#also yes one outing (buying) and task (planting) takes up a whole day for me. it's the neurodivergence and also the chronic illness ♡
heartbeetz · 7 months
Btw I was not on tumblr much today bc I went to the store to buy HERBS. And now they are GROWING in my WINDOW!!! YEEAAAAHHHHH WOOOOO
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xxspringmelodyxx · 1 year
Albedo x F. Reader (angst)
Description: You finally work up the courage to confess and ask Albedo out…however things go awry and that causes you to end up seeing Susbedo, imposterbedo, Primordial Albedo, you get the point. Let’s see how that turns out for your real Albedo. A/n: no bad ending because I can’t! I just can’t okay😭🥺 also, I’m sorry if this gets confusing in any way. It’s hard writing for two characters who are the same and have the same name. I tried to make it a bit easier though…Anyways, please enjoy! 💗💗💗
Words: 6.2k
Warnings: A bit of violence and maybe a bit a swearing, other than that, there shouldn't be any other warnings :)
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Okay y/n. Todays the day where you finally ask Bedo to the dance…and finally confess to him about your true feelings. Will he say yes? Maybe…will he say no…I hope not. 
I kept talking to myself, probably getting weird looks from others around me as I made my way towards Bedos lab. 
Just be cool. You can do that! You’re like, so cool all the time-WAH! 
I groaned as I looked behind me, trying to see what I tripped on.
“A rock…great. I tripped on a rock.” I said, getting back up and dusting myself off.
Thankfully, I saw Bedos lab up ahead. 
In a few minutes I finally made it there, opening the door. 
I looked around and saw him working at his desk.
“Hey Bedo. What are you doing?” I asked, watching behind his shoulder as he wrote some things down in his notebook.
“I am examining how these little creatures react to different types of food, seeing which ones they like and which ones they don’t. A very simple task, but an important one at that.” He said, entirely focused on his work. 
“Well…I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go-“
Albedo's head snapped back at you, seeing a broken glass at the bottom of your feet. You bowed to him apologetically, quickly kneeling down to pick up the broke pieces.
“I didn’t mean to Bedo- I promise I’ll buy you a new one…as soon as I get paid.” You spoke sheepishly .
You heard him sigh, turning back to his work.
“It’s fine…just-what was it you wanted to ask me?” He said, a bit frustrated at you for dropping something like that. It may have seemed like it was an empty glass,  but in reality, a gas produced from a plant he had been studying was in there. He would have to start all over again.
“Oh, well…I was wondering if you’d like to go to that huge dance with me? It’s been talked about for over a week, and the next full moon is when they are holding it!” You responded
To your dismay, you heard him sigh.
“Why would I want to go to something stupid like that?” He asked, making your smile falter
“W-well, I thought since you’ve been working so much lately, you maybe wanted to take a break and have fun. It’s a huge ballroom event and all of our friends are going to be there. You might have a lot of fun if you g-“
“No.” He said flat out. You were surprised at his tone. To anybody, he would have sounded the same, but since you’ve known him for so long, you knew there was frustration in that word.
“Oh come on Bedo, you should really-“
“I said no.” 
“Was there anything else you wanted to tell me? Or are you just going to stand there and waste my time?” He said, making your heart shatter as a wave of emotions hit you.
Suddenly, Sucrose came in all chipper.
“H-Hello Master Albedo. I brought you that new flower you wanted to examine.” She said with a smile, placing the gorgeous purple bloom on his table. He looked at it, then up at her. His whole face changed to a look of relief, causing a bit of jealousy to rise up in you.
“Ah, thank you Sucrose. This is just what I needed. You really are a great friend and apprentice. I don’t know what I'd do without you.” He said, having her sit down next to her to help him with his other projects.
You stood there, completely dumbfounded. He was…happier with her than you? Has it always been that way? Was your love for him blinding you from reality? 
Seeing him all happy with Sucrose sent a knife right through you, sending feelings of jealousy, anger, and sadness. 
You saw as she whispered things into his ear, making him laugh. 
You slowly backed out of the room, searching your pouch for the gift you had made for him. It was a rare flower that you had found. You did your own research on it and found out that it survived off of moonlight. In the daytime, it was closed, but once the moon light hit it, the petals would open up to reveal a gorgeous iridescent color. It shines as well due to the light refracting off of it. 
It was something you were sure Albedo hadn't ever seen, because you were…well used to be…his assistant. Before you decided to go out and adventure the world and its gifts it had, you used to always help Bedo with his experiments, and you knew of every species he had studied over the years. That’s how you two created a tight bond…that’s how you fell in love with him. He was so enthusiastic about everything you brought him…it made your heart melt for him. He would let you rest your head on his shoulder when you felt sleepy from the late nights, he would always make sure you were involved, he made food for you when you would come in early and stay the rest of the day with him, and so much more. He made you feel important. He made you feel loved and warm. 
That was until the little move he just pulled not even an hour ago. 
It broke your heart seeing him like that. In fact, you noticed that once Sucrose was in the picture, Albedo started to become more distant with you. Instead of asking for your help, he would ask for Sucrose.
Sucrose get me this, Sucrose get me that, Sucrose I need you to try this, blah blah blah. 
You looked down at the flower in the glass case. You felt anger rise in you. 
How dare he treat me like that when all I’ve ever wanted to do…was be with him? When all I’ve ever done is help and support him no matter what!?
I put the flower in his little cubby that he hasn’t opened for weeks, making sure the flower would still get moonlight when needed.
Fine! If he doesn’t want to go to the dance, then I’ll go find someone else-
“Hey.” A familiar voice spoke
I turned to see…Albedo?
“Are you okay?” He asked softly, coming closer to me. I took a step back from him, still angry from his previous actions. He looked concerned, walking closer
“Go away Bedo. I don’t want to talk to you right now. You really hurt me back there…how did you even get out here so quickly?” “N/n…” he said softly, catching my interest with the unique nickname, which brought me to a realization
“oh…I see. You are the other Albedo.” I spoke, remembering him from a previous mission where he almost killed us.
He placed his hand on his heart as if stabbing a knife through it
“Oh my n/n, must you think of me so little?” 
I glared at him
“Oh I’m sorry. Should I not after that little stunt you tried to pull a few months ago?”
“My n/n, you know I had no intentions of hurting you…just your friends. And I’ve changed since then.”
“Stop calling me that. You no longer have that right.” 
“But it is what I have always called you for years-”
“Before I found out you were a traitor. After all those years, I thought you were amazing and sweet…only to find out it was all an act for you to get to my friends and hurt them. Even if you did change, you haven’t even spoken to me since that incident.” I said, walking away. 
However, his hand grabbed my arm and pinned me to a nearby wall, getting very close to my face. 
As much as I hated it, heat started to rise to my face. He placed his hand on my face, softly caressing my skin.
“Still as soft as I remember~” He cooed
“Let me go.” I said sternly.
“You mean to tell me you don’t feel anything when I do this to you? Nothing at all?” He asked with a smirk
Damn him
“Absolutely nothing.” I said, lying through my teeth
“Then why does your face and body say the opposite?”
I groaned
“So what if I still have a little bit, and I mean little, of feelings towards you. There will never be anything between us. Nothing.”
“But N/n, I still have feelings for you~ All this time, I always have. I tried to reach out to you, but you were always so busy. Especially like today with my other half…tell me, how is my brother?”
“He is the same as he will always be. Too focused on his work to enjoy life with those around him who love him.” I said, my chest hurting as I thought back to the moment between us a few minutes ago.
“Oh, my sweet N/n, he hurt you didn’t he?” He asked, rubbing your arm
All I did was nod, tears brimming my eyes. Albedo saw this and hugged you in a warm embrace, throwing you off. As much as you wanted to punch him and tell him off, you couldn’t help but hug him back, letting tears fall.
“I loved him so much…but he never even looked at me as anything more than an apprentice. I will always be just his helper. Nothing more. Sucrose has a better chance with him than I ever will.” I spoke
He let go of me and lifted my chin up, wiping away my tears. 
“Do not speak so lowly of yourself. You are amazing just as you are. I mean you managed to save an entire city from disaster all by yourself. That is something not everyone can achieve. Sucrose could never do what you did. She is not comparable to you, my dear. Because in my eyes, you are an archon. But you also have the purest heart I have ever seen. Everything you do is out of your love for everyone. You are special, Y/n. And if my stupid brother doesn’t see that, then he is blind.” He spoke, making your heart start to pound. Suddenly, your old romantic feelings for him started to build up inside of you again, but you did your best to push them away. This man still tried to hurt your friends.
“Come on, let's go get you home. I promise I won’t do anything funny.” He said, letting go of you and offering you to make the first step.
You hesitated for a bit, not sure if you can trust him. 
“I promise, I am not going to hurt you.” He said, offering you his hand. 
You don’t know why, but you decided to take his hand and allow him to walk you home. 
You were still on edge, but your defense started to lower as you got closer and closer to your house.
After a good 30 minutes, you both managed to make it to your house. Nothing funny happened, no signs of danger emitted from him…it was like he was a completely different man…the man you had fallen in love with over 10 years ago.
“Well, Y/n…here’s your stop. It was nice talking to you again, but I must head out now to go get some things finished. I am experimenting on a potion I am making that will heal anything it touches.” He said, bowing to you
“Goodnight my sweet n/n.” He said, turning around and walking away. He left you dumbfounded from his change of character. It was something you thought you would never see again from him. You were pleasantly surprised. 
You went inside your house and recollected your thoughts. A small smile crept up to your face as you thought of him again. Maybe he really has changed…
You decided you were going to give him a chance to prove himself, to see if he was able to prove to you that he is different now than before. 
Some time has passed and you have been spending all of your time with Primordial Albedo. He had proven his change a while ago, and you and him have been closer than ever before. You two would go out on missions together, you two would go eat together, and you would even help him with his experiments every now and then. 
Maybe it was foolish, but you trusted him once again. Of course there were still some suspicions, but it was always overruled as time went on. 
The other Albedo took notice of your absence and was starting to grow worried. Ever since that last incident with the glass bottle in his lab, you never returned again. Klee had told him that you were okay, thankfully, but now he was starting to worry about why you were ignoring him. He never meant to hurt you that day, he was just so tired from staying up for multiple days without sleep…so needless to say his emotions got the better of him. He cursed at himself for being so rude to you, especially when it wasn’t anything important. Sure, the gas was hard to get from that plant, but it was nothing he couldn’t fix. 
He just wishes he could go back and fix it so he would get to see you again. He had even rejected multiple girls for that ballroom dance in hopes that you would come and ask him again. 
However as time passed, he knew that wasn’t going to happen. The dance was in two days and he still hasn’t seen you. He had to admit, even with Sucrose around, he missed you dearly. All he could think about was you. When he slept, when he woke up, while he was working on his experiments–which caused him to mess multiple things up over and over again– all he wanted was to see and talk to you. He wanted to apologize and hopefully make up. 
“Master Albedo, your potions are overflowing again.” Sucrose said, helping him.
He sighed, not caring anymore about his experiments. He wanted to see you. He needed you…He wanted you.
He tried his best to hide it over the past few years, but he absolutely loved you. Ever since you started helping him, his love for you grew and grew. For about a month now, he had been secretly working on a gift for you that would allow you to see all of your fondest memories with him. He was going to confess to you at the dance…but his stupid frustrations got the best of him. It was finished but, since he had yet to see you, it had just been sitting there in the dust, awaiting to be touched by you. 
It was hurting him more than you would ever imagine. Not seeing you felt like an eternity for him. 
A couple more days passed by and it was finally the night of the dance. P. Albedo (Primordial Albedo) had asked you to accompany him to it, and you accepted. A part of you still wanted to go with your Bedo…but he was probably going to go with Sucrose. You heard a knock on your door and excitedly ran down the stairs, opening the door to see Albedo, smiling as he held a flower out for you. You chuckled and took it, thanking him
“You look gorgeous, n/n.” He said, holding his arm out for you. You had decided to wear a jade green strapless dress. It had flowers and the very bottom of it, slowly ascending up to the waist as the number of flowers disappeared. Your hair was gorgeously put up, with a few strands out to frame your face. You looked like an archon.
“You don’t look so bad yourself Mr. Albedo.” You responded, taking his arm.
The two of you walked to the dance as it was only a few minutes away.
“I’m so excited to go to this event. Aren’t you?” You asked with stars in your eyes. He chuckled and nodded
“You can’t imagine my excitement for this, especially for the final dance. It will be something special.” He spoke. 
After some time, you both finally made it and saw everyone there. You said hello to your friends and their dates, complimenting them on their attire. 
“Hey Aether! You look gre-” You stopped in your tracks as you saw none other than your Albedo…with Sucrose.
He looked up at you and his eyes instantly widened as he finally saw you.
“Y/n?” He asked as he saw how beautiful you looked.
“N/n? What’s the matter?” P. Albedo asked, making the other Albedo's eyes harden as he saw his other version. 
“What is he doing here?” Albedo asked, furious that his older version was with you.
You scoffed, taking P. Albedo’s arm, confusing the hell out of the other one.
“He is my date.” You said
“You're kidding, right? After all he did, you still went with him? How idiotic!” He told you, making you furious. 
“You know what Albedo? I don’t care what you think anymore. Those days are in the past.” You said, making the boy turn to you. You called him by his actual name…what’s worse is that he felt extremely hurt by it. 
“W-What?” He asked
“You hurt me, Albedo.”
“Stop calling me that.” “What? Call you by your first name? Why would that matter? It’s not like you liked my other nickname for you.” You raised your voice
“You have no right to tell me who I can or can’t go with to this dance. If I remember correctly, I asked you first…and what did you do? You told me you didn’t want to go to this dance because you thought it was dumb! And now I see you here with her?! Fuck you, Albedo. I never want to hear from you again, nor do I ever want to see you again.” You said, making his heart break.
“Y/n…you don’t mean that-”
“Oh I mean every fucking word of it. For all these years I have done nothing but try to be good enough for you…try to make you see me as I saw you…I loved you so much Albedo, and you never even batted an eye towards me.” You confessed, tears filling up in your eyes. Albedo widened his eyes at your words. You…you loved him back? 
“No…no that’s not it at all. Y/n I-”
“I don’t care anymore. I feel nothing for you anymore. You’ll be better off with Sucrose anyways. It seems she has managed to capture your heart.” You said, turning around. Albedo felt a pang in his chest as he saw his opportunity of finally telling you how he feels slipping away.
He tried to grab your hand, but the other Albedo–P. Albedo– stopped him.
“You’ve done enough damage already, dear brother. She is mine now.” He said, pissing the real Albedo off.
“You have no right to say that! You betrayed her and are now only using her! Do not think you have fooled me.” He said, ripping his arm out of his grasp, leaving the scene. 
Albedo had left the dance, making it back to his lab. He slammed the door shut and slid down the door, tears filling his eyes. 
The sound of something falling caught his attention. He looked over to see broken glass and a flower that he had never seen before. Curious, he went towards it and saw a note. 
Hi Bedo! 
I’m not very good with writing letters, but I thought I would give it a go because…well just because. I was on a mission with Aether and I happened to find a flower I knew you had never seen before. I took it in and did some of my own research on it and well…just put it directly in front of the moon and see what happens. I was going to keep it, but I realized that you would want it since I know you love discovering new things, so here is my gift to you. I haven’t named it yet, so you get the wonderful chance of doing it yourself! I hope you like it, it wasn’t easy trying to get this as it was at the top of a super tall mountain. Anyways, it’s yours to keep and as always, I hope you are doing well! Don’t forget to sleep either mister! You know how much I don’t like it when you miss it. 
Yours truly,
Y/n L/n
Albedo smiled, holding your letter close to him. It may not have meant much to you, but it meant everything to him. He opened a drawer and put your letter in it, placing it with all of your other letters you sent to him over the years. He picked up the flower and did as you told him. He placed it in front of the full moon. In an instant, the flower began to open up and glow as the light from the moon touched it. The anthers stood out beautifully as the golden light started to emit from the petals. You were right, he had never seen anything like it before. 
He touched the flower ever so gently, feeling the silky soft leaves and petals. A warm natural smell came from it, filling the room with its aroma. 
Tears started to fill Albedo's eyes once again as he realized what you did for him. All you did was try to make him happy, but you alone made him happy…and he messed up by concealing his feelings away from you.
Suddenly, he heard screams of terror from across his lab, alerting him. It came from the area where the dance was being held. The only thing on his mind was you
You were sitting down in a chair, letting tears fall from your eyes. P. Albedo came to your comfort, rubbing your back. 
“Forget him, N/n. You have me now…don’t let that dumb boy hurt you.” He said. You just stayed silent
He held his hand out to you, making you look up.
“Come, let's not waste this gorgeous night any longer. Dance with me, my dear~” He said. 
He was right, you had waited all this time for this dance, and you weren’t going to let anyone ruin it for you. You took his hand, wiped your tears, and went to go dance.
You were having the time of your life, dancing and spinning with P. Albedo, and some of your other friends. It was great.
Suddenly, a slow dance came on and P. Albedo asked you to dance with him. You accepted and you both started to slowly walts
“You know, N/n. I am glad you can trust me again. I honestly missed these days with you. Spending it entirely with someone who is happy, sweet and pure such as yourself. It has been such an honor” He said, making you smile
“Me too, Albedo. I am glad you helped me as well. Without you, I don’t know where I’d be without you.” You said as you rested your head on his chest. 
He hummed as he tightened his grip around you.
“I know where~” He said, making you look up at him with confusion. 
He leaned down, stopping both of you from dancing. 
“You’d probably still be alive living here~” He said right before plunging a knife right through your chest, making you yell. Everyone around you screamed in terror as the blood started to drip from your chest. 
You looked up at him with shock and heartbreak.
“y-you ..lied to me…” you gasped, slowly feeling dizzy from the blood loss
He smirked at you and pulled the knife out, pulling out a bottle and letting the blood drip down the tube.
“Of course I did, you imbecile. I needed blood for a potion I was making, an everlasting potion. It is supposed to allow anyone who drinks it to heal instantly from any damage for the rest of their life, basically making them immortal. Unfortunately, I needed blood from the purest heart I knew in order to make it work…that’s when I thought of you. So innocent, so naive, so foolish. Your heart is as pure as they come. And I got to you just in time for you to fall for me.” He laughed
Tears filled your eyes once more as you desperately tried to breathe, but you were failing.
“One last thing, my dear…In order for the blood to work, the owner of the blood has to die. That’s just the way it is. So I’m so sorry it had to come down to this, but…” He said, raising his hand. An image of an ice blue flower appeared as he stared down at you with a sinister smile.
“You. Must. Die.”
“How–How could you…”You whispered. 
“Hey, you should be thanking me. At least you will be set free from the pain of no one loving you.” He said, making your already wounded heart break even more. 
Aether and Thoma ran up to try and help you, but P. Albedo pushed them away with a blast of what looked to be ice.
“No, Y/n!” Amber yelled
P. Albedo looked down at you, ready to finish you off, when suddenly a large sword went right through him, making everyone look behind him to see
He was glaring furiously at the boy who tried to kill you. His eyes were dull and crazed.
“You hurt someone I love…and for that…you must be punished.” He said, twisting the blade. Suddenly, P. Albedo started to yell in agony as his body felt like it was on fire.
Albedo had put a type of poison on his sword that when it makes contact, anything the sword touches will turn to a flame and die.
“Good riddance, dear brother.” He said, pulling the sword out of P. Albedo. 
A blood curdling scream could be heard throughout the entire city, but it slowly faded as P. Albedo was finally dead, his body engulfed in flames as he disappeared once and for all.
Albedo turned his head and saw you, lying limp on the ground. His eyes widened as he rushed towards you. He held your body in his arms, blood spreading all over him as he tried to wake you up.
“No, no, no. Come on, Y/n. Wake up. Wake up right now.” He said, shaking you, hoping to see your gorgeous e/c eyes flutter open. 
When that didn’t happen tears fell out of his eyes like a waterfall.
“Y/n, please…please wake up…” He said, his voice breaking at the thought of not being able to see you again.
“Please, I still need to tell you how much I love you…” He whispered, holding you close to him. 
“I love you so much, Y/n. I’m so sorry for the way I acted towards you. I am so sorry for not telling you sooner…then none of this would have happened. This is all my fault…please…please wake up, my love. Please.” He begged. 
Suddenly, a groan made its way to your lips, making him stop and look down at you
“Y/n?” He whispered, afraid it was just his imagination
However, he was quickly relieved to know it was real.
Your bloodied hand went up to his. He quickly held your hand and squeezed it.
“Did…you…mean that?” You murmured, fluttering your eyes open.
“That…all this…time…you…you love me?” You asked as tears brimmed your eyes as well
He nodded
“Of course I love you, Y/n. I have for such a long time…but I was too much of a coward to tell you because I didn’t want to ruin our already close relationship. When I hired Sucrose after you left to go work on your missions, I had hoped maybe it would decrease my love for you…but it only made it bigger. Everytime you were gone, I dreaded not seeing you. And everytime you came back, it’s like I fell in love with you all over again. No one can ever make me feel the way I do when I am with you. I can’t stop thinking about you..you make me crazy, Y/n. And I am so sorry for the way I have been treating you lately, from being distant with you, to getting mad at you for something so little.” He said. 
You hummed as tears fell down the sides of your face.
“Bedo, I love you too. I always have. I was going to confess to you when I was going to give you that flower…but it was too late…” “Nothing is ever too late, Y/n. Once we get you healed, we can live a new life together. One where we can be happy together.” He said, but you shook your head as your vision started to black out.
Thoma quickly ran up beside Albedo and checked to see if you still had a pulse. 
“We need to get her healed fast! Her pulse is slowing!” Thoma said. Bennett ran out to you and started to work on you, but he was struggling to keep you alive. You looked up at Albedo and smiled sadly, caressing his face
“He will not be able to fix this. The damage is too much. So I might as well say my last thoughts to you, my Bedo…” you spoke, making him shake his head
“No, don’t say things like that. You will be fine. We will get you back together. I promise.” He said, trying to keep it together for you. 
“My sweet, loving Bedo…I have always and will always love you. Ever since…we first met and started to work together, I knew I could be myself around you. I knew I’d be safe with you by my side. I knew that you were the man who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. From your amazing knowledge of almost everything, to your sweet and rare smile, everything about you is something I’ve come to love. I wish we had longer to be together…but it seems that my end is coming sooner than expected. So, for as long as you live, my Bedo, please know that…” you spoke, feeling darkness take over
“That…I will…always…always…” you spoke softer and softer as your mind started to go blank.
You heard cries and yells, but couldn’t make sense of them.
“Y/n! Don’t! Keep your eyes open! Stay with me please!” Albedo begged as tears fell
“We are losing her! Quick, Kokomi, help me!” Bennett yelled. The girl quickly ran over to help. Everyone stayed back with tears in their eyes, some looking away, some on their knees as they saw you slowly dying.
“Y/n…y/n honey, don’t sleep. We can rest once we get your fixed okay?”
You touched his face one last time
“I will always love you…Bedo…” you spoke as your hand fell limp, and your eyes closed. Your last breath was released, and Thoma could no longer feel a pulse. His eyes dimmed down as he back away from you. Bennet and Kokomi looked at your with pained looks.
“Y/n?” Albedo asked, not believing you were dead. 
He shook you in his arms, seeing your lips turn blue. 
“No! Y/n. Wake up. I need you! Please wake up!” He yelled. 
“Help her! Why’d you stop!” He yelled at the two healers
“Albedo…I’m so sorry…but she’s-“
Thoma said, lightly touching his shoulder. Albedo push him away
“She can’t be dead! She cant! Her and I are supposed to be together!” He yelled out. All of them backed up a bit from his sudden and very rare outburst. 
He held you close to his body as he embraced you. His tears fell on your face.
“I’m so sorry…I’m so so sorry.” He softly said. 
As he kissed your forehead, he looked over and saw the tube that his brother had dropped after being burned alive. He remembered hearing him say something about the potion.
“It allows anyone who drinks it the ability to heal from any damage for the rest of their life, basically making them immortal.”
He quickly let you go and ran up to the potion, seeing it change colors. 
“Albedo, that won’t work. It only works after the person who gave their blood…dies.” Aether said, pausing as he realized it might actually work
“But will it work on the person who gave the blood?” Paimon asked
“It’s worth a shot. I have to try. For her.” Albedo said, quickly pouring the potion down your throat. 
Minutes passed by as they waited, hoping for some sign.
But nothing. Albedo looked down at his hands, bloodied from holding you. He was ashamed and angry with himself. How could he have let this happen to you.
“Come on, let’s go. We will take care of her. You need to rest.” Raiden said. Feeling empty and hopeless, he slowly got to his feet, turning around to leave you. 
However, all of them stopped once they saw a bright glow start to emit from your body. Gorgeous swirly patterns started to form along your body to your chest where the wound was. The light wrapped tightly around the body, causing a large bass noise through the room. The light started to flicker and run through the whole room multiple times as your body started to float in the air. Everyone looked at you with surprise. The flickering became faster and faster to the point where it was just pure light everywhere you looked. Everyone shielded their eyes from the brightness.
A few seconds later, it stopped. The air slowly put you back down on the ground. 
Everyone was whispering, wondering if the potion worked. 
Albedo quickly ran up to you and touched your face, looking for any signs of life. 
He looked at your body and saw small bright white markings on your arms. He then looked up to your face again, seeing your once blue lips turn back to their plump natural color. Your skin started to go back to its gorgeous s/c color.
“Y/n?” He asked softly, holding your hand again
His heart stopped once he felt your hand slowly tighten around his. He looked down, his hopes coming back. 
“Mmm…be…do…” you slowly murmured, making his chest jump.
“I’m here, y/n. Come back to me. I’m right here.” He said. 
Slowly, your eyes fluttered open, revealing your beautiful orbs. They looked right at Albedo, making a small smile form on your face. 
“Did I ever tell you how cute you are~” you said, trying to lighten the mood.
He gasped and quickly hugged you, thankful you could hug him back. 
Everyone in the back cheered and sighed in relief that you were okay. 
Albedo looked you in the eye
“Y/n…I want you to know that I meant every word I said to you. I love you so much and I hope you can forgive me for being such a douche to you. You will always be my love, and no one will ever change that.” He said, making your heart pound and butterflies form in your stomach. 
“Oh Bedo, of course I forgive you. Now come here.” You said, pulling him to you and kissing him passionately. He wrapped his arm around your head and continued the kiss, loving the feeling of your lips on his. Sparks flew past as you both enjoyed the moment. 
He let go of the kiss, both of you panting a bit.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long.” You said, making him smile
“Believe me, so have I.” He spoke
You smiled as he went back to kiss you once more.
“Well, I say this all ended nicely! How about we continue the dance everyone!” Itto said, making everyone cheer. And thus, the party began again. You and Albedo danced together, closer to each other than ever, both smiling to your ears.
His kissed your forehead as you danced all night
“I love you, y/n.” He whispered, making you smile and giggle
You looked up at him and kissed his nose
“I love you more, Bedo~” you replied
And for the rest of the night, you two danced and danced, enjoying every moment with each other. That was a night that no one would ever forget.
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frostehburr · 9 months
Finishing the Year by 100%ing Pikmin 4
Yeah, this is the last tumblr post for me in 2023.
I really didn't expect to get Pikmin 4 so soon and be able to finish it before new year. Not to say it didn't have a bit of difficulty, the dandori challenges were a pain in the ass. I'm just surprised by the amount of time I had for this game.
Recently I had to go on a business trip to California and to pass time in the hotel room, I brought a Switch with Pikmin 4. Apparently the time I spent in the hotel room over the week long trip was enough for me to 100% the game! Would love to go on trips more often but it's far too expensive.
Like previous Pikmin games, the main story involves you using pikmin to collect giant every day objects and genocide the local wildlife so the pikmin can take over and dominate the area.
Family friendly Nintendo.
Anyhow, this fourth installment... fifth?... adds the goal of rescuing tourists who came to this planet filled with lethal levels of oxygen (what do these guys breath?) for various reasons such as real estate and looking at flowers. I personally think there are better options than a planet where you're chances of death via suffocation is high but I also know a few people who actively grab venomous snakes with their bare hands so I guess preservation instincts are different between people.
Also half of these castaways turned into leaf people. The pikmin are starting to take over the tiny tiny humans!
These leaf people demand you do something called a "dandori" challenge which is just doing a specific objective in the shortest amount of time available. If you want to 100% the game, you will have to get the platinum medal for ALL dandori challenges and battles!
This is the main reason I expected to not finish the game until next year. The dandori stuff stresses me out so much! Putting a time limit on it was bad enough but grading me on how much time I use just hurts. I hate it!
One more thing, I looked it up out of curiosity and dandori is an actual Japanese word! Yeah apparently it's a word that describes the strategic organization of tasks and working efficiently to a plan...
Basically the entire concept of Pikmin as a whole. Yet I struggled with it...
So they also have a few side missions, a treasure catalogue, and a bestiary. The bestiary was filled out thanks to me running all over chucking Pikmin at anything that moved. Including a massive giant dog that shows up some time late in the game.
Side missions were mostly "find all X crew" which is easily done when completing the caves. Oh there are two that are grow 300 pikmin and make 300 pikmin bloom but those are radiant quests so I'm certain they don't count. I also had to buy all gear and Oatchi skills but I recommend getting them when you can because it makes the game go by faster.
For the treasure catalogue I needed 100 purple pikmin which you can easily do without a purple onion. Yes the purple bois got their own onion this time! However, in order to get the purple and white onion you have to go through the dandori sage trials, which were a nightmare of 10 levels on their own.
I do not think I needed to platinum the sage trials... I never did but I choose to claim that it is unnecessary. For the sake of sanity. Those trials were brutal!
After getting the purple onion I had to find a way to grow 100 purple pikmin which is rather hard to do when you wiped out everything on the maps. Leaving me with the flower pellets as my only option. Took about three days but I got to 100 purple bois and collected the gold bar, finishing the treasure catalogue!
With all that done I just have to say: Pikmin 4 is a very enjoyable game you can have loads of fun with. It's a calming type of game where you can fling plant bois to collect shiny items. However, you should never attempt to 100% complete this game. Attempting to 100% Pikmin 4 will leave you more stressed than the year 2020.
Think I fully understand why Nintendo never bothered with achievements.
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souljournaler · 2 years
some journaling
my brain said "you better give me stimulation 24/7 or else im gonna start thinkin" and i looked at my brain in all its "electric meat reacting to a Full Moon conjunct retrograde Mars in Gemini" and i decided it's time to sit down and do some free-form journaling
oh my gods i just switched over to the legacy editor to write this and it’s night-and-day for how much better this works, lmao. anyway
yeah so this full moon was so aggressive that i started my period the second she hit 100% visibility.
PMS lasted what feels like a lot longer than usual, and i had cramps for days before i saw blood. the yoozh: sense of doom, squidward-style anxiety about the future, compelling sense of impatience, self-loathing for needing to rest, a little bit of task overwhelm, general tiredness
it doesn’t help that it’s been super overcast these past few days. ive literally gone from taking my observations every day to completely forgetting for days in a row. there is a HUGE weather system coming thru these next few days and so i imagine the air pressure is gonna be fluctuating wildly, so it’s no wonder i feel like shit
maybe it’s just because i feel like shit already but it feels like a bunch of important breaking points are being reached at once. labor strikes in nursing, academia, and coal, and hopefully the rail and air workers will join them soon. it seems like my prediction that “we’ll get a general strike whether we plan one or not” is coming true, just simply because working conditions are getting so much worse for so many industries that theyre all deciding they wont tolerate it anymore. though also, im sure a general strike is being planned, it just wont be called that, it won’t have spokespeople, and it won’t be under the name of any one organization
sometimes i get frustrated that i need to take time to rest when i feel crappy. i know that if i work through the crappy feeling, it just pushes the crappy feeling to Later and compounds with however crappy i was already gonna feel Later. so i have to deal with my crappy feelings in the present, when they come up, as they come up, or i eventually hit a breaking point and put myself out for weeks or months. it’s just frustrating because i procrastinated to do some things i needed to do with a consistent pace, but now i feel crappy enough to not be able to do much of anything, especially not the things i needed to do earlier
blegh. i guess i’m still practicing at pacing things well for myself. it doesnt help that the whole outside world goes at its own pace that is MUCH faster and more demanding than my internal pace
ive been talking to my peers about how ive been feeling frustrated that i amn’t who or how i want to be yet-- i still have to go thru that process of learning the new and cool shiny life lessons that i will pick up like a funky little crow and stick onto my sense of self, but right now i have that feeling like i just got a very cool new one of them bags that has the pin display on the front, but i only have like two pins and one of them is rusty from how long ive had it and i do not often have money to buy new pins for the display
the new shower feels really nice, at least. i didnt realize how much of a mood improvement it would be to simply have a nicer-looking shower, but there ya have it. also i definitely think that once i’m able to build my own bath/shower room, it will have a lot more color. and some plants. maybe even a lot of plants
i had a bunch of dreams last night about needing to get ready for something suddenly, like having to pack up after an event, or pack up to leave for traveling, or clean up a room with a lot of trash, and it was so stressful each time that dream me was like “fuck this, i am literally dreaming, cya” and woke up. i made sure to tidy up my space a little once i woke up lmao, especially after seeing a post from Unfuck Your Habitat like “are YOU living in a depression den?” and i was like “ugh fine, ok, fuck, you got me, yes im living in a depression den”
also, my partner is leaving for a trip in just a couple of days, and will be gone for a week. im already pre-grieving how much i’m gonna miss him. he always brightens any space he’s in. i wish i had a community that made it so i dont have to rely on him for so much of my in-person social interaction.
ive noticed that ive been staying up later so i can sleep through the time when he’s not here and maximize conscious cuddle time while he’s asleep
damn, that’s kinda sad now that i type it out like that. i wonder if that’s how kaede feels being the only cat here.
damn... sometimes i just need to cry when i feel lonely. it doesnt help solve anything, but it can be soothing to just let those sad chemicals go and take the time to breathe and remember that it’s okay to feel lonely. i miss my sisters. i miss my sibling. i miss parents i didnt get to have. i miss friends. im so tired of deciding not to be friends. im grateful for the people who stick around, but i feel sad that theyre so few and far-between
i guess the loneliness has a lot to do with the impatience for the future. i dont want to feel lonely anymore. i dont want the people i miss to feel lonely. i want my community to be closer together. having the server has been life-saving for some of us (it’s really lived up to its name) but tbh i would really like for all of us to be able to get together in the same place
anyway i’m starting to get distracted so i’m gonna go ahead and wrap this up. might write more later as i feel like it
cya l8r,
0 notes
Knight!Bakugou Katsuki x chubby!reader
Part 4
Oof, I’m back (?) ! I have been taking a well deserved mental health brake. I am so fucking tired still, BUT I wanted to make you all something nice.
Here are some people who inspire me!
@random-mha-thoughts and @blossominglark and my husband, whose, account isn’t working for some reason:(
There are 1437 words to read below the line!
<——Chapter 3 chapter 5——>
One of the first things to land in the hope chest was something you had been holding onto since your father’s home was raided; a quilt that your mother had made when she was pregnant. It was old, but you had kept great care of it. It was the only thing you had left of her other then a few nicknacks you had managed to snag.
The second to be dropped in the chest was a set of beautiful silverware gifted to you by all of the Kirishima girls.
— — —
Mrs. Kirishima rocked back and forth in her rocking chair while she knitted a small teddy bear. You were slightly appalled when she explained it was for your first child. But after the shock factor wore off, your expression hardened and you continued the task at hand: embroidery.
You gripped a white dish cloth tightly in your hand and carefully put the needle through the fabric with practiced ease.
Early morning light shown through the window, winding around the spider plant and a few other leafy vines just to reach the dark, wooden floors. The woman’s rocker rolled back and forth hitting an uneven board causing a slight, “kuhump” every time it passed over it.
There was shuffling in the kitchen from the Kirishima girls making lunch and bread. Pots and pans gently clanked, filling the otherwise quiet house with a homey feeling that warmed you to the core.
You were halfway done with the six dish towels when the shop door opened and stomping boots entered the house.
You looked up from your needle work to see Bakugou’s stone cold expression. His eyes gazed over the room before stopping at you.
“Mrs. Kirishima,” he lowered himself in respect to the older woman who nodded, “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask Y/n to come with me for the day.” You looked between the two, hoping someone would say something to break the silence.
“Alright. Have fun, darling.” Mrs. Kirishima waved you off and continued knitting with the brown yarn. You sighed, making sure the needle was pushed into the cloth.
“May I see it?” Bakugou’s voice made you turn.
He examined the stitching with a softer expression, his eyebrows slightly knit together. “What is it for?” His voice was quieter, more gentle then before.
“It’s a dish towel for our home.” You stated. You weren’t exactly pleased about embroidering cloth that would become a literal rag, but you liked the mindless task nonetheless.
“It’s beautiful. You did a fine job.”
Your cheeks heated at his words. He handed you the project and you placed it gently onto a side table, brushing the spider plants tendrils away from the surface.
Bakugou held his arm out and you politely linked arms with him. When you passed into the shops threshold you pulled back slowly.
“Shall I grab my sword?” You asked tentatively.
“You may… I don’t think we’ll be using it much, though.” Bakugou shrugged and let you rush up the stairs to grab the weapon. You also snatch a small sack with coins in it, with the thought of buying something in town.
When you clomped down the stairs, Katsuki held his arm out once again. After you had attached the weapon to your hip, you grabbed the offered limb and marched out the door.
— — —
The market smelled of herbs, waves of scent drifted through the dusty summer air. It was a hot day, no clouds to be seen, and no chance of it cooling down at all.
The hustling people all tried talking over each other, filling the whole street with loud noise. Your knight gently led you through the crowds, your eyes wondering over the merchandise.
A glint of light, shooting straight into your cornea made you flinch and try to find the bright object.
“Bakugou, what is in that booth?” You pulled him with you and walked to the wooden stand covered with jewelry.
You looked over the table and found what was bugging you. A wooden hand mirror, the handle carved with intricate runes, laid pleasantly on a pile of cloth and jewelry. The mirror had reflected the sun, sending a sunbeam across the street. You picked it up and looked at it curiously.
“Like it?” You startled, placing the mirror back down and meeting the blue eyes of the booths owner. The man was seated in an ornate wheel chair with a thin blanket on his lap despite the intense heat.
“Tensei!” Bakugou’s eyes widened. “How are you?”
“I’ve been better. This heat is driving me insane!” He laughed and gestured to the air around him. “Were you thinking of purchasing that, miss?” He turned his chair towards you.
“I just saw it in passing. It’s beautiful. Did you make this?” You asked politely.
“I did. It was a mock up for the silver version, I decided to sell it when it was finished,” he smiled brightly.
You turned the mirror over gently to see that slip attached to it by a string. “4419.61 Krones” was scratched into the parchment. Your eyes widened and you placed it back down, straightening your expression.
Bakugou and Tensei continued to talk to one another, catching up on things they had missed. You wandered away from them and began to look at the fruit and vegetables. You hummed to yourself, it seemed eggplant was on sale. Ew.
Children ran around in a small ally while their parents shopped, a cat had been weaving his way through the booths looking for any small critters for it to catch, and a donkey had found the cart it was hauling held several tasty vegetables while it’s owner was distracted. It was such a peaceful day. If you closed your eyes, you could imagine being in your hometown’s market with your father, shopping for some flowers or something sweet to snack on for the evening.
“Y/n!” You heard a shrill voice cry making you sigh and rub your eyes. “Y/n! It’s me, Uraraka!” She was running at you full speed.
“Yes?” You sighed.
“How’s the wedding planning going?”
“It’s going somewhere, that’s for sure,” you placed your hand on your sword hilt out of habit.
“Y/n, why do you have a weapon?! That’s very unladylike! What do you think Bakugou would think?”
“He would think, it’s hot as fuck.” Bakugou’s growl came from behind the short, nosy woman.
“Oh-um-Bakugou-san! What are you doing in the market?” She stumbled.
You held your hand on your hip and raised your eyebrow at the woman’s sudden change of expression. “I’m taking my future wife to look at things she finds agreeable.” You smirked at Uraraka’s wide-eyed look.
“Oh! That’s-that’s right! I forgot you were getting married!” The little liar laughed nervously. You rolled your eyes.
“Yes, anyway. If you’ll excuse me. I need to speak with my fiancé.”
The woman lingered, but the made no difference to Katsuki. He barreled passed her with a huff and started pulling you in a direction.
— — —
The woods were unfamiliar at first, but it soon became apparent that he was leading you to the open area you had been to the previous week.
“Bakugou, how did you know, um- Tensei was it?”
“Iida Tensei was one of my commanding officers in the royal guard. He was quiet the fighter before a cannonball shot out his legs.” You gasped.
“His legs-“
“It was very traumatic,” he sighed and rubbed his temples gently, “his younger brother and I were only Privates at the time. The battle with Stain-Creek was a harsh one. Iida Tanya almost lost his life. It was a useless war that helped almost no one in the end.”
“I’m sorry. That must’ve been hard.”
“It’s not your fault. I became a better person because of it.” He smirked at you, “You know, I was more rude and snarky when I was a lad. I’ve grown quite a bit.”
“Oh my gosh, this is you in your mellowed down state?” You jokingly whined.
— — —
When you passed the trees opening, you looked for the fire pit from before. When you found the charcoal filled hole, not only did you find that it was lit, you also found something more surprising.
A checkered blanket was laid out, food piled high on wooden plates, and a bottle of wine leaning against a stump.
“I hope you don’t mind. I set this up early this morning with Eijiro, so the wine might be warm.” Katsuki rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish blush adorning his features.
“It’s- beautiful. Thank you.”
— — —
@rebekah-trader @tjmaxx556 @ninashellhole @awkardnerd @iwa-chan-akaashi-san @backgroundgirl887 @katsukichu @axidthot @darlingely @totally-not-bakus-hoe @arminlator @sad0ni0n
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tamago-tamago · 3 years
little acts of love
what are some little things that the genshin boys would do to show that they love you? sometimes, there are acts of affection that aren't so obvious to the human eye alone.
characters: diluc, kaeya, xiao, albedo
genre: fluff, gender neutral
a/n: hey, hey, this is my first genshin headcanon, please let me know your thoughts:)
Diluc ❣
he would pat your head
whether he's simply passing by or watching you work hard on whatever task you have at hand, he always feels inclined to give you a pat on the head
it's nothing extravagant, really
but, he finds that it delivers a sense of reassurance and the pride that swells in his heart when he sees you — feelings that he normally finds difficult to convey through words
as he's quite a tall person, i think it also comes naturally to him
he wants to protect you, and the way you always lean into his touch reminds him that you understand that
it's almost become a thing between you two, whenever you'd run up to see him, he'd greet you with a smile and a small pat on the head
whenever he holds you, he feels like he has the whole world in his hands (which he firmly believes he actually does)
and you, you love the warmth of his touch
he would leave small gifts
diluc may constantly be absorbed in his work, but there's almost never a moment where you leave his thoughts
he'd be walking down the streets or around the winery and suddenly think, "ah! they would surely love this" or "huh, this reminds me of that one time they stupidly tripped down a hill"
and he would promptly be reminded about the million reasons why he loves you
up until today, there's hardly been a time where he came home without something in hand
sometimes it's a small flower that he thought would match your outfit today, sometimes he goes out of his way to buy you some materials that he knows you've been needing recently
whatever it is, the effort that goes into getting you these gifts is always worth it if he gets to see the bright smile on your face
Kaeya ❣
he would keep an arm around you
oftentimes it's around your shoulder, sometimes it's around your waist
wherever you go, kaeya loves to keep you close to him
maybe it's because there's a deep-rooted fear that you may disappear if he doesn't cherish you enough, yes, that point still stands
but! more than that, it's simply because he loves being near you
he can't get enough of your beauty, your lovely voice and cute smile — he's absolutely drunk on you
he would openly admit that he also likes showing you off too
he wants to make sure that everyone knows just how great of a person you are, so that they could shower you in the praise that you deserve
this man would never leave your side unless he has to
he would let his guard down
everyone knows kaeya for his smug personality, there's almost never a moment where he's not acting haughty
but there are times where even he gets tired of keeping that act
and those times are when he's with you
of course, he still pulls out a joke and teases you from time to time (he can't help it, it's practically in his blood), but he's also a lot calmer and relaxed when you're together
or should i say, he becomes soft
he doesn't feel the responsibility of being the cavalry captain or the pressure of being, well, kaeya
at least the kaeya that the rest of mondstadt thinks he is
he knows he's popular and that some people have mixed feelings about him, but he has complete trust into you, knowing that you love him for who he actually is — both the personality he projects, and the quieter one he keeps hidden
Xiao ❣
he would watch you as you leave
xiao's primary job is to protect liyue, so this makes sense
you are just as important (if not, more) to him, so he would do anything in his power to keep you safe
but of course, there is an extent to his doting, he understands your individuality and knows you're very capable of taking care of yourself
though that doesn't stop him from sitting on the roof of wangshu inn and watching your figure retreat into the distance
he'd sit there and watch you until you were out of his sight
this means even if you stop to talk with other travellers or merchants along the way, or if you get off track because you've spotted the resources you've been needing recently
xiao's a patient man, and not a single ounce of him would complain about that; all that matters is that you're safe
he also finds it cute when you spot a familiar face and get all happy, though he can't understand how you could possibly be excited about meeting someone
he would kiss you when you're asleep
or maybe... you weren't actually asleep but he thought you were asleep !?!?
speculations aside, i think this is the vulnerable side he would only show in private
we all know he doesn't really care for relationships or as he calls it "mutual understanding", so falling in love was already something really big for him
but seeing you asleep, sometimes on his lap, or against his chest, or next to him in bed, he can't stop the urge to plant a soft kiss on your forehead
he literally cannot stop it; the warm buzz in his chest and the way his heart warms as he kisses you
only being near you quells those feelings
sometimes you stir in your sleep because of him, so he'd spend the next while gently stroking your head to lull you back to sleep
Albedo ❣
he would trust you
okay look, that might not sound like much, but to an alchemist who's always making sure that everything is precise and accurate, it's difficult to find someone that he doesn't have to be wary of while conducting experiments
add on that internal battle he's constantly having with himself, it's relieving to finally have someone that he can be himself around; he doesn't have to keep his guard up
whenever you enter the lab, he doesn't have to pause his current experiment to accommodate to your presence
usually, he'd have to stop, so that he could focus and discuss matters with whoever came in without interruptions
however, you both have this mutual agreement that if you came in while he was working, he didn't have to worry about diverting his attention — he could finish it and as soon as he does, he would give you all the attention in the world
he appreciates that you genuinely listen to his speculations about life as most people tend to brush off his rambling and nonsense
he would constantly draw you
as an artist, albedo knows the importance of occasional practice and warm-ups to ensure his skills don't get rusty
so why not practice on you?
to him, you were the perfect model, he was fascinated by every single detail of your body and he thought you always moved with elegance
he doesn't think he would ever get bored of drawing the same thing over and over again, because he learns something new about you every single day
and most of the time, you aren't even aware that he's sketching you
he'd quietly sit at a distance and watch as you carry on with your own work
by the time you're done, his page would be full of small sketches
if you nudge him, he might give in and show you those drawings, but oftentimes, he keeps them to himself
he's sure you already know how beautiful you are, and if not, then boy oh boy is he whipping out the sketchbook
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quietmyfearswith · 4 years
slipping into little space ; preferences
warnings — fluff?? mentions of nudity. hints a t sexy times
characters — andy barber, steve rogers, bucky barnes, lance tucker,  syverson, august walker
a/n — THIS IS A DDLG FIC,, was inspired by this ask! to the anon who requested for it i hope you like it and tell me what you think!
their love language | with their little | when you’re insecure
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Though the Thanksgiving dinner she was preparing was only for her and Andy, Y/N couldn’t help but stress and fret over almost every single thing; she wanted their first celebration of the said holiday to be perfect. Hence why she has been cooped up in the kitchen for almost the whole day, even though the dinner was still tomorrow. She baked a cheesecake and it was now cooling up in the fridge, the vegetable she decided to cut today so come tomorrow all she had to do was cook them, and now as she was marinating the turkey she found herself getting whiny and irritable. Andy entered their home quietly and observed his girl for a little while; her constant texts provided him updates about how hard she was working to perfect their meal tomorrow. And by the looks of it she had been working too much that her entire system was already begging for a break. “You okay in there, baby?” Hearing his voice caused Y/N to look up at him, her eyes glossy and her mouth curled up in a semi-convincing smile. Hanging his jacket by the coat hanger, he also dropped his briefcase by the door and sat on the couch.
“Come on over here, baby,”  He called for her and patted his lap. Y/N opened her mouth and was about to say no, but a stern look from Andy had her not continuing with that plan and instead she just removed her apron, leaving it on the counter, and plopping herself down on his lap. With her chest pressed against his, the lawyer then rubbed her back comfortingly, “I know you had a busy day; haven’t you, baby?” Hearing her mumble yes against his clothes, the man could only chuckle as he further coaxed her, “You can rest now, baby. You can stop being a big girl now; you can be my little missy again.” As if his words flipped a switch, she did find herself ridding of any remaining thoughts about their dinner and instead complied with his request — which was more like a demand. Peering up at him, her eyes were now wide but weren’t glossy, “Hi dada, I missed you.” Pleased with how his girl decided to let loose, Andy planted a deep kiss on her lips and after doing so he peppered kisses all over her face, “I missed you too, little missy. Now how ‘bout we both go take a bubble bath?”
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One of August���s hobbies involved him fixing up his bike or adding whatever gadget he felt would look good on his bike. And since he was given a few weeks off, he took the time to get his hands oily and tinkle with his bike — but really the only reason why he was busying himself with the said vehicle was because his lovely girlfriend was busy with her own workload. Wiping his sweat with the shirt he had earlier discarded, August glanced at the clock and saw how it was already nearing the time they usually ate supper. Once entering the inside of their home, he headed straight for the office and was surprised to hear muffled cries coming from the room. Years of doing field work had allowed him to slip in easily without Y/N hearing him; he then listened closely to see if she had been talking to someone that made her cry, but after failing to hear her or someone else make a sound besides her sniffles, it was then that the CIA agent decided to intervene, “What’s wrong, Y/N?”
Her shoulders rose up and down in shock from her boyfriend’s sudden presence — by now she should have been used to his stealthily ways, but her crying lowered down her guard. She weakly pointed to her desk where pens, highlighters, papers, folders, and her laptop were scattered, “Work just got to me; it’s silly.” August, however, didn’t think of it that way and instead was worried his girl might have been overworking herself. Walking towards her, he grabbed both her hands so she could stand, “You’ve been such a good girl huh? Doing her work and working hard,” Part of Y/N was glowing from the praise and reveling in it; while the other part of her was going to complain to him how she still had more work to do. But just as she was going to do so, August lifted her chin so he could look at her, “How bout we eat dinner, hm? What would you like, little one? Some dino nuggies?” At the mention of her favorite food, she nodded her head up and down as she squealed, “Yes, daddy, I want some dino nuggies for supper!” Smiling he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, leading her away from her cause of stress and into the kitchen, “Alright then, some dino nuggies for my little one only because she’s been such a good girl; perhaps a sippy cup as well and some ice cream sandwiches for desert.”
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Bucky remembered how he needed some more hair ties for his long hair; Sam somehow thought it was a bright idea to involve his hair ties for one of his pranks wars with Scott. As he and Y/N were on the hair product aisle, he ordered her to stay put by the cart as he quickly grabbed what he was looking for. Though she wasn’t permitted to walk around, her eyes did the wandering and once she had set her sight on a My Little Pony shampoo. She was able to hold herself back from physically cooing at it; Bucky placed some of the hair tie packets on the cart and noticed how his girlfriend’s eyes were trained onto something. “You want that, sweetheart?” Shocked with how casually he offered it to her, she found herself nodding with excitement. Chuckling, the super soldier grabbed a few bottles into their cart and told her how they should get going to pay and go home already.
As they both had paid already for their grocery items and were now driving to their home. “Thank you for buying me that shampoo.” Bucky nodded as he began driving, placing a hand on her thigh, “You can let loose now, sweetie. We’re going home now,” And with that Y/N found herself playing with his hand, a telltale that she was beginning to let herself become little again. “I love you, tătic, I can’t wait for our bath time later.” As they were stopped by a relight, Bucky reached over and planted a kiss on her forehead, “Me too, sweetie; but don’t forget about our playtime alright?”
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When Y/N found out that Steve volunteered to be the overall head for the Avengers’ Thanksgiving outreach program, she decided to help along and shoulder half of the responsibilities that had been put on the hero’s shoulder. Which led them to the current situation they were in — they both were sorting out the food that had been cooked by the other team members and agents. “Okay, turkey, veggies, pasta,” Y/N listed out as she put the food in the bag and laid out in front of Steve so that he could place a greeting card on the basket before wrapping it up. “This makes it the 100th basket we did,” Steve took note as he was preparing the next card. 
The next few minutes were filled with hums from the two as a song played on the background while continuing on with their duties. Perhaps it was how repetitive the task got or tired Y/N was in overlooking the whole program, she was too far absent in her mind that she dropped some of the potatoes and made quite a mess. Looking over to Steve, she quickly apologized, “I’m sorry, Steve! I didn’t mean to drop it, I just got tired and was distracted.” Quickly putting down the cards he was holding, he made his way to over where she was and hugged her tight, “I know it was an accident, doll,” He felt his sweater dampen slightly with her tears, he didn’t want her to stop her crying but instead just let her cry out her frustrations. “I might have pushed you to work too much, doll.” She lifted her head up from where it rested on his chest and looked up at him, “You didn’t sir; I just wanted to help you.” Wiping the remainder of her tears, he was quick to counter, “And you were a big help, doll. But it’s time we both took a quick nap before continuing our work, okay? You’ve been such a good doll for me.”
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Following Sy’s retirement from the army, he and Y/N decided to accomplish step one of their settling down plan and go buy a house. The move from their apartment to the detached bungalow they purchased had been a big one; but one they absolutely loved and looked forward to. Their new home had been filled with boxes — some were the things they brought from their old residence, while the others were newly purchased furnitures and appliances. “Hey Y/N are our clothes upstairs or in here?” Sy wondered after he walked through the first floor and didn’t catch a glimpse of the bag that contained their clothes. “Shit, hold on I’ll check,” She mumbled to herself and looked at the small notebook she had which contained the information about their move. Upon realizing that the mentioned bag would arrive tomorrow afternoon due to a mix up with the moving company, she could only groan out loud, “God, I’m such an idiot!”
Sy heard her from where she was currently sitting on the floor and pulling her hair out from the pantry, “What’s going on, baby girl?” There was an intention as to why the former Captain had dropped that pet name on her; he was already sensing how the whole move had overwhelmed Y/N and that she was reaching her limit of handling it. It was his way of allowing her to destress and engage in her comfort zone. “I’m sorry Captain, there was a mix up and the bag that had our clothes will be brought here tomorrow. The bags that are in the room are the linens for the bed,” She sobbed out and feared that he’d punish her for stupidity. But that wasn’t what was on the veteran’s mind as he crouched down in his knees and held his girl tight, “It’s okay baby girl, today was real stressful for the both of us,” Feeling her nod against him, he tried his best to reassure her that the day’s gone and it was time to rest, “Don’t worry about the clothes okay? At least they’ll be arriving tomorrow.” Kissing the top of her head, Y/N then asked softly, “What do we do now then?” Lifting her chin with a finger he smirked at her, “Well we can go put some linen and blankets in the bed; then we get to cuddle and sleep naked. How’s that sound, baby?”
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When Lance brought up that he wanted to give little tokens of appreciation to his gymnasts for Thanksgiving, Y/N brought up that there were a lot of cute items that his students would love. They both were spending their afternoon on the couch; Lance was watching old performance videos of the gymnasts he was training as well as those of the competitors they were up against. While his girlfriend laid her head on his shoulder, scrolling through Etsy and bookmarking some gifts that stood out to her. There were also a few items that she saved that were things she liked — a stuffie, blanket, sippy cups or some pajamas. As she let out a whine about how cute the items were, the gymnastics coach paused the video he was watching and looked to his side, “What’s that all about?”
Pushing her phone to his sight, Y/N pouted, “I was looking at some gift ideas for your students but somehow I ended up looking at these little space items.” The man beside her chuckled as he took the phone and looked at some of the products she saved, “My angel wants some gifts too, huh?” Bashfully nodding her head, Y/N whispered, “Yes, papa, I do want some.” Swiping through some of the ideas she found he then declared, “And gifts you shall receive, since you’ve been a great help to me all the time, angel.” Y/N then shot up from where she was sitting and litter kisses on Lance’s face, repeatedly thanking him for generosity.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Falling for you ( Falling from grace) ( Complete )
Summary : Friends with benefits? Or maybe Enemies who just happen to fuck? Areum and Jungkook love driving each other crazy, but also can’t keep their hands off each other.
Chapter 1 
 Chapter 2 
 Chapter 3
 Chapter 4
 Chapter 5  
Chapter 6  
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 ( Final ) 
Something about sitting on the counter in Jungkook’s kitchen, wearing nothing but his shirt and chopping carrots , while the clock read 2.20 AM felt so right, that I couldn’t stop grinning. 
Jungkook was singing softly and apparently singing was yet another thing he was ridiculously good at.
“You’re singing at our wedding. You sound like an angel.” I declared, pointing one red veggie at him.
Jungkook laughed.
“Sure, what song?”
“Something sweet and nice and-”
“ Take off those heels- Lay on my bed- Whisper dirty secrets as I’m pulling on your hair.....” 
I glared at him. 
“absolutely not.”
“Aww Come on... “ Jungkook gave me the full brunt of his puppy eyes, “We should be true to ourselves and lets be real, yes I enjoy being corny and romantic with you but...it’s in the bed that we truly shine as a couple.” He grinned, bunny teeth poking out in an entirely too adorable way considering that he wanted to sing a fucking sex song at our ‘not-even-sure-if-its-happening wedding’ . 
“No one else needs to know that...” I shuddered. My sister would expire on the spot. 
“ They will when we sneak out at the reception to have sex in the closet.” 
“In my wedding dress? Yeah right.” I rolled my eyes.
Jungkook’s eyes glittered. 
“We’re going to be married in the Maldives. You’re going to be in a bikini.” He said casually. 
I blinked.
“A bikini?”
“Yes. A bikini. The kind I can undo with just a couple of tugs on a string. “ 
“You’ve...given this a lot of thought.” I smirked.
He nodded.
“I am...but only because it’s damn near impossible to think of anything else when you’re in front of me.”
“You’re ridiculous.”.
He shrugged,
“Even picked out a ring.”
“Liar.” I hissed and he laughed.
“You’re right. I haven’t picked a ring. We’ll pick one together ....when we want to get married.” 
“But...thats ...not anytime soon right?” I said nervously. Jungkook gave me a smile, moving back to stirring the saucepan with the meat and adding some sauce. 
“It doesn’t have to be ever. I’m happy this way. If one day you wake up and feel like you’re missing a ring on your finger, we’ll go do the whole wedding shebang. If not, that's fine too. We can spend the rest of our lives being the horny couple everyone avoids at family gatherings. ” he shrugged. 
I laughed but felt my heart expand a few sizes inside me. 
“Thank you.” I whispered and he leaned over the counter to gently grip my chin, planting a soft kiss on my lips. 
“No one else gets to say what we are. No one else gets to say what we can or can’t do. Okay?” He rubbed his nose against mine and I nodded.
I bit my lips, thinking about something that had always bothered me. 
“Your parents-” He cut me off before I could finish.
“I won’t lie. They’ll probably want me to...reconsider.” He sighed. “ But I don’t think they’ll give  you  a hard time about it.. They’re polite and good people. Just have a different idea of what I need in a wife.”
I played with the hem of his shirt. 
“Sana , she’s-” i couldn’t even say it, just looking up at him. He was already staring at me. 
He nodded, smiling a little.
“Someone my parents have been trying to set me up with, yeah.” He admitted. 
“You didn’t turn her down ...” I said softly, feeling hurt . 
He stared at me, turning the heat down on the pan before coming around to stand in front of me. 
“Hey, come on, don’t look like that, baby...”
“And she’s going to be there at your fight today and-”
“I just didn’t want to pick a fight with my parents before today’s match. Because believe it or not, I was going to ask you out today , after I won.”
I blinked at him, surprised.
“Really. I... you’ve been staying over and stuff, and you actually looked jealous of Sana so I thought...you know maybe you’ve changed your mind about us.... So I wanted to ask you out. And I wanted my parents to  be in a good mood when I told them I’m with you. So I indulged them a little , that’s all.” 
I nodded. Talking about his parents made me think of my own mother and God, I could feel a headache coming on. But I had to tell him the truth. 
“My mom...she’s...she’s a little...”
He squeezed my knees, leaning closer and bumping my head with his.
“I’m not the kind of guy women usually want to bring home to their parents, but i will wear a nice button down,  brush my teeth  and get a whole bunch of flowers for her when you ask me to.” He whispered. 
“She’ll only want you for your money.” I blurted out.
He straightened, looking confused.
Embarrassment flooded me but I had to be honest with him.
“My mother, she... she got used to a really luxurious lifestyle with my dad and when he died, she just...she couldn’t accept that she’s going to have to give up a lot of stuff... So she’ll try to get you to buy her things. I’ll try to keep her away as much as I can but-”
“I really wouldn’t mind buying her stuff-”
I shook my head fiercely.
“No..No..that’s... I can’t ask you to that.”
Areum look at me-” He demanded and I stared at him. 
“You do know that I’m like, filthy rich, right?” He said firmly.
I rolled my eyes.
“Yes but-”
“Buying your mom a few trinkets every month wouldn’t even put a dent in the amount of money I make in a fucking  hour.” He raised both his eyebrows.
I frowned.
“Okay, stop bragging.” 
He laughed. 
“ I’m serious. You don’t have to worry about it okay? Besides you can always repay me for it. “ 
I gaped at him.
“I cannot repay-”
“In kisses.” He finished. 
I stared at him, not fooled at all.
“And office sex. I really really want to spend a whole entire day at work with you wrapped around my cock...not even fucking,,,just you in my lap, me inside you.... Its like my biggest fantasy.” His eyes looked a little glazed. 
I felt heat rush all the way up to my ears, my face flaming. 
“You’re insatiable” I muttered, whacking his shoulder. 
His eyes shifted, gaze darkening and heavy with something that was more than just lust. More than just attraction,. It was heavy and over powering, strong and impossible to ignore. It was so heavy and dark and sensuous and yet somehow so achingly soft and affectionate. 
“It’s never enough, “ He leaned in close, curving fingers on my waist and kissing my neck. “ After two years, I tell myself I should have had enough of you but...” He brushed his lips against mine, “   It’s not. I want to touch you more. I always come away from our time together wishing I could touch you some more. Want to touch you more, take in that scent of yours, watch your eyes flash when I make you cum. ” 
He grabbed my knees, spreading my legs and I became acutely aware of being completely naked underneath his shirt. 
“We’re not having sex on the kitchen counter.” I protested, laughing  and he hummed, kissing my jaw gently.
“Come on, its a rite of passage. Its not true love if you don’t have sex on the kitchen counter while your dinner burns on the stove...” 
Oh, well. 
Maybe he was right. 
“Should i just forfeit the match tonight?” Jungkook whispered, voice muffled against my shoulder blades as he pressed soft little kisses to my skin , deliciously slow and gentle. 
I frowned, face down on the soft duvet on his bed, fingers curled into the fabric, trying to chase sleep. 
The slightly golden light spilling into the room told me it was morning, but still pretty early. We could definitely afford to sleep in a few more hours at least. It had been almost four in the morning when we had finally fallen asleep. Jungkook had wanted to leave the kitchen as it was but I couldn’t fathom leaving some poor maid the task of cleaning cum off the mahogany surface. 
“Why would you say that?” i said, surprised. 
Jungkook sighed.
“I don’t know. “ He pulled away from me and rolled to the side. I stared at him as he gazed back at me. 
“What’s wrong?” I whispered, genuinely concerned.
He gave me a soft smile.
“It’s just a thought. I have it every morning of a major match.” He ran a palm over his face, mussing up his hair bore reaching out to press a kiss on my forehead. 
“Is it nervousness?” I asked, feeling anxious. There was something oddly frightening about seeing this side of Jungkook. I’d only ever seen the cool, confident asshole. The one that had no qualms about taking what he wanted, when he wanted. 
And I felt .... like it was a privilege he was granting me, letting me see the vulnerable side to his well earned cockiness. 
He shook his head. 
“It’s not. I’m not worried about losing, wouldn’t even mind losing once in a while.”
“But you don’t... you’re literally incapable of losing, golden maknae...” I teased and he rolled his eyes. 
“It’s actually about you.” He reached out and cupped my cheek gently. 
I blinked, pressing my own fingers over his. .
“I’m not sure you’ll....like  that  side of me.” He said hesitantly. 
“A large part of why I never let you see me fight is because, I’m not a nice person in the ring. I don’t show a lot of mercy ... I sometimes use more force than necessary and well, there’s nothing beautiful about beating the shit out of someone is there?”
I swallowed.
“You think I’ll see you differently, if I watch you fight.”
He nodded. 
“Won’t you? It’s not a very dignified sport.” 
I hesitated, not sure what to say to that. 
“I’ve not... I don’t think I’ve ever thought it was weird, in a bad way, that you boxed. I just thought it was something you were good at. It’s not... I don’t think I feel that deeply about it.” 
He nodded.
“I believe you . But it still worries me. I’m just scared I guess...”
“Scared that seeing me in the ring will make you change your mind about us.” 
I jolted, stunned. 
Moving quickly to his side , I threw my arms around his neck, kissing him hard. 
I pulled back to glare at him.
“I’m not going to leave you over a sport you play.” I said drily .
He chuckled and kissed the tip of my nose.
“If you say so.”
“I’m serious. I’m not a delicate flower, Jungkook. I’m not going to enjoy watching you get hurt, yes, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to just...give up on everything that you are.... because of this.” 
“You’re right.... I’m sorry if i worried you.” He said softly , and it was so disarming, how much adoration was writ large on his features.
 I was used to the lust and the passion and the roughness but this Jungkook, the tender, gentle lover....he was sending me into a downward spiral. 
“This is weird.” I laughed a little.
He grinned.
“What?” He scooted closer, reaching out to gently hold my hand.
“You...being so...” I stopped when he stroked the delicate skin on the back of my hand with feather light touches. 
“So...what?” His eyebrows quirked up, teasing and I felt myself blushing so furiously . 
“Stop it...” I whispered, mortified with how hot my face was getting. That tender, adoring look on his face was making it impossible for me to breathe.
Jungkook gave me a wicked smile and carefully slotted his fingers between mine, holding my hand gently before raising it up to kiss my knuckles.
“What’s making you turn so red, angel?” He pressed soft affectionate kisses, on each knuckle and then the inside of my wrist and I smiled so wide my cheeks began to hurt a bit. 
“Jungkook...” I could barely get the words out and it was so incredibly embarrassing that something as innocently affectionate as him holding my hand was filling me with an incontrollable urge to just burst into tears. 
“ I love you...” He whispered , blowing gently on my fingers. 
“Oh, God...” I could feel my soul threatening to leave my body. 
“Love every little bit of you...” He rolled over me, straddling my waist , arms caging me in as he pressed one soft kiss to my temple. 
“I’m going to cry.” I said firmly.
“Love that you’re so brave, so unafraid. “ He kissed the edge of my brows., “ love that you stand up for yourself, love that you don’t take shit from anyone, even me and I love that you’re here. In my arms. Like this, although I don’t deserve you at all, my beautiful goddess....” he whispered. 
The nickname made me astral project for one hot minute. 
Determined to get some control back, I grabbed the drawstrings of his sweatpants, untying the loose knot before slipping my fingers into the waistband. 
“Hmm... you’re right. You don’t deserve. But because I’m a generous generous goddess, how about I let you worship me, the way  I  deserve ....” I whispered, tugging his pants down, pushing the fabric past  his muscled thighs. He laughed.
“And how would that be?”
“Let me use that hot, thick dick of yours... Wanna ride it till my thighs shake, make you cum so hard you’ll see heaven...” I whispered and he rolled his eyes. 
“This is supposed to be a soft moment .... and all you’re interested in is my cock , you dirty little-” He choked when I shimmied down, quickly. Scooting down the bed till i was face to face with his dick, his thighs straddling my chest and his cock right up against my mouth. 
I licked the tip, gently. 
“I love you too..” I whispered, wrapping my lips around the soft head , letting my lips suck on the sensitive skin, tongue licking the soft underside as he grabbed on to the headboard to steady himself. 
“Love how much you care for me,” I ran the tip of my tongue all over the head , getting it nice and sloppy, “  how upset you get when I’m hurting....” I opened my mouth wide, lifting up just a bit to suck more of him into my mouth. 
“Oh God-”
“Love how kind, and talented and nice you are. Love how good you are at making me feel good. No one makes me feel as good as you do, Jungkook...” 
He was staring down at me, eyes blown with a mixture of arousal and affection, fingers carding through my hair gently.
I gave his hip a small pat.  
“Fuck my mouth... i can’t suck you off like this.” I squeezed his ass , enjoying how hard it felt beneath my hand. I gripped his thighs, stroking them up and down, leanly muscled and corded with strength. 
And then, completely losing my senses, 
“Namjoon’s thighs are a little bigger than yours right? ”  I said thoughtfully, completely serious and not even realizing what i was saying and  who  I was saying it to until his grip on my hair tightened hard enough  . 
Jungkook’s eyes widened comically and he was off me in a second. 
The look of sheer and absolute horror on his face made me laugh so hard i nearly choked. 
Growling, he grabbed me by the shoulders, flipping me over so fast, i bounced off the mattress. I laughed into the fabric of the pillow . 
“Jungkook, i was just jok--” I got cut off by a smack to the back of my thigh, hard and stinging. 
“Hyung’s thighs? Really, Areum, you wanna got there?” He smacked me again, and I whined. 
“Is this any way to treat a goddess?” I choked out, struggling to crawl away but he held me down easily. 
“Shouldn’t ever go soft on you..., called you a goddess one time and suddenly you wanna be a little brat about it......” He grunted, fingers closing around my upper arms and pulling my hands back so hard that my shoulder actually popped. 
He pulled me up till I was on my knees, his chest pressed to my back as he gripped my wrists hard. 
“Ow!! I’m sorry!” I yelped, but he wasn’t listening,  and I grinned when i felt the familiar cold of metal on my wrists. 
“You’re so easily riled...” I added a slight lilt to my words, knowing how much it annoyed him. 
He didn’t disappoint, grabbing my chin hard and yanking my head back so I could stare at him. 
“Only when you forget your place, angel.” He whispered . 
“My place?” I blinked innocently. “ And where is that?”
He gave me a quick bruising kiss.
“In my heart most of the time. But right now, on your knees up against the head board so I can fuck your brains out.” 
“I love you.” Jungkook said cheerfully, leaning against the wall and grinning like the Chesire cat. I straightened from where I was kneeling, tying my sneakers. 
I stared at him, completely amused.
“Jungkook you don’t have to say that so often...” I shook my head.
He frowned. 
“I like being able to say those words to you. I spent entirely too many months thinking them and not being allowed to say them.”
I felt my heart melt a little. 
“I love you too. “ I whispered.
“I wouldn’t mind you being there, you know. I know I said all that stuff, but if you really want to see me fight from up front....” 
I shook my head. 
“Its alright. I won’t be anywhere near the front and I’ll make sure to look away when you’re punching your opponent. “ I teased. 
He sighed.
“Just remember that’s not who I am, okay? I... I love you.” He said again.
“Now the word’s just beginning to lose all meaning.” I laughed. 
He looked hurt at that.
I rushed to sooth him.
“I’m just joking, I’m joking... Of course it has meaning and i love that you’ve suddenly turned into a love bot, but let’s just... tone it down. Just a little bit.” I pinched my fingers together,.
He tugged his lower lips between his teeth.
“You’ll be okay to get to the venue by yourself right? I’m going to take a shower and a nap before I head there.”
“I’ll be fine.” I waved him off. “ We’ll meet up after you win and celebrate properly.” I winked, giving him one last kiss before waving bye. 
As the door closed behind him, I couldn’t help but grin ear to ear.
Ain’t love grand? 
I was wrong. 
I couldn’t do this.
“He is so hot. Oh my God, you’re so lucky, Sana...look at his fucking abs.” 
I willed myself not to take a swing at the girl next to me. I wanted to clench my fist, raise my arm and just let loose till she was knocked out on the floor. The women from the office had seen me hovering awkwardly at the back and swooped on me like a pair of vultures. 
I’d been swept to the very front with them, my protests falling on deaf ears and now, suddenly I had front row seats to watching the love of my life get hurt. 
There was nothing even remotely enjoyable about watching Jungkook get hit. And although it was clear that he was winning , clear that he was so much better than his opponent, there was no denying that the other guy was good too.
And the two times he had managed to catch Jungkook off guard, landing a couple of punches, my entire heart had cracked into two. 
“He’s going to be my husband...can you believe?” San whispered next to me and I startled.,
Oh God. 
The girls looked at me eagerly.
“Oh...that’s yeah. Sounds amazing.” I smiled. 
“He could probably like fuck you against the wall, “ Jieun whispered, giggling .
Sana blushed so red I wanted to scream.
“So hot... Do you think he’s... you know...big?” She nudged me lightly, laughing. 
Oh wow. I clenched my fists, feeling rage fill my veins so fast that I saw red. 
But I was saved by the sound of a commotion up front and my head whipped around, panic setting in. 
I stared at the ring. Jungkook stood back while his opponent was flat on the floor, unmoving. 
Great, these horny bitches had made me miss him taking the winning shot. 
i watched the referee kneel beside the prone man, counting slowly and I saw Jungkook turn to stare right at me.
“He’s looking at you, Sana... He’s looking at you, look!!” Jieun grinned. 
I bit my lips, smiling at him. 
“I think you should go to him.” The girls told Sana and I jumped.
What the fuck??
Unable to bear it, I pushed past them, ignoring their surprised squawks as I pushed past the crowd to the aisle. 
“And , ladies and gentleman, we have ourselves a winner. Give it up for our very own, Jeon Jung Kook!!” 
The crowd went wild, the referee raising his hand up in victory.
I ran all the way up to the ring, narrowly missing the guard near the front and crawling up into the ring. 
Jungkook stared at me, wide eyes as I jumped on him with a running leap. 
He caught me around the waist easily, laughing. He gripped my butt, hoisting me up and I wrapped my thighs tight around his waist. 
“Oh, wow”. He whispered, but I was too busy searching the crowd for the three girls who had triggered me into this madness. 
Sana and her two friends stood slack jawed, eyes wide as saucers as they stared at me. 
I snatched the mic out of Jungkook’s hand. Glared right at them. 
“To answer your question...yes.. he’s big. The biggest I’ve ever had and what’s more he knows how to use it too. Also, stay the fuck away from my boyfriend and stop talking about him like he’s a piece of meat, you whores. You do know I work in the HR department right? I will file sexual harassment suits on the three of you so fast you’ll-” 
Jungkook grabbed the mic out of my hands before I could finish, looking absolutely horrified. 
“You crazy little bint!” He laughed aloud and I pouted.
“They’re taking about your dick. I don’t like that.” I protested. 
“Baby, you know my dick is yours.” 
“Damn right it is.” I said firmly. 
He grinned a bit. 
“And so is my heart.” 
I let him kiss me, the background noise and the sound of of cheering fading away as I let my eyes flutter shut, reveling in just him. 
Of course, we had things to do. Meet our parents. Make our relationship public.... a whole lot of messy grown up stuff that would annoy the fuck out of both of us. 
But for now, kissing him in front of everyone, ignoring Namjoon’s screams of, ‘ Jungkook there are reporters here!!! ’ and my sister’s shouts of, ‘ stop you heathens’.....
Well, this felt just right. 
The End .
Authors Note : Well, this was a whole entire journey wasn’t it!!!!! I will deeply miss Jungkook and Areum, I loved them with my whole entire heart. I hope you guys loved them too... Let me know if you did... As always, feedback is much, much appreciated !!!! Thank you for sticking by.  Love and kisses. 
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diegos-butt · 3 years
Electricity Chapter 1
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Summary: For the first time in her life, Melody Williams is moving out of her hometown to Minnesota where she got a job as a crime journalist for the Minnesota Daily. But this city does not only have a new job for her to offer. What will happen when she crosses paths with detective Walter Marshall? Heads up, a little electricity is involved ✨
Walter Marshall x Melody Williams (curvy OFC)
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 2.5k
A/N: So, I wrote something for the first time 👀 Pls be kind haha. This is written with a plus size/curvy OFC in mind because all my curvy babes, like me, deserve some love 😘 
“Thanks for calling me. I will call you back with my decision soon.” I hung up the phone and stared at it in my hand. A woman from the newspaper in the city a few towns over had just called, telling me they were offering me a job at their crime department. I sat at my desk at my current job, a local journalist for my hometown newspaper. I started working there during college and they offered a job after I finished. I happily accepted, because that meant I could move out of my lovely parents’ house and start my own life.
As I sat at my desk I realized I had never really left this town, and I had always fantasized what it would be like to live and work in a different town. I loved my hometown, don’t get me wrong, but it is small and everyone knows each other. Every day is basically the same here. Miss Johnson walks her dog at exact 3pm, the Millers go to the supermarket at 4pm to buy dinner and the whole town eats at Al’s diner every Sunday.
Also, the men in this town aren’t something to write home about. The decent men are taken by the perfect housewives and the ones who are left, are the type of guys who you don’t want to meet in a dark alley. And unfortunately, no nice men have decided to move here in the last couple of years. The only guy I dated (we were only together for a couple of months) decided I wasn’t good enough and eloped with a pretty, skinny blonde bitch.
While the town doesn’t seem to change, neither does my job. I have been covering the local news for a couple of years now, and it feels like I have been doing the same thing over and over again. Nothing really happens here, and honestly it makes me feel stuck at my job. I feel like my job and this place aren’t helping me to move further. I want to learn more and see something else than this town.
Still staring at the phone in my hand realization washed over me. This was my way out. This phone call could change everything. Not thinking twice, I called the woman (I had forgotten her name, Stacy apparently) back telling her I was accepting their offer. This was my chance of starting something new.
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In the weeks after the call, I quit my job and started looking for a new place. Luckily, I found a cosy, affordable apartment. Not too big, not too small. Perfect for me and only me. Not wanting to wait, I moved in quickly with the help of my parents and made the place feel a little like home.
It was a cute apartment with one bedroom and a tiny kitchen. I had everything I needed. A comfy couch, my kettle, my books, a tv for my binge-watching nights and lots of cosy blankets and throw pillows.
After moving in and settling down, I finally had a chance to decorate the place with a lot of fairy lights and plants. I stood in the middle of the living area, wiping some sweat of my face after moving around some heavy plants. Yeah, this is starting to look like home. I thought as I looked around the living area, satisfied with the work I did.
I sat down on my couch and looked at the clock on the wall. It was 8pm. I was tired and hadn’t eaten yet. Tomorrow was my first day at the Minnesota Daily and I couldn’t wait. I was a little nervous, but because I was so tired, I didn’t have the energy to be too nervous or to make dinner.
I decided to make a grilled cheese sandwich and go to bed early. Tomorrow was the first day of a new start and I needed to look good. Might need a full 12 hours of sleep if I want to look a little decent, I thought to myself as I stared into the mirror and noticed my messy hair and the bags under my eyes.
After I ate my ‘dinner’ (I decided two grilled cheese sandwiches counted as dinner), I went to my bedroom and picked an outfit for tomorrow. A simple jeans and a baby blue blouse would do it. Afterwards I brushed my teeth and removed my make up. I put on my pyjamas and fell asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow.
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After parking my car in the parking garage underneath the building the Minnesota Daily is located, I checked my make up one last time in the rear-view mirror. No uneven eyebrows and no smudges of mascara. Let’s go make a good first impression.
I stepped out of the car and grabbed my purse. I walked out of the parking garage and made my way to the front desk where I was greeted by a friendly older looking receptionist.
“Hi, I’m Melody! It is my first day here and I was told to ask for Stacy,” I said.
“Welcome dear! I’ll let Stacy know you’re here! She’ll be here in a sec,” she said with a smile. I nodded and looked around. People were walking in and out of the building, most of them talking on the phone. They all looked like they were in a rush.
Stacy appeared within a minute. She was taller than me, and I’m not exactly tiny, and her long brown hair was tied up in a bun. She walked towards me with her hand reached out and I quickly took it.
“Hi, you must be Melody! I’m Stacy, but everyone calls me Stace. Come, follow me, I’ll show you where we will be working!” she said while we walked to the elevator. While the elevator brought us to the 8th floor, she asked me how my new apartment was and if I liked the city. Before I knew it, the elevator reached the 8th floor.
“Everyone, pay attention! This is Melody and she will be joining our department as you all know,” Stacy practically yelled the second we left the elevator. I already saw some friendly faces looking at me. “Hi, I am Melody, but please call me Mel,” I said while Stacy walked over to a desk and started to introduce me to my new co-workers.
After I met everyone from the crime department, I made my way towards my new desk. Everyone seemed friendly and there was a relaxed atmosphere. Which was a little surprising to me considering this was the crime department. I looked around and thought: yeah, I made the right call to accept this offer.
Yet, I had no idea what this town had to offer me. Or better said, who.
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In the first week I worked there I became friends with some of my co-workers. Carmen Garcia practically forced me to go to lunch with her and Gia Park on my first day. They had both been working at the Minnesota Daily for a couple of years now and they were one of the few women in the department. So, they were glad I was recruited to give them another ally in the office.
While we had lunch, they informed me about everything I needed to know. “You seriously need to stay away from creepy Greg, he works for the finance section. Make sure you never go down there alone. He always looks at women like he wants to drag them into an empty alley,” Gia said while pretending to throw up.
“Oh, he is the worst! But Megan, the receptionist, is the best ever. She is so sweet and kind. If you ever need anything, just ask her and she will help you,” Carmen added.
“Definitely! And if you ever need free tickets for a sports game, just let me know and we will visit the guys from the sport section,” Gia told me with a wink.
“I will keep all of this in mind,” I said while taking a sip from my cappuccino. “but tell me something about yourselves!”
Next thing I knew Carmen and Gia told me where they grew up, where they went to school and how they ended up working for the Minnesota Daily. I noticed how easy it was to talk to these girls and we had a good laugh while they told me about their most recent dating disasters. I nearly spilled my cappuccino not once or twice, but thrice while Carmen told me about how she escaped from one of her dates through the bathroom window.
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During my first week I spend a lot of time with them. I helped them finish their articles and I got to know them pretty well. Carmen is tough, but sweet and straightforward, while Gia is soft and has a very short span of attention while working. She has visited my desk every half hour just to “catch up”. But I didn’t complain. It was nice to have them as my co-workers, although they began to feel more like friends.
It felt like my life fell into place again. I was making new friends, and I did a pretty good job so far.  Still, sometimes I forgot to do basis tasks like getting groceries. So now I was parking my car in the parking lot of the grocery store.
As soon as I stepped out, I felt the cold chilly air around me, making me pull my leather jacket closer around my body. Hastily I stepped through the doors of the store just a few minutes before they would close. Quickly I grabbed a basket, knowing I should grab a cart, and started to walk through the aisles.
It was quiet inside, just a few people were doing some last-minute shopping like me. I waved hello to the woman at the cash register as I made my way to the first aisle.
So just the basics, some bread, apples, veggies, chocolate. Hmm maybe no chocolate. Okay yes, some chocolate. I deserve it today. What else, milk and cereal obviously. Girl gotta eat some breakfast. I thought as I threw some products in my already way too full basket and made my way to the cereal aisle. I walked passed the apples and picked some up, holding them in my hands.
Walking through the aisle I stopped in front of the many boxes of cereal. Above me I noticed a flickering lightbulb, reminding me I still needed to watch the last episode of Stranger Things. Maybe I should watch it tonight.
Staring at all the different kinds of cereal, I couldn’t decide which one I wanted. After a minute of just staring at the boxes lost in my own world, I grabbed one.
Except, I suddenly wasn’t the only one. Quickly I turned around and bumped into a warm, broad chest which made me drop the apples I was carrying. “Oh shit,” I whispered before I looked up into the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen and stared at the man. He had a beard and dark, brown curls. One of the curls dangled in front of his eyes and I had to fight the urge to not wipe it out of his face.
“It didn’t look like you were going to make a decision soon, so I just grabbed the one I wanted,” he said while crouching down to pick up the fallen apples.
“Oh no, no it’s fine,” I stammered, completely overwhelmed by him. “I guess I was zoned out there for a moment.”
While he was picking up the apples, I decided to take a quick look at him. He was a tall, big man wearing a dark blue sweater. Damn it, he is gorgeous. Don’t mind bumping into him more often.. no don’t go there, pull yourself together! I thought as I felt my cheeks burning all of a sudden. I couldn’t even remember the last time I talked to a man this handsome. Get it together Mel.
As he stood up and handed me the apples, I noticed how tired he looked. There were dark circles underneath his eyes, making me wonder when it was the last time he had a decent amount of sleep. Or if he ever had a decent night of sleep.
“Thank you for picking these up,” I said while holding up the apples, making them almost fall again. His reflexes were fast as he grabbed my elbow, helping me keep the apples balanced. The warmth of his hand made my legs suddenly feel a little weak.
“No problem,” he chuckled tiredly making me smile a little. “Maybe you should have gotten a cart instead of a basket, might be easier,” he said while still holding onto my elbow. He pointed with his other hand to my basket that was way too full.  
“You are probably right, but my stubborn ass thought I could carry it all, so here we are,” I answered with a timed laugh, feeling a little embarrassed. He looked at me with those blue eyes and I noticed he had a “don’t mess with me” vibe, that somehow made me feel safe.
As I looked at his hand on my elbow, I suddenly became aware of how close he was. I could smell his musky cologne. He noticed I looked at his hand, and he abruptly let go of me while taking a step back. I immediately missed the warmth of his hand.
“I, uh, I need to go. Take care and don’t drop those again,” he told me with a small smile pointing at the apples in my hands. He grabbed his own basket and started to walk away. As he walked away, I took a good look of him. He was a very muscular man, and I took a mental picture of his ass because that was a sight I did not want to forget. I must tell Carmen and Gia about this.
“I can’t promise that, but I will try my hardest,” I laughed, knowing I would probably drop them again soon. “See you around?” I asked him. Surprised by my own boldness I nearly sank through the floor out of embarrassment.
He looked back at me with those beautiful blue eyes and I felt a spark of electricity going through my spine. “I hope so,” he said with a smirk before he shook his head and turned the corner leaving me speechless in the cereal aisle.
I stood there for another minute while coming back to my senses. My cheeks stopped burning and I realized I had not embarrassed myself that much. I smiled to myself and pictured the smirk he gave me in my head. Then the announcement that the store was about to close in a few minutes blared through the speakers, reminding me I still had to collect some groceries.
Quickly I grabbed the rest of the groceries and headed towards the cash register hoping to see him one more time. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be found.
I paid for the groceries and walked to my car. Loading the groceries in the trunk I nearly dropped the apples again. Told you, I thought while closing the trunk. It was getting dark and colder outside so I wasted no more time and drove home.
While driving home I realized the mistake I made.
Damn, I should’ve asked his name.
> Chapter two
Taglist: @keanureevesisbae
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almond-arlet · 4 years
Heavenly | Nanami x Reader
“Because this is where I wanna be, where it’s so sweet and heavenly, I’m giving you all my love.” - cigarettes after sex
this is my first time writing anything on here so I’m a noob, pls go easy on me. i also haven’t written much in a long time since this pandemic started so...
Warnings: none! just some nanami fluff bc I miss him.
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“HE’S LATER THAN USUAL.” You think out loud, looking at the clock indicating that it was a little after 8pm hanging on the wall before you. You decided to get comfier on the couch you were seated on, resuming the task of reading a book you had left on your shelf for way longer than you should have. You had wanted to surprise your long term boyfriend with a visit to his place. You knew he sometimes finished work much later than his usual time, which was 6pm, but he often worked hard to be clocking out of his space as soon as the big hand hit 12. He loathed working overtime, after all.
Your relationship with Nanami Kento was an unexpected surprise, having not been attracted to him in the slightest at first. Sure, you acknowledged that he was physically attractive, but his stiff and inflexible personality was something you didn’t quite vibe with. You met him a few times when you worked morning shifts at a coffee shop he frequented. He would always answer your ‘how are you?’ with the same one word, fine, monotonous and barely sparing you a glance. Then you began working at a local bar that often had karaoke nights and your superiors would always put you in charge with setting up for the half-drunken ‘singers’.
One day you decided to (you were forced to by a colleague) sing yourself, and it seemed to have grabbed the attention of a guest who had visited the bar for the first time. You knew that because his high cheek-boned, sharp jawed, pointed nose and stiff posture made him stand out like a sore thumb. He came every night in case you sang again. On the days you didn’t sing, he’d make sure you were the one to serve him, and although he wasn’t as interactive with small talk, you very quickly figured out how to interact with him. Then he began to stay long enough to be able to walk you to the nearest taxi pick up spot. Then he began to take you straight home to your doorstep.
And now you’re sitting on the small couch in his living room, reading a book to entertain yourself until he comes home - something you did a minimum of three times a week.
It wasn’t long after the acknowledgment of the time that you heard the familiar sound of keys slotting into the lock of the front door, followed by the sound of the door opening. A smile played on your lips as you listened to the sound of shoes being taken off, a bag hitting the floor and then the sound of sliders dragging across the floor - all sounds that you knew like the back of your hand.
You mark your page in your book and look up to the man who just entered, a tired expression etched onto his sharp features, head of blonde hair dishevelled and goggles still comfortably sitting on the bridge of his nose. Before you could greet him, he came right over to you, taking a seat next to you then dropped his head into your lap. You were quick to raise your arms as soon as you saw what he was doing, a startled ‘oof’ leaving your lips when his head landed onto your thighs.
“Good evening to you, too, Kento.” You muttered, letting him get comfortable as he took off his goggles and then crossed his arms over his chest. You watched him exhale, closing his eyes and remaining silent for a short while.
“Sorry,” he grumbled, sighing again then opening his eyes and looking up to meet your amused gaze. “It’s been a long day.”
“I can tell.” You replied, placing your book on the empty space beside you then bringing a hand up to run your fingers through his hair gently. “You smell gross.” He shut his eyes in response and huffed.
“You smell nice.” He retorted, and you smiled when you saw a hint of amusement playing at the corner of his lips.
“You must be hungry.” You comment, moving some strands of his hair out of the space on his forehead. You leaned down and planted a soft kiss in the spot between his brows then straightened up and gently tapped the crown of his head. “If you go shower, I’ll be finished making something for you to eat . How does that sound?”
“Are you on the menu?” He asked, tone as serious as ever but it made you laugh, tapping the crown of head again.
“Not tonight, you’re already worn out,” you hummed, letting your fingers play with his hair again momentarily. “Up you get, then.”
He nodded his head, opening his eyes and sitting up in one swift movement. Though he was never one to talk about how he felt, he appreciated your very existence. He appreciated that you never probed about his work-life any more than he was comfortable. He appreciated that you read him like an open book and accepted him and all his stiffness. He appreciated that you would always randomly smother him with soft kisses all over his face for no reason. He hoped he’d be able to tell you one day, but for now, he knew that you felt it.
And that you did, which is why you were happy to do things for him as you were doing now, preparing a small snack for him to eat whilst he showered and changed into more comfortable clothing. He was in and out in a flash, which you assumed was either because he didn’t want to be without you for a second or he was incredibly hungry.
You had set up his food on the small kitchen table he had, and watched him take a seat and thank you for the meal. You remembered that there were some pears that hadn’t been touched since the day you brought them to him two days ago, deciding to cut them up for him and see if he would eat them.
Although the both of you sat in a comfortable silence, you couldn’t help but think about how much you loved doing the mundane things for him. Sure, it was nice when you were cuddling on the couch or embraced in all sorts of positions in the bedroom, but there was something about the smaller things that filled your heart with joy.
You looked up from the pear in your hands to see that he had stopped eating, his head resting on a balled fist that was propped up onto the table abs his eyes were on you. His hair was still damp from his shower and pulled back so that his whole face was visible. His expression was hard to read but it didn’t intimidate you, instead, you scoffed and continued to cut the pair in your hands into four.
“What?” You asked, looking down at the piece of pear you were cutting the seeds out of and got rid of the stalk, placing the piece into a bowl before doing the same to the remaining three pieces.
“Should we get married?” He asked, the question catching you off-guard but you remained calm. Your eyes flickered up to him, trying to scan his face for any sign of amusement and finding nothing. He was being serious.
“Why are you asking right now?”
“Because I like the way you cut pears for me.” His answer had you confused and it took all you had inside not to laugh. You slowly nodded your head, putting the rest of his pear slices into the bowl and pushing it towards him.
“So, what? You want me to cut your pears everyday until the end of time?” You teased with a light laugh, wiping your wet hands with a drying cloth that was next to you.
“Yes.” He answered, taking the bowl of pear slices and digging into them right away. “You haven’t answered my question.”
You smiled at him, propping your elbows onto the table and resting your chin in your hands whilst you watched him eat. “Okay. But on one condition.” He didn’t say anything but the speed at which he looked at you indicated he didn’t expect you to agree so easily. “You have to spoil me with gifts everyday. I cut you pear slices, you buy me expensive shiny things.”
His lips pulled into a humoured smile that you rarely saw when you were not in his home. “If that’s what I need to keep you by my side everyday.”
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
the poets and their first summer jobs
i’ve seen some discourse about how rich all the boys/their families are, and of course there would be like very little reason for them to work, but i couldn’t help wondering who would do what for their first jobs (summer jobs bc they couldn’t work while they’re at school). andddd that led me to writing this lol
neil: so neil would have like absolutely zero time for a job between all his normal coursework/extracurriculars and his summer classes (”you know me, always taking on too much”), but i guarantee you he would still take the time to get a job and have his own money to do with whatever he chose. mr. perry wouldn’t care much because it showed neil “taking initiative” or whatever. neil would likely work at a diner as either a bus boy or a waiter. he’s super personable, so he’d always strike up conversations with people sitting at the counter, and he’d get loads of tips bc he’s cute (: he’d bring his summer school work with him to do during lulls in business, which his boss didn’t mind because it’s neil and everyone knows how responsible he is. the poets would come visit him pretty much every day (to eat, see neil, and escape the heat in the air conditioning), likely taking up a whole booth, and making an absolute mess of the area. charlie would be making spitballs, aiming at cameron and knox every time (earning a “charlie, knock it off, i told you three times already! so mature of you, really.” from cameron) and meeks/pitts would try to see how many straws they could connect to make “ultra straw.” todd would come hang out at the counter when neil was closing, admiring his pretty bf as he worked (’: neil would always make todd a chocolate milkshake with whipped cream and rainbow jimmies on the house, claiming, “we have to empty out the ice cream machine anyway” (but really he’d take the cost out of his paycheck, just wanting to make todd happy). his boss would hire him back every summer, loving how much business neil drove in (even if the poets made a mess every time they hung out and ate) and absolutely adoring how much effort neil put into what anyone else would seemingly call a “meaningless” job.
todd: you can’t tell me that todd wouldn’t look forward to working. especially during the summers, it would get him out of the house and away from his parents judging his every move. being the shy introvert he is, he’d likely do things like mowing lawns or gardening for people around his neighborhood. minimal interactions, but still decent pay (as all the people in his neighborhood were likely super rich and could afford to pay him well). the poets’ parents would hire him, after much convincing from their sons (”todd’s just trying to make some money, dad. please?”) and todd would appreciate this more than they ever knew. he’d become super familiar with flower types and he’d become a lot more nurturing after taking care of plants and grass for multiple summers. he’d keep a little journal or notebook with drawings or sketches of the flowers he’d taken care of, complete with descriptions and magazine/newspaper clippings from his mom’s better homes and garden subscription (a lot of his poetry would become nature-related as well). it would be his late night project, or something he’d do if he couldn't sleep (which was pretty common for todd). he’d call neil on the phone some nights and just gush about all kinds of flowers or tell neil how he accidentally got stung by a bee and cried about it because he knew the bee would die (all the while, neil would be listening so intently, taking note about which flowers were todd’s favorites for future use (’: the calls would have to be pretty planned, bc if neil wasn’t working, he was doing school work, or his parents were keeping an annoyingly close watch on him. but sometimes neil would call him impromptu and that made todd just the happiest little camper ever). todd’s nails would be really short (he’d cut them really often because he doesn’t like the feeling of dirt under his nails), which means he couldn’t bite his nails anymore, causing him to pick up a new anxious habit of biting the inside of his bottom lip ): overall, though, todd would like his job, and even find pleasure in being surrounded by little flowers all day. also if/when neil ever got the chance, he’d absolutely tag along to see his sweaty boyfriend in action (come on, neil would go absolutely nuts for todd in a cutoff shirt, 5″ inseam shorts, and converse mowing a lawn looking all manly and tough). 
charlie: obviously, charlie wouldn’t need to work because of his financial situation, but his mom would 110% make him get a job just so he wouldn’t be around the house causing trouble/bothering his siblings for fun (”i’m hosting a lot of book club meetings for the country club this summer, i can’t have you putting spiders in the ladies’ hats again, charles”). similar to neil, mr. charlie dalton would work his summers at an ice cream/custard stand. he’d have to wear a white, short sleeve button up, a red and white striped apron, and one of those white, rectangular hats (his least favorite part HAHA, stating, “my hair is one of my best features and this just takes it all away. it’s unfair.”). the poets would visit often, both for ice cream, but primarily to give him a hard time about his uniform (”i’ll give you twenty bucks to wear this on our first day of classes” meeks would tease, completely gobsmacked when charlie showed up to their first chemistry class in his uniform, earning lots of demerits, but also twenty dollars). charlie would hate it at first, but obviously he’d adjust, being the extroverted/personable person, not taking himself too seriously and being one of the best ice cream slingers anyone had ever seen. he’d give the cute girls (and boys) extra scoops of ice cream for free, winking as he handed them their orders. like neil’s boss, charlie’s boss was even more thankful for charlie’s presence because they’d likely be raking in at least triple the income they would in a summer without him. he’d become a sundae expert, spending many dead poets meeting making them for his friends while they read poems and stories. that being said, he’d come to hate eating ice cream, publishing an article in welton’s honor demanding that they remove ice cream from their dessert menu (yes, almost exactly like the “girls at welton” prank, but he’d make the call collect this time. mr. nolan would be fed up to the point where he wouldn’t even punish charlie physically, just suspend him from rowing [which charlie wouldn’t mind at all HAHA]).
meeks & pitts: after their hi-fi success and the fact that they are seemingly inseparable, they both sought out jobs at the local radio station where they were hired as interns/assistants, running errands and picking up coffee or lunch for the station. but sometimes, when they worked pretty late, the night shift dj would let them pick the records and show them how everything worked (: after nights like that, meeks and pitts would go to one of their houses and add modifications to their hi-fi radio, staying up all night modifying and researching (by the end of the summer, they had made another hi-fi (portable) and their og hi-fi would have been morphed into a huge nationally reaching radio that they keep in the cave (since it would be disallowed in their room at welton). another job that the two of them would have would be answering calls for the station about song requests. with this knowledge, charlie and the other poets would hang out at someone’s house, calling and requesting the same songs over and over and over again. their biggest task for the summer would be organizing the shelves with all the records into alphabetical order (”duh, we should go by first name, meeks. which other way would it be” pitts would argue, only to find out that after they had spent about three weeks alphabetizing by first name, they were supposed to go by last name. “now who’s the idiot?” meeks would jeer, beginning to pull the records off the shelves). they’d also learn a lot about music from their night shift coworker, which would help in their quest to woo some ladies the following school year.
cameron: cameron liked spending his summers doing research projects for fun and just reading a whole lot, so you can imagine his displeasure at when his parents asked him to get a job (presumably to help with paying for his schooling). while upset about it, he wouldn’t complain, and took it on the chin, understanding the reasoning. he’d apply to a couple places, but ultimately end up as a grocery store cashier/stock boy. much like charlie, he’d have the same kind of uniform, but with a green apron instead. he’d spend most of his shift ringing people up at the register, being friendly and personable (something no one ever really realized about him !!). the poets’ moms would always see him and choose his register on purpose, using it as a chance to catch up or tell him to tell his parents that “the overstreets say hello!” or “mrs. anderson says hi!” pitts, meeks, and charlie would utilize cameron’s position at the supermarket to buy nudie magazines unembarrassed/slightly illegally HAHA (”come on, cameron! it’s not like you won’t be included in seeing them next year, too. we bring them to the meetings, you know that!” charlie would say, leaving cameron at a loss, reluctantly scanning the magazines and bagging them as pitts and meeks sniggered). charlie would wave, blow him a kiss, and wink as they left, “love you, richardddd.” sure enough, the magazines would make an appearance during the following school year and cameron was glad he had decided to let them buy the magazines lol. 
knox: out of all the poets, i feel like our knoxious would be the least inclined to work (yes, even less inclined than charlie). his parents wouldn’t even make him get a job because he simply didn’t need to, but to everyone’s surprise, he would volunteer at the animal shelter. the poets would later find out that it was a great way to meet girls (which is why he did it lmfao so they endlessly goaded him about it). charlie would visit often, and even took a rescue puppy home, much to charlie’s younger sister’s delight. charlie even wanted to start volunteering at the shelter to also meet girls, but he was too busy at the ice cream stand (plus, he had really grown to like it there so he didn’t want to leave). another effect of volunteering made knox super interested in zoology and animals, which brought out a newer, more nurturing/caring side to him, and who knows, maybe he’d go vegetarian somehow. he’d want to pursue a career in animal science or becoming a veterinarian, but mr. overstreet was hellbent on knox taking over the firm, so it seemed like a pipe dream. knox would continue to volunteer at the animal shelter, well into his career as a lawyer, and would even go to veterinary school in his 30s (when he was a nationally famous, established lawyer) to get certification to work with animals in a broader way (: 
hope you guys liked these. it was pretty fun to write, and i'd pay such good money to see neil, charlie, and cameron in their uniforms (and todd, but that’s neither here nor there). happy thursday !! let me know what you guys think of these <3(:
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papirouge · 3 years
Women always worked. Feminism didn't invent jobs or labor. For centuries women were nurses, midwives, teachers, herbalists, servants, farmers, seamstresses. Women need financial independence in case they need to leave an abusive family or husband. For a long time, the only option for women to leave an abusive home was to marry a man.
The TikTok post was quite vague about it, but do you realize that in that context "working" means "belonging to the working force" in a SOCIAL perspective, not productive. Hence the whole taxing thing. Not every type of productive work is subjected to taxes. I could make a dress for myself or friends without having to pay taxes.
Yes, women always worked, but not in a office, away from home.
ALL the jobs you quoted are typically jobs women can make from home. You can be a housewife and still work.
I like that passage on Proverbs 31:10-31 about married women that screams #girlboss:
"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.
She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants. She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night. In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers. She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet. She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
The whole "financial independence" narrative of people arguing that women belonging to the workforce are better protected than housewives becomes moot the moment you realize the actual purpose of marriage on a religious perspective (as marriage has been initiated by Jews, and later perfected through Christianism). Marriage is a contract. During mariage, husband and wife do share their assets. A boss can fire you overnight without any accountability. A husband CANNOT. In Christianism, you are NOT allowed to divorce your spouse. The only exception being adultery or death. So assuming that every married housewife is jeopardized to be dumped by their husband overnight is ludicrous. I know secular people relationships are a mess but there's no point to project your issues on God fearing couples who won't call it quit at the slightest trial.
It's crazy to me that anti marriage argue that housework is "unpaid labor" when the husband literally provide food and shelter for the entire household. There is reciprocity. And housework itself isnt "unpaid labor" anyway, it's called being a grown adult and taking care of one's house or one's children(!!) like any normal adult/parent does. I don't expect a cookie whenever I'm washing the dishes or doing the laundry... Yall just lazy and entitled LOL
"the only option to escape an abusive home was marriage"
And? Women marrying for the wrong reasons doesn't mean marriage itself is bad.
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love-and-monsters · 4 years
Caged Fae: Halloween
M Fae X F reader, 6,041 words
Enjoy a Halloween festival with your roommate Fae, Yarrow. Have fun taking in the sights of the seasons. This story is a continuation of Caged Fae, which can be found here.
Delicately, you adjusted the mask so that it sat snugly on Yarrow’s face. “What do you think?”
Yarrow blinked out at you, his gaze as steady and unperturbed as ever. “Any opinions?” you pressed. “Yes? No?”
He reached up and delicately unhooked the mask from his face. Delicately, he folded the ribbon, tucked it into the mask, and handed the whole thing back to you. “Is that a no?” you said.
Yarrow smiled enigmatically. He got up and wandered back across the room to the small pile of gourds you had collected. You followed after him.
Come on. You have to give me some hint. I thought this would go well with your antlers,” you said. The mask was made of light wood and molded into the rough shape of a deer’s face. There were deep red and gold markings painted along the eyes and curves of the mask, giving it a striking look. “Don’t you want to go out without hiding your antlers?”
Yarrow turned his head and looked at you for a moment. It had been a few months since you’d rescued him, and he had tagged along with you to the market a few times after glamouring his antlers. His quiet, polite demeanor had earned him a few admirers, mostly the older women who treated him like a beloved nephew. “It’s All Hallow’s Eve,” you prompted gently. “It’s a party. Don’t you want to go out?”
Yarrow patted your hand for a moment, then went back to fiddling with the gourds. You sighed. Fae were mysterious creatures, and when Yarrow was in one of his moods, there was no getting through to him.
Instead, you picked up the mask and headed for the door. “I’ll be back in an hour or so,” you called over your shoulder. “Hold down the fort for me.”
There were hurried footsteps behind you. You turned to see Yarrow holding out your coat. He shook it at you, lifting an eyebrow.
“Oh. Thank you,” you said, slipping into it. Yarrow nodded, then retreated back to the pile of gourds. You slipped out the door and down the path to the town center.
There was a bite of cold to the air as you walked, and the trees had exploded into fiery color. The town was bustling- All Hallow’s Eve was in less than a week and everyone was trying to get the final festival details in order.
“How was the mask?” Mr. Demark asked as you stopped at his stall. His usual trade was carpentry, but around this time of year, he also sold beautiful wooden masks. His wife, who designed and painted most of them, perked up, waiting for your verdict.
You slid the mask across the stall’s table toward them. “Sorry. I don’t think this one is what he wants either.”
“That boy,” Mrs. Demark said, picking up the mask and examining it. “Not easily satisfied, is he?”
You’d taken four masks from the stand so far, an owl, a wolf, a bobcat, and finally the deer. Yarrow had tried each of them on with perfect patience, then taken them back off and handed them to you. “I’m sure he wants something specific,” you said. “I just don’t know what it is.”
“Any luck teaching him to write yet?” Mrs. Demark asked. You shook your head. You were pretty sure Yarrow could read as well as he could understand you, but every time he wrote anything, it was in an odd, swirly script that you couldn’t make sense of at all. You weren’t sure if he wasn’t writing because he refused to write in a human language for some reason or if he physically couldn’t, but the result was the same. It didn’t help that Yarrow never seemed terribly concerned with whether or not you understood him.
“I’d like him to dress up,” you said. “I do want him to be able to enjoy the festival. But he just doesn’t seem to like anything I give him.”
“Want to try another one?” Mr. Demark asked. You glanced over the few masks he still had. There weren’t many left; it was close enough to the holiday itself that most people had secured their costumes.
“I don’t know,” you said after a moment, shaking your head. “I don’t want to bring him back something he doesn’t want again.”
“Here.” Mrs. Demark rummaged in her pouch and passed you a few coins. “Your money back. Don’t want you to waste it on something you’re not going to use.”
You tucked the money away. “I’m sorry about Yarrow.” Mrs. Demark waved you off.
“Never mind. Perhaps he just doesn’t like costumes,” she said. You nodded and headed off into the rest of the market.
The more you turned the words over in your mind, the more likely they seemed. Yarrow had been held captive in a circus, after all, where odd costumes were the norm. Perhaps masks brought back bad memories. Your stomach tightened at the thought of it. Maybe it would be uncomfortable to be out at all and he was just trying to be polite and humor you.
You finished up your shopping and hurried home a little after the sun had set. Yarrow was standing outside when you got home, apparently unbothered by the cold, as he was wearing only his usual thin clothes. He straightened when he saw you approaching, looking at you intently.
“Hey,” you said as you walked up to him. “Everything okay?”
Yarrow tilted his head, considering you for a moment. “Sorry I’m late,” you said with a glance at the sky. “I know I said it’d only be an hour, but, you know. Things kind of got away from me. I got you something,” you added, hoping to get Yarrow to stop looking at you with a vaguely disapproving expression. Apparently, he wasn’t easily bribed, because the furrow in his brow just deepened.
You stepped into the house and pulled off your coat. There was already a fire in the stove and stepping into the glow helped drive away the chill that had sunk through your skin. “Here,” you said, passing one of the packages to Yarrow. He turned it over in his hands. “They’re spiced cookies. A specialty from a local bakery.”
He nibbled at one delicately as you unpacked everything else. Yarrow seemed to appreciate heavily spiced foods, you’d noticed, or ones with a strong scent. It had taken you an embarrassingly long time to realize that was because he couldn’t taste anything.
He ate slowly while you put all your things away. Occasionally, he would reach out and turn one of your purchases over in his hand, or run his fingers over a bolt of fabric. You’d purchased several items that were more frivolous than usual- you had more money to spend thanks to Yarrow and the end of fall also signaled the end of traveling merchants. It had been a bit fun to pick up some interesting items for the winter.
“I thought this might be nice for you,” you said, holding out a long bolt of fabric. It was soft, but weighty, and made of a deep forest green. Next to it, you held up a section of white fur. It had been fairly expensive, but you had been almost compelled to buy it. It looked regal, elegant, and it fit with Yarrow’s otherworldly air. He rolled it in his hands, examining the texture of the fur.
“What do you think?” you asked. “I know you don’t technically need a winter coat, but if we go out, it’ll look weird if you’re not wearing one, and I thought it would look nice.”
Yarrow stared down at the fabric, running his fingers over and over it. Finally, he lifted his head and gave you a smile. Relief lightened your chest. “Okay. Good.”
The nights were getting colder and colder. Yarrow seemed entirely unbothered by it, but you had started keeping the fire on at night and dragging out your heavier quilts. Still, it didn’t quite drive away the cold. You still woke up shivering and the quilt was cold when you got into it every night. Yarrow still slept mostly on the floor, rarely even bothering with a pillow.
You had no idea if that was something typical of Fae or if being trapped in a cage had given him odd notions of comfort.
It took a couple of days to pluck up the nerve to ask Yarrow about All Hallow’s Eve. Part of that was just you being uncertain how to approach the content. You didn’t want to accidentally upset him. He’d given no indication that he was traumatized by it, but he also hadn’t given any indication that he wasn’t. It was hard to tell when he didn’t talk and his expressions seemed generally aloof. Trying to pick a way to approach him that was neither too insensitive nor too timid was an awkward space to fit into.
The other problem with talking to Yarrow was that it had become rather difficult to find him.
Pulling a vanishing act in a house that only had three rooms was pretty impressive, but Yarrow managed. He moved soundlessly, aided by the face that he was pretty much always barefoot. Most of the time, you would look up only to find he had completely vanished from the room with no sign of where he’d gone.
If he wasn’t inside, he was usually in the garden. Yarrow never wandered all that far from you. He’d never moved all that far from the house if you were inside, despite not really having a reason to stay. You were grateful for his presence, nonetheless. He was surprisingly good company.
Finding him in the garden could still be a bit of a task, though. With his influence, the garden had grown enormously, with plants sprouting into enormous tangles of leaves and vines. It took time to search the whole thing, and it was really starting to get cold outside. You shivered under an icy wind as you picked your way through the garden. “Yarrow?” you called. “Yarrow, are you out here?”
Something to your left rustled and you turned to see Yarrow emerging from a thicket of berry bushes. They were still green, despite the frost creeping up, but you were pretty sure even Yarrow’s powers weren’t going to last forever. A few of the leaves had already given up and littered the ground beneath them. Yarrow brushed some leaves off his front and looked at you questioningly.
“Oh, here, let me-” You reached up and brushed a leaf from his hair. “There’s one in your antlers. Hold on…” Without thinking, you grabbed the antler and tugged his head down, pulling the offending leaf off from where it had been impaled. Yarrow complied with your tugging, showing not even the slightest hint of resistance as you tugged on his head. The realization of what you were doing struck you and you released him. “Oh. Er. Sorry.” Yarrow straightened back up and looked at you curiously. “Right. Um. Can we talk?”
Asking to talk with Yarrow was mostly just asking if it was okay for you to talk at him, but he nodded and headed back into the house. You followed him inside, hanging up the shawl you’d tossed on before heading outside. Admittedly, it had done very little against the chill.
Something heavy fell onto your shoulder. You looked up as Yarrow tucked a blanket around your shoulders and pushed you toward the fire. “Oh, I’m fine. You don’t need to-” Yarrow tugged your hands insistently. “Okay, okay. I’m sitting.”
You settled in front of the fire, readjusting the blanket so it was more secure on your shoulders. Yarrow sat across from you, the firelight flickering across his features. It cast sharp shadows on his face. “So, All Hallow’s Eve is in a couple of days.” Yarrow nodded. “I just, you know wanted to talk about it.” Yarrow tilted his head patiently, waiting for you to go on. “I just wanted to ask about… how you’re feeling about this? I mean, going out in costumes and everything. I know you were kept for a while in a place where they used costumes a lot, and you seemed uncomfortable when we were trying on all those masks. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. That this wasn’t bringing back any bad memories.”
Yarrow stared at you. He tilted his head a little, blinking. “Yes? No?” you said. “It’s okay if you want to stay home. I just want to make sure you’re comfortable.”
He looked at you for a moment longer, then his expression softened. His lips turned up in a small smile and his shoulders shook in a way you recognized- Yarrow was laughing. He reached out and patted your hand. His fingers were warm and strong.
“Is that a no?” you asked. “You’re okay with going out?”
Yarrow got to his feet and patted your head. The gesture was small, but full of so much affection that your throat constricted a little. He was rarely expressive with his feelings, so you were always startled when he was affectionate. Yarrow smiled serenely at you, then strolled back outside. You stared after him. Apparently, the conversation was over. You’d gotten the impression that he wasn’t bothered, at least. Maybe he just wasn’t a fan of masks. If he really didn’t want to go out, you supposed he would find a way to let you know.
You saw Yarrow less frequently in the few days leading up to All Hallow’s Eve. He showed up for mealtimes and sat with you then, but for the rest of the day, he was outside, doing who knew what. For all you knew, this was normal Fae behavior in fall. You kept an eye on him, but he seemed okay, so you didn’t worry too much about it.
The festival for All Hallow’s Eve started in the afternoon, so you spent the morning pulling together your costume. It wasn’t especially interesting- in fact, it was sort of a rehash of the outfit you’d put on the year before. Most costumes were focused on hiding identity rather than trying to actively look like something else. You’d picked up a simple rodent mask, something that looked equally like a squirrel and a mouse, and wore brown robes with a shabby fur ruff around your neck. It was simplistic, but you hadn’t really put that much effort into your costume that year- your initial plan had been to coordinate with Yarrow, and his disinterest had soured your own desire. In fact, the fur ruff was the only difference between this year and the last one. The mask and robe were the same.
You’d just finished gathering the requisite components and spreading them out when Yarrow abruptly reappeared. He didn’t come in from the outside or step out from another room; you just looked down for a moment and when you looked back up, he was standing there as if he’d been present all along. It had startled you the first few times he’d done it, but living with him, you’d gradually acclimated to it.
“What do you think?” you asked, gesturing to the outfit. “I don’t have anything for you, but you can at least keep your antlers out.”
Yarrow looked down at the costume for a moment, studying intently. He plucked at the fur ruff, then curled his lip. “No?” you asked. Yarrow shook his head and grabbed your hand. He tugged on your arm, pulling you along with him.
“Where are we going?” you asked. He pulled you outside and through the garden. It had wilted a lot in the past few days, dried branches sticking out into the path. Yarrow pulled you past them, into a thicket of bushes. They had grown into a sort of bramble wall, providing a secluded area. Carefully draped over the bushes were two beautiful outfits.
One of them was deep green, with heavy, elegant robes. A faint leaf pattern shimmered on it, only visible under direct sunlight. Little pink and yellow flowers sprouted along the hems. You weren’t sure, but you thought they might be alive. Placed on top of the robe was an elegantly carved mask. It was roughly in the shape of a deer, but there appeared to be real flowers sprouting over the surface in a way that colored and textured it. The entire thing looked ethereal.
“Did you make that?” you asked, your voice hushed with awe. Yarrow nodded. “It’s beautiful.”
Yarrow reached for the second outfit and picked up the second mask. It was done in a similar style, also resembling a deer, but it was a little smaller and rounder. The flowers set on it were pale yellow and orange, sprouting so that they created the illusion of shading. The outfit beneath the mask bore similar elegant robes, but these were made in a deep, burnt orange, with faint lines that looks like tree branches stretching out from the seams. A thick ruff of fur lay under them, a deep and rich brown. It was the softest thing you had ever felt.
Yarrow moved so you were facing him and tilted your chin up. Slowly and carefully, he reached out and placed the mask onto your face. There was no attaching string or hooks, but that didn’t seem to matter. It settled perfectly on your face, contoured to your features.
“You made this for me?” Your voice was quiet and there was a slight catch to it. Yarrow gave a small nod. “It’s beautiful.” Before you could think better of it, you reached out and pulled Yarrow into a hug. He stiffened, but only for a second. Then his arms came in around you and he gave a small squeeze back.
“We should, um, get changed,” you said as you broke away from him. You gathered up your outfit and hurried back to the house. Despite never having taken any measurements (at least, not that you’d ever seen), the outfit was perfectly sized. It was also surprisingly warm. Even without the fur ruff, you felt comfortable.
You’d just slid on the mask when Yarrow returned to the house. The outfit had looked beautiful just sitting on the ground; on Yarrow’s body, it was ethereal. With his face half-hidden by the mask, he looked inhuman, but beautifully so.
“Wow,” you said. “You look amazing.” Yarrow’s lips quirked into a small smile. He reached into his pocket and removed a small looking glass that he held up to you.
For a moment, you couldn’t recognize yourself. There must have been some Fae magic in the mask and clothes, because, under the mask, you could see your skin had taken on a slight glow. The mask looked almost alive on your face. You were almost surprised to see that it didn’t mold to your expressions.
“Thank you,” you said. Yarrow smiled broadly, then took your hand. With a firm insistence, he pulled you toward the door.
The chill barely touched you as you stepped out into the crisp autumn afternoon. The sun had already started to slip downward in the sky, threatening to set. Yarrow slowed his pace as you headed toward the festival, but his hand stayed around yours.
The festival was already in full swing when you arrived. There were banners and decorations draped along the streets and booths were set up all throughout the town. Many of them sold food or drink, some sold little trinkets to keep evil spirits away, and some were peddling some of their crafted items, styled specifically for the festival. There were also a few game booths, areas set up for storytelling, and a few contest stands. You peered at some of the woven bolts of fabric that sat in a contest booth. Yarrow gave you a questioning look.
“Oh, I didn’t want to enter because you helped me. It felt unfair to have Fae magic in it,” you said. Yarrow still looked confused. You had a feeling that an ethics conversation with a Fae wouldn’t go well. “Maybe next year,” you said noncommittally.
“Look at you!” Yarrow flinched as a hand clapped down on his shoulder. “Those are some nice costumes.” Mr. Demark was standing behind you, a broad grin on his face. “Where’d you get those masks? They sure aren’t some of mine.”
 “Yarrow made them,” you said.
“Did he now?” Mr. Demark leaned in close. You felt Yarrow’s back stiffen next to you. “It’s impressive. Wouldn’t consider coming to work for me, now would you? You’ve got some talent.”
Yarrow gave a polite smile and bowed slightly. “That a no, then?” Mr. Demark said. “Ah, well. Just don’t go selling them or I’ll be out of business.” He laughed loudly and strolled back off into the festival. Yarrow stared after him for a moment, then started examining the fabric again.
You walked around the festival together for a while. The food there was delectable, and you ended up buying more pumpkin bread than you could comfortably eat. Yarrow declined to eat anything, but he did end up buying some spiced cider. You’d never seen him drunk, and you kept a curious eye on him. After about two and a half mugs, though, he showed no signs of inebriation. Maybe human alcohol just wasn’t potent enough for a Fae. It was a bit disappointing. You’d wondered what he was like drunk.
The sun had set fully at that point, which meant that several campfires had been set up around the town. People sat in loose circles around them, sharing stories. You and Yarrow sat in on a few of them; Yarrow seemed particularly interested in the stories featuring Fae.
“So,” you said as you stepped away from one of the circles close to the edge of town, “any of that true?”
Yarrow shook his head, then paused, considering. He held two fingers a short distance apart. “Only a little bit?” you said. Yarrow nodded. “What bits were true?”
Yarrow thought for a moment, then gave a dramatic hair toss and struck a pose like he was modeling. You dissolved into giggles. “Do you- Do you mean the bit where he said all Fae are really beautiful?” Yarrow nodded furiously, grinning.
“So not the bit where you kidnap babies?” Yarrow shook his head. “Or the bit where you all dance naked in the moonlight to lure humans in?” Even behind his mask, you could see Yarrow’s eyes roll.
You had moved toward the edge of town as you spoke, standing right on the outskirts of the forest. “We should probably get back,” you said. “It’s not-”
Your voice trailed off. There were lights emerging from the gloom of the woods. They looked like overlarge fireflies, except they glowed faintly blue instead of yellow. They left glimmering trails behind them when they moved. It was soothing to watch them, almost hypnotic. You took a step toward them.
Yarrow pulled on your hand, hard. You hadn’t even felt him grab it. You stumbled backward, blinking hard. The hypnotic feeling faded to the back of your head, though you could feel it threatening to rise again. Little lights. Little lights in the forest that compelled people to follow them and then led them astray. “Will-O-the-Wisps,” you said. Yarrow nodded. “I’ve never seen them before.”
Yarrow stepped forward, waving his hand toward the wisps. The coalesced, swarming densely for a moment. Then they vanished back into the forest as suddenly as they’d arrived. You let out a breath. Yarrow stared after them for a moment, then pulled your hand fiercely, pulling you back toward town until you were standing in the warm glow of a fire.
“Are those things common around here?” you asked, just barely keeping a wobble from your voice. “I’ve never seen them.”
Yarrow thought for a moment, then positioned himself so he was standing across from you. Carefully, he drew a line between you in the dirt. “A barrier between us?” you asked. Yarrow made a broad gesture. “Between our worlds?” Yarrow nodded. He gestured at the sky, then at the town around you and scuffed the line away with his foot. “The holiday… makes the barrier vanish?”
Yarrow nodded. A chill crept up your spine. “The veil gets thin. I’ve heard that before,” you said. “Is it dangerous?”
Yarrow shook his head. He clasped your hands in his and you felt a tingle of magic jump through you. His eyes gleamed with inhuman power for a moment. “It makes you stronger too,” you said. Yarrow nodded. He squeezed your hands again. “And you’ll protect me.” Another nod. “Thank you.”
Satisfied with the conversation, Yarrow turned away and began wandering back into town. The festivities were wrapping up in some areas and ramping up in others. Most of the families with children had departed, meaning that certain areas were turning toward debauchery. The stories told were less appropriate for young ears and a few people had stripped, despite the chill. Yarrow looked at them with some interest, but, thankfully, seemed uninterested in joining them.
Several of the fires had gone out and a fire toward the center had been stoked into an enormous blaze. People danced around it while musicians played close to its base. Laughs and whoops of excitement carried across the town.
Yarrow paused and stared across the way at a smaller fire. There were several couples gathered around it. One by one, they stepped forward and held out their clasped hands to a man. He wrapped their hands in a ribbon and murmured words over them, sprinkling a few drops of water from a nearby basin. The couple held their hand over the fire for a moment, just high enough to not get burned, then stepped back with murmurs and bows of thanks.
“That’s a couple ceremony,” you explained. “It’s usually for new couples, for over the winter. There’s an old legend behind it.” Yarrow looked at you curiously. “You want to hear it?” A nod. “Uh, okay.” You sat down on a log next to a fire that was only faintly glowing embers. Yarrow sat with you. He was close enough that your knees were touching.
“Um, I heard this story a long time ago, so it’s not going to be super detailed, but I remember most of it,” you said. “The story goes that there was a couple who lived in a cabin a bit of a ways out of town. They lived far enough away that when the winter snows came, they were unable to get into town.” Your voice dropped into the sort of hushed tones used by storytellers. Yarrow’s eyes were fixed on you face, like he was enraptured. “The couple didn’t think anything of it. They had enough food to outlast the snow, and they had each other, and they thought that would be enough.
“But after a few weeks, with the snow still coming down, an evil spirit was carried in on the cold, northern wind. The spirit lurked in the corners of their home, out of the way of their glowing fires. And slowly, the spirit’s evil intentions crept into the couple.
“Gradually, the couple grew harsher and harsher with each other. They spent much of their time fighting or ignoring each other. And the longer they ignored each other, and the more they fought, the stronger the spirit grew. Soon, the couple was unable to think of anything but their seething hatred for the other. The woman took to sleeping on the floor, in the light of the fire.
“But the fire could not last forever, and the couple was so consumed with their arguing, they ignored the sputtering flames. And the, one night, while the woman slept in its glow, the fire sputtered, leaving her in darkness.
“And the spirit struck.
“Months later, when the snows finally melted, a few people from the town went out to see how the couple was doing. The found the man lying in his bed, his throat slit. Even though it was warm enough to melt the snow, the man was still frozen solid. His wife was never seen again.”
Yarrow had leaned in while you were telling the story. His face was quite close to yours. You leaned back and cleared your throat. “Um. So, that’s the story. The ceremony they’re doing is supposed to drive away evil spirits. It protects you.” Yarrow nodded slowly. His face was expressionless beneath the mask. “So, what do you think? Believe it’s true?”
Yarrow rolled his eyes under the mask and stood up. He offered you a hand, which you took and he tugged you to your feet. He waited a moment for your to straighten your robes, then began pulling you toward the ceremony.
“Woah, hey, hold on.” You tried to dig your feet into the ground, but Yarrow was supernaturally strong. “Are you- you want to participate in the ceremony?” you asked, a little bewildered. Yarrow nodded. “But it’s… for couples. You want to do it with me?”
Yarrow gave you a look and tugged on your hand again. “Okay, okay,” you said. He seemed oddly insistent on it. Maybe he knew something about evil spirits you didn’t? Regardless, it didn’t look like he was just going to give it up anytime soon. You relented and allowed him to pull you over to the ceremony.
Most of the couples had already been blessed, so there wasn’t a long wait before you were called up. The man was wearing a long red and purple robe and he was slightly stooped over with age. He smiled at you as you approached. “Haven’t seen you before,” he said conversationally. “New couple?”
You sputtered a little, but Yarrow just dipped his head and smiled. The man smiled back at you. “Wonderful. Now, I’ll need you to take the masks off for the ceremony.”
You carefully undid your mask and glanced at Yarrow as he did the same. The light of the fire against his skin made something in your chest catch. Your heart fluttered violently against your ribs. With a swallow, you turned back to the man.
“Now, clasp your hands and hold them out.” Yarrow linked your fingers and held your hand you. You felt overly aware of the touch of his fingers on yours.
The man reached out with a length of white ribbon. “This represents your love for each other. It binds you together and holds you fast.” He wrapped it around your hands, tying a loose knot near your thumbs. “The water represents the storms your relationship will weather.” He sprinkled it over your hands. The ribbon shivered a little, but remained wrapped securely around your hands. “The strength of your love will carry you through the tough times. Remember your love, and no spirit can stay your course.” He folded his hands around yours, pressing them together. “I bless you against all evil spirits, I bless you against the forces of hate in this world. This blessing will help to shield you, but only the strength of your care for each other will allow you to weather all the storms.” His hands unfolded from yours and he gave you a smile. Gently, he guided your hands over the fire, just high enough to avoid burning. “With this fire, I drive away the spirits of the cold and dark and hatred. May it burn bright enough to keep you warm throughout the long season.”
With a smooth pull, he freed your hands from the ribbon. It untied in a moment, pulled back into the curve of his fist. Yarrow held onto your hand for a moment longer before slowly untangling your fingers. He gave a small bow to the man and swept away. You murmured a quick thanks, then hurried after him.
He paused, letting you catch up. “You okay?” you asked. Yarrow nodded. He fiddled with the mask in his hands, like he was uncertain if he wanted to put it back on. Without really thinking about it, you linked your arm through his. “Want to go home?”
Yarrow turned his head slightly toward you and smiled. You started down the trail toward your home, arms still linked.
You walked in silence for a little while. “Did you have a good time?” you asked finally. Yarrow blinked at you, like you’d startled him out of thought, then he nodded. He pressed into you for a moment, bumping your sides together. It was warm and affectionate.
“Good. I had a good time too,” you said. You tilted your head back, looking at the mostly full moon. It played off of Yarrow’s hair and antlers, making them almost glow. You had a sudden urge to reach up and stroke his hair, smoothing down the few flyaways. You barely managed to restrain yourself.
You stopped just outside your house, scooping up a few more pieces of firewood to bring inside. Yarrow opened the door, ducking slightly to avoid his antlers scraping on the frame. You carried the wood over the fire and stoked it. The house was still cold, but the costume kept much of it away.
“So,” you said, trying to find something to say, “do you think the ceremony worked?” Yarrow’s face was practically obscured by the shadows, only half-illuminated by moonlight. He looked a little confused. “Uh, for keeping away evil spirits? The hand holding thing?” Yarrow snorted gave you a sarcastic smile. “You don’t think so?”
Yarrow sighed and rolled his eyes. He tapped his chest and pressed a hand to the center of your chest. It took you’re a moment to grasp the meaning. “We don’t need it because you protect me anyway?” you translated. Yarrow smiled and nodded. “Then why were you so insistent on doing the ceremony if it wasn’t going to-”
Yarrow rolled his eyes and pressed his hands to your face. You stumbled to a stop. His thumbs traced your cheekbones for a moment. A shiver crept along your spine. His bright, gleaming eyes were locked on yours. Slowly, one of his hands slipped down to cup your chin. His thumb traced along your lower lip. He was so close, so close you could feel his breath tickling against your face. Warmth was flooding your body and you could feel yourself shaking.
His lips pressed against yours. His lips were warm, and so soft, and they molded to yours. Your hands jumped up to the back of his head, tangling in his hair. His mouth opened against yours, your tongue tracing his lower lip for a moment.
After what was either a few moments, or a long, wonderful eternity, you broke apart. You swallowed hard. “You wanted to do it because you love me?”
A smile curved across Yarrow’s mouth. He nodded once.
“Oh.” You felt your heart flutter, your stomach tighten. “I love you too.”
Yarrow helped you stoke the fire and eased you out of your costume. He allowed you to help with his as well. You found yourself tracing your fingers along his smooth skin. He even allowed you to brush out his hair, sitting quiet and contemplative as you smoothed the brush over his head again and again.
Your bed was cold, as usual when you slipped inside. You shivered, tugging the blankets around you. “Ugh.”
There was the sound of movement from across the room. You looked over to see Yarrow standing in the doorway, thin nightclothes draped over his slender body. He swept across the room to your bed.
“Hey,” you said. “Need something?”
Yarrow lifted up the covers and, before you could really process what he was doing, he was snuggled next to you. He was warm, radiating heat like a furnace. You moved closer to him automatically. His legs tangled with yours and you felt his hands settle around you. He made a quiet noise of contentment in his chest.
Finally warm and overwhelmingly content, you buried your face into his chest and hugged him. One of his hands trailed slowly up and down your back, soothing you into sleep.
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komoreangel · 3 years
𝐩𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 
pairing: keqing x nervousgn!reader 
scenario: after just two years of dating, you know she’s the one for you. but how exactly do you move the words from your brain to your mouth? 
request: Hello if you have free time and feeling okay could I ask for a keqing x reader like the scenario is like this : the reader been together with keqing for 2 years and the reader asked keqing on a date and the reader plans to propose a marriage on the date. And the reader asked for zhongli's help for how can the reader do this. I know its really cheesy and weird but im not seeing stuff like this on tumblr so why not but of course if its okay with you. 😅
reply: omg i love this idea because,,,,wedding dress keqing (or suit keqing ahHHHH) and i like the idea of reader being really panicky around her lmaoo (peep zhongli not knowing a thing about modern weddings) 
genre: reader simping for keqing and zhongli being a lovable dumbass,,, enjoy 
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it was surprising how fast you fell for her, in all honesty
you weren’t one to believe in love at first sight
too cliche, you told yourself
when it comes to her
youre just?? heart beating hands sweaty moms spaghetti 
you love her so much
so you had decided
that yes, in the name of morax himself you were going to ask this girl to be your wife
and you were also seeking assistance in this from
guess who
morax 😀
“i don’t know if i can do this...what if she says no?”
“well in the age of the archon war, when a persons beloved refused their proposal, the unlucky party proceeded to throw themselves onto a burning altar in the hopes that even the gods would accept them-“
it wasn’t going well 🧍‍♀️
“zhongli....i just want to impress her. no human sacrifices please.”
he frowned. “what a pity, i found them rather effective back then.”
moving on
you two had decided that a romantic approach would be best
you were going to ask her on a date, and take her around the harbor, finishing off with you two sitting on a roof stargazing.
then you’d ....do the thing.
and you had to remember NOT TO LOSE THE RING
the amount of times you misplaced it after buying it holy celestia
the day had arrived
it was now or never
asking the love of your life to stay with you forever is no easy task
and you knew keqing wasn’t one to jump into things, the way you were doing now
you met her on the docks that morning, asking her on a date
no reason for her to get suspicious right
she turns to look at you, her attention wavering from the documents in her hand
“y/n! i’d love to, but i’ve got this job to help ganyu with, and...maybe some other time?”
you really didn’t want to disrupt her work but this wasn’t something you could just postpone
“it’s really important, keqing.”
she seems a bit unconvinced so you pull out your secret weapon
the puppy eyes
“please, darling.”
she groans “you know i can’t say no when you do that...”
you smile
so you two go about your day, almost everything going according to plan
you only forgot this was a proposal date 2 times! it’s not that bad!
thank god you had spent the previous day picking the best rooftop for stargazing
there you were, sitting on the roof of the watch tower near the entrance to the city, your girlfriend beside you
“i thought we could go stargazing, i know you like it and don’t always have time for it.”
she smiles at you and you think you can just die happy right there
she’s so pretty :((
“i’m so lucky to have you y/n. you always know just what to say to make me feel better, and you’re so sweet to me when i’m having bad days.” oh god you want to marry her
oh wait that’s the whole point of this date
you reach into your pocket, and feel around for the ring
only to find...nothing
the whole reason you were out with her was to GIVE HER THE RING.
you turn to keqing, panicky and nervous all the same, and find her toying with a small box
it’s the ring box-
“i noticed you were carrying this around and checking every now and then to make sure it was still there today. what is it?”
“oh it’s uh....my daily vitamins?”
she glances at you
“you don’t take vitamins. what is it?”
ah well
you tried
“it’s for you.”
she opens it up and lets out a small gasp
her face is red as she pulls the ring out to view it in the moonlight.
you look her in the eyes
“keqing...you are the reason i wake up in the morning with a smile. you help me stay organized, you make me happy, and i’m so glad that you’re in my life.”
she continues to stare at you, frozen in surprise
“will yoU-“
terrible time for your voice to crack oml
you chuckle nervously and she smiles
“uhM, will you...will you marry me keqing?”
the way she looks at you makes your heart beat faster than you thought it could.
she grabs your hand in hers.
“yes. yes, i’ll marry you. i’ll marry you a thousand times if that’s what it takes for you to realize how much you mean to me, y/n.”
she plants her lips on yours and you almost fall off the roof
your brain is still trying to process things
she said yes
she said yes??
but hey
at least you didn’t lose the ring, right?
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a/n: this one was a bit longer than usual but i had fun with it :) @ keqing simps this ones for you come get your wife + i’ve got 2 other reqs in progress right now so watch out for those and good luck to people pulling for childe !
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The Next One’s on You
A/N: This came out of nowhere and now it’s my first mini series. A series of moments in the life of Maxwell Lord and reader around drinks. Let me know if you would like to be added to a tag-list. Thank you to @thisisthe-wayson​ for listening to me ramble about this! :D This will be five chapters total! 
Pairing: Maxwell Lord x F! Reader 
Warning: 18 + for language and smut in later chapters. 
Taglist: @josepedropascal @heythere-mel @mrschiltoncat @oldstuffnewstuff @justanotherblonde23 @yespolkadotkitty  My Masterlist 
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Chapter 1: Triple Espresso.
“Triple espresso, hot, scalding hot,” you look up from where you are crouched under the counter putting away the extra milk to see a hand smack down, the golden ring on his pinky glittering under the cheap fluorescents. 
“I’ll be with you in just a moment sir,” you finish your task and hear the obvious displeasure as he sighs, his ring impatiently tapping on the counter. 
You brush yourself off, and go wash your hands quickly before grabbing your pen and turning to take the order. When you look at the customer you stop. Holy shit, Maxwell Lord is standing before you. His blonde hair gleams not a single strand out of place, sunglasses resting on the edge of his distinctive nose, and his broad shoulders enveloped in an expensive suit. The whole outfit probably cost more than your rent for the next three months. 
You shake your head and smile, “I’m sorry about the wait sir, what can I get you this beautiful morning?” 
“Triple espresso, scalding hot,” he pushes a ten across the counter and walks away. Sitting down at one of the single seater tables he grabs the business section of the paper and cracks it open. The sound echoes off the walls of the empty shop, the morning rush long over. 
You put the grounds into the machine and turn it on to the hottest setting, staring intently at him as it brews. He never removes the sunglasses, his knee crossed over shows off a pair of black and pink polka dot socks, his coat unbuttoned revealing a solid colored vest and brightly patterned tie beneath it. Lips turned down into a frown as he reads something he doesn’t like snapping the paper shut. He gazes over at you, eyes running up and down your body, “See something you like?” 
You jump and pull the brew from the machine and into the paper cup, bringing it over to him. Palms sweaty you brush them against your pants before ringing them together, “Is there anything else I can get you?” 
“Yes,” he finally removes the sunglasses and gazes up at you, “What do I have to do to fuck you?” 
Your jaw drops, eyes blinking rapidly, “excuse me?” you stutter.  
“It’s been awhile and you’re beautiful so what’s the price? Diamonds? Money?” he folds the newspaper and leans back in the chair taking the paper cup. 
You snap your jaw closed, and lean back crossing your arms scoffing, “You can’t be fucking serious?”
“I am serious,” you watch his Adam's apple bob as he swallows. The strong neck clenching as he smiles catching you watching. You take a step back, “I am not some cheap whore you can just buy for a few hours of pleasure. Who the hell do you think you are?” 
He stands and towers over you taking a step closer, “Maxwell Lord the fourth,” he says it so confidently his eyes beaming, “And I never used the word cheap, you would be well compensated.” 
“We’ll come back to the part where you didn’t deny you see me as a whore,” you spit out, “But let me tell you something Maxwell Lord the fourth, I don’t give a damn who you are. You can take your fancy suits, espresso, and sunglasses and get the hell out of here!” You point towards the door where you notice two guards in suits are planted outside. 
He rolls his eyes, “I saw you watching me, you think I’m attractive why don’t we just go out to my car and you can suck my dick and then if you’re a good girl I’ll let you fuck me.” He smiles and gestures toward the door again. 
You spin around grabbing the nearest item and chucking it at him. The cup explodes as it hits his chest and sprays his face in the leftover latte. He rubs at his eyes and then looks at you incredulously, “In your dreams,” you hiss going into the back room and slamming the door. 
You lean against it and slide down putting your head in your hands, “Fuck,” you whisper, “I am so fired,” you knead your eyes. What a fucking prick. The tinkle from the bell at the door rings and you hustle to look through the small window in the door. Barely catching the tail end of him as he slides into the limo, peeling away from the curb with a squeal. 
You grab the mop and bucket from the closet, and walk back out to the shop. The creamy sickly sweet drink drips off the edge of the table and onto the floor. You wipe down the remaining and mop up the rest. The rest of the day goes by uneventful and when you clock out you trudge home to your third floor walkup. Your other two roommates are gone for the evening, you have the place to yourself. Pouring a glass of white wine and plopping onto the couch, turning the TV on. 
You groan as one of Maxwell Lord’s infomercials pops up and you watch for a few seconds before reaching for a pillow and tossing it at the TV. “Asshole,” you mumble, changing the channel. You drink a second glass of wine and try to forget but you can’t stop thinking about him. Getting up to refill your glass, you turn off the TV and walk into the small kitchen. 
You bite your lip thinking about the way the three piece suit fit so snuggly on his broad shoulders. His lips pursed as he read the paper, and how his thick fingers tapped on the counter. How would those hands feel wrapped around you, a bruise where his ring digs into your thigh as those lips wrap around... whoa what the fuck!? You pour the rest of the wine down the sink and go take a cold shower. 
The next morning you trudge into work fully expecting it to be your last day but the manager Giselle greets you with a smile and goes about the process of opening. The whole day you're on pins and needles waiting for him to make some dramatic entrance and ruin your life. But, when your shift ends and he still hasn’t shown you let out a relieved sigh.
 “Oh uhm y/n,” Giselle calls and you freeze blood turning cold. “This was outside the door waiting for you,” she goes into the backroom and comes back out holding a large glass vase overflowing with white roses. 
“Holy shit,” you mumble under your breath, taking it from her. 
“There was also this card,” she passes it over to you and you quickly tear it open. 
You read the note three times before you shiver looking at her, mumbling a thank you and leaving. The flowers are heavy and luckily your neighbor Mr. Warren holds the door open for you. Taking the stairs two at a time you put down the flowers on the kitchen counter and pull out the card again reading it a fourth time, hands trembling. 
Next time the drinks are on you. M.L. IV 
Oh fuck, what have you gotten yourself into now.
Chapter Two: Vodka Martini
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violetnotez · 4 years
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(Requested) Hawks x reader
@chxcolxtemilk: Can I get an imagine with Hawks where the reader is his gf, and she got a BODY. She’s hourglass, slim thicc. Anyways. So during that intern arc where Bakugou and todoroki are like interning with Endeveour and it’s like a meeting and the work students are there and they all think reader fine af, but like mineta takes it overboard and hawks gets protective. Especially since readers hero costume shows off her curves please! Have a nice day ❤️
I read “slim thick” reader and my eyes went 👀👀👀-also sorry if this is a little wonky in the canon timeline cause my brain can’t function 😂😂
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⤷Word Count: 1200+ (?-Im just guessing here sidfnsdifiw)
⤷Warnings: Pervy Mineta, cursing, the usallllll
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Hawks stood in the back of the room, his arms crossed around his lean yet sturdy body, a smirk gracing his lips as he watched you speak with a loud welcoming voice to the newbies.
Hero schools across the nation were starting up their students for internships with hero agencies, and UA was no different. Countless teachers from that high school were shuffling their kids into agencies, and it was one of your duties to greet the students that were about to enter their internships for the other pros. It saved alot of time when one hero told the kids the do’s and don’ts of their internship, so you had sorta graciously took the role (you had lost a match of Rock Paper Scissors to Hawks and you were fuming).
Only you could make public speaking interesting to him-especially when you were in your hero suit (even if it sounded pretty perverted).
He couldnt help himself from letting his eyes wander around your frame- you were dating after all, it wasnt like you wouldnt want him to...but damn was that hero suit a blessing to his eyes. Whoever designed it, he wished he could perosnally thank them for making it so perfectly sexy on your frame.
 Your quirk relied on you to show a little more skin, as you needed to physically touch things in order to activate it. Which made it the perfect for Hawks (and others) to gawk at your curvacious figure- deep swoops on your chest, high cuts against your leg that showed off your hips, an expanse of the soft skin of your thigh….it was absolutely tantalizing to him and left his whole body throbbing every time he saw you in your suit.
Hawks felt his heart thump in his chest from the back of the room as he watched you bend down, apparently having dropped a piece of paper on the floor.
How you bent down gave the best view of your chest-the mounds pushed up so delciosuly he licked his lips from the sight- and then the nervous, innocent laugh you gave as you fiddled with your hair- god, you really just the most beautiful little birdie, werent you?
Hawks loveisck grin quickly melted away when he heard a slow whistle come from the seat in fornt of him- apparently somebody else found his little chickadee pretty too…
Immeidately Hawks felt his the feathers on his back ruffle- he usually wasnt protective at all, as long as  everyone knew that you were his and his only.
But oh, the moment he got a whiff of someone trying to flirt or be smitten with you-he immeidately did a 180, becoming fussy and dominant as he shielded you or sent the person a death glare behind a strained smile. 
“...could you imagine snuggling into her boobs? They must be so soft….” he heard a nasally, boyish voice whisper to his friend next to him, a few seats to his right.
Well-that was pretty fucking creepy.
Hawk’s head swiveled around, trying to find the voice. He was trying his best to not let his emotions do something rash-he didnt want to throw you off your task by doing something stupid. He was pretty known for his outgoing and filter-less peronality, so it was taking everything in him to just be calm for once, for your sake. Hawks quietly began to walk behind the seats of the kids, trying to find the owner of the voice.
“Ohhhh I would do anything for her if I could call her Mommy just once-”
The hell was this kid?! And how old was he to be making such nasty ass comments??
Hawks felt his cheeks flush, his eyes darting around, finaly landing on a student who seemed to be whispering to his friend with electric yellow hair.
He recognizied the kid with the bright hair- you had taken him on as a intern, his name was… Kalimari? Kanimari? 
He didnt quite remmeber, and frankly didnt really care that much as his eyes were trained on the kid next to him- he was so short, only his hair was visible from the seat- if you could it hair. Three balls of messy purple spheres were planted on his head as he leaned into the boy next to him.
“Hey Kaminari you think you wanna switch interns? Ill do anything, anything to just be next to her…”
“No way man!” the kid “Kaminari” whisiper yelled at him, “I landed a total babe as a intern, Im not loosing that-”
Hawks blinked a few times in complete shock- now this kid too! He knew you were a hit with the men (because hell he was a total fanboy before meeting you just because of how hot you were), but god he didnt realize you were popular with the teens too! It made sense, boys were pretty, well- interested- in women alot more at this age, but still- it bothered him how possessive he was getting because of these boys.
“Ahh please Denki!”
“Nah Mineta youre crazy!”
So his name was Mineta...Hawks leaned against the wall, his hands fidgeting as he tried to stay calm.
He might be petty enough to give a small call to his intern and see how he can make his life a little hellish….
Hawks drew his gaze back to you, hoping that maybe watching you speak will calm him down...but the kid wouldnt let up.
The whole time you were talking “Mineta” made every comment in the book, wondering “if you liked short guys”, “how big your butt was”, even asking if you had modeled lingerie….Hawks was pratically mortified for you.
Were all guys liked this? Cause god, if it was, he was going to have a problem...he felt his chest fluff out in dominance, his feathers pratically vibrating from agitation because of how possessive he was feeling and he couldnt do a single thing.
He watched you looked around the crowd, a soft radiant smile on your lips.
“Does anyone have any questions?” you asked as you peered up at the students.
Mineta instantly raised his hand, Hawks stomach churning with dread.
Unaware of the situation Hawks had just witnessed, you gave to boy a bright grin. 
“Yes?” you asked goodnaturedly.
Mineta sniffled, his voice nasally and somewhat desperate sounding. 
“Yeah I had a question- um, how big are you boo-”
Haha, nope.
Hawks instantly sent a bunch of feathers zooming towards Mineta, each one ramming into his open mouth. The force took over his frail body, the sight almost comical as his eyes grew wide with fear as he began to lean back, his pudgy hands flailing.
Hawks felt a small part of him inflate with dirty pride from his little trick, a lazy grin gracing his lips as everyone in the room turned around to watch him with complete shock.
“Sorry about that kiddos, had to just demonstrate somehting for you guys real quick...” Hawks looked down at you, your face blushing yet riddled with conufsion. He sent you a small smile, giving you a quick wink- “Ill tell you later” was written on his face as he turned his attention back to the students in fornt of him. 
“...when you intern with your heroes, show them some respect...cause words get around when you talk out of place-”
The Mineta kid turned around, sputtered coughs dribbling out of his mouth as he picked fluffs of feather off his tongue. His eyes widened as he turned around and realized what was going on, the #2 hero giving him the deadliest glare imaginable. 
Hawks could almost feel sympathy for the kid-almost. He must have realized who had shut him, after all, you two were dating (and Hawks had made sure that everyone knew that).
Hawks sauntered over, a dark grin wrapping against his complexion as he kneeled down to get to the kids level.
“I’d watch what you say, kid- my feathers can get sharper when I want them to,” 
A gulp could be heard from Mineta, his skin paling as the #2 hero, the one dating the pretty herione in front of him, had pretty much threatened him.
Yeah, he stayed quiet after that.
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Everything Taglist (All Fics, All Characters):
@bunnythepipsqueak​ @pasteldaze​  @ionlyspeakinmyheroacademia​     @notadrian​  @hithoeshi​ @sizzlingbarbarianglitter​ @sunnie-nugget​ @shoutosteakettle​ @we-mentally-unstable​ @sm0kingcrack​ @wesparklebitch @kac-chowsballs
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Buy Me A Kofi| Masterlist
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