365-days-of-lsat · 5 years
im gonna remove my nervous system so i wont be nervous anymore. cant believe what a good idea this is why did no one else do this
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365-days-of-lsat · 5 years
Oof- I have not done well with this AT ALL heres hoping this semester of studying is better oof x2.
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365-days-of-lsat · 5 years
Practice test day
Guess what dumb bitch skipped the whole AR and extra section. ME well it wasnt the point.
The last 2 weeks ive been studying Reading Comprehension and I've improved my score in that section by 26% yeeeee.
I made a 70% on reading comp this time so thats good for me. Next 2 weeks are on logical reasoning.
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365-days-of-lsat · 5 years
LSAT study day 2
I wasnt super focused today, i did maybe 30 minutes of videos. Had last minute plans pop up so i missed my full hour 😬
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365-days-of-lsat · 5 years
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Kombucha and work: LSAT Day 1
I was so tired when I started. I did approximately 1 hour of reading comp questions including 3 law questions and 2 videos.
Hopefully it'll pay off in the end!
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365-days-of-lsat · 5 years
this is what I am up to today:
-Plan my study plan for the November LSAT
-Finish my personal statement outline
-Go to yoga @ 5:30
-Pack for my weekend trip to Ottawa
-Read one chapter of The Philosopher’s Stone (yes, I am reading the Harry Potter series again - I do every year around this time)
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365-days-of-lsat · 5 years
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11.10.2019 ✨ Do you have any plans for the weekend? It’s surprising the week went by so quickly and I didn’t notice. It’s already Friday.
ig: andotherlawstorie
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365-days-of-lsat · 5 years
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Took my very first LSAT practice test today and I got a 147. I’m going between being proud and disappointed. Good news is my dream school only needs a 150. Bad news is I want my score to be a 165.
Has any else taken a practice test? What’s the hardest part of the LSAT for you?
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365-days-of-lsat · 5 years
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22.10.2019 ✨ let’s be productiv 💪
ig: andotherlawstories
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365-days-of-lsat · 5 years
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So! I'm making this blog to help me stay on target for studying for my LSAT! I haven't scheduled it since I'm only a sophmore but I do really poorly on standardized tests so I'm studying as hard as I can but slow and steady!
To catch you up so far I've taken 3 practice tests:
Test 1: 133, I hadnt even studied and knew nothing going in. Also was at midnight and skipped sections.
Test 2: 147, still hadnt studied but took the full test, also @ midnight.
Test 3: 146, this test was taken at 9am (FINALLY) at first I was sad that I went down a point BUT when i looked at more scores more closely I saw that I went up from getting 9/23 of AR right (on test 2) to 13/23 on AR! I had only studied a week of AR before taking this so it meant I was improving when I was studying.
This week: Ive been trying to study for reading comp which I scored the lowest on last time. Mainly I've been focusing on legal reading which I've done for the last 3 days but I think I'll start doing science tommorrow and for those 3, then social studies, then humanities. Hopefully my practice test on the 2nd of Nov will go better.
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