#also wait- he looks like ash ketchum-
mozzarella-ds · 2 years
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Stargate!Ash? Sounds really cool! :)
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
strange nightmares
I had a really dumb idea for a drabble after todays streams but it's too short to post to my ao3 so here have some Wilbur and Tallulah
(it's not as angsty as it looks) (spoilers for phil's stream and charlie's streams from today) (also I wrote this in like 20 minutes)
“Are you ready to go to bed now, Tallulah?” Wilbur asked, smiling as he set the guitar down on the ground. 
Tallulah seemed unsure. Her brows were scrunched as she rolled onto one side, before promptly rolling onto the other. Wilbur wondered if she wasn’t tired yet, but before he could ask, he noticed something troubling.
Her hands were shaking where they clutched at her blanket. It was then Wilbur’s gaze trailed up to her eyes again, and recognized the fear sitting in the brown. 
“Are you scared of something?” He asked softly, scooting his chair closer to the end of the bed. “What’s the matter, sweetheart?” 
Tallulah stared at him for a moment, her lip trembling as she seemed to have some kind of internal debate with herself. Then, she reached for her notepad on the nightstand, and began to write. 
I’m scared I’m gonna have nightmares again
Wilbur blinked. “You’ve been having nightmares?” When Tallulah nodded, he made a pained noise. How long had she been having nightmares for? Did Phil know about them? Did he comfort her when she woke up? What were the nightmares about? Was it because he was gone so often, she didn’t feel safe without him?
“Oh darling,” he murmured, moving to sit on the edge of the bed so he could wrap her in his arms. “You don’t have to talk about them if you don’t want to, but what were your nightmares about?” 
He waited for her to finish writing in the notepad before glancing over. 
I had two nightmares last night. In one of them me and abuelito and chayanne were on an adventure but then we got killed by a really scary monster and died.
Wilbur hissed out a breath between his teeth. Goddammit, Phil.
While he didn’t doubt that Phil took great care of his granddaughter, Wilbur knew that taking her on all those adventures was going to cause something like this sooner or later. He’d wanted her to keep her childhood innocence for as long as possible, but now she was terrified she was going to get killed by a monster because her grandpa kept putting her in dangerous situations. What kind of a childhood was that?
“I’m so sorry-” 
Before Wilbur could finish his sentence, Tallulah started writing again. 
The addition said:
In the other one some weird man was standing over my bed and kept singing a song about giving me nightmares
Wilbur blinked. That didn’t sound like a monster dream.
“Did he do anything to you in the dream?” Wilbur asked, tugging her closer. 
Tallulah shook her head and wrote: he just kept singing and then he left and now I have it stuck in my head
Hm. That was tricky. 
“Well, maybe if we give the song new lyrics we can get that stuck in your head instead, so it’s not as scary,” Wilbur suggested, although he had no idea if that would help at all. “Would you wanna do that?” 
If anything, brainstorming lyrics might just take her mind off the other nightmare with Phil and Chayanne, so at least there was that. 
After a moment of consideration, Tallulah nodded. 
“Okay, you wanna hum me the tune so I can see if I can play it on my guitar?” 
Nodding again, Wilbur reached for his guitar as Tallulah cleared her throat. Then, she began to hum. 
Only a few notes in, Wilbur recognized the tune.  “He sang the fucking Pokemon theme song?!”
Shrinking back at the volume of his voice, Tallulah gave him a confused look.
Wilbur blinked a few times. Should he even try to decipher that one? Where did she hear the Pokemon theme song? They didn't even have Netflix on this damn island!
Fuck. His daughter was somehow having nightmares about Ash Ketchum. Even though he'd never read a parenting book, he was pretty sure they didn't have an advice section for this.
Clearing his throat, Wilbur straightened back up, knowing he needed to focus on getting Tallulah to calm down so she could go to sleep.
"Sorry, uh, I'll explain what a Pokemon is tomorrow," Wilbur said, adjusting the guitar on his lap. "Anyway, uh, I actually already have some lyrics in mind for that if you wanna hear it?"
Tallulah nodded again, perking up at the promise of getting to hear him play guitar again.
Wilbur began to strum the familiar chords.
"I wanna be the very best, that no one ever was-"
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
So what's the Celebi au?
How bout i throw in some writing?
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And visits his friend Delia who, somehow, is just much more somber these days
She gets visits from kids that visited her once and she somehow sweapt them under her wing
And then theres this Pikachu
He's waiting for someone and no one knows who
Everything in the world changes
But subtly
Legendaries are off the radar, not a single false sighting in sight
And these unknown, uncatchable pokemon just wander the ranch, theyre an odd group
Pokemon of different species, different regions, different types
Are sticking together for no reason that the Professor could tell
Professors from different regions, easily recognize the starters/pokemon they used to care for
But no one knows how they got there
Theres one day, two years after that, that Ash comes back
Because Legendaries are forgetful, they never return the memories to Ash's loved ones
The Professor wakes up to see this black haired kid wandering around, he looks vaguely familiar, but the professor shakes it off
"Excuse me, young man." The professor calls and the boy turns far too quickly. "This is private property, please leave immediately."
"Professor Oak?" if the Professor wasn't famous, he might have tilted his head.
"Young man, i will not warn you again."
The boy startles, as if confused, but quickly clambers over the fence and wanders closer to him.
He can see bright brown eyes and scarred cheeks. The boy was young, probably ten years old at most.
Ah, he must have been a new trainer, of course, the professor must have forgotten
"Come along young man, we need to head to the lab."
The kid walks by his side, staring at the ranch and pokemon.
"Yes yes, i will set you up with your new pokemon shortly, please be patient."
The boy looks at him far too quickly, eyes wide and peaked in alarm.
"Wha- no Professor i was wondering if you've seen my mom." the boy pulls away standing by his side. "Ketchum, remember??"
He freezes, and stares at the boy. The only Ketchum he knew of was Delia Ketchum.
And as far back as he could remember.
Delia never had any family.
But the Ketchum kid looks determined, as if he knew he was in the right.
"The only Ketchum in this town at the moment is Delia." the Professor Breathes. "And shes never had any children."
The boy starts again, his whole body freezing in place.
Was this a ploy?
"But...It's..I'm Ash...Remember me? You gave me a Pikachu about 2-3 years ago?" The boy, Ash, pleads. "You reprimanded me for about ten minutes for being late? Pikachu was considered disobedient?"
The old Professor tilts his head.
"I've never sponsored any trainer named Ash, I'm afraid you must have your professors mixed up."
And the boy deflates, he doesnt seem to understand any implication of whats going on. Regardless, if he was a trainer, like he claimed to be, he must have some sort of record in the system.
"Again, lets head into my lab, i can help you find some things out if need be."
Ash looks ready to argue, ready to fight tooth and nail for something that was false. But he deflates and just nods.
What a strange boy.
The walk up the long trail of stairs in quiet, he can clearly see Delia's car hanging around the corner, she must be tending to the infantry at the moment.
And there, sitting at the top of the stairs, is that mew damned Pikachu.
The mouse is violent, he absolutely hates having anyone be near him, but hes also determined to stay and sit in the places people need to move in and out.
The only good thing is that the Pikachu wont attack unless you try to pick him up.
But the mouse looks angry, irritated at the moment, which means someone must have tried to move him.
He heaves a sigh, holds an arm out to stop the kid from moving.
"Come on, lets move closer to the left."
But the boy grabs his arm and gently lowers it, eyes never leaving the mouse.
"It's Pikachu!"
And with that, the old Oak is certain that the boy has never seen one before.
"Yes," He bites back sarcastically. "Hes got quiet a shocking personality, we need to steer clear of- HEY!"
The boy walked past him, rushing up the stairs to Pikachu. And like clockwork, the mouse is on four, snarling and sparking at Ash.
And the boy slows down, at least the kid had a touch of Common sense.
"Pikachu... Its me."
"Kachu!" it was strange seeing the interaction, it seemed odd to see something like this happen.
But the crushing look on the boys face seemed to just...Ennunciate even more.
"I...Ash...Satoshi? Member?" Ash takes another step forward, and Pikachu steps back. "You're friend?"
And Pikachu snarls, sparks beginning to fly off his coat.
Professor Oak can see his interns and Delia peak out the open windows, staring intently at the scene before them all.
From what he can see, not a single person recognizes the boy.
"Your name is Pikachu " The boy states the glaringly obvious. "You've never been apart of a clan before, you know Thunderbolt, thunder, electroweb, iron tail, double team, agility, electro ball, tackle and volt tackle."
Now everyone is startled, the only move they have ever seen Pikachu use was Thunderbolt. It would have been impossible for Pikachu to learn all those moves without a trainer.
And yet
The electric crackles stop, as the mouse looks on in stunned disbelief.
And Ash continued.
"You're naughty by nature, your ability is static that you never use cause you think its cheating." Ash presses on. "You love Ketchup and your favorite berry is Sitrus. You hate being confined in any space alone, so pokeballs are the worst and you've never ever been in one after being caught. You're favorite curse word is the F-word and you would much rather battle then be paraded around as a pet."
And Ash kneels onto the stair, far closer to Pikachu then anyone has ever gotten.
And just like that
Pikachu steps forward.
Theres small gasp that echo the area, including his own but Ash and Pikachu stay locked onto each other.
"Pi...Pikachu?" another step forward.
When Oak turns to focus on Ashzl, the boy is shaking. Shoulders very vaguely quaking.
"Yeah bud," Ash pauses to clear his throat for a second. "We've been partners for a long while... Im...Im sorry."
He expects Ash to whip out a pokeball to recall Pikachu, but instead he stays in his spot.
He does lean forward, and it takes a bit for the old Professor to realize that the boy was begging for forgiveness, not in a way he'd ever seen before.
"Pi....Pika..." And Pikachu crawls forward to bump heads against Ash.
Theres a bit of a broken sob, and Ash looks up, lays a hand against the mouse cheeks and just brokenly laughs.
And to his surprise.
Pikachu tears up too.
The mouse's eyes begin to clear, soft brown finally peaking from the angry black everyone is so used to. His tiny paws reaching up to grip onto the boys face.
"Pikapi." and the sob deepens from Ash's throat.
Like a spell that was supposedly there, Pikachu ears perk, his zig zag tail wagging ever so slightly. But the sudden lip quivering turns into broken laughs and cheers from the electric type.
"Pikapi, Pikapi Pikapi!" He chants, slamming head first into Ash's shoulder.
And Ash laughs, tears rushing down his face.
Something the Oak never expected to see. Was that angry mouse crawl all over a child, a stranger, so happily in minutes, when he was ready to bite any other child he had come to know.
"I'm sorry, im sorry, i really...I just..Im sorry!" Ash cries, fianlly managing to grip Pikachu tightly in his arms.
"Pikachu!" and with a raise of their paw, Pikachu bops Ash harshly on the head. "Pika chu, Pikapi!"
"But i-"
And with a small electric bolt, Ash is laughing.
"Okay. Okay, i promise."
And finally Pikachu looks far happier
(I also have a part with Pikachu but this is long enough :) )
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callmechito · 2 years
𐐪♡𐑂 - When You Meet (PKMN)
Everyone is their canon ages. With the acception of Butch and James, whom I'm headcanonning as 20 year olds-Mid 20's. I'm gonna try to keep everything as in universe as possible. Also I am writing a more AFAB!Reader but that doesn't mean you can't read (Y/N) as any other gender(s) ^^ 
Also if you've come from Quotev, this is a rewrite! I changed some minor details to the whole scenario even for a few of these guys so yeah. Sorry for any possible confusion. ^^
Happy reading!
(P/O/C) = Pokemon of Choice
(T/O/C) = Town of Choice
(BFF/N) = Best Friends Name
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You were running around in the forest laughing along with your (P/O/C), when you ran into a boy and his pikachu. You groaned, rubbing your behind from the hard impact.
"Hey! Watch where your going!" The boy yelled, fixing his cap.
"I'm sorry! I didn't think anyone would be in this part of the forest." You stood up and stretched your sore muscles. Once making sure (P/O/C) was alright, you turned to the boy and his friends with a smile, "My names (Y/N), (Y/n) (L/N)."
The boy smiled at your kindness,  "Hi! I'm Ash Ketchum and this is my buddy Pikachu." He introduced as Pikachu gave a 'pika'. His two friends, a red head and a taller boy, looked as though they were gonna say hi but were cut off by this Ah Ketchum boy; "I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to snap like that." He scratched his cheek.
You shook your head, "No worries. I don't blame you. I'm sorry but I gotta go now." You turned around on your heel, "Bye guys!" You waved with (P/O/C) not too far behind you.
"She seems nice." Misty commented.
"Yeah. It's too bad she had to leave so soon though." Brock adds.
"I wonder if I'll ever get to meet her again." Ash smiles looking off in the direction you ran off in.
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Today you were at a local Pokemon centre waiting for your best buddy, (P/O/C). It wasnt long before they came out with Nurse Joy leading the way. You got up and ran over to the duo with a smile, "You're okay-!"
"Nurse Joy! You're so beautiful I could melt away!" A boy around your age jumped in between you and the nurse.
You snorted at the boys love sick performance. You peeked over his shoulder and made eye contact with (P/O/C). "There you are!" You pushed passed the boy and grave your dear friend a hug.
"Woah." The boy sighed in astonishment. Suddenly instead of (P/O/C) in front of you, you were met with the eyes of the boy from just a moment before. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He held your hands.
"Oh!" You blushed, "Thank you." You smiled.
"Come on Brock!" A little boy in glasses dragged the boy away from you.
"Let's meet again someday!" 'Brock' called out to you.
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You stood off to the side as you watched your best friend (BFF/N) and a girl with long violet red hair argue over who should get the wild Eevee that kind of just came out of nowhere.
"Hurry it up Jessie or its gonna get away!" A man with blue hair shouted. He wore an all white outfit, paired with black gloves that match with his boots, a belt, and an undershirt. Not to mention the huge red R on his shirt.
"Come on (BFF/N)! If your not gonna catch it, I'll get it!" You pulled out your pokeballl and out came a (P/O/C).
"No! (Y/n) I'll get it!" Your friend pulled out her own pokeball and out came her Pokemon.
"I don't understand why I don't just ditch you already." You sighed which (P/O/C) nodded along too.
"Sometimes I wonder the same thing with Jessie." The boy beside you sighed. You glanced at the guy who was now standing right beside you. You gulped. He was... actually quite cute.
"Do you, um," You coughed, "...do you want a rice ball?" You held out your lunchbox. The mystery man happily grabbed the offered food.
"Where I come from, they call these jelly filled donuts." He took a bite, "Pretty funny if you ask me." You guys shared a laugh. He caught your eyes, "Thank you. It was delicious."
Quickly, you felt your heart pounding and your face heating up, "No...no problem!" You smiled.
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Walking to the nearest restaurant you can find, you kept conversation with your little (P/O/C); "The ice cream in this place is supposed to be really good. They even have specially made ice cream for Pokemon! Isn't that cool?" You smiled down at your little buddy.
They nodded and made a little noise, which you can only assume meant some form of agreement.
Right as you entered the place, you were behind two people in dark coats. It was... a little intimidating if we're being honest.
"U-um," You stuttered out, the two turned to you, "if you're done ordering... I'd like a turn please." You shyly pointed at the counter.
The girl huffed, "alright. We were done anyways," she turned around, "Biff, bring our order when it's ready." She stalked off to a back table.
"It's Butch!" He called out aggravated.
He stepped aside to let you order.
The employee, who seemed a little suspicious, came back with all three orders; one for the duo, one for you, and one for your pokemon. The green haired man grabbed his order and was about to walk away when he noticed how you quickly retreated your hands from your sundaes. He rolled his eyes and sighed, "Here," he gently pushed you aside, "I got it." He grabbed tray to carry all your orders on.
"Thank you." You nodded.
"Hm," He hummed, staring down at you with his dark shades, "where are you sitting?"
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"(P/O/C), can you set up the blanket over there please? Thank you." You smiled.
"And (P/O/C), can you carry this basket please. I'm afraid it's too heavy for me." You blushed sheepishly as another one of your pokemon carried the basket to where the other was.
"I'm sorry for having you guys do all this work for me. I'll give you guys some extra yummy food to make up for it, okay?" You got up from the river having just filtered your water to keep fresh and healthy for the remainder of your trip to the nearest town possible.
"Wow! This all looks great!" Someone shouted. You looked across the river and saw a boy about your age with a Pikachu on his shoulder. aww how cute! The pikachu had a little tuff of furr on his head!
"Sorry I didn't mean to disturb you. Its just that I saw some Pokemon and wanted to catch them but it looks like they are yours." He scratched his head.
"Oh no worries you didn't disturb me at all! Would you like to have lunch with us?" You gestured to all the food.
"If you don't mind." He smiled. The boy began to look around, "their must be a way over somehow." He spoke out loud. You stood up and quickly ran to a bush.
"Here!" You called out, "a bunch of kids from a small nearby village have things like these everywhere," the kid watched you pull out a long and sturdy plank of wood, "it's pretty convenient." You placed the plank over the river.
"Well I'd say!" He laughed. Him and his pikachu made it over the little makeshift bridge safely and quickly. "My names Ritchie." He held out his hand.
"(Y/N)." You shook his hand.
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You sat in a burger restaurant eating your order with your little buddy, (P/O/C), sat across from you eating their pokepuff. A bell chimed signalling someone came into the restaurant. You curiously looked up and saw a boy around your age with a lot of teenage girls following behind him to the counter.
"Hey dude, check it out. Rich kid in a place like this? Seems weird don't you think?" You whispered to (P/O/C) as he cutely looked over the seat.
"Alright girls. Let's eat at this big table over here." The boy and his cheerleaders all walked over to a big table. Which was beside yours.
"Hey," You whispered to (P/O/C). He looked up at your from his pokepuff, icing bits on his furr.
"Let's get going." You whispered once more. You were about to get up when the boy from the other table stepped in front of you cautiously-trying not to be rude but eh, it's Gary.
"Excuse me miss. But I was wondering if I could get your name. I've seen you somewhere before but I just can't get my finger on who you are." He looked at you in thought.
You looked back down at your little companion, exchanging a similar thought on if you should tell him who you are. 'Mom always said don't talk to strangers.'
"(Y/N) Ketchum." So much for stranger danger. "I gotta go now, sorry. Bye." You walked passed the boy.
"She's a Ketchum!?" The boy exclaimed which startled his cheer squad.
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"Alright so if this equals that then that mean this should be...ah!" You friend screamed as theywas trying to figure out a math problem. They want to be a pokemon scientist one day and math is often involved in science so they have to learn both subjects and be excellent at them.
"Um, (BFF/N), is there anything I can do to-eh!" You got cut off.
"You can help by shutting up! The math I was just trying to figure out! Ugh! It's left my brain forever!" She face cried.
"Ehh! I'm sorry!" You then got up to go grab yourselves some ice cream across the street to calm you both down.
"Ah!" You yelped as you were tackled to the ground.
"Ah! I'm late! I'm late! Hey stay out of my way-whoa..." You looked up and saw a blonde boy with orange eyes staring at you in awe. You could have sworn you seen him somewhere before.
"I'm sorry. I guess I should watch were I'm going." You groaned as you got up. The boy gulped and stood up quickly, a noticing pink hue dusting his face.
"Huh. Oh no! It's ok! I'm Barry by the way." Barry held out his hand. You grabbed it and stood up.
"Barry? Oh I've seen you on TV." You smile excitedly. You had to admit, watching the pokemon league on TV was quite fun. Especially whenever Barry was battling. He was just so cute! Of course you had a crush on him!
"Woah! Really?" His eyes lit up.
"Yeah! You lost 2 rounds in!" You mindlessly say.
"ugh." Barry falls to the ground.
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【As you've probably noticed, I try to keep a lot up to the readers decision. Like gender of your best friend, your pokemon, hometown ect. But in Paul's, I am writing that (Y/N) does indeed have a Togepi. Happy reading!】
You watched a boy your age with purple hair battle against your friend Ash with ease.
"Is that all? I should have expected at least a little bit of a challenge. Shame on me for thinking the weakest trainer can put up a fight with pokemon like that." He insulted.
"C'mon Ash! We're wasting our time! Let's just go." You heard your friend Dawn say. Ash looked like he was gonna get into a nasty fight with this 'Paul' guy. You took this as your cue to get going on your own solo adventure-seeing as you didn't travel with them or anyone else.
Your eyes casted to the boy who seemed to have too little patience in the world. "What are you looking at?" The purple haired boy glared at you-if it could somehow get even more harsh. It seemed he had a constant glare on his face.
"Hm. Oh! Um... nothing!" You stuttered out with a heavy blush, "Hey...Hey lets go Togepi." You turned around as your Togepi followed with his cute little 'Togepiiii'.
"What is that thing? It looks so... useless." Paul pulled out his Pokedex.
His comment caused you to turn around. He was too busy engrossed in his pokedex and trying to drown out Ash, Dawn, and Brock's voices. You hesitated but walked back to the boy so you were face to face.
"It's.. a Togepi." You said almost a little too quietly. Paul had just barely heard you. "and it's cute. And kind of scary." You looked down at the little guy running in circles chasing some butterfly pokemon.
"Sure it is." Paul rolled his eyes. "Do you have any other pokemon?" He crossed his arms.
"No." You shook your head.
"That's probably why." He pointed at Togepi before walking away without another word.
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You walked around a city looking at all the cool colours, buildings, Pokemon shops, restaurants and all that other stuff. Your eyes sparkled up at everything you saw.
"Wow! Hey look at this (P/O/C)! Everything's so bright and beautiful and shiny!" You ran around some more, your pokemon right behind you, looking at everything in awe just like you.
You turned at the sound and saw a boy your age with a camera, facing a cute little cafe. You made eye contact and smiled, "What are you doing?"
The dirty blonde haired boy glanced at you, "Documenting my journey." He puts his camera away, "what are you doing?" He returned the question. He had probably expected you to take some hint and to leave him alone to his business but unfortunately for him, (Y/N) doesnt really work like that.
"I'm here for my next contest." Suddenly you had a bright idea, "if you don't mind, will you come watch?"
He blinked, "What? Why?" He looked almost offended by it. Like why would some random person just come along and ask him to take time away from his day to do that?
"So I can show my mom back home! We don't really have a tv to watch these things. Please! Just one picture! That's all I ask!" You beg.
"What's in it for me? I'm not just gonna do this for free you know-"
"I'll pay for your dinner tomorrow!"
He placed a hand on his hip, now smirking, "and with what money?"
"When I win the contest tomorrow, duh." You smiled.
The boy rolled his eyes, "Fine. Come find me at the pokemon center tomorrow. Then you can get your picture."
Their will be MORE CHARACTERS added - such as;
I will add them at a later date but if you wanna keep track of them + the others easier, this chapter is on Wattpad @/DigitalChito
It is also available on Quotev @/CodexChito however it is OUTDATED seeing as I am rewriting the scenarios so fair warning. Their is plenty of chapters on the Quotev book tho, with the inclusion of Drew from the Advanced Generation series!
Happy reading!!
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ballonleaparadise · 1 year
A Review of Pokemon Horizons Ep. 1-12
We are (as I'm writing this) a dozen episodes into the new pokemon anime, so I thought it would be a good time to make a review. When it was first announced that Ash was being retired as the main character, I was unsure how the anime would continue. After 25 years of Ash Ketchum, it must have been a difficult decision for the writers to replace him. However, Pokemon Horizons has proven to be a breath of fresh air, and I'm loving it so far. *Major spoilers ahead for eps 1-12*
I'm going to start with Liko. Firstly, I'm glad that the writers did not make her a clone of Ash. On the contrary, she has a personality that is very distinct from Ash's daring and bold character. She is shy, and finds it difficult to approach others. It's refreshing to watch pokemon from the perspective of a more introspective character. However, the main reason why I like Liko is due to the way in which she has been handled. She fills in for the narrator, which gives us a glimpse into her inner thoughts and feelings. This makes her relatable, as it shows us as an audience what Liko thinks versus what she says out loud. Finally, Sprigatito is the perfect partner pokemon for Liko. They are both reserved, wary and a little reckless. While anipoke feels weird without Ash, I think Liko has a lot of potential, and I'm looking forward to seeing how she develops.
Moving on to Roy, I also really like his characterisation. He's more similar to Ash in terms of his enthusiasm, and his compassion for pokemon. However, he has his own unique traits, including his curiosity about the ancient explorer and his friendship with Fuecoco. Speaking of Fuecoco, I love this little guy and his comedic moments. All of the pokemon in the main cast have individual personalities, and I'm here for it. In addition, I really like Roy's relationship with his grandfather, who appears to have had a significant influence on both him and Friede. In terms of Roy's goal, I'm excited to see where his pursuit of Rayquaza goes. The latest episode gave us more information about the ancient explorer, so it'll be interesting how the story progresses.
Next, I have to touch on the other crew members of the Rising Volt Tacklers. Friede is a loveable dork who just happens to be a professor. Orla is best girl and I can't wait to see more of her. Murdock, Mollie, Ludlow and Dot are also interesting characters. Dot is slowly warming to Liko and Roy, which is nice to see. To add, I have to mention Mollie's backstory in episode 11. Although I thought there was something to the nurse Joy theory, I never expected it to be confirmed true- so this episode proved me wrong lol. I like how Mollie subverts the traditional role of working in a pokemon centre by helping injured pokemon in the wild. It shows how caring she is, and I hope her backstory is expanded on later in the series.
Another thing that Horizons has done well so far, is depicting the Paldea region. The very first episodes set up the main story, with Liko and Roy joining the RVTs and the Explorers chasing Liko's pendant. However, the last four episodes have slowly introduced Paldea. We've already had appearances from Nemona and Brassius. On top of this, we will be seeing Iono in the coming weeks. It's a relief that the new region is getting the attention that it deserves.
I don't have any huge complaints about Horizons so far. Generally, I'm really enjoying the show. One problem I will mention is that the pacing is very slow at times. However, I think that this will pay off later in the series. The writers are taking time to establish and develop all of the new characters, which will make the overall story more engaging.
On a side note, I appreciate the variety of adult characters in Pokemon Horizons. Of course, Liko and Roy are the protagonists, which makes sense for a kid's show. However, the dynamics between the older members of the cast make it more watcheable for adults, imo. For example, moments such as the convo between Friede, Orla and Murdock in episode 11 create a more mature tone, even if it's only to a small extent. Also, as an adult fan, it feels as if the anime has suddenly grown up with us. Friede resembles an older Ash, while Orla and Mollie are like grown up female companions. The show really mixes the familiar with the unfamiliar, which is a great approach to the first series without Ash.
Overall, I'm thoroughly enjoying Pokemon Horizons. Until July 14th, the pokemon anime will be on a hiatus. However, the show has done an amazing job so far of introducing the characters and plot. We're only 12 episodes in, but I have high hopes for the series going forward.
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chickensoupleg · 11 months
Happy Halloween/Day After!
Heather perched on the bed, slowly pulling out piece after piece of candy from the bag besides her, popping them in her mouth. She was staring right at her girlfriends, Chrissy sitting in Robin's lap as she applied her makeup for her, Robin's lips and eyelids pink. They were all going as Pokemon, an idea thrust forth by one of the kids that always seemed to be lurking around Steve at any given point in time. The kids would then be Team Rocket, with Dustin as Ash Ketchum solely because he wears a hat all the time.
It took some convincing, but then Chrissy thought it was sweet so of course Heather was doing it, and Robin was already about to do it because Steve can never say no to the twerps. They didn't need the supervision either it sounded like, it was just to 'make the group costume look even better'.
Heather was already dressed up, wearing a brown sweater over a cream dress, her hair done up as usual. Her hands were covered by brown leather gloves, which she stole from Billy with permission. Attached to her was a cape as well, handmade by Eddie of all people, to act as the fox tails.
Chrissy hadn't changed yet, but her costume was sitting right besides Heather, a dress that Chrissy affectionally referred to her as her chocolate strawberry dress and a white headband with little pink and white butterflies on both sides of her head. Her gloves, also brown but went up to her elbows, were currently being fussed with by Robin, the fabric wrapped around her wrist at the moment.
Robin hops up the moment Chrissy slides off her, moving to look at herself in the mirror. Chrissy did a great job, Robin blushing red when she spotted the little black music notes drawn next to her left eye. She turns, chin ducking into the white ruff around her neck. "I look both great and also like a total absolute doofus. You sure I need this?" She tugs at the collar.
Chrissy nods, already slipping out of her pyjama pants to pull on the brown tights for her costume. "That's what the book showed! You look great Robin!"
Heather nods in agreement, Robin still fussing with the thing.
"I feel like a clown."
"If you're a clown you're the cutest clown I've ever seen," Heather says, unwrapping one of the individually wrapped gummies and tossing it into her mouth. She smirks when Robin just sputters, smile playing at the teen's lips.
Chrissy giggles, her head hidden in the dress as she pulls the fabric over. "You would make the cutest clown ever though, Robin! Oh! You could be the clown that toots a little horn!"
"I can't believe my own girlfriends, loves of my lives in a romantic setting, are calling me a clown."
Heather raises a finger. "Hey, cute clown. Don't misquote us."
Once Chrissy was dressed they headed out of Heather's house. Steve's car was parked outside, Robin's ride to Heather's place. They would drive all the way to the Wheeler's to meet up with the kids, and then go from there. Steve waves at them from where he was sitting on the hood, the guy dressed in a brown sweater with a fluffy beige scarf wrapped around his neck, with a massive brown tail sticking out from behind him. Robin wastes zero time stealing the passenger seat, leaving Chrissy and Heather to sit in the back.
"Looking great, Steve." Heather slaps a hand on his shoulder as he slides into the drivers, Steve adjusting the headband on his head with the ears as it nudges against the roof of the car.
"Yeah well. Least I didn't almost get orphan dinosaur."
Heather squints. "Orphan what?"
Steve pulls out of Heather's driveway. "Mike said Billy should be the... Cub Bone? Or something. Because his parents up and left him so he's an orphan. Then Max pushed him."
"Go Max."
"I know right? But anyways Billy's something else now. Upgrades."
Steve takes a turn, then pulls up to the Wheeler's. They could all see the kids already waiting outside, Dustin walking up to Steve's window and knocking on it. Steve rolls his eyes before rolling down the window, Dustin sticking his head in.
"Took you long enough! Come on, we need the whole team!"
"Hold on a second I didn't even turn the car off geez-" Steve switches the engine off, the girls climbing out. Steve had to wait until Dustin backed away from the door before he could exit.
Heather's eyes scanned the group. The kids all were wearing very similar outfits, save for El and Max, who were in white instead of black, Max's hair dyed a pink shade while Jane had a blue wig slapped on her head. Under Jane's arm was a cat doll with a yellow oval taped to its head. Billy was leaning against the house, cigarette between his lips. He looked like he always does, save for the blue mouse ears on his head and the cape pinned to his back, the inside white and the outside a blue shade. As Heather got closer she realised his face was smeared the same blue, his forehead hair curl also blue. Billy's eyes focuses on her immediately. He curls his lips at her, winking and pushing off the house to walk over.
"Looking good, Heath."
"I would say you too, but you still look like you put in no effort."
Billy shrugs. "My looks are effortless."
Heather rolls her eyes, but it's playful. "Uh huh. And where's dumbass number three?"
Billy jerks a head towards the door, Eddie popping out of it looking like a demon. It was obvious he put a lot more thought into it, horns on his head and face painted black and orange. His jacket was just as black, with white 'bone' wrapped around the collar and a skull necklace. Heather could see a devil tail dragging behind him, Eddie skipping over to the group.
"Alright, the bladder demon has been eviscerated!" Eddie chirps, followed by the echoing groans from the kids and Steve. "Oh, hi Heather, love your Vulpix costume!"
"Is that what this is? Well, thanks Munson."
Eddie grinned with sharper teeth than usual, bowing ever so dramatically and waltzing over to the kids. "Alright! Who is ready to steal sweets from the unfortunate and bountiful!"
The group coalesce with cheers from the boys, but only so they could all move as one down the street to begin trick or treating. Of course the kids led, not that the older teens brought any sort of collection bag.
"So where's Nancy and Jonathan?" Robin asked a few minutes in as they waited on the sidewalk for the kids to collect their candy.
"Jonathan's home with Ms. Byers. Nancy went with Barb. Left Stevie here in charge of the Party." Eddie gestures to Steve, slapping a hand on his shoulder. Steve turns his head and shrugs.
"Always the babysitter, every single time."
"And you're doing a swell job, big boy." Eddie pats his shoulder a few more times.
"Steeeeve, they made us only take one! And they're only the snack sizes too! This is a scam! A scam I say!" Dustin shouts as he strides down the driveway shaking his bag. Erica looked equally as offended, still glaring at the house as the kids move as one to the next house.
"Well, maybe the next house will be better. If you're just gonna complain I might make Billy take a candy tax for it."
"He better not!"
Billy, ever the menace, just stalks closer silently, Dustin quickly moving away from him. "Hey! I won this fair and square! Stop!!"
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lee-hakhyun · 9 days
Since you still have submissions open I will now drop you with more unwarranted thoughts. This time about something not even remotely about ORV, to keep with the spirit of combat in the form of psychological torment. This is one of the more harebrained headcanons I had for the Pokemon Anime that I hadn't told people back when I was on my old blog
So in the second PokeAni movie there is a translation about the Chosen One saving the world by collecting the three treasures of the Legendary Birds. One very notable change I've heard about from JP to EN, however, is that in JP they don't actually give any hints about who the Chosen One is; while in the EN they make an active pun on Ash Ketchum's name to indicate his role in the story ('and thus the world shall turn to ash'...)
I really like the pun version for how shameless it is, but I also heard that in JP Satoshi (Ash's original name) went 'we don't have time to figure out who it is, we have to try it now!' This is secondhand information, to be clear, so I could be wrong. But I really like the thought of Ash helping because that's who he is, and that making him the Chosen One because of it
So I figured that sometime after the fourth movie where Ash and friends helped save Celebi (who can time-travel), Celebi learned that Legendary Pokemon had been talking to each other about him already because wow, a trustworthy kid! And that Ash became trusted among the Legendary Pokemon on his own merits via of word-of-mouth. And Celebi is able to time travel, so he/she/? (i don't remember what gender this pokemon was in the movie) went looking around like a busybody
And then Celebi finds out about the Prophecy, which originally talks about a Chosen One in general terms. And then they change it to be a pun on Ash's name for shits and giggles.
I imagine at some point later on, Ash and Pikachu both think back to the prophecy and then realise 'Hey, wait a second! We have two different memories of this!' and go asking around to figure out what's up with that, and find out that Celebi edited the prophecy to point out Ash specifically. And that after they edited the prophecy, a lot more Legendary Pokemon took notice of Ash and Pikachu not just through word-of-mouth but through a prophecy that they then took WAY too seriously, right up until Zekrom came flying in at the start of Best Wishes to zap Pikachu out of his power.
And then Pikachu goes 'YOU'RE THE REASON WE KEEP GETTING INTO THESE SITUATIONS NOW D:<' and Celebi goes 'you were already getting a reputation, I just expedited the process >:3' and then Ash has to keep his beloved yellow rat from chomping on oversized sentient celery in a fit of rage.
anyways that's my headcanon on the shamouti prophecy in the second pokemon anime movie, thank you for coming to my ted talk
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 15 days
will wood is so unhinged and i love it
he has a playlist called 'evil jazz' bro
this guy. awesome
anyways life yap time!! yahoooooo
under tye cut!!
school sucks :
but im not here to talk about school bro idgaf about school
i dont watch bfdi but HOLY CRA the soundtrack is beautiful i rly love Places
omori.com au is coming along nicelyyyyy
kokichi obsession moment . we have kokichi alter now and also literally anything to do with him makes me happy ahah
im getting a cosplay of him w the hat n cape im gonna look so cool
bro im gonna walk into school on halloween like 'THIS SCHOOL IS MINE! I AM THE KING!!"
im so good at being him
augh fghsecjkdjck
developing lore for my sona yayayyayaya
drv1 anime is banger but i need to finish watching despair arc+future arc too
thinking about that time when kokichis va said 'welchs mixed fruit fruit snacks made with real fruit'
mikan yayayay
Print, Bracket by Chai is so good ive been meaning to look more into Chiaki's chr shes so cuteeee uwah
anyone else think Chihiro kinda sounds like Ash Ketchum in pokemon x and y
i think omori and kokichi are getting along super well in Wonderland
i. am gonna get sailor moon soda today yayaysdfgycufgtcegig ><
also maybe mogu mogu
falls. down the stairs
i have an obsession with my boss rush hoodie + kokichi bracelets
i also made mikan and nagito bracelets!!!
hehehhehehe im losing my mind
i forgot how much i liked chr x listener things (sfw ones) actually
i think. my most listened to ones are kagamine len and kokichi tbh
wait is listening to those weird
oh fuc
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media-enthusiast · 16 days
"Where Fate Leads"
Summary: Where does fate lead Ash as he continues his journey? Set right after the anime ending.
(This story is a repost from my FanFiction.net account)
I apologize in advance for any grammar and spelling mistakes I might have missed. I also know some paragraphs are much longer compared to others but with how I wanted to space out the story, I did it this way.
This story is a oneshot and was inspired by a tweet from MayfromHoenn7.
"Fun fact Ash & May now have the same goals. "Travel the world & meet new Pokémon." Ash realized that was his goal at the end of his final episode."
Ash: 21
May: 19
Ash and Pikachu sprinted down the road the stick pointed them to, smiling and laughing all the way.
They eventually slowed to a brisk walk, with Pikachu reclaiming his place on Ash's shoulder.
They walked for a long while, stopping to sleep whenever darkness fell. If he had to guess, Ash would say they have been on the road for a few days now. The duo reached the top of a hill to see Vermillion City in all its glory. Ash simply shrugged; he made his way down the hill and into the city. After getting his Pokémon checked out by Nurse Joy, Ash walked aimlessly through the city, occasionally stopping to sign autographs or take pictures with fans. Although he was asked to battle a few times, the young champion politely declined. He did not want to have to go back to the Pokémon Center so soon. Whether it was by accident or subconsciously, Ash didn't know, but he eventually stumbled into a clear, open area. The ocean was splayed out in front of him. A massive cruise ship along with a few smaller vessels sat in their berths nearby.
"The port?" Ash smiled. "Alright then, where should we go Pikachu?" The mouse Pokémon looked around. He caught sight of a merchandise stand, selling all kinds of toys and trinkets. One in particular, caught his eye.
"Pi!" He jumped off Ash's shoulder and ran towards it. "Hey Pikachu! Wait up!" Ash chased after his starter. Finally, the Pokémon stopped in front of the stand. He pointed at a plushie depicting a certain blue, mythical Pokémon. "Pika!" Ash stopped and smiled, letting the memories flow through him. "You want that plushie, Pikachu?" Pikachu almost facepalmed. He pointed at the plushie again. "Pika!" The Pokémon got up on his tiptoes, doing a little twirl. "Piiii pikaaa!" "Hey, that kind of looks like May's "take the stage" intro. Pikachu brightened. "Pika!" He pointed at the plushie with one paw. "May." "Pi."Pikachu nodded. He pointed at Ash with the other paw before holding the two side by side. Ash's cheeks tinged slightly red. "Me and May together? The Pokémon shook his head. He again held his two paws side by side. "May and I, equal?" The mouse Pokémon brought his paws up to the side of his head. "In the mind?" "Pika!" Pikachu nodded enthusiastically. "Equal in the mind? Pikachu, what are you talking abou—? Wait…"
Ash's mind raced. All the way back to when he and May first met. Their dreams. May's dream. What was it she said her dream was? To see the world and meet new people and Pokémon. That was his dream too! That's what Pikachu meant! He smiled at his starter. "Thanks Pikachu, I get it now." His Pokémon squealed with delight, happy his trainer understood what he was trying to say. Ash looked at the plushie again. He got the attention of the stand's owner. "Excuse me sir, how much for this?" The man smiled, recognizing Ash immediately. "Twenty Pokédollars Mr. Ketchum; but I'd be willing to knock it down to ten if I could get an autograph for my kid and a picture to hang up here. It's not everyday the world champion visits your stand." Ash smiled widely. "No problem! Could I also get an envelope and a gift bag for it?" "Of course, my boy." The trainer paid and happily obliged with the man's request."
Ash then entered the port terminal, intent on finding the nearest video phone. Like with all his old traveling companions, he knew the number by heart.
The phone rang a few times before Norman Maple appeared on the screen. "Maple Resid— Ash! What a pleasant surprise!" Hearing the commotion, May's mother swiftly appeared beside her husband. "Ash! It's wonderful to see you! Congratulations on winning the World Championship!" Ash smiled. "Thank you Mr and Mrs Maple." The matriarch of the Maple family shook her head. "Ash, how many times have we told you to call us Norman and Caroline?" "I'm sorry. It's just that it's been a while since I've talked to you guys, I wanted to be polite." The Maples smiled at Ash's manners. "We appreciate that Ash but there is really no need. You are practically family to us. That includes Brock too, don't let him forget that." Ash shook his head. "I won't." "So how can we help you, Ash?" Norman inquired. "Right, I wanted to ask if you happened to know where May was. I know the Grand Festival recently finished but I didn't know whether she was going straight back to Petalburg or not. You see, I wanted to ask her something and was hoping I would be able to stop by and see her in person." May's mother smiled. "Ash, we would love for you to visit! May is actually here, I can go get her for you." Ash shook his head. "No thank you Caroline, I was actually thinking of surprising her. That's why I didn't call her cellphone." Norman and Caroline shared a look before smiling at the trainer. "I'm sure she would absolutely love that, Ash."
And that is how Ash found himself standing in front of the Maple residence, a few days later.
He had boarded the next ferry to Hoenn and once arriving, walked the same route he and May had taken to Petalburg all those years ago. The door opened only moments after he rang the bell. Norman and Caroline stood in the doorway. "Ash! It's so good to see you again!" Caroline gave him a hug almost as tight as his mother's while Norman simply shook the trainer's hand. "Thank you Norman and Caroline, it's awesome to see you guys too!" "It's already noon, have you eaten at all, Ash?" Caroline asked politely. The trainer sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "I had breakfast but I haven't had the opportunity to eat lunch yet." "Well, you're in luck, I've just started preparing some beef and vegetable stew. You are more than welcome to stay and eat with us." Ash smiled brightly. "Really? Thank you so much Caroline, I really appreciate it." The Maples ushered him inside. "So, is Max here too?" Norman shook his head. "No, unfortunately. He left on his journey not too long ago. Picked a Treecko, just like he said he would. He wants him to be as strong as your Sceptile someday." Ash smiled, clenching his fist in determination. "That's awesome! I can't wait to battle him next time we meet!" Norman chuckled. He was happy to see that even as a young adult, Ash, like his daughter, had not lost one bit of his enthusiasm. "Well, I have to go close up the gym real quick. Don't want a challenger coming in while we are in the middle of lunch. May's in the greenhouse, you remember the way?" Ash nodded. "I do Norman, thank you." The man acknowledged Ash's thanks before disappearing through the doorway leading to the gym.
Ash made his way through the residence and into the vast greenhouse. He took a deep breath of the fresh air; it was just like he was outside! He then caught sight of a familiar brunette. She wore the same outfit she had when he last saw her in Sinnoh, but the orange vest was replaced with a blue one; she had also gone back to her original yellow fanny pack.
Sinnoh. The Wallace Cup. The last time they saw each other in person. Ash's smile faded slightly with guilt. He really had to start visiting his friends more often instead of the other way around. Still, he was immensely happy that he managed to stay in consistent contact with everyone. He quickly put those thoughts aside for now.
Pikachu jumped down from his perch on Ash's shoulder and ran toward the girl. May jumped slightly as she felt something climb up her arm and onto her shoulder. "Pika Pika!" The mouse squeaked as he rubbed his head on her cheek. May immediately knew which Pokémon it was. "Pikachu?! What on in the world are you doing here?!" She picked the mouse up off her shoulder and hugged him close. "Chaaa!" Pikachu sighed contently. Ash looked on with a smile, gently placing his backpack on the ground beside him. "He's here because I'm here!" The girl turned around as Pikachu jumped to the ground, darting back to his trainer. "Hey May! Long time no see!"
The girl's face lit up and she gave him a smile that caused his heart to skip a beat. "Woah, what was that?" He thought to himself. "Ash!" May quickly closed the gap between them and threw her arms around him. "Congratulations! You have no idea how proud of you I am!" Ash hugged her back. "Thanks May." "You and your Pokémon were amazing!" "You were watching? I thought you and Serena had the Grand Festival." May nodded. "We did but they were showing your battle on the screens backstage, everyone there was watching." May turned a barely noticeable shade of red. "Me and Serena started crying when you won. Everyone was staring at us, it was kind of embarrassing." "Don't worry, I actually know how you feel." May looked confused. "After my match, Dawn and I stayed in Galar so we could watch you compete in the final. I got kind of emotional watching you, Miss Grand Festival winner!" May laughed as her mentor gave her a playful shove, she gave him a light punch on the shoulder in return.
"But seriously May, it really means a lot that you guys were able to watch." May smiled sweetly. "Of course, Ash. We wouldn't have missed it for the World."
Ash then realized something. "Now that I think about it, wasn't Serena with you?" The brunette nodded. "She caught a flight back to Kalos a few days ago. She should be in or on her way to Sinnoh by now." Serena, like May, had decided to try both contests and performances. "Doesn't slow down does she?" May gave him a funny look. "Don't pretend that we didn't all get this 'not waiting around' stuff from you. You're kind of a bad influence on that front, you know." "I'll have you know, I waited about two weeks before leaving home this time." May snorted. "Oh good. You waited a whole two weeks, that makes it so much better. You know, I think that's actually a record from you." The two shared a laugh.
"So what are you doing here, Ash? Do you have a tournament in Hoenn or something?" Ash shook his head. "No, I actually came to ask you something." The girl nodded expectantly. "I figured it out, May." His voice was low and soft. "Figured out what, Ash?" "I found out what it means to be a Pokémon master. What I have to do to achieve my dream." The brunette's face twisted in confusion. "You didn't achieve it when you became champion?" Ash recounted his conversation with Gary and how it had left him thinking what being a Pokémon Master truly meant. "I figured it out. The meaning of being a Pokémon Master is to befriend every kind of Pokémon. To travel the world, building friendships with as many people and Pokémon as possible." May gasped. "Wait… but that's my dream." Ash nodded enthusiastically. May started to smile as she began to understand his meaning. "Does that mean we have the same dream?" "I guess so, yeah!" May giggled with enthusiasm, accepting the high five Ash offered her. "That's so cool! Best friends and future Pokémon Masters!"
Ash scratched the back of his head, feeling just a tad nervous. "I figured since we have the same dream, maybe we could try and achieve it together." He smiled. "So, what do you say, May? Do you want to achieve our dream together? Do you want to travel with me again?" May could cry. She badly missed traveling with her best friend. "Oh Ash, I'd love that!"
Her face suddenly fell. "But what about next time you get called by Professor Cerise? What if there is a region that doesn't have a league or Grand Festival?"
Even though they haven't seen each other in person for a long while, Ash and May still spoke regularly through text, video calls, and phone calls. She, like his other traveling companions, knew all about his research fellowship.
Ash considered this for a moment. "Well, I could ask Professor Cerise to make you a research fellow too if you want. It could help you work towards your dream. If not, you could always just come with me on assignments. What we research isn't exactly a secret." May hummed in thought. "I think I'll pass on being a research fellow but I appreciate the offer. If nothing else, I could probably help record your assignments for the professor. I think it's about time I replaced this camera with a real one." She made the shape of a camera with her fingers and brought it up to her face, pretending to snap a picture of the trainer in front of her. The pair laughed. "That's a good idea May, I like it." Ash remarked. "As for battles and contests… I don't think it matters." May tilted her head quizzically. "What do you mean, Ash?"
"Our dream doesn't really require battling or contests, right? As long as we are meeting new people and Pokémon, our career paths shouldn't matter. My dream was never to be world champion, it was to be a Pokémon Master. And while tournament winnings are nice, being the Alola and World Champions entitles me to a salary and royalties. Which reminds me, I still have to choose my Elite 4." Ash muttered that last part. "Anyway, Professor Cerise also pays us per assignment, I don't have to enter leagues if I don't want to." May nodded her head enthusiastically. "I kind of get the same thing being a Top Coordinator now, except that I'm still expected to enter a Grand Festival every now and then. But you are right; as long as I am getting closer to my dream, it shouldn't matter what career path I take."
The two smiled, allowing themselves to relax in each other's gaze. For a full minute, they were oblivious to their surroundings. Or at least they were, until…
"Pika-pi!" Ash looked down. "What is it, Pikachu?" The mouse Pokémon pointed to his backpack. "Oh, right! I almost forgot!" Ash dug into his backpack, removing the gift bag. He held it out to her. "Congratulations again on your win." May looked surprised but accepted the gift graciously. "Ash, you didn't have to do that." "Of course I did, May! You won a Grand Festival and became a Top Coordinator. Why wouldn't I get you anything?" "I didn't have a chance to get you anything yet, though."
Now the roles were reversed. "May, you don't have to get me anything, seeing my friends succeed is enough for me."
"Yes I do, Ash. You taught me pretty much everything I know, of course I have to get you something." Ash let it go. He knew better than anyone that May was just as stubborn as he was, sometimes even more so, and that she was not going to be talked out of this.
Right away May could see that there were two objects in the bag. One was blue, the other was white. She made sure to open and read the card first, stopping only to smile at her friend in gratitude. When May pulled out the final object, she nearly dropped it and the bag onto the ground. As the life-sized stuffed Manaphy stared back at her, she couldn't help the tears starting to form. The rush of memories was just too much for her. Without letting the plushie go, she wrapped her free arm around Ash. The raven haired trainer slowly hugged her back. "May, are you okay?" He felt the girl nod into his chest. Ash let the girl stay in that position as long as she wanted. Finally, she moved out of his arms but stayed close. "Sorry." Ash shook his head. "Don't even worry about it. Believe me, I understand what you are feeling. So, do you want to go inside and decide where we want to go?" May nodded. "Ash, I…" Before Ash could react, May leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. With her face as red as her old top, she scurried inside, leaving him in the greenhouse.
Ash stood there for a long time, thinking. He may be dense, but he also wasn't stupid. He knew what a kiss meant. He knew what Serena was trying to tell him when she kissed him at the airport. He did not really count Bianca/Latias as for one... he still had no idea who it was. And two... well, he was kind of an idiot in those days. At the time when Serena kissed him in Kalos, he simply chose not to acknowledge it. While May's kiss, like Serena's, was only on the cheek, Ash could tell that she meant it in the same way.
His thoughts drifted back to the next time he and Serena saw each other in Hoenn. They didn't have time to catch up at the docks so they resolved to get on a video call the next day. After a nice conversation, Ash got to the difficult part. He remembered how hard it was to explain to Serena that while he was flattered, he just couldn't return the feelings she had for him. Serena had been visibly saddened by this and didn't talk to Ash for days. Eventually though, she did call him back. It was a long and difficult conversation but Serena, obviously, had come to the conclusion that she would rather stay friends with Ash than not have him in her life at all. Their friendship was now stronger than ever.
But did he have those same feelings for May?
A gentle thunder shock from Pikachu snapped him out of it. He looked down at his concerned starter. "Thanks Pikachu but I'm fine. Just a lot of thoughts going through my head." Pikachu seemed to accept this and started to move deeper into the greenhouse. "You staying here, Pikachu?" The mouse nodded. "Pi!" He pointed towards May's Glaceon, who Ash had not realized was standing there. "Alright then." Ash moved towards the exit. "Try not to have too much fun though." "PIKA!"
Ash laughed as he skillfully dodged a thunderbolt fired in his direction before quickly disappearing inside the Maple residence. Pikachu muttered a few choice words towards his trainer before turning to Glaceon, who had a small smile on her face.
Ash found May sitting on the couch in the living room, a map of the world unfolded on the table in front of her, along with the Manaphy plushie. Caroline was still in the kitchen, preparing the stew. May blushed as she saw him enter. As Ash sat beside her on the couch, May looked fondly at the stuffed toy. "Thank you so much, Ash. I love it." The trainer smiled. "I'm glad you like it but you should probably also thank Pikachu. He's the one that led me to the stand I got it from." May giggled. "I'll be sure to thank him later. So, where should we go?" Ash noticed that she seemed to not want to discuss what happened in the greenhouse just yet. That was fine. Ash still wanted more time to think before having that conversation himself so he readily obliged her unspoken request.
"Well, I've been to most of the regions already. I'd include Galar on the list but obviously I wasn't competing in the league." May nodded. "Other than the ones with you I've been to Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos." Ash grimaced. He remembered how disappointed they both were that they always seemed to end up going to the same places but at different times; chances missed to travel with each other again. It felt weird being close to your best friend yet still so far apart. "Of all the other places you've been to, I haven't been to the Orange Islands or Alola… Alola especially looks amazing." Ash smiled. "It is, I'll be sure to take you there someday. It's like a second home to me and I want to introduce you to everyone." May smiled back. "Okay, so as far as new places go there's the Sevii Islands, Galar, Paldea, and Orre."
"May I suggest the Paldea region." Ash and May turned to see Norman standing in the doorway. He had just finished closing the gym and had come back inside the house. May nodded excitedly. "I've always wanted to go to Paldea! The lakes there look incredible!" May turned to the trainer beside her. "Do you know anything about the region, Ash?" Ash shook his head. "Not really. All I know about Paldea is that it's mostly rural and that they have a league." Norman nodded. "You'll have to be ready, it was a tough one when I went. Probably even tougher now." "They're supposed to have great restaurants too," May commented. "Something called Iberian style." Ash had stars in his eyes. "A strong league and good food?! I am so psyched!"
May's face fell, however. "I don't think they have contests though." Ash's face also fell, but in sympathy. Although they had both achieved their initial goals of World Champion and Top Coordinator, and were prepared to put a temporary pause on battles and contests, neither of them thought they would have to do that so soon. Only Norman and Caroline seemed unphased. In fact, they were actually smiling. "I wouldn't be so sure about that May," said Caroline. The woman opened a drawer before taking out what looked to be a newspaper. She passed it to Norman, who passed it to May. "I'm sure you know I normally throw the newspapers out once I've read them but I thought you would also find this interesting." On the front page was a picture of Mr. Contesta, the chief of the Pokémon Activities Committee, a Paldean Nurse Joy, and a man in a suit, who they assumed to be a Paldean government official. The headline read, 'PAC Reaches Agreement With Paldean Government To Form Contest Circuit In The Region!' May instantly perked up. "Paldea has contests?!" The brunette squealed with joy, hugging the newspaper to her chest. Ash could only smile; he too was very happy with this development. He had always hated to see May upset.
With their destination decided, all that was left to do was book their flights. Ash and May both decided to wait a while before setting out on another adventure, so they booked their flight a week in advance.
For that week, Ash stayed with the Maples; sleeping in their guest room. He and May passed the time by planning their trip, training, and just hanging out with their Pokémon. They also hung out without Pokémon. May gave Ash a full tour of her hometown, something they didn't get to do when they first met. They went to the park, the movies, even to a fair! It was nice. Being on the road so often, Ash and May never had a lot of time to truly relax and enjoy themselves with something that didn't involve Pokémon. Ash also used this time to think about what he felt towards his best friend. On the outside, May seemed to have forgotten all about what transpired in the greenhouse. But Ash knew better. He knew she was stealing occasional glances. He knew this because he was doing the same. More than once, they would catch each other's gaze and simply smile. It wasn't until the night before they were due to leave that Ash had his answer.
He thought back to the time he had reunited with Wallace in Hoenn. The contest master ended up having to mention May and Dawn to get Ash to remember him, much to the man's annoyance.
That same night, while everyone else was asleep, Ash had sat on the deck of the boat, looking at the stars; thinking. He thought about his brief reunion with Serena at the docks. But he also thought of May. It was a period of time where Ash and Goh were on a tear, running from place to place. The fast-paced traveling had forced Ash to briefly stop staying in contact with his friends, he was that busy. Yet for some reason, on the deck of that boat, all he could think about was May. How guilty he felt not having the time to call. After pulling out the ribbon he shared with her, he had held it up to the sky, watching it glisten in the moonlight. He then pulled out his phone and called her cell. He knew it was well past midnight back in Hoenn, but he didn't care. "Alright, who do you think you are calling this late?!" May was so annoyed that someone dared to wake her up, she hadn't bothered to check the caller ID. "Hey May, sorry for waking you. It's been a while." "Ash?"
The trainer slowly opened his eyes. "Huh?"
He realized he was in the Maple's guest room. May was gently trying to shake him awake. She removed her hand from Ash's shoulder as he sat up. "Oh, good morning May." As he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, he took in her appearance. She had her black shorts and a white tank top on but was missing her vest and fanny pack. She gave him a soft smile. "Good morning, Ash. You have to get up, if we don't start getting ready now, we won't have time for breakfast before we have to go to the airport." Sensing the urgency, Ash slid out of bed. "I still have to prepare a few things but come downstairs when you're ready." As May stepped out of the room, Ash grabbed a change of clothes before slipping into the bathroom. After a quick shower and making sure everything he needed was in his backpack, he made his way down the stairs.
He saw May looking over a new mini-backpack. It was yellow, matching the color of her fanny pack. Ash placed his own luggage on the floor by the stairs, smiling as Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder. "New bag?" May turned and smiled at him. "Yeah. I could use the extra room for my clothes and Pokémon food. I never did thank Max for carrying my contest outfit in his backpack." Ash chortled. "Plus, this would never fit in my fanny pack." May opened the backpack to reveal the stuffed Manaphy Ash had gifted her neatly tucked inside. Ash was surprised. "You're bringing it?" "Of course I am, Ash! This is one of the best gifts I've ever gotten! That and I still miss him like crazy…" May's face fell slightly before she quickly regained her joyful attitude. "But I'm sure that we will meet again someday. I still have Jackie and Lizabeth's numbers. I'll drag them both with me if I have to! Nothing will stop me from finding Samiya and seeing Manaphy again." Ash made a fist. "That's the spirit, May!" Pikachu mimicked his trainer. "Pika Pika!"
"It's nice to see you kids so excited but save your energy for your journey." A voice called out. It was Caroline. "Now come get your breakfast."
After a large meal, Ash and May said goodbye to May's parents before beginning the trek to the airport. Ash was sporting a new hat. May had made good on her promise to get Ash a gift and had presented him with a new hat. One identical to his idol, Red. The first Pokémon Master and youngest ever World Champion at nineteen, beating Ash by two years. Although now retired from professional competition, the legendary trainer still made frequent appearances at tournaments as a spectator or representative for the PAC. Ash hoped he would have the chance to battle him someday. Considering Gary's uncle was friends with Red, he was sure he would get the chance, eventually.
Ash loved the gift and switched out his hats immediately. His mom would definitely understand. They boarded a bus headed downtown, which would take them closer to their destination. May was talking nonstop about how much fun they were going to have and all the things they were going to do in Paldea, barely stopping for breath. She didn't even realize they were at their stop until Ash tapped her on the shoulder. They hopped off.
"Sorry," May said sheepishly as the bus pulled away. Ash waved it off. "Nah, I like it." He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before walking ahead. May froze.
Did Ash Ketchum, the boy who was as dense as a rock, just kiss her? She was snapped out of her trance by Ash. "Come on, May!" He called back to her. "If you keep being a slowpoke, we're going to miss the flight!" May stared for a moment before smiling widely. She ran to catch up with the raven haired trainer, grabbing his hand as she reached him. Her smile grew even bigger when Ash squeezed her hand back before starting to run, pulling her along with him. "Let's go!" The duo laughed in happiness and excitement as they ran hand-in-hand in the direction of the airport. Towards their next adventure.
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wishmaker1028 · 11 months
Farewell to You, ch 2
"Someone page me?"
Max turned, seeing Brock had arrived. With him was Pike Queen Lucy.
Everyone exclaimed, "Brock!"
Brock stated, "Hey everyone! I want everyone to meet my girlfriend, Pike Queen Lucy."
Lucy greeted, "Hello."
Everyone blinked in confusion, "You have a girlfriend?!"
"I know, it surprised us too."
Professor Kukuki and Professor Burnet had arrived with their son, Lei. With them Lillie, Gladion, Sophocles, Lana, Mallow, Olivia, and Kiawe arrived.
Drew said, "That must be the Alola group."
Lillie confirmed, "Yes, we are."
Gladion asked, "Are you Drew then? Aren't you the Prince of Hoenn or something?"
To that, Drew blushed modestly. He cleared his throat, "Yes, I am."
Olivia teased, "Just had to be the prince, huh? To be closer to your princess?"
Drew and May both blushed at that. Everyone laughed.
"And here we thought Molly was a princess."
Professor Hale had arrived with his wife and daughter. Upon seeing Molly, Max blushed.
He said to himself, "Uh oh."
Brock stated, "Glad to see you, Professor Hale."
Hale regarded, "Same to you, Brock."
Lucy looked at his wife and said, "And this must be Krystal?"
Krystal replied, "Yes, ma'am. And you are one of the Battle Frontier Brains, right?"
Lucy confirmed, "That I am."
"And you are so cool!"
Barry and Bianca had arrived. They were also holding hands.
Dawn blinked, "Wait, you two are dating?"
Barry confirmed, "Yes we are!"
Dawn was confused, "Is anyone else dating that I oughta know about?!"
To that, everyone laughed. Olivia turned to Kiawe, smiling softly. Kiawe smiled at her. Dawn's eyes were wide. There were a lot of couples.
Dawn turned, seeing Zoey there. With her were Paul and a teen around their age. She had short brown hair, green eyes, wearing a silver locket around her neck, a white short sleeved shirt, a purple skirt, and a purple pouch with white shoes. Her name was Ranee Katina. They were also holding hands.
Dawn complained, "Oh come on! Even Paul's dating?!"
Paul gruffly stated, "Yeah, what's it to you?"
Ranee started to say, "Paul..."
Paul interrupted, "And in either event, you're one to talk. You and Kenny are dating."
To that Dawn and Kenny both blushed. Ranee giggled.
Zoey put her hands behind her head and admitted, "To be fair, I'm not dating yet."
Lillie scratched the side of her head, "Neither are me and Gladion."
Gladion huffed, "Not a lack of trying."
"That leads to desire."
Daisy, Tracey, Lily, and Violet had arrived. Daisy had an engagement ring on her finger.
"Eek, are you and Tracey engaged?!" May shrieked.
Daisy giggled, "Yes, we are!"
Everyone offered their congrats to the newly engaged couple.
Harley asked, "When did this happen, hon?"
Daisy answered, "It was a while back, before Ash became World Champion. He was so nervous!"
Tracey blushed, "Of course I was nervous! It's so hard proposing to a beautiful lady like you."
Daisy was the one to blush now.
Solidad pointed out, "You two are so cute."
"Not as cute as my brother!"
Rudy, Melody, and Mahri had finally arrived.
Solidad teased, "Eh, Harley is cuter."
Harley wound up blushing, only for a minute. Solidad giggled.
"I got to say this is turning into a massive party."
Goh and Chloe had arrived.
"Hey Goh. Hey Chloe." Max greeted.
Chloe stated, "Greetings, Max."
Max blinked, "I thought Gary would be with you two."
Goh clarified, "He said that he'd be late getting here. He wanted to pick up Miss Jones."
Olivia asked, "Whose Miss Jones?"
Kiawe was about to answer when they heard a voice.
"That be me!"
Gary and a teen around his age had arrived. She had long brownish hair, blue eyes, wearing a green blouse with quarter inch sleeves and sky blue sparkles on it, short brown jean skirt, black nylons, white shoes, and a sky blue headband and on it was a green Pokeball pattern. Her name was Erika Jones.
Gary introduced, "Everyone, please meet my girlfriend, Erika Jones."
Erika waved, "Hello everyone!"
Everyone greeted her happily. It was at that time where Ms. Ketchum and Professor Oak had come over.
Oak smiled, "You are doing a splendid job setting up."
May turned to the professor, "Thanks, Professor."
Delia told them, "I must agree but we'll need some help with the food now. Who wants to help?" Everyone raised their hands, making Delia giggle. She teased, "I don't think I'll need that much help."
Brock stated, "Lucy and I could help, Ms. Ketchum."
Cilan replied, "So can Iris and I."
Delia responded, "That would be great, thank you. The rest of you can finish setting up."
Brock, Lucy, Cilan, and Iris all followed Delia back to the kitchen.
May thought for a moment, "I was just thinking. Where is Misty? I thought she would be here by now."
Gary told her, "I asked her to try and delay Ashy-boy until we get everything set up."
Dawn giggled, "Ashy-boy?"
Kenny teased, "Dee-Dee is a way better nickname."
To that, Dawn blushed out of embarrassment and love.
"I still can't believe that the twerp is now the World Champion."
Jessie, James, and Meowth had arrived. They had left Team Rocket recently so they hadn't changed out of their uniforms. They still had their Pokemon.
Bonnie admitted, "And it's hard to believe that you three hadn't left Team Rocket sooner."
Jessie stated, "Yeah, we know."
James added, "But it has been a part of our lives for a long time."
Meowth responded, "There's no way that we can catch that Pikachu now. We realize that now."
Gary shrugged, "Well, better late than never."
Dawn gasped, "Was that a poem?"
Erika huffed, "Hey, back off, he's my boyfriend!"
Brock replied, "Don't worry, she does this all of the time."
Dawn just chuckled sheepishly. Piplup giggled at its trainer, earning a glare from the Coordinator. Piplup stopped, just smiling at her.
Dawn teased, "I'm watching you."
"Piplup!" Piplup said, giggling a bit.
Later on that day, Anabel arrived. She was holding hands with Looker. She had started to work with the international police.
May blinked, "I didn't even know that you were interested in working with them, Anabel."
Max added, "Yeah and what about Scott? Does he know that you are working for them?"
Anabel told the siblings, "Actually it was Scott's idea in the first place. He wanted me to help with the international police because of my ability to sense others feelings."
Looker stated, "It's been really amazing seeing her in action. She even gave me a Poochyena as a partner." He turned to Anabel and asked, "Isn't Scott coming to this thing?"
Anabel frowned unsure, "He said he might not be able to make it. He said he wanted to get to Twinleaf Town to check on Palmer? I'm not sure."
Lucy was about to say something to her fellow Battle Frontier member when she heard a voice.
"Hey everyone!"
Wishmaker1028: Chapter 2 is done! I hope you guys are enjoying this so far. Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!
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daveysmate · 2 years
Asher/Baabe pregnancy headcanons I think I might turn this into a series??? Idk yet (This isn’t proof read so sorry if something is spelled wrong also, it’s kinda short bc I wrote it during my econ class lol)
Cw: pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms
Ok so they only found out because Baabe started waking up with morning sickness
Asher would find them practically hugging the toilet
“Baabe, are you ok? I know my cooking wasn’t good yesterday but was it really that bad? Did I give you food poisoning??”
But when the symptoms continued they went to the doctor only to find out Baabe was pregnant
Asher was beyond excited like literally bouncing off the walls and he wouldn’t shut up about it
“Do you think it’ll be a boy or a girl? What are we gonna name them? We need to set up the nursery. What color should we paint it?”
When Baabe was in the emotional stage and started crying for no reason, Ash would start crying too to the point where Baabe would end up comfort him
“Ash it’s ok, stop crying, I’m fine” “I know but now I can’t stop crying”
Asks Davey to teach him how to cook just so he can cook for Baabe in case they’re craving something
So many cuddles
Like he gets even clingier
Baabe uses them being pregnant as an excuse for everything
“Ash, I don’t wanna watch this show can you change it?” “But Baabe the episode just came out I’ve been waiting for this” *Baabe points to their stomach* “Fine” and then he changes it
He’s really excited up until he realizes that he doesn’t know how to change a diaper or even properly know how to hold a baby
He buys so many parenting books
When Baabe starts going into labor Ash is more freaked out then they are
Like you know that one scene from the office that’s like “omg ok it’s happening, everybody stay calm, everybody stay fucking calm” yeah that’s Ash
Ash cried when the baby was born, he sat on the hospital bed holding Baabe with one arm and the baby with another
Stoppp omg that made me soft
Ok but when the baby is born they become partners in crime
The baby is literally a mini Ash bc 1. They look a like 2.once the baby learns how to crawl he will not stay still
I can imagine it being the middle of the night and Asher wasn’t in bed so Baabe went to go look for him and then finds him on the couch with the baby watching Pokémon
“Ash he was supposed to be asleep three hours ago”
And when the baby is a toddler Baabe finds Ash trying to teach him how to play Halo
“Really Ash?” “He saw me playing and then he wanted to play too, how was I supposed to say no?”
Ash has full conversations about Pokémon with the baby when he learns how to talk
Speaking of Pokémon, for Halloween Ash dresses up as Ash Ketchum and dresses the baby up as Pikachu
Later that night when the baby was put to sleep, Baabe and Ash were cuddling in bed he was like
“Baabe I want another one” “Another what?” “Another baby”
And then right be he falls asleep he adds
“We could dress him up as Raichu”
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hyunsuks-beanie · 2 years
So uh...this is definitely not what I usually talk about but this is something that's just too close to my heart, so I need to say this. Because after all, my first crush finally achieved his dream after 25 years😭😭
But wait, have I told you guys who ny first crush was? It was this cute, black-haired, dense guy who had a Pikachu sitting on his shoulder. Yep, Ash Ketchum was my first crush, and he still is the crush who's the closest to my heart💖People often say to me, "You sure it wasn't Pikachu you liked best in Pokémon?," and I'm always like, "Yes. Ash was and is my favorite. Has been since I first saw him as 3-year old."
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So can you guys imagine how my heart leaped and how I cried when I came to know he had finally become a world champion? Oh my gosh I'm still reeling from the sheer euphoria I felt, and the way my mouth hung open for a solid 2 minutes because I was unable to process he'd finally done it? Add to that the fact that he looked so cute lifting up that trophy (I'm thanking the heavens they fixed his animation)😭😭🥺🥺
But at the same time, I'm also really nervous. Because they say the season has another 3 episodes left and that the title of the last one (Pokémon, I'm glad I met you) is a direct play on the title of the very first episode (Pokémon, i choose you). Now that he's the champion, are they thinking of ending his journey? I hope they won't break my heart like that😭😭
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cassioppenny · 2 years
your tactics have worked. whats milesverse sun&moon like (disintegrates from autism laser)
okay so it's mostly based on original sumo because usum makes me irrationally angry (why can't they just let the evil lady be evil) with the exception of an epilogue based on the rainbow rocket story.
okay so the story is about two twins elio and selene. elio watched a recording of the red vs blue championship fight as a little kid and ever since has been obsessed with becoming a champion himself. meanwhile selene enjoys just having fun with pokemon. when their family adopted their meowth elio kept trying to teach it how to battle while selene tried to teach the meowth how to play fetch. poor kitty was tormented by two eight year olds 💔
anyway so when their mom decides to move to alola elio was NOT happy because "hey wait a minute there's no league there!" and selene is all like like "yippee!! we're going to go swimming everyday now!! :D"
so yeah eventually they get their starters (elio picked rowlet and selene got litten) and go traveling with hau and lillie. all them except lillie are doing the island challenge but elio is treating every trial like a life or death overdramatic challenge while selene is just doing it for fun.
usually selene is the goofy one and elio is the serious one but selene is actually the one who deals with the main plot most of the time. selene and lillie have a cute little gay thing going on they pick cool looking flowers they find and give them to eachother.
i don't have a ton of ideas on how the main plot changes because i like sumo's story a lot but yeah elio becomes champion and selene gets lusamine to stop being evil. oh and also lillie gets to keep nebby.
lillie leaves to go take lusamine to rehab in kanto but before she leaves lillie and selene has the world's most dramatic tearfull goodbye between two eleven year olds. (selene and elio's mom ends up giving them phone numbers so selene can text her girlbestie while she's away)
six months later lillie comes back to alola (also lusamine too i guess) and selene and lillie go back to being girlbesties. then suddenly rainbow rocket takes over aether paradise! whoopsie!
so yeah rr rocket happens but red, blue, wally, and cynthia get involved as well. i miiight have those two guys from kalos i don't remember much of be there too but i might just replace them with serena and shauna sorry. looker and anabel probably get involved too. volo is there too i guess but he's just there to cause problems on purpose
also also green, ethan, and silver are there too. they're on a ketchum (yes i gave red and green ash's last name) family vacation or something. ethan and blue are married to silver and red respectively so they're there too. green is actually the red from the rr giovanni timeline so uh yay awkward family reunion.
so yeah milesverse sumo 👍
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Mx. Ansy, how are you doing on this fine day/night? Ehe, I hope you're doing well or if not, hopefully better! ♡ I've been getting headaches lately, but playing through the new Fungi event really washed them all away for some reason? Have you played it? It gives me Pokemon vibes and who am I to deny the opportunity to become Ash Ketchum in Genshin 🥸 (P/S: I'm glad you found it sweet that my s/o is also an ENTP, I actually told them about the matchup and phew, was their ego stroked, haha. You ENTP's are just such adventurous and creative gremlins that as an INFJ, I'm not sure if I'm concerned or amused or both. /pos)
Also, I was literally about to comment on Mei anon's marvelous idea and then, you posted this and I just let out an audibly tired sigh as soon as I read it 😮‍💨 (meant in a comical way because this is true, Mr. Shikanoin would play me and I'd have to resist the urge to shush him with my finger + It's just the "Say fork 5 times" "Okay? Fork, fork, fork, fork, fork?" "Good. Now, what do you eat soup with?" "Fork, WAIT—" thing all over again and I keep falling for it).
And my 50 Mora... Goodness, do I need to give him a hand cream so his hand won't slip next time or should I just start pressing buttons for him from now on? Wait, what if he keeps doing this on purpose? Of course, I don't mind lending him my Mora but if he makes this a routine, I might have to reconsider— Okay, I'm buying him that hand cream. A lavender-scented one might be too basic for his liking... Hm, a dandelion-scented one? No, that scent is too rare... And the incessant thoughts go on, all to ensure that Dandelion anon's Mora would no longer be jeopardized.
A-anyway, about that ANON theory you have concerning me, I think it'd be better to perish that possibility. Our— I mean, my schedule is way too packed for that, r-right, Madam Alice? (Looks of desperation are being thrown.) And if Mr. Shikanon persists, I shall bring out the secret technique of forehead flicking. Though, I doubt it'd stop him. /j
- dandelion anon
(I haven't played the event yet but I do love pokemon lololol, black & white will always be my fave and I completed my alolan pokedex lol)
It definitely won't stop him but I have a feeling that in your case Mr Shikanoin will try to free up your schedule simply because he thinks you being a vtuber is entertaining–
Definitely don't jeopardize your mora for this man. He has plenty ;-;. If he's sOooOo smart let him learn from his mistakes, stop lending him money 😭–
"Hmm? You're in an idol group? I didn't know that– oh, is this a prank? Did you lose a bet with Mister Shikanoin? Haha, oh dear! If you're gonna fool me, try harder! There's no way I– founder of TEYVAT Productions slash editor of the Idol Magazine slash executive producer of Kreideprinz– wouldn't know about you being a secret idol. Let's not dillydally, go back doing your paperwork, dandelion~. Don't let these people bother you, I'll talk to them, mkay?"
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akasha-game · 2 years
Tourist Traps
So I guess I should describe some of the places you'd visit while playing AKASHA.
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This is Suburb, where you start out. I guess they got lazy with the name or something. Who knows.
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It is, as one would expect, much like a typical suburban town. Except for, well...
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It has birds. Well, okay, a lot of suburbs have birds, like robins and doves and stuff, but these are like over five feet tall. And blue. I saw one of them pull out a phone.
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Wait a minute, hang on. The name of the town is actually Subirb. Okay, that explains the birds. To... some degree.
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There're also some cats. They're also over five feet tall. They tend to look very similar to each other.
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Some of them are younger.
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Some of them look like Ash Ketchum if he were a trucker and also Mufasa. Don't, uh, don't tell him I said that, though.
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They seem to get along with the birds, for some reason. Is that normal? Something about this seems strange. Not the whole animal people thing. I mean, I guess that's weird, maybe. I'm talking about... something else, though. I can't quite put my finger on it.
Eh, it's probably nothing.
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cartoonslovers · 2 years
I'm not sure if this is counted a spoiler or not but I think I read on twitter about a post which Dot's voice actor want to voice Jazz in Transformers Earthspark (I think in season 3). I'm just like "wait,Jazz's gender is female this time?" and I think the creator had planned this before since transformers Cyberverse ( where he isn't on screen and I think I read on wiki that he planned to be female).
Look,I'm not sexist and I'm myself also female and love all female bots including decepticons. It's just, it's feel Jazz is not the character like I used to know 😅 And I think I'm be like " why the creator just create another character bot or use the unused/unpopular character bot like Frenzy (who used to be male in Bayverse but unpopular character,I think)".
Wait but I thought Jazz was already pretty popular in the fandom but what do I know..
I'm not sure if Jazz would be a female in earth spark after all there are male characters that do have female voice actors like ash ketchum. This could be the same case for Jazz. But if the creators of Earth spark do choose for Jazz to be fembot in their continuity I probably wouldn't mind but my main concern with earth spark is them adding too many popular characters with no room to for unused or characters that have been treated unfairly in the past.
I think the main problem with transformers is they consisted use of legacy characters and the rare use of original characters or unused characters. If the transformer could tell a different story that isn't just "we must defeat the evil forces of the Decepticons or this one big antagonist" with unused or original character then I think there is room for potential.
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