#also watch the sub on netflix
blujayonthewing · 6 months
person in chat in my friend's stream: what's dungeon meshi
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jesperr-fahey · 4 months
hello dungeon meshi fandom i require your aid!! i've been reading the manga and LOVING it, and i really want to watch the anime, but i've got a problem- i'd prefer to watch the dub, but the website where i usually watch shows is sub only! does anyone know of a place where i could find the anime with the english dub option?
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lynne-monstr · 6 months
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seimei: it's not like we'll ever see each other again bye seimei: lmao can't believe you showed up after what you said
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twiggyart6 · 3 months
guh .. guhah. gwuaa.. I .. I've finally done it .. I'm caught up with thw.. the English dub of one piece .... I'm sorry but I'm kind of a pussy and prefer the English dub of most anime... am I not a real fan.. I kinda feel like a fake fan. it definitely has something to do with me basically being illiterate and not being able to read captions lmao. I will have to push through tho- I gotta get to post Wano because I really wanna read one fanfiction I've had bookmarked forever. also I've been spoiled on gear 5 luffy for a hot minute .. I need to catch up. on the upside I get to hear Sanji call Zoro a marimo <3
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aranarumei · 8 months
this is smthing i've been thinking abt recently but like. as someone who is has been a fan of like. various kinds of foreign media since i was pretty young (and by foreign here i mean things made outside of the usa and not in english, which is obviously not the same meaning of foreign for everyone) i am, in some ways, quite happy at the growing popularity for things i like. yknow anime, bollywood movies, and the like. but there is this growing frustration at seeing like... how the translation is treated, i suppose?
everyone has their different preferences for how translation should be done, of course, but nowadays it just feels like. translation happens so fast, for so many things, to the point that i lot of things i love i often feel don't get a fair shot. like. i'd say the extent of my hindi knowledge is less than 20 words. yet i will watch hindi-language movies and KNOW the subtitles are incorrect, because first off, there's plain english dialogue thats just not being relayed, or even the few words i can catch are off.
i won't speak on nuances of translation when it comes to japanese or mandarin, because it's just absolutely not my expertise, but like. there's this scene at the end of 3 idiots where the characters meet this guy who'd been nicknamed as "millimetre" when they were in university. and when they reunite, the subtitles i was watching had him say something to the effect of "i've grown up" or the like. and anyone who can like... hear the words he's speaking will catch that the line he says has the words "millimetre" and "centimetre" and its like... ahh! ah!! he's making a quip about growing from a millimetre to a centimetre! and me, who has, again, zero knowledge of hindi, can understand that's happening. but these subtitles just... breeze past that line so easily and lose like, some of the wit that makes this movie so charming. i dunno. it's just... sad, i guess. i feel insulted when i see subtitles like that, and i always wonder if people who are perhaps bilingual and fluent in both the translated and original language see misunderstandings propagate due to shoddy, rushed translation (as apart from just. differing readings of a work) and just... idk. i bet it's not a great feeling.
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six-of-ravens · 6 months
things i have learned:
unless I cancel or change my netflix package, I've been grandfathered in at my current rate (the ~$12 "basic" package they got rid of earlier this year) so my rate won't change and i won't need to watch ads (whew! i was worried they'd automatically bump me up to the $17 one)
disney+ yearly fees are pretty much the same as last year
prime yearly subscription is CHEAPER than last year (i think it's giving me some sort of discount but it doesn't say, maybe if you're renewing it's just lower than a new subscription?)
still butthurt that spotify and netflix don't do yearly billing tho, I hate having little tiny micro-bills that pile up
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tabslabs · 7 months
Almost done with my Wakfu rewatch so I went to pull up Dofus since I plan on watching it next… they took down all the eps with subs and put them all back up without any subs… not English not French just no subs. AUGH
They have autogenerated captions but with all their little fantasy names that’s clearly not going to work well.
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Grimmer with a cute southern accent
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blujayonthewing · 6 months
I understand why the sub for dungeon meshi is just the script for the dub but that doesn't mean I have to like it
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caedogeist-rights · 1 year
good morning. mononoke (tv series, 2007) on netflix. its more accessible than ever. theatrical weird horror with a bangin art style. medicine seller is here and he is a. hmm? what if your trauma was a monster that killed all of your family (friends, other people in the room, etc) and the only person(?) able to stop it is an androgynous magical girl Possibly Elf who sells 1. medicine 2. erotica. and has a sword (this is highly illegal but hey its also a monkey that kills monsters so. whatever.) please join me. watch mononoke (2007). also the bakeneko arc from ayakashi horror stories but its not required just suggested please just join me in fantasy pharmacist land-
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pharawee · 10 months
Wow, you subscribed mostly to all of the streaming sites. You managed to produce such amazing GIFs with screen-recording videos? I salute you! But yes, low quality videos are just such a turn off. No worries. Thank you for replying to me. :)
Not all at the same time. Only when there's stuff I want to watch (I make an exception for gagaoolala because they're an exclusively queer streaming platform and I want to support them).
But yeah, I have to own a fast pc for work and that really comes in handy for recording and editing. I just wish more series would come in resolutions bigger than compressed 1080p. Sometimes the lack of quality is really noticeable, especially with gmmtv shows.
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absentlyabbie · 1 year
fuck amazon, yes, fuck netflix too
but right now, fuck amazon and prime video in particular because at least netflix is pretty damn consistent and reliable on the most basic of accessibility options such as subtitles/captions actually syncing to their damn videos and not making it all but impossible to report playback and accessibility issues when they occur
i'm genuinely, legit excited to watch good omens season 2 here soon--except that if it's yet another show where at minimum random episodes are completely and entirely out of sync, i probably won't be able to watch it anyways
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vaugarde · 2 years
bonking my head to finish that ask blog story update but rn my mind has a changeling infestation apparently bc all i wanna do is make concepts for the changelings specifically in my future au
#i have it sketched out and im gonna try and do more tonight after i eat something#but... i wanna make changeling designs. so bad.#also calling it a future au instead of a nextgen bc idk if thats appropriate for what im doing?#bc nextgen kinda implies everyones getting a kid and im making a ton of kids to make a storyline with#and idk i kinda just wanna fling some designs on the wall to see if they stick and think abt fluff#i also had a barebones idea for chrysalis that i dont think is entirely original but still makes me wanna delve into her character#3 of my fave characters are thorax ocellus and pharynx so i just. forget abt THE queen#the one who gave us the banger that is the season 2 finale#speaking of which i may continue my mlp lb into season 2 if bluey doesnt grip me#at this point im putting off xy AND magireco tbh lol. tho i may just drop the latter ive kinda accepted that im not gonna enjoy it#i dooo wanna try out a mg anime but i got my mind tangled last night with ''oh do i wanna watch the tmm reboot''#do i wanna watch smile precure dubbed or subbed bc apparently the dub sucks but its harder for me to get into subs...#so. putting those on the backburner til i can at least see what i can find online#idk if netflix has the original smilepre (ik it has glitter force) but idk if i can see it without changes and such#echoed voice#also if i do continue mlp i may or may not continue into season 3 since thats short. but def taking a break on season 4#and idk if ill continue after that tbh. if i do im only doing select episodes it doesnt look very worth it lmao
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sembulapeyalneerpol · 7 months
As I have recovered from whatever respiratory infection is going around, and feeling better I am now in a wired mental space where I don't feel like absolute shit and now am like...I am going to do everything
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Attention: just because Netflix only has the Hindi dubs of some South Indian Films, that doesn’t make it Bollywood!!! If it was made in south India, it’s a South Indian film and should be referred to by the name used for films from its respective location/language, ex tollywood, sandalwood, etc.
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