#also you should draw them in outfits for mee
lulubeanie · 27 days
Don't forget that you can always draw your ocs and favorite characters in fun outfits that you think they would wear. you can and should do this
#duck speaks#it's very fun to do and like. think about what types of clothes they'd like to wear#and the things they'd pick out at a store with all sorts of clothes to choose from#it can be a way to get to know the character better also I think#especially for ocs. it's like a way to develop their character#what sort of clothes do they typically wear ? what textures and colors do they like in clothes ?#are they comfortable showing skin with their outfits ? do they get cold or hot easily ? what type of climate do they live in ?#is there a type of outfit they wish they could wear but are too scared/don't have the means or money to ?#do they normally dress more casual or more formal ? what would a formal or casual outfit be for them ?#what do they wear in the summer ? what about in the winter ?#what are their pajamas like ?#do they dress in fashion from a specific era ? what era are they from also ?#do they dress more feminine or more masculine ? a mix of both ?#do they wear the same/similar outfits over and over ? is there something they always wear no matter what outfit they have on ?#do they care a lot about their appearance and how other people see them ? how does that effect their outfits ?#lots of things to think about#also you should draw them in outfits for mee#I love outfits and I love to see them#you don't have to make them up from the top of your head even. you can have an idea for what you want and look it up for reference#I do this a lot#I'll go in pinterest and search up like. 70s fashion or 2010s teen fashion or something#and look around to get a better idea of what I'm going for#pinterest is nice because you can click on a image you like and it'll have similar ones under that :]
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I'm a scene boy artist who's got a huge interest in anything related 2 old internet nostalgia and I want to be able 2 recreate the cringy 2010 emo art you'd see on deviantart. I like to draw some scary lookin stuff or lewd lookin things every now and then, but most of the time I like to create stuff for myself!! Some of the art you'll see here will either be creepypasta stuff, yu-gi-oh stuff (specifically duel monsters) niche internet mascots like domo or gloomy bear, some original characters, and lots of emo and scene themed art!
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Outside of art posting thoughm I like to make kandi and perler charms, so every once in a while I'll post something from my collection! I also like to show off my emo and scene outfits I throw together, I don't post them daily but I still end up showing them off!! I have a ton of cool accessories and other emo/scene essentials so if you'd like to see those please stick around!!
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If you want to find me elsewhere or learn more about me, come check out my carrd!! I linked everything I'm on, so if you got it, come find me there!
I think thats everything you guys should know about me, I hope you guys will stick around! L8R ^_^
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takadanobaba · 3 years
Jin Norizuki’s Birthday PriZoom 7/18/2021
Oh the things I do for Jin Norizuki
That was SUCH an experience. I had a lot of fun!! 
Main takeaway is that I am now acutely aware of when to YO in a song
(Okay so this is my first time attending a prizoom (or even any kinpri screening outside of Luna’s sss rabbit sessions!) so this is all entirely new to me and I can’t really compare it to much, but I figured that it’d be good to write up a report of sorts to fill in for Luna in a way!)
The prizooms are also accessible to everyone and don’t require any Japanese info confirmation!! If you’re interested in attending please go and support kinpri!!!
(Note: I think about Jin wayyyy too much and interpret them as nonbinary, so I use they/them pronouns for Jin. It’s just automatic for me at this point and feels weird otherwise haha so I’ll be doing that in this)
Jin is my all time favorite character and love of my life who I’m extremely delusional about so when a prizoom was announced for their birthday I went INSANE because I didn’t expect Jin’s birthday to be acknowledged AT ALL given how they’re usually excluded/treated like a side character (+ kinpri’s been putting out little to no content lately anyways....haha....). I was waiting in anticipation ever since it was announced (around June 6th) and even put in a time-off request for my work the day of its announcement just so I could attend!!!! ........ You can imagine my frustration at kinpri waiting until the very last minute to put out details about Jin’s prizoom ^^;
💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 
Also!! I’m a complete ~ foreigner ~ and managed to get tickets perfectly fine with my American credit card (and putting in some very obviously Not-An-Actual-Resident-Of-Japan address info...)! So if anyone’s curious about attending a prizoom but worried about region-locking, it’s possible! Very possible! If you’re interested in it, please go! You don’t need to have a Japanese phone number/credit card/address/etc. to purchase PriZoom tickets on RakutenTicket! It’s such an experience! If you need any help buying tickets then I’d be more than happy to assist!! Please support the PriZoom screenings and help increase the demand for more kinpri content!!!!!!!!!!!! I will personally become a living prizoom advertisement
(Also if any kinpri staff find this: I’m sorry for not respecting rules this time but I just wanted to provide a detailed account of the prizoom event and encourage participation for other foreign fans! I won’t do this again!!!)
💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 
I only attended the first and third showings (consisting of the first movie and Over the Sunshine!) because I wanted to see the new/not currently archived content (the second/pride the hero showing’s bonus was just Jin’s birthday video by Joji which I already revisit little too much ahaha). I also went to the chat-only rooms because I wasn’t very confident that I wouldn’t be awkward with my nonexistent cheering experience and intent to just observe what its like (despite knowing that the cheering rooms are more fun based on what Luna said haha). That, and I was planning on using the EXTREMELY OBNOXIOUS soundboard of ABSOLUTE CHAOS for everything since I have issues with voice dysphoria and figured it’d be good to stick to the room with that normalized as the one and only cheering method so participating would be a little less annoying to others, since we’d all have the same idea ^^;
I’m more active on twitter and follow/am mutuals with pretty much anybody who likes Jin enough to post about them, so it was cool seeing almost everyone there! At least half of them tweeted about this being their first prizoom haha. Jin’s birthday was also promoted as a good introduction to prizooms since the first showing was set at a price point of 718 yen instead of the usual 1,760 yen? So, lots of first timers attending! I guess most people had the same thought process as me about the whole insecure-about-not-being-used-to-proper-cheering/using-their-mic thing? Because most of my twitter following ended up in the chat-only rooms with me! Fun!
Also interesting how most people chose the male voice option for the cheering soundboard feature since there’s actually only 2 men who love Jin like that (I’m included in that number!!) in the Jin-obsessed twitter circle. I guess it was because it sounds kinda Joji-ish? and therefore fitting for an event dedicated to Jin! What with them being meant for each other and all.... Plus being Joji is just a fun way to play off having issues about using your own voice (I... project onto Joji a lot.)
👆 👆 👆
Okay I actually typed up all of the above during the second showing (since I wasn’t occupied attending that one) and everyone had the same train of thought and was definitely being Joji. You know that one “song” in Over the Sunshine- Glorious Schwarz- consisting of Joji just going wild infodumping for 3.5 minutes? Yeah EVERYONE who selected the male voice option was spamming 「おれもー!」/ “ME TOO!!!” during that (including me!). So it was like:
“I weighed 4646 grams at birth! ☆” 
The highlight of the prizoom  (in my opinion) was when some guy repeatedly hit よっ!/ YO! to the music in the first movie, which then led to everyone having a collective ~ Realization ~ 
After that happened, everybody joined in and started YO!-ing along in the other lives. Beautiful.
(Blurred recording of Dramatic Love and Showcase Night just so YO!u can see what I mean.)
(I only did those two to test screen recording after failing to archive the first Jin bonus while using the soundboard feature in the first showing, initially I didn’t intend to record anything but the bonuses and will not be doing that anymore. If you attend, don’t be like me or worse!!!! Please!! I’ll delete these if needed/after a few weeks. Also just wanted to mention that Koi no Royal Straight Flush is up there in Kinpri’s Most YO!-able songs)
I love this soundboard feature. Sounds like hell. Prizooms are truely a new form of art because of it. Amazing how cheering screenings have evolved over a pandemic. Music feels empty to me without the YO!s now. After this I ended up listening to the entire kinpri discography so I could determine the YO!ability of each song. Not sure if every prizoom is like that? But I really want to go to more showings just for the community experience! I’m morbidly curious as to how many people would try to YO! to Platonic Sword. I considered going to Rei’s because they’re showing Shiny Rose Stars, but I probably won’t though since money and sleep are things (They really should make tickets no more than 1,000 yen.... they’re zoom meetings with audio problems....THE AUDIO ISSUES ARE FUN THOUGH! YOU CAN SPAM “GANBATTE” WITH EVERYONE!!) Plus while I do like every kinpri character, none of the street boys are really my favorites and going to every showing regardless of character would be a lot. I assumed that I was only going to try attending Joji’s until they announced that they were gonna do something for Jin!! So if you want to see what it’s like PLEASE get tickets and experience it for yourself!! It’s so much more fun participating !!!! Relying on 1-2 people to post event summaries isn’t exactly consistent coverage of every prizoom either!
\ よっ!/      \ よっ!/      \ よっ!/
So much of this is a community experience that you just have to see for yourself! It��s really cool seeing people go all out for their favorites and just going wild. Notable participants include:
- Two separate people just working out the entire time (one of them doing “Prism Exercise” meaning very high effort full-body cheering and dancing? It was really impressive seeing them go all-out for such a long time!)
- Two (2!) Ai cosplayers!!! One attending the prizoom with a Jin cosplayer!!
- The lady who cosplayed Jin in their cute green pre-retirement prism star outfit WITH A HUGE JIN PUPPET IN THE SAME STYLE AS THE SHUFFLE PUPPETS IN THE STAGEPLAY!!!
- That one person who just had a Minato fish head on the entire time (?!)
- A Victoria cosplayer who showed off a really nice!! drawing of Jin they did during the participant showcase at the end of the screenings
- The person with a REALLY CUTE!!!!! homemade Jin plushie!!
- Two people who attended with 3D/vtuber style models of the Go Go Glorious! (YMT29 subunit) members: Noel Tokyo and Mikado Shibuya (who also had a model of Ai!)
- A really cute Joji vtuber model!
💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙
The bonuses were Jin’s birthday video from 2016 and a birthday message of sorts from Jin!
I actually didn’t manage to properly archive the first one as intended because things went horribly wrong so I ended up with nothing but just a terrible (said affectionately) little recording of the soundboard I linked earlier. But whatever I shouldn’t be doing that anyways. Hopefully kinpri includes that and the other prizoom bonuses in something later.... the thought of any content being stuck as lost media terrifies me. I don’t have a good enough memory or a high enough Japanese proficiency level to type it out but it wasn’t particularly analyzable or anything (telling that to myself to make me feel better about losing it). Just the usual Jin being dramatic and going on an evil monologue. Jin being evil ASMR. I lovingly burned another one of Jin’s evil laughs into my mind too so there’s that.
For the 3rd showing bonus however I did not fail though it’s arguably the less interesting bonus of the two since it’s unvoiced. I really love Jin’s voice. Big sexy. Actual dialogue is pretty similar to each other from what I’ve gathered (ending with one of Jin’s cute little アーーーッハッハッハッ!!!!!’s (the text effect for the unvoiced bonus was an appreciated detail!). 
(I’m not very confident in my ability to provide a good translation so I’ll just not embarrass myself)
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“ AAAaAAaHAHAAHAAa ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! “
Yes Jin I’ll support you in the future-!!! ヾ(>▽ <、 )
I’ll never not be obsessed but it’d still be nice to have more substantial content to gush about and do that with.... Kinpri come back and release an anime continuation.... give me the Jin plot development....kinpri come back my happiness is a little too reliant on you
After the showings you get an email asking for feedback which is cool! I’ve been waiting to complain about how 法月 is written as Noriduki instead of Norizuki for the longest time but I never had a chance until now haha. Makes it so painful for me to buy Jin merch. Also begged for an anime continuation. I wonder how much they take into account feedback? I guess I’ll see when/if they start writing Jin’s name how it’s supposed to be.
Prism shows really are best experienced with a community!!! If you like kinpri it’s a GREAT OPPORTUNITY to experience what a cheering screening is like with the Japanese fanbase from the comfort of your very own home which is most likely nowhere near Japan!! Everyone should experience prism shows!!!! I have no regrets and I’m still so hyped from the prism sparkle!!!
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shreddedparchment · 5 years
Pseudo Princess Pt.04
Officially Family
Pairing: King!Steve x Reader          Word Count: 4,265
Warnings: Language?, a wee bit of angst, sexy blonde kings wearing floofy shirts
A/N: So, this chapter was actually intended to be joined with what will be the next chapter but I think having them separate will do better. There’s a lot to digest in this one, so I hope it reads well even though it’s a little on the shorter side (for me). Let me know what you like/love/had to think about whatever! As always, if you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work. xoxo
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It feels like a dream, sitting in the carriage as your new life looms closer and closer with every turn of the steel and wooden wheel.
Across from you, his Majesty is staring at you. Sussing out your lack of reaction to what happened last night.
Happy has your arm, carefully leading you down further and further into the castle. Deeper than you’ve gone yet, and when he finally stops, you’re sure that you’re in a dungeon somewhere because there are no windows, only diffuse candlelight every few steps.
You can hear the subtle drip of water and the scurrying of tiny feet.
An echoing meow tells you that it’s probably just cats and their kittens inhabiting the deep parts of the castle.
“Why are we down here?” You ask, frightened that maybe his Majesty really is upset with you.
What if Happy lied? What if King Rogers was not happy with you and because you failed to entice him, King Tony is going to have you chained up in a cell?
“His Majesty’s other office is down here. Just at the end of the hall. I’m not supposed to go with you, so...” He hesitates in letting your arm go. “Can you make it there on your own? You’re not going to faint again, are you?”
You look down at your pretty white gown with its pink underlay and the way even down here in the dim it seems to shine like a pearl. The bottom layer is dirty now, both from your fall and from dragging it down along these dirty floors.
“No. I’m fine.” You think.
Happy lets you go. “Just straight ahead. Last door at the end of the hall. Don’t bother knocking. He’s expecting you.”
You watch as he turns away from you and with one final glance back to make sure you’re alright, he disappears up along the gray stone steps to the daylight above.
Fear will get you nowhere. So, you shove it aside and march straight for that door at the end.
You give yourself one moment of hesitation to take a deep breath and prepare yourself for what might be a trap but as the heavy door swings open, you find yourself facing a golden mask, devoid of humanoid features save for the glowing blue eyes of what you’re sure must be magic.
You take a deep breath, a scream working its way into your throat before the golden face shakes its head and then it speaks.
“Wait, wait, wait. Don’t scream.” His Majesty’s voice says. He throws one hand out towards you and you watch the slit of his metallic lips that do not move as he speaks.
Somehow, despite there being no real opening, his voice is amplified. The golden armor, which you now see is to accentuate the massive amounts of red that he’s wearing, extends down to his sternum, shoulders, and arms.
It’s there in his arms that the armor begins to weave with regular leather plate armor, deep red. In his hands shine two large orbs of light like that which comes out of his eyes. At the center of his chest is a glowing blue circle that you suddenly realize is the design you’d first noticed on his servants’ armor. The coachman and the footman.
The rest of his outfit is thick, sturdy red linen and cotton, black leather belts around his waist that match the darker shade of his leather pants. Golden boots rise high up to his knees where golden shin guards with red leather beneath complete the look.
He reaches up behind his head and with a small click, there’s a hiss and he pulls off the heavy metal mask and then pops it underneath his arm as if he were holding nothing more than a child’s ball.
“This probably won’t be the worst thing you’ll catch me doing.” He teases, then moves towards you.
You almost step back, but you remind yourself at whose invitation you’re in the castle and that this man is no longer just your king but your father.
“Please, say something.” He rolls his shoulders nervously, dark brow drawn together.
“You’re the Iron Knight.” You gasp, nearly breathless.
“It’s not really Iron. It’s a new metal. Lighter than iron. Titanium is what they called it where I found it. I added some nickel. Makes it easier to move in. Here, try it on.”
He holds the mask out to you, and you take a step back, this time simply refusing to wear the mask not fearful.
“No thank you.” You frown at him, wondering what he’s playing at offering to let you try it on.
“It won’t bite.” He chuckles but puts it down on a table which finally draws your eyes to the rest of the room.
In essence it is a massive dungeon. It’s tall and wide with a vaulted ceiling supported with thick stone pillars. There are also countless tables along two of the walls, some metal, some wood. So much gear is stacked on each table. Different shin guards and boots, shoulder guards, and wristlets. There are a few chest pieces like the one he’s wearing, works in progress.
He’d been standing right at the center of this collection of tables, a target dummy made of straw and burlap sacks at the far end of the dungeon room, singed at the head.
“I think I’ve finally got the aiming down.” He tells you, and you wander over behind him as he lifts his hand and aims it at the dummy. “Careful.”
His warning makes you step back, but he puts his hand out towards you to make sure you’re safe.
There’s a subtle buzz. A hiss, like fire but not exactly fire. It reminds you of the initial crackle and spark of a fire but it’s chaotic in its power. It buzzes louder and louder until there’s a loud fizzing sound as the blue light explodes from his palm.
It lights up the room but soars across to strike the dummy right in the center of its chest.
“Wow!” You nearly yell, the booming in your ears deafening still.
His Majesty turns towards you with a smirk, a cat’s grin as he peels off the gauntlet he’s wearing and with it the chest piece it’s attached to.
“Is it magic?” You ask him, hearing going back to normal.
“Science.” He counters, piling his armor up on the empty table where he’d placed his mask. “And a little bit of magic, yes.”
“What kind of science?” You wonder, knowing nothing about science, your curiosity is peaked.
“Chemistry. It took me a long time to figure out the right combination but a little copper sulfate, some special water, a few other ingredients and of course, the magic that gives my little light show a nice blue glow.” His Majesty says.
“And the magic?” You ask him, desperate to understand but already completely lost. Copper sulfate?
“It’s a root. Nothing I’ve ever seen before. Grown by one of the witches in the East woods. She taught me how to do it and how to use its properties.” He explains.
“You got instructions from a witch?” You wonder, shocked by this revelation more than knowing that he is the Iron Knight.
“They’re not all bad. Some of them just wanna be left alone. It’s her own creation. The root.” He places the last bit of his armor aside then massages his wrist.
“Does it hurt, your Maje-”
“Ah, ah.” He frowns at you, his bearded lips contorted into a small pout.
“Father.” You correct yourself. “Does it hurt?”
“I’m alright. And it’s Man, by the way.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Iron Man. Not Iron Knight. I don’t want people to think he’s of noble birth.” He explains.
“Oh.” You think. “But you are of noble birth.”
“Yes. But I want people to feel like anyone could be the Iron Man. They should all feel like they can take power back in their own kingdom whether it’s from an oppressive lord or a schoolyard bully. My people should be able to stand up for themselves.” He says passionately, moving to sit on a stool and roll up the white sleeves of his shirt.
“Anyway,” He begins, “Let’s forget about the Iron Man for now. Steve has written back about your portrait.”
Oh, man, there are those nerves again. You can feel the lightheadedness working its way back in.
“And wh-what did he say?” You lick your lips and move to stand closer.
Tony reaches into his vest pocket and unfolds a piece of paper before holding it out for you.
“Read it.” He tells you, and hesitantly you take it.
“I-I don’t know how to read just yet.” You admit, feeling shame once again.
“Sound it out. You know how to say your letters, right?”
Damn. Okay…time to give this a try. “First word is ‘I’.”
Easy enough.
“Good.” Father says.
“I ‘C-A-N’ with a t? Can’t?”
He nods.
“Wooo-wuu-wah-it?” You say the word a few times in your head. “Oh, ‘wait’?”
Another nod.
“I can’t wait…t-o..to. I can’t wait to ‘mee-eet her.’” You beam up at him, then look back down at the painfully short note. “I can’t wait to meet her.”
“Okay. You’re too slow. That was torture. Give it here.” He reaches for it and you hurry to hand it to him then move around behind him to look over his shoulder at the words.
“Tony, I can’t wait to meet her. She has nice eyes. Bring her tomorrow. We can marry the day after. Sincerely, His Royal Majesty…blah blah blah…you get the picture.” Father begins to fold up the letter, but you throw your hand over his shoulder gently, reaching for it.
“Can I keep it?” You smile at him, neck and ears burning.
“Sure, kid. Keep it.” He hands it over then gets up and moves to his tables of scraps and projects.
“Did he really say that I have nice eyes?” You unfold the piece of paper and look for the word eyes. How was that spelt again?
“Yes. He says that about every girl though, so don’t get your hopes up.” He says, dashing your dreams.
“Oh.” You sigh, moving to sit on the stool he’d been on.
“Don’t worry, kid. It just means that he isn’t sure what to think. He’ll have more of an idea when he sees you in person. I saw the picture and it doesn’t do you justice. You’ll knock his socks off.” He promises. “You’re my kid, remember?”
You nearly smile but you’re reminded that in two days’ time, you’ll be married.
“I want to make him happy, father.” You sigh, melancholy.
“You will. Just…don’t rush it. Get to know him.” He looks up at you and stares right back into your own sorrowful gaze.
He puts his tools down and moves to you, placing his hands on your arms.
“Look, I know what I’m asking of you. I didn’t even want to let Morgana do this because I want her to have what I have with her mother.”
“It’s okay.” You smile and give him a shrug.
“But it isn’t.” He frowns. “You deserve to marry for love to, Y/N. And I’m sorry for being selfish enough to ask you to do this for us, but-”
“I think I am.” You admit, sadness overtaking your chest to make it ache. “I’ve never met him. I know that he will not be what I’m expecting but Natasha has told me about him. About the person he was before Queen Margaret died and if I’d had to choose the qualities that I would want in a husband, he has almost all of them.”
“But he’s different now. You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“Are you trying to talk me out of this?” You ask him, nearly laughing.
“No.” Father says, shaking his head, no laughing for him. “No. What I’m trying to say is don’t give yourself to him completely. Not for a while. Keep your guard up and don’t let him break you.”
“Is he really that altered?” You wonder, no more worried than you were before.
“He’s not the same Steve. If you have to love him, love him in secret. Don’t tell him. Don’t tell anyone. Don’t give him that power over you. Promise me that you’ll think about yourself first.”
You know that he means well but becoming King Rogers’s wife…it means dedicating your life to the crown. To your future people. To your husband. Maybe, just to appease him, you can give him a little lie?
“I promise. I won’t let myself fall in love with him completely.” You smile at him and he relaxes.
“Good. Now, about your dress…”
“Father…” You begin, “You’ve been staring at me for half an hour.”
He looks at the Queen beside him, Pepper, mother to you now. She’s smiling at him knowingly. She shakes her head at him and then looks out the window.
“Sorry. I’m just…about what you saw last night-”
“I won’t say anything.” You promise him. “And anyway, nothing happened last night. I didn’t see anything, so I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“I told you, you have nothing to worry about with this one.” Mother tells him.
“I didn’t think I did.” He replies with a gruff.
“He was up half the night, worried that he’d scared you.” Mother tells you.
“Pepper…” He grumbles.
“I know that this is all for show.” You start, smiling at them as they look away from their silent argument to you. “I know that it all kind of just happened and I was at the right place at the right time, but I appreciate your kindness. It’s been a long time since I’ve had parents and this past week has almost felt like I’ve had them back.
“I know it isn’t real but, you really do feel like my mother and father and I’m grateful. Thank you.”
For a moment, while you thank them, you let your mind think of them as they truly are. Your King and Queen.
They exchange a long look before they both reach out to take one of your hands. His Majesty the right, and the Queen the left.
“From the day that we took you in and until the day that you die, sweetheart, you will be our daughter. We’ve already added your name into our family register. You are now and forever officially a Stark. We can never repay what you have given not only us but your sister as well.
“When we find her, we’ll make sure she knows what you did for her.” Her Majesty says, eyes slightly misted.
“Kind of feels like we’re on the losing end having to lose a daughter we just found.” His Majesty says, and you nod with a smile, knowing exactly what he means.
“Once I learn how to write properly. I will write all the time.” You promise.
Her Majesty gives a small chuckle then the carriage jerks to a stop.
“We’re here, your Majesty.” Peter’s voice chimes in from the front of the carriage.
Time to meet your future husband.
Father gives you a new dress. Beautiful silk sky blue fabric with white lace sewn in at the bust and wrists. The top of the sleeves are slightly puffed, and the skirt flows out, more lace along the bottom. It hugs your figure and Natasha ties your corset extra tight today, if only to accentuate your bosom.
“Maybe he’s a breasts man?” She shrugs.
Your neck burns.
She leave your hair down, as instructed by his Majesty, your father, long wavy curls left to flow down along your shoulders.
On your head she places a simple diamond tiara, small sapphires spread throughout the base to accentuate the blue of your dress.
All too soon you’re moving with hastened steps behind Natasha towards a room called the council chamber.
As you walk, you take the opportunity to look the castle over.
You’ve been in such a rush that you hadn’t really allowed yourself a proper look. You know that there are large round towers made of pink granite, the main structures of the castle are white marble. The roofs you can see a you pass yet another window—as they are numerous in this castle—are a dark blue slate. The colors go well together and make an aesthetically pleasing palette.
Inside the colors are darker, with deep chocolate oak wood walls and dark gray floors and ceilings. All the light fixtures however are in shades of silver and gold, bright colors to illuminate the darker tones of the interior.
There are also plenty of colorful carpets, pictures, and vases with flowers. Your future home is very warm in its décor and if it is any indication as to the style of the man you are about meet, you may not have anything to worry about after all.
You find Peter already waiting inside the room with Mother and Father also standing off to the side. Natasha shows you in, straight to the center of the room before a large high-backed chair embellished with golden etchings along the arm rests and back.
As Natasha fusses over your dress and hair, the rest of the room is absolutely silent. The nerves in the quiet are enough to drive you mad.
You wish someone would say something. Anything.
You’re already dying of nervousness. Why can’t they try and alleviate your mood?
Wringing your hands nervously, you turn to look at father who gives you an encouraging smile, mother also looking kindly.
Peter is chewing on his lip and Natasha moves to slap your hands away.
“Stop that.” She gasps.
“I’m nervous.” You admit, grieving silently.
“Me too.” She agrees.
“What?!” You gasp, quietly.
“What?” She shrugs. “I’m nervous for you.”
“I thought you said you knew him?”
“I did. Before his wife died.” She sighs. “He’s changed since then, and I don’t know what he’s really like anymore.”
It feels like you’re about to burst into tears when the large double doors behind the tall chair—which you now realize is a type of throne—open. Instead of the blonde you’ve been itching to finally see in person, your heart relaxes when a familiar long haired and blue-eyed knight enters the room.
He stops beside the throne and looks at father first, hand on his sword while the other is straight at his side.
“Your Majesties.” He bows politely, then turns to you. “Your Highness.”
The smile he gives you is one of encouragement and you appreciate it.
“His Royal Majesty, King Rogers, wonders if he and the Princess might be left to meet alone?” James meets Natasha’s eyes and you can see a quick silent communication between them before she’s reaching down for your hand.
“Listen, don’t speak until you’re spoken to. Smile if you think you should. Don’t mention the old Queen, and definitely don’t slip up about…well, you know. Keep conversation light. No swearing.” She’s rushing through these instructions and fussing with your hair and dress.
Your heart begins to panic.
“You’re leaving me?” You whine.
“Just for a few minutes.” She promises. “I’ll be right outside that door. Okay?”
“Nat…?” You swallow hard, wishing your nerves away. “What if he doesn’t-?”
“He just has to marry you.” She reminds you. “Nothing else matters. Once he’s married you, then you can worry about making him fall in love with you. Alright?”
“What if-?”
“It’s time.” She smiles. “Once step at a time. Good luck, your Highness.”
She pulls her hand out of your own firmly, and follows your mother, father, and Peter out of the room the way you’d first come in.
As the doors close, Natasha sends you one last smile before she’s out of sight.
“Nervous?” The deep familiar voice asks, and you turn to James with your breath held.
You nod. He’s wearing an outfit similar to when you met him two days ago, only today it’s dark blue instead of black.
“Don’t worry, Princess. I was there when he saw your portrait and-”
“Please don’t raise my expectations, Sir James.” You sigh. “I can’t stand it.”
“Bucky, your Highness, if you please. And if that is your wish…I will show his Majesty in now.” He offers, and gestures to the doors he’d marched in through.
You nod and watch as he leaves the room again.
For sixty long seconds you stand alone at the center of this large room where chairs line the walls. You consider making a run for it because anything is better than this waiting and then suddenly, he’s there.
Behind the chair, he walks in, wide steps made by long legs. A narrow waist hidden underneath a form fitting aqua blue vest, silver trimmings embroidered along both sides of his wide chest and collar. Underneath the vest is a plain white blouse cinched at the wrists with a small ruffle around the base of his hand where it then puffs out slightly. He looks cool, as if the fabric were flowing with a relaxing breeze.
His lower body looks powerful, muscled and thick covered in dark gray trousers, but your eyes linger there for only a moment because you’re already searching for the kindly blonde face you’ve been staring at for days in the portrait you have.
What you find instead is long blonde hair, not as long as Bucky’s but long enough to flow in waves along the sides of his face, parted along the middle. The clean-shaven face from the portrait is covered in a thick neatly trimmed beard. It all comes together to make a manly visage. He might tear solid logs in two if he tried, he looks that strong.
He’s older than he’d been in the portrait you have and there’s a sadness in his storm blue eyes that is there instead of the blue sparkle of curiosity you’ve come to expect.
He walks with his hands behind his back and stops a few feet in front of you, staring at you just as you’re staring at him. Appraising you.
He’s just as beautiful as he is in his portrait but still a little different.
Suddenly, you remember yourself and you quickly curtsy, averting your gaze down to his black boots.
Neither of you speaks as you bow and the endless minute that you just endured spreads into a few endless more.
The silence is deafening and when your legs finally begin to ache, you shut your eyes to force yourself to remain in position.
“Stand up, your Highness.” He says, his voice is deep and even. Full of authority and impatience. A little colder than you expected. “I trust your trip went well?”
Slowly you stand up, finally tearing your eyes away from his feet to look back into those storm blue eyes. They’re not sad anymore, rather, they look slightly annoyed. Angry? No. Irritated.
“It was a very good trip, your Majesty. Thank you for asking.” You reply, a little too quiet because you haven’t been breathing.
More silence. He stares at you. Relentless. No smiles. No hint as to what he might be thinking. Only a scowl, thick eyebrows drawn in at the center, eyes brooding and sad. Like he wants to say something but won’t.
“Why are you doing this?” He suddenly asks, taking a step towards you.
“Your Majesty?”
“This marriage. This whole thing, why? You could have anyone. You’re a princess.”
“I…” How do you answer that honestly? Natasha did say you’d have to lie on your feet. You hadn’t expected for it to be this soon. “I want to-to make my father happy.”
“Mm.” King Rogers says, understanding this reason but also unsatisfied. “Any other reasons?”
And as you stare at his handsome face, you know that what you’re about to say is most definitely not a lie, so you’ll tell him. At least there are some things you’ll be able to be true about.
“When I saw your portrait…” You begin, wondering if this is giving away too much. No…it’s good for him to know where you stand, right?
“My portrait? What portrait?” He asks, taking a step towards you but not moving forward.
You hurry to grab the compact from your dress pocket and unhook the clasp to show him.
He moves in closer, the heat of his body overtaking you and momentarily dulling your mind.
“When I saw it…I decided that I…I wanted to make you happy.” You admit and look up to find him staring at you, brow furrowed even deeper.
His stern expression makes your hope waver. What does it mean? That intense glower?
“That’ll never happen.” He tells you, his voice hard, defensive.
“Your Majesty?” You ask, slightly confused.
When he speaks, his voice is intimate, quiet, and sure. He says it right beside you, close enough that his whisper is as loud as a shout and it hits you just as hard. The pleasantness of his voice making your skin pimple while the harsh truth in it fills you with dread.
“You will never make me happy. Never.” He promises, then moves away from you back towards the doors behind his throne. “We’ll get married in the morning. Tell Tony I accept his offer.”
As he vanishes from view, taking his beautiful brooding face with him, he leaves behind the tiny shreds of your hope, completely eviscerated by his cool declaration that you—specifically you—will never make him happy. Never.
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Weird crack story of Osomatsu san and Hetalia
Read on your own risk! This is a joke story! Special tribute for @ask-karamemetsu-memetsuno @thefruitdragon @hetaliatime @aquamoon33
One day there is huge incident in Hetalia world, it is like alien invasion but the the alien is replaced with matsunos with abrupt quantity of hesokuri wars sets of Matsuno family that want to conquer the earth.
The world ahold a meeting and make agreement about to use everything in order to avoid all of them have same faces which means identity mixed up and have hard time to regain identity.
“Beside! We don’t want to have noppera incident happen again!” Italy waved his hand and smiled.
Aph England stood up then called all of his eyebrows brothers to make good combos attack with their ~curses~.
Germany sighed and tell further plan, it is the NA bros twins and Italian triplets(Romano, Italy and Seborga!) must be evacuated because those twins sets are a bit fragile to fight against sextuplets (yea i make twin joke right there). Who knows if they will gladly embraced the sextuplets anyway.
Italy shook head and feeling scared of economy collaps due too much neets in this world, he wanted to fight. “Germany…I want to fight with you!”
Germany shook head and ruffled his hair, “they are too dangerous”. Italy hugged him and let go while hoping for the best.
Aph England, Australia, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland kinda make emergency team to protect some land from Karamatsu aka the thick eyebrows brother. So their fight is an intense fight between eyebrows dudes. “Excuse! It is because I want to protect myself. ~England~ we are brothers but I will kick your ass later” Scotland pouted and arrowed enemies. England sighed, “alright” he casted curses everywhere. Karamatsu squads who is already immune to death because he got killed a lot in season 1 just ressurected himself lots of time and fight back.
“No way” Australia whom came from nowhere backed off. “Big brother England~ Can I hit them? I bring sheeps~” New zealand smiled and run with so much sheeps. “Guh! That cat-mouth! A bit remind me of Todomatsu!” Spy Karamatsu retreated because he just remember he got burned by todomatsu. New Zealand sighed and shook head, “who is Todomatsu”
“No! I want to fight!” America yelled to England, “Idiot!! What about Canada?” England frowned and felt a bit worried, he held America’s shoulder and looked straight to his eyes. “I am the hero! I trust him to protect himself” He whined and took out big ass gun from his pocket from Hetalia fantasia game. Everyone stunned and confused at him. “It is Anime! We can do what we want!” He pouted and waved his gun.
“Yo! I am okay mm yeah?? England I am here dude!” Canada wear all flashy outfit with his flag on and styled his hair like America. “Don’t forget power of twin look alike!”
“Idiot!! Don’t make joke like that now!!” England nearly fainted if India did not sneaked in and shoved his mouth with herbs then gone like a ninja. “Namaste and goodbye!” He danced his way out.
Greece and Estonia come with hot cats and distract half of Ichimatsu troops. His mochis was too fluffy to be avoided and too weird to be unseen, it bring some guard down from the opposition team.
Now move to Asia, China took Panda!oso and give the most intense scold to Chinese New year Matsunos set about manners and how increasing NEETS population will destroy nation economy a bit. They feel guilty and go back home.
Panda!oso whined and insisted to stay, “Why I should leave with them, altho they left me alone and I have to turned my back away to avoid my pain when they leave me? My otaku idol brother leave me first” He teared up and held China’s hand and somewhat loosened a bit, they are big brother with red color of fate. China got a bit sad and remembered about Japan leave him and grow into closet otaku that suggest England to satisfied himself with 2D girls.
“I know. It is sad..” China replied and carried him on his back like how he carried his panda. “Look. A big moon.”
Oso remembered the big moon when he saw it alone with nobody else and sulked slightly, China remember his memories about Japan under big beautiful moon and just sighed and smile.
China will take care of him for a while. Atleast until he is willing to leave. Everyone eventually leave, That is the way it should be.
In high class casino, Macau and Monaco teamed up together to have intense fight in casinos against Matsunos Casino Set with their unique skills.
“Weak!” Monaco chuckled and beat them with jackpots together with Macau. They looked stunningly well together. Queen and King of Casinos. Both of them use maximum strength of economy.
“We are not lose yet! We will be back! It is because I am the oldest who give orders!” Osomatsu who got his clothes ripped due attack give order to retreat.(Why ripped clothes? Because the game draw it like that.)
Japan looked rather calm and seemed unbothered.
Japan smiled with a maliceful intent and whispered before leave the battle area
“You have no idea what is up on my sleeve. Multiple AUs and copyright breaker…”
“Where is France and Russia anyway? Is Italy and Romano okay?” Germany squinted his eyes, “i am so tired. They are all too much”.
“Ve~ Big brother France is with a man named Karamatsu. He dressed naked in a moving glass filled with dessert!” Feliciano ate ice cream. France and Karamatsu chilling with floating roses on air also sparkles. Mafia!Ichimatsu sleep next to him after eating. Germany could not help but let a sheepishly smile. “Italy. You are actually strong”
“Somewhat looking at them makes me feels so irritated” England and Ichimatsu sucessfully get up like zombie after cat fight, they are just too tired. They looked at each other a bit suprised.
“Do you hate a man that overly ‘fashionable’ and somewhat has sparkles around him?” Ichimatsu looked at England, expecting good answer. “Uh Yeah. He is my neighborhood and somewhat his presence disturb me a lot” England shrugged off.
“Want to beat them? I will beat the blue cape guy named France. This is slapstick comedy, people will understand it” England massaged his shoulder and hold two rocket. “Let us make a short Alliance. It will be okay. We all stressed anyway” England handed one to him. Ichimatsu grinned and hold the rocket. “To think make alliance with a trash like me. Am I going to die soon?” Ichimatsu make a sheepish smile.
“EHHH WHY MEE??? NON NON!!!” Karamatsu and France yelled together and blown up so high they reached end of rainbow. Roses grown on path until they fall down. Burnt naked. Just the way it should be.
“What a fantastic weather! The sky feels so clear!” England laughed like there is tomorrow. “Don’t feel like trash! I feel like wanting to die too after I drunk and complained a lot” England held Ichimatsu’s shoulder. “You are mortal and won’t live forever. Cheer up okay? I live forever with my negative nature” England gave a reassuring smile. Ichimatsu just gave a silent nod and slowly smile. ESP nyan jumped on Ichimatsu’s arm.
“I feel like this because I have no friends” the cat talked, England suprised and ruffled Ichimatsu. They have melanchonic moments due suffer of felt being isolationed by their own difficulties.
“I-I have to find Todomatsu! It is night soon and he will get scared!” Ichimatsu broke the negativity. “I can find him by myself” he nodded and runned away.
“Actually nevermind. I see something scary” Ichimatsu runned back. Todomatsu and Russia walked together and make bloody path while smiling and showing unexplainable brutality and duality of cutest men alive.
“This cold aura….Russia?” America dropped his weapon. “So scary..and General Winter is here too” he cold sweated. “Dude. This is so dangerous”
“This undying thirst feeling of dry heart. Must be totty” Choromatsu gasped and hugged Oso, Oso hug others to make chain hug.
“Osomatsu nii san~ why so scared?~” Todomatsu smiled and held a similar looking pipe with Russia’s. “I just learned a lot of things! I met a man whose heart oftenly fall off! Maybe dry heart is not that bad?~” Todomatsu faced Osomatsu closer and moved backward. “Choromatsu nii san is horrible tho” he sighed. The sky start snowing, it is nearly June.
“Todomatsu who is that old gramp on the sky?” Choromatsu looked up. “It is General winter!” Todomatsu sat on the snow and sighed. “I am still mad about kerosene. You hate cold, so I bring you cold ”. He pouted and make heart shaped drawing on snow then stomp on it.
“Russia. What do you teach to him?” America put some distance due heavy tensed atmosphere. Russia smiled, “Nothing. Just retell how I failed gained friends because of you. Amerika. He have same problem, altho it is caused by his brothers. We share similarities too. Like being called heartless or monster” Russia’s scarf drag America away from the place.
“Kol kol kol. Want me to make your gum bleed if you still talking?”
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