#also the chapter that revealed how long all might has had ofa for
boss-the-goofball · 1 year
So I spent a good chunk of the week doing calculations and I can say with full confidence that All Might is roughly 54/55 - this is only if he got OfA at 14/15 which is highly likely for reasons that I will explain once I finish compiling everything
and yes, I will get a fucking cork-board and string for the purpose of this
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savindeku · 2 months
as a long time bnha fan, had to drop some thoughts i’ve been having about the manga ending! i’ve held this series near and dear to my heart, through the moments when i felt it was great story telling and when i felt so much was missing, or didn’t quite hit the mark. so i definitely don’t think bnha (or hori) is above critique, i love to yap about this series ((:
to me, there’s three main parts to the ending that i felt make sense:
izuku giving up OFA
izuku becoming a teacher
izuku still having the chance to be a true quirkless hero
going into depth on each of these, while i love the inclusion of these three pieces, i can understand why the actual execution didn’t land with folks. even i have my qualms! okay let’s get into it! ps. this is really me just yapping away from the heart so bare with it 🫰🏽
1) izuku giving up OFA:
I think this one should not come as too much of a surprise, given that the reveal of OFA essentially being the cause of the early demises of the previous holders sort of insinuated an uncontrollable aspect to the power. even though izuku has an advantage as someone who was quirkless, it still creates a sense of foreshadowing that this is a gift that might have an expiration date. of course, a part of me would have loved for him not to have given it up but there’s enough build up there that it doesn’t feel out of left field. in addition to the running theme in the series being that anyone can be a hero/a quirk doesn’t make a hero, there’s certainly some symbolism in izuku now affectively being without, making him a quirkless hero - what he had dreamed of since the first chapter.
2) izuku becoming a teacher:
personally, i really love this for him! as a consumer of many a fanfic, i have grown obsessed with this job alternative for him, since it allows him to continue to work in the hero field, he can inspire the next generation to save to win (that as long as you willing to extend that helping hand, that’s what being a real hero is), his analytic mind is doing important work, and can use his own experience to help others learn! “deku sensei” makes my heart so happy and if anything, i would’ve loved an extra chapter just to see him as a teacher. one thing ill add here is, i can understand some disappointment with this or frustration at hori because to some, it may seem izuku ended up becoming complacent and didn’t at least try to continue to pursue his dream of being a hero after the war. not sure where i fall on this, but food for thought.
3) izuku still having the chance to be a true quirkless hero (sorry this is gonna be long lol):
now to really get into the big reveal for this final chapter - a tech suit designed just for izuku (at the main request of a one katsuki bakugou, which yeah i Will Be Totally Normal About) so he can still be on the field as a pro-hero!! okay i also loved this, i won’t deny it as much as im on the deku sensei train! bnha is a series that is never going to please everyone and its ripe with many issues throughout but i do think this was a beautiful way to wrap it up. once again, from chapter 1, we are met with izuku who wants nothing more to be a hero despite being quirkless. i never really liked the argument of “well why didn’t he try harder or train up” when the series explains to us over and over again that this is a society that values quirks above all else. its a literal systemic issue (hitting close to home but i digress), where izuku would NEVER have been accepted as a quirkless hero no matter how hard he worked because it simply isn’t designed to allow that (also where the fuck would he have gotten the resources for that is beyond me lmao).
to me, this part was actually very important for bringing the story to a full circle in which we actually (somewhat, but arguable not completely) address the core issue and theme “people are not born equal”. instead of perpetuating a “pull yourself up by your boot straps” mindset, hori tells a story where we acknowledge the system and how it is working as intended - and that’s the very reason it needed dismantling. of course, i think along the way, we maybe lost the plot at times (thinking about how we didn’t fully address izuku’s martyrdom mindset, children get sent off to war multiple times, most of the villains being k*lled off rather than being saved as izuku wanted) but there’s much evidence of this. knowing that there was still the spirit of a hero in izuku - which is MADE SO CLEAR HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HAVING A QUIRK - and he now has the chance to continue onward, quirkless. i mean c’mon, it’s really something (to me at least).
bonus note time
here’s a sprinkle of random lingering thoughts. one critique i saw was that it felt strange for izuku to accept he couldn’t be a pro-hero until his friends (ehm mainly Katsuki teehee) gifted him the suit. as if he really just gave up and this sort of hurts any character development for izuku. while i see the thought process here and would’ve also welcomed izuku getting the suit designed himself, it doesn’t upset me quite as much that this is how it actually played out. it’s definitely conflicting feelings for me because ultimately i would’ve loved for izuku to have had an arc where it was more explicitly stated that he overcame his overly sacrificial tendencies - or that the story spent time sitting with the trauma inflicted on the children fighting a war. but here is where bnha slacks off (imo) - we don’t get that breath to explore or analyze or genuinely know izuku’s thoughts or feelings on the matter (beyond that he’s sad that shigaraki died, enjoys being a teacher, and can admit that he misses his quirk). so in this way, it makes sense why hori chose this path. it’s more about his friends extending their hand to him, an offering of never leaving anyone behind who is a hero, quirk or not. i think of it as something more symbolic than it having to say anything about izuku’s character. i think for that to be addressed, there’s so many things further back we would need to unravel too lol
lastly - bnha is also a story about disabilities!! there’s been a decent amount of analysis on this so i won’t say much but i think this is also good to keep in mind. it helps for understanding the metaphor in place - quirks can be disabling and rather than creating a world that is accessible to all, the world requires that you figure it out instead. “people are not born equal” what if we dared to dream of a world that understood “we each take shape differently…” so that we might want to care for one another. so we can build something that makes the space for all of us to be able to live and thrive.
okay so that’s what i’m feeling now! like i said, i really love bnha and i simply can’t bring myself to say i hated the ending or anything. it’s a series that will always have a special place in my heart! there’s are just thoughts rattling in my brain and how ive interpreted things as someone whose read the manga the last 5 years! it’s crazy to look back and remember key moments that shook the fandom to its core. anyway, if you read all of this, thanks!! :D
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allmightluver · 4 years
**bnha spoilers** I'm just sat here with renewed realisation of what All Might is going through. 40 years. /40 years/ he held and refined that power and dedicated his every waking (and sleeping if Vigilantes is anything to go by) moment towards the goal of defeating AfO and creating a society in which people could feel happy and safe. And now as it turns out AfO is still alive, society is broken and he has given a literal piece of his soul to this young boy leaving himself with only phantoms
Yes. I don’t think people quite grasp what all he’s going through.
It’s been shown recently to us that some, if not most, heroes have underlying ambitions in becoming a hero. Whether for money, glory, fame, popularity, doesn’t matter. They’re ultimately in it for themselves. Toshinori’s intentions from the beginning have been the most pure- he wanted to be a symbol that people can look to and know things will be ok. A symbol of hope. This boy was only around 14 years old when he decided this. What kind of 14 year old sees the world that clearly? Sees that people have no hope, that a veil of darkness covers them. The only thing I can think of is- Toshinori did not have a good childhood. Something had to have happened to a boy that young to stop seeing the joy in life so early, and see the world’s flaws. Truthfully, I believe he was an outcast- due to his quirklessness. Most likely an orphan, perhaps abandoned by his parents, as we’ve never seen him have any family. I do truly believe Toshinori has been alone all his life. I don’t doubt more could have happened to him as a child before he met Nana. 
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Some may argue that Izuku is the same age, and therefore it shouldn’t be that hard to see why Toshinori wanted to be a hero at such a young age. BUT, Izuku had someone to look up to, ever since he was a child of four years old, to inspire him to be a hero his whole life *cough cough* All Might. Izuku also was quirkless, much like Toshinori, and an outcast because of it (hence where I assume Toshinori was much the same). But ultimately, Izuku wanted to save people because he saw his hero do it. It really wasn’t until Izuku was a bit older, has been in UA, has been on rescue missions, has seen what the heroes see, that I think he’s truly realized how dark the world really is. Toshinori didn’t have that. He didn’t have someone to inspire him as a child, someone to look up to, a hero to inspire him to help others. At that time, heroes hadn’t become as popular as they are in present times. Toshinori saw the world for what it was, on his own, at a tender age. I think that day Nana ran into this blonde hair kid, she eyed him up, noticed his scraggly form, looked into those captivating blue eyes, and saw a man who’s lived through the world’s horrors- experienced the worst it has to offer-, and wants to save everyone he can from the same fate, all in a 14 year old boy. 
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Then after only a few short years with the woman he saw as his mother, she’s killed in front of him because of his own weakness- he wasn’t strong enough yet to protect her. The only other person his life, Gran Torino, literally abused him. He beat him to a pulp, taking his own emotions out on a teenager, and I doubt Toshinori said anything of it. He probably thought he deserved it. He’s still afraid of Gran Torino to this day, remembering the beatings and expecting more for his failures- even if he doesn’t know what they are surely he’s at fault for something, but he’s the only person who’s stood by his side for this long. Even while at a distance, and spouting nothing but criticisms along the way. But Toshinori had to put aside his own emotions to be that hope for everyone. He left everything he knew to go to a new country on his own, to learn how to be a hero, to be that hope for someone.
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Vigilantes showed us just how hard he worked. Toshinori literally stayed awake with no sleep for days on end- 3 in the chapter I’m referencing- because people needed help, people needed saving, and no one else stepped up. He fought villains, rescued civilians, repaired damage, cleared rubble, (even accept and eat food that was against his dietary restrictions after his injury) whatever the public needed, all while draining himself further. He worked himself to the point of exhaustion because he had no help, once literally falling asleep while mid-leap across the city because he simply could go no further. 
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^^These happen in succession of each other^^
No one stepped up to say “Hey, Mr. Number 1, you’ve been working hard lately. Let me help you!” No one tried to take over his position. Even the Number 2 hero, Endeavor, never tried to take some of his burden. His only goal was to try to be better than All Might in terms of power- he was never trying to be the hero that the people relied on All Might for. Everyone relied on him when things looked grim. He was the back up plan. And all of this happened before Toshinori’s injury. 
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The only thing he ever wanted to do- help people- he can’t do (at least the way he’s always known how to). The ability to save people has been taken from him in the most gruesome way. He was finally able to fight the man that killed Nana, and in a rage that I’m sure echoed with all of the emotions of the previous users, he smashed that man’s head like a grape. But not without consequence. Several organs are gone. The pain is excruciating. He wears that man’s mark on his body for the rest of his life, never truly able to rid himself of the filth.
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Then we have Nighteye’s betrayal. The man that helped him as a sidekick, the man that grew to be his only friend. Now some people may ask why Toshinori flipped like he did to Nighteye looking into his future when he was concerned about him making it through his injury. What I believe is Toshinori didn’t want to know when he would die (and really, who does). Now he knows he’s on a time limit, knows the clock is ticking. Time is running out to keep the world at peace, and with him as he is now, how long can this go on? 
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I think the betrayal, doing something that Toshinori specifically asked him not to do, is what hurt the most. How can he trust Nighteye anymore? He already can only count on one hand the people he can trust, let alone befriend.
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He’s wasted away into a skeleton, a shell of the man he used to be. He can’t over exert himself without his only lung bleeding in protest. It’s canon in the side books that he really doesn’t eat much, which isn’t good for his diet without a stomach now (he’s supposed to have several small meals a day). He is quite literally punishing himself by starving. (Granted, he doesn’t feel hunger anymore.) He’s a sick man, beyond medical help at this point. They can only stabilize him and hope for the best. For five years now he’s in constant pain, every day. He loses blood like sweat. Surely his veins are bruised and collapsed with how many times he would have needed to be hospitalized. Whether from losing too much blood, being too dehydrated or starved from “forgetting” to eat, or an organ failing as body continues to fall apart. “...even as my body rots and grows frail...” - Toshinori People are bound to stare at him as he walks down the street. A tall, willowy, skeleton with a grimace on his face and blood stains on his clothes as he coughs up more into his own hands. There would be the ones who outright ignore him when they walk by, the people who offer pitying smiles and sympathetic glances or just outright stare, and then ones who are afraid of his appearance- children screaming at the mere sight of him and running to their parents to hide from the monster. Each one is another knife in Toshinori’s side, an ache in his chest. If only they knew who I really am.
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Losing Nighteye took a toll on his hero work as well. Mirai was a huge help in the past, and took care of all Toshinori’s paperwork, while also reminding him to take care of himself. Without him, Toshinori was even more buried beneath his responsibilities. Plus, now he was on a time limit. He even snapped briefly in his first meeting with Tsukauchi, accidentally revealing himself as All Might because he was under too much pressure, and telling the detective he literally couldn’t handle doing everything by himself (who graciously took over the paperwork side of things for him). 
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He was living a double life now, having to lie to people left and right about who he was while in his small form, about how he became so sickly, why he was here in the first place who the heck is this skinny old guy. Surely he had multiple visits to the doctor while continuing to repair the damage done by AFO (there’s a limit to how much the body can handle at once. And things I’m sure continued to fail as time went on). Then he would be bedridden for as long as the doctors could keep him strapped to a bed, until he couldn’t take the people’s cries for help any longer, and would jump into action. (It’s also revealed he has something of a super hearing- able to hear danger- which may have been a form of danger sense of OFA that was never fully unlocked?. Either way, he surly could sense disasters happening while he could only lay and heal from his latest surgery. Those poor doctors must have had to re-stitch him several times). People blame him for not preparing society for his retirement, that he failed in passing on the torch so to speak, but in reality he did everything possible to keep society from falling for 40 years, doing all within his power just to keep things afloat. He is only one person. One human being, he can’t do everything despite trying to. Society failed All Might.
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People blame him for not being a good teacher. He didn’t exactly have the greatest teacher himself to learn from. He’s never had to teach anyone anything, he just punches! He’s learning. And for his own credit, he’s an incredibly wise man, he has years of experience under his belt, and an intelligence score of 6/6, scoring up there with Nezu! He may not always have the right way to bring something up, but he’s doing his best. Yet even he blames himself for Izuku not being able to control his quirk better. Every time the boy hurts himself, it’s just another tally on the chalkboard of Toshinori’s failures. He himself knows the boy deserves better, better than him. Useless. Pathetic.
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Then his friend from America, Dave, essentially became a villain trying to preserve Toshinori’s legacy after Toshinori told him about his injury. Dave went behind his back, threatened people, injured people (pretty sure people died), all for Toshinori’s sake. Something he didn’t want to begin with. Having to put your only other friend in jail for trying to help you surely couldn’t have been easy.
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Oh, by the way? All For One isn’t dead. All Might will fight him again, publicly, have his weakened form exposed to the world, and have his own emotions toyed with as he finds out about his master’s grandson in the villain’s hands. Would Nana hate him for leaving her son alone like she’d asked, and dooming her grandchild to be raised by the greatest villain? Could he have done anything to save him? But Toshinori isn’t allowed to feel, he has to smile and push his own feelings aside once again, because there’s a villain to be fought, and only he can fight him. Despite coming out on top, he’ll have suffered severe head trauma, broken left arm, destroyed right arm, and several cuts and bruises that are sure to scar. And then, his quirk, the only thing that’s been allowing him to help people, the gift given to him that he carefully held for 40 years and molded into his own until his very consciousness was permanently carved into it, blows out like a match in the wind. And he’s done. Used up. Empty. Broken. Hollow. Alone, again.
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He overhears his student, Bakugo, admit that he blames himself for All Might’s retirement. If he hadn’t been captured, All Might wouldn’t have had to save him, and he wouldn’t have had to fight AFO. Of course Toshinori knows that’s not true, his time was about to run out anyway. It would have happened one way or another. But how can he explain to this child that he wasn’t the cause of his hero, the world’s greatest hero, fighting for his sake, bleeding for his sake, being forced into retirement to keep him safe. Every time Bakugo sees the bandages covering Toshinori’s body is another reminder of the pain and sacrifice Toshinori willingly gave to keep him safe. Toshinori wasn’t held when his mentor died. He wasn’t told it was ok to be sad, that grief and mourning was a natural process, that it takes time to heal. He wasn’t told it was ok to cry. Instead his feelings were beaten out of him as he wondered if Gran Torino blamed him for Nana’s death. He already blamed himself How then, does he comfort a child mourning for him? For what he lost.
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And then he gets the call to come to the hospital. Mirai, Nighteye, his old sidekick friend, has been gravely injured, much like he himself was only a few years ago, and most likely won’t survive the night. And to his horror, Nighteye is happy to see him, smiles at him, says he doesn’t hate him for what happened, only wants Toshinori to be happy. He can’t accept that, at least let him apologize, reconcile his sins before it’s too late! But it is. Another fractured piece of his heart gone.
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Of course, seeing your students beat up and their arms completely destroyed must have hurt. Instead of being able to save these kids, they’re the ones that hurt themselves to save everyone else. And if Bakugo had kept OFA, things could have been very different (especially with what we know now of OFA and people with quirks). Toshinori wasn’t mad at Izuku for transferring it away, he’d never regret choosing Izuku, and I believe he still would have stayed by Izuku and Bakugo’s side should it have stayed in Bakugo, doing whatever he could to help.
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As he tells Aizawa, “I’ve decided to live,” -that statement seems so melancholy, besides obvious reasons. It sounds more like another task he has to accomplish. He didn’t die he was supposed to die with the AFO fight, and now the whole life he lived is over. The world has no use for him anymore. If not for Izuku, he’d have nothing left keeping him here. But because his boy made him promise to live, he’ll do so. Though it almost seems like he says those words with regret. “I’ve decided to live.” Not, “I’m going to live!” “Nothing can kill me!” “I won’t go down without a fight!” No. “I’ll live if I have to, only because you asked me to.” The man is obviously and outwardly depressed. He has so many things against him. No doubt has severe PTSD, anxiety, among others. Not to mention his own physical health. Every day hurts. It’s painful to be alive. Why would he torture himself if he doesn’t have to? For you, my boy. You’re the only thing keeping me here. The only light in my dark world.
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He tries to help Izuku find out the previous holder’s quirks, to help his boy in any way he can now that he’s worthless, and goes days on end without sleep, running his body into the ground. He even forgets Christmas. Only to find that by giving the boy the same gift he had received, he may have just doomed him to an early death, among psychological torture (danger detection). (Granted, he really doesn’t know how everything works, and he’s afraid to talk to anyone about it). His boy could live only half a life.
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It’s only been a few months since he retired, and society has fallen into shambles. People are blaming him. People are dying. He watches helplessly as his colleague fight his fight for him, and end up battered, bruised, crippled, dead. He students, his boy, battle the monster he should have killed. Children are bleeding. This shouldn’t happen. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Is everything he worked for, everything he fought to protect, to build up, to inspire, is all for naught?! Did he live a foolish dream and doom the world? Was all the the friends he lost, tears he shed, the organs he destroyed, the pain he endures on a daily basis from the hole in his side, and the blood he continues to bleed every day, for nothing? The public, the ones he protected for so long, mourn his absence, but surely there are those among them who also blame him. The statue from his last fight in Kamino one that he never asked for was decimated in a mock of his catch phrase- the one that was supposed to give hope.
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Now he can feel his own vestige speaking with Izuku in the OFA realm, even with out OFA in his own body anymore. His clock as nearly reached it’s limit, Nighteye’s prediction is due any day now. The only thing he wants is to see his boy smile at him, to give him some shred of hope. Yet the child remains unconscious, and Toshinori can’t even hold his hand from the bandages covering his arms. Will he still be able to fight? Is there any coming back from this now? Did I break him?
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With all Toshinori has been through, I’m honestly surprised we haven’t seen him just outright break down. Anyone, anyone, else should have crumbled under the pressure of holding up the world for 40 years alone. And instead of being able to pass it on to someone when he can no longer bear its weight, it simply falls to into the abyss. People don’t credit All Might enough for everything he’s done. Most don’t realize the sacrifices he’s made. His character is so unbelievably profound and deep, it’s more than just the “I am here!” people focus on. He’s a deeply troubled, layered, complex character. And I can’t find fault within him.
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greenhappyseed · 2 years
BNHA Ch. 364 - Review, parallels & comparisons
Piping hot take: It’s possible that Edgeshot, Mirko, and Bakugo will live, as we’ve still got multiple characters in play (Eri, Overhaul, Twice) that have powers capable of rewinding/reviving the dead. Or, events that take 25 chapters could be unfolding over minutes in-universe, making permadeath less likely. E.g., time seemed to stop during the war arc’s vestige battle. Honestly, I really don’t think there’s much more to say on this, as I personally try not to get super worked up every single week when Best Jeanist calls a time of death.
This chapter is called “Why We Wield Power,” and it’s an interesting theme that runs throughout the 3 featured storylines. Structurally, we once again have an AFO sandwich, this time with US beef between the AFO buns (of the Gunga and UA variety). Each of the 3 parts explores a character’s “why,” reminding me of the question All Might asked Endeavor during the remedial arc: What purpose does our strength serve? All Might thought the answer was simple, and in Ch. 357 Endeavor finally confirmed it’s securing a bright future for the next generation.
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Original Recipe AFO also thinks his worldview is simple — the world should be “me” and “not me,” with none of the tints or tones that Izuku discussed with Lady Nagant; certainly none of the moral grey area that heroes like Hawks exist within. I wish there was more between AFO and Hawks here because AFO managed to extract concessions of weakness from both All Might (agreeing he wasn’t a very good teacher) and Endeavor (agreeing his hands ruined Toya’s future, which in turn led to “so many stolen futures”). I’d like to see if AFO can break through Hawks’s shell when his full attention is on Hawks. The discussion about “what counts as ‘bad stuff’” is a great start because, yanno, he murdered Twice. Oh, and Hawks is completely wrong that the answer is “villains do bad stuff;” Midoriya expressly said the opposite to Aoyama. Doing wrong does NOT make you a villain for life.
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But, as a stalling tactic, Hawks’s choice is fantastic. AFO has long questioned what makes a “villain” and denied that it has anything to do with a legal label. He loves to wax poetic about this. FWIW, I wrote about the definition of “villain” vs criminal in this ask here during the traitor reveal so I won’t go off on it now.
There is a bit of melancholy for AFO here too. As much as he wants to be the Demon Lord from his comics, this body will never transcend its human limits. Even with hatred in AFO’s heart, he will never truly steal OFA, because he cannot have “emotions so strong, they’re too much for one person to bear.” Moreover, AFO only had enough power for one Rewind based on Ujiko’s vial, so if he’s wounded in the future, he’s done for. (I speculated that this would happen back in 357, because Rewind is like AFO or OFA — they’re “blank,” hollow quirks that require a power source. AFO may have drained some of his other powers to use Rewind.) AFO is back to prime condition, but he’s vulnerable to take damage. His hope for immortality rests with TomurAFO. Or, at least that’s what he wants us to believe. I have doubts that AFO is heading to UA to “rescue” Tomura because…has he EVER rescued Tomura?? Do we really think the guy who took longevity quirks and used Rewind on himself wants to secure a bright future for TomurAFO?
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That takes us to the United States, with the President and Agpar. Apparently this is how the Japanese imagine post-apocalyptic Washington, DC, and honestly the senseless gun violence tracks (even though the tall buildings are so not DC):
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The US is a “half step” into the red zone with Star & Stripe dead, and they’re now saying the quiet part out loud: TomurAFO can’t be stopped through conventional fighting tactics. His body, with or without quirks, is a perfect monster. Therefore, instead of trying to kill him, developed nations are racing to appease him and let him rule. Why? To secure a bright future for the next generation.
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“Cool motive, still enabling a Demon Lord,” says Agpar. He thinks appeasing TomurAFO means no future for anyone (and he’s the more accurate of the two). Agpar continues to challenge the President, saying Star and Stripe was following in her idol’s footsteps because she observed All Might as a child. “Adults, in turn, support the children as they pass it forward…and so on…to the next generation. Heroes have always wielded their power in the name of that cause!” The art is beautiful, but it bothers me so I’m not posting it (hey, it’s my blog).
The thing is, All Might didn’t exactly support what Star & Stripe did. He asked for international support, and she took off on her own with a small squad. She then engaged TomurAFO entirely on her own with her squad. It doesn’t even seem like All Might got a chance to speak to Star & Stripe, let alone meet her.
I’m uncomfortable that Agpar is positioning Star as All Might’s successor, passing on All Might’s heroism to the next generation when (1) THE MAN IS ALIVE AND CAN SPEAK FOR HIMSELF THANK YOU VERY MUCH TIM; (2) All Might has an actual hand-picked and trained successor in Izuku; and (3) All Might pledged his support behind Class 1-A, wherever their heroic flame leads them.
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If the Americans once again fly to Japan, I just wanna see Koichi Haimawari show up. :)
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sarahjtv · 2 years
BNHA Chapter 362 Spoilers
It’s been a hot year since I last posted my spoiler thoughts on My Hero Academia, but I need to talk about Chapter 362 because holy shit.  Buckle up, ‘cause this is LONG:
I was screaming and internally crying all night last night when I read the summary of this chapter.  Bakugo is probably dead.  The second main protagonist of this story might be dead.  This is probably the most shocking thing I’ve seen in MHA since Deku left UA and Bakugo apologized.  Like, I was flabbergasted.
I am still devastated, but I have to give props to Horikoshi for having the titanium balls to even do this.  He’s killed off characters in this story before, but this is truly something else.  Nighteye, for example, was so, so sad.  I cried for his death.  Bakugo’s death absolutely stunned me because I never thought Horikoshi would do this. 
Also, Horikoshi is a sadistic evil genius for making this the last chapter before holiday break in Japan next week.  So basically, Shonen Jump’s on break and we’re not getting chapters of a lot of manga for 2 whole weeks including MHA.  Horikoshi straight up left us on Bakugo’s possible death for 2 fucking weeks. 
I also wonder how long Horikoshi has been planning this because you know he loves playing the long game.
So, Katsuki Bakugo.  Yeah, he looks pretty dead in that last panel.  I don’t think he’s perma-dead personally.  There’s still some of his quirk going on in his left eye and I doubt Horikoshi would really kill off one of, if not the, best character in his series permanently.  Horikoshi also said that Bakugo would have a BIG moment in this final arc and that really hasn’t happen yet.  Yeah, that massive cluster was awesome, but it lasted not even half a chapter.  Bakugo still has a bigger role to play.
I gotta say, though, putting in that flashback of when Bakugo and Deku got those All Might trading cards and revealing that Bakugo’s been carrying his in his pocket the entire series breaks my heart into a million pieces.  He really does idolize All Might and him looking up to his vestige only solidifies that.  God, that genuine smile though.  I’m ruined, guys.
Also Bakugo still thinking of how he’s going to match IZUKU while on Death’s Door is both so sweet and so devastating.
Now, what’s going to happen to Bakugo from here.  Honestly, I don’t know.  Again, I don’t think he’s going to die forever, but there’s a few things that could happen:
Eri: We don’t know where she is now, but they could bring her back to Rewind Bakugo’s body to before it got crushed by Shigi/AFO.  We don’t know if her Quirk works on dead body’s though. 
 Bakugo Stays Dead: This would make the manga as a whole so much more somber, but Deku’s reaction would make him lose his shit.  I can see him being so sad and angry that he absolutely wrecks so many people without a hint of rational thinking.  I don’t like seeing my green son hurt, but it would be really good storytelling and character development if it did happen. 
Bakugo is in Limbo and his Spirit is in The Vestige World: This is what I think is happening right now.  It’s really, really interesting that Bakugo saw All Might’s vestige before he died.  Before, the only living person who witnessed this was Deku.  So, why Bakugo? 
Connection with OFA: Bakugo did have OFA in the 2nd movie, albeit briefly.  I think the 2nd movie is canon, but it’s only been hinted at in the main manga with Nine having a brief appearance.  Similar to how Melissa from the 1st movie is hinted at with her inventions being in the main manga.  If the 2nd movie is canon, then it would be possible that Bakugo would still have hints OFA still in him and that could bring him to the vestige world.  I can’t imagine what it’d be like if Deku found out about Bakugo’s death like THIS.
Relation to the 2nd OFA User: AFO said that Bakugo remind him of the 2nd User.  We also had a panel in a previous chapter that compared the two as well.  My theory of Bakugo being a decedent of the 2nd User is becoming more true, I think.  This would give Bakugo more of a connection to OFA, the Vestige World, and the 2nd User’s Quirk maybe.  Maybe that Quirk could bring him to life. 
Bottom line: I think Bakugo is dead for now, but he’ll be back.  Not sure how or when, but he has to come back.  Horikoshi knows that Bakugo is too important of a character to be killed off for pure shock value.  Katsuki Bakugo is not done yet.
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makeste · 3 years
but I just feel too tired to be fighting
this is a follow-up post to what I said in my recap the other day about this arc being the Deku Angst arc, as opposed to the Villain Hunt arc or the Deku SIXQUIRKS Exhibition arc. I feel like the fandom discussion tends to focus on the flashier parts of the chapters -- the sexy villains and the new quirk reveals and the Shindous -- each week, and so the quieter emotional beats sometimes get overlooked, especially since the character arc here is playing out in little bits and pieces over time rather than all at once.
this has always been a very reactionary fandom, and there’s a tendency to judge the chapters week to week without ever going back to look at how they all fit into the big picture. so I figured I would try to attempt that, and basically go chapter by chapter here to look at what exactly Horikoshi is setting up and how it all fits together.
so let’s start with the end of chapter 306, which is when the arc officially kicks off. specifically with the very last page:
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this is imo one of the best pages Horikoshi has ever drawn. I got the sense that this was a scene he’d had in his mind’s eye for quite a long time, and that he was excited to finally get to this part of the story. it’s extremely effective as both a chapter-ender, and an arc-opener. like, look at this:
it establishes the initial premise of the new arc -- the world is in chaos, and Deku is now seemingly on his own
it leaves the readers with a number of questions. why did Deku leave U.A.?? is he really on his own now?? why does he look so beat-up and exhausted?? what is he up to?? what is the world like now that all these villains have been unleashed and the heroes have been decimated?? and most importantly of all, what the fuck is going to happen next??
it pays homage to some of Horikoshi’s comic book influences -- Batman in particular
it dramatically hits us with that “THE FINAL ACT BEGINS” and lets us know that shit is getting real now
that’s some good shit. so much so that I think people tended to overlook the other notable thing about this page amidst all of the initial excitement and discussion and speculation about where the series was headed. and that is the fact that the final panel in this chapter is NOT the panel of Deku standing above the city. the very last panel, the one that this chapter actually ends on, is instead the close-up of Deku’s face. his face, which is covered in shadow; and his eyes, which have dark circles under them and are prominently missing the usual flecks of light that give him his signature “sunny optimistic shounen protagonist” look.
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not to mention this last line here, which is a call back to the very first time we saw the 14-year-old Deku way back in chapter one.
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I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Horikoshi chose to throw this reference in. nor is it a coincidence that THIS is the scene he actually chose to end the chapter on. what this does is show us the drastic shift in Deku’s emotional state of mind, and his attitude towards being a hero. he’s gone from being thrilled and excited to being jaded and exhausted. he’s matured, but at a great cost. it’s always been his dream to be a hero, but “be careful what you wish for” is a popular adage for a reason. and right now he looks the furthest thing from happy.
and this is the emotional beat that Horikoshi chooses to end the chapter on. this is the panel that closes out the War arc, and begins the final act. to me the message could not be clearer -- this arc will be about the exploration of Deku’s character, and his struggle as he tries to live up to the expectations that have been placed on him as the Last Holder of OFA and quite possibly the World’s Only Hope.
it’s a character arc that builds on a lot of the things we’ve already learned about Deku over the course of the series, such as the fact that he is reckless, and that he focuses on others often at the expense of himself. but more importantly, it’s an arc that finally expands on the dark side of what has up until now been a net positive for Deku -- the power of OFA. up until this point, despite its ups and downs, it’s been a boon for Deku overall and has allowed him to pursue his dream. but now we’re finally reaching the point where the monkey’s paw part of the OFA blessing/curse finally starts to come into play. OFA gives Deku more power than he could have ever dreamed of, but it also comes with a built-in destiny that he can’t opt out of whether he likes it or not. AFO is on the loose and out there trying to destroy the world. and now everyone has pinned their hopes on this sixteen-year-old kid, and the question of whether or not the sixteen-year-old kid is ready is apparently not one that anyone feels inclined to ask (possibly because they’re afraid that the answer might be “no”).
he doesn’t have a choice in the matter. he has to do it, because there’s no one else who can. that’s the kind of pressure that is on Deku now.
and on that note, we begin the Deku Angst arc.
chapter 307
this in hindsight was mostly just a set-up chapter to better establish the current state of the BnHA world at large (spoilers: it’s not good), while also providing an answer for one of the big initial questions of the arc -- namely, “what happened to all of those villains that AFO released from Tartarus?” these are important things to touch on, but the pacing could definitely have been better, and the bulk of the chapter was dedicated to providing fanservice to all of the Shindou fans who spammed the most recent popularity poll (which, whatever lol). anyway, so this was the sole chapter thus far with absolutely no Deku development. thankfully the arc picks up from there.
chapter 308
on to the next one! this was the one and only chapter thus far which I think actually qualifies as an “exhibition fight.” this was definitely all about showing off Deku’s current powerset, as well as introducing us to another of the SIXQUIRKS. however, there was Deku development here as well, most notably in this scene:
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this is the scene that got a lot of people speculating that this arc was going to focus on Deku hunting down all of the old villains. but I think people got so caught up in that speculation that they overlooked what this scene tells us about Deku’s mindset. and yes, there is new information being revealed here, and it’s not just a rehash of the stuff we already knew. like yes, we know that Deku was shaken up by the recent encounters with Dabi and Tomura, and we know that made him start questioning why villains become villains in the first place, and all that good stuff, and that’s great. however, there are two additional important things that this scene helps establish for us.
the upcoming battle with TomurAFO is weighing heavily on Deku’s mind. this is something that will become a recurring theme in this arc. Deku is thinking about this constantly. the question of what to do when he finally encounters TomurAFO again is knocking incessantly at the back of his mind, and this won’t be the last time it comes up.
Deku is using these villain encounters as test runs. can Tomura be redeemed?? is he just being stupid and naïve?? or is this really something worth attempting?? the interesting thing about this is that Deku’s resolve to save people is usually so strong and unwavering that it’s more than enough to overcome any doubts that he might have. but this time it seems like the repeated objections posed by the Vestiges and Gran Torino have really gotten to him. it’s possible I’m just reading way too much into things, but to me it really feels like Deku’s recent attempts at Talk no Jutsu were meant to do more than just show his growing awareness that the line between heroes and villains is thinner than he once imagined. they’re also serving as trial runs for the real test, when it finally comes. if he can “save” even a villain like Muscular, there’s hope for him being able to save Tomura as well. and so that moment when Muscular rejects him out of hand is all the more disappointing to him, even if it wasn’t really unexpected. basically it wasn’t the answer that he had been hoping for.
aside from those little notes though, like I said, this was unquestionably an exhibition fight first and foremost. which is fine; we needed to establish where Deku is currently in terms of strength, and it was also just fun to see him kick some ass, ngl. in terms of story purpose this chapter was similar to 219, which showed us how Shouto and Katsuki had powered up after getting their provisional licenses. people who don’t care about those characters might argue that these fights weren’t necessary, but as someone who stans all three characters hard, I would disagree! but anyways, moving on.
chapter 309
in contrast to the previous chapter, this chapter focuses more on establishing Deku’s current mental state, as opposed to his physical state. and this is what we learn:
(1) Deku is ~technically~ being shadowed/accompanied by All Might and the Hawksquad (but in practice he’s avoiding them).
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(2) it was Deku’s own decision to leave U.A., and he did it because he didn’t want anyone else getting hurt in order to protect him.
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and finally, (3) Deku’s game plan is to stop Tomura and All for One before they reach full power.
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this last part is very important, because it means there’s a countdown in effect. as far as Deku is concerned, there’s only a finite amount of time before TomurAFO becomes unstoppable. which means that he’s not only under “gotta get stronger” pressure, but time pressure as well. he doesn’t have the luxury of taking his time and training in safety. he’s being rushed now; this is do-or-die.
this chapter is also the first in this arc in which we get to see Deku’s expressions without the hood covering up his face, and what we see is very telling. as previously stated, the light is gone from Deku’s eyes. he keeps his expressions very neutral, and the only time we even see a hint of a smile is when he hugs his mom in the flashback, and it’s clear from the dialogue (“it’s okay, I’ll come home to you”) that he’s doing it for her sake in order to comfort her.
but aside from that, this is very much not the Deku we’ve grown accustomed to. this is the chapter that really establishes his current mental state imo. above all else, he’s afraid that more people will get hurt because of him, and so he’s distancing himself from everyone around him. and he’s also morbidly preoccupied with the inevitability of having to face TomurAFO again, and soon. the chapter ends on the flashback of Gran giving him his cape, and telling Deku that “killing can be another way to save someone.” there’s a lot on this kid’s mind, to say the least.
chapter 310
this chapter opens with a gang of civilians who are trying to open fire on a nice fox lady whose only crime was walking around in the rain at night. Deku intervenes to save her, and it’s the first time in this arc that we see anything close to the “old” Deku, who just wanted to save people with a smile.
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but it’s bittersweet, because all the lady can talk about is how scared she was, and how horrible everything is right now. and so Deku, who feels responsible in a lot of ways for everything that’s happened, just feels that much more pressure to somehow make things right again.
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there’s also this extra throwaway line which is especially heartbreaking:
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“I can’t afford to be around anyone.” fucking ouch. just reinforcing once more how incredibly isolated Deku is right now -- not by choice, but because he feels like it’s not safe to let anyone else get close to him. and so he’s out here running around this dystopian cityscape in the middle of the night in the pouring rain all on his own, and neglecting himself to the point where All Might practically has to force a bento on him.
but does he complain? of course not. because his focus is never on himself. instead, when he settles down to eat, his thoughts immediately drift back to, guess who...
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it’s that time pressure once again. “unless I draw out One for All’s full power, I can’t stop any of this.” it’s just nonstop, I have to get stronger, I’m running out of time, I have to do better, and constantly thinking about that inevitable confrontation.
Deku is a thinker, you guys. and when left to his own devices he will overthink, every time. his mind will run in endless loops while he mentally works his way through all of the possibilities. and that’s one of his greatest strengths, don’t get me wrong, but at a time like this it’s also one of his greatest weaknesses. it’s just so fucking easy for him to get stuck in his own head, in his endless rambling thoughts and analyses. and without anyone else there to help distract him, or help him focus, he’s become fixated on his mission, and it’s slowly consuming him.
this, incidentally, is also the chapter in which we finally see Two and Three’s faces, and learn why Two in particular is so reluctant to lend his power to Deku. he appears to be the lone holdout at this point, so stay tuned on that, because I don’t doubt this will wind up being crucial to Deku’s future development, however it winds up playing out.
chapter 311
this chapter flips back to the Hawksquad for the first half, so we get a brief respite from the ongoing Dekuangst. right before we switch back though, we do get confirmation of something we had pretty much already guessed:
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like, that much was already apparent based on what we’d seen (the bags under his eyes; the fact that he refused to sit still in any one place for very long even at night), but it’s always nice to get the official confirmation so that people can’t dispute it lol. so yeah, Deku isn’t sleeping much. and not eating much either, if all he’s getting is the occasional bento from Dadmight. so basically not taking care of himself at all, huge shocker there. but this is something that’s important enough to the story that Horikoshi took the time to point it out in the dialogue, in addition to all of the visual clues we’d already gotten.
and just in case we needed to drive that point in any further, this chapter ends with the appearance of Lady Nagant! like yeah, no shit Deku isn’t getting much sleep, what with him having to fend off racist civilians and hired assassins every five fucking minutes. smdh. can he live??
chapter 312
so this is the chapter that properly introduces Lady Nagant, who maaaay or may not be one of the primary antagonists of this arc?? like, it’s really unclear right now tbh, but she gets hyped up by Hawks and AFO, and has a flashback and a mysterious past and a weird trump card (where did you go, Overhaul) and all that good shit, so yeah? one can hope at any rate.
but anyway. so to his credit, Deku’s first thought is to retreat, but he quickly abandons that plan once he figures out Nagant’s location. this is played off like a logical strategic decision at first, but the subsequent chapter quickly makes it clear that Deku’s decision to take the fight to Nagant is less rational than he might have you think.
chapter 313
so yeah. last but not least, the most recent chapter, in which Deku’s real reason for targeting Lady soon becomes apparent:
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what’s more, it quickly becomes clear that he miscalculated and probably would have been better off following Hawks’s advice, seeing as he promptly gets himself shot, and subsequently realizes that AFO gave Nagant an extra quirk, something he hadn’t taken into account. but instead of cutting his losses and running at this point, he doubles down instead and not only breaks out Smokescreen, but also the Third’s quirk which he has never even used before.
it’s worth noting that both En and the Third start telling him to chill at this point, and warn him that what he’s attempting is too dangerous. but tbh if they were expecting him to listen, they haven’t been reading the same arc I’ve been reading. once again, Horikoshi makes it clear that Deku has one thing and one thing only on his mind right now.
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of course. once again it all comes back to this. hunt down AFO. it doesn’t matter that he’s exhausted. it doesn’t matter that he’s just been shot twice. it doesn’t matter that Hawks, despite knowing what Deku was capable of with his OFA abilities, specifically warned him away from this one person only. it doesn’t matter that even the Vestiges are trying to tell him you’re going too fast and you’re trying to do too much and it’s too dangerous.
he just doesn’t care. long story short, the only thing that matters to Deku right now is tracking down and defeating TomurAFO. and as the person who knows him best once so aptly put it, “he doesn’t take himself into account.” and therein lies the major challenge of this arc.
and so this is where we’re currently at now. and this has been a very long post, but if nothing else, I hope I was able to get this one point across: there is absolutely no way that Deku will be able to defeat TomurAFO as he is now. not a chance in hell. somehow he’s managed the uncommon feat of waging a war of attrition against himself, which is really quite an accomplishment. he’s not taking care of himself, and he’s refusing to listen to sound advice from the people surrounding him, and is trying to skip ahead to the final boss battle before he’s ready, because the guilt and pressure from feeling responsible for the current situation are eating him up. the only way that the world can go back to normal is if he can defeat AFO; therefore he has to do it as soon as possible, because time is running out and everyone is counting on him. this is who Deku is. and this is what inevitably happens when his saving mentality is taken to extremes, and left unchecked.
anyway so to wrap up this post now, I do think this arc is a lot more cohesive than it’s gotten credit for thus far, and Deku is the glue holding it all together. I for one am loving the exploration of his character and all the subtle little angsty touches as we build up to the big moment, whenever it finally comes. just keep in mind though that if his decisions right now seem reckless and short-sighted, it’s because they’re supposed to seem that way, because Deku is not in a good mental state right now. the cracks are finally showing in our perfect protagonist, just like everyone has been wanting this whole time. he is just a kid. he is doing his best. he is trying far too hard to do his best, and it is hurting him so badly, but he doesn’t even realize. this arc is not an endorsement of the Angsty Nomad Hero lifestyle, lol. it’s the exact fucking opposite, and I think it’s being wildly misinterpreted with all of the emphasis on “oh look at that, he mastered another quirk with no effort”, as opposed to “oh look at that, he is shutting down emotionally and is a few more missed nights of sleep away from a complete and total breakdown.”
tl;dr the overarching storyline of this arc is all about Deku slowly falling apart due to his trauma from Jakku, and the subsequent pressure that was put on him by the Vestiges with their whole “GUESS WHAT, YOU’RE THE LAST USER OF OFA, THAT’S RIGHT, IT’S ALL ON YOU BUDDY” pep talk. and mark my words, things are not going to go according to plan. something is going to go terribly wrong here. whether it’s something happening to All Might, or AFO setting up a trap for him, either way Deku is being set up to fail in a major way. unless of course, someone (or a group of someones) manages to intervene first, and possibly stage an intervention or something. it’s what he needs right now, but idk if Horikoshi is going to make it that easy.
anyway, but in other words, the point of this arc is not to show how much stronger Deku has gotten and how he doesn’t even need his friends anymore. it’s the exact opposite -- the point of this arc is to show that Deku needs his friends now more than ever. that in spite of OFA and all of its mystical trappings and fancy SIXQUIRKS, Deku can’t do this alone. he needs his friends. that’s the core message. and right now, we are at the “I can get by on my own” part of the story. and the part we are all waiting for, but which is coming -- I guarantee it is coming, you guys -- is “the thing is, you don’t have to.”
and that shit is going to slap hard you guys. and I for one can’t wait. but until then, enjoy the angst.
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arkus-rhapsode · 3 years
MHA Chapter 315 Discussion-An Almost Great Conclusion, But Misses It’s Mark
Hi guys, Rhapsode here and it’s time for another MHA discussion. I haven’t really done one in a while, but after reading 315, I had a lot of thoughts I was working through. And before I start I want to say, I do not think this chapter is overtly bad. I think there’s a lot of good ideas to it, and overall nothing objectively bad. However, as the climax to this Deku vs Lady Nagant fight, I felt it didn’t quite hit its mark (pun not intended).
If you want my brief opinion of this current arc of “solo Deku”, I actually enjoy it quite a bit. I’m happy Horikoshi refocused on Deku after such a long war arc. As well as Deku FINALLY be proactive in his hero duties. No longer on the rails of the school setting. And I have especially enjoyed his current fight with Lady Nagant.
In terms of sheer action, it’s got a tried and true set up of a sniper battle, but then adds to it by taking the fight into the air. The action is hectic in all the right ways with the unpredictable bullets cutting up Deku as he dodges them with Danger Sense. As well as the introduction to a new quirk of OFA.
But where this fight really shines is Nagant and her origin. Lady Nagant was hero assigned to maintain the illusion of order by getting rid of potential threats and heroes up to no good for the Hero Safety Commission. Until being told to kill in the name of improving society and any of her activities being covered up finally weighed on her and she killed the then president of the Commission and placed in Tartarus. While she’s only hunting down Deku because she’s assigned to, she says that even if AFO wants to rule the world, it’d be more transparent than a return to the status quo.
It’s honestly a great reveal as it finally puts out in the open the actual corruption in the system that’s hinted at, but was never really delved into. But now it also finally has Deku confront the problems of the status quo that he’s grown up in. This isn’t an ideological battle like with Stain on the definition of hero or reaching people who have fallen through the cracks of society like Gentle. This is real flaws with the system that people have had faith in from the mouth of someone who has done their dirty work.
It’s something I think a lot of people have wanted to see. And I’m glad Horikoshi finally did dive into it the structural problems of hero society.
So how does this all get resolved in 315? How does all this end? Well after Lady Nagant targets Overhaul and shoots at him to make the situation harder for Deku to focus, Deku without hesitation goes into trying to save Overhaul (despite knowing Overhaul is a villain), Deku homages All Might and then shatters Nagant’s arm, and finally Deku makes an observation that Nagant wasn’t really going to hit Overhaul and that if she seeing the darkness of society, she knows where to expose it as she still has the heart of a hero. Nagant should join Deku.
But then AFO activates an explosive power right as Nagant is coming around. The blast fries her as Hawks arrives and we’re left on the cliffhanger of “is she going to survive.”
Now after reading this, my feelings have been… mixed. Let me get out this out of the way there is nothing with this chapter I disagree with: I have no problem with Deku making an emotional appeal to Nagant, I have no problem with AFO acting like a heel, and I have no problem with Nagant not being fully evil and never intending to kill. I know that last one has upset some people, but given Nagant’s backstory of killing innocent people for others because they told her so is the reason she fell off her path in the first place. So it makes sense she never intended on killing anyone.
And I know some people have nitpicked how it’s the female villain who isn’t fully evil, but that honestly doesn’t matter to me. As narratively, this arc started with the attack by Muscular and Deku couldn’t reach him. So it’d make sense to potentially end this mini arc on an example of Deku reaching and reforming a villain. It also helps that Nagant has actual layers to her motivation that could actually allow her to be swayed away.
Now my real issue with this chapter is honestly a problem that I was afraid Hori would do after he introduced just how messed up the Commissions back dealings, it’s that Deku doesn’t really take any concrete stance on what should be done about this status quo. Instead, Deku focuses more on telling Nagant she is a real hero and he ultimately wins her over after showing how much a real hero he is.
While Nagant uses the term “fake”, “sham”, and “phony” when discussing heroes and hero society, it doesn’t address the bigger issue. Namely that she feels this way because of the corrupt and unheroic things the Commission has done to maintain faith in it. Deku offers no actual answer to the very real and very hard question she poses.
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And his only real response is this:
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(I’m being generous as there can be something lost in translation here and it’s a bit on the flowery side )
While Deku did acknowledge this world isn’t Black and white and he’s saying she can expose corruption if she works with them, he dodges actually offering a solution to her concerns about the status quo. Instead more time is devoted to the same kind of “I will save anyone” appeal he always does.
And while one could argue Nagant’s only on the side of AFO because his reign would keep the Commission from having the power they did, even if she doesn’t fully believe in him. She still poses why being ruled by AFO has its appeal to her and Deku doesn’t actually counter that. No pointing out the obvious anarchy that could result from this or how AFO uses even the people he claims to love like Shigaraki. Deku doesn’t rebuff anything and once again passes the tough decisions onto other people. With Hawks appearance here at the end and his baggage about killing Twice, I can very easily see cleaning up the commission as becoming his motivation going forward. Once again resolving Deku of actually needing to make hard calls or form stances.
This is compounded by the fact AFO just blows Nagant up. It really doesn’t matter if you rebuff anything that AFO has said or offered to convince Nagant to join you, there’s no way she’d work with him after he attempts to kill her. Which feels like it undercuts this conversation about morally gray society.
Look we all know that AFO is evil. The audience knows and this is absolutely what he would do, but if you’re trying to give all of the illusion that we’re finally confronting issues with society and bringing this up and why we would get people loyal to AFO or people like the liberators or people like stain. And trying to sway someone away, then just having him nuke them for having a change of opinion. then it undercuts any actual ambiguity of a clash built on addressing moral grayness. Which I feel is always been one of the strengths of MHA.
I was not expecting Deku to have a thesis on how he plans to dismantle the shady parts of society. Or go full Eren Yeager and become his own revolutionary. But when confronted by a villain who isn’t like Shigaraki or Toga or Twice, who fell through the cracks in the system and needed a safety net like Deku wants to be, Nagant was a part of the system. The corruption of society runs deep in her motivation and Deku doesn’t really address it beyond acknowledging its flaws. And yet his actions of “true heroism” are enough to sway her. It just feels incomplete. There is a brief line that you can interpret of him wanting to clean up the system, but it feels way too short for a moment like this. Deku being confronted by all the darkness of a system he admires should cause him to make some kind of stance.
And no, I’m not going to speculate on if Lady Nagant is actually dead and this will finally forced Deku to take a firmer stance or what have you. I do want to keep these discussions at least relative to when they are released and in this moment the thing that wins over Nagant is the same “save everyone”/“inspiration by example” Deku usually does. Which doesn’t feel as satisfying a conclusion as it could be.
Not helped by a good chunk of this chapter being taken up by explaining all the bits and bobs of OFA’s power system and finally explaining what exactly his third quirk does. This feels like padding when I wanted the space could’ve been used for character dialogue or a continuation of their conversation about the status quo.
I do want to repeat though that there is nothing outwardly bad with this chapter. There is no real objective failure in the writing. It’s just a case of, “ this could be stronger.” And that’s the frustrating part.
Tl;dr there’s a lot of things that are good about this chapter from a technical and narrative level. The natural progression of characters and the switching of allegiance makes sense.  however it’s just all shy of really living up to a lot of the stuff it sets up about society and going back to the status quo. As Deku doesn’t seem to have any real concrete stance beyond his usual.
And because a lot of the things around it are very good it makes it a lot more noticeable when it doesn’t quite stick the landing. Not helped by what feels like nothing more than padding with the explanation of quirk ability instead of character introspection about this very legit and difficult revelation. There is nothing outwardly bad, it’s one of those cases of something that could be an 8-9/10 ends up more as a 5-6/10.
That’s my opinion at least. But I am extremely interested in seeing where Hori goes with this. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time.
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thelazyhermits · 3 years
Stoking the Fire
As I mentioned in this post, I wanted to write a drabble focused on Fortune having a vision about the All Might vs AFO fight since I figured out a way to make it happen so there wouldn’t be any extra wariness among the heroes about the summer camp.
This takes place after TABF chapter 29 but before the Two Heroes fic. I hope y’all enjoy it! ^-^
Your Quirk is very troublesome in many ways.
For starters, you have no control over it when it comes to receiving visions, so they always happen at random which can be really inconvenient at times. Although, there are also times they happen just when you need them, so you suppose you shouldn’t complain too much on that end.
One of the most annoying aspects of your Quirk is the fact that it comes with so many drawbacks. It’s seriously ridiculous how much suffering your Quirk constantly puts you through.
Sure, it somewhat makes sense when you consider how powerful your Quirk is since great powers like foresight normally come with limits, but you think your Quirk has way too many. 
It’d be one thing if you only had the drawback that prevented you from revealing the contents of some of your visions, but to also have a drawback that causes you to take the pain someone would have felt if you hadn’t intervened on their behalf and prevented them from getting injured? Truly ridiculous.
Not only that, when you use your Quirk for offensive purposes, you can only use it for a select period of time. Otherwise, you risk overworking your brain, which could result in seizures as well as horrible migraines and nosebleeds. 
A truly troublesome Quirk indeed.
And unfortunately for you, there’s one other troublesome aspect of your Quirk that you oftentimes forget about since it doesn’t happen very often.
Sometimes, for reasons unknown to you, your Quirk gives you visions while you’re asleep.
The reason this is problematic is because sometimes it’s difficult for you to tell if you had a vision or if it was just a dream. Not only that, you never can tell when exactly the events of these particular visions occur unlike how you usually can with the visions you get when you’re awake.
While it’s not unusual for you to not be able to tell the exact date and time an event will happen, you can usually tell if it will be a few days or months away, but when it comes to visions that occur while you’re asleep, you can’t tell what the timeline is at all for whatever reason. 
That’s why you hate getting those kinds of visions since it drives you crazy knowing that something is going to happen but having no idea when it will occur, especially when the events of said visions are very worrisome.
Like what you see in the vision you get a week before summer break starts. 
As soon as the vision comes to an end, you wake with a loud gasp and quickly pull yourself into a seated position. While you take a moment to calm down, you brush the back of your hand against your forehead to wipe away the sweat clinging to your skin. 
Once you’ve steadied your breathing and your heart is no longer pounding frantically in your chest, you mentally go over what you just witnessed while you were asleep. 
It was a battle but not just any kind of battle. It was a fight between All Might and All For One himself. 
There’s no way that was just a dream. It had to have been my Quirk at work.
That’s what your gut is telling you, so that’s what you’re going to believe since you can’t afford to write off something as important as this. 
You drag a hand down your face. Unfortunately, that vision didn’t give me a lot to go on since it didn’t even show me the full battle, just bits and pieces of it. I couldn’t even tell where those two were since I didn’t get a good look at their surroundings. It just looked like a typical battlefield that came to be after a section of a town got torn apart thanks to the fighters’ Quirks.
So, not only do you not know when this battle will happen, you have no idea where it will happen. Great, just great.
To make matters worse, All Might didn’t appear to be looking too good in that battle. Of course, you suppose that’s to be expected, considering he no longer has OFA and is only fighting using the remaining embers of his old Quirk.
However, despite that and All For One’s taunts, the number one hero didn’t look like he had any intention to give up. No, he was still fighting hard for the sake of everyone who was counting on him to win this all important battle. 
Unfortunately, All For One had a trick up his sleeve to shake All Might’s resolve.
“Shigaraki Tomura is Shimura Nana’s grandson.”
When All For One dropped that bombshell, you had first thought he was lying, but you quickly realized that that was something the villain would absolutely do. So, you’re sure he was telling the truth no matter how much you don’t want to believe it.
Poor All Might looked absolutely devastated by the news, not that you can blame him. His mentor was someone who was near and dear to him, so of course, it would hurt to hear that All For One was able to find her grandson and use him in his evil schemes. 
Fortunately, that news didn’t break All Might like All For One was aiming to do, so even though your vision didn’t show you how the battle ended, you’re sure that All Might continued to fight his nemesis with all his heart and soul.
That’s why you’re not worried about the outcome of the battle, because you know All Might will win. You have complete faith in him. There’s no way he’ll lose. 
Still, you do think you should tell him about your vision, so he’ll be prepared for what’s to come. A warning probably won’t do much in the grand scheme of things, especially since there isn’t much you can actually tell him that would be useful to him, but you still think you should let him know what’s in store for his future.
And maybe if you tell him the news about Shigaraki, you can give him the time he needs to come to terms with that information, so All For One can’t use it against All Might in their fated battle.
Just that alone would make telling All Might about your vision worth it since there’s nothing more you’d love to do than to throw a wrench in All For One’s plans. 
Your hands clench into tight fists. I won’t allow you to hurt All Might like that and use his suffering for your gain, All For One. I won’t let you do as you please.
That’s a promise.
After homeroom, you contact All Might and ask for him to privately meet with you, so the two of you can discuss the vision you had last night. 
Briefly, you had considered asking Aizawa and Nedzu to also join the two of you, but you figured you should talk to All Might first and foremost. And you wanted to do that privately because of the matter with Shigaraki since you’re sure that’s what All Might would prefer.
That’s why you later find yourself in a private room, sipping tea with All Might who returned to his true form once the coast was clear. 
“To request a meeting like this, you must have seen quite the vision.” Yagi remarks, “Is it pertaining specifically to me, or is it about Young Midoriya?”
“It’s just about you.” You answer before later adding, “And All For One.”
His expression darkens. “I see. In that case, I can only imagine that you’re here to tell me that I will fight against that man again.”
As expected of the number one hero, he’s incredibly perceptive, which is to your benefit since it saves you time explaining things. Although, ironically enough, this is the one occasion where you don’t actually need that kind of help since this vision is apparently one you can talk about without having to worry about your drawback., probably because you don’t actually have any worthwhile information that could result in changing the future.
You nod, “Unfortunately, I had this vision while I was asleep, so I can’t tell you when the two of you will have your fated battle. For some reason, I’m never able to provide a timeline for those particular visions.”
A sigh escapes you. “I also don’t know where that battle will be since my vision didn’t really show me much of your surroundings. It looked like you were in a part of a town that got destroyed by the battle, but it could literally be anywhere.”
“I can’t even tell you how the fight turns out since my vision only showed me certain parts of the battle and didn’t even let me see the end of it.”  You frown, “I’m sorry, Yagi-san. I wish I could be more helpful.”
He reaches across the table to pat your shoulder. “You don’t need to apologize, Y/N-kun. It is not your fault that your Quirk picks and chooses what it shows you.”
“Even if I don’t know when or where the battle will happen, I still appreciate the confirmation that such a battle will occur within the next year since I knew it was only a matter of time.” Yagi adds.
The corners of his lips curve upwards. “Your news is actually encouraging since, if you couldn’t tell who the clear winner would be, that means that I will be able to put up a good fight despite no longer possessing OFA.”
Your eyes widen. “I see what you mean. The more time passes, the less likely you’ll be able to continue using OFA since you’re currently just using the remaining embers. So, since you were still able to hold your own against All For One, then…”
“Then, it’s likely the battle won’t be a full year from now.” Yagi picks up where you left off. “While I intend to hold out for as long as I can for the sake of the public, I know it would be foolish of me to truly believe I can continue as I am with mere embers of my former Quirk for a long period of time, even though I would like nothing more than to remain the Symbol of Peace until I can pass along my mantle to Young Midoriya.”
Remembering the state he was in in your vision, you frown, “Unfortunately, I don’t think you’ll be able to continue working as All Might after that battle, Yagi-san. It’ll push you to your very limits - to the point where you won’t even be able to maintain your muscle form.”
The blond sighs, “I can’t say I’m surprised, considering how strong All For One is and how I am not as strong as I was during our last battle.”
His expression turns determined. “But I am alright with that result as long as I can stop All For One once and for all. If my last act as a pro hero is defeating him, I will have no regrets.”
Yagi clenches his hands into fists. “I failed to stop him last time, but I won’t this time. No matter what it takes, I will put an end to his tyranny once and for all.”
For some reason, when you hear him say, “No matter what it takes”, you get an uncomfortable feeling in your chest. 
Probably because, to you, it sounds like, “Even if it costs me my life.”
At that moment, you suddenly find yourself thinking back to the vision you had of the events following All Might’s last battle with All For One. You remember seeing his worn out appearance and how Nighteye had tried to get the number one hero to retire. 
You recall how Nighteye foresaw All Might’s death, and that painful feeling in your chest grows stronger. What if...What if….?
What if the vision you had is of the future that Nighteye saw?
You give yourself a quick mental shake. No, there should still be some time before the events that Nighteye foresaw happen. Considering Yagi-san will be strong enough to fight All For One, it’s doubtful that a full year will pass before that battle, and Nighteye predicted that the future he saw should happen within one to two years from now. So, there’s no way he’ll die in the battle I saw.
 “Y/N-kun? Are you alright?”
It’s the sound of Yagi’s concerned voice that draws you out of your worrisome thoughts.
Immediately, you lift your gaze to meet his, and as soon as you do, you ask, without thinking, “Does ‘no matter what it takes’ mean that you’re willing to die if necessary?”
Yagi freezes at your words before quickly averting his gaze. Rather than say anything, he just goes quiet as he tightly clasps his hands, but you don’t need a verbal response since that reaction is all you needed to see to know what his answer to your question is.
Of course, you’re not surprised since the number one hero is no stranger to self-sacrifice. Ever since your Quirk started showing you visions about All Might, you’ve witnessed firsthand how many times he has sacrificed his time and wellbeing for the sake of others, because he felt it was his duty as the Symbol of Peace.
It’s a trait of his that you both admire and hate, because, while he only ever has good intentions, it hurts you to see him treat himself with so little regard. Why must he constantly put such burdens on his shoulders? Why can’t he allow himself to get the rest he deserves?
Why does he have to do everything alone?
At that moment, your thoughts suddenly turn toward Midoriya who is sure to follow in his mentor’s footsteps since he’s so much like the number one hero. Honestly, you’d say your student is even worse when it comes to self-sacrifice because of all the years of bullying which led to him having such low self worth.
If Midoriya was in All Might’s shoes right now, you have no doubt that he wouldn’t hesitate to throw away his life if he thought it would be for the “better good”.
And that terrifies you more than words can describe.
That’s why you can’t let this horrible cycle continue. You have to do something for Yagi’s sake and for Midoriya’s.
So, that’s exactly what you do.
“You can’t die, Yagi-san, not when you still have so much to teach Midoriya.”
Briefly, Yagi looks at you in surprise, and then, his expression becomes pained. “The last thing I want is to leave Young Midoriya without a mentor, especially so early in his journey to become a hero, but-”
“But nothing!” You cut him off. “If you want to guide him, then do it! Don’t let anything get in the way, not even death!”
Your hands clench into fists. “Midoriya still needs you, Yagi-san, not just as his hero but as his mentor. You need to be there for him since there are things that only you can do for him. Your role in his life is irreplaceable.”
“So, please don’t accept dying so easily!” You plead with tears in your eyes. “Not when you have a successor who’s depending on you and so many people who care about you, not because you’re the number one hero but because you’re you! Please treasure yourself more!”
His eyes widen. “Y/N-kun…”
As you’re scrubbing your eyes, Yagi takes a moment to consider your words, and then, his expression softens. “I’m sorry, Y/N-kun. You’re right. Death is not an alternative that I should be so willingly to accept. That’s unfair to you, Young Midoriya, and everyone else who I have been so fortunate to receive love from.”
“I’m no longer just All Might the hero. I’m also All Might the UA teacher and Young Midoriya’s mentor.” He continues, “As Principal Nedzu has told me in the past, I cannot give one job more attention than the rest. I am equally responsible for all of them, so it would be remiss of me to forget that just for the sake of defeating All For One.”
His eyes gain a determined glint as his hands clench into fists. “That’s why, if death tries to sink its claws into me in this upcoming battle, I will fight back with everything I have. I won’t allow Young Midoriya to lose his mentor, especially when I still have so much to teach him, and I won’t cause you, my other students, or anyone else undeserved pain with my death. I’ll keep fighting no matter what.”
Relief washes over you like a tidal wave, causing you to slump back in your seat. Seeing this, Yagi gives you an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, Y/N-kun. I always seem to be causing you a lot of undeserved stress.”
“If you don’t wanna cause me stress, then take care of yourself, so I don’t have to worry about you.” You huff, “And make sure Midoriya learns how important that lesson is too. Honestly, you’re both way too self-sacrificial…”
He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. “I suppose you make a fair point. I promise to be more careful on that end for both my sake and Young Midoriya’s since the last thing I want is to be a bad influence.”
Considering how Midoriya currently is, you think the damage has already been done, but you don’t say as much since there’s still time for things to change for the better.
Instead, you just reach for your teacup and drink the rest of your tea, which has unsurprisingly gone cold due to you completely forgetting about it during your and Yagi’s discussion.
That’s why Yagi decides to pour a fresh batch of tea for the two of you. As he’s doing this, you remember that there’s still something else that you need to tell him. 
“Shigaraki Tomura is Shimura Nana’s grandson.”
You’ve been putting it off since it’s not an easy subject to bring up, and you honestly would rather talk about anything else. However, for Yagi’s sake, you need to do it.
Finding your resolve, you take a deep breath and slowly release it. “As I mentioned before, I didn’t see the whole battle, just bits and pieces, so there wasn’t much to glean from my vision. However, there is one particular moment that stood out to me.”
When Yagi’s curious gaze falls on you, you clench your hands into fists. “All For One revealed something horrible that he did, something that will only cause you pain to know about, but I thought if I told you now that he couldn’t use it against you in the battle like he did in my vision.”
A deep frown forms on his lips. “It must be quite horrible indeed for you to look so upset. Although, I can’t say I am surprised since that sounds just like something All For One would do.”
“It’s worse than anything you could imagine, Yagi-san.” You bite your lip. “All For One really hit where he knew you would be hurt the most.”
After the number one hero gestures for you to continue, you take another deep breath before quietly revealing, “Shigaraki is your mentor’s grandson.”
Just like in your vision, Yagi completely freezes as horror slowly dawns his features. “No...it can’t be…”
“I wanted to believe it was a lie just as much as you, Yagi-san,” You sadly reply, “but we both know this is just the kind of thing All For One wouldn’t hesitate to do. That’s why I think he was telling the truth.”
Yagi lets his face fall into his hands. “Yes, you’re right. That’s just the kind of diabolical thing he would do.”
“Master had hidden her son away specifically to avoid this from happening, but it would seem her efforts were for naught.” Yagi trembles. “I’m so sorry, Master. If only I had known…”
Your expression softens. “It’s not your fault, Yagi-san, and I’m sure your mentor would agree. After all, she was the one who asked you and Gran Torino not to go looking for her son, right? You were just respecting her wishes.”
“Even so, I deeply regret that decision.” He sighs, “I should have considered the possibility of All For One finding a way to track down her family and made arrangements so that they would always be protected from him. I should’ve known better than to assume that All For One wouldn’t be able to find them.”
Unfortunately, it looks like you won’t be able to absolve Yagi of this guilt despite how much you want to. No doubt this will be something that will remain with him for the rest of his life.
As you frown at that thought, Yagi pulls his hands away from his face. “Thank you for telling me about Shigaraki, Y/N-kun. I’m sure it was a subject you would have preferred to not discuss, but you did it for my sake, which I am very grateful for. Like you said, it’s far better that I learn this horrid truth here rather than on the battlefield. ”
You frown worriedly. “Will you be alright?”
He forces a smile. “Yes, you don’t need to worry about me. It’s true that this news was a horrible blow, but I won’t let myself give in, especially not after I just promised to overcome everything that’s thrown my way.”
His smile falls. “Dealing with Shigaraki from here on out will not be easy, but for my master’s sake, I won’t fold. I won’t allow him to continue down the path All For One set him on. I will do everything I can to ensure he cannot commit any more crimes.”
Hopefully, things won’t come to that since you know fighting Shigaraki would be incredibly painful for Yagi. That’s why you think it would be better if another hero was in charge of stopping Shigaraki, especially considering how much the villain hates the number one hero.
Of course, you don’t say as much. Instead, you just keep those thoughts to yourself and enjoy the fresh batch of tea that Yagi later pours for you once it’s ready.
As you’re both enjoying the tea, you provide as many details about your vision as you can that you think could be helpful, which mostly entails talking about All For One’s Quirks in hopes that that’ll help Yagi in the long run.
Once that discussion concludes, you decide to take advantage of this private time with Yagi to ask a question that’s been on your mind for a while now. “Yagi-san, do you ever intend to tell Midoriya about the future Nighteye foresaw?”
Yagi quickly averts his gaze. “I didn’t think that would be necessary….”
A sigh escapes you. “As I thought. Honestly, you keep way too many secrets from him. It’ll come back to bite you one day, you know.”
You wag your finger at him. “As your successor, Midoriya has a right to know about those secrets, especially the ones about your predicted death and Togata Mirio. Those are not the kinds of things he should be learning from anyone but you.”
He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. “I suppose you make a good point, but if we can avoid him finding out at all…”
“Fat chance of that happening.” You huff, “He’ll find out everything eventually, Yagi-san. It’s only a matter of time.”
When he remains unconvinced, you add, “Just give what I said some thought. I’m not saying you have to talk to him right now, but at least, consider doing it in the near future.”
The blond reluctantly nods, “Very well. It is true that you make an excellent point, so I should, at least, try to give the matter some more thought.”
Once that matter is addressed and Yagi returns to his muscle form, the two of you decide to leave the room, so you both return to your regular duties.
As the two of you are walking, you remember one last thing you need to say to the number one hero. “All Might.”
When he turns to look at you, you smile, “I believe in you with all my heart. I know there’s nothing you can’t do if you set your mind to it, so if you say you’ll win, I know that’s exactly what will happen.” “That’s why I couldn’t bring myself to feel as worried as I should have when I saw that vision.” You add, “Because I could tell just from looking at you that you had no intention to lose despite everything All For One was putting you through.”
Your smile grows. “Someone like you could never lose to someone like him. No matter what he says, he’s no match for you. I’ve always believed that and always will.”
Surprise briefly dawns his features before that trademark grin of his that you love appears. “Thank you. I promise I will live up to those high expectations of yours.”
“I know you will.” You fondly reply, “You always do.”
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ignitification · 4 years
I honestly feel so bad for all the UA kids,like the amount of trauma they have,the scars Both physically and mentally.Like Mina and Kirishima literally saw the dead body of their Teacher.No kid should have to see that.like while I'm glad everyone else is alright, I'm scared for Tamaki,like I feel like he's either dead or incredibly wounded,the last time we saw him was he was defending himself along with Fat Gum,from falling Debris.like imagine if he died,Like I don't even wanna know Mirio and Nejire's reactions.
Hero society sucks ass,like the moment things get hard with actual villians,the heroes dip.like goes to show,all they care about is Fame and money and not actually saving lives.Stain was right.But That "I am not here"sign on all might angered me.Like That man saved multiple people and lives and used every bit of power and strength to stop Afo,and this is the thanks he gets?SMH
Also Deku is most definitely not gonna be the same.Like he's definitely gonna have a big personality change bigtime.
Also do you think,like NightEye,Gran Torino will slowly die?like he's a old man,who get his leg crushed like a soda can and Straight up smashed onto the ground, and with a hole punched through his chest,while he was bleeding out.like I feel like it's nearly time for him to pass on.
So Deku has Ofa, Blackwhip,Float,and Danger sense,and he still has three other quirks to unlock.
Do you think or want deku to loose his arms or do you think Eri will heal them,since after a couple months,she has the power?
Do you think we'll get like a couple month or a year TimeSkip soon?
I think that UA kids deserve a break - a very long and boring one, therapy and just basking in each others’ comfort for a while. No person ever should see a dead body unless they choose to.
As for Tamaki, I am pretty sure that he and FG are just MIA at the moment, because if they were not I think we would have seen FG’s pictures with the other dead heroes. Plus, both have incredibly useful quirks when it comes to situations like that, and I hope that Horikoshi will take the road of them being in a coma, if they are at the hospital at all. Otherwise it would not make sense for Horikoshi to not show them (but the same argument can be made for Denki, who is also absent from the last chapters). I do not particularly care for neither Nejire and Mirio (I just do not see any appeal in their characters), but I reckon that it would deal a very hard blow on them - and I do not want any kid dying (even though I do think it might be slightly unrealistic in the future, because at Jaku there were loads of heroes, but as some died and a lot retired, I think a lot of the burden will fall on the students who will choose to fight against AfO - a bit like what happened at Hogwarts between Voldemort and Harry).
I think that the ‘I am not here’ sign is not an insult to AM, in a way that citizens are blaming him because he retired - but it is more like the fact that now citizens cannot be feeling secure in their own houses anymore. This is a jab at still active heroes, at heroes who retired and in general to all of those who believed in the society and relied entirely on AM to feel safe. It perfectly describes how society is slowly falling down the rabbit’s hole - and there is no one to stop the fall. So it’s a praise at AM, who showed to be able to be relied on, and he was the Symbol of Peace for a reason (and the fact that his role remained vacant to a degree where the villains took the lead instead). It is not a ‘Why aren’t you here?’ message, but a ‘I wish you were here’. 
Gran Torino is nowhere near dying, believe me. The man held out through Nana and Toshinori, he will definitely hold out at least until the last battle, or until AfO does not get defeated (or near that point in time, however). And since I think that might take a while, I would for now say that Gran Torino will outlive us all, like the genuine badass that he is.
Talking about defeating AfO, and the big trouble which is brewing in the meantime by AfO’s plans, as I said it will take time. But I am not sure whether this will be months or like around the lines of a year. The fact is this arc (Endeavour’s Redemption, Hospital Recovery and literally society taking a big blow which needs to be stabilised day by day) will be for a while. What I mean, is that we will not likely get a time skip before this arc ends (and it might take a while too, because we just started exploring Enji and Touya’s past, which I am sure will be further incriminated by Shouto, Rei, Natsuo and Fuyumi’s memories). After that however, I think it depends on Deku. We know that he is in a coma, currently stable but not showing signs of waking up. This could mean two things: Deku stays in coma during this arc (which means we are getting a time skip) or that Deku wakes up, and has terrible wounds and traumas (we means that the current arc will be longer, and we going to get or frames of his rehabilitation, or we are going to get a smaller time skip - as in a few weeks, or three months at best). I say this because, as the protagonist, and the one who will have a very important role in the climax of the story, it would be likely unrealistic for Horikoshi to leave him out: so it literally depends on how Hori will deal with Izuku’s situation. But I do believe that the second option is more plausible (as Deku will need time to train even further, to be able to withstand AfO’s power - and which also does not mean that the story will be in a stall. Far from that, we will likely get to see the Todoroki’s way more, Bakugo getting therapy and what not, maybe even Hisashi coming back (or the reveal of his identity) plus the whole Kurogiri real’s identity, Mr.Compress lineage and the truth of Machia). And finally, I do believe that Deku incurred in a major damage type of situation, but I hope that one of the quirks that he will discover during this arc have to do with damage absorption (similar to FG’s quirk) and that, since Izuku’s quirks are way more powerful than in their original time it might help him with the times to come. I am not sure however it will be about his arms , but more about his body as a whole (because the broken bones are one thing, but the fact that he strained himself so far, is concerning and will 100% bear its fruits in terms of mobility for Deku. To be honest, it would be interesting to see that Izuku lost partial functionality to one of his limbs, or that much like AfO he had to be rebuild in some parts). 
This is my take on this things, but as being future assumptions I am just putting it out there. There are some of these things which I would not like to see, but oh well, the only thing we can do is to sit, wait and let it come.
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Hi! What do you think about theories that Hori might be going for ending this manga? I mean, it kinda seems like he's bringing all the plot lines to their logical conclusion: Shigaraki VS Midoria battle, One-for-All VS All-for-One, Bakugou showing some real character growth, Pro heroes likely to pass their duty to the young generation, even Todoroki drama with dabi-reveal seems close. It seems so... final. What is there to do next, the time-skip to adult!pro!A-class maybe?
I think we have a lot more left with the kids, to be honest. Hori had planned to end the manga with what he ended up putting into Heroes Rising, where Deku and Bakugou come together to finish the villain, who I assume would have been Shigaraki, but he said he had something better in mind and so he put that ending into the movie instead.  I think there are a lot of paths still needing to be ventured down before he can properly end the series, the big one being Deku and One for All, and what exactly it is, what it’s doing to him, and what other powers lie in wait. Deku is just a kid unraveling this massive power, I assume Hori has something planned for how all of that comes to be. There is also the same question for AfO. What are these crazy powers? Will they just have to continue this endless cycle, or will it end somehow?
Then we have all the questions revolving around Hero Society and what’s going to happen what news of this war and what’s happened with the kids comes to light. I also assume Hori has a plan for that, as well.
My thought process is that Hori has had plans laid out for this series for a long time, I doubt he is building it as the days go by because that would just be chaos and putting so much more of a burden on him. So I think all the roads he has us going down will reach their end at some point, but I don’t see it happening for a little while.  We’re heading to chapter 290 this week, I wanna say we’ll have anywhere close to 400 chapters if he doesn’t want to rush things.  Plus, the stuff with Bakugo and Deku is just the beginning. They still need to talk and be open and come together. It’s a building process, and while I’m expecting some soft moments with this next arc with the fight ending, it’s still not going to be settled, they have years of history between each other and now with Bakugou’s big sacrifice, there is going to be even more to talk about. I’m expecting big things from them, not gonna lie. There is also the issues of All Might keeping secrets about OfA and what that is going to mean to Deku, and we also maybe need to meet Hisashi at some point, and obviously the Toya reveal (which I don’t think is happening next chapter, sorry Dabi stans) and yeah, there is tons of stuff that still needs to happen and so I don’t foresee Hori in too big of a rush to end things just yet. 
Plus I’m just not ready for it to be over so he can’t end it lmao
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a-crimson-lion · 5 years
My Thoughts On Chapter 257 and Why I Think The Bakudeku Dynamic Is Still Fundamentally Broken
[Spoilers and Bakugo-Bashing ahead. Long post. Avoid if you don't want to see.]
Look, I can kind of see why people enjoy the idea of Izuku and Katsuki making up and being friends again after all the crap Katsuki did. Honestly, if Horikoshi had set it up right, I might have been rooting for them, too. Of course, I don't root for it, because I don't see much improvement in the dynamic, especially on Katsuki's part.
Before I get started, remember: if you like the dynamic between Izuku and Bakugo, that's fine. This post probably isn't for you, and that's fine, too. I'm not writing this post to attack anyone personally, but if you feel offended, feel free to ignore this post and go about your day. I'd like it if we could be respectful of one another's opinions. Sound good? Good.
Now, let's begin...
So the big thing in this chapter (257 chapters, dear God...) is that we're finally learning a bit more about the OFA Holders. For starters, we now know the Black Whip user's name: Banjo Daigoro (heads up, the "Go (五)" in Daigoro means "Five," continuing the trend of OFA Holders having their wielder number in their names). We've also learned that Nana's Quirk was "Float" or "Levitation," which makes a lot of sense.
(I mean, Flight is one of the most iconic superpowers besides super strength, and since Nana is Izuku's metaphorical grandmother, it's incredible for her to be using such a by the book super power. Plus, it only compliments her friendship with Gran Torino, another hero with a flight Quirk.)
I'm rambling at this point. As intriguing as the Quirks of the previous holders is, my attention (as well as other readers' attention) was pulled towards Katsuki. Most say that the relationship between Katsuki and Izuku was adorable in this chapter. Others say Katsuki was a gremlin, but they still love him for it.
Well, pardon my pessimism, but if I'm using the phrase right, it looks like I'm gonna be playing devil's advocate.
[Keep in mind, the official translations haven't dropped yet, so this might screw up my analysis a bit.]
There's another meeting about OFA between Izuku, Toshinori, and of course Katsuki. Toshinori talks a bit about how he couldn't find everything for the previous holders, and what does Katsuki say?
If you don't know it then just leave it at that, I'm waisting my precious time on you guys.
There are a handful of other rude/passive-aggressive ways Katsuki could have phrased that. He could have made it sound like "That's nice and all, but could we skip to the important stuff?" But no, even though this information is crucial to Izuku, even though Katsuki has every right to just stay out of the room since the conversation won't benefit him, he says they're wasting his "precious time." Once again, Katsuki is being self-centered, but that isn't anything new.
A little later, Katsuki is taking a loom at the notebook, and he remarks that all the Quirks Izuku got must have been lame. Katsuki is immediately writing the Quirks off just because they aren't upfront with their badassery. Izuku appreciates all Quirks because he wasn't born with one, but Katsuki only appreciates strong Quirks because that's what society and his own self image have taught him up to this point.
Think of it this way: A man with diamonds can't understand why a man is happy with silver, but a man with nothing understands the value of both.
Katsuki's Quirk is admittedly versatile and efficient, and I can respect the work he put into it. However, immediately dissing less flashy Quirk's might be his downfall. Characters like Sir Nighteye don't have "powerful" Quirks, but are still capable adversaries thanks to how they use them in tandem with their other abilities. Foresight might not be a powerful Quirk in a fight, but Nighteye's own strategy, deceivingly ripped physique, and his high-density stamps help round him out as a capable opponent. We've seen Izuku utilize Black Whip in ways which can be definitely declared badass. Even Nana's Quirk can be used in incredible ways, especially considering Izuku's strategy and relentnesses.
Speaking of Nana's Quirk, here comes the part I hate the most...
Lots of readers talk about how Katsuki and Izuku's dynamic has grown a lot since their middle school days. That's not to say the statement isn't true, because there has been some growth, but I feel like most of it is exaggerated. Katsuki and Izuku haven't had an introspection (or at least a meaningful one) on themselves where they've come to grips with their faults and have vowed to change for the better. Izuku doesn't stop to think that maybe Katsuki shouldn't have treated him the way he did since they were kids, because Izuku's more concerned about heroism, mastering OFA, and (ugh) proving to Katsuki that he'll surpass him, being his image of victory. Katsuki hasn't really thought about his actions aside from that one time after the Provisional License Exams that ultimately amounted to nothing. It's been said time and time again by several in the fandom that Katsuki hasn't really changed, and for as much growth (or lack thereof) as he's had throughout the entire course of the series, the statement is not without merit. Case and point: the very first thing Katsuki spits out to Izuku when All Might reveals Nana's Quirk?
He's more concerned about his own image and pride then about Izuku's progress. He's already got flight down, so instead of leaving it at that or (highly unlikely) offering to help Izuku figure out the whole flight thing, he decides it's a great thing that Izuku will waste his time learning something Katsuki already knows so Katsuki can make sure he can beat Izuku yet again. He's not adding anything to the conversation, and while Izuku isn't personally bothered, Katsuki's next words are not okay, even if they're relatively tame.
Before you tell me that Katsuki is just trying to encourage Izuku or something like that along those lines, let's take a look at their proceeding dialogue:
T-that's not true! I'll just master it and catch up to you!!
You're just going to panic again! Explode and go to Hell!
Buy I managed to get the gist of Blackwhip, so...
No hesitation...!
...Katsuki is not being encouraging in any way, shape, or form. He's being discouraging; in spite of Izuku's protest, Katsuki insists that Izuku is going to crash and burn once more. Never mind that Izuku isn't bothered by it, what Katsuki is saying is not okay. No one can be the best but him, so no one can improve... including Izuku. Forget about Izuku's previous feats, forget the fact that he learned to use the base Quirk without damaging himself AND a second Quirk in less than a year. As long as Katsuki can pull ahead, stupid Deku won't be able to catch up and he'll prove that he'll forever be the best.
...can you feel my frustration with this character?
And then there are the panels where Izuku looks like he reading the journal, and Katsuki is making a gremlin face while make the "kill" gesture across his neck, and All Might's looking at it like it's something precious. Other people called this scene adorable, but for me, it only proves that Katsuki hasn't changed and WHY he hasn't changed. He still treats Izuku as someone lesser instead of as an equal; he might not be Quirkless anymore, but for Katsuki, Izuku just another extra to surpass. And then Izuku tries to be civil with Katsuki, but... the boy really does not care about him. And then people like All Might don't know the full depth of their relationship and consider this a massive improvement, and see no reason to confront Katsuki or Izuku about their issues.
Seriously, the narrative is so contrived in Katsuki's favor, I'm losing hope that Horikoshi will ever try to fix it properly.
And before you give me Izuku's whole spiel about:
I never thought the day would come where I could speak so naturally with Kacchan.
Just because Izuku is the protagonist and overall honest does not mean his views/relationship with Katsuki are ultimately well. I'm not saying he's an unreliable narrator, since he hasn't really gone to Delusion City as he's told us the story, but it's very clear that he doesn't give Katsuki's actions too much thought. Him suddenly being able to talk casually with Katsuki is not a major feat: EVERYONE ELSE can casually talk to Katsuki just as well even if his personality is, quoting Denki, "flaming crap mixed with sewage." At this point, I'm just tuning out all the times the narrative tries to claim that Izuku is completely mentally sound, or that Katsuki has made significant progress.
You can keep shouting it from every roof top you want to, but unless you're showing CONSISTENCY, you're not showing substance.
So, TL;DR This chapter continues to push the Bakudeku rival dynamic while instead showing how Katsuki has ultimately barely changed and is continually enabled by other characters and the narrative to continue his behavior because virtually everyone around him has an abnormally high tolerance for his bulls***.
That's all I can write right now. Thank you for reading.
-Crimson Lion (18 January 2020)
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familyofpaladins · 4 years
Things to remember/ keep in mind about recent (as of 285) mha/bnha manga chapters going forward
This is an incomplete list, and some of them are actually just questions, because I dont remember what we've been shown
Todoroki is still up in the air
Shiggy still has bullets... but idk how many if his pants have been burned off
Where are the nomu????
Deku was elbowed by shiggy which resulted in him coughing up blood. Broken ribs?
Not only is he wrecking his own arms currently, shiggy also went NOM on one of them
Gigantomachina is still on his way
With league on back
Part of 1a and 1b are still there
Tamaki and Nejire were there. Where they now??
Also we got looks at all might and eri.. where's mirio?? Did they show him?
Speaking of all might. He likely didnt just turn on the news to watch with eri. They were probs watching something else when the news broke in
The news isnt covering the current fight with shiggy. They'd been following the evacuation if the city. Now they might be looking into the destruction of the hospital, but shiggy moved from there when going after ofa/deku.
News is also now following giganto's rampage across japan
Best jeanist is still missing...
The flash back to all might and bakugo conversation happened... a while ago
Current events are happening at the end of their first year. So like April/late march
So whatever issue with the 4th quirk has likely already been dealt with. We the audience just dont know what it is yet
I've seen some of yall worried about how kirishima will be sad about bakugo, but you're forgetting that kiri is also in a bad state right now :/
Todoroki is still in the air. Way to leave him hanging, bakugo
Bakugo has still yet to reveal his hero name.
Todoroki, the fudge is your hero name?? I refuse to believe it's just going to be shouto.
We had the makings for a great trio combo move but now bk is skewered :/
Rock lock is the only real adult. Recognizes that they are CHILDREN, but also that they are indeed heroes who have earned respect, but they ARE STILL KIDS WHO SHOULDNT BE HAVING TO FIGHT
Aizawa is missing a limb and currently likely bleeding out.
No idea if the contact was enough for shiggy to steal his quirk??
Iida tsu ochako and co are still trying to evacuate people.
Either they're going to try and fend off gigantomachina or run to deku.
It is unknown how many and what quirks were given to shiggy
Shiggy has all for one the quirk. Afo the person only has a copy of ago the quirk
Unsure what's happened to the rest of the meta liberation army? Most accidentally taken out by gigantomachina??
Almost all heroes got taken out (1a and 1b survived cause they were off on the sidelines) so villains might have gotten swept up in it too?
Despite shiggys earlier rejection of afo's will, he "released" control because he was losing control of his body and was probs in shock due to being burned
Afo may have better control when using multiple quirks, but it's still a fragile body that's not up to the task so idk how long afos gonna last?? :/
Feel free to add more!
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lilypad-make · 4 years
All For One’s Plan
This chapter revealed the connection I was suspecting between the mind worlds of OFA and AFO , but what is he planning to do ? 
Since the beginning of this war arc, we see that AFO takes control of Shigaraki and calls Izuku “ Little Brother “ , which is a reference to the first user. In my previous theories, I kept saying that the purpose of OFA was supposed to be a copy of AFO’s power, he had hoped that by giving a quirk to a quirkless person , he thought his brother would be like him and follow in his lead by leaving his foolish morals aside , but that did not happen . 
At first , he was a mere pulsing presence , commanding Shigaraki to take One for All . Shigaraki is not a person to use full names ( like Dabi ) , but that is completely All for One . 
Going back to chapter 277 , All for One says the line , “ You will be mine , little brother “ . In the same chapter , we see how Shigaraki says that he wants to be greater than All for One and that he controls himself. 
Going further to chapter 281 , we can see him repeat the words his father had said to him to the heroes. 
Now , in the current chapter , while Bakugou took the attack meant for Izuku , even in that crucial moment he reminded Deku that he should strop trying to win this on his own , something Deku had been trying to do for the past chapters by fighting Shigaraki himself and using his power at the cost of his arms in order to save everyone and to prevent more bloodshed .
Meanwhile we can see Shigaraki telling ,” Cut it out “ ; implying the All for One was in control now. In one of my older theories , I had written how All for One was a manipulative person and often twisted his words. 
From the sports festival , when Shinso was fighting Midoriya, he insulted Ojiro which angered Izuku. Remember , All for One was also watching this festival . Also , when AFO was fighting All Might, he noticed how Midoriya was also in the rescue so he knew how much they meant to each other. There is also the added fact the doctor must have known about both Midoriya and Bakugou and their nature and told to AFO about them . 
The blood split line was spoken by AFO in order to make Deku more reckless and use up more power. That’s why further in the chapter we get to see AFO behind the crack as everything is going according to his plan. He knows from experience that it was one of the ways to anger the past users. I also think it’s possible he knew anger was a power source for Blackwhip since , he must have said something to anger Banjo( The Bald User ) and that’s how he had killed him.
When Shigaraki says , “ Finally One for All is mine ... “ They both are transported the spirit realm. The doctor while explaining to Shigaraki about AFO , he said to Shigaraki that , “ ... You’ll find that you’ll have everything in the palm of your hand . Even One for All . “ 
So when Shigaraki touched Deku , he hoped that he would finally have One for All , but I’m sure the doctor purposefully left out that One for All cannot be taken by force. This was all a master plan by All for One , to finish the connection between spirit realms . He gave Shigaraki a motivation ,” Acquire One for All “ . So , Shigaraki blindly followed his master’s orders without knowing that he wouldn’t get what he needed and he was just part of a huge plan. 
In the spirit realm , we can see that Nana is beside Deku . The future possibilities of this chapter would be that Deku finally has the conformation that All for One has been taking over Shigaraki’s body at times. He would also get to meet All Might’s master . All Might would have not said about Nana and Shigaraki’s connection to Izuku , because this fact just reminded him of how he failed her. Shigaraki on the other hand would never known that his grandmother was actually one of the past holders and had died fighting his master. 
All for One would begin twisting his words once more and begin reassuring Shigaraki has no family and that all the heroes are liars . He would twist Nana’s actions of the past and reveal everything that had happened. Deku despite hating Shigaraki could begin to understand him and his past more. AFO always kept speaking about how he gave chances to Shigaraki and will continue to be there to him like a parental figure, but is actually pulling the strings. 
Maybe the reason the past vestiges kept limited contact with Deku is because they didn’t want to risk AFO knowing about their presence and their plans . This is why only under dire circumstances , they revealed themselves and spoke to Izuku. Similarly , when Nana saw the vestiges in her youth and they said it wasn’t time yet , it must have alerted AFO . He must have seen how powerful OFA was becoming and what the vestiges were doing . So, he put more effort into eliminating Nana and the ones who came after her. 
We might also see the younger brother , the first user appear beside him and speak to his brother to stop this madness. Then AFO could reply that his brother was still naïve about the world and no matter how long it takes , he would eliminate all heroes . He might also explain that the reason he gave Tomura AFO ( quirk) was not only because he knew All Might could defeat him , but also he could enter the vestige world and speak to his brother face to face. 
Since OFA gets stronger with every passing generation , he wanted AFO to do the same and followed the same tactic with the help of the doctor. 
The most important thing in the next chapter is that we can see how the vestiges help Deku in this fight as they keep repeating to him in every interaction that he is not alone. 
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yellow-denki · 5 years
BNHA Chapter 257: Make It Your Own (Pt.1)
Y’all this chapter was SO good,,, it was also v long and jam packed with lots of stuff, which I always love when it happens, so uh I’m just gonna word vomit here lmao
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All Might’s Quirk analysis book!!!! I personally was really excited for this because I was hoping it would reveal a heck ton of info abt the past users, and I guess it kinda has!! But also, think about how much work AM must have put in to make this for Mido. Like, research as deep as that on people who existed a long time ago is not easy, but he still did it!! #DadMight lmao. But also, what AM said about the 2nd and 3rd users made me think. There’s no info on just these two people. And whenever we’ve seen all of the predecessors together, there’s two people blacked out. From what I can remember, these are the two occasions:
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Now, there’s lots of theories as to why they’re blacked out. I personally believe there are two reasons: 1) theyre important in the plot later on, and that’s why they’re blocked out for now or 2) to kind of show/symbolise that nothing is known about them. I personally believe that it’s number one in this case, because a lot of the time when Horikoshi does things, it’s for a reason, so doing this is like foreshadowing. Also, if this was just saying nothing is know, why do they have obvious silhouettes?? Like, if they were supposedly ‘unknown’ wouldn’t they just be a normal human base silhouette? Idk I might be picking at things that don’t exist here but hey ho- it’s my style
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We got proper, tight, unmistakable info on this guy. FINALLYYYYYYY!! I freakin deakin LOVE the successors and I’m thinking maybe Izu will be able to use Black Whip like Lariat in the future, maybe for the big battle coming up?? :D Also, is it just me, or does he kinda remind you of Death Arms?? Ya know the guy from the start of s1 who had a go at Izu for running in to save Baku from the sludge villain?? This guy:
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And ofc this could just simply be a coincidence that they have a similar character design but just to check I went onto the fandom wiki to look for his name to see if they were related, maybe have the same last name but there’s no name listed so I’m gonna go ahead and say for now that its just a coincidence lol
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What I’m getting from these two screenshots, is that most of the earlier users weren’t chosen because they had particularly strong or flashy quirks, because otherwise AfO would find them and take & kill them for their quirks, and OfA would die with them. Instead, they were chosen because they would be able to pass the quirk on through the generations to build its power, ready for the inevitable time one of the users, All Might, would be able to defeat AfO. This actually makes so much sense, i-
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YALL WE FINALLY GOT TO FIND OUT WHAT NANA’S QUIRK IS. FLOATTTTTT!!!!! I’m gonna say, from the fact that she’s airborne in the image and her partner is Gran Torino, that it was basically her being able to fly, like superheroes in western media. Like sidndksbdkcnhs that’s such a freaking cool quirk, being able to fly,,,,,,,
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Bish. Don’t stick ur middle finger up at Izu >:( what did he do?!
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Ok but this is actually adorable. Those two arguing and AM smiling like the proud dad he is. I actually like this kind of thing, it’s like they’re bantering, and Izu is actually standing his ground, not letting Baku just walk all over him. For me, it’s kinda a sign that their relationship IS improving, though I personally won’t like Baku as a character unless he apologises to Izu, begs for forgiveness. He needs to try be nicer still, but compared to the start of the series, it’s a good start if they want to mend their relationship.
That’s the end of Part 1! [Part 2]
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 306: the beginning of the WHAT
Previously on BnHA: Nana and the Gang were all, “hey Deku, we can read your thoughts and feelings so we should already know the answer to this, but for some reason we want to quiz you on whether or not you’d be down to kill Shigaraki Tomura.” Deku was all, “um okay, well tbh, probably not seeing as Saving People has been my entire thing since literally the start of the series.” The Vestiges were all, “yes that makes perfect sense and again we already knew that, but well, good for you buddy and I’m glad we had this talk. Anyway I guess we should ask these two cryptic fuckers in the corner to finally turn around now before we run out of -- ” and then the chapter ended. Because OF COURSE IT DID.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “YOU DON’T NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, WOULDN’T IT BE SO MUCH BETTER IF I GAVE YOU A CONFUSING CHAPTER WHERE EVERYONE FINALLY LEARNS ABOUT OFA, AND GOES BACK TO THE DORMS, AND THEN THE CHAPTER ENDS WITH DEPRESSED NOMAD DEKU STANDING ON A PRECIPICE WITH GRAN TORINO’S TATTERED CAPE FLOWING IN THE WIND.” Everyone is all, “???????????” Horikoshi is all, “also the parents are moving to the U.A. campus, and Jeanist’s neck is two and a half feet long, for everyone that was wondering.” Everyone is all, “WHERE ARE KACCHAN AND TODOROKI AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHO ARE THE SECOND AND THIRD USERS”, and Horikoshi is all, “:)” and fades away into nothingness like the fucking fae he is. Like a fucking imp who’s kept his end of the cursed bargain. What, the, fuck.
okay guys, so after the longest Thursday of my fucking life, during which I was secretly hoping that my spoiler containment net would be somehow be breached, inadvertently exposing me to theta spoiler radiation, so that I could be all “oh no... spoilers... there’s nothing I can do... I have no choice but to look” (which sadly did not happen), it is finally Friday and the chapter is finally out. so I’ve got my clown kit at the ready and other self-deprecating memes on standby, and I’m ready to go. and I should note that I’m also ready for Horikoshi to pull some absolute bullshit and be like, “oh you know what, we haven’t checked in with Rat Principal in a while have we” and spend the entire chapter on nonsense like that. I’M READY FOR FUCKING ANYTHING so bring it
(ETA: it would be nice if this man wouldn’t call my bluff every now and again.)
oh, right, we were due a color page! wow look at this
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isn’t this supposed to be the future?? what’s with all of these staticky CRT TVs
anyway, so! is this the first time we’ve seen Tomura’s stylish finger prosthetic glove thingy in color?? because I didn’t expect it to be red. also, at some point you just have to give in and change your pants into cutoffs or something, Tomura. start a new trend of stylish villain capris
meanwhile Deku is dressed like he’s going on a journey into the desert to find a mystical oasis. actually this cape looks a lot like Gran Torino’s. I have to go back and see if Gran’s is all raggedy like this
(ETA: it wasn’t before but APPARENTLY IT IS NOW. I also forgot that Horikoshi had showed it sitting on a side table in the hospital a few chapters ago.)
lastly, AFO looks like someone’s thumb after they’ve been washing dishes for twenty minutes. you are just the ugliest dude in history, and as always, fuck you
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oh, Twowy McTwoface is finally starting to turn around? better CUT BACK TO DEKU’S HOSPITAL ROOM THEN. wouldn’t want to accidentally ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS or SOLVE ANY MYSTERIES, god forbid
well, whatever. whatever!! anyway so now someone’s knocking at the door. I say “someone” but we all know it’s Hawks
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they were actually standing outside the door for a while hoping they’d overhear another juicy plot conversation, but no such luck this time
lmaooo Jeanist wtf
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acting all embarrassed, but you’re really just as curious as Hawks is. making him do all the dirty work for you huh
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so like two seconds after Katsuki gets dragged away you open the door for the rest of them!! well, fine!! I really want it to be a more private/personal moment between the two of them anyway so let the other kids check in on Deku first then
and in the meantime, time to see Hawks put the thumbscrews to All Might’s resolve lol
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I wonder how much of it Hawks has already put together in the last five minutes. One for All is something connected to All for One that Tomura seems to want. Tomura was apparently targeting Deku. that’s more than enough to make a few deductions right there. I wonder how much Hawks knows about Deku’s quirk. he did watch the sports festival, and he ran into the kids interning under Endeavor that one time
okay well maybe he hasn’t put the rest of it together just yet, but Hawks is making a pretty reasonable pitch here to All Might
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also this is a pretty spectacular view. is this a hospital or a hotel??
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( •̀_•́ )
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[sitting cross-legged on the ground pulling up little clumps of grass and letting them fall from my fingers one by one] yeah. sure. okay. fine. sure
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everybody better hold tight cuz I’m about to pick up this whole chapter and yeet it into the ocean like a fucking frisbee lol
-- OH
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well okay then. proceed. though lord help me if they’re about to reveal the secret of OFA to the whole fucking world skdkj
oh snap
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well, there it is. pretty much what I expected, but it’s good to actually get to see this moment with him taking responsibility
though at the same time, thank you Horikoshi for not forcing us to sit through the rest of that
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their fucking faces omg. okay but seriously, what nation doesn’t secretly love a good scandal
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the Endeavor Pamphlets, part two. thank you for giving the country something to opine about on twitter in these trying times, Enji
so now they’re asking about Hawks and Jeanist but I cannot even focus on anything all of a sudden because what?!
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is Jeanist even a real actual human being you guys?! are we sure he’s not three kids sitting on each other’s shoulders?? are you related to that one guy with the really long neck from the Jedi Council?? are you Orochimaru, bro??
so now Hawks is apologizing for the murder of Twice, and for hiding the connection with his dad
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the fact that he has to give this serious formal apology and beg forgiveness for the shameful crime of Having An Abusive Father is really something else, though. just. it’s realistic, but I still hate it
moving on now to the one thing he actually does owe the public an explanation for
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not to go all “Hawks did nothing wrong” on you guys yet again, but seriously. 100% facts. fandom can (and no doubt will) debate this until the end of time, but if Twice had gotten away they wouldn’t be having this press conference right now because there wouldn’t be any heroes left to give one. anyways though, I’ve already said more than enough about that in previous posts
so now some severe-looking lady with the weirdest fingers I’ve ever seen is saying that her mother was injured during Machia’s rampage
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and she’s basically all “a fuck lot of good ‘I’m sorry’ does us all about now.” true true
wow she’s really getting fired up
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and now Enji is basically saying that he understands that an apology isn’t enough, and what they really need now are solutions. okay, well! SO THEN WHAT IS THE PLAN THEN
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this eloquent PEZ dispenser makes a good point you guys
wait, hold up
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CERTAIN citizens?? um excuse me, what??
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit
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holy shit. well, this will go over well
okay! so this tells me a number of things, though
basically the minute that Hawks learned about One for All, he realized that anyone connected to Deku (e.g. Inko) would be a target for AFO. AFO wants OFA, meaning AFO wants Deku, and one of the easiest ways to get to Deku would be to target his family
Hawks therefore realized that Inko needed to be placed into protective custody
but the fact that ALL of the hero course students’ families (and is it only the U.A. hero course, or all of the hero course students across the country?) are being given protection tells me that Hawks and co. don’t want to single Deku out as being important. so then it looks like they’re not going to tell everyone about OFA (or at least not the public. which, good). so rather than drawing suspicion by saying “we’ve got to protect everyone connected with this one kid”, they’re making it seem like all the U.A. kids’ families are getting this treatment
but since the heroes are now spread so thin, they can’t just send a protective detail to each and every family, so they’re bringing all of the families to the same place instead to better keep an eye on them
so that’s all well and good, and a very smart move. except that idk how all of this is going to go over with the general public, all of whom are probably feeling unsafe at the moment, and who will probably see this as preferential treatment -- basically just the heroes looking after their own and leaving everyone else to fend for themselves
(ETA: okay so @hanashimas​’ translation clarifies that U.A. is offering their services as an evacuation shelter for everyone who wants it, not just the families of the U.A. students. that’s much more appropriate so I withdraw my previous “wtf” reaction lol.)
anyway though here’s Mitsuki and Inko
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can we take this as confirmation that the two of them really are friends? that’s one piece of fanon that I’ve always hoped was true, so I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s confirmed
(ETA: also this means that Hagakure’s parents (or maybe “parents” in quotation marks) will supposedly be moving in as well. sure am curious as to how that’s going to go.)
now someone in the press crowd is asking whether U.A. can provide adequate security, which is honestly the LAST thing I expected these people would be outraged about lol. shows what I know I guess
(ETA: again though, this makes sense if the “certain civilians” thing was just a translation error.)
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you tell me, Dabi! weren’t you the one who said that wouldn’t be enough to kill him? what even is your endgame here. I’m starting to worry about the villain brain cell supply you guys. I feel like Compress took most of them with him when he left
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“when asked about One for All, Endeavor fucking lied through his teeth.” well, well, well
( ⁰ ⌂ ⁰ )
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(ETA: 9. also if he really wrote every kid in his class then that means the U.A. traitor -- or Hagakure as we like to call her around these parts -- also knows about OFA, and knows that Deku has run the fuck off and isn’t at U.A. anymore. so that’s just great!)
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the hell does that mean, you must leave. leave to go where. son you are not up and leaving to go power up and lead us all into a timeskip. and I swear to GOD, if you left Kacchan too...!!
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y’all I’m not even gonna waste your time with more keysmashing, JUST ASSUME THAT I AM DOING IT NONSTOP, FOREVER. and let’s just jump RIGHT IN HERE
okay so here I thought that All Might and co. had taken him away somewhere to train, but that is CLEARLY not what’s going on here. this kid is standing here in his Apocalypse Aesthetic hero costume which has CLEARLY seen better days, with Gran Torino’s cloak (GUESS THAT EXPLAINS THAT, THEN?? SO DID GRAN FUCKING DIE EXCUSE ME WTF), and a fucking backpack. this little green idiot has RUN AWAY FROM HOME. this is the absolute LAST THING ON EARTH I ever expected to happen so PARDON ME WHILE I SCREAM CONFUSEDLY INTO THE VOID
he does not look okay. you guys he doesn’t look okay at ALL. he has NEVER looked like this. this isn’t just a “I’m sad because I’m leaving all my friends behind” kind of look on his face, or even just a “Gran Torino died maybe and I’m still having emotions over it” look. this is an EXHAUSTED, dead look in his eyes. something terrible has happened
love how this random building is just straight up collapsing, like that’s just a normal thing that happens every day now. lovely
did he go with Deku?? did he get a chance to talk to him before he left?? did he get his own private letter which he read and then promptly blew up in a fit of panicked rage?? is he going to go after him?? DOES HORIKOSHI KNOW WHAT HE’S DOING TO ME RIGHT NOW?? OF COURSE HE DOES, DON’T BOTHER ANSWERING THAT
omg. though actually the fact that we’ve already jumped a few weeks forward makes me hopeful that there won’t actually be another timeskip, or at least not much of one. I’m sure that’ll be the big debate of the week, but I don’t think we can jump too far forward here. for starters because of that All Might prophecy I mentioned. and also because TomurAFO isn’t just going to wait around for months. and also because I’m 100% sure that Deku’s running-away backpack is just filled ENTIRELY WITH NOTEBOOKS and this asshole cannot possibly survive more than 3 days on his own. UNLESS SOMEONE COMES TO HELP HIM THAT IS. OR SOMEONES, EVEN. OMG. omg omg omg. fuck this chapter lmao
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
"(I just hope Hori realises he doesn’t have to throw away the old one, especially when he’s gone through so much trouble to show that people can change.)" YES THAT RIGHT THERE!!! and don't worry, a lot of people don't like the OFA/AFO plotline, but I've been really starting to question what it is now. Because everyone uses it to refer to the battle between good vs evil and I'm like? Okay, but what about the mechanics of the quirk, what about knowing more about the vestiges? (1/5)
The history between the two brothers, more worldbuilding on their era, the first ofa holders name? Am I just thinking wrong, does the fandom use that plotline only for Deku fighting Shigaraki and gaining more percentage? To me, OFA/AFO plotline also includes whatever schemes AFO is up to, everything surrounding him and his criminal empire, the doctor and his Nomu, the technology and quirk singularity, AFO thought it was a real problem because he had multiple quirks, and so does OFA? (2/5)
Is AFO technically a holder of the quirk since he held the stockpile quirk he gave to his brother. Did that stockpile quirk take something from his own power and pass it on too? I have questions on how the battles with the vestiges went down. You can't trust the guy? He's just sitting there in Tartarus, but plotting something. He's shown up in Shigaraki's dream, what's going on??? In Deku's too? (3/5)
And OFA! Katsuki was nice enough to tell us that it's like AFO's power, just how connected are these two quirks. Why did AFO want it, what does Ujiko mean when he says OFA didn't behave how AFO saw fit??? Now Endeavor the last guy anyone would want to know about OFA might be told about it, how would Shoto react if he found out. Aizawa? Some people think Endeavor's gonna take a bullet for Deku to protect OFA, after his 'secure a future for them' realization. (4/5)
What happens when people start noticing Deku has a lot of quirks that can't be passed off as his 'original.' What if he lands on the Commission's radar, for being like the Nomu or AFO. (If not him, then Eri.) If the dad for one theory is true then what. What happens when the quirk is complete, will it disappear will both OFA/AFO still be there by the end of the series? This plotline just seems to be going places. And All Might! If he dies will Deku meet him again within One for all? (5/5)
First off, I don’t mind people writing paragraphs in my ask box because they’re interesting! And you’ve brought up some good points!!
I guess the fact that people aren’t sure if AfO’s history is going to play a part in the AfO/OfA battle is an issue with the plotline itself.
I am curious about the legacy of AfO and the effect of his presence in society before the rise of All Might and what impact he had on the creation of the current era considering that All Might and the other users of OfA kept his presence a secret from everyone. (Which is a big issue in my opinion and I hope people do end up getting upset that such a major threat against the world was hidden from them for ‘their safety’.)
I think the fandom uses it to refer to the Deku vs Shigaraki fight because that’s all we’ve been seeing recently. The last time we’ve saw the vestiges was when Deku unlocked black whip right? And now we’ve only had snippets of OfA’s voice talking to Deku and maybe AfO talking to Shigaraki?
We barely know anything about AfO except his last name is Shigaraki, he’s a megalomaniac with a brother complex, his quirk is OP (and doesn’t make much sense but that’s an argument for another day), and for some reason he wanted a successor even before his fight with All Might left him injured. We don’t know why he does the things he does but I have a feeling we’re going to find out over the next couple of chapters (or at least get a glimpse into his plan) through the voice Shigaraki keeps hearing.
I’m curious about how linked AfO and OfA are too. Did AfO accidently transfer some of his own quirk’s power when he gave his brother the stockpiling quirk? Or was it even accidental? We just don’t know anything for sure (and maybe that’s the point)
I want the OfA reveal to happen soon personally because I think it’s very irresponsible of Deku and All Might to keep it hidden when all of the other heroes are already involved in the battle. Not only are there characters that could help Deku master his quirk (Mirio could teach him how to use the ‘weaker’ ones more effectively and Shouto could help him wield two different quirks at the same time for example), a lot of people have been injured or died over this secret and I think it’s time the truth came out. Especially if someone does end up losing their quirk to protect it.
(God if All Might does end up dying, Deku seeing him one last time with the vestiges would be heartbreaking T-T, imagine if it’s the last time he’s using the power too so it’s the only time he’ll be able to speak to his mentor and hero ever again)
Who knows what Horikoshi is planning in the end?
Trust me, I didn’t really mind as you can see ;)
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