#also they’re all queer (and poly) because fuck it
howlsofbloodhounds · 2 months
I get unreasonably sad whenever I read fanfic where color and killer are separated. They are not supposed to be separated imho. They’re soulmates bro.
Color is the one killer goes to for support and safety, and I wanna see color interacting with others in the gang.
He’s also neutral but values his emotional connections greatly without compromising his morals and beliefs so he chills with the stars too when he wants and refuses to be a spy or anything—for either side. This fella is Neutral Good in my opinion.
He already knows killer and he knows epic who knows cross, he’d definitely interact with dust and horror at some point. Give me color who advocates for nightmare to treat the others well/better in aus where nightmare is trying bc color doesn’t give a single flying fuck about anyone’s power or authority if they’re using it to harm or take advantage of others.
I would love to even see some form of romantic bad sans gang poly + a queer platonic Color & Killer.
He could help them too he’s just that chill of a guy. He has that “burnt out therapist friend” energy and everyone just wants to tell him all about their problems and ask for his advice for some reason and he doesn’t wanna be alone so he tolerates it because at least he’s not alone.
Color sans I love you my underrated grumpy lil dude.
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sokovianfortune · 5 months
hello . i would like to talk about my own sexuality/relationship headcanons for the wbn trio since it’s a topic of conversation today :3
jack and elsa are both bisexual. this is a semi-recent discovery for both of them, given that most of elsa’s sexual partners have been women and most of jack’s sexual and romantic partners have been men. had they been asked about their sexualities pre-special, they’d both probably identify themselves as some flavor of gay (here meaning same-sex attracted, rather than an umbrella term like queer!). there is a reason why i have referred to the two of them running into each other in the maze as The Bisexual Jumpscare.
jack is also asexual! he’s not particularly sex-repulsed, he just largely views sex as a bonding activity and a way to make his partner feel good/express romantic love. this is fine by ted because uhh. i mean. let’s all be honest with ourselves here, it is very doubtful that my man has a libido anymore or the hardware to make it happen.
on the other end of the spectrum, you have elsa who only rarely indulged in sex as a way to scratch the human need itch. most of her past partners were one-night stands and she never stuck around for long, either way. but, once she and jack got together, her libido went fucking haywire and now she’s constantly (willingly!) dragging him into ulysses’s old bed chambers. good for her. good for them.
ted only the other hand is Gay gay. he did have a wife pre-transformation as per comics canon but, at the time they were married, he hadn’t really realized or even explored that particular facet of himself. workaholic scientist, yknow. he was operating under the typical “oh i guess i have to get married now because that’s what people Of My Age do.” there also might have been some period-accurate comphet involved, depending on how old he actually is.
ironically and perhaps to metatextually lean into monsters being queer-coded, becoming what he is now, while obviously a traumatic experience at the time, eventually allowed ted the freedom to explore this facet of himself and become comfortable with it.
jack and ted call each other husbands. they are not legally married. it just kind of started as a bit one day and it stuck. at what point did it stop being a bit? they don’t know and have not addressed it. jack would love to wear a ring regardless but he’s very worried about accidentally severing a finger if he forgets to take it off before the full moon.
on the hand, if anyone refers to jack as anything less neutral than elsa’s partner, she Will start gagging. she is forty one years old, she is nobody’s fucking girlfriend. wife is also off the table. she’d get married for practical tax reasons or something maybe but it would have to just be signing a paper in a courthouse with one (1) witness. an actual wedding ceremony (having to bear her stupid soft feelings in front of everyone she knows!!!) would be akin to a particularly humiliating trip through the nine circles of hell for her.
i call them the people’s polycule but they’re really more like a poly v with jack as the midpoint. ted and elsa are decidedly not romantically interested in each other at all but they Are besties united by their love for their beloved little bow wow. i know we have confirmation of the “she’s not into dogs” line but my headcanon is and always will be that the thing ted says to jack to make him laugh at the end is only kind of a joke about being willing to try opening things up if he wanted to.
(jack immediately dismissed this as A Joke and that was when ted knew he was in for a whole lot of yearning. god help him.)
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10blue10 · 4 days
You know what really pisses me off? You know what makes my blood boil every time I see it? Hypocritical bigotry. Aka when supposedly ‘progressive’, ‘tolerant’ people spew ignorant and/or prejudiced bullshit about marginalised and oppressed minorities.
Cos here’s the thing. TERFS and Nazis and Republicans and fundies and the like - fuck those guys, but you expect them to be assholes. Trump said something racist? Rowling made a transphobic tweet? Must be a day ending in Y. But the fact that some people have the fucking gall to claim they’re ‘radically progressive’ or ‘woke’ or whatever, only to turn around and go “oh but this minority? This minority that I believe all the stereotypes about? They don’t count.”
I’m talking about left wing antisemitism. If you claim to be on the opposite side of the political spectrum from literal fucking Nazis and you’re still antisemitic, I’m pretty sure you need to reevaluate things!
I’m talking about members of the queer community speaking insults against trans and poly people, or just any other kind of queer person. It’s not the fucking Oppression Olympics, folks! The homophobes aren’t gonna leave you alone just because you turn on the queers you also think are ‘freaks’. As far as the bigots are concerned, we’re all freaks! Stop fucking voting for the Leopards Eating Faces party, or at least don’t be surprised when they turn around and eat your face!
I’m talking about tankies claiming that the CIA is behind the dictatorship in Venezuela. You fucking morons do realise that other people have minds of their own, right? That other governments are capable of screwing over their own people without the US being involved? Maduro is having literal children tortured on false charges of terrorism you absolute fucking gremlins, how fucking dare you try to turn this human rights violation into an ‘um akshually’!
And those are just the examples I can think of off the top of my head! It’s not just the injustices of the world and those that perpetuate them that make my blood boil, it’s the hypocritical motherfuckers who think they’re so enlightened and progressive and morally superior - oh, except when it comes to the most vulnerable people, because they’re not on the right side of the ‘Us vs Them’ line.
Either unpack your internalised biases or Shut 👏 The 👏Fuck 👏 Up!
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22degreehalo · 1 year
NGL I was skeptical of WWDITS as a queer show because I’ve gotten so accustomed to not needing the same things from queer rep as other people apparently because even when you get away from ‘all queer rep must be wholesome gays in stable emotionally intelligent couples’ I just am not really a fan of villains as characters (not for moral reasons I just find them boring lol)
But it actually really DOES feel like such a breath of fresh air??? like yeah the main characters are genuinely terrible people factually and gleeful murderers but they’re also giant dumbasses and complete fucking pathetic loser children. They don’t care about wanton murder but mostly the murder is just. they gotta eat!!!!! and they’re mostly jerks but also too easily distractable to be cruel. they’re just Babies and I kkinda love that????
but most of all we get from it two of the kinds of queer rep I most want to see (no aspec rep because. of COURSE lmfao but. separate thing): a queer m/f couple where they’re both so unashamedly and blatantly bi and kinky and poly and they’re so dumb and imperfect but they’ve actually made this shit work for hundreds of years and it’s one of the most believable aspects of the show to be honest??, and also a genuine honest-to-god queer Will They Won’t They where they probably will between two emotionally stunted dumbasses who have been pining for Years probably but are allergic to not only honest communication but even the most basics of self-reflection.
like. those two things I have been wanting for SO LONG, both this overt queerness and polyamory and bisexuality and whatever, and also seeing that combined with an actual romance you can barrack for and write get-together fanfic about and get upset over because they’re so awful!! but you want them to finally kiss so badly!!!!!!! and I’m just. rly happy about it :’))))
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starsarefire824 · 1 year
things i wish we could all stop fighting about:
1. bi mike vs. gay mike nonsense. believe what you want, but canon Mike dates El and we have not been shown anything else as of yet besides some subtext and hints towards him being queer. Until then...none of us know. until then...THEY ARE BOTH valid depending on how you read the character and the writing. i personally lean towards bi, but i generally believe in the show, if they go for mike being queer, he could most definitely be gay. if mike wheeler came out in the first episode and told me he is the gayest man to walk the planet i would be like....uhm yes. but also....if he’s a men leaning bi character or whatever other combination of bi he might be...i’ll also believe it. in the end, imo, if it’s made clear that he is queer and in love with will, his sexuality will probably not be labeled neatly with a bow on it anyway. so the entirety of the arguing is stupid.
2. the fact that teenagers may or may not have sexual desire and attraction and act on those instincts in some way makes people who discuss or explore it in writing somehow disgusting. it’s not. (ie. talking about the “hose scene” is valid, writing about teenagers feeling desire for the person they have a crush on is normal.) sex is normal. sexual desire is normal. it starting to happen as you go through puberty is normal. to deny this fact or make people feel weird about talking about is doing every teenager in this fandom that experiences sexual attraction and desire a very large disservice. there is nothing shameful about it. there is something shameful about making someone else feel disgusting for their completely normal feelings because they make you uncomfortable. and every show/film/book written about teenagers and their sexual lives has been written by someone who is mostly likely over the age of 18. so to say that fanfic writers or people who are in fandom discourse are somehow deviants is the most insane argument i have ever read in my entire life.
3. things such as pointing out how mike may have issues with food, el may be behind her peers in being able to handle a more adult romantic relationship, lucas facing racism, and will dealing with trauma that mimics sexual abuse are all legitimate and worthy of discussion. whether it makes people uncomfortable or not. these are topics that have been brought up/alluded to in the show, and they’re allowed to be talked about by the fans.
ok i lied. there are four.
4. stop shitting on people for their headcanons. if someone wants to headcanon will as asexual and homo-romantic there is nothing wrong with that. if someone wants steve harrington to be bisexual, there is nothing wrong with that. if someone wants max to be poly there’s nothing wrong with that. believe me, the people who headcanon this are usually very aware that it is not canon. we all watch the show. but if it’s fun for them to explore that with a character in writing or art or discussion then cool. it’s adding layers to the conversation around these characters and is valid. snidely saying you’ll block someone for a fucking headcanon is wild to me. i am all for blocking things that make you uncomfortable or if someone just annoys you....sure. great. but blocking every single person who disagrees with you is so silly to me because you are making your garden very small. it’s important in discourse to engage with people who have different opinions than you. as long as everyone stays respectful i encourage people with different opinions to interact with me. PLEASE. it’s the entire point of joining an online community. we bond over something we love and then have discussions about it.
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#1 ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WEIRD. (18+, suggestive, cursed ships (unless making fun of them) ect)
#2 tkl related questions are allowed, but keep them to a minimum as this will be under the Normal TSAMS tags, and I don’t want to get harassed 👍
#3 Don’t be too simpy- I will become very uncomfy-
#4 No fucked up homophobia or transphobia shit, literally gtfo if you don’t like that some of my characters are queer when they aren’t in canon. AND NO RACISM obviously. #5 DO NOT get pissy with me for being slow to answer asks- my depressed ass needs to work up motivation to get asks done and even go on tumblr-
#6 Specify what you’re asking to, especially if you’re asking BloodMoon- Put M!BloodMoon (/M!BM) when referring to the manifested twins, and AU!BloodMoon (/AU!BM) when referring to the twins in the AU please!
It’s a mostly peaceful AU, redemption arcs have happened, viruses controlled people, but people did still die- some multiple times- (they’re being brought back though Dw)
Sun and Moon are a little happier than the canon variants, bc most of the drama hasn’t happened in this au-
HarvestMoon *did* die, but not by StitchWraith or (technically) Monty. It was Creator’s fault (who will not be in the AU)
KC is actually a good father!
Ruin has rebuilt SolarFlare (‘Flare for short) and is working on bringing back Harvest, but some complications have occurred while trying to bring it back- and Harvest is now a child (Bloody’s a big brother!)
Ruin did still do all the Bombtober/October takeover 2.0 bullshit, but it was completely under the influence of Creators virus- Ruin is much different now and is disgusted by his past actions.
SOLAR IS ALIVE! HE DIDN’T DIE! Bc Ruin has no vendettas against all Creators- he doesn’t even know what the council is- (Which means yes, it still exists.)
ForkFace and Jack are starting a relationship together!
Forky is MtF, and goes by Franklin when not being referred to as ForkFace/Forky.
Eclipse and Lunar have somewhat made up! There’s still some underlying trauma and resentment on Lunar’s part, and a never ending out of guilt with Eclipse, but they’re actually civil and can joke around with eachother!
Eclipse has also apologized to the others for everything he did, so far Lunar is the only one actually giving him a chance- mainly to move past his own trauma. (Sun doesn’t Hate him anymore, just won’t accept the apology until he’s seen undeniable proof that Eclipse has truly changed, Moon still hates his guts, Earth never really had much of a problem with him so she doesn’t really have to do anything, KC is heavily thinking on whether or not to accept Eclipse as his son again, and the twins still want him dead for being the source of their trauma)
Ruin and Solar kinda like eachother a little bit, but not enough to start an actual relationship- idk if that’ll change tbh.
Sun is closeted Bi and consistently denying that he’s queer (I’m going to make KidsCove canon, fuck you /silly)
Moon is asexual, but figuring out if he’s still aro. (He probably is though, so he’s not gonna be doin’ anything romantic anytime soon)
Because everything isn’t going to shit left and right, EARTH AND MONTY ARE ENGAGED!! Earth is actually the one who proposed, Monty still gets weepy thinking about that day <3
Monty is still genderfluid and has their other body (feminine form) but as I don’t have the character slots on GC to make that form, all appearances of Monty will be their masculine form.
Franklin and Jack are somewhat interested in trying out bein in a poly relationship, and are planning to eventually ask ‘Flare to join their relationship, as they both like it and ‘Flare likes them too.
KC may or may not be with Glamrock Freddy romantically-
Characters who will not make gacha-appearances bc I don’t have designs for them and don’t plan to make them: Gemini (Castor and Pollux), Nebula, Dazzle, StitchWraith, Foxy, FC, Freddy (normal) Golden, Puppet, (might actually make Puppet’s feminine form tbh though) and Francine.
Character sexualities and gender-identities (everyone is asexual bc 1; Robots can’t fuck, and 2; I’m extremely uncomfy thinking about these characters actually fucking anyone bc I’m a sex-repulsed asexual TwT:
Sun: Closeted biromantic asexual, demi-boy (He/they)
Moon: Asexual and questioning aromantic, demi-boy (They/him)
Lunar: Panromantic asexual, questioning poly, non-binary. (They/Them)
Eclipse: Closeted gay-asexual, questioning gender-identity (He/Him for the time being)
BloodMoon: AroAce, non-binary (they/them)
HarvestMoon: AroAce, non-binary (It/it’s)
Solar: Gay-Asexual, also questioning gender-identity (He/him for the time being)
Ruin: Omniromantic (male preference) asexual, genderfluid (Usually He/They, but sometimes She/they)
Jack: Polycurious-Panromantic-asexual, cis (He/Him)
Franklin: Polycurious-Panromantic-asexual, Transgender MtF (She/Her)
Earth: Omniromantic (no preference) asexual, demi-girl (She/They)
Monty: Omniromantic asexual (but EXTREMELY dirty minded), genderfluid (usually They/Them by default, switches frequently between masc (He/Him) and fem (She/Her)
‘Flare: Biromantic asexual, questioning poly, non-binary (They/It)
KC: Biromantic asexual, genderfluid (Usually He/They, rarely she/her)
They started out as appearances in dreams of mine, and wherever they’d make any kind of physical contact, (Usually grabbing my arm or poking at me like I’m roadkill) there’d be claw marks in the same spots when I’d wake up.
After a while of staying in my dreams, I started seeing them OUTSIDE of my dreams, and they weren’t just my normal hallucinations- my cats can see and interact with them, they can hold things, uses devices, mess with lights, play an Xbox, ect- and whatever they consume, the correct amount of whatever it was disappears afterwards- so they’re also able to consume things.
not sure Wtf they really are, but they’re goofy as hell, and are keeping me sane, so I’m not complaining.
they watch the channels with me, (yes- including lore, even when I tell them not to, they hide away and watch it from behind me or sm) and the April 14th incident really messed them up- they’re terrified of losing eachother </3
they have the braincell count as an orange cat, aka 0.
do NOT mention anything laser-related around them, please and thank you- they will have a full blown panic attack from the trauma of dying to that stupid barrel-laser-thing </3 (this isn’t a rule btw, just a warning)
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Edit: ECLIPSE HAS RECENTLY MANIFESTED. I know next to nothing about him because he’s more elusive and reclusive than the
M-BM!Twins, and I’ve only seen him like. Twice. But uh, I know he’s kinda mopey abt something so uh. He’s gonna be available for asks too👍
DOUBLE EDIT: Because Dazzle got a more gacha-friendly design, Dazzle will now be featured visually. A post abt her is already uploaded.
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
aaaa congrats on 1.5k!!!
for the writing prompt things idk uh cuddly/touchy byler (prerelationship) and one of the other party members just calling them out on their lack of heterosexuality??
overdue hi helloooo!!!
oh my god i love this. this is one of my favorite party tropes, so here, have some lucas sinclair being So Done with mike and will. a fun little modern au, set around the party's sophomore or junior year of college!
now that i see you 
Here’s a little known fact that very few people know about Lucas Sinclair.
He’s bi.
Yeah! Lucas is bisexual, and it’s fucking great, actually. He’s known he was bi since he was about seventeen years old, though looking back on it, Lucas really should’ve known sooner. Honestly, there’s a reason why he loved watching the Spider-Man movies when he was younger, and it’s not just because Zendaya stars in them.
Oh no. It’s because Zendaya and Tom Holland star in them.
Talk about the Gen Z bisexual’s dream.
Anyways, yeah, Lucas Sinclair is bisexual, and he’s out to everyone he knows and loves. He never had a big coming out or anything, but if people ask about it, he doesn’t hide it or anything. But personally, in Lucas’s opinion, no one should assume other people’s sexualities, so if people assume he’s straight, that’s on them.
It’s fun being bi, and it’s fun having a girlfriend who’s bi too. He and Max have been dating since they were just fourteen years old, so they’re more than comfortable walking down the streets together and commenting on different people they pass by. (Not in a creepy way, of course. God no. Lucas isn’t like that, and neither is Max.) 
It’s also fun having so many friends who are part of the queer community as well. Everybody in the Party is actually part of the queer community—Will is gay, El identifies as bisexual with a strong preference for women, Dustin is on the ace spectrum, and Mike currently identifies as queer, as he’s still trying to figure out what label (if any) fits him best. 
All of that to say, as a bi man, Lucas thinks he’s gotten pretty good at reading what is and what isn’t flirty behavior. For example, El and Max used to hold hands all the time when all of them were in high school. For some girls, that’s not flirty behavior. For those two though? It was definitely flirty behavior, and that’s exactly why the three of them are in a poly relationship now and have been for well over a year. 
Another example? Sometimes, Will likes to lean his head on Lucas’s shoulder. Sometimes, Lucas gives Will piggybacks, like he does with Max. Maybe in another life, they would’ve been flirting with each other, but Lucas is fairly certain their behavior is platonic.
Not that it even matters because here’s the thing: Will is head over fucking heels in love with Mike.
Here’s the other thing: Mike is head over fucking heels in love with Will.
And now for the final thing: the two of them are so fucking stupid that neither one of them even realizes it, even though they both flirt with each other worse than anyone Lucas has ever met.
Like… seriously, what the hell? What the actual hell? Mike and Will are practically dating, except that they’re not, and both of them have come to Lucas on separate occasions and rambled for literal hours about how much they like each other. But of course, both Will and Mike had made him promise not to say anything to the other person, and of course, Lucas can’t just break that promise, even if it would save them a lot of heartache and save himself a massive headache.
Tonight, though… Lucas is questioning his entire life. 
Everyone in the Party is over at Mike’s house tonight for a movie night, and like usual, they’re all squished together on the tiny couch in the basement and on the floor in front of the couch. They’re watching Tangled tonight, per El’s request since her birthday is in a little less than a week. It’s a sweet movie, and because it’s one of Max and El’s favorites, Lucas loves it a lot.
But he’s not really watching Tangled tonight.
Oh no, instead, Lucas keeps getting distracted by the fact that Mike and Will are literally cuddling on the floor in front of him. And yeah, okay, that’s nothing new. They both tend to be physically affectionate people, and other than the weird period of time when Mike and El were dating and he and Will weren’t really talking, they’ve always been physically affectionate with each other.
But tonight is just a new level of “affectionate,” and Jesus Christ, Lucas is going to rip his hair out.
First of all. 
First. Of. Fucking. All. 
Mike is sitting against the couch, and Will is literally sitting between his legs and leaning up against Mike’s chest. Mike has his arms wrapped around Will, and throughout the movie, Mike keeps leaning down and whispering things into Will’s ear that make Will laugh and smile like a complete idiot.
Second of all.
Second of all, Mike keeps absently playing with Will’s hair. Mike’s always been a fidgety person, so when he’s not holding Will’s hands, he’s playing with Will’s hair, all soft and gentle the way that Lucas is literally playing with Max’s hair. 
Third of all.
It’s the lantern scene.
It’s the fucking lantern scene now, and Rapunzel and Eugene are singing to each other and looking lovingly into one another’s eyes. Ordinarily, the scene is enough to make Lucas emotional, and sometimes, when he’s feeling extra sappy, he might even tear up, because he gets to thinking about Max and about how happy she makes him. Nowadays, he thinks about El too and how their relationship, however unusual it may be, also makes him incredibly happy.
But nope. Lucas can’t even enjoy his favorite scene in the whole damn movie, because he’s too distracted by the fact that Mike is staring at Will in the same way that Eugene keeps staring at Rapunzel but also by the fact that every single damn time Will turns to look at Mike in the same way Rapunzel stares back at Eugene, Mike just so happens to turn away.
They keep missing each other’s stupid, pining looks, and Lucas wants to cry. He’s going to lose his mind here. He really, really is.
The song continues to play, and Lucas glances down at Will and Mike again. Somehow, Will has shifted even closer to Mike, and Mike is whispering something in Will’s ear again that makes him smile.
Enough is enough.
Lucas just wants to enjoy his damn movie, and he’s tired of his best friends being idiots. 
So, as slyly as he can, Lucas sits up, and he leans down, closer to Mike and Will now. “Hey,” he whispers, loud enough so only the two of them can hear.
Both Will and Mike turn to look at him, confused expressions on their faces. “Hey?” Mike asks, his brow furrowed. 
“You both want to kiss each other,” Lucas deadpans, and he watches as both his best friends stare at him in horror. “And don’t try to deny it, because you both have talked to me about it. Just… do us all a favor, and go make out or something. I can’t watch the damn movie because I’m too distracted by the fact that you’re literally flirting in front of all of us and are somehow too dumb to realize it.”
Both Will and Mike turn a bright shade of red, and they look at each other, their eyes wide. For a few moments, they do that silent little Mike and Will communication, and Lucas fights the urge to roll his eyes.
All at once, everything is different, Rapunzel and Eugene sing together, now that I see you. Now that I see you. 
Then, all at once, Will moves away from Mike, and he crawls towards the stairs, still holding Mike’s hand. Neither one of them stands up until they’re away from the TV, and without another word, they run up the stairs—presumably to go follow Lucas’s suggestion.
Fucking finally.
Lucas sighs, and he leans back onto the couch, wrapping his arm around Max’s shoulder again. She shifts closer to him, offering a wry smile, and she mutters, “About damn time. I told you that you should’ve just told them earlier.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Lucas rolls his eyes, leaning over and kissing his girlfriend’s temple. “I wanted to give them a chance to not be idiots and figure it out for themselves.”
“It’s Mike and Will,” Dustin points out, from his place on the beanbag. “When it comes to each other, they’re always going to be idiots.”
“Okay, that’s fair—”
“Shhhhh,” El hisses, glaring at both Lucas and Dustin. “Mike and Will are stupid. We knew this already. Now, be quiet. I’m trying to watch the movie.”
“Sorry,” Dustin says, and Lucas smiles sheepishly.
“Sorry, El,” he whispers, reaching over and rubbing her back lightly. “I’ll be quiet.”
El narrows her eyes playfully, but she smiles back at Lucas, leaning closer to both Max and Lucas. “I’ll forgive you,” she whispers. “But only because now I won’t have to listen to Will whine about Mike as much.”
A quiet laugh escapes Lucas’s lips, and he just smiles, leaning his head on Max’s shoulder. Likewise, El leans her head on Max’s other shoulder, and silence settles over the four of them as they continue to watch the rest of the movie.
Lucas will check in on Mike and Will… later.
Right now, he gets the feeling they want to be left alone.
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ivysangel · 2 months
Omg I’m watching yj rn cuz I haven’t seen the show since maybe 2012 or 2013 so it’s been a while for this girl and I have no one else to talk to about this.
~Mild spoilers ahead for those who haven’t caught up~
But I just have to say that the writers are gonna be fending off more then just these hands for the bloody time skips they did. When s1 ended I was so excited for season 2, and then after a quick recap of the new years scene we get blasted 5 years later!!!?!?!?! uHMMMM HELLO?!?!???? WTF IS THIS ??? I WAS EXPECTING TEAM BEHAVIOUR AND THIS IS SO NOT TEAM BEHAVIOUR!!! I WANTED GROWTH!! I WANTED TO GET TO LIKE THESE CHARACTERS MORE AND UNDERSTAND THE RELATIONSHIPS!! And they hit us with the oop aqualad is now an enemy, yeah Tula joined the team but died, Dick and Zatanna aren’t together but he’s with Barbara now, Barb is also disabled, Jason was a part of the team for a while but of course died, etc etc like it was huh after huh after HUH cuz a lot can happen in 5 years and I’m cheesed we didn’t have season 2 to ride the wave a little longer with the team while they were midteens before we got a switch up and suddenly they’re in their 20s and mentoring, and we got introduced to a new team like 2 or 3 times
And with each time skip I’d just get more and more steamed cuz this feels like when you have a friend that you’ve known for ages but suddenly decides to drop new lore and you’re like 👁️👄👁️ what do you mean you were pregnant at 15 and found out at a Wendy’s bathroom????? Like it felt like being hit with a truck hearing all the things that happened during the time skip cuz as of right now I’m on the latest season and there’s queer relationships that were dropped like a bomb. Don’t get me wrong I’m not mad about it at all but with kal I was like who?when?? And with Lagoonboy I was like aww he looks so happy with her! Wait did she just say husband??? But that’s not….. omg this dude is a home wrecker!!! ohhhhh ok he’s in a poly relationship…. WAIT A MINUTE A POLY RELATIONSHIP??? It was just coming out of nowhere unless I missed hints being dropped in earlier episodes or seasons. Probably the sap in me but I would’ve liked to be introduced to these other characters and see how they caught feelings and got together instead. We’ve had a few episodes about Halo figuring herself out both with sexuality and gender preferences, and her religion as well which does make sense when you were previously a living machine. But nothing for Kaldur or lagoonboy???? I would’ve loved to have seen that unfold instead of some other episodes that were more of a snooze fest for me
hihihi sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for so long, i got this crazy influx of yj related asks that were all so long so i've been spacing out my responses!!
but you are so right, the time jumps are so heinous because half the time we don't even get flashbacks to supplement any of the missing plot. they fully just drop bombs on the viewers and expect everyone to just accept it. it's very jarring to get attached to a team and then see the whole team split up the next season with absolutely no warning.
(also idk why this just came to mind but does anyone else remember when orm was camped out in that house trying to kill everybody at that birthday party???? what the fuck was that about??? was that crucial to the plot...did i miss smth)
BUT YEAH. there's a whole lot of "did i miss something"s floating around for s2-4. i would literally sit in front of a paused screen and try to figure out if any dots connected bc i was so lost.
i also really liked how we got halo's sexuality and gender identity arc but i do wish they had done the same for kaldur since he's such a massive part of the show. i wouldn't be mad at one for lagoon boy either, but his plots generally don't mean as much for me since he was really only there as a piece of the m'gann + conner plot.
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jackieparty · 2 years
How I Described the Amis to My Friends
there's 9 of them and no i am not counting marius bc marius can suck my cock and balls he’s not an amis. they’re also known as the “barricade boys” specifically in the musical, all of them die spoiler alert, modern au versions of them (very popular in les mis fandom) are queer 
ENJOLRAS - the leader, probably gay (real brick quote "it did not seem as though [Enjolras] were aware there was on earth a thing called woman") usually blonde and sexy as fuck, i personally go with the hc that he's trans bc in the brick he's described as feminine all the mf time "slab of marble" my ass (oh i kin him), “the leader” in the triumvirate 
COMBEFERRE - enjolras's second in command technically, wears glasses and associated with the color blue, he's known as a sexy scholar and the voice of reason within the group, aka group dad, i refuse to believe he's straight or white, “the guide” in the triumvirate
COURFEYRAC -  the other one in the triumvirate “the centre”, primary color yellow, everyone's best friend and marius's canon roomie (marius is bi for him and cosette we know this), he's known to be really flirty, but he keeps the group sane and together
JEHAN - everyone in the fandom hcs them as nb so they are nb because i say so, the poet of the group very indie vibes and horribly adorable sense of fashion, plant parent hippie bs 
FEUILLY - enjolras def favors him over everyone else, he canonically makes fans for a living and is really well-versed, interested in different parts of the world and really wants to travel, he’s precious and i adore him 
BAHOREL - BEAR MAN, gets into brawls all the mf time and also associated with the color red like enj, def a fruity gym bro, but he studies law despite not wanting to be a lawyer so what's the point even 
BOSSUET/LESGLES - name literally means eagle (lesgles) but i refer to him as bossuet bc its easier to remember, canonically bald all versions of him are bald, he is the clumsiest most unlucky mf in the entire world, unlucky is his personality trait, def in a relationship with musichetta (cafe worker) and joly 
JOLY - doctor man basically raddle from animal crossing bc he's always convinced that he's sick or that there's something wrong with him, therefore always carries around a cane and canonically lays in his bed so that hes aligned with the earth's poles, bf of bossuet and musichetta, hes the litol one in the poly couple
GRANTAIRE - also referred to as the letter "r", drunk as fuck all the time and believes in absolutely nothing except for CANONICALLY enjolras, his description in the brick is literally simping over enjolras and how beautiful he is, hes hced as an artist who paints enj all the mf time which i believe, canonically dies holding enjolras's hand, associated with the color green, in love with enjolras did i mention that hes in love with enj
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I know not enough people have listened to The Mechanisms for the Camelot trio to win but guys, guys. You’re missing out.
For those that don’t know, High Noon Over Camelot is an album by the Mechanisms. It’s a mix of song and narration that is basically a musical, about the story of King Arthur retold as a gay space western on a dying planet. (Again for the people skimming this: GAY. SPACE. WESTERN.) Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot are poly, Mordred is transmasc, Galahad is a crazy fucking priest, i mean COME ON. Also the Mechanisms are actually immortal space pirates and one of them ends up being Merlin. It’s a tragedy (because it’s a mechanisms album), but it’s also their best one imo. Also the music SLAPS. Seriously, it is so, so good. And the story itself and the EMOTION in the singing and……. god. No words.
Anyway go listen to the Mechanisms. They also have an album about Ulysses, a short take on Frankenstein that’s SO GOOD, and one about fairytales called Once Upon A Time In Space, and my personal second fave, The Bifrost Express. All of which are incredibly queer and fun and sad. If you, internet person, also love stories that are fun and gay and sad and narrated by a sexy immortal space pirate man, then go listen to them!! They’re on Youtube so they’re pretty easy to find. GO. VOTE FOR MY BLORBOS.
(And thank you to you, mx. poll organizer, for making the polls and having a good time with us. :D )
(why is gay space western such a powerful combo fr)
adding to this for ppl who dont listen to the mechanisms but do listen to the magnus archives, that's the band jonny simms is in, its mentioned in a few q&a i think
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weirdo09 · 1 year
ok so i just got back from seeing atsv and just oh my fucking god.
and like half the stuff in this film felt like a maaaaassssssiiivvveeeee metaphor for coming out like the “promise u won’t love me any less” (or whatever see said i’m bad at remembering exact quotes) and the fact that during Gwen’s speech to her dad EVERYTHING TURNED FUCKING PINK BLUE AND WHITE like cmon they aren’t even being subtle abt it u guys (@ the ppl who r denying it not u) just don’t wanna see queer ppl in media they literally could not make it more on the nose w/o making it an actual queer coming out story and not a metaphor (also when Miles and Rio were talking and he was trying to tell her “a secret” aka that he was spider-man and he was going all “i- i’m- i’m-” before bailing she 1000% thought he was trying to come out to her like as queer idk what other way she couldve interpreter that like srsly)
also not to be horny in asks but i need Miguel to fucking rail me for fuck’s sake hes hot and usually it’d be more likely i’d be into a mosquito than a muscular guy (it’s normally too generic yk)
and yeah that’s all my thoughts on the movie that’s i can turn into words (final random ones that idk how to format: Gwen and Miles were like extra baby in this one esp Miles + ik he has a wife and all but Peter and Miguel r definitely doing smthn like the vibes r there u cant deny it + Gwen x Miles is one of those ships that i don’t rlly care whether they’re romantic or platonic but i prefer them platonic and unfortunately the writers don’t seem to agree with me (kinda like Jopper except Jopper kinda grew on my entirely because of Willel being siblings bring extra extra canon) + not related to the contents of the film but there were these group of rlly annoying Neds sitting behind me and my friend who wouldn’t stop talking and going on their phones and i only heard one but according to my friend 2 ppl yelled at them to shut up and i heard them stop for like 2 seconds then start being bitches again it was so fucking annoying) and yeah damn that was a kinds long final thoughts thingy but yeah will this become my entire personality? idk we’ll have to see now if u’ll excuse me i gotta remember how to be a normal human again (hope this wasn’t too long lmao) :p
yes yes the metaphors, made me cry n everythin,, miles n rio were just !!!!!!! i loved it mostly bcuz i wish that was how my mom would’ve reacted if i ever came out to her (spoiler alert, she didn’t and she found out on her own. she was not at all accepting which is typical)
i mean at first, i thought miguel was comical very comical for having beef with miles, who is half his age!!!! yeah after i got out the theater, i wanted to beat his ass 😡😡😡 but then i could kinda see his attractive still not an excuse, i’d still fight him on sight
peter + miguel, i mean mj would obviously approve,,, they’re my poly couple ok??? miguel n mayday get me in my feels,,, 😭😭😭 like i’ve posted before PETER B PARKER AND MIGUEL O’HARA ATE EACH OTHERS ASSES!!!!! yeah great times
miles + gwen, i don’t really see or care for them romantically.. idk i just can’t see their romantic coding… them platonically just seem so much better to me
sorry abt those Neds,,, they seem like total bitches and you make this movie your whole personality bcuz it will be worth it (secretly goin to make the movie my personality again)
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Oh yeah bro the creator is probably a great guy and he should in no way at all be getting hate or death threats or anything of the sort. Criticism? Absolutely, this comic is ass shit hotdog water, but criticism is, obviously, different from actually threatening the guy.
And I would also like to say this comic would be more redeemable if it was advertised differently, which is definitely something I would tell him if I could. If the comic was more advertised as just something he likes and his own little passion project? Sure, it’d still be absolute shite, but its his own shite so who cares. But by advertising it and giving it this reputation of amazing queer and gay representation, you’re inviting a lot more pressure than this comic can handle, which is something else I would say to him. If the comic had no intent or even rumour of being good gay rep, that’d be different. I also think its a problem because it’s one of the few, and maybe even only, comic about a poly relationship thats in such an accessible place. Yes there are almost absolutely poly comics elsewhere on the internet, I’m fucking sure of it, and people have poly oc’s that they may write or draw about, but they aren’t on webtoon and, most importantly, they aren’t being advertised on YouTube and other huge websites. I don’t know Webtoon decides what comics to use to advertise, and I don’t pretend to know, but regardless of whether you have to submit the comic or Webtoon just emails you and asks for permission to use it, there’s still some responsibility on the creator. If this comic really was just for the creators personal fun, that’s totally fair! You’re allowed to make shit stories when they’re for you and some friends! And the occasional enjoyer! That’s so fair and valid! Make shit stories, it’s how you learn! But by allowing it to become an ad, it’s now forced to stand on its own against the mass public. That means criticism, that means meticulously being picked apart. That means realising that your fun can hurt people. Again, I think that if Boyfriends had never been used in ads, these problems wouldn’t exist, or would be much lesser. But by being an ad, it
1) gains the idea that its amazing. You’d think that choosing something to be an ad for your website means it’d be an amazing thing. You wouldn’t want, like, FF.net to use My Immortal as an ad (even though that would be a great marketing tactic because of its notoriety its an objectively bad fic). Its that thought that brings people in to that comic with extremely high hopes. Those high hopes aren’t good for a comic that would almost certainly be better as a goofy comic thats known by very few and is very much just shown to those that would enjoy it, those that search it out.
2) is shown to people who wouldn’t enjoy this comic. Instead of keeping it hidden and almost underground, where the only ones who see it are those that search it out and thusly would enjoy it. By showing it to a wide audience like the ads on YouTube did, not even only showing them before gay creators videos!, its opening the door for people who wouldn’t actually enjoy this comic and how it works, and that’s something that shouldn’t happen.
3) it’s given a reputation. By being a comic about gays in a poly relationship, something horrendously underrepresented, and by showing this comic to so many, it’s automatically expected to be a great demonstration of poly relationships. It isn’t. This isn’t a great demonstration of poly relationships. One forth of the relationship only cares about the others for sex.
These are all things that I wish, I wish, the creator would’ve realised before agreeing to let their comic be used in ads. Of course, this is assuming that webtoon even asked permission to use the comic, but I don’t know enough about how Webtoon chooses comics for ads to say anything. I wish the creator had realised or someone had told them that this comic simply cannot stand up in the face of the mass public. It is a comic for a very specific kind of person, with very specific interests in their comics they ingest. Its for people who like the cutesy anime kawaii-without-understanding-that-kawaii-was-made-as-Japanese-punk-rebellion aesthetics with OWO UWU humour. Its not for everyone. Its not even for most people. It’s very sad to me that something they made for likely their own enjoyment was thrust in front of the public where it was essentially thrown to the wolves. But it happened, and the creator presumably consented to it being put here, in front of us all, shoved in our faces by Webtoons ads, and so it will thusly be ripped to shreds and critiqued. By putting it in such a lime light, the creator has, inadvertently or not, invited such criticism. While they don’t deserve threats or to feel unsafe, they allowed their comic to be shown like it was, and thusly, I feel, cannot complain about the consequences of that action.
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heloflor · 1 year
Have a doc filled with Mario headcanons and wanted to share the sexualities part because fuck it, it’s still pride month.
Disclaimer since it’s relevant to this post : I headcanon that Peach, Daisy, Wario and Waluigi are all creatures from the world of the Mushroom Kingdom who look the way they do due to magic gems (those blue and green gems that Peach and Daisy have respectively). Peach is a Toad, Daisy is a Dino-Rhino (unless those flower people from Mario Bros acid trip Wonder are from her Kingdom, then again I like Daisy being a giant cool Dino, plus the trailer for Wonder showed several other big animals), not sure for Wario and Waluigi but they’re not humans. The Super Crown works the way it does because there’s one of those gems in it.
Also, since it’s briefly mentioned, what I call the “main” continent is made out of the Mushroom, Koopa, Bomb-omb, Thwomp, and Goomba kingdoms. Sarasaland (retconned into Flower Kingdom now ?) and other kingdoms are on other continents (yes I know in Superstar Saga the Beanbean kingdom is neighbors with the Mushroom. But since they never appear in other games, I’ve chosen to ignore that detail).
Anyways, onto the headcanons :
- Mario : Transmasc Aromantic Heterosexual ; he realized he’s aro after finding out Peach is a Toad and losing sexual interest in her (felt bad about it at first because he thought he fell out of love upon discovering Peach at her most vulnerable, Bowser made it worse for him by accusing him of liking her only due to her human form) ; him being transmasc is why he’s named Mario Mario (he thought it would be funny)
- Luigi : Cis Bisexual ; had a fling with Peasley + loves Daisy ; he’s gender non-conforming and sometimes shares clothes with Peach, he also trains his voice to be higher-pitched for the heck of it (+ it can help in case he has to take Peach’s place for a kidnapping)
- Peach : Demiromantic Pansexual ; is cis-passing in human form but is technically transfem due to being a Toad
- Bowser : Omnisexual ; Cis tho I like the idea of him being transmasc and birthing Junior’s egg
- Yoshi and Birdetta are T4T + poly (hence Birdetta flirting with others) ; Birdetta’s eggs aren’t actually eggs (insert joke about her “eggs” being white) ; not sure if “all Yoshis that lay eggs are female” but at least all those that lay eggs that can be fertilized are female (and on that note YOSHI MIGHT BE CANONICALLY TRANSMASC ???!!!) ; Yoshi is straight while Birdetta is plurisexual (bi/pan/omni etc)
- Daisy : Straight + intersex + transfem (imagine if Prince Haru from the 1986 movie was her appearance pre-transition, but remove the whole “Peach’s fiancé” part of the plot, or the plot as a whole since the events of this movie didn’t happen here, just keep Haru’s design as “Daisy before transitioning”)
- Big fan of the headcanon that Kamek is gay ; he doesn’t date because 1. He’s busy 2. He’s getting too old for this 3. He’s devoted to his son and grandchildren which takes all his free time
- Depending on which creature he is Wario would be cishet though I could also see him be plurisexual (bi/pan/omni/other label that has to do with dating more than one gender ; I like putting diversity in queer headcanons but I’m not the most knowledgeable on labels past the most common ones)
- Not sure for Rosalina, either aroace or she’s allo but just stays single due to her life situation ; probably non-binary (she/it, could also be a play on the fact that some see her as some kind of goddess)
- Pauline is Cis Lesbian and her and Mario parted on good terms after he came out as trans on top of other reasons (basically they still care a lot about each other but realized they were better off as friends, the whole “unknown aro + transmasc with lesbian” simply gave them an easier excuse to break up)
- Really not sure for Bowser's kids, the only ideas that are "set in stone" are that Ludwig is gay, Wendy is attracted to boys (doesn't meant she can't like girls), Lemmy is demi-boy (they/him) and Morton is attracted to girls (like Wendy it doesn't close the door for liking men).
Not sure for the rest, though I could see Iggy using he/neopronouns (likely xe/xem) and at least one of them being interesex. Btw the older kids say they don’t date because they’re busy with royal duties but the truth is they are just incredibly awkward + they can’t ask their dad for advice since he’s a romantic disaster
- I could see Toadsworth be aroace, since even in his younger years he cared more about raising his surrogate daughter than dating + he never pressures Peach into marrying ? In general he doesn’t seem to care about romance ? ; he’s also transmasc because Toad
- After seeing Bowser’s Inside Story and the beginning of Dream Team, Starlow is a lesbian crushing on Peach (is very buddy-buddy with Peach despite barely knowing her, makes a big deal out of Peach being kept safe, calls her “Peach” instead of “Princess” from the get go, at times seems to see Peach as the best person in the room)
- Toads and Goombas are naturally agender because mushrooms ; some choose to express a specific gender (ex Toadsworth, Toadette, Peach, the Toads and Goombas from the first two Paper Mario) ; some may use gendered pronouns even if their presentation doesn’t display any specific gender (ex Captain Toad using he/him despite looking like any other Toad) ; basically every Toad/Goomba that use gendered pronouns (or neopronouns) is technically trans and/or non-binary ; cisgender Toads/Goombas go by they/it ; the Super Crown gem gives the shape the Toad see themselves as but it doesn’t have to be cis-passing or even gender conforming, can be androgyne (Daisy took a while to figure herself out, hence her gem giving her Haru’s look at first ; she's not from an agender species but the way the gems work still applies to hers, hence mentioning how her being trans worked on that front)
- That previous point implies either all Toads have the same metabolism and thus all grow facial hair (Peach having to shave tho) or they have mushrooms that serves as HRT for those who want more “masculine” or “feminine” traits (hair/facial hair and tone of voice) ; the color of their hats has nothing to do with gender for Toads (ignore Nintendo’s weird obsession with making every female character in the Mario franchise pink)
- Sexual dimorphism in general is very rare/limited in this world (only the Beanbean kingdom has it ?), in “main” continent, Koopas are the ones where it’s the most present and even then it’s very minimal (genitals, who can lay eggs, possibly size but even then not really since Pom Pom is the only one smaller than her male counterpart, Wendy and other female Koopas aren’t particularly small)
- Toads (and other species) experimenting with gender could be due to seeing Koopas make the distinction between “male” and “female” and finding the idea of changing your appearance based on how you feel to be fun (even though you have the concept of male and female Koopas, there’s no transphobia in Bowser’s kingdom) ; by that point it’s common for Toads to change however they feel and go by any pronouns they want, just because they’re aware of the concepts of masculinity and femininity doesn’t mean they have to follow it to the letter with their pronouns unless they want to
- On that note, I could see Toadette as genderfluid, though she most often goes by she/her ; I could also see one or several of the other main Toads (Ala Gold, Bucken Berry, Captain Toad, "The" Red ToadTM) be bi-gender
- Not sure what’s going on with Waluigi but he’s definitely queer
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roleplayfinder · 1 month
hi hi! you can call me ren (or cassette or alt or w/e permutation of my discord handle and display name you wanna workshop), i’m 29, she/her, and exceedingly queer (and mentally ill!). i have the ability to type in proper sentence case just fine, but this is how i talk casually, and how i communicate ooc!
i’m a novella/multipara writer whose word count fluctuates depending on the scene. description heavy scenes like starters, scene transitions, new locations, etc, tend to be long. i’m talking in the 2kw without blinking territory, sometimes going all the way up to 4k (and could probably go 5k if my partner was similarly long winded askdjfg). but then for things like dialogue heavy scenes or fight scenes that require a lot of quick, decisive actions and decisions, i can go as low as about 200-300w. because of this i don’t at all expect you to mirror me post for post, but i do ask that bare minimum you’re comfortable at least hitting the 1k range, as well as comfortable with receiving long fuck off posts from yours truly askdjf
i write third person present tense, and i will write any gender and sexual orientation you ask for! i’ll be looking for either canon x oc or oc x oc for my side, which will be m/f, but my f!oc is queer herself, so it’ll be a queer flavor of m/f alskjhdfg. for your side! i am happy to write anything. canon, oc, male, female, trans, enby, whatever you want, just ask!
i do ask that any potential partners be preferably 25. i also ask that we double, unless you only want to play the love interest i’m ask for against my oc, in which case we don’t have to double. but i’d love to double for you! i want to double for you! i will even triple for you, if you want a love triangle or a poly relationship.
my mediums are discord and email, exclusively!
i also have some limits i will ask you abide by. i do not want you to godmod my oc, i do not want you to discuss the topics of: alcohol, drugs, smoking/vaping, or substance abuse in or out of character (this includes meme images, emojis, etc. i don’t want to write about it i don’t want to see visuals of it, and i am very serious about this. they are limits and triggers. please respect them like you would anyone else’s triggers even if they’re not as commonplace). i also don’t wish to write about sexual assault or abuse, or any sort of incest/pedophilia/the usual limits for this community. additionally, i do not write smut. i fade to black, and that (along with my limits) are non negotiable. and of course likewise, i will respect any limits you have!
with all of that out of the way, we can move onto the fun things! today i am looking for
star trek: the next generation
heads up and fair warning! i’m in the middle of a rewatch, and the last time i saw this was?? maybe twenty years ago. anywhere in the 15-20 range at least. so i don’t remember a whole lot, and i’m only in season two so far. but i would loooove to write in tng, it’s just?? so lovely ???
against my f!oc, i am looking for you to write one of the following: riker, an oc with a faceclaim i choose, or a canon transplant from another media (i would be looking for primarily tony stark or david xanatos)
in return, i can write anything you like! though i do have some canons i’d be especially excited to write for you if given the chance! these are: data 🤍🤍🤍, geordi 🤍🤍, picard 🤍🤍🤍, deanna 🤍🤍
if interested, please feel free to reach me at my discord [altimit.os] or my email [altimit.osx (at) gmail (dot) com]
altimit.osx (at) gmail (dot) com
0 notes
starship-ncc-1701-d · 1 month
make it so | st:tng 1x1 search
hi hi! you can call me ren (or alt or w/e permutation of my discord handle and display name you wanna workshop),
i’m late-late 20s, she/her, and exceedingly queer (and mentally ill!). i have the ability to type in proper sentence case just fine, but this is how i talk casually, and how i communicate ooc!
i’m a novella/multipara writer whose word count fluctuates depending on the scene. description heavy scenes like starters, scene transitions, new locations, etc, tend to be long. i’m talking in the 2kw without blinking territory, sometimes going all the way up to 4k (and could probably go 5k if my partner was similarly long winded askdjfg). but then for things like dialogue heavy scenes or fight scenes that require a lot of quick, decisive actions and decisions, i can go as low as about 200-300w. because of this i don’t at all expect you to mirror me post for post, but i do ask that bare minimum you’re comfortable at least hitting the 1k range, as well as comfortable with receiving long fuck off posts from yours truly askdjf
i write third person present tense, and i will write any gender and sexual orientation you ask for! i’ll be looking for either canon x oc or oc x oc for my side, which will be m/f, but my f!oc is queer herself, so it’ll be a queer flavor of m/f alskjhdfg. for your side! i am happy to write anything. canon, oc, male, female, trans, enby, whatever you want, just ask!
i do ask that any potential partners be preferably 25+. i also ask that we double, unless you only want to play the love interest i’m ask for against my oc, in which case we don’t have to double. but i’d love to double for you! i want to double for you! i will even triple for you, if you want a love triangle or a poly relationship.
my mediums are discord and email, exclusively!
i also have some limits i will ask you abide by. i do not want you to godmod my oc, i do not want you to discuss the topics of: alcohol, drugs, smoking/vaping, or substance abuse in or out of character (this includes meme images, emojis, etc. i don’t want to write about it i don’t want to see visuals of it, and i am very serious about this. they are limits and triggers. please respect them like you would anyone else’s triggers even if they’re not as commonplace). i also don’t wish to write about sexual assault or abuse, or any sort of incest/pedophilia/the usual limits for this community. additionally, i do not write smut. i fade to black, and that (along with my limits) are non negotiable. and of course likewise, i will respect any limits you have!
with all of that out of the way, we can move onto the fun things! today i am looking for
star trek: the next generation
heads up and fair warning! i’m in the middle of a rewatch, and the last time i saw this was?? 15-20 years ago, so i don’t remember a whole lot. i’m only in season three so far (around e4). but i would loooove to write in tng aaaaaaa i just rly love its vibes askjkdf
against my f!oc, i am looking for you to write one of the following: riker an oc with a faceclaim i choose
in return, i can write anything you like! though i do have some canons i’d be especially excited to write for you if given the chance! these are: 💛💛💛 data 💛💛 geordi ❤️❤️❤️ picard 💙💙 deanna
if interested, please feel free to reach me at my discord [altimit.os] or my email [altimit.osx (at) gmail (dot) com]
you can also reach out on tumblr for initial discussion, but please know i do not roleplay over tumblr!
0 notes
rphunter · 1 month
hi hi! you can call me ren (or cassette or alt or w/e permutation of my discord handle and display name you wanna workshop), i’m 29, she/her, and exceedingly queer (and mentally ill!). i have the ability to type in proper sentence case just fine, but this is how i talk casually, and how i communicate ooc!
i’m a novella/multipara writer whose word count fluctuates depending on the scene. description heavy scenes like starters, scene transitions, new locations, etc, tend to be long. i’m talking in the 2kw without blinking territory, sometimes going all the way up to 4k (and could probably go 5k if my partner was similarly long winded askdjfg). but then for things like dialogue heavy scenes or fight scenes that require a lot of quick, decisive actions and decisions, i can go as low as about 200-300w. because of this i don’t at all expect you to mirror me post for post, but i do ask that bare minimum you’re comfortable at least hitting the 1k range, as well as comfortable with receiving long fuck off posts from yours truly askdjf
i write third person present tense, and i will write any gender and sexual orientation you ask for! i’ll be looking for either canon x oc or oc x oc for my side, which will be m/f, but my f!oc is queer herself, so it’ll be a queer flavor of m/f alskjhdfg. for your side! i am happy to write anything. canon, oc, male, female, trans, enby, whatever you want, just ask!
i do ask that any potential partners be preferably 25. i also ask that we double, unless you only want to play the love interest i’m ask for against my oc, in which case we don’t have to double. but i’d love to double for you! i want to double for you! i will even triple for you, if you want a love triangle or a poly relationship.
my mediums are discord and email, exclusively!
i also have some limits i will ask you abide by. i do not want you to godmod my oc, i do not want you to discuss the topics of: alcohol, drugs, smoking/vaping, or substance abuse in or out of character (this includes meme images, emojis, etc. i don’t want to write about it i don’t want to see visuals of it, and i am very serious about this. they are limits and triggers. please respect them like you would anyone else’s triggers even if they’re not as commonplace). i also don’t wish to write about sexual assault or abuse, or any sort of incest/pedophilia/the usual limits for this community. additionally, i do not write smut. i fade to black, and that (along with my limits) are non negotiable. and of course likewise, i will respect any limits you have!
with all of that out of the way, we can move onto the fun things! today i am looking for
star trek: the next generation
heads up and fair warning! i’m in the middle of a rewatch, and the last time i saw this was?? maybe twenty years ago. anywhere in the 15-20 range at least. so i don’t remember a whole lot, and i’m only in season two so far. but i would loooove to write in tng, it’s just?? so lovely ???
against my f!oc, i am looking for you to write one of the following: riker, an oc with a faceclaim i choose, or a canon transplant from another media (i would be looking for primarily tony stark or david xanatos)
in return, i can write anything you like! though i do have some canons i’d be especially excited to write for you if given the chance! these are: data 🤍🤍🤍, geordi 🤍🤍, picard 🤍🤍🤍, deanna 🤍🤍
if interested, please feel free to reach me at my discord [altimit.os] or my email [altimit.osx (at) gmail (dot) com]
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