#also yesterday i got the final exam grades for another subject and i got a 9.85 so im rlly happy todaaay
aroaceofthesea · 8 months
asdfkjlkfj i passed calculus yassss
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what-if-nct · 1 year
HIIII I get my exam results today and it feels like I’m going to explode. I’m surprised it wasn’t sooner but it finally hit me yesterday evening. It was like time went so slow and I didn’t know what to do. But it’s gonna be over in a few hours!!! Like so many years of me life have led up to this and it’s going to be over~~~!!!
IVE GOT MY RESULTS NOW!!! I got a 4 in art (it’s equivalent to a C, art grade boundaries are brutal where I live), 5 in biology and chemistry (which is in between a B and C, I was expected to get 8 or 9 in biology tho :/), I also got 5 in French but cause I’m in foundation I’m capped but I would’ve gotten an 8 if I wasn’t. I got 6 in physics which is like between A and B. 7 in maths and English language which is an A. I got 8s in English literature, religion and history which is equivalent to A or A*. I was one mark off 9 in religion and two marks off a 9 history. I’m really happy though cause I’ve improved a lot. For the next two years I’m doing sociology, history and religion :))). Some of my friends haven’t done so well. One friend’s life is geography but she didn’t get high enough to continue studying next for the next two years and at university. Another person also wants to be a surgeon and go to med school in London but didn’t score well enough in chemistry. Also the person who since year at the school who’s been known to be great at art failed art. She’s had some issues at home though so I’m still really proud of her. She was on the verge on failing maths but she got a 5!!! Another friend who has had issues affect school failed everything but they still get to go to this animal college thing. So yeah good for me but not so good for other people. I have a relative the same age of me and she’s gotten what she wanted.
I'm sure there's a ton of relief that's been lifted and thank you for relating it to letter grading, I would have just looked it up to get a better idea but it was really helpful that you did that. I'm glad you're happy with your results, you did really well, far better than I ever could of. I only did well in English, art, dance, creative writing. I hope you enjoy the next few years with those subjects. You should be very proud of your grades. I think all of your friends should be as well, exams are hard and test taking is more difficult for some than others That's all a low score means, retaining information is just a bit more difficult, i wish you all the best luck in your next steps.
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random rant no one asked for
so, basically, yesterday i got this massive urge to do a literature degree. for context, i'm currently majoring in astronomy, i have been for a while, ngl, i'm embarrassed that it's taking me this long, even though i shouldn't be (according to my awesome friends). being an astronomer is my dream. i want to work as one, and i think that's what puts the most pressure on me and why i struggle so much with perfectionism and craving good grades, plus the stem enviroment doesn't help (my upbringing doesn't either). i want to enjoy my life as a student, but i find myself physically unable to do so. for more context, because of the questionable way in which my courses work, i'm only taking finals at the moment. i'm done with all my classes, but i'm not done with the subjects bc of compulsory finals (most uni courses in my country have ways of avoiding taking the final by meeting certain requirements that involve grades and presence in lessons). my point here is that i'm not really going to uni, i only go when i have an exam, which sucks all the joy from seeing my beloved campus. so, the thing is that i actually really enjoy learning. i'm such a nerd and proud of it. and it really pisses me off that i have to be so stressed about it bc of how the system works. this leads to me fantasizing about studying without all that drama. sometimes, i end up reading the material for finals that are not my priority atm, the idea of studying to get a good grade paralyses me. and sometimes that turns into me thinking of doing another degree, completely stress free, just for the sake of it, not giving a fuck about grades, or how long it takes me to finish it.
for the longest time, i wanted to try a math degree after getting my astronomy one, but the thing is, that it is too close to the type of academia i am used to. math also has compulsory finals, plus its still stem and that will not let my brain rest when it comes to expectations, even if i'm doing it for fun, i'd be scared of making a fool of myself during exams.
so yesterday, it hit me: literature. i love reading. i love languages. as i said before, i'm a massive nerd. i think majoring in lit will give me the student life i dream of. i don't plan on doing anything with that degree if i get it. it's just for me. it's the academia equivalent of moving to another city where nobody knows you and start a new life. i would still be doing astronomy, hopefully, that'll be my job. but i'd take courses on the side, maybe one at the time, idk, it'd be chill.
but, there's always a but. right now, i really like the idea.. but i've been here before, with other stuff. other projects i wanted to start and never did or i started and never finished. abandoned hobbies, etc. i like a lot of stuff (see pinned post for reference) but i'm not the most consistent human being. it's not that i lose interest in the things.. it's just, life gets in the way.. especially if it's not a priority. astronomy will always be my priority. and i love it, but it's not the only thing i love.. i just wish i could multitask, but i find again and again that i cannot. i mean, i can barely do one task tbh, but that's a conversation for another day. so basically, rn, i really want to do it, however, i don't have much faith that i will follow through, and that makes me really sad.
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goosegoblin · 4 years
Jess how the hell did u get a degree with ADHD, I'm dying (this is a little bit asking for advice but also a little bit just me feeling sorry for myself, do not stress over replying! Thanks for being a generally cool gal and writing so much about adhd in general)
I’m publishing this rather than private replying because I imagine others might have good advice- if you want me to delete it and send you the text privately, please just let me know <3
So! I hated uni! Like I really did not enjoy the vast majority of it! Granted, my ADHD was only recognised and treated in my final year- and I spent a good portion of that struggling badly with my emetophobia- but I didn’t really handle my MSc well either lmao, so I think it’s safe to say I’m the problem. I got fairly good grades and my qualifications, though, so I guess it worked out? My point is that I don’t feel I handled my ADHD well in the slightest, so I apologise that I can’t be more useful!
Still, some general advice I do have is:
- are you medicated/ in treatment? if not, make that a priority in whatever way you can
- reach out to your uni’s disability department or whatever the equivalent is and ask for an assessment to see what type of help is available to you. I got extra time on exams which wasn’t helpful in itself, but it meant that I was no longer subject to the whole ‘you cannot leave in the last thirty minutes’ rule which had previously caused me a great deal of stress. Additionally, I got to take the exam in a smaller side room that was much more casual, and I focused way better in there.
- try and do coursework/ studying in the library wherever possible. You are not a person who can work on coursework at home. I know that you will think ‘oh, but at home I can be comfy and relax, and I have my favourite playlists, and all my notes are there’- this is all true, but you are not a person who can work at home. You need the change of environment that working somewhere else forces on you to persuade your brain it is, in fact, Working Time
- don’t be afraid to ask for mitigating circumstances. I got them for both dissertations and it is the only reason I was able to hand anything in at all lmao. You will not believe how many students get them for mental health reasons- your course leaders will be super, super used to it.
- try and keep to a routine where you can? leave the house daily (hard right now, I know), eat the correct amount of Food in a day, drink water, exercise, socialise, etc. i know you know all this stuff but i feel obliged to say it anyway
- sometimes you will hear a voice saying ‘i can skip today’s lecture because it’s recorded/ i can catch up later’. that is the devil talking. you will never ‘catch up later’ and if it’s recorded on panopto or similar, you will never watch it. do not let the devil in.
- i made flashcards often using various apps (anki is popular; i used studyblue but these days they make it Very Clear they would like you to pay money for the full version) and i found them super helpful. sitting down to study is a Whole Thing, but going through flashcards while on the toilet or walking somewhere is way, way easier.
- no, you don’t need to buy another notebook.
- comparison is the thief of joy! yes, there will be people on your course who know the material inside out and backwards and talk about how they only spent nine hours in the library yesterday. who cares! that’s their life; you are living yours. also here is a secret: nobody who says they spent nine hours in the library actually did work for the entire nine hours. i promise you this.
- no, you do not need to buy more gel pens
- bring a fidget toy or similar to lectures if you can. i warned one of my lecturers in advance that i would be using it and i wish i’d done that more often bc that lady was cool as hell and it was v helpful
- i can only imagine how much rougher online learning must be making all of this. i am positive people have made good resources on how to deal with it, but just so you know, i know a lot of ADHD ppl really struggling with it. i don’t say this to freak you out, but more to let you know if you feel the same way, it is not your fault and you are not alone
i don’t know your course, but if it’s one where you can reasonably just opt to not learn certain things, that... is not always the worst idea. like, the way my final year exams worked is that we got given a series of essay questions and we picked 3 to write responses to. this meant there were entire areas of the course i could simply opt out of. obviously this is not the ideal way to do things, but if you’re running out of time and this one area of the course is just making you fuckin suicidal to think about, then deciding to just rule it out can work.
(shoutout to my first year biochem course when not a single person picked the microbiology question and our course leader posted a pissy forum message about it god bless)
anyway this is long and probably not helpful, but i love you and i am sorry you are struggling. i struggled too! people who say uni was the best time of their life are generally not dealing with the type of thing we deal with, and that’s okay. it’s okay for uni to not be the best time of your life. it’s okay to struggle. it doesn’t mean you can’t do well or that you don’t deserve to be there. hang in there, my friend, and message me any time- i am always happy to listen or help in any way i can xxxxxx
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official-weasley · 3 years
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 3, Ch. 8
A knock on my dormitory door woke me up. I groaned as I looked at my roommate who was still sleeping. I swear there's not a noise in the world that could wake him up.
I yawned and went to open the door.
“Charlie? Are you okay, why are you knocking on my door this early in the morning?” I yawned again.
“It's a beautiful Saturday and Nova and I were talking and you seem to be inside your room quite a lot lately, so we decided to take you down to the Lake.” He beamed at me. “Or drag you, you know, in case you wouldn't want to come willingly.”
I was surprised that my little brother noticed anything unusual about my routine when all he could talk about were Dragons and his Care of Magical Creatures class. However, I must admit I was rather touched that they were worried about me.
They were right about me being inside a lot. These days it seemed that the only time I left my room or the Library was for food or classes. O.W.L.s were approaching fast and I was getting more nervous by the minute! And as if that wasn't enough I had my Career Advice Meeting this Monday and I can't tell you how many nights I didn't sleep because of that and if I did manage to fall asleep I was dreaming that Professor McGonagall told me I would never be a Curse Breaker and that there's an open position as Filch's assistant and that I might get that job.
I would rather admit to my mother that I had a crush on Emily Tyler than be Filch's assistant.
“Hello! Bill, did you fall back asleep?” Charlie snapped me out of it.
“Huh, yes! I will go with you. Some air will do me good. Let me just grab my books.” I was ready to turn around and go to my desk when Charlie stopped me.
“No, books. You need a break, mate.” He grabbed my hand and dragged me down to the Common Room and through the Portrait Hole where Nova was waiting for us.
“Good morning, Bill!” She was wide awake and grinning.
“Hi, Nova. How are you?” I smiled back, though not as enthusiastically as her.
“The question is Bill,” she grabbed my other hand, and together with Charlie they started pushing me down the stairs and through the corridor, “how are YOU?”
“I...I'm fine.” I was beginning to get confused as to why they cared so much about my well-being all of a sudden.
“Oh, really?” Nova narrowed her eyes. “Did you know that I said hello to you yesterday at the Library and I didn't get as much as a sound back?”
“You did?” I couldn't recall that happening.
“Uh-huh. Do you know what that means?” Charlie spoke now even though I think he didn't have anything to do with the Library scene at all.
“That I was too deep in my studying to say hello?” I guessed.
“Yes, and it also means you need a break from it and stop obsessing over your Career Advice Meeting.” Nova added.
“Why do you care so much?” We suddenly stopped and they both turned to me.
“Because you're my brother and believe it or not, I do care about you.” Charlie frowned at me as if he couldn't believe I was questioning their motive.
“And you're my friend,” Nova spoke now, “you helped me with my Quidditch situation with Charlie and you have such dark circles under your eyes that even Tonks noticed and you know she's oblivious to these things.”
They didn't let go of me until we got down to the Lake. They placed a blanket on the ground and made me sit. Nova sat on my right and Charlie sat on my left side, making sure I wouldn't escape.
“So...” I scratched the top of my head. “What now?”
“Now, we are going to sit here in peace, and then you will tell us everything that is on your mind and all your worries.” Nova grinned at me.
“But why? I am fine, I promise.” I looked puzzled.
“You are not fine, Bill Weasley. Your roommate told me you barely sleep at night, that you have nightmares and that you keep talking in your sleep about being Filch's assistant and if that isn't a cry for help, I don't know what is.” I have never seen Charlie so in command. I was the one usually lecturing and scolding him for doing stupid stuff. And how did my roommate know any of these things if he was fast asleep every night?
“Okay, MUM!” I ruffled his hair and got punched in the ribs for mocking him.
“So, Mr. Weasley,” Nova corrected her imaginary glasses, her voice very official, “how is the studying for O.W.L.s going?”
“I am doing pretty good with Defense Against the Dark Arts. Penny started helping me with my Potions last week and we are having a study group for Charms and Herbology.” I rubbed my chin, trying to remember more subjects.
“Professor Kettleburn told me that I have nothing to worry about when it comes to his subject. But I haven't started with Ancient Runes or History of Magic or Astronomy or...” Nova must've sensed the panic in my voice as she put a finger on my mouth to make me stop talking.
“Bill, you still have time to study for your O.W.L.s!The fact that you did so much for so many subjects already is a good start. You're going to do fine.” Nova squeezed my shoulder.
“And what are you so afraid of anyway? You are smart and on top of the class in most subjects.” Charlie added.
“I know. But you'll see the amount of pressure this is when you get to your Fifth Year, especially since you two are like me and you know what you want to do already.” I tried to explain.
“How well do you have to do on your O.W.L.s to become a Curse Breaker?” Nova seemed to share my worry now.
“I will find out more in my Meeting with McGonagall, but I can imagine that I would need at least an Outstanding or Exceeds Expectation in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms and Transfiguration. I would have to do good in Arithmancy as well and in Ancient Runes and you do need both.” They were listening to me very attentively. I can't deny that it felt good talking about this with someone.
“Aren't that your grades already?” Charlie seemed confused.
“They are, indeed.” I said rather proudly. “Last year I got an O in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Ancient Runes, and Transfiguration. I got an E in Herbology, Arithmancy, Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies, and Potions, thanks to Penny. And I got an A in History of Magic and Astronomy.” I counted on my fingers.
I looked at them and they both had their mouths open.
“How can you take so many subjects? How are you managing that?” Nova was perplexed.
“That is a secret between Professor McGonagall and myself.” This was true as she gave me a time-turner in order for me to take all the classes but she made me swear not to tell anybody, not even my family members.
They both narrowed their eyes in suspicion but decided to let it go.
“So if you have such good grades, what are you worried about?” Charlie still didn't seem to understand.
“O.W.L.s and final exams are not the same. Final exams only consist of what you've learned in that year while O.W.L.s have questions from all the past years. Besides, you can get tricky questions during the practical part of the examination and you have to think quick on those.” I explained.
“Bill, knowing you, you will ace all of these subjects like you do every year. I really wouldn't worry so much about it.” Nova bestowed me with a warm smile. “We might be the same in two years and you're going to sit here, giving us a pep talk but we just wanted to see if there is anything we can do to make this easier on you.”
“To be honest, just talking about it makes me feel better. All of my classmates are so busy studying and panicking like I am that we simply don't have the time to chat.” I admitted.
“See, that's why you have us, mate.” Charlie patted my back.
“Now, to a more interesting topic.” He smugged. “What's up with you dreaming about Filch?” Nova giggled at his question.
“Oh,” I blushed and ignored it, “what I am really worried about right now is my Career Advice Meeting on Monday. I know McGonagall will ask me what are my reserve options in case my O.W.L.s won't be up to Curse Breaking standard and I don't have another option. I wanted to be a Curse Breaker for a while and I haven't given much thought to other careers.”
“You have to have other options?!” Charlie was the one panicking now. I couldn't help but laugh. If anyone didn't have a second career option it was definitely him. He has been talking about being a Dragonologist since he could talk.
“I am sure you're going to do just fine.” I ruffled his hair.
“So you don't have a second option, perhaps McGonagall can help you with that.” Nova thought out loud.
“I guess.” I gave it a second thought. “It's just scary to think so far ahead and to think I could do good with my O.W.L.s and my N.E.W.T.s and then fail at my job interview is even scarier.”
“Grades aren't enough to get you the job?” Charlie's voice started to rise again in panic.
“Far from it,” Nova answered for me, “especially for Curse Breakers. They have tough training and a lot of newbies can't take it. My dad told me he was training them last year and he said that out of 20 they only took 4 of them.”
“Oh, sorry Bill, didn't mean to scare you.” She quickly added when she saw my frightened look.
“See, that's why I am panicking about other careers because despite having good grades I can still not make it as a Cur...”
“I have an idea!” Nova interrupted me. “Why haven't I thought about this before!” She stood up at once.
“What are you talking about?” Both Charlie and I asked.
“I can write to my dad and ask him if he has any advice for you to be better prepared when you have your initiation. That way you have almost 3 years to practice and prepare for your job interview!” She started walking towards the Castle.
Charlie and I got up, grabbing the blanket, not even bothering to fold it.
“Where are you going?” I asked as we caught up to her.
“I am going to the Owlery to write to my dad at once.” She smiled, being proud of her idea.
“You would really do this for me, Nova?” It warmed my heart to have such an amazing friend.
“Get off it Bill, of course, she would!” Charlie answered on her behalf.
We followed her to the Owlery where she wrote a rather long letter to her dad. She explained that I wanted to be a Curse Breaker and that I was panicking a lot about my O.W.L.s and the fact that I don't have a second career option, something I reckoned she could've left out of the letter. She told him all about my grades and she asked him if he has any tips for me and what can I do to start preparing for the job.
She carefully folded the parchment, took an envelope from her bag, which made me smile because I taught her to always carry a few in her bag, put the letter inside, and gave it to Pip.
Pip hooted excitedly every time he was given a job. We all patted him on the head and he was on his way.
I decided that Charlie and Nova were right and I should take it easy. It was only March and I had more than enough time to study and didn't want to get burned out so I decided to spend my entire day with them and their friends.
Funny enough Penny started nagging the lot about their exams the minute we sat down for dinner. I haven't the slightest what their grades would be if she wasn't so persistent all year round.
I even took the time to just sit in front of the fireplace in Gryffindor Common Room and stare at Emily Tyler and daydream about being her boyfriend.
On Sunday morning I decided to speak to my roommate about the fact that he knew so much about what's going on in our dormitory at night. It turned out that he was just as nervous as I was about our O.W.L.s and that he secretly studied when I was sleeping.
We made a pact to study together as we both needed as many O.W.L.s as we could get since he wanted to become an Auror.
The next day was the Career Advice Meeting day. I hoped that when McGonagall is done with me I will stop having nightmares about it.
I had breakfast with Nova and Penny and Nova hasn't received an answer from her dad yet. I then joined my classmates in front of McGonagall's office where we were called in one by one to have our evaluation.
“Mr. Weasley, I understand you want to become a Curse Breaker.” She looked at me through her squared glasses.
“Yes, Professor.” I nodded.
“Well if you do as good on your O.W.L.s as you are doing in your classes so far, I don't see why that couldn't be achieved.” Her lips curved a little.
“You would need,” she continued, “an Outstanding in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. Having an O in Potions wouldn't be so bad either but I can see that that is not your strong suit.” She was looking at the parchment with my grades on it.
“An E in Charms and Transfiguration would be very desirable, along with Herbology as it can come in handy.” She was now looking at me again. I was sitting still as a statue and my heart was beating faster than when I see Emily in the Common Room.
“If you get an A in everything else, you should be fine. Just try to get an O in Potions as Professor Snape doesn't except anyone below that level for his N.E.W.T. studies.” She stopped and pursed her lips. I still didn't move. I nodded, however.
“How about your other career options?” She sounded exactly as in my nightmares.
“That's the problem Professor, I don't have any.” I bowed my head. I knew she was going to be disappointed in me. I was a Prefect, had good grades, and was always well-behaved but didn't have a second career option.
“You know, Mr. Weasley, sometimes having just one option is the best option.” My eyes almost fell out as I couldn't believe her answer as it was completely different than the one from my dreams.
“I'm not sure I follow, Professor.” Was all I could manage in reply.
“When we only have one goal, we tend to focus more on it and will do everything in our power to achieve it.” She smiled warmly. “If we know we have another option, we might not put all of our attention into the primary goal as we know we have a cushion to ease our fall.” She did make a good point.
“I don't think I ever thought about it that way before.” I was being honest.
“Mr. Weasley, try to cut yourself some slack and get a whiff of fresh air here and there. You are one of my best students and I do not doubt that you are going to do just fine.” She smiled and gave me a little nod.
“Thank you, Professor. This helped me a lot.” I stood up, smiled back, and exited her office.
I don't think I could've shown it more that I was having a good day when I entered the Great Hall and sat down next to Charlie, Nova, and Tulip.
“Someone's in a good mood.” Charlie said with a mouth full of food.
“So how did it go?” Nova stood up from where she was sitting on Charlie's left side and sat down next to me and shook my shoulder.
“It went really well. McGonagall said I have nothing to worry about. Perhaps I could do a bit better with Potions but other than that I think I'm good.” I grinned.
“Eh, nothing Penny can't fix.” Tulip smiled.
“We told you you overreacted, mate. Really good news, though.” Charlie put his spoon down to pat me on my back.
“Speaking of good news...” I turned to Nova who was shaking as she couldn't wait to tell me something.
“Guess who came back today?” She said without waiting for me to ask what the news was. I rubbed my chin, thinking for a second who could it be. Then it dawned on me.
“Pip?” I asked hopefully. She nodded and pulled a letter from her back pocket and handed it to me.
I opened it and started reading.
My dear pumpkin,
there is simply too much information to discuss this over a letter.
I am in charge of the Internship Program we are having this Summer and if Bill doesn't have anything else planned I would be glad to put him on the list. The Internship is on me, so he needn't worry about paying as I would be glad to have him on my team and we can discuss everything then!
Defense Against the Dark Arts and Ancient Runes are very important so he should be focusing on these two subjects along with Charms and Arithmancy but I am sure he is already aware of that.
And a piece of advice: tell Bill to stop worrying too much. With the grades as you described, he is more than qualified for the job already and I am sure he is going to do fine. And besides, he is not only your friend he is also my best friend's son, meaning I will be sure to put in a good word for him.
If he decides to take me up on my offer for the Internship, he will already have an advantage when we pick our new Curse Breakers!
Send Pip back with his answer and say hello to Charlie and the rest of your friends!
I miss you my little pumpkin!
Love, Dad
“He...he is offering me a Summer Internship?!” I couldn't believe what I just read so much that I started reading the letter again.
“So, I am assuming Pip should send a yes back to my dad?” I looked at Nova, her head was leaning on her hand and she had the biggest grin across her face.
“Nova, I...I don't know what to say.” I was speechless. “Do you know what this means for my career?”
“I do! And you don't have to say anything! I heard about the Internship last Summer and was going to convince dad to take you in with or without your nightmares about being Filch's Assistant.” Tulip almost spat out her juice, laughing so hard, when she heard about my dreams.
“Thank you, Nova. You are an amazing friend!” I pulled her into a tight hug as I was lost for words. I couldn't believe she was already thinking of asking her dad to get me in for the Summer Internship. I don't recall anyone doing something so nice for me before.
Now I understood why mum wanted her in the family.
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Content: Fluff, School au
Summary: Getting a job at Seoul Metropolitan Library was a way for you to break out of your routines, you didn’t know that humming just a little too loudly in a three floored library could get you to meet your next boyfriend.
Note: Tell me if you want another part + the places written in this one shot were searched up and are real, the exact location is inaccurate.
Warning: I use British spelling.
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[3:59 pm] Seoul Metropolitan Library, July 20 2020
I hummed excitedly as I glided into the three-floored library beside our university. Guess who got a part time job? Yes, me! I greeted the woman up front who gave me a little grin back, it was halfhearted but that didn’t matter much, I was finally going to get to do something apart from sitting in my room and shoving my nose into my laptop.
“You’ll end in two hours, your first job is to dust off the shelves on the second floor” the woman said whilst handing me a full black duster. Pretty fancy not gonna lie. “Got you” I pulled it off her grip as we exited the locker room, where I placed my bag.
As I walked up the stairs, I realised that maybe saying “Got you” was a little unprofessional. Making mistakes on your first day will always be a time to remember, I shrugged it off then approaching the first shelf in sight. The shelves were wooden but it was the fancy type of wood, this one shined.
There were also different coloured sofas and bean bags all around the place. That’s when I realised that the woman didn’t even give me a tour! Rude! I scowled but continued to wipe the dust off. It was a calm time for me, casually humming, performing little sways here and there, besides there wasn’t anyone on the second floor...I thought.
“You should hum quieter” The voice was calm and monotone but there was a hint of annoyance in it. I halted and turned my head, feeling the presence behind me. It was a guy around my age, I think I’ve seen him exiting the art block before. He wore a white hoodie and washed denim pants.
He carried a sketchbook in his arm and held the strap of his gray bag in the other. “I’m sorry” I gave him a little grin as an extra sprinkle of sincerity to my apology but he ignored it and walked away. “Jerk” I whispered under my breath, not enough for him to hear.
[4:30 pm] Seoul Metropolitan Library, July 21 2020
Today’s my second day of work and my new job is to scan books that are being borrowed. Apparently, around 30 books are borrowed and brought back everyday. On exam, project and holiday seasons, it goes up to 80. Well, this was beside a university anyway.
I sat there excitedly, the scanner just a perfect centimetre away from me. I might have a really cute guy come up and borrow a book and maybe ask for my number! The thought made me excited and I couldn’t help but fantasise about it even more. “Excuse me, stop daydreaming” my thoughts were cut off and a brief second of worry filled my mind.
In front of me was the same guy from yesterday, this time in a plain black shirt and gray sweatpants. Did he look good? Yes, Was he here to borrow a book? Yes, Would I have a crush on him if he wasn’t a jerk? Yes, but was he a jerk? Totally.
I pulled the book off his grip and placed it’s bar code in front of the scanner, after the little beep, I gave it back. “Write your name here” I nudged the white piece of paper to him and I watched as he calmly filled in the blanks.
[8:05 am] Yonsei University, July 22 2020
Surprise! No work for today but as usual, there’s school. I pouted tiredly as I dropped my science book down the gray table. Today’s lecture is for applied science. The reason why I’ve always had my nose stuck in my books and laptop was because I was studying.
I honestly enjoyed it, the tiring nights and the good grades you get back right after. It gives me a sense of achievement, like my purpose for the day has been fulfilled. I was already five minutes late but as usual, my teacher is completely non-existent; or would walk in with a cup of coffee in, three, two, one.
“Good morning class” the sound of her heels hitting the hard floor made me sit up, getting ready for whatever topic she’s going to talk about. “As you all may know, today the term gets cut so some students change subjects and I highly advise you not to do the same. Let’s welcome our new students!”
She signalled them to come in and I honestly expected dozens because applied science was pretty popular here but instead, only two entered.
A pretty girl with a classic dress, looking like she was going to ace every single test given and a guy, wearing a half-way buttoned up white shirt and black pants. His figure was way too familiar and I figured that I may know him, so I squinted my eyes a little tighter ‘cause I have shit eyesight and there he was. The same guy from the library.
[4:00 pm] Seoul Metropolitan Library, July 23 2020
“You’ll be working with someone new today and since you’ve done well adjusting to this new environment, you can give HIM a tour”
Him? It’s a guy? My eyes followed the senior librarian’s pointed finger and there he stood before me.
“I’m not saying it’s kinda creepy that you’re everywhere but it’s fucking creepy that you’re everywhere” I said to him, placing my hands on my hips with furrowed brows, shamelessly showing suspicion to his actions. “Oh please, it’s not like you’re attractive enough for me to stalk” he scowled at me.
“Well first of all, I’m one of the most beautiful people you’ve ever met and boy, you can’t deny it” I did an invisible hair flick because my hair was in a bun. “You wish” he uttered and the librarian shook her head at us. “It’s his first day stop bickering” those were the last word’s she said before walking away.
[4:29 pm] Seoul Metropolitan Library, July 30 2020
It’s been a week since I’ve been working with him, we’ve not made much interaction considering the fact that ever since his first day he’s been labelled as my enemy. I continued dusting off the shelves while he dusted the ones beside mine (with our fancy black dusters) but that’s not the point.
“Excuse me?” A soft, small and high voice alerted me. I turned my head to the side and saw this pretty girl holding a book and pointing towards it, she was asking Renjun a question, yes now I know his name. “Where can I find the second book to this?” She asked and I briefly saw Renjun point somewhere before I looked away and continued dusting the shelf.
At least she could get a nice Renjun, all I get is a glaring bitch and I’d have to deal with it for the next ten weeks. The girl walked away and I felt his gaze on me.
“Are you jealous?”
“What?” I halted and gave him the biggest offended face ever. “Why would I be jealous?” I asked and he smirked. “You looked...annoyed” he replied slowly, in a teasing manner and I rolled my eyes.
“How’d you see? Were you watching me?”
I said in a-matter-of-fact tone and he snorted. Let me give this bitch a lesson, I thought to myself, placing my hands on my hips and getting ready to give him the hottest bars.
“I know I’m cute—“ I started and he cut me off.
“Yeah, I know you look cute”
Did he just—? My brows furrowed and a mischievous thought entered my mind. I’m totally teasing him for this.
“...So you agree?” I asked, a smirk crawling up my lips.
“Yeah—” he started “—maybe I do”
82 notes · View notes
jalapeno-princess · 4 years
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Mark Tuan X Reader
Word Count: 5.3k
Summary: You’re failing your marine biology class and your best friend Youngjae recommends you sign up for tutoring. When you walk in to the tutoring center and your eyes land on the handsome boy who claims to be your tutor, you grow excited to start your sessions but you don’t know whether it’s because you have hope to pass your class or because you get to spend time with Mark. As the weeks go by, you end up developing feelings for the older boy and little do you know, he ends up falling for you too.
A/N: My last day of class was yesterday and I wrote this story last week the day before my finals and I was failing my marine biology class (please do not sign up for marine biology unless you’re passionate about science because I did not understand a fucking thing but ya girl got a C GOD BLESS) the thought of Mark as a tutor makes me cry I would purposely fail a class just to have him tutor me
“Y/n, it’s really not that bad. A 64 is still passing. D’s get degrees—“ 
You yanked your quiz from your best friend’s hands and began to walk away out of frustration. You had taken your midterms just a few days ago and you‘ve been studying for all five of your classes for the last month. There was no problem with any of your four other classes. However, science was never your forte; specifically marine biology. 
When you were first signing up for classes, the idea of learning more about the ocean and marine animals intrigued you. Therefore, you didn’t hesitate to add Marine 465 to your schedule. Unfortunately, once you began the class you were ultimately regretting your decision. 
For the most part, you considered yourself to be pretty smart. Sure, some classes were easier than others but you always tried your best when it came to your education no matter how hard the subject was. You’d put in more time in studying and went the extra mile to make sure you succeeded no matter how difficult the class was. 
As soon as your professor started with his lectures, you felt extremely lost and no matter how hard you studied, you weren’t retaining any information. It was as if everything you learned about sea level rise, coral bleaching and erosion went through one ear and out the other. When you received the exam a few days prior, your heart immediately sank like it normally did whenever you’d take the first look at an exam and did not understand a single thing. 
You were sure you studied for this midterm the longest out of all your classes but no matter how hard you tried, you just weren’t meant to do well. You answered every single question to the best of your ability and you had a tiny bit of hope that you did decently; but when your professor passed back your graded tests right before ending class, you were on the verge of tears.
“Youngjae, I am a nursing major. I can’t get anything lower than an A. This is so disappointing. Might as well turn in my scrubs now and drop out of the program. There’s no use! Nothing is going to help me at this point. There’s only one more assignment and that’s the final exam. Even if I do well on my exam, the highest grade I’ll get is a B. A B isn’t good enough Jae. Fuck science. What does marine biology even have to do with nursing? I don’t recall having to give shots to sea turtles!” 
The older boy caught up to you and pulled you into his embrace in attempts to calm you down. After six years of friendship, he was completely aware of what a goal driven person you were. Whatever you set your mind to, you’d do anything in your power to achieve it. After taking a look at the grade you were given, Youngjae knew that chances of you getting an A were extremely slim; but it didn’t mean it was impossible. 
Your best friend saw you through both your highest and lowest points and he knew you could handle anything negative that life threw at you. Your marine biology class was no exception. 
“I really don’t know what to do other than withdrawal and retake it again next semester.” You released an exhausted sigh before taking a seat on the nearest bench. 
“Have you ever thought about tutoring? Oh come on, don’t give me that look. What? Is the great y/n y/l/n too good for tutoring? Even the smartest students ask for help sometimes y/n, it wouldn’t hurt for you to ask for help once in a while. Maybe you’ll have an easier time learning from someone one on one rather than when your professor teaches your entire class. I’ll even go with you if that’ll make you feel more comfortable.” 
You gave him a soft smile before ruffling his hair. “Fine. We’ll go tomorrow. But if one of those nerds wants to get smart with me, I won’t hesitate to throw hands.” Youngjae’s laughter engulfed throughout the front lawn as the two of you continued to make your way to your last class. 
The next day, you found yourself hiding in the library and began ignoring Youngjae’s calls and texts to find out where you were. Right after he dropped you off to your apartment the night before, you decided that you did not want to go along with having to seek help with your studies. To say you were a stubborn person was an understatement and you knew you were being childish trying to refuse Youngjae’s attempts at trying to help you with your grades; but you hated the thought of having to be tutored because it reminded you that maybe you weren’t necessarily great at everything as much as you wanted to be. 
Knowing how you could be, he knew exactly why you weren’t answering his calls and he was well aware that you were planning on running away from his recommendation. One thing Youngjae loved most about you was your confidence and how you had such a good head on your shoulders. It was also something he cared about the least seeing as how you refused help from others no matter how much you obviously needed it. He began to search for you throughout the entire campus and since he knew you like the back of his hand, it didn’t take him long to find you. 
When you felt an arm on your shoulder, you jumped in surprise but released a frustrated grunt when you realized who it was. “Youngjae—“ he shook his head before gathering up your things and reached for your hand. 
“You’re not getting out of this. Y/n, just because you’re receiving help from someone else, doesn’t mean you’re any less smarter than you are. Stop being so stubborn. The tutors are genuinely nice people and they just want to help you. If you keep this act up then just take the F already. I don’t know what else to do for you!” 
Seeing your best friend so upset over something that wasn’t even his fault made you feel like a terrible person. He was only trying to help you because he hated seeing you beat yourself up over something he knew you tried your best at. Which is why you pulled him in to your embrace and leaned your head on his shoulder while whispering countless apologies against the juncture of his neck and finally agreeing to receiving help from a tutor. 
You’ve never been to the tutoring center before because you instilled it in yourself that tutoring was the last thing you ever wanted to go through but you were desperate. 
“Hi, how can we help you today?” 
For a moment, you felt like a little kid. Since you only agreed to be there a few minutes ago, you didn’t really understand how the tutoring center worked. You turned around to Youngjae and gave him a knowing look to which he sighed.
“She’s not doing too well in her marine biology class and needs a tutor.” 
The girl at the counter nodded in understanding before taking a look at her computer. After a couple of seconds, she picked up her phone and dialed whom you assumed to be your tutor. 
“Mark will be here in a few minutes. Please sign in and have a seat over there.”
You did as you were told and sat down on one of the couches before beginning to pick at your nails nervously. Youngjae gently squeezed your thigh before gently shoving you. 
“Hey, it’s just tutoring. You’re acting as you’re going for a job interview or something. It’s going to be just fine.” 
You heard some sneakers against the ground and when you looked up, your eyes widened in shock. He wasn’t someone you’d expect to be a tutor. As much as you didn’t want to be stereotypical and assume that all tutors were someone who wore glasses and suspenders, that was your idea of what your tutor would look like. 
The boy standing in front of you was wearing converse, a pair of gray sweats and a flannel. His hair was dark brown with soft, fluffy curls and the toothy grin he flashed you made your cheeks warm. 
“Y/n? Hey, I’m Mark. Follow me.” 
Youngjae gave you a wink before shoving you towards the extremely good looking boy. 
“So, I was told you need some help in marine biology. Do you mind taking out some of your homework and maybe some of your notes so I can get an idea of what you might need help with?” 
You sat down at the table with all of his things and began to pull out everything he was asking for from your backpack. After you took out your work and handed it to him, he started to look over your papers and began writing something down. 
“These are really good notes, but I think you’re having a hard time with analyzing and understanding the material. That’s why I’m here.” 
For three hours, Mark tried his best in making the lessons easier for you to comprehend by drawing out some key terms that he thought would help you get an idea of marine life. Once he felt you had enough for the day, he handed you back your papers and gave you a soft smile. 
“Good work today. I’m sorry if you still are having a hard time understanding, but I’ll be glad to help you up until your finals. How does that sound?” 
The idea of spending more time with him sent a warm feeling to your tummy. Throughout your entire session, he was extremely patient with you and even threw in a couple of jokes to make the atmosphere more relaxing. He even let you take a couple breaks as the two of you began asking each other a couple of questions to become more familiar with one another. 
You found out he was an engineering major but he was minoring in marine biology. From the time he was younger, he was always fascinated with the ocean and wanted to find ways to help preserve it. Hearing him talk about how passionate he was in finding solutions for climate change and coral bleaching brought you in a daze. Before you could leave, you both exchanged numbers and planned another day to meet up again. 
Once you began making your way back to where Youngjae was, you could feel your heart rate increase at the thought of seeing Mark again. 
“So, how did it go?” You shrugged before motioning for him to get up. 
“It was okay. He’s nice and you can tell he’s very passionate about marine biology. But I just have a hard time grasping the information. I don’t know about this Jae. It’s useless. I don’t want to waste his time.” 
Youngjae grabbed your backpack and your books as the two of you began walking towards his car. If there was anything Youngjae hated, it was hearing you talk so negatively about yourself. 
“Y/n, you’re not wasting his time. He signed up to do this for a reason. You’re not going to retain all this information in one session. You’re going to have to meet up with him multiple times in order to complete understand everything your professor is teaching you. I wasn’t there to see how he goes about with teaching you, but I’m sure they don’t let just anybody become a tutor. Don’t give up before actually trying okay? He could be the reason you’ll get an A at the end of the semester so just hang in there.” 
You weren’t afraid of Mark not being able to help you raise your grade. It was obvious he knew what he was talking about. You were afraid of gaining feelings for him because you felt that he would only become a distraction. It was already hard enough for you to learn about marine life, what more if you were to develop a crush on the person whose supposed to be teaching it to you? 
Over the course of a month, you’d meet up with Mark on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s from 2:30 to 5:00. It didn’t take you long to finally get the hang of understanding the lessons your professor would teach you in class and you were excited when you found yourself catching on to the information Mark was giving you. 
Unfortunately, your feelings for Mark only grew more and more with each and every session. You’d catch yourself stealing glances at him every so often and daydream about what it would be like to kiss his cute little heart shaped lips, to run your fingers through his curly locks, to hold his pretty hands and to be held by him. But it was dangerous to think like that. No matter how kind he was to you, he never showed any interest in you and you had to accept that all you’d ever be to him was just another person he’d tutor. 
There were a couple of times Mark attended class with you in order for him to find out why you were having such a hard time learning and the thought of him taking time out of his day just to sit in on your marine biology class made your heart flutter like a school girl. He only wants to see how the professor is teaching so that he can make the lessons simpler for you stop giving yourself false hope y/n. 
Finally, the day of your final exam came and you were extremely nervous to say the least. No matter how long you’ve been preparing for this, all the sleepless nights you’d stay up studying on top of your tutoring sessions with Mark; you didn’t think you were ready to take it. 
As you made your way in to the lecture hall, you could feel your palms getting sweaty as your heart rate began to increase and it wasn’t a good feeling. Right before class could start, you felt a vibration coming from your bag and when you checked your phone to see the notification, a huge smile rose on your face.
Mark🤓: Good luck today y/n. You’ll do great! I believe in you. Let’s meet up once you’re done with the exam. You got this!👍🏻
Most people would consider it such a simple text of encouragement, but to you it meant the world. He had faith in you and with that knowledge alone, a burst of confidence ran through your veins and as soon as your professor passed out the exams, you began answering every single question without hesitation. It felt as if Mark was right next to you, cheering you on and it was such an amazing feeling. 
Everything he’s been teaching you for the last two months just kept flowing through your mind and before you knew it, you were finished. You took a few moments to go over your test to make sure you answered them to the best of your knowledge and once you were done you handed in your exam and dialed Mark’s number. 
“Hey y/n! How did it go?” You hummed cheerfully as you made your way down the hall. 
“I’d like to think it went well, but we won’t know until next week. Where are you? I wanna treat you to lunch as a small thank you for all your help.” 
Although you couldn’t see him, you knew he was probably smirking at the idea of food. A lot of your sessions were held at the cafeteria and the coffee shop on campus because Mark loved to eat. His love for food was adorable, and so was he. Only then did it hit you that you would no longer be needed Mark’s help and you felt your chest getting heavy when you realized you wouldn’t get to see him anymore. Other than Youngjae, Mark was one of the only people who genuinely made you happy. In fact, he was one of your only sources of happiness and you wanted to be with him as much as you could. 
“I’m in the library, but I‘ll make my way to you so you don’t have to walk so far. Are you still in the science building?” You absentmindedly smiled knowing he wanted to make things easier for you by meeting you half way. 
“Yeah. I’ll be sitting by the front door. See you soon.” While you were waiting, you took out your phone and texted Youngjae that you were finished with the exam. He was quick to respond and asked you if you wanted to go out and celebrate to which you let him know that you were treating Mark to lunch. Knowing how your best friend could be and how he’s been teasing you about Mark ever since the day he began tutoring you, you weren’t surprised to read the messages he sent you.
🦦: Can I tag along? Or are you finally going tell lover boy how you feel about him? Come on y/n, it’s been months. The worst he can do is tell you he doesn’t feel the same and you can go back to being strangers. The y/n I know is an extremely courageous person who will do whatever she possibly can to get what she wants and a boy is no different.
🦦: But I’ve seen the way he looks at you when he thinks you’re not looking. He gets all starry eyed and shit. As if the sun shines out of your ass.
🦦: make me proud y/n 😉
It didn’t take Youngjae long to realize you had feelings for Mark. You’ve never really had a crush before, so Youngjae knew there was meaning behind the blush on your cheeks and how flustered you’d get after every session with Mark. He was also quick to notice how you were always holding your phone as if you were waiting for a text from someone. When he confronted you about it, he was shocked when you didn’t try to lie about it and he was also secretly very excited. He’s been rooting for the two of you ever since Mark introduced himself for the first time two months ago. 
If Youngjae had it his way, he would’ve went up to Mark and confessed your feelings for him a long time ago, but he was never one to get involved in your personal life if you didn’t want him to.
“Hey, ready to go?” You nodded in agreement as he grabbed your books and slung your backpack over his shoulder like he normally did. It was little gestures like this that made you feel like he had reciprocated your feelings but then again, he was a gentleman to everyone. You’ve witnessed how he’d hold doors for everyone, how he always greeted someone he knew and how he’d always lend a hand if he felt like someone was in need. It was just who he was and you couldn’t confuse his acts of kindness for romantic feelings. 
The walk to his car was quiet, but it was a peaceful kind of silence. However, once he opened your door and you both got inside, he turned on the radio and began to sing along. He did this every time the two of you would go somewhere off campus. Mark was an actual ray of sunshine and sometimes he’d even get you to sing along. 
Sometimes, you’d find yourself dozing off at the thought of holding his hand that he wasn’t using to drive and leaving a kiss on his cheek at a stoplight. A lot of the times you would day dream, it would be made up scenarios of him and what it would be like to date him. You were suddenly broken out of your thoughts when he softly tapped on your thigh to let you know that you both arrived to the restaurant. 
Lunch was amazing. He made you go over the test questions and your responses for a small portion of it before beginning many conversations with you about anything your hearts desired. Conversation flowed smoothly between the both of you as if you had been friends for years and every time he laughed at something you had said, you could feel butterflies fill up the entirety of your tummy. Mark had such a distinct laugh and for someone who looked as manly and broad as he did, you wouldn’t expect such a adorable and extremely high pitched laugh to come out of him. It was your favorite sound and you were happy knowing you were the cause of it. 
To your dismay, your time together was soon coming to an end and you were surprised to find out that you’ve been at lunch with Mark for almost three hours. People weren’t kidding when they say time flies when you’re having fun. After you finished paying, you walked back to his car and he began to drive you back to your apartment. The confession was at the tip of your tongue. Youngjae’s words filled your mind. The worst he can do is tell you he doesn’t feel the same. 
As much as you wanted to know whether or not he harbored the same feelings for you, you didn’t want to make a fool out of yourself if you found out he didn’t see you in that way. 
“Hey, everything okay?” You looked at him in curiosity and gave him a fake smile. 
“I’m fine. Just nervous about what I got on the exam but I’ll be fine. Thanks for dropping me off.” 
He playfully pinched your cheek and made his way out of the car in order to open your door for you. Sometimes you hated how much of a gentleman he was, it only made your feelings for him grow stronger. 
“Of course! Thanks again for lunch. By the way, you have nothing to worry about y/n, I’m sure you did great. Don’t forget to text me as soon as you get the results. Until then, good luck with the rest of your exams. Have a nice rest of your day.” 
As you watched him drive away, you felt your heart sink. I like you. Why was it hard so hard to say those three words? Now you’d never know how he felt about you nor did you know when the next time you’d see him is. But if he liked you, wouldn’t he have made a move on you already? 
Exactly a week later, your professor emailed you and the rest of your class that grades were posted. Your fingers hovered over your log in but a part of you was hesitant to see what grade you were given. You were sure your heart was about to jump out of your chest and you had wished Youngjae was at your side when you were to find out the results. Or even better, Mark. 
You sent him a quick text to see where he was and what he was up to and he let you know that he was at his apartment. He asked if you wanted to go over causing heat to rise upon your cheeks. You’ve never been to his apartment before, so the idea excited you and you couldn’t wait to see him again. One week away from him was torture and you didn’t know how your life was going to be now that you no longer needed his help. He gave you the directions to his apartment and you quickly got ready so you could go and give him the news. The drive to his place felt like forever and you knew it was because you were on your way to see the boy who owned your heart. 
Once you parked your car and made your way up to his apartment, you could feel your palms getting sweaty and you soon grew nauseous. You giggled when you saw his doormat; of course he’d get one with marine animals on it. After taking a moment to breathe, you softly knocked on his door and waited for him to open it. 
As soon as he opened the door and you saw that he was only wearing basketball shorts you coughed up a bit and internally screamed at yourself for doing so. You knew Mark was built, but you didn’t think he was hiding a six pack and a very defined v-line under all of those flannels and sweatshirts. 
“Hey y/n! Sorry about the lack of clothing, I’m doing a load of laundry. Can I get you something to drink or eat?” You were still so focused on how attractive Mark was and how you were alone with him in his apartment to the point where you almost forgot the reason for being there. 
“No thank you. I um, I actually came here because I got the exam results and I didn’t want to look at them by myself so I thought I’d look at them with you. I’m sorry if I interrupted you.” He shook his head in disagreement before taking a seat next to you on his couch. 
“Don’t worry about it. I’m never too busy for you and I wanted to know what you got! I’m not even the one who took the exam and I’ve been anticipating your grade the entire week. But I know it’s because I saw how much time and effort you put in studying for this exam. So let’s see what your score is.” 
He sent you a wink and you were sure you were now red as a tomato from both the gesture and his words. You took out your phone and logged in to your school account. After you pulled up your name, you immediately handed him the phone and covered your eyes. 
“You look at it, I can’t do it.” He giggled softly at your worried expression before scrolling through your phone. When you didn’t hear anything from him after a few moments, your heart began to sink. That was all until you were being lifted off of the couch and pulled in to Mark’s arms. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and spun you around. 
“Congratulations y/n! You got a 98! See, I told you there was nothing to worry about! I knew you had it in you. I’m so proud of you.” 
Right as you were about to respond, his lips were on yours. It was as if time stopped and the room began spinning. You could’ve sworn you were dreaming yet you found yourself deepening the kiss as your arms made their way around his neck. His lips tasted like a mixture of mangoes and Cheetos puffs; an odd combination but one that you were now in love with because it was unique, just like him. All too suddenly, he pulled away and placed you down while beginning to pace back and forth around his living room. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry. That was so uncalled for I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t know what came over me. Please don’t tell your boyfriend—“ 
You looked at him in confusion before asking him what he was talking about. “That guy you’re always with. The one who waits for you during our tutoring sessions. Is he not your boyfriend?” It all made sense now. The reason why Mark wasn’t taking things further in your relationship was because he thought Youngjae was your boyfriend. That took a weight off of your shoulders. 
“No. That’s my best friend Youngjae. He’s been telling me to confess my feelings to you for over a month now but I was afraid you didn’t like me. I’m hoping that kiss meant that you do or else I’ll be taking my leave now.” 
You began walking towards the door but you were soon colliding with his broad chest while his hands made their way down to your waist. 
“I like you a lot y/n. More than I’d like to admit if I’m being honest. I just assumed you and Youngjae were a couple when I first saw the two of you together. I realized I was developing feelings for you around our third meeting when you went in to detail about why you want to become a nurse. Seeing how wide your eyes got in excitement as you described your love for helping others made my heart combust. You’re so adorable, you know that? Extremely beautiful too. And as I got to see how dedicated you were to your studies and your education, it made me come to terms with my feelings and I finally accepted them even if I felt like it was wrong having a crush on you while thinking you had a boyfriend.” 
He stole one more kiss from the corner of your lips and placed some hair behind your ear. “I looked forward to every single tutoring session and I don’t know if you noticed, but I would throw in some topics that had nothing to do with what I was teaching you that day just to prolong our time together. You are the most unique and interesting person I’ve ever met. You do this thing with your nose when you’re deep in concentration and the image would never leave my mind. You’re an extraordinary person y/n and it would mean a lot to me if you agreed to being my girlfriend.” 
You grinned at his confession before nodding in agreement and reconnecting your lips together. 
“I’m really glad Youngjae forced me to get tutoring.” He snickered before bringing his fingers up to your face and tracing your features. 
“And I’m really glad you suck in marine biology—ow—what? I’m just being honest babe—stop that!” He pulled you on to his lap and placed his head on your shoulder. “Since were a couple now, can I use some pickup lines on you?” You playfully rolled your eyes before sarcastically groaning. 
“Are you an octopus? Because you octopi my thoughts.” 
You hid your face in his neck from embarrassment. “What? You have to be honest y/n, that one was cute. And it’s the truth! Okay fine, how about this one, let’s cuttle—don’t look at me like that, I thought that one was pretty clever. What about whale you be mine—“ 
You brought your hand up to his lips to prevent him from talking. This boy was honestly going to be the death of you. But you couldn’t wait to see what the future held for the two of you. 
“You’re lucky you’re cute because those pick up lines are terrible.” He let out a scoff before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. 
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. Let’s go baby, we have some celebrating to do.”
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kitsutaes · 5 years
pluto protector
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pairing: taehyung x reader
genre: fluff, coming of age-ish, bffs2lovers!, astrophysicist!reader, & artist!taehyung
word count: 2.6k
rating: pg-13 i guess
warnings: none
a/n: this is inspired by rex orange county’s song pluto projector, a song i love so so much. also this fic is split up into small parts & it focuses more on tae’s and reader’s small but important moments together !! i hope you like it even though it isn’t too heavily edited. p.s. thank you teresa / @sketchguk for looking this over !! you da best !!
summary: you and taehyung have been in the same galaxy, orbiting one another for as long as you could remember. but as time passes, gravity pulls you in closer and closer, ready for the two of you to collide.
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Kim Taehyung was your protector. Just at the age of nine, Kim Taehyung held your hand as the two of you ran around the playground, feet hitting the wood chips that spewed around. His disheveled chocolate brown hair bounced around as he ran, eyes bright as he turned around to look at you. He had a goofy smile plastered on his face, exuberant as any nine year old at the park with his best friend should be.
“___! Let’s go on the swirly slide!” Taehyung yells, pointing at the bright red slide ahead. The playground near your neighborhood was huge since it was already part of an already massive park. While the park had its own variety of plants and wildlife, the playground consisted of slides, swings, monkey bars, and corkscrew climbers that allowed you to climb up and slide down like you were going down a fireman’s pole; only round and round instead of sliding straight down.
“Okay, but only if we go on the monkey bars next Tae!” You respond, swinging your arm that held his hand. Your eyes matched his, bright and bubbly. Taehyung nodded as the two of you climbed the blue steps that led to the big red swirly slide.
“You first or me?” Taehyung asks, letting go of you hand to grasp the yellow metal bars on the sides of the red slide. You roll your eyes, seeing his mischievous grin, basically telling you he was he was ready to go first.
Sticking out your tongue at him, Taehyung takes off, gravity pulling him down until his sneakers hit the ground. He turns around, motioning for you to slide down.
“C’mon ___!” Taehyung calls from below. His arms are crossed as he waits for you to come down. You nod, your own hands gripping the metal bars Taehyung previously held onto as you’re seated on the bright red plastic. Letting go, you slide down, feeling parts of your hair stick up to the underside of the slide.
Taehyung’s eyes widen as he knows what’s coming next. You’re up and off of the slide, ready to chase him and zap him with your finger charged with static.
“___! Come and get me!” Taehyung giggles running off to the opposite side of the playground to avoid getting shocked. You’re right behind him, but you trip on your own foot, falling onto the wood chips.
Instead of a smile, you’ve got a pout on your face. Eyes turning red, brimming with tears, ready to cry. Taehyung’s looking back at you with a worried expression, heels turning around as he’s running back towards you.
“Tae!” You cry as his arms are helping you up, feet standing upright once again. His hands are gripping onto yours, leading you back to where your parents were.
“It’s okay ___, I’ve got you.”
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At the age of twelve, Kim Taehyung was still your protector. Although you ended up with different teachers and classes, the two of you didn’t drift apart like most friends did as they entered middle school. Most kids ended up finding new friends, groups, cliques–forgetting and leaving the friendships they made when they were just a few years younger. But, you and Taehyung weren’t like most kids. The two of you stayed together in gravity’s grasp, never leaving the solar system you shared.
Just like always, after school, Taehyung came over to do homework with you since you shared the same subjects. His green backpack would be plopped onto your carpeted floor right beside yours, colored pencils and papers almost spilling out of them.
“You had to read The Monkey’s Paw too?” You ask turning around in your seat, nose scrunching at the thought of the story Mrs. Tang read to your class today that gave you the chills. It was a story written by W.W. Jacobs that just had to be a part of your English class’s “Poetry and Short Stories” unit and you couldn’t wait for it to be over.
Taehyung was seated on your bed while you were seated at your desk. Taehyung looks up from his math homework, nodding at you. 
“Yeah, I kinda liked it.” He says, giving you a small shrug as you shudder.
“It was creepy!”
Taehyung laughs at your expression, your face showing that you were totally repulsed that he slightly enjoyed the supernatural short story that was required to be read in every 7th grade class.
“Just a little bit,” he responds as he looks down at his homework, “I bet you’re enjoying science right now though.”
Taehyung was 100% correct, you were loving science this week. This week’s unit was about space and that was something you held close to your heart. There was just something about the universe, galaxies, protostars, and planets that intrigued you to no limit. You wanted to be like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Carl Sagan, exploring the vast universe full of the unknown. Just last year it was announced that Pluto would no longer be considered a planet and just that, broke your heart to pieces; Taehyung was there to witness it. Your love for the little planet was undying, feeling as if it deserved much more appreciation just like Neptune and Jupiter. In your eyes, Pluto was something special.
“Yes, oh my gosh! We get to make a presentation of a planet of our choice, and I’m still picking Pluto. I don’t care what Mr. Peterson says.” You scoff, a determined look gracing your face as you turn back around in your seat.
In that very moment, in Taehyung’s eyes, you were something special.
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Graduation had finally fallen upon you. After days of graduation practice, you were finally here; sitting in the risers, that was placed on the fifty-yard line of the football field, clothed in your graduation gown that possessed one of your school’s colors. The night had overtaken the sunny skies, leaving you and your fellow classmates and friends underneath the shining stars as well as the bright stadium lights your school used for all sorts of events.
Your parents were in the stands, most likely with Taehyung’s family, along with other parents and family members of graduating high school seniors with their phones and cameras taking pictures to capture this once in a lifetime moment.
You didn’t graduate a valedictorian or salutatorian, but at least you made it until the end. It may pain some to hear it but grades aren’t everything. Despite getting kids into higher level colleges, grades don’t and can’t define a person, you learned that the hard way. High school’s about learning about yourself and the people you surround yourself with. Are they real friends? Do they talk about you behind your back? To you, it’s about exploration, finding the people who fit you well and help you shine brighter like the stars, and hopefully avoiding space debris that just get in the way.
Taehyung’s seated a few rows above you with only a few people separating the two of you, meaning you’re still able to make faces at each other, winking and scrunching your noses while the ceremony proceeds.
He looks great, handsome even. Dark locks trimmed just for this special event, since his mom made him. His bright eyes are shining even brighter with the reflection of the stadium lights as you peer up to look at him. 
Seeing him like this, you realize how grown up he looks. Despite only being eighteen, the Kim Taehyung sitting a few seats away from you definitely does not look like the Kim Taehyung you met in 3rd grade. That Taehyung you met years ago is still somewhat the same as the Taehyung now, but just older, more mature–not mature, but more. It makes you realize how time flies, because it literally just seemed like yesterday where Taehyung first moved in a couple houses down from yours. Your neighborhood was full of elderly people, so when you found out a kid your age had just moved into town, you were ecstatic. Ecstatic to the point where you bugged your mother to take you to meet your new neighbors.
You smile to yourself as you look away, eyes reaching the stars that you were always fond of. 
This was a moment you hoped you would remember forever.
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“I felt like gouging my eyes out.”
Taehyung’s eyes roll at your complaint. You just came out of your physics class with Mr. Garcia’s lecture picking at your brains during the entire hour and a half. You and Jungkook (the only person you knew in that class) walked out looking as if your souls had left your body; even though that was exactly what happened. The two of you part ways with a tired wave as he had another class to attend. 
Taehyung had been waiting for you since his class finished a few minutes before yours. He was nose deep into a book when you find him sitting on a bench just outside your building. His bright blue hair made him easy to spot anywhere. He made you dye his hair before the semester started, insisting on trying a brand new look.
Before the two of you graduated high school, you’d done college applications. You’d gotten into one of your dream colleges, opening the acceptance letter in front of Taehyung and your parents. Taehyung on the other hand, didn’t tell you what college he got into until after the graduation ceremony. It led to you punching his arm while exuding tears of happiness. Now, at the age of 21, you’re spending your time attending classes, studying for exams, while downing cups of coffee during breaks with your best friend.
“Seriously ___, your fault for wanting to be an astrophysics major.” Taehyung scoffs, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as the two of you head off to one of the coffee shops you and Taehyung frequent the most. Fortunately it was close, just a couple blocks away.
Smacking his arm away, you frown. “You say that every single time.”
“I’m just stating facts.” Taehyung shrugs, wrapping an arm around you again, and this time you don’t fight it.
Your own arm wraps around his waist, gripping onto a part of his coat. Taehyung, even though you didn’t want to admit it to anyone else but yourself, made you feel safe. Whenever he’d scoop you up into his arms for a hug, or just had his arm around you as you two walked down the street, it made you feel loved. Knowing that someone cares in this world full of fortunate and unfortunate events, is one of the greatest feelings in this world. 
“I wish I was still in astrology 101 or 102, learning about the stars, black holes, and the Milky Way,” You say, grinning cheekily at the man beside you. “—not the chocolate.”
“I literally wasn’t even going to say that.”
“Liar.” You snort, nudging his side with your elbow. The two of you have reached your destination, ready for caffeine that you’re desperate for. Taehyung’s arm has left your shoulder, a certain warmth departing with him, as he opens the door for you like the gentleman he’s always been.
“What do you want?” He asks as you both reach the cashier and glass display case showing an ever so wonderful variety of pastries to eat with an already amazing cup of coffee.
Peering through the glass you see some newly added goods, alongside the usual but you already have your order in mind.
“I’ll have a macchiato and some madeleines please,” You say to the woman manning the cashier with a soft smile, while taking out your wallet from the small pocket of your backpack. Taehyung’s hand stops you, handing his own credit card to the lady who grins cheekily at the two of you. She was around maybe thirty years old.
“And I’ll have a hot chocolate please.” Taehyung’s lips are pursed, nodding his head as she repeats your order.
“You guys are a really cute couple by the way,” She smiles, handing Taehyung back his card along with the receipt while you’re left standing there staring at him with wide eyes as he thanks her for the compliment.
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At the age of 24, you’d think you would have plenty of things figured out. You don’t.
But at this age, you’ve learned that things really aren’t constant in the world, and that everything’s prone to change. Although somehow, there’s one thing in your life that hasn’t really changed.
“Tae, where are we going?” You whine, head leaning on the car window. Taehyung had just picked you up from work, a long day of work, and all you wanted to do was go home.
You and Taehyung had been dating for awhile now, after he admitted his long time feelings for you when he took you to his studio and painted you your favorite planet in the Milky Way. His feelings for you were returned, having loved him ever since you were kids as well. Now, he spends most of his time at your apartment as if you two shared it; not like he didn’t do that before already. 
“___, you’ve asked me that 5 times already and I told you that it’s a secret.” He says, turning his head towards you for a moment before looking back on the road. You don’t see it, but he’s sporting a small smile on his face. Taehyung’s been waiting to show you this secret of his for quite some time.
Your head isn’t leaning on the window anymore as you recognize where you’re headed to. “Wait, we’re going to your studio?” The road to Taehyung’s art studio is one that isn’t too familiar but isn’t unknown as well.
After a few more minutes of driving and parallel parking (which actually doesn’t take Taehyung long to do it) you’re already standing in his studio, gazing at his works of art.
“Tae, these are incredible.”
While you’re gaping at his paintings, Taehyung’s laughing at your reaction to his creations. This is the first time in a long time you’ve visited his studio, and the first time in a long time that he’s shared his pieces with you. While you’re studying about outer space and the secrets of the universe, Taehyung’s in his studio painting his heart out whenever he wasn’t busy.
Whenever he was in the mood to paint, he’d enter this zone, totally blocking out anything and everything, letting his passion for the arts take over. Sometimes when he’d pick you up to have a cup of coffee or when he’d come over to have dinner at your apartment, he’d have paint marks all over his hands and occasionally his face. 
Like you with your science idols, Taehyung admired plenty of incredible artists who worked with various mediums like, Claude Monet, Keith Haring, and especially Vincent Van Gogh. Taehyung had this affinity for Van Gogh’s artworks that even he couldn’t fully explain why he loved them so much.
“Wait until you see this,” Taehyung says, reaching towards one of the canvases he had stacked and leaning on the side of his wall.
You’re so immersed into some of his other paintings you don’t realize he’s right beside you, ready to reveal one of his latest pieces. Taehyung loved to experiment with different mediums, always trying to find his niche. You noticed even though he painted a variety of things, he loved to paint scenery. You could feel yourself getting absorbed into his creations full of lush greens and calming sunsets, fluffy clouds, and sometimes quite the opposite.
“___,” Taehyung nudges you, poking your cheek to get your attention and it definitely works. You’re turning your head, eyes catching a painting of Pluto that looks exactly like the real deal, as if you’re seeing the planet with your own eyes.
“I love you ___. As much as you love this little planet and as many light years it would take to reach other universes out there.”
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honeyoongiah · 4 years
Most beautiful coincidence
Pairings: Yoongi x Elly (reader)
Genre: Bookworm! Yoongi AU, fluff
Words: 2.9k
Warnings: none!
Summary: Yoongi spent most of his time in the universities library with his nose in some books to escape from reality. At least until Elly decided to sit on the other side of the shelf and showed him that love stories don't just exist in books.
A/N: another Oneshot that has a special place in my heart. I hope you'll feel the warmth that I felt during the writing process.
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It was a surprisingly hot november day as Elly walked down the hallways of her college. Packed with countless books, she made her way to the library to learn how she always did for exams.
The room was cold because the air conditioner tried its best to fight the heat, so she quickly started to shiver in her top and cursed the long summer.
"Isn't it supposed to be a little colder outside?", she mumbled to herself while walking through the library searching for that one book she knew she'd need. Everyone was silent so she tried to be as well, but apparently someone on the other side of the shelf noticed her.
"Global warming."
It was the voice of a boy, but she couldn't see him through the books. He sounded a little annoyed but maybe that was just his normal tone, she wouldn't know.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't want to disturb you.", she said in worry. Most of the people here got really mad for being interrupted and she understood. This was a place of silence to study, but she couldn't control her mumbling sometimes.
The voice buzzed something that sounded like "it's okay" and Elly started to relax again. Just as she looked for a table to sit on, she realized that she was a little too late with that. Every single chair was already taken and she ran her fingers through her hair.
What should she do now?
Well, obviously there were people sitting on the ground in between the shelfs just as this mysterious boy she couldn't see. "Hey uhm, sorry for bothering you again but would you mind if I sit here? The library is full."
"No.", he answered shortly before there was silence again. "Thank you.", Elly answered and smiled friendly until she realized he wouldn't see it.
She had to admit it was somehow calming to know that there was someone right next to her, even if they weren't talking and didn't even know each other.
Sitting down and taking some notes, she didn't realize how time flew by.
"Ohh god I gotta go or I'll miss my lecture.", she talked to herself again and got up, packing her things in a rush.
"Don't run with books in your hand, though. It'll be dangerous for them... and for you too.", the boy answered again, sounding a little amused by his own comment.
"I won't be a threat to the books, I promise. I don't know if I can say the same about me, though.", Elly chuckled. She didn't feel right to just go without saying anything. "So uhm... Goodbye."
With that said she began to rush, but without running, so she wouldn't miss informations that were relevant to her exam.
Just a day went by and she had to visit the library again. Without really thinking about it she ended up in the same spot she was yesterday. It had something calming not to sit together with all that stressed and desperate students.
Elly sat down again and leaned her back against the shelf made of wood. She was curious now. Was she alone, or did he happen to be here too?
"Mysterious boy from yesterday? Are you here?"
First there was silence and she already thought that he wasn't here, until she heard a dark chuckle from the other side. "Mysterious boy, huh."
"Oh hello, you're actually here again."
"Well, actually this is my favorite spot since I first entered this college. So I'm rather surprised of you being here again.", he explained and Ellys eyes grew big. "Oh I didn't intend to steal it from you, I'm sorry."
"You didn't. You're on the other side of the shelf."
"Well that's true."
The silence broke over them again, although she began to like talking to him. It had something carefree and noncommittal. So unlike what she felt at the university. He cleared his throat and seemed to be focussed again to what Elly couldn't see from here. Again many minutes passed before he was the one breaking the silence for the first time. "Are you doing well? The subject should be particularly difficult this semester."
Elly sighed and when he heard that, he immediately laughed. "Okay, I have my answer."
"No joke, it's terrible. But I can do it. Thanks for asking."
Suddenly she felt an object pressed against her back, but without hurting her. Amazed, she looked at the book the boy had handed her through the shelf. His hand was thin, his fingers long and also narrow and defined by bones and veins. "Here, that helped me a lot last year."
Fleetingly, she flipped through it and realized immediately how useful it would be for her. "Oh my god, thank you, that will help!"
"My pleasure."
"By the way, my name is Elly. You said the book really helped you last year, so you're a year above me?" For a few seconds she had to wait for an answer and thought he hadn't heard her or didn't want to talk, but then she heard him. "My name is Min Yoongi and yes, I am one year ahead of you."
Elly gave a low ah and nodded her head. "I have never heard of you, although I know so many students here." A few students tried to pass her, but with so many books in the way it was a lot harder. Elly looked at them with an apologetic look. "That doesn't surprise me. I don't even think my lecturer knows that I exist. At least they can't connect my name with a face. I don't go to many lectures, because I rather teach everything myself and spend my time here."
"It's impressive that you can teach yourself.", she marveled, shuddering just at the thought of trying. Sure, she was good at learning on her own but it helped immensely if someone explained it to her. "I just don't like being around People much, I prefer the company of books of all kinds."
"You just weren't around the right People then, Yoongi.", she spoke her thoughts out loud and hoped she didn't cross a line. "You're probably right but I don't even try anymore."
"That's sad though. You might miss someone very special."
The usual silence greeted them again as Yoongi thought about her words.
He really didn't have much emotional connections since he was young, he early began to bury his nose in books he found interesting. The genre didn't really matter to him as long as it had a happy ending.
Yoongi knew that sounded cheesy but he just didn't feel right when stories ended with heartbreak or other pain. He liked to feel that comfortable warmth of satisfaction when everything turned out to be okay.
It was so far from reality, maybe that was what kept him reading all day. He found the real world terrible, not knowing if there will be a happy end for anyone and not being able to skip through the bad parts if he'd like to.
Books never hurt your feelings or leave you behind.
Books were so much more comforting than dealing with his actual life and the people around him. It was definitely way more fun.
"I have to go now.", he told her and got up from the ground. Elly heard the rustling noises next to her and tried to see him through the mass of books next to her, but besides his black pants she didn't see much.
"Okay Yoongi. I hope we'll talk tomorrow?", she asked casually which made him froze in his movements. Why would she want to talk to him again? "Sure. I'll be here.", he answered though, a light smile gracing his face.
A few weeks passed by and Elly couldn't imagine not being in the library every day anymore. She started talking to Yoongi in her free time on the same spot as the day before. And they talked about everything.
The topic didn't really matter, they always managed to find something to say. Either they discussed something and shared their opinions, which were very often the same, or they opened up about personal issues and feelings.
He opened up about his past and why he became so distant, the whole issue with his parents and how they never understood him the way he needed.
Yoongi never did that before. But it felt right to finally do and when he heard Elly saying that this wasn't his fault he knew that he needed to hear that at least once.
Elly talked about her past broken friendships and relationships who hurt her deeply and made her insecure. She told him that she often felt she wasn't enough and he reassured that this feeling wasn't valid.
To him she was enough.
He held her hand through the shelf when he heard her snuffling and brushed his thumb over her skin to calm her a little.
Sometimes they just enjoyed knowing the other one was right beside them when they had tough days or were feeling like a more silent day. They didn't need to talk.
Slowly they became really close although they still didn't know how the other one looked like. It didn't matter to them, they found it funny and special.
Even her grades got better because he always helped her when she needed someone to explain it again. He was calm, patient and didn't set her under any pressure. She felt comfortable telling him when she had a problem.
"Hey Yoongs, I'm back.", she greeted him and sat down on her favorite place in this university. Maybe even in general. "Hey Elly, I've missed you."
"I missed you too. How was your day?", she asked and placed her hand in the shelf which he immediately took into his. That was a new habit that neither of them knew how it began but they enjoyed it.
"It was fine. I took a look on the new curriculum for my semester and learned a few things in advance. Then I started a new book and read it until you came. What about you?"
"You're incredible. How do you teach yourself the whole fucking curriculum? I'll never understand. Can I have your brain please?", she grumbled but still with admiration for him. "You're incredibly intelligent Elly. Don't put yourself down so much." - "T-thank you."
He squeezed her hand and chuckled when he noticed that she was flustered. "It's the truth. I really think you are amazing in any way possible but you need to see it yourself."
"You're so kind. So supportive and caring. I think you are amazing too Yoongi.", she answered while smiling and stared out of the window.
"Would you mind coming over to the other side and sit next to me?", Yoongi asked and took her by surprise. It wasn't that she didn't want to, but that somehow made her nervous. "How come so suddenly?"
"I don't know... I just feel like it. You don't have to though."
"N-no I want to! Wait I'll come.", she quickly said and let go of him to stand up, which made her feel incomplete for a moment. With these words Yoongi felt nervous now too.
He would look the person who knows him best now, with his good sides but all his flaws too, in the eyes for the first time.
Elly was thinking about the same things too. It was somehow scary, but in a good way. She was curious how he looked like, but she was insecure about showing herself. Will he think I'm pretty? Why does that matter to me?
Slowly, but not too slowly for Yoongi to notice how unsure she was, she walked around the shelf that separated them for the past months now and immediately met two dark brown eyes looking at her.
She smiled shyly and sat down next to him.
Yoongi was too overwhelmed to really hide his staring. He admired every inch of her, trying to imprint the details of her face in his mind. She truly was beautiful to him.
He gently stroked a wisp of hair behind her ear and made her blush. Without him noticing she was admiring him too. His blonde hair she'd really like to touch, his brown eyes which sent out warmth and looked so vulnerable and his soft looking red lips.
"So... uhm what are you reading at the moment?", she tried to break the tension between the two, even though it felt good having his eyes on her. "Oh, I'm reading a novel about- wait do you really want to know?" - "You like the book don't you? So yes I do want to know."
His lips parted while he thought about where to start. He took the book in his hands and let his fingertips run over the cover. "Well, it's about a young detective who tries to solve a murder in the city he lives in, near his own home. He consults a lot of people and there is where he meets this woman for the first time."
Elly listened to him with honest interest and Yoongi didn't feel so good in years. He wasn't used to people caring about what he was reading, but she did. "He starts to develop feelings, but she's the prime suspect in his case. Although he really wants to believe her that she is innocent, everything speaks against her. So he's in a big discrepance."
While he continues talking about how they try to find the real murderer and that Yoongi still isn't sure if she is innocent but hopes for it because he wants a happy end, Elly noticed the sparkle in his eyes.
She could see how comfortable and happy he was feeling right now and she couldn't suppress a loving smile. "And then he- wait why are you smiling?", he interrupted himself and looked at her confused.
"You just look so happy. It makes me smile.", she blurred out and felt shy about it right away. "I uhm... yes I am. I enjoy spending time with you."
Elly didn't know how much time passed while she looked into his eyes, she could drown in them. Only his voice brought her back. "Would you like to spend time with me outside of this library?"
"Y-yes! Of course. I know a better library only 20 minutes away from here.", she teased him and he laughed. It took every nervousness away. "I'm serious Elly. I don't know much about these things, but I know that I want to spend more time with you. Would you like to go eat something after lecture today?"
He found her so cute with red cheeks, it suited her overall cuteness he thought. "Yes Yoongi, I'd love to."
Her words made him weak, he never experienced something like this before. Yoongi only read about it in books.
Was it really his turn this time? Is it possible that he could be as happy as the characters in his books? Was he really blessed to experience something like that too?
These thoughts didn't leave him when they both left the university for today. Yoongi suggested to go to one of her favorite restaurants if she has one, since he didn't really go out much.
Quickly they figured they didn't want to sit inside though, but just get something and go to a place Yoongi told her about a few times. It was a single bench in the middle of nowhere but with a beautiful view of the city.
"You said you like reading here if you're not in the library, right?", Elly asked when in between her bites. "Yes. It's so calming and silent here. It's my special place."
Elly put her box down and parted her lips, just like she wanted to say something, but remained silent. "What did you want to say?", Yoongi asked because of course he noticed. He looked only at her, even though his favorite view was right in front of him.
"It's nothing. I'm embarrassed to say it.", she admitted and buried her face in her hands. Yoongi was sure he never saw something so pure. "It's okay, you don't have to be ashamed of anything. Just tell me.", he said and came a little closer.
He took one of her hands and held her just as he did many times while they were hanging out in the library. Both thought they were fitting into each other perfectly. "I think you made the library to my own special place, Yoongi."
If she was a book, Yoongi would read her again and again. He thought she was so perfect, every little bit of her. She was that type of girl people were writing books about he enjoyed and he never thought they existed in reality.
But it seemed like he found her and therefore his own story.
"I'm glad I started talking to you out of the sudden and got to know you. You are the most beautiful coincidence of my life.", he confessed and stroked her cheek with this thumb.
She smiled at his words, her heart beating so fast when he leaned over with half closed eyes and his nose brushing against hers. "Can I kiss you now?", he whispered and she felt his breath on her skin.
An almost not audible "yes" left her mouth and he gently lay his lips on hers. He felt so soft against her, she could feel how careful and loving he was treating her.
After separating again he kissed her nose and made her chuckle before saying: "I really like you, Elly."
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burnt-tomato · 4 years
“Soba ni ite Hoshii”
Hinata Shouyo x Reader
Introduction: Hinata has seen you as someone special, but couldn’t take the courage to say it out loud. He begged his team to help him out and give him a step up, but anything they adviced didn’t work out like they imagined it would. There was this upcoming school festival for Karasuno High. Will Hinata finally grab the chance to tell you or would it take him much longer to be ready.
Anime: Haikyuu!!
Genre: Fluff
[“Hey y/n.”
“You never knew what Soba no ite hoshii meant right?”
“Nah. You did tease me about it though.”
“Then I’ll tell you.”
“Will you really?”
“Yes. Y/n… Soba no ite hoshii!” Hinata blurted out loud without hesitation.
“? We’re you saying that to me? Because if it was, I didn’t understand haha. Sorry Hinata.”
“I’ll tell you, y/n… do you-”]
“Y/N!!” Hinata shouted your name while waving his hands and running towards you. “Thanks again for the meat buns you bought me yesterday. You’re a real lifesaver!”. Yesterday Hinata walked with you because your houses were close. He got really angry and told you he forgot his wallet at home, so you bought him some of his favorite, meat buns.
“Nah dude, don’t mention it! You don’t have to owe me even if I always buy you food after school”. He smiled widely and went to Kageyama, supposedly to discuss about their quick, which just ended with them bickering at each other.
Tanaka walked over to you and got close to your ears and whispered. “Hey y/n, mmmmmm is it just me or you and Hinata auhhhh… have gotten closer?”
“Hm? Well dUh. We walk to school together, we walk home together, we’re in the same grade, we’ve been friends since middle school, and were basically neighbors. Are you stupid?”
“THatS nOt wHat i mEanT- yknow what, nevermind” he said as he walked away to Daichi and spoke to him.
You noticed your phone ringing…
Unread Messages
Y/n where are You? I thought that you agreed to hang out with us after school today.
“Ah. Sorry. I forgot. I’ll be there, so wait for me.”
Are you with Hinata and his volleyball team again? You spend your after school hours there, so hang out with us for a chance.
“Fine fine. I’ll tell them that I have stuff to take care of. But ill only do this today.”
Thanks y/n!!
You looked up from your phone.
“Daichi-san, I’m really sorry but I have to go. I have some outside school things to take care of, but only for today! I’ll make sure to come tomorrow.”
“Oh y/n. Of course you can!”
“K guys! I’ll head out now.” You said as you waves your hand above your head and rushed out.
[♤: Even if y/n is gone, the story continues on even without her, and in this part the perspective is 3rd person to narrate everyone’s perspective]
The end of practice drew closer, and the boys went to their clubroom to change.
“Crap. Exams are drawing near, and after that, a 3-day festival, and after are the finals.” Yamaguchi said.
“Yeah…wait. E-exams? C r a p.” Hinata said
“Kshh, oooooh that’s gonna hurt.” Suga said
“N-nevermind! I’ll just ask y/n for help! She’s really smart and good in teaching, and she’s also really nice.” Hinata said
“Yeah. If you pass the exam period, you can still enjoy the festival.” Daichi said
“Hey Hinata. Since yknow, y/n has helped you alot till now, especially during exams right? So don’t you like, wanna repay her back somehow?” Ennoshita said
“Yeah, like inviting her to the festival and yknow, finally tell her how you feel, or something?” Tanaka said teasingly
Hinata’s cheeks grew bright red and instantly looked away. “Wha-? W-what are you s-saying?” He stuttered
“Oh c'mon Hinata, it’s hella obvious that you both like eachother. Anyone could tell, even the dumbest person we know can.” Suga said
“N-no I don’t! Besides, we’ve been friends for so long, she’s seen how stupid I am, so obviously she’ll never like me. I can’t even gather up the courage to tell her, heck, I don’t even know how to set the right time to let her know!” Hinata said
“Mmmmmm…. then.. we’ll help you out! How ‘bout asking her to teach you? So if you confess by then, you both would have fUn together at the festival. Or at least hint it, yknow?” Nishinoya said
“During a study session? Noya that’s like the worst time to tell someone your feelings. This is why Kiyoko doe- u r g h-” Noya screams at the top of his lungs to overlap what Suga was saying
“Mmmmm… I’m not sure about this. I can barely stay focus when with her.. maybe we- I shouldn’t.”
“Dumbass. If you won’t do it now, when will you? You’re just gonna sit there till she finds someone else? If you really don’t want to lose her, then at least make your move now. One day you’ll regret not telling her if you don’t, so get moving and let us- I mean tHEm help you.” Kageyama said wow some actually good advice from kags. How rare.
“Wow. Who knew? Kageyama can actually say stuff that are helpful?”
“K r00d.” Kageyama snarled
“Heh. Fine. Since you’re all willing to help, I guess the least I can do is set your plans to work.” Hinata said.
“Ok. Since we’ve been planning for this day since the time you introduced y/n to us, we have a plan in mind already. Care to say it Suga?” Daichi said
“Ok. Y/n sucks at Japanese right? So here’s what you have to do….. did you get that?” Suga asked
“Mmmm… yeah. Kinda” Hinata said
They all called it a day and went straight home.
You were about to sleep when you heard your phone buzz, revealing a message.
Ah. Y/n. Sorry for messaging you this late
“Mmm Hinata? No no it’s Fine! What’s up?”
Well I’m pretty sure you have like alot to do and I’m just being a bother because I always ask you about this buuuuttttt
“Mmmmmm it’s about the exams isn’t it? It’s fine! I’ll help you study, and you can even bring Kageyama too, maybe Noya-san and Tanaka-san too.”
Haha yeah. I forgot that your knowledge is actually advanced, so you’re capable of teaching upperclassmen.
Hinata told Tanaka and Nishinoya, as well as Kageyama and Yamaguchi what y/n told him. This boosted the chances of their plan and to offer Hinata support.
3 days till exams, 4 days till the festival, and 7 days till Finals. Goal, to carry out the plan before Finals comes.
Hinata and the others were able to come to your class during breaks and free periods and study hours.
“So y/n, you sucked at Japanese literature, right? Even if you speak Japanese, it’s hard for you to actually write what certain words say.” Kageyama asked
“Ah, yes that’s true lol. But isn’t that the subject that Hinata’s good at? That’s why I asked him to teach me that” you said
As time went by, you all continued to share learning and understandings, plus you were able to help even the second years alot.
“Ah, Hinata! What does Soba ni Ite Hoshii mean?”
“Mmmmm… that means-oW” Hinata said, surprised. Tanaka gave him a soft kick on the leg and shot him a look. “Are you stupid Hi- ah- y/n? Everyone knows that!” Tanaka exclaimed.
You pouted. You were confused as to why they didn’t tell you what it meant but teased you instead. But that didn’t bother You, you wanted to focus on studying and to pass your exams to be able to enjoy the festival with your friends.
2 days till exams, 3 days till the festival, and 6 days till Finals. Goal, to carry out the plan before Finals comes.
“Y/n!!!! How tf do you do that Pythagorean theorem nonsense whatever that shit is again??”
“Oh! Tanaka-san! I’ll teach you, you do this and that then you do that” (♤: ok like I can’t describe how this theorem stuff works so I ain’t using my time to Google it and copy paste it here lmao)
“Psstt! Shou, what’s Soba ni ite Hoshii meaannnnn??” You asked. “Hmmmmm… I’ll tell you if you buy me 10 meat buns for the entire year.” He said. “GeEz fInE u d0nT hAvE t0 tElL mE” Damn Shou be bullyin you nowadays.
“I’ll tell you after exams” he said as he half smiled at you. “0r mAyBe n0t”. Damn Shou be savage.
Tomorrow are the exams, 2 days till the festival, and 5 days till Finals. Goal, to carry out the plan before Finals comes.
“Hey y/n, after school today, want to stop by Ukai-san’s shop and buy some meat buns?”. “Shou we always stop by there and I’m the one paying for our food.”
“Ok guys. Tomorrow are the exams, so show me how much you’ve learned from me by passing the exams so we can enjoy our 3-day festival to rest up before finals”
After studying together with the others, you finally wrapped up and separated ways, with you stopping by the shop to buy some snacks then walking home with Hinata.
Today are exams, tomorrow is the festival, and 4 days till Finals. Goal, to carry out the plan before Finals comes.
Time seemed slow. The entire class remained quiet, but deep inside, everyone was panicking. Today is the day of exams. Today is the day that’ll determine who gets to enjoy the festival and who won’t. It was obvious in the atmosphere surrounding the school that no one dared to make a single sound.
“Time’s up class, pass em in. The results will come out by the end of the day, but for now, turn to page 345 of your Mathematics textbooks and answer the 50-item Chapter Review there.” The teacher said. You all watched the teacher’s every step as she exits the classroom. Once she closes the door, everyone breathed out a huge sigh of relief. You could hear everyone talking to one another, transferring seats, and talking about how hard the test was and what challenged them the most, but all you thought was I wonder how Shou and the others did… I hope they pass so that we can all enjoy the festival together.
Hours and hours passed by. You couldn’t take it. You were minutes away from hearing about the results, and everyone was scared shitless. Everyone was restless, and you were sure that the only thing in everyone’s minds was I hope i pass, even if I get the exact passing grade, just let me pass.
The teacher came in, carrying cards that probably contains your grades and how well you did. No one dared to breathe a single sound. Everyone barely moved. Everyone seemed to be stuck on their chairs, all eyes are focused unto the teacher’s hands.
“Well start with the students at the back row, once I call your surname, stand up and retrieve your grading cards. We’ll start with… Nichiiyama…”
Nichiiyama stood up, his movements were stiff and his hands were shaking as he held his card, and quietly made his way to his chair. The teacher continued calling students’ names, until she called yours. You stood up stiffly, making your way to the front desk and held up your hands and- “Good work y/n.. You scored the top grades in the class. Continue your good work, alright?” The teacher whispered into your ear and patted your back. As you walked back, you opened your card and saw that your grades were either 1 or 2 in every subject. You sighed when a huge wave of relief came over you. The only thing you’re worried about now is how Hinata and the others did.
“Aaanddd that’s all of You. Those who didn’t make it, you’ll be spending your 3-day break in Supplementary classes to retake your tests and pass, but those who passed, you’re free to enjoy the festival as you wish. That’s all for today, and let’s see eachother next week.” The teacher bowed and made their way to the door. Everyone started to pack up, chatting with eachother about how they did, or who passed. “Hey y/n, did You pass?” Your friend asked. “Yeah I did, how about you?”. “Man, I barElY made it, yknow? My scores were a solid 42 and around 40s, and my grades were Like, 3 and 3.5! I was lucky to make the 40-grade mark. Btw y/n, do you want to hang out after school today?”. “Ah… I’m not sure… I have to stop by the club today, but I’ll catch up with you.”
You rushed out of the classroom and to the gym. You arrived to the clubroom with the 3rd years inside already, and Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita. “Oh hey y/n, you’re here early. Your students aren’t here yet, but they should be arriving soon” Narita said. You waited and waited for them while playing animal crossing on your phone.
“Y/n!! Y/n!! We passed! We fuckin passed! How in the world did I passs??”. Tanaka said running towards the room, teary- eyed. “Idiot! It’s all because y/n helped us!” Noya said, smacking Tanaka’s back. “Yeah, it’s all thanks to you, y/n. We’ll be able to enjoy the festival because of your work. Even I passed all of the exams.” Kageyama then bowed. “Ah- no you don’t need to thank me! I didn’t do much, you should thank yourselves, for working hard to pass! All I did was help you get there.” You said. You turned to look for Hinata and hear about his results. “Heh. Yeah. Thanks so much y/n, we passed because of your help. So uh… because of your help and all uhm.. I wanted to somehow repay you and stuff..” Everyone turned their heads to Hinata and you, somehow expecting something or an answer. “What is it Shou?” You asked. “Well uh.. I was thinking that since you helped all of us and personally you help me alot everyday I was wondering if you wanted to come to the festival with me.. I mean all of us ofcourse!” He said shyly, his cheeks heating up a bit and fiddling with his fingers. Everyone looked like they were gonna laugh and some were smiling widely. “Ofcourse I’ll go! I was planning to anyways, but I gotta go right now since my friends and I are going out for a bit, so I’ll meet you all by the entrance tomorrow! See ya.” You said as you rushed out of the room and met up with your friends. As you left, Hinata looked like he was about to faint and exploding.
Geh. I’m too early.. we all agreed to meet up by 3pm.. and look at this, it’s only 1:30pm and I’m already here. Guess I should walk around for now till they come-
“Y/n?” You were surprised to see the 3rd years standing by the entrance, along with the 2nd years and the 1st years, except one person..
“Why isn’t Hinata with you, y/n? Aren’t you 2 neighbors?” Ennoshita asked. “Mmmm, his mom said he might get there late and told me to get along, so I decided to wait for him here.” You told them.
“Crap.. If Hinata doesn’t show up, what’s the point of doing all this?” Tanaka whispered to Suga. “Don’t say that, we just have to do as we planned. I’ll call Hinata to check up on him.” Suga whispered. “I’ll go over there for a while to call someone, k?” Suga walked over by the trees and took out his phone and dialed Hinata’s number.
“Hinata, where are you?”
Suga-san? Oh sorry, I didn’t feel well when I woke up… My mom said that I should rest, I’m really sorry… you all planned for this day, but I blew it, just because of a godDAMN fever-
“Nono it’s fine Hinata. Don’t apologize, I understand, these stuff happen unexpectedly, but it’s not like you lost your chance, alright? Remember, this plan is full proof and we have 3 days of the festival! Although I’m not sure if you can heal up by Then, but we’ll have to hope for the best. Just, rest up right now ok? So you can catch up.”
Alright Suga-san. Bye.
Suga puts down his phone and walks over to where the others are. “Well, Hinata wouldn’t make it today… he’s gotten a fever. But he said that he’ll try his best to make it tomorrow though! So let’s enjoy this day and hope that he feels better, especially with Finals coming up soon.”
Damnit Shou. You’re the one who invited me, then you’re the one who wouldn’t make it.. sigh.. I’ll just drop by your house later I guess… I do hope that he’ll feel better soon, I wanted to tell him something and decided that the festival would be nice…
Despite Hinata’s absence, you all tried to enjoy the festival. Checking out every stall, entering games and winning them, and eating with the team. You decided to bring Hinata a stuffed crow you won at one of the shooting games, and to stop by a convenience store to buy him some food.
“Alright guys, we’ll all meet by here tomorrow at the same time, if you can. But we’ll all be there at the last day of this festival, okay? On the 3rd day there’ll be a fireworks showcasing, and i think that’ll be fun and calming so all should be present by Then, but for now, all of you go home and rest.” Daichi said. Everyone began to separate ways, including you. You walked lazily, not used to walking at night alone. Looking up at the sky, you remembered how you and your friends always went out stargazing during cold winter nights like this. Even if you were wearing a yukata that travelled along your feet, you could still feel the cold air breezing through. After stopping by the store to buy some food, you started walking up the mountain road towards home. You were cold and freezing. You were lonely.
“Walking home at nights like this without anyone to talk to sure is lonely.” You let out a little chuckle afterwards.
“It sure is. Why didn’t you call me that you were heading home? I could’ve walked with you.” You jolted. You were sure that you were alone while Walking, but as you faced infront of you, you saw Hinata in his pajamas, holding a jacket. “Here. You must be freezing.. Sugawara told me that you all went home, so I tried to get out to bring you home, but Natsu insisted me to stay. I had to give her one of those ‘Play with Sister for 1 hour Coupon’ just so I can leave lol.. ah! You must be freezing, here, wear this.” He said as he put on the jacket on you. You felt safe and warm, and complete with him. You both shared chars and laughs as you walked, which reminded you from when you were middle schoolers.
The next day you called Hinata’s house number, but his mom was the one who picked up, saying that he wouldn’t be able to come again, but he was feeling a little bit better. You thanked her and dropped the phone. He’s still not healed up yet, huh? What should I do for today? If I go to the festival, it would be boring because we already experienced all of it yesterday, and plus Hinata wouldn’t even be able to come with us..
Since you weren’t feeling like doing anything productive today, you just slept till afternoon.
“Shit-! I slepT an entire day? Is it seriously the last day of the festival?? I only planned to sleep till afternoon, so how is it the next day already?? Geh, fuck that. I should just get changed to meet up with the others. Especially that today is when all of us should be present..” either way, you got up and got dressed. After getting ready, you found yourself standing infront of Hinata’s doorstep. I probably shouldn’t disturb him, he might still be resting. You decided to go on alone.
You met up with the others and surprisingly-
“Hey y/n..”. You saw Hinata standing infront if everyone. “Sorry I didn’t tell you that I decided to go on ahead. I wanted to sorta… surprise you I guess…haha” Hinata said with a short laugh. “It took awhile, but when he called up on me, he said that he was feeling a bit better, although he still has a bit if his fever.” Yamaguchi said
You were really happy that you’re able to spend the last day of the festival with him especially so that you could finally tell him.
You spent the entire day playing games, eating in every stall, and watching the band’s perform. You all had an amazing time together. Suga and Daichi trying to contain Tanaka and Noya, Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita all sitting in a bench calmly, Tsukki and Yams playing with the fish thing, yknow… the one ripoff game where you catch fish using a paper on a handle thing but the fish wouldn’t survive an entire month, Asahi and Kiyoko looking at souvenir shops, while you and Hinata, long with Kageyama, go around eating everywhere.
Finally, 8pm came around. The fireworks were said to start at 8:30, so you all decided to get a spot to put a tent on so you could all wait.
Hinata was with Tanaka, Noya, Kageyama, and Suga. “C'mon Hinata, now is nOt the time for you to back out! This is finally the moment you can tell her!” Suga said. “Yeah! Shouyo, this is now or never, if you don’t do it now, then when will You? Noya asked. “You don’t want to lose y/n right? Then take it now.” Kageyama said.
Hinata wasn’t sure. All he could thing was what if she doesn’t feel the same? If I told her and turns out it isn’t mutual… wouldn’t that make our friendship awkward? What if confessing just break the history we had? What if-
“I’m sorry guys… I’m… just not sure I can. What if she doesn’t feel the same? Then that would just ruin everything… maybe we should give this more thought…” Hinata sighed. “Yeah But.. Hinata what if-”. Suga was cut off by Hinata standing up. He smiled then said “Its alright… if she does find someone… then I’ll support her whole- heartedly.”
He stood up and walked over by the trees. “Hinata wait-”
He sighed. “Heh. What was I thinking? Actually hoping that if I confess, it would work out? She probably doesn’t like me at all honestly..”
20 minutes passed by. No one could find where Hinata went. “Suga! Dis you check any of the stalls?” “Yes we did! But he wasn t there! I don’t think he’s at the festival anymore..” “maybe he went home already?”
You helped everyone search for him. What was he thinking? Wandering off like that out of nowhere.. Dammit Shou! Where are You? You saw a trail of footsteps towards the forest. You thought that just maybe, he might have went there..
You walked through… and as soon as you saw light, you saw..
“Shou?” You asked quietly. He froze for a minute. When he turned around to face You, you noticed that he had tears running down his face.
“H-hey Shou… why are you- are you alright?” You asked. You walked towards him slowly
“Y/n… I uh.. I’m sorry for disappearing so suddenly.. I didn’t mean to- i-” he stops. “I wasnt-” he pauses. He quickly wipes his tears and plaster a huge smile on his face
You instantly run up to him, and throw you arms around him, hugging him tightly. “Idiot. At least tell me if you’re going to disappear like that..” You release.
“Haha.. yeah.. sorry about that..”
Crap.. is it almost 8:30? We better get back to the others before we miss the firewo-
Just as you were tugging his shirt, signaling that you both go back, he grips your arm.
“Maybe we should stay. The view is nice out here.” He says with a soft voice
“Yeah.. but what about the others?” You asked. “They’ll be fine.. since you haven’t come back yet it’s obvious that you’ve found me already.” He says. You both stood next to eachother waiting for the fireworks. Hinata stood silently looking at the sky with a wide smile on his face.
“Its been a while since we went stargazing..” he said. “Ah. Haha yes it has..” You said. There was a moment of silence and awkwardness. You wanted to break this unstoppable silence covering the two of you-
“Hey y/n.. have I ever told you what Soba ni Ite Hoshii meant?”
“Mmmmm… nah. You all teased me about not knowing it though..”
“Then I’ll tell You, right now..”
He takes a deep breath then.. “Y/n! Soba ni Ite Hoshii-!” He takes a few steps back, trying to process what he has said without thinking.
“What? A sorry Shou… I didn’t really know what it means lol… Maybe if you can tell me in English?” You laugh nervously.
“Fine.. y/n.. I-”
You could hear the fireworks blasting off with your left ear. You both stood firmly from where you where standing. The fireworks were loud, loud enough to overlap what he meant. But You heard him loud and clear. What he said caused your heart to skip a beat. You couldn’t process properly what you had heard. You thought that you were somewhat dreaming.
You both stood in silence, both yours and Hinata’s faces were red. You were speechless.
“Shou.. i-”. “I get it y/n.. it’s not the same huh? Maybe we should just stay as friends.. or if that’s too awkward for you-” he pauses. He turns back, waving his hand to signal you that you both should go back.
But I haven’t given him my answer yet…
You grip his arm, jerking him towards you. “Shou please listen for a while..”
You told him everything you’ve hidden since God knows when. All you could think was this is it. This is now or never. There’s no backing out now. If i don’t tell him now, when will I? I don’t want to lose him. You were speaking in a hushed tone, your face heating up, your heartbeat growing faster and faster, but you knew that you shouldn’t stop. You didn’t.
After you told him, you tried to avoid eye contact. He pulls you closely, your faces drawing nearer eachother. You felt his hands tightly behind you back, yours on his. His face resting in your shoulder, beside your face.
“Does this mean we-”
“Dammit Shou, don’t make it more awkward than it is already” you laughed.
“Hahaha yeah… but we should really go back to the others now y/n..” He said. “I guess we should lol.” You hold his hand tightly as you both walked towards your team.
“Congrats on your win at the Finals, Shou.” You giggled as you both walked home. “Thanks y/n, but I wouldn’t have done my best without you watching us.” He says. “Damn, since when have you been romantic?”. “Shut up.” Hinata says looking away.
“Hey y/n… stay with me always, will You?”
The cringe is unbearable in this one lol. Sorry for the late post and for being wAy t00 inactive lmao. It took me some time to decide what I’m doing first but I finally finished this lol.
Feel free to send in requests for hcs, scenarios and oneshots!
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stan-joonies · 5 years
Tutor de español
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Summary: Sweet Pea is failing in spanish, so Mr Lopez makes Y/N tutor him in hopes that his grades will go up.
"Sweet Pea!" Mr Lopez hissed, eyes squinting at the boy. "You have an exam next week, i suggest you pay close attention." Sweet Pea rolled his eyes, shoving Fangs when he teased him.
"Sweet Pea...¿Qué comiste de desayuno?" The teacher asked, bushy eyebrow raised, lips pressed into a thin line.
"Uh--" Fangs mumbled in his ear. "Teta,"
Half the class broke into loud laughter. Those who didn't know what the word ment leant to their friends and joined in with the laughter once they knew. Mr Lopez turned red, his shoulders squared and he pointed to the door.
"If you will not take this class Seriously then you can walk right out that door this instant. But, when you do--" Mr Lopez warned "that will be the end of these lessons. You will not be able to step a foot in my classroom! And it will be an automatic failure on your exam."
Sweet Pea glared at the table, his mouth and jaw clenched tightly, knuckles turning white as his fingers curled and bunched together in his palms.
Mr Lopez sighed.
"See me after class Sweet Pea, you too Y/N,"
Sweet Pea's eyes travelled behind him. You sat, your H/C hair shading your face. Your eyes were open slightly, confusion was spilling out of them. As if you felt his gaze, your eyes met. Yours opened even wider, a blush present on your s/c cheeks. Sweet Pea just stared, his lips pressed to a thin line.
"Sweet Pea!" Mr Lopez screeched, causing the serpent to turn back around. "I will not ask you again..."
Sweet Pea grumbled, pretending to pay attention for the rest of the lesson.
When the bell finally rang, you got up out of your seat and walked towards the teachers desk, giving Mr Lopez a slight smile.
"¿Buenos días cómo estás?" Mr Lopez asked
"Estoy bien, ¿y tú?"
"excelente!" He cheered, a smile breaking his face into two.
"Uhm...Mr Lopez? You wanted to talk?"
"Yes Sweet Pea," the teacher sighed. "I'm worried for you progress in Spanish. I know you probably don't enjoy this subject all that much--" Sweet Pea nodded "--but it does still count as a grade. If you completely ignore this subject then your grades will suffer." Mr Lopez got up to lean on the corner of his desk. "I've heard from the other teachers...you plan to go to college when you're older?" 
"Yes sir"
"Well...don't flunk this class." Lopez warned. "Unfortunately, my catchup group is full. So, i descided that Y/N here--" he nodded towards her "could tutor you until next week."
"Excuse me!?"
"Well. It's sorted then." Lopez grinned. "You can use my classroom after school. Just lock up before you leave." He stated, passing a key to you. "Don't do anything stupid in here please." He stated, walking out.
Silence enveloped the two of you. You had your hands cradling the key as your eyes burned holes into the floor.
"Uhm-- so...meet here after--"
"Fuck!" He exclaimed suddenly, his boots hitting the ground with a loud smack that made you jump, shoulders shaky.
Sweet Pea only spared a glance in your direction before storming off.
"What's gotten your panties in a twist?" Toni asked, eyebrows raised.
"Fucking Mr Lopez. He's forcing me to have a tutor," He grumbled.
"Really? He couldn't do it himself?" Toni asked, crossing her arms and leaning on the table at their designated spot.
"No, he said the spots are full,"
"Bullshit," Fangs sighed "This is the Southside, who is spending time revising for a spanish test?"
"You apparently," Toni stated, looking towards Pea before scanning the cafeteria. "So, who is tutoring you?" Sweet Pea's eyes scan the crowd before they land on you.
"There," He answered, nodding towards her.
"Wow..." Toni sighed "you think you could--"
"She's straight," Came a voice. They peered up to see their beanie-headed friend begin to sit down, a smirk on his face. "She went to Riverdale High for the smallest amount of time before moving here. Plus, she and her brother are two trailers down from me."
"How does that prove she's straight?" Toni asked, eyebrows raised and smirk on her face.
"A boy called her an ugly lesbian when she was younger. She cussed him out in spanish," Jughead shrugged "you don't want to know what she said."
"So she's--"
"No. She's not homophobic," Jughead explained, to which they all relaxed.
"So, is she fluent in the language then?" Sweet Pea asked, eyes looming to you.
"Yeah, she learnt it when she was eight." Jughead explained before leaning in, close to the tall serpent's face.  "Word of warning...don't hurt her. She has many friends. Protective friends."
"Mm." Sweet Pea sighed, eyeing you as you got up, leaving the cafeteria.
You sighed, sat down behind your teacher's desk.
Sweet Pea was ten minutes late...and you weren't a patient girl.
You shook your head, opened your bag and pushed all your equipment back into it. You slung the strap over your shoulder and walked to the door.
As your hand got ready to turn the knob, the door opened, nearly flying off its hinges, making you exclaim in shock. You moved back quickly, your feet stumbling clumsily over one another as you slowly lost your balance. Your back slowly got nearer to the floor as you shut your eyes, waiting for impact; it never came.
Large arms wrapped around your waist, pulling forwards until you bumped into a strong chest.
"Yikes!" You exclaimed, your head peering upwards to look at the serpent "I'm so sorry!" You apologised, your cheeks bursting into flames.
Sweet Pea shrugged, letting go of you before indicating to the desk.
"Right!" You nodded "sit down while i get the equipment out,"
"This is so stupid," He grumbled. "Why do you switch those around?"
"It's the way Spanish works." You shrugged, beginning to pack up. "So, here everyday for an hour and a half. No offense, but if you're more then 15 minutes late? I'm gone,"
Sweet Pea rolled his eyes.
"Whatever you say, princess,"
"Don't call me that!" You exclaimed, cheeks flamed red.
"Whatever, Princess,"
You both walk out the door, heading down the same path to the exit.
When you open the large, dirty door, you plop yourself down onto the stone steps, chin in your palms.
"Who are you waiting for?" Sweet Pea questioned, not stopping. He made his way over to his bike.
"My drunk brother," You hissed, rolling your eyes.
"Where's your parents?"
"What parents?" You retorted, huffing at a piece hair that fell over your eyes. 
Silence stuck for a moment...
"Where do you live?"  He rolled his eyes at the weird look sent his way. "I'm not a stalker, I'll take you there." He held out his hand, a black helmet in between his large fingers.
You got up, walked towards him and grabbed the helmet.
"Ever rode a motorcycle?"
You nodded.
"My brother has one."
Sweet Pea's eyes widened.
"Your brother rides a motorcycle while drunk?"
"Unfortunately," you huffed. "Let's just go,"
You wrap your arms around his waist, squeezing tightly when he speeds off down the road.
You love it, the feeling of the cold air and the sight of the stars as you zoom past. Before you know it, you're in front of your trailer, hopping off his bike and giving him his helmet.
"So, tommorow," You stated, looking towards your trailer.
"Yeah, see you tommorow."
The days go by like that, sometimes you go on little detours around the Southside, only when your brother is not in, .You begin to enjoy his company, the way his jaw tenses when he gets stressed, the way he leans over your shoulder to ask a question. The way he throws his head back when he finds something extrememly funny.
The test had been yesterday, and you had gotten your results today.
Both of you agreed that you would come here after school and talk over your scores.
However, Sweet Pea was late.
15 minutes exactly.
You wanted to stick with your promise.
To get up and walk out.
You had told him strictly not to be late. Yet here he was. No... here he was not.
You sighed. 20 minutes.
However, you stayed glued to your seat, your heart pounding in hopes he would come through that door any second.
Though, he didn't...
30 minutes.
Now your irritation began to grow.
It was obvious he wasn't going to turn up.
You began to pack up your stuff.
The door shot open, almost flying off its hinges.
"Sorry I'm late," Sweet Pea apologised, showing the takeout bags in his hands. "I got caught up with a few friends," he explained, placing a bag and milkshake infront of her.
"It's ok," you stated, cheeks tinted. "What's all this for?"
"I bought it as a thank you present." He shrugged "For helping me."
"Oh!" You grinned "well thank you,"
"It's also in celebration," Sweet Pea laughed, sitting next to her. "Since you helped me get a B+ on my Spanish exam,"
You exclaimed, mouth open as your head whipped around.
"Really? You got that high?"
"Don't sound so surprised," Sweet Pea stated.
"I-wow. Well done!"
"Thank you, Princess." He smirked down at you.
"I'll let it slide this once," You both opened your bags and started to eat and devour the food, sitting in comfortable silence.
"I'm surprised," You sighed, pushing your rubbish away. "You got my order right,"
"Pops knew it," He shrugged, talking a sip of his bannana milkshake.
"Of course he does. I go there every day." The Silence lengthened between them. "Well, since you were able to pass...i guess you don't need my help anymore."
When you recieved no answer, you turned, only to find that Sweet Pea already had his eyes on you.
"We can still have study session," He stated, eyes wandering " Y'know. Just incase one of us gets behind."
You smiled, your heart pumping in your chest.
"Of course. But we'll have to do it somewhere else. Mr Lopez already took the keys from me.
"My place is always free." He suggested "i don't bite,"
"Mm," You hummed. "Well, best get going."
You both cleaned up and headed outside. You sighed.
"I'll see you in the halls Sweet Pea?"
"Yeah. Come sit with us at lunch,"
"I don't want to intrude..."
"You wont. The Serpents already know a lot about you," He mumbled, looking at his scuffed boots.
"Why?" Your brows raised, eyes narrowing.
"Uhh- Jughead. He speaks about you alot," He turned his head, refusing to meet your eyes. "Come on," he placed a hand on your back, "Let's go,"
You hopped off the bike, passing the helmet over to the serpent .
"Thank you," you sighed "For the food. It was lovely,"
"Mm," He leaned on his bike.
"Goodnight," you waved, turning to leave.
You began to walk away, before a hand grasped you wrist.
"Wait." He ordered, pulling you towards him. "I learnt a new phrase and i wanted to ask you if it was correct."
"Sure," you smiled, blushing at how close you were to his chest.
Sweet Pea looked off for a minute before he looked towards you with a fiery determination
"Me gustas, saldrás conmigo?"
Your eyes widened, a smile slowly slithering up your face.
"eres un idiota," You sighed fondly, your hands coming to rest on his face. "Of course I'll go out with you."
You both stared at eachother for a tense moment...then you both leaned in.
His lips capture yours first, pulling towards him. His strong arms wrapped around your waist as your arms circled his neck.
You felt his smile against your lips...
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merrykidgemas · 5 years
Under Wraps Pt. 4
Read on AO3
Katie's eyes followed Keith as he helped himself to his third serving while the adults continued on with their conversation on work that day. Usually she would listen but the way he ate his food was so amusing to her, she couldn't help but watch snort inwardly as he tasted the flavors of the oh-so-heavenly masterpiece. She was glad her guest liked the casserole but if she didn't stop staring, her's would get cold.
After finishing their homework, Sam had came home and introduced himself to Keith. It might have been the fact that her father was speaking a million miles a second because he was overjoyed of meeting a potential student but Keith was so shocked, all he could do was stutter out his name and nod to all his questions. Shiro came soon after with a chocolate cake roll and the oven declared the casserole done. He beamed at Keith when he had learned that he helped made dinner. Instead of replying directly as Katie expected, Keith turned to her and gave a small smile.
Since then, that smile never left her mind. Why did he look at her?
Moving the food around on her plate, Katie began to furrow her brows. Here she was sitting next to Keith who by now seemed to have warmed up to her somewhat. When was the last time she had invited someone over? She couldn't remember and a part of her felt like she didn't want to. Doubts began slowly creeping into the edges of her mind; this all felt normal but it wasn't. She wasn't the type to have person used to having friends over for dinner or spending a whole afternoon just hanging out in her house.
Why did he agree to come? Was it because he had nothing better to do? Maybe he didn’t want to be here at all. Maybe Keith was just forcing himself to put up with her at her mom's or Shiro's request and all this friendly atmosphere was just her own imaginatio–
"Sweetie, are you okay?"
Katie looked up startled to her parents, Shiro, and Keith all staring at her. Colleen looked at the spoon her daughter was using to stir around her food then at her somber expression. She smiled warmly and passed her a napkin. "Why don't you take your plate up to the sink and grab the dessert?"
Quickly Katie nodded and quietly excused herself from the table, letting out a long sigh when she reached the kitchen sink. Why were these thoughts in her head now?
Keith had paused when Katie got up and left, well he didn't feel like eating anymore when she did. It was the first time he felt so stuffed. It was just so different eating at a table with others and tasting what you helped made with everyone, not to mention the exchange of funny glances across the table he shared with Katie as they silently commentated while listening to the adults talk was just as exciting.
But as soon as he saw Katie leave the table, he had an unsettling feeling form in his chest. Was she okay?
Katie felt footsteps coming from behind her as she placed out the little plates she grabbed from the cupboard and turned around to see who it was. There was an awkward silence as they stood facing each other, the awkward silence they had tried so hard to get rid of earlier that afternoon. "You could put your plate in the sink," she said as she walked away to go the fridge before Keith could get a word in.
Keith could only see her back from where he was standing; it was like she was telling him to go away. He placed his plate in the sink but waited for her to come back, not quite questioning why his feet was planted to the floor.
Realizing he wasn't going to leave, Katie closed the fridge and brought back the cake roll. Wordlessly she placed it on the counter. Just how long was he going to stay there and watch her?!
"Do you need help?" he asked as he uncrossed his arms.
She glanced sideways as he called her by her name, not sure if she could answer confidently. "I'll be fine. Just–" But before he could finish, Katie felt the cake being lifted away from her grasp and she watched as the boy began cutting it into pieces. They fell quiet again; only the sound was the distant murmuring of the adults' chatter filled the air.
Katie grabbed side of her arm, inhaling a little. "You don't have to force yourself..."
Keith glanced at the girl standing motionless next to him. It looked like she was struggling with him here but also she was so still it made him frown. He didn't know what happened but he just hoped he wasn't the reason why her face was looking the way it was now. "I'm not. I want to help you. Plus, I'd rather be here. Unless you do want me to leave."
"No! That's not what I meant!" Katie whipped around in panic. For a split second, they finally looked each other in the eyes since she left the table. "Thank you." She began placing the pieces he finished cutting onto the plates. As she placed the last piece, Keith cleared his throat and looked away shyly, making her mind freeze at the sight.
Hold on–
Her mind came back as he began to speak. "C-could I come over again...?" He looked at her so earnestly Katie felt her whole body stiffen and her breath being caught in her throat.
"Of course!" she said a little too loudly as she held the tray of cake rolls in her hands, ready to carry them out to the dining table. She wasn’t sure why he asked her but when he did; it was like she couldn’t contain her excitement. She felt like breathing a sigh of relief when he gave her a small grin and gave a slight gasp of surprise when he took the tray from her hands, still smiling.
Katie stood still for a second when he walked out of the kitchen, trying to calm whatever storm was in her heart. Too many things had happened in such a short time frame that she couldn't help hold a hand over her chest where her heart was. It was beating a little faster than usual and she only just realized how light-headed she was, like she just ran down a flight of stairs.
Shaking her thoughts away, Katie returned to the dining table and sat down as Keith placed down a plate of the cake roll in front of her then sat down beside her with his own. She giggled as she watched him pick up the fork to dig in then pointing at her piece with enthusiasm, signaling her to taste it as well and only went to take his second bite in contentment when she finally did.
Yeah. She could definitely get used to this.
"It might just be my imagination but is– is he smiling?"
A few students turned around from where they were sitting and glanced up at the raven-haired boy in question from their lunch table. When Keith looked up from his book, they all jerked their heads back trying to act as inconspicuous as possible. The group all let out a sigh of relief when Keith went back to reading.
"There is no way. This is Kogane we're talking about. But I guess you can say his brows aren't as furrowed as before..." A boy said has he tried to imitate what he thought Keith looked like in class most of the time.
"Not to mention he was using this colorful mechanical pencil from this stationary store I know he would never walk into," the next student added.
Another nodded, "Also today he's been awake in most classes instead of dozing! What do you think is going on–"
"Shh shhh! I think he heard us!"
Keith skipped his current song on his phone and flipped to the next page of the Garrison pamphlet; he actually didn't hear anything with his earbuds hidden under his hoodie and was more occupied with the paragraph on procedures for entrance exams than the conversation a few feet away from him. Grades were more important to him now especially since he wasn't planning on letting Shiro down, not when someone finally chose to believe in him. Having a goal besides just surviving high school was refreshing.
School lunch wasn't too bad but he was fine with only an apple, though he could already hear Katie scolding him for not taking care of himself better as he took another bite. In the few hours they spent together yesterday, it felt as if he'd already known her for years. In many ways they were different but also similar? He kept on coming back to it; the whole thing was unbelievable to him. That night when he went home, he spent the rest of it thinking about it as he laid in bed. It was too good to be true! Did he even deserve to know her? All his life people had treated him like a stranger but here she was, turning his life upside-down by dragging him along to decorate her house and playing 15 levels of Killerbot Phantasm. Why did he feel like it was so easy to trust her?
Keith had a faint memory of his father talking about cherishing the important people in life. Would it be okay if he cherished someone? Katie certainly cared for him to some extent. It was so hilarious when she was wishing him a good night's rest as he left the house then he commented on the traces of dark circles under her eyes, resulting in him being 'kicked out', with leftovers of course. Apparently he had no say in such matters. He chuckled at the memory. "Funny coming from a person who has an inconsistent sleep schedule."
He noticed the table of students staring at him and gave them a confused look.
Hold on.
Did he just say that out loud?
A giggle from one of the girls confirmed it and he pulled the hood of his jacket down to cover more of his face. Ugh, maybe he was the sleep deprived one. Not wanting to be the subject of ridicule anymore, he tossed his things back into his backpack and swiftly walked away, his hands stuffed into his pockets on his way to his next class. How did he get so lost in his thoughts anyway? Keith checked his watch and sighed. Three more hours and then he could escape this place.
In his seat, Keith pulled out his notebook and the latest addition to his pencil case. It was a mechanical pencil with a soft, light blue grip. It was definitely different from his usual yellow 2B pencils but unbeknownst to anyone, it was the first present he had ever received from a friend. As he wrote the date on the page he smiled at the thought of going to Kate–
Crap. He ran out of lead.
He looked around the classroom which was beginning to fill with students and watched as James sit down in his seat. Ever since the beginning of middle school, he had clearly expressed his disdain for his behavior and attitude overall but after the simulation tryouts that Shiro brought from the Garrison, he had strangely stopped taunting him and almost ignored him all together. While relieved that he no longer had to deal with James, Keith noticed he had been less... motivated in general. Ignoring his thoughts, Keith cleared his throat, catching the attention of the boy sitting down next to him.
"Do you have 0.5 lead? I ran out."
James' eyes widened in surprise at Keith who he was sure wouldn't even choose him as the last person on earth to talk to. "Y-yeah. Hold on." Keith watched as he dug through his backpack and pulled out two pieces and handed it to him.
"Two?" Keith looked at the lead and back at James.
"We have a quiz today," he replied monotonously as he looked away, seemingly as to end the conversation.
Not realizing what the boy was trying to do, Keith panicked silently as he searched through his head for a reply. "Uh, thanks. I'll pay you back next time." He began putting the lead into the pencil but was startled by James' short laugh.
"You're acting really weird. Well you already are but it's a different weird," James pointed at him as Keith frowned a little.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You're..." Keith waited for him to say whatever insult he could come up with, probably something not anymore creative than 'emo' even though he really wasn't, "Talking differently. And more."
Okay he wasn't expecting that. He had been making an effort to raise his hand in class more. Maybe James was more honest than he thought? "But I always talk like this."
"Really? Guess I wouldn't know because you never talk to anybody at school. At all." James countered in disbelief, a bit of an accusatory tone laced into his words.
Was this guy seriously going to go there? Then again, conversations with James always end up like this.
"That's because no one bothers to talk to me unless they want something from me or make fun of me," he said in a low voice. Just when Keith barely finished his sentence, the bell rang. Both of them turned around to face the front of the classroom. He was asking for lead, just lead! Not another argument. Or maybe he was that bad at communicating with other people, but he was at least trying! Keith decided to just forget the whole conversation, before he slammed his head against the desk in frustration, and focus on the quiz the teacher was handing out. Honestly, why did he even bother–
Wait, what?
He turned around again to see where the apology came from. "Sorry for what?"
James sighed as he received his quiz and waited for the teacher to walk away. "That was childish of me. I wasn't having the best day."
"Oh." Well, not that the explanation helped but Keith understood what he meant. Though why did he apologize? This was James; the top-of-the-class, always following the rules, and the one who all teachers see as mature and responsible. The complete opposite of him. And he was apologizing, to him of people? "But why are you–"
"Forget about it," he mumbled out quickly, ending the conversation and leaving Keith confused as ever.
Not sure what else to say, he kept quiet.
The quiz was fairly easy; he did have plenty of time to study since he didn't have any after school activities or places to be. Well, there was one exception. Oh right, he would have to pick up Katie later today. Maybe he could text her to meet at the back entrance of the middle school so they didn't to go through the same fiasco again. Making a mental note contact her, he stopped upon realizing one fact.
Did he even have her number?
The whole class sat up and turned around in surprise at the sound of Keith scratching his head and groaning in frustration. He only realized his mistake when he noticed the teacher and the rest of his classmates giving him a strange look, as if he were a wild animal that escaped the zoo. Immediately he buried his head under his arms and resumed to his quiz. He wanted to scream. Why was he so stupid?
Stupid, stupid, stupid–
Stupid, stupid, stupid–
Still mentally bashing himself, he ran to his moped. After the last class had ended, he had packed up as fast as he could and sprinted all the way down to the first floor and out to the parking lot, not paying any attention to the stares he earned. If he got there earlier, maybe he could avoid the crowd. It only took a few seconds to reach the middle school but he made sure to park the moped a few blocks from the entrance as not to attract too many onlookers and pulled up his hood over his head. This should be discreet enough. He spotted Katie walking out from the entrance then looked around; everybody was minding their own business.
As Katie rounded the corner near the gate, she yelped at the sudden appearance of a hooded figure moving fast towards her and raised her umbrella in attack mode.
"Woah, woah, woah! It's just me!" The figure jerked back, his arms up in the air and staring very cautiously at her 'weapon'.
Katie watched the figure carefully take of his hood, revealing himself to be Keith, and felt her whole body relax. "Oh thank goodness; it's just you Keith." By now she had lowered her umbrella to a reasonable level, allowing Keith to put down his hands down as well.
"I can't believe I almost died by being beaten to death with a Keroppi-themed umbrella. At least I'll make it to the headlines with an interesting title," he laughed as he walked the sheepish Katie to the moped.
"Still better than 'hover bike' in my opinion," she shrugged as she climbed up onto the seat behind him and grabbed a helmet. "Speaking of which, how come you don't wear a helmet?" Katie stifled a laugh when she saw Keith look away in embarrassment. Now she was curious.
"Well," he began as he scratched the back of his neck, "I just really like the feeling of wind in my hair." His statement was followed by a burst of laughter. The light in Katie's eyes when she laughed made his stomach do flips and he felt a sudden stroke of dizziness; it was the weirdest sensation he had ever felt and he wasn't very sure why he didn't dislike it. The feeling left as soon as it came so he brushed it away and only returned her smile with a small grin of his own. "So yeah, no helmets for me."
"Still a safety hazard," Katie slightly tilted her head, giving him a look he guessed she learned from her mom which was the kind where they playfully nagged you.
Keith only rolled his eyes and got up on the seat and grabbed the handles. "Also says the person who tried wearing platform shoes on ladders."
"Also?" She lifted a brow at him.
"Nothing–" he said in a hurry as he started up the moped. What was up with him today?
"Uh huh," she teased while grabbing onto his jacket. "Oh, and my mom said to stop by the grocery store to get half and half."
"What on Earth is half and half–"
She answered him, still slightly teasing. "I'll show you when we get there. It's for mini frittatas tonight! Absolutely delicious."
His confusion turned into a lopsided grin as he looked back at her. "Don't know what that is either but I'll take your word for it." She returned his grin with a messy smile of her own, trying not to burst into laughter again.They sped by the school gate before the majority of students started to walk out of the building, successfully evading any potential mobs.
The evening was already starting off great.
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damdahdi-studies · 5 years
exam season
the last 2 weeks have been exam season. leading up to exams i ran week-long blocks of distracting websites on my mac, so I haven’t been able to get on tumblr.... so finally updating now: (more like ranting.) 
one math exam left, on thursday morning
exams so far have been.... okay. none of them i feel particularly good about, but overall i think i managed to deal with the stress/anxiety better this semester than last, just a little bit 
some nice things that happened before exams: 
100% in Chinese speaking mock exam, listening and writing section of written mock exam. i didn’t really realise it until i looked back on my old posts and read how i felt after first set of exams just now, but i have come ... maybe not a long way, but some kind of way :] at the time i was very insecure about just myself and barely believed i could improve on my own; yet i did to a standard i never could’ve dreamed even start of this year. 
somehow obtained 90% in an oral presentation i made about The Crucible by Arthur Miller. i still don’t know how I did it, but I’m glad i improved from the 60s i got last semester in presentations. public speaking still felt like hell though 
top female scorer in my state for some maths competition. also have no idea how i did this, i thought i would get distinction at best. 
changed piano teachers (previous teacher recommended the new one) 
dress for year 12 ball next year arrived. it’s a soft grey pretty thing 
my birthday was during exam season :/ 
also first set of my own prayer beads arrived. have been using them daily since 
reflecting on each subject: (so I can read back on this after i get my marks back and be like haha....  you fool.) 
Literature: better than last time is all i can say... it was okay (still felt like hell during the exam because it’s Literature) managed time during exam slightly better, I didn’t panic as much, but that’s about it lmao i’m crossing my fingers for a low 70s and double crossing for an A. i wasn’t able to or simply didn’t contribute much effort/time to literature this semester, so a B wouldn’t really be a fuck-i-tried-so-hard-why-did-i-get-this-grade kind of punch in the gut, but it would be really nice to not break an all A streak... but I highly suspect I will get a B
Methods (maths): exam was harder than i expected. hoping for a 90s though, a mark that wont bring my average down. i think i was best prepared for methods compared to other subjects, emphasis on COMPARED to other subjects. -_- 
Physics: ahh physics. a whole debacle happened during the exam, please see below. other than that the exam was... kind of expected difficulty? which is difficult, but it wasn’t terrible-terrible. i’m hoping for an 80s. i really can’t hope for much, i was probably delirious half the time. i did manage to ‘finish’ (attempt every question) though i wish i got more time... i couldn’t double check many questions and there was this one question i wanted to spend more time on but oh well... 
summary: i threw up once before the exam, twice during.  
ate a blueberry bagel with cream cheese, with some salmon on top for breakfast. looking back, it was probably the salmon. 
didn’t feel good after. got to school feeling pretty sick in the stomach and a pretty bad headache.... which escalated to one of the worst headaches ive had in the last 3 years in 20 minutes 
at this point i could tell something was wrong and that i was about to throw up 
went to the toilet, tried to throw up whatever was causing pain to my body, but couldn’t. only ended up scaring away some poor kid in the next cubicle 
FIRST TIME: left toilet. sit still for 10 minutes outside, feeling progressively worse. go back to the toilet, then throw up a lot. gargle, wash face, go back to find everyone filing into the exam room. 
feeling slightly better at this point since ive thrown up (i thought i had emptied most of my stomach by then. spoiler alert: no) and decide internally to just do the exam. (if i don’t, then i would have to fill out some form, probably do the exam way later. too annoying) 
SECOND TIME: so i sit the exam. 5-6 minutes into reading time, i feel another wave of throwing up coming. i raise my hand, i’m at the very back of the hall, so examiner takes a bit to notice. my brainwashed ass brain thinks i can’t stand up and leave without the examiners spoken permission, so i persist in sitting in my seat for around 10 seconds until she’s there, i’m already throwing up in my mouth at this point. finally something snaps and i make a break for the toilet, but it’s too late and i throw up all over the floor. in the exam hall. Fuck. i immediately apologise on the spot. 
examiner leads me to toilet. i throw up some more. gargle, wash face. she asks me to step outside for a couple of minutes for fresh air and i do. 5 minutes later she comes back and asks me if i want to continue the exam. i say yes. we go back in, the vomit is gone from the floor. she moves my seat closer to the exit, and tells me i can bolt out whenever i need to throw up. i sit the exam. 
some time after this, the other examiner leaves a vomit bag next to me just in case
THIRD TIME: an hour in? i feel another wave coming. i grab the vomit bag, make a dash for the toilets but the stupid old door won’t open properly. the examiner helps me open the door and i throw up in the toilets, in the vomit bag this time. it’s not as much as the previous two times. tie up the bag, throw it in the bin, gargle, wash face. 
instinctively i feel that this is the last time i’ll throw up, that i’ve truly emptied everything from my stomach this time. headache is way weaker at this point. 
go back in and examiner asks me if i’m really sure i want to continue the exam, whether or not if i want to fill in a form excusing myself from the exam. i say no.
about an hour left in the exam, which i sit in utter peace 
didn’t get any extra time. 
apologised to some people around me after the exam while filing out of the hall... i suffered but they did too. 
went home and drank some stomach soothing tea. slept
ate porridge for the next 2 days. 
Chemistry: it was.... okay. i did finish and attempt every question. there were a couple of questions in multiple choice i was iffy about and a question in short answer i was like um... what? to, but other than that it was.... eh. i didn’t study much for it, so whatever mark i get i deserve. if i do defend myself it was 3 days after the shit show that was the physics exam, and i felt sick for at least a day after.... but yeah. should’ve tried more. 
during reading time, the examiner who saved my life put the vomit bag on my desk in the physics exam came and asked me if i was feeling better 
i said i’m feeling good thanks : ) 
like an hour later? i feel sickness coming. not stomach this time, just general sickness. somehow i get a fever and subsequently, the FLU in the middle of the chem exam- 
i highly suspect i got it from the examiner 
come back home to find out that i really do have a fever
this was yesterday. yes i’m sick now. like, more sick. 
Chinese: this was today. i’m still kind of too traumatised to reflect on it properly. Chinese is the only subject that ive studied the yr 12 course for this year, so this exam really counts. like 35% of my final grade counts kind of counts. and i did pretty bad. like pretty bad. it was definitely more difficult than the mock exams, and the recordings in listening section were quicker than previous years. the writing section was... traumatising while writing i kind of had a wave of anxiety/panic hit me? i could feel my heartbeat my face was burning and i started sweating ;-; and even the reading section, which is usually okay, was a bit hard. i’ll get the marks back and my final grade for this subject in December - we’ll see until then. got a slightly overdue birthday present before the exam tho :) 
So yup. that’s my exam season. i’m typing this instead of studying for my maths exam day after tomorrow but hey, i’m sick and need rest, right? 
overall, these exams i managed to keep control of my stress a bit better, i wasn’t so overwhelmed like last time. last semester i could barely live, literally. this time i made the habit of living at the library which i found really helpful and comparatively productive, i’ll definitely be using that strategy more often. i’m just glad i managed to study SOMETHING or prepare for exams explicitly this time, because i was simply too overwhelmed to do that last time. i improved. maybe not by much, maybe it doesn’t seem like much, but it’s better than none... 
i’m not saying i don’t have regrets or shortcomings in these exams. i definitely do. DeFinITEly. but doesn’t mean i didn’t improve. i did improve. just, maybe not as much as i wanted. 
i really learned to the bone this time that learning during the semester is so, so important. i think that’s just a wisdom i’ll have to carry through the rest of my academic career. 
wish me luck for my maths exam on Thursday 
my friends and ive already planned an outing for after the exams :) 
also getting overdue birthday presents next monday! :D 
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xbaepsae · 6 years
private tutor | part two (m)
“As you move your lips against his, you can’t stop thinking about how crazy this is. You’re kissing your tutor, and you like it. A lot more than you should.”
[tutor!namjoon x reader]
genre: college!au, humor, smut, kind of fluffy-ish
word count: 5.1k
a/n: here is part two (also a reupload). i added a few things, but besides this, it’s the same. part three will be here shortly. enjoy! xoxo
part one / part two / part three
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Tomorrow comes faster than you anticipate it to.
You wake up feeling anxious; thoughts of the unknown swam back and forth through your mind most of the night, keeping you wide awake. And it also doesn’t help that you’re starting to feel your stomach sink at the thought of meeting with Namjoon later. For a brief moment, you consider not leaving your room—maybe you just won’t show up for the tutoring session. But then you think about how badly you need that passing grade in chemistry, and such anxious thoughts begin to fade away. Sort of.
“Are you seriously going to meet up with Namjoon today?” You watch Ara take a step closer to your bed, which you have not bothered to leave yet even though it’s pushing noon, with her arms crossed over her chest. Her piercing eyes give you a look that makes you want to pull your covers over your head and reconsider not going to see him again.
“I have to,” is all you can say.
Your roommate sighs, “Well then, I guess you better get out of bed—don’t you have chemistry today?”
“No,” you shake your bedhead, “she gave us the day off.”
You are referring to your professor, the lady you went to beg on your knees to that one day, who has so graciously allowed the class to have a mental health day—or really, just a day to cram information before finals come up in a few weeks. The idea is nice and all, but there is no way you can do it alone. You have never been too great at studying; that is why you really, really need Namjoon’s help.
“Damn. I wish my professors would give us mental health days too.”
In comparison to you, Ara is doing well in all of her classes. When midterms happened a month ago, she aced all of her exams. Then again, you’re not too surprised. The girl does spend an awful lot of her free time in various tutoring sessions and at the library.
“You’re doing well anyway,” you reassure her.
Ara offers you a smile before her phone beeps. “I’ve got to head to class—let me know how your day goes. I want a full report later when I see you!”
You watch her wave goodbye, and you do the same, before the door shuts and you finally get out of bed. Walking to the little sink in your room, you brush your teeth and wash the sleep out of your eyes. Once you’re done, you put some weather appropriate clothes on—it’s supposedly cooler than yesterday, thank goodness—and your makeup before grabbing your backpack and leaving the room.
Halfway down the hall of your dormitory, you suddenly realize that Namjoon never gave you a set time to meet him. Panic fills you at the thought that he could be waiting for you at this very moment. And thus, you find yourself practically running to the library.
When you get there, despite the actual cooler weather, you’re sweating and out of breath. But luckily, there’s no soon-to-be-tutor in sight yet and you’re relieved. You decide to walk inside the library and order a coffee at the miniature café inside, taking a seat by the window once the barista hands you a steaming latte. Hopefully, by sitting here, Namjoon will see you because there is no way you’re going to wait for the guy outside—especially if you don’t know when he will arrive.
To pass the time, you pull out all of your chemistry notes and attempt to order them by units and different topics. But you find this to be a little difficult since you have, unfortunately, taken pretty shitty notes. There’s one sheet you find that doesn’t even have words on in—just a page of doodles. You’re horrible, y/n. However, all is not lost since you brought your textbook. Flipping through it, you make a few mental notes on different topics that you know you’re struggling with.
You don’t know how much time has passed, but you’re so focused on your notes that you don’t notice the pair of eyes burning holes into your skin. Looking up, you see Namjoon standing right by the double doors of the library. Immediately, you freeze at his expression. Oh shit. Should you be worried? Maybe you should consider digging your own grave.
“I told you to meet me outside the library…and you’re inside.”
“I-I just,” you stutter, “I didn’t know what time you wanted to meet, so…I decided just to wait and see if you’d swing by.”
He walks to where you’re sitting and towers over you, dressed in a crisp light gray button up and fitted black jeans. His glasses sit high on his nose again today, and his hair is styled to perfection. Namjoon makes you feel awfully underdressed for the occasion, in your baggy sweater and leggings, and you don’t like it—even though you have to admit he looks really good.
“Ready to study?” his voice is like velvet, and you respond immediately by fervently nodding your head.
Namjoon looks at you for another few seconds before nodding once, turning around and walking back towards the entrance. Quickly, you shove your things back into your backpack and follow him, but it’s hard to keep up since his tall frame is able to walk much farther and faster than you. How are some people so blessed to look like that—a whole Greek god—while you look like this? It just doesn’t seem fair.
As you follow behind him, he doesn’t say anything. Despite the lack of conversation, you can’t help but notice how he walks; with his back straight and a single hand tucked into the pocket of his jeans, he walks with an air of absolute confidence. And to everyone you pass, you watch as their eyes seem to follow his every move.
But Namjoon doesn’t seem to notice—or care, really. He just goes on his way as girls practically fall to their feet before him. You don’t bother to bring this fact up; instead, you choose to just be quiet.
After walking for a few minutes, and more than halfway across campus, Namjoon takes a turn into one of the new housing buildings on campus. You only know this fact because on your first school tour, a year before you began attending, they just started creating the foundation for the building. The closer you both get to the door, he pulls out his ID card and scans it.
He pushes the slightly ajar door open and says, “Ladies first.”
You offer an awkward smile before walking in. Behind you, you hear Namjoon follow and the door shut tightly behind him.
“So, where do I go?” you ask, looking in front of you at the empty lobby of the dormitory. You turn around and take a sharp inhale when you realize how close Namjoon is. Between the two of you, only a few inches of space exists and your only reaction is to suddenly take a step back.
He smiles at your shocked state, “We can take the elevator.”
“Elevator,” you whisper more to yourself and see the shiny metal doors in the center of the lobby. You walk over there and press the button that lights up and opens the elevator doors. You tell Namjoon that he can walk in first, since he lives here, and then you follow behind him—which leaves you standing right in front of him. Fucking great.
As the doors shut, you ask him what number to press and he tells you that he lives on the third floor. You press the blinking number three button and feel the gears of the machine begin to work. The entire ride up three floors has you sweating—god, you’re sweating a lot these days—and you can feel the heat emanating off of Namjoon’s body; the scent of whatever cologne he’s wearing permeates the tight space. All of the sensory overloads makes it hard for you to think straight, and you don’t know how to shake it off.
Eventually, after what seems like years, the elevator finally reaches the third floor and you can breathe again. You walk out first, inhaling deeply, and move to the side, letting Namjoon lead the way to his room. He walks down the left side of the hall and to his door, which is the last one on the right. As he proceeds to open his door, you look around the floor and realize that there aren’t many rooms up here.
It seems like there are half the amount of rooms here, in comparison to your own dormitory hall. And it makes you curious to see the inside of his room. Namjoon unlocks his room with his keycard and pushes the door open, walking inside. The door moves further open and you’re surprised at how big his room is. It looks to be about twice the size of your own room and furnished much nicer. Also, there was a striking difference…
“You live alone?” There is only one bed.
He throws his keys onto the white duvet covering the bed and faces you. “Yes.”
“Perks of being an upperclassman, huh?” you smile, even though you’re feeling a bit envious that your living conditions are so much worse and you have to share it all with someone. But then again, you like having a roommate—or at least, you like Ara. You’ve heard horror stories about terrible roommates, so you’re happy that you and Ara get along.
“I suppose.”
You fully walk into his room and let the door fall to a close. “Ready to study?”
Namjoon has a keen ear and notices you repeated his words from earlier. He tells you to set your things on his bed and that you both can get situated at his desk. Moving some of the things on his desk around, you pull out your chemistry textbook and the notes you were looking at in the library. He tells you that you can sit in the rolling chair as he pulls another one from the corner of his room.
“So, if I ever tutor anyone,” he begins, and you catch onto his use of the word if, “I like to ask them what they already know—there’s no point in asking what you don’t understand about a subject.”
You proceed to tell him that you took basic chemistry in high school, a class you made an A in, and that’s all you remember. Clearly, your high school teacher failed you in terms of actually soaking up the information and keeping it with you forever. As you say this, he looks at you rather thoughtfully, which you appreciate. At least he isn’t looking at you like you’re an idiot.
“That’s basically it,” you conclude.
He nods, “That’s good—knowing the basics is the foundation of everything. Rome wasn’t built in one night.”
“But finals are soon.”
“Y/n, I’m positive I can bring your failing grade up to a solid C average.” In your head, the motto C’s get degrees runs continuously through your mind. You also realize that it’s the first time Namjoon has said your name all day.
You hand your notes to him and frown when he just tosses them to the side. “Hey—I worked hard on those. I even made mental notes on what I’m having trouble with.”
“You wrote gibberish.” He wasn’t lying. “We’ll just use the book—along with your mental notes.”
Over the course of the next hour or so, you sit mesmerized as Namjoon goes from unit to unit and explains everything in detail. He flips from page to page fast but condenses the information enough so that you are able to comprehend it. And surprisingly, he makes all this stuff seem easy and it actually makes sense to your brain. Slowly, but surely, you start seeing the bigger picture and how everything connects together.
“How are you so good at this?” you question as he moves onto a new chapter in the book. “I mean, aren’t you majoring in philosophy?”
You catch a small smile on his face. “I prefer spending my days reading Descartes's theories about substance, but I’m just good at everything.”
“Okay,” you laugh, rolling your eyes a bit.
“But no really, my IQ is 148 so I just pick things up easily.”
Damn. “148? That’s impressive.”
He shrugs and then quickly explains an example of thermodynamics. “You know, I like being this intelligent and all, but it can honestly become a little mundane. People become very uninteresting after a while.”
“Is that why you live alone?” you ask.
“Yes, but I also prefer to be alone as well.”
You make an o with your mouth. “I’m sorry if it seems like I’m intruding then.”
The last thing you want to do is make him uncomfortable. But he waves your comment away. “It’s okay, y/n. I don’t mind people…once in a while.”
“Good,” you smile, and this time you mean it—teeth showing and all. And for a moment, his eyes move to your lips and lingers there. You wonder briefly if there is something in your teeth, but before you can ask he’s already flipped a page in the textbook.
Another hour goes by in a breeze and by this point, you don’t know if you can fit another bit of information in your brain. You swear that you’ve learned more in this short study session than you have the whole entire semester. It’s sad, but the truth. With all this newfound knowledge, you can feel a headache begin to pulsate at your temples and coax its way over your whole head. But you don’t voice your thoughts out loud, mainly because Namjoon is still rolling through the textbook.
Instead, you suck it up and continue writing down whatever he says. Despite your best efforts to pay attention and keep your growing headache at bay, you manage to zone out a few times. Perhaps, that is why you’re failing; you have the attention span of a fly.
“Hmm?” You look at Namjoon, blinking a few times.
He sets down your chemistry book. “You’re zoning out.”
“No, I’m not,” you insist, picking up the book, “I was totally paying attention to your explanation about…” you look down at the opened page and land on the first example you see, “the different levels of energy.”
“I just turned to a random page.”
Oh god, how embarrassing. You laugh to relieve the awkward air and then clear your throat, “Okay…well, continue please.”
With your pen back in your hand and your eyes on the book, you wait for Namjoon to forget you completely didn’t pay attention to a word he said for god knows how long. But as you burn holes into the small print on paper, he doesn’t budge. What is taking him so long?
“Do I make you nervous, y/n?”
You look up from the textbook, eyes wide. What the hell? “Umm…no.”
Namjoon twists his head to the side, “So, you wouldn’t react if I did this?”
Without a warning, he begins to trail his fingertips over the fabric of your thin, legging clad thigh. He barely makes contact with your body, but you part your lips in a silent gasp anyway. This seems to produce the right reaction that Namjoon wants because he smiles widely and moves closer to you.
“I think you like me, y/n,” he says, eyes boring into yours. “But I don’t blame you, though—half this school population feels the same way.”
“For someone who claims to be somewhat anti-social, you’re so full of yourself,” you roll your eyes. “I don’t like you. I mean, I literally just met you yesterday.”
He only seems to be getting more and more amused by the minute. “Sure, but you don’t not like me.”
“Whatever,” you dismiss and focus back on your book. “Aren’t you supposed to be tutoring me, Namjoon?”
“Don’t you think your little brain has had enough today?” he asks, and he’s not wrong—you were mentally complaining about all the studying earlier. But you raise a brow at the mention of your small brain, feeling slightly insulted. Just because Kim Namjoon has an IQ of 148 doesn’t mean— “Besides, I want part of my payment now.”
The payment. Your heart begins to race in your chest. The events from your first encounter with him yesterday resurface in your mind, and you can still feel the moment he brought a finger to run along your jawline. The memory of his touch is burned in you forever.
“I’m a broke college student,” you use the phrase everyone your age uses these days as an excuse, but Namjoon doesn’t seem to have it. He shakes his head, leaning closer to you. As he moves nearer, he mentions something about money and how he doesn’t want that kind of payment from you.
“Y/n, I only tutor if it’s a mutual reciprocation; I give and you give. I have already tutored you for the majority of the afternoon—an abundance of my precious time. Therefore, for you,” he leans in closer, “it’s time to pay up.”
And before you can make another lame excuse, his lips are on yours.
He tastes of slight mint and you don’t know what comes over you, but you kiss him back. It’s a natural reaction and Namjoon seems pleased that you’re responding to his advance. As you move your lips against his, you can’t stop thinking about how crazy this is. You’re kissing your tutor, and you like it. A lot more than you should.
Slowly, you begin to feel the temperature around you start to rise and suddenly all your different layers of clothes feel too hot; too much. And it doesn’t help the fact that Namjoon has brought a hand to curve around your waist, burning through to your skin. You pull your lips away from him, feeling too warm for comfort. He frowns immediately, asking what you’re doing. You tell him it’s too damn hot in his room, which he slyly smirks and says, “I have that effect on people.”
“You’re so—” just as you’re about to call him cocky, he’s lifting the edges of your sweater over your head and off your body. “Namjoon!”
“You said it’s too hot,” he smiles, pushing the bridge of his glasses up before pulling you closer and kissing you again.
Without the extra piece of clothing on you, you feel exposed in your barely covered torso. But that thought is tossed out the window when his lips move from yours, down to your jaw, and then to your neck. He begins to suck slowly, tickling your skin and you can’t help the moan that suddenly leaves your mouth. Embarrassment floods in a wave of pink onto your cheeks at your reaction, and you can feel Namjoon smirk against your skin.
He continues to suck at the delicate skin of your neck, for sure leaving a mark there, and you let out another few breathless moans. Namjoon was only kissing your neck and you were already having this sort of reaction. A part of you couldn’t wait for more.
Your eyes close on their own accord at the feeling. You’ve kissed plenty of other boys before, but never did many of them pay so much attention to other parts of your body. Namjoon’s lips dip a bit lower to your chest and at this point, you’re leaning back against the chair with your back arched a bit. Just as you expect his lips to move even lower, he moves away from you and you open your eyes.
“Move to the bed,” is all he says and you do it right away, pushing your things onto the floor.
Settling yourself there, Namjoon towers over you and bites his bottom lip. He removes his glasses, setting them down on the desk, and then proceeds to unbutton his shirt. As you begin to see the smooth skin of his chest peeking through with each unbutton, you’re suddenly very mentally aware of what is about to happen. You should be freaking out, but you’re more excited than anything.
Once he reaches the last button and strips his shirt off his body, he gives you that smirk again, “Take off your bra.”
You wet your lips at his command, nodding before leaning up to unclasp your bra. Namjoon watches as you slowly remove it from your body, letting the straps dangle in your hand before you toss the bra on the floor. He stares at your chest, lips parted, and brings both his hands down to cup your breast.
He squeezes each of them and pinches your nipples, in which you elicit a moan from the roughness of his hands. Namjoon continues to play with your breasts, loving the way they bounce in his hands and how your nipples harden so pretty.
“Fuck,” he groans and moves his lips back to yours. Without anything acting as a barrier between you and Namjoon, your nipples graze against his torso and it feels amazing.
Namjoon kisses you with so much fervor—a hand tangled in your hair and the other still clutching onto one breast. Your own hands are also in his hair, weaving your fingers through his lighter locks. You slightly tug at his hair, which only makes him kiss you harder. He bites your lips and grazes his tongue against yours. And this is just kissing; you can’t even begin to imagine what’s next.
You get your answer when Namjoon begins to move his hands down past your belly button and to the waistband of your leggings. He remarks at how great these leggings make your ass look before tugging them down your hips and legs—underwear and all. He only lifts his lips off of yours to help you get your clothing past your ankles. When you’re fully naked, he gives your body a once over a runs a thumb over his bottom lip.
“What?” you question, feeling super exposed. Unconsciously, your legs come together and thighs clench at the way Namjoon looks at you.
“Lovely,” he says once he’s making eye contact with you again, and you blush because you can’t help it.
“Aren’t you going to get naked too?” you ask, motioning to his still very clothed bottom half.
He gives you a half-smile, “No need to rush.”
You roll your eyes at his words. “Whatever.”
Even though you’re exposed in front of Namjoon right now, you don’t feel too terribly awkward. Yes, his actions are rather forward but it’s strangely comfortable.
“We have time,” he tells you and then sets a hand on one of your thighs. “So, spread your legs, baby girl.”
Your lips part slightly at his words; he was extremely forward. But you do as he says, slowly inching your legs apart. As you spread your legs, Namjoon massages your thigh while whispering for you to move just a little wider. This leaves your legs spread to nearly the corners of his bed and even more exposed to him than before. “Like this?”
Who knows where you find the guts to say those two little words, but you do and the reaction you get from Namjoon is everything. “You look so fucking hot like that, baby girl.”
Hearing that pet name again does something to you; deep in the pits of your stomach, you begin to feel a slow ache move through your body, and it’s both a delicious and painful feeling.
Namjoon now has two hands on both of your thighs, teasing up and down; moving close and then far away from the place where you’re beginning to ache the most. And then just when you think you can’t handle it anymore, his fingers begin to rub your clit. You throw your head back onto the bed, the pressure feeling so good.
“Fuck, y/n, you’re so wet already,” he hisses, rubbing up and down your slit. “So ready for me, huh?”
You moan, telling him that you need more—to which he just smirks down at you and then stops moving his fingers immediately.
“What the hell?” you groan.
“Tell me how bad you want it,” Namjoon says.
You bite your lip, “Badly.”
“Are you sure about that?” he raises a brow. “Because I can’t tell if you really do.”
To prove his point, Namjoon begins to tease you again. He touches you everywhere but the place where you need release the most. You move your hips slightly, trying to gain some sort of friction, but he presses a hand over your stomach to stop you.
“Touch me, Namjoon,” you boldly say.
One side of his lips rises into a smirk, “Touch you where?”
“With what?” he asks. “My hands?”
You nod your head adamantly, telling that you want exactly that. Despite your desperation, he still doesn’t budge from where he stands in front of you. “Namjoon…”
“Or how about my mouth, baby girl? I bet you’d like that even more.”
Oh fuck. You nearly hit your high on the spot. This back and forth teasing made you so turned on. “Anything, Namjoon. Please, please just touch me. I need it—I need you.”
You nearly cringe at how whiny you’ve become in the timespan of a few minutes, but you’re desperate for some sort of release from the hell Namjoon has been putting you in. You really do want him to touch you, and you don’t care how he does it. All you know is that his teasing has put you in a lot of pain. “Okay, if you say so, baby girl.”
Namjoon spreads your legs again and then crouches on the floor. He pulls your hips to the edge of the bed, so his head is right there aligned to your core, and begins to lick up and down slowly. Your hips lift off the bed immediately upon contact, but both of his strong hands push you down as he continues working his mouth on you.
After one or two slow tongue movements, he finally gives in and begins to suck on your clit—hard. He flicks his tongue against your sensitive little nub and it feels so good. You let out a string of moans and fist his hair in your hands. “Fuck—yes.”
While he applies pressure to your clit with his mouth, one of his hands reaches up to caress your breasts and pinch your nipples. Your back arches from pleasure and you grip his head in-between your hands, gently beginning to grind your hips. You cry out his name, feeling yourself getting closer and closer to that release you’re craving so bad.
“Getting close, baby girl?” he asks against your lower lips. You can only nod, still moving against his face.
Looking down, you notice that Namjoon is staring up at you, making direct eye contact, as he continues to lick and suck your juices. The image makes you feel even hotter, pushing you closer to the edge.
“Namjoon,” your voice is shaky as you shut your eyes, feeling yourself nearly there.
“Come for me, baby girl,” he prods, suddenly shoving two fingers inside of you.
And that’s when stars cloud your vision as your body convulses through your orgasm. He rides out your high until you can’t handle the sensitivity anymore and push him away. As he pulls his finger out of you, bringing them to his mouth to suck, you lay on his bed covered in a sheen of sweat, feeling completely satisfied. You look at Namjoon, who has since moved to sit on the bed, heart skipping a beat at his equally sweaty body and mess hair.
“Thanks,” you tell him as you sit up, not really knowing what else to say.
He pushes his hair back, nodding, “Ditto—you taste amazing.”
You flush at his words and he gives you a look that sends your body into another frenzy. Moving forward, you close the gap between the two of you and kiss him. On his lips, you can taste a bit of yourself and you want more. You push yourself closer to him, arms wrapping around his neck. You’re about to tell him that you need him, but your phone suddenly rings and the both you of break away to look at the desk. You walk over and pick it up, noticing that Ara is calling you.
“Hello?” you answer, turning around to sneak a glance at Namjoon—who looks so ridiculously sexy right now, you don’t even know what to do with yourself.
“Y/n? Where the fuck are you?” Why does she sound so aggressive?
You frown. “Studying, why?”
From the other side of the phone, you hear her sigh, “Oh my god, you forgot…didn’t you?”
“Forgot what?”
“We were supposed to come to the game tonight, together.”
And that’s when you gasp and scream, “Shit!”
“How could you forget, y/n—we talked about this the other day! It’s one of the final games of the season and you promised to help me out!”
Ara is a part of the fundraising committee that always has a booth at various school events—like games and such—and they sell merch or food to raise a little money to give back to non-profit organizations. You’ve helped her out a few times already this semester, and promised you’d help again tonight since there’d be a lot of people. However, tonight, it totally slips your mind.
“I lost track of time, sorry,” you say and check the time, eyes widening when you realize it’s already nearing six o’clock.
“Just hurry, okay.”
She hangs up on you and you run to put on your clothes and grab your things. Just as you pull your sweater over your head, Namjoon stands in front of you. Shit.
“Everything okay?” he asks.
You shake your head. “I forgot about a thing I promised my roommate I’d do…and I’m running late and she’s really mad at me.”
“Yeah, I could hear her from where I was sitting.” You flush again from the fact that he heard you getting chewed out by Ara.
“I’m sorry you had to hear that,” you say, slinging your backpack over your shoulders, “but I really have to go.”
Namjoon just nods, slipping his glasses back onto his face. “We can study again another time.”
“Sure—we can do it at my place next time, if you want.”
He nods again and you brush the hair out of your face before running out the door, to the elevator. As you get inside and press the button for the first floor, you let out a deep breath and try to calm your dramatically racing heart.
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as-studypeach · 6 years
Eradicate “Smart Kid” Norms
The goal of this post is to raise awareness to damaging behaviour towards a group otherwise ignored due to their academic prowess and supposedly problem-free lives, but not to hurt or offend other people. Fine if you agree that school isn’t important, but this is purely an education-based opinion.
 - hate being compared to 
if you are the top of your class, every test is a problem. people will turn around when they get a result and try to see yours in order to evaluate themselves instead of take the grade they’ve been awarded. for example, instead of accepting you got a B, you see that the “smart kid” got a C and instantly feel better about yourself, or vice versa if they got more than you. this kind of behaviour is not only damaging to who you’re comparing to (since people often express their negative views on their grades towards you, commonly getting the “of course you would get an A” or “I can’t believe I got more than you!”) but also to yourself - of course in school you’re taught to compare yourself, but your biggest competitor is yourself and you should always be aiming to outdo your best attempt rather than what the “swot” gets.
- need to be supported regardless of their grades
a particularly sad experience I personally have is collecting my exam results last year. I went in with all my friends, they got their envelopes, jumped up and down in joy at what they got ... it came to my turn, I saw what I got, I turned around to tell them - and they told me not to say a thing. they didn’t want to know! to an extent, I get this (see previous point about comparative self-worth) but when you achieve something, you wanted to be recognised and appreciated, especially by your friends. telling your smart friend not to share what they got on a paper is purely bad friendship - everyone’s successes, no matter how small or frequent, deserve to be celebrated.
- aren’t always bragging
this is a problem I’m facing even now. they rarely talk about their achievements or grades in fear of being disliked or viewed as competition. if somebody gets an A on a mock, they feel like they can barely say a thing because they don’t want to come off as lacking modesty or over-confident. how do you say things about how well you’re doing without offending, belitting or annoying other people?
- shouldn’t carry your group projects
all I’m going to say on this one is that if you let the “smart kid” do all the work in school, you’re wasting your own time. if you have to be in lesson for fifty minutes anyway, you might as well learn, rather than waste another fifty minutes elsewhere revising for your exam!
- don’t always revise
some people revise. others don’t. be nice to your local “smart kid” - don’t assume they revised all day and night for that A, that they put in 100% effort all the time to validate yourself, or get mad when you hear them say they didn’t revise or are screwed for a test. People frequently don’t revise for tests since they have more important exams coming up for but it’s not their fault if they still get a decent grade. some people are more suited towards a particular subject and that’s okay, because you are too!
- have just as many worries
smart kids have worries too. they still fear about university applications, tests, job interviews, boyfriends, all the jazz that everyone else does. competency in a subject doesn’t ensure you a place. the worrying fact that exists is that there will always be someone smarter, someone more experienced, someone generally better than you, regardless of whether you are smart or not, therefore you shouldn’t get frustrated at people who are worried when you think they shouldn’t be.
- aren’t always well-behaved
they don’t all wear glasses. they don’t not have social lives. they don’t all care about school. just like everyone else, intelligence means squat if you’re not having fun. whilst you should always respect the school system, don’t assume that being smart means not making jokes or goofing off, or that doing those things will impact your intellectual performance in any way.
- have bad days
yes, I know I knew the answer yesterday. yes, I know I can do better than that. yes, smart kids have bad days! if an overachiever gets a lower mark than usual, be nice. it may make you feel good to have done better than the “nerd” but imagine how they feel about it if they are academically-conscious. if they’re nice to you, be nice to them. that’s all there is to it.
- want to help you
of course “smart kids” aren’t out to get you, they will obviously give you assistance if you ask for it. nonetheless copying someone’s work or getting them to do the work for you is wrong. it’s unfair to ask the “smart kid” for last night’s homework if you didn’t do it, or coast off their work because they sit a desk too close to you. keep your integrity when doing work.
- aren’t only good at academic subjects
2018 should be the year we reject the concept that only STEM subjects count, that anyone who majors in English or Art or Drama isn’t as intelligent as someone who does physics. recognise a degree for a degree, talent for talent, ability for ability. anybody can be a “smart kid”, it doesn’t mean you have to score perfect As or have some quantifiable measure. redefine smart to mean knowledgeable and suddenly everyone you know, even you, is a smart kid.
- can only have an academic job
leading on from this, don’t think that someone’s ability defines their future career. someone could be a killer biologist but want to go into dancing. let them! it’s their choice and nobody should be defining it as wasted potential.
- don’t feel intellectually superior
chances are, they don’t care about intelligence. it’s nice to have but you know what’s nicer? talking about Netflix, or football, or other interests with their friends we’re not numbers and grades, we’re people with passions, and intellect is a small part of a huge thing called personality that everyone has. especially at school age, an A* student isn’t thinking they can’t be friends with a D student. they’re thinking about what they’re having for dinner tonight, and when they can next hang out with their best friend.
- should never be belitted by teacher
finally, this is a general point that has affected a million students regardless of ability. teachers deserve respect but they can also lose it if they begin to treat the class unlike equals. smart kids may stereotypically be seen as teacher’s pets but in reality, it is often the other way round. they can’t count the times a teacher has deliberately skipped them when searching for an answer, even if they’re the only one with a hand up, or the amount of times they’ve been asked not to contribute, on both hands. everyone is entitled to an education so fair enough if a teacher wants to push less talkative students, but if it gets to the point where a smart kid has been stopped from talking for lessons on end, put on the spot with a particularly mean question or been downright bullied by the person who is supposed to be fair, speak up. the effects of being dampened can be long-lasting and hurtful, resulting in smart kids who no longer participate or enjoy school.
Again, this post wasn’t meant to offend anyone, or put myself up on a pedestal as a “smart kid”. Of course, there are positives to doing well at school, like good job opportunities and academic success, but I see lots of awareness raised for students who don’t do so good and feel like there should be balanced representation out here. The general moral from all of this is that everyone in education should be treated with respect and allowed to develop surrounded by support from peers and teachers regardless of their ability. This includes underachievers, overachievers, the coasters, the tryhards - any name you have for a type of student - 2018 is the year we’re eradicating education-based shaming.
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jackbeiste · 5 years
stumblin’ in [jack + sebastian]
characters: jack beiste and sebastian smythe (@sebastiansmythejoie)
date: october 15
note: jack wants to study, and sebastian feels surprisingly okay with it
warnings: minor explicit mentions
He did feel a bit insecure about his sex life... perhaps not really the active sex life itself, but rather the way he quite enjoyed submitting to men... that he didn't actually know that well at all. It wasn't like he hadn't had his kinks during his solo sessions, but... he was truly getting an appetite for it. But the asks the other night made him hesitate. He felt embarrassed at the idea that people knew what he was doing. Whenever he had thought about sex before either Valerian or Sebastian, the realistic fantasies had always been... more making love. Now? He wasn't sure what the fuck was going on. Instead of cancelling on Sebastian, he decided that they were perfectly capable of doing something else - even if his idea of going to the library together was easily abandoned. Still, he actually felt quite relaxed as he knocked on Sebastian's door; strangely excited in a way to do something that didn't include getting their clothes off for once.
Sebastian was looking forward to seeing Jack again, he was almost surprised the boy hadn't cancelled after yesterdays ordeal with the invasive internet people who seemed so interested in Jack's sex life. The younger man didn't exactly seem happy about how much was being shared but Seb wasn't ashamed and clearly neither was Val. He was just happy Jack hadn't been put off enough that he didn't want to see Bas again. Sebastian laughed at his phone seeing the text about studying and shook his head. Sure studying. Bas poured himself a drink as he closed his books for the night, not actually expecting to look at them again. He needed a drink though, things had been tough with Kat and Val recently and now that fencing competition season was close he was back to consuming nothing more elicit than a stiff drink. "Hello handsome" Bas smiled, opening the door for Jack, he chuckled seeing the books in Jacks arms.
"Hey," he said softly, stepping inside. He had to admit, it felt a bit weird. It was the first time he'd meet up with Sebastian without... well, without sex being involved. He hoped the brunette would be okay with that. "I brau.... brought snacks to.. too." He walked over to place his books on Sebastian's table, shrugging his bag off to start piling up all his study snacks next to the books.
Sebastian watched Jack with interest, again noticing the speech impediment but choosing to not mention it. Too many times in the past he had ended up in horrible situations because of things people couldn't change about themselves and Jack seemed like an honest good person and Seb didn't want to destroy that. Having someone honest and good around was what he needed right now, even if he would never admit it. "You know the only thing you needed to bring was yourself." He chuckled, but decided to go along with this plan to study, at least for a while. Seb sat down at the place at the table opposite Jack and flipped open the book on the top of his pile, taking a drink from the glass he had just poured.
Jack rolled his eyes at the comment, though unable to stop a smirk. Even if it did fluster him a lot, he liked how Sebastian had no issue commenting on that kind of stuff. The words stayed with him all day, giving him a confidence he hadn't thought possible. He shrugged his bag off, candy and baked goods welling out like he'd packed for a month away in the woods. "Did your midtem.. midterms go ok, okay?" He asked softly, opening one of his books before looking for the right notebook on his bag filled with snacks and a few other things, like a notebook or two.
Seb chuckled, his ability to make men smirk silly was one of his greatest sources of pride. "Mid-terms were as expected, A's across the board so keeping up my 3.9 GPA." He responded, with a look that said, 'I'm a genius and I know it'. "How were yours, Mr Pirates of the Caribbean?" Seb rolled his eyes in a playful mocking way, remembering Jack talking about his Pirates and the Carribean class earlier in the semester. A child-like mischievous look appeared on his face at the sight of baked goods. "Are you a baker?" He asked curiously, eyeing the treats.
Jack nodded, not entirely surprised. He studied Law, after all... or he thought so anyway. He felt too shy to ask for clarification at this point. "I... okay, I thunk. Think," He said with a slight shrug. He'd been freaking out about midterms, especially as it was his very first time, even if he'd never been too concerned with grades (to be fair, he'd only gotten grades below A or B a few times, and it had mostly been math). "Sometimes... only at Val's. These are bau... bought."
Seb tipped his head thoughtfully. "Did you not get your grades back yet? The deadline was supposed to be the 14th, that's why we had that weird camping social event so the profs could have a day full of grading." Seb rolled his eyes, teachers sure could be useless sometimes. "only at Val's" He stiffened in his seat. A flicker of something different crossed Bastian's face at the comment about Val. A lot of things in Sebastians life seemed to be hanging on that man. Seb was usually so relaxed around Jack but now he forced himself to stare at the text book in front of him reading the same sentence over and over. "How about you make me something sweet instead." Seb retorted, pushing down the feeling something was stuck in his throat.
"I did... mostly As and Bs," He replied, not as used to bragging and boasting as Sebastian seemed to be. The only reason he got good grades was because he was also passionate about the subjects in his courses after all. He glanced over at the other man with a confused look, not entirely sure why his entire demeanor had suddenly changed. Was it somethint he had said? "Now?"
Seb was slightly confused that Jack did in-fact know his grades but hadn't offered the information until Seb asked, especially when he had done well. He shrugged it off, taking another drink and grabbing a snack from the pile Jack had created on his dining table. "Sure, why not, unless you only bake for your special friend." He teased, letting humour cover his thoughts.(edited)
"He's not...," Jack murmured, feeling his cheeks heat up. He knew Valerian and Sebastian had talked about him, and it made him a little nervous. "We're so.. supposed to studi.. study," He countered, looking over at the older man with a raised eyebrow. At least it wasn't sex he was suggesting, Jack reasoned with himself. Then again, baking had been the thing that somehow turned into sex at Valerian's. "Can you kv.. quiz me instead?"
"That blush suits you handsome." Sebastian chuckled, it was easy to disarm Jack and he liked that. "Fine let's study." He rolled his eyes playfully, sticking his tongue out at Jack. Bas would never admit to any kind of jealousy and would do everything in his power to cover it and his playful expression was aiming to do just that. "Do you have flash cards or something or do you want me to surprise you?" He responded, reaching for Jack's text book, pushing his own aside.
He flashed a grin at the way Sebastian stuck his tongue out, relaxing as the other man seemed to be okay after all. "Uh, there's some ques...tions at the end," he explained, gesturing for the other to turn the page. He liked the book because the quiz part was always easy but good, with concrete questions like, "where is Havana?" or "What did the Spanish mainly trade with in the Caribbean?"
Sebastian flipped though the book, skimming some of the information; he was curious by nature and this was a completely new subject to him, learning new things was one of his pleasures in life. Finally he stopped at the page labelled quiz. "Okay here's a interesting one! What relation did Mary Read have to Mark Read?"
A smile formed on his lips as Sebastian actually seemed to be looking for the chapter's study questions; it felt strange, but good, to be doing this. It wasn't all fucking with them, but it sure wasn't this. Sex was always the focus of their meetings. "All right, um...," He ran a hand through his hair thoughtfully. "Mark Read was Mary Reed, Read's alter-ego. She began dressing as a boy when she was young, and it eventually took her to the, ah, West Indies where she worked as a pirate under Jack Rackham."
Sebastian cocked his head with a smile Jack was clearly in his element with this, and he was enjoying seeing passion in Jack that wasn't just for their sexual endeavours. "Way more information than they asked for but Mary Read sounds like a girl who knows what she wants, kudos." Seb looked back down at the book, but his eyes kept flicking back up to Jack's face. "Okay next question, What did the Spanish mainly trade with in the Caribbean?"
"Yeah, but you know they'll want that part too on the eks.., exam," He shrugged, blushing slightly as he knew it was more his interest in the subject than in getting the best grade possible. "Uh, sugar and slaves."
"Is it essay questions or quick answers for the exam?" Seb asked curiously, it was unlike him to openly take an interest in another person but Jack was interesting in him and that didn't happen often beyond being interested for sex. "So tell me what does a Pirates and the Carribean class get you after college?"
"Both. At leash.. least on the midterms," Jack said, a bit thoughtfully. He quite liked it that way, even if he sometimes felt they used the wrong format for the wrong topics. Especially his class about witchcraft in american history. The professor loved to force them to go into details about mundane things, while the really interesting stuff only demanded quick answers; sometimes they were even just a simple three choice question. But he felt a bit uncertain wether that would interest Sebastian; he'd never been this interested in something that didn't clearly result in sex before. "Uh," he reached up to rub his temple, a small smile on his lips; both at the clear interest, and the fact taht he had no idea what he wanted to do. "It's not just pirates."
Sebastian watched Jack carefully answering his questions about his classes, paying the younger man his full attention. He was getting more curious about Jack's speech; it seemed like he had more to say but was holding back, maybe because of his impairment, Seb wanted to ask but he knew this could go the wrong way and he didn't want to end up in any situation like he had done in the past. "What else are you studying?" He asked, gently pushing Jack to elaborate, he took a long drink from his glass, keeping his eyes on the other.
He'd be lying if he didn't feel a bit surprised as well as relieved at how both Sebastian and Valerian seemed to just take his speech for what it was. It had felt more terrifying than he had expected to suddenly be in a new environment with none of his best friends around. Gabriel was there, sure, but it was different. His best friends from back home all had speech issues. But as relaxed as he felt, he still couldn't quite bring himself to talk freely. He kept the blabbering online. It made him feel safe, but he also felt limited. There was so much he wanted to say. But he supposed he also had a feeling Sebastian wasn't that interested. Perhaps the interest was simply because he didn't talk much. He doubted the older man would look as interested in what he was saying if he actually did say all he wanted to. "Uh, the wild west in popular culture. Wy.. Witches in America. All history stuff."
"So you either want to teach kindergartener's history or you want to write period novels," Seb chucked, "Those are some wild class choices. The Ancient Egyptians and Romans will be so disappointed you're going all alternative." He rolled his eyes playfully. He was surprised how utterly interesting he found Jack and wanted the other to keep talking but he knew that wasn't necessarily a wish that could be fulfilled but as long as he kept talking Seb felt he could eventually get himself in under Jack's skin.
He blushed at that, not as much at the former as the latter - Sebastian wasn't wrong about that part. "I prefer Perc.. Persia," he shrugged, covering up his trademark blush with a grin. He really did love Ancient Persia. "What do you study? You never told me." To be fair, Sebastian had told him extremely little about himself.
"Aha good old Persia, always down for a fight, but what's got you so interested?" Seb laughed, History was something he was mildly interested in but really he just wanted to know more about Jack. Seb was fine bragging about his accomplishments but terrible at sharing personal things. "I'm in the Law program. Got to have some people with their head on straight ensuring the laws in this damn country are enforced." He shrugged, yeah he really was bad at talking about himself in a way that held any substance.
"I...," Jack hesitated, not sure wether to go with the honest truth or just the truth. "I liked how it sounded in my head. I couldn't... get it right, but...," he shrugged, his speech choppier than usual as he told Sebastian something so personal. Maybe it wouldn't come off as personal, but sounds had always been personal to him. "Oh?" He smiled crookedly at that, amused at the phrasing. It seemed... very Sebastian. And he liked that.
Seb cocked his head thoughtfully; it was like seeing into Jack's soul knowing sounds were so important to him even though he struggled so much with them. A shiver went through Seb as Jack told him something that was clearly so personal; he wasn't the kind of person others usually chose to confide in. "That part of Southwestern Asia is supposed to be beautiful so if you like the name of their historic empires maybe the place will be just as fascinating." Seb mused, it was nothing to him to think of taking a trip just because he had an interest in something, plus he had a niggling part of his mind wanting to whisk Jack away. "How else do you think they will know who needs to be punished." Seb winked, not ready to tell Jack his deeper feeling on his future in law.
Jack nodded, reaching up to rub at his temple a bit nervously; something he often did when he felt vunerable or insecure. He hadn't expected to confide in Sebastian, it had just come out. He hoped the older man would be okay with it, even if he was clearly not the kind of person who liked to get personal. "I hope to c... see it one day," he said softly. He had travelled quite a bit with his father across America, but he'd never been abroad. Sometimes he wasn't sure he wanted to - afraid that reality would be a disappointment compared to the worlds he'd created in his mind. He chuckled at that, but felt a bit strange at how this made his heart buzz. He knew better than to see Sebastian like that. "You don't want to do the punishing?" He asked innocently, raising an eyebrow, as he took extra care to spell out the last word correctly.
"Maybe if you're good I'll take you" Seb winked, teasing to lighten the mood. He was enjoying seeing inside Jack but serious conversations were not something he felt comfortable with often and Jack was new in his life, though admittedly he had seen more of Jack recently than some of his fuckboys across the lifetime of their 'relationships'. "Oh punishment I can do," Seb grinned at the so called innocent look on Jack's face. "Do you want me to show you how well I can punish?" He whispered seductively, leaning over so his lips were almost touching Jack's ear as he spoke.
Jack swallowed hard at the question, almost dropping the pen he'd kept in his hand. The words, especially the way they were said, went straight to his crotch; he could feel his cock stir in his jeans. "I... yeah," he managed to get out before he could really stop himself, wanting nothing more than to be punished by Sebastian right now.
Sex hadn't been the plan today, well in Sebastian's mind it had been but they had made plans to study but here they were once again about to spiral out of control. Seb seemed even more unable to keep things PG around Jack than everyone else in his life and that was saying something considering how often things turned sexual with Sebastian.
* * * * * * * *
Jack collapsed onto the bed, body still shaking as he couldn't quite let go of the bed frame. He could tell he was going to be sore tomorrow, but right now he just felt bliss, almost sleepy bliss. He reached up just enough to be able to pull Sebastian on to the bed next to him, giving him a soft, almost thankful, kiss.
Sebastian was panting hard but had a satisfied smile on his face and the post sex haze was settling over him. In the haze he allowed Jack to pull him in close and kiss him in what felt like a very sweet way; much sweeter than the kind of kiss Seb was used to and it made him shiver; goosebumps raising on his naked body. Bas kissed Jack back almost nervously; it was without his usual hunger, instead it was slow and soft, his eyes fluttering shut and simply feeling.
He finally let go of the bed frame, his hand cupping Sebastian's cheek as he continued to kiss him; still soft, almost loving. He loved the taste of Sebastian; both bitter and sweet in a way he could never quite explain. And he loved the feeling of the other's naked body against his own, even when they were both as sweaty as now. He couldn't quite explain why, maybe it was because it was so rare - Sebastian was usually rather quick to get his pants on again, sometimes out the door before Jack had truly recovered. This was... different. His thumb stroked Sebastian's cheek, smiling into the kiss.
Seb melted into the bed, letting himself be physically close to Jack. Post sex was raw and Seb had trained himself to escape that moment as soon as possible; he could never risk letting someone fall though the cracks in that moment when emotions were running wild. Right now though Sebastian's mind and body felt clouded in a way he wasn't used to and he couldn't bring himself to run from Jack. Even the thought of staying hot and sticky was usually enough to get him moving but right now he didn't care; the feel of Jacks hot messy body against him was almost soothing. Bas parted gently from the kiss and threaded his hands gently through Jack's hair; not rough as his did during sex but rather just enough to keep the younger man close so his sweet breath was hot on Seb's face.
Jack sighed softly, a little sad the other man pulled away from the kiss but comforted by the way he ran his fingers through his hair. He leaned into his touch, his thumb still gently stroking Sebastian's cheek. He trailed one hand down to roll the condom off of the brunette, smirking at the fact that the other for once hadn't gotten around to that part yet. He removed his other hand from Sebastian's face to tie a knot on the condom, placing it as far away on the bed as possible; he'd throw it away later. Right now he just wanted to relish in the feeling of their warm, naked bodies against each other; Sebastian's soft skin sending shivers through him.
Sebastian felt a thrill try and awaken his cock as Jack reached down to touch him but his body quickly relaxed again one the other had pulled off the condom. He was feeling quite self conscious that he was clearly too distracted to even remember that. Awkwardness was begining to creep up on Sebastian, he'd never spent this long laying with someone after sex, and he wasn't a person well versed in comfortable silences. He tried to think of something to say but he was distracted by the thumb caressing his cheek. Bas had never in all his long and torrid sexual history had someone caress him like this and suddenly he was feeling so overwhelmed when years of hidden emotions, crushed down under layers of cruelty and sarcasm, tried to escape.
"I wish I didn't have to go," He murmured, his fingers running through the hair on the back of Sebastian's head; his eyes closed as he nuzzled into the pillow. He had no doubt this meant the study session had ended. Even if he wasn't expecting actual cuddling, it would be nice to just... lay there. If he wanted another turn, it was always rushed; often still too sensitive and exhausted from round one. And he would be lying if it didn't make him feel cheap sometimes,   almost expecting the older man to throw some coins at him as he rushed off. Maybe that wasn't fair - he knew what Sebastian was about, and yet he continued to see him. But it didn't make the feeling go away, or the feeling of constantly wanting just a little bit more of Sebastian for each time.
"Shame we have people to do, things to see." Sebastian chuckled, spinning the common phrase on it's head as he often did. Laying here in the quiet with Jack the world seemed to slow and for a moment that was calming, nice even, but the world was starting to spin again and everything was catching up with him. He couldn't lay here forever because it just might start to crack the foundations of the walls he had built and he couldn't risk letting them fall; he couldn't risk getting hurt. "Speaking of things to do I have a Fencing preseason practice to get to shortly."
Jack smiled small at that, though a little sadly as he knew time was up. He felt guilty about being such a bad fuck buddy, he knew what he had gotten himself into and yet, he couldn't help but expect more. It wasn't fair. "Yeah... yeah," he murmured, his hands withdrawing from Sebastian, not sure he could bear to continue to touch him now. Suddenly, he also wanted to leave. "I'll....," he gestured out towards the kitchen, almost rushing to grab the clothing items he'd dropped on their way from the kitchen table to the bed.
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