#also uhmmm what will this ship be named as
akamavarii · 2 months
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k bye im kms /j
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junhui-png · 8 months
puppy love ⌦ .。.:*♡
mingyu x reader x scoups? (Still figuring it out LOL)
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summary: first year of college, you literally knew no one and you planned for it to stay that way but damn were you wrong
notes: uhmmm hiii idk what this is I got rlly bored so yeah LOLL if you read this I hope you enjoy and I’ll try and update like every other day hopefully 😽
‼️disclaimer: this is not proof read so I apologize if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes ‼️
genre: seventeen college au, love triangle between scoups and Mingyu, Mingyu being on a football team, financial major scoups, angst??, fluff, cute friend ships, Hoshi, Joshua, Seungkwan, Minghao, and Wonwoo r your besties, Also besties with Yunjin (Le Sserafim) and Minnie (G-IDLE), other seventeen members are mentioned?? Childhood friends, cursing, drinking
you were always quiet, even when you were a kid. Because of this, you had very few friends and very much struggled to make new ones. Throughout Middle and Highschool the only thing you could do was to stuff you face into books to pass time. Eventually, you being a loner helped you to getting into your dream college. You thought you would be fine all by yourself at your new university, getting a degree in Creative writing, but hell you were so far from the truth. You thought you could just ignore everyone around you and just keep your head low but god was that somehow ten times harder now that you had entered college. Soon enough you had been paired with a man in your Journalism class names “Jeon Wonwoo” You didn’t know anything about him, you didn’t know anything about anyone there actually. He has Black somewhat messy hair and a pair of black glasses to compliment his hair. Both of you were introverts so the first week of the project was painfully awkward but as the next few weeks flew by, you had successfully made you first ever friend in maybe 10 years? You weren’t even sure. Once you had finished the project (and of course gotten an A) you and Wonwoo stayed in touch and talked frequently inside and outside of class. Till he offered to invite you to meet his study group. You were of course hesitant but you ended up going and just like that you had made another 5 friends and then because of those new friends you met new people and became their friends. Before the semester even ended, you new basically everybody on campus.
——present timez————
“you finished the essay Mr.Marten assigned” Minghao askes you, slightly shifting in his seat to get a better look at your computer screen “yeah basically” you simply reply “well then…” You noticed Minghao had been really fidgety ever since you both had entered the library, which isn’t how he normally is, meaning something’s up. “You ok? Something’s bothering you, right? You turn your body to face him and his body seems to relax just a bit “ok so… I kinda..maybe, possibly told soonyoung that you would come to the party he’s hosting tonight” Minghao keeps his head slightly down “Minghao..” you sigh, slumping back in your seat. You rarely ever went out, only when it was some sort of special occasion but besides that you basically just stay in your dorm or at a library or cafe. “I know I know” he says apologetically “You never go out and I swear your gonna go insane if you don’t go out once in a while” you chuckle a little at his stupid reasoning “still I should have told you I just wasn’t thinking and now Soonyoung is all excited about you coming and I just felt bad telling him, you know?” You nod, “I guess I’ll go” you let out another tired sigh as you pack your things “really? Damn ok I didn’t see that coming” Minghao laughs, getting up from his seat “I’ll see you later than” He smiles and you smile back at him before he walks out of the cafeteria and you finish packing your things.
It’s about 7:30 when you leave your dorm and get an Uber over to Soonyoung’s house. You were dressed up for once in a while, wearing a grey denim tube top with matching jeans paried with black boots and a black bag. “It’s my first and probably last time going out for this month, might as well just go all out” is what you thought to yourself while getting ready, but now in front of Soonyoung’s house you gravely regretted your stupid decision “Y/NNNNNNN!” Seungkwan yells your name from the entrance of Soonyoung’s house “hi Seungkwanie” you giggle patting him on the back “I didn’t think you would come!” He says all giddy “A promise is a promise” you give Minghao a dirty glance, which he catches and throws you an apologetic look before rushing of to get another drink. Seungkwan leads you to the couch and plops down next to you “do you want anything to drink?” He asks and you take a moment to think about it before just saying “fuck it” and asking him to bring you whatever he’s getting and he nods, leaving you on the couch with some other girls. Your not left alone for long until you hear someone call for you “Yoo! Your Soonyoung’s friend right?” A tall man with black hair and a stunning face. “uhm yes” you responded nonchalant “You don’t know me but I’m Kim Mingyu, Graphic design major” Mingyu sticks his hand out for a handshake “I’m y/n, Creative writing major” you shake his hand, giving him a slight smile and he returns it. “Anyways imma get straight to the point. I’m interested in you. You caught my eye earlier and asked around about you and they said you were close to Soonyoung, and im also his friend and I’ve never seen you before, so I wanna be friends” The man says bluntly. Mingyu’s sudden “confession” Has your head spinning, searching for some sort of response “uhm ok..?” Is all you manage out but he seems satisfied with your answer “Alright, then go out with me this week” again this man and his blunt statements have you so lost and you can’t even bring yourself to say anything before he says “of course with Soonyoung, and Minghao and everyone” Your face gets a little hot realizing he wasn’t asking you out but in fact his grammar just sucked and you misunderstood him and he definitely got what you were thinking “You thought I was asking you out, didn’t you?” He says with a sly smile “whatever” you roll your eyes, hearing the man’s giddy laughter “IM BACK SORRY” Seungkwan squeezes through the crowd, two bottles of beer in his hand “some guys back there were CRAZY drunk” he sighs, slumping down next to you and placing the drinks In front of you. “Drink up!” Seungkwan lifts his cup up for a cheer.
“Damn girl you didn’t even drink that much” One of you girl friends, Yunjin says, trying her best to keep you up. It was well known in your friend group that your alcohol tolerance was basically 0 and that’s also another reason you didn’t go out much “CAN SOMEONE TAKE HER HOME!” Yunjin shouts over the crowd but to be met with no answer “I can!” Mingyu’s booming voice is easily heard over the loud music “Omg great thank you so much, I’ll text you her address” Yunjin pats Mingyu on the back before rushing back to the lively party, leaving you with him “let’s go then” he puts his arm over you as he helps you out of Soonyoung’s house and into his car. “You know, I think I should go out more” you proudly announce “Then take my over and have dinner with me and the rest of the group” Mingyu chuckles, starting the car “Ok!” Is all you chirp before you completely knock out.
“I swear to god y/n you better get up right now” you best friends voice echo through your foggy mind “what..” you mumble, the warm sun hitting you through the windows. You were now in your dorm room completely changed. “What happened..?” You scratch your head, still trying to process your surroundings “You tell me!” You roommate, Minnie exclaims “you tell me why, when I was getting ready to go to sleep, looking the WORST I could ever have looked someone knocked at our door and it was the most ANGELIC BEAUTIFUL SUN KIST Man I have ever seen, holding you bridal style!” Minnie exclaims once again “I WAS WEARING A FUCKING HELLO KITTY SHEET MASK” Minnie cringes at the memories of last night “damn..” you mumble, giving her a somewhat apoplectic look “ugh it’s whatever, he said you were drunk and he was just dropping you off and he brought you some medicine as well so take that before you leave” Minnie sighs, leaving you alone in your room “what the fuck is happening”.
You change into a pair of grey sweatpants and a beige like hoodie with your hair up in a ponytail “Sorry for all the trouble last night” you said, even thought you couldn’t recall anything after you had entered Mingyu’s car you knew you had probably brought hell down on Minnie night care routine “it’s fine, just take your medicine before you leave” She places the medicine on the counter before heading back to her room. You take the medicine with some water before putting on your shoes and grabbing your bag “OK BYEE LOVE YOUU” you shout before leaving the house. You rush down to campus and into your next class just a minute early “You feeling ok?” Wonwoo asks you “I feel horrible” you sit down next to him, placing your stuff down next to your seat. The entire class was just a bunch of yapping you couldn’t pay attention to because, one you were too tired and two, you were still trying to remember literally anything from last night. “You have the address right?” Wonwoo’s sudden question pulls you out of your trance “Huh??” You mumble with a confused look and Wonwoo face also molds into a confused one “For dinner..?” He tries clarifying but you still don’t seem to get it “the dinner plans??? Me, you, mingyu, Soonyoung, Joshua, Seungkwan and some other guy?” Wonwoo tries again and it finally clicks, but why was he asking you “I know what your talking about but I’m not going?” You say “really? You said you were going?” Wonwoo says and that’s when you finally remember some of last night “OH SHOT! Mingyu told you that right?” You ask and he simply nods “So you are going” he asks again and you let out a sigh “yeah..yeah I’m going” you’re tired of going back and fourth so you just let it go “ok cool! I’ll text you the address!”
The rest of the day was boring, nothing special just the usual classes than group studying, solo studying and some “HI’s” and “How are you’s” here and there. Once you had finally finished your classes for the day, you return home to get ready for the dinner. You wear a simple black short-ish dress with a black leather jacket and the converse (didn’t feel like wearing the boots) “You’re going out?” Minnie peaks through your door and examines your outfit “you look nice” she smiles “thank you” you smile back “I’ll be back at maybe 9?? 10? Not sure but I’ll text you ok?” You tell Minnie and she nods “I’m probably gonna go out later, anyways have fun!” She calls out as you shut the door. The restaurant was only a 5 minute Uber drive and you also weren’t the only person arriving at that time “Hey” Mingyu says, almost creeping up behind you. You hadn’t talked to him since Soonyoung’s party and all though nothing happened you felt awkward, like you were meeting him for the first time all over again. “Hi” you reply “And uhm sorry for the trouble I caused the day before yesterday” you and Mingyu both walk into the restaurant and spot Joshua, Soonyoung, and Seungkwan at a table “don’t sweat it, it’s what friends are for” he chuckles, leaving you behind and rushing over to the table we’re your friends had been seated. Friends is what he called you. Could you two really be friends if you had just met the other day? “Y/N sit over here!” Joshua’s calming voice calls out to you “mhm!” You responding rushing over to the table and taking a seat next to Joshua. You guys talk a bit while waiting for appetizers when Mingyu says something that catches your attention “coups said he’s outside right now” “finally god damn” Soonyoung chuckles and the rest laugh “who’s “coups”?” You ask “one of my friends, I invited him today” Mingyu says and you nod. “Sorry I’m late guys!” A voice from the entrance calls out. Everyone turns around, including you to see a familiar face “COUPS! What’s up man!” Choi Seungcheol “omg..” at first you weren’t sure but now you were a hundred precent sure that was Choi Seungcheol “Seungcheol?” You mumble, in case you were wrong. The man’s eyes shot up to you and they almost immediately soften “Y/N??” He voice changed immediately after calling your name “you two know each other???” Wonwoo asks and you slowly nod, still in awe “it’s been awhile?” He chuckles.
previous / next
part 2 coming out 01/31/24 or 02/01/24 😽
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heart-n-sol-critters · 2 months
Even though I'm a Craftyday/Sun flower shipper I do really like this ship and have a couple of headcanons that I would like to share with you! :D
• Their ship name is either Sunkiss, Sunnycuddles, or Puppylove
• They have tons of sleepovers together
• Once every 2 weeks they go on a date
(It's always something really cute like- going to the museum, having a picnic, baking together, going roller skating, picking flowers, watching the fireworks together, going to the beach, going to the carnival/state fair etc..)
• Kickin and Hoppy LOVES to tease Dogday by impersonating Bobby's voice and saying things like "Oh Dogday you're so strong and handsome!" "I just wanna hug and kiss you all over!" "Carry me away your arms!" and laugh as they watched Dogday's face turns as bright as a strawberry from embarrassment
• He think that Bobby's beauty is a complete UNDERSTATEMENT. He thinks that she's the most beautiful girl in the entire world
• Despite the fact that Dogday is allergic to chocolate, that isn't stopping him from getting a box of chocolates just for her
(he usually just gives it to her while wearing gloves and a mask)
• Dogday loves to surprise Bobby by giving her a big beautiful bouquet of flowers out of nowhere
• Bobby loves to surprise Dogday by jumping out of nowhere and smothering him with kisses and hugs
• Whenever Bobby is wearing lipstick or lip gloss, she'll leave hundreds of tiny little kiss marks all over Dogday's face
• Dogday will often make heart-shaped pancakes for Bobby
• Their favorite activity is making friendship bracelets together
• Dogday lets Bobby do his makeup and nails
Bobby: "Hey Sunshine"
Dogday: "Yeah Babe, what's up?"
Bobby: "I have a question..."
Dogday: "Well what is it?"
Bobby: "Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
Dogday: "Uhmmm.... Yeah, sure!"
Bobby "WAIT REALLY??!!?"
Dogday: "Well yeah! I'd probably keep you in a cage for your safety and I would probably let you move around my hand"
Bobby: "YAAAY!!"
• Dogday is VERY protective of Bobby to the point where the other critters have started calling him "Bobby's guard dog" WHICH IS VERY TRUE, because whenever someone tries to be mean or belittle Bobby, he'll get all up in their face and act 10x more aggressive than they were to Bobby
• If someone makes fun of Bobby, she'll cry. BUT If someone made fun Dogday and made him cry OH MAN IT'S GOING TO BE A LIVING HELL FOR THEM. IT WOULD BE A BLOODBATH
(she wouldn't kill them. she would just give them a severe ass whooping while screaming at to never mess with Dogday ever again. (they're just both very protective of each other)
• My headcanon for Bobby is that she has separation anxiety and abandonment issues so, when Dogday found out about it PRIVACY WAS NO LONGER A THING. HE WOULD CLING ON TO HER LIKE A KOALA AND SHE LOVED IT. THEY STUCK TOGETHER LIKE SUPER GLUE, IT HONESTLY IMPRESSIVE HOW CLINGY THEY ARE
• PDA IS THEIR WHOLE THING. They'll hold hands, hug, cuddle, kiss each other, and even nuzzle their noses with 0 SHAME WHATSOEVER.
• Catnap, Bubba, and Kickin are Dogday's wingmen and Craftycorn, Picky, and Hoppy are Bobby's wingwomen
• Bobby has a A03 account and secretly writes fanfics about her and Dogday
(the only ones you know about are Crafty and Hoppy)
• Their favorite outdoor activities are going on the swings, playing tag, and playing fitch
• They have tons of karaoke nights
• They both love the fireworks but Dogday HATES how loud they are so whenever they're watching the fireworks together Bobby will cover Dogday's ears whenever a big firework is it about to explode
• They'll often play board games and video games together
Kickin: "Hey, Bubba"
*Bubba looks up from his book to see that it's Kickin*
Bubba: "Hmm? Oh hi Kickin, what's going on?"
Kickin: *point at Bobby and Dogday who are currently on the floor and look very angry while also being on the verge of tears* "What's up with them?"
Bubba: "Hmm? Them? Yeah, they just got into an argument. Don't worry about it"
Kickin: "Okay? If they just got into an argument, then why are they holding hands?"
Bubba: "Because Kickin, they get sad whenever they get into an argument"
• PDA IS WHOLE THING. They'll hold hands, hug, cuddle, kiss, they'll even nuzzle there are noses with 0 SHAME WHATSOEVER
• They're very much Barbie and Ken core
(Specifically from Life in the Dreamhouse and not the Barbie movie. if ykyk.)
• Dogday is such a gentle man to Bobby like- He'll open the door, clear her chair, and just be a straight-up walking green flag
• Dogday will pick Bobby up and spin her around just like how Disney prince does to his princess
• Whenever they're apart from each other for more than 5 minutes they'll become super sad and miss each other
Bobby:*sighs* "I miss my boyfriend"
(don't get me wrong, Hoppy does care about her best friend's happiness however, when she hears about her talking about her boyfriend ALL THE TIME. she does get a little tired from it)
That's all I have for now! I hope you like it!! :D
these are all so good !! :D
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rjcopeseethemald · 5 months
Find The Word Tag 4: On Stranger Tides
This tag comes from @kaylinalexanderbooks (thanks a lot)! I've been in a tag game dry spell lately, and it's time I start actually responding. Have some Atomancers!
My words for this one are: intense, devote, sign, and bare.
Yours are: deep, surface, escalate, and resolve.
Then rigid jets of fire erupted from the base of the obelisk, blasting like upside-down rockets, with flames several meters long. The sudden shockwave threw Lia to the ground, and Lioko exclaimed her name in concern. The heat was more intense than a shadowless noon. The incessant, rumbling burn was more deafening than that sunken munitions ship which exploded just outside the cove—though this time it was continuous.
“Could I ask why you’re bringing this up now?” Dad inquired right back. “It’s as if you’re suddenly not accepting of the future job you’ve willfully trained for since last year.” Lia took a breath, and answered, “I don’t think I want to ‘accept that future job’ anymore. I never did.” Her pulse became pressured enough to feel in her fingertips. “Lio’ and I’ve just discovered actual magic. And we haven’t even scratched its surface.” “So, you want to devote a good amount of your time to studying and reviving it?” Lia nodded rigidly.
“In our defense,” Kalena contended. “We didn’t fire a single shot. I told them not to.” “You still just brought those out cause you were itching to use them,” snapped Miilo. “Just… wave a sign around that says ‘armed and dangerous’, why don’t you?” “Uhmmm… this is exactly what I was talking aboooouuut…” Lioko murmured. For once, Lia got the feeling that maybe her brother was right.
Bare: no instances of 'bare' alone, but here's one of barely–
Ultimately, despite Mom and Dad’s concerns having scared [Lia] and probably also Lioko just a little bit, their search barely felt like a search at all. In fact, Hydrogen was plain to see in the village square, telling a story to a bunch of children that were gathered around. And by the looks of it, they loved it—both Hydrogen and the children.
Passing this one on to @ivaspinoza, @theeccentricraven, @taranorma, @goodluckclove, @moonandris, and anyone else who might be interested!
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undeserved-halo · 11 months
creating tmf ships with a spin wheel thing and then rating them because i can
(characters in the wheel are jake, hailey, z fuck it i’m not naming them all 🖕🏻)
lia x mia (yes i put miallow in the wheel, what’s it to you?) — i don’t actually ship mia with anyone aside from willow and honestly we really know nothing about mia but based on vibes alone they could be cute. 6/10 👍🏻
drew x henry — honestly i’m in a love hate relationship with drenry you guys know that. 7/10
mia x zander — sir. that is a gay man and a lesbian. 0/10.
zoey x lia (THESE ARE RANDOMLY GENERATED I SWEAR-) — okay so i kind of love them but i kind of don’t at the same time. 7.5/10
zander x luke (okay genuinely what the fuck- what the actual fuck. i was hoping id get some cool rarepairs and i was thinking lol imagine if i got like an actual ship. this isn’t even funny at this point.) — i mean yes but it also seems kind of rushed and forced. but then again i love them. 8/10
stacy x liam — uhm. UHM. y know there are actual stiam shippers out there and they’re goofy as hell but like y know i see why they ship it but then again there’s reasons not to ship it. 4/10.
(okay this is the last one i’m doing) hailey x maria — okay. OKAY HEAR ME OUT BUT I ACTUALLY KIND OF LIKE THIS ONE UHMMM 7/10
okay this was fun i’m gonna do it again some time😃👍🏻
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i-eat-legoblocks · 8 months
Hello! (Short blog 📍)
• My name is Jonah and I'm a young male artist. I made this blog In hoping i can interact with more trigun or tristamp fans (or both, idm) I was nervous into interacting with the fandom because idk how accepted I'll be here. But I've been in the community for awhile and grew up with trigun so uhmmm ,, yep!
• I'm agender (masc prns haver) who loves men romantically but also aroace too:] I've been an artist for 10 years and ongoing.
• I'm a very accepting blog. Trigun kins can interact, all ages, system alters, etc ,, just don't be weird ^^
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This blog ill; post art, WRITING, headcanons, maybe make my own au at some point,, uhmm, some reblogs here and there. Inbox is welcome. TELL me what you want to see. Headcanons of something? Tell me. Questions about me or any ocs of mine? TELL me. Bc I'm going into this blog blindly. ASK 👏 ME 👏 THINGS 👏 I'll answer anything you have
I also like South park, midnight gospel, spooky month, and ALOTTT of angst. Hopefully that'll make sense later:]
An important thing to note:
If you support/are into/ship "plantcest" / vash x knives FUCK OFF my blog. Proshitters are hated here. All my homies HATE proshitters !!
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mondaymelon · 10 months
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy melon :) so about that little ask game of yours,,,,,,, 2, 14, 16, 27, and 31!!
i will ignore your previous transgressions for the pure sake of silly
silly ask game!!!!
2. lighter or matches?
i am a stupid little person and thus my fingers fail to cooperate with my very few coherent thoughts and for some reason when i like yk drag the match over the little strip thats supposed to light the fire it just. doesnt. light??? like back all the way in the elementary days we went to like this camp and i could not for the love of me start a goddamn fire and then i got marshmallow stuck in my hair because someone fucking flung it and the half-melted thing catapulted instelf onto my poor locks ... :( ...my past haunts me. that, and also lighters are more aesthetic and sillier to draw so. lighters. mmm
14. do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
id love to be all dreamy and misty eyed and be all "yes, its my favorite thing in the world" well smiling absentmindedly facing the pale light shining through the window with my chin resting on my palms but i could only say that if i went outside long enough to smell the wet dirt lmoa.
( yes, yes i do. and the name for it like petrichor or smth is so pretty too... although my love for freshly cut wood, printer paper, and those brown paper towels triumphs all. )
16. can you drive?
haha. no. lmao. because ive been putting it off for the sillies. that, and my family dont have another car since its my brothers till he gets shipped to college next year <33 besides hes basically my personal chauffeur anyways <- lie he does not put up with my shit nearly that well
27. about how many hours of sleep did you get?
haha anyways next question
31. what kind of music keeps you grounded?
uhmmm hrmmm i like to listen to really fast paced (BREAKCORE ML <333) or very layered music where theres just a lot going on because for some silly reason it quells my thoughts that are a little too silly. if it does not fit my very specific and petty requirements i usually take multiple songs. and yk. just. play em at the same time. at max volume? i think the max ive done is 8 or so? believe me animal ( specifically amane milgram cover )+ god-ish + loli god requiem + meme (MIKOTO AND JOHN... i offer you my beating, bloodied heart <33) + im your treasure box (beware, she moans a bit., and the mv is a lil... m) + ussewa + judas (NOT the lady gaga ver) are actual bangers when you play em all at once with each one at like x1.25 playback speeeeed
... wait hold on just one moment. lemme do something rq
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ah. okay maybe just one more for good mesaure haha
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maybe... this... means something. yea no lol lmao what am i on about
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sunsettia-sky · 5 months
Hello there! I'm Miya, nice to meet you ^^
This is my main blog. It's not an RP account or a side blog, but my main blog. Although, I could RP with other people in here, of course. But, I might have to place something, like an emoji, to know which character I'm playing as. Also, my RP skills are a little rusty.
Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah! I do have a main OC that I use for roleplaying, and well, I'm still in the process of completing her backstory, of course.
Under the cut is my OC. She's not in HSR or anything like that, as she's my own character, but I will tweak some things to make her fit into the HSR universe.
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Name: Mayla Aila Luizer (you can just call her Mayla or May)
Occupation: Traveler/Adventurer/etc.
Age: No definite age (can be any age, is what I mean)
Pronouns: She/her
Height: 5'4"
Appearance: Shoulder-length blue-black hair tied up in a low ponytail, deep violet eyes with diamond shaped pupils, light tan skin.
Accessories: Amethyst diamond shaped earrings on her ears, black choker on her neck, crystal bracelet on her left wrist, light blue hairband on her hair.
Clothes: Light blue sleeveless romper that has a diamond shaped cutout on her collarbone, dark blue jacket on top of the romper, black belt on her romper belt loops to keep it in place, black leggings inside her romper, dark gray knee high boots with black soles on it, 3 finger gloves on her hands, and light blue thigh band on her left thigh.
Greeting - "Hm? Oh! Hey there! I'm Mayla. Nice to meet you. Oh? New to the Astral Express? Well, looks like it's your lucky day! I'll be your guide for today! Here, let me take you around the train! And maybe we can grab some snacks as well?"
Farewell - "Well, seems like you need to wind down for the day. I hope I didn't bother you too much with me talking a lot. I'll see you around!"
Likes - "Hmmm, if there's one thing that I like doing, is to explore! It's much better to experience it with someone too. Unfortunately, I think everyone's busy, so I do it alone. But, it's okay!"
Dislikes: "Uhmmm...I'm not sure if it's people trying to get in my way, I think? So far, everyone's nice, though..."
Jarilo VI - "We went there to investigate a Stellaron, and how can the people survive in such coldness? It's a miracle, really."
Xianzhou Alliance - "Uhmmm...I'm not sure what to think of that place. It's a bit of a whirlwind, really, with what happened and stuff."
Penacony - "I heard it can be accessed via dreams. It's a little...flashy, for me? I dunno, maybe it's just me that thinks of these things?"
??? (It's unknown where she came from) - "...I don't really know where I came from, Trailblazer, and that's why I travel to find out where I came from."
Path: Adaptive (Girlie cannot choose a path haha)
Combat Type: Lightning
Weapons: Crystalline lance-like sword (like Trailblazer's when they're in Destruction path, possibly even modeled it after them)
Emoji: 🔹
Note: This is one of my own characters. I might do character forms of the other characters soon.
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In terms of RP, I don't really mind if the replies are late, since I'm also busy and I would reply when I have the time.
Please keep asks and, well, everything SFW.
If you put links, please indicate and specify what they are.
Be respectful. Any kind of comments that would be hateful, and anything falling under that umbrella would be not tolerated, and you can expect a block, of course.
Ships are welcome here, my OCs doesn't have a set age on them, as long as it's appropriate and not illegal.
DMs are welcome here as well ^^
Key (for RP):
" " : for dialogue
* * : for movements
** ** : for time skips (if there's any)
( ) or [ ]: OOC
#Sunsettia Sky 🌅 - Art reblogs
#Night Sky 🌃 - Post reblogs
#Nice to meet ya! 👋 - Any interactions
#Thinking ☁️ - Random thoughts, etc.
#OC - RP (Miya) 🌸 - Roleplays With Me
#Writing 🖋 - OCs or any content about characters
These are the tags I can think of, for now. Apologies for the randomness of my tags.
Thank you! ^^
-sunsettia-sky 🌆
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locklylemybeloved · 8 months
(It’s Time For Water Themed Questions With Julie!) have you ever been in the ocean? if you were a pirate what would you name your ship? do you think there’s undiscovered sea monsters? do you need to go drink water?
ok this one confused me for a second cause i was like yeah?? obviously?? and then i remembered there are people who have never even SEEN the ocean. but yes i have, i’m very lucky to live in a state on the coast and also with mountains so i get the best of both worlds. i LOVE the ocean
uhmmm. hmmm hold on. uhhhh smth cool like the moon dagger or like. the siren’s song. or the serpent’s maid. the sapphire skull. the drunken ghost. just spitballing here.
of course.
uhhhhh *sweats nervously*
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
hi hi is this ship game thingy still going ?? ignore this if it isnt lol but i <3 ur writing so im sending one in :P my name is blair, i use she/her prns, bisexual, im short, chubby, white hair, grey eyes, LOTS of facial piercings (eyebrows, bridge, septum, angelbites, snakebites, dahlias :3), and a ton of patchwork tattoos. my style is ??? uhmmm random shit i thrifted and or crocheted, i crochet a lot of clothes my typical outfit is like. crochet top, random thrifted pants. my hobbies r obv crochet, art of various forms, rollerskating, and for some reason collecting toys as a grown ass women. my personality is a bit two-faced, i come across as rather extroverted and silly online but in real life im extremely shy and suffer from selective mutism. it's kind of like you only unlock my real personality by becoming friends with me. my friends consider me funny, kind, passionate, and really really helpful. i love love love animals and my dream future is becoming a crazy cat lady, and dog lady, and rat lady, and generally having a home that could be considered an animal sanctuary. i like all sorts of people, because i cant ever really speak in public i really like to observe so i know a lot more about the people around me then they think i know. characters im very similar to would be kobeni from chainsaw man, bee from bee and puppycat, todd anderson from dead poets society, willow from the owl house, and fluttershy from my little pony c: thank youu veryyy much in advance for the matchup <33
Hi Blair!!
I ship you with Reagan Ridley
I can absolutely see the two of you getting along, her appreciating how you still have a love for things beyond the parameters of age like toys. She can’t say much with her adoration for the Space Jam dress, but finding a solidarity in how you have that same affection for things and encouraging her to do the same with stuff from her own childhood.
As someone who’s more blunt and direct but does have a lot of compassion herself, I think Reagan would enjoy your personality and demeanor, finding solace in how you both have softer halves and have to work at the other to unlock them. She may not understand the mutism immediately but would def respect it, probably researching it too to better understand it and get to know about the multiple facets that make up you.
Reagan would love placing kisses, like little kisses, over your piercings, trailing down from your brow piercing and dotting kisses over each of them, maybe even tugging with her teeth at the ones near your lips, taking her time to kiss over your snake and angel bites, paying special attention to the dahlias as well.
Note, if you ever crocheted her a top or something she’d wear it all the time at home, probably having you make extras of the same one in case she pulls a loop accidentally or stains it — Reagan would hate to ruin all the work you put into it.
She’d also not like if you ever made things for the gang, you’re hers damnit.
I’m not sure if Reagan would vibe immediately with the animal sanctuary but I do know she’d love some of the more reclusive animals and the reptiles. It’s probably a 50/50 with cats after the one she held of Dr. Skullfinger’s. If you ever listened to her talk about her childhood and get her a snake or a turtle, or some other reptile, she’d be so excited. Reagan def struggles with displaying her gratitude accurately but would try to let you know how much it meant to her.
I can see you teaching her how to roller skate and it going well or terribly, and honestly it would take a lot of encouragement to keep her going after falling or tripping in her skates — but then again, she’s got you to help catch her, and isn’t that what it’s all about?
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key-lime-soda · 2 years
oh oh what about the main shin ships (whichever ones you want to talkabout) im oddly neutral on like all of them which now that i am thinking about it is definitely because of me projecting my aromanticness. but i am curious do you hve OPiNIOSN (holy shit opinions looks like the word onions.)
keishin: tension is nice but also there's too much mutual hatred for me to like the ship
alishin: it would work if there wasn't asunaro. they have very similar arcs and personalities but shin went too far in the death game and i think alice deserves better (shin ai x alice fr fr /j)
naoshin: also cute for a non-asunaro au. love them as friends more tho <3
soushin: i forgot the name for this ship ahahah uhmmm tbh no cuz they're both too messy (emotionally and morally) and i really dont wanna think of romance in a time like that. also tbh we still don't know enough about midori..
am i forgetting any???
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What amphibia ships do you like most? (mine is Sprivy)
I also like sprivy they're so adorable fr-
Also really any and all of the ships for Anne, Sasha, and Marcy [lesbian gotta be one of my favorite genders]
Whats that one ship with hop pop and what's her face, cynthia? They're adorable too [especially hop pop earlier in amphibia oml that man be blushing XD]
I also saw this crackship with that caravan newt [forgot her name] and the other newt with the constant orphan trope [forgot his name too]- that also gives me serotonin XD
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sasarasfan · 8 months
Cant find any 6th anniversary questions so we’ll settle for redoing 5th anniversary!
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Answers under the read more hehe
1. Uhmmm idk 2021 sometime,,, I don’t remember exactly. I got into it because of a post saying happy birthday ichiro and it was on my to watch list for a while before I caved in and watched the anime
2. The artstyle and the eyes of the characters I thought they were really pretty
3. I’m into MILGRAM which cough music project,,, but hypmic was the first one that put me through multimedia hell so thanks to hypmic for that
4. Doppo definitely. I loved him so much in the beginning. Now to a lesser degree, but I’m still obsessed with him. I did not really care about BB, but I liked Saburo. Now I really like Jiro!! And saburo!! I have personal beef with Ichiro. Same with MTC tbh. Samatoki was pretty so yeah. I liked FP and MTR originally, that hasn’t changed
5. Doppo or Gentarou thanks to the anime probably
6. Kuko and Ramuda. I did not really like Kuko, but then I became a changed man after watching multiple lives (I love his VA) uhmhmhmh I did not really like Ramuda in the beginning but now I think he is super silly and I cherish him dearly. On another note, I did not like DotsuHom in the beginning cause I don’t like change and DotsuHom was a division I didn’t know after I finished the anime. Well. Guess who loves DotsuHom now
7. Matenrou and Fling Posse
8. Well Sasara is my favourite character now, and Rosho is a very very close second I don’t even know what happened I was influenced by my twitter mutuals,,,, and then I still adore Doppo and Gentarou, and I have a feeling BAT are gonna start creeping up too
9. Whatever the first rhyme anima song was. Besides that, it might have been BATTLE BATTLE BATTLE
10. Dont stop the party, both Sasara solos, Positive is my life, Rinka (I LOVE Rinka), both jyushi solos, black or white, and hmm too many to name tbh
11. Ah osaka dreamin night, but I also love JACKPOT! And pretty much any DH song they’re all bangers. Uhmmmm every FP song too minus Stella (I have a vendetta against Stella). I also like TDD Legend but I don’t listen to it often
12. I JUST RECENTLY FINISHED TRACK 3 OF THE STAGE ITS OSAKA 24K GOLD OR WHATEVER ITS CALLED JTS SO SILLY I LVOE IT I also love crush your mic but I have to listen to the rest of the songs to give a better opinion on this
13. Still not sure what it means by bonus but I love Hella Awesome Banquet and Naniwa Paradise Sake. I also like HOT GAME and Murder in the House of Magic and idk if it was a bonus or just yeah but once upon a time in shibuya
14. Glory or dust? Division battle anthem? Summit of divisions? Idk they’re all good
15. White and black, JACKPOT!!, Osaka big up, hella awesome banquet, this means war, and GAY although most of these aren’t slept on (minus Jackpot grrr) I think people should listen to them more
16. Uhmmm a bunch of DH songs are my favourite so yeah, but a LOT of them are from Fling Posse, Matenrou, or BAT
17. Rapper hmmm maybe Dice or Doppo they have some good lines, and I think Dice is very,,, very good at what he does
18. Sorry I still don’t pay attention to composers Aha
19. No clue again
20. Black journey, anyways get on the floor, rivals! Jackpot, This means war, maybe Ah osaka dreamin night or Wara osaka, but I think FP is a great introduction to hypmic
21. I play ARB but I can’t get the friend code rn sorry :(
22. IM SO HAPPY FOR THE ROSASA SONG AND I LOVED THE DICEDO STUFF TOO!! I really liked the duets in the block party especially white and black so yeah all my dreams came true already though I do wish for a duet of Samatoki and Doppo.
23. I am the worlds number 1 Samado fanatic. I also love Sasaro, Gendice, Hifudo, fling poly, jirojyushi, poly MTC + doppo, and ichikuu. Any ship with doppo (minus the old or the young characters) are my favourite like I love samasasado and roshdo even though sasasama isn’t really my thing
24. No not really which is kinda surprising
25. Rosho and I would get along well. Hifumi (not host mode), and maybe Jyushi
26. Rosho is one of my highest kins actually. I won’t explain it cause I don’t want to like vent here
27. I HAVE FANARTIST KEYCHAINS!!!!! I HAVE SAMATOKI, ICHIRO, AND DICE!!! I also have ramuda keychain and cat Matenrou keychain too. I have a card of BAT. I have nothing from DH (im going to explode)
28. Mics with Hypmic branding please its not even that weird they just haven’t done it yet
29. Uhmmm I don’t really know with
30. Samado samado samado samado… and also rosasa of course!
31. RIO RIO HES SO CUTE RIO PLEASE MORE RIO LOVE and also I found that Rosho doesn’t get a lot of love either :(( which is really sad cause I love Rosho so much :((((
32. Sasara is just…. He’s so silly, but he’s also serious in a way that I just can’t describe. There’s not much to him or what we know about him actually, but I think he’s an interesting character. And I love Rosho cause he’s so me core (I kin him)
33. Sasara eats floor cookies (real) uhmmm and Doppo occasionally goes to Yokohama to spend time with Samatoki and they go on dates together (jm gojng to explode)
34. I like nemu she is so cute hehe
35. Dotsuitare Hompo because it has Sasara and Rosho in it. Their songs are so so so so so good too!! Their stageplay actors are all so silly :3
36. I don’t really have any for DH :(
37. Someone younger again!! Like I know it wont happen, but someone around Saburos age maybe? And someone who fits between the ages of 35 - 46 cause that’s a really large gap between Jakurai and Hitoya and Rei.
39. Haven’t really watched or heard sorry </3
40. My 12k rosasa fic that I’ve been working on since last year
41. I like the manga! But I think the stageplay is super good too
42. Rosasa break up and get together and fight in manga form, VD form, stageplay form, and anime form
43. Nope no theories
44. Please expand more on Sasara I am begging
45. I infodump about hypmic all the time to my friends I think they’re sick of me
47. Ichiro says “this truly was our Hypnosis Mic” the screen fades to black. THE END appears in white letters. It is the end of hypmic.
48. It’s the first community I was ever serious about and stuck with for over a year. I’ve met some great people through it and I’m truly happy that I got into it. It also acted like a gateway towards some of my other interests so yeah. It means a lot to me
50. Hiiii future me!! I’ll probably see this in a year or so from now but hey!! I hope you’re doing well! I just got back into hypmic and yeah I’m reliving my greatest moments here. Take care of yourself hehe :3 ps I am the number 1 samado fan and the 10k word sasaro fic is still not finished sighs
Also also I love Rosho okay bye love you I hope you still love hypmic by the time you’re reading this again!!
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puppet2611 · 1 year
//from 5.12.23
hey.... im going a lil cray cray over lf x a5 crossover au.. (also 8:11 bcz im a loser for oc x canon :3)(still coping over this stomache) if i dont send smth in 5 minutes shoot me im going too cray cray/j
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lf already kind of has ties to a5 since the entities still being alive and just kinda moving around but not really - maybe ill age up adam and oliver to use as background characters but whos knowss
not canon or anything just a silly little thought but erm. what if all 3 were connected via religion 😁 emilio, natalia, charlotte and isabella from lf already have religious backgrounds, 8:11 practically revolves around religion and a5 entities pretending to be angels could wreck some havoc on the damned basilica teehee,,, since im too silly with char.ai most of the characters mentioned already interacted w/ 8:11 bots to kinda get an idea of how everything would play out even if it was ooc... younger emilio and amelia def actually confided in francis while everyone else was at least a bit suspicious (minus isabella but uhmmm. lore reasons) idk abt the entities since i havent rlly worked on anything but their designs but maybe ill give them different abilities and only one of them knows francis' true intentions:3c
OH YEAH idk if ill ever tell him abt it but maybee i could throw in adams ocs too since bros absolutely batshit insane over 8:11 rn. i have screenshots of him being insanely gay over a french guy btw if anyone wanted to see/j ANYWAY ehheheee maybe felix and samuel knew the martin kids at some point :33 bunch of religiously traumatized kids meeting, what could happen??? (felix and emilio both stabbed their siblings at skme point 💀) ANYWAYS i think sam and samuel would get along not just because uhh similar names but idk since were kinda split between making sam a bitch or actually nice... oh and i never drew sam or amelia properly yet whoops a5 exploded my mind
btw abt the entity mfs id like to think most of them usually stay in human forms except for atlas whos kinda the socially awkward one whod rather stay as an animal so no one tries to talk to him lmfao
but hes also extra so anyone at the basilica sees a fucking bear with antlers and the fur pattern of a deer and gets jumpscared (they all get used to it later and only vistors get jumpscared) OH AND ABT THE OC X CANON STUFF. not rlly shipping i just dk what else to call it but tee hee maybe isabella and vittorino have mad beef because her dad died at the basilica not soon after vitto joined so shes mad sus 😁😁 but only to be a bitch bcz she finds him utterly disgusting. her cousin allen kills him bcz he kinda was suffering anyway and she actually helped plan it loll
everytime girl comes across the stupid hoe they always glare at each other or get in a fight... usually verbal bcz natalia would go rabid if vitto tried to hit bella ykyk
oh and since im trying to align the stories together a bunch of ages r gonna have to change... idk if emilio or oliver is gonna be the older one but there is no way in hell a priest is younger than someone still in school... but then again overthinker wont stop comparing emmy to felix so ion wanna make him too close to blondies age but then again again felix is like 50 now... ill probably make emmy 36 and amelia 41 ig. klaus has too many white hairs to only be 40 anyway/hj but then adams still older than klaus.... i mean ig i could just use the excuse that he dyes his hair since he already has highlights
this is a whole mess uhm.
im unoriginal asf so emilio and jericho can bond over being people pleasers and cupioromantic but their first and only ever crush was abusive 😁😁 (<- definitely not projecting) (i lied. jericho only ever gets with elio bcz of that one time on valentines day irl) (im normal i swear)
bro went from snarky rude ass hoe to the most pathetic bird known to man for silliness reasons/hj
bros insanely mentally unstable, has chronic pain and heart problems, trust problems and definitely either a drinking or smoking problem. hell he can even jack both of them if he wants/j uhm. but i decided to make him less of a mary sue with all the language stuff n shit. idk if i ever mentioned it but who cares its my channel grr/j anyways instead lf the grocery list of languages he can speak, he can only speak english, greek, and belarusian 👍 also asl but idk if youd count that as smth he can speak
still torturing his pathetic ahh but anywayss abt that one tobias/future emilio art. the snake he has was originally gonna be named mobius for his symbolism stuff (and a hi3 ref/silly) but maybee i might rename the snake fang or michael as in adams late husband because uhmmm. what if adam was like a father figure to him when they met and he at some point got him a snake 👍👍 (he wouldve gotten a rabbit but uhm. vitto symbolism. and bro is traumatized from the vittorino ais..)
that is all for neow bcz i need to go take medicine 😭
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cripplemagic-arc · 3 years
NSFT headcanons 
(caution: k!nk stuff ahead) (ps: i am not sorry for how long this is. disabled people deserve sex lives and deserve to feel sexy. so if that makes you uncomfortable, you may leave.)
ALSO BIG WARNING FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DYSPHORIA AROUND TERMS USED DURING INTIMACY, BOTH IN REGARD TO GENDER AND BODY PARTS. There is discussion of what jay likes and dislikes being called so read with caution if this sort of subject triggers you.
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First off: as mentioned in another post, Jay is demisexual. This means that they require a deep emotional bond and understanding with someone before being willing to have sex with said person. Yes it’s partially trauma fueled and that’s okay. They’ve worked on trauma for years and its still how they feel. 
THAT BEING SAID! Within a relationship where sex is an option, Jay can lean towards hypersexual. Again, trauma fueled. Trauma fucks with a person in sucky ways. Jay often has to balance a desire for sex and physical intimacy with what their body can allow them to do on any given day. Their preferences tend to reflect their solutions or compromises for such issues. 
Jay also tends to require less of an emotional bond with androgynous/femme presenting people over masc presenting people. AGAIN! TRAUMA! *jazz hands* This is not to say they are a lesbian or won’t be with masc presenting people at all. However they tend to enjoy more T4T (trans for trans) type stuff when possible.  
here’s where the cut is required. Please be aware that k!nk is something that they engage in as a trans disabled person. 
Jay is a k!nky person. Disabled people are in and belong in k!nk spaces. Some of the things they like are as follows:
Overstimulation/forced orgasms - they engage in/ask for this rarely. More often than not it is when they initiate things that they’re open to doing it. Requires a lot of fucking trust for them to even talk about it. So far two people they have ships with are able to engage in it with them. They enjoy it paired with being blindfolded, as a trade of sensory experiences.
restraints/shibari - NOTE: JAY IS HYPERMOBILE AND MUST USE MORE FLEXIBLE RESTRAINTS AND TIES AS TO NOT DAMAGE THEIR SKIN AND JOINTS. That being said, they eat this shit up. Especially shibari. Softer ropes are necessary for it. Leather/suede/softer cuffs as well as fabric is good for arms and legs, and spreader bars can be used if the partner makes sure that their hips aren’t dislocated.
oral fixation - jay has one. enough said. fingers in the mouth, dick in the mouth, so on so forth. 
cockwarming - they have adhd, they can’t sit still most of the time. It’s a fun challenge for them, no matter if its a strap or the real thing. 
BDSM/power dynamics - they are a sub, and a brat. they like acting out for attention but tend to settle down quickly. . . most of the time. full time 24/7 dynamics aren’t necessarily their thing though. It takes a special person to get that. frankly no one’s really hit that mark.
collars - more of a turn on, being collared. But they love it. It’s part of their sub mindset. 
royalty kink - so uhmmm. . . essentially they like the idea of 1. being treated like royalty and 2. roleplay scenarios that involve things like princes and princesses or royalty and their knights, things like that.
dressing up - aka letting their partner decide what they wear. usually only around the house though. 
not necessarily sexual but! BODY PAINTING. painting on someone’s skin. enough said.
there’s something really empowering for them about being eaten out or fucked in their wheelchair. totally upfront about it when the time comes, not to mention being in their chair often gives them more joint support.
misc. stuff.
They accept ‘good boy’ a lot more than ‘good girl.’ Before things get to that point they will let their partner know what they’re feeling, as it changes from situation to situation.
pet names are a huge point of happiness for them. mainly things like ‘little otter,’ ( Mainly used by Matthew from @cxmemeetmymonsters​ ) ‘little bird’ ( something they reclaimed after years of trauma work due to elias using the same and similar terms) ‘good boy,’ ‘my boy,’ ‘my prince,’ similar things.
when it comes to talking about their genitalia, they’ve never been on HRT or anything that would give them a tdick as it’s just not something they’ve wanted to do. they’re fine with the usual terms for what they have as an afab person. 
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paotulip · 3 years
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
When did you join the IT fandom? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
Name and link some of your favorite works, please!
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
Sorry for taking me so long to reply! Omg there’s a lot okokokok.
1. @paotulip on Instagram and Facebook!
2. Just Tulip, or Pao, but I prefer the first one since is an internet alias.
3. June last year! (2020)
4. Bev and Richie! Favorite characters, she’s such a brave girl. And Richie is such a fun character, and I can relate to him a lot (omg the internalized homophobia uGH) Benverly and Reddie are my favorite ships. I just love their dynamics. ❣️Childhood friend is a trope that I can’t not love.
5. Fanarts!
6. Oh yes, all these people in the fandom are just SO SO TALENTED. There a few more that inspire me but I don’t know if they have tumbrl lol. In general, they are all super nice people and all their work is just ✨amazing.✨ Check their work: @scrunchi @izupie @kmcarras @dibujos-de-la-orilla @sarcasticscribbles @meowsteryyy ✨❣️
7. I really like the strawberry reddie one.
8. Uhmm... I don’t know, I have really low expectations in my own art. Something that is kinda frustrating in general is that my silly short comics get a lot of attention compared to my finish pieces.
9. Oh yes! The Reddie week and also a Halloween art trade, both last year.
10. Uhmmm.... Maybe support more small artist/writers/cosplayers in the fandom. I also need to do that more often!
Thanks for all the questions!! 💕
Sorry if i wrote a little bit nonsense, im gonna use the card that english isn't my first language and im very sleepy.
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