#also this is cannon
frog-0n-a-l0g · 9 months
✨the Wild West🤠✨
Invisa-bitch: this bitch
Brokeback mountain: ?
Brokeback mountain: who?
Trainer: omfg lol I still can’t get over his name
Mini alpha👑: for once I’m staying on topic so SPILL
Mina alpha: I’ve been needing drama🙄
Invisa-bitch: Milo motherfucking greer
Mini alpha👑: and the plot thickens😎
Brokeback mountain: What did he do?
Trainer: that damn grammaticaly correct old man using punctuation and shit
Mini alpha👑: I can get David on his ass if you want!!!
Mini alpha👑: I mean he could get on mine iykwim~
Trainer: omfg🙄
Invisa-bitch: no it’s not like a pack thing he just…
Invisa-bitch: we were fucking around in the closet trying to get ready and he puts on my six inch stilettos and he is just fucking strutting and looking better than me in those heels and omg🙄
Invisa-bitch: like it’s not fair how can this already fine ass man rock my heels and not roll his ankle even ONCE?
Mini alpha👑: you seem a little jealoussssssss
Brokeback mountain: Why do y’all always act like there is a problem when it’s just some stupid things?
Trainer: that’s true Sam get with the program🙄
Brokeback Mountain: I don’t know why I even try with you 3…
Mini alpha👑: 1. Sneaks send pics of him I need it on my wall for inspo
Mini alpha👑: 2.you gotta live with it Mr vamp it’s part of the mate club rules😌
Trainer: ash said when they were younger they’d do fashion shows and he used to steal Marie’s clothes and that’s why he’s so good in heels
Invisa-bitch: of fucking course he’s got practice🙄
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ohlooh · 19 days
Dp x DC
So, I've seen a couple prompts about how the Fenton family is really big, passionate bunch of morally questionable weirdos and once you're one of them there is no escape. But what if the Fentons were a mafia?
Jack was supposed to inherit the family business, but he's just really not great choice. He's not stupid, far from it, but he's oblivious to anything that isn't fudge, his family, his inventions or later on ghosts. He just sees no reason to care about any of that so he truly never knew what his family did. Not a heir material. So a cousin took over.
Jack is still part of the family, has acces to resources, money and has full support to live his mad scientist dreams in Illinois. His wife while better at noticing is just as obsessive and distractable. But she is also highly capable and incredibly smart.
They mostly just see each other on reunions. The Family is based in Gotham so traveling so far is not easy.
But it turns out that they were wrong about just where Jack and Maddie's loyalties lied, they thought , believed that family was their number one priority, that their work, while still important came second to their kids. Except that is not the case as proven when frantic heavily bleeding Danny crashes on their doorstep in Gotham.
And suddenly all those little comments they dismissed don't seem so far-fetched. Jack and Maddie truly tried to rip their son apart molecule by molecule. Their work was more important than taking care of their children, their hate of ghosts won over their love.
The Family of course takes Danny and Jazz in immediately. They disown Jack and Maddie, it's just well they haven't been going by Fenton a few generations. It means they have no connection the GIW can easily trace.
Danny heals and starts school. What happens next is up for anyone. Maybe Danny joins the Family business. Maybe Danny keeps being hero. Maybe he catches the attention of a Bat. Maybe he just goes to school and works on his degree.
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bloominglegumes · 2 months
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Batman: Crime is abnormaly quiet today, one more round and we should go home, chum.
Robin (Jason): A-Okay. I may even have time to read a bit before going to bed.
Batman: I'll think about it.
Robin: We could go to Bat Burguer! Di-Nightwing said they have an amazing chocolate milkshake.
Batman: I don't know, Robin...
Robin: I'm sure they have banana milkshake as well or something fruity.
Batman: Hm
Robin: I knew it!
Batman: Hm??
Robin: You are a fruit bat.
Batman: what?
Robin: I was reading a book about animals and they say that of the 1200 known species of bats only three are vampire bats. You are too normal to be a vampire bat. Also vampire bats are smaller and you are very big and vampire bats move solo and while you like to prented to be moody and lonley you have me, Agent A, Batgirl and Nightwing and that just in Gotham. So you are a fruit bat. And you love fruity things.
Batman: *smilling* I suppose.
Robin: And that means we are going to drink the milkshakes because you can't refuse fruit things!
Batman: Because I'm a fruit bat.
Robin: Yeah!!
----- [somewhere in the future] ----
Robin (Damain): I'm the son of Batman, I'll drink your blood, Hood.
Red Hood: Nah, B's totally a fruit bat and as the "blood son" that just means you like banana milkshake, sorry demon brat.
Batman: *in the background, accidentaly listens* *happy hm*
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lilybug-02 · 6 months
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You’re making a lot of promises there Chara…
Part 24 || First || Previous || Next
—Full Series—
I enjoyed doing this little Flashback scene. We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled freakout session soon. Having monochrome color is very nice.
Here is a gif of Chara spilling their water because YES. And I spent way too long on it :)
Wow technology is so cool.
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scrimblyteetlez · 25 days
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RE-UPLOAD OF THE PEEPAW!! i deleted the other post pls dont perceive it 😭🙏 also extra pieces bc it’s been rotting in my gallery for months
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qcomicsy · 1 year
If batkids had a podcast XVI
Red hood: Just us today?
Nightwing: Just us today.
Red hood (laughing) I wonder why–
Nighwing: Dude– (laughing as well)
Red hood: I–
Nightwing: Dude don't do it–
(just both of them chuckling)
Red Hood (close to the mic): They're grounded.
Nightwing: (CACKLES)
Nightwing (crying): This is not funny
Red Hood: This is hilarious.
Red Hood: Were last survivors of our kind. . .
Red Hood: Adults.
Nightwing: Adults.
Red Hood: He can't ground us anymore.
Nighwing, chuckling: He can't ground us anymore
Red Hood:
Red Hood: Fuck.
Red Hood: We're b– (pause) We're both the oldest now.
Nightwing: Yeah– You, me and–
Red Hood, at the same time: Yeah– (pause) This is so surreal
Nightwing: You think?
Red Hood: Yeah. Dude – I was. . . I was the youngest.
Nightwing: Oh your sweet summer– I was a only child.
Red Hood: (Cackles)
Nightwing: It really isn't that weird to me.
Red Hood: Really?
Nightwing: Yeah– I was always the oldest man.
Nightwing: I was the oldest of my team
Red Hood: What?!
Nightwing: Yeah!
Red Hood: You're fucking with me.
Nightwing: Nah man– I was the oldest. I am the oldest, I'm not dead.
Red Hood:
Red Hood: You're older than Arsenal?
Nightwing: I'm older than everybody man.
Nightwing: People look at me and assign me to take care of children.
Red Hood (imitating Damian voice): "Father genes"
Nightwing: HA– "father genes" (pause) Why are you looking at me like that?
Red Hood:
Red Hood: You're ancient.
Nightwing: IM NOT ANCIENT.
Red Hood: You're older than the Teen Titans, fucking older than Young Justice.
Nightwing: You're older than Young Justice
Red Hood: I was dead man it doesn't count.
Nightwing: Of course it does– How old are you?
Red Hood: How old are you?
Nighwing: I– I am an adult.
Red Hood: Uh-huh.
Nightwing: In a reasonable age.
Red Hood: You're in your thirties aren't you?
Nightwing: NO
Red Hood: You look like you're in your thirties– The bag under your eyes
Nightwing: Because I'm tired????
Red Hood: The hunched posture.
Nightwing: Hey I do not have hunched posture– Fuck you.
Nightwing: You try to take care of an entire team of teenagers just to end up taking care of more two and a grown ass depressed middle aged man.
Red Hood: That was Red–
Nightwing: That was Red. (pause) I would have fucking killed him.
Red Hood: Oh Definitely.
Nightwing: Point still stand man I'm tired.
Red Hood: Both of us.
Nightwing: Both of us– (chuckles) Robins if you're hearing this I love both of you and I would do it all over again. Titans– (closer to the mic) You know what you did.
Red Hood: (Cackles)
Red Hood (closer to his mic): You know your sins.
Nightwing (laughing): Flash owe me 30 dollars.
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mysicklove · 26 days
older brother sukuna has this nasty habit of suprising you by picking you up bridal style at the pool and throwing you in with absolutely no remorse. chuckles at your whines, and raises his eyebrows at his younger brothers pathetic attempts to try and protect you/stop him, before the child gets launched into the pool right next to you 😔😔😔😔
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vorpalfae · 9 months
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༺ Alice: Madness Returns Weaponry ༻
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 9 months
give me more fics where Eddie runs into Steve and Robin, running around after being drugged (and tortured) by the Russians at Starcourt. Steve, dopy and sweet and acting like dumbest puppy- and did i mention his face was beat in? Robin, flailing all over steve and giggling with him as they sway, more intertwined than humanly possible, eyes unfocused. and Eddie, faking calm as he tries to herd them to a bathroom and planning to kill whoever drugged his these loopy sailors that he’s been annoying all summer.
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trappednyourheart · 2 months
The wrong DNA test
( what if, Sheila wasn't really Jason's mother? The system is already corrupted, then what about the test?).
A huge brawl containing every rogue had started at the time of Halloween, causing the people from downtown to fled there home's as joker had clownized the whole neighborhood with his goon's.
Every bats had taken to groups to take out the three parts of Gotham's as the rogue's had started to make alliances, some had lasted quite long while had conflicts, and causing a big damage to Arkham asylum,
It didn't take long before they captured all of them, none of the bats questions as they observed Jason glowing green eyes starting to flick, they thought it was the pit again, growing wary of the cooperation, but Crime alley was involved and that mean business to Red hood's turf.
Catherine todd love her son as her own even if not biological, Jason knew that. But her thing with drugs couldn't make her stop.
Sometimes after that, they could hear Jason humming a tune,a nice melody from Damian's statement saying that Jason muttered to him “ lullaby” as Jason continued to read his book, maybe it could be from Catherine,
they knew how Jason's past with Catherine todd, his mom even if not related, Catherine loves her son like her own kid but her doing drugs and... overdosing couldn't be stop.
Maybe Jason just remembered his mother maybe reminiscing atleast something familiar...even if it was a bad time.
Jason had constantly have been hearing a woman's? Man's? Voice, singing him a lullaby...it soothing, like as if he known and loved this melody...and that's where the dreams kept coming, there was a person, giving him kisses, Talkin to him stories, singing him lullabies and soothing him, he could dream that he was actually a baby, a baby from a normal couple, well don't count the luxurious baby room.
Jason had took out a conspiracies why he was getting this dreams, ( he swears he's not becoming Tim) and voices, maybe like a misshapen memories from the pits of victims? No it's to peaceful for that, maybe magic? He already contacted Constantine but surely hang up after knowing who it was-
Just how is he getting this dreams? Unless it wasn't.... So he proved again his point, he started a DNA test, again but none had records...of Sheila being his biological mother...that was weird, last time he had a test was from the time as robin..and before his-
So he went to that hospital who had said where Sheila had given birth to him, and most of shock is that no one knows a mother giving birth named Sheila haywood but had a document of a baby, of one Jason jay nightingale, the most believing part was that it's the same day he was born in.
His mother, Daniel F. Nightingale was said to be trans as the doctor who help his mother safely delivered him, And saying that his mother loved him,
one Sheila Haywood had the constant trick to get him and taken him as his own, because his mother's family was a wealthy one they practically sold him to her.
Jason had thought that maybe his mother's family never wanted him to have a son with a man from Gotham's crime alley.
Meanwhile Danny had just been YEETED to the DC universe before the start of Batman's justice thing and had been adopted by a very wealthy fruit loops couple as there kid, so he stayed as the couples daughter even pretending, because he owed ghost writer a favor for the last time, and as DC universe exist so it's story, and one thing for sure the child he had to give birth in this universe has a very complicated fate,
he did the one night stand from his supposed friend Willis Todd? He had to befriend him as Dalia F. nightingale the supposed Wealthy daughter who fell in love with a peasant trope, and gotten pregnant making it a scandal, and reaching to his ‘parents’ circle and getting that drama.
But he never thought he would care for his child, his little jay, his ghost side would purr in delight when they held Jason, he was a very hard sucker especially from his pacifier or his breast, it's so weird being in a women body,
but the way his ‘parents’ sold his son to the women who was supposed to get his son killed and being revived by cheap parody ass of ectoplasm.
He went feral, he had an argument to his ‘parents’ but all fell deaf ears, he couldn't find his son in one of the hotels nearby where that BXtch was.
And that time was where his part of the script was fulfilled, ghost writer already took him, both sides of his, were angry.
He. will. get. his. baby. back.
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caslutz · 4 months
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Ted Lasso Text Posts: Part #8 (AFC Himbo’s version)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
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Guys who are most likely dead in canon
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s1eepyfr0g · 6 months
theyre so frenemies coded
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tanglepelt · 8 months
Dp x dc 147
The infinite realms houses many souls. New ones are unheard of .
When plasmius fully formed it was felt by all magic users a in every dimension. A sign of a new realms ghost. Whose power level was high but not quite an ancient.
Then a second came nearly 20 years later. A lower lvl one. Still capable of tearing a whole In dimensions to travel.
Then the third. The same year. When phantom formed. It was from pure ectoplasm the very thing that fills the infinite realm. Phantom was created by the realms itself. An ancient in the making.
Somehow a third in a year. But one that felt wrong. Powerful but then it sapped away coming back. It felt unstable before the sensation faded.
The JLD know these have all come from there dimension. Somehow 3 new realms ghost had been created in a year. They had already been trying to track the first. It was constantly coming in and out of the realm.
Then the baby ancient formed. The three newest realms ghost were often felt together. The three frequented an area in Illinois. On the maps a wooded area.
No one was expecting a town. Nor the baby ancient desperately defending a green glowing dog that wasn’t moving. Or the ghost who looked like. Gender bent younger version.
Especially not for the younger ghost to turn back into a living and breathing human.
Why where these guys in white even attacking the realms ghosts?!?!
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buggee22 · 2 months
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turning anatomy studies into my favs>>>
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