#also take that ask with a grain of salt: it was from the top of my head as my notebooks are not close
defiledtomb · 2 years
wait healers don't have anything to defend themselves with? not even a dagger?
Oh no I didn't put that in! My b. Yes, healers can have their pick of weapon, too! There's not always going to be healing needed.
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bsaka7 · 2 years
hello again i just had a brainwave about world cup au and pierresteban
ok so: they're inseparable as kids, end up going to the same academy and everything, but they end up fighting over a place in a big team and it ruins their friendship. years later, when pierre and esteban are established and playing for rival teams, este saves a penalty that would have sent pierre's team to the champion's league. i don't know anything about ligue 1 so i can't tell you what teams they play for :-(
and both of them are nightmares on social media! cropping eachother out, vague tweeting about eachother during off season, accidentally liking each other's thirst traps. the only time they get along is during charles' monthly dinners at his flat in monaco (poor charles is their mediator, we should make sure he is very happy and in love to make up for it)
perfect timing anon got this right as i got on the treadmill which means it's right when i need it most. forgive me for typos. i also don't know literally anything about ligue one. PSG obv. Marseilles?? I believe both pierre and esteban are PSG fans (unless esteban has become a big MLS fan with inter Miami!) and obv pierre has the 10 in part by Zidane.
I especially like the PK tidbit here. That definitely ratchets up both the rivalry and the intimacy. It is just Pierre and Esteban in that box and they're carrying separate but heavy weights. Pierre swears Esteban moved off the line early just because it was him. Esteban says he did exactly what he did for every other PK. maybe it's because he and Pierre practiced as kids, begging their parents to stay late after games so they could practice with each other. maybe it's just luck. And of course they're both at the end of year awards and if course they're pushed into the same photo - they're the same generation after all - and of course neither of them win. and then with the national team. suddenly they have to carry all those expectations together.
one question i do have is - do we play with nationality enough to insult Charles by having him play for the French NT? I feel like it adds a few interesting dynamics - to me he's obv a strong finisher and probably a key presence in games. He's been at a top level for much longer and came up probably through slightly different channels than Pierre and este even here. He's also not the player focused on as needing to prove himself. I would have him play club outside France certainly (premier league probs), especially if Pierre and Este are playing there.
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notherpuppet · 2 months
Do you think there's a right and/or wrong way to handle QPR? I know it's a tricky relationship, but it feels like most/some people kind of just slap the label onto a ship while depicting the ship as just romantic/having no difference with a romantic relationship. (this is why I was a little surprised when you said you do radioapple qpr when it reads a lot more like normal romance). Not meant as an attack or anything on anyone, just genuinely curious more than anything. Again, tricky relationship
So Imma put this link to info at the top of this post: https://taaap.org/2022/07/16/qprs-part-one/
Alright, so please take what I say with a grain of salt, because that's exactly what it is. One small bit of perspective in a mass of many people who experience QPRs in their life and/or are on an aro/ace spectrum. I also have NO QUALIFICATIONS on gender/sexuality theory, so my opinions are shaped by what I've learned and experienced personally. While people may identify with the same term, we are all still individuals with our own experiences. Words can help describe a phenomenon, but it doesn't make everyone who identifies with the word into a monolith.
So I've stated a few times that I navigate shipping Alastor similar to my own experiences as an aroace person. (I guess I'm sharing about myself with this post, but I think that can be helpful to just spreading awareness of an "alternative lifestyle"). So I'm romance-repulsed and sex-repulsed LOL but I'm also "positive" about those things. Like I view romance and sex as lovely, fun experiences people can have, but I've never been into it personally. It's fun for me to consume media about romance/sex, but yknow, it's also fun for me to consume media about violence or isolation. Doesn't mean I want to experience or engage in any of those things lol.
Anyway, I'm a huge people person and I love to party and yknow it seems most people are really wanting to fall in love or fuck or whatever pretty much all the time, but especially at parties hahaha. Normally, I'm pretty touch-averse, but I love dancing so much and it's a blast to dance with a partner (salsa especially!! i don't care for grinding for probably obvious reasons). And to connect the two previous sentences, people (whatever gender they are) would be very kissy-touchy on the dancefloor. Which i honestly dont really give a fuck about hahaha. I don't really get anything out of kissing but I also don't mind it. I just like to dance. It's all a pretty superficial--but still genuinely fun--experience for me.
When it comes to my deeper or more intimate connections, I have had friendships that have felt SO on the line of what was viewed as a romantic relationship. They were exceptional friends and we connected on a level that was deep and true, but it wasn't romantic. Sometimes we'd slow dance, sometimes we kissed, and it rocked. But it wasn't more than that, it was all that it needed to be. I didn't want more and neither did they (except one situation and so we had to stop being friends lol whoops). From the outside, people would even refer to us as partners in a half joking way, but we really were just friends. And I love those friends!! And a huge part of what made those relationships (which at the time were described as 'situationships' because we didn't know any of these terms haha) was their convenience. We either lived in the same building, worked together, or were neighbors LOL. I'm still friends with those absolutely lovely folks, but we don't live around each other, so our QPR just appears a lot more like any ole regular friendship. But it's not like there was a feeling that we transitioned into something different than before. It twas what it twas! (Had to take a pause while I was typing to reminisce fondly for a second, okay back to hazbin hahaha)
SO, whenever someone asks or it comes up, MOST OF THE TIME I do ship alastor through an aroace lens and experience with QPRs (specifically, MINEE because they were fun and I've never felt like doing this before I met a character like Al). And my XP is: "this isn't gonna be a partnership and we ain't fucking" LMFAO. so yeah!
When it comes to using a queer term like QPR, I just hope folks are considerate in their writing, but I also am inclined to just believe them if they say that's their intention because QPRs can look very different. Again, aroace and ace folks are not a monolith. The terms help to describe a human's experience. I'm inclined to think people are writing in good faith.
And all this being said, I want to just emphasize that I really don't think it's necessary to consider any of this shit if you want to ship a fictional character. I understand wanting to be protective of a character who shares an identifier with you (I personally don't wanna see romance/sex with Al in canon). But shipping is a fun thing a fandom does that often does ignore canon. Tale as old as time. I don't think anyone needs to be beholden to canon when they're writing fanfiction or having fun. If we did, I would have like--5 artworks on this blog hahaha. These characters are like dollies, do whatever you want. It's cool if people don't like it and I think it's cool if people do. It's just not that serious. There are ships I'm not particularly into or dynamics that I am not enchanted by, but whatever. I can just scroll or close my eyes.
TLDR; shipping in fandom doesn't need to be taken seriously at ALL. It can just be fun way for someone to play with fictional characters they like. That being said, I think it's good practice to use queer terms thoughtfully.
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muffinpink02 · 1 month
A Little Cocky A Little Toxic
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I was listening to a song when I thought about this. Its a little rushed.
Warnings - smut 18
hopefully i got the right mix of cocky and toxic for you guys @lemontatas @vixwritesagain and may have used your words for inspo vix 😉
@lucyandalexiafan i hope your arse isn't too sore for waiting on this and as always thank you for being my hype girl ❤️
You checked your insta story. 
You smirked when you saw the name you had been hoping to see. 
Did you only put it up in hopes that she would see it? 
Maybe. But that was your business. 
But also, like everyone else on your feed you wanted people to know you were out living your best life. 
But she was the only one you cared that saw you were out living your best life. 
It was a picture of you in a club with your friends. It wasn’t anything fancy, just you pouring a bottle of Prosecco into your glass. Leaning forward so your chest was on your show. 
And she saw it. 
You and Jenni weren’t a couple. You just fucked. Good old fashioned fuck buddies. You weren't seeing each other, there were no limits about seeing other people. No rules, no restrictions. But, you maybe had a small, tiny, little fraction of feelings for the girl. 
But that was your business. 
You carried on dancing with your friends. You were having a good night, you noticed you had a few eyes on you. A lot of fuck me eyes, and of course you was tempted, it would have been easy to let one of the girls drag you into the bathroom stalls and fuck you, or even gone home with one of them to have a night of hopefully good sex. 
But you were hoping the eyes on your story might do that. 
You reposted your friend's story that you wee in. It was a sign of the club, the neon lights glowing red on the wall above you. You were beneath it, a girl you had met on the dance floor was leaning close to you, her hand on your waist. The picture had caught you looking at her mouth, smirking wickedly, as your own lip was between your teeth. 
It even surprised you how the picture caught a very intimate looking moment. Your eyes had the look of the “come fuck me” stare. But you would blame that on the alcohol. 
Within seconds you already had 3 views. 
One of them was her. 
You felt the stupid butterflies in your stomach. So you took a tequila shot to drown them. 
“Would you like another one?” 
You turned to see a tall red headed girl with curly hair. Her eyes were so green they almost reminded you of hers, almost.
“Only if you’ll take one with me.” You grinned. 
She smiled, you eyed the dimples in her cheeks. She was cute, but also really fucking hot.
“That was the plan.” She eyed you up and down. Her green eyes lingered on your chest. 
She had more plans than just drinking. 
“Do you wanna do it the fun way?” She shouted over the music. 
“What’s the fun way?” You asked, leaning in.
She leaned into your ear, her flowery perfume engulfed your senses. 
“I put the salt on your neck. Lick it off. Then take my shot.” Her lips grazed your ear, you felt your nipples strain against your top.
“Yeah, okay.” You smiled at her, even though she was cute and innocent looking she had an air of cockiness to her. Just like someone else you knew, but it wasn't the same.
“You go first. Show me how it's done.” You laughed as she raised her eyebrows playfully.
The shots were placed in front of you, with the lime and salt.  
You nodded, you could feel your heart going a little. 
“So, you mind if I?” She pointed to your neck. 
“Oh yeah, it’s all yours.” You giggled. 
The red headed girl nearly faltered for a second. 
Jenni never faltered. 
She pushed your hair back, and licked your neck. Her tongue was soft as it dragged across your skin. You felt your skin erupt in goosebumps from her touch. You felt the grain of salt be poured on your neck, small grains dropping down your chest. 
She leaned into you, her lips wrapped around your neck as she sucked the salt of your body. It surprised you how soft she was. You were expecting some teeth or her lips to leave a red mark. Your eyes closed as her tongue sweetly caressed your skin. You couldn’t deny it felt good, your nipples straining once more. 
She pulled back, this time her green eyes did catch the bumps beneath the fabric. She smirked but it was an innocent smirk, almost like she was apologising for how your body reacted to her. 
She drank her shot, wincing at the drink like she had never taken it before. She sucked on her lime.
“Okay, your turn.”
You smiled, you gently  threaded your fingers in her curly red hair and tilted her head back. Even with the loud music you heard her shy gulp. 
You laid your tongue on her neck and gilded it slowly up to her jaw. You sprinkled the salt all while your hand was still holding her hair. 
“Ready?” You whispered. 
You pecked her neck before sucking the salt off her neck. You heard a small gasp escape her mouth. Like her, you weren't rough, you just let the salty substance sit on your tongue as you felt her pulse point beat against it. 
You moved back, drinking your shot without blinking and sucked on your lime.  
“Wow, erm. That was hot.” She laughed awkwardly. 
You smiled as you removed a lime seed from your mouth. 
One of your very drunk friends grabbed your hand. Clearly not caring that she was interrupting you. 
“It’s our song!!” She shouted. “Come on!” She slurred as she jumped. 
You looked at the red head, she was smiling at the happy girl in front of you. 
“Sorry. I’ll be right back.” You winced. 
“No, don’t worry! I’ll find you in a bit?” 
“Definitely.” You smiled before you were dragged into the floor of sweaty bodies dancing. 
It was half an hour later when you felt your phone vibrate. 
You saw a notification of an insta post you were in, but it was the message that caught your attention.
Jenni - having fun? 
You felt those butterflies coming back. Should you reply? No, leave it for a bit, don’t let her know you’ve even seen it, or that you care. 
Your fingers started tapping.
You - lots. You? 
She didn’t reply for another 20 minutes. 
Jenni - I’m outside 
Your heart fluttered as you read the words.  
You looked around the room as if she could see you, not wanting her to see the excitement on your face. Of course you weren't going to just drop your friends and leave the club. 
But she was outside, it would be rude not to say hello. You could just go say hi and come back. 
You stepped out into the cool air, watching as other party goers jumped into their Ubers. 
You spotted her car, once again feeling stupidly excited that she came all this way to see you. You walked over to the vehicle, her window rolled down, revealing her wolfish grin.
Those fucking butterflies. 
“Hey.” You whispered. 
“Hola.” She winked, you could hear her music playing in the car.
“So, what you doing here?” You nervously played with your skirt. 
She watched your nervous movements, smiling as she chewed on her gum. 
“I was in the area. Saw you was here. Saw you were taking shots.” 
You were confused then. Taking shots?”
“What?” You forced a chuckle.
“I saw it on Mapi’s story. I saw you taking shots with a friend.” Her tone dipped when she said the word friend. 
That must have been the notification you ignored. 
“Oh right.” You mindlessly touched your neck where the redhead had her lips an hour before. 
Jenni’s green eyes roamed your body, she made you feel naked with how her orbs burned your skin. You felt yourself shiver. 
“Cold?” Jenni smirked.
“Ohh, a little.” You darted your eyes to the floor. Your cockiness from earlier had all but disappeared. 
“Want to get in? It’s warm in my car.” She gave you that smile that meant more than what she was really saying. 
You knew If you got in the car you wouldn’t be going back to the club. 
You wordlessly walked to the passenger side, sliding into the leather seat. Jennis' woody perfume shot through your senses. 
“Better?” She smirked as she put the car in gear. 
“Yeah.” You nodded. 
You watched Jenni eye up a couple of pretty girls walking out the club. One of the girls must have caught Jenni staring, you could see her blush from where you sat in your passenger seat. Jenni smiled at her, probably giving her the same smile she gave you.
Jenni turned up her music as she revved her car, getting the attention of the girls she had been staring at. She chuckled as one of them giggled like a schoolgirl. You rolled your eyes.
That's when you realised you never got the pretty redhead's name.
You could feel the raven haired girl's eyes on you. 
“Did you not have fun, cariño?”
You blushed at the cute name, trying desperately to hide your smile. “Yeah? Why?”
She shrugged, not looking at you. One hand on the wheel, the other had just found itself on your bare thigh.
“You left so quickly. Can’t imagine you were having that much fun.”  She gave you that cocky smile that normally made you smile, but her question made you stutter.
“N-No. I was having fun, lots of fun. I just wanted to say hello to you.” 
She smirked. “Do you want me to drop you back there?-”
“No! …Erm no.” Fuck sake. You closed your eyes in annoyance at yourself. 
“No? So I'll keep driving?” She chuckled lightly.
“Yeah, I don’t mind where we go.” You shrugged, trying your hardest to not like you cared.
“You look good, by the way.” Her hand squeezed your thigh. 
Butterflies. Wet butterflies.
“Thank you.” You tucked your hair behind your ear, watching her arm flex as she moved the gear stick.
“So who was your friend in Mapi’s story?” She asked, looking back at the road.
No fucking way. Was Jenni actually jealous? She had never questioned you on any other girl before. Never questioned if you were seeing anyone, but here she was, picking you up outside the club because she was ‘In the area’ and asking who you were with.
You loved the thought of her being jealous.
“She’s no one. Just someone I met. Why?” 
She shrugged again, her eyes fixed on the road. “No reason.” Her tone was steady.
You nodded, not giving away your selfish enjoyment that the girl was in fact jealous. 
“Not jealous are you, Jenni?”
The girl laughed, she finally looked at you. Her green eyes shone as a street light flashed over her face. 
“No, but I did want you when I saw your pictures.” She hummed, her voice low.
You wanted to be annoyed that she wouldn't fess up to even being a little jealous, but hearing Jenni saying she wanted you made you forget your annoyance. 
Feeling Jennis' hand creep up your skirt made you forget your next words. 
Yes, you were a simple girl. Especially when it came to Jenni.
“You wanted me?” You gasped quietly as she ghosted your thongs.
“Si, that little tight skirt you have on. I like it.” 
You felt yourself smile at the complement.
“I want to fuck you with it on.” She said it like she was talking about the nice weather you'd been having.
This was Jenni all over. If she thought she’d shown you any emotion she would turn that conversation around in a quick blink. But you were used to it. This wasn't anything more than a hookup.
So you did what you knew and joined the dance.
“I only wore it for that reason.” You smirked as you stroked your hand on her own thigh. And as soon as you did you couldn't hold back the blush.
“Are you wearing a strap?” 
Her cocky smile appeared again.
“Sí. I told you. I want to fuck you with that skirt on.” She stopped at a red light.
“What one are you wearing?” You began to pull her loose trousers down, revealing the purple plastic.
“Your one.” She winked, chewing on her gum.
Your chest tightened at the comment. You had found out Jenni had a few different straps for different girls, all having their own individual ones. In one sense it was great because you weren't one for sharing a strap with random girls and on the other it was maybe the biggest dickhead energy you had ever seen.
Jenni leaving her house with a harness attached to her hips assuming, no, knowing you would drop everything and leave with her made you feel a little ashamed.
But your thoughts were interrupted as her hand between your legs pulled your thin fabric to the side, pushing her long fingers between your wet folds. 
“Who got you so wet already, bebé?” She purred as she leaned in.
“You.” You whispered, your eyes fluttered as she found your clit. She leaned in, you could smell the mint on her breath.
“So quickly?” She whispered against your lips.
Your hips flexed as she swirled your wetness around between your folds. You were so easy for this girl. So fucking easy. 
“Are we there yet?” You breathed out.
“Nealy.” She leaned back but her hand travelled back between your legs as soon as she could spare it.
10 long minutes later she pulled the car up facing a sky line of lights. It was a pretty spot, you'd been here once before on a first date, but never with Jenni.
It was on top of a hill, but Jenni drove a few feet away from any other cars around. She parked her car up, facing the view.
“Come.” She opened her car door. You followed her.
She walked to the front of her car leaning against the bonnet. Her wolfish smile was on full show. She looked so cocky, everything about her, from her stance to her smile, the way she looked at you. 
And you couldn't help but love it.
You walked over to her, she put her hands out pulling you towards her. You shivered from the night air.
“Here.” Jenni started to take her jacket off, wrapping it around your shoulders. 
You were screaming for joy internally but of course your face didn’t move an inch. 
She brought your mouths together. It was soft and sweet, it felt more intimate than it ever had before. Her hands pulled your hips into hers, making you lean against her. Her finger crept up your stomach, making you whimper just in time for her tongue to find its way into your mouth. She let her hands wander to your arse, squeezing your flesh.
“Do you want to get it ready?” She smirked.
Once again, this was the dance between yourself and Jenni. Of course you wanted to suck her strap while she smiled at you like that. The question alone made your clit throb.
But why had she taken you to a date spot and not to her house like she usually did?
You pulled the strap out of her trousers, kissing her neck as you did. You looked around the spot she had parked, making sure no one was around. You slowly got to your knees and wrapped your lips around the plastic, all while the woman kept her eyes on you.
You knew Jenni liked you in this position. Well, actually she loved you in this position. She had you like this whenever she could, strap or no strap, on your knees, pleasuring her until she was coming in your mouth.
You easily pushed her into the back of your throat.
“Fuck.” She sighed as one of her hands came into your hair, helping you move on her strap.
You felt your cunt already throbbing as your head was gently pushed, taking more of the strap in your throat. Jennis' head tilted back in pleasure as your movements pushed perfectly against her clit.
You felt your thighs becoming uncomfortably wet as the girl above fucked your throat. You began to choke a little as her hips rocked faster, making your eyes water as you tried to take her fast movements. The tears started to roll down your cheeks, your black mascara mixed with the tears, you looked a mess but Jenni smiled wickedly once she saw the sight. 
“Oh no, the pretty girls, getting her pretty make up messed up?” She curved her hands around your face as she wiped the black tears, all while still fucking your mouth.
Her words made you groan.
“You look so good, bebé.” She grunted hard, you started to feel her legs shaking, she was clearly close.
She gripped your hair into a ponytail as her other hand stayed caressing your cheek. The soft touch made you blush more then the plastic fucking your throat did.
“Just like that. Just like that.” Her hips started to stutter. “Fuck. You’re so good. I fucking love…your mouth.”
What? Did she? Did you hear that right?
She groaned above you, small hard little grunts each time her strap hit the back of your throat. She came hard against the strap. Her hand stroked your cheek as she grinded those last bits of pleasure points into your mouth.
She gently pulled out of your mouth, her chest was heaving. She helped you to your feet, her lips crashing into yours.
“Ready to get fucked in that skirt?” She said it with a hunger in her voice.
“Yes.” You gasped as her teeth sunk into your lip. Her kisses became feverish, you could hardly breathe with the way her mouth swallowed each groan and whine. The girl was everywhere. 
You felt your body being turned around to face her car bonnet.
“So, you had a good time tonight?” She whispered against your neck. You lost control over your legs.
“Hmm hmm.” You agreed.
“But you’re having more fun with me, sí?” Her voice almost sounded nervous.
Was this her jealous side coming out again? 
“Y-yeah. So much more fun.” You stuttered as her hands pushed your skirt up, revealing your cheeks.
“Fuck,” She brought her hands up to your cheeks, squeezing the flesh so hard you knew you’d have bruises tomorrow. 
She moved your skirt up around your hips, revealing your cheeks to the cold night air. She pulled the wet thin fabric down to your ankles, helping you step out of them. She tucked them in her back pocket.
Your mind was reeling, her movements were so fucking slow. Your clit was crying for Jennis' touch again, you pushed yourself backwards, trying to show how desperate you were. 
“You’re so worked up. I don’t believe it’s only been me to get you this turned on, baby.”
You would be lying if you said the redhead didn’t turn you on. But what did it matter? Jenni wasn’t your girlfriend. 
“Maybe you’re not.” 
You felt her pause in her movements, it was a first for you. 
“Hmm, is that right?” Jenni wrapped her hand around the back of your neck, guiding you forwards. You felt the head of the strap kiss your wet lips. 
“Fuck!” You gasped as the 5.9 pushed you against the bonnet of her car, her hips holding you down. 
A whole new rush of wetness leaked between your lips. 
“But I’m the one who has you now.” She easily pushed her strap inside your tight walls, unfazed by your height pitched moan. 
You were so full. 
You didn’t even catch her words, or the jealousy in her tone. Your brain was trying to get used to the girth the plastic that made room for itself inside you. 
“Jesus!” You cried out as Jenni snapped her hips, her pace was already so fast, you weren't going to last long. She gripped your hips, forcing you to take more of the strap, pulling you down on the length. 
“You’re so tight. Have you not been fucked since me?” She smirked, she knew the answer.
“No-no!” You stuttered as she slapped her hips against your thighs. 
“Just me, only I get to fuck this pussy, Sí?”
“Yes!” You didn’t really know or care what she was saying, all you could think about was how her hips were forcing your body down on the bonnet, the weight of her body making it hard to move as she made you take every thrust. 
“You’re a slut for me. Aren’t you?” 
You whimpered, the wet slapping from your cunt was so loud. 
“Yes! A massive slut for you Jenni!” Your words echoed in the quiet area around you. 
Your pussy was throbbing, you could feel your climax rising up your body, the swell of those butterflies rushed from your stomach to your clit. 
“Say it again.” She growled from behind you. 
You didn’t think it was possible, but her pace picked up. Your skin was being slapped from every thrust, you could feel your essence dripping down your clenched thighs. 
“I’m a massive slut for you Jenni!” You moaned out as she grabbed a handful of your hair, forcing your head back, arching your back. 
“Dont fucking forget it!” 
You couldn’t physically make any noise as the girl rammed her strap so hard into your core, you lost all ability to breathe. You imagined the site was incredible for Jennis' ego. Your body being pressed against her car as the cocky Spaniard had you calling you her slut. 
Your cheeks bouncing as she watched her strap slide into you like she owned you. Your once neat hair, now a mess in her grasp. And your pretty makeup, completely ruined. 
All for her. 
Your cunt clenched as you came around the purple strap. You weren't sure if you were loud or made any kind of noise, all you could hear was the blood rushing in your head. The pleasure taking over your body 
She silently pulled out and left you to pull your own skirt down. 
You heard the car door open and followed her back into the car. 
“Did you want me to drop you back to the club?” 
“No, just take me home.” 
It was silent. She put her music back on. 
You looked down at your lap, you had dirty knees from your kneeling position, black stained tears dried into your cheeks, and no underwear. You felt stupid.
She pulled up outside your apartment. 
“I’ll see you soon?” Her green eyes looked sad.
You nodded. “Yeah.”
You opened the car door, your chest felt tight again. 
Your turned to her, those small butterflies coming back. Hopeful. 
“My jacket.” She awkwardly smiled at you. 
“Oh. Sorry.” You took off her jacket that was 2 sizes too big for you. Her woofy perfume still sat on your skin. 
You climbed out the car, she pulled off quickly, not giving you another glance. You felt the tears threatening to spill, but you pushed it back. 
This was the dance with Jenni.
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moonastro · 9 months
how your future spouse will act around you
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left to right(top)-> 1,2
left to right(bottom)-> 3,4
°DO NOT take this as literal, take everything with a grain of salt as this is purely and intendedly for entertainment purposes.
°Don't be afraid to give feedback and opinions about this post (as i would entirely appreciate it).
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i definitely see them being more them around you, like they are going to be so comfortable around you that how they act around you differs from when they are around other people. I see them literally having no restrictions around you, they will not be afraid to show their true personality and humour. i feel like this will be so important to them because they might have been judged with the way that they acted or were judged by just being themselves by previous relationships or friendships, for you, they are thankful and can actually live freely.
They will definitely also learn so many things from you, for example i see you telling them something and them not understanding so they will bring that up because they want to know what you know. or they cannot stand not knowing what you mean because they fully want to understand you. yeah, they will love to get to know you on a deeper soulmate kinda way. they will love experiencing new surprises from you by simply learning new things about you, that will excite them.
i see them being the type of person who ask 'have you eaten yet?' or 'have you taken your vitamins today?'. your health will matter so much to them, seeing you unwell will physically hurt them. if you answer no to any of the questions they will automatically act upon them. they do care about your well-being however they might not be so cutesy about it because for them it is a serious matter. so they might act very serious about situations like that. but that's only because they care so much about you.
i feel like their character will develop while being with you. i feel like they might pick up on some habits or characteristics that you have. for example, if your habit consists of biting your bottom lip when nervous, they will acknowledge that and start to do that too.
your fs will NOT be afraid to express their raw feelings towards you. they will constantly praise and compliment you so much that you might get tired from hearing it loll😭.
that is it for you PILE 1, hope you enjoyed that!!
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oh, they will be chaotic around you. they might tend to play fights, picking you up from the ground, teasing you etcc. however, i do think that playing around like that heals their inner child as such. they might also do questionable things that may shock you. like i see you two chilling and watching a movie and them randomly standing up and doing their skincare without mentioning anything.
they will constantly want to do everything with you, like their mindset is something like, if i have to see it you have to too, or if you go i want to go too. its mostly because they cant seem to imagine themselves being 5 minutes away from you 😂. no but for real, i honestly just feel like they find your time together precious and don't want to miss opportunities with you. they will be the type to take you on daily trips everywhere, like i mentioned before, they will love to spend time with you, especially while discovering new cute places.
i feel like same with pile 1, they will worry a lot about your health and constantly have to check up on you. like if sometimes you forget to eat breakfast or if they see a bruise that you didn't even know was there, they will freak out about it and will act like something major happened.
i see them being very honest around you, they will answer to your questions honestly and truthfully and i feel like if there are lies withing a relationship it is not sincere. i do see them being clingy though, like if they had a bad day and came back home they instantly hug and cuddle you to make them feel better. or if you are cleaning up they just come up to you and start hugging you.
that's everything for you PILE 2, hope you liked your reading!
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will have a stable view and way of doing things around you. will be humble and professional. i feel like they will be a very down to earth person who is quite traditional in terms of relationships. they are very loyal to your needs however, they may have a little routine that they do every morning or any other time of the day, for example may take out the trash in the early morning so you wont have to and let you sleep in or something like that. i feel like silent acts of service are their thing. they might not like to be in the spotlight and keep a rather low profile wherever they are.
might be quite nosey lol, may want to know what you are doing at what time. or may want to know what you are looking at on your phone and so on.
may express their love to you often, like you make them levitate when they look at you. but may be shy about it. like they'll only do it when they cant keep it in anymore then blush after they say it🥹. they are someone who would proudly admire you and talk sweetly about you to other people rather than directly to you.
may like to spoil you though, may take you out to dinner every week or book to go to a fancy restaurant once in a while. or whenever you show them something that you like, they remember and buy you the exact same thing without asking you about it. i feel like they would definitely tend to show their love for you by doing things for you rather than talking about it and so forth.
they might be afraid to disappoint you and are afraid to fail. but they are very good at easing tension, so whenever you feel stressed they know how to make you feel better.
yeah, i don't think they are good at communicating or may limit themselves due to the fear of letting you down. however, they might not take it lightly when you expose them on what they did wrong, they might not be into being tutored.
that is all for you PILE 3!!
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they tend to avoid direct confrontation. they definitely do not like conflict and will leave the situation if it gets heated. also, are very open to fix mistakes, they may ask about your opinion quite a lot and act upon your choices.
are very open to sharing their emotions and thoughts, they are not patient and may just say things that are on their mind. they may be an anxious human being and may seek help. they may like to talk about their mental health and ask your opinion of what to do about it to help. overall i think your opinion matters a lot to your fs!
they love sharing their ethic and moral beliefs to you. or they may be interested in getting to know about your beliefs. they also may be interested of your cultural background and may be eager to learn new languages and try different cultural foods. they may even like to listen to songs from other countries. they may also love to practise their traditions around you.
they may have difficulty concentrating and focusing so when they are told something they may be spaced out thinking about something else, you know?
they may also be the type of person who rejects offers easily, they may have social anxiety or anxiety in general so it may be difficult for them to leave the house. so that may start arguments between you two because you see the potential in them but they are just too afraid to persuade it and don't do anything about it.
that's it for you PILE 4!
I hope you all enjoyed this post❣️ please don't be shy to interact and share some of your thoughts on this post!!! thank you for reading💓
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starcurtain · 15 days
Hey! I apologize if this question has been asked before since it seems like a pretty obvious one, but where do you think the idea of Aventurine being a sex slave came from? Other than the obvious factor of it being something fun for the fandom to mess around with, I mean.
It's something I kind of took for granted as being true before playing his quest, but after finishing it I realized there wasn't really any indication. The only thing I can really think of is his master's comments about him having a good body. Is there anything in his behavior you can think of that would lead to this conclusion if it wasn't a popular fan interpretation already/kind of just an easy conclusion to reach with a slave character?
(also kind of related but what do you think of the idea that he sleeps around/with his clients to make deals? he's obviously willing to sexualize himself with the boob window, but that doesn't necessarily mean he goes further.)
As far as I can tell, the idea that Aventurine was involved in sexual slavery comes from three (maybe four) places:
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First, the comment from the master about Aventurine's appearance. People were holding this comment up as refutable proof that Aventurine was used in sexual slavery on top of being tossed into the Hunger Games; however, the response from other players on this interpretation, especially the Chinese side of the fandom, was very mixed, with a lot of people pointing out that the context in the game probably meant the slave master was talking about Aventurine's ability to attract attention from fans watching the literal Sigonian Hunger Games, rather than having a direct sexual-slavery connotation.
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Second, the comment from Sparkle about stripping naked and getting on his knees for Sunday. This one has way more implication in English than I think it might for an Eastern audience, actually. In English, this pretty much sounds like Sparkle saying Aventurine trades sexual favors for success in his gambles. However, I suspect the original intention in Chinese was more about humiliation. Western audiences don't have as much history with honor-based prostration, i.e. accepting corporal humiliation as a form of reconciliation that Eastern audiences might be more familiar with. And in any case, Sparkle is Sparkle. She probably just went for the lowest blow she could think of here.
Third, the general assumption that if Sigonian slaves were being chained, branded, beaten, sent to death matches, etc., it seems logical that they would also be taken advantage of in other ways. I honestly think this is probably the fairest take--many, many real slaves around the world faced (and still face!) sexual abuse, so if slaves from Sigonia were treated so poorly you could make them fight to the death for entertainment, it stands to reason they were probably also not safe from other forms of assault. We also have no idea what happened to Kakavasha in any of the years between his being a tiny child fleeing the massacre and then being purchased as a slave as a late-teens-early-twenties person. That's a very long time for a child to have to survive on their own on an extremely hostile planet and not face risks of all kinds or end up needing to do unspeakable things to survive. So I think this is at least not that far-fetched, although it's important to say there's nothing in the game that directly confirms this.
And fourth: I read a tweet semi-recently that stated that one of the Chinese (or maybe it was Japanese) names for a quest Aventurine was involved in was actually a reference to a book about a teenage sexual assault survivor. However, when I tried to verify this myself, I couldn't find any quest Aventurine was in that was based on a book about sexual assault in either English, Chinese, or Japanese. It's possible I just missed something, but I'm taking this one with a bit of a grain of salt currently, since I can't confirm it personally.
Regarding your other question, about whether I think Aventurine sleeps around to make deals...
I definitely think he does not, for one major reason.
First, I will admit that Aventurine is definitely willing to use his appearance to his advantage. This is pretty obvious. He wears incredibly flashy clothes, baths himself in cologne, overloads on glittering golden jewels, and absolutely calls attention to his appearance when working with clients.
We see him actively doing this in his Moment Among the Stars video, where he is clearly using his looks as an equal tool (to his wealth), to daze his target.
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It's not an accident that he says things like "Use me as you wish," with all the explicit connotations preserved. The implication is there. However, unless he was absolutely backed into a corner, I think that implication is all it will ever be.
The reason I think this is that the devs go out of their way to give Aventurine three fairly noticeable physical behaviors in his in-game scenes:
For one, he has some of the most closed off body language of any character in the game.
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Aventurine's default conversation pose is arms crossed directly and tightly in front of himself. This is like "Defensive Body Language 101." By crossing your arms, you put a symbolic barrier between yourself and the person you're speaking to, and also ensure that your hands are up and available in case you actually need to physically defend yourself.
Virtually all of Aventurine's conversations take place from this stance, no matter who he is speaking to (from the Trailblazer all the way to Topaz). He deliberately closes his pose off and tightens up his silhouette, which just sends a glaring "Don't touch me" message.
This closing off is also blatantly apparent when you compare it to the deliberately open poses he strikes while trying to make himself seem accessible to others (like tempting clients) or seem powerful (to intimidate):
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Complementing this habit of closing himself off is a second noticeable aspect of his body language: He frequently avoids eye contact to the point that he even holds conversations while entirely facing away from the person he's speaking to.
I might be a bit lenient and say maybe he's doing this to on purpose to be mysterious, whoo~~ But... in all honestly, he just does this with everyone, even with Ratio while trying to talk about an actual important issue (wanting to look into Acheron's real identity). Hell, even the fake Aventurine does it to himself!
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We can even say that wearing the rose-tinted glasses in the first place is another intentional barrier, one Aventurine deliberately removes in specific moments to give people the (false) impression that he's "letting them in" to his circle:
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Now, this might be a bit more complicated in Aventurine's case, because eye contact has a whole extra meaning when eyes are the defining trait of your species and come with particularly challenging racial stereotypes. So it may be that Aventurine is simply used to conducting conversation while looking away to minimize racial prejudice against his eyes' unique appearance.
However, I'd also argue that the devs deliberately turned his entire model away in cutscene after cutscene to create a clear sense of being inaccessible, unapproachable, and unwilling to engage in the physical intimacy of standing closely, directly facing, and staring at his conversation partners.
While he faces away, he controls both the figurative and the literal direction of conversation, forcing people to keep their eyes on him while he is free to move as he pleases. Over and over again, it just says "I want to be the one in control. I'm not afraid to show my back to you, but you are not welcome to come near me."
And, in fact, that's a third aspect of his character's body language that I am sure the devs did not include accidentally: More so than other characters, many of Aventurine's conversations are conducted from weirdly far distances. Like, half the time he's talking, he's standing all the way on the opposite side of the room!
This habit of speaking from a-larger-than-normal distance is apparent in the first scene with Himeko...
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And then in just about every other conversation too:
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The bubble is twenty feet in every direction.
Like yes, he does approach and have conversations like a normal person... sometimes... But it is significantly more noticeable with Aventurine than with other characters that he often conducts whole conversations--even with his allies--from a distance. Just genuinely weirdly far apart.
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Leaving space for Gaiathra, I guess.
And it's because these significant decisions were made with Aventurine's in-game body language that, when he deliberately alters his own behavior, it is instantaneously noticeable.
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In 2.0, he closes the distance, the glasses come off, and he gets directly up in the Trailblazer's face.
It's uncomfortable not just because the player is suddenly being loomed over, but because this behavior has already been subconsciously established for the player as out of character for Aventurine.
The barriers the character himself was putting up are deliberately stripped away so that he can use physicality and demanding eye contact to intimidate his target. He has to reverse his own normal body language in order to come across as domineering (and, I guess if you're into that, appealing in a domineering manner).
And ummmm, just a tiny aside here because I can't resist:
This does mean that when the game goes out of its way to demonstrate Aventurine altering his own normal habit of distant and defensive body language, it is absolutely intentional.
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Yes, this is a Ratiorine post in disguise. There literally isn't any other character in the game that Aventurine is shown being comfortable standing so close to and interacting with in this manner. This doesn't occur in every one of their scenes, but Ratio is the only character that this happens with repeatedly. It's not an accident that the devs literally added "They were walking side-by-side" as flavor text.
But look, I'll be fair: There's a great example of this in Aventurine's scene with Acheron too, where he closes the distance and attempts to make eye contact with her--seeking her guidance and closeness--and she is actually the one stepping away, speaking with her back turned, demonstrating her power and control (and issues with connection!) in that scene.
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Anyway, this was a whole longggg tangent into analyzing Aventurine's body language, but my point is that, overall, the devs deliberately adjusted his model's actions in-game to give the impression of a person who clearly wants to be in control of every interaction he has with other people, who insists on distance over intimacy, and whose stances and habits suggest that he is significantly less accessible and open than his "Use me as you wish" motto might suggest.
Long story longer, I think that there is almost zero chance Aventurine is willingly ceding control over himself or the actions expected of him to anyone he isn't 100% comfortable with, and I think that using physical intimacy of any kind would be an absolute last resort for him. Frankly, he comes across as more likely to shoot himself in the foot than let someone he doesn't trust lay hands on him.
To me, he reads very much as "You may look, but you may not touch."
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witchyafterdark · 6 months
—Sebastian Sallow Headcanons; pt. 2
• The Pros and Cons of being with him •
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These are just some of the headcanons that might manifest if you ever think about dating this one of a kind man, Sebastian Sallow. Once again, these are my personal thoughts, so take them with a grain of salt. None of these screenshots belong to me. All credits to their respective creators and owners! 💚
・❥・ PROS
Being with Sebastian is like a breath of fresh air every single day.
Even in the most mundane of moments, he won't be short of new things and experiences to enjoy with you. He makes sure that you're always happy in his presence that every time you have to spend some time apart, you can't wait to see and be with him again.
Your safety and security is top-priority to him, in more ways than one.
He has no qualms in joining you break the curfew to go adventuring in the highlands. Whenever he gets the chance, he slips a vial (or five) of Wiggenweld Potions into your robes in case you go fighting spiders, trolls, and Ashwinders without him. And when you come back to the castle with scratches or marks on you, best believe he will fuss over you regardless if you're in public.
But it's the little things that really matter to him.
Whenever you spend the night in his dorm, he ensures you're comfortable in his bed; grabbing extra pillows, giving you an extra blanket so you don't end up struggling with him over it, and casting a warming charm over the foot of the bed to keep your feet cozy.
He might even start to buy ribbons or hair ties for when you need them but don't have any on you at the moment. You're thirsty? He has another water canteen for you. Your seasonal allergies bothering you? He's got another set of handkerchiefs just for you. Your neck hurts from being hunched over while reading? He won't even hesitate to massage the back of your neck in soothing motions. You missed breakfast? Don't worry, he pocketed and kept warm a bunch of fresh muffins just for you.
When you get sick, you can only imagine the things he would do to nurse you back to health.
Sebastian is actually an expert in time management. It doesn't matter if he has classes in fifteen-minutes. He would have asked the house elves to prepare you a hearty bowl of vegetable soup, personally brought it to your bed in the Hospital Wing, and he would truly spoon feed you without hesitation. He would also do all your missed homework for you, and duplicate all his notes for you to go through once you're well. And he will see to it that you're nursed back to health by hook or by crook. He will sneak up to the Hospital Wing in the middle of the night just to check if you're sleeping well, or if you're awake and you need anything from him. He's very, very caring.
Of course, not everyone is a fan of the Hero of Hogwarts.
So, when he hears some students spreading nasty rumors about you, or badmouthing you, he will see to it that this kind of defamation ends within the span of a day. He will not allow anyone to talk bad about you, and would protect your reputation to the best of his abilities; even if he has to... dirty his hands a lot.
You will always feel loved by him, in all the sense of the word.
Even though he would be mindful of his public displays of affection—he actually likes to keep more intimate moments with you a bit more private and "for his eyes only"—he doesn't shy away from holding your hand in public. One of the simple things he enjoys doing is to guide you around with his hand on the small of your back, always keeping physical contact with you. Sweet kisses, hugs, comforting words, unexpected and unprompted gifts, catching him staring at you lovingly (and him denying this cutely), and being at your beck and call are just some of the things he loves to give you.
Beyond the surface, he is actually very in-tune with you and how you fair in the relationship.
Sebastian can perfectly read a person within a given time period. He managed to become Ominis' best friend, who is quite aloof and very guarded. This is because Sebastian has a way of appealing to people in a genuine way. This quality of his definitely extends to your relationship with him. He already senses when you had a bad morning, or when you're not in the mood for anything. He also doesn't push you to explain yourself if you don't want to. He will, however, do whatever to make you feel seen and heard in the moment, and won't invalidate your feelings... as long as you see eye to eye.
→ His romantic and compassionate gestures would grow even further once you've both graduated from Hogwarts, and are free to explore the full extent of your relationship.
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・❥・ CONS
He is aware of the weight of his baggage in life, and is quite stubborn about it.
(This one's not so much of a disadvantage but just something to keep an eye on).
Dealing with a lot of traumatic events and death of family members since childhood is bound to change anybody, and Sebastian is no exception. And since things just kept piling up on top of the other as he grows older, he is surprisingly stubborn and immovable about the things that has happened to him. The devastation of Anne's curse and the subsequent death of Solomon had left an indelible mark on his own perception of himself.
If there's one thing about him that you should know, it is that he refuses to be treated as a helpless victim of circumstances. Even if you're coming from a place of good intentions and wanting to help him overcome his trauma, he doesn't like to be helped unless he asks for it. And more often than not, he prefers to bury his emotional torment under a cool and controlled façade.
Talking about wanting to help him heal from his past is one way to push him into becoming emotionally detached from you. He'd rather swallow all the hurt than trying to heal from them; because dealing with them, no matter how beneficial it can be for him, will make him face his perceived weaknesses and supposed failures in life. And if you really push him to talk to you about these things, he will end up projecting all that trauma onto you and the relationship to "give you a taste" of what you're asking for.
With that said, he won't allow you to sway him from things he set his mind into—even if those things are deadly for him and the people around him.
To understand Sebastian, you only need to observe why he does the things he do. He doesn't do things without a purpose, without reason. But when his reasoning becomes severely clouded by his need to succeed, no amount of effort to persuade him otherwise will help your cause. In his mind, you're either with him, or against him. This laser-sharp focus and tunnel-vision can be viewed in a positive light. But too much of something can lead to the worst outcomes. And in his oldest friend's words, "he doesn't know when to stop." He doesn't go to sleep when he's tired, he goes to sleep when he's done. And while that is an attractive quality to a certain point, he doesn't know his limitations. That means he won't stop unless he gets what he sought out to achieve, even with the risk of life and limb.
In the same vein, he will do absolutely anything to get what he wants; and won't take no for an answer.
The ends justify the means for Sebastian. While he can be the type to think before he acts, what usually happens is that he thinks at the same time he acts. And if you ruminate about it, that kind of behavior can be quite alarming due to the notion that he thought about the repercussions or the moral standing of a certain action, yet still acting upon it. He knows what he's doing is wrong but have no problem justifying what he does without hesitation. In a life or death situation, this kind of attitude is beneficial because he can think quick on his feet. But you're not faced with life-threatening situations every single day. This makes you wonder... what kind of moral standards does he have on a regular basis? And what would happen to you if you get in the way of his plans?
On top of it, since he knows how to appeal to people's feelings, he doesn't hesitate to use that to his advantage very well.
Simply put, he knows which buttons to push in order to get you in his side. He will try to make you see that he's doing very questionable—or even downright heinous—things for the greater good. And he can do it in the most genuine, convincing way. He knows that you're attached to him, and he will monopolize on it for the other reason that he doesn't want to go against the person he loves.
But if you try to stand up against him, and try to persuade him into dropping what he's doing, his demeanor will immediately change. He will perceive your lack of cooperation as an act of betrayal, and will resort to other methods of manipulation.
And while he is also hurting from your direct disapproval, Sebastian can find ways to slowly but surely twist the nature of your relationship with him to get you to become co-dependent upon him to break down your defenses. This kind of tactic can eventually degrade the quality of your bond with him, and by extension, the way you behave with him over time.
If you decided to put your feet down and stand your ground against his decisions, best believe you're dead to him.
Sebastian can grieve the loss of his relationship with you, his beloved, but he won't ever let it show in public. It's as if he doesn't know you to begin with. In his mind, if you can betray him like that, then he shouldn't associate with you at all. No matter how painful it is to swallow the bitter pill of his new reality, he'll stiffen that upper lip and act as if it doesn't bother him at all. He is very, very stubborn.
(And yes, this is quite reflective of how he is with us post-credits because let's face it, him not speaking to us anymore was like a slap to the face. Even Duncan talks to us!)
So, do the pros outweigh the cons for you?
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tkwrites · 3 months
He's Got It Bad - Quinn Hughes x ofc
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gif by 40ep
Title: He’s got it bad
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Quinn Hughes x Sarah Roberts (OFC) 
Warnings: Swearing, lots of teasing & chirping, mild spoilers if you've never seen the original Jurassic Park.
Summary: When Sarah meets the team at Conor's birthday party, not only does she get to know Quinns teammates and their partners, she enters a world she never expected. At practice the next day, the guys congratulate and tease Quinn mercilessly.
Word Count: 2,600
Comments: I’m sorry this one took me so long, Daisy! I started it two or three months ago, but couldn’t find the right way to finish it. And then earlier this week, as I was falling asleep, it just snapped into place. I hope you enjoy it! 
As before, the research described here is dubious at best, so please take it with a big grain of salt.
If you did enjoy this, please let me know by commenting, reblogging, or sending in an ask. Your encouragement and comments truly inspire me to keep writing. 
dasiysthings asked: If you’re taking requests/suggestions for Quinn and Sarah au doing a Sarah meeting the team for the first time has been on my mind lately. What would they think of her? Sure Quinn’s mentioned her and they saw sarah in the stands her first game but maybe she attends a team function like birthday party or team family meal. Something low key and not public maybe? Also how much do they tease Quinn after?🫣🤭
He’s got it bad
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
“Are you free on Thursday?” 
It was a rare night off, and he’d requested they order food and watch a movie. Currently, they were lounging in a giant bean bag in the gaming room. Quinn was partially on top of Sarah, his head resting on her chest as the first Jurassic Park played on the large screen.
“I think so. Why?”
“Garly’s having a party that night for his birthday. I hoped you might want to come with me.” 
“Garly,” he repeated before correcting himself, “Conor. Garland. From the team.”
Quinn had mentioned Conor before, and she knew he was one of the trio of guys he was really close to.  
“Sure,” she said, hoping her voice sounded more confident than she felt. “Who will be there?”
“Most of the guys and their partners if they have them.”
“Is it going to be wild?” she asked, winding one of his curls around her finger. She needed to prepare herself if it was going to be a night full of drinking. 
“Nah, Conor’s pretty chill, and we have a game the next day.”
“Okay,” she agreed again, splaying her fingers through his dark waves, letting them slip and slide over her skin. For someone who washed it so often, he had remarkably soft hair. 
 Nuzzling into her chest a little more, he sighed. He loved when she played with his hair.
Sarah jumped when the Dilophosaurus appeared on screen, tilting its head at Nedry. 
Quinn laughed. She hadn’t even flinched when the T-Rex had tried to attack the kids through one of the park cars. “You okay?”
“I hate this one,” she said, turning her head to the side. 
He glanced at the TV in time to see the dinosaur hiss and pop its frill. “You hate this more than the T-Rex?” 
“At least the T-Rex is just a big predator. This one stalks and tortures first, and I hate it,” she said, face still turned away. 
“But Nedry deserved it.” 
“Maybe so, but I still don’t like to think about it.” 
He chuckled.
Only after the yells faded away did she turn back to the movie and continue tracing her fingers through his hair. 
By the time Thursday came around, Quinn realized just how nervous Sarah was. She texted him about the dress code three hours before he was supposed to pick her up.
It’s a party, he’d written back, unsure of what she meant. 
Yeah, but is it like a heels and cocktails party? Or a backyard barbecue party?
Well, it’s been raining all week, so I’m pretty sure we’ll be indoors.
Don’t be a smartass. 
Just casual. Food and drinks. 
She’d called him then, and he’d answered, confused. “Hey?” 
“I just…” she began, “this is the first time I’m meeting most of your teammates and their girlfriends and I don’t want to be the only one in jeans when everyone else is in dresses. I want to make a good impression.” 
“You’ll make a good impression no matter what you’re wearing.”
A breath blew out of her nose, whistling by the phone speaker, “you don’t get it.” 
“Don’t I?” 
“Quinn, you wear the same thing all the time.” 
“First of all, I do not.”
He continued before she could get out her retort that Brady could back her up on this fact. “And secondly, everything I’ve seen you wear would be fine for this. You always look nice.”
And he meant it. Even in her aquarium uniform, which consisted of a blue t-shirt or polo with the aquarium logo and whatever pants she happened to be wearing that day, she always looked put together.
She made some noise in her throat like she thought he was telling tales. 
“Look, you might get some looks if you showed up in a trash bag or something.” 
Laughter barked out of her mouth. “Why would I ever wear a trash bag?” 
“I don’t know. I’m just saying that barring an unhinged trash bag outfit, you’ll be fine. People are just excited to meet you.” 
“You told them I’m coming?” she asked, feeling sudden nerves attack her stomach. 
“Yeah. Conor suggested I invite you. The guys want to meet you.” Plus, ever since she'd met Brady, he'd wanted her to meet everyone in his life.
“Oh,” she said quietly. 
“Just wear what you feel comfortable in, and I’ll pick you up at six, okay?” 
“Yeah, okay,” Sarah said, feeling even more anxious than before she’d called him.
She couldn’t even wear her go-to outfit for when she was nervous. St. Patricks day was the next weekend, and she’d asked Quinn to come to her uncles and needed the green dress for that. Plus, it was freezing and sleety outside. A dress was not the way to go. 
Jane walked by, and Sarah called her in. 
“What happened here?” Jane asked, taking in the clothing spread all over Sarah’s usually tidy room, and Sarah herself standing in her underwear. 
The only thing she could decide on was the blue bra, which always made her feel confident and sexy. She’d paired it with a matching pair of underwear.
“I’m going to a party with some of Quinn’s teammates tonight,” she said. 
Janes eyes widened with what Sarah thought was the appropriate amount of concern. 
“So I’m trying to figure out what to wear. The dress is out,” she said, gesturing to where it was hanging in the closet. 
Jane bit her lip, surveying the chaos. “My vote is for those boyfriend jeans that make your thighs look killer,” she said. 
Sarah breathed a sigh of relief, glad to have someone express a definitive opinion. She’d put those same jeans on earlier but stripped them right back off, worried all the other women would be in fancier dress. “You don’t think they’ll be too casual?” 
“What kind of a party is it?” 
Jane looked her over, “you’ll be fine. Killer jeans, nice top. Quinn won’t know what hit him.” 
She pulled the jeans on, hopping as she tugged them over her hips, “thanks. I’m just so nervous.” 
Jane sat on her bed and began putting shirts back on their discarded hangers, “I don’t think you need to be.” 
She shook her head, “from the way he was looking at you when he stayed for dinner that night you guys made up, I’m not sure anything could put him off you.”
Sarah felt her cheeks flush. 
“Anyway,” Jane said, pulling a purple blouse out from underneath her, “I think you should wear this. It looks good with your eyes.”
“Thanks, Jane,” she said, gathering the other woman into a hug, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” 
Sarah was already in the lobby when Quinn pulled up to her building. She wore medium wash jeans a dark raincoat. He appreciated that she was wearing flat boots instead of some fussy heel. She threw the hood up to block the rain before running out to his car. 
When they got to the house, he opened the door without knocking before leading her inside. There was a coat rack already brimming with wet jackets, and Sarah stripped hers off to hang up with the others. 
Quinn stopped in his tracks halfway through unzipping his own jacket. 
He thought he’d seen all of Sarah’s clothes. Which was a stupid notion now that he thought about it — they hadn’t been dating for that long — but she tended to wear a kind of uniform.
Today, though, her jeans fit her like a glove — clinging to the curves of her thighs and hips. He was certain she’d never worn them before. He would have remembered. Seeing her in them now, he wished she’d given him some kind of warning.
When he didn’t follow her, Sarah turned, which was worse. The purple blouse she wore skimmed over her breasts and had a pattern embroidered around the collar. The color somehow made her eyes brighter and lips more pink. He had no idea that could happen.
He felt like he needed to catch his breath as a surge of attraction reared in his stomach.
Not only were the guys going to tease him mercilessly for being with someone new, he was going to have to watch her in those jeans all night. The mental exertion it was going to take to not pop a boner was already making him tired. 
Before his mind could truly go to war about the pros and cons of just turning to go back to his place, Conor called out, “Huggy? Is that you?” 
Too late to turn back now. “Yeah,” he said, not taking his eyes off Sarah. 
“Huggy?” she repeated.
“It’s a long story.”
The thrill of touching her reared to life again as he took her hand to guide her into the house. He made his mind focus on math equations for the walk into the kitchen and hoped it would be enough. 
“Hey!” Conor greeted, immediately grasping Quinn in a hug when they walked into the kitchen.  “You must be the elusive Sarah Huggy won’t stop telling us about,” he said as they broke apart.
“Good things, I hope,” Sarah joked as they shook hands.
“Well, he certainly didn’t lie about how pretty your eyes are,” a woman said, coming up to stand next to Conor, running her hand along his forearm before entwining their fingers.
The color that pinked her cheeks made Quinn’s knees want to buckle. God, he was in deep.
The strange thing was that he wasn’t scared about it. That had to mean something good.
“I’m Meghan, and this is Conor,” she said with a bright, friendly smile. 
More introductions were made, and Sarah tried to keep track of everyone, but there were at least 40 people there, and she felt instantly overwhelmed. She should have known. She knew how many people were on a hockey team, but it was still a little shocking to meet everyone all at once. 
They were absorbed into one of the small groups of people, and Sarah sipped from her seltzer only to find it was lemon flavored, not pineapple like she'd expected. She frowned at the can. 
“Do you want something different?” Quinn asked, noticing the disappointed look on her face.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Conor and JT glance at each other. 
“No, it’s okay. I was just expecting pineapple, so the lemon was a bit of a shock.”
“There’s pineapple in there,” Meghan said, gesturing with her own can. 
“I’ll get you one,” he said, turning to the fridge. 
She caught his arm and he turned back, “it’s fine, Quinn. This one’s already open. It’s not a big deal. Most seltzer tastes the same anyway.” 
“I’m glad someone can finally admit that,” Brock said, lifting his beer to his lips.
His pretty blonde girlfriend smacked him on the arm, “just because you can’t tell the difference doesn’t mean no one else can.”
Sarah smiled at them. They were cute together - like a model midwestern couple. 
“So, Sarah,” JT said, pulling her focus, “Quinn tells us you work at the aquarium.” 
She went through her usual explanation of her schooling and research.
“Tell them about Tuesday,” Quinn prompted. 
Everyone in the group looked between them expectantly. JT and Conor shared another glance. 
“What happened Tuesday?” Natalie asked, taking the bait right away. 
“Well, I’ve been doing a lot of experiments with Walter to see if he can taste my mood.”
“Octopus have tastebuds and nerve endings in every suction cup that far surpass our own, so I’ve been wondering if he can taste the hormones on my skin. Anyway, I sprayed some Cortisol, which is the hormone that releases when you’re stressed, on my hands to see how he’d react, and he went from seemingly happy to see me to very subdued almost immediately.” 
“Whoa,” Brock said. 
“Yeah,” she agreed, eyes brightening. “It was really amazing. With some more experiments, I think I could probably use this as the basis research for my thesis.” 
“Exactly how did this guy convince you to date him?” JT asked, pointing at Quinn.
Natalie smacked his arm. 
“No, I’m serious. You’re really smart. You know Huggy didn’t even finish college, right?” 
What the hell was this nickname? 
“I did finish college,” Quinn interrupted, “I graduated last year.” 
“Whatever,” JT said with a dismissive hand as if that detail didn’t matter. “Does he have you under some sort of mind control?” 
Sarah laughed out loud, and Quinn’s eyes darted to her, catching her wide open smile. 
“Cause she couldn’t just like me,” he defended, sarcastically
“A girl like this? This pretty and this smart?” JT asked, “it’s hard to believe, Huggy.” 
Even though she could see the glint of humor in his eyes and knew he was only teasing, Sarah still stepped in, “Nope. No mind control.” She emphasized the statement by reaching for his hand, “You know as well, probably better than I do that Quinn has really great qualities. He's a really good guy.” 
JT leaned back on the counter, a jokingly suspicious look still on his face as he glanced between them. 
Quinn could feel himself blushing. He didn’t mean for Sarah to come to his defense like that. He didn’t mean to put her in that position. All the same, he was a little glad for it. JT had a way of teasing a persons insecurities right out of them, and to know Sarah didn’t feel the same way eased something in him. 
“Our daughter loves the aquarium,” Natalie cut in fluidly as if she was used to smoothing over her husbands’ aggressive teasing.
“Let me know the next time you come by,” Sarah said without missing a beat, “I’ll give you a personal tour.”
“Oh, she’d love that. We’ll have to get a group of us together.” 
JT gave her a genuine smile, and Sarah let a little breath go in her chest. 
At the next mornings practice, Quinn ran through drills and exercises, ears pricked for the inevitable teasing he knew would be coming his way. 
To his surprise, it didn’t come until the end, after he’d showered and was dressing in his stall.
“Dude, you've got it bad,” Joshua teased as he walked by, “I’ve never seen you look at someone like that,” he said, adopting a sappy, lovestruck expression. 
“I don’t know if you can top the way he was about to chuck that can of seltzer away from her because she didn’t like it,” JT said.
“Right?” Conor agreed, laughing, “‘Do you want something different? Let me get you a new can.’” He mimed rushing around searching. 
“Don’t forget the first time he told us about her,” Brock cut in, “he was like fucking Aladdin, ‘she’s got these eyes.’” 
Joining in the laughter, Quinn tossed his towel in their direction. 
Conor caught it easily. “Our little Huggy’s in love,” he teased, elongating the last word into several syllables. 
“Guys,” he said, leveling them with a look he hoped would shut the conversation down. “We’ve only known each other 9 weeks.” 
“So you’ve been keeping track,” Brock surmised, glancing around with a knowing expression. 
Guess he may as well get comfortable in this hole he dug for himself.
He’d dished out this same chirping when Brock had brought Bella around for the first time and knew it was best to just let it lie, and eventually, it would become old news. 
When he didn’t deny it, the boys around him all whooped and hollered enough that everyone else in the room looked over.
“Seriously though,” JT went on, “I have no idea how you landed her, but she’s a great girl."
"And,” he continued with a smirk, “if you ever get bored of her, I'm sure Kuzy’ll take her off your hands. He wouldn’t stop looking at her all night.” 
Quinn glared, more offended at the insinuation he would get bored of Sarah. 
JT laughed, raucous and loud, “Oh, he’s got it bad, alright.”
He couldn’t stop the flush that rushed into his cheeks. 
“Don't worry, Huggy. No one's gonna steal your girl.” 
Shaking his head, Quinn shoved his sneakers on.  
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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dnpbeats · 3 months
more phagenda theories ft. analysis of dan's story bc i am painfully unemployed
hi besties it's me again. i'm reaching the point of waiting for the announcement where it's like that tweet about the plate of corn in encanto. i decided to go back and watch dan and phil's first videos to see what frames they used to see if it would reveal anything intersting and well... it kinda does, but also this theory falls apart a bit towards the end so. take this with a grain of salt this is just for fun i'm just yapping it's not meant to be that serious etc etc
so starting with phil's video blog, i believe the frame is from about 0:41 or at least very very close to there (based on the position of phil's paper):
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(side note but i don't wanna get too off track: 2 seconds after this is when phil's curtain blows which like obviously is from wind but maybe in another universe it's some kinda sci-fi fantasy spirit ghost thing idk)
this section of the video is when phil is reading off a question from his linguistics exam. we know from "teaching dan to speak" that if youtube hadn't worked out and phil actually used his degree, he was gonna be a forensic linguist. okay so now, what frame is used from hello internet? this one isn't quite as easy to pin down but my best approximation is at 0:37, or at least somewhere soon after that (going off of dan's placement in front of the door):
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this is the section of the video immediately after dan gets done saying some "really good friends" he's made recently persuaded him to "give it [making videos] a shot" which like, we all know means phil. when i say immediately i mean he finishes saying that at 0:36
i just personally find this intersting because like. for phil's video why pick a frame of him reading an exam when you could've gone with the thumbnail or him looking at the camera or something? with dan, i at first thought it was the very beginning of hello internet, but it's definitely not based on the way he comes into frame. instead it's right after he says that phil persuaded him to make videos... so this brings me to the ripple effect/alternate universe idea a lot of people have been throwing around. what if they chose phil reading his linguistics exam bc they are going to explore a universe where he becomes a forensic linguist? and of course, if he didn't do that, then dan wouldn't have made his video, because the part where phil persuades him to give it a shot never happened (this is where we get into dinok territory). ok so how does this fit with the other two shots we can see? (i'm not including something we want to tell you bc it would be impossible to know exactly where in the video that shot is from, and ofc i can't include the mystery one 💔)
(warning this is where this starts to fall apart lmao) now obviously the one from gtpwtw is from the yoga section:
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how does this fit in with the alternate universe/choices theory? well, this particular moment is right when dan is asking phil "top or bottom," which obviously in the moment is a joke and it's a really inconsequential question. however, it is a question nonetheless, with two possible outcomes 👀
for saying goodbye forever... i quite literally have nothing, the shot they chose has nothing going on it's just them standing there as priest sean walks in at about 0:35 💀💀
anyway yeah, assuming they consciously chose what shots of videos to include, it might give more validity to the multiverse idea, regardless of what medium they present it in! ofc this could also all mean nothing and i am just grasping at straws (10x more likely) i just thought it was intersting :)
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
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I thought it would be interesting to see if I could easily determine which ships had the most works updated in 2023.
It turned out to be fairly easy, though a little time consuming. I think these results should be reasonably accurate.
Some points to note:
I did this on my own account, and I have like 2 people muted. So I am capturing the effects of archive-locked works, but my numbers might be off by one or two works due to muting.
Works updated in 2023 is a number that constantly changes as works are deleted or updated again in 2024.
I didn't scrape the entire archive or anything like that, so it's possible I missed a ship that would bump one of these down below 100. I'd take the last few at the bottom there with a grain of salt. But I think we can be reasonably sure the top ones are accurate and that the kinds of numbers that we see at the bottom there (eighteen hundred plus works updated in 2023) are about where the cutoff will be even if we find a ship I missed.
As for how I did this, I went to the category tags and the rating tags, filtered for updating in 2023, then excluded ships in the sidebar till I got to 130-150 ships excluded. I also grabbed ships that are big in general from tag search, which you can use to find all relationship canonicals, ordered by frequency.
I combined those lists of ships, cleaned off the works numbers, and generated a list without duplicates. That got me three hundred and something (yes, they were mostly duplicates). I generated the relevant AO3 URLs, opened them in batches with Open Multiple URLs, and copied the works totals into a spreadsheet. Not as tidy as using a script but honestly pretty easy if you know a few spreadsheet formulas to clean up data.
The key here is that if you're only going for pretty good and not accurate beyond a shadow of a doubt, all you need to do is generate a list of likely ships, then check them.
It's possible that there's some much-updated ship that is so evenly spread across these various other tags that it just missed showing up in the sidebar. Hopefully, grabbing more than just the top 100 avoided this problem.
This method also doesn't take into account backdated works. If a whole archive was imported in 2023 but all backdated, there could be some ship that didn't have new works but where AO3 users experience in 2023 was of an influx of content.
I also did this just now, in late March/early April, so some 2023 works have inevitably been deleted or updated again. So the exact work counts don't represent the experience of using AO3 throughout 2023. A fandom active in early 2023 might not have much updating in early 2024, while a fandom active in late 2023 would. This could demote the latter a few places in the rankings since I didn't grab numbers on January 1st.
Even if a person scraped AO3 every day or was monkeying around in the databases, you also have to ask what conceptual answer you're after. Is it works a user could have read at some point during 2023, whether they were deleted by the year's end or not? Is it new-to-AO3 works or only newly-created ones, not including imported archives? Does it matter if the works are fic? If they're in English? What about accidental double-uploads or translations of a single work?
I hope this makes it clear why a definitive ranking is not actually possible.
However, despite these drawbacks, I am confident that the rankings above accurately represent the broad trends on AO3 in 2023. Just don't get too fixated on whether a ship should be at number 73 or number 74.
And, of course, I excluded these from the top 100:
Original Character(s)/Original Character(s) - 20,026
Minor or Background Relationship(s) - 16,187
No Romantic Relationship(s) - 8,052
Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s) - 7,195
Original Male Character/Original Male Character - 6,283
Other Relationship Tags to Be Added - 5,618
Original Female Character(s)/Original Female Character(s) - 3,990
Original Character(s) & Original Character(s) - 3,210
Here's a spreadsheet if you want to see the actual numbers not as a shitty screencap. I left the next few below 100 for context.
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sourpatchys · 9 months
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My personal Shigaraki Tomura Headcannons that I will defend with my life
He’s actually pretty shy. He keeps to himself, he’s not going to tell you about his interests unless he trusts you with his life, he won’t even so much as share his favorite foods with you if he doesn’t know you well enough. Not because he’s afraid you’ll make fun of him for it— he just genuinely finds opening up to be embarrassing and prefers not too if he can help it.
He never lost his love for video games and he still thinks about strategies with a lot of the terms in mind. Being the leader of the league of villains and losing the original hide out made him pull the break on his hobby’s.
He likes to draw. He figured out at an early age that art doesn’t take all five fingers. It started as something silly he did when he didn’t feel like paying attention to kurogiri, and steadily over the years it’s become something he relies on to help with stress
He wears all black because he’s too lazy to figure out what looks good. He does care about his appearance, but not badly enough to go through multiple outfits.
He’s actually really self conscious of the scars on his face. He thinks they make him look weak, unkept and disgusting. If he could change anything about himself he’d get rid of them in an instant.
Due to his self conscious nature regarding his looks— he’s super on top of everything else. As a kid he was so worried about looking the way he does and smelling, that he actually had to be temporarily banned from using cologne and body spray because of how overwhelming it got for everyone around him.
He has insanely good handwriting. It’s actually really alarming to see for the first time.
His internal dictionary is also pretty well established. Shigaraki is not afraid to use big words, and he tends to use extremely well put together sentences, both verbally and otherwise.
AFO made sure shigaraki had a proper education, even going as far as to hire private tutors, which is why his vocabulary is so top of the line.
(Sometimes while speaking the league will stop him midway through and ask him to use ‘normal people’ words)
He does have manners— some might even say he has an annoying amount of manners. And he will get pissed off if people don’t follow his footsteps, especially if the situation calls for it.
That being said he has never— and will never— sit in a chair properly. His legs are all over the fucking place and that’s how he likes it.
Growing up he wore mittens to bed to stop from absolutely disintegrating his mattress because he’s a stomach sleeper.
He sleeps with his mouth open, he drools AND he snores.
Contrary to what you may think, he’s not going to be an angry spiteful boyfriend.
He takes everything to heart because he hates everything, that’s who he is and that’s what he does! But he doesn’t hate you. So he will learn to take things with a grain of salt when it comes to you.
He’s not going to be a confrontational type of guy with you, he knows it wouldn’t solve anything if he came in with guns blazing. He doesn’t want you to ever see him that angry as long as he can help it.
He’s not going to apologize if things go wrong on his end though— at least not vocally. Honestly he doesn’t even know how to apologize, so you’ll just get a gift or some tighter cuddles that night compared to usual.
He’s afraid of spiders. He thanks the universe every single day that there isn’t some weird ass mutated spider hero that he has to deal with.
His “rebellion phase” was just him trying to overcome his murderous thoughts. (It didn’t work)
This man loves loitering. It’s the stupidest crime there is and he genuinely cannot get enough of it.
It took him an embarrassingly long time to understand that not everyone had endless amounts of money. Growing up he could order or buy whatever he wanted, so he just assumed that’s how the world worked for everyone until his early teens
If he were to start developing feelings for you, he wouldn’t know what the hell was going on. “Love” and “attraction” are not emotions he’s familiar with.
He will absolutely test out his theory by building a life with you in the sims.
Shockingly enough he’s not opposed to having kids. It’s just not something he’d ever think about unless you were to bring it up.
He has a My Chemical Romance hoodie tucked into the very back of his closet.
He collects vinyl records
He doesn’t like animals but if he had to choose between a dog or a cat he’d choose a cat.
Yes— he does own a pair of pink fuzzy bunny slippers, your suspicions are correct. (They’re so comfortable but he’d never been caught dead wearing them)
As a kid he collected bottle caps, he still has one he carry’s around with him as a good luck charm
He constantly forgets to tell you where he’s going and how long he’ll be gone— and he’s never on his phone so don’t expect him to answer your texts or calls if you’re worried.
A Domesticated shigaraki is just like having an old man as a pet. He complains— is a little too good at playing chess— is always wearing some kind of pajamas and smells like aftershave
Has the largest sweet tooth you’ve ever encountered. This guy could eat an entire cake in a single sitting and not get nauseous.
He either won’t eat at all and then gets pissed because he’s hungry or he’ll eat too much and get pissed that he’s full
He keeps a small sketch book on him at all times and 80% of the pages are of you
He’ll eat anything once, including shit he finds on the floor
One of his front teeth is fake, the adult tooth literally just never grew in
He hates hero’s but sometimes in order to get ideas he reads old marvel comics
He’s a green goblin stan
He has a “shoot first ask questions later” mentality that no one can take away from him. He simply does not gaf what your reasons are
He’ll kill anyone regardless, but he goes a lot harder on people with outdated opinions
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amsgrey · 11 months
Deja Vu II
Part I
Okay so, I have been researching more and trying to get things at least somewhat accurate before I wrote part two. In the first part, I wrote TBI, with further research, what I was actually trying to write is an Anoxic brain Injury (still technically a TBI). The whole idea there is when the brain is starved of oxygen critical functions are impacted and there can be a whole bunch of differing symptoms after it. OBVIOUSLY, I am NOT a medical professional, so take everything with a big ol' grain of salt. I am thinking of writing some more parts to this but purely when I have time bc adult life sucks. I kept the ending open but also al actual end, unlike the first part. Hope it is somewhat enjoyable.
WARNINGS: Medical stay, seizures, talk of needles + medical procedures, hospitals, Will and Jay being their usually angsty selves, poor writing and zero editing
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Abrams looked between the Halsteads, not sure what his place was. Everyone remembered when Pat Halstead passed, mostly because the Halstead brawl was talked about for weeks. Will Halstead was known for causing headaches for plenty of people around Med, he was the topic of gossip all through the building.
Abrams was saved by the bell - literally. His pager started beeping, excusing him from the brewing storm between the brothers.
"I'll put in for the tests," He tossed over his shoulder, disappearing into the stream of medical workers.
"Will." Jay snapped, glowering at his brother.
Will scrubbed a hand down his face, "Abrams needs to run more tests."
"More tests?" Jay pressed, "What just happened, Will?"
Will shook his head, looking at his younger brother he knew, telling Jay how bad this might be, would destroy him. Jay hated hospitals, hated medical things in general. Will couldn't look him in the eye and plant the same fear he had gnawing at him.
"I don't know, Jay," Will sighed, "I'm not a neurologist."
Jay didn't want to accept his answer, but Will didn't give him much of a chance. He turned back to your hospital room, forcing a smile as he entered.
"What was that about?" You asked, exactly where they left you.
"Just more tests," Will smiled. He stopped at the top of your bed, checking you over with doctor's eyes. You could always tell when he flipped between Big Brother and Doctor because Big Brother Will wore his emotions. Doctor Will was better at keeping his poker face like he was now.
Will's eyes flittered around the monitors before settling back on yours. His eyes softened, the slight furrow in his brow disappearing and a smile pulling on his lips again.
"You feeling alright?"
You nodded, "I'm just tired."
Will nodded, he reached out and brushed the hair off your forehead, "Get some sleep, yeah? We'll be here the whole time."
Jay reached out and squeezed your hand, before pulling up the blanket and tucking you in.
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A few hours later, you were sitting up in your hospital bed while a Neurology Tech attached electrodes to your scalp. Jay had left for home, for a shower and clean clothes. He promised he would bring back your blanket and pillow and some other stuff to make you more comfortable, seeming Will said it would be okay.
While he was gone, Will sat at the end of the bed, holding your hand through the Electrode placement. After the Tech finished, you were attached to a monitor with wires upon wires, all differing colours. The tech apologized for the cap that sat over all the leads, promising it wasn’t too bad.
“it’s a new fashion trend,” you joked, smiling at the tech, “Nuero floor chic.”
The tech laughed, continuing her work. When she was done, she walked you through what she had done. Explaining the placement and the leads, and how it all worked.
"This is your personal EEG," She explained, gesturing to the boxy machine on wheels that your wires were attached to, "Try to keep it close."
She explained a few more things, then promised to return in a little while. In her absence, Dr. Abrams stopped through again. He looked over the techs work, mumbling to himself and making medical comments only Will understood.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
You had already taken a nap, so you weren't as tired as you had been.
"Sick of sitting," You said, stretching your legs and accidentally nudging Will in the process. Will playfully batted at your feet, feigning offence.
Abrams pulled at the EEG machine on wheels, testing how the wheels glided, "If you are feeling up for it, you can go for a small walk."
You lit up, "I can?"
"If you take it slow," Abrams ordered, "And Will is by your side."
Will nodded, "Are you feeling up for it?"
Will helped you detangle yourself from the blanket, letting you adjust to being fully upright for the first time that day. Your feet dangled over the bed as you took a moment to compose your spinning head. Will pulled a pair of socks over your bare feet, muttering something about keeping your toes warm. He held your arm as you stood up, supporting your weight as your body adjusted again.
"You alright?"
"Mmm," You responded, focused on staying upright.
"Okay," Will wrapped an arm around your waist, "One step at a time, we'll try to make it to the nurse's station and back."
It was slow going. With every step you took, it felt like the world was twisting, like walking through an earthquake. Will's arms hovered around you, only holding you up when you needed the support. He was so steady in his support, his warm presence keeping you grounded and calm.
Two steps outside of your room, Jay bounded up with your pillow and blanket tucked under his arm.
"They're upright," He commented, "Nice hair, too."
He reached out and pretended to ruffle your hair, careful to avoid touching the wires around your head. You reached out to smack his hand, but missed drastically.
You frowned at Jay, frustration barely contained, "Sshut. uphh."
The words sounded fumbled through your gritted teeth. Abrams had mentioned how you needed to take things slow and Will tried to tell you that it might be frustrating at first, but you weren’t expecting to feel such anger. It was gnawing away at you. A week ago you were dancing around with Makayla, wrangling her for a weekend while Kim and Adam worked. You had run around, danced, sung, every little thing that made Makayla happy. Not you hardly knew how to move your feet, could hardly tell what direction was up.
The anger grew and held firm in your head, making itself known with its red cloud fogging your mind.
Will grabbed your hand, "You okay?"
Your vision blurred, everything swaying and twisting as you fell forward.
Will was faster than Jay was, for once. He saw the signs a mile away, already braced for when you would fall. He held you to his chest, lowering both of you to the ground and cradling your head as your body started to convulse.
Jay immediately dropped what he was carrying, falling to his knees by your side. Jay looked up at Will trying to ask silently what to do, but the eldest Halstead had gone full doctor mode.
"Need some help over here!" Will shouted, calling for the nurse's assistance.
"I need you to breathe,” Will spoke with such certainty, like he was treating any other patient.
“You’re okay,” Will kept repeating, “Just breathe, I’ve got you.”
Jay was ushered out of the way by the nurses, who crowded in with monitors and equipment to help Dr Halstead. All Jay could do was watch helplessly.
Jay held his breath as the medical team got you off the ground and transferred you back to the hospital bed. The leads they had removed that morning were reattached, placed on your ashen skin.
Dr Abrams rushed into the room and ordered Will to get out of his way, the forced politeness gone now the situation was emergent. Will stepped back, somewhat dubiously, letting Abrams run his team.
“How did you do that?” Jay asked when will stood by his side, the pair of them watching as Abrams and the team worked.
With a dose of meds, the convulsions stopped, but the team checked over the leads and kept working.
“Do what?” Will asked, turning to look at his brother. Jay had grown pale, the fear and anxiety he felt spelt out across his features. His eyes kept darting from you to the heart monitor screen like it was going to flatline.
“Stay so calm?” Jay whispered, taking a deep breath for the first time in the last few minutes. The nurses placed a mask over your face, securing it behind your head and then leaving the Halsteads and Abrams in the room.
“Jay…” Will tried to find a way to explain it, how he could just shut off his fear in that moment to help you. But he couldn’t find the words.
“She’s stable,” Abrams spoke in the silence that had formed, “From now on, we’ll keep giving her (insert med) to keep her relaxed. No more strolls, even if it is supervised.”
Will nodded, taking it in.
Abrams was mostly speaking to Will, Jay was by your side, focused solely on you. He held your hand, careful to avoid the IV that was in the back of it. He watched you breathe, every-time you exhaled, he watched the mask fog up. He listened to the quiet puffs and the melodic beeping. You were okay. He kept trying to force himself to remember that. You were okay.
“Hopefully we can get this under control. In the meantime, we’ll keep monitoring, keep on with the EEG testing for the next few hours. Hopefully we’ll learn more.”
Will nodded, clapping Abrams on the back, “Thanks, Sam.”
The big brother in him wanted to press for answers, but the doctor in him knew that sometimes Doctors didn’t have the answers. If Abrams knew, he would share.
Will did a check over you and the monitors with his eyes, again. Then looked over to Jay, who looked completely deflated. It was no secret that Jay hated hospitals and medical treatment in general, especially needles. Spending time in hospitals usually gave him the creeps and he would always say to Will, “I don’t know how you do it, man.”
But Jay hadn’t complained even once. Not when he was watching the IV get put in your hand, or while you were attached to countless machines. Will knew it was because he felt hopeless. The same look that he wore at their dads bedside he wore now. Will stood and stared for a while, the memory playing in his mind in time with real life. This was different. You weren’t on life support like your father had been, things were different. That didn’t change the memories Will had of his dads last moments plaguing his mind.
“I stayed calm because i had too,” Will finally spoke. Jay looked up, watching his brother cross his arms over his chest and take a deep breath.
“I had to stay calm, for her.”
Jay shook his head, “I just froze, Will. And you-“
“Trained for years to react in medical emergency situations, spent years working the ER,” Will interrupted.
“Jay,” Will reached over the bed and gave jays shoulder a reassuring squeeze, “I do this every day. I know how to tune out the emotions and focus on medical stuff.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Will sat on one of the chairs, mirroring Jay across the bed, “Listen. I could never get used to being shot at, could never be shot at and react how you do. Because I’m not trained, I’m not good at that. You aren’t a doctor Jay, stop beating yourself up over something that was a basic human reaction.”
Jay didn't answer, letting silence fall over the room. Neither one of the brothers was up for a conversation, mostly just consumed with their own thoughts as they watched you sleep.
You had stirred a few times in the coming hours but mostly stayed sleeping. Will told Jay that it was a combination of the medication and the stress of recent events catching up with you. In his words, it was nothing to worry about.
"Hey," A soft voice called from the door, Will and Jay stood to greet Hailey as she stepped into the room.
Will and Jay had been off work since you had gotten worse, staying by your side or close by ever since. Both Voight and Goodwin understood, giving them all the time they needed.
"I brought some supplies," Hailey joked, handing food over to the brothers, "And I stopped by home and Wills, got some clothes."
"Thanks, Hailey."
"Yeah, Of course." Hailey stood by Jay, taking his hand for his comfort. "How's she doing?"
Will relayed the events of the day, the incident in the hall and all the things that had happened since. Things were moving fast, more tests and hopeful treatment plans were being talked about.
"It'll be okay," Will finished, mostly trying to convince Jay more than himself. He knew the look on Abram's face, knew that everything was far from okay.
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Will told Jay to go back to work after a week, promising him that sitting by your side was a one-man job. Will had spoken to Goodwin, who agreed to let him take his occurred PTO for as long as he needed. So for the three weeks you were in the hospital he stayed by your side. You weren't used to having Will there every single minute of every single day, but you didn't mind it too much. Mostly he helped you go on walks or watched over you like a personal nurse. You knew that he and Jay were worried, but the overprotective brother act was suffocating at times. During the last week of your stay, you managed to convince him to let you have more space - that when he left the room you wouldn't make a break for it like Jay would. He agreed hesitantly, mostly hanging around from lunch until you fell asleep at night. You complained to Jay when he visited every day, but you were thankful he was there.
On the last few days of your time in the hospital, you were more independent, nothing like what you were before the accident, but more than before. You could walk small distances unsupported and some of your fine motor skills came back. The PT had told you it was common after TBI's for patients to lose control of their movements and motor skills, she promised that you would get better as time went on.
Dr Abrams had spoken to Will and Jay about Rehabilitation centres, there were a few in the city that focused on TBI rehabilitation but Will had been dragging his feet. Jay wanted to do what was best for you, even if it meant you might have to stay in a rehab facility. Will had a sour taste in his mouth over it all.
"Come in," Goodwin called from inside her office.
Will pushed open the door, greeting Sharon and Peter.
"What can I help you with, Doctor Halstead?" Sharon asked after Peter had left.
Will explained his plan, reviewing all the details he had sorted out. When he finished, Sharon was nodding in approval.
"Are you sure about this?"
"I am," Will was sure nothing could change his mind now.
"Okay then, I will talk to Dr Archer, and see how we can help," Goodwin bid Will the best, letting him continue on his way.
Will met Jay right outside your room, almost running straight into him.
"Will," Jay grabbed his brother's arm, "We need to talk about the rehab facility-"
"Yeah," Will nodded, "I know, i have a plan."
Will ushed Jay back into the room. He gestured to Jay to a chair and took a seat at the end of your bed. You were expecting him to stop by, sitting up properly on the bed expecting some kind of serious conversation from the eldest Halstead.
"What is it, doc?" You joked.
Will smiled, reaching out and holding your hand, "I have spoken to Dr Abrams and Sharon Goodwin and I have decided that we won't be trying to find a rehab facility."
Jay sighed, he had been arguing with Will about this for the better part of the week. "Will-"
"I think you should stay with me," Will told you directly, "I've taken a leave of absence, I think you should be home and recovering."
You looked to Jay, who was just as surprised. Jay hardly got caught off guard by Will, right now he had never been more surprised.
"Are you sure?" Jay broke the silence that settled over the room.
"If that is what you want?"
You could feel the joy blooming in your chest, a wide smile breaking across your face, "Yes. Please, yes."
Will mirrored your grin, pulling you into a tight hug and kissing your forehead. At times like this, you were reminded how much Will and Jay became like parents to you after your father's death. Although it was painful for all of you, you didn't have a good relationship with your father. He was never caring or affectionate, he never came to your sports games or awards, that was all Jay and Will. They stepped up and took care of you, they always have and promised they always would. You were so drained from the last few days of tests and the week in the hospital that you felt like you might burst into tears.
Will could sense your fragile state, staying sitting by your side and holding your hand. Jay got to his feet and pulled you into a hug too, then clapped Will on the back. 
“So when am I allowed out?” You pressed, hoping to be home and somewhere familiar. 
“Slow your roll,” Jay laughed, “There's still things that need to be organized.” 
You let out a loud dramatic sigh, “I hate it here,” You whined. 
Will wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him and playfully messing up your hair, “It won't be too much longer, promise.” 
“Pinky promise?” You raised your finger, dramatically pouting. 
Will indulged you, linking his pinky through yours and giving you a serious stare, “Pinky promise.”
taglist: @halstead-severide-fan
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heloflor · 2 months
Ok so last week I saw the videos/screenshots talking about fop Peri which got me a bit curious about this show, and after seeing “Battle of the Dimmsonian” and especially the Cosmo-Wanda-Peri part of “Lost in Fairy World” (there’s someone on Tumblr posting clips of all the Peri-centric moments since his debut), I was genuinely impressed with how the characters were written and I wanted to gush about them! On top of doing some overanalysis of those characters. Btw I also saw some clips from “Operation: Birthday Takeback” (again the Cosmo-Wanda-Peri side of it).
So here’s a post talking about Cosmo and Wanda’s relationship with Peri, Peri in general, Peri with Dev and a few other random thoughts about the early episodes given this made me start to watch the show (ended up making it its own post), though I haven’t gone far yet (I’m on like episode 5-6, which is episode 4a or something). On that note, take what I say in this post with a HUGE grain of salt since I don’t have the full context for Dev’s character arc.
Tl;Dr: The Fairywinkle-Cosmas are adorable, loving but also realistic in their portrayal.
Peri is the definition of “20 years-old who recently left his parents’ home” and I love him for it.
Dev and Peri are a terrible match due to Peri’s inexperience, Dev not taking him seriously, and Dev’s daddy issues making it hard for him to connect with a fairy who has loving parents.
(Btw on top of the characters moments, what made me start to watch the show is also the fact it’s apparently incredibly wholesome and fun + apparently the writers of “Infi//nity Train” worked on it (and if that’s true it’s crazy how nobody is talking about it to bring in new fans; I mean remember when the Duck//tales reboot came out and everyone pointed out how the writers of Gra//vity Falls worked on it? We should do the same thing here, at least again if it’s true) + Hartman isn’t involved and it’s hilarious how the creator of those characters not getting involved is a good thing)
Oh and spoilers for “Battle of the Dimmsonian”, “Lost in Fairy World” and “Operation: Birthday Takeback”! (4.6k Words below)
Ok so “Lost In Fairy World” and why I love its characters’ writing so much. I’m actually going to start by the lesson at the end and build from there as it seems like the best way to get a train of thought going.
So the lesson of the episode for me was basically a “new hire vs experienced employees” with a second layer added due to the three fairies being family, and that’s already something I really appreciate!
By the end of the episode, Cosmo and Wanda learn that they need to back off and let Peri do his thing. He’s an adult, he got hired for a reason, let him do his own trial and error and learn his own way. But at the same time, Peri shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help or advice if he needs it, the more experienced people are here for that! And again, there’s the family layer to that discussion that I really like, with Cosmo and Wanda being particularly clingy bc Peri is their son, while Peri is particularly embarrassed to ask them for help because they’re his parents, probably not helped by the fact he likely very recently left their home and seeks his independence.
And that’s another thing I absolutely love after watching this episode and “Battle of the Dimmsonian”, with “Operation: Birthday Takeback” adding to it as well: Honestly, Peri has to be one of the most realistic depictions of “20-something who just left his parents’ house” I’ve ever seen (yeah I don’t watch much stuff outside of cartoons, working on that). They somehow managed to make him very clearly be an adult with adult responsibilities, all the while giving him a level of inexperience and immaturity that reminds you he’s still young.
Giving some examples, the way he talks in general makes it obvious he’s an adult, and when introducing himself to Dev + telling him he can’t visit Fairy World in “Lost in Fairy World”, he has that suave put-together personality to himself. But at the same time this suave personality crumbles the second Dev opens him mouth.
And on top of that, Peri’s one day into his job and his already exhausted, spends the entirety of his debut episode worrying about what his parents will think of his career choice, and in stressful situations tends to turn towards others for help very quickly (reading Da Rules, low-key panicking a bit and looking at his parents in “Lost in Fairy World”, hiding when facing Vicky, moments like those).
There are also those moments where he either acts or sounds childish (with his voice even getting a bit higher), like when Wanda asks if he has a godkid plus him hiding behind his wand right before that, and earlier on when he didn’t want them to see him, the “my wand is missing” line and tracker line in “Lost in Fairy World” (the “sowwy” when telling them his tracker is off tho), the ending of this episode as well when he apologizes to them, also when his parents tell Jorgen that Peri did nothing wrong and he lets them take the fall, or that moment in “Operation: Birthday Takeback” when he goes “moooom” with a whine.
That’s actually something I absolutely love about those interactions, and why I find them realistic. It could have been SO easy for the writers to make Peri act like an adult all the time while his parents are the coddling cringy kind that make him look like a kid. But instead, it comes from both sides. You can clearly tell from how Cosmo and Wanda act that he’s their baby boy, but you can also see from Peri’s dialogues and actions that they are his parents. And I am so happy they took this direction!
So yeah, Peri is the most “young adult who just left the nest” ever and I absolutely adore this characterization. He’s an adult with a job and responsibilities, but he’s still young and can find himself relying on his parents or talking to them in a childish way. Such good character work!
Another thing I love about their dynamic that we see very well in “Lost in Fairy World” is just how much those three love each other. That’s something I did hear about this show, that it was a lot more fun and sweet (compared to the og which could be very cruel and cynical when it wanted), and you can really see it with those three.
With Cosmo and Wanda taking over Peri’s job, you can tell they’re not doing it out of any malice or feeling that Peri can’t do it. Heck if you pause at the scene where Peri tells Dev he can’t go to Fairy World, after he’s done talking and right before Cosmo takes another picture, you can see Cosmo and Wanda looking at Peri with the biggest smile (and it’s adorable!). And it’s the same with the rest of the episode. If anything, they’re so used to taking care of godkids that they just do it out of habit, without realizing they’re causing an issue.
Heck I’d even theorize that their behavior is partly due to their time with Timmy, hence it being a force of habit. For a long time (possibly 50 years if that one secret wish is canon), Poof/Peri was with his parents helping with Timmy, but he wouldn’t do much besides granting wishes. Poof couldn’t talk, so most of the time he’d just stand there while his parents did all of the talking. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of this was the reason why Cosmo and Wanda are straight up talking over Peri in “Lost in Fairy World”, they just got used to do so when taking care of Timmy and are now getting back into this habit.
On top of that, Cosmo and Wanda are just excited to finally be with their son again after their 10 thousand years-long vacation. Plus, when Peri does call them out, by the end of it they acknowledge their mistake and apologize, promising to back off. And while they remain cuddly towards him, from the looks of it they did stop coming in-between Peri and Dev, letting their son do his thing.
Also worth noting that, despite doting on Peri, they still very much talk to him like they would talk to an adult. Yes they hug him a lot (and I mean a lot) and call him pet names, and they were definitely excited to see him again in “Lost in Fairy World”, but other than that they clearly respect him as an adult, listening to him and trusting him. I’m not going to list examples because it’s basically every dialogue in which they don’t “baby” him. That being said I feel like “Operation: Birthday Takeback” displays it the best from what I’ve seen of it.
As for Peri’s side on this, he’s annoyed by his parents stepping in but it’s obvious he doesn’t hate them at all, quite the opposite. He just wants them to take him seriously as an adult, which is understandable. Also the fact he isn’t afraid to call them out is a very good sign. On that note, I love how when telling them his tracker is off, he actually apologizes (though he doesn’t have to, his reasoning for turning it off is understandable, and I appreciate he tells them those reasons!).
Also I live for that scene at the beginning of “Operation: Birthday Takeback” when his parents ask for a tour of the house (btw love Wanda telling him they’re ready to get him out of there if needed), they show interest in his suggestion, which makes Peri smile sheepishly. It’s such a cute moment and to me really shows Peri wanting to be seen as an adult and enjoying being seen that way by them, but also how he’s clearly attached to them! Idk it’s just a very cute moment! I love those three!
Also kind of a last minute addition before moving to Peri and Dev but looking at “Operation: Birthday Takeback”, I can’t help but laugh at how at the very beginning, the second the godkids are doing their own thing, Cosmo and Wanda throw themselves at their son. It’s very sweet. Also I love the implication that they’re here bc they’re Hazel’s godparents and need to stay with her, but also they really wanted any excuse to see their son!
And the reason why I say last minute addition is because this made me realize that Cosmo and Wanda do act pretty differently towards the godkids compared to Peri, which I find to be an interesting detail that makes their characters more complex in a way. Like yes, Cosmo and Wanda are very parental types, but to an extent you can see a line between them being with their godkids, who they are here to mentor and steer in the right direction for a few months until the kid is happy, and them being with their son, who they raised from infancy and isn’t going anywhere.
Now that’s not to say that Cosmo and Wanda don’t love their godkids, it’s obvious how much they adore those kids and care for them and probably remember each and every single one of them, but yeah you can still see a bit of a difference. At the very least, from what I’ve seen so far they can’t help but hug Peri literally everytime they have an excuse to do so, while having a bit more boundaries with Hazel.
But again, that’s a last minute thought and I’ve only seen a handful of episodes, so I might be wrong on that. Take it with a grain of salt. Still, I find it interesting to have those characters who are basically social workers and how there’s a bit of a difference between the kids they take care of for their “job” and the kid they have in their personal life. Again, that’s not to say they aren’t attached to the godkids, they are.
But yeah, all of this to say, the way the Fairywinkle-Cosma family is written in “Lost in Fairy World” honestly blew me away and really got me invested into watching this show, with “Battle of the Dimmsonian” and “Operation: Birthday Takeback” only adding to it (and I’m probably looking way too much into this and making it sound like the writing of this episode is much deeper than it actually is; I’m obsessed with this disaster (affectionate) of a family, help).
As for the part about Peri and Dev, basically there’s an element of Cosmo and Wanda talking over Peri in “Lost in Fairy World” that I wanted to explore, but then “Operation: Birthday Takeback” came out and there’s that moment in the “breakup” scene where Dev talks about his father not noticing his fairy while Peri is being hugged by his parents in the background. And while this is a visual gag, Cosmo and Wanda’s action in this scene actually fits very well thematically and made me realize something about how Dev might feel about Peri.
So now you’re getting a whole section about how Dev and Peri are a terrible match for each other, due to three main reasons:
1. The one everyone already talked about, Peri is severly underqualified. While you could say he’s been a godparent since he was a baby, back then all he did was grant wishes while his parents dealt with the talking + emotional support. Not only was he doing a small part of the job, he also had his parents, other more qualified fairies, helping him. Also the scene with Vicky tells us that Peri doesn’t have the best memories of his time as a baby, which is fair enough.
(note that I believe he was 7-8 years old when he had to say goodbye to Timmy, so he does remember him. As for Vicky, Timmy’s parents likely stopped hiring her once their son was 13-14, hence why Peri only has blurry memories of her, he would’ve been a toddler at best by then)
So yeah, Dev is Peri’s first kid, and Peri is not qualified for him. He loses his patience with the cupcakes, bites back when Dev is short and snappy with him (the classroom scene at the end of the “under//tale” episode, yeah I haven’t watched this one outside of this scene; and the beginning of “Operation: Birthday Takeback” with the flying shoes) and don’t get me started on Peri telling Dev in “Battle of the Dimmsonian” to give the staff back because “what will my parents say if my first godkid dies on me!”
(note that I do believe Peri cares for Dev, it’s just that what he says here really comes off as him not caring, and since Dev is the one hearing what Peri says in that scene...)
Also obviously there’s the ending of “Operation: Birthday Takeback”. Tbh I don’t blame Peri much for this one since, again, he’s severely underqualified, but yeah his response to Dev’s wish was not the right one, which is reflected by Dev reacting with a frustrated scream which honestly made me feel bad for this kid. Peri going “as you wish” is just too distant and “professional”. That’s a kid in a vulnerable state! He needed comfort! Sure Peri had to go because Dev literally wished for it, but a more qualified fairy would have known what to say, if only something along the lines of “take all the time you need, I’ll be there for you once you feel better”.
So yeah, Dev is deeply hurting and a complete newbie who doesn’t have the patience or positivity for it was not going to make things better.
2. What I originally wanted to say about “Lost in Fairy World” before 3. showed its head: I think Cosmo and Wanda being around inadvertently makes things worse for the duo.
Thing is, Dev is a difficult kid. Because of that, I think that in order for him to open up to his fairy, said fairy needs to earn his respect so to speak. And not to say Dev’s fairy should be full on authoritative, but yeah they definitely need to be someone Dev respects and listens to, which is not the case for Peri. And I think the main reason why has to do with Peri’s relationship with his parents.
Basically, kids are smarter than we give them credit for and are observant as well. And what did Dev see his fairy do? Spend the first day on the job being terrified of meeting his parents who turned out to be incredibly sweet people. Then in “Lost in Fairy World” it honestly looks like Peri, Cosmo and Wanda just wanted to catch up and brought the kids for the heck of it, and Dev gets to see his fairy being babied by his parents, along with said parents talking over him. Then as said before there’s also Peri going “mooom” in front of Dev in “Operation: Birthday Takeback”.
And about “Lost in Fairy World”, there’s that moment in the beginning where Cosmo and Wanda tell Dev he can’t go to fairy world, only for Peri to step in and basically repeat the exact same thing as his parents (the “trial” part from Cosmo and “I can’t let you go” from Wanda). And while this line is a joke, I do think it’s important for Peri to put his foot down like that.
Because yeah, Peri is the one Dev should be listening to. It’s not just a question of “this is Peri’s job”, it’s also about Dev seeing Peri as an adult. But with Cosmo and Wanda, it’s a bit more complicated.
This is also another element I really like about this episode, Peri needing to be the one doing the talking so that Dev can take him seriously as a potential guardian.
But yeah, the thing is, it’s not working. Peri’s immaturity shines with his lack of patience for the kid, which Dev picks up on, leading the two of them to get snappy with each other on “even ground” in a way, which doesn’t help Peri’s case. And on top of that you have Cosmo and Wanda, who even with their eccentric side remain mature adults (and I love how them being eccentric doesn’t make them seem any less adult; love adults being allowed to have fun and be themselves without being shamed or called childish for it!).
Now as far as I’m aware the show never really talks about this, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Cosmo and Wanda being around played a role in Dev’s perception of Peri. Not only because of them being mushy parents as previously discussed, but also because they are clearly older and more experienced than Peri, making it harder for Dev to take Peri seriously. Hopefully this makes sense?
And speaking of Dev with Cosmo and Wanda, I actually get the feeling he somewhat respects them? At least more than Peri? And on that note, there’s that scene at the very beginning of “Operation: Birthday Takeback” that I find both adorable but also pretty depressing when it comes to Dev.
When Cosmo, Wanda and Hazel show up, they ask if Dev’s dad is here, to which he mentions “Project H”. And at that Cosmo makes a comment about this project being a big surprise party, and yeah this moments gets me.
Because for a second there, Dev actually smiles. He knows that what his dad is doing has nothing to do with the party, he says so himself in response to Cosmo, but he still smiles, because he understands that Cosmo is trying to cheer him up and appreciates the effort. Idk this gets me, especially also seeing the way Wanda and Peri are looking wary as Cosmo keeps talking, clearly unsure of how Dev will react.
Like am I making a big deal out of a ten seconds moment? Probably. But there’s just something about this sad kid closing himself off whenever his problems are brought up, acting like an entitled brat most of the time as a coping mechanism, yet when this random adult he vaguely knows tries to cheer him up, he’s able to understand it and appreciate it. Idk, again, it just gets me. And sadly it really shows how bad of a match Peri and Dev are. Peri hasn’t been able to get any sort of progress with this kid, but the second his dad shows up and talks a bit suddenly the kid is giving a sincere smile. Yeah…
Now granted in regards to Dev respecting Cosmo and Wanda more, it might also have to do with them not being his godparents, considering Dev is basically using Peri as some sort of servant at times since he’s a spoiled brat and all.
Finally for this part, I want to bring up that scene in the secret lair with Vicky showing up, because to me this is a very good example of Peri actually failing Dev, which in this case will make the kid not take him seriously (on top of not earning his trust and being frustrated with him).
Now I will say, I can’t blame Peri for panicking the way he does upon seeing Vicky (btw I forgot to mention it earlier but the way he goes “lalala” and continues while turning into a drone and looking at the banging door in horror is so real. Again Peri is peak young adult energy). He’s had to deal with that woman since he was a literal infant, of course he’s going to be traumatized!
Still, Dev doesn’t know that. All he knows is that there’s this scary lady his and Hazel’s fairies know about, but he has no idea what history is between them outside of “she was terrible to our previous kid and scares us”. Also he’s 10 and has a bad home-life making him selfish, I don’t think he can fully understand the adults around him being traumatized.
But yeah, all this to say, in this scene, Peri is completely paralyzed, hiding behind the others waiting for Vicky to leave, letting his parents do the talking. And yep, we yet again go back to Cosmo and Wanda being the mature adults around here. Also worth noting that once Vicky puts on the nice act, Hazel stops being afraid of her but Dev still looks intimidated!
In that moment, Peri should have been there to protect Dev. That’s his job as a godfairy. His kid was scared and in potential danger. Yet Peri did absolutely nothing. Instead he stayed hidden, technically behind his kid which means using Dev as cover, and who came to both his and Dev’s rescue? Cosmo and Wanda, the other two fairies in the room, who are clearly more mature and are Peri’s parents.
And again, I don’t blame Peri for being paralyzed in fear like that, but how do you explain that to Dev? How do you tell that kid that he’s braver than his adult magical all-powerful fairy? That while he had to stand and somewhat confront Vicky, that adult fairy that’s supposed to protect him went hiding behind mommy and daddy? Hell from what I’ve seen, earlier in the episode the kids do stand up to Vicky, which makes Peri’s actions worse!
So yeah, hopefully this whole part makes sense as it feels a bit like a mess. The main takeaway here is that Dev needs a fairy that he can see as an almost parental figure, someone he clearly views as an adult and respects as such, that way he can have someone he can trust and be comfortable with, easing him into breaking down his walls. But Peri isn’t any of that. He’s a young adult which makes him still quite immature, and on top of that his parents basically live next door, thus leading Dev to see his fairy getting treated like a kid. It just can’t work out between them as long as they stay like that.
3. Finally, the part related to that moment of Dev talking about his dad while looking at the fairies: Dev has some serious daddy issues related to his father never paying attention to him on account of being a piece of shit who only cares about himself. And the thing is, Dev doesn’t have anyone he can relate to on that front (saying this since it’s hard for him to open up, so having someone with similar issues could be a bit of a push for him).
Hazel has caring parents whose main issue is being busy, on top of her fairies who clearly love her and spend a lot of time taking care of her. Now I haven’t seen much of the school kids but also Dev isn’t exactly close to any of them apparently? Meaning that in any case he can’t relate to them.
Then there’s this fairy that shows up, meant to cater to him but also help him emotionally, and wouldn’t you know this guy talks about wanting to impress his parents and being afraid of them! No but seriously, thinking about it, I can’t help but wonder if for a moment Dev thought he and Peri could bond over family issues, at least subconsciously. But nope! As soon as Peri reunites with his folks, turns out they’re the sweetest most loving parents ever.
I’m actually surprised that from the looks of it the show doesn’t draw a parallel between Dev and Peri on that front. I mean you have a kid with an incredibly absent parent who wants nothing more than to get his dad’s attention, being taken care of by a fairy who finds his parents’ attention suffocating and just wants them to leave him alone. There’s interesting storytelling potential here, especially when taking into account how much those two struggle to get along (basically Peri’s family situation making Dev feel worse in a way due to his confusion as to why Peri puts a bit of distance between himself and his parents)
Which loops back to that scene at the end of “Operation: Birthday Takeback” with Peri getting hugged by his parents while Dev is opening up about his daddy issues and how this visual gag fits the theme of the scene. Dev is feeling like shit about his father not loving him meanwhile the fairy that’s supposed to take care of him is being cuddled by his incredibly loving parents who adore him.
On that note, there’s an element I haven’t touched on in this episode, and it’s the fact that Hazel and Dev were in trouble with Vicky but didn’t have their fairies to protect them due to the trio visiting the house. While this scene is another example of Peri failing Dev, what I find most interesting about it is the fact that Peri “abandoned” Dev to spend time with his parents. Idk, I can’t help but think that this detail twists the knife even further for Dev. Not only was his fairy not here to protect him, but his absence is due to him hanging out with his parents who love him and wanted to spend time with him.
Speaking of which, I wonder if Dev is also angry at the fact that Cosmo and Wanda are able to take care of Hazel and be there for her whenever she needs while still finding the time to hang out with their son and be involved in his life. In a way it’s further proof that Dale is an atrocious parent, at least when taking into account Dev’s pov since I doubt a kid his age spends a lot of time hanging out with other parents, so Cosmo and Wanda are basically the only couple he can compare his father to. Basically I could see Dev noticing how much Cosmo and Wanda do and it making him feel even worse about why his dad doesn’t love him the same.
But yeah all this to say, just like everyone else in his life, Peri can’t understand Dev’s issues with his father, issues that are the core reason why he has a fairy in the first place. On top of that, Peri not only has the one thing Dev wants, but the kid sees him push it away on numerous occasions.
And that’s the end of what I wanted to say here. Hopefully this isn’t too much of a mess since I’m writing this while sick + sleep-deprived due to illness + haven’t watched much of the show past a few episodes and the clips on Tumblr.
On that note, yet again please take this post with a grain of salt, especially the Dev-Peri part. I originally just planned on gushing about “Lost in Fairy World” and how much I love the Fairywinkle-Cosma in it, but seeing the ending of “Operation: Birthday Takeback” made me want to talk a little more about Dev. That being said given how little I’ve watched there’s probably a lot I’m missing about this kid, so by no means do I think this analysis is perfect (also, the fact I’m writing this while ill…). Now Dev does seem to be a “predictable” character, hence why I feel somewhat comfortable writing this despite seeing so little, but again I might be wrong.
(Btw when I say Dev is predictable I’m in no way saying it negatively, quite the opposite! I love that him getting a fairy low-key made him worse, and I’m very curious as to how they’re going to resolve him spiraling the way he’s currently doing.)
In any case, thanks for reading!
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lightlycareless · 8 months
Omg the toji threesome fic is just...wtf there's no other worlds to describe it it's wtf in a good way omg what if she gets pregnant? What if it's not naoya's?! WHAT WILL TOJI FJCKING SAY?! GET RID OF IT?! GIVE BIRTH AND GIVE IT TO ME?! WHAT WILL NAOYA DO?! OMGGGGG PLEASE MAKE A FIC ABOUT THE AFTERMATH AHHHH!!!!! if you want baby no pressure <3
Hello! :>
I don't know if you saw my sneak peak, but I ended up writing a sequel to this heheh I'm so glad you liked it!!
Ngl, I wasn't planning on writing more of it, but then I saw this ask and... you know, I just had to do it to 'em.
Anyways I won't say anything more; except for the warnings: mentions of infidelity. mentions of smut (the word cunt is used) angst I believe. it's sad at the end, or I try to make it sad lol. Mentions of pregnancy. Also, I am no expert relating to pregnancy matters so take it with a grain of salt and lots of plot convenience 😅.
Happy reading!!
sequel to this.
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Toji’s not to disclose if you or Naoya came back for a repeat of that night’s succession, though he will admit your pregnancy was not surprising.
It’s not like he could run away from it either, for as soon as news graced the elders’ ears, it’s all the estate spoke of.
From enthusiasm to welcome the next generation of Zen’in sorcerers, to the ever-growing hope of recovering their prized cursed technique, which has been absent for hundreds of years…
Expectations for this child were at an all-time high.
But to you and Naoya, all you could care about was the blessing this baby represented.
A family.
The pinnacle of all their yearnings, the fruits of their never-ending efforts finally appearing as the positive pregnancy test you took one morning after feeling particularly nauseous…
Or Toji’s, perhaps.
Toji initially didn’t think much of the “shocking” announcement. Not even after his behavior that night—they were just heat of the moment things, nothing that he meant nor really cared about, simply said to get a rise out of Naoya; and oh, was his reaction satisfying.
In other words, he really, genuinely, couldn’t care less about what the wimpy heir and his ditzy wife were to face from that point forward.
But when their behavior towards him, the engaging conversations, invitations to drink tea, amongst other activities, drastically ceased, to the point of them turning on their heel and going the opposite way when bumping into him…
It didn’t take long for the pieces to fall into place, and when the puzzle was complete, Toji could only laugh.
It’s like an open secret, albeit solely for those involved.
The baby inside you wasn’t Naoya’s.
It was Toji’s.
And this filled him with morbid fascination no other high had been able to provide.
To know that the baby everyone was praising as the future of the Zen’in, a promising sorcerer, as expected of the heir, was the ultimate irony, the exact anti-thesis of all they once declared of Toji.
He was very tempted to let everyone know.
Proudly announce the truth to the world, screaming to the top of his lungs that that baby isn’t Naoya’s, it’s mine.
The scandal this revelation would bring was nothing short of earth-shattering, and more likely than not, the elders wouldn’t even know where to start from. Although your infidelity could be a good reference.
Followed by the fact that no matter how much they try to get rid of him, he’ll always find a way to haunt them—like a ghost shackled to the estate walls, Toji would always remain in the back of their minds, unsettling them whenever they did as much as breathe.
Although for this to work, he’d have to wait until the child was born, officiated as son of Naoya, before he could do any true damage.
To see the kind of face the Zen’in would make upon finding out the truth… is one that makes his prolonged stay all but worthwhile.
As well as knowing your reaction towards the whole ordeal—if you’ve even been able to sleep knowing well that your life was on the line by carrying such a frightening secret in your womb.
Considering the way you frequently sought him out during those lonely nights where your husband would be away for long periods of time, this probably didn’t perturb you as much. After all, what did you expect after receiving his seed as constantly as you did? That nothing would happen? No consequences to be suffered?
You were many things, but he never thought you as delusional.
Or perhaps, you were hoping for this. To have his child. He’d come to believe so after the tight way your cunt squeezed him.
Well, that would only make him the delusional one.
Either way, he suspects that while your secret might’ve prickled the back of your mind from time to time, it didn’t bother you as much as he hoped—not with the way your staff coddled your every move, how the clan would gift you expensive items to celebrate the future head of the clan, per tradition, or how happy you appeared to be with your growing bump, gently caressing it and beaming while confessing oh how much you longed to finally hold your baby.
It irked him.
To see that even through this deceit, you were still blissful.
It was undeserving. Wrong.
At least to the man who has been sentenced to nothing but pain and disgrace since the moment he was born, that’s how it was.
Because it was impossible for him to grasp the innocence of others—To accept that some were just simply… with better luck. Free to live as they desired, and without having to pay for the prejudice of others.
Toji, now more than ever, felt that he was being used. Plucked from his misery, toyed with, and discarded once dried out of his benefits.
Thus, his motivation to ruin your and Naoya’s happiness became as palpable as ever—hastily making his way towards you once catching you by one of the many gardens, intending to remind you of the power he had, how easily it would be for him to plant the seed of doubt amongst the staff, let it flourish up to the elders, and ruin your and Naoya’s life forever.
Unless your anguished face was to stop him.
It was abrupt, happening in less than a second, yet enough for him to understand it wasn’t because you were upset by some redundant folly, but rather, of pain.
With one of your hands rushing up to your stomach while the other to your back, it was as if the weight of your baby had suddenly become too much to handle; you’d then anxiously looked for a chance to sit down, frowning when realizing the only option was the strenuous engawa in front of you…
Before freezing, face quickly void of any color, when seeing Toji abruptly standing by your side, with mysterious intentions you were not interested in finding out.
“Toji, you— You breathe as you do your best to walk away from him, just for him to keep up with you. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“Gee, that’s the thanks I get for getting you pregnant?” he sneers. “Never thought you to be as prejudiced as the rest—”
“What—what is wrong with you?!” you condemned, snatching your arm from his grasp. “How dare you?! Don’t you ever say something like ever aga—ah!”
“Y/N.” Toji’s eyes widen when he sees you lean forward, wrapping your arms around your stomach as you hiss and cuss, while tightly closing your eyes in what he recognizes strenuous pain. “What is happening?! Are you—”
Could it be? And so soon?!
”Are you having the baby??”
“What? N—No—!” you whimper, squeezing tears out of the corners of your eyes. “It’s just—it’s just this pain that comes and goes sometimes—I—I need to sit down—”
Toji doesn’t hesitate to help you onto the engawa by firmly, yet gently, holding your arms and lowering you down to the wooden floor. You didn’t plan on accepting his help at first, but when a sharp pain reminds you that you couldn’t really pick and choose in this situation, you end up agreeing.
Once seated, Toji concludes this was much better off in the hands of a staff member, or even a doctor if he could somehow manage to do that, so he quickly stands up and turns towards the hallways—but the moment you see him take as little as a step away from you, your hands fly to grab his sleeve, stopping him on his tracks before looking up to him with the most pitiable look on your face.
“Stay.” You breathe, swallowing. “Please.”
And whether because of your pleading, teary eyes, or because it had been so long since he’d basked in your warm company, Toji obliges, soon taking the spot besides you as your hand now securely gripped his, with such an unprecedented force that has him both amused and concerned by your pain, while offering whatever little comfort he could with his touch.
It’s in these quiet yet tense moments that he finally gets to see the certainty of your situation.
While you expected to happily enjoy your future life as a mother, relish on the compliments of those around you, the praises of your in-laws, and the company and support of your husband…
Reality had been nothing short of deviant from your dreams—starting from the high risk your pregnancy was labeled as…
To the haunting consequences of your past actions.
“Are you sure this is normal?” Toji asks, seeing that your pain was not subsiding. “I think you need help—”
“No shit, Toji!” you gasp, he raises an eyebrow. “I mean—I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologize, princess. It’s nothing I’m not used to already.”
“… is that—is that supposed to make me feel better?”
“No. Not really.” He snickers, a smile that’s quickly wiped off his mouth when hearing you hiss. “But I’ve seen it work with others, so why not give it a shot?”
“I’m not—I’m not going to do that.” You huffed. “I—I wouldn’t do that to you.”
“But you’d ignore me?”
“If you’re here to scold me, this is not the right time.” You hiss again, feeling a sharp pain attack your lower back, making you press your lips and whine.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to do something? Bring you something to drink—or… something?”
“Yes, but—but it’s not like you can help me anyways.”  You confess, he frowns.
“What? Why? How hard is it to get something for you to take?” he scoffs.
“They don’t want me to—they say—they say it might hurt the baby.”
Toji blinks.
“And so, what? They’re just going to leave you to suffer?”
You don’t respond.
He sighs. Toji should’ve known better.
“Where does it hurt?”
“My—my back and stomach” you breathe, another sharp bolt of pain on those places precisely, making you hold his hand even tighter, once again, he’s surprised someone like you could even dent his skin. “And no matter what I do—nothing helps! Not even that stupid warm bath, or the massages Junko-san told me to do—”
The desperation for failed solutions after failed solutions is clear in your voice, a consistency that effectively shows your growing frustration at being reminded again and again that not even when carrying the future of the Zen’in, are you respected as a person.
It’s always the needs of others first, the beliefs of the rest—only this time around it was your baby, although through the twisted words of your in-laws.
“I’m so, so tired of feeling exhausted, I just want to—”
“Let me try.” Toji interrupts, offering a solution that initially catches you by surprise, a part of your mind urging you to decline and get away as far as possible, the dangers his closeness could give are far bigger than you’re willing to put up with—
Yet, another part of you is telling you to allow him, if only for a moment, to help you.
To enjoy his company, something you’ve been unjustifiably deprived of.
Something you should’ve had now more than ever due to your pregnancy, but for many painful reasons, you didn’t.
But just because you wanted it, does it mean you should?
It wouldn’t be the first time you succumbed to these desires.
Thus, the decision is made when freeing his hand and gesturing to him to proceed with a nod. Toji then places his hands over your shoulders, firmly pressing his fingertips against them before beginning to ease the tensions and stresses away from your body through circular motions.
Had you known of Toji’s talent, you would’ve asked for massages more than anything else from him—for the way he carefully worked over your knots, starting from your neck and shoulders, down to your spine and to your lower back… it was simply amazing.
And for a moment, it’s like you’ve forgotten the strained relationship you had with him in favor of wondering where he even learned to do something like that.
“Oh my god—” you sigh, shoulders relaxing as Toji continues to massage you. “This is so much better…”
“Well, know you can always count on me to make you feel better, right?” He teases, your satisfaction dwindles for a moment with a frown. “It’s just a joke.”
“It’s not the time for jokes.” You respond. “but at least my back doesn’t hurt anymore….”
“That’s the reason why you’re so tense— it’s because you can’t take a joke.” Toji adds, as if he were finding out how much he could push it before you snapped. So much for his concern… or perhaps it was his way to lighten up your mood?
“Yeah, how horrible of me—it’s not like I’m carrying a baby.” You chided, and once again, his arrogance is smacked out of him.
After a moment of silence and brief repentance, Toji speaks.
“How did Naoya take it?”
“…I don’t want to talk about that.”
It went bad. If not horrible.
Naoya was excited at first, over the moon to know that he was finally to be a father after all their attempts.
But when doubts began to plague his mind, eventually leading to the DNA test… his absence was the clear indication of his feelings.
However,  if his reaction hurt you and your marriage so badly, then why did you keep the—
“I always wanted a family.” You say, succumbing to one of the many questions you rightfully assumed Toji to have. “From the moment I married, no, even before that, I knew that’s what I wanted in life. To have a little girl, or boy, that I could endlessly dote and spoil on… And once I got with Naoya, realizing he too shared my dream, I literally felt it was only a matter of weeks before we’d have our own family.
But, when we began to try, and try, and try… what I once felt just by my fingertips was slowly transforming into an impossible dream.
People say that these things happen unexpectedly, just when you need them the most.
… and I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. Remain hopeful and believe that the gods had other plans for me in the meantime. But… the two of us knew it. There was something wrong, and we didn’t know what—
Or more like we didn’t want to know.
Naoya couldn’t even consider himself as the possible cause. And I… I also didn’t want to believe I was the obstacle between me and my dreams.
And then, you came along.
I guess it’s the weight of our actions that eventually made Naoya… hesitant for the baby.
We always knew that it was yours, it’s just that maybe… maybe we hoped it wasn’t. We so desperately wanted to believe the baby was his, ours, and not fruit of something we perhaps should’ve never done.”
Feeling both confused and slightly angered, Toji scowls.
“I can understand one thing—I was used. Fine, whatever. Nothing new. But the rest? If it was such a big issue your marriage, then why did you keep the baby? Surely Naoya considered getting an aborti—”
“Because I wanted to keep the baby.” You confess. “I was growing so desperate and lonely—to be married and yet be as isolated as I’ve never felt before, what was I supposed to do?! In a house full of people… do you even know how that feels?!”
“Like you wouldn’t imagine.”
Your eyes widen, and soon, a crushing wave of regret inundates your mind.
“I’m sorry.” You murmur, Toji sighs. “I didn’t mean to.”
“You’re just stressed.” He concludes. “Pregnancy stuff, I guess.”
“…I want my husband, here, with me.” You quietly admit. “I don’t want him to work anymore, spend days and weeks far away. But instead, he’s out there, angry with me and the baby…”
“He’ll come around.” Toji doesn’t know why he said that, only that he had to. You frown.
“How do you even know that? How do you know he won’t divorce me—or worse, cheat on me?”
“Do you hear yourself?” he scoffs, partially holding back his laughter. “Do you actually believe he’d be capable of cheating on you?”
A woman as special as you?
“Everyone else did at one point.” You remind him, he rolls his eyes. “Well, what else am I supposed to think after his absence?! He doesn’t even love me anymore for all I care!”
“That’s stupid.”
“Maybe for you it is.” You cry, tears begin to pool in your eyes. “It’s just a matter of time before he files for divorce and leaves me for someone else! Someone that can give him children of his own! Oh, I should’ve never allowed—"
“Naoya isn’t going to divorce you because I’ve seen how he treats you.” Toji interrupts, hurt by your blatant disregard of him, and yet, something about seeing you so distressed like this, heartbroken, makes him want to console you even more. “He could’ve divorced you the moment he saw the results, but he didn’t. Have you thought about that?”
“Perhaps he’s waiting for the right moment to humiliate me before his family—”
“Naoya loves you.” Toji says, and the words hurt him more than he anticipated. But… why? “I’ve known the kid since he was born—I’ve seen how he treats the people he doesn’t care about. And you’re nothing like that, not even close. So no, he won’t humiliate you.”
“And what makes you think that?”
Toji goes silent.
He’s acting as if he doesn’t know why he’s out here insisting so much on comforting you. And honestly? It made sense, for just a few hours ago he couldn’t care less any for a woman that played with two men and now had to pay the consequences—
But the truth wasn’t as cryptic as he liked to believe. All that he needed to do was dive a little deeper into his own thoughts and he’d soon find out why, as clear as day, he was fighting so hard to make you feel better.
And it all started the moment he accepted one crucial detail:
You were the mother of his child, his firstborn, and so… it unknowingly evoked a sense of protection towards you, deep underneath the layers of his disbelief and mockery…
Or more like further developed.
Since the first night the two spent together without Naoya, or perhaps even before, there was something brewing inside him, slowly, but surely. The first foundations of the feelings that would only flourish the night he had you alone, completely for himself.
In those moments of solitude, Toji liked to imagine that you were his wife; accompanying him underneath the covers, seeking his embrace, his touch, while telling him of your tedious day and how you so desperately looked forward to seeing him again—
And not Naoya.
The possibility of coming home to a warm bed, with a wife that treated him like an actual person, not a stain in the long history of the clan, contrary to the cold, empty room he has been condemned to since birth… is something he didn’t know he wanted, until you stumbled onto his path.
To be able to seek your figure whenever walking across the estate, hoping to catch you just around the corner, gossiping with your ladies about whatever it is that you liked to talk about with them, before you notice him by the corner of your eyes, lifting your gaze and seeing the lovely way your eyes would brighten at his presence—
A wide smile adorning your face, cheeks quickly turning red as you shyly dismiss your staff in favor of receiving him. Running to him to tightly embrace him, subsequently standing on your tip toes to land a kiss on his lips before murmuring the sweetest welcome home and tending to him.
And eventually… getting to hear your moving cries upon learning you’re expecting a baby. After many weeks of trying, both their efforts are finally met with the most beautiful reward life could give, letting your imagination run wild with all the things you wanted to do as a future mother—and yet, you’d still find a way to reassure him that he’d be a good dad.
That the disgrace of the Zen’in, the wretched man no one deemed respectable, less capable of harboring love, was still capable of being a good father. A caring husband.
But this was nothing but a silly desire of his, a response to the horrible things he’s endured.
…Perhaps if things had been different, had he been born as literally anyone else but himself… or maybe even met you under different circumstances, his life would’ve been completely different.
One with you, hopefully.
“Toji!” you suddenly gasp, startling him and concernedly looking at you.
“What is it now?” he frowns.
“The baby.” You say, which does nothing to ease his worries. “It’s—”
“It’s what? What’s happening??”
“The baby is kicking.” You reveal, swiftly taking his hand and placing it over your round stomach and onto the area you feel their kicks to be. “I can’t—I can’t believe it, look!”
“What do you mean they’re—”
Toji’s eyes widen.
A kick.
And another. And another one.
You weren’t lying, the baby was kicking.
And unbeknownst to him, this was their first time doing it too.
“Can you feel that?” you say, and all past worries were now replaced with excitement and overwhelming happiness for this special moment. “The baby is finally kicking!”
“I… can.” He demurs, trying his best to comprehend what was happening just beneath his palm, before noting the peculiarity of your sentence. “What do you mean finally?”
“It’s the first time he does it.” You reveal. “It’s supposed to happen around this time, but I didn’t know when, of course. I guess… now’s the day.”
“That means…”
Naoya didn’t get the privilege of feeling the baby’s first kicks.
Not any baby.
His baby.
And now that this truth settled in his mind, it quickly became the sweetest moment he had ever experienced in his life. Something he wishes to preserve for all eternity…
Just after dealing with the enormous sense of guilt and shame settling in his heart.
For how could he ever consider bestowing the same fate as his to this innocent child, just to get a rise of the family that wronged him? Towards someone whom he hasn’t even met… simply because he couldn’t deal with his own emotions?
Just when did he turn so despicable? Embracing the kind of malice as his clan?
He should be ashamed to even be beside you.
“It’s a boy.” You say, abruptly cutting through his thoughts.
“The baby—it’s a boy.” You repeat. “We’re having a boy.”
Toji doesn’t know why, nor thought it possible, but the news somehow makes him feel even happier.
“A boy.” He repeats. “A son.”
“We haven’t decided a name yet” you confess. “I was thinking something in honor of Naoya, continue the tradition like him and his father.”
“Why not something for you?” Toji suggests instead; his concern might be disguised in favor of your emotions (and partially, he was) but it was mainly the distaste of having Naoya’s, or technically Noabito’s, name anywhere near him.
But he wasn’t going to tell you that, obviously.
“After the way he’s acting, you deserve that much.”
You press your lips together before lightly chuckling, finding some truth behind his words.
“I guess so… but then, which name?” you ponder, frowning as you go deep into thought, yet nothing seems to arise for the occasion, certainly not when you’ve done nothing but consider names with the same kanji as your husband whenever touching the subject.
Thinking you needed more time to consider, or perhaps needing to admit there was nothing else you wanted but honor your husband, you accept defeat with a sigh.
“I don’t know, Toji. Maybe I should just name him after Nao—”
“Megumi. Blessing.” Toji explains. “I thought it’d be fitting with what you told me.”
“That’s… very straight forward.” You say after a few seconds of quiet consideration, “Unusual, since it’s mostly used as a girl’s name, and I don’t know if the elders would approve—”
“Look, if it’s that much of a problem you don’t have to use—” Never one to happily accept rejection, Toji quickly feels both embarrassed and frustrated by you, which he does not hesitate to let you know.
Only to be surprised yet again.
“But also, very sweet.” You smile, briefly looking up to him before glancing back to your stomach and onto your hand resting on top of his.
He blinks, perplexed by your sudden admittance—and such, all he can do is stare at you while you keep pouring your heart out.
“Even with the things I had to endure to have him here… he’s still my blessing, and I wouldn’t want him any other way.”
At your declaration, Toji is pushed down onto another turmoil of emotions.
It shouldn’t be that hard to conclude this is something he should isolate himself from.
Remember that he isn’t part of this marriage, no matter if he had permission of the other two involved, or how much he tries to convince himself—Understand that his blood means nothing, both inside and outside the clan, and that’s how it’ll always be.
But when your hand gently squeezes his for a moment, thumbs caressing his knuckles as you let him know your pains are slowly disappearing and how grateful you are for his help—all his worries are quickly discarded, allowing him to once again imagine live out this faux reality a bit longer.  
A happiness that comes from the notion of being your husband, simply enjoying a quiet afternoon, the refreshing spring breeze, while sitting by the engawa, in front of your favorite garden, trying to make up for all the time he spent away from you.
Time Toji knew he should’ve spent either way by trying to get close to you, see your growth firsthand, check on you from time to time, assist whenever possible— instead of plotting a stupid plan to ensure your and the baby’s downfall.
He reproached himself for having fallen for such an arrogant trap, and convinced himself this was the way to go.
Yet, he didn’t allow that thought to interfere much with the present. He shouldn’t either way—not with the lovely bumps of his son’s kicking against his hand, almost as if he recognized it was his father finally acknowledging him…
And certainly not with your warmth reminding him of what could’ve been.
A moment he’ll preserve in his memories for the rest of his days, because while relishing in your company, he had already made up his mind.
One that fitted with the idea that all good things must come to an end.
Especially those that are simply not meant to be, less for someone as disgraceful as him.
It hurt him to come to this conclusion. To acknowledge what his mind, and existenceconstantly reminded him about.
But he knew he had to do it.
From that point forward, he’ll do everything in his power to keep away from you.
Toji would no longer watch you from afar, nor ask for your whereabouts, whether directly or indirectly.
He’ll simply limit himself to hearing of your wellbeing, or how your relationship began to flourish yet again, through rumors of the staff, if he was ever around the estate to acknowledge them.
He was right when he said Naoya would come along, you know? He might be wrong in some things, or most, but when it comes to judging other’s character, Toji never misses.
It was nothing but obvious that Naoya loved you very much, after all, if he no longer wanted to know anything from you, you wouldn’t have lasted as long as you did.
Naoya kept you at the estate, fed, warm, tended for, because he loved you—to the point of going against his own clan to provide you with the much-needed assistance you required for your oscillating pains.
With such gestures, it shouldn’t come to him as a surprise that you also loved Naoya very much.
And yet, it hurt him to realize such a thing.
But who was he trying to fool?
At the end, he had always knew he had no place in that marriage. No matter how much he tried to convince himself that the reason you kept returning to him was because you wanted something more from him—it was never the truth to begin with:
Your mind was always in Naoya’s wellbeing, and in his love.
He was ultimately a step towards your goals. Whether for pleasure, or for something deeper, it didn’t matter—they all went to the same target.
So, when he hears from the gossiping staff that you’ve named your child Megumi, he doesn’t get his hope ups anymore.
Instead, Toji simply takes it as what it is: a way to thank him for the blessing he’s given you, honor him one last time, before cutting ties with him forever.
Because the moment anyone catches wind of his relationship to your son… everything will collapse, and that is something he is no longer willing to allow.
Thus, he stays away. Keeps his distance from you and Naoya as both continue to tend for their growing family, giving Megumi things he had only dreamed of getting:
A warm, cozy bed to sleep in, where he’d be able to dream about all kinds of things he’d like to do when the following day arrives.
A roof over his head, guarding him from the cold pours of the rain, or the burning rays of the sun, as he watches the world go by.
Food to fill his stomach, every day, whenever and whatever he wanted, ensuring his healthy growth or an occasional craving.
A set future that would reassure him of any misgivings, permitting him to fail and not worry if he’ll have anyone to back him up, or start from zero.
But most importantly—
To remind him that no matter what happens, whatever he does or doesn’t do, he’ll always have a family to support him just the way he is.
It’s clear to him now.
It had always been better this way.
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In other words, Toji disappears from your and Naoya's life to ensure your safety. Woaaah. I hope I was able to convey that kind of sad redemption (?)
Also, I was debating whether to actually name the baby Megumi or not, since it's a whole other character—but then I thought, why not? and thus this happened.
I guess we get to the conclusion that if there's one person that's most deprived (and in need) of love, it would be Toji. We all saw how he got after mamaguro died... so I think him doing an 180 to protect the mother of his child and son is 100% accurate and sad omg. jesus, how different from the Toji I portrayed in the previous oneshot.
Anyways, I hope it was to your liking :3 Thank you for sending in this ask, I really enjoyed writing it!
Take care, and hope to see you soon ❤️❤️
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Summary: You Know how much Donnie loved that satin jacket, so you asked your mother to help you sew him a new one.
Warnings: Very minor injuries.
Requested: No
GN Reader!
Disclaimer: I know nothing about sewing, so take everything I say with a grain of salt.
You winced as you poured peroxide over the new puncture wound on your finger.
Even under the supervision of your mother, you somehow managed to prick yourself like, every five minutes, and your hands were covered in band-aids.
It would all be worth it though. You couldn't wait to ses how Donnie would react when you give him the new jacket.
"(Name)! could you come here please, I need you to hand me the pins."
"Coming mom!"
You rushed into the kitchen of the apartment you shared with your mother, your father was out of the picture, so for as long as you could remember, it had just been you and your mom.
You sat down at the table, holding up two boxes of pins, "Which ones?"
"The second ones, please."
You handed your mother the pins she needed, then set the boxs back on the table.
"So when do I get to meet this, Donatello?" your mother asked you, smiling as she continued to sew together the purple fabric.
"Uhm, I'll uh- I'll have to talk to him about it, and-"
Your mother laughed, "Honey, honey, I'm joking! I can wait as long as you two need."
You smiled softly, "Yeah, right. thanks, Mom."
Your mom had been nothing but supportive in your relashonship with Donnie, even though she had yet to meet him. She had practically exploded with joy when you asked her to help you make the jacket.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. Pulling it out, you saw that it was Donnie, "Speak of the devil, and he shall appear."
"Well tell him I say, hello."
"Will do, Mom." you smiled, then picked up the phone, "Hello?"
"Ah, hello my dearest darling. I was wondering if perhaps you were free this evening?" the smooth voice of your boyfriend sounded through your phone.
"Infact, I believe I am." you giggled.
"Wonderful! meet me at our usual spot, around... 8:30ish."
"Will do, dear."
"I'll see you soon then, darling."
"See you soon, Donnie. Oh! also, my mom says hi."
You heard Donnie laugh, "But of course! Send Ms. (Surname) my salutations."
"Sure thing, dear."
"I'm afraid I must take my leave, but I will see you tonight my love."
"See you tonight."
Donnie hung up the phone, and you smiled with a lovesick sigh. Walking back into the kitchen, you sit next to your mother. "Donnie, sends his salutations."
Your mother laughed, "He has quite the way of speaking, doesn't he?"
"Thats one way to put it. Also, I'm meeting him later tonight, around 8:30."
Your mother beamed at you, "What perfect timing, because I just finished the jacket!"
"Wait, really?"
Your mother nodded, and excitedly held up the finished clothing. You gasped, it was even better than you thought it'd be. The different shades of violet and purple looked amazing sewn together. On the back, there was a plethora of image patches sewn into the fabric, all science and technolgy related to favor into Donnie's interests.
"It's perfect, Mom! thank you so much! Oh my god he's gonna love it."
Your mom laughed again, "Well he better. Look at our hands!" Your mom held out her hands, wiggling her band-aid covered fingers. You laughed with her, gingerly taking the jacket from her.
"Go pack it up, and get ready for your date. I'll clean up ok?"
You nodded, kissing your mom on the cheek, then running to your room to wrap the jacket.
You placed the now folded clothing into a box, wrapping it in purple paper, then tieing a ribbon on top. "Perfect." you muttered.
You proceeded to get ready for your outing, putting on your favorite outfit, and fixing your hair. After doing a 180 in the mirror you, grab the box, and rush out of your room. You peck your mom on thr cheek as you run to the front door, "Bye, Mom! I love you!"
"Love you too honey!"
You closed the door, and as quickly as you could, left your apartment complex. Your sneaker pounded against the side walk as you approached the park you and Donnie usually met at.
Once you arrived, you collapsed on the nearest bench, breahing heavily, "I- I really need to work on my cardio, holy crap."
"You didn't even need to run, my dear. You are incredibly early."
You jumped as Donnie sat next to you, clutching the gift closer to you. "Geez, don't do that. you nearly gave me a heart attack."
Donnie chuckled, "I highly doubt that you nearly had a heart attack. I may have startled you a little bit, yes, but-"
"Dear, it's an expression." you chuckled.
"Ah- ehem, right."
You laughed a little, "Anyway, how are you? I haven't seen you in forever! I missed you."
"We literally saw each other yesterday."
"So? you obviously missed me too. You did invite me out after all."
Donnie opened his mouth to reply, then seemed to notice the box, "What is it you have there, my love?"
You suddenly grew nervous, looking down at the gift, "Uh- it's for you. Me and my mom, well, just- here." You handed him the box, and Donnie looked at you questioningly. Just as he was about tear the wrapping, he noticed your bandaged fingers, "Darling, what happened to your hands?"
Donnie set the box aside, pulling your hands into his own, gently examining your digits.
"Oh, don't worry about it, I'm fine! open your gift!" you say, pulling your hands away, and handing him the box once again, trying your best to hide your blush.
Donnie glanced at your injured hands, then began to slowly unwrap the box. He stopped abruptly once he saw the jacket, slowly taking it out of the box. His face was blank, amd it was nearly impossible to gauge his reaction. You bit your lip nervously, "It's ok if you don't like it! I just thought that, well, you really liked that last purple satin jacket, so I was like, 'Maybe I could make him a new one'- and so I asked my mom-"
You cut yourself off in surprise. Donnie had dropped the jacket back into the box, and pulled you in for a sudden hug. You held your arms up in surprise.
Then you gently hugged him back, and he hugged you tighter, "Is- is this ok?" you asked him softly, your hands on his shell.
Donnie nodded slowly, muttering a low, "Thank you."
You smiled and hugged him a little tighter. Blushing slightly harder. "Anything for you, Donnie."
This one is kinda bad, but eh. I like it soooo. Feel free to send in a request tho! I am running kinda low on ideas lol.
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moonastro · 7 months
your fs's cute habits
pick a picture
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left to right(top)-> 1,2,3
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑how to choose an image? take a deep breath, close your eyes, RELAX, and let your intuition do the rest.
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑remember, you can be drawn to more than one picture!!
°DO NOT take this as literal, take everything with a grain of salt as this is purely and intendedly for entertainment purposes.
°Don't be afraid to give feedback and opinions about this post (as i would entirely appreciate it).
° This is a GENERAL reading, take what resonates and leave and pass on what does not!
pile one
they might have a smirk to their smile, or have this instinctive smile that they do that is unique to them. i don't know, it feels very cute though. like i see them doing it whenever they get shy or get suddenly happy. Also, along with that will be their laugh. they may have a distinctive laugh that they do. they may hit (in a friendly way) when laughing or they may get weak and pretend fall, and so on. i do see them being dramatic with it though😅. your person may randomly say what's on their mind without any context. like it will become so normal to you guys that you will either go with it or just ignore it. by random i mean like continuing a conversation you guys had 30 minutes ago and they add to it, or they purely just bring up the time when they were a kid and such. in public, i feel like they will be quite shy, they may unintentionally hide behind you especially if you are talking with someone or walk slightly behind. they may be a slow walker too, its not because they are slow but they get distracted easily. by the nature, the birds, the cars, the buildings etc etc. very much new soul vibes, taking in everything around them. they can be a collector and have a collection of little figures and items. it is their possessions and they will protect their collection with all their heart and take time to correct their positions and such when accidently moved.
pile two
awk, this is too cute, so your partner may blush quite often. it may be from embarrassment, anger, stress, or getting put in the spotlight. you may find it cute because it can make you love them even more and it may make you feel like they are like more genuine?? anyway, they may space out quite often, probably just blanking out and staring into abyss. this may be a habit and they may have a nickname given from spacing out so much 😅. like for example, you may ask them a question and they reply with mumbles and when you say 'did you even hear what i said' they come back and go 'huh' or 'no, sorry'. you may laugh at it because you find the way they look doing it cute. you may find it cute when they get mad. they may have a face that they do or do a gesture that you notice each time. its giving me every time when they're angry you cant take them seriously and then they get even more mad. the way they eat/chew may be significant, so they may pout/ make a cute face when eating.
pile three
okay, so pile 3, your person is giving very much clueless energy. i feel like most of the time they may not know what you may be talking about but they still contribute to the conversation so you wont feel upset about it. but i feel like you will always ask them if they know what you mean and then they'll admit that they don't! but i do see you laughing it off and telling them that they can admit if they don't get it. oh, they are really into structure and have really organised drawers, closets, shoe racks and so forth. you may find it cute how they keep it VERY organised and are serious about it too. you may find their concentrated face cute lol. they do portray this youthful energy so they might express those characteristics through their actions. they definitely don't like to argue and will let you win every single time which may feel frustrating sometimes but they just avoid it at all cost and feel there is no need for it. it can make you feel guilty about it though and make you want to take care of them. at the end of they day you laugh it off and find it cute. they may have trouble with their vision and may squint a lot- you can tend to make fun of them cutely for it. like, every minute of they day you see they squinting at EVERYTHING and that can catch you off guard and make you laugh by their cuteness. this is a very fun/ laughter couple so there is a lot of laughing and giggling involved.
thank you dear soul for reading this!! it is greatly appreciated, and i hope you all are doing well and enjoyed this post🤍.
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