#also yes i am crying over billy
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ghastlyfilters · 2 months ago
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random lost boys headcanons that i constantly think about!!
pairing(s): none!
warning(s): mentions of weed, religion, paul being a dirty little shit when it comes down to magazines
(here’s some random headcanons no one asked for but i literally think about these all the time and can’t get them out of my head. and yes, i know some bands and music artists mentioned in this were in their prime after the lost boys was set. but fuck it there’s no need to put dates on things when it’s all just for the sake of fictional writing. ALSO BONUS POINTS TO ANYONE WHO GETS THE OG BRANDON ROGERS REFERENCE IN THIS)
gifs not mine!! (if you know the original owner please tag them!!)
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• This man smokes like ten packs of cigarettes per day.
Think of a mukbang video but instead it’s just David smoking a shit ton of cigarettes packs.
Max has came to the conclusion that if David were not a vampire, he would in fact be a cancer patient.
• Him bullying someone is just his poor attempts at flirting.
• Makes multiple attempts at destroying Christmas decorations in every store he goes to during winter. When an employee looks in his direction upon hearing the crashing sound of tree baubles, he stares at them with that icy glare, looking personally offended that the employee is giving him the “Did you just do that..” look.
He’s a dumb shit that couldn’t care less what anyone else sees him doing. The employee could literally catch him smacking a glittery bauble off their mini Christmas tree with the back of his hand and he’ll glance over at them, blinking repeatedly.
“It was an accident.”
He’ll even turn to his mind control, allowing the employee to believe it was either Paul or Marko. It usually ends up being Marko, and he’s standing there biting the cuff of his jacket whilst getting the shittiest lecture from the store manager. Turns out poor Marko actually loves the place’s Christmas decorations.. despite being a bloodsucker that should resent anything to do with Christ. He just likes sparkly things.. ☹️
• David is so blunt to anyone who calls him self centred. He ain’t phased in the slightest bit by it. Marko’s said it on multiple occasions after an argument broke out between them all in the cave, and everyone was throwing digs. But the boys know David’s the most brutally honest being they’ve ever encountered.
“Who else am I supposed to be centred on?”
• He’s always dreamed of owning a black cat named Salem, but he knows the cat either won’t take to him being a vampire or the boys might accidentally forget it’s around and do something stupid.
(He really just wants one to sit on his lap whilst he’s in his wheelchair acting like Don fucking Corleone)
• Went through an identity crisis and forced himself to try and look like Billy Idol for a week. (That week turned into years)
• Dwayne’s still trying to convince him that bleaching his hair was a bad decision after a clump of it FELL OUT.
• If there’s ever a child crying on the boardwalk, David’s usually the reason they’re crying.
• Is always the “C’mon everybody!!” person at the function. Yet when he runs off excitedly, no one follows.
• Never knows what to do in a chaotic situation because he’s that used to BEING the chaos.
• Cannot sit still for shit. He has to be fiddling with something or bouncing around the place like the madman he is.
• Paul’s a ride or die Mötley Crüe fan. He’s even lured some chicks on the boardwalk by playing Mötley on his boombox for them, feeding afterwards of course. (He’s the sneakiest little shit you’ll ever meet)
If he ever met a girl whom he fell for and eventually turned, his ideal date idea would be going on his motorcycle in the moonlit night and blasting “Kickstart My Heart” with his new partner riding along with him. He’s dreamt of it for years.
(Marko’s bound to third wheel though duh)
• He’s also got a thing for Alice In Chains, and he’s spent many drunk nights screaming the lyrics to “Bleed The Freak” outside the cave whilst meanwhile inside the boys sit in silence and are forced to listen to him.
• Paul barely sees girls with lip piercings but when he does holy fuck.
Just any kind of person who can pull off facial piercings is magical to him. Whether it be a few or a lot, he’s mesmerised by whatever kind of metal is in your face.
• Says “Pspsps..” to every kitty he sees on the boardwalk then screams the biggest “FUCK YOU!” if he witnesses the cat either pad over to someone else or look at him and run away.
• He’s always got a fucking rootbeer in his hand when he’s in the cave with the boys. Aside from blood, him and Marko live off of rootbeer. Ice. Cold. Rootbeer.
• Cherry Pie by Warrant is this man’s national anthem.
• Continuously has to find new weed dealers because if he has a bad argument with one of the boys, they’ll purposely hunt down his current dealer and drain every drop of blood from their body. This causes Paul to go apeshit because when he’s not out looking for prey or pissing people off on the boardwalk, you can bet his ass is in the cave stoned.
• On the topic of his severe weed habit, he’s not much of an edibles guy. He’d rather be sat on his ass smoking the fattest joint of his immortal existence and enjoying every minute of it. He’s occasionally gotten edibles for Marko, but Marko and gummies do not mix after the Frog Brothers started creeping around again.
• Has the biggest Playboy magazine stash that he hides underneath a pile of old denim and leather jackets in the cave. No one apart from Marko knows about them. Plus they’ve always been for.. special.. occasions..
Marko can’t help himself though and starts singing “In The Heat Of The Night” by Sandra when anyone innocently mentions magazines around Paul. This causes Paul to send his boot into Marko’s stomach whenever the boys are all assing around on the bridge, and he’s the first to fall.
“….. I’m telling David about your WET DREAMSSSSS.” Marko usually screams before disappearing into the fog below.
• Him and Marko don’t celebrate holidays unless it’s Halloween or Easter. They don’t give a fuck about the religious part when it comes down to Easter though. And if they wanted to, they couldn’t. They’re just there for the chocolate. They miss the taste of it. Paul will literally start fighting children during an Easter egg hunt on the boardwalk so he can get more for himself and Laddie.
(God help the children who push Laddie out of the way)
• Goes into Claire’s Accessories and proceeds to tell the child who’s about to get their ears pierced how bad it should hurt.
(Also steals drip for himself because hello yes he does indeed fw a Sanrio earring set)
• He’s always the one who’ll make the most guttural moaning sounds if you’re on the phone to someone.
• Him and Paul are always found in the naughty section of Max’s video store.
• Whenever a fight breaks out on the boardwalk (that isn’t started by David or Paul for once) he doesn’t know what the fuck to do so he just starts screaming.
• Whenever one of the boys is hurt or sick (yes vampires get sick), Marko’s always the one who tends to them. He’s a massive over-thinker. David came down with something one time, and it was bad. Real bad. It was extremely rare, but it hit David like a freight train. Marko thought he walked in and found him in a state where he’d never wake up, so Max and the boys were left to deal with him bawling for the rest of the evening. Even David was confused when he awoke from his slumber.
• He has a bat plushie named Boris that Paul stole for him years ago. He gets caught chewing on the wings a lot but all in all he loves his Boris.
• Paul once traveled to LA and took him to one of those haunted house events for Halloween. They got kicked out and almost left their motorcycles because Marko starting punching multiple actors. It ended up in this big ass arguement because Paul swore for a moment he saw a glimpse of Marko’s fangs in the light and his eyes momentarily changed.
• The pigeons that flap around in the cave are like his pets. He’s down for just chilling with them and petting them if they let him.
Marko lowkey loves animals.
• He likes embracing his golden, curly locks. Aside from his fashion sense, he thinks his curls are really what gives him his image. He isn’t vain, but he does truly adore his little curls.
• Marko has such a soft spot for trad goths and their way of dressing. Whenever he sees one on the boardwalk, (which he hopes he will), he’s always fascinated by whatever outfit they have on. If they walk past him and the boys, he offers a shy smile. He wishes he could go start a conversation with them, but he thinks it’d be pretty dumb considering what his.. needs are. He doesn’t wanna kill people he thinks are cool.
• Has the og resting bitch face.
• He wishes he could just stay silent and wonders why it’s not enough to just show up somewhere and have giant eyes.
• Dwayne used to get so many random people come up to him on the boardwalk and tell him how good he’d suit a black or brown eyeliner.
Since that day Dwayne has never forgotten those people and he always wears eyeliner inside and outside the cave.
• Major black coffee addict despite not even needing it.
• Whenever the likes of Paul and Marko actually try to engage in activities whilst on the boardwalk, some female will waltz up to Dwayne. Their approach and characteristics through their energy will allow him to of course decide what his next move is, but if it’s some yappy person who clearly has a horrible energy, Dwayne can be just as blunt as David is.
“How can I get to know you?”
“I don’t want to be known.”
And then he’ll walk away.
• This man is dedicated to leopard print. DEDICATED. In his mind him and the boys are living in some lavish mansion in 70s LA with leopard print plush sofas, leopard print pillows, leopard print bed sheets, literally everything leopard print.
If he had free rein to design the places he wanted to, he’d be ecstatic. (Literally all he wants is to turn Max’s house into a leopard print and cherry red museum.)
• When Dwayne actually smiles around people, it’s the sort of smile that can heal a thousand wounds. Like him coming out of his shell is the sweetest thing to witness.
• If the boys are off irritating the fuck out of people on the boardwalk instead of trying to find a good feed, Dwayne will occasionally sneak away and visit any sort of music store he can find. He could sit and yap to the people in there for days, and that’s really where he feels the most comfy around strangers. He loves talking to others about bands and artists like Judas Priest, Type O Negative, Rob Zombie, Pantera, Sisters of Mercy, Monster Magnet and Rammstein.
• The film The Crow ended up having a really special place in Dwayne’s heart. He loves playing little bits and pieces on his guitar for Laddie from Graeme Revell’s music from the soundtrack.
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HII! if you have any lost boys requests send them in!! as you can tell, i really enjoy writing for all of them!! (i’ll write for honestly any lost boys character atp) <33
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youngbounty · 27 days ago
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Okay, out of all the things people are complaining about this story (and I am planning to review this so believe me when I say there are problems), Damian’s line right here is what you guys have a problem with?
For those complaining about Jason having one night stands, have you never read any issue of Red Hood and the Outlaws. This is referencing Jason’s lovers being short lived and YES Jason has canonly had one night stands. Literally the first time he met Starfire was on an island naked as a jaybird (no pun intended) and she offered him sex, because it is how she got to know people at the time.
The comic was during the New 52 era and yeah they were being weird with Starfire in the first couple of issues with her being in bed with Roy and sorta Jason, BUT he has had one night stands in that comic. Two of them at least. One of the girls he had a one night stand with got dragged into a spaceship with him when he and the Outlaws were fighting an intergalactic war before she kicked the bucket.
Now, do I like it? Eh… they really did place Starfire OOC in the New 52, but she was dealing with a broken heart in her own way. As for Jason, he was still Jason just as he is in this comic. He just happens to enjoy one night stands when he’s lonely. Also, he never had one night stands in the Rebirth Outlaws since he was in a relationship with Artemis. He also got into a relationship with Rose in Zdarsky’s Batman I guess? Personally, I still consider his relationship with Artemis to be canon.
Point is, complaining about Damian claiming Jason has only one night stands is the most nothing burger to complain about rofl. What? You think Jason would never have one night stands? You think he never had? You think Zatanna never wiped out Batman’s memories so the rest of the Justice League can play Operation with Dr. Light? You think Billy’s Captain Marvel was never accused of pedophilia by the Justice League because he was in a relationship with Stargirl? ROFL you sweet summer child.
In all seriousness, Damian claiming Jason only goes for one night stands isn’t OOC for him and it’s so normalized in DC that the only character over 18 I’d be surprised has ever had a one night stand is Superman. Personally, I thought Damian’s line was funny, because HE’S NOT WRONG. You might as well complain about Tim being a cheating bastard too.
Here’s a tear jar for you 🫙 I don’t know what to tell you.
As for the other complaints, no Damian saying Stephanie is “too female” isn’t misogynist. Most girls go to other girls for dating advice and not guys for the same reason (too male in this case). Damian is only looking for advice from a guy’s perspective, because yes guys vs girls dating have different expectations. Blame it on our cultural society or whatever, but it is what it is. Both genders are guilty of this, because it’s expected from homosexual relationships too.
No, there is nothing wrong with Damian going to Tim for dating advice. It makes the most sense actually. Damian even broke it down in this one.
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Damian’s a little shit and will say things in the most mean way possible. I thought that scene was funny, because as I’ve said DAMIAN IS NOT WRONG rofl. I laughed my ass off reading that.
Co’mon guys, let Tim and Damian have their story. We hardly ever see them working together, helping the other or hell getting along. If you’re going to complain or cry about something, at least find something that actually is placing a character OOC. For all we know, Damian could just be saying that just to be a little shit and it’s not like Jason and Stephanie never showed up or got to be a shit back at Damian.
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Lolz god this comic is funny. Red Hood’s outfit made my day and Steph kicking Damian’s ass was 😘
I will be reviewing the comic as I’ve said. You can find its entirety in my profile if you scroll down a bit. I’m hoping that those complaining about that one panel in the comic didn’t read it. If so, the entire comic is available on here and I’ve reposted. Read it before nitpicking on nothing burgers.
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gingiesworld · 2 years ago
New Sheriff in Town
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Requested by @louxbloom
Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader/ Past Wanda Maximoff x Vision
Warnings: Angst. Fluff.
Wanda and Vision were high school sweethearts, everything seemed perfect until she fell pregnant before graduating. Vision proposed to her as soon as he found out which Wanda had said yes.
It all seemed fairytale like as the years went on, Wanda being the stay at home mom as Vision went to work with his uncle at Stark Industries to provide for his family. As much as Wanda loved being a mom to her sons, she hated being home alone. Living the same day, same routine over and over again.
As the years went on, Vision had started to treat Wanda as a maid and not his wife, the twins soon caught on and started to treat her the same as their father did. As much as it broke Wanda's heart, she couldn't leave. Even though her friend's Natasha and Agatha would tell her otherwise. She had an obligation to be there for her family. That is what she was taught the perfect wife was.
That was until Vision had handed her divorce papers as he packed his things. Leaving her to raise two teen boys as he moved in with the 20 year old twinkie in the city. The twins had blamed Wanda for him leaving and never really cut her any slack. Wanda would also find herself crying herself to sleep every night. Wondering at what point her life had took a turn.
But with two 15 year old boys, running amuck throughout Westview. Especially being just as entitled as their father, always causing noise and destruction wherever they go. Only to be yelled at by Wanda before the two would make her cry.
A new resident had moved in ane joined the local Sheriff's department. Well they were the new Sheriff. When they saw the two yelling at Wanda, blaming her for their father not wanting anything to do with them.
"Hey!" Their voice boomed, causing the three to look in their direction. "I suggest you boys show your mother some respect."
"What are you going to do about it?" Tommy sneered as the twins crossed their arms across their chests.
"If I catch you boys doing anything out of line, I can have you arrested." They told them sternly.
"What? You gonna call the police?" Billy teased as Tommy laughed. They sighed as they got their badge out.
"I am the new Sheriff so I suggest you start to respect your mom." They told the two sternly. "Also, if I catch either of you vandalising any property, that includes your mom's house, I will put you in handcuffs. Do you understand me?" The two just nodded before walking inside as Wanda approached Y/N.
"Thank you. I'm Wanda." She introduced herself.
"Y/N." They shook her hand. "Well it was nice to meet you but I have to get to the station." Wanda waved nervously as she watched them walk away.
As the time went on, Y/N had found Tommy drinking in the park. So they approached him with a soft smile on their face.
"Hey, you're Wanda's son right?" They questioned as Tommy just scoffed before having another big sip. "You know you can talk to me."
"About what?!" Tommy spat. "How my dad left us and we've blamed mom all the time for it. Especially seeing him with his new wife and kid."
"Listen, I understand how hard it can be to have a parent give up on you." They told him. "But your mom is still here. She is still looking after you and your brother. You just need to give her a chance. It isn't her fault your dad quit on you guys. That's all on him so please just cut her some slack. Talk with Billy too. She deserves better than the crap you two have given her."
"I'm sorry." Tommy cried as Y/N put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"Save that apology for your mom and do it sober." They told him before standing up. "Come on, I'll give you a ride home." That was the first time that Tommy had felt extremely bad for how he had treated his mom. He hated himself and he hated his dad.
Once Y/N had pulled up outside of the Maximoff residence, Wanda came running out, worry etched onto her features as Y/N helped Tommy out of the car.
"Is he ok?" She asked them as they helped him inside.
"He's just drunk." They told her when they lay him on the sofa to sleep. "He's going to have one killer headache in the morning."
"Thank you." Wanda told them sincerely as she walked them out.
"It's no problem. They have been served a bad hand. The three of you have." Y/N told her softly as she smiled. "I will help keep my eye on them outside of these walls but the rest is on you Maximoff." They told her as she nodded. Watching as they left once more, this time admiring their form in their uniform.
As the time went on, the twins were better than before with Wanda. Doing chores without being asked and even making her drinks.
"I honestly don't know what has happened but it feels like something out of a horror movie." She whispered to Nat as the two stood on the porch, watching the twins mow the lawn and wash the car.
"I know what you mean. It's kind of like an alien invasion." She replied as Wanda nodded. It wasn't until they saw Y/N doing their rounds. Wanda noted that they weren't in their uniform as they stopped and spoke with the twins. "Or maybe a new person has something to do with it." Nat soon noticed how Wanda was silent as she watched Y/N and the boys laugh about something. "You like them." Nat pointed out as Wanda snapped her head in her friend's direction.
"No." She laughed as Nat smirked.
"Yes you do." She told her. "It's ok to want to move on Wanda."
"I know that but the twins have just stopped hating me." She told her. "If I change something it could ruin it."
As the year went on, Wanda had organised a BBQ for the twins birthday. Inviting their friends and family, Y/N had come with some gifts for the twins. Tickets to see their favourite team play the next game. It wasn't until Vision walked inside like he still owned the house.
"Vision? What are you doing here?" Wanda questioned as Vision smirked.
"I came to wish my boys a happy birthday and give them their present." He said as he waved a set of keys in her face.
"Please leave." She spoke shakily as the twins soon noticed the commotion. Y/N's gaze followed theirs as they soon moved to Wanda.
"She said to leave." Tommy stated as he stood beside Wanda.
"You will speak to your father with respect." He spat at him angrily.
"When you see him, let me know." Tommy smirked as Billy held his mom as she cried. All of her anger, pain and sadness coming back ten fold. It was when Vision was about the back hand Tommy across the face Y/N had stepped in.
"I suggest you leave." They told him as they gripped his wrist tightly.
"Fuck you." Vision spat before taking a swing at Tommy with his other hand. Y/N getting in the way and receiving a jab to the jaw.
"I won't ask again." They snarled as they towered over him. "Leave now or I'll have you arrested for trespassing."
"Whatever." He snarled before turning on his heels and leaving the house. Y/N soon got on their phone to a locksmith.
"The locksmith is coming tomorrow." They told Wanda who soon wrapped her arms around them. They were shocked at the action but reciprocated the hug regardless.
"Thank you." Wanda whispered before she kissed their cheek. The party continuing as Vision had never came. The twins barely left Wanda's side as everyone soon started to leave.
"Y/N." Wanda called out before Y/N got into their car.
"Are you ok?" They asked her as she nodded, not expecting her to wrap her arms around their neck and kissed them passionately. Y/N sunk into the kiss as she deepened it. When she pulled away, they watched dumbfounded as she walked back inside. A smile on her lips.
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tommydarlings · 2 years ago
taking good care of you | b.h
pairing: mean!dom!billy x sub!reader
warnings: smut, chocking, size kink, dumbification, dacryphilia, slight possessiveness
w/c: 0.6k
summary: Billy just loves taking really good care of you.
check this out: my masterlist <3 // my ko-fi to support me! <3 // my PayPal to support me! <3 // my Patreon to become a member! (get access to +45 works) <3 // Save a Life carrd made by me! <3
“Yeah baby, just like that.” Billy mumbled in a deep and quiet tone as he slowly entered you already wet pussy, “just like that, fuck,”
he threw his head back, one hand still holding your body weight down by your throat with his big, veiny hand while his other hand pressed itself down onto your abdomen, feeling his dick filling you up.
“You feel that?” Billy asked you before he put his gaze onto your facial expression, clearly being able to see in much pain you are but also how good he’s currently making you feel.
You nodded, eyes slightly crossed as he fully entered you, “Y-Yes,” you answered in a high pitched tone, “s-so big, so m-much, billy,” you cried out as soon as he started to thrust himself in and out of your begging cunt.
He chuckled at your reaction, “I know baby, I know,” billy mumbled reassuringly as his hand left your throat and slowly went up to your cheek, gently caressing your soft skin with his thumb as he nodded along his words.
You gasped as he almost removed himself entirely from your pussy and then harshly entered you with a hard thrust again, repeating that until tears glided down your soft cheeks.
“O-Oh my g-god,” you whined quietly before your eyes rolled into the back of your head while your fingers got a hold of the white bedsheets next to your body, fisting them while billy brushed some of your hair out of your now wet face.
“That’s it,” he whispered with a tiny smile on his face, groaning there and then when he felt you clenching him,
“F-Fucking hell… good girl, baby,” billy briefly squeezed his eyes shut before he felt you trying to crawl away from him, realising that you’re about to cum and that it’s all just getting to much for you to handle now.
But billy only laughed at your pathetic attempt, quickly grabbing your thighs and shoving you further onto his cock, making you gasp and moan as he put both of his hands onto the back of your neck, own knees now almost touching your ears as Billy’s forehead touched yours.
“You’re not going to crawl away from me, alright? Never. I am never letting you go, baby,” billy mumbled while holding eye contact, deeply looking into your glassy eyes before he leaned forward and gave you a tiny peck onto your forehead.
You only gasped as his hips rammed into you again, making more tears escape your eyes while you felt billy kissing some of your tears away, making you whine even louder.
“It’s okay,” he muttered deeply, “I’ll take good care of you, trust me.” He reassured you as you clenched even harder around his dick, making him groan.
You threw your head back, fingers grabbing the sheets now even rougher as you felt yourself cumming all over his cock.
The only things you were able to do were, whining, crying and moaning while billy kept his gaze onto your facial expressions, smiling there and then at your reactions.
“Shh, just look at me, baby,” he whispered to you as soon as you opened your eyes again, fingertips gently caressing your wet cheek again, “That’s my good girl, so perfect, just for me, hmm?” Billy mumbled with a tiny grin on his face while you blinked your tears away.
You nodded, not even really paying attention to his words since you were so far gone already, “Y-Yeah.”
“Yeah, my pretty little cockdumb baby,” he muttered in a quiet tone as he let go of your legs again, straightening his position again.
He tilted his head to the side, fingertips caressing your shaking legs now before he leaned forward and slightly turned his head, kissing your ankle while he still held eye contact.
“You’re so adorable,” he told you quietly before he rammed himself into you a second time that night, making you gasp and cry out at the same time.
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findafight · 2 years ago
On the one-sided harringrove post- I feel it becomes infinitely funnier with bi steve. He likes men, just not Billy. Never Billy.
Oh yeah. When Billy fiiiirst comes to school with his music blaring Steve is head over heels for Nancy, so he might register that the guy with the Camaro and loud music has a good ass, but then billy opens his mouth and Steve is like "oh, no ass can make up for that personality." And continues with his life.
Just. Okay I like to project just a liiiiittle on Steve with him just. Not realizing his attraction to men isn't a straight thing. Like. Of course all straight people feel that way, you just kinda ignore it or don't do anything about it. So Steve is half way between being comfortable in his sexuality and being closeted to himself because buddy used Hawkeye Pierce as the blueprint of straightness.
So Billy is out here, wallowing in self hatred and internalized homophobia, hating Steve and wanting Steve and hating that he wants Steve and wishing Steve would pay attention to him enough for a hate fuck he can cry about later, and it's all very angsty. All the while Steve is just actually completely fine with thinking a dude is hot he's just got standards that include "not racist" "doesn't try to beat up kids" "hasn't made me blackout from head trauma"
Wait. Oh no. I feel an au coming on. Shit. Au where post S2 Robin hears piano coming from the band room after hours and is her curious self going "I must see who is this mysterious genius" and it's Steve. They get to talking and hanging out and all of a sudden Robin thinks they are actually good friends. Best friends. Somehow.
Cue them going to a band party together. Someone spikes their drinks with waayyyy more than they were expecting so they are blasted. Robin has to go pee but does not want to go alone so she drags Steve into the bathroom with her and makes him face away. He's like haha Woah you really had to pee. And she goes shut upppp and washes her hands but sits across from him. Steve smiles at her and gives her his speech about how amazing she is and how glad he is to be her friend (it is like March '85 so he is still not ready to get back out into dating yet). Robin tells him about Tammy. They sing. Someone slams the door open and kicks them out of the bathroom because there's a fuckin line.
They lay on the grass outside and look at the sky. Steve like. Caaaaasually mentions once having thought he was gonna marry Tommy when he was six and then realizing you just didn't do anything about those feelings and Robin's gotta shoot up going WHAT!! WHAAAT? Because it sounded like Steve coming out to her? Right after?? She came out to him??
And Steve is like yeah. Like you don't really have to? Easier to ignore it and flirt with girls who I like or think are hot. And poor Robin's brain is melting she's like please Steve I'm really drunk are you telling me you sometimes want to kiss boys? And he's like yes, obviously, everyone does. Just like everyone also wants to sometimes kiss girls. Except lesbians I guess who only want to kiss girls? And gay guys only want to kiss guy? Yeah that makes sense and straight people don't care but go for the opposite ya know?
Robin is like NO!! And calms down some and says "okay I'm telling you this because you are my friend and you just told me almost the same thing. Steve. I like girls and only like girls. That not a straight thing"
"yeah. You've said."
"but I am ninety nine percent positive that just because you like girls doesn't mean you're straight because you also like boys."
"yeah dude, I do not think this is a heterosexual experience you're describing. I'm not an expert but. Yeah.
"oh. Huh."
"I definitely thought it was."
"your brain is so weird I'm still kind of obsessed with you."
"haha. Honestly I'm kind of obsessed with you. This is wild."
"well. At least I know you're stuck with me."
"ohhh nooooo whatever will I do with my best friend always around..."
ANYWAYS THE ACTUAL POINT OF THIS is not in fact the stobin. It's actually that
Sometime probably in may, when Steve is ready to be on the dating scene again, he gets with Eddie. Robin is happy for him but also so mad because he went from "probably shouldn't act gay even tho everyone feels a little gay sometimes" to "hey Robin what would you say if I said I got a boyfriend?" In less than two months. How does he have straight AND gay game. That's not fair.
Steddie getting together is a non event. Eddie is still like ewww sports and yet somehow he made out with Steve Harrington and the next day Steve asked if he wanted to get milkshakes and throw rocks into the quarry to see the splashes. Eddie must restrain himself from thinking it's a date because he knows it's not but it'd also be the perfect date (Eddie is a simple man)
At the end of the night steve kissed his cheek and says "I had a really great time..."
Eddie just blurted "hey do you want to be my boyfriend?"
To which Steve perks up like "yes! I'd like that!"
And Eddie didn't actually think he'd get that far so he was like "neat!! See you tomorrow!" before slamming the door in Steve's face.
So they're dating and Eddie disparages sports but Steve is like haha aw you don't like watching me play? Which is sooo mean to Eddie because obviously?? He likes?? Watching his boyfriend??? Run around in tiny shorts and sometimes shirtless?? He has to reevaluate some things he supposes.
All while this is happening Billy is still on his Greatest Homoerotic Rivals shtick with Steve. Eddie notices and is like to dude...what is with Billy? And Steve just sighs. Says Billy is weird and obsessed with him and glares all the time. It's a whole thing. Billy is pissed because what is Steve, his epic rival, doing hanging around some random band geek, his sister's bitchass friends, and maybe the local dealer.
Alright. Grad happens. Yay Steve! Poor Eddie. They go to some party , hang out with people, sell some drugs, etc. Billy is unfortunately also at this party, and is like. Lazer eyes boring into Steve's back. Very annoying. At some point, he sees Steve slip away and is like this is my chance so he follows him.
Howmever he comes across Steve, his epic and totally heterosexual rival, making out with Eddie the freak Munson.
And listen this is a scary thing to be caught inna town like Hawkins, but that's not the point of this post.
So Billy goes "what the hell?"
They turn around. Billy is still spluttering.
"what are you-why would you-- with him?!" He says.
Steve raises his eyebrows, alllll cocky confidence. He smirks a bit. Drawls. "Well, yeah. I like cock, billy. Just not yours."
Because the point of this post is that Steve is a bitch.
Thank you.
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kimpossibly · 2 years ago
cherry coke (d. jones)
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pairing: daisy jones x fem!reader summary: after an exposing news article is published in rolling stone, daisy and y/n have to figure out how to deal with the world knowing the truth. warnings: swearing, homophobia (not a lot, just mentions and implications for plot reasons only, but nothing explicit), drugs, drinking, s*x (mentioned but not described), mentions of addiction (past and current), daisy wanting to commit h*micide (vengeful wife vibes)
author's note: so this is what i was doing while demotivated to write the chain. I PROMISE I WAS TRYING but this idea also appeared to me and i just. i had to guys. i HAD to. i'm glad you guys have enjoyed the final part of the chain (and by that i mean yelling at me in the comments for making you guys cry. no i am not sorry, this is what i was going for all along) but seriously, i love that you guys loved it. yes it was sad but i'm glad you all felt that with me, because boy was it difficult to write. so here's a happier one! i saw someone say that daisy jones gives iconic lesbian energy and i was like you know what???? i VERY much agree! like, she set so many trends and broke out of the box in so many ways...so like why not by being gay yk?? anyway, this one gets a lil angsty and then supa cute again so enjoy! i love you guys <3
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DAISY JONES: You're famous long enough, you start to ignore the rumors. They're always gonna be there―some of 'em will surprise you when they're true, but most of the time they're just plain bullshit. You have to let them roll over you without a second thought. [pause]. But when that Rolling Stone article came out...it scared me. It was like Jonah Berg had stumbled on the gold mine of his career that could ruin mine in a second.
Y/N L/N: [holds up magazine] Inside Daisy Jones' and Y/n L/n's Torrid Love Affair. Quite the headline, huh? At the time, though, it kinda felt something like a death sentence. [pause] Look, the seventies were great, right? The parties, the music, the nightlife...but there were things that society just wasn't ready for yet. And that was what we were.
DAISY JONES: We were both so far deep into our denial then that it just...well, it made me want revenge [laughs]. But Y/n wasn't like that. She had her own things to deal with.
Y/N: Let me just tell you this one thing: never take your best friend on tour.
"You guys sold out this entire place?" Moody said as he looked around the giant stadium.
The band was in the middle of soundcheck in Henderson, but Y/n still found a moment to throw an arm over her childhood best friend's shoulders. "You sound surprised. If I were in a worse mood I might be offended."
Moody chuckled as Y/n wandered away to where Daisy was singing quietly into the main mic. Y/n knocked her foot into Daisy's boot as she passed, giving the girl a quick sly grin. Daisy returned it (not without a cleverly placed eye roll) and went on singing.
After a moment, an arm wrapped around Y/n's waist, pulling her back. She let out a shriek that melted into a laugh as Daisy pulled her back to the mic, saying, "Get back here and sing some harmonies with me!"
Moody watched with a quizzical look as Daisy and Y/n sang into the same microphone to test. Neither one of them could seem to really take it seriously; if their eyes met for even a second they'd laugh through the melody, effectively accomplishing nothing in the way of sound checking.
Eventually Y/n pulled herself away from the mic. She sang backup and harmonies on some of the songs off Aurora, but she never really liked having her own voice front and center. Besides, she was perfectly content to listen to Daisy sing. Daisy had a voice that demanded to be listened to. And Y/n loved it.
Billy passed by, impatiently shoving a guitar in Y/n's hand. "You gonna keep staring at Daisy, or are you gonna play?" he said in passing. Y/n stuck her tongue out at him and shouldered the guitar, still watching Daisy out of the corner of her eye as she plucked out the starting melody to Honeycomb.
Moody went to join the crowd when the first few concertgoers began to file in. From there it was a steady stream of fans, the chatter in the room growing louder and louder until thousands of people stood in the room, cheering and chanting for the band.
Moody had to admit it. He was impressed with what Y/n and the band had created for themselves.
The show began when Daisy walked onstage, red hair aglow in the pink and blue lights. There was glitter on her cheeks and dark makeup smudged around her eyes. And when Y/n walked onstage behind her, Moody noticed that she too had glitter on her face and lipstick smudged around her mouth.
The show was fantastic. When Daisy was at the mic (which, at that time, was always) she was electric, attracting light and eyes wherever she went. Whenever Billy stepped up to sing with her, it was like there was some instant kind of chemistry between them. They looked at each other, sang to each other, and it all made it feel like they were the only two in the room.
But there were times―few and far between, but still times―when Daisy would pick up the mic and go by Y/n as she played the guitar. In those moments, Daisy and Y/n would meet eyes, and the fits of laughter they'd had during soundcheck were nowhere in sight. They were focused on nothing but each other and the music. It seemed to suck all the air of the room in a single breath.
And during a particularly intricate guitar solo, Daisy got down on her knees in front of Y/n and sang up to her, setting the crowd ablaze with cheers and chatter.
Moody met back up with the band after the show, at which time Y/n leapt into his arms and stayed there, holding on and riding around as he greeted the other members of the band.
Daisy passed him last, and he gave her a short nod of his head. "Great show, Daisy."
"Why, thank you," she said in a very Daisy-way. As she passed, she gave a quick squeeze to Y/n's side, never taking her eyes off the girl until she was on the other side of them. It was an almost imperceptible gesture, but he saw.
Now, in that era of rock, shows didn't just stop after the set. The parties that followed were infamous for being the wildest place to be. Drugs and alcohol everywhere you looked, sex swimming in the air. If you wanted to dance a little too close to the devil, that was where you needed to be.
Moody got about as far as the entrance and tapped Y/n on the shoulder. "I'll meet you at your room."
She nodded, then bounced into the party without another word. I'll meet you at your room was code for their regular post-show routine. Y/n would go off to some party with Daisy and get shitfaced while Moody settled into Y/n's hotel room with a book. Around four or five in the morning, she'd stumble into her room, giggly and high, sometimes with Daisy at her side. Then Moody was in charge of sliding off her boots and making sure she sure got in bed and slept on her side. Then, he would go back to his own room for a few hours of well deserved sleep. Sometimes Daisy left, sometimes she didn't. Moody didn't put up much of a fight when it came to her.
Despite the fact that the party was nearly two floors above him, Moody could hear and feel the music through the ceiling. Hotel security never did much, mostly due to the hefty security deposit made by Rod and management. Hotels learned to expect this kind of thing when a rock band as famous as Daisy Jones & The Six came in town.
Meanwhile, Y/n was two floors above, stuck to Daisy's side, greeting everyone she saw and doing any drug she stumbled across. Her glass kept getting refilled, though she wasn't sure quite how. She allowed Daisy to pull her from group to group, keeping themselves latched together by the hand. And, around two in the morning, everyone was too faded to notice them slip out of the front door together.
The knock at Moody's door came at around 4:58. It was one, single sharp rap, then the dull thud of Y/n's head hitting the door. A soft giggle floated through the wood, "Let me in, Michael," she said, and he could practically hear the smile on her face through it.
He opened the door to see her leaned on the door frame, shoes in her hand, makeup smudged, hair messed up, clothing askew. Even then he thought she looked so beautiful, standing there, looking like she had just been blown through a tornado. Even then, she seemed to glow.
"G'morning," she greeted with a nod, stumbling in through the entryway.
Sure enough, she tripped over her own feet and nearly collapsed within a few seconds, sending Moody lunging to catch her around the waist. "Okay," he groaned, "no more of...well, anything for you tonight."
She rolled her eyes and scoffed, "If I had known you were going to be such a buzzkill, I woulda left you in Pittsburgh."
He guided her to the bed and sat her down. She slumped over, face half squished in the pillow. He held out a hand. "Give me all you got."
Y/n gave him a childish glare before digging in the pocket on her coat and pulling out half a dozen little baggies of pills and powders. She reluctantly smacked them into his hand, shifting further onto the bed to starting getting comfy.
"Thank you," he pocketed the drugs and started unlacing her boots. "You know, one of these days, all the parties are going to catch up to you, and you're either going to regret it, or you'll be passed out in the gutter. Just think about that."
"I've passed out in a gutter before. Not the best experience I've had, but not the worst."
He chuckled, sliding her coat off her arms. As he was pulling the covers over her, Y/n giggled. "I have a secret," she sang in a taunting voice.
"Oh yeah?" he asked, crouching down to her level. "Hit me."
"Nuh-uh. It doesn't work like that."
"Really? How does it work then?"
Y/n paused and thought for a moment. Then, she laughed again like she had just thought of something really dirty. "No!" she squealed. "No, no. I can't tell you. Nuh-uh."
Moody crossed his arms, giving her a pleading look, and then she sighed. "Fine," she relented with a grin, "Come here."
He leaned in, and she beckoned him even closer, until her lips were nearly pressed against his temple. Then, she spoke in a dreamy whisper, "I slept with the It Girl."
Moody pulled away, eyes wide. Y/n just giggled again like she couldn't believe it. She laid down on her side, eyes fluttering closed as she hummed the tune of Tiny Love. "Big eyes, big soul, big heart, no control, but all she got to give is Tiny Love."
She giggled like a maniac, seeming to find humor in those words then, and Moody went unnoticed as he stumbled out of the room, mind reeling at a million miles an hour. Y/n's giddy giggles floated up through the hallway after him, chasing him, until they finally came to a sudden stop.
The next morning she was awoken by Rod knocking at her door, yelling something about the bus leaving in ten. With a heavy pounding in her head, Y/n got up, and found she was unable to recall anything from the night before. Well, all except one thing―a thing that brought a little smile to her face when she recalled it.
After a sluggish bout of packing, the band was off to the next city―Sacramento, they told her. Good. She missed California.
All was normal for the drive. All except Moody. He hardly spoke to her, despite being a very talkative person normally. And when she did address him directly, he responded in as few words as possible. He was angry with her―they had been friends long enough for Y/n to be able to recognize that much. Eventually she gave up on trying to coax him to conversation and sat by Daisy, leaning her head on the girl's shoulder to try and get some sleep.
They made a stop before the hotel at some dinky dive bar to meet with Jonah Berg, a reporter for Rolling Stone. They sat around a table and drank, talking a little about the album and a lot about where they were headed next.
When things began to wind down and the band started to pack up, Jonah noticed Moody standing at the back of the room, arms crossed over his chest, glaring at no one in particular. Something about him looked like a story waiting to happen.
"Are you with the band?" he asked.
"Sure, you could say that."
Jonah lowered his voice. "Then what's got you looking all stormy?"
Moody paused, grappling with his next decision. He could either say it was nothing and tell Jonah Berg to buzz off, which, in all respects, would be the better choice. Or, he could tell the truth. And that, of course, would be disastrous. But people often made the disastrous choice when their feelings were involved.
Then he looked back at Y/n and Daisy, swaying together as Karen played a bluesy tune on the piano, and his heart constricted in his chest.
And then he made his decision.
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DAISY: February 12, 1976. The day I almost committed murder.
Y/N: Okay, it wasn't that dramatic.
DAISY: [silence]
Y/N: Okay, maybe it was.
When Daisy walked into sound check that day, an hour and a half late, she did not find the band playing their instruments and practicing songs. Instead they all sat around atop their amps and chairs, with Rod standing at the back. All eyes turned to her the second she walked in. Well, all except Y/n's. She was sitting on the stage, legs tucked to her chest, tears streaming down her face. Karen and Warren sat behind her, each holding a comforting hand on Y/n's shoulder. And even though she had no idea what was going on, Daisy could only think about how it should be her comforting Y/n before anyone else.
"Are you just going to keep on staring, or am I allowed to know what's going on?"
And then Billy held out The Rolling Stone. "See for yourself."
KAREN: When Y/n read through that article, it was like watching a car crash in slow motion. She got all teary and quiet, and then she just shut down. She wouldn't talk to anyone. But Daisy? Daisy got mad. So mad it looked like she was going to burn the world down.
Daisy gripped The Rolling Stone with white knuckles. It had everything. From the time they met, to that night in Henderson. It was like they had ghosts following them everywhere, whispering in Jonah Berg's ear. Daisy didn't dare look at Y/n now, mostly because she couldn't quite be sure yet that this wasn't her own fault.
After she had finished reading, she threw down the article and stomped towards the phone in the corner. "That son of a bitch."
Rod stepped in. "Daisy, hold on―"
"No! If that bastard thinks he can just ruin my career for the sake of his own, then he can hear it from me exactly what kind of hell his life is about to become."
"Look, Daisy, if it's not true, we can call Jonah and work this all out."
Daisy stopped, the receiver floating in her hand, her chest heaving.
"Daisy?" Rod said, "It's not true, is it?"
The band went silent, looking towards Daisy. Her head was dropped, red hair shielding her face from them. Slowly, the hand holding the receiver dropped, and Daisy turned to them, her pale face flushed red. And instead of angry, she just looked hopeless. That was all it took to make them understand.
After a moment of silence, Y/n finally spoke up, "Who would do this?"
"Whoever it is, they know everything," Billy said, "that's a pretty short list."
Graham frowned. "Hang on, you're not saying that one of us did this, are you?"
"No, I'm just saying that it's not like we have a very long suspect list."
"Oh! So we're suspects now!"
The door opened and the band looked over to see Moody walk in. All at once they fell silent. And as Y/n watched him walk in, it all clicked. A gasp ripped through her throat and she covered her mouth, sickness swirling in her stomach.
Moody seemed to understand too. "Guys, hang on―"
Daisy muttered something under her breath and ditched the phone, stomping towards Moody with her hands curled into fists. Rod and Billy just about leaped off the stage to hold her back. None of them wanted to witness the bloodbath that was sure to occur if Daisy got her hands on Moody.
"Did you do this?" Daisy demanded. Moody stayed silent and she laughed. "Come on, you might as well own up to it now!"
"Guys!" Karen shouted. Daisy turned, ready to scream for everyone to stay the hell out of this, but her words died on her tongue when she saw Y/n run backstage, followed by the deft slamming of a door. Everybody looked back at Daisy. She looked back at Moody, fury blazing in her chest like a dozen white hot suns. She wanted to throttle him and stomp on his head.
But she didn't know where Y/n was going. And she'd rather know that before she killed her best friend.
Daisy turned on her heel, stomping away in the direction that Y/n left. Moody let out a sigh of relief when she disappeared, the door slamming behind her. "Crazy..." he muttered, looking back at the group. He was met with six steely glares, and that's when he realized he was in a room full of people who probably hated him now.
Daisy saw her at the hotel bar, sitting alone. She was so quiet and still that it almost made her want to cry. Y/n was hurt. And worst of all, she was hurt by one of her best friends. That had to sting like hell.
Daisy quietly sidled up beside her, taking the seat next to her. "Whatcha got there?"
"A cherry coke," Y/n responded. Daisy gave her a look and she just shook her head. "Believe me, I'd rather be drinking something that would make me forget. But it's not even noon and I've been thinking about quitting."
That was a lie. The quitting part, not the part about it not being noon yet.
"So that's what it is then, huh?" Daisy asked with a wry grin, but there was something behind it. Something a little sadder. "Just a stupid news article?"
Y/n turned to her immediately, eyes softening. "Daisy," she said softly, "of course not. You know that."
"Well, now so does everybody in the world."
She quieted, nodding and taking a sip from the glass. She sat it back down, sighing. "So, do we..."
Y/n trailed off, her eyes drifting behind Daisy. Daisy turned her head and saw Moody leaving the theater. He stopped in place, looking at them as though he were watching open heart surgery. Y/n murmured something quick to Daisy and let her go, heading in towards Moody.
For a moment he thought she might slap him, and for a moment so did she. But instead she stared him dead in the face with the same eyes he'd seen on every birthday, every holiday, every good memory. And right then, they looked so hardened that he could barely recognize them.
"Is this what you wanted?" she asked, her voice laced with warning. He gave no response. She continued. "I have spent my entire life trying to figure out who I am―you know that better than anyone. For the first time...I think I did. I think I finally understand."
She glanced back at Daisy, then back to Moody. "And you had to fuck that up for me."
He again said nothing.
"I think it's best if you go home," she said. "If you try and get on that bus tomorrow, I'll have Rod call the cops. Better yet, if I get back to my hotel room tonight and you're there, I might just throw you out the window. And I'm on the tenth floor, so I wouldn't take that chance."
Daisy couldn't hear a word she was saying, but the look of horror on Moody's face told her all she needed to know. And with it she felt some sense of pride.
Y/n walked away, leaving him frozen in place. She held out a hand to Daisy. "Come on."
And Daisy just grinned, taking Y/n's hand and letting her pull her out of her seat and guide her away. She cast one last fiery glare at Moody before he disappeared from sight, immediately melting into a smile while Y/n drew her to the elevators.
He had been her best friend for over two decades. And right then she couldn't bear to be around him.
DAISY: I was ready to burn him at the stake. Unfortunately, my wife is a little more forgiving than I am.
Y/N: He was in our wedding party, on my side behind Karen and Eddie. I knew he felt bad for what he'd done, and he apologized about a million times. He'd been one of my best friends since I was little. It would've been hard to cut him out of my life, and it was hard to keep him in it. But time healed the shallower wounds, society warmed up to some things, and life got easier. I just feel glad that I got to a point in my life where I could find it in myself to forgive him.
Less than twenty minutes later, the pair were in Daisy's hotel room, arms wrapped around each other, each lying comfortably on the spacious king-sized bed. They'd talked for a while, then lapsed into a comfortable silence, where they just held each other. That was all they felt they could do.
But they were happy. As Daisy ran fingers through Y/n's hair, it occurred to her that right then, she felt less complicated than she ever had in the past. It felt like the sun had finally peeked out from behind the clouds to shed some life on her life and who she was. So Daisy, finally feeling like she was bathed in spotlight, smiled. "Fuck Rolling Stone."
And Y/n, who felt like decades-old wounds were healing, laughed. "Fuck Rolling Stone."
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ringleaderscarletshadow · 26 days ago
Constene x Chloe=ConstBee
Prompt: is we give Chloe a decent perantal figure...and I do like forcing Constene into that roll ( Sorry for the spelling) maybe Added effect of Adrien/Chat threatening to go after kneecaps if Chloe gets hurt more ( Not die kinda hurt more emotional hurt) maybe an offer for murder Andrey
I finally finished this! If I can come up with a name and tags for it, I may cross post to Ao3. For now, enjoy the weird thought I got.
Characters: John Constantine, Chloe Bourgeois, Billy Batson, Hal Jordan
Words: 1242
“Bloody hell, why is there a child at my doorstep?”
John looks at the literal young teen sitting on his doorstep crying. Why did the universe always seem to send children his way? 
The blonde girl looks up to the man in his trenchcoat. She grimaces at the smell of smoke. John takes in the reaction, removing his coat, throwing it into the house.
“What are you crying at, love?” John sits himself down next to her.
“Oh, it’s nothing.” She swipes at her tears with her sleeve. “I just didn’t want to be at the hotel any longer.”
John’s eyes narrow at the words. He was all too familiar with how horrible a household can be. How much resentment parents can have toward their children.
“There has to be more to that. Do you want to talk about it?” He does his best to use as soft of a tone as he can.
“Sort of. It’s ridiculous though.” 
“Try me.”
“Mother came back to the hotel and I tried to tell her about the one thing I did today but she brushed me off. She doesn’t even know my name! 
Marinette, a new girl in my class, told me that I have been controlling Adriki-I mean, Adrien’s life. I haven’t been a good friend to him. She’s right. I don’t deserve his friendship.”
John stops himself from immediately getting up to go say some choice words to her mother. This Adrien must be a friend she has had for longer than this Marinette came into the picture. There was part of the story that bothers him specifically.
“What do you know about this Marinette? Did you do something to her?”
The girl rubs at her arm. The tears start to come back. 
“She’s the daughter of a couple bakers. I had tried to make friends with her but I accused her of trying to steal Adrien from me and everyone in the class backed her. I should have never done it.”
John sits in the muffled silence. The girl lets her tears come out again. In a moment that he can blame Billy for, he places his arm on her shoulder.
“Guilt will eat you up if you allow it. You did not want to lose your friend. Does he still talk with you?”
“Yes, only when Marinette is not around though. There is something to her that is so weird. She showed up in class and everyone flocks to her. How does one girl do so much!”
She lets out a growl of frustration. It was not anger though. John could sense this girl shared with him a common… problem. 
John was never one to have friends. The closest in the League is Hal and even he just tolerates the man. 
Speaking of the lantern…
“John!” Billy runs up the stairs, stopping when he sees the girl on the steps. 
“I brought the kid back. We got done touring the Watchtower and he wanted to help. Did you hear that the Butterfly miraculous is being used somewhere in Paris?”
Hal stops himself as she also sees the girl. Billy looks between the adults, waiting for one of them to acknowledge her.
“Paris? I am supposed to head back tomorrow. What is a miraculous anyway?”
Hal studies the girl. There was potential behind her that made him consider her as a lantern. Well, he would not admit to that in front of John. 
“A miraculous is a piece of jewelry that houses a creature called a kwami. Each kwami has a different concept they embody. They can give wielders their abilities as well as a suit.”
“Think of a lantern ring but much more reasonable.” John smirks as the words leave his mouth.
Hal throws his arms crossed. He was definitely not pouting over the remark. Billy shakes his head at the two. 
The girl reaches into her pocket, pulling out two boxes from her jacket. Only Billy notices right away. She offers one to him which he gladly accepts.
The two open their boxes to reveal a set of earrings and a ring. The two teens eye each other before placing on the jewelry. The energy that comes from both grabs the adults attention.
“There’s no way. How in the world would you even have those? The miraculous are supposed to be in the possession of a guardian.”
Hal waves away Plagg as he snickers at the lantern. John is still in silence at the ordeal. He stops himself from lighting a cigarette by summoning a glass. 
This was just John’s luck. A girl appears at this doorstep with a magic he had not seen in ages and the boy he had been training for years now has one as well.
“I got these off the ground when I was walking past the bakery. They were sitting behind a trash can.”
Both Hal and John blink at the words. The literal beings of creation and destruction were found behind a trash can. A trash can.
“The one who pronounced himself as guardian was going to give us to different users.” Tikki starts, before getting cut off.
“Yeah, until he decided to test them and lost us in the process. Almost like a strike of luck.” Plagg smirks to Tikki.
John rolls his eyes. It seems his time with the miraculous left an influence. Hal sees the start of a smile from John.
“Okay confess Mr Master of the Dark Arts. Which one did you wield?” Hal stares down the man. 
Billy and the girl both place their bets on Plagg. The energy from the black cat matched the man near perfect. Hal is more skeptical. Despite John’s appearance, there was this caring side that Hal would see peak through.
Before answers to their question can be given, both kwami share the same state of fear. An emotion Hal was too good at spotting. John makes note of it too.
“I think we need to get to Paris asap.”
“Bullocks, this is not going to be a show.”
Hal sighs with an uplifting smile. John mirrors it. 
“Wait, are we going to fight this butterfly? We know nothing about them.”
“Chloe is right, John. I have knowledge of magic but this is something new. Creation is a broad spectrum to control.” Billy eyes Hal’s ring.
John notices the line of sight. The lad had this theory for a while that there was once a black and white lantern power core. He thought that it is possible the anchors realized their powers were too powerful for multiple people to wield at the same time.
“It’s okay, Johnny and I can handle it if there is anything major. The butterfly is a powerful miraculous but this seems to be an inexperienced wielder. It may be easier than we think.”
Hal was right to be confident in their abilities. John was hesitantly in agreement. The two of them were a force to be reckoned with and the kiddos are being blessed by the gods of creation and destruction.
Green Lantern, The Hellblazer, Rouge, and Noire make quick work of the affected victim. The hidden adults get the villain to come out of the shadows which makes it easy to retrieve the Butterfly miraculous back.
It also the start of John illegally adopting two children. Hal beat him to the legal side of it. Who knows, maybe there is another blonde he can adopt soon… 
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loosethreadsofyoursoul · 9 months ago
it’s never too late by steppenwolf (aka the song from the end of 13x5) is thee dean winchester song. let me elaborate.
(i haven’t seen any posts about this so if there are any i would love to know about it bc i am passionate about this.)
firstly, i could pick that entire scene apart with how it relates to dean and what he’s going through as well as all the symbolism—the mother losing her child, billie in death’s library, the shots of the impala, the neon signs in shot when they finally drive up to cas—but honestly i would never run out of things to say about it.
the overarching themes of both that scene and this song are regret and guilt and wishing you could go back and do things, treat people, differently, and so putting them together in that way is perfect. more specifically, the song is about a man who had all these ambitions, mostly because of pressure from his parents, but finds himself grown up having achieved none of them and because of that, it starts to affect the people around him. sound familiar?
especially right now, dean is suffering so much loss, and (somewhat inadvertently) is taking it out on sam and jack, both his kids in a way (on your woman and your child / you release your bitterness). all he wants is his family back (i.e. mary and cas) but since there’s nothing he can do to go back and fix what took them away from him, he has a lot of trouble seeing the point in going on.
although you’re trained to make your mark / you still don’t quite know what to do
yeah. he’s lived like that for a while, but he’s especially feeling it now. his reaction to billie telling him he still has work to do was not exactly enthusiastic.
as he says to sam in this ep, he’s taken every previous loss in stride and just kept going, kept working, and (in some ways) kept starting over despite it all. but he might not be able to do it anymore. we’re seeing him at his lowest, all he wants is to die, but he’s finally let sam in, even if neither of them are sure where to go from here. and what happens next? his phone rings, and his best friend is on the other end.
we all know there’s a stark difference in dean from one episode to the next (13x6 is tombstone), and why is that? dean got the win he needed. he got cas back, and he’s no longer just watching time slip by until his death. a reason to live just walked back into his life. he’s learning that, maybe, it really is never too late.
this happens a lot for dean, specifically with losing cas, where it feels like he’s finally lost for good this time, but he’s always managed to get cas back or to find some way to keep going.
another line i find very fitting for dean is in the second verse:
the god of your childhood you can’t find / to save you from your emptiness
obviously, this could be about chuck and how unreliable he is, especially when dean (and sam) needs him most, which we saw most recently at the end of 13x1. (“the god of your childhood” could also be the samulet, but thats a different discussion.)
again, there’s a lot of lines that i think reflect dean’s character and everything he’s been through really well, but rather than enduring the essay i could write about it, go (re)listen and you’ll see what i mean. it’s just so beautifully fitting, especially given it’s 60s/70s rock which i think dean would appreciate.
that ending scene of dean and cas seeing each other again, particularly with that song in the background, is one i think about a lot and, to me, is criminally underrated in terms of destiel moments. it’s one of my favs and it makes me cry like a baby.
so yes, it’s never too late by steppenwolf is THEE dean winchester song and i hope you agree. it’s also just an excellent song tbh go listen to it and cry with me xx
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the-amber-raven · 3 months ago
Hi! I just found your account on AO3/tumblr, i've read the buddie on AO3 once before and i loved it. But the most recent one with the Bucktommy one... i stopped everything i did(and the fact that i had a deadline didn't even stop me from reading it) and loved it!
I cried a river when Daniel dissapeared... because i thought maybe he would stay for their whole stay in the Buckleys old house...
It was very beautiful, and i'll probably go back to read it again from time to time!
If you don't mind me asking, did Tommy ended up crying aftee Daniel left? And what were the Buckley siblings reaction? These kept me awake just imagining all their reactions. And with Tommy's ability to speak with ghosts in this universe of yours... what would be your take on Billy Boils?
Sorry for the long ask, i'm just curious on what your take is. And the fact the i love the way you tell the story made me want to know more!
Helllloooo I am so sorry about how long this reply took! I had every intention of replying earlier but then Last Week happened and I got sick this week and its been A Time.
Firstly, thank you so much!! It's so nice to hear that you enjoyed all my stories and that the ghost fic affected you in particular 💚 I've really grown to love that fic - it's different to what I usually write (even though I managed to squeeze some shenanigans in there) but I really enjoyed it.
As for your questions:
Did Tommy cry? Probably eventually yes. I do think he probably would have glanced over at the empty picnic table at one point, after being immersed in the total joy of the Buckley(-Han) family watching the frogs and the juxtaposition probably would have made him tear up. But for tears - I kind of see that sneaking up on him. Like one day, in a few weeks or a few months, he thinks to himself that it's been a while since he spoke to Daniel and it will hit him again that he won't be seeing him again and the grief will come over in another wave that will bring tears along with it.
Buckley siblings reaction... I think Maddie would first just feel really settled that she got to help Daniel move on. She dealt with a lot of her grief during her PPD treatment, so she'd already felt like she'd gotten the chance to say goodbye but the guilt of allowing him to be erased by their parents lingered and knowing that she has now helped him move on eased that. But then something happens - again, it's further down the track, probably months actually because Maddie is pregnant again, and Jee is flipping through all the photos and notes from their adventure around the lake and talking about how much fun it was and how she can't wait to be able to take her new brother or sister there because she loved it so much and wants to share it with them and it just kind of hits Maddie that this is what Daniel was robbed of and the grief rolls in again.
As for Buck, I think because Daniel is still a little bit of an abstract concept for him he also would have first simply reacted by being happy that he had managed to help his brother (the brother that he still sometimes can't help but think he failed despite all the reassurance to the contrary). But they stay in Pennsylvania a few more days, sticking to where they used to live when Daniel was alive, and Maddie sometimes mentions the places they enjoyed going to, like the ice cream parlour they would go to when Daniel wasn't quite so sick. Maddie is able to order the exact same sundae that she tells Buck they got to celebrate their new baby brother. And these anecdotes start to give more life to Daniel, ironically enough, and when they visit Daniel's grave he just gets bowled over with the fact that this was his brother and he is gone. He tries his best to hold in the tears but Tommy clocks his struggles and makes an excuse for them to split from the main group. They go elsewhere in the cemetery - Buck doesn't want to leave yet, because he does want to go back to Daniel's grave - and Buck just cries.
This got super long, so I'm actually going to put the Billy Boils question in a separate post (and also because the ones above got angstier than expected and I feel like it would give you emotional whiplash if I add it here now 😂
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mrprettywhenhecries · 1 year ago
billy with a boombox outside win's window but the music coming from the speakers is decidedly not appropriate
Say Anything
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⇾ w.c. 623 words ⇾ warning(s). none really ⇾ a/n: let's just pretend that say anything didn't come out in '89 for the sake of this timeline lol. Also, it's been a bit since I've written Win & Billy, so hopefully I'm not completely out of practice 😅
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Sighing heavily, Win grimaced as she realized she’d just sighed again for the umpteenth time in the past ten minutes.
She’d been irritable all morning, snapping at Billy for something dumb he’d said – she couldn’t even remember exactly what it had been now – but she’d stormed off, coming home to fume about it.  On any other day, she probably would have scoffed at him and rolled her eyes, or tell him to fuck off half jokingly and then forget about it, but today she’d taken it personally, even when she knew he hadn’t meant it that way.
It was stupid.  And now she was in her room crying over it, wanting to call him, but too stubborn to, half hoping he’d call her.
The faint sound of music drifting through her window caught her attention and she wiped at her eyes before lifting her head from her pillow and rolling out of bed, grabbing the first thing she found to throw on, which happened to be one of Billy’s cutoffs she’d stolen, the Ratt logo on the front faded.
Pushing the window open, she found Billy standing outside by the curb next to his Camro, boombox hoisted over his head as it blared KISS.
“What the hell are you doing?” Win exclaimed, having to raise her voice to be heard over the music.
I really love you, baby, I love what you've got.  Let's get together, we can get hot.
“Apologizing,” Billy called, walking closer, a grin tugging at his lips.
“As far as apology’s go, I’m not really sure about this one,” Win teased, leaning against the window sill, trying to keep the amusement from her face.  As soon as she’d seen him standing there, she knew she’d already forgiven him.
No more tomorrow, baby, time is today.  Girl, I can make you feel okay.
“Aw c’mon, what’s so bad about it?” Billy asked, raising an eyebrow at her.  “I thought you were into this romantic shit?”
“Romantic shit?” Win repeated incredulously.  “I don’t know if I’d exactly call this romantic,” she huffed, her chest aching with affection.
“What’s not romantic about it?  Is it the choice of song?”
No place for hiding, baby.  No place to run.  You pull the trigger of my, love gun. 
Win snorted, clamping her mouth shut to keep from laughing.  “Yeah, that might have something to do with it.”
Billy frowned.  “I thought it expressed my feelings pretty well,” he explained, biting his lip to keep from smirking.
“Oh– oh, I see,” Win quipped, shaking her head.  “So you just wanna get in my pants, is that it?”
“Well, that’s part of it,” Billy shrugged.  “But I really am apologizin’ here.  I was an ass earlier.”
Win’s lips curled slightly.  “Yeah, I know.”
Billy directed her a long suffering look.  “I’m sorry!” he exclaimed.
You can't forget me, baby, don't try to lie.  You'll never leave me, mama, so don't even try.
“Do you forgive me yet?” Billy called over the music when Win didn’t respond, half afraid she was gunna tell him no, just get back at him, but when she broke into a grin, he knew he'd succeeded.
“Yes, okay!” Win exclaimed, leaning further out her window.  “Now will you shut that off and get over here before you wake my dad up?” she cried, her voice tinged with laughter.
Billy shut off the boombox and set it down, striding to her open window.  “You know, your room being on the first floor kinda ruins the effect somewhat,” he pointed out, stepping closer so Win could wrap her arms around his shoulders.
“Yeah, a bit,” she agreed, “but it makes it so much easier for you to sneak in,” she grinned, letting him kiss her.
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⇾ taglist. @super-unpredictable98 @b1tchy3lf @afestivelegend @heartbreak-sandwich @sugarcookiesteve @birminghamshelbyboys @elliethesuperfruitlover
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luvtonys · 2 years ago
Good night/morning/afternoon
Are you taking requests? (Just to confirm)
If yes then can you make an elmax (separated or together) x reader soft headcanons???
If no then please ignore this and thank you for reading
Ofcourse I am and I will I’ll do them separately
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𝐒𝗼𝐟𝐭! 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐇𝗼𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫 (𝐄𝐥)/ 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐱 𝐆𝐍! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
*non sexual*
Warnings: none
𝑆𝑜𝑓𝑡! 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑
I can see max being quite protective of you and is often there whenever a classmate or her brother is giving you trouble. She’s loves to watch movies and eat snacks with you or just eating snacks together. She definitely teases you with a smile on her face thinking about how cute you look when you make a fake annoyed face at her. She loves going to amusement parks with you and getting on scary roller coasters and laughs about how scared you look.
She very much does enjoy her time with you wether it be the silly and goofy stuff or the legit kinda romantic stuff. She’s all for trying something new if you want to wether it be new food or a new place that just opened up. Max loves it when she can talk to you about Billy or just something she’s frustrated on and when you comfort her she can’t help but smile. She puts a lot of trust and respect into you so often she tries not to yell or cuss if you reason with her now to.
Spending time with her is often very fun like going to the mall shopping or getting clothes she’s also really good at making you feel better especially when your down or had a bad day. She’s full of fun and just wants you to have the best experiences with her possible. You guys laugh a lot your the dynamic that when one of you look at each other you both laugh a lot of inside jokes between you too is pretty often.
She hates when Billy tries to get involved and when she has enough of him trying to push you away from her she’ll take matter into her own hands since you just may be the best things that’s happened to her since she’s moved to Hawkins. She’s all for showing you tricks on her skateboard that she’s still learning but most of the time you’ll have to watch her for her so she doesn’t fall. She enjoys the little cute dates you guys have it could be at a park enjoying ice cream or any snack of that kind or just in her room reading comics and discussing random topics that you guys are interested in. She is annoyed with everyone else but you she’ll always smile when your around and finds you company very comforting.
𝑆𝑜𝑓𝑡! 𝐽𝑎𝑛𝑒 𝐻𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟/𝐸𝑙
El loves to be close to you and even loves matching with you wether it be outfits or accessories she loves the cute couple type thing. Even though you guys are dating you still have a type of bff thing going on. Whenever girl problems come to her she always calls you since she trusts you a lot. You guys’s dates will mostly be small but cute things like hanging out on the beach and enjoying each other’s presence. Enjoys sharing meals with you and trying your food as well or you introducing her to new foods and having a full day dedicated to trying new foods.
She loves to gift you little things that she makes for you like a drawing or a little crochet heart. She’s is definitely clingy and loves to have her arm around yours and her head on your shoulder she finds it peaceful. She also hates when you guys come to disagreements and will even cry after thinking that your furious and her and might end things so when she sees you at school she’ll wave you down and try to make things better. She’ll even be crying while apologizing and will be so relieved and joyful when you say you forgive her.
Her separation anxiety tends to strike her when you go somewhere like a party without her scared that you may forget about her and when you do come back she’ll be all over you cuddling and smiling. She’s always at her happiest when with you she may even ask someone else like for relationship advice or how to keep you happy. Whenever you sad or just down she’s always the first person to ask about you and spam calls on your house phone.
God forbid if you ever get hurt or end up in the hospital she’ll be shaking and having nightmares on what could continue to go wrong for you. So when you heal you’ll have to let her know and see you before anyone else she just has that type of motherly love for you. She’ll always charge at any monster before they even come close to you. And thinking about fuels her anger. So she always wants to be around you and checks up on you often and asks your parents about you as well.
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suugrbunz · 1 year ago
Part One — Main Focus will be Joe Liebgott, Edward Shames, and Jewish Identity. Part two will focus on MoTa.
First let me start by saying— these are thoughts that have been forming for a long time. There are things I will say that I've wanted to say for a long time. This is just me publishing my personal opinion with subsequent facts of the matter. However, you can differentiate the two. Put the facts above my opinion and if you believe I am wrong, feel free to send me a message in my ask box about it!
First and foremost being Jewish is a spectrum. There are ethnic Jews who are secular but stay within the community, there are practising ethnic Jews who vary their degrees of religious adherence, there are ethnic Jews who are Christian converts, and there are converts who are not ethnically Jewish. We are an ethnoreligious group— like the Druze or the Yazidis. There are many forms of our religion and many different cultural practices influenced by where they lived. The main groups we have are Ashkenazim; Diaspora that lives in Eastern Europe and everyone uses them as the staple of Jewry, they're not, they're just a part of the community. Mizrahim; Diaspora that resided in the Middle East and Northern African. They have suffered through many genocides (as have the rest shhh). Sephardim; Diaspora that resided in the Iberian Peninsula before the Spanish inquisition fucked them over and they ended up in the Balkans, the Middle East, Africa, and anywhere else. Finally, there are Central Asian Jews who are often a mixture of the Ashkenazi and Mizrahi diaspora. A great example of these are the Bukharan Jews. Whilst they're their own community within our community; Many Iraqi, Iranian, and Ashki Jews ended up in their community due to genocides in the countries they lived in.
So let's talk about some of our Jewish characters in BoB and some important information!!
Liebgott’s mother was Jewish. Yes, he was raised catholic but allow me to remind you of the statement we are an ethnoreligious group. He may not have spoken Yiddish but he did speak a dialect of German because of where his parents were from. Let's be real, speaking your parent's first language at home is normal. If Liebgott wasn't ethnically Jewish he wouldn't have been pissed off at Guarnere’s blatant antisemitism towards Sobel by calling him a Son of Abraham (oy vey).
Joe may not have known anything about the religion. Joe may not have gone to shul. But neither did Billy Joel and he was similarly raised Catholic by a Jewish family and still he has said he feels connected to the community. Joel's family went to Cuba to escape Nazis as they were a German Jewish family. If he didn't feel this connection then the real-life Liebgott wouldn't have fought Guarnere, right?
We note him as being exceptionally hateful towards Nazis. We see him as this feisty individual who could initiate a fight with anyone and might just win. The first time we see the war’s true emotional toll on Liebgott is when he breaks down at the camp. Though, I'd also argue that him not getting help when injured is a big sign of his deteriorating mental health.
Sit down because we are about to take a very emotional ride which will give you insight to any Ashkenazi or Sephardic individual who had a family member perish in the Sho’ah.
As only two generations away from the Sho’ah in my family, I know where my family died and I know where they were from. The most painful thing for me is to look at the train loads of Hungarian Jews arriving at Auschwitz. That is my family. At a young age I saw that film, I remember silently crying as I questioned if my family was captured in this film. If I see them just before they're matched to their death. Now imagine being Liebgott. Imagine being any Jewish individual that came across a camp— death or work camp. Imagine knowing this could've been you if your family didn't leave their homeland. Or worse, knowing that whatever family they left behind is dead. Dead and gone. Unnamed. Unknown. Stripped of their identity and in some camps they're just a number for ease of figuring out who has or has not died. Not every camp used this system, but some did. The camp easy company came across was not one of these but… It was still a camp. I think many people don't realise the sheer amount of camps and ghettos that were spread across the whole of Europe. According to USHMM’s Encyclopedia— over 44,000 camps were established. Additionally there were around 1,000 ghettos. So, we will establish our base estimated number at 45,000. Meaning the likelihood of accidentally coming across one was generally higher than what one may believe. Especially depending on the area you were in.
On the other hand someone who is hardly spoken of; Edward Shames was a practising Jew. He toasted his son’s bar mitzvah with hitler's cognac. Which is such a fuck you to hitler. A bar/bat mitzvah is a celebration of a Jewish person becoming an adult in the religion. There's partying, reading of the Torah, and all around joyous times. It is basically; We lived, you didn't— how successful was your genocide? Oh, yeah, not successful enough. Additionally, Shames held a Pesach Seder during the war. He was as religious as he could be during the war. I do not remember if or how he reacted to the concentration camp during the miniseries. I am a bit ignorant of him, I know some information but not enough to speak any further. Both Liebgott and Edward Shames by Halacha are Jewish. Liebgott's mum is a Jew, so he's a Jew. Edward Shames' parents are both Jewish. Even though to a secular person they are not viewed as being equally Jewish... In my eyes, they kind of are.
This concludes part one of two. You can find part two here: X
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dippindaz · 18 days ago
Thank you again for doing my request!! You are so super good at writing all the characters, but I want to point out specifically Eddie because you manage to hit that exact mix of I want to strangle him with my bare hands but I also I want to kiss him passionately that his canon portrayal makes me feel. He is the most annoying person in the world. I want to put him in my pocket.
If you're still looking for requests, how about reader inviting them to hang out in a blankie fort? (Dealer's choice on what characters you go with!)
🥺🥺🥹🥹 you’re legit gonna make me cry. I try SO hard to get the personalities right and feel like sometimes I get too caught up in it. But I am SO happy you feel this way!!!! Thank you so much.
In light of the really sweet compliment and me feeling incredibly giddy I decided to do this request for the main four Eddie, Robin, Steve, and Billy, along with the addition of Nancy and Jonathan!
I hope y’all enjoy <3
Billy Hargrove
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• At first, he scoffs at the idea, rolling his eyes and muttering something about how childish it is. “What are we, five?”
• But the second he sees you actually sitting in the blanket fort, looking all cozy with pillows and dim lighting, he hesitates.
• You challenge him—“What, scared you’ll actually have fun?”—and that gets him. He grumbles but eventually flops down inside, legs stretched out like he’s trying to act cool about it.
• Complains that it’s too small (even if it isn’t). You jokingly offer to build him a “Billy-sized” extension.
• Would 100% pull you into his lap instead of sitting properly. “There. More room.”
• If you have snacks, he steals them all. Doesn’t even apologize. “What? You should’ve brought more.” (He’ll end up not eating much, pretending he isn’t hungry so that you’ll eat some.)
• Despite his tough act, you catch him relaxing—head leaned back, arms behind his head, quietly enjoying the warmth of the blankets and your presence.
• If you fall asleep, he stays put, wrapping an arm around you and mumbling, “Fine. Guess I’ll stay a little longer.”
Steve Harrington
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• Immediately into it. No hesitation. “A blanket fort? Hell yeah, I’m in!”
• Spends way too much time perfecting the setup—adjusting the blankets, making sure the pillows are just right, even raiding the house for Christmas lights to add ambiance.
• Brings snacks and insists on making it a full experience. “Movie night, fort style. I’ll grab the popcorn.”
• Dramatically flops in like it’s a luxury lounge. “Wow, babe, you really know how to treat a guy.”
• Very touchy—either leaning against you, pulling you into his side, or lying with his head in your lap, demanding head scratches.
• If you put on a movie, he’ll be the first to get emotionally invested. You’ll hear dramatic gasps, groans, and even yelling at the screen.
• Might fall asleep halfway through with his arms wrapped around you, snoring lightly.
• When you tease him about how much he enjoyed it, he just smirks, “Guess I’m just a man of sophisticated taste.”
Eddie Munson
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• Dramatic gasp when you mention it. Clutches his chest like you just gave him the greatest invitation of all time.
• “A blanket fort? You mean a sacred realm of coziness and mystery? Babe, I thought you’d never ask.”
• Goes all out. Adds his own touches—throws in some band posters, grabs a flashlight for spooky storytelling, and insists that Dio should be playing softly in the background.
• “This is our kingdom now. We must protect it at all costs.” Immediately starts making up rules for the fort, like:
• No talking about boring real-world stuff.
• You must refer to each other as “Knight of the Blankets” and “Ruler of the Snacks.”
• Mandatory cuddling. (He swears he didn’t make that one up just for himself.)
• Very clingy—lays his head in your lap, throws an arm over you, and dramatically sighs, “Ah, yes, this is the life.”
• Tells spooky stories with way too much enthusiasm, making the fort shake as he acts them out. If you get scared, he grins and says, “Guess I’ll have to keep you close for protection.”
• Refuses to leave once you’ve settled in. “Nope. This is our home now. We live here.”
Robin Buckley
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• Instant excitement. “Oh my God, YES. Why don’t we do this all the time?”
• Immediately takes over the building process. She wants this thing structurally sound—tucks in every corner, stabilizes the ceiling, and even makes a second entryway (“Just in case we need an escape route.”).
• Once inside, she gets super cozy—bundles herself in blankets and flops dramatically onto the pillows. “Okay, now I never want to leave.”
• Can’t sit still. She keeps shifting positions, rolling onto her stomach, then back to her side, accidentally knocking over part of the fort at least twice.
• Talks the entire time. About school, movies, work, random deep thoughts—whatever pops into her brain. “Do you think squirrels ever get bored?”
• Wants to play a game. Truth or Dare? 20 Questions? A made-up fort survival scenario? She’s down for anything.
• If you start getting sleepy, she teases you—“Aw, is my little blanket burrito getting tired?”—she finds it adorable.
• Eventually, she yawns too, then cuddles up next to you with a tired mumble, “Okay… this is the best idea ever.”
Nancy Wheeler
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• At first, she gives you a skeptical look. “A blanket fort? Like, right now?”
• But when she sees how excited you are, she softens immediately. “Okay, okay. But only if we do it properly.”
• She takes full control of construction, making sure the fort is sturdy and won’t collapse the second someone moves. She probably even reinforces it with chairs and books.
• Once it’s built, she sits inside with perfect posture at first, but then gradually relaxes into the coziness.
• Brings work or a book with her at first, but you convince her to put it down and just enjoy the moment.
• Loves the quiet intimacy of it. She’s not as outwardly playful as some of the others, but she really enjoys the closeness—leaning against you, playing with your fingers absentmindedly, sharing whispered conversations.
• “This is actually… really nice.” She might not say it outright, but you can tell she’s grateful for a chance to just unwind.
• Falls asleep before she means to. You catch her curled up under the blankets, breathing softly, and you can’t help but smile.
Jonathan Byers
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• Surprisingly into it. Gives you a little smirk and says, “That actually sounds really nice.”
• He’s not picky about the fort itself. He lets you take the lead on building it, but he helps hold things in place and offers suggestions.
• Immediately relaxes inside. He’s the type to lie on his back, arms behind his head, just soaking it all in.
• Brings music. He sets up a small speaker or plays a mixtape on a Walkman, making it feel extra cozy.
• Deep conversations. The fort becomes a safe space for talking about anything—your fears, dreams, favorite childhood memories. He listens intently and opens up about his own thoughts too.
• If you cuddle up to him, he just melts. Pulls you close without hesitation, resting his chin on your head.
• Definitely falls asleep. He’s so comfortable that at some point, you hear his breathing slow, and he’s out like a light.
• Wakes up groggy but happy. Mumbles, “That was way better than my bed.”
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ihni · 1 year ago
Fic rec tag game
(And yes, I'm making a new one because I feel like it)
Rules (more like "guidelines" ...): Rec some fics that fit the categories below (feel free to skip some if you want)! Maybe tag some people if you want. And if you see this and think this looks like fun, consider yourself tagged! :)
I'll start. And I have read a LOT so I'm gonna say right now that it's gonna be difficult to pick just ONE fic for each category ... (Also if I mention your fic in this, yes you're automatically tagged)
Fic that made you laugh: Play with me (Stranger Things) by @sanguine-tenshi In which Tommy, Billy, Steve and Eddie are trapped in the Upside Down for a while, and do what bored boys do when they're bored. No, not that XD "Boys being boys" at its best!
Fic that made you cry: panache (Stranger Things) by zoetropes In which ... I can't even explain it all. Just. Prom, guys. All you need to know is that I ugly-cried at chapter 17 and that I love it so much that I learned how to animate gifs simply so I could express my emotions over it. (When this fic is done I wanna print it and eat it)
Fic that made your heart melt: Prince Among Wolves (Teen Wolf) by Wrenegade (Wrenegadeone) The one where Derek has twins and work too much with his important work, and Stiles is the most awesome babysitter ever. I just ... melt over this one. And to think that once, I foolishly believed I didn't like kid fics ...
Fic that made you have to take a break while reading (perhaps you had to get up and walk the room for a bit): Third Person Singular (The Hobbit) by Wealhtheow21 Companion piece to another fic, "To Find Our Long-Forgotten Gold" which is also so good. Written from Kíli's POV, with language so CHOPPY and ... poignant? That it sometimes felt like a punch to the throat.
Old fic that for whatever reason stayed with you over the years: Responsibility (SeaQuest) by Jules In which everyone gets sick and Lucas has to take care of everyone and everything and whoopsie, some baddies are trying to take over the ship. I haven't read it in forever, I can't find it anywhere now, but I remember loving it. Lovely, lovely exhaustion fic.
Fic that inspired you to do something in real life: The Garrison Reserve (The Musketeers) by chapstickaddict and readwing In which they're all running a restaurant together. This fic combines my love for fic with the love for food, and made me buy wine for the first time in my life so I could make a proper risotto. (It was so good, too)
Fic that inspired you to do some kind of fanwork (+what that fanwork was): Words Left Unsaid (Stranger Things) by @lemonlovely In which the boys get to know each other and grow closer. I will forever subscribe to this fic <3 (And it inspired a rhyme: "Another boy's mother")
Fic that introduced you to a favorite trope: Persistence Hunting (Guardians of the Galaxy) by grocketinmypocket In which Peter proves that humans are indeed terrifying creatures. I read it for the first time ten years ago. Got me into the whole humans-are-space-orcs thing. Love it.
Fic that you'd consider a guilty pleasure (bad term for it though, no fics should make you feel guilty because fanworks are life!): Rich Man's World (The Flash) by @robininthelabyrinth Accountant!Len. Whenever I need a pick-me-up, I can always fall back on this random, but utterly lovely fic.
Fic with a ship you didn't really consider until this fic: Secrets Make This Town (Stranger Things) by @thingsalexwrites In which ... you know what? Read the summary. It's Billy/Steve/Hopper, and it's so soft and sweet (despite being basically porn).
A WIP you love: In Your Reflection (Stranger Things) by @stuffinggroves / Timetravelersunited In which Billy deals with hunger. Which I am so weak for in fics! Love this fic so far, it brings me joy.
An all-time favorite fic (AN, note that I wrote AN ... not THE): Grievance (Thor) by @peaceheather In which Loki is promptly and publicly adopted by a capable and caring Tyr. It's amazing. The whole "Odin's son, Tyr's son" series is amazing. I have it printed.
And, just 'cause, let me tag some people (feel free to ignore, of course): @dragonflylady77 @callieb @weird-an @desperate-not-serious @robthegoodfellow and uuuuh I'm too tired to add more - if you wanna do it, please do it :) I wanna see your recs.
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liaa--qb · 11 months ago
why sudden hate on darklinas if team green stans rha*nicent, rhaegon ? Atleast Darklina was meant to be canon
Oh God🤦🏻‍♀️ !!!!!! Who is hating darklinas... moreover just bcz I mentioned them once😭 ( btw it was hated enough by it's author herself🤣 I can very much say that after wasting my time grisha books. sorry not sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Before commenting anything some of u really need to read with open eyes n brain instead of ass.
I never hated darklinas or Darkling. I ship them too. Atleast book or whole story should be good enough to even hate or like any character first of all which it never had😑. Darklina is like very much any problematic random Ya bad guy and good girl silly ships u see on daily basis. Nothing more bad than any other Ya ships.
( LB n SJM are not even good writer. I don't like their work at all. Just over hyped to me. Honestly I still think how snb was not cancelled just after S1. If u have problem wf one of my post which wasn't even about them🤷🏻‍♀️ it's ur delulu headache buddy. I don't even involve with them much someone just asked me including Darkling's name that's y I replied... Btw I knew this would happen, bc If someone points one bad thing, all of them will cry their ass out.)
the point was something else n ur question is also wrong. Problematic has nothing to do with canon or non canon for ur info. Majority of YA canon ships are problematic but you can like whatever the f u want.
I never said that Rhaenicent is any healthy ship. Rhaenicent, Daemyra, alysmond , helaegon n majority of ships in hotd are problematic. It's just their Stans fighting is like one idiot jumping on another idiot.That's what I am always mentioning. That's just funny and extremely stupid to like one problematic ship or character n attacking on Stans of other problematic ships n characters.
Some of them shamelessly fight as if their life depends on it. It's really dumb honestly 😂. No one is stopping them btw they can do the heck they want to but also they should not even have problem if someone is pointing out their silliness that's it🤷🏻‍♀️. It's a free fandom ! Just bcz I mentioned some of TB Stans hyporcrisy once , idiots thought I am team green when I am srsly far away from this nursery kid color fight
Same way many of green stans also developed this stupid habit of making their characters as pure Angels just because of the changes done by the show itself which is rubbish instead of that they should really go for better storyline for every character. " Them saying no one should support TB after BnC is....😑" Like y ? Not saying that it was bad but bad things were done from both sides. Aemond n Daeron would have done way worse with Jace n strong boys if all their parents were dead honestly.
just like Alicent's anger on Aemond losing an eye was absolutely correct that same way Rhaenyra's anger was also justified, so would Helaena's anger as she and her children were having no fault in all of this
You can like the villian and their reasons for becoming the villain but I would not say they didn't deserve their death or punishment n I would not give any apology reasons ' like no he wasn't the bad guy or he wasn't a villian'. That's what I am always pointing but logic and GOT/FNB die hard Stans are never at same place 🤡
And regarding ur take one darkling or Darklina, I don't hate Darkling but ye he's not among my fav villians or any good written at all. Not only him, I don't like any single character from that book.
If I love Homelander, Klaus, soldier boy, Tom riddle, Rafe, Billy, Jerome, Roose bolton, Euron Greyjoy.., do you really think I would be anti Darkling or care fr him enough 😂 like these r just some tv screen villains I like but if I started talking about my actual favourite bad guys from Grim dark fantasy novels like Jorg ancrath n many more, Darkling would look like little twink infront of them😭
so pls think.. using your brain is not a big deal 🙏🏻
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ha1taniwh0re · 2 years ago
Hi, gorgeous!
May I request something where Sebastian is taking on the role of Billy Loomis/Ghostface from the Scream franchise, and he begins to flirt as well as manipulate the reader before his yandere instincts kick in because he wants to 'keep' them?
Hello love^^, it was lovely to do your request 💖
I hope you will like it
Im his… I don’t have a choice
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It was like any other day. I was sitting on chair and waiting for new costumer to come in but to my surprise next costumers were Lord Ciel and his butler Sebastian also my boyfriend. Sebastian was always sweet to me and our relationship was quite nice but than after few days everything went downhill. But that’s for later. They sat on empty table and waited for me to come and get there orders. I went to there table.
“It’s my pleasure to serve you today my Lord”, I said.
“You don’t have to be this formal Miss (name). We know each other very good”, he said.
Sebastian was just smiling at me. I look over to him and smiled back. I got there orders and when i got back to serve them Ciel asked a quiet different question.
“Miss(name) would you like to go with us on ball?” Ciel asked.
“My Lord it would be lovely but i don’t have a nice dress to wear”, I said.
“Well I can always buy you a nice dress”, he said.
“Oh no my Lord it would be too much”.
“Than Sebastian will buy you”, he said.
Sebastian was looking at me a little bit confused but then smiled.
“Well of course, my beautiful girlfriend needs the best”, he said.
That’s how i got here. On ball. I was a little bit bored. Im not high class so this wasn’t something i do often like every other person. As I started to look for my boyfriend, I found him and Ciel talking with some red hair woman, who obviously liked Sebastian.
“Oh do we have a guest here? Sebastian kill her I don’t like her”, red hair woman said and Ciel and Sebastian looked at my direction.
I hoped he wouldn’t do that but than i saw him running to my direction with knives in his hands. He threw knives to me and luckily he missed me.
“Sebastian what is going on why are you doing this?!” I said with teras.
“Im sorry (name)-chan but I need to kill you. You shouldn’t see this”, he said.
But after this words everything went black. The next thing i knew was that i was in my bed.
“Again this stupid nightmare”.
My boyfriend William came into our room.
“Love is everything alright?” He asked.
I looked at him and smiled.
“Im fine”, I said.
After that day I started to avoid Ciel and Sebastian. I was scared to talk with them. William was my co-worker so after i broke up with Sebastian i started dating William.
We went to our job and there were Sebastian, Ciel and that red hair woman.
“Miss (name) I need a word with you”, Ciel said.
William looked at me, I nodded and he went to bar.
“How can I help you my Lord”, i asked.
I didn’t look at them. I looked at this woman.
“Ah it’s youu. Sebastian’s ex girlfriend”, she said.
“Yes I am his ex girlfriend and I remember that you and me haven’t meet properly”, I said.
She looked at me a little bit with disgust look.
“Grell it your pleasure”, she said.
“(Name), and it’s not my pleasure to meet you”, I said.
“My Lord how can I help you”, I said.
When Ciel wanted to say something, William came to us.
“Love is everything alright? Miss Smith wants to see you”, William said.
Sebastian looked at him with death stare.
“Im sorry to interrupt but who are you? Why do you call her Love?” He asked.
William looked at him and smiled. He knew this was Sebastian.
“Im her boyfriend, the one who wouldn’t kill her if someone told me”, William said.
Sebastian looked at me, his eyes were full with jealousy. He stood up and started walking towards me. I was just standing there and looking at him.
“My sweet (name), he doesn’t deserve you. I didn’t want to do that. Don’t you remember i was crying that night while i was runing towards you?” He asked.
I started to think and im pretty sure he wasn’t crying but than in my mind showed the picture of him crying while running towards me. But that didn’t happened. What is going on?
“You see you remembered. Be mine!! You belong to me my (name)” he said and gave me his hand.
I took his hand and he grabbed me and kissed me. William didn’t want to have any troubles so he didn’t do anything.
“He manipulated you… Im sad that you left me dor him but it’s your life my love be happy”, William said and started walking away.
Sebastian’s jealousy was still there so when William wasn’t looking Sebastian threw knives at William and he dropped dead.
“Now Im sure you are just mine”, he said and kissed me
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