#alvie lore drop
alcorian-cycle · 22 days
aaugh [chewing on the bars of my enclosure] seeing dick do static trap in fanart makes me want to do it again SO BADLY
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Guys, I'm in a mood. Hot takes time for each Xenoblade. >:3
Xenoblade 1
Egil is a lame antagonist
The game's themes fucking suck
Dunban is the worst designed character in the series, in terms of gameplay
Zanza was more interesting before we knew about his other half.
Metal Face is one of, if not the, single best written antagonists in the series.
Melia's character design is really ass.
Xenoblade X
The writing is actually really good. Especially factoring in the sidequests.
X has the best gameplay in the series, but it also has, by far, the worst combat.
The series has yet to make a more compelling antagonist than Lao, despite having tried repeatedly.
Elma is underrated.
X has the best plot twists in the series. In particular the mimeosome twist is the single best plot twist Monolith has ever written.
X is literally the only good open world game. Easily outclassing more famous titles like Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring.
Tatsu is inoffensive, even considering how extraneous he is.
I actually liked the food jokes. They felt homey. Even if they weren't particularly funny.
Thank fuck Cross never happened again. The actual worst protagonist in the series.
Elma has the best character design in the series. But True Form is arguably worse than Pyra.
Xenoblade 2
The only good character designs are the NPCs, and even then, 2's NPCs are much lamer than the rest of the series'.
2's additions to the lore were universally shit.
I really liked 2's combat, but I also think almost every boss fight in the game was shit.
Rex shouldn't have been in the game. Pyra should've been the actual protagonist.
The tensions between Mor Ardain and Uraya were interesting, up until the game decided to drop it for literally no reason.
It's frankly a miracle that the game is polished and playable considering how disjointed it feels fundamentally.
Dromarch and Ursula bug me particularly because Polar Bears and Cats canonically went extinct.
The music in 2 would be good if it wasn't for the horrible misusage of certain songs. Shadow of the Lowlands is the greatest offender and actually ruins the song for me, but Counterattack, Ancient Vessel, Spirit Elpys Crucible, and such were also horribly mishandled.
Tora can burn in hell. What the fuck?
I don't like anything revolving around how Klaus was handled in 2. Also the beginning of the "Meyneth never happened saga."
I don't think it counts as a hot take to say that Pyra's character design is ass, actively ruins the mood of every scene she's in, and makes the character writing worse. But I also have to add that it isn't just that the artist was jacking off. Even if Pyra was the most modestly designed character in the game, her design would still be ass. And that applies to every other shitty design in the game (except Dahlia, where the problem really is just.. why?)
2 is, by far, the worst game in the series. That said, I'd consider it a relatively inoffensive game if it wasn't a Xenoblade game, and I do get why people like it.
That said, the way 2 handles its themes is pretty lame.
Also, the way 2 concludes Pyra's and Mythra's arcs is offensively terrible. That's just not how you should ever conclude a massive arc, nor is that how you should fucking conclude a suicide arc.
"Nia. I love you. I love you and all you guys." is still the single funniest line of dialogue in the series.
Torna the Golden Country
It's really funny seeing the camera guy suffer.
This dlc singlehandedly makes Pyra a good character, despite Pyra having zero lines of dialogue in it.
I wish this was the main game.
Xenoblade DE
They made Reyn ugly.
I don't like that they lowered the cooldown of Melia's Reflect Art.
I don't like the change to Alvis's character design. Not just the core crystal, which recontextualizes how the audience interacts with the character, but also they made his jacket less fluffy. What the fuck?
I just generally don't like the Alvis is Ontos thing specifically because it I liked how he was handled in the original and I dislike the retcons 2 made to the lore. That said, I do like how the concept was handled in Future Redeemed.
I don't like the remix of Engage the Enemy. I feel like it misses the point of the original song by making the vocals so much more present.
Future Connected
I don't mind the story, but it also contributed absolutely nothing to the larger story.
Haven't played the game, but I can't imagine removing the Vision and Chain Attack mechanics from 1's combat would contribute a positive change in the gameplay.
Xenoblade 3
The designs for the main characters are, on average, presentable but not very good. In particular, I really dislike Noah's and Eunie's class outfits. They just feel out of place and don't vibe with the characters.
Z is the only good villain in this game. While N had a compelling backstory, every moment he was on screen took away from that.
Joran was such a bad villain that he made Lanz a significantly less interesting character in the process. Same with Eunie.
The only instance of "backstory character that got revived" working for me was Taion's mentor (forgot her name). Every other time, it was handled in a way that took away from the story.
3 has by far the best designed combat in the series, and I'd be surprised if Monolith manages to top it any time soon.
3's level design isn't on par with X, but I wouldn't mind the series going this direction in the future.
Camera button was the best idea the series has had in a long time.
Future Redeemed
Having the game tell you completion% singlehandedly ruined the exploration for me.
I found Rex, Glimmer, and Nikol to be rather underwhelming. Especially when I was excited to see what Monolith would do with them upon introduction.
This really should've been a standalone game rather than a DLC. Too many character arcs got skipped over. The combat seriously suffers from lack of customization options. Matthew and A didn't really have enough time to establish themselves. Neither did Na'el, even though I really like her. Alpha would've also benefitted a lot from having more time to cook.
Overall. Mixed to negative opinions about this one, but I'm still really glad to have experienced it.
A would've been the best designed support in the series if their AI couldn't use their Talent Art.
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pretty-nobody · 4 months
[Archive Drop #1: Prophecies & Divines]
Hello! You're wondering why you're here today. I am a Katian Archivist, and you may refer to me as Archivist PN throughout this sector. I am the sole survivor of the Flood. My hope is that this new archive will survive the test of time, just like I have. May Vitara protect us all.
Through the sky, cut by light, salvation strikes the ground. Divine of Fate, write it out, destruction brought to its knees. Divine of Time, face your fears, seal the coffin within. Rain doesn’t fall, clouds are cut, drown in the end.
[Designated time of writing (DTOW): Pre-Katia. The first prophecy we were able to recover. It has already happened, but that doesn't mean it won't happen again.]
One soul separated at birth by the will of the Divines. Separated at birth by the will of the people. Joined together by the will of the Soul.
[DTOW: Thirteenth Era. A Twin of Old prophecy that was also recovered from the Flood. It has already happened, it will not happen again.]
One shall fall by the enemies hand, One shall raise the enemies head, One shall cast out the rest, One shall take their final breath
[DTOW: Sixth Era. The prophecy of Empress Akaria. May eternal slumber be her only friend, lest she awake to her home once again destroyed beyond repair.]
Divines are hard to recover. Many divines were reclusive and often only appeared in front of the Quemon Court. If memory serves me right, there have been 136 Divines present throughout the Eras. So forgive me if not every divine was relevant enough to have an archive drop before my time.
Vitara/Everything & Nothing, Creator of All
Alvie/Lady Time
Melanie/Lady Ocean
Dayana/Lady Flame
Vima/Lady Death
Vika/Lady Life
In time, may I recover my home.
PN | Katian Archivist, End of Time Herself
Everybody thank the Dutch Bros worker who told me my lore was sick af and that I should post it, this one for you bestie. Also half of this comes from my Obsidian vault so it may or may not be accurate anymore (whoops)
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aqua-dan · 5 years
I may as well try the Xenoblade ask things: all the story ones (11-30) and 50 if that’s not too many.
Oh my! That is quite a few! But hey, never let it be said that I’m a quitter! Thank you for the ask, my friend! Here goes nothing…
11 - Did you get any of the plot-twists spoiled to you before playing Xenoblade?: Nope! I mean, okay technically yes. But sometimes I can be really stupid and oblivious, and even though I was dropped some REALLY BIG hints, I still managed not to get it due to my sheer stupidity alone hah! I suppose being naturally dumb has its perks sometimes!
12 - Which character did you like the most?: This is one of those questions I can never truly have a solid answer for! I’ve re-played Xenoblade so many times, and I swear I have a different favorite of the main characters every time! They’re all very great in their own ways. But!! If we’re including non-main characters in this question, then Kallian and Alvis are solid faves forever.
13 - Opinion of Juju?: I’ve never minded him too much. He’s a little helpless, sure, but he’s got his own neat little arc with all the Colony 6 stuff! I think people make him out to be worse than he actually is. 
14 - Was there any scene which made you cry?: Aah,, It really might be a better idea to ask me which scenes DIDN’T make me cry, because I swear there are fewer of those. But regardless, the ending cutscene in particular always gets me pretty emotional.
15 - What’s your opinion of the ending?: Ah yes, speaking of! The first time I watched the game (watched a lets play before playing it myself), I didn’t really understand the ending all too well. But after playing it myself and dwelling on it for a really… painfully.. long time, I ended up understanding and also really enjoying the ending! It’s very bittersweet and it absolutely made me cry. Just seeing them all in normal situations after all of this is over, in a way beginning a new journey, it’s so lovely!
16 - Which character do you think deserved more spotlight?: KALLIAN. Listen, he’s actually one of the most important characters in the game, and I don’t think he’s often treated enough like it. I think it would have been really lovely to see more of him, hear more of his thoughts and how the events of the game affected him, and especially him interacting with Melia/Shulk/and various other characters. Also he’s really quite the dork if you listen to his lines and I love that. I’d love to see more of him.
17 - Did you want to kill Metal Face, even after it was revealed he was Mumkhar?: I’m pretty 50/50 on that one. I always love redemption arcs, and in truth, I’m VERY high-key a pacifist when it comes to the vast majority of things. But Mumkhar, he very well might have just been too far gone. He didn’t show (idk about feel) remorse for any of his actions. He loved to taunt, to gloat, and especially to put Dunban down. Clearly the dude has some issues to work through. But I suppose what it comes down to for me is whether or not it’s actually kinder to spare him. And in truth.. I think that’s a no in this case. 
18 - How do you think Xenoblade handled the two semi-love triangles? (Shulk/Fiora/Melia and Sharla/Reyn/Gadolt): 0/10 do not pass go, do not collect $200. The love triangles are really my one big beef with the game. I think the Reyn/Sharla/Gadolt triangle was handled better, personally. It started off feeling pretty forced, but in the end it did seem to work and I certainly don’t mind Sharla/Reyn as a ship! It’s really just the Fiora/Shulk/Melia love triangle that throws everything off for me. I had no indication before a specific line that Melia had any interest in Shulk other than being friends, Sharla and Dunban’s interference and comments were frankly weird and out of place, and the tension between Fiora and Melia then just seemed… so off-putting since I never really could get into Melia’s romance side of things. I’m very much a multi-shipper within the Xenoblade fandom, but Shulk & Melia just really don’t go together in my mind. However, I wish MOST of all that Dunban would stop making comments about Shulk and Fiora getting together. There’s like three of Dunban’s heart to hearts dedicated to that and I’m like DUDE. Let em sort it out on their own time, you’re just being weird about this. 
19 -  Favorite race in the game? (Nopon, High Entia, Machina, Homs, any Bionis enemies): High Entia! Probably not the most original pick, but I am just strangely attracted to these arrogant bastards with wings on their heads. (kidding, I love em, but they can be so incredibly stuck up)
20 - When heading towards the final battle, how did you react upon seeing our own solar system and then finally Earth?: I didn’t really understand it at first, but the second time I played it made a lot more sense! I think it’s very interesting, but honestly not very memorable. 
21 - Did you predict any plot-twists before they got more openly hinted at? (Like predicting Dickson’s betrayal before the “I feel bad about deceiving these kids” line): Once again, my own stupidity knows no bounds. I knew something was up, but the first time I saw the game, I took it very face value. 
22 - Is there any lore which you’d like to know more of?: Tons, actually! I loved learning about the history of Bionis in the game! But in a more narrowed down category, I would really love to know more about Alvis’s backstory. I have my theories, only somewhat backed up by the second two games, but it would still be nice sometimes to know more concrete things! Would definitely also help for me with writing fanfics. 
23 - Do you believe Zanza was redeemable?: Yes, actually. He was quite far gone, but I do think there were potentially things that could have ended up redeeming Zanza. The things he truly wanted could have been achieved in other ways. As Shulk said, his future and our future,, could have existed together. 
24 - Which of Fiora’s forms do you prefer – her Homs form, Face Nemesis form, Mech form, or Meyneth form?: Mech form! I mean honestly, she’s wonderful and beautiful in all forms. But Mech form is absolutely the most useful... and she makes for a very pretty robo-girl. Like y’all, I’m 100% gay and yet I’m still a little star struck when it comes to Fiora
25 - Is there any cutscene which stood out to you?: I really enjoyed the cutscenes from the second battle of sword valley. Kallian does indeed happen to be one of my absolute faves, so it’s easy to call me biased, but it’s so interesting to see his growth in the small moments you’re able to see it. He seems so much more confident here, so much happier than in other parts of the game. He’s doing what he believes is going to allow them to take the future into their own hands, and you can visibly see that it excites him! It’s cute!
26 - Which story arc is your least favorite?: Probably the whole Ether Mines thing. It’s not that the CHARACTER arcs were bad there, but the mines are just terribly boring. 
27 - Which line is your favorite?: “Your blade, it did not cut deep enough.” IT HAS SO MANY DIFFERENT MEANINGS LORD ALMIGHTY HELP ME
28 - Did you enjoy Riki’s role as a comic relief provider?: For the most part, yes! He’s a very enjoyable comic relief character! But I really appreciated his more serious moments. It’s refreshing to see comic relief with depth. Sometimes, on occasion, I wish he had more of those moments. But regardless, he’s well received to me!
29 - What’s your opinion of Shulk as a protag?: He’s such a good boy!!!! Okay, admittedly there are some Shulk moments I’m not overly fond of, and other characters I find more compelling, but he’s still really great and I wouldn’t have any other protag here!
30 - What’s your opinion of Zanza as the final villain?: EXCELLENT! I think having him as the final villain, it really summed up the whole feeling of the game, how changeable things are, and taking the future into your own hands. 
50 - How did you get introduced to Xenoblade?: Chuggaaconroy! What a dude!
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maligknights · 8 years
What's your favorite plot and setting out of the FE games? (they don't have to come from the same one)
Mmm as for setting I have to go with Elibe as my personal fave.
Yeah nostalgia glasses kinda but idk, even though it is not as developed as Jugdral and Tellius you can tell it’s one of the better thought out worlds. The Lore can be a bit too vague but I feel it really plays to the mysticism and magic of its history.
Elibe feels like a soft reset of Archanea in many of its setups but it explores a bit more of its age-old conflicts with more detail. The whole Quintessence experimentation makes dragonkin all the more interesting and manakete dengeneration kinda makes more sense: the ending winter has created a drop or increase in the world’s physical laws where giant beings cannot be sustained rather than a vague probably genetic decline because reasons.
It feels like a world full of mystery and where the clash of incredible forces has its consequences, the cultures although brushed in stand out from each other and it is a setting brimming with love from the developers.
As for plot… Mmmm I am really torn between Jugdral and Tellius. Both had two games to develop its worlds and characters with detail competent fantasy authors would kill for. However everything in the story ties really well with the way things are set up and how the characters act and react. 
So we have the tragedy of Ciguyn bringing Armageddon by having two kids VS let’s free the furries and then kill god.
Jugdral had this epic scale of conflict that no other game has replicated, the tragedy and implication of every turn of the story and that engulfs each character just feels massive.
However outside the more personal tales such as Alvis’s of Leif’s, what Jugdral makes in a big brew of EPIC WORLD CONFLICT , it sometimes lacks on the characters (mostly speaking from FE4, FE5 nails this much better being a much smaller story). Also, outside the Oosawa Manga, I never thought Sigurd and Diadora’s romance was too interesting, really in the game Alvis is who makes things turn much more delicious.
I was not as invested in Sigurd and Celice as protagonists as in other FE titles, I have to admit. Leif is a whole other tale, I just wanna wrap him in a blanket and give him a hot mexican chocolate and tell him everything is gonna be alright.
Tellius almost reaches the scale of Jugdral, but being much more character-oriented I believe it balances world vs characters investment a bit better and every character has a role that supports plot and world. Ike is an interesting character and aside from being kinda shoehorned into Radiant Dawn as the mighty hero, you are with him in his quest 100%. Elincia, Micaiah, Sanaki and the other heroes focused on in both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn really stand out and as the player you have their backs.
Tellius fleshes out every character, no matter how small his or her role. Everyone’s got baggage, interests and believable personality traits and ideals that go hand-in hand with their background. Even the most simplistic chaeacters like Ashnard have a justification for being the way they are.
Each country has like its own personality and a pretty detailed history and the dynamics between countries as experiences by their citizens is spot-on. Tellius presents a world of diversity, flavor and with an opportunity to expand itself at every corner that the game does take advantage of. And all this supports the story and expands upon it.
TL;DR: Jugdral is more gritty and poignant but Tellius is better constructed. Tellius also has the benefit of Hindsight, where the story even outright challenges some of the ideals that have been staples of the franchise for years such as Divine Right and that makes it all the more interesting. Also some of the major subplots don’t get wrapped up so perfectly as in Jugdral (like the whole Almedha x Ashnard kid stuff) but gets a satisfying and more realistic conclusion.
Jugdral’s plot rides on Archanea’s lore as well sooo that poses a very small problem if you are like me who played Fe4 before Mystery of the Emblem.
I really enjoyed both and both are my top examples of the best FE has to offer in terms of plot, setting and sometimes gameplay. So accounting for Sequels, Sidequels and quasi-official works, Tellius might take the cake. 
Neither are 100% perfect, I acknowledge that both have its share of weaker characters, setups and plotholes. But as they are, they both are as perfect the combination of plot and worlds as it gets yet.
Also should either get any more complex and gritty and they might as well have a drunk dwarf character *ba-dum tsss*
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alcorian-cycle · 2 years
fun fact: i have cold urticaria, aka cold allergy, which means when i go out in cold weather (LIKE TODAY), my throat and tongue swell up and make it difficult and painful to breathe. im still waiting for my throat to warm up so i can breathe normally >:(
i also get itchy red and swollen skin (which is apparently called hives? who woulda known) which rlly sucks but not as much as the throat thing
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