#also….. I usually start in the bottom left corner an work my way out
potato-lord-but-not · 2 months
I would really like to see a full page of all your silly little guy drawings instead of just the individual sillies, just to get an idea of the scale at which most of the drawings we see here on tumblr are drawn at.
Love your art and everything you do, your drawings give me life and questions about my sexuality 🙏
honestly such a good ask I never considered how weird it would be to see em all together lmao these are all in a 5 x 8 inch sketchbook btw !! I work rather small
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also! example of a comic, although recently I got a smaller sketchbook to do comics in (I didn’t expect to do so many panels in this one so I didn’t do it there lol)
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wosoamazing · 7 months
Summary: you get your third period and it’s bad but Lia and Leah take care of you.
Warnings: Bad period, vomit, hints at Leah’s endometriosis (but not actually mentioned)
A/N: I understand that Lia and Leah are not together, but this is purely fiction so…. Hope you like it, also as always requests are welcome, and I am working on the current requests I have.
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“Hey Y/N/N, why aren’t you up yet? The girls are coming over soon.” Beth asked, you had stayed at Beth and Viv's for the night as Leah was going out with some friends and you didn't want to be left alone.
“My stomach hurts Beth, it’s like cramping,” she furrows her eyebrows and pulls back your covers, to see a red patch underneath you.
“Oh, I think you’ve got your period, don’t worry it’s okay, it happens to all of us, there are some products in the bottom draw of the bathroom, have a shower and I’ll change the sheets for you,” she left you in the spare room, you quickly grabbed some clothes for the day and made your way to the bathroom, passing Beth in the hall.
You spent quite some time in the shower the warm water felt really nice, once you got out you put a tampon in and a pad on, you didn’t want to leak, you have only had 2 previous periods, but hadn’t leaked onto the sheets even the first time you got one, so you were more concerned than usual, after getting dressed you headed downstairs.
You had barely made it down the stairs, each step was accompanied by a stab in your lower abdomen. With each step the number of tears leaking out of your eyes increased. You walked into the living room where you could hear voices coming from, as you rounded the corner Lia saw you and her face dropped. “Oh Bug, come here” she said as she gestured for you to come sit with her, she was sat in the corner seat of the couch with her legs crossed, Steph was sat next to her, normally you would’ve resisted her offer, you didn’t like to have to have people take care of you, but in this moment you just wanted comfort preferably from your sister but Lia was the next best thing, you had seen her take care of Leah many times and sometimes Leah even asked Lia for help, especially when she had her period, and she was very good at it. So, you went over at sat in her lap. You sat horizontally to her, leaning your side into her, and placing your head into the crook of her neck, you brought your knees up to your chest and curled yourself up in hopes of reducing the pain you were experiencing.
Shortly after Beth had entered the room, holding some pains meds and your Arsenal water bottle in one hand and a hot water bottle and some sick bags in the other, you were slightly confused as to why she had those but didn’t bother to question, the girls had dealt with Leah’s periods a few times so maybe they were preparing just encase. “Here,” you sat up slightly as Beth handed you the pains meds and water bottle, she placed the sick bags next to Lia. After you swallow the pain meds, she gave you the hot water bottle which you put on your stomach before collapsing back into Lia as you let out a whimper.
“Where is Le?”
“She’ll be here soon, was just picking some things up. It’s okay, I’m here for you, anything you need at all, I know they haven’t been this bad before, but its okay” Lia told you. She practically knew everything about you, she was essentially living in your house now so it was expected.
“Do you want something to eat?” Beth asked you, you shook your head.
“You should try and eat something Kleintje, what about just a piece of toast” Viv asked
You didn't nod but you didn't shake your head either, so Viv decided to go make you a piece of toast, she lightly buttered it for you and brought it back. You managed to get through half of it before you started to feel sick, you gave it back to Viv and tried to take your mind of the sick feeling, however it only increased, you were very similar to your sister when you were sick or in pain so Lia noticed almost immediately, she got herself prepared with a sick bag trying to be as discrete as possible. You released from your ball as you gagged, Lia held the sick bag for you, and Steph rubbed your back. Once you finished you leaned back into Lia as Viv took the bag from her and said, “I’m going to call Leah,” to which everyone nodded in agreement.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, starting to cry, you try and burry yourself into Lia further, she pulls you closer and just wraps her arms around you once again, whispering “It’s okay Bug, we’ve got you” in your ear. You drift off to sleep, shortly after.
You wake up in a different place, you were still lying on Lia, but in different surroundings much more familiar surrounds. You were in your own house, Lia was sitting on your couch. Lia had noticed your stir “Hey Bug, Leah is just having a quick shower, then she will be out, how are you feeling?”
“B-bad” you said as tears leaked out of your eyes.
Lia noticed you were trying to move “Where do you want to go?” “Toilet” “Okay, do you want help up?” you shake your head. You try and manoeuvre yourself out of Lia’s lap, however it was unsuccessful and your movement caused a wave of stabbing pains to course through your abdomen, your breath hitched, you felt sick, like you were going to be sick, but you couldn’t be. Lia had noticed this, the bathroom wasn’t an option, and with your pain so bad, she didn’t want to move at all, every time she breathed you whimpered ever so slightly so she knew moving to reach the bowl would be all too much, she was just glad her and Leah had the idea to put towels down on the couch. You gagged, cupping your hand to your mouth, not knowing what you were trying to achieve as there wasn’t really another option other than the one you really didn’t want to face
“It’s okay, just let it out, we can just clean it up” she said in a soft, kind and reassuring tone. You gaged again, the only difference was this time something came up, and it went on you and Lia, “It’s okay, don’t worry, I’m here” Lia said as she rubbed your back. “Oh Bug,” Leah said as she walked out just catching a glimpse of the end of the what had just unfolded, she quickly walked over and grabbed the bowl placing it front of you, you gag again and loose more of your stomach contents, thankfully this time none of it was going on you though, Lia rubbed your back while Leah spoke encouraging words in your ear. “I’m sorry” you said shaking once you were done.
“It’s okay Bug, come on let’s get you showered” she picked you up, and took you to the bathroom, once you had gotten all cleaned up and changed, Leah directed you to her room as she helped you walk, Lia was already there sitting on ‘her’ side of the bed, she had also gotten prepared, there was water, pain meds, hydrolyte, sick bags and cloths on either side of the bed. You got onto the bed and Leah followed, leaving you positioned in the middle of the two women. Lia handed you some pain meds and water which you took before curling up with the hot water bottle on your stomach. Leah was rubbing your back, hoping that eventually it might soothe you to sleep, but it didn’t, only your whimpers got worse. You let out a little cry as Leah repositioned herself on the bed, she positioned the pillows so that her upper body was just slightly propped up. “Bug, I’m going to try something, it might hurt at first, but it should help, okay?” You nod slightly, so she gently slides you so that you are resting on top of her, she pulled you up slightly too so that your head on her shoulder, the movement cause you to cry, “Oh Bug, I know I’m sorry, I love you” she kissed you on the temple before continuing “I’m going to place my hands on your stomach okay, I’ll start ever so gentle and then slowly and slightly increase the pressure, but if at anytime you want me to stop just tell me and I will,” you nod. She places her hands on your stomach just below your waistband, you can feel the warmth of her hands and your body relaxes slightly, and with that Leah starts to apply a small amount of pressure, you wince and reach out for Lia’s hand seeking comfort, she slides over from where she is on the bed to be right next to Leah, you felt her at Leah’s side and slightly moved your head, so it was resting on her shoulder. Having relaxed into the initial pressure Leah increased, you whined and tried to pull back, Leah immediately moved her hands away “Sorry Bug, do you want me to stop?” “No, it does help, but also hurts a little, but not too much, better than the other pain” “Okay, but again tell me to stop if you need” you nodded your head and she continued, she felt you relax completely when you eventually fell asleep, but she kept massaging for a few minutes just to be sure you were in a deep sleep, your hand loosened on Lia’s and that’s when she stopped knowing you were definitely asleep.
“You’re a really good sister to her you know that right?” “Yeah, I suppose, I really don’t want her to leave, but she needs to, she needs to keep developing and as much as it pains me to say it, she isn’t going to improve at arsenal, she has just been playing with us for too long now, she knows the ins and outs of us, and even every defender on other teams, she needs new competition, new play style. I just, I don’t, in a few weeks everything is going to be so different” Leah broke at the final sentence, Lia wrapped her arm around her and kissed her on the temple, before Leah rested her head in the crook of Lia’s neck, her tears slid down her face, making Lia’s neck wet as she tried to hide her emotions, this was the first time Leah had actually expressed how she felt about your move, Lia knew how she felt but Leah hadn't actually spoken to anyone about it yet. “You know its okay to cry right, you both have such a special bond, she has lived with you for the past 6 years and you lived with her for like the first 8 years of here life-” “something like that yeah” “I know it will be different, I’ll miss her too, I spend so much time with her and I basically live here now, it’s like she is my little sister. But we have each other we will get through this together okay, I love you so much Le” “I love you too Wally, and if it helps, she definitely thinks of you as a big sister, I don’t think she would’ve let any of the other girls look after her today the way she let you do willingly, and did you see her reach for your hand and relax slightly when you came closer, she loves you too Wally, and also thank you so much for taking such amazing care of her today, while I wasn’t there. Sorry you got sick on you”.
Lia made a gross face at the reminder of that “I don’t think I would willingly let anyone other than my two Williamson’s vomit on me, ever. I just feel so bad for her, do you think we should take her to the doctor? Like I know with you and all there are the chances and stuff but what if something is wrong.”
“Oh don’t worry Mum has her booked in for an ultrasound already, somehow she managed to get one for tomorrow which in hindsight isn’t going to be fun to get her to but oh well” your sister looked down to your face a small frown was appearing she moved one of her hands back onto your stomach and the frown slightly lessened, she lightly started massaging again and the frown disappeared, so she kept going, hoping that you could sleep, as clearly even in your sleep you were in pain. “I do hope though that this is just a one off, I don’t want her to have to go through it, deal with this or worse every month.”
“I know, I hope so too, but we will be here for her and Lucy and Kie will look after her, and the girls at Barca, they all seem lovely”
“Yeah, it, just, I don’t know,” Leah sighed, they laid in silence for a bit before Lia spoke.
“Babe, I might try and sleep, if that’s okay, because it’s not like we are going anywhere soon and I’m slightly exhausted, after last night and then today”.
“Yeah, I might sleep too, love you,” they kissed briefly before Leah placed her head in the crook of Lia’s neck again and Lia rested her head on hers.
“Oh, Cait, I found them, shhh” Katie said, Caitlin came in and took a picture, Leah and Lia held hands over you, as you hand your hand was still placed in Lia’s and Leah’s other arm was wrapped around you.
“They are so cute, let’s just leave them be, leave the stuff on the bench I’ll send them a message”.
Leah woke up first and grabbed her phone, seeing a message from Caitlin.
Caitlin: We came to drop of a few things, you didn’t answer so we let ourselves in, we found all 3 of you asleep, so let you be, the items are just on the bench.
Caitlin: *sent a photo*
Leah: Thank you so much, and could you not tell people straight away….. I mean I know the team probably assumes but we haven’t told Bug yet, were going to tell her today but…
Caitlin: Yeah sure, hope she feels better.
You blinked your eyes open, and Leah looked down at you, “Feeling better Bug?”
“A little I guess,” you paused for a little moment, “Le?” “Yeah Bug,” “Are you and Lia together?” “Well Bug, in a way I suppose yes, we were going to ask you if you were okay with us being together today, but we decided not too because you weren’t well”.
“Okay, I don’t mind, can Lia move in now? Well like does it mean she will move in?”
“If you’re okay with that bug.”
“I would like that, I love Lia, she is really nice and fun, and she takes care of me and doesn’t complain when I throw up on her, and she makes you happy, and she is always the first one to check you’re okay and she really cares for you and helps you, even when you push her away. Don’t mess this one up Le, but maybe before she moves in just check, she wants kids…. And maybe marriage.”
“I’m glad you like her bug, because I do really like her, and I promise I wont mess this one up.” “I’m just going to go to the toilet” you say as you get up and head for the toilet shutting the door.
“Having little mini me’s wandering around the house one day could be cute, and I reckon she would make a great wedding planner, that way she wouldn't have to choose between us, for bride's maid”
“You were awake? You heard all that?” Lia nodded and smiled, which caused Leah to smirk before they kissed.
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digi-lov · 5 months
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Digimon Card Template->
Hey guys, I finally finished the templates! A few words to read before using, and more words under the cut if you will. I'd love to see any and all cards you create, so feel free to leave me an ask or DM! Also if you feel like supporting me a little, feel free to stop by my ko-fi->
First off, all fonts you need for the template are in the "Card Template Fonts" rar file. Remember to install them first before opening the files. Second, I recommend working with the PSD file in Photoshop, if you can. It has more and easier customization. If you use CSP, do use the CSP files. The PSD Text layers don't work in CSP, as well as certain other settings. I did my best to adapt the file to CSP, and it should work fine!
The Files have "HELP" layers in certain folders, I recommend reading them! Some of the Information I will repeat under the cut.
HAVE FUN! I wanna see lotta cards!
Okay, below the cut I'll leave some notes on how the Digimon cards are designed, as of the num <03> era at least.
Digimon cards have seven different colors. Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black, Purple, and White. White cards are rare and reserved for special Digimon/Tamers, and usually don't interact with other colors. For easier reading, Yellow and White cards have black text in their colors, instead of the usual white text. On multicolored cards, card including Yellow (or white) have white text with a black outline. (before <03> if Yellow was the first color, the text was black with white outline instead, but they unified it with the update) The color on the left is considered the first color. Since the design update, the Card color is displayed in a color wheel around the Play cost. The digivolution cost bubble also recieved a color wheel, as well as the buble being split into the differen colors. Imagining it like a clock, the top color is the first, and then circling clockwise. Digi-Egg, or Lv.2 Digimon are always single color.
[tricolored cards have been introduced just recently and super rare. use sparingly]
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Now to the Effects. The main effect is in white color with a black outline (also outlines on the keywords), while the Inherited Effect doesn't have outlines (unless it's a Yellow double color). If the Digimon has no Inherited Effect, there will be a small dash in the box.
Only white cards have black text in their main effect.
The effect text will start in the lower bottom of the image, not all the way at the bottom, and go down from there. If the Effect is too long it will move up.
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Besides the regular evolution requirements, Digimon may have special "Digivolve" rules in their effect. This can make an evolution from a specific digimon cheaper, allow X Antibody Digimon to evolve from their normal counterparts, serve to overlook color requirements, or to allow evolution from certain traits, etc.
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Some Digimon may also have an extra "Rule" in the bottom corner.
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Ace Digimon will always have [Hand][Counter]<Blast Digivolve> effects. Most of them have no inherited effects. They also have a significantly cheaper play cost than comparable Digimon, but in turn have the Overflow mechanic. EX6 introduced Blast DNA Digivolution, which specifies the required Digimon by name, and not just Level and color.
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Lv.6 Digimon usually don't have inherited Effects, some might though, if they were made with Lv.7 evolution in mind. Furthermore Lv.6 Digimon pop out of their frame, even on the normal arts.
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Now Tamers originally had neither traits, nor inheritence effects. But certain Tamers now do! Tamers with Mind Link effects, or the kids from Frontier for example, will have Inherited Effects.
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Option cards have a grey backdrop for their effects, and the effect text is black. This black effect text carries over to full/alt arts, regardless of color. The have a (use) cost instead of a play cost. They can also have traits or rules, but it is rare.
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327 notes · View notes
devotedlykoneshots · 4 months
Genre : 🔞, minors DNI, smut, boss x employee plot, nothing too dirty
Word count: 4158
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You sigh as you work another late night at the museum, it was a good job as far as the pay but the hours were killing you. You were just doing your nightly sweep of the floor, making sure nothing was moved with a clipboard in hand as you checked off another area of the massive venue.
That was until you saw a door open and it was the control room, you cautiously walked towards the room.
"Hello! The museum is closed!"you called out before a figure emerged from the room, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"You can't be in there, we're closed and the cops are on their way" you tell him, it was a lie.
"Do you know who I am?"he asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
"Is that supposed to mean something? You need to go home, we're closed"you couldn't believe how dense this person was being and your eyes widened as he let out a humorous laugh.
"W-why are you laughing?"you asked and he walked closer to you, you take a step back once he stands a little too close for your liking.
"Sweetheart, I own this museum"he said which only makes you burst out laughing at his pathetic lie.
"Right and I'm the long lost grandchild of queen Elizabeth, sir- I don't have time for these games"you joke back and he looks rather appalled at you accusing him of being a liar.
"I'm not playing any game"he said , looking as if you personally kicked his dog.
"Prove it"you challenged him and he laughs , this was the most absurd thing he'd have gone through in a long time.
"This is ridiculous"he shakes his head in disbelief, still reeling from the fact that you had no clue who he was.
"All you have to do is leave , the faster you leave the faster I can go home myself. Do you think I wanna be here at this hour at some museum for spoiled rich people? I have better things to do with my time"he had to admit that stung a bit but it was also kinda true.
"I have no reason to lie"he pleads, you were so stubborn but in your defense you thought you had caught a thief in the act and putting him on the spot.
Then again why would someone steal from the museum in a trench coat and no mask? A part of you started to panic the more his lie seemed to unravel to be the truth after all.
"You could be a thief, that's a very good reason to lie"you countered his claim of innocence still, unwilling to believe the man before you.
"Is the security system not working? And what about the backup security system?"he actually seemed a little worried? Well if he was actually the owner that would be understandable but he couldn't possibly be, right?
"How did you know about the backup-"he walked back to the control room and you were quick to follow him , raising a hand to stop him from touching anything but that was until you see he bypassed the security code.
"Backup security system online"he sighed as he heard the Ai voice and turned around, someone didn't turn on the backup security system before they left. He would have to deal with that tomorrow but right now, he was more focused on proving his status to you.
"Believe me now?"he asked as he turned around and you took a step back, your back hitting the wall.
"I- oh my god-"your eyes widened in horror as you realized the terrible mistakes you've been making for the past 20 minutes, you insulted his clients.
"Cat got your tongue?"he grinned and you bit your bottom lip as he takes a step forward, you have no where to go as you feel cornered in such a spacious room.
"You could be a very successful hacker"you blurted out and he raised his eyebrows at you , a laugh bubbling from his throat.
"Are you usually this stubborn?"he asked as he cocks his head to the side, maintaining eye contact.
"Only on special occasions"and he grins at this before straighting himself again.
"I think the words you're looking for is , I'm sorry boss for the inconvenience"he said and you looked down at your feet , shifting from one foot to another.
"I'm sorry boss for the inconvenience"you repeated his words and he takes another step forward, gaining your full attention.
"Louder"he demands and you bite your bottom lip before wetting your chapped lips with your tongue.
"I'm sorry boss-"you apologize again, louder this time.
"I'll take a tour around the venue and dinner on you of course"he smiled, the tables have definitely turned and he'd be so petty to admit that's why he stayed so long. He wanted to see the look on your face as you slowly realized just who it was that you were talking to and now your job laid in his hands.
"Why?"you ask , confused.
"Give me what I ask and you may keep your job that pays you oh so well , I'm sure you have better things to do with your time than search for another job at the moment as you say"not bothering to offer you an explanation, just another demand and rightfully he didn't owe you an explanation.
"I'm just a janitor-"you had no idea how to give a tour.
"Which means you should know every square inch of this establishment, am I correct?"he countered , dominance radiating from him almost making you shrink on the spot.
"Yes, sir"you answer and he's pleased to say the least.
"Good girl, shall we?"he asked and held out his arms , you link your arms together and walk out of the control room.
If anyone saw you right now they would assume you were a couple , if it wasn't for the uniform of course and you gave it your all really. He didn't seem too pleased as he corrected you everytime you would give him the wrong information but he didn't comment on it further.
"Where are we going to eat?"you asked him and he glanced at you, looking you up and down before focusing back on the road.
"Somewhere of your status"he said and your jaw dropped at the insinuating tone of his voice.
"Did you just call me broke?"you accused him yet again and he shrugged his shoulders this time.
"You said it, not me"he said and you scoffed, looking out of the window and scolding yourself for even thinking he wasn't so bad after all.
"Wow"you muttered, reminded why you have this hatred for celebrities.
"Can't be too broke if you have better things to do than be at work"he eventually says after a moment and you look at him, it was true that you still had money left to do whatever you wanted after paying your bills each month.
"In my defense I didn't know who you were and I'm sorry that's not what i meant"you apologized since he apologized? If that's what you want to call it.
"Oh yes it is but that's alright, no one on the face of this planet would rather be at work than out doing what makes them happy"he laughs before explaining, he was a lot more wise than you thought.
"We work because we have to not because we want to"he reminds you and you're reminded that maybe just maybe he might not be that bad after all.
He pulls up in the drive thru of a  Wendy's and looks over at you expectantly, you sigh and pull out your card as you hand it to him afterwards.
"What do you want to eat?"he asked and you take a deep breath before telling him your order.
"Double cheeseburger meal with added lettuce and cheese, you can also add a chocolate frosty and 2 loaded baked potatoes"you say and he looks at you as if you suddenly grew two heads.
"I also want a sprite"you added before looking at him , your eyebrows furrowed and he chuckles as he writes it down.
"Don't judge me"you defend yourself as you fold your arms, he shakes his head with a snort.
"I'm not I just- I'm not used to women eating so much in public my field"he explains and it makes sense , a lot of celebrities worry about their perfect image and often promote bad diets to younger people.
"I love food"you said , blurting out the first thing that comes to your mind.
"Me too"he agrees with you and both of you fall silent , he hands the cashier his own card and your jaw drops for the third time tonight.
"But-"you point a finger at him accusingly.
"What kind of man would I be if I actually let you pay but nice to see that you're trustworthy"he speaks and grabs his card from the cashier, pulling up to the next window to grab the food.
"You didn't have to do that"you tell him and he looks over at you.
"Too late"he shrugs and grabs the food, handing the food to you, pulling out of the drive thru and back onto the road.
"You never told me your name"you tell him and he glanced at you.
"That was intentional"he said and you snort.
"I thought you were quite upset that I didn't know who you were"you accused him and he laughs this time.
"Not upset just confused, this doesn't happen everyday"he gestured between the both of you and you nod your head in agreement.
"Then tell me your name"you insisted and he chuckles, you were a persistent little one.
"I will.... eventually, maybe once the night is over"he said and you looked at him in shock, the night wasn't over quite yet.
"You know some of us actually have to work tomorrow, I'm that someone"you tell him and he looks over at you before pulling into an abandoned parking lot , turning off the car and looking at you again.
"Take the day off"he says as if that was the most simplest thing in the world.
"I can't , I have bills that need to be paid"you tell him and you quite liked being able to spoil yourself after completing your adult duties.
"Then consider them paid"he said and your jaw dropped again.
"You can't be serious"yeah this definitely doesn't happen everyday.
"Are you saying no to free money?"he asked with a laugh and you run your fingers through your hair.
"I mean no but you don't have to do that"you tell him and he raises his eyebrows at you once again.
"Paying your rent so you can take a day off? Consider it a token of my gratitude for the tour"he said and you laughed , shaking your head.
"I had absolutely no idea what I was doing"you told him and he leaned his head on his seat as he stared at you , amusement evident on his face.
"Okay dinner then"he offered and you shook your head again.
"You just paid for dinner"you told him and he snorts at that.
"Okay then for keeping me entertained"he said and you bit your bottom lip.
"That was unintentional"you told and he laughs, grabbing the bag of food and giving you your meal for the night.
"I should probably take you home, you're probably exhausted"he said and you nodded, that part you couldn't deny.
"My car is still at the museum"you stressed and cover your face, he rests a hand on your shoulder with a gentle squeeze.
"I'll have someone come and drop it off tomorrow"he said and you looked over at him before reluctantly keying in your address in his gps system.
That's how you ended up in your current situation, your back pressed against the wall and very much so giving you deja Vu because after you made it to your apartment you turned around to stare at each other again.
"Have a good-"you didn't even notice you cut him off at first.
"Do you wanna come in?"you instantly blushed and he steps inside of your apartment, watching as you removed your shoes and put away your access card from work.
"Do you want something to drink? I have some alcohol"you offered him as he hung up his coat , his footsteps following you after he removed his shoes as well.
"Like what?"he asked and you looked through your cabinet, he tried so hard not to stare at your ass but he was still a man after all.
"Bourbon"you pulled out a bottle and he smiled at that, walking over to you and taking the bottle from you.
"I'll take a glass"he said and you immediately grabbed two wine glasses , he immediately pours you both a glass but he doesn't fill it up completely.
"Why a museum? I mean you still look very young I guess that's why I didn't believe you when you told me you owned the museum"you told him and he laughed softly, a stark contrast to his laugh from earlier.
"My mom was a collector, she loved antiques and preserving ancient things and when she passed my father built the museum to honor her"he explained after drowning his glass and rounding the island in your kitchen.
"I'm sorry"you said sadly, you felt for him and his father truly.
"Don't be , I think she's proud and smiling down on us everyday"he tells you as he sits his glass down in the sink.
"Any mother would be"you told him sincerely.
"I guess you're right"he chuckles and stares at you for a moment, his next question leaving his mouth before he could stop himself.
"Do you have a boyfriend?"you bite your bottom lip before shaking your head.
"No, it's either a hit or miss with most men these days"you answer him and he steps closer to you.
"I'm guessing it's been mostly misses in the past"he said and you nodded, taking another sip of your bourbon.
"You would be correct, what about you? No wife? No girlfriend?"you asked and he shakes his head as well.
"No, I have to be extra careful who I spend my time with because of my status and most times have been misses for me too"he explained, you never really thought about it like that. How celebrities put themselves at risk every time they interact with someone.
"Lucky us"you said and he grabs your glass from your hand , setting it on the counter next to the sink as your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"I'm going to be very blunt here and what you do with this information is your choice"he states and a part of you is panicking, a part of you is anticipating what he could possibly have to say.
"Uh....Okay"you give him the green light to confess.
"I want you , right here and right now"he said and your eyes widened, certainly not expecting that.
"You want me?"you asked dumbly, maybe you were interpreting things wrong because why on earth would someone like him want someone like you.
"Yes, Ms y/n" he confirmed what you already knew, your back pressed against the wall in the kitchen.
"You're my boss"you said and he cages you in with his arms, you bite your bottom lip again.
"You're off the clock"he counters.
"I also have work tomorrow"you said and he brings his hand to your face, his thumb caressing your cheek as he tilts your head up to stare at you better.
"I can think of a few ways to make you call out"he said and you blush again, looking away and biting your bottom lip.
"Kiss me"you say after a moment of silence, the both of you knew you would end up here the moment you invited him inside and now that you were here there was no going back.
His lips waste no time at all to connect with your lips and you drink him in completely, your lips and tongues tangled in a battle.
You lick into his mouth and he sucks on your tongue, his hands slide down and find their purchase on your ass, squeezing your flesh through the material of your work pants.
You moan onto his mouth and pull him closer by his shirt, he pulls away from your lips for some sir and slips his hands inside of your pants. He pushes the material over your ass before grabbing at your flesh again.
His lips leave your own and travels to your neck, licking and sucking on the skin there as he leaves a mark behind before he's pushing your underwear and pants down.
You step out of the sticky material and run your fingers through his hair, earning a groan from him at the tug as a smile takes over your face.
You kick your clothes to the side and tug on his shirt, slipping your hands underneath the nice material and feeling the smooth and defined skin underneath before you pull back to look at him.
"Take it off"is all you say as he kisses you again and he groans softly, reluctantly pulling away from the kiss to pull his shirt over his head and you bite your bottom lip at what you see.
Abs. So nice.
You don't hesitate to kiss and lick at his beautiful torso as you sink down onto your knees, licking and kissing his v-line.
"Come here"he grabs the back of your neck and pulls you up, kissing your lips again and lifting you up into his arms easily.
"Show off"you smiled against his lips and he laughs, sitting you on the counter as you use your fingers to work on getting him out of his jeans and underwear.
"Does this mean you're taking off of work tomorrow?"he asks once again and you bite your bottom lip.
"I can be persuaded"you tell him and he kisses your lips again, pushing his pants to the floor and stepping out of them.
"I can't wait anymore, I need to taste you"he said and pushes you down on your back , lifting your hips and licking your pussy softly.
A gasp leaves your lips as he hums softly and sucks your clit into his mouth, your back arching as you moan out loud and grip his hair.
"Fuck- why is your tongue so soft"you whimper as he sucks on your clit, your hips bucking against his mouth as you roll your hips.
"Feels good?"he asked with a grin and you look down at him with a lazy smile.
"So good"you bite your bottom lip and he blows air on your clit before sucking it back into his mouth, sucking harder and flicking his tongue faster.
He shows no mercy on you as his hands hold you still while his mouth works on you, you're unable to keep quiet and he certainly didn't want you to regardless.
The slap to your pussy each time you try to cover your mouth or bite your bottom lip was enough proof of that and judging by your heavy breaths he could tell you were close.
His eyes watch as your jaw hangs open and countless moans, whimpers and cries leave your lips.
"Gonna cum"you warned him and he pulls away much to your disappointment, pulling you off of the counter before he pulls out his cock from his boxers and turns you around.
He covers your mouth as he enters your pussy from behind slowly and your eyes roll to the back of your head, he starts off slowly thrusting into you.
You knew he had to have a nice cock and you were right, his cock was so nice. All of him was nice.
"You're so big"you whimper as soon as he removes his hand and he kisses your lips, pulling off your shirt and bra.
He grabs both of your arms as he speeds up the pace of his thrusts, hitting all the right spots and making your back arch as you moan loudly.
He uses a hand to cover your mouth and the other is placed over your tummy, he bites his bottom lip harshly at the way your pussy keeps sucking him right back in.
He pushes you forward against the counter and places a hand at your lower back , you hold onto the counter as he holds onto both of your hips and pulls you back onto his cock to match his thrusts.
"You're gonna make me cum already"your knuckles turning white from your grip on the counter as you squirm in his grasp from the force of his thrusts, it was almost as if he was trying to make sure you would be in no condition to go to work tomorrow.
"Cum on my cock angel"you gasp as a hand slides between your legs to rub circles on your clit, giving that extra stimulation that has your body curling in on itself as you cum.
Your body continues to twitch as he catches you before you could fall forward against the counter, pulling you back against his chest before guiding you towards your room slowly.
He brushes your hair away from your face once you're settled onto your bed, your hand wraps around his cock and you start to stroke his length.
"You're not tired yet?"he asked with a chuckle, bucking his hips into your hand and you kiss his lips for what felt like the tenth time tonight.
"I want you to cum too"you tell him and stroke his cock, moving slowly as you straddle his lap and line his tip up to your entrance.
You sink down on his cock slowly as your jaw drops once again but this time it was because of how deep he was.
"Holy shit"you take a deep breath and hide your face in his neck , he rubs your back soothingly and without a second thought he plants his feet on the bed and thrusts into you quickly.
"Ah!"you scream and hide your face in his neck, gripping the sheets beneath his head tightly.
"I know, fuck- you can take it , you're such a good girl"he whispers into your ear and kisses your lips again, you kick your feet as he grabs your hips and helps you bounce your ass on his cock.
The sound of skin slapping against skin and your muffled cries fill the room, you pull back and sit up on his lap as he continues to drive his cock into you.
"Fuck-!"you lift off his cock as you cum but he pulls you right back down , kissing your lips and thrusting into you again as he rolls you over onto your side.
"You staying home tomorrow?"he asked you again and you grip his hair tightly, overstimulation kicking in and you nodded.
"Yes, fuck- whatever you want"it was as if that was the magic word because he immediately pulls out of your spent pussy and strokes his cock, a deep mean leaving his lips as he runs his tip through your folds and painting your flesh with his cum.
His lips are back on yours as you both kiss back lazily, he pulls your body into his side and silence engulfs you both.
"Are you going to tell me your name now?"you asked him and he chuckles, you pull back enough to look at his face.
"Seungcheol"he finally tells you and you smile at him, kissing his lips once again and he cups your cheeks.
"I think I might be addicted to you now"his voice cuts through the silence and you bite your bottom lip.
"You're my boss, we shouldn't be doing this"you trace shapes on his chest as guilt rushes through your body, the gravity of the situation just now hitting you.
You just had sex with your boss.
"I'm the boss remember, I make the rules and the first rule is kiss me"his thumb strokes your cheek and you smile, shaking your head.
"Right now"he nods and pulls you down for another kiss, tongues clashing once again.
The night was still young and whether you knew it or not seungcheol still had a few more rounds left in him for the night.
It's not like you would be going to work in the morning regardless, he has you all to himself for the next 24 hours.
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
Hiiii!!! How are you?? I was wondering if you could write a Hiro hamada x fem!reader who’s a kinda famous teen actress?? (Also with tadashi still alive if you don’t mind…In my brain he didn’t die in the movie 🥲)
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Hello hello!! I'm doing okay, thanks for asking! Just a bit dead tired from work. I adored writing this, and that rizzed up line hit me outta nowhere i swear i might just be boyfriend material in the wrong vessel bro.
Warnings: Aged Up! Characters, lil Tadashi appearance cause mans not dead in my eyes.
|| ᴜɴᴅᴇʀᴄᴏᴠᴇʀ || ʜɪʀᴏ ʜᴀᴍᴀᴅᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ||
[ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ]
You enter the cafe, glancing at the display case filled with pastries and doughnuts. Your mouth waters, your stomach rumbling hungrily. You notice the small chatter around you and become self-conscious. 
In retrospect, someone wearing a broad-brimmed hat and sunglasses with a mask covering the bottom half of their face is bound to draw some looks here and there.
But today’s your day off from work, and you intend to enjoy it fully without being mobbed by the paparazzi. You had decided in the morning to wander around San Fransokyo, maybe even catch a glimpse of the superheroes everyone’s been talking about, when you decided to stop at a cafe for lunch.
You join the short queue of customers, trying to decide what to get as you scan the menu. The big breakfast looks incredibly appealing, and the photo beside its name almost makes you drool. You could really use some coffee to energize yourself as well.
You’re finally in front of the cashier, having waited patiently for the person in front to count their change before they leave. The cute boy in front of you looks to be around your age, and the way he runs a hand through his fluffy hair makes you smile. 
“What can I get you?” He pauses when he looks up at you, slightly caught off guard by your getup. You clear your throat, fighting back the embarrassed flush that blooms on your cheeks. 
“Hi, could I get a large latte and a big breakfast combo?” You request, though your voice is slightly muffled through the mask. 
“Yeah, sure. How would you like your eggs?”
“Scrambled, please.”
“Your total will be eleven dollars and thirty cents.” He tells you. Your wallet is already pulled out, but in your haste to grab the money, your sunglasses slide off your face with a clatter on the counter. 
You freeze, a twenty dollar bill in your hand as he picks it up for you. You take it back from him with a thankful nod, accidentally making eye contact before quickly sliding them back on. 
Your breath hitches in that second, scared that he had recognized you and would call the paps to spread the news that you’re here. You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself. He probably hadn’t gotten a good look at you, considering that your hat might’ve blocked most of his view.
“Where do I collect the food?” You ask, picking up the change.
“It’s okay. I’ll bring it to you.”
“Oh, do you do that for all the customers here?” You’re surprised, though it’s very nice of them to do so.
“Only the pretty ones.” He smirks slightly with a shrug as he waits for the small printer to spit out the receipt.
Your lips part, trying to find a response after his words render you speechless.
“And I don’t usually give discounts either.” He adds with a small smile, handing you back your receipt. You take it with a shy smile and bashful nod, scurrying to an empty seat next to the window. 
You pull out your phone, already buzzing with messages from your manager telling you to return quickly for a new reading of a script that’s been offered to you. You sigh, not opening any of them before pulling out a book and headphones. You connect the wireless headphones to your phone, slumping back in your secluded corner and pressing play on the music.
You open the book, starting off from the page that you left off. It’s your favourite book, smiling fondly at the dog-eared pages your thumb brushes against. You read for a while, removing your hat and sunglasses and placing them beside you for better lighting. 
You’re interrupted when the smell of coffee hits you, looking up to see the cute cashier that had flirted with you earlier. Your eyes immediately widen, heat blooming on your cheeks as he looks down at you with a grin, placing your coffee and plate of food on your table. 
You try to help him arrange the things on your table, your hands brushing against his when you reach for the salt shaker at the same time. He chuckles nervously, and you also spot a faint red on his cheeks when he averts his eyes with a shy smile. 
“Thanks,” You manage to say, your lips suddenly dry when your gaze meets his.
“No problem, hope you enjoy. I’d love to hear what you think of the Lucky Cat Cafe’s food.”
You nod, filing away the name for any future visits. He leaves with another quick glance over his shoulder, and you tear your eyes away from his retreating figure. You start to eat, glancing up every now and then to see him interacting with other customers. 
When a group of people enter the shop, he greets them with a warm smile, making your stomach flip as you clear your throat, looking away. Your eyes unintentionally settle on his figure again, only to inhale sharply when you notice he’s also looking at you.
Your gaze drops down to your food, feeling hot as the blush creeps up your neck to your cheeks. You’re an actress, for goodness sake, you scold yourself, so act!
You focus on your food, but hushed whispers attract your attention. You look back up, noticing that his group of friends are watching you with wide eyes as recognition fills their eyes. You stiffen, trying to finish your food more quickly. 
You hear the whispers die down, glancing up again curiously to see him frowning and saying a few words to his friends with his hand on his hip, and they glance back apologetically with bashful nods. You quickly nod back with a flustered wave when he smiles at you again.
Once you finish your food, you leisurely sip your coffee, watching the cute guy occasionally. He seems to do the same, sneaking small glances here and there. He’d be talking to a customer, only for his eyes to wander over to where you’re sitting.
You’d know; you caught him doing it a few times.
He finally settles one more customer before walking over and taking your empty plate. “So? How’s the food?” He asks, his friends having wandered upstairs to hang out with someone that looks like his brother, the older one giving him a noogie you chuckled at.
“It’s delicious. And,” You hesitate, “Thank you.” 
It’s genuine, and you’re sure he can sense what you’re referring to when his eyes flicker over to you with a hint of surprise before his lips curve upwards into an attractive grin.
“Anything for a cute girl like yourself.”
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cobaltperun · 8 months
Lost (Side - 1) - 25
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: Tara hasn't had a chance to celebrate Sam's birthday in years and she'll make this one count. She just needs help from you and the twins.
Lost masterlist
Before we start, this was based on these two headcanons.
Word count: 3k
The creamy texture of the sweet chocolate and vanilla filled crescent rolls made you throw your head back with the largest grin on your face in months. "Damn, I am getting so good at this!" small victories, that was all that mattered right now.
"No way! They can't be that good!" you didn't think it was possible, but you grinned even wider when Tara jumped on your back and stole the roll right from your hand. She remained on your back as she took a bite, and you turned your head to watch her reaction. "Oh, oh, they actually are good!" she devoured the roll and reached for another one on the table only to realize she was too far to reach it.
"That's what you get for doubting my skills, Carpenter," you laughed at her pout and grabbed a larger bowl to use for crescent rolls. Still, she looked too cute not to give her what she wanted. "Here you go," you handed one roll to her and placed another one in your mouth as you began arranging the remaining ones in the bowl. You set a couple down at the bottom and dusted them with a bit of powdered sugar then repeated the process as Tara happily chewed on the one you gave to her earlier.
A few moments later she reached for the one you kept in your mouth. You looked at her and then at the half-eaten roll still in her left hand. The realization hit you and you bit through the roll. Tara smiled and leaned her head against yours. When you swallowed, she offered you another bite and you went back to placing the rolls in the bowl and dusting them with sugar. When that was done you cleaned up a bit, just to get some of the mess out of the way, all the while still having Tara on your back.
"Okay, time to get off," you said when you finished up and grabbed the bowl.
Tara just reached down and took a roll. "I like it up here," she whispered into your ear.
"Tara," you warned even if both of you knew you were all bark and no bite when it came to her.
"Baby," and there it was, her recently discovered secret weapon she used when you tried to put up a fight. You saw the mischievous, smug smile on her face when you sighed and began walking.
Sure, the nickname worked on you, but there was another reason for how easily you gave in. Sam's twentieth birthday was just around the corner, and it would be the second time Tara couldn't spend that day with her. Tara's been, well, she wasn't exactly in a good mood these past few days and seeing her this relaxed put you at ease as well. Being able to improve her mood even the slightest bit was worth doing much more than carrying her on your back. Also, she actually had an appetite and it always made you happy when you could sneak a proper meal into her usual routine, since her damn mother wasn’t interested in making an effort to do it.
You opened the fridge and crouched down, with Tara still hanging onto your back like a koala. "Orange juice, iced tea, milk, I dunno, lots of things," you listed the various drinks you saw in the fridge. "What do you want?" you glanced down and noticed a small bottle in the doors. You nearly forgot about it. "Oh, yeah, I made kiwi syrup, wanna try the juice?"
"Dude, why are you even asking? Of course, I want!" Tara laughed, honestly, with how much she liked kiwi you really shouldn't have asked.
You took two glasses and poured some syrup into them before filling them up with water and mixing the two with a spoon. You handed a glass to Tara and picked the other one up.
"Say, Y/N, would you make something just for me?" Tara asked almost out of the blue. Her voice was small, and you felt her grip on your short tightening. She was nervous, as if you would ever say no to her requests.
It wasn’t as if you couldn’t say no to Tara. You could and did if she was unreasonable, but that was the thing, Tara, as used to getting bare minimum from everyone around her rarely asked for anything, and even when she did it was ridiculously small. So, given that, you’d do pretty much anything to make sure you made whatever she asked for happen.
"Of course, I’ll make anything you want," you assured her softly as you climbed up the stairs to your childhood room. And she just, she hid her face, and you pretended you didn’t notice the collar of your shirt getting slightly wet. If Tara wanted to talk, she would, and if she felt like she could let a few tears fall without you making a fuss about it, then you’d let her do that as well, as long as she released it all, you were fine with just being there.
Tara's request was the same back then as it was a few days ago. 'Please make ojo de pancha,' so, you did, both back then and today and all the times in between when Tara would get nostalgic and start missing Sam more than she usually did. It was delicious, sure, but there was something else to it that made it special for Tara, and you were willing to bet it was special to Sam as well.
Thankfully, since Chad and Mindy's parents were out of town, you could work on the best birthday lunch Sam had in years in their kitchen.
You were kneading the dough for the puff pastry when Mindy walked over to you. "Good thing you have stamina, you've been at it for almost an hour," she commented and poked the dough you left to rest half an hour ago.
"Tell me about it. Puff pastry is great, but damn, it is not worth the effort," you chose to split the dough into two pieces to make it easier to work with, but that also meant a lot more kneading.
"Unless Tara asks you to make it," Mindy teased as she began loading the dishwasher.
You grinned. "I'm whipped and I'm proud!" you cried out victoriously, prompting the girl the bend over laughing.
"Don't we all know that," she sighed as her laughter subsided. "But, damn, you're really going all out," she whistled as she checked the fridge. "Chocolate eclairs, mini strawberry cheesecakes, wait, you're kidding right?" she turned to you with her jaw hanging slightly.
"Guess you found the opera?" you laughed, figuring she saw the cake.
"Okay, I see how it is," she nodded and closed the fridge. "Impressing the sister-in-law, smart."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at that. "Sam isn't-" you tried to put up a fight.
"Zip it, you're whipped," she immediately cut you off and pointed a finger at you. "You, Y/N L/N, are so whipped I wouldn't even consider you as a suspect even if you are Tara's love interest."
There was absolutely no way to dignify that with an answer. "Are you and Chad done with decorations?" you asked instead and put the dough away, finally. Now you could make the filling.
Mindy went and sat down at the table armed with a spoon and a piece of bread. You forgot to put away the leftover filling for deviled eggs so now she was spreading it across a piece of bread. "You're the only one still working. We prepared the playlist, did the decorations, games, movies, and anything Sam might want to do is all set. Chad should arrive with flowers any minute now."
You began mixing the ingredients. "He really wants to make this surprise party memorable for Sam."
"You both do, you're too sappy and soft," Mindy pretended to gag.
You let out a short laugh and glanced back to look at her. "Says the one who set this whole thing into motion! You said we should celebrate here!" she could act tough all she wanted, but you were more than aware Mindy was one big softie, at least somewhere very, very deep down.
~X~ Earlier that day ~X~
Sam woke up to the smell of eggs, ham, and coffee and it smelled amazing. She spent the night on the couch, refusing to let Tara sleep anywhere but in a proper bed. She felt a bit stiff and mentally made a note to make sure their new apartment in New York would have more comfortable furniture. Still, her apartment was cheap, two floors beneath Tara and your apartment, and, unlike yours, had a separate bedroom.
"I told you you'd get stiff on the couch," came Tara's teasing voice, and Sam blinked a few times. By the time she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, Tara already leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Happy birthday Sammy," oh, how she missed that nickname. Nowadays, Tara used it only on special occasions.
"Thanks," Sam pulled Tara into a hug. Finally, after five years she could spend her birthday with her sister. Maybe she could even argue it was after a decade since she no longer kept her distance from Tara.
She missed so much of Tara's life and somehow seeing the breakfast Tara made for them, complete with a dish she didn't recognize, but that looked rather tasty, only further reminded her of that.
Tara, noticing the puzzled look directed at the food, smiled and sat down. "Y/N knows a bunch of European recipes, so she taught me how to make some. This one," she pointed at the dish Sam didn't recognize. "Is Swedish, I think, sandwich cake, I went with avocado and salmon filling, and, you know, bread."
Sam nodded, impressed, both by Tara and you. "I guess Y/N didn't work as a chef for nothing," she commented, still observing the, now named, sandwich cake.
Tara laughed. "You haven't seen anything, she went all out for my eighteenth birthday and it was incredible. I don't think I've ever seen as many different dishes on the same table in my life," Tara explained excitedly spreading her arms.
Sam added another mental note, to make sure you knew just how much she appreciated everything you did for Tara. She went behind Tara and hugged her, she pressed her face against Tara's left shoulder and held back tears. "I know it doesn't change anything, but I'm so sorry for leaving you, Tara," she left shortly after Tara turned thirteen, not even realizing at the moment that she was leaving Tara around the same time Tara's father left.
One of Sam's worries was that it would ruin Christmas time for Tara, and in turn, also affect her birthday, but Tara celebrated her nineteenth birthday without any issues. Granted, she wouldn't leave your side for more than five minutes and she didn't need a seat for even a minute. Sam still wasn't sure if it was due to it being Tara's birthday or due to the freshness of your relationship and long-awaited reunion. Probably the combination of all those factors. Regardless, she was relieved.
Tara turned around and, while still sitting, hugged Sam. "It means everything, Sam, it means everything," she whispered and Sam couldn't stop the few tears from falling. "Hey, we have a lot of things to do today, let's not get emotional right away," even though Tara was the one who said it Sam could hear she was also struggling not to cry.
Sam nodded and separated from Tara. She wiped the tears from her eyes and took a deep breath. "Right, I'll be quick," she went to the bathroom. They did have a packed day ahead. Tara decided to make a repeat of Sam's thirteenth birthday. Breakfast at home, going to a local arcade, then to see a movie, back then they saw How to Train Your Dragon, then to a local bakery where Tara only had enough money to get one ojo de pancha, so they split it. Ever since then, ojo de pancha has become Sam's absolute favorite. Back then they wrapped up the day with games at home, thinking up any ways they could have fun with just the two of them.
They'd repeat the arcade, the cinema, and the game night, although the last one would be at Mindy and Chad's place. The local bakery closed even before she left Woodsboro, so they couldn't get ojo de pancha, but she could live with that.
When Sam parked in front of Mindy and Chad's house the first thing she noticed was your car already there. Which explained Tara's endearing excitement, still, it hadn't even been twenty-four hours since Tara last saw you.
When they stepped outside the car Tara actually ran around the car and raised her hands over Sam's eyes. "Really, Tara?" Sam couldn't help but chuckle, still, it was Tara, and they were about to meet up with their friends, so Sam felt at ease even with her vision blocked.
"Just trust me," Tara didn't say it, but Sam heard the silent plea.
"I trust you," she assured and felt Tara close what little distance was between them to hug Sam from behind before bringing her palms back up over Sam's eyes.
"Wait, wait, we need a picture!" Chad's voice made Sam reconsider letting Tara guide her like this.
"You could earn some good money by selling that photo to Y/N," Mindy chimed in.
"Damn, I already sent it to her," Chad lamented and Sam just shook her head slightly.
"I swear, you'll never get any easy money," Mindy was probably jokingly glaring at Chad, not that Sam could see it.
"Steps," Tara warned just in time for Sam to avoid tripping. Climbing the stairs with Tara trying to cover her eyes was almost impossible, seeing as how short Tara was, but they somehow made it up the stairs alive and without the surprise being spoiled. Sam wasn't even sure what Tara was keeping her from seeing, since they were still outside and the house looked normal. Oh well, Tara probably wanted to do it so she did it.
Sam was led into the house and into the living room and only then did Tara let her look. Sam's jaw dropped. There were balloons in each corner of the house, with large 2 and 5 shaped balloons hanging behind the sofa, where she was likely meant to sit. The was a huge 'Happy 25th birthday Sam!' banner hanging from the ceiling. She figured you and Chad moved the kitchen table to the living room, and it was filled to the brim. Two plates filled with chocolate eclairs and mini strawberry cheesecakes. An amazing-looking cake with number 2 and 5 candles stuck on it. A bean soup steamed from the center of the table with a plate filled with chicken rolls stuffed with vegetables on one side of it and a plate of pork chops on the other side. Deviled eggs, guacamole, and crunchy-looking pizza rolls completed the table. Still, there was one spot open.
"Happy birthday, Sam," you said as you came out of the kitchen, a large plate raised high above your head. She couldn't believe there was actually more as Tara sat her down at the head of the table.
And then she saw the content of the plate as you set it down. Ojo de pancha... a whole lot of them, arranged in a heart shape. She felt Tara squeeze her shoulders and looked up to look at you taking the apron off. Her vision got blurry, definitely from the yet-to-be-shed tears. "You're crazy, all of you," she blinked, but it barely kept the tears at bay.
"And you're loved, by all of us," you tossed the apron over the chair, likely meant for you, on Sam's far right.
"Sappy, but right," Mindy and Chad brought out flowers, a beautiful custom-made bouquet.
"You deserve this and so much more. Happy birthday, Sam," Chad grinned at her and Sam just couldn't take it anymore.
She buried her face into the crook of Tara's neck and cried, overwhelmed by the happiness and love she felt. She felt Tara gently rubbing her back with one hand and then heard the three of you getting up. In a matter of moments, she was engulfed in the largest hug she ever experienced in her life and her sister was at the very center of it.
She never had this while she was growing up. Before she found out who her father actually was she had some friends, but they weren't keen on playing with 'Sam's sick little sister' so Sam stopped playing with them as well. After she found out about Billy her company consisted of teenagers at least a few years older than her that would help her get drunk and eventually introduce her to drugs. None of those people were meant to be lasting friendships that went beyond getting into trouble. In Modesto she was already used to being on her own, mostly going for short flings or acquaintances keeping her company.
She had it now. Strong arms. Warm arms. Firmly holding onto her and giving her a reason beyond herself or even just her and Tara to be strong and protect what she finally got. Because she finally found family in these people.
As the group separated, she took the ojo de pancha in the middle of the heart and split it into five pieces. There were plenty of them on the plate, more than enough for all five of them, but there was just something about sharing that first one with her family that made all five of them share warm smiles.
Lost masterlist
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pokeberry5 · 5 months
do you have any tips for drawing dynamic poses? i always love the way you draw bodies!!
i know this has been said a million times but the way i draw bodies significantly improved after i started drawing more frequently from reference. if i cant find a reference for a pose on the internet, i'll just use myself or a friend. i spend an unfortunate amount of time just standing in front of my mirror looking at my own joints. pay attention to where your body curves!!
other than that though—honestly my anatomy/pose knowledge is a whack amalgamation of art tips i've accumulated over the years (i miss old school deviantart/tumblr style art tutorials). i also like to look at how artists i admire draw bodies—what details to they include, what anatomical short-hands etc
i think i'm still figuring out how to draw dynamic poses, but here are some cheats i've picked up (under the cut coz this got long again):
gonna use this stray!tim as a base
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the easiest way for make up a pose is to start roughly with the head, collarbones, ribcage, and pelvis — you can build everything from there
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here's a couple more of what i mean by the ribcage-pelvis deconstruction:
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2. push your perspective a little!! imo things look more dynamic if you move your sight-line up or down—the horizontal orange line here. if you look at the panels above, the sight lines tend to be a little low, at around the character's torso or waist. i did the same below with stray!tim
to do this i usually try to get a sense of the space im working in by putting in some sloppy perspective grids
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3. S curves!!! exaggerate the lines of the body. the body naturally has parallel horizontal lines—an easy way to get a body to look less rigid is to tilt those horizontal lines which in turn curves the vertical line of the body
this is what a mean by horizontal lines—usually i use the eyes, shoulders, and hips:
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i'm gonna use caterina as a better example—usually you want the horizontal lines to sort of zigzag:
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i've also picked up a couple visual tricks that don't exactly add dynamism to a pose? but they do give a static pose a little more oomph. a lot of this is done by visually highlighting one specific point of the body
for our purposes, i'm gonna make the focal point tim's face
motion blur! there are a couple ways to do this. i actually dont like working with traditional motion blur because you have to mess around with selections, so i usually fake motion blur using postional perspective blur:
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2. gradient lighting—you can add a lot of depth this way. usually i like setting the gradient in the direction of the focal point, e.g. tim's face
below, i added a layer above the base drawing, used an airbrush to get this gradient, and then set the layer to color burn and lowered the opacity. you can also clip the lighting layer to the base drawing and set it to multiply
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below, i did the opposite—instead of adding a gradient shadow, i added gradient light. i set the layer to add this time (instead of color burn) and then lowered the opacity again.
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this kinda serves to desaturate the parts of the piece that are less important (ish i was kinda sloppy here), driving the eye to face—the most saturated. the motion blur does a similar thing, where the only thing "in focus" is tim's face
the gradient also sort of adds a directionality to the piece—it starts at the bottom right corner and goes up towards the upper left, causing your eye to follow that same path, which drags your gaze up tim's body
here's what it looks like when i combine 1 and 2:
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3. chromatic aberration's been pretty popular recently. it does a similar thing as perspective blur but with more eyestrain (although i went with a really exaggerated version below just to show you what it does) but it looks cool!
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bonus cryptid tim as a reward for getting to the end :-)
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trulyyours-rune · 1 year
Se me ocurrió un Tom celoso porque el lector ha estado pasando más tiempo con Gustav que con él, entonces Tom decide ponerlo celoso con una chica pero al final el lector le da una lección a Tom (me refiero a algo un poco caliente) 😼
I didn't know what this meant to google translate was my bestest friend <3
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(Didn't know if you meant for Dom ((like top)) Male reader or Dom bottom, so I did top)
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Warnings: Smut, Dom(top) reader, language, jealousy, smoking, drinking, public sex (jerking off), risk of getting caught, Tom being Tom, cause I know +18 doesn't work just read what you're comfortable with.
Tom Kaulitz x Male reader
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You and Gustav got real close, like y'all were best friends. With Tom being not being hard to make jealous, got jealous. Spending out some time with Gustav instead of him made him upset, and with Tom being Tom he's gotta make you jealous now. (fair game man. You signed up for it.)
It's currently an afterparty to a club your friend owns, and let's you guys party for the night for free. You and Gustav were talking at the bar, Bill was out dancing, and Georg and Tom were out to God knows where. You were a bit tipsy, but could be easily be mistaken for sober, while Gustav was near to being drunk.
You seen Tom come out of legit no where, a cigarette in hand, as he spot you and walked over. "Hey Tom." Gustav waved his drink, Tom just waved back. "You okay Tom? Where's Georg?" "He's out smoking, bet that I left he's making out with some chick." He sat down on a barstool. "You're usually having the time of your life at free parties." You leaned back a bit, your empty shot glass banging against the table. "Yeah." He tilted his head a bit. You shrugged it off and continued to talk to Gustav, Tom holding your hand while you talked.
By the time you've taken a few more shots and were drunk at the time, you noticed Tom was gone, but also some guy that was troubling the bartender getting kicked out, you and Gustav laughed like idiots at the sight, your head against the table while Gustav had his drink spilt over. The flashing neon lights were making your head spin, and the alcohol was making it worse. It was like the world was waving and spinning. "Jesus... I'm gonna go to the bathroom, be back soon." You rubbed your eye, setting the glass down. "Alright, see ya bud."
You stood up and slowly walked your way to the bathroom, trying not to trip over your feet from not being able to walk straight. You look over to your right, and you see long dirty blonde dreads with a hat, kind of looked like Tom, kind of longish brown hair which you supposed was Georg, and two blonde ladies. One in pink and the other in black and white. They we're all sitting in a fancy booth with a light dimmed over them, currently you couldn't care less. Your main goal was to make it to the bathroom without looking like an idiot.
You made it to the bathroom, there was no gender sign so some guy was probably puking up 10 shades of green in a bathroom stall and some girl was fixing up her make-up. You turned on the taps and washed your face off, the girl glanced over at you and winked. You just ignored her and continued to not seem and feel as drunk. You bent over and drank some water which overall wasn't that good, but did help your head and vision a bit.
You walked out, letting the door swing behind you. Some couple was making out in the corner, but it's not like you'd see then again anyways. You started to walk your way back to the bar Gustav was waiting at, only to see from afar that he wasn't there. You sighed and rolled your eyes then you heard a familiar laugh coming from your right. Seemed like Tom's and Georg's laugh. You walked over and seen the same booth with them, noticing it was actually them this time. You decided to be an ass and sit down with them, not being able to find Gustav anyways.
"Hey Tom, hey Georg." "Hey Y/n" Georg smiled, the 2 ladies were still here. Awfully close to the each of them. Tom stayed silent, the girl on him having full attention on you now. Her hand still on his chest which you were kind of off about, "I'm Alexis, call me Alex." She seemed to talk in a flirty way towards you. You introduced yourself to the pair of girls. They were attractive, but you already had your boyfriend. He was just staring at you, not quite saying anything. You guys were chatting for about 10 minutes by now on different alcohols, Tom didn't seem to be paying mind to you and only kept holding 'Alex' by the waist. A bit close for your liking, but you still had some alcohol left in you, so just blame it on that for now.
There was some obvious tension between you and Tom, Georg kept looking at you two as if you both were gonna snap and just start randomly making out with each other. (Not like you would mind.) "Excuse me, I'm gonna use the restroom." Alexis called out, you and Tom moving out of the booth for access for her to get out. You both sat back down next to each other, this time with your hand on his thigh. He seemed to tense up a bit. He was avoiding eye contact with you and you smirked at it, moving your hand more inwards.
"Y/n." Georg called out "Huh? Oh yeah- as you were saying?" "Truth or dare, wanna play?" "Sure, I'm in. Tom?" Tom just nodded, wonder what's keeping him from talking with you. 10 minutes passed with useless drunk truth or dare, you seemed to get drunk again. Everyone laughing, the music blaring, lights flashing everywhere, every regular club that horny people come too. Hell, there were 2 dancers in revealing clothing dancing on display.
Alexis came back, making you and Tom boot out of the booth and scooting back in. The game continued, Tom was leaning against the table, covering his stomach and lower. Alexis just seemed to be chilled back and relaxed with a drink in her hand, drunk off her ass. "Y/n, truth or dare." Alexis's friend called out on you, "Truth." "Would you fuck a guy for $25?" "Yeah I would." You scoffed with a laugh, (you already have, for free.) Everyone laughed, you narrowed your hand towards his crotch, no wonder why he was covering. Tom has a problem down there.
You looked off to the side a smirked, letting Georg ask Alexis something. Couldn't care less to hear it, you continued to run your hand over his crotch repeatedly, seemed to work as it was teasing him. Next thing you knew was that Alexis chugged down some vodka. She was nearly black out drunk. Tom tried to swat your hand away, but you smacked his hand away. He was enjoying himself anyways, why bother?
The game went on with continuous questions and dares, and the amusement of Tom trying to keep quiet, if everyone weren't so drunk people would notice his face being all red and his constant shifting in positions. He positioned himself so no one could see your hand, which was uncomfortable but for the sake of not being caught. His shirt was curled up, so it would take no effort for you to undo his jeans. Speaking of which...
You tugged at the button and ripped the zipper down, you can see him biting his lip trying not to make any lewd noises. You honestly wanted to hear them all, to bad you can't and you'll have to save the patience. You stuck your hand into his boxers, making his breath hitch and him slamming down his fist onto the table. "Er- you alright there Tom?" Georg nodded his head towards your boyfriend "Yeah yeah- I'm fine." "You sure? Seem tense." You teased. He just shook his head and looked down at the wooden table.
You finally took him out of his boxers and you started to stroke him off under the table, his breathing was fast and heavy, his knuckles turning white the the strong grip he had on his glass. "Hey Tom, truth or dare." Georg slurred, obviously drunk out of his mind. "Fu- truth." "Alrigh- *hic* umm... H-have you everrrr... Crashed a car?" "No, surp- fuck.. Surprised I haven't yet." He let out a laugh. His laugh interrupted by him cursing under his breath, but you can't stop being so tease and decided to go faster. He threw his head back slightly, his free hand forming into a tight fist. His mouth hung loose, he started to twitch in your hand so you picked up the pace again.
Not to long before he released onto your hand, making him swear a bit loud. "You okay Tom?" "Alcohol is strong." He shrugged off. You wiped your hand onto your jeans, not like it's gonna be long before they're discarded.
This one turned out better than I thought it honestly would. And I normally don't write pure smut because I actually suck ass at it soooo 😘
This took be 3 hours. It's 1 in the morning, I'm going to bed so have a good sleep unlike me <3
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bbyquokka · 2 years
You're more than that ۰˚☽˚
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➥ pairing: Hyunjin x F!Reader
➥ genre: fluff, smut. MDNI
➥ synopsis: coming home to see Hyunjin heartbroken, you soothe him – in more ways than one.
➥ warnings: smut, unprotected sex, fingering, mentions of people disliking hyunjins new hair, explicit language, creampie, spanking, overstimulation, shower sex, pet names [babe, baby, angel, prince], brief nipple play - if i missed any, lmk!
➥ words: 2.8k
➥ a/n: Inspiration that contributed to the last section. i felt like this fitted well with Hyunjin. i have some fics in the works two of them im excited to start on so look forward to them!
Feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
➥ m.list – ➥ you can also read it on my ao3
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Autumn. The time of year where the leaves turn a beautiful yellow-orange. The days get shorter and colder. Halloween is just around the corner. You love autumn but this year, you love it even more.
Why? because not only have you just recently moved in with your current boyfriend, Hyunjin, but it's also comeback season. Him and the rest of the members have worked tirelessly, preparing for the comeback – and with a new comeback means a new image.
Hyunjin came home one day with his hair cut and dyed. You were shocked at first however, you soon grew to adore it. Not only did it fit the concept but it also fit him. Hyunjin knew people would be shocked with it but he hoped people would understand and love it. Majority of people did, however, he soon learnt that not very many people did
Leash in hand, you were on your way back from walking Kkami. You weren't expecting Hyunjin to be home until late/early morning considering it's still promotional season. You went to unlock your apartment door, shocked when you discovered it was unlocked.
"I did lock the door before I left, right?" You asked Kkami, as if he could understand you. He looked at you then at the door, indicating he wanted in – now!
You opened the door, slowly walking inside. You looked at the hanging coats and the shoes and noticed that Hyunjin's were placed in his usual spot. Furrowing your brows, you took your shoes and coat off, taking Kkami's leash off.
You cautiously walked to the living area, jumping slightly when you saw Hyunjin's tall figure sitting on the sofa.
"Gosh babe! You gave me a fright!" You spoke, placing your hand over your heart. Hyunjin simply hummed, his attention on his phone. His thumb moved up his screen, indicating he was scrolling.
You frowned. Walking closer to him your frown softened as you noticed he looked upset and confused.
"Hyunjin?" You spoke softly. His gaze continued on his phone screen, his eyes glossy and wet. Tears pricked his lower lash line and fell down his soft cheeks. Your eyes widened in shock. What could have happened?!
You gently removed his phone from his hand, locking it and throwing it on the sofa beside him. He was still in the clothing he left early this morning, the faint smell of sweat lingering on his skin indicating that he didn't bother to shower or change.
Hyunjin finally looked up at you, his bottom lip quivering as tears fell down his cheeks. You cooed softly, stroking away his tears. You straddled his lap, pulling his head into your chest. The sound of your heart soothing his worries and despair.
"They hate it." He whispered through his soft sobs
"Hate what baby?"
"My hair." You let out a silent sigh, knowing where this was going "They hate it so much. I've seen it all. I've seen all the comments."
"Is that what you were looking at, baby? The comments?" Hyunjin nodded his head slowly, his hands coming around to your back, gripping your clothing like a baby koala.
"You shouldn't torture yourself like that."
"I-I know but it's STAYS! I always want to know their thoughts and opinions."
"I know Hyunjin but some people are not so nice. Those types of people are not worth your time and effort." You kissed the top of his head gently, holding him as close to you as possible.
"Is my hair really that bad? I thought it would have been a good change.." Hyunjin pulled away from your chest as he looked at you with his glossy, tear filled eyes. You cupped his cheeks gently, stroking his skin with your thumb
"Hyunjin. It's not bad, it's perfect!"
"You're just saying that because I'm your boyfriend." Hyunjin mumbles, sighing and looking down at his lap. You lifted his chin up with your finger, forcing him to look in your eyes
"No, I'm not. You should know by now that I tell you what's on my mind and if I don't like something, you will know about it. Sure, it was a shock at first, it's something new! But it's perfect for you, Hyunjin. Besides, you're handsome now matter what you do with your looks. You could have long or short hair, you could even be bald and you'd still look as handsome as ever!"
Hyunjin sniffled, his bottom lip quivering. Fresh tears fell from his eyes as he listened to your loving words.
"R-Really?" You hummed, nodding.
"Really! You're so much more than just looks, Hyunjin. You're a talented man. You sing, rap and dance so well. Your stage presence is suffocating but in a good way. Not only that, but you're so talented at art. Your artwork never fails to blow me away, Hyunjin. Stop doubting yourself and giving all your effort to the people who are so negative on you. Focus your energy on the people that DO care."
"You're right. You're always right." Hyunjin mumbled. You laughed softly, running your fingers through his hair.
"Now let's get go shower, you smell."
"Hyunjin, I can't." You whimper. The warmth of the shower water beating down on your naked skin. Water droplets dripping from the ends of your hair as your hands are firmly planted against the cold shower wall, hips out as Hyunjin was driving his fingers in and out of your pussy.
It happened so fast. One second you were getting changed, the next your lips were attached to one another is a hungry kiss. Lips and hands roaming each other, taking in every detail of one's skin. Soft moans and grunts mixed with the sound of the shower water beating down on the shower floor
"You can, I know you can." His nimble fingers were working expertly inside you, stroking your soft walls as his fingers curled up, hitting your sweet spot with each thrust. He leant over you, kissing the valley that linked your shoulder and neck together. His plump lips sucked and kissed your delicate skin, leaving purple marks behind.
His free hand travelled down your sides, stroking the curve of your ass before slapping it, harshly. The sound of wet skin and his hand coming into contact with your skin echoed in the bathroom, sounding louder than what it should.
Your body jolted forward at the sudden impact, chest touching the cold tiles. Soft whimpers left your lips with each slap, your cunt clenching around his fingers. Your lower lash line pricked with tears, threatening to spill down your damp cheeks. The force of Hyunjin's hand increases with each slap.
"H-Hyunjin." You hiccupped. The sting became too much to bear. You hung your head low, panting. Hyunjin licked his lips as he saw your ass cheek turning a bright red. He stroked the tender skin, cooing softly.
"Good girl." He whispered, planting a gentle kiss on your shoulder. You looked at him, your lashes wet from your tears.
"More." Your voice tiny, drowned out by the wet sounds of your cunt and the water from the showerhead. Hyunjin growled as he pulled his fingers out of you.
He positioned himself behind you, hands on your hips. You wiggled your hips cheekily, grinning. Hyunjin groaned deeply, grabbing the base of his cock and teasing your entrance with his tip.
"Hyun, don't tease me." You whined.
"And why shouldn't I tease my sweet baby?"
"Because I'm at my limit! It's been so long, Hyun so surely you must be at your limit too? Don't you want me?" You pouted, battering your eyelashes at him from other your shoulder
"Of course I want you!" Hyunjin pushed his length inside you, stopping until he bottomed out. You groaned at the feeling, head kicking back "I always want you, baby. Everyday and every night, you're all I desire."
His hips started off slow and steady, letting you get used to his size. Due to promotions, he has been rather busy and in the process, has been neglecting yours and his own desires. He could feel that with how tight you feel around his cock.
Soft groans formed in the back of his throat as he thrusted slowly. He so badly wanted to go hard and fast, but you're fragile and precious to him. He wants to savour the moment. You closed your eyes slowly getting used to his size. Soft moans and pants left your lips as you hung your head low, gaze falling at the puddle of water beneath your feet.
"More, faster!" You shakily called out. Hyunjin gripped your hips tightly in his hands, his thrusts increasing in power and speed. The sound of wet skin slapping against each other mixed with the water and your moans.
"Ah fuck Hyun. S-So good." Hyunjin groaned as he leaned over you. His teeth grazed across the skin of your shoulder before he planted lazy kisses. You tilted your head to the side, allowing more access. His teeth sunk into the flesh, a hiss of pain and pleasure escaping your lips.
Hyunjin removed one hand from your waist, letting it travel up your side and to your breast. He cupped it gently, squeezing and flicking your sensitive nipple. Your body jolted slightly at the new pleasure, your bottom lip caught between your teeth, hands balled into fists against the cold tiles.
"You feel so good around me. I've missed this so much!" Hyunjin groaned against your skin. You hummed, purposefully clenching around his cock making him whimper softly.
"Me too, Hyun. You've been so busy lately, I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you too, baby. I'm sorry, I've been neglecting you, haven't I?" You turned your head to the side, making eye contact with him. You pouted, nodding slowly. Hyunjin bit his lip, your glossy eyes and faint blush making his cock twitch.
"I'm sorry angel." Hyunjin pulled out most of his length, leaving just the tip inside. You whined, wiggling your hips to try and push more of him inside. Hyunjin laughed softly before repositioning himself and pushing his length back inside you, hitting your sweet spot instantly.
You moaned out loud as Hyunjin continued to thrust against your spot. His cock stroking your soft walls as his tip hit your spot over and over again. Your legs soon started shaking, threatening to give up. Nothing but soft pants and empty words left your mouth as Hyunjin looked down at you, satisfied with your reaction.
"H-Hyunjin. I can't. It's so much, it's so good." Hyunjin grabbed onto your shoulders using it as leverage. You didn't think it was possible but his thrusts became more powerful and faster. You felt the back of your thighs slowly getting sore, your back aching from the position you're in.
"Gosh, I can never get over how good you feel around me, baby. This cunt remembers me so well, I love it!" Hyunjin growled. You whimpered loudly at his words, the knot in the pit of your stomach slowly forming.
Hyunjin felt this with how tight you had a hold of his cock, making it increasingly difficult for him to be consistent. His hands travelled down your sides, resuming their earlier position on your hips.
"Oh gosh, Hyunjin. I think–"
"I know, baby. I can feel it. It's okay, you can cum. Cum for me baby, show me how much you've missed my touch."
You whimpered, the knot in your stomach snapping. Your orgasm washed over you as your cunt contracted and released around Hyunjin's cock. Your legs shook and if it wasn't for Hyunjin keeping a firm grip on you, you'd be on the floor.
A sting of fucks left your lips as you calmed down, only then did you realise that Hyunjin was still thrusting into you. You whimpered loudly, the oversensitivity consuming your body.
"I know baby, I know but you can take it. I know you can. You're such a good girl for me." You squeezed your eyes shut, reaching behind you. Hyunjin smirked, grabbing both your wrists from behind. He held a tight grip on them, using them as leverage as he thrusted. Your body shook and jolted at the impact, your breast bouncing with each ruthless thrusts.
You could no longer moan but instead whimper. The oversensitivity was too much for you to bear, it was making you sweat and tremble. Hyunjin's movements soon faltered, becoming sloppy and uncoordinated.
"B-Baby." he spoke, struggling to keep his composure. His eyes squeezed shut, his breathing laboured. Your bodies slick with sweat from the activities plus the humid air that caved you both, making it difficult for you to breath.
"I-Inside." You cried out. One finally thrust and a grunt from Hyunjin, he was emptying himself inside you. Your cunt clenched around him encouraging him to milk himself inside you. You hummed at the feeling, Hyunjin shallowly thrusting, chasing his high.
Soft pants left his lips as he coated your walls white. Once calm, he let go of your wrists letting them dangle down your sides as you caught your breath. His cock turning soft inside you as he pulled out slowly, his liquids plus yours slowly falling down your thighs.
As Hyunjin stood back, you felt your legs giving up completely. Thanks to his reflexes, he caught you just in time, making you laugh. Your body ached. Your back and thighs screaming at you as your pussy felt swollen and sensitive from overuse.
"Sorry baby." Hyunjin mumbled, feeling somewhat guilty. You shook your head, kissing him sweetly.
"Don't be sorry, my prince. I enjoyed it just as much as you did." Hyunjin smiled softly, kissing your lips sweetly "Now, help me clean up. The humid air is making me feel dizzy."
Hyunjin was sitting on your dressing table chair dressed in nothing but boxer shorts. You stood between his legs, dressed in your favourite panties and a spaghetti strap vest. Towel in hand, you were drying Hyunjin's hair.
"Do you really like my hair?" You looked down at him, removing the towel from his head to reveal his gentle and perfect features. His eyes looking up at you with so much love and admiration.
You smiled softly at him, your own eyes filling up with love as your heart swelled with admiration for the beautiful man. The way he was looking up at you reminded you of a small puppy dog, begging for a treat. You stroked his soft cheeks, humming softly at him.
"Of course I do. it's stunning on you." Hyunjin hummed in thought before speaking
"But –" He swallowed, wondering whether he should speak.
"Go ahead, hun. Tell me, what's on your mind?"
"Why can't others? Why can't other people see past my looks. I'm more than looks and it upsets me that people don't realise or refuse to."
"You're 100% right, my prince. You are more than looks. But some people just refuse to believe that. There are some people, my love, that thrive of other people's misery. Those people, you stay away from. Those people, you don't invest your precious time and energy on, because it will consume your mind."
"Then, what do I do? Ignore them?"
"Yes." You replied bluntly. "You invest all that positive energy on people that care for you, Hyunjin."
"Like you?" You smiled softly at him, nodding slowly.
"Me, Kkami, your family, your members, STAYS. We all have different relations to you, but one thing we all have in common is that we love you, in more ways than one. We know the real you. We know how extraordinary you are, Hyunjin. They're the people that matter the most."
Hyunjin smiled softly, feeling reassured. You continued to dry his hair of any left over moisture, squealing when you felt his fingers pinch your ass softly.
"Hyun!" You whined, slapping his gently with the towel. Hyunjin laughed as you resumed your task. He didn't notice until now but his eyes were level with your breasts. He could see the perfect roundness and fullness you have to offer as well as your hard nipples poking through the material of your vest.
"Fuck." He whispered, cock twitching in his boxer shorts. You looked down at him as he grabbed your waist, pulling onto his lap so you was straddling him, before pulling you flush against his naked skin.
You dropped the towel on the floor, you eyes level with one another. Hyunjin's eyes glossy and dark with lust and want.
"Hyun." You whispered.
"I need more of you. It wasn't enough. You're intoxicating, addictive. The more I have of you, the more I crave. I shouldn't have bitten into the forbidden fruit because now, I'm addicted to you. Your sweet, honey taste coats my taste buds, fills my veins with adrenaline. Fuck, what do I do to fulfil this aching desire?"
You whimpered at his words, his lips sucking and kissing your skin. You held onto his shoulder, humming softly before lifting his head up to look at you. You leant in, lips ghosting over his own
"You give in. Fulfil your heart's desires with indulgence, Hyunjin. Use me, indulge in me, taste me all you like. I'm here for the taking."
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waywardwritesstuff · 4 months
HIIII!! How are you?
I was wondering if you could do a platonic rottmnt Donnie x reader one shot?/nf of course! Maybe like some comfort after reader has had a bad day.
I LOVE YOU!! remember to drink water!
-Axel <3
Bad days: ROTTMNT!Donnie X GN!Reader
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ROTTMNT!Donnie X GN!Reader
Word count: 1k+
Looking left and right before removing the server grate I climb down the access hatch into a tunnel underneath New York. I pull up the straps on my back so that it doesn't scrape on the walls on my way down. I don't even look where I'm going, I just watch my feet as they splash through the puddles and scuff up some gravel with the heel of my shoe. Not even paying attention to which tunnels I'm turning down, I know where to go, my legs will just carry me.
My mind begins to wander to the events of today. School. Such a useless waste of time, the turtles are lucky they never have to go. They would never get tired or be told they fail because of a letter on a page. They wouldn't have to worry about fitting in or fitting out. They just get to live, even if it is in the shadows.
It's not all bad, I have April at school but she's busy and we don't share any classes. But she has my back when it counts. But...some days are just harder than others, and today seems to be that day.
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As I come to the last tunnel I can hear the sounds of the guys, Leo is yelling about some skateboard trick and Raph is yelling back, telling him he'll crack his shell if he's not careful. 'He's such a mum' I think to myself, and it makes me smile.
I enter the lair and am witness to one hell of a stunt gone horribly wrong. I watch as Leo dives down the half-pipe doing a handstand on his skateboard. He makes it to the bottom before his weight tips the skateboard and he goes flying into the other side of the pipe. I cringe watching his head collide with the wood. Raph rushed over to him first and Mikey soon after. As usual, Raph is fussing but Leo says he's fine. Mikey looks stary eyed saying "My go! I want to try that" Raph starts to scold Mikey now and a big commotion starts up.
The noise is becoming too much so I sneak around them and head towards Donnie's room/lab. The door is shut but I can see that the lights are on. I know once, twice and whisper 'Donnie, it's me' and wait. A few seconds later in dramatic fashion the door is swinging open, and the light is flooding the floor at my feet. "Come in compadre," he says, and I step inside.
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As usual his lab is a mess and his bed even more so. He has half working tech and circuit boards littered over his desk, he has papers and designs laid out on his bed, some even trailing onto to floor. I stare at the equations and diagrams but none of it makes sense to me. And that reminds me why I'm here in the first place. I'm here to see my friends after one of the crappiest days in school history.
Not knowing where to sit I stay awkwardly standing by the door, hugging my arms to myself. Donnie has already gone back to messing with some of his tech but his head perks up suddenly and he spins in his chair to look at where I'm standing.
"What happened?" He says bluntly.
I deter my eyes away from him.
"Judging by your attitude, your unusual quietness and the stiffness of your posture and the fact that you are still wearing your backpack I would say that you had a bad day at school"
Shrugging I still don't look at him as I say "I guess so"
Out of the corner of my eye I see him tilt his head at me. He begins muttering to himself, something fast under his breath, I only catch a few words 'doesn't want to talk' and 'maybe but I don't know'
I look at him now and he's still in full conversation with himself.
"Donnie?" He looks up at me
"Oh yes, right" he clears his throat.
"It seems you may be in need of a..." He pursues his lips, and he looks like he is trying to chew and swallow his tongue as he says, "a hug?"
I blink at him confused, Donnie doesn't do hugs, Donnie also doesn't really do touch. I don't want him to feel like he has to touch me just because I'm feeling down, does he feel obligated or something? No, he wouldn't, because he hasn't done it in the past.
"No, Donnie seriously it's fine. I'll be fine" I take a small step back and hug my elbows to my chest.
He looks down at the floor and then chews his lip "If you want to I'm offering. You can obviously say no, I know how important personal space is, believe me. But if you need one, then just this once I'm willing to give you one"
I look at him, I can see it's taking him a lot of effort to offer this, and I don't want to make him uncomfortable, but I really need this right now. I take a careful step forwards and then another. I unlatch my arms from around myself and open them in his direction. He does the same, and taking the last step, we wrap our arms around each other, his green ones around my tan ones.
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His skin is cool and the scales littering his skin feel different in comparison to mine. It's not a bad difference it's just different.
I can hear his heart beat, slowly thumping against my chest. His breaths are a little shallow but I figured as much. He holds me really delicately, like I'm something precious and it's enough to make me want to cry. I squeeze him tighter one last time and let go.
Looking at him, I smile and say "Thank you Donnie, that meant a lot" he puts a hand on the back of his neck and cuffs
"Oh it was nothing" he smiles back at me. Then returning to his usual self he turns back to his desk and calls me over to take a look at his newest invention.
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I hope you enjoyed this, it was a little short I'm sorry but I still hope you liked it. Again sorry it took so long
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southparkxreader · 1 year
title : the assisant . pairings:  post covid !  kenny mccormick x reader | timeline b. trigger warnings : age gaps . reader is in her middle twenties , everyone else is forty nine . specific uses of she/her pronouns ,  uses of y/n + l/n . writers note : i’m really, really nervous about this, i feel like this is a little rough but i just want to get kenny & y/n’s dynamic written so it opens more possibilities. i promise you, this is going to get better - 😭 feed back is always encouraged !
"good morning, mr mccormick" you said breathlessly, clumsily putting down his usual breakfast order on the desk - you take a little too much pride in how you didn't spill a single drop of coffee as the carboard crashes roughly onto the surface.
"good morning, miss l/n" kenny mirrors back, a tug pulling at his lips as he stops paying attention to his ipad, opting to watching you closely as you attempted to make the items organized, they were always placed down the same way. sandwich on the left in the centre, the coffee slightly above it on the right. he doesn't miss the way your tongue rolls over your lips as it had your full concertation, in fact it's all he can focus on, only drawn away when you start paying attention to him once bearings were gathered.
when you finally look up, your eyes meet, regret thrums inside your chest. heated cheeks from jogging across the building only became worse as embarrassment crashes through your veins at the very obvious amused glint in your boss' eyes - the grin on his lips that clearly indicates that he's laughing at you rather than with you.
"you're late."
as if you don't already know that from the state of you, your bottom lip jutted out a little at the comment, it’s that look exactly which makes kenny to tease you as often as he does " i know, sir, i'm really sorry " you straighten yourself up as best you can, fingers curling in the fabric of your blazer and tugging the front down, ridding it of creases that were only obvious to you "first there was a personal emergency that needed to get seen to, then traffic piled up on the main road - "
"hey hey, take it easy - " he soothes, though the laugh can’t be helped, placing his ipad down on the desk as he walked around it, he sits on the very edge of the desk as you remained stood there, frazzled and distracted despite doing your best to bring your attention back into the room " we've talked about this, more than once, we're laid back here - "
" i -  "
"not finished" he raised his index finger to his lips, the moment it did your lips knitted shut, obediently stopping your response as you let him continue - " a couple of bad mornings are bound to happen, life'll get in the way and make leaving the house unbearable, believe me, i get that - it's about not making habits out of them, to push through as much as you can to not allow these moments impose on your work. " your once tense shoulders slump forward with each word he spoke  - a defeated stance taking over, lips pressing together as you swallow around the anxiety.
"... okay?" there’s a certain delicately around the answer - wanting to know that you heard him while also making you aware he can see the sudden mood shift.
"yeah, i - thank you, sir, i'm sorry. i just really need - correction, i want this job, i enjoy working here, for you - for once i'm looking a boss in the face and meaning it, do you know how revolutionary that is ? " he chuckles at that, though allows you to continue as he sees your eyebrows stitching together in thought, " i suppose i'm just ... worried about jeopardizing my position here."
"you couldn't, you’re doing amazing work here, you helped me remember what date it is today - “ corner of lips twitch at that, “you’d only get fired if it was something ... really bad, like you royally screwed up, i'm talking completely cause this company and my work to collapse - "
"thank you, sir ... i think ?"
"no i mean you making a catastrophic mistake, like leaking my work to the enemy - "
the enemy ?  what is he -
" uh, sir ?"
"you really don't give me the impression of doing something like that, though - but i suppose looks can be deceiving - "
oh, that's what he's doing. you're no stranger to this, but it still always manages to confuse you when this happens... whatever this is, exactly. kenny had the tendency to go on and on, internal thoughts meeting the surface for all to hear - the first time he did it you had never been so confused in your life, it took one of his colleagues pulling your aside to explain that this is simply... kenny.
"i knew that face was yours was hiding something devious - " little do you know, this tangent is a lot more intentional than his others - this is based solely on the ground to make you feel lighter again, to feel comfortable. to rid the worry from your forehead and make that smile break out across your face, the one he loves so much - you didn't deserve to feel so sad,  to look it, he certainly never wanted to be the cause of it.
"mr mccormick, please" you tried to sound firm, but instead it came out in a tumble of giggles as your face broke out in a smile at his shenanigans.
"there it is" he murmurs ; more to himself than you, referring to the way your face lights up as the smile breaks out across your face, the way your eyes crinkle at the corners when showing an emotion as pure as joy "did you manage to eat this morning?" you shake your head, his foot drags forward the chair in front of you both that's tucked under the desk ; "sit" you can't help but follow,  sitting down on the comfortable chair as your eyes peered up at him, watching every move he does. your eyes land on the way he reaches for the breakfast sandwich that he always orders.
"have this - "
"oh, no, sir, that's your regular - "
he stares at you for a moment, blinking a few times " ... so?"
"it's... your food" he can’t help the way his eyes rolled, what you fail to detect is the fondness that lingered behind the action - picking up the neatly folded order and peeling the foil away. “the last thing we need, miss l/n is you passing out on the job. you can’t organize my life for me when in the hospital - “  he pauses for a moment, still as a statue "actually, you probably could - but let's not test out that theory - " the slice that was on top is picked up, kenny doing the honours of wrapping a piece of tissue at the bottom so nothing fails out unexpectedly. you know it's a losing battle, once kenny puts his mind to an idea, there's no pulling him away from it. so you reach out, delicately taking the half he offered you and took a bite out of the corner, the moment the taste explodes on tongue, you realized how hungry you were. "better ?" "mmm ..." you hum around another bite "hmhmm -"  instead of a chuckle, a laugh rumbles through his chest as your reaction, clearly proving he made the right choice in the slight peer pressure he put you under. taking the moment to pluck the other half of the sandwhich and takes a large bite of his own. "once we're done with breakfast, we can talk about the day ahead. right now, you need to take this moment to relax, go for a smoke or something - " "oh, thomas undergrove is expecting a - " "what did i just ?" he scorns playfully, picking up a piece of extra tissue and throwing it in your direction. "i'm sorry, sorry - right, later - "
“atta girl” he praises “here, take my  coffee. i can grab one from the breakroom - no, don’t argue with me, you know win.  ”
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tupperwaretub · 1 year
im not sure if you do or not but if you write for dieter can you do a sub!dieter bravo x male reader?? tysm! <3
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Opposites Attract
Sub!bottom!Dieter Bravo x dom!top!(model)male!reader
(a/n): tysm for the request! You're my first ever request so i got to writing this as soon as I saw it, i hope you enjoy! And sorry for the wait I've been pretty unmotivated.
Warnings: rough smut (handcuffs, blindfolding, light choking), loud sex, lots of hickeys, desperate/needy sex, 'sir' kink, dirty talk.
Summary: You're a model who got most of your fame from modelling underwear , so when you were cast for Cliff Beasts 6 you were shocked to say the least - and not entirely happy about the quarantining but you come to find its not all bad...
Finally it was the last day of your quarantine, later that evening you were able to go down to the bar and see people, you were pretty damn anxious, you hadn't seen anyone other than Gunther in two weeks. You also hadn't done a whole lot other than masturbate for two weeks... But you were still ecstatic obviously.
You were quick to shower, brush your teeth and get into the nicest button down you brought with you - you were new to the cliff beast movies having only just watched them in your quarantine with nothing better to do, they were god awful but the pay was alright so you decided complaining can wait until later.
When the time finally came when you were allowed out of your room you jumped up off of your bed you were sitting and quickly left your room, even the Hallway was refreshing. You made you way down to the bar, the hotel you were in was astonishing and you were so happy to finally be able to take in your surroundings.
You were one of the first people to arrive at the bar there was really just Gunther, Bola and someone sat on a chair in the corner - he was quite scruffy so you assumed he must be part of the cast having just come out of quarantine, you did notice he wasn't wearing very clean clothes and had glasses on indoors but ignored it wanting to make the best impression possible.
"hey there I'm y/n" you say walking up to him with a wide smile. He takes a while to finally look up at you seemingly not having the energy to be here. When he saw who you were he seemed shocked "you uh- do- modelling right?" He asks.
"yeah! I've done modelling for quite a few big brands!" You go on rambling about the different designer brands you've worked with. "You're really hot." The scruffy man Infront of you blurts out. You blush at his forward remark, you're not entirely weirded out, you're more flattered than anything. As a model you've usually been told you're not good enough for certain brands but to be told someone thinks you're hot to your face and not just on some thirst thread on twitter, it made you feel warm inside. "O-oh thanks, so..... Your name?" You ask still quite flustered. "Dieter." He stands up and is eye level with you, you can feel him staring at your features through his sunglasses.
"so, Dieter. What's with the sunglasses?" You ask trying to make some conversation. He quickly blurts out an 'oh!' and takes them off, he had really beautiful eyes... Suddenly the silence builds again and tension is high, it doesn't feel like anger or hate or anything relatively awkward but more sexual. You found Dieter really endearing, you were thinking about inviting him to your room but decided against it because you'd only just met he'd surely not want to go that far with you after just meeting-
"do you want to have sex with me?" He asks breaking your train of thought. You bit your lip and considered for a moment, if you want to have sex with him... And he wants to have sex with you... "Yes." You say quickly as you grabbed his wrist and started quickly directing him up to your room, everyone else can wait you hadn't been inside someone in so long. You were pretty desperate.
As soon as your door closed you had him pinned against it kissing him hungry for any sort of physical contact. Dieter kissing back with just as much hunger had your already hard cock twitching inside your pants. You pulled off his shirt and chucked it to the floor not caring as to where it would end up, your hands slowly were slowly caressing Dieters sides as you both slowly moved towards the bed.
You pushed him down gently so he was sitting infront of you and he quickly starting fumbling with your zipper. You grabbed the sides of his face and directed him to look at you "wait, wait." He looked at you in confusion. "I gotta ask. Is there anything you aren't into? Anything you want me to avoid?" You only ask because you were aware not many people were really into the same stuff as you. "No, no, I'll do anything with you." His hands were resting beside your bulge causing you to sigh as you tried to stifle your moan.
You stepped away for just a moment and reached into your suitcase you had been living out of, you reached in and pulled out a pair of pink fluffy handcuffs and a tie. You placed the tie to the side and when you looked back Dieter had his arms reached out with a pleading look, the sight caused the tightness of your pants to become almost painful - you wanted to fuck him so bad but you also needed to make sure he was comfortable.
"if at any time you want to stop, just say..." You quickly looked around the room and saw a KitKat wrapper on your bed side table next to your bottle of lube. "...kitkat."
He looked at you "kitkat?" You just nodded, it was an odd one but anything works.
You place the cuffs around Dieters wrists making sure to ask if he's comfortable, once the cuffs were on Dieter stood up and twisted you both around so now he was stood infront of you as you were sat on the bed. He got onto his knees and moved between your legs, you helped him with your zipper and getting your pants down, along with your underwear. The feeling of your cock finally being released from your relatively tight pants had you letting out a quiet groan.
Dieter started stroking your cock causing you to moan pretty loudly "you have a really nice cock." He says looking up at you with his pretty eyes. You tap his chin "just start sucking." He didnt think twice before he started licking and sucking your cock, the feeling was indescribable. Your hand was in Dieters hair as he bobbed up and down on your cock, the room was filled with lewd 'oh yeahs' and 'oh fucks'.
It wasnt long before you pulled away from Dieter not wanting to cum just yet, thats when you realised you didn't bring any condoms, the one thing you needed in this moment you didn't have. "I fucking forgot condoms." You say annoyed with yourself. "We could do it without one." Dieter suggests. You bite your lip and smile at him "that'll work, get yourself on the bed." You say as you grab the lube and the tie you had taken out, when you looked back Dieter was sat in the middle of the bed with his pants off, finally fully naked and waiting for you. You place the lube and the tie on the bed next to him as you start to unbutton your shirt and put it on a clothes hanger, there was no way in hell you were going to let your best shirt get ruined.
You walk back over to Dieter whos starting to get ansty "whats the tie for" he asks. "I'm gonna blindfold you, is that okay?" You ask picking up the tie, he nods frantically and you tie the tie around his eyes. "Comfortable?" You ask and he nods.
You then direct your attention towards the lube, "hands above your head i dont want to see them move" you say as you gently push Dieter onto his back. "Yes sir." The honorific made you feel hot and you felt you face flush.
You quickly applied lube to your fingers and Dieters hole, once you were happy with the amount of lube you had applied you slowly started inserting a finger into his ass. "Shit you're tight, i bet it's been so long since you've been fucked huh?" You moan out. Dieter just nodded frantically in response.
You waited until he was grinding against your finger to add another, then you began to move your fingers in a scissor motion trying to stretch him out as well as you could not wanting to hurt him. "You've got a pretty cock." You tease him by using your other hand to lightly stroke the base of his cock making him whimper. Once he felt loose enough you placed yourself between his legs, you tried not to bring him too much pleasure wanting to save the best part till now. You wiped whatever lube was left on your hand onto your cock knowing you didn't need much with how wet and stretched out Dieters ass was.
You put your tip at his entrance causing him to squirm, you then slowly pushed into Dieter your cock sliding in easier than you expected. Dieter was writhing and moaning beneath you and you let out a deep groan as you bottomed out. You took the chance to have a few deep breaths as you let Dieter adjust, you admired his body your hands roaming around his torso and littering kisses and hickeys on his chest.
When Dieter gave you the okay to start moving you began to slowly thrust in and out of him, savouring each and every movement. Your face instantly nussled into his shoulder as you let out loud moans, Deiter was grabbing and pulling at your hair letting out long moans of pure ecstasy.
"please. Please. Ah-" Dieter moans out.
"please what baby, tell me what you want."
"faster! Faster please!"
You bit your lip and slowly pulled out of Dieter causing him to whine as the emptiness for him then to let out a loud moan when you thrusted back into him with force. You were pounding into his ass with your hand around his throat choking him lightly.
Dieter was a complete mess under you just letting out hot moans in complete bliss. You moved your hand down from his neck to grip his hip, replacing the place on his neck with your lips leaving dark hickeys. You slowly moved up his neck to his lips where you encased him in a desperate kiss.
When you broke for air you were both moaning into each others mouths, both getting close to your limit.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I'm gonna- ah-" Dieter manages to scramble some words together. "Come on, ahh- cum for me baby." You moan in sync with your deep thrusts.
Suddenly you feel Dieter tighten around you and strings of cum shoot up his chest, the tightening of his ass had you closing in on your release faster than you expected.
"where do you want me baby?" You moan into Dieters ear.
Dieter, still out if breath manages to huff out "my face, my face."
Feeling at your wits end you quickly pull out and within a few strokes you had painted Dieters face with your cum.
You flop next to him to gather yourself before going to bathroom and getting a cloth to wipe him down with. You took the tie off of his eyes and watched him blink to readjust to the light in the room, you flashed him a quick smile before taking off the cuffs on his wrists.
Once Dieter was nice and clean you lay beside him again wrapping your arms around him, his hands bury themselves in your hair brushing through it. "That was so fucking good..." Dieter says breaking the comfortable silence you had. "Mm.. yeah i agree." You reply still in a state of bliss.
"we should do that again." Dieter says, laying a kiss on your chin. "Well not now, im exhausted... Lets shower and go to sleep, yeah?" Dieter nods and you both make your way to the bathroom.
A round two was then shared against the bathroom door...
A/n: sorry this took so long I've been in a complete writers block/ slump recently. But i hope you enjoyed :)
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
I've seen some Reddit refugee PSAs going around, so I thought I'd contribute a few tips of my own that I haven't seen covered:
If you go to the original iteration of your post (not any subsequent reblogs, your ORIGINAL post) you can delete any comments you don't like. This does not apply to text added by reblog, only to the message bubble section.
Ublock Origin has trouble figuring out which parts of desktop to get rid of. If you want to delete a certain element (for example, the store widget), and your usual method isn't working, what you want to do is: - Right-click - Inspect Element/Inspect (Q) - Look at the thing that's highlighted, then go all the way up until you hit the nearest "div = class" marker - Right-click - Hover over "Copy," then pick "CSS Selector" - Click your Ublock extension icon - Click the gears - Find a blank space on the list that pops up and type "www.tumblr.com##" without the quotes - Paste whatever you copied with CSS Selector after that, with no space between it and the ## - Click "Apply changes"
You can hide your follower lists and liked lists. This is actively encouraged. Desktop solution: - Account (the person icon in the corner) - Scroll down until you find your blog name and click "Blog Settings" - Scroll through the page that pops up until you find "Share posts you like" and "Share the Tumblrs you're following" and toggle them off. This is the 3rd and 4th section of that page for me, respectively Mobile solution: - Your blog (the person icon in the bottom right corner) - Settings (gear in the top right corner) - Scroll down to "Pages" - Toggle "Likes" and "Following"
Desktop only: Left your Tumblr logged in on someone else's phone/computer? Worried about account security? No problem! - Account (the person icon in the corner) - Settings (NOT Blog Settings. Just Settings. It has a gear icon) - Scroll all the way to the bottom - You have a list of any logins that have happened on your account. They come with the IP addresses used to access it. It tells you where it happened, and from what operating system. Deleting those with the X next to the listing logs that iteration out. If you have any on that list that you DON'T recognize, I recommend logging them out and changing your password. Note: It says the list is only for the past 30 days. This is a lie. I have some that date back over a year.
Desktop only: You can make gradient text in your posts by following these instructions.
If your post has been blowing up and you're sick of the notifications, deleting the original post will delete its notes from your activity. THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE. If you would still like to check on the post, just not have it in your activity, reblog it before deleting it. You can continue to check the notes tab from the reblog while the original is gone.
It is common etiquette to tag spoilers for new games/shows/etc (ie, released in the last two months) as #[insert fandom here] spoilers, sensitive subjects as #[insert sensitive topic] tw, and long posts as #long post. Yes, even if you have a readmore (which you can add by clicking the weird squiggly line when you start a new block).
There is a bug on desktop involving readmore lines. Whenever you go back to edit a post that has a readmore in it, it moves the readmore down by one block. Make sure you move it back into its proper place each time by clicking and dragging.
You can click and drag different blocks of text to reorder them. Only regular blocks, though; not lists like this one. You can also do this with images you've inserted.
Desktop only: You can delete/remove tags/add tags en masse to posts using the Mass Post Editor. - Account (person icon in the corner) - Scroll down to your blog - Mass Post Editor - Select any posts in the grid you want. "Edit tags" is only for removing tags, you need "Add tags" to add more
Desktop only: You can see any blog's history of posts by typing in [blogname].tumblr.com/archive. The page that pops up looks very similar to the Mass Post Editor. You can filter posts on that blog by any of their most used tags, by month, or by post type. This is especially useful for locating pornbots. Some pornbots will try to legitimize their place by picking a random popular tag (for example, #horror) and reblogging the top 10-100 posts in that tag without commentary. See if they've been active for more than week with the archive month filter. Granted, the person may also be a new user, like yourself. It takes some deduction. But it's much easier to use the archive than it is to scroll through all of their posts until you hit the bottom.
Desktop only shortcuts: J = move down one post. Useful for scrolling fast or getting past a notoriously long post (as in "Do you like the color of the sky" and all its cousins) K = move up one post Shift + R = reblog a post. Does not add tags L = like a post C = create a new post (brings up options on what kind of post) . (period) = return to the top of the page Shift + Q = add a post to your queue. Does not add tags Shift + P = cycle through the color palette
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petitelepus · 1 month
Can I have a academic kny reader thar is a person out side of school with tengen and with wife's and how that manage things
Id this is ok
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Summary: You don't work in school like your partners do, but you all love and respect each other. You get off work early and decide to make something for your loved ones.
Warnings: Nothing, Reader is a lousy cook
A/N: Gender Neutral Reader, Tengen Uzui, Makio, Suma, Hinatsuru, Kozo Kanamori, Mitsuri Kanroji
You hummed as you tapped your computer's keys, focusing on your work as a simple office worker. It wasn't a glamorous job but it paid pretty well since you were one of the best there was. Other workers looked up to you and asked for your advice, so many relied on you and your expertise.
Speaking of expertise, you were almost done with work for that day. You glanced at the small clock on your computer's right bottom corner and you realized that you had tons of time before your partners would get out of their work at Kimetsu Academy.
You smiled as you finished your reports, sent them to your supervisor, and just in case printed them also. You picked up the papers, and walked up to the older woman's desk, making sure to clear your throat so she would notice you.
"Chief, I'm done with my work for today." You said as you placed the small stack of papers on her desk before her. The woman squinted her eyes at you through her glasses and picked up the paperwork.
"I see." She nodded, "You could have sent me reports by email, you know?"
"I did that also." You nodded proudly, "So, I was thinking, would it be alright for me to head home early?"
"Sure, you've been recently working late anyways so I don't mind." Chief said and you smiled happily as you bowed lightly, "Thank you!"
You turned to leave when the woman behind you called you by your name, "You're going back home to that partner of yours?"
"Yes, ma'am!" You smiled cheerfully, "Since I'm early, I'm going to somehow surprise them!"
"That's nice," Chief nodded, "Take care."
"Thank you!" You made your way to your desk logged out of your computer and grabbed your case before heading out of the office. As you walked, your coworkers wished you a good day and you returned their wishes with your own.
As you left, you wondered what you should do to surprise your beloved husband and 3 wives. Usually, Tengen, Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma got off work earlier than you so preparing dinner was usually left to them to do, but since the 3 women usually handled the cooking you thought that a dinner would no doubt be a nice surprise for them!
My, you were such a good partner, as you were always thinking of your loved ones!
You were in a splendid mood as you made your way to the local supermarket to buy some ingredients for dinner… But as soon as you got the shopping basket, you were struck by total confusion. What should you make and how to prepare it?
Before you started dating and then ultimately married Tengen and the 3 women, you were living nearly only with instant cup noodles, frozen pizza, and such. You started to eat healthily and more diversely when you 5 became a thing.
Thinking about it, how hard could it be to buy something frozen and heat it in the oven or buy something and then fry it in the pan? You would need something healthy and delicious, so you grabbed a bag of frozen veggies and some chicken breast. They were no doubt healthy and delicious!
You paid for the groceries and made your way to your house. Despite being an art teacher, Tengen's family had tons of money so you had a pretty nice big house with enough room for 5 people.
As you unloaded the grocery bag, you started to set everything up for dinner. You turned the oven on, added the frozen veggies to the baking tray, and stuck them into the oven. After that, you grabbed a skillet, heated it and once it was hot, you added some butter and then placed the thick slices of chicken on it.
You were actually having pretty fun, no wonder Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma did this all the time.
Time passed while you were cooking… And for some reason, your chicken was turning black? You realized that the pan must have been too hot so you quickly turned it off and put the skillet and the meat aside. You decided to check the veggies and thinking they were done, you pulled them out and placed them on the counter.
They looked good! You smiled as you grabbed a piece of carrot with a fork and tasted it… But they were so bland, damn, you forgot oil and salt!
They weren't bad… But they definitely were not good either.
You frowned as you swallowed and then you proceeded to cut open the chicken to check, and yes, it was raw inside. Nope, wouldn't be able to eat that, nope. You could stick it into the oven… But as you glanced at the clock, you realized that you were running out of time and you doubted that you would be able to save this dinner with your cooking skills.
Time for plan B!
You quickly grabbed your phone, pressed the speed dial, and waited for someone to pick up on the other end of the line…!
"Hyottoko Pizza, how may we help you?" Came a familiar voice and you nearly cried out, "Kanamori, I need your help!"
"Oh, hi there!" You could hear a smile on Kanamori's face as he recognized one of their best customers, "It's been a while! What would you like to order?"
"The usual pizza set for 5 and fast home delivery! My husband and wives are coming back soon and I don't have anything to feed them!" You cried out and the man chuckled, "Don't worry, I'll have Mitsuri bring pizza to you as soon as possible."
"Thank you, you're a lifesaver!"
"No worries, just be prepared to pay Mitsuri when she arrives!"
"I will, thank you!" You closed the phone and checked the time on the clock on the wall and you panicked. Your partners would be back soon but you couldn't do anything but wait for pizza to be delivered.
Well, you decided to get rid of the evidence of your bad cooking skills and threw the bland veggies and burnt raw chicken into the trash. You were washing the skillet by hand when you heard a scooter's motor park in your driveway and you realized it must have been the pizza delivery!
As the doorbell rang, you grabbed your wallet and rushed to the door.
"Good evening!" It was Mitsuri, the pizzeria part-timer who helped to deliver pizzas and such.
"Oh God, I'm so happy to see you!" You cried out as you opened your wallet and handed the money to the pink-haired girl and gave her a 1,000 yen tip for hurrying your order.
"Oh, thank you!" The young woman smiled happily, "I hope you enjoy your pizza!"
"We will, thank you so much for delivering them!" You both smiled and then she took off with her scooter and you headed inside with your pizza.
You just managed to place the pizzas on the table when the front door opened and your beloved husband and 3 wives stepped inside. They weren't used to you being home before them, so when you rushed to greet them, they were shocked.
"Welcome home!"
"You're home early!"
"How are you here?"
"I thought I saw Kanroji drive past us?"
"Ha ha…" You chuckled as you showed the 5 pizza boxes sitting nicely on the dinner table, "I got off early so I thought I might get us something nice?"
"Pizza!" Your partners smiled and despite failing at cooking, you smiled purely thanks to the fact that you managed to feed your loved ones.
"Get in here and let's eat!" You said cheerfully and the man and women took their seats and you all started to eat, you asked how their day at school was because there wasn't such thing as a boring day in Kimetsu Academy and your partners inquired how you were home so early.
It was honestly a nice meal with people you loved so dearly. After the meal, however, when you guys were cleaning, Suma noticed the dirty skillet on the sink, "Honey, did you try frying something?"
"A- I- Ah-!" You tried to figure out what to say when Makio noticed the food in the trash when she was taking empty pizza boxes, "Honey, you cooked!?"
"I- Uh-!" You swallowed as you nodded and slumped in defeat, "Yeah, but I failed so instead of feeding you guys my awful cooking I got us pizza."
The women shared quick glances with each other before smiling.
"That was an extremely sweet thought, Honey," Hinatsuru smiled sweetly as she walked up to you and kissed your cheek, "But please, leave the dinner and other stuff for us."
"But you guys work so hard at school…?" You asked and they smiled at you, "Yes, but you and Tengen work hard also. Feeding the both of you makes us very happy."
"Are you sure?" You asked and all 3 women hugged you, "We're sure."
You couldn't help but sigh in relief as you hugged your wives and then-!
"What's this?"
The 4 of you looked and saw Tengen return into the room from his trip to the toilet. The man looked at you guys and chuckled, "A group hug and I wasn't invited?"
You guys laughed as you opened your arms and the man stepped ahead, hugging you guys just as lovingly as you were hugging each other.
Yeah, all 5 of you worked in totally different lines of business, but you all loved each other just as hard and equally.
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desertedwaterwitch · 1 month
I made this post not only for my fellow witches, but also for the random users who need to see this.
Most witches know that being “clean” not only mentally, but physically, is extremely important. Negativity attracts negativity, even when you might not realize you’re doing it.
I have COVID for the second time in two years. First was in May 2022. I forgot how miserable it is! And it’s especially hard with my horrible immune system and very few white blood cells. One of my disabilities is epilepsy, so since my body is so stressed, it’s triggered more seizures for me.
This is not my year. I have had two hand surgeries before this and what do you know, the day I got my bandage off from the second surgery, was the day my dad got tested and it was positive. Then he gave Covid to my mom and my mom, who has been taking care of me after my surgeries, gave it to me.
Make sure you clean your living spaces! It’s important we do all we can to keep ourselves healthy. Remember to wash your hands frequently, especially after using the bathroom. Get some Lysol wipes or spray and disinfect! Also make sure to clean your phone! Don’t just wipe it with your shirt. Look up how to do it. For me I take off my iPhone case and sanitize with Lysol wipes. Usually just the outside of it. Get a microfiber cloth (I hate the texture too, so just hold it with one finger), and dampen a corner of it. Turn off your phone and wipe the screen down with the damp corner. Wipe the sides and buttons, and also by the charging area because those are nasty. Make sure to not get water into any crevices or the charging port. Let it dry and then put the case back on. Do this once a week.
When I get better and also can use my left hand again (also when I have the spoons), I will be sanitizing my room and bathroom. My steps for cleaning my bathroom are this if you’d like to see:
Remove everything off the countertop. This includes hand soap, water flosser, toothbrush, toothpaste, makeup, mouthwash, etc.
Use Lysol wipes or a generic brand version to wipe my counters and sinks down. It leaves water behind so I use a rag to soak up the excess.
I then get this spray (pic at bottom) that’s for both regular wiping and also to disinfect. I do both even though I just used the Lysol wipes. You follow the instructions on the back until the counter and sinks are sanitized. Make sure to sanitize the spouts!
I get a few rags that I use specifically for cleaning and get my Windex spray to clean the mirror. I use one of the rags for that.
I then put everything back where it belongs on the counter, including putting things away that I don’t need out.
Grab some disposable gloves (I never do but I should) to use when working with the toilet.
Get the disposable wipes. Close the toilet completely, and starting by cleaning the outside of the water tank, make your way down. Replace for another wipe when this one is too dirty. Make sure to get behind the toilet seat in those crevices. Lift up both seats and clean them even if you hate it.
I use Clorox toilet wands I get on Amazon or Target. I put one of the disposable pads on the wand and scrub the inside of the toilet and up around in the grooves. Let it sit for a couple minutes and then flush. Dispose of the pad.
Use Lysol wipes to disinfect the toilet handle and I use it to disinfect my handheld sprayer.
Cleaning the shower depends on what you’d like to do. I like using products specifically made for showers. Be mindful of the material of your shower when buying products so that the tile or whatever isn’t ruined.
Use that disinfectant spray to go around by the baseboards and see if there are any marks or gross spots on the wall.
Sanitize the light switches and doorknob. Both doorknobs.
Get your vacuum and vacuum that bathroom. I use my Roomba which I love, but obviously any vacuum that works on hard floor will work.
After vacuuming, I use my swiffer mop to mop the floors, starting at the far end and walking backwards.
Let it dry and make sure the trash is empty for a polished look.
⬇️ *The spray used for both cleaning and disinfecting. It shows you how on the back of it. I got this from Target.
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Section 02. Of the Climate and Houses in Flatland
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Like in your world, we also have four points on our compass: North, South, East, and West.
Since we have no sun or other celestial bodies like you do, we can’t tell where North is in the way you do, but we have our own way.
Similar to your birds, we always know where South is, because for us, we are constantly being pulled in that direction. This pull is very light in our most northern countries, so light that even a reasonably healthy Woman can travel for several hundred yards Northward without difficulty.
But even at its lightest, we can still feel it, and can use this to tell which way is South. As an added bonus, the rain, which always falls on a predictable schedule, always comes from the North.
Because of this, when we are in a town or city, we can tell the direction from the way the houses are built – because the rain comes from the north, the solid roof faces north, so that the water can safely run off and down the sides without getting inside.
When you’re out in the countryside where there are no houses, you can use the trunks of the trees instead.
As you can see, it’s usually pretty easy for us to get our bearings.
But one problem is that when you are so far North that you can barely feel this pull, if you are walking in a deserted plain with no trees or houses in sight, I’ve sometimes gotten so turned around that I had to stand in place for hours straight, waiting for the rain to come so I’d know which way to go.
If you are ill or old, or a delicate Female, this pull to the South weighs heavier than on the healthy members of the Male Sex, so it’s considered polite that, if you meet a Lady in the street, you will move to the South and give her the North side to walk on.
This can be easier said than done in such short notice, if you are in a northern climate where it’s hard to tell which way is south, or if you’re feeling sick yourself.
Unlike your buildings, ours have no windows, because light comes to us everywhere equally, whether you’re inside or out, during the day or night, and where this light comes from, we don’t know.
A long time ago, philosophers and scholars used to ask each other “What is the origin of Light?” and debate the possible answers. Many people have tried to find the answer to this question, and the only result is that our lunatic asylums have precious space taken up by the people who’ve claimed to have solved it.
Our Government tried to persuade people to stop trying to solve this problem by forcing anyone who worked on it to pay heavy taxes, but when it kept being a problem, the Law Makers, not so long ago comparatively speaking, finally made it completely illegal to talk about.
And here I am, the only one in Flatland who knows the truth to where Light comes from. But I can’t explain it to my countrymen, and when I try, they just laugh at me – me! The only one in this World who understands that Light comes from the Third Dimension! They laugh at me like I’m the maddest of the mad.
But I’ve gotten off track and this is a painful topic, so let’s get back to talking about houses.
Most of our houses are five-sided shapes, or as they are commonly called, Pentagons.
Here is an illustration to help you understand:
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[Image description start: A black and white digital illustration with the compass in the upper left corner, showing a pentagonal house in Flatland. Each of the five points of the pentagon are with a different letter, with “A” and “B” going left to right on the bottom line, and “R”, “O”, and “F” left to right on the top, with the two diagonal lines marked with their combined points, so that the top two diagonal lines spell out, “roof”. On the Western diagonal side is a large gap marked by a grey line labled, “Men’s door”. On the east is a much smaller gap labled, “Women’s door”. Image description end.]
The two Northern sides of a Pentagon house form the roof, and these normally don’t have any doors. On the eastern side, there is a small door for Women, and across from it on the Western side is a much larger door for Men. The Southern side, or floor, usually doesn’t have any doors.
Square and Triangular houses aren’t allowed, because their angles are much sharper than those of a Pentagon, and since the lines of inanimate objects, like houses, are dimmer than the lines of Men and Women, they are harder to see, so if someone wasn’t paying attention, they could get seriously hurt if they accidentally ran into the corner of a Square or Triangle shaped house.
As far back as the eleventh century of our era, Triangular houses have been illegal to build, with the only exceptions being for military structures like forts, ammunition stores, barracks, or other state buildings that most people aren't allowed to enter without special permission.
At that point in time, you were still allowed to build Square houses, but they were subject to special taxes to discourage people from building more of them.
Three hundred years after Triangular houses were outlawed, the Law finally decided that if a town’s population was above ten thousand, then the angle of a Pentagon was the smallest house-angle allowed to be built, in the interest of public safety.
The general community has common sense, and has agreed with this new law, so now, even out in the country on farms, almost all houses you can find will be pentagons. Now and then, though, in some very remote and poor farming district, an antiquarian might still find an ancient Square house.
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