#also the little bit of singing we've got from him? is there more?
hubba1892 · 6 months
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"Ahh, Licence to recy - kill."
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m1ssunderstanding · 7 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 1.1
So disclaimer: I took screenshots instead of photographing my screen this time, but the quality of footage is a thousand times worse so the images are still mostly shit. But anyway, here we go :)
We're going to have to keep a tally on how many times they refer to their relationship in romantic terms. Less than a minute in, Paul has used the description, “great love affair.”
And John's right on his heels with “the sexual equivalent of . . . People in love.” So there's 2 already. Oh boy.
That opening montage of John and Paul just living for the light in each other's eyes should actually be the official music video for “I wanna hold your hand.”
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Also I wonder how many songs they have about hiding. Someone's got to have a list somewhere right?
I adore the absolute lack of reaction to John manhandling Paul.
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And then This Look. He's in love with him, ladies and gentlemen.
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I remember seeing somewhere that this footage was literally right after they'd finished “she loves you.” Which was pretty recently after Bob Wooler, which was right after Barcelona. And if you're like me and you think that song is secretly about their relationship? If Paul's just been singing “she said you hurt her so, she almost lost her mind, but now she says she knows you're not the hurting kind. She said she loves you” at you, after all of that? Of course John's acting like a fucking puppy dog.
Poor George tally number 1
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Excuse me??? John wants to live in the Beatle apartment instead of with his actual literal wife until Paul decides to move in with his girlfriend? What? He's so insane. Cynthia, you're lucky Paul's a fucking social climber.
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I think it's indicative of two things that Paul said “screw secret girlfriends” while John happily went along with secret wives. One: different levels of security in masculinity (John doesn't have gay eyebrows etc) and two: different relationships. Jane and Paul's relationship was a smart career move for both of them and I think, being upper-class, and having her own career, and not being a mother, Jane was in more of a position to have a say.
Every time I watch that footage of Ken Dodd asking about their parents I physically cringe. Poor poor babies. Do your research you idiot! I don't think that ever happened again. I wonder if Brian made sure of that.
Paul literally talks like such a husband here. “We've thought about it, and probably the thing that John and I will do . . .”
Obsessed with Paul shouldering himself between George and John after George's little joke shove. It's so protective and yet so subtle. Exactly the same strong posture and easy smile as when he stepped between John and that interviewer during the Jesus scandal.
Poor George tally number 2 (you can't quite tell from the pic but John is shoving him out of the way because how dare he put his suitcase by Paul's?! That's John's suitcase's spot!!)
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All the Beatles were cuddly with each other. It's one of the cutest bits about them, the puppies in a basket aspect. But I think we'll need a “noticable spacing difference” tally for this rewatch, too, and here's the first.
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Paul wearing John's hat for attention and it fully and completely doing the job? They're so embarrassing!
I actually love that John's imitation of his upper-class Scottish family (which Paul can't do) is actually much more convincing than his broad Liverpudlian (which Paul nails in two variations, one based off his own family) I'm obsessed with the class dynamics between them.
Poor George tally three. He shares this one with Ringo. That moment when Paul's pretending to interview them about their purple hearts and cuts them both off with, “thank you. Mi-mister Lennon,” and John and Paul proceed to completely forget the other two exist for who knows how long – certainly longer than the videographer was willing to record.
I find John sliding into Paul's raspy “tiiight yeeeah” with his very turned on “mmmMM it's been a hard” extremely suggestive. I'm sorry but I do.
It's like he thinks if he looks away for too long he's going to disappear or something. Which. Now that I said that. Yeah. That is what it is. Poor separation-issues baby.
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Ringo: Paul, you wrote a beautiful song and you sing it great. John: yeah and you're SEXY! Let's not forget that, everyone.
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Am I crazy to obsess over every little musical similarity in their songs? Yes. Can I help it? No. The little “oh-oh ohoho” in the If I Fell demo is exactly the same as in Imagine and (frothing and writhing) it means something I can feel it! I just have no idea what.
I also find the lyric change from “i hope that she won't cry” to “i hope that she will cry” extremely interesting. There's always a heterosexual explanation. Trust me, the straights are the Simone Biles of mental gymnastics. But while the published lyric can be read as a man bitter toward his ex girlfriend hoping to hurt her by flaunting his new relationship, the demo version is trickier. Could it be that he doesn't want to hurt his wife's feelings by letting her know he's in love with someone else? But who else could John Lennon possibly have been in love with at the time?
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“Too too much in love. Woah, too too much in love with you.” My heart
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ladykailitha · 6 days
Icarus Part 20
Damn guys, wow! Twenty chapters in. Shit. Wow. We've only got five chapters to go.
Hey, remember that breakdown that Steve feared was coming? Yeah it's in this chapter. Just not the person anyone thought it would be. Also Steve learns to lean on the people who love him.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19
Steve was nervous. He was rarely nervous on stage, but this was special. Eddie had written a duet version of one Corroded Coffin’s songs and Abbadon was going to feature. So when The Fallen left and Corroded Coffin came on, the first song would be the new duet.
Apparently Gareth had been badgering Eddie to include it in the set list since before the whole rehab stint. But that was around the time Steve and he got together and felt it was too close to the mark to sing it on stage like that.
But somehow the three other members had convinced him and Eddie in turn had managed to convince The Fallen, both bands managers, and their tech guys to let them do it in Denver.
The Fallen finished their encore and they huddled together as Corroded Coffin’s equipment was set up.
Then it was time, with all the lights off Abbadon went to stand in the middle of the stage, directly in front Gareth’s stage where his kit was. The spotlights came on, first highlighting Gareth, then Brian, Jeff, and then Eddie.
Abbadon stood in the darkness, microphone in hand, head hung between his shoulders.
This was the moment. The moment Steve had spent his whole adult life dreaming about. On stage with Corroded Coffin to sing with Eddie. His only regret that it was as Abbadon and not himself. But damn, he’d be fool to turn down the opportunity and he knew it.
Eddie started in on guitar; the sweet, slow build up of one of their greatest hits. “Run, Lover Boy, Run.”
But when the first verse started it wasn’t the gravelly growl of Eddie Munson, but the haunting tenor of Abbadon.
“When I see you there,
Standing with your friends,
I have to stop and stare,
Because, baby I know how this ends...”
Finally Abbadon was lit by a pale blue light, making the white of his costume seem ghost like and eerie. He raised his head and the lace mask made him even more beautiful. He walked toward the front of the stage slowly as he joined Eddie front and center.
To say the crowd went wild would have been an understatement. The Fallen fans were freaking out and screaming and crying. The Corroded Coffin fans roared their approval as Abbadon’s voice lent the song a melancholy vibe.
Eddie sang the second verse and then they joined in together for the chorus. Abbadon leaned in close, their spotlights blending together.
“Run, Lover Boy, Run,
Don’t you know,
You were only a little bit of fun
Run, Lover Boy, Run
You were looking for love,
Can’t you see we’re done?”
Abbadon knew he should have moved back for the next verse, but somehow he found himself draped over Eddie. Even though the song was about being used by a guy he thought he could trust but was only looking for a hookup and not something more serious. He just couldn't move away.
Eddie had a white knuckle grip on his guitar, playing his hardest and singing about heartbreak. Abbadon’s microphone was at his side as he shared Eddie’s. He had even turned it off to avoid feedback.
They were so close that any closer they would have been making out over the microphone. But the thing that really tipped things over the edge was when the final verse came, Abbadon sunk to his knees and belted it out. So from a certain perspective it looked as though he was grinding against Eddie leg.
The crowd went absolutely feral. There was screaming, crying, and apparently in two extreme cases, fainting.
He wasn’t.
Steve wanted to make that clear. He wasn’t grinding against Eddie’s leg. To both their management and the media. Because, yeah he saw the video the fans uploaded and it was very suspect, but his other fans had his back. They posted the view from the other side of the stadium where he was just a few feet away from the lead singer, on his knees, his free hand clenched in a fist.
But oh boy did fuel rumors about Abbadon and Eddie in ways that made Steve’s skin crawl. It was a good thing they had two days before they got to Vegas for Steve to hide in their trailer.
“Steve!” Robin as Robin called out, banging on the door. “Come on, Steve, you can’t hide in there forever!”
Eddie had tried. Chrissy had tried. Hell, even Vickie gave it a go. But Steve refused to budge. Shane let out a sigh after Simon and Spence were both sent away as well.
“Let me try,” he said softly.
They all cleared out to let Shane have a go. He sat down on the steps to the trailer and leaned his head against the door.
“Hey, Steve,” he muttered. “You don’t have to come out, but I’m gonna start talking and maybe you’ll decide to do that on your own.”
He was met with silence. Which was already a step up from the shouts to go away. So he started talking.
“I worry about us as friends, all of us,” he said, strained. “Simon keeps turning down women who are generally into him because he thinks they’re only into him because of what we do. But there have been some real good ones. One that wanted to get to know him, but he just shuts them down. I worry about his attachment to you. I know he’s straight. I’ve hit on him before... before you I guess. Back when we were just some idiots in a cafe who didn’t know what life was.”
He let out a watery chuckle. “But I’ve also seen girls flirt with him as a roadie and he still thinks it’s because of what he does rather than wanting him for he who is. He’s a good guy. He’s one of the best. But he doesn’t seem to want to be better.”
Shane looked up at the clear blue sky and let out a shuddering breath. He hung his head.
“Spence doesn’t want to go out anymore,” he continued, his voice quaking with the feeling of loss. “All he wants to do is spend all his time talking to Nadia. The only time he goes out is as someone else and that can’t be healthy either.”
He ran his fingers through his tight red curls, gripping them at the base and pulling. His hands shook with the effort and the emotions.
“I just came out as gay and I’m frightened by it all,” Shane said. “My parents are supportive. Because of course they are. But I can tell the difference in people from the way they used to look at me and how they look at me now. I was going to teach middle school, Steve. I was going to teach world history to teenagers. But this changed everything.”
There was a soft thud behind him and he figured it was Steve sitting on the floor in front of the door.
“But of all us,” he whispered through his tears, “I worry about you the most. You think you have to be strong for everyone else. You came out with me and I’m getting more support than you are. Yeah, you have a good support system. I wouldn’t have allowed you to come out otherwise, twin. But this moment that blew up in your face, shouldn’t have.”
He lifted his head up and let the tears continue to stream down his face. “It should have been a moment of pure joy and it turned into an embarrassment. You’ll forever look back at the first time you sang with shame. And you shouldn’t. You didn’t do anything wrong. You were incandescent. You lit up that stage and it was beautiful.”
The door to the trailer opened a crack and instantly Shane was on his feet. He opened the door all the way and slipped inside, closing it tightly behind him. Sitting in the dark on the floor not far from the door was a very disheveled Steve. It looked like he hadn’t slept in awhile. They all traveled together, but Steve had taken to locking people out until it was time to get on the road again.
“Hey, twin,” Shane muttered as he moved to sit next to him on the floor.
Steve snorted. They looked nothing alike but by some twist of fate they had been born on the same day, year and all. Steve was older by like seven hours. So Shane had taken to calling him twin when no one else was around.
“Hey,” he whispered. “I hate making people worry about me.”
Shane bumped their shoulders together. “Well that’s too damn bad, Steve. Because you don’t get to make that choice for other people.”
Steve out a shuddering breath. “It’s not even the fallout of people thinking I was grinding against him that bothers me the most.”
“Yeah?” Shane asked with a huff. “What is?”
“That I wanted to.” Steve buried his head in his hands. “I wanted to touch him, kiss him, hell even fuck him on that stage. But I knew that if I wavered for even a fucking second the backlash would be, oh so much worse.”
Shane looked at him for a moment. “No it wouldn’t.” Steve’s head whipped around to face him. “Steve...you hang off me and Simon all the time. You flirt with the audience. All the photo shoots of you are in sexy poses. Shit, man. You wouldn’t be doing anything different than a half a dozen heterosexual bands have done on stage.”
Steve thought about it for a moment. And Shane was right. A famous rockstar humped a massive blown up dick on stage and no one thought twice about that. At least none that weren’t going to be pearl clutching about it in the first place.
“Oh,” he whispered. “Fuck.”
“I think you should play up into more if I’m honest,” Shane huffed. “You’re out as bisexual. Play into the stereotype of being a slut. The people who know you, know you’re with Eddie and monogamous, but those people,” he pointed out of the trailer, “the ones that don’t matter? Soak up all that attention and feed on it.”
Steve’s eyes lit up and a slow smile spread out over his face. Pictures started forming in his head. He thought about how his persona was already the opposite of him in real life. He thought about the thrill he got when he saw the photos of him online from the angle that made it look risque. He thought about how he wanted to play up into flirting with Eddie on stage.
“Can you get the rest of the band in here with Robin and Eddie and Vickie if you can get her too?”
Shane’s answering grin was all he needed to know. Shane got to his feet and within minutes everyone was huddled together in the trailer and Steve explained his idea.
Vickie smiled wickedly. “I think it’s a brilliant idea and if Eddie’s on board with it I’d be happy to lean into that.”
Eddie sat back and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I think what might make it easier so people don’t focus on me is if I get the rest of the Corroded Coffin boys in on it too. That way if Steve as Abbadon is seen flirting with the whole band it’ll come off as being a flirt and not that there’s something specific between Abbadon and I.”
“I like that,” Simon agreed. “Abbadon is already all over Astraeus and Asmodeus so flirting with Jeff and Brian as well as Eddie that would play up into the slut allegations.”
Steve laughed and then shared a knowing smile with Robin. Yep. Simon might be shy about most things but when it came to Steve... that was a whole other kettle of fish.
“We’ll do another duet tonight,” Eddie said, nodding. “Have Abbadon start Gareth’s lap or something.”
“I’m glad you’re doing better,” Spence said, “but don’t lock us out next time. You’re there for us. It’s time you let us be there for you. Okay?”
Steve let out a low shuddering breath. “Yeah, okay.”
They all came up and gave Steve huge hugs before they piled out of the trailer again, leaving behind Shane and Eddie.
“Thanks for getting him to come out of his shell,” Eddie said to Shane. “I didn’t know what to say because it’s always been apart of my contract that I was out and loud.” He stood up and gave Steve a sweet kiss on the mouth before he, too, went back outside.
“You going to be okay, Steve?” Shane asked, moving to sit next to him on the sofa. Well futon technically, but semantics.
Steve looked up at his friend. “I worry about you, too.” Shane let out a an aborted laugh. “I know you’re frightened of being out, but I know you’ve been coming back from partying all hours of the night and sometimes day. Spence and Simon sleep like fucking logs and snore just like sawing them. But I hear you.”
Shane buried his head in his hands for a moment before running his fingers down his face. “I’ll tell you what, twin. I’ll cut back on the partying, if accept our help. And not just some of the time. Come to us for help and I’ll keep the partying to a minimum.”
Steve barked out a laugh. “Just take Spence out with you and we’ll call it a deal.”
He reached out his hand and shook it. “Deal.”
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oklotea · 1 year
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Anyway, I'm going to ramble about these guys and you can't leave until I'm done ok? Ok.
First of all, MY BOY MY SON MY PERSONAL LITTLE DEMON, ABDULLAH!!!!!!! he is very endearing to me!!! But I really do wish we could've seen more of him!!!! He looks mischievous enough to sneak on adventures along with the marlinspike crew himself for shits and giggles!!!!! HIM AND HIS DAD'S DYNAMIC IN LAND OF BLACK GOLD IS MY FAVORITE IT MAKES ME SO GIDDY AND HAPPY. like no matter how obnoxious and annoying Abdullah's pranks can become, his dad will forever love him unconditionally. MY FAVORITE DYNAMIC. I MISS THEM SO MUCH.
A little note, even though a lot of poc representation in tintin is pretty influenced by the stereotypes of the time, and a bit of orientalism, tintin and the land of black gold is also the first time in my childhood where the words "assalamualaikum" Was muttered in any piece of animated media. It definitely wasn't perfect, but that was important to me as a Muslim child. Maybe that's why Abdullah and his dad hold a special place in my heart!
Next up we've got ARREGEHFHFHHGHJ!!!!!!! CHANG!!!!!!! MY FRIEND FROM SCHOOL WHO HELPED END A CRIME RING IN SHANGHAI!!!!!!! I adore him and his personality so much!!!! HE WAS ONE OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS AS A KID AND HE STILL IS TODAY WHEN I REWATCH BLUE LOTUS!!!!!!!! The way that the moment he was saved by Tintin in that flood he pledged his undying loyalty to Tintin will never not be sweet to me. HE IS SO TALENTED AND CUNNING, HE SAVED TINTIN FROM CERTAIN DOOM MULTIPLE TIMES IN THE LITTLE TIME THEY'VE SPENT TOGETHER, AND IN TINTIN IN TIBET, TINTIN SAVES HIM ONCE AGAIN (Tintin in tibet is also a very memorable and special episode for me) AND JUST-- ARGEHDBEHF I CAN CONTINUE ON AND ON ABOUT HOW CHANG SHOULDVE BEEN INCLUDED IN MORE ADVENTURES!!!!! actually Tintin has TONS OF CHARACTERS who should have been given more important roles in a lot of different stories!!!! Idk maybe that's just a wish that will never be fulfilled.... Still I can dream!
SHE WAS A HIGHLIGHT FOR ME!!!!!! AND SHE IS VERY UNDERRATED!!!! I love seeing how much she treasures her friends, how she's so dramatic about everything, how she has such an unapologetically loud and large presence and personality everywhere she goes, how she is genuinely passionate about her singing and her art, how she clearly knows her worth and won't settle for less from anyone.
Every time she was on screen she always made me feel very happy and warm inside, also I really like her voice!!!!!
I'm ngl, she was the hardest for me to draw. But at the end I'm quite satisfied with the results!!!!
Anyway, the last picture is how I'd imagine Chang and Castafiore's first meeting would go. She as always, acts as sweet and polite and extra af as she always does, let's Chang know that Tintin's talked a lot about him! And then she would bring out some biscuits and pastries she bought as a gift for everyone, and then she and Chang would sit together while eating, and they get along really well, CHANG HAS A WICKED SENSE OF HUMOR THAT CASTAFIORE CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF, (haddock would be completely dumbfounded with how good at talking to Castafiore Chang is, and how anyone could talk to her for so long) but little did haddock know, in their conversations, Castafiore does a whole lot more listening than speaking, especially when Chang starts to tell his back story, and all the things that have happened to him and Tintin. After Chang ends his story, he looks up at her after a while of being lost in his story, and mascara is dripping down her face silently, her mouth is agape, and for a few moments couldn't say anything.
Suddenly she burst out loud, pulled Chang into a hug, and sobs after listening to the horrors this sweet kid has gone through.
In over a few hours she seems to have grown a strong attachment to this kid, she'll probably send a package filled with gifts a few months later, along with a long letter talking about what she's been up to and her wishes that Chang will succeed with anything he's currently busy with, and that he shall take care of himself well.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the small character appreciation I was able to share for some obscure/underrated characters! And that they will occupy your mind just for a little while. I love these three so much, tintin shaped me as a person, tintin made my childhood, I hope you have a great day.
Click for better quality!!!!!!
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hils79 · 2 months
Hils Watches Lovely Runner - Ep 11
Had a few days off from watching anything while I attended the Up All Night asian drama convention. Ironically I talked a bit about this drama on a panel about time travel in dramas, even though I haven't actually finished it yet 😅
Anyway, now I'm ready to resume. I think I can more or less remember how the last episode ended...
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What does renting an adult movie have to do with him kissing his girlfriend in public? Is that frowned upon in Korea?
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Sunjae has just found out that Im Sol is from the future, and in that future he dies when he's barely into his 30s. All he is concerned about is that Im Sol's mother saw him kissing a girl on the street and might not like him now.
God, I have missed these idiots.
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Sunjae doesn't know how he dies but what he does know is that there's no way it could possibly be Im Sol's fault
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Oh shit I totally forgot Sunjae's dad currently thinks he's on a plane to the US. This is not going to go well when he finds out...
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He is so gone for her. I love him.
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Oh, yeah, he missed the audition for the band so he's no longer on the path to becoming an idol now. That means no expensive skincare products for free because looking good is your job
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Oh my god all his stuff is on a plane to the US even if he isn't
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Hehe! Well, at least the reveal was mostly comedic
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Wait, I thought she didn't want him to become an idol to keep him safe
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Oh no are we going to end up with another totally different version of the future where Sunjae isn't an idol and her brother and bestie don't end up married.
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And now a bag full of condoms intended as a joke wedding gift has ended up in Sunjae's bag by mistake. I'm glad we've eased up on the angst for a bit to do some more lighthearted nonsense
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Oh my god he bought them matching phone charms. He is such a loser (affectionate)
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I know something terrible is going to happen soon. They're all happy and in love and there's still another 5 episodes to go. I'm glad they get this for a little bit at least.
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I am getting so much secondhand embarassment from this whole scene, but also I can't stop laughing. IT'S RAINING CONDOMS 🤣
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I am crying I'm laughing so hard. Two star-crossed lovers torn apart by a shower of condoms
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He just went into his mind palace to figure out how the condoms got into his bag. This might be my favourite episode so far, as much as I'm enjoying all the time travel and the angst.
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I love that grandma is heading up this whole intervention
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Well, after that delightful little subplot we are now back to the serial killer who may or may not end up killing Sunjae
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Did his dad really get him to go and update Im Sol on the case and tell her that she's in danger. THAT IS LITERALLY THE JOB OF THE POLICE NOT THE FASHION HOUSE SON OF A DETECTIVE. The cops in this really do suck even by k-drama standards.
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He is honestly the most sensible character in this whole drama
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Uh...you haven't even tried though? The first time he got you it's because you went outside to stop Sunjae getting rained on in the park. Take Sunjae and find a cabin in the woods or something. Or go to America with him.
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Okay, dude, you need to dial that back a bit
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Taesung is like 'we spent the night together we're bros now'
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Aww now they're both drunk and pouring their hearts out to each other
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Well if they were buddies after Taesung slept on Sunjae's couch I don't know what snuggling in the same bed like this makes them
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Ooh is Sunjae going to sing at their last gig and get back on the idol path?
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Ooh they caught him! Except there's still another 5 episodes to go so clearly it's not over yet
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Aww there we go he's back on stage
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Oh sweetie...
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Yep, there we go. Of course he escaped.
But, hey, we got through a whole episode without the sad Jongho song playing even once.
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franklinfinley · 2 months
Hey! I'm Franklin, he/they. First year student at Naranja Academy, but I've been through several Gym Circuts for 7 years at this point. The school year's just started, but things are already looking up! I'm a ghost and fire type specialist, as well as a general Drowzee/Hypno specialist LOL
Koraidon: a strange form of Cyclizar given to me by my friend Arven, originally owned by his mother Professor Sada. He doesn't battle, morseso acts as a riding mount and food-stealer >:P
Lullay: my service Hypno and first partner Pokemon. We've been a duo for 14 years now! She doesn't primarily battle, she mostly helps with my anxiety and insomnia. She steps up for defense if we need it, though.
Tabasco: my Skeledirge and chosen starter for Naranja Academy! He's a little scrapper and eager to prove himself in a fight, and just as eager to sit back, sing his little songs, and eat all my oranges. Little orange heathen even as he grows up
Sparky: my Luxray! He's a bundle of energy and a reckless battler. He loves nothing more than getting to flaunt his stuff and also wail and cry and flail his fists on the ground when he loses
Sushi: my Curly Tatsugiri, and an odd quiet fellow. He likes splashing water on the other teammates for funny pranks and curling up in my collar or hair. That being said, he is a FIERCE battler. Honestly kinda scary with what he can pull off from such a tiny body...
Arthur: my Beartic! He's very polite with me and the team, but fierce when it comes to defense. It might take a while for him to warm up to any of my friends...
Strawberry Lemonade: my shiny Amped-Up Toxtricity, who i rescued from the wild as a Shadow variant. She's clingy and packs a MEGA punch, currently working through a bit of trauma regarding an awful ex-trainer. She's getting better every day :D
Montez: my Garchomp, and just what you'd expect from such a feared creature. She's the meanest of the group and always first to volunteer for a fight. She swings hard and fights to kill. I'm currently working to make her more tame and willing to be calm.
Things at Naranja are going great! My friend Nemona has shown me all the ropes, and I feel like I'm gonna have a good few years here. This might just be my Yelling About Things blog. So if you're into that thing feel free to tag along!
Heallo this is the in character blog i have for my self insert!! I follow from my main @yatgb
Be prepared for Main Character And Mary Sue Shenanigans, and dont be afraid to ask abt stuff he mentions in posts!! I plan to have this going as a whole thing with arcs and all that, basically going through all of scarvi's plot, including DLC down the line. This WAS gonna be an art-based askblog but i dont rlly have the time for one of those :( but ill be posting story snippets later down the lind!
Pelipper Mail is on as long as its something small, he wont accept like new pokemon or money or anything. Think like what youd get from a mystery gift :D Magic Anons are off!
Also, dont take everything Franklin says at face-value. He's got a loong history, and some secrets to hide. There's a chance he could be lying about some stuff ',:) expect a well meaning but unreliable narrator
That being said, I like to do my own worldbuilding so whenever he goes into biology details dont look too hard into it. We're havin fun here. I also don't plan on doing any multiverse shenanigans. This is a self contained story about an oc thats very dear to me :D so just go with the flow. I might interact with other blogs as long as its feasible they could on Rotomblr connected through a multiverse.
Other character interaction is encouraged, as well has sentient pokemon except Legendaries! He has his own lore with a lot of legends it would be a little wack
Here's what he looks like! With Lullay!
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issuesdolly · 5 months
Jonathan Davis Plays KINKY Hide & Seek with You
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Warning: explicit/sensitive content, deviant theme, 18+ Smut, foreplay, fingering, male/female sex, unprotected sex, p in v, finishing inside, praise & degredation, edging/denial, fear kink, adrenaline kink, BDSM, exhibition kink, public/nature sex... Overall, A LOT IS GOING ON IN THIS STORY 🤣💀
#jonathandavis  #jonathan davis #korn #jon davis #fanfic #fanfiction #smut #fem reader #x reader #edging #degredation kink #degredation #jondavis #exhibitionkink #edging #edginganddenial #fear kink #bdsmkink #bdsmplay #adrenalinekink
Summary: You are Jonathan's girlfriend and it's the last day of your RV camping trip. You are parked on the beach and reminiscing about his past sexual kinks. You decide you want to let him try a game on you: a naughty, fear-laden version of hide and seek. But, his version is a LOT more than you bargained for. You explore a fear/adrenaline kink and let him take control.... All  in all you have a very interesting night together. 
Preface: My other JD fanfics are more "normal" if you wanna check those. This one's not for everybody. In real life, JD talks about various kinks/deviancies in interviews. His Penthouse interview, JD said “I’m the kinkiest motherfucker you’ll ever meet. I do freaky, weird shit” and he provided some BDSM examples. His Playboy interview, he talks a bit about morbid/fear kink games and degredation/control games he's played with women who wanted that with him.
If you google JD's explanation of his song, “My Gift to You," he explains he and his girl enjoyed a fear/adrenaline/death kink & played "games":
Korn songs like "My Gift to You," "Last Legal Drug" (Le Petit Mort) and "Beat it Upright" inspired this fanfic. 
My “Kinky Hide & Seek” theme for this story is particularly inspired by Korn’s “Beat it Upright” where JD sings stuff like "Are you reading for a good pounding, baby? ...I will spank that ass just for fun," and “We're going on a ride….I'm gonna turn you inside out, upside down….Don't try to run and hide.” JD definitely throws a little BDSM/rough play/fear stuff into his sexual songs. 
My story is also inspired by his lyrics in “Last Legal Drug,” where he’s giving spooky commands to a woman during sex-– “when you come, be a good girl, hold your breath, make it last long…It’s a mess, and it’s called ‘the little death,’ girl.” 
So… ‘poetic license’ and a bit of my own deviancy/past 'adventures' is worked into this story. Sorry y'all haha. 
You and Jonathan had thought there was going to be an additional day of your RV camping trip before he had to get back to Los Angeles. But, he got a call earlier that evening letting him know he had to start driving back first thing and be in the studio by tomorrow evening, so sadly the two of you realized tonight would be the last night of the trip. Your RV was parked on the beach in a remote tourist destination, near a mossy, coastal treeline. It's dusk and the two of you are sitting across from each other in folding chairs, eating dinner outside the camper. 
"I'm so disappointed tonight's going to be our last night for awhile," you said to him.
"Me too sweetie. Me... fuckin....too," Jonathan said in a resigned tone. 
The two of you had definitely "made the most" of this camping trip with lots of sex and romantic time together. But you still had kind of an empty feeling, knowing this would be your last night together for some time. You wanted the trip to end with some kind of bang. You started asking him some dirty questions out of curiosity. 
"So, we've... done some freaky stuff together, huh?" you began. 
Jonathan cracked a naughty smirk and chuckled, "yeah..you could say that... kind of...." he trailed off. 
"KIND of?" you replied, curious. 
"I mean.... I've definitely not shown you everything. Didn't wanna freak you out," Jonathan continued, looking down at the sand. 
"Well.... I'm in a weird mood tonight. I kind of want to end this trip with a bang...." you admitted. 
Jon paused. He had been bouncing his leg and fidgeting around. Suddenly he got very still and slowly looked up at you. 
"You're... gonna have to be a bit more specific, dear," Jon said in a naughty voice. 
"Ummm.... well..... we've... you've.. chased me around and stuff, been, ya know... rough from time to time? When I asked you to?" you said. 
"Yeeahhhh?" Jon said slowly... in a sly, questioning tone. 
"And.... I know you've been a lot freakier in the past. Like.. how you and your ex… well, you guys played creepy sex games? She would leave spooky notes on your pillow like- 25 ways she wants to kill you... and ....you had dark fantasies about stuff you wanted to do to her? You guys had like.... a fear kink? Death kink?" you inquired. 
Jon stared at the ground, darkly chuckling as he recalled some "fond" memories and nodded his head. "Yeah... yeah we did," he admitted.  
"Well... I was curious," You confessed. "I’m curious about.... fear and control games..I... I don't know! But-uh... I want to know," you admitted, stumbling over your words. 
"Yeah....? " Jon said quietly while looking back up at you. Jon began to explain:
"It's definitely kinda dark…...You're not ACTUALLY gonna get hurt, not MUCH anyway," he said with a sly chuckle. "But it's just... getting off together on scaring and controlling one another. One of you takes the lead... someone’s dominant, someone's submissive" he continued.  
"I wanna try some of that tonight," you admitted, very curious and pretty aroused. 
Jon froze. His smile faded a little as he looked at you with wide eyes, and a good amount of surprise.  
"What... like, you wanna, tie me to a chair tonight and have your way with me, haha?" he asked while laughing. 
"No... no, I want you to take control and..... SCARE me," you admitted, rather embarrassed. 
There was dead silence while the two of you looked at each other. 
"Um.... are you sure?" Jon asked, somewhat stunned....fidgeting.   
"Yeah. I want you to scare me tonight…..In-in a good way," you said as your face turned red.
Jon looked back down at the sand and shifted his legs around. 
"Hmmmm....well…. That’s… a WHOLE spectrum.....HOW scared?" he said in a low, naughty voice while cracking a big smirk. 
Your voice caught in your throat: ".....freak me out Jon," you begged. "I.....I want you to freak me THE FUCK out.....I want you to SCARE me….and, a-and then fuck me," you admitted, unable to even look him in the eye as you said it. 
More awkward silence. You dared to look up at his face. His knee was bouncing up and down and he kept staring at the ground while grinning, shaking his head in amazement. Eventually, Jon cleared his throat.... stood up from his folding chair and crouched down in front of you, holding your knees and locking eyes with you, close to your face.
"Ok," he said in a calm tone, with a big smile on his face. His eyes had LIT up and he looked pretty damn excited and naughty.
 "I'll freak you out, baby" he said while giving you a half smirk/smile. His eyes got spookier and he slowly nodded at you
".... but if it gets too much.. you should probably pick a safe word or something. Then I'll stop," Jon explained. 
Your brain was turning to mush. You were already really nervous and excited and your clit was perking up. 
"Umm... uh- how about.. STOP?" you said, half braindead. 
Jonathan laughed hard and smirked. "STOP, it is then." He paused and bore his eyes into yours. He gave you a long, sexy, deep kiss.. pushing his tongue deep in your mouth. You were SO turned on, curious and excited. 
He stood up and walked back to his chair, slowly sitting back down across from you. Nothing but silence. He just stared at you, clearly contemplating.
"So.... what do we do?" you asked shakily. 
Jon stared HARD at you. His eyes scanning your eyes and examining your body language as he contemplated what to do with you. 
"How about... some hide and seek?" Jon suggested. 
"Hide and SEEK?" you said, laughing. "Jon... that honestly sounds CUTE.. not....freaky!"
Jon's eyes darkened perceptibly and his voice got very low and serious. 
"My version..... is NOT going to be cute" Jon said in a VERY creepy voice. 
You suddenly felt a shiver down your spine and a bit of realization run through your body. 
"Nooo... Not cute at all,” Jon said while slowly shaking his head and looking at you with an alarming gaze. 
“You’re gonna hide……I'm gonna hunt you," Jon said, coolly. 
You were a bit stunned. Your heart jumped a little. 
"And here's a tip.... you DON'T want me to find you," Jon continued in a low, serious voice. He cracked a wicked smile... "you REALLY don't," Jon explained. All you could do was stare at him, wide-eyed. 
"I'm gonna start... mkay?" Jon said nonchalantly while reclining in his chair a bit. 
"Um.... ok," you said quietly, rather confused. 
"You've got 20 seconds to hide,” Jon said while comfortably lulling back in the chair and shutting his eyes.... "One.....two....." he said, counting slowly.
You stood up from your folding chair, looking around and then back at him. The beach and tree line was vast and it was so close to dark, you didn't see how on earth he'd find you if you hid. 
"Jon? I’m confused! ANYWHERE? How are you gonna find me?" 
Jon stopped counting and opened his eyes, looking at you with a VERY dark, sinister expression… almost like he was becoming a different person. 
"You should probably start running," he said quietly. 
"W-what??" you asked, while another shiver went down your spine. 
"Start......Running" he growled, as his eyes darkened to the point of practically looking black. 
You felt a jolt of genuine fear. Suddenly, it was like you were out in the middle of nowhere with a stranger. You were rather blown away. 
"THREE!.... four...." Jon playfully counted slowly while shutting his eyes and folding his hands in front of him comfortably. 
You took off running towards the tree line. In the distance you could hear him counting loudly. You wandered into the mossy trees and looked around. Your heart was pounding. You didn't have much time so you wandered as far as you could into the trees and then hid, crouching behind one. You were breathing hard and starting to question what you'd gotten yourself into. But you really didn't see how on EARTH he’d find you. 
"HERE I COME," you heard Jon yell in the distance in a very eerie voice. 
There was dead silence for a while. You heard the waves and light raindrops. Eventually, you started hearing his footsteps. He was walking slowly and carefully. You thought of crawling off and finding a different spot... but were scared of making too much noise. It was quite dark now, just a dark blue tone to the sky as the sun was nearly set. You sat frozen behind the mossy tree. Eventually, you heard footsteps crunching closer before coming to a stop. Then they continued; sounding like they were getting further away. You figured you'd successfully faked him out. Then there was dead silence.
"Ttssskk....tsskkk….That’s not a very a good spot at all" you heard Jonathan yell. You froze in fear. 
"YEAH, I'm talking to you. Come on out," Jon said in a very frightening, unfamiliar voice. 
You peaked out from behind the tree and saw him standing still about 20 feet away from you. You were actually quite shocked he had found you. VERY shocked. HOW did he manage that??
"I'll tell you what....if you can outrun me.... you win. You win and I'll stop," he said in his low, unfamiliar voice.
Your legs shook as you stood up, in sheer disbelief. Your heart was racing. 
"Fucking... …….RUN," Jon said in a deep, terrifying voice. 
You were actually frozen in place like a deer in the headlights. 
Suddenly,  Jon sprinted forward towards you at full speed. You gasped and instinctively ran away from him. You literally felt like a stranger was chasing you. You didn't look back as you darted aimlessly around trees, trying to figure out where the hell to run to. You were so overwhelmed. You heard him gaining on you, his footfalls crunching louder and closer. 
Then, an arm firmly grabbed you around the waist and knocked the wind out of you. He grabbed you mid-run so hard, you sort of flew in the air as he caught you. He picked you up by the waist and spun you around, off the ground. The two of you spun together in a circle as he caught you. You fell limp in his arms, crying out and gasping. You heard him grunt and breathe hard and angrily. He grabbed both of your arms, pulling them tightly behind your back like a police arrest. Then he shifted the two of you forward, pinning you against a tree. He was pressed up against you while you were pinned, facing away from him. 
The two of you stood like that for a moment, gasping for air. You heard Jon growling. With one big hand he kept your wrists pulled together and your arms locked behind your back. With his free hand, he began feeling you up aggressively. He pushed his hand under your skirt and rubbed/gripped your pussy through your panties. You started to moan and lose your balance but he pulled you back upright, forcing you to stand. He reached his hand back up to your head, grabbing your hair and pulling you into him. He leaned against your ear and breathed into it. 
"I caught you," he said in a truly eerie, unrecognizable voice. 
Your legs shook. Your pussy was very wet but you weren't sure why because you were also genuinely freaking out. 
"Now... don't... fucking.... move," Jon said in a low, dominating voice. You did as he said. He removed his hands from your arms but you left them behind your back where he had put them. You heard him unbuckling his belt and taking it completely off. You began moaning, figuring the game was over and now he was going to fuck you, while he had you pinned against the tree. 
"Mmmmm yeah... do it, baby," you begged, as you figured the game was up. 
"Do.... what?" Jon said quietly. "You think I'll just FUCK you? Mmm-mm" he said, shaking his head.
 "No. I CAUGHT you. You're not getting off that easy," he said, leaning towards your ear before biting it VERY firmly and leaving his teeth on it. "NOT AT ALL," he said through gritted teeth while keeping your ear in a bite-hold.
You gasped. Now you were truly confused. The next sensation you felt was the leather belt tightening around your wrists. You let out a yelp and started to pull your wrists away but Jon had a FIRM hold on them. He quickly bound your hands behind your back with the belt. He buckled it around your wrists, tightly and firmly. 
Your heart started absolutely racing. You WERE scared now. Actually scared. Jonathan grunted, then, with you buckled up, he turned you around. He still didn't allow you to see him. He just whipped your body away from where it had been pinned against the tree, and stood behind you. One arm had a firm grasp around your waist and the other had a firm grasp on the belt he buckled your wrists with. 
He leaned down towards your face from behind, and  licked around and inside your ear a little. Your legs shook like crazy and you felt very faint. 
"Walk," Jon said quietly. You were frozen. 
"WALK," Jon said in a louder, more stern voice, while gently pushing you forward and maintaining his grip on you. You took slow, unsteady steps forward as he guided you, walking you. You felt weak and in over your head. You knew it was still Jonathan. YOUR Jonathan. But it really DID feel like you had been caught by a stranger in the woods. You truly had no idea what to expect. 
"Jon.... Jon.... I don't know if - if I-----" your words trailed off as you gasped for breath. 
Jon stopped walking and stood still. There was a heavy silence. 
"Ok," Jon said playfully and nonchalantly. "DON'T walk," he growled. 
Before you knew it, Jon had spun you around to face him and picked you up. He threw you over his shoulder, one arm supporting your upper body as your head draped over his shoulder, his other arm supporting you under the ass with a firm grasp on your thighs. With your hands bound behind you, you really couldn’t get out of his arms if you tried. 
You gasped some more and started practically hyperventilating. You were surprised at just how strong he was. If he WAS a stranger, you definitely wouldn't have been able to wriggle free. Your eyes stared at the ground as he carried you over his shoulder, back towards the RV. It was QUITE dark by now. This game was starting to really scare the shit out of you. You started wriggling and moaning in his arms, asking him to put you down. Eventually, he set you down on the beach. With a satisfied sigh, he pulled you against his body, facing you away from him and restraining you by the wrists again. He pressed himself hard against your backside. He leaned in again to talk right into your ear.
"Tell you what.... I'll be nice. ONE more try to hide from me. If I can't find you in 10 minutes, I'll stop hunting you. Sound fair?" Jon said in his eeriest voice. 
You caught your breath and thought about it. You almost said "STOP," to call the game off. But you were feeling an overwhelming mix of adrenaline and arousal. You wanted to keep playing. "Ok...." you blurted out. 
"Good girl,” Jon whispered into your ear before licking down your neck. 
He slowly loosened his grip on you and sighed. With his face pressed to your ear, he spoke again: 
“Ok girl.....fuckin........ RUN!" he growled. 
This time your heart pretty much exploded with adrenaline. You took off in a sprint back to the tree line like you were running for your life. Your ears were ringing and you couldn't even HEAR if he was chasing you or how close he was. You didn't try to steal a glimpse back. 
You ran in a confusing zig zag all around the trees, realizing how hard it was to run and keep your balance with your hands buckled behind you. Losing your breath, you eventually collapsed behind a shrub, as far into the woods as you could get. There was nothing but silence, beach waves and more gentle rain drops. It was almost pitch black now. You could barely see what was around you. Now, you were slightly lost and unsure how to get back. Wriggling your wrists around, you struggled with the belt, figuring you could get it off of you somehow. Your fingers tried to reach up to the notches and buckle but it was no use. You had another "OH SHIT" moment, realizing again that if he WAS a stranger, you were LOSING. 
There was dead silence for a long time. You slowly caught your breath, wondering so much about this man you've spent so much time with. Clearly there's many different sides to Jonathan. You shifted your legs around trying to get comfortable on the ground. Your panties were still wet, which was a bit surprising to you, since you were pretty much terrorized by now. You were just starting to calm down when you had a weird feeling. You weren't sure if you heard crunching nearby or if it was your imagination. There was more dead silence as your hearing perked up and you tried to listen. You did your best to not make any audible breathing noises. 
Out of nowhere, you felt Jonathan’s body tackle you out of your sitting position and pin you to the ground. You screamed at the top of your lungs with genuine shock as you felt his weight on top of you. You fell backwards, with your bound hands behind you. Jon pinned you against the mossy ground, nice and firm.... grunting and grabbing you as you wriggled around. You went limp and opened your eyes, barely able to see the silhouette of his face in the dark. You gasped for air and just stared in disbelief. How the HELL did he manage to find you THAT time???? How did you not hear him approaching???? You were in utter shock. 
Jon groaned and pushed his body weight on top of you while pushing your legs open. He hovered over you on the ground, his crotch pressed against your open legs as he kept you pinned. You felt his hard dick through his pants and all you could do was hyperventilate with a mix of emotions.
He chuckled a VERY sinister chuckle. "Now, see THAT, was a really good try," he groaned. He pushed his face RIGHT up against yours. Your whole body shook. "A REALLY.....good.... TRY," he whispered in a complimentary, eerie voice. 
You definitely knew you lost. You were so overwhelmed, you almost said "stop" again. 
He rubbed his body hard against you on the ground, smushing you into the mossy forest bed and grunting/groaning loudly. You started moaning and kept gasping for air. Without warning, he climbed off you. Then before you knew it, he had picked you up off the ground. He threw you over his shoulder again in the same pose with your arms bound behind you. Your hair fell into your face as you slumped half upside down against his shoulder. You were completely spent by now. All you could do was moan and hyperventilate while he carried you back. It felt like a long walk back to the RV.... you were shocked he could carry you for this long. Struggling to calm down, you just fell limp against his body and caught your breath. 
He got you inside the RV and gently pushed you down onto the bed face first. You could only crawl and wriggle around because your wrists were still bound behind you. Jon crawled up your body and pressed firmly against you from behind. His dick was now rock hard. He pressed into your backside, caressing your body. He stroked your arms and moved his hands to the buckle.
"If I take this off of you, are you gonna be a good girl?" he asked in his sinister voice. 
"Y... yes," you yelped. 
"No moving. You will do NOTHING unless I tell you to. GOT IT?" Jon instructed. 
"Hughhh.. fu,.... Yes!" you gasped out. 
He slowly undid your wrists. Immediately you started moving your arms, happy to have them back. 
Just then, you felt a hard smack against your ass from the belt. 
"AHHHH!!! ... the... FUCK!???" you yelled. 
"I told you not to move!" Jon said sternly. 
You felt his hand grip your ass and pull your skirt up. He reached up the front of your skirt and pushed his fingers against your pussy. You didn't even KNOW what blend of emotions you felt at this point, but your pussy still responded to his touch. You wriggled around some more while moaning. 
With both of his hands, he took the side of your panties and ripped them, then yanked them away. You gasped and moved around. Then, you felt another strong smack against your ass with the belt. 
"You're not a good listener, ARE YOU?" Jon said in a low, playful voice. You didn’t reply. 
"Don't. MOVE!" Jon growled.  
You nodded your head, while face down on the bed. Jon reached a hand around you, touching and feeling you up under your skirt again. He slowly pushed two of his fingers firmly into your pussy.
"Ahhhh!! mmm," you moaned as you tried your best to stay still. 
Jon was hunched over you, keeping a good amound of his weight on top of you. He kept you pinned down, fingering you more and more very firmly, pushing your pussy further and further open. 
"Ahhhh..my GOD!" you yelped. You didn't realize how aroused you were until he started fingering you
"BE QUIET girl!!! Did I not tell you that? You're gonna be QUIET too!" Jon yelled at you. He humped against you and pushed his fingers hard into you with his hand, leaving them knuckle deep inside you.
You gulped and tried your best to stop moaning. Without warning he climbed off you and gripped your hips HARD. He flipped you over in one brisk motion. You were now lying on your back, you skirt up to your waist, your panties off and Jon standing over you. 
He grunted and quickly climbed back on top of your body, pinning you back down. You instinctively went to touch his face and shoulders like normal, but he grabbed your hands, pulling them off of him. He wrestled your arms  until he had them both pinned up over your head.
Then he pressed his crotch hard against yours, smushing you into the mattress and keeping your hands pinned above your head. All you could do was hyperventilate and watch him. He kept you pinned like that for a minute, breathing hard and doing nothing. You just stared at him in amazement, his eyes looking black. He teased you and started grinding his crotch into your open legs. 
"Don't. FUCKIN. Move," he said as he quietly, while quickly climbing off  you, ripping off his pants and boxers and sliding back on top of you. His cock was so hard he didn't even need to put his hand on it and guide it into your pussy. He just impaled you with it and you let out a loud yelp of pleasure and a bit of pain. 
He grabbed your hair a little and pressed his face against your neck. 
"Auhghhh…WHAT DID I…. SAY?” he said while pushing hard into you. “QUIET!!!" Jon growled. 
You held your breath and tried not to make any noise as Jon started taking deep pumps into you. Your legs felt like jelly and your pussy was soaking wet. This night had COMPLETELY taken a turn. As he picked up the pace and started fucking you harder, you couldn't help but whine and gasp. 
"QUIET! I'm not gonna tell you again" Jon warned again, before pressing his face against your neck and pushing his teeth against it. 
"One more sound.... I'm gonna bite you," Jon warned. 
He'd given you plenty of bites before, and you always liked it. But something told you this would be a REAL bite if you didn't do as he said. You did your best to stop making any noise. You only breathed, HARD. He kept fucking you, taking slow, firm, deep pumps into you while keeping your arms pinned above your head. Your clit was pulsating and you were starting to feel an incredible level of arousal.. you really couldn't explain it.  
Having him chase you down and take you like this, left you with an indescribable feeling. It began to feel like your pussy was gonna explode in an orgasm any minute. You couldn't help but let out a deep moan. 
"Mmmmmfff, you fuckin asked for it," Jon said while pressing his face hard against your neck and giving you a strong bite. 
"AHHH!!!" you shrieked as he kept pumping. He didn't just bite you and let go either. He left his teeth against your neck as he kept fucking you. That bite DEFINITELY hurt! You did your best not to make any more noise but as your orgasm approached you let out a loud whimper. He pressed his teeth into your neck as a punishment and you gasped again. 
"GAAhhhhh! Ughhh fu--" Jonathan yelled/moaned, losing his composure at his own game. This experience had kind of overwhelmed him as well and he was extremely aroused. You felt so good to him at this moment. He was somewhat shocked at himself, realizing what he’s doing to you. You both felt so good, you couldn’t help but start making more noise. You both moaned loudly, and your pussy squeezed around him as your orgasm approached. The two of you started getting QUITE loud, just giving in to the pleasure. He was even MORE elated watching you, as he realized you LIKED all this. Watching your reactions had him SO close to cumming. 
He pressed against you and locked eyes with you while taking firm pumps in you.
"You gonna cum for me? HM???  he asked you. 
All you could do was nod and moan.  
"You're NOT gonna cum till I fucking say!!!" Jon demanded. 
Your eyes flared. You weren't sure you could hold back much longer. 
He pushed his cock FAR inside you and held it there, pinning you and pausing.
You yelped a little and he covered your mouth. Then he gave you one final instruction. 
"I'll tell you when to cum. BUT when you do, you're gonna do it HOW...I ... SAY!" Jon growled. 
You were confused. Jon ground his cock into you and you could feel it twitching as he was clearly VERY close too. 
"You gonna be a good girl?" Jon said in a VERY dark, eerie tone. 
You stared at him and nodded as he kept his hand over your mouth. 
"WHEN you cum, hold your fucking breath. DON'T let it out!!! Not until you've cum LONG and HARD. Make it FUCKING last!"
Your pussy quivered and tightened around his dick, spasming and pulsing in anticipation. 
"You HEAR me?" Jon demanded as he began pumping harder.
He said one word with each deep pump: 
"Hold..... your.... FUCKIN... BREATH." 
Your legs fell totally limp and he grabbed them hard, pulling them further apart and taking hard, fast pumps into you. You gasped. Your body felt like it was tingling. You were pretty sure you were hyperventilating. Your orgasm was coming fast and you PRAYED Jon would give you permission to cum. 
"AHhhhhhhh.... FUuuuuu....." Jon grunted as he grew weak and his pumps got sloppier. His own orgasm was gaining on him. "Mmmmfff... be my good ---gahhh----my good girl …CUM for me!" Jon demanded. You squealed and yelped and nodded. Your pussy exploded and started spasming hard around his swollen dick. Jon pinned you down HARD as you came and pushed a hand over your mouth as he heard you breathing hard and gasping for air. "HOLD. YOUR. BREATH!!!" Jon demanded while watching your face. 
You locked eyes with him as you were cumming and held your breath as best you could. Your pussy kept throbbing and spasming in VERY pleasurable waves. Something about having your breath held while cumming made it feel doubly intense. It seemed like you were cumming FAR stronger and longer than ever before. You felt increasingly dizzy, like you were about to faint. You started seeing little stars in your vision as it dimmed and Jon kept watching your face while you came hard on his cock. Jonathan slowed his pumps to a stop for a moment to just watch you cum for him.
Suddenly you felt like you were gonna lose consciousness. Jonathan saw your eyes begin to roll back and quickly let go of your mouth. "NOW breathe," he commanded. You gasped for air and took long, deep breaths as you kept coming and shaking. "Good girl," Jon complimented as he paused for a moment. He was sweating like crazy and breathing hard. He just stared at you, proud of you for doing as he said. His eyes gazed at you, all hazy: "Mmmfffff, god... that was beautiful," he admitted as he watched you writhe around, catching your breath, smiling at him and feeling the bliss of your orgasm.  
His cock twitched and throbbed. It felt like most of the blood in his body was in his dick at this point. Without hesitation, Jon picked up where he left off. He kept taking rough, sloppy pumps into you. He moaned and groaned loudly while you just let him take you. Within a minute, his cock completely burst and you could feel him filling you up. He pushed as far into you as he could and grunted LOUDLY.
Your vision was hazy but as he came, you watched his face. He did the same thing…. He gasped as his orgasm hit, then held his breath as you felt warm pumps of liquid spill into you. He started looking disoriented and dizzy. His eyes started rolling and he braced himself against your body, not breathing until he was done coming. You just held him as he had a very long orgasm, leaking LOTS of cum inside you before FINALLY inhaling some new air with a loud, raspy gasp. He kept gasping for air for a LONG time. 
The two of you both felt like you might black out and faint. He fell against you and it was hard to breathe with his body weight on you like this. Gradually he whimpered and climbed off you, lying next to you in bed. You were both VERY faint and dizzy for a long time. The room looked liked it was spinning. 
As the two of you recovered, your whole body felt tingly and numb with adrenaline, exhaustion, and pleasure. Eventually, you turned to him...."Holy shit, Jon.... Holy. SHIT" was all you could get out. 
Jon let out a dark, deep chuckle. "You LIKED it?" he asked, curious. 
"Um.... you scared the shit out of me. For real," you admitted. 
Jon turned to look at your eyes. You met his gaze and his eyes looked normal again......a bit apologetic. 
"You said freak you out... But….Yeah, I went pretty fucking far, huh? Too much?" Jon asked you softly. 
"Ummmmm.... it was a lot," you admitted, still shaking as you recalled the moment he caught you in the woods the second time. You had felt genuine terror. 
"But..... I have NEVER cum like that. I --- I..... I LIKED it," you slowly admitted. 
Jon's face lit up. "Mmmmm....I liked it too. I LOVED taking you on that ride....A LOT" Jon admitted. There was brief silence and soft laughter between the two of you. 
"That...... breath hold thing. Wow..... that was trippy," you replied. 
Jon let out another deep chuckle, shaking his head.
"WHY the hell did I cum so much harder when I held my breath like that?" you asked with genuine curiosity.  
"The French call an orgasm 'the little death," Jonathan explained. "Their philosophy is: every time we cum, we die a little. You can make the feeling of an orgasm even stronger if you hold your breath when you cum," he said. 
He turned to face you, sleepily and satisfied. 
"I REALLY liked dying a little with you tonight," he whispered. 
"I REALLY liked dying a little with you too, baby," you whispered back. 
Side note: I have a TikTok & Youtube where I make sexy/funny JD thirst traps/naughty joke Korn-related comedy edits if y'all are interested. I include myself in several vids, I'm openly a pervy/dorky lady haha. My accounts are not for clout/promotion. I'm just way into him and if you stumbled THIS far into sexy JD stuff you might enjoy my vids.
Link to my Tiktok:
Link to one of my ridiculous TikTok JD thirst traps lol:
Link to one of my dirty JD comedy edits I include myself in:
Link to my Youtube:
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oneluckygoose · 2 months
O'Knutzy Week Day 5
Yooo, we've made it to the end!! (Of creating at least, still two more days left but I didn't have time to make anything. Also still written in advance to the actual week.)
Anyway, I figured for the last day I would share the songs on my O'Knutzy playlist I listened to while writing my stories (+ the characters they remind me of and why they did)
Credit of this beautiful thing we call Logan Tremblay, Finn O'Hara, and Leo Knut to @lumosinlove , and thanks to @oknutzy-week-2024 for also just being amazing.
Anyway songs under cut :)
shhh its a shit ton of Hozier
Line Without a Hook, Rick Montgomery - Ok look at me and tell me this isn't Harvard Era Finnlo. "You can hold my hand if no ones there" LOGAN! "All my emotions feel like explosions when you're around" FINN! Nuff' said.
Wish You Were Sober, Conan Gray - I only need one word to explain this one. Harvard. Next!
Sun, Two Door Cinema Club - Mainly reminds me of Finn, especially when he's in Gryfindor and Logan's still at Harvard. But also like listen to it, literally the entire song is just them.
Young In America, Barnes Courtney - Just gives me that Harvard vibe yk, Finn and Logan being best friends and then being drawn apart, it just fits them Imo. ALSO THAT LAST FUCKING VERSE IS SO UGH FINNLO (Also happens to be my favorite song rn so that may be part of it but like it's still them)
Running In Circles, Dead Poet Society - LOGAN. Specifically Logan his last year of college without Finn and him being in pain. Him having to hide it as well, and pretending he's not completely fucking devastated without Finn. Just the angst.
Atlantis, Seafret - Makes me think of Logan being scared and constantly telling Finn they can't and pretty much everything after the night Finn leaves Harvard. The feeling of helpless and inevitable heartbreak is very in line with that period of time.
Mind Over Matter, Young The Giant - Very Logan coded. Kinda how I imagined him with Leo and Finn before they got together. Also, "Cause' I'm a young man built to fall" is just something I think Logan would have told himself on why he couldn't tell Finn or Leo.
To Someone From A Warm Climate, Hozier - Also very Logan coded, I imagine him just quietly singing this into Leo's ear in the dark of a winter night, which are cold in Gryfindor which Leo is NOT used to.
Francesca, Hozier - Ahem, "the entire fucking song". Finn. This song = Finn. More exactly reflecting back on all of the hurt he and Logan went through together and knowing he would do it again. And again. And again. Especially when he's a Lion and O'Knutzy isn't a thing yet.
Home, Good Neighbours - Leo's homesickness, Logan missing Gryfindor in NY, Finn wanting to go back to Logan at Harvard. All of it. Though it did mainly make me think of Leo going home for a little bit after the Rangers knocked the Lions out of the playoffs in Vaincre.
TIMEZONE, Maneskin - Let me take you back to a lovely place called Logan fully ditching all-stars to see Leo and Finn in Vaincre. If this isn't the most Logan song I've ever heard, I don't even know. Also could be Logan in NY, or even Finn in Gryf while Logan's at Harvard.
Heaven Must Have Sent You, The Elgins - Leo. Just the way Leo tends to think about Finn and Logan, and he's definitely played this while dinner was cooking and the three of them danced in the kitchen.
Can't Take My Eye's Off You, Frankie Valli - Leo sings this at karaoke night constantly and you cannot tell me otherwise. Anyway, self explanatory, moving on.
Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene, Hozier - Finn and the way he thinks of Leo and Logan. I think that's enough.
From Eden, Hozier - Yk, I don't actually have a clear explination for this one, it just gives me those O'Knutzy vibes.
Somewhere Only We Know, Keane - Reminds me of Harvard and the Roof, but also just a very O'Knutzy and FinLo song that makes me want to reread Coast to Coast.
Ditmas, Mumford and Sons - FinLo falling apart after Finn graduates. The angst is very appropriate and obviously it doesn't last but this is how I imagine it was back then.
i wanna be your girlfriend, girl in red - Very self explanatory, we don't need to dwell on it.
Figure You Out, VOILA - Hey remember when Logan freaked out when he though Finn got a girlfriend? This, it's this. Every time one little romantic interest and Logan just turns into the embodiment of this song.
Mercy, Shawn Mendes - Ok yes Ik it's basic but this is totally how Finn felt when him and Logan were doing their little dance around each other and it was absolutely Killing Finn.
Thinking Out Loud, Ed Sheeran - OK I GET IT ALSO BASIC but it does genuinely make me think of an older O'Knutzy, one that will love each other for a very long time and will love each other no matter what happens and how they change.
High, Stephen Sanchez - Sorry this song is so Finn being fucking horny over Logan in college and thinking about all the things he would do to him given the chance.
Beautiful Things, Benson Boone - SHUT UP I KNOW BASIC, but anyway this is Logan thinking over the last few years and how things have gotten so much better but also being so so so scared he could lose it all in a moment. His beautiful things are Finn and Leo.
Supernatural, Barnes Courtney - Finn constantly at Harvard. Logan and him are dancing around each other and Logan keeps fucking touching him and being so close and it drives him insane. And just a very Harvard Era song.
Like Real People Do, Hozier - Not Finn saying "can we for once not kiss while we're both crying" and that's literally just this song in different words, ok?
If She's Anything Like Me, MALINDA - Logan with every single girl Finn talks about or even looks at. Finn is genuinely the most perfect and lovable person in his eyes, so why wouldn't everyone else love him, too? And just because he doesn't have the guts to say it, that doesn't mean they won't.
Heat Waves, Glass Animals - Ok ok ok ok ok hear me out..... Actually I don't have much to defend this so Ig it's just all of them staying up late at night just thinking about each other.
Home, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - A very FinLo coded song, especially with the "Jade...Alexander....I was falling deep deep deeply in love with you," part because tell me that didn't happen. Also Leo works in here too because home is with his boys and their home will always be with him, too.
When He Sees Me, Kimiko Glenn & co - Definitely what Leo came into his Rookie season thinking. Especially once he met Finn and Logan knowing he'd be head over heels if he wasn't careful. Just very Leo as well because ofc he's fucking defensive of his heart right after Jack bitchass Archer.
She, Foxy Venus - Guess, take a wild guess. Did you guess Harvard Era Finlo because yeah, that's it. More specifically I think Finn and trying to get Logan out of his mind and move on and that not working whatsoever.
Can't Help Falling in Love, Elvis Presley - This took me an embarrassingly long time to add but yeah Very much Leo with his boys and then Logan and Finn with Leo.
Can't Pretend, Tom Odell - Also took me an embarrassingly long time to add considering it HAS THE SAME TITLE AS ONE OF MY FUCKING WORKS but we don't need to dwell on it. Anyway, FinLo again, especially canonically when they have their little talks about loving each other and not admitting it.
This playlist will probably grow but y'all ain't getting my Spotify so it's just a list rn, might add onto it, idk. Anyway, hope this was suitable for a final O'Knutzy week post and figured it be fun to show you what I was listening to while writing all this. Genuinely I had To Someone From A Warm Climate on repeat while writing the first half of With a Straight Face because if y'all we're confused about the vibe, it's that (especially the beginning). Also Supernatural was on repeat for the first part of When We Can't Pretend (Oh and High was on repeat during the Kiss in the second half, lol).
Ok peace I genuinely can't wait to see everything when I get back in August!
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aesthetically-meme · 18 days
‘ Who Are You? ’
A little drabble focused on Dusk's first day on Dreamland. Inspired by @that-fanperson-meg 's fic 'How Twilight Knight Convinced His Father that Their Best Friend Isn’t a War Criminal!'
“ uh, hi. 'm Dusk Knight. Most just call me Dusk. ” They offered a sheepish wave to the two children in front of them. Seriously, who named their kids 'Tiff' and 'Tuff'?? The two where accompanied by Meta Knight of all people.
Unfortunately they weren't under the impression their best friend was associated with royalty. Hell- they didn't think Twilight would go and join Meta Knight, THE Meta Knight's little crew, the Meta Knights (to them the name sounded cheesy but whatever).
Upon arrival at the castle, said knights were summoned and quickly arrived, much to the seemingly dismay of their friend. They were quick to raise a brow and gently grab Twilight's hand. Their wings ever so slightly curled around the two.
Tiff, the young child with an ever-present fire in her eyes, squinted. Ah great, she didn't trust them. They noticed Meta Knight's posture slightly stiffen at their name; which was, also great. He must recognize them from somewhere, but what?
“ ah yup. S'nice place ya got here. Love the uh- ” they cringed somewhat at all the Dedede architecture, “ design choices you've got 'ere... ”
Kirby was quick to offer their paw in a warm welcome, to which Dusk readily reached for ... only to be stopped by Tiff's intersecting hand.
“ Hold it! How do we know you aren't here to try and cause trouble? Just recently we had to deal with Nightmare taking over Dreamland, and now a stranger we've never heard of shows up? ” The young girl placed her hands on her hips, huffing loudly.
The astral feigned ignorance. “ Nightmare? You all destroyed Him? ” of course they knew he was dead. They traced their friend's thread to Popstar ever since it nearly snapped.
Dusk was still unsure of what caused that defining string to become taught, but ever since it became more visible they never let go. Yet they continued to ignore the blaring obvious signs...
“ Aw man, I thought after all that news would travel quick ... Have you been livin' under a rock or something?? ” Tuff huffed. Hah.
A hum of a laugh rumbled in their throat as they plucked a stray feather from their wing. They really needed to stop doing that. Soon, they'd look like a newborn bird!
“ 'Ve heard rumors, but nothin' concrete. 'Sides, 've been busy scowerin' th' galaxy lookin' fer this nucklehead. ” Dusk snorted, elbowing Twilight softly. He let out an amused huff as he elbowed them back, “ I said I was sorry! ”
That bright smile of his ... it made Dusk's soul sing, relishing in the light it casted. Maybe they'd gone a bit too long without a close connection, sue them, but nothing was going to take this away from them.
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jmdbjk · 1 year
This week's ... Bangtan report...
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Anyone feel the need to come up for air? Me too...
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These two... just acting like they can go anywhere here in peace.
I can't believe they ate reheated grocery store deli pizza. At first I was like I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY ATE GAS STATION CONVENIENCE STORE PIZZA but then I learned it was a whole grocery store. On a scale of 1 to 10, grocery store deli pizza would be a 4.
I'm still speechless. The longer I think about it the more I can't believe what we've seen these past 4 days. After all this time of hoping they are living easily at home they come over here and turn the bucket over on us. Total chaos.
Aside from boat captains being dickwads (that Miss Karma wasted no time on that loser) and radio show hosts being embarrassing ignoramuses... the LUCKIEST regular people are experiencing encounters with JIMIN and JUNGKOOK in the WILD!!
We all know how excited we get just meeting other Armys in the wild but imagine being at work trying to get the soft serve ice cream machine working and you turn around and Jimin and Jungkook are standing there ready to order some greasy-ass pizza.
But we're still trying to decipher JK's similarities in his Seven concept styling. His hair that's reminiscent of Jimin's in his Face era... The both of them wearing a lot of similar things or even just their street clothes that are from the same designer... all of that making me ...
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This trip that looks like all intents and purposes of being a weekend getaway... reserving a whole floor of the restaurant. AND TOGETHER ON SILVER DAY.... Going to a brewery. An outing on a boat. Basically roaming the back roads in New England. And JK headed to Old England.
But we might see it at some point in the future BECAUSE THEY HAD CAMERAS????
They spent all day Sunday .... doing what? Every hour, every minute, every second, you know night after night ...
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Hobi's master plan is being revealed finally. At least that's what the twitter streets are saying. Those images were created last summer. He's had this in the works.
I love love love the two characters and the styling of this go-round of Jack in the Box.
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I watched Namjoon's recent live and he said things like:
..."everyone is doing their thing and the team is being talked about" which he thinks is great... "let's each do well in our places and meet again looking good." All team members doing good.
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He always looks great in his lives and now I'm convinced JK's got a potato phone with a crap camera because ALL of his lives are 360p no matter the lighting situation.
TMI warning...
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Koo's got a little bit of an upper respiratory cold. It's no fun flying when your sinuses are inflamed. Give that boy some Dayquil/Nyquil. And YES I sympathy yawned with him! hahahahahahahaaa.
Watching this live... how can you be a straight up goofball doofus and also be the same JK dancing and singing "I'll be fuckin you right Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday..."?
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I wonder if the slow jam version of Seven was a preview of what's forthcoming?
Jimin got a new phone. I think that's why he had trouble logging into In🌟 (so cute, in-sta). When you move your shit over to your new phone you have to re-login to all your apps.
So let me guess who's gonna turn up with the head cold in a few days? I hope Jimin doesn't have any important schedules coming up in the next week or so.
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madstronaut · 1 month
PSA: i am an absolute sucker for meet-cutes
ya know what's funny? every time I have the passing thought wondering if I'll run out of fic I've bookmarked to (lovingly) rant about, my moots/cod writers never fail to deliver new bangers after bangers... at this rate my bookmark folder is bursting at the seams and threatening to explode into a big flaming glorious ball of confetti and words and emotions and tears (mine, my tears, those are all mine-)
I have also had the most exhausting past few weeks and seeing memes crop up about "becoming important at work is ruining my life" hit a little too real for me to laugh without crying a teeny bit but you know who i know got me? FANFIC WRITERS MY BELOVEDS THAT'S WHO 💖💖💖 (whom? fuck idk anymore how did I even get my job when I fuck up basic grammar lol)
I have been listening to Posty's new country song with Dolly Parton and it feels incredibly gaz-coded to me... I recently went karaoke-ing and let me tell you I would flirt hardcore by alternately winking constantly/making deep unblinking eyecontact into kyle's baby browns while singing this song anyway sorry totally sidetracked by daydreaming about making out with gaz and then wearing nothing but his hat while i ride his d- [rest of sentence drowned out by dolly parton's bridge]
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Reading: Firefighter!Kyle by @stellewriites
ok to start mister mistoffelees!!!!!!! what a name I swear cat owners give their pets the wildest names (I met someone who had two cats named porterhousesteak and shakeandbake - both names were pronounced like one word) (also on the off-chance charlotte if you're reading this, let's pretend we are two ships passing in the night and you can ignore my videogame military men thirstblog and i'll ignore the names you chose to bestow on your pets)
and even before stelly described him I KNEW HE WAS AN ORANGE CAT 😂
also I have not read or seen Cats the book/musical/movie prior to reading this fic but this made me want to so that I can flirt with stelleverse!kyle
“please misty, my arms are tired and my neighbours have probably already lost all respect for me,” you groaned. it turned into a huff when he turned away to clean his paws, ignoring you again. “you win! there, happy? you furry little orange devil, you fucking win!”
🤭🤭🤭 ok but let's be real we've all been there pleading with pettos and having full-on one-sided conversations with em
you pulled out your phone and skimmed the articles you’d pulled up advising you on how to get a stuck cat out of a tree.
*running to google* also is this not the most millenial/gen-z thing to do!!!! lmao the things I have googled....
“ah that looks like a job for our best man, don’ya agree, si? think this requires garrick’s expertise,” the man said again, smirking at the man sat next to him up front.
we stan a man who sees someone and goes "that's my mate's type" i feel like soap would be such a good wingman
“oi! i’d be happy to help the bonnie thing with their pussy, but ah thought you might appreciate stretching yer legs,” ‘tav huffed from the window.
irl men saying this to me: mace to the face first, questions later
fictional video game men saying this line to me: *practicing deep lunges so I can open my legs for them even wider*
“ahh ok,” kyle nodded. he tested the balance of the ladders against the tree. “musical or book?” my mum used to love t. s. eliot, so i know probably more than i should about it,” he joked, slowly reaching his hand out for misty to sniff at.
NERDY MAMA'S BOY THEATER LOVER CAT WHISPERER HIMBO KYLE MY BELOVED (seriously stelly just took all my fucking weaknesses and rolled them into firefighter!kyle)
“it’s what we’re here for,” kyle said easily, shrugging as he came to stand before you. “plus, it’s always easy when the callers are so pretty.” “hah! right, yeah he’s a cutie,” you said and wiggled your fingers at misty, letting him bat at them. kyle waited for you to look up before replying. “i meant you,” he said a little sheepishly.
"he said a little sheepishly" that cat better get back in that tree to make space cos I'd be taking a running leap into his arms after rizzing me up like that
“like, how? on the emergency number?” you hinted. “ah fuck,” he swore and patted at his pockets. you heard the scotsman laugh from the truck and hid your own teasing smile behind your hand.
I would be remiss not to include this cute little challengefic stelly wrote that I have daydreamed about multiple times after reading (I usually picture gaz or soap here when I read about college/uni!141)
the fic also reminds me of the large lectures I attended in college (I was a solid sit near the middle or 2/3 up the room but never allll the way in the back student) where I observed in no particular order:
several randos watching various LOTR movies on their laptop
watching Pirates of the Caribbean and Dragon Ball Z was also super popular
also re: chronic anime porn purveyor -> seeing a girl straight up go over and unplug his charger from the wall socket AND his laptop and just WALK AWAY WITH IT 😂🙌 (my queen I still think about you from time to time after all these years, I oft pray to match a thimbleful of your energy)
girl playing Pokemon Red on an emulator on her laptop (I was riveted and also went to search and download the same and got lost in the sauce burning through all the pokegames for a hot minute too...THANK YOU ARIA!!!!!!!!)
guy playing tetris on his comp at an INSANELY god-tier speed level; i'm positive he did it for an audience because i swear i saw people attempting to look for and sit behind him to observe him during classes to watch his ass play (noooo this wasn't me who said that also he was kinda cute in a 'you are very competent in this weirdly niche area and i find that kinda hot' way)
girl dropping $800+ on topshop website (am I dating myself mentioning topshop lol is it still around?!?!)
guy speedwriting a paper for another class and turning it in - all during a totally unrelated class, honestly was impressed
girl flawlessly applying liner, lipstick, and a glitter topper without spilling or getting the glitter everywhere (btw at a 9am lecture? slay sis)
anyway can you tell i went to a very large uni lol OK WHERE WAS I BACK TO FIC BACK TO FIC
you stared at the screen unblinkingly, thoroughly distracted from your course and the discussion around you until a hand holding a slip of paper appeared at your shoulder in your peripheral. you flicked your eyes up and found the professor busy facing the board and took the chance to swivel in your seat to look up at the one above yours and the handsome man that currently claimed it.
I can physically feel my pupils popping til they engulf my eyes as I read this - also I loved the premise of this challenge (cali my beloved making bangers as usual @the-californicationist) with people having to guess who the chara was! one of the verrrry first fics I read in cod fandom was an insert-blorbo-of-your-choice-here x reader that I looooooooooved; I find the fill-in-the-blank aspect verrrry titillating✨
“i could maybe think of some way you could thank me,” he acquiesced, smile turning sly. “better concentrate on the front of the class for now though.” he nodded forward.
can also physically feel my pupils turning to heart eyes at this line 😍UNFFFF YES YES LET'S HAPPILY BRAINSTORM THE MANY MANY M A N Y WAYS I COULD THINK OF THANKING YOU GOOD SIR
i met some of my best mates (and earned some wild stories to boot) at uni, as they say over on the other side of the pond, and all the fun cute chaotic little moments of serendipity sprang back up when I read stelly's works and made me feel incredibly nostalgic 🥰🥰🥰 going old school and pulling out my 2008 neutrogena lipgloss out of memory lane for my chef's kisses for yooouuuuu mwahmwahmwahmwah😙👌😙👌😙👌😙👌
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m1ssunderstanding · 9 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Four
"Lennon's late again" says Paul, as he walks in late. And sweet Ringo just gently, "between ten and eleven is the time" Which means: "Chill babe. He'll be here."
One thing that always gob smacks me is how bored George and Ringo are watching Paul pull Get Back out of the ether. They literally see him do this shit all the time which is insane to me.
His voice is so so so pretty!!! And he's just so completely in his own world. The hunched shoulders. The twitching. The gibberish. The tapping. The twisting.
Obviously this is a song with the original central feeling being let's go back to before everything went wrong but he wants to make it into a meaningless song with both story bits and almost walrus-esque bits. But why is the first lyric he comes up with about gender? Thinking of @scurators posts on Paul and gender.
Ringo's customary quiet really does add significance to his voice, so him singing along with this so quickly says something I think about his support for the song and for Paul in general.
When John walks in he's greeted with a little cocky nod and smile like "look what I've just done while you were late." And then Paul sings "get back to where you once belonged" directly at him before breaking the eye contact. It's one of those heartbreaking Lennon/McCartney miscommunications because Paul is doing this to get John back, but actually it's scaring him away, you know? Paul thinks he has to prove to John how good he is, but John's exhausted with how good Paul is.
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STFU Michael Lindsay Hogg
Paul really does love the idea of being forced out of parliament by cops and honestly so do I. Would've been iconic and might've kept them together.
John's so quiet today and also Yoko is not here. Correlation or causation I wonder.
"They say don't they say charity begins at home?" I love you forever, George. His humor is always so well-placed and so dry (even though he's clearly cracking himself up here). And it steers the conversation away from a direction he was not happy with without poking any bears. In fact, everyone's laughing. Clever boy.
"I've decided that the whole point of it is communication. And to be on TV is communication and we've got a chance to smile at people like all you need is love or something so that's me incentive for doing it." Wise, egalitarian John making a lovely appearance.
And then there's Paul. "I'm here cause I wanna do a show." Lol I love them.
Why do they say "Mr Epstein?" Is it because they're on camera and they want people to know who they're talking about? Does it have something to do with the maharishi telling them certain ways to talk about Brian? Does anyone have any thoughts about that?
Okay so you know how I just said last time how emotionally mature George was? I still think it's generally more true of him than the others, but this right here? This is not it. "I don't want to do any of my songs in the show because they'll all just turn out shitty." Man has issues.
I think it's important to recognize that George and Paul have both said the literal word "divorce" and it's NBD. But when John does it, Paul takes it as "the groups really over and I have to go into hiding and not get out of bed and maybe od who knows." Why? There's another puzzle piece here that we're missing.
"Should we leave you for a while?" "YES!"
On the one hand I'm like "working on Maxwell is the last thing you guys should be doing with this time alone." But on the other thing maybe it's the only thing they can do at this point.
"Mal? You should get a hammer. And an anvil." As he's walking away. Main character in a contrived mad genius biopic. Except it's real.
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"Joan" sounding suspiciously like "John" ... And then he goes "fool, Maxwell fool." Aka one of their ~special words~ New theory. John hates Maxwell because he dies in it. And Paul's the killer.
"Take it away Johnny." Even though it was George and John whistling before wasn't it? Did George get cut from the whistle chorus? Another straw on the camel's back.
I LOVE that John just does not know any of his own songs. Across the Universe my beloved!
On the glyn/Paul moment featured below, I have three thoughts. 1. Whore. 2. John Lennon villain origin story. 3. The fact that glyn didn't just tell John is striking.
"I wish it fucking would". "Cause I'm down." This lyric going from a self-soothing reassurance that his people aren't going to leave him that he'll always have this beautiful dream he's created with them. To this? I hate it here.
So there is a big emotional and energy difference between their Beatlemania selves singing "Rock and Roll Music" and their current selves. And part of it is due to the fact that they're just not as happy as they were then. But I think most of it is really just that they thrive when they're performing for an audience.
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kurov1864 · 4 months
Milgram idol au (pt.4)
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003 Fuuta:
He's a redhead. Like. A natural redhead. Nobody believes him.
He's got that "rebellious and wild, fighting against the system" kinda image. You can see it from the way he acts, the way he gets styled, and his marketing. Wears a lot of ripped jeans and more punked-themed clothes, and never really follows any fashion trends. His hair needs a lot of gel when he has to style it though.
His fanbase calls him a "sad wet cat". He hates it.
They like his straightforwardness though. His wordings and overall phrasing leaves very little room for misinterpretation, and he doesn't beat around the bush. Until the conversation topics start shifting towards more… mature aspects. Then he starts stuttering like mad and his ears heat up until it's red. If anybody points his reactions out he'll either rationalize that this is a very normal response or completely ignore that person and pretend that he's fine.
Special talent is being able to spray paint those big S signs that we've all seen in middle school with uncanny accuracy.
Rapper. His songs incorporate lots of rap and rock elements. His voice is also more bold and powerful, with a bit of an edge to it. Kinda gruff in a way? Like he sings and speaks with a certain rasp. This makes him great for the more aggressive lines.
Like Yuno, he also has a strong social media presence. Just not on his official account. Honestly, he seems like the type of dude that retweeted/said the wrong things way too many times on his official account so Es just locked him out lmao.
Speaking of that, he's a PR nightmare. Literally just does his own shit with no thinking about how it could turn out really badly. Has probably gotten cancelled over his ignorance of certain topics, leading to him always being placed next to one of the more sensible ones (Yuno, Shidou, Kotoko) so that they can shut him up whenever they sense that he's treading on dangerous topics.
His signature move would be the sign of three over his right eye. I know it's cruel. I know there's probably a better move to give him. But I haven't thought of said move so you're stuck with this suckers.
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pico-digital-studios · 5 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Clashing Beliefs
Like with "X for Danger", this scene is a mini-crossover with Funkinverse by @robovoidfrog, another Spider-Verse themed crossover with beep-boop rappers.
(Agent Blueballs is owned by Malicious Bunny; this interpretation is owned by LemonDew)
During one quiet evening, Benjamin was on his way back home, quietly singing to himself.
Benjamin: 🎵 Then you're left in the dust... Unless I stuck by ya~! I'm a sunflower... I think your love would be too much! 🎵
On his way, however, he heard someone land behind him.
Benjamin: Huh?
He turned around, seeing someone with purple eyes in the shadows.
Benjamin: Who's there? You're not one of those creeps, are you?
<It's funny. I've been getting that quite a lot.>
Another iteration of Boyfriend stepped out of the shadows, albeit slightly taller, with long, dark hair, and much duller skin.
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Benjamin: Huh? Another me?
???: <And you thought you'd already seen plenty of alternate "Boyfriends" in life, Miku?>
Benjamin: Who are you, exactly? And... what happened to you for your skin to wither like that?
???: <It's classified.> *sigh* <Never mind. I'll explain it for you; I'm from another dimension.>
Benjamin: You are? Guess that explains your differences compared to me, huh?
???: <My name... is Agent Cam "Blueballs" Malicious. I run an elite strike force dedicated to protecting the multiverse from harm.>
Benjamin: Then why did you come here then, Cam? Nothing's threatening me here right now from alternate realities.
Cam: <It once did, though.>
Benjamin: W-What do you mean?
Cam: <I bore witness to the creeps that wound up in that dimension out of our usual bounds, and I've been stuck trying to get guys like them back to their dimensions before all of time and space collapses. I'm also fully aware of your little friend from a neighbouring dimension trying to mess with the space-time continuum just to disrupt HIS canon event.>
Benjamin: Canon-? Oh, great... Another Miguel-type guy.
Cam: <Urgh... And please don't get me started on the Spirit and that little time-tinkerer back on Earth-103122.>
Benjamin: I already know about circumstances from other dimensions, sheesh!
Cam: <Ugh. Got quite the attitude, I see. Well, I've not as much reason to have to be here, considering your dimension does confine to the canon points and has remained stable. Surprisingly more so than I'd expect, considering some things had changed.>
Benjamin: And? What's the point you're trying to ask?
Cam: <I was going to ask if you wanted to join my strike force. Help protect other dimensions from harm, and work alongside others like you. You can make so many new companions there, Benjamin, and I'll be there to keep you on the straight and narrow.>
Benjamin thought about it for a moment, before stepping back.
Benjamin: I'm alright with what I've got, Cam.
Cam: <You're skipping out on an opportunity like this?>
Benjamin: If I wish to interact with more "-friends" like Softie, Evan and Lexi, I can do it outside the confines of some fake utopia.
Cam: <You could be one of THE best recruits available for the job-.>
Benjamin: I'm not joining your little cult, Malicious! I've already seen the Spider-Society's failures, and you're going to make those same mistakes. I'd rather hang out with other counterparts of myself not bound to your ideals of fate.
Cam: <Benjamin, we've all wanted to live the life we wish we had, myself included. Believe me, I've tried. And the more I tried, the more damage I did. You cannot have it all, kid. Being "Boyfriend" is a sacrifice. That's the job. The job you signed up for when you dropped out of high-school. I need you to come with me, Ben.>
Benjamin (glaring): I'm. not. coming.
Cam (suddenly speaking): I wasn't asking, Miku!
Judith (DJX GF) (through comm): Hey, Cam, cool it a bit, will ya? We shouldn't be capturing every -friend we come across!
Benjamin: Y-You were intending on CAPTURING me?! You're WORSE than Miguel!
Cam: <Urgh... You could've kept quiet about that, Judith. We'll talk later.>
He advanced towards Benjamin, his TP infection showing on his arms as he went to grab the kid.
Benjamin: Get off of me!
Cam: <At least you won't have to worry about being alone. I'm sorry in advance, kid.>
Benjamin just spat at his face in response.
Benjamin: What part of "I'm not coming" slipped out of your infected mind?!
Cam: <Ben, this is what happens when you attempt to break the canon. I broke it myself, and paid horribly for it.>
Benjamin: I'm sorry about what happened to your alternate Girlfriend, but how do you know that it's attributed to "canon"? It could've been something else entirely!
Cam: <Your friend violated canon by causing this universe to come into existence.>
Benjamin: Leave Pico out of this!
Cam: <Listen, kid. You have a choice between saving one person and saving an entire world. Every world.>
Benjamin: Like the alternate Salty, I'm willing to do both! I'm not afraid to say it to your face and revel in it, Blueballs; canon events SUCK!
He activated his ECHO ability to replicate the TP infection harmlessly on his arms before pushing Cam back. His eyes glowed yellow to symbolise his angelic self.
Benjamin: You're one to talk about "canon" when you clearly don't abide by it yourself! In fact, I'm willing to bring an entire TEAM into the equation to screw your philosophy over! If Gwen Stacy's universe could survive a canon aversion, MANY more universes can! I'll give you one chance, Malicious. Either you leave my world, or you're in for an extreme butt-kicking.
Cam shook a bit before HIS eyes became pitch-black with purple sclera, and glared angrily at his younger counterpart.
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Cam: (telepathic) <The youth of today, huh...?> (speaking) Seems like you and that white-haired mistake aren't so different, after all, huh? And considering you're so adamant on averting canon when your friend averted YOUR demise... (maniacal laugh) Alright, then, kid! If that's how you want to make your move, then let's dance... anomaly!
(Cue their clash between each other)
After whatever cover represents this battle, Benjamin managed to trip Cam up.
Benjamin: Last warning, Malicious. Book it, or you're dead!
Cam: <You could've listened. This would've been so much easier otherwise.>
Benjamin: *sigh* Look. You don't have to keep going down this route. Your own Society's faith in you is going to be in shambles if you keep up this behaviour. Please... turn back from this dark route. We can get that TP infection out of you, and you can live a genuinely happy life if you're not dead-set on letting others perish to an algorithm.
Cam: ... <I don't always like what I have to do, Miku... but I still know that I have to be the one to do it. I've given up too much to stop now.>
He got back up.
Cam: <If that's how you wish to be, then there's no reason for me to associate with you anymore unless you decide to intervene further. And if you try that, I will send the Funkin' Society's whole wrath upon you. Guess that's one more -friend I have to add to the anomaly list, then. Farewell... Miku.>
Cam walked off into a portal.
Benjamin: If that's how he wants to play it, then it's a chance I'll take when the time comes. The other Salty's got his band in his side of the action, so I'll try to make my own to face down Cam with.
As he continued on his way, he found a special lavender watch on the ground, clearly placed there by someone before.
Benjamin: D-XML's work, huh? I'll take it.
He activated its communicator feature.
Gracie (SNS GF): Who's this?
Benjamin: Benjamin Miku, the Boyfriend of Earth-111723. You must be the one leading the Gang against the Funkin' Society, right?
Gracie: I am, yes. I see you got XML's watch safe and sound.
Benjamin: Mhm. I encountered Blueballs and gave him a butt-whooping of my own, and now I'm amongst those he's classed as anomalies. But I'm ready to do whatever it takes to defy his twisted canon and contribute in saving Salty and putting an end to The X!
Gracie: So you want in to our own band?
Benjamin saw Brooke (VS OURPLE GUY BF with his son), Toon BF, Mobian BF, Aloe Mano, D-XML, Golden BF and Boom (Electro Funkin' GF), each still on the search for Salty.
Benjamin: Once I've acquired my own crew to help out? Yeah. I'm in!
So Benjamin got to gathering his own team to assist Gracie's team, and with the fate of the Friday Night Funkin' multiverse on the line, he was ready to give it his all to help others around him.
To be continued...
Below is the unedited sprite for Cam/Agent Blueballs that I made, along with the original Benjamin sprite for comparison and an armless alt for different poses. I'm still not sure how to get the pics back in top quality in a small size for you guys, but I'll work on it.
(And yes, Cam's in the same art style as a nod to that gag of Miguel not maintaining the same animation style between universes.)
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So, I can drop the team members that Benjamin was able to gain below:
IAB!Softie (younger than the base Softie, but with the right amount of courage)
Barbara (Arrow Funk GF)
Soft Pico (the original; there to get Softie back from the Society's clutches)
MIX Boyfriend (specifically an alternate counterpart, since the original's working in the Funkin' Society and replaces Web-Slinger)
B-Bot (BF from Mega Man: Funkin' Heroes)
Return Funkin' Girlfriend
Mii Boyfriend
Evan (Childhood Memories BF; mainly as emotional support)
Neo Girlfriend (also there to get Neo BF out of the Funkin' Society's cult-like hold)
BluBuni (Bunfriend's genderflip counterpart (Leideri's take) from one dimension; accents more cuteness than anything)
Bently Forceloyed
IAB!Softie and Evan were immediately on-board with this goal, though as for the others:
Barbara joined the group after she had to keep Judith from admitting Bidu into the Funkin' Society by force.
Soft Pico and Neo Girlfriend joined to get some answers as to where their boyfriends had been dragged away to.
The alternate MIX Boyfriend just needed the right payment to be brought on board.
B-Bot, Return Funkin' Girlfriend and BluBuni simply joined the crew out of the goodness of their hearts.
Mii Boyfriend getting admitted into the Funkin' Society was hijacked partway through, and he simply relegated to Benjamin's side since he needed something worth doing.
As for Bently, when he was dealing with a multiversal trespasser in his dimension one evening (sometime after Benjamin's run-in with Cam), said trespasser being a cartoonish lunatic known as Max Chaos, Cam came along to assist him (even interfering with a planned ambush that would've knocked Bently out cold). And trust me, Cam's already well aware of Max's antics in his dimension.
Max: What's up with dis whole trouble tryna mag me anyway, mac?! Bently: To keep this city safe from bandits like you! Max: Bandit?! Why- I'm new here! Dis is my first time doin' a crime. Ya see, I grew up- Cam: Silence! Bently: What's his reputation like? Cam: <Ran over and destroyed numerous planets in a cartoon gag, literally shattered the fourth wall, can grab a nuclear warhead from hammerspace, and he's got a huge bounty on his head in his world.>
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(Art by @mcgamejolter)
And though the two cooperated well in sorting him out, it came to a halt after B-Bot and Neo Girlfriend interfered in his attempt to recruit Bently in. And after this came out, the kid instantly wanted nothing to do with Cam and was willing to fight through EVERY -friend under his lead to put an end to so-called "defined fates" and truly make his own way in life. This got him as a member of the crew to help stop The X.
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bayofwolves · 3 months
Rereading Fire and Ice
We're back again after a short break! Sorry this one took so long to get out, adult life caught up to me. As you might know, these posts are to discuss interesting tidbits and things I hadn't noticed before. Let's get right to it!
Once again, please mind the tags.
In A Revised History of Erdas, Rollan is native and has his long hair in two braids, so this cover messes with me. I really fuck with the colour scheme, though.
Meilin thinks Maya might be crazy. She also jokes about burning Pia's house down in a later chapter, which is a little unsettling! These are definitely just throwaway lines that aren't meant to be thought about again, but I find myself wishing the authors had purposefully written Maya to be a little bit off. It would add something to her character, at least.
Rollan is confirmed to be a person of colour! Yay! "His brown eyes were warm, his brown skin speckled with dirt from the road, his broad face comfortingly familiar." I wasn't a fan of the ambiguous "tan" description he got before.
It seems Abeke may have been physically abused in her home as well as emotionally. She says that if she had ever talked back to her father like Rollan did to Pia, she would be switch-whipped. Pojalo, mark my words, you will answer for everything you've done to hurt this girl.
Abeke being a Rain Dancer becomes relevant! Everybody cheer! Being near water helps her think clearly and make sense of the situation in Samis. Would have been nice to show her actually making it rain at any point like Rain Dancers are supposed to do, but I'll take this, I guess…
Aidana may have had Rollan when she was a teenager. This doesn't have any real merit, but I think it's very possible. And no matter her age at the time, given her circumstances -- living on the streets, mentally unwell and experiencing frequent blackouts -- I doubt her pregnancy was of her own will. Especially considering how she never mentions anything about Rollan's father, and he never asks.
Rollan doesn't seem to remember Wikerus. (Perhaps he only had traumatic memories of him, and his brain covered these up along with the memories of Aidana's sickness.) He probably would have mentioned to the Greencloaks that his mother was Marked if he'd known.
Zerif must have found and cured Aidana while he was in Concorba seeking Rollan and Essix. I doubt he would have visited that city on two separate occasions. He likely came across her after losing Rollan to Olvan. Another element of tragedy to their story: Aidana was possibly just hours or minutes too late to safely reunite with her son.
Aidana talks about the Devourer helping people, seeking out those afflicted by the bonding sickness and curing them with the Bile. It's unclear if she means Gar or Shane by this, but I'm inclined to believe the latter. In that case, it would have been interesting to see some of this -- Shane finding people the Greencloaks passed over and taking their pain away. He would have genuinely thought he was doing something right, even if he was offering them up to Gerathon in the process.
Pia may have been alive in Feliandor's time, as Rollan notices she doesn't seem surprised to learn of the new war. This is entirely possible, as Suka presumably froze herself and stopped visiting Samis soon after the Fall of the Four in the First Devourer War.
The animal that attacks the group's boat on their way to Arctica isn't fully revealed. I hope it was a creature that doesn't exist on Earth. I imagine a hippocampus or something like it, since the noise made when Tarik strikes it is described as sounding like a wet horse's flank.
Tarik's bond with Lumeo gives him the power to control water. Wish we'd seen more of this.
Abeke has never seen hail before their nights in Arctica.
Conor singing has always been one of the most memorable parts of this book for me. I wish there'd been other instances of him singing folk songs for the group.
So as we've seen with Suka, Great Beasts can devolve into a beast-like state -- presumably if they are comatose for a long period of time. Suka had probably been asleep for hundreds of years, so it makes sense that her mind would be delayed.
Jhi calming Suka reminds me of what Meilin's bond token was intended to do. It would have been a neat callback to what happened here if it had stopped Song's murderous rage.
Halawir's identity as the Betrayer has actually been hinted at in a few books prior to the reveal, this one and Tales of the Great Beasts. Here, it's clear that him asking for Suka's talisman meant he was up to something.
Abeke and Maya's little conversation where they hold hands for comfort and call each other magical is the gayest thing these books have given us since... Suka and Jhi, a few chapters ago. It's a really sweet but also sad moment, Maya revealing that she is traumatized and Abeke not knowing how to help. Definitely one of my favourite parts.
The dream Conor has about the group all wearing strange shoes could have actually had some meaning behind it. The laces on Meilin's dumpling shoes that stretch behind them for miles could symbolize her Bile bond leading the Conquerors to them. Abeke falling through the ice with her fire shoes, but Conor being unable to save her, could foreshadow her being captured by the Conquerors in the next book. As you may recall, Conor was not present and could not do anything when this happened.
I don't believe Shane had any intention of cutting Uraza off Abeke's skin. It's this line for me: "Shane is too much of a diplomat, so Zerif made sure we [Ana and Tahlia] came along and enforced the plan. He was especially hurt by Abeke's betrayal." I'm assuming Shane knew of the plan, and may have been okay with threatening Abeke to get what he wanted (similar to how he used Achi to win his fight against Lishay in The Book of Shane: Vendetta), but wasn't going to actually harm her. He knew he could get the talisman another way. Zerif, on the other hand, wanted Abeke to suffer and so sent two of his minions along. Less plausible is the chance Shane wasn't even in on it to begin with, and Zerif (and his minions) deliberately conspired behind his back. (I'm all for the Conquerors defying Shane's authority, given that ARHoE has Drina stage a coup, so I find this possibility particularly intriguing.)
Kind of wish Abeke had ridden on Great Briggan with Conor in the final battle. Would have made for an iconic scene.
Poor Abeke is concussed during the final battle. I never spotted this growing up because I've never had a concussion and didn't know the signs. I thought she was just tripping, to be honest.
Rollan begins to slip into suicidal ideation after his mom tries to kill him. This book has not been kind to our protagonists, not one bit.
On this quest, the team has done two terrible things: destroyed the Ice Palace, a place built by generations of Ardu, and condemned the entire village of Samis to death. And all for a talisman that slips out of their hands, no less.
My final thoughts on Fire and Ice are mixed. There were some inconsistencies and relapses in character development, and while I can chalk it up to being a product of the many different authors working on this series, it still got on my nerves a little. Let's be real, Conor's animosity towards Shane came out of nowhere and is wildly out of character for him. Rollan shouldn't have still been grating on Conor for giving away the Iron Boar when they resolved that conflict back in Blood Ties. It's a little messy. But I liked the rest. They introduced some elements in this one that really grabbed me. I absolutely love Aidana and her relationship with Rollan; she's a good example of how the war is not so black and white. I love how our protagonists firmly believe anything they do is justified because it's for the greater good, choosing to ignore the destruction they leave behind. I love the depth Rollan got, though it unfortunately came at the expense of other characters'. I wish they hadn't waited to develop Maya until we were nearing the end; I really enjoyed her when they gave her a bigger role. The focus this author gave Conor and Abeke has always been a highlight of the series for me; their relationship is so sweet and caring, though I see it as more platonic than anything. And of course, I loved the darker elements that this book had. Not only that, but it left me in emotional pain, which is exactly what I need to consider something a good read.
All in all, another solid addition to the series. This journey hurt our protagonists so much, and it hurt me.
This is part of an ongoing series.
Wild Born | Hunted | Blood Ties | Fire and Ice | Against the Tide | Rise and Fall | The Evertree
Immortal Guardians | Broken Ground | The Return | The Burning Tide
Heart of the Land | The Wildcat's Claw | Stormspeaker | The Dragon's Eye
Tales of the Great Beasts | The Book of Shane | Tales of the Fallen Beasts
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ananke-xiii · 11 days
Form and Void... Hands and Hearts.
Sam, Billie and the Poor Guy.
Form as Void and Void as Form is personified in Amara. Amara is The Darkness and she's empty, hungry and asks to be fed. But she's also got a very specific form and it's changing and growing very rapidly.
But this is also the episode where The Empty is mentioned for the first time and Sam asks God (who's absent) for help. I think it was a compelling triangulation that this episode suggested but it didn't really go anywhere. I mean, technically the themes kept theming (lol) because Dean got paired with Amara, Sam (very briefly) with God and Cas (eventually) with The Empty. However, to be fair, it's a feeble connection, a mere parallel that eventually doesn't really go that far in terms of meaning. It makes for a nice signifier, though.
Speaking of signifiers, I like the fact that in this ep Sam's the one asking people "What's your name?" and people don't immediately reply to him. He's looking for meaning and he's finding none. I also like how Billie, initially, was more of a threat to Sam, she's got beef with both brothers but in this episode she's very much focused on Sam as she's sensing that he's dying. I would have liked to see more but, as we know, Billie will later kinda of obsess a little over Dean so, once again, goodbye Sam's storyline.
Speaking of Sam, since Cain has been invoked in this episode and since he's starting to hear voices in his head we know that he's being paralleled to SPN's Abel and Abel's pov is completely missing in SPN. I personally would have loved it if s11 were a bit more Sam-focused but after mid-season s11 is definitely more about Dean, so... I think this was one of the season's flaws.
Sam's also super scary in this episode. He goes to a hardware store to grab tools to basically hunt people. He electrocutes a guy and he does it using both hands and going for his heart. He then proceeds to abduct him, chain him and handcuff him. I find it funny when people like to portray Sam as rational and well-adjusted cause, and I mean it lovingly (lol), Sam's fucking insane. I mean, yes, he wants to help people and these people have been infected but I love the fact that the first thing he does is to create a trap as if they were mice and then save them (well, apart from the electrocuted guy who dies after his pudding). It plays very well into the subversion theme of the episode: hunting people to save people.
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Poor Guy handcuffed by Sam is very tender, he doesn't even ask to be freed: he wants something REAL, something to hold in his hands. Look at that gesture! I feel so sorry for him. He's the episode's established prey. I wonder who are the others (spoiler: Cas and Amara)?
Poor Guy asks for a pudding and tells Sam he's just taking his "sweet time" while he should "eat a bullet". Food here is very much related to death and, right on time, Billie the Reaper enters the stage.
Bille's first appearance is via her hand's shadow while she's singing this song:
O death, o death, o death won't you spare me over another year? Oh, what is this that I can't see with ice-cold hands taking hold of me? When God is gone and the devil takes hold who'll have mercy on your soul?
And then we get this beautiful shot (this is the shadow of Billie's right hand taking the guy left's hand):
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Poor Guy wants to hold something in his hands while Death, with her ice-cold hands, is taking hold of people. Oh, poor guy, Poor Guy!
Sam is then handed a recycled version of s9 Dean's praying in the chapel but nobody comes for him (it's maybe for the better lol). He literally needs to save himself using Billie's suggestion (I love Bille, she's such an ambiguous character, she claims she wants him dead and then she helps him, same happens for Dean, I swear I wanted to know more about her):
So . . . I know it's been a long time, but . . . Dean and I, we've -- we've been through a lot of bad. But this is different. This is my fault, and I don't know how to fix it. And if I have to die, I've made my peace with that, but . . . Please. Dean deserves better. Dean deserves a life. There are people out there, good people, who are going to suffer because of me, and I am not asking you to clean up my mess. Hell, I don't even know if you're out there, but . . . If you are . . . And if you can hear me, I, um . . . We need your help, God. We need to know there's hope. We need a sign.
As I've stated before, Sam is asking for names which is a way to anchor reality by defining it in order to be able to keep on living. In other words, to find a sign that gives meaning to what's happening. But nobody replied when he asked for people's names and God won't reply either.
So what do we know about Sam? He's the hunter hunting for preys to save. He's devoid of meaning and nobody is willing to give it to him. He needs to give himself meaning. His form is decaying since he's dying. He's also becoming Abel and this is NOT a good sign because it means that he'll become Lucifer's prey. Sam's very much Amara's opposite: while she's growing, he's dying; he's asking for help and meaning but nobody is there to help him while Amara asks to be fed and she finds people (Jenna, Crowley) who are willing to provide for her. However, they have one thing in common: they both know one thing or two about cages.
We Need To Talk About Cas.
While Sam asked for a sign, Cas asked for help. However, he got something. What, you ask? A hand-me-down from S9, just like Sam and the chapel scene (LOL). Cas, like Dean in s9, desperately and stupidly asks ANGELS for help. Of course angels always come when they hear prayers to them, it's just that they usually come to scam people and so Cas gets scammed.
Angels are on a hunt to find the Winchesters and they're using Cas as a smear of blood on their trail. He gets abducted, restrained and handcuffed just like Poor Guy:
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Castiel hanging like red meat.
Cas, again desperately and stupidly, asks for mercy in the name of brotherhood to which Ephram the angel is like: sir, this is a Wendy Heaven.
CASTIEL: Mercy, brother, please! EFRAM: Brother? Ha! What are you? CASTIEL: W-what? I'm an angel of the Lord. EFRAM: That so? 'Cause, near as I can tell, when you have to choose between heaven and the Winchesters . . . JONAH: You choose them. EFRAM: Every time. So, see, you're not my brother. And if I had it my way, I'd take this blade, stick it in your heart . . . and call that a damn good day.
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Angels are very interested is some of Castiel's parts.
I think this is an important image. We know Castiel's got too much heart etc. so methinks it's suspish that angels are so concerned with Cas' heart... why do they wanna stick their blade in there? (this sounds awful but I'm proud of it LOL), what's inside these damn hearts of these damn characters that we can't know?! Sometimes storytelling must be bold and Supernatural, when it comes to the heart, rarely is. It's a real shame.
Anyway, here comes Hanna: they act like Gadreel coming to Dean when called to save Sam but they're the wolf in disguise. Hannah is Gadreel is the preacher/hunter from "The Night of the Hunter" is... Crowley.
Yes, look at these following shots:
Crowley putting lots of sugar in his tea with his right hand:
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Crowley puts sugar in his tea. It's a shocking news for me.
Hannah single-handedly (with their right hand) freeing Cas from the ropes.
Now we've see how the right hand is NOT the hand of love so we know now that Hannah, just like Crowley, is pretending, they're not there to help, they're on a hunt.
As per usual, Cas kills all of his "brothers" and saves himself just like Sam. Nobody's there for these characters (Big Sad Face).
So how is Cas compared to "Form and Void" Amara? Well, in his case things are a little different. Amara is referred to as "a little angel" by Jenna's grandma while Crowley refers to Cas as "the idiot angel". Cas himself states that he is angel in front of his brothers.
Plot twist: Amara's got the devil inside ("The devil's in that girl!").
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Soulless Jenna smashes angels' statues + that thingy that resembles a lot Poor Guy's open hands.
Plot twist 2! If both Amara and Cas are "angels" and now Amara's got the "devil inside" does that mean...? Yeah it does. Dabb literally told us Cas will be Lucifer's vessel in this episode and I hate it that he was so clever and smooth about it. Grrrr. It's such goood storytelling why is he writing it? Lol. Lucifer bearing the key to Amara's cage, Cas ending up in Lucifer's cage and setting him free... Is, perhaps, one might humbly asks, Castiel the key to someone connected with Amara? The Lucifer/Amara/Castiel of it all is absolutely beautiful. I L-O-V-E it.
The final blow. Sam and Dean are back to the bunker, we see the pile of books from S10's ending and the light illuminates just parts of a book's title.
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I need to know the bunker's novels section.
The screenshot, as per my usual, is shitty but the very last book on the pile reads "Sec.....of the Heart" by Cynthia F..."
And then, boom, we find Cas on the other side of the pile. I told you that there is a secret in this episode and the secret is that between Form and Void there's something and this something is the heart of...? Of course we know it's Dean's.
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