#also something I really liked about it was how I honestly had no idea if it was going to end well or not
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gatorbites-imagines · 15 hours ago
Okay okay but like, how do you feel about Mark x William x Reader? How do you think that’d be, Gator? 👀🙏
Mark Grayson x William Clockwell x Viltrumite male reader 
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Reader is a fellow viltrumite, cuz I had a request asking for William x viltrumite reader but it's just... gone, I can't find it in my inbox, but I know it was there. So, enjoy. 
Make reader the son of Thragg, just for angst and power purposes. Maybe he's a bit rebellious, by viltrumite standards. But its entertaining, so Thragg lets him live and grow up. Also, cuz reader is clearly the strongest offspring he's sired. 
Reader is older than Ursaal and Onaan, but not old enough to stay getting wrinkles and all that. 
Maybe this rebellious nature makes him go to earth, because “stop trying to control my life dad” that people go through.  
Earth is supposed to have been colonized or whatever, so Thragg just lets him. Plus, readers one of the strongest viltrumites and the strong can do whatever they want, ya know? 
I feel this would take place sometime after season one, but before everything started truly going insane. Or more insane than Nolan killing the guardians and all that. 
So, William and Mark are in college together, they are roommates. Mark wouldn't be with Amber anymore, or their relationship isn't really going anywhere. And William wouldn't be with Rick. 
I like to think the reader is smart enough to hide his viltrumite affiliation when he gets to earth. Plus, he's rebellious and it's not like his dad is here, so he shaves his moustache and he steals some clothes somewhere out in the galaxy. 
How the reader gets to earth and meets them for the first time is up in the air. It could be many ways, but at this point the GDA aren't as extreme as they become later on, and Mark is still on good terms with them. 
It probably becomes a deal that Mark has to keep an eye on you, since you are some great unknown and you are clearly strong. They have no idea how strong, but you aren't breaking a sweat when you help out doing hero work. 
You may be your father's favorite child, but you also know what it's like to suffer under his fist. To mold you into the kind of warrior he wants you to be, his eyes shining with pride when you always survive and come back stronger. 
The memory makes you sick, always has. Like something inside you always knew it was wrong and disgusting, what the viltrumites were doing. But when it's all you have ever known, then you just go along with it. 
Earth is a breath of fresh air, and though Mark is very wary of you, he still introduces you to how things work around here. 
And yeah, Mark may be a half-breed, but he is still attractive, in his own weird way. Hes not strong, at least he is nothing impressive, but he never backs down. Its admirable somehow. 
He makes you feel warm inside in a way you aren't used too. You care for your younger siblings in some kind of way, like, you don't want them to die, but you also wouldn't die for them. 
What you start feeling for Mark is stranger, warmer and passionate. It makes you angry and annoyed because it feels like a weakness. 
During this time, Mark would also have broken up with Amber if they hadn't already. Insert him having a whole gay/bi awakening because holy shit... he's feeling stuff for you of all people. 
When he has a conversation with William about his panic, it also clicks that what he feels for you, Mark also feels for William. He gets really awkward for a while, and William knows him enough to know something is up. 
Honestly, I think William and Mark would get together first. Like Mark would be pacing the room, flushed in the face, rambling about you, but then end up talking about William. 
William, who I believe has always had a bit of a torch for Mark would be stunned, but also knows he needs to act now before Mark loses all confidence. So, the two kiss, and end up fumbling through confessions and feelings and all that. 
Insert them falling back on one of their beds and just making out, touching and groping. They don't go further than that, Mark isn't ready, but afterwards William would joke about needing to meet you too. 
Meeting you would be an accident, throwing all their plans into the trash. Some villain shows up, and you end up saving William's life before Mark even gets to change and arrive as invincible. 
Insert William looking reader up and down and going “I see what you mean” to Mark. 
Imagine that you can smell that William and Marks are connected so you compliment mark on his “worthy choice of a mate”. It feels like a compliment even when worded like that, so they both feel a little flushed about it. 
In some way, you end up spending a lot more time with Mark and William, even outside of costume. I don't see you applying for college or anything, since you don't have a legal identity, but you spend time with them on the regular. 
When William starts making you feel all kinds of feelings in your chest, you want to go punch something or someone again. It feels like a massive weakness and you don't like it. 
Yalls confessions for each other would start because you accuse them of doing something to you, like poisoning you.  
You are about ready to kill them for this perceived threat, but also because you don't like feeling something so new and strange, it's scary. 
Then William would try to rationalize it and have you explain what they've done, and so starts you spilling all these strange weird feelings they make you feel. How they make your heart race, your hands clammy, how you feel unsteady even why you fly. It has to be a personal attack, right? 
Even as you get more worked up about it, Mark and William just start smiling and flushing, because it's so endearing to see you pace and try to understand all this. It also means a lot that you feel the same that they do. 
Just insert Mark going “hey, dude” and stopping your angry pacing with a hand on your shoulder. When you turn to glare at Mark, William would jump up and kiss your cheek and be all like “what you're feeling isn't poison, stupid. Its feelings. You know, the ones in there?” and poke your chest. 
You end up needing them to explain this whole dating culture on earth, what you are feeling, why it's okay, and that yes, they feel the same. Then you also get the conversation about descrimination, because they both know what will happen when they are open about the relationship. 
This results in them having to stop you from flying out and threatening the entire world with destruction if they don't accept lgbt+ and other minorities. William would say something like “we appreciate it big guy, but let's not destroy the planet, okay?” and kiss the readers chin. 
A relationship with those two can be a bit wild sometimes. There might also be some insecurity in the reader of not fitting their dynamic, since they've been friends for so long. 
Your sweet boyfriends, as earth don't call it mates, are just... so soft and kind. It makes your teeth ache sometimes. 
Like when Mark arrives with flowers for both you and William, or when he somehow shapes a cloud into a heart when you guys go patrolling. 
William is so affectionate in a way you aren't used too. You were left speechless when he shoves you down on the bed and straddles you, a smirk on his face as he gets comfortable. 
All the kissing has also left you reeling. They do it all the time, they run their tongues together for fun, and not for battle. They have to teach you how to kiss, because “as much as I love being devoured, this is too much babe” 
When the time comes when your father sends Anissa, you chase her off by force. When its Conquest, you are able to keep up with him and stake claim on this planet. 
And when the time comes to battle your father, because that time will come, you are ready to die for your beloveds.  
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marauder-misprint · 3 days ago
Here I am again, my favorite Harry Potter fandom writer :)
I saw something on TikTok, but I lost it because the page was refreshed before I could watch the end and see the creator of the video. But it gave me an idea:
Severus Snape's daughter x Marauders (which you know my preference is always Sirius 😘)
Severus doesn't have much love for his child since Lily is not her mother, but as a father who is aware of his own family history, he makes sure that his daughter lives a relatively happy life in good conditions. She will probably have a natural talent for potions and defense against the dark arts.
In this case, I honestly didn't think how to connect her to Sirius, there would probably be an age difference problem… ah but I want to hope that my favorite author can do something about impossible love 💕❤️😍
Cora! ❤︎ This did become an age-gap fic (approx. 16 years between reader and Sirius). I spent so much time on HP wiki trying to figure out canon birth years. I set it in OotP with a post-Azkaban Sirius.
Hopefully this works for impossible love ❤︎ I mean, Sirius is always gonna hate Severus but that doesn't mean Sirius can't love his daughter!
Snape Spawn
Sirius Black x Snape!reader
6.7k words
cw: age gap!, Y/N, pining?, snog, fluff if you squint
In the aftermath of losing Lily for calling her a mudblood, Severus became a pathetic mess. He lived more and more inside of his head just to survive. When he went home for the summer, he didn’t have the respite of Lily’s company when his parents became too much. To put it shortly and concisely, he found comfort in some girl’s arms, a girl also tempted by Voldemort’s preaching. 
When he returned to Hogwarts in the fall, she wrote to him. He was going to be a father. 
The girl didn’t survive much past your birth. Your grandparents took care of you for a few years, until they reached an age where they were unfit to do so. They returned you to Severus, being that he was now of age and able to fulfil his role of father. 
He did so, although not gratefully. 
You were raised in a tolerable home. Severus knew he couldn’t bring up a child in a home similar to the one he was raised in, so he did his best to ensure that you were happy. He found himself wishing you were the offspring of Lily, rather than some girl who would’ve joined the ranks of Voldemort. He kept you in the dark when he did join the Death Eaters. You were to be protected. 
When Voldemort fell and Severus became a double agent, you were still unaware of everything. He took a job at Hogwarts as the Potions master, per Dumbledore’s request. You were watched over by a couple in Hogsmeade while he worked. 
When you came of age, you attended Hogwarts, being sorted into Slytherin. Some people immediately questioned if Severus was fair when grading your assignments for his class; you had only received O’s from him. Despite your high grades across the board, next highest being Defense Against the Dark Arts, there was enough suspicion for Dumbledore to step in. When the headmaster deemed that your work was exceptional and far above the rest of your peers, the concerns settled down.
Your expertise in potion making rivaled that of your fathers, as did your passion for it. You made plenty of extra potions in your spare time. You had a complete collection of potions in your dorm. You would sell some for non-academic purposes, the most popular being various healing potions. You also supplied the veritaserum for Truth or Dares at parties. Despite being the daughter of the least-liked professor at Hogwarts, you were fairly well liked. 
After you graduated, you opened an Apothecary in Diagon Alley. You and Severus spoke less and less. As he saw it, you were no longer his responsibility. And really, you weren’t. You didn’t reach out to him. Just the occasional letter to him at Christmas and his birthday and you received a letter on yours. 
Then you got a letter from Severus that confused you. It said ‘Happy Birthday’ but your birthday had passed and you had already received your annual letter. There was something else off about the letter: several words were misspelled. Out of curiosity, you wrote down the correct letters and it spelled out a potion. It was one you always had in stock, although it was particularly difficult to brew. You knew it was a long shot and probably wouldn’t do anything, but you took the potion and poured it over the letter. 
A short message appeared at the bottom. 
Danger lies ahead. Meet me.
And then an address appeared with instructions. 
You were quite confused when you arrived at 12 Grimmauld Place. You followed the directions left for you. You were even more confused when after you knocked on the door, you heard screaming from inside and then Remus Lupin opened the door.
“Erm, Professor?” you asked.
He stepped aside and let you in.
“Snape, she’s here!” he yelled down the hallway and then up the stairs, “Someone shut that portrait up!” 
“Y/N,” Severus said, standing in the doorway at the end of the hallway. “You came.”
You held out the letter before saying deadpan, “It’s not my birthday.” 
You looked past your father into a kitchen filled with people. Most of them were adults older than you, closer to your father’s age and older. Nymphandora Tonks was probably the person closest to your age. You looked back at Severus.
“What is this? What danger-?” you started to ask.
“Bring the girl in, we’ll fill her in with the door shut, please,” a firm, female voice said from within the kitchen.
Severus turned and you followed him into the kitchen, along with Remus. You recognized Molly and Arthur Weasley from graduation. You were in the same year as Percy, who was absent. The only other people you recognized were McGonagall and Mad-Eye Moody, from his picture in the paper. 
You took a seat at the table and crossed your arms. You were waiting for an answer.
“So this is your spawn, Snivelly?” a smooth voice said from the end of the table that had been out of view from the door.
You turned your head to see Remus sit down next to Sirius Black. He looked more sane and put together than he did in all of his mug shots that littered the Daily Prophet two years ago. 
“Merlin, when did you sire her? She’s older than Harry,” Sirius continued, eyeing you up and down. 
It only made you narrow your eyes at him. The arrogance that he emanated didn’t sit well with you. You had a feeling that you weren’t going to like him, no matter how handsome you were beginning to think he was. 
“None of your business,” Severus snarled, taking the seat next to you and putting himself between you and Sirius. 
“She’s of age. Otherwise she wouldn’t be here and we wouldn’t be about to tell her about the Order,” Remus said. 
The way that Remus looked at Sirius told you that Sirius would be filled in on you later. Remus had been one of your favorite professors at Hogwarts. It certainly helped that he taught your favorite subject and did a much better job at it than Lockhart did. Severus had warned you the moment Remus was hired that he was a werewolf. He had made you promise to remain in your dorm during full moons. Even with his Wolfsbane potion, Severus wanted Remus nowhere near you. 
“The Order? Is someone going to explain? I had to close up shop early,” you said as you looked around the table. 
“The Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore founded it when You-Know-Who first rose to power. And now that he’s back…” Arthur said. “Arthur Weasley, by the way.”
“So he is… he is back?” you asked, looking at your father for confirmation. 
He nodded.
“We fought him once and we’ll fight him again,” Moody said gruffly. 
You folded your hands in front of you. You swallowed thickly, once again looking from person to person around the room. 
“Where do I come into this?” you asked quietly.
“They want you to join,” Severus said. “They assumed you’d want to fight. Particularly, Lupin.”
You leaned forward to get a clear look at Remus and cocked an eyebrow when you made eye contact. 
“You’re a talented witch, Y/N. You’ll want to be on the right side of this,” Remus said. 
You thought about the idea of fighting. If Voldemort really was back, you knew there would be another war brewing and which side you would support. 
“How do I help? What do I need to do?” 
“Told you she’d agree,” Remus told Severus, a smirk appearing on his face. 
Mad-Eye and Arthur went into a deeper discussion about what the Order did, how secretive they needed to be, how they would communicate with you. Remus added a random comment here and there. You nodded as you listened intently. You gave Severus the occasional glance but he sat with a stoney expression. Beyond him, Sirius watched you with an amused look that you didn’t like. In your opinion, this meeting of the Order was no place for an expression like that. 
After the delegation of assignments and missions, Molly looked at you and said, “You’re welcome to stay for dinner if you’d like.”
“Oh, um, I don’t know…”
Severus put his hand on your shoulder, grabbing your attention.
“I’ll see you at the next meeting,” he said before disappearing out of the kitchen.
You briefly turned your head to watch him leave. You chuckled to yourself. Typical. 
“Meeting’s over?” Hermione asked, entering the kitchen. 
“Mum, what is for dinner?” Ron added, following her.
You and Molly moved to the side to allow for the new people entering and the members leaving. Then two pops could be heard from the hallway before Fred and George came in. Their eyes locked in on you. 
“Snape! Long time!” George called, wearing a grin that matched his twin’s. 
“Weasley one and two. How’d you two survive last year without me?” 
“Dreadful. Had to find a new way into the Slytherin Common Room,” Fred answered. “Are you staying for dinner?” 
“I guess I am now. Didn’t know you were here.” 
“Wow, we rank that high?” Fred asked, giving you a wink and earning an eye roll from you.
“You rank because you funded the first few months of my shop’s rent,” you deadpanned before breaking into a smile. “And I want to know why you needed so many wiggenwelds.”
As the people in the kitchen shifted, you found yourself sat at the table again. This time, as you sat across from the twins with Tonks to your left, you felt older, less like the child in the room. Arthur, Molly, Remus and Sirius were the only other members of the Order who remained. 
You turned to Tonks and muttered, “I thought this was going to be more of a… Order meal.”
She shook her head and gave Molly a weary glance. You both knew you weren’t supposed to talk about Order stuff around the younger kids, but you thought it was safe enough. 
“Not many stay. Molly invites them every time.” 
Then the twins took over your attention. They told you about what they got up to your last year at Hogwarts when they bought healing potion after healing potion from you. They recounted the Triward Tournament and everything that happened last year. At one point, you explained to Tonks how you let the twins into the Slytherin Common Room on several occasions so that they could prank some of your more foul housemates.
Sirius wouldn’t admit it, but he was listening intently to your conversation and stealing momentary glances of you. 
Some time after you left and everyone had dispersed throughout the house, Remus sat with Sirius in the drawing room. 
“When did you find out Snivellus had a kid?” Sirius asked.
“When her name appeared on my roster.”
“You taught her? And you didn’t tell me?”
“I hadn’t seen you in twelve years, Padfoot. It didn’t seem important. Why do you care so much?”
Sirius didn’t answer. He didn’t know why your existence was so intriguing to him. Maybe it was the shock that Severus had actually managed to be intimate with someone. Sirius had watched you all through the meeting and then practically all dinner. Seeing you interact with Tonks and the twins, and everyone really, made it clear that you were a much different person than Severus. 
“You said she’d want to join. What made you think that?” 
“You remember how Severus was in school, with the dark arts?” Remus asked. “She had that same intense interest, except in Defense. Wasn’t a better student in her year. I was shocked when I heard she wasn’t going for an Auror position.”
“Didn’t she say something about a shop?”
Remus nodded. “Follows Snivy in that sense. Runs an apothecary in Diagon Alley.”
“I’m still not over that Snivellus has a kid…” Sirius muttered with a sigh. 
Over the next few weeks, you met more and more of the Order’s members. Each meeting was a different combination of people. Molly, Arthur, Remus and Sirius were the only consistents. The Weasleys were fine, as was Remus. He insisted that you call him by his name, being that he was no longer a professor and you were no longer a student. It took time.
And then there was Sirius. This handsome man who looked at you with ever-changing expressions. One day he would be intrigued by you and the next he would be disgusted. You exchanged very few words with him. He was always on the other side of the room. And yet, your eyes often locked with his. 
“Remus, we need you to come with us,” Molly called from the door. “Y/N, can you stay? We’ll need healing potions when we get back.”
“Erm, yeah. Yeah, I can stay. Is there-” you started to ask.
“Potions station? Upstairs. Have Sirius show you,” Remus said before following Molly and Arthur out of the house. 
Once the door closed, you sighed. You hadn’t been on a mission yet, and you knew it was because of how young you were. It was a bit frustrating. You were of age. They asked you to be a part of the order. And here you were, staying behind to be a potioneer. Yes, you were good at it, but you were also exceptional at dueling. Remus had told you that before. 
You looked around for Sirius. He wasn’t in the kitchen or anywhere on the main floor. You checked the various rooms as you ascended the stairs. You asked the Weasleys and Hermione if they’d seen him and all you got were shrugs in response. Great. 
Then, with a sigh because it was so obvious, you knocked on his bedroom’s door. 
“What?” his voice bellowed from inside.
“Sirius, I, erm, I need a potion station? Profess-, ahem, Remus said to ask you for it,” you said loudly to ensure your voice carried through the closed door.
There was a moment of silence before the sounds of him grumbling and getting up before he opened the door. He was more casually dressed than you had ever seen him. You were caught off guard by how effortlessly handsome he was.
“Wait in the drawing room. I’ll bring it down.” 
You nodded. Sirius turned to go higher up the stairs and you went the opposite direction. You paced around the drawing room while you waited for him to return. You set up your travel package of potion ingredients. You knew that the Order had some stock, but something told you that your personal stock would be of higher quality and you preferred it when you knew where each ingredient came from. The sources could really affect the effectiveness of a potion. 
You jumped when the potion station clanked through the door, followed by a string of swears from Sirius. 
“Sorry, just this damn thing…”
You looked at it with a subtle gasp.
“Merlin, that’s ancient.”
Once it was in the room, you took over levitating it toward the middle of the room so you would have plenty of room to maneuver around it. 
“Well, it was my parents so…” Sirius’ voice trailed off, his eyes studying your every move. “Can’t say how much it actually got used around here.”
“I keep forgetting this is your parents’ place. Must be strange to have it turned into headquarters when you grew up here.” 
You started a fire and immediately went into work mode, starting a large batch of classic wiggenwelds. Sirius unceremoniously fell into a rickety armchair before getting comfortable. Surely watching you work would be more entertaining than staring at the ceiling in his room. 
“Strange doesn’t even begin to cover it.”
Without looking up from the cauldron, you asked, “How would you describe it then?” 
“Horrible,” he said quickly. He didn’t even pause to think about it. “It’s a prison. It was when I was growing up here and it still is. Different kinds of torture, but it boils down to the same pain.” 
You glanced at him through your eyelashes, only briefly as to keep the majority of your attention on the potion that was beginning to simmer. He looked utterly at ease in the chair.
“They say we can’t risk you getting captured. Dementor’s kiss and all.”
Sirius chucked. “They say… Like staying here isn’t sucking my soul out all the same.”
“It’s not exactly… cheerful.”
“My damned house elf was never a good housekeeper. Nor was my mother an interior designer. Parents took too much pride in their family heirlooms to consider taste.” 
You hummed. “I take it you think you have taste, then?”
“Oh, I know I do. I mean, don’t take my room here for example. If you could see my room at the Potter Manor?” He shook his head with a sigh. “And I had barely settled after moving out when… when it all happened.”
You sat back on your heels, turning a muggle cooking timer you had in your pack. The potion needed to sit for some time.
“Do you want to talk about those years? Or should we change the subject?” you asked, placing some of your tools back into their case.
He barked a laugh and tilted his head back against the chair’s fraying material. 
“Change the subject. There’s not much to say about sitting in a cell and rotting for twelve years.”
“Says the only man to escape Azkaban.”
“Different subject, darling.”
“Okay, okay. Can I ask why it feels like you’re always staring at me during meetings?” 
“Easy. Because I am.”
The casualness in his answer took you by surprise. Who admits to staring at a person? 
“You’re Snivy’s kid,” Sirius said like it was an obvious answer, but it made you frown.
“I take it you and my dad didn’t get along.” 
“I wouldn’t say we were friends, no. But the feeling was mutual.” 
“So Severus is my dad. Why does that make you stare?” you asked, standing up and crossing your arms over your chest. This time, it was you studying him, taking in every detail of his features. 
Under your intense gaze, SIrius sat up in the chair and leaned forward with his elbows on his knees.
“Trying to figure out how much like him you are.”
You hummed. “I’m sure someone told you it doesn’t matter if you like dad or me. There’s a bigger problem at hand that doesn’t require us to be friends.” 
Sirius flexed his eyebrows in mild annoyance.
“It’s not friendship I’m looking for from you,” he said, sounding irritated that he had to explain this. “Can I trust you? Can we trust you?”
You scoffed and took a step backwards. 
“Why wouldn’t you be able to trust me?”
“Because I don’t trust your father. I don’t care if Dumbledore does. I don’t care he claims to be a changed man. Once a Death Eater, always a Death Eater.”
Suddenly, your expression changed into complete shock and disbelief. It hit Sirius that perhaps you didn’t know of your father’s history and the mark he bore on his left arm. 
“Oh, you didn’t know…”
“Dad was… is… was…” you stuttered. “No… He-he can’t… What?” 
“I’m sorry, I wouldn’t’ve said anything if I knew you didn’t know…”
“No,” you said, holding up a hand to silence Sirius. “I’m glad you told me. You really would think I would know that about my own father… Merlin…” 
Sirius stood up and took exactly one step toward you. Then your timer went off. The cauldron captured all of your attention again. You removed it from the fire, stirred it and added the final ingredients. Sirius didn’t sit back down. He was too distracted with how you turned off your emotions to deal with the potion. It was like you suddenly didn’t care that a portion of your father’s identity had been hidden from you for your entire life because you had a duty, a duty to be prepared when the members of the Order returned. 
“Sirius,” you said after a few minutes. “Thank you for telling me about my father.”
“They’re back!” Ginny yelled from downstairs.
“Great, help me take this down to the kitchen?” you asked, gesturing to the cauldron. 
“Yeah, I’ll bring it. You go ahead, assess the damage done.”
You chuckled softly. “I’m no healer. Just a potioneer.” 
Slowly, you started talking to Sirius before and after meetings. The ones Severus attended, you avoided his eye. You had never questioned some things before, and now you were. The more you thought on your childhood, things that previously seemed odd made sense, given Sirius’ revelation. 
Severus wasn’t oblivious to your sudden coldness to him. He cornered you after one of the meetings. 
“Are you feeling alright?” he asked.
“What?” you replied, barely able to bring yourself to look at him. 
“You’re avoiding me,” Severus said plainly. “It’s unlike you.” 
You shrugged before crossing your arms. 
“So what if I am? You’re not who I thought you were.”
“I’m your father,” he hissed, leaning forward like he was trying to assert his dominance over you. 
You kept your head held high. “Roll up your sleeves then, Father.”
Severus stood up straighter, taking a step backwards. He glanced around the room. Then he grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the kitchen.
“Come with me,” he snarled, dragging you up the stairs until you reached the drawing room. He closed the door behind you and casted a muffling charm. “Who told you?”
“Doesn’t matter. It should have been you.”
“It does matter, Y/N.”
You scoff, turning away from him. You didn’t see why it mattered who told you, just that it hadn’t been him. You knew now and you didn’t know how you could trust your father. You agreed with Sirius on that point; it didn’t matter if Dumbledore trusted him. You decided that your father had to re-earn your trust. You were his daughter, his own flesh and blood. How come he wasn't the one who told you?
“You made yourself a liability,” he said.
“Oh no, what’s going to happen? I can’t go on missions? Oh, wait, I haven’t been on one.”
“You’re starting to sound like… Merlin…” Severus said.
Severus stormed out of the room and practically flew down the stairs. Even from upstairs, you could hear his threats.
“Are you trying to turn her against me? Do you ever think about your actions?”
“I didn’t know Y/N didn’t know!” Sirius’ voice replied, carrying as much anger as your father’s did. “She deserved to know.” 
“Severus! Sirius!” Molly yelled. 
You could imagine what the kitchen looked like. Severus at Sirius’ throat. Despite the anger in his voice, Sirius would maintain an even expression, or it would be masked with a casual grin. Molly was certainly trying to get in between them. 
“Molly, don’t you agree that Y/N should know of past alliances?” Sirius asked.
“Y/N, maybe. The rest of the house? No.”
You rolled your eyes as you left the drawing room and went down the stairs. You slipped out the front door before you could overhear any more of the argument. Something flipped in you and you didn’t feel like seeing Severus or Sirius in the aftermath of that meeting. You also didn’t want to talk to Molly and explain your part in it. You knew you wouldn’t be able to avoid it forever; there would be more Order meetings. But that wouldn’t be for a week, and people would be able to settle down. 
The next week, you arrived early. You’re not sure why, but it felt like the thing to do. The Advance Guard was gathering. You weren’t a part of it, surprise surprise. You knew that Severus wouldn’t be, but he would arrive as close to meeting time as he could. Sirius would be around. 
“Y/N, you’re not needed until later,” Remus said as you walked through the door and hung up your coat.
“I know,” you said casually. “But I can have tea in my flat, alone, or I can have tea here.” 
You walked past the guard, which proved more difficult than it should have been as they stood in the narrow hallway. There was no one in the kitchen, which you found odd. It was usually the life of the house, especially before meetings. You knew the kids liked to linger in attempts to be overlooked so they could attend a meeting. Molly always spotted them and kicked them out. ‘Members only,’ she’d say to their protests as they declared that they’d like to join. 
You put a kettle on and milled around, looking for the various things you need. Cup, tea leaves, sugar. Maybe a biscuit if they had some. You find everything you need just as the kettle whistles, and then you settle at the table. 
It doesn’t take long before Sirius enters the kitchen, smiling when he sees you. He took the seat next to you. After a minute, he reached over to grab your cup and took a sip of your tea. He made a face as he placed it back in front of you.
“Got enough sugar in there?”
“Not a fan of this blend,” you deadpanned, which was a partial truth. You also just liked your tea on the sweeter side. “You excited to see Harry?” 
Sirius tensed slightly but then he nodded.
“Yes. I wish he could’ve come sooner or we could’ve written him any kind of information…” He gave you a soft look. “It’s not like with you. He doesn’t have the ability to solve a riddle and brew up some potion to counteract a cursed piece of parchment. Bloody muggles he lives with…”
“I’ve heard stories,” you muttered. “They put bars on his windows at some point.”
Sirius’ eyes widened at that.
“They did what?”
“The muggles, um, Fred and George said they rescued him from some horrible situation a few years back. You’d have to ask them ‘bout it.”
Sirius nodded and the two of you fell into a mostly comfortable silence. Slowly, other members of the Order started to fill the kitchen and the seats at the table. The murmur of small talk broke up the silence. Then there was a commotion by the front door – Harry had arrived. 
You remained seated as Molly and Sirius went to greet him and the Advance Guard. You made brief eye contact with Harry before he was ushered upstairs and Molly closed the kitchen door so the meeting could start. Sirius sat down next to you, but the air around him was changed. 
You stayed for dinner again. In exchanging Order Members for the non-members, Sirius got up and sat down next to Remus. The spots on either side of you were filled by Fred and George. You sunk into your seat as Harry asked question after question about the Order as Sirius encouraged him and Molly shut him down. It was tense. You just wanted a warm home cooked meal, not an argument if the Harry Potter should be allowed into the Order and who was his family. 
The meal took far too long in your opinion. You barely took the time to say goodbye before hurrying out the door and making your way back to your flat. You sighed in the darkness. You didn’t bother turning on the lights, not needing it to cross the small distance to your room. The emptiness of your flat reminded you that you liked the solitude of it. It wasn't busy or filled with raging arguments. It was calm. It was quiet. It was you. 
The next few meetings, Sirius didn’t sit near you. He didn’t bother to say hello or bye. You practically glued yourself to Tonks, given she was the only person in the room who currently didn’t make you feel like a child. Yes, you were the baby of the group, but you didn’t need to feel like that. It didn’t help that you still hadn’t been chosen to go on a mission. Your main and only task was to stay behind and prepare potions in case the worst happens on the mission. 
“I’m not a healer,” you reminded everyone time and time again, only to be dismissed. 
You started leaving Grimmauld Place in a huff more often than not. Then you heard about the group selected to accompany Harry to King’s Cross. You didn’t even bother showing up to headquarters on September 1. No one was going to attack the boy at the train station, and you knew there would be no need for potions when the Order members returned. You’d hear about how Sirius tagged along in his animagus form during the next meeting. Great. Even Sirius technically got to go on a mission. 
Your attitude toward the Order was worsening. You knew that it was the side to be on. You knew you signed up for this, but it really wasn’t living up to any expectations that you had. Then, Remus approached you with a desperate request. You couldn’t turn him down. 
Sirius sat watching you as you worked on preparing the Wolfsbane potion. Remus was running out and Severus claimed to be too busy to brew it. You could’ve brewed it at your shop but something drew you to headquarters. So you sat in the drawing room with the ancient brewing station, a wide variety of ingredients and a potions book. You could feel Sirius’ eyes on you, taking in every motion. 
“Do you need something?” you asked, an air of impatience to your voice. 
Sirius doesn’t respond right away. He had been in his thoughts thinking about how when Severus was that intensely focused on a potion, Sirius would’ve made fun of him for it, but when it was you, it was fascinating and beautiful. 
“No,” Sirius said firmly.
You spared him a glance. It barely lasted a second. Sirius made no effort to pretend that he wasn’t staring at you. You sighed. You weren’t a huge fan of having someone watch your every move while you brewed a potion. You were no longer in school; you didn’t need supervision.
“If you don’t need anything, why are you in here?” 
“It’s my house,” he replied flatly. 
“Look,” you said, standing up and brushing yourself off before slowly walking over to him. “I know you and my father don’t get along. But I’m brewing that-” You gestured back toward the cauldron. “For Remus, who is your friend. And I really don’t need any distract-”
You were cut off by Sirius’ lips pressing onto yours as he leaned upward. You hadn’t realized you were standing close enough to his chair for him to do that. You took a shocked step backwards. Sirius stood up with a smirk on his face.
“Thanks, on behalf of Remus. I’ll leave you to finish that. Uninterrupted. And if you need me, I’ll be in my room.”
No distractions. That is what you had been asking of Sirius and instead, he gave you one of the biggest distractions that he could. You watched him leave the room and then tried to regain your focus. You had a task at hand. A rather important one, if you asked anyone who knew of Remus’ condition. The liquid started to bubble and you swore, hurrying to stir in the next ingredient. 
Your mind kept drifting back to Sirius and the fact that he kissed you. And then left? Well, you had been in the middle of asking him to leave, but still. You don’t kiss someone and leave. Not like that.
You finished brewing the Wolfsbane and poured it into a collection of vials. You took your time cleaning up, debating what you wanted to do. You were still debating it as you went to find Remus and give him the vials. The upcoming full moon was already taking effect on him. He looked more tired and weak than usual. You knew the potion helped but it was still a far cry from a cure-all. 
Then you found the door that said ‘Sirius Orion Black’ on it. You stood outside it for at least a full minute before raising your hand to knock on it. But you didn’t knock. Not right away. You let your hand fall. Then you raised it again, and let it fall. On the third try, because third time’s the charm, you knocked. You could hear movement from inside the room and then he opened the door. 
Sirius watched you with curious eyes as you walked into his room. He closed the door behind you. You scanned the room, scoffing at the posters of motorbikes and girls in bikinis.
“Classy,” you said. “This is the taste that your parents didn’t have?”
“If I recall, I said to not count my room here. I put all this up when I was like 13? 14? Give or take. And permanent sticking charms are more powerful than most people give them credit for.”
“Ah, that’d be the lack of understanding for the word permanent.”
Sirius chuckled at that and leaned against his desk. Once again, he was watching your every move. He couldn’t help the smirk that pulled at his lips as you cautiously sat down on his bed. You were still taking in the time capsule of Sirius’ childhood when you spoke.
“So, um, what was that? Downstairs.” You knew you sounded confused, unsure of how you felt about it.
“When you said that I don’t get along with your… with Severus,” he started, saying your father’s name with a moderate level of disgust, “you weren’t wrong. Apparently, I have strong emotions for Snapes. For him, it’s… ahem, not good. But you?” He took a breath and shook his head. “I can’t get you out of my head. At first I thought it was because you’re his kid. But it’s not that. It’s… Merlin, you’re something else, you know?” 
You just stare at him. You didn’t quite understand what he was saying. This time it was your turn to watch him as he stood up from leaning against his desk and made his way toward you. He stood in front of you for a moment, running a gentle finger along your jaw from your ear down to your chin. 
As he sat next to you, he added, “And I tried to stop what I feel for you. Bury it deep. But, fuck, Y/N, you’re irresistable…”
“So August was…”
“That was me telling myself this would never work. You’re a Snape. There’s no way you could want me like I want you.”
You wanted to laugh. Sirius was devilishly handsome and you found he was easy to get along with. You liked how he didn’t treat you like a child and understood why you felt less than in the Order, since you were both consistently left behind. 
“What made you… change your mind?” you asked, turning so your body was angled toward him.
“I may be very much reading into it, but I don’t think so since you’re here now. But you brewed Remus’ potion here rather than your little apothecary shop. Thought that it might be because I’m here. And then you were about to call me a distraction.”
This time you did laugh.
“Cocky much? Assuming a distraction is a good thing?” 
He leaned in so his face was only centimeters from yours. “Is it?”
You hated how your breath caught in your throat. You hated how Sirius obviously noticed with his smirk growing into a wide grin. He leaned in more. His lips weren’t quite touching yours but you swore you could feel them move as he spoke.
“It is, isn’t it?”
“Just kiss me again, Black,” you breathed.
That was all he needed to press his lips to yours again. You didn’t pull back this time. You leaned into him, kissing back with passion you hadn’t felt in years. Sirius had one hand cupping your face and the other holding onto your waist, holding your body in place. The voice in his head kept saying that any moment now you’d remember that Sirius is the same age as your father and it would disgust you. You kept proving the voice wrong with each passing second. 
Soon enough you were no longer sitting on Sirius’ bed. You straddled him, pressing your body against his. Both his hands were traveling your body, feeling the softness of your skin under your shirt. You simply had an arm around his neck and a hand in his hair. 
You felt like you had fire in your veins as Sirius’ lips left yours but kept pressing wet kisses to your skin. He moved to your jaw and down your neck until he found the sweet spot near your collarbone.
A firm knock on his door froze the both of you where you sat practically intertwined. 
“Padfoot, I’m going for takeaway. Want anything?” Remus called through the door. 
You pressed your mouth against Sirius’ shoulder to prevent yourself from giggling. There was something so utterly teenage about almost getting caught snogging. You and Sirius were both adults, but being walked in on by Remus would still have felt mortifying.
“Nah, mate, I’m good,” Sirius yelled back. His hands were still holding your side and back under your shirt. 
“Alright.” There was a pause. “Did little Snape leave? I didn’t hear the door.” 
You pulled back from Sirius’ shoulder with wide eyes. You didn’t know what you wanted him to stay. If Sirius said you were still here, Remus would probably ask if you wanted anything or where you were since you clearly weren’t anywhere else in the house. If he said you were gone and Remus decided to come in for some reason, Sirius would have to explain why he lied. Well, it would be obvious why he lied, but still. You figured it would be better if Sirius said you were gone and then you could sneak out while Remus was gone. 
“She’s quiet, that one. Mum would’ve liked her,” Sirius replied and you nodded approvingly. 
“Right. Okay. I’ll be back.” 
You and Sirius sat silently. You listened to Remus descend the rest of the stairs and leave the house. 
“I’ll have to be gone before he gets back,” you said.
“Or you could stay,” Sirius offered. “Say you forgot something or another.”
You placed a kiss on Sirius’ cheek. “Yeah? And then what?” 
“Then…” Sirius drew out the word as if pondering your question. “You spend the night?”
You let out a dry laugh. “Oh, Sirius, I don’t fuck on the first date.” You patted his cheek gently before removing yourself from his lap. You tried not to look at the tent in his pants, the result of having you. “How about you make me dinner sometime?”
Sirius had frowned when you got up but it was quickly replaced with a smile when you suggested dinner.
“And if I’m no chef?”
You shrugged. “I could pick up takeaway. Or, if you’re really nice, I could make something.” 
Then, realization hit you and you sat back down next to Sirius. 
“If this happens,” you said, gesturing between you and Sirius, “we’ll have to tell my father.”
Sirius’ grin only grew, something wicked flickering in his eyes. “I can’t wait to tell him.”
“That’ll help you mend your past,” you muttered, earning a bark of a laugh from Sirius.
“I think we’re well past being able to mend anything, sweetheart,” he said. “But I can be cordial if it means I can have you.”
You jam a finger into his chest. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. So far all you are is a good snog.”
“A good snog, eh? High reviews.”
“Think you’re open on Friday?” you asked, standing up again and straightening your shirt.
“Let’s see,” Sirius said, mock-pondering. “Tomorrow, Friday, next week, next month… I’m open.”
“Right, sorry.” You gave Sirius a small smile. “Chinese sound good? I’ll pick it up and be over ‘round 7?”
“Sounds lovely.” 
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Tag: @bruxa0007
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onepieceisreeeeaaalll · 2 days ago
If one piece had Disney in their universe then what would be the strawhats favorite disney songs?
(I bet luffy would enjoy the song "hakuna matata" or zoro with love the song, "I'll make a man out of you" he would probably listen to that song during his workouts? I can imagine Sanji singing be our guest? 😅)
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LUFFY - I Just Can’t Wait to be King OR Go The Distance OR How Far I’ll Go
ZORO - I’ll Make a Man Out of You OR Zero to Hero
NAMI - Almost There
ROBIN - Reflection OR Let it Go OR Surface Pressure
USOPP - Friend Like Me
FRANKY - You’re Welcome
BROOK - When Will My Life Begin OR Grim Grinning Ghosts OR any narration song (see below)
JIMBEI - Into the Unknown OR You’ve Got a Friend in Me
ASL BROTHERS - Hakuna Matata OR I Always Wanted a Brother
ACE - Go The Distance
See rambling/explanations below cut!
Now I’m tempted to do a broadway/musical movie list. I’ll have you all know that I’m unfortunately a multifaceted nerd, meaning I was also a huge theatre kid.
AAAH Okay this one is fun! So, I’ve been trying to think about this. Going off of yours, I’d say Zoro’s is for sure I’ll Make A Man Out of You. It’s just perfect for him. I think he’d also appreciate the vibes of Zero to Hero. For training purposes. Obviously.
I feel like the ASL brother’s anthem is Hakuna Matata or the unfortunate bop that is “I Always Wanted A Brother”, but Luffy’s is either “I Just Can’t Wait to be King” or “Go the Distance” (though I can see Go The Distance for Ace, too.) Honestly, Luffy would also probably just like all of the ballads that include the main character going on a journey. “How Far I’ll Go” would definitely be another contender.
Sanji is GREAT for Be Our Guest, just imagine him humming it while he cooks awjkenfawklejnfawkejfn. But I think baby Sanji stuck with Judge would have a “Waiting on a Miracle” moment. Which would make me cry actual tears.
Nami could have an “Almost There” moment with how she almost had enough money to pay back Arlong, which of course didn’t end up mattering, same for Tiana. She understands that plight.
Robin is a fun one that I can’t quite pinpoint. “Reflection” feels a little too sad, I want something more badass for her. “Let It Go” maybe? I haven’t quite decided, but I crave a power ballad for her. “Surface Pressure” might also appeal to her. She’s had to have this tough persona her whole life to protect herself, but really she’s as vulnerable and scared as anyone else. Been through a lotta trauma. Might be a good song to cry to.
Usopp would be “Friend Like Me” ALL THE WAY. Every single claim would be a boldface lie, but that’s why we love him. He’d also just rock it I’m sorry I need an artist on this IMMEDIATELY. He’d LOVE TO SING THIS SONG AND BRAG.
Franky is “You’re Welcome” ALL THE WAY. Usopp and Franky are the two I’m most confident on. I can see Franky flexing his super cyborg muscles during the rap, and “DON’T MESS WITH FRANKY WHEN HE’S ON A BREAK AWAY” i’m sorry I’m actually frothing at the idea.
Brook is difficult. I would love to disney princess him into “When Will My Life Begin” because of his time in isolation, it’s very Rapunzel. But I also want to give him something funky because - ya know. Soul King, baby. “Down In New Orleans” would just be fun to hear him sing, but obviously that wouldn’t match him unless we all agree he can be an omniscient narrator. In that case, just give him all the gospel truth songs too (with Usopp and Franky helping as other muses, of course.) OH AND OF COURSE GRIM GRINNING GHOSTS OKAY. HE’D JUST LIKE THE JAZZY STUFF.
Jimbei is TOUGH. Okay, because obviously I want to give him something mentor-y. The man mentored Luffy straight out of depression. Ugh, it’s such low hanging fruit to give him “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” if I’m allowed to include pixar. Umm..maybe he’d also like “Into the Unknown.” When you think about it, he’s had to take a lot of big leaps of faith in his life, leaving behind the world he’s known not once, not twice, but at least three times. He’d probably appreciate the themes behind the song.
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menlove · 2 days ago
Kinda feel like John would chew glass actually if he saw how he and Paul are being pushed as this love story/the romantic implications. And disrespect of Yoko’s place as John’s actual widow. Just based off her past comments I think if Yoko were of sound mind (I believe she’s suffering from dementia?) she’d protest.
I'm honestly not sure? I mean if we're looking at where him and yoko would be now if he'd lived, the answer is probably divorced bc that's where they were headed when he died. so idk that he'd really be bothered about what she thought atp if he'd lived bc they would've divorced in the 80s and God knows what he'd be up to now
but if we mean Ethereal Ghost John I think he'd probably roll his eyes and protest the idea that him and paul were like be all end all soulmates. but I don't think he'd take issue with the idea that they were in love. I mean he like Consistently said in multiple forms and at different times that paul was his main partner before yoko, in whatever way. I think he'd probably be annoyed w the idea that paul was It for him, but he was obviously a huge part of his life
as for disrespecting yoko like..... I think he'd take more issue w your average beatle bro saying she broke up the beatles, saying she was a witch (sometimes literal), all the racist shit she gets, and the lack of visibility of her art apart from him. I think like again if someone were trying to imply that he loved paul More than her, he'd be pretty irritated. but it's just a fact that he loved paul and it's never one he tried to dispute. I also don't think it's that disrespectful to say "these two dudes had something going on and then broke up and married women" like obviously there's ppl in the mclennon fandom who are Massively disrespectful to yoko/linda/jane/cyn (yoko most of all) but overall I don't think people claiming that john and paul were in love in any way detracts from the fact that john was obviously in love with yoko and spent the last years of his life w her
now what YOKO would think.......... I won't disagree there lmao. but her and paul have always been At It with each other to varying degrees. they've obviously settled on somewhat neutral ground and I don't think they like detest each other, but they Have Continually Been vying for the position of the holder of john's legacy and like Fairly recently I know she was still being snarky as fuck about him. so I think it would probably piss her off to no end, but I don't think that's a good reason to not talk about it. at the end of the day queer people are always going to exist and especially as they're like solidified as part of history now I think it's actually pretty important to talk about.
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assassin-artist · 2 days ago
I love Eleanor!
I'm really curious to know (everything) how Cecil feels about the daddy issues she's working through. I mean he (and whoever in the GDA draws up reports about the Greyson family mental states) has to be clocking them from a mile away. Because honestly who wouldn't be messed up after having Nolan as a father.
Does Cecil feel like there's some manipulation going on? Yes he's genuinely there in his role as mentor/boss, but does he also feel like an ass sometimes when he's reminded that she's just a kid seeking validation from an older male authority figure? (Not that that's Eleanor's main motivation in being a super hero by any means).
I don't think he'd be outright manipulative. I think he genuinely cares for people like when he tries to comfort Mark and Debbie etc, but it's probably part of a contingency plan of his if need be? I could see a desperate Cecil/GDA trying to make her more codependent as a means to control her. (Maybe they tried something like that in your bad end au)
Honestly I just need to know how he feels about her GDA inspired suit. Proud dad vibes? Relief that one of the twins is still willing to work with him? Mild embarrassment? Completely oblivious? Does Donald clock the resemblance first and tease him about it lol
Does Mercy ever look back on that suit design in the future and feel a bit embarrassed (like when you look back at your previous style that was influenced by friends or a celebrity and cringe?). Since it would also be symbolic of when she and Mark were having their fight over their different viewpoints.
Does she always keep the new colour pallet?
Anyways thanks for sharing your OC!
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Cecil when Mercy shows up in his colors after splitting up with her brother. Thank you for this ask, I love rambling about Cecil especially, hehe... Looong rambles below the cut!
firstly, you're absolutely right that her family issues (daddy issues especially) is a well known topic in the GDA by the time she's in her 3rd suit. In fact, I think it would have been obvious from the day Nolan first left earth. I think Cecil is aware of the mental states of all of his top agents, he's definitely trying his best to keep tabs on them with on-site psychologists and such - but I think he'd have an extra careful eye out on the Graysons. He already states several times in the show that Mark is "the strongest hero we have on Earth", which is what makes him so desperate to keep Invincible in his pocket/under his control, and in the world where Mercy exists, she's stronger than Invincible by season 3 as well. So he's keeping a closer tab on Mercy than he does any of his other heroes, regardless of whether she would approve of how closely he's watching her.
Largely I think he'd feel some compassion for her about it - he has a heart, after all, even if it tends to get buried underneath his stern exterior and the things he's been forced to do over the years. She was only a kid when they met, and even though it's been a little over two years by season 3 and she's a legal adult, of course he's still gonna look at her as a kid. I think he feels a strong sense of "I need to look after her", not only because of her young age, but also because all the shit that went wrong in her life started after she started working for him. Maybe he feels like her dad's actions and the trauma it left her with is possibly indirectly his fault - but he definitely feels like Mercy and Invincible splitting apart is his own fault. He doesn't regret it because he's always going to do what he thinks is necessary for the good of the world, but he does still feel a bit guilty about how it tore apart this family that was working for him.
But there's also this idea I had that if Cecil visited Mark/Debbie's house some time after Mercy moved out but before the big falling out with Invincible and the GDA, Debbie absolutely would have scolded him and then talked his ear off about making sure Eleanor was well taken care of. Not just financially, as he tries to assure Mrs. Grayson - make sure she's eating properly, getting enough sleep, don't let her drink so many energy drinks before a mission like she does when there's an exam coming up. Debbie can clearly tell that Ellie is pulling away from her out of grief and trauma, and although it hurts her to not be there for her daughter like she wishes she could, she knows better than to try to force her way back into her life. So instead she goes to the person that she knows Ellie will listen to, and makes sure he has a good idea of what her daughter needs. So Cecil feels another sense of "I need to look out for this kid" because Debbie personally asked him to as well.
"Does Cecil feel like there's some manipulation going on?" Oh, absolutely there is, and he's aware of it. I don't think he's a cruel man by any means, I think he'd prefer it if people worked for him out of their own willingness and not for any other external reasons - but with the Grayson twins, he can't take that risk. They're too strong. He saw how one Viltrumite could ruin a major city and wrack up a death toll of, what, over two thousand lives and many thousand more injured in just a few hours? And later learning that more Viltrumites are going to come to Earth for a hostile takeover? Yeah, he wants to be nice - but now is not the time for niceness if it might sacrifice having the most powerful pawn on his payroll.
His compassion in daily conversations is real - him asking her if she's doing alright and if she' ever needs to talk's had enough to eat today - but his compassion when it comes to making decisions about her life is calculated. Paying for her utilities so she feels like she owes him, offering to take care of her family despite being attacked by two members of it so she will think of him as her best supporter in times of need... but most of all, subtly reminding her of the damage caused by her father and brother. Not in a 'look at what your family did' to make her feel guilty kind of way, but more of a 'look at what you're capable of' way. So even she thinks she needs someone to make the tough decisions for her - so she never feels tempted to pull away like Invincible did.
He's troubled by her mental state partially because he cares about her as an individual, but also because that means there's a crack in a very dangerously powerful weapon. He's glad for her seeking validation from an older male figure because it means she looks up to him, listens to his advice. It means he's still got her where he needs her to be.
He does genuinely care for people, like you said. I don't think Cecil would be Director of the GDA if it weren't for his overwhelming love for humanity and the planet they live on - it's not just self interest because he lives there, too, it's because his heart aches for the pain that others go through. Him keeping Mercy by his side by whatever means necessary - well timed compassion, a shoulder to lean on, financial compensation, etc - is good for both of them. He needs her strength and durability, and she needs a strong foundation to lean on in her darker moments.
And now, finally "I just need to know how he feels about her GDA inspired suit". My first thought was that, honestly, I don't think he would have ever made the connection lol. I mean, he sees the new look, but he never stops to think "this was directly inspired by me specifically". I think he'd just perk up one eyebrow and say something about how she's lost her bright colors in the new look. Donald absolutely clocks the resemblance, though - that man is specially trained to spot anything vaguely Cecil-looking lmfao. I think if he ever brought it up, Cecil would just go, "What? No, it's not based off of me. There's a ton of navy blue suits in the GDA, you don't know it's based off of me. I mean... ah, hell, it's based off of me.." I think he'd feel a little bit embarrassed about it in the beginning, like when you realize someone kind of idolizes you and you think 'why would you look up to me of all people', but he'd keep it under wraps pretty well. Kind of think it's sweet, also kind of thinks it's another good sign of her attachment to the GDA.
I don't think she will always keeps the new suit design. Mercy and Invincible are meant to be in parallel to each other - not exactly the same, but when one goes through a major change, so does the other. She got her new suit roughly at the same time Mark got his new suit, and both of them changed because of their growing and shifting viewpoints around morality. The palette itself, though... hrm, I'll have to think about that. I can see her leaving the palette behind to have a fresh start and branching out eventually, but I can also see her wanting to keep it because the GDA, and Cecil specifically, are such big parts of her formative years and helped develop her worldviews a lot as a teen/going into adulthood.
I'm not entirely sure how future Mercy would look back on her older design, since I make her story as we go along with the show and comics. So the only answer I have for now is that she'd probably look back at the suit and frown because that was the time where her and Mark split apart. How much she either cringes or feels pain about that memory depends on whether the two of them ever reconcile or if it just gets worse from there on out... We'll see (:
Thank you for the ask!! I love talking about Cecil lol
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d3lly1000 · 1 day ago
hi ✨:D
I have a question about your Sonamy hcs! (Sorta)
you said that the most affective places for Sonic to be affectionate and reciprocate love is his chest fur, his back quills, and behind his ears.
I like to imagine that those certain areas can get different results out of him. Like
I imagine that behind his ears will be similar to this but depending on how hard or how fast Amy is scratching him, he’ll be more like a happy giggly puddle.
For his back quills, I imagine that it’s more…. sensual if you know what I mean. I don’t want to get too out of hand or make people (and you) uncomfortable, but I’m thinking some moans, some blush, and him being clingy as he buries his face in Amy’s chest.
I honestly have no clue how to go about his chest fur other than Amy being flirty, and pushing him against a wall as he’s just continuing to get flustered and lose almost all manner of speaking.
I know theres supposed to be some purring involved (cause hedgehogs do actually purr) but in these specific scenarios, I can’t really fit it in. Probably should’ve gone with a more fluff approach tbh
idk. I just wanted to share, and see your thoughts on these! 😃
anyways, love ya mootie! ✨💖😘
(please don’t think I’m weird )
First, you have no idea how much hearing HC's about them makes me happy, and yours always fill my heart with ideas XD So don't feel like you're bothering me, I love hearing about them!
Although it took me a while to come back here, I ended up making some illustrations about what I think and adding to these WONDERFUL HC'S that I’ve now made official in my AU muhahaha!!
To start with, I like to imagine that Sonic became much more sensitive to touch after turning into Werehog. Even after Unleashed, he still kept his body sensitive in those areas, giving him the best reactions to Amy’s touches XD That would perfectly match the idea of the ear scratch! He always tries to hold it in and not show too much of what he feels, but as soon as Amy starts, he loses his composure right away.
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As for the back quills, I see it as something truly more intimate between the two of them. In my AU, Amy has a quill on her back, and Sonic usually holds it carefully while kissing her. Amy, after discovering that it's a sensitive area for Sonic, likes to caress it and see his unexpected reactions.
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In the chest area, Amy has always enjoyed petting Sonic's fur, but after they actually became a couple, she takes the opportunity to be a bit flirtatious about it as well. (Every time, Sonic loses track of what he was about to say)
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I also have an HC about Amy and her sensitive areas, but I haven’t had the chance to explore it much yet – since Sonic is already her weakness.
For me, they’re a mix of competition and bets with romance and passion. I usually see Sonic as much more reserved when it comes to feelings, but if Amy gets involved with her competitive and determined side... He ends up losing.
Thank you so much Mootie for sending me these HCs! I’m sorry for the delayed response, but I hope you like it! ✨💖
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starlightwoofwoof · 2 days ago
sooooo i had a little idea in the middle of class teehee
what if there was a scenario in which Toodles got akumatized, and whatever it was about her villain form's powers made her just too much for Luckylady to handle, so because Rodger obviously wants his daughter to go back to normal, Luckylady enlists his help with the Fox Miraculous :)
i know you had that one little art piece a while ago, but it would make sense to a degree for Rodger to have the Fox Miraculous because he's a detective and his whole thing kind of is figuring out secrets, and the Fox Miraculous creates illusions, so it makes a neat contrast
and because the appearance of the Miraculous suit is dependent on what the wielder desires, then Rodger doesn't necessarily need to have an orange suit, he could will it to be black/dark gray instead! call him Silver Fox (another name for black foxes and also a term for older men. haha rodger is an old fart) and bada bing bada boom Akuma!Toodles is defeated yippee!!!!
idk just wanted to yap about this random idea i had
since Shelly is an adult, would she have access to the full extent of the Miraculous's powers???? like multiple uses of the Lucky Charm type dealio. or have you retconned that for convenience sake
god I need to start answering my asks this was from like 11 days ago- ANYWAY
I actually love the idea of Lucky Lady giving other Miraculouses to the toons so that they could help- not sure about the whole timeline in the cartoon but ye-
honestly you’re right about the whole suit thing, I like the idea of Silver Fox :] (makes sense for the fox miraculous because, y’know, the whole camouflage thing it has going on, idk what that was about but ye)
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also I haven’t even really thought about the whole power thing honestly- but I think I might still keep the time limit becaaaaauuuuussssseeeeee ✨ stakes ✨ (idk how that would work with Allureium lol)
………. this whole thing made me think of something btw
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jessicafangirl · 2 days ago
The Birthday Gift
Ah, we're back with more self indulgent Frater Copia story time filled with angst, spice, and Copia having some teeny tiny murderous tendencies...all in the name of love. This one is being split into a couple of chapters because I'm not completely out to kill myself. Just know I hope it's worth the wait for you. Nothing spicy here yet, just some fluffy and angsty times while we learn more about you.
That pic of Copia is like the perfect image. Thank you internet.
A few months after Valentine's Day it's your birthday and Copia asks you what you'd like as a gift. Your response surprises him as much as it does you. What follows is a chance for you to exorcise your past and live a fantasy that Copia is all too willing to provide.
You can also read this on AO3
Please let me know if you like this. Kudos, reblogs, and little mini chocolate Fraters accepted. Let me know if you'd like to be @'d for the next chapter.
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“You want to do what?” Copia’s voice as it met your blushing ears was a mix of shock and disbelief.
“You asked me what I wanted for my birthday…and well…” You replied staring down into your Walking Dead coffee mug, the one with the zombie holding a coffee cup in the one hand it had remaining. Now you wished you’d kept your mouth shut. You should have said something normal like a nice dinner, or anything else.
But instead you’d told him the idea that had been rattling around your now soon to be even more aged head. Thoughts of losing control of so much in your life had been nagging you, hitting you of late as you pondered where you were and how you got there. You’d been a good little girl most of your life and never had a chance to do something…really naughty. At least not until Copia had come into the picture.
And even then, you could tell he held back quite a bit for you. He didn’t want to overwhelm you, even though he was able to do that often. He was far more worldly than you were, and you never asked him about his past history. Partly because you didn’t want to know how much you weren’t living up to it and partly because it was the past, his past. It wasn’t your place to pry. He was your right here, right now and you were his…somehow.
But you wanted to live out one of these little fantasies if you could. To see if you could live up to your own heads expectations. So…you’d told him what you’d been thinking about. Honestly, in a place where demons walked the halls and apparently real ghosts were haunting corridors, this shouldn’t be that overt, right?
Copia’s dual-colored eyes were still wide in surprise as they looked at you over the table top of his dining nook. He’d all but forgotten the half-eaten breakfast in front of him. “Amore…let me make sure I heard you right again.” He took a breath, steadying himself for your answer. “You want to…chain me up?”
You turned, placing the now shaking mug on the table. “No…no not…really. Just..” Oh just get it all out there now idiot, you’ve already dug the hole this deep. “I wanted to…handcuff you to the bed and…uhm…(mumble).”
One of Copia’s dark brows rose. He was shocked by this of course, but it was more surprising than anything else and amusement. His tesoro had a bit of a dark side and it was intriguing him. But it was more he wanted her to embrace whatever it was she had been fantasizing about without shame or fear. That wasn’t how the ministry behaved. If everyone was consenting and no one was hurt…enjoy your pleasure, celebrate your sin.
He could sense your upbringing coming out here. The way you blushed, hid your lovely eyes, and now weren’t even able to speak aloud about what you wanted to try. He was honored to be the focus and possible reason for these thoughts and ideas. And actually this would be a new experience for him as well, in a way.
“Mi amore…look at me.” He said reaching out a gloved hand to grasp yours. When your worried gaze finally met his he gave you a smile. “You have no need to be ashamed la mia rosa arrossata. You have a desire, and it is my joy to feed any desire you have…unless it is for a rival for your affections. Then that’s another story.”
“Copia…you know better than that.” You told him shaking your head.
“Si, I do…but I just wanted to be clear.” He lifted your hand to his lips and kissed it. “Also, what else is this scenario entailing…you were…mumbling.” He kept hold of your fingers. “Tell me what you wish of me.”
You knew you were still blushing. This wasn’t going to help. You looked over at him, biting your lip nervously. “I…wanted to blindfold you.”
His eyes widened again. Satanus she was broadening her horizons. “Dolce you are full of surprises today.” Copia squeezed your fingers. “So you wish for me to be completely at your mercy la mia bella padrona.”
You glanced away, trying to arrange your thoughts from the crazy they’d been stirred into. “It’s…this is silly…forget I said anything.” You said at last. Why you even thought this was something you could even do was insane. Why would he even go along with it? You pulled your hand from his and stood, heading for the door to join Phil for a pow wow session about the best interview tactics for Papa V.
Copia was shocked by the sudden change of heart, but quickly stood, grabbing your arm and pulling you into both of his. His face was serious, his eyes staring down into yours. He lifted a gloved hand to your chin, grasping it to make sure you weren’t turning away or trying to hide from him. You tried often to do this when your thoughts were at war with your heart.
“Now that you’ve said it, I can never forget it dolcezza. The idea of what you might want to do to me is all I can think of now. So no, I don’t think it is as you say, silly.” His voice grew deeper as he spoke, purring into your ears. “You wish to live out a fantasy with me amore, then you shall do it, and I will thank Satan for the privilege.” Copia leaned down and kissed you slowly, savoring the sweet taste of coffee on your lips.
After a few moments he pulled away to see you still flushed, only now your lips were parted and your eyes were closed, lashes laying like lace on your cheeks. He did love leaving you breathless and was happy to see he still had the ability to do so. When your eyes did open, they were glossy, so lovely he found himself a bit breathless too.
He used his glove to swipe away a little smear of black that his kiss had left behind. “Tell me cara, why do you run away from your desire?” He asked gently. “Even now after all we have shared, you still run.”
You blinked, lips still buzzing from his kiss. Copia was easy to talk to, even when it was some of the most private things in your life. It came with the job you supposed, he needed to be there to help guide his flock. He was caring and understanding but also fiercely protective. It’s part of the reason you loved him so much.
But this was hard, there were so many things rolling around in your brain. So many things you just didn’t know if you could sort them all. “Copia, that’s a…complicated answer I suppose. Or a long one.” You pulled your eyes from his, unable to stop the shame from welling up in you.
Copia saw it begin again, the pulling away. He felt so often like he was in a tug of war battle with your feelings, your past history as they tried to drag you away from him. He would win this battle eventually, but he was prepared for the fight because you were worth it.
“Eyes here amore.” He said gently, tilting your face back to his. “I have time. Tell me why you run away from what you want. Why do you run from me?” He couldn’t help the sound of hurt in his voice. It did hurt him, little bruises on his heart when it would happen. He knew it wasn’t him; it was the ghosts of those who had beaten you down before he could be there to keep you safe. He’d seen it in so many who came to the ministry and who would be in awe of there being no judgements, no harsh words, only love and acceptance. Sometimes those two things were the hardest to accept after a life of not having them.
You reached up and let your fingers trace his strong jaw down to his chin, letting your thumb run down the dimple there you loved so much. His gaze never left yours, warm and patient, simply waiting. You took a breath. “For most of my life and especially growing up I was told that sex or anything to do with it was either not to be spoken of, thought about, or just wrong. The wonders of growing up Baptist I guess.”
You saw his face grow tight, his gaze darken with anger. “It’s not the first time I have heard this mi amore.” His voice carried the disgust he felt at the treatment. His arm tightened around your waist.
You gave him a sad smile, wrapping your arms around him then, resting your cheek against the satin of his dress shirt. The scent of his cologne mixed with the ever-present spice of incense familiar. “Later on in life…I guess I never could shake that feeling, the shame. It was wrong and how dare I have questions. When I thought I was going to settle down it was with a guy who made me feel like I was some sort of pariah if I ever tried to initiate anything. If I wanted something more, I was a harlot. I made it all about me, no matter what it was. Even when I just wanted to spend time doing something together. I didn’t know any better Copia. I just thought okay…well…that’s how it is I guess. I’m wrong for wanting to feel this…to want to be with someone like that too often because I was interrupting something more important…like a ballgame.”
Copia felt his anger seethe under his skin. He could hear the rejection, the hurt, the doubt within your words. If he could find the man responsible, he’d…well…maybe…later. He pulled you closer, holding you tight. “Tesoro, you are what is important. I can only imagine what sort of maledetto idiota would prefer watching men throw a ball around over being in your arms.”
You laughed. “You’d be surprised.” You pressed your face into his chest, finding comfort in the familiar warmth and steady beat of his heart.
“Si, I would be.” He pressed a kiss to your hair.
You looked up at him, the melancholy expression still on your face. “You hear it long enough you believe it. It’s hard to break free of the feeling that I’m…well…wrong. The shame is so deep. Coming here for the job, even with the problems when I got promoted, I was just happy to see so many people so open. You…you were so kind and open. I…I still don’t believe it’s real sometimes.”
Copia felt his heart give a squeeze within his chest at how you gazed at him now, as though he were some sort of special creature, some magical being simply because he cared. He rested his palm against your cheek, tracing your skin with his thumb, cradling your face. “The dark lord smiled upon me the day you walked through our doors dolcezza. You brought a light into my world I did not know I needed to guide me on my journey. I hope I have done the same for you. That would be my truest wish.”
The melancholy slipped further away at his smile. You leaned up and kissed him again, the flavor of maple from his liege waffles addictive on your tongue. “You’ve helped me in so many ways.” You whispered against his lips. You leaned your forehead against his for a moment, sighing softly. “I don’t mean to run away from you Copia, I swear I don’t.”
Copia sighed, a smile on his lips as he brushed his nose against yours. “I know tesoro. I know you don’t want to run away. And when you do, know I will always follow si? I will always bring you home to me, because that is where you are. This is your home.” He kissed you again, slow and soft, but with a heat that could melt iron. He whispered against your cheek as his lips trailed along the flushed skin. “I’m your home tesoro…and you are mine. Here there are no judgements, here we show how much we love one another with no shame.”
You felt the first trace of a tear forming in your eyes at his sweet words, a trembling along your nerves at his kiss and caress. You buried your face against his shoulder, holding tighter. “Ti amo.” You whispered against the fabric of his shirt.
Copia pressed his lips near your ear. “Ti amo dolcezza.” He replied, feeling his own tears start to well up at the sweetest words he never thought he’d hear. He vowed to himself that you would never feel this shame again. He vowed no one would ever make you feel like this again.
He’d dealt with others recently that had dared hurt you. None would be allowed to do so on his watch. He’d noticed since then that many had become far more welcoming to you without the influence of the bastardos. Even if you still hadn’t joined the church, Copia did have patience when the need was there. He felt eventually you’d join him in his form of worship. But he could understand the hesitation you felt, another remainder from your upbringing at the hands of those who felt anything or anyone different was an aberration. That hatred was easier than love. You didn’t need to tell him all the stories, he could guess from experience.
The Frater sighed content in your embrace. “I wish we had found each other sooner my baby.” His voice was soft, “I would have stolen you away like a thief in the night.”
You lifted your head to look at him with a winsome grin. “I would have let you.” You widened your eyes, blinking innocently. “Oh, mysterious and handsome stranger, where are you taking me?” You spoke with a convincing southern belle accent.
Copia’s green and white eyes glinted with mischief. “Away to my lair with its very large bed la mia bellezza innocente…to do all the devilish things.” He replied, growling out the words while his hands wandered down to squeeze your denim clad behind.
You yelped and giggled. “Devilish indeed.” You said, playfully smacking his arm.
He grinned back, his expression growing wistful as he looked into your eyes. “I do mean it baby. I would have saved you from all of it.” He traced your lower lip with his thumb. “I wish I could have taken you away. You deserved to be happy.”
You kissed the tip of his gloved finger, feeling the welcomed little pain in your chest at how much you loved him. “You’ve made me happy. And I wouldn’t want you to have seen me back then anyway…or be around any of…that.” You felt embarrassed at the thought of how he would have reacted seeing your family and their attitudes, their bigotry and hate on display for everyone. How even more timid you were, how you felt like a bumpkin that had to hide anything you were interested in that might spark their anger at you. It hadn’t gotten any better with your ex. After years of not dating because of your family’s bizarre attitudes, the guy you’d wound up with wasn’t really any different. It had been a desperation play really. All those years, all that time wasted. It hurt to think about what might have been if you’d ran into Copia before, both of you younger and yet so different. It could have been a fairy tale or a nightmare.
Copia’s arms tightened around you, hearing you falling back into the past with the sound of your voice. He’d not pried into it. It was your past, your story to tell when you were ready. And he’d be there to help you tell it. To listen. But he knew enough. He seethed silently in his damned soul at the ones who you’d been cursed with as family. While the Emeritus clan wasn’t the best either, his own mother had done her what she could and still did to love him. She’d not limited him, not raised him to hate or harm unless that first blow was struck by the other. And then it was game on. She’d given him the kingdom in the end, even if it stung losing his place on the main stage, he was the one with the keys to the castle now.
“Be that as it may dolcezza, I would have stopped it.” He kissed your temple, fingers moving up and down your back soothingly. He smiled then as you looked up at him, your glossy eyes far away. “I was a dashing young cardinal you know. A chance meeting somewhere, perhaps at a funeral for a member of the ministry while you were walking home. I would have pounced so very quickly amore.”
His scenario did its work, and you laughed. “A boy, a girl, an empty grave…how very Addams Family of you Copia.” You replied grinning. “And you’re still dashing.”
The Frater sighed, leaning down and kissing your cheek. “Well…cara mia…you are as radiant as Morticia could ever hope to be. And yes, I would die for you…or kill for you…bliss on both outcomes.” He purred, letting his accent roll through the words knowing what it did to you. “Perhaps I should grow back the mustache thinking on it…no more paints to get in the way.”
A clock chimed in the room, one that had been a part of the office when he’d moved in. You let out a huff of annoyance. “Oh I’m going to be late.” You said, reluctant to leave him.
Copia was reluctant to let you go. But he was happy knowing that your work had no longer become the strain it was months prior. You weren’t killing yourself to prove a point. You were accepted and rather celebrated for the gains the Ghost Project had been making. Be that as it may, he still wanted to have you to himself though he knew that wasn’t fair…it didn’t make it easier to let you go though.
“Si, mi scusi amore…I would spend the day holding you in my arms if I could.” He let you go, taking your hand and placing a kiss against your knuckles. “Go and work your magic and I will go trudge through the church’s leadership. Tonight we talk of your birthday gift.”
He winked at you, and you flushed ten shades of red. “Oh…okay…” With that stutter of anticipation and nerves you headed out the door.
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freejanee · 1 day ago
Scorbus Fanfic recommendations?? Honestly I just want to yap
pt. 1? 🤔
Hide and Seek by ArdenCallaway,
Its not canon compliant and the rumor surrounding Scorpius has changed but its awesome!! It goes through their Hogwarts years, along with some of the other characters, then some of their adult years. It includes ocs that i’ve grown attached to. The Chimera club my beloved… It really makes you feel a lot of things, be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotions if you read! And if you’re a marauders fan theres some nice hints to some of that fandoms popular fanfics i’ve heard. After this fanfic I had a tough time reading other fanfics because it just didn’t feel right… Also it’s incredibly long, it’ll last you a few if you really take your time with it, let it absorb into ur very skin AUGHHH. I think about this fanfic at least thrice a day, it really did leave a mark on me. Well every fanfic here left a mark on me, but this one definitely is more persistent. I think its because I just woke up everyday and read and read this fanfic whenever I could,, felt so empty after I finished it. Like dhmu…
A World of Darkness by KeybladeJediMaster & Yer_Erster,
This one just HURT ME 💔 Poor Albus, he really gets it in this one. Okay think dark alternative timeline BUT Albus doesn’t stop existing. Scorpius is really trying his best in this but i kept thinking he was an idiot(BUT NOT REALLY BC I LOVE SCORPIUS, never ever… im no traitor…)but really, if I was in his place I would freak out and try to immediately run away with my bestie, ending in us both being killed… yea…
So i think the way he went about it was more logical and better than I ever would be in that situation. I have NO IDEA how he was as chill as he was, if Umbridge was carrying away my best friend/lover I WOULD CRASH OUT.
This fic is technically finished? I think there might be more coming out but the latest chapter could read as the end.
It’s a Potter/Malfoy Thing by Asexual_Enjolras (They also have nice oneshots),
This one was what really cemented my hyperfixation with Scorbus, its so heart warming, WHY CANT LOVE BE REAL?! But also because it was some time ago I can’t really remember much of the details, im going based off some of my journal entrees in where I talk of it. This series honestly made my whole summer of last year (yes yes im very new here). Seeing Scorpius be accepted apart of the Potter family was so adorable, so was the second part with Draco. The scorbus in this made me SOO jealous, their bond is so special 😭💗
Building up like waves by dustyspines,
IM NOT GOING TO LIE, my memory has been getting worse and worse I think I’m going to have to reread all of these. But what I remember of this one was how I felt, its shorter than the other ones but really packs a punch. The yearning is just OVERLOAD and Albus is just the realest in this. The writing is incredible and I swear I was feeling what he was feeling. Its like poetry the whole time and is incredibly clever, it has BANGER lines 😭 Honestly whatever I say cant give it justice (with all of the other ones too), its just a masterpiece. Once I started reading I couldn’t stop, it really does lure you in entirely.
5) How To Avoid Bullies; A Series by QueenKatelynTheAristocrat,
Now I barely remember what happened in this because its been SO long, but it is in my favorite Scorbus fic list in my journal, as all these are… But its basically Scorpius and Albus making up a list of rules on how to avoid their bullies. Im going to reread this after I write this because GAWD ive been meaning to. Like I need some co dependent scorbus avoiding their bullies right now instead of being in MATH CLASS. Its not finished and is on the shorter side but I still recommend this 💗
Something worth taking the Time
(Not scorbus, but its focused on them and is incredibly good!), anonymous author
This one isn’t finished yet but so far its been soo promising!! This fanfic is like all i’ve been searching for and more, i’m so thankful I found it when I desperately needed more content of my bouys 😭 I regularly re read recent chapters because it gets me stimming and all happy, scorpius and albus being trapped in a past time period (Golden era or marauders era) is like my favorite genre (SHOULD BE A GENRE I HAVE A PETITION). I hope to eventually make art for it, as well as some other fanfics but i’m just a TOP TIER procrastinator. ITS GONNA HAPPEN THOUGH. It will… mark my words..
I also think about this fanfic like thrice a day. I read it while walking to school everyday too, really gives me the energy to get through the day. Seeing how Albus interacts with his father never fails to make me laugh, or ANYONE really, I swear its like he has a stick up his butt 24/7 I LOVE HIM. But the reason why he’s that way makes me cry, GAWD. Like he’s been acting like he’s in a war before he even came to this past time period and he never lets his guard down because of all the bullying he’s been through, but he’s slowly learning to trust people beyond Scorpius. It just breaks my heart its some people that died in the second wizarding war, LIKE THATS NOT RIGHT. I wonder constantly how he’s going to be in present time without them (yes im being vague, but its a simple process of elimination LMAO). I can continue but I think I might give it its own post at some point ;p
and i see black (while you see white) by inkwellhell
i really don’t remember, Im going to have to re read but I STILL RECOMMEND. Its on my faves list so im sure that it made me feel indescribable things, TRUST MY JUDGEMENT ON THIS even if its been a long time and can’t really say anything besides it being a short recount of hpcc from dark timeline onwards by Scorpius pov ^_^
The Tea Time series by ellizablue,
Not completely finished. I haven’t read the one that hasn’t been finished because I didn’t want to be heartbroken but I know i’ll eventually get to it, I’ve only heard good things of it! I loved Put Your Curse in Reverse, I just finished it, so this will probably be a little more detailed than the others. Honestly Iset was my favorite side character, she deserves SO much more. Everything in this fic just feels so… real?? Like god, everyone was so awesome and had amazing characterization. I wasn’t just looking forward to scorbus in this, everyone had their own stuff going on and it does a really good job at making you care. At some point I just kept waiting for Iset to appear, I WAS #1 FAN. I needed to know what was up with her. Her and Rose are so adorable too. Kills me that shes an oc, SHE NEEDS TO BE CANON NOW!! Sorry this became more of an Iset thing than a Scorbus thing, don’t worry their still very much the focus of this series!
Hope anyone who hasn’t read these who will read them because of this likes them c:
Plus im really desperate for people to discuss these fanfics, I WILL NEVER MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO YAP ABT MY FAVE FICS. Which is why this exists. Because I saw an opportunity. And I took it. (๑���ᴗ❛๑) looks at you with my beady innocent eyes.
(this makes more sense because originally this was a reblog but I just decided to make it a post instead, but I don’t want to delete this part so wtv…)
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ayamari-no-goshi · 3 days ago
You know… I honestly wonder how long it would take Bruce to notice if Jason just decided to cut ties and left without telling anyone.
With him already operating independently a great deal of the time and the tension between the two, I’m not sure if Bruce would notice anything. I mean, in the timeline before it switched to N-52, they lost track of him for 1-2 years after the events of Under the Red Hood, with the exception of him just popping up to cause problems in Bludhaven and Star City.
Yet, we also see Bruce keeping tabs on him to an extent in Rebirth after the issue Bruce nearly kills him and kicks him out of Gotham. Though arguably, Jason wasn’t exactly overtly hiding afterwards as he makes his way through the Midwest. But I doubt Bruce had any idea what Jason was doing when he found that compound while looking for clues about his father’s death prior to coming back to Gotham.
And yet, we also know that in RHatO (I’m pretty sure 2016 version), that Jason was being tortured for 1-3 months out of the country and none of the Bats came to help him.
I don’t know… I just feel like it would be something fun to explore. Because it really feels like this would be the conversation after 6-12 months:
Someone: you know, I haven’t heard from Jason for a while.
Someone else: I mean, it’s not like he comes around for social calls. He’s probably fine.
A while later, after getting reminded that no one had seen/heard from Jason:
Bruce checking the computer and verifying it’s been x amount of time since anyone heard from Jason: he’s probably fine. But I should probably try to find him. Maybe he had gotten into some trouble. Maybe he’s on a killing rampage again.
Mind you, I’m specifically talking about the mainline comic books. The relationship between Jason and the rest of the family isn’t great in the majority of them. First, it’s due to Jason’s own actions. But, even after Jason starts trying to redeem himself in their eyes, he often times becomes an annoyance and mostly metaphorical punching bag (sometimes it’s physical).
If we look at other media, that distance usually isn’t anywhere near as bad.
Edit: I forgot Bludhaven was destroyed during Brothers in Blood. Dick was in NYC
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lightdancingwords · 2 days ago
Second Chances: Forever - Part Nine of ?
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Pairings: Beau Arlen x Y/N Female reader Series Summary: A chance meeting in the grocery store brought a whirlwind of change to Beau Arlen’s life—change he had no issues with whatsoever. A second chance at life, love, family—a second chance at forever. Word Count: 4,890 Tags/Warnings: Honestly, just expect tons of fluff at this point, haha A/N: Comments, Likes, Reblogs, Kind feedback are always highly appreciated. Please let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
NOTE: It’s here! Welcome, welcome to Second Chances: Forever! I have no idea how long this story will go on, and that is okay with me! I’ve been loving and enjoying writing Beau and his little corner of life! So like I said, until I get burnt out (unlikely) or run out of ideas (also unlikely), it’s ongoing! Divider: credit to @sweetmelodygraphics
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Chapter Nine: Being Sentimental
The hum of the tires against the highway filled the space between Y/N and Emily as they drove toward the airport, the Montana sky stretching wide and endless above them.
For a while, neither of them spoke. It was a comfortable silence, one that didn’t need to be filled.
Emily sat in the passenger seat, her fingers drumming against her knee as she stared out the window. Y/N could tell she was thinking—a lot.
Finally, Emily let out a slow breath. “I’m gonna miss you guys.”
Y/N smiled, glancing over at her. “You know you’re welcome anytime, right?”
Emily nodded, smirking. “Yeah. And at the rate Dad’s going, I should probably just move in before he keeps popping out siblings for me.”
Y/N snorted, shaking her head. “Listen, that was not exactly planned.”
Emily chuckled. “Yeah, well, you did marry a Texan. I hear they got notoriously determined sperm.”
Y/N wheezed. “Oh my God. I regret ever telling him that.”
Emily grinned. “Nope. Too late. It’s a legacy now.”
Y/N groaned dramatically. “Jesus Christ.”
Emily laughed but then sighed, leaning her head against the seat. “Seriously, though… I like being home. Feels… good.”
Y/N glanced at her again, noting the way her voice had softened. “Yeah?”
Emily hesitated, then shrugged. “Yeah. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like school, but… sometimes I feel like I miss too much.”
Y/N reached over, squeezing her hand. “You always have a place here, sweetheart. No matter where life takes you.”
Emily exhaled, squeezing her back. “I know.”
The silence stretched again, this time a little heavier.
Emily bit her lip, her voice quieter when she spoke next. “Can I ask you something?”
Y/N nodded. “Of course.”
Emily hesitated, her fingers fidgeting in her lap. “Do you ever feel like… you don’t know what the hell you’re doing?”
Y/N snorted, but there was genuine amusement behind it. “Oh, all the time.”
Emily let out a small chuckle. “Really?”
Y/N smiled, keeping her eyes on the road. “Emily, I love my life. I love Beau, I love our kids… but some days? I have no idea what I’m doing.”
Emily blinked, tilting her head. “But you always seem like you do.”
Y/N sighed, shrugging. “That’s because I fake it really well.”
Emily smirked. “So parenting is just… faking confidence?”
“Pretty much,” Y/N admitted. “But it’s also about showing up. Even when you’re tired. Even when you don’t have all the answers.”
Emily exhaled, nodding slowly. “Guess that applies to a lot of things.”
Y/N gave her a knowing look. “Yeah, sweetheart. It does.”
Emily was quiet for a long moment, staring out the window. “Sometimes, I feel like I have to have everything figured out right now. Like, if I don’t know exactly where I’m going, I’ll get lost.”
Y/N smiled gently. “You will get lost sometimes.”
Emily looked at her, brow furrowed.
Y/N squeezed her hand again. “But that’s how you figure out where you really want to go.”
Emily let out a slow breath, staring at their hands. “Yeah. Maybe.”
Y/N smirked. “And worst case? You always have home to come back to.”
Emily smiled, something warm settling in her chest. “Yeah. I know.”
And for the first time in a long time, she felt okay not having all the answers.
Because maybe figuring it out along the way… was the whole point.
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The airport buzzed with the usual blend of distant announcements, rolling suitcases, and quiet conversations as Y/N and Emily made their way toward security.
Emily had her bag slung over one shoulder, her boarding pass tucked into her jacket pocket. She looked relaxed, but Y/N knew better. She could see the way Emily’s fingers fidgeted at the strap of her bag, the way she kept glancing at the big departure board like she was stalling.
Y/N smirked. “You know, you could just miss your flight.”
Emily snorted, shaking her head. “Oh yeah, and explain to my professors that I couldn’t make it back because I got suckered into staying longer?”
Y/N raised a brow. “You weren’t suckered. You loved every chaotic second of it.”
Emily huffed, but the smirk tugging at her lips gave her away. “Maybe.”
They reached the security checkpoint, and Emily sighed, shifting her bag higher on her shoulder.
“Well,” she muttered, rubbing the back of her neck. “Guess this is it.”
Y/N smiled, pulling her into a hug. “For now.”
Emily melted into it, squeezing tight before pulling back. “Tell Caleb to stop throwing his food at Dad. And tell Eliza that no, you can’t actually bring her back a cow.”
Y/N snickered. “Oh, I absolutely will.”
Emily exhaled, rocking back on her heels. “And tell Dad—” She hesitated, her voice softer now. “Tell him I love him.”
Y/N’s heart squeezed. “Why don’t you just call him and say that?”
Emily rolled her eyes. “Because he’ll get all emotional and gruff about it and then change the subject.”
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. “Yeah, okay, fair point.”
Emily hesitated again, then sighed, pulling Y/N into one more hug. “Thanks. For everything.”
Y/N squeezed her tight. “Always, sweetheart.”
Emily stepped back, her eyes lingering for a moment before she cleared her throat. “Alright. Go before I actually miss my flight.”
Y/N smirked. “Call me when you land.”
Emily rolled her eyes but grinned. “Yes, Mom.”
Y/N watched as Emily turned toward security, offering one last wave before disappearing into the line.
As she walked back toward the exit, Y/N smiled, already looking forward to the next time Emily came home.
Because she would.
She always did.
And no matter how far she went, she would always have a place here.
With them.
With family.
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By the time Y/N pulled into the driveway, the afternoon sun was stretching long shadows across the yard, the warmth of home settling around her like a familiar embrace.
As she stepped inside, the scent of coffee and something slightly burnt filled the air.
Beau was standing in the kitchen, stirring something in a pan with a very concentrated look on his face. Caleb was bouncing happily in his playpen, babbling to himself, while Eliza sat on the counter, swinging her legs as she supervised.
Y/N smirked. “Should I be worried?”
Beau looked up, offering her a slow grin. “Depends. How attached are you to the idea of edible food?”
Eliza giggled. “Daddy makin’ grilled cheese!”
Y/N raised a brow. “And… you burnt the grilled cheese?”
Beau sighed, turning back to the stove. “Listen, I got distracted.”
Eliza nodded very seriously. “I talked too much.”
Y/N laughed, setting her bag down as she walked over to Beau, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind, pressing a kiss to his back. “I love you, even if you can’t make grilled cheese.”
Beau smirked, reaching down to squeeze her hand. “Glad my culinary failures don’t diminish your affections, darlin’.”
Y/N glanced at the playpen, smiling as Caleb squealed when he saw her. “Hey, birthday boy.”
Caleb clapped his chubby hands, bouncing. “Mama!”
Y/N scooped him up, pressing a kiss to his soft curls. “Did Daddy and Sissy take care of you while I was gone?”
Caleb babbled something very serious, and Eliza huffed. “I tried, Mama. But Daddy made a mess.”
Y/N bit back a laugh. “I believe it.”
Beau turned, pointing his spatula at her. “Alright, that’s enough slander. This kitchen is under control.”
Y/N smirked, setting Caleb on her hip. “Uh-huh. Sure, Sheriff.”
Beau huffed but didn’t argue, instead pressing a quick kiss to her temple. “How was the airport?”
Y/N leaned against the counter, watching as he plated the slightly-overdone grilled cheese (which Eliza was still watching like it was a crime scene). “Good. Emily got through security fine. But…” She hesitated, running her fingers through Caleb’s hair. “I don’t know. She seemed… hesitant about leaving.”
Beau slowed, setting the pan down. “Yeah?”
Y/N nodded. “She loves school, but I think she’s starting to feel like she’s missing too much here.” She glanced at him, smirking slightly. “I may have joked about her just coming back for good, and she didn’t immediately shut it down.”
Beau rubbed a hand over his jaw, eyes thoughtful. “Huh.”
Y/N raised a brow. “Huh? That’s all you got?”
Beau leaned against the counter beside her, his green eyes drifting toward the living room where Eliza was now dramatically inspecting the grilled cheese. “It ain’t a bad thought.”
Y/N studied him. “You seriously thinking about it?”
Beau exhaled, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. “Well, hell, darlin’. We’re already talkin’ about how we’re gonna need a bigger house.” He gestured between them. “This family ain’t getting any smaller.”
Y/N smirked. “No, it is not.”
Beau chuckled, shaking his head. “And Emily? She’s got roots here now. A family that actually feels like home.” His voice softened. “Maybe she’d do better finishing school here.”
Y/N tilted her head. “You thinking about talking to her about it?”
Beau shrugged, but there was a thoughtfulness behind his eyes. “Maybe. Just to see where her head’s at.” He glanced at Y/N. “How would you feel about it?”
Y/N smiled, running a hand over Caleb’s back as he snuggled against her shoulder. “I’d love it. Emily belongs here, Beau. And if this is where she wants to be, I’d want to help her make it happen.”
Beau exhaled, nodding. “Yeah.” He smirked, nudging her. “But you know if she moves back, she’s gonna constantly remind me about how I lost to a one-year-old in a cake fight.”
Y/N laughed, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Oh, without a doubt.”
Beau groaned. “Jesus Christ.”
Y/N grinned, resting her head against his shoulder. “You love it.”
Beau sighed, pulling her closer, his hand sliding protectively over her stomach, over the growing life they had created. “Yeah, darlin’. I really do.”
And as Caleb snuggled into her chest, as Eliza finally decided the grilled cheese was “good enough” and took a dramatic bite, as the hum of their home settled around them—
Beau knew one thing for sure.
Whatever the future held, whatever decisions were ahead—
They’d figure it out.
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The warm glow of Eliza’s bedside lamp cast soft shadows across her room as she sat on her bed, still wiggling her toes in protest of bedtime. She was freshly bathed, her curls damp against her cheeks, her stuffed wolf tucked under one arm.
Beau sat on the edge of her bed, rolling up her blanket as if tucking her in properly would keep her from escaping. Y/N knelt beside them, smoothing down Eliza’s wild curls.
“Alright, wolf-child,” Beau murmured, raising a brow. “We had a long day, and it’s time to sleep.”
Eliza pouted dramatically. “But I’m not tired.”
Y/N smirked, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Oh, really? Because I remember a certain someone barely making it through movie night.”
Eliza huffed, crossing her arms. “It was too cozy!”
Beau chuckled, tucking the blanket around her like a burrito. “Uh-huh. Sure it was.”
Eliza wiggled her nose, squinting at them. “You doin’ grown-up talk?”
Y/N bit back a laugh. “Actually, baby, we do have something we want to tell you.”
Eliza’s eyes widened with intrigue. She sat up immediately, nearly knocking her stuffed wolf onto the floor. “What is it?!”
Beau glanced at Y/N, and she smiled, nodding for him to continue.
Beau exhaled, running a gentle hand over Eliza’s hair. “Well, sweetheart… you remember when Caleb was in Mama’s belly before he was born?”
Eliza nodded very seriously. “Uh-huh. I ‘member. He kicked you, Mama!”
Y/N laughed. “He did.”
Beau smirked, tapping her nose. “Well, guess what? There’s gonna be another baby in Mama’s belly.”
Eliza froze.
She blinked twice, her little mouth slightly open. “Wait… like another Caleb?”
Y/N chuckled. “Well, not exactly like Caleb, baby. But a new baby.”
Eliza’s face lit up, her entire body vibrating with excitement. “I’M GONNA BE A BIG SISTER AGAIN?!”
Beau laughed, catching her before she could fully launch herself out of the bed. “Whoa, whoa, sweetheart—indoor voice!”
Eliza giggled, grabbing Y/N’s hand. “Mama! There’s a baby in there?!”
Y/N nodded, guiding Eliza’s tiny hand to rest over her still-flat belly. “Yep, sweetheart. The baby is still really little, but it’s growing.”
Eliza stared at her hand on Y/N’s stomach, her eyes wide, filled with something pure and wonderstruck.
Then, suddenly—
Her entire expression changed into something very determined.
Her head snapped toward Beau. “We gotta get ‘em a stuffed animal!”
Beau choked on a laugh. “Uh—”
“A wolf one!” Eliza continued, eyes dead serious. “So they can have a pack like me and Cay-bub!”
Y/N pressed a hand to her heart, her chest aching from the sheer love bursting from their little girl.
Beau smirked, brushing a curl out of Eliza’s face. “That is a great idea, baby.”
Eliza beamed, bouncing slightly under her covers. “Can I talk to ‘em? Like I did with Cay-bub?”
Y/N smiled, placing her hand back on her stomach. “Of course, baby. They can’t hear you yet, but soon they will.”
Eliza scooted forward, leaning very close to Y/N’s belly, her tiny hands pressing against her.
Then, in the softest, most earnest whisper—
“Hi, baby. It’s me, ‘Liza. I love you already.”
Y/N’s throat tightened, her eyes burning as she blinked back tears.
Beau exhaled sharply, his own jaw clenching as he reached over and ran a hand through Eliza’s curls.
“Baby girl,” he murmured, his voice thick, “you are gonna be the best big sister again.”
Eliza beamed, looking between them. “Like the best best?”
Y/N cupped her cheek, smiling through her emotion. “The very best best, sweetheart.”
Eliza grinned so wide she nearly tipped over before snuggling under the blanket, suddenly very determined to get to sleep.
“Okay! I gotta rest so I can be ready for baby stuff!”
Beau laughed, tucking her in again. “You do that, sweetheart.”
Eliza let out a tiny yawn, her stuffed wolf pulled tight to her chest. “Love you, Mama. Love you, Daddy.”
Y/N kissed her forehead. “Love you too, baby girl.”
Beau brushed her curls one last time. “Sleep tight, wolf-child.”
As they stepped out of her room, shutting the door behind them, Beau exhaled, rubbing a hand over his face.
Y/N sighed, leaning against his side. “Well… that went better than expected.”
Beau chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Hell, darlin’. She’s already more prepared than we are.”
Y/N smirked. “Well, if she’s ready, then I guess we gotta get with the program.”
Beau pressed a slow, lingering kiss to her forehead. “Guess so.”
As they walked down the hall, the soft hum of their children’s breathing filling the quiet of their home, Beau knew—
Their family?
Their pack?
It was just getting bigger.
And he couldn’t wait.
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The house had finally settled.
Eliza was out cold in her bed, no doubt dreaming about stuffed wolves and baby siblings. Caleb was tucked in tight, breathing deep and slow in his crib. And Emily, though she was miles away now, had sent a text confirming she’d landed safely.
It was quiet now.
The kind of quiet that only came at the very end of the day, when all the chaos had faded and it was just them.
Y/N sat on the edge of the bed, slowly running a hand over her belly, still processing how very real this all was.
Beau walked in, tugging his shirt off, leaving him in just his sweatpants as he ran a hand through his hair, exhaling a deep, contented sigh.
“Tired, Sheriff?” Y/N teased, smirking up at him.
Beau chuckled, climbing into bed beside her, immediately wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her against him. “Darlin’, I wrangled kids, cooked, and survived a life-altering conversation with a four-year-old today.”
Y/N giggled, curling into him. “You also lost a battle against oatmeal this morning.”
Beau groaned, tipping his head back against the pillows. “Jesus Christ, don’t remind me.”
Y/N laughed, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “You love it.”
Beau smirked, tightening his arms around her. “Yeah. I do.”
For a while, they just lay there, tangled in each other, their breaths slow and synchronized.
Beau’s fingers traced light, absentminded patterns over Y/N’s stomach, over the place where their baby was growing.
“Y’know,” he murmured after a moment, his voice low and thick with warmth, “it still don’t feel real.”
Y/N exhaled, running a hand over his chest. “I know what you mean.”
Beau let out a small chuckle, shaking his head. “I mean, hell, we just wrapped our heads around two kids, and now we’re back at it again.”
Y/N smirked, tilting her chin up to kiss his cheek. “You say that like you don’t love making babies with me, Sheriff.”
Beau groaned, pressing his face into her neck. “Woman, you cannot say things like that when I’m tryin’ to have a sentimental moment.”
Y/N giggled, threading her fingers through his hair. “I can and I will.”
Beau sighed dramatically, rolling onto his back and pulling her with him, settling her against his chest. “Jesus Christ.”
Y/N smiled, pressing a kiss over his heart. “Okay, okay. Sentimental moment. Go.”
Beau chuckled, shaking his head before running his fingers up and down her spine. “I was just thinkin’… We started all this together, and now, here we are, about to add one more.”
Y/N smiled against his skin, tracing slow circles over his chest. “Crazy, huh?”
Beau exhaled, his fingers drifting back down to her stomach. “Not crazy, darlin’. Just… big. The kind of big that changes your whole damn world.”
Y/N lifted her head, searching his face. “Are you worried?”
Beau was quiet for a second, his green eyes soft, thoughtful.
Then, slowly, he shook his head. “No,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her temple. “I ain’t worried. Because I got you.”
For a long moment, silence reigned between them, sweet and intimate.
Y/N smiled against his skin, her fingers tracing over his chest. “You’re quiet.”
Beau hummed low in his throat, his voice a lazy rumble against the quiet of the room. “Just thinkin’.”
Y/N smirked, tilting her head up to meet his gaze. “That’s dangerous.”
Beau chuckled, shaking his head. “Smartass.”
Y/N grinned, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “What are you thinking about?”
Beau exhaled, his fingers stilling on her stomach. “About how fast all this happened.”
Y/N tilted her head. “You mean us?”
Beau shook his head, a small smile tugging at his lips. “No, darlin’. I mean, yeah, us, but more than that.” His voice softened, his green eyes dark with something deep. “One day, I was just me. Livin’ my life, doin’ my job. Then I met you, and suddenly, I had you and Eliza. Then Caleb. And now…” His palm flattened against her stomach, warm and solid. “Now, we’re doin’ it again.”
Y/N sighed, running her fingers through his short hair. “It’s a lot, huh?”
Beau chuckled, shaking his head. “Not a lot, darlin’. Just big. The kinda big that changes your whole damn world.”
Y/N swallowed, pressing her forehead to his. “Are you… worried?”
Beau was quiet for a moment. Not because he was worried, but because he wanted to get this right.
Then, slowly, he shook his head. “No,” he murmured, his voice steady. “Because I got you.”
Y/N’s breath hitched.
Beau tilted her chin up, brushing his lips over hers, slow and sure. “And I love this family we built. Every bit of it.”
Y/N melted into him, her hands sliding over his bare shoulders. “I love you, too, Beau.”
Beau smiled against her lips, his fingers moving again, tracing slow circles over her stomach, over the tiny life growing inside her.
After a long, comfortable silence, he let out a small chuckle.
Y/N raised a brow. “What?”
Beau smirked, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Just thinkin’ about Eliza’s reaction earlier.”
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. “Of course she immediately decided the baby needed a stuffed wolf.”
Beau grinned. “Damn right, she did.”
Y/N sighed contentedly, curling deeper into his warmth. “She’s gonna be such a good big sister again.”
Beau’s expression softened, his hand still resting protectively over her stomach. “Yeah. She really is.”
And as the night stretched around them, as love and forever settled deep in their bones, they both knew—
No matter what came next, no matter how big their world got—
They’d always have this.
Each other.
Their home.
Their family.
And that was all they’d ever need.
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The first rays of the Montana sun had barely stretched across the sky when the chaos began.
Beau had exactly one goal: get dressed, drink one cup of coffee, and make it out the door on time for work.
The universe?
It had other plans.
The moment he stepped out of the shower, towel slung low around his hips, Eliza’s voice echoed through the house—
Beau froze.
He closed his eyes for one long second, exhaled, then muttered under his breath, “Jesus Christ.”
Then came the second round of evidence—
A very distinct splat sounded from the kitchen.
Then, giggles.
And then—
That was Y/N’s voice.
Beau groaned, grabbing his clothes and moving fast, because if there was one thing he knew about his son, it was that Caleb thrived in the two-second window it took to turn your back.
By the time Beau got to the kitchen, the crime scene was already in full display.
Caleb was covered in toast crumbs and sticky jam, his little hands clapping happily as he sat in his high chair, looking way too pleased with himself.
The floor?
Absolute devastation.
A single piece of toast lay face-down in a puddle of spilled juice.
Y/N stood near the counter, arms crossed, lips pressed tight, clearly trying to decide whether to scold Caleb or just accept defeat.
Eliza, however, had already made up her mind.
She was standing on the opposite side of the table, hands on her hips, staring at her little brother like a disapproving sheriff surveying a crime scene.
“CAY-BUB,” she declared dramatically. “YOU MAKIN’ A MESS.”
Caleb let out a delighted squeal, his chubby fingers immediately grabbing for another piece of toast.
Beau exhaled sharply, rubbing a hand down his face. “Son.”
Caleb froze, his little green eyes snapping to his father.
Then, grinning, he lifted the entire piece of toast over his head.
Y/N’s eyes widened.
The toast hit the floor with a wet slap.
There was a full three seconds of absolute silence.
Beau exhaled deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Y/N groaned.
Eliza gasped.
And Caleb?
Caleb clapped his sticky little hands together like he had just won a gold medal in Olympic toast-throwing.
Beau sighed, shaking his head. “Alright, son. Now you’re just doin’ it on purpose.”
Caleb squealed, smacking the high chair tray again, sending a few stray crumbs flying.
Eliza let out a dramatic sigh, arms still crossed. “Daddy, he naughty.”
Beau shot a look at Y/N. “This one takes after you.”
Y/N snorted, tossing a dish towel at him. “Oh, really?”
Beau smirked, bending down to start mopping up the disaster. “Hell yeah, darlin’. You’re the chaos in this relationship.”
Y/N chuckled, grabbing a damp cloth and wiping down Caleb’s face, who immediately tried to squirm away. “Well, Sheriff, looks like your son inherited your stubbornness.”
Beau huffed, tossing the now-ruined toast in the trash. “Great. Love that for us.”
With breakfast chaos officially handled (mostly), Beau was finally dressed and grabbing his badge, ready to head out the door.
Eliza ran up, arms wide, demanding, “HUG BEFORE YOU GO!”
Beau grinned, scooping her up and squeezing her tight. “Now that’s how I like to start my day.”
Eliza giggled, then pulled back, very serious all of a sudden. “Daddy?”
Beau raised a brow. “Yeah, sweetheart?”
Eliza tilted her head, big brown eyes full of curiosity. “When the baby gets big, can I show ‘em how to make a big mess like Cay-bub?”
Beau choked on a laugh. “Absolutely not.”
Eliza pouted. “But I gonna be a good big sister.”
Y/N chuckled from the kitchen. “You are, baby. But let’s not encourage food fights, okay?”
Eliza sighed dramatically. “Fine.”
Beau kissed the top of her head, setting her down. “Alright, darlin’, I gotta go before y’all rope me into more trouble.”
Y/N walked up to him, arms crossing playfully over her chest. “And yet, somehow, trouble always follows you.”
Beau smirked, tugging her close by the waist. “Maybe I just got a thing for beautiful women who bring a little chaos into my life.”
Y/N laughed, looping her arms around his neck. “You love it.”
Beau kissed her slow, soft, lingering—long enough for Eliza to let out a dramatic “Ewww!” in the background.
When he pulled away, he grinned, tapping Y/N’s chin. “Damn right, I do.”
With one last quick kiss to her forehead, he grabbed his hat and badge, tipping his hat at Eliza. “Alright, wolf-child. Keep your mama outta trouble.”
Eliza nodded seriously. “I will, Daddy.”
Beau shot Y/N a look as he opened the door. “Now that I gotta see.”
Y/N laughed, waving him off. “Go be a good Sheriff, honey.”
Beau grinned, stepping outside. “Always, darlin’.”
And with that, he was off—leaving Y/N in the doorway, smiling as she watched him go, the warmth of their morning lingering like a promise.
Their days were never quiet.
Never simple.
But God, did she love this life.
And she wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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Beau stepped into the sheriff’s department, coffee in hand, exhaling slowly as he tried to shake off the whirlwind that had been his morning.
Between flying toast, Eliza’s interrogation about whether she could teach the new baby how to make messes, and Caleb’s ever-growing talent for chaos, it had been a feat just getting out the door.
And yet, as much as he grumbled about it, as much as he sighed and ran a hand down his face every morning—he wouldn’t change a damn thing.
Because that was his family. His beautiful, messy, chaotic world.
But right now? Right now, he needed to focus on being Sheriff.
Jenny barely looked up from her desk as he walked in, flipping through a report. “So, how was breakfast, Sheriff?”
Beau took a slow sip of coffee, watching her carefully. “Why do you sound like you already know the answer?”
Jenny smirked, finally looking up. “Because I do.”
Beau sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Let’s just say I’m rethinking letting Caleb have toast in the morning.”
Jenny snorted. “So, it’s official. Your one-year-old is winning the battle of wills.”
Beau huffed, dropping into his chair. “It ain’t a battle—”
Jenny raised a brow.
Beau sighed again. “Fine. It might be a battle.”
Jenny grinned. “Mm-hmm. And how’s Eliza handling the baby news?”
Beau leaned back, a slow smile tugging at his lips. “She demanded we get the baby a stuffed wolf so they could have a pack.”
Jenny laughed, shaking her head. “Jesus, she’s got personality.”
Beau smirked. “Gets that from her mama.”
Jenny leaned back in her chair, studying him for a moment. “Y’know, you seem… good today.”
Beau raised a brow. “I am good.”
Jenny tilted her head. “No, I mean—like really good. A couple of weeks ago, you were carrying so much on your shoulders. That case with the baby—” She hesitated, watching his reaction. “It got to you.”
Beau exhaled, rolling his shoulders before nodding. “Yeah. It did.”
Jenny studied him. “And now?”
Beau let out a slow breath. “Now… I got a family to go home to. I got a baby on the way. I got a wild-ass one-year-old and a too-smart-for-her-own-good four-year-old keepin’ me on my toes.” His lips twitched. “And I got a wife who somehow makes it all feel easy.”
Jenny smirked. “So, basically, you won the lottery.”
Beau chuckled, shaking his head. “Damn right, I did.”
Jenny leaned forward, resting her elbows on the desk. “So, what’s next for the Arlen family?”
Beau exhaled, thinking. “Well, Y/N did casually drop the fact that we’re gonna need a bigger house.”
Jenny snorted. “Casually?”
Beau sighed. “Okay, less casually, more ‘Hey, we’re outgrowing this place, and you agreed last night, Sheriff.’”
Jenny grinned. “And she’s right.”
Beau huffed. “I know she is.”
Jenny tilted her head. “Y’know… If you’re already thinking about making big changes, maybe it’s time to have that talk with Emily.”
Beau was already shaking his head. “She’s got school—”
“She also has a family here,” Jenny interrupted, her voice softer. “And it sounds like she wants to be around more. Maybe finishing school here isn’t a bad idea.”
Beau sighed, running a hand down his face. “You sound just like Y/N.”
Jenny smirked. “That’s ‘cause Y/N is smarter than you.”
Beau groaned, standing. “Alright, I walked into that one.”
Jenny chuckled, going back to her reports. “You sure did, Sheriff.”
As Beau walked into his office, shaking his head but smiling, he knew one thing—
The life he had?
It was only getting better.
And damn if that didn’t make him the luckiest man alive.
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Tag List: @spxideyver, @deadlymistletoe, @bitchykittenconnoisseur, @aarpfashionvictim, @stoneyggirl2
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softnwonderful · 12 hours ago
SFW Alphabet: Echo - The Bad Batch
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Pairing: Echo x Gn!Reader Word Count: 3.2k Rating: General Audience Warning: mention of break up, kissing and cuddling, insecurities and negative thoughts, bad eating habits and sleep disorders. (let me know if I should add something)
Author's Note: Not really sure everything is on character but, oh well, that's what fiction is for.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) 
Oh, he’s the sweetest in the most subtle ways possible, even if his ways of showing love are more emotional than physical. Quality time is very important for him, so you two always plan things to do together in between missions. They don’t even need to be big and elaborate activities, sometimes having a nice dinner and then going for a walk under the night sky is more than enough. He will also listen to you talk about anything for hours, and he won’t just sit there and blackly stare at you, he’ll ask questions, give you his advice and engage in conversation in a way that shows you he cares; his goal is to make you feel heard and understood by acknowledging your aspirations, likes and opinions the way you do with him. There’s nothing more important to him than getting to know you over and over again.  
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) 
He’s rather an introvert person, so if you’re planning on being friends with him, you’re going to have to approach him first. The only other alternative would be that the rest of the Batch somehow realizes he’s interested in you and they decide to do the talking for him to help him out with introductions. In any case, it’ll take a while for him to open up and become comfortable with the relationship. Now, once he decides that you are trustworthy and begins to unfold, you better take really good care of that trust.  
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) 
He’s pretty hesitant about it. He doesn’t dislike the idea, it’s somewhat the opposite of that; he sees it as such an intimate thing to do with someone, that he shies away from the vulnerability that goes with it. It makes him feel exposed in a way that scares him, because letting your guard down comes with the risk of getting hurt, and he’s been through a lot already and suffered more than enough. However, if you are patient with him (trust me it’ll take a while) and respect his boundaries, the comfort of feeling loved will win over the fear of getting hurt and he’ll give in to your touch.  
Eventually you’ll find out that he absolutely adores being the little spoon.  
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) 
He honestly never even considered settling down as an option, until he met you, that is. With such a dangerous lifestyle as a trooper first and a rebel second, the probabilities of falling in love with someone willing to risk it all to live by his side seemed super low. But the moment you two got together he realized that maybe settling down didn’t look the same for everyone. He learned to appreciate the domesticity in the little things: The smell of the cheap coffee you had for breakfast every morning, your clothes scattered all over the room you both shared, the warmth you left on your side of the bed when you woke up earlier than him.  
When it comes to the house chores, he’s always willing to help in anything he can, but of course some things are more difficult for him; his scomp link is not necessarily practical for doing stuff like dishes or folding laundry. However, he does enjoy cooking and doing general cleaning a fair amount, so he usually takes care of that.  
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) 
He wouldn’t, at least not right away. Whatever the situation was that led to him even considering the idea of a break up, he would let it linger, desperately hoping it would work itself out over time and eventually things would go back to normal. But of course it didn’t, because that’s just not how relationships work. You might have tried talking it out over and over again without really finding a long-term solution to the problem, and now you both find yourself ignoring the elephant in the room, delaying an inevitable end.  
He’s pretty bad at good byes, but he’s also the most mature of the Batch, so once you split it’ll be in really good terms with just the right amount of talking to clear things out. But you will be left with an extremely bitter sweet feeling inside and you should know you won’t be seeing each other in a pretty long time, that’s the one thing he asked from you; having you around would hurt too much and he needs time to heal.  
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) 
In case you haven’t noticed yet: he’s BIG on commitment. He’s never been in a relationship before meeting you, and that’s mainly because he “dates to marry”, except he doesn’t really care much for marriage as a concept, so it’s more like a “dates to live happily ever after without necessarily being legally bonded to each other because that would be counterproductive with them being deserters wanted by the empire and all that” kind of situation.  
The point is that, if he chose you as a partner is because he’s serious about it. So serious that he had to stop himself from proposing to you withing the first few weeks of being together, he was about to do it, but after a brief talk with his brothers they convinced him to at least wait a few months (to be fair he was in love with you way before asking you out, so it was not necessarily an impulsive decision).  
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) 
Super. He’s gentle and deliberate with both he’s actions and words, he might be a little bitchy towards some of his brothers sometimes, but never to you. He’s a very introspective person, so he’s used to thinking before speaking and choosing his words carefully.  
After Skako Minor it took him a while to get used to his prosthesis and was pretty reluctant to let other in his personal space; he was scared to somehow lose control of his new limbs and accidentally hurt them. And even has he got more use to them and gained confidence, he remained determined to be extra careful with them. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
I think we’ve already established how he feels about physical touch: it’s not a matter of like but rather a matter of trust. So even though he pretty much never hugs anyone, with you and his brother he makes some exceptions. When it comes to the rest of the Batch, he’s not affectionate but will tolerate a hug if they initiate it (Wrecker, we are talking almost exclusively about Wrecker). But when it comes to you, he’ll go as far as to stand very close to your body and wait for you to get the hint. Once you do and wrap your arms around him, he will reciprocate (big step).  
He does have a tendency to be a lot more loving in the morning; when he hasn’t fully woken up yet, still wearing any loose clothes he slept with and the warmth of the bed stays lingering on his body. He likes to drag his feet around the Marauder with drooping eyelids until he finds you in the kitchen, so he can hug you from behind until you finish making breakfast.  
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) 
We already talked about how, when it comes to relationships, he goes all in. But in this case is a little different for two reasons: first he's more of an "actions are louder than words" type of person, so he'll prove you that he loves you before he ever put’s it into words. And second, even if he is dying to tell you how much he loves you (I mean, the man would’ve proposed to you in a matter of weeks if it weren’t for his brothers) he’d probably chose to put it in different words. Saying things like “I’m crazy about you” or “I can’t get enough of you” seam more devoted and genuine to him than just repeating the same three words over and over again.  
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) 
Ok so, Jealousy is a complex emotion that comes from insecurities: you see something that makes you self-conscious, you feel sad or even scared, that turns into anger and you project that anger onto yourself, your partner or a third person involved. Echo gets stuck in the “sad” stage.  
It doesn’t happen that often, but when it does, he internalizes it. All the negative voices in his head try to convince him that he's not good enough for you; that you’d be better off with anybody else. He tends to go very quiet when those feelings cloud his thoughts, but you’ve learned not to force him out of that headspace and give him time, you know he’ll reach out when he’s ready to talk. Of course, when that eventually happens, you’ll make sure to shower him in as many praises as you can come up with to wash away every single insecurity that lingers in his mind.  
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) 
Such a tender kisser, he likes to take his time. He rarely goes for rough or hungry kisses, but he does love intense long make out sessions along with some cuddling. He also tends to leave soft pecks all over your face: your forehead, temples and cheekbones are his favorites.  
You’ve recently noticed that, even though he’s very responsive to kisses all along his body, there’s a spot that’s especially sensitive: his collarbones. Every single time your lips start descending down his neck, his breath gets caught in a whine the moment they caress that particular place. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) 
He usually loves them... from afar. Nothing personal, he’s actually surprisingly good at taking care of them if he has to, it’s just that they don’t tend to be really good at respecting personal space or general boundaries, and it takes energy away from him to put up with that; he still things they’re adorable though.  
He also never really considered starting a family himself, but if he gave him some thought it probably wouldn’t seem like the best idea, at least not until war is over and he’d successfully settled down in a safe place to raise your kids. And even so, he’s already been a parental figure for Omega and the entirety of the Batch for a long time, so he might have had enough of it by now.  
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) 
Ok this is getting long so let's make the answers shorter 
When you’re not in a rush because of some mission, he likes to take his time and let his body wake up on its own. Still, he doesn’t tend to sleep till late. Even before he opens his eyes, he reaches out looking for your presence by his side, if you didn’t wake up spooning already. He likes to cuddle for a few minutes, snuggle until his body stops feeling so heavy, to then let you go so one of you can get up and prepare breakfast.  
N = Night (How are nights spent with them) 
Getting ready for bed, off course. Usually, you get enough action during the day with some new job or helping around the island, so the moment the sun begins to hide, the weight of the working day sets on his shoulders. All he can think about as soon as he takes a step on the ship, is to take of his armor so you can help him clean and oil up his joints before getting to bed.  
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) 
At first, he won't share anything about himself, just the bare minimum. But as you gain his trust, he'll begin to reveal more. As soon as he begins to tell some anecdote about his past it feels like when a butterfly lands on you; you hold your breath, too worried to scare it away and ruin an unusual moment. And whatever que tells you, you’ll cherish that memory for the rest of your life.  
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) 
He’s the second most patient of the Batch, after Hunter. He might have specific people he’s less tolerant towards, but generally speaking not many things get to his nerves enough to get an aggressive reaction out of him. The one thing that never fail to rile him up is injustice or anything related to it (and someone hurting his loved ones).  
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) 
Oh, he’ll remember; he’ll remember stuff even you forgot about yourself. He's pretty observant in general, so he even recalls details that you didn’t explicitly tell him, like your usual order when you eat out or your preference in books (he tends to use this knowledge to surprise you with small presents or a ready meal after a long day even if it not a special date or anything).  
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) 
Inspired by @leenathegreengirl’s art
It happened during your first month on Pabu, and the town was organizing an annual festivity. It included typical dishes, decoration and dances of the island. All of you had to dress accordingly as a sign of respect to their culture and so you had to asked for borrowed clothes. You weren’t together yet and Echo thought that night was perfect to finally ask you if he could be your boyfriend. Neither of you had seen each other wearing anything that wasn’t your usual armor before, so when his eyes landed on your body looking so elegant and graceful, he got so shy he almost backed down from the proposal. 
He ultimately did it. First, he asked you for a dance, and when the music slowed down, he leaned your bodies together to whisper the question into your ear. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)  
He knows you well enough to be aware of your loyalty and abilities, so honestly, he doesn’t feel the need to protect you much. Of course, he gets anxious when you get yourself into a particularly dangerous situation, but he’ll never get in the way unless you ask for help or are in obvious distress.  
As for him, he expects the same treatment in return, though he wouldn’t mind you being a little protective.  
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) 
As much as he can in each context. If he has time and resources to plan a nice date, he’ll take care of every detail, make sure dinner is ready and get you a little present to go with it. But even in situations where you cannot give yourself such pleasures, he’ll try his best to make you feel as loved as possible.  
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) 
He neglects his diet a lot. It’s not like he does it on purpose or anything, he just forgets to eat sometimes. He may not even realize how long it’s been since his last meal until his hunger turns almost debilitating. It hasn’t reached the point of having big consequences on his health, but you still worry about him; so you’re determined to share as many meals as possible to hopefully check up on him. He seems to be doing a lot better.  
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) 
Tries his best not to think about it too much, but it's not that simple. He became quite insecure about his appearance after Skako Minor, adapting to a body that didn’t feel like it belonged to him was not easy, and it was hard for him to recognize his own reflection sometimes. With time he got used to it and his perception of himself improved, regaining some confidence and not thinking so much about his looks.  
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) 
Absolutely. If he were to lose you, he’d probably fall in a depressive pit for a while, those that leave you feeling empty even after you got out of it. It would take a long time, and support from his brothers, for him to be fully functional again.  
(i don’t feel like getting much into it tbh)  
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) 
He watches holonet soap operas for the drama only, picked up gardening during their time on Pabu and his spirit animal is a raven.  
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) 
Some general thing he doesn’t like are: medical equipment, sand (it gets in his joints), cold weather, snakes or any other reptiles, spicy food, also not the best fan of darkness.  
He cannot stand superficial people or those without a sense of justice. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) 
(i now realize i might have misunderstood the prompt?) 
His sleeping habits are messy to say the least. Insomnia, sleep paralysis, night terrors, you name it. Poor Echo has suffered from sleep disorders pretty much since war started, and they only got worst since Skako Minor happened. They come and go with time, but they never fully disappear, he might have a few days or up to a week with not many interruptions but they eventually come back. Luckly you two discovered that sharing a bed helps a lot, your warmth and presence by his side serves as an anchor that allow him to let his guard down a little. But even if that doesn’t do it, he knows you’ll be there to hug him through the early morning hours when he can’t sleep a wink or to comfort him when he wakes up in the middle of the night after a bad dream.  
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That's it for now, let me know if you'd like me to write any other character. Likes and comments are always appreciated!
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cute-little-fly · 31 minutes ago
I don’t know how hot of a take this is and I know that maybe this won’t change the other responses and how you feel, but honestly I don’t think is bad that you feel that way about Octavia.
I don’t think we should try to convince you, or expect that, and is also not bad that you see Octavia as a spoiled/immature, because honestly I think that the point no one has touched yet is that… she is actually spoiled 😅.
Like I love her a huge lot and all, ofc, don’t get me wrong y’all…. But she grew up in the royalty, she is indeed very sheltered and privileged and she has never had to be responsible for herself yet, or actually anything big. I guess she had education and she was learning magic with Stolas, but that’s it. Stolas has prevented her to do even the royal life stuff that is not nice. I don’t think she has the slightest idea of what someone like Loona went through. (With this am not saying that Stolas should have being more strict and put her to command legions at 16 or something, lol, or the old argument oh she should learn what it really is to live a life in this world or things like that. Is just that she is like this, and that’s ok. I was also a spoiled only child, and there is nothing wrong with it, and this actually is why I feel I can say this!)
Is a valid point feeling frustrated about her because of how biased her point of view is, and we know how fucking much Stolas did for her.
Art after all is about elicit emotions too, and not only rationalize (not only positive or sympathetic ones, all kinds of emotions are valid as a response of any artistic expression). ❤️!!
The Octavia Dilemma (Vent/Rant Post)
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TW: Divorce
I want to make it abundantly clear that this post is about myself and my feelings on Via. This does not reflect the greater fandom or all Stolas Stans.
This is a reflection of my feelings and my feelings alone. Do not utilize this post to generalize all Stolas Stans since many of them are going to agree with about 60% of my post and I'm fine with that.
Moving on,
Hello everyone! It is I, Amalthea, the Ultimate Stolas Kinnie and Stan, reporting to you live on a topic I was initially going to not talk about, but became more compelled to talk about since well- I didn't want to talk about Stella. (I'd rather not lol)
When it comes to Octavia and her rejecting Stolas I have very, very mixed feelings on the topic. While many of you may think she was right or wrong, I'm going to give you the perspective from a person who lived this stuff during my preteens.
I won't go into details, but my parental unit picked another person over my family. Parent A decided to pick Person C over Parent B and that will never not mess me up till this day.
When Parent A left, I was alone without the only thing I wanted, closure. I didn't understand why I was abandoned. I didn't understand how Parent A just thought I didn't matter anymore.
Parent B had to struggle and I just had to- watch morbidly as my world fell apart.
One of the things I absolutely can't agree with Octavia doing is walking away from Stolas when he came back to her.
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She has this entire speech, victimizing herself solely(not faulting her for it, just stating it), and not asking the question why and that is where I will say the Hellaverse team failed. Kids of divorce always ask the question why. We seek a reason and yet Octavia just makes baseless accusations at Stolas that hold no water.
I mean your father, the man who has stood by your side, and loved on you for ages suddenly has an affair with a strange imp from his past and you don't even- think to ask why? Or let him explain?
Octavia willingly parentified herself to cope, which again as someone who is parentified, that makes no sense to me. Parentification happens when no one is around to help you or support you, but Octavia had her dad right fucking there. She rejected him, and seemingly can't understand he's depressed???
Again, I am speaking for myself, but this entire rant of hers makes no sense to me. She's seen him light up around Blitz, be more open (maybe to open), and be happier, but doesn't acknowledge it???
My issue, a reminder I am talking about myself , with Octavia is she makes everything solely about herself and asks no important questions about her father. I know she is a rich girl, but she is shown to be empathetic and kind overall, so it feels out of character she doesn't even- try to understand. Even if it's hard.
When Parent A came back into my life I begged for a reason why. Why the hell did you leave!? What did Person C have that I didn't!? Why did you raise their child you didn't birth but not me!? What did I do wrong!? What was so bad you left!?
None of these questions were asked, Octavia goes straight to making accusations which makes no sense. The fact she expected Blitz to die??? Like Loona wasn't going to be fatherless??? Like she's 17. Via is a bright and smart girl. Did she really look down on Blitz that much??? (genuine question, not tryna be a smart ass)
Octavia: You lied to me.
Stolas: What?
Octavia: *pushes Stolas away* You lied to me! You said you would never leave me! You promised!
Stolas: Via. I-I didn't leave you I-I- I would never, it wasn't my choice.
Octavia: It was your choice. You chose HIM!
I also think this whole scene is why Stolas made the choice he made. While he had an inclination he could die- he knew his privilege could possibly save him. It's why he was a bit confused and not sure of what was going to happen.
He was hanging onto the hope he'd not die. Afterwards the reality sets in as to what he had just done and what he truly lost. Stolas took a risk on a hunch.
The man had no choice. As a father, as a person, as a soulmate, he was in an impossible situation where he had to use his privilege. He had no other option or Loona would be fatherless.
Stolas: Via, no! I didn't I just- I had to. You don't understand.
Octavia: *clenches fist as magic forms* I do understand! I understand that we were never enough for you! You never loved mother, and you don't love me, you love him. *holds up happy pills* And you needed THESE! Was this my fault that you needed these?
Stolas: No! No, never Via! *grabs Octavia's hands* Sweetie, please. You have always been the only good thing in my life!
Octavia: So does that mean you just stayed miserable because of me? *tearing up* Was I some fucking obligation? Is that why you didn't even hesitate when you got a chance to leave?
This next part always pisses me off because Via's expectation of her father are so high. That he cannot have autonomy outside of their family. She is so attached at the hip to him that anytime he deviates from loving her entirely it is a slight against her.
Also the obligation part of that statement boils my blood, because girl- you don't even know what it is like to have your parent look at you and tell you to your face "you're just a responsibility to me". Because I lived that shit. I lived knowing Parent A didn't want me because I was just to much.
Stolas stayed and loved on this girl. He gave her the whole universe and more and somehow that isn't enough.
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Of course I sympathize with the sentiment, but nothing in Stolas's behavior nor him being with Blitz suggests she was ever solely an obligation to him.
If Stolas truly viewed her as a responsibility he wouldn't show any concern for her. Parent A in my life acted distant and emotionally withdrawn. They didn't take care of me anymore, acting like a ghost of their former self. They took care of my most basiepc and fundamental needs while Octavia is borderline spoiled and-
FUCK why couldn't I have that!? She sits there and complains but her parent came back for her?! She had a chance at closure and denied it! What kid of divorce does that!? What person does that?!
I know I shouldn't have this much turmoil over this. I really shouldn't. If anything I should be sympathizing with her entirely. Theoretically I should hate Stolas, but I can't because I know what it's like to be guilted for choosing yourself! I know what it's like to be forced to feel bad for being depressed! It's why I love Stolas so much and understand him completely.
But when it comes to Via, the character who borderline mimics my trauma I just- can't fully empathize. I can rationalize her thinking and- understand where it may stem from, but it still leaves me aggravated and unsatisfied.
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While I may be ranting and rambling at this point- I may just be projecting and it's why I said to not take this post as something to generalize the collective- but I am thoroughly dissatisfied with Octavia's writing.
So much of it tries to mimic divorce related trauma, but none of what she has been through would initiate such a response.
She hasn't been abandoned, her father is right there.
She isn't an obligation, all of her needs are met and she gets all she wants along with a nurturing environement.
She was enough for her father, he came back for her. If she wasn't enough he'd never come back.
All of the claims she makes are easily debunked with rational thinking and do not make sense when you have lived through divorce yourself. Again, I can be projecting, but FUCK I needed to vent about this.
It just feels like such a fickle iteration of what real divorce looks like for us.
Ask Box is Open ofc.
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screwpinecaprice · 1 year ago
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Just a silly guy, with silly silly thoughts.
@glowweek Day 2
Casual | Surprise
A casual surprise?😬😬😬
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roots-symphony · 5 months ago
do you think the reason agatha’s trial felt weird is because she was the only one who did not actually buy into the mythos of the road since she knew the truth? like that was why no perspective change and all the other reasons why people thought it was a fake trial
#agatha all along#aaa spoilers#txt#i really liked the idea behind how the witches road came to be#like showing her and nicky coming up with the lyrics and everything#but i felt like there was a lot of these last two episodes that felt weird or jarring#i think that’s partly the fault of it being such a short run time for the whole show in general (tbh that’s probably like most of it)#but there were just also weird choices? idk#like jen’s big declaration about protecting them in honor of Lilia or w.e and then just.. flying off to nowhere??#or the way Both billy and agatha kept switching how they felt about each other with like every sentence#I did really like her thing where she helped him get tommy a body though#and her and rios vibes were off too. like it felt like there should have been a little more build up before they fought after the road?#like when they were still talking on the road it felt like they could have done more with it#just like jen getting her powers back could have been more#or billy standing up for agatha could have been more#billy’s homecoming and attempting to banish agatha too#I liked that his parents were there but it was so quick and then he just.. leaves again?? no problem?? and I guess they’re fine with it now#like it felt like the things they did well. they did really well#while everything else felt.. idk.. kinda flat?#which honestly was the same feeling I had after watching agatha’s trial episode#honestly this show need at least another 3 or 4 episodes if not more#and I know people are going to make this all about agatha and rio but i really don’t think that’s the issue#i do think the story could have benefited more from showing more of their actual backstory or a few more interactions with them or just#like i said earlier done more with what they had. again that scene on the road before rio dips could have been used way more effectively#and I don’t mean in like having them be soft or lovey like I know a lot of people wanted (never be against that) but I don’t think it was#needed.. but Something was??#i feel like overall what everyone went through on the road didn’t actually truly effect them or change them?#like jen left. agatha and rio were like back to liek the road never happened. everyone else but billy is dead#i think the only person who was truly changed was maybe billy?#which makes the whole journey feel so unsatisfying? like things could still have ended the same while still showing them changed? idk
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socially-awkward-chocobo · 7 months ago
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Happy Kagepro Day!!!
#kido tsubomi#seto kousuke#kano shuuya#kagerou project#kagepro#choco art#last thursday I was like “oh shit. I don't have anything ready for the fifteenth”#And then rushed to make these#there are a few things I'd like to change or adjust on some of them (like the colors on kido's) but aside from that I'm pretty happy#seto's was the hardest. first I kept trying to daw a bird for the silhouette window thing#but I kept erasing it because I wasn't happy with it#then I was flicking through my screenshots of his song's video and realized "wait. What if the tv him and little him are sitting on is the#ilhouette? Then I kept the birds but put them in a circular pattern in a way reminiscent of how the scissors and knives(?) were around him#in certain shots (btw. does anyone have ANY idea what the gossip he was getting from that bird in his introduction was?)#The background I wish I had done more with but I was drawing a blank on ideas so... the outside of Mary's house it is#kano's - in contrast - was the easiest.#I was like “his silhouette's a cat. the background will definitely be a reference to his song.”#Honestly the masks were the hardest part because it was a little difficult to get good pics of any other than the red-eyed mask#Also something looks off about him to me but I wasn't about to fight the picture so I didn't fiddle with it too much before inking#maybe his face just translates into my style weirdly#not much to say about Kido. Except I really wish I did the equalizer bars differently and will definitely be changing that if I ever get ar#und to making these digitally. Also#I'd alter the shades of colors I chose for the music staffs but that bugs me a lot less than those fri#cking equalizer bars#did I really just go on a whole ass rant about my decisions in these drawings?#I guess I did. Whoops?
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