#although the au will be mainly sun focused
inittosinit · 5 months
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Idk a weird ass dog or something probably [design for the fella in this post]
He thinks you’re neat
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teecupangel · 1 year
It would be very funny if all the Assassin's just turned into FNAF Animatronics and just terrorizes all the Templars lol
I feel bad but when I read this ask, my immediate idea was:
Numbskull is the new security guard and has to go thru the horrors of the first FNAF game with Melanie taking the role of the phone guy who is either trying to downplay the horrors Numbskull is seeing for the sake of the company or is trying to keep Numbskull calm because there’s really no other option for the both of them.
So before we give each Assassin an animatronic to haunt, our initial setup would be that Abstergo Entertainment has become haunted. No matter where they move, even if they leave behind lots of shit, the moment they are set up (maybe a month or so), people would encounter the creepy animatronics that they specifically left in the last location.
They can’t destroy them because they’re company property and, well, Abstergo wants to make money, not lose them.
If they hire unsuspecting cannon fodders, the Animatronics would just ignore them and start destroying other equipment.
But Templars?
Oh, they would focus on terrorizing the Templars, playing some sick game (like that game which I cannot find the name of where the other ‘players’ move if the ‘it’ is not looking at them but will freeze if the ‘it’ is looking at them) which… usually ends with the Templar being so scared that they would need therapy.
So yeah, Templars were being used to keep these animatronics from destroying expensive shit but… Melanie was freaking sure that they were getting more animatronics the more memories they look at!
The Animatronic-Assassins:
Altaïr: Chica (Chica’s a chicken which is a bird. Altaïr’s name means ‘flying/soaring eagle’ which is a bird. Altaïr gets the yellow animatronic chicken with the pink cupcake because I kept giving Altaïr the bird motif ones so yeah.)
Ezio: Bonnie (By the rule that the main four original haunted animatronics will be Desmond’s four ancestors (and technically the four main protagonists of the AC games), this means Ezio gets to be the blue animatronic rabbit)
Ratonhnhaké:ton: Freddy (Ratonhnhaké:ton can use ‘bear power’ in the DLC so he gets to be the animatronic bear. And I think it would be like a slap on the face if Ratonhnhaké:ton gets to be the main ‘mascot’ haunting Abstergo since Abstergo spent sooooo many years ignoring him.)
Edward: Foxy (Foxy’s the pirate, seems a done deal)
Desmond: Golden Freddy (only appears rarely and seems to be the most docile of the animatronics… although his appearance is said to be a message that this would be the Templar’s last night as all other animatronics becomes more vicious once he makes his appearance)
Arno: Either Circus Baby or Ballora, although I’m leaning more on Ballora mainly because of the blue color scheme. Also, the Minireenas can be considered as a reference to the coop mode avatars and Arno can use them to mess with the Templars.
Evie and Jacob: I feel like it would be fun if they were like the Sun (Jacob) and Moon (Evie) Daycare Attendant. They share one body but, instead of Jacob being a more or less harmless animatronic, Jacob is loud and focuses more on scaring Templars thru sounds and the impending doom because he can walk slowly even with lights on (very very slowly though) while Evie will be the silent and fast stay-in-the-shadows type. It’ll be easier to figure out where they are by keeping the lights on to keep Jacob as the main ‘personality’ but that means he’s pretty much the decoy that can easily empty batteries or short circuits the electricity if the Templars are not careful.
Alright, if you want Haytham or Shay in this AU, they’ll be the one trying to help the Templars survive… as Helpy and Wet Floor Bot.
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fragilemalachite · 1 year
Wow, it's been a long time since I posted something. Well, I have something.
Modern RW AU.
So, I had the idea of this AU for a long time. Firstly, it was just something like school AU thingy, but with Downpour it grew into the bigger world.
I have some description of this AU, but if someone still have a question(even if this a ship one lol) well...go ahead and ask, I don't bite.
•Changes in the world.
In this world there's no cycle so the Ancients are still alive, not focusing on religion and the void sea. The void fluid is used as a resource for energy production, something like oil in our world. Iterators were created as teachers in elite schools/universities/gymnasiums/private schools etc. where they teach the Ancients. There are also anthro lizards, scavengers and slugcats in the world. All other beings are also is existing but have other purposes.
–Iterators are full-fledged androids, capable of movement, but still limited due to prescribed taboos.
–There are no genetically engineered slugcats and other organisms in this world (except for rot), it is strictly forbidden, as are experiments on sentient beings.
–Scavengers, lizards and slugcats are considered a niche in society, so there are separate educational universities for them, sometimes the attitude of the Ancients can also be racist. But despite this, they have the opportunity to get into an elite school or job, although this happens very rarely.
–Drowning in a void fluid = suicide, which is not welcome in the society of the Ancients and such individuals are considered cowards for the rest of their lives and condemned for their choice.
•Looks to the Moon local group.
Looks to the Moon - is the director and history teacher of the largest and most popular, elite university. She became such because of her approach to management, and of course because of her kindness and mercy. Has some memory problems, all due to the fact that an important bio component was damaged. She refused to replace old with new one's because the procedure has high risks that her personality may change and she might go insane because of this. Due to memory problems, she constantly writes everything in her personal diary.
Sliver of Straw – deputy director and IT-teacher. A very close friend of LTTM. Despite her quiet nature, she likes to party a lot, but also has some conflicts with the Ancients and slugcats. Rumor has it that she experimented on a slugcat.
Not Significant Harassment – secretary and teacher of biology. A close friend of the Moon, as well as a local "clown". He is called like that mainly by Sliver of Straw, but at the same time, the favorite of all students at the university because of his humor and simplicity and also because of his ways of teaching. NSH one of the few who thinks division in the hierarchy is a terrible idea. In the past, when iterators were created not only to teach, was a surgeon, but the Ancients decided to reclassify him.
Chasing Wind/Grey Wind – physical education teacher. Quite calm, but also wayward. Sometimes he can be overly straightforward. He gets along well with his local group, but mostly hangs out with the UI. Well he tries to watch her and ensure that she doesn't do stupid things.
Unparalleled Innocence – one of the youngest iterators from the third generation. She is a teacher of mathematics. She explains her subject well and teaches, but has a bitchy and conflicting character, which often causes troubles with Ancients and students. Knows all the gossip of the university, not only among iterators, but also among the Ancients.
Seven Red Suns – like Gray Wind from the second generation, a teacher of physics and astronomy. At work, he shows only some traits - prudence and strictness, tries to be responsible and don't talk about topics other than the subject. Outside of work, he appears to be tired 24/7, doesn't talk much, and avoids other iterators but not Five Pebbles. Everyone in the local group finds him suspicious and strange.
Five Pebbles – the youngest iterator of all and a chemistry teacher. Rude, very irritable and not very sociable. Each classes is hard to him. Actively communicated only with the Seven Red Suns, but after one incident stopped interactions with him. He always wears everything closed to hide the damaged parts of his body (mainly his legs). Reacts sharply to any questions regarding his emotional state. After meeting with Artie, I became a little calmer and more responsible for any work, as well as more empathic. And after meeting the Survivor, he became more nervous, but also freer in expressing his own positive emotions.
•Slugcat's(vanilla and downpour one's)
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Survivor/Moonlight – one of the few slugcats who was able to enter an elite institute thanks to his mind and work. He always dreamed of getting a good education and tried to be the best at school, what caused the syndrome of excellent student and perfectionism. In fact, he is quite kind, but also very quiet, especially does not like to talk. As a child, he went to vocals and knows how to sing well, but he is shy of his voice, although from time to time, when the Monk had tantrums, Survivor sang lullabies. He is the middle brother in the family and always sought to help his older brother after the death of their parents. At school, he met the Night Cat, who was more sociable compared to the Survivor. They are still friends, but the Night Cat is studying at another institute. Survivor loves to skateboard and sometimes hangs out with Nightcat on the playgrounds, doing all sorts of different tricks. Older brother taught him hand-to-hand combat and parkour. At the university he quickly gained the status of a quiet freak. Despite this, Moonlight gets along well with the iterators, although not all of them, but mostly shows interest in communicating with Five Pebbles and Looks to the Moon.
Monk – the younger brother of the Survivor and the most positive slugcat you can meet. Incredibly sociable, but shy and vulnerable. Due to his sociability, he has many different friends. Not particularly fond of sports, mostly slow. Inspired by his middle brother success, he decided to be the same excellent student. While still in school, but visits Survivor from time to time, at lunch or at the end of all classes. Although many bypass him, Monk still seeks to start a small dialogue. The younger slugcat is creative and loves to do something with his own hands, and also loves biology and chemistry.
Hunter – older brother of Monk and Survivor. Being treated for cancer, which was diagnosed when their parents died in a car accident. Works in the police. Hunter is extremely cautious, moderately sociable, though have anger issues. Pretty tall and strong. Not very friendly, especially with strangers due to paranoia, but very caring with his brothers. Tries not to let anyone new into his life because of his illness, so as not to become attached, but after the incident with a seizure, during which No Significant Harassment helped him, he is more calm about new faces.
Artificer – a killer who started her journey relatively recently. Has an illegal job, slaughtering only Scavengers. She was a single mother and was on good terms with the Scavengers in the past. One good friend even helped her with taking care of the children, but due to an accident that was caused by the arson of Artificer's apartment, when she needed help, nobody helped her and her kittens died and she got pretty bad burns. Since then, she has come to hate all Scavengers and has become very cruel, unsociable, rude and aggressive. She didn't care who she was rude to. At one point, she got into at conflict with the Scavengers, turned out there was so much more of them and because of that she lost the battle, was barely alive after that. Five Pebbles found her, under the door of his house. Since then, Arti has only respected him and treats him friendly, at some points even as if he were her son. At some point, Arti began to treat relatives and iterators more softly, and after meeting with Gourmand, she began the path of recovery from past traumas, stopping killing
Gourmand – a pretty famous chef who works in a restaurant. Gourmand is relaxed and friendly to everyone, especially trying not to think about the bad, but also not to look at the world through pink-colored glasses. He enjoys his life, from time to time trying something new. Single father with two kittens that already in the school. Gourmand and Arti met by chance when Arti saw that his kittens were being bullied by the children of the Scavengers. Artificer walked the kittens to their home, making sure they were safe, and met with Gourmand. After a while, Arti began to visit more often, due to the fact that she became more kind due to communication with the Five Pebbles. Gourmand was the first person she opened up to and told about her story and was accepted for who she is. Artificer loves babysitting the chef's kids when he's not home or needs help.
Rivulet – a slugcat who works as a journalist. Active and sociable, loves sports, and especially swimming and meeting new people, as well as being the first to learn everything new. She met the Survivor when he got in the university, being the first slugcat in elite university. And through him, she began to interact with Look to the Moon. She met Arti by accident, near a pond in the park when her apartment keys fell into the water. At that time, Artificer was still not quite sociable, but Rivulet did not pay attention to her rudeness, continuing to communicate. After some time, they became friends and the slugcat liked to go shopping with her, buying clothes or just looking at things. Rivulet was one of those who found out about her abilities and past, and although she was initially scared, she continued to communicate and help to babysitting Gourmand's kittens.
Spearmaster – a mute and observant slugcat, everyone thinks they are weird. Practically does not leave the house, doing drawing or writing. Their books are quite famous and loved by many. Always neglects sleep and food. They met Seven Red Suns in the library. Spearmaster always wanted to meet the iterator, and although initially the Sun did not show much interest in communication, he became more interested over time, learning that the slugcat was a writer whose books was popular and he loved their stuff. They were friends until Seven Red Suns revealed that he broke the taboo by passing important information to Five Pebbles that caused him to become infected with rot. Realizing the mistake, the Spearmaster smoothly stopped communicating, trying to find the Five Pebbles and tell the Ancients about what happened, but no one believed.
Saint – a strange slugcat even for others slugcat's. Saint is a synesthete and sometimes his speech can be strange and incomprehensible even for the Ancients. Doesn't really likes iterators and prefers not to get close to them. Accidentally met the Monk in the subway, when Monk once again started a conversation with a stranger. Despite the strangeness of the Saint, Monk still communicates with them and finds her interesting. Saint is the only one who is really still in the "cycle" of rebirths because of the Sliver of Straw. More precisely, he simply became immortal with deadly abilities, which she tries not to use.
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helenadurazzo · 2 years
The Tragedy of Reality
If you remember from the bio I made for Helena as the Jack of Clubs for the Cardverse AU by @ariparri you’ll remember that I mentioned how Helena’s mother originally lived near the Clubs/Spades border before traveling to the capital to accompany her sister. Here is the story about the breakup she had with her boyfriend at the time, Garrett Tremblay.
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“Yeah…” Olivia replied, not looking at him in the eyes, instead, her gaze was focused on the setting sun.
“What’s going on?” He suddenly asked.
Olivia almost jumped from the startling question. “What do you mean Garrett?”
“You’ve been acting strange all day.” He explained to her, “It isn’t like you, if something is bothering you I can fix it, I just need to know.”
“Fine…” she agreed reluctantly, still refusing to look at him directly. “My parents want me to travel to the capital and accompany my sister before she begins her military training.”
“So…you’re leaving?” Garrett quickly pieced together. “Why do your parents even want you to go anyway? Your family has plenty of money to send a servant in your place.”
“They just don’t want her to go alone I suppose.” Or this was all just a scheme of her parents to get her to marry a wealthy man fit to the family’s expectations, although she kept her second theory to herself.
“It still is ridiculous, she is not going to have you or even a servant holding her hand through her military trainings, what is your father thinking?” Garrett attempted to figure out.
“You’ve never met my father.” Olivia reminded him. “His mind is like a dark, impenetrable forest, almost impossible to analyze.” Olivia sighed. “I’ve learned to just do as he says and go from there.”
“Regardless that is no way to live.” Garrett argued. “You can’t keep allowing your father to control you like a puppet, you need to be free.”
“My family may be one of the richest in this area of the kingdom but that doesn’t change anything about my life.” Olivia noted. “I’ve never been free, at least not to the extent you and other ordinary people are. I’d give anything to live a simpler, less demanding life.”
“You have the option now.” Garrett attempted to remind her. “You are being presented with two paths. One has been traveled by so many before you, and the other has rarely been walked on to the point where it is overgrown. It is up to you, not your father or your mother or anyone else, but you to decide which path to take.”
“What are you trying to say?” Olivia asked, confused by his metaphor.
“All I am trying to say is that you are not required to obey your father’s commands, you never were. He has his own life to live and shouldn’t use his solely to control yours. You can come here instead and live with me, I’m sure my family would be okay with it, I could even teach you the daily farm activities me and my siblings do each day, what do you say?”
Olivia had to admit it sounded very tempting. She always enjoyed sneaking outside of her home’s walls to explore the nearby farms, being particularly drawn to the Tremblay Family Farm. Mainly because it always seem to grow the ripest and best crops imaginable. However, Olivia could only manage to get a single word out as a response.
“If it is what you want then so be it.” Garrett reluctantly agreed.
“You know how it is!” Olivia tried to remind him. “As much as we want to publicly be together at the end of the day we are still a part of different social classes, your family might not mind it, but if mine found out I’d never hear the end of it.”
“What about Cynthia?” Garrett asked. “I know I haven’t met her either but from what you’ve said she doesn’t seem like the type to leave you in the dust.”
“She is unpredictable, even if I did come here, I couldn’t leave her in the dark forever.” Olivia admitted. “And if she finds out she might tell my parents and it would only go bad from there.” Olivia said as she looked into Garrett’s gray eyes for a final time. “I better be going now, I’m not sure if I’ll see you again… but perhaps someday.”
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tooruluv · 4 years
Hajime Iwaizumi x F!Reader
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❝ enemies, as well as lovers, come to resemble each other over a period of time ❞
description: your feud with hajime iwaizumi only escalated throughout your years at hogwarts; whether it was on the quidditch field or who would be the first to sit down in class, there always seemed to be some sort of raging competition between you two.  
genre: hogwarts!au, angst, enemies to lovers, slow burn, rivals, gryffindor quidditch keeper iwaizumi, slytherin quidditch captain f!reader
word count: 5.5k
warnings/notes: swearing, lots of angst, small depictions of violence, mentions of alcohol and drinking, not proof read im so sorry although i am an avid believer than both iwa and oikawa would be slytherins, i wanted to play with the idea of them being gryffindors, which actually makes sense when you think hard about it hfklhfd anyway! please enjoy!
part of a hogwarts collab !  collab masterlist posted here ! tysm to the wonderful @rintsuru​ for hosting <3
my general masterlist
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You could feel his presence from across the dining hall, immediately dowsing you in a raging hatred that you only reserved for him. His arrogance mocked you as he basically danced into the Great Hall bathed in compliments.
The Gryffindor quidditch team won against Ravenclaw the night before. You didn’t know why he had all of the glory... he wasn’t even the captain. Being keeper had its perks, you guessed.
You rolled your eyes and focused your attention to your food. You tried not to stab the plate as you heard the varying praises to the boy in red and gold. “Congrats, Iwa!” and “That last block was brilliant!” nearly made you want to choke.
Hajime Iwaizumi was simply not someone who deserved such compliments. He was vile, annoying, and did everything in his limited power to poke and prod at every single one of your nerves. You used to ignore your burning hatred that you harbored for him; but late in your second year, you had let it all out.
And, as it turned out, he wasn’t quite fond of you either.
It had been years since then, yet the feelings remained the same. It was just the start of your sixth year and you already wanted to gouge his eyes out with the pointy end of your fork.
Tooru Oikawa caught your gaze and sent you a cheeky smile. You wished that you could hate the captain as much as his keeper, but you only let your hatred for him simmer for so long. He was quite fun when he wasn’t next to the little shit.
“Just wait for next week when you verse Slytherin! You’re sure to win!” a small Gryffindor told them. 
“I wouldn’t be too sure.” You said, perhaps a bit too loudly. You lacked volume control, after all.
“What was that, Slytherin?” Iwaizumi turned to you. His gaze was fire on your skin and you wanted nothing but to catch him aflame as well. 
“Your arrogance and cockiness proceeds even you.” You said, voice monotone and venomous against the recent silence at your speech. “I wouldn’t be too sure of your success.”
“Say that again after the match.” Iwaizumi turned back to accept another compliment and find a place to sit at his house’s table.
You wondered if you would get expelled if an apple happened to launch out of your hands and land on the back of his head.
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Late in your second year, you had enough of Hajime Iwaizumi.
The both of you were in a silent competition the minute you were introduced to each other in your first year. It was never anything serious, just two eleven year olds who liked to be at the top.
It wasn’t until your second year that you started to feel genuine distaste for him. You had buried the thought of “hate” for a long time, masking it to be annoyance and opposition. 
The hatred was much deeper than a surface burn.
It was during charms class that you finally snapped. 
It was not more than the simple mutter of his breath. It was a mispronunciation of the spell and the tap of his wand against the table that made you lose your control. 
“Hajime! Can you please, for the love of Merlin, shut the fuck up!” The harsh language created a tense silence through the classroom. No twelve year old had the balls to curse that hard in front of that many people, including a professor. “If you are going to be an idiot, at least try to hide it.”
Hajime Iwaizumi turned in his seat to face you, irritation and vexation easily overpowering his shock. 
“Funny that you’re saying that.” He said.
“You’re so ridiculous.” You rolled your eyes. “Oh, I’m Hajime Iwaizumi and I am a perfect student that can’t even properly pronounce a simple spell! But that doesn’t matter because guess who’s a keeper for the quidditch team when I’m only a second year!! I am perfect!! Literally no one likes you.”
“Trust me, no one likes you either.”
No one meaning, and translating to, I don’t.
Just to show off, you easily cast the charm that he had failed. Charms was your strong subject, so you only needed to say the spell and flick your wand before turning your attention back to him.
He was nearly smoking from his ears, he was both embarrassed and livid.
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You waved to Kei Tsukishima as you caught his gaze from the side of the hall. He was a fellow Slytherin and a good friend, though neither of you would admit that to each other.
He nodded as his greeting. He shoved his book back into his bag as you made your way to his side.
“Hey, Tsukki.” You said. “I wasn’t expecting to see you until practice tomorrow.” 
“Yeah, I’m waiting for Yamaguchi.” He turned his body to lean against the wall. “We’re going to Hogsmeade today.”
“No invitation?”
He sighed. “Would you like to join us, Captain?”
“I was joking, no need to sound so enthusiastic.” You chuckled. As you started to speak again, Tadashi Yamaguchi left the classroom the two of you stood outside of. He smiled at you, his green and white reflecting off of his eyes.
“Captain!” Yamaguchi greeted, putting an arm around your shoulder. “Are you coming to Hogsmeade with us?”
“Be careful, the idiots are coming.” Tsukishima interrupted and warned, motioning over your shoulder.
You turned around to find Oikawa and Iwaizumi walking next to each other, laughing about something only the two of them knew. You had to hold back from making a comment.
“Yoohoo!” Tooru Oikawa caught your eye. You sighed and turned back to your fellow Slytherins, sharing a look. 
“Hello, Tooru.” You felt him beside you before you looked. 
You purposely didn’t look at Iwaizumi. 
“We’re celebrating our win tonight, you guys should join!” Oikawa invited. You heard Iwaizumi’s exhale of frustration, but you only rolled your eyes in an attempt to ignore his presence. 
“You want a group of Slytherins hanging out with you, celebrating your win, when we go against you in less than a week?” Tsukishima spoke up. He moved off of the wall. “No thanks. Come, Yamaguchi. Let’s go.”
Yamaguchi waved goodbye and followed his best friend down the hall. You pivoted to fully face the two Gryffindors.
“I’ll come.” You said, mainly out of spite.
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Tooru Oikawa was naturally outgoing. He was the captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team, a flirt, and all together a pretty chill person. You didn’t mind calling him a friend, despite the vast differences between you two.
One vast difference being his best friend.
Which is why you found yourself next to him as soon as you entered the Gryffindor party. The cascades of burgundy and gold created a deep atmosphere in the hidden room, lights dancing along the dark walls and the smell of various alcohols filled the air. It was a Gryffindor party, that much was true.
You were one of the very few Slytherins that occupied the room. Your eyes caught sight of only a couple, most of them much younger than you and just happy to be at one of their first few parties.
“Oi, a snake has crawled into the winner’s common room.” Oikawa joked as he handed you a can. You accepted. 
“A snake in a lion’s den, I wonder who will win.” You quipped. 
“The lion, for sure.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure. Snakes can eat things 100 percent their size.” You raised a brow and opened your can. 
“Hm,” Oikawa looked over his shoulder and called out for someone you didn’t see. “Hey! Who do you think would win, a lion or a snake?”
“A lion obviously.” It was Hajime Iwaizumi. 
You let out a groan, immediately losing your sense of humor. “Ah, you’ll see in less than a week.”
“I don’t think I will.” Iwaizumi said, stoic and annoyed. “This win was only one of few.”
“I suggest you just celebrate this win.” You took a sip. “Because I don’t think the losing team would like to come to the winner’s party.”
“That just means I will not be seeing you, which is a grand idea.”
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It was the time of year just before winter, where the air starts to cool but the sun still warms your skin. You took a breath and held your broom at your side. 
It was near minutes before the anticipated game against Gryffindor, and you could hear the crowds already. The rivalry between your houses was something that everyone enjoyed; the rivalry between you and their keeper was all you.
“Alright team.” You pivoted to the team behind you. “We’re playing Serpent first; and if we don’t get any points within the first two minutes, I’ll hold up the signal for Green. Got it?”
“Got it.”
You had a pretty well-rounded team in your honest opinion. Tsukishima was perfect as your keeper, he was never one to let anything get past him. Your chasers included you, Yamaguchi, and another girl named Yui Michimiya. You had the Miya twins for beaters. And, rather recently, you gained a new seeker named Tobio Kageyama. The same age as your keeper, but only wanted to join quidditch out of hate for the Gryffindor seeker (and who were you to deny that?).
The Gryffindor team was not one to mess with, they had a nice team too. Iwaizumi as the keeper, the Idiots Nishinoya and Tanaka as beaters, their new seeker Shoyo Hinata... but the problem was their chasers: Oikawa, Kiyoko Shimizu, and Wakatoshi Ushijima. They were so quick on their brooms, it was like working against wind.
Today was no day to lose.
“It’s our first official match of the year.” You encouraged. “Let’s show them who not to mess with.”
“Let’s absolutely destroy them.” Atsumu added.
You grinned.
As you headed towards the field, you could feel the adrenaline creeping into your bones. Quidditch had become routine, simple muscle memory as you moved to your starting positions. 
The Gryffindor team appeared, and you felt the excitement enter you in a rush of air.
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In the air, Hajime Iwaizumi felt at peace. He was very good at what he did, and he knew that, and the game was something he was passionate about.
He was also passionate about beating you.
You were the bane of his existence. You had never once sent him anything other than something bitter or sarcastic. You were an annoying pest that he simply couldn’t get rid of.
And as you threw the Quaffle into the goal just above his head, Iwaizumi felt his eye twitch.
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Slytherin won, Tobio Kageyama’s hand high with the Snitch inside. 
You watched in triumph as the teams descended on the brooms. From the skies down, you cheered.
“Congrats, Slytherin.” Oikawa said, though his tone was bitter and sour. 
You knew that he hated losing, so you didn’t push it. He was a friend, after all. Sending him just a small “I’m sorry you didn’t win” smile, you headed to your team. You gathered them into a hug, or rather-- a huddle, and ruffled the hair on Kageyama’s head. 
You peeked over your shoulder to catch sight of Iwaizumi. He was standing, hands at his sides, red face and eyes blank of any expression other than anger.
You smirked at him.
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Hajime Iwaizumi was on the other side of the victory this time, silently brooding as he picked at his food in the Great Hall. The Gryffindor table emitted zero volume. 
He was pissed off the second you entered the hall, Kei Tsukishima and Tadashi Yamaguchi walking beside you. The green and white seemed to glow, mocking him in the worst way imaginable. 
Oikawa tried to bring his attention back to the food, but Iwaizumi was focused primarily on you. You were gloating, relishing in his loss, taking delight in the compliments from your house. A Hufflepuff appeared at your side, and you smiled as you thanked them for their congratulations. 
He felt sick.
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You could not help but drown yourself in the triumph. You walked on air, the feeling of superiority tickling every inch of skin it could touch.
You waved goodbye to a couple of friends, heading directly to the Gryffindor table. You placed your hands on Oikawa and Iwaizumi’s shoulders, leaning to place your head right between theirs.
“I suppose the snake beats the lion.” You sent a wink to Iwaizumi, knowing full well how it would provoke him. 
“Fuck off.” Iwaizumi shoved your hand off of his shoulder.
“Go receive your praise at the Slytherin table.” Oikawa shooed, fork in hand. “You won’t find it here.”
“Sore losers.” You mocked just for fun. You stood straight. “I imagine that I would be the same, given it were the other way.”
You basically skipped back to your table for breakfast.
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You were absolutely elated for the rest of the day. It was quite similar to being on cloud 9, winning your first game of the year against your rivals. The look on Hajime Iwaizumi’s face only added to the feeling.
You were walking down the hall, talking to a fellow Slytherin girl who had her arm wrapped in yours. She was going on and on about how she wished she could have imprinted Kageyama’s snitch catch to her memory.
That was when your shoulder collided directly into a firm body.
Your arm was ripped away from your classmates, along with your bag that fell onto the hard ground with a loud thud and wisp of parchment and ink. Everything in your bag now scattered the ground, covered in the dark ink and dirt. 
Your mood was too high to get too angry. It was an accident; you would bite your tongue and clean up the mess.
Until you realized just who’s shoulder you ran into: Hajime Iwaizumi. Your greatest enemy and now destruction of your contents.
“Watch where you’re going next time, Hajime.” You grunted, kneeling to save some of your parchment before the ink could reach it. 
“Perhaps if you had your head out of your ass, you wouldn’t have run into me.” Iwaizumi responded. He had turned to face you midway through your fall.
“As if you didn’t feel this way a week ago.” You told him, standing up. Nearly everything that was in your bag was soaked, including the bag itself. You inhaled deeply. “You did this on purpose, didn’t you?”
“Now, why would I run my shoulder into you on purpose hoping to ruin your mood?” He asked. “You must be very arrogant to think that everything must be about you.”
You clenched your jaw and closed your eyes. “I will not let a piece of shit such as yourself bring my mood down today. Today is a good day.”
You knelt once again to find your essay that you had written for Snape, searching your documents. Only to find it one of the few that were directly under the ink, completely doused in black.
“Actually, fuck you.” You lifted the paper. Ink dripped off and onto the ground. “Do you know how long I worked on this?”
“I don’t know, a couple of minutes?” Iwaizumi shrugged. “You aren’t exactly the best at your schoolwork.”
“You wish you knew me well, but you don’t at all.” You felt anger boil in your chest. “I worked very hard on this essay. Days, even. And you destroyed it in less than five seconds..”
“There’s the Slytherin in you.” He let out a humorless laugh. “You think everything has to be about you, and if it doesn’t than someone is out to get you. Your ego is so fucking enormous that you can’t even muster the idea that maybe something isn’t about you. You didn’t even win, Tobio won the game for you. God, why don’t you go make a friend instead of standing here arguing with me about an accident?”
And then, “You really are a raging bitch, aren’t you?”
The girl that you were talking to had wide eyes, and you were sure that she was ready to fight. A couple of bystanders that were once just listeners started to mumble. And you.... you couldn’t fathom words.
Your feud with him had grown deep, but it had never gone as far as that. In front of a crowd, no less. 
It was one thing to make comments, to be bitter and roll your eyes at each other’s presence. It was one thing to bicker, to fight, to joke to friends about the other’s incompetence and purposely pull on each other’s strings.
It was something else completely to call you a bitch in front of everyone in the middle of a hallway after a thread of insults.
You fake smiled, feeling unwanted tears threaten their way to your eyes. You would not allow yourself the angry tears; they would only make you angrier. 
“You’re more than just an asshole, Hajime Iwaizumi.” You told him. Because you truly didn’t have any words.
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“Calling a woman a bitch is the worst insult. Those are fighting words.” Oikawa’s older sister used to say. “It’s comparable to calling a man a pussy.”
Hajime Iwaizumi didn’t think much while he spoke. He just said the things as they came, especially when he didn’t really care much about what you thought of him.
But, calling you a bitch... that felt as if it were crossing a line that he didn’t have the authority to cross. And the look on your face after he said it was one that he had never witnessed on you.
At practice, his head still held the image of you. 
He was confused. Why did he regret calling you a name? It wasn’t as if the two of you don’t argue in front of people all of the time. In fact, it was nearly a common occurrence. 
For some ungodly reason, he felt a tug at his chest. 
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“Maybe you should apologize?” Oikawa suggested.
“Why would I apologize to her?”
“Because I think you went a little bit too far.” He told his best friend as truthfully as possible. “Because as much as I think the rivalry between you two is fun, she’s still just a girl. And because my sister said you should.”
“You wrote your sister?”
“Yeah, of course I did.”
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For several days, Hajime Iwaizumi hadn’t seen you. You didn’t eat in the Great Hall, you didn’t come to the classes he had with you, you didn’t go to Hogsmeade like you usually did on weekends.
So, he came to your practice.
He was hoping to apologize. It was something he had never done to you before, and he had practiced it quite a few times. Just a small, “I’m sorry for calling you a bitch in front of everyone.”
Yes. That should be fine and the two of you could go back to the regularly scheduled loathing.
But the second he stepped onto the field, the two beaters stood in front of him. 
“I wouldn’t.” Atsumu said, holding his broom. “She’s been in a mood.”
“I know, I’m the reason for that.” Iwaizumi said. “I just want to talk to her. Just a second.”
“I wouldn’t.” Osamu repeated. “Whatever you have to say, it’s gonna have to wait.”
Iwaizumi nodded, looking at the twins. He was going to ask them to tell you that he had been there, ask them to ask you to meet him somewhere or something so he can get the stupid apology off of his chest, when you appeared behind them.
“Get off of my field, Hajime Iwaizumi.” You said. You had been at practice for the past two hours (according to the sign ups), yet your voice was even and you hadn’t even broken a sweat. In fact, your voice spit toxin in his direction.
“I just wanted to...”
You had taken off before he could even say his second word. The twins followed right after.
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Tooru Oikawa took a place beside you. It would have been normal, if it were not for your avid avoidance of anyone with a Gryffindor robe on.
“Hello, Tooru.” You said without sparing him a glance.
The thing was, you weren’t angry with him. You didn’t hate Oikawa, you hated his closest friend. And by association, you didn’t want to talk to him just as much. Oikawa had always been the middle ground between the doom and gloom that was the dark haired man you hated.
“I think you should talk to Iwa.” Oikawa said. Plain and simple, to the point.
“I think you should mind your business.” You retorted. “I never talked to him to begin with, what’s different now?”
“Because now is different.” He grabbed his book as the professor walked in. “Now, you won’t even say your smart ass remarks or tell him how fucked up his hair looks. Now is just... boring and sad.”
“So you want me to talk to the guy I hate in order for you to not be bored?” You scoffed and collected your things. “Truly, you are his best friend.”
You left just as the professor started talking, receiving a few stares in the process. It wasn’t as if you weren’t used to that.
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You were walking with Tsukishima, laughing at your attempts to get him to smile. Your team had really taken your mind and restored your confidence. You figured, as long as you didn’t see the man you hate then he simply didn’t exist. It was that easy.
Until you accidentally caught his eye across the street. 
It had been snowing, so most of the students were in their winter gear and warm clothes. You yourself had a hat and scarf on, gloves to cover your hands despite the hot to-go mug of cocoa in them. 
Hogsmeade was quite busy with everyone getting last minute holiday gifts and hurrying to hang out before break. Yet, somehow, your eyes found the brown of Iwaizumi’s.
You turned around, forcing Tsukishima to follow. The younger boy didn’t even have to ask about your change in demeanor, easily falling into pace beside you. 
You felt a hand on your wrist, and heard your name being called. “Hey. Can I talk to you? I’ve been trying to apologize...”
You stopped dead in your tracks, as if you were pulled on a leash. As if his bare hand touching your empty gloved one had scolded you. Iwaizumi stood before you, red cheeks from either the cold or from rushing after you. Either way, you wanted nothing to do with it. 
He had spun you in his grasp, his jaw tight and eyes searching yours before falling to his hand around yours. His grip on your wrist was tight, and he swallowed as his eyes found yours again.
“I don’t want to talk to you.” You snatched your arm away. “Have you ever considered that? I don’t want to talk to you, I don’t want to see you, and I don’t want to hear your half-ass apology!”
“I have been trying to talk to you.” He said. “I...” His eyes scanned yours. His tongue rolled in his mouth. “You mean to tell me that you don’t want my apologies?”
“You’ve made it very clear what you think of me, so I hope that I can make this very clear for you,” You took a deep breath. “I hate you. I don’t like you, I have never liked you, and I hope that whatever it is that is eating you up inside continues to do so.”
Hajime Iwaizumi’s eye twitched. He started to take a step towards you, but decided against it, falling back into the same step. “I don’t...” His voice was nothing as you had ever heard it. “You...” His eyes clouded with the emotions you were familiar with. “Fine.”
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It was a sudden realization. It was not something you had even considered before, not something planned or reasoned. It was much like a tsunami, a build up of unrelated activity that brought something else entirely.
Emotions were unfortunate things. If you feel extreme emotions for someone, no matter what... they are still very strong feelings.
Hate to love, what a strange concept.
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You held the potion below your nose, inhaling the scent. 
“What does it smell like?” Snape asked.
“It smells like... bergamot.” You distinguished the varying smells. “Apple. And... lavender?”
You stepped back and hoped no one could see you connecting the dots through your eyes.
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Tooru Oikawa was an observant person. He was known to be the person who knew the best for his team, easily finding the perfect techniques for each on the field and as encouragement. He was one for connections and relationships.
Which is why he knew that you were masking feelings of something else with this burning hatred. Which is why he knew why you felt so bad after Iwa called you a terrible name in front of an audience. Which is why he knew who it was when you listed your amortentia scents.
He tried to send you a look from his seat across from you, classes later. He wanted to tell you that he knew; that he knew there was something more to what’s going on, and that something was Iwaizumi.
You just sent him a middle finger, knowing full well what he was getting at.
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Your feelings didn’t just suddenly arrive. And you were full of confusion, disorientation, and most of all... anger.
For as long as you could remember, Hajime Iwaizumi was supposed to be your arch enemy. He was your nemesis on a daily basis. He was the reason for your annoyance. He was the reason for your hatred for the colors red and gold. He was the reason you became the quidditch captain. He was the reason for the breath leaving your lungs.
And he was the reason for the breath entering.
You were pissed. You were pissed that you had unrealized feelings for the man you were supposed to hate, have hated for years. You were pissed that your love had been in a game of chess, where the only outcome is to win or forfeit. You were pissed that the entire time you had spent a vast majority of your time hating, loathing, rolling your eyes at... the entire time you had a reserved space for hate, when it should have been quite the opposite.
The luck must have been exclusively for someone else, because it seemed as though whoever created you had decided to have a fun game.
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You had punched Hajime Iwaizumi once. 
It was something you thought of a lot, and it was the main reason Iwaizumi chose not to test you too closely to that day. 
He was rolling his eyes at something Oikawa was saying when you walked by. You were heading to your quidditch practice, the captain not one for latecomers. And he caught sight of you. He quickly jumped from his spot and stopped you from passing.
“Out of the way, Hajime, I have practice.”
“Oh, right, because you’re on the quidditch team now.”
“I am, thank you very much.” It was the beginning of third year, and you were not only annoyed but you were also a Growing Person going through puberty. You did not have time to deal with a teenage boy pissing you off. “You forget that not everyone got on the team their first year of trying out.”
“Because we’re better than the entire Slytherin team.”
“Talk to me when you win a house cup.” You tried to push past him, but he stood directly in front of you in one step. “Move, or be moved.”
“What are you going to do? Punch me?”
So, you did. Your fist collided with his cheek before you could even register that it had happened. Oikawa gasped out loud, it quickly turning into a laugh. 
“She punched you!” Oikawa laughed, grasping at his sides. “Ah man!”
While Iwaizumi touched his cheek to check that— ah yes, you really did punch him— you were already walking away to the practice field.
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Iwaizumi missed you, if he were being fully and completely honest with himself.
He found himself searching for you in classes or in common areas, prepared for your snide remarks and bitter taunts. He found himself waiting for you to roll your eyes at his presence; looking for you to quip about the next quidditch game.
But when none of it came, he felt out of place.
He actually missed your annoyed banter. He missed you shoving your middle finger in his direction. He missed the redness on your cheeks when you would try to calm yourself down. He missed the silence that would escape you if he entered a room and you were anything other than angry.
He missed catching you smiling at someone and watching your face change. He missed the arguments in class. He missed the little comments during eating.
Confused, he pushed those feelings down as he watched you eat with some Ravenclaws and a Hufflepuff that he had never talked to before.
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It had been several weeks of silence from your end. You had thrown yourself back into quidditch before the break, happy to have a distraction from whatever the fuck you were feeling. You weren’t going home for the holidays, so you spent some time planning for the spring and classes.
You found yourself outside, sitting in the snow and writing a make up essay for Snape. You had found a nice spot under a roofed area, so nothing smudged your writing (or, you know, covered it completely). 
“Oh.” A voice said from above you.
You looked up to find Iwaizumi, hands in pockets and staring at you as if you had never existed and he was discovering you for the first time.
“I wasn’t expecting to find anyone here.” He said. 
“Yeah, obviously neither was I.” You started to put your things away.
“No... no comment?”
“No... snarky comment? No you look terrible to me?”
You shook your head. Mainly because you didn’t have the energy. You were content, bored, and just overall exhausted. You had exhausted yourself in thinking of every possible outcome to your love for the man in front of you, none of which made any sense.
None of it made any sense.
It was as if one moment, you were standing on ground. And the next, you were swept away by a giant wave that you thought was only an earthquake. You hated love. 
“Then, can I finally say what I have been meaning to?”
“No.” You finally got the last of your things into your bag. 
“Why what?”
“Why can’t you just hear me out?” He stood in front of you, hoping to stall your leaving. “I’ve been trying to tell you that I shouldn’t have called you a bitch, and I should have...”
“And I don’t want to hear it.”
You started to leave, but he jogged to jump in front of you again. Through the years, he had gained height compared to you. You weren’t necessarily kids anymore, you weren’t at eye level to just punch him in his cheek without reaching for it. 
“God, you’re fucking annoying.” You shifted your bag on your shoulders. “You want me to call you a name so it can be even? You want me to tell you that everything is fine and we can go back to our constant fighting? What do you fucking want from me?”
“What do I want from you?” He asked, voice rising to match yours. “What do you want from me? I’ve been trying to get your attention for over a fucking month and you have given me every reason to just stop.”
“Then why don’t you!” You dropped your hands. “Why don’t you just leave me the fuck alone?”
“Why what, Hajime?”
“Why?” Iwaizumi let out a small breath, the grey cloud leaving his lungs. “Why won’t you just let me talk to you for five minutes?”
“Because I don’t want to! Because I don’t want to hear you make up excuses. Because I cannot listen to your voice for too long.”
Before you could stop yourself, before you could recognize your own voice, before any thoughts arrived, you said, “Because for some fucked up god awful reason, I’m in love with you!”
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Everything froze all at once. The oxygen left your lungs, the snow stopped falling, and everything became so unbearably silent.
You stared at him, regret drenching you in an instant as if the tides of the ocean had rose and fell in one single motion. You couldn’t breathe, your heart seized in your chest and against your ribs. You couldn’t bring yourself to look into his face, fearing to find yourself lost and never found.
He let out a single breath. And you held yours.
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butterbeerblurbs · 3 years
dandelions 🌼 (f.w.)
💌 : fred stood in a field of dandelions, hoping one day, you’d be his. years later, when the war was over and you were searching high and low for him, he’s still standing in a field of dandelions. 📝 word count: 14.2k words / fred weasley x reader / 🌸🌶☔️ a little bit of everything; overall fluff, but has moments of sadness and a lil’ spicy moment 💬: can i just first say, this is... a full-blown fic... that i have written in years of not writing fanfiction. i feel like this is my baby, so... yeah! i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i did writing it :”)
[minors dni! contains certain suggestive/descriptive scenes of smut]
🌿heavily inspired by the song dandelions by ruth b. 🍄additional notes: losing a loved one (family) / set in an au where fred lives after the war / friends-to-lovers / a smol fraction of ptsd mentions
(last one, i swear, i highly recommend listening to this while reading! 🌼)
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fred never found the appeal in flowers... to be specific, dandelions. mainly because it always seems like you were more interested in a certain species of bloom than him next to you. as if it wasn’t enough, being one of professor sprout’s adored students, she’d always let you have your way to linger around the hills by the greenhouse even at times she knows she shouldn’t. with that, of course fred tagged along and knew exactly where he needed to go when all the other places he had in mind had checked off his mind. 
although he never found flowers appealing, he never said he wouldn’t learn about why it fascinates you so much; or why you hold it dear to your heart whenever you come across them.
fred still doesn’t know why, but when he’s sitting cross-legged across you with the horizons aligning ahead of the both of you, the glow of the sun painting whatever it came across a pale orange, fred focuses on the color of your eyes. your eyes grow smaller as you smile widely, now offering him a dandelion between your bodies.
“close your eyes, freddie,” you can see he’s hesitant - well, of course he would, once you threw a frog at him when he did - and you understand, but now it’s different. sighing, you reach over with your free hand to grab onto his, giving it a gentle squeeze, “i promise there are no frogs here,”
he’s more taken aback by your hand in his rather than the frog but he can’t possibly show that now. clearing his throat, he nods, “f-fine,” his eyes flutter shut and he manages to keep his grip of your hand in his, refusing to let go.
“now, think about how your day has been,” pleasant, for the most part. he almost got into a week’s worth of detention based on a prank gone wrong with george but what else is new? regardless, he was here now with you, and that’s all that mattered now. 
“what could’ve been...” well... if he’s being honest, he saw you in the great hall this morning but refused to come by and sit down with you like he usually did. he’ll admit, it’s a little silly, but when you end up finding him, taking a seat next to him and greeting him with a cheerful ‘mornin’, freddie!’, he’s reminded again of how he can’t ever not be around you. he’ll always, always want to see you - even forgetting in an instant he was trying to avoid you in the first place.
“...and what you want it to be,” this is bloody unfair, now is it? things that he’d want to work out his way... maybe just weren’t for them to work out the way he wanted it to be. and that’s okay, fred has come to terms with that. but when it was you asking him that question, it felt like... a sort of punishment he didn’t know why he deserved. he let this question idle past him, his mind simply anticipating for the next prompt.
“and now... wish for what you want,” this is ridiculous. fred’s mind goes blank... until he feels the hand in his giving him a gentle caress on the back of his own. the way your thumb soothingly draws circles makes him gulp - he’s holding onto what he wants already. before he can try to vocalize his answer internally-“open your eyes and blow,”
fred’s body reacts to your words faster than he can take charge of his motor reflexes. his eyes peel open and his lips part to gently exhale, watching as the remnants of what was a dandelion in front of him, disappear and flow into the wind. parts of it, land in your hair and you’re chuckling, closing your eyes and trying to shake them off. no matter how hard you tried to shake them off, it seems like the bits of dandelion were stuck on you and fred squeezes your hand, feeling like this must be a cruel joke.
how the hell did does that piece of... piece of thing know?
regardless, he tries to ignore it and watch how pleased you are that he followed through. you’re excitedly swinging his hand around, “how do you feel?!”
“t-terrific,” he squeezes out a single out of his throat, feeling it seal on him soon after. he still has a genuine smile on his face, but he’s certain his heart isn’t going to slow down after this. not after the way you have stars in your eyes as you smile at him, the curve of your smile lifting his spirits to the sky... if it means having you like this with him, for a split moment where the world didn’t matter and magic wasn’t a priority, then by all means, fred loves dandelions.
since then, fred has found himself whispering wishes to the dandelions. initially, when he caught himself doing it for the first time, it felt hypocritical. he’s chastised you plenty of times whenever you did it but after that first experience with you... he can’t help himself. it somehow relieved him emotionally and spiritually, so it became a natural habit unknowingly. more so when you were there with him doing exactly that. he’s blown many dandelions to the void, for several occasions... well... almost too many that fred lost count.
the time his heart ached at the stress you felt; after seeing how stressed you were at the library due to exams, he’s carefully approaching you with a small dandelion. he makes himself known by occupying the seat across from you and when you look up past tired eyelids and an anxious sigh, your heart swells at the white dandelion in front of you. through the dandelion, you meet with fred’s eyes and it makes you smile. his eyes point to the flower, a silent go on, love, and your eyes flutter shut with your hands dropping whatever you were holding on to clasp in front of your chest. you let out a heavy and shaky exhale and the dandelion disappears when your eyes open, greeted with fred smiling at you.
“i reckon it’s time for a short break, don’t you think?” fred extends his arm out, palm up. the ginger head only tuts when you frown, “uh-uh, not so fast, love. none of that i still need to study. word around is you haven’t slept a wink.”
fred weasley can be pretty persistent when he wants to and you know that fiery look in his eye anywhere. sighing, you place your hand in his and allow him to whisk you away. (you never did return to the library after that)
the time he wished you went to the yule ball with him; he had to bite back the pain in his chest seeing you dance with someone else, laughing with someone else, wrapping your arms around someone else that wasn’t him. as he longingly stares from a distance away, he heaves a deep sigh and looks away for a moment. fred retrieves the flower in the pocket of his dress robe (that he had meant to give to someone), only to have it snatched away from his fingers.
he zealously tries to snatch it back, to no avail as he comes eye to eye with the culprit-”y/n...”
“i guess i don’t need to wish to see my best friend, eh? i found him!” you chuckle, using the dandelion to poke his nose and fred is breathless. he hadn’t had a good look at you, deciding to respect angelina that he’s brought as his date to the ball but considering she’s already elsewhere, enjoying the rest of the night, fred allows himself to complete the image he had from briefly watching you the second you entered the room with jordan, arm in arm. if only he’d worked up the courage to ask sooner, maybe, then maybe, he would be the one you were with the entire night.
but fred will take what he can... which is your hand, hopefully.
“would you do me the honors to a dance, love?” fred grins, extending his hand out and you smirk, slotting the dandelion by your ear and fred’s heart does somersaults at how... perfect you looked. there’s no bloody way someone can do that so nonchalantly and look drop dead gorgeous. the dandelion accompanied your white dress, hugging your body to accentuate your curves and if you didn’t look like an angel before, you sure did now. your hair, half in a bun and decorated with white gems, the other half of your hair flow on their own.
you sure knew how to take fred’s breath without even trying.
fred’s hand is greeted with yours and he spins you around before he lures you onto the dance floor. the music slows down and your hands meet his shoulders, as fred’s hands smoothen on your waist and pulls you close for your foreheads to meet. he’s so close to you, you’re so close to him. it’s almost a breath away.
“i forgot to say,” fred murmurs, gazing into your eyes that seemed to sparkle under the lights, “you look breathtaking, y/n,”
you chuckle, giving his shoulders a squeeze as a soft blush paints your cheeks, “thank you, freddie. you look pretty dashing tonight as well,”
as your eyes close and the pair of you sway to the music, you feel a gentle breeze against your ear. it sends a couple of tingles down your spine at the sudden contact but it’s not a bad feeling. you peek to see what’s going on, but as your eyes capture the particles of dandelion floating around you, your eyes divert back to fred, smiling at you warmly. you didn’t even need to ask, the look in your eyes that sparks curiosity, guides fred to answer.
“i wished for this dance to be longer,” he whispers, tightening his hold on you. returning the smile, you brush your nose on his and turn your cheek to rest it against his chest, taking a step closer.
“i’ll make that wish come true for the both of us, then,”
fred can only hope you don’t feel how fast his heart is beating. (you did) 
you hope fred didn’t see the blush reddening on your cheeks. (he did)
the time he felt the heaviest, only to have you lift him up with a flower; under a towering beech tree where he wanted to be alone. not even george could approach him without having to fend for himself because that’s how much fred wanted to be alone. his twin had requested for you to go to him, and he didn’t need to repeat himself for you to agree. 
you’d be lying to say you weren’t nervous as you stood a couple of steps away from the boy, looking like he’s trying to suck happiness out of everything. gulping, you take another step forward and get to your knees, slowly closing your eyes. you’re certain you’ve entered his line of sight when you can hear him shifting to see who it is and there was silence after that.
with eyes remaining shut, you take a couple of deep breaths before you exhale. as your breath blows the dandelion away, your eyes open to watch as they reach fred. said boy feels his heart clenching, his fists balling on the ground. the frown on his face etches deeper, unable to mask his emotions in front of you (fred could never). when the dandelion lands on his skin, his eyes snap shut, feeling the tears prickling his eyelids. he hears sudden sounds of movement and it wasn’t long until he’s wrapped in your embrace.
you hush him quietly as he clutches onto you, curling into your chest as you kneel beside him, trying to cocoon him in despite already being secluded. fred’s arms band around your waist, pulling you tight and you try to wrap your arms around him as much as possible. fred allows himself to come undone in your presence, sobbing in your chest and it pained your heart. you had an inkling of why he was feeling this way but you’re certain he’ll come to let you know sooner or later. 
for now, you rest your chin atop of his head as you sink to your knees, catching fred in your arms and soaking in any tears that fall from his eyes. his arms remain unmoving around you, unwilling to let go as the burdens sinking his heart slowly dissolve the longer he holds onto you.
the time he’s uncertain about his dreams; pouring his worries to you without worrying of the judgement you’d have on him (which was none, by the way). of course, as someone as confident as fred, the boy also had moments of self-doubt and self-consciousness that things wouldn’t pan out the way they would. you hurriedly rush off in the middle of his rambling and he’s trying to follow suit, only for you to push him back down onto the ground, pointing at him with a stay here! i’ll be right back! promise!
he debated following after you, but remembers the last time he did so. it ended up being a wild goose chase of where’s freddie? and where’s y/n? that he made the choice to stay put.
when you return, however, you’re breathless and he chuckles at your disheveled state. offering his arms out to you to steady you as you sit on the ground opposite him. 
“easy there, tiger,” he snorts, helping you brush the sweaty strands of hair glued to your face. you huff and push his hands away, revealing the flower you had rushed to get, now placing it in front of him.
“here, make a wish,” he hates how your eyes have this twinkle of belief, sparkling like the most genuine thing he’s seen. so sincere and pure, willing to believe in... him more than anyone has ever made him feel before. he clears his throat, scoffing after that as he flicks your kneecaps before deciding to keep his hands there. “pft, you ran just for that?”
fred expects you to aw, fine, whatever but with a knowing look on your face - brow raised and all - you sigh with a shrug, “o-kay then, i guess i’ll keep this to my-"fred’s motor reflexes get the best of him, trying to snatch the dandelion away“-wait! give it!”
you barely let him get it, already blowing on the dandelion and watch as your wishes flow into the air. fred feels a pang in his heart, yet, it’s easily soothed over when you smile at him like that.
“i made the wish just in case you didn’t wish for what i want,” you grin, and he mutters a cheeky under his breath. you flip over and lay your back on the ground, resting your head on fred’s crossed-legs on the ground. he welcomes you without a word, pushing your hair away from your face as he looks down on you, looking up on him.
“what’d you wish for?” he muses, allowing his fingers thread through your hair.
“that your dreams will come true,” you said simply, looking at his eyes and glancing away to the sky, where fred always feels like you’re gracing nature with your presence rather than the other way around, “you know, i’m quite the bearer of good karma,”
fred’s heart is always full with you around. now, proving that exactly point when he... he doesn’t know how to thank you. that your drive, your motivation and encouragement, means the world to him. he has so much love for you in return that he only wishes he can act upon at least a fraction of it - kiss you senseless, hug you whenever and wherever he wanted, tell you of how beautiful you are and all the things you’re making him feel but... he can’t.
he shouldn’t. fred has considered your feelings and your situation, noting that you cherished your friendship with him first and that you weren’t ready to commit to a relationship just yet. even though he knows, in someway, you feel the same way he does, there’s this barrier that only you can break down on your own before you tell him you’re ready.
until then, fred does what he does best.
make you laugh.
"oh, how very kind of you, your highness!”
the time when he found the true meaning of what dandelions meant to you; in a field of dandelions, alone. when you and fred were of age to apparate, you were willing to bring fred to a space that you call your own. a place you hadn’t brought anyone before (apart from your parents). joining hands, fred appears together with you to a vast field of dandelions. he’s taken away by the beauty unfolding in front of him, there was no end to the dandelions and he had no idea how a place could exist.
literally, a dandelion heaven.
it didn’t take long for the pair of you to settle down on the ground, crushing a couple of flowers along the way but getting comfortable seemed to be a priority. that priority, soon became a sort of curiosity to fred as he was being surrounded by your favorite flower.
he wanted to know why.
“say, y/n?” fred calls out, using his arm you were laying on to nudge you gently to capture your attention.
“hm?” you hum idly, not looking at him but shifting closer towards him as an indication he’s managed to catch you before you carried on with your mindless train of thought.
“why do you fancy dandelions so much?” 
that question earns fred to lock eyes with you for a split second, before you look away again to stare at the sky above the pair of you. clearing your throat, you-”w-well, like i’ve said before, they’re my-”
“favorite flower”-the both of you answered together, only for fred to continue speaking as you gasp at him, eyes connecting to his once more-”but why? there has to be more than that,”
he knows he’s hit the nail on the head when you grow quiet... quietly admitting:  “i... i haven’t told anyone this before,”
“i’m not just anyone, am i?” he challenges, yet you know if you were really uncomfortable with sharing he wouldn’t push. but to him, it seems like no one has quite pressed for more answers before.
“that’s not fair,” you huff, nudging him at his ribs, “you prat,”
the both of you laugh. the laughter subsides and fred’s curiosity shines through as he gently pokes your cheek with a finger, “well...?”
it seems like you needed a little convincing. and that, is fred weasley’s top tier of specialties.
“y/n, i find dandelions fascinating simply because of you. and your beliefs you have in the flower, spread to me. so i mean it when i say i’m curious to how it all started for you,” he nods a couple of times to solidify his statement when you glance at him. he knows he’s got it in the bag when you try to stall him a little bit more.
“it’s... it’s a grandmother’s story, freddie,” you try to push him away but fred weasley wouldn’t be fred weasley if he actually gave up now.
“and you know i’d give everything in the world to listen to your voice,” he retorts playfully. “hell, you could read the entire history of magic and i’d still listen through it all,”
your eyes meet with his again and this time, fred can actually see you giving in. with an exhale, you decide to sit up and when he tries to follow your cue, your hand gently makes him lean back down to the ground. he chuckles, but abides by it, turning to rest on his side with an elbow propping himself up as his head rests in his palm. his other hand extends out to you, offering his hand to hold and you start to fiddle with his hand - a small habit he notices you like to find comfort it when you’re nervous. (not going to lie, it does many things to fred’s heart, one of them, being hooked to you more and more)
and you are... nervous, that is. it’s not like you’ve told anyone this before and fred is only thankful that you were willing to open up to him about this. so he’s patient. so patient that it’s making you trust that you can speak freely.
and so you do.
“mama introduced the flower to me days before i left to hogwarts,”
“alright, sweetheart. you see this flower here?” your mother caresses your cheek, guiding your eyes to focus on the piece of white, delicate flower she’s holding between your bodies. sniffing past the tears, you nod.
“well, this here, is a dandelion,” she brings it close to her lips, “and you can make it to be anything you want it to be,” she smiles at you past the flower, the empty spaces in between created a pretty pattern for you to see your mother’s gaze lovingly. it slowly dried your tears, earning a small smile of curiosity.
“a wish, an exhale of relief, a release of emotions, anything you want, sweetheart,” she murmurs, bringing the dandelion closer and closer and she exhales. your eyes widen in fascination, watching as the particles that was once attached to a stem, now flowing into the air and soon joins the abyss of your surroundings.
it garners a twinkle in your eyes that it made your mother’s heart swell at how much more relieved you seem. she plucks another dandelion and places it in front of your lips, encouraging you to-”now you try, sweetheart,”
your eyes flutter shut, small hands grabbing onto the flower. your mother’s warm hands cup your own and you bundle your emotions into a breath, as if you’ve been holding it in. when it feels full, you exhale and your eyes open to see the dandelion now flying with your burdens flowing away.
“and whenever i missed her, a dandelion was all it took to comfort me until i could go back to see her,” fred nods again carefully, aware that both of your parents were muggles. it seemed a bit harder to contact them when you were at hogwarts. so he smiled at the fact that you found comfort in the flower when you missed your family. fred likes this, watching as warmth spreads over your face at the fond memory... that slowly fades away and it makes fred furrows his brows. his mouth opens to ask, but you fill the answers quicker than he can ask the questions.
“then one day, dandelions were all i had to keep a piece of her with me,” 
fred’s heart drops - nearly letting slip past his mind that-
“m-mama! please! no, no, no! come back!” wails of a child echo the walls of the hospital, being held down by the man beside her, on his knees. he promised his wife he would follow through with his words - to be the solid rock in a moment so vulnerable that he’s... trying his best. trying his best not to fall apart when it’s the only thing he’s capable of doing.
he clutches onto his daughter, quietly allowing the tears to seep through as the child cries out for the both of them.
“open your eyes!” the child chokes past her breath, trembling terribly as her sobs get the best of her, “p-please, mama! open your eyes!” she’s growing breathless, but she doesn’t give up. angrily picking up onto the bouquet of freshly picked dandelions and shoving it as far as she can reach and they pathetically fall to the ground, particles floating around and ultimately falling to the ground, “i-i brought dandelions! i’ll wish on all of them! just wake up!”
your head hangs low as you sniff, the vivid imagery of staring at your mother’s lifeless body with your father clutching onto you so you don’t memorize the image that would constantly haunt you. fred feels a fraction of the pain, feeling your hands squeeze his tight.
“i started praying to the dandelions at any moment i could get,” you gaze to the dandelions surrounding you and fred, almost biting your heart at the memory of dandelions scattered in your room, the living room, any crevice in your house because of how much you believed it would bring a loved one back to life. fred hates this feeling - so helpless, so... useless.
“even my father hated the sight of dandelions at one point,” you smiled, weakly, and it’s like he already knows it’s taken you a lot of courage to admit that. to openly come to terms with the way things were at a young age and acknowledging losing a loved one. “and when my wishes didn’t come true, i hated them too,” your smile grew as you shake your head down to your hand, in fred’s hand, "i hated dandelions so much,”
fred quietly sits up, all while maintaining his hand in the both of yours. his free hand comes to your cheek, pushing your hair back and brushing the tear that rolls down your cheek. his hand returns to his side, resting on the grass. the other, still keeping you rooted as much as you needed.
“then... i had a dream of her, holding a dandelion,”
you appear at a place were only fog exists, clouding your vision that it’s getting harder to see what’s ahead. it’s starting to affect your breathing as well - even though you were well-aware this was a dream, it was still hard to breathe.
a figure ahead makes your heart drop. it feels impossible to move, and it was. you didn’t know if you wanted to disappear, or if you wanted to stay there forever as the figure appears in front of you.
the face you’ve longed for... so long, is now in front of you.
you cried, you screamed, you did almost everything except tell her you loved her. and when you did, all she did was make a dandelion appear in front of you. promising that this flower, would be her way of still being with you. to relieve your stress, to catch the exhales of your burdens, to hopefully take in your wishes and work to make them come true.
she’ll always be there to catch the dandelions for you.
to remind you that life can get heavy, sometimes, you just need to exhale.
that...that was the closure you needed.
“from then on, i came to accept that even with my mother gone, if i keep dandelions close to me, it’ll be like keeping her with me even when she’s not here anymore,” you peek up to see if fred is still listening and based on how silent he’s been, you’re not too sure. embarrassment washes over you as you realized this is the first time you’ve told anyone this. your cheeks start to redden and you’re a stammering mess. “i-i don’t know if that sounds silly, but that was really the only way i could accept loving dandelions again,”
when it’s been a minute of... nothing but the wind blowing and soft breaths, you’re getting really anxious. using one of your hands to hit his hand in your hold, “well... say something...”
fred always sneaks in a moment to try to make you laugh, “something,”
you glare at him, but fred can see past that it’s none of ill feelings. he sighs when you obviously want to know what he thinks - not that it matters - but you did work up the courage to tell him that so it has to be worth something other than something. he squeezes your hand and brings his other hand to case your hands in his hold, shaking his head, "what am i supposed to say, love?”
he exhales deeply, choosing his words carefully when he notices how cold your hands have become, how your lips start to...
“that... is the most bittersweet, beautiful story i’ve heard. and... i-”fred’s words get stuck in his throat at the sudden confession from you, cutting him off: “i miss her, freddie,” you press your lips together tightly to stop yourself from crying but fred only takes that as a sign it’s going to happen. your lips are trembling as you clutch onto his hands like it’s the only thing keeping you anchored.
“oh, love...” fred rushes to sit up and gets to his knees to tower over you slightly. he pulls you into his embrace and quietly roots you down when you sob into his chest, crying out in pain, anger, relief. mourning. it’s... probably what you needed, the thing you’ve kept in the darkest crevices of your heart to keep a smile on your face. he doesn’t hush you, he doesn’t say anything. he remains being present for you, staying in that position for a while as you clutch onto him like a lifeline and he willingly takes in the pain you let out.
as the wind brush against his skin, he closes his eyes and subtly makes a wish; that the pain in your heart would soon fade away. that someone like you who offered nothing but love to the world, should deserve to enjoy receiving love. even if it wasn’t love from himself.
he just wanted you to be happy.
as another strong breeze gushes through, you wince and hug him tighter, quiet sobs subsiding, he continues wishing for your heart to feel lighter than it does today.
the time he desperately wanted you to be with him; even though he knows there were reasons why the stars didn’t align for you and him to be together. for the longest time, you and fred (along with george) had been the best of friends. being in the same year, entering hogwarts the same time, it was inevitable to cross paths at one point.
since the day your lives intersected, fred was charmed. though, not initially in that sense. it took quite a while for his feelings to unravel through a friendship that blossomed. it’s been years as your friendship took off, only for mutual feelings to bloom along the way. the two of you had been aware of it, but... fred knew you were afraid to commit. losing your mother left a big hole in your heart and fred understands that much. you’ve told him before the reason why you couldn’t be with him because you still needed to heal on your own before you could commit to being with him.
it still pained him that... things weren’t exactly official between the pair of you but he could feel the love you had for him.
he was willing to wait, even if it meant it would come to a day you didn’t reciprocate his emotions. but that doesn’t mean he can’t wish for it to come true. his breath greets the dandelion, causing the particles to detach from the stem, flowing into the wind.
“what’d you wish for?” curiosity asked beside him.
fred finds it ironic, the answer was asking for the answer.
“it’s a secret, you nosy bean.”
the time he prayed many, many times that you would be safe; when the word of you-know-who broke out, everyone went into hiding... that meant fred had no idea of your whereabouts. he felt ill for days, unable to sleep in peace without knowing your state. he didn’t have appetite to eat, not in the usual mood for jokes. it was taking a toll on him that even george didn’t know how to shake him out of it. 
no one did.
not even fred himself.
all he wanted to do have was hear that you were okay, that you were safe and sound. that you could possibly be back with your father in the muggle world, away from this terror.
the reason why he’s afraid? is that you’re not the kind of person to run away from things that scare you. you run head-first, even if you’re aware that’s going to get you killed. that’s how he knows you’re not with your father. if anything, you could be anywhere at the moment - anywhere but safe.
these thoughts... keep fred up at night.
these thoughts, get blown into dandelions, hoping that they do justice in keeping you safe and soothing his erratic heart.
the time his wish came true momentarily and he wishes it would last forever; in the burrows. the commotion from the level below him has him sprinting out of his bedroom, the stem of blown dandelion falling by his doorframe as he makes his way down. he remains frozen at the last step, gaping at the sight.
it’s as if all the dandelions he’s wished on, granted his wish to bring you right to his doorstep, into his home. after you’ve received the love and attention from his family, you turn to the one you’ve been anticipating for the most. your eyes grow watery at the sight of him, your arms weakly spreading and fred throws himself in them. his arms band around you tight and he comes undone, quietly in your neck as he ignores the world around him.
you were here, and you were safe.
that’s all that mattered.
the clock ticks ahead and it fast-forwards you to fred’s room he shares with george. george respectfully chooses the sofa for the night and it leaves the pair of you some time alone, in private. you instinctively go to fred’s bed and take a seat, only for fred to pull you down to lay with him and you automatically find yourself slotting your face in his chest, arms tightly wrapping around him.
the two of you stay like that for a while, until the quiet of your voice shakes his bones, “‘m scared, freddie,”
he nods and rests his chin atop your head, “m-me too, love,”
fred gulps and closes his eyes, wanting to bask in this moment forever. he’s waited so long for this, prayed so much for this, he... he can have this. he can be selfish and have this for himself. it’s not until you-”freddie?”
"yes, love?”
“if...” he notices how your voice dips an octave, and in volume, “...if we don’t make it after... after tomorrow, i want you to know that i love you,” his eyes snap open and he instinctively pulls back to look down on you... looking away from him. your eyes remain looking at his chest, biting down on your lip as you can feel his stare. “...and i always have,”
initially, fred’s mind jumps to how cruel this is. a day before the war, he finds out the one he’s been in love with for years, confesses to him that she’s in love with him. yet... that thought turns into gratitude. that at least, if things don’t pan out the way they hoped for after tomorrow... at least he had one day to be yours.
and you, his.
“i’m sorry it took me so long,” you whisper softly, voice cracking and fred shakes his head frantically at you, a hand reaching up to cup your cheek, “don’t you dare apologize, love. don’t,” he licks his lips, stroking the under of your eye and watches as they close, “at least... i still have a chance to say this,”
that makes you open your eyes, staring into fred’s eyes and he already sees forever outlined in your pupils, “i love you, y/n,”
it rendered you breathless at the amount of fear, joy, and overwhelming love that came at once. your senses get the best of you and before you can think straight, your hands find their way around his neck, pulling him down to press your lips together. the kiss was innocent, the mere connecting of your lips meant to accompany your confession but it brings out the fireworks beneath fred’s eyelids. his heart is threatening to explode from his chest as he holds onto you like a lifeline, refusing to let go.
all it took was one sentence from you: “’m ready for this, freddie.”
the kiss, grows needier, more passionate and it soon transcends to clothes falling off, hands grabbing wherever they can reach. fred wants to remember this moment forever, drinking in the image of you bare beneath him and moaning beautifully into his ears as he buries himself deep in you. he praises you so much, words falling from his mouth of how much he admires you and wishes this moment would last for a lifetime. you’re crying - out of pleasure and emotions, heart overwhelmingly full with the love you have for him. your hands reach out desperately for his and they interlock by the sides of your head. gripping onto each other tight, breathing growing heavy, faltering and catching each other on the same high. 
fred rests his forehead on yours, watching as your eyes open to smile at him tiredly. he has a faint smile on his face before he dips down and kisses you. again, and again, and again to make up for lost time. to make up for years of yearning, months of aching, days of torture. he’s kissing you so much it’s making you whine i can’t breathe! and he makes you laugh when he says good, now you know what it’s like for me whenever i see you.
the last thing you see is fred’s smile and adoring eyes before they close, keeping him close. fred doesn’t want to be anywhere else but here, in your arms. even though he knows fate has something else in store for you, him, and the rest of the wizarding world tomorrow, for now, fred’ll pretend like everything is perfect the way it is now.
the time he wished the war didn’t exist; merely an hour before the war took place. the final preparations before havoc would soon ensue, fred is giving you a kiss, deep and pouring in everything he has. the both of you pull back from one another and fred whispers a soft i love you, so much, and you nod, pressing a kiss to his nose as you reply just as quiet: i love you too freddie, always will.
the last thing fred sees is your back turned against him as you head off to the opposite direction, wand in hand. you look over your shoulder to see your favorite ginger head boy smiling at you, giving a small wave.
though, once you disappear from his sight, fred pulls out a crushed dandelion from his pocket and feebly blows it off his palm and watches as the particles flow towards the direction you had left in. please be safe, my love.
the time he wished he got to see you one last time; even when everyone insisted he wouldn’t be able to - no one has seen you once the war was remotely over. fred makes his way back into the castle, willing to believe everyone’s words only if he sees it with his own eyes. he goes deaf, unwilling to listen to anyone’s warning. not molly, not george, no one. he desperately needed to get a sight of you, hold you, anything - even if it means it’s your corpse. that’s the least you deserve, the least fred can have.
fred feels his throat tightening the more the tries to look for you, only to see no one that looked anything remotely like you. his breathing picks up in pace and he hadn’t realised he was crying as he keeps trying. he doesn’t know if this is hope that he doesn’t see your corpse, or a cruel joke on him that he can’t even see you one last time. he doesn’t let up until george snaps him out of it, having followed him for the past hour, going in circles, going nowhere.
the boy falls to his knees, curling onto the ground as his tears fall with his heart. he throws around the fallen bricks and broken concrete, crying out in anguish. george picks fred up, only to hug him close, unsure of what to say at a time like this. to the eye’s of everyone, they had just won the war against the darkest wizard’s of all time.
but to someone - to someone like fred - he had just lost his world, and a part of him; all in a day.
fred’s breathing is heavy, tear-stained cheeks every time he returns to this place but it’s the only place he knows how to cope. they... hadn’t found your body, and that only fuels hope in fred, looking forward to the day he’ll accidentally bump into you on the streets, or the day you decide to visit his shop with george, or the day you’d come to the burrow unannounced. 
hope is the only thing that keeps fred going, even when he doesn’t want to.
his feet keeps him planted amongst the flowers that tried to mimic your presence but it could never fill the void he was longing for. his lips part and gently blows the dandelion away, feeling another tear roll down his cheek as he stares ahead to the sea of dandelions but none of them brought you to him.
your eyes snap open at the sound of pots and pans clanking from downstairs. the ruckus was enough to make you feel alert enough to rush down the stairs, wand in hand and pointing at the door to spot an intruder... only to see your father’s goofy grin. sighing, you lower your wand and relax a little, “pa...”
“sorry lion,” he chuckles, shaking his head, “i was trying to reach for the pot to make your favorite stew,”
“oh, what will i ever do with you?” you chastise jokingly, squinting your eyes at him. he snorts, “love me more each day, lion, i’m only getting older,”
you sigh dramatically, a hand on your forehead, “oh, as you wish, my lord,”
you make your way towards the pots and pans scattered on the floor. picking them one by one and stacking them atop each other, your leg drags for a stool for you to step on to place them back onto the shelves. upon placing them back to their original location, your eyes catch a brown leather book snugly placed in the corner.
with pursued lips, you reach for it and give it a good tug to get it.
when you do, dust flies in the air and you cough a little.
“what’s the matter, lio-”your father’s voice drowns on its own at the sight of what you have in your hands. he gapes, unsure of what to do and you glance down to the book to see what you have that caused such a reaction. on the cover it’s a gold embossing of the letters lion’s flowery.
“m-mama had a flower shop?” you’re surprised your voice is still working, though, you’re certain it’s going to give out when your father is getting teary-eyed. surely, he probably hasn’t seen this in a long time, either.
“well... she was going to,” he states quietly, “then... you know...”
you could hear a pin drop at how silent it gets. only the sounds of breathing fills the room until you try to get more information out of a shop you hadn’t known your mother was planning to open.
“...why didn’t i know about this?” your father sees that you’re just... curious. not necessarily upset or angry, just... full of questions.
“i didn’t know how to tell you, so i... didn’t,”
you understood his reasons. as much pain you felt losing a mother, he lost the love of his life and you could only comprehend so much. the both of you lean against the island counter, side by side with your hips close together. your hands open the book and one of your father’s hand come up to balance like a make-shift table (despite there being a table literally right behind).
they’re catalogue of flowers that you’ve come to love and learn. your hands fondly stroke over each flower profile, and it reminded you of how much you truly found peace in them - non-magical and magical combined. they offer so much yet needed so little. they made the world beautiful, they gave beautiful meanings and messages - it made your heart swell at how much all of this is coming to you just looking through a book of flowers.
it’s not until you reach a certain flower - dandelions - the name of a common wild plant that has big, round yellow flowers that change into fluffy balls of white seeds. eventually, they pull away from the flower stem and travel on the breeze to root and grow new plants. your breath hitches the more you read about them, the more you learn about dandelions than you’ve known before. flashes of your mother, imagery of her cradling you in her arms without you knowing it would be the last. images of fred, blowing the dandelions with you, your eyes opening to the first thing you see after blowing them - particles getting lost in fred and bundling to be everything you’ve ever wanted in a person. 
you fall to your knees and your father is there to catch you. you clutch onto the book like it’s the only thing you know how to do, and your father holds onto you like it’s the only thing he knows what to do.
the both of you stay there, crying, sobbing for a loved one that still left a big hole in your hearts. yet, doing so... it patched up a big part of it too - mourning together, crying out the frustrations of what if’s and what could be... the morning started out very, very heavy... only for it to get lighter as the day progresses.
when the both of you have calmed down, your mother’s book placed on the table between you two along with a cuppa warm tea, this is where your father tries to get some answers he hadn’t from the day you came back.
“c-can i ask you, something, lion?”
you sip onto your tea, you place the cup down to look up to him, nodding with a small smile. tired, but... relieved. strange, crying openly in front of your father, and him doing the same, felt like the wound that was left unattended seemed to close a little.
“what happened?” he tests the waters curiously, yet, you can see he’s just... worried. as any parent would be. “i just... i feel a bit out of touch. i’m your father and it’s been nearly four months and i don’t know what my daughter is going through,”
“to be frank, it’s... i still don’t know why or how you have that scar on your wrist, or why you showed up bloodied, disheveled and... i wish i asked sooner,”
there’s a pause and for a moment, it’s just breathing. but all that breathing, you were trying to figure out how to explain it to someone who didn’t live through what you did. the terror, the trauma, the never ending thoughts of dying for the greater good... it was a lot to bear.
“well...” that was the start of your sentence to a very, long-awaited update you’ve yet to tell your father. it’s not everyday you would want to spark up a conversation about the war that tore up the wizarding world. or one that you would be able to get through without shedding a couple of tears. but at the end of it all, your father was there to understand every bit of it. as if he’s trying to empathize, and... at least if he didn’t live through it with you, doesn’t mean he can’t be there for you when you need it. so you explain. every bit of it. everything in between. the hiding, your friends, your teachers, hogwarts, you-know-who - merlin, voldemort - everything came out and your father can see how you’re still shaken up by it, reaching out to hold onto your hand on the table as he patiently waits for you to breathe before he asks another question.
“and... is it safe now?”
your mouth opens and closes for a short moment to think of how to answer that. you didn’t know, you wouldn’t. instead of leaving him hanging, you muster up the best answer you can, “i... assume so. i haven’t been back since, pa. you would know that,” you grin softly, and he’s well-aware of that. the moment the war was remotely over, you took your chances and apparated back home.
home, home. home where your father was because you’d regret it with your heart if it meant you wouldn’t be able to see him one last time. he meant the absolute world to you, and when you almost experience death, it aches your heart leaving your father alone in this world.
you weren’t ready to leave him, not yet. and based on how your father takes note of your pupils shifting away from him uncertainly, he respects not to push you any further for today.
the next night, however, hadn’t been the easiest thing for your father to do, but he had to do it. because he knows how important it is to get closure, to at least go out there and try to take a chance at a love that’s worth fighting for... even if it ends earlier than expected.
so when the pair of you are seated by the fire, he springs at the chance.
“lion,” he coos, looking at you over the glow of the ember keeping the pair of you warm. “i love you very much,”
he sees your mother’s smile in your eyes when you smile at him, “i love you too, pa,”
he knows you enough to know that-”is there something bothering you, lion?”
at the question, you know he knows, you can never lie to him. if there’s one person in this earth you can be a hundred percent transparent with, it’s him... and... also... “there’s... this boy, pa,”
his eyes spark with curiosity, along with recollection of words you’ve said before. in letters you’ve written in the past.
“is this that-that-ough, what was his name?” you chuckle at your father’s feeble attempt in remembering, shaking your head, “fred weasley, pa,”
“ah! that’s the one!” he snaps his fingers and you snort, reaching out to flick his elbow. there’s this silence that bestows upon the two of you and you look at your father to see he has raised brows, as if it’s to ask well? what else about this boy?
“i haven’t seen him since... the war, pa. i came back as soon as i thought i’d be safe to come home,” you turn to look at him, “i didn’t want to miss a chance to say goodbye if i couldn’t,” you sigh and look back to the fire, noticing the orange glows remind you of a certain ginger head, it makes you feel bitter.
“i... don’t know how he’s doing, or if he’s even alive. i don’t know how my heart will cope if he isn’t. it’ll all be too much,”
“lion...” he calls out softly, earning a shake of your head as you refuse to look at him - well-aware of what he’s about to say. he always says the right things, even if you don’t want to hear them.
“living in denial won’t let you be free from it,” he grabs onto your hand, squeezing it tight, “i would know,”
you shakily place your other hand to cup his hand in yours, your voice coming out in a soft whisper: “h-how did you accept that mama was gone?”
you hear him inhale sharply, but his nerves relax as he curls his hand against yours, interlacing fingers. “i accepted she was gone physically, but in spirit, i still had a lot of love for her. i mean, look at the mess i still am today,” you chuckled and look at him, giving his hand a squeeze, “a good looking one, i reckon,”
“right?” he chuckles, continuing, “but, i know that even with her not being here, she’d want me to be happy. she wouldn’t want me to live my life in misery, so i tried to live my life for the both of us,”
“did it work?” your brows are raised, and his are furrowed.
“not at first, it’s not everyday you lose someone you think you’d want to spend the rest of your life with. but slowly, it did,” he lets out another heavy breath and pulls to make you face him, his other hand coming to brace your cold hands, “i want the same for you, lion. to at least seek for him and find what’s been missing in you for the longest time. be it love, or... closure. i’ll be here for you should anything go wrong,”
he searches for the answer in your eyes, but it’s already there when you smile at him.
“your mother and i, we don’t call you lion for nothing.”
you mentally prepared yourself for this moment for... the longest time. on days where you woke up missing fred terribly, nights you cried awake, your imagination taking a toll on you, presenting you the worst nightmare yet... your initial instincts wanted to apparate to all the places you thought fred might be at. but back then, you weren’t ready.
now, with a newfound confidence and strength, you ensure your coat is tightly wrapped around you before you head to the first place that comes to mind of where fred might be.
your head is a little dizzy having not done this in a while. you take a couple of seconds to stable yourself, before you encourage yourself to walk past the orange doors. the place is filled with people despite being an hour before lunch. people buzzing with excitement, rushing around to get gifts or pranks for their friends, loved ones. the atmosphere reels you in and you almost forget what you came here for.
you feel yourself getting lost as you walk around, nearly erasing the memory of this place’s existence. you clutch onto your coat, eyes drinking in the image of products upon products they have on display. it makes your heart swell thinking how well fred and george are doing. you would’ve continued wandering a bit more, until-“merlin, y/n,” a voice calls out, and you turn around to have your heart leaping out of your chest. 
familiarity sinks in your bones at the realization of who it is and it makes your heart fill with relief. no doubt, it wasn’t fred, but you care and love for george, too. you’re running up to him and wrap your arms around him, squeezing him tight. he returns the gesture, pulling you to the side so customer’s could freely wander around, and he’d have a moment to chat.
he fills you in on business, the aftermath of war and the months it took for them to slip back into their regular routine. it still feels foreign, standing here in front of one of your lifelong best friends. you briefly give him a summary of where you have been, what you’ve been doing, what you want to do (maybe a flower shop? who knows? if fred and george could do it, so could you).
you can’t help but stop him mid sentence, reaching for another hug and george chuckles, returning the hug just as enthusiastic. he’s reminded of the reasons why people around you loves you - moments like these. “’m sorry, georgie,” you murmur against his chest, squeezing him tight, so, so relieved he’s doing alright. based on how happy he is to see you, it gives you hope that fred... fred might be doing okay. “i just miss you a lot, and i’m so happy you’re alright,”
he strokes the back of your head tenderly, nodding at the side of your temple, “’m glad to see you too. so relieved as well,” he gives you a squeeze, “couldn’t imagine what i’d feel if anything happened to you...”
the two of you stay like that for a little while, before he breaks the hug to look down on you with a small frown, “let’s address the elephant in the room, yeah?” you gulp at his words, nodding carefully, “i... i know you’re probably looking for freddie but... there are times like these that he just disappears,”
you gape, hands clutching onto the material of george’s coat, “d-disappears?”
his twin nods, “yeah. he wouldn’t tell anyone where he’d go, but he’d be gone for hours. usually every other day, sometimes everyday,” he shakes his head, sighing, “he’s been like this ever since. i think, for the longest time, he’d thought you...” you stare into george’s eyes and find the answer. you put two and two together that fred... might have the perception you died. it scared you, because it’s the feeling you had been feeling, too. it made your heart ache, because you know he’s alright but he doesn’t.
“i-i-where do-how do-”george places his index finger on your lips to silence you, only guiding you to their workshop on the level below. he rummages through fred’s belongings and you can tell it’s his worktable based on how everything is scattered - yet, you’re certain he has a system only he understands.
george pulls out a certain flower, and your heart is in your throat.
“only thing i know is he carries this around, it’s always this same flower. maybe... you’d know why?”
george watches as hope fills your eyes, along with tears. like a cogwheel spinning profusely, too quick to process what’s actually going on. you shakily take the flower from him, nodding.
“i know where he is, georgie,”
you watch as a wave of relief washes over him.
“go, y/n. go now.”
you close your eyes, clutching onto the dandelion and your wand. exhaling deeply before you apparate to the place you have been dreaming of - the place you’d meet him on the days that were too heavy to be anywhere else. a place just the two of you would know of. somewhere safe, somewhere sacred. the place you wished you’d be able to love fred whole-heartedly and that he’d be there when you’re ready. you were more than just ready.
fred’s eyes remain closed, feeling the weight of his shoulders gently lift up as he exhales. his face scrunches a little at the gush of wind that greets him but he ignores it, trying to recuperate as he whispers his wish and opens his eyes. it feels like time has frozen, everything going static as fred meets with... with... “y/n...”
his fingers start trembling, the stem of dandelion falling to join the pile on the ground. this had been like any other day fred came here since the war was over, since the day he thought he’d lost you forever, since the day he’s been constantly wishing for this moment happening now. since the day he’d been wishing on dandelions like a fool.
it felt so surreal, yet so bloody unfair.
you looked as beautiful as ever - even when he could see the physical effect the war had on you. slightly droopy eyes, probably from the lack of sleep, but there was still this glow you had. so ethereal and breathtaking. his throat grows tight and fred resists the urge to lunge at you as you make your way towards him to your best ability. he knows you’ve been running when you’re breathless, cheeks tinted with a soft pink. he watches as your knees almost buckle - this is when fred loses it.
he impatiently strides up to you and eagerly reels you into his arms. he can’t contain himself to let an exhale of relief, that soon turns into sob, crying out your name as he squeezes you in his arms. an arm, hooking to your waist to make sure you can’t disappear, his other hand, continuously stroking the back of your head as if you... you were so, so precious. it’s as if he’s reaffirming himself that this isn’t a dream. stroke. that you’re really here with him. stroke, inhale the lavender from your hair, the hint of apples. this isn’t a cruel nightmare he’d wake up from and you wouldn’t be there. squeeze, the beat of your heartbeat is a metronome against his chest, ticking in his mind that this... this was all real. 
please let it be real.
“f-freddie,” you choke out, arms doing the best they can to curl around him but you can barely hug him properly before he pulls you back, desperately looking into your eyes past the tears blurring his vision. past the tears blurring your vision. he doesn’t know where to begin. he shakes his head a few times and it only aids his tears to fall off his face. it’s making you cry even more, hands shakily cupping his cheeks to wipe them away but fred’s doing that to you.
“w-where have you been?" fred’s voice cracks, not even able to speak properly as the words rush out of his mind. you can’t even answer when he’s bombarding you with more questions.
“are you alright?” he tries to search for the answers in your eyes, but he won’t even let himself hear the answers, the words leaving his mouth quicker than he can stop himself, "were you hurt? h-how’s your father? how did you know where to find m-”you refuse to let fred ask another question that would be left unanswered, pulling him down to press your lips together. you feel the frown on his face deepen as he kisses you back; saltiness greets your tongue, along with the taste of fred on your lips. he kisses you like it’s the last time he’ll ever kiss you. trying to kiss you more, and more, to make up for lost time, to make up for the days and days he thought he wouldn’t be here with you.
it’s not until the both of you grow breathless, tear-stained cheeks now in a faint shade of pink and runny noses. a couple more tears fall out before a chuckle is exchanged. fred carefully wipes your nose with the back of his hand and you do the same for him. the two of you refuse to look away from each other, not even letting your hands leave each other’s faces as you stare at the boy you loved, love, here, alive, in front of you.
fred has a million questions in his mind, paired with thousands of thoughts, but the main one being thank you, dandelions.
from the moment you appeared in front of him, he’s refusing to let you go. each time you tried to pull away, he’d whine and say woman, you have no idea how many dandelions i’ve blown or almost choked on (this is a question you’ll ask next time). you have to let me hug you like this. and so you did. it’s only after what feels like forever, but in translation, thirty minutes that he eventually, reluctantly (most unwillingly) lets go of you.
that’s how the both of you settle in each other’s arms, finding a nearby tree a little off from the field of dandelions. fred leans against the tree trunk as he cases you in with his figure. you rest your head against his shoulder, as if it’s a perfect slot for you and fred sighs, closing his eyes and relishes the feeling of your warmth, presence, scent - everything about you completed him.
his hand folds on top of yours and he strokes your skin gently. his fingers come across a certain embossing on your skin and he gazes down the same time you do. it’s a scar, not big but... it wasn’t small but it was enough to be visible, a line trailing from a couple of centimeters from your elbow towards your wrist. he gapes and searches for the answer on your face. you can only offer him a small smile, shaking your head, “i-i’m not sure how but i only noticed it after,”
he frowns, feeling guilty - that he could’ve protected you or prevented this from happening. though, the both of you are well-aware that neither of you could have predicted the future. especially not during a war. so he brings your arm up to his lips so he can kiss your skin, a couple more times until his lips pause by your arm, grip tightening.
for a split second, his mind flashes back to the aftermath of the war. him desperately trying to find you to no avail. the imagery only lasted for five seconds, but it was enough to render him breathless, squeezing your waist tight. when you hear him wince, you try to get a look at him and feel your heart aching when he refuses to look at you, eyes clenched shut, now visibly shaking. 
you decide to straddle over his lap to your best ability despite his iron grip on you and pull him close until his face fits in the space between your neck and shoulder. arms cocooning him and kissing the crown of his head as you coax him to breathe, freddie, just breathe... and he does. a couple of times until you feel him relaxing, though, refusing to open his eyes.
“freddie...?” you call out quietly when he says nothing, trying to gather himself in your arms.
“i thought i lost you,” his voice barely makes it to you, but you’re so, so relieved that it does. you’re so proud of him, and it’s going to take a while for him to get used to you showering him with so much love, soon.
“i... thought you were gone,” he admits bitterly, arms starting to flex around you once more, his breathing starting to tremble and you can feel him about to cry again. you welcome him to, willing to absorb the tears falling from his eyes and into your clothes. you started trembling as well, remembering how hard it got to breathe when you had no idea how you were going to survive the war - if you were even going to have one last time to say goodbye. 
it made fred hold onto you closer, the both of you falling apart and picking yourselves up together in each other’s arms.
the orange glow of the sun starts to appear and it felt like you’ve been here with fred for ages. yet, you’re not complaining. you’d stay with him here forever if you could. after the vast silence, it was time to start filling in some answers of what happened the past few months in each other’s absence. fred had continued his business with george. initially it was rocky, everyone was still shaken up and didn’t know how to continue living like the biggest war of all time didn’t rip their lives apart.
eventually they did, and so did the weasleys. apparently ginny went on to live with harry, ron with hermoine - the two occasionally returning for a big family gathering which happened every month. fred is more than excited to have you join him and you watch as his eyes light up just thinking about being able to take you home, any home - the burrow, the apartment above his shop with george, as long as you were with him - that’s home.
then it came to his turn with questions, the first being: “w-where did you go, after the war?” he held onto your hands, pressing kisses every now and then as he listens to you quietly. 
“i went back to my father’s,” you sighed, shaking your head, “i... couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him alone after barely scraping death by. as much as it hurt me to leave you, it hurt me even more not returning to my father,” you sniff a little, and one of fred’s hands leave yours to cup your cheek, stroking your skin gently.
“after mama... he hasn’t been the same. he looks like he's happy, and i feel like he genuinely is but i know my father still has a lot of love for her he can’t let go of,” you bit your lip, as if you’re uncertain you should say it, but you do when fred makes you look up to him carefully, him smiling at you like it’s a promise it’s okay to say what you want to.
“i... wasn’t sure if you were alive, either. that part... made my heart ache so much thinking if i came to know you were gone. i didn’t know if i was ready for it,” fred nods at your confession - frankly, he understood. he was in your shoes, too. it’s just, he’s-”do you know how many dandelions i’ve blown for you, love? hoping one day you’d show up?”
if there’s one thing that hasn’t changed, apart from the fact that fred weasley still looks as dashing as ever, it’s the fact he can make you laugh even at a moment your heart feels the most vulnerable.
“i’m a little late, huh?”
“a little late?” he raises a brow, shifting closer to you (as if he wasn’t close enough) to frame your cheeks in his hands, leaning in to press a kiss on your lips before continuing his sentence, “you were just on time, you always are.”
“ready?” fred asks, hand in yours so tight, yours squeezing his in return. you meekly nod and fred gives the door a couple of knocks, a soft coming! can be heard on the other end. your heart palpates even faster, breath hitching when the door swings open and it’s another familiar face you recognize. molly immediately grabs for her son and you let him go (he deserves this), peppering his face with kisses and bombards him with many questions - all without him barely making up answers for them. he laughs and it brings molly to tears, sniffing at the sight of her son... genuinely smiling after so long. happy to be home.
she embraces him and squeezes him tight. the whole commotion earning everyone to gather and you see the tell-tales of what future gatherings would look like when ginny is giving george a light punch to the arm, the light bickering of ron with hermoine and harry in the living room, arthur chatting with bill, charlie and percy along with fleur by the fire. it’s like everyone’s stopped to stare and it processes in their minds what’s happening when fred steps to the side and gives you a nudge, almost pushing you gently towards molly.
she lets out a gasp and her eyes widen at the sight of you. it elicits a sob from her as she grabs for you, clutching onto you tight and burying you in her embrace. you hear voices around you, all with good intention as they’re surprised by your presence but it feels welcomed. it’s like home, another home from home. your hands shakily return the hug and your eyes close to relish molly’s motherly love being showered down upon you.
molly pulls back to cradle your face in her hands and presses a few kisses to your skin, earning a huge grin from you as you stare at her lovingly. she manages a soft whisper: “you’re alright, y/n. thank heavens you’re alright,” you can’t even reply with words, only tearing up and smiling at her as she wipes the tears that threaten to fall from your eyes. 
fred’s heart swells at the sight - knowing how much this means to you. feeling the love you get from molly makes your eyes spark brighter than they did and fred can’t help but smile along with you - so wide, apparently it’s-“i haven’t seen him smile like that in a while,” hermoine gushes, the atmosphere feeling warm and full of love, everyone could pitch the same. except for: “smile?” ron snorts, “i haven’t even seen him.”
dinner had been a wonderful memory, being replayed to you in live time once more. it reminds you of how... warm it feels being at the burrow, together with the weasleys and your friends who have became a part of the family. your heart feels full, almost like it’s impossible to feel this full and your stomach agrees as well. so many discussions, talks, all trying to make up for lost time. except this time, it feels like there’s no timer, no ticking bomb ready to explode.
everyone can breathe and speak in peace. there was no rush. the things left unsaid, can be talked out the next day. the lingering questions they had, can be saved for another time. 
everything... felt alright. they fell into place.
as you settle down on the bed, fred’s bed, of course, your eyes watch as he gets dressed for bed. the room was once more yours for the taking when george already announces the sofa is his (you really should treat him one day). you’re comfortable in his sweater, a little big on you, just covering your palms slightly along with a pair of his joggers. altogether, fred thinks you look absolutely gorgeous in his clothing. he strips out of his clothes, just in his boxers lining his hips and he reaches for a shirt to pull over his head. he then grabs for a pair of sweats and he shimmies into them, making you smile.
this... this was everything you wanted. nothing else. fred was all the wishes you’ve made and you finally got him. a part of you also felt bad that... the reason why this was prolonged was because you hadn’t come sooner. if only you did, if only you didn’t take four months to clock in quicker. you hadn’t realize you were tearing up until he looks slightly panicked when he turns around, noticing how your eyes are all glassy with the moon being a guiding light for him to see that. he kneels down before you and hushes you softly, gently spreading your legs so he can fit between them, eyes gazing up to your own, in search of what’s wrong.
“you alright, love? are you hurt anywhere?” he asks, voice laced with worry yet filled with so much... love. your hands fiddle on your lap and he shakes his head at you, one of his arms steadying you around your waist, the other cupping your face as he brushes the tears away. “what’s wrong...?”
“‘m sorry, freddie,” you murmur past your ragged breathing, hands clasping onto themselves to stop them from shaking, “‘m sorry i didn’t come sooner,”
“hey, hey no,” fred hisses, both hands now on cradling your face as he leans up, still on his knees but towering over you slightly. he makes you look up to him as he leans down to kiss your forehead, then your nose, finally, a small one on your lips. your eyes flutter shut, a few more tears escape and you let out a shaky breath. he kisses your tears away, he kisses the doubts from your mind, he kisses you until it’s all you can think about and then he stops, making you listen to him past the shallow breathing. your hands clutch onto the material of his shirt, holding him close. but it’s not like he’d want to be anywhere else, either.
“don’t apologize, you had your reasons, love. i would’ve done the same,” he sighs, pressing his forehead onto yours. he feels your arms snaking around his waist and he smiles a little, looking at your eyes open and you manage a small smile. “we all needed time to heal. and though, i missed you awfully a lot while you weren’t here, i respect that you needed that time with your father,” fred feels his heart at ease when your eyes stop watering, the tears drying up. “and what matters now is you’re here, we’re here,” his lips meet with yours one more time, a slow dance he entrances you in and one you participate in when your arms move to crawl around his neck and you gladly allow his tongue to enter your mouth. you start to feel hot in his sweater, and fred feels somewhere growing tighter for comfort in his boxers but neither of you act upon it just yet, wanting to enjoy this moment together.
he pulls away almost unwillingly, just so he can get his point across. his eyes remain on you, his smile curling up wider at the sight of your grin and radiant eyes sparkling with joy; fred... wants to remember this forever.
“and that’s all that matters, alright love?”
you don’t trust your words, only your actions as your smile is embedded to your face and you nod a couple of times, earning a smirk from the ginger head boy who’s towering above you, now moving his hands to your hips where he pushes you further onto the bed, and then down for you to lay on it. he assumes his position atop of you and it makes you giggle, arms automatically slinging around his neck and he gladly leans down to connect your lips again.
after the steamy highs and contented sighs, you almost fall asleep in fred’s arms. his bare chest pressed to your clothed back, your legs tangled with fred’s under the covers - it seems like the joggers and sweats did nothing to keep you warm when you have fred next to you. your hand smoothens over his skin and he groans in approval, snuggling up closer to you for comfort. you can tell he’s about to fall asleep when he kisses your neck, then slotting his face there.
but you have to get your question in before he does.
“freddie?” you coo out softly, and he only hums in response, arms pulling you a little bit closer.
“could i bring you somewhere, tomorrow?” your voice remains quiet, almost in a whisper and it’s such a huge contrast to fred’s chuckle, muffled against your skin. the vibrations sending tingles down your spine - in a good way.
“d’you even have to ask, love?” he lifts his face up and you look over your shoulder to peek at his mischievous eyes adoring you.
“i’d go anywhere with you, y/n.”
fred takes in the imagery of a cozy cottage exterior. there... are (of course) dandelions growing on the front porch as they walk up to the door, fred feels his heart quickening in pace. he clamps onto your hand, now understanding how nervous you must’ve been yesterday. he clears his throat and you chuckle, causing him to stir from his thoughts to look at you with a gaped mouth.
“you look so cute when you’re flustered,” you smile at your confession, but even more because you do find him adorable. he snorts, “you always surprise me, y/n,”
“hold your horses, then. i have one more,” you giggle, giving him no time to prepare or back out as you knock on the door eagerly. he gasps and uses your interlocked hands to hit your side gently, “hey! i’m not ready for this-!”
the door opens, a bit more tenderly than molly opened her door yesterday. the contrast was interesting, yet, the same amount of love was evident when your father steps out with a warm smile on his face, already pulling you in for a hug. your hand still manages to be in fred’s grip and he’s getting more nervous as he squeezes your hand. 
“lion! thought i’d be expecting you in a month or two,” he chuckles, shaking his head as he pulls back and kisses your forehead, “but good to see you nevertheless,”
you gesture to the boy next to you and the ginger head boy makes himself known as he lets go of your hand to shake your fathers’, “hello there, mr. y/l/n, i’m fred weasley,”
“ah, you are the fred weasley!” your father laughs, reaching out to shake his hand, only to pull him in for a hug, “c’mere, lad!” he gives fred a tight embrace and fred’s heart jumps at the act of affection. not that he didn’t think men couldn’t be affectionate but... this makes a lot of sense. how you are so full of love and so kind, it really shows through your parents upbringing and... it felt like you were too good for this earth. 
“lion has told me many things about you, i’m so glad we have the chance to meet,” your father pulls back and gives fred a couple more pats to the shoulder, then welcoming you two in, “come in! dinner’s just ready!”
the dinner was much calmer than the one yesterday night in the burrow. although it’s hard to compare, considering there’s so many people in the burrow, but fred quite enjoys the tranquil here, too. even though it’s just three people, there’s no lacking in terms of warmth when you paired with your father, seemed like two radiant suns glowing in the same room as him.
fred found muggles interesting; just the way they lived so differently than wizards yet, there’s shared values that make the two similar at the same time. your father shows his curiosity and enthusiasm to learn about the wizarding world more than he had anticipated. asking deep and grounded questions, rather than the surface can you make me disappear?-like questions. no doubt, that’s where your intelligence came from, too. the more fred interacts with your father, the more in love he is with you. more so when he listens in to your conversations with your father and he pipes in every now and then, but for the most part he likes to listen and be a passenger, too.
it’s not until he gets curious at the pet name that’s your father had been calling you, not your actual name.
“say, why is y/n’s nickname, lion?”
“ah,” your father’s smile falters for a small second and it feels like fred had asked a very personal question. but your father doesn’t shy away from it, his smile returning wider than before and when fred glances to you to see you looking at your father with so much love, fred feels truly blessed. “me and y/n’s mother called her lion, from the dandelions,” your father admits with a proud grin, “though,” your father continues, “sometimes she can be quite the animal,”
“hey!” you huff, flicking a napkin at him and fred can’t help but laugh.
“alright, alright! one last course! i made lion’s favorite chocolate brownies!” he gets up and waves a hand when fred offers to help, pining him down with a look, “sit down, laddie! you’ll help the next time you come back, alright? reckon these brownies will blow you off your feet!” your father animatedly walks to the kitchen and disappears for a moment.
fred exhales deeply and feels his heart calm down. next time, your father wants to see him next time, he’ll be coming back here with you next time. it makes heart feel tingly inside, as if... everything was falling into place - similar to how you felt last night after reuniting with his family.
“lion,” fred tests the nickname, resting his chin in his palm on the table, his other hand reaching out to push strands of your hair behind your ear. he adores the small blush that paints your cheeks. your hand grabs onto his, resting it down on your thigh as your fingers lace between one another.
“such a pretty flower, you are,” he coos, feeling you tap his hand with your thumb, “thought you weren’t a big fan of dandelions, fred weasley,”
he shakes his head with the scrunch of his nose (well-aware whenever he did it, your heart skips a beatt), “nah, after a certain someone, or rather, a dandelion, that was enough for me to fall in love with dandelions,” you already know what he means despite his words that seem a little cryptic. your eyes narrow at him playfully and he does the same, only for you two to break out into a small laugh. your smiles remain on your faces as you stare at each other lovingly, tenderly - everything did fall into place, afterall.
you were, and always have been, fred’s dandelion.
and freddie, yours.
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keyboardink · 3 years
Sam and Deena are completely oblivious that their feelings are mutual, especially when Sam thinks Deena and Kate are together and Peter enters the picture.
pairing: samantha “sam” fraser x deena johnson / media: fear street trilogy
genre: friends to lovers, angst with hurt/comfort & fluff / word count: 2.6k / rating: pg-13 / warnings: bullying, a bit of swearing
a/n: so this is an au where deena and sam aren’t exes so sam never left shadyside (& kate isn’t all “screw ur ex” ya know). also kate is bi and no one dies. this is based mainly off 1994 (since 1666 hasn’t come out yet haha). please lmk if you like this & want more fear street fics from me. enjoy! :)
"I still can't believe you're dating a Sunnyvaler," Kate said, popping a potato chip into her mouth.
"Doesn't that totally go against the rules of this town?" Simon chimed in, stealing a tater tot from Sam's lunch tray.
"Oh, please," Sam scoffed, swatting Simon's hand away as he reached for a second piece. "He's actually a nice guy if you got to know him."
"Since when has the star quarterback ever been a nice guy?" Kate replied, earning a raised eyebrow from Simon. "Look, just because I cheer for them doesn't mean I like them."
The stiff wooden table rattled as Deena dropped into a seat across from Sam and next to Kate. She tried to pull her bomber jacket around herself quickly--
"New shirt?" Kate asked.
--but she wasn't quick enough.
"No," Deena sighed, letting the jacket hang open to expose a black, skin-tight tank top underneath. It used to be her favorite, previously baggy in all the right places, but it returned from her last laundry day one-size-too-small. "It just shrunk in the wash and I was running late." She kept her eyes down, focused on the unappetizing cafeteria food in front of her.
Kate eyed her for a moment, then looked over at Sam, who was practically drooling over this new shirt that provided a perfect V-shaped view from where she was sitting.
"I know you're not a fan of tight clothes," Kate countered, "but it looks nice on you. Makes your boobs look amazing."
Deena playfully elbowed Kate's arm, a small smile brightening her downcast expression.
Sam watched the two girls as it unfolded - the low-cut shirt, the raised eyebrows from Kate as she scanned Deena's body, the laughter following her joking shove. Had she imagined the flickers of lighthearted tension between them? She averted her gaze, envy bubbling up in her throat. She pulled her tucked hair out from behind her ears to cover the burning, red blush she felt building there.
"So, what were you guys talking about?" Deena asked, insecurity still swimming in her mind despite Kate's compliment. She looked up at Sam, who appeared to be too interested in her tater tots to hear the shirt dilemma. Although she was somewhat relieved, she felt a pang of disappointment at Sam's disinterest; she was the only person Deena had hoped would look at her.
"Sam's got a new boyfriend," Simon answered, his voice half-muffled by a mouthful of dull-brown burger, oblivious to the sideways glances being thrown around the table.
"And he's from Sunnyvale," Kate added, spitting out the town name as though it tasted worse than the school lunch.
"What? Isn't that, like, against town law or something?"
"That's what I'm saying!" Simon accidentally spewed small chunks of meat on his tray in the midst of his excitement.
"What's his name?" Deena covered herself with her jacket again.
"Peter? Oh, come on, you could've at least picked a guy who didn't have a basic name," Simon rolled his eyes, as if 'Simon' was the most unique name on the planet.
"Honestly, yeah, kinda sounds a little too basic," Deena said, her eyebrows furrowed. She felt a heat tightening within her chest. She was angry at herself, at Sam, at the world.
"I'm not making him up, if that's what you're suggesting." Sam cast a glare across the table, but it didn't stop them.
"Which Peter? I mean, there's Peter Williams, Peter Anderson, Peter Moore..." Simon counted along on his fingers.
"Oh, no," Deena interrupted, a smirk pulling her lips. "He goes to another school. You wouldn't know him."
The two threw their heads back and laughed. Deena felt the fury in her chest loosen slightly, a bit of relief found in the pain she caused others. It was her defense mechanism: when the world turns to shit, you act even worse - that's how you survive.
Sam was on her feet, her eyes full of tears and frustration. "His name's Peter Brody, and he's number 29 on the Sunnyvale football team, and he's actually a good fucking guy, unlike you." Her eyes narrowed, focusing on Deena, who suddenly didn't find the whole thing all that funny anymore.
And with that, Sam picked up her lunch tray, turned on her heel, and walked out of the cafeteria.
Monday dragged on, every class seeming longer than usual for both Sam and Deena as they sat in separate silences. Though apart, they each felt the same waves of guilt, anger, and sadness wash over them in cycles as clocks ticked their way to the end of the school day.
Deena was walking out of band practice, which had only extended her already-exhausting day, when she spotted a familiar head of blonde leaning against the cinder-block wall across the hallway.
"Hey," Sam said, reaching her hand out slightly. Her hair was tied back, adorned with an azure bow, and she wore her cheerleading uniform to match.
Deena stopped as guilt flooded her lungs once again. "Hey," she replied in a whisper muffled by her emotions.
"I just got out of practice. Want to walk together?"
Deena could tell Sam was lying. Kate normally waited with her, and they would both be shiny with sweat. The water bottle in Sam's hand was almost empty, meaning she had likely been waiting for quite a while.
Deena nodded, and they started to make their way towards the exit that led to the student lot.
"I just wanted to say sorry," Sam began, "for earlier. It was pretty shitty of me to say that."
"Yeah, but I was being shitty, too." Deena pushed open the heavy, navy-blue door. Sunlight blinded both of them. "I just can't believe you'd get a boyfriend and not tell me."
Sam stayed silent, unable to come up with a reply. Deena had been the first person she wanted to tell, but Kate saw Peter grab her ass after last weekend's game, and suddenly her boyfriend was all anyone could talk about. Sam didn't even know why she had agreed to go out with him in the first place. Everyone had said it must've been a prank, because why else would a Sunnyvaler date a Shadysider? Something about the whole relationship gave Sam a twinge of nausea if she thought about it too much, so she just tried not to think about it.
But she had wanted to tell Deena. She had wanted to see if she would be even a little jealous at the idea of her having a boyfriend. It just hadn't played out that way.
"See you tomorrow?" Sam said, stopping at the curb.
"Is your dad picking you up?" Deena looked around for the familiar, beat-up Ford that Sam's father drove, but to no avail.
"He should be here soon."
Deena knew he had a tendency to flake on his daughter, despite being the one who got custody in their divorce battle. Although Deena hated him for his neglect, she was silently, selfishly grateful that Sam didn't move to Sunnyvale with her mom. Regardless, if her dad wasn't here now, the sun would probably set before he'd remember to show up.
"Come on," Deena said. "I'll drive you home."
The drive was almost-silent. A disc played Pixies at a volume low enough to just barely understand over the sound of rumbling tires on uneven gravel. Sam's house was a bit out of the way for Deena, but as she was slowly realizing, she'd do almost anything for her.
"Thanks for the ride," Sam smiled sheepishly, pulling her backpack up from the floor. She started to open the car door, then hesitated. "Actually, wait, can I ask you something?"
Deena's heart leapt into her throat. "Shoot."
"Are you and Kate, um... like, together, at all?"
"What? No, no no no." A chuckle slipped past Deena's lips at the idea.
Sam must've thought Deena was laughing at her, because she felt her ears grow warm in embarrassment. "Oh, sorry, I just thought... I saw how you two were at lunch today and it just, I don't know. I thought you weren't telling me something." Sam looked at her sneakers, almost pristine white with the exception of faded grass stains on the toes.
"No, we're just friends, I promise. We've been best friends forever. I mean, she was there when I first got boobs, so, I mean, that's just how we are." Deena immediately cringed at that sentence. Way to make it better, dumbass, she thought.
"Oh. Okay. She just talks about you all the time to me, whenever we're at practice, you know? She'll say things like 'Damn, didn't Deena look really good today?' to me, like, all the time."
Deena let herself laugh at that. "Oh, really? Wooow. Good to know."
"I mean, from that I just kind of assumed that you guys had a thing. How could I not, right?"
Deena nodded, understanding that Kate's comments were her attempts at being a good wingman and not confessions of underlying feelings. "Kate and I both like girls, yeah, but not each other, not like that." Deena's gaze flickered over Sam's face, taking in her eyes, her ears, her lips. "Definitely not like that," she added in a soft whisper.
Sam looked up and smiled sweetly, her stare lingering for a moment too long before she returned to the moment. "Well, thanks again for the ride. See you tomorrow." She gave an adorable little wave as she stepped out of Deena's car.
"See ya," Deena replied, her stomach fluttery.
The days passed, and the friend group of four had returned to almost-normal. The only thing out of place happened on Friday night, after the second football game of the season. Normally, they would all grab pizza and watch a movie after the game, but this time was different.
"Peter invited me to a Sunnyvale party," Sam explained when they met in the middle of the field as the crowd started to file out. "Maybe next week?"
So Deena, Kate, and Simon ate their pizza without Sam, feeling a tangible emptiness where she would normally be.
Kate's house was on the so-called "good side" of town, where the roads had less potholes and the houses had more structure. It was the most Sunnyvale-esque part of Shadyside. Her living room was homey, with family portraits on the walls and a couch that was lived-in but not worn-out. They had rented Candyman from the town's Blockbuster, which played on Kate's boxy TV.
"I don't like this," Simon said, chewing a pepperoni slice.
Kate responded without looking at him. "The pizza or the movie?"
"Actually, I like both of those things," Simon replied with conviction. "I was talking about Sam. It feels... I don't know, lonely?"
"What are we, chopped liver?" Deena joked.
"I mean, some days you can come close to it," he teased back.
They all returned their attention to the movie, red and white light bouncing across their faces. As if on cue, there was a knock on the door at the exact moment a jump-scare flashed on-screen, causing the trio to startle.
"I'll get it," Deena offered, jumping up from her seat.
She opened the front door to reveal Sam, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her hair was slick and her blue uniform looked damp. Her arms were wrapped around herself as she shivered in the cool October air.
"What the fuck happened?" Deena stepped out of the way to let Sam in.
Simon and Kate scrambled to join them when they realized who had arrived.
"Oh my God, what happened?" Kate plucked her school cardigan off the coatrack and wrapped it around Sam's shoulders.
"Did Petey break up with you?" Simon asked. "I mean, you guys were only dating a week. It couldn't've been that serious, right?"
Kate elbowed Simon in the stomach at his insensitive comment, eliciting a pained groan from him.
Sam hugged the cardigan around herself, but moved her arms enough to reveal "IT" scribbled in black Sharpie under her cheerleading uniform's "SH".
"What the fuck?" Deena repeated, this time more to herself than Sam.
"God, those assholes really have no idea how much uniforms cost," Kate muttered.
"And they... they p-poured ice water on m-me," Sam stuttered just as Simon returned from the living room with a throw blanket. She gave him a grateful smile as she enveloped herself in it.
"C'mon, let's sit down, alright?" Kate suggested. "You want a hot cocoa?"
Sam nodded and followed Deena and Simon to the couch, while Kate split off to the kitchen.
"They poured ice water on you?" Deena asked as she sat next to Sam, a hand around her shoulders.
"Th-they got someone to hold my arms back so they c-could write 'shit' on me, and then someone came outside with a bucket, and-" A small sob came out of Sam's throat, and another tear rolled down her cheek.
Deena didn't stop herself before reaching up and wiping it away. She let her fingers stay there for a moment, unable to think clearly.
Simon stood up quietly, making a hushed excuse about helping Kate with the hot chocolate before disappearing into the kitchen.
"He's such a douchebag," Deena muttered, furious that someone would hurt such a sweet creature like Sam. "I'm so sorry. I'll kick his ass for you."
Sam chuckled at her offer. "Can I watch?"
Deena laughed softly at her response, then realized that her hand was still pressed against Sam's cheek and pulled it away. She let it fall onto her leg, but Sam reached over and rested her own hand on Deena's.
After a minute of silence, Sam had almost stopped sniffling when she spoke again. "I don't even know why I agreed to go out with him. Like, damn, he's not even that hot. I could've at least gotten played by a hot guy." Sam half-giggled at herself then sighed. "I should've seen it coming."
"Hey, it's not your fault," Deena said, placing her other hand on top of Sam's. Her hand was cold and delicate between hers, and she hoped that holding it would provide some warmth to her.
"If I'm being honest," Sam continued, "I think I only really went out with him to forget about this other crush."
"Hold up, you never told me about that. Who is it?"
Deena's obliviousness faded away as Sam looked up at her with wide eyes. The jealousy, the talk in her car, the longing that filled the space between them now - at this moment, it all clicked into place.
"Oh," Deena whispered.
"Deena," Sam spoke, hushed as she leaned forward. "Can I...?"
"Please," Deena breathed as their lips touched, soft and scared and new all at once. The thought of crossing a line beyond the point of return flashed through their minds, but it seemed as though they both wanted to push the boundaries. Sam's free hand cupped Deena's cheek shyly, as Deena squeezed her other hand between hers. They treated each other carefully, as though kissing too hard might break the other, which would be a crime worse than death.
"YES!" Kate shouted, giving Simon a high-five. Some hot chocolate spilled out of the mug in her other hand and onto the floor, but they were both too enthusiastic to care.
"Finally, you guys!" Simon ran over to them, wrapping them both in a wide hug from behind the couch as a giant grin spread on his face.
"You guys were watching?!" Deena asked. She felt her cheeks flush as she pulled away.
"Duh!" Simon answered. "We've been waiting for this!"
"Took you guys for-fucking-ever," Kate said with a smile, handing Sam her cup.
Sam held the cup up to her newly-warmed lips, courtesy of Deena, and took a sip, looking over the edge at her. Deena saw her blue eyes crinkle into a smile, and her mouth returned the sweet sentiment.
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
Do you maybe have some headcanons or Au or something for Moana x Merida? I really like that ship! 🤗and I like your moodboards with moanida! ^^
Anon I need you to know I am literally crying TEARS OF JOY because I have FINALLY received an Ask on this humble little blog and I am OVERJOYED
Yes, I would love to talk about Moanida!!!
I’ve got a few AUs I kinda play around with for them--might make moodboards of them one of these days! A couple I really like are a Mermaid AU and a Selkie AU, probably with Moana as the mermaid/selkie because of her ocean connection??? But I really like the idea of Selkie!Merida too, since it would go so nicely with selkies in Scottish folklore and all that. Either way it solves the geographical issue because they can just swim to each other!!! Also yes, these gay girls crossing literal oceans for each other is absolutely the hill I’m going to die on. I’m also a fan of a sort of Mythology/Goddess AU where like Moana is an ocean goddess and Merida is a volcano goddess of sorts akin to Te Ka with cool lava hair and scary volcanic rock skin and only Moana’s soothing ocean waters can calm her eruptive (heh, get it?) rage. And this also means FORBIDDEN SAPPHIC LOVE FORBIDDEN SAPPHIC LOVE FORBIDDEN SAPPHIC LOVE
I thought up some just for you <3 Some are more general and some are more specific AU-focused so I tried to sort them by AU but there’s probably gonna be some overlap.
General ~Merida is THE most overprotective girlfriend. Like she knows Moana’s independent and can take care of herself, but she absolutely will not tolerate slander of or threats to her girlfriend of any kind. If Merida were to meet Maui at any period in the timeline where he and Moana weren’t really cool yet and he was still being kind of a dick to Moana, Merida would try to fight a literal demigod. She doesn’t give a single fuck. ~Once Merida hears about the Tamatoa Incident, she wants to fight every crab she sees. She also develops a taste for crabcakes and crab rangoons because she starts eating lots of crabmeat solely out of spite. Moana finds this endlessly amusing. ~Moana definitely has the braincell between them. She’s constantly having to hold Mer back and talk her down from starting shit. Merida would unleash the Rage of a Thousand Suns upon her enemies if given half the chance. ~Merida is very physically active and loves working out--she would work out twice a day if given the chance. She’s just really about those exercise endorphins. Moana makes her fresh tropical fruit bowls and tropical fruit smoothies for after her workouts. Merida adores these and eventually she absolutely refuses to drink any smoothies not made by her girlfriend. ~They’re both lowkey caffeine addicts. Merida usually loathes getting up early (unless it’s to work out or go riding with Angus) and will snap at anyone and everyone until she’s had coffee. Moana knows how to get her hands on these really amazing-tasting, obscure types of Polynesian coffee, so she hooks them up with The Good Stuff. After tasting the coffee Moana gets, Merida honestly never wants any other B-tier type of coffee again. ~They love to go sailing in Moana’s boat. In a modern AU where the boat has a motor, Merida likes to make them go really fast for the adrenaline rush and the feeling of wind in her hair. It kinda freaks Moana out to go that fast, but it’s honestly worth it for the look of absolute elation on Merida’s face, and the way she laughs and cheers the whole time. ~Sometimes they like to go out on more calm, tranquil night sails. Once they’re a ways out, they just lie on the deck and stargaze. Moana points out all the constellations to Merida and rambles about how to navigate with them. Merida just turns and watches her with this super-smitten look the entire time. ~Moana teaches Merida some Maori. She teachers her how to say “I love you,” and, at Merida’s request, how to swear. ~Sometimes Moana calls Merida Maori words Mer doesn’t understand. Merida gets mad because she thinks Moana’s insulting her. It turns out she’s just calling Merida a bunch of super sappy Maori pet names. ~Sometimes Merida and Moana just like to talk shit about people who are pissing them off IN Maori, so they don’t understand. ~Whenever Merida absolutely goes OFF on someone for saying something homophobic or sexist or whatever, Moana just stands back and crosses her arms and smirks, and says “Thaaaat’s my girl!” It absolutely never fails to make Merida blush like a madwoman and start blubbering like an idiot and lose her original point completely. ~When they fight, they are SO stubborn, petty, and dramatic about it that they can stay mad at each other for DAYS. For really bad fights, they usually end up needing a mediator (in a RotBTD+ AU, I imagine this would be Rapunzel, Anna, or Hiccup). ~Angus and Pua are best friends. No, I will not be accepting criticism at this time. They get into lots of hijinks and shenanigans, and sometimes they sneak out together and Pua likes to ride around on Angus’s back. When Pua and Angus go missing, Mer and Mo just kind of sigh like “Oh, they’re out adventuring again, aren’t they?” ~Angus also always protects Pua so he never has to be scared of adventuring again!!! Pua still remembers his and Moana’s disastrous first sailing attempt, and Angus makes sure little Pua never gets into danger like that again. ~Hamish, Harris, and Hubert ship it SO hard! Moana turns out to be really good with kids, and has even been known to assist with the boys’ mischief from time to time. They definitely think Moana’s a good person to keep their sister’s chaos in check while not being TOO much of a boring wet blanket stifling her fun. ~Sina absolutely ADORES Merida and basically adopts her and treats her like a second daughter. After hearing Merida doesn’t have the best relationship with her own mom and feels like her mom doesn’t try to understand her or respect that she’s different from her, Sina gets like...SUPER angry and and starts doting on Merida to an almost annoying extent. She never wants Merida to have to feel forced into being someone she’s not, since she saw that with Moana and how much it absolutely KILLED her to be kept away from the ocean. ~Tui is leery of Merida at first, mainly because she seems like she’s going to be a bad influence on his daughter. However, he eventually comes around to her once he sees how much she loves his daughter, and they bond over both being ridiculously overprotective of Moana. ~Fergus also adores Moana, and basically knew Merida was gay from the jump--them dating is 0% a surprise to him. He’s honestly just glad that his daughter has someone more rational and down-to-earth to prevent her from doing anything TOO stupid. ~Elinor meanwhile, traditionalist that she is, is NOT about this whole lesbian thing and would probably be pretty homophobic...at least at first (steaming hot take, I know, she’s just got tradition so far up her ass I don’t know if she’d EVER be okay with her daughter choosing not only to forego marriage to man COMPLETELY--not just delay it--but marry a woman instead, who she couldn’t produce an heir with. Also sorry but I do not like her and probably will not portray her particularly favorably in my HCs sorry not sorry lmao) Maybe she comes around, maybe she doesn’t. I’ll leave that up to your imagination. Although I am not an Elinor fan so I think you already know my take XD ~Moana is grey-asexual grey-aromantic, so she CAN be sexually and romantically interested in people, it’s just...very rare. Merida is basically the only person she’s ever wanted to legit date. Maybe she likes boys too, but she wouldn’t know--she hasn’t found any she’s into thus far. Merida, meanwhile, has always been a raging lesbian, and has had lots of crushes on girls over the years (in an AU where she has the opportunity to, anyhow--ARE there even any girls her age in Dunbroch??? XD). When her parents would read storybooks to her as a kid, she’d always finding herself getting doe-eyed over the “fair maidens” rather than the fearless, ripped warriors who saved them from danger.  No crush ever hit her quite as hard as Moana did, though. But Merida knows for a damn fact she isn’t into men--90% of the time she can’t stand them and their antics, and the only men she’s ever really felt any kind of affection for are ones in her family or ones who remind her of one or more of her family members. ~Moana makes Merida flower crowns. Merida grumbles endlessly about how “girly” they are, so Moana hunts down some black flowers to make one with so it’ll look a bit more badass and intimidating. Merida absolutely LOVES it and wears it everywhere. ~Merida teaches Moana how to horseback ride and how to shoot a bow and arrow. She’s pretty not great at either at first, but Merida is incredibly patient with her. This shocks everyone around them, because since when is Merida patient with anyone? ~Merida also teaches Moana swordplay, and they LOVE to spar with each other. Agressive flirting during sparring sessions is very commonplace. If anyone attacks either Dunbroch or Motunui, Merida and Moana are a force to be reckoned with. ~Likewise, Moana teaches Merida how to sail and some kinda basic naval combat skills (i.e. how to shoot that harpoon gun or whatever it was she used to fight the kikimora off). ~They don’t have sex that often because neither of them has that high of a sex drive, but when they do, Merida tops if a strap-on is used. ~Moana is the kind of person who just kinda sings songs to herself as she goes about her daily routine and her chores. Merida loves to listen in because she thinks Moana has the prettiest singing voice on earth. That doesn’t stop her from teasing Moana about “singing all the got dam time,” though. ~Literally ALWAYS cuddling and kissing when they’re watching something together or just doing any kinda idle activity at home together. These girls cannot keep their hands off of each other. They hold hands in public pretty much everywhere they go, and Merida yells at anyone who makes a fuss about it.
Modern AU ~They meet while Merida is studying abroad in Tahiti. Maybe because Maui (who’s Moana’s cousin or older brother or something) has a tattoo parlor, and of COURSE Merida goes in to get some edgy bow and arrow tattoo to piss her mom off. Or maybe Merida is just snorkeling in one of the coves on one of her days off, and she runs into Moana and they just Vibe. ~I also like the idea of them meeting at a bar/nightclub type place in Papeete--like maybe Maui owns the nightclub because he just likes to party like that, and he lets his little sis Moana poke around in there because he’s lowkey a terrible influence XD And maybe one night Moana’s bartending to make a little extra cash and Merida comes in and gets really drunk on like a huge Sex on the Beach or something and starts really clumsily hitting on Moana and Moana gets SUCH a kick out of it. Merida can’t remember much of the flirting the next day, but she and Moana still become fast friends. ~Merida is constantly ditching class to sneak off and go see Moana. Her grades are plummeting. ~When the semester abroad is over, they promise to keep in touch over the internet--although Moana also wants to write letters because she loves the idea of having a pen pal. Merida teases her mercilessly for being so “old-fashioned” but also doesn’t have the heart to say no. ~They end up confessing they like each other over internet chat. Merida damn well knows she’s gay and has for a while now, but she’s terrified of telling Moana she’s into her because she’s really scared Moana’s straight. So when Moana is the one who ends up confessing to Merida, Merida has literally never been happier in her entire life. ~Once Merida graduates, they decide to just say “fuck it” and move to some big seaside city together (for some reason I really like the idea of them living in Los Angeles???). Merida needs to get away from her overbearing mom and Moana just really wants to see more of the world besides the South Pacific, so away they go! ~BROADWAY MUSICAL NERDS BROADWAY MUSICAL NERDS BROADWAY MUSICAL NERDS! They both fucking LOVE musicals, especially those with sapphic undertones (Wicked, anyone?), and will loudly and obnoxiously sing along to the soundtracks, much to the chagrin of all their neighbors. They’re also pretty big theater fans in general--especially Merida, always rather the dramatic type. ~At some point they save up and go to see Wicked on Broadway together. The trip ends up being one of their all-time favorites, and their fridge is covered in goofy, dumb selfies of them in New York. ~Moana goes to every SINGLE one of Merida’s archery tournaments, and every single game of any other sport she plays. Literally no one cheers more boisterously or enthusiastically than Moana does. Whenever Merida hits a bullseye or scores a goal, Moana grins and nudges the people next to her (even if they’re complete fucking strangers) and goes “That’s my girlfriend!!!” ~Merida is a goddamn punk, and is always walking around in spiked jackets, combat boots, and basically any other clothing that says “don’t fuck with me.” She tried to start a punk rock band once, but it ended up falling through because no one would sponsor Merida’s angry screamo songs about smashing the patriarchy. Moana still went to all of their tiny-ass, tacky concerts though, for the few months they were “touring” the city. ~Merida taught herself how to play electric guitar because she thinks it’s Edgy and Cool. Moana really likes to dance, and knows a fair number of traditional Polynesian dances and has even taught a class or two. Merida learns how to play some traditional Polynesian music on the electric guitar so she can play while Moana dances. The combination of hard rock-esque shredding and a very mellow island dance looks extremely bizarre to anyone watching, but the girls absolutely do not care.
@takaraphoenix I said I’d tag you in Moanida content I made and I am a woman of my word!!! Enjoy!!!
Please y’all, send me more asks about my ships!!! I love to talk about them!!!
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seostudios · 4 years
middle of the night: all about luv - p.js
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you just needed to pass your classes and you'd be out of this hellhole but of course you couldn't do it alone! it was a two man job with your lifestyle so the school assigned you to the one and only park jisung, clumsy straight a student who you may or may not have now taken a liking to....
pairing: park jisung x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff
word count: 4.5k
info: rebel!reader, nerd!jisung, strangers to lovers!au, non-idol!au, high school!au
warnings: explicit/vulgar language, mentions of drugs, alcohol, little bit alcohol consumption
a/n: hey omg i can’t believe i finally posted a part to this series, i hope u guys enjoy it and PLEASE tell me if you want a taglist okay? thanks! 
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You were fierce, everyone knew. Even those who haven't even seen you and your tricks in-person feared when you attended school. Although you were known to play tricks,  rough-house, and start problems with the other kids who didn't even bother attending school or pursue their actual desires- you had one and was determined to make it come true one way or another. But unfortunately, you were pretty dim compared to the students who roamed the hallways, it never stopped you, Today you decided on approaching your math teacher since she was surprisingly the only one who cheered you on with your aspirations,
"So...I'm passing three of my four courses this semester!?" You eagerly questioned the woman in front of you, "Yes, you are" confirmed with the recent grade updates, you sigh in relief knowing you were passing most of your classes with satisfying marks, so you made your way to the exit. 
However, she pulled you back down to your seat. "You're failing Science Y/n," she added pointing at the 34, "Well I don't even know what's happening in there, how can I pass in such a short time?" 
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He stared out the window of the Science lab. He had plans after school, "Jisung? Park Jisung?" an unfamiliar teacher called from the door frame; his attention was mainly towards the girl behind her which sent shivers down his spine.
"Can you meet me in Room 284 after school?" Of course not, he's finally scored a fucking date with Lee Jieun one of the prettiest and popular girls of the junior division, he looked over to Jieun in the back of the class who was listening in on your conversation along with everybody else in the classroom, she looked disappointed but nodded permitting him to ditch their date, he smiled apologetically at the girl before focusing his attention to the door, 
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Knocks were heard from the door which made your busy teacher who was marking work signal you to go open the entrance to this quite cold classroom. Roughly around 5'11 probably 6'0 boy is wearing a worn-out white shirt, with a navy blue blazer, pants and a poorly tied tie. His attire was mandatory but his hair was unique, rocking pink-brown hair was not something you see every day unless they were idols. The sun shined passed the windows onto the boy making his rosewood hair turn into a more dark salmon colour. "Jisung!" Your Math teacher chirped to the boy pulling out a chair next to yours indicating you two to sit back down. She took a good two minutes out of your time to finish up on marking and organizing the sheets sprawled across the desk, you and Jisung just sat in silence. In all honestly, Jisung was shitting himself. You and the reputation you had here were most definitely the reason why. Shifting his position every ten seconds, the occasional glances to you, and bouncing his leg. Finally, she turned her attention to the pair in front of her, "So you two are probably really confused."she stated looking at Jisung, then you."Poor Y/n here, my favourite student-"She pauses looking at you with a smile and towards Jisung who looked confused on how,"which is surprising to the staff apparently which I have no idea how...she hasn't been...rebellious in a few weeks since she's trying to pass before the summer break."Clasping her hands together she looks up at you two, "Jisung I need you to tutor Y/n until she gets her final grade in." When I tell you his eyes widened enough for you to see the wrinkles on his forehead form, you did. You smiled accepting the help but it quickly seeing his distressed self, "Are you okay? Do you not want to tutor me?"You asked, and it was your first time ever speaking to the boy he never expected you to sound so soft and gentle; predicting beforehand that you had a rough deeper voice. His facial expression softens slightly at your hopeful gaze piercing through him- hoping he'd tutor you, cause frankly, you needed it more than anyone in your division at this point (Maybe you're being a little selfish but who cares.). Jisung was sitting in his seat, zoned out, probably processing all this. It took him a minute, but he finally looked up from fiddling with his fingers. "Oh Of course I will! I can do Wednesdays after school and Saturday around noon?"It was pretty shocking how confident he sounded ordering you around that second- which made the teacher grin at the shy boy's sudden dominance. Chuckling a little with a small smile plastered on your face you say "Works perfectly, I'll be leaving now. Bye Ms.," You said jolting up grabbing your backpack walking towards the door, but before you leave you gotta leave a nice impression on the boy plus its rude to not say goodbye isn't it. 
"Goodbye Jisung Park."
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It was Tuesday and Jisung was sitting in the Music room during lunch eating and catching up on his Health papers when you walked in. This was your usual spot in the late spring when you needed AC and a place to lay down. On a regular day for Jisung, he'd be in the front of the school on the bench working however it was too hot for him today so he opted to break into the already unlocked classroom to eat and study in. Sitting on top of the sink counter you lean to open a window pulling out a cigarette, you came here to smoke and it was a great place since it was deserted. "W-What are you doing?" Jisung asked looking up from his notebook sitting on the carpet. "Do I look like I'm about to jump out the window? no. I'm gonna smoke."You informed sarcastically on the boy. He was slightly taken aback you were so sweet yesterday and today your back with your bad girl reputation still strong. He threw you a quick look before getting up, putting his things in his bag, and throwing out the rest of his lunch. Now, walking towards you he takes the cigarette out your hand before you could even light it and threw it out the open window. "Hey! I wasn't done with that, and I didn't even start with it!" You raised your voice at him which did make him flinch but provoked him to argue back, "Yah! Your smoking is unhealthy and against school rules." He paused but started again, "You want to pass, don't you? I'm helping you pass, aren't I? Get your things together if you want my help Y/n."He spat. Honestly, you didn't think his words would affect you so much but it fueled the fire you started a minute ago. "Shut up Park, stop acting all tough when you know nothing about me, I never needed your help I was just going along with Ms." you argued back before grabbing your backpack and the lighter on the counter before hopping off pushing the tallboy to the side rudely, muttering something about bullshit.
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"I was helping her! And she says you know nothing about me Park! like of course I don't butt why does she need to be an asshole when I'm trying to help her out." Jisung complains to Chenle in front of him. "Maybe she's like addicted," Chenle says trying to make the best out of the situation "Look, she'll warm up to you eventually cause you two will be spending lots of time together now." Jisung huffs in disbelief that Chenle is basically on your side here, getting up from the grassy field to join the rest of his gym class in soccer.
From the corner of his eyes, he sees a figure under the bleachers; you. He knows you are upset with him as much as he is with you but he still wants to encourage you to pass Science with his help. "Park! Get your ass over here!" Yedam, his classmate calls him to grab his things on the field before heading into the change rooms.
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The school bell rang, you watched students walk out of their classrooms to their lockers, friends, lovers. You were leaning against the wall beside the empty Music room contemplating if you should leave and hang out with some friends by Unjeong Lake Park or stay in with Park Jisung to study for Science. Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by a voice, "Hey." Jisung stood in front of you, backpack resting on one shoulder and a Science textbook in his hand. "Hi," It was awkward being around him after you little tilt.
"Let's go," You trailed behind Jisung watching him take you to an unfamiliar part of the school, the West End. "Why are we here?" You question the pink-haired boy, but all you get in return is silence. At last, he brought you two to the old gym, it hasn't been used in almost 6 years but somehow it looks squeaky clean. "This is my hangout spot after school, I kind of made my friends go down to Unjeong for the day so we could study here until I find a proper place." He explains to you placing his books and bag on the stacked mats, offering to take your bag too, you let him. "So what Unit is your class working on now?" He asked you once the two of you sat on one of the many beanbags in the gym (Probably brought in from his pals), "Well my mom made me take Biology I and I know you are in my class I just don't show up..." You lean back on the beanbag playing with the lighter in your hands "What are we learning Park?" He visibly gulps at you doesn't even know why he's nervous himself, maybe because your scary? Probably.
"Well we're on our last unit of the year and the Unit test and Final Exam are what can get you to pass the class with at least a 60," He said moving to grab his textbook flipping to a page with sticky notes plastered all over. "We are in Unit 5, Plants: Anatomy, Growth, and Function. It's an easy Unit so we could go through it in two months then spend the two weeks before the final exam prep." Jisung finished speaking and handed you the textbook that was on the Unit page, it didn't look hard but you knew better to judge a book by its cover. "Alright, where do we start." You smile at the grinning boy who's suddenly amused by your aspiration to pass the course.
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It's 2:45 and you are in the middle of the last period, Science. It was your last day of the Science of the year, technically. You still had to prep for your final exam, but this was the final unit test which meant for the next month you'd be stuck in a silent classroom with your peers all silently studying over and writing recap notes for the final exam. You finish writing the date on your page and adding a little smiley face at the end of your name, flipping your paper over you take out your earbuds, and play music to pass time. 
Good, 15 minutes have passed, and you see students getting up to hand in their papers, this where you tag along and hand it in too. Patting the eraser ends on your skirt off you make it back to your desk sitting then turning to look behind you, a few desks down to a now chocolate haired boy. He was finishing up his test when he looked up to see you basically ogling at him. Throwing you an awkward half-assed smile he looks back to the girl behind him, Jieun. 
Jieun and Jisung took a very bad turn once Jisung agreed on tutoring you. She's ghosted the boy and took a liking to her lab partner, Taehyun. It was disappointing to see a girl get jealous over her date tutoring a very incompetent girl like you. If you were in her position, you might've gotten scared but wouldn't drop the kid; it was rude, and honestly, you were glad Jisung accepted that fate and moved on from her. He played with the end of his test sheet before sighing thumping his head against the desk, okay maybe he wasn't that over her yet but he's doing better than you ever would. Over these four months you and Jisung surprisingly got along well, you've opted to occupy a booth int he back of your town's ice cream parlor for studying instead of that abandoned gym in the West End. 
In all honesty, you felt bad about how you treated the tall boy in the first few weeks of tutoring. You showed up late which strung the classes longer making one hour, two. You complained, never listened, argued, actually punched him once. But after warming up to him you've started to take a liking, noticing his features a little more than you did last week, finding his beauty mark under his lip stunning. Nowadays he seems ten times more charming, appealing, engaging, and irresistible to you, memorizing his favourite things how he looks up to Kai, the teacher assistant for the seniors. And that he actually hates Science and prefers Gym and Sociology class. He likes all kinds of ice cream and tries new flavors every visit, he never writes with a red-inked pen since he prefers the black one and always lets you know that too ("Y/n did you know red ink stains are a nasty stain to get out, always use black ink."). You aren't the only one who's learned to love the newly blossomed friendship as he's learned as much as you about him, on how you've always wanted to become a Veterinarian, that your love for animals is just unexplainable and the only things holding you down is this horrible reputation you've built yourself over the two years of attending. But better late than ever to change your ways and Jisung was absolutely mesmerized by your determination to achieve the new milestones you've set for yourself.
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"PARK JISUNG!" You shrieked barging into the empty ice cream parlor to see the boy sitting idling on his device, he looks up at you running towards your booth. "Hey, shhh", he quiets your overly excited self-telling you to sit."I got my Unit Test mark," you stop talking to take your backpack off and pull out your Unit Test which was graded and with a big fat A on it. "Holy shit! Y/n this is amazing!!"He exclaimed eyes going wide seeing the mark, his hard work really did pay off. 
"Now we can start prepping for Finals," Jisung told you after handing your papers back, your shoulders sagged and your smile disappeared, you were hoping to possibly celebrate with your tutor and newfound friend. Shaking your head, you look at him again, "No sorry, I wanna celebrate this tonight," you inform Jisung who looks at you with a somewhat annoyed expression. "Sorry Y/n but one A isn't going to help you get to a passing mark, you need more than that and the only thing that'll help you pass Biology is your Final Exam which is what we need to prep for." What the fuck? Jisung Park, the golden student, and who you thought was your friend basically telling you that your grade wasn't worth all that cheering two minutes ago. That was unbelievable what type of asshole does that, oh wait apparently Jisung Park. You knew you weren't gonna pass with one test, of course not. You might've been dumb but not to that extent, you clench your fists wondering how all that admiration you had for someone just got poured down a drain so quickly. You chuckle heartlessly ' that thought lingered before you look at him and speak.
"Yea of course I know that but do you not understand how big of a milestone this was for me? I am one step behind passing my hardest subject of the semester and you telling me that it's not enough and we need to prepare for a final at the end of a month that has just started is fucking rude Park."You hiss at him now baffled on how he couldn't comprehend after four- almost five months of knowing you. Getting up you grab your backpack and phone and turn to exit the ice-cream parlor. 
You were now outside of the small store, and Jisung didn't even come after you. Sighing knowing you should've known associating yourself with someone with a better reputation wouldn't have been smart. Pulling your phone out, you dial in a friend who you knew would be there for you and who had more free time than most students his age. "Jeno," You stammered through the phone "Y/n? Are you okay?" You smile weakly at his concern, not even a minute into a call."Can you pick me up?" you asked quietly to the older boy. Looking through the big glass window to the back of the shop, you see Jisung sitting there watching you intently, and he knows he hurt you. It wasn't his intent to; he just wanted you to reach your goals and he thought celebrating could've been done another time instead not today, I guess he hit a soft spot seeing your facial expression so fragile.
He saw a motorcycle pull up beside you and a muscular guy go and place a helmet on your head after holding you in his embrace for a moment before the two of you hopping back on the ride driving off to god knows where.
You kick around an empty pop can on the sidewalk waiting for your ride. Jeno knew something upsetting you over the phone so he decided not to question it and get you riled up but to drink a couple of beers and play darts at his crib. A Black 2018 Kawasaki Ninja pulls up in front of you, the driver removes his helmet revealed to be your dear friend, Jeno. He felt your gloomy aura already deciding to just embrace you tightly, "Whatever it is, you did amazing." He assured you before breaking the hug to plop the helmet on you and hopping back on with you behind him seated.
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"Great job Y/n, I can see you making it through the year, I just finished putting in your final mark 89 is an amazing score and all on your own is shocking." Your Science teacher complimented you after holding you back to show your improvement to you, Jeno encouraged you to still study hard solo after acknowledging that you didn't want to work with Jisung anymore, hard work did pay off now your officially finished with your junior year and with flawless grades. "Have a great summer break," You tell her before walking out for lunch. Last day of school before the summer break, it's been a crazy weird year but you don't seem to be upset. Jisung seemed happy without you anyways, you've been skipping Music to sit out on the bleachers while he had gym class, and made sure to visit the West End more often. You didn't realize it yet but Jisung looking happy stung more than it should've.
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Fuck that bullshit Y/n is on, Jisung is miserable without her. He didn't take note of it but he was more than happy to spend his Wednesdays and Saturdays with you. He liked the way your eyes widened or how your jaw almost touched the floor when he teaches you something new, or when your eyed shimmered when your grades went up every quiz. How your nose scrunched up at a difficult question, the way you organized his pencil case when he wasn't looking because 'it had to be cute like him'. He was too much of a coward to keep you by his side, it's safe to say Jisung Park likes you back. Head over heels in love with you probably, but we shouldn't stretch it that far knowing he's working his ass off to get over you, and of his mind but when does he even succeed. It's the last day of school and possibly the last time Jisung gets to see you roam the halls, watch him in Gym class fooling around with his friends, or just see you until the next school year. No, Jisung made it his goal to win you back. He's never seen you that way, never thought he'd need you, all he wants is to see you, hold you.
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"No Park. She's not even here kid," Your friend, Yuna told Jisung who was at your doorstep asking for you. "Just, just tell her to text me." He said frustrated now leaving.
"I thought you said he didn't want anything to do with you?" Jeno asked sitting on the couch of Yuna's living room beside you. "He doesn't, I don't know why-" Yuna was quick to argue with you, "He likes you and you left." Jeno nods agreeing, "I see that happening..." He half-joked. "Listen I know he was a jerk in May, but it's June- July tomorrow! He's not being a jerk right now because what freaking jerk comes to your doorstep BEGGING to talk to you?" Yuna ranted. 
You know he's not a jerk and he meant no harm that day but it hurt. Everyone always sugarcoated things with you so when Jisung was pretty blunt with you, it stung. You whine at all this thinking about Jisung and feelings, plus even if he did like you, there was so much to unravel than just some lame highschooler who wanted to get her shit together. So so much more than just that. Drinking the rest of the alcohol in your plastic cup you sit up straight staring at the two in front of you who were dying to hear your say in this, "Okay so what if we have our happy ending, what'll happen then? He'll figure out how toxic I am and go running back to Jiwoo or whatever name is."Stopping and using a couch pillow to cover your face- did you seriously imagine yourself with a happy ending, you've fucked up so much that it seems impossible to turn back. Yuna notices your heartache and decided to tone down on his jokes and talk to you 'for realsies',"Sweetheart if he leaves you because your teeny issues were too overwhelming for him it's not worth it but from his recent actions it looks like he'd want to be there with you through those issues. Honestly, he could live a little too so dealing with you- and giving me and Jeno here a break should be thrilling."Adding a light-hearted joke was what you needed to place a soft smile on your lips.
“Now go get your man” Jeno says slapping your back playfully encouraging you to leave the house and venture off to him- wherever he is.
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"Can I help you?" A boy wearing Yonsei University sweatshirt asked you. 'This must be Jisung's older brother he told me about' You thought to yourself, "Oh Yes, is Jisung home?" You ask him looking up trying to look as innocent as you can. "Oh you just missed him, he went to get ice cream with his friends," he said. Shouting a quick thanks you run down to the only ice cream parlor Jisung probably knows in town.
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CLOSED is all you see in front of the ice cream parlor. Did Jisung's older brother lie to me? Now that you think of it, he and his brother aren't close enough to share those type of things from what you heard, and what type of boy would avoid the girl he supposedly likes. You sit down on the curb looking off into the little soccer field, watching kids play with their friends thinking, then it hit you. Did Jisung lie to his older brother? C'mon Y/n think of the one place Jisung and his friends could be...The park? Nah, too crowded. The mall? No, too far. Think Think Think, one place. Where in the world could Jisung- WEST END! God, why didn't you think of that in the beginning, of course, he's there. Getting up off the curb you make your way quickly to the back of the school, remembering Jisung telling you a back entrance to the West End.
Reaching the back entrance you see it open indicating someone (Jisung and friends) was inside. Maybe you shouldn't barge in and ruin their fun...opting to send Jisung a text you search your pockets to find, nothing. How could you leave your house without your phone? You're like addicted to it. "Excuse me?" A deep voice booms behind you, turning around you look up at the man. It's Jaehyun, the volleyball team captain. "Y/n." You know him, through Jisung, of course, why else would he be at the West End or know your name. "Hi," your breath rather softly which throws the older boy way off since he knows you for your snarky remarks or overly confident aura...Today you seem the opposite really. "Can you tell Jisung to come out for a second?" you ask avoiding eye contact and resorting to looking at the chalked up pavement. He gives you a thumbs up and heads in.
"Park Jisung-ah!" Jaehyun shouts for Jisung loud enough for it to echo in the empty gym. Looking up and seeing Jaehyun, Jisung excuses himself from his current conversation with Doyoung, Yuta, and Renjun to jog over to his Hyung. "Your chick is here," He says pointing out the door to you, Jisung's eyes lit up already knowing who Jaehyun was talking about peeking his head out the door to see you looking off into the parking lot, watching the sunset. He was pulled right back in by Jaehyun, "You better fix whatever's been going on between you, Y/n looks like an actual school girl being all shy and soft. I'm actually disgusted I need that spunky girl back before I force you two to kiss or some shit," Really Jaehyun? Some advice you got there.
"Alright kid go get your chick" Jaehyun cheered before pushing him and closing the door loud enough to alert and make you turn back.
It felt like a dream, none of this felt real. It hasn't even bee 24 hours since you last saw Jisung, but it's been a month of not interacting to get your heart racing this much. You looked unreal to Jisung, out of a fairytale actually and he looked amazing, like always. This is when he started to panic, you smiled weakly and started walking up to him. He looked down at his shoes not having the balls to look you in the eye, "Jisung look at me you pussy." You said so calmly but so rudely(?). It was funny and made Jisung giggle which made you short circuit.
Jisung looks up from his feet to see you staring into his brown eyes, taking in all his features again looking at him from head to toe; how fluffy his dark coffee bean hair was or his cheeks- god you always took the chance to pinch them when you could. His broad shoulders you always wondered how his hugs would be, probably so comfy and perfect. The beauty mark under his lip, fuck always wanted to kiss it. Your thoughts were disrupted when you felt two large hands enclose you in a tight hug; reacting almost immediately you wrap your small hands around his waist and rest your head on his chest while he brings his large hand to caress the back of your head. "I'm sorry, I know what I said was wrong and I shouldn't have made you seem so slow-witted when you totally aren't. I think over that conversation almost every night. I'm so so sorry Y/n," He finishes tightening the hug for a moment sympathetically.
You loosen the hug and tippy-toe up to the boy placing a small peck on his pink lips which caused his cheeks to go crimson. "You're forgiven, Park," you say giving him a tight smile. You see the tall boy pout a little and turn his reddened face to the side before mumbling "I was supposed to do that," which caused a fit of giggles from you. 
"You'll have plenty of opportunities in the future Jisung."
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88 notes · View notes
spirit-of-vengeance · 3 years
@spxcemuses @mr-mansnoozie @xxstar-bluesxx
Guess who gathered enough mind to finally write her full backstory of Western Verse. Her being a bounty hunter is set in the Wild West time period (1865-1895), there is no current year(s) to set her story in mainly because I don't want to make a mistake messing up the timeline.
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Calm before the storm
Her father, Attila a lesser Hungarian noble whom supported the 1848-1849 revolutionary war but after the failure of it he escaped emigrated to America to avoid the Habsburg revenge, soon followed by his brother Gábor. He could save a small amount of his fortune along with his two most important horses: a purebred Lipizzan stallion and an extremely rare Akhal Teke mare. He had settled near a small town, due to his financial situation and education as a noble he established a school with the support and approval of the local church. To quieten his guilt for abandoning his country in its peril, he poured all of his heart into educating children; at least he is still useful in some way.
One day, a group of artists traveling artists, acrobats traveled through the town and the aristocrat fell in love at first sight. She was like the queen of fairy from the folk tales he'd heard in his childhood, she was tall, blue eyes sparkled like light sapphire, long golden brown hair floated ethereally with every twirl. The smitten lord shamelessly courted the the graceful acrobat, determined to know at least the name.
The group had stayed in the town for a few weeks, allowing Attila's and Myra's romance to blossom; after a month she ended up staying with him, just like in true fairytales.
My obsession with angst backstory strikes again
The lord was in love, deeper than poets could express it. Since the loss of his home and country he had found his place in the universe along with the perfect companion by his side. He paid less attention to the school, the church and other public affairs; it wasn't like he abandoned them but became more withdrawn to spend time with the love of his life, especially after the birth of their daughter. She was almost the perfect miniature of her mother, same beautiful hair glinting gold in the sunlight, only her eyes were the brightest emerald green he'd ever seen.
While Myra's heart and aura was as pure as a fairy's; the local church was beyond distressed. They claimed that Attila had completely abandoned helping those in need because of her wicked seduction. When they witnessed her performing for the amusement of the crowd, the 'temptress witch' brand couldn't be lifted. They gathered a few enthusiastic townsfolk whom shared their views and a few morally questionable men whom only wanted a piece of the lord's fortune.
10 year old Karma was awakened from her deep slumber by her frantic father; smoke and yelling blinding her senses as he carried her out of the burning house into the nearby forest so the mob won't find her. He promised her he will be back but he had to return into their home for Myra; he couldn't leave her inside. Karma watched her dad disappear into the flames, the air filled with suffocating smoke and religious shouts for god to smite the sinners. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the spot where her father was gone, waiting for her parents to stumble out of the half collapsed building; but that never had happened. She sat unmoving from her spot, struck staring into the flames then into the ashes as the sun has risen.
Birth of the marksman
Attila's brother, Gábor arrived the next day after hearing the news, he was the one whom found Karma still staring at the ruins in a catatonic state. He couldn't avenge his sibling as it meant endangering his niece and she has lost more than enough.
Gábor expected her to become a soft spoken, reserved lady once she overcame her trauma; that theory was soon abandoned when once he had awoken to his niece practicing with his rifle outside with frighteningly great accuracy. The young girl naturally had an extraordinary aim and after a few long talks, he'd seen the determination burning in her to avenge the murder of her parents. Given by her mother's dance lessons, she was also flexible and capable of many different acrobatic moves; this combined with her aim proven to be a very dangerous combination.
To not awaken suspicion he told his friends Karma was an orphan whose parents were killed by bandits and he had adopted her to give her a family and education. Karma was fascinated chasing greater heights of her skills, this involved reading every possible book about anatomy, marking, engraving the useful spots of the body. Karma knows where to shoot to disarm, to cause a slow death, to paralyze, to disable for life and when it is only a warning: an injury which will heal with time. Along with her accuracy, her drawing speed only can be compared to lightning. Although she prefers/most comfortable with her dual revolvers (model undecided yet), she is still a menace with shotguns, rifles, flintlocks and even bows due to Gàbor's 'A Hungarian is not a Hungarian if they can't use a bow' mindset.
The bounty hunter quicker than death
Karma had her first official gunfight at the age of 18 on the auction. for Vihar (Storm), the filly of her father's horses.
Detailed post about Vihar
She officially entered the bounty hunter business when she was 20 and Vihar was 2, aiming for the most dangerous criminals whom committed the worst acts possible. In her early years after the kill she slit open corpses she trying to find the bullet, surverying the damage it caused and adding filler information to her anatomy knowledge. Of course she didn’t bother burying the bodies, she knew as a woman she has to be extremely vicious above talented to be hired and mutilated dead bodies did send a great message & served as cement for building her reputation. The name Karma wasn't entirely her idea, many thankful family members claimed that karma has came for their loved ones' murderers. Her talent spread like wildfire among the men of law, glad to be rid of the dangerous scum; with careful planning, use of environment and Vihar as backup she had wiped out gangs, not solely focused on individuals.
Unfortunately her reputation summoned an unofficial grand price on her head as well in certain circles; they had tracked her back to her uncle's house. The battle claimed Gábor's life and nearly her sight as her right eye was almost slashed out. The new loss opened old wounds: her not being able to protect her loved ones. She couldn't look into a mirror, the scar a reminder how despite all years of training she wasn't untouchable; after burying her uncle plan to gain control over her psyche already formed.
She took a knife and carefully carved four half circles around her eye to form a crosshair with her pupil being the middle of it. She made sure she kept the wounds open for enough time to scar as visibly as the vertical cut; she wanted a symbol to add to her legend. Excuse my pathetic excuse of an edit, I'm not good in this, nor I can draw.
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Now Karma is 25, Vihar is 6, both of them in their peak physical prime; the name Vihar is also symbolic a little, Karma is the lightning to her horse. She is dancing on the thin edge of bounty hunting and being an outlaw as she often takes...side jobs to help people who deserve it and usually that person doesn't have a bounty on their head, therefore it is technically murder.
Local antisocial feral monk & cocky gunslinger feral lady / addition of the AU with the amazing @mr-mansnoozie
Near her uncle's house, Karma had discovered a cave and a grumpy mute monk living in it along with his pet bear. The monk, Sandy eventually became a second uncle to the traumatized angry orphan, he taught her how to move & creep upon someone soundlessly, disappear without a trace, cover her stances and behavior patterns of various animals. Before and after returning from a job she always visits her uncle of choice for a chat; a silent way to prepare him to the possibility of her not coming back. But she always do. She considers Sandy as part of her tiny family, although his...copying mechanisms with his own traumas were a bit strange to get used to; she adapted quite fast, after all who is she to judge with a past like that?
I'm a dead man walking, Hell's at my door.
aka collection of small headcanons
🎯 Her dual revolvers are called Salvation and Damnation because she's dramatic
🎯 Karma has a small sketchbook filled with anatomy drawings for further practice.
🎯 She actually can sing, but rarely does, only to Vihar since she never received positive feedback on it. Her voice is gritty, rugged and deep; definitely not the usual and desired sounding from a woman.
🎯 If her target was an outstandingly cruel bastard and/or one of those whom killed her parents she uses a little psychological torture. After fatally wounding them she starts whistling (for the most terrifying experience wear headphones & close your eyes while listening) as they try to crawl away or beg for mercy. The first time the whistle gets shrill & more intense is when she lazily reloads, knowing she has both the time and the upper hand. The second pace shift is when she aims; she shoots during the last, long drawn out high note.
🎯 This is her only verse where Cindy is afraid, no terrified of fire; during her....26 AU's she's always been associated with fire despite dying in or being wounded by it. In this verse she is more tied to lightning, the scent of smoke is enough to send her into a silent panic attack and despite loathing the cold she will never sit close to the fireplace. Her other deep fears include injuring her hands & sight and losing Vihar. Her horse is the only remaining family member of hers, she can't fail her too.
🎯 Most of Karma's scars, injuries are a result of her standing between Vihar and a knife/bullet/ even a bullwhip when a criminal was smart enough to catch on their deep emotional bond.
🎯 She has recurring night terrors about the night her parents died, she always wakes up in cold sweat; she's sort of used to them. Though, sometimes she still cries but thankfully Vihar is there to comfort her.
🎯 Karma has a special morning stretch routine to keep her flexibility and warm up her hands & keep them steady and fast.
🎯 Due to her dad and uncle she received high quality education
🎯 For the untrained eye, the belt of her hat are simple crosses while in reality, they are inverted crosses to symbolize her stance with Christianity
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🎯 Karma's middle name is Emerald, given by her father due to her eye color.
🎯 Karma was first inspired by League of Legends Miss Fortune because that name alone is great but unfortunately she is too pirate coded for a western so I abandoned the relation. Though when Karma is not being the 'Call me a slow reader but I only made it to the Dead part, the or Alive didn't register.' ; her personality is similar to hers.
🎯 Due to her dad, Karma is actually half aristocrat. Not like she cares about it the slightest; the only indication of noble blood is her idle stance. It is an unconscious mirror of how her father used to hold himself: back straightened to almost impossible point, left arm behind it, right hand resting on the grip of in her case, revolver instead of hilt of a sword.
🎯 If given the chance to live a normal life, she would've grown into a captivating, lively young woman, much like her mother but with the aristocrat elegance of her father; finding a suitor who lives up to her parents' and her standards would've been the challenge of the century.
🎯 Her special move is called Dance of Death. This is used as last resort when she's facing more opponents up to 12, as with her dual revolvers she has 12 bullets without reloading. She mentally marks the stances of all opponents, predicts their movement, firing order and possible way of their bullets before whirling out of her hiding place. Each pose minimizes the chance of getting shot, and with each change of movement two bullets are fired, two men drop dead.
🎯 Her accuracy isn't just 'gun goes boom >:D' but a combination of natural talent, endless practice, movement prediction, sharp, quick thinking & analytical skills and different techniques molten together to utilize them all at once
🎯 Her hair is now as long as her mother's, she always keeps it in a single tight braid to keep it out of the way; without her hat and hair down she actually loses some of her dangerous edge.
🎯 The only physical memory Karma has of her parents is her dad's hussar sword she found underneath the ruins of the house, it was protected by a very thick wooden box & a lock of her mother's hair is tied to the grip. She has hidden it in the nearby forest, her thoughts often wander to it along with the wish to wield it.
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Could we hear some more about your rad wizard au
Sure! There are many cities in the kingdom of Lairyon that I’ve fleshed out actually.
Milliara Capital: A wonderful city home to many. Especially merchants and immigrants. A circular city with high walls surrounding it. There are 8 pillars around the city representing the country’s values. Strength, loyalty, wisdom, courage, cooperation, kindness, determination, and empathy/understanding.
Alphasgard: Home to the country’s best training. For both magic and physical combat. Blacksmiths, bladesmiths, gunsmiths, and all types of smiths are prevalent in Alphasgard. This is the best stop if you want armor, weapons or training advice. Many of the military generals of Lairyon often stop by to brush up on their training, teach classes, or purchase new weapons.
* As a result of many military officials visiting, the police and security is top notch.
* Many shops offer their services to imbue weapons with magic and magical properties.
Riveria: A thriving fishing city home to many of the more aquatic inclined people of Lairyon. Water magic specialists hail from this city. With their neighboring city of Watercrest, they supply the country with high quality fish and sea artifacts.
* Riveria is more focused on the fish side of things. With kiplings being the most prevalent race there.
Watercrest: An aquatic city that specializes in water magic and support items. This is the best place to find magic charms, artifacts, and curios.
* Watercrest is also a great place for potions and alchemy. But it is only second to Redland
* A hotspot for artists and artisans to sell their wares. Jewelry especially being a main export.
Redland: The magic capital as it’s called. The best place for mages of all kinds. Many magic schools, and shops reside here. And is home to the best alchemists and potions in Lairyon
* The shops sell all sorts of magical wares. Materials for potions, as well as magical edibles. Such as small more portable versions of potions which come in small gummy form. However the downside to this is that the gummies usually aren’t as strong as the regular potions.
* Also trinkets for wizards like amulets, wands, bags of holding, etc.
* There is a very prestigious academy of magic there. Some of the best mages studied there
Asheborn: Trade and merchant central babyyyyyy. The most popular spot for merchants from all over the world to set up shop. As such, you can find a variety of wares from all over the world here, as well as the largest variety of races.
* The city is separated by its main hub, and then different districts surrounding it. Each district representing some part of the world. Such as the north, south, eastern, western, and central.
* While the city is mainly made up of good, honest businesspeople. There are also the shadier parts of the city. Scammers and con artists like to make there rounds there
* There is also a very large black market underneath the city called the Midnight Market. More rare, and controversial wares are sold here. Such as illegal magical items, and some very powerful but also questionable magic items. Like, a good 45 percent of everything here is cursed in some way.
Addows: A quieter but not really city home to many guilds and other creeds (assassination). The city is always surrounded in a misty thick fog. It is home to the more affordable homes in the country.
* It’s more affordable because this is ghost city.
* Many seers, and clairvoyants live here and offer their services.
* The final resting place of lots of Lairyon’s heroes over history. Having the largest national graveyard and memorials.
* It houses the largest library in all of Lairyon, and is the best place for gathering knowledge.
Cadence: A joyous city that many travelers rest at. It the most inviting city, with the most inns and most hospitable people you’ll ever meet. It’s a peaceful and quiet city, meant to be a moment of peace for adventurers. Hey also have free therapy! For anyone who might be traumatized.
* Lots of former adventurers live here and love to tell tales of their past quests. They also can provide some knowledge that the books don’t write about.
Edenswell: A city amongst the clouds, home to the winged people of Lairyon. The clouds are dense enough for non flighted people to walk on. The city embodies the term spiritual, and is home to lots of spas and relaxation houses. Many religious houses of worship are here, allowing people far from home or a temple to offer thanks and praises to their chosen gods.
* Full of priests and religious people. Like monks. Warrior monks.
* Everyone here is very kind, offering help and advice to lost souls
* Clerics love to stop here to purchase a new artifact if their old one broke.
* This is the best spot if you wanna get healed.
Kiltón: A shipping town near Addows. The most haunted place in Lairyon. But the people there don’t mind. “Don’t poke it and you’ll be fine.”
Anamola: Mainly a town full of researchers and scientists to study magic and anomalies.
Kittonbrow: A sleepy little town in the flower fruit fields. The know the most about the fields, and hold festivals honoring the nature spirit they say resides in the old and large oak tree in the center of town.
Fielville: A town made up of misfits and druids. They love tradition and know the most about the forest of memories.
Dwarveil: A town deep in the heart of the mountains. Home to many skilled miners and blacksmiths. They offer help and guides to those wanting to head deeper into the mountains.
Mellolín: A town made up of people from all around the world. Many of them knowing how to speak multiple languages. Also home to many who love a good mystery and code to crack. They’ll decipher anything for you as well as translate stuff.
Grandháll: A mining town home to mainly dwarves. Very hospitable and cheery. They know how to throw a good tavern party. But other than that it’s a great place for buying raw ores and crystals.
Crystalla: A happy town that knows the secrets of the rivers and the properties they hold.
Shellor: Ninja town. N I N J A. T O W N
Coral Shores: A town that is supposedly home to Mermaids that learned how to take the form of humans.
Elstara: An elven town home to many libraries and curio shops.
Marinhall: A town known for their bakeries and sweets! Many cooks come here to learn pastry.
Darlón: A town populated by engineers! Redstone central.
Mollenhale: Do you want a magic pet? Come here it’s man’s best friend 24/7 here
Freedana: Mainly a supply town where you can stock up for long journeys
Overture: A town full of music and musicians. A very lively town.
Ashioll Fjords: Fjords that legends say house Lairyon’s ancient heroes. Waiting for the day their country needs them the most. Elders say they’ll come thundering down the fjords and mountains like spectral ghosts of light. Aiding the land.
Evernight Forest: A large forest that is always blanketed in darkness. The sun never shines and it always appears to be night in these woods. Lots of nocturnal and light sensitive creatures find their home here. They do not like having light brought to their homes. The people of Foresta when venturing into the forest have night vision potions to aid them. (Beasts in here include ROUS rodents of unusual size. And basilisks.)
Evershade Mountains: Tales say this mountain pass is the gate to the underworld. Thus many believe souls make their journey to their final resting place there and it is bad luck to wander the roads at night or to block the roads. For that is when they are making their trek. If you disturb the dead who want to head home, you’ll be cursed. Or so they say.
Forest of Memories: This forest is like a parasite. Feeding off of your emotions. It particularly likes the negative ones. Showing visitors memories of the past. Good if they’re in a good mood, or bad if they are not. It amplifies these emotions and makes the visitors spiral out of control until the forest claims them completely. It’s nickname is the Hangman Playground. For many poor souls often take their life there.
Lionheart Mountains: Where the S class trials are held. Mainly for their extreme difficulty to climb and many dangerous creatures making their homes there. Lots of cliffs and ravines dot the mountains, gravel and loose soil ready to fall beneath your feet. Beware the chimeras and manticores and gryphons. They are plentiful here.
Flowerfruit Fields: A large open peaceful field that is under spring’s protection. Thus it is always spring here. Lots of magical fruit trees and many herbs used in alchemy and medicine can be found here. It is the best place to scavenge for them. Fairies love to play tricks on those who mess with the terrain too much. And legends say that if you pick a flower and give it to your love, you’ll have eternal happiness.
Heartbreak Trench: A large ravine between two of the smaller main islands of Lairyon. Although this place has a mystical property. Adventurers say once they enter, they are transported to a labyrinth of sorts. Some say it’s the work of the Fey who inhabit the area. For they love to see people be fooled. However if you make it to the center of the labyrinth, a treasure tailored to the person exploring lies wait. Once you claim your prize you are transported out of the ravine and labyrinth.
Crystal Mines: Also called the Treasury of the Mountain God, this mine is plentiful of crystals and minerals. It rests at the heart of the Lionheart Mountains. Some say it’s the ruins of an ancient city that used to live in the mountains.
Golden Hearth Mines: Mines blanketed in a ethereal mist (think the tears of light trials from skyward sword). Many workers of Lairyon go here to mine out the ores the Kingdom needs. However there are places belonging to the ancients. Guarded by automaton guardians who will strike you down if you trespass onto their sacred land.
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winryofresembool · 4 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 11
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: Domestic moments, part 1
A/N: This chapter is the beginning of a few chapters long 'arc' where Leo and Calypso mainly just do domestic things such as cooking while they learn to know each other better. I know, why several chapters about cooking? Because I can, and because I wanted some fluff before some angst ensues (yes, some of that is coming soon too).
I hope you guys enjoy, and remember that I love hearing what you think!!
Characters in this ch: Calypso, Leo
Words: 2277
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / next chapter / AO3
Calypso often ate at the university cafeteria instead of her flat whenever Annabeth, Piper or some acquaintances from her history lectures joined her, but today everyone had been busy and she decided to make something herself. She quite enjoyed cooking but it was different to cook just for yourself compared to a bigger group of people. The packages grocery stores sold were often huge and eating the same leftovers several days in a row wasn’t something Calypso wanted to do constantly. This time, though, she considered asking Leo to join her. There was one ‘but’, though.
After the ‘therapy session’ and meeting Jo and Georgina, Calypso had felt a bit weird near Leo, but she didn’t understand - or want to acknowledge -  why. She definitely didn’t hate him anymore, having realized there was much more under that snarky and carefree cover than what she had first thought. But she found herself wanting to avoid talking to him, a change that hadn’t been left unnoticed by Leo, who had tried to start a conversation with her several times in the past few days and only gotten short answers before she had come up with some excuse to leave.
What Calypso didn’t want to admit to herself was that the butterflies that she felt in her stomach when near this boy were all too familiar to her. Back when she had done online dating, because there was no way her dad would have let her go on actual dates on her own, she found herself crushing quite easily on the guys she chatted with, only to get disappointed each and every time. The last time had probably been the hardest. The guy, Percy, had genuinely seemed nice, respectful, and caring. They had even managed to organize a short meeting behind Calypso’s dad’s back, only for Percy to tell her that he was sorry but he had started realizing that he had feelings for a long time friend. Calypso did appreciate the honesty but she wished that Percy would have realized that a bit earlier instead of giving her false hope. After that experience she had quit online dating and decided that she would not let herself get hurt again. Especially not by her new flatmate. Things would get really awkward if they… no, she didn’t want to let herself even consider that option.
However, she didn’t think her avoidance tactic was working so the second best option was to simply try to get used to being as neutral as possible in Leo’s company. That’s why she finally decided to brace herself and ask Leo to join her for her cooking session. Knocking on his door, she shouted: “Valdez!” and soon it opened, revealing Leo in his work attire (oily overalls and grease on his cheek. See, Calypso, not attractive at all, she tried to tell herself). He gave her his annoying (cute) trademark lopsided grin and for one -  just one - second Calypso forgot what she was supposed to ask him. When he continued looking at her questioningly, she finally blurted: “wannacomecookwithme?”
Leo’s eyebrows disappeared under his curly fringe.“What? Sorry, Sunshine, I have many talents but gibberish isn’t one of them.”
“Uh, would you want to come and cook with me? Also, why do you call me Sunshine?” she managed to ask a bit slower, blushing of embarrassment.
“Oh, I thought you usually eat at the university. But since you asked… I have to finish this one part before I can have a break,” Leo gestured at the stereos he was fixing. “But if you help me, I’ll get it done faster and then we can cook. And about that nickname,” he added cheekily, “clearly it’s because your presence warms me up like the sun.”
Calypso wasn’t sure if she should feel honored or offended. “Don’t try to mess with me, Valdez. That won’t work. But fine, I can help you as long as you don’t say things like that again.”
“Not sure I can promise that.” Leo waggled his eyebrows, causing Calypso to roll her eyes. “But I can try.”
“So…” Calypso said, starting to inspect Leo’s room. She hadn’t seen it that closely before, and she had to admit she was kind of curious. As she had expected, Leo wasn’t the cleanest of people. Sure, he had made his bed, and there wasn’t dirty laundry on the floor like she had half expected, but his but the area surrounding his workbench was a mess. The waste bin was overflowing with abandoned blueprints (some of them on the floor), there were bolts, nuts and nails everywhere Calypso turned her eyes to, and an oil stain on the floor that Leo had tried to rub clean but failed. “What can I do?”
“Uh,” Leo rubbed the back of his head. “My floor could probably use some cleaning. Can’t have Festus eat any of those.” He pointed at the fallen parts.
“When is he coming here again?” Calypso asked as she started picking up the nails.
“Not quite sure yet but Jo and Emmie are planning to visit a friend in another state soon so he needs someone to look after him while they’re gone.” Leo shrugged.
“Good to know. You know, I’d like to learn to know him better.”
“Oh? You would?” Leo asked, surprised.
“I’ve never had a lot of animals around me but I think I’d learn to like them if I spent some time with them,” Calypso confessed.
“In that case, it’s a date!” Leo said happily, not noticing that Calypso’s face went red because he was busy with his work.
“It’s a… what?”
Leo must have realized he had said something weird because his ears also started burning. “I… I meant with you and Festus, of course! You’re allowed to hang out with him as much as you want.”
“Right. Of course.” Calypso nodded, trying to look as calm as possible. Why was this so hard, she cursed to herself. They were only talking about Leo’s dog and even that seemed to make her act weird.
“Can I ask you something?” she broke the silence after a while. “What kind of food do you like?”
The question seemed to amuse Leo. “To be honest, all kinds. But I eat a lot of Mexican food that my mum used to make us. You know, the basics. Tacos, enchiladas, quesadillas, nachos… I love it all.
“Then you’re in luck because I was thinking of making tacos,” Calypso said, not taking her eyes off of the items she was picking.
“I like the sound of that!” Leo nodded approvingly. “I’m a taco sauce pro, just sayin’.” 
“Is that so?” Calypso asked. “You’d better be good because I don’t eat just any taco sauce.”
“Picky one, are you? Well, don’t worry because Leo Valdez’ sauce supreme has been approved even by the principal of our university,” Leo said smugly.
“The what?” Calypso wasn’t sure if she had heard correctly.
“The principal,” Leo repeated. “He happens to be my friend Jason’s father. Jason and he don’t really communicate that much but the only time he visited us here in this flat I happened to be making tacos and of course he wanted to get to taste them, because who wouldn’t… and he didn’t hate them so it was definitely a win.”
“Oh. I see,” Calypso replied, unsure if she should be amused or not.
“But hey, in the name of solidarity, since we’re making Mexican food you could add something Greek into the mix so you won't be completely overshadowed by my awesome-sauce,” Leo said.
“Such confidence. You must be incredible,” Calypso said sarcastically and half expected Leo to say something like ‘heck yeah I am’ in return, but instead she noticed his smile had started fading a bit. Maybe, a thought occurred to her, he really wasn’t as confident as he made himself sound. Maybe the humor was his way to hide something. But what, she didn’t know yet.
“That’s what they say,” he finally answered but Calypso thought that if you paid attention to his tone he really didn’t sound as enthusiastic as a moment before.
“Truth to be told, I’m not that amazing at cooking Greek food,” Calypso admitted. “My mum and dad got separated around the time we moved to the USA and dad mostly ordered takeaway to our home, but I do know the basics. A Greek salad would be fine, right?”
Leo still seemed a bit distracted. “Uh. Oh. Right.”
“Okay, it’s a deal then.” Trying to think of something that would get Leo back to the usual cheerful self, she asked then: “Hey, do you think we could invite Piper and Jason over? I may have bought too many ingredients again so some extra eating help wouldn’t hurt. And I’d like to meet this Jason who used to live in my room.”
Leo seemed relieved by the change of topic. “Sure! Although you might regret it because Jason is quite a gluttony. He’s a decathlete so he spends his days practicing and he’s hungry a lot…”
“I think we can handle that,” Calypso laughed.
Leo claimed that the reason why the stereos he was trying to fix were not working was because someone had poured a drink on them at a party. Apparently he was very tempted to make them play ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ by Rick Astley nonstop instead of the songs the owner wanted to hear (“You can do that?” Calypso asked with surprise). Luckily, she managed to talk him out of it. 
Calypso didn’t understand that much about the inner mechanics of the stereos so she was mainly giving Leo the tools he wanted while he worked, but she did find it pretty fascinating to watch. Leo was so different when he was working on his projects. He was more focused. Calmer (yet still fast and effective). He knew exactly what he needed to do and where everything went, and it all seemed so effortless, even though Calypso knew it was actually way more complicated than it seemed. In a way his determination to finish his project reminded her of herself when she decided to finish a piece of clothing or a carpet or whatever she wanted to make to forget…
Yet again Calypso started wondering what exactly Leo was hiding from her. She hoped that one day they’d trust each other enough that he’d be able to open up… and maybe she’d be able to open up too.
“Okay! Done!” Leo exclaimed, snapping Calypso out of her thoughts. He seemed happy about the result despite saying: “I still think these would be better with some Rick Astley, though.”
“I have to make a mental note to never break any of my machines if that’s how you want to treat them,” Calypso said.
“Trust me, the owner of these guys would deserve it. He’s an ass, I dunno how he made it to the university when his main goal is to throw parties every night.”
“And have you ever been to any of those parties?” Calypso asked, remembering Jo’s vague hints about Leo’s earlier bad habits.
“Once. It was not worth it. The chicks were pretty,” he noticed Calypso’s expression so he decided to change his approach, “uh, but it isn’t fun to be the only sober one there.”
“So, you don’t drink?” Calypso asked, not wanting to sound like she knew more than she should. “Not that it’s any of my business…”
“No, not anymore,” Leo admitted. “I… had it kinda rough before I moved to Jo and Emmie’s and I promised them I wouldn’t… And it’s a promise I am planning to keep. Besides, my ADHD and alcohol don’t mix well.”
Calypso realized it was the first time he mentioned his ADHD, which confirmed what she had already suspected. “Yeah. I understand. I don’t really care about that stuff myself.”
“Then I guess there’ll be two sober ones in case we ever go to a party together.” Leo smiled at her, but it wasn’t the usual mischievous grin, instead a much softer one. Calypso felt something weird in her stomach and a sudden urge to get any kind of physical contact with him, take his hand, touch his shoulder, that smudge on his face…
She had to shake his head to get rid of those thoughts, and that seemed to burst the weird bubble that had developed between them. Leo noticed it too, so he quickly said: “Um, I think we should test that this works. Don’t want Mr. Douche… I mean Dion to complain that I did a bad job.”
“Right,” Calypso said. “Anyway, I should probably go and get things prepared for the dinner. Will you contact Piper and Jason?”
“Will do. Any background music wishes?” Leo asked when Calypso was already out of the room.
“Anything as long as it’s not Never Gonna Give You Up,” Calypso joked, suddenly realizing that she had certainly started doing that more since moving in this flat.
“As you wish, Sunshine,” she heard the answer from Leo’s room. Soon a song she recognized from her childhood started playing. It was ‘Mermaid’ by a band called Train. She had loved all things sea related back then so it wasn’t a surprise that she was weirdly fond of that song too. Glad that Leo wasn’t seeing, she started jamming and humming the song quietly in the kitchen as she searched for the ingredients they’d be needing.
Thinking about the lyrics of the song, maybe her life really had started becoming more like a holiday lately. For various reasons, one of them possibly the curly haired mechanic next door.
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mythiica · 5 years
Jar of Stars {IkeSen} Ieyasu Tokugawa
Title: Jar of Stars Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku Character: Ieyasu Tokugawa  Genre: romance, high school au Warnings: slowburn, hint of angst, minor cringe (its a highschool au, what did you expect) POV: third person w/ mai Word Count: 5k words Other comments: a valentine's day fic! a bit different than usual, but hope its good!
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“Do you need help?” 
          Ieyasu tips his head down, blonde bangs brushing over his eyes to hide his bashful expression. He isn’t exactly sure if she means to tease him, mainly because it’s the third problem in a row that he hasn’t gotten, but it makes his face flush nonetheless. Furthermore, it’s been at least an hour since the dismissal bell rang, but she’s still here with him. Wringing his fingers on the cords of his hoodie, Ieyasu mumbles his response: “Yes, I really don’t know what I’m doing here…” 
         Mai leans over the paper, tucking her hair back to prevent it from obscuring the question. The soft scent of her perfume brushes over Ieyasu. 
         Swallowing hard, Ieyasu fiddles with his pencil, tapping it against the desk to the same rhythm as his knee bouncing up and down nervously. The faded marks of graphite cover the blank space under the text, having been erased at least ten times. 
         “Do you have some paper?” 
         He turns around, rips one from his notebook, and offers it to Mai. 
         “Start by drawing what’s going on in the problem, right?” She sketches a diagram of a raft and then a squiggle for the water. For good measure, Mai draws Ieyasu’s signature scarf on the stick figure standing atop the raft before she smiles.
         “Is that me?” 
         “Yes, you’re paddling over to the shore where I am, see?” Mai adds a small version of herself further down on the page. “We know the density of water and the dimensions of the raft,” she says as she adds a stick Mai a bit further down the page. “Wait, I take it back, you have the volume and the surface area, but you can find the height easily.” 
         Ieyasu takes the cover off of his calculator. Clicking through buttons, he pushes equal. “The width of the raft is forty meters? That doesn’t seem reasonable…” 
         Mai looks around her before pulling the chair from the next desk over. “This is in centimeters, you have to multiply by ten to the negative second power.” She takes the pencil from his hand, soft skin brushing over his knuckles. “Try now.”
         “That makes more sense… it’s 4 cm.” 
         “Can you get the rest by using the formulas?” 
         Ieyasu nods slowly and leaves his hand open, silently asking for his pencil. 
         She obliges, handing it back to him. “If you’d like, I’ll show you what I got when you’re done. Alright?” 
         He taps the eraser against his paper, eyes large with admiration. Ieyasu zones out, thinking not about the physics problem under his nose, but about Mai instead. Although he appears composed on the outside, anything resembling a coherent thought tangles in itself. It’s safer if  Ieyasu doesn’t speak so he doesn’t make an idiot of himself. 
         Mai leans back and looks over her shoulder to see if he’s made any progress, which he hasn’t, so Ieyasu sits forward quickly and scratches his temple. 
         Instead of returning to her work, Mai tips her head to the window and pulls the curtains back to look at the sky. It’s late after school, and the stars are already out for the night, pressed against the pinks and purples of the sunset. There’s even a heart-shaped cloud, glowing orange from the final rays of sunlight. 
         “I have to get going, but text me if you need anything, alright?”
         “Yeah, thank you.”
               ⭐                                        ⭐                                         ⭐
Ieyasu flips through the origami book, looking for instructions for how to make paper hearts. The pages have coffee colored crescent stains and are also folded at the corners like someone was trying to make an origami with the pages themselves. He flips forward, worn edges rippling over his fingertips, until he finds what he needs. 
         Below the title is a faded diagram of loops and folds that Ieyasu isn’t really sure he can follow. The ink has sunken into the paper, leaving a light imprint of the steps in the yellowed pages. 
         “Thinking of joining the origami club, Ieyasu?” 
         He looks up and scowls upon seeing Mitsuhide, milk bottle in hand, leaning over his desk. 
         “No, I’m making something.” 
         “Well of course you are, but why are you using that? Just look it up.” He waves his hand in the air, making condensation from the bottle fall onto the book. Ieyasu frowns at this and pushes Mitsuhide off of his desk. 
         “Why do you have to bother me?” 
         Mitsuhide muses at this – Ieyasu being more defensive than usual. “Could it be that you’re making these for someone?” Ieyasu gives himself away without meaning to, and Mitsuhide laughs triumphantly. 
         “Leave it, just forget I had the book.” 
         “No, that won’t do! You must tell me.” 
         Ieyasu’s brows furrow. Telling Mitsuhide anything is dangerous because that information would find its way to the public by the end of the day. Not to say that Mitsuhide likes gossip, but he has a certain flare for finding out information that is meant to be kept secret. 
         “You know if you don’t tell me, I’ll just start assuming things.” 
         “Fine, assume things.” 
         “Absolutely not!” Ieyasu stands up abruptly, chair scraping against the ground. The other students in the classroom look up at him, pausing their conversations at the loud noise. Like a sad pup, Ieyasu sits back down quickly and pulls his scarf over his nose. “Stop assuming things, it’s troublesome.” 
         Mitsuhide spins the book around to get a better look at the open pages. “Hearts? I don’t suppose this is for our friend that you make puppy dog eyes at?” 
         Ieyasu can’t stop the blush from spreading across his cheeks, so he only lifts the scarf higher, but Mitushide has already received his confirmation. He slips down into his chair and tries to hide from the world, but Mitsuhide reaches to hoist him up by the scruff of his collar. “So it is…” The corners of his lips curl into a sly smirk and Mitsuhide sets the bottle down on the book. “How interesting. Shall I invite her over?” 
         Ieyasu steps on Mitsuhide’s foot, making him reel back. He proceeds to flick the plastic off of his book so that it clatters to the floor and rolls away, stopping only at a desk a few rows down. 
         “Mai, would you mind getting that? Ieyasu feels the need to abuse my breakfast.” 
         He looks up and realizes that she’s entered the room to witness his mild outburst. The anger fades from his mind, replaced with shame instead. Mai reaches down to pick up the bottle before she tosses it at Mitsuhide. 
         “What did you do, Mitsuhide?” 
         He catches it with a single hand. “Me?! I did nothing wrong,” he laments, bowing at the waist. 
         Ieyasu takes the opportunity to close the book quickly, and manages to do so just before Mitsuhide gets any ideas that would expose Ieyasu. He sticks his tongue out at his white haired friend and tucks the book under the colored paper he plans to use to make the origami. 
         “Guilty people always say that when they’ve done something, Mitsuhide. Are you bullying Ieyasu again?” Mai brushes her hair back, and the light filtering through the blinds catches on her earrings. They’re little star studs, smaller than the nail of his pinkie finger. Mai is always looking out of the window during class like she’s searching for something, perhaps a flicker of light against the blue sky to remind her that, indeed, the stars are still there. 
         When he watches her admire the sky, he thinks that Mai sees herself as a star. A single unit in an endless sea of twinkling lights emerging only at night. She claims she does best at night anyways, like she’s nocturnal when she shouldn’t be. 
         But she’s more than a simple star – she’s the sun. 
         “Ieyasu and I are only discussing this year’s club selection! He wants to try–” 
         “Archery. I’ll be doing archery this year.” 
         “That’s right! We ran into each other over the summer when I came to help organize the library. Do you think you’ll aim for an officer’s position next year?” Mai sits on the windowsill and tips her head back to lean against the glass. 
         Ieyasu reaches up and catches a stray lock of blonde hair to rub between his fingers. “We’ll see.” 
         Mitsuhide clears his throat. “Next year is so far away. However, Valentine’s Day is approaching…” He turns to Mai, cunning smirk flashing across his lips. “What shall I get you this year?” 
         Mai waves her hands, insisting there is no need, but Ieyasu has already focused his attention to the hair he’s holding. The sound of Mitushide’s voice fades, drowned by the overwhelming urge to get up and leave them. He can’t do that though, not without Mai asking him what is wrong. She cares too much, and he doesn’t want to worry her with that. 
         Instead, he slouches at his desk and looks at the whiteboard, rereading notes from class to distract himself. 
         “Maybe some chocolate?” 
         “Mitsuhide, no!” Mai says with a laugh. “Maybe you should get Ieyasu something.” 
         “The only thing he could give me is an hour of silence.” Ieyasu looks up at Mitsuhide. “Do you think you can manage?” 
         He covers his heart. “You wound me!” 
         “I doubt it,” Ieyasu snuffs, glancing at Mai. Her eyes sparkle, but he looks away quickly. You don’t look at the sun directly, after all. 
         “Anyways, Ieyasu, we’ll head down for lunch now. Are you staying here?” 
         He hesitates, weighing the options. “I… have to do some work.” 
         Mai nods understandingly and stands up, bookbag in hand. “Then we’ll see you later! Good luck!” Her hair sways at the same pace as the edge of her skirt as she walks. Ieyasu watches the two leave in silence. He hadn’t even realized that the other students also left, probably during their banter, but Ieyasu was too absorbed in the conversation to notice. 
         What bothers him is that the smile on her face doesn’t fade, and Ieyasu knows that it remains there even when she and Mitsuhide turn the corner. 
         When he’s sure that they are out of earshot, Ieyasu’s heart seizes and his throat contracts. Oxygen isn’t reaching his brain, sending his mind to speed through a dark array of thoughts. It weighs him down, the feeling of being left out, especially from something– someone– he so desperately wants to be a part of. 
         There’s no one left in the classroom, meaning Ieyasu is inevitably alone again. Despite this, he doesn’t feel safe to cry. He has no right to cry for something he could have prevented, so instead, Ieyasu lets himself wallow, the muscles in his cheeks twitching angrily before the sensation strangles his lungs. Ieyasu inhales sharply, over and over, forgetting to exhale because breathing out would mean he’d start properly crying. 
         He looks up. 
         The tears would ruin the paper, and he needs them for Mai. 
              ⭐                                        ⭐                                         ⭐
Ieyasu never got around to finishing his physics homework, and now it’s come for him, at eleven pm the day before it is due. He scratches his nose, but no miracle manifests, and he still doesn’t know how to solve the problem. Mai’s drawing is more of a distraction than an aid. 
         He palms his phone, turning it over until he has the courage to message her and ask for help. Would Mai even be awake at this time? He could message Hideyoshi, who, without a doubt, would be up at the moment and could help him with anything. Instead, Ieyasu rewords his text to Mai at least a handful of times, and he scoffs at himself. It’s harder to talk to Mai than it is to solve his homework. In fact, Ieyasu would rather solve hundreds of density and pressure problems than try to talk to Mai. 
         Ieyasu doesn’t really think that. 
         The bags under his eyes feel heavier than usual. Ieyasu stares at his phone for too long when he’s supposed to be sleeping, and he always gets scolded for it. So now, he turns the phone upside down and sets it on the edge of his desk, trying to convince himself that he’s not waiting desperately to see if she’ll reply. 
         Clicking the desk light out, Ieyasu closes his eyes and rubs the sleep away from his mind. When he sits up, instead of seeing his reflection, Ieyasu looks beyond the glass and up at the sky. His attention goes to the half moon hanging in the sky, its white splendor radiating outwards and illuminating the city. 
         If Mai is the sun, then Ieyasu is the moon. 
         He flourishes in her light and follows her path. In fact, he tends to follow her often. Ieyasu leaves his house at the exact right moment that he’ll pass in front of hers just as she is heading out. When they walk together, Ieyasu paces himself with the slightest delay so she walks first. He looks for her during lunch, and just seeing her is enough to make him feel better. 
         Ieyasu turns the lamp back on and spins his chair around so that he can pull the origami book out of his bag. Hearts are obviously a favorite, considering the state the pages are in, but Ieyasu considers something else instead. 
         It’s easier to find the pages for how to fold stars. 
         Actually, he flips right to it. 
         As Ieyasu reads the instructions, his phone vibrates. He reaches for it too quickly, but then hesitates to reply, not wanting to make it appear like he had been waiting for her (although he very much was). Mai should be sleeping at this time, but she’s taking the chance to help Ieyasu.
Did you get a pressure of 1.02 x 105 Pa? 
yes! do you need help with the others?  theyre about the same just dont get fooled by the last one, you need to solve for the mass by using density and volume
Ok Thank you
Ieyasu’s fingers hover over the keys. 
Why are you awake?
i always stay up late its a bad habit
Sleep. Goodnight
night yasu
         He waits to see if Mai says anything more, and when she doesn’t, he closes his phone and sets it down. Strumming his fingers on the page, Ieyasu reads over the instructions for folding a paper star. 
         Cut A4/Letter notebook into strips about a centimeter wide. One strip will become a star, so collect as many strips as needed.
              ⭐                                        ⭐                                         ⭐
Ieyasu has never felt so confident about a test before. 
         Albeit, he struggled through the bonus problem, Ieyasu had come out of the other side successfully. Nobunaga complains about using the wrong density for the second question, and Mitsunari tries to console him, explaining he might get partial credit for having the right process. 
         “Did you see Mai turned it in first? Either she knew exactly what she was doing, or had no clue,” Masamune jokes with a laugh. 
         “You only say that because you failed.” 
         “Ah, I did.” Masamune rubs the back of his neck. “I should have studied more…” 
         Mitsuhide returns to the topic of Mai. “And she asked for permission to leave the classroom. I wonder what she could be…” He wanders towards the door, but Hideyoshi pulls him back. 
         “You’re not going anywhere! We have to finish the signs for the club fair now.” 
         “Can I make a sign petitioning your dictatorship? I thought Nobunaga was the president. He should make the signs.” 
         Hideyoshi grips both Mitsuhide's and Nobunaga’s wrists. “We’re all going to finish the signs. I’m not spending another moment suffering alone with the glitter glue. The two of you are coming with me whether you like it or not.” The trio marches to the hallway, and their protests can be heard echoing through the building.
         Mitsunari turns to Ieyasu. “Would you like to–” 
         “Not now, Mitsunari.” 
         “Maybe tomorrow?!” Mitsunari calls after Ieyasu as he runs for the door.  
         Ieyasu chases his intuition and clamours up the metal stairs, bookbag hitting him with every step. He holds onto the railing to keep from falling, how embarrassing would that be if he tumbled back down? Mai is there, on the roof, and would surely hear him if he fell. 
         His foot catches in the step, but he picks himself up quickly. 
         Ieyasu must have jinxed it. 
         The door is partially open, letting sunlight into the stairwell. Stopping before the top step, Ieyasu watches the dust float through the golden rays. It reminds him of Mai’s hair when they walk to school together. How the morning sun crowns her with a halo of light. 
         Pushing it open, Ieyasu apricates, absorbing the warmth of the sun. It blinds him for a moment, but his eyes adjust. 
         And then there’s Mai. 
         She’s standing, leaning against the chain link fence and humming softly to herself. Ieyasu can hear her loud and clear, as though she were standing right next to him, because of the metal ac unit that picks up the vibrations of her song. Upon hearing the sound of the door, Mai looks back and smiles at Ieyasu. 
         “Did the test go well?” 
         Her voice is so warm, warmer than the sun itself. 
         “Yes. I got the bonus.” 
         Mai turns to face Ieyasu with an open stance. “That’s great! You remembered to draw diagrams?” She brushes her hair back and steps off of the edge to walk towards the bench. Patting the empty spot next to her, she coaxes Ieyasu over. “I think I missed one of the multiple choice problems.” 
         Ieyasu sits on the edge of the bench gleefully. “Don’t say that… you did fine.” 
         A silence falls over them, save for the cicada’s song from below. He doesn’t mind it though: Ieyasu likes just being there with Mai, and without anyone else. Leaning back, Ieyasu squints against the bright light, sunspots dotting his vision, but then he looks back at the weeds sticking up through cracks in the cement. 
         Mai kicks her feet back and forth. “You had to consider what wasn’t there. In the bonus problem.” 
         He looks at her from the corner of his eye. 
         “Like, you had to do unit analysis to find what you needed to get the pressure. There were no instructions as to how to find it otherwise.” 
         Ieyasu nods. “I was worried I wasn’t doing it right.” 
         “There are a lot of things like that though… things hidden until the right moment.” 
         Mai tends to go off on tangents like this, but Ieyasu finds it endearing. He listens intently to her, scooting the slightest bit closer to her. At any other moment, Ieyasu would have feared their proximity, but now, boosted with the confidence of the test results, he uses it as fuel. 
         “Like the stars. They’re always there, even if you don’t see them.” She raises her hand to reach upward. “Sometimes I imagine just taking a jar and running it through the sky, scooping up as many stars as I can. So I can have them near me at all times.” 
         I believe that. I look at you and see the world, even if it’s not really there. Can you feel that my heart is pounding for you? I can’t voice it, but it’s there. Just like the stars you love.
         Ieyasu and Mai look directly at each other. He knows he should avert his gaze, but her eyes are wide with wonder and it’s almost like she understands. 
         Even though you, the sun, are too far from the stars, I’ll get them for you. 
              ⭐                                        ⭐                                         ⭐
The origami book is long overdue for the library, but Ieyasu keeps it an extra week, determined to finish making the stars. His fingertips are numb from repeating the same motions, and there is a cramp in his palm that aches. He’s been working at this for at least an hour and now has an army of them. 
         He takes one of them, holding it gently between his fingertips, his thoughts drifting to Mai. Ieyasu hopes she’ll like his gift. 
         As he gets up to walk downstairs, Ieyasu smiles at the thought of her. He thinks of her tiny earrings and how they perfectly match the paper ones he’s made. There’s a wish tucked away in each little star. A paragraph at the bottom of the folding diagram explains that one hundred stars is a lucky occurence in certain cultures, but Ieyasu likes the notion that he’s given each individual origami a sliver of his feelings for Mai. 
         The house is empty as usual, leaving Ieyasu to hunt for a jar on his own. There should be some in the pantry… but they are filled with jam. Ieyasu steps on his tiptoes, stretching his arm to reach one of them. Upon successfully doing so, he transfers the contents into a small reusable bento instead, making a mental note to eat some of it later. 
         A drop of jam hangs off the edge of the jar, so Ieyasu passes a digit over it. It’s sweet and reminds him of summer. He rinses out the container carefully, even scratching his nail against dried plum skin to flush it out. 
         This past summer, Ieyasu went to school nearly every day to practice his archery skills. He still has calluses between his thumb and index finger from the string snapping against his skin. It was hard work, and the heat made it nearly unbearable. The targets stayed outside and had to be parallel to the school to avoid accidents. (It happened in the past, the current president warned Ieyasu, that someone shot an arrow directly through the third floor window and nearly hit someone.) 
         He remembers knocking the bow into place, focusing on the center of the target, drawing back. His muscles ached from repeating the motion hundreds of times without actually letting go of the arrow. During that time, conditioning was Ieyasu’s least favorite part of archery, next to the blisters that always formed on his fingertips. 
         It was a cloudy day too, the one in question that he’s thinking about now. Rain fell in some part of the city, but not directly overhead. Ieyasu wanted to make the shot – just one shot – before calling it a day and packing things so they would not get wet. 
         Ieyasu swallowed, inhaled, and let go of the bow. The hollow thud of the tip burying into the center circle made the corners of his lips twitch up into a smile. And then, the sky seemed to lighten, just as someone started to clap behind him. 
         Mai waved at Ieyasu from across the courtyard. She shouted something, but thunder drowned out her voice. It did not stop Ieyasu from seeing her bright face. Then, he didn’t know her name: all he knew was that she looked beautiful under the gold spotlight poking through the clouds. 
         Now, Ieyasu rips a few paper towels to dry the interior the best he can. 
         A grin flickers across his features for a moment before he returns upstairs. Scooping handfuls of the stars, Ieyasu lets them trickle between his fingers and fall into the jar. He made exactly one hundred of them, and they fit perfectly. In fact, the thick glass even makes it twinkle in certain lighting. 
         He sets it in the middle of his desk to screw on the lid before resting his chin on his arm to admire it. 
         Maybe one of the wishes will come true. 
              ⭐                                        ⭐                                         ⭐
Ieyasu clutches the jar close to his chest but does his best to not fold the ribbon. It took him nearly as long to tie the bow as it did to make the stars. Really, he doesn’t want anyone to see it, and by some grace, most people have already left the building. 
         Poking his head into the classroom, he checks to see if Mai is at her seat. Love hearts are strung at every corner: dripping from the board, taped to desks, and tucked behind doors. In previous years, Ieyasu really despised the decorations, thinking they were too imposing, but now, he doesn’t mind them as much. 
         There is no one in the classroom, as Ieyasu guessed, so she must be on the roof. 
         Just like before, Ieyasu stumbles up the stairs to the top of the building, and again he hesitates, admiring the golden haze of light slipping in through the crack. He runs his fingers through his hair, pulling strands to lay flat, even though they always do the opposite of what he wants. 
         With his palm gripping the handle, Ieyasu tries to think of something witty to say to Mai when he presents her the jar. Something about making a wish? Would that be too obvious… But the more Ieyasu thinks about it, the more worried he gets, so, on impulse, Ieyasu pushes the door open, stepping into the light. 
         But it blinds him. 
         It hurts more than last time he came to the roof. 
         Likely because, when his vision comes to, Ieyasu’s eyes fall on Mai and Mitsuhide. They’re sitting conveniently with their backs to him, so he’s the unwanted third to their pair. Mai accepts a heart shaped box from Mitsuhide, presumably filled with too-sweet chocolates that would give her cavities. Their fingers brush against each other when she takes it. 
         Why did she take it? 
         Ieyasu shakes his head, hoping that the dream will fade with it. 
         It doesn’t though, meaning this is some sick reality he’s being forced to witness. Ieyasu’s stomach churns, and the jar feels heavier suddenly, like it’s weighing him down. 
         He hears Mai’s wonderful voice as she laughs, but it’s followed by Mitushide’s deep voice telling her something that makes her blush. Ieyasu knows she’s smiling, he doesn’t have to see her to be sure of it. 
         They haven’t seen him, they’re too busy enjoying themselves. It doesn’t matter how far they’re sitting from each other, Ieyasu has already made up his mind to leave. He doesn’t remember closing the door behind him, and for all he knows, they could have chased after him and Ieyasu would not have realized. 
         He throws one foot in front of the other as quickly as possible, letting the haze in his mind guide him without question. 
              ⭐                                        ⭐                                         ⭐
He regrets not throwing the jar at Mitsuhide. Maybe it would have shattered, sending pathetic paper stars everywhere to blind him. And in the confusion, Ieyasu could have taken Mai’s hand and led her away, saving her from him. 
         That would not have been very proactive, at second thought, but anything is better than looking at the jar only to feel a burning sensation bubbling in his lungs. It claws at the back of his throat, and every time Ieyasu tries to swallow, he chokes on a lump. 
         If he threw it out of the window, would it make it to space? Perhaps then, the stars would have a better chance of doing their job. 
         Defeated, Ieyasu tucks his head into his arms and tries to calm his breathing. Hideyoshi had been sending him messages at the hour, but he failed to reply to any of them. There wasn’t a lick of energy in his body to fuel him to move. Despite the fact that his phone was only a few centimeters away, Ieyasu ignored everything. 
         If Mai is the sun, then Mitsuhide is a wave. 
         A wave in the middle of the ocean, tall and mysterious, ever changing and turbulent. Although the sun may know his calm facade, because he acts complacent and innocent in her presence, at night, the ocean churns madly. He accomplishes unimaginable feats, swallowing anything in his path. He’s reaching up to her with every crashing surge that comes down. 
         And the moon can only watch. 
         What could the moon offer the sun when he takes from her light? 
         Ieyasu bites the inside of his mouth and kicks his legs back and forth. His heart sinks to the depths of his chest. He must have made some mistake, put only ninety-nine stars in the jar, and that’s why it didn’t work. There’s no other explanation than he was too late. 
         Picking his head up, Ieyasu looks through the window and sighs. It’s a new moon, and the land is darker than usual. He supposes that there is a sense of serenity without the big ball of silver plastered against the sky. 
         He frowns suddenly and straightens his posture. 
         The moon is no thief – the sun shares its light. Furthermore, both are considered celestial bodies. No matter how hard a single wave tries to touch the heavens, it will never make it. Does that mean Ieyasu and Mai...
         Without thinking too much about it, Ieyasu picks up his phone and types a text. He doesn’t linger on it, but sends it right away. 
Are you free to meet up tomorrow?
         Ieyasu flips his mobile so the screen is facing down, pretending like he isn’t waiting for her reply. He pulls the tag of the jar gently, trying to smooth out the crease in the paper. It bends back into place, but the phone chimes before he can try again. 
         It makes him smile, her text. 
         Leaning back in his chair, Ieyasu looks again at the night sky. It’s a vast blanket of darkness, save for the hopeful flickers of white and gold. There’s no moon tonight, just the stars. It makes him feel less lonely. 
         And the stars will always be there, even if Ieyasu can’t see them. 
              🌟                                        🌟                                         🌟
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you-a-southpaw-doll · 5 years
Lovin’ Him - A Negan!AU Story ~ Chapter 2
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Story Title: Lovin’ Him - A Negan!AU Story
Story Summary: When high school student Leigh Sullivan feels like the world is against her, and she’s prepared to end it all, there’s only one other person in the world who could save her from herself. Her best friend, neighbor, love of her life, current United States Marine, and even bus driver, Negan Morgan. But what if even his love isn’t enough? Will Negan be the one to save Leigh, or will it be too late? If it is not, what will come of Leigh and Negan? Will they stay best friends and maybe become more? Or, will the strain of Negan trying to save Leigh become too much for their long-lasting friendship, and it’ll all come tumbling down?
Chapter Summary: Negan and Leigh goof off before the bus ride home. Leigh may or may not miss her stop. There may or may not be a dinner between the two! ;) 
Word Count: 1,978
Warning(s): Explicit language. Caring Negan. Loving Negan. Slight angst. Fluff - LOTS of Fluff.  Somewhat of a slow burn? Eventual relationship. Hella teasing. Negan’s very sneaky and naughty in a good way. Teacher x student relationship – The reader is of legal age, and Negan’s a bus driver. NO Zombie Apocalypse.
Author’s Note(s): Here’s the second chapter! If y’all have any questions, feel free to message me! Also, if you wanna be tagged for future stories, just shoot me a message and I’ll be sure to add you!
Relationship(s): Negan x Leigh Sullivan (OFC)
Characters: Negan. Leigh Sullivan (OFC). (More characters will be added as the story continues.)
Taglist: @negans-network​ @thamberlina​ @prettyboynegan​ @mychemicalimagines​ @spnnnxangelsx​ @rockinkel21​ @misskittycat02​ @band--psycho​–psycho @ofxallxwexlost​ @iron-halt​ @thamberlinawrites​ @ravenwings73​ @lettherebepink​ @stoneyggirl​
Chapter 2: That Afternoon
I climb the steps of the bus. He’s not sitting in his seat. I wonder where he is. Nobody else is on the bus. I head to the back to take my usual seat in the last seat on the left side. I set my bag down on the floor. I look up as the bus shakes a little bit. 
I smile as soon as I see him. He looks mighty fine in his forest green skivvy shirt from being in the Marines and his tight Wranglers. Damn. That man can make some clothes look hot as hell. Even his black cowboy boots look hot on him. I’m kind of glad that he doesn’t have his ball cap on today. 
He has his back to me. I run up the aisle and wrap my arms ‘round his midsection. He jumps and turns ‘round. He smiles when he sees that it’s me.
 “Howdy, darlin’. What are you doing?” He asks, as his arms make their way ‘round me.
“Just got on the bus. What are you doing?” I ask.
He takes a slight step back away from me, dropping his arms to his sides. I realize why a second later. There’s another student heading to the bus. Negan gives me a sad smile as he stands away from me. He leans one knee on his seat, crosses his arms so that they’re resting on the top of the seat, and looks at me. 
I slide into the seat right behind his. The kid gets on the bus and, not paying any attention to Negan and I, sits in the back.
Negan leans closer to me, and whispers in my ear. “Why don’t you come fuckin’ sit up here this afternoon?”
“You really want me to?” I ask.
He nods and smiles. “Of course I fuckin’ do. That way I can talk to you.”
I smile. “Alright. Let me go get my stuff. I’ll be right back.”
“Take your time, darlin’.”
I head to the back of the bus, and grab my stuff. The kid that’s on the bus is already asleep with his headphones on. I head back to the front of the bus, and set my stuff on the floor in front of the seat I’m gonna be sitting in. Negan’s still kneeling in his seat like he was when I left him a minute ago. 
He smiles at me as I stand in front of him. The back of his seat, and the divider in front of me, separate the two of us.
“So. How was your day?” He asks.
“Absolutely positively freaking boring.” I say. “Yours?”
“It could’ve been fuckin’ better. Although, this morning was probably the best part of my day. Well, with the exception of right now, that is.”
“What could’ve possibly made your morning and right now so good for you?”
“Well…um…getting to hang out with my best friend.”
“Oh ok.”
I look down. I was kinda hoping he’d say talking to me or something, but I guess not. I feel two fingers against my chin, and I know exactly who’s touching me based on the tingle that goes through my body at his touch. He slowly lifts my head up so that I’m looking at him.
“You do realize that you’re my best fuckin’ friend, right?” Negan asks.
“You’re serious?” I ask.
He nods. “I’m dead fuckin’  serious.”
“So…wait…let me get this straight, ok?”
“I’m your best friend. And hanging out with me made your morning and this afternoon the best parts of your day.”
He nods. “Seems ‘bout right to me. Why?”
“I don’t believe it.”
“Why don’t you believe it, darlin’?”
I shrug. “I’m nobody’s friend, and I don’t see how I could make anyone’s day better. Normally, I just mess it up; not make it better.”
He gets a sad look in his eyes. He drops his fingers from my chin, and lays his hand on the seat right beside my arm. His fingers slide over slightly so that they’re brushing my elbow and forearm. I realize why he does what he does. More and more kids are getting on the bus. 
Even though everyone knows that Negan and I are friends, rumors could get started really easily. I mean, it is high school after all. I might be nineteen, but Negan is twenty-five. Not that his age matters to me. It never has; it doesn’t define him. 
Age is but a number, and he is my best friend. I just wouldn’t want him to get fired because some student said something that was completely wrong ‘bout him and I.
“Leigh. We’ll talk ‘bout this later, ok? Right now, why don’t we talk ‘bout something different? I hate to see you hurting, and beating yourself up like this.” Negan says, quietly.
I nod my head. “If you want to. Um…what do you want to talk ‘bout?”
“Why don’t you tell me ‘bout your day?”
“Um. Ok. I guess. What do you want to know?”
“What was the best fuckin’ part of it?”
I blush. “You really wanna know?”
He nods. “I sure as shit do.”
“Seeing you act like an adorable little boy when I gave you your Christmas present.”
He laughs. “Alright. Although, you do know I’m not a little boy, right?”
I blush. “I do. Believe me, I know that you’re all man.”
He sucks in a deep breath, and his fingers continue to move along my arm. He lays his head on his arm that’s resting on the back of his seat. He gazes at me. His eyes twinkle with some akin to amusement, happiness, and something else I can’t quite place.
“Alright. So…that was the best part of your day. Is there another part that was really good? Or was it just one of those days?” He asks.
“Well…there was one other part that made my day.” I reply, grinning.
“Oh really? And was what that?”
“Getting to talk to you and hang out with you.”
He smiles. “Serious?”
“Without a doubt.”
His grin gets even bigger.
“Mr. Morgan! It’s time to go!” A kid from middle school shouts from the middle of the bus.
Negan sighs, and looks at his watch. Yep, the one I made him.
“I’ve still got another minute before it’s time to pull out.” He mutters.
He looks up at me, and gives me a smirk. He wiggles his eyebrows before turning ‘round and sitting in his seat. He reaches over and grabs the handle to pull the door shut. I watch as his muscles move beneath his shirt. As he moves his arm, his t-shirt sleeve rises up and I get to see his tattoo. 
It’s just a simple American flag with a cross behind it and a Confederate flag, the Stars and Bars, right below it. It’s some really nice ink. He’s explained the importance of each aspect to the tattoo to me before. He has the American flag because a) he’s American and b) he’s in the military. 
Does he really need another reason to have an American flag tattoo? He has the Confederate flag because a) he’s from the South and b) he loves the Civil War and the Confederacy. He’s a history buff like me, and the Civil War is his favorite part of American history. 
Not because he supports slavery or anything. No. It’s because he respects the fact that the Southerners stood up for what they believed in. Granted those beliefs may not have been right, but the Southerners still fought for those beliefs. 
Plus, the South was also fighting for each state’s rights. The South had felt as if it weren’t being acknowledged by the North and was being taken advantage of due to the crops and other agriculture. Anyway, back to Negan’s tattoo. He has the cross because he is a Christian, but mainly because he had to truly rely on God to get him through one situation while he was overseas a couple years ago.
He pulls the handle close to him until it locks into place. He reaches back behind him for his seatbelt and buckles up. He tilts the sun visor down. He glances up in the rearview mirror. I catch his gaze. He smiles and wiggles his eyebrows. 
I laugh. He just chuckles and cranks the engine of the bus. After he does that, he waits for the other buses to pull out before him so that he can. I talk to him as he does his run. Eventually, he gets so focused on driving the bus, and dropping the kids off, that we just stop talking. 
But that’s ok. I know he’s doing his job. Since he and I aren’t talking at the moment, I sit down in my seat. I curl up in the seat, and close my eyes. Since I’m the last person to get off the bus, I still have another hour and a half bus ride.
I can take a nap. I doze off thinking ‘bout the man sitting in front of me.
I wake up sometime later to the bus being stopped, and the engine turning off. I hear the clank of metal against metal and realize that Negan’s taking his seatbelt off. I slowly sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. I look ‘round and realize that we’re back at school. 
I look at Negan, who is busy looking down at something in his lap.
“Um…Negan?” I ask.
Negan jumps in his seat, and stands up. He looks at me, and relaxes once he realizes that it’s me. He kneels on his seat like he did earlier this afternoon.
“Hey, darlin’. I hate to fuckin’ say it, but I forgot you were on here. I’m sorry.” He says.
“It’s fine. I’ll walk home.” I say, gathering my stuff.
“No. I’ll drive you home. There ain’t no fuckin’ way on God’s green Earth that I’m gonna let you fuckin’ walk all the way home. That’s a two-hour bus ride. That’s like a four-hour walk.”
“I don’t wanna be a burden to you. I’m fine to walk.”
Negan moves so that he’s standing closer to me. He pulls me into his arms. I drop my stuff, and put my arms ‘round him. I lay my head against his chest.
“Darlin’, you’re never a burden to me. Don’t ever think that ‘bout yourself. Besides, you’re my neighbor, so it’s not like I’m driving to fuckin’ Kalamazoo and back just to take you home.” He says.
I laugh. “Ok. You’ve got a point. But only if you’re sure.”
“Sure on which part?”
“Sure on everything.”
“Darlin’, I’m one hundred and twenty-five percent sure that you’re not a burden to me. You could never be one. You’re too damn special to ever be a burden to me. I’m a hundred and twenty-seven point seven five percent sure that I don’t mind taking you home. I’ve actually kinda wanted to take you home for a while now. It means that I get to spend more fuckin’ time with you.”
 I lift my head up off his chest and look at him. He looks dead serious like he’s not joking with me. In fact, he even looks a little nervous.
“C’mon, darlin’. Say something. Please. I’m sort of nervous here.” He says.
I tighten my arms ‘round him even more and give him a big ole hug.
“Darlin’?” He asks.
“You’re special to me too, and I really enjoy spending time with you.” I say, quietly.
He smiles at me. “So…you’re cool if I take you home?”
“Yea. If you’re cool with taking me home.” I blush slightly, hoping he doesn’t notice.
“Of course I am. Although, I’m starving. Do you care if we stop on the way home to get some food?”
“Um…sure. You’re the one driving.”
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ollifree · 4 years
Found an Inquisitor-as-Companions ask sheet so I’m filling these out for Kendra/Darrell in the multi protags au
1. If not for the Conclave, what would drive your character to join the Inquisition?
They both joined because they were at the Conclave and honestly? I can’t see them joining if they weren’t. Much like in the other worldstates were they aren’t Inquisitor, Mami Trevelyan got a firm lockdown on her children after the sky literally exploded. Oh wait, did I say they both joined because they were at the Conclave? That’s a lie. Darrell joined because he was at the Conclave. Kendra joined because Darrell did.
2. How would they meet the Inquisitor?
Kendra met her (Fanari Lavellan, I’m using my own Inquisitor but I’m writing this to fit any Inquisitor) first, in the same cutscene as Varric and Solas. Fanari chose to take the mountain path rather than go with the soldiers (and got her first Kendra Greatly Approves boost). Darrell was one of the soldiers stranded up on the mountain top.
3. What would some of their cutscenes look like?
One of the caveats of their cutscenes is that both of them are always present until Trespasser; at least at the start if not for the whole thing. During the first Trespasser scenes they’re apart because they’re having a spat about Darrell going to Tevinter with Dorian. (Kendra’s having a spat. Darrell’s having a headache.)
Their first cutscene (excluding their introductions) takes place in Haven. They’re found speaking with Josephine about the memorial being planned for those who died or went missing in the Conclave: a reading of names followed by lighting a pyre. Both are insisting that if the memorial’s ready to go but they’re out of Haven on Inquisition business, don’t stop on their account. Josephine starts to argue, but Fanari, out looking for Josephine to let her know her expertise is needed, interrupts. Kendra stalks off shortly after Josephine leaves.
Fanari asks Darrell what the argument was about. He tells her that he and Kendra weren’t the only Trevelyans at the Conclave, but they were the only ones to come out of it. “It’s been hard letting the family know, but it’s helped us. Going to the memorial would just be reopening the wounds, now.” Darrell turns the conversation on Fanari, asking if she wants something different to or happening with the pyre. Cutscene goes into approval/disapproval dialogue focused on faith and grief, with Darrell showing understanding to Fanari and approving of open-mindedness for people processing those things differently.
A follow-up conversation with Kendra can occur: also used as an approval dialogue. Hers is focused on the immediate fallout of the failed Conclave. Approval is gained by sympathizing with her but not pressing her on her personal losses, and her main concerns are shown to be for those not at the Conclave who had their lives upended by the Breach.
Their second cutscene takes place in Skyhold the first time speaking to one of them there before it’s restored. Fanari comments on not knowing which parts of the castle would be best suited to what. Kendra points at she and Darrell are noble, and can make a solid guess at whatever they’re not directly familiar with. They grab Cassandra and Dorian (for the same reasons) and the group sets off to explore. It’s used as an introductory tour of Skyhold for the player and as such enough time is spent in each area to inform them what will be there.
Kendra opens one door, goes in, and immediately leaves with a “Nope.” Darrell pokes his head into the room and declares it a broom closet, but advises they’ll want to get someone up here to take care of the spiders. There’s no dialogue tree for approval, but Fanari can gain some from both of them by making humorous suggestions for what areas the player decides (gardens, tower, courtyard) might be used for.
The third cutscene happens after Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts. The Inquisitor walks up on the two as they’re discussing the outcome of the quest. Their reactions vary on which outcome happened (Celine died and Gaspard’s a puppet ruler to Briala in Fanari’s worldstate. Tragic) but generally Kendra’s content with any outcome while Darrell has concerns dependent on which leader’s in charge. More separate approval dialogue trees happen: Darrell gives approval by acknowledging his concerns and stating that for the time being the Inquisition can at least keep an eye on things; Kendra gives approval to an Inquisitor who also enjoyed The Game and comments on how Orlais’ leader can be used to the Inquisition’s benefit.
The fourth happens after Here Lies the Abyss. Both twins are rather subdued as Maria, one of the Hawke twins, remained behind in the Fade to make time for Fanari to escape after Gareth had already landed back in the physical world.  It’s a short scene, but the Inquisitor can get a Greatly Approves from each of them by saying “At least we’ve still got you two,” even if their reactions are still on the quiet side.
The fifth cutscene takes place after the Inquisitor drinks (or doesn’t drink) from the Well of Sorrows. Darrell excuses himself shortly after Fanari arrives. Kendra checks with her that she’s feeling okay after drinking from the Well. Kendra’s approval doesn’t dip in this conversation, and she reaffirms at the end of it that if Fanari starts feeling any effects to come find her.
An Inquisitor who drank from the Well can gain approval back from Darrell in his conversation by recognizing his worry and concerns for them. He ends the dialogue by confirming that he is worried for them first and foremost, but acknowledges that they were strapped for options at the time.
Both twins will ask Fanari about her reaction to the temple of Mythal, although no approval/disapproval is gained from how she answers. No, I don’t know how this goes for an Inquistor who didn’t drink from the Well. Write your own AU. For my characters.
Once both twins hit max approval a bonus cutscene is obtained. Fanari finds them out on the training ground in the courtyard sparring together with staves. Fanari asks why they don’t use the weapons out in the field. Darrell explains that they’re not much use against demons and mages, but it’s good to keep in shape. Cassandra approaches, curious about why they’re using Nevarran weapons. “Because we’re half Nevarran,” Darrell explains.
Cassandra stutters over this new information, because surely she’d know. Kendra points out a few facts for her: mainly that they’re the only two of the Inquisition who pronounce Cassandra’s name correctly (a subtle breath variation between syllables), their wording on a few phrases is a literal translation from the phrase in Nevarran, and neither of them eat beef. She drags Darrell back to training with a parting, “You’re a Seeker it’s your job to notice things.”
4. What would their romance route look like? Would they be romanceable?
Theoretically yes, both are romanceable by either gender. Fanari, however, is not romantically interested in humans.
5. If they romanced someone as Inquisitor, would they still fall for that person as a companion? How would that play out? How would they react to that person being romanced by the “new” Inquisitor?
They both do follow their romance paths with Iron Bull (Kendra) and Dorian (Darrell). They play out roughly in the same manner as they do when they’re Inquisitor. They’d both be sore over losing their prospective LIs to the Inquisitor if far enough along a romance path, but would recognize there’s bigger things to worry about.
6. Write some of their party banter.
(On reaching the Crossroads in the Hinterlands for the first time) Kendra: Hm. Solas: Is something the matter, Lady Trevelyan? Kendra: I’m not sure if I was expecting things to be worse. Solas: We must do what we can.
Dorian: How many sisters do you have, Kendra? Kendra: Who’s asking? Dorian: Your brother was telling me his nose broke— Kendra: Oh, because of Cloud Dancer? That was me. Dorian: (laughter)
Vivienne: Are things well with your family, darling? Kendra: Well enough. Vivienne: I don’t mean to pry, dear. Just to remind you not all things are terrible. Kendra: ...Thanks.
Sera: Sun. Heat. Wind. Kendra: I’m too tired for lists. Sera: Grump.
Cole: (Darrell not in party) He misses you. Kendra: (grunt)
Kendra: I’ve heard you’re writing a book. Varric: Don’t get yourself into a tizzy. I know to keep my pen away from you.
(After Blackwall’s personal quest) Kendra: Welcome back. Blackwall: Oh. You’re speaking to me? Kendra: Long enough to tell you to stop coming to drink nights.
Iron Bull: Look at these footprints. (groan) They’re so tangled up I can’t tell how many there were. Kendra: At least a dozen. They straighten a little way out. Fanari: Do we know how recently they were here? Kendra: Rain fucks it up, but it can’t have been more than an hour. Iron Bull: They wanted this place bad. Might still be nearby. Darrell: (if in party) Well. I feel safe.
Cassandra: But, your family is so widespread there’s a Trevelyan in every Chantry. How can you not believe...? Kendra: Easier than getting you to shut up about it.
(Overheard when in the library after What Pride Had Wrought) Kendra: Have time for a question? Solas: Of course. Kendra: (hissed) Fuck’s wrong with you?
Solas: This once was a place of learning for my people. Now even the ruins have turned to dust. Darrell: I’m sorry. Would it be possible to see it as it was? In your sleep, I mean? Solas: I think so. Our current task is more important, however.
Dorian: Sure, take Dorian along. It’s not like he hates the damp. Or the chill. Or the wildlife. Darrell: Would you have rather been kept back at camp? Dorian: It would be much more romantic to be weeping over a corpse than being wept over.
Darrell: Are you alright, Vivienne? Vivienne: Yes, thank you. Darrell: You’re sure? Vivinne: It will take more than an apostate to do me in, dear, but I am grateful for your concern.
Sera: You and Dorian, eh? Darrell: I think so. Sera: Good.
Darrell: I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say my thoughts, Cole. Cole: I do. Sometimes. But, right after, I have to stop. She doesn’t like me to hear her. Darrell: Hearing me...makes you hear her? Cole: Yes. You’re happy!
Varric: Mind if I ask your thoughts on some things? Historical books are better with different perspectives. Darrell: You’re doing a historical novel? Varric: Not a novel per-say. More a bibliographical. On all this. Darrell: Can I give you a warning? Varric: For what? Darrell: My sister might come for you just for including her name. Varric: Noted.
Blackwall: Impressive how you turn your blade into a shield when we fight. Darrell: Oh, thank you. Blackwall: That wears it out a bit faster, doesn’t it? Darrell: The blacksmiths know my name, yeah. Blackwall: I was thinking. If we fought closer together, I may be able to take an arm off before they can strike. Darrell: Depends on where you stand. Otherwise Kendra might hit you.
Iron Bull: You know, a few drinks might loosen you up a little. Why not join us next time? Darrell: When’s next time? Iron Bull: If we’re unlucky, back at Skyhold. Darrell: And if we’re lucky? Iron Bull: Next group we bust has a cask on ‘em. Darrell: (laughter)
Cassandra: I have heard one of your siblings was a templar? Darrell: Two were. A brother and a sister. Cassandra: Has there been any news since...? Darrell: No. Cassandra: I'm sorry.
(During Trespasser) Darrell: Did Kendra and I tell you we were in Kirkwall recently? Varric: No! Both of you at once? I’d have bet money! What’d you think? Darrell: Bit of a shithole. Kendra: (if in party) Bit of a shithole. Varric: (laughter) Bit of a shithole.
7. What would be on their tombstone in the Fade?
Darrell’s is drowning. “Oh because of the metaphor of being weighed down by responsibility and sinking into helplessness?” “No I literally cannot swim.”
Kendra’s is betrayal. Though, she hides it and says it’s spiders. Like the form the nightmares take for her, or the giant ones they kill every Thursday that she screams during.
(Fanari’s is loss. Loss of those important to her, loss of her identity to humans who will try to rewrite her in history, loss of her autonomy to being the figurehead of the Inquisition.)
8. What kind of Inquisitor would drive them to leave the Inquisition/confront them about their actions?
Both Kendra and Darrell would confront an Inquisitor whose underlying motivations are cruel. They can both understand the difficulty of making a hard decision and going with the unpopular option, but there’s a difference between doing it because it needs to be done and doing it to see someone suffer. Unlike the bonus cutscene, you’d only need one of them at minimal approval. The one would take the other with them. You either have them as a pair or you don’t have them at all.
9. Where in Skyhold would they be found?
Kendra has a workshop set up in the rooms above Skyhold’s garden where she mixes poisons and Tempest flasks. It’s a tidy-ish room with a desk on one side and a large Do Not Touch plant on the other. There’s a few crates lying around along with a few stacks of paper here and there. Outside of gameplay mechanics, if she’s not there then she’s at the tavern.
Darrell has a sparse room comprised of bed, desk, and music stand. He’s generally found out in the courtyard by the training field.
10. If Inquisition operated like DA:O, what would their gift items be? What would their approval and disapproval Feast Day items be?
Darrell likes books and small trinkets. His approval Feast Day item would be a violin, and his disapproval item would be the sheet music to a score infamous for being the worst composition ever put to paper.
Kendra likes practical gifts: a whetstone, maps, candles. Her approval item would be a rune-enchanted blade and her disapproval item would be anything overtly having to do with the Maker or the Chantry.
11. How would they grow as a person? How would they compare at the end of the Inquisition as a companion to who they were as the Inquisitor?
Kendra’s biggest difference is that she’s quicker to trust other members of the Inquisition when she’s a companion. It still takes time, but she mellows out fairly quickly with other party members after getting to Skyhold.
Darrell becomes more decisive in his actions throughout the game, though he remains empathetic to others and to different sides of an argument.
12. Do they believe the Herald of Andraste is really the Herald of Andraste?
Kendra doesn’t believe in the Maker or Andraste, so that’s a big fat no from her. Darrell believes Fanari when she says she isn’t the Herald.
13. If the Herald didn’t have them tag along to prep the trebuchets, what would they do during the battle for Haven? (bonus: would they join in on the impromptu Dawn Will Come choir practice in the camp?)
Kendra made herself part of the group prepping the trebuchets. She’s part of the action from the get-go. Darrell would be helping others evacuate.
The Dawn Will Come choir doesn’t happen in Fanar’s canon. She cuts Mother Giselle off partway through her speech and gets up to start organizing people so they have something to do to take their minds off the situation and get them out of it sooner. Fanari knows how to booster moral by showing steady and knowing leadership, so that’s what she does.
14. What nickname does Varric give them?
Kendra’s nickname for when she’s a companion is Knives, though tbh I’m thinking of just making it her Inquisitor nickname Junebug. So that’ll probably happen. Darrell gets Smiles, and Fanari is Starshine.
15. Without the influence of their decisions for the Inquisition, which of the companions do they get along with? Which ones do they bicker with?
Darrell and Sera butt heads at first, but they’re on friendly terms less than halfway through the game. The party members he best gets along with are Dorian, Cassandra, Vivienne, and Varric.
The only companions Kendra doesn’t get along with are Cassandra and Blackwall, after his personal quest. She does have polite conversations with Cassandra, but even in Trespasser their conversations aren’t overtly friendly. The party members she’s on best terms with are Iron Bull, Solas, Sera, and Vivienne.
Frictions arise between both of them and Solas post Solas breaking things off with Fanari.
16. What would the Fear Demon say to them in the Fade to try and discourage them?
For both it’s them losing each other or more members of their family. Darrell’s response is “I was beginning to feel left out,” while Kendra’s is “Can you tell how hard I’m thinking about killing you?”
17. Where do they hang out in the Winter Palace? What’s their thoughts on the nobles/The Game?
Both of them hang out on the opposite side of the balcony where you find Josephine. If asked, the offer advice about who to speak to and when. Ambient dialogue can be heard from various nobles about them, with approval of them as individuals going up through the night regardless of the Inquisitor’s standing.
Kendra lives for The Game. It’s putting everything she does daily (mistrusting, misdirecting, manipulating) all in one spot with new people who don’t know how she operates.
Darrell’s more ambivalent about it, what with the backstabbing and the distrust, but he’s still good at it. He has a charm about him that makes people believe his sincerity and he knows when to obfuscate an answer without the other party feeling left wanting.
18. What’s their reaction to a dragon showing up?
Both of them have an initial reaction of Fuck, though Kendra follows it with “Guess we have to fight it now,” while Darrell’s more in the “We really don’t” camp.
19. Once Corypheus is beaten, what do they do during the party? Do they stay with the Inquisition, or go somewhere else? What could the Inquisitor do to convince them to stay?
Both of them are near one of the fires in Skyhold’s judgement hall. Again, they’re a package deal, and Kendra will tell the Inquisitor that since Darrell wants to stay she’ll stick around. “Besides, the world’s not ending anymore. Might be nice to breathe for a bit. Thanks for that.”
20. How do they react to learning abominations can retain their consciousness and identity, and even live peacefully with their spirits/demons, as seen in Stone-Bear Hold?
Kendra’s intrigued. She’ll ask questions even if the Inquisitor doesn’t. Darrell’s a tad more cautious, but checks himself. They’re respectful that this isn’t a similar culture to theirs and that they have no say in how these people live their lives.
21. What do they think of the discoveries made in the Deep Roads? Do they make any comments on anything?
They both hate the Deep Roads and they’re sorry for suggesting they go there. Send word to the Shaperate about what we found and let’s go. Next time a boyfriend dumps you we’ll take you to an opera.
22. If you have another Inquisitor, how would those two get along, specifically?
Both of them see Fanari and go “that’s a whole-ass child”. Throughout the game Fanari’s unofficially adopted as a little sister. Fanari’s a tad closer to Kendra at the end of the day, but she does care deeply for both of them.
23. In Trespasser, what “gift” would they give the Inquisitor, if any?
They’re a bit too wrapped up in personal drama to have planned anything for Fanari. Though they’re both the most dedicated in getting her to the end of the DLC once her imminent death becomes known. Yeah, the mark might go off again and destroy everything in a ten-foot radius, but Fanari needs help standing upright so guess what they’re gonna do.
24. What are their plans for after the Exalted Council? Will the Inquisition staying in tact or being disbanded make a difference?
Fanari wrote the members of the Inquisition before the Exalted Council to say, paraphrased, “Inquisition’s over pack your shit and leave.” Kendra’s looking forward to going home to Ostwick, while Darrell’s going to Tevinter with Dorian.
Their squabbling over this becomes so bad Dorian confesses to Fanari he’s considered asking Darrell to stay in the south. “Gods, you are an only child,” Fanari says. Those of us with siblings, we know the tone. Maybe you without siblings do too I don’t know your life.
25. In the alternate reality, if they were corrupted with lyrium, how do they act? What’s their attitude about the end of the world/their inevitable death?
To be completely transparent this is the scenario that solidifies Fanari as Inquisitor over Kendra in the worldstate for me.
After Fanari and Dorian got yeeted forward in time, Darrell was killed in the following fight and Kendra imprisoned until Fanari and Dorian found her. What did she do for that year? Teach herself to become a templar using the red lyrium. By the time she’s released, her entire drive is focused on killing Alexius. She knows she’ll die soon, and she wants to take as many people with her as she can. “They’re going to find out what a mistake it was leaving a Trevelyan in a room full of lyrium.”
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chimerical-caracal · 4 years
When The Time For Sleep Is Through (ATRMTD Chapter 1)
Word Count: 1607 words
Warnings: TW for violence / a fight scene that ends in somewhat serious injuries (including someone becoming unconscious), and a panic attack mention 
Pairings: None are focused on in this chapter but there will be ships later on, mainly Analogical  
A/N: Okay so I have no idea where all this energy to write is coming from but I’m gonna take it while it lasts. With this installment begins the main storyline of As The Revel Meets The Day, and I hope y’all are as excited for this AU as I am!! 
If there was one thing Sir Logan had to be as the personal guard of Prince Virgil, it was vigilant. 
Since being granted this esteemed position he had come to realize that his assignment had much more to it than just protecting the prince from physical threats, although that was obviously his main duty. 
Prince Virgil himself was a very cautious individual, and often had fears that could be considered irrational consume his thoughts. And it just so happened that lately something had the prince more on edge than usual; perhaps it had been the frequent nightmares he was known to have, or maybe something else entirely, but whatever the cause the prince had shyly asked Logan if he didn’t mind setting up a patrol or two near his room as soon as the sun goes down. Just for a few nights. 
Now Logan had taken it upon himself to assuage whatever fears had affected the prince at any given time, whether it be by explaining the likelihood of certain events happening or distracting him with stories about his training as a knight. But with the prince’s recent feelings that he could only describe as “being watched somehow”, Logan felt justified in making the executive decision to do the late night patrols requested by the prince himself, as it was his personal duty to protect him. And if it meant that the prince would sleep soundly, a few lost hours of sleep on Logan’s part would make little to no difference. 
As long as Virgil was safe, and more importantly, felt safe. That’s all that mattered to Logan. 
The castle halls had been quite silent as the peacefulness of the night settled within it. Nobody but the actual night guard was awake, with the exception of Logan and perhaps the newly appointed royal mage, as he was known to stay up certain nights to receive the queens’ preferred messenger and welcome him back to the castle. 
The lack of commotion found in the daytime was a welcome presence to the knight, and as he strolled through the hall containing the prince’s bedroom, he took a brief moment to pause and enjoy the tranquil stillness of his surroundings. 
Until a subtle flash of movement caught his eye. 
Logan’s hand moved to the hilt of his sword as he turned himself towards where he’d seen it. There, at the opposite end of the hall, almost completely hidden to the untrained eye, was a figure looming in the shadows. 
Logan’s grip tightened. 
He couldn’t make out any weapons on the intruder, but Logan was not foolish enough to believe that they were unarmed. He began to silently move forward, keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the threat as they crept ever so closer, never leaving the wall’s side, skillfully avoiding the light cast by the torches lit in the halls. They came to a sudden stop, and Logan could make out their head rising, no doubt meeting his gaze. 
A yellow light flashed in their eyes. 
Logan raised his blade just in time as the intruder’s own sword swiftly struck down, meeting in a harsh metallic clash that pierced the night’s former tranquil state. 
He pushed them back and the figure swung again, this time meeting only air as Logan ducked out of the way and stepped to the side, striking the figure in their side and making them hiss in pain. His small victory is short-lived, as the figure steps back only to rapidly bring their sword up and slash down again before Logan could react, this time connecting with Logan’s arm. He squashes down the pain, and moves to block the next swing. 
They exchange blows back and forth, seemingly evenly matched with no end in sight, until the intruder catches Logan’s sword and kicks the knight in the chest, knocking him forcefully into the wall and making him lose his grip on the hilt of his sword. They press their blade against his throat, and Logan struggles to reach for his blade, just beyond his reach. The figure’s eyes gleam yellow again, and then- 
The intruder drops to the floor, and Logan looks up only to see a large shield that was once hanging on one of the walls being brandished by none other than the youngest of the royal family’s advisors, Patton. 
His eyes are wide and frantic, meeting Logan’s own before looking down to stare at the intruder’s cloaked body, who was seemingly unconscious after taking such a direct hit on their head. 
Not too far behind him, the doors at the entrance of the hall slam open, and in comes rushing the messenger, dagger in hand, followed close behind by the royal mage, hands glowing with a shimmery red and gold light. The pair quickly come to Patton’s side, and the messenger checks the intruder’s pulse. 
“Are they alive?” Patton asked. 
“Yeah babes, you just knocked ‘em out,” he said. “We’ll have to set them up in the dungeons before they come to.” 
Logan attempted to stand, gripping the wall as leverage, when a gentle hand rested on his shoulder. 
“Oh no you don’t, Sir Logan,” Patton said. “You’re not going anywhere until the physician gets a good look at you. Remy?” 
The messenger glanced up from where he and the mage had been putting makeshift restraints of cloth and a binding spell on the intruder. 
“Yeah Pattoncake?” 
“Go retrieve the court physician from his quarters, and have him bring something that can relieve some of Sir Logan’s pain.” 
“You got it, baby blue.” 
With that, the messenger ran out of the room. 
Logan slumps back down the wall and turns away from the advisor, only to see Prince Virgil standing just outside his bedroom doors and clearly on the verge of a full blown panic attack. 
Patton follows his gaze and immediately sets the shield down and carefully walks over to him, gently starting to run the prince through some breathing exercises, coaxing him back into his room with soft reassurances that everything’s gonna be okay now, he’s safe, he won’t let anyone hurt him, it’ll be okay kiddo, just try to breathe with me, i’m here-  
Logan’s gut pinches with guilt as he watches them, but he tries to ignore it in favor of knowing the prince’s distress won’t last and that he was safe. 
‘Only safe thanks to Patton,’ part of him thinks. 
“Ahem. Sir Logan, was it?” 
Logan turns back to the mage, who was now sitting next to the tied up intruder. 
“...Yes,” he replies. “What is it?” 
“My brother was.. kind enough, let’s say, to share with me some things about injuries like yours that’s given me enough knowledge to know where to apply a few healing spells that might help things along. If you would allow me to cast them on you, of course.” 
Logan hesitated for a moment. Magic was not something he was familiar with, and he only knew this was the royal mage by what others have told him, but the adrenaline was wearing off, and if they truly were skilled enough to be appointed by the queens.. 
“Alright,” he mumbled. “Do what you must.” 
The mage brightened, and swiftly moved to crouch before him. A similar red and gold light that had enveloped their hands upon entering the hall now returns, and they begin to speak a language unfamiliar to Logan’s ears. They don’t place their hands on Logan, yet he feels a warmth on his wounds. The heat is abundant but not uncomfortable. 
Just as they finish the incantation, the hall’s entrance opens, and in comes Remy once again, this time joined by someone Logan actually knows, the court physician Emile. Several of the night guards that Logan could only assume had been stationed closeby followed them as well. 
“Greetings, my admirable doctor! I have taken the liberty to cast a spell that should make your task a bit easier,” the mage exclaimed, making Logan hold back a wince at the sudden shift in volume. 
“Why thank you, Roman,” Emile said. He then knelt next to Logan and held out his hand, which was holding a few small speckled leaves. “Chew on these,” he directed. “It’ll soothe some of your pain until I can treat you properly.” 
Logan took the herbs gratefully and did as he was told. The leaves seemed to melt on his tongue, with a cool and slightly sweet taste that helped sharpen his senses and numb the pain of the various cuts and bruises he sustained from his fight. 
Emile then turned back to Roman. “Would you mind helping me get Sir Logan back to my office? Remy needs to go alert the queens of what happened and these folks have to get whoever that is somewhere they won’t hurt anybody else.” 
“I wouldn’t mind at all!” 
Roman then carefully hoisted Logan up, draping one of the knight’s arms across his shoulder and looping an arm around his waist, and together with Emile’s help they started walking to the physician’s quarters. 
Logan spared one last glance around the hall; Remy had already disappeared, no doubt headed in the opposite direction to the queens’ bedroom, the guards were picking up the intruder’s unconscious body and beginning to carry it to the dungeons, and the door to the prince’s room had been closed by Patton, who was probably still inside and helping Prince Virgil settle down. By all accounts, the events of the night were over, and everything was being taken care of. 
So why did Logan feel like this was only the beginning of something much, much bigger?
Taglist: @stars-welcome-them 
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