#altered carbon icons
altered-tiababylo · 1 year
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like shredded skin
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butchniqabi · 8 months
What are your favourite aspects of sci fi? Themes, tropes, specific stories, anything that comes to mind
i love so much about scifi,,,the unique and creative ways people talk about present day problems and institutions, the way people envision futures. i love dystopias i love utopias i love it saur much! as for specific stories, i (unfortunately) really like harlan ellison and ray bradbury (fun fact, my grandma's friend used to drive him around because he hated it himself) also octavia butler despite our adversarial relationship and ursula k le guin, i hate hg wells, philip k dick (previously mentioned friend was his girlfriend for a time), and adolus huxley. i think i spelled his name wrong but i dont care to check the proper spelling. i love holistic critiques, i love when critiques take into account intersectionality and how things like race, gender, ability, and class all interact with one another. less "this white man experiences subjugation despite all odds, isnt that crazy?" those narratives are usually written by white men and i really do not give a fuck anymore. i think a lot of Iconic Sci Fi is just...uninspired and/or ruined by its own limited perspective. sci fi i love involves involved world building that doesnt feel the need to overexplain and kind of throws you into the experience.
some random sci fi media i enjoy: altered carbon, another life, the southern reach trilogy (stan annihilation!), event horizon, the left hand of darkness, vaster than empires and more slow, the ones who walk away from omelas (basically a lot of ursula k le guin...), the veldt, the episode "far beyond the stars" from deep space nine, the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, the spacesuit, moon, -all you zombies-, no one will save you, the girl with all the gifts, special dreams in which you exist, the thing, kindred, and how long til black future month
did you know while i was refreshing my memory and looking up sci fi books, google labeled th white's the once and future king as sci fi? thats so real.
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davidcorenswct · 1 year
Click the source to find #364 gifs of joel kinnaman in altered carbon (season 1, episode 6-8), bringing the total gif pack to #1,506 . All of these are medium sized gifs. These are all made by me. Please reblog the post if you plan to use them! Please do not include these into gif hunts, claim as your own, turn them into gif icons, or use in crackships without tagging. TW: nudity, s*x scenes, weapons, violence, flashing lights, blood, alcohol, smoking
This pack is ongoing until the season is completed.
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mayamidnightmelody · 3 months
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Cyberpunk, a subgenre of science fiction, emerged in the late 20th century and is characterized by its focus on advanced technology, cybernetics, and a dystopian society. This genre, often described as a fusion of "high-tech and low-life," juxtaposes the rapid advancements in technology with stark social decay, inequality, and corruption.
The origins of cyberpunk can be traced back to early influential works, with Philip K. Dick's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" (1968) laying some of the groundwork. However, the term "cyberpunk" itself was popularized by Bruce Bethke's 1983 short story of the same name. It was William Gibson's novel "Neuromancer" (1984), though, that truly defined the genre, introducing seminal concepts like cyberspace and artificial intelligence and setting the tone for the cyberpunk aesthetic and narrative style.
At the heart of cyberpunk are several key themes. One prominent theme is the intersection of technology and human augmentation, where characters often possess cybernetic enhancements. This fusion of human and machine raises profound questions about identity, humanity, and the ethical implications of technological progress. Dystopian societies are another central element, typically depicted as futures where corporations hold more power than governments. These settings are dark, gritty, and oppressive, highlighting the dire consequences of unchecked capitalism and technological misuse.
Protagonists in cyberpunk stories are frequently hackers, rebels, or anti-heroes who navigate the seedy underbelly of society. These characters, often fighting against corrupt systems, embody a sense of rebellion and resistance. The concept of virtual reality, or cyberspace, is also central to many cyberpunk narratives, exploring both the possibilities and dangers of immersive digital worlds, where cyberspace becomes a battleground for control and freedom.
Visually, cyberpunk is heavily influenced by film noir, characterized by neon lights, rain-soaked streets, and a blend of futuristic and retro elements. Iconic films like Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner" (1982) and anime such as "Akira" (1988) and "Ghost in the Shell" (1995) have been pivotal in shaping the genre's aesthetic, creating a distinct and enduring visual style.
The influence of cyberpunk extends into modern interpretations through video games, fashion, and music. Contemporary works like the game "Cyberpunk 2077" and the series "Altered Carbon" bring cyberpunk themes to today's audiences, delving into issues like surveillance, data privacy, and the impact of AI on society. In fashion and art, cyberpunk inspires a unique style that blends futuristic elements with punk and grunge aesthetics, incorporating leather, metallic fabrics, and tech-infused accessories. Artists often depict sprawling, neon-lit cityscapes and cyborg characters, capturing the essence of cyberpunk's vision of the future.
Cyberpunk remains a relevant and influential genre, offering a critical lens through which to examine the complexities of our relationship with technology. Its exploration of the intersection between humanity and machinery, the implications of a tech-dominated future, and its distinctive style ensure that cyberpunk continues to be a compelling and thought-provoking genre.
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Okay but now I've got to ask: what if Axl survived until Legends as well?
But we're here to have some fun, folks!!!!!!!
I gotta do a really big think here, boys
Now, Axl is a very interesting case because you have to consider that he’s not as well known after the elf wars compared to X and Zero. So he can go anonymous the longest.
In terms of his appearance, he’s slightly older but not as grizzled as X and Zero. His armor is slightly altered, but he still has the experience and skills to be in the same ranks as X and Zero. But now he wears a large poncho, a cowboy hat, and currently holds a large rifle on his back, but still holds on to his iconic pistols. He's also the type of dude that pretends his lollipops are cigarettes and cigs are shit, but chewing down a delicious treat while shooting down enemies is such an Axl move in your honor. In terms of personality, he’s a bit more mature and wise than he previously was but is more lax and adventurous. He's the wise, fun-loving uncle!
Like Zero, he also awakens earlier than X and the guardians. So he’s been around before the events of Legends 1. He would have been awakened after Zero, so there is that. It's kind of tricky for me since he has the copy-chip ability to translate that into a carbon body. The best way I can spin this is that Axl is essentially a shapeshifter, but the trade is that he can't copy 100% of the individual's form and abilities for a much more limited time, which also depends on the size of the individual. He can't shapeshift into smaller beings, nor can he shift into larger forms (basically back to a primitive version of his old copy ability but with fewer drawbacks than it used to). But you know that it wasn't limited to him. That's right, baby! His good old-fashioned sharpshooter skills never faltered after all those years!
Like Zero, he became a wanderer, exploring this new world. However, unlike Zero, who normally just stays distant from others, he is doing his own thing. Is Old Axl here? He explores this world and wants to see what it has to offer. He used his shapeshifting abilities to disguise himself in order not to be seen. Always interacting with the world around him, he made a name for himself as “The Gunslinger.”
Going around to different islands and helping people out basically, but as a vigilante, noting that he's not exactly a “digger” like Zero. But boy does he love a good old treasure hunt, though. Eventually, he formed his own little group after he began to mentor and pick up strays on his travels, slowly forming essentially Red Alert 2.0 (probably under a different name). But unlike the original, Red Alert is less like morally questionable guns for hire. They are more of a vigilante group that targets air pirates who start trouble and steal their shit for fun. They have their own set of morals to prevent falling into unfortunate choices (something that Axl made damn sure to never repeat in the circumstances that led to his first family’s demise). He made sure that the group can work without him but he’ll check up with them every now and then.
The interesting thing about Axl is that unlike Zero, he died earlier in the elf wars so he wasn't around when the Guardians were created so he didn't have that same clue as Zero when it comes to Volnutt’s connection towards X in the first place. So it's gonna take a while for him to figure out that X and Zero are alive..
In terms of how he finds out it would've been more of an accident than coincidence, probably in a bar where Fefnir hangs out once a day. Having a neat conversation with the large guy talking about things until some asshole got way too drunk for his own started harassing folks one thing lead to another a bar fight ensues. Lets be honest these two had a blast during the whole fight especially Fefnir like holy fuck this dude is fucking awesome, like his sharpshooter skills are insane he’s never seen anyone with those types of skills…Aside from Blonde Basta- Uncle Zero and his father. Axl compliments Fefnir with that strength of his. Fefnir asked The Gunslinger if they want to spar because he wants a hell of a challenge since most of his opponents aside from his family are just reaverbots or just crooks who barely stand up against him. Axl would at first think about it but realizes he never really got a good fight in years…
“Oh! What the hell sure thing Kid! But first gotta do it with my clear mind first cause can't fight while wasted! Meet me up on the Next island over so we can have a real fight if ya want to invite yer siblings come on down i love to show ya a real challenge!”
“Oh you're on old man!’
“Oi! I'm not that old!”
The next day on the island where the duel is taking place, Axl is waiting for his opponent or well opponents cleaning up his pistols and rifle thinking about how odd that kid was. Reminiscing the good times he had in his previous life, sighing that spirit reminds him of his youth. Then he hears talking, turning around he sees the kid and others and jeez talk about the family. Huh judging of the others he recognizes them from the news along with Fefnir the “Four Guardians if he puts it, but one catches his attention well two. The scrawny blue one who seems the most excited to meet the “Gunslinger” and is talking to that man. He looks so similar to the older man, so that must be his dad probably. It was at this moment he decided to introduce himself to get a good look at the family until he stopped at the Older man…he reacted with the same expression of bewilderment that X does when he's-
“X? X is that you?!” he blurts out dropping his once cool attitude taking off his hat revealing his iconic scar.
The man’s eyes widened, shaking at the sight he was seeing. Tears welling up in his tired yet kind eyes of his..
“Ha! You ya really think it's gonna take more than that keep this son of a bitch down i’ll tell ya-”
Without warning he was hugged by his old friend who got a lil bit too emotional for his own good. Before giving the gunslinger some breathing room. Like damn X changed a lot he looks pretty much rocking that tired dad look…literally even having the dad bod and all!
“Jeez X you changed alot since the last time we saw each other, I get this is a peaceful era and all but damn you way more relaxed is retirement treating ya well?”
X chuckled at the comment “More or less-”
“Umm excuse me” a voice interrupted the conversation between the two veterans looking at the confused Guardians and Scrawny Blue who were standing there awkwardly.
“Dad do you know this guy” Scrawny Blue asked
“Yeah! This is your Uncle Axl”
The boy’s eyes widen with excitement at the man while the other 4 are in bewilderment at this sight.
Holy shit he's an uncle! Damn he knew X is the type to be a parent but damn settling down was not on his bingo list.
“Damn X didnt know you had it in ya! Lemmie guess those Four are your apprentices or something?”
X looked at the guardians and then to Axl laughing nervously
“Ummmm actually Axl…those four…are my children too like…there his Siblings…”
“What is happening?!”
“When we will have OUR FUCKING FIGHT UNCLE AXL!?”
To say the least it was an eventful day for those two but don't worry Fefnir got his fight with uncle Axl ... .After X explained what the hell happened after the elf wars and such. To say the least he loves his nieces and nephews.
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carbonfcrged · 1 year
Like / reply for a smallish starter (lengths will vary but may be on the shorter side while I try and find Tak's voice again.) Default verse for him is Altered Carbon but many other verses available; feel free to request whichever if you want something specific. Same general skills / backstory apply just may be w/out the 'saved memory' / body hopping etc.
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If you are a multi please let me know which character(s) you would like a starter for. I may be working on new graphics / icons but for now will either be using unedited gif icons or the icons like in this post! (If you have a preference for gif icon or static icons also feel free to specify!)
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henrysglock · 11 months
Salem's lot possible by king inspo for tfs? Was watching a vid about it and it has random things (very similar 1980s poster, Ralph/Danny brother dies at 12, becomes vampire, Father Callahan/Father Newby, Marsten House/Creel House, "original evil" haunting of house tied to csa) that just remind me of the creels, was curious if you had any thought abt the show or book
So sorry for taking a few weeks to get to this, Nonnie!! This time I actually have a reason for the wait, though: cross referencing.
(This is going to be a long post...)
I definitely think 'Salem's Lot is an inspo for The First Shadow for a few different reasons.
First things first, a lot of 'Salem's Lot is giving ST3 and the flayed, with One as a (supposed) Barlow figure and Will as a Danny type figure carrying on from ST1/2. However, as we know, Will and Henry exist as something of a repetition, and the Creel house does seem to function similarly to the Marsten house at first glance, as you said, with Henry being that era's Danny figure. (I'm going to come back to this later).
We also have some cool visual connections.
First off, like you said, we have the poster (and the book cover for good measure, since there's similarity there too):
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Then we have iconic shots from the movie itself being replicated:
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A third one comes, however, from a third source: Midnight Mass
As I've talked about before, the church in The First Shadow promo art is a near carbon-copy of the church from Midnight Mass:
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There are also a fair number of other similarities. For one, the window silhouettes:
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For another, the birds and cats:
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(Added context: The TFS leaked audition tapes talk about cats being killed in Hawkins with no known suspect, much the same as the cats being killed on Crockett Island by the "angel" vampire in Midnight Mass.)
Further, the setup of the Midnight Mass rec. center as compared to set pieces for The First Shadow...as compared to the Rainbow Room in NINA:
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And, while not strictly related to The First Shadow, there is an interesting detail to note across all three sources. The eyes:
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(This also comes through in Annihilation (on the ST4 movie board) when altered Lena and the alien doppelgänger of her husband Kane reunite. Both of their eyes shimmer and glow, much the same way as the monster-fied humans pictured above.)
I bring all this up now in relation to 'Salem's Lot because 'Salem's Lot was a clear inspiration for Midnight Mass, to the point where Flanagan easter-eggs it into the show:
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We also have other overlapping references, such as Se7en, which appears both in Midnight Mass and on the ST4 movie board:
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So the question we're all asking is "why the tangent about Midnight Mass? How does that tie in, besides being a 6-degrees-of-separation thing."
Here, I'd like to posit a connection between the three: Barlow, Brenner, and Pruitt's Angel.
In Midnight Mass, Father Paul Hill (Msgr. John Pruitt), is a "newcomer" who brings a vampire (read: Angel) to Crockett Island. In truth, he's the missing Msgr. John Pruitt, who was restored to youth by the vampire's blood after an ill-fated trek to Jerusalem (much like 'Salem's Lot's Father Callahan). It is he who does most of the dealing on the vampire's behalf, feeding its blood to his concentration and convincing the people that becoming a vampire is a miracle...all while transforming into a vampire himself.
In 'Salem's Lot, Kurt Barlow is the vampire responsible for Danny's death and turning. He's the newcomer to the Lot who buys the Marsten house and hides within it. He does most of his dealing via Richard Straker, his human familiar.
In The First Shadow, Martin Brenner is a newcomer to Hawkins, establishing his spot in basement of Hawkins National Laboratory. We don't know much about him, but we do know that his later self has a fair amount of vampire coding (not appearing in mirrors, a habit of not dying from things that ought to kill him, etc), as does Vecna, a supposed byproduct of his experimentation. He's also got people who deal on his behalf, such as Connie Frazier and Sam Owens.
I'm not so much saying that Brenner exists as a physical vampire, but perhaps a more figurative one. As you mentioned, Nonnie, vampirism is often used as symbolism of non-consenual acts (see: SA in Bram Stoker's Dracula, CSA in 'Salem's Lot, and grooming in fanatical/fundamentalist church circles in Midnight Mass). They're also used to represent the spread of ideas and practices that are generally thought of as evil or unclean.
Brenner is no different, and his story is far more heavy-handed in this regard.
He may not physically drink blood, but he farms children to to be the figurative (and eventually literal) lifeblood of his scientific endeavors, all of which is possible via abuse of and a fundamental lack of consent from Henry and the children. Brenner may not be feeding on them, but he is feeding on them, if you catch my meaning. And, as we know, Brenner has a penchant for lying and manipulation. He spreads stories that aren't true, that turn people against his victims.
He comes to deliver messages regarding the reliability of the government and the dark underbelly of control and abuse that spreads under the patriot-acclaimed shining goal of "progress", much like Pruitt's fanatical church and its "miracles" that can only end in slaughter, or the blind eye being turned to a predator on the loose in the town of Jerusalem's Lot, in which the steady spread of vampirism denotes the fact that each blind eye becomes complicit in the spread of abuse.
Brenner, then, seems to be both the Barlow and the Pruitt of The First Shadow: A newcomer who does horrific things in pursuit of a selfishly "selfless" goal: scientific progress.
As such, I'd like to alter a conclusion slightly: Both the Creel House and Hawkins National Lab seem to be the Marsten house of Stranger Things, no?
And on that note...
Vecna/One and Brenner seem to exist as two sides of a coin: While Vecna/One literally sucks the life force from his victims, Brenner does so in a more figurative sense. Vecna/One doesn't literally spread lies the way Brenner does (in fact, any lies he might tell are very much contained between himself and his victim), but the way the UD spreads under his control is very much the metaphorical flip-side to that pattern of behavior.
In this respect, they both seem to be Barlows. While Brenner isn't the physical source of the magical terror in Hawkins, he did kidnap a child and through that act corrupt a neutral magical source into what it is today. In this he acts as half of Barlow, with Vecna/One acting as that literal magical source/other half.
Do with that what you will.
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this year i've been doing a lot of stuff that i didn't mean to do, and not doing a lot of stuff that i did mean to do. i got involved with the kink scene, i deepened my familiarity with carbonated beverages, i ate a lot of fried chicken sandwiches, i started reading again, and i played a lot of gacha.
and speaking of gacha, the only one that stuck with me from the decent-sized crop that i sampled this year was mihoyo's zenless zone zero! what to say about it . . . it's a Real Game, for one. it manages to shed the unsheddable "rubbishy" feel that is almost universal to gacha. its premise is like if andy and leyley were normal and worked as shadowrun hackers in jet set radio tokyo, in a semi-apocalyptic world where the only people around are orphans, anthros, or both. there are also sentient automatons that have cool outfits, and chubby baby bunny robots, but unfortunately neither of them have rights. it's got a really cool soundtrack, a charming spiderversesque look, and characters i found surprisingly compelling.
new music! well, new to me at least. you know ben and jerry's cherry garcia (possibly the most prominent contemporary cherry-focused ice cream flavor)? well jerry garcia was a guy who had this band that old men loved called the grateful dead. and well, i don't really care for what i've heard of their records to be honest. but it must be said that they were a jam band, and the 16 minute terrapin station gives one a taste of what i assume was the sensory height of a real-life hippy's experience, and i can imagine listening to it for decades to come.
indeed, if one wants a meal in the proggy realm rather than a bite, it's best to look to the guys that do that stuff all the time across the pond. Morgan put me on to electric wizard and their impeccable self-titled album has been in heavy rotation since. jackie put me on to yes' album relayer, and the first track provides the rarefied pleasure of hearing the singer of the irrepressibly lighthearted and goofy jojo anime ED "roundabout" trill about bathing in the blood of one's enemies.
in more occasional listening i have to rep my oshi 星街彗星 (hoshimachi suisei). her consistently strong body of work ranges from saccharine, to heartfelt, to sort of diva-core. listen, it's increasingly popular to reference hatsune miku, and it's often done with a sort of surface-level appreciation of miku, riding off of the long history miku has in overseas otaku culture. i myself have participated in this. but step outside the bit with me here. miku is a synth, an instrument. miku has all the humanity of the DX7. in fact that's what her color scheme is based on (because yamaha made both miku and the DX7)! hoshimachi suisei . . . listen, maybe people aren't ready. but she really is a virtual pop star. she's iconic. she's got a sigma grindset. she has a favorite food and a sister and friends and it's not lore it's reality. she's not a prop owned by a company, but an autonomous performer! miku is a virtual girl. suisei has a virtual face, but she's a real woman with a real dream! won't you believe in it?
staying with japanese affairs for a moment, anime has been good too! gushing over magical girls, perfect show, hannibal for anime girls, delightful and heartfelt. i also watched the vexations of a shut-in vampire princess, which was frenetic, lightning fast and kind of stupid, but i eagerly await another season. both extremely lesbian.
looking ahead, i'm extremely excited for the release of the alters, a game whose demo caught me completely off-guard, and i'm also excited to try the early access release of marmoreal, a sort of isometric completely touhoucore game with so much charm and sincerity.
that's my little roundup! have a great september!
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cyberpunkonline · 11 months
Exploring the Enigmatic Realm of Cyberpunk: Unraveling the Questions It Poses
Cyberpunk, a genre that seamlessly melds the gritty elements of punk culture with futuristic, cybernetic advancements, is more than just a form of entertainment; it's a profound commentary on the human condition. This genre, emerging in the late 20th century, has since infiltrated various forms of media, each contributing uniquely to the cyberpunk ethos. From the neon-lit streets in movies like "Blade Runner" to the intricate narratives of video games like "Cyberpunk 2077", cyberpunk challenges us with existential and ethical quandaries that resonate deeply with contemporary societal issues.
Literary Beginnings: Setting the Foundation
The roots of cyberpunk are firmly planted in literature. William Gibson’s "Neuromancer", a seminal work, poses questions about the nature of consciousness and the relationship between humans and technology. Gibson’s world, where the line between reality and virtual space blurs, makes us ponder if our perception of reality is as concrete as we believe. Similarly, Philip K. Dick’s "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", adapted into the iconic film "Blade Runner", questions the essence of humanity and empathy, challenging us to consider what truly makes us human.
Cinematic Ventures: Visualizing Dystopia
In cinema, cyberpunk takes a more visceral form. "Blade Runner" (1982) and its sequel "Blade Runner 2049" depict a future where synthetic humans question their creators, raising ethical issues about creation and the rights of artificial beings. Meanwhile, "The Matrix" trilogy delves into the concept of simulated reality, pushing us to question the very nature of our existence and the possibility of a reality controlled by AI.
Television and Anime: Expanding Narratives
Television series and anime have significantly contributed to the cyberpunk genre. "Altered Carbon" explores themes of identity and morality in a world where consciousness can be transferred to different bodies. Anime like "Ghost in the Shell" interrogate the boundaries between human and machine, while "Akira" exposes the consequences of unbridled technological advancement and societal decay.
Gaming Worlds: Interactive Exploration
Video games offer an interactive dimension to cyberpunk themes. "Cyberpunk 2077", despite its rocky start, immerses players in a world where cybernetic enhancements are the norm, confronting issues of corporatism, identity, and the augmentation of the human body. Similarly, "Deus Ex" series allows players to navigate a future rife with conspiracy, ethical dilemmas, and the consequences of human augmentation.
Music and Art: Auditory and Visual Symbolism
Cyberpunk's influence extends into music and art, where it adopts an auditory and visual language that communicates its themes. Bands like Perturbator and Carpenter Brut, through their synthwave music, encapsulate the neon-drenched, dystopian essence of cyberpunk. Art, particularly in the digital and graphic novel realms, often depicts sprawling, neon-lit cityscapes and cybernetically enhanced characters, visually representing the genre’s core themes.
Conclusion: Reflecting Our Current Realities
Cyberpunk is more than a speculative fiction genre; it's a mirror reflecting our current realities and anxieties. It questions the unchecked growth of technology, the ethical implications of artificial intelligence, and the socio-political consequences of corporate dominance. In every medium it touches, cyberpunk compels us to ponder our future, our humanity, and the increasingly blurred line between the two. Whether through the pages of a novel, the scenes of a movie, the episodes of an anime, or the interactive realms of video games, cyberpunk continues to challenge, provoke, and inspire.
- REV1
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yonicfemcel · 9 months
i had a dream long time ago, as an entity who wasnt me for the whole duration but rather some dude, i don't remember the details, only thing i remember is that i sat down to watch a movie with friends for 3 hours. russian film. doesnt exist obviously but i write to maybe realise the story some day. white color dominates with black and red giving secondary hints. very artistic. main roles are femme fatale jewelier mafia woman (played by me [not me as in daftie but me as in some actress who looks like i look]) called gina who is selling very rare jewels to bad oligarchs and evildoers and literal rich israeli pedophiles (it's shown obviously that these people in theory have no business buying jewelry i dont remember but shes a chemist too but theyre not drugs but maybe related to them. that vibe). and this literal nobody fucking uni student gets in her crosshairs (played by Dima Lysenkov). theres this iconic scene that when i woke up i remembered first: she puts this metal tube pistol that shoots a big thin metal needle to his head and he pleads for life and she puts it to his crotch and he goes "you know what id rather you shoot there but can you shoot in such an angle that it goes through my rectum and doesnt grace anything else and just shoots my dick off clean because i looked it up and such an angle exists" and then he awkwardly stops talking and she just puts it over his stomach and hes like "uhhh i probably would survive that you can do that too" and she asks "so you wouldnt mind living dickess?" and he answers ofc not life has so much more. and she takes a liking to him. basically the movie is about her doing the deals and fixing some missunderstanding from which everyone in the end dies and also psychologically and psychosexually torturing her unifag boytoy thats moralising everything and seething at the evil he was plunged into suddenly. and eventually she grooms him to give his life for her and presses a gun that was fake to fool baddies but he didnt know that so he was shooting to kill and its all symbolic. corruption etc. it was really suspenseful in the movie i'm not doing it justice. but in the end same thing happens but they get impaled on some metal spike but its not fatal for him. and he survives and police arrives and he grieves but in the end he finds out that she had clones in a lab and merely one clone died. a la altered carbon. cliffhanger
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igarashimotoharu · 1 year
tag games!!
this took me forever and a day and I am SO sorry about it but ily all who tagged me and I appreciate you thinking of me 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
under the cut!
no. 1
tagged by the lovelies @ezrabridgerr 🩷 @kimdokjas 🩷 @mx-sinisters 🩷
✧ 8 shows to get to know me ✧
I'll split this between anime and liveaction!! also, I'm not putting my all time favourites ever, I'm putting the all time favourites that have my dominant favourite genre "vibe", since they're the "get to know me" sort of shows
death note
psycho pass
code geass
fate series
(honourable mention to chainsaw man, jjba and hunter x hunter)
the borgias **
the expanse
alice in borderland
altered carbon
lost in space
true detective (especially s1)
love o2o
(honourable mention to 3% and mandatory sex and the city mention)
**(this is a different genre from the others and I'll say why! Lucrezia Borgia and Giulia Farnese are important feminist historical figures to me since I first learned about them as a young girl in history, and I absolutely loved how the show portrayed them)
additional honourable mentions to the movies alien and scream. if you haven't, please watch them. fun facts, alien has the first ever heroine on the big screen in history and scream is the best analysis of slashers and has the best plot twists. iconic movies!
no. 2
tagged by the cool @mx-sinisters 🩷
post your lock screen, last photo you took, and last song
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no. 3
tagged by the sweet @kimdokjas 🩷
picrew (this was very fun, and yes I do have long mermaid hair I've worked so hard for!! *tears of joy*)
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tagging!! @hayakaws 🩷 @okkottsus 🩷 @mx-sinisters 🩷 @reinerist 🩷 @ezrabridgerr 🩷 @kimdokjas 🩷 @misakarose 🩷 @gojosattoru 🩷 @apparently-artless 🩷 @silversoulsociety 🩷 @tatakaeeren 🩷 @inahochi 🩷 @sasukechiha 🩷 @braunreiner 🩷 @tanchirou 🩷 @nicholasdwolf 🩷 @ohreigen 🩷 @senjutobiirama 🩷 @upperranktwo 🩷
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altered-tiababylo · 1 year
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long time no see
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worldclassautorepairs · 3 months
Unveiling the Secrets of Porsche Exhaust Systems: Troubleshooting and Optimal Service Solutions
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Porsche, renowned for its precision engineering and exhilarating performance, crafts vehicles that stir passion among automotive enthusiasts worldwide. Central to this driving experience is the exhaust system, a crucial component that not only enhances engine efficiency but also contributes to the distinctive Porsche sound. However, like any intricate system, Porsche exhausts require careful attention to maintain optimal performance and longevity.
Understanding the Anatomy of Porsche Exhaust Systems
At the heart of every Porsche lies an exhaust system designed for maximum efficiency and exhilarating sound. Typically composed of stainless steel for durability and corrosion resistance, Porsche exhaust systems are meticulously engineered to enhance engine performance while complying with emissions standards.
The exhaust system begins at the engine's exhaust ports, where spent gases are expelled into the exhaust manifold. From there, the gases travel through catalytic converters, which reduce harmful emissions, and then into the muffler, where noise is attenuated to create the signature Porsche exhaust note. Finally, the gases exit through the tailpipes, often adorned with Porsche's iconic design elements.
Common Issues with Porsche Exhaust Systems
Despite their robust construction, Porsche exhaust systems can encounter several common issues over time:
    Exhaust Leaks: Due to the high temperatures and vibration, exhaust components can develop leaks, compromising performance and increasing noise levels.
    Catalytic Converter Failure: Over time, catalytic converters may degrade, affecting emissions and potentially triggering warning lights on the dashboard.
    Muffler Damage: The muffler, responsible for noise reduction, can suffer from corrosion or internal components wear, altering the vehicle's sound profile.
    Excessive Carbon Build-Up: Carbon deposits can accumulate within the exhaust system, impacting airflow and engine efficiency.
Troubleshooting Porsche Exhaust Issues
Detecting and addressing exhaust system issues early is crucial to maintaining Porsche performance and reliability. Here are essential troubleshooting steps for exhaust problems:
    Visual Inspection: Regularly inspect the exhaust system for signs of corrosion, damage, or leaks. Pay attention to rust spots, loose components, or unusual exhaust odors.
    Listening for Abnormal Sounds: Unusual noises such as rattling or hissing may indicate exhaust leaks or muffler damage. These should be promptly inspected by a qualified technician.
    Check Engine Light: If the check engine light illuminates, it could signal an issue with the exhaust system, such as a faulty oxygen sensor or catalytic converter. Diagnostic tools can pinpoint the exact problem.
    Performance Evaluation: Decreased engine performance or fuel efficiency may be linked to exhaust system problems. A comprehensive inspection can identify issues affecting engine operation.
Optimal Service Solutions for Porsche Exhaust Systems
Maintaining a Porsche exhaust system involves proactive care and specialized expertise. Here are essential service solutions:
    Regular Maintenance: Follow Porsche's recommended maintenance schedule, including oil changes and inspections. This ensures early detection of potential exhaust issues.
    Professional Inspections: Have the exhaust system inspected annually or during routine servicing by Porsche-certified technicians. They can identify and address emerging issues before they escalate.
    Component Replacement: Replace worn-out components such as gaskets, oxygen sensors, or mufflers with genuine Porsche parts. This ensures compatibility and performance reliability.
    Performance Upgrades: Consider performance-oriented exhaust upgrades designed to enhance sound quality and optimize engine performance. Consult with specialists for options that align with Porsche's engineering standards.
The Porsche exhaust system embodies the brand's commitment to performance, reliability, and driving pleasure. Understanding its intricacies and addressing schedule maintenance and repair needs promptly are essential to preserving your Porsche's performance and enjoyment over time. By adhering to recommended maintenance practices and consulting experienced professionals, or consult with a reputed service center to ensure your Porsche continues to deliver exhilarating experiences on the road, accompanied by its unmistakable exhaust symphony.
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davidcorenswct · 1 year
Click the source to find #383 gifs of joel kinnaman in altered carbon (season 1, episode 9-10), bringing the total gif pack to #1,889. All of these are medium sized gifs. These are all made by me. Please reblog the post if you plan to use them! Please do not include these into gif hunts, claim as your own, turn them into gif icons, or use in crackships without tagging. TW: nudity, s*x scenes, weapons, violence, flashing lights, blood, alcohol, smoking
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smilethroughtherain · 5 months
The Impact of Climate Change on Alaska's Wildlife
The Threat to Alaska's Biodiversity
Alaska, the largest state in the United States, is known for its stunning landscapes, abundant wildlife, and unique ecosystems. However, the state is facing a grave threat - climate change. Rising temperatures, melting glaciers, and changing weather patterns are wreaking havoc on Alaska's delicate ecosystems and the diverse species that call it home.
In this article, we will explore the impact of climate change on Alaska's wildlife and the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect this precious biodiversity.
Changing Habitats and Disrupted Migration Patterns
One of the most significant impacts of climate change on Alaska's wildlife is the alteration of habitats and disrupted migration patterns. As temperatures rise, the permafrost thaws, leading to changes in vegetation and the availability of food sources for animals. This, in turn, affects the behavior and distribution of various species.
For example, the iconic polar bears, which depend on sea ice for hunting seals, are facing a shrinking habitat as the ice melts at an alarming rate. As a result, these magnificent creatures are forced to travel longer distances in search of food, leading to increased stress and a higher risk of starvation.
Threats to Marine Life
Alaska's coastal waters are home to a rich diversity of marine life, including whales, seals, and sea birds. However, the warming ocean temperatures and acidification caused by climate change pose significant threats to these species.
The decline in sea ice has a cascading effect on the entire marine ecosystem. For example, the reduction in ice cover affects the availability of food for marine mammals such as the endangered bowhead whales. The loss of sea ice also impacts the breeding and nesting grounds of seabirds, leading to a decline in their populations.
Forest Fires and Their Impact
Alaska's vast forests are also vulnerable to the increasing frequency and intensity of forest fires, which are fueled by drier conditions and higher temperatures. These fires not only destroy large areas of habitat but also release vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, further exacerbating climate change.
The destruction caused by forest fires has a profound impact on wildlife, displacing species from their natural habitats and increasing competition for resources in the remaining unburned areas. Additionally, the loss of vegetation reduces the availability of food and shelter for many animal species.
The Role of Indigenous Communities
Indigenous communities in Alaska have a deep connection with the land and its wildlife. They rely on the natural resources for sustenance, cultural practices, and spiritual beliefs. Climate change threatens their way of life as it alters the ecosystems they depend on.
However, these communities are also at the forefront of conservation efforts. They have a wealth of traditional knowledge and practices that can contribute to the protection and preservation of Alaska's wildlife. Collaborative efforts between indigenous communities and conservation organizations are essential in mitigating the impacts of climate change and ensuring the survival of Alaska's biodiversity.
Climate change is an existential threat to Alaska's wildlife and the delicate ecosystems that support them. Urgent action is needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect critical habitats, and support conservation efforts. The future of Alaska's biodiversity depends on our collective efforts to address the root causes of climate change and preserve this unique and precious natural heritage.
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climatechange24 · 5 months
The Arctic, a pristine realm of ice and snow, is undergoing a rapid transformation as a result of global warming. In a recent expedition to this fragile region, scientists embarked on a mission to document the profound impacts of climate change on the Arctic ecosystem. Led by Dr. Sarah Johnson, the team ventured into the heart of the Arctic wilderness to study the retreat of glaciers and the plight of iconic species like the polar bear.
As the expedition traversed the Arctic landscape, the team witnessed firsthand the relentless retreat of glaciers. Satellite imagery had hinted at the extent of glacial loss, but nothing could prepare them for the stark reality on the ground.
Massive ice sheets, once towering monuments of frozen beauty, now stood as mere remnants of a vanishing world. The rate of glacial retreat surpassed even the most dire predictions, leaving the researchers shaken by the magnitude of the changes unfolding before their eyes.
Among the most poignant observations made during the expedition was the decline of iconic species like the polar bear.
Once kings of the Arctic realm, these majestic predators now found themselves on the brink of extinction. Reduced sea ice cover has forced polar bears to travel greater distances in search of food, leading to increased competition and starvation.
Dr. Johnson, visibly moved by the sight of emaciated bears struggling to survive, emphasized the urgent need for action to preserve these magnificent creatures.
While the Arctic serves as a stark indicator of global warming, the Antarctic remains a vast, enigmatic frontier whose fate is intricately tied to the changing climate. In this segment, we delve into the complexities of the Antarctic world, examining the scientific, chemical, and mathematical intricacies that shape this remote region’s response to climate change.
The Antarctic Ice Sheet, a behemoth of frozen water covering nearly 98% of the continent, plays a crucial role in regulating global climate patterns. Its sheer size and mass exert a gravitational pull on the surrounding atmosphere and ocean currents, influencing weather systems thousands of miles away. However, this icy fortress is not immune to the impacts of global warming.
Rising temperatures are causing ice shelves to collapse and glaciers to retreat at an alarming rate, contributing to rising sea levels and altering ocean circulation patterns.
The Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica is a vast expanse of pristine waters teeming with life. But beneath its surface lies a delicate chemical balance that is being disrupted by climate change. Increased carbon dioxide emissions are driving ocean acidification, a process that threatens the survival of marine organisms such as shellfish and corals. Additionally, the melting of Antarctic ice shelves is releasing ancient carbon stores, further exacerbating the problem and creating a feedback loop of environmental degradation.
Mathematical models play a crucial role in predicting the future trajectory of climate change in the Antarctic. By analyzing vast datasets of temperature, ice melt, and ocean currents, scientists can simulate various scenarios and assess the potential impacts on Antarctic ecosystems and global climate systems.
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These models provide valuable insights into the urgency of action and the need for international cooperation to mitigate the effects of climate change on the Antarctic continent.
Special Attachment: International Relations in the Antarctic World
The Antarctic Treaty System, established in 1959, is a shining example of international cooperation in the face of environmental challenges. Signed by 54 countries, the treaty aims to preserve the Antarctic environment and promote scientific research while prohibiting military activities and territorial claims.
Despite geopolitical tensions elsewhere in the world, the Antarctic remains a beacon of peace and cooperation, serving as a model for global governance in the 21st century.
In 2022, an international team of scientists embarked on an expedition to the Antarctic Peninsula to study the impacts of climate change on the region’s ecosystems. Using cutting-edge technology and research methods, the team collected data on ice melt, ocean temperatures, and biodiversity, providing invaluable insights into the ongoing changes in the Antarctic environment. Their findings underscored the urgent need for action to protect this pristine wilderness and preserve its unique biodiversity for future generations.
As we conclude our exploration of the Antarctic world, it is clear that climate change poses a profound threat to this remote and fragile ecosystem. Only through collaborative efforts and a concerted global response can we hope to mitigate the impacts of climate change and ensure a sustainable future for Antarctica and the planet as a whole.
Details and Explanations of the Report:
During our exploration of the Antarctic region, it is essential to delve into the multiple factors influencing its delicate ecological balance and how these are intricately linked to global climate change.
Impact of Ice Melting: The accelerated melting of Antarctic ice is one of the primary effects of climate change in the region. This melting has a direct impact on the amount of freshwater released into the ocean, influencing its salinity and circulation patterns worldwide. Moreover, the loss of ice mass contributes to sea-level rise, posing a threat to coastal communities worldwide.Mathematical Formula: The rate of ice melt can be calculated using the following equation: Melt Rate=Δ�Δ�Melt Rate=ΔtΔM​ Where Δ�ΔM represents the change in ice mass over a specific time interval Δ�Δt.
Ocean Acidification: Ocean acidification is a phenomenon linked to the absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide into seawater. This process is particularly pronounced in the cold Antarctic waters, where the solubility of carbon dioxide is higher. Ocean acidification has severe consequences for marine life, especially for organisms that form calcium carbonate shells, such as corals and mollusks.Chemical Equation: The process of ocean acidification can be represented by the following chemical equation: CO2+H2O→H2CO3→H++HCO3−CO2​+H2​O→H2​CO3​→H++HCO3−​
Variations in Sea Ice: In addition to the melting of land ice, there is also a significant change in the distribution and density of sea ice around Antarctica. These ice masses play a vital role in regulating the global climate, reflecting sunlight and influencing atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns. The reduction of sea ice coverage has direct consequences for marine biodiversity, affecting species distribution and altering local ecosystems.Mathematical Model: The changes in sea ice extent can be modeled using mathematical equations based on climatic variables such as temperature, wind patterns, and ocean currents. One such model is the Sea Ice Concentration Model (SICM), which predicts changes in sea ice coverage over time.
Biodiversity Impacts: Antarctic ecosystems host an extraordinary diversity of life, from whales to penguins to single-celled algae. However, climate change is putting these unique life forms to the test. For example, the reduction of sea ice coverage can influence habitat availability for ice-dependent species like seals and penguins. At the same time, ocean acidification threatens organisms that form calcium carbonate shells, with severe consequences for marine food webs.
Future Perspectives: Addressing climate change in Antarctica requires a global and coordinated commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the impacts of human activities on the region. Additionally, promoting scientific research and environmental monitoring is crucial for closely monitoring the evolution of Antarctic ecosystems and informing conservation and management policies.
In summary, the report on Antarctica reveals a complex story of unprecedented environmental changes and underscores the urgency of taking decisive action to preserve this remote and precious region for future generations.
IPCC. (2021). Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Retrieved from https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/
NASA. (2023). Arctic Sea Ice Minimum. Retrieved from https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/arctic-sea-ice/
UNEP. (2022). Amazon Deforestation. Retrieved from https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/deforestation-amazon-rainforest-hits-record-high
NOAA. (2021). Coral Bleaching. Retrieved from https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource-collections/coral-bleaching
WWF. (2023). The State of the Great Barrier Reef. Retrieved from https://www.worldwildlife.org/places/great-barrier-reef
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