#also the portals looked really cool and trippy
Here are some things to say about my time in Santa Fe:
Taking a vacation in adulthood with your friends! This was a weird group for me and I was a little anxious about it heading in, but it ended up being a blast. The other 6 women were all friends in college, and while I went to the same school as them, I knew them vaguely but wasn't friends with any of them. Then one of them became my closest friend after school, and I got to know most of the other women over the years thanks to her. But I wouldn't say I was close to the group as a whole so I was a little pleasantly surprised to be included. It ended up being great, obviously-- everyone is so cool and smart and I am so so happy we made it happen. It's hard to coordinate 7 grown women!
Meow Wolf! This is super fun and trippy and we spent like 2 hours wandering around and banging on things and going through portals in dryers and refrigerators and generally having a blast.
Hiking Sun Mountain! We did a real hike! I now want to take a hiking-forward vacation! I found it harder to come down than to go up bc I have kinda bad knees but good cardiovascular, but I think most of the group found it easier to go down. We almost all slipped and fell on the gravelly path coming down.
Going for a run! I always like to run on vacation but I was nervous bc of the altitude. It wasn't my FASTEST run but it was fine and beautiful!
The Indian Art Fair! OMG the art was so so so gorgeous. And art in Santa Fe in general!
Green chili sauce not christmas. I didn't like the red as much!
The Georgia O'Keeffe museum! I was really moved by her life and this was a small but mighty and very well-done collection.
Getting free hotel breakfast! There was supposed to be a pool but it wasn't finished in time so one of the women negotiated free daily breakfast at the hotel restaurant and omg it was it delicious. It was so luxurious to have a huge leisurely breakfast every day. With green chili sauce!
The sangre de christo, the blood of christ mountains of New Mexico (if you can read that without singing it, you have a different life than I do)
Shopping in general! I saw a cute store that had little print dresses in it and I went it and half of us ended up buying matching dresses. Shopping with friends is so fun and the people in the shops there are so so so nice.
Again, the indian art fair. It was just the most beautiful art and jewelry and all of the artists were so happy to talk about their process and let you try things on and tell you their family history. It just felt really beautiful and generous.
Visiting a friend's ranch! Two of the women went to hs together and their friend owns a giant ranch outside of santa fe where we went for drinks and omg the views were just so incredible. Also his partner is from Santa Fe and he was telling us that his family has been there for hundreds of years (the us-mexico border crossed them, as it were) and they speak spanish from Spain, not from Mexico, and he gave us so much context for what the city and environment is like as a native. Also they had goats and chickens, which is alway fun. Their house looked like a spread from architectural digest.
the weed store! buying weed there is so different! almost no taxes (lol illinois 30% tax on weed), there are windows and you can just walk in and out (no windows in IL and you have to show ID to get in) and they take debit cards! IL is all cash. I bought Adam some red chili toffees and YES i transported them across state lines!
the miraculous staircase. This was such a gimmick, you can't even walk on it. It was in the Loretto chapel attached to our hotel so we went (and were genuinely excited about it!) but I do not recommend it.
The dry desert air. I am shriveled like a corn husk. I thought the altitude would get me but it was actually the complete lack of humidity.
That's all I've got for a low. Truly! no real lows! I loved every minute and my outfits were all great. I bought a tiny turquoise necklace as you do when you visit Santa Fe.
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onlineviolence · 1 year
Tyt to rest!!!! :D
OK OK SO IN MY INSANE MIND!!!!! (Literwlly.most of these are horror games and i. Assign them littlr characters )
Chimera would be like a mix of rhythm games like muse dash or taiko no tatsujin me thinks... she'd also be like?????? Those nail painting games that have those shiny twinkle spund effects and also girls go games ... she also reminfs me of puyo puyo tetris amf splatoon!!!!!!
Gamaliel reminds me of horror games like point and click horror games just like michael... and they also remind me of faith the unholy trinity!!! They also kind of remind me of Whos Lila and maze horror games ( tormented)
Yuriel ..... Im not that familiar with her tbh, but she looks like girls go games to me mixed with a little sort of obscure game museum thing like lsd dream sim <<< its bright btw and is like trippy ... also she seems like a type moon neco arc main to me tbh
Pyrite im not so familiar with either but they remind me of the genocide route from undertale also guilty gear + subnautica but i think shed mess around with the leviathans and start stabbing themwhile theyre frozen in place
Raphael to me is scotomophobia on roblox and iron lung .... (idk). I think she's like? Kind offfffff like Mixed wih michael point and click game AND asylum roblox games (idont knowbwhy again)
W is like spookys jumpscare mansion but they remind me of specimen 5 specifically <<<< cw for trypophobia when u search it up... they also remind me of house flipper and i dont know why ... subnautica sub zero also
- bonuses abt the way you draw other ultk characters and stuff -
The way you draw Gabriel reminds me of those pottery games and also dont starve (with gamaliel).... + the game cats are liquid becuase of how miserable he is (including gamaliel).... gabriel in your stule looks like he belongs in fnaf (positive)
The way you draw v2 reminds me of hollow knight for some reason especially grimm (is thst how you spell it) also !!!!!!!when v2 and pyrite r together they remind me of portal co-op + rainworld with pyrite
V1 in ur stule reminds me of coolmathgames especially monkey go happy for some reason?@?@?!??#,-,÷?' Also roblox tycoons and those weird games you see at the bottom of a guy shorts video
-- sorry for my ramblings gahhh im Going crazy iam alsonsorry if these dont really fit them .... ;;
im eating this im eating this im
thank you im absorbing All of this into my mind its so cool and i love your thoughts
now. now im thinking of scug v2 and pyrite. I'm thinking of all of it actually thank you
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“What are your dreams like, Matt?”
Last night I was baby-Matt (around 5/6 years old) and I had an ability to unwittingly hop through dimensions, and had accidentally created a rip in multiple dimensional overlaps, unleashing terrifying monsters on the world.
My folks were hopping around the planet with me, taking me to safe house after safe house, ally after ally, trying to teach me how to control my powers while also keeping me safe from the: 1) humans who wanted to do experiments on me or straight-up kill me, 2) terrifying vicious monsters from other worlds that felt attached to me for no reason they could understand so they were just trying to kill me in particular, and 3) humans who had been influenced by either energy from an alien world or been taken over by an alien creature/parasite and were also trying to kill me, they were doubly dangerous bc they had human intelligence but a monster’s ferocity.
Anyway my folks and I got separated because my dumbass baby self hopped another portal and ended up in a world that was (thankfully) a mirror of ours, but with many key differences.
I was found by a young-ish brother and sister who were apparently the allies of baby-Me in that world (but Baby-Me had died over there so they saw this as a chance to redeem themselves.) They took me to a safe house I had definitely been in before. My parents had given me a journal with lists of the safe-houses in case we got separated (which is kinda dumb.... but then again, dream logic), but the script and language was actually very different from the siblings’ world, and since I couldn’t really read that well (and we didn’t know whether the safe houses even existed in that world) it took a while to find one that the brother kind of recognized.
(Also it was weird because I had actual memories of all the safe houses and people/allies that lived in them and helped us but I cant remember if I actually did dream about them like this dream was just really really long, OR if I just had the memories of them already in the dream, if that makes sense? It didn’t really matter because I was a little kid and I couldn’t remember them super clearly anyway, it was kinda like I had amnesia?? anyway)
The siblings decided to start preparations to leave, gathering rations and plotting routes and such, but I started getting a really bad feeling. I kept telling them we gotta go we gotta go now, but they didn’t listen to me because I was a dumb BABY who couldn’t TALK PROPERLY AAAAAA
Anyway the brother ended up dragging me out of the house because some Bad Humans had found us, they shot the sister in the chest and then stabbed her in the gut and shoved this weird slug creature into the wound and I was watching through the window and couldn’t do anything to help her. I’m sure that wasn’t traumatic for baby-Matt to witness.
By now you’re probably wondering, “Matt, who was the ally in the safe house you’re planning on going to?” WELL. GLAD YOU ASKED BECAUSE HE’S THE COOLEST CHARACTER MY UNCONSCIOUS MIND HAS EVER COME UP WITH. You remember those humans that got taken over by the inter-dimensional energies/monsters and turned into a kind of hybrid between the two??? He was one of those, but the monster that took him over was just smart enough to not want to kill me and instead be curious about its bond to me, and the man it took over was actually an old family friend that had known me my whole life, so the two kind of. co-existed. He did still look horrifying though, like a giant, semi-furred bat with wings and just. the ugliest features you’ve ever seen. I remember him having an actually really freaking cool name in my dream, but now I can’t remember it, bc all I can remember is the name my dumb little kid self gave this terrifying kinda-fluffy monster and that’s Hamster. I named him Hamster. HAMSTER. (But when I was telling my dad about this dream he named him Batman or Bruce Ward so that’s. something too.) He also lived in this weird fortress-y freaking port city in an abandoned LIGHTHOUSE on the outskirts so. YEAH. COOL GUY.
The brother and I arrived at the city, but for whatever reason we got discovered (I thhhink a monster sniffed us out?) and we were running around the city fleeing from humans and monsters and every whack job in between and I kept calling for Mr Hamster so he could lift us over the city walls since all the gates had come down over the entrances and we couldn’t get out, he hadn’t shown up yet but I still had hope.
And then I woke up.
Shit was wild.
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lokitvsource · 3 years
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Inside Marvel’s ‘Loki’: Sorcery, Time Travel, and a Mystery Villain!
For a roughly 3,000-year-old god, Loki sure isn’t showing his age. In the trippy six-episode Disney+ series that bears his name, he’s full of his usual maniacal vigor and charm, and no wonder: This time, Tom Hiddleston’s god of mischief — first introduced in 2011’s big-screen Thor as the troublemaker, shapeshifting brother of Chris Hemsworth’s god of thunder — takes center stage.
Loki, a time-traveling procedural drama, opens up the complex character in ways fans have never seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s many films, but still maintains his cool mystery. “Loki’s a mercurial shapeshifter who seems to present one thing on the external when there’s perhaps another thing going on in the internal,” Hiddleston says. “He’s always worn many masks.”
And in this series, he’s getting a whole new look: a prison uniform. The story kick-starts where we last saw the prankster, 2019’s Avengers: Endgame film. In an alternate post–Battle of New York 2012 timeline, Loki absconded with the Tesseract cube containing the megapowerful Space Stone, which grants him the ability to portal throughout space. Smart planning, Marvel! “We knew we were going to take Tom off on his solo story,” executive producer Kevin Feige admits.
This Loki is a darker, meaner god; he hasn’t yet undergone all that brotherly character development from Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok, and Avengers: Infinity War. The bright side? You won’t have had to see all the latest films to understand what’s going on.
When we catch up with Loki, his stealing the Tesseract has led to his imprisonment by the bureaucratic Time Variance Authority, formed to “ensure that time unfolds according to its predetermined outcomes,” explains Hiddleston. They are basically the timeline police, and he’s in big trouble.
Loki’s been stripped of his powers and his trademark green and gold ensemble, making him more human than ever. But don’t expect that to dim his light. “You can take his scepter away, you can take off the cape and the fine Asgardian leather and literally put him in a button-down shirt and pants, and he’s still Loki — he’s more Loki than you’ve ever seen,” Feige says, playfully adding: “And that’s not just because Tom Hiddleston looks good in any clothes at all, but he does.”
Luckily for Loki, the TVA needs his help to track down a killer who’s wreaking havoc on the timeline. Reluctant yet powerless, the inmate has no choice but to say yes. (In the trailer, Loki appears to drop in on Pompeii’s collapse and seemingly becomes ’70s plane hijacker D.B. Cooper, so his time jumps, whether sanctioned by the TVA or not, are pretty bold too.)
TVA agent Mobius M. Mobius (Owen Wilson, sporting a bushy moustache) is assigned to keep Loki on a very short leash. Mobius’ delighted fascination — he holds “the highest academic honors in the studies of Loki,” notes Hiddleston — makes the manipulator even more guarded than usual. “It’s a little bit of a chess match to gain Loki’s trust, but in that shared endeavor, there’s an interesting dynamic,” says Wilson, who likens the partnership to “Nick Nolte getting Eddie Murphy out of jail in [the 1982 movie] 48 Hrs.” For his part, Feige predicts Loki and Mobius “will be one of the most popular pairings we’ve ever had at Marvel.”
Viewers can also anticipate some ambiguity, as in Marvel’s latest TV forays, WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Both had watercooler moments (“It was Agatha all along!”) but also plenty of plot and character details left as question marks (we don’t know who Sophia Di Martino is playing either). And while Hiddleston says the key element that makes Loki a fan favorite is his ability to astonish viewers, this adventure could leave a certain god the surprised one. “What we try to ask is, behind the slippery trickster, who is he really?” the actor says. “Does he even know?” You can bet the discovery will be a lively, ruse-filled ride.
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
For a roughly 3,000-year-old god, Loki sure isn’t showing his age. In the trippy six-episode Disney+ series that bears his name, he’s full of his usual maniacal vigor and charm, and no wonder: This time, Tom Hiddleston’s god of mischief — first introduced in 2011’s big-screen Thor as the troublemaker, shapeshifting brother of Chris Hemsworth’s god of thunder — takes center stage.
Loki, a time-traveling procedural drama, opens up the complex character in ways fans have never seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s many films, but still maintains his cool mystery. “Loki’s a mercurial shapeshifter who seems to present one thing on the external when there’s perhaps another thing going on in the internal,” Hiddleston says. “He’s always worn many masks.”
📷SEE ALSO'Loki' Sneak Peek: Owen Wilson and Tom Hiddleston Meet For First Time (VIDEO)Marvel Studios introduces Agent Mobius in clip from six-episode series.
And in this series, he’s getting a whole new look: a prison uniform. The story kick-starts where we last saw the prankster, 2019’s Avengers: Endgame film. In an alternate post–Battle of New York 2012 timeline, Loki absconded with the Tesseract cube containing the megapowerful Space Stone, which grants him the ability to portal throughout space. Smart planning, Marvel! “We knew we were going to take Tom off on his solo story,” executive producer Kevin Feige admits.
This Loki is a darker, meaner god; he hasn’t yet undergone all that brotherly character development from Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok, and Avengers: Infinity War. The bright side? You won’t have had to see all the latest films to understand what’s going on.
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When we catch up with Loki, his stealing the Tesseract has led to his imprisonment by the bureaucratic Time Variance Authority, formed to “ensure that time unfolds according to its predetermined outcomes,” explains Hiddleston. They are basically the timeline police, and he’s in big trouble.
Loki’s been stripped of his powers and his trademark green and gold ensemble, making him more human than ever. But don’t expect that to dim his light. “You can take his scepter away, you can take off the cape and the fine Asgardian leather and literally put him in a button-down shirt and pants, and he’s still Loki — he’s more Loki than you’ve ever seen,” Feige says, playfully adding: “And that’s not just because Tom Hiddleston looks good in any clothes at all, but he does.”
Luckily for Loki, the TVA needs his help to track down a killer who’s wreaking havoc on the timeline. Reluctant yet powerless, the inmate has no choice but to say yes. (In the trailer, Loki appears to drop in on Pompeii’s collapse and seemingly becomes ’70s plane hijacker D.B. Cooper, so his time jumps, whether sanctioned by the TVA or not, are pretty bold too.)
TVA agent Mobius M. Mobius (Owen Wilson, sporting a bushy moustache) is assigned to keep Loki on a very short leash. Mobius’ delighted fascination — he holds “the highest academic honors in the studies of Loki,” notes Hiddleston — makes the manipulator even more guarded than usual. “It’s a little bit of a chess match to gain Loki’s trust, but in that shared endeavor, there’s an interesting dynamic,” says Wilson, who likens the partnership to “Nick Nolte getting Eddie Murphy out of jail in [the 1982 movie] 48 Hrs.” For his part, Feige predicts Loki and Mobius “will be one of the most popular pairings we’ve ever had at Marvel.”
Viewers can also anticipate some ambiguity, as in Marvel’s latest TV forays, WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Both had watercooler moments (“It was Agatha all along!”) but also plenty of plot and character details left as question marks (we don’t know who Sophia Di Martino is playing either). And while Hiddleston says the key element that makes Loki a fan favorite is his ability to astonish viewers, this adventure could leave a certain god the surprised one. “What we try to ask is, behind the slippery trickster, who is he really?” the actor says. “Does he even know?” You can bet the discovery will be a lively, ruse-filled ride.
Loki, Series Premiere, Wednesday, June 9, Disney+
This is an excerpt of TV Guide Magazine’s latest cover story. For more of the exciting, action-packed fun, pick up the Sci-Fi Spectacular issue, on newsstands Thursday, June 3.
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creonininkwell · 2 years
Creon, strangest thing you’ve seen in either your interdimensional travels or in Inkwell Isles, go-
Strangest? To be honest, lots of dimensions were pretty strange. Are you talking "Alice in Wonderland" strange? Or just strange to me? Cuz there were quite a few. Disturbing ones? Well you didn't specify about that so moving on.
I think one of the strangest one was a literal cartoon dimension, almost like here. I literally fell into a dimension where cartoon characters were breaking the 4th wall. No joke, they looked at some random space and talked to no one in particular. That dimension had a school that taught teenage "toons" how to be funny for future show biz. Oh but "Wacky land" was such an acid trip. Never want to go back there again.
I was stuck in that dimension for almost half a year. It was chaotic as hell, but fun. Still super weird to look at a live cartoon universe, including yourself drawn out like a cartoon. I thought I was tripping on acid or got a concussion from the initial fall. I've kinda gotten used to seeing toons chucking dynamite at each other or falling to pieces, then coming back like nothing happened. I swear that dimension was trippy. Still not getting over how people's eyeballs can pop out & then be shoved back in.
Another trippy place Moo-ee? Meow-nay? No, Mewni! I hate that place! This is probably where the my dislike for magic started. It was already bad that the local monsters were discriminated and living like second-class citizens in their OWN dimension. And whose idea was it to give a magic wand with cosmic powers to a teenager? Do you know how unhinged and chaotic teenagers can be? And it's so weird to see about 3 moons in the sky. I know other planets have more moons, but it's surreal to see in person.
Most of the "monsters" were actually chill. But the flora and fauna and some of the actual feral creatures were really deadly. Don't get me started with the warnicorns. The place is some sort of twisted version of my world. How there are certain kingdoms have "monster" people yet all the other "monsters" are harassed and dunked on. There's a literal kingdom of pigeons. Oh and there's some sort of "High Magic Commission" or something convoluted. How these guys are cool with the $h!t that goes on while they're blatantly "monster-ish" is plain f****d up. Well looks like no dimension is ever safe from same exact bull$h!t from home. Oh yeah! I accidentally got cursed there too! But only temporarily.
The Dungeon & Dragons dimension was strange, like it kind of nerfed my strength a bit. Like the universe or the laws of reality seemed to actively dunk one me. But thankfully, it didn't hinder me too much and I could always rely on other skills. On the bright side, I picked up even more weapons to add to my arsenal. Plus, it was much more easier with a party. I called this dimension Dungeons & Dragons cuz it's one of the few things I'm familiar with. It could've been some random fantasy world, but everything seemed so similar to the game.
Weirdest part was that sometimes my Time Brace worked, and sometimes there were areas that interfered with communication back home. I regrettably had to do some heinous stuff in order to find an area where I could get a clear reading and activate a portal. Also, f*** the pantheon! The gods there can suck a huge d*ck for all I care.
Another strange one was a literal world where you hunted and killed monsters for your food. Imagine if you were to compete in a cooking competition, except you had to get your own ingredients, survive in the harsh wilderness, and kill the beasts and other competitors to stay alive and get to the next round. Felt like I was living in some f***ed up video game.
The only reason I competed was for any hopes of finding possible resources or connections to someone who could help me. Seriously, it's ridiculous how the judges there have huge political power. The judges are actual representatives from major empires and regions so they have access to places or people I wouldn't be able to reach. I'm just glad I found a reliable partner to tag team with. We were barely able to make it as final contestants. Oh yeah, my sous-chef was a goblin who was missing his legs from foot to kneecap. He was a stabby little b@$tard, but really helped me out in that world. I have been spoiled too much by modern conveniences.
But nothing will EVER top the literal endless white void where eldritch entities roamed. I'd categorize THIS place as disturbing, but it was by far the most strangest place yet. By the way, that was the most recent one I hopped from. I had no sense of time and there was no telling if anything was truly from afar or nearby. Sometimes I ended up running in a loop or running into a wall. The only reason I survived from being eaten or having my brain melted was because I took the stupidest gamble of all times. Saving a huge looking parasitic worm. I couldn't even contact home because those eldritch monsters would follow the signal. So it was always a risk to even ask for help on possibly dealing with those things.
I don't know why, but with the last few experiences, I should've killed that thing and eaten it. But some reason I took pity on it. I just felt sorry for it, laying there alone and defenseless. I really didn't know that was a baby eldritch god at that time. I only knew that once I started carrying "Rue" in my bag, things got less confusing, and "Rue" was able to communicate by tapping its tentacles on my shoulders or giving these weird mental nudges. Also it helped to have an actual living being to help keep my sanity in tact. Probably a good call since "Rue" is the only reason why I'm still alive in one piece.
*sigh*...I just want to go home.
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in-superbloom · 3 years
okay so. i never really did a review (feels weird to call it a review tho so let's say a very opinionated essay that's totally the opposite of what college taught me) for wfttwtaf but i never really know how to do that for any album, doesn't matter how much it makes me feel feelings, bc i simply can't write about my own emotions in cohesive thoughts ✌🏻😔
so instead, i let my brain do this thing he usually does when i listen to an album that leaves an effect on me, which is pretty much just creating visuals for the songs bc apparently my feelings translate better into images/vibes rather than words lmao but since i am unfortunately not skilled to drawn/paint/created actual visual stuff, i just wrote them so i'm gonna leave them here bc why not <3
i just really love when music (art in general, but especially music for me) makes your mind run wild & be so inspired that you can't help but create something based on that feeling <3 a great example of that is the amount of art everyone here (on tumblr!sos verse, but also tumblr & the internet in general) create based on other peoples' art & i just *clenches fists* really love that 💜
anyways !! if you're reading this, i hope this makes sense to you & if you wanna chat about the album, my mail box is always open 💜
• track one: starting line – like the mv, but he's running like he's trying to get away from something, always looking behind his shoulder, stumbling on things/people on the streets. also maybe not flying?;
• track two: saigon – then he reaches a tiny but unique/eye-catching door, gets intrigued & enters. he has to go downstairs through a dark and narrow corridor, he hears muffled music coming down there. he reaches the door & the music is now clear, it looks like there are disco balls everywhere ((pink, blue and purple bc ofc)), the place is packed with people dancing & just vibing™. he goes to the dancefloor, but soon it gets overwhelming so he tries to reach a wall or the other end of the club, but he can't. the more he walks, the furthest he feels from the walls. everything has a psychedelic look, also some of those trippy effects he used on motion, and no one seems to notice/ care about him. this goes on until the end of the song, then he finally finds a door ((not the one he came from)) and opens it;
• track three: motion – he expects to find a street, but instead he's inside a room. it's a bit dark, all he sees are shadows, but then suddenly everything turns into an explosion of colors ((when the songs picks up in the beginning)), all dancing in front of him, making him feel lost & dizzy. he keeps walking, but every now and them he stumbles on something ((random things like animals or weird props or stuff that aren't supposed to be alive, but are)). he admires everything with a childlike wonder, touches things and then they turn into something else, or change form/shape/color. in the end, he's distracted looking at something and then falls like the floor reached an end;
• track four: place in me – he fell right there where he is in the mv/visualizer, it goes on like that;
• track five: baby blue – make it look like he fell asleep after the end of place in me, so he's very confused when he wakes up & it looks like the place is falling apart, like end of the world type ((like the lamentis thingy on loki)). things are exploding & he can see another planet very close to the one where he is. it's a bit scary but it's a breathtaking view nonetheless. he's mesmerized, but also kinda already accepted his fate? he's not trying to run to find a shelter/salvation or anything, just watching it all fall apart. at the end, he stops, turns around & looks at the path that he was walking ((full of nature things colored in every shade of blue and also glittery dust)) and he's just admiring it when he's hit by a big rock maybe? or a moon, who knows;
• track six: repeat – he's throw away to somewhere that's not collapsing, it looks like a pathway in the woods? but like, no florest too near, and it's sunny but not too warm, and the path is filled with green grass and flowers. he lands in a place that looks like a field but not quite. and then after walking for a while, he finds himself, but another version of him. maybe a younger one or an older one or both? like, they both just stop and stare at each other and kinda do this lil dance of trying to touch the other & watching the other, both a lil frightened but completely intrigued. maybe the older version of him? ooooh maybe it starts with an older version, but then every time present luke gets distracted by something else or turns around for a second, the other luke is getting younger, until he's just a lil kid. the ending is the mini luke offering his hand for present luke to grab, so he can lead him to a house that was near where they were. ((or maybe mini luke makes him run after him));
• track seven: mum – luke enters the house & immediately recognizes it as the house he grew up in. every step he takes, a wall or an object or a room brings a memory & it plays it out like a hologram. lots of memories. then in the guitar solo part, he finds a guitar in the room where he used to play the most when he was a kid ((maybe some cool&cute effects going around him, representing the sound coming from the guitar)). before the solo ends, you can see a shadow in the threshold of the door, and when he finished the guitar solo, luke turns around and smiles, getting up to hug the person ((it's his mum)) but maybe you never actually see her face?;
• track eight: slip away – he steps out of his childhood house and enters this big dark room. there's only a lil blue light coming from the very center of the room. when he gets closer to it, he sees it's a lil star, who looks very scared. as soon as she notices him ((he tries to reach her)) she runs out of the door on the other side of the room. he's worried&intrigued so he follows her, but when he opens the door, he immediately falls, this time he's in what looks like the clouds ((blue hues ofc but clearer ones, not as dark shades like the ones in place in me & baby blue)), and soon he finds out he can "swim" through them. he does that for a while until he sees the lil star and tries to follow her again. this goes on until he finally gets close to her, but when he touches her, she literally slips from his grasp bc he's being teleported again ((but make it look like she's the portal));
• track nine: diamonds – it starts with a close up on the water maybe? and then the camera keeps getting higher & suddenly he falls into it and soon the camera follows. he's distorted for a bit, especially when he notices he's already too deep into the water, away from the surface. then he tries to swim to the surface, but there's a bunch of things?? or like weird and mean seapeople maybe? trying to drag him down ((kinda like that scene on harry potter & the goblet of fire)). he tries his best to fight them, but what gets him away from them is a group of nice seapeople who came to his rescue. then they all swim away from the place they were ((also maybe slip in some diamonds or things that look like them around there?));
• track ten: a beautiful dream – he reaches a lil city? under water with the help of the nice seapeople & then there's this piano on the ground ((maybe covered in seaweed and stuff like that)) and he's immediately drawn to it. he plays/sings the song ((maybe like the guitar effects in mum, the sounds coming from the piano affect the place around him even tho it looks like he barely notices it)). when the song is finishing, he notices a white light coming from the surface. he looks at it & then follows it;
• track eleven: bloodline – then he's getting out of the water? at some beach perhaps? he's slowly getting out of the water & there's this beautiful sunrise behind him. he's singing along, looking like he just came out of a battle but at the same time he's in peace with himself, looking not exactly happy but relieved. he's walking on the beach, making his way home but he's not in a hurry. then in that lil bit in the end of the song, he gets out of the frame after looking straight to the camera maybe?? and the camera focuses on the sunrise and then everything goes black;
• track twelve: comedown – he wakes up in a bed ((like, this is him waking up from all these dreams)) & he's slightly confused bc the dreams felt so real, but he's feeling better & not so lost anymore. he goes out in a walk that maybe shows every place he was in his dreams? but like, this time you see what they really are bc every place in his dreams was inspired by a real location/thing, just reimagined. but like, he doesn't enter anywhere, he's just walking & you can see the places on both sides of the street. like, it's clearly a set up location but it's just representative. maybe you can see some of his friends/family at some of these locations or maybe they're all together in one place? but they don't look at him, they're just talking&laughing with each other. he looks happy, at ease & he's smiling, wearing a yellow or gold shirt. in the end, he reaches a cliffside maybe? somewhere that leads you to think that he'll go through another portal, but then he suddenly stops, looks down at the cliffside and crouches down bc he saw the lil blue star from slip away but it's now a necklace. he picks it up, with a small&easy smile and then looks at the camera, gives a bigger, real smile, gets up and turns around, going back to where his friends&family are, but the camera stays there, just watching him go.
// now some notes bc i love to over explain myself //
• the "water" one was supposed to be slip away, but alison @bandsanitizer was talking about a beautiful dream these days & said that something about the song reminds her of a sonar-like sound & the idea of searching for something, so that got me thinking about the ocean & relating it to this song and it also makes a lot of sense with what the album represents in my mind, so it made me change that. thank you for that miss alison, it's always a pleasure to read your thoughts 😌💜
• & it also fitted well with the “i can't fight the bloodline living in the seams back home” line from bloodline, so i wanted that one to be related to the water as well bc that's all i can think about when i hear that lyric;
• something in common that appears in every single one: an object or something related to time, since it's the big common theme on the whole album;
• in each song he's wearing the same outfit he wore in the starting line mv (white tee + black pants + converse) but in each one of them, that red shirt is in a different color;
• i had the visuals from starting line to mum very clear in my head on my first listen of the album, but i only truly finished writing all of this yesterday bc i wanna listen to halsey's new album and see if my brain does this thing again, but i wanted to finish wfttwtaf first <3
& that's it bc i already talked too much for a day lmao if you read all of this, you're a true hero & i love you <3 have a nice day 💛
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coeursetcolores · 3 years
What I Would Add To/Change About: Psychonauts
Howdy! Today is April 19th, and if you don’t know what game came out today, then why don’t you try and read my mind to find out? Go ahead!
So what’s your answer? 
Why yes, it was Psychonauts! Way to go, you just earned a merit badge, cadet!
...What do you mean you just read the title?!
Anyway, for those of you who know, Psychonauts is a beloved cult classic that unfortunately received not that much mainstream attention, which is such a shame because I loved playing this game! I’ll admit there’s some problems, but I had such a psi-blast playing it, I didn’t really mind! That being said...
I’m still gonna talk about the problems.
This is all just my own personal opinion and if you disagree with me, that’s perfectly okay! If you’d like to talk about a point I made, please let me know, but please try to respect my opinion as I respect yours.
Well, without further ado, let’s open that Psycho-portal!
As usual, first let’s get out all the things I absolutely ADORED about this game!
The. Voice. Acting. I cannot say enough how much detail went into dialogue and performances, you just have to listen to it. I was talking to/inspecting as many people/things as I could and seeing what dialogues were available when I switched things out. I probably spent more time doing that than actually playing the game! Definitely Richard Horvitz’s best work in my opinion!
The environments. This game is a mixed-up feast for the eyes and the level design is the main course. Things can go from the nice and simple Whispering Pines to the breathtaking and colorful Black Velvetopia to the utter lunacy and ominousness of the Milkman Conspiracy. It’s a masterpiece in artistic expression.
The Milkman Conspiracy. My gosh, this level deserves all the hype it gets. I really wish it hadn’t been spoiled for me, but even then it’s just such a trip that I can’t mind it that much. Also, Steve Blum!
The character design may not be the most aesthetically pleasing, but it fits the messed up and wacky world of the game to a T.
The puzzles can get frustrating (especially at a certain final level whose name shall not be said in respect of those still recovering from it) but they’re really fun to experiment with and find ways to move ahead in.
I really enjoyed Raz as a protagonist. He wasn’t too moody or obnoxious and he was necessarily sassy when he needed to be. He was also really relatable, being a kid who felt ostracized at home and didn’t understand why his father wouldn’t let him do what he wanted. And he was just so nice in spite of how upset he was at his family situation while still being determined to accomplish his dreams and help people. And even when he reached the asylum, it never felt like he was going into anyone’s mind as a means to an end, he genuinely wanted to help these people along with the campers. Also, he’s a total fanboy geek and that’s awesome!
As fast as it happened, the romance between Raz and Lili was really sweet and cute and I’m glad it didn’t lessen their characters or take away too much from the story. It was definitely two kids going through their first puppy love.
I also really liked Raz being nice to Dogen. Their scenes together were just sweet!
All the different abilities were so cool to use and the different types of enemies encourages you to switch things up on the fly which keeps gameplay from getting stale as you progress.
Underneath all of the trippy sequences in the levels there’s a solid moral that not everyone can deal with their mental issues by themselves and sometimes you need someone else to step in and help, and I appreciate that kind of message. Even with all of their eccentricities, the mentally ill are people too and even if you can’t fix their problems like Raz can they still deserve basic compassion and understanding.
With all that being said, I feel like the game could have used a few more things.
I really wish Raz got a new look for every mental world like he did in Black Velvetopia.
The game should have been stretched out over more than just one day. It would have given more time to expand upon certain plot elements and develop the characters more, as well as make Raz’s psychic growth a little more believable. I know that the plot kind of relied on Raz only having a day to do everything, but it just made him seem like of a Mary Sue learning all that in one day.
I feel like the game should have explained some things more. I get that video games shouldn’t hold your hand too much and they should be a challenge, but some things took FOREVER to learn the right button for.
A tracker for emotional baggage? I couldn’t find it all.
Maybe make the other counselors seem suspicious so it’s not so easy to single out Coach Oleander as the villain? 
Add some side quests around camp to help the other campers: Stand up to Bobby, talk Crystal and Clem out of suicide, show Mikhail he’s being used and knock some sense into Maloof, get a show for Phoebe and Quentin’s band going, and help Dogen control his powers, etc. I feel like they really could have expanded Part 1 at camp more.
Maybe add some flashbacks of Raz’s family life before he ran away to help the audience see through his eyes and understand his thought process better.
More fights with the Nightmares would have been cool. The scrapped plot about them escaping from Milla’s mind and abducting kids while they didn’t have their brains would have been a cool subplot. Or they could have come from the kids themselves or Oleander. I just think they had more potential.
Dr. Loboto boss fight (I did not play Rhombus of Ruin, I don’t do VR!)!
I’d kind of want to see Raz’s dad arrive at camp and how he got to where all the action was. Maybe some scenes of him getting there too to really make the player feel just how little time they have.
A scene of Ford Cruller getting up to go help out and save everyone?
Alright, now it’s time to get to the ugly!
Oh my gosh, ARREST COACH OLEANDER! I know he was genuinely remorseful and the Psitanium might have had a hand in it and he was unfairly rejected from every branch of the United States army for his height, but that doesn’t change the fact that he lobotomized an entire camp full of children, attempted to murder one, built psychic death tanks, mutated and brainwashed a peaceful fish, brainwashed an asylum patient into covering his tracks through arson without regards to the residents of the asylum, kidnapped and lobotomized two colleagues whom he then tried to kill, hired DR. LOBOTO and tried to take over the world. At least have the guy monitored and put under probation, geez!
Change the rules of the race in Milla’s Dance Party so you DON’T have to win! I don’t care if I lose, I just want to move on already! This is not a racing game!
I honestly don’t know what to say about the **** ****** except HAVE OLLIE STAY PUT AT THE TOP SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT KEEPING HIS BUNNY-LOVING HIDE ALIVE!!!!!
Maybe the Two-Headed Dad Monster could have been more challenging at the end? As I’ve said, I am not a gameplay expert, but that final boss fight was really easy, and not in a satisfying way. Then again, you did just have to play through the **** ******...
And, that’s about it, I really don’t have much to complain about. Psychonauts is a super fun game and I highly recommend it. It’s colorful and explores heavy themes with respect and humor while going hand in hand with interesting gameplay and plenty of likable characters. There are no dull moments, I genuinely enjoyed this game greatly. I wish more people had given it a chance when it first came out and we could have gotten the sequel sooner, because I am honestly super nervous about it living up to the first. This is nothing on Tim Schafer and Double Fine, I just don’t have high expectations for a sequel made and released after ten years of radio silence as a rule. But, who knows? 
Maybe they’ll go in and change my mind.
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A Little Insight
|Ko-fi | Gumroad | Twitter| 
Morning y’all. I was informed recently that this space is now a year old. Which is trippy, to be honest. Didn’t think I’d been doing this for that long. But, that’s not the point of this.
The other day, I was thinking that y’all don’t really know much about me and I thought I’d remedy that a little. At least in a professional capacity anyway. So I’m gonna talk a little about why I make maps the way I make them!
As I’m sure y’all have noticed, my maps aren’t stereotypical dungeon or city maps. They don’t have a lot of the filigree and fine detail work that you might see in a D&D official map or something like that. There’s actually two good reasons for that!
So, the first reason: I have stimulation issues. Too much information, visually or aurally overwhelms me and makes it difficult for me to think. One of my players has similar issues, and at least one of my players also has ADHD. What all that boils down to is that, when we sit down and look at one of those gorgeous official maps, we can’t actually use it. Two of us can’t figure out where anything is or parse the information there and one of us gets distracted by how much stuff there is. Those maps are very, very beautiful and very cool, don’t get me wrong. I’m not out here knocking any of the incredible work done. But for a group with stim and attention issues, there’s too much there. So I simplified my maps. I do my best to make them informative but not overwhelming.
Reason number the second: I don’t know if y’all have sat down and actually looked at some of the official maps out there for games but some of them aren’t what I’d personally consider very usable. There’s a map for a dungeon in Tales from the Yawning Portal I remember specifically. It’s a sort of mage/teleportation dungeon and I absolutely could not run it because, as the DM, I couldn’t figure out where anything was! And that’s not even the stim issues; I literally could not find the numbers that marked the rooms. Not only that, but the way I run my games usually means that I have to change up the official maps anyway, in one way or another. Which, it turns out, is shockingly difficult to do with something that intricate. So I try to make my maps as usable and adjustable as possible. I don’t know what tokens you’ll need or what your exact goals will be, but I will do my best to create something that you can fit to your needs. It may not be the prettiest or the most intricate, but it’ll be a hell of a lot easier to use (I hope).
So yeah, there you have it. That’s basically it. I ended up having a lot of issues with the official maps that got released and this is my way of resolving those for myself and my players and I hope you as well.
If you’d like to help me keep doing that, check out my ko-fi and gumroad and consider tipping a couple bucks while you’re there. Plus, Project Constantine is still available! 
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homespork-review · 4 years
Homespork Act 3: Insane Mindscrew Haymakers (Part 3)
FAILURE ARTIST: We cut to PM, WV, and AR in the far but not that far future. WV is trying to obey the letter’s direction to give the package to PM but AR keeps shooting. Yet WV and PM take cover behind a rock and WV is able to complete the task. The letter calls PM “Miss Mail Lady” so we now have a gender.
Back to Dream Jade. She flies to another golden tower and peers in on John sleeping. This bedroom is also defaced like his one in the waking world, plus there’s a creepy harlequin doll next to him. She isn’t sure if he got her present or if she even sent it, so she decides she’ll ask later.
CHEL: Dream John is fitfully asleep, but Jade intends to let him wake up on his own. Here, it’s established that Dream Jade does not know everything waking Jade does, as she decides she needs a system to remind her of things, which in the waking world she has (remember the COLORFUL REMINDERS).
The moon on which the city is now revealed to be placed is moving close to Skaia, the gargantuan sphere of cloudy blue sky mentioned by Nannasprite as the crucible of creation. Apparently it’s not safe to be outside during the “eclipse”, so Jade heads back to her tower.
FAILURE ARTIST: We cut to John alchemizing a bunch of stuff, some useful and some never to appear again. One of these things is a Cosbytop computer and that hasn’t aged well. John feels like it’s both his birthday and Christmas and though he thinks that’s impossible these pages came out a few days before Christmas. This fourth wall wink and nod comes up during another alchemizing frenzy.
CHEL: He contemplates a “1980s time-lapse montage” but instead we have to sit through him alchemising everything item by item.
Though he does come up with some useful stuff, including a rather snappy suit. By combining his glasses with the PDA he gets hands-free internet, and the sledgehammer, telescope, and Sassacre book together create the TELESCOPIC SASSACRUSHER, an extremely powerful weapon which unfortunately he can’t lift. Nannasprite’s ectoplasm and the gushers make healing candies, and ectoplasm, the fake arms, and the PDA solve the giant hammer problem by making REMOTE GHOST GAUNTLETS. One of the funnier items is a steam-iron-hammer he calls the WRINKLEFUCKER.
Dave, meanwhile, is STILL strifing with Bro, who apparently doesn’t notice or doesn’t care about the fact that the city is being flattened by meteors around them. Not doing a good job of showing “yes, this fight should be taken seriously”.
TIER: Neither does Dave for that matter, fucks given remains at a cool absolute zero on this roof.
CHEL: At least it’s captioned FINAL ROUND now. Surrounded by watching crows, Dave hurls himself at Bro, and their collision results in the snapping of Dave’s sword, the bisection of Lil Cal (hooray!) and, somehow, the splitting of the picture of the record on Dave’s T-shirt; not cutting the cloth, turning the picture of a whole record into one of a broken record, which it will remain for the rest of its time in the story. Lots of analysis has been done by fans about how this represents Bro’s abuse shattering Dave’s true inner self, but in the context, it just looks like even sillier cartoon physics than we already had, if one even notices it (in the rush of visuals it’s easy to miss the first time round). It probably doesn’t help that Bro never actually says anything (nor do either of the other living adults), so we don’t really know what his thoughts on the matter are.
Dave goes flying, rolling and skidding across the roof, landing in a rather battered-looking heap but with no serious harm done, and Bro chucks the game discs at him and… flies off on a hoverboard which I guess he has? Yet again, not adding to a serious tone here. Are hoverboards normal in this universe? Like the sylladexes, it was never established. Dave messages John, matter-of-factly telling him “bro just kicked my ass”. It’s still unclear how literal John thinks this ass-kicking is.
BRIGHT: This is apparently a universe in which some form of combat with one’s guardian is apparently routine, so John might well be thinking of Dave’s strifes with Bro as just a more intense version of a normal practice. On the other hand, by that same token, there’s nothing at this stage to say it isn’t just a more intense version of a normal practice. In fact, both John’s and Dave’s reactions suggest this is the case.
The problem really comes later on. If Dave’s situation is going to be taken seriously, then so should everyone else’s. Right now, although there are suggestions that all is not well, the tone of the text takes none of these situations seriously. It keeps everyone on a more even footing.
CHEL: Back on the golden moon, the eclipse is happening; during same, the moon and Jade’s tower thereupon, which are chained to the planet, swing right inside Skaia, surrounding it with clouds. On the surface of the clouds, we see images of events which happened earlier, including John’s house in the Medium, Rose’s house aflame, the tree in the desert, and the meteors falling on Dave’s city. This, we gather, is from where Jade obtains her mysterious information!
Dream Jade types messages to John, while the Dreambot types them out on a keyboard in the real world so he can actually get them. We proceed to see the same conversation about the package and SBurb we saw when Jade was first introduced, but this time I think a recap of it is actually pretty useful, especially the reference to the explosion. What happens is a little hard to parse, but as far as I can make out, a cloud shows a vision of a meteor emerging from a space portal, and the meteor actually emerges from the vision, becoming a cloud in the process. Said cloud-meteor then passes into a vision of Jade’s island when the volcano was still active and strikes down as the real meteor did in that time period. Jade, in her tower, hears it; I guess this is why it’s not safe to go outside during the eclipse?
In the volcano vision, we pull into a close-up shot of the lava-filled crater beneath the volcano, and a very familiar featureless canine head starts to emerge from it. Creepy.
Jade leaves the tower to check, and finds a vision of the lava with a blossom-like lit-up spirograph emerging from it, but when she tries to look, vision-Bec blocks her view of it, as the real Bec flies back and forth in front of the Dreambot. She messages John again, saying Bec doesn’t want her to go near the meteor crash site.
In John’s dream tower, the bed is empty; Dream John is now hovering outside it, eyes firmly shut. Jade sees him and drifts toward him, while John’s eyes slowly open. (This bit fuelled a fair amount of shipping at the time.) We see again the shaped clouds and the slowly approaching silhouette of Jade, revealing this to be the time when John fell asleep earlier, and at the exact same moment, real Jade and real John awake.
Again, we have a repeated conversation, this one being the one where Jade implores John to wake up. Now we know what she meant! Again, I think recapping this is reasonable, but maybe it could have been trimmed down so we just got the important points? That should have been done with all the repeat convos, really.
TIER: Personally speaking the little blurbs of repeated conversation shown during the flash would've gotten the point across without having to completely rehash the conversations.
With Jade awake properly, we get another convo rehash (now with proper context from both sides). Jade then consults her COLORFUL REMINDERS, as the visions of past and future events visible in the clouds as she sleeps can get very confusing very fast and the things help her put everything into usable info! With is fitting because dreams are trippy and easily forgotten. Jade notes two things: that this time there wasn't that much of future being shown, and that this is the first time that her dog guardian Bec has shown up a dream.
Bec has apparently never let Jade wander into the weird temple that is such a strange landmark of her island, but with the overpowered pooch taking a nap at the feet of his master's corpse, this is a good a time as any to try and pull one over him!
As Jade zip lines towards the temple and Rose continues construction on John's house, we cut back to Dave in the aftermath of the strife.
Dave is slightly saddened by poor Cal's “unfortunate” bisection (personally I was hollering because fuck that thing Jesus). His strife kind has also been turned into a ½ bladekind, courtesy of Bro fucking up his shit blade. Fucking rude man.
BRIGHT: Fighting with half a sword never seems to hinder Dave, but it still seems a silly thing to do when Bro quite possibly knew Dave was headed into heavy combat. It’s funny at the time though!
FAILURE ARTIST: When I first read Homestuck, I was sad Bro didn’t seem to care about Lil Cal, but with later revelations...would be better if that puppet never existed.
TIER: Dave attempts to grab the beta that he worked so hard for, but wouldn't ya know it his dang inventory is all filled up. Mostly with useless crap, as Dave admits as well. After a quick setup change for his modus, Dave finally has the beta! Congrats!!
CHEL: *looks pointedly at GET ON WITH IT count*
TIER: While Dave attempts to pester her, Rose has finished building up John's house, which marks the end of how much more she can help John as his server player. There's not much else to do for her till Dave shows up. She's also nearly done with John's gift, that'll show him that Rose is the God King of, and I am quoting right now “facetious sentimental gestures”. That's a peculiar and slightly worrying sentiment to have. What an adorably wordy yet cheeky little goth.
With that, we jump back a few months into the past, when it was Rose's 13th birthday. She's opening a package from John (signed under his old handle ghostyTrickster) containing the gift of knitting stuff (yarn and knitting needles) and a very dorky yet endearing letter from the blue boy. What a goof.
Rose is then pestered by one of the trollslum inhabitants, this one by the name of grimAuxiliatrix! They type Like This, And I Think It's Very Neat. Also quite verbose this one. Like personally I kinda need to carefully read and reread their words to get what the fuck they're trying to get to. In this case, it's politely bitching about humans while weird time related fuckery gets explicitly name dropped. Mainly the weird situation that is the trolls being/not being from the future. It's as confusing as it sounds.
CHEL: I think here’s the first indication that the trolls aren’t just other humans. Meanwhile, notice that one of the names in the Trollslum is “centaursTesticle”. Lovely. That character will, as the handle suggests, be the source of a LOT of CALL CPA PLEASE points. But anyway.
GA: No We Arent From "The Future" GA: But We Are All Already In Agreement That You Dont Get It And Never Will TT: I thought you said we spoke in the future. GA: We Did GA: Your Future GA: For Me It Was Only A Couple Minutes Ago TT: I understand. TT: You exist in some temporal stratum through which you have communication access to various points of my timeline. TT: It's not that complicated.
TIER: While that confusing thing keeps happening, we jump on over to a younger Dave, whole record shirt and dumb not-Kamina anime glasses wearing. He too is opening a birthday gift, which consists of his iconic aviators and a letter as well. The letter is just as endearing as the one John sent to Rose. Might just be my bias talking concerning how much John is undoubtedly and unchallenged my favorite character overall.
CHEL: I think so too, but I’m still giving him a point for him telling Dave his “gay butt stinks”, even though he is a twelve-year-old boy - it never gets called out or presented as bad that the kids say -ism-based insults until near the end, and that part has its own problems which we’ll get to then. The rest of it’s cute though.
I’d like to bring up another webcomic which is known for its incredibly offensive humour; R. K. Milholland’s Something Positive. Specifically, I’d like to contrast the offensive humour of it with the offensive humour of Homestuck. In S*P, the point of the offensive humour is that the characters saying or doing the offensive thing are horrible people who should not be emulated, and even they disapprove strongly of homophobic/racist insults. Here is one of the tamer examples, from 2003 (so later comics have no excuse). Please note the character saying all this is both very drunk and very frustrated by having read a lot of terrible writing at the time, and his decision to do this comes back to bite him later.
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In contrast, the point of Homestuck’s offensive jokes seems to be that either offensive things are inherently funny or the writer doesn’t realise why they’re offensive.
John tells Dave he thinks he needs to get out of his brother’s shadow, showing no concern for Dave’s actual wellbeing; more evidence that either they don’t know about the strifes or don’t care. The gift John has given is the glasses worn by Ben Stiller, which John suggests could replace Dave’s current anime shades. John worries that they’re “sort of a shitty present”, which again makes me wonder about the Egberts’ financial status - we weren’t able to find an actual figure for them but those things would cost thousands, so what the hell makes him call them “shitty”? How much did Hussie think movie memorabilia cost? Name of the count aside, we’re using it for when their economic statuses are weird in general, so here we go again:
TIER: Dave too is dealing with a trollslum inhabitant, this one by the name of adiosToreador. It's around here that the trolls typing starts to get head tilt worthy. As Dave so eloquently puts it, toreador types like a tool. I mean, lOOK AT THIS, lOOK ME IN THE EYES, aND TELL ME THIS AIN'T RIDICULOUS.
CHEL: AT opens by telling Dave he’s awful, and Dave responds with frustration at having to deal with the trolls yet again. He complains that he’s “wasting good material on you guys” and that there’s no substance to their trolling; he also mentions one of them thinking he was a girl, which I think is the original source of the fandom’s popular female-to-male transgender Dave headcanon.
FAILURE ARTIST: I think it’s just that Dave is a popular character.
CHEL: I don’t know, it started well before the fandom started getting really enthusiastic about assigning identities to everyone, from what I saw, but maybe.
TIER: My two cents concerning this matter is that it's probably a combination of the two. Dave seems to resonate quite well with a great majority of the fans, so from what I've seen they more readily project onto him.
CHEL: The readers immediately start wondering what this thing is, but Dave is unconcerned, and immediately accuses AT of perving on him. Here is where the CALL CPA PLEASE count really starts to ramp up, because on one hand, yes it’s hilarious to watch the tables being turned, but on the other, this coming out of a boy who literally just turned thirteen that day is… uncomfortable for a lot of adult readers, especially since we know his home has obscene material lying around all over it and as mentioned before that can really mess up a kid, even if Bro was not in fact putting him in his movies directly.
TG: and i want to know exactly when i got to clear some space in my calendar for when some fuckwit blunders out of a magical phone booth and makes a ballad-inspiring play for my throbbing beef truncheon AT: sHOULD i BE PERTURBED BY THESE ALLUSIONS, TG: no man TG: look TG: i just need to know when to be there TG: when the stars come into alignment and your flux capacitor lets you finally sate your meteoric greed for crotch-dachshund TG: i wouldnt want to miss it and cause a paradox or something TG: itd suck if the universe blew up on account of you missing your window of opportunity to help yourself to a pubescent boy's naked spam porpoise AT: uHHH, AT: oK, THIS IS SORT OF STARTING TO UPSET ME, CALL CPA PLEASE: 5
TIER: How many words does a 13 year old need for his private parts? Asking for a friend. I get that Dave is a little gremlin but holy shit y'all.
CHEL: To quote Hiveswap, “SOUNDS LIKE SETUP TO ‘RIDDLE’ OR PERHAPS ‘JOKE’.” Or maybe a really weird rewrite of “Blowin’ in the Wind” and I just realised the (in)appropriateness of that song title. Anyway, I’m giving one CPA point for each of those elaborate descriptions. AT, perturbed, announces his intention to leave, but Dave continues.
TG: we're motherfuckin entrenched in this bitch TG: you and me TG: welcome to nam TG: now grab my hand and shimmy your soggy ass off that muddy bank before charlie gets the fuckin drop AT: uHHH, wHO, AT: wHO'S CHARLIE, TG: hes the guy whos gonna read our vows TG: im feeling pretty friggin MATRIMONIAL all a sudden TG: take a look down by your foot see that little bottle TG: stomp on that shit like its on fire TG: noisy ethnic dudes are flipping the fuck out and waving us around on chairs til someone gets hurt TG: im your 300 pound matronly freight-train TG: and my gaping furnace is hungry for coal so get goddamn shoveling AT: oH MY GOD, CLOCKWORK PROBLEMATYKKS: 14 WHITE SBURB POSTMODERNISM: 9
Hey, our first double point assignment! Two points for using the same racist joke again, as if it wasn’t offensive enough the first time. And another one for the fat joke.
FAILURE ARTIST: Lifting the newlyweds on chairs is a Jewish tradition so I guess Hussie’s antisemitism didn’t start this year.
CHEL: Isn’t stepping on a bottle a Jewish thing too? Does that count as more than one anti-Semitic joke or is it all part of the same one?
FAILURE ARTIST: Yeah, that’s also a thing. But I’d say it counts as one big joke.
CHEL: Does the Vietnam joke count as a separate one? I’m not sure what the general attitude to those is since about half of 20th-century British comedy revolves around WW2 jokes and no one minds those.
TG: thats what you see TG: a kaleidoscopic supernova of all your hopes and dreams all swishin together TG: radially effevescing arms of more little boy peckers than you can imagine TG: turning out insane corkscrew haymakers of a billion dancing vienna sausages strong CALL CPA PLEASE: 7
CHEL: All the counts aside, I can see what Hussie was going for and the general idea’s still amusing, culminating in one of the funniest bits in the comic when all this leads up to adiosToreador [AT] blocked turntechGodhead [TG] - I think we’ve all wanted to be Dave here. I’m fully aware that this sequence was meant to be somewhat uncomfortable, but given that Hussie later tries to tell us that Dave’s home life scarred him for real, yet he presented this as funny, it adds to the general feeling of Hussie berating the reader for laughing at the comedy. I think he was just trying to pander to the woke side of the fanbase with that, but we’ll get to it when we get there.
FAILURE ARTIST: We go to AIMLESS RENEGADE, who has finally run out on his clip without hitting anyone. Apparently, some nitpicker on the forum (not me) pointed out the AR’s gun is magazine-fed, not clip-fed, but AR doesn’t give a shit about that.
CHEL: “A clip is not a magazine, a mag is not a clip; neither is a grip a stock, and "stock" does not mean grip.”
FAILURE ARTIST: AR examines the murals and declares the amphibian and reptilian images illegal pictography. AR arms themselves with a rocket launcher but wonders if they should befriend WV and PM - particularly PM. However, AR decides the two have committed too many crimes that make AR’s carapace steam. AR dresses as a judge (to complement WV as a mayor and PM as a mail carrier) and declares order in the court. AR wants to go down the moving platform to catch WV and PM but it isn’t operating right.
Closer to present time, Jade puts her gift to John on top of the monument. The gift disappears, just as Jade planned. Back in the future, PM looks at her drawing showing where she’s supposed to go. The drawing seems to be inaccurate until the tower is shot down. It turns out AR accidentally launched a rocket at it. AR tries again to hit the criminals but is distracted by PM’s beauty. Instead, AR shoots the mobile station. WV throws a can of Tab and PM grabs the package in a clever callback to SBaHJ’s sock ruse comic.
PM gets the package to the Appearifier and Sendifies it into Jade’s toddlerhood, back when Grandpa was alive and shooting butterflies. Inside the package is a letter from John, a too-big t-shirt with a blue ghost on it, and pumpkin seeds. So we have the root of Jade’s friendship with John and the others and her interest in gardening. That’s a very elaborate time loop.
CHEL: Get used to elaborate time loops. Anyway, the letter’s painfully adorable again. John thanks Jade for her years of friendship and for being the reason he met Rose and Dave. He gave Jade pumpkin seeds because future Jade had been upset that her pumpkins kept disappearing so he wanted to help her grow more. Unfortunately his declaration that three people is “almost like, TOO MUCH FRIENDSHIP” was cute at first glance, but given how he has no contact with anyone but them that we see, it becomes a tad creepy. Did he not expect to ever have any friends, or more than one friend? The implication that Dadbert kept him locked in his room all the time is looking more and more likely!
We cut to a cartoon sound effect, WHOP, and You bear the vicious brunt of this story transition directly in the face, “you” now being Archagent Jack Noir. The sound effect is the result of Dad Egbert punching Jack in the face. Jack pulls a switchblade, but Dad retaliates by lighting Jack’s hated jester hat on fire, throwing it to the ground, spraying shaving cream on it, and stomping on it. Jack immediately sets Dad free.
Jade is instructed by the prompt to “Play guitar to summon giant lily pads”, which she does, and it works… somehow? I’m not sure how that happens. Anyway, she uses the lily pads to hop over to the frog temple, finding in it a wall covered in tiny lime green glowing symbols.
Cut back to Dave, who has finally succeeded in installing the beta, and not a moment too soon as Rose’s room is now full of red light, soon to be aflame. Rose is calm enough to join Dave in a SBaHJ joke, and we go into the act-ending animation, [S] Enter.
Dave dramatically sips his fortunately-really-apple-juice and draws cartoons as the game loads, while Rose plays with Vodka Mutini and Jade scurries through the temple. For clarity’s sake, I’ll describe each character’s actions in a separate paragraph.
"Homestuck - [S] Enter [End of act 3]" (Watch on YouTube)
In Rose’s burning house Dave quickly deploys the necessary machinery. There’s so little safe room left to use that he has to throw Rose’s bed into the burning forest for one, put one in the observatory, and put the third on the nearby roof; fortunately Rose is able to get to them all. Dave uses the wizard statue to knock open the Cruxtruder, then drops it outside, breaking its hand off and sending the hand flying. He moves the cruxite to the lathe, where Rose produces a totem for her entry item, a bottle. Rose flings the dead Jaspers into the Kernelsprite and Dave grabs the Eldritch Princess doll to put in too, but the flying wizard statue hand knocks the entry item into the nearby waterfall. Rose leaps out over the drop, successfully catches it, and is in turn caught by a long purple tentacle....
Flaming whirlwinds approach the house; Rose swings the bottle to shatter it, and the meteor lands.
In the temple, we see an enormous flower atop another countdown device, noting four-and-a-half minutes till disaster, but Jade suddenly falls asleep again, waking up with only nineteen seconds to go. Unlike John randomly falling asleep mid-battle, this has been happening often enough to seem to be a legitimate problem with a story-based cause. Keep an eye on that.
Dave, meanwhile, is still in his room, which is now filled with crows. He seems flustered at first, but in a later shot he’s back at his computer with a crow perched on his head, seemingly fine.
Back at John’s house, Nannasprite opens up his newer copy of Sassacre’s book and starts to inscribe the very message we read earlier, so she didn’t in fact know about it during her life. Seems odd that she’d bother doing this rather than just saying it, though, especially since when she finishes, she drops the book into the chasm, where it plummets through grey clouds, emerging over a dark-blue land scattered with tiny lights and black rivers. John, covered in oil, runs up the many stairs of his remodelled house, smashing imps left and right with single blows from the WRINKLEFUCKER and directing the SASSACRUSHER with the GHOST GAUNTLETS to take on the ogres. When he reaches the top, he slams his hammer down one last time and bounces upwards to the spirograph portal, entering whatever’s on the other side. Fade to white.
Generally, a very good flash! Exciting but doesn’t sacrifice useful information for drama, and now two characters have reached their current goals but more is still going on. Lovely music too. I think the Flash animations are one of Hussie’s greater strengths here.
FAILURE ARTIST: The animation was what drew me into Homestuck and this is a particularly good one.
CHEL: A couple of static pages wrap up the Act; we pan out from John’s house to see it and the pinnacle it’s perched on are now looming above the same dark-blue land covered with thick clouds that the book fell onto, which we now see is in fact an entire very small planet. Curtains close.
So that’s the end of Act 3! What does everyone think?
FAILURE ARTIST: It was fun seeing Jade and the Exiles but sad thinking about how underutilized they ended up. Especially poor AR.
BRIGHT: This is where the elaborate time loops really started to kick in, and I’ve gotta say, I’m not a fan. I recognise that they’re a key feature of Homestuck, but I found some of them too confusing on my first read through. (Though they do make more sense on subsequent reads.)
I think on the whole this Act is quite well paced. I really loved the bits with Jade, and a lot of nifty background info gets introduced without being infodumped.
TIER: I wasn't even aware that webcomics on the internet were a thing at this point, but I do believe that it's around here that Homestuck's popularity was starting to pick up, no? This chapter went a lot deeper into the strangeness of the game to!
Homestuck was popular but I don’t think it became a phenomenon until Act 5 when the trolls were fully introduced. Lots of people even skipped Acts 1-4 and the Intermission to get to them. I think a lot of the pre-Act 5 fans were my age (20s) while after that many were teens or tweens. Admittedly, I didn’t do much in the fandom except check the SA thread until Act 5 came around.
CHEL: I don’t think I got into it until Act 6 - I remember the first time I got further than a few pages in I gave up when the Alpha kids got introduced because it was way too complicated.
As for my thoughts on the act, well… Before, I was able to more or less chalk up the racist/sexist/fatphobic/homophobic remarks as being from the characters’ mouths (they are, after all, twelve to thirteen years old) and not the author’s, but they don’t really get called out by the narrative and Hussie has sufficiently drained my goodwill that I have to complain, and I suspect after recent events that it actually was him speaking there, if you get my meaning. Most of the dialogue is still as sweet and funny as I remember it being but those bits really taint it. Hypothetical rewrite would definitely remove those.
I’m in two minds about keeping Dave’s hurricane of euphemisms to AT for said hypothetical rewrite; on one hand, considering his home situation, it’s worrying, but on the other the whole point of the joke is to make AT uncomfortable and it’s hard to do that without making comments that would also make the reader uncomfortable. Maybe if Dave’s home life was adjusted a bit the reader would be more easily able to assume he just picked them up from Urban Dictionary.
Speaking of Dave, his storyline here is where we really start to see a thing which is a recurring problem with the comic. Namely, reliance on theme and symbolism over what is actually happening. If Hussie was indeed trying from the beginning to portray Dave’s situation as serious abuse, then he shouldn’t have chosen to represent said abuse with ridiculous cartoon physics while literally portraying Dave as unharmed onscreen. Dave’s behaviour does hint at some issues, but they’re easy to pass off as related to other things, and swords so sharp they cause printed pictures to change are not most readers’ first assumption for the cause.
Other than those, though, I think we’re still mostly fine; none of the problems are problems with the underlying structure of the story, so it wouldn’t require a huge retooling. That state of affairs will continue on for another couple of acts, but when it fails, it fails.
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solara-bean · 5 years
Helena's first mission
Her POV~
Ok so joining Libra would seem like a wild and crazy job to have, but mostly if you're apart of the action. So far, all I've done is file papers and sit around. I understand that Klaus and Steven are trying to keep me safe, but I really want to do something-anything useful. Maybe I should have told them about my fast healing ability. Then maybe I could take more risky tasks.
At least I've gotten to know Leo, Sonic and Zapp more. It would be great if Zapp stopped randomly hitting on me though. Although, seeing Chain materialize on his head when he does is hilarious. I've been meaning to talk to her more, but she always vanishes before I can.
I put a blanket over Leo as he slept on the couch. Poor boy got kicked out of his apartment as if being in the hospital not too long ago wasn't bad enough. Then Zapp comes in covered in blood and I know that the day's madness has officially started.
I remained in the office and read as everyone went their separate ways for the mission at hand. Then Klaus came back in, went to his computer, made a call then headed towards the door. But before he left, he paused to turn towards me.
" Ms. Lightsongale?"
I put down my book.
" Yes?"
" Would you mind accompanying me to the alter world?"
I gaped.
" The alter world?" I hadn't gone there for the same reason that I avoid most places in the city.
" Yes. I believe that I have a lead and your sixth sense could help us to avoid any dangers on our way there."
" So," I could feel myself grinning excitedly. " I can finally go into the field?"
" As long as you're certain. I understand if you don't want to."
" No no. I want to go." I quickly put on my cardigan and followed him out the door, which he held for me. I still haven't come accustomed to his gentlemanly ways, but they're appreciated all the same.
Gilbert drove us to where we'd pick up our escort to the alter world. Like literally everything else, she was not what I was expecting. After Klaus got out of the car to check on her, I soon followed to greet her.
" Oh and who's this, Klausie?"
I extended my hand to her. I also noticed that she was much taller than me. And that we were surrounded by bodies.
" I'm Helena Lightsongale. Nice to meet you."
She shook my hand firmly. Oooh she has nice nails, too.
" K.K. I look forward to getting to know you, Helena."
While K.K and Klaus conversed on either side of me, I stared out the window into the foggy, spiraled abyss of the alter world.
" First time here?" K.K asked.
" Yeah. . . it's really. . ."
" Trippy? I know right. You'll get use to it after awhile."
" Do you sense anything?" Klaus asked, following my gaze.
" Oh I'm sensing a lot, but nothing close. We should be fine."
" Is that your power?" K.K turned to me, intrigued.
" Well, yeah." I fidgeted nervously and she seemed to notice. From seeing what she did to those guys, I'd be screwed if she caught onto my lie. Thankfully, she let it slide.
We arrived at our destination with company. Apparently it was some politician guy, Ulchenko. Already don't like him or the vibes he's giving. Inside was a slew of strange art that seemed to follow our every move. I stuck close to Klaus unconsciously, making K.K giggle.
We were then greeted by Don Arlele-something. His vibes were far worse than Ulchenko's. Even so Klaus seemed to know him so maybe he wasn't all bad. I knew that I was wrong once Klaus' worry was shown for Ulchenko when he went into the portal. He tried to warn him but the arrogant bastard wouldn't listen.
Before I knew it, Ulchenko came flying out of the portal in a sweating heap. I warned Klaus that Don was about to do something to him and Klaus leapt in to save him. I just wish that it didn't have to cost him so much.
" Klaus wait!"
He turned to me before going up the stairs.
" You can't do this. There's no way that you can survive 99 hours with that creep."
" Please have faith in me, Ms. Lightsongale. I'll be fine." he proceeded up the stairs.
" But-" K.K put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me back. I could tell that she was trying to assure me but her face showed an equal amount of concern.
After what felt like hours, I began pacing back and forth.
" Ugh. Why is he still in there? I know that time works differently, but this is becoming worrisome. What if he's trying to kill him? What if he already has?!"
" Hey. Hey now calm down." K.K stilled me and spoke softly like a mother would. Wait is she a mom? " I'm worried too, but I know Klaus. He's the toughest person I know. He'll pull threw I promise."
I took a deep breath ad sighed.
" Yeah. Yeah you're right. He'll be ok. But still...." I glared across the room at Ulchenko. He caught my gaze and flinched in fear.
" You know that you owe him. Right, Ulchenko?" my voice deepened in malice. I even made my eyes flick gold for a split second, scaring him more.
" Y-yes of course." he stuttered.
K.K giggled at him and grinned at me.
" See. He's got us, so he'll be fine no matter what happens."
I caught Klaus just before he hit the floor. I don't remember charging to catch him, just sitting on the floor with his head on my lap. His skin was pale and drenched in sweat. He was hardly breathing. I couldn't speak or even move until K.K shook me and told me to help her get Klaus out of here. I did the best that I could by holding up his waist. On our way out, I caught Ulchenko's eye again. He stared back, still in disbelief before nodding to me.
In the car, K.K ended her call and sniffled while looking down at Klaus. His was fast asleep, but his breathing hadn't gotten any better. I reached for K.K's hand, that laid on Klaus' chest, from the front seat. She looked up at me with her eyes still filled with tears. Mine were too but I managed a smile.
" He's the toughest person you know, right?"
She wiped her eyes then put her other hand over mine.
" Yes. Yes he is." she smiled back.
I sat back in my seat and stared out the window. The scenery did nothing for me at the moment. I focused on Klaus' heart rate with my super hearing. It was still sped up.
I began to hum my father's lullaby, Gilbert and K.K didn't seem to mind. Klaus' heart rate was back to normal as I finished, along with his breathing.
" What do you mean he's back at work?!" I asked Steven.
" He seemed alright to me. That and I can't remember the last time he took a sick day." Steven shrugged.
" That's the boss for you. Down one minute then fine the next." said Chain appearing out of nowhere. She would have scared me if I hadn't come accustomed to sensing her when she was about to materialize.
" Do you know where he is now?"
I went to the roof and found Klaus sitting on the edge, typing away on his laptop. From what I could sense he did seem fine.
" Ah, Ms.Lightsongale, it's good to see you." he said, knowing that I was there even before I had reached him.
" You too. Although, I thought that you'd be resting at home right now."
" A good night's rest is all I needed. But I do apologize for scaring you like that."
" It's ok. I'm just glad that you feel better." I gave him a small smile. I couldn't quite tell if he smiled back.
" I should thank you for yesterday as well."
I blinked at him.
" For what? I didn't do anything."
He shook his head.
" According to K.K, you caught me and practically carried me to the car. In fact, she said that you did so with little effort."
Oh no.
I felt myself begin to panic and find an excuse.
" W-well. U-uh you see-"
" There's no need to explain yourself. I know that I'm not the lightest person, meaning that you have some sort of super strength. With that, plus your sixth sense, you should be able to handle more missions if you want."
My tension lessened. I stared wide-eyed at him.
" Really?"
He nodded.
" Oh. Cool. I'd love to help out more."
" You already have Ms.Lightsongale."
That warmed my heart a little. I guess the small things were still helping in a way. But there was still something I needed to address.
" You know, to be fair since I call you by your first name, you can call me by mine. That and I'm pretty sure that you're older than me soooo..."
If it weren't for my advanced hearing I wouldn't have heard him chuckle.
" As you wish, Helena."
My heart pounded and I tensed.
Oh God what have I done???!!!
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rhywhitefang · 6 years
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It’s the end of the year (Well, not quite, but I’m not gonna get any reading done tomorrow)  - and we all know what that means... Looking back at what you read and evaluating your favorites. And no, I did not contain myself to just 10 - but that’s also because I did read a lot this year. Why are they eleven books for the first two categories? Any excuse to include one more book It looks better on the graphic. Although, before someone asks why the Broken Earth Trilogy isn’t on here - Rereads don’t count and I read those in 2017. For a more detailed look at each of my lists, links to the books, and more of my thoughts, look under the cut. For a list of all of my favorite books look here. 
Now, on to these...
The best new releases of the year
Now, obviously, I did not read every single book that was released this year - duh. This is just a list of the best 2018 releases that I read this year. Ranked, they look like this:
Girl Made of Stars by Ashley Herring Blake. Why I loved this one: It’s a really honest, well-written, gentle, well-done, nuanced, and detailed examination of what rape does not only to a person but also to a community from a perspective I’ve never seen considered before. 
Darius The Great Is Not Okay by Adib Khorram Why I loved this one: Because I love well-done coming of age narratives and this one was excellent. It’s a very quiet, introspective, slow moving book with a softer main male character. I also really appreciated the setting of Teheran. 
The Book of Essie by Meghan Maclean Weir Why I loved this one: Look, it’s one of my very specific favorite tropes of all time (I’m not going to spoil it) that I almost never see, the main character is interesting and strong in a mental way I really enjoy, and it’s a deconstruction of conservative family culture. Yay. 
The Adventure Zone - Here there be Gerblins by Griffin McElroy Why I loved this one: I jumped on the hype train and listened to the podcast - and like, this is a comic adaptation of the first arc? Which is so much fun?
The Air You Breathe by Frances de Pontes Peebles Why I loved this one: I loved the main character who was bitter, and passionate, and jealous and lovin, and complicated and determined and stern and regretful. It was great. If you loved Evelyn Hugo, this one should be your next read. 
The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay Why I loved this one: This thriller was very unique in the way that it put its focus on just one family, and the whole rest of the world was not really present. Instead we get a very closed, and isolated narrative where everything but the characters we follow and the relationships they have with each other is called into question.
How Long Til’ Black Future Month? by N. K. Jemisin Why I loved this one: I refuse to comment on claims that I light a candle of my very own N. K. Jemisin shrine every night before I fall asleep. If you haven’t read The Fifth Season - go read them right now. My favorites from this collection include: Valedictorian, The Storyteller’s Replacement, Walking Awake, and Henosis.
Circe by Madeline Miller Why I loved this one: I’m a huge slut for greek myth retellings, if you’re a semi-competent author retelling any greek myth, I’ll eat it up. And Miller is more than just semi-competent.
The Poppy War by R.F Kuang Why I loved this one: Listen, listen, listen - you know how to get me as a reader? Training sequences and school settings. This has 250 pages of training sequences in a school setting. It made me very happy. 
Hurricane Child by Kheryn Callender Why I loved this one: Everyone’s excited for this author’s other book, which is like, a YA romance and to be fair, I haven’t read that one yet, but still - why is this one so underrated? It’s a magical realism coming of age story of a young girl and it’s stellar. 
Inkmistress by Audrey Coulhourst Why I loved this one: I wasn’t the biggest fan of the author’s debut, but this has a lot of things I love - “be careful what you wish for” style blood magic, dark self-fulfilling prophecies, and a female characters journey from hero to villain. Also dragons. 
The best backlist books of the year
Meaning, the best books I read this year that were released in 2017 or before that. Pretty simple, really.
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan Why I loved this one: It has been a long time since I was this attached to a group of book characters that quickly. They’re instantly relatable, even if they’re not instantly likeable. And beyond that, the whole book is a wonderfully satirical take on the portal fantasy genre. But seriously, guys, there’s not enough of fanfiction for this book - I’d know it, I read them all.. C’mon, where’s my soulmate AU?
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman Why I loved this one: One of the best YA novels out there and not only one of my favorite’s of this year, but also one of my favorite books of all time. Alice Oseman understands the teen coming of age story on a spiritual level, and manages to be so wonderfully affirming in this one.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid Why I loved this one: Listen to the hype, everyone, listen to the hype. Evelyn Hugo is an amazing character and I’d 100% believe you if you told me she was a real person. PLUS, this one also has the trope. The one I talked about with the Book of Essie. 
Strong Female Protagonist by Molly Ostertag Why I loved this one: Well-done, deconstructionalist superhero narrative are my jam. This webcomic is not that action driven, instead it focuses on the main character identity crisis, and her reconsidering what it means to be a hero and what her responsibility as a human is.
The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M Danforth Why I loved this one: Do you think the owner of this blog might like coming of age narratives? I’m not super sure, like, maybe if she had “I love coming of age narratives” tattooed on her forehead, it would be a little clearer... but like this? It’s a mystery. 
Whichwood by Tahereh Mafi Why I loved this one: No, I did not read the first book in this series, and I don’t think you need to in order to enjoy this. Here, I just really appreciated the friendship aspect of the book and the healing power of reaching out to others and letting them into your heart. Also death magic. That too.
Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds Why I loved this one: I think the slam poetry style this was written in, often novels written in verse don’t work for me because it feels like more distance being put between you and the narrative, but in this case it really elevated the story. And of course, this was a very introspective read with a focus on character development.
One Hundred Nights of Hero by Isabelle Greenberg Why I loved this one: The artwork here is just gorgeous, just like in the first one The Encyclopedia of Early Earth. Its beautiful and has a lovely fairytale vibe.
An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon Why I loved this one: This has a very sharp, very unique voice to it and a protagonist unlike anyone I ever read. And the spaceship setting was really cool as well.
Under the Pendulum Sun by Jeannette Ng Why I loved this one: This is a fae book that gets fucking dark, and truly fucked up as any proper fae book should do. Some parts of it read almost like a trippy nightmare which is just delightful. And the premise itself? Just wild, man
Girl Mans Up by M-E Girard Why I loved this one: Say it with me everyone 📣: Coming 👏 of 👏 Age 👏 Narrative
Honorable Mentions
Yes, I have a whole entire seperate list of honorable mentions. What’s it to you?
A  Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi Why I loved this one: The writing is beautiful and engaging. The protagonist is refreshing, lively, realistic, and I loved her perspective. Her internal journey was wonderfully rendered. The issues she dealt with were important, timely, and needed to be put into the forefront. It had a lyrical, atmospheric quality to it and I thoroughly enjoyed my experienced reading it. Why it didn’t quite make the list: It almost, almost made the list because it was really good. There was just one thing that bothered me. I get that the point of this book was that the protagonist was really isolated in the beginning, but even so... she had a romance with a guy, she had her brother and his friends whom she hung out with. But she didn’t seem to know any other girls... at all. The only other real female character I remember is her mother. And then there’s one interaction with another girl and that girl is a racist bitch. So I didn’t like that portrayal.
Geography Club by Brent Hartinger Why I loved this one: Teenagers finding themselves.... friendship..... clubs.... gay people.... I mean, come on.  Why it didn’t quite make the list: The writing style isn’t the best.
And I Darken by Kiersten White Why I loved this one: This was a great first book in a trilogy with a historical setting I haven’t read about before. It has court intrigue, sultans, assassins and political imprisonments. The main character’s brother, Radu, is one of my favorite characters I read about this year and I liked the way this tackled religion. Why it didn’t quite make the list: Being the first one in a series, this feels more like...a prologue, than anything that could stand on its own.
When I Hit You - A Portrait of the Author as a Young Wife by Meena Kandasamy Why I loved this one: It’s an unflinching look at an abusive marriage, power dynamic, and coping with the more patriarchal aspects of your own culture. It’s also really well written and extremely believable.  Why it didn’t quite make the list: It had an odd framing device, and because the protagonist was a writer, this caused it to be kind of pretentious at times.
Here to Stay by Sara Farizan Why I loved this one: This is a very realistic depiction of high school, and the social dynamics most teenagers for. Teenagers aren’t wise or mature, most of them have a lot of growing to do. And I liked how flawed everyone there was. They just wanted to keep their head down, or they overcompensated for their insecurities, and they dealt with their own issues. I liked how the topics in here were handled. Why it didn’t quite make the list: The plot was a bit too simplistic for me. 
Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant Why I loved this one: Killer mermaids! Need I say more? I’ll say it again - killer mermaids! Why it didn’t quite make the list: Despite the title, this isn’t really that deep. Just a fun monster horror.
The Emperor’s Soul by Brandon Sanderson Why I loved this one: The one thing that Sanderson does consistently well is develop magic systems, and I really liked this one. And because this one was so short, there wasn’t some epic (or even cosmic) overarching plot, but a rather clear and relatively small narrative of a specific task that needed to be completed, which I found absolutely fascinating. I think I like this story even more than the Mistborn trilogy. It’s my favorite from him. Why it didn’t quite make the list: Everytime Sanderson writes a female character, you can tell he feels so proud of himself for being such a feminist. 
I Was Born for This by Alice Oseman Why I loved this one: This surprised me. Even though I loved Radio Silence by Oseman and had read that one before, the subject matter of this book didn’t really seem appealing to me, but it was still really fun. I loved the friendship dynamics and the discussions of fame. Why it didn’t quite make the list: I just very much wanted this one to go more in depth and really dive into that character development, and these relationship dynamics. I just wanted a little more of that. 
A History of Glitter and Blood by Hannah Moskowitz Why I loved this one: I loved most things to do with the fae - the dark fae of folklore, mind you, not whatever SJM is doing. Now, these fairies aren’t really traditional, but the setting is definitely dark. Also, there’s an unreliable narrator which I love.  Why it didn’t quite make the list: I was kind of iffy about some of the racial implications with the goblins. 
The Monster Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson Why I loved this one: We stan a ruthless, traitorous accountant. Love that dark character development, bitch.  Why it didn’t quite make the list: While I loved the first one, this one really lacked a clear sense of structure or direction. The pacing was kind of off. 
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan Why I loved this one: I loved the worldbuilding here, and the setting of concubines in a castle, quiety rebelling in themselves. Yay.  Why it didn’t quite make the list: It felt a bit juvenile at some points, some things were rushed, and I would have liked a bit more depth to the characters, especially the love interest.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 6 years
The Self-Indulgent Holiday Special
The best way to celebrate a holiday is clearly to write a thing where your persona meets the characters made by your favorite YouTuber. Trust me, I’m an expert. 100% real authority on writing
‘M posting this super late at night after I felt the sudden need to write it, so forgive any mistakes I may have made. Also if you give me any sort of trouble for putting myself in the story.......whatever. It’s nearly 2019, I’m ignoring the connotation of cringe
There’s a rooftop garden in the city. Trees and flowers of all kind, just sitting on top of a ten-story building. Of course, it being the middle of winter, most of the plants had died out, though there were some stubborn coniferous trees and red flowers still growing. An iron railing surrounded the garden, keeping people from falling off.
Sitting on a wooden bench, looking over the setting sun, is a girl. Or, not a girl. They weren’t quite sure in recent times.They have red hair, vibrant and shoulder-length. They wear a set of glasses—they have multiple, and had decided on the black pair today. The evening is cool, but not cold, so she’d forgone her coat and wore what she usually did: a blue hoodie with a bright yellow smiley face in the center. By her side is a purple backpack, containing, as it usually did, her laptop—complete with headphones and mouse—the book she was currently reading, and her bag of colored pencils. They sit on the bench with their knees pulled close, their black sketchbook propped so that she can draw easily. She had some ideas she needed to get out.
It always surprised her, even though she knew who it was and what he wanted. She turns and sees Abyss, one of her characters. He looks like he always does, silver hair, red old-fashioned coat, brown eyes with stars in the pupils. He's staring at her, but that was to be expected when one didn’t blink. “Why do you say that?” she asks.
Abyss rolls his eyes. “You tell me I can’t visit this set of universes, at all, 100% forbidden, and now you’re here. Drew yourself up a portal. Therefore, hypocrite.”
“This is different,” they explain.
“It always is with you, Ms. Creator.”
Honestly, when they created a character with the ability to jump universes, she hadn’t expected to ever actually meet him. Hell, for the longest time, they hadn’t realized any of their ideas could spawn another world. But that was irrelevant. Abyss, though annoying and way too powerful for anyone’s good, isn’t antagonistic toward her, not anymore at least. “No, I mean, it-it really is different this time,” she insists. “This world in particular, it’s...I-I mean, it’s not mine, I don’t-I don’t think I can count it that way—”
“Hmm, I thought I recognized the feel,” Abyss interrupts. “This universe has your stamp on it.”
“They’re, um, not my characters—”
Abyss laughs. “That’s never stopped you before. You have your own little versions of worlds scattered all about. I never would’ve met Dani if you didn’t get obsessively attached to stories you like and made your ‘headcanons’ into your ‘canon.’ What’s so different about this one, this multiverse?”
She frowns. “I think it’s that...the creator of the original, he’s not-not, like, distant. I see him as a person and not as a-a-a, I dunno, a faceless maker of content. And all the people who are, like, inspired by his work are, they’re, like, people I know, you know? It’s really a community...like they say. And it feels mo-more special...personal, I guess.”
“I see...” She knows that Abyss is lying. She knows him better than anyone else; she’d created him, after all. He struggles with empathy, though he’s learning. And the idea of community, that you could somehow relate to people all around the world based on this one thing...it was a very empathetic, human experience. “Ah, would you look at that,” he says. “You plan this? It’s why you showed up here, isn’t it?”
They look up. The rooftops of the city had been empty a moment before. Now, there’s someone running across them, expert parkour-style. He’s wearing a red and blue jumpsuit, and a hood hides his face from view. But they know who it is. “I mean, I kinda planned it,” they say. “I wrote that this was a regular thing. And I decided to show up here at this moment, so...”
“You have a little crush on a fictional character? I understand that’s something that can happen.”
“What?! No! He’s like twenty-eight. I’m nineteen. I don’t do that. I just...friends are nice too.”
“Yeah...they are...” Abyss nods. “I’m starting to get that. So, I’ll leave you to it.” There's a flash of dark blue, and he’s gone, leaving nothing but a blue mist-like substance that quickly disperses.
“Hey there!” The man in red has landed on the rooftop with the garden, and caught sight of the artist sitting on the bench.
For a moment, she thinks the words will get caught in her throat like they always do. But...she knows him. He might not be her original character, but he was her version. “Hi,” she says. “You’re, um, Jackie, aren’t you?”
“Yes, I am!” Jackie puts on a dramatic voice, and strikes a pose. “I’m the one and only Jackieboy Man! Protecting the city from crime, day and night!”
“I know,” they say, laughing a bit. “I’m-I guess you can say I’m-I’m-I’m a fan. My name is—” they hesitate for a moment. Should they give him their real name? Most of their characters know them as Brigid...but people had started calling them a nickname, of sorts, since they started becoming more active in the community. It feels...right, somehow, to use that instead. “I’m Crystal.”
“Crystal, huh?” Jackie tilts his head. He gives her a warm smile. “That’s a nice name. A, uh, fan, huh? I don’t really deserve that, you know. I’m just a guy in a mask and jumpsuit.”
“But you’re, like, a superhero!” Crystal says. “That’s so cool!”
“Well,” Jackie’s eyes light up. He thinks it’s very cool indeed. “I guess, but it’s not like I have powers. My friend—I mean, I have friends just like anyone else. I’m trying my best.”
“But a lot of people, um, you know, they don’t do the things you do. Even if-if they can. So, that you’re trying, you know, that’s important.”
Jackie considers this for a moment. “Yeah, you’re right. I can see that. Have a good night, Crystal.” He starts to turn away.
“Wait!” Crystal stands up, fighting down a surge of panic. “I just—um—I’m—did-did-did-did you know it’s Yule today?” She cringes internally. Stupid stutter.
“Really? Christmas isn’t for another few days.”
“No, it’s the winter solstice. The twenty-first. That means it’s Yule.” She feels her face growing hot. Unconsciously, she starts picking at the binding of her sketchbook. “It’s a, uh, pagan holiday. I’m Wiccan. I mean, I don’t practice it as much as I should, but if there’s any religion I can say I’m a part of, it’s that, you know? My-my family doesn’t celebrate it. And I mean, I love our Christmas celebrations, and the season is-is great. But I’d like to celebrate it and I was thinking—I mean—um—you seem nice. Can I, like, be with you? Like, hang out? I mean that!”
This couldn’t have gone any worse if they tried. They fully expect Jackie to just walk away. But, to their surprise, he stops, and consider. “That...maybe...” he muses. “...I mean, I can’t take a civilian out on patrol. But my friends are having a get-together tonight. I wasn’t expecting to be able to make it...but the question is, can you be trusted? I’ll be taking off my mask.”
“That’s fine!” Crystal assures him. She knows all the details anyway; she wrote his backstory, after all. “I won’t even be in this wor—in this town for long.” Yes, great idea. Tell your local superhero you’re a universe-hopping artist/writer with the ability to make anything with the power of drawing and words. He may or may not think you’re crazy, honestly hard to tell.
Jackie smiles, relieved. “In that case, feel free to come along. Though, my friends probably won’t be that happy about it. Don’t worry, I’ll convince them. Now come on!”
Smiling to herself, Crystal grabs her backpack and hurries to catch up.
The house looks exactly like she’d pictured it. A regular suburban sprawl with a big yard and two stories. Much bigger than her own, which was much too small for five people, two cats, and a tortoise.
“Ready?” Jackie had changed into his civilian clothes, ducking into an alleyway with a “no peeking!” Like she had any interest in things like that. Now, in his comfortable red hoodie and completely mask-less, he leads the way up the path and knocks on the door. A moment passes, then it’s opened by a man with a face just like his, hidden mostly under a gray baseball cap. “Jackie!” he says, excited. “We thought you weren’t coming!”
“Decided the city was safe enough for one night,” Jackie shrugs. “Oh, and I brought a friend!” He stands aside, and gestures at Crystal.
“Oh! Uh, hi. I’m Chase.” Chase can’t hide his surprise, though he’s trying his best. “We...weren’t expecting anyone else. We weren’t even expecting Jackie.”
Crystal laughs nervously. “Yeah, it just sort of...happened. It’s Yule.”
“Huh. Well, you’re welcome inside. Come on in!” Chase stands aside, allowing Jackie and then Crystal herself to enter the house.
Crystal’s eyes widen at the sight, and they can’t stop a small gasp from escaping their mouth. It was...all of them. It's kind of trippy, actually, seeing five versions of the same person, wearing different clothes, standing with various postures. Like that one project they tried to do in senior year film class, where they played all the characters. They never got around to finishing it, mostly because about a third of the footage went missing somehow.
“Hey everyone, Jackie’s here!” Chase announces.
“Ah, Jackie! We thought you weren’t making it tonight!” If she couldn’t tell from the glasses, the voice is a dead giveaway for who that is.
One of them waves. The clothes and the silence are also dead giveaways.
“Who’s the kid?” Process of elimination leads to the obvious conclusion for the last one.
“Oh, uh, guys, this is Crystal,” Jackie introduces her. “I ran into her on patrol, and she said she was a fan, and so I invited her to come.”
“They,” Crystal whispers, forcing the single syllable out.
“Hmm? What was that?”
“I’m, uh, good with ‘they’ too. If you don’t mind. ‘She’ is good too. But, um, just...so you know...” Crystal trails off. It’s the first time they’d ever, in person, made that point clear. She’d never even told her family. The only people who really know are the people who read her blog description and maybe some people on Discord.
“Well, okay then!” Jackie smiled. “Don’t worry, I get it.” She knows he does. This is a world where her headcanons are canon. And damn the canonicity of the SP playthrough, a queer hero is cool. And maybe...there were personal reasons why she thought that, but...it doesn’t stop it from being cool.
“Yeah, okay, whatever makes you comfortable. I’m Marvin, that’s Henrik, call him Schneep, and Jameson. You already know Jackie and Chase.” He points out each one as he says their names. “Feel free to make yourself at home.”
“Hey! Who’s the host here?” Chase sounds indignant. He turns to Crystal. “Feel free to make yourself at home.”
Schneep and Marvin roll their eyes in perfect unison.
Jackie gasps dramatically. “Snacks!” He runs towards the coffee table, which holds a variety of sweet and salty foods. “We got chips, we got chocolate, we got other foods starting with the letter C...”
“Hey, dude, can you leave the plain candy bars alone?” Chase asks. “Bobby’s allergic to nuts so she wants those.”
“The kids—I mean there’s a kid here?” Crystal asks.
Chase nods. “Yeah, I, uhm, got my kids, Bobby and Trevor, for the weekend. They’re in their room right now, but they told me they might come down later.”
“That’s cool,” Crystal says. “I like kids. I’m kind of good with them, I think. I mean, my sister is better, kids just love her.”
“Chase, if you ever need a babysitter, I think they are volunteering,” Schneep says lightheartedly.
“What?! I—uh—no, I can’t. I won’t be in town for long, I’m just here for Yule.”
“Isn’t that, like, a witch holiday?” Chase asks.
Jameson shakes his head, then makes some quick symbols with his hands. Not for the first time, Crystal wishes she’d fully learned sign language. Even ASL could help in a situation like this. The others understand, nodding.
“Pagan, huh?” Marvin plops down onto the couch. “Interesting. What made you choose that?”
Crystal thinks. “It seemed...the most right. It makes the most sense with my...worldview. And I like magick. That’s the kind with a K, but if regular magic existed I’d like that too.”
Marvin chuckled. “Well, keep your hopes high, kid.”
Crystal smiles softly. She feels a bit...giddy inside. Marvin was her second favorite, and here she is, talking magic with him. Kinda. More dancing around the subject. But it would be weird to let on that she knew everything about these guys.
Time passes. The five fall back into their comfortable back-and-forth banter, the sort Crystal loves to write. Hearing it come to life, and more importantly, actually sounding like something they would say, made Crystal feel full of joy. But even more so, the fact that these five characters who she’d held so close to her heart seemed to incorporate them into their dynamic so easily...even though Crystal was just jumping into conversation occasionally, they felt a ball of light and fuzziness inside themself.
Eventually a small brunette girl and a tiny blonde boy came out and joined for a while. The two are greeted with familiar enthusiasm. Bobby and Trevor are clearly well-known and well-loved among the group. After a while, Chase herds them back upstairs for bedtime. Marvin and Schneep get into a competitive Mario Kart race, which ends in controllers being thrown across the room. Jackie convinces everyone to watch Spider-Man: Homecoming for a while. The snacks are devoured. Then, it’s one o’clock.
“We should probably all go to bed soon,” Schneep says, looking at the clock.
“Oh, so says you, Mr. All-nighter,” Marvin laughs.
“I have work to do! You have no excuse and needs your rest!”
“Except you have a day off tomorrow, so you have no work and also no excuse,” Jackie points out.
Jameson signs something, and Crystal vaguely recognizes one of the signs, though she doesn’t remember the meaning. Luckily, the others are not so inhibited. “Alright, dude,” Chase says. “You want us to walk you there?”
Jameson shakes his head. “Are you going home?” Crystal asks. When Jameson nods, they continue, “I should probably go to. You, um, don’t mind if I walk with you...for a bit? Not all the way?”
After a moment of consideration, Jameson nods. A chorus of goodbyes follows the two of them out the door.
It’s dark. Crystal can’t help but be a bit scared, though she knows that with her sketchbook and pencil in hand she’s well-prepared for any threat. If she has enough time to draw something to defend herself, that is. Jameson doesn’t seem worried. Then again, he’d faced worse than street criminals.
Crystal tried to think of something to say. Come on, this should be easy. JJ is their favorite, and they really wanted to talk to him. But...this was good too. The two of them walk in silence, but it’s a companionable type of silence. Crystal isn’t really comfortable with being the shorter one of the two, even though they’re shorter than most people. Maybe because they’d always thought of JJ as the small one, even though his height is basically the same as the others, give or take a centimeter or two.
Still, Crystal has something they need to say. “Can I call you JJ?”
A nod, accompanied by a friendly mustache wiggle. Crystal laughs. “Thanks. I...” she swallows nervously. “I just want to say I’m sorry.”
JJ looks at her, confused. “For all you’ve gone through, I-I mean,” she elaborates. “It’s-it’s awful and-and-and you’re so nice, um, you know? So you didn’t deserve it.”
JJ can’t hide his confusion. He’s stopped walking, directly under a street lamp. It was very dramatic. He knows that Crystal can’t understand BSL, but he makes some vague gestures that she takes to mean, what are you talking about?
“I know a lot,” Crystal says simply. “And I...have my own demons to face...actually I, um, just realized that one of her names also starts with A.”
Jameson’s eyes widen. He starts to gesture again, but Crystal shakes her head. “No, we—um, I don’t want to. Not now. And you’ll-you’ll-you guys’ll probably never see me again. I need to go back home. I have stories that I need to work on. But...I’m really sorry.” She feels tears in her eyes. “I’m really so sorry.”
Still confused, but understanding a bit more, Jameson nods. Crystal gives a watery smile. “Goodbye. Tell the others I said bye too.” She turns to leave, but JJ taps her shoulders. He spreads his arms wide, almost questioning. “I...don’t do hugs,” Crystal explains. “Not always. But, um...this is going to sound weird, but give me your hand.” JJ complies. Crystal grabs it with both of her own hands and squeezes tight. “This is the same thing to me,” she explains. “But it feels better. You don’t mind, do you?” JJ smiles, shaking his head.
After a moment, Crystal lets go. She backs away. “Goodbye!” she calls one last time. JJ waves. She turns and dashes away, eventually turning down an alleyway.
The downside of her creations coming to life? It makes the painful parts of their stories so much harder to write. Crystal can feel a hard knot of guilt and sadness in their chest. But without despair, there can’t be any bliss. Without struggle, there would be no peace. And they always ended stories on a hopeful note. They always wrote a happy ending that made everything worth it.
The creator presses her pencil to a fresh sketchbook page and quickly draws an outline of a door. It’s familiar to her, a white rectangle with a silver doorknob. When she looks up, it’s embedded on the nearby wall like it’s always been set there. She steps forward, pulling it open. On the other side is a well-lit basement room, a bed and two overflowing bookshelves, tan walls hidden by posters. She crosses through, closing the door behind her. It fades away.
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planetariumx · 2 years
finally got to watch Multiverse of Madness this weekend besties and i have much to discuss obviously spoilers under the cut
ok so firstly im loving all the trippy stuff marvel is dong rn, wandavision, loki, moonknight, no way home, and now multiverse of madness. i enjoy my brain melting :) and all the cameos as well, maria as cap marvel, cap carter, professor x?? oh shit hey, jim from the office????
second, LET MY GIRL WANDA HAVE PEACE- oh wait now she's dead in the main universe?? FUCK but also is she really? i feel like theyre gonna bring her/a different version of her back so idk? besties i can't lose nat and wanda pls 🙃 also loved her unhinged energy, sis literally snapped and i love that for her 😌 as she should. the line "Is their mother still alive? [yes] Good, there will be someone left to raise them." GIRL- look i know its not morally good but that is such a banger line nothing but respect for the most powerful avenger. also i fully sobbed when billy & tommy were afraid of her and she just falls to her knees, bitch i felt that
third, I STAN AMERICA CHAVEZ!!! she just like me fr we both latina and lgbt <3 i am literally so happy she's in the mcu now!! and the actress did amazing! also i love the way her powers look, like the star portal thing looks so cool
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empress-of-snark · 6 years
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(I’ll give you two guesses as to who made this header.) (Spoiler alert: It was @caseyblu.)
AKA: Inception with wizards.
(Spoilers for Doctor Strange, don’t read if you haven’t seen.)
Another movie that I think didn’t quite get the attention it deserved when it came out. Maybe because Dr. Strange isn’t a really famous superhero either, maybe because of the casting complaints (which I’ll get to later), who knows? But I’m here to tell you that it’s a good movie.
I said this in the Iron Man review and I’ll say it again here: Dr. Strange’s backstory is a lot like Tony Stark’s. Character is rich, arrogant, exceedingly good at his job, and pretty self-centered until a traumatic event turns his life around and he must change. It’s also not unlike Thor’s story. I’ve actually pointed out multiple times how much Marvel favors this trope.
There are differences, of course. Tony made a choice to discontinue weapons manufacturing at Stark Industries, but Strange initially had no choice in giving up his surgical career. Tony is shown to be more of a womanizer than Strange, whose ex-girlfriend Christine is the only ex we ever see, etc. But a lot of surface-level details are the same. However, watching Doctor Strange doesn’t feel like watching another Iron Man movie, save for the first twenty minutes or so. Past that, it’s its own story.
And it’s a very compelling one. This is the first non-Thor Marvel movie with characters who have magic abilities, and the battles are some of the coolest of the MCU. It’s not just punching and kicking, it’s manipulating surroundings to their advantage and expelling each other through portals. There’s lots of really trippy scenes in this one, and the special effects are some of the most impressive in the franchise.
The story moves at a good pace and there’s enough action scenes to keep it interesting without being overwhelming. There’s actually not a romance sub-plot like there usually is in origin movies, but instead we get a nice friendship between Strange and Christine. Whether or not this grows back into a romance in later movies is unclear, but regardless, the characters have good chemistry (even platonically), and they share some nice moments.
I remember there was some controversy surrounding the casting of Benedict Cumberbatch, because apparently Strange isn’t always portrayed as white in the comics. I don’t think Strange’s race has ever really been confirmed, and he certainly looks white in some comics, so I don’t think it was 100% white-washing, but it’s a totally valid complaint nonetheless. Marvel still has room to improve in their racial diversity. It would’ve been awesome to have a poc play the role, but as always, Cumberbatch does do a great job and his American accent only slips a couple of times.
Tilda Swinton was also a questionable choice to play the Ancient One, who is an Asian man in the comics. I guess this one is a point for women (cause otherwise there would only be one female character in the entire movie, an all-time low for the MCU) but definitely not a point for poc. This one is definitely a case of white-washing, as I’m pretty sure the Ancient One has always been Asian. Swinton does a good job--she’s suitably mysterious, all-knowing, and just a little unsettling--but I’m not sure she was the right choice for the part.
Note: @caseyblu has mentioned that Scott Dickinson specifically cast a white woman in an effort to subvert the racist stereotype of an ancient, wise sensei-figure (ala movies like Karate Kid and Kill Bill). But, there were other ways he could’ve done that without white-washing the part, such as casting an Asian actress. The wise, old sensei is never a woman. I would’ve liked to see an actress like Lucy Liu in the part.
It serves to mention that there are two poc in the cast: Wong, whose actor is Chinese, and Baron Mordo, whose actor is Nigerian. They both play very important roles and it looks like both will be coming back in later movies (Wong is actually in Infinity War). I feel like we should’ve included a “poc characters” category in rankings, like the “female characters” category, but it’s a little late to change it now. It would definitely bring down lots of the movies by several points, since most of them only have the one token black guy and no one else. We’ll see.
Racial issues aside, Doctor Strange is a really good MCU installment and definitely worth a rewatch if you haven’t seen it lately.
RANKINGS:      Hero: 7 Mr. Doctor’s out of 10. While he is a bit of a Tony Stark clone at times, Dr. Strange goes through a great character arc and ends in a much more mature place than Tony, at least initially, does. Plus, he’s about a hundred times more powerful.
     Villain: 7 smudged eyeshadows out of 10. We don’t know much about Kaecilius’ background aside from he was a pupil of the Ancient One’s who turned to the dark side. This doesn’t make him the most interesting villain, but his blind devotion to Dormammu is intimidating and a cool quality in a villain.
     Supporting characters: 7.5 Beyoncé playlists out of 10. Wong, the Ancient One, Baron Mordo, Christine, and Strange’s sentient cape. This one doesn’t have an excessive amount of side characters to keep track of, which keeps things simple. However, while they’re all good characters, none of them really stand out.           Female characters: 6 Bechdels out of 10. This one definitely does not pass the Bechdel test--the only time the two women ever meet is when one of them is dying. However, they both have important jobs and aid the plot in a lot of ways. Plus, neither of them is really a love interest.
     Action scenes: 9 punches out of 10. As I’ve said, the fight scenes in this movie are completely unique and extremely visually interesting. They never feel repetitive or boring, as is sometimes the case in other MCU movies.
     Stan Lee: 4 cameos out of 5. The fact that he’s reading a book on different dimensions (and laughing at it), as well as the fact that Strange is slammed against the bus window while he does so, makes this cameo a really funny one.
     Charisma: 8 points out of 10. The movie’s theme of time especially shows up again and again throughout the movie, whether it’s in Strange’s obsession with watches or in direct discussions of the consequences of messing with time. The movie feels complete and relatively well-paced. Maybe my only complaint is that Strange’s training feels like it starts really late in the movie.
In total: 48.5 out of 65, an 75%. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a higher score of 89%.
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nintendoduo · 7 years
34 Cool WiiWare Games That Are Going Away FOREVER*
 *Unless Nintendo decides to sell them again when the Switch U 4DS VR comes out in 2025.
As you might have heard, starting next Monday Nintendo is taking away the ability to add funds to the Wii Shop, which will close down for good in early 2019. That means a whole bunch of great games won’t be able to be purchased anymore. In order to raise awareness of this, the most important issue of our times (after all the other issues), we spent the winter playing as many WiiWare games as we could over on our YouTube channel. Here’s a summary of the gems we encountered:
1. 3D Pixel Racing
A pretty challenging motion control racing game with Minecraft-esque graphics. Pro tip: use a regular old Wiimote, not a Wiimote Plus. Trust us, the Plus is too sensitive for this game and you’ll end up falling off the track every two seconds. Despite the difficulty, this one gets a recommendation because of the cool look and for giving us an excuse to use the Mario Kart Wii wheel again.
2. And Yet It Moves
Using the Wiimote’s gyroscope, this game has you move the world around you (rather than vice versa) to navigate the levels.  One of those “easy to learn, difficult to master” type of games that defined many of the best on the platform.
3. Bit.Trip Runner
Originally a WiiWare exclusive, although you can now play it on 3DS, PC, Mac, Linux, and probably some Japanese toilets. You run from left to right and jump, slide, kick and... jump again to the music. A tribute to the platforming classics that deservedly became a classic itself (and the sequel, available on Wii U, is even better).
4. BurgerTime: World Tour
You know, BurgerTime! If you don’t know, this is a good excuse to get acquainted with this ‘80s arcade title. Like in the original, you attempt to assemble giant hamburgers on a series of platforms whilst dodging humanoid food monsters, only this time the graphics are in 3D and it’s all happening in space, for some reason. NOTE: Ironically, this fast-food themed game can’t be bought in North America right now, only Europe.
5. Chrono Twins DX
Originally designed for the DS, the gimmick is that the main character is fighting enemies in two different time periods at once.  For the DS this used each screen for the different time zones, but with WiiWare you get a simple split-screen.  It’s quite unique and challenging as you’re basically playing two sidescrollers at once.
6. Contra Rebirth
Remember when dudes with rippling muscles and mullets got to be badass gunfighters and nobody complained they were toxic?  Contra sure does.  Konami gave “Rebirth” to three of their classic franchises on WiiWare (CastleVania and Gradius were the other two) but this was probably the best of the bunch.
7. Dracula: Undead Awakening
If you never get tired of mowing down undead enemies then this will scratch that itch.  Basically you get a bunch of different cool weapons and use them against a bunch of different cool monsters for as long as you wish, or at least as long as you survive.  The challenge is so high that even lasting ten minutes on your first playthrough has the game calling you “noob.”
8. Eduardo the Samurai Toaster
A simple run n’ gun game (think Metal Slug) starring a sentient toaster facing off against flying onions, spear-toting carrots, and what appears to be an army of angry playing cards. It’s not clear what the plot of the game is, and there’s not a whole lot of depth to the gameplay, but it’s still a fun way to waste an hour (or more, depending on the difficulty). It’s supposed to be even more fun with 4 players, if you can find three other Wii-loving weirdos.
9. Excitebike World Rally
Motorcycle races.  Simplicity works sometimes, and just like the original Excitebike this one proves it once more.  Just like the original you get a cool level creator, only this time you can share it with anyone and not just whoever you give your cartridge to.
10. Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition
Lots of different modes that still capture the appeal of the original arcade classic.  The overall look is kinda coked-up, which captures the ‘80s arcade scene reasonably well.
11. Frogger Returns
Only the one mode this time, but it serves as a reminder of the timeless quality and endearing appeal of the core gameplay.
12. Gnomz
A chaotic 4-player party game starring sock-obsessed gnomes. You go around a single screen collecting socks and stomping other players to kill them; it’s like life itself. (Or, as many have pointed out, like the Super Mario War fan game, but less illegal.) There are three modes and a variety of scenarios. Like with Eduardo the Samurai Toaster, the more players the better, but the single player mode ain’t bad (and that way, you don’t ruin any friendships).
13. Gyrostarr
A pseudo-3D shoot ‘em up where the main difficulty is that you can actually shoot the power ups away, and you kinda need those to finish the stages -- if you don’t collect enough energy, the portal at the end of the level closes on your face. The difficulty ramps up slowly but surely across 50 levels. Another difficulty is not getting an LSD flashback on those trippy bonus stages.
14. HoopWorld
A basketball/fighting game that makes surprisingly good use of the Wii’s motion controls. This definitely falls in the “easy to pick up, difficult to master” category, since there’s a pretty wide range of ball throws and kung-fu moves you can perform by shaking your Wiimote and nunchuck in different ways. Or you can just wave your arms randomly and hope you win. The game is currently unlisted in North America, which we’re hoping is a sign that they’re planning to re-release it in modern platforms (with online multiplayer, hopefully).
15. Horizon Riders
A futuristic on-rails shooting game that you play with the Wii balance board. If you have the Wii Zapper accessory, even better (and you’ll look even sillier), but it’s not necessary to play. You aim and shoot with your Wiimote while leaning on your balance board to move from side to side. Definitely a good reason to dig that thing out of your closet. Be warned, though, that the game crashed on us in the middle of a stage, as seen at the end of our gameplay video.
16. Jam City Rollergirls
Roller derby has never been as popular to watch as it is for people to randomly talk about every few years for the novelty, usually accompanied by a movie that flops at the box office.  The last time the mainstream tried to make this sport happen it resulted in this game, though, so there’s at least that.  You play as characters with hilarious names roller blading through others with random power-ups and combat moves.
17. Jett Rocket
It’s a lofty ambition to offer gamers something that will remind them of Super Mario Galaxy, and it might seem foolish to do so on an indie dev’s budget.  But Shin’en managed to deliver with an uncommon 3D platformer collectathon with good amounts of action sprinkled in.
18. LostWinds
When a developer approached a title with motion controls in mind, it always stood out more than other games that tried to crowbar motion controls into the scenery in the hopes of a shortcut to Wii success.  LostWinds is in the former camp, making you use the pointer to create gusts of wind to elevate the main character onto platforms and knock around enemies.  In fact it’d be more accurate to say you’re playing as the wind spirit rather than the story’s protagonist.  Fun game with a beautiful art style.
19. Maboshi's Arcade
Nintendo knows how to make simple games that present difficulty when you don’t expect it.  In the three modes of this puzzler you play as generic shapes but the controls are difficult to master.  It kind of has to be seen to be believed.
20. Magnetica Twist
A connect-three type of game where you fire marbles and stuff.  What ends up twisted the most are your wrists whilst trying to aim your shots with any sort of precision.
21. Max and the Magic Marker
There are plenty of side-scrolling platformers that use childhood visuals and hobbies to appeal to the player, and yet they never really get old do they?  In this one you use a marker via motion controls to create platforms and defeat enemies.  You also can go in and out of Max’s childhood drawings.
22. Monsteca Corral
This is a weird one.  A bunch of monsters vaguely shaped like Doshin the Giant are gathered together by an unseen god-ish alien to fight robots that said alien had created earlier, but they turned against him.  That’s the plot as we can best make out, anyways.  There’s also dinosaurs.  Recommended for those who like their fun to be completely unlike the other fun they’ve had with games.
23. Pearl Harbor Trilogy – 1941: Red Sun Rising
Old-school dogfighting in a new-school 3D game.  Well, it was new when it released.  Anyways you shoot down enemy planes, defend your base, attack naval fleets and get commendations you don’t deserve.  Sometimes you see the action from the POV of the bombs you drop, and it works much better here than in Michael Bay’s version of Pearl Harbor.
24. Pole's Big Adventure
Chindōchū!! Pole no Daibōken is bizarre Japan-only SEGA title made to parody the crappy platform games that came out during the 8-bit era. Despite being full of intentional design flaws, like power ups that kill you or background objects that suddenly cut your head off, the game is pretty easy -- until you unlock hard mode, where the boss fights are actually challenging. Still, you’ll be playing this one mostly to laugh at the dozens of Easter eggs.
25. PictureBook Games: Pop Up Pursuit
Not many board games made it to WiiWare, but this was easily the best.  It’s largely straightforward “run to the end of the board” contests, with plenty of opportunities to ruin friendships.  The art style is the main hook, looking like a pop-up book, like the title indicates.
26. Rage of the Gladiator
You fight for your life against larger-than-life mythological creatures, like ogres and minotaurs and senseis.  The game got compared frequently to Punch-Out!! and with good reason, but the combat is actually a more creative and the dialogue is more humorous.  A blast to play through the first time, and a blast to replay.
27. Snowpack Park
Unlike most of the games on this list, there’s no combat in this one and your blood pressure won’t ever raise.  There’s plenty to do but it’s fun stuff, mostly involving playing with penguins.  It works great as a sort of palette cleanser to the violent action-packed games primarily showcased in this list.
28. Sonic the Hedgehog 4
The 16-bit Sonic games still hold up today as all-time greats.  Sonic 4 didn’t live up to those expectations but it did get SEGA to think about their past a little more seriously, and helped lead to Sonic Mania.  Episode I is on WiiWare, but you’ll have to find Episode II elsewhere.
29. Space Invaders Get Even
Another sequel to another arcade classic, but with the novel twist of playing the game from the enemies’ point of view.  Word of warning: this is possibly the only WIiWare game that has DLC.  The initial purchase of 500 points will escalate up to 2′000 points if you’re enjoying yourself.
30. Star Soldier R
Top-down arcade-style shooter, and if you know the type you know the drill.  The amount of content is pretty bare-bones, as it’s basically just time attacks.  But the replayability is rewarding if you’re a fan of the genre.
31. Tetris Party
We hope you know Tetris.  This is a Tetris that has good multiplayer, interesting variants where you do things like create platforms for some guy to climb to the top of the screen or use the tetrinos to make exact shapes like that of an apple.  There’s also a balance board mode, and as stated earlier it’s good to have an excuse to pull out the balance board.
32. Vampire Crystals
Vampires used to live peacefully with zombies but now they don’t, and it becomes your problem.  Thankfully you get plenty of guns, some so powerful that you end up creating a bullet hell where you’re the one firing them rather than dodging them.  It looks simple but the game actually is quite tough.  It’s not Cuphead-level but you will fail many times over.  With plenty of content and being one of the last WiiWare releases, this title approached the platform’s fullest potential.
33. WarioWare DIY
What sets this apart from the 87 other WarioWare games? The fact that players could make their own minigames, leading to an avalanche of creative, insane, and even NSFW games. Unfortunately the servers are no longer online, but you can still find thousands of fan games online if you look hard enough. The included games are pretty fun too, and if you have the DS version, you can make your own and send them over to your Wii.
34. Zombie Panic in Wonderland
Shooting galleries are perfect for motion controls, but gamers don’t get as many as we deserve.  Thankfully this one helps rectify that, with an interesting story and cool comic-book art sequences that keep things moving between all the gunning down of zombies and various giant monsters.
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