#with the incentive of the twinkling blue lights in my room that i was staring at when i first heard the album <3< /div>
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in-superbloom · 4 years ago
okay so. i never really did a review (feels weird to call it a review tho so let's say a very opinionated essay that's totally the opposite of what college taught me) for wfttwtaf but i never really know how to do that for any album, doesn't matter how much it makes me feel feelings, bc i simply can't write about my own emotions in cohesive thoughts ✌🏻😔
so instead, i let my brain do this thing he usually does when i listen to an album that leaves an effect on me, which is pretty much just creating visuals for the songs bc apparently my feelings translate better into images/vibes rather than words lmao but since i am unfortunately not skilled to drawn/paint/created actual visual stuff, i just wrote them so i'm gonna leave them here bc why not <3
i just really love when music (art in general, but especially music for me) makes your mind run wild & be so inspired that you can't help but create something based on that feeling <3 a great example of that is the amount of art everyone here (on tumblr!sos verse, but also tumblr & the internet in general) create based on other peoples' art & i just *clenches fists* really love that 💜
anyways !! if you're reading this, i hope this makes sense to you & if you wanna chat about the album, my mail box is always open 💜
• track one: starting line – like the mv, but he's running like he's trying to get away from something, always looking behind his shoulder, stumbling on things/people on the streets. also maybe not flying?;
• track two: saigon – then he reaches a tiny but unique/eye-catching door, gets intrigued & enters. he has to go downstairs through a dark and narrow corridor, he hears muffled music coming down there. he reaches the door & the music is now clear, it looks like there are disco balls everywhere ((pink, blue and purple bc ofc)), the place is packed with people dancing & just vibing™. he goes to the dancefloor, but soon it gets overwhelming so he tries to reach a wall or the other end of the club, but he can't. the more he walks, the furthest he feels from the walls. everything has a psychedelic look, also some of those trippy effects he used on motion, and no one seems to notice/ care about him. this goes on until the end of the song, then he finally finds a door ((not the one he came from)) and opens it;
• track three: motion – he expects to find a street, but instead he's inside a room. it's a bit dark, all he sees are shadows, but then suddenly everything turns into an explosion of colors ((when the songs picks up in the beginning)), all dancing in front of him, making him feel lost & dizzy. he keeps walking, but every now and them he stumbles on something ((random things like animals or weird props or stuff that aren't supposed to be alive, but are)). he admires everything with a childlike wonder, touches things and then they turn into something else, or change form/shape/color. in the end, he's distracted looking at something and then falls like the floor reached an end;
• track four: place in me – he fell right there where he is in the mv/visualizer, it goes on like that;
• track five: baby blue – make it look like he fell asleep after the end of place in me, so he's very confused when he wakes up & it looks like the place is falling apart, like end of the world type ((like the lamentis thingy on loki)). things are exploding & he can see another planet very close to the one where he is. it's a bit scary but it's a breathtaking view nonetheless. he's mesmerized, but also kinda already accepted his fate? he's not trying to run to find a shelter/salvation or anything, just watching it all fall apart. at the end, he stops, turns around & looks at the path that he was walking ((full of nature things colored in every shade of blue and also glittery dust)) and he's just admiring it when he's hit by a big rock maybe? or a moon, who knows;
• track six: repeat – he's throw away to somewhere that's not collapsing, it looks like a pathway in the woods? but like, no florest too near, and it's sunny but not too warm, and the path is filled with green grass and flowers. he lands in a place that looks like a field but not quite. and then after walking for a while, he finds himself, but another version of him. maybe a younger one or an older one or both? like, they both just stop and stare at each other and kinda do this lil dance of trying to touch the other & watching the other, both a lil frightened but completely intrigued. maybe the older version of him? ooooh maybe it starts with an older version, but then every time present luke gets distracted by something else or turns around for a second, the other luke is getting younger, until he's just a lil kid. the ending is the mini luke offering his hand for present luke to grab, so he can lead him to a house that was near where they were. ((or maybe mini luke makes him run after him));
• track seven: mum – luke enters the house & immediately recognizes it as the house he grew up in. every step he takes, a wall or an object or a room brings a memory & it plays it out like a hologram. lots of memories. then in the guitar solo part, he finds a guitar in the room where he used to play the most when he was a kid ((maybe some cool&cute effects going around him, representing the sound coming from the guitar)). before the solo ends, you can see a shadow in the threshold of the door, and when he finished the guitar solo, luke turns around and smiles, getting up to hug the person ((it's his mum)) but maybe you never actually see her face?;
• track eight: slip away – he steps out of his childhood house and enters this big dark room. there's only a lil blue light coming from the very center of the room. when he gets closer to it, he sees it's a lil star, who looks very scared. as soon as she notices him ((he tries to reach her)) she runs out of the door on the other side of the room. he's worried&intrigued so he follows her, but when he opens the door, he immediately falls, this time he's in what looks like the clouds ((blue hues ofc but clearer ones, not as dark shades like the ones in place in me & baby blue)), and soon he finds out he can "swim" through them. he does that for a while until he sees the lil star and tries to follow her again. this goes on until he finally gets close to her, but when he touches her, she literally slips from his grasp bc he's being teleported again ((but make it look like she's the portal));
• track nine: diamonds – it starts with a close up on the water maybe? and then the camera keeps getting higher & suddenly he falls into it and soon the camera follows. he's distorted for a bit, especially when he notices he's already too deep into the water, away from the surface. then he tries to swim to the surface, but there's a bunch of things?? or like weird and mean seapeople maybe? trying to drag him down ((kinda like that scene on harry potter & the goblet of fire)). he tries his best to fight them, but what gets him away from them is a group of nice seapeople who came to his rescue. then they all swim away from the place they were ((also maybe slip in some diamonds or things that look like them around there?));
• track ten: a beautiful dream – he reaches a lil city? under water with the help of the nice seapeople & then there's this piano on the ground ((maybe covered in seaweed and stuff like that)) and he's immediately drawn to it. he plays/sings the song ((maybe like the guitar effects in mum, the sounds coming from the piano affect the place around him even tho it looks like he barely notices it)). when the song is finishing, he notices a white light coming from the surface. he looks at it & then follows it;
• track eleven: bloodline – then he's getting out of the water? at some beach perhaps? he's slowly getting out of the water & there's this beautiful sunrise behind him. he's singing along, looking like he just came out of a battle but at the same time he's in peace with himself, looking not exactly happy but relieved. he's walking on the beach, making his way home but he's not in a hurry. then in that lil bit in the end of the song, he gets out of the frame after looking straight to the camera maybe?? and the camera focuses on the sunrise and then everything goes black;
• track twelve: comedown – he wakes up in a bed ((like, this is him waking up from all these dreams)) & he's slightly confused bc the dreams felt so real, but he's feeling better & not so lost anymore. he goes out in a walk that maybe shows every place he was in his dreams? but like, this time you see what they really are bc every place in his dreams was inspired by a real location/thing, just reimagined. but like, he doesn't enter anywhere, he's just walking & you can see the places on both sides of the street. like, it's clearly a set up location but it's just representative. maybe you can see some of his friends/family at some of these locations or maybe they're all together in one place? but they don't look at him, they're just talking&laughing with each other. he looks happy, at ease & he's smiling, wearing a yellow or gold shirt. in the end, he reaches a cliffside maybe? somewhere that leads you to think that he'll go through another portal, but then he suddenly stops, looks down at the cliffside and crouches down bc he saw the lil blue star from slip away but it's now a necklace. he picks it up, with a small&easy smile and then looks at the camera, gives a bigger, real smile, gets up and turns around, going back to where his friends&family are, but the camera stays there, just watching him go.
// now some notes bc i love to over explain myself //
• the "water" one was supposed to be slip away, but alison @bandsanitizer was talking about a beautiful dream these days & said that something about the song reminds her of a sonar-like sound & the idea of searching for something, so that got me thinking about the ocean & relating it to this song and it also makes a lot of sense with what the album represents in my mind, so it made me change that. thank you for that miss alison, it's always a pleasure to read your thoughts 😌💜
• & it also fitted well with the “i can't fight the bloodline living in the seams back home” line from bloodline, so i wanted that one to be related to the water as well bc that's all i can think about when i hear that lyric;
• something in common that appears in every single one: an object or something related to time, since it's the big common theme on the whole album;
• in each song he's wearing the same outfit he wore in the starting line mv (white tee + black pants + converse) but in each one of them, that red shirt is in a different color;
• i had the visuals from starting line to mum very clear in my head on my first listen of the album, but i only truly finished writing all of this yesterday bc i wanna listen to halsey's new album and see if my brain does this thing again, but i wanted to finish wfttwtaf first <3
& that's it bc i already talked too much for a day lmao if you read all of this, you're a true hero & i love you <3 have a nice day 💛
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westmoor · 4 years ago
voices from within (a post-halloween special)
(other parts can be found here)
Following the success of his latest novel, Jaskier accompanies Geralt to fulfill a contract. He only hopes to get some sounds on tape, film some furniture moving, get his name out there and maybe catch the start of a new story - but some houses are haunted by more than just the ghosts of former residents.
“Oh.” Jaskier’s voice barely rang above a breath. “Oh, it’s gorgeous.” For a moment he stood staring up at the building that was to shelter him for the next twenty-four hours, until the slamming of the driver’s side door snapped him out of it and he turned. “Geralt-”
Geralt only hummed his assent. It was impressive, stately even: When Jaskier had referred to it as a castle, it wasn’t far from the truth. 
Wide and squared and two storeys tall, brick painted a light creamy beige offset by dark brown, a dozen arched lattice windows gleamed in the afternoon light. Had he believed houses had personality he might’ve said this one looked friendly, inviting.
“What do you think?” Blue eyes twinkled at him, clearly pleased. “Do you like it? Think it will meet our expectations?”
He didn’t. He was decidedly less excited than his counterpart by what awaited them, and truth be told he would’ve preferred not to be there at all - or rather, preferred for Jaskier not to be there. It was a rule of his, one he’d reinforced after they had gotten together. He did not allow humans near his line of work.
But the novelist, after the success of the initial story featuring a Witcher, had been the one contacted about the job and had even brokered the contract, holding it over Geralt’s head until they had reached a compromise. He would be given free reign to do what he needed for the night, gather whichever so-called supernatural evidence and material he required, as long as he followed direction and kept a safe distance when told to. He had until dawn.
Still, Geralt couldn’t help the sneaking feeling of foreboding lurking at the back of his mind.
So no, he didn’t like it. He didn’t like the way it loomed behind the lean figure of his partner, deceptively calm, crouched like a beast lying in wait.
Geralt was saved from the attempt to voice his concerns - as brash as his boyfriend could be, he was remarkably perceptive - by a second car pulling in behind theirs.
No outside involvement had been another one of Geralt’s demands, triggering a tirade of protests from Jaskier, who in turn had argued that he couldn’t possibly cover the necessary ground on his own. Not within such a short time frame.
Unable to move his witcher, that particular settlement had eventually been perched on a technicality: No outsiders would join their so-called expedition.
How Jaskier had been able to get hold of Lambert and Eskel, much less convinced them both to join in, Geralt would never know.
Sneaky bastard.
Watching his brothers emerge from the car and approach them, however, he felt the restless beast in his chest subdued. Jaskier drew trouble like a spoonful of sugar drew wasps, but surely even he couldn’t manage to put himself in too much danger, not with three pairs of seasoned witcher eyes at his back.  
Rounding the silver hood of the vehicle, Eskel nodded at Geralt and extended a hand in friendly greeting to Jaskier. The two of them had only briefly met but hit it off immediately, which wasn’t too surprising - anyone with the sense not to balk at his scars would find the older wolf to be good company. 
Still waters run deep though, and his brothers knew better than anyone what it would take for a stranger to work through the layers of Eskel’s polite facade and earn real trust. Luckily for all of them, Jaskier’s openness and frank speech - verbose but earnest - had battered at it in much the same way as he’d broken down Geralt’s own walls.
Lambert, on the other hand - 
“Thought you said this place had ghosts, or whatever.” His hands were buried as deep in his pockets as they would go. “Are we going to go find some, or just stand out here until we join them? I’m freezing my tits off.”
Lambert was an acquired taste.
Jaskier didn’t seem perturbed in the slightest, and eagerly grasped the incentive to get moving. Within moments he had ushered them all up the double stone steps with an authority that probably wasn’t appropriate for a young man to direct at three monster-hunting mutants twice his size, but seemed entirely natural to him. 
Geralt thanked his lucky stars that neither brother commented on the quickening of his heartbeat.
If the exterior was impressive, the interior was overwhelming.
Heavy oak doors swung open on well-oiled hinges and they were led through to a lounging area, masterfully decorated to reflect the wealth and status of its original owners, walls practically dripping with frames illustrating its rich history. Past cushioned chairs, rococo sofas and tables on spindly legs, a grand staircase twisted up to the second floor, banister continuing along an interior balcony wrapping around the entrance from above. Beyond, rows of pearly white doors and pastel hallways would carry them into the heart of the manor.
Crossing the threshold felt like stepping through time. Despite the electric lights and vague distant hum of heating units, each piece in sight was as close to original as could be hoped for, selected and maintained with utmost care. 
But there was something else, too. Not so much a smell as a breath, an unmistakable lingering of things long lost.
Neither witcher voiced it, though they all clearly noticed - eyes skimming walls and nostrils flaring momentarily before they discerned what couldn’t be pinned down.
Jaskier slipped seamlessly into the role of the enthusiastic guide, throwing tidbits and details left and right while introducing the trio to the building’s past and present characters. His brothers exchanged glances at the shift in demeanour, but Geralt remained unfazed. He knew the writer hadn’t stumbled into his profession by chance, but lived and breathed for such occasions. Be it in speech or in prose, he was a born narrator.
What followed was a thorough tour of every notable room, nook, and cranny, all with a performative flair and tinged with what Jaskier referred to as reported phenomenons. Geralt hung back. He had already heard the broad strokes of it, but listened nonetheless, the added structure and dulcet tone of his lover’s voice crafting it into a proper story. 
The other two were paying the attention of hearing it for the first time, and his mind revived the question of how they’d been convinced to join in the first place. He might end up having to ask.
Though Jaskier was an entertaining host - and only got them lost twice - an hour had come and gone by the time they completed their loop and found themselves back at the top of the staircase.
“Now, gentlemen!” Clapping his hands, their guide halted in front of one of the large white doors. One, Geralt noted, they hadn’t opened yet. “If you would so kindly help bring in the equipment and start setting up for the night…” His lips quirked in that mischievous way at least one of them had come to know all too well. “I’ve saved the best for last.”
A lesser man would have succumbed to Lambert’s baiting comments and Geralt’s glare, but Jaskier’s penchant for dramatics could weather any storm. 
Only once the car had been emptied of gear and devices, wires stretched and screens installed, and after he’d procured a sturdy meal for his companions through a particularly scared-looking pizza delivery person, were they allowed back near the second floor landing.
“I want to look everything over one more time before we start recording, and maybe move another cam down to the first floor. The maid’s quarter is said to be particularly reliable, lots of people claim to have heard voices - lullabies even - between 3 and 4am.”
It was Eskel, who so far had been the most amenable of the group and asked only the most practical questions, that finally raised the issue that had crawled steadily closer to the surface as they worked. “This seems like a pretty big contract for a few disembodied voices.”
“Ah.” Jaskier’s grin grew wide. “But we’ve only scratched the surface so far. “
“In here,” he tapped the great door behind him, “lies the heart of this little castle, the grand salon, where the original owners would entertain guests. Basically the entire staff claims to have heard sounds coming from here. Music, clinking glass, the clamour of voices, as if there’s a party taking place, dragging well into the night. But when they open the door and look inside…” He snapped his fingers. “Nothing! Dark and abandoned, quiet as a grave.”
“If the claims are true, this is where it all began. There was an accident, you see, a real tragedy, one that cost the master of the house - a mister Lamm - and all six of his sons their lives. His widow, Dora, unable to let go and half mad with grief, prayed day and night to be reunited with her husband and to see her family again. But when religion failed her, as it’s wont to do, she cast her net wider, and gathered every prominent mystic and occultist of her time to aid her quest.”
Geralt stepped closer, the crux of their stay finally about to be revealed to his brothers, who were following the recounting with rapt attention.
“And she succeeded in bringing them back. Not to life, perhaps, but the halls were filled with children’s laughter and the sounds of running footsteps once again. Dora is said to have sat up nightly, listening, speaking to them until dawn. Only, it wasn’t the only thing they brought along.”
Eskel nodded, an idea of which road the story was about to go down, but waited for the man to continue.
“Now, I don’t know that I believe everything -” 
Lambert snorted, earning a sharp elbow to the side.
“- but according to mediums and other visitors who’ve stayed here over the years, the house is open somehow. Like a friction point worn thin. Supposedly whatever leaks through serves as a sort of battery for the rest - the knocking, the voices, the singing - but it’s not just that, either.”
Jaskier’s voice lowered a note as he dropped the theatrical edge, turning serious. “Previous employees say it… changes people. Makes them ill, triggers things. Makes them say and do things and behave in ways they otherwise wouldn’t. Most don’t stay very long. Others won’t leave, even after their employment is terminated.”
“The current owner wants it shut, whatever it is,” Geralt interjected. 
If Jaskier was annoyed at having his flow broken, it didn’t show, and he smoothly picked back up. “And that’s why we’re here! By morning, thanks to Geralt’s ministrations, this place should be as devoid of any spiritual activity as any regular old heap of rocks, and I want to catch it before it goes.”
Silence fell over the group.
“That’s it?” Lambert looked at Jaskier, brows raised. Then at Geralt, and back at Jaskier, who nodded affirmatively. He shrugged. “Okay. Fun.”
Geralt released a breath he didn’t realise he’d been holding, and Jaskier leaned up to the door. 
“Well then, friends, if you’re ready!” He flicked the lock, before stepping back and turning to Geralt, features seeped in expectation. 
“Darling, would you do the honours?”
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geekprincess26 · 8 years ago
Four Weddings and a Blizzard: Chapter 5
My Day 6 (and final, because it’s only an hour and 15 minutes before the premiere starts) entry in the Jonsa Season 7 Summer Challenge.  I chose the “Music” theme.  A huge THANK YOU to @jonsa-creatives for hosting this amazing event and giving me the incentive to complete another Jonsa fanfic!
Sansa Stark married Jon Snow nine months after Rickon’s wedding.  It was the first day of spring, but a fierce blizzard swept out of the north just as the ceremony began.  Snowflakes swirled around the stained-glass windows of the historic church and cast ethereal beams of light on the pews and white-carpeted aisle.  Sansa grinned as she took her last glance through the windows adorning the foyer where she and her father stood waiting for Arya, the maid of honor, to reach the altar.
The Sansa who had stared at the stained-glass windows during Robb’s wedding so long ago had dreamed of marrying in an art museum, or perhaps the St. Paul Cathedral, at the height of summer; and at the center of it all she had imagined herself in a bejeweled ball gown and surrounded by bridesmaids in identical yellow chiffon gowns carrying red roses.  But that Sansa had wanted a long engagement and a marriage to Joffrey Baratheon, and both ideas seemed equally ridiculous to her now.  In any case, the brief length of her engagement had sent Jon scrambling to his friend Sam Tarly, the church’s pastor, to snag it as their venue, and sent Sansa and her family scrambling to the Mall of America and the nearest Michaels to get cloth, candles, beads, and everything else the bride-to-be needed in order to craft her own wedding decorations.  There was no time to order custom-made dresses; so Sansa had told her bridesmaids to select the champagne-colored gowns of their choice and bought a sample gown for herself in the second bridal salon she had visited.  It was all very rushed; but Sansa had grinned madly the first time she saw the diverse assortment of bridesmaids’ dresses next to her own and thought she could never have imagined such a beautiful arrangement if she had planned it herself.  She had hummed every evening as she had assembled decorations out of the very non-uniform assortment of beads and ribbons she and her family had managed to snag at the store.  Her humming had turned to singing, and Jon had often crept up behind her to take her in his arms and hum along with her.  His voice was never quite on-key, but Sansa never cared, especially when he would slowly turn her body into his arms and begin kissing her, which made her knees buckle and her mind forget about everything but Jon’s strong arms and passionately tender kisses and and whispers of I love you, Sansa Stark.
That, Sansa reflected now as she grinned even more widely, was probably why she and her family members had been up until 2:00 on the morning of the rehearsal dinner finishing the decorations.  Ned Stark turned to look at his daughter and shook his head.
“You’re the first one of my children with fewer tears than me on their wedding day,” he said, but his trembling voice belied his light tone.  He opened his mouth to continue, but instead shook his head again and bent to kiss her cheek.
“I’m your rebel, I guess, Dad,” Sansa whispered back, and suddenly her own voice started to quiver.  “I’m not getting married in the summer or in Wisconsin.  Or in the sun.”  She inclined her head toward the snow pounding against the nearest window, a tiny opening covered by a glass depiction of a blue rose against a gray background studded with clear, sparkling snowflakes.  “And I’m not twenty-four years old, like everybody else.”
Ned Stark kissed his daughter’s cheek again.  “Your husband was worth waiting a lot more than twenty-four years for,” he said gruffly, and tears blurred Sansa’s vision.  She leaned her head onto his shoulder and felt him kiss her briefly on the forehead before she straightened, adjusted her bouquet of white roses, and watched the ushers open the double wooden doors in front of her.
In the weddings created by Sansa’s fancy years ago, she smiled at her groom warmly, but not too soppily; and she teared up a bit, but did not actually cry.  Now, the moment the doors opened, tears began pouring down her cheeks, which were split nearly in two by the most utterly foolish grin Sansa had ever worn.  She cried when her father placed her head into Jon’s, and she cried as Sam began the wedding sermon.  Jon’s own eyes were suspiciously wet, and he kept reaching over to thumb the tears gently off of her cheeks.  So neither of them noticed the murmur that spread among the guests seated at the front of the church five minutes or so into the message.  Neither, in fact, noticed any sign of trouble until Catelyn Stark’s yelp brought both of them turning sharply to see Edd Tollett, Jon’s friend and groomsman, fainting dead away into the arms of a very startled Robb, who had been standing next to him.  Sam stopped speaking at once, and he did not continue until Edd had been roused and helped out of the room by Jon’s friends Tormund Giantsbane and Davos Seaworth to a round of applause from the entire room.  He made a joke about the building’s overly enthusiastic heating system before continuing, but his jest had more merit than Sansa had thought, for not five minutes later, Rickon swayed and collapsed.  Tormund caught him just in time, and Lyanna sprinted out of the room after them both.  Sansa felt Jon squeeze her hands, and she turned back to him at once.
“You all right?” he whispered in a voice so low that not even Sam heard it, and the smile returned to Sansa’s face, and she nodded.
“How about you?” she murmured; and the tender joy that lit Jon’s face was all the answer she needed.
Bran went pale and had to be wheeled out of the sanctuary by Meera right after Jon and Sansa had spoken their vows; but by then Edd, still pale, had returned, and Sam paused the ceremony again while two of the ushers retrieved a chair from one of the back rooms and set it on the dais so he could take back his place by Robb’s side.  They repeated the same procedure for Rickon, who re-entered the sanctuary right before the exchanging of the rings; and Meera wheeled Brank back in just in time for Sam to pronounce Jon and Sansa husband and wife.  Before he had time to finish instructing Jon to kiss his bride, the latter had thrown his arms around her and kissed her senseless.  Loud whoops punctuated their march up the aisle; but Sansa only giggled with happiness.
The wind howled more fiercely as the evening went on, and snowflakes piled merrily around the hotel where the reception was held.  All three of the afflicted groomsmen had recovered enough to initiate round after round of glass clinking during the dinner, and they needled Jon when he kissed his wife thoroughly each time.  They teased even more mercilessly when the deejay announced the first dance, although Sansa merely rolled her eyes and informed them that she would not expect any of them to appreciate her husband’s excellent taste in music.  Jon, a long-term Nickelback fan, grinned and kissed her in appreciation as the band’s “Far Away” played over the hall’s speakers.  When the chorus started, his smile widened, and so did Sansa’s, and they sang the words to each other:
I love you; I have loved you all along. I’ve missed you; Been far away for far too long.
When the second verse began, Jon pulled his wife in for a gentle kiss.  Sansa returned it a little less gently, and their lips spent most of the rest of the song connected.
“Oh, God, get a room,” Arya muttered over the whoops of the groomsmen as the two departed the dance floor.  Sansa stuck out her tongue.
Time whirled away along with the snowflakes, and Sansa whirled happily across the dance floor.  Jon had never been much of a dancer, but he could not stop beaming in any case.  Only when Jon twirled Sansa near the corner of the floor during a waltz did an enthusiastic argument between Rickon and Gendry snap out of their reverie.
“What’s all that about?” Sansa asked Robb when the dance was over.
Robb grinned.  “They made a bet,” he replied.  Sansa narrowed her eyes, but Robb took no notice.  “They’ve each been trying to talk the deejay into playing a different song.  They have to drink every time they fail.
Sansa, who had heard no deviations from the list she had gone over with the deejay, shook her head.  Jon grinned next to her.  “Which songs?” he asked.
Robb’s blue eyes twinkled.  “Gendry asked for ‘My Humps.’  Rickon picked ‘Baby Got Back.’”
Jon snorted, and Sansa grinned widely enough to outdo Robb.  “Oh, Lancel Lannister won’t play anything I told him not to,” she replied.  “I have way too much dirt on him from when we were at the U of M together.”
So she was not surprised when she heard Lyanna declaring loudly to her husband during the next dance that she could still drink him under the table and then have some more ale in their hotel room besides, and still dance better than he.  Sansa and Jon took one look at each other and began laughing.  They only laughed harder when they saw the silly grin on Gendry’s face as he swung Arya happily and sang her the words of Sonny and Cher’s “I Got You, Babe.”  Arya was shaking her head; but Sansa caught the mischievous glint in her eye as she and Jon sashayed past the two.  She snorted, and then snorted again when she saw Robb and Jeyne swaying in each other’s arms and kissing all the way across the dance floor next to Bran, who was whispering something to a blushing, giddy Meera.
“Oh, God,” she groaned.  “How much do you want to bet one of them conceives our next niece or nephew tonight?”
Jon only grinned.  “Maybe all four,” he said.  Sansa snorted again.  Then she bit her lip and fixed him with a devilish grin.
“How about we go all the way and make it five?” she suggested.  Jon’s answering grin was even more devilish than her own.
“I’m game if you are,” he said, and leaned down to whisper in her ear as the song ended, “I’ve got you, babe.”
Sansa blushed.
She blushed harder when Jon kissed her senseless in the corner during the next song.  She blushed even harder when the deejay announced the bride and groom’s departure, and squealed when Jon swept her up in his arms to carry her off the floor and into the hallway containing the elevator that led to the bridal suite.  And she felt her entire body flushing red when Jon set her down inside the elevator and began planting kisses down her neck and shoulder.  Once they reached the suite, Sansa, determined to give him back as good as she had gotten, proceeded to attack his lips with her own.
“This room’s even hotter than the church, dear,” she said when they finally drew back to catch their breath.  She wiggled her eyebrows at him.  “Do you mind helping me take off my dress?”
Jon’s eyes went a shade darker, and his answering hum had a distinct rumble to it.  Sansa grinned and turned her back to him.  She expected him to undo the zipper as quickly as he could; but instead he nibbled a trail of kisses from the base of her neck all the way down her spine.  They made Sansa hum and shiver, like the snowflakes kissing the windows of the suite; and by the time Jon lowered her dress carefully to the floor, she could barely step out of it due to her thighs rubbing each other in anticipation and delight.
“Your turn,” she rasped after kissing Jon deeply once again.  Her lips drew a long line of kisses down his chest as she unbuttoned his shirt, kisses punctuated by his groans of Sansa, Sansa, Sansa.  By the time she had flung his shirt to a far corner of the bed, his gray irises had turned nearly as dark as his pupils.  When he leaned over her to undo the straps of her lingerie, he pressed his mouth to her shoulders and neck over and over; and by the time he reached back to take her mouth, Sansa was groaning loudly, and she moaned Jon, Jon, Jon into his mouth as she opened her legs to wrap them tightly around his waist.
The snowflakes continued to fall, and the wind continued to howl; but their chill could not match the heat of Jon’s kisses trailing up and down his new wife’s body, and their wailing could not match the keening emanating from Sansa as that body writhed with pleasure, or the moans Jon hummed in concert into her neck.  Nor could snow or wind have hoped to shatter the tender gaze with which his gray eyes fixed his wife’s as Sansa gladly opened her lips and her body to fuse herself joyfully with her husband.  And neither howling nor chill could drown out the cries of ecstasy and love that mingled in air and across clutched hands and on warm, undulating flesh alike.  
After a time, the snow stopped falling, and the wind ceased howling, and husband and wife lay cradled in each other’s arms.  Jon stroked Sansa’s flushed cheek, and she ran a gentle hand through his sweaty curls.
“I suppose Arya should be happy now,” she whispered, a lazy grin on her face.
Jon reached over to kiss her forehead.  “Why is that, my love?” he murmured.
“Well,” Sansa replied, “she did tell Gendry after Rickon’s wedding that it had taken us long enough to get together.  And tonight, she did tell us to get a room.”  She wiggled her eyebrows at him, and Jon chuckled.  “And I have a few more plans for how we can use it this weekend.”
Jon reached up to brush a strand of hair off his wife’s face.  “And I intend to follow them all, love of my life,” he whispered, and planted a tender kiss on her lips.
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chocobroing · 8 years ago
Love in a Broken Place~Cor/OFC NSFW
Tagging: @themissimmortal, @ridingchocobros, @rubyphilomela, @unlimitedthotworks, @itshaejinju, @dirtyffxvconfession, @diabolik-trash-heap, @hypaalicious, @louisvuittontrashbags, @lady-asuka, @cupnoodle-queen, @nifwrites Warnings: sex, injuries, and general nsfw-ness ~~~ Jessica Carey didn’t know what to make of Cor Leonis. He never talked much of his past or anything else for that matter. She knew he was about twenty-three years older than she was and that he was part of the old Crownsguard of Lucis, but that was pretty much it. She helped patch him up a few times after his run-ins with some daemons, but still he never spoke to her. Back when the world was normal, Jessica would have classified him as a dark and twisty person. She knew she couldn’t judge him but he never opened up to anyone or let anyone know what he was thinking. The only time he ever spoke was at the meetings with the other daemon hunters and that was for business stuff. “Hey, Jess,” said Iris, coming in with Cor, who looked pretty banged up, “Cor got himself hurt again.” The blonde woman sighed and tucked her hair behind her ear. “Again, Cor?” she asked, giving him an arched eyebrow. The man huffed and rolled his eyes in irritation. He didn’t want to hear a lecture, it seemed. Instead, he sat down on the cot and waited for Jessica to fix him up for the umpteenth time. The woman sighed and shook her head as she began dabbing at his wounds with cleaning alcohol. Cor flinched because of the stinging but he didn’t shout at her like some of the others. Jessica knew he was called “Cor the Immortal” but he hated that moniker. It reminded him of the kings he failed to protect. As Jessica reached over to tie bandages around him, Cor noticed how the front of her loose shirt opened to reveal her white bra and ample cleavage. Cor’s primal side urged him to disengage her, take her to her room, and ravish her. Then, he mentally slapped himself for thinking such things. Maybe he had went so long not being with a woman and he was channeling his sexual frustration on the woman who was healing him. “Seriously, Cor,” said Jessica dryly, tying the gauze around his forearm, “you need to be more careful. You’re not twenty-five anymore.” He hummed in disinterest and gazed out the window at the permanent dark sky so he wouldn’t stare at her. He didn’t want to hear her comments about his injuries. He just wanted to be healed so he could go back and go on another hunting mission. When Jessica saw that he wasn’t listening, she decided to speak to Iris instead. “Iris, tell Cor that he needs to be more careful,” said the doctor to the younger woman. “I try,” said the dark-haired girl, shrugging, “but he’s the most stubborn person on Eos. He refuses to believe that he’s flesh and blood too.” Iris’s eyes seemed to burn a hole into Cor’s head. Jessica clicked her tongue and shook her head again in disapproval. “Honestly, it seems he’s fulfilling a suicide pact or something,” she said, ignoring the fact that the man in question was sitting right in front of her. “You know, he’s sitting right here,” said Cor coolly, his deep voice making his chest rumble. Iris smiled at his typically snarky response and decided to head back to Cid’s to get some rest. “Well, I’m gonna go back to Cid’s to get some sleep,” she said, heading towards the door. “Jessica, I leave Cor in your capable hands.” “Alright,” replied Jessica, smiling, showing off the dimples that Cor secretly loved. “Get some good rest, Iris, and be careful. Gladio would kill me if he knew that his sister got hurt from daemons.” “Don’t worry about me,” said Iris, puffing out her chest in pride. “I can take care of myself. Cor taught me how.” “Seeing that he’s here with a lot of wounds makes me worry even more.” The dryness in Jessica’s voice was scathing. Iris giggled and walked out the door with a wave of her hand, leaving the two older people alone. As soon as she was gone, Jessica resumed in bandaging Cor’s wounds, even stitching up a nasty cut on his forehead, and noticed that he still didn’t flinch. Was he so distracted that he was immune to pain? Honestly, it concerned her. “Hey, Cor, you okay?” she asked gently, stooping to look into his bright blue eyes. “I was kidding about Iris’s training, you know that, right? You are a great trainer and an even greater fighter. They should call you ‘Cor the Destroyer’.” She said the last sentence with a bit of humor in her voice. Cor didn’t seem amused at her attempt of humor. “Better than ‘Cor the Immortal’,” he said in a scathing tone, sounding angry with himself. “I failed to protect my king and the Crown City from those bastards. I outlive those I’m meant to protect, even the new king. I should be the one dead, not King Regis.” Jessica was shocked that Cor was finally saying something, even if it was something horrible about himself. “Don’t say that,” she said, keeping her tone even. “Noctis may still be alive. Just because he disappeared into the Crystal doesn’t mean he’s dead. He might come back some day and bring light back to the world.” Cor shook his head. “You’re too positive, Jessica,” he grumbled, looking and sounding grumpy. “Well, excuse me for trying to be optimistic,” she retorted, tears gathering in her eyes. “If I don’t believe in a bright future, then I don’t have a reason for living. I choose to believe that everything will be alright someday. Even though the daemons killed my family, I’m still determined to be positive. Cor, I’m holding myself together with tape and glue. I know my pain can’t compare to yours but I’m trying to survive. I have to be positive or I will go insane.” After she finished her little rant, tears rolled down her cheeks and her bottom lip quivered. Cor studied her with careful eyes. About two years ago when the darkness came, Jessica joined up with the daemon hunters when she was twenty-two years old, but she decided to be a medic instead of a fighter. She was in medical school when the dark days came and she had to fend for herself when the school was destroyed by daemons. She didn't even get to graduate because everything went to hell. She and her fellow students scattered and most went to live in Lestallum. She intended to go back to her hometown, which was now abandoned due to daemons, to find her family dying from wounds inflicted by monsters. She did everything she could to save them but their wounds were too extensive. After that, she packed up and joined with the daemon hunters, determined to save the lives of those who were damaged by daemons. She, like so many others, pretty much lost everything since the darkness came. “I’m sorry,” he finally said, softening his voice a bit. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.” “It’s fine,” she said dismissively, dashing her tears with the back of her hand. “Besides, I can’t live in the past. I need to look forward or I won’t survive.” Cor actually envied her optimism. He wished he could have faith to know that everything would be alright, but he couldn’t take anything on faith. However, he did find her happiness and jokes charming, but he would never admit it. He knew there was more to her than her body, but he couldn’t help but notice it. She had pretty decent-sized breasts, a slender waist, and long legs. Her blond hair went down to her shoulder blades and her dark brown eyes were very expressive and twinkled whenever she smiled. She was a head shorter than he was, but most of the women in the hunting group were. He liked seeing her blush when she smiled or made a joke. She was extremely pale but that was because she, like so many others, had not seen the sun in a long time. She actually joked that if she were a shade whiter she’d be a ghost. “You look very nice this evening,” he said quietly, trying to start a conversation. Jessica smiled again, showing off those cute dimples. “I’m wearing an old t-shirt and jeans, Cor,” she replied, trying not to laugh. “Is that your idea of flirting?” Cor’s cheeks filled with heat and he looked down at his knees, feeling totally embarrassed. “Gods, I’m an idiot,” he muttered under his breath. “It’s fine, Cor,” she said lightly, brushing off the discomfort. “I was only teasing you.” Cor got up from the cot and stood at his full height, towering over her. Jessica looked up at him, smiling, and patted him affectionately on the chest. When she was about to remove her hand, Cor covered it with his warm one, allowing her to feel his heartbeat. Now, it was Jessica’s turn to blush. What he did was a bit too intimate for her taste. “Cor…” Her soft voice trailed off and she looked everywhere but at him. He took that as an incentive and bent in to kiss her on the mouth. When he thought she would turn away, Jessica wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her mouth to his. Cor placed his hand on the back of her head, feeling her soft blond hair, and pulled her in to close the gap between them. The taste of her was intoxicating and her scent was driving him wild. He wanted more—more of her warmth, more of her touch, and more of her kisses. However, when he felt how smooth her skin was, he remembered how young she was and pulled back, feeling ashamed. “Cor?” Jessica’s breathless voice was full of suspicion. “Why did you stop?” His blue eyes were sharp on her brown ones. “Dammit, Jessica,” he snapped, “I’m too old for you. I’m forty-seven years old. You’re twenty-four. You’re too young for me.” She could see the agony in his eyes, though. “I don’t care,” she said, giving him a glare. “I’m old enough to make my own decisions, and I want this.” Cor didn’t want to hear that. “But are you prepared for the consequences of your choices?” he demanded, his blue eyes looking like daggers. Jessica nodded, wanting to be with him. “Yes,” she replied, reaching out to touch his stern face with tender hands. “Yes.” Unable to take it anymore, Cor roughly pulled her to his chest and slammed his lips to hers. Jessica could feel that he was bruising her lips but she didn’t care. He may have been rougher than her previous lover but she wanted him. She wanted to make him forget his worries, even if it was just for a little while. She ran her hands through his short brown hair and pulled his head closer to hers to close the gap between them. After a few seconds of kissing, Cor began trailing kisses down her jawbone and neck, not stopping until he reached her collarbone. A soft moan came from her lips and it made him burn. He lifted his hand and gently stroked her face, feeling the soft, supple skin. His hand trailed down her neck and over her slim shoulders, feeling the bones protrude from the skin. She was naturally bony so it explained why she looked so thin and tiny. His hands slid down her shoulders, over her arms, and clasped her gentle hands in his calloused ones. He pulled back from her and gazed her flushed face, seeing the desire clouding her eyes. Her lips were slightly bruised and trembling in a way that made him want to kiss her again. However, his self-control won the war and he led Jessica out of the room and into her bedroom, shutting the door behind them. As soon as Cor shut the door, he turned the light on and observed Jessica. He noticed that she seemed fidgety and nervous, like she wasn’t sure what to do. He knew she wasn’t inexperienced. He heard her tell Iris about her days in college and how she met a guy she really liked, leading up to painful first-time sex. Jessica said that it was so painful and awkward that she shunned the thoughts of sex and dove into her work. Cor wanted to make her remember this night as the best of her life. “Take off your clothes,” he ordered in a husky tone, sounding like the marshal she knew he was. Swallowing deeply, Jessica started by pulling her jeans down and letting them gather at her ankles. She kicked them off and lifted her shirt over her head, tossing it over to the corner of the room. Carefully, she unclipped her bra with shaky hands and slid it off her body, revealing her pale orbs to him. They were full and perky, topped with a pink nipple on each orb, and absolutely hypnotizing. Taking a deep breath, Jessica pulled her panties down to reveal her dark blond curls to him, feeling a bit vulnerable. She hadn’t felt this self-conscious since having to change for gym classes in high school. What if she wasn’t hot enough for him? She knew she was moderately pretty but she was nothing like Cindy or Iris. They were beautiful and she felt rather plain next to them. “W-well?” she finally said, her voice soft and shaky with nerves. Cor’s bright blue eyes darkened and he felt the crotch of his pants get tight. “You look gorgeous,” he said in a seductive purr of a voice—one Jessica had never heard before. “You look like an angel, untouchable, porcelain. I’m almost afraid to touch you. I don’t want you to break.” Jessica knew that sounded very sexy but she also knew that he didn’t want to hurt her. He wanted to protect her the way he couldn’t protect the Caelum kings. She felt pity for him. She wanted him to feel peace, even if it were only for one night. Plucking up the courage, she walked up to him and placed a consoling hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. “Cor,” she whispered lovingly, her eyes gentle. “You don’t need to be afraid to touch me. I won’t break and I won’t disappear. You can hold me if you want. I want you to.” Cor nodded, considering her words. “There’s one thing I want to do before we start,” he said, eyes roving her body as if trying to memorize it. “I want to touch your skin, to keep you etched in my mind. May I?” He gestured towards her, needing permission. “Of course,” she murmured, standing stock-still. Without saying a word, Cor reached out and touched her soft skin with his fingertips, noticing how young and supple her body felt under his touch. His hands were gentle, methodical, as if he was memorizing every curve and crevice of her form. The touch on her skin made her feel hot with desire. His fingers drifted over her nipples and her back arched involuntarily, breathing heavily with desire. He ignored her reaction and continued his touch down her stomach and moved up her back, caressing her shoulder blades. Then, he moved his touch to her legs and felt that they were smooth and strong. He guided her to her bed and sat her down before moving his touch to her inner legs. When his fingertips brushed the sensitive skin, she jolted, feeling that warmth in her stomach again. “Oh, dear,” he murmured, staring at the apex of her legs where her opening was. “You’re drenched.” Jessica flushed, knowing it was impossible to deny it. She could feel the sheets getting wet and her inner legs started to get moist and sticky. She bowed her head, feeling shame for looking so vulnerable. “Don’t be embarrassed,” said Cor, causing her to look up at him. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s natural for a woman to feel this way when she’s aroused.” Before Jessica could ask him to elaborate, Cor was on his knees and his face was an inch or two away from her opening. His warm breath hitting her wet entrance lit a fire within her. Suddenly, his lips were on her opening and he began licking and tasting her, careful to swipe every sensitive area. A loud moan came from her mouth and her hands dug into his hair. It was hard for her to grip Cor’s hair because he kept it very short so she had to grab the sheets. Cor ate her out in a way that she’d never experienced before. Her body jolted in pleasure and her back arched under his skillful tongue. Jessica’s body surged and she fell onto her back, giving him better access. Cor devoured her, his tongue disappearing into her folds, and threatened to suffocate her in bliss. A shaky hand went to the back of his head and she dug her fingernails into his scalp. She cried out and tears of bliss ran down her cheeks as she felt her climax approaching like a tidal wave. “Cor!” she shouted, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. “Please! Oh, Six! It feels so good!” Cor smirked against her as he continued eating her, licking up every part of her wetness. Her hips began to tremble and heat filled her stomach. This was it, she realized. This was her orgasm coming. Her head fell back and she let out a scream so strident that it could have broken the windows. She released into his mouth, coating his lips and tongue with her benediction. He swallowed it up and licked up the remainders of her juices as she fell back trying to catch her breath. As soon as she was clean, Cor pulled back to look up at her to see if she was okay. Her face was bright red, tears were running down her cheeks, and her hair was a tangled mess. By the gods of Eos, she looked so beautiful! He wanted this mental picture in his mind for the rest of his life. He stood up and placed a hand on her damp cheek, wiping a tear away. “Are you okay, Jess?” he asked gently, stroking some of her hair back from her face. “I-I’m fine,” she stammered, her lower jaw quivering. “T-that was incredible.” Cor smiled at the compliment. “Move to the middle of the bed,” he commanded softly. With shaking limbs, Jessica got up and moved a few feet to lay her head on the pillow. She watched as Cor stripped down, memorizing each line and muscle that came into view. He had some scars on his sinewy chest, which told the story of his past in Crownsguard, and her gaze lowered down to see he had abs. They weren’t as pronounced as Gladio’s but they were visible and it made her hot with desire. She looked at his strong arms, muscular from fighting and training, and wondered what it would feel like to wrapped in them. Finally, she watched as he took his boots and socks off and he pulled his pants down, revealing his black boxers. With a deep breath, he pulled his boxers down to reveal his hardened manhood and watched Jessica for her reaction. Jessica had a contemplative look on her face and her eyebrows rose. It made him a bit nervous that she wasn’t making any comments. Did she not like it? “Impressive,” she finally said, her voice a seductive purr. “I didn’t know you had that hiding under those pants. I just wonder how you run with that something that big between your legs.” Cor’s arousal piqued when he heard her comments and he knew he had to sink himself inside of her before he lost his mind. Gently, he opened her legs, settled between them, and bent down to capture her lips with his. He took his manhood and guided it into her warm cavern, sinking into her with a soft grunt. Jessica let out a keening noise and she wrapped her arms around his neck, opening her legs wide to accommodate him. She rested her head on the pillow and nodded to give him the okay. He wasted no time to thrust into her, starting a steady rhythm that made her body surge against his, and he began slamming into her, showing her no mercy. Normally, he would have started out gentle but he was too overcome with lust and desire to slow his pace down. He let his senses guide him and listened to each cry she made to judge his performance. Every time she made a sound, he moved to improve his abilities to pleasure her. The sound of her cries only made him desire her even more. He wanted her to come around him. It may have been primal but it would do him so much pleasure if he made her come. Cor could feel her inner walls strangling his member in her tight heat and found it difficult for him to thrust deeply. He grunted with every thrust, keeping his pace harsh and brutal as he worked to get her to come. Jessica’s nails dug into his back and bit into his skin, but he refused to show that he felt it. They could patch up the scratches later. Right now, he just wanted her to feel the bliss of release. Cor lifted Jessica’s leg so it rested on his shoulder and used it as leverage to thrust deeper into her. She cried out, arching her back, and tears of joy ran down her cheeks as she felt her release coming. Cor’s thrusts grew a bit chaotic and she knew that he was close, but not as close as she was. Finally, it happened. Her back arched and her body stiffened as she let out a loud scream, her nails breaking the skin of Cor’s back. Her abdomen went very warm and her liquids drenched his member. “Cor!” she cried, still in the throes of ecstasy. “Cor! Please! Please! So good!” Cor smirked and he released her leg, letting it slide off his shoulder and lay boneless on the bed. Jessica whimpered as the last of her release made her tremble and she collapsed onto the bed, feeling spent. However, Cor wasn’t done yet. He gripped onto her tightly and kept thrusting into her to achieve his release. Her nerves were raw and her inner walls were still sensitive from releasing so it made it easier for her release again and again. “Cor…” she wept, digging her fingers into the sheets. “I can’t anymore…I don’t know how much more I can take…” “I know, baby,” he said, his voice rough from desire and exertion. “I’m almost there.” “I’m gonna break!” she cried, her bottom lip quivering. “I’ll protect you,” he growled, stroking her blissed-out face. The big one finally came and she released it, sobbing and shaking. She scratched up Cor’s back some more and her body moved with his as she drenched his member again. Her back arched uncontrollably and tears of bliss ran down her cheeks, staining the pillow case of the pillow her head rested on. Cor held her tightly as she went through her orgasm and kissed her deeply to capture her cries of joy into his mouth. As she began to relax, Cor’s release came and he sprayed his hot seed into her, grunting and groaning her name. He held her in a protective embrace as she milked his release with a content sigh of joy. Cor groaned into her neck when he felt her hot inner walls take in his come with gusto. He felt as if a giant weight had been lifted from his shoulders and his body relaxed when he finally finished his climax. “Gods, I love you, Jessica,” he moaned as he pulled out of her. He collapsed onto the bed, his back hitting the mattress, and tried to catch his breath. Weariness filled his every muscle and he closed his eyes. Jessica rolled over onto her side and snuggled up next to him, resting her head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. After a few minutes of listening to Cor breathing, Jessica smiled and was lulled to sleep by his gentle pulse. “I love you too, Cor,” she whispered just as she slipped into a wonderful slumber. … The sound of the phone ringing roused Cor from his restful sleep and he dove for his pants to answer it. He pulled it out of his right pocket and saw that Gladio was calling. He had to answer or else the tatted man might think he died fighting daemons. He pressed the ‘talk’ button and placed the device to his ear. “Gladio, what is it?” he asked quietly, trying not to wake Jessica up. “Where are you?” demanded Gladio, his worry manifesting in anger. “We’ve been trying to contact you for the past eight hours. We thought you died or something!” “Gladio, calm down,” said Cor, keeping his voice calm even though he was a bit annoyed by Gladio’s heckling. “I’m at Jessica Carey’s house. I’m fine.” “Why were you there for eight hours?” asked Gladio, sounding suspicious. Cor’s face went red. “That’s none of your business, Gladiolus,” he replied stiffly, hoping that he didn’t betray how flustered he was. Suddenly, he heard a loud chuckle on the other end. “So, you finally got some, eh?” asked Gladio and Cor could hear him smirking. “Did Jess give you some…sexual healing? That’s my kind of doctor.” The approval in Gladio’s tone was blatant and it got under Cor’s skin. He didn’t like the idea of anyone hitting on Jessica. “Gladio, don’t even think about it,” he growled, squeezing his phone. “If you even try hitting on Jess, I will do more than kick your ass.” With that, he hung up the phone and turned it off so he wouldn’t be disturbed. Just as he settled back down, he heard Jess hum in her sleep and she snuggled into him, holding him like he was a giant Moogle doll. “I don’t wanna get up,” she groaned, still half-asleep. “It’s warm in here. It’s a cocoon.” Cor smiled at her and held her gently, aimlessly stroking the soft skin of her bare back. Jess curled into him and slept like a cat curled up on its cushion. He loved the feel of her body against his, the feel of her soft breasts squished against his stomach, and the feel of her breathing on his chest. He looked at the clock on her bedside table and noticed it was about ten o’clock in the morning. No one could tell by the sun anymore so they had to rely on clocks. “Jess,” said Cor, kissing her on the head. “I have to get back to the hunting HQ. They’re expecting me.” “No…” she whined, sounding like a dog. “You’re warm. Stay.” Cor shook his head. “I’m sorry, Jess,” he said, stroking her hair, “but I have to go. I’ll come back tonight, if you want.” “Okay,” she mumbled, turning over so Cor could get out of the bed. Cor got out of the bed, bent down, and kissed Jessica on the lips before heading off to take a shower. … As soon as Cor to the HQ, he was met by Gladio at the entrance and was questioned immediately. “So? How’d it go?” asked the large warrior, smirking in a knowing way. Cor glared at him. If looks could kill, Gladio would be eighty feet under. “That’s none of your business, Gladio,” he growled, eyes looking like glaciers. The smirk never left Gladio’s face. “So, it was good?” he continued his irritating game of 20 questions. “Shut up, Gladio,” he said menacingly. “I’m warning you.” “Alright, alright.” Gladio backed off. “Don’t get your pants in a wad. How is Jess, though? Is she doing well?” “Yeah,” he answered, walking into the HQ with Gladio. “She’s doing well. Why do you ask?” “I just hate that she’s alone.” Now, Gladio sounded like the older brother he was. “I mean, she’s lost her family and she can’t be a normal doctor. She probably had dreams of making a family, but now she, and everyone, has to put her dreams on hold until Noct comes back.” Cor nodded and wondered what life would be like when the darkness was over. He wondered where he would be. Would he be married with children? Would he still be alive to get married? Would it be with Jess? She was too young for him but he imagined a future where he could be with her and they would have kids. Maybe one day, but not anytime soon. First, they had to get rid the Izunia problem, then maybe he would consider the future. All he hoped for was that it would be a bright one.
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shipsrulemylife · 8 years ago
A Hero - A Cresswell Fanfiction
*sigh* I was supposed to be doing homework and instead I did this. Of course.
Anyway, Cresswell is adorable and currently my latest obsession so obviously I had to write this.
Set between Cress and Winter.
Thorne blinked rapidly as his vision slightly started to clear up. He had been applying the drops, well, Cress had, every day for the past week and his eyes had already started getting better. At first everything was just a lighter shade of black. Then he was able to make out shapes. Next was colors, and then everything had returned except for clarity. His vision was still slightly blurry. Until today.
He set his razor down on the sink and ran his hands along his newly clean-shaven face. He ran a hand through his hair and shot a charming smile at the mirror.
He opened the door to his room quietly, so he wouldn't wake the other people aboard the ship and silently made his way to the biggest window he could find. If he had his sight back, he wanted to see the stars.
He crept into the cockpit and was surprised to see Cress already standing by the window and humming almost silently to herself as she stared out into space. She turned around when she heard the door open, "oh, Captain!" she exclaimed.
"Sorry," he shot her a grin, "I didn't know anyone else would be in here."
"I can leave if you want," she pointed towards the door.
"No, no, not at all," he quickly said. He then cleared his throat when he realized how eager he sounded for her to stay. He stood beside her and stared in front of him. "I just figured if I finally had my sight back, I should see the stars."
Cress turned her head to look at him. "You can see now?"
"Clear as day," he grinned, staring at her. "The short hair," he pointed, "it suits you."
A faint blush crept up Cress' neck and she smiled at him. "Thanks. Iko fixed it up a bit so it wasn't so jagged."
He smirked, "I like it."
She shyly looked down at her feet, trying to hide her grin and failing miserably.
Thorne took a moment to look at her. He watched as the faint pink slowly receded down her neck. He watched as the light from the stars reflected off of her ocean-blue eyes and her golden hair. He watched as her freckles seemed to dance across her face.
She was beautiful.
He wanted to take in every detail and commit it to memory. If he ever lost his sight again, hers wasn't a face he wanted to forget.
"You know, I forgot just how pretty you were," he smiled sincerely.
Cress looked back up at him, face burning, but an eyebrow raised nonetheless.
"I'm serious," he chuckled as he raised his hands in surrender. "I had only seen you like, twice before I lost my sight."
Cress tucked her short hair behind her ear shyly and bit her bottom lip, "thank you."
He grinned at her and then returned his gaze to the glass in front of him. He watched as the twinkling stars in front of him sparkles like diamonds. He was mesmerized. He finally tore his gaze away from the stars when Cress spoke up.
"Do you think we'll make it off of Luna?" she asked timidly.
He sighed and reached for her hand. He held it gently in his and rubbed soothing circles on it with his thumb. "You know what? Yes, I do," he answered seriously. "Because we've got a pretty awesome team. We've got Cinder, a cyborg princess who can overthrow Levana," he started counting on his fingers. "We've got Kai, an emperor who rules the entire Eastern Commonwealth and can command armies with just a snap of his fingers. We have Wolf, a super strong soldier who knows Luna like the back of his hand. We have Scarlet, a feisty little redhead unafraid to pick a fight and a great pilot. We've got me, a criminal mastermind," he shot her a devilish, charming smirk. "And we've got you," he tapped her nose with his finger, "a crazy intelligent hacker who was cloaking ships for years and we, somehow, were lucky enough to get you on our team of powerful misfits," he smiled.
She gave him a small smile, "I was the lucky one. You guys are the ones who rescued me from the satellite."
"Mostly me," he joked.
"My hero," she fake swooned. They both started laughing before Cress tucked a strand of hair behind her ear again. "You are though. A hero. I know you don't think you are, but you are."
Thorne swallowed thickly. "Cress, I-I'm a criminal."
Cress shrugged, "we all are now. But you're also the one who is letting us use your ship, you're the one who helped Cinder escape, you helped rescue me, you let me drink the water when we were stuck in the desert, you rescued me when I was kidnapped, you even-" she paused, swallowing thickly before finishing quietly, embarrassed by her wish that he had granted, "you even kissed me when you knew we could've died."
"Well that one wasn't so difficult," he grinned at her, cheekily.
She rolled her eyes and smiled, "I'm serious, Thorne, you're more of a hero than you think you are."
He grinned and he leaned over to her. Her eyes widened slightly when she saw him getting closer but he just smiled. He turned his head to the side and gave her a lingering kiss on the cheek. He pulled away only slightly and grinned as he watched her cheeks flush slightly. He sighed contentedly and absentmindedly played with a lock of her hair, "what did I do to deserve you, Cress?"
She chuckled and buried her face in his chest, "you're a hero. That's what you did."
"Well maybe now I have a little more incentive to become one," he told her sincerely as a warm smile spread across his face and he wrapped an arm around her small figure, pulling her closer.
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