#always here for astrology based questions tho !
black-lake · 2 years
birth chart red flags?
who's red flags tho? my red flags can be someone’s green flags. I try to avoid answering these questions because for one I dislike putting people in a box and seeing things as either bad or good in astrology. It's always both. some of the perceived best aspects can be used in the worst ways and some of the labeled bad can be life changing and admirable.
thus I can only speak from personal experience, with ppl that I met, which isn't enough to make any conclusions at all because I also meet others with the same placement that embody the positive side of it, this is just when others use it in an immature way. also most of my red flags are related to lying cuz I'm a bs detector lol. 
birth chart red flags
there are some signs that I like in women but not men, like libra sun/moon, scorpio moon, and pisces moon men (can still apply to all). if they don't know their worth or how to deal with this energy they can be emotionally manipulative, liars and have weak egos, constantly looking for attention and validation even if it takes hurting someone or deceiving them. I get a bit wary of too much libra or venus aspects in men, unless they have earth or fire placements to balance it out. their masculine chasing approach contradicts the receiving feminine energy of venus and they may go about it in a toxic way.  
moon conjunct/opposite neptune especially if the moon is in an air or water sign. again, lying and faking things may be a habit here. I noticed they pick it up when young as a way to escape punishment and get validation from their mom or parental figure. moon and neptune conjoining clouds the native's vision, seeing themselves how they like or how others like, kinda delusional and low key believe their lies. they're easily deceived by others that show them fake love but ignore the ones that tell them the truth. they deny or refuse to take accountability for the mistakes they make and take the truth as a personal attack.
personal planets in the 7th house, (i see them as tarot cards reversed), especially sun/moon/mercury/mars, being too influenced by other people's opinions, putting on a mask and pleasing others too much. you don't know if they're genuine or talking shit behind your back. indecisiveness when making decisions and changing their minds too much. can be cheaters and manipulators because they're needy. they can be copycats doing what is wanted to be seen not what they themselves like.
chiron in the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 10th, 11th house. it's actually sad because it's a challenge for these people to express themselves. they have wounds relating to how others see them or judge them so they may hide and put on a mask. even though I have this, I become a bit hesitant when I see it in a chart because they can either be empowered healers or need to be healed first. 
moon conjunct/opposite mars, or in aries, especially in a fire or water sign. they may have anger issues, be explosive, aggressive and selfish. too stubborn to admit they're wrong. they may even use violence and impulsively hurt others.
moon conjunct/opposite pluto can be explosive too, hide their emotions, be jealous and vengeful, can hurt others if they act on their emotions and refuse to forgive and heal. pluto conjunct/opposite personal planets and ascendant are aspects I pay close attention to as well, can show behaviors like being too controlling, demanding, aggressive and manipulative. 
scorpio stelliums, even though one of my fav signs, you never know what you'll get with them. they're just too unpredictable and secretive so you gotta step up your analytical skills and figure out whether they care for you or are plotting against you. it's an adventure that can get you destroyed so gl. 
these are a few I remembered. but most importantly I never focus on one aspect that has been labeled bad and judge based on it. I look at the whole chart, take all those links between the planets, all that magic happening in the skies to form this unique chart, mix them together, see how they balance each other and what magical formula comes from it, that's the beauty of astrology. I just put my observations on the back of my mind and let the person present themselves, that's what gives me real life facts.
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chunkymamatam · 5 months
Hi omg welcome back! Thank you so much for the detail on your description about the classes! When and if you have time, I would love to hear more! Have you had classes with Crewel yet? And are there any other teachers aside from the ones we know from the game? Thats something Ive always wanted to know! Also, have you gone to Sam's shop yet? How is he? He is my favourite staff member!
Oh and how long did you stay? Did you experience any events ingame and maybe some that werent in the game? Have you gone to anyones homecountry like the events?
PS: If there are too many questions, feel free to chose some to skip! I dont want to overwhelm you :) <3
It's not too much to answer the questions! There's only 2 asks now including this one and the other one if for one of my fanfic blogs so I should have enough energy/time now lol
First The rest of my classes for the current semester:
Animal Language Class
No Magic required
Consists of basic body language of different animals that might accompany you on your journey through being a "Proper mage" as Professor Trein would put it lol. This includes cats, dogs, rats, etc (basically any animal you can find in a Disney film.)
As the class goes on you learn how to decipher what they're actually saying verbally and non verbally. Unlike here animals are sentient, they will make fun of you later trust me. Ace and Deuce are frequently the victim of this lmfao
Its pretty difficult for me personally but I'm bad at communicating with humans so I wasn't really expecting any less lmfao Its as difficult as learning any new language in all seriousness so if you find that hard then welcome to the club I made cookies.
Difficulty: 4/5
Potions/Alchemy (Creation/material studies)
Magic materials will be provided by class instructor, minimal magic is needed from the mage
Consists of different creation techniques, what materials have what properties, what the different potions do, etc. There's a potion for anything and everything, most only having temporary effects but some are more permanent (base level and under specific conditions). Honestly this is one of my favorite classes. Its the most fun in my opinion.
It's not at all difficult because we're allowed to have our recipes at all times.
Difficulty: 1/5
Spell casting
Magic required
Now this is where being magicless really sucked (I still got a really good grade). I wasn't able to participate much in the begining and I was stuck memorizing spells I would never be able to use. I shit you not this man (The prof) looked at me and said
"You may not have the proper abilities to cast spells but I'll be sure to turn you into a grimoire of them by the end of this class"
Honestly stayed true to his word ngl. The amount of notes and textbooks and reciting the damn things, practicing proper spell casting formation/posture. I could instruct the other students at this point. I'm having flashbacks just thinking about it lmfao
The class consists of the actual spells, the motions needed to enact each spell, the proper posture to take when casting. We learn what each spell does, and the proper situations to use them in, etc. It is mostly just actually casting spells though and a I've only relatively recently learned how to use magic. I'm getting there with the help of Azul and my professors tho.
I wouldn't say its the worst difficulty wise but my memory is decent when it comes to academics.
dificulty: 3/5
This class consists of studying the stars, constellations, planets, and the moon cycles and how they affect the magic we produce.
"Just as the ocean is affected by the moon and the stars, so too is our energy and magic."
Corny shit but accurate and factual lmfao. It's a really easy class and that's really all there is to it. It's mostly so you understand why your magic is stronger/weaker on different days. this also used as a reference in other classes. Like "X spell is more affective during Y Moon cycle"
Difficulty: 1/5
There's definitely more classes that I don't know of yet but we'll get to them eventually!
''Have you had classes with Crewel yet?"
Yes! I'm actually his favorite student weirdly enough lol. He's chill as long as you act right (paying attention to the lesson, doing your classwork/homework, etc). This man fr defended me from these bitch ass guys who were like
"She doesn't even have magic why does she have the top scores????"
To which he responded "Maybe if you were as diligent of a student perhaps you could also be part of the top scores, until then however, return to your seat"
Never felt safer with a teacher I swear.
"Are there any other teachers aside from the ones we know from the game?"
Yeah. I can't remember their names right this moment cuz I haven't been back there in a minute. My mental health has been ass and I fell out of love with shifting for a long while but I'm back now! I'm hopefully going back soon. I miss my boys and my classes. Mostly my boys tho. I'll have to share who they are and what their names are after I go next.
"Have you gone to Sam's shop yet? How is he?"
I have! Actually when I got my monthly allowance from Crowley (I manifested that in with the intention method cuz I'll be dammed if that cheap bitch fucks me over) it was the first place I visited. He sells damn near everything you need to live on campus. I got soap, an African net sponge (its called Savanna net sponge cuz ✨Afterglow/Sunset Savanna✨) and some lotion. I barely had enough for my groceries after that month. I was living on Ramen and the school allotted lunch (。﹏。*) This being said be prepared for Sam to over price everything. This is a rich people school and I mean eat the rich and all but PLEASE HAVE MERCY
As for how he is as a person, he's really chill. Very nice but he is still a salesman so keep that in mind with your interactions. He may have mercy if he's feeling generous (pity) lmfao. Jokes aside hes actually pretty nice outside of his business. He allowed me to talk to him about struggling with living with Vil for that month with his unseasoned dry ass chicken 😭
"How long did you stay? Did you experience any events in game and maybe some that weren't in the game?"
Currently I'm dealing with STYX and Idia's overblot. Up until that point its been about 6-7 months over there. Everything in the main game happens so fast and in such quick succession. I've experienced the Halloween events, birthdays, and the New Year events. I didn't participate in Sams event cuz I was dealing with living with Vil training for the SDC/VDC and calming down from everything with Jamil. TBH there might have been events that weren't showcased but I was just too busy with the main events and classe/hanging out with other students.
"Have you gone to anyone's home country like the events?"
Not yet but we are staying at Rooks many homes while on our way to STYX to rescue everyone rn. Hopefully soon tho because Idk it seems like a lot of fun to learn more about my friends and their homes.
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thorsthot · 3 years
would you ever offer making personalized playlists/ movie recs by chart as an astrology service.. just saw one of your song posts for a certain placement
sorry if this makes zero sense i have not been to sleep yet
music wise: i usually just recommend listening to artists that have the same moon sign as you (ex. i’m a pisces moon so obvi kehlani, sza, kanye, + other pisces moons are going to be in my musical rotation) and/or artists mercury / venus (perhaps mars or lilith if u wanna get a lil nasty) obvi u don’t have to follow that lol. your 5H can also indicate what type of music u like to listen to and/or how/where you prefer it.
now film wise its not that different. look to ur 5H and 12H (also look @ neptune) to see what kind of movies you’d enjoy/ones that speak to you (ex. libra in 5H might prefer romance films more. aqua or pisces in 5H might prefer more psychedelic or dream-like film). venus is also a good placement to check for this (aqua venus might like campy type movies that surround a group of friends/lovers).
side note; u can (or i can do it for u) always look up a particular movie or albums chart and compare it (synastry) to your own. or try and watch films that have similar astrological placements as yours.
maybe i could offer this if someone asked personally. cuz u know i can talk about film and music ALL day and i can DEF talk about the astrological charts of / astrology behind different films.
honestly willing to do any type of astro reading :)
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hanjifuck · 3 years
.˚。⋆ ༊ .˚。⋆ stray kids career vocation .˚。⋆ ༊ .˚。⋆
based on their birth charts!
✧*:.。. t/n: i’ll be using SIDEREAL astrology on this one.
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so, we're going to see what they have VOCATION to do. it's obviously not exactly what they would do if they weren't idols as tons of people don't follow their vocations or whatever their birth charts say. <3
bang chan ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
a philosophy/teology teacher
working feuds related to analysing information like tech stuff
pharmacist, doctor and health related jobs (maybe even a therapist. ALSO i was reading his birth chart and i'm gonna take a guess and say he's prob going to marry a therapist of some kind lmao Don't Ask Me About It)
would easily work at some humanitarian job, too. most likely political related
lee know ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
ABSOLUTELY a therapist. it doesn't matter if it's psychology, psychiatry, occupational therapy, holistic therapy or whatever it is the specificities. we're talking about someone who's deeply interest in helping people trough their heads. and just a little info to add: would probably be focused on old people
changbin ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
jobs that care for the vulnerable, like being a doctor (pediatrician!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), a nurse, a vet, social worker etc
hyunjin ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
AGAIN a doctor or even a psychologist. but with him tho i can totally see hyunnie going to a alternative type of medicine like he would care a lot about the spiritual/from-the-heart process that is envolved
it reminds me of the book "a morte é um dia que vale a pena viver" idk don't ask questions
han ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
a born lider and entrepreneur. it doesn't even matter what it is, he's just not working for you lmao
a freelance artist (a musician, very likely)
felix ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
and not surprising anyone lil baby here has a vocation to work jobs that provide pleasant experience to people LIKE A MASSAGE THERAPIST, A NUTRITIONIST OR SOMETHING TO DO WITH YOUR ESTHETICS
also would NOT work for large companys
seungmin ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
A COMPETITIVE CAREER!! yes, maybe an athlete or stuff like a firefighter, a police officer or whatever
i.n ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
like chris would easily work some humanitarian job or get envolved with some group he feels like they need change in their lives (?)
i risk saying he could be one of those lawyers that are always taking pro-bono cases that speak to their souls somehow, not really making a lot of money tbh
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yokohamabeans · 2 years
Hello yoko!! How have you been ?
I hope you're doing great! <3
I've got a little question to ask, I dunno how to phrase it tho, and i don't want to seem rude or disrespectful (cause I know writing is no easy thing) BUT THERE'S NO OTHER WAY TO SAY IT😭😭😭
So, euh, when will you be uploading requital's next chapter?? I had been checking your blog everyday from the past December to see if there were any updates (thanks for the spoilers!! I would've died a long time ago if it wasn't for them😅😅)
I LOVE your fic SO MUCH !!! (it's my all time favorite!! ) You can't imagine how happy it makes me!!! It's very well written!! (I LOVE YOUR WRITING STYLE!!), the OC's personality is just perfect, Plus kakucho is my favorite!!!!
So, yeah 😅😅
PLEASE let Kaku be happy😭
My little boy had been through a lot already, he deserves the whole world!!
Also, I'd like to get to know my favorite author (aka: you) better!! (only if you're comfortable tho)
Like, what's your zodiac sign/ mbti type ? Favorite book/ author? Got any recommendations?? What inspires you most?Do you like Haruki murakami?? Do you base your OC off of yourself??
Gosh there's a lot to ask, but imma just start with that..
Well, that's all for today (I hope that wasn't creepy 😅😅)
Bye!! please take care of yourself <3
Ahhh I’m so sorry for the delay in chapter 3!! My busy period at work and life lasted longer than I expected…. But if it’s any help, it’s over now and I’m able to focus more on writing!! I hope to be able to update ROAC within the 1.5 weeks! Chapter 3 is about 60% done so far!! And I’m glad you liked the snippets!! Tbh I posted them cuz I got too excited about some parts 😅
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR KIND WORDS!!!! It really made me happy and more motivated to write, because tbh I feel like I’m still figuring out my writing style. I’ve been opting for a style that’s more simple in prose (I was quite a purple-proser in the past…) and still figuring out what should/shouldn’t be said. I’m glad you like my OC so far, though I hope it’s not just from Chap 2, cuz chap 3 is gonna be from her POV and she is way more of a dick than what Chap 2 portrayed her to be 🤣 Anyway you don’t know how much your words mean to me!! And I swear I’ll hit the gas on writing now!!
FAVOURITE AUTHOR FHSGAHFGJH YOU ARE TOO KIND!! And I don’t mind, not at all!! Thank you for asking about me!! Here you go, off the top of my head:
Zodiac : Year of the boar / Aries! Idk what my rising sign is though. Tbh I’ve never really gotten into astrology cuz I don’t think I embody any of the traits often associated with Aries people. But I know others who swear by it!
MBTI Type : I’m always fluctuating between INFJ and INFP, though I think I’m more towards INFP!
Fave Book/Author & Writing Inspo : Ahhh I gotta admit I don’t think I’ve read enough to have a conclusive favourite author/book!! There are books I enjoy a lot at the time of reading and I think it’s my favourite book ever, only to read another book and that THAT’s my fave book haha so it really depends a lot on my mood…. But (and maybe you’ve already seen me rambling about it) Grotesque by Natsuo Kirino was the book that I loved a lot recently!! I also got quite enamoured by Gregory Orr’s poems, they talk about grief so beautifully! I’d say that the author/book I’m reading at any point would be inspiration for my writing!! For example, if I want to write a ‘soft scene’ I’d go re-read some books for inspiration in writing. I also imagine very specific scenes when writing, down to the smallest details like breathing and eye movements (which I’m trying to curb cuz it’s making my writing too rambly tbh), and scenes from movies or pictures help with the visualization! (I have a #finsp tag where I tag things that I think can be used for fic-inspiration, though it’s a mish mash of themes)!
About Murakami : I think I generally prefer his short stories over his full length novels if I’m to be honest!! Tbh I don’t have that much of an insightful opinion about him cuz I don’t finish his full length novels 😓 but I really like the way he’s able to weave complex emotions in his writing!!
About my OC : Ahhhh I don’t base them off myself!! My own self is too boring for a story haha and I can’t see myself (personally) paired up with my fictional husbandos for some reason. I guess I come up with the OCs when I’m wondering how this OC will fit and interact with the characters, and if I’m being honest it’s sometimes pure self-indulgence cuz I’m writing them in romance stories with said faves 😬 (But the OC in Requital is more of a character study imo so the focus may not be too much on the romance!) I’d say that I do try to put myself in the headspace of my OCs when writing so I can bring out the emotions!
Anon this was so fun to answer ahhh please feel free to ask me anything you wanna know!! AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I swear you are welcome to drop asks or even messages any time!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!
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najatheangel · 3 years
Ship ur moots? ;)
Aye yi captain, I’m on it mate. Here’s who I ship my moots with. Not in particular order, just based off gut feeling. 😉💕
@xxminmixx: Felix; Skz
Just pure love and happiness over here. They would be very understanding of each and trust level would be strong. Would raise 4+ puppies together.
@emuava: Mingi; Ateez
I can already sense you two being so caring and gentle with each other. Literally the softest human beings together. He would be so loving with you everyday. 8+ hours of deep convos. Hand written letters to each other with cute heart doodles.
@dundun-baby: Wooyoung; Ateez
Idk why, but I can sense high visuals together even tho haven’t seen your face yet. Interactions together would be so entertaining. Texting/Calling each other at 3am. The most adorable yet unique laughs. Wouldn’t know who he’s more jealous of whenever he sees you with San, cause he loves you both dearly.
@jaesspresso: Haechan; Nct
CONSTANT BICKERING, TEASING and TICKLING 24/7. Always leads to very good make out sessions and cuddling hours. Would always argue over the smallest things. He just gives you joy and so much positivity while you give him peace and motivation to keep going.
@thechoppersan: Taeil; Nct
The fake maknae couple back at it again. Both similar personality wise, but different in areas of talent. Have a very unique sense of humor that everyone loves. The room just lights up when everyone sees you together. Wear matching sweaters on holidays.
@purplepsycho03: Xiaojun; Wayv
This man is whipped for you with a capital W. He just respects you so much and loves how much knowledge you have on astrology. Would beg you to teach him more about it. Would lighten the mood during class sessions with his silly side.
@kpopsnowball: Taeyong; Nct
You both are have a lot of heart in anything you put your mind to and would be the best support system for each other. Would write some beautiful music together because you both know how to write your ass off! Be very encouraging when the other person of feeling sad.
@madeofsaltiness: Chanyeol; Exo
Baby teddy bear vibes from both of you! He’s your happy virus and instantly can lift your mood. Sometimes can be clumsy and make cute mistakes which makes you fall for him more. Can be very flirtatious with each other. You can’t sleep a night without each other.
@moon-jun: Renjun; Nct
Your probably the only one that doesn’t get on his nerves like the dreamies do lol. Although would take like 6 months to get a hug or kiss from him. Artistic couple of the year. The genius duo not to be messed with. Can debate with each other for hours.
@starrdustville: Doyoung; Nct
The aesthetic prince and princess. He’s willing to risk it all for you. Gets jealous whenever he’s sees Jungwoo hugging you or calling you “cutie.” Smiled hard when he made you laugh the very first time. Enjoys reading with you and loves to hear your feedback on songs he’s working on.
@sarahbkwl: Ten; Nct
One powerful mf duo. Both have very strong duality. One second they’re fierce the next they’re clumsy. Looks incredible in eyeliner! Would work on art projects for hours. The mom and dad of Leon and Louis.
@amazingwriter101: Mark; Got7
From the start he had a crush on you, but didn’t have the courage to put right say it. Jackson would of course help you two end up together. Mark give you heart eyes whenever you talk so passionately about your dreams and goals you want to achieve. Invites you over to move with him to L.A. and of course you didn’t hesitate to say yes.
@rr0zu: Johnny; Nct
Look good together. Personalities are compatible. Just sounds right together! Would travel a lot together and would trend worldwide for beautiful couple photos. You, Jaehyun, Mark and Johnny would be so iconic together. All three had a crush on you at some point, but Johnny was the one that stole your heart.
@earth-to-that-asian: Jaehyun; Nct
So much attraction for each other and spicy action going on here. Picnic dates in the afternoon to fancy dinners in the evening. Would buy you anything you want no matter the price. Would love your bold comments from time to time. Both flirt game strong.
Alright I hope this somewhat made y’all day and thanks for the interesting question anon. Love ya Muah. 💕✨
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capricores · 4 years
what is a retrograde? a retrograde, put simply, is when a planet appears to be spinning backwards in the sky. during the times of retrograde, the energy of a planet is turned inwards. retrogrades are not usually the best time to try activating the energy of that planet. you may feel blocked, held back, or stressed around the themes relating to that planet. it will be a very internal time for that energy in your chart; wherever said planet is (as well as the planets it strongly aspects), will be pushed into introspective mode by the retrograde planet. consider the word retrograde itself; it is a time to reflect, review, reinvent, repurpose, etc. generally not the best time for starting new things, initiation, and so forth; but it is possible.
what does mars represent? a lot of people make the mistake of just associating mars with sex and lust. and although, sure, it does connect to that; it’s so much more. mars is about our motivation, it’s our energy, our pursuit of our passions and desires, drive, aggression, confrontation styles, self-expression, confidence, etc.
does it affect me differently if my natal mars is retrograde? some people believe retrograde transits affect those with natal retrograde less strongly. personally, i haven’t really noticed that entirely. i have natal saturn retrograde, and i actually usually feel ease when saturn transits retrograde; it’s like my saturn becomes “normal”. however, i have friends with natal retrograde planets who feel no ease during transit retrogrades. so again, i think it’s very dependent on your entire chart and the aspects of the planets currently. even i had quite a difficult time during the last saturn retrograde and did not feel any sort of ease. this time could be slightly easier because you’re used to having mars energy pushed internally, but at the same time, if it strongly aspects your natal mars (especially a conjunction - and even hitting your other planets), it might just makes things even more tense and amplified. but overall, i’d say you’re safe to read the same information on mars retrograde impacts as anyone else.
mars in aries does NOT do well in retrograde. i personally imagine those of you that have never felt too affected by a mars retrograde, will absolutely feel this one: and it will hit hard. i’m not saying this as a way to invoke fear: everything will be fine. but the energy of this retrograde is especially heavy, considering all the planets mars is currently harshly aspecting (saturn, pluto to name the standouts). the issue here is, mars & aries are both excited energies. they are bold, brash, reactive; they are initiators. they like to act before thinking. they are full of energy, passion and aggression. the retrograde is about (over)thinking before acting, slowing down, reflecting, turning inwards (mars energy likes to stay outward; noticed; loud), etc. the concept of retrograde opposes everything mars represents; especially when mars is in it’s ruling sign of aries; who greatly reflects mars’ energy.
mars rarely stations retrograde as well; usually every two and a half years (i believe), and it very rarely does so in aries. because most of us aren’t used to this planet stationing retrograde (unlike mercury, who likes to retrograde multiple times a year), it seems to just hit harder. i also want to specifically mention the fact this mars retrograde will be squaring saturn. mars square saturn is a very difficult aspect; i am someone that has this in my natal chart and it’s quite frustrating. saturn is about restriction and caution; mars is more fearlessness and recklessness. right now, it feels like saturn is holding mars’ energy back even more than the retrograde is. it’s not allowing the uninhibited expression of the mars energy. we may feel a lot of blockages in relation to the common themes shared by mars and saturn (especially career, work, pursuit of passion; as well as responsibility, control, power - authority figures, etc).
some general things to expect, regardless of your mars placement:
headaches: unfortunately; this is going to bring a lot of headaches, literal ones (although figurative ones as well). i think general body aches are going to be common due to the fact mars is aspecting so many planets. namely the saturn aspect will probably cause a lot of full body/bones/joint/muscle soreness, and probably a lot of toothaches and similar issues. i can even see abdomen/pelvic pain flaring because the pluto aspect. make sure you’re taking very good care of your health right now and see a doctor when you need to! (i’m not hugely into medical astrology, but i do notice these type of mars and saturn transits personally coinciding with an increase in headaches, toothaches, and overall soreness- for me and friends at least)
passive aggression, irritability, unnecessary hostility, arguments over pointless things, people who tend to bottle finally exploding, high tension
strong lack of energy, motivation, drive: lethargy and exhaustion are common (but again, be careful and see a doctor if these things are extreme)
tension in workplace environments; coworker disagreements, namely issues with management (power struggles)
feeling very blocked in terms of your goals; again especially in regards to work and your passions
you may also feel very blocked in relationships/pursuing relationships
likely an increased sex drive: i think all the tension and energy turning inwards is just pushing some people to maximum overload lol
confusion regarding passions/goals/relationships/etc: because we’re doing so much reflecting on mars themes, you may start doubting your wants/goals/interests/relationships/etc (depends on the transit house/aspects) as you’re thinking about them so much. it’s not inherently bad; reflection is a great thing! just be wary of overthinking. don’t be shocked as new things come to light and you start getting the urge to change paths, methods, etc
realization of mistreatment/acting on such: this is a BIG theme and i think we clearly see it in our world right now. since mars is/will be in harsh aspect to so many other planets representing power, control & authority (saturn & pluto) as well as jupiter who represents expansion, growth & excess; a lot of us are going to start setting boundaries. we’re going to be rethinking the times we’ve been mistreated, taken advantage of, the things we’ve let slide but shouldn’t have, and so forth. we’re especially noticing those abusing excess (jupiter) amounts of power (saturn/pluto/mars) both in our lives and in the world. this is THE time to start making and setting new boundaries; putting your foot down and denying those who don’t deserve your energy any sort of access to you! it may be a bit of a painful time if we’re reflecting on moments of abuse and similar; so take care of yourselves and please stay safe!
if you’re interested in what to expect/predictions based on what house(s) mars is transiting in your chart, as well as what to expect based on your natal planets that square/opposition/conjunct or quincunx mars; i’ll be making a post about such on patreon in a few days (i’ll add the link here when it’s up!). the patreon  post also includes questions to ask yourself based on where mars is transiting for you, to help with your retrograde reflection/healing/journaling/etc! 
if you’re familiar with astrology, just note the house mars is transiting through in your chart right now will show what area of your life is especially inward and lacking motivation. that’s where you’ll especially be needing to reflect on mars-related themes such as power, drive, expression, confidence, etc (same goes for the planets it is aspecting in your natal chart).
think hard before acting; don't jump into things without lots of consideration - much like venus retrograde be cautious of starting and ending relationships on impulse (end bad relationships tho pls!!! this is a great time for that!!! i just mean this in a way of like; if your significant other gets on your nerves once in a while and you wanna leave- think it over a few times; and also don’t jump into a relationship with someone you met yesterday)
don't start arguments/confrontations unless absolutely necessary (think: will this fight really benefit me, why am i REALLY upset right now, etc). i think it’s extremely important right now to make sure we aren’t bottling and exploding on people/in situations that don’t deserve it and weren’t the main cause of our frustration
exercise, stretch; do something physical to release energy from your body, if you can! mars is a very physical planet so any sort of movement can help a lot (just again be careful as always)
be gentle on yourself! it's okay if you need more rest during these times, don't be too hard on yourself for hitting roadblocks in goals - take this time to plan, think through what you really want, figure out how you’re gonna go for it and achieve this; then act after the rx or when you have more energy
start setting more boundaries; realize who does and doesn’t deserve to be in your life. realize that self-worth and how amazing you are!
ko-fi for tips 😊
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mercurytrinemoon · 4 years
On synastry and how to approach it
If you follow me you may have noticed few of my posts where I'm fixating on the fact that I don't know a certain person's birth date. And I said I'm sensing a nice Venus-Mars connection and honestly now that I think about it, I feel like Jupiter is heavily underlined in here as well. So that made me think of synastry a lot (not that I don't think about it on daily basis) and it made me want to elaborate a bit. Also because I see this weird approach where people single out certain aspects and turn them into "make it or break it" kind of deal and that is just wrong.
Actually it's similar with natal charts. The difference here is obvious - you have two individuals which means double the options in which way the energy may go and more potential for aspects to cancel each other out. So while natal interpretations of, for example, planets in the houses will resonate with you, all the black and white interpretations of synastry house overlays belong in the dumpster imho. And I knooow, I knoooow, one of my first posts was about house overlays. It was very generalized one and I did disclaim to take the entire chart into consideration. But sometimes I see these descriptions where people say "oh my god Venus in the 8th house! This is highly sexual aspect!" But what if none of the people have their Mars nor Venus activated, maybe except for a Venus-Saturn square that puts a big dump on the whole thing. Also, this may as well indicate taking care of shared resources (because that's one of the main themes of the 8th). Besides - and that's my personal take - overlays are less important than aspects between planets unless a) you’re putting a stellium in someone’s house b) it's about angles, because having the same planet as someone's ascendant is a big thing and I can guarantee you that most of the people you create bonds with will have that configuration with you.
Speaking of which, the type of people you attract is highly dependant on your chart. Angles are important but so are aspects and planet placements. I'll give you an example based on my own natal chart, because, obviously, I know myself well and I pay attention to charts of the people I come in contact with. As an Aquarius rising, I attract a lot of Aqua personal planets, Leo risings and people with personal planets in Leo - surprisingly not a single Leo Sun. As a Sagittarius dominant person, most of my friends are Gemini Moons or Sag Moons. Surprisingly I only befriended one Gemini Sun in my life + my belowed dog who was a Gemini. My Aries Moon makes me weak for Aries Suns. Sun is opposite Mars (5th house) - it, again, points to Aries (and Scorpios as well). Dominant fire element and Aries in the 3rd (easy communication) helps here a lot. Having Sagittarius in the 11th (house of friends) and Jupiter in the 7th (house of partnerships), I tend to be friends with other Sadges BUT that Jupiter in the 7th makes me very attracted to Pisces as well. So DO take classic rulership into consideration!
That leads me to another point - modalities. I have a lot of mutable energy so I love other mutable energies. SQUARES omg, especially in romantic/sexual relationships. They do bring tension but hear me out. You need trines and sextiles but squares bring spice. I can guarantee you that having a flowing Mars-Venus contact will give you a pleasant feelings for one another, easiness in communication and a natural synchronicity, but it's the square that will make you wanna rip each other's clothes off. Soooo... I mean, whichever you prefer I guess. Squares are also stimulating, with trines the energy flows nicely, squares bring interest... it's a different element, but the same modality... a perfect mix to make you drawn to the other person. It's similar yet intriguing. Another example, as a Sag Venus my tastes concerning arts and music should clash with a Pisces Venus - that’s what a textbook definition will tell you - but surprise, surprise, half of my favourite artists have Venus in Pisces.
Now with oppositions it's a completely different thing. I think they work wonderful when there are yin-yang planets involved. As I mentioned earlier, as a Sagittarius Sun I love Gemini Moons. They compliment each other. The thing is, with opposites you either get each other or you just pass each other. So it fluctuates. I've noticed that especially when there's the same planet involved. Two people having Mercury opposition will get each other so well they will finish each other's sentences one day and then completely miss the mark the next. Like two vehicles driving in opposite directions.
Trines aren't 100% amaaaazing. I know many people who, like me, have inner planets in fire signs and our values, ways of thinking and approach to certain issues are completely different. We do express them in the same manner though, which is by being loud lol. Trines also bring laziness so if you have too many of them the relationship may just fizzle out. Sextiles on the other hand are so underappreciated. Air fuels fire and water nourishes the earth - it’s way more interesting than a trine where both signs are in the same element, imho. Some astrologers will tell you sextiles are "weaker" but that's just stupid. They’re just as important, okay?  
Sometimes you don't even have to have an actual aspect. Whoa, I know, mind-blown. But I see that constantly. Obviously having planets in a tight aspects is very important but let's say you have Aquarius Venus at 5° and the other person has Sun in Aqua at 20°. They don't make an aspect but it's the same sign, therefore you're going to express these energies in the same manner - which makes you compatible (tho I don't like that word). Now the smaller the orb, the more significant the aspect is. I've read somewhere that the aspect with the tightest orb kind of represents the theme of the relationship - I haven't been able to really analyze this theory tho. When it comes to orbs overall, Alexander Von Pronay is suggesting to use aspects up to 7°. I'd do that and then look at aspects under 2° to really see which energies are stronger. Liz Greene said that if you're feeling an aspect, even if the orb is wider, well, you're feeling it and it's there. I suspect it may depend on what energies you're sensitive to. If, for example, your chart ruler is Venus, you may feel Venus aspects more. And then with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto I'd say up to 2°.  
What's actually awesome are so called double whammies. It's when the same two planets are aspected both ways. So A person's Sun is trining B's Venus and B's Venus is sextile A's Sun. Or A's Moon is conjunct B's Sun and B's Sun is opposite A's Moon. I like double whammies cause they provide mutuality. People often ask "wHo FeeLs iT mORe????". First of all, there's no clear answer to that because everyone's different and their charts are different and some respond to the energy one way and some, other. That's why I like to ask people: well, how do YOU feel about that aspect (if you, of course, know astrology well enough to pinpoint the energy). But with double whammies you basically exchange the same aspect so, hopefully, in 99%, it will be mutual.
What I also love is having the same aspect natally. Let's say you have a Mars-Mercury trine natally and the other person has it conjoined. That is awesome. It's like going through the same experiences in life and going "yeah! I went through that too! I understand!" Better yet if then those planets also make an aspect in the synastry chart. It's great. You're going to vibe so much.
About mutuality... A few weeks ago I was watching a livestream from Nina and Shaina from Party Trick Astrology (love those girls) and they were talking about synastry so I asked them a question related to these things cause, you know, I bet they've seen hundreds of charts and I'm always curious about other people's observations. So I asked about mutuality and one of them gave an example of a girl whose Venus was beautifully aspected by a guy and the guy's Venus not being aspected at all. And how this, for example, pointed to the guy being into the girl but not vice versa. And I thought that's interesting because I'd assume it would be the other way around. Her planets didn't activate his Venus so he shouldn't be into her romantically. And I actually experienced that myself one time. I had this Aqua friend and had literally zero aspects to my Venus. Not even a semi-sextile, not even a quincunx, not even a wide generational planet connection. And I didn't see him through these romantic lens. So I guess there are no rules to this. OR it’s all about projection (which btw happens a lot in astrology). That's why I like to look at synastry charts and just get the overall vibe. 
Now with that being said, the shocker. YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE ASPECTS WITH THE OTHER PERSON AT ALL. I know, a bummer. Here we, astrology junkies, are in the lookout for the perfect synastry chart but as I look at charts of celebrity couples I often see them having no Sun connections, no Venus or Mars connections, lame Moon aspects etc. That is indeed disappointing. That's why I was so stoked about that Britney-Justin synastry. Because I don't see connections like that one between all the "it” couples of today.
So I guess... astrology is bullshit... Nah, just kidding. But it is complex. Sometimes it’s quality over quantity. And you should approach synastry as a whole, just feel it out, you know? And I’ll leave you with that for today because it’s getting long.
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plutoswrath · 3 years
Ok, i have to say this.
Dear Luca, you're one of my favorite tumblr astrologers, if not THE MOST favoritEST.(we're ignoring the obvious language mistakes for the sake of expression)
You really take your time to respond all the questions you get and you're so detailed in your answers, it makes me cry. (in a good way)
You don't judge the person who's asking (even if it's a "dumb" question).
[Well, we all say there are no dumb questions, but there are those some people ask... we keep our mouth shut tho.]
Anyway, i was going to congratulate you for being so dedicated and giving (with the information and time). It's obvious that you really focus on answering as exact and whole as possible. Are you a perfectionist by any chance? :))
I feel so free to ask you anything and share my experiences, since you're much more accepting with the long unnecessary asks, although i do it always anonymous. (i am the weirdo with sagittarius venus in 4th and the beauty of female bodies)
Perhaps you often see me in your notifications too.
I think it might also be because i already know a Luca irl and... i guess i'm biased.
Anyway, keep up the good work and attitude towards the beginners around here, that makes you so lovable.
I’m not going to lie, this even made tear up a little bit, thank you so so so much for these absolute kind and genuine words!!!! While I do this for myself because it is fun and one of my passions, it of course feels always nice to get some feedback and of course encouraging messages like this one!! 
Haha, I am an extreme perfectionist, that’s why my replies take a while sometimes, because I don’t like half assing things. I try to answer as best as possible at least, and I don’t to keep anyone in a bubble of illusion here: of course there are question that either go against my guidelines or are just very...bizzare (?), so there are defenitely asks I don’t answer at times. In the past as I started out this blog (many..many years ago asdfghj I’m so OLD) I’ve allowed too much on here and it really stressed me out, so I’m a bit stricter now but only to create a respectful safespace for everyone (including me of course hehe). And it really warms my heart to hear that you feel safe enough to asks freely and share your experiences, really! I actually don’t know who you could be based on my notifications, but let me just say that I didn’t perceive you as weird for that ask haha, I related a lot to you, so if anything, that would make us two weirdos <33 
Thank you again for being so absolutely kind and blessing my night with this!! Take care and stay safe dear!! 💞💞
(and I don’t know if you’re listening to nct or if you’re into kpop in general, but regardless...Doyoung has a present for you...here..take this..it’s for you <33)
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
congrats on 5.5k!! you're insanely talented and I'm so happy you're getting the recognition you deserve 🥺🥺 could i join in the ship requests too?
I'm a rather small sized (like, 154cm & ~40kg kind of small) Asian female from a South East Asia country and i prefer men, especially men who are taller and Age Gaps™ 🥴 I'm not sure how much you know about/believe in astrology but I'm a Libra sun, Taurus rising and Capricorn moon so you can do what you want with that 😂
I'm an INTP/INFP (I've gotten both an equal number of times from sites OTHER than 16 personality, tho I personally vibe with INTP just a teeny smidge more) if you do MBTI ✌🏼 I LOVE to read, especially fanfiction lmao, and i also write! I really love listening to music + watching shows/movies too! My favourite shows are all mystery/crime based LOL and I am working towards becoming a criminal psychologist/forensic pathologist/forensic scientist in future! (heavily inspired by Criminal Minds, Sherlock, Detective Conan and the like so 😂) I have a really vivid and good imagination please i can spend DAYS just daydreaming and imagining scenarios that I never finish writing about & generally this is how all my work is never finished loll
I'm the eldest sibling at home, and my parents haven't always been around so I've been rather used to stepping up and taking care of myself (+ my sibling, like helping them with homework and all). Some people say I'm a natural born leader? idk bc I often step up to be the leader in group work & I'll often be the one to initiate things & all. I'm a rather big procrastinator though LOLL so you'll often catch me rushing my assignments & final projects & rushing my revision for exams + finals like, 2 days before the actual exam 💀 which often leads to me becoming more stressed out & breaking down more often than i actually should so 🥲 I'm trying to quit this bad habit though
I love cuddles and hugs please I will KILL for cuddles and hugs from my back by a tall character pls it just feels so safe and comforting to be spooned too 🥺🥺 sometimes when I'm too absorbed in work or something (which happens too often for it to be healthy) I might just forget to eat/sleep entirely AND also my sleep routine isn't the best. like i will literally fall asleep at 9pm, wake up in the middle of the night on my own at like, 1am, then usually I'll be rushing homework at this time, then maybe sleep again for a short while from 4ish? till when i have to get up for school/work at 5:30/6am 💀 there's been days where i literally looked so sick from the lack of sleep where my tutor once stopped the class to ask me if I was okay and if i was going to faint LMAO 😔 i feel like I'm a night owl??? but then also i have no problem getting up super early in the morning so?? but i really feel most at home and really enjoy the 3am nights 😌
i am also the class clown lol but it's bc i just make sarcastic comments and all and my friends think they're funny???? but also i enjoy making people laugh bc sometimes i find it interesting to try and see what kind of things make my friends laugh so it's lowkey an experiment? or like something i want to achieve? at this point. I'm fluent in English and Chinese/Mandarin and I'm learning Italian so I roughly know some basics, and I really enjoyed History, which I took last year but dropped this year. (I'm taking English Literature with Biology + Chemistry this year and they're all great, except I'm literally dying from the workload aaahhh 💀)
I'm kinda clumsy and Not Good™ at most sports, maybe passably okay for badminton but I'm really not that athletic and really not very keen on exercising either 😔 I'm quite creative and good with public speaking/creative writing/impromptu performance/speech though I'd say! I'm also in my school's drama club 😎 though I'm more of a backstage lights & sounds kind of person. I'm right handed (with a really neat handwriting, as I've been told many, many, many times) and I wear thin frame spectacles which I sometimes will fall asleep in & I'm so clumsy/careless that I'm actually really afraid I'd break them (it's happened before 😭)
I'm a really good planner? like i can do up a great and detailed schedule/plan for revision and all but i will NOT stick to what i plan 😭😭 i love to snack!!!! on chips + gummies especially, and my diet is quite unhealthy lmao i literally don't eat vegetables At All™ & i don't really eat meat that much too?? lmaoo please i can go for days without having a single proper meal & just survive on snacking on potato chips + soft drinks 💀 i am a very picky eater though so really me not finding food i like/am able to stomach is also really kind of my fault 🤡
while i really vibe with and love the dark academia aesthetic, i also do video/MOBA games, like i play games like Mobile Legends & all. I'm someone who knows most, if not all the lastest trends (like tiktok, memes etc) but i won't actively participate in them? i just kind of like to know things, like Knowledge is Power you know (I'm a Slytherin, in case you're wondering, though I've gotten Ravenclaw so often it's a close tie sometimes)
okay i feel like that's enough details about me? feels like I've told you nothing that's useful oh well LOL... I'd really love a ship for Criminal Minds and Marvel? if that's possible please? in case you missed it, i prefer men! (I'm a questioning bi, with a strong preference for men) for the hc prompt "what you do on your first date" or maybe "how you met + first impressions"?
thank you so much for being so kind and willing to do this ship requests thing!! I'm sure you're spending TONS of time and effort on this and aahhh i feel bad for typing so long paragraphs now (as you may have noticed i have a tendency to ramble on if not stopped because i am just really Socially Awkward ™ sometimes 💀 and have really bad (social) anxiety too) and i really think you're super amazing for doing this??? I'm so sorry if this took up too much of your time aaahhhhh thank you so so so much 🥺😭😭 really the biggest of congratulations to you for your 5.5k??? you really do deserve every single follower & i am SO insanely happy for you 🤩❤️
- 🌙🏒 anon
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Don’t worry, you definitely provided enough information lmao. 
And thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it. 
I hope you like the ships I made for you
They are under the cut: 
Criminal Minds: 
I ship you with Hotch. 
You get the age-gap here lol. He would be a bit hesitant due to the age gap at first, but he would get over it because he can not resist. He does not seem like the type of cuddles, and especially does not take part in PDA. But when you are alone he would love holding you and spooning, especially after a long day of work. Aaron would be attracted to your uniqueness as well as your intelligence and aesthetic, finding it to be very “you”. 
How you met + his first impressions: 
You met when you were transferred to the BAU as the new Forensic Pathologist.
Hotch thought you were very interesting when you first met and was definitely intrigued by you. 
He thought you fit in fairly well and would get along with the others (which you do). 
He appreciates a sarcastic sense of humor, so he would dig that as well.
Hotch could tell you had a form of anxiety and wold be patient around you when you first met so that you could open up to him at your own pace.
What you do on your first date:
He takes you to a hockey game. 
He is not the sportiest person but he has had an interest in hockey for a while, sometimes watching it on tv. 
When he learned that you liked it, he decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to invite you on a date as well as to see his first game. 
After the game, you walked around town for a bit, getting some late night food and talking or a long time. 
This allowed you to open up to him quite a bit and you grew more comfortable around him as well, which he is very happy about. 
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Best Friend: 
Your best friend is JJ. She thinks you are really cool and unique and nice. She has the type of personality that is easy t get along with and open up too, so you bonded with her quicker than the others. I also feel like she is into hockey as well, so she appreciates your love for it as well. 
I ship you with Sam. 
I think Sam is a good fit for you. He is into sports, and digs your aesthetic. He is easy to get along with and very funny. He thinks your line of work is very interesting and loves to listen to you talk about it. Sam also really enjoys crime shows ans thrillers so he is always excited to meet someone who enjoys them as well. 
How you met + his first impressions:
You met through Nat, who you had met through SHIELD years before. 
You happened to be at the compound with Nat when Sam was there and she introduced you. 
He immediately thought you were pretty and very interesting.
Sam could tell you were shy, but that did not stop him from flirting.
Though he also made some jokes and was easy going as to not scare you off. 
He made sure to ask Nat about you once you left and managed to convince her to give him your contact info. 
What you did on your first date: 
He took you to the movies first, to watch the most recent crime thriller that came out. 
After the movie you went to a nearby park and walked around, talking about the movie and other crime/horror related stuff. 
You got food at a food truck and sat by the fountain together. 
He was appalled when you told him that you didn’t eat that often (if came a part of your relationship later on that he would try to cook you meals that you’d like just so you WOULD EAT). 
You ended up spending hours together, and it felt like no time at all.
So you were definitely up for another date with him, which he of course asked you about.  
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Natasha. She was the first one you met, and slowly introduced you to the others. She thought you were really cool when you first met and was surprised at how well you go along. That is sometimes hard for her to do, so once you became friends she never took that for granted. She and Sam would gang up on you when you weren’t eating btw. 
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Ok I've been tagged to a bit of tag games a while ago so I'm doing all of them in a single post. I feel like with some of them I was tagged by more than one person so sorry if I forgot to mention anyone,,
I was tagged by @shot-tothestars and @bluelric. Thank you for thinking about me <3
Rules: tag 10 follows you’d like to know better (Btw I don't get what does that mean? Do I have to tag people one follows, or people they're followed by?)
(Also I'm just skipping the questions I don't like, but here's all of them for reference in case someone else wants to do it!)
Cats or dogs: Definitely dogs!!
Current time: 12:14 pm when I started, then I stopped and now as the exact moment I'm posting this it's 01:20 am
Favorite animal: Uhm probably seaguls? But I really like birds in general, they look so free from everything. And cool marine creatures!!
When I made this blog: First post is from June the 13th!
Reason for url: Explained here :)
Tagging: Nobody here because I answered half of the questions so I don't find it fair to ask somebody to do it lol.
Tagged by @shot-tothestars; Again thank for tagging me; and feel free to hmu any time if you feel like it, I swear I don't bite XD
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to know better/catch up with
Three ships: Excluding tpn because that would be lame, the first that come to my mind are Bones x Kirk - Star Trek, (platonic) Elsa / Anna - Frozen, All Might x happiness - My Hero Academia. Now that I think about it, I've never been much of a shipping person? I personally find platonic relationships much more interesting.
Last song: The Opera - Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812. Since it's quite a long song, I listen to it significantly less than the other songs from the recording- it's still a beautiful song tho.
Last movie: I may be wrong but I think it was J. J. Abrams' Super 8. I remember being very scared by it when I was younger, so I wanted to see if watching it again now it would have still scared me. It didn't, but it was a nice movie nonetheless!
Currently reading: Unfortunately I don't read much for myself during school, and even when it's finished I find it very hard to get back on track; but I really want to read War and Peace so that's probably the one I'm starting next- together with Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground because I can't possibly read just one book at once.
Currently watching: Some things. Avatar: The Last Airbender, Death Note, rewatching Kill la Kill with my cousin; also sporadically watching Steven Universe episodes and Law & Order (the original plus SVU) whenever it plays on TV. As bonus, I just finished watching Japan Sinks and Little Witch Academia. (I hadn't realized until now how many things I was watching and had watched, wow?? I'm glad I didn't waste time.)
Currently consuming: Nothing? Should I?
Food i’m craving: Uhm... The Wok to Walk I ate back in London last year... There's so many good places to eat in London and I live in a small small town with nothing to eat, it makes me want to cry ;;;;;;
Tagging: The last three people in my dms @fandoms-and-shitpost, @puff-poff, @acaderhmic; the last three people in my notes @illbecryinginthecorner, @cookiespace, @galezea; the last three people who followed me @yeoshin-est, @losertea, @soulessgingersthings.
Tagged by @bluelric and @stray-tori. Again thank you so much <3
Rules: Answer 17 questions and tag 17 people! (Please make sure to create a new post rather than reblogging!)
Nicknames: Tag? I love the nicknames you don't chose yourself, I think it's a cute thing
Age (the long lost question everyone was wondering about): Newly 19 bby 😎
Zodiac: Cancer according to astrology and Gemini according to astronomy (I don't really believe in astrology tho,,)
Height: I really have no idea. Average??
Last thing I googled: "little witch academia"
Song stuck in my head: Drift Away - Steven Universe: The Movie.
Number of followers: Really peoples one of the best things about Tumblr is not showing the followers number, thus making it easier for smaller and bigger blogs to interact, and not creating some sort of social classes based on ephemeral and currish arbitrary assigned popularity values. Why should I tell my followers number.
n followers I love very much <3
Amount of sleep: 6/7 hours (4/5 on school days)
Lucky number: ? Dunnot? I like even numbers
Dream job: Uhm something where I can give my best to significantly do something to change the world for the better - hopefully doing something I'm especially good at. Like, putting my abilities to the service of the community. I'll start studying political science at university! (I don't really aim to become a politician tho)
Wearing: I've spent more than one hour looking for an imagine of my shirt on the internet, but, as I should have expected, it seems like clothes companies delete the public data about older collections. Anyway, it's a cute, white, very light shirt with short sleeves. It's got thin vertical stripes of various pastel colors and it's made of a kinda rough material I can't seem to identify. Under that there's high-waisted, light blue jeans. I like this outfit, I find it pretty. I like wearing pretty things even when I'm staying home, it makes me feel good about myself.
Favorite song: With no hesitations, No One Else - Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812. The only doubt I have is if I prefer Phillipa Soo's or Denée Benton's version.
Favorite instruments: Probably piano; second place is cello.
Favorite author: Of what? If this is about books, I don't feel like I read enough to give a fair answer, but so far Dostoevsky and Kafka really stuck with me.
Favorite animal sound: Seaguls' squeal!!!! But also lil birdies' chirping.
Aesthetic: Docks!! The seaguls screaming in the air. The sun shining in the blue sky, originating mesmerizing reflects on the sea, like millions of dimonds. All the smells in the world concentrated in just one place. The movement, the life!! So many sights, smells, flavors and feelings mixing together. The ephemeral beauty of catching, for a single moment, the sight of something marvelous and extraordinary, and never getting to see it again, but cherishing this exaggerated memory of that serendipity. The hectic atmosphere of people going to and fro. The concept of connecting different cultures, the concept of leaving for new adventures. Just one place filled with complete strangers all so different, all so unique, where you can disappear - but without losing yourself. I just find harbors neat!
Random: My posts follow a 4 fanart posts/ 4 text posts (or 2 fanart posts/ 2 text posts) pattern; it physically hurts to mess up, thus it can happen that some of the most recent reblogs may disappear for a while (but they always come back ;)
Tagging: @neverlandstrio, @idlyingabout , @holy-mantequilla, @vapidsoup, @dpgoinghost, @chidoroki, @lovesick-lovely, @ueno-ito-en, @x-supernova, @notelectrictiger12, @bubblesandpages, @joy-in-gold-shadows, @thathilomgirl, @yalikejazzmydude, @neo--queen--serenity, @wheatormeat, @icyhotsparkybroccoli but really feel free to ignore this if you don't like this stuff
And everyone else who wants to do this (or any of the others!!)
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Fifty-Five: Timer ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hiashi, Uchiha Itachi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
She’s always thought of it as some kind of pseudoscience, like astrology or basing personalities off of blood types. While many of the other girls she grew up with looked forward to their sixteenth birthdays like it was some kind of rebirth, Hinata just...couldn’t bring herself to put much stock in it.
“Everyone in my family swears by it!” Ino gushed at one point. “It’s how my mom met my dad, and several of my aunts and uncles! And guess what? My cousin’s timer is up in like...three weeks. He’s so nervous he can barely stand it!”
“Doesn’t it seem a bit, y-you know...self fulfilling?”
At Hinata’s quiet interjection, several girls turned to her with disbelieving expressions. “...what’s that supposed to mean?”
Squirming a bit under their gazes, she’d gone on. “...it’s just...people look at their countdown, and they trust it implicitly. Doesn’t anyone t-think for themselves? Or...or want to find love on their own, rather than be shoehorned into it…?”
Ino scoffed. “Y’know, ever since they figured out how to make these timers work, divorce rates, like..cut in half! People are meeting those they’re meant to be with and staying with them!”
“...if it’s so great, then...why are there still divorces at all?”
That earned a cacophony of squawking replies about disbelievers ruining the statistics, and...Hinata quickly removed herself.
She just...had her doubts, was all.
Her parents, and her only aunt and uncle met through their timers. Her uncle, sadly, died when his son was only four, and Hinata three. Therefore, she has no real way to know how their marriage had worked.
Similarly, her mother died not long after having her sister. Hinata was five. All she really has to go on are blurry childhood memories...and her father’s current attitude.
And she really can’t see how the woman she recalls being so kind, so soft, so gentle...could love and marry a man like Hiashi. Cold, calculating, and seemingly emotionally stunted. He rarely if ever smiles.
...she remembers her mother’s smile. So warm…
...so how…?
It’s why, as her sixteenth birthday looms closer, Hinata gets more and more knots in her stomach. The implant isn’t required, but her father has made it very clear that she’ll be getting hers. Likely so he can marry her off as soon as her timer hits zero, and be rid of her.
While so many girls in her year have looked forward to their birthdays...Hinata can do nothing but dread hers.
Like many young people, she attends a school segregated by gender. It’s meant to help avoid fraternizing with the opposite sex and therefore affecting a timer’s readings. Of course...not everyone is attracted to said opposite sex. Hinata herself doesn’t really mind if a person is one or the other, but...she keeps that to herself. Admitting as much would make just about every girl who isn’t highly uncomfortable.
...and yet she wonders what will happen if she’s already met her soulmate.
Will the timer just...not work? Will it already be at zero? If so...then how is she ever to know who they are? Not that she believes it...it’s really all a bunch of nonsense…
...and yet…?
Each day that passes in December sees her more and more anxious - more and more depressed. Hiashi has already arranged for her to have the day off from school, her surgery to implant the timer set for early in the morning. Set into her left wrist, it will allow her to return to school the next day, her dominant hand unaffected and allowing her to write.
The day before, she finds herself at the last stage of grief: acceptance. There’s no fighting it. No use in trying to say no.
This is just how things are.
“Good luck with your procedure!” Ino and Sakura call as classes let out for the day. “See you Thursday!”
She doesn’t answer, just waving farewell. While there’s excitement in her friends’ voices...she can’t bring herself to feel it, too.
Just...get it over with.
Once home, she works on her assignments, numbly browsing social media and not really taking anything in. All she can think about is the surgery. The stupid timer…!
Part of her wants hers to be broken. To prove that it’s wrong. But the rest - despite her stubborn belief that it’s all rubbish - is afraid, so very afraid that it won’t work.
That she’ll always be alone.
Too restless to do much else, she finishes the entirety of her homework, turning in to bed early...and yet unable to sleep, mind too full. Worries eddy in her mind like a slow-moving whirlpool: around and around, always circling back and starting all over again.
By some grace she falls asleep for a few hours, snapping awake at her alarm. Heart fluttering and stomach churning, she gets up, has a light breakfast...and then gets in the car for Hiashi to drive her to the hospital.
The ride is completely silent. Only once they park does he turn to her, expression - as always - unreadable.
“I know you’ve been dreading this...but best we just get it over with. Best to know for sure.”
Hinata doesn’t reply, just exiting the car and following him inside as they check her in. Prep doesn’t take too long. Dressed down in a powder blue gown, she’s wheeled into the surgery suite, given anesthesia...and then goes blissfully blank.
Waking is a slow process. First thing she notices is a dull ache in her arm, eyes dragging open to peer down at her wrist.
It’s wrapped in gauze, her IV in her other arm. The urge to peer at it itches like the skin beneath the wrappings.
Looking groggily around the room, she finds herself alone. Of course her father wouldn’t be here - probably off hounding a nurse somewhere, badgering them about releasing her so he can head home.
...the hospital has bitter memories, after all.
Going lax with a sigh, Hinata stares up at the ceiling. Well...it’s done. No going back now, unless she wants to try digging it out. But she’s not that desperate. She could keep it covered...never look at it...but even now, the temptation is great…
Why does it have to be so repulsive, and yet so enticing? It isn’t fair!
Glancing to the door, she finds her father. “...yes?”
“Once the anesthetic has worn off, we can go home. The nurses say an hour or two. Do you...need anything?”
The question surprises her, even more so given his awkward tone. “...no, I’m all right. Um...thank you.”
As he goes, she wonders if he’s been made aware of what her timer said when it was fully implanted. Or maybe they weren’t allowed to tell him…? But something about him just now seemed...odd.
With nothing to do while she waits, Hinata does her best to doze and make up some of her lost sleep. After nearly two hours, a nurse checks on her status, and gives her the clear the go. Hinata changes back into her clothes, moving to leave on her feet...only to have another nurse approach with a wheelchair.
She immediately balks. “Oh, I...I don’t need that -?”
“It’s a precaution for anyone coming out of anesthesia to prevent falls. Just until you get to your car, miss.”
Rather embarrassed - it’s not like she can’t walk! - Hinata sheepishly obliges, head ducked as they pass by other patients, visitors, and staff. As they go, her bowed face is turned to her wrist. Maybe she can just…
Carefully fiddling with the gauze and trying not to be noticed in case she gets scolded, Hinata nibbles her lip as they approach the elevator to the main floor. Easing the material back, she doesn’t look up as the door opens, two other figures in the lift already.
That’s when it happens.
With a soft series of beeps, Hinata flinches back from her arm, holding it aloft as though it’s suddenly on fire. Both Hiashi and the nurse balk, turning to her in question.
And inside the elevator comes a responding chorus of sound.
Time seems to slow.
Looking up, Hinata finally sees the other occupants of the lift. At the front is a young man in a wheelchair like herself, arms loosely folded atop his lap. And behind him, pushing the chair, is a boy more her age.
But he isn’t looking at her. He’s looking at his wrist, which is rapidly trilling.
...oh...you’ve got to be kidding.
The little group remains frozen, half in and half out of the elevator. Hiashi’s face is aghast, looking between his daughter and the stranger opposite them.
Said stranger then looks up, clearly just as taken aback.
The only one calm is the man in the wheelchair, who simply quips, “...Sasuke, I believe you should introduce yourself.”
     So it occurred to me that I've never written a soulmate AU. Like...ever. At least that I can recall? Admittedly I have a slightly sketchy memory, but...yeah. As soon as I saw the prompt, I remembered seeing this AU floating around, and was like...okay sure, lmao      I know it's a cliffie, but I think I can make tomorrow's prompt work for a part two! So you won't have to wait long, lol - also...with this one done, we're officially down to just ten days left to catch up. It feels a bit weird, admittedly, but I know it'll be even weirder when we're all caught up! Finally xD It's honestly a bit embarrassing having it drag on this long, but...well, couldn't help Life's interruptions.      On that note tho, I really need to get to bed! Thanks for reading~
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yoongislilbutt · 5 years
could i ask an astrology related question? i wanted to ask your opinion on bts' "fighting style" (like how would they act in a fight/conflict) based on their signs, i really love reading your interpretations 💗
joon: his fighting is not fighting its more like i’m angry so ill act like a brat and the most annoying person in the world. good disses and bascially acting very cocky and taking this attitude of idc😛 when in reality he’s just trying to mess with someone. his virgo sun is the reason why his a little bratty shit in fights plus his cancer mars makes him even more passive aggressive- this placement also strives from fights especially when its with someone they love/respect cause they put this person before them so he’ll hold back as long as he can BUT u will know he’s angry. “oh i’m not mad haha :)” oh and he will offend u in the smarter way possible cause he loves making u feel stupid
jin: okay so his scorpio mercury makes him a good bullshit detector. he knows when smth is up (dare i say if jin doesn’t like someone then there’s probably smth wrong with that person) he’s very direct but with his cancer mars he’ll avoid conflicts ..i mean if it’s a loved one he’ll take a bullet and stay silent. but when someone is actually challening him or went overboard then he’s here to end that person. just imagine sag sun aries moon in action- he could make u miserable if he wanted to but he probably won’t cause who gives a fuck? he has places to be plus this angsty atmosphere is not his thing so he would rather forget about it than pick a fight.
tae: cold and harsh anger. remember his fight with jin in burn the stage? he was triggered and he immediately took action, he looked calm and collected outside but this bitch was a volcano inside. cap sun and cap mars culture. he attacks with his strong straightforward words and cold attitude. he might come off harsher than he wanted but caps have troubles noticing when they’re doing it cause it doesn’t seem that bad in their eyes. in his case winning is the most important thing and he won’t back down, he has to have last word. but oh man, anger and sadness r mixed together and he’s a mess inside. during his fight with jin, jin was the one who apologized while tae even after that was still going strong, not letting it go. he needs a lot of time to calm his ego to actually see what’s around him.
yoongi: bro ...he’s not scary like ..at all during a fight. he’s just a hurt guy who’ll act passive aggressive until u notice u did smth to him and while he’s waiting he’ll write bitchy diss track on u to let go of his emotions. he’s rlly not a type to go crazy go stupid and murder u- his pisces sun virgo moon and cancer mars make him a bit of pussy with v sharp tongue. he even said he never raised voice on anyone ...he would probably be like fuck ur mother u piece of shit ur father hates u go die. so just a lot of fast critique and he’s done. if it’s a loved one he would avoid fighting cause fighting with them would hurt him more than what they did to him soo like i said- he will be very passive aggressive but not for long. he just wants to have his peace and love.
jimin: anndd here we have go crazy go stupid type of fighting. scorpio mars and gemini moon he’s here for the blood and he’ll take it. jimin doesn’t really show his angry side and that’s why ppl always think hobi is the scariest one but honestly- jimin is the ultimate snake of the group. he can and he will trick u so bad and then every situation in his favor that u won’t even notice. oh and he will use everything he can against u and if he won’t find it then he will make it look like he has smth on u and he will play dirty. he will backstab u if necessary, crush u even especially when someone did smth wrong to the one he loves. if he’s fighting with loved ones he’s also a snake but without backstabbing and using dirt on u, he will just be intense, intimidating, not backing off. mostly he will try playing with ur mind to trick u. jimin is very cute and angelic unless u trigger him. he WILL sell u to satan for one corn chip (not his loved ones tho)
hobi: not very aggressive. but u will notice on his face when his angry cause soul will leave his body and that’s when u should know to take a step back and don’t try anything cause he won’t be pushed around. like he will act on his intuition so during a fight he might act rapid and unpredictable ..u look at him and u know he’s angry af but he’s ? so cold ? that’s when he uses his words and all of the shit he was ignoring before so he will come at u like an avalanche. he won’t show a single emotion when he’s in fight mode- he will throw a tantrum without changing his expression for a second. with his loved ones he’s ignoring a lot, trying to let everything slide, stays quiet. if that’s smth he can help u with then he will help instead of fighting but if u keep messing around with his flow (esp when he works) then bye. he’s triggered by small minded people
jk: he’s just the biggest brat, he’ll throw a tantrum on u, be bitchy and bascially act like a child but he’s not scary. it takes a lot from him to actsully not act like this so he tries to calm down when it’s with someone he loves but still 90% of chance he will snap. he also kinda enjoys attention he gets from fighting and he might take it as competition so he wants to win. virgo sun leo moon makes him a brat and scorpio mars makes him intense in his actions so here u have a big child throwing fist at u and trying to make u feel bad for him. might victimize himself if it’s serious
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anthony-sparkz · 5 years
Buisness collaboration & inquiry form PLEASE DO NOT SKIP
***** PLEASE read throughout the entire form DO NOT hesitate to contact my inbox with any other questions or valuable information pertaining the topic *****
Alright , so think of my self generated survey as a job application ... I would appreciate if those in favor of well needed participation answer in complete Sentences that would help me alot THANKS ...
1b. I do understand everyone has a unique level of talent tho these writers can they revise , edit , can they easily identify grammar and punctuation mistakes , have they had experience with the plot pyramid scheme , famously mentioned in Sherlock Holmes stories can they write the following (which will be put in the tagline of this post)
1. Are you or do you know any other experienced artists/writers other than yourself and do you only draw/write ? can you bring me awareness or shine light on your other talents artistically speaking with some "reviewable" artwork or writing or tangible proof of this talent ?
@ WeekesCorp. Enterprises ,(the nonfiction real life company) is a company dedicated to its teams evergrowing collective mindstate ,overall health, and creative development . we also pay close attention to fan growth and receptiveness and reaction to what there seeing as they will be able to relate to the weakest extraterrestrial to The ultimate human lifeform alike we are a FAMILY COMPANY and so we must encourage oneness to provide ancient or esoteric knowledge of puticular cultures while still juggling entertainment , meaninful relationships with a balenced ideals of shock and awe whilst times of struggle as well as triumph and strength of individuals who are realistic fictional representatives of real world people places or things with that being said among different races all on earth categorized as what the world fears The most A national crisis .
Depicting what life means through the eyes of brand new heros who started off misfits , troubled teens with some type of trama , hostages to there own world , immigrants to the society they all just previously lived in and or gained some level of refuge in . we practice relatable diologe and weird/funny innovative humerous content about various things some of which are listed here but not limited to: Extraterrestrial or historical conspiracies , conciousness and spiritual teachings from both righteous and malevolent origins, astronomy, astrology , and quantum physics and through the many visual artistic mediums apon things the average person would easily let fly over there heads YET !! still compelling enough to not catch the readers garbage bin
2. Do you know mugen sprite animaters that will be happy to employ OCS into that game dont worry you will be properly compensated
(For details of characters armor , weapons , or skills one must answer all questions present with total honesty)
2b. If you dont know anyone who does mugen, do you know A video game animater looking for there next big breakthrough (feedback comes after this question)
3. How important is work to you once being payed for your work and time
( this is a extra credit question)
3b. When you get paid apon the peice being worked on ... Is it nessasary that you need time to yourself or would you like to communicate apon creative control and perspectives maybe even meet up and talk in person about future instructions (for drawing ) and instances ( for writing ) maybe goals and point of views just for intelligence sake
( Think about your answer carefully)
4. Mindset wise (when speaking about working with cohesiveness) are you dark detective batman or are you more of a batman incorporated type of person ? (Feedback comes after this question)(batman is only an example being if you elaborate more clearer apon understanding the question)
5. Watching the OG cartoons that came before mine ( my hero academia, dragon ball z , gundum , bleach , inyuasha, justice league unlimited/Teen Titans/ young justice series , static shock , samurai jack , TMNT, Thundercats, fantastic four , etc. What about these show elements do you know and love that you'd expect to see from my development/comic series/video game franchise ,AND WHY. Alternately as well , what about these cartoons and there plot guidelines, Story arc problems, character to character diologe, should be avoided in my writing AND WHY ???
- please take my survey seriously 🤔BUT still have fun😃 as it could amount to brand new opportunities👍, friendships💖, something to put on your resume 😂, all in all bridges are being built to our future together as a team all we can do is go ☝from here , may the force be with you always and i look forward and am emphatically excited to return to multiple messages about our future encounters based on my hail please and thank you-
9:32 pm Thursday September 26
Words of wisdom with Dr. Weekes
A wiseman once said to change the world we all must learn to change ourselves from that right there i gained the understanding of the 4 sides to the bigger picture and that is to love ourselves cuz if your not lucky enough to find the one you want if your not able to do what you love because of unfortunate circumstances, then change your perspective and mindset material. manifest your destiny by building your emotional intelligence , compassion and self worth with yourSELF 1rst you cannot teach something you have not yet learned and as human beings weve all been there one way or another and with that being said you cant do something that you have no knowledge of doing so before. So when you go out in the world today be like thoughts my friends (intangible until spoken off or spoken to)
Peace ✌🏾... untill we speak again "community"
Please do not refrain from having a fresh , drama free day and a euphoric dopamine filled positive weekend
C.E.O. And President of WeekesCorp Enterprises.
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Astrology Readings 💕
💕Hello! I've decided to start a little commissioning page incase anyone is interested in getting one! If you've enjoyed the way I've interpreted charts or just my personal tid bits on how the signs work, please feel free to message to get more information on doing yours! 💕
🚫Notice: Please be 18+ !! 🚫
*stay tuned for when it’s opened again! 💕
Paypal Link 💕
*USD price and whatever it converts to in THB is fine! 
💕FULL DISCLOSURE: These are rough sketches of work I'll be offering, if you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask/dm me on the Tumblr direct messages (@thechopkins)!  I have my prices fairly cheap since I’m a novice and I’m just doing this for practice, I’ll let you know if I’ve raised the price or if I’m not taking commissions anymore. But I hope to be able to do this as a side hobby for people to learn more about astrology! 💕
PERSONAL READINGS 💕 (needs birth time):
Brief Natal Readings ($10)
(I'll be talking about the things that stood out: your chart shape *if there’s a significance, aspect patterns. Going through your houses and placements one by one, your axis, usually touch decans if I feel we need a closer look at things. Definitely includes asteroids: Juno | Ceres | Pallas | Chiron | Vesta | Lilith | Eros )
I like having a conclusion at the end, something to tie everything together. Usually with these Brief Natal Reading there’ll be a ‘summary’ at the beginning of the reading as well-- to give you a guide of what we got/what to look for, and then we dive into the analysis as we go. 
It’s usually around hmm, 30-40 pages? I write in bullet points so that might be why, it’s just easier to read and see that way.) 
FULL Natal Readings ($20)
Everything included in the above, but with these:  I like to give a further analysis into it as well. 
I usually go for looking at your Rulers-- Chart Rulers, House Rulers, explain your Empty Houses. I take a look at your Draconic's, Whole House (if it makes more sense) Side-reels if it helps. I try to be?? thorough about it?? And explain things carefully if you’re new or need a lil more tutorial or guidance. 
Ahhh most people like knowing their dominants, so I include that (full disclaimer it’s the walter-pullen method) --- but I’ll clearly tell you that ‘it’s just for fun’. 
I think one thing I should mention about this is that--- it can get pretty intense? And serious?? So usually when we talk/get started I’ll ask if you’re comfortable with me hitting on xx subject, and if you’re uncomfortable with it for any reason at all please tell me so I can move around it and give you the things you need without hitting a sensitive subject. 💕
 Usually takes longer to make, I also answer questions you might want to ask. Anything that could potentially be in your chart? There’s a Q&A section if you want.
For those who might want a narrative guide to what each sign does, what each axis, asteroid does. I also have an appendix you can use, but tell me if you’re interested (it’s 20 pages in total so oof) - approx. 60-100 pages? That’s like-- without the appendix.
Note: If you’re interested in Natal Readings here is an answered ask on the Content Outline of What I provide In Further Details 
Solar Return Reading -- $15
(It’s always nice to understand how this year is gonna go. Or maybe just this period in your life if you’re having a hard time/want to experiment? I offer these readings as kind of like, a birthday present for yourself. I guess this is what ‘2019 Horoscope’ kinda deal but actually based on your birthchart so it’s ksdjnfkskn probably more personal to you --- approx 15+pages) 
Draconic Chart Reading - $15 
(For those who wants to get to know their draconics and maybe how to incorporate it into their lives? I look at the Draconic overlaid over the Natal since it gives a lot more insights of how to work with the above and below layers? I know, it sounds mystic as shit but honestly I?? love draconics?? And I rec everything who ever talks to me to go read theirs?? -- Approx 10+ pages ) 
Brief Persona Reading ($8)
(I have to warn you that I’m still a novice, but I think practice makes perfect. So I’ll be offering only a brief interpretation of reading your persona chart, you can choose which chart you want me to read and I’ll do my best to interpret everything together in the most cohesive way possible  -- approx 4 pages +, definitely low balling, just in case there’s a specific q you want answers to and I don’t have much to write about it since its already in the placement ;; I learnt from my mistakes skdjnfskn) 
Note: This is for non-idol aka your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner or crush you have a BIRTHTIME with
Synastry Readings ($20)
(I’ve been looking to do some Overlays for a while, so this is where I spend my energy! We’ll look at houses overlays, aspects and your individual want/needs/charts as well. Since the latter is pretty important, it’ll include a brief ‘overview’ for you both individually if you haven’t done a natal reading with me before. Nevertheless, this can be romantic, sexual, platonic, friends, siblings, parent-child, co-workers, classmates. Any relationship you want-- as long as you tell me so I know what I’m looking for/at -- approx 12+ )
Composite Reading ($15)
(This is different from a synastry because composite reading looks at the tonality/dynamic of the relationship overall! 💕 It’s not just trying to mesh two different people together and try to fit them into each other, it’s looking at how they interact with each other and the tone of their relationship. It’s really nice and fun to read, I recommend getting this one as well since it’s abit cheaper than the synastry one ya know - approx 12+)
MTL - *cap. at 13 members ($10)
Note: If you’re interested in an Outline for MTL readings here’s an answered ask that briefly explains what’s included 
4 rankings (one conclusive one and 3 to start off with) because You Always Want To Know What Kind of Dynamic You Can Have With Someone In Full Details -- Platonic, Nemesis or Otherwise.
So I give you 3 rankings (no, trust me it’s NOT an overkill) -- and then we talk about Each Member and Your Aspects With Them. I’ll explain how the dynamic works, the little things about it to overall themes between you. Compare it to other members as we go so you get a cohesive idea of how you fit between all the members (kinda like, compare yourself to them as well).
And then we have a conclusive-- which I give you the last Rank (after the analysis) and explain briefly why I choose that order. You Will See.
Takes like, a day to finish. The Fastest out of all my readings (a day for 7 members, I’m not sure about more than that yet -- 20+ pages)
Compatibility Reading: 1 selected member ($ 15)
DISCLAIMER: It's all fun and games but please remember that your development is most important and no matter how fruitful or positive this dynamic might be, if you don't work on yourself then it's going to be harder to accomplish this 'potential' that you have. Also please don't feel discouraged to ask for the members you think you might not have compatibility with, as long as you like them or your curious, perhaps this can be a new way of looking past archetypes of the signs and help you gain hope in your shared dynamic 
I’m gonna be honest with you, sometimes I’ve done reading where the compatibility isn’t positive but I’ll do my best to pull some of it out and give you advice. If I feel really really bad, I include ‘other placements’ that might be good for you instead (or do a little ranking list with the other members so you can feel better with the ‘see and compare’ -- I just don’t want you to feel sad if the outcome isn’t what you wanted ;;
The fun of THIS one tho is that we can look at how THEIR planet falls into YOUR house and how it might conjunct stuff (esp asteroid or axis) and tweak it around 💕 Since we usually don’t have their birthtimes however, we can’t look at how you would impact/fall into their houses. 💕Approx 8+ pages (low-balling, just incase-- y know, some people just don’t have many aspects?? ;; it happens)
If you’re interested, here’s some directions on how to contact me! 💕
Please send a direct messaging (chat-system) to @thechopkins 💕(Since this blog has an editor/member besides me, we can’t use the messaging system right now) 💕
PS. If you’re not sure what exactly you’re looking fo, we can figure it out together as well ;; 💕
If you already know what you’re going for, I'll let you know what I’m (possibly) backed up on or if I can get started right away 💕 And then I’ll ask for your birth day, birth place and if possible your most accurate birth time! 💕
Once I have your information/type of reading, I’ll let you know how long it’ll take (since sometimes I’m stocked up, I don’t want you to wait/get anxious about it so you can just tell me!) --- and I’ll make your chart, confirm it with you again so you can check if anything’s amiss (sometimes people are -- specific about that) 💕
I’ll go over the questions, like if you have a preferred name/pronouns, if you’re comfortable with sexual stuff, sensitive stuff. 💕I’ll double check again throughout the reading when I touch on it, especially since some might be--- really sensitive and I just want to see if you’re doing ok/need some comfort in your reading about how to get better (I usually include like, little advice/productive things you can do anyways) 💕
I’m good at--- well, talking to you when I’m working. So most likely you WILL know that I’m working on your chart because I Will Be Constantly Talking To You The Entire Time 💕
Ah, and I usually insist you don’t pay me until I finish the reading. I’ll tell you when I do, and then I take payment through paypal 💕 
After that, I’ll ask for your email and send you a lil message and the PDF reading 💕 
If you want it in any other format, feel free to let me know! 💕
💕That’s all I have for now! Again, I’m still a novice at astrology so all that I’m offering is just my experience/interpretations and current knowledge in the field. 
If you’re looking for a traditional/someone who has been working in the field for longer than a few years, I can recommend/point you to a few astrologers who might be interested! 💕
Generally I'm pretty enthusiastic about learning/talking about astrology, I’m not really doing this professionally, but if you feel like it’s easier to talk to me/want some help, I talk on my dm pretty often so feel free to drop by and I’ll do my best! 💕
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al-lewinsky · 6 years
🔮free tarot readings!🔮           (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
so i’ve been doing readings for myself and loved ones for a couple months now and i finally feel like i have a pretty decent understanding of what im doing! and recently i’ve been wanting to go the next level of actually dishing out readings to strangers lol... so here i am! ngl tho i’m just a beginner at this whole thing so i cant promise anything of hq (*´w`*)
anyways, my rules are:
1. nothing abt health (physical or mental) /death/ the dead.... thats kind of Scary™ sorry
2. include your initials or one fun lil fact abt you that i can use (ex. R.M.,  the full-time barista etc.) to draw on your question(s). and i will also tag my reply w/ your initials and or fun fact, to make the finding process easier for anons
3. i can’t predict the name/initials of a future [...] - so i’m talking future love interest, future friend, future enemy etc. - i mean thats the dream but im not there yet ;; 
4. i’d prefer if your ask isn't hyper-focused on any of the astrological signs - it gets a lil’ tricky for me when i mish mash astrology and tarot 
5. 4 questions per reading max. (but a good loophole out of this would be to put your ask in a brief story format) 
6. pls keep general/life readings separate from love readings - just send in another ask for the other one that you want, its a whole lot neater this way. and for love readings, pls specify your relationship status   
7. pls refrain from asking yes/no questions - however, if i come across an ask that makes me feel compelled as to do one, i’ll do it! 
8. feedback is always appreciated! whether its positive or negative, i’d love to hear back! it helps me figure out where things went wrong and how i could improve from there! dont be afraid to send in another ask telling me how you feel abt my interpretation and or how the situation actually is/went down! 
9. and finally, the most important rule: dont take my answers/readings as the absolute truth! the reality is that nobody should base their most important decisions off of a couple of ole’ cards. instead, use tarot readings to supplement and clarify!
(๑•́ ω •̀๑) okay pals i think thats all - pls ask away, i need all the experience & practice i can get !!!
- june bug ♡
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