#also that last image is actually from the wiki
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dailycupofcreativitea · 1 year ago
So I went on a deep internet dive today and...
(Because it's a game, I think the player's choices impact the ending).
Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans Alternate Endings:
Giant Hatchiyack Ending (youtube)
Giant Hatchiyack Ending with more context (internet archive)
Multiple Hatchiyack Ending (youtube)
Spirit Bomb Ending (youtube)
Scroll Ending (internet archive)
Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans with More Scenes
Slightly more scenes (youtube)
Slightly MORE scenes (mega.nz file link, leads to a website where a user uploaded the video, I had no issues on this website but just a warning if you only go to trusted sites)
Earth disk (part 1) (mangled audio and a guy is speaking in Spanish over it the entire time but hey you can see the pictures!) (youtube)
Space disk (part 2) (youtube)
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skepticalcatfrog · 8 months ago
Guys I feel like I am trying to put together a puzzle out of pieces from one million different puzzles where no one full puzzle is present. I was looking at This Foul Murder today and I came across the part where Marshall describes Benedikt's eyes as being "brown-grey" and "ambiguous dark". I was already familiar with this because I am a frequent peruser of Benedikt's fandom wiki page. But I always just assumed it was mistaken on the wiki page, because I was 10000% sure I had read in the books somewhere else that his eyes are light colored/blue.
I absolutely SCOURED TVD for any mention of Benedikt to try to find an answer and I came up with nothing. Did I imagine this?? Have I created an alternate timeline where Benedikt underwent a change of eye color akin to Thalia Grace of the Riordanverse??
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catghoststories · 5 months ago
Frank, Eddie, and the Tell-Tale Heart
So, I know the main focus of this update was Poppy, which I was happy to see (though I'm not happy to see what happened to her).  I do have a theory cooking about her, Sally, and the Commedia Dell'arte, but Frank n' Eddie are my favorite pair, and I've been stewing over this particular theory since the July '23 update.  This tiny line from the Looky-Loo storybook is what cinched it for me.
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Source: Merchandise Page, Looky-Loo Storybook
This line isn't read out loud, but we can see it at around the 9 minute in the video, above Eddie, looking so polite.  It reads,
"Villains!" I shrieked, "I can deny it no longer! I admit the deed!—tear up my flower bed!—here, here!—it is the ticking of my beloved alarm clock!"
This isn't the actual line from The Tell-Tale Heart.  The original line reads "Villains!" I shrieked, "dissemble no more! I admit the deed!—tear up the planks!—here, here!—it is the beating of his hideous heart!"
Source: The Tell-Tale Heart
The Tell-Tale Heart is about someone murdering their roommate, cutting him into pieces, and hiding the evidence under the floorboards of their house. 
And I think this is what Frank is going to do to Eddie, in an attempt to protect him in a perverse, misguided way.
This rewritten lines seems very specific to Frank and Eddie.  We know Frank loves his garden.  And who's the only character in the Neighborhood who owns a clock?  Eddie.
At the end of the Homewarming video, Frank sees how distressed Eddie is.  As many have theorized, Frank seems to be somewhat aware of what's happening, although we don't know to what extent.  But he sees that Eddie is now in the line of fire of The Powers That Be, and he becomes worried for him.  
I think Frank will dismantle Eddie and hide him in his garden until he deems it 'safe' for Eddie to come back, once the 'eyes' are off him.  (Kind of reminds me of the Eye of Sauron from Lord of the Rings).  An unintentional—or perhaps intentional—side effect of being dismantled and put back together, with new parts, is that Eddie doesn't remember things well. 
Including, possibly, his and Frank's relationship.
This goes along with the theme we've seen several times in WH now, including this new Halloween update.  The puppets unintentionally—yet seriously—harm their loved ones in order to protect them from something they deem far worse—whatever that may be.
As these posts by kykudos, oniongrass, and nikkiiiscute discuss, there is an image from one of the hidden bug clips of Frank's garden with 9 clothespins—one buried in the dirt.
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Source: Welcome Home Hidden Audio ('til it's back on the official site :3)
And there's the references to burial in Bug-a-Bye and Goodnight, too.  This post by the-nosy-neighbor goes quite a lot into this song very well, especially how it might indicate Frank could put Eddie into a suspended state!
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Source: Transcript Page, Bug-a-Bye and Goodnight
Now I have been thinking about this dismantling/reassembling thing for a long time, especially since the last Halloween update.  Eddie is one of the puppets with a new costume, and he is Frank(enstein)'s monster.  And he has a big yellow band-aid on the back—Frank's color.  If Eddie is taken apart, Frank will patch him up again.
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Source: Clown's Tumblr
(Also, I'm curious about the blue hand and face in Eddie's costume design. That's Barnaby's color. Does Frank use Barnaby's spare parts to put Eddie back together?! 😳 Especially since I feel like Barnaby's time on Mister Bone's Wild Ride is fast approaching—but that's yet another post 😅)
But based on the Tell-Tale Heart line, Frank may have been the one to do the dismantling in the first place, which is quite dark.  Based on the below picture from the former staff member page—clearer image here from Clown's Tumblr—Frank may be aware they're puppets and made up of various parts.
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Source: Welcome Home Wiki until it's back on the official site :3
There is also an intense piece on Clown's Ko-Fi here (please support Clown if you can!) that shows butterflies doing SOMETHING to Eddie. Are they putting him together? Or taking him apart to join them in their hibernation? 🤔
Frank also likes gelatin. As he tells Poppy in their hidden audio, 'it holds perfectly sliced fruit beautifully'.  Perfectly sliced, cut up fruit, eh?  Gelatin is a preservative that we also see in the cookbook recipe, and we all know Eddie has an unholy encounter with his single pea.  So yet another symbol of suspended animation that is related to Frank and Eddie.
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Source: Merchandise Page, Cookbook
So it seems like Frank has some experience in preservation, hibernation, etc. and knows how to use it, if it comes to it.
The next big update will likely be spring-themed.  A long time ago, Clown posted that Frank has a holiday in spring. Of course this isn't canon until it's on the website, but either way, I think Frank will have an important role in the spring update, which I believe will also focus on Julie.  We may see him wake up Julie from hibernation...and Eddie from his dirt nap.  
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Source: Clown's Tumblr
(I've been so curious about that shadow behind the flower.  At first I thought 'OMG, it's Eddie's hand!', but I don't think so. 😅 I dunno what it is, but it doesn't quite seem flower like to me...🤔)
This Ko-Fi post (again, please support Clown if you have the means!) was posted around Easter this year and had a bunny/Easter theme.  Clown says "What is there to say though... Well! We know what the next holiday is in our Home Sweet Home, I'd say."  A huge theme of Easter/Spring are Rebirth and Resurrection.
As this post by serene-hatterene so beautifully details, Frank may feel pressured to kiss Julie to wake her up to prove his heteronormativity.  Maybe to further protect Eddie, too, to prove they aren't a thing.  Seems like Julie's family may show up this update, too, and we know family can cause a lot of pressure for couples during holidays. 😬
My last item isn't that strong, but I have been thinking of since the July '23 update.  In Eddie's Big Lift, Frank says the following line:
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Source: Transcript Page, Eddie's Big Lift
The tense of "You always did work too hard" always bothered me.  Why doesn't Frank just say, "You always work too hard!"  And Eddie doesn't seem to know what he's talking about. Frank sounds almost wistful here.  It's like he's talking about his ex—a former version of Eddie, pre-dismantling, perhaps?
(Also, 'Enjoy the ground, Mr. Dear'? Dude, if this theory is right, that line is even more screwed up than it already was. 😳)
Here is my order of how I feel these events actually happened:
Secret Bug Audios (Eddie and Frank flirting) -> 1st Halloween Audio (Eddie still seems like his chipper, knowledgeable self) -> Homewarming -> Springtime (and Eddie's Resurrection)? -> Eddie's Big Lift
Not quite sure where this last Halloween update lands, but I feel like it's later.  Eddie seems ignorant of the potential adverse effects The Brickening (TM) could have on Poppy.  I feel like he's been more sensitive to Poppy and others in the past (but maybe I'm wrong, I'm biased towards him, heh).  Perhaps after his Reconstruction, his memory has now been reset, and he has "fallen into line" with the other Neighbors and their weird, pile-onto-one-person ways.
Anyway, what do you all think? 😬😬 I do hope I'm wrong, since Frank is my favorite, and this would make me feel very differently about him. 😬😬😬 Please tell me your own WH theories, too! I find them so interesting!
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nerdykorgi · 2 months ago
QUICK YAP SESH: Location of Gravesfield from The Owl House
so uhm, while I am finishing the rest other art things I did decide at like 3 am to find the supposed "actual" location of Gravesfield. At least, what town would most likely be Gravesfield if it were real.
I used a lot of info from the wiki and that cool official Gravesfield Website Mock-Up that John Bailey Owen posted. (this thing in case no one knows what im talking about)
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Anyways to get started, here's this poorly done thing i made in google draw lol, hopefully you can actually read some of it oof. Its color coded to the info below:
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Firstly, I do find it interesting how Conneticut was actually the FIRST colony with a relatively large witch panic in the American colonies, happening 40 years before the infamous Salem Witch Trials.
To start off I think the most poorly backed-up possibility is Hamden.
The reason im suggesting Hamden is because it is Dana's hometown and she said she has taken a lot of major inspiration from it. Like churches and graveyards.
However, the reason I'm not drawn to it is because not only was it founded 1786, way over a decade Gravesfield was said to be founded, I also couldn't find too much about Hamden having Witch trials, but if they did it definitely wasn't as big as Wethersfield's or Hartford.
Now I'm basically stuck between Litchfield and Wethersfield.
Litchfield I was drawn to because of its name really. It means Field of Corpses and that's basically the same thing as Gravesfield lol. On top of that, it also holds the county seat of Litchfield County, something Gravesfield supposedly is as well. (In modern day context of course.)
Also Gravesfield was said to be along Conneticut Route 109, putting right along either Washington pr Litchfield (which J. B. Owen said was probably false on the Washington part but at the same time he uses an image of Washington's river as stated below)
The thing is though, like Hamden it wasnt founded until the 18th century, and there was no witch trial things that i could find. :/
Which then led me to Wethersfield:
Now Wethersfield is WAY more appropriate in both time, setting, and history. Wethersfield was one of the first colonies to be pop-up around the correct time for the Wittebane brothers to arrive in Connecticut. Wethersfield was founded in 1633-34 and Gravesfield in 1635 (Mind the brothers were said to arrive in 1613 I think it was, either this was a continuity error or they were among the very first settlers in Gravesfield.)
Random but it was also called Watertowne before it was changed to Wethersfield.
Anyways, In the Mock-up website we can see at the top, a banner picture of a winding river. Now i did google search this image and it is actually Washington Ct, womp womp, but I think it could actually be pointing to another more prominent river in Connecticut and that's the actual Connecticut River, which Wethersfield is conveniently placed right next to.
Now lets look at a map of Wethersfield:
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river, check check, and HOLY SHIT THAT COULD BE THE FLOODED GRAVEYARD LOL (where i circled) Sadly, Its not actually, but it shows how similiar the geography possibly is.
I think last and most importantly however is the fact that Wethersfield is known to have some of the earliest of the witch trials in Connecticut at the time. (There were 9 documented accusations and only 3 executions, one of which was a woman who openly admitted to using to witch craft, Mary Johnson, and a married couple name Joan and John Carrington.) This goes very well with the whole Witch Hunting thing.
Lastly I think the cherry on top would be that they both just look incredibly similar lol:
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Also fun fact, If the Wittebane brothers did actually arrive in 1613~ they would have been among the Dutch settlers rather than the British, whom were the ones to found Wethersfield. Take that information how you will but I am certainly going to make some kind of headcannon out of it lol
Anyways more art soon once i actually finish it, but please, Let me know your guy's thoughts :D !
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noyaspeach · 2 years ago
first light
Summary: Could this be how every day begins?
After a long and restless night with no sleep, you go looking for something to while away the hours. As it turns out, Astarion is just as much of an insomniac as you are, and the two of you spend the early morning together.
Pairing: Astarion x Gender Neutral! Reader
Word Count: 4,334
Tags: Fluff and Light Angst, Pining, Feelings Realization (Kinda?), Second Person POV, Soft Astarion, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Insomnia, Watching the Sunrise
Author's Note:
not me returning to fic-writing over 3 years later with an astarion fic of all things. i can't even guarantee i'll write another one considering i'm about to start college again, but i would sure like to!
i was heavily inspired to write this because of the release of hozier's album. it perfectly aligned with me becoming obsessed with baldur's gate 3, and astarion is just so hozier-coded, how could i not? as the title suggests, i was inspired by the song "first light" which is the last song on the album, based on dante's ascent out of hell and his first taste of light and freedom. i imagine it's how astarion must have felt when he was no longer forced to do cazador's bidding and when he could finally experience sunlight again.
obligatory disclaimers: i haven't actually played the game yet, so this fic is informed by clips i've seen online, gif sets, the baldur's gate wiki, and other fics. if any details in this aren't chronologically sound or if anything seems a little non-compliant with the canon of the game... now you know why lol.
still, i hope you enjoy it! this is also posted to ao3! read here!
You stare up at the ceiling of your tent, frustration rolling in your chest as you struggle to rest. Your eyes are beginning to sting with the lack of sleep, but simply closing them does nothing to help. You’ve gone through all of your belongings twice already, looking for something to ease you into slumber, but no amount of reading or alcohol seems to do the trick. It certainly doesn’t help that the weather has been oppressively humid all night, leaving you coated in a thin, sticky layer of sweat that doesn’t seem to leave you no matter how many layers you shed.
You can’t bear to lay around in the thick air of your tent, so you decide to sit out by the extinguished campfire in the hopes that it will do more to relax you.
You quietly open your tent flap and emerge into the mild morning air. It’s much cooler outside, and a light breeze tickles your arm, already doing wonders to dry your sweat. It’s still too early for daylight, so the camp is only dimly illuminated by the moonlight. With the lack of light, you listen out for the sounds of the forest around you: the chirps of insects beneath you, hooting owls in the distance, and a trickling stream not too far away. Focusing on these scarce sounds, you already feel much calmer.
After a moment of peace, you hear a rustle to your right. You whip your head toward the sound, hands ready at your weapon, when you see a familiar face emerge from the trees. You let your hands drop to your side again. It’s just Astarion. He appears to be returning to his tent, noticeably empty-handed. You wonder what he’s up to this early in the morning, and he seems to be wondering the same thing, eyeing you with an inquisitive raise of the eyebrow.
“Restless sleeper, are we?” He remarks.
“Something like that,” you reply. “Just needed some fresh air.”
You notice that Astarion is still in his sleepwear, the sleeves of his white undershirt pushed up above his elbows. “And what are you doing out?”
“Oh, you know. Searching for a midnight snack, so to speak.” He gestures to the woods behind him. “Unfortunately, there isn’t a very fine selection tonight.”
You grimace at the thought of Astarion catching an innocent woodland creature between his teeth. It’s a less-than-flattering image, one that’s informed by the memory of the boar he drained a while back, and one that you’re eager to dismiss.
“Is that all you’ve been up to?” You ask.
“Why? Were you getting lonely without me?” He teases. You can only roll your eyes in response. When he doesn’t receive a retort, Astarion sighs and continues. “Right, if you want an honest answer, I was going for a stroll to pass the time.”
You tilt your head to the side. “Wandering about on your own while everyone’s asleep isn’t a very good idea. If something happens out there, none of us will be able to save you”
“Trust me, darling, I can hold my own just fine. But I appreciate you worrying about my safety. It’s almost touching.” He smirks. “I would appreciate it even more if you would refrain from telling the others about my… routine here. I don’t exactly want the company.”
“Routine? How long have you been taking these walks?”
“Since the day I joined you all, I would say.” Astarion’s eyes move to the entrance of his own tent. “I haven’t been able to get much sleep myself, and I figure there isn’t much use laying on my bedroll if I’m not resting or satisfying… other needs. So, I walk. And occasionally feed.”
You search Astarion’s face for any sign of deception, but he’s being surprisingly truthful, if a little bashful. You resonate with his sleeplessness, being something of an insomniac yourself. Despite the immense toll your travels have taken on your body, you can’t seem to rest very easily at all, especially when you need it the most. Whether it’s the vivid memories of past battles replaying in your dreams, the smothering climate of whatever campsite you’ve picked out that night, or the relentless wriggling of the tadpole in your head, there’s always something keeping you up.
“I’m surprised I haven’t caught you earlier, then,” you say. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”
“Thank you,” says Astarion. He smiles, and it seems he means it too. “Well, seeing as neither one of us will be getting to bed anytime soon, would you care to join me?”
You cross your arms. “I thought you would have preferred to be alone.”
“Misery loves company and all. I think I can make an exception for a fellow night owl,” he drawls.
You agree to walk with him then and quietly head in the opposite direction of both tents. You’re sure to bring your weapon with you in the off chance that something—or someone—attacks the two of you. A very small part of you still garners some suspicion for Astarion himself, especially considering that night in which he tried to feed from you while you slept. Perhaps that’s another factor in your insomnia; although you let Astarion drink his fill that night, you can’t be entirely sure he won’t try it again. That he won’t succeed in creeping up on you and draining you completely.
You shiver at the thought, but pass it off as a cold chill from the wind. As the two of you slowly move from the campsite, your surroundings become even quieter. The chirping insects from before are silent now, and the nearby stream is barely a whisper. You can hardly hear either of your footsteps. It’s at once peaceful and unsettling.
After a few short minutes, you’re the first to break the silence. “What do you usually do when you’re out here?”
Astarion thinks for a moment, and hums. “Hmm. Aside from hunting, I suppose I just sit with my thoughts. There isn’t much else to do, is there?”
You nod, but somehow you don’t think being left with one’s own thoughts is particularly relaxing for anyone in your party. You can’t imagine it’s any good for Astarion, especially.
“And what do you think about?”
“So much,” he says. “Plans, mostly. Where our next destination is, where I’ll find my next meal, what I’ll do when we reach Baldur’s Gate, how to get rid of this wretched parasite…”
“Do you ever think about your past?”
Astarion’s gaze is a bit distant until you ask that. He slows his pace and turns to you, looking unusually serious. “I prefer not to.”
He leaves it at that, so you decide not to push further. You only know a little about Astarion’s life before the tadpole entered his mind. You know he’s the spawn of an even more powerful vampire, a master to whom he was a slave for nearly 200 years, and you know he’s lived in the shadows up until now. It isn’t lost on you that this entire adventure is his first taste of freedom in centuries. You understand why he would rather focus on the future. Still, your nagging curiosity makes you desperate for more information about him.
“What about you, my dear?” He returns to his more amused attitude. “What do you do in that tent of yours to pass the time until the morning comes? Don’t tell me if it’s anything naughty… Actually, do.”
You shake your head and suppress a smile as he actually almost earns a laugh from you. “Nothing like that. I normally just try to distract myself until I can hopefully fall back asleep. Read something, sort my wares, hum a tune. Anything to relax.”
“I take it that hasn’t been working for you?”
“No. Not one bit. I’m actually kind of worried it might start affecting my performance from now on. Unlike some of the elves in this team, I actually need quite a lot of rest.”
“A true shame,” he tuts. “Although it is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, I don’t need to sleep for very long. On the other, I can’t sleep for very long. Sometimes I do wish I could simply let the whole day pass while I doze off. That would be much easier than just waiting it out.”
You hadn’t considered this. While the rest of your traveling companions are able to sleep through the night, Astarion has no choice but to wait for everyone to wake up around sunrise. All he can do is hope to get a few hours of rest before sitting through the unnerving silence of the night, the only unique sounds being the faint snores and mumbles that float from the other tents. You and he are alike in this struggle, but you at least are lucky enough to have a few nights when your exhaustion is bad enough to force you to bed.
“Well, taking a stroll like this is a good idea,” you finally say. “Thank you for inviting me along.”
A small smile tugs at the corner of Astarion’s lips. “Thank you for joining me. I will admit, it’s easier to pass the time with a… friend… by my side.”
Your heart swells at that word: “friend.” It’s a welcome upgrade from whatever you two might have been considered before.
A few minutes pass with the both of you chatting politely. As you walk, you make note of your surroundings to ensure that you don’t stray too far from camp or encounter any traps. This occupies your mind for a while, but Astarion seems to be running out of topics to discuss. Not wanting him to abandon your little trip just yet, you try to think of something to entertain him. Looking out at the forest and the sky in front of you, you notice that the moon has begun its descent into the trees, meaning morning is almost upon you two. This gives you an idea.
You stop and pivot to face Astarion. He stops too, surprised at your sudden pause.
“What is it?” He asks.
"Would you like to watch the sunrise with me?”
He’s taken aback only momentarily before he adopts his familiar flirtatious demeanor. “Trying to turn this into a romantic tryst, are you? If you want something more, you’ll have to be a little more direct than that.”
You shake your head. “No, I don’t mean anything by it. I want to know if you’ll sit and watch the sun come up with me. That’s all. It should be rising soon enough. It’s almost morning.”
He seems puzzled, his brows tightening and eyes scanning your face for any indication that you may be holding something back. When he doesn’t find anything, he settles back into an easy expression. “I seem to have misjudged. My apologies… Yes, I wouldn’t mind sitting with you.”
“Great.” You smile and begin to walk again. “I heard some water earlier, so I think there may be a stream near here. Maybe it’ll make for a nice spot.”
Astarion follows as you lead him closer to the sound of running water, and the two of you shortly come upon the stream. It’s a small, shallow brook that separates the woods from which you emerge and another expanse of trees on the other side. Right along the edge of the water is a line of smooth rocks big enough to sit on. It’s the perfect place to set up, you think.
The two of you find purchase on the edge of the rocks, feet just barely dangling off the side, hovering above the calmly flowing water. The rocks aren’t terribly big, so the two of you sit side-by-side, your knees close enough to touch. Across the brook, the trees begin to thin out, leaving a clear view of the horizon. You estimate that the sun will start its ascent in the next few minutes, but for now, the scene in front of you remains thinly bathed in moonlight.
In the quiet of the dawn, the moon casts its silvery glow on the world beneath it. Every blade of grass, every dewy flower, every mossy stone radiates with a hazy blue hue. The stream beneath you reflects this onto both of your faces, and you give a sideways glance to your companion next to you. You watch as the light dances across his cheeks, admiring how it shines in his curls, how it glistens in his deep red eyes, and how it collects in the space just above his lips. You inhale and the earthy scent of the forest mixes with the smell of Astarion’s perfume in your nose. As you do so, you realize now just how close in proximity you are to him. You’re close enough to trace his silhouette from the slope of his nose to his slender neck with your fingers if you so choose. You glimpse at the puncture marks just below his jaw and remember once more the night you let him drink from you. You remember the moment you awoke in terror before you realized who was crouched above you. You remember the uncertainty you felt as you gave him permission to continue, not sure whether it was a wise decision or not. You remember the sharp sting of his teeth entering your skin and the almost exhilarating dizziness that followed as he coaxed your blood out with his tongue. The rest of that moment is a blur to you, but you can still distinctly recall how he cradled your head with one hand, the other gently ghosting down your spine. For almost a full day after that night, the smell of bergamot and rosemary lingered on your neck.
“You do know staring is rude, don’t you, darling?” Astarion says. “Not that I particularly mind.” He leans back on his arms and turns to face you. “Not when it’s you.”
Your cheeks flush in spite of the cool temperature. You wonder when it was you became so vulnerable to Astarion’s flirting. Even though you have, you try not to entertain it. After all, you suspect his charming behavior is at least partly a ruse.
“Sorry,” you mutter and look back at the horizon. “It’s very pretty out. It’ll be even prettier in just a few more minutes, too. We’re in the perfect spot to watch the sun come up.”
“Is that so?” Astarion tilts his head as he continues to behold you. “You know, I’ve never watched the sunrise like this.”
You twist to look at him again, utterly shocked. “Seriously? Not once?”
He shakes his head.
“How come?”
He sighs. “I’m sure I must have before… everything. But I can’t seem to remember anything from back then. I lost most of my memories when I was brought back, save for a few of the important details. I suppose sunrises weren’t important enough to stick.” He frowns and stares out at a canopy of trees in the distance. “Then, as you know, it would have been incredibly stupid for me to be out in the light with this condition of mine. So, I never tried. I didn’t have very many opportunities to do so, in any case.”
Your brow furrows, but you don’t say anything. Instead, you let Astarion continue at his own pace.
“...I spent decades in my master’s lair, a- a dungeon, really. I was trapped in the darkness. The only time I was allowed out was when he needed fresh, new bodies, and even then it was always under the cover of night. For the longest time, that was all that I knew. In a way, it’s what I’m still used to…”
Suddenly his sleeplessness makes all the more sense to you.
“I know I’m free from that now, what with the tadpole and all, but…” He trails off. You understand.
After several beats of silence, you clear your throat.
“Once, when I was a child, I went playing in the woods with some of the other children in the village. There were maybe six of us in total? I don’t exactly remember. But we marched all the way from the market to the forest pretending we were a band of heroes. I was at the back of the line, right behind this boy that I really liked. I put myself there on purpose so that I could smile and blush as much as I wanted without him seeing me.”
“How cute,” Astarion comments with a quirked eyebrow.
“Yeah. I mean, I thought I was being clever, but it was pretty silly, wasn’t it? Anyways, when we entered the woods, we decided to split off into teams to see who could find the most ‘treasure.’ We just plucked up sticks, flowers, beetles, pinecones, that kind of stuff. I was paired with the boy I liked, and I was so giddy about it. I wanted to show him just how cool I was, so I climbed up every tree and jumped off every rock. Just hearing him laugh and clap for me was enough for me to keep going. So, I did. Before we knew it, we realized we had strayed too far from the rest of the group. We tried to call out to them but heard nothing in return. We were lost.”
You pause your story to get a brief look at Astarion. You half-expect him to be bored by this point, but you’re surprised to see that he’s giving you his full attention. He waves his hand, signaling for you to continue.
“We started playing late into the evening, so by the time we realized that we had no clue where we were, the sun had already begun to set. I remember cursing myself for wishing I could have some alone time with this boy because that wasn’t at all what I had had in mind. But, alas, that was the situation I was stuck in. When it reached midnight and we still hadn’t made our way back to the village, I started panicking. You should know that I used to be deathly afraid of the forest at night. I was terrified of what kind of creatures could be hiding, waiting to snatch me up and eat me alive.”
“Hmm, like vampires?” Astarion teases.
You smirk. “Precisely. You’ll remember, though, that I was stuck with the boy I liked. So, there was no way I could show that I was scared. I couldn’t display any sign of weakness or else he might not think I was as cool as I let off. Knowing this, I put on a brave face and silently begged the gods for some protection before I assembled a makeshift camp for the two of us. It was, admittedly, very shitty, but it did its job of giving us some shelter for the night. I told him he could sleep and that I would keep watch, and so I did. I didn’t sleep very much back then, either, now that I think about it. I guess not a lot has changed about me… But I digress. I stayed up the whole night, sitting outside our little fort, listening to him snore and talk in his sleep. I don’t think I could have left his side if I wanted to, considering how petrified I was. But I powered through the fear, for his sake. I was so young, but I cared about this boy so much that I felt I owed it to him to make sure he was safe.”
“You were quite the hero, even back then,” Astarion says gently. “Is this little story your way of telling me to be more selfless?”
“Not at all. I’m getting to the point, I promise. I sat there for hours as I waited for it to become day again. Eventually, I was able to focus on the more beautiful parts of the night: the moon, the stars, the lightning bugs, the sweet whisper of the wind through the leaves. The more I searched for the good in my situation, the less scared I became, until I was no longer scared at all. By the time dawn rolled around, I was at peace, actually. I was so proud of myself for making it through the night, I immediately woke the boy up to share the moment with him. Then, we sat together, kind of like this,” You gesture to your and Astarion’s seating position, “and just watched the sunrise in perfect silence. I had never watched the sunrise before. It was so nice, getting to quietly enjoy such a wonderful view with someone I loved.”
As you finish your story, you face Astarion once more. His gaze is soft as he listens to you speak, and the tender curl of his lips betrays a sincere gratitude for having shared this with him.
“Did anything ever happen between you and that boy?” He asks.
“Sadly, no. He eventually fell for some other girl in town. Last I heard, they had three kids together.”
“Hmm.” Astarion angles his chin away from you. “Well, that’s his loss.”
You look away, too, and smile to yourself.
Suddenly, the sky begins to transform before your eyes. The first gleams of sunlight begin to caress the horizon as the moon takes its final bow behind you. The forest, still coated with all the glimmering remnants of morning dew, stirs from its slumber under the streams of the emerging sun. As the sun slowly rises, its warm embrace spreads like honey between the trees, flooding the forest floor with rays of pink and amber. Shafts of light pierce through the lush foliage, creating scintillating patterns on the surface of the water that seem to dance at the promise of a new day. Finally, when the sun peers at you from above the treetops, it’s as if the sky erupts. A burst of brilliance envelopes the world below it in its welcoming embrace, casting everything in a blazing golden light.
You begin to say something to Astarion but stop when you see his face. He looks positively radiant. His face glows in the daylight, appearing even more magnificent than he did in the moon’s silver beams. His face and his hair are colored by the sun, making him look more alive than he ever has before. Every detail from the strands in his eyebrows to the smallest of moles is illuminated before you. You watch as his eyes glisten before softly fluttering closed. He breathes deeply, his chest slowly rising and falling, and he basks in the sunlight. He relaxes completely, letting the sun’s rays melt away any and all tension he may have been holding on to.
You want nothing more than to cup his face in your hands, then, and feel the newly imbued warmth of his skin as you press your lips to his. Instead, however, you carefully place your hand on top of his. His eyes blink open and he turns to look at you once more. You hesitate for a moment, ready to move away, but he doesn’t reject you. His eyes crinkle with appreciation and he laces your fingers together before gently stroking his thumb against the side of your hand. His skin is still a bit cold, but thanks to you, it quickly warms up.
The two of you sit there in tranquility, taking in all of the sights, sounds, and feelings of the early morning. Time seems to slow, then, as if the universe itself also wishes to savor this serene moment for just a little while longer.
Soon, you hear the distant sound of casual conversation as the others awaken for yet another day of arduous traveling. You sigh, knowing that the two of you will have to return to camp shortly and leave all of this behind. You don’t want to let go just yet.
“We should probably get back,” Astarion says first. “I wouldn’t want the others to think that I killed you and scurried off or something like that.”
“Yeah, that wouldn’t be very good for morale,” you joke. After a moment, you reluctantly untwine your fingers and push yourself up off the rocks. You extend a hand to Astarion to help him up, which he graciously accepts.
Neither of you moves at first until Astarion takes a step toward you. Standing so close to you, you wonder if he’s about to kiss you when he gingerly takes hold of your hands. He gives you that sincere smile again.
“Thank you again for this. It was… nice.” You almost can’t believe how vulnerable he seems right now, eyes staring into yours with no hint of false pretenses. “I’d like to do this again with you, if you’ll join me.”
“I would love to.”
“Wonderful,” he says. He lets go of you. “Shall we then?”
The two of you take your time walking back to the campsite, talking idly about what the next few days have in store. When you arrive, Karlach is the first to notice you.
“There you two are! We were beginning to worry.” She looks between you both and crosses her arms, narrowing her eyes mischievously. “Anything we should know about your disappearance?”
You chuckle. “Nothing that would excite you, Karlach.”
You walk past her and approach your tent. The rest of your team is already getting to work cleaning their weapons, armor, and other equipment, preparing to hunt, or strategizing together. Before you duck inside to retrieve your clothes for washing, you turn back and lock eyes with Astarion. He’s entered a conversation between Shadowheart and Gale, but he isn’t all that engaged. He shoots you a knowing look and another small smile which you return in kind.
As you wash your clothes in the river just south of the camp, you think fondly of the promise you’ve now made with Astarion and the many sunrises to come. Suddenly, insomnia doesn’t seem so bad.
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therealvinelle · 9 months ago
Can I hear your opinions on rita skeeter?
You know how some stories have that only sane man, the one person who isn't impressed by our dashing main characters or who's living in a different genre and rated story? The one, typically a fan favorite, character who has a fundamentally different perspective. They can also, shortly put, be the "this is stupid and you're stupid" character.
The NBC Hannibal show has Freddie Lounds ("I'm a bad, bad man", Will threatens her. He is then surprised when she runs a feature on the FBI hiring a creep to come to crime scenes and pretend he's a serial killer.) The Vampire Diaries had Elijah (he isn't a great example of this, but legacy fans will remember all the jokes about how the reason the writers never put him in episodes was because he'd have solved all the characters' stupid problems within twenty minutes and there would be no plot for the rest of the season. Elijah was perceived to be living in a different type of show than the rest of the teen drama cast), and there are some who think that this was Snape for Harry Potter.
They are wrong.
Rita, my dove
Let's take a look at a few things Rita prints over the course of canon, where we have an insight into what actually happened and know precidely what she printed. I have my copy of Goblet of Fire with me, it's in Norwegian so I'll be translating back to English but I trust that's alright.
The Quidditch world cup incident
What we know happened:
The British Ministry was responsible for the event. It was highly prestigious, with foreign leaders attending and people from all over the world camped out near the stadion. After the first match there's celebrations, which turns into a riot. Tents are set on fire, people are chased through the camp grounds, and there's total chaos where nobody knows where their loved ones are. The riot soon turns into a homage to Voldemort, with rioters in Death Eater uniforms tormenting the Muggles living nearby and someone putting up the Dark Mark.
Arthur Weasley, who works in the Department of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts (which is admittedly part of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement), is sent to make a statement on the Ministry's behalf to the terrified witches and wizards hiding.
What Skeeter reports:
Headlining "TERROR AT THE WORLD CUP" (me translating), with an image of the Dark Mark, Rita Skeeter writes (this is Arthur skimming): "Ministry blunders... culprits not apprehended... lax security... Dark wizards running unchecked... national disgrace..." (original English from the wiki)
A full section (and this is me translating again): "If the terrified witches and wizards who waited for information while they hid in the woods had hoped for any sort of reassurance from the Ministry of Magic, they were sorely disappointed. A department spokesman, who only showed up long after the Dark Mark had appeared, claimed no one had been injured but refused to give further information. It remains to be seen if this statement will quell the rumors that several bodies were seen being recovered from the woods an hour later."
All of this is accurate, except the last sentence.
Nobody was killed in the incident. However, Skeeter was acting on the information available to her, and she makes it clear this last part is unconfirmed. Further, I'm going to come out in her defense and say that Skeeter, writing an article critical of the Ministry in a community with a very loose sense of free speech, can't take Arthur Weasley at his vague word and should refer to her own sense of judgement when deciding whether the rumors are credible enough to print or not.
As it is, a riot in a crowded area at night with people who dressed like Death Eaters, where the Dark Mark was fired into the sky, where mass panic erupted, in a world where children can produce deadly magic with their wands, could easily have led to casualties. I don't think it was a far leap for Skeeter that people might have died, and the Ministry didn't want to admit as much.
Notice her phrasing (and yes, I know you're reading my translation) when she talks about the Ministry: "It remains to be seen if this statement will quell the rumors that several bodies were seen being recovered from the woods an hour later." Not, "It remains to be seen whether the rumors that several bodies were seen being recovered from the woods an hour later were true.", or any type of phrasing indicating that the truth will out. Only rumors that may or may not be quelled.
Knowing that the Wizarding World doesn't appear to be a functional nor accountable democracy, that things like statistics likely don't exist (who will be your statistician if there is no basic math education? How will wizards interpret statistics if they don't understand basic maths, what use are error margins and percentages to them? This is important, because without statistics there is also no need to collect numbers - how many students take the core classes, how many are employed after X years, how many citizens die in a given year and of what causes... you see where I'm going with this), and that Arthur gets so defensive when reading legitimate criticism of his Ministry (not even his department or jurisdiction, mind, and Skeeter anonymized him), indicates a fraught understanding of governmental accountability and transparency.
In other words, who can say if anybody died that night. Arthur himself had gone to bed with his family as soon as the chaos was under control, and there was no tally after the riot, no controlled evacuation, nothing. Skeeter wasn't wrong for publishing what she herself clarified was speculation, either way I'm hard pressed to see her as a villain for putting the Ministry under pressure, in fact I have to wonder if this kind of pressure is necessary to get them to admit things they'd otherwise shove under the carpet.
Back to Arthur Weasley. In response to this article he says to his family (me translating again): "Molly, I must go to the office. Killing this is going to take some time."
Now, I know real governments have to cry over scandals that take time to move past as well: however, what are people upset over? What's the scandal?
Oh, yes, that the Ministry wasn't able to prevent a riot at a large sports event, flubbed completely once it had begun, and failed to give the people any kind of useful or timely information. All of that is true. The only part that isn't true, would be dispelled if they'd only put out a statement saying "no one was killed". The only reason why one such statement wouldn't work is if Ministry statements are not considered trustworthy - and this is where we return to the above.
So far, so good on Rita Skeeter, and so bad on Arthur who, going by this section, questions the Ministry less than Bellatrix Lestrange questions Voldemort.
Interlude: Percy and the vampires
While the article about the World Cup is read, Percy jumps in with an anecdote about Skeeter.
"That woman is always out to slander the Ministry," Percy said angrily. "Last week she claimed we waster our time fooling around with cauldron thickness when we should be extinguishing vampires! As though it is not expressedly stated in Guidelines for treatment of non-wizard halfhumans that-"
I'm not going to make any guesses as to what precisely Skeeter's criticism was, because Percy is angry and venting to his family, which doesn't make him likely to present her argument fairly. Who knows what, specifically, she criticized and why and what she asked for in her article. What we do know is that she questioned Ministry priorities and resource allotment, and Percy takes it personally, he gets angry about it. Hostility and defensiveness is the gut reaction.
More damningly, "that woman is always out to slander the Ministry" implies no one else is doing it.
Your star is rising, Rita.
Oh no, post got long
And this is the part where I'd go on to her interview with Harry and subsequent articles, and later on Dumbledore, but I'm realizing that would make this post a very long and decentralized mess.
Will cover it in follow up posts: today is for Rita vs. the Ministry and how the Weasleys think Muggles are so quaint with their democracricy and freedom of speech, teehee that's silly.
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haveihitanerve · 3 months ago
Hey gamer, had a funny idea like 2 hours ago and just remembered it again
I need someone to write an outsider's POV (like foreigner of Gotham) of someone visiting Gotham to see family, and no matter where they are, they hear about Bruce Wayne.
They hear about all the good things he's done, how ditzy yet kind he is, but also how fucking pretty and or hot he is.
Of course, being an outsider who's never HEARD about Bruce, this person doesn't care. But one day, they search him up, and go into sheer shock because Omg this man is built like a Greek Adonis, why have I never heard of him
They ask a few Gothamites, and it's revealed Gotham gatekeeps Bruce Wayne to HELLL. No one is allowed to see how pretty their Prince is.
It's gotten to the point that Bruce Wayne's wiki page image is edited so his face is blurred because seeing his face would give you a heart attack
yesssss, this is just like my headcanon that Bruce literally doesn't smile at the League not because he doesn't want to or doesn't like them or smth, its just because if Barry went "hey sunshine!" To him like he does every morning, and Bruce turned around with his real, genuine, blinding smile that can put Dick's smile to shame, about four people would have a heartattack- because seeing Bruce in a full Batman suit? They can't handle it. Anyway-
Tramer (tf is this name??? anyway) hated Gotham. It was loud, and smelly, and had the weirdest way of controlling crime. Not that he was complaining about that last one, quite honestly, because it like, worked, somewhat, but it was still weird.
He hated visiting Gotham anyway, for any reason, even if his company was paying him big money to go. No one else, strangely enough, wanted to go to Gotham to review their public service.
Tramer glided around outside for a bit, examining park benches, stairs and ramps, elevators, and streetlights. Everything, extremely surprisingly, was up to date, worked well, and accessible to all sorts of people.
"Excuse me," he asked, tapping a young woman on the shoulder as she passed. "Do you know who funds the public services?" She glanced at him, smacking some chewing gum.
"Uhhh yeah. Bruce." Then she continued on, like she had just provided him the best answer in the world.
"oh yeah, Bruce." Tramer mocked, sighing as he made his way to the closest restaurant. He was starving, and the brochure he had picked up had highlighted this one as a safe place to eat and good for tourists.
The waiter smiled at him at the door and led him to a table, placing a menu in his lap and then exiting to help someone else.
"Oh by the way did you hear what Bruce did the other day?" The man in the booth behind him was saying.
"Adopt another kid?" His friend joked, sipping his water.
"Oh I know, the new green energy train right?" the third one added.
"Shut down that power plant that was dumping waste in the Harbor?"
"Clean up the sidewalk?"
"Help an old lady across the street?"
"Cure cancer?"
"Free up all Gothamites loans?"
"Make more clothes with pockets?"
They fired the suggestions back and forth, and the first friend snapped his fingers. "Oooh, actually I wish, his brand is really good, but no, he made some new housing. Like a shelter type thing. So, y'know, Crime Alley kids and homeless can sleep somewhere else besides their abusive parents and whatnot."
The two guys hummed in agreement. "Bruce fucking rocks." The third muttered, and the two others clinked their glassed together. "hear hear."
Tramer shook his head, finishing up his burger and fries. Whoever their friend Bruce was, was certainly a good person.
He dropped a few bills on the table and left, digging the brochure from his back pocket to see where else to go. He had some time to kill, and his meal had been pretty good.
"Wayne Museum; Learn Our History." The brochure suggested as a good place to visit. Tramer shrugged, sticking it back in his pocket as he made his way to said museum.
The train, the one the three dudes in the restaurant had been talking about, arrived right on time, and was free, so Tramer took it, taking a seat in one of the very nice train cars.
"Hey, watch it." One lady snapped at her son as he caused ruckus. "You do that again and I'll dump you at the next station." She warned, an empty threat, but the kid stuck out his tongue at her.
"Yeah?" he challenged. "then I'll get picked up by Bruce and he'll give me a home that actually cares about me!" The woman, rather than be offended, laughed, snuggling her son into her arms.
"Don't you threaten me with that man." She scolded, peppering kisses onto the giggling boys face.
"Yeah," Another man agreed, also having overheard the conversation. "Last I heard, his sons have all complained about how many vegetables he makes them eat. Makes them big strong."
The boy wrinkled his nose at that and the woman glanced at the man with a grateful smile, who winked back, returning to his seat.
"Bruce is a popular name I guess?" Tramer grumbled to himself as he made his way off the train and overheard at least four other people talking about how wonderful "Bruce" was.
He rounded the corner and came face to face with a billboard.
Gotham Protects Her Own
The billboard was an advertisement for safe housing, and at the bottom, in small letters, it said "Bruce Wayne funded."
The letters confused Tramer, because usually when someone did something good, they wanted to plaster their face everywhere, make it obviously and obnoxiously known that they were a "good person"
Still, Bruce Wayne? A lead, possibly, to who the fuck the Bruce is that everyone kept yammering on about.
"Hes so fucking fine." A nearby woman gushed, biting her lip just at seeing his name. "For real." A guy agreed, whistling through his teeth. "Prince for sure." The last member of their group laughed, and they continued on, swooning as they went.
"Attractive too?" Tramer grumbled. "Who is this goddamned guy?"
The museum was, angrily enough, also very good, and he heard at least twenty more people gushing about "Bruce" especially his physique.
Tramer finally had enough. "Sorry, but who is this guy?" He snapped, asking the front desk lady.
She smirked, waving a dismissive hand. "The guy who runs this whole place. Our Prince of Gotham."
Tramer gritted his teeth. He had heard the "Prince" line far too often. "Ok ok sure fine, but whats he look like. What does he do?"
At that the lady became a little cagey, sneering. "What does it matter? Huh tourist? Just take your fucking souvenir and get out!" She snarled, and suddenly two very burly security guards were there.
"okay okay, geez, I'm going!" Tramer stumbled out the door in confusion, heading to the next door bar. If no one would tell him, then he'd just have to google it.
He settled down in a booth and tugged out his company laptop, typing in Bruce Wayne.
... absolutely nothing came up. It was as if the man had been wiped from the database.
"excuse me," Tramer called, cautious, after the woman at the desk. The waitress came over, smiling pleasantly. "Yes?"
Tramer swallowed. "I just... wanted to know, what Bruce Wayne... who, what he looks like?" He asked, very softly. The girl snorted, covering her mouth. She glanced around, checking that no one was around, and scribbled something down onto the notebook in front of her, ripping out the page.
"Here. Use this WiFi instead." She advised quietly, before exiting as though she'd never even spoken.
Tramer typed in the new WiFi and password, and... lo and behold there he was. Beaming at Tramer from the screen was possibly the most attractive man he had ever seen. He began searching, googling, reading through articles and everything he could about the man...
and came up empty. There was no dirt on him. Not one person had something bad to say about Bruce Wayne, except for the fact that was he lightly airheaded on ocassion. That was it. Coupled with his Adonis features... it was almost unfair.
"Nah I'm out." Tramer slammed his laptop and left, heading back to Metropolis. His company could send someone else, he didn't care about the money. Let Gotham have their unfairly attractive, far too nice Rich boy. He was fine with just having Superman. Completely fine.
He turned the corner and ran face first into a brick wall. Except then the brick wall had arms, and was holding him, mumbling apologies.
"I'm so sorry sir, I wasn't watching where I was going," The man apologized, releasing him slowly. "Are you alright?"
Tramer looked up into the smiling face of Bruce Wayne. And promptly fainted.
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l-amplights · 2 months ago
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I NEED PEOPLE TO REALISE THEY CALLED THEMSELVES A LETTER. NOT A VARIABLE. A LETTER. ALSO CALLS VERPT A LETTER.... also awesome 1 legged algebralien and no limbed. we love to see variations :> excited for eventuall floater algebralien
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these little shits are remind me of goo man from TPOT 11 (out of the blue)
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looking back at goo man im not sure why
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according to the awesome wiki
"The character was shown during the production of BFB. They may have been the original host of BFB, given the tweet description, but was replaced by Four and X.
Sometime after the VR Headset post was posted in jacknjellify's Twitter, Satomi clarified VR Headset was never meant to be a host or any sort of character, and was drawn simply because Michael thought they would be cool to draw."
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jumping around a bit. this was shown earlier and not expanded on untill the end. this. this drives me insane
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thats ones equivilent of the fourest, it has a link to the equation playground I WAS RIGHT
very interesting its also plant based.
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I CANNOT FIND . WHEN I WAS BLABBERING ABOUT THIS SO IT MUSTVE BEEN IN A VC. BUT I CALLED THIS. also barf bag literally my face when i saw this lollll
okkkk back to like the usual time
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ID ALSO LIKE TO POINT OUT not sure if this is just startled or pin here being AFRAID for a second of EL
ABSOLUTELY HEARTBROKEN RF AND BB GOT OUT SAME TIME. HORRIBLE also neat they used the ending of the bfb intro here
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X host.... imagine. life could be a dream
ok let me go over all the style stuff we see here also in order
(starting at the start of cake at stake (or cake at skate))
for the entire first half its just the usual TPOT style so i wont make a huge deal of that
Ean's part is also in TPOT
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Pan Flute here's part is in the style of BFDIA specifically the newer episodes, figures, thats what hes from
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EL's part is also in BFDIA style (with some very old assets behind), however id like to go over something else here
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also the music in the background here is "The Fiber" (thats what its called in the bfb ost release at least) WHICH IS ALSO THE SONG THAT PLAYS ENTIRELY THROUGHOUT BFDIA 5B!!!! AWESOME!!!!
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hold on i need to make a new post i cant upload any more images
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biocrafthero · 3 months ago
Project Sekai - White Day AU Card Lore/Story Masterpost
In other words: I've become obsessed with a very niche part of this game for no discernible reason and have decided to make my gathered knowledge into a post...
NOTE: This post was written before the 2025 White Day event, so some parts may be missing information or incorrect. All information being referenced comes from the Sekaipedia fan wiki.
(I have decided to put this under a Read More because this is so ungodly lengthy that it has taken actual hours for me to write. I hit the image limit on browser, which is 30. If I didn't put this under a Read More I would've been killed with hammers.)
What is White Day AU?
White Day AU is based off of a series of cards that began releasing in 2022 with the White Day event titled "The Gentleman Thief's Thrilling White Day!?". While at first it may seem like a case of colopale putting the characters in a fun setting with cool outfits, it has become more and more apparent that, with the more White Day events that release, the more this universe is getting expanded upon.
I spent some time last month going over the cards that have released over the course of four separate events, pouring over details in the characters' outfits and the environments that surround them in the illustrations in an attempt to parse what kind of story colopale seems to be telling with these cards.
The events/gachas that all contain White Day AU cards are as follows:
The Gentleman Thief's Thrilling White Day!? - Knights of White
Never Give Up Cooking! - Imperial Soldiers
Relax Teatime - What Awaits at the End of War
The Power Of Regret - Noble Knights Fighting for Supremacy
While it may seem odd that a non-White Day event/gacha is here, it may be due to colopale making the decision to start releasing White Day AU lore outside of White Day events in order to ensure they can make at least one card for every major character (both OCs and vocaloids) before the game reaches the end of it's story.
The characters currently missing cards are...
Honami (Leo/need)
An (Vivid BAD SQUAD)
Kohane (Vivid BAD SQUAD)
Ena (Nightcord at 25:00)
Rin (Virtual Singer)
Luka (Virtual Singer)
MEIKO (Virtual Singer)
It is difficult to guess who would be in which faction (more on that below) due to the fact that, regardless of unit or relationships, it is not uncommon for people to be split between factions even if logically they should've been paired together in the same faction.
White Day AU Lore
The setting of the White Day AU is most likely fantasy, due to the medieval aesthetics and fantastical elements like magic and dragons. Something interesting as well is that there seem to be factions--different groups each of the characters belong to--that may be hinting at a conflict between members of the cast.
There are multiple factions to be aware of:
The Knights of White
The Empire
An unnamed third faction
An unnamed fourth faction
I will go over each faction in this order. They can be distinguished from each other through multiple things such as the emblems they wear, the colored gemstones on their outfits, and the color palettes of their uniforms. These things all work in conjunction with one another to show who is allied with who.
The Knights of White
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The Knights of White, which I will refer to as the Knights, is one of two primary factions in the White Day AU. Known characters who are currently part of the Knights are...
Tsukasa (Wonderlands x Showtime)
Akito (Vivid BAD SQUAD)
Shiho (Leo/need)
Len (Virtual Singer)
Nene (Wonderlands x Showtime)
Emu (Wonderlands x Showtime)
The Knights are distinguished from the other members of the cast by the eight-pointed star as their faction's crest and uniforms that comprise almost entirely of white, blue, and gold.
The Empire
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The Empire, which I also tend to refer to as the Imperials (even though grammatically that is incorrect it just sounds better LMAO) is the second primary faction in the White Day AU. Known characters who are part of the Empire are...
Toya (Vivid BAD SQUAD)
Rui (Wonderlands x Showtime)
KAITO (Virtual Singer)
Miku (Virtual Singer)
Saki (Leo/need)
Imperial outfits tend to comprise of the colors black, red, and gold. Their crest is of a dragon, likely in reference to the dragon in Toya's card. Their outfits also all include a red gemstone of some kind, a gemstone color that is exclusive to this faction.
It should be noted that Rui's Imperial outfit does not include a dragon crest and instead has the eight-pointed star of the Knights. Additionally, Toya's outfit has a rose on it, which you may have noticed is something that appears on the outfits of other characters from other factions. I will come back to these two points later.
From here, we get to the secondary factions of the AU.
Unnamed Third Faction
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Third Faction is currently only comprised of two members:
Kanade (Nightcord at 25:00)
Mafuyu (Nightcord at 25:00)
Third Faction does not seem to have a set color palette (the colors that the two share are blue and gold), but they do have a unique emblem: the four-pointed star. While Mafuyu's emblem is visible in her illustration, Kanade's emblem is viewable on her 3D model. Additionally, despite the emblem having similarity to the Knight's emblem, both of them wear the same distinctive red gemstones that the Imperials wear on their outfits.
These details in conjunction lead me to believe that the role of Third is either as a middle-ground or mediating party between the Knights and Imperials.
Unnamed Fourth Faction
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Fourth Faction currently only comprises of two members:
The faction's color palette likely comprises largely of blue/green, red, white, and gold. Their crest is of four lozenges with a circle in the center. Their colors and crest are distinct from all other factions, meaning they are likely working independently and without the influence of the other factions.
Unknown Alliances
Mizuki (Nightcord at 25:00)
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Mizuki's outfit does not appear to hold any similarities to the other factions currently present, her palette consisting of white, blue, and silver. While it does hold similarities to the Knights, the outfit that comes with her card includes a heart-shaped emblem both on the outfit and accessory. However, this could mean nothing, as the outfits that Akito and Tsukasa have from this same set do not include Knights emblems on their accessories.
Ichika (Leo/need)
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Ichika's current alliance also remains unclear. Her outfit's color palette consists of white, red, and gold, which does not resemble any of the other factions. Her crest is likely the piece of her outfit that resembles a fleur-de-lis with a gemstone in the center. There are some details from a different card (the upper-left corner of the background in Len's 4* from the "The Power Of Regret" event) that may support her being part of a full-fledged faction, but due to other characters lacking this emblem she is currently seen as independent.
There is the possibility that Ichika and Mizuki are actually part of the same faction, but this lacks concrete evidence. For the sake of the argument though, I will mention that not long ago when I was looking over the details of the cards, the crests on their outfits struck me as suspiciously similar in shape (supported by the banners in the upper-right in the background in Mizuki's card). Still, this theory is shaky at best.
And yes, I made sure to check that Mizuki's banners and Ichika's crest do not resemble the background of the "Knights of White" gacha.
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White Day AU Story
This is where we start getting into the nitty-gritty of details in the AU, aside from just talking about the factions. That was an important precursor of information to everything else this post talks about.
Meaning of Roses
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My suspicion is that the roses represent nobility. Characters with roses present on their outfits are as follows:
Tsukasa (Wonderlands x Showtime)
Akito (Vivid BAD SQUAD)
Mizuki (Nightcord at 25:00)
Shiho (Leo/need)
Len (Virtual Singer)
Toya (Vivid BAD SQUAD)
At first, it was my assumption that those who wear roses are--or were at one point--allied or part of the Knights. However, upon further inspection of the logo for the "Imperial Soldiers" gacha, roses are not exclusive to the Knights faction.
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If roses were associated with the Knights, why would it not only be part of Toya's outfit but also included in the "Imperial Soldiers" gacha logo?
Looking at each of the characters who have been seen with the rose on their uniforms and comparing these characters to their canon counterparts from the base game of Project Sekai (aside from Len, sorry Len), these characters being nobility would check out considering their personal histories in canon.
The Royal Guard
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This is where we start getting to the most story-filled cards that colopale as released so far.
This unit of characters, which I have personally been referring to as the royal guard, consist of the following:
Nene (Wonderlands x Showtime)
Emu (Wonderlands x Showtime)
Len (Virtual Singer)
Tsukasa (Wonderlands x Showtime)
Rui (Wonderlands x Showtime)
Notably, (almost) all of the characters here are from the canon unit Wonderlands x Showtime, which is likely due to the fact that the event they come from, "The Power Of Regret," is a Wonderlands x Showtime story event (specifically Nene focus). It is because of the fact we got all of Wonderlands x Showtime in this card drop we get the most story, since we have three returning characters.
The royal guard uniforms have the Knights emblem and color palette, clearly displaying the fact that they are a part of that faction. The most distinct parts of their uniforms are their crown-shaped belt buckles, the crown on the back of their gloves, and the shield with a crown engraved on it that they wear as a brooch. Their outfits even have gemstones that correspond with their character colors that we see in-game, which to me only emphasizes their status as high-ranking knights.
Earlier, I pointed out how Rui has the Knights emblem on his Imperial outfit, despite noticeably not being part of the Knights. This is likely because, at some point between these cards and the cards from the "Never Give Up Cooking!" event, Rui deserted from the Knights to join the Empire.
An assumption could be made that the cards are being released in chronological order, however I disagree. Rui would be more likely to defect from the Knights but still carry their emblem with him when he joins the Imperials, rather than holding a connection with the Knights before deserting from the Imperials to join the other side. It is unclear why he would leave the Knights, but I personally believe it may have something to do with the fact that in his 4* from "Never Give Up Cooking!" he is a magic user, while here in the "The Power Of Regret" cards he is not. In other words, I think he joined the Imperials so he could use magic.
This causes the other cards of characters who were part of the royal guard to have very interesting additional information. Tsukasa likely went up in ranking from royal guard to something else entirely, based off of how his 4* from "The Gentleman Thief's Thrilling White Day!?" event has him in a much more regal outfit.
While it is unclear what happened to Len, it should be noted that his 2* from "The Gentleman Thief's Thrilling White Day!?" event is named "Innocent Squire", so maybe something also transpired with his character to lead to his change in position.
There is some speculation among people I discuss these cards with about what exactly Nene and Emu are doing in their cards, but we highly suspect they are actually fighting each other. The tears in Nene's eyes and Emu's determined expression imply that there may be some kind of heartache occurring during whatever clash they're involved in, which would be most likely to happen if the two of them were in combat against one another. The backgrounds of their cards match up well enough to suggest that they are in the same space, as well.
It is unclear what exactly the two of them are fighting about, but it is of my own personal belief that the conflict between them has to do with Rui's desertion from the Knights. It is realistically the only thing I can think of that could possibly push these two into conflict with one another.
It can also be assumed that after Rui's desertion, the royal guard subsequently dissolved since they make no other appearances outside of this set of cards.
It is unclear what Tsukasa and Len are doing in their cards, but they also appear to be in the same location as one another.
Toya's Dragon
In a blog post by colopale, they refer to the dragon as his "aibou" (partner). While it may seem like they're drawing parallels between the dragon and Akito (considering the fact that Akito and Toya are partners in canon), I don't think that Akito is supposed to be the dragon considering the differing allegiances. I think the dragon is just Toya's friend :)
Separated Tenmas
Saki and Tsukasa seem to be on two entirely different sides of the war--the Empire and the Knights respectively. While it remains unclear as to why they're on opposing sides, maybe something happened between them that caused this divide...
Leo/need in Conflict?!
Other than the fact that Saki is a member of the Imperial Army, I'm very curious about what's happening in Shiho and Ichika's cards. Based off of the backgrounds, and while it doesn't look like it at first, they appear to be in the same location. You can see in the background of Ichika's card, on the other side of the courtyard, you can see a set of windows that are the same shape as the windows light is being cast through in Shiho's card. Assuming the courtyard is symmetrical, you can reasonably guess they're in the same hall. Additionally, the pillars appear to be similar at the very least. If they're fighting, I wonder what its about?
Details about the outfit names...
I want to take a moment to talk about outfit names for each of the characters since I couldn't find anywhere else to talk about this. I will be dividing these by the event/gacha they were released in.
The Gentleman Thief's Thrilling White Day!? - Knights of White:
Tsukasa - Chivalrous Chevalier
Akito - Noble Paladin
Mizuki - Optatio Eques
None of these are exactly notable aside from the name of Mizuki's outfit. The name translates from Latin to "Knight's Choice" (machine translation), which adds some information to her character that, while I have trouble parsing due to the lack of information about her whole deal in this AU, I still find interesting.
Also note that the world "chevalier" just means "knight" in French.
Never Give Up Cooking! - Imperial Soldiers:
Toya - Chevalier Noir
Rui - Mad Sorcerer
KAITO - Wandering Gunner
KAITO's outfit name is intriguing to me and leads me to believe he may be more of a mercenary type of character rather than someone who is absolutely loyal to the Empire.
Relax Teatime - What Awaits at the End of War:
Kanade - Fleeting Light Knight Attire
Ichika - Illuminated Courtyard Knight Attire
Mafuyu - Abyss Knight Attire
There's not much of note here, but I am of the personal belief that Kanade and Mafuyu are matching.
The Power Of Regret - Noble Knights Fighting for Supremacy:
Nene - Fier Chevalier
Emu - Sourire Chevalier
Len - Hability Chevalier
Two of the names here are French. Nene's translates to "Proud knight" and Emu's to "Smile Knight" (both machine translated). Len's name means "Able Knight" (could also be read as "Skillful Knight"), the word "habile" just being an obsolete form of the word "able."
My personal thoughts...
I just know the AkiToya divorce is insane. Couldn't be as dramatic as whatever L/n and WxS are going through right now tho tbh... At least it looks like KanaMafu and MMJ are having fun times in yuri land
Also in the next White Day AU card drop if Ena isn't part of the Knights faction I'm gonna--[remembers suicide jokes are bad for my mental health]--I'm gonna surpass RAD WEEKEND
Why does KAITO have a gun btw???? Maybe its magic idk
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rosieuv · 3 months ago
Project: Eden's Garden chapter 1 is so fucking good oh my god
btw spoilers here
go watch the official playthrough
Okay so ever since I saw the announcement trailer I was like "Diana's going to die first, I can feel it". It was something with her design, and her personality that screamed "early target". So when all that trial stuff was targeted towards her, I assumed it meant this was when she died: still chapter 1 but a bit later.
Now I think she's gonna die in chapter 2 from all that heroic monologuing. I also feel like Wenona's gonna play some kind of big role due to the way she acts. Possibly an antagonist? I'm not sure.
The actual contents of the chapter are long, with the official playthrough's being about 11 hours combined (and you bet I watched them the day they came out this weekend) yet the pacing still feels fine. A lot happens within both daily life, deadly life and the trial and I can in vision a timeline based on what happened on each day/part of day. The tournament thing was cool and how despite the murder not being in the new rooms, the fact that it would be impossible without it made it feel like it actually had a purpose, which I was a bit concerned about when the corpse was in the boiler room.
I wouldn't have guessed Wolfgang was the victim though but it makes so much sense. And Eva being the murderer. That was a whole bag of plot twists and they work very well. The rooms are cool, the concept of the whole locks thing is cool, basically everything is cool and Tozu is more interesting than Monokuma and he's definitely some drama kid that get rejected from the lead role and so some organisation thing that Wolfgang's father made (I swear he's going to be important in the future) and he was basically like "yeah just act all dramatic and stuff and scare the kiddies". Why Wolfgang is in this game though...idk. I feel like his father has to be important though, especially with the message on the back that for some reason took Damon so long to figure out when I figured it out very quickly: Wolfgang's father is an asshole and he is too. His animal is literally a sheep how the hell did he not realise this. I mean, the conversation with Tozu was cool as he doesn't appear often, but like, has Damon ever heard the phrase "Wolf in sheep's clothing?".
Okay here's my nitpicks:
some of the furniture models are a bit low poly which doesn't mesh well with the 2D sprites
3D textures are weird in places (Wolfgang's chair is the worst offender of this)
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the line width is a bit thin in some of the new sprites and it bugs me because the artstyle typically has quite thick lines
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this book is never shaded
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the Damon thing I mentioned earlier
this bug in the trial where it fades out to show some kind of floor plan, and Damon is talking, but when the UI fades back in, for a split second it shows the mugshot of whoever was speaking before the fade thing (I can't find where this happens in the official playthrough but I swear it's real)
nobody realising the "thin bit of metal" was a hairpin until it was brought up as a lockpick in the trial like i realised that immediately
does Eva have a game console or a tablet? Pre-trial and at the start of the trial it was called a game console but towards the end when it was relevant, it was called a tablet? I can't find an image of it as the wiki doesn't have a gallery page for her (idk why) but I remember it looked like a DS from it's lid
there's only like 4 minigame section things in the trial: non stop debate, rebuttal showdown, the choosy one and the ending one. where's the letter one? i know there's more and i know this is probably so the programmers don't shoot themselves in the head, but still.
when did they have lunch during the last day? there was the tournament, the blackout, the investigation and then the trial and that was all about 5 hours going based on gameplay so if the investigation was at 9:45 ish and the trial ended 5 hours later, then it should be 2:45 and these poor people are starving! Well, idk about them all but Damon certainly didn't stop investigating to make lunch.
there's little inconsistencies with the art style/quality of the image in the CGs. The ending one with Diana sticks out the most to me: the lineart and shading look a little different. It's like a different artist from the rest drew it.
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Okay more praise:
grace pulling the middle finger in her objection sprite
the music made by mark having a danganronpa motif in
the dummy thing in the execution
the whole scene where eva's true talent is revealed and her "oh shit" sprite
all the voice acting
the maths equipment in the execution
the thing with the calendars and the horses joke at the beginning
eva's free time events (it was shown in the playthrough)
the scenes with Tozu at the beginning of each day
the tree animation is sick
the thing with the footsteps
the thing with the blackout
everyone screaming one by one when they see the body
the beginning
the middle
the end
all those biblical references
Tumblr is going to have a field day with this game.
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izanna · 1 month ago
I’m pretty sold on this one theory Elain will go where everyone is arguing she doesn’t belong
The one place that started the whole debacle of “ no see Cassian SAYS she doesn’t belong!!!”
Just for Sarah to be like “ mhm and you trust his opinion on her wants more than her own actions??”
I think Elain will end up on hewn city, to rebuild that connection and turn it completely around.
If you look up Jasmine in the wiki three things come up
1: Elain
2: hewn city
3: moon palace
I think Elain has been put in a box of being pretty her entire life by everyone, her mom, her sisters, maybe even her dad.
And I think the last straw was when the king of hybern even said “ put the pretty one in first”
In that moment I don’t think anyone would want to be pretty.
But then we see her in hewn city, Nesta is coddling her, Cassien is observing she looks like a rose in a feild of mud surrounded by horses.
And how the night court and all the black “sucks the life from her”
And how she basically looks plain.
Two things:
1: Rhys said specifically she likes getting her hands dirty. What is more dirty than the image of a rose in a mud field?
2: feyre says she can make anyone smile, and in a cottage feyre hated and found despair, Elain had found hope.
This leads me to believe in conjunction with how little of Elains own words on how she felt in CoN and how it was pointed out how plain she was, I wonder if that place felt like an absolute sanctuary for her. A place where she was finally something other than pretty. Something completely different, so unnoticed and not bothered by anyone for her looks.
I think Elain would look at hewn city the same way she looked at their cottage, as a place of hope. And I also think it would show everyone girl is absolutely capable of handling the darkness. ( as if that was actually a valid argument because it never was, she killed the king of hybern)
I think Elain will be something that surprises us all
(Head canon below:) 👇🏼
While in hewn city at the CoN I think Elain would marvel at all the lewd statues of people fucking and fighting and Azriel would be watching her from the side, noticing her blush as she looks over everything with interest. I think in that city he would still see her, and see what she really is interested in.
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hkthatgffan · 12 days ago
do you have any unseen gravity falls storyboards from season 2?
Interesting question. Well, if you mean unseen storyboards as in stuff that I exclusively was given access to by a crew member, then sadly no. I though have found storyboards that previously were not known about that I helped popularize. For example, years back I found a group of storyboards that Alonso Ramirez Ramos posted to his public Facebook page in 2018. These were public but just no one had ever shared them beyond his Facebook and so, that was sort of a case of me finding unseen boards that got popular after. The Dipcifica community of course has been in love with those given the cut boards from NMM in them, but there were also some other cool boards like one of little Stan and Ford which were great to see too.
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Other than that, there was a case of storyboards shared on TikTok by S. H. Cotugno that were previously unseen that I posted about which helped them gain attention outside of that app's userbase (I don't use TikTok and never plan to, so I found out about them through other means and it led there).
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But, beyond this stuff, there's not really any storyboards from season 2 that I have which only I have seen or ones that are so obscure that fans barely know that haven't been shared or are up on the wiki.
Well...there is one case of that though...
Back in 2023, I interviewed Ethan Marak of Stoopid Buddy Stoodios for a video on my channel.
During the interview, Ethan revealed to me something rather insane; THERE'S AN ANIMATED VERSION OF CLAY DAY FROM LITTLE GIFT SHOP OF HORRORS!
What I mean is that as we know in the episode, there is stop motion of the various monsters that the gang encounters and in the movie they're watching. Well, as it turns out, the Gravity Falls crew animated all the monster in the episode for real, and there's a cut of it with all the stop motion instead being regular Gravity Falls style animation.
The animation was done to help map out the movement of the stop motion, given they had a limited budget. So, getting everything right was crucial. Sadly, as that is all internal work owned by Disney, I was not allowed to share it and unless things change or...idk...some ex Disney TVA employee with too much access leaks it to 4chan again like the pilots that leaked last year, I will sadly not be able to ever show it. That said, Robertryan Cory shared these designs of the characters publicly years back that look very similar to what I was sent. But what I was shown were colourized versions and almost final looks of the characters, as well as ACTUAL screenshots from the production version of the episode that had the monsters animated in GF style with storyboards and also fully animated designs. It was incredible to see but again, it's something I can't share.
But imagine these images, just animated and coloured in full. That's what I was given access to.
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Ethan did let me share never before seen production photos from when they were making the stop motion characters, which I am allowed to show.
But yeah, besides this, there's not really anything major Gravity Falls related that I have that I can share (besides of course the many, MANY things Alex Hirsch told me and Hana off record that we're sworn to secrecy about). It's a real bummer tbh as part of me of course wants to share this info with the fandom, because I don't wanna gatekeep or hoard info about the show that fans may love to hear. But at the same time, I give these crew members my trust when I work with them on these interviews and breaking that is the fastest way to never being able to talk to any of them again which in turn, prevents any new info from being able to be shared that I could discuss. So, it's a case of having to retain info I can't share, in favour of more info that I CAN share.
But long story short, that's basically what I got related to GF season 2 storyboards the average fan may not know about.
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toomanythoughts2 · 11 months ago
Victim or Cohort? Anja Wartooth and Toki Wartooth's Relationship Theories
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Hello again! My full thoughts and analysis will be under the cut away just like last time!
I have spent a considerable amount of time thinking about these two characters and their relationship, and I thought it was about time that I put all of it down in one place. Anja Wartooth is an incredibly interesting character to me and it's a shame we don't see too much of her.
So, for the most part, this post will be about what the title says:
Was Anja Wartooth a victim just like Toki or was she a cohort to her husband's abuse toward Toki AND whichever she is, how has that affected her relationship with her son?
Evidence for Victimhood
Cults and Women
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"From an abandoned village near Lilliehammer, Norway, Anja and the Reverend Aslaug Wartooth." - Senator Stampingston "Dethfam"
Anja Wartooth is a very mysterious character in Metalocalypse when we are first introduced to her in "Dethfam". She is a very single sided character, "the wife" "the mother" and once we learn a little more "the abuser". Anja's role as we see her as the fans is just that and nothing else. However, when we start digging through the actual background we are being given by Brendon Smalls, a much more disturbing image is being created. In order for us the understand what is being presented, we need to understand what is happening and what does that mean for her.
There are very few things we know about her but the most important to remember right now is that Anja is married to a cult leader.
"Toki's father [Aslaug] was the local leader of a mysterious and cultish sect of Christianity, which likely involved vows of silence and extreme disciplinarianism." - Metalocalypse Wiki
Anja is married to a cult leader, we as the fans are fully aware of that. But what does that really mean?
It means that Anja has no control over herself or her child.
Dr. Alexandra Stein wrote a short essay on the effects of women in cults called, "Cults are terrifying. But they're even worse for women." She has multiple years of research in the field dealing with cults and what they do to women, specifically their reproductive freedom. In her essay, she highlights how motherhood is taken over by a cult leader in order to force the woman to focus their attention on them, and not the child. This could mean forcing abortions on women or forbidding birth control so that child are convinced whenever. She also includes that when parental attention is given to the child, the cult community rules dictate how that attention happens. Women in cults are also exposed to sexual abuse and their children are exposed to child abuse, often times overlapping each other depending on what type of cult they are in. Child sexual abuse is not uncommon in cults, such as in the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints, where Warren Jeffs, their leader, is in prison for sexual abuse toward girls.
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"In short, women’s right to control their bodies, their child-bearing, their sexuality and their mothering are all taken away in cults as the leader grabs control of these most intimate parts of their lives. Women don’t choose this: They are groomed, brought in slowly and gradually separated from their previous lives and close relationships. Once isolated within the cult, and suffocated within its closed world, it becomes almost impossible for followers to maintain their independence. At a certain point, it becomes easier to simply give in, stop thinking and accept the new norms." - Dr. Alexandra Stein, "Cults are terrifying. But they're even worse for women."
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When reviewing the article, this specific scene from "Dethdad" came to mind. It's during Toki's flashbacks of all of the abuse he had gone through, and this is one of those things he remembers. Not only is this traumatizing to Toki, but, with the knowledge we know now, it's probably traumatizing to Anja. The last bit that Dr. Stein says, "It becomes easier to simply give in." really resonates with me with how Anja is simply "giving in" to her husband's desires. Take a close look at her. Does she look like she's enjoying it? NO!
Now that we know that cult leaders have a reputation of separating mother and child to keep the woman's focus on the leader, lets look at the Wartooths. Aslaug separating the interactions between Toki and Anja to keep Anja in line would be on par for a cult leader. They live in an abandoned village outside of Lilliehammer, so they are cut off from the rest of the world, keeping her and Toki severely isolated. Anja really only has her husband, the cult leader, and the few members of their cult that we see in "Dethdad". (The wiki hints that these people are also Toki's family, which further pushes Anja into isolation if those people in the cult are Aslaug's family, NOT Anja's!) Another small hint at reproductive abuse is the age of Anja and Aslaug. We don't know canonically their ages, but they are drawn in a fashion where they are much older parents, probably way older than they should be to be bringing in a child. Which raises the question, does Anja have access to birth control? My guess, probably not.
Another moment of mothering abuse would be the one time we see Anja hit Toki in "Dethkids." It was under the supervision of Aslaug. This cosines with the idea that mothering in a cult is only allowed to the extent of what the leader wants. Aslaug is a disciplinarian, which would make sense why he would oversee how the mother interacts with the child, and does as he wants, not what the mother wants.
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This is a side note, in "Dethkids", this scene lasts for 18 seconds. 17 of those seconds were just Anja staring at Toki before slapping him.
What all of this information means to me is that Aslaug purposefully withheld Anja from forming a mother/son relationship with Toki, furthering his abuse on Anja and Toki. Based on Dr. Stein's essay, Aslaug most likely abused Anja as well, as it fits in their cult leader/wife dynamic. I feel like this is good evidence toward Anja being a victim of a cult and having to conform to his ideals in order to survive.
Aslaug's Abuse Toward Toki
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Aslaug is a cult leader, a malicious man who has beaten and abused Toki. From the wiki, Aslaug is characterized to, "[petrify] [Toki] by any proximity to Aslaug, physical or mental." whereas Anja (granted her wiki is severely lacking) has no mention of bringing such a state to Toki.
Here is a list of all the ways Toki has been abused on screen:
Forced into the Punishment Hole (Underground pit) in inadequate clothing and in subfreezing weather.
Switched across back, legs, and arms till bleeding, leaving with open wounds and no medical care.
Chained to wall.
Pushing the "Wheel of Pain" mill.
Carrying boxes of rocks uphill in inadequate clothing.
Carrying logs and stacking them in inadequate clothing.
Face slapping.
Sweeping snow in inadequate clothing.
Walking in parents having sex (I personally see this as sexual abuse and control.)
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A type of abuse we don't see on screen but is in the concept art of "Dethzazz", Aslaug hitting Toki's bare back with a horse whip when he breaks the wooden spoke.
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In the special features episode, "Family," Toki states that he was spanked as a child. "I often thinks of the days in Norway when family. Pants down. Spank." - Toki
(I understand that spanking is a controversial topic when discussing child abuse, but I'm going to go on a limb here and say that Toki was not spanked in a "normal" fashion, and was probably beaten horribly.)
Now, I would like to remind everyone that the only time we see Anja being an active abuser is in "Dethkids" when she slaps Toki across the face. That is the ONLY time Anja does something like that. This, however, does not disqualify the indirect abuse she put Toki through by being a bystander and letting the abuse continue at the hands of Aslaug. Nor does this disqualify her from possibly having other direct roles in Toki's abuse, but, with the evidence that is shown, Aslaug is seen much more than Anja in Toki's abuse. However, Anja can be both guilty of indirect abuse and be a victim at the same time.
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For example, in "Doomstar Requiem", when Toki sings "I Believe", there is a flashback when he says, "My familys, they didn't cares about mes" This is what is shown. Toki is obviously holding an acoustic guitar by the shape of the body that is shown and the wooden neck. He is showing it to his family and Aslaug is the one telling Toki that he has to leave, not Anja, though, she looks more disgusted with it than Aslaug. Here is more proof that Aslaug is the one making these decisions about and for Toki, not Anja, but Anja could have stepped in and stopped it.
With that being said, I would not be a far reach to state that Aslaug was the main abuser.
Lingering Effects
From what we know about Adult Toki and his abuse, is that Toki is severely traumatized. From their first meeting, Aslaug (and Anja by omission, but only because the wiki states that Aslaug causes Toki stress, not Anja) sent Toki into a catatonic state for three days in "Dethfam". He did not speak in those three days, a distinctive characteristic of Aslaug's cult. It is also a predecessor to "Dethzazz" where we learn that his catatonic state takes the form of the Punishment Hole, something we have only seen Aslaug send Toki to, not Anja.
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Aslaug has also created a phobia in Toki of Bicentennial Quarters because they look like the entrance to the Punishment Hole. Toki is so scared of them that he has to be drugged in order to calm down from this phobia. This relays to the audience that Toki is so scared and traumatized by his time in the Punishment Hole that his body physically can not function around a quarter because it looks vaguely like it.
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It's worth noting that in "Dethzazz" when Toki is stuck in his Punishment Hole, a spider hybrid with his father's head comes to attack Toki in his mind. He only comes around when Little Toki is by himself in his hole with his clown doll nowhere to be found, in his most vulnerable state. In his dissociative mind, the creatures that came to attack Toki were snakes and a Spider/Dad hybrid! Not Anja, Aslaug! This is important because it points out that Aslaug is Toki's main stressor.
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One of Toki's most important arcs (in my opinion) is Toki age regressing slowly throughout the show until we get to "Army of the Doomstar", where it is confirmed by Pickles in the church. The reason Toki started regressing in the first place can be originated at "Dethfam" where Toki is forced to see his parents again. We see Toki voluntarily use age regression to cope and calm himself down, like the usage of his Deaddy Bear, coloring, playing with his toys (model planes), and his love for plushies. Those are only the few things I can remember off the top of my head. From there, throughout the seasons, Toki begins to regress more and more, until we get to "Doomstar Requiem", where once he is rescued, it really kicks it into overdrive. Simply, Toki's abuse (and captivity, which resembles a LOT of his own childhood abuse) has traumatized him so badly, that he has to age regress to cope, which went from voluntarily to involuntarily.
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Everyone who loves Toki, knows that scene in "Snakes n' Barrels II" where Toki beats the shit out of that guy at the sober concert. However, it is important to remember that the episode right before that is "Dethdad". The Tribunal said in "Dethdad", "Toki has suppressed his feelings for his father. His death may ignite long-dormant emotions. He will spin out of control into a vortex of madness. He will bring death to us all."
I have a theory that, with the stress of his father dying, blaming himself for his death, and being in a crowded concert while being sober, was the reason he really went apeshit on that guy. The tribunal was giving us foreshadowing into the next episode (or two, if you watched it on TV and had to see it split up). With that being said, what the Tribunal predicted would happen, did happen, at least to one person. His repressed rage after his father's death while being overstimulated and sober caused a chain reaction in Toki.
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I do not believe Toki to be a overtly violent man, despite his affliction toward sadism and power trips at times. "Dethkids" showed the audience that Toki's rage comes from his childhood abuse during "Toki's Song". The montage of his flashbacks show Aslaug and Anja abusing him, which hints that Toki does have some lingering anger toward his mother. This further proves the Tribunal's warning of Toki spinning out of control after his death.
Which brings us to our next effect, drinking. My theory is that, because Toki was sober when he beat up that guy (plus fully aware of his feelings about his father), he started drinking to combat any possibility of doing it again. I do believe that Toki does not feel good about what he did to that man once he regained his mind. So, in order to stop from thinking about his father and about beating that man close to death, he will do what he wasn't doing at the concert, which was drinking. Obviously, this leads the band to start to seriously worry about Toki and even have Nathan break the "No Caring" policy. Thankfully, Toki was able to kick that after the Season 2 Finale.
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While this next effect may be a little meta, it's still an important aspect that I would like to talk about. Toki's panic attacks we see in the show, specifically the one in "Bookklok", are a result of his abuse. Abused children have a significantly larger chance of developing anxiety and panic-like symptoms and disorders. Toki was abused severely, but especially when he needed to be "punished" for breaking the rules. From my point of view, this means that Toki's panic attacks occur when he messes up something and thinks he is going to be punished again, like in "Bookklok", when he steps on his guitar AUX and messes up his solo. Something else to note, in the Metaloclaypse Wiki, it states that, "What Toki suffered from was most likely hyperpneic syndrome, usually called hyperventilation. If one breaths too much too quickly, the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood decreases, and an attack occurs." Toki's panic attack being hyperventilation related could also relate to Norway's high altitude and a his failure of acclimatization (which takes 3 to 5 days), which would have made his attack that much more severe, leading him to collapse like he did.
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(This one might be a a stretch, but in "Dethrecord" when Toki accidently delete's Skwisgaar's guitar part, he does panic and plead with Skwisgaar to not kick him out of the band, even offering to suck his dick. I know it's meant to be a funny moment, but that was real fear out of Toki. This could align with a much younger Toki panicking and pleading with his father to not kick him out of the home and into the Punishment Hole, even descending into some desperate attempts to prevent it. I don't necessarily believe that Toki was ever sexually abused by his parents, but the likelihood of it happening is still very high, especially since Toki lives with the leader of the cult.)
Pickles Parallel
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Toki is not the only one with a problem with his father. Everyone except Nathan (though he might of fixed his father issues off camera) has father issues, but the one member that reflects him the most is Pickles. Pickles has a horrible relationship with his father. I'm going to be honest, I don't think they have a single scene together where they talk to each other other than the flashback. "Fatherklok" is the one I want to focus on because that is where we see Pickles and Toki coming together to talk about their fathers, and what they have to say about them.
In the beginning, Toki says to Charles, "So, my dads just died. and I'm totally cool with it." (He's lying.)
Pickles says, "Look, I got no relationship with my dad other than I hate him, you know? [Flashback] You know, I realized the other day that I don't even know his first name. And I'm proud. I'm proud to know that I don't know that." (He is also lying.)
Through out the beginning, we see Pickles (And Toki in the very beginning when he's talking to Nathan in the kitchen but mostly Pickles) trying to get Murderface to "father" him a little but is chased off my Murderface while he favors Skwisgaar. This enrages him and he is seen destroying his endangered animals room.
Pickles says, "Why does Murderface favor Skwisgaar over me? What's wrong with me?" Which Toki asks if Murderface is really doing it and asks how it's going while looking sad. Pickles says it's going great and asks, "What about us?" Toki says he's being totally excluded and Pickle says, "Just like my old man did to me," with Toki agreeing. They both agree this is going to screw them up with Pickle's destroying a Murderface cup.
So at this point, we are aware that Pickles and Toki have lingering emotions about their father, about being excluded, but also rage. This obviously concludes with Pickles beating up Murderface, with Toki joining in. So, this episode shows how Toki and Pickles relate to their rage about their fathers.
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But what about their mothers?
"Motherklok" is a completely different vibe, with Pickles trying his best to form a relationship with his cold and distant mother, Molly. The episode is about Pickles changing himself in order to please his mother so they can have a relationship, something Pickles is still clinging on to. It's most likely not the first time their this has happened. As it goes, Pickles finally ends up breaking away from that toxic relationship when nothing pleases her by telling her to "Go Fuck Yourself." To me, this says that both Molly and Calvert were actively neglectful and abusive parents to Pickles on their own, and not together. Whereas with Toki, it seems that the abuse came mostly from one source, his father, with his mother following his commands. While we do not see the Toki and Pickle's parallel in the episode itself, there is evidence throughout other episodes that, unlike Pickles, Toki was able to form a relationship with his mother.
Toki and Anja's Relationship
Pre-Dethdad Death
Speaking Terms
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I think the biggest cue that Toki has a relationship with his mother and it's on good terms is that they talk to each other. In the beginning of "Dethdad", we see Toki getting a call from his mother. We know it's from his mother because he says, "Mor?" which is Norwegian for "Mother." The full translation is from the Metalocalypse Wiki:
«Hellos? – Mor? Ja... kreft? Han er nesten død? Han hoster opp blod? Okay, ha det bra!» "
"Hellos? – Mother? Yes... cancer? He's almost dead? He coughs up blood? Okay, goodbye/see you!"
From this scene, we can tell that,
Anja has Toki's number
Toki wouldn't just give his number out to his parents after having no contact with them in over 10 years without some kind of compromise. I believe that Toki giving his number to his mother was that compromise.
Toki picks up the phone for his mother
In "Dethmas", it is concluded that the band can see the names of whoever is calling before answering. The scene of Nathan, Pickles, and Skwisgaar getting calls from their mothers, ignoring them, then getting calls from each others mothers, while continuingly ignoring them is telling to how Toki picks up his phone. There was no hesitation in Toki picking up his phone. I don't believe that Anja would have her own phone until after Aslaug's death, so Toki asking "Mor?" to clarify it's her is more aligned with Anja using someone else's phone. But even having getting that clarification, he does not end the phone call and continues it. She has probably called him before with this same method.
Anja is speaking
Anja is from a cult where they value mutism. Her choosing to call her son herself instead of getting someone else to do it is a spiritual sacrifice. She is putting her values aside to talk to him personally and give this terrible news about his father. She is controlling something about her and Toki's relationship, the act of communication. How many times do you think she has spoken to Toki while he grew up that wasn't under the eyes of Aslaug?
This is important in terms of their relationship because in "Dethfam", Toki has not spoken in 3 days and was catatonic. Going from that to having a full conversation with his mother on the phone is a huge step. Not only that, but the conversation starts and ends appropriately. There is a hello, there is a good bye. There is a small but meaningful conversation happening between them.
In the same episode, we do see Aslaug speak to Toki, but we don't know exactly what he said. We do know it was a demand. What was it? CARRY ME UP THIS MOUNTAIN AND PUT ME IN MY CHILDHOOD COTTAGE! And what did Toki do his entire life? CARRY HEAVY OBJECTS UP MOUNTIANS! His last and quite possibly only words to Toki was a demand to carry another heavy object up a mountain. The difference between these two conversation sets each parent apart as in how they view Toki.
Post-Dethdad Death
Secret Santa Presents
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The last time we see Anja is during "Dethmas". I'll go into detail about Anja herself but for now, lets focus on what interactions we do see. Toki and Anja don't physically interact, unless you consider Toki and Anja standing next to each other before boarding the Dethbus a physical interaction. What we do see however are the presents Toki buys for his secret Santa. One of those presents are for his mother!
Now mind you, there has been 6 episodes in between "Dethdad" and "Dethmas", including "Renovationklok" which states a nine month time jump. In the episode, Nathan speaks to the boys about not giving their mothers alcohol because of "last time". This alludes to their being at least one Christmas before this Christmas episode. So Toki and Anja have had one Christmas together already. (Toki does state after they view the Christmas DVD that "their [mothers] are going to ruin Christmas" but this more likely to alludes to the drinking and horniness than them actually being there, as they all share the same Christmas spirit as him.)
This means that Toki's relationship with his mother has developed so much that he is comfortable enough getting her a present. But also the quality of the gift will probably high. Toki states to the rest of the band when they won't agree to secret Santa that, "I aints listens to you no more! I'ms going shoppings! Yes! Shoppin's! To buy each and every ones of yous a gifts! and I wants to sees de looks on all your fat fucking faces whens I gives you greats presents! Ha Ha! Fucks you!"
Toki was out buying presents for his loved ones with the clear intention of them being good presents. He has gifts for all of the members of Dethklok, Charles, Dr. Rockso (that god damn back stabbing son of a bitch), and his mom! He does not get a gift for any of the other mothers or anyone else, just these people. This clearly shows that Toki values his mother enough to get her a good Christmas gift.
Dethbus Scene
This is a small scene, but I wanted to highlight how the other mothers speak to their sons (and the other members plus Knubbler) VS. Toki and Anja. The other mothers are comfortable enough to yell and hit their sons and the other members while trying to find a parking spot. Now, neither Toki or Anja speak during this scene, but it's also important to note that the other mothers have never spoken poorly to Toki or hit him before. Whether this is because the dynamic between Toki and his family is a lot more psychological (to showcase his own kind of parental abuse) or Anja (and Aslaug) have a clear boundary that only they can speak or hit Toki, is up for interpretation. But the point is that Anja has never said a bad word to Toki or hit him on screen other than that one flashback whereas the other mothers have! It sets them apart from the rest of the group.
(Granted! Toki may be so screwed up that being around his parents might make him act more appropriately, but the later half of the episode kind of disproves that with the drinking scene and Toki trying to fight Dr. Rockso in clear sight of his mother.)
Their relationship as mother and son has improved since the death of his father. It's not perfect, and it probably never will be. Anja herself has to go through a lot of personal growth before I think Toki and her will ever have a normal relationship. That's why her relationship with the other mothers is so important for her and Toki's relationship.
Anja Post Aslaug's Death
Dethmom's Girl Group
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Toki and Anja's relationship will not change until Anja herself changes. Anja is a victim of a cult, where her choices were taken from her. Now with her husband dead, she is able to finally branch out and do things for herself. It will take years for her to fully express who Anja is, but her relationship with the other Dethmoms are so important to this development. "Dethmas" shows us that Anja has taken refuge with the other mothers, something we do not see Pre-Dethdad.
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The Dethmoms, while not the best bunch, are probably the closet Anja has to friends. We do not see her with friends beforehand and the people at Aslaug's deathbed are (I am assuming) are Aslaug's family and their congregation. Anja is around four very different types of women, all of which have very different views, mannerisms, and styles. This is something she would have never been allowed near in a cult, especially one that values her modesty, mutism and devotion to Christ. (It's believed that her cult is Christian based, and her veil is closet to a Christian nun.)
These women are all very different from Anja and yet! They are genuinely happy to be around her and have her as their friend. "Dethmas" proves this!
We have Serverta, who's most obvious traits are her provocative style and manners, as to Anja's cloak and veil. Molly is from a heavy drinking family, something that Anja is never seen doing. Then there is Stella, who's way of speaking differs from Anja in both vocabulary and volume, while Anja is still silent around the group. Then there is Rose, the all American typical housewife, with a mostly normal life, something Anja does not have.
An important aspect of their relationship is that they include Anja in their adventures, even when she herself may not be 100% in. During the flashbacks to their first Christmas, we see Anja with the girls while they are fooling around getting drunk and messing with each other sexually. They don't push her past her limits and instead, let her do her own thing while with them.
They don't pressure her to play twister (She's not seen in the photo). They don't come on to her in the sauna and instead let her make a move on someone else (I find this incredibly important to the flashback of Anja with Aslaug in bed! This is Anja making a move on her own and exploring her choices and NOT having someone on top of her while she looks away. SHE'S TOUCHING THEM! SHES LOOKING! SHE'S FULLY DRESSED! This is obviously her choice! Sexual freedom! Lesbian maybe??) They don't make her drink or participate with the male strippers. This is something she is never seen doing, which also separates her from the group but never excludes her.
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A deleted scene where Dr. Rockso (why did they give him such a fat ass here?) is entertaining the moms during the same episode shows Anja in a skimpier dress and actually participating in the strip tease show. (Could this be where Toki gets his love for clowns? Maybe!) This, mixed in with the scraped "Sexy Dress" Anja, is probably set after Murderface gets funding for his Christmas Special and the moms need to be entertained in the montage. Point is, they always include her and never push her past her boundaries and let her make her own decisions. Which brings us to the mall!
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The group actively acknowledges Anja and speaks to her like a true friend. They see her as who she is but also someone who is worth change. The conversation before her makeover goes as such:
"You know something, Anja. Now that you're single maybe you should find your sexy side?" - Rose
"Ooh, let's do a fucking makeover and make Anja a little sexy kitty cat." - Stella
The group is shown helping Anja find something else to wear and picking out makeup behind Murderface's phone calls. Could you imagine being in a cult for years, wearing the same thing as everyone else, and then suddenly these people who care about you, and see you as a woman and a friend, want to help you change into yourself?
I also like the detail of Serverta trying to get Anja to wear the scrapped skimpy dress from before but Rose comes in with a scarf instead and then Serverta appraises it! Like, she held up what she believes Anja could pull off (Serverta wants the girls to be girling) while Rose recognizes it might be too much too early and chooses just a simple touch instead. Serveta is supportive about it as well! They aren't pushing her into someone she isn't, they're working toward giving her self confidence and finding out who she is! Girl groups are so important for this very reason. Anja probably never had a "And we were girls together" moment. This IS her moment! They just want the best for her, which is probably so different from her life before. She is experiencing for the first time what life can really be like without the cult or her husband.
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At the end of the episode, we know that the mothers get drunk and crash the Christmas Special. All but one is seen drinking, Anja. Despite their drunkenness, they still include Anja. Molly even sits next to her on stage. But not only that, ANJA IS SEEN WEARING HER SCARF AND MAKE UP FROM BEFORE! There have been multiple days since they went to the mall so that means she bought and kept the scarf and make up. SHE PUT IT ON HERSELF AND WANTED TO FEEL PRETTY! SHE WANTED TO JOIN IN ON THE ADVENTURE AND DO HER OWN THING! This is a step toward making her own choices and boosting her self-confidence! Anja is slowly but surely finding herself within the girl group!
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Obviously, this group of women are not the best women Anja could have chosen, but's the group she needs. They are loud, boisterous, sexual, crazy, and opinionated women. They are not afraid to do stupid shit like their sons and have fun. They also all have done something to their children, so none of them can judge the other too harshly. Anja is in a boat of similar women, those who have done bad things before but are still living, still growing, still caring about their sons either way. It would be hard for Anja to be in a group of women who have been perfect, kind, and had a happy life with no parental/child issues. Anja sees these women as the only ones who could ever truly understand her. Hopefully, with more time, Anja will become the woman she never dreamed she could be with the help and guidance of her friends.
I do want to point out some counterpoints in this theory just to round it out.
Narcissism and Indifference
I know that there is also a good chance that Anja may just not care enough about Toki to feel either way about him. Her inaction could be just that, inaction. Anja could have had all the power in the world to stop Aslaug from abusing Toki and she chose not to, because she simply did not care enough about him. Anja could be narcissistic and only care about Toki in the sense of, "What does that have to do with me?" She'll accept the gifts, she'll make the phone calls, but it's all about what she wants or what her husband wants. She could have very well only called Toki because she needed something from him for her dying husband and nothing more. Toki is a very rich man and with Aslaug gone and unable to provide for her like he once did, she might be using Toki's kindness as a way to care for herself and herself alone. The other Dethmoms do show signs of narcissism, just like their sons. It would not be far to believe that Anja is the same way. When the cross falls on Toki during "Dethmas", Anja is sitting right in front of him, listening to him scream. She does nothing. She probably listened to Toki's screams as a child and did the same thing. Nothing.
Toki's Imagination
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Toki has a very vivid imagination and a desperation for love and connection. Toki also has a very hard time in picking good and long lasting friends, giving people more chances then they deserve with him.
We see this with Dr. Rockso. Dr. Rockso is a constant pain in Toki's ass, hurting him and using him for drugs, but Toki and him still hang out all of the time. Toki considers Dr. Rockso to be his best friend even. (Granted, Dr. Rockso did stop those addicts in Doomstar Requiem so Dethklok could save Toki but still.)
We see this with his own father in "Dethdad", where he chooses to forgive the man who abused and neglected him all of his life. What person would do that? Someone who wants a connection with their parents no matter what. That's why Toki is so upset when he drops his father and he drowns under the lake. Despite this man abusing him beyond comprehension, Toki still finds it in his heart to forgive while desperate enough to cry over him.
Everyone Toki has ever loved has died. His guitar teacher, the little girl, his cat. All of them have died after he has or went to make a meaningful and loving connection with them. His mother is the sole person left of his immediate family. Toki would be desperate to make amends with her and try to have a connection and Anja, with no one else to turn to, accepts. Toki could very well be blocking out or ignoring the abuse that she has done to him in favor of remembering his father's so that he can forgive her easier and have a relationship.
We see this desperate attempt to make his childhood seem better and normal in "Dethzazz" when Toki is talking to Dr. Twinkletits about his childhood. He says he loved it while showing active abuse on the screen. In "Fertilityklok", Toki desperately wants to start a family and get a wife/girlfriend after being sick and tired of just random women. In "Dethcamp", Toki's desperation for a connection is clear when he goes to camp to meet up people and make friends, even letting people pick on him for his diabetes to fit in. In "Diversityclub", Toki is feeling left out and makes his own club so that can be included and accepted. In "Breakup Klok", Toki does not venture out on his own, but instead stays with Murderface as an unpaid intern to stay close with someone he cares about and cares about him. In "Doublebookedklok", Toki is acting out because of Charles being so busy by hitting people but once Charles tells him "everyone thinks you're really cool" and "you don't need to hit people to get their attention", Toki runs to hug him and he cries. In "Doomstar Requiem", Toki even refers to Magnus while chained and abused as "My friend!" Who calls their abuser "My friend"?
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Toki blocking out the bad and accepting scraps of affection and connection is not out of the ordinary. He craves it and wants it more than anything in the world.
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I believe that Anja Wartooth is a victim a cult and was unable to raise her son the way she wanted to and instead had to do as her husband said. However, years of being in a cult changed her, and she lost who she was in favor of keeping with the cults demands and wishes and creating a new "normal" for her. Aslaug was the main abuser toward Toki and hardly allowed Anja and Toki to be together without his supervision. Toki and Anja have a developing relationship since "Dethfam" and it has been shown to be improving over the years, especially after the death of Aslaug. Anja is slowing find herself through her connections and friendships with the other Dethmoms.
Anja and Toki have a long way to go but I do see them having a much better relationship with Aslaug out of the way.
I hoped you enjoyed this analysis. I love Toki and his mother is super interesting to me. If we ever get an epilogue, I hope we see Anja again. Hopefully away from the cult and much happier.
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eye-may · 3 months ago
I noticed that in some of your text posts you use a different (three) Words for the cats than the ones they were assigned, so I have to ask—if you could change the Words of any cats of your choosing, what would you change them to an why?
interesting question! my divergence from the Three Words (tm) is definitely mostly due to my affinity for descriptors. I am simply a slut for adjectives. also I've frequented past casting calls on many a wiki page and I love how different companies expand upon the frameworks of the characters in different ways. these cats contain multitudes!
I'll just be extra ig and use this opportunity to run down the list, slapping on my annotations as I go.
Admetus / Plato - Friendly, Easygoing, Protective
I called Plato friendly and easygoing in many words on this post I made about him, although I guess I didn't touch on "protective." His being tall and strong, along with being (imo) an instinct-driven cat could be summed up niftily as protectiveness...so I do think that word works for him, although...
to me, a big part of Plato that he needs to overcome is the fact that his nonchalance, his apathy, make him too persuadable. if he doesn't feel impassioned about any particular thing, then he's more vulnerable to being manipulated...right?
I might replace "protective" with "tractable" or some such.
Alonzo - Vain, Uncertain, Bravado
I love these three words for Alonzo! I love the dichotomy inherent in the last two words especially; in my universe, Alonzo is rigid and goal-driven, always walking around with his shoulders back and his chest puffed out, a true militant. that's bravado for you. but, at the same time, he's young and had it rough before coming to the Junkyard. he's slow to trust and, deep down...is often anxious and even scared.
there's a GIF somewhere of one version of Alonzo appearing to look to Mistoffelees in the face of adversity (a Macavity scare I think), and then seems to mimic him, as if trying to appear as brave. I think, even if he doesn't want to admit it, he often has to look to others for courage.
Vain also, yes! He's very preoccupied with his image, both superficial and otherwise! Like Victoria, Cassandra, and Tugger he's very well-kept and on top of maintaining appearances. He also (again, like Tugger, but in a very different way) has impassioned pretenses about his "reputation."
Asparagus - Frail, Wise, Historied -or- Wistful, Imaginative, Frail
Assuming we're talking about the elder Asparagus, rather than the younger...sounds right to me! I personally would pluck out "wise" from the first version and replace it with "wistful" for the second. Not that he isn't "wise," but the versions of him that I've seen seem to indicate that he struggles with dementia in his advanced age, and I tend to think he's more prone to romantic recollections about his career than he is to dolling out grandfatherly aphorisms. (he may do just that, however, in his more lucid moments).
Bill Bailey - Chaotic, Imprudent, Funny
In my mind, Billy Bailey and Tumblebrutus are interchangeable, so I'm just going to annotate these three words as if they're an alternative set for Tumble lol.
I think I would swap out "Funny," for a word that references his eagerness to appear tough. Charitably it could be a word like "aspirational." less charitably it could be like "pugnacious" or "posturing."
Bombalurina Generous, Voluptuous, Frank
Take out voluptuous! That's not a personality trait lmao. I might replace it with something that actually references her nubile aura, like "sensual," or "alluring."
Bustopher Jones - Foppish, Gluttonous, Dapper
He sure is those three things! I could maybe see a world where we replace "dapper," because it's parasynonymous with "foppish." Perhaps with "patronly" or "parsimonious."
Carbucketty - Acrobatic, Energetic, Accident-prone
These three words seem to emphasize his physical prowess, his hyperness. which he definitely has! But maybe we can swap out "acrobatic" for something that expands a little more on his personality, like "good-natured," "goofy," "playful," or even "worshipful" to allude to how he looks up to the older cats.
Cassandra - Haughty, Disdainful, Aloof
Disdainful is a little harsh, but I don't disagree that she certainly harbors disdain lol. these three words don't indicate much of a flip side to her, however; I might replace "haughty" or "disdainful" with something a little more neutral, like "observant," "elegant," or "mysterious."
There's an alternative version where "lonely" replaces "aloof" ... but I think the latter suits her better. she may be a bit solitary, but being alone doesn't mean you're lonely.
Coricopat - Telepathic, Unruffled, Instinctive
I actually do stray pretty significantly with Coricopat...in my mind, I have his words almost reversed with Tantomile's. Between the two twins, it's Tantomile who's seemingly unflappable, and Coricopat who's more tentative, less surefooted. I'd take out "unruffled" and replace it with one of Tantomile's words, "sensitive."
Demeter - Skittish, Cautious, Paranoid -or- Nervous, Sensual, Secretive
I think the first set is a bit ludicrous because all of those words are parasynonymous lol. The second alternative set is definitely better. I don't know if I ever think of her as "secretive," per se, so much as "reticent," which has a comparable meaning but with a less conniving connotation. I might settle on the three words, "skittish," "sensual," and "reticent."
Although, as I think about it, I might take out "sensual" as well. I don't think that aspect of her as endemic to her core enough to make it one of her three archetypal descriptors. I might replace that word with something that indicates her overall eccentricity, like "offbeat."
Electra - Adolescent, Inquisitive, Daring
Two out of three of her words are identical to Pouncival's lmao. I think using "adolescent" for the younger cats is a bit of a copout; I see that word more as a superficial characteristic as opposed to a personality trait.
Replace "adolescent" with something like "intense," or "hyper."
Etcetera - n/a
She doesn't have her own set of words! (at least not on the wiki lmao) If I were to choose, I would say maybe "upbeat, excitable, eager"
George - n/a
George is so funny to me. in the grand scheme of CATS he just seems to be a wild card character with no established or accepted archetype. he's like...just a guy. sometime he's even another guy. sometimes, he's an alternate for Pouncival. in one instance, he's an alternate for Admetus (but NOT Plato...lmao)
sauurrr, for MY CATS universe, I have done with George what one is seemingly meant to do with George, and that is just invent a character from the ground up with only a rough visual of his appearance and his name just so happens to be George.
To me...George is in fact the one who played Rumpus Cat in the film. I personally peg him as a cat who's a peer to Munkustrap age-wise, maybe a little older, but who esteems himself something of a comedian and seems to act much younger than his actual age. He's a favorite amid kittens, because they see him as one of the "cool" adults, like that teacher in middle school who was particularly fun and easygoing.
I shall christen him with three adjectives of my own choosing!
"persuadable," "nonchalant," "comical"
Grizabella - Proud, Hurt, Indomitable
No notes!
Jellylorum -Practical, Busy, Cheery -or - Dour
well "dour" sure is a contrast to cheery! I think she's capable of being stern, but I wouldn't choose "dour" as an archetypal descriptor of hers. I think I'd replace the word "busy" with something that suggests her sternness/adherence without the dreary connotation of dour, and that also references how her hands always seem to be occupied by some task. maybe something like "regimented," or "painstaking," or "assiduous."
Jemima - Innocent, Compassionate, Young -or- Dreamy, Yearning, Curious
I'm not a fan of either set on their own! I have the same issue with "young," that I have with "adolescent"...young is a superficial characteristic, not a personality trait! "youthful" would be a more appropriate word, but it's like...of course she's youthful, she's a kitten! same thing with "innocent." we were all innocent at probably less than six months of age lmao.
For her I'd go with "compassionate," "curious," and "quirky" or suchlike. or maybe replace "compassionate," with "empathetic" or even "empathic."
Jennyanydots - Motherly, Controlling, Contented -or- Fastidious, Complacent, Bossy
I would maybe replace "controlling" with something like "militant," and then replace "contented" in the first set with "fastidious" from the alternative set. I think those who see Jennyanydots as "contented" are mostly her humans, who are used to seeing her somnolent daytime persona.
Macavity - Hypnotic, Jealous, Dangerous
No notes!
Mistoffelees - Competitive, Neat, Electric
I like all three of these words for him! I do think I'd tack on "impish" and/or "cryptic" or some such, mayyybbeeee as a replacement for competitive if we really have to stick with just three words in fear of dire consequences from the omnipotent CATS deities.
Mungojerrie -Mischievous, Rambunctious, Ne'er-do-well -or- Cheeky, Street-wise, Cocksure
I think the second set is a little better than the first. I like both sets, but "mischievous" and "rambunctious" are pretty similar, and ne'er-do-well is a bit harshly connotated, even if that's how a handful of cats do see him.
I think I'd replace "cheeky" in the second set with "mischievous" from the first. not to say that he isn't cheeky, but I think you're slightly more likely to hear some clever smarm from Rumpleteazer.
Munkustrap - Imposing, Energetic, Courageous -or- Integrity, Discipline, Dignity
shall I say it? shall I go ahead and submit to my impulse to be an insufferable grammarian on tumblr dot com? I just think it's funny that the alternative set are all nouns instead of adjectives XD
I woouuulldddd conflate the two lists (and use the right part of speech *dodges brick*)
"Disciplined, Courageous, Dignified"
Old Deuteronomy - Wise, Commanding, Spiritual -or- Wise, Loving, Commanding
You just tack on "loving" to the first set and we're golden. again tho if we have to abide by the rule of three...go with "Wise, Loving, Spiritual"
Pouncival - Adolescent, Inquisitive, Alert
I like the latter two words! replace "adolescent" with "admiring," or "impressionable"
Rum Tum Tugger - Vain, Perverse (cocky), Inconsequent -or- Perverse, Preening, Independent
The weird thing about Tugger's set is that "inconsequent" is noootttt...a word I'd ever think of to describe a person. I did a quick Google search to see if I had been simply mistaken about the meaning of the word, but all I got was corroboration that "inconsequent" is a form of the word "inconsequential," which means of little significance. I almost feel like the original author meant to find a word that suggested Tugger's lack of concern over consequences.
My final take: "Preening," "Imprudent" (a decent-ish alternative to what I think? was meant by "inconsequent"), "Charismatic."
Rumpleteazer - Mischievous, Rambunctious, Ne'er-do-well -or- Naughty, Impressionable, Effervescent
I dislike both sets!
My take: "Rambunctious," "Cheeky," "Animated"
Skimbleshanks - Caring, Bright, Self-regarding -or- (punctual, proud, energetic?)
My take: "Punctual," "Caring," "Energetic"
Tantomile - Telepathic, Suspicious, Sensitive
As I elucidated earlier, I conceptualize the twins differently, I suppose, than their initial canonical characterizations. My Tantomile is quieter and more confident than Coricopat, and seems to take the inherent oddities of mysticism more in stride than her brother does. she's also caring, of course, but less sentimental and expressive.
(this might be weird to say but my understanding of the twins stems heavily from one (1) very brief moment in the 1998 film, when the camera cuts to a close-up of their reactions to Mistoffelees. Coricopat looks mystified, outwardly impressed, in awe. Whereas Tantomile...she looks more subdued. still impressed, but unsurprised, like she was already well aware of the magnitude of Mistoffelees's capabilities. she even looks almost...proud?)
okay and I'm sure nobody on set or in the history of cats ever actually put much thought into those three-odd seconds, but given the chance, I will extrapolate. I will wring a fleeting moment dry. in so saying, to me the differences in their expressions in that moment speak volumes about how their personalities diverge. Tantomile is a little more mature, a little more attuned, and more reserved. she's more of a watchful and guiding figure, whereas Coricopat is more companionable.
so all that said! my take: "Telepathic," "Pragmatic," "Mindful"
Tumblebrutus - Tough, Buoyant, Touchy
I now realize that I should have just cut and pasted Bill Bailey's set here to address it as an alternative to this one lmao. so let's just pretend that's what we're doing.
my take: "Imprudent," "Pugnacious," (to combine "touchy" and "chaotic"), "Buoyant"
Victoria - Young, Inhibited, Inquisitive -or- Innocent, Romantic, Un-selfconscious
I take "inhibited" to be somewhat of an antonym for "un-self-conscious" (? what a...portmanteau...of sorts) and I do personally see Victoria as someone who errs on the side of timid, or hesitant. I get that "un-self-conscious" may be alluding to the fact that she uhhhhh was feeling some type of way very viewably, but to me it seems like she's letting herself being guided by her instincts, as a vehicle to overcome her inhibitions.
my take: "Inhibited," "Romantic," "Inquisitive"
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milkywayan · 1 year ago
Do you have any recommendations for books about the everyday lives of medieval people? The last two that I’ve read were just disappointing, leaning far more into sensationalism than anything, and not taking into account the changes in worldview and society between then and now. I love everyday history of how people went about their lives, from how they made breakfast and what they wore, to the games they’d play to pass time and what they thought of their place in the universe. I love your historical posting and was curious if you had any recommendations for non-disappointing books to read! (I read better in English than German, but either would be appreciated!)
Cool to hear you are interested in 'domestic history' as it is often called!
I read these kinds of books mostly in german as I am interested in central european medieval times, as most english books are about britain and france. So I am sorry, most of this stuff is German.
Personally I was very, very happy with 'Wien in Mittelalter' by Peter Csendes & Ferdinand Opll, which is as the title says about Vienna in medieval times (from ~900 until 1529, which is the date set as the end of the medieval times in austria). First half is a timetable for each year, based on documents found in the archives to state what happened. Not only what kings and dukes did, but also e.g. 'Frenz sued his neighbour because his window is built wrong'. Tells you a lot about things people cared about. Second half describes in detail how e.g. the city was divided, how it was governed, how people lived etc. I really, really liked it, but it is mostly about Vienna and its Bürger and thus does not go into detail of the world beyond.
In addition to that, speaking of Vienna, there is the Geschichte Wien Wiki, which is one of the best history wikis in the world! So much details and also images of a lot of maps and stuff, it is great!
Another book I am currently reading (and loving) is also German, called 'Unerhörte Frauen' by Henrike Lähnemann and Eva Schlotheuber, and is about medieval nuns, mostly of the late 15th century in Germany. It discusses diaries of nuns and also explains how they lived, how the cloister was set up, how their education looked like, etc. It is really nice and it is very well researched, putting attention to often ignored women!
When it comes to food I generally read the actual recipe books from the time, as it is the best representation for it. There are also a lot of blogs from reenactors talking about it. For example this blog where some of my friends are involved, focused in 14th century cooking (also german).
I also recommend this blog by an Austrian reenactment group, where they talk about a lot of cool medieval topics. They are very passionate and have a lot of references (also German but have some posts also in english)
Going more specific and maybe boring there is this 7 book set about the finds of excavations in London. I have two of them by now, and it is quite cool to see what people used, how it looked like, what was common, what stuff was made of. But it is very thechnical/academic, so maybe not what you may be looking for. My reenactment friends and I love these books because it helps a lot in recreating stuff authentically.
Otherwise I read not that many books about medieval life, I mostly read research stuff and read medieval literature (I made a long post about it a while back) and talk with my nerdy friends about it
I hope this is useful!
Any of my followers, feel free to add if you know cool books and stuff :)
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jupiterswasphouse · 4 months ago
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[Image IDs: Three official renders of the listed Digimon, those being Waspmon, FunBeemon, and CannonBeemon /End IDs.]
Well, this will be interesting as someone whose only experience with the Digimon franchise is whatever Karina from Drawfee has explained about the franchise. But I'm gonna try my best to understand what we've got going on here, which shouldn't be too difficult! Let's just hop into the deep end here! (Apologies in advance to the Digimon enjoyers)
Starting with Waspmon, this Digimon is very clearly at least mostly mechanical, which I suppose makes my job here a little bit easier, as it's clear they were not going for accuracy. Even still, I do have to point out some things. It seemingly only has one pair of improperly segmented legs (unless those rib-like parts around its mesosoma are legs too), with more human-like hands, and these big armored shoulder plates (supposedly propellers?) that are perhaps only comparable to the large tibiae of shield-handed wasps. They also seem to have only one set of wings but I can't say for sure. The head seems accurate enough, with even the right number of eyes, in the right positions! That's pretty rare! The antennae are a bit too straight, not segmented enough, with feathered ends I've never really seen in a wasp, although they do remind me of some notably different featherings on certain species, such as a number of members of the genus Dendrocerus. There are other things I could point out, like the abdominal spines and laser stinger, but given its mechanical nature, I'll leave it at the fact that the abdomen is too big, with perhaps the closest example I can give in relation to the roundness of the gaster being that of gall wasps!
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[Image Sources: bugguide.net, Jim Moore, Wikimedia Commons, S.E. Thorpe, and Flickr, Judy Gallagher | Image IDs: Three photos, one of a black and yellow shield-handed wasp on a white surface, the next of a black specimen of the genus Dendrocerus in front of a white background, the last one of a black and red Cynipid gall wasp on a brown wooden surface /End IDs.]
As for FunBeemon, this one seems a lot more natural on nature, with a very clear inspiration too. Body's properly segmented, the color could stand to be a tiny bit darker though. The correct number of wings, legs, and eyes. But the eyes that are supposed to be compound are these glassy, mammalian eyes, and the legs aren't quite colored or segmented right, with too few claws on most legs as well. The antennae seem to be segmented properly though! Even with little lines that seem to imply the presence of the flagellomeres, not quite clear on that though. The mandibles shouldn't be grey like that, and the head in general is a bit too wide and round. It has the same strange abdominal spines as Waspmon, which shouldn't be there, as I don't believe any species of bee has those. But they did get the "serrated" (barbed) stinger right, even if it is far too thick!
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[Image Sources: Jupiter's Wasp House, ie Myself, and Cambridge University | Image IDs: A photo of a black and yellow honey bee on a human hand, followed by four images of a honey bee's stinger viewed on an extremely close up scale /End IDs.]
Finally, when it comes to CannonBeemon... What's going on here? Don't get me wrong here, it's awesome, but it does also look like Polistes dominula got freaky with a FusionFall Shattergun. All bits aside, this Digimon does fall into essentially the same category as Waspmon, it's too mechanical to really bother with the details, this one even moreso. Everything I said about Waspmon's general head area still applies. It has the right wing count, though they are thin for something as heavy as this thing has to be (the Wiki says 38g but I'm not sure about that for something so big and metallic, not gonna lie). It has only four, very short legs, with little grabby hands at the end, which while incorrect is actually pretty cute. The shape is too abnormal to compare to any real wasp, though I do quite like the use of hexagonal cell shapes here in reference to real social bees' and wasps' hive structures. That's about it for that, though.
Now, what about their behaviors? Well, as one might expect, Waspmon is the defensive soldier type, patrolling the viscinity of the hive, being aggressive enough to divebomb Digimon that get too close. Now, I won't deny that wasps do divebomb as an offensive move against potential hive invaders, but they act on far more than distance to the hive, their reaction to an individual's presence is based on a multitude of factors, such as movement/body language, their level of familiarity with the threat, and of course, actual actions taken by the potential threat to harm the hive, among other things. That said, these Digimon do seem to be quite intelligent, as the wiki states "The antenna-parts on its head have high reconnaissance ability", IE they are able to gather information essentially at the level of a special operative. A real wasp can remember quite a lot, though it definitely takes in more than just what it can detect through smell.
CannonBeemon is also a line of defense for the hive, though being much more powerful, both of these Digimon use lasers instead of venom, as you could've probably guessed from their mechanical structures, which is, of course, not true for actual wasps. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that wasps don't fire lasers though. Whether or not these two soldiers hunt for or feed on anything is unclear.
As for FunBeemon, it also doesn't seem to be out gathering food either, but it does gather some materials, those being bits of "home data", to build up the hive the same way many social Hymenopterans would gather wood, dirt, or the material needed to make wax. This Digimon gets along well with plant Digimon, which should probably be the case for all the rest of them too but whatever. These ones, too, also attack... With projectiles, they fire off their stingers like arrows. This is a surprisingly common thing amongst representations of stinging Hymenopterans in media? strange... They also have a second ability to summon allies, which is unfortunately, for whatever reason, referred to as "88 Call". Apparently this is because 8 in Japanese can be read as "Hachi", which is also a word that refers to eusocial Hymenopterans, like honey bees, but of course, two eights can also be read in a far, far worse way. Different potential connotations aside, the description of this move says that FunBeemon summons allies with its antennae, which, as far as I know, the alarm pheromones of bees are not produced in or near the antennae.
Back to the material gathering and building of the hive though! It turns out that FunBeemon isn't the only one who helps to build the hive, as it's aided by-
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[Image ID: The official render of ForgeBeemon /End IDs.]
This guy! Not much to say here in terms of accuracy, as I don't think they're really trying for that here. But I do really love that they accounted for its ocelli in the mask design! Coulda used a bit more space around the compound eyes though. It's got antennae, which aren't segmented right, but they're present, and bend in the right place. It also has wings that are even tinier than CannonBeemon! Its two moves are also defense by way of offense, with a saw-like stinger, and two extra robotic arms that can produce a powerful electric discharge.
It's not called a "Forge" for nothing, either, as these bees are the ones that take materials and bond them together with an adhesive called "Honey Glue" (Don't think that's how that works, but oh well) that's produced in its abdomen, much like how honey bees produce wax!
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[Image Source: Hive And Honey Apiary | Image ID: A photo of a black and yellow honey bee producing wax from its abdominal glands /End IDs.]
But, if they have a hive, and live in the same eusocial manner as some real honey bees and vespid wasps, then they must have a Queen! I wonder what it looks like-
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[Image ID: The official render of QueenBeemon /End IDs.]
... That's just a human woman in a costume... Are y'all sure this is a Digimon?... Well, I mean, it still has absolute power over the hive, so I guess yeah, that's their queen, but... Huh.
Well QueenBeemon gets a badass army and a badass mech chair with venom shot arms and laser turrets at least. Surely that's the end of them and that's all that needs to be s-
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[Image IDs: The official renders of Vespamon and Tiger Vespamon /End IDs.]
Alright, more guys in suits. Human status is less clear given the fact they have no skin showing, but they're definitely humanoid... I can at least comment on the fact they seem to be designed to be male, which, if they're meant to be soldiers/workers too (Where are the drones??) that wouldn't be the case, as the vast majority of male social wasps (including bees) do not have defensive capabilities and don't leave the hive nearly as often as the females.
But that HAS to be it? Right? RIGH-
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[Image IDs: The official renders of HoneyBeemon, FlyBeemon, JewelBeemon, and DinoBeemon /End IDs.]
... I'm not even gonna bother.
WaspBeemon and FunBeemon (Ranked on accuracy): 6.5/10
CannonBeemon and ForgeBeemon (Accuracy not considered, ranked on design): 5/10 - 6/10
Everyone Else: [DISQUALIFIED]
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