs 🖤 ah my most relatable person LOL. Omg syren ur my little bestie on here and I’m so glad we’re mutuals! I love our natsuya talks and OML THE C****** RAID! ALSJJSJSJSJJS AND DESI PARENTS AKSJJSNS. Just thank you for always interacting with me even tho I SUCK at responding 😭❤️❤️❤️ ilyyysmmmmmm
@linak 🖤 baby omg where do I even begin. Back when I had literally no one to talk to on here, you would be the one NEVER failing to send me a gm/gn message! You always bring a stupid smile to my face 😭 I’m so freaking glad that we are friends I literally cannot put into words!! Ty for always listening to me and letting me open up to you ❤️ love you always.
@croctears 🖤 vixxx ahhh!!! I’m so glad we became mutuals on this shitty app! You’re one of the highlights of my day and I love talking to you sm 😫 especially if it’s about Sou 😏😏 keep being amazing bae! Kisses mwuah mwuah 😽😽
@xakusa 🖤 Marty bby! 🥰 literally the only person I’m going to share my man natsu with 🙄 our conversations are always so RANDOM and out of nowhereeeee lollll but we also just go along with it and I love that! You are an angel and this year better be giving you what you deserve! Lots of love from my end 😽😽😽 kissies from me and natsuya <3
@cafelixie 🖤 I will keep saying this and I will never stop. YOU!!! ARE!!! THE!!! ACTUAL!!! DEFINITION!!! OF!!! PRECIOUS!!!! Need I say more? You’ve made my day countless times and I always look forward to seeing you in my messages/inbox!! Baby I freaking love you I really don’t know what else to say 😭❤️
@skippyskeppy 🖤 I will never forget the first time we interacted my Kisumi enthusiast 😙🤝 I love it sm whenever I see you pop into my inbox with a random hc about semi semi or Kisumi, Albert now too! You are an amazing person. A really amazing person. I hope you know that ❤️
@keeijiakaashi 🖤 I remember seeing your little comments under my posts before we became moots and OMGGGG YOU ARE SO CUTE AISJJSJSJS ALSO RIN ENTHUSIAST??? YES PLEASE!!! Tysm for always interacting with me and making yourself known as the ultimate sweetest person on my blog! Ilyyyyy ❤️❤️❤️
@animatedarchives 🖤 we have your fellow love of the kirishimas to thank for us becoming moots! You’re so cute soph omg 😫 I love how we literally have brainrots of the same characters LIKE MR GOJO LEECH SATORU!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD OR PAY RENT!!! Ahh you’re irreplaceable soph! Never fail to make me smile like an idiot <33
@natsuya-enthusiast 🖤 how did we not become moots sooner wtf??? Do yk how alone I felt when I had no one to discuss my obsession of natsu with when I first made this blog 😪 AND THEN I REALIZED U WERE ONE OF MY FIRST FOLLOWERS???? ANYWAYS U ARE THE BIG SIS I NEVER HAD ALWAYS PULLING THROUGH W THAT LIFE ADVICE BAHAHAHA ilysm gaby wtf 😭😡😡😡❤️❤️❤️
@moonlitspring 🖤 do you even realize how happy I got when I realized there was another ACTIVE free! blog 😡😡 ajsjjsjs you are such an amazing writer and PERSON sky!!! You’ve been nothing but the sweetest and I hope we get to interact more this year and share our love of free! together <3
@ayumiko 🖤 laís you are such an angel! I absolutely adore both you and your edits/gifs smmm 🥰 you are so kind and I hope 2021 is also <333
@dalggina 🖤 omg??? YGO bae??? 😤😤 I thought literally everyone had forgotten ab it LOL THEN YOU CAME ALONG ❤️❤️ I’m really glad we interacted precious person! And I hope that you have a great year! ALSO YOU BETTER NOT STRESS YOURSELF OUT TOO MUCH FROM WORK OR IM MANIFESTING MR ATEM TO COME GET YOU 😡
@stormikujo 🖤 omg bby! We haven’t talked in awhile! I hope you are doing well! ❤️❤️❤️ ahhh I’m glad I got you into free otherwise we wouldn’t even have interacted 😫 I love talking to you stormi!! And I hope this year brings great things fro you! Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️
@aj-writes-here 🖤 omg hey girl 😼😼 you’re definitely one of the coolest people I’ve talked to on here for sure! Hope you’ve been enjoying hq and free! Your welcome for putting you on that simp train 😼 anyways, ilysm aj!! I really wish the best for you this year! Stay amazing as you always are, ily!! ❤️❤️
@attackonfics 🖤 wtf 😭😭 I don’t deserve you???? You’ve been nothing but the sweetest to me and also responsible for my unhealthy obsession with mr 5’2 angry gremlin >:(( jkjk but seriously, ty for the food 😌. ANYWAYS QUEEN I HOPE YOUVE BEEN TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF AND TREATING YOURSELF AS!!! YOU!!! SHOULD!!! VIRTUAL HUGS 😽😽 💝
@browsing-my-favourite-fandoms 🖤 Shizen! You are too good for this world! 😭 you are such a genuine person, you deserve nothing but happiness ❤️ I really hope that this year does that for you. I’ll keep checking in from time to time! Ilysm! ❤️
@inum4ki 🖤 sera...please...just invest in a personal guide or smth. Asksksknsjs n e wayzzz seeing you in my inbox is always so much fun! Sousuke really deserves more love and you are bringing it to the table hun 😤😤 also you’re a fellow inumaki enthusiast too??? Yes please. You deserve all the happy things in 2021 <3
@sneezefiction 🖤 Gracie!! I love how easy it is to get along with you! You are truly one of the best people I’ve met on this app and I’ll forever be grateful for our friendship <3 you give off such great vibes all the time omg giving you a huge virtual hug and here’s to more interactions this year! 🥰😽😽😽
@velvetfireworks 🖤 bbyyy!! 🥰 everytime we interact even if it’s not a whole lot, you’re always the sweetest what 😭 I love you and you’re writing so much omggg you are so talented!! I get super excited when I see myself get tagged in one of your stuff 😆 I hope we get to interact more in the future! Have a great New Years ❤️❤️❤️
@a8mine 🖤 stop being so mean to me 😡😡 !!!!!! ig ily anyways tho 🙄 you’re energy is honestly unmatched (in a good way!!) and it’s rare to meet people like that! You’re so funny omg and your random hcs and cursed discourses always have me dying 😭😭 you’re so cool hanna ily 😪✌️ <333
@giorvanna 🖤 ahh rena! Your blog and edits are *chefs kiss* I love our random semi brainrot sessions 🥰🥰 I hope we interact more in the future but in the meantime I’m sending you good vibes and lots of virtual hugs bc you deserve them queen ❤️❤️❤️
@seijohlogy 🖤 hey hey jaestar 🤩🤩 you are such a cool person??? Omg I’m so glad that we’re friends and randomly invade each other’s inboxes 😆 you are so kind! This year better be kind to you too or else 😡😡 I hope that after Ms rona decides to move her ass over, you get to go to Disneyland and take!! Me!!! With!! You!! Love you jae bae ❤️❤️
@prettysetterbaby 🖤 hey sexc 🤩🤩 no idea why you followed me but glad you did bc you are such a sweet and chaotic person!! I loveeeeee <333 I hope we get to interact more bc you are just genuinely such a fun person to interact with! Ilyyy
@datecho 🖤 yet another just genuinely sweet person! The world doesn’t deserve you! You’re so fun to interact with and a hottie??? omg shoto and kags better get off their asses rn and come get you or I will 🤩🤩 ly bae! have a great New Years! ❤️❤️
@miyasangel 🖤 we haven’t interacted much yet but ahaha talking about suna and sending my fanart to you is sm fun! Did I tell you that I also have a wip of Atsumu as a street racer? 😏 have a great year Arden bae! Kisses 😽
@aikk00 🖤 hi hi! We don’t interact on a daily or anything but when we do, omg!!! You are the most easy person to get along with 😭 you have such a good heart along with the talent???omg??? You are UNMATCHED babe! I hope this year brings you many more opportunities! Stay amazing love ❤️ ily and your art very much ❤️ I’m also still very embarrassed from fucking up the credits from last time. I’m so sorry bae 😭❤️❤️
@kurooskult 🖤 ma’am you might as well be the definition of bad bitch 😪🤝 ok but besides that, interacting with you is sm fun??? Like we don’t even have to be moots on your blog to feel just as included and loved! You are such a queen for that! Here’s to more mila x kuroo content in 2021 and he better be doing special for you as he should !!
It’s still the 31st here but THANK YOU ALL FOR MAKING MY COUPLE OF MONTHS ON HERE BEARABLE!!! This sounds like a goodbye post Oml-
I love you all very much. I suck at words, but I hope you know that. ❤️
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mevekagvain · 3 years
Chapter 189 - I still have no clue why the lords' sanctuary is used as a grave like okay yeah I do it's mostly symbolic and to grieve but I still think it doesn't make sense. All the other uses? Yeah cool. Grave? Nah, not when purebloods dissipate into red mist when they die. Extremely funny imagining mvp lord picking out a fancy coffin full well knowing he won't leave a corpse though like okay king <3 and I haven't even started on those damn stairs.
- Everytime Rael's being cringe I flash through renditions of memes that cover the general energy of habitual suffering that is simultaneously willing yet forced.
- Tbh as someone who doesn't particularly believe in the whole concept of honourable fighting unless it's sports or agreed upon beforehand by all parties and because they're going against what they perceive as traitors or invaders... Rajak shouldn't be scolding Rael for trying to get rid of the trio.
Chapter 190 - Here they know the traiters were behind the Loyard massacre but later Seira doesn't even think that Zarga may have played a part until he said it himself so what's the truth.
- Really, Rousare having died should make it obvious that Gejutel wasn't involved and prevent all this. At least Ludis has some sense.
- Ah, time for grandpa's trashtalk.
Chapter 191 - It always drives me insane that Raskreia knows jack shit about Frankenstein and Raizel like she really did not give a fuck about them did she lmao? Oh father has sent clan leaders out on an arrest warrant? Oh father asks me to regularly visit this random stranger who he adores often and wishes for him to be lord? Why would I ever wish to learn more about them? Like queen ily but keep track of important events in Lukedonia even before you're lord please.
- I know Gejutel's just bullshitting but like. The traitors having foresight? Sjjsjsis where? Lagus and Roctis yeah sure I get it. But the rest? Ignes literally experimented on ppl in Lukedonia. Urokai, as much as I love him, is definitely the stupid dumbass of the group. Zarga if he had any foresight would have either just stayed on Lukedonia and chilled as a loner or had a heir who he passed Lontrick on to and left Lukedonia to once again chill as a loner since unlike the others he only disagreed with the new ideals rather than wanting to actively murder someone. As for Gradeus... we know he can use his brain but he really turned it off entirely when deciding to install bloodstones huh? Like if all you want to do is fight than becoming that strong even when you're already the strongest around is not gonna be enjoyable. Well then he went cuckoo so whtever. Ofc I do wonder whether his goal went from enjoying fighting to mere murder before or after he was exposed to bloodstones and the same for him massacring his clan since the options have implications.
- And here we are at the "clan leaders should go into eternal sleep with the lord" bullshit. Like sorry but just cos the good guys are the ones spouting it doesn't mean I'll ever agree with it. Like tf. It makes me think immediately of rulers who had their servants buried alive with them, emperors whose harems were killed upon their deaths, wives set fire upon their husbands funerals, etc. It is interesting ofc that even nobles who are very obviously written as the best race in noblesse have such regressive and cruel practices. Much more fascinating to have humans take inspiration from them for both good and bad after all.
- Grandpa really tried to be mean so Raskreia wouldn't feel bad executing him huh. Not that it worked ofc.
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Chapter 192 - It's so funny that Raizel changes his clothes to Lukedonia's black and gold upon entering because like, did he feel like the odd one out or something?
- Darling clan leaders, I'll excuse your ignorance and underestimation of the enemy, but esteemed lord please, you should know better.
- Hilarious that Gejutel saw that the current gen had extremely spotty knowledge due to their predecessors being like that ig but instead of fixing that he essentially went "It's none of my business idc idc" and ignored it until it came back to bite him in the ass. Like at least tell the lord about all this pls. She should know what a noblesse is 😭
Chapter 193 - Rip Karias not finding everyone in the throne room. It's like when a class gets changed last minute and you have no clue which new place it's in.
- Raizel just take the earring off normally I swear. Imagine having only one memento from a friend you actually meant to keep but you just tear it apart. I would cry.
- Gejutel being apologetic about making Raizel use his lifeforce... grandpa,,,
Chapter 194 - The fact that Ludis' eyes glow as he sets up the protection for the sanctuary,,, love him.
- Insert 300 page analysis on Raskreia's relationship with being lord and just her in general here. I'm too lazy to type it out so insecurities, lack of communication, lack of clarity, formality and duty leading to distant relationships, etc etc etc.
Chapter 195 - This is so rude 😤
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- God Karias' entrance and interactions with everyone,,, the way he fusses over Raskreia openly, the way Rozaria beckons him over, them,,,
Chaoter 196 - "The clan leaders share my thoughts" obviously not with the traitors. Well Roctis may have agreed but Ignes prevented him from all that. Still, even from the other 4 non traitors of Ru, Elenor, Loyard and Mergas, it's very much possible they disagreed but simply kept quiet about their thoughts because how dare they go against the lord? I mean, the track record isn't exactly great and that's just how it is in these sort of systems.
- Well I definitely think the method he decided on was stupid but I do think mvp lord's sentiment was very sweet. And ofc just how he wants the best for Raizel... it makes me sad everytime like he just wants him to be happy and be able to enjoy life and yet. Just how his message always has him with that soft smile for Raizel as he tells him to live a long joyous life... that he wants him to be safe... that he's happy he's been outlived... gonna go cry brb..
Chapter 197 - Yeah just gonna ignore and replace the misogynistic bs they make mvp lord spout with like "Be wary of men; instead of wasting time beating them up see if you have any interest in women instead. Especially if they're not nobles. Only wear what you're comfortable with and don't let anyone pressure you. Remember to train often with swords or your skills will become rusty. Etc etc etc."
Chapter 198 - At least he has earring number 2 ig
- "This house is a little old and needs some renovation" It's great that you're being tactful but Tao we both know that this estate that hasn't had any upkeep for at least 5 centuries needs a hell lot more than a little fixing.
- M-21 just has his priorities straight okay,,, you all do need to change.
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- Why did Tao pack aprons and gloves for the trip?
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frogtanii · 3 years
Wind anon here :D!!
I have reactions wwww
And I just knew that it would be Kuroo next! His bromance with Bokuto is too strong—but okay, firstly, you did super well and writing is hard. It’s okay to take breaks and don’t overwork yourself trying to meet the deadlines you set. It’s more important to be happy and rested! Do take care of yourself fr0ggy!~
Anyway, I’m just gonna go and react through! Ah, Kuroo’s first meeting with Meiko... I really can’t empathize with her. She’s so...loved. If she stayed good friends with YN everyone would love her. And it’s not like it’d be hard to be friends with YN anyway. Honestly, she is so...self focused that she really didn’t see the depths of appreciation all of the members had for her at the beginning. For me who loves my friends lots and lots and lots... I really can’t understand why’d she go and just...get such a bad personality? She treats all of them poorly.
I mean, look back to Kuroo and his brownies :0!! I bet she rejected them because of her desire to keep herself slim...but brownies are so good. What a waste! And Kuroo spent time making them like—okay, my like of brownies aside, it’s truly a shame how she is rejecting all of their sincere gifts in such ways that crush them. For example, with Bokuto, it would be one thing to say “I don’t want to spend time with you right now; I’m busy.” But she was just...terrible.
Chances are I’m giving her too much credit as well as the benefit of doubt. In any case...back to the reactions. The van ride. First off, I really like the pairing that went down. Kenma is not the type to socialize, so passenger with Sakusa as driver would make him most comfy. YN and Atsumu are the most comfortable with each other. And of course, Kuroo and Bokuto because they are great friends. Our gal with her wonderfully erratic but great playlist. She’s lively and I just adore her. (If wind anon were to write a love poem to YN, it would be so sappy. Though, I might...if people would want it haha!)
And I knew Kuroo would be suspicious of YN when he’d see Bokuto like that! Meiko is the type to really leave an impression hm? But Kuroo is also logical. He views people as equals, which is part of the reason why Bokuto gravitating towards YN is something he was observing but not necessarily getting in the way of. He trusts Bokuto and his opinion. He knows that there must be a reason why Bokuto is going with YN rather than trying to be with Meiko. At the same time, he is protective of Bokuto and he has the power to step in if he needs to. Kuroo is reliable that way. I think you did amazing characterizing him. Pat yourself on the back—you’ve earned it!
Okay, that’s going to be all for my reactions this time. I noticed that you mentioned 4k followers...? And I saw the 4 and instantly thought of Tetris. Shows what type of things has been on wind anon’s brain haha~ But just a chill game of YN playing Tetris with everyone. Hmm, what other games have things in 4? I’m thinking board games but I’m not quite sure... hm, what’s the name of the thing...twister? I feel like that might have been 4 colors but I’ve never played it myself so... and you totally deserve the 4K. I mean, you’re consistent with updates, the quality is always great, you have tasteful incorporations of pictures, and you have efforts connecting to fans.
Is there any way we wouldn’t appreciate you? Please give yourself more credit and some more slack.
Okay, wind anon will end here~ as always, I wish you restful sleep. Do try to eat well and make sure to take breaks and stuff! Take care :D!!
wind nonnie ,,, my heart ,,, is so <3<3<3 UR SO SWEET ILY OMFG
as for ur reactions, i feel like u give me too much credit LMAO!!!!! ur analyzing of kuroo n his behavior was so full of things that i didn’t even think abt but it was so in depth that i was like ‘maybe i did intend to do that’ hehe
i would love it if u wrote a love poem for yn!!!! that’s such a cute idea omg!! i’d love to read it <3 (i am Horrible at writing poetry so i’d love to see yours!!)
i hope the rest of ur day / night goes incredibly, ty for interacting w me and being so so kind <3
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svtreasure · 4 years
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happy new year everyone!!
i’m sorry that i didn’t get this post up in time before the new year started, but i still really wanted to thank everyone for making me experience on tumblr so exciting!!
to my mutuals: 
thank you thank you thank you!!! for all of the kind comments, all of the reblogs, and all of the likes!!! meeting so many new people on this website really brought me so much joy this year!! to everyone that i’ve ever talked to or interacted with, you truly are such talented and creative people, and i feel so thankful to be involved with such a positive and uplifting community! i hope that in the new year i’ll be able to talk to all of you, and that we can become friends!!! :)
to svtsource and my fellow members:
it has been such a joy to interact with all of you!! i feel so lucky to be apart of such a talented group of individuals!! i hope that we can all get to know each other soon, you all seem like really sweet and interesting people!  i can’t wait to see what kind of content we come up with in the future!!
to my followers: 
thank you to everyone!!!! even if you don’t follow me and have just reblogged or liked my work, every single note means so much to me! i’m sorry that i can’t respond to all of them, but i do promise that i read ALL of the tags that people rb with, and it really makes me so happy to know that there are people that feel the same way i do!! i hope that we can all get to know each other better and thank you so much for supporting my content!!
here are a few people that i really wanted to mention!
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laurie!!!!! thank you thank you so much for always being there for me!! whenever i wanted to talk or just listen to some tunes, thank you for being someone that i can really connect and vibe with!! i’m so grateful for the time i get to spend with you and i can’t wait to see what the new year has in store for us! i’m thankful to have someone who shares so many interests with me! you are so talented and such a great friend, i love you so much! i hope that the new year treats you very kindly because you really deserve it :’)
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cassie!!!!!! i love you!!!! thank you also for always being there for me!! you always know what to say to make me feel better, and i feel so reassured knowing that you’ll always be there for me!! thank you for being such a sweet person who always thinks of others, i hope you know that everyone around you really appreciates it!!! i’m so happy and lucky to call you my friend, and i really hope we can see each other soon imy!! i hope you have an absolutely wonderful 2021 and i hope that we’ll be able to spend it together!!
also, thank you thank you thank you so much!! for encouraging me to get back onto tumblr and teaching me how to gif!! it’s one of my favourite things to do now and because of you and laurie i’ve been able to meet so many kind people and i get to experience so much amazing svt content!!! thank you for always being my #1 supporters :) i love you both so much, i will always be here for you!!
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lee i’m so glad that we met!!! you are so creative and talented and i really feel that i learn so much fro, your work!! i’m so glad that we can talk about svt with each other and that we’ve worked on so many projects tgt!! it makes me so happy to know that we can go to each other for advice on the content we create!! also talking to you is just so much fun and i find it crazy how we’re so similar!! i hope you have an absolutely spectacular 2021 and i can’t wait to see what we come up with tgt in the future!! ily!
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siri you were my first mutual!! talking to you makes me so happy because you are such a bright and lovely person!!! it’s so much fun talking to you and crying about josh tgt :’) i know you haven’t been online much recently but i hope you know that i’m thinking of you and that i really wish you the best!!! i will always be here if you ever want to talk, and i hope that 2021 is very kind to you!! <3
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@fallinfllower​ / @mikwrites​
mik i can’t believe we first bonded over cake!!! thank you so much for checking in and sending me such kind messages!! it always makes me happy to see notifications from you and our conversations bring me so much joy! also you are such a talented content creator and all of your work makes me feel all mushy inside :’) i hope you have an amazing 2021 and i can’t wait to talk more!
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nini!! thank you for always checking in!! seeing your messages makes me so happy!! you have just the sweetest and such a positive vibe, thank you for being such a thoughtful person! i hope you have a wonderful new year and i can’t wait to get to know you better!
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tiffany!! omg we’ve actually known each other for forever but tysm for introducing me to so many things!! (svt, haikyuu... you really just gave me my entire personality omg) i’m so glad that we still keep in touch and i really appreciate everything you send me!! (esp the cute haikyuu quizzes + art hehe) i love love love your pink aes. and i’m so glad we can talk about so many things we have in common! also i love love your writing you are so talented and all of your work is a pleasure to read! i hope you have an awesome (and pink!) new year!
gabi!! you were also one of my first mutuals and that makes me so happy!! you are such a kind person and you have a really calm vibe, talking to you always brings me joy! we’re both pretty new to caratblr (although your work is soo popular and i’m so happy for you because you totally deserve it!!) and so i’m glad we can be there for each other! i hope your new year is absolutely lovely!
luna!!! omg you are so talented i love love love your artwork!! your style is super cute and it really inspires me to draw more!! also all of your animation projects seem really cool and you seem like such a soft person!! i hope you have a splendid new year and i can’t wait to get to know you better!
more mutuals and blogs i highly recommend! we might’ve never talked before or talked a little, but i hope we can get to know each other better this year!! i really appreciate all of your work, and i can’t wait to see more in the future! (these people are sooo so talented!!!! i am blown away!!)
@jonghan / @defgyus / @soonhoonsol / @junhaoshua / @iiasha / @sunnie-dk / @kyeomshine / @ajusnice / @junsol / @smallkore / @baekonbaek (@momohiirai) / @haniehae / @delicatecy / @xuseokgyu / @7ww / @gotseventeens / @ryudaeng / @baekonbaek / @jaemtens / @joshuahong​ / @squishy-woozi​ / @oanamii​ / @xuboowoo​
writing blogs:
@haosvteen / @cupidhaos / @strawberryhime / @excelsi-or / @rq-s / @viastro / @memesolvernonchwe / @sunlightwoo / @gamerwoo / @cheolliewrites / @grassywoozi / @chocosvt
there are so many people that i’d like to thank!! if we’re mutuals and i forgot to tag you i’m so sorry please send me a msg and i’d be happy to add you to the list!!! it’s really late right now and my brain has stopped functioning so i’m sorry if there are typos/none of this makes sense but i really hope that all of you know that i love you!!! and i will always be here for you if you ever need me or just want to chat!!! i hope 2021 brings both us and seventeen tons of joy and happiness!!! happy new year everyone!!
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mawritesbnha · 5 years
//slides in Hewwo! I'm just here cuz,,, I need more Denki content and I'm in love with how you write. Can I please have a widdle drabble with a reader(me) who is super flirty and makes their crush super obvious- Th-Thank you,,, ily
Aaaaaaaah I’m so happy I get to write for you again dearie! Ily toooo
Thank you for your request and kind words! I hope you won’t mind but I’ve mixed your request with another one :
“Omg I just found your blog and I’m in love with your writing already!! It’s super good I mean it!! Can I ask for ‘are we on a date right now’ with Kaminari?“
Thank you as well, precious little anon dearie, you’re too sweet!
I really hope you’ll both enjoy this, I’m a little worried this isn’t what you were expecting but I had so much fun writing this I actually went a little overboard whoops
Let’s spread the Pikachu love!
Smoochies from Ma!
Honestly, this was getting ridiculous.
The entire class 1-A would groan in annoyance or mentally face palm everytime you and Denki interacted.
The cheesiest of rom-coms would pale in comparison to how the two of you shamelessly flirted. Aizawa even had to split you up because you wouldn’t stop chatting or wiggling your eyebrows at each other during class! You briefly thought about sending little notes but promptly decided against it when your teacher glared at you with an air that clearly said “kid don’t try me”.
Once, during training, after the umpteenth wink following a terrible pun, Bakugo shouted something along the lines of “fucking make out already or fuck off” which had you turning the shade of a ripe tomato. Because in spite of all this flirty banter you remained utterly oblivious to Denki’s actual feelings toward you and thought you were making your crush super obvious when he was just being his usual charming self.
It doesn’t mean anything you’d think, and the other 'oblivious moron' (nickname courtesy of the angry hedgehog) would think the same. He missed it all : the way you so lovingly gazed at him, how you giggled just a little too much or too loudly at his -sometimes no so great- jokes, your dreamy sighs during training and how you always ended up being the one to take care of him when he short circuited his brain. To him, you were just being an awesome friend and the fact that you so smoothly flirted back when he teased you was just another sign of how cool you were! You made his heart race and his legs turn to jelly but surely you didn’t actually, really, mean to. You were just having fun! After all you were so great and he was…well he was pretty great too yeah! but you couldn’t possibly consider him an option?
“You guys are so lovey-dovey it’s honestly embarrassing sometimes.” Hanta would complain to him one day.
“C’mon, don’t be like that! We’re just messing around!” Denki replied, shaking his head.
Sero then looked at him like he had just given the stupidest answer in a math test.
“Dude, they’re all over you all the time. And you never shut up about them. It’s like you’re dating already but you’re the only two you aren’t aware of it.” He deadpanned.
“N-no, we’re…it’s just…they…what?” Denki was stunned and he could feel himself getting more and more flustered as Hanta went on and on about how painfully obvious your crushes were and how everyone else was pretty much sick of it.
“Look you got this date tomorrow, right? Just make it official.”
“It’s…it’s not a date…”
“Yeah right, whatever.” Sero sighed with a smile before leaving Denki to his thoughts, or what was left of them anyway.
His friend’s words would continue to haunt him the next day and you could sense that something was off, which made you nervous. You didn’t know if you should press the matter or not but suddenly Denki turned to you, looking more serious than you ever thought he could be.
“Are we on a date right now?”
“Wh-wha…well of course we are silly!” You’d try to play it cool but your voice was way too high pitched and you could feel a traitorous blush creeping its way on your face.
He looked somewhat…disappointed with your answer, and remained silent for a while, seeming deep in thoughts.
“Denki…?” You soflty called after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence.
His eyes met yours and you could see resolve shining in his golden orbs. He took one of your hand in his and gave you a shy smile.
“I’m not joking anymore…I…I really like you Y/N. So…are we on a date…?”
You were so stunned, all you could do was whisper a small “Yes”, but it was enough to light up his face with the brightest smile. You melted at the sight and couldn’t help but blurt out “I really like you too!”
Needless to say, after that you were both blushing but giddy messes in love who happily swung their clasped hands as they walked to the arcade, enjoying their very first date as a couple.
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franeridart · 7 years
Every time I see your art of a rare pair I somehow become a huge fan of that rare pair. I have too many otps...,
...is it okay for me to be happy I’m dragging you down with me on all of my weird ships because tbh I am for a lot of them there’s just a handful of people shipping them I’m happy you’re joining us hahaha
Anon said:because of your tags on that kamisero post i now love the hc that kirishima just uses loving bakugou as an excuse to get out of conversations that make him uncomfortable, even if it makes no sense. Like 'any advice on how to confess?' 'I'm dating bakugou, you probably should ask someone else.' or 'how do you think snow works?' 'Dude I'm dating bakugou, i don't know.'
I’m in love with this ask because this has been my most ridiculous headcanon for an age I’m glad I could subtely make you share it, anon - Kirishima being perfectly aware of the fact that aside from the face there is no objective reason why he should be that smitten with Bakugou? That’s my jam, he’s as surprised as anyone else so when people ask him anything love related he’s like “do I look like a reliable source man DO I I think it’s hot when Bakugou yells there’s obviously something wrong with me you don’t want my advices”
But also for however aware of it he might be he’s still in love with the dude so people pointing it out to him gets old really fast, like, “it’s one thing if I say it myself and another it’s you talking shit about my boyfriend stop that”, which is why he just starts using “what do I know I like Bakugou” as an answer to anything - it starts with him being a smartass and it becomes just habit by the end of it, sometimes he uses it when Bakugou is around or with Bakugou himself and Bakugou doesn’t understand, doesn’t want to understand, has pondered the option of getting angry/offended/demanding an explaination and has deemed it not worth his time because the answer is most probably just gonna be that his boyfriend is an idiot anyway
(also he might or might not like how Kirishima’s pretty much just going around telling people he likes him over and over again, tbh)
Anon said:Any tips on how to be creative with ship week prompts? I'm wanting to participate in klance week but I'm worried my pics will come out really basic and yours are always so unique!
Thank you for the compliment!!!! And actually this is an hard question, cause as I already mentioned once what I draw is the first thing with a beginning and an ending I can come up with, so I can’t say I put too much focus on making it unique? But there are two things I can tell you! 
The first, is that whatever idea your prompt ends up giving you, for however boring and basic it might seem to you, I assure you 100% that it won’t be to whomever ends up consuming your content - that’s because even a “boring” trope will be completely new as long as it comes from the hands of someone new who’s giving it their own interpretation of it (take for example the nightmares prompt for the latest krbk week, a lot of people - myself included - took it literally and wrote about them having and talking about nightmares, but I enjoyed every and each of the fills a lot because even if the starting point was the same they were all very very different stories) and also any idea you get easily will seem boring to you by default, because you didn’t think about it hard enough, right? It must be the obvious thing to think about when you read that prompt, right? Everyone else must have thought the same, right? Only it isn’t right, because every brain works differently and creativity sparks from the most ridiculous things, so your idea might seem very obvious and boring to you, but completely new to someone else! You don’t know how many of my own fills felt incredibly trite as I drew them, and yet here you are telling me you don’t feel the same at all haha
The second thing is that generally I found that creativity is... how do I put it, it’s kind of like a muscle. The more you exercise it the easier it will come to you using it, or at least that’s how it works for me - being creative isn’t really something you can force on the spot, but it’s definitely something you can learn and get used to, in my opinion. There are a few ways to exercise it, but the easier one for me is playing around with prompts - how many different ideas can I get from this same set of words? what kind of story can I pull out of this song/picture? Those are the most basic ones, but there’s also reading/watching a story and trying to adapt it to your own chosen characters, fit together more than one universe to try and pull out something sensible, seeing something in the middle of the road and thinking “that’s a prompt, I can use that as a prompt”. After a while, everything becomes a potential prompt, and your brain automatically goes through a short “can I use that to create something else?” check every time you experience something new, and stores it somewhere to use in the future if it seems potentially worth keeping, if you’re used to doing so. And the more little prompts and informations and facts you have stored around in your brain, the more you can subconsciously pick them up to add to new ones to make something creative
That second part is definitely a bit useless as a short term advice, considering your week is starting soon and exercising your creativity does take a while, but I hope you’ll give the week a go anyway! Both because I’m sure you’re already way more creative than you’re assuming you are, and because making creative stuff is the fastest way to becoming more creative, really!
BOI thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O* I’m glad you like my stuff??? There are so many super talented artists in this fandom, sitting with them sometimes can get intimidating haha so this really means a lot!! Thank you!!!
Anon said:Wow can u believe......ur my fave artist......ur Kiris are my fave ily
F ave !!!!!!! holy h e c k !!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!! Do I deserve such praise I’m really not sure am I gonna keep it anyway yes, yes I am, I’ll keep on thinking about this ask forever oh my go d
Anon said:Who usually tops in Bakushima?•//////•
Ohhh man, a question I can’t answer - both because I don’t dwell much into sexy headcanons territory AND because I’m honestly not a fan of that dicotomy at all? I never settle on anything in that sense for any of my ships, but Baku and Kiri especially make no sense settled in that kind of roles, for me, they probably just go at it however they feel like it’d be best atm haha
Anon said:I never expected to ship bakushimanari and yet here i am, three hours after scrolling through your tag for the third time, crying over every single interaction between the three of them in the manga. (I think my favourite thing about them is that both Kaminari and Bakugou can be little shits but then there's kirishima, who's an unrepentant sunshine, and it's just like. What a terrifying trio. I pity any villains they face).
I know right they’re such a good ot3 !!!!!! though let’s not take anything from Kiri, when he’s with the squad he can be a shit too, it’s magnificent - I do love the fact that we know from the canon that both Kaminari and Bakugou don’t sympathize with the enemy at all and don’t hold back on fighting verbally either, while Kirishima is all “stop running away and let me give you a life lesson” though ??? And the fact that Bakugou and Kaminari can’t coexist without talking shit about each other at least a little makes it all even more entertaining to me, considering how on the other hand even though Kirishima doesn’t hold back from pointing out when Bakugou’s being ridiculous he’s still always all about support and trying to better the others??? It’s like, when you read it like this they seem like a mess, and they are but they’re a balanced mess it’s incredible I love them I need more of them all together
Anon said:Saw Tokoyami, fell, and now I can't get up ))':
Anon said: Hello I just wanted to express my thanks to you for the bakugou and tokoyami interactions you drew. I love them as friends and it's pretty rarely portrayed so THANKS~
Anon said: Listen as much as i love the ot3 i am so happy you drew my bird son (and tape son! tho i think youve drawn sero more often than tokoyami)
!!!!!!!!! you all sure love the bird child a lot, don’t you!!! That’s great because I do too, he’s one of my most faves tbh and I officially made him part of the squad so you can expect more to come - I had drawn him already before, though! With Tsu and Kiri mostly, never with Baku... Sero on the other hand is in a whole damn lot of my squad/kiribaku/bakushimanari drawings so yeah, I’ve definitely drawn him more often haha what can I do man I love him too much he’s a Good™
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sadrien · 7 years
staos, ch5: panic! at the fake dating
on Ao3 | on ffnet 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
so....been a while, huh?
i just wanted to say that french paparazzi laws are totally different from this fic. they're actually incredibly strict, and the way the paparazzi in this fic act is more similar to the us, but still possibly kind of extreme? i probably should've googled that before using it as a plot point, but i didn't, and now it's a fairly major one, so i won't be going back and changing. i apologize for the inaccuracies!
shoutout to @reyxa​ for helping me with parts of this chapter and also thank you to everyone who hopped on when i was streaming! it was really fun and if people are interested, i'll probably do it again!
Adrien rests his forehead on the glass of his window and stares at the darkened city below him. He needs to move on with his life, but he can’t. Not yet. For now, he just needs to process this new information.
Marinette has a crush on him.
Marinette is great. Adrien thinks she’s great. He likes her a lot. Of course he does, he wouldn’t be planning to spend actual time fake dating her if he didn’t. But this— 
It is new information. And it adds a new layer of complexity to an already way too complex situation.
The universe is a dick.
Plagg cackles. “Man can you imagine how much she’d freak out if she realized she was fake dating you? HA sounds like a soap opera!”
Adrien groans and sits down on the floor. He needs some time to process this. If anything, he had been under the impression that Marinette was still uncomfortable around him because of the gum incident. The way she stuttered and got all blushy around him—
“How didn’t I notice before?” Adrien mumbles. He hits his head against the glass in frustration.
“Careful there, you’re going to hurt yourself.” Plagg rests on the top of Adrien’s head and Adrien can feel him moving around his hair to make a nest. “And you didn’t notice because you were so caught up in Ladybug.”
Adrien sighs. “Now I feel bad.”
“Hey it’s not your fault that you don’t feel the same way,” Plagg says. “And it’s not like she actually told you about her feelings or anything like that. It could be worse. She could’ve asked you out. And you could’ve not realized what she was doing. You guys are hilarious to watch interact, I hope you know that.”
Adrien’s eyes go wide. “Holy shit,” he whispers.
“I tried to set her up with Nino! Oh my god.” Adrien buries his face in his hands. “God this is so awkward,” he says, his voice muffled.
Plagg tugs on his hair. “Hey, stop that. It won’t be awkward until you make it awkward. Or more awkward than it already is.”
“I’m just supposed to act like everything’s the same?”
“Duh. Did you forget you’re both dating superheroes? Or at least pretending to be? Now’s not the time to bring up her crush.”
“You’re right,” Adrien admits. Plagg scoffs. “Of course I’m right. I’m always right.”
“No you’re not.” 
“I am this time.”
Adrien closes his eyes and breathes in the quietness of the house. He wishes he’d left a window open, just to feel the cool night air on his skin. It always keeps him calm and steady. His fingers are twitching to do something. He has the strong urge to create a flowchart or something, just to organize all the thoughts that are flying through his brain.
“Do you think she’ll come tonight?” he whispers.
“How am I supposed to know, kid?” Plagg asks.
Adrien shrugs. “You’re a god or something aren’t you?”
“If I could predict the future, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Trust me.”
Adrien laughs softly. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Yeah, so are you,” Plagg counters.
“No wonder we ended up together.” Adrien watches cars pass on the streets below him, small and and colorful, like toys. Everything is a game, life is a game, he just doesn’t know how to play it. “Do you ever think—”
“More than you do.”
Adrien rolls his eyes. “Do you ever think about how things would be different if someone else had gotten the miraculous?” His fingers find his ring and run over the sharp corners of it.
“Getting sentimental, are we?” Plagg teases.
“You say that like I’m not always sentimental,” Adrien says with a scoff.
“Alright well, you were always going to get the miraculous. Destiny and shit.”
Adrien frowns. “You believe in that sort of stuff?”
“I’ve lived a long time, kid,” Plagg says. “And the miraculous? There’s a reason for all of this stuff.”
“Does ‘this stuff’ include a fake dating disaster?”
Plagg snorts. “Definitely not. That’s your own fault, not the stars’. You made your bed, now you have to sleep in it.”
Adrien hums thoughtfully. Plagg isn’t wrong. He did get himself into this mess all on his own. He probably would’ve been better off just swallowing his pride and telling Ladybug he screwed up. But no, he’s here now and he has to deal with it.
“I’m not good at this,” he murmurs, more to himself than to Plagg.
“You’ll figure it out,” Plagg promises.
“I will?”
Adrien sighs. “Great.”
“I’ll let you in on a secret,” Plagg says, patting Adrien’s head. “No one has any idea what they’re doing. Ever. People might have an inkling, but really, we’re all just winging it. Wing it until you fly.”
Adrien blinks. “That’s…surprisingly deep and inspirational.”
“Ew,” Plagg grumbles. “I take it back. Pretend you never heard me say that.”
Adrien smiles and rolls his eyes. “Heard you say what? I heard nothing.”
There has to be something good to come out of this mess. Adrien isn’t sure what it’s going to be, but it can’t be just a disaster. That’s statistically improbable.
He finds himself listing the good, because otherwise, he’s never going to stop thinking about the negatives.
Getting to know Ladybug better.
Getting to know Marinette better.
He’ll finally find out how his dad feels about dating which…might not be a good thing, but at least they’ll finally have that conversation.
Spending more time with Ladybug outside of akuma fights and patrols.
Spending more time with Marinette alone, since before this, their only conversations were five minutes of stammering and he usually only hung out with her when with Nino or Alya.
Adrien swears he was better at this optimism thing at some point.
Marinette wakes up and stares at her ceiling for a very long time.
She’s kind of scared to check her phone. But she does anyway, because she can’t just lock herself in her room away from the world for the rest of the time. Although that sounds really nice right about now.
The first thing she sees is a text from Alya, and her heart soars a little bit because she loves Alya and is so glad she has Alya standing by her in this. Even if Alya has no idea how convoluted this whole mess really is. It makes Marinette’s head spin a little bit, if she’s being honest.
From: the best™ To: partner in (phone stealing) crime      morning babe!!! <3      just a reminder that i love u a lot      ill see you at school w/ fists ready 2 fight off the haters and paps (ง'̀-'́)ง
From: partner in (phone stealing) crime To: the best™      Thanks al <3      Hows it looking??
From: the best™ To: partner in (phone stealing) crime      :(      dont look      ily but dont do it ill give u a recap @ school k?
From: partner in (phones stealing) crime To: the best™      That….isnt encouraging      Alyaaaa D’:
From: the best™ To: partner in (phone stealing) crime      im sorry :’(      but really      if u wanna look at stuff thats fine i just wanna be w/ u if u do      actually it doesnt have 2 b me i just want u 2 b w/ SOMEONE      theres some Bad Shit™      i dont want u 2 read it alone      itll either hurt u or ull hurt some1 else and as ur bff id like to avoid both of those things
Marinette sighs and puts her phone down on her stomach. She’ll respond to Alya in a minute or two, but for now she has to let herself imagine what kind of things people have said while she slept. She can definitely imagine. Imagining might be the worst possible thing she could be doing right now, but she has to wallow in her own thoughts for a little bit. People get death threats a lot on the internet, right?
“Tikki?” she asks suddenly as she sits up, realizing that Tikki isn’t next to her on the bed.
It takes a moment for Tikki to zip up to her bed. “Yes, Marinette?” Tikki asks with a cheerfulness that’s only a little bit forced.
“Do you think this whole fake dating thing is a mistake?”
Tikki blinks. “You know what I think about it,” she says after a long pause. “I think it’s overly complicated where it doesn’t have to be, and clearly it’s causing more harm than good. But if you’re happy—”
Marinette gives her withering look.
Tikki coos and nuzzles Marinette’s cheek. “You can stop whenever you want, Mari,” she reminds her softly. “If it’s not good for your mental health…”
Marinette sighs and looks down. “Yeah I just…I’m committed to this now. Or something like that. I don’t know.” She flops back on the bed. “I really didn’t think this through.” Her phone buzzes a few times on her stomach. “Is it important?” she mumbles.
She feels Tikki flip her phone over and hum. “It’s from your group chat,” Tikki says. “From Nino.”
Maybe it’s not super important, but it’s still probably something she should read. She picks up her phone and stares at the screen for a second before she processes any of the words.
From: ninope / the best bro / bae (biggest annoyance ever <3) To: what the happ is fuckening      first of all our gc name is now almost ironically appropriate
From: the best™ /  Alya / the babe with the power To: what the happ is fuckening      lmao
From: ninope / the best bro / bae (biggest annoyance ever <3) To: what the happ is fuckening      second are we going out for lunch today or nah
From: Adrien / my main man / sunshine To: what the happ is fuckening      Can we?      My dad is back in time for lunch and I want to stall
From: the best™ /  Alya / the babe with the power To: what the happ is fuckening      rip off the bandaid marsh
From: Adrien / my main man / sunshine To: what the happ is fuckening      Yeaaaah no thanks
From: Marinette / mari berry / partner in (phone stealing) crime To: what the happ is fuckening      Can we hide in the bakery/my house      I dont wanna deal
From: Adrien / my main man / sunshine To: what the happ is fuckening      That sounds perfect
From: ninope / the best bro / bae (biggest annoyance ever <3) To: what the happ is fuckening      thats cool with me my dudes      see you at school
From: the best™ /  Alya / the babe with the power To: what the happ is fuckening      im stealing baked goods      also @marsh i already told mari but i got my fists and am Ready 2 Fite (ง'̀-'́)ง
From: Adrien / my main man / sunshine To: what the happ is fuckening      Please don’t actually fight anyone Al, but I appreciate the sentiment <3
From: the best™ /  Alya / the babe with the power To: what the happ is fuckening      booooo i wanna fight      but ok fine      see u nerds in a bit!!!
Marinette forces herself to get out of bed and get changed. She feels like a robot as she gets ready, putting on her makeup and doing her hair more out of habit than anything else. She thinks that her emotions may have shut down out of instinct to protect herself, because she’s pretty sure that below the blank emptiness there is pure terror.
Yesterday, things had been bad. Now, people have had hours to digest the “Marichat” thing. On one hand, people could’ve calmed down. On the other, it’s had time to spread and people have had time to say things that are significantly worse.
She has a plan for telling her parents. And that plan is shouting out that she’s dating Chat Noir just as she runs out of the door for school and then sprinting away from her house so she doesn’t have to deal with it.
Adrien is surprised to find Alya and Nino standing in front of the steps of school instead of hiding out in the bushes. At least, he’s surprised until he steps out of the car and suddenly someone with a camera jumps out from the bushes and starts taking pictures.
Nino crams his hat on Adrien’s head as Alya grabs Adrien’s arm and drags him inside. Caught by surprise, Adrien is barely able to register what’s happening, let alone protest. Not that he would. He doesn’t want another picture of his face all over the tabloids. Don’t they have enough pictures to use from photoshoots?
“You could’ve warned me,” he mutters once they’ve hauled him inside. He hands Nino his hat back and smooths down his hair.
“Sorry, dude,” Nino apologizes. “We were caught up in planning how to get you inside.”
“I don’t think we succeeded,” Alya admits. “These guys are vicious.”
“They get paid to be,” Chloé snips from behind them. She studies her nails and leans against the wall. “They’re rats and it’s their job to be.” “What’s your excuse?” Alya asks.
Chloé rolls her eyes. “Am I taking him off your hands or what, Césaire? Don’t you have a different friend you’re supposed to be watching for?”
Alya’s eyes go wide. “Shit you’re right,” she mumbles. She pulls out her phone and sends off a quick text before dragging Nino back out into the fray.
“Why am I getting handed off to you?” Adrien asks Chloé.
“Babysitting duty,” Chloé says flatly. “I’m here to make sure you’re not being a dumbass.”
“I can take care of myself,” Adrien promises.
Chloé shrugs. “I know that. They both know that. But we also know you have a tendency to take what people say about you to heart, and—” she reaches over and plucks his phone from his hands, “we don’t want that.”
He opens his mouth to protest before he gives in and leans against the wall next to her. “People aren’t really saying anything bad about me.”
“Just your relationship.” Chloé flips his phone over in her hands a few times. “Besides, there’s no doubt that you’ll feel bad about what they’re saying about Marinette, despite the fact that none of that is within your control.”
“Of course I feel bad about what they’re saying!” he says defensively. “She’s my friend, why wouldn’t—”
Chloé gives him a look.
Adrien sags against the wall. “What’s that for?” he grumbles, casting his eyes to the floor.
She crosses her arms. “Adrien Agreste, do not tell me you’re that oblivious.”
He winces. “I might be.”
Chloé groans. “You aren’t serious.”
“Someone may have had to spell it out for me,” he admits.
“I hate you.”
“Fair enough.” Honestly, Adrien kind of hates himself for not noticing too. It’s only fair someone else hates him for it.
“No.” Chloé slips his phone into her pocket and grabs his hands. “You are not allowed to hate yourself for not returning someone’s feelings,” she says seriously. “You are not allowed to hate yourself because you didn’t realize someone felt something that you didn’t. Got it?”
Adrien stares at her.
“Got it?”
“Yes, mom,” he says, only realizing afterward how much those words sting both of them.
Chloé scoffs and drops his hands. “If you try to check any social media I’m taking this back and locking you out,” she says before handing back his phone.
“How would you lock me out?” Adrien asks, checking his notifications. He notices an email from Nathalie about lunch today and reminds himself to email her back with her plans before class starts. “I’ve never told you my password.”
Chloé smiles deviously. “I have my ways.”
Adrien narrows his eyes at her. “I’m changing my password now,” he announces.
“I have my ways,” she repeats.
“You know, between you and Alya, I’m starting to think that maybe I should just go back to writing letters and using carrier pigeons.”
Chloé snorts. “That would just make our jobs easier,” she points out. “You can’t escape it, Adri. Nothing is unknowable.”
He finds his thoughts going to Ladybug and brushes his fingers against his ring. “That’s what I’m worried about.”
Chloé grabs Adrien by the arm and pulls him closer as Alya and Nino drag Marinette inside the school. Marinette glances back over her shoulder with wide eyes, face pale as she stares at the paparazzi behind her.
“No damage done?” Alya asks Chloé.
“I know what I’m doing,” Chloé snipes.
Marinette takes a shaky breath. “Holy shit,” she whispers, looking to Adrien with wide eyes.
“You okay?” Nino asks, putting a hand on her shoulder.
She nods quickly. “Yeah it’s just— It’s been a morning.” She glances toward the door and lowers her voice. “I told my parents I’m dating Chat.”
Adrien notices Chloé’s eyebrows raise slightly as she leans the tiniest bit forward. She’d die before admitting that she’s interested in what Marinette has to say, so he’ll ask for her. “How’d it go?”
“Um…” Marinette tugs on a pigtail. “I don’t know?”
Alya frowns. “What do you mean?”
“I sort of—” Marinette takes a deep breath. “Okay, so I was running out the door because I was late—”  
“Typical,” Nino murmurs.
She flips him off as she continues her story. “And as I ran out the bakery I sort of just shouted ‘I’m dating Chat Noir bye!’ and left. So…” She meets Adrien’s eyes. “That happened.”
Chloé snorts. “Sorry,” she apologizes when Marinette glares at her. “But that’s one way to handle the conversation. By not handling it.” She tosses her hair over her shoulder. “Hope they don’t google it.”
Marinette goes pale.
“Smooth, Chlo,” Adrien mutters.
Chloé shrugs. “I wouldn’t google yourself either.”
“Why were you googling Marinette?” Alya asks, eyes narrowed.
Chloé hums and turns her attention to her phone, typing rapidly. “I’ll see you later, Adri,” she says, tapping him twice on the shoulder before walking away toward the locker room.
Alya’s phone buzzes and she purses her lips as she reads the newest message. “Right,” she murmurs. “Anyway, I hope your parents are cool with this,” she says, wrapping Marinette in a tight hug.
Marinette sighs and sinks into the hug. “No promises,” she mumbles.
By the end of the school day, Marinette is just about ready to sleep for rest of time.
Of course, Hawk Moth doesn’t work like that.
“You alright?” Tikki asks as she flies out of Marinette’s purse.
Marinette sighs. “No, not really. I just want to curl up in my room and stop thinking and experiencing life for a while.”
Tikki nuzzles her cheek. “We can do that after this, if you want.”
“I’d love that,” Marinette admits. “Spots on, Tikki.”
The transformation and magic washes over her, calming some of her anxiety and clearing her mind. She’s always able to think more clearly as Ladybug. Maybe that’s because she knows exactly who Ladybug is. She still has questions about Marinette.
Ladybug swings up to the roof of a tall building to get a better look of the streets. The akuma had gotten away while she’d been finding a place to hide and transform, and its trail of destruction is more minimal than most.
She squints in the sunlit as she looks around Paris. She finds a sign of the akuma, a car crash, and after checking to make sure the civilians are all safe and able to get out of their cars, she follows the akuma’s path from above the streets.
Ladybug’s breath catches in her throat as she sees Adrien duck into an alley, the akuma on his heels.
“Shit,” she whispers. She didn’t really want to be making appearances with Adrien as Ladybug, but like hell she was going to leave him cornered.
Ladybug swings down into the alley, wrapping her arm tightly around Adrien’s waist as she swings by.
Adrien yelps and throws his arms around her neck, burying his face against her shoulder.
“S-sorry!” she shouts, landing them on a roof. “The akuma—”
“It’s fine!” Adrien says quickly. “You were doing your job. Saving my life.” He glances over the edge of the building before stepping back, and closer, to Ladybug. “Thank you for that, by the way.”
“Of course. Doing my job,” Ladybug says. That was all. Nothing more. Of course.
“Uh…so how do I get down?” Adrien asks.
Ladybug hesitates. “I can set you down somewhere safe,” she says after a moment. “If you’re okay with that?”
Adrien nods and puts his arms around her neck carefully. “Is this okay?”
Ladybug swallows and tries not to think about how close they are. She can scream to Tikki later. “Yup, it’s fine. Hold on tight.”
Adrien clutches onto her tighter as she leaps from the building. She’s more careful with her swings than usual. Even when she has to swing Chat around the city she’s not this careful. Chat always lands on his feet, and he has the bonus of a protective suit.
Adrien has neither of those going for him and that’s kind of terrifying.
She moves away from the akuma, landing as lightly as she can in the first clear street. She makes sure that Adrien’s feet are firmly on the ground before she loosens her grip on his waist. “Are you alright?” she asks.
Adrien nods before his eyes go wide. He whispers, “People are watching,” and presses a quick kiss to her cheek.
Ladybug tenses, her cheeks heating up. She can see the people Adrien mentioned out of the corner of her eye, phones and cameras raised, all catching the moment.
More news for the tabloids. Joy.
She jumps away from Adrien as there’s a large crash somewhere a few streets over. Car alarms start blaring and she gives him an apologetic. “I, uh, I have to…” She motions toward the akuma hopelessly.
Adrien nods. “Yeah, I’ll… I’ll find somewhere safe.” He chews on his lip and glances at his feet. “I’ll see you later?”
Ladybug is barely able to nod, screaming to herself as she throws her yoyo and swings off to the akuma attack. Chat arrives on the scene only a few minutes after her, panting and apologizing for being late, saying that he got caught up in something on the way. Ladybug just nods and focuses on not grabbing him by the should and screaming that Adrien Agreste kissed her! Her cheek. But still! His lips touched her skin.
She would’ve forgotten the fist bump at the end of the fight if Chat hadn’t raised his fist first. She gives him a small smile as she bumps their fists together before she breaks off in a spring and swings off.
The moment she’s detransformed and in her bedroom, Marinette presses a pillow to her face and screams.
“Are you okay, Mari?” Tikki asks nervously.
Marinette lifts her head from the pillow. “Yeah I’m good,” she says before burying her face in the pillow again and continuing to scream.
Adrien Agreste is going to be the absolute death of her.
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