#also something I really liked about it was how I honestly had no idea if it was going to end well or not
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lyricwritesprose · 19 hours ago
"Karim?" Joey says very quietly. We're both pretending to use the library computers. Neither of us are. We're here because it's fucking freezing out there and it's warm in here, and the librarians are pretty good about not throwing anyone out unless they're making noise or causing trouble. Freezing doesn't matter to me but I worry about Joey, he's got things going on that turn his self-care skills into pure shit.
"Yeah?" I say, just as quietly.
"Need a reality check."
Yeah, that's one of the things that's going on. Joey gets more or less anchored depending on the day. "Go ahead," I say.
"Thought I saw you fly off yesterday." Joey frowns. "Yesterday? Maybe Monday. Shit, what day is it?"
It's a fast struggle but a surprisingly difficult one. I don't like life on the street any more than the rest of us, but Seriously Bad Things could happen if my real name gets out. I could just lie to Joey. He'd believe me. It might not even bother him that much. He's hallucinated before. All I'd have to do…
Is lie to him about the state of his own brain.
Yeah. No. "Yeah, you saw that."
Joey thinks about this for a moment. He's scrambled at times but nobody ever said he was dumb. He's got a degree in astronomy. Planets sometimes talk to him but when he's on top of his game, he's sharp. "Shit."
"I'd like it not to get around."
"Why the hell not? You could be a star!"
"I could also be an experimental subject or a guy whose family is strapped to a big machine with a laser pointed at them. Prefer to avoid."
"Yeah, but—but why stay here?"
"Same as everyone else, I'm dead broke. Look, even if it weren't for ADHD issues it is really hard to hold down a job when you might have to disappear at any given second to save someone's life. You know? And I won't take money from my sister, she's barely scraping by already." And has mixed feelings about me ever since I terrorized her nasty piece of work ex, since she's bright enough to figure out that I couldn't have done that without some sort of power.
"I guess you can't just rob a bank," Joey muses. "I mean, I guess you could, but—"
I sigh. "The truth is, if some costume figures out how to do that without violence, I usually give 'em a lecture and let 'em go. Just because I won't do it doesn't mean I don't get it. Way I see it, I'm here to protect people, not things."
Joey nods. "Seems like there should be ways you could make life easier for yourself, though."
"Mm. Sometimes. There are some ways it is easier. I don't feel the cold and I don't feel the heat, that's something."
"Lucky motherfucker," Joey says without rancor.
"And, well, you've probably noticed. That things do tend to happen to those bullshit benches."
I see the start of a smile on his face. "The ones you can't lie down on."
"Yeah, those. The dividers get ripped out eventually and nobody knows how, you know? Honestly it's a stupid idea anyway, even if it wasn't for us, who wants a bench where you can't even sit next to your date? A bench where you can't sit next to someone is called a fuckin' chair, and what sort of bitch goes to city hall and says, "I'd like to install a park chair?" Who's ever heard of a park chair? Dumbfucks."
Joey nods in perfect understanding. Then he says, a little hesitantly, "You know the Golden Tomato?"
"I couldn't afford that kind of yuppie food even when I had a place, but yeah, I know it."
"They've put spikes out front. Like, little nubbles in the concrete so people can't sit down under their awning."
I think about this. On the one hand, I've got to be very careful about the favors I do, but this is a good cause…
"Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if something happens to those, but, Joey? Really keep it under your hat."
"Even if I wanted to tell, nobody believes a schizophrenic," Joey pointed out. "Especially one with the twitches. Fucking bitch doctors." Tardive dyskinesia virtually always happens because some son of a bitch screws up on dosage, and—as Joey can tell you—it's also an instant ticket out of a job interview.
There are reasons I look out for Joey. Beyond, you know. Liking him. Kind of useless as fuck anyway, liking him, I'm ninety-nine percent certain he's straight, but it would take a real shitful asshole to drop a friend just because I'm never going to get in his pants. We've got each other's backs, that's what's important.
"I worry a lot about people getting scooped up and questioned," I admit. I could probably stand to talk to a psychologist about it, actually, but…who? "Don't worry about it. I trust you."
And I will probably never admit to Joey exactly how much that took to say.
You're a superhero. While in your suit, you're beloved by the city, but outside of it? You're a homeless man, unable to get a job nor pay rent because of your duties.
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raileurta · 3 days ago
A continuation of this post
Looking back on it Miko should have just told the truth. Sure yeah it's extremely embarrassing calling your resident overlord addict "dad" by accident but it would not have snowballed into this hot gaslighting mess.
Oh who Miko kidding she is reveling in the complete chaos she's caused.
Scrolling back to a few weeks ago Miko had just finished school. The girl had just previously pulled an all nighter to catch up on all her work and studying. (Got to stay in her exchange program somehow) So Miko was completely exhausted. She didn't even have a chance to sleep during school as for some Primus forsaken reason there was an important test in every class! Miko had planned on sleeping at the base but nooooo the universe had other plans. That day the decepticons decided to try to tail them without them noticing and try to find out their secret base. Of course her best bestie in the whole universe noticed them and quickly diverted his course. They drove for a few minutes before Bulkhead quickly went behind some rock transformed and did a surprise attack on them. It probably was an interesting fight but Miko was too tired to care or pay attention to.
Iterable now and still unwillingly awake they were ground bridge back to base. Jack being the good mom friend he is asked if she was okay. Miko doesn't really understand what happened in her brain that day that made her give that response but sleep deprivation is a scary thing. She had responded,
"Yeah yeah I'm good just some of Dad's goons being annoying again."
Silence greeted her. She looked around weirded out by everyone's shocked faces. They were staring at her like she had just grown another head.
"What's wron-" and apparently that's when her mind registered what she had just said. Miko's face twisted into the definition of abject terror and her brain in all it's horrible glory decided it would best to follow that up with,
"Scrap you weren't supposed to know that."
What the hell brain?!?? Could you have worded that any less suspiciously? Could have said something like "I didn't mean to say that." Jesus Christ.
Miko obviously knowing on some instinctual level she fucked up big time immediately tried to book it. She didn't get too far of course, getting caught by Arcee real quickly. (She's slippery but not that slippery.)
The girl was half questioned half interrogated about what she had meant by that. Deciding it was a good idea to dig herself into a deeper hole Miko "revealed" that Megatron was her father. For obvious reasons they didn't believe her bs. Miko then decided to back up her claim with "evidence" if you can even call it that. She said she can understand Bee for instance. Bumblebee then chipped at her which had translated into, "What?? No way! If that's true what's my favorite dinosaur?"
She simply responded "Triceratops."
Everyone freaked out especially Bee. Miko couldn't really blame them. As she's been "acting" like she didn't know Bee's language and been lying to them since day one. The truth though was that Miko had in secret actually been practicing to understand him for a couple months now. It was going to be a gift of sorts and she was just fed up with not understanding him.
They still needed more evidence from her through. Yeah it was extremely suspicious that Miko hasn't said anything about this but Raf could understand Bee and he's a regular human. She then brought out the big guns and told them,
"Well I also know Megatron and Optimus are exes." Miko had bluffed. She didn't know 100% for sure that was true. She mostly just got this vibe from those two and nobody acknowledged it. It honestly was kinda annoying if she was being honest with here. The team instantly threw up protests and looked to their leader to disprove her claims. But they were met with a slightly blushing Optimus who was turned away. Ratchet making a comment under his breath about how did she know?
If Miko thought they weren't fully freaked out about the language thing they were totally freaked out now. It was really chaotic. Bulkhead was frantically asking why she didn't say anything and was Miko just using him for some evil plan?! At the same time Arcee and Bee were trying to get Raf and Jack away from her at the same time. While Optimus was kinda breaking down about not knowing anything about this and Ratchet was consoling him. She thankfully managed to convince Bulk that yes they were in fact best friends and no she wasn't going to hurt anybody. Being the saints they are autobots tried to look past her "heritage" and still be a family. Optimus even giving her a grand speech about how your blood doesn't define you and what you choose to be.
God was that awkward.
After a bit of more talking Miko finally was permitted to rest and once the best sleep of her life was over reality hit hard for her. If she wasn't freaking out about the whole situation at the time Miko would have laughed herself dizzy at how easily the bots were fooled. They didn't even ask about her quote unquote "creation." Calming down a few minutes later Miko started to really think about what to do now.
And well in for a penny in for a pound, she decided to double down and commit to this weird bit. So for the next few days Miko started dropping "lore" about herself and in general messing with everyone. Ratchet even made a comment about how it was kinda obvious looking back as Miko apparently was a mini Megatronous with her personality.
Okay wow. She was kinda offended by the comment but really couldn't say anything.
She did however get some cool information about Megatron. Like apparently how he was a very lively prankster. This info would come in handy about two weeks later.
Miko had ran through the ground bridge as usual, got caught up in some dangerous battle, then to shake things up was caught in another cave in. (Those are never as traumatic as the second time around) As fate would have it she was sorta saved by buckethead himself. Holding up a huge rock preventing them both from being squished making him unable to harm her. Not one to waste this opportunity she tried to recruit him into her scheme.
It went something like this:
"Okay look I need for you to hear me out."
"I didn't say anything yet!"
"I don't care to listen to the ramblings of a filthy organic."
"Ugh why couldn't it have been a different pretend dad decepticon?!"
"Long story short I have been gaslighting the autobots into believing your my dad- well sire for the past few weeks."
Megatron was rendered speechless.
Well briefly anyways.
"I'll be damned Starscream was right. All you insects are completely insane."
"Probably. But that's besides the point; I need your help to keep this lie going."
"Absolutely not."
"Come on....."
"Does it look like I care????? The autobots believed me and that's all that matters!"
"Wait a minute- you got the autobots to believe you?"
"Surprisingly yes. In all honesty it was too easy."
"Don't you want to fuck with them?"
"Imagine how much psychological damage Ratchet and Optimus would take."
"Aren't you tired of being nice?"
"I'm never nice."
"Don't you want to go ape shit?"
"Why are you doing this?"
"Why go through all this effort to keep up this lie?"
Miko should have said that it was because she didn't want to be caught lying and was scared about revealing the truth; but that would be a lie.
"I'm doing this because I can. I do it for the love of the game."
"Your psychotic........"
"It's nice to meet you daughter."
Cew evil canned laughter.
[Part 1] - [Part 2?]
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darlingdaisyfarm · 2 days ago
⸝⸝ american dream ˚.
he says he's a businessman, but his pockets are full of fake cash
author note: i actually started writing this as a one-shot fic and wanted to end it in filthy smut, but i got a little bit inspired during the process....... now honestly, i love the idea. it’s not that canon-compliant, but who cares?? also, i’m not from america, so sorry if anything here sounds dumb aghgh :( i dont really know if i should develop it into smth serious or just leave it like that, so idk if it's chapter one or just one shot but im anyways leaving tags for the whole idea i have in mind. i would be glad to see ur opinions on this
tags for the whole fic: Stan Pines x reader (Steve Pinington because he's hot), conman Stanley Pines, enemies to forced travel companions, enemies to lovers, comedy i guess?, supposed to be slow burn but im bad at writing it, gritty realism, homelessness and survival, lots of crime, sexual tension, eventual smut, dirty talk, mutual destruction, partners in crime, morally questionable characters, fake identities and passports, au i guess? because Stan’s stanmobile is broken
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All that was left in his palms was next to nothing, a couple of crumpled bills and loose change rattling with every movement. His hands were dirty, rough, calloused from heavy bags, cracked from the cold, knuckles rubbed raw from arguments he lost. And that damn bruise under his eye was still warm and throbbing, reminding of how easy it is to fuck up your last dollar if you say the wrong thing.
The storm hadn’t let up, and he had no choice. Up ahead, a neon sign flickered in the darkness, seconds away from burning out. “low prices, lower standards!” if he had a choice, he would've kept walking, but Stanley never had choices.
The door let out an obnoxious creak when he pushed it open. Behind the counter sat some guy in a wrinkled tank top and, hearing someone step in, he lazily lifted his gaze, looked at the person in front of him up and down, dirty, drenched, exhausted, before sluggishly sliding a key across the counter.
“Fifteen bucks.”
Stan didn’t even bother arguing, he already knew the room would be awful. Could tell by the smell in the lobby, the peeling paint on the walls and the stains nobody had even tried to scrub out. So he dumped the money on the counter, swiped the key, and moved down the hall, careful not to touch the walls.
The room was worse than he expected. Long, packed with metal beds, at least ten of them, maybe more. The mattresses all varying levels of fucked-up, one even had a spring jutting out like a rusty knife. In the corner, a bathroom, if you could even call it that. The faucet leaked constantly, and the toilet. . . yeah, best not to think about the smell coming from there.
But Stanley wasn’t the type to be picky. He’d been through too much to start acting delicate now.
He dropped his suitcase beside one of the beds and, sitting down, rubbed his tired face with both hands. Accidentally, his fingers brushed against the bruise, sending a sharp pang of pain through his skin. He hissed. It hurt, but in a way, it felt good. At least it meant he could still feel something.
The storm outside picked up even harder.
Stanley knew all he had to do was make it through the night. Just one more night in a long string of nights he wouldn't remember. If sleep came, it would be short and restless. His stomach grumbled, but he’d long since learned to ignore hunger.
And yet, there was something ironic about all this. Here he was, Stanley Pines, the free spirit, a boy with attitude, as his mother used to say. Once a promising athlete, as that one family friend had called him, ruffling his brown hair. And now he was just a washed-up liar, spending his last few bucks on a bed in a room where someone had probably died. Fate had one hell of a sense of humor.
He leaned back, staring at the ceiling. Somewhere in the next room, a tv blared some ad promising happiness a better life in three easy steps.
Yeah, if only life was that easy.
But Stan had stopped believing in easy a long time ago. He didn’t believe in simple ways out. All he had were his fists, wits, and his ability to get back up every time life knocked him down.
And he'd get up after this night too.
Tomorrow he’d hit the streets again, try to scrounge up some cash, tell himself that tomorrow would be easier.
He already knew it was a lie.
But sometimes, a lie is the only thing that keeps you moving.
In his dreams, Stanley was happy. No debts, no street fights, no counting pennies, no that one goddamn night when dad threw him out like some unwanted troublemaking mutt. Just him and a giant, disgustingly delicious burger. Meat dripping with fat, cheese stretching in long strings, sauce dripping onto his fingers. Stan tore into it, starving. Oh, god, ohh fuck. The best burger of his life. And bacon. Crispy, salty bacon.
Stan remembers bacon and coffee in the mornings, remembers a warm kitchen, the smell of fresh bread. And toffee peanuts, sticky and sweet, caramel-flavored, tasting like childhood.
Somewhere something clattered. Close enough that it shouldn't have been here.
Stan jolted awake so fast he almost rolled off the shitty, creaky bed. His heart hammered against his ribs and his mind latched onto one thought. Cops, fucking cops. He barely had time to say his mental goodbyes, to his brother, his mother, and—
In the doorway stood someone drenched, exhausted, with an oversized duffel slung over one shoulder. Dirty rainwater dripped from their boots and ran in slow rivulets down their face.
“Oh, shit, sorry. Didn’t know someone else was in this piece of— uh, shitty place.”
Stanley blinked. Looked around, still trying to process what the hell was happening. He had just been in heaven, his greasy, cholesterol-filled heaven, and now—
Now some random stranger from the streets had just stumbled right into his shitty motel room.
“I just closed my eyes!” Stan mumbled.
You threw your bag on the floor and scoffed, shaking the rain off your sleeves. “right, sorry for disturbing your precious sleep, your highness.”
“Oh, you better be sorry! I was dreamin’ about a burger. The juiciest, fattest, most delicious burger. And bacon. Bacon, man! Do you even know how long it’s been since i had bacon? And toffee peanuts! goddamn caramel melting in my mouth like—”
“Jeez, calm down, okay? man, you need therapy.”
“I need a damn burger!”
You smirked, shrugging off your soaked jacket. Water dripped onto the wooden floor, which was already sticky from years, no, decades, of dirt.
“Well, i don’t have a burger. But i do have a half-eaten snickers somewhere in my bag. Interested?”
Stanley looked at you like you had just offered him a brick instead of food.
“You think a snickers can replace bacon?”
“No? But it’s got peanuts. That’s protein. Protein is good for you.”
“You don’t get it, do you? It’s not just food, it’s nostalgia! It’s my damn childhood! It's waking up to the smell of bacon in the kitchen, my mom humming some old tune, me stealing a piece before my brother—“ he cut himself off, grimaced, and flopped back onto the bed. “forget it.”
You finally looked at him properly and only now noticed that he looked like he’d been through hell. “Rough night?”
“Rough life.”
You both went quiet. The storm outside raged on, shaking the flimsy motel walls under the force of the wind.
“So,” you finally said, rolling your shoulders, “we’re roommates now?”
Stanley snorted. “Seems like it. Welcome to hell, buddy.”
You flopped onto one of the empty beds, and the moment you did, the loudest creak imaginable ripped through the room, making both you and Stan clap your hands over your ears. Using your foot, you pulled your heavy-ass duffel bag closer, which created yet another horrible sound. You rolled your eyes and started wringing out your sleeves, water trickling in thin streams down onto the ancient, mildew-scented carpet.
“Jesus, what the hell is this weather? it’s like god himself wants me to suffer.”
Stanley, still grimacing, lazily turned toward you. “tell me about it. This place ain’t much better either. I think the walls are moldy.”
You eyed the peeling wallpaper, noticing the unsettling dark substance oozing out of the corner. God, you didn’t even wanna know what the hell that was.
“Yeah, well. Beats sleeping outside.” you said nervously.
Stan chuckled but didn’t argue. He watched as you fussed with your wet clothes for a few seconds before finally speaking up again, in the most pathetic tone imaginable. “Uh, so. . . you said somethin’ about a snickers?”
You looked up, and your heart almost burst, because this grown-ass man with a black eye and a permanent scowl was looking at you with the saddest, most puppy-eyed expression known to mankind. You felt like you had personally caused every single one of his problems. What a goddamn actor.
“Oh my god,” you pressed a hand to your forehead. “Fine. Knock yourself out. Bag’s on the floor.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Practically leaping off the bed, he snatched up your bag and started digging through it, clearly on the hunt for the promised candy bar.
“Jesus, what do you even keep in here? bricks? dead bodies?”
“Yeah, first one to ask gets to be the next one in there.”
Stan snickered but kept rummaging. Finally, he pulled out the snickers, unwrapped it, and—
“Oh—oh my godd—” your eyes widened at the unexpected, borderline obscene sounds.
He literally moaned when the chocolate hit his tongue, tilting his head back, eyes shut in pure bliss. You stared at him in absolute disgust.
“Dude. Ew.”
“You don’t get it,” he groaned, taking another bite. “it’s been weeks since i had chocolate. Weeks! I was startin’ to forget what joy tasted like!”
“Yeah, that was a good one. I wanted to steal a twix too, but almost got caught.”
Stan froze mid-bite, eyebrows shooting up in pleasant surprise. “Wait. You’re tellin’ me, you steal too?”
You smirked, holding out your hands. “Duh. What, you think i have money for this crap?”
“Holy shit. We’re like, the same.” he shook his head, still in shock. “man. all this time i thought i was some kind of lone wolf, strugglin’ through life, hustlin’ my way through this shitty world. Turns out i got a partner in crime?”
“Ehh, sorry to break it to ya, but you ain't that special.”
Stan scoffed, finishing the candy bar. Although he clearly remembered when he kept rummaging through your bag, his hand suddenly stilled and he found something. Something that made his eyebrows climb higher and higher. He didn’t say anything. And neither did you. Stanley was good at pretending everything was okay.
You kept wringing out your soaked clothes, searching your bag for something dry, while Stanley swallowed the last bite of his snickers like it was the last chocolate bar he’d ever eat in his life. And, honestly, judging by the way he looked, that might just be true.
He was watching you until finally, his curiosity got the better of him. “So. Who the hell are you, anyway?”
You didn’t even look up, still rummaging through your things.
“Somebody who gave you food.”
Your answer made his mouth twitch into a grin, and he nodded. “Yeah, well, that’s a good start. Sharin’ food is a sacred bond, y’know.”
“Uh-huh. Sacred.”
“But seriously,” he rolled onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow, “you steal, you crash in shitty motels, you carry. . . whatever the hell that was in your bag, what’s your deal?”
You shrugged lazily. “No deal. Just life.”
Truthfully, your head was killing you, and all you wanted was for him to shut up. But he clearly wasn’t planning on it. You winced, rubbing your temples. “jesus, you talk a lot.”
“Aaand yet, you answer everythin’. Means you don’t mind.”
You squinted at him. “No, i’m just too tired to tell you to shut up.”
He snorted. “Yeah, sure. Keep tellin’ yourself that, buddy.”
You rolled your eyes, peeled off another layer of your damp clothes, and hung it over the back of the bed. Then, without stopping your rummaging, you nodded toward his face.
“What’s with the bruise?”
He immediately pulled a smug expression. “you should see the other guy.”
You kept digging through your stuff, barely paying attention to his cheap bravado. Yeah, yeah. Seen it, heard it, met plenty like that.
“Hmm. And the truth?”
Stan scoffed, but when he realised you hadn’t even acknowledged his first joke, he made a deeply offended face. “Wow. You weren’t even listenin’ to me?”
He huffed and waved a hand. “Eh, whatever. Owed some guy money, didn’t have it, got this instead.”
“Fair trade.”
“You’d think, huh? So where you from, anyway?”
You kept rifling through your things, but your voice turned colder. “Not from any state.”
Stan raised a brow. “Oh. so you’re not even from the U.S.?”
“Documents, visas, all that crap. Long story.” you nodded.
He dragged out a slow “huh.” and fell quiet for a moment. Then, as if he suddenly remembered that conversations were supposed to go both ways, he said, “new jersey.”
“Huh?” you squinted.
“Where i’m from. new jersey.”
You made a mental note. Oh, great. An american. Then you glanced at him again. . . Grimy, exhausted, full of problems, broke as hell. The perfect representation of the american dream. . .?
You had no energy left for this conversation. You’d had your fill of socializing for today, just like you’d had your fill of adventures. That snickers bar had cost you enough. So you decided not to reply, just shrugged and turned away.
Your wet shirt was clinging to your skin, and it was getting unbearable. So you started taking it off, not particularly caring that someone else was in the room. There were bigger concerns.
You turned your back to Stanley as the fabric hit the floor with a soft thud, exposing your spine.
Stan froze, just staring. his gaze dragged down your back, and then he just kept staring.
Directly. At. You.
You felt it prickling at the back of your neck.
Silence. Way too long of a silence. Long enough to make you frown as you slowly turned your head.
He immediately looked away.
“What? i ain’t lookin’.”
“Bullshit. You were literally staring.”
He grimaced, turning away harder. “Yeah, well. Not my fault. You’re the one strippin’ in the middle of the damn room.”
You rolled your eyes. “Gosh, it’s a back. Grow up.”
Stan muttered something under his breath, yanked his blanket higher, and grumbled, “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just warn a guy next time.”
You finally pulled on a dry shirt and flopped back onto the cot, exhaling. The rain was still hammering against the window, the wind howled, and the ceiling creaked ominously.
You glanced over at Stan, who was already curling up, about to knock out. “Wait.”
He cracked one eye open, barely awake. “hm?”
“Never asked. What’s your name?”
That made him blink. And immediately Stan started thinking. Of course, he should lie. He always lied. Threw out fake names like poker cards. Steve Pinington. Stetson Pinefield. Hell, maybe John from Alaska? No, Stan, that's too dumb.
He squinted at you through the dark room, until he finally said. “Call me Steve.”
He nodded. “Yeah. Steve.”
You rolled your eyes. “Right. And i’m the queen of england.”
“Holy shit. Pleasure to meetcha, your majesty.” Stan stuck out a hand like he was about to shake yours.
But you swatted it away. “Okay, Steve. Whatever.” then you gave him your name.
“Well,” Stan tested your name on his tongue, stretching, folding his arms behind his head, “This been a real thrill, but i’d really like to—“
“Is that your car outside?”
He froze. “What?”
“The shitty, beat-up thing that looks like it’s been in five accidents and somehow survived.”
He pushed himself up on an elbow. “Hey! That’s my baby you’re talkin’ about.”
“Why didn’t you just stay there, then?”
He groaned dramatically and flopped back down. “Ugh. Somethin’s busted. Gotta fix it. But i need a real good mechanic, and guess what? I got no money.”
“So you’re tellin’ me that thing is just. . . sitting there, useless?”
He sighed. “Not useless. just— okay, yeah, maybe a little useless. but it’ll run! probably. Just needs a little love. and, y’know. Not to blow up in the process.”
You nodded thoughtfully. “so you’re afraid your car might explode.”
“Eh. Fifty-fifty chance.”
you nodded again. “Solid odds.”
You both finally settled in, pulling the blankets higher, and before long, you were both out cold.
But you weren’t given much time to sleep. A sharp, hysterical scream shook the motel walls, and you flinched, jerking from the suddenness of it.
“Where is he?!” the door burst open with a crash, and a man stormed into the room. The same guy who took the payment for the room. What the fuck? You hadn’t even processed what was happening before he jabbed a finger at you.
You panicked, looking around. And only then did you notice. Steve was gone. That fucking bastard just. . . disappeared.
You swallowed, feeling your throat dry, trying to wrap your head around it, and just as you were about to ask what the hell was going on, the man took a step toward you, his face twisting with rage.
You didn’t even have time to react before he grabbed your arm, squeezing so hard it hurt.
Counterfeit money? That dumbass gave him counterfeit money?
“I’ve never even seen him before in my life!”
“DON’T LIE TO ME, WHORE!!!” he shook you.
What the fuck. What the actual fuck!
“L-listen, man, i have nothing to do with this, okay? i didn’t even know he—“
“SHUT UP!!!” he raised his hand, and you realized he was actually about to hit you. And this shit, this fucking bullshit, was not even your fault. All you could do was grab your bag, sending a snickers wrapper tumbling to the floor, and bolt for the window like crazy.
However you were already climbing over the windowsill, jumping, falling, crashing into the mud. Pain shot up your ankle, but you couldn’t stop.
His voice roared behind you, “I’LL FIND YOU!!!”
But you were already sprinting down the wet road with that disgusting cold rain slamming into your face, mud clinging to your boots.
You were fucked. You were alone. On the street. In a foreign country. With no money.
And all thanks to that fucking bastard.
That’s how you end up on the street again, with a fucking bag, dirty boots, and realisation that the world is just a giant piece of shit you’re now neck-deep in. Rain’s pouring down and you can’t even remember what it feels like to be dry. Your hair’s soaked, clothes clinging to your skin, and your stomach is damn empty, a hollow ache that’s turned into this dull, throbbing pain gnawing at your insides. And the funniest fucking part? None of this is your fault. But does that matter? No. The guy at the motel is probably already calling the cops, waving around those fake bills, and now you’re not just homeless, you’re probably a wanted criminal.
No money, no food, no Steve, no fucking anything. But no time for existential bullshit, you gotta get the fuck out of here, and quick. But how the fuck are you supposed to leave when you’re broke as shit? Bus tickets cost money. Taxis cost money. Even hitchhiking isn’t an option unless you wanna roll the dice on getting murdered in some psycho’s trunk.
You walk. And walk. And fucking walk.
And it’s humiliating, the way your stomach growls loud enough for people to hear, the way your soaked clothes cling to you, the way you have to press yourself against buildings just to shield from the wind. Your last meal was half a snickers bar and now even that feels like some luxurious memory from a past life.
You need money. And fast.
So you do what desperate people do, you start looking for work. Not a real one, obviously, because legally, you don’t even exist. So you walk into the first rundown diner you see, a place so grimy it’s a miracle the health inspectors haven’t shut it down yet. The guy behind the counter, fat, greasy, way too friendly with hamburgers, doesn’t ask questions. Just tosses you a filthy apron and says your shift starts now.
You carry plates and wipe sticky tables. Put up with customers who act like you’re not even a person, just part of the furniture. Some leave tips and others leave disgusting looks, but you pretend none of it matters.
Until you spill a drink on some guy, who said very nasty and dirty things to you and the manager, who’s been drinking all day in his office, just decides he doesn’t like you. Either way, you’re out on the street before you can even say “go fuck yourself.”
Fine. Fuck them.
Next, you try cleaning. Sounds easy enough, right? Just wipe shit, take out trash, don’t ask questions. But the people. Oh god, the people.
One guy stares too long. Another asks if you “do more than just clean.” You hear something in the next room that sounds exactly like a body being dragged across the floor, and before they can assign you your first shift, you’re already bolting out the backdoor, deciding you’d rather starve than end up as another missing poster.
So you adapt and start lying. The first lie is awkward, stumbling, barely convincing.
You become a lost tourist, a poor, helpless tourist with tears in their eyes. “i need to get home, but i got robbed, could you please help?” some people believe you, some don’t, but sometimes a few bucks land in your palm.
Actually pretending to be a lost tourist works. Not always, not on everyone, but enough to get you through a night. Enough to buy something cheap from a gas station. Enough to keep you from completely breaking.
But you’re still homeless, from time to time sleeping under bridges, curled up in your too-thin jacket, cursing Steve every time you hear a car pass because he’s probably in his fucking shitty car right now, dry and warm, while you’re here turning into a human popsicle.
Every night, you promise yourself if you ever see him again, you’re gonna punch him. Right in the jaw.
But then one day, you watch some lady on the street doing tarot readings. Honestly, she's dramatic as hell, but you see the way people eat it up. How badly they want to believe the bullshit she’s spinning.
And that’s when it hits you. You don’t need luck to survive. You just need a better lie.
So you become a psychic, not a real one, obviously. But you pick up quick because you watch, listen and learn.
You sit out on the street, put on a knowing expression, grab the hand of the first idiot who stops, and start spewing bullshit about “long fate lines,” “hidden symbols,” and “a rich soulmate just around the corner.” And people eat it up.
God, they’ll believe anything if it means hearing their future is bright. And you don’t blame them because you wish you could believe it too.
“Oh, i see a great love in your future!”
“Yes, you’ll be rich one day, just wait!”
“Your life is about to change in a big way!”
So the money starts coming in. Not much, but more than before. More than the waitress job and more than begging. For the first time in forever, you don’t feel like you’re at rock bottom.
And soon you’ve got enough to get the hell out of this cursed city.
Here you are, trying to catch a bus, because if you stay here even one more day, you’re either gonna get arrested for illegal stay, or get eaten alive by the homeless, or worst of all found by the people who were supposed to make sure you never crossed the border in the first place. Okay, last chance, last hope. Standing on the roadside, you're scanning the cars, forcing a practiced smile, as if you’re not freezing your ass off and your legs aren’t burning from exhaustion.
The bus finally arrives, late as always, Because yeah, why would anything ever be convenient for you? The city is already deep asleep, leaving the streets empty, and that silence unsettles you. You’ve always hated silence. Especially this one that makes you glance over your shoulder and wonder if you should even get on this bus at all. But you don’t have a choice so you throw the money at the driver before he can say anything, drag yourself to the back, where you can sprawl out by the window and maybe catch a few minutes of sleep. You’re already hauling your heavy-ass bag, dreaming about collapsing into a seat, when you see—
That bastard, slouched in the corner, legs widely spread, brown hair is even messier than before, his gaze lazy, but the second he spots you, his eyes widen just a little.
You stop and stare. So does he.
“You. fucking. asshole.” you throw your bag onto the seat beside him, the sound echoing through the empty bus, but you don’t give a single shit.
“Hey, what the fuck, lady?” Steve or whatever the hell his name was raises his hands, as if he has no idea what’s happening, as if he’s genuinely fucking clueless about why you’re yelling at him.
“Oh, don’t you fucking “lady” me. You left me, you piece of shit.”
“Listen, doll, it's not like I—“
“Oh my fucking god, don’t ”doll” me either, you goddamn motherfucker.”
You hate the fact that he acts like this is funny. But he's not dumb, he knows you’re ready to kill him.
“I did what I had to do, you know! you should be grateful I didn’t wake you up.”
“Grateful?” you laugh, because at this point, it’s not even anger, it’s pure, unhinged hysteria. Grateful? Fucking seriously? “that motel guy was about to fucking kill me!”
“Well, did he?”
“No? but that’s NOT the point!”
Stan rolls his eyes. You can literally see him gearing up for some dumbass excuse.
“Ohh, come on, sweetheart, i knew you’d make it. You don’t look like someone who’d die that easily!”
You feel your face burning with rage. “Oh, oh, fuck you. Fuck you so much. you know what? I should've stolen your damn car.”
“Oh, you should've?” he smirks. “please, id love to see you try.”
You narrow your eyes. “next time I will.”
“Sure, good luck with that.”
You're aware that he looks you up and down, soaked, pissed off, hair a mess, but alive. And the bastard has the audacity to look. . . pleased?
“Anyway. nice seeing you again. Name’s Bill, by the way.”
You snap your head up. “wasn’t you Steve?”
He freezes. Then grimaces because he just realized he played himself. “. . .Yeah, well. i have many names.
He leans back against the seat, already bored of this conversation.
“And no brain cells. But oh my fucking god. Was that even your real name?”
“Who even gives a shit about real names, huh? names are just a concept.”
“A concept?”
“Yeah, you know, just labels people put on you. But they don’t mean shit. you can be whoever the fuck you want. Today I’m Bill. Yesterday I was Steve. Who knows what I'll be tomorrow?”
You press a hand to your forehead. “You are literally the dumbest person I have ever met in my life. I can't believe i—“
“Aww, thank you.” Stan interrupts you.
“That wasn’t a fucking compliment.”
“I’ll take it anyway.”
You exhale. No, seriously, you’re too fucking tired for this.
“You know what, fuck it. I don’t even care anymore. I’m sitting here, and if you open your mouth again, I swear I’ll strangle you.”
You're so cute when mad. That makes Stan grin. “ohhh, so we’re traveling together now?”
“No.” you're wrinkling your forehead.
“Sounds like we are!”
“Shut the fuck up.”
The bus rattles down the highway, lights flashing past the windows, and you're doing your best to ignore the fact that you’re stuck in the same goddamn vehicle as this absolute idiot. Unfortunately, he’s here, sitting right next to you, breathing the same air, and worst of all, he’s enjoying it. It's obvious by the way he smirks and sits all sprawled out like this is his personal limousine and you’re just some random hitchhiker who happened to stumble into his kingdom.
You take a deep breath. You need to calm down. Just count to ten, breathe and—
“Man, you are so mad. I literally feel the steam coming out of your ears. Are you always like this, or is it just me?”
You squeeze your eyes shut. “it’s just you.”
“Oh, I feel so special now.”
You clench your fists. God, he’s such a dick. But something about his words sticks with you, that moment when you mentioned his car, and then the question pops into your head.
“Wait a second. Didn’t you have a car?”
Stan blinks, then makes the most pitiful face you’ve ever seen. “Oh, my baby. . .“
“Your what?” you immediately frown.
“My car! My precious, my one and only. . .”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
He sighs dramatically, placing a hand over his chest looking like he's talking about a dead relative. “I had to sell her.”
Stan nods, staring out the window like some tragic movie character. Oh shit here we go, you think.
“Yeah. . . she’s gone now. Sold her to some guy named Bud.”
“You sold your damn car?”
“Had no choice, sweetheart.”
You stare at him, unable to process this information. “and what the hell did you do to end up in a situation where you had to sell your fucking car?”
He shrugs, way too casual about the whole thing. “oh, you know. fucked up. I'm a screw up after all.”
You stare at him, waiting for an actual explanation, but he just keeps grinning that lazy grin like this whole conversation is just a fun little game for him. And that pisses you off even more.
“You are literally the worst person I’ve ever met.”
Stan snorts. “Oh, come on. Don’t act like you’re sad about it. Or what, were you hoping to move in? live in MY car?”
“NO, you idiot! but I was hoping you’d stay the fuck away from me instead of sitting here, ruining my life even more!”
He leans too close, invading your personal space, grinning. “Bold of you to assume I would even let you touch my baby.”
“Are you kidding me, you idi—“
Stan throws his head back, laughing loudly, and it’s the worst sound you’ve ever heard. “Oh man, you are so easy to piss off. I love it.”
“I hate you. Shut up.”
“I know. And no, i wont.”
You roll your eyes, turning away, deciding you’re done wasting your energy on this asshole. But your stomach has other plans as it growls too loudly, and suddenly you remember that the last time you had a proper meal was. . . well. Way too long ago. You dig through your bag and pull out real food. Warm, actual food. Not a goddamn snickers like last time, but something that smells so good your mouth starts watering.
You still remember the motel. You remember this asshole munching on YOUR snickers and moaning like he was in heaven, knowing damn well you had nothing to eat.
You pick up a piece, put it in your mouth, close your eyes and—
Stan’s head snaps toward you immediately.
“What the hell are you doing.”
You open your eyes, smirking, and take another bite. “just enjoying my food.”
He squints at you. “you’re fucking with me.”
“Am I?” you close your eyes again, letting out an exaggerated sigh. “Mmhh. God, this is so good.”
“Okay, stop.”
“Stop what? enjoying my food? Oh, no, no, no. I should savor it.” you take another bite, chewing as slowly as possible, staring right at him.
He’s getting nervous. And his stomach starts growling too.
“So what, not even gonna share?” Stan looks at you, demonstrating you his puppy brown eyes.
Without breaking eye contact, you put another piece in your mouth, chewing as slow as humanly possible.
“Why the fuck would I share with the person who got me almost killed?”
He gasps, clutching his chest like you just stabbed him. “oh, please! it’s not like I ever needed your help!”
And with that, he yanks open his suitcase, clearly expecting something great, warm, tasty and instead. . .
Nothing. Well, except for some sad, rip-off band-aids.
He stares at them, slowly closing the suitcase. “man, life sucks.”
Finally, the bus screeches to a stop, tires rattling against the old asphalt, and you’re not even sure whether to be relieved or not. Sure, you got out of that place, the one you definitely shouldn’t have stayed in, but now you’re here, some other godforsaken place you don’t even know what to do with. But that’s not a problem anymore. At least you know what comes next. Unlike some people with fake names.
You stand, grab your heavy duffel bag, and Stan does the same with his suitcase. The entire ride, he didn’t shut up for even a second, but now that you’re outside, he’s way too quiet.
You steal a glance at him, he's standing there, gripping his suitcase like a little lost child, brushing his thick fingers over his mustache, scanning the darkness as if he's looking for something.
And it bothers you a little. Not because you worry about him. Just because Steve never gets this quiet for no reason. But you don’t care.
Honestly, it’s even better this way.
You adjust the strap of your bag and start walking. Slow, but determined. You don’t need this idiot. You don’t trust him, not after what he did, and not after he screwed you over. Yeah, maybe you’re no saint, but at least you never betrayed him the way he betrayed you.
And now, when he’s in even deeper shit than you are, why the hell should you stay?
But of course, he just has to open his damn mouth.
“So what? You just leave?”
You stop, exhaling sharply. “um, what do you expect me to do? take your hand and lead you like a lost puppy?”
“I mean, that would be nice.” he smiles awkwardly.
You roll your eyes and turn, meeting his sad gaze. “look, Steve if that's even your name, you got me in enough shit already. The last thing i need is you making it worse.”
He scoffs, rolling his eyes right back at you.
“Oh please. Don’t act like you weren’t already knee-deep in trouble before me.”
“Yeah, but at least i was handling it! Unlike some people.”
Stan narrows his eyes at your answer. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“It means, at least i still have my business. I still got people to scam. What do you have? Failed cons and a car you had to sell to some guy named Bud?” you smirk, shaking your head.
His face twists in mock offense. “Hey, Bud was a great guy! very talkative! he even gave me some advice—“
“I do not care.”
“Man, you’re so heartless.” Stan sighs.
“And you’re a liability.”
He opens his mouth to argue, but then he just stops. You see it hit him, even if he tries to play it off. Stan hates losing, hates to realise that someone else is better than him at at least one thing he thought he was good at, scamming. And right now you’re doing better.
He could say it’s not a competition, but for him, it always is. And that feeling, that he’s falling behind, pisses him off more than anything.
But when Stan blinks, shaking the thought off, he notices he’s standing alone.
You’re already gone and that makes him curse under his breath, glancing around, but you’re nowhere in sight.
“Well, shit.” he stands there, alone in the dark, and for the first time in a long time, he has no idea what to do.
But he has money. Shit, at least he has that. Thanks, Bud.
Stan glances around, thinking this place feels too dark and too empty so it makes him uncomfortable. He needs to get somewhere with people. Somewhere with a motel or at least a spot to crash for the night.
He walks, humming under his breath. Whatever, he doesn't need you, he doesn't need anyone. He's free spirited Stanley damn Pines, right, ma?
He turns the corner and something heavy slams against his head. Stanley doesn’t even get the chance to curse before he stumbles forward, collapsing onto the pavement with a dull thud and everything goes black.
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verycoolusername1 · 3 days ago
What A Suprise
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Summary: In which Ethan is always coming back to you, no matter the circumstance.
Track 5 of short n' sweet - coincidence
Warning! Drinking, mentions of cheating, and mentions of a toxic relationship.
A/N: thought about writing them to be toxic lowkey... so here's this!
Idrk know what genre this is so uh I'm just gonna take a guess and say angst-
But I can say the ending is open to interpretation, it can honestly be anything.
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Ethan had gotten into another fight with his current girlfriend, it was obvious they were gonna break up soon.
Didn't help that Ethan was undressing you with his eyes as if his 'girlfriend' wasn't next to him.
You honestly could care less about the party, didn't want to go in the first place.
But of course your friends begged you relentlessly and eventually you gave in.
You swayed around with them, giggling as you did so, the buzz from the vodka in your system could feel Ethan's eyes no matter where he was.
You didn't want to give him the satisfaction right now as you came to have fun with your friends, not to be a second choice.
You and Ethan have been going back and forth for a couple of years, he hasn't realized how much he hurt you as it didn't matter.
You always came back to him in the end and vice versa. There was something about him that was so intoxicating.
You weren't ready for a relationship after getting cheated on by your ex and he respected that decision, but it was really pathetic by getting some random girl to be his girlfriend for the week to get you back in his arms.
That was low, even for him.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." You screamed over the music to yell at your friend who just nodded.
Ethan watched you with dark eyes as he trailed you to the bathroom, his pupils dilating as he watches your backside.
You were washing your hands when you heard the familiar knock, only one person would knock three times.
You opened the door slowly, it was Ethan standing on the other side. He obviously had something to drink.
"Need to use the bathroom?" You tried to be polite but the look in his eyes were luring.
Ethan shakes his head in refusal. "Can I come in?"
You debated with yourself mentally, but decided to let him in the bathroom.
"You're drunk, Ethan." You stated the obvious.
"Everyone's drunk." Ethan mumbles.
"I'm not doing this with you tonight." You sighed. "I'm taking you to your dorm, where's your girlfriend uh lily?"
"Ex-girlfriend." He corrects. "She broke up with me, said her ex was better."
"Let's get you back to the dorm." You put his arm on your shoulder, trying to steady him.
"Can I go to yours?" Ethan whispered. "Don't uh want the guys to see me like this."
You nodded. "Yeah, yeah, we can do that."
Really? You're gonna let him go to your dorm knowing what it will lead to when he's sober. Great job!
You thought as you mutter to yourself that "This was a stupid idea."
You two left the party and did the long walk to your dorm, not wanting to bug your friend and take her car just to pick her up again.
Ethan was mumbling to himself about everything and nothing at all.
You unlocked the door to your dorm and headed inside, you placed Ethan on your bed.
You got a glass of water and some pills for him to take in the morning, and placed it on the nightstand.
As you turned to leave, Ethan took ahold of your wrist. "Don't leave." He looked up at you with glossy eyes.
You tried to reason with him. "Ethan you're drunk, you aren't thinking straight."
"Maybe not before but I'm am right now." Ethan begged.
You sighed. "Just for tonight."
Ethan broke out in a grin and opened up his arms, you layed down without hesitation.
"Y/n?" Ethan mumbled.
You glanced up at him. "Yes?"
"You know I just want you right? No matter how hard it gets, I'll always wait for you." Ethan confessed.
You swore you felt your heart skipped a beat at his words, you can't help but feel like it's another trick.
You also can't help but feel like he's telling the truth and he means it.
"Ethan, what are you talking about?" You glanced up at him.
"They aren't you y/n, never can be." Ethan whispered. "I just want you. Let me prove it to you that I'm serious, serious about this, and serious about you."
You took in his words and let out a shaky breath, you don't know what gotten into him tonight and you definitely don't care enough to know.
"Goodnight Ethan." You spoke, slightly above a whisper. Not trusting your voice beyond that.
You've taken the moment to realize that Ethan never spoke like this to you when he was sober. Maybe he's lying, maybe he isn't. You didn't quite care about that though.
You're already getting loss in the bliss that is the man you knew would be beside you in your bed the next morning, you feel a sensation between your legs just thinking about it.
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wvffles · 17 hours ago
ahh, alex this is amazing !!<3 i'm so in love with this ♥️
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lots of incoming thoughts lol, sorry in advance :')💘
Biting the inside of your lip, you can’t help but take him in, here in the raw light of day as he lays peacefully on his back. His head lolls to the side on your usual pillow. Your eyes roam over the bow of his lips, the dark eyebrows, lightish brown hair that's softer than it should be between your fingers.
I wish he was real at least once a day, I wanna give him a bunch of little kisses all over his face so bad 😩💗
It starts at Sam Winchester’s joint bachelor-bachelorette party at a nice hotel downtown.
I loveee this. <33 honestly the concept of traditional bachelor/bachelorette parties make zero sense to me, like wdym last night of freedom??? i'd simply cancel the wedding, go be free lmaoo 🙂‍↔️🤚🏽
They look beautiful in their lithe, strapless little cocktail dresses. You’ve had to give up chocolate, bread, and cheese for three months straight to fit into this dress, something slinky and red that drapes over your thicker, curvy figure. But you’re proud of the fact that you’re letting yourself eat cake tonight, even though you’ve often felt like Mrs. Doubtfire while standing for pictures next to Lisa and Jo.
ohhh I felt this to my coreeeee 😭 ( those 'fake nice' mean girls are the worst like it gets to a point you'd just prefer them to be straight up lol)
He can almost imagine that he’s coming free inside you, that you’re milking his cock for every drop, until there’s nothing left for him to give.
now I understand that this is probably a wild thing to highlight, however, it's making me giggle so bad after knowing how the rest of the chapter goes 🤣 his intuition is on point lmfaooo
with that being said, I truly adore their connection. 💓 it's so genuine and comfortable <33 and that spiceeee, it had me blushing ❤️‍🔥🫠 so good 🫶🏽
“And you didn’t even fucking call her. See? This is why I don’t set you up with any of my friends anymore,” Sam bitches at him from his side of the small two-seater dinner table.
you tell him sammy !! I completely understand focusing on training but a simple text message could have sufficed dean ._.
“You know, Dean, I’m pretty busy with my job right now. I just started here a couple of months ago, and I think I just need to focus on that right now,” you say. Part of it isn’t a lie, even though your soft heart is stinging.
I understand why she did this but still, aagh ☹️ my hopeless hearttt lol
Two months later, Dean has taken Sam’s dating advice to heart. A week or so after you turned him down, he ran into Lisa Braeden, Eileen’s Maid of Honor, while he was at the grocery store buying beer and Twizzlers. She was a smart, sharp, sexy brunette. A yoga instructor, he soon found out. So he took a chance on asking her out. They’ve been going slow and steady ever since. 
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deeeep sigh 😔 (nothing against canon lisa lol)
“Dean, I’m pregnant,” you confess.
considering the lovely story banner I should have guessed, but this really did surprise me somehow lollll 😭 (perhaps the gif distracted me 🤣)
“What did he say when you told him?” Sam asks. His gaze is firmer. You get the idea that if he doesn’t like what you tell him, then he’s about to go grab his brother by the ear himself.
aww sammy 🥺 he's such a sweetheart, I love him. also I can totally picture that 💀
Dean can tell that he knows, just in his Big Bird body language. He’d also recognize that accompanying Bitch Face anywhere.
lmfaoooooo dean pls 🤣 gotta love that sibling analysis
Lisa greets you with a “polite” smile at best, but she does offer you water at least. You really can’t blame her for not liking you though. She found out her boyfriend got another woman pregnant right before he started dating her. Really, she has more balls than you for staying with him.
i'd be blaming her for sure because how is she gonna be mad at something that happened before she was in the picture, then continue to be mad as if she's not actively choosing to stay, which is wild to me considering it's only been two months 💀 (she low-key reminds me of mona from friends 😩)
“So, you’re what, six months pregnant?” she asks.
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this could just be my anger issues talking but the urge to bitch slap her has appeared and it only intensified the more she talked 🤠 nothing more irritating than thinly veiled insults and backhanded comments. and how dare she do this, not just to another woman, but a pregnant woman? i'd cuss her out so quick like ho is you cool?? pack it up and put it away nobody asked for your projections negative nelly 🤚🏽
She gets up quicker from the couch than you, greeting her boyfriend with a kiss. You avert your gaze while you begin to get up yourself. Dean reaches out to help you, grasping your arm in support.
oh god my patience could neverrr 😭 it may be a bit irrational, but I would be so upset like you just kissed your gf, do not touch me sir. 🤠more importantly though, how are you going to juggle a new relationship with another woman and be truly committed to all the responsibilities of a new baby? :/ oh dean
“Bye, hun. Hope you have a good appointment,” Lisa says, giving your shoulder a pat. You give her the most genuine smile you can muster as you thank her. It's possibly that she's one of those women who don't realize when they're being cunty, but you find it highly unlikely. She's too smart for that.
oooo I woulda smacked her hand away, like don't touch me you sneaky wench 🤺
“And after the birth, I’m just going to be an even fatter slob who can’t take care of her baby,” you sniffle and weep, trying in vain to wipe your eyes and get ahold of yourself.
awww, i wanna give her a huuuuuug :((
His jade green eyes are firmly set on yours, and he gestures between you and him with a pointed finger. “The reason you and I are here right now, is because the minute I saw you, I wanted you.”
honestly he's so real for this lolll
this was a great first chapter! the preview for the next part has me intrigued, and a bit confused 😅 i’m really looking forward to seeing how this plays out <333
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IF I STAY - Part 1
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus-Sized!Reader
Summary: Your dream is to work with kids as an elementary school teacher. Dean is well on his way to becoming a firefighter, keeping things light and “strings unattached” as he goes. After a one-night stand you never saw coming, you and Dean are forced to deal with the consequences…and figure out if the connection between you is worth fighting for.
AN: Yes, here’s another firefighter AU! Based on a request from one of my lovely Patreon members: @redhoodieone. She requested pretty much all the major beats of this story, so hopefully I did her request justice! This is also partially inspired by Fools Rush In, a beautiful movie with Salma Hayek and Matthew Perry (Rest in Peace, King).
Song Inspo: “I Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis
Word Count: 8.7K
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, thick thirty, hints of body insecurity, but also body appreciation, angst, and hurt/comfort.
❤️‍🔥 If I Stay Masterlist
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Part 1: Fools Rush In
Slowly, your eyes slide open into the waking world. Your head is resting on something warm, firm…and a little sweaty. You pick your head up, despite the disorienting, muddy feeling of a slight hangover.
A groan bubbles in your throat. Your gaze travels downward, and you realize that what you’re looking at is more of a who.
Your eyes widen. Oh…my…God…
Not only are you very naked, but your firm pillow is too. It happens to be your best friend’s brother.
Yes, holy fucking shit! You slept with your best friend’s brother.
Biting the inside of your lip, you can’t help but take him in, here in the raw light of day as he lays peacefully on his back. His head lolls to the side on your usual pillow. Your eyes roam over the bow of his lips, the dark eyebrows, lightish brown hair that's softer than it should be between your fingers.
He’s painfully handsome. There’s a slight hesitation in your touch, but you softly trace the cut of his jaw and the stubble spread across it. That roughness feels familiar, and not just under the pads of your fingers, though the thought makes you blush. You begin to remember the night before, almost like a movie reel through your mind… 
Ooooh, right. That’s what happened.
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It starts at Sam Winchester’s joint bachelor-bachelorette party at a nice hotel downtown. He and Eileen aren't the "strippers and coke" kind of party couple. They're more the "wine and brie en croute with pickled olives" on the expensive crackers you can't afford—kind of couple.
They look perfectly in love, if a bit long-suffering while Dean gives a hilarious, somewhat inappropriate, but still ultimately heartwarming toast to their happiness. After lowering the glass of champagne from his lips, his gaze catches on yours in the crowd. You suck in a subtle breath. 
Technically you’ve met him already, being one of Eileen’s bridesmaids, but there’s something about his green eyes that pin you to the floor. When he hands over the mic to Lisa Braeden, Eileen’s Maid of Honor, his head turning away from you to offer her a smile breaks the spell. It allows you to breathe.
Dean later finds you by the bar. You’re drinking a rum and coke with your slice of cake, trying not to get a single crumb on your dress. You've put a lot of work into affording it, let alone fitting in it. He leans his elbows casually on the counter and looks over at you.
“Hey, how’s it going?” he nods at you with a smile, subtly taking you in first. Then, his eyes go to your plate. “Ooh, red velvet. Gotta get me some of that.”
You smile back at him. “It’s pretty good.”
“Yeah, looks good in your hand,” he says, adding a teasing wink for good measure.
You don't know why that does it for you, but a half-flattered, half-nervous laugh tumbles out of your mouth. Sam has warned you before about Dean. Apparently his older brother is a bit of a flirt; a ladies’ man.
A man whore, are the words Eileen used.
You’re honestly surprised he’s talking to you when Eileen’s other bridesmaids, Lisa and Jo, are sipping martinis together down at the other end of the bar. Guess they didn’t want cake.
They look beautiful in their lithe, strapless little cocktail dresses. You’ve had to give up chocolate, bread, and cheese for three months straight to fit into this dress, something slinky and red that drapes over your thicker, curvy figure. But you’re proud of the fact that you’re letting yourself eat cake tonight, even though you’ve often felt like Mrs. Doubtfire while standing for pictures next to Lisa and Jo.
They’re Eileen’s friends, not so much your crowd. No matter how much you’ve tried to get to know them while helping the wedding planning in whatever way you can, you still get a high school clique vibe from the women, if with more “polite smiles.” Then they’ll typically go back to talking about crystal centerpieces—or whatever in-depth conversation they were having before you were there. 
But right now, Dean’s focus is on you. When he asks you more about yourself, you tell him about recently earning an elementary education degree.
“Ah, but you already knew that, because Sam told you we graduated college together,” you realize, with warmth tingeing your cheeks. That subject came up pretty quickly when he introduced you to his brother.
Dean’s smile confirms your suspicions, so you just keep filling the silence on reflex.
“Well, I actually just started teaching my first ever semester of second graders. They’re a bit of a handful, but overall, they’re really sweet.” Your smile falters. “Except for this one kid who likes to put little tacks on my chair. He’s kind of a menace, but I think if I bribe him with enough lollipops, he’ll give it a rest. I mean, it’s a behavioral issue and I should probably call his parents. But it's kind of hard to tell them their son is trying to make my ass into a pincushion."
Dean's laugh comes out in a sharp burst, like he wasn't expecting what just came out of your mouth. You didn't either, honestly. You giggle more out of embarrassment, ducking your head.
"He’s in second grade, you know?" you say, in between laughter. "I don't think that little footnote needs to end up on his permanent record. But then there's Micah. He's so friggin' smart. He can read at the fifth grade level already. Can you believe that? And I know I'm not supposed to have favorites, but his grades on his spelling tests get him a spot in the comfy bean bag chair pretty much every Friday. Honestly, I think that's what I like about working with kids. I get to see that spark on their face when something just finally clicks for them. Their little faces get all bright and happy and…ugh. God, I'm sorry. I'm rambling, right?”
You stop yourself with a hand sliding over your mouth, not quite covering your smile of embarrassment.
Dean’s grin just widens, making the corners of his eyes crinkle. 
"It's okay. I kinda like it," he teases.
You duck your head, biting your lip against a groan. He chuckles and reaches out for your hand, earning your nervous glance. He quirks his head.
“Hey, you're passionate about what you do, helping kids. That's nothin' to be ashamed of,” he says, brushing his thumb over your hand. “But sweetheart, I gotta ask. Am I making you nervous or something?”
God, yes, you think, especially at that sweetheart thing. It’s making your heartbeat tick up a syncopated rhythm, but you shake your head, biting the straw of your rum and coke.
“No, not at all,” you say, in a hopefully “breezy” kind of way. You touch your fingers to his wrist. “Tell me about you though. Sam mentioned that you’re a firefighter?”
“Ah, yeah. Firefighter in training,” he says, with a more genuine smile.
He just started at the Fire Academy, and he tells you about all the drills he’s had to learn and all the training he’s had to do to be able to keep up with his classes. You subtly eye him while you sip at your drink, and you notice the crisp cut of his buttoned-down shirt and leather jacket, the definition of muscle across his thighs under the slacks, even while he casually sits.
Your gaze subtly travels down his long bowed legs, smart dress shoes. His cologne is woody and masculine, but not overpowering; maybe bergemot and sandalwood. It pleasantly wafts under your nose every time he gestures with his hands while he talks.
“Aw man, I can’t hold out anymore. I think I need to get me some of that cake before it’s gone,” he says, getting up from his chair.
You’re a bit disappointed that he’s leaving, until he stops short.
“You want another piece?” he offers, gesturing at your empty plate that’s been resting on the counter.
You blink in surprise, but you shake your head. “Oh, no. I probably shouldn’t.”
“Why not? It’s a party,” Dean reasons. His grin is too damn infectious. It has you smiling, and begrudgingly agreeing.
Not only does he bring you more cake, but you watch him eat three whole slices before he asks you to dance.
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The rest of it flashes through your mind like strobe lights—the way he’d started small and respectful with his larger hand closed over yours and the other along the curve of your waist. He guided you closer and closer, until you were turned around into his arms, and you could feel his warm breath on your neck.
You felt his lips teasing your skin. Then those hands tantalizingly drifted down your every soft curve, as if showing you a preview of everything he could do to you, and every way he’d make you come apart. You believed him.
And when he whispered in your ear, asking if he could take you home, you let him.
You let him drive you in that big black piece of history he drives. Used to be my dad’s car, he said. A Chevy something. You couldn’t really remember much when his hand was drifting up and down your thigh like that.
His presence burned hot at your back when you two eventually got to the front door of your apartment, your hands just barely shaking as you got the key in. Twist and click—
He waited until you flipped the lights on. Then he turned you around slowly in his arms and pulled you in close, all the while asking you with his eyes and raised brows. This okay? You want this?
“Do I still make you nervous?” he asked, his lips twitching at a smile when yours do.
You nodded, uttering a small giggle. “In a good way.”
That was when he finally kissed you, hot and slow, like he meant to devour you whole. He moaned at the taste of you, at the feel of your ass squeezed in his hands. You clung onto him strong, breathing into his kiss and trying to meet every single demand of his lips.
It soon became a fiery tear to your bedroom, one lamp flicked on, hot breaths and nice clothes crumpled to the floor. You didn’t feel self-conscious even once when he guided you under him on the bed, because he wasted no time in taking you apart, inch by inch.
His lips kissed and licked and sucked a burning trail down your neck, over your collarbone and between your breasts. You felt his hardened length trapped between your bodies while his hands explored you, teasing your breasts and sensitive nipples, and he mapped his way down with his lips.
You explored every part of him you could—every dip of muscle, firm shoulders and the slopes of his back, and then back up to tangle in his hair. Your heated gasps and whimpers filled the room when his sinful mouth found what it was looking for between your legs.
It wasn’t often that you had a strong pair of shoulders to rest your thighs on, but Dean’s grip was hard enough to leave deep fingerprints of pressure on each thigh while he slipped his tongue through your folds and feasted on you.
“D-Dean, oh God,” you gasped. Every sound you made was a sensuous symphony in his ears, washing over his skin and making the well of his desire churn hot in his lower belly. He had to roll his hips into the mattress for some relief for his aching cock, even while he moved his mouth up to your clit, circling the swollen bud with his tongue. He had enough room to slip two fingers deep inside your sopping wet channel, exploring you deeply, stroking and twisting to find what you needed.
Your thighs trembled and squeezed tight on either side of his head. When he sucked your clit tight between his lips, you uttered as gasping moan as that coil snapped its release. Your inner walls fluttered around his fingers. Yours clenched tightly in his hair, threatening to rip out a few strands.
Dean stroked you all through your first orgasm, giving slower licks to your clit. He seemed to sense when you couldn’t handle anymore though. You tugged more sharply on his hair, and he finally pulled away, moving back up your body to gauge your reaction.
You’d collapsed boneless against the bed, but you still managed to smile up at him as you caught your breath.
“You okay, sweetheart?” he asked. But his self-satisfied grin almost made you laugh. You took his glistening face between your hands and pulled him down for a grateful kiss.
After a moment to savor your lips, he broke away for a second to catch his breath himself. You stroked his back all the while.
“You know, for a minute down there, I thought you might not let me come back up,” he teased.
You choked on a laugh, covering your face in embarrassment.
“Honestly wouldn’t have minded if you did suffocate me,” he chuckled, accompanied by a slap to your left ass cheek. You squealed, and blushed hotly at the way he was grinning down at you.
“Ready for more, baby? Or you want to call it a night?” he asked. His tone was playful, but it was actually a serious question. You blinked in surprise. You’d never had a guy be this, well…generous, and not expect anything in return, especially not for just a hookup.
But you shook your head and sat up, slipping a hand behind Dean’s neck. After a beat of hesitation, you guided him down to you for a slow, sensuous kiss.
“No, I don’t want to call it a night,” you whispered. Your hand drifted down his bare chest, and lower still. You showed him just how well you could return the favor.
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And now, come the morning, you’re blushing down to your neck as each scene flashes through your mind. You feel the ghost of his hands all over your body, and how you’d never quite felt quite as bold and sexy and beautiful with a near stranger as you had with Dean effing Winchester. Your best friend’s brother.
You begin to worry your bottom lip with your teeth. How the hell are you going to tell Sam? Especially after he warned you about exactly this. Plus, there’s a reason you don’t typically do the one-night stand thing, and this has the potential to become something very complicated.
You know what, it’s fine! you think. We’re two consenting adults. We’re both single. And maybe…maybe it could be more than a hookup. Maybe we can see each other again, see where it goes.
“What’re you thinking so hard about?” Dean says, his voice croaking with sleep.
You look down at him in surprise. His eyes have cracked open and he has your hand captive, stopping you from continuing to idly trace patterns on his bare chest. You smile in embarrassment.
“Sorry,” you say. Again, you bite your lower lip. “Um, good morning.”
“Morning, sweetheart,” he grins lazily. “You sure wore me out last night.”
Your smile becomes more genuine, even if you turn your face away somewhat shyly.
“Aw, don’t do that,” Dean says. He slides his hand up your arm and behind your neck, tangling into your already tangled hair when he guides you down to his lips for a kiss. “You were awesome.”
You giggle against his lips. “Really?”
“Hell, yeah,” he says, kissing you again.
You shake your head a little. “You were…”
Amazing. Unbelievable. Probably the best night I’ve ever had.
“Perfect,” you decide. Because it’s the truth. The word comes out of your mouth before you can filter yourself though, making you pause. Dean does too, but after a beat, he slowly smiles.
“Oh yeah?” he asks.
You lick your lips, and you nod. “Definitely.”
“Well, then,” he says. His hand moves down to squeeze your hip. “You down for a repeat performance?”
You smile. “Only if I get a turn.”
Bracing your hands on his chest, you slide your thigh across his lap so you can straddle his hips. Dean grins and goes along with your idea. He gets a nice healthy handful of your thighs and helps settle you on top of him. But first, he reaches over into your nightstand drawer and finds another condom, ripping it open with his teeth.
Just like you did for him last night, you take the packet, as well as his generous length in your hands. You gently stroke him to full mast, smiling pleased at his groan of pleasure. Then you carefully fit the condom over him.
“You’re so gentle with me,” he teases. 
“Just returning the favor,” you quip, just before you position him at your wet entrance. Slowly, you sink down over his cock.
You both moan at the feeling of him stretching you again, warm and thick and fitting perfectly nestled deep inside. There had been moments last night where he wasn’t all that gentle, actually, but his passion had only spurred yours on more. You know you’ll probably find fingerprint marks on your thighs and ass, but it’s fucking worth it, you think, as you begin to bob a rocking rhythm that serves you both.
Dean arches his back underneath you, his knees coming up to press against your ass.
“Goddamn, baby. Givin’ me quite a show,” he says, in a panting voice that’s deep as sin.
You utter a breathy laugh.
Dean means it though. He’s enjoying the way you brush your hair out of your face, your beautiful tits in his face while you truly let loose for him. He guides you by the stronghold he has on your hips, his fingers pressing into your soft flesh as he ruts up into you, meeting your thrusts.
Your breath quickens, your nails digging into his chest on reflex, and your heart races as that delicious pleasure builds. But when Dean snakes a hand between you and further parts your folds to massage tight circles over your clit, your vision flashes white. You utter a scream of pleasure on his name, your inner walls choking him tight as you throb around his cock. His release hits him like a goddamn freight train.
“Aw, fuck,” he grunts.
He slams your hips down hard, making your thighs slap against his. A ragged groan escapes him in a rush. His hands move to your thighs just under your ass, where his fingers press into flesh hard enough to leave forensic ID, giving him leverage to bury himself deep into your pussy as he spills a hot release into the condom.
He can almost imagine that he’s coming free inside you, that you’re milking his cock for every drop, until there’s nothing left for him to give.
The thought surprises him. It almost takes him out of the moment, honestly. That’s not a thought he’s ever had before—not with a woman he barely knows (which is most of his hookups, if he’s honest).
In that delicious, fractious moment just after it hits, it’s like those few seconds are suspended in zero gravity. Your arms are shaking, and your forced to collapse against his chest. Dean welcomes you there for a little while, letting you come down while he smooths a hand over your hair.
Though he can't help the urge to let his big hand drift down over your dewy skin, down the gentle slope of your back and over the curve of your generous ass. He gives one cheek a teasing slap. The sound echoes in the room.
"Goddamn perfect ass," he says roughly, smirking at your squeal. You end up grinning hard against his neck.
"'S that my new nickname?" you quip.
He chuckles deeply, moving you along with his chest. "Hell, sweetheart, if you want it to be."
Eventually, you lean back to give him a smile and one last kiss before you pull away from him. You slip off his lap to find your robe, at least. You definitely need a shower.
“So I’m thinking, after we get cleaned up, I could make us some breakfast,” you offer. “Or if you want, maybe we could go somewhere. I know a little diner down the block.”
“I like the sound of food,” Dean agrees with a smile. Ge reaches over for his phone on the nightstand, to check the time. His eyes widen. “Oh, shit.”
He has to get his ass over to the Fire Academy. He has class in barely twenty minutes.
He tears out of bed and nearly trips on the coiled sheets.
“Sorry. Gonna need to take a raincheck,” he says. He hurries to find his clothes strewn all over your bedside floor.
“What’s the matter?” you ask with wide eyes. You cross your arms under your breasts, but it’s more like you’re hugging yourself over your robe. You watch him tear through your bedroom in a tempest of movement.
Dean spares you a glance, but not much else as he yanks up his slacks and belt and dress shirt.
“Gotta get to class,” he confesses. Thank God he has his uniform in the trunk of his car for exactly these kinds of emergencies. He grabs his phone, wallet, and keys, and quickly kisses you on the cheek. He gazes down at you apologetically. “Sorry I gotta cut and run, sweetheart, but it’s been fun.”
Your smile barely reaches your eyes. He’s pressed for time, but he still notices.
He slows himself down and cups your cheek. “Hey.”
He gets your pretty eyes looking up at him, and he gives you a real kiss, nice and slow. He cradles your cheek and brushes his thumb across your skin.
“Thanks,” he says. His now familiar grin manages to make you smile. “And I mean that.”
You shake your head at him. “Okay go, Mr. Future Fireman. Be safe out there, okay?”
He gives you a playful salute. “Yes, ma’am.”
You can’t help but laugh. This guy’s too much. But you don't think you've had this much fun having sex in...
All right, let's not put a timeframe on it.
You watch him leave your apartment, even though you have a sinking feeling in your chest. You knew this was just a hookup for him, for both of you. Part of you just couldn’t help hoping that it could’ve led to something more. 
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Dean means to call you.
He really does.
After that truly awesome, you shook me all night long, kind of a night, he thinks about you more than he’d like to admit over the next few weeks. However, he finds himself locked into his training. He’s so close to finishing strong and earning his badge, he just can’t afford any more distractions.
Still, he should’ve known that Sam would find out—either through Eileen, or through you directly. He also should’ve expected the way his brother let him have it.
“And you didn’t even fucking call her. See? This is why I don’t set you up with any of my friends anymore,” Sam bitches at him from his side of the small two-seater dinner table. They still share an apartment, though in just a month and a half, Sam’s going to be moving out. He and Eileen already found a house that they’re moving into after the wedding.
“Look, I was going to call her, man. They’ve just been bustin’ my ass at the Academy!” Dean argues.
“Bullshit.” Sam levels him with the same finger that holds his beer.
Dean’s brows raise, high and annoyed. “Oh, really?”
“Yeah, I’m calling bullshit. Because if you really liked her, respected her, and respected me, you would’ve made the time,” Sam says.
That falls heavy between the brothers for a moment while they eat their pizza.
“Look, I know her. She doesn’t do hookups that often, which means…she probably liked you,” Sam adds. “And honestly, when are you going to give it a real try with someone? You can only visit that free clinic so many times.”
Dean shoots him a glare. He’s had a clean bill of health from said clinic for six months straight.
“Jesus Christ. Enough, all right?” he grouses. “What’re you, Mom?”
“I’m just saying,” Sam says, lowering his crust to the plate. He levels his brother with a more earnest look, lightening up from his anger. “Look, if it’s about what happened to Dad—”
“What, you mean the way he drank himself to death after Mom died?” Dean says. His voice cuts through whatever softball glove Sam is trying to handle him with. “You think that’s the kind of thing I should be looking for in my life?”
“Oh, and what, do you think I’m making a mistake marrying Eileen?” Sam counters.
Dean sighs, shaking his head. “Damn it, don’t put words in my mouth. That’s not what I’m saying, it’s just…I don’t know. Maybe that kind of life—the house, the wife, the 2.5 kids and the dog. Maybe that’s just not my life, okay?”
Sam gives him a long look. He lets go of a deep breath, and he shrugs.
“Okay,” he says. “If you think hooking up night after night for the rest of your life is going to make you happy, then fine.”
Dean nods, glad that they can put an end to this little After School Special.
Still, he can’t finish his third slice of pizza. He keeps picturing your face when he left you that morning. No matter how you tried to hide it, he still saw the tinge of disappointment in your eyes. It brews something uncomfortable in his stomach, and a sting in his chest.
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You’re eating lunch alone in your classroom, finally on your break, when an unfamiliar number flashes across your phone screen. You look down at it in confusion, but with all the caterers and florists and things you’ve helped Eileen with on the wedding, you figure it could be important. You pick up the call and greet whoever’s on the line.
“Hey, sweetheart. How are you?”
You drop your ham and cheese on your keyboard, gaping in surprise.
“Yeah, it’s me,” he chuckles slightly. “Sorry, I know it’s been a minute.”
You frown, because you’re confused more than anything.
“Yeah, like almost a month,” you reply. You put the call on speaker so you can grab up your sandwich and quickly brush off the crumbs from your keyboard. You struggle to say something cool, clever, sexy even. “I’m okay. Just, um…what’s up?”
Smooth, real smooth. You cover your eyes with your hand.
“Nothin’, I was just thinking of that night,” he says. “I had a good time.”
Your frown deepens, despite the beginning of a blush warming your cheeks. If he’s calling you just for another hookup…
“So I just thought maybe you and I could do something again. Maybe you wanna come over my place this time.”
And there it is. You deflate at his words, shoulders sagging. The "convenient booty call" proposition.
“I could make us some burgers, toss in a couple of beers and a movie night,” he adds.
That part throws you though, you’re not going to lie. What, is this a Netflix and chill situation—with a side of fries?
You consider it. You weigh pros and cons at a frightening speed in your mind, almost like Sherlock Holmes contemplating the layout of a dead body and deducing within moments that his wife committed the murder, despite the man no longer wearing a ring.
You want to let yourself be bold and spontaneous and carefree...but it's just not who you are at your core. You're a planner, a cautious person who looks three ways before crossing the street. Letting Dean take you home that night was certainly one of the most spontaneous, wild things you've done since your friends took you out to a strip club after you aced your final round of exams back in college.
(Sam hadn't been there that night, but he did get an embarrassing drunken text from you at 3:00 a.m., along with a few shame-ridden pictures fueled by questionable substances. Yes, he still had the evidence.)
You just don't know if it's smart to let yourself hookup with Dean again. Mostly because you know your heart has the tendency to get attached, no matter how much you warn it not to.
“You know, Dean, I’m pretty busy with my job right now. I just started here a couple of months ago, and I think I just need to focus on that right now,” you say. Part of it isn’t a lie, even though your soft heart is stinging.
“Ah, okay. Yeah. I get that,” he says. You hear his disappointment too. “But I just need to say, I really am sorry for not calling you sooner.”
Your lips tug at a smile. “It’s okay, Dean. Look, you’re Sam’s brother. I just feel like, maybe it’s better if you and I stay friends.”
“Friends, huh?” Dean says wryly. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I don’t have three rounds of steamy hot sex with any of my friends.”
Your blush comes swiftly again, burning in your cheeks.
“Be that as it may,” you say, “I just don’t want to do anything that will distract from Sam and Eileen’s wedding.”
“Oh, I’m a distraction, huh?” Dean says flirtatiously. 
You begin to smile in earnest. “I think you know damn well what you are, Dean Winchester.”
His deep chuckle practically resonates through the phone and into your chest, going straight down to your pussy. You clench on nothing just at the sound of his voice, making you cross your legs under your skirt. Dear God…
How are you supposed to be even remotely normal around this man now? 
But for Sam’s sake (and your own), you’ll have to try. 
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Two months later, Dean has taken Sam’s dating advice to heart. A week or so after you turned him down, he ran into Lisa Braeden, Eileen’s Maid of Honor, while he was at the grocery store buying beer and Twizzlers. She was a smart, sharp, sexy brunette. A yoga instructor, he soon found out. So he took a chance on asking her out. They’ve been going slow and steady ever since. 
Dean hasn’t heard from you since the rehearsal dinner, but he sees you again at his brother’s wedding. All the bridesmaids are wearing long, royal blue dresses that drape off the shoulders and hug the bust and waist, flaring gently at the skirt. Lisa and Jo wear it beautifully, their hair perfectly smooth and coiled. 
But when you step out into the hall outside the church ballroom to join them, Dean actually pauses in what he’s saying to his brother. He nearly double takes when you enter his line of vision—mostly because he hasn’t seen you in a dress since that night. You were sexy as hell then, a lady in red. 
Today, you’re absolutely stunning. 
After greeting Sam with a warm hug, you turn to him with a nervous kind of smile. “H-Hey, Dean.”
With that, he snaps out of it. Dean smiles, eyes crinkling, and goes over to give you a hug as well.
“Good to see you,” he says, trying not to inhale too much of your nice perfume. It’s even in your hair.
“You too,” you reply. Your smile is a little brighter, more genuine. Though there’s something behind your eyes that he can’t quite place.
What he doesn’t notice is the way Lisa is watching you and her boyfriend, a hint of suspicion on her face.
You do though. You pull away from Dean and assemble into a line with Lisa at the helm. As the Best Man, Dean stands with her, followed by Jo and Brady, another one of Sam’s buddies. You and Benny bring up the rear. Benny’s dad used to work with John, Sam and Dean’s father, on the police force.
According to Sam, John Winchester worked a beat for twenty-six years before his liver finally gave out on him. Dean almost went to the Police Academy to follow in his dad’s footsteps, but Benny, already working his way up to Lieutenant, suggested Dean become a smoke eater instead. The suggestion stuck.
Benny Lafitte is slightly shorter than Dean, but just as broad-shouldered, his auburn beard neatly trimmed. Even though you might’ve thought he was rough around the edges at first, his kind blue eyes spoke the contrary. He offers you his arm like a gentleman.
“Well aren't I lucky, getting the prettiest girl on my arm,” he says, with a charming smile.
You smile, and even begin to blush at the way he subtly takes note of you from head to toe.
“Well, thank you. You’re very handsome yourself. Although, hold on.” You slip your arm out of his for a moment so that you can fix his tie. It’s slightly crooked. You make sure that it lays flat under his collar, smoothing down all the edges and picking off any small dust particles that landed on his collar. Benny watches you with an indulgent smile.
“Am I good?” he asks.
“Very,” you reply.
“I appreciate it, thank you,” he says. You don’t know if he means to sound flirtatious, but his voice is a deep drawl that washes over you pleasantly. You find yourself blushing down to your neck as you slip your arm back around his.
You also don’t notice how Dean glances at you and Benny over his shoulder.
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As much as you love Sam and Eileen, it’s difficult for you to keep your mind from spinning into fractals as the ceremony goes on. You can’t help but glance at Dean. He stands there behind Sam dutifully, but you see brotherly pride in Dean’s eyes, in his smile. It makes you smile too. You too love Sam like a brother, and it brings a well of happy tears to your eyes to watch him have his moment with his new wife.
It just also reminds you of what you need to do.
After the ceremony ends and the bridal party files out behind the bride and groom, you excuse yourself from Benny apologetically. You wait until Lisa and Jo go off to take pictures with Sam and Eileen, and you grab Dean’s wrist, pulling him aside.
“I need to talk to you,” you whisper.
Dean gives you a confused look. “They’re gonna need us for the pictures.”
“I know, but this is important,” you say. Your voice trembles with nerves, and so do your hands. Dean notices, frowning in concern. He grasps your arm to try and steady you.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“Just come with me,” you implore him. You take his hand and lead him into the women’s dressing room attached to the church sanctuary you all just came out of.
Dean raises his brows at the mess you and the rest of the bridesmaids have made of the room—pantyhose and makeup and clothing litter the floor and most available surfaces, while leftover breakfast sandwiches, grapes, salami, and cheddar cheese cubes are splayed out across one of the vanity counters. Dean is tempted to steal a morsel, but he focuses on you first.
You close and lock the door, which makes his brows raise high again. You know he has a girlfriend now, right?
“Uhh, look, I’m not sure what’s going on here, but—”
You heave a sigh. Again, you take his hand and guide him to sit with you at the vanity. The old stools squeak, the overhead lights a bit too bright. This is not where you want to do this, but you can’t hold it in anymore.
“Dean, I’m pregnant,” you confess.
He freezes. His breath stills in his lungs. His eyes slowly widen as the words click in his brain.
“What?” His head tilts, as if he didn’t hear you right.
You squeeze his hand; to ground him or yourself, you’re not sure.
“I’m about two months pregnant. I found out last week.”
Dean swipes his free hand over his mouth while he tries to compute. He squeezes your hand, tighter and tighter. He points to himself.
“It’s…it’s me? It’s mine?”
You give him a weary smile. “You’re the only one I’ve been with in the last few months. It could only be you.”
Oh fuck. The man’s face begins to pale as he descends into shock.
“But we…I used a condom,” he reasons. “All the—all the times!”
You bite your lip. If you weren’t freaking the fuck out yourself, you’d probably be laughing right now. Granted, you’ve had a bit more time to process this than Dean.
“I know, I was there,” you reply, releasing yet another sigh. “One of them probably broke. That’s all I can think of… Honestly, Dean, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. I just didn’t want to disrupt the ceremony or cause a scene before the wedding. But now you know.”
Dean falls silent then. He hasn’t let go of your hand, which you think is a decent sign. He’s likely forgotten that you’re still holding it as he stares off into the middle distance for several seconds.
Eventually, he shakes his head and returns his gaze to yours. He looks uncertain, his handsome face the true epitome of holy fucking shit.
You know the feeling.
But he asks the most important question.
“What do you want to do?”
Briefly you close your eyes as you take a breath. You squeeze his hand before you let go of him.
“I’ve thought about this a lot, and…I’m keeping the baby,” you tell him, though you raise placating hands. “I don’t want money, or anything like that. I just wanted you to know that it’s yours. How much you want to be in his or—or her life, that’s up to you.”
Dean takes a beat before he answers, but you don’t have to wait so long holding your breath.
“Okay. Okay, yeah. I’ll help you. Don’t worry,” he says.
And just like that, all the time you spent giving yourself pep talks for this, telling yourself that you’ll need to be strong no matter what he says, all of it crumbles into relief. Your lower lip trembles, and your body shudders as you break into tears. You try covering your face to hide your shame, but Dean grasps your shoulders.
“Hey, hey. It’s all right,” he says. He tentatively pulls you into a hug. “It’s gonna be okay.”
You nod into his dress shirt, probably staining him with your running makeup.
“Thank you,” you whisper. “Thank you so much.”
He holds you a bit tighter in response.
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You and Dean agree to keep this to yourselves for now, at least until Sam and Eileen get back from their honeymoon. It’s difficult to explain why your eyes are all red and your makeup is smudged, but you promise Sam that you’ll tell him later. You know it’s pointless to lie to him though. As a lawyer, his bullshit meter is far too high.
However, you also know that he’s half guessed it by the time you all make it to the reception. When you and Dean came out of that dressing room to join the bridal party for pictures, you're sure that you looked emotionally wrecked. Dean had looked pale as a sheet, his body coiled and tense, as willing himself to seem normal. Sam had clocked both of you with a raise of his brow, but he didn't say anything then, especially after you gave him a pleading look.
While Eileen greets her family without him for a moment, Sam pulls you aside. He notes your glass of diet coke, in a moderate sea of guests drinking champagne and cocktails.
“Are you okay?” he asks knowingly.
Tears well up in your eyes again. You don’t know if it’s your damn hormones going haywire, or just the way Sam asks you, with the love of a friend in his eyes. He squeezes your shoulder gently, prompting you with your name.
“Yeah, I think I will be,” you say.
"Is it the same reason you're not drinking?" he asks. "You and Dean earlier..."
You hesitantly confirm with a nod. Sam blows out a harsh sigh, raising folded hands to his mouth as he processes. You begin to look around on reflex, trying to see if anyone's watching you and Sam have this conversation in the middle of the reception. To your relief, everyone around you seems occupied with drinks, hours d'oeuvres and conversation.
“What did he say when you told him?” Sam asks. His gaze is firmer. You get the idea that if he doesn’t like what you tell him, then he’s about to go grab his brother by the ear himself.
You grab his wrist and give a placating squeeze. “He said he's going to help me, be there for me.”
“Damn right. So will I,” Sam nods, and glances back at Eileen, his new bride, with a smile. “We both will.”
“I know,” you nod as well. “I’ll be okay, Sam. You don’t have to worry so much. Just enjoy your wedding day. It’s the only one you’re gonna get. Well, you know…hopefully.”
You tease him with a wink.
Sam laughs, cupping your cheek. He kisses your other cheek.
“I love you, you know that right?” he says.
You give him a trembling smile through your tears.
Meanwhile, Dean has a beautiful woman in his arms. He turns Lisa on the dancefloor, trying not to trip on his own dress shoes, all the while knowing that his brain isn’t here in his body. It’s across the ballroom, watching you talk to Sam. Dean can tell that he knows, just in his Big Bird body language. He’d also recognize that accompanying Bitch Face anywhere.
“Dean, what’s wrong,” Lisa asks him, and not for the first time. She’s getting annoyed, he can tell. She finally looks over to where he keeps glancing, and she notices you with a frown. It’s also not the first time she’s caught him staring at you tonight.
“What was that earlier in the dressing room? She didn’t really get food poisoning, did she?” she asks pointedly. “What, did you two used to date or something?”
He gives a wan smile. “Yeah, kinda. We…had a thing once.”
“What kind of thing?”
Dean closes his eyes and tries to keep himself calm. He’s pretty sure if he tells her the truth right now, she’s going to find the nearest cocktail and dump it over his head.
But shit, here it goes.
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After a long day at school, you drive over to Dean’s apartment. You’d agreed to meet there and wait for him to get off his shift at Firehouse 83, where he just started as a full-fledged firefighter on probation. When he gets home, he’s supposed to go with you to an important appointment with your OB-GYN. 
You were hoping he’d already be done with work by the time you got to his place, but Lisa's there to open the door for you. Apparently, he’d already given her a key.
Moving kind of fast, but okay, you think. A second later, you could’ve rolled your eyes at yourself. Pot, kettle, me. Got it.
Lisa greets you with a “polite” smile at best, but she does offer you water at least. You really can’t blame her for not liking you though. She found out her boyfriend got another woman pregnant right before he started dating her. Really, she has more balls than you for staying with him. You wouldn't put it past Dean to somehow have smooth-talked her into giving him a chance.
Or she really loves him. The thought sobers you as you lower yourself down to the couch beside her. Both of you sit there in silence for a moment, trying to figure out something to talk about.
“So, you’re what, six months pregnant?” she asks.
You correct her in thinly veiled annoyance. “Three months, actually.”
“Oh, wow. I’m sorry,” she says. “I don’t know why I thought it was six.”
You have a feeling her awkward chuckle is fake, however. She knew good and damn well that you’re not six months pregnant. In her eyes, you must be the size of a parade float. 
“If you want, I can recommend a holistic diet to help you get your body back after the baby’s born,” Lisa offers. “No pills, no chemicals. Just good clean weight loss.”
You feign interest. Honestly, you’d like her to cram that offer right up her hooch.
“I can even give you a discount if you want to try out yoga,” she says. “It’s low impact, but you burn plenty of calories. I have a beginner’s class, not too strenuous. Even my least flexible clients manage to do the poses.”
Is that why Dean likes you? Because you’re bendy? Bet if I sat on you, you’d pop like a fucking balloon.
You hide all of these thoughts behind a “polite” smile of your own.
“That’s really nice of you, thanks,” you reply. It’s non-committal enough, but hopefully it’ll get her off your back.
No such luck.
“You know, maintaining a healthy diet is really important for the baby’s health too,” Lisa adds. “It’s not just about avoided raw fish and dairy products. Oh, and processed food is obviously a no-go. Like, I’m sure you haven’t been hitting Taco Bell and all that stuff, right?”
As a matter of fact, you’ve been eating clean since long before you got pregnant. Not that it’s any business of hers whether you enjoy the occasional quesadilla or not.
Your temper snaps at its leash. You open your mouth to reply, when the front door unlocks and opens to Dean, stepping in through the threshold.
Thank God, you and Lisa both think. She gets up quicker from the couch than you, greeting her boyfriend with a kiss. You avert your gaze while you begin to get up yourself.
Dean reaches out to help you, grasping your arm in support. You shoot him a smile.
“I can still get up by myself,” you snip.
“Yeah, all right. Just in case,” he says with a smile. “Ready to go?”
“Oh, yeah. Let’s rock and roll,” you say, trying to hide your worsening mood. You’re exhausted, and irritated, and probably more than a little hangry. Except now, the idea of food just has you feeling guilty for even being hungry.
“Bye, hun. Hope you have a good appointment,” Lisa says, giving your shoulder a pat. You give her the most genuine smile you can muster as you thank her. It's possibly that she's one of those women who don't realize when they're being cunty, but you find it highly unlikely. She's too smart for that.
You follow Dean out the door and over to his car, big and black and sleek as you remember. You settle into the passenger seat with your arms crossed in silence. Dean switches the cassette to one of his favorite Led Zeppelin albums, though he notices your grumpy face.
“Something wrong?” he asks.
You give him some side-eye, but you’re reluctant to say anything. You just shake your head. As irritated as you are, you don’t want to be the friend who badmouths his girlfriend.
God, are we even friends? You wonder. Or am I just his knocked-up baby momma?
And again, you realize that this whole situation is probably hard for Lisa. You just don’t know if she’s jealous, or if she just…doesn’t like you.
“I’m okay,” you tell Dean.
He raises a skeptical brow. Looks like Sam isn’t the only one with a finely tuned bullshit meter.
“All right, how about this,” Dean says. “Let’s grab some burgers after this, huh? From your favorite spot. Shake Shack, right? Side of fries, frozen yogurt. I think I’ll get chocolate this time… Hmm, I doubt Lisa will want anything. She’s gone on an all-vegan kick or something.”
For one shining moment, you were happy and touched at his consideration. But now your body stills in your seat when you remember Lisa’s words. Tears well up in your eyes with a hot sting, and a sob escapes your throat.
Dean is cut off from thinking about getting extra bacon on his burger. He looks over at you in alarm. “H-Hey, what’s the matter?”
You scoff at him through your tears. “Are you kidding me? I can’t eat burgers anymore, Dean. I was already fucking fat. Now it’s just gonna get ridiculous.”
“What?” Dean’s brows knit together in confusion, along with his deepening frown. It gets worse as he tries to watch the road ahead, while at the same time, watching you continue to crumble.
“And after the birth, I’m just going to be an even fatter slob who can’t take care of her baby,” you sniffle and weep, trying in vain to wipe your eyes and get ahold of yourself.
Dean grits his teeth, his jaw twitching. Fuck it.
He turns the steering wheel sharp enough to startle a gasp out of you.
He pulls the car over onto the side of the road, ignoring the honking SUV behind him. He shifts into Park and shuts off the radio—a big red flag, in your opinion. He’s upset too, and fucking serious, more so than you’ve ever seen him. You stare back at him with wide eyes.
“I’ve never once heard you say that you’re fat,” he says.
You blink at that, but eventually, you’re able to get your tongue to unstick from the roof of your mouth. You wipe the remnants of tears from your cheeks. Your face is already hot from your upset, now tinged with embarrassment.
“You haven’t known me very long,” you say quietly.
It doesn’t help. Dean’s jaw ticks again.
“Well, I’ve never thought it. Not even once,” he says. His jade green eyes are firmly set on yours, and he gestures between you and him with a pointed finger. “The reason you and I are here right now, is because the minute I saw you, I wanted you.”
One corner of his lips kicks upwards. “And that night, you didn’t disappoint.”
Your mouth falls open slightly. You don’t know how to respond, but you do know that a full blush is warming your face and neck. His words have power, and unbidden, they bloom a similar warmth between your legs. You swallow a bit nervously as you bite your bottom lip.
Dean glances down at your mouth when you do. He can remember what your pretty mouth did for him that night. Oh, he remembers all too well. He even had the shade of your lipstick streaked across his skin until he showered up at the firehouse.
He locks that all away when shifts the car back into Drive. If you’re going to make it to this appointment on time, he needs to get going.
And you both have to leave whatever that was right here by the side of the road.
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AN: Woo! 😮‍💨 Yep, this is only Part 1, friends. Lisa is a bit different in this. My take was that without Ben in her life, she might be less mature and a bit more catty. As we get into Part 2 I'll leave it up to you to decide why she decides to stay with Dean, and perhaps more importantly, where the reader and Dean can go from here as co-parents. 🤔
If you enjoyed Part 1, please let me know!~
Next Time in Part 2:
“Hey, you okay?” you say, resting a gentle hand on his arm.
Dean shakes his head. “Look, I…I’m sorry for tossing a giant friggin’ monkey wrench into your life. I know this hasn’t been easy for you.”
If possible, your heart softens even more. You slide your hand down to grasp his.
“Dean, this baby wasn’t planned, but he’s not a mistake,” you say. “I don’t regret anything.”
Dean stares back at you incredulously. He can’t believe you could really say that to him. He doesn’t know what to say. He only knows what’s in his mind, and what he feels compelled to do in that moment.
He leans over and kisses you. It’s a firm meeting of his lips to yours, and achingly familiar.
⋆˙⟡ Read Part 2 on Patreon now!
⋆˙⟡ Coming to Tumblr/Ao3 on 3/23
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barkingincontroversy · 2 days ago
Ok so update on what I previously asked about Caleb Love and DeepSpace. XD
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I wanna start first by saying it took me so long to finish with all the emotions I had and am currently writing this at 7 in the morning.
ANYWAYS When we first saw him it was a crazy plot twist (if I didn't already know) and I like how he was introduced but when he was giving the interrogation in the beginning..... GURL I would have been giggling so hard if my first thoughts weren't "THAT'S HER BROTHER!?!?!?!" so I was actually very uncomfortable in the beginning BUUUT when she was talking to him and stuff and calling him a childhood friend instead of her brother it was all making more sense and honestly it's our fault for assuming he was our brother in the beginning *Insert sweating emoji*.
Over all it was only cause of his first impression in chapter 1 if it wasn't for that he would have been my FAAAAVORITE. His story was so angsty and amazing and WHEN HE FEEL DOWN IN THE RAIN BECAUSE THE CHIP BASICALLY JUST COULDN'T HANDLE ALL HIS YEARNING.... it was powerful for me.... love love love the angst. (Why did my goober game get angsty? I have no idea.)
something else that I've paid attention to a lot more lately is there eyes. When I replayed Syulus's story a while back after reading his myths and other stuff I really noticed how you could see the pain in his eyes at certain times AND WHEN YOU REALIZE WHY???? it hits hard chat... and Caleb had that a lot of times like when MC said things about not needing him and other time- EVEN IN THE BEGINING AND WE SEE ONE OF HIS EYES he even looks tired there.
Don't get me started on how he's PRACTICALLY FULL yandere like what the Flippin frick do you mean he locked her up :| Im not playing... I LOVE HIS CHARECTER
and yea he's my new favorite I also have a things for apples aesthetically sooooooooo BUT IM NOT BETRAYING RAFAEL
I also can't wait to find out if he has any past lives with MC.
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milli-moi · 1 day ago
So I made some thoughts into a thing. These are somewhat explicit things. So I’ll put them under the cut so people don’t have to read them if they don’t want to.
Anyway, I was writing something and I ended up thinking about my headcanons that I’ve developed for Agatha and Rio in the time I’ve written them. Specifically their sex lives. This is probably an even bigger thing because of the way these two are being written in fanfic.
I’m not saying it’s wrong or bad or anything like that but I feel like 80% at least of the fanfic written about their sexual relationship involves penetration with toys/magical changes. This alone is not indicative of the average wlw couple, and I get the sense that specific roles are also not as common as fanfic has us believe. I know people have said that this could well be because a lot of people don’t have experience with what they are writing (don’t get me wrong, I don’t think you need an experience to be able to write it- I’ve written many m/f scenes and I’ve got zero experience there)
Basically, what I’m getting to is that my headcanons for the couple don’t follow the same views as a lot of those ive seen and read. I
I headcanon Agatha as like 100% gay (well probably more like 97% but it’s the same idea) and honestly it means a huge amount to me personally to have a gay female character who is somewhat feminine (again I know a lot of people love the idea of a very butch Agatha but the costume designer actually said he dressed her as in the middle, with both masc and fem elements) and who wanted to be a mum and who was (based on the outcomes not the way they were achieved) a good mum. I like the fact I can imagine if Nicky hadn’t died that her and Rio could have been ultra happy with a little brood of demon-spawn. It’s not often we see gay women in media who have any form of soft and maternal, or that are gay to the point male body parts put them off.
So, although this list is about Rio, it’s probably important you know where I am coming at this from before I break it down. I will likely do a matching list for Agatha and hopefully be able to link it here once I have done.
Really happy to have conversations with people about this list, and if it inspires you in any way I’d love you to use it (and would love to be tagged, not for credit but so I can see what you’ve created lol)
Anyway, the list:
- Rio had experience of lust before Agatha. She possibly had even had sex before Agatha but she hadn’t experienced attraction or arousal in the way that they related to one person.
- She was incredibly fascinated by how pleasure worked, how it could feel for other people. To the point she once made Agatha touch herself so she could sit at eye level and study what she did and how her body responded to it.
- She has an oral fixation. We all know that. BUT it has its uses, it means that Rio wanted to try putting anything in/on her mouth that she could. They only discovered oral sex was a thing because of this desire (1700s, you had to work it out on your own more or less and it’s not the first place I would think to put my mouth tbh..)
- That same fixation threw her off guard when Agatha began to lactate. She didn’t like how much she wanted to taste her wife’s milk but was surprised to be encouraged by Agatha.
- She went through a ‘teenage stage’ in which she struggled to keep her hands to herself after she first experienced sex with Agatha. Agatha found it somewhat cute but would never admit that.
- She is able to alter her appearance and has often wondered what it would be like to create a penis for herself and feel the difference but Agatha finds the whole idea off-putting. She’s not into penis-shaped things at all.
- Rio loves the taste of Agatha (something often talked about in the adult rated world but something that not many people feel in reality) she has a different palate than humans, enjoying the taste of almost all natural things regardless of whether they are meant to be ingested. The first time she went down on Agatha she had to be pushed away, reluctant to stop when it became too much.
- Rio has not had sex with anyone since Agatha. The last time being around 1790, a hate- filled moment of weakness before Agatha gained the darkhold. As a result of this she had some darkish thoughts about seducing Agnes in the hex just to get the chance to be with her again. She didn’t, it would have been wrong and felt worse afterwards.
- She bites. She had to learn how hard was too hard, almost biting off one of Agatha’s nipples the first time they slept together. Agatha has a scar on the inside of her thigh and one on her left shoulder from the times when Rio was still learning.
- Rio has a love-hate relationship with modern clothing. She loves how it is now acceptable to not only show cleavage blatantly but also to wear trousers that line the shape of the hips and thighs. She likes that jeans mean she can have a good look at Agatha’s ass and it not be obvious or inappropriate. She wishes they would go back to real corsets, the fashion she never really got to see Agatha in, and she knows the effects they had on cleavage. She knows she missed out. Underwear is something she hates, almost as much as she misses long skirts. The two go hand in hand, the lack of underwear and the long skirt being what made it possible for her to take Agatha against a tree or two in the old forests without giving too much to anyone that might happen to see them.
- She wishes she had more time to explore a truly invincible Agatha. She wonders if the corruption of the darkhold would also have enhanced Agatha’s own carnal needs. She wonders how hard she could have pushed her.
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rosewalkersjayaforever · 23 hours ago
Wow, damn it, almost everyone posted posts about Jay's new hairstyle, honestly, when I first saw it, it was kind of weird at first, then I didn't notice that he had a ponytail. But why not? It's perfect for him, especially now he's a ronin or the so-called rogue, rogue ninja - these are the ones who left their village, in the case of Jay, I can say that he didn't leave the team of his own free will. Anyone who has watched the Naruto anime will understand.
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Also, his hairstyle reminds me of Unagami and Okino, ponytails on Nadakhan and a new genie named Arrakore, although why should I be surprised? Only the same hairstyles or ponytails are added to lego, as was the case with Pixal and Tox, then the Tox hairstyle was changed and now they have this hairstyle, nothing surprising
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You should know how happy I was to see Jay using wings again, as his new invention, as it was in the pilot when he used them for the first time, but it didn't work out, then other ninjas: Cole, Kai and Zane used them, season 8 or 9 was like a memory with Jay's new design when they were added to our main characters from the movie Ninjago, I still can't understand that people still blame the film as offended and how the creators changed their new image, not all their lives and not all seasons, especially since the film is something like an alternate universe, but people like little kids get offended, insult everything and everyone, "here we messed up the character design, before season 7 all seasons were shit, bad, trash and it used to be better!" Omg, grow up :|
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Perhaps in the third season of DR, Jay invented them himself or was helped, although I think I vote for the first option and I also really want Jay to return the hobby of being an inventor, or to help Nya or Sora, eh... :(
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I have no idea what's going on, maybe I don't catch up at all, but one of the forbidden five seems to be taking Roby's soul to become stronger and more powerful, as was the case with Liu Kang from MK11, where his evil doppelganger in the form of the dark Emperor Revenant (these are the demons of the underworld) also took his soul, merging, from then the very color of the chosen one's skin begins to fade, turns gray, because he is dead and quietly aging. Either the sorcerer Shang Tsung himself is the antagonist of MK, where he stole from people, or our main characters have souls in order to look young, there are similar similarities from real fandoms. The same thing could happen to Roby, but we're not there yet, because I don't know, but I hope that everything will be fine with him.
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Finally, the cover is about other ninjas, as well as about Jay, and not just Sora, Lloyd and Arin.
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Maybe Sora and Arin will somehow go to the underworld together and meet our silly skeletons. :D Maybe other ninjas will get in, or Lloyd's vision, who knows. Maybe skeletons and ninjas will be friends now, and Arin and Sora will try to understand each other, apologize and be friends again. Somewhere it was said that they can bring back old villains or characters, but the meaning of their appearances is necessary, so to speak. I hope that Pixal will be shown to us so that she can return to Zane, maybe Clouse will be shown, Arrakore will be returned, whether agents will appear, they will not just leave the ninja alone, especially since their manager has disappeared or escaped. I also hope that it's possible for Jay in the third season in the first or second part, either his memory will return later, or he will start getting to know everyone from the beginning, as I came across one fanfiction on the archive's website (You get it) And Lloyd and Sora will also try to bring Arin back and establish relations with him.
But I still don't know if Wu will survive, or if we should say goodbye to him after all. (((I wanted him to be with us longer, maybe it's time for him to go there, as it was with Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) 2012, where Shredder killed him three or four times for his revenge. As they say, we don't always get what we want, but I think we'll be impressed by the third season, unlike the two, and we're looking forward to it!
~~ Bye!! ~~
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sounds-of-some-day · 3 days ago
Sunrise on the Reaping Chapter Two Thoughts
I'm only two chapters in and I'm already crying.
I think the reaping scene in Hunger Games is incredibly impactful and moving (especially in the film), like there's just something incredibly visceral about the entire scene. Suzanne doesn't try to replicate that, doesn't try to match it or top it, and yet, I think this could be just as gut wrenching in the hands of the right director.
I was surprised by the chaos here. I had expected, leaving off from chapter one, that they would move right into choosing another name, and that would be how Haymitch was reaped. Instead it's pure chaos. There's a five-minute delay, ostensibly for dealing with things like this, if they should arise, and yet, when it does, no one has any idea what to do.
I was also surprised that Drusilla was panicking about the violence and the body being seen on camera. My initial thought was they would want to air this, as it would be another way of flexing their strength and power. Resistance is futile and all that. But then it occurred to me, they don't want the people in the Capital to see how oppressed the people in the districts actually are. It's likely that the majority of the people in the Capital have no idea what life in the districts is really like. And I guess in a way that makes sense. We're told in the OG trilogy that the Games are sold as some sort of noble sacrifice/way to bring pride to one's district. That narrative definitely falls apart if we see people trying to flee, and the brutal reality of what happens if you do.
Drusilla. What a narrative foil for Effie. Just unabashedly evil. Again, I'm just reminded way too much of some of the ghastly rhetoric that has become commonplace in today's political scene, and I think it's a really really necessary reminder that yes, some people really are just that vile. I think when we look at the OG trilogy, we're presented with a lot of people who have been propagandized into believing certain things about the districts. Effie truly starts out the series believing that being in the Hunger Games is something to be prideful of. Flickerman, I think, to some extent, actually cares about the tributes in his own rather twisted way. That is not the case with Drusilla. She is just irredeemably awful, and in a way that entirely different than Snow. Snow, in all his awfulness, has a reason for everything he does, and there's a sort of cold detachment to it. That's not true for Drusilla. She's just a hateful person. She's motivated by prejudice and hate and that's all there is to it.
Plutarch! I was not expecting to see him. What an interesting wrench to throw in, because I think, at this point, we really don't know where he stands. We know he's on the side of the rebellion 25 years from now, but a lot can happen in twenty-five years. So, is he anti-Capital here, and just playing the part really well (somewhat well?), or is he someone who would be changed over the years by what he sees? It's tempting to read positive motivations in his actions here, from stepping in to save Lenore Dove's life, to getting the families a chance to say goodbye (also his warning to Haymitch), but.... he only gives two families the chance to say goodbye, and he shows a distinct lack of empathy in the execution. So, is he just playing his part really well, or is he actually sincere that all he cares about is getting good shots for the show? I guess both things can be true. He may be motivated only to get good shots, but only so he can work his way up the ladder so he can eventually get into a position to bring about real change, or he may be doing his best to advocate for the tributes in a rigged system. Or he may not even be against the capital yet. The ambiguity is, I think, the best part, and I'd honestly be okay with not having that question answered.
There's a running bilateral theme here, which can best be summed up as "The cruelty is the point" and "They will not use our tears for their entertainment". This is *the* quote of the book, right? It's on all the posters, and it's so so so important. As I look around at the things that are happening, I see a lot of people reveling in other people's suffering, and it's really really hard not to feel hopeless.
This is why I think Drusilla may prove to be one of the most important characters in the book, and note all the dehumanizing language she uses about the people in the districts.
The question a lot of people had was why are we going back to district twelve, how will this be any different than what we saw with Katniss? But we see the difference right away. And look, we know the outcome of this story. There's no happy ending here. So, what story's being told?
It's the difference between Katniss and Haymitch's experience. Katniss was surrounded by people that cared about her, sympathized with her, wanted her to be successful. Lucy Grey had someone on the outside solidly fighting in her corner (albeit for his own reasons). Haymitch does not. It's one of the reasons I think Plutarch will remain solidly grey in this book.
The back of the book says Haymitch thinks he's being set up to fail, and we know he was punished for the way he won his game. A lot of people have questioned, uh...why? Why would the Capital care so much about the way he won? It wasn't *that* out of bounds, was it? Well, because he wasn't supposed to win. Why? I don't know completely, but one reason might be because he defied the Capital by intervening with Lenore Dove. This is , after all, what got him sent to the games in the first place. People who defy the Capital aren't supposed to then turn around and win. Add in that his family is already suspected of being rebellious, and well....?
Lenore Dove's goodbye to Haymitch. This is where I lost it, and I want to see this on film so bad. Please don't fuck this up, Lionsgate. How powerful. How different from anything that we've seen before. How important this moment is. I put this up there with Peeta's "I don't want them to change me". It's so important. Small acts of defiance. Taking back some control. I love it.
18 notes · View notes
seitmai · 1 day ago
Many thoughts
“I mean, you don’t have to tell me. I’m just wondering how threesomes even happen. I’ve never had one, thought about it I guess but like.. who executes the idea? Do you talk about it beforehand or does it just happen? Who makes sure it’s fair?”
I wonder the same things, so I think these are 100% fair questions haha
Steve let out a hard laugh. “When I’m involved, everyone has always had a good time. It’s been fair.”
Period 😌
“Steve.” You groaned out his name. “Just tell me. Who is she?” Steve’s lips grew into a small smirk as he gave you a sideways glance. “Not a she.” You gasped, sitting up on your knees at his side. “What? Who? Oh my god, I shouldn’t have just assumed it was a woman.” You stopped your train of thought and narrowed your eyes. “Wait. Oh my god. Oh my god! Is it Bucky?”
That sounds about right 🤭
“Ahh!!” You tapped your hand on his shoulder, excited. “That makes so much sense. You two have such a close friendship and honestly, that’s..” You let out a long breath, closing your eyes for a second. “That’s really hot. You and Bucky. Damn.”
Steve shifted slightly in his position, raising an eyebrow and watching as you grew excited beside him on the couch. “Sorry? That’s really what?” “Steve.” You opened one eye and looked at him quickly. “You heard me. Listen, I’m not blind. Bucky is attractive. But don’t– I’m not, like, attracted to him. Okay, well, I am but not like that.” “Like how then?” Steve couldn’t help but make you squirm about this whole topic now. It was something he hadn’t ever considered with you - sharing your intimacy with anyone else. Mostly because the idea of any other person on the planet even looking at you like that made him fire up with a possessive side he had a hard time hiding. But… Bucky wasn’t just anyone. 
This sounds promising 👀
There was a certain thrill that Bucky and Steve used to share when they’d do this together. The experiences were never really planned but Steve knew if someone caught his eye that Bucky would be interested in just as much as he was, and they were both in the mood for a little extra fun, then it was only fair to throw it on the table. They had their own signal, even. A quick side hug with a keyword dropped into the conversation, followed by a confirmation double ear tug.
Omg I love their secret code 😍
You pulled back slightly. “What?” It looked like your mind was misfiring as you found your words. “But.. wouldn’t that be weird? Also.. wait. Are you – Hmm. It sounds fun but kind of scary and.. How do you even start and..” You paused and closed your eyes again. “Would Bucky even want to… with me..? Am I even his type?” “Sweetheart,” Steve turned directly to you, grasping your hands in his. “You have no idea.”
Oh 👀
“Wanna switch it up?” Steve asked slowly, turning his head to meet Bucky’s eyes. “Maybe we split a grapefruit sidecar?” Bucky nearly choked as he turned to face Steve directly. “What? Rogers, I’m not going to .. If you are planning to fuck this up with your girl over some other broad.. I’m going to fuckin’ kick your ass and–” Steve brought his hands up to stop Bucky from doing exactly that. “Jesus, Buck. Don’t think so fucking little of me, punk.” Steve rolled his neck then leaned in closer. “This invite is coming from me and my girl.”
I love how Bucky jumps to her defense so quickly
Steve grinned, raising his eyebrows up for a brief moment. “You need a second to mull it over?” Bucky blinked, clearly letting his mind catch up. He quickly discarded his glass on the bar and raised his hand to tug on his earlobe. “Stevie, you know I’d never admit to having impure thoughts about your girl but..”
Well, say it now or hold your peace 🤭😌
You had always been aware of how attractive Bucky was. You were a normal, warm blooded woman after all. But there was something even hotter about seeing him cross through the doorway, knowing full well what intentions you all shared. And the fact that Bucky looked nervous, like his confidence wasn’t guarding him as it usually did, made it all feel even better.
This is gonna be so good 😌
Steve lowered his voice, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “Baby, what do you want? You wanna help Bucky feel even better?” Holy fuck, you did. You really did. Jesus Christ almighty, the whole concept of Steve encouraging you to put your mouth on Bucky was electric. 
Bucky swallowed hard, sparing another glance towards Steve before looking back at you. He sucked in a breath then reached his hand out to steady your chin. “Only if you want to, doll.” You couldn’t help but smile, genuinely. Despite being on your knees in front of him, you were grateful that Bucky was still confirming your own interest in this whole thing.
Consent is sexy!!
“For her knees, you dumbass,” Steve laughed, and you couldn’t help but join in. “Oh, fuck. Sorry,” Bucky mumbled, helping you position it under your knees.
This just shows how nervous/out of it Bucky is and it's really cute 😍
Something about the way Bucky talked about you and Steve really riled you up.
Yeah because that's really hot🔥
He collapsed against the couch, eyes blown open wide. “Holy fucking shit. Stevie, the mouth on your girl..” “You can address your compliments to her directly, Buck,” Steve laughed, standing from where he had been sitting in his chair and coming over to help you up. “You might have made his brain malfunction, sweetheart.”
And Steve couldn't be prouder 😌
You smiled proudly, meeting Steve’s lips for a kiss. You leaned against him again, tilting your head up to him. “Need you inside me, please?” “Yeah?” Steve asked. His hand rested against the base of your neck, holding you flush against his chest. “And can Bucky watch?” You couldn’t help but giggle and nod.
Let's give him a show 🤭
“I’m gonna slide right in, baby,” he breathed against your neck, swirling his fingers around your clit. “Maybe next time, we do this at the same time. Do you want to try that? Bucky in your mouth while you’re full of me?”
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 Between your own moaning and Steve’s, you could barely hear Bucky across the room but he said your name out loud. You met his eyes as he was rubbing his shaft. Bucky smirked, biting his lip as he watched you bounce against the desk. “Gonna let me feel that pussy next time?”
Your climax felt volcanic - a flurry of neurons firing off in your brain as you quivered, safely pressed against the desk as the weight of Steve covered you like a warm blanket. He came right after, growling in your ear as he spilled into you. Steve stayed in place after, as if unable to let go as he caught his breath.  You leaned back into the soft leather chair, eyes closed as you grinned.
What a high to bask in 😌🤤
There was a shift, though. When Bucky opened the car door for you, exchanging another smirk with Steve. Something in the air felt different.
 Steve kneeled before you, pressing a kiss to the side of your knee as he fixed your skirt.  “Baby, you okay?” You opened your eyes and looked down. He was flush and seemed awfully content. You weren’t sure you had ever seen him smile like that before.  You bit your lip, resisting your urge to scream with joy. You glanced from Steve over to Bucky. He was still sitting on the couch, though his pants were done up and buckled again. “I’m really good. Like, wow. Great. Amazing.”
Oh i can't wait for more of their shenanigans 🤭👀
grapefruit sidecar (part 1)
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part of the Sink Into Me universe
Pairing: mob boss! Steve Rogers x plus size! reader x mob! Bucky Barnes
Summary: It was just an innocent question. You definitely didn't have any ulterior motives: “Have you ever had a threesome?” But when Steve admits something from his past with Bucky, you can't help but wonder...
Part 1: The Club | Part 2: The Penthouse
Warnings: 18+!!! established relationship (Steve x reader), MFM threesome shenanigans
Notes: here we gooooo! I don't think you *need* to read Sink Into Me to enjoy this two part series, but hey - feel free to read it! enjoy! and yes in my mind these two fuck like owen gray and small hands what who said that
“Have you ever had a threesome?”
The question came from your lips so casually, so innocently that Steve wasn’t sure he had heard you correctly. He stilled his pen and lifted his eyes to you, curled up in the corner of the couch in his office. 
You were typing away on your phone, nursing the tail end of a hangover. Steve had insisted he could take you home to have a nap following the late brunch you shared together, but you insisted you wanted to just orbit near him for the rest of the day. 
He couldn’t say no to that. But he also couldn’t keep putting off some paperwork, so armed with an oversized iced tea for hydration, you made yourself comfortable on the couch while he worked. And now he knew exactly why you had encouraged him to get a nice throw blanket to keep at the office too. 
Steve cleared his throat, finally drawing your eyes to his. You gave him a cheeky smile. 
“And where is that question coming from?”
“Uhm,” you started slowly, sitting up a bit straighter as you put your phone down. “A weird turn of topics in the group chat with the girls.” 
Something about your smile made Steve think that wasn’t the whole truth. 
He laughed. Okay, he’d play along. “And is my response going to be the next topic in the group chat with the girls?” 
You shook your head. “I wouldn’t do that. Just because Maria loves updating us on her sex life constantly, doesn’t mean I contribute the same way. Scouts honour.” 
Steve pushed back on his chair and stood, removing his glasses as he walked over to join you. 
“Weird place for pillow talk,” he said, planting himself beside you on the couch. You were quick to adjust and cozy up at his side. “But yes, I’ve had a threesome. More than one.”
“Oooh. With who?”
One of his eyebrows shot up, scanning your curious wide eyes. “Sweetheart.”
“I mean, you don’t have to tell me. I’m just wondering how threesomes even happen. I’ve never had one, thought about it I guess but like.. who executes the idea? Do you talk about it beforehand or does it just happen? Who makes sure it’s fair?”
Steve let out a hard laugh. “When I’m involved, everyone has always had a good time. It’s been fair.”
“Okay but with who?”
He hesitated. 
“Come onnnnn. Who was it? When was it? Wait. Have you had more than one? Was it with someone I know? You know I don’t care about your history with Sharon. She probably has some attractive girlfriends.”
Steve blew out a breath. What did he have to lose here? You and him were both typically very secure in your relationship, but he still didn’t want to unintentionally hurt any feelings. 
“Okay. If you really want to know.” He shook his head, somehow confused he was even talking to you about this. “I’ve had a few. Haven’t happened in a while, usually there are just certain circumstances where… It happened organically. With a repeat participant.” 
You nodded, eager. “Whoooo?”
“Usually it was me, and that repeat participant, and a nice girl we found at the club.”
“Steve.” You groaned out his name. “Just tell me. Who is she?”
Steve’s lips grew into a small smirk as he gave you a sideways glance. “Not a she.”
You gasped, sitting up on your knees at his side. “What? Who? Oh my god, I shouldn’t have just assumed it was a woman.” You stopped your train of thought and narrowed your eyes. “Wait. Oh my god. Oh my god! Is it Bucky?”
Steve raised his eyebrows then gave you a slow nod.
“Ahh!!” You tapped your hand on his shoulder, excited. “That makes so much sense. You two have such a close friendship and honestly, that’s..” You let out a long breath, closing your eyes for a second. “That’s really hot. You and Bucky. Damn.”
Steve shifted slightly in his position, raising an eyebrow and watching as you grew excited beside him on the couch. “Sorry? That’s really what?”
“Steve.” You opened one eye and looked at him quickly. “You heard me. Listen, I’m not blind. Bucky is attractive. But don’t– I’m not, like, attracted to him. Okay, well, I am but not like that.”
“Like how then?” Steve couldn’t help but make you squirm about this whole topic now. It was something he hadn’t ever considered with you - sharing your intimacy with anyone else. Mostly because the idea of any other person on the planet even looking at you like that made him fire up with a possessive side he had a hard time hiding. But… Bucky wasn’t just anyone. 
There was a certain thrill that Bucky and Steve used to share when they’d do this together. The experiences were never really planned but Steve knew if someone caught his eye that Bucky would be interested in just as much as he was, and they were both in the mood for a little extra fun, then it was only fair to throw it on the table. They had their own signal, even. A quick side hug with a keyword dropped into the conversation, followed by a confirmation double ear tug.
It had always been a sober choice, too. 
“Stop,” you replied quietly, leaning into Steve’s shoulder again. “Forget I said anything.”
“I can forget it.. If that’s what you want.” He extended his hand to prop your chin up, encouraging you to look him in the eyes again. “But if it’s something you want to discuss further..”
You pulled back slightly. “What?” It looked like your mind was misfiring as you found your words. “But.. wouldn’t that be weird? Also.. wait. Are you – Hmm. It sounds fun but kind of scary and.. How do you even start and..” You paused and closed your eyes again. “Would Bucky even want to… with me..? Am I even his type?”
“Sweetheart,” Steve turned directly to you, grasping your hands in his. “You have no idea.”
Steve knew the right moment would present itself. Because the millisecond you had started the conversation with him about it, he had a feeling it would happen eventually. But, it was important that the timing was just right.
Mostly because he didn’t want you to worry or panic about it. In fact, in the few conversations you and Steve had shared about the entire threesome topic, he had made it abundantly clear that you would be in charge. That was usually the method Steve and Bucky followed anyway, depending on the third person sharing a bed with them.
Really though, after all of this chatter about the possibility, Steve could see your confidence and excitement growing. You had told Steve it was his responsibility to read your energy and Bucky’s to make sure everything felt right. And Steve had suggested maybe easing into the whole thing anyways. Maybe you didn’t go all the way right away. 
But, the right moment had to arrive.
And on a very ordinary Saturday night at the club, things seemed to be aligning. First and foremost, Steve knew you were in a great mood. You had an extra day off, you’d recently finished a big project at work and Steve had even just surprised you with a shopping spree. He knew how rarely you spent money on yourself, especially for new pieces of clothing. He had been especially generous when it came to a few pieces of lingerie. 
One set specifically he knew you had on under that new dress. While the club wasn’t always your preferred location for a Saturday night, you had been the one to suggest it this time. You wanted to dance with your girls and who was Steve to hold you back?
As for Bucky, Steve knew his friend had recently gone on a few bumpy first dates. First dates that didn’t deliver because it was clear from Bucky’s on and off grumpy mood that he was pretty pent up. Steve knew it was still a shot in the dark if Bucky would want to participate, but maybe he’d want to let off some steam and have fun.
So, when it was early enough in the night that both you and Bucky hadn’t yet overindulged, Steve started to put a plan into action.
When you came back upstairs to his private area for a break from the dance floor, Steve handed you a glass of water. 
“I’m cutting you off,” he whispered into your ear.
“I’ve only had one glass of –”
“Baby..” Steve pressed a kiss against your neck. “Just trust me. You go back down and dance while I chat with Bucky.”
You let out a small gasp, reaching out to grab the lapel of Steve’s suit. “Wait. Really? Are we–”
Steve cut you off with a kiss, then motioned towards the dancefloor. You gave him a coy smile over your shoulder as you hurried down to find Wanda and Maria again.
With a deep breath, Steve ran a hand through his hair then headed towards the bar. Bucky had his back against the counter, sipping a rocks glass as he surveyed the space. Steve stopped at Bucky’s side, giving him a small nudge on the arm.
“What are you drinkin’?” Steve prompted, matching Bucky’s pose.
Bucky furrowed his brow, turning to look at Steve. “Whiskey.”
“Wanna switch it up?” Steve asked slowly, turning his head to meet Bucky’s eyes. “Maybe we split a grapefruit sidecar?”
Bucky nearly choked as he turned to face Steve directly. “What? Rogers, I’m not going to .. If you are planning to fuck this up with your girl over some other broad.. I’m going to fuckin’ kick your ass and–”
Steve brought his hands up to stop Bucky from doing exactly that. “Jesus, Buck. Don’t think so fucking little of me, punk.” Steve rolled his neck then leaned in closer. “This invite is coming from me and my girl.”
Bucky’s eyes blew open, mouth slightly agape as he looked at Steve. “Are you serious?”
Steve grinned, raising his eyebrows up for a brief moment. “You need a second to mull it over?”
Bucky blinked, clearly letting his mind catch up. He quickly discarded his glass on the bar and raised his hand to tug on his earlobe. “Stevie, you know I’d never admit to having impure thoughts about your girl but..”
Steve laughed then grasped Bucky’s shoulder. “My office. 20 minutes.”
Steve came and found you on the dancefloor not long after he had pitched that tonight would be the night. And holy shit, you couldn’t believe it. You were buzzing with more than just excitement - there was a flutter of nerves and impossibilities flashing through your mind too.
Even though Steve had quite thoroughly told you how much fun you’d all have, how Bucky would enjoy himself just as much as you would, if not more. Despite those reassurances, you wouldn’t believe it could even happen until, well, it happened.
Now, as you were heading to Steve’s office - there seemed to be some sort of electricity in the air. 
God, you looked hot tonight. That was helping a lot. Out of all the clothes Steve had dropped down cash for, the dress you were wearing had been one of your favourites. It hugged the curves of your body in the most perfect way, with a generous view of your chest and a short hemline that left little to the imagination. You had felt effortlessly sexy in it, especially with the lacy garments underneath threatening to peak out at the top.
Steve’s office was empty when you both arrived, the walls dulling the bass from trickling in from the club. Steve left the big lights off, opting for just lamplight and ambiance from the illuminated Brooklyn skyline seeping in. 
Before you could start nervously pacing, Steve pulled you into his arms. He was leaning against the edge of the desk and you stood between his legs.
“Hey, remember what I said before..” Steve started, slowly tracing his fingers up and down your arms as he kept eye contact with you. “If you change your mind, at any point.. You just say so. And then it’s over, no questions asked.”
You nodded. “I know. Thank you.” As much as you were trying to keep it together, you couldn’t help but giggle. “I’m excited. But I'm nervous, too. How does this start and–”
A knock at the door interrupted your thoughts. After a few seconds, there was a voice.
“It’s, uh, me. Bucky.”
Steve glanced down at you, giving you one last look waiting for your confirmation. You responded with a coy smile and a nod, shifting around to lean against Steve. He draped his arms around you and called out for Bucky to come in.
You had always been aware of how attractive Bucky was. You were a normal, warm blooded woman after all. But there was something even hotter about seeing him cross through the doorway, knowing full well what intentions you all shared. And the fact that Bucky looked nervous, like his confidence wasn’t guarding him as it usually did, made it all feel even better.
Fuck. These men and their suits, too. Bucky was wearing black on black on black and the way his metal arm glinted under the lamplight, you nearly choked.
Bucky shut the door behind him, glancing over his shoulder quickly to look back at Steve. You sensed Steve’s nod, because Bucky made sure to lock the door, too. Then after an awkward silence, Bucky took it upon himself to sit on the couch.
“So,” Steve started, all calm and casual as his fingertips skated against your exposed collarbone. 
All you could do was stare straight ahead at Bucky, watching him watching you and Steve. Fuck, what happened now? How did you cross this line and–
You gasped as Steve’s lips found your neckline, weakening your knees as his tongue and lips explored your skin.
“Sweetheart,” Steve paused, moving one hand down your body and toying with the bottom of your dress. “How are you feeling?”
You whimpered, closing your eyes. “G-good. Yeah, so good.”
Steve grinned against your neck, pressing another kiss under your ear. “Buck?”
You looked back towards Bucky as he took a second to reply. He was already adjusting the top of his jeans, taking in slow breaths. “Yeah, so far so..” When he bit his lip, you nearly collapsed.
Steve lowered his voice, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “Baby, what do you want? You wanna help Bucky feel even better?”
Holy fuck, you did. You really did. Jesus Christ almighty, the whole concept of Steve encouraging you to put your mouth on Bucky was electric. 
“You already makin’ a mess of those nice panties, baby?” You nodded again, looking back up at Steve as he grabbed your neck. “You take care of Bucky then he’ll watch me take care of you. How’s that sound?” 
Your reply was a jumbled up moan of positivity as Steve kissed you again, hard and wet before squeezing your hips and swatting your ass. 
As you walked towards him, Bucky sat up just a bit straighter on the couch. He was still nervous but judging by how he was running his hands down his thighs, you only imagined how excited he was, too.
“Hi Bucky,” you said quietly as you very slowly got down on your knees. “Can I..” You dragged your tongue across your lips, then glanced down at his belt.
Bucky swallowed hard, sparing another glance towards Steve before looking back at you. He sucked in a breath then reached his hand out to steady your chin. “Only if you want to, doll.”
You couldn’t help but smile, genuinely. Despite being on your knees in front of him, you were grateful that Bucky was still confirming your own interest in this whole thing.
“Yes, please.” You nodded and placed your hands on his knees, slowing running them up his slacks until you met his belt buckle.
He was quick to assist you in your task, pulling at his belt and lifting his hips as you yanked on his pants and boxers. His cock was already hard and ready and you couldn’t even help yourself, immediately reaching for it.
“Fuck,” Bucky exhaled, hands clutching the couch as you ran your hands against it.
“Buck,” Steve called out from across the room. “Pillow.”
You looked up at Bucky, who was scrambling to reach out and grab a nearby throw pillow from the opposite side of the couch. Without a second thought, he lifted it to rest behind his head before Steve interrupted him.
“For her knees, you dumbass,” Steve laughed, and you couldn’t help but join in.
“Oh, fuck. Sorry,” Bucky mumbled, helping you position it under your knees.
You didn’t reply, but instead you gave Bucky a sweet smile then got to work. You swiped your tongue around the head of his cock, before trailing it down along the soft silk of his shaft. Then you took a deep breath and slowly opened your lips, sucking on the tip.
Bucky’s hands gripped the couch even tighter, barely resisting the urge to thrust his hips upwards. You appreciated his restraint, though you couldn’t help but feel for him.
Your name left his lips, like a curse word. “Doll..” You felt one of his hands against your jaw. “Look at me.” Your eyes darted up to his and he really cursed this time. “Fuck, oh fuck. Yes, look at you with my cock in your mouth. So fucking sexy.”
That set you off, attempting to take even more of his length into your mouth as you looked at him. Whatever you couldn’t fit, you stroked with one of your hands, fueled by the drool dripping past your lips. 
You got into a groove, shifting through a pattern of swirling your tongue, sucking long and hard and adding in both fists stroking on and off too. Above you, Bucky seemed to be in a euphoric state. And he couldn’t stop praising you for it, either.
“Jesus Christ, doll. This fucking mouth. So pretty, so fucking pretty with a cock in it. You do this for Stevie too, don’t you? You’ve done it right here on this couch haven’t you?” 
Something about the way Bucky talked about you and Steve really riled you up. You hollowed out your cheeks, looking up at Bucky with wide eyes as you waited for him. After a second you, pulled back and grinned.
“I let him fuck my face right here, Bucky. Do you wanna do that too?” 
Bucky licked his lips and grinned right back, grabbing the side of your head ever so gently and guiding you right back down onto his cock. Then, he did exactly what he wanted. His hips thrusted up quickly, moving in and out of your mouth in record time. You gagged against him as he held you there briefly, then slowed down.
“I’m gonna fuckin’ come, doll,” he fell back against the couch as you took over once more, both hands alternating between massaging his balls and stroking up. You took him back into your mouth, sucking harder as Bucky’s moans grew louder. 
“So close, so fucking..” You pulled back and Bucky grabbed his cock with one hand, steadying your open mouth before him with the other. He growled as he came, hard. You stuck your tongue out, smiling wide as his climax washed over him, unloading onto your tongue and lips. You let it sit there in your mouth for a few extra seconds, keeping eye contact with Bucky as you swallowed it down.
He collapsed against the couch, eyes blown open wide. “Holy fucking shit. Stevie, the mouth on your girl..”
“You can address your compliments to her directly, Buck,” Steve laughed, standing from where he had been sitting in his chair and coming over to help you up. “You might have made his brain malfunction, sweetheart.”
You smiled proudly, meeting Steve’s lips for a kiss. You leaned against him again, tilting your head up to him. “Need you inside me, please?”
“Yeah?” Steve asked. His hand rested against the base of your neck, holding you flush against his chest. “And can Bucky watch?”
You couldn’t help but giggle and nod.
Bucky’s eyes opened slowly, as a smirk grew on his face too. He didn’t even bother cleaning himself up or pulling his pants into place again, simply leaning back and watching carefully as Steve led you over towards his desk. 
Steve took his time, kissing you quite generously as he peeled your dress up towards your waist. You felt him smile against your lips as his hands tugged on your underwear, sliding his fingers towards your center. Just as he had predicted, you had clearly really enjoyed yourself, as your soaked panties indicated.
“I’m gonna slide right in, baby,” he breathed against your neck, swirling his fingers around your clit. “Maybe next time, we do this at the same time. Do you want to try that? Bucky in your mouth while you’re full of me?” 
You groaned, twitching as Steve’s fingers sped up. It wasn’t long until your orgasm approached and soon enough you were quivering in Steve’s arms, ricocheting your way up and down the rollercoaster of senses as Steve turned and pressed you against his desk.
You laid down across it, on your stomach with your ass up in the air. You could feel Steve behind you, shoving your underwear to the side as he freed himself from his own pants. You gripped the edge of the desk as he entered you, slowly at first to make sure you were comfortable and ready. 
Across the room, you watched as Bucky was gripping his own cock, somehow hard again. Steve held onto your hips and thrusted steady, letting out his own series of grunts and moans as he fucked you.
Between your own moaning and Steve’s, you could barely hear Bucky across the room but he said your name out loud. You met his eyes as he was rubbing his shaft.
“You’re incredible, doll. Absolutely fucking incredible. And look at you, taking Steve so well. You like that, huh? Being so fucking full of him?”
With your own orgasm approaching, all you could do was cry out in agreement. Steve growled behind you, speeding up as he gripped your hips even tighter. 
“Look what you did to Bucky, baby,” Steve smacked his hand against your ass, holding you tight against him. “With just your mouth..” 
Bucky smirked, biting his lip as he watched you bounce against the desk. “Gonna let me feel that pussy next time?”
Your climax felt volcanic - a flurry of neurons firing off in your brain as you quivered, safely pressed against the desk as the weight of Steve covered you like a warm blanket. He came right after, growling in your ear as he spilled into you. Steve stayed in place after, as if unable to let go as he caught his breath. 
As you came back down to earth, Steve eventually stood, taking a moment to clean you up before coaxing you back into his desk chair. Yeah, you definitely needed a few more minutes. If you stood, you might fall down like a baby deer. 
You leaned back into the soft leather chair, eyes closed as you grinned. 
Steve kneeled before you, pressing a kiss to the side of your knee as he fixed your skirt. 
“Baby, you okay?” 
You opened your eyes and looked down. He was flush and seemed awfully content. You weren’t sure you had ever seen him smile like that before. 
You bit your lip, resisting your urge to scream with joy. You glanced from Steve over to Bucky. He was still sitting on the couch, though his pants were done up and buckled again. 
“I’m really good. Like, wow. Great. Amazing.”
Bucky laughed from his spot. “Doll, you’re amazing. I..” He sat up a bit straighter. “Best  sidecar I’ve ever had.”
You raised an eyebrow, looking back to Steve again. They were wearing matching grins. You didn’t want to ask. 
“I have worked up an appetite though..” You moved to stand. Steve got to his feet and offered his hand. “How do we feel about milkshakes?”
You collected yourself as Steve and Bucky strategized the best way to sneak out of the club and find a table at your favourite diner. 
There was a shift, though. When Bucky opened the car door for you, exchanging another smirk with Steve. Something in the air felt different.
Part 2 - The Penthouse
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screwpinecaprice · 1 year ago
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Just a silly guy, with silly silly thoughts.
@glowweek Day 2
Casual | Surprise
A casual surprise?😬😬😬
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roots-symphony · 5 months ago
do you think the reason agatha’s trial felt weird is because she was the only one who did not actually buy into the mythos of the road since she knew the truth? like that was why no perspective change and all the other reasons why people thought it was a fake trial
#agatha all along#aaa spoilers#txt#i really liked the idea behind how the witches road came to be#like showing her and nicky coming up with the lyrics and everything#but i felt like there was a lot of these last two episodes that felt weird or jarring#i think that’s partly the fault of it being such a short run time for the whole show in general (tbh that’s probably like most of it)#but there were just also weird choices? idk#like jen’s big declaration about protecting them in honor of Lilia or w.e and then just.. flying off to nowhere??#or the way Both billy and agatha kept switching how they felt about each other with like every sentence#I did really like her thing where she helped him get tommy a body though#and her and rios vibes were off too. like it felt like there should have been a little more build up before they fought after the road?#like when they were still talking on the road it felt like they could have done more with it#just like jen getting her powers back could have been more#or billy standing up for agatha could have been more#billy’s homecoming and attempting to banish agatha too#I liked that his parents were there but it was so quick and then he just.. leaves again?? no problem?? and I guess they’re fine with it now#like it felt like the things they did well. they did really well#while everything else felt.. idk.. kinda flat?#which honestly was the same feeling I had after watching agatha’s trial episode#honestly this show need at least another 3 or 4 episodes if not more#and I know people are going to make this all about agatha and rio but i really don’t think that’s the issue#i do think the story could have benefited more from showing more of their actual backstory or a few more interactions with them or just#like i said earlier done more with what they had. again that scene on the road before rio dips could have been used way more effectively#and I don’t mean in like having them be soft or lovey like I know a lot of people wanted (never be against that) but I don’t think it was#needed.. but Something was??#i feel like overall what everyone went through on the road didn’t actually truly effect them or change them?#like jen left. agatha and rio were like back to liek the road never happened. everyone else but billy is dead#i think the only person who was truly changed was maybe billy?#which makes the whole journey feel so unsatisfying? like things could still have ended the same while still showing them changed? idk
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socially-awkward-chocobo · 7 months ago
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Happy Kagepro Day!!!
#kido tsubomi#seto kousuke#kano shuuya#kagerou project#kagepro#choco art#last thursday I was like “oh shit. I don't have anything ready for the fifteenth”#And then rushed to make these#there are a few things I'd like to change or adjust on some of them (like the colors on kido's) but aside from that I'm pretty happy#seto's was the hardest. first I kept trying to daw a bird for the silhouette window thing#but I kept erasing it because I wasn't happy with it#then I was flicking through my screenshots of his song's video and realized "wait. What if the tv him and little him are sitting on is the#ilhouette? Then I kept the birds but put them in a circular pattern in a way reminiscent of how the scissors and knives(?) were around him#in certain shots (btw. does anyone have ANY idea what the gossip he was getting from that bird in his introduction was?)#The background I wish I had done more with but I was drawing a blank on ideas so... the outside of Mary's house it is#kano's - in contrast - was the easiest.#I was like “his silhouette's a cat. the background will definitely be a reference to his song.”#Honestly the masks were the hardest part because it was a little difficult to get good pics of any other than the red-eyed mask#Also something looks off about him to me but I wasn't about to fight the picture so I didn't fiddle with it too much before inking#maybe his face just translates into my style weirdly#not much to say about Kido. Except I really wish I did the equalizer bars differently and will definitely be changing that if I ever get ar#und to making these digitally. Also#I'd alter the shades of colors I chose for the music staffs but that bugs me a lot less than those fri#cking equalizer bars#did I really just go on a whole ass rant about my decisions in these drawings?#I guess I did. Whoops?
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daisywords · 9 months ago
finally got around to reading Mexican Gothic. It had me hooked and actually followed through (the buildup was good but I was worried the ending/revelation was going to fall flat. it held up though.) Anyway my take is that it felt like if a really good movie was a book. Like the story operated more on movie logic than book logic if that makes any sense. (not a criticism, just an observation.) Overall well done and well paced. Predictable enough to be coherent but mysterious enough to be compelling. There were a couple of elements that seemed a little clumsy to me, but forgivable in service of the whole. Would recommend if you want to read a book that feels like watching Crimson Peak or something
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suddencolds · 7 days ago
// personal
how strange it is to observe yourself changing
#not snz#delete later#another suddencolds yap post 😭 i apologize#i have been trying to draft a post like this for awhile now... i suppose this is a subset of the many thoughts i've had lately#this year has been so strange??! i joked in january about taking a leave to metamorphose into someone more tolerable but#honestly i am not sure if i am more tolerable now... though i do feel like i've changed. :')#for the better? for the worse? unsure... i feel like i am finding out more and more that#my social battery is unfortunately finite 😭 and that i must be more selective in how i choose to spend my time 🙇‍♀️#i think all throughout uni the majority of my substantial social interactions happened#over text/online? irl i made a lot of acquaintances via classes and student organizations... but the number of#close friends i had and actively met up with irl was pretty low 😭 and that embarrassed me!! like#how can one 🫵🏼 be surrounded by so many smart people her age and come away with so few in-person friends?? ☹️ skill issue truly!!! 🙄👎#even now i sometimes feel like the need to defend myself from that uncharitable perception of me? as though the idea that#there is/was something wrong with me is something i need to actively disprove 🥲#taken objectively i feel like i'm doing okay socially 😭 i have a decent handful of irl friends that#i meet with pretty regularly and people do seek out my company... but there's this feeling at the back of my mind that#no one will believe me when i say it. perhaps because i am so deeply used to seeing myself as undesirable :')#(^ i think this was all more painful than i am getting across in writing and i am summarizing it all from a point of relative detachment 😶)#but anyways! i am older now and it feels like things are shifting... or that i'm being forced to acknowledge that i have limits socially#in terms of energy rather than capability. which is new :') and i've also been thinking about the feeling of closeness (or lack thereof)#that i feel when it comes to the various friendships in my life. i think i am really fully vulnerable like#kind of seldom actually... but on the rare occasion that i feel sufficiently attached i worry i come across as a little intense 😭#(if i have embarrassed myself in front of you i am very sorry 😭😭 i'm still figuring things out)#(not sure if anyone is still reading this but) these tags are getting long enough 🏃‍♀️
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firefl1ezz · 10 months ago
i just. hit s+ rank in splatoon and i never honestly thought this would happen?? am i cool now.. do i get to be a part of the s4? do i get to be watered down to my running joke all the time?
#the last part is a joke but i do not see a whole lot of recognition of the s4 being. the s4#like yeah they were cool formidable foes in the s1 era and skull even beat goggles despite his plot armor#but now theyre just#there??#dont get me wrong i love their existence but#it feels like theyve been watered down at least a bit#skull is always just getting lost and army is almost always either the manual guy or the curry guy#thats. thats it thats their bits#skull also has the sweets thing#rider is sometimes a considerable foe too but at the same time the s4 doesnt usually consist of him so im not sure how much to count him#that being said it is a kids manga so i dont really expect it to lean too far into the formidable foes thing#even the xblood werent that scary in the long run and ended up goofy despite being who they were#i also get it in terms of fandom#i understand the appeal of something like aloha being cutesy dumb pink guy (who maaaaaaybe commited some crimes and it shows)#i also definitely understand the appeal of army having a thing for curry as well as the manuals#the manuals can be an endearing thing to write about trust me#but i also wouldnt mind seeing more things that center around the likes of the s4 and the xblood and even the best8 being the absolute best#of the best during their prime#reminder that s+ was the highest rank around when the s4 were introduced. same with the xblood#they were the strongest players and id like to see things that center around that#id like to imagine that moving on to the square and splatsville that the s4 would have had a chance to move uo and get into xbattles#i think of all of them skull and army would have the highest chances of actually making it to xrank and being successful#but honestly if mask and aloha could probably make it pretty well too if they got off their asses#and i think rider would excel as well being rider#he has his own kind of near plot armour i think#so do most of the big teams in my opinion#theyre the sort of doomed by the plot that forces them to battle goggles at some point lmao#maybe i could use this in a fic or au one day#maybe someone already has...#(please send to me if you know of any creators who have played around with these vague ideas of strength i wanna see em)
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