#also thank you for allowing me to vent 💕
just-a-carrot · 1 month
Carrot, please don't feel bad about your age! You're not that old, honestly, I never understood why people think that anything after 20s is immediately "old". Like you still have so much life ahead of you! Most people in their 20s are still barely figuring life out, tbh I feel like 30s is the age when most people just start becoming maturing (and then again, almost everyone at every age is still figuring something out, we never stop growing after all). And even if you are "old" there's nothing wrong with that! It's not like you're supposed to stop enjoying life once you hit a certain age. I know this probably means nothing coming from a minor, but I genuinely don't understand the obsession with age! Your life isn't over until it's over, yet some people act like hitting a certain age means you have to be miserable.
Also, I don't know if I ever told you this, but this is one of the reasons I love Our Wonderland, and why it had such an impact on me. I used to be very scared of growing up, feeling like I was on a time limit and that the older I got, the less fun I would be allowed to have. But seeing these fully adult characters who are struggling, and still figuring things out, and most of all having time to themselves and their interests: it really opened my eyes! I thought by that age I should have everything figured out, like how I thought most people did, but OW made me realize that's not the case. The truth is everyone is still figuring things out, and that's okay! At the end of the day, we're still human, and we all need time to ourselves.
So thank you, Carrot! You helped me conquer a fear of mine, and I'm really grateful to you for that. Your work has honestly inspired me so much in so many different ways, and I want you to know that! Anyways, I hope you have a good day. Bye!
that's incredibly kind of you... 🥺💕
honestly a big reason why I wanted to make the OW chars older is because of that exact reason: because I didn't figure out so much about myself until I got older, and to have a story about that, that it's ok to keep discovering more about yourself later on in life, and also it can be really hard at times too. like... going through so much of your life wondering why things are so difficult and why you never feel right because you had to figure everything out for yourself. like I didn't figure out I was ace until a horrifically traumatizing and confusing event in my life that I vented about once in an anon fandom forum and another anon told me it sounded like I was ace and I didn't even know the term and then spent the next weeks in existential crisis as I came to understand myself better. If I had known I was ace before that event, it might never have happened (or might still have, who knows) or at the very least I would have grown up not feeling so broken for much of my life. And that's not getting into the gender stuff that came even later that I was bullied for as a kid. It's hard when you have zero knowledge or role models or safe places to go about these types of things growing up... The internet was not like it is now when I was growing up. And there wasn't a single person out in my school growing up (but I know of many that came out years later including one of my best friends). But that doesn't mean you can't figure yourself out later and reclaim some of that joy for yourself of knowing better who you are
this became really rambly but I just wanted to say that I'm glad that everyone can enjoy these chars and their stories despite them being older. And I hope they (and even myself a bit) can be inspiration that indeed, life, fun, your passions and hobbies, none of that ends when you finish school or when you turn 30. keep on doing what you love always and keep on learning and discovering more about yourself!!
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yanblr-confessions · 28 days
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INTRODUCTION ⠀/⠀yanblr-confessions
Welcome. This is an account for people of yanblr to confess their feelings about the community as a whole, express opinions they wouldn’t on their own blog, and even for confessions about other people ( if they end up being mean / offensive they will not be posted, keep that in mind you can indirect people if you wish though, still don’t be overly mean.) Basically, anything you think qualifies as a yanblr confession, you can send in!
Triggers warnings for this account are just the standard topics , you would find on yanblr , obsessive behaviour , yandere themes, actions like stalking — I will not be putting a filter on here, so there may be gore, or nsfw topics, I will tag them as #gore and #nsfw , so, blocking those tags would stop you from seeing them when they come in!
Rules for sending a confession in are ; If you do talk about another person (which is allowed) , do not send anything hurtful in, Do not spam submissions, as I have a life outside of posting and It wont make me answer them any faster! If you want to confess regularly , either turn anonymous off, or use an emoji sendoff , please keep this to one emoji so it doesn’t get too complicated. When emojis begin to get used I will make a list of taken ones here.
( 🤍 , 🪼, 💉, 🎀 , 🌷, 🕦 , 🍡 , 💕 )
Tags so far, for nagivation ;
#cute confessions — cute / sweet things
#loving confessions — yandere topics, normally darling related (can also not be though)
#yearning confessions — wanting / craving for something yan related
#jealous confessions — as the name says, jealousy
#vent confessions — in the name; can’t be labelled as jealousy
#risque confessions — chance it could cross a line, unhealthy behaviour (no judgement!)
#minor gore confessions — not really “gorey” but, some topics of gore are brought up.
You can confess anything — From Vents & to Love confessions to just. general yanblr craziness. Thank you for taking your time to read this, hopefully I will see you again in the future!
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Welcome to the cinnamon cafe!
-Mayoi Ayase-
MC: welcome to the cinnamon cafe--
Stare at Mayoi who trying to not be seen as he blend in to the wall.
MC: should I ignore that your trying to blend in the yellow wall or not.
Mayoi, cries as he failed to be a ninja: please ignore me!
MC:... Ok there's a table for people like you in the far corner where you can view everyone but everyone cannot view you.
Point at the special table you place for mayoi.
Mayoi: thank you! 💕
- Tatsumi Kazehaya -
MC: welcome to the cinnamon cafe!
Tatsumi: good morning! I would like some tea!
MC: ok!
Tatsumi: hey is Mayoi around here or something?
MC, looks at Mayoi who's looking at Shinobo dining in the other table in his special table in the corner of your eyes : no.
Tatsumi: lying is bad you know :D .no tip for you then.
MC: >:/ we don't accept tips. We accept credit cards.
- Aira Shiratori -
Aira: MC!
MC: yes?
Aira: can you turn down the AC... I keep having chills. Brr...
MC look at Mayoi who's eating grapes while looking at Aira and you.
MC: I see. Ok.
MC, turn down the AC: is this better.
Aira: probably...??
MC:... Ok. Anyway here's a merchandise from the kiddy meal.
Aira, Gasp: >:( I'm not a kid!
Aira who then takes the merchandise; when is the next batch...?
MC: next week
- Hiiro Amagi -
MC: welcome to the cinnamon cafe... Wait was it cinnamon rolls or . Whatever. Anyway what can I get you.
Hiiro: can I have a large serving of omelette! Also burger steak!
MC: ok...
Hiiro who spot Mayoi in the corner: MAYOI! NICE TO SEE YOU!
Mayoi: !!!!
Mayoi fled to the vent
MC, with the steak and omelette:..
MC: there's a door.
- Rinne Amagi -
MC: we don't allow people who only treat this place as a hang out place.
Rinne, show a credit card: what if I have this.
MC: please come inside your majesty. I am your humble servant.
The card is rejected because it's empty
MC look at Rinne direction but his gone
MC: ...fuck. my money.
-Niki Shiina-
MC: sorry Niki your so called husband get your paycheck cut in haft.
Niki who's looking and smelling something up in the vent: huh..? Oh. Ok. That's nothing new lol. Mayo been up in the vent since earlier.
MC the proceed to get ladder and unlock the vent
MC, push a fake red button on the vent: susamongus, your voted out.
Mayoi: eekk! I'm not hanging out here for no reason at all! Totally not because I'm watching you or anything!
MC: ... Just buy something so I let you stay here and do what you want.
Mayoi: then I'll get a cupcake...
MC: ok.
- HiMERU -
MC: welcome to cinnamon cafe...
HiMERU: I would like some slice of cake.
MC: I see. Then I'll be up with your order.
Door bell.
MC: welcome to cinnamon --
MC look at HiMERU (?) Who's smiling widely as he enter the cafe.
MC: am I getting paid enough for this...
MC: what can I get you?
HiMERU (?): I want a whole cake!
MC: I see. You want a diabetes. Then I shall get your order.
- Kohaku Oukawa -
MC: welcome to cinnamon cafe. We don't sell Japanese sweets today, we do sell diabetic size cake with a side toothache. And some other dishes clearly written in the menu.
HiMERU(?), in the background being pulled in the ear by HiMERU: UWAAAAHH BROTHER?! S-STOP IT!
Kohaku and MC: ...
Kohaku: I'll have mocha tea please.
MC: ok.
- Madara Mikejima -
MC: welcome to cinnamon cafe.
Madara: my child! Mama miss you!
Madara flash a credit card: does my child miss mama too?
MC, quickly become tearful: mama! I miss you!
Madara, hugs your and spin you around: good good!
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polyamorouspunk · 5 months
Hi, just wanted to vent. I recently told me mum that I'm polyamorous and have another gf and I was just so disappointed in her reaction. She wasn't mean or unaccepting or anything so I feel so stupid for for feeling this way.
I gave her a letter via my sibling that still lives at home and when they told me they had given it to her I was super nervous all day. She took all day to reply to me (she is a self employed landlord so the fact she was too busy to get back to me straightaway is all self imposed) and even then it was my sibling who had to phone me in the end to have her talk to me. I poured my heart out to her in the letter, talking about how this was me involving her in my life and how anxious I was. And she just said something about how she didn't have a problem with it and it was really a "private matter" whatever that means. She also compared me to my cheating grandad (dad's side) and speculated on whether it ran in the family. She also doesn't seem that interested in my new gf (idk how else to refer to her) and only asks about the gf she previously knew about when on the phone.
I just wanted to have a real emotional conversation with me and she's clearly oblivious to that or doesn't care. She also will never approve of me telling my grandparents (her patents) and so won't give me any help with that which I know without asking because she won't tell them about my sibling being nonbinary.
It sounds pretty bad now that I've written it out so I feel less bad about being upset. Thank you if you take the time to read this
- 🐇💕
I never came out to my mom until my brother did first.
My brother was the first one to come out as gay, though as my mom says, he never had to, she ‘just knew’.
Me? I had to come out. And even when I came out I still got asked if I was allowed to call myself gay.
I never really outright told my mom I was “trans” either. She jokingly would call me “My boy!” And I would enjoy it, but then told me referring to me as a “son” was weird. But I agreed.
I never told my mom when I had other partners. To be honest, it just wasn’t worth it, just like it’s not worth it to argue with people over my pronouns or whatever or people assuming I’m cis or calling myself a lesbian without explaining that actually I like men too or whatever. It just wasn’t worth it.
But I hated myself for being polyam. I despised myself. I had so much internal shame that I had heard people talk about having for being gay or trans but had never understood in those regards.
I knew my brother’s dad had cheated on my mom and my dad had cheated on her, and I didn’t want to be compared to that.
My mom was fine with my brother being polyam, though, so I said I was too. But that’s all I’ve really said. I honestly don’t know the details of my brother’s dating situation anymore but it’s not any of my business.
She felt she was the one who had to tell my grandparents about my brother being gay, and probably me too.
My mom tells me about her ‘dating life’ which honestly I don’t really care to hear about, and I’m not really a fan of when she prys into mine.
While it’s not a “private” matter I think it’s a personal one, and one that’s to be disclosed at one’s discretion.
There will be people who understand parts of us but not others. I don’t think we can ever fully, truly understand someone else. How we support them- or I guess, don’t- is what matters.
And people come around sometimes. People change. Sometimes for better or for worse.
It can be hard to care for someone you see as… intruding… into what you know, even if it’s about someone else’s life. But I hope that maybe she can come to see them somewhat as equals. Not that one partner is more important than the other, that one matters and the other doesn’t. But just two seperate but equal entities.
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br1ghtestlight · 11 months
OMG this episode was so fun!!! i feel like it'll be a lot of fun to rewatch casually and any gretchen episode is amazing obviously
was NOT expecting the subplot about bob's hemorrhoid surgery but somehow it worked LMAO??? and i knew immediately that he was lying about his hemorrhoid being gone bcuz he was scared of the needle. i can read these characters waayyy too easily no surprises for me
gretchen calling her sister her youngest/baby sister makes me think she DOES have another sister who already got married which makes sense
I GOT WAY TOO EXCITED WHEN TEDDY APPEARED we've had like two episodes without him but i reacted like an energetic dog seeing their owner for the first time in weeks after they went on vacation. TEDDY IS THERE teddy my beloved 😁‼️‼️ also any interaction between him and gretchen is hilarious knowing they have the same voice actor and its just him riffing w/ himself in the studio
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tina forcing louise and gene to play that boardgame had NO REASON to be that funny maybe its just bcuz i spent a lot of time doing puzzles and board games with my siblings but it was too real.... her saying she's in charge so theyre doing what SHE wants 😭😭
we got to see nat AND jen AND jen's hot cousin dave not to mention gretchen and gayle. love how many secondary characters they're bringing back this season after the Drought that was season 13 and as soon as they mentioned pickles was closed i was like "well jen's hot cousin dave works there right" and three seconds later they mentioned him. knowing deep bob's burgers lore has its perks i guess??
kinda disappointed they didn't mention that bob HAS driven the limo before in the road trip episode after nat was crying abt her girlfriend and everybody else was asleep like he knows how to drive it and we KNOW he does </3 and its cute that gretchen knows nat is linda's friend tbh i just love that. nat is her friend and she talks abt her to other people!! theyrr friends they're pals *starts sobbing and crying*
well at least gayle seems to be getting along with ms baker LMAO
bob trying to talk to hot male strippers on the phone oh he's hopeless 😭😭😭💔
"i think he's pretty hot" ??? what did bob mean by this
they should call the transgender sex workers from season one and ask if they could help out. marshmallow could fix this situation i know she could
"okay. i have a proposal as your babysitter. we stop playing the game, get the ladder, go into the attic, drop down into the crawl space and watch the stripper party through the vent in the restaurant" WHAT IS TINA'S PROBLEM IN THIS EPISODE 😭😭⁉️ all this bcuz she cant admit to her siblings that she isn't having fun playing the stupid board game. unhinged (ALSO CRAWL SPACE MENTION huge moment for people who watched s1ep2 earlier today <- me)
gretchen: you don't get it linda!! you're always the perfect older sister!!!
linda: i mean... im not
gayle: definitely not
linda: OKAY gayle.
gayle: she makes A LOT of mistakes. you know one time she tried to sleep with my husband
linda: no gayle that was you. MY husband and you. bob.
bob: that's true
sorry i just thought that throwback was really funny FJDMDJDKKSS when will dr yap return home from the war (he is an actual psychopath)
"big sisters are allowed to make mistakes too. we're not perfect. otherwise how do little sisters know its okay NOT to be perfect" gene and louise looking at tina right now like 👀👀
"oh THATS what you've been doing for me. thank you" "you're welcome :)" LMAOOO
not the point of this episode but now im just thinking abt tina someday throwing a bachlorette party for louise 😭😭💕 not that i think louise would want a bachlorette party or even want to get married but i dont think that would stop tina
this is reminding me of a fanfic i read where fischoeder was afraid of needles and bob went with him and held his hand because he was scared :(( bob and linda are so cute even when its butt hemorrhoid surgery
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moonjxsung · 7 months
So lately there's this guy I like and he knows u like him but he doesn't feel the same way, but he asked me to still be friends with him. And I said yes of course because he's super sweet and I'm not gonna drop him just because he doesn't like me back. Well he works late sometimes and so when we text it's about like, 23:00 (11 p.m). But lately I feel as if he's kind of ignoring me or distancing himself because we don't talk as much as we used to and it kinda hurts because he's my comfort person and I don't want to bring it up because then he could leave forever and I would rather have him by my side than not at all. I just wanted to say. Thank you for letting me vent a little
Oh no :( definitely been there before and I can confirm it is hard to deal with, especially considering they ask YOU to stay friends and subsequently distance themselves? :(
Have you tried asking him if there’s anything going on or just making sure that he wants to be friends? :( I had a similar thing like this when I first broke up with my ex and he asked to stay friends (we were more like fwb by that point) but he stopped being as responsive and it was really bothering me considering HE wanted to stay friends so I just flat out asked him and confirmed he actually wanted to remain friends and didn’t feel obligated to. We had a really productive conversation about what we wanted and it felt a lot better than just playing the guessing game. Maybe it would help to just ask or at least allude to it?
Conversely, if you do decide to just allow the friendship to drift away, please know I am always here for you and it’s not easy when someone doesn’t reciprocate your feelings :( you will find someone who appreciates you fully and takes you on lovely dates and communicates the way you deserve to be treated! I know it’s especially hard to lose a comfort person, but you also deserve clarity and prioritization in any relationship.
Sending you all my love, angel 🫶💕💓🩷💗💞💖
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taegularities · 2 years
Hello again, lovely Rid 💕💕
I just wanted to say, please never apologise for sharing your insecurities, doubts or fears with us 🥺🥺🥺 I can't even imagine how scary it can be to put something that you work so hard on and that has a piece of your heart out there for people to read and judge. Of course you're only human, and sadly us humans have to deal with these negative thoughts appearing once in a while, despite all evidence saying they're not true. It's completely okay to ask for reassurance once that happens, please don't ever hesitate to do that 🥺🥺🥺
I've seen you hear out people's stories and give advice and comfort and be endlessly kind and understanding on here. Just yesterday you made me feel so so much better in seconds with your message. You deserve to vent to us too and to feel all the love we have for you and your work. You deserve to have all of the kindness you put out into the world returned to you tenfold.
I'm always here to listen and I love talking to you even when it's about not so happy things 💞💞💞
P. S. The thing about cmi Jungkook crying when he finds out OC is pregnant and when he gets to hold the baby??? That has me misty eyed and not from angst now 😭😭😭
Also can you imagine how damn fun their wedding would be with friends like theirs? I can't keep thinking about these things or I'll completely melt aaaah.
IVI PLSS 😭 now we're both misty eyed, great 😔
but seriously, what the heck, that's the sweetest thing ever :( it honestly didn't occur to me that i answer to vents too jksahds but then again, thinking about it... i'm so happy we've all built this community here that allows us to talk about anything? and to blow off steam when necessary. it's beautiful that no one judges here, and that at times, people even comment on other people's rants and ugh. i just love it here, no matter how many times my brain tells me to give up.
no, i was genuinely scared i was pissing people off, bc i get into this mood at times... and i don't like it, but it helps to know that i can confide in you guys. thank you for being here, ivi :( like, in any way 🤍
YES, i know!! oh my god, the boys and eun would be the life of the party 😭 there are so many more scenarios with those two that have me tearing up. the first time they say I Love You, their wedding speeches, him getting his own art studio, their first vacay together.. the list goes on 🥺
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1d1195 · 4 months
okay long story short I got locked out of my tumblr account bc i don't know what happened?? anyways i just got access about half an hour ago so I went to see your blog and girl... WTF PART 6 WAS SO GOOD!
I was LIVING for the angst at the beginning! I don't think it felt forced at all if anything they both have met their match in terms of stubbornness and as a stubborn girly this aspect was very familiar for me lol Harry calling her out on not opening up and not accepting help? he kinda went off lol But dare I say I enjoyed it a bit simply because then angst lol BUT did i feel attacked? YES!
Anywaysss her breakdown later on... bestie :( it broke my heart how much guilt she carries with her! And as someone who deal with having too much guilt it is HELL going through life and thinking everything wrong with yourself and the ppl around you is your fault! and the situation with her dad?!?!?! HELLO?!?! 💔 and her MOM💔 I am a hater :)
But so glad that it got resolved and having them talk it out and just Harry not giving up on her and her not trying to distance herself again! and Harry talking with her dad😭 I cant! I really enjoyed their little moment together!
NOW THAT FUCKING BOXING MATCH I KNEW SHIT HAD TO GO DOWN BUT FUCK ASS JACK COMING BACK??!?😭😭😭😭 SAM WHY?!?!? heart DROPPED when I read that! I felt like grabbing towels was not gonna end good but HIM ew i cant! I AM FREAKING OUT FOR HER!!!!
You did so great bestie!!! I never doubt you!
also I missed you this week! I hope you are starting to feel a bit better now! May is almost over so you will be free soon! Hope you are treating yourself, love you lots!-💜
The Government name SENDS me every time 🤣 I know I've been waiting to hear what you think I assumed classes and such were overwhelming (and I'm sure they still are!) but LOCKED OUT OF TUMBLR??? I would pass away. Soooooo glad you're back 💕
Oh twin, I get you. I like to make Harry call out my MCs every once in a while just because I need someone to call me out every now and again. I think if I were dating Harry and he told me off I might HAVE to listen. (But no other man, thank you.)
Thank you for saying it didn't feel forced I really appreciate that! I was def nervous and thought it was just kind of rushed/it came out of nowhere, but again I'm the only one in my head coming up with 1000 different scenarios a minute to continue the story so you all don't get to see the montage of changes in half a second.
Idk what possessed me to come up with such a scenario. I suppose the AP Literature girl in me would probs say a really tragic backstory is symbolic in some way of how I'm feeling and allow me to vent my own frustrations/guilt in an outlet like this. I also don't have the best dad-daughter relationship and I wanted to make this one nicer but still kinda sad. Idk. I'm REALLY glad you liked it 💕
I did try to warn you all that the cliffhangers prior in the story were nothing in comparison to this part hehehehehe 🤭 I didn't really know how to end this series tbh so this seemed... the most plausible/best way? I'm already starting to think about
I'm glad you liked it even if you had to use my full name 💕
My week is slightly better I suppose. I'm still pretty tired, but with no work on Monday I'm hopeful I can read a trashy book and do something enjoyable. Thank you for being so sweet, I hope your week has been well. I missed you SO much! 💕
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starjxsung · 4 months
Oh yeah! I totally understand what you mean and I should’ve also thought of it that way as well, 😅.
To the people that are spreading the word and can’t donate there is nothing wrong with that! I understand not being able to donate and all you can do is spread the word about what’s happening and that’s just as valid too. I’m sorry, I realize my message came out the wrong way and I didn’t realize it until you just responded.
What I meant was I don’t like how people are just mainly talking about SKZ and not the bigger picture. Like yes, the Collab was horrible, but don’t forget about the real reason for why this fight is important. Don’t just spew only things about SKZ, talk more about the problems happening with Palestine as well and explain why it’s bad. This fight shouldn’t be centered around celebrities.
Hopefully that made a bit more sense.
You’re right about stanning them but being disappointed, because that’s how I feel. I am an advocate for Palestine all while trying to reach out to SKZ, to show them how bad this is affecting the group. I know others might not like this, and may think that its absurd for me to Stan them and have hope, but right now hope is all I have.
Holding people accountable is a form of love, because it’s better to teach than to allow someone make the same mistakes.
Have a good day Star!
No I totally understand where your message was coming from! I think it’s really important to have these conversations as they pertain to our interests and I really appreciate you sharing your views on it and how you’re going to proceed. I’m really welcoming all thoughts here about how we can collectively be of help
I totally understand holding onto that sliver of hope. For many of us it’s all we have, which is why so many of us feel so strongly about this. We care about these things BECAUSE we care about both humanity and supporting skz. Both are true !!! “Holding people accountable is a form of love” exactly that 🩷 very well said
Have a phenomenal day my angel, thank you for stopping by and venting. I’m always here if you want to chat and I’m sending you all my good vibes !! 💗💘💕💓
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zoro1023 · 10 months
Hi! This is just a place for me. Please don't follow :)
I accept asks!! Only dinosaur and botany related allowed. Send me photos of dinosaurs or flowers!! I love them both. I can also talk about flower languages!
This is meant mostly as a free space for me to exist and vent, so it's not just trapped inside. If you look, please don't judge or comment. Thank you :)
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harley-sunday · 2 years
Hello hi yes…. I’m so delayed. (Sorry.)
First of all… Happy Friendiversary (belated)! I’m so beyond grateful I came off anon and yelled at you in your inbox. I hope you know how much I appreciate you. You’ve been an amazing friend to me over these last few years and it’s been some of the best of the best moments and some of the worst of the worst moments— but I am so lucky to have you for it all. Thank you for encouraging me to believe in myself— not only my writing but in my real life too. Thank you for always reminding me to stand up for myself and telling me to rest— heaven knows I don’t do that enough. All this to say thank you, and I love you, and you’re the best, and I truly do not know what I’d do without you. OK it’s getting misty in here now.
Second of all… ARE YOU FREAKIN’ KIDDING ME WITH CHAPTER 10?! Babe. Honestly… perfection. This chapter was the culmination of what was probably hours of back and forth jokes and I couldn’t be happier with how you directed the chaos. Not only because of how it turned out, but because your vision for this chapter was made so clear to the reader. I always loved the soft moments you’ve written with Carlos but the chaos of the “bet” scene still makes me giggle. I also love seeing a softer side of Max. You captured all of the boys(TM) and Pip wonderfully, IMHO. Well done babe, well done. Never stop writing. Please. You’re incredible!
Okay that’s it for now— gotta go drop a podcast episode! xoxox - DF 💕
Ma'am, if anyone is grateful you came off anon it's me! You are an amazing friend, always there for me whether I need to vent, ramble about my latest obsession, or could use some advice both in life and in my writing. The amount of 'what if' scenarios we've discussed over the years is insane and I'm sure that without your constant feedback I wouldn't have written nearly as much and many story ideas would have stayed just that- ideas. Thank you for letting me drag you into the rabbit hole that is F1 back 2021, I couldn't imagine anyone else I'd rather be on this crazy ride with!
Most of all, thank you for all your support on August Rush and allowing me to send you texts that simply said 'Question' so I could launch a new plotline at you. You always let me work things out on my own and I can't begin to tell you how much that means.
And also. This year we will finally meet and it will be EPIC!
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galaxy-diamond · 3 years
Deku-squad head scratches headcannons
Authors note: hi this is my first head cannon so please don’t judge if I make a mistake, I am open for requests from all you babies and won’t judge your ideas, Thabk you and without further delay, let’s begin
Izuku Midoria
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Even if you just graze his arm he gets flustered
He loves it when you comb his hair
You’ve seen it and it’s not exactly neat
So he appreciates it so much 🥺
He also loves when you scratch’s certain spot on his scalp
He will pass out in your arms (even in public)
He just adores it all
And even likes it when you kiss his forehead when you do it
He will let out a adorable little squeak
He had a long day of training and being picked on by bakugo so he was warn out
He normally went to your dorm to vent and get everything out his system and today was no different.
He knocked and you let him in
He sat in front of you and vents
He talks about his quirk, all might, bakugo and eventually just put his head down and waited for what you would say
“Izuku, honey i think you need a brain break for a little while”
“Huh, what do you mean?” He said looking up and tilting his head
You opened your arms and he saw the invitation to go in
He tucked his face in your neck and his body curled up to yours
You leaned back against your beds head board
Your fingers found it’s way to his hair
They combed through it, taking out all the knots
Izuku was on cloud nine
He began to mutter
‘Her hands are in my hair, there so soft, wow t-there combing my hair, so soft, so warm. O-oh she is scratching my scalp now, just a little higher an- right there, there ah~’
He was seeing stars at that point
Everything that had happened that day was blank and forgotten
All he was thinking about is how he could convince you to stay longer
Ochako Uraraka
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Woman is a sucker for them
When she uses her quirk to much she throws up right
After she fells probably terrible so just give her love
Let her lay down next to you with her head in your chest and her arms around your waist as you run you fingers up her hair and give her kisses
After an intense day of training for ochako she was tired out to the max
She had puked three times in the past hour and was pale as a ghost
When she got to her room you where already there
You gasped at her ghostly appearance and rushed to her aid “oh sweetie” you said as she rested upon your chest
She buried her face in your chest and allowed you to lead her to bed
She laid on top of you as you laid on the bed and draped a blanket over her beautiful form
A hand went to her hair and started to rake her hair
It was silky and not knotted at all and always looked perfect
“Rest my love, you will feel better after your nap”you said
But she was out like light and was already better than she was 5 minutes ago
Tenya Iida
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You can’t tell me this man got enough hugs as a kid
When it’s just you and him he is always on top of you
When you are can combing his hair he feels loved and cared for, like a baby
He’s a big dude but when you play with his hair he becomes a little puppy
When you rub the small hairs on the back of his neck,a place most likely no human has touched, you will feel his body relax
His engines are toast by the end of the day
So you help him walk to his room every day
When you get there normally he would stop in the middle of his room and thank you and then dismiss you
But today he flopped on his bed with you still there
You where stuck under him
His head in your chest, but he seemed to tired to care about that
You mindlessly put a hand in his hair to soothe him
He immediately shot his eyes open to protest, but he couldn’t
He felt to good to even move his hand
“Y-y/n” he said as his voice sounded sleepy and adorable (TENYA MORNING VOICE AAAAAAAAHHHHHH)
“Don’t worry, I won’t say a word to anyone” you said bopping his nose
And with that he was set and he laid back down
Your hands went to the back of his head and rubbed it
He tried to stay awake to be respectful but clear couldn’t and collapsed
Tusyu asui
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And have you seen her hair
Long af
When you run your fingers through that she will be at your eternal service
She obviously takes good care of it and brushes it well
But it’s just so long that her hand gets tired easily
She was walking to your dorm
She always went to your dorm after practice to just hang out and relax
But today was a cold winter day and she was tired
When she arrived you where laying on your bed
“Hey tsu, how are yo-“ you couldn’t even finish before you noticed what was wrong
She almost fell before you caught her
You picked her up bridal style and took her to bed and wrapped her up good
She felt better but you running your hands through her hair made her tied again
“Thank you Y/N *riddit” she said as she curled up to sleep
“Of course dear” you said as you continue to stroke her hair
Shoto todoroki
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You thought tenya was touch starved
He will melt like the ice cube he is in you arms if you stroke his hair
He will be a little skeptical at first like ‘what is she doing’ ‘does that feel good’ ‘I like it’ ‘wait did she stop’ ‘no, don’t stop, get of your phone’ ‘oh, she put it back’
He will have these internal conversations with himself about what your doing
Once you begin you better be there to stay for a while because this man isn’t moving
kiss his scar while you do this and he will look like he’s about to cry of happiness
He was coming back from his family’s house
He never came back from there happy so you can imagine how he felt
Endeavor had found out about you and how well you and him got along
He found out your quirk and immediately said that he should marry her
You where powerful sure, but he hated that this man thought that he only loved you for your quirk
When he got back to the dorms he went straight to yours
When he got there you where on your phone
“Oh shoto, your back” you said happily but knew deep down that something was wrong
He walked over to the bed and sat down but kept a small distance
Shoto took your hand and kissed each of your knuckles and he nuzzled it after
“I love you, and I mean you, not your quirk, you” he said
“Oh shoto” you said cupping his cheeks
You opened your arms and he went in them immediately
He needed to get his father out of his mind and this was perfect
A hand went in his hair and was scratching it lightly
He has his face buried in your neck and his breath tickled it
He fell asleep with his father not even a memory
HELLO thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.
Bu Bye😘
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ransprang · 3 years
Hii! My name is Angel and I was wondering if I could request a male romantic NSFW + SFW matchup for Harry Potter and Community :)? When it comes to personality, i fluctuate between being an introvert and extrovert, it really depends on my mood, but im mostly an extrovert. Im creative and enjoy finding new hobbies. I rarley ever get mad, im a very chill person. My hobbies are video editing and drawing! I like guys who are super possessive, jealous, and protective, and I dislike guys who are very needy/lovey dovey. I like someone who allows me my space from time to time :)
Im an aquarius XNTP, I have short chin length brown hair which im kinda insecure about, 5’3 and more of a skinny body type. I have brown eyes but i normally wear my gray eye contacts! My clothing style is sort of fairy grunge meets bella swan vibes if that makes sense! My love language is quality time and im a ravenclaw. I have a crippling phobia of moths, so anyone willing to kill a moth for me would be nice 💪🥲
Thank you so much for this opportunity!💕
hii Angel thanks for the request. Your type is literally the same as admin sav and the opposite of admin sar lmao. Also.. we're so sorry we got a bit carried away and had too much fun with this one. Hope you still like it!
The moths to your flame,
Admins sav, san & sar
(harry potter & community match ups are under the cut)
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Since you're a Ravenclaw it's not offensive to him. Slytherins and Ravenclaws go well together. He'd respect your intelligence
If you slick your hair back you can look just like Snape since your hair length is the same as his. You can also dye your hair red if you want to remind him of Lily for fun.
Snape doesn't understand muggle contact lenses. So he thinks you're doing witchcraft to make your eyes turn from brown to gray and back.
Other teachers try to hit on you and he tells them to fuck right off. He makes sure they know you're his woman. His toy. To do so he sends certain consensual tapes to persistent teachers.
He appreciates that you don't get angry because he's quite short tempered.
He likes putting on your fairy grunge dresses because he thinks they're cute. And you can't keep your hands off of him.
When Voldemort comes over for a sleepover Snape makes sure you're protected and hidden from his sight. Snape let's you hide in his expansive robe :)
Hes going to use the oil he uses to slick back his hair on your body and massage your bare skin with his body.
He will be so passionate when he has sex, those nasally moans will make you cum even faster than you expect.
Back shots for days he will want to imagine Lily Potter anyways (Jk (rowling))
This man spends his days being so stern and upright he would want to vent and release his frustrations at night. He likes spanking and hair pulling (his hair that is)
Snape is a dom. He'd slap your ass and stick his 'wand' up there from time to time.
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Leonard is the bad boy of Greendale. The man has ear piercings, would totally be protective, jealous and possessive. You are his girl now, no one in Greendale messes with you.
Nothing scares this man so he will gladly kill moths for you with his bare hands.
He is a very confident man, but if a young attractive man like Jeff tries to hit on you Leonard will put his arm around you and maybe lower it to cop a feel, while making eye contact with Jeff. He truly is a top tier alpha male.
Even though Leonard is a bit of a video editing god himself. He would still love they you can edit videos too. You could teach him about latest technology and editing tricks to grow his YouTube channel.
He loves pranking the students of Greendale with his gang and would love it if you joined them to relive their youth. Your creativity would come in handy to come up with new pranks.
He would love to ravish you in his Honda Civic. So lots of car sex.
He would film a review of your pussy. If would never be below 6/5 stars :)
While he is a dom, most of the time you need to be on top because of his hip and limited stamina.
Old people are notorious for their viagra, so he can really get his engine revving.
He enjoys moaning good girl into your ear. He hates it when you call him grand daddy.
Leonard's unlimited years at community college gave him tons of experience. Thus, he has plenty of sexual experience and knows how to pleasure women.
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one-abuse-survivor · 2 years
i really need to vent im so sorry. my sister is driving me to literal insanity. i dont know if im a manipulator or shes truly being a horrible person to me. i talk to my bf a lot. facetime pretty much all day every day, and she can hear me talking through the wall, mostly mumbles no words, but still noise, and she doesnt say anything. she games at the WORST times, honestly, at least we stop talking at 8/9pm, but thats when she starts gaming with her friends, screaming (yes. literal ear piercing screams from horror games) shouting and overall joyous loudness from her room. i put my headphones on and try to block it out, knowing shes just having fun and i need to put up with it. its been like this the whole year practically. the past week shes been getting closer to dad again. dad. the guy who hates me with a passion and mentally abused me for 2 years straight and never got a consequence for it. every. single. time. she hangs out with him, or games with him, she turns into this horribly mean snarky person who is so so rude. and ik im sounding dramatic but shes literally the opposite otherwise. but other than dad shes also got a new friend whos very judgemental and snarky so ig shes impressionable. but anyway the past week shes been very rude and mean to both me and my mum. mums a huge pushover so being mean to her is like kicking a dog, and i truly hate it when shes mean to her. cos mum loves her more than she loves me (its evident and shes told me multiple times i promise im not inferring it) so shes much more of a pushover with my sister 'everything has to be perfect for her'. i hate it. ik ik its jealousy but im dealing with it or at least trying to. so tonight she was singing horribly and ive not had a good day, im stressed, tired, and trying to sleep and here she is humming away purposefully sounding awful. i ask her to be quiet, continues, tell her to shut up, she continues, so i bang on the wall and i kid you not she slowly gets wuieter and quieter til its barely a mumble i can hear from her room and it makes me so unfathomably angry and i truly have no idea why. its like she knows every single button of mine and pushes them at will. so i texted her saying, why are you being such a dick lately its so annoying, to which she was like "i put up iwith you blah blah you cant put up with me blah' i told her to stop playing victim so she told me i need to learn to shut up and put up. a phrase straight from dads book. she knows it is and it throws me into a spiral ehenever i hear it and she knows!! so here i am angry af trying to calm down and not do something ill regret tomorrow, whilst shes happily downstairs making light conversation with dad. i hate it so so much. i did respond back, are you being sarcastic rn?? if not i dont want to speak to you ever again. and she said ok. ik ik its dramatic af but i just cant with her anymore she makes me feel how dad made me feel and i then react like a child, to a child. ik my responses are in the wrong, i really am sorry if i sound really childish or just plain stupid and im truly in the wrong, pls pls tell me if i am. i just cannot handle her at all lately shes literally been a demon lmao (jkjk) thank you for letting me vent to you, the safe space youve created really means a lot <3
hi im the anon whos mad at my sister, uhm - im very close to starting my period and have come to the conclusion that its the reason for the anger lol. Ik i do have some issues but i think it was mostly irrational anger when i wrote the vent, and not an acc issue, or at least thats what im really hoping is the answer lol. im super sorry about it, and i hope youre having an awesome day 💕
Hey, nonnie. I'm glad you could let out some of your frustration and anger here ❤️ I didn’t see your second ask until after writing the reply below, but I think all of it applies anyway, becuase we’re allowed to have days where we’re more irritable. I’m having a good day today, I hope you are too!
I don't think you sound childish or stupid, nonnie. It sounds to me like you might have had a trauma reaction toward her because of the abuse your dad put you through. Trauma reactions (ie. having flashbacks, going into fight/flight, becoming hypervigilant...) don't just appear when we're interacting with the people who abused us; they often also appear when other people do or say something that reminds us of the abuse. Your sister knowingly used a line your dad has used to hurt you before, so I think it is completely understandable that you had an emotional reaction that seems "dramatic" in retrospect. I can only talk from personal experience, but I've also done the same over text in the past, and it was always after something/someone sent me into a fight response.
And, nonnie, even if trauma responses don't justify our actions (they only explain them), I think it's fair to say that this situation with your sister escalated from both sides, not just yours. It wasn't you exploding at her out of nowhere. As you said, she was pushing your buttons, and she knew she was upsetting you, because you'd asked her to be quiet several times.
So yeah, if she makes you feel like your dad made you feel, I think it's understandable that you're having these big emotional reactions toward her when she oversteps your boundaries and purposefully pushes your buttons. You said you react "like a child" toward her, and I think it might be helpful to think about why your reactions feel like those of a child. Children—especially abused children—feel small and defenceless, and sometimes they lash out to protect themselves when this fear and defencelessness become overwhelming. So "reacting like a child" doesn't have to necessarily mean "oh I'm being so immature and stupid". It can mean "I feel threatened and helpless, so my body is having an instinctive reaction to protect me".
What I'm trying to get that is I think you ought to be a little bit kinder to yourself, nonnie. You're allowed to be affected by her attitude toward you. You're allowed to acknowledge that these reactions you're having aren't a flaw on your part, but a sign you're going through a lot of distress and your body is protecting you in any way it can.
I also think you need to be kinder to yourself about feeling jealous that your mum loves your sister more than you. Your jealousy isn't the thing that needs to be fixed in this situation. Your jealousy is a very appropriate reaction to a very unfair situation to you. You deserve to be loved and cared for and protected from harm as much as your sister. You never deserved to hear that your mum loves her more than you. You're not being selfish or childish by feeling jealous; you're just acknowledging your unmet emotional needs and acknowledging that you deserve better than this. And you really do. You deserve so, so much better than this.
Your emotions are allowed, nonnie. Your anger and your jealousy and your defensiveness when she's mean to you and your mum are all allowed. Please don't forget that.
Sending a virtual hug ❤️
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levok · 3 years
*long-ask anon here*
You're right, twitter doesn't represent the whole fandom (thank goodness!!).
I just get really upset and over protective of Omar whenever someone insinuates something negative about him ❤️
I also want to thank you for allowing us to vent in your asks. I can imagine it may be a bit hectic in there with so many of them 🤭 and I also love how you stay amicable in your answers.
You're a breath of fresh air in this fandom 💕
I fully understand your urge to protect Omar. Trust me, I can’t stand it either when people goes after him. It clearly affected him very much when the entire Twitter went ballistic, and I never want to see that happen again. That whole episode makes a lot of us wanting to wrap him up in bubble wrap even more.
It sometimes get a bit hectic, when an ask awakens peoples emotions, but my ask is always open - also for rants and frustrations ❤️
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maybe a joke but I would personally advise against it… a lot of them are scams and not even in the turn around and try to blackmail you way… but in the straightforward claim they need your bank info then use it to steal from you, relying on you not realizing that’s what that info gives them the ability to do
tbh if you posted a donation link while some people might give you anonymous shit for it, those people can and should be ignored, and I feel like plenty of people would want to help you meet any financial goal without extorting anything emotional or sexual out of you for it … but gifted freely
You are very very sweet anon 💕💕
I was only like half serious about it though. I know pretty much all of them are scams. But thank you 💕💕
And that’s so sweet but I don’t NEED the money for anything important. I’m just not going doing too crash not right now and I don’t know why but when I vent s*lf h@*m and I feel like I’m not “allowed” to **** myself my brain just gets unhealthy fixated on just bowling through any amount of savings I’ve got in one go. It’s absolutely not a need but my brain starts trying to convince me it is. It almost feels like I’m holding my breath under water and the only way to get air is to this. But I don’t know how to explain it without just sounding like a horrible materialistic person. I mean maybe that’s just what I am lol. Because I can just read them online for free. I know that. So it’s not about reading them. It’s like I need more stuff around me to feel safe but I also want to hurt myself by just going through all my money and giving me something to hold onto to. I don’t know it doesn’t even fully make sense to me.
So I’m just holding out until this feeling passes because I’m so edge and shaky and I hate it aha.
But I don’t need to make a go fund me. That money should absolutely go to people who need it and not me having a consumerist issue lol
But you are so sweet and kind. Thank you for taking the time to message me. I hope you have a lovely day 💕💕
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