#also tubbo's attempt at apology was literally only one
jrheatriz · 2 years
the dsmp finale jokes and ha-has yesterday were great and all but the more i think about it is the angrier I get about this whole situation overall. It's fucking infuriating, and not just because the final lore stream was shitty. The reason why also pisses me the fuck off.
The c!tommy/c!tubbo finale was not a finale. It was a shitty attempt at segueing the current dsmp lore into Volume 2, which at best is the streaming equivalent of a cash-grab sequel, and at worst, an active ploy to ignore cc!dream's grooming allegations and go on with the server as if nothing ever happened.
c!tommy's story would not have ended in abuse apologism if they hadn't intended to do the second volume of the dsmp. Which not only means that the content creators involved with the finale (tommy, tubbo, dream, et cetera) had sacrificed a respectable ending to a story with heavy subjects and themes of abuse and suicide, they had also sacrificed it just so that they could move on to a new era in the hopes of raking in more dsmp views.
That alone is gross and unsavory, but what's even more despicable is the fact that right alongside the lore streams they were doing, thousands of fans had trended for days about cc!dream's grooming allegations and all of that had been outright ignored. And then they were spit in the face with the dsmp finale, which ended with a canonical abuse victim forgiving his abuser for no fucking reason and the announcement that tommy and tubbo were indeed staying for the next volume of the dsmp.
You know. The groomer's server.
You know what's also really fucking weird? the fact that not even an hour before that godforsaken lore stream, tommy had been ranting in twitch chat about how irredeemable c!dream was. This makes the ending even more disgusting because tommy literally fucking KNEW that there were themes surrounding his character's story that were serious and heavy and he still went along with it just so that he could get his stupid ass season 2 on that stupid ass groomer's dying server. I am immeasurably disgusted by this.
I know there are people who are insisting that the story Tommy had intended for c!tommy must have been changed by dream, or at the very least, had been edited from its original concept by dream. due to the absolute whiplash that was tommy's statements before stream and what actually happened in stream, i had been inclined to believe that as well. But even if the horrific lore stream was the result of cc!dream meddling with the intended finale, tommy still did the finale. He was still the one who had the gall to end a well-loved story with the abused character forgiving his abuser. He was the one to say "I'm sorry" to c!dream while acting in character, not cc!dream.
Genuinely, unless cc!dream decided to go on an irl villain arc and hold tommy's family hostage unless he went along with the minecraft roleplay finale, there really is no justification for this. Especially since Tommy does plan to continue streaming on the server after this. And apparently, tommy also plans to stay silent and ignore the fact that the motherfucker he's streaming with is neck deep in abuse and grooming allegations. Not to mention every other fucked up thing dream has done with his platform. There's no feasible way for tommy to explain how he could ignore thousands of people criticizing him specifically for doing lore in the middle of a four day long mass callout against an alleged groomer. There's just no possible way he didn't catch wind of that.
And I mean, I know every other cc that has decided to associate with dream during this finale and in other content involving dream are also at fault for sweeping the allegations under the rug, but tommy in particular has managed to be egregiously ignorant of the entire situation. It's so disappointing to see him be this abrasively supportive of dream by streaming with him for 4 days straight and then ending one of the most important series of his entire career with abuse apologism and a chipper little "Can't wait for season 2!!!!! :))" in the midst of tidal waves of criticism for helping maintain a groomer's platform. Like fuck you, dude.
It's just sooo. Yeah. I know i've been saying over and Over that i am incredibly disappointed by tommy's behavior; honestly, I probably sound like a broken record. But it just feels so upsetting that a year and a half of my life was spent supporting a cc who is choosing to actively fan the flame of this fucking dumpster fire. It hurts to be ignored this abrasively when all we're doing is trying to get justice for a grooming victim. It hurts to feel like i have to work against him just to have the voices of grooming victims be heard in this hellhole of a fandom.
tldr, this whole situation sucks. what else is new.
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stellocchia · 4 years
Something that’s been bugging me is the idea going around that Tubbo needs to be “held accountable” for more things. That he somehow “got away” with anything. You mention that no one talks about what Tubbo said before the whole “the disks were worth more than you ever were” bit, but then neglect to mention how after Dream spent like two and a half minutes straight calling Tubbo terrible and stupid and no one interrupted him, and everyone blamed him for Doomsday afterwards with him just numbly agreeing.
Tubbo’s been punished for everything he has and hasn’t done in the story. And if you really want to get Nitpicky and say that Tubbo’s multiple attempts at apologies didn’t count for everything he did, how about the time when Tommy called him a monster? He never apologized for it, but we’ve let that go.
I get wanting to lift Tommy up, especially with all that’s been going on in the fandom, but you don’t have to tear Tubbo down to do it. Just because his traumas are quieter than Tommy’s doesn’t mean there aren’t there and affecting his actions, and if you can excuse what Tommy does due to his traumas, you can extend the same courtesy for Tubbo.
Okay, let’s get back into this then: 
1) Tubbo really wasn’t blamed for Doomsday, Tommy was the one most of the characters and fandom alike were mad at. That said, NEITHER of them is to blame for it. Dream, Techno and Phil are the ones who destroyed L’Manburg, NOBODY ELSE is responsible. 
2) When I say that I want Tubbo to be “held accountable” I literally just mean him aknowledging he has hurt others with his behaviours and pointing out that he’s not “an innocent angel” like a lot of people like to portray him in this fandom. It really has nothing to do with lifting Tommy up, it’s just a call for Tubbo to stop living in “denial town”. Also, didn’t Tommy call him a monster after learning that he had almost executed someone? Like... that’s honestly pretty reasonable... he thinks the same about Techno executing Tubbo.
That said, the one reason I may sound harsh when calling out Tubbo despite him being one of my favourites it’s mostly because his wrongdoings are just almost never aknowledged in canon. People blame him for the wrong things and that’s a problem. 
Tubbo isn’t to be blamed for the exile, Dream is, yet that’s the one thing he’s gotten the most backlash about. Characters said he “was the president that killed L’Manburg”, but NO, Dream, Phil and Techno killed it.
But for other things like: Tubbo never visiting Tommy in exile or never sending anyone to check up if he was alive or not, or saying hurtful things during their confrontations or now not doing anything while knowing he was locked up with the guy who hurt them both so much... well he IS responsible there and it should be aknowledged. 
Does this mean I think he is a bad person for it? Or that he should be punished? HELL NO! Punishment is useless and it’s exclusively harmful! I just want him to actually realize (much like for Ranboo) that his lack of action and his words have been harmful before so that he doesn’t repeat his mistakes in an endless cycle, which has already been happening (throwback to him doing nothing while one of his supposed best friends was locked up with his abuser).
Also, just a nitpick here, but I have talked SO MUCH about both fandom and characters straight up ignoring Dream yelling at Tubbo for 5 minutes. SO MUCH. Just because I don’t mention it in every single post that discusses Tubbo doesn’t mean I’m not aware of it or haven’t brought it up multiple times. 
Also, NEITHER Tubbo’s NOR Tommy’s harmful actions are excused by their trauma. Trauma doesn’t excuse wrongdoings, it makes them understandable, but it doesn’t EXCUSE them. The characters aknowledging them and trying to fix thing or, at the very least, apologize for them is what solves things. 
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A thing I need to say about exile arc: you cannot always rely on recaps unless they were day by day. I recently found out that several recap videos didn’t mention half of the stuff that happened since there was so much of it. One of the popular ones didn't even mention Tommy being suicidal at all. Sometimes I think I should rewatch and make my own recaps just because I know I won’t miss anything, and I still might if I have the time.
(/rp of course)
For those who weren’t here for the exile arc, here’s a few important lines and events that I've seen left out, plus a few common misconceptions cleared up:
1. Tommy either attempted or seriously considered suicide at least seven times over the course of exile
2. Dream did not just take the invitations from Ghostbur, Dream took the invitations and then sent him out into a snowstorm planning for him to die and Ghostbur would have died if he hadn’t found Techno’s house
3. Dream did in fact know that Tommy was suicidal, having stopped him the first time he tried to kill himself. Also when Tommy flat out said it, Dream’s response was basically “Neat wanna see Drista again before you kill yourself”
4. Dream killed Mexican Dream
5. Dream immediately after killing MD tried to convince Tommy that MD had died of an overdose despite the fact that he literally killed him in front of Tommy
6. Tommy saw Mexican Dream as his last real friend and after he died said “I’ve nothing left to live for now”
7. Tommy killed Jack Manifold out of anger that Jack hadn’t come to visit before, then Tommy apologized right after it happened. He still to this day doesn’t know it was a canon death. Jack retaliated by destroying HOTTER Girl, it’s unclear if “killed” is the correct term
8. When Tommy and Tubbo were given the compasses, Dream told Tommy that Tubbo had burned his because he didn’t care about Tommy anymore
9. Multiple times, Tommy would set himself on fire in the nether and let himself burn, then refuse to eat even if he was on half a heart
10. When Dream destroyed Tommy’s items, he sometimes forced Tommy to light the tnt himself
11. Near the end of exile, if Tommy didn’t have any weapons or armor, he would make extra just for Dream to burn. He also referred to Dream destroying his things as a “bonding thing”
12. Ranboo was the only person other than Dream and Ghostbur to visit Tommy more than once
13. “I exiled you for a reason- I mean- Tubbo exiled you for a reason.”
14. ‘Tommy’s exile arc was sad but we all knew he would be okay’ Absolutely not. There was a point somewhere for almost everyone that we were pretty sure that he would either kill himself or risk it to get back to L’Manberg and get killed by Dream
15. When Quackity visited and found Tommy writing How To Sex 3, he thoguht Tommy was writing a suicide note. He actually wasn’t too far off, as Tommy had planned to kill himself right after he finished writing it.
16. When Tommy hid things from Dream, he was never planning to attack him. Originally it was mostly tools and pictures of L’manberg and Tubbo. He only added his weapons and valuables right before he planned to kill himself on the final day, because he said that people other than Ranboo didn’t visit him, and so they didn’t deserve them. (Ranboo knew about the secret room)
17. Dream didn’t only take Tommy’s weapons, he also took any tools, armor, and (attempted to take) all his pictures of Tubbo and L’manberg except for one picture of L’Manberg and a picture of the queen, which he did later destroy as well when he found the secret room
18. When Dream found Tommy’s secret stash, he (in order) destroyed everything that was in the chests, made Tommy drop everything in his inventory, killed Mushroom Henry, blew up all of Logsteadshire, blew up Tommy’s tent, destroyed the nether portal, then made Tommy drop everything he had managed to salvage and destroyed that too. Every time he went to destroy something else, he would say “Come over here, I want you to watch.” and then would wait until Tommy got there so that he could destroy the things in front of him.
19. Through that whole time, Tommy was desperately apologizing and Dream was yelling at him that he thought they were friends and that Tommy obviously didn’t care about him since he felt the need to hide things and also accused Tommy of plotting to kill him
20. “(scoffs) Tommy, you and I both know you could never actually… y’know. [kill yourself]”
21. The only people Tommy told about Dream destroying his items every day were MD and Ranboo, and when Ranboo expressed concern, Tommy defended Dream and said that it was okay because he deserved it and “It makes sense because I’m in [Dream’s] domain”
22.Tommy hallucinated Tubbo visiting him so many times that when he went to L’manberg he ignored Tubbo completely because he was convinced it was another hallucination
23. “You can’t go to the nether. No one can visit you until you learn to listen.”
24. Tommy never faked his own death. He was 100% intending for it to be a real death, he changed his mind right on the edge. After Logsteadshire was destroyed by Dream, Tommy built a tower up almost to the block limit that he was planning to jump off. He changed his mind after realizing that he could escape from Dream.
25. It’s a relatively common misconception that Tommy didn’t jump because he realized Dream was manipulating him. Quite the opposite, his first reaction to realizing that was thinking that it meant no one cared about him. He jumped into the water because the only reason he hadn’t left in the past was because of Dream, and Dream had planned on not coming back for a week as punishment for disobeying. (See when he got close to Techno’s house before saying “Dream wouldn’t want me to be here” and turning back)
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wonda-cat · 2 years
What do you think about the difference in support for Dream and Quackity? There's the whole thing about Dream not being The Villain (which- valid until he decided to gaslight gatekeep girlboss a literal child), but despite that opinions on him seem to swing wildly between "NO HES TOTALLY NOT WRONG" and "HES LITERALLY ONLY WRONG", no in between. On the other hand Quackity had a poor tragic backstory and then went on to torture Dream but has way more sympathizers despite this which seems strange.
I don't see the difference as anything all that strange once you break down the fundamental divergencies of their characters and compare them—especially from a narrative perspective. The reason c!Dream is seen from a wholly negative perspective by most people (although he's well-loved as a character) is because he passed the Moral Event Horizon; c!Quackity has not.
The Moral Event Horizon is essentially the final action that renders a character 'morally irredeemable.' Dream flew past this line, and gleefully so, when he decided to orchestrate a legal kidnapping through political blackmail, all to isolate and abuse a child to the point they attempted suicide to escape it. No other character has ever, or will ever, hit that level of abhorrent again.
Despite this, c!Dream has also managed to dig himself even deeper by killing and torturing two innocent people, trying to murder many more, and continuing to stalk and torment his abuse victim. In contrast to this, we have c!Quackity, whose most despicable action to date is the torture of another person for an egregious amount of time. But wouldn't this also cross the Moral Event Horizon?
It doesn't—here's why:
Quackity shows both empathy and remorse, c!Dream does not.
In the aftermath of every mistake and hurtful thing c!Quackity has done, he's shown immense guilt, apologized, and tried to make up for what he's done. He's done this with Tommy, Tubbo, Purpled, Fundy, Wilbur, Foolish, Niki, and many others—even when something wasn't necessarily his fault.
Sometimes what he offers in his apologies isn't enough to absolve him of responsibility or guilt, and he isn't forgiven (specifically regarding c!Purpled.) He still tries regardless and continues trying, even if he's turned down. It's important to him that the people he's hurt know that he regrets it, which he's openly stated to those he objectively hurt the most; Purpled and c!Foolish.
The only people he doesn't care to show remorse for are c!Techno and c!Dream, two people who've hurt him and the people he loves relentlessly, and with total moral abandon. In contrast to this, c!Dream has only ever apologized if it makes him look good or if he knows he can gain something from it. At every opportunity to learn and improve his behavior, he turns away from it and continues hurt others.
He's been confronted with multiple opportunities to confess guilt or remorse for what he did to c!Tommy, to c!Wilbur, to c!Tubbo, and he chose not to. Despite better judgment, he still chooses not to.
c!Quackity cares for innocents, Dream does not.
One of Quackity's most defining character traits is his protective nature—whether for loved ones or naive strangers, this habit is the same. If he finds someone he sees himself in; someone who's defenseless, hurt, or optimistic, his first instinct is to teach them how to protect themselves. He teaches them how to be self-sufficient, guarded, and well-prepared for the horrors of life.
And if they have trouble with this, like c!Charlie or c!Tommy, then he offers them a safe place to stay. With little to no hesitation, he's jumped into dangerous situations, specifically to save the people he loves, at the potential cost of his own life.
Dream, however, revels in being untouchable for cutting all attachment to other people. Even before that moment, he's treated the people he claimed to care about terribly, using them for his own self-gain and then dropping them when they cease to be of use to him. The naive and the helpless are seen as a potential to him—things to prey on, control, triangulate, and destroy.
From his own mouth, he likens everyone, innocent and guilty alike, to a collection of dolls who should stay in their proper rooms and not move.
The victim in Quackity's scenario is c!Dream, not an innocent.
An act of cruelty is only made crueler if it's done against someone who doesn't deserve it. Most people who've been hurt in the story do not deserve the suffering which befell them, but c!Dream is not one of those people. Up until season two's end, Dream has done nothing but destroy communities, deceive his friends, and hurt others.
In fact, a good part of the reason c!Dream ends up in his predicament with Q is because he murdered someone Quackity deeply cared for, who was an innocent.
c!Quackity's actions are framed, narratively, in a polar opposite fashion to Dream's.
Dream's torture, both when it's first revealed and when it's expanded upon, is presented as narrative catharsis for the audience. It's the ultimate karmic retribution for every action c!Dream took to get to that point, and it's made clear through c!Quackity explicitly mentioning c!Tommy's death directly to Dream when he first confronts him.
It's executed with a similar purpose to someone like Joffrey's fate from Game of Thrones. Joffrey's end is a result of his long-standing cruelty to innocents, his cowardice, and his callous brattiness. The method of his death, despite being horrific, is meant to make the audience cheer, and the person responsible for his fate isn't looked at in a bad light, because finally, Joffrey has met a fate fitting to his actions. If anything, there is fondness, because it's a narrative 'justice.'
While c!Quackity's primary motive is retrieving the Revival Book, this is not a source of anger for him, because it's not his initial idea (it was c!Schlatt's.) Quackity's anger comes from his secondary motive, which is personal revenge, for every person c!Dream has hurt; especially for c!Tommy's death. Quackity's relationship with revenge is generally portrayed to be self-destructive, yet it's hard for many not to root for him.
There's a reason people cheer on John Wick, despite the objective abhorrence of his actions, and it's because the audience comes to feel just as much anger at the unfairness of his situation. Therefore, there's catharsis when he finally succeeds in killing the man who took away his last connection to his late wife. c!Quackity is in a similar predicament to this, but he's eternally an underdog, whose greatest triumph also turns into his greatest regret.
Dream's torture is also played for laughs during the Las Nevadas episode two montage, where the editing follows the conventions of dark comedy films, with snappy, quick cuts set to upbeat classical music. This jarringly contrasts the way c!Tommy's abuse is portrayed. Where Tommy's is grounded, startlingly real, and takes its time to show the horrors of his situation, c!Dream's torture is short-lasting and unexplored.
He isn't even the focal point of his own suffering—Quackity is. Without Dream's perspective, most of the audience lacks the equipment to empathize with c!Dream's situation and are therefore more likely to view Q in a favorable light, especially with reference to the despicable nature of Dream's previous actions.
With all this in mind, it seems perfectly natural to root for c!Quackity over c!Dream in practically every fashion. There are even more key differences between these two situations, but this'll go on for Way too long and it's already long as it is. Cheers!
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the-final-sif · 3 years
i hope this doesn’t come off as rude, but honestly it’s a little wild to see that you’re a c!dream apologist now especially with how you use to talk about other characters like endeavor from my hero
I mean, actual non-au c!dream? I'm not particularly an apologist. Though frankly, I don't care if I am labeled an apologist. I've seen a lot of fandom wank about how "only dream apologists are bad people, so make sure someone is one of those before before you harass them" which I don't care for at ALL. I've said it before and I'll say it again, people can enjoy characters however they want to. As long as they are treating other real life human beings with respect, then I literally do not care what they wanna headcanon/write/draw/etc. I might not agree, and I not like it, but my disagreement or dislike is not a moral judgement.
Personally, when it comes to c!Dream my take is "He's a bastard and I love him." I'm apologizing for nothing. I hope he murders more people, and I hope c!Punz helps him do it. I'm also very into c!Sam and c!Quackity. They're all terrible and I want them to ruin each other. I also like c!Tubbo, but like, actual c!Tubbo who commits war crimes and is very dangerous.
Honestly though, this isn't really unusual for me? I was huge into the BNHA villains and my favorite character was Bakugou. I tend to prefer antagonizing characters.
Endeavor isn't really comparable to c!Dream, like at all. Endeavor was/is a 40+ year old who got almost everything he wanted with relative ease and who wasn't satisfied with what he had so he used his authority to force a relationship with a woman to have children that he neglected/abused and used for his own purposes. I also feel like he was mishandled by the story he was in, which failed to really address the severity of his actions.
c!Dream, by comparison, is (as far we know) a 20 something year old, who dealt with a lot of shit. He's not a good person, but he's fully aware of that. He's working towards a (unclear to the audience) goal that he believes is worth an insane amount of personal sacrifice, and he doesn't care what he has to do to reach it. Not only is the severity of his actions address by the story for the most part, but he's the only one who really sees his actions address for the most part. Other than maybe c!Sam, which is very recent. Plus, c!Dream gets blamed by other characters for things he did not do or have any part in, or things that he was straight up in the right for. Narratively, it's fascinating and I'm very into it.
If you want to compare a character from bnha to c!Dream, I would personally pick either Shigaraki or Dabi. Both even participated in kidnapping/attempting to manipulate a teenager! Also trying to murder teenagers! Honestly, the biggest difference between c!Dream and a character like Shigaraki or Dabi is in how the fandom treats the characters, not their actual morality/severity of their actions.
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balillee · 4 years
for dark, twisted and evil purposes, here's a list of all of the traumatic events c!tommy has witnessed, experienced or has been a part of:
- has had his life taken twice by dream during the war for independence, and the instance in the control room led him to having a panic attack upon his return there.
- has fought in multiple wars, including but not limited to the initial disc war, the war for independence, the manberg vs pogtopia war, and doomsday (if that's counted as a war and not just the server's version of an intentional chernobyl)
- has witnessed his best friend's death twice, once at the hands of someone he looked up to who proceeded to claim that he was peer pressured into it despite literally massacring a crowd of innocents just following that.
- was gaslit and abused by dream during his exile, and then was radicalised and never properly healed from his trauma when he was with techno.
- has watched the country he founded and died for get blown up not once, not twice, but three times.
- on the second occasion, he had to watch his older brother and role model get stabbed by his own father per his request.
- had a front row seat to techno's encouragement of wilbur's downward spiral in pogtopia, and couldn't really do anything about it. had to spend months in a ravine with someone who wasn't quite wilbur, but someone who looked like the brother he remembered fondly.
- following his very justified outburst at techno following one of the deaths of his best friend, wilbur told techno to beat tommy to death in a pit.
- has had his home exploded.
- was disrespected and not at all listened to by techno when the two lived together briefly.
- had to lead a rebellion against a tyrannical dictator, who was being backed up by the server's version of god.
- had sacrificed his most prized possessions for his friend's freedom and safety, only for him to be regarded as a violent instigator, and not someone who actually often opted to resolve things peacefully when he could.
- techno has tried to kill him on multiple occasions, most notably when he spawned withers on l'manberg the first time. also has made many threats on his life and his country.
- was exiled by his best friend who was being manipulated by an evil 'deity'.
- has almost killed himself on multiple occasions.
- has been insulted by techno multiple times for wanting to be the hero, when all he wants is to live happily and without the fear of dying or without the fear of conflict anymore.
- watched the ghost of his older brother get stabbed in a failed resurrection attempt, and when asked whether or not it's a good idea, all he could say was 'Alivebur wasn't so poggers'. was visibly and audibly uncomfortable, and when it appeared as if even ghostbur wasn't coming back, lashed out at phil and had to leave to avoid an apparent anxiety attack.
- was told that wilbur's explosion of l'manberg was his fault, despite actively working to prevent it.
- has been blamed for the trauma that wilbur dispensed onto the pogtopians like a fucking gumball machine.
- has people actively planning to either take him down or murder him because of misconceptions.
- has been abused or traumatised by most, if not all of the adult figures in his life, who seem to only be capable of 'teaching him a lesson' by killing him, threatening him, or destroying everything he has, and are then suprised when he lashes out.
- has been betrayed multiple times by dream, wilbur, phil, tubbo and techno respectively, and while he can't physically make amends with wilbur, and he shouldn't make amends with dream, nor should he he forced to reconcile with phil and techno, he still tries to protect tubbo.
- has been the subject of vitriol from most characters and has become a scapegoat for war crimes and terrorism on the server.
- as a teenager, has become a war veteran and a political puppet.
- he is afraid to speak out about his trauma that he experienced in exile to others, even tubbo.
- is in the middle of training to fight god.
- has become too tired to continue arguing whether or not he's a war criminal and a terrorist, because it's happened so often, and he's trying to renounce the power that the perceptions of others have over him.
- has lost multiple emotional support animals, most notably henry.
and despite ALL OF THAT, he's trying to be a better person. he's milder in demeanor, he's polite in that he asks for things, will apologise to people even if they may not deserve it, he gifts people things, and he refuses to take apologies from the people that have wronged him - likely because of self-loathing.
i will protect this sixteen year old with my life, and i will enjoy mutilating his stubborn adversaries.
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
Sweet as Cyanide-Dream
This is a Dream x gn!reader in the dreamsmp! This follows cannon (ish), but does not follow cannon dialogue. For my own sake, I have written my own dialogue for the scenes that happen in this imagine. I just have a really hard time copying dialogue like that and I really enjoy writing my own stuff like this. I hope that is okay and I hope you all enjoy!
You can find a part two here! 
Check out my masterlist here!
The whole server thinks that Y/N is being forced to stand by Dream’s side, but they couldn’t be more wrong. They all believe they’re just a sweet innocent creature, but many times people forget that sweet things can be poisonous. 
For everything Dream has done, I have stood right beside him. Both figuratively and literally. I have supported just about every decision Dream has made for the Dreamsmp. I have also stood beside him while he made these decisions in the physical sense. Many times when Dream would go ‘overboard’ or ‘crazy’ I would ‘reel him back in’ making myself seem sweeter and more approachable to those who dared oppose my lover. When Tommy was exiled, I went with Dream on his daily visits and when Dream forced Tommy to put everything he had in a hole, I would convince Dream to let Tommy keep one thing so he wouldn’t have to completely restart. I was Dream’s other half… Dream’s better half. 
Oftentimes I would be questioned as to why I was with him. Many didn’t believe me when I told them the truth. They came up with the idea that Dream held me captive and forced me to be with him, which wasn’t true at all. The truth is I love Dream. I love him with all my heart. I also love the power that comes with being Dream’s lover. Nobody questioning my decisions or my orders. Being treated with respect because everyone was too scared to face my boyfriend wrath… Well almost everyone. 
Tommy never seemed to fear Dream. Tommy stood his ground, fought for what he believed in, and never gave in easily to Dream unless something that he truly cared for was being threatened. That’s why Dream wanted to put a stop to it, once and for all. Together we built a base, far away from the main area of the SMP. Somewhere we could keep everyone’s prized possession, but mostly Tommy’s prized possession, the discs. The discs meant everything to Tommy, literal wars have been fought over them. Which is why we had to keep them safe. After the base was built and filled, Dream invited Tommy and Tubbo to ‘talk’. I waited underground as the three of them fought. 
I waited in anticipation in my little seat I had made as the elevator descended. There stood a gobsmacked Tommy and Tubbo and a smirking Dream. I could hear Dream giving his big speech over how he had everything anyone cared for in this lair. “The discs!” Tommy exclaimed, rushing forward, carefully stepping on the gold shrine built for the discs. Tommy reached out to grab one of the discs, but was quickly cut off, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” My eyes drifted over to Dream who now had a sword to Tubbo’s throat. Tommy’s eyes widened and he quickly walked back off of the shrine. 
“Follow me boys, let me show you something,” Dream called, letting go of Tubbo and walking toward, what I have been calling, “The Hall of Attachments”. Tommy’s eyes scanned the room and locked with mine, “Y/N?” He whispered, causing me to nod and stand up. “You better do as he says Tommy,” I chimed sweetly at the boy, “You wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt, would you?” I questioned with a small pout on my lips. Tommy quickly shook his head no before following after Dream to walk down the hall. 
I followed lazily behind the three as Dream showed off everything that the two of us had collected. Techno’s favorite axe, Sapnap’s beloved fish, Wilbur’s best friend, and even Tommy’s adored cow, Henry. “We have it all down here Tommy. Everything everyone cares about. The thing that they are attached to the most. It’s here. I control it.” Dream announced with a huge smirk on his face. Tommy quickly turned to me with wide eyes, “Y/N you’re dating a psychopath. You must realize that right?” Dream’s laughter didn’t give me a chance to answer, “You say psycho, I say dedicated… Now I have one final piece of business to attend to.” 
Dream drew his sword and looked at Tubbo, “I’m going to have to kill you now Tubbo. It’s the only way,” “NO!” Tommy screamed, moving in front of his best friend. “NO! I won’t let you do it. You say you need me on this server? If you kill Tubbo, I’ll kill myself. Then what big man?” “Tommy. It’s alright. It’s time,” Tubbo said gently, slightly breaking my heart. “Move Tommy,” Dream demanded, going to move forward. I quickly reached out and grabbed his wrist, “Dream. Let them say goodbye at least,” I slightly begged, looking him in the eyes, hoping he would get the message. If they got to say goodbye, maybe Tommy would be more complacent and compliant. Dream gave me a small nod before turning back to the two boys, “Since Y/N asked so nicely, you two can say your goodbyes. We’re going to give you a few minutes. Make use of that time.” I threw the boys an ‘I’m so sorry’ look as Dream dragged me over to the corner. 
“How do you think it’s going?” Dream whispered, glancing at the two boys. I gave a half shrug with a small smile, “They seem to be following along just fine and it seems that they’re actually going along with the plan. Although, it does make me a bit sad. Are you sure we have to kill Tubbo?” I asked, looking over at the two boys that were hugging very tightly. Dream rolled his eyes and grabbed my other hand, “You know I do sweetness. If there were any other way, you know I’d do it. But this is the way it has to be.” I let out a sigh and gave a slight nod in understanding. 
We watched the two boys hug for a few moments more, Tubbo mumbling words of reassurance to his best friend… his brother before they both turned to the corner where Dream and I stood. Tubbo gave us a little nod and we approached. I was in front of Dream and I wrapped my arms around the small boy and hugged him tight to my chest, kissing the top of his head. “I’m so sorry,” I murmured in the boy’s ear. A small shrug bounced off the boys shoulders, “It’s alright, Goodbye Y/N,” “Goodbye Tubbo.” 
I let go of Tubbo and moved to stand next to Tommy, wrapping a comforting arm around him. Dream moved and took his place standing before Tubbo, drawing his sword. “Sorry, Tubbo. This is the way it has to be, you understand,” Dream smirked, bringing his arm back to stab the young boy, but it never moved forward. 
“Sorry Dream,” The familiar voice of Punz called out from the nether portal that we had built in this base. All of our heads snapped to the man who stood alone in the purple magic. “Punz?” Dream questioned, really confused as to why his most loyal pawn had appeared and was apologizing, “Sorry Dream,” He repeats taking a few steps forward, “You should have paid me more.” I felt my breath stop in my throat as almost everyone came through the nether portal. “You came!” Tommy cheered, a tear streaming down his face as he looked at the members with overwhelming joy. 
Dream, thrown off by the sudden appearance of everyone, lost concentration on Tubbo. “The discs!” Tommy screetchs, ripping himself from my side, running to one shrine, “Tubbo the other!” Tubbo, using Dream’s distraction to his advantage, bolted to the shrine. Together the boys ripped the discs off the shrines and placed them into the ender chests that were placed beside them. Dream turned and glared at the boys. Tommy catching sight of this screams, “Get behind them!” Tommy ran past me and grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind every one decorated in enchanted netherite armor, weapons on display.
Dream slowly turned back around to face the server. “Oh… Hey guys…” Dream greeted everyone awkwardly. “Dream, what the hell is this place?” Puffy questioned, glaring at the man before her. Dream awkwardly shuffled, glancing around, making quick eye contact with me, before looking back to Puffy. “Well… This is my base,” He answered. I watched everyone look around the place, most of their gazes falling on the Hall of Attachments. “And what is that?” Someone asked, pointing to the hall. 
Dream remained silent, not telling. “Go on Dream,” Tommy urged, taking a few steps toward my boyfriend, “Tell them. Tell them what you told me.” Dream still remained silent again, looking down to the ground. “Tell them Dream!” Tommy boomed, bursting through the crowd. “Tell them how all you care about is power. Tell them you are controlling their things so that you can control them! Go on! Tell them!” Tommy demands. “Tommy,” Dream attempts to console the child, but Tommy wasn’t listening.
At this point everyone was slowly looking through the hall, seeing everything that the two of us had collected over the months. Dream makes his way to the front of the group, “Guys, listen!” He says, attempting to get everyone to stop, but it was clear that no one was on his side. “Sapnap, can I borrow a pickaxe?” I heard Tommy question from behind the crowd. There was a moment of silence before Tommy pushed his way to the front, pickaxe now in his hand. “Here Dream,” He said, punching a hole in the ground. “Put your things in this hole,” I couldn’t help the small gasp that escaped my lips. Tommy looked over his shoulder at me before turning back to Dream, “And you know what. Because your girlfriend was so kind to me in exile, I’ll let you keep one thing,” Tommy announced. 
“Tommy, please,” Dream attempted to reason again. Tommy was having none of it. “One thing,” he punched, “The rest in this hole.” Dream hesitated, but obeyed. He stripped everything, but his helmet off of his body and threw the rest in the hole Tommy had created. “Good boy,” Tommy taunted before jumping down the hole and collecting everything. Tommy came back up from the hole wearing Dream’s armor and wielding Dream’s sword. 
“Now what?” Dream asked. If I were anyone else, I wouldn’t have been able to tell. But Dream was nervous. His whole plan was just foiled, the entire SMP had literally come crashing down on him. Tommy, of all people, had just robbed him of his things leaving him utterly defenceless. “What now? Now… Now I think I’ll kill you with your own weapons,” Tommy pretended to ponder before taking a swing at Dream. From the way Dream reeled back, I could tell that the blow did a lot of damage. 
“Tommy stop!” Dream cried, attempting to run away from the 16 year old. Tommy chased after Dream, swinging wildly after the man. I watched with baited breath as Tommy eventually caught up to Dream and killed him. I didn’t even have to look at my arm to know that Tommy had taken a cannon life. 
Everyone was in shock at what had just happened. Tommy, the youngest person on the server, had just killed Dream. The man that demanded to be viewed as a God. The elevator sounded, causing everyone’s attention to shift. Dream came back down, staring at Tommy in both anger and shock. I could tell Dream wanted nothing more than to take Tommy’s last life, but there was no way he could. 
“Tommy, we’re friends. Aren’t we? Can we please talk-” Tommy didn’t let him finish. Instead he let out a roar before running forward and striking yet another blow. This time when Dream ran away, Tommy pulled out Dream’s crossbow and shot him, taking yet another cannon life. My heart thudded in fear. I knew Tommy was angry and I knew he also wanted nothing more than to take my boyfriend’s last cannon life. “Come down Dream,” Tommy called in anger when the elevator didn’t return back down. “Face me like the man you claim to be. Let me-” I couldn’t stop myself. 
I raced forward and placed a soft hand on Tommy’s upper arm, “Tommy, please. Please don’t do this.” My words visibility softened Tommy. Tommy’s arms fell and he lowered the crossbow and looked over to me. I batted my eyelashes innocently as I asked, “Can you please just let him talk to everyone. He could tell everyone what he’s done. His master plan. Plus, he has something else he has to share with you and if you kill him again, you’ll lose it forever. Just would you please let him come down?” Tommy gave me a soft short nod. “Yeah, anything for you Y/N.” I returned Tommy’s smile before turning my head up to the elevator and called, “Dream. It’s okay. Come down.” 
It was silent for a moment before the elevator sounded once more and Dream appeared again. Once he was down, he took a few steps off of the elevator and looked around sheepishly. “Are you ready to talk?” I asked gently, causing Dream’s eyes to snap to me. We held a silent conversation, I mentally told him the jig was up. It was time to tell all. The worst they could do was leave. Dream let out a sigh and nodded. “First come here,” Tommy demanded. Having nothing, Dream had to obey. Tommy built an obsidian wall around Dream and finished it off by placing a block in front of him, making it so he couldn’t get out. “Go on, tell them.” 
And so he did. Dream spilled everything. Everything about the hall, how he wanted power and he was willing to do anything to get it. He told about how horrible to Tommy, Dream was in exile. Dream told about how he was the one who blew up the community house. He claimed that if something awful happened, it was probably him. Dream even spilled about the book that JSchlatt had given Dream, the one that made him switch sides. Dream told that if he were to lose his last cannon life, Wilbur would be gone forever… Anyone that had lost their lives would be gone forever… 
That being said, he left me out completely. He left out that it was our plan. That we were in this together. I silently cursed and thanked him. I wanted us to be together in everything, but I also knew that nothing was going to get accomplished if nobody trusted either of us. I had to remain this perfect picture of innocence. I had to be sweet. I couldn’t be poisonous. 
It was silent for a while after he spilled everything. “Team meeting,” Tommy announced, turning around. Everyone was very confused as to what the hell he was talking about. “Everyone, gather round,” he demanded, waving his arms. Everyone piled into a big, tight knit circle, sending one another confused looks. “What do we do with him now. He has to be punished, but we cannot take his last life, but he cannot walk around freely” Tommy explained, looking around at everyone. No one spoke up… I knew what I had to. 
I looked to Sam as if I had a sudden idea, “the Prison,” I whispered. A look of recognition flashed over his face as he nodded, “Yeah. It would be perfect, it’s complete and it’s something he made me build. The symbolism… Incredible, getting locked in his own inescapable prison.” Everyone murmured amongst themselves in confusion. Oh, that’s right. No one knew about it. “We’ll explain later. But it’s perfect and we won’t have to worry about him. I’ll escort him there myself,” Sam claimed before turning back to my trapped boyfriend. 
“Dream, for your crimes against the server, you’re under arrest. You will be escorted to the inescapable prison you had me build and will be in there until for an undetermined amount of time.” Sam announced boldly, moving to the obsidian. Dream’s eyes widened at his words. We certainly didn’t plan for this. Sam began breaking the obsidian to from him trap and I could only watch. 
 “Y/N,” Niki whispered, jarring me out of my thoughts. I turned to face the sweet girl and she immediately pulled me into a hug. She was trying to console me, after all, everyone believed that I was with him against my own will. I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her back. “I’m so sorry it took us this long. But you’re free now” She claimed. I mentally laughed at her words. Sure, to them I was free but I honestly had never felt more trapped. Swallowing harshly, I nodded, “It’s okay Niki. I’m okay now. Thank you,” I forced out, trying to sound as nice as possible. 
Niki pulled back and gave me a sweet smile, nodding. “No problem sweetheart. And if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us.” I faked a sweet smile and nodded, “Yeah, will do… Hey, I think I’m going to walk with Sam to escort Dream to prison, just to make sure that 1. He doesn’t try anything and 2. That he actually gets locked up… An ease of mind thing,” I explained to Niki. She immediately nodded, “Yeah, sure thing. How about afterwards you come by the bakery and we can make cookies together.” I nodded and gave her another smile, “Sounds good Nik. I’ll see you there then.” 
I quickly walked over to Sam and a now handcuffed Dream. “I’m going to go with you, just to be sure,” I explained quickly, seeing Sam’s confused face. Sam looked me up and down before giving a nod. “Alright, we’re going to head out,” He announced to everyone. Heads turned back to us and they’re eyes followed us as we walked to the nether portal. I gave a small wave as the three of us disappeared in the purple magic. 
The walk to the prison was silent. Dream didn’t have much to say considering how we couldn’t really talk about a plan in front of Sam. Sam also didn’t have much to say, there being a slight tension as we walked. All the way there, my thoughts were going wild. I spent the entire time thinking of a way out of this. But I couldn’t come up with one, at least not right now while everything was still so new. 
Sam let me enter the prison. In fact, he let me go as far as being in Dream’s cell. “Hey, I know you’re really not supposed to, but I’ll give you all my things and stuff but could I just get a moment alone with Dream?” I asked as sweetly as I could, batting my eyelashes, praying he would say yes. Sam hesitated for a moment before he stuck out his arms. I piled everything from my inventory into his arms, moving so that he could see that I had in fact given him everything before he left the cell with the promise he would be back soon. 
As soon as Sam was out of sight and ear shot, I rushed forward and engulfed my boyfriend in a hug. “I’m so sorry,” I muttered into Dream’s shoulder as I clutched him. “It’s not your fault. I should have seen this coming. Who knew Punz would be the one to betray me,” Dream spit in anger, not directed at me. “Doesn’t make me less sorry… What do we do now?” I asked, pulling myself ever so slightly out of his arms. “Lay low for a while,” He commanded, “Everyone will be checking up on you because I just got thrown in jail. Make sure to act as happy as possible, you’re free after all,” He claimed with a dark chuckle. “We’ll figure something out. A prison break of some sorts. It may take a long time. But we’ll do it okay. You and me,” “You and me,” I confirmed. 
The rest of our time alone was spent in a tight embrace. Our plan had fallen apart. I wouldn’t be able to visit much due to the fact I was supposed to be acting happy that Dream was in his own prison. Once we could hear Sam’s footsteps, we pulled apart. I pressed a rushed kiss to Dream’s lips before stepping away from him just in time. “Alright Y/N, it’s time to go.” I nodded and moved to stand beside Sam. Sam pressed a button and iron bars came up, locking Dream in a cage. Sam then pressed another button and lava began to flow from the ceiling. Right before he disappeared from view, Dream mouthed an ‘I love you’, me mouthing one back. 
I was now metaphorically on my own. Alone in a server where everyone hated my boyfriend and would absolutely not be willing to help me break him out of prison… Wait. There is one person that might not be willing to help, but he might have to… He’s the perfect person to do this and he can’t say no. After all, Technoblade still owes us that favor. 
There you go! I hope you enjoyed, and if you did, be sure to leave a like!!
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ranboo5 · 4 years
Techno takes I find baffling seem to be based largely on like, the predication that he sees ideals over people, but that’s not... true. That’s literally the opposite of true. That’s literally the source of the conflict with people on the server
What ppl seem to think? is that Techno’s interactions with people are informed by his anarchist ideals, when it’s the other way around. He reacts to government the way he does because he’s seen what it does to people? He’s seen it hurt him, he’s seen it hurt Phil, he’s seen it hurt Ranboo, he’s seen it hurt Tubbo, he’s seen it hurt Tommy, he’s seen it hurt Wilbur, he has evidence for it hurting Niki, and the list goes on 
People keep acting like Techno’s ideology starts with “oh nooo my ideals are hurt,” which I think comes from him flipping on L’Manberg after the Manberg-Pogtopia war, but that’s because Techno clearly came in with an anarchist ethos (and pretty traumatized already; “the only universal language is violence” alone raises a lot of red flags that are all screaming “trauma”). How his anarchist ethos develops is clearly reactive and this is obvious from even immediately after this -- he sees blowing up L’Manberg didn’t stop them from starting a government, and retreats to try to take up pacifism and establish an anarchist commune in the north. He sees this fail w/ the Butcher Army and leans harder into reciprocity, and after blowing up New L’Manberg (in perceived self-defense primarily, I would argue) he decides to directly codify aforesaid ethos and develop it. And what does he emphasize when he does so? The lack of any leadership position. The fact that no member will be used or coerced. This is directly from what he’s seen government do -- corrupt its leaders with power and the search for more until they broke like Wilbur or did awful things like Tubbo, and use people like him as weapons, coerce them to take action against others against their will like they did w/ Ranboo and tried to do to Techno. Technoblade’s anarchism is clearly a reaction to his interactions with other people, not the other way around 
I think another source for the “Technoblade values ideals over people” misread is the fact that he actually doesn’t value ideals and things that much, which he states, but because a lot of the fandom identifies and sympathizes with characters who do value those ideals, that disregard comes off as personal. Take L’Manberg, or the discs -- those are things that are, for better or for worse (I would argue in most cases for worse, but ofc there is nuance and that’s a different discussion anyway), incredibly sentimentally important ideals to characters like Tubbo and especially Tommy “attachments are actually the thematic core of my character” Innit, which a lot of people sympathize with. Those things aren’t people, but because of the value that characters place on them, they feel to those characters like an attack on them is an attack on an intrinsic part of their identity. This isn’t a paradigm that Techno operates on -- the closest he comes is when they form a government in front of him and he joins in the destruction of L’Manberg, but even then it’s a more consistent read that he did it in some misguided attempt to warn them. It all comes back to Technoblade caring about people, even people who’ve wronged him and whom he disagrees with -- I’d go so far as to call that a primary motivator. The problem arises when those people work on a paradigm where they care deeply about ideals that often harm them, and Techno doesn’t have the emotional finesse nor the understanding necessary to take that into account with his “warnings,” which often only end up causing more trauma in effect. That doesn’t mean he does things because he “doesn’t care” or has a “victim complex”; it just means that he doesn’t understand the sentimental and emotional importance that that kind of attachment to an inanimate ideal has. He sees people do terrible things in the name of some strange idea of a country -- how can a country be more emotionally important to them than the person being hurt? -- and when he reacts in the way he knows how -- which, because of the other trauma he clearly already has, is violence -- he doesn’t take into account the real emotional effect that losing that country has on someone, and because the emotional effect of an attachment like that is in fact really huge, especially if you, like some characters, define yourself by that attachment, those characters and people who sympathize with them can feel like it’s an attack on something that makes them human (and that leads directly into “oh Techno is inhuman!” stuff which is. Incredibly ableist because it’s literally calling someone inhuman because they interact with ideals differently and usually also ties into calling him “emotionless” for. How. The creator. Who has ADHD. Naturally emotes.) 
If we want more nails in the coffin, just. Look at how he interacts with Tubbo? There’s a repeated sub-sentiment of the stuff I’ve talked about here that Technoblade only sees Tubbo as a government stand in and fails to see the person, but how Techno talks about/to him says the actual opposite most of the time. He’s gone on record saying that Tubbo is possibly a good guy but has been corrupted by his position during the RaccoonInnit arc, the one time he took a canon life from Tubbo was under coercion, and just today in the Snowchester stream as soon as Tubbo made it clear that, despite his big scary words and nukes, Snowchester was not intending to or probably capable of oppressing its citizens, Technoblade and the Syndicate decided that Tubbo wasn’t going to be a problem and never acted personally slighted, even though 2/4 (arguably 3/4 but no one’s ready for that conversation) of them arguably had reason to committing what Tubbo’s administration actively did to them. Technoblade doesn’t have a problem with Tubbo, the person; he has a problem with the position of a presidential cabinet, which he almost certainly sees (correctly) as something that was in fact harming Tubbo the person (Phil has even said as much explicitly, I’m pretty sure Techno has as well though perhaps in less direct terms, and Ranboo almost certainly has alluded to similar). Honestly all things considered Techno and co. are all being incredibly forgiving toward Tubbo (as they largely should be!!! Honestly I think their takes irt that are mostly correct considering Tubbo’s situation but I am also very very soft and will lie down and apologize about anything so) 
Tl;dr: People saying that Technoblade values ideals over people actually have it entirely backwards, because - Techno’s ideals are actively reactive to his interactions with other people rather than the other way around - largely the issue is that Techno doesn’t recognize the value people place on ideals  - Techno has seen the damage that those ideals + holding them has done to people which is in fact his main motivator  - Techno’s interactions w/ Tubbo all point to Techno not having a problem with Tubbo the person but rather with the government position he occupied, which hurt Tubbo the person too  - have we been watching the same streams
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wasflypaw · 3 years
c!Jack from c!Tommy's POV as someone who enjoys and has watched both of their POVs for 8 months now, A Thread. This is not talking about Jack's POV. I'm well aware of his thoughts and feelings, this is about Tommy's POV of the events (this isnt as detailed as I want it to be bc I made it for a Twitter thread with limited characters)
Jack n Tommy were close. Tommy begged for Jack to join L'Manberg, even showing him one of his prized discs to show him he trusted him even after Dream had paid Jack to burn all Tommy's items and repeatedly tried to manipulate and get him on his side. Jack n Tommy would hang out a Lot without any conflict other than the usual friendly bullying Tommy would do to even Tubbo. He would mess around a Lot w Jack, it never lead to any bad feelings towards the two. They had the Cartel together, theyd hang out regularly, they were very close on the SMP. Keep This In Mind before I talk about the scene next that has been burned into my mind as I wonder why it's never brought up again
On election day, Jack was there and there's a scene that I feel is kinda important? After Schlatt exiles Tommy, Jack says "I like this guy" and when Schlatt says "I was getting tired of them anyway" n Jack says "that's true". Tommy says "Jack..?" in a heartbroken sounding voice. They did not talk again in canon I believe until after November 16th. Jack believes he was left behind with Schlatt, we all know Tommy wouldve accepted him with open arms like he immediately accepted Techno n Quackity into Pogtopia. Jack doesnt know this
Then we got Exile. Jack attempts to visit Tommy and we get the iconic Lava Scene. Below is a rant I made about it not really explaining any side but I would just be repeating the rant so I may as well just post it here.
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It's a weird bit of misinformation that Tommy didnt apologise? Bc he immediately said "why did i do that?", joined call and apologised to Jack, like a genuine, sincere apology, and admitted that he thought Jack didnt care about him n was only visiting him out of pity like he thought everyone else did.
The issue is he didnt realize an apology wasnt ENOUGH. Tommy was apologising for being a dick and making him lose his items, not because he killed him bc be doesnt Know he canon killed him. People non-canon kill eachother All the time on the server. Its classic miscommunication. Jack was still hurt, meanwhile Tommy was out there believing an apology wouldve fixed things. Tommy has NO idea just how much he hurt Jack that day, and its p much confirmed by cc!Jack he didnt realize it was a canon death either. This is the part that Hurts to watch as a Jack viewer and a Tommy viewer. Tommy doesnt realize that Jack feels betrayed and hurt and angry and has Already apologised.
So then we have the Nuke. This is where more misinformation comes from, ppl seem to think Tommy is completely oblivious to it but Tommy is more observant than he let's on. He has like. 40 seconds where he thinks about how the nuke Just missed n thinks about Jack and Niki, then brushes it off. This isnt being Oblivious, this is Hardcore Denial imo. He doesnt want to think that Jack, someone he was best friends with, and Niki, someone who he Also was friends with, would do that. So he denies it. He doesnt like change. (By the way, just bc the nuke missed doesnt mean it wasnt attempted murder and didnt happen! Just putting that out there!)
We have the scene w Sam Nook where Tommy tells him Jack's acting weird. We know at this point Tommy knows Something. It's pretty much confirmed Tommy doesnt know he hurt him that badly when Jack asks if he's wronged him and Tommy says No
Then the hotel scene. God the hotel scene. The epitome of miscommunication. So Tommy gets out of prison, he's at his absolute Lowest point, he's told by Tubbo that Jack stole his hotel and made it crappy (Tubbo's words). The hotel was literally All Tommy had. So he then sees Jack. Jack understandably is very shocked n confused that he's alive. Tommy didnt enjoy talking about how he died so he attempted to leave, saying "Anyway", Jack takes this as him belittling him. Jack says, and I quote, "This is why you deserve this" which instantaneously crossed a line Tommy Didnt. (Sorry it Really Bothers me when ppl say Tommy was "verbally abusive" in this conversation, if he was Jack was too sorry to break it to you. Point is I dont see Either as "abusive" here they're both hurt and lashing out) Tommy says he's making it all about himself and he's selfish, Jack says he's the selfish one and all he does is take and he's made the hotel better than he ever did. Tommy is confused bc he thinks Jack was happy with the job, Jack comes out with a bombshell n says "I didn't complain because I was trying to kill you!"
Jack is ranting his heart out to a very confused, disoriented and lashing out Tommy who is Literally Canonically Zoning out at parts bc he just Doesnt want to hear about Jack, someone he Still sees as a friend, trying to kill him after he was in Denial about said situation. I cannot stress this enough, Tommy DOESNT realize how much he hurt Jack. Tommy from his POV has only been uncomfortable with the Nuke thing and was told Jack also stole his hotel. He doesnt know Why. He thinks he fixed things w Jack long ago after he apologised. Of Course he's gonna immediately be on the offensive when he sees Jack who he believes stole the one thing he had from him and Confirms what he was in denial about.
Yo important to note Jack literally says "this is why you deserved being dead" no paraphrasing no taking it out of context he literally says this during their argument. I'm sorry but while Tommy was being an asshole he Was Not The Only One I'm sorry to break it to you. Jack has a warped perception of Tommy, Tommy has a warped perception of Jack. It goes two ways!
Tommy said some shit things to Jack that he needs to apologise for but Jack said some horrible things to Tommy also. Jack doesnt know what Tommy is thinking, Tommy doesnt know what Jack is thinking. They have two very different stories in their head of the same events
So yes, when Jack refuses to give the hotel back, Tommy's gonna be all like "I thought we were pals?" Because he thought they were pals lmao. I See You, Dont compare that to Dream pretending to be Tommy's friend, that's so very messed up and was the main reason I made this essay, along with people saying "Tommy hasnt apologised for canon killing Jack :/"
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bing0boing0 · 4 years
So today was doomsday, it’s okay if you didn’t watch the stream. I watched from Ranboo’s perspective as always. This will be an extra long post because this is over 2 almost 3 hours of pure lore content instead of the usual ones which are 10, 15, or 30 minutes long. Please understand that because this is already long enough I will not be compiling any conversation that are not directly connected to Ranboo.
Ranboo starts stream in the panic room. Ranboo begins stream by saying that it’s not going to go well. He also struggles with remembering if he did something yesterday and if he moved.
Ranboo checks his book and his list of friends is completely blank. Previously it had a large list of names ranging from Fundy to techno.
Ranboo says that he didn’t betray anyone and in doing that he betrayed everyone. Ranboo does not remember moving/deleting the page. Although it is assumed that he did delete the page.
Ranboo tells himself that he will help and then immediately takes it back as a that would be in his mind picking a side.
Ranboo leaves the panic room and begins on the way to L’Manberg when he sees large obsidian grids. He has to ask himself if he made the grid he decides eventually that he would not do that.
Ranboo saves enderchest and apologizes to his other pets. He takes enderchest to the panic room.
Ranboo says that the others will pretend to know what he’s saying but they don’t and are just picking to side with him because it’s the one side they won’t lose with. Ranboo says that they don’t want to pick a side not because it hurts their friendships but because they want to keep their gear.
Ranboo explains that the moment they team up is the beginning of a vicious cycle. Ranboo says that this cycle will continue until everyone dies. Ranboo says that it’s fine and then corrects himself and says that it’s not fine. How do you pick people if there’s no people left.
Ranboo goes back to his house and apologizes to his pets again before he saves squeaks and puts him on the outer edge of L’Manberg. He does this because he does not want to hurt Tubbo anymore than he did already.
Ranboo believes that Tubbo’s and Quackity’s talk yesterday was about them arranging his execution since he knows how traitors are treated in L’Manberg.
Ranboo apologizes to his pets again. Saying that his pets don’t deserve to live in a world that will only bring pain.
Ranboo asks himself why he didn’t stop it this time (this last time is assumed to be during jschlatts presidency as they are talking about the destruction of L’Manberg).
Ranboo yells at himself that all of it is his fault because if he didn’t let Dream see his book then L’Manbergs destruction wouldn’t have happened. Ranboo believes that he was the reason why the only place that has shown him a home is going to be blown apart.
Ranboo says his goodbyes to L’Manberg and says that L’Manberg was a horrible idea in the first place but at least they tried.
Ranboo sees Tommy and Tubbo at the bench and looks in his book at the friend page. I’m assuming here that he was looking to see if their names were on the page. They were not. Ranboo says that they’re screwed.
Ranboo then yells at himself for having such a bad attitude and saying that they need to have hope if not for themselves than for the others.
Ranboo joins Tubbo’s vc at the request of Tubbo. Tubbo says that they need to rally the people. Ranboo writes in the book and questions why Tubbo is okay. They both find that there is no supplies to use for the war. Ranboo continues asking the book why Tubbo is being nice and not angry that he betrayed them. Ranboo once again expresses that they are screwed.
Niki to ask Ranboo to talk in a private vc. Niki asks to talk about yesterday and if he remembered yesterday. Ranboo apparently remembers parts of yesterday but not much. Niki apologizes for screaming at him. Ranboo does not remember Niki screaming at him or him screaming at Niki. Niki asks again if he remembered and he pulls out his memory book opens to the first page which only has a smiley face and then says that he doesn’t.
Ranboo does not remember his speech but he does not remember his speech. Ranboo says that he will be joining Tommy because they are friends. (Please note that while Ranboo says this he is looking at the ground and moving around quite a bit)
Niki asks why he is fighting with Tommy when Techno is on the other side and is his friends. Niki tells him that she will stick to her promise to protect him no matter what. Niki says that she does not want to put him under any pressure (Ranboo is known for having the backbone of a chocolate eclair and falls easily to peer pressure). Ranboo says he does not know what he wants to do.
Niki says that Ranboo is picking a side and Ranboo says that he’s not happy but he can’t hurt tubbo again. Niki says Ranboo is a good guy. Ranboo says that that’s not what everyone was saying yesterday before immediately stoping and asking himself why he remembered that.
Ranboo explains that everyone is like a parent in the way that despite knowing that you are right they will not let you speak. Ranboo says that even if he isn’t getting talked over he is not being understood. Niki says that L’Manberg is not a good thing anymore and everyone that has loved L’Manberg has gone insane.
Niki asks if Ranboo thinks that they should fight for L’Manberg. Ranboo says yes but not cause they’re going to win but because if they don’t help them then they’re showing that they never cared about them. Ranboo tells Niki that if they’re talking over her than she should speak louder until they have to listen.
Ranboo says that Niki has a chance of redemption while Ranboo does not. Ranboo was revealed as a traitor but she’s not.
Quackity asks if he plans on fighting. Ranboo says he will. Quackity says that he has Ranboo’s book.
Techno, Dream, and Phil attack L’Manberg early.
Ranboo while he was there the entire time he only hit a few withers. Techno kills Quackity and gets the book. Ranboo immediately goes to try and get it. Techno gives Ranboo his book says that he has nothing against him and tells him to escape while everyone is busy with the like nine withers he spawned attack.
Ranboo does not run away but he does not fight very much in fact I’d bargain to say that he did not not fight at all.
Ranboo takes Jonald from his grave and then finds his cats and dogs. He takes his pets to the outer edge L’Manberg outside of the blast zone.
Ranboo does not want to remember the destruction of L’Manberg. Ranboo mines flint and makes a flint and steel. He lights the ground in front of him before letting it go out, he does not burn the books.
Ranboo finds an on fire L’mantree and picks up the sign which was previously there. Niki reveals that she was the one to destroy l’mantree. This signifies the end of L’Manberg and the end of the fighting.
Ranboo does a lot of watching tnt fall and withers spawn but does not fight. Ranboo writes that they all chose sides in their attempt to not chose sides. He then calls Fundy a coward in his book.
Ranboo wanders over to Techno who notices him and asks how he’s doing. Ranboo says he’s doing the same as he was yesterday.
Ranboo goes back into his book and changes coward to cowards. Ranboo also goes back to the page he wrote about having put the book there. Underneath it he says that he didn’t.
Ranboo makes blue and exchanges his blue for ghostburs blue. Ranboo then burns ghostburs blue becoming literally the only person to follow ghostburs instructions to get rid of the blue when their done with it.
Ranboo writes over and over again in caps that he doesn’t want to remember. On the next page Ranboo writes that he has to remember or he won’t have anything left. Even less than when he started.
Ranboo spots unlit tnt at the bottom of the crater. He writes this is his book.
Tumblr media
Ranboo also brings his pets to the top land just above the panic room.
Fundy asks Ranboo to join vc. Ranboo is much quieter than before and he sounded disappointed even. Fundy says that the country didn’t matter. Ranboo says he was finally listening to him. Fundy kind of rants about nothing he did mattering. Fundy says that they should team up. Ranboo yells at him for not only being a coward but also for both understanding what the hell he was saying. Ranboo yells at Fundy for trying to make another side.
Ranboo sees sides as something inevitable unless one is alone. Teams are sides in the making. Fundy says Ranboo is full of bullshit. Ranboo sees picking people as picking their friendships not people to do something. Fundy does not see teams as sides. Fundy asks Ranboo if he thinks everyone being an individual will fix everything. Ranboo says that yes that will fix everything. Fundy calls Ranboo sad. Ranboo tells Fundy that he is sad but at least he’s not on a side. Ranboo says that in Fundy’s attempts to pick a side that never loses he picks a side that always loses.
Quackity brings Ranboo into a vc. Quackity admits to reading his book, he also admits to wanting to leave L’Manberg and the DreamSMP. Quackity read a phrase that made him stay. Quackity thinks that both him and Ranboo are on the same page about Dream. Ranboo thinks that even if they are fighting against Dream their can’t be extra sides it should be them v Dream. Quackity says he doesn’t care if he dies as long as everyone is closer to Dream’s death. Quackity says he doesn’t trust anyone but himself. Ranboo tells him that that’s what it should be.
Quackity tells Ranboo that it’s politics and if they want to get rid of Dream. Quackity calls it a game of politics. Quackity asks him to think it over.
Ranboo asks himself if he can deny Fundy but accept Quackity. Ranboo comes to the realization that while Fundy was trying to make a new team Quackity was using already made sides.
Ranboo realizes that because the sides have been created they can’t be undone. Ranboo eventually makes his way to the community house and says that he wouldn’t have done it. Ranboo says hes never even crafted tnt before. Ranboo then says he maybe did.
Ranboo goes through his allegiance list at the start of the original do not read book. Tommy was suspicious of Ranboo for staying still, Tubbo doesn’t trust him anymore. Phil just blew up a country and didn’t pay him any attention. Techno however was the only one that showed him any sort of favor.
Ranboo quickly goes over all the pages. He ends up saying that someone did find it (referring to the memory book). Ranboo doesn’t know how Dream found it. Ranboo says there is nothing he can salvage. Ranboo says that L’Manberg is now just a bunch of stones.
Ranboo says he doesn’t want to remember but can’t seem to forget what he doesn’t want to remember. Ranboo reminscies on the ashes of L’Manberg before continuing on that he doesn’t want it remember any of it. Ranboo says that he can’t forget before saying that there’s a chance he can forget (he is referring to burning the memory books). Ranboo once again let’s the firs burn out before saying he can’t forget. Ranboo attempts again to write the names of his friends. He cannot think of anyone. Ranboo refuses to burn the memory book because if he gives up then he’ll just be weak. He calls himself weak but not weak enough to burn the book.
Ranboo brings all his remaining pets (enderchest, enderpearl, jjjjjjjjeffery, and the dog?) to the panic room.
Ranboo is contacted by Phil. Phil asks if he made it out alright. Phil asks if he needs a place to stay. Ranboo says he does. Phil asks what the book was. Ranboo says that it’s a book that keeps the names of all his friends since he has bad memory.
Since Phil called Ranboo he has been talking more and definitely been happier. Phil brought Ranboo to the Antarctic Empire.
Phil says power corrupts absolutely when talking about what happened at L’Manberg.
Phil hits an enderman and then immediately tells Ranboo to look away as he kills the enderman. Ranboo looks away immediately and doesn’t look back up until Phil says to.
Phil shows Ranboo the enderpearl status machine. (I’m not saying that it’s likely that if Techno, Phil, or Ranboo are put in prison it’s likely that they’ll use this to escape but it’s a possibility)
Phil plans on making Ranboo a house next to the dog kennel he plans to build. Techno doesn’t want Ranboo staying in his house since Edward the enderman already lives in there.
Phil tells Ranboo that he doesn’t forgive Dream but that it was more of a business partnership and that it’s not likely that they’ll stay partners.
Ranboo writes both Phil and Techno on his friends list.
Phil asks if Ranboo makes an enderman sound and Ranboo says that he does but only under immense levels of stress (remember last stream when he ended with an enderman sound?)
Phil leaves the call with Ranboo in Techno’s house.
Ranboo says that maybe choosing this side (techno and Phil’s) won’t be so bad. That choosing this side is a good side to be on. That he always says that sides don’t matter but maybe this one does.
Ranboo then says that he’s really happy that Phil talked to him cause he was spiraling and Phil pulled him out of it. Ranboo is finally out of his catastrophifying spiral. Ranboo also says that he should apologize to Fundy cause he was being to mean.
Sorry this took so long, I had homework and this was 3 hours of pure lore so I had quite a bit to write!
TL;DR Most of Ranboo’s pets are alright! L’Manberg is a crater. Niki burnt l’mantree. Fundy is a coward, Quackity wants to play politics. Phil is a lifesaver. Ranboo was spiraling but now he’s not. Ranboo is now with the Antarctic Empire!
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stellocchia · 3 years
Agreed honestly.
Literally the only reason I don't want c!Tommy to kill c!Dream is because I don't think he could mentally handle that, especially as of now since he doesn't really have a... reliable support system I guess.
If backed into a corner I think he would go through with it, or at least attempt to kill him. But again I think that would straight up send him into a breakdown.
Also I feel like since c!Tommy is such an empathetic character it could easily turn into "killing c!Dream makes me just as bad as him" and I don't really vibe with that. And even if the narrative didn't portray it that way people in the fandom definitely would.
(I mean, they already do that with c!Tommy taking c!Dream's first two canon lives. As if he didn't also take c!Tommy's first two and then his third.)
Yeah exactly!
Like c!Tommy is one of my favourites and a big part of that comes from him having pretty solid morals, empathy and capacity for self-reflection. But with that come the downsides and we've already seen him feeling guilty about leaving Techno despite that being the best choice he could have made in the moment and him acknowledging that his partnership with Techno made him worst. We have him blaming himself for Doomsday and accepting responsibility for the Community House even when he didn't do it. We have him not accepting Tubbo's apology for exiling because he didn't think he deserved that.
And, like, Tommy has every reason in the world and then some for wanting Dream dead... but he's already shown he can empathize with him in the past. Asking "how do you not hurt?", saying that gloating about Dream's situation brought him no joy and saying that not even Dream deserves to go through what he did.
I'd have a hard time believing that he wouldn't be wreaked afterwards if he was to take Dream's last life...
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so are dreamons canon? i read your post a while back and agreed, but since foolish has mentioned them on this livestream, i feel like it isn’t something to brush off. idk just wanna see your thoughts since you’re my go to for lore :) love the essays btw
(warning: the answer to this ask goes on a bit of a meandering tangent, I apologize lol. Basically just a train of thought, no solid theories yet)
Dreamons canon maybe? Maybe??
DreamXD canon? I mean like, beyond McDonald’s? Like the OG DreamXD lore might actually be canon?
I mean, not like it matters a ton since DreamXD’s not gonna be a big part of the lore as we know, but...
That’d be really interesting if it were canon, and what Foolish said lines up with what we know. Dreamons can only possess one person, the Egg can brainwash many. 
But OG DreamXD lore my beloved
“I think he’s one of those rare species…I think it’s called a transmuted Dreamon, which means he quickly swaps between the two. But I think when we did the ritual, we got rid of the “Dream” part and kept the ‘Dreamon’ part, and now, I think…”
“Dream’s ghost got back into his body when he — that’s how he levitated!”
“Yeah, so he must have been full Dreamon when he levitated up! But now I think he’s back to regular old Dre.”
“We are mad scientists…we have just played god! And it worked!”
(DreamXD logs in)
“We’re not gonna talk about that…like I said, he has two. Two of them. That’ll be something we’ll have to tackle next time.”
(DreamXD comes zooming in to punch Tubbo)
“If my theories are correct, Fundy…I think every person has a Dreamon.”
(Then in the next stream)
[of the two states] “One which is probably possessed by a Dreamon, and one which is his normal self. And what we did is, we split those in half last time, didn’t we? And now Dream is actually Dream, but…I’m gonna put this name in the chat, I want you not to say it out loud…”
[He types “DreamXD” in chat]
He implies that’s the Dreamon one.
So basically, Dream had two states and the Dreamon Hunters split them, and that’s when DreamXD -- either a Dreamon himself or possessed by one to the point of becoming one (the way Tubbo describes it, those things seem to be interchangeable -- if you’re possessed by a Dreamon, you are one) first appeared. So now DreamXD is a separate entity.
And then you’ve got the Egg, whose vines can be turned lime green with Church Prime water. And Dream himself is the sole enforcer of the Holy Land’s rules and /kills anyone who breaks the no-kill rule, the Holy Land is only a neutral zone because he designated it as such (as he brought up during Quackity’s revolution) and implied that the Holy Land’s power could be revoked if he chose.
Dream attempted to destroy the Egg the first and only time he met it (and his meeting with the Egg has been mentioned in canon multiple times, so we can assume that wasn’t just an OOC bit), so it seems like Dream and Church Prime are an oppositional force to the Egg, DreamXD is god but maybe also still a Dreamon, and the Egg is more powerful than Dreamons but can be resisted with the power of Church Prime.
It’s like rock paper scissors lmao
So Dreamons were mentioned in relation to the Egg, a comparison to it, which means the Egg is not a Dreamon.
But what’s neat is that Foolish actually brought up the idea of Dream being a potential ally for or against the Egg in his lore stream, he didn’t know which. 
And Bad brought up Dream to the Egg as “the green guy -- you’ve met him” when telling the Egg the news about Tommy’s death.
And Tommy brought up the Egg during his last prison visit stream.
And Bad brought up the Egg as well during his visit and Dream said he remembered meeting it in both.
Dream’s meeting with the Egg keeps getting brought up, so it’s safe to say that him attempting to repeatedly break it with Sam, making an effort to clear out the Blood Vines, and him being creeped out by the Egg is also canon. 
Bad was first to meet the Egg. Sam was second...and Dream was third. Even before Puffy, even before Antfrost.
And there’s clearly some sort of meaning behind the colors, behind lime green being a “purified” version of the Blood Vines washed off with holy Church Prime water.
And then you’ve got the freaking book.
What about Bad and Sam made them safe to give the secret of the revive book to, I wonder? 
Bad: “Information about what?”
Dream: “Mmmm…I think that it puts me in danger if people know I have this information. I can’t clarify what it is, otherwise – I don’t think – you wouldn’t – it wouldn’t be a danger to you, but to other people, that…”
Bad: “Oh…okay. I’m really curious now.”
Dream: “I…we’ll find out.”
Sam: “Wait, so you’re saying…Schlatt traded you information to join his side, which you accepted, so it must’ve been valuable.”
Dream: (chuckles) “I think it’s the most valuable thing on the server!”
Dream: “I think that, in pertaining to the prison, it may be important, but – so maybe I’ll have to tell you guys once the prison’s construction is done, but…we’ll see.”
“It wouldn’t be a danger to you.” 
To Bad and Sam...the only other two people to have met the Egg at the time...why?
We finally found out what the book is, but there are still some hints Dream gave about it that remain unexplained.
What does the book have to do with the prison? Why might Dream *have* to tell Bad and Sam what it is once the prison was finished?
And...who was the original prisoner the prison was meant for, anyway? We know it wasn’t Tommy, Tommy wasn’t the prisoner in the original plan Dream commissioned the prison for...
Dream: “It’s just an option, because if you can’t kill somebody, you might need to lock them up.”
Can’t kill somebody...but Dream then goes on to tease secrets about a book that literally gives him the ability to kill people and bring them back?
The only person Dream can’t revive, at least that we know of, is himself, because you need someone else to "click respawn” for you. If Dream dies, death is permanent. He’s the only person no one can kill without risking that.
The book has something to do with the prison, something about the Crimson and the color green...everything’s vaguely connected but we don’t have the answers to start putting the pieces together yet.
What does it all mean...?
Time will tell!
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I have a head cannon that when technoblade becomes friends with someone he braids their hair he's so far done it to Tommy philza and ranboo but only philza knows why
This is such a good prompt thanks! I went a little overboard and added a lot of my own hc's, hope that’s okay! Quick note I’m not past exile yet so my apologies if bedrock bros and just Ranboo in general are slightly inaccurate
When Philza met Techno, Techno was only a child, barely even able to talk, sitting dead-eyed in the ruins of a piglin village, hiding under the rubble in the hopes he wouldn’t be spotted. Philza, of course, being Philza, basically immediately adopts him.
Philza tried his best, he really did, but this was in the middle of a war, and Philza didn’t really know that child soldiers aren’t the best thing (he never quite learnt that, honestly). Techno learnt to fight before he learnt to read.
When Techno was young, he always had his hair cut short and out of his face, but he really liked the small side braid that Philza always wore in his hair. He had started to grow it out a bit, but not long enough to braid, by the time he became the vessel of the Blood God.
Short side note, he and Philza were fighting against a cult, and they’d managed to capture Techno and brand the sigil of the God into his flesh allowing the Blood God to make Techno his champion. Needless to say, the cult was near immediately completely wiped out after this process was complete, but also Technoblade wasn’t exactly super thrilled with all this.
Along with the more obvious changes- glowing, blood-red eyes, growing to almost nine feet tall, an insatiable desire for a good fight, and the constant voices ringing in his head, the growth of his hair was barely noticeable. Sure, it touched the floor and regrew rapidly when cut, but it seemed to mystically never get in his way during combat.
During combat being the operative sentence. Even if it isn’t life threatening, constantly tripping over your own hair when you’re still trying to get used to being a good two feet taller than usual and the voices in your head constantly mocking you for it.
This is when Techno gets the idea to braid it, like Philza does! The issue is, he doesn’t know how to braid hair, and he’s been so terrified of accidentally hurting Philza with all of his changes that he’s been avoiding him best he can, so his attempts fail horribly.
Meanwhile, Philza's very concerned that Techno's started avoiding him. He’s actually really frightened that Techno hates him now, since as the champion of the Blood God, with the voices of it’s angels in his head now, he might well view all other gods as enemies, and Philza, as not only the most esteemed angel but the husband of the goddess Kristin, would be included in that.
Still, he was very concerned about how Techno was avoiding him, and eventually came into Techno's room to have a talk with him, and he walked in on one of Techno's honestly awful attempts at braiding his own hair.
Philza offers to help braid Techno's hair, and during this they have a long, long conversation about both of their worries. Techno reassures Philza that he doesn’t hate him (or Kristin, for that matter), and Philza reassures Techno that he’s not going to lose control. The voices decide that Philza is pretty pog, actually, and chill out a bit. Overall, it’s just a massive relief for everyone.
After this, Philza starts teaching Techno how to braid his hair. It’s a slow process- especially since braiding nine feet of hair is an ordeal- but it’s one of the few moments of peace in the Angel of Death and the champion of the Blood God's life. Once Techno learnt how to braid hair, he started braiding Philza's too. The two of them knew what it meant. I trust you, unconditionally, and without fail.
Hundreds of thousands of years pass. Nations rise and fall, legends are made, but Philza and Techno stick by each other’s side throughout it all. They maintain the tradition of braiding each other’s hair. Techno does not do it with anyone else, but Philza does it with whatever random of assortment of children is under his wing at the specific time. Techno can’t quite understand the mans attachment to whatever orphan he finds on the street. Even the ones who don’t die in the battlefield die too soon, and he can’t understand how you could let yourself go through the heartbreak of seeing their inevitable demise.
He doesn’t expect the latest batch to be any different. Sure, one's Philza's biological kid, so he’d theoretically be able to survive indefinitely, but he’s a creative type who’s so inept with a sword Techno's certain he’ll perish the second a war comes around. One's a failed clone of Philza, but the hybrid and human DNA he was given to stabilise him made him a mess of instincts with atrophied wings and constant sickness. And while the shine in the ram-boys eyes shine with an energy that's definitely a sign of some relation to the older species, everything else about him suggests a regular child who’ll pass and die in maybe a hundred years tops.
Still, when he receives a letter from Wilbur about a rebellion, Techno was excited to go. More for the fun of combat and of course overthrowing a tyrant, but he can’t help but feel proud of the boy he remembered once trying to pick up a sword blade-end becoming a capable general.
He honestly developed a respect for Tommy and Tubbo during Pogtopia. They were so young, and already capable warriors. He felt they were naive, with their talk about restarting a government, but held hope in them that they’d realise that anarchy would be preferable.
Still, they drifted apart, in no short part due to being pressured into canonically killing Tubbo and non-canonically killing Tommy. Techno would never admit it, but the anger in Tommy's eyes and the fear in Tubbo's whenever he was around stung a bit.
His few interactions with Tommy after the sixteenth lead him to believe that the boy didn’t want anything else to do with him, so he was surprised to find the boy shivering under his house, bruised and eerily quiet in comparison to the Tommy he was used to who would never stop talking.
The Blood God may be more traditionally thought of as a god of combat, of killing and of blood shed by violence, but that’s only scratching the surface of the Blood God's dominion. It is also a god of anarchy, of freedom, of vengeance, and of protecting those who cannot protect themselves. And as a champion of the Blood God, Techno would have hesitated throwing out even someone he despised in those circumstances, but Tommy? There was no way he wouldn’t have helped him, despite how much he grumbled and groaned (that, at least, was easier than admitting attachment).
Techno tries, he really does. But he mistakes bruises and scars caused by cruel hands to the ones a younger Tommy came home with on accident due to his frailness, the possessiveness of the man who hurt him as he came in search as him as overbearing concern instead of obsession. He chalks up confused feelings to some awful accident, unwilling to pry in the clearly distressed child's business (and while he doesn’t want to admit it, he doesn’t want to think that Dream, his friendly rival for thousands of years, might be truly a monster.)
The first time Techno offered to braid Tommy's hair, he didn’t even realise what he offered until he’d already said it. Tommy was just sat, shivering, despite being curled up in one of Techno's cloaks in front of the fire, and Techno'd noticed how Tommy's long hair always got in his face, and he kept raising a shaking hand to push too long hair out of his face, and Techno couldn't help but be reminded of himself long ago, scared to leave his room and dealing with hair far too long for for himself.
That’s not to say he had any regrets, though.
Techno braided Tommy's hair every day after that. Honestly, on the days where he wasn’t shaking bad enough that he couldn’t braid his own hair it sort of annoyed Tommy- he felt a bit like he was being pitied, and that’s something he absolutely can’t fucking stand, but Techno's pity was far, far preferable to being back with Dream, watching the light slowly drain from his eyes in the reflection in the water every day, so he stayed quiet.
After Tommy's betrayal, Techno felt hurt- far, far more hurt than he’d ever found himself before. He’d given the boy his unconditional trust- showed it to him, every day, and Tommy couldn’t even show enough trust to stay by him.
The first time he saw Tommy after, still wearing a braid in his hair, a mockery of friendship, he punched through the walls in his home afterwards. Anger hurt less than sorrow, so he stewed in it, refusing to admit he still cared about the boy at all.
As such, it took him a long time to even braid his own hair, let alone anyone else’s. It was something that was safe, and now just reminded him of a boy who used his kindness and left it unrepaid.
The first person he started braiding the hair of again was Philza, not long after this. It was Philza, and Techno doubted he could lose trust in the man, even if he flat out stabbed him in the back quite literally. Philza was much closer to a friend than a father, but he was still the closest thing to family Techno had ever known.
Eventually though, somehow another boy managed to sneak past his defence. Ranboo was awkwardly tall and quiet with a crown and inexplicably good fighting skills, and Techno couldn’t help but like the boy who reminded him so much of himself. He supposes this is probably the closest he'll ever get to understanding Philza and his children.
Still, it takes a while for him to feel safe and comfortable braiding Ranboo's hair for him- as far as he was aware, Ranboo almost never had it loose out of the braid it was already in, anyway. The last time he trusted someone who reminded him of himself, it only hurt.
Eventually, though, Technoblade came around. Ranboo had just come out of one of his weird sleepwalking states, hair a mess and very distressed. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure if the kid had enough memory to know who he was, but he relaxed as Techno braided his hair and talked about nothing in particular.
Now, as Technoblade's founded the Syndicate, he's grown a little more comfortable showing affection to others, especially Philza and Ranboo. Niki's a little new, but Techno knows that someday soon he'll trust her enough to braid through her hair, and put his trust in her completely.
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solarsleepless · 3 years
Please tell me everything you know about c!niki xD
so niki first joined l'manberg - contrary to popular belief - AFTER the revolution, along w jack manifold. she joined bc she was good friends with wilbur and tommy. she opened up a bakery after consulting her diary/chat, and it ended up being pretty successful. not too succesful, but successful. during the elections, she decided to support her friend (childhood friend? the timeline is fucked up bc of c!fundy existing lbr) and together she and fundy made COCONUT2020. she didn't think she'd win, only really did it for fun, and supported wilbur even though she didn't join his party then her best friend and friend got exiled, and so she was understandably distraught and angry schlatt's reign was one of her low points. not her lowest, but pretty damn low if i do say so myself. she was tormented during this time by schlatt himself, and he made fun of her for her relationship with wilbur, called her things like a "wrench", he taxed her (to the point where she had to run away!), and he imprisoned her. it doesn't help that her childhood(?) friend betrayed her burnt down the flag that she had made for l'manberg (its so sad actually, listen to it) she had a birthday party that while i didnt watch ive heard that wilbur threatened to blow up l'manberg so yeah then she saw her younger brother-like figure get executed onstage, then almost got executed herself, when wilbur managed to get her away then it is DEVASTATING as she finally finds out abt how things have been going in pogtopia (especially for the viewers who only watched niki's pov). she had thought that they had a plan, that they were working things out, when really they haven't even got a semblance of a plan the pit fight happens, and then after she goes up to listen to one of tommy's discs with tubbo and tommy themselves during the manberg v pogtopia war, she fights for pogtopia and watches schlatt die and the nation become wilbur's again. then, of course, comes the part that all old school c!niki fans will remember... during the celebration they had just after tubbo gained presidency, she accidentally uncovered a small part of the wall and saw tnt. she went still, then covered it up, on the assumption that wilbur wouldn't blow it up BOY was she wrong her home gets destroyed (watch this and skip forwards until niki's pov), and she doesnt find out that wilbur dies until much, much later. to honour him, she starts wearing his coat. everything goes fine for a little while, and she yknow dates puffy (*SOBS* im unbiased im unbiased.... *sob*), and then doesnt find out abt tommy's exile until much later AFTER that. she doesnt really get in on the lore much during the inbetween period of tommy's exile and doomsday except for her city being built more. then, during doomsday, she gets angry at tommy and says that he couldn't just walk in there and assume everyone would be on his side, she also shouts at ranboo abt sides and stuff. later, she apologizes to ranboo and says that if ranboo fights for l'manberg, she will too. ranboo ends up doing nothing except watching everything unfold, and so niki does the same, except for one thing. she burns down the l'mantree, also known as her canonical lowest point. after that, she hears ghostbur speaking and has a panic attack, trying to reassure herself that "he's gone, he's gone, he's gone" and because shes too flooded w memories, she ends up blowing up her bakery. afterwards, however, she goes down into her secret city and isolates herself from everybody except for jack, who she plots to kill tommy with. she takes tommy to a nuclear test site and almost manages to kill him, but JUST misses him, somehow after this attempt, she scurries back to her little hole like a cryptid and (this is, in my opinion, her lowest point) isolates herself even MORE. she has contact with exactly 1 person during this whole period of four-five canonical(??) months, and it results in her mental health getting worse. technoblade visits her at the start of this, offering her a position as an anarchist to which she gives him a "maybe, after
i kill tommy" she gets night terrors, and keeps herself in a literal CELL so that she doesnt go anywhere when she sleepwalks, also punches the walls whenever she wakes up from a nightmare, which is often. eventually tho, she accepts techno's offer and joins the syndicate, naming herself as nemesis as a reference to her past self she manages to heal a substantial amount, finally having: a) a group that lets her speak (which is SO important for her, its actually the key to her entire arc) and b) socialization! however this takes a big turn, when she hears that wilbur's back she tries to play it off, then goes the l'manhole or l'crater, reminisces about wilbur betraying her (may i note the rocketduo where she looks pointedly at manifoldland and says "and GOD you deserved so much better dgsayufasyufgasuy) she grabs wilbur's diamonds, some of the first ever items she got in the SMP, then hides them in the wall, as a sign of her closing off from wilbur
okay so imma go with this writing cause its fun. so, you asked a few questions in response to the ask you gave me!! so lets go 1) why does she feel betrayed by wilbur? because she was one of the first people she met (canonically) on the SMP. he promised her that it would be a land of peace, prosperity, but she started loving it BECAUSE of wilbur. case and point: when wilbur asks whether she's loyal to l'manberg, she goes "yes, i'm loyal to you, wil." "no, no, not to me- to l'manberg" she quite literally wore his coat around the SMP as a symbol of her friendship and dedication towards him, because they were honestly the best of friends, and she THOUGHT she knew it. points out) and its the way she's learnt to do things. also remember: c!Niki is an unreliable narrator, that's the whole point of her character. it's a response to trauma (as @tubboblr pointed out) you're also probably wondering why she burnt down the l'mantree. and it's not because she "finally realized that l'manberg was bad" it was actually really simple: she wanted to be heard. she had been beaten down and talked over SO much (aka the BASIS for her arc) that she's so desperate to be heard she'll take desperate measures. another reason is because she finally loses hope in l'manberg. she loved it, loves it, but she just lost hope in it. she never hated it. she LOVED it, with all her heart. she just didnt believe it had any hope to be the place she had thought it was. if you have any other questions, let me know!!
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stellocchia · 4 years
So, I’ve been thinking: where do the characters of the smp actually fit in the morality spectrum?
We’re all always pointing out how everyone is “morally gray” in the smp, but it’s not too hard to see that the level is different in different characters, for example: Puffy’s light griefing when she first arrived on the smp is in no way comparable to Dream blowing up a country 3 times... so how about we take an objective look through this characters actions?
First let’s establish what are the categories we’ll be talking about:
Morally gray characters: they are the intermediate between a villain and a hero. They are neither wholly bad nor good. 
Anti-Hero: someone who may perform moral actions but always for selfish reasons. Basically morally gray but with bad intentions.
Anti-villain: someone whose desired ends are mostly good, but their means of getting there range from evil to undesirable. Basically they think they have good intentions, but they’re actually villains. 
Sympathetic villain: an immoral character who’s backstory/character arc makes them sympathetic to the viewers. We can’t agree with their actions, but we can understand how they got there.
This is more or less the spectrum we will be moving in, as it would actually be rather hard to define anyone in the smp as a classic black and white hero or villain (with 1 exception). Also I believe we all kind of understand what the definitions for those terms are.
In this I will be only going over the characters I know the most about as there are way too many people and, I’m afraid, it’s impossible for me to cover everyone properly as I would need to watch their povs. Anyone though feel free to add on to this! 
Also I won’t be going in any precise order because that would take more effort then I’m willing to put in, so here we go: 
Tommyinnit: He is a bit of a trouble-maker. He has been involved in the most conflicts out of everyone in the server (although he didn’t start the big majority of them). He has griefed, stolen and caused a whopping total of 3 canon deaths (1 to Jack Manifold and 2 to Dream). He has however sacrified himself multiple times for his friends (both literally and by giving up his possessions) and he apologized and tried to make amends for his worse actions. He is mischevious but he also often proved that he can be very selfless. No doubt he earns a morally gray stamp.
Willbur: He is a difficult one because of the big split between his character pre and post election. That said, while Willbur was rather power-hungry before the election he also was very caring for those under him (sometimes slipping into being downright demeaning towards Fundy). He upheald his principle of “words over violence” and mostly wanted to build a peaceful nation. After the election however (because of his declining mental health) he did turn to violence and manipulation and ended up blowing up his own country. So I’d say he went from a morally gray character to a very sympathetic villain
Ghostbur: This one is being considered separatedly from Willbur, as it has been said multiple times that they are separate entities. Ghostbur, you would think, has never done anything bad in his life, he has however hurt some people. He refused to have an actual talk with Fundy or with anyone really when it comes to what Alivebur did, hurting them as a consequence and while they are separate entities, they’re still very much connected. His intentions in general though are good, he just wants everyone to be happy, he just doesn’t realize his incapacity to fully understand other people’s struggles can hurt them at times. He has however never intentionally caused harm to anyone and tried to help whenever he did so unintentionally. He lacks the qualities that would make him a “hero” but he’s morally good 
Tubbo: While people in this fandom have a tendency to portray him as a poor innocent bean he’s not entirely squeacky clean himself. He steals regularly, he has partook in Techno’s scuffed execution attempt and organized a festival with the clear intention of killing Dream. He has however, more often then not, done what he thought was right and what he felt he needed to do in order to protect his people. Even now he’s built a safe heaven away from everyone because he wanted a safe place for anyone wh needed it. So there you go, morally gray stamp of approval.
Techno: And here I already know there will be some contentione... oh boy... anyway! Techno undoubtedly thinks he’s always doing the right thing. He thinks that destroying the governament was the only way to get rid of corruption. He thinks he’s doing something good. He has however released weapons of mass destruction (aka withers) in L’Manburg 3 time, caused the most canon deaths in the server (yep, more then Dream) and he’s been manipulative (wether intentionally or not doesn’t really matter here). In general he’s caused so much pain to so many people that it cannot go ignored. For this reasons he gets an anti-villain stamp
Phil: He’s also one of the characters deserving of a split, in his case it’s pre and post Techno’s attempted execution. Pre execution he was a mostly uninvolved member of L’Manburg, he did however help greatly with the rebuilding and tried to give a family to Fundy when he realised he needed one. He did also kill Willbur. ater the execution however he joined Techno in committing atrocities for what he percieved to be something good (”teaching how bad governament is” was his perceived goal). So I’d say he went from morally gray to joining Techno in the anti-villain gang
Quackity: He is a very complex character and I’m sure opinions about him are rather split. He joined the election to insure it’s fairness. He stayed by Shlatt’s side to try and make the governament fair until he realised that he would never be litened to and then he joined Pogtopia to take down a tyrant. He tried to protect L’Manburg in every way he could, but did get carried away with the attemted execution and the festival, even arriving to suggesting executing Ranboo. Now he wants to build capitalism and is trying to fight the Egg in his own way. He is the definition of a morally gray character
Ranboo: Another split opinion incoming here! Ranboo does mostly have good intentions (at least in his non-enderwalk state, which we won’t talk about here, because there still isn’t enough lore about it to understand it). He would like to have a united server with no conflicts. In trying to achieve this however, as he noticed himself, he actually went against every single one of the people he cares about: not sticking up for Tommy at the trial, assisting with Phil’s arrest and Techno’s execution, giving back Techno’s weapons and armour with no fight and, in general, giving him resources, helping to plan the Green Festival and so on so forth. That said all this things are “bad” from one side but “good” from the other. He has also kept company to Tommy in exile more then anyone else and he was there in the final fight against Dream. In conclusion he gets a morally gray stamp as well
Punz: Punz fights for money and his own self interest. He showed before that his alliance was with those who paid him, even though he actually seemed to care and consider Dream his friend until a certain point. He fought in a few wars but was never overly involved in the petty conflicts. He did however end up being the reason Dream was defeated (athough that was also for money). This was also before the Egg’s corruption as we won’t be considering that as part of the character since, you know, the Egg literally mind-controls people... anyway he gets to be in the anti-hero club
Sam: The warden of the prison is someone with a great work ethic (though he doesn’t seem to care much were the money are coming from once a project gets commissioned to him) and a very kind individual, always ready to offer pumpkin pie or his help to anyone who seems to need it. He’s also building a bank with the express purpouse of building an economy to take control over the server... he is morally gray as well is what I’m trying to say here
And, our final one:
Dream: This man also actually needs a split to better understand him, and that split is before and after he received the necromancy book from Shlatt. Before that he started a few conflicts (Declaring war on L’manburg and the whole railway skirmish thing) nut in general he had mostly sound objectives. Toward the start he didn’t want trouble in his server and he went to extreme leghts to ensure there wouldn’t be any (stealing Tommy’s disks, the whole declaring war etc). He did try and help Pogtopia at the start for this very same reson, because he was hoping that the two indipendent factions would cancel out each other. At one point however the objective in his actions seems to have shifted between wanting to obtain unity for the server to wanting to obtain control for himself. It’s after this shift happened that he committed his most heinous crimes (blowing up L’manburg other 2 times and all the manipulation that went on). After the shift there is not a single redeeming thing he did. He went from an almost anti-villain to a straight up villain, he is, in fact, the only one aside from the Egg that I’m willing to deine as a true villain.
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