#although depending on the person she can be easily impressed
sleepywisteriah · 6 months
Which flower are you?
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You are stubborn and you know it. Self aware and hard to impress, you have a close circle of friends and like it that way. You are beautifully unique, with interests that span far and wide. Likely the dark horse of the family, you've always felt misunderstood. You are a creature of habit and avoid change if possible. You are a selfless and giving lover, seeing your partner as the light of your life. Those who are lucky enough to get to know you, would do anything to keep you within their lives. You are unapologetically yourself and value others who are the same. But sometimes, you miss out on opportunities due to your stubbornness and perhaps feel like life is passing you by. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone my love, everyone you encounter there will find you just as exquisite as you always hoped to be.
I forgot to add the link.. 😂
Tagged by @wildstar25 (thank you! ^-^)
Tagging @mrlarkstin @amalthea-felsblood (i don’t follow many people right now 😅)
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rinstrumental · 1 year
ellie gf headcanons pt. 2
# i’m a headcanon machine i cant be stopped… also she is literally a cheesy ass lose girlfriend this part is actually canon confirmed by naughty dog. modern au
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if your native language isn’t english/speak any language other than english she is going to think you’re ten times cooler than you already are. best believe she’s hopping on duolingo first thing she gets home too so she can impress you (i know duolingo isn’t the best but she’s TRYING)
she took spanish in high school though
even though she can’t retain the info for shit she will search up terms of endearment in your language and call you them all the time even if you think its corny she can’t stop
whenever someone asks her what her type is she just says “my girl” with the most stupid grin on her face
she fidgets SO much omg she doesn’t wear rings often but when she does (you said they looked nice one time and all of a sudden she’s wearing rings every time you see her) she’s constantly playing with them. she also plays with the strings of her hoodie/loose threads etc.
*playing basketball* “this one’s for you babe” *completely misses*
such a nerd for collectibles!! has been since she was a kid. she has funko pops, vinyls, pokemon cards, snowglobes, plushies, smiskis, calico critters she’s a slave to capitalism
little social media presence. her only instagram account is basically a photo dump which is private with only her closest friends following it. (spoiler alert, most of the pictures are of the two of you)
in the last post i said she’s have a pet gecko but i also strongly believe joel would have a dog. could be a teeny tiny chihuahua or a fucking great dane idk just give my man a good friend! ellie also loves that dog (whatever it is) dearly
doesn’t have any piercings and doesn’t ever consider it unless you say that they’d look good on her… your word is her law FR 😭😭😂😂
okay no she’s not dependent on you to the point of it being toxic though. HOWEVER it’s a bit hard for her to express when she feels upset sometimes and gets jealous easily but she tries her best to communicate and keep it healthy
she has her tattoos though of course. although this is a modern au so she’d have different ones i guess… forearm one is definitely in the cards but also lots of tiny little ones. a few for her friends and family and a few she got in a drunken stupor
pottery lesbian that’s it
gets SOOO red when she’s drunk i dont care what anyone says her alcohol tolerance is average at best
i think she would play a sport sometimes. like volleyball. she plays competitively if she’s in school and she always wants you to come “watch your girlfriend be cool”. bring a sign - she’ll love it
kisses and hugs u after the game while she’s all sweaty too…ew but aw
she also really likes animated movies, not disney but like how to train your dragon and the spiderverse and puss in boots (im projecting). she went to see barbie and oppenheimer on the same day and she didn’t dress up but the spirit was there!!
she’s not a gymbro per se but joel probably would have workout equipment in the basement which ellie uses from time to time. and she’s just naturally lean because she’s an active person. pls tell her how big and strong and sexy and amazing she is
ok fine i think she likes being praised AND SHE DESERVES ITT like she’s such a wonderful girlfriend ❤️ ugh shes perfect I CANT STAND HER
goodnight and good morning texts are part of her routine
sunburns easily so you have to remind her to wear sunscreen all the time
doesn’t really know how to do makeup but she’ll paint your nails for you and do your hair
whenever the two of you spend the night together she’s usually last to get up. this bitch could sleep through the rapture i’m not kidding but it’s okay because it gives you time to admire her pretty face as she sleeps in peace and quiet for once
takes the aux very seriously you guys HAVE to share it. unless you like the same music and i think she would like radiohead, joy division, deftones and loser sad songs like that…. she also is a big fan of the spiderverse soundtrack and kendrick lamar though and thee stallion 😜 (i have two wolves inside me)
please reblog mwah thank you!!
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rene-hl-trashcan · 2 months
The gremlins reaction to you crying 🥺👉👈? Please? Coz they’re so cute and since Riz has a niece i just suddenly wondered what they all do when somebody (you) cries. (Reason can be up to you)
By 'you' here I assume anyone that they can see? (cuz I personally consider myself as their ethereal mother of the higher realm who is watching them over their shoulders—basically an entity that they can sense but never see or physically interact with 🤣)
The Gremlins' Reaction to A Crying Person
Unless if he really abhors you, Sylvan doesn't like seeing anyone sad or crying. His first instinct, is unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your preference), is to hug. You're going to be quite literally imprisoned in his arms 💀 Think of being squished to his chest with no means of escape. You will be squished with little to no distance from him, and he will probably try to get your face pressed to either his throat or chest. It doesn't matter if you're taller/bigger than him, he will pull you down enough to make sure that he can rest his chin on top of your head, that you can feel the rumble of his throat as he croons and purrs to soothe you (he was under the impression that the whole purring thing works on everyone since it works on Sylvia ). He would probably rub your back too and murmur assurance and comforting words until you calm down; and if he thinks you're not against it, he will kiss your tears away and rub his cheek to yours in what he thinks is a comforting gesture. Don't worry about your tears/snot dirtying his shirt. He has his priorities straight; clothes can be cleaned with a wave of a wand while whatever that is upsetting you can't be solved that easily. This pastel gremlin would keep you imprisoned in his crushing affection until you calm down, however long it would take.
Sylvia would PANIK. She isn't remotely good in socialising and showing emotions, let alone comforting anyone. Her first instinct when seeing someone cry is to nope out of there. However, most of time, her soft squishy heart will get worried so her next instinct is to find Sylvan and ditch the comforting job on him while she frets and hovers silently nearby. If he isn't around, Sylvia would resort to the last thing she knew could serve as a comfort (for her personally) which is anything cute and furry. Watch her either conjure a random plushie or grab any kneazles/puffskeins/cat that happened to be around before holding it up to you, mumbling something about how cute animals/plushies would make you feel better. Although not good at comforting, she would actually sit by your side (silently and very awkwardly because this girl is a social disaster 💀) until you finally calm down.
Riz's reaction is highly dependent on who you are and how he feels towards you. If you're someone who he doesn't feel much for, he would offer his handkerchief so that you can wipe your tears with it. He would then very tentatively ask you if you need some help, gauging your needs through how you respond before acting accordingly. If he feels you would be better off alone, he would give a curt goodbye and well-wish before walking away. If he feels you would benefit more from a company (and if he has the time for it) he would sit by your side until you're ready to talk your heart out. Riz's a good and attentive listener, and unless he's in a rush or on a schedule, he wouldn't mind accompanying you. If you're someone who he does hold any form of positive feelings for, he would wipe your tears for you before very tentatively asking if he can hold you until you're able to calm down. If permission is given, he will cuddle you until you stop crying. If you refuse to be touched, he will simply sit there and wait until you're ready to talk, or when you're ready to scoot over for a cuddle. He will abandon his plans for you. If you're a child, he will carry and rock you around like a baby, singing/crooning to get you calm, wiping your tears and snot and praising you after you stop crying, rewarding you with whatever treats he can get his hand on at the moment.
Mildred's instinct is to comfort and protect. If you're in public, she would try to get you away from the public's eyes. Mildred is also very willing to cause disturbances or distractions so that no one is watching you crying. Once she gets you to somewhere you can safely cry your heart out, Mildred will start gathering all the blankets and plushies she can get her hands on. She will drape a soft blanket over your shoulders, making sure you have a plushie that you can either squeeze or throw around (depending on how you're feeling at that moment) before asking if she could hold your hands. She will massage your hands, squeezing them if she feels you need that solid assurance, and wait until you are coherent enough to start confiding in her. If you're up to it, she will be happy for a cuddle but if you're not, she will still make sure you're warm and hydrated. She would definitely bust out her stocks of cookies and warm drinks (and if situation is dire enough, her personal collections of plushies) to offer to you until you can calm down.
Idk who you're anon but thank you for this. I always appreciate more fuel and excuses for me to ramble and word-vomit about my gremlins. ψ(˵ •̀ᴗ•́˵)ψ
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serene-sky-kid · 2 months
60 OC questions
I really liked the questions so I answered them all. These questions come from the post I shared before.
Really just for fun and because I don't want to draw right now xD Well if you want to read for a while about Serene, the questions are under the cut
I leave this sketch of something I'm doing so that it's not just text
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[1] What first impression do they typically make? Are they likeable from the get go, or take time to grow on people?
Serene is quite transparent, I think people who know her tend to like her, I think the worst thought you can have about her is that she seems immature at first
[2] How does their social personality differ from how they act when they’re alone?
Very little or nothing, although I suppose it's easier for her to deal with sadness when she's alone.
[3] What emotion is the hardest for them to deal with?
Sadness and anger, sadness is easier to express and her friends can notice it, but anger is something very bottled up.
[4] How physically and emotionally affectionate they are?
A lot, in both senses, even if she has limitations in communicating, she will tell you that she cares about you and that she appreciates you and everything she expresses, communicates and does shows it.
[5] Are they good at keeping secrets?
She's not a gossip, yes, will she try to hide your secret as much as she can? Yes, would she be good at lying to keep your secret? I doubt it
[6] How direct are they in conversations, do they speak in hints and riddles or bluntly say what they think?
She is quite sincere and direct or as much as she can with her limitations
[7] Are they a good liar, and what would they probably lie about?
No, she would not lie intentionally and if she is forced to do so she would be very bad at it because the guilt of lying is too strong.
[8] How open they are about their true feelings, both positive and negative?
She is very open with good emotions, she shows almost 100% of what she is. You can notice if she is frustrated, worried, scared, insecure or sad. But although you can see her sad, she is very bad at crying and it is very rare to see her really angry.
[9] What is their love language?
I have never honestly thought about it, I don't see Serene in a relationship of any kind so
[10] How quickly do they fall for someone?
She doesn't :D
[11] What are small things that make them happy?
Her father taught her to appreciate the small things in life since she was little, many things make her happy just by having them, from being able to dance, to be able to play music, to be able to see, to be able to live, to be able to travel, to be able to enjoy her favorite food, being able to laugh with friends and the list goes on
[12] How high is their self-esteem?
It's hard to explain, because I'm not sure. I feel like she doesn't see how capable she is of doing things, she usually feels like a burden to others, but generally what makes me think that her self-esteem isn't "that bad" is the fact that she doesn't feel ashamed, she doesn't feel the weight of others judging her, she usually does what she wants So I'll let you judge how good or bad it is.
[13] What kind of sense of humor do they have, if any?
I think she has a good sense of humor
[14] What does it take to make them laugh, and what does their laugh sound like?
oh she laughs at very simple things really, it's very easy to catch her off guard, sometimes even a dad joke can make her laugh (not because I'm sure hearth is someone who would make dad jokes)
[15] How do they act around people they don't like?
It depends on the reason why she doesn't like this person, but it is rare for Serene to not like a person, except if this person is so direct that they becomes intentionally hurtful, these types of personalities make Serene uncomfortable, especially If they shout and cause discussion over nothing and just because they want to be right.
[16] Do they easily rely on others to help them out, or prefer doing everything themselves?
She was overprotected because she depended a little on the calls of other skykids, since she did not have a way to ask for help, they always kept her close. Nowadays she has the thought that she depends on others to survive and it really is not something that makes her feel comfortable, she really does not want to be a burden on others but she also does not believe in her own decisions.
[17] What is their biggest struggle that no one around them is able to understand or believe?
For now I can't think of anything
[18] Do they ever have to hide their identity and for what reason?
[19] If they could change one thing about their past, what would they change?
Depending on what point in her story you ask her, at the end of her story she would probably answer Nothing. at the beginning of the story, if she could only change things from HER past, she would probably respond "have protected my father more when he needed me."
[20] When they’re sad or upset, do they need company or some time alone?
She prefers to be alone, I mean having company is fine too, but I think she feels an obligation not to make others feel bad, so it is more difficult to process a bad feeling
[21] When they’re sick, would they want others to visit and take care of them, or they would rather prefer not to be seen at not their best?
Let them come visit her, 100%, they can see her in pajamas if they want, it doesn't matter
[22] Do they have nightmares, and if yes, when did they start and what are they usually about?
she does not have frequent nightmares but when she does they are about memories
[23] What was the worst, the darkest period of their life that they have been through?
Does it depend… on her past? or her entire story From the past, I can't mention anything really serious compared to Orion or Hearth himself, maybe when the flower in Hearth's eye grew she was present, but I don't know if it's something truly dark. In the entire story, she is the most affected character of all, she does not have such a hard past but she does have a difficult future.
[24] How hard it is for them to not allow their emotions to cloud their judgement?
I think she's a little impulsive, but compared to Orion, she's pretty controlled
[25] Do they have fears and phobias, and if they do, do they usually keep it to themselves or talk about it openly?
Everyone knows her fears and yes, everyone knows what she is afraid of. I'm sure she had a bad time in wasteland and not because of the krills
[26] Do they have any physical or mental ilness, how do they handle it and how open they are about it?
If you don't know, she is mute, she doesn't have Call either… although she is not deaf, I think a friend asked me so I feel like I should clarify it. I still have to learn more about the subject but I think that Serene doesn't speak very extensively when she communicates in sign language, most of the skykids don't know it or don't share the same sign language, I think that Serene writes more than she uses sign language. but it is not 100% canon because it makes it a very very slow communication, difficult to draw and write, so the way it is communicated really depends on who is drawing or writing her.
[27] Do they have any scars, how did they get them and how do they feel about them?
She is supposed to have one on her forehead from a stone that she got when she was very little that was thrown by someone towards hearth but it got to her, but I always forget to draw it, so I guess it is left out of her design
[28] What is something that they will never be able to forgive?
More than just one specific thing, I think it would be an accumulation of bad actions, although I suppose that doing bad things, to hurt others, intentionally, is something difficult for her to forgive. It is so generic only due to the fact that she is someone who understands the line of emotions of others, sometimes I think that she justifies lies and mistreatment of others towards her by finding emotional reasons that justify them 🤷‍♀️
[29] How do they deal with loss, stress and anger?
She believes all her life that she is ready for loss, oh my girl, you don't know. She tends to block herself with stress, she is not good at working or acting under pressure. Anger bottles up and goes to the corner, let no one touch it
[30] What are their most healthy and most unhealthy coping mechanisms?
ok this is too complex for me to answer now, but maybe you'll get an idea from the things I've answered
[31] How hard it is for them to own up to their mistakes and wrongdoings?
I think she carries them with guilt but she would never lie about being wrong, anything she can fix or apologize for she will do it with sincerity even if it causes her great guilt or shame.
[32] Is there something they've done in the past that they deeply regret till this day?
Just little things, but most of them have to do with not acting because she was too scared or too unsure of what to do.
[33] What are one of their fondest and most treasured memories?
Everything related to his father is a treasured memory for very obvious reasons, but I think that the time when he could still play the guitar are the best She was very young, but she remembers it very clearly.
[34] Do they have vices they don't want others to know about?
The buns that grandma cooks, ok no, no, she doesn't have any vices
[35] Do they like their own appearance, and what do they do, if anything, to alter it in any way?
She likes her looks, but she likes short hair, so when her hair is long, she will cut it later… her long hair won't last long
[36] Do they own items that have sentimental value?
The journal that belongs to Heart and the bracelet that Orion gave her
[37] How would they spend a lazy day when they have nothing specific to do?
Playing music or sleeping
[38] What do they usually do or where do they go when they need to feel comfortable and safe?
well in my mind the world of sky is very big so it takes a lot more than it takes you to travel in the game from one place to another, so the campfires on the realms, the campfire in hidden forest is her favorite
[39] What is their sleeping habits and favorite sleeping position, either alone and with someone?
It's a very funny question, any position that is comfortable is fine, she doesn't always have a decent place to sleep so her sleep doesn't have any specific habit, luckily she is a heavy sleeper so she doesn't have problems sleeping uncomfortable, but If she has trouble waking up when she sleeps in places that are too comfortable xD
[40] How picky they are with food, do they have specific dietary requirements based on their health or culture?
She's not picky at all, in fact I think she can eat questionable things without complaining too much (like Reah's food), food is food as long as it doesn't make you sick or kill you. It is also something related to her life with hearth Even so, if she can choose between good food and bad-tasting food, she will obviously always prefer the one that tastes better.
[41] What���s their usual morning routine?
ok this is a long one to answer, but I can point out that Serene doesn't comb her hair too much.
[42] What is their idea of a perfect friendly hangout and/or romantic date?
She adapts, but if there is food and laughter it is perfect for her She would never go on a romantic date C:
[43] Do they enjoy flirting or being flirted with?
Just joking, never serious
[44] On a party, where would you find them?
probably dancing or helping introverts (probably Orion) break the ice
[45] For an event, would they dress like they typically do, or go all out?
how she usually dresses, it's already a meme in my head that serene is overdressed for everything Will that dress get wet and dirty in the mud? Yes, totally
[46] Would they rather dress to look attractive or to feel comfortable, and what would they never wear?
To feel pretty but not attractive to others, in the sense of seeing her reflection and liking how she looks I think she wouldn't feel comfortable at first in clothes that show a lot of skin mostly because it's something she wouldn't wear, but… I think she would adapt.
[47] Do they drink alcohol, and if they do, how much and how often?
Only in social settings but not too much, she does not despise alcohol but she does not drink excessively either.
[48] Are they, or were they at some point in their life, a part of any subculture?
uhh no? i think?...
[49] Do they possess any unexpected skill or knowledge that surprises others, and otherwise, what is something anyone would assume they know or can do, but in fact they don’t?
I think most of it is survival stuff, she also knows a little about the language of the ancestors and can translate some things (in her universe they have a different language than the skykids) Because both she and her father are dedicated to filling that journal with information about the ancestors, many think that Serene is very good at drawing, but the drawings there are from Hearth, not hers… she is really bad at drawing.
[50] What are they really good and really bad at?
She is good at music and dancing, she is also good at organizing things. As I already said, she is bad at drawing and also at facing conflicts and resolving arguments.
[51] How good are they with money?
If we said that her universe had money, I think she would be quite conscious of how she spends things, sometimes doubting whether to spend things on herself or if she really deserves it. But when it comes to food she's really weak.
[52] Do they speak any other languages aside from their own?
Technically she can't speak it, but the language of the ancestors she suppose can translate it.
[53] Do they like to sing and how confident they are with their singing?
If she had a voice, she would sing all the time, she would be as confident in her voice as she is with her music and she is not the most talented.
[54] Do they like giving gifts, and how good are they at picking good gifts?
Yes, she gives gifts, I think if she knows you well enough she will always give you a good gift
[55] How long does it take for them to make a new place feel like home, and what do they need for it?
Any place that protects you from the weather and rain is a good temporary home But I guess for a more permanent home you have to at least have a decent place to sleep.
[56] How would they react to hearing a dirty joke?
She will cover her mouth as if you had said something indecent, but she will laugh afterwards. That kind of humor makes her laugh.
[57] What was the most stupid or dangerous thing they have ever done?
throughout history? I think too many things, some of them almost kill her
[58] In the situation where they had to choose, would they rather stay loyal to their morals or to people they love?
It depends on what morality we are breaking If her friend is trying to hurt another for no good reason, she will probably take the side of morality. If her friend is stealing something like medicine or food in order to save himself or someone else, she can ignore morality. It is the gray situations where there is no true "evil" where it is most difficult her to choose
[59] What would they want to be remembered for?
She would consciously respond to you as "someone honest" which is partly true. But I think that deep down in her heart she would like to be remembered as someone strong who can take care of herself and who can overcome the adversities of the world.
[60] If they were to commit a crime, what kind of crime would it most likely be?
steal the buns that grandma gave to another skykid xD
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
yuji is sukunas last finger
www . reddit . com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/153crf4/yuji_is_sukunas_last_finger/
I admit this is more a shot in the dark than an actual theory, but what we know so far can point towards this conclusion: Yuji came to be from Sukuna's last finger.
TL;DR: Kenjaku had all the 20 fingers and kept the last one to use it when creating Yuji. His abnormalities and Sukuna and Kenjaku's attitude towards him seem to hint this theory holds some ground.
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kenjaku talking about yuji
Gojo doesn't have the finger
The last finger is currently missing, Sukuna believes Gojo has it, but it's unlikely. Gojo wouldn't leave it around, he would keep it on himself. But if that were the case I don't think it would have been sealed with him, as the prison realm can host only one being, and a sliver of Sukuna's soul is likely to be considered another person. So the finger would've been found by Kenjaku the instant Gojo was sealed.
The finger is not lost somewhere
Most the fingers were either in possession of either Jujutsu High, Uraume or Jogo, while the few laying around were quickly found and retrieved. It's not impossible, but it's really unlikely that the last finger is simply lost somewhere, even from a storywriting perspective it doesn't make much sense.
Kenjaku had all the fingers at some point
We know for a fact (Angel stated it) that Kenjaku helped Sukuna split his soul in the 20 fingers originally, and from then Sukuna learnt to do it on his own. Many theorize that Kenjaku himself was the one who dropped the fingers around hoping Yuji would come in contact with one, and this theory is supported further by the locations of the fingers being places Yuji could have been been in: a Juvenile detention centre, a school, and so on.
To sum up, it's definetely not a stretch to assume Kenjaku was in possession of all the fingers for some time.
Kenjaku kept one finger and used it to create Yuji
Now we get to the juicy part of this theory: Kenjaku kept a finger and used it for his experiments.Since the finger is neither in the hands of one of the characters, nor simply laying around, where could it be? It was used by Kenjaku when creating Yuji, to make the perfect vessel for Sukuna.
We all know that Kenjaku meddled with Yuji while he/she was pregnant, and that Yuji's abnormal physical attributes are a direct result of that. I think that Sukuna's last finger was involved in the whole process, and although I don't know how or why Kenjaku did it, I believe there are many hints in the manga that support this theory, that Yuji was created from Sukuna's finger.
Firstly our mc is a perfect vessel for Sukuna, capable even of suppressing his soul, the same soul Mahito was astonished by. An impressive feat for anyone, not to be dismissed easily. Sukuna feared Megumi might be able to hold him too, but we don't know if he would have managed to.
Secondly, while talking to Choso, Kenjaku referred to Yuji as "it", or "that thing" depending on the translation, as if he was an object, while he never called Choso and his brothers that, it's a term he used specifically for only one of his creations.On top of that, Sukuna himself admitted that Yuji "is from that era" during their latest fight. Sukuna doesn't know Yuji was made from the last finger, and at that point he hadn't met Kenjaku yet after reincarnating, but he knew Kenjaku was involved in Yuji's creation and knew Yuji is from another era. Kenjaku probably kept and keeps him in the dark about his last finger, as Sukuna wouldn't really be happy about it.
Additionally, as we know Sukuna's fingers are indestructible and Yuji is incredibly resilient. If Yuji was made from a finger, its toughness could have passed and diluted into him.
Lastly, Sukuna and Yuji look somewhat similar, to the point that the king of curses looked way more natural in Yuji's body rather than in Megumi's.
a video by quirkless shinobi who had the same idea as op:
youtube comments
There is also a nice thing to speculate upon, which is the Star Vessel. Assuming Sukuna could undergo a similar process, it could be that Yuji was made to be his vessel with a finger. Which would explains why Sukuna hates him so much, as Yuji would quite literally be him but younger, naïve and still good hearted. Back in the Hidden Treasure arc it is said that if Tengen doesn't merge he could lose his identity and maybe even turn against humans. It could be that Sukuna is exactly that, a failed merger. It's also interesting to point out that Tengen, Sukuna and Kenjaku all three cheated death and all three need vessels to do so, with the difference between them being only the specifics. Sukuna's method however is much more... Passive. Tengen and Kenjaku managed to keep hoping vessels no problem, but Sukuna was left waiting for a proper vessel to show up and finding good vessels is hard. Almost as if it an incomplete technique. And if that is the case, it would also be interesting thinking what happens when they do properly merge. Not as two souls in the same body, but if they truly fuse, how would they affect each other. Of course, this is a lot of speculation.Show lessI think that Yuji could be the manifestation of Sakuna's "soul". This ties into the conversation about what comes first from Mahito. Saluna could've been a human who discarded his soul, in a way, and essentially became a cursed spirit.I'd like to add to remember that Yuji means translated to English as much as Second son. It's a name mostly given to the second son of a family
At 2:11 I take it back because in the opening of chapter 213 we DO see Sukuna in his innate domain after he took over Megumi and he looks exactly the same as he did in Yuji. His dialogue also talks about being in "that brat's body" and taking over Megumi's in the past tense. I think the Sukuna we see in Yuji is just Sukuna and the theory I'm leaning towards the most currently is Yuji being Sukuna's finger.
I'm just going to put this here instead of answering everyone who brings it up, yes I am aware of Gege's comments on Sukuna looking like Yuji because he is inside of him. However like all author comments surrounding major plot events they should be taken with a grain of salt. Authors lie about major plot reveals to hide the truth from their readers in ancillary interviews to hide the truth in nearly all mediums of storytelling. Just ask yourself what you would do if confronted with a question that the actual answer spoils a major event in your story. In this case we see Sukuna after he takes over megumi so until we see evidence in the STORY to the contrary I wouldn't write anything off. Regardless, they look similar even if we completely ignore the innate domain which is a relatively minor detail.
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The cursed wombs like choso were made by a curse spirit a human woman and kamos blood being mixed in yuji would be made with.sukuna a and a human man and woman
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lifmera · 4 months
HIHIHI, I was wondering if you could match me up with a Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, and a Sally face character? IF THAT'S TOO MANY YOU CAN JUST DO ONE OR THE OTHER
OOKAY so, basic info, yappa yappa, I'm not good at thiisiss
My name is Sophie, I am Hispanic though I know NOTHING about Spanish UHUSHSU🤺🤺 I and gender fluid (They/She/He), I'm a January Aquarius (if that matters), and a INTP/INFP
Personality wise : I guess I'm an ambivert? MOST OF THE TIIMMMEE I'll mirror one's personality, but in general, it depends how close I am with said person 💪😼 Once you get to REALLY know me, I have little to no filter (in the right situations), I can be really sarcastic, really sexual (in a joking manner/as long as the other party is okay with it), affectionately insult, and I curse like a witch being trialed. I get irritated easily though, but I (try) to keep that to myself, being a people pleaser. Oh, I tell a joke? It's a dad joke. My love languages are gift giving, and depending on the person, a bit of physical touch (Side hugs, hand holding, ECT.)
FOR MY STYLEE... I REALLY think it's a huge mix of dark clothes: Goth, Adam Sandler, skateboard, Grunge, ECT., though I'm REALLY open minded!
I saw some people talk about their physical appearance.. SO LETS DO IITT : Brown, wavey hair that goes all the way to my lower back (I WANNA CUT IT AHHH), bangs that I absolutely DO NOT know how to style, somewhere between tan-white skin, roundish-almond, brown eyes, upper lip beauty mark, rectangular body shape with MEAT IN THE THIGHS RAHH 🥓🍖 My nose is straighter than I am, y'all
I LOOVVE Wine, literally heaven on earth. I also love drawing, animating, singing, writing, doing random voice overs, doing voice impressions, music (Mostly metal, rock, Goth, alt/indie, electronic), anything horror, insects, space, reptiles, basically any animal, anatomy, origami, and some other stuff I forgot about.
Some extra stuff about mee, I am usually very closed off and try to be polite until I have a deep friendship with a person, I am THE total fucking opposite. I love the internet, it literally raised me, therefore, I will cherish it (most of the time at least). I am literally a perfectionist, like AHHHH. I am very naive, like help me, I've caused so many problems with my naiveness 😭😭🤺
I LOVE daydreaming, why be in the real world when you can star off into space and pretend you're in another? Despite being the youngest in my family, I am surprisingly the one who acts like an older sister. I LOVE BABIES!!! Like, my step-aunt had a baby ALSO named Sofie, and I got to hold her AHSHAHHZH. I can be a bit hypersexual (FUCK YOU TRAUMA), But I know how to control it because I'm just like that 💪😼👹
I'm SOO sorry if this is too lengthy
I hope you're having a wonderful day/night! Thank you in advance if you DO match me with a character
HI LOVE!!!!! OFC!!2!1!1!
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Although you don’t realize it at first, it’s really easy to get along with husk. Even if you aren’t drinking!!
I think your personality drew this kitty in!! Although he doesn’t mind the sexual jokes, he would prefer to keep them to a minimum. He loved when you are sarcastic with him- or make jokes. Thats his humor as well, and loves to indulge in someone who has similar humor!!
Although you get irritated quickly- he can tell immediately. HE KNOWS EVERYTHING. He will being you somewhere quiet/alone and away from people and talk to you about it.
He would try to help you NOT be a people pleaser, def the guy to stick up for you and tell that person to do it themselves.
Although his love language seems to be quality time- he doesn’t mind any!! He’ll feel bad to take gifts from you tho :(
He’d enjoy watching your outfits!! One day he’ll ask you to be goth- another adam!! He thinks anything you wear is cute on you.
If you love wine, he’ll MAKE sure he always has it in stock for you- let alone let anyone else order it. Probably hides it too.
He’d love to hear about your interests, or new animations, or even hearing you sing!!
Even if you’re naive!! He will be your bodyguard. Literally might be so annoying but he’s up your ass.
Even if you think you have imperfections- to him you don’t. And he will make sure you know that!!
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Come on. I think you and Larry would bond over your culture!! He also does NOT know any Spanish. LOSER ALERT. (Hc: he probably only understands it but fucks up pronunciation)
Your personality suits him sm. Cursing like a sailor? Him too. If you mirror his personality? Loves you. If you get close to him? Love you more. If you are sexual? He’ll play back don’t worry!!
Style, style, style. HE LOVES IT SO MUCH OH MY GOD. Everyday he looks forward to what you’re gonna wear, and probably goes all googly eyes. Cause he’s a loser like that!!!
He’ll definitely be a gift giver too, he’ll share his drugs (if you are into that. If not thats cool too!!) He’ll paint you all the time!!
Would drink with you 24/7. He probably wouldn’t drink wine though. He’d say it’s too “elegant”.
He loves your hair sm. You both have similar hair AHHH!!! he probably braided ur hair and his together once, or it got stuck head banging!!
Begs you to sing sanity falls while he paints. He absolutely LIVES to hear you sing.
Indulges in anything you like- will try it out ONCE. If he likes it, he’ll join you for more! Or just to spend time with you :)
Would probably love the internet too if he was raised off it.
Also sooooo naive. Two peas in a pod.
He would daydream with you. (As in he gets high and pretends he’s in lala land.)
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Literally definition of “have to be close to get each others personalities”
Understands that it’ll take time for you to show your true personality- but him too.
He will also make sarcastic remarks to you, and engage in playful banter!!! If you make a sexual joke- don’t think he wont flirt with you. He will.
More of a physical touch guy!! He wants to make sure you aren’t leaving him. He’s scared to keep losing people.
Not a wine drinker- but probably an alcoholic under the covers. Or maybe he drinks a shit ton when he’s stressed and regrets it.
LOVES your thighs. Would eat them!
At first he thought you were insane, but slowly started to love your style- and he now sometimes dresses in it. Even while sneaking to the human realm!
Definitely not an art driven guy. He’s bland but he gotta work! And on that note, has BEGGED you to join !!! And if you did- he’d get your art and use that to lure victims. Play guitar? Slash them behind a tree. Sing? They die backstage. Photography/Drawings/Animations? Once they leave into an alley they are done for!!
Will probably want to start a family with you- or hope you can at least get through to loona. He cherishes her soooo much!!
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Mars trine/sextile moon
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What I like about synastry is that all ‘aspects’ make for such different experiences depending on the role of which heavenly body you’re filling, but each aspect makes such sense and is so recognisable in the way of ‘oh so that’s what I’m feeling’, ‘that’s the way other couples vibe differently than the other’ or ‘that’s why I think her valid emotions are irrational, but am on the exact emotional wavelength as hers’. It makes me think that in other universes, relationships must be so different, and funnily enough in a way that would also make sense.
I love the herb that mars aspecting moon adds to a romantic relationship. I’ll try to formulate it as well as I can: Mars is basically energy, passion, confrontation, drive. It’s something people can find brash, but also like to compete with and people find quite sexy. Mars is a ‘do-er’ and doesn’t trigger thinking in a person unless that person is confronted with his martian nature in relation to something that is so plainly deep and worthwhile, like the ideas of a mercury person or the softness of the moon. The moon is a forceful heavenly body that centers around peace, safety and sensitivity for intuition. Whatever bond they have with planets, especially other powerful ones, is a strong one because the way moon is easily impressed by all compassing force due to her sensitive nature as well, planets are easily affected by moon because she intuitively touches the places where they are most sensitive and tries first and foremost to make them feel safe. Her relationship with mars is a funny one because mars 1. A force that couldn’t care less about how others are feeling, it’s all about their desire 2. Is a force that doesn’t need safety or a connection to express themselves or come forward, what they need is a trigger. Whatever an aspect may be, a line is a line and because mars’ power has no nuance, every energy that’s felt through an aspect is channelled and filtered in the same way. It just depends on the amount of energy that flows through a synastry aspect and in what way. If martian energy becomes rough and bolt-y, it will create conflict if the mars person isn’t someone with a ‘healthy’ natal mars to begin with. So in a way, mars aspecting moon can be dangerous, but otherwise there’s always a person behind the planet that is forced to develop and take a look at themselves and why they feel the way they do.
I’m going to talk about mars aspecting the moon more often but for now I’m staying with the trine and sextile: the peaceful, harmonious and dare I say friendly one:
In the case of mars trine moon, that ‘confrontation’ that mars has with moon drives through in the form of a comfortable carriage with a thick blanket in a Swiss village, instead of an army range rover through a wet night like the harsher aspects give. So in this case, mars is emotionally aroused by the moon person. Have you ever had or were you a SO in which you adored their emotional softness in a way that made you want to have them? Was this a theme? Chances are this aspect was here. Luckily in the flowing aspect, mars decides to be nice to her. The moon person gets butterflies from mars, especially when he is being affectionate to her because to them, they’re such a wild thing that could have gone everywhere and settled with her. They’re like a teenager in how they swoon and get butterflies from mars’ affections and chances are that every single contemporary YA romance you’ve read is based around this aspect, without the writers of course realising it.
The mars sextile moon basically plays out the same as the trine, except the trine is way more physical in their expression. In the sextile, the aspect flowing energy manifests itself in conversation and actions, whatever they may be. It adds colour to the overall dynamic and it’s a very good aspect to have. Just make sure that you realise that although there is a nice air of passion added to the relationship, we are still talking about a mars and a moon here, aka roles. This should not be a conflict, because the mars sextile moon famously almost ensures harmony between these two forces.
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KH OC Week Day 2
Little late in the day, but better late than never? Anyway, on to Day 2! Day 2: New World ◾What would it be like if your OC visited a world they'd never seen before? As I did for Day 1, today I'll have short bit about both Velcia (KHx-Era) and her eventual descendant, Velcia ("Modern" KH Era).
KHx-Era Velcia:
For the KHx-Era Velcia, the experience of truly visiting a new world is rather more muddied. Daybreak Town is not her true homeworld, and although she does not remember much aside from fleeting memories of her true home she is never able to to really shake the fact that she isn’t quite in the right place. Further complicating her perspective is the fact that, as a Wielder of Daybreak Town, she has visited many of The Master of Master’s Projected Worlds created by the Book of Prophecies. While she still finds each new world to be incredible in its own right, it isn’t until she finally ends up in the true world of Olympus that she learns how much more satisfying the real thing can be. And so, in the end, her reaction to visiting an entirely new world really changes depending on where she is in her life. Prior to the Keyblade War, any new world would be met with the same drive and determination to learn and document everything she can. She is driven to see things, draw them, to learn more or less how it is and how it works, before bustling off to take one more little nibble off the plate of infinity that is the unknown.
After the Keyblade War, after the horrors and dust have settled and she’s begun to adjust to life in her new world, however, little Velcia’s frenetic nature would come to focus into something more personal and passionate. Though she’s unlikely to ever become a people-person, her relationships with the people she sees and the world around her would grow to have a much slower pace and a deeper appreciation. If she were to visit a new world at this point, her countless stacks of pages covering a large range of topics would be replaced with more neat and organized subjects of considerably greater depth, and her focus would be to learn and find the heart of what makes each place uniquely special.
KHII-Era Velcia:
The first new world Velcia gets to visit and really truly explore is Eos. Coming from Olympus, a world with nearly no technology, she finds herself constantly impressed and amazed by the marvelous machines and society that they have built. Despite this, she finds herself more engrossed in learning as much as she can about the properties of magic on this world and devotes much of her time to learning the fundamental construction of several Lucian Spells - even on other worlds, her thirst for knowledge and love of learning are hard to set aside. The first several New Worlds she visits are during her travels with Hinata. Velcia grew up hearing quite a bit about the “World Order” (Or at least, an approximation thereof), but her understanding of this is put into a bit of a conflict by the requirements of their mission. Velcia does her best to respect each world, though ultimately tries to defer to the decisions made by DiZ or Hinata in most cases.
Having very highly attuned magic senses, Velcia comes to find that the way she remembers each world best is by the unique sorts of magic each world is imbued with - much like some may remember a location, food, or event by the smell, sounds, or flavors. The base magical elements of each world are similar, but the way these elements are used by the locals is seldom the same from one world to the next; and learning about these is generally her favorite part.
Being a potion-maker by trade, she also finds herself very interested in each world’s local plant life and other sorts of materials that are naturally saturated with magic properties, or those that can be imbued easily with it. It takes some time for the notion to come to her, but she does eventually start trying to collect especially interesting or unique plants or seeds from worlds when she finds she has the time or opportunity. Someone, someday, is going to need to have a discussion with Velcia to teach what an ‘invasive species’ is. Also, I have this picture from a few years back of this Velcia wearing the outfit she got when she traveled to Eos for the first time. This picture was commissioned for me as a present, and was created by an artist called Benvey.
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That's it for me for Day 2! Thanks again for stopping by, and thanks to everyone else participating in KH OC Week - it's been so fun to see everyone's stuff and be a part of it after all this time. :D
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Tales of Symphonia Stray Thoughts #7: Pre-Tower of Salvation
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Right, so, after leaving the Tower of Mana... -ever notice how the party just ends up at Lake Umacy somehow
-actually how did all those trees/logs fall into the lake anyway
-"Wow! So there are still unicorns left on this side!"
...are they a frequent sight in Tethe'alla or something?
-The "Lloyd's Bad Habit" skit highlights one of those weird mean-spirited quirks I've discussed before; in this case, Lloyd getting bored with everything. I could buy an argument that it's meant to emphasize Lloyd's unpreparedness for the rigors of a world-saving journey (the post-Water Seal skit between Lloyd/Kratos -- wherein the latter reminds Lloyd of the task he willingly signed up for -- makes a great advocate here), but the "comedy" never lands and it just comes across as overly cynical. (Especially in silent dialogue, where stiff language abounds) Thankfully, it only really plagues the first act, but Symphonia (or Tales, really) has a weird knack for character traits that're there just to check boxes and this one's easily my least favorite.
-you think sheena snuggles with corrine every night. imagine
-What's up with how the Undine cutscenes bookend with non-voiced dialogue? This game's priorities, man.
-"Mithos is a common boy's name. It's not necessarily Mithos the Hero."
Undine and Kratos: 😬
-Man, Fighting of the Spirit is such a badass boss theme, huh? It originally hails from Tales of Phantasia, right? I'd like to know the context behind that...
-Undine, being attacked : EH UH UH UH EH UH UH UH UH UH EH UH UH UH
man I am sure am glad there's no one in the room right now
-"Right now, at this very moment, there are people who are suffering. I vow to save those people."
Undine: lol bitch I saw what you did with the Giant Kharlan Tree. Pact annulsted
-Raine: Kratos, you have an impressive display of knowledge.
Kratos: I had an acquaintance who knew a bit about Summon Spirits, that's all.
Raine: 🤔
-Sheena: ...although...I hated being a summoner.
Lloyd: Really?
*skit ends*
-Only "pure maidens" can approach the unicorn -- combined with Raine's "because I'm an adult" reasoning, some have taken this to mean she's not a virgin. Personally, I always thought that was just an excuse not to get near the water, but it's an interesting theory.
-...so the Unicorn Horn can just up and restore Colette back to normal? Geez, girl, think of yourself for once!
-Kratos called the Mana Cannon "Thor's Hammer" -- had history distorted the name? Actually, now I wonder how often it used back then. Must've been brutal.
-They're very few and far between, but I LOVE these moments where the party takes a moment to decompress and takes the opportunity to bounce off Lloyd as they face whatever comes next. The apprehension involved reveals them at their most intimate and the party really comes together in these scenes.
-"Tethe'alla's chosen. I can't stand that guy."
13-year old me wondered if we'd ever meet him. Little did I know...
-"I want to kick her for doing this."
Sacrilege! -"Clinging to the Chosen?"
You know he's right, Lloyd. Even Kratos can see the Colloyd. Embrace it.
-"But hey, if I make a mistake, I can just do it over again, right?"
Oof. -The Colloyd scene!!! 🥹🥹🥹
The debut of "No matter what happens to you, you're still you"! Her little smile at Lloyd's gentle "*I won't ever think you're weird. Ever"! The implied tragedy of "I'll wait forever"! The gradual despair of "Oh, that's right, you can't feel it..."! Pure, undiluted Colloyd!! The trust and concern they share remains unparalleled!! It's just the sweetest thing AAAAHHH!!!!
Lloyd's ultimately still in the dark over the true nature of the World Regeneration, but as the gears have begun to churn since Colette's confession, the seeds of his ideology have well begun to sprout by this point. "Damn, isn't there anything we can do?!", he asks -- knowing that Sylvarant's well-being shouldn't depend on one girl sacrificing her humanity. An age-old question -- should prosperity come at the cost of sacrificing the few? Lloyd, in all his infectious idealism, shatters that false ideal and makes the impossible possible. But you knew that.
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There's a whole essay in how Colette romanticizes her ultimate fate --like how she's lying to herself as much as she's lying to others. Maybe there's some family history at play -- could Phaidra have done the same with her sister? Dark stuff, that ol' religious trauma.
(...actually, speaking of "even if you become like Marble, can you imagine the visual of Colette turning into an Exbeula and Lloyd just treating her like normal? Imagine -- her rage tempers at the sight of recognizing Lloyd and she just lives life as is. Be it a tragic beauty or absurdist/wholesome hiijinks, there's a whole fic there!)
-Dose sleeping poses in the inn. Oh my god -- I never stopped to notice. Look at how Lloyd's just sprawed out on that mat! Raine and Genis are sleeping on the floor! What kinda hotel service is this?!? They should've complained.
-One of the rare scenes where Noishe is voiced!
-"I imagine it's that assassin."
...okay, Kratos, we gleaned that, but who? Translation flub, or...?
-Yuan's ring is relevant! ...for like one line of dialogue. Mmkay. Much to say about that sidequest later. The first act ends soon!!! Finally, it's here where Symphonia really comes into its own.
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astroyongie · 2 years
Blackpink red flags 🚩
Blackpink Red Flags
Note: Remember this is simply chart based
Jisoo can be emotionally distant
Cold like
Sometimes you might be talking to her and she shows that she doesn't care
Her atitudes will depend on the persons she is with
But she doesn't like people to point out her flws
can be snobby about it
Very jealous love related
she can develop obsessive thoughts over the love ones
Too emotionally connected as well
But the most red flag is usually only on the way she can present herself
Although she is someone very analytical and clean on herself
She sometimes can have the tendency to do too much
Like 'im rich you not' type of style
Sometimes her words can be harsh
Her discussions might lack comprehension
empathy even
Jennie is someone that dreams too big
No one will ever satisfy her when it comes to love
Her standards are way too high
Due to that, she can seem untouchable
And she does act like it
If you aren't what she expects you to
She can easily dispose of you
She extremely sensitive as well
Revenge type of sensitive
She never forgets
and she never forgives
Love is a joke to her
In a way she isn't always faithful to her relationships
She seeks freedom so she isn't the person you should trust your heart with
And she won't understand the other for wanting more than what she gives
or thinks is sufficient
Rosé is someone co-dependent on her friends
her family
She uses people to get to her own ways
And that's the way she gets going
She flirts a little too much, again it's only a red flag if you are in a relationship with her
Anger issues too
She can be extremely impulsive
If she doesn't care she will say it
Doesn't weight her words before saying them
A little like Jisoo, the way she acts might give the wrong impressions
Lisa is judgmental and she shows it usually
If something she doesn't like happen, she is sure to show it through facial expressions
She's also very emotionally unstable like Jennie
She never forgives what people did to her
Doesn't trust easily either
When she is angry, her words are usually very harsh
Very selfish as well
But that's how she is
Even in love, everything is a competition
It's all about passion but not about love
She can be a problem for long term relationships
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cerberus253 · 1 month
okay, what if it was for the eight demon sorcerers meet other cultures and discover that humans can actually have a varienty of skin color, and also the cases of people with albinism or vitilige! And honestly, i feel like some of them could be surprised or curious, especially with the fact that also heterochromia exists too! And it would be cool they discovering how some of the countries are noawadays! Such as brazil, america, mexico, china, russia, and also england! It could be pretty cool, especially at they reaction to afro people aswell!^^
Well, according to mine and another Questioner's research, the Eight Demon Sorcerers must have existed at least before 220 BC (last Dynasty of Ancient China). With that being said, even during the first recorded Dynasty of China (the "Semi-Legendary" Xia Dynasty) at around 2070 BC, humans were all over the world. Not as plentiful like today, but still present on almost every continent.
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("Overview map of the world at the end of the 2nd millennium BC," Wikipedia)
Now, according to the cartoon, these were the locations of their kingdoms: - Tso Lan- The Moon - Shendu- China - Po Kong- Japan - Bai Tza- Southeastern coast of Europe (Atlantis, the Mediterranean Sea) - Dai Gui- Western coast of Europe (Spain?) - Tchang Zu- Western coast of the USA - Hsi Wu- Eastern coast of the USA - Xiao Fung- Latin America
This means they had the closest interactions with people in America (USA and Mexico area), southern Europe, and Far East Asia when they were on the Earth. However, we don't know how long their ruling was, so we cannot say if they took part in the Silk Road or even made contact with those who have migrated to South America (from the Bering Strait or form the Pacific) or even Australia. I have been looking into Lo Pei's apparel for a couple hours now and I cannot find anything matching his "Ling Dynasty" outfit, which is, in fact, not an actual Dynasty. Therefore, the Demon banishment date is still a mystery.
Anyway, seeing as how they are extremely racist and believe humans are here to serve them, I think they would be curious on their variety of skin color, but not in the way you probably want. For example, they probably noticed people with darker colored skin can work under the Sun more than those with lighter skin, therefore, depending on the Demons and their domain, they would probably prefer one skin tone over the other for labor. Although, as seen with Hsi Wu and Shendu, some Demons may keep humans for entertainment purposes that do not require practicality, meaning they may go with what looks the best for the job. Every human is a slave to them, no matter what they look like.
If you want my honest thoughts about the Demons' thoughts on albinism and vitiligo, it's not going to be nice. Don't get me wrong, I personally do not think there's anything wrong with either skin, but to the Demons it would most likely be laughed at. Being so drained of color even the light hurts you? That's pathetic. Being patchy like a filthy farm animal? That's funny.
Don't even get me started on Po Kong and her eating habits. She probably wants to taste every single human of all cultures/ethnicity and skin colors to see if they taste different, which tastes the best, and what they go good with. She could easily wipe out an entire group of people if not careful.
Anyway, how they would react to the modern day. Well, we already saw some of it during Season 2 when they were released one by one. They seem pretty chill about it, nothing too over-reactive like, "Wow! Humans did this?! That's unbelievable!" If anything, they would say, "Huh, impressive. Anyway, this is mine now and I want 20 more." This comes off to me as the Demons know humans are great at making and building things, even believing they can make extravagant buildings on their own, but they don't care. Demons just want them to use this power for their own wants. Heck, they probably expect humans to always make great things, so the stuff that we have today probably won't phase them that much, just, "Hey, why didn't you make this for us way back when?!"
If anything, the Demons might be so impressed/inspired by what humans have made that they want their entire kingdom to look like it and then claim it as their own idea. Like, 'yeah, humans have made these widely unique structures/details, but it was I who designed this kingdom! What they did was a waste of ability!'
Remember, EVERYTHING human-wise goes back to the Demons and how they are better and humans are just things to control and make serve. Humans are only tools/pets for the masters to use and none should not put a single human over demon-kind. They are, like I said, straight up racist towards humans, and a lot of people forget that crucial detail when making fan stuff about them.
I think the only Demon out of the Eight that could possibly make a genuine, "Great job!" comment to a human would be Xiao Fung. He seems to be the most down-to-earth one and is actually seen to get along with humans. However, like I said, I'm pretty sure he still views himself higher than them, but I think Xiao Fung is more low-key "appreciative" if you do the right thing for him.
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eclipsebyler · 2 years
You ever think about how both El and Mike in S4 (or maybe throughout all seasons) are both dealing with self-insecurities? Their issues are incomparable of course, but there are a few similarities.
Both of them are scared and are struggling to be themselves.
With El, she was worried that she was a monster. With or without her powers, she felt that way. She especially had a difficult time when she lost it because at least she could save people and be a superhero to everyone when she did. She felt like she had to do something, to prove something, just so she could be worthy. She depended her self worth on what the important figures of her life think of her. She was insecure and hesitant with herself, it's clear in the way she's influenced by other people and how she lied about her real situation in Lenora. She is struggling.
With Mike, he was worried that he was just this "random nerd" who didn't have any good traits to be proud of. He was scared that El (or anyone) might not need him at all. He's scared of losing people time and time again, and him not being able to do anything to protect and save them. He always tried hard to be a different person than who he truly was, tried hard to impress someone, and depended his self worth on the opinion of important figures of his life. He's also struggling.
Both of their arcs have been intertwined since the beginning, and we could see these two characters trying to find that validation with each other the most— in their relationship. And time and time again, we'd see them not get that— and it was mostly evident in S4.
El thought Mike saw her as a monster that needs to be feared. Mike thought El saw him as just a random nerd who isn't needed. They make each other insecure about themselves. They didn't get the reassurance that they need with each other: they're loved just the way they are.
They're similar in those little ways and yet there's also a clear difference— while El was trying to find her self identity, Mike was trying to repress his.
And their individual arcs seem to be resolved by different people, or rather, a different person.
For El— we've seen her grow throughout the seasons with the help of many people. The party (yes, that still includes Mike. Pre-relationship, they had great dynamics aka platonic Elmike). Hopper. Kali and the group. Her mother and aunt. The Byers. And her memories getting back in the lab had helped her stand up for herself and realize her worth. But in the end, one person had really helped her see that it's okay for her to be just the way she is: Max.
"Not Hopper, not Mike. You." This specific line from Max had made such an impact on El and this was focused on by the end of Vol 2. Max had befriended her without conditions, and hung out with her and respected her choices. I think that's what El appreciated with Max the most: she gave her freedom and choice because that's the normal thing to do. Max made her feel normal. She's the first person that didn't try to tell her what to do, nor to hide her and be overprotective of her. She can do anything she wants, she can be anyone she wants to be: and Max supports her. In a few days, El has learned so many things about herself and she finds that she loves it and it's all thanks to Max's help.
And like El, Mike also has a few people who have helped him be comfortable in his own skin but one person essentially sticks out and helps resolve his arc in S4: Will. "Without you, the heart, we'd all fall apart." In one painting, in one speech, Will had easily eased Mike's worries about his insecurities. And although Will was veiling his confession with El's name, it doesn't change the fact it's his words. It's his feelings. And what I love most about his speech is that he doesn't only focus on El (himself), he also tells Mike that the party needs him as a whole: essentially saying everyone loves him for just the way he is. He didn't need to prove anything to anyone. He's always loved and needed without conditions. Will always intended to give the painting to Mike as a gift, to make him feel loved and appreciated— not as a confession for his love. Will's love for him is so selfless, beautiful, and pure.
El and Mike's arcs have been intertwined with each other, have been dealing with a few similar insecurities, and yet — it's not with each other that they find their needed reassurance. They don't grow as better people in their relationship. No, instead, they learn that with other people.
For El, it's with Max. And for Mike, it's with Will. And I think that already says a lot with which relationships S5 would focus on and which relationships would make more sense for the story's conclusion.
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writinandcrying · 2 years
Sexuality / gender preference (if you aren’t comfortable with labels)
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This can be any version of the TMNT preferably bayverse or 2007? I don’t mind do your thing fr fr LMAO
straight / I enjoy men / she/her
5’1/gym rat so I’m a lil muscular/usually curly hair but I have braids in right now/glasses/ lots of piercings & a few tattoos :) but we follow each other on ig so idk why I just gave you my physical description LMAO
INTJ :)/im pretty funny if I do say so myself/very independent/sarcastic/I have a weak social battery but depends on which group im with/impulsive
My love language has to be touching or cooking- No in between :,)
Y’all know I love me the 2007 TMNT movie as bad as it is/im going to college to be an English prof :)/my dream job would have to be one of the nicest schools where the area I live in is suburban & I get a fun lil house to myself that I can host parties in >:)
I really love horror games/art/working out/cooking
I think one of my toxic behaviors is that I fall out of love as quick as I go into it, so if someone does something I don’t like it’s sort of a deal breaker for me
Pet peeves: guys that chew with their mouth open/guys that yell to get their point across/uneducated men/Pisces men/guys that aren’t into or against spiritual things like saging rooms or crystals or incense :,)
Deal breakers: if he’s rude to other women or doesn’t respect his parents/doesn’t have an education/is very anti-weed to the point that they’ll break up with someone over it (like bro it’s never that serious)/if he doesn’t take care of himself physically and mentally
How do I usually act: I don’t ever ask for anything, im very independent so I never ask a guy to buy something for me or pay for something :)
HIEEE omg im so excited for this one hehehe
i really need to thought this one through but like..... Jas i need to be 100% serious..... you are 100% perfect for rottmnt leo fr like idk i think you both would have such a nice time together lmao
i match you with..
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Surprise!!!! no but seriously- honestly this could go either Bayverse or 2007, i know rottmnt is extremely different from these two, but like... i can recognize all those personalities being different and still making it work with you! ur a leo girl what can i say lmao
I usually don't focus or comment much or physical appearance, i only ask bc its easier for me to visualize the match up, but since i do know how you look like, how your voice sounds, i can 100% confirm he would be down BAD by first glance (mikey would too, but like its mikey he gets crushes left and right) specially with bayverse, Leo is a an adrenaline junkie, he's too introspective borderline shy to actually voice it, but like..... tattoos, piercings, everything that society would deem as a "rebel" look(? do i make sense i hope so) Leo would be into it. He can deny as much as he wants, but he's into badass looking people idc yall can fight me on this one (this also applies to rottmnt, although i kinda see Rottmnt Leo being a bit... like almost every version of Mikey, he gets crushes easily on a wild range of people, but he most def LOVES when someone knows how to use slangs and has a funky lingo going on, and you DEF have that, he would 100% fall for you ever harder after exchanging a few words with you)
Every Leo version deserves a funny s/o. Bayverse and 2007? they NEED to laugh, a light hearted relationship is perfect for him and i def see that going on with you two (: he loves how you can effortlessly can deliver a punch line when he least expects it, my personal head-canon is that all Leos like to joke around, due being introverted, the oldest sibling and the leader, Leo closes himself a lot around his brothers, the only one chill enough to truly explore that side is Rottmnt Neon Leon, so if he ever decides to test the "imma make you laugh" waters with you, thats a sign he not only trusts you, but wants to impress and deepen your relationship with him
Thank GOD you can cook cuz this man cant LMAO
Leo's Love language is def Quality time, he will need some time to adjust into physical touch as your way of showing appreciation, but soon enough he looks forward to it! loves to mindlessly caress your hand, back, tights when you are hanging out, gives killer massages! likes to hear about your day as you both lie down on his futon and your head is in his lap or your you are both lying down and your legs are above is tights, soon enough he will discover he's actually really into gentle touches, give him time to ge used to it tho cuz he never really considered even having a s/o, so, baby steps regarding physical affection is the way to go!
He's so interested in your major, i shit you not he asks to see your assignments and homework. Leo loves to read, and if college was a possibility for the turtles, i can see him either doing something related to Linguistics, maybe Anthropology (def more focused on Japanese culture) he def likes to dive in those topics and he geeks the f OUT with you regarding your college major
The bumps on the road; 1-he cannot deal with someone impulsive. We all know his relationship with Raph, and we ALL know he can be controlling on his worst days, you both would have to compromise during missions or even daily tasks, he wants to be part of the planing, he wants to know whats going on, but at the same time he cant micromanage you like shit that sucks a LOT. 2- he needs someone steady. he fall in love extremely slow, so for his to work out, he would either have to speed the process up or you to pump the breaks with falling out of love rapidly 3- ..... give him time to be more pro-weed please LMAOOO (although i know this points can be """solved"""with loooads of talking, and thats something nice about your relationship, at certain stage, both of you are completely honest and open about your issues, and both can be understanding of each others limitations and personal growth that shall occur on future)
"if he’s rude to other women or doesn’t respect his parents" Leo gotcha, and honestly? he feels the same, if you cant show respect to the elderly (aka master splinter) wtf you doing?
"guys that aren’t into or against spiritual things like saging rooms or crystals or incense" Leo def knows anything related to Japanese culture and i think he (and mikey.. and Donnie) would be the most open-minded towards new healing / spiritual activites and techniques? although there are different reasons to each one of them; Donnie is bc he's curious about well- everything, Mikey is bc he always wants to try new things and lowkey finds it cool, And with Leo, he wants to be part of your life just like he wants you to be part of his, so please be open towards learning Japanese costumes and he shall participate in your costumes as well.
Loves that you are independent, he likes being there for you don't get me wrong, but.. he's a busy turtle, if you cant handle yourself once in a while, that might be a deal breaker for him. Chivalry is kinda big for him tho, so let him treat you when he can, he likes to woo you sometimes so just let him lol
Ok so i know Raph is like, the gym king or whatever but if you ever briefly mention you would like to use it the one the boys have around the lair, he will "randomly"show up there, Raph will def tease him if he tries to help you out on a machine that you and Raph combined know way more than he ever could lmao. He does asks you if you would like to join him into his training sections at the dojo, he's way more comfortable in there and he swears is not as stinky as their gym after Raph uses it, really looks forward to the day you accept his invitation into teaching you some self defense moves here and there
Ok you didnt mention this like...he loves how you always reply REALLY FAST!! like at first he's taken back cuz? usually april or casey take a few good minutes even hours to respond, humans have their things to do on topside and he gets it you know? he's also relatively busy most days, so when he almost automatically gets a reply from you, Leo def got surprised on the first chats he had with you, he begins to love it how fast you can come back to him with texting, he doesnt have to worry if you are in danger after escorting you to your home, or when you are leaving college, work, yadda yadda, he knows its not extremely healthy to be on your phone 24/7 but when you are away from him, he loves it he can have almost imidiate contact with you
Over-all: Really chill relationship but still has some fire into it??? at the same time?? both of you just gets eachother, and he feels free to show his funny, daring, flirty / teasing self he almost NEVER shows to anyone, so lucky you!
hope you liked it!
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match ups are closed for now
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misspines · 2 years
Yes Yes. He Akimeno is a good shipp... as long as you don't think about the psychological implications behind Himeno's feelings
But he waits! Put that chair down first, okay? Before you throw anything at me, let me explain what I mean
First of all, let me clarify that I myself support this ship. In fact, the reason why I'm in the fandom is because of that image of them together in the opening theme of the anime. So, I'm not saying this because I'm a hater or something!
Ok, let's start with the thesis:
Himeno is a very eloquent and likeable character within csm. He has a very attractive personality and I'm pretty sure it's hard to feel uncomfortable around him. I dare even say that he may be comic relief for the show.
She is properly introduced in chapter 14 of the manga (5 of the anime?) and we can get to know her more thoroughly. She is presented as a relaxed and confident person who seems not to take work very seriously. Although —I insist— this last impression may be due to an attempt to relax the tense atmosphere, because let's remember that in this mission Aki and she are in charge of the rookies
A proof of my point, before you enter the hotel:
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When they find they can't get out of the eighth floor:
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From the moment they realize that they are trapped on the eighth floor, we see how Arai and Kobeni begin to break little by little. Kobeni with a little more strength xd. Even Aki is a bit stressed by the situation. But not Himeno. She maintains the same cool and calm personality with which she entered the building, almost as if the situation doesn't faze her at all
With the flashback of how she introduces Aki to nicotine and then the cigarette that they share in the present, you can see some chemistry there. "These two are cute", you even think
But we can question this cuteness from this moment on:
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Let's see. Aki and Himeno are the superiors here, however, Himeno is Aki's superior. Even though they both have novices in charge of her, Aki still calls her "senpai", which means there's still a difference in rank there. But despite this, Himeno seems to easily accept Aki's wishes. I mean, they don't even debate what to do. Come on, Himeno didn't have any affection for Denji, because she doesn't hesitate to ask him to eat later. It may be that in her work dynamics Aki is the mastermind of the operation, but I personally question this scene because, the most logical thing would be to sacrifice one to save several, right?
Despite all the commotion they are going through, Himeno remains undeterred. It's not until here she mentions using her sword that she seems to react:
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It's not a reaction you'd call "desperate." But it is immediate. Aki hasn't even finished processing the thought when she's already refusing, preferring to sacrifice Denji (when she previously didn't want to, going against Aki's wishes) than sacrifice Aki; even when the sword seems to be the only solution they have
And with this, Himeno's sanity seems to start to take a nosedive. In something slow and almost imperceptible until it happens. I didn't notice it myself until after reading and watching the anime episode several times. When Kobeni hurts Aki, she has finally reached breaking point:
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The calm personality is gone. There are no jokes anymore, there don't even seem to be clear thoughts anymore. All there is is a scared and fearful girl to be reliving trauma so directly and life. Personally, Himeno's fall in this arc is one of my favorite parts
However. I was speaking at the beginning of this incredibly long testament of the possible psychological implications behind Himeno's feelings. What do I mean by this? Himeno seems to have an attachment/dependency towards Aki. It's like Himeno is a red roof and Aki is the plug in the leak. Himeno has lost many companions, he has seen many of the rookies in her charge die. But Aki seems to be the exception to that. Aki is the only one who has survived long enough to get to train her own fledglings. Thus, having Aki alive seems to have become some kind of sick need in response to her earlier trauma. It doesn't sound quite cute anymore after reading the last part, does it?
But anyway, this does not mean that this is a bad ship (as I said before, I am here thanks to them). Nor that you stop shipping them or think differently. In fact, with this weird theory I've put together in my head, I like them better. Feels almost Shakespearean, don't deny it
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adorablebunnie · 9 months
I made my own Omori au
This is called the Fate Au, in this au, Basil swaps with Sunny and Aubrey swaps with Mari, Basil and Aubrey had an argument in the treehouse when Basil accidentally pushed her, nobody knows what happened and Basil told them Aubrey ran away. Basil has been isolated in his house for 5 years while Sunny and Mari try getting Basil to come out.
Real world gang:
Kel still plays basketball but is more closed off than he used to be, he barely talks to anyone but Hero, Mari, and Basil, he doesn't talk to Sunny anymore. He's more close to Basil than any of the others although he doesn't try getting him out of his house. Constantly argues with Hero about Hero being 'perfect' and him being a screw up.
Hero went to college for cooking instead of being a doctor, he hangs out with Mari most of the time but doesn't really talk to Sunny, he isn't that close with Kel either. Hero can be extremely selfish when it comes to pleasing Mari, he doesn't really take care of Kel either. He sees Sunny as an obstacle since Mari is always taking care of him.
Sunny is social and makes friends easily, he can get along with about everyone. He tries to focus on the future instead of focusing on the past. He constantly tries to get Basil to come out of his house, Sunny plays his violin and can also play the wooden guitar. Sunny tries to fix his friendship with Kel but it doesn't ever work. Sunny keeps Basil's photo album and actually started doing photography
Mari is very kind but also a faker, she always wants attention on her and will sometimes even fake problems so people can focus on her, she's kind don't get me wrong but she also fakes having romantic feelings for Hero just so Hero can do what she wants. Mari takes care of her little brother and tries helping Sunny to make Basil come out of his house. She cares about her looks a lot and always makes sure she looks perfect.
Basil barely talks anymore and he gave the photo album to Sunny, he hasn't come out of his house for 5 years. He usually hangs out around Sunny but never talks to him, he takes care of his flowers but he broke his camera so he doesn't take pictures anymore. No one knows why Basil acts this way either. Basil can get angry easily and sometimes attacks the person who made him angry.
Aubrey was a kind person who would always take care of her friends, she would mostly hang out with Basil and they would talk about all sorts of things, Aubrey is the one who got Basil into gardening and photography, she was also very close to Kel.
Headspace gang:
Kurai is Headspace Basil. Kurai is exactly like Omori but uses large gardening shears instead of a knife. Kurai is manipulative towards Sunny and treats Sunny like crap but acts nice when the others are around. He acts nice towards people he doesn't know just so he can get what he wants. He's really great at lying too and also manipulates Basil by acting nice while slowly breaking Basil.
Kel is very energetic and social. He carries a basketball with him everywhere he goes and gets excited easily, Kel looks up to Kurai and depends on Kurai. Kel argues with Mari a lot but mostly as a playful argue. Kel is also very competitive and brags whenever he wins at something sulks when he loses something. He likes Aubrey and flirts with her but doesn't really know how to flirt so he just says random things.
Hero is confident and believes he can do anything, he constantly flirts with Mari and tries to impress her. He's great at cooking but he only cooks when Mari asks him too. Hero is also competitive like Kel but accepts defeat unlike Kel. Hero is mostly seen hanging around Mari and doesn't really pay attention to Kel.
Sunny is very helpful and hangs out around his friends all the time, he gets scared easily and hates being alone, has some serious attachment issues. He looks up to Kurai and thinks they are best friends, he doesn't realize Kurai's manipulation. Sunny can act really oblivious to things.
Mari is very sweet towards others and helps whenever she can, she doesn't like Hero because of his flirting but tolerates him. She takes care of Sunny and is overprotective. Mari is also protective of Kurai, she doesn't realize his manipulation. Mari can act possessive without realizing it, she likes attention and gets jealous when the attention isn't on her but on someone else.
Aubrey is extremely caring and helpful, she looks after everyone in the group. She acts mother-like towards everyone, she sometimes hints at the fact that she's dead when Kurai talks to her. Aubrey likes Kel and thinks his attempts at flirting is funny.
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ca-8 · 1 year
❝𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭... (❤️📖𝐌𝐨𝐦𝐨 𝐘𝐚𝐨𝐲𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐳𝐮📖❤️ 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)❞
From time to time, a little silence is necessary. It goes hand in hand perfectly in a setting with bright, crisp lighting drenched in the clean scent of literature dancing on freshly printed paper.
Momo sat a third stack of books down on the table. Walls of valuable knowledge surrounded her freshly picked corner, and dozens of covers snuggled up together as they gazed down at the future hero. Carefully, she eyed each and every one of them, checking to see if they were going to be useful for her independent study hour.
She didn’t have anyone to tutor this afternoon. Good thing, too; it was getting a little exhausting hosting her classmates and teaching subjects she already knew. Though it was an excellent practice to demonstrate her understanding to the peers she loves, a little silence is necessary from time to time.
Once Momo was done examining the books, she sat down and grabbed the book on top of the first stack. Hero Laws–a subject that has proven to be strenuous more times than she was comfortable with. ‘But as long as it’s vital to our goal of protecting lives, I’ll memorize each deed to the letter!’
She flung open the book and glued her sights to the first word.
Or, rather the small outline of a person.
An impeccably animated person who was blinking and smirking and staring RIGHT UP AT HER FROM INSIDE A BOOK-?
“KYAH!” Momo yelped and jumped up. The chair flew from her and crashed into the bookshelf, earning a hearty ‘SHH’ from behind her little corner. She looked over to the entrance that gave her a peak of the rest of the library and saw a few concerned, annoyed faces staring at her. Momo blushed and mumbled a quick “sorry”, then quickly pulled the chair back to the table, brushed off her school uniform, then sat back down with a face confidently saying nothing was wrong.
Now, back to the magic book hallucination. Momo cautiously pulled the book back up to her. The outline was still there, except they were now smuggling a laugh.
“Who are you and why are you in my book?” She was whispering, but she made extra sure they could hear the venom weaving through her words.
The outline stopped snickering and flipped their hair to the side of their face so the playfulness in their eyes shimmered properly. Yes, that really did just happen. Momo was even surprised that flirtatious music didn’t suddenly play like in those teen drama movies Mina practically forces her to watch.
“If it caught the attention of such a beauty, figured it’d be worth my time,” they said, giving a quick wink. “Name’s (Y/n). I hope you’ll grant me the honor of remembering it.”
‘You’re kidding me.’ Momo frowned. “Let me guess, is this your quirk? As annoying as it is right now, I can’t say it’s not impressive.”
(Y/n)’s smile grew. “Gorgeous and savvy? It must be my lucky day!”
(Y/n) (L/n)! Quirk-Page Wander!
It allows a person to transform their body into a 2-D form and shrink down to where they can fit into any page! This makes their body have a transparent, pencil-drawn outline and even form certain words depending on their height, but that can only work if they’re inside a page. The user can easily travel from page to page without any drawbacks, but they have to make sure their destinations aren’t at risk of being ripped up!
Momo rolled her eyes. “It’s pretty obvious. Now, if you would be so kind as to leave. I happen to be in the middle of studying.”
(Y/n) looked up at her with wide, curious eyes, and an expression she actually couldn’t read. They sat there for a long moment before rubbing their eyes and putting that irritating grin back on their face.
“Of course. I’d hate to be the reason that U.A.’s famous Creati wasn’t able to ace finals. Although, I doubt you’d even have much trouble with them in the first place.” They walked to the end of the page, and a (f/c) light glowed at its edges before seeping out into the air. A mini, blinding sun warped into the shape of a (y/h) person, then sat its feet down on the pristine tiles. They reflected their oddly hypnotic glow as the light slowly vanished from their form, revealing their true (s/c) skin, shining (h/c) hair, and lidded (e/c) eyes.
In a slightly deeper voice, they said, “I’ll see you later, Momi Amor.” Gazing at her trance for a few more seconds, they turned and trudged out of her corner.
Momo blinked, once, then twice. She thought she was used to the strange normality of the world, and though the performance wasn’t too dramatic, it was certainly bewitching enough to keep her hazing gaze fixed in front of her.
‘“Momi Amor??”’
A heavy groan deflated her awed posture. Trying to ignore the tacky atmosphere that tiresome sun left behind, she leaned her head against her hand and put her focus back on the book. After checking to make sure they hadn’t tried sneaking back in, of course.
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