#also thank you so very much hehe
emry-stars-art · 1 year
are andrew and renee friends in the royal au? (ps i love your art so much its so pretty and the chibi style is so cute)
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Yeah :D
Long answer: Renee’s around often enough I’m imagining? (In universe Joan of exy but like for realsies let’s go) She works for Allison technically but she’s also trusted as a general or commander when the need arises
She and Prince Andrew hang out when they get the chance, for some reason I always imagine them walking in the gardens and sparring when they’re bored. Renee’s better with swords and Andrew is better with foils/sabres so they switch it up frequently and it’s a source of constant razzing/jest when one of them beats the other in the other’s preferred weapon
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kuromi-hoemie · 3 months
being like 5’2” - 5’4” is so attractive to me like omg ur head fits right under my chin and right in my tits ♡⁠ let me hold you. i love being a tall girl
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ruvviks · 23 days
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sweet sunshine girl ☀️ ↳ shots by the talented @mojaves, edited by me!
taglist (opt in/out)
@velocitic, @lestatlioncunt, @euryalex, @ordinarymaine, @bialanwake;
@mojaves, @shellibisshe, @dickytwister, @mnwlk, @rindemption;
@ncytiri, @calenhads, @noirapocalypto, @florbelles, @radioactiveshitstorm;
@strafethesesinners, @fashionablyfyrdraaca, @aemondtargeryen, @radioactive-synth, @katsigian;
@estevnys, @elgaravel
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jojo-schmo · 9 months
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I made myself a personal playlist with the fnaf songs I like (because wow I’ve missed out on like five years of bangers and need to catch up!!). I thought I would make myself a playlist cover with my precious Helpy bear to inspire even more joy from it!! He stole/borrowed DJ Music Man’s headphones. :3
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pearl-the-artist · 2 months
(You called for me) Gabriel / Reader Oneshot
Ok please be patient with me on this. I spent over 24 hours in a car on a trip to Russia a few days ago and it made me do something I've never dared to before: write a fanfic. On my humble Samsung notes.
If this isn't a total flop I might make more? I dunno? Maybe hop on ao3?
Criticism and feedback is appreciated ok thank youuu have fun
Another restless night, another hour spent lying in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling above you. The room was shrouded in the comforting night air, more illuminated than usual by the soft glow of the full moon outside.
You look at the clock on your nightstand; precisely midnight. Two hours after your drunken father came home again, letting his pent-up frustrations and anger out on you in a one sided yelling match. Of course, as usual, neither was your mother of any support; only giving you that same disapproving, disdainful glare. You were never really welcome, not even in your own home- your parents biggest mistake lingering around only to weigh them down, and remind them of what they could've had. Or so they've told you, many, many times before. Tonight was no exception.
When the broadcasts first announced the new threat infesting the county, "alternates" they called them, you were, admittedly, both terrified and somewhat relieved. You were never really one to believe in the supernatural, but who knows, your parents were just superstitious enough to maybe fall for their schemes.
The first announcement had been around, what, a year ago now? Not much had really changed admittedly, although the population had begun falling drastically since then.
Your parents had of course used this opportunity to also confiscate your phone, the CRT TV in your room and old little MP3 player gifted to you by a relative, god forbid you let an alternate in to potentially threaten them, your own safety not even really a point for consideration to them.
Living with your parents was already hell, but getting by without your favourite albums and shows? Torture.
So tonight when you lied in bed unable to fall asleep, your mind wandering as usual, it may have wandered a little too far.
You recalled something you overheard your parents talk about. A friend of your dad's, a man of unwavering faith, who had been found dead in his own home a few weeks ago, seemingly in the middle of his usual prayers. Even though his family mentioned having seen an odd, ghostly figure outside their home that night, the doctors seemed to blame the cause of death on a brain hemorrhage.
It made sense, come to think of it. When you first saw the emergency PSA, it explained all kinds of methods to protect yourself from alternate attacks, one of which being avoidance of religion, faith, and philosophy.
So then, the alleged "ghost" that visted that poor man just might've been... Well.
This gave you a bad idea, but you weighed the options available to you.
Either you would die in a similar way as the old man, or... you might just get lucky and bargain with it. Alternatively, nothing happens, and you remain stuck with an unhappy married couple that hates each other as much as they hate you.
It was definitely stupid, but at this point it seemed like you had nothing to lose anyway. You weren't really much of a believer yourself, so you didn't exactly know how to pray, but you gave it your best shot. Sitting up in your bed, hands clasped together with a bowed head and closed eyes, you tried your best to focus.
If there was a god out there, may it hear your pleas. Wordless whispers called for help, begging to be heard, while you did all you could to try to concentrate on any spiritual connections. All the while you knew you may as well be praying to a literal demon.
A few minutes passed as you racked your brain for what to say before you stopped, your hands falling back into your lap.
What the hell were you doing? Yes you hated it here, and you couldn't even run away if you wanted to, but inviting an alternate to your house just like this? It was a death sentence, and not a pretty one, that much was certain.
You shook your head. It probably wouldn't have worked anyway. Right, this was all just some silly superstition, not that different from those "send this to 5 other people or you'll die tonight" chain e-mails. You laughed internally at how silly it was that you even thought this would work to begin with, and, admittedly, felt a brief sense of relief. You decided that you were ready to just go back to sleep, and just as you pulled your blanket up to crawl back underneath it- you almost jumped.
It was a voice, faintly audible outside your window. You didn't even process it until a few seconds after, a barely legible, strained whisper.
"I heard you praying."
You froze. A cold wave shot right to your stomach. Slowly, agonisingly so, you turned around to face your bedroom window.
A tall figure stood outside, its hands clasped together similarly to how you just had a few minutes ago. With long, flowing white robes and silver, wavy locks that reached down to his shoulders, he looked... Ethereal. Not to mention the massive, pure white wings folded neatly behind his back. His head blocked out the full moon, the light creating something almost like a halo around him, making him appear even more angelic.
You couldn't help the little gasp of awe. He seemed to find it amusing, his grin spreading a little too wide for comfort. Admittedly, you almost doubted if he even was an alternate at all. Maybe you'd come out a person of faith yourself, after this.
"Are you... An alternate?"
You whispered hesitantly, quiet enough to try to conceal the trembling in your voice and also not alert your parents sleeping upstairs, though you weren't sure if he actually heard you at all.
He didn't respond for a moment, tempting you to ask again, before that inhuman whisper was heard again.
"You called for me, and now I am here."
Avoiding your question, huh. Suppose he was an elusive sort. You quickly glanced around your room, eyeing the door in particular just in case; you really hoped your parents were asleep.
"May I... Come closer?"
You couldn't even recall the last time you were this polite to someone, though it was your best bet not to piss him off while he was still friendly, if you could even call it that. You had no point of reference, though he wasn't actively trying to harm you, so it was a start.
The angel, his smile unwavering, simply nodded, waving his arm in an invitation to approach.
It took a moment for you to will your body to move from the initial shock, but with slow, careful steps you moved to open the window to properly speak to him, a pleasant cool breeze inviting itself into your room.
"So... What's your name?"
Did alternates have names? Suppose they just took on the name of whoever they were trying to mimic. You leaned onto the window frame, trying to catch a good look at his face; and for the first time in god knows how long you were met with eyes that, albeit a bit creepy and lifeless, looked back into your own with an unfamiliar lack of hostility.
"You may call me Gabriel, child."
Gabriel? That name sounded familiar- Oh! The Saint Gabriel's church at the edge of town. Suppose that made sense, given his angelic appearance, if it wasn't just one morbid coincidence. Your thoughts and scrutinizing stare dragged on for a bit longer than you were aware of, though, as his voice pulled your attention back to him.
"Are you lost, my lamb? I can save you. Let me in. Let me into your mind."
The last bit seemed a bit more... Pushy than the rest, making your stomach feel just a little heavier. You gathered your thoughts anyway, trying to push that feeling aside for now. You did do this for a reason, after all, though now that he was actually here you were starting to second guess things.
Gabriel seemed to take note of your hesitation after a while of you not responding.
"Open your eyes, my lost little one. Look at me. I can grant you anything you wish for. You just need to let me in."
An odd mix of dread and comfort you'd never felt before settled in, and the feeling was almost... Refreshing, in a way. You quickly glanced back up at him, and he was still staring at you, ever so patiently, eerily.
"Uhm... I was just- well, it's probably kind of silly."
No backing out now, not when he was already here. Even if you wanted to, you don't think he'd let you go so easily. As you verbally stumbled over your own thoughts, he simply waited, his unblinking eyes staring into you, gouging out your soul. Or so it felt.
"I just thought... Is it possible for, well... Is there a chance for humans to be able to ally with alternates? Can I join you?"
Surprisingly, that got his smile to falter, if only a little bit. A flicker of emotion you couldn't quite explain showed in his eyes- surprise, perhaps, or consideration.
"What for, my child?"
That uncanny whisper of his never gave away any emotion, monotone and unfeeling, yet not unfriendly. Admittedly, his question made you pause; you hadn't exactly thought of how to explain this to him. You hadn't even expected him to show up at all.
Fidgeting nervously, unsure of whether to tell him the truth or not, you tried to think of what to say. Despite your rationality screaming at you for being an utter moron, you knew you were in too deep at this point.
"I don't think I'm any good to these people at all anymore, I just... don't know what to do anymore. With myself. I have nowhere else to go. And, maybe..."
You weren't sure if you should say it or not, you already let more vulnerability slip than you wanted to. But your spite driven words were quicker than your brain, and man did it feel good to open up for once.
"...maybe for revenge, also."
Gabriel listened to you surprisingly attentively, very interested in your words. At your last statement, he perked up with an almost malicious twist to his grin. Before he could respond, though, you suddenly heard the sound of your parents creaky old bedroom door and footsteps from upstairs. And you could tell by the sound of them that it was your mother. And she was pissed.
For a very panic filled moment you weren't sure what to do, your thoughts racing- instincts called for you to jump into bed and pretend you were asleep like you usually would... but with Gabriel here, you couldn't- and that's when you realized you really only had two real options.
Stay here, and continue living this miserable life, and also deal with the imminent outburst of your mother.
Or go with him, and then... Well, nothing and no one could possibly guarantee what would happen to you then.
"Choose wisely, my dear lamb."
Your dilemma seemed to be rather palpable to the "saviour" as he pulled you out of that mental spiral, and you were rather grateful for it. As much as it made you nauseous with uncertainty and anxiety, you finally snapped out of that paralysis and turned towards the window.
"Please, help me. This is the only favor I'll ever ask of you. I will do anything you want in return, I promise."
You began to plead in an urgent, hissed whisper, practically leaning out of the window, causing him to take a step back.
Desperation and panic shook your words as you glanced back at your bedroom door.
"Get me out of here."
He chuckled, an amused sound mixed with something you couldn't quite explain that made you feel more fuzzy than you'd care to admit.
"Come. Come to me, my child. Step outside."
For the first time tonight hesitation became a foreign concept as you practically leapt out that window. Your bare feet felt the cold gravel beneath, just in time as the door to your room swung open.
The angered yelling of your mother were drowned out by the feeling of suddenly being lifted off the ground, Gabriel taking you up into his arms like your weight was akin to a feather.
He was cold, lifelessly so. And yet the soft silken robes, the way he held you in his arms, and his deceitfully promising whispers were lulling you into a sense of security you hadn't felt in a long, long time.
"A lost little lamb, asking their shepherd for guidance..."
His eerie, yet strangely comforting laugh filled your ears once more over the noise of your mother not yet realizing you weren't in your bed. You're surprised she wasn't hearing him at all. Maybe it was another mind game of his.
"You made the right decision. I knew you would. Such a smart, yet scared little thing you are, are you not?"
You leaned your head against his chest, sighing deeply, beginning to forget what you were ever doubtful about during the start of this whole fiasco. Your weight began to sink into his arms as you relaxed. He held you a little tighter in turn.
"Of course I shall guide you, my child. Come with me; you will be mine. You will be safe."
Just as the furious woman realized to check the opened window, Gabriel vanished as swiftly as he appeared, leaving behind the sight of nothing but an empty garden, peacefully quiet, as if you were never there.
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rainba · 5 months
The street is cold, the ground still damp from the rain. A distant street lamp flickers as moths circle underneath it.
It's been roughly five hours, maybe more since Kairos staked out his Darlings home and he would be lying if he said he wasn't...concerned.
The apartment has been dark and still since you came home, well- there were the times he thought he saw a shadow by one of the windows, but when he tries to get a better look, nothing's there.
He really wants to see what's going on, but an eerily quiet home isn't necessarily unusual for you, what if Darling is inside and they're awake and then they see him? What if they call the police, or...or what if they say they hate him?! It's too risky, but the anxiety is eating him alive.
What if they're not okay? What if they actually need help?...WHAT IF THEY'RE DYING? Oh god, maybe they're dying, he has to do something, he has to do something, he has to do something, he has to do something, he has to!
It doesn't matter if they hate him for this, he just needs to know they're okay. Having made up his mind and a plan of action, Kairos darts across the street and climbs up the water spout to their bedroom window.
Their curtains aren't drawn and he can't see them in here either, in fact it doesn't even look like they've been in here at all. Their bed is still made, no items have been moved or taken, but he knows they're here, he saw them enter the apartment. They got out of their car, keys jingling in their hand, they opened the door, didn't turn on a single light when they did, and nothing since. It's like they just vanished after they crossed the threshold of the door.
This whole thing was starting to freak him out, were they okay or not? Should he leave and call the police?...No, better not. The police are too slow, what if they're in danger?
With that thought spurring him forward, Kairos opens the window and immediately regrets it. An overpowering sense of dread and foreboding enters his body as if the very air inside the home was made of it, every alarm in his body screams at him to leave. To escape and never come back, but he pushes forward, they could be in grave danger! He can't be a coward now! At least that's what he tells himself.
He carefully creeps his way inside, not daring to make a single noise as he feels it may spell his doom if he does. He quietly approaches their bedroom door and grips the knob, his palm sweaty as he slowly, very slowly, opens the door.
The hallway is dark, save for the nightlight towards the end. It illuminates the threshold of your bedroom and the guest bedroom in a cold, distant, blue light...and it also illuminates them.
They're sitting on the floor, their bare back facing him. They're...not wearing any clothes? Why are they just sitting on the floor, staring at the closed door of the guest bedroom? He wants to say something, but he also feels as though he shouldn't. In fact, he feels like he should leave.
Before he could think about it for a moment longer, their arms move, palms pressing against the hardwood as they prepare to stand, and immediately he knows something is wrong. Their arms are bony, and long, their palms seem abnormally large and your fingers are more like twigs than flesh.
As they stand, Kairos feels his heart drop into the pit of his stomach. A horrible bone crunching sound emits through the hallway as they rise, as if the very bones need to be broken and readjusted for them to move, their head disappears into the darkness above, the nightlight not bright enough to allow its light to reach that far. Their legs are about as tall as him, this...this can't be real? They don't look like that, humans don't look like that.
What's happening? Is he dreaming? He hears more crunching and he feels like he wants to vomit. Their spine twists unnaturally and he knows without seeing that its eyes are on him.
He made a mistake, he shouldn't have entered their home. No, maybe the mistake was taking interest in them at all.
I felt like making a spooky drabble, I hope Kairos is thoroughly frightened 💖 and yes the Darling is based off of SCP-096
oh. my. god.
anon... This was so good!!!! The atmosphere, the suspense, everything... Thank you SO much for sharing this with me! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
Honestly? This totally sounds like a nightmare Kairos would have. Every night this scenario plays out in his dreams, endlessly repeating itself whenever he dares to close his eyes... His mind is haunted by the horrifying figure that's supposed to be his darling.
What does this all mean? Who knows...
(Oooh, now I'm also imagining Kairos being downright terrified of a monster-hybrid darling such as this, but his love and obsession still remains. ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶ Cold sweat pouring down his face as his darling's freakishly boney fingers slide down his jaw... His heart is throbbing in his chest, he's paralyzed with fear, but he still refuses to leave your side.)
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rosylamb · 4 months
Twirling and dancing around my room after my bath cus I am the *sweetest* rosy ever ! :D
I am the happiest sugar plum fairy princess in *all* the land of sweets ~ !! ♡
🩰 ˚ ⊹ ♡ .˚ * . 🤍
🎀 ˚ ⊹ .˚ * ♡ ˚ ⊹ .˚ * . 🧁
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brooklynisher · 6 months
Boop Thanks You!
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Happy birthday!
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st4rstudent · 5 months
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I forgot to share this earlier whoops but here's the posters and papers on the wall!
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xx-sketchy-xx · 9 months
10! The Final
Please list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here!hope you've been having a wonderful new year so far :3 I also love your art! Such a wonder to look at! anyways have a nice day or night (or afternoon)
you make me happy
everyone who follows me make me happy
everyone I’ve yet to meet here make me happy
drawing makes me happy
My family makes me happy
I hope all of you are also having a wonderful new year!!
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smalltimidbean · 11 months
I really really like the pumpkin clone and I wanted to draw them meeting my little fake peppino guy 🕺
(my sincerest apologies if I got their personality wrong)
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GJFDSLK THE TUMMY IS ANGY!!! Or just hungry? Probably the latter, but who knows jkdfk
Thank you for this, it made me laugh very much kgdfk, and your Fakie is very cool too!!!
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lavenoon · 1 year
Dove on the Roof, Canon Chapter, 11.111 Words
After the cruise mission, meant to prove their merit as a team but revealing far more to all of them, Sun, Moon, and Y/N are now finally free to explore what dating will entail for them. Except, dates don't always go as planned.
Happy anniversary! Half a year ago, I posted the introduction to Accidentally Undercover on tumblr. Now we're here, in the romance zone after all the obliviousness, officially kicking off the Glamrock arc!
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ratstuckinamarble · 6 months
there are many ways to boop~
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Oh so many >:)
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meownotgood · 6 months
Do any of your friends irl know you like aki so much you run a blog about him? Would you ever tell them?
I was just thinking this cause i'd love to have a friend like you irl lol
also i like the frieren cosplay!
pretty much all of my friends know I really like aki, but my blog and my fics are pretty private...
I WOULD LOVE TO BE YOUR FRIEND TOO ANON!!! I wish I had more friends irl to share my interests with, my friends aren't as into it 😔💔
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cashweasel · 6 months
Okay, I need to know more about Gideon and Valen. I (now) know they're OCs, but from what fandom? What are they like? How did they meet? (Of course, pace yourself if this volley of questions is too much, lmao)
HIIII omg thank you so much for your ask hehe I totally don’t wait for people to ask about them or anything djdjskskjdjd 💗💗💗💗💗💗
They’re my ocs yes! Not from any fandom just my brain lol they exist in a fantasy verse (and also a modern au that I’m very obsessed with)
Their moms are very close besties!! and when they had kids they also became besties fjdkdkdjd (so basically they’ve been besties since birth yes, besties since the womb even)
Valen is royalty and lowkey the black sheep of his family he’s loud, chaotic, charming and unhinged, Gideon is the same but emo kdjsjdjdksk (and shy sometimes) and later becomes the general of his armies
They basically go through their entire lives together and they’re very dependable on each other which is a huge part of their story. Valen has a magical disability that can be very dangerous to him and others and gideon is a victim of DV so they take turns taking care of each other and for a long time they were each other’s only friend
They grew really close which created feelings, they had their first kiss -which valen rejects and runs away from 💀- when they were teens for which gideon apologizes and responds to by building impenetrable emotional walls that lasts a lifetime all while valen is trying to gaslight him into believing Nothing happened fhdjskdj.
Several years of pining and clawing their way out of the depths of repression hell they Finally kiss for real and their happiness and planning for their future is definitely not cut short by a devastating incident or anything 👍
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mackmp3 · 9 months
mack!!! ik its been a while since you posted your photography portfolio but recently ive found myself going back to it and taking some inspiration from it. i was curious what kind of techniques you used and what processes you kinda went through while making some of the pieces?
OMG REALLY?????? not just being modest but i genuinely think some of it is pretty mediocre, so i'm happy you like it! idk which ones you mean in paticular but some of the more *experimental* ones -
these ones (ignore the bad image quality lol)
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are photograms!! my school has a darkroom which is pretty cool and was wonderful to be able to use!! the main objects in these are actually locks of my hair (i kept if after i got it cut), and after i exposed that onto the paper, instead of just submerging it into the developer i painted it in with a big brush to get the sort of splashed effects (photograms are kind of a thing you need a darkroom for, but you can get paper you can expose with just the sun.)
the bottom left ones are a picture of a picture frame printed out onto transparent plastic, top left are just developer onto the paper with no objects.
i scanned them all and put them into photoshop & upped the contrast, flipped the colours of one furthest - the pinkish bits i did in photoshop, they're kind of pixel-ey which i thought was cool
the one with the key and the ribbon - the ribbon was another photo which i photoshopped around badly on purpose so it was super grainy with lots of leftover pixels around the edge, which i then overlaid on the scan of the photogram with the key (below right is close up of the computery texture i managed to get while fiddling around with curves (idk what exactly curves is but it was like... adjusting contrast & colours at the same time)
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these ones (again sorry blurry picture) are a light shining through cd cases from the back, which i then edited to make look grainier and found-film-ier
most of the other photos are just standard pictures i think - the kind of blurry ones of the hair in the middle of panel two were converted to black and white but with the colour levels in the original image changed?? which made them look cooler but i don't really know how to explain it lol. they were done with a macro lens i think.
also here are slightly better quality pictures of the whole thing lol my original post was pretty los res
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