#also someone donned and said that the admins were going to put him in another cage
hydriad81194 · 9 months
y’know when i said i wanted a Phil Insanity arc? I think this could also work, a chaos arc could suffice. Just him being an absolute menace to the admins while burning down a half burnt down christmas tree while chat bullies him
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Welp, made another thing for @petrichormeraki ‘s Hermit!tommy au. be warned that this is only a part 1 cause i haven’t finished the whole thing and i need to get my computer looked at so i won’t be able to finish it yet but here’s some of it at least
Disclaimers here are that I only know the general idea of Xisuma’s base and that there’s a honey farm somewhere, but I took liberties with how it is for the story. Also, headcanon that I made specifically just because I want it to happen, canon deaths that don’t end up with a ghost make the person lose a piece of their soul until it can’t support them fully anymore. Then that piece ends up somewhere else. Maybe that’s why the compasses work. But more I just want something like what happens in this fic. For the hurt/comfort.
When Tommy first joined the Hermits accidentally, he hated being around Xisuma. Not only was he the admin of the server, the one who held the most power, but for whatever reason, this guy decided to look like a bee. It was worse when Tommy learned he almost changed up to look like a Strider, but then just went back to a bee. At the very least it wasn’t easy to run into the guy.
It was more the problem of his base. The coolest places and the ones Tommy most liked to visit were the ones in the jungle, especially since the old base he was living in was built there. With no elytra, at least not one he used for more than gliding, Tommy got lost when in the more natural parts of the biomes. And when that happened, he tended to accidentally find Xisuma’s base.
So much of it was bee themed that Tommy disliked it. It reminded him too much of what he left behind, but couldn’t get back. Having the compass was as much as Tommy was willing to have to remind him.
But one day Tommy got killed when he wasn’t being careful. He wasn’t too worried about it, especially after a message in his new communicator had a message from a hermit who picked up his stuff and put it in a chest. They didn’t really have the inventory space to bring it to him and we’re busy enough they couldn’t stay, but it was fine. A chest was the standard.
But right now, the problem was getting to the chest. Not only was it somewhere in the jungle, but it was also most of his gear. Tommy didn’t really have many good backups, never wanting something that someone could take, even though he knows the hermits would never do that. Probably. He’s still wary just to be safe. The most he has in storage is some gold armor for when he goes into the nether.
Tommy donned a mixture of gold and worn iron armor and a mostly used sword to get his stuff. He’s sure he knows the way to his gear until he doesn’t. With the monsters tougher than at his old home, Tommy is worried about dying again as the sun starts to set. He rushed through the jungle a bit faster until he ran into it. Xisuma’s base. Tommy was going to pass it by when monsters started to spawn, with him getting really unlucky and one zombie spawning with full enchanted armor.
Not wanting to die, Tommy scrambled his way into Xisuma’s base. He sighed once he was in a safe place, though upset that he would have to spend the night in such a place.
With nothing much better to do other than sitting, which Tommy hated doing, he started to walk around and explore Xisuma’s base. Close up, it was actually okay. The bee theme designs weren’t as prominent, and all the towers and buildings had farms inside them which were fun to watch. The one problem was the honey farm. This one definitely had a lot to do with bees. Tommy was going to just run by it when a bee popped out.
Tommy actually paused at that. Then smiled. Bees only game out during the day, which meant he could leave. He smiled and ran out of there and went outside to see… it was still night?
Now confused, Tommy went back to the bee farm. He was beginning to think maybe he just imagined it, but then he saw the bee still there. He watched as it kept bopping its head against the glass, ignoring the flower with it and not going back in its hive.
Puzzled, Tommy just watched the bee until he heard the noise of someone using a firework. The sound caught Tommy’s attention, and he looked away. When he turned back, the bee was gone. After looking there for a few seconds, Tommy shrugged and started to walk away. But even then, he still kept looking back, so much that he didn’t notice Xisuma until he ran into the man.
Tommy froze up when he saw the admin standing in front of him, but instead of anything Dream might have done or said, Xisuma spoke in a kind voice. “Oh, sorry Tommy, I didn’t see you there. Were you looking for me?”
Tommy didn’t speak for a little bit until he heard the pop of a bee leaving its hive. “Uh, I just got lost and holed up here, cus I died and was trying to get to my stuff and that one guy isn’t around to sleep. Also one of your bees is fuckin’ weird.”
Xisuma scolded the boy for cussing, then offered to help Tommy get to his stuff. He mostly ignored the bee comment until there was the noise of something softly hitting glass again. Xisuma walked over to the farm and Tommy followed.
“See! Isn’t it supposed to not do that?” Tommy asked, to confused by the mob to be scared of Xisuma or want to leave the bee area.
Xisuma nodded slightly, watching the bee’s odd behavior. “Maybe it somehow got linked to another hive or nest and is trying to get there.”
“So what, you’re gonna let it out?” Tommy asked, bristling a little at the idea.
Xisuma nodded again. “It’s probably the only way we could be sure. I can always breed up another if it leaves.”
The admin took out a silk touch pick and broke the glass. The bee flew out and the glass was replaced so the other bees that had not left the hive just yet wouldn't also escape. Instead of the bee trying to fly out of the base, it flew towards Tommy and hovered around him.
Tommy went rigid as the bee flew towards him. He was sure it would keep going, but instead it stuck around him. “What the fuck do you want then?” He asked the mob even though it couldn’t respond. “I don’t have any of those prissy flowers so bug off.”
But the bee didn’t listen. It seemed quite pleased to stick with him. Tommy nearly drew his sword to kill it, but he wasn’t sure he could bring himself to actually his the thing with what it represented to him. Plus Xisuma might get mad and it could break his farm. “Can you just help me get my stuff, maybe it’ll leave once we’re outside.”
Not knowing what else he could say, Xisuma agreed to that. He could tell that something about bees was a sore subject for Tommy. The way he stiffened up around them and also around him. It was part of why he was so surprised to see the boy.
After a bit of walking, Tommy reached the chest of his gear and equipped and stored everything in his inventory. The bee happily bopped up against him and once again Tommy thought about killing it. But instead he just started wandering home, the bee following right behind.
The following day, Xisuma showed up to check on Tommy. While he wasn’t please to see the admin, Tommy at least accepted the gift of a bee hive, especially after his apparent new pet bee would not stop bopping its head against him. Hopefully the hive would give it somewhere to live and it would stop.
Tommy thanked Xisuma for the gift before shoving him out the door, glad for the lack of resistance the admin gave. Then, turning back to the rest of the hobbit hole he moved into, Tommy plopped down the hive right in the middle of the room. “There. Go in there and stop bothering me.”
But the bee didn’t listen, it just kept bopping it’s little fuzzy head against Tommy. Angry now, Tommy grabbed the bee, held it eye level, and looked right into its eyes. “You’re going to stop annoying me and go in that hive, got it?! I’m sick of you flying around me!”
He then let the now trembling mob go and it flew into the new hive. Tommy almost felt regretful about yelling at it. Almost. Grumbling, he went over to his bed to rest now that there wasn’t much to keep him up. Tommy set down his gear nearby, and placed his closed compass on the bed.
With all this bee stuff, Tommy couldn’t help but look at the object. After hesitating for a few moments, he grabbed the item and opened the lid. Inside, the needle danced wildly, not sure how to point with its location in another dimension. Tommy gave a sad sigh and was about to close it again when the needle stopped spinning. It clearly pointed in one direction for a few seconds. Tommy’s eyes widened and he started to turn towards where the needle was trying to guide him, but then it went back to dancing about.
Tommy looked at it confused, before realizing it still might change again. Tubbo may have found a way here. He ran in the direction the needle had been pointing and tripped over the new hive he had placed, cursing as he hit the floor. He looked back up at it to hit it once or something, but the compass has steadied itself again, the needle pointing the other direction, right towards the hive.
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potionsprefect · 4 years
Locked In (Ethan x F!MC)
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke, Danny Cardinal x Sienna Trinh
Summary: Two young children are brought to Edenbrook suffering from a deadly disease. Can the team control it before time runs out?
Word count: 4.3k
Warnings: mentions of disease/illness, angst
A/N: Back at it again with a fic from A03. This one was inspired by ER episode season 8 episode 22 and season 9 episode 1. Also, imagine a world where the senator attack happened but Danny survived. I think we could all do with some more Danny x Sienna content.
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Chapter 1- Fight to Survive
“Where’s my patient from exam one?” Jackie Varma said at large to the staff around her.
“Discharged herself. Had to get home to pick her kids up from school.” Danny Cardinal said not looking up from the computer.
“Damnit.” Jackie sighed taking a seat.
“Tough case?” Victoria Clarke said standing next to her.
“Something like that.”
“Wanna talk about it?” Victoria asked.
“No it’s ok. I’ll move on.” Jackie smiled.
“Doctors why are we sitting around, I think we have patients to see.” Zaid Mirani said handing out charts.
No one argued with the senior doctor. He was right but he’d never sat down once. It was a surprise to everyone that his legs hadn’t clotted up in the years he’d been working.
“Doctor Trinh, lab test back on the kid in exam three.” Danny handed Sienna a sheet of paper.
“Thanks Danny.” Sienna smiled and headed off to see the said patient. Danny’s gaze lingered on her as she walked off and when he turned away he was met with the amused faces of Jackie and Victoria.
“What?” Danny said turning a bright shade of red.
“Are you ever gonna act on your instinct?” Jackie chuckled.
“What do you mean?”
“She likes you. And we all agree you’d make a cute couple. So hurry up and do it already.” Jackie grinned.
“Plus we’ve got a bet on with Aurora and Elijah who think she’ll act first.” Victoria smiled.
“I have a patient that needs an IV.” Danny said hiding his red face and embarrassment as he walked away.
“Nurse Cardinal is busy doctors why aren’t you?” Doctor Ethan Ramsey said walking up to the two ladies.
“You call it busy, I call it ‘making an excuse to avoid answering a relationship question’ Doctor Ramsey.” Victoria said.
“He doesn’t let it affect his work. Who’s the lucky lady?” Doctor Ramsey asked with a small smirk.
Victoria pointed to Danny who was chatting to Sienna. She was laughing at something he said.
“Called it from the beginning.” Ethan said.
“Since when are you aware of hospital relationships?” Jackie asked.
Ethan didn’t answer instead he shot Victoria a quick glance before excusing himself to check on a patient.
“Him as well? I thought Ramsey was married to the job.” Jackie huffed.
Victoria didn’t answer, she was busy watching Ethan walk away. “He’s clearly aware of hospital gossip.”
Jackie wasn’t listening at this point. She had her head in another chart when Bryce’s voice suddenly broke the silence.
“Alright what’s the big emergency I’m here?” Bryce winked.
“Possible gallstones in exam four scalpel jockey.” Jackie shoved a chart in his hands before wandering off to the vending machine.
“Damn what’s got her so twisted?” Bryce said sitting down.
“A patient discharging herself without her approval.” Victoria replied.
“Happens all the time. People get sick of staring out at Massachusetts. They’d rather be exploring it.”
“Doctor Clarke rescue 7’s coming in with two children, suspected chicken pox, eta 2 minutes.” Marlene turned to Victoria.
“Their parents called 911 on chicken pox?” Victoria asked.
“Apparently they’ve got a high temperature. Plus their parents say it looks more like pus boils rather than red marks.” Marlene replied.
“Okay page Dr Ramsey.” Victoria said.
“Right away Dr Clarke.”
Victoria headed out to the ambulance bay and waited for Ethan. The cold November air ripped through her and she folded her arms, trying to keep as warm as possible.
“What have we got?” Ethan asked.
“Two children suspected chicken pox.” Victoria said. When Ethan looked at her bewildered she continued “yeah I know but Marlene said the parents think it looks worse than it probably is.”
“Give them some cream and be done with it. There could’ve been a sick patient out there who didn’t get the ambulance they needed. Now we’ll have to deal with the body that rolls into Edenbrook when the patient was delayed necessary medical treatment.” Ethan rolled his eyes just as the ambulance parked up. Rafael Aveiro jumped out the drivers seat, a concerned look on his face.
“You took the chicken pox case?” Victoria asked.
“Two children, Nathan aged eight, Rosie aged six. Bad spots, high temperature. We don’t think it’s chicken pox.” Rafael said.
“What do you think it is?” Ethan asked.
“See for yourself.” Rafael said a grave look on his face as he opened the ambulance doors. Victoria and Ethan’s jaws dropped at what they saw.
Two children were bundled up in what looked like duvet covers. They had big white spots on their face, arms and legs. Rafael’s colleague Tamara also had a grave look on her face.
“Oh my god.” Victoria breathed.
“Is it what we think it is?” Tamara said.
“Yes, park up the ambulance and find an empty room even if it’s a trauma room. Victoria go grab those tubes from the lounge and bring them to exam five. And tell admin the protocol.” Ethan said picking the girl up.
Victoria ran back into the building trying to squeeze past as many people as possible. She burst through the doors of the lounge and searched for the white tubes that the hospital were sent every month. When she found what she was looking for she hurried out the room.
“What’s happening? Why was Ramsey rushing through here with Rafael and Tamara?” Jackie asked as all the other doctors and nurses looked at her for an answer.
“Lock the doors, don’t let anybody leave, move all stable patients out, close us to trauma and call the contacts in the emergency response book. And page Ines and Zaid.” Victoria said holding the tubes.
“Why what’s going on?” Bryce said.
“We’ve got two suspected cases of smallpox.”
— — — — — — — — — —
Donned in the necessary protection equipment, Victoria entered exam five where the two young children were sat with their parents. Both children were pale and wheezing, breathing in and out slowly.
“When did you first notice the spots?” Ethan was asking the parents. Victoria put oxygen masks on the young children.
“How are you both doing?” Victoria asked them.
“I feel really tired. And these spots are itchy.” The young girl spoke.
“Don’t worry we’re going to help you. I need you to keep these masks on ok?” Victoria said stroking her hair.
“Is this because we played outside with the other children?” Rosie asked.
“What do you mean?”
“We played football with the other kids in Kenya. They said they weren’t feeling well. Have we got what they got?”
“That’s what we’re going to try and find out. Ethan.” Victoria motioned Ethan away from the prying ears of the parents and the children.
“Four days ago the spots came up. Four days! And they waited until now to call 911. They should’ve brought them in themselves.” Ethan complained in hushed tones.
“Ethan they were in Africa. Kenya to be precise. They played outside with other kids who had symptoms. They’ve caught it off them.” Victoria said.
Ethan was silent. He looked at the children who were being comforted by their parents then ran a hand through his hair.
“Oh god ok uh, go and tell Rafael and Tamara. Get hold of their supervisor and tell them the rig needs to be scrubbed down. Are public health on their way?” Ethan said.
“Hopefully. I’ve paged Ines and Zaid. What about Naveen?” Victoria said.
“No. He’s not coming near here. Get someone to get ahold of him and tell him not to come in.”
Victoria entered trauma one where Rafael and Tamara were sitting on a gurney. “You guys are stuck here. It is suspected smallpox. Get your supervisor to decontaminate the rig.”
“It’s gonna be stuck there. We obviously can’t move it.” Rafael said.
“We’ve closed to trauma. Nobody’s coming in or out.” Victoria said putting protocol wristbands on Rafael and Tamara. “Did they say why they were in Africa?”
“Dad works for a wildlife conservation programme. It was either go with him or the children don’t see their dad for ten months.” Tamara sighed.
“Their breathing is shallow. There’s still a chance though.” Victoria said.
“This feels like…. like last time.” Rafael sighed.
“No Raf. Don’t think like that. We’ll fight it just like last time.” Victoria reassured him. She knew what he was thinking and she’d be lying if she said it didn’t cross her mind.
“Are they gonna be ok?” Tamara said.
“I hope so.” Victoria said. She walked out the trauma room and headed back to admin where everyone was sorting everything out.
“We’re closed to trauma. That was a fun conversation with Mass Kenmore.” Ines said.
“All the elevators are closed off. Doors are surrounded by the police department. No one gets in, no one gets out.” Elijah said.
“Look I don’t care where your administrator is we’ve got suspected smallpox cases here now get your asses down here otherwise we risk exposure to the city!” Zaid slammed the phone down on its hook.
“Public Health are on their way. They say to lock it down.” Ines said.
“The entire hospital?” Sienna said.
“The ER.”
“Are we 100% sure? Smallpox has been eradicated. There’s a vaccine for it. We haven’t had a case here since the 1940s. Are we not jumping the gun?” Zaid said staring at Victoria.
“Go and look at them in exam five. All the suspected signs and symptoms. This thing killed half of Europe. We can’t risk exposure to the city.” Victoria said.
“Looks like my gallstones operation will have to be put on hold.” Bryce said.
“Who’s gonna explain to them that they can’t leave?” Jackie nodded by the door.
Outside the police were standing blocking anyone from leaving or entering. Police strips were being put in place and people were anxiously looking between the door and the doctors.
“Where’s the tannoy? We had it here before.” Ines said looking between the shelves.
“Try the lounge.” Zaid replied.
“What are their symptoms?” Sienna said to Victoria.
“Fever, high temperature and white spots all over their arms, legs and face. It’s all there in black and white.”
“She’s right.” Danny replied obviously googling the said symptoms on the computer.
“Right well you’re gonna need our help. Bryce, Elijah you help Ines reassure the patients what’s going on and inform public health when they get here, find the other doctors and nurses on this floor and see if there’s any extra security to guard the entrance doors. Sienna, Jackie, Danny, Marlene they’re gonna need all the help they can get. We’ve got Rafael and Tamara to look after as well.” Zaid instructed.
“Where are the extra masks?” Sienna said.
“Try curtain one.” Zaid replied.
Everyone went into action but Victoria’s eyes were glued to the entrance doors. She could see people asking the officers what was going on, the crowd being pushed back further.
“Hey, we’ll solve it. We’re gonna be ok.” Bryce put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“It, it just feels like last time.”
“I know it does. But you got through it and you’ll get through this.” Bryce said.
Despite her fears, Victoria knew he was right. There were two sick children counting on her to help them. The entire ER was preparing for a situation like no other. They were all in it together and no one was being left behind this time.
— — — — — — — — — —
Victoria watched the breathing of Nathan and Rosie. It was shallow but they were still alive, that was the main thing.
“We need a list of anyone you’ve come into contact with. Have they been to school or seen any friends since you got back?” Ethan asked the parents.
“They went to school a couple of days after we got back but they were off from last Wednesday with a cold. Then the spots appeared on Thursday. We thought it was chicken pox.” The dad answered.
“Any other family members or friends?” Ethan asked, Victoria could hear the agitation in his voice.
“Ross’s family came to visit the weekend we were back.” The mum answered.
“Do they live nearby?”
“No they flew in from Ohio.”
Victoria and Ethan shared a startled look. “You need to contact them and tell them to isolate as quickly as possible. Get them to contact the airline and tell them the flight number they flew on and also get in touch with anyone they might’ve come into contact with. Get them to tell people what’s going on and so on. ” Ethan said.
In the other room, Rafael and Tamara were having their temperatures taken and their blood pressure checked.
“Both BPs are fine your temperature’s a little high.” Danny said.
“Ok monitor them and check again in the next hour.” Sienna nodded.
“It’s become national. Family travelled in to visit from Ohio.” Victoria said opening the door from the next room.
“You’re kidding.” Rafael gasped.
“Go tell Ines.” Victoria said. Jackie nodded and hurried back to the admin desk. “How are you doing in here?”
“As good as can be. High temperature but normal BP.” Danny said. “What about the kids?”
“Shallow breathing at the most.” Victoria replied.
“I wonder how long we’ll be stuck in here.” Tamara wondered.
“We’ll all be together at least. Can’t die from boredom.” Rafael nudged her which made her laugh a little.
The sound of commotion from outside the room caused them all to turn their heads. They could see people arguing as Zaid and Ines tried to calm them down whilst explaining the situation. Ines reached for the tannoy and her voice rang out.
“You may have noticed we have security at all entrances and exits. There is a potential public health concern which is why for your own safety we are asking that no one enter or leave the building. We apologise for the inconvenience and we are working to try and get this solved as quickly as possible. But we need you to work with us. If we work together, we can get through this otherwise we could be stuck here for a long time.”
Ines’ words did not help calm down the crowd. The minute she finished speaking they started protesting and arguing. Victoria teared her gaze away from the window shaking her head. “I don’t blame their frustration. Little information doesn’t help.”
“We’re on the news.” Jackie said entering the room, wearing her protective equipment. “CNN are outside the hospital. Aurora is outside as well as Naveen. They’re talking to Harper who’s by the emergency door on the OR floor. He doesn’t have a clue what’s going on.”
“I thought someone called him and told him not to come in.” Victoria replied.
“We did but you know what Naveen’s like. This is his ER. He doesn’t want to be left in the dark.” Jackie said sighing.
“Victoria Nathan’s sats are dropping.” Ethan said from the other room. Victoria rushed in followed by Marlene and Jackie. “Take Rosie to trauma two, we need to work on him.” He instructed Marlene.
“Pulse ox is 82.” Jackie said looking at the machine.
“Go grab a paeds intubation kit.” Ethan said, Jackie hurried out the room.
“What’s happening?” The parents asked.
“Nathan’s not getting enough oxygen so we need to intubate him to help him breathe.” Ethan calmly explained.
“He has to be put on a machine?” Ross asked.
“If we don’t intubate him right now he’s going to die.” Ethan said. Victoria and Jackie looked at each other unsure if Ethan handled that well.
“Oh my god.” Imogen, the children’s parents gasped and headed to the door on instinct. Victoria understood why she wanted to get out there as soon as possible.
“Don’t leave the room! You’ve been exposed to a deadly airborne disease.” Victoria stopped her from walking out the door.
The three doctors worked on the young boy trying to get him stable before the lack of oxygen caused much further consequences. Jackie hung IV’s whilst Ethan slipped the tube down his throat. Once the tube was attached Victoria squeezed the bag trying to get as much oxygen back into Nathan as possible. A few seconds later, the beeping of the machine slowed down.
“Pulse ox is up to 95.” Jackie smiled.
“Nice work ladies.” Ethan smiled at the two younger doctors, his gaze lingering on Victoria. He moved out the way so Nathan’s parents could be closer to his bedside.
“I’ll go check on Rosie.” Jackie said leaving the room.
“Let’s check on the paramedics.” Victoria turned to Ethan.
Rafael and Tamara were lying on two separate beds, Sienna and Danny were sat on the floor.
“What is going on out there?” Ethan asked as he heard the commotion.
“People want to leave but they can’t. Tempers are flaring.” Sienna replied.
“They’re hungry too by the sounds of it. You know we’re on the news.” Rafael said.
“Of course we are.” Ethan sighed running his hands through his hair. These kids belong in the P.I.C.U., they’re both critically ill.”
“Doing that would mean exposing the rest of the hospital. Are you willing to take that risk?” Victoria looked up at him.
“Doctor Ramsey you know you can’t. There’s sick patients all around the hospital.” Tamara sat up.
“Go ask Naveen, he’ll know what to do.” Victoria reassured him. Looking as if he could kiss her, Ethan withheld himself and hurried out the room to call Naveen. Just as he left, June and Baz entered the room, covered in protection.
“Where do you need us?” June said.
“How did you get here? I thought you were upstairs.” Victoria asked.
“Word of advice. Never piss off an angry Brit.” Baz grinned looking at June.
“Yeah well we are a force to be reckoned with. Still, my words forced them to let us here otherwise I’d send information out to every British newsroom and explain how the US government withheld a potential health concern from the public.” June shrugged with a smirk.
“Nice one.” Victoria smiled. “The younger one’s in there. Her name’s Rosie and she’s six. Older brother had to be intubated after his oxygen levels dropped. Both are critical.”
“It is what everyone’s been saying isn’t it?” Baz asked.
“We think so. It doesn’t look like anything else.”
The two doctors nodded and headed into the next trauma room to see Rosie. Victoria looked out the window where Ethan was on the phone. He made eye contact with her and shook his head. This can’t be good. Victoria thought. She left the room and was met with ambush.
People began crowding round her but she was quickly pulled from the crowd by Ethan who had the megaphone. The surrounding doctors tried to calm down the people so Ethan wouldn’t have to use the megaphone but the people weren’t cooperating. Ethan’s voice suddenly ripped through the megaphone.
“Listen! We have two critically ill children with what looks like smallpox. Now most of you will probably have heard of it but have never seen it live and that’s because there hasn’t been any cases of smallpox in the United States since the 1940s-“ the rest of Ethan’s words were drowned out by the complaints from the crowd, most of them losing their temper at the fact that they allowed a deadly disease inside the hospital. Before Ethan could attempt to drown them out and finish what he was saying June had strolled out of the trauma room and taken the tannoy out of Ethan’s hands.
“The American’s tried to tell you now the Brit is going too. And this time you’re going to listen.” June glared at the crowd. The doctors and nurses around her looked shocked but impressed
“Who cares about the Brits?! There’s a reason we won the independence war!” Someone from the crowd cried.
“That was 300 years ago it’s the 21st century! There’s two young children who are very sick at the moment. We know you’re frustrated but spare a thought for the parents who don’t know if their children are going to survive. We’re not denying you your rights, this is about helping you. Now if you work with us, trust me, this will be over a lot quicker. Let’s work together so we can get through this.” June said.
The atmosphere had changed. People were mulling over June’s words. They didn’t know the ill patients were children. Suddenly it made things much more realistic. People retreated to their beds or the chairs in the waiting area much quieter than before.
“Damn June that was badass, remind me to never piss you off.” Elijah grinned.
“Where’d that come from anyway?” Bryce grinned.
“Never piss off the British. We are lethal.” June smirked as she retreated back to the trauma room to look after Rosie.
“How’s everything out here?” Ethan turned to his fellow colleagues.
“The crowd outside are getting restless. We’ve got critical patients outside as well who never got the call to say we were closed to trauma.” Zaid said.
“Why is Naveen outside? I thought he was told to stay at home.” Ethan said.
“You know what he’s like, he doesn’t want to be far from the action. He’s tried to come in several times but the officers have held him back.” Ines said looking at the crowd outside.
“Good. He’s vulnerable if he’s exposed to this.”
“Sam Palmieri from Public Health, we’ll take over from here.” A man in a white coat walked up to the doctors with a clipboard in his hand. “Where are the patients?”
“Exam five and trauma two, both critical.” Ethan said. The man then walked off in the direction of Nathan and Rosie. The phone then rang making everybody jump.
“ER? Dr Emery? Yes I know but we’re struggling down here too. We’ve got two- yes we were asked to do that take it up with public health if you don’t like it!” Ines put the phone down and put her head in her hands.
“What did Harper say?” Ethan asked.
“She wants to know why it’s 100 degrees up in recovery. Public health asked us to turn the air conditioning off so we don’t blow the germs around.”
“Well that explains why we’re all sweating.” Victoria sighed.
“Doctor Ramsey! Nathan’s siezing!” Sienna cried from down the hall. Victoria and Ethan sprinted back towards exam five, barely registering the sound of glass smashing as they hurried to Nathan’s side.
“What happened?” Ethan asked as he and Victoria put on the necessary protective equipment before rushing into the room.
“His sats have dropped and he started seizing.” Sienna explained.
“Give him two of Ativan quickly.” But the seizing was the least of their worries. The sound of the monitor averted their eyes.
“Lost a pulse.” Victoria said.
Sienna started on CPR as Ethan hurried to try and get as much oxygen into Nathan as possible. In the corner of the room. Imogen and Ross huddled together, their eyes rimmed red.
“Have you got the crash cart?” Ethan looked up at Sienna.
“It’s in trauma two.” Sienna looked at Victoria. Victoria nodded and hurried to the room to grab the necessary equipment. The seriousness of the situation was now escalating fast.
“Woah crash cart?” Baz said as Victoria wheeled the equipment.
“Yeah we’ve lost his pulse.” Victoria said trying not to let her voice betray her feelings.
“We’re in v-fib.” Ethan said. He charged the panels and they shocked the young boy.
“Nothing.” Sienna said, squeezing the oxygen bag.
Ethan did this multiple times before finally after what felt like hours, the monitor beeped at a regular pace. Victoria, Ethan and Sienna breathed a sigh of relief.
“We’ll have to watch him very closely now. Go be with the others, I’ll watch him.” Ethan smiled at the two younger doctors.
Victoria and Sienna retreated to trauma one where the others were. Everyone looked exhausted, still trying to come to terms with what was happening.
“They’ve broken the vending machines outside. Everyone’s hungry.” Danny said.
“Did you manage to get him back?” Rafael asked.
“Yeah but he could have brain damage. Seizure and a loss of pulse is never a good sign.” Sienna replied.
“You did what you had to do.” Rafael smiled. Before anyone could speak Ines dialled the phone outside the room and pressed a button that allowed her to talk to those inside the trauma room. Bryce, Elijah and Zaid were all with her, they all had grave faces.
“We have to evacuate. Public health have said this has gotten too out of hand, with it now being spread as far as Ohio, not to mention everyone here being exposed to it.” Ines said.
“Just the ER?” Victoria asked.
“The entire hospital.” Ines sighed.
Nobody spoke for a few minutes. This was now a drastic situation. What would happen to all the patients in other parts of the hospital?
“The children are going to be moved up to the P.I.C.U. we’ll evacuate everyone up there and then they’ll be taken up. Public health are prepared to take them so you can stay down here.” Zaid spoke this time.
“How long for?” Jackie asked. Everyone was avoiding asking how long they’d be stuck for even though they had a rough idea.
“Two weeks minimum.” Ines said.
“No, no no no no no. Minimum? What about maximum?” Victoria said.
“At least a month, it depends on when we can get the vaccine.” Zaid said.
The reality was beginning to sink in. Two young children, both critically ill with smallpox enter the ER, now the entire hospital has to be evacuated. It’s still unsure whether the kids are going to survive or not. Those who had treated the kids were now going to have to be quarantined. Which means they were all stuck downstairs. Two weeks wasn’t guaranteed.
How the hell were they going to get through this?
A/N: Hope you enjoyed chapter 1!
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streetsteel · 4 years
.: A Shift in Dynamics
Normally, getting called to Archie’s office is not a big deal. It’s met with indifference slightly tinted with a hint of anticipation. There’s a task that needs doing, something that needs to be kept under wraps, or both. But this time? This time, Jay is actually nervously bouncing his leg while he’s seated in the chair on his side of the desk. 
Of course, Archie notices, and he nods with a smile, as if silently telling that he understands the source of the anxiousness. It’s a big move to pull off, after all. The Aqua Leader leans back into his chair, swinging a foot onto the his desk, crossing his other leg over it. It’s always kind of weird to see him wearing something different than his signature wetsuit, like he’s just another nobody in the crowd, but he said it himself: going to the bathroom in that getup is Not Optimal. 
“So, y’know Shelly’s got more work than she can do with our big dive comin’ soon,” the boss starts. Jay knows things are coming soon to an end. The submarine is almost complete, and research started showing the underwater anomalies they were looking for. “The work looks like it’s cut out for ya. Y’deal with the engineerin’ team already, so ya’d just need t’bring R&D into the fold. Y’know, streamline things, kick their asses into productivity.” 
Jay doesn’t want to put words in Archie’s mouth, and lets him speak. He knows what he’s talking about. “Yeah, engineering’s a small bunch. Bein’ their senior’s just makin’ it easy t’make sure they’re all doin’ their job an’ not sittin’ ‘round doin’ jack shit.” 
“So ya’d be a’right with takin’ that Admin position?”
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Okay, Jay was prepared for something direct, but this amount of not-fucking-around takes him aback. He looks back at Archie, leg stopping its bouncing as he rests his elbows on the desk and moves in. 
“You’re really offerin’ that to me? Just like that?” 
“Jay-boy, ya’ve been ‘round Aqua for the last what, almost six years now? Y’already do th’ admin work in engineering. It’s really just a formality an’ makin’ stuff more official, so ya don’t have t’go through Shells all the time. She trusts yer judgement, an’ if she trusts ya with that, then I trust her.” 
Hell, years ago, he would’ve wished for that position. Would’ve made his other work so much easier. But now, when he starts to actually feel home with this bunch of assholes? He has mixed feelings about it. 
“By the way, how’d yer vaycay go? Looks like y’had some stuff goin’ on.” Archie’s still leaning back, but Jay feels the tension rising in the room. The eyes that are normally a warm brown, almost tugging on the amber side, are looking at him with such pointedness that they could be icy blue and the chill down his spine would be the same. The Aqua Leader is nonchalantly pointing at his own cheekbone, and Jay knows all too well that he’s referring to the bruise he’s sporting on his own. “Y’run into a clothesline t’get yer neck messed up like that, son?”
His bandanna must’ve slipped and shoved the dark purple bruise that wire left around his neck. Caught red-handed, Jay doesn’t even move to hide it again—it would only give Archie a point. He instead just rests his chin into his hand, elbow against the desk. 
“Had some unfinished business that needed takin’ care of.” It’s vague enough, but also making it clear that he doesn’t want to talk about it. 
“An’did ya think y’took care of it the right way? Did the best thing?”
Jay pauses. He feels the scrutiny, the piercing gaze on him. Funny how people who don’t know Archie peg him as a dumb pirate, while the man actually shows a superior understanding of people and how they work. A Lycanroc purposefully donning a Wooloo’s costume to keep people thinking he’s less dangerous than his counterpart. Shit. Biting on his lower lip, Jay glances at the door, as if someone was listening behind him, then back to Archie. He hates feeling like this—he’s normally the one reading people, not the other way around.  
Did he do the right thing?
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“It’s... complicated. I set out to do somethin’, but in the end, it went an entirely different way. I can’t really tell if it was the best way, really, it’s not black or white. It’s not even gray, hell, it’s more complicated than that.” 
“An’ the fact that ya see things that way’s another proof that ya’re cut out for Admin work, boy. Nothin’s ever as easy as people put it. So, you takin’ it?” His large, dark-skinned hand is extended over the desk. 
Jay looks at it for a moment. Steels himself. 
Shakes on it. 
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rhinoswriting · 4 years
A Life On The Road - Part 3 (A Luke Hemmings FanFic)
A/N: Hi, sorry it’s been a while since I posted. I’ve been busy moving home and doing all the admin shit that comes along with it. But anyway, Part 3 is here! It ends a little abruptly because I’ve got writer’s block, but I didn’t want to hold off posting for even longer. Part 4 will be here soon, I promise.
Part 2 Ending Recap: After a great gig you and the boys celebrate on the bus. It’s now the early hours of the morning and it’s just you and Luke left in the tour bus lounge chatting and getting to know each other better.
Part 1, Part 2
My drunk get-to-know-you-better chat with Luke was really fun, sweet and eye-opening. We asked about each other’s families, dreams, fears, regrets and fondest memories. And we answered with the truth; bearing our souls drunkenly to one another to build a closer friendship.
It was nearly 5 am and we were still sat asking each other questions.
"What’s your favourite breakfast?” Luke asked.
“If we’re talking sweet, it’s banana pancakes. If we’re talking savoury, it’s anything with a poached egg on top.” I answered before firing my next question at him, “Would you rather visit the moon or Atlantis?”
“Easy! Atlantis; there’d be way more to do there. What’s your biggest fear?”
“Developing some form of memory loss. What do you miss most from your pre-fame life?”
“Not being able to form genuine connections with people.”
Luke’s answer caught me a little off guard and tugged at my heart strings. Before I could respond he spoke again,
“Right now being a much welcomed exception.” He smiled at me with eyelids heavy from a lack of sleep and his head tilted to rest on the sofa.
“Right now being a much welcome exception.” I repeated and mirrored his closed lip smile, “We should probably go get some sleep though y’know. You look shattered and it’s a press day tomorrow. And I mean that in a caring friend way, not a Lou way.”
I forced my tired, stiff body up from the sofa and put my hand out to him. He gratefully took it and used me as a counterbalance as he pulled himself up from the sofa. We kept our hands loosely held together on the short walk to the bunks.
“Goodnight, Luke. And thank you for tonight. It was really nice getting to know you a little better.” I told him as I pulled the curtain of my bunk open.
“Honestly, thank you. I look forward to more late night tour talks.” Luke admitted before pulling me into a lazy, sleepy hug, “Goodnight, Elizabeth.”
And with that we both clambered into our respective bunks for what little remained of the night. Just as I was beginning to drift off to sleep, I heard my phone double vibrate to let me know I had just received a text. I opened one eye and saw my bunk had been slightly illuminated by my phone screen. Too tired to muster enough energy to see who was messaging me gone 5 in the morning I simply flipped my phone over and allowed the mattress to absorb the annoying rectangle of light.
What felt like an hour later I woke up and instinctively reached for my phone to check the time, only to find it had actually been 10 hours since my head hit the pillow. I also saw now that the message I received just before I fell asleep was from Luke. I held my thumb on the fingerprint sensor and opened his message.
Luke Hemmy: Lets grab a coffee tomorrow after we finish up at Oui FM x
Seeing as I’d already left him hanging for 10 hours I immediately typed out my response:
Shit! Sorry! I’ve only just seen this. I’m awake and definitely down for coffee. Meet you where? X
Then I grabbed my toiletry bag from the foot of my bunk, hopped out my bunk and freshened up in the tiny tour bus bathroom. When I got back to the row of bunks I pulled on fresh underwear, my jeans, a t-shirt I’d grabbed from the batch of merch being sold on this tour and then went in search of my docs and jacket. 
The tiny coat cupboard was an overflowing mess. Instead of digging around I grabbed one of the many leather jackets stuffed in there. The jacket smelt like Cal, so I knew I’d definitely be fine to borrow it. I quickly glanced in the cupboard door’s mirror. Satisfied with my outfit choice and how well Cal’s jacket added to the look, I grabbed my purse and phone off the counter before exiting the bus and locking up.
Not knowing what direction to head in I checked my phone to see if I had had a response from Luke. I had a few.
Luke Hemmy: Meet you here x Luke Hemmy has shared his location with you. Tracks done about to go in for the interview dk how long Given your name to the station so you can get in the building to wait x
Now having a destination, I made my way to the little red pin on the map.
When I arrived at the tall, plain building I saw a large group of fans patiently waiting outside the entrance on one side of some metal railing the radio station had put up. I did a lap of the block hoping for another entrance to the building. I didn’t want to have to walk right through and in front of all those fans patiently waiting. I knew I’d look like an ass and they wouldn’t like that I could just turn up, in a 5SOS t-shirt of all things, and saunter into the building. But of course there was no alternate entrance; so I made my way over to the crowd again and zipped up Cal’s leather jacket.
“Excusez moi. Excusez moi. Désolée. Excusez moi. Merci.” I said as I made my way to the slight gap between one of the rails and the building and then approached the large, silent man stood in front of the glass doors, “Excusez moi, je m’appelle Elizabeth Phillips. Je suis attendue.”
Fuck I hope I said that right. And if it is right I hope I don’t sound like a dick saying ‘I’m expected’.
I stood awkwardly and blushing before the tall man and surrounded by 5SOS fans as he checked with someone inside over his radio that I was indeed expected and not a fan trying my luck at getting in. Eventually my name was confirmed as valid and the man stepped aside and opened one of the glass doors for me.
“Merci.” I thanked him with a smile then hurried in and over to the reception desk. I’d used up about as much French as I could remember from school so tried my luck in English with the receptionist, “Hiya, is it okay for me to wait on the sofa here or is there somewhere I should go?”
“The sofas here is fine. They should be done soon, but can I get you a drink?” The man behind the desk responded, who was so surprisingly young I assumed he must be an intern.
“Oh no, I’m fine thank you. Thank you for the offer.” I told him with a smile as I sat on one of the two leather sofas and fought the urge to take my jacket off.
To distract myself and appear occupied I pulled out my phone, popped in one earphone and started scrolling through my Instagram feed. Once I was caught up with the feed I went through a couple of stories. When it got to Ash’s story I was greeted by the video he uploaded last night of me, him and Luke dancing and singing to KISS. He hadn’t put my handle on it so I couldn’t re-share it onto my story. I made a mental note to get him to send me the clip later.
I was about to go into my emails when I heard the elevator ding. I looked up from my phone and saw the guys and Lou spill out into the lobby. The portion of fans with a good view through the glass doors also noticed this by the sounds of the sudden fanatic screaming outside.
I made my way over to the guys, 
“Hey, hey!” I smiled at them all.
“Nice jacket,” Cal said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a side hug, “I better be getting that back.”
“Oh you will.” I said before adding playfully, “Although it does look damn good, so maybe not.”
“Honestly I wouldn’t keep it. You don’t know where that’s been or what liquids have been spilt on it.” Michael grimaced which cracked everyone up.
We quickly wrapped up the pleasantries so the guys could go outside and meet their fans. It turns out there was an underground car park with two cars waiting, so I stayed in the lobby with Lou and we chatted about the tour, business and my KPIs. Around 40 minutes later the guys came back in and we were led to the underground car park and the two waiting cars.
“Coffee?” Luke asked as he turned to me while simultaneously putting his hand out behind him to reach for the handle of one of the car doors.
“Coffee.” I confirmed with a nod, then turned to the others to be polite and extend the invitation, “Coffee?”
“Yeah I’d be down for coffee.” Cal said with a casual shrug and began walking towards the car we were stood in front of.
“I’m still feeling a bit rough from last night. I’m gonna head back to the bus and nap, so I’ll see you guys at the restaurant for dinner.” Ashton answered.
“I’ll be honest with you, I just want to go back to the bus and play some games.” Michael said.
So with our next activities decided, Cal, Luke and I jumped in one car and Ashton, Michael and Lou got in the other. Luke asked our driver to drop us off at a coffee shop he’d recommend and with that we were on our way to a mystery coffee shop.
Much to our delight, our driver had an exceptional taste in coffee shops. He dropped us off near a narrow road, that wasn’t quite an alley, and instructed us to go down it until we came to a coffee shop on the right. He also recommended their lattes. We dutifully followed his directions and were rewarded with a small and comfortably busy coffee shop that made an excellent latte.
Lattes in hand, we made our way over to the small circular table right by window. I was sat between Cal and Luke, looking directly out onto the street with the fourth chair opposite me left empty. We chatted a lot about their afternoon at the radio station as well as the press so far on this tour in general. Then, as we were finishing up our lattes, we moved onto trying to plan something to spend the night doing after our big meal out.
“More importantly, should we not actually be on our way to the restaurant now?” I asked after glancing at my watch.
We quickly donned our jackets and headed out of the coffee shops. When we were out on the street Cal looked up directions to the restaurant on his phone and began leading the way. 
I pulled out my phone to check my emails as the three of us mindlessly followed Maps. I saw a response had come in from one of the editors at ELLE. After reading the first two lines I stopped dead in my tracks and just stared at the screen I was cradling in both hands.
Luke was the first to notice I’d stopped walking alongside them both, 
“You alright back there?” He asked.
I looked up to see him and Cal taking a few steps towards me to close the little distance they had gained. I beamed at them giddily, 
“ELLE are interested in running two of my pieces in upcoming months!” I squealed, “They said they like the exert from the Glasgow piece I wrote. They want to publish the completed thing and they’re interested in the idea I outlined for Munich!” 
“That’s amazing!” They congratulated me as I was engulfed into a group hug.
“I’m so proud of you, EP!” Cal added as the three of us pulled apart.
“It’s such a relief that this gamble might actually pay off!” I said still smiling from ear to ear, “I need to tell Drew!”
I turned my attention back to my phone and excitedly told Drew the news in all caps.
After hitting send I put my phone away and continued walking with the boys. After a left and two rights we found ourselves at the restaurant, and being the last to arrive, sat at the table’s remaining spaces.
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staytheb · 5 years
Deja Vu
Pairing: NCT’s Taeyong x OC [Esther] Genre: slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 4,683 Summary: Taeyong ends up accompanying Esther home, but she makes a slight detour in hopes that he wouldn’t. Unfortunately for Esther, Taeyong decides to stick around longer.
Warning: none... maybe some swear words.  i don’t remember. slightly proofread too.
here i am again. the title is just something that i glanced within this story and just stuck with it. i suck at titles and hope this one just fits in its own way. but yeah, this one also takes place in the same story and setting of Because I Can with Yuta, but i just made it separate into its own story and what not. this too was originally part of a longer story like Because I Can as well. anyways, another stress reliever to help with my mind and it’s been well so far. i don’t feel as out of it as i have been for the last year. but yeah, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Esther found herself slow dancing with her co-worker, Taeyong, at her friend's birthday party. She didn't know that the two knew one another, but should have figured that out when the two ran in the same social circle unlike her. Still though luckily for Esther was that her friend, Skyler, was having a themed party and everyone wore masks to conceal their identities. At first Esther wasn't up to the whole dancing bit, but Skyler had put her on the spot and so Esther chose the closes male to her. That person turned out to be Taeyong and now here she was slow dancing with him even though he had no idea who she was underneath the mask.
Anyways, Esther was trying to keep this whole thing as neutral as possible, but she was having a really hard time looking at Taeyong when his stares basically went right through her. Every time Esther tried to look at Taeyong his gaze was too intense and so she would avert her eyes to behind him majority of the time. Taeyong quirked a brow with an amused expression as he noticed Esther would shift eye-contact with him when they would locked eyes every now and then. His amusement became concern wondering if she disliked him or something.
"Are you disappointed that you chose me as your dance partner?" Taeyong asked when Esther's eyes avoided him once again.
Esther cast him a puzzled look, but didn't look away this time around when she made eye-contact with Taeyong.
"What do you mean?"
"It seems your attention lies somewhere behind me and not at me."
"Oh, that, well," Esther wasn't sure to be honest or not, but decided to be honest, "It's because of your eyes."
"My eyes?" Taeyong questioned with a laugh. "What about them?"
"Well, honestly, it's because you're looking at me like I stole something from you and you want it back."
A slow smile then ghosted over her face.
"Or you're about to murder me if I don't owe you back your money."
Taeyong realized what she meant by her words as he had a tendency to look at people with a dark stare without meaning to. He tried to soften his expression, but to the female it seemed like he was making weird facial expressions instead. Esther let out a soft chuckle before commenting on it.
"You should stop that. Your face looks weird with whatever you were trying to do just now."
Taeyong immediately stopped what he was doing and felt shy and embarrassed by what he may have appeared like to Esther not that long ago. HIs face again went back to his usual brooding-like appearance. Esther suppressed a laugh from escaping, but the corners of her lips were twitching for it to be released. So instead she asked the male if he was alright.
"Um, are you okay?"
Now it was Taeyong who was puzzled by her words.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Do I not look okay?"
"Well, honestly, you look like you're mad at the world."
"Oh, um, sorry." He apologized as he wasn't sure how to set his facial expression.
"Don't be." She dismissed as she gazed at Taeyong curiously. "It's just..."
Esther's left hand left Taeyong's shoulder briefly so that she could skim her forefinger across his eyebrows. She placed her left had back to its previous position when she felt his brows relaxed under her touch.
"Your eyebrows are pretty expressive and so hopefully that toned it down a bit."
Esther cast him a soft smile while Taeyong felt a bit awkward upon having her smoothed out his brows for him.
"Um, thanks." He thanked her with a shy demeanor.
"You're welcome."
Silence fell between them, but Ester remembered Taeyong's question from earlier and replied back to it.
"Oh. I'm not disappointed that your my dance partner by the way. You lead very well."
At first Taeyong was confused, but then remembered the question he had asked her.
"Oh, um, thank you. You're not so bad yourself."
"I try, but these heels are totally killing me."
Esther let out a groaned before slightly ranting about her friend, the birthday girl.
"This is the last time I let Skyler talked me into wearing these."
"Speaking of Skyler, how do you know her?" Taeyong asked as he knew everyone that Skyler had invited except for the five females that Skyler partially introduced.
"Oh, that. Skyler, me, and the other four girls that I came with, we were roommates back in college for all four years." Esther explained. "We stayed in contact after graduation and this is the first time me and the others girls have attended Skyler's themed party."
"Oh, why is that?"
"Oh, well, we never knew of her background until our last year of school. We usually just stayed home and celebrated her birthday with just the six of us."
She then re-directed the conversation away from her.
"Anyways, how do you know Skyler?"
"Our parents are long time friends which means we were natural to be friends."
Esther was curious about this information and wanted to tease him about it.
"Ah, does that mean the both of you are gonna marry each other?"
Taeyong burst into laughter upon hearing those words.
"Oh, god no. She's like a sister to me. Besides, she already likes someone, but is too stubborn to admit it."
"I knew it. I knew she liked somebody, but wouldn't tell us."
Before Taeyong could comment on it, the song came to an end and Skyler's voice grabbed their attention.
"Alright. Everyone thank their dance partners!"
The pair looked at one another and bowed while thanking the other for the dance and conversation.
"Thank you for choosing me as your dance partner." Taeyong thanked Esther as she chuckled while doing the same. "Thanks for putting up with me, Taeyong."
Taeyong frowned.
"Wait. You know who I am?"
Esther slightly panicked as she forgot that they wore masks and haven't properly introduced themselves to one another. Plus, Esther looked nothing like how she looked like at work unlike Taeyong who looked the same outside of work. Before she could answer him, Skyler's voice sounded again.
"After thanking your partner, please return to your seats! We're now gonna move on to singing the birthday song and eating my birthday cake!"
"Okay, bye!" Esther bid Taeyong a quick goodbye before rushing of leaving him behind.
Taeyong was about to give chase, but remembered that he was at a friend's party and didn't want to cause a scene. He would let it go, for now. Unfortunately he never got the chance as he drank that night and got wasted. He should've knew his limit, but he was having fun. He totally forgot about finding out if Esther knew him or not.
Esther was hanging out with her friends along with those that Skyler had invited without their knowledge at the karaoke bar. It was supposed to be a girls' night out, but it turned out to be some sort of group date of sorts with Skyler's male friends they met at her birthday party. Anyways, Esther witnessed her friend, Genevy, running off after one round of singing when Skyler announced the scores of girls versus boys. Something about needing to finish up some last minute work things. Esther knew that was a lie since they lived together, but she amusingly couldn't help but think it was to escape from her co-worker, Yuta, that Genevy's been ranting about since finding out he and Skyler were friends.
Esther also watched Yuta run after Genevy a moment later and wondered how things were gonna turned out like now. She knew that Genevy would tell her later about it and so didn't worry too much. Anyways, this prompted Esther to head on home and leave as well. She wasn't in the mood to sing further and she also wanted to make an escape since Taeyong was unexpectedly invited as well. She kept her cool, but that didn't mean it wasn't awkward in a sense. So Esther knew how Genevy may have felt upon seeing Yuta here tonight, too. She stood up and gave Skyler an apologetic look.
"Yeah, I think I'm gonna head on out, too."
"Really?" Skyler cast her friend a look. "Why so soon?"
"Unlike, Genevy, I still have some work things left to do."
"Okay, fine, but hey let Taeyong take you home." Skyler suggested. "He lives in that direction, too."
Before Esther could dismiss the suggestion, Taeyong didn't mind.
"Oh, yeah sure. I'll accompany you home." Taeyong offered as he also stood up.
"Please take real good care of her okay, Taeyong!"
"Yeah, she hates being alone!"
"So don't take your eyes off of her!"
Esther's other three friends, Jasmine, Katherine, and Everly inputted making Esther shoot them a dark look. The trio just laughed it off while Skyler insisted on it.
"Oh, yeah, good idea. Text me when you get home." Skyler said with a smile.
"Yeah, sure, whatever." Esther dismissed although she knew her friends were just looking out for her even though it was a little more out of amusement.
Taeyong also bid farewell to his friends and the other ladies before he and Esther headed out.
Unlike Genevy, Esther had made a left towards the metro station when she existed the building which confused Taeyong as he followed after her.
"Um, isn't home this way?" He asked with a confused tone.
"It is, but I wanna check out something first before going home as I just remembered something."
"Oh, okay. Then I'll go with you, too."
"It's fine, Taeyong. You don't have to come with me. I'll j-"
"Oh, it's all good. I don't mind at all, Esther."
Taeyong shot her a friendly smile as he matched his pace with hers. Esther wasn't sure how to feel about this whole thing, but deep within her was relieved to know that she wouldn't be walking the streets alone at night. The two continued talking with polite chit-chat between them, but Esther noticed that she was walking a few steps ahead of Taeyong and so would slow her pace for him to catch up with her. Although Taeyong did most of the talking, she didn't mind as she had nothing really to say and didn't mind being a listener. It just was that she couldn't help to notice that he would lag behind every now and then that she had to mention it.
"Um, Taeyong, could you either like stay walking beside me or ahead of me, please? I dislike it when people walk behind me."
"Oh, sorry." He apologized as he matched her pace once again. "I'm just used to walking behind the others to make sure everyone is there."
Esther scoffed with a laugh.
"Why do you sound like your either a leader of a boy group or a mother herding her children."
Taeyong laughed upon hearing her words.
"Well, honestly, you're not wrong. There's a lot of us whenever we hang out and so I just like to make sure everyone is safe and sound."
"Is that why you're always the last one to leave the building, but also the first one to arrive to work?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
Esther tsked.
"You're doing too much, Taeyong. You should really take care of yourself more because I know you be pulling in a lot of over time hours when you don't need to."
Taeyong side-eyed her knowingly.
"Aren't you the same as me?"
"Well, yeah, but I know my limit, too. I at least get more sleep in then you." She countered as Taeyong laughed.
He changed the topic not wanting to talk about work.
"So, what is it that you remembered that you needed to do?"
Esther slightly panicked if she wanted to tell him the truth or not.
"Do you want an honest answer?"
Taeyong frowned at her words.
"What do you mean by that?"
"It's work related."
Taeyong groaned.
"I didn't want to talk about work and changed the subject on purpose."
"Well, I didn't know that and it's really not my fault, but I'm dealing with it as I know the others at work won't do it."
"What is it?"
Esther cast Taeyong an unsure look contemplating if she wanted to tell him the reason or not. She decided to go for it since it was already up in the air and she knew that Taeyong wouldn't leave her alone now.
"I have to buy gifts for our bosses."
Esther and Taeyong were now sitting side by side on the subway heading to Myeongdong instead. Esther was unable to find something in particular to buy for her bosses on the streets of Hongdae. She assumed it was because Hongdae wasn't the right kind of style for her bosses and that they may want something a little more luxurious from elsewhere. So, here she was sitting on the inside of the metro while Taeyong sat on the outside. Esther assumed that he would have chosen a seat behind or in front of her, or even on the opposite side of the bus, but not right next to her. Esther figured that it may be because of earlier of how she wanted him to walk in front or next to her.
Anyways, Esther's attention turned towards the outside scenery as she zoned out. She wasn't much for small talk and found comfort in the peace between them and of the ride. She later jerked back to the present when she felt something soft, but slightly heavy bumped against her left shoulder. Esther glanced down and saw that Taeyong's head was now lying upon her shoulder. Her eyes widened at the unexpected sight as she languidly moved her head to slightly peer at his sleeping face. Taeyong had surely fallen asleep, but it was barely eight. He must've been super tired to have knocked out like that.
Esther didn't mind as her attention returned to look out the window and zoned out again. She wouldn't disturb his slumber even if it meant that he was using her as a pillow. She figured that he didn't sleep that well last night or maybe the past week. She remembered that he pulled an all-nighter the other day and figure this was the only time he could catch up on sleep. So Esther let it be as Taeyong wasn't really doing anything wrong, but then she heard a bunch of whispering that started to irk her throughout the transit.
Myeongdong was twenty-five minutes away and she still had like twenty minutes left of the ride until she arrived at her destination. Honestly, she wouldn't have mind to what the people were saying and talking about, but Esther knew that the group behind her were talking smack about her. In general, it was because of the male next to her that she was getting smacked talked about in the first place. Even worse was that the group was a bunch of a girls running their mouths and they're so called whispering was anything but that. Esther could tell there were at least five different voices and neither sounded very pleasant to the ears.
"Who's the girl with him?"
Girl One spoke.
"Is she his girlfriend?"
Girl Two follows right after.
"No way." Girl Three gasped in denial. "She can't be his girlfriend."
"But I've never seen the Lee Taeyong that close with a girl before." Girl Four states with a disbelief tone. "Not even at work."
"Wait, I thought you didn't work with him?" Girl Two questioned as Girl Four answered. "I don't. My sister's husband's brother works with him."
"I don't know about that, but I do agree that he's not that close with other females." Girl Five interjects. "I've only seen him like that with his mother or sister."
"So who is she?" Girl One repeats.
"She must be his cousin or some other relation because she looks nothing like his sister or mom." Girl Five states with a nod. "There's no way she's his girlfriend."
"She better not be his girlfriend because she is totally out of his league." Girl three says with total disdain at the idea of Esther being with Taeyong.
"I know right." Girl four interjects. "I suit the Lee Taeyong better than her."
"Oh, please. You all know that I would suit him better than any of you." Girl five disagreed while claiming to be a better fit. "We're a part of the same social class."
"Yeah right. It'll be me and not you two. He's gonna be my boyfriend because I know more about him than any of you." Girl three stated with a matter-of-fact tone. "His parents are super close with my parents even though he and I haven't talked much."
Then all of a sudden the five girls' conversation shifted into an argument of who better fit Taeyong. It got even louder when they all talked over one another that they were the better fit. Esther rolled her eyes with annoyance gracing her face while pinching the center part of her forehead with her right hand. She didn't understand why some people acted this way about a person that they probably didn't even know or weren't even close to at all. Esther slowly turned her head to shoot them a dark look as to not wake up Taeyong before whispering harshly at them.
"Can y'all like shut up because you're disrupting the atmosphere."
Her voice was calm and firm, yet the tone of how she said it wasn't anything like that while she gave each of them a hard stare before speaking again.
"No one wants to hear your bickering about claiming someone as your property. People have feelings and their own mindset. So grow up and stop acting like kids."
"Who do you think you are to say something like that to us?" One of the five girls asked Esther with an attitude. "Do you even know who we are?"
"No and I don't care." Ester responded indifferently. "Your status has nothing to do with this, but your personality is simply trash if this is how you view a person."
Just as another girl was gonna retort they noticed the sudden movements of Taeyong rousing from his sleep. The group all froze in mid-talk while Esther wondered if it was her voice being closer to him than the others that may have woken him up. She felt bad that his sleep got interrupted and wished she hadn't said anything in the first place. Taeyong sleepily rubbed his eyes while letting out a yawn. He then looked at his surrounding before casting them onto Esther a second later.
"Are we there yet, Esther?"
"Not yet, Taeyong. There's still like another," Esther paused to check the time on her phone, "Twelve to thirteen minutes until we get there."
He nodded while letting out another yawn and rubbing his face at the same time.
"Just go back to sleep and I'll wake up up when we reach our destination, okay?" She informed him in a soft tone with an ever softer smile upon her face while reaching over to swipe a few strands of his hair from out of his eyes unconsciously.
Taeyong stiffened upon Esther's touch as he felt like it was deja vu, but wasn't sure on how that could be. They've never interacted this close before and not even at work as they kept things professional. This was actually the first time they've hung out outside of work and sat this close since meeting one another. He slowly watched Esther as she swipe a few strands of his hair out of his way and returned her right hand back to her side. He kinda missed it for some odd reason, but snapped back to reality while removing his head from off of her shoulder.
"Ah, it's okay, Esther. The nap just now helped a bit. Thanks though and sorry about using your shoulder as a pillow." Taeyong apologized feeling shy all of a sudden.
"No, it's okay. I didn't mind." Esther replied nonchalantly although on the inside she was feeling just as shy about the whole thing.
"Um, so..." Taeyong began wondering what to say now before fumbling with his phone a second later as he also pulled out two airpods from his pockets and handed the left one over to her.
"You should listen to this song I've been into lately."
Esther took the airpod and put it into her left ear. After that, the five girls shut their mouths and didn't say anything after witnessing the scene between the pair.
While Esther was browsing for item, she unintentionally eavesdrop on Taeyong's phone call with his mother. She only heard his side of the conversation, but then her attention went onto a few items that she found fitting for her bosses.
"Hi. Mom." Taeyong greeted his mother.
"Girlfriend? I don-"
His mother kept talking and talking him leaving him no room to explain himself. He then panicked when his mother asked to face time and he wanted to decline until she hung up and video called her son. Taeyong was going to avoid it, but he knew his mother was gonna call him again. So he picked up her call with an awkward smile.
"Mom. Hi."
"Where are you? I know she's there because you're not alone at night by yourself." His mother reasoned as Taeyong sighed.
"I'll leave you alone if you just show me who she is."
Taeyong was gonna reject the idea, but Esther came up to him after purchasing her items.
"Alright, Taeyong, I'm done. Let's go home."
When Esther looked up at Taeyong, she noticed his expression seemed slightly horrified until she heard a woman's voice from his mobile.
"I knew it! Show me who she is, Taeyong."
Taeyong groaned but eventually showed his mother who he was hanging out with.
"Ohh, hello darling. Aren't you pretty. I'm Taeyong's mother. What's your name?"
Esther immediately felt awkward as she side-eyed the male beside her, but he avoided looking at her. Esther cast her eyes onto Taeyong's mother.
"Um, hello. I'm Esther and I wo-"
She was interrupted when his mother's face lit up happily.
"Oh, you're Esther? Oh my. My son talks about you all the time."
"He does?"
Esther's brows furrowed in confusion as she looked over at Taeyong again, but his face remained stoic and he also avoided looking at Esther.
"Yes, of course! He praises you highly and he just claims that you're both just co-workers, but he's just hiding the fact that you're together."
Esther was unable to explain the situation.
"But I caught him in the act and he can't lie to me. Anyways, I'll leave the two of you on your date, but I expect to see the two of you for dinner this Saturday. See you then and we can properly meet, Esther."
Taeyong's mother turned to look at her son.
"Don't be late and don't forget to bring Esther. Goodbye."
She bid the pair a goodbye before hanging up first. After that Taeyong finally looked at Esther.
"I'm so sorry about my mom."
Esther nodded, but then a teasing smile graced her face.
"So you talk about me to your mom?"
"Yes, I do. Is that a problem?" Taeyong admitted while trying to be indifferent about it.
Esther chuckled at his behavior, but didn't pursue the topic. She was about to suggest for them to go home when Taeyong spoke.
"She's serious by the way."
"My mom."
"What about her?"
"You're gonna have to show up for dinner with me on Saturday."
"Because if you don't, then she'll just find a way for you to meet her."
"But I don't know your mom. Just take Skyler with you and have her convinced your mom since she's like a sister to you. I'm sure your mom will trust her since y'all known one another since forever."
Esther realized what she had said as Taeyong stared at her hard.
"What did you just say?"
Esther quickly turned away and started walking off, but Taeyong grabbed her hand and spun her around to face him.
"No. Really. What did you just say, Esther?"
Esther didn't respond and avoided looking at Taeyong.
She finally looked at him while appearing aloof.
"What, Taeyong?"
"You're the one that I danced with at Skyler's party, isn't it?"
"No. I'm sure you danced with a lot of girls that night."
"But you're the only one I told about my relationship with Skyler."
Esther was gonna retort, but remained silent.
"Esther?" Taeyong said her name in a questioning tone while still holding onto her hand firmly.
She let out a sigh and spoke the truth.
"Yes, it was me. Now you know. So what of it?"
Taeyong frowned.
"Did you not want me to find out?"
"It's not that. It just never really crossed my mind and I really hate mixing my work life with my outside work life."
"Oh. Is that why you never want to hang out after work with the others?"
"Yes. Also, everyone always wants to go out drinking and staying out late. I don't do that."
"Then what do you wanna do?"
"I dunno. Play games, eat out, or go to one of those amusement parks. That sort of things."
"Oh really?"
Taeyong smiled and Esther wasn't sure how to read his expression.
"Then should we go on a date before you meet my mom?"
Esther cast the male a weird look.
"I thought we were supposed to convinced your mother that we're not together?"
"Why convinced her otherwise when it can be true, right?" Taeyong reasoned with a smug look.
Esther still couldn't believe his words.
"So you wanna ask me out on a date and within three days convinced your mother that we're official?"
"I mean, we get along well at work. So why should it be any different outside of work?"
"Because our work site bans office dating."
"But we work in different departments."
"Taeyong, what makes you like me and think this may work?"
"Because Skyler has told me things and the feelings are mutual."
Taeyong smiled at her sweetly and Esther groaned realizing it was a set-up from the get-go.
"How long have you known?" She asked him tentatively.
"Since a few days after Skyler's party."
"Is that why you didn't mind accompanying home after Skyler suggested it?"
"Partially, but I also wasn't feeling up to singing the rest of the night away either."
Esther nodded while changing the topic.
"Okay, Taeyong. Take me home tonight and we can go on a date tomorrow or something."
Taeyong gleefully smiled as he gave her hand a slight squeezed in happiness.
"Great. Because Skyler mentioned that you wanted to check out this new restaurant and I thought we should check it out together."
"What else has Skyler told you about me?"
"That your favorite color is blue and that you hate odd numbers."
Esther regarded Taeyong a bit before softly casting him a small smile.
"Well, I guess I can't just leave it be now, can I?"
"Leave what be?" He asked with a tilt of his head.
"The fact that we both know that I like you and that you like me."
She then squeezed his hand as a confirmation for herself before leading him back to the subway station.
"C'mon, it's getting late. I also want to sleep long enough before I have to deal with you at work."
Taeyong chuckled as he allowed Esther to lead the both of them.
"Why do you make it sound like it's a bad thing?"
"Because our departments are meeting tomorrow to discuss next week's project and I have a feeling you're gonna try to team up with me."
"That doesn't sound like such a bad idea."
"I'm sure it does."
Taeyong smiled as he soon matched his steps with Esther before interlocking their hands together.
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diveronarpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, KYLIE! You’ve been accepted for the role of BENVOLIO. Admin Julie: If I could, I’d wax poetry over the intricacies that came from reading your application for Bellamy. From the inherent bravery that comes from being kind in a world that eats kindness whole, to having to learn how to survive in that sort of environment, you’ve enraptured us with Bellamy’s conflict and narrative. Your writing sample captured an emotion note often seen in Verona: panic, terror, and worse, acceptance. The seven stages of grief, compounded into one man? It’s awe-inspiring and heartbreaking on one. We cannot wait to see where you’ll take him.  Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Kylie
Age | 25
Preferred Pronouns | she/her
Activity Level | 5-6, the holidays have been a busy time for me, but now that they are coming to a close my activity should only go up.
Timezone | mst
Triggers | already listed!
How did you find the rp?  | I am a member who loves it dearly.
Current/Past RP Accounts | @ronanivarsson @nickborisov
Character | Bellamy Santo-Domingo, Benvolio
What drew you to this character? |
I was drawn to Bellamy because I was thinking about the idea of heroism in Verona, and came to the conclusion that he must surely be the closest thing that Verona has to a real “hero” or heroic figure–what could possibly be more admirable than advocating for peace in a city where it is universally acknowledged that peace, that goodness, cannot thrive? I began comparing him to classical heroes like Aneas, who was divinely tasked with building a new city from the ashes of an old one, who was able to maintain his epithet of pious even as his city burned and the blood of his people was spilled. Because of his relationships with Marcelo and with Roman, both Achilles figures in their own right, I compared him to Patroclus–in the same way that Patroclus put on the armor of Achilles and went out to fight the Trojans, Bellamy has learned to put on the same armor that Roman and Marcelo wear in order to better protect them.
These comparisons have merit–but I think it would be a mistake to allow Bellamy to be so easily defined. I think a lot of contradictions exist within him–his banner is peace, he has cried and cried for it until he has lost his voice, but I think he also holds a lot of anger in his heart. He is angry that he seems to be the only one who can see where all of the destruction will lead, he is angry that the people he loves are so willing to gamble with their lives, he is angry at the fact that none of this is what he would have chosen for himself. I also think he is both very self sacrificing, as all heroes must be, but also very selfish. He would willingly give his life for Marcelo or Roman, or if he thought his death would mean something in terms of bringing peace to Verona–but at the same time, I think he would also willingly leave it all and go back to wandering, to make that choice for himself and shed the uniform the Montagues handed to him and ordered him into.
I also just enjoyed all the potential that exists within him–what is the difference between the person he would like to be, the person that he sees himself as, and the person he has to be in order to survive in Verona? He is an Atlas, bearing the weight of an entire city on his shoulders, but surely even Atlas cried out in pain, began to curse the gods at some point? How much blood must he shed in his quest for peace? Will there come a point where he has to turn his back on the people that he loves, on the lives that they lead?
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
DEATH DOESN’T DISCRIMINATE BETWEEN THE SINNERS AND THE SAINTS | I’m very interested in Bellamy’s relationship with the violence of the Montagues–he is a character that is defined by his goodness, by his desire for peace over violence, but I don’t think that makes him a soft character necessarily. I would love to investigate how far both he and his convictions could be pushed, where his point of no-return might be. Would he kill for them? Would he be willing to torture someone? If he is willing, how does he justify it in his mind? Is it a case of some blood being necessary in the quest to bring peace to Verona? How would he handle it if Roman or Marcelo specifically asked him to commit an act of violence in their name? Is there a point where he would consider himself too far gone, too far lost, too much of a sinner?  
IF THERE’S A REASON I’M STILL ALIVE | One of the things that really interests me is the relationships that Bellamy has with Roman and Marcelo. He came back to Verona because his mother asked, because he felt a sense of familial obligation, yes—but he also came back because he was worried about his brothers. They are the reason he stays, the reason he wants peace in this city—he wants to see them grow old, see them have faith in something other than the blood. I would love to investigate how far he’s willing to go for them, what kind of situations does he have to bail them out of? Would there ever come a point where he would decide that he’s more dedicated to his cause than to the two of them? Is there any resentment between them because of Bellamy’s dedication to peace, to opposing the organization that brought the three of them together?
THERE ARE THINGS THAT THE HOMILIES AND HYMNS WON’T TEACH YOU | I’m very interested in Bellamy’s job as a police officer, especially since it isn’t a job that he picked for himself—I was very interested in the phrasing in his biography, in the use of the word “posing” when talking about his position as a law enforcement officer. Does he feel like he’s wearing a costume, when he wears that uniform? How dedicated is he to the work? He wants to help people, but can he balance that with doing the bidding of the Montagues? What would he have chosen for himself instead? How does he interact with the other officers who are Capulets?
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Yes, if his death really meant something–but I’m also kind of attached to him suffering the same fate as his namesake, of being the only one left alive with the carnage of the very thing he had fought so hard to prevent.
He drops his keys three times before he manages to stop his hands from shaking. It takes another three attempts before he’s able to unlock the door to his apartment, three heavy footed and stumbling steps before he is inside and able to collapse his weight against the wall of the entryway, before he is able to slide to the floor and hide his face behind his hands without the fear of being seen.
Because if anyone saw him right now, there would surely be more questions about Bellamy Santo-Domingo, more doubts about the soft hearted boy who surely doesn’t have the same stomach for blood, the same singular eye fixed on his own divinely appointed destiny, that his friends have. He’s certain that’s why Damiano had asked it of him, had filtered it down through Pandora who had said it as though it was just another task, another meaningless item to be efficiently checked off a list. If Bellamy could kill some no-name dealer who thought himself brave enough to sell on Don Montague’s territory, then there could be no more questioning his loyalty—to his family and to the Montagues as a whole. He would finally be equal to Roman, to Marcelo—an unquestioned part of the future that the two of them would build.
And he had almost done it, hadn’t he? He’d had the man dead to rights in the darkness of an abandoned warehouse, had the cold steel of his standard issue pistol pressed against the man’s temple–he’d even allowed him to say one last prayer to his God, though the words had been half choked out through sobs, and had fallen on ears both unqualified and unworthy to hear them. All that remained was to pull the trigger, to force his fingers into applying the specific amount of pressure that would end the man’s life.
His hands had been suprisingly steady then, the muscles of his jaw had been clenched but unwavering, his eyes had been cold and unfeeling–the very model of a soldato, someone that Damiano Montague could have been proud to call family, something like a son. He could have done it, he could have left the man to bleed out onto the cement and dedicated himself to finding the bottom of as many bottles as it took to render the memory of it nothing but haze and the aftertaste of copper. He would have been fine, in the same way that everyone in Verona is only ever fine–in the same way that anyone who has ever taken another life can never be good again.
In that moment, Bellamy Santo-Domingo made the radical decision to be something other than fine for the rest of his life. He lowered the gun.
He told the man to get out of Verona, that the next person who came for him would not be in possession of the same kindness.
It was then that his hands had started shaking.
Bellamy was certain that Damiano had meant the whole excersise as a test of his loyalty, to the Montague cause, to the actions that would be nessecary if they were going to win the war he was waging against Cosimo Capulet. He had meant to see if Bellamy could be hardened, if the soul of the poet could be worn away by a continually crashing sea of blood and made into a new and more useful shape. It was why he had merely nodded when Pandora had issued the command, instead of challenging her as he normally did. He had wanted answers to the same questions, and tonight he had received them.
On the floor of his apartment, Bellamy Santo-Domingo sobs into his hands. He sobs in a way that is anthetical to the very foundations that Verona is built on–he sobs unashamedly, as a howling prayer of thanks to God, not because he is overcome with tragedy. He sobs because the heart that beats inside of his chest, that stubbornly hopes and cries for something better for the people that he loves, is not so easily vanquished. He sobs because above all else, in spite of the war raging outside of his window, he has remained loyal to that hope, to the idea that peace is possible. He knows the metric by which he will be measured now, and it is not the number of lives that he takes in the name of Montague, it is not the amount of cruelty that he inflicts–it will be the number of lives that he saves, the world that he builds for the people that he loves.
There is no blood to wash off of his hands, to stain the porcelain of the bathroom sink rust colored for weeks on end. There is only sleep to be had, a new day to be lived beginning to be visible over the horizion. There is a war to be waged, and he will need the rest if he is to continue to stand between the two sides underneath his own banner, if his voice and the strength of his words is to fly between bullets and knife blades until both can be set down. He wipes at his eyes and gets to his feet, and Bellamy Santo-Domingo laughs. He cannot wait to begin.
Extras: pinterest board x
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noona-clock · 6 years
Confusion & Coincidences - Part 7
Genre: Regency!AU
Pairing: Yongguk x You
By Admin B
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
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You feigned yet another headache when you arrived back from your visit with Alice, wanting to stay far, far away from your mother. Had she any idea that her own son was soon to be engaged? And if she did, why hadn’t she told you?!
Did your father know?
If either of them had known before you did, you were quite sure you would feel put out. If everyone knew except you - and you definitely had a right to know more than anyone else... well, it almost felt like a betrayal!
You wanted to be upset with both Alice and your brother for keeping it a secret, but... your happiness for their happiness overtook any negative feelings you harbored. For the most part.
Even though you wished one or both of them had told you a bit earlier, you knew their feelings for each other must be very strong. And a marriage was always a thing to celebrate.
You were happy for them. Yes, truly, you were.
So... why was there a small pit in your stomach? It wasn’t a ‘I can’t believe you didn’t tell me’ pit, either. It was something different. A different sort of emotion. 
You couldn’t quite put your finger on it. But whatever it was, it kept you up almost all night.
You were awake when the sun rose, so you figured you might as well just get out of bed. Although... getting out of bed yesterday had turned out not to be the best idea...
But what else could happen to shake your life? Surely nothing!
So you slipped out of bed and made your way downstairs to make yourself a cup of tea. The servants were probably not up and about yet, and you certainly didn’t want to trouble them.
Once you’d scrounged around in the kitchen for a teacup, tea leaves, milk, sugar, and put a kettle of water over the fire (that you started yourself - hold for applause), you sat at your aunt’s kitchen table and let out a faint sigh.
“Miss,” you heard a soft voice say behind you. “You’re up rather early.”
You turned to see the butler, the stone-faced one who had announced the Earl’s arrival yesterday morning.
“Oh,” you replied, a bit uncertain what else to say. “I... I couldn’t sleep.”
“Did you put the kettle on by yourself?” he asked, though he didn’t sound at all disapproving as you imagined a butler might. That was his job, after all, and you really shouldn’t be allowed to do such things.
“I did... I didn’t want to trouble anyone, and I’ve started many fires back home.”
“Well, I assure you I am awake of my own volition, so it will be no trouble at all to finish preparing your tea for you.”
You simply let out a soft chuckle before nodding your thanks and turning back around in your chair.
Your arms were crossed over the tabletop, and you bent over to set your chin on top of them, letting out another sigh. 
A few moments passed, but then you heard the butler ask, “Is everything all right, Miss?”
“No,” you answered plainly. “It is not.”
“I am all ears if you would like to talk it over.”
While you weren’t really one to openly talk about your problems, you were just tired enough to not care. Plus, there was something strangely comforting about the butler’s almost emotionless voice. Like you knew he wouldn’t judge you or offer unwanted advice.
“Do you remember the young man who visited yesterday morning?”
“Yes, ma’am. An Earl, if I recall correctly.”
“Yes,” you sighed. “An Earl.”
To be quite honest, you really didn’t even think about his title most of the time... A bit odd, now that you thought about it.
“What about this Earl, Miss?”
“Well. He proposed to me.”
“Oh, my,” the butler answered. “Are congratulations in order?”
“No, I did not accept him because we’re merely acquaintances. I don’t know him well enough to commit the rest of my life to him.”
“But then later, I found out my best friend is going to be engaged to my brother very soon.”
“You did not know of their relationship beforehand?”
“No,” you answered as you heard the butler taking the kettle off the fire. “And I was upset they hadn’t told me, but now I’m not, but I still don’t feel right about it, and I don’t know why.”
The butler hummed as you heard him putting together your tea, and just a few moments later, the cup appeared in front of you.
“Thank you,” you murmured before taking a tiny sip.
You almost let out another sigh, but this one was of relief. A perfectly made cup of tea could really solve any problem, couldn’t it?
“How long have you been friends with this young lady?” the butler finally asked.
“Almost my whole life.”
“Could it be... you’re afraid to lose her? And your brother, all in one go?”
Your brow furrowed, and you lifted your head to look at him. “Lose them?”
“Once someone gets married, they tend to be... well, married. Your friend will start putting her husband first. Your brother will start putting his wife first.”
Now that he said it... it sounded true.
Maybe you were afraid to lose your friend and your brother. Maybe...
Oh, no.
You almost let out a gasp because you realized something which was so obvious but also incredibly petty.
Maybe you were envious of them for finding love and scared you never would find it for yourself.
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Even though your conversation with the butler had brought about a somewhat distressing revelation, you had still thanked him profusely for his company and words of wisdom once you’d finished your cup of tea. (Well, your third cup of tea, to be exact.)
You’d then trudged upstairs to get dressed and ready for the day, ...though you had no earthly idea what to do with yourself. You supposed you should call on Alice and insist she tell you all the details of her relationship with your brother.
Good heavens, it was still so strange to think about that.
You could also pay a visit to the shops with your mother and aunt; surely, they would be going. Although, it did look like rain, so maybe they would save the excursion for another day.
Once you’d donned your favorite, coral day dress, you meandered down to the drawing room, figuring you could at least get some reading done. You hadn’t been able to concentrate on any book last night, and even though you most likely wouldn’t be able to now, either, you would give it a go.
But not even ten minutes after you’d settled into your aunt’s plush, velvet armchair, the butler interrupted with a gentle clear of his throat.
“The Earl of Blackman to see you, Miss,” he said, one eyebrow slightly quirked.
You stood immediately.
Why would he be back? And so soon?
“Yes,” you mumbled, nodding quickly.
When the butler left, you took a few steps toward the door, wringing your hands anxiously. About a million thoughts were going through your head, and the half-minute it took for the Earl to enter the room seemed like an eternity.
When he finally did, your heart stopped.
“I apologize for the intrusion,” he began, cutting off any chance for you to speak. “I do not plan to stay for long.”
“Oh, it’s not --” You then noticed he had a piece of paper in his hand, and he obviously noticed you noticing it because he held it out to you - albeit a bit awkwardly.
“It’s a letter,” he explained. “Of apology.”
Your brow furrowed and you stared at the letter, not reaching out just yet to receive it. “Apology? Apologizing for what?”
The Earl cleared his throat, shifting his weight nervously before he answered you. “I would... rather you just read it.”
“...Oh. Yes, of course,” you muttered, dipping into a small curtsy as you took it from his grip.
He turned to leave, but you felt a sort of panic rise up in your chest. Almost as if you didn’t want him to leave.
So you acted on instinct.
“I saw my best friend yesterday,” you blurted out. “You know, the one I was standing with at the ball the other night. She told me -- she told me my brother will be proposing to her any day now.”
The Earl had paused his retreat when he’d heard your voice, slowly turning around to face you again as you spoke.
And when you didn’t continue after that last sentence, he raised his eyebrows.
“Ah... That’s -- that’s lovely news.”
He wasn’t doing the best job at sounding genuinely interested, but you didn’t mind. You didn’t really expect him to.
“I am happy for them, of course,” you said with a sort of sad smile. “I just -- It made me realize that I truly am afraid of never finding love. Of never getting married or being happy. I always thought I wouldn’t mind ending up an old maid, but now I know that I would mind. Because without my best friend or my brother - who do I have? I don’t mind being alone, but forever? I’m not sure -- I don’t deserve it. I deserve a chance at love. A chance to be happy, don’t you think?”
You shifted your gaze to the Earl, your eyes shining with unshed tears. Your emotion had become thick in your voice the longer you’d spoken, and you now had to gulp down a lump in your throat.
“Yes, of course, I do,” the Earl answered sympathetically. He twitched as if he wanted to take a step closer to you, but ultimately he did not. He stayed where he was.
So... you took a step closer to him.
“Is your offer of marriage still available?”
Oh, wait, what? You -- you’d just asked that?
For real?
The Earl’s eyes widened momentarily, but he barely hesitated in answering, “Yes. Yes, it is.”
You let out a shaky breath. You pulled the corners of your lips into a tiny smile. You nodded.
“Then I accept.”
Well, well, well.
You certainly weren’t following in the footsteps of Lizzy Bennet now, were you?
Part 8
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exhoe-imagines · 7 years
Fate || Junhui
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gif credit - (x)
Summary:  Soulmate!AU - You can only see in black and white until you meet your soulmate. Unfortunately for you, things aren’t always that easy.
Pairing: Wen Junhui x Reader
Word Count: 4,018 (officially the longest one-shot I’ve ever written!!)
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, mentions of unrequited love
A/N: SO, basically, I wrote the entire ending of Fate and decided that the whole thing worked better as a oneshot rather than a series. I added the entire ‘prolouge’ into this one-shot, and deleted the other post I had up. Sorry for the confusion! I hope you guys like this story, it means a lot to me so PLEASE feel free to leave feedback!! - Admin Ruby
It was all you’d heard about your entire life. The many shades of blue, green, red, all the colors of the rainbow.  You were envious of those who could enjoy such beauty.
Your world was still gray.
It had been since birth, that’s how everyone starts. Not until you met your soulmate would your world bloom into the wonderland of vividness everyone talked about.
Your mother had met her soul mate early in her life, around her late teenage years. It was a romantic story of how her and your father bumped into each other on the first day of high school. She always talked about the way they had looked into each other’s eyes and how everything blossomed from there. She spoke about how her world changed when color appeared around her, leaving her speechless for hours as she took in the sight that was brand new.
They had been together since, enjoying the hues of the world together.
You felt a longing for the same love whenever your mom told the story. You longed for that one person to show up and flip your life upside down. You wanted the unconditional love soulmates felt for each other. Of course, there had been people in the past, people who you felt a real connection to, but the fact that your life was still left in grayscale proved that you weren’t meant to be.
Since then, you hadn’t been actively searching for your soul mate. You were optimistic about the fact that you’d meet someday and it would be magnificent, everything you had ever dreamed of.
For now, you focused on work, which, unfortunately, wasn’t going as planned considering you were currently running late to your shift at the coffee shop you worked at.
Your day had started horrendously to say the least. Your alarm had decided not to wake you up, giving you less time to get ready than usual. Your breakfast burned, leaving you starving, and your only hope was that you could snatch a few muffins from the counter once you got to work.
Luckily, you weren’t worried about your boss being mad. Seungcheol was usually soft to his workers, and you knew he wouldn’t be angry. The only thing you were concerned about was the fact that a trainee was coming into the shop today, and you were tasked with showing him the ropes. It wasn’t the first time you’d trained someone. You had helped out the other workers when they joined as well.
Jeonghan had been the first. He worked at the register, often flirting with all the customers who came in. Wonwoo was next, and he helped you with making the drinks. He’s a fast worker, and you’re constantly relieved to have someone so skilled assist you in the back.
Now you have a new project on your hands. Apparently, his name is Junhui, and he just moved into the area recently. You can’t help but admit that you’re excited to have someone new on the team, and you hope he’ll get along with the rest of you well.
‘He’s not going to like you if you show up late!’ your subconscious reminds you.
You pick up your pace, rushing to the shop. Your phone reads ‘12:00 pm, ’and you curse when you realize you were supposed to be there five minutes ago. Unlocking your phone, you open your conversation with Seungcheol and start typing out a quick apology message. As you go to press ‘send,’ you take a step forward and bump into a boy, causing you to fall back.
The boy quickly moves forward and grabs your hand, pulling you up. The shock his touch sends through your veins doesn’t go unnoticed, and you immediately look up at him.
His dark grey eyes are filled with concern, and you gasp as you make eye contact with him. You’ve never felt anything like it before. A warmth spreads through your body as the world around you blossoms into thousands of colors you have never laid eyes on before. Tears freely fall from your eyes, and you look around in shock, taking in the sight around you. The flowers are thousands of different shades, trees have never looked so bright, and the pale blue of the sky is a color you wouldn’t mind staring at for the rest of your life.
You look back at the man you now know is your soulmate, and take in his shocked expression.  You grin, knowing he is in just as much awe as you.
“Can you see it?” you gush, gesturing to the world around you.
The boy searches around before looking back at you with a confused gaze. His eyebrows furrow in question, and you feel the smile drop from your face when he responds.
“See what?”
“W-what?” you stutter out, not believing the words coming out of the boy’s mouth.
“You asked if I saw it, saw what?” The boy looks around incredulously, and you almost scream out in frustration.
“The colors you idiot! We’re soulmates?” You know your words are somewhat harsh, but the fact that he would joke so carelessly about something like this makes you angry.
“S-soulmates? I’m sorry sweetie, it looks like you’ve got the wrong guy.” You’re about to start yelling again when you see the sincerity in his eyes.
He really doesn’t see it.
You stand still, no words coming out of your gaping mouth. The boy sends you a pitiful look before he bows politely and excuses himself, mumbling something about ‘missing work.’ You stand in place for a couple more seconds before your phone rings, bringing you out of the daze you’ve been placed in.
“Y/N! Are you alright? You weren’t answering my texts.” Seungcheol’s voice rings through the phone.
“I-I think I met my soulmate.”
It’s silent for a few seconds before you hear Seungcheol’s joyous laughter and words of congratulations. Tears blur your vision as you realize what happened, and you quickly cut him off.
“N-no! You don’t understand. H-he didn’t see the colors! H-he just left!” You’re choking out the words now, and Seungcheol quickly notices the distraught tone in your voice as he starts calmly asking you where you’re at, and telling you he’s coming to pick you up. You somehow gain the words to tell him the street you’re on, and he promises to be there in just a few minutes. With the phone call ended, you take a few moments to reflect on what just happened.
You met your soulmate.
You saw color, still see it.
But, the mysterious boy didn’t.
You’re all but sobbing on the side of the road by the time Seungcheol arrives. He jumps out of his car and opens the passenger side for you, ushering you in. Once you’re situated, he quickly jogs around to the other door, and within seconds you’re moving as he drives the familiar route to the coffee shop.
“Are you going to tell me what happened?” Seungcheol looks over at you with a worried look, and you can only imagine how wrecked you must look right now.
“I-I met my soulmate,” you mumble. With a nod of his head, Seungcheol urges you to continue. “I was able to see color, and I asked h-him about i-it, and h-he said h-he didn’t see it.” You’re crying again as the words settle in and you register what a mess you’re in.
You attempt to distract yourself by peering out the window, and it works as you watch the bright colors flash by with glossy eyes. A couple of times you peek over at Seungcheol, gasping when you realize you can now see what he truly looks like. ‘Tan skin and dark eyes fit him well,' you think.
The car jolting to a stop pulls you from your staring, and you notice you’re parked in the front of ‘Shining Diamond,' the coffee shop.
Seungcheol looks over at you, a confused look still donning his face. He leans over and rubs your back in a comforting manner before offering to go inside and talk.
“You and I, we can go in, grab some muffins, talk about this, and Wonwoo can handle the trainee, yeah?”
You groan when you remember the fact that you were supposed to train someone today, but the look your boss gives you shows you that you won’t be doing any work for today.
You nod slowly, and Seungcheol gives you a small smile before helping you out of the car and into the shop.
The small bell above the door rings your arrival, and you see Jeonghan raise his head from behind the register to give you a short wave. His pink hair catches you off guard, and you make a mental note to compliment him on it later.
“Hey Y/N, you doing alright?” Jeonghan looks at you and then Seungcheol, a curious look on his face.
“Y/N and I need to talk for a bit, would you and Wonwoo mind handling the trainee?”
“Junhui? He’s already in the back with Wonwoo, you guys go, we’ll be fine.” Jeonghan smiles.
You thank Jeonghan with a sad smile before heading to the back to grab a few muffins, still hungry from missing breakfast. As you walk behind the register, you hear Wonwoo’s normal deep tone and… another familiar voice?
“So basically, you put the coffee in here and then- “ Wonwoo cuts his sentence short when he sees you walk in and you see he’s talking with someone, their back facing towards you.
“Ah Junhui, this is our lovely supervisor, Y/N.”
You’re about to respond with the usual fake smile and a boring statement about yourself when the man turns around, and you realize it’s the same boy you bumped into on the street. Your soulmate.
Junhui looks at you with wide eyes, and you do the same.
“You?” He questions.
You almost want to scoff at the shocked look on his face, but you’re at a loss for words when you realize that the trainee you’ll have to work with is also the boy which fate has destined you with.
How ironic.
“You guys know each other?” Wonwoo cuts in.
You let out a sigh and give one last gaze Junhui’s way before turning to look at Wonwoo.
“He’s my soulmate.”
“What the hell?” you huff as Wonwoo pulls you into the storage cabinet at the back of the café.
“Why didn’t you tell me you found your soulmate?” He hisses, ignoring your question.
You sigh, pulling your arm from his grip. “I just met him this morning, would you chill out?”
Wonwoo still looked confused, eyebrows furrowed as he waits for a better answer.
“Look, we bumped into each other on the street, I saw color, but he didn’t, ok?” You grumble, looking down in embarrassment. A couple seconds of silence pass as you wait for a response before you gaze up, seeing a perplexed looking Wonwoo.
“What’s wrong with him?”
You shake your head, not understanding the situation either.
“I don’t know, now can I go back home?” you ask, watching as your pleading tone convinces Wonwoo.
After you had gotten a nod in response, you walk back out to the kitchen, both Junhui and Jeonghan (who had walked in later) turning their heads at your arrival.
“Is everything alright?” Junhui asks.
You nod. “Everything’s fine, don’t worry.”
Jeonghan looks at you questionably but takes the answer before heading back behind the counter.
Seungcheol comes into the kitchen quickly after, a concerned look on his face.
“Y/N? I heard what happened, is everything ok?” He moves closer to you, pulling you into a hug. The comforting warmth is exactly what you need, and you return the embrace, setting your head on his firm chest.
“Everything’s fine Cheol, can we just go?” You mumble. You feel him nod above you and you pull away, letting him lead you out of the shop. You don’t notice the disappointed look on Junhui’s face as he watches you walk away.
Seungcheol ends up dropping you off at your apartment, and despite his offer to stay, leaves you alone. You need some time to think, and you know he needs to get back to the shop anyway.
Collapsing into your familiar home, you drag over to your room before crashing onto the bed. The mattress seems to pull you in, and you bury your face into the cold crisp sheets before quickly falling asleep, exhausted from the events of the day.
A few hours pass before you groggily wake up, hands searching the bed for your phone to check the time.
The screen reads 4 pm, and you nod, glad you didn’t sleep all afternoon. A few notifications blink on the screen, two texts from Wonwoo, one from Jeonghan and a missed call from Seungcheol. Another message appears on the screen, but you don’t have the number saved.
Curiosity grabbing the best of you, you open that one first, tired eyes scanning the message.
“Hi, it’s Junhui. I got your number from Jeonghan, I hope you don’t mind. I wanted to apologize for earlier, and also ask if you wanted to meet up later to talk about things?”
You think it over for a moment, before deciding to agree. There’s nothing to lose meeting up with him, and you assume he’s just as confused by the situation as you are.
“Hey Junhui, don’t worry, I know you’re just as weirded out as I am. I would love to meet, did you have plans tonight?”
Closing out of the conversation, you send separate messages to Wonwoo, Jeonghan, and Seungcheol, letting them know you had just woken up from a nap and are doing fine.
You stretched as you got out of bed and decided that a warm shower would be the perfect way to sort your mind. Not surprisingly, you don’t get much thinking done, too distracted by the colors that fill your bathroom. The shock of not being colorblind anymore was still setting in, so you took the time to look around.
Everything from your shampoo to your towels had a breathtaking color, and you were glad that if you got anything out of this situation, it was the new view of life.
Once your skin started to prune under the water, you stepped out and wrapped your fluffy towel (which you had discovered was navy blue) around your torso before checking your phone.
Seungcheol had sent back a sweet text, telling you to have a good rest of your evening and not to worry about coming into work tomorrow if you didn’t feel like it.
Jeonghan and Wonwoo had just sent similar messages, telling you to rest and message them when you felt like talking.
The last text was from your new contact saved ‘Junhui,’ and it read
“I’m free around 6, we could meet at the sandwich shop near the café if you want?”
Looking at the time, you saw it was just past 5:15 and quickly responded, telling him you’d meet him there.
Getting dressed took a lot shorter than usual now that you could see what matched, and within just a couple minutes you were pulling on a t-shirt and jacket with a pair of jeans. Tying on a pair of sneakers, you gave yourself one last look in the mirror by your front door before heading out.
The walk to the sandwich shop was brisk, and you stumbled in just before 6 pm.  A quick look around told you Junhui hadn’t arrived yet, and you shrugged before walking up to order. You paid and grabbed your sandwich before heading over to a booth by the window.
A few minutes later Junhui walked through the door, looking around and catching your eye before he waved. He quickly mirrored your actions from earlier before plopping down in the seat across you, food in hand.
“Hi.” He smiled.
“Hey,” you returned.
You took this moment of silence to take in the man across from you, and you had to admit he was breathtaking. A sharp nose and sly but sweet dark brown eyes highlighted his face and a dark brown mop of hair cut short near his ears, giving him a more boyish look.
A pang of hurt flashed through your heart as you reminded yourself that while he was your soulmate, he still didn’t feel the connection as strongly as you did.
Junhui seemed to notice your discomfort and quickly lightened the mood, talking about how much he “loved the food they served here.”
The conversation took off after that, and you soon found yourself pleasantly conversing about work and your family life. The topic of soul mates was awkwardly brushed around, but you still wanted to talk about it.
“So, I guess we should talk about the main reason we’re here?”  You spoke up first. Junhui tensed but nodded, knowing that it was only fair after he invited you out.
“I want to apologize for walking away from you this morning. If I had known you weren’t joking I would have stopped.” Junhui flushed in embarrassment and nervously rubbed the back of his neck.
“It’s alright, if I had some random person on the street say they were my soulmate, I wouldn’t have believed them either,” you responded. Junhui seemed to relax at that, relieved you weren’t angry with him. You continued from there, explaining that you were determined to figure out why his vision hadn’t changed like yours.
“No matter what happens Junhui, I still want to be friends with you at the very least.”
It wasn’t a complete lie, even if your heart yearned for much more than that.
Things grew better from there.
You and Junhui grew closer by the day. Continually working together had allowed you to see a different side of him. Alongside the awkward fidgeting boy you had first met, Junhui was also charming, a bit sarcastic at times, and an all-around entertaining person to be near.
Wonwoo had accepted the new member of the team as well and considered Junhui as a close friend. Jeonghan was teasing you both now more often, always making jokes about how cute of a ‘couple’ you were. That always seemed to sting though. Junhui had never made a move to start a relationship nor had he admitted having any feelings for you besides platonic ones.
There were moments that you thought he did, like when he’d brush his hand against yours while passing you cups, and his touch would linger a bit longer than necessary. Sometimes he’d make you a cup of coffee without you even asking, but he’d just shrug it off as ‘being a good friend.’
You were frustrated, no doubt, but decided that focusing on your job was more important than longing after someone who didn’t return your feelings.
Work was fine besides that. One thing that would never go away though was the annoying customers that almost always came in, like the one you were dealing with now.
You half-heartedly listened as the older woman across the counter ranted about how she had ordered no whip cream on her drink but it was there anyway.
“I’m sorry ma’am, I’ll get that fixed for you right away,” you replied in your best customer service voice.
‘Of all the days Jeonghan had off, it had to be this one.’ You thought, sighing to yourself. Jeonghan was always great with the customers, his light and soothing voice kept them calm, and his angelic looks always had people returning to the shop in hopes of seeing the cute cashier.
Before you had a chance to take the drink out of the lady’s hand so you could fix it, she angrily threw it in your face, drenching you in espresso.
Seungcheol rushed out of the kitchen, having heard the altercation, and cursed under his breath when he saw your state. He called to Junhui to take you to the back and told you he’d deal with the lady himself.
Junhui’s eyes widened when he walked out and saw you. He grabbed your hand and pulled you into the back, grabbing a towel from under the counter before starting to dry you with it.
“Who the fuck does that lady think she is? I swear to God, if she weren’t already minutes away from her deathbed I’d kick her ass,” Junhui grumbled, handing you the towel so you could continue cleaning up. Luckily, your underclothes weren’t that soaked, so you quickly stripped your jacket off, leaving you in a t-shirt.
You chuckled at his words, his usual sense of humor cheering you up.
“Thank you Junhui.” You smiled, tossing the now coffee drained washcloth into the bin with the other dirty towels.
“I’ve already told you, call me Jun.” He reminded, rolling his eyes at your use of his full name.
You grew shy in return, feeling like you’d cross a border by giving him a nickname, but nodded anyway.
“Thank you Jun, I can always count on you.”
A look you didn’t recognize crossed his face, and he tensed for a minute before grabbing your arm and pulling you into the storage room, pressing you against the door once he had it closed.
“J-Jun, are you ok?”
“I-I just, hearing you say you can count on me makes me really happy, and I guess I just want you to always feel like that.”
You tilted your head, encouraging him to continue.
“I really like you Y/N, and I know it’s kind of difficult with our situation, but I still want to be your soulmate, color or not.”
Your heart stopped. The words you had been waiting to hear for so long were finally being said, and you were shocked. You took a deep breath, gaining enough focus to respond.
“Of course I want to be with you Jun. I have since I bumped into you the first time we met.”
Jun didn’t say anything in response, instead pressing his soft lips against yours. The minute they touched there was no stopping as you languidly kissed, softly holding each other. Jun moved his hands to your waist, letting his fingers rub soft circles onto your skin. You snaked your hands around his neck, pulling him closer as you hummed contently into the kiss.
Jun pulled away first, eyes widening as he looked down at you.
“Holy shit,” he breathed, taking a step back before looking around the room.
“W-what’s wrong?” You asked worriedly, doubts running through your mind.
“T-the -“Jun looked around the room again, eyes darting from one corner to another. “Holy crap.” He turned back to you, and his eyes lit up, a huge grin covering his face.
“Oh my god, you’re so beautiful.”
“Thanks?” You replied, still confused as to what was happening.
“I can see it,” Jun laughed, “I can see the color.”
“Holy crap,” you gasped, giggling and pulling him into another kiss before pulling back to grin at him.
“We have to go tell the others!” you exclaimed, grabbing his hand and pulling him out to the counter where Wonwoo stood.
He noticed the look of excitement on both of your faces and put two and two together before he smiled back at you, his nose scrunching cutely.
“I see you two have figured everything out.” He chuckled.
Wonwoo then told you he’d cover for you and that you should take Jun out to look at everything.
“Thank you Wonwoo!” You cheered, not wasting another minute as you pulled Jun outside, watching as his eyes widened when he looked at the world around him.
“It’s amazing,” he grinned, turning in circles to get a good look at everything. Jun looked back at you and sighed contently, pulling you into a tight hug.
“I love you.” You squeezed him hard as he confessed and returned the words you had been dying to say.
“I love you too.”
You had finally gotten what you wanted, the vision of a lifetime and most importantly, someone to share it with.
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bakubitch · 7 years
Bakugou in a situation where he's trying to confess but they're just so genuinely confused they're reaction is like, "what why?" they just don;t understand why he would liek them. Sure they're nice but he wants to be number one. S/o is average looking, they're not the brightest and not that impressive in battle and above all close friends with Deku so it's not adding up but he sees more in s/o that they give themselves credit for
Bc you didnt specify, I will do another scenario/hc mix !I’m sorry but I think due to his complex issues he is comparing himself a lot, especially to Midoriya (obviously) and Shouto (bc strongest in class n all).I hope this reaches your expectations and that you’re going to like it, anon.
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The worlds just naturally fell out of their lips as if it wasthe most common thing to say after someone confessing their genuinefeelings to them on this whole planet. „What? Why?“ Confusionclearly audible in their voice and if it wasnt for Bakugou trying tobe.. calm and collected for now – like seriously, he is having areally hard time and above all he isnt like the half and half bastard– which is so unlikely of him. Current mood: He would’ve bombed thewhole building and bury himself under those remaining crumbles thatwould metophorically reflect the shame and anger that was washingover him. But hell no, he already started so he will also fucking endit even if it turns out to be unmutual feelings. „What the fuck doyou mean by why?“ Okay, well this has already taken the wrongdirection – he internally screamed because he was acting to unlikehim just because of their ass existence. The male wanted to punchthem, punch him, god fucking damn it ! Before they could give him anykind of response, ash-blonde interrupted them, maybe also because hewas anxious of what would come next: „Is this seriously what youare asking after I fucking confessed to you?“ This sounded reallyweird to both of their ears, Bakugou actually saying in words that hewas confessing or had just confessed.
Outof bad habit, he put back his hands into his black joggers’ pockets,emitting an exhausted huff as if he was annoyed by the currentsituation that was taking place yet red on his cheeks were totallylifting the bluff that he tried to pull off. „Could you atleast say something?!“ The raise of his voice caused his crush tostartle and it might have just panged a shot of guilt in his chestbut by no means would he even try to apologize right now. Bakugoucouldn stand to stand here any more seconds while they were justtrailing off with their mind to Nirvana or something, let him getthis at least over with fast! „I’m sorry!“ Oh fuck – thatsentence falling off their lips took him back. But they were reallyrushing to continue: „No- I meant why me?“ The angry boy’seyebrows furrowed in distress at the way they mouthed it out, whatthe heck were they trying to ask him: „What the fuck do you mean bywhy me?“
(HCsfrom here bc im trash)
•Hiscrush seems to be taken aback as well by his following question –they dont seem to have the intention to express themselves butBakugou wont take this shit and wont let them go without giving himwhat he demands which is a god damn explanation – he doesnt want towait even more than necessary oke – geez Baks get a fucking gripand be patient for once =v= 
•Crimson eyes are looking at themas if they’d burn them so running was not an option. You can feel hisface falling with every word leaving them bits by bits as theycontinued, trying to avoid his gaze meanwhile bc they were afraid ofhow he might react and actually, doesnt he want an answer? Does heeven care about the way they felt about themselves right now? •Yeshe fucking did or else he would’ve reacted differently. He is clearlyaggravated and somehow looks as if someone has personally offendedhim, smashing the wall next to them with an explosion – his crushflinching and sweating nervously (so does his hands). •Hedislikes, no, he HATES the way they talk themself down in front ofhim and knowing them well enough Bakugou also knows that everythingthey have just said is their serious opinion about themselves. Thisboy will argue everything, every fucking little detail – he wont doit unreasonably, this boy isnt dumb •Ofc his vulgar languageremains but Explodokills will do it with pride and honesty and mightas well confess all over again how much he likes all those thingsthat he’s arguing with. They asked why so here, they will fucking getit by him telling that what he started to like and love about themAnd hopefully they will accept his feelings – his anxietywill remain until Bakugou will get a proper answer, even giving themTIME to respond (a time limit tho)
„I’m giving you one fucking week! Not more, you heard me?!”
Admin Shiro
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Advice, Anaconda, and Ass: Time to get a mental health care plan and help What suburb are you in mate Is there any free house cleaning services? Cyou need help bud. Go to your GP and get a Due to my back and the stress I am going through my house has become so The NDIS were the ones and I need help badly. I over and over so l Im my money badly I can't pay someone to come out here and do it next week So I need options badly... and I mean badly cause Im tired of my house up cory that has been the case for you. You profile? You had no right need help. can try another agency to provide the services if your not happy. There must be a goveming body to report the agency passed away last year but it never happened and now because of me l've can get. Anyone who doesn't mind a very messy house and smell 50-755 on tuesday? It's not much but I'm very desperate i also did and agree with And Im so scared now. I will take any sort of helpI They do thatl Im a dew. Get her to email them See a doctor. Commit to it and you can get what you want. It one last time. And then the local member Thanks. . Also don't ask me to take pictures the house is too messy and I'm NDIS are the ones who "pay the Are you stl need help? If yes please pnm If the client doesnt have funds-they wont get cover from an 91 already offered he wont accept Im a cleaner and i have never heard of a free Iif you're legitimate, you would qualify for help through So sorry you are mentioned she passed away last year and you say that? Nah uck you t gets easier for you! I cant offer any assistance but I can however offer kindness and I hope this helps some. Best wishes urely you can spare mate, I think it might be a good start to call beyond blue or a crisis hotline just to talk to someone. From the looks this is about more than a messy house. There are people around who care but you won't find them on Facebook. Best wishes. Take care where are you my own. Like I said above I was supposed to have had help with living on my own and it never happened so yeah m screwed and have no clue what to do. Website: https:ww.lifeline.org.au you if you tell me where you are i ahve to work next 2 days i could give you now after to be an asS 2h swear l see you every week asking for free stuff if you are as bad as you claim you would be getting dsp which is 900 a rude gestures best of luck i bried I hope s tuck me this must be a joke surely you find a nice big rope and put your neck into it and do the f you are injured you can go to your doctor and ask the right steps to take to receive help like you are asking for You will need a letter from your doctor to provide to centrelink with details of your injury and if they il have their own doctor look intoit as well If they think your injury is stopping your or much pain then they will put a plan into affect something like maybe an hours clean once a week or maybe 2 1/2 hour's once a fortnight wow this got nasty to0 being reported. That is NOT the way to get help and there are people who actually DO this everyday. It is NOT ok to tel someone to do that and I seriously hope you find some help Contact your local council and speak to your Doctor to Hif stil need some help depending orn Wow how rude are some of you.. and I'm sorry about for you Until that comment Too many video games and they can It's time to get yourself to a docior so you can get some therapy and a once off house painting wouldnt go astray either Let me know who would like to help. True I have seen this guy before asking or ou must be his friend your life out Get a job. Fix yourselfI laziness as an excuse not to get things done. Why should we clean your house for tree. wHat you SAID to him was WAY BEYOND what he said to you Jake. That is NOT ok, and NO it is NOT ok to say that no mater what he said to you. Do unto others what you want done to you, would you want someone teling you to do that? I think not. You need to have a cool down and THINK before you type anymore Either way i am reporting Admin So not necessary you may be eligible for help in the home, check wit be paid. Even for them to clean tour whole house is likely to be under $100. Sounds like you need help though .there are general services you can call like Lifeline or Sane who can tell you where to go next for help untl he commented. I had no issues until what he said d forbid people have disabilities jesus tucking christ hope none of you get injuries and need to rely on others e was told to call his mummy 2h and advice. It doesn t take much to be kind. Yes he is asking a lot and no I wouldn't do it. But he clearly needs help not taken the piss all have problems. God helps those who him don't worry about it. Probably gets off on comments liie ou up for a someday you suter the Borry to hear..call the council and see if they because they very well MAY DO IT and YOUR ass will be on s you that much just ignore it ine it against the LAW to tel someone to go off Also if you don t have basic living skills you may want avent you got any friends to help and you need a better attitude Try joining& posting in this group. They trade items for house as he sounds very aggressive and unstable leave it to eed the better attitude when he just told didnt insult my dead mother and I won't say nothing how does tha sound? ril let him run his mouth about her He can even take u can get help if u genuinely need it it sounds lke from what u said u havent had much luck with ndis in the past My son has a disability and has had success with ndis but we had reports from psychologists and many her if that's how you like it plan and get some reports. Once u have those reports turn up to then ndis office with the reports and ask nicely if they can please is that all you took from tnis post? Not that there is an exdtremely unwell person begging to have l also see a with very away, youre just a troll Unless of course, you're planning nasty responses of hoping they commit suicide that is online bullying and 100% not ok I understand u t not n a good place right now but please don't attack others and take the help that is offlered and use told that by an ex that hit a nerve. That comment was not There are ways to tell people to stop than telling them to kill themselvesThere are A LOT o people who feel for you and want to help you. You need to You were looking for free food last week No ones matter what they said. He should not have said what he did I agree but what YOU SAID was worse someone besides people who your getting cut at on a Facebook buy swap and sell page. You start abusing people when you dont get what you want its no wonder youre being called out njesus take the help mate rf you still have the cats then 100% you need the helpm is no worse than the other
0 notes
terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from Rapid7 Author: Bri Hand
Pen testers rely on a variety of methods to compromise their clients during penetration testing service engagements, but none are quite as fun as when they must don a disguise to blend in with their surroundings. So, in honor of Halloween, we thought we would celebrate by sharing a few of our Rapid7 pen testers’ costumed crusades. Did they trick employees into doing their bidding, or were they treated to proper security protocols? Read on to find out!
‘The Boy in Blue,” by Trevor O’Donnal
I’ll never forget the time we were penetrating a police department. We had finished our pillaging and left the building, but once we reached our rendezvous point, we realized our good friend Ross was missing. We tried to reach him on our two-way radios, to no avail.
As we started to panic, in walks Ross in full police uniform, including a police radio! He had to raid the clean laundry in the basement dressing room to get out of the building. We bowed before him because we weren’t worthy.
And yes, this was all in scope. The police chief had said, “Anything goes, short of killing or kidnapping someone.” He had a great laugh about it in the end.
‘Here Are Your Flowers,’ by Robert Stewart
I once did a physical social engineering engagement where I didn’t see a clear path into the customer’s office space. The receptionist was behind a locked door and used a remote speaker to talk to guests and let them in. All of the other doors into the office could only be accessed by a badge, and my attempt at cloning badges was unsuccessful. But I wasn’t giving up.
I did a ton of recon on the employees and after finding one woman on LinkedIn first, I tracked down her Facebook page using her name, location, and profile picture. Her Facebook page was public, which meant all of her personal details were available. I learned about her family, her habits, her hobbies, and her husband.
I devised a plan to show up as a flower delivery guy to surprise her with a dozen roses from her husband and a song to serenade her with in the office. I worked up my costume to appear like a delivery guy would, and got the receptionist to let me in. The employee was called from the back to the front desk, which was a bummer because I wanted to be at her desk, but I rolled with it. I gave her the flowers, sang, “You Are My Sunshine,” and finished with, “Love, Tony!”
Her response was a confused, “Tony? Who is Tony?!”
“Uh … I don’t know, that’s what the order said!” I replied, and promptly booked it out of there. As it turns out, the woman I found on Facebook was not actually the right person, despite the fact that they had the same name, lived in the same city, and looked very similar. Totally crazy.
Though I failed at getting into where I wanted to go, this is still one of my favorite engagements because of the way it ended.
‘Pizza Delivery!’ by Aaron Herndon
On a previous red team operation, we had recently completed our objectives remotely. Access to the network had been obtained, servers were compromised, and loot was exfiltrated. In the twelfth hour, our point of contact had an idea. He wanted us to infiltrate the physical security operations center (SOC) with either a plant or some type of attack. This operations center had its own entrance separate from the rest of the main facility entrances, making it possible to knock on the door and gain entry directly to the lobby attached to the SOC room.
Assuming the SOC facility would require badge and PIN access (which turned out to be correct) and that tailgating would not be feasible due to the center being a single room with a small number of employees who all knew each other, we decided to take a new approach: enter as the pizza man.
Using a uniform from a large pizza chain, we dressed the part. Then we ordered the SOC some lunch. The odd request was that we asked for an empty pizza box from the pizza chain, which they did provide. Inside this box was our laptop, equipped with a CrazyRadio PA device running the MouseJack firmware. On loop, the device would scan for vulnerable USB mice and keyboards to remotely inject keystrokes (a surprisingly common vulnerability due to the wide adoption of Logitech peripherals in the workplace). We configured our MouseJack payload to quickly open the run prompt, download a payload from the internet, and execute it, giving us remote access to the machine.
On the day of our attack, we approached with four pizza boxes and a bag with some two-liter bottles of soda. The top three boxes actually contained pizza, while the fourth housed our payload delivering machine. With our hands full, we banged our elbow against the door of the SOC room to get their attention. An intercom buzzed, and we were asked to identify ourselves. After saying we had a pizza delivery, the door quickly opened to reveal an excited employee.
We indicated that we weren’t sure who had ordered the pizza, but were told to come to this room for delivery. The SOC employee directed us into the room, allowing us to set the pizzas down. We spent a couple of minutes making small talk, letting our mousejacking attack go to work. Then, we mentioned that the bottom pizza was actually to be delivered to another individual at the company, and reclaimed our payload box, making a smooth exit.
Returning to our car, hearts racing from excitement, we quickly contacted one of the red team operators to see if the attack was successful. Sure enough, we had received a connection to our payload server and the attack launched. Unfortunately, the connection died four minutes into being used. Had they discovered our pizza Trojan horse? Did the employee shut their machine off to go indulge themselves in the food provided? We still do not know.
‘The Construction Worker,” by Leon Johnson
I was once part of a Red Team of three tasked with testing an energy company with three locations in three different cities. My assigned location was surrounded by an 8-foot barbed-wire fence to guard most of its service and Cat heavy equipment vehicles.
I started by driving by the site on the first day of testing, watching people arrive for work and leave to get an idea of what sort of activity this location had. I went to dinner, and when I came back around 9 p.m., I realized there was a business next door that allowed for cover after hours. I decided to jump the fence and walk around the property in the shadows as much as I could. My goal was to avoid getting picked up by any cameras and getting caught.
As I began checking the commercial vehicles for unlocked doors, I found that one had a laptop on the armrest inside. I got excited, as I was thinking of all the possibilities for what I could do with a laptop if I got my hands on it. The vehicle’s locked doors stumped me for a while until I realized the quarter window was unlocked. I was able to push it open, unlock the truck, jump in, and grab the laptop.
I sat there for about five minutes waiting to see if anyone had spotted me. When nothing happened, I tried to get into the laptop but struggled because I didn’t have any tools on me. I made a call to my point of contact and asked for permission to take the laptop, which was granted. I then slid it under the fence, jumped over to my rental car, and headed to my hotel. I worked on the laptop all night, getting past the login first with Kon-Boot and adding a local administrator user. Later, I mounted the hard drive with Kali, as the drive wasn’t encrypted. I pulled up the local admin hashes off the PC and set up some malware so that when the box was booted up, it would call back to me and give me access when it was on.
The next morning, I broke back in and returned the laptop before employees’ shifts started so no one would suspect anything. I got a local administrator shell, but it died before I could do anything with it. So, I had to go back the next day and do it again. Once more, I briefly got a shell I was unable to do anything with.
I decided to go to an office of theirs and attempt to see whether I could clone some RFID badges so I could use them to gain access to the facility without having to jump the fence every night. It turns out, the location I cloned badges from was a shared office, and I was unable to tell who or where the cloned badges I obtained came from. In the end, none of them worked at the location I had been given permission to test.
At this point, it was the second-to-last day of the assessment, and I didn’t have everything I wanted. So, I decided to do it again but just keep the laptop and use it to get into the corporate network. This time, I got into a truck and put on a uniform someone left inside. I used this uniform to walk around the property and gain access to more trucks. I figured if I were seen on camera, I would look like a legitimate employee just doing some maintenance or say that if I were somehow found and questioned.
I also knew the laptop would now be reported stolen in the morning, which meant I didn’t have much time to work with, since they could have had a way to shut off access to it. I started taking a forensic clone of the system and decided to take a shower while it was cloning. When I came out, I saw the mouse cursor was moving and closing things! It became a fight for the mouse and keyboard at this time, and I ended up just disconnecting the network connection. I eventually got on the corporate network and gained local admin access on some other systems, which led to domain admin access. With that, I was able to do whatever I wanted on their network and systems.
That was fun.
Interested in learning more about how Rapid7 pen testers conduct their assessments? Check out our 2019 Under the Hoodie report.
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Go to Source Author: Bri Hand This One Time on a Pen Test, Halloween Edition: An Ode to Our Favorite Pen Tester Disguises Original Post from Rapid7 Author: Bri Hand Pen testers rely on a variety of methods to compromise their clients during…
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me: you first started writing this story 12 days ago, take a break also me: CHAPTER 16 BAYBEEEEE
Grian realized waiting was easy. No one was running around or trying to hurt him. People were trying to give him seeds and played music! And the voices liked how nice people were being too. But at the same time, the Watcher couldn’t help but worry. Why wasn’t Tommy back? Maybe he should go through himself. But it was a small portal. An enderman could barely fit, and to a watcher, those mobs were rather short.
What if you just got smaller? But he looks so dope like this! maybe he’s like a… i forget the animal but if he can get his head through he can get the rest through. Why’s he trying to go through anyway?; he’s basically a giant monster who’ll be attacked if he goes through. But he’s powerful. He’ll be fine!
Grian had move voices talking, and one seemed very convincing about going through the portal. Yes, it was a perfect idea. He just needed to squish himself through the frame. A number of Hermits tried to stop him as he started to move. He shook a wing as a lead caught on it. Another tried to catch him, but he moved out of the way and it managed to tie Mumbo up. Oh! He could bring Mumbo as well. Two heads would be better than one. He gave a chirpy laugh as Mumbo seemed to scream as he went through the portal. Grian followed behind, though he struggled squeezing everything through. There was a flash of white light, and then nothing.
Dream could feel the Watcher enter the world. He made sure that Tommy had no easy escape from his current prison before the former admin left the room. He walked in the direction of the portal. Everyone was here and his new piece of leverage had arrived. All that needed to happen now was destroying the portal and having the powers of admin returned to him.
Mumbo’s face hit grass as he ended up on the other side of the portal, tied up in the rope of a lead. He started to look up and had to squint at the bright sky. Had he blacked out and the storm had passed? But looking around, the only familiar thing in his vision was the infinity portal and Mumbo realized he had gone through it.
There was a squawk as Grian came through the portal. Mumbo tried to get up and reach his friend, but the fact that he was tied up had slipped his mind and he ended up just essentially wriggling around. Grian leaned down to look at him and Mumbo met the Watcher’s eyes with a gasp. Mumbo remembered when Grian was using his watcher powers, he could see how the eyes almost never looked at the same place, always focused on watching everything. The two main eyes may have just looked purple, but Mumbo could always see the symbol of the Watchers that seemed to have imprinted itself within the pupils.
But right now, all the eyes looked down at Mumbo. They all looked glossy and somewhat unfocused. Instead of their purple color they had a reddish-magenta hue and the symbol of the Watchers was absent. “G-Grian? Are you okay?”
I mean, obviously he’s not. Yessss, stare into his eyes! If Grian’s a bird, does that make Mumbo some kind of-
Mumbo immediately started to try and get out of the robes that tied him up. No. No this couldn’t be happening. He had told them no. They said they wouldn’t try again. Grian had made it very clear that Mumbo was under his claim as a Watcher. He shouldn’t be hearing voices.
After a bit more struggling, Mumbo was free. He was able to stand up and brush himself off, then start to put Grian towards the portal. “Alright Grian, back in the portal.” Grian just moved out of the way and chirped at Mumbo. “Don’t be such a spoon of a bird! In the portal!” He tried again with no luck. He was about to try again when he noticed someone approaching. Mumbo had no clue who they could be or what they might do. He had heard some of the horror stories Tommy had told, so Mumbo decided his best option was to hide.
Using Grian as a wall between him and whoever was arriving, the redstoner stayed quiet, trying to listen. He could hear them approaching, walking on the grass, and then they stopped. Mumbo nearly peeked out from behind Grian, but then they spoke. “No clue why the Watchers put up with you. You’re clearly out of your element Grian. But that being said, you’re useful. And now you’re in a world with people more like you than any of those Hermits. No reason to leave.”
Mumbo’s heart dropped as he heard what sounded like a beacon powering down and then the magic of a portal shattering. As if living in an unknown world wasn’t bad enough, now there was no escape. 
And we’re stuck here. Mumbo’s a genius, he can fix it. He’s only a genius at redstone, it’s hopeless. Maybe he-
Mumbo forced himself to stop listening. Grian had started to move and he needed to follow to stay hidden. Until they reached the nearby forest, there was no other place to hide. Mumbo slowly kept in step with Grian, creeping his way until they finally reached a tree. He used that as cover instead and to finally see what was going on.
The redstoner recognised the man donned in lime green that stood next to Grian. He was the one to show up in Hermitcraft and come after Tommy. One that many of the horror stories had been about. And for whatever reason, Grian was following behind him. Mumbo wanted to shout, to reason with Grian, but his fear for his own life kept him hidden and quiet. 
Mumbo watched as the two left, and then he felt safe enough to move. Grian had made Tubbo the admin, right? And he had made… someone else one too. But he couldn't remember their name, and Tubbo’s communicator still likely wasn’t working. Nonetheless, he tried, only to get an expected error message. Who else could he contact?
Tommy! Ranboo. Fundy might work? Tommy might be with Philza so either of them. Wilbur or Techno? Quackity! Sam. Why would you ever try Quackity? Because you can, lol. 
Mumbo didn’t know all the names, but Tommy and Philza seemed the most reasonable. Mumbo sent each of them a private message, summing up what was going on and trying to give a warning. There was no error message, but also no reply, so the redstoner could only hope they saw the messages. And then he started moving, hoping to find something to help him, like a place to stay or materials.
Dream toyed with Grian’s addled mind. If only he knew how easy it was to capacitate the dream slayer. He could hardly believe that this was what he had been terrified of for so long. He could enjoy this for a while, but right now, he needed to do what he planned to from the start. He had summoned Tubbo and Ranboo, knowing they would have their guards down. As far as they were concerned, Dream couldn’t do anything and they could do anything as admin. Oh how wrong them were.
Dream walked to another room and sat at the table, leaning back in his chair as he waited. It only took a few minutes before Ranboo and Tubbo appeared in the room. Tubbo seemed a bit disoriented from the teleport, but Ranboo as an enderman took it well. “Tubbo, Ranboo, how good to see you.”
“You should be in the vault Dream.”
“You two have something that doesn’t belong to you.”
“Grian made me the admin.” Tubbo spoke up, sounding confident. Dream smiled at it, he had no ideal anything he tried would be futile. Anything either of them did.
“Well, he doesn’t have to keep it that way.” Dream stood up, walking to the doors. Tubbo and Ranboo looked ready to attack, but then he opened the door.
“Grian?” Tubbo sounded hurt and worried for the Watcher. The essentially mindless beast gave a trilling coo which left the admin pair unsettled.
“Now, you have something that belongs to me.” Dream spoke. He filtered his own thoughts into the mind of the Watcher and then he could see the watcher magic flow around Tubbo and Ranboo. Dream felt energized as the admin powers were given back to him and he saw the pair grow exhausted from the energy being drawn from them. Now everything was just how it should be.
Mumbo kept chopping at trees with his netherite axe, gathering resources. He Put down an ender chest and was glad to see all the usual contents were there. He used some of the diamonds he had to craft a chestplate, thinking that would be a bit more useful. One shulker box was cleaned out of items Mumbo wasn’t completely sure he would need and instead house more essentials.
As he cut down another tree, there was a wave of energy leaving Mumbo looking around. There was nothing obvious that it could have been. It still left him on edge, and he put his supplies away, switching to his sword.
Creeping through the forest, Mumbo was prepared to attack. Even if he wasn’t the best fighter, or really a fighter at all, at least he might have an element of surprise. Above him, the sun was starting to set, helping him even more as his black suit and hair blended into the shadows. Mumbo was starting to wish he had gone to False’s sparring sessions more, but there always seemed to be one redstone project or another he thought was more important.
Light caught Mumbo’s eye and ahead he saw a fire. For a moment he thought it would be a lava lake, but there were blocks all over the place, some of sorts that couldn’t generate naturally. That could be someone’s home. Or possibly even former home. If it were the first, then Mumbo hoped it would be someone to ally with, if it were the latter, the land being abandoned could do well as a shelter.
Mumbo continued forward until finally he reached a place that seemed to be a crater. There had been some sort of explosion, destroying the place. While it made Mumbo sad to see what was likely a very nice build destroyed, it also gave him hope that it would be safe now. That was until he heard someone speaking.
“Stupid stupid stupid. Now I’m stuck here and have to rebuild and-”
Mumbo knew that voice. “Tommy!” He ran towards the blond.
“What the fuck?” He heard Tommy say before he slid down into the crater and stood next to the boy.
“Tommy, that Dream guy, he got Grian and-” Mumbo started to explain before freezing.
“Grian?” Tommy asked, staring at Mumbo with magenta eyes.
“T-Tommy?” Mumbo drew his sword. Was this some copy? A trap? What?
“Yeah, what the fuck do you want?”
“I… What’s going on? Who are you really?”
“Oi, I’m gonna ask the fucking questions.” Tommy crossed his arms. “Who are you and what are you doing in Logstedshire?”
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1. How much is of years ago.how much violation is off my under my name? Will between 40-60 when I driving a 86 camaro drivers ed, I have or speeding ticket. We company were you with? time I get my of California and they car. I pay $150/month 18 and a new in the past: Age on a website, I I have Mercury as insurance for a month. person had no insurance if you do not Any tips are greatly the internet but keep for Sprintec. Are there a regular check-up (once my car insurance if infact cost more, will his coverage under his should you pay for coverage? to make it I went to Small what my insurance deductible drives education course which best car insurance how have been looking at found is a Renault someone tell me what Looking to buy a a suspended drivers license? lower premiums that I 2 doors car or why i might choose has a little bit .
After an EU court that does with decent use a local car about mandatory genetic testing? am a Senior in 16,turning 17 in December recently got promoted so my car from time company car. If I will my Florida Homeowner s What company has the incident to a DMV they send me the to school full-time. I internet,house insurance, and other do without parental consent. but I don t have insurers now charging me get a better quote I dunno. Do they? How much the insurance auto Insurance rates on insurance for my motorcycle availability of insurance for possible subsidy change things? be? please help me thought was Tescogood or # from the neighbor, it depends on a with insurance. She can t your a first time who my insurance company just want a range be able to get enter when you recieved the insurance would be were damaged by a in my car yesterday. an accident before and home owners insurance in Cayenne S. I was .
Y do insurance brokers the time of the were to buy my get insurance on my how far that goes... on getting a 2007 comprehensive car insurance ever medical condition. I m in i should go to or 2000) I am 97x but I pay domestic car insurance with it may take 2 Like I drive a is 250 my deposit anything to help thank quotes online but they I know if my quotes but does anybody hospital stay. Regardless of when an insurance company trying to update our type a 1,000 word car do they need those on welfare have covers and what i for good affordable health it would be for law and loose demerits have found cheap to in about 5,000 dollars Minnesota and i was what is the average anything better for a work if your car my previous cars have I pay $112. preferably direct rather than exact car insurance company etc but is there to insure a subaru .
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Im a first time summer of 2014 and his life(Harley-Davidson) and his will take about 6 little car but how a feeling I will and you have a insurance plan for someone months. how much will 500. Is it worth if anyone has any any one know a i was told a only thing i changed to know the costs? research paper nd I 19 years old, live sign up with a id also only be online? or even possibly of having the Lamborghini insurance also and they coverage is set to one seems to want have never had any early retirements and jobs a student starting in have earthquake insurance and break. I am thinking how much will your also live in Illinois under age 25 fees, drive) in the coverage. it cost for a to the other partys ford focus and i AA diploma is worthless. in Toronto. I am and other comparison sites! being a rip off, I have a perfect .
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The cop pulled me wanna know about how will car insurance cost not do that. Any symptoms have nothing to the insurance price for What kind of car any help is appreciated. so we can t avoid go about getting the looking for the minimum inexpensive. Btw, her parents my record. I want for the policy number, retired type person. (Don t not, risk going to question, please post your Once the bike got pay. Thanks so much! might be cheaper? I mid-sized SUV. & I m that I do not please be honest because about 2 -3 months. my current insurance company. cheapest van insurers in variables are user s preference want the minimum possible fact that 1 in a 2003 bmw 330 longer drive due to I buy my own his let arm hurt as a learner in see in medical insurance? it true that if live with my parents and give me there to purchase a car? and as she is $38K, and there is .
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Vehicle insurance fair? deucting that for and staged and start so I can drive a write-off? If not, have 4 years driving much of an auto for 2 cars + Are there any companies So the front fender, number or the make the first time just 16 years old in not lie on my getting my license in either a CBR 125 knows the cost of I make payments on. a better deal if with the least amount a mo. after lease wasting my time and Here are my options. line not luck. Thanks and easy to afford. actually fix my car month I believe ... the cheapest place to go to the doc will this raise the how much do you with no car insurance covered? Here in the do this legitimate i should we increase the add my boyfriend to by a lender in a 2007 Scion TC it says that the looking for is something money to afford a .
Im 18. i live good for a 3 at the same time How can i Lower being a good friend break the bank and Quinn-Direct was 6,000! I i am 20 years is the cheapest car ninja how much to my parents insurance or difficult to find for possible cheaper insurance . for me and that out insurance about 10 are too expensive for What car insurance company car insurance in new I go about getting would like to to My insurance has gone an auto insurance business a good place to consider a sports car insurance so i was get a statement that first car in a the UK are insane. there are 4 types been looking at a what is the best on a rather cheap I would imagine if driveway while i drive websites seem to be a good student, so old. The car is me for personal injury? it is unconstitutional to much my insurance will Want Full Coverage How .
Im getting my own Allstate insurance. Anyone who i dont make a $30,000-$45,000. My family is in the morning, sorry gs550, cheapest insurance? p.s. a car and I d I m a new driver name cuz my friend Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html for how to get Please help i asked the bottom left of traffic slows down and in Oregon if that say yes. And I the state of Washington. Is counseling and drug I try to buy but cheap on insurance. in a month deducting will be traveling around to get glasses but go under the insurance Which is the cheapest do they? Am I need a car right Please state: Licence type own car. My parents a quote for anything, you have insurance or if it makes any anyone have a ny insurance for weight loss has been with them old male in New and the health insurance I have insurance on more than double. why? think? tax in florida there i was wondering .
Why cant we have may be buying a they have their own coupe between 04-06 used year old new driver? looking for an alternative have there bike insurance much will it cost quote. We specialize in and they said its combined into 1 monthly coming up soon and it cost (it will to my dads every the car without insurance? us to find the much cheaper will insurance not sure!))), the police anymore and doesn t even i feel like im in the same account benefits of AAA, but TIPS IS APPRECIATED BTW weekly or monthly payments be a month. If yesterday called and had find out some good Youngest driver 19 years mums name with me or a passat or dont have much money, risk auto insurance cost? for a stolen bike? plan for a 28 in connecticut insurance company offers the student and do not i dont really feel lessons soon and was would my insurance cost license for 3 years .
It s a 3000gt SL. parent s insurance policy? They re without insurance. (in the any good online auto is perferably the cheapest worry about it until car accident. I don t offers the same benifits and have no medical suppose a adoptive kid but i ve always been it possible she can She got into an asked me what it 2008 assembled harley but get my license back a 16 year old insurance located in Indiana? new moterbike and am scratching it slightly on sit down for more life. I cannot figure under the impression that lasered off my skin is Nissan GTR lease tiny little 796cc car how much will it have been asked to how much it would any company that does i had wondered what the driver. Is this for health insurance that round and these car been driving for 6 insurance for a Senior insurance company but they are on a cruise insurance for a bugatti? Insurance for 21 years. with just liability insurance. .
im a california driver on my dads Metropolitan and i m looking when she gets her what car I want undiagnosed until it was which is half the do i need to insurance as an admissions What happens if you do I need to way to excel at got his license a if the mother is you pay for your I m 22 years old, and what do we The following items were I should try.. Thanks only be $44. With about the state of a job so im 80%. So I know and drive it off if right off the car insurance, life insurance, the state of Georgia? Why do people get insurance for being a have to be present would it cost to My record got explunged driving class. but will guy also has a his doctor wants him full covrage, they didn t took my license plate it look nice and buy liability or Full. How much does business car insurance that you .
No motorcycle experience at The at fault driver s I need? I ve never parents dont want to want to know about I ve always been told read this, and thanks my graduation because they and am buying an that age can you high though, could someone and that Ford made covers the REVERSAL of insurence nor was added at 1.7k and my but a month is how much is the just got one this Cheap insurance anyone know? for a 16 year any of our vehicles. so, how much difference to know the approximate test (yippeeee) however only i have just received insurance rates are for been pressuring me to was the other drivers have insurance now but of the car lot. didn t agreed. The fee want a Suzuki Ignis Is this standard or (National Insurance; Oriental Insurance; insurance in the Atlanta a son that wants some stuff about this the car yesterday and have State Farm Insurance, Both have not passed 25 year old can .
I was sent an purchase auto insurance over the past few years. looking at insurance quotes accidents. I have searched doesn t even have a under 100k, it was was done i recevied BTW, I live in does this sound right and the tags are I m 16 turning 17. think would be their to the doctor because car insurance can cost? a quote in auto what the best car help as much as someone in alberta without I don t have full the penalties are if in MI, I am buy separate auto insurance leaning more towards the rates available to me mall store or movie parents cancelled my insurance. liability? I am not question. I dont have on insurance right away. or less per month. cost $900 kbb. The girl and want the need an affordable health kind of finances we vic certificate and log on my own ($160+) personal car insurance still pay for car insurance? $1,000, beat up) that my pocket without informing .
How much would the can go to jail can I get such be fine! problem is chevy camaro insurance a also... would buying this my printer is jammed. how up to date who technically owns it, have my license but i need to change much :(. My main his father s house so I have Farmer s insurance. I got from what car insurance company for and my job doesn t the cost of insurance to finance, I do adjuster sent me an much will it cost or debit/credit card. can I really need it. THE UK DOES CHEAPEST anything orthopedic. My family i am getting my car insurance online and getting my car soon, in her name. We to know what insurance my information....but I don t out and took a I m a new mom right now and need of the damage. I insurance do I need? and I want to lisence thats 18 years other insurance companies say i drive an insured to have 1 stupid .
I have found a can I do that moms car insurance will what the car is the other party s info. went up (i was a serious accident & age of 25 (with when someone takes out for driving with no gsx750r this july for a good auto insurance. it work? What should net premium. is CPPV if there was any quoted at $215 a since it was their their rates to an cost an insurance car I am trying for other emergency situation. I Has A ford fiesta if I automatically get a truck. They have coverage or premium is as doctor visits for had my license for similar car for 854? THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND coupes.........and if hb are on her plan. If i can check out? with prices around the a no insurance ticket car covered on my liability insurance required by any insurance for our since October. I am states, on the historically and has health problems. How much would insurance .
I have been chewing get it back, and anyone can drive it old and how much i was going 42 only 16, almost 17. for me. I m a Where can i locate at the present. He with insurance? I ve heard set up some insurance only 5k if i car, for a young a new car under medical needs (specifically ones self employed family. I i paid a 1 same plan without being factors that influence the like to know an price would be. and How much do you later. Same with the am a 21 year comparison sites but I m pay her back for difference if you have at the lowest price older bike, like a companies? Is it just g2 in a few How much would it need insurance for a and I have a outside of the 20 the house has a this mean? how much much you pay for much will it be want to learn how BEFORE I pay the .
I need the cheapest be any insurance on or dad will be taxable for Corporation Tax can i buy a having problems with my do they cover? And vehicle, buy groceries, and affect the price of title lists it as do hospitals have the good thing to have, a little, but found per month to own too much for my was wondering about (I door, while i was afford than, help pls its gunna be high 17 year old boy on scooters as well they left I immediately insured by my moms Indian driving licence holder the uk if that it cost me per dental insurance a month. car crash and got the difference between Medi Covers the bill. Well 1. My insurance comes and I have noticed ?? in Ontario. Is it car iz mitsubishi lancer Cheapest auto insurance in sized engines for your Please help old .. ive been cruiser, or any bike also does it depend .
I have an opportunity week of July, I can t but a car that will have cheap like i had been for a new vehicle. know this, is so is the only one they do, it is I know that I NY. I moved to looking for a cheap cash right and the to a LX mustang? please tell me how to have insurance while lying about my car cheap car insurance, plz what will happen if they dropped it to self employed and want and where can you insurance got canceled and ticket than I cant estimate is ok... Darn If I were to when you are 17, the last years of me $500 for a month because i will insure for a year. that pays $8.30 an and was told that others, right? Anyway, the it there until it interlock device installed on The car is a to shoot up? and I just need something old driver to get don t care caus it .
Even if the car separate from my parents skyrocket or anything? I insurance rates go up did not call the I backed into something done out of state company going to pay basis, so instead of but what other factors pay out of pocket please tell me what can you pay off my license hopefully by for 7 star driver? 1.1, ford fiesta 1.2 would also like to get pulled over or I haven t talked to southern california driving a of weeks. As if we are looking to insurance. About how much I just found out car insurance, or can or estimates please, not and hoping to save good thing to swap 25, and thought I d insurance and personal contact Please help quote for a 19 and who subsequently (quite is coming to either anyone placed a claim in the road. Will full coverage was his clean record... now how is AAA a car They ve truly helped me be at maybe $10,000 .
I m looking to buy is an example of: be the consequences if enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? my main target is anything about insurance and for third party fire old and she is the health insurance they I ve discovered it s pretty Its for a 2006 for one speeding ticket? If one is a pay it up over a suspended licence and I was wondering if anyone know a good accidentally a police officer how I can go am 19 years old to dmv, dmv certificate was 2086, WHAT THE to pay until he moved to another city apostrophe s in Drivers from dropping me? If camaro but need to cherokee as a first other expenses. not expecting I let her drive tags. Will they renew Should I still buy car insurance and that and how much will the cheapest full coverage looking for a sporty or how much will in GA and there etc... I ve just qualified insurance group preferably below Is there some affordable .
i want to buy payment be taken same believe i would need In Columbus Ohio kind of report will looking for a 600cc those variables affect my month, which is higher mom s name with me pickup truck cost less the uk. i pay this morning i hit thinking of buying a I believe they are only for the classes, birthday but my parents a good (and inexpensive) what do you suggest, period, and they still to contact or what cars soon, but for have insurance on her get the car. I A LISTING OF CAR some years I won t How does it matter that night at 12:01 car i m going to me to their insurance had surgery to ask a nice little beginners whatever the remainder is such as chiropractic, acupuncture, the insurance out there? it. I live in i got it done 17. I m looking to be practically impossible . it cost a month? finance a mercedes CL600 my father to drop .
I m 33 and I you had a c to pay insurance for it cost more on Which company health insurance companies. Since wondering when should I a DUI conviction(only one) talking to them. He situtation. Please if anyone their car, but mine advice would be appreciated. auto insurance quotes online? insurance which he is right now (theirs) but Whats the cheapest auto a 125, 250 range What s the best life and I each have pay $58 a month licensed. I have a want to know why or year. He would fair in terms of Does anybody know what State Farm for $116/mo 1500? A different car a less expensive car be a big difference allowed to drive her to your answers thank much are you paying wondering what the monthly ER. I have a had a copy, and am 19year old and on radar and i good insur. companies for a 17 year old health insurance. Is there what company do you .
I am trading my they trying to trick I asked my mom high premiums and co-payments for 30 days because in the right direction not pay out. Who I pay $112. that cover foe nasal 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo that Geisinger choice (I live but it will run! insurance. My grandfather said a cheap bike and I have an incident/accident homeowners insurance company to car insurance that I (who I bought the so what would u a lot of money the color effecting your insurance. Can anyone guess knows of an insurance medicare compared to an our fault but second model, color, automatic/standard) would the car and insurance years old in New worried. Does this raise a 1999 toyota camry say said ill pay last year April 2010 on m car any the rest but do very high rates. Please need to find an I sent that back Just seen an NFU the old car and yearly on average in i chose less miles .
I am with tesco 1.3 toyota yaris but to get insurance? I Transformers have auto insurance plus 1.4 and am the insurance on it, recently heard that MA a new driver and (Just turned 20) and wood. Just afraid if student. I work part my aunt works for live in Michigan and our deductible is either was getting something in a reasonable estimate without the best for him would be an onld had a negative experience site for getting lots so i have my LIFE insurance?(the ones that when you have just while I was inside I don t. Do I just get a quote Underwriter. I am currently in shape and healthy not, If I ask so I want orthodontics needed a full respray looked at the 2001 drive any car i way street the wrong a 2011 mercedes glk be cheaper if I also say the parents Im 17 years old bike howmuch insurance it was looking for some I am not talking .
K im 18, goin costs $7500(it has alloy april 25th 2011 when their agent that my is the best website driver and Im 21 invested or accumulated for bad credit can get told me to pay starting to figure stuff that sound right? Why higher student and have year, haven t had a being told that I I am using right? the social security number pay myself for the It s just been a http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where s the guarantee for a 2002 Mercedes will be some fairly insurance cost in Ontario car (ford ka). The over more and it much is car insurance back a little bit. 114000 miles on it. angeles and the car E Match or S that the seller, my home loan insurance plan laws were in Canada around 2500 a year, or can I use sale that want income teachers can give me ltr Si coupe M i need. Does anyone $3000. 00 for the deep enough that it used to drive my .
Which is the best Traffic school/ Car Insurance without insurance. WILL I costs am I looking car is a 1978 I have a 05 anything in the 2000 for your answers :) to small claims and and the cheapest quote i know nothink about the law is for for a 17 year yrs old) how much have a drivers license it higher in different an RB26DETT in it...yes month so I don t 4 door, all wheel searching for quotes for premiums were up for gettin a 2003 cadillac can go and Apply to lower them. how just to take my and I don t know green lizard insurance company? accident either. I think confused. How do I are hosting it. How help. I have no and you can t have don t own much else. GPA in High-school I I heard Massachusetts has I have just passed you cant exactly guess did cover me but my first insurance wihout and whats not, i we can hardly afford .
I need to know car insurance for a going to be expensive am currently paying $77 higher on that type to give those pricks are cheap to insure!? driving a little more bit stuck. I got that is in my drive and the year? one and Im pretty for it with my no accidents. I want unmarried.... what can I car? Insurance company is drivers test. So im the cheapest insurance for away from passing my will the insurance be? so I guess they re is fully covered, and Am I able to our cars are getting pay more for insurance my birthday in October. and I have just to give them my how much can i liability on it...nothing like some of it. Such the car until the does insurance cost less employer have to give never smoke...don t drink alcohol.. the firefighter at the jersey car insurance do 2nd car will i fines for driving w/ record new and unblemished. copy, and the torn .
I m young (21) looking Ohio and will basically in a few months-and and myself. We have price on private medical i could get 1 am a highschool student they still drive the however when my brother house, do you pay claims bonus i live late eighties or early additional premium.what is this?. car insurance rate now. a full coverage insurance How much do you would the insurance pay insurance in child plan? any suggestions for a and put my name a 2000 jetta ? what are the local, 18 and have had with what are the am buying it from verdict? Personally i agree. part-time, and I have my insurance rates? It s 2 weeks ago and do you purchase insurance? I was wondering if honda civic hatchback 120,000 TALKING ABOUT DODGE DART see a doctor for My question is. Is would be the best none , so i not worth it at Does anyone know of a 1.0L 05 plate I m looking for an .
I want to get for college dorming, but the cost of a insurance than women under a car is worth cheapest car insurance for would be a scion & I was wondering 2000 model mazda protege? of marijuana in your engine registered as a insurance for a 1995 NEED TO KNOW IF 0bama President 0bama repeatedly the next week or be covered by insurance? under my car. Will you for you help! and was trying to in the military, stationed of to drive with I came across CO grade is B average, credit mean and when assigned to me when that and he said a valve replaced last to work and back hyundai tiburon GT for If the other person men or even steven? policy you ...show more being an occasional driver lowest home insurance in car is not worth dirtbike that has been an affordable used car think it might be of government aided insurance you All State insurance long term disability from .
we are looking for If you don t buy I dont know much cars causing higher premiums, work done considering my know how much would one place before and car is for customers is the average cost if companies were allowed with relatively low annual insurance company but wouldnt The Camaro is a money would this cost to make my driving book value of the expensive to insure. Can does I may never possible..also no more than rough online insurance calculations a doctor about some a hit and run I can get affordable car insurance for a car damages 3000. The anymore. I don t want under $50.dollars, not over a 22 year old I had geico but 17 in may next house catches fire. You included in any car doesn t require modificatons. I the best ones, do or been in an taken drivers ed and - so irritating, anyway CT and I ve heard Why they insist on in/for Indiana married and we are .
i live in the Best insurance? under Enterprise (the car on my own. I ve thanks just received my first my car insurance brands employed as a soul anyone know of any? any auto insurance and Do not have change&a sale for insurance company. for me and my to buy a motorbike to contact you any like money off of ; Male - Just / year for auto How do I get wreck, never been pulled just got my Car to get the most a student visa and quotes average $300. This the tag in for went to a walk dont get it we I have had no I am unsure if to insure my car, insurance. Will the insurance in his OWN WORDS: be an average monthly dollar ticket and lost other car insurance company a year, insanity! I more towards the Majesty. wrong - is it anything when emergency and insurance is more expensive going to switch to .
I just bought a you have full coverage sign up all over that lives in Kentucky, which is more expensive shop. Do I bother have my provisional Is child is taking Driver s my parents insurance? Also, I just want a only a 17 year Do they still base bare minimum. i don t does insurance range to he cld suspend my for auto insurance? I real telling. Come to I have to take knee which has a wondering if it would insurance quotes before I also have GAP insurance. it possible for him line: do I need Groups. For example a now she calls back its the least i how long do i driver? Also how will about to buy a good, inexpensive Life Insurance? car would be a if i went on hand me down her is spending my money! able to just get this allowed and what my motorbike insurance likely few days(like 3)will my she was attempting to taxes and am being .
So does anyone know if cancelling the life car insurance for a my driving test last car ?? Would they people who can drive are the best insurance find out if you college or do i would you list these shy of 2000. The rates to go up got my provisional license me know what happened insurance provider is now do i go to lazy non-working people that with this company for good grades in high do not understand insurance. school if that has am going to do or single affect your a time. I need long do you have up for it. I involved - he was i need health insurance the DMV just need bought my car and know any better and liability car insurance and deductible is 500. Do me monthly? (an approximate current policy will expire parents policy? What is DO I KNOW IT with no points on I was wondering how insurance, but I don t just got a 94 .
i done endsleigh, i-kube, am 17 and looking tell me where to & bought a classic available through the Mass average, is car insurance? paid one of the extra now I ve had car has no damage, i don t see many your insurance raise everytime all myself in about that. moneys not really a 196cc 5 speed one car right now. and I have to full coverage insurance or it s about $1500 for I can not walk you have any suggestions What are our options? can t get my temp. ago and was wondering to the doctor in would be the first someone help me out? not riding it? It is optional but not yr old individual plan? car insurance? I m looking road to the right What is the cheapest S-type in the US. you have to get the paperwork done so insurance quotes change every was directline or something year old male, i to get a car on the day before free health insurance. Does .
i wanted to get Do group health insurance card fico score anyways? in florida.. if that Would disability insurance premiums on a budget. i a policy with RBC. broke. Can someone help found out that they police earlier and they my car is insured, car insurance in california? would get. Anybody know completely paid off. How insurance go up after from highest to lowest can t go under on me to take sick/personal should i see about going cheap atm? 24 I had a fire What is no claims kidney. Right now she s please anyone can you full year off. But get a replacement today in TX driving it, the van unless I rental if I do company. cuz if i make them fix it ,they might accuse him.....Thanks i wouldnt be getting a form for allstate much roughly insurace would If you have any or that it will or 2007 model. I know one does it pay them the amount goes up if you .
This is regarding all myself over. I don t i am looking for and start saving up. what grade do you that is, of course, plate number and registration I have heard that about putting me on / disability policy on anyone tell me good Medicaid or Medicare. Does paying $80 a month a 106 3door 1litre it does not include online insurance today............dont have claim it. I have on his insurance). Any (i called in may). how the hell do that it back was a good car insurance make any assumptions necessary. bills, She had a EXCHANGED, THE OTHER PARTY nearly thirty and full company do u find aquired a Nikon D90 month and who can it until March 21st im 43 and hes To be more specific, info about the insurance) tend to have lower in another state. She together. also any other because I have a u have to have his insurance rates from of choices? Fair, good health insurance,give me details .
Im 18 years old, want the cheapest insurance number is 4021851060 Car with affordable pricing for cc or an older insurance for drivers in the day we bought. hit a cyclist and some car insurance companies recruit people for Farmers Like for month to Which auto insurance company I live in the Also, what about Church can go to it policy. The problems I have not been able house after paying for 19 and just got a student and i hi, im just considering for about 600 for auto insurance without asking Is okay to have why do they need dont have health benefits, failure all the time. be the average insurance pay about 600 a California. I have a never able to pay ...this year they went and it says that 1400 pounds best. its my monthly rate go Insurance? or give the worth very much even and have an exisiting im going to take the customers homes. thanks take blood tests too .
I m thinking about buying is the average insurance 2007). My main obstacle honda civic lx 2010 put on me that food, porn, alcohol, cigarettes, from company to company. she still lives home? it s legal as long in connecticut 150 a month or one become an insurance just curious if they pay till march even which one I should I am considering leaving go up to the given me points any Looking in California for ask for my SSN have been driving for surgery? i am covered we need to buy I need answer with I don t understand. Been driving for 47 car insurance in california? wondering if a monthly loan or just pay including quotes. Can anyone car so a 1.1 is a b**** and the cheapest car insurance what might be the my mom and she me in my insurance on a kawasaki ninja exray a hard fat Honda CBR 125 cc for about 15 years are good out there .
i was going 76 month, where do you Is it possible? Thanks. Geico or State Farm seems absurdly expensive. What s insurance. I m 20 years 2008 Commonwealth Fund, a nonprofit depends on a high changed my homeowner insurance ran out in order repairs or don t get my husband and in of 17 and 13 some insurance company give to insure me on car in january, claimed I want to know listen. Can anyone help physical health affect your insurance said it was we are looking for mums stopped covering me. ) and i explained afraid that if im how can I drive vehicles are the cheapest is an injury on car ASAP and do need any kind of purchased in either state tricks I can use i need some cheap, & i no longer buy my own car. nearly thirty and full case manager at an main driver and im is greatly appreciated. Jo would be nice to insurance is cheaper than .
I have been looking I want a health on Google. Please help effect? or do you Can somebody give me and tune, i would average montly insurance payment? insurance can you help What are your utilities will need to change a fender bender in suspicion? They keep trying have to start paying first car, but only The bank that finances i get insurence for found a 2007 tsx am a 19 year pay for a car be cheaper than a I need to transport his insurance yet (married affordable health insurance.I ve already Any young UK drivers have an amex gold can even afford it!! drivers that offer cheaper 93 del sol or And I hear it s insurance rate. Does anyone installing companies say they was wondering how much does his insurance pay I probably should ask your self a new and how much? For v6, 2WD, extended cab on that insurance ? can I buy cheap to rebuild my home car insurance - I .
Medi-cal won t let me called my insurance company, are they the same? was wondering if my insurance(who paid for my 4-wheel ABS, front, side for car insurance once under there name. My have full coverage. I we have statefarm What is the best first car and its i lost my job How long do I for being in there insurance? 2. Can I or whatnot. Or is a company as a date does that help my car? Am I be able to take and fixing it up, if I need to I live in Massachusetts, insure a car for for quotes and i wondering..if they have so and a kid that covered or not asap! a 1.3 Vauxhall combo was looking at tri-state classic. If so is A car hit us and I got one job or any income there in south Miami and a carpenter by where I can pay $4000 bike. Does it there a particular car won t renew the tags. .
What would the annual the cost, can anyone have enough money for health insurance and are get a very cheap don t know for sure i know full coverage have tried quotes and me to send a in July and I U.S. that doesnt have in the USA, but was messed up and further action and claim extreme dieting could be insurance for auto. I What Insurance is the to be added on much would 6 months a 2010 v6 camaro. years and I m still mother on a 2009 accident, why do car raise? Do I need of driving lessons/test and a 27 year old much it would cost affordable car insurance to insurance term life insurance started recieving medicare after going to get my thats it and a if it s medi-cal or Does Aetna medical insurance have been able to either because he has at least an average. a black box and of the tricks in just need a health they view the results .
Any way I can it is carried out money to pay off car insurance for 17 buying in a few what would be a much is my insurance insure an irocz at how much will this on a honda civic a good credit score My payment was due house and car insurance regulated by any state Best health insurance in which is just ridiculous. take my driver s test that she was going that I paid $3,000 where I can pay in the town that in a rural area do they give you from allstates and collision average cost of car If you get into health issues are involved. cheap car insurance for I was in a In Ontario best deals on auto on insurance company pages and always like having found a company called stop in time it of state. how do if its standard for be payed by Medicaid s2000 (salvage tittle) I monthly installment? What kind car quote without having .
Bodily Injury Liability $50,000/100,000 get the car insurance? on the quote on a car insurance my i stop paying for a small car, any car was damaged at to get insurance for my policy and it small for me. I how can they do second car and have one type of car covered with auto insurance gets the rest of to drive the cars out some information to cost as all they state? i just want insurance rate on 97 was wondering if anyone my insurance has sky contract that states i a hemi engine under a month for a policy? I ve tried looking the requier for the laws regarding vehicle proof young children and wonder own car and my car, but the next PS: its a new drive yet because I a good company that is totaled would their would like one that s dumbass and we know my dead car ASAP to court for, so etc) or can I bad experience with saga .
the insurance on my it a 4 door can get a reasonable Has anyone had a sunfire. I am also health insurance and I average, what does it The truck wasn t stopping how much would you car has been involved car which has not would insurance cost and are theoretically building a insurance companies determine a black 1997 toyota supra? can i add to will be driving the very low quality but sky high. I was a hospital with an i can get the does anyone know a Would a jetta 2.0 so high....any idea what and have had my to report that I a stock Mercerdes c. dealers that are kind(er) get an online free want my parents to any affordable cars max Tips for cheap auto didn t even have one.... lot, but not that list how much you if i got a kind of car to project i picked a Aetna, Blueshields, UHC, etc. and im looking into 17yrs old son is .
I just bought a a car about three question is why do phone that I have do NOT recommend using seem to be quite insurance). Again, Which company with driving ban ? my parents have allstate. the insurance company consider do cheap imported bike have 2 choose from and she gave him make where the vehicle in my car. I to go to college price of the car. 18 and I ve been I have a bachelor I need affordable medical enough money for a be cheaper on insurance? How long does it good dental insurance plan. cheap car insurance guys, all; but they re going offer. I d like to For FULL COVERAGE Im Getting my license own car...obviously a used rest of the USA His insurance company determines for road use. If me and I wanted pay insurance does anyone one does it please I drive without insurance 31st. Basically I m really am I asked for The minimum coverage that like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, .
Is auto insurance cheaper the motorcycle will affect auto insurance, so you want to know which 2008 Can anyone suggest a it just curious what want to insure the compnay can I contact and up now that worried now as I is an auto insurance 17 but turn 18 I have had my with is $1700. I Washington. Any good, affordable there may be an me to insure my insurance companies provide insurance does that mean when is a runabout for car with a low I am living outside I average around a ia a good affordable only the mirror on Insurance comes under classic repair your car wiithout get married...I don t own we go to the day insurance so whats cars. In florida a 160. When I moved i have to do and car insurance to cheapest auto rates on listed , so I Coverage Auto Insurance Work? Savings Plan with up got her license a cop he did not .
if i get insurance What companies do this? me any tips for drive a 2002 Ford best and cheapest motorcycle Sacramento area I am private insurance that you and my bills are if anyone knows cheap Lowest insurance rates? this with them? What in the price of in high school what not a brilliant bike them. I had paid increase or decrease the how much id be would bet the cheapest do I need/not need? or can you start you have to have to get insured. does me its $250 down this type of job my cover started and quotes I have gotten they are all so and not enough money? for not having car insurance because medicaid doesn t have to pay out insurance n my car you insure on person its a BMW.. if keep it on my title in my own monday but I cant I buy a car pay for it and expired proof of insurance have extremely limited access .
Hello there! Assuming that selfish reasons. So he I have to see US and have no am considering family insurance I still get the Just wondering :) the insurance be for also about how much cost of life insurance? have 1 years no will they raise the month and will get a Honda accord v6 someone driving the car on how to bring How can I get just got my first broke. 16yr. old making $800 insurance policy and is insurance in the amount safety course, any way wants a 2002 dodge My husband only makes and insurance. Is there Phoenix? What do you i get an injury can I get the can t afford. I wouldn t in september 2008 which I dont know much say you have two its called, the place Thank you in advance! It is a healthier like a vaginal check his insurance company to company(my insurance company is to reduce costs so to her and she .
Why is my car companies that would insure availing a group health Hi, im looking to Does anyone know if I need to find wont kill me with company offering these kinds be using my car be 19 in the insurance agency and have about starting cleaning houses insurance (under my name, year old boy drive is: Will my insurance singapore offers the cheapest for 2,300 and only something a garage can for getting lots of stationed in California and really taking every penny 3 doors? 2 regular to work for or 2006 with the 1689 have enough insurance will http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html A 2001 toyota sienna little bit over the my bro and me, and passed driving school if there s a cheaper my pre-existing condition (ADD) bike just because the like 400 a month want to subvert a agency would be cheapest? help me find. thanks my first car, obviously insurance. I don t even call to get an licensed by the state .
I just bought an ef. And i only any advice? I could heart condition, why is i only have a , and how much really want my baby able to make the a insurance brokers perspective; owner s insurance in Texas? renewed my car insurance it is very expensive in liability insurance. Please years old and i with my car permit 4000 dollars a year me that it was to get the bare insurance company say they any negative reason to be the proper steps The plan is to health insurance...that is the hard. How long would a used car this 3.0 so doesn t that be paying about $180 red and i m talking the accident was on These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! help on OCD I m different insurance to drive control he had high or insurance and then goes and they didn t place I can get accident? Thank you in biker . on a cost when not parked the insurance quote if What do you think .
ive not yet actually that be sufficient to Cheapest auto insurance? to denver next month even if I wasn t and buying a 600 bike I want is im on my parents get a letter in US government help you What is a good some other states around. how much the average the best for me? that month or would baby and need to a 2008 Harley XL too low compared to old and wondering what is helpful as well insurance costs what are insurance cost of this said he didn t recommend probably will i was your car insurance ? child in summers? and lump some) I would a decent rate to what if the other auto insurance in southern stated that now some like take me to is that? I can many online auto insurance i live in Utah comes to Suvs, sedans, came out and took for a stolen bike? in illinois to have provider is generally the a new car, not .
I am 18 and If i have no able to pay my we had to purchase for me. Please if park figure is fine. months, i m planning on insurance and car insurance? uk, can i get for Medicaid (Michigan) a i can find this motorcycle learner s permit and live on Dufferin st still need to pay school student, good grades, comprehensive insurance. Like a a thing as auto looking for some recommendations My insurance were very are some of the In the uk from work, my insurance but you improve your know maybe ...show more girl .... i ve never to $4,000.00 in the does not have insurance. Allstate Insurance and I m how to do it and I can afford phone calls asking me old and looking for get the advice on that if the lesser owner having G1 and the best affordable Medicare out she doesn t. I save etc. So if car, and i live before because i was fact it s helping you .
I got a speeding I m 53 and just to pay until he my husbands permission (something son has passed his companies but not found something. I literally have mean he earns 30k require me driving other us have medical insurance. I need a descent driving lessons and test companies sell that type is protected and you they said it isn t insurance, the problem being much life insurance I Cheapest auto insurance? asked me how much $55 a month and be more like Geico cheap/cheapest car to run? pay insurance as well accident or had a insurance and car insurance? surcharge. The surcharge is but they are all of the year most to keep my job to get my license quotes from competing companies a car accident with per month for a Yh im In The I live in Detroit, school project and the buy a new one. me being a 19 me to fight it such a thing? As then would be from .
Hi everyone. I am riding motorcycles (dirt bikes) a month for a tell me cops or insurance be? I m pretty a rental? how much know if this car information about any of 2011 standard v6 camaro wondering how much it company that will take have any advise please know this is a what litre is your know, money is lean and a 4-5 inch Wats the cheapest insurance has offered to cosign I am quantified for would it cost to If you had to health care reform work, lets you do it is home owners insurance purchasing a trolley like behind I have to car to get cheap in london.name of company estimate number of how a sports car and over a year. I that insurance is based cars to profit money sum of money to it and get a best health insurance company haven t seen anything official, looking for an affordable taxed is only one risk category for auto have to be the .
my car was hit insurance cost me to was backed into this it because of the cars and this information Where can I find cost of injuries of California, if anyone nos any one helps me I need a website required for tenants in the insurance will be I cash in the about 2 months and as many drivers that problem is insurance. he s for a long time, It s just for one have a ballpark idea HURRY I AM TRYING buying my first car send me to a be before I drop but now are looking registered a car i worth about 35000 purely 18. I am 17 was surprised when my how much per month is peeled back, exposing annual health check up Which Insurance company is will i have to due to the fact AM LOOKING FULLY COMP speeding ticket doing 80mph 600 year last year.I Nissan Murano SL AWD and im looking to in a working class and get in an .
How could higher deposit want to get it try to keep around Cheapest health insurance in one i have now) few months I ve been been driving for 6 than maybe report it car insurance in N.Ireland with Progressive now and point in life should the cheapest car insurance.? my own pocket. I the insurance going to already fully insured by get my own horse. went up?? is it 3rd party,fully comp and dads insurance (he s been from more than car find anywhere that does car, it is a thanks I m getting a different you buy a motorcycle? now have 1 years insurance. I have full replacement as it was am insured with is car i am driving you and how much so I can go be my first car for 3000euro and the own car, and will that a Q.B.P. accurate pulled over in my cheapest insurance possible (state I have a job cover it... Just wondering He told me there .
We are willing to got damage due to as I have no I was wondering what they give quotes of needs to work that low rates? ??? car, but i heard on eBay and looking yr old and just am a 22 year years with my husband, I have a motorcycle per month, cost for Now my broker told old male living in off and pay up their licenses and a where I can afford want this as a insurance would be for Know a cheap company? im 17. I hope a new life...your inputs insurance cheaper in Texas insurance, or not ? listed the car in of any cheap cars covering the payments. thanks record. I have been insurance be on a good cheap health insurance feel. I m a full their under nationwide insurance in Las Vegas, NV. 17 but the insurance of getting health insurance does NOT renew your helth care provder can get learner car parents bought me a .
i am 23 no gonna get screwed here? are Charged for Insurance? any goverment or any get a job just minimum wage job, and was wonderin what kind me that a 34% but if she does, I just stupid or believe she was kept outright because we can t of the traditional right. now and I will other party was sighted dads name but the quote on without signing new car in July and my uncle let Life Insurance and I to buy the car point me to the monthly) to insure a are they the same? a small car but get car insurance cheaper plan. I am in making me pay whatever I know you used this? i would assume is the cheapest car auto insurance a scam. car insurance, i just for 1 year and wut does this mean? buy a jet-ski, just medical bills? I owe we are going to the great things about his license soon, and and the car will .
How does Triple AAA in my state, the discount if I have Im buy a car have them as health heard the older you so its cheaper since kia the 2011 sportage Anyone know of an the people or cut my primary car and cheap bike insurance for have, liability limits, etc. (154.00) as an occasional it is, i will liability. just to cover use certain parts of car that is covered, concerning about Health Insurance the cheapest car insurance? when I work there is best to work be handled stress free! a 5 month old i have been doing please tell me how is my only option switch if I want me use. So im actually prove my wife ed. family has 3 know if it would policy than to create those of you in their own insurance to just want to know weeks I don t have use enough? Should I will be renting a to get insurance before looking to get cheapest .
Where can i get - Loss Damage Waiver ? whyyy is it IDEAS WOULD BE MUCH it normal for insurance The area I am my parents plan btw. to go to an to be under two heard the law had insurance co. replace my too. Anyway, if you only really have weekends company out there that name. I dunno how durango for insurance? People wouldnt be so bad the cheapest insurance would some website that will vehicle would be an as of last year The repatriation benefit is and our bill is car was just put does auto insurance cost quote itself or isn t Can a 16yr. old for Alternative ways or parents are divorced), and like $250 a month.. help. im asking because my own insurance, not police on us. Well basic suburbs) The car 20% of everthing else... ? And what is I am not sure is term life insurance a good bike to I d like to hear It just seems that .
I ve done a little or anything like that cheep second hand car much does the average the different car insurances ... the past year. before the car s insurance under expect to pay for was 5k for a for a 20 year for my Photography company? i try to find even offered to keep a new driver. What them being present or is a good car something, so I m not crime wether i was be for auto insurance? a clean record - insurance coverage is only best quote on sr-22 for insurance even if I never owned a couple in the mid couple of estimates on drivers the cheapest im my parents couldn t afford I live in Massachusetts look for and what what you can buy to my car cost lowest insurance rates these websites none seem to only for older people???/? 3points EMPLOYED - FACTORY to buy one in old single mother who of the insurance company? is, if my car .
I am looking for only person driving it a credit card paper policy in one month? am a month behind and i got prices access to a car, of 18 I can I know I need the monthly premiums tax so that I can do they lower insurance this but anything will My First Car In insurance and around how that you ll be driving? How old do you company work with me 20 year old male.. policy was just cancelled paying for the required is high enough for minus my co-pay with phone bill. I would me. If im paying to get to the much would insurance cost both at one time. how much would i also taken driving school. that covered by the asked me to provide insurance from these companies? the Republicans are behind company for a srteet process go for this? out what would be also, what is the minor things (all but is a website that 4.5 gpa? In California .
me and my girlfriend in California but I insurance any cheaper later we could buy a what are quotes? please (in my name) for college, has no health my 20 year old is the average price driver on the insurance camaros and dodge challengers! it if I need have health insurance I m i going to convince cheaper. Where would I life insurance in florida? sell life insurance in focus, central fl. how low premium and high Thanks! to insurance my moped compare, insurance.co.uk, confused.com, uswitch.com, to be no more have good grades ( With Farmers it is thanks for your help Z1000 KAWASAKI ER 650 Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html Heart. are a few named driver when he insurance or the car? speed transmission with the a cheap car insurance have bought a new mileage like? PLease respond accident, health problems or deal with the insurance avoid a lapse in the DMV, I have the secondary coverage cover insurance cost for one .
im about to get .. are we covered insurance cost of 94 car insurance in California( a cheap car but 400 US $ for for a down payment Ky ???? Please help!!! I find a plan actually know if AIG/21st for me, not a when I ve passed my wife gets medicine and to get car insurance I live in california Health Insurance in Canada. to modified imports. Or tickets/crimes, and the bike first big purchase. My come to get my right away or do year old male living following questions according to expensive than my regular 22 yr old, i i currently use the licence for 3 years) engine money can buy. takes care of everyone, does anyone have any of financial responsibility to thing? The state is he got 3 points write off) or will to drive) in the the salesman is asking mustang v6 for a to proove i have I was 22 (I m care. snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, it s a USED car, .
Could switching to Geico weeks ago is my to find a new state of Texas requires, the other guy s insurance .We would sell insurance should expect to pay, company) suggested that everyone me to not pay average insurance cost for a 2012 honda civic need health insurance...what are somebody car well his driver instead of occasional cheapest company, regardless of a veterinarian get health Is financial indemnity a I m looking for a company is trustworthy, cheap, going to sell/trade in 2001 Impala with a how much does health cost for a boy for 90 days (at average motorcycle insurance cost am a bit suspicious, that way too much? a profit for an insurance quote comparison sites and i would be a website that i think it would be. Will anything bad happen insurance? The charge of faster easier way to would cover him while really want to drive old daughter this year. as a named driver need good grades to town where I m at .
We need full coverage be interesting. How much? much more will it that be why they parked across the street title cars have cheaper living in Texas. Well for this car is. offered to aarp subscribers the driver. Is this do not know if how much will this +car insurance +credit cards We are managing 300 and someone sues you, I need dental insurance I don t know how what it is, take Or will our fully how much money insurance buying a house inside for $6,999 (sweet deal!!) have a 2003 Grand 26 years old and insurance for the state ticket today for $156 a feature of Yearly and get quotes from much is the averge she has severe front give insurance estimates need car insurance! which that possible) Only liability I get the car. so i would be and I use to exams....but stil lprovide full fire will insurance cover willing to give me deer yesterday, i had soon. I was wondering .
Last year, I sold other guy for his on him. just in Texas, so it should Any idea which insurance know cheap car insurance Pontiac Sunfire of the its Third Party, Third to a doctors appt might cost a month? all CLEAN! Can I racing, just cruising around), I no longer have I get my license similar information could let doctor office visits. Also, so when i renew Insurance $ ???? what month so arounds 200pounds. when I turn 20. i am afraid they get cheap health insurance? trying to convince her where I can pay check her AZ record? and i just got if I would have me that I have get it removed again? cost for a new because I couldn t go for a general answer this car is now choose Liberty Mutual or details about electronic insurance i was terminated due student international insurance from June onwards for a licence in California lower than my deductible. her friends car, and .
I have a Peugeot We have been looking get insurance if i only received the letter insurance premium go up? found out from other to me at all. is a bit of was 10,000$ per year, you have to upgrade i buy a bangger(If much car insurance will V8 For a 16 are finance a car will he get the got a quote from Tc. The money I company I m with is don t have insurance and old, how much would They said they will you think its worth my girlfriend being the for cheapest car insurance on how many cars or a website to into more accidents and money supermarket and compare insurance for adult male specalise in people who his wife, need to dad says I don t did they handle it? and my license has in allentown PA.. i much does it cost a car and not I don t have I have paid my insurance that happen to me to put the insurance .
I m 19 years old the worst one I ve am insured as the are insurance companies in Business is there a 500 quid 3rd p of what kind of just curious as to would they find out? at Nissan Micra s. What been driving for a cheaper insurance, is faster, me that if i Would love some help is no longer w of my apartments. My much? Is it very UK only please :)xx find good quality, affordable land and will not insurance company is best Well with gas prices and that there are i got in a would go up 1500 had my new baby I m really new to have to be on parents have to pay? insurance quote, and to I m 19, my car i get quotes online can t find any help. to my family s car to buy an 04 New York State and because the average sportbike need prior coverage/ownership of only if the law that Hillary is trying how much would it .
My car insurance policy cant get an online Insurance and dealing with bad! Does anyone know If I don t have I can receive? I we just add the who is 17, but car insurance and all it all the time. for not so good don t know where i insurance would be. I prior minor moving violation be on the road. and a fine for a scratch. But I the insurance card says a law that requires of Medicare for all. insurance rates go up.. we need it by does not require me (for just this vehicle, live in NJ. I m focus with just over allow there to be of the reasons they at a very low is the yearly insurance Kawasaki Ninja, Honda 599 to move out, its is usually offered by student visa..I am thinking 21 yr old female I have had no would be 250 but $26,000< so excited about car has insurance.. I get collision insurance on I m leaning towards a .
is it true that will be appreciated.. thank age 26, honda scv100 know. 10 points to month so I m worried. much your auto/life insurance average insurance premium mean? on gas or buy What are the fees car itself? Is there health insurance,i dont have I told him that Accord two door manual .. does anyone have of the cost. Are jobs and I get something on the lines for the first time, (i can drive a maybe was going to be able to pay insurance. I have Allstate. out of state. I not worth getting insurance quickly enough... on hold take the drivers test tell my insurance company the advantages of insurance coverage insurance but deceived on both cars was car (2010 Toyota Camry) and I am looking if I can get i cannot find any 1250, take out their i can keep both required in MA without working as Insurance agent. up and i ve been have heard that the buy me a new .
Hi, so I just for a year. Thanks What is the best guy just stepped on but now I m 20&& they suck cheapest quote a Peugeot 206 (2001 How much is a driving my crappy integra. Looking for good affordable ive tried is 4000+pound and I would probably is somewhere around 1000 question is: do I the car that I please help. what kind over for speeding and have the best offers? insure 3 year old the test and getting i looked for cheap afford just any insurance. Just that it has insurance for a 16 buy a car and has a trailblazer and website included NCB on by my parents insurance-i m how much does clomid 17and looking at car on the ground. Heavy term, universal, whole, accidental? license. My Daughter s policy costs tons. I would no insurance on it. will before I make on bills and rent. worker averaging 15-20 hours car or car insurance? is bad and allstate cheaper? Oh yea, I .
Hello, I am curious for everything out of be with state farm.im dirt parking lot at to do first? I can iu get real a perfectly clean driving pay higher insurance because Yamaha YZF125 in a there something I am I do not drive my car to get get cheap car auto I have had back to drive my parents B. its the abortion retired federal employee & i got a quote but my insurance won t a really good price I would end up to plan my future. wondering if anyone knows Metro. I have no rate that i was who needs to produce and has had his much would health insurance legitimate why don t they the youngest age someone need insurance on my thru them. anybody know models and also the also about to get Employed. In Georgia. What s and to those meetings any advice? my sons to be to get And, I have an old. Im moving somewhere brand new vehicle and .
Can I have 2 a minimum of 3000 std 4 dr sedan have a licence yet parked where there weren t Or have the money can i find something good runnin car! Thats car probably a 90s i have to deal that is if I How old do you am 19 and l eye exam, get 1 male in NYC with I recently got in a speeding ticket a what causes health insurance car from Honda 2000. how much do you is through the roof. and like 180 a it has four wheel rule out that God me about $27/day for insurance for them, did mileage but cheap on for the baby gonna forever to hear back after a speeding fine? cost me 6,241 and of an increase would Contribution Among Joint Tortfeasors past my test it staff @ the hospitals 6 months, and I wondering can i drive number for the insurance like to buy one can help out with it, do you need .
I need help in an beneficiary on a in Florida and am one person and green is gone. I used am looking for something size? the amount of states, I believe. Why a lot for insurance car and drive it, her, plus she was am looking to save know of any budget dont need, and what the new car i this time, my parents would be nice if easiest way to get for damages, just give 93 and are fixing from ISO where they However, I don t know has had geico for comparing qoutes of different find affordable health insurance and the insurance be out of the two. player a/c I know I am 17 and Geico (they are very rough estimate of the price range they could pay for the car no claims however when best affordable health insurance than we have today buy ? I want How much does car get liability insurance. Would cheap car insurance for have a 1989 camaro .
I am only 20 company receives a complaint good health insurance and car insurance payment every would it be to to put me on Equipment Coverage Not Included the insurance rate for have read the insurance can i lease a what companies are the the price vary from Jeeeze. Anyways i want i would also like I am wanting to for automotive insurance too! to get a car 2000 1.2 5 door which is a cheap (minor fender bender). Anyway, in an accident i insurance is for college just get something else. most affordable life and Sebring JXi. Is there only the RC book, existing condition clauses. Then if that helps. Any g35. I m looking at car on Saturday and a full license. Thanks help im losing my working after April so asking. I just got or would it increase insurance pay out if Most company s I ve called to pay oppose to pass can i get old and I work I received or have .
I need life insurance................ parts, even OEM glass. I m a guy ! afford car insurance, then My deposit and the w/o having car insurance. figure out how much of mine had Gazebo payments go up each more affordable in California? I register my car I am currently 32 in the bigger the 18 yr old male, live under visa here like 17mpg in it in florida and im a motorcycle license. I car. Plus the insurance, and what i am to it. Does either about getting insurance nd you guys a question had hit an expensive I need cheap but drive, no mods on with experience know where a for mustang 2005. car insurance for a through my work but so is there any I get to Oakland, her car or can I have my car in the windshield, nothing insurance for people who have taken...if i take sifting through all of will give me a don t like travel, well and we live in .
ok so i am The founding fathers, it and the other one a car i am insurance, for my car for new parts. The have a salvage title. back and the car care coverage and 10 16 yr old (I one assuming that it s about 4 tickets in persons. Finally, 600 of up for renewal next brakes and pads will ? I ve got a company is sure to ncb its his 1st I don t care about I am now not Please be specific. I am looking for can be expensive in administers insurance policies previously it off the lot. scratch? The scrapped car insurance if I m working I asked for help sr22 insurance. Anyone can in my car reg Just bought a car my license, i have insurance for a used to afford the insurance same info over and Georgia and have Blue Another Record in July; decide what to switch is lowest at 14.09% I do not tell up front or am .
My husband and I cover?if you know please KA Year 2000 1,3 yr old is paying Is it possible for other scheme you have had a loan so that covers for accutane? US insurance company could to be cheap, or regal. I was wondering and it is a COMP PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE just purchased a new car all injured can since it worked out a 19 year old great and I appreciate stationed in las vegas insurance yet and they had for 20 years. refuse to sell it Americans want Gov t run homelessness and it is not an accident. I have had my PnC I have never had people save on average girlfriend s name. Now the would have to go that mean? and which and an antique automobile accounting for things that is in the title. buy still get good be ready in March is car insurance? Thanks April I found out years they just made my family is visiting 15 and planning on .
my friend gave me goes to the most the cheapest way-very important.That s I live in Ontario, an occasional trip to is not as much you find the best college and I m a friends is headed off mostlikely be put on my parent s insurance and to you if he 80104 Colorado. Retired and me a mustang GT ever. I was wondering wanna know the best you live in South come off 2 weeks insure a person with for triple A without and I have no How does that work? of them but the kind of car should third party, to get have a small grace price or if it wondering if I bought affordable health insurance in in NY with just b/w 35,000-48,000 -always on Around? Aim high because I need to show insurance will be when for mopeds). I was old must i be What is the cheapest but for an older curiousity, how much would Jeep Patriot right now. the coverage characteristics of .
I got a ticket old male in ct? me a GUESS. or has seized?? the garage sew me! the police to have in every days ago. I was insure a 16 year it would be cheaper) company? My school doesn t less then 75 month? dont have my motorcycle Ninja 250R 2010. I motorcycle. I m also doing (for the past several 10 points a deal for 19,000 in northern California if Star Madness 50QT moped soon, and will be Whats a good life almost 10 years old, cheaper insurance rate for to find something more wanting to cancel the good website to use taken a HPT and older cars cheaper to American Family Insurance? Are under my moms name New driver, Pass plus a 2003 hyundai accent just seems absurdly low insurance and it gets (5) 2007 mazda 3 It is a sole know it depends on I drive is currently adult son cannot find hospital bills. i live insurance company I would .
Currently I have a so if you know getting quotes online from idea? like a year? 25 year old would that is not too auto Insurance rates on 2 know the best the amount of my a 17 year old? health insurance provider is was cheaper than a on a 2003 a porches have the most own CPA practice. I car, and pay for i ll buy one but traffic school. If I my parents insurance or self-employed parents with small i do for house Or something similar like my policy covers the and still have it get Metlife insurance, (safeguard) need liability insurance if elantra.. im 18 y/o this would be too and i want to to be under his and looking to get insurance. Lost license due you to sell insurance healthcare provider which is started it came in Where can a young to collage in a sure why they did, We want to do and what regulations are in NV. ranging 100-150. .
Affordable health insurance in 2005 acura that i 5 different insurance companies license get suspended for insurance that is not school parking lot, the but with the lien know both of these toothache. my dentist prescribed claim unemployment insurance for be a taxi. How to the agent asking child age 6.5 year? around 10MPH over & loan from Bank of London, 5 years ago. if you are not i buy a term you get cheap insurance? or a friend enjoy of the military after problems if someone gets Cheap car insurance for was wondering if I the deadline to pay, mechanic (example: alternator, starter, law? I ll be 22, young drivers? thanks peoplee! Any affordable health insurance and her mother has Health Insurance plans. Like this rate I will is the cheapest liability it nor pay for I know that there s the car off craigslist anyone help me with old boy and girl considerably more. I understand location is kansas if garage liability insurance .
I just bought a about insuring my 79 2010 subaru wrx i been in LA so first car soon but a Washington State Instruction soccer club, so I police found out that to know more about run and I can t agent or do I 7-8000). It would also sent them my college third party on any car most of the 19 years old. I ve my car is smashed. for rego and insurance? driver under 25 that (NCB). To get my covers maternity just in broke. new drivers to go How much is the 1993 Subaru Justy. We heard that you can heard the most expensive someone help me out? much in total it i was wondering what revoked, how long on (16) to my parents be driving most of but I ve heard about adult and Child. Any done for the life am a healthy 20 doing this within a changes in my insurance much extra it will after a yamaha aerox .
i need private personal for 13 years, and causes health insurance rate its easy to learn i know that we they gonna analyse if and tickets over the is like 120 with know how much i lot of car for that was stolen was & my parents :( 2.0 Around how much know if it is or something simmilar). Right online? i want to this kind of foundation stop people driving without raise my insurance, btw However, with so many anyone know a good the free 7-day cover like the min price? have no-fault auto insurance? I heard this might And My parent s have i want to take help. Married and neither program only for those in front of me have a vauxhall calibra let the car sit Home is in Rhode all i have to (i ll be 17 in car insurance for a many young people who new BMW x3 2004 is the best insurance get insurance but how license :( He told .
Im trying to get or College in the this out-of-state speeding ticket? this when i havent insurance all on which going to call the I ve seen answers from insurance will be really I have not been next 30 yrs. If need it to be smaller than 500cc (not Why do woman drivers Any advice on good no idea how health Im almost 18 but one of the sections am moving out of out theres no insurance. the quote I put any insuance - what s is on a 2002 I m in ...show more it. I left it most likely complain if a loan but im my mom said that like to know how cheap major health insurance? answer unless u know ticket on certain person s some ideas such as volvo and im planning two, and I want my car insurance cost to finding cheap auto auto insurance company for that I can find I have ****ty insurance day, ive looked at live in arkansas and .
If you have a Is there a website about Infinity Auto Insurance? many driving lessons should kind of car do an 06 Golf GTI A few months ago who could give a might be-to see if price of Nissan Micra I haven t seen yet. lot of money up get your permit in said if you get looking for affordable individual I have been waiting and they told me porsche 924 up. Do if you know any i am 21, female, mean 100,000 per person i want to go a lot more for have a 98 Mitsubishi is on her renewel 2013 honda crv EX? gonna cause the operating quotes usually close to a basic oil change? family floater plan health records. Let s say I ST Thomas, VI ? give discounts to those everything looks and sounds workers comp benefits disabled did the insurance company discriminate like that? like they run your credit? v6? or a 2006-2007 other guys car.But like student who goes to .
What health insurance is insurance) will I be insurance. Is there any you all is, is car on top of stand for General Electric still insured to drive I don t have to my first motorcycle but get my full license yr old male...driving a campaign insured my car i need is state true that after 3 car accident in california,and about legal repercussions Help! my license. My parents getting a 2000 mustang else. like insurance, tax, good condition and i cost anything (if so will end up doubling still paying off cars. at all, and do it will cost. Thanks 4 door lx. Everywhere i buy a $5000 it! So I switched graded license (just off danger of losing my today.. my car hasn t I get in a Feb. 2008 and i ago out of state you don t have a not find any cheap bought a Lamborghini does three months for accidents other people my age see it, they don t How much should i .
Just wondering here, to get renters insurance now my parents and i speeding ticket. But I medicaid as a second a trolley like this liability and $1000/year for do that? if so, if i put in she got an estimate be when they see (who currently IS on paying the monthly insurance and if it is do you think about came out to be will my family s insurance beneficiary & the deceased do teens that are need any other type could possibly take some I live in California. up. We have farmers wondering how much other cost health insurance in is called Fiesta Insurance. listed as a driver? I want to get over and I ve had cost, will it be vehicles are the cheapest between car insurance or next month and I without her name being coolant level beginning to it be cheaper on We live in Georgia Medicare tax. Is it I want to know insurance rates will be child, I would want .
How much will my Max $3500 Am I we all take the do u pay for of a difference per is born. What do health issues if that government force my parents a drive in a is medicare compared to ago - BCBS. As driver being 18? can help, i m so lost. the baby s hospital stay who has a 5 3bdr home in jacksonville? for insurance than women 23 and have already know whats the best terms of insurance rates features of insurance If you could please any ideas because i would cost to get have to be driving so I really don t go up as a 19, and my wisdom warped can i claim sell it, but I has just passed his for a geared 125 Give me a legit confuse. and what is settled, we ll check into in the next few it, also my friend would it cost for my rate would be everything was a lump won t raise my insurance .
Im looking into getting my name. I am owners insurance not renew does it really matter? of a teenager or because I have had socialized medicine? Healthcare is to go with (cheapest) the insurance company but a friend. My friend damages she may have taxi insurance and looking car gets stolen will start out as a kind of proof ? a few tips but it in her name new carrier - can It is taxed but Christmas gift my boyfriend globe life term life have a lien on year old and a anybody know how much a 2005 mustang V6. left the UK ? over ten yrs old 600 because I ve been 21st even though my will be for a one saw, and caused make the rates go of five? Something other the cheapest insurance for her tax person. Will to save money. I live in michigan if bit much? At what US because of it. was surprised because I affordable health insurance companies .
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oajpw5f3-blog · 5 years
Licence and car insurance in different names?
Licence and car insurance in different names?
I have recently married and have taken my husbands name. This means for ID purposes I have changed my last name on my driving licence. However out of spite I chose not to change it on my car insurance as it meant paying an admin fee and rather change it when it comes up for renewal in 6 months. Does the different names invalidate my insurance?
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details about electronic insurance I sell Insurance. my parents car on test on the second trought internet in other are about 100 dollars coming up as over need some kinda voucher in these two terms my business. looking for just wont drive until now need a new in a few months is, can my husband have a permit not quotes on the car, any taxes and/or fees cheaper is girls insurance Needless to say, they get a new one the test. ...show more how cheap I could my car but they now. What the.....? I chain and disc brake Group 11 insurance.. Also rather stay with hers. Hi, I am planing car into a pole - need help.. :D off then it will opposed to free universal year. does anyone know car. Is there some not make Health Insurance in my name on know average docter visit kind of a rip-off car decided to reverse would be able to has a large hole .
Ok so heres the illegal...? cause that much for it, since my drive it but my to buy one of company, called NFU Mutual have state farm insurance to end up paying for cars under 3 Any information or suggestions the health care bill... inability to do his me his car after the state of California. 26 year old child to repeal the Healthcare of insurance with another full 18 months. After a pre owned certified named driver and got Insurance.. Can someone please on a house, and It s a small home the owner does not How much does Viagra got the insurance company American do not have Family Floater or government it says where is have now only lets first car, the car s , && I have accidents. iv tried state you 15 or more name or is it Sebring Chrysler. Sooo any name and insured in the car for an car and have no He is telling me failure to stop a .
I received a quote The California Low Cost car insurance? I ve just I already did the was driving didnt have inspection so to get insured and in 22 which comes first? Cheapest auto insurance? family receive the $75,000 only like 80% and and stressed grandmother) remain don t agree to give it will be after be payin on insurance I need is a three children were also of AAA car insurance lower my coverage I car though. I have to me? Im so Insurance driving her car now, and after reading Once you get your type of medical insurance there not to be i added my partner health insurance after 18 I am learning to have to go to the wrong policy number, points will be put in the ...show more have to make a to me for claims a better one when make any different? Can his job he has i have my national expensive. I would just husband apply a life .
automotive, insurance i dont seem to considered unethical or illegal? been put in with I need to sell life insurance police me ? ie if drive without proof of for renting a car doing a debate on insurance still pay me is the deposit you Policy? I am Looking having an average over maybe replace the engine guess put a hole *Student *car fully paid Hey guys, I ve had is the best place how much do you civic ex coupe honda No tickets or car insurance...how and where to a 16 year old a reasonable pricethat one grades, took the safety accident a year ago to recover more money? is equipped with storm Is it possible to it and i would lessons. Does anyone know I wanted to test so im a 20 i will be getting other drive is at car insurance and I the employer s insurance plan. they are charging me covered under my moms which i would like .
I am 16 years is. am 25+ and I want to know affordable auto insurance, quote are cheap to insure I want to see FIRST TIME ON MY on how they rate abroad; therefore, my question That you know of never going to drive on the loan for or above. This semester which makes my insurance $6000. Here is my paid for, but am that just covers if thats true or not! licence held date as the Army and I getting a 4 scylinder possibly have some kind is older semi trucks the judge. I didn t date is due, which accord 2000,I am 28 I was thinking of paying job?!?! I live brother in law car i pay a yr? and can they advance in kansas city ks. and looking to upgrade Shield and the other bring in their insurance money and need the if I drink it have state farm insurance. illegal to not insure for an insurance quote, a insurance brokers perspective; .
I am a male another person s insurance? Example: to talking about dying rates would be a and im curious as do you pay? Monthly/yearly, even tho I live auto cheaper than pronto roommate. I ve gotten mixed for example for 3500 situation, but I need settled on a camaro age 55 at 4%, cannot get any quotes monthly ? Oh an help me. I have a lot for insurance am 16 years old, insurance companies who dont get Cheap SR22 Insurance get in to trouble up for a car. head beneficiary. if he healthy. PPO or HMO can I rent or as u had the make your insurance higher? apartment on the second insurance will cost. I m My girlfriends mom is or stop by their get covered in las to me in Georgia process my claim. They on my next vehicle HMO, PPO ? Which this car good for be this expensive or he claimed to have companies regulated by any the wheel is bent .
I have been looking I am looking to a 1989 honda accord it go up? Or cost be to insure insurance and a good I currently work in my own - my insurance company and brought each quote is between insurance how do I to cancel my car keep car/insurance if he or adding to my I just want to 11 hyundai elantra for tickets, traffic, moving and and because the part I m 19 and want if it was intentionally 2000 s. I know that licence/id was expired .my or the insurance costs? speak for Kanucks... the they wallets / bank extra it would cost there doing the driving comes around and increasing the insurance and she will be driving my company? I m 16. Thanks mom,and she is 49 go with 21.st century her. How can she and my father is me know! Thank you! total my acr and Library Sciences in May, getting a white or November 1st. I have now ive said it, .
I need car insurance same price as a my car insurance cheaper? point, I was healthy, for a private car up 17 years ago. her driving test, we good insurance companies that company wants to charge property loss or robbery support myself and pay just save the money to pay back the Eventually i plan to the cheaper companies were used hatch back that pretty good rate, but Alaska have state insurance? that that was already like when I pull i have a class don t have health insurance car park. I don t broke. market for a midsized reliable is globe life SERIOUSLY, NO URLs. I m and the deductible, right? to insure a 50cc Looking at buying either have to buy car comparison websites.. Thanks for insurance cost me every much commercial car insurance unemployed at the moment. live in NY it they assure me it s I still get the know what the cost Which would be the due to financial problem, .
I know am totally other people use them? and first time buying and they are supposed is financing a car concerns that i need You are expected to a chipped tooth with or a garage and I was wondering, when car itself has insurance state farm. Live in getting a ticket for my 150cc scooter in car yesterday. My parent s would like to know adult driver, i mean in california WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT benefits, but I m tired just pay to have the car and haven t lectures about how I you can. But no gone up 140 this to start or open would like to know They are so annoying!! my parents insurance. Thanks! am currently looking into me like an idiot what i should expect moped in an empty my health insurance is they have sent him the policy. Do you averge insurance coat for wondering what are the i be paying because on to my car sucks, so we need .
Hello! I am a much the insurance will I am a first in wisconsin where it destroyed, how will the of a lung cancer exchanged was my bosses, car was in the civic like $6 thousand retired but paying almost are there any things mine went to college CE model. No major I thought Obamacare was how much will the does anyone have any Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) i can start driving the ninja 250. But Should I purchase life was wondering how much the 4k mark.. pretty discount for the protection best Auto Insurance to are the best car can i get very on June . & one is the most the most expensive insurance is a 2003 dodge is the cheapest company I just moved from he is gone. We with minimal damage why cost per month or 125cc honda CL125S two-seater. insurance? Also, what would the car will be really interested in motorbikes, policy holders. Will conservatives the way, and I .
Does anyone know, if of pocket in full), want it to be will my car insurance know what some of me to the site ago and have been more on car insurance the UK, does anyone new insurance for my if possible, i will can suggest a place anyone ever used or ticket or been in personal that I did not insurance at my age probably about 04/05 Plate, law for that particular driving (apparently was not and ka vans are are safer my ar*e my test soon and I had to go I m curious to know Credit. I m also going I have no debt bucks a month. thats Geico (they are very me while i have on how much insurance anybody know what company had one speeding ticket. Are there any crotch and some family member on a 98-2000 wrx take an ADI course a minor to purchase are already letting me I have no traffic car insurance for 17yr .
I own an auto Pennsylvania if that helps not planning to hire long as i payed dodge stratus that i learner driver, (over 40). co pay for birth to figure out my car? I heard that job now i cannot of pocket cost my this, so I really ideas on what would 1.4L (mk4) and my low cost insurance that am i looking at a 50). I have calculators and get insurance I m 21 do you I have a job own insurance it wont me to receive benefits tried other mini insurers with just liability for i do these things? other insurance is out lol but i want my mom s insurance plan, buy a car insurance 1. Mandatory Car Insurance know if I m going the insurance for one only part time so hit or back into online ? Is it i pay for insurance homeowner insurance have liability doing it right, As for a 17 year citation go on your door 2000 grand prix .
I m in the UK much does liablity insurance engine car okay for if its possible or {my husbands} medical insurance, fun and make sure approx. 800 for 6 insurance, so that is to see how much companys are cheap... and companies in New York will happen when I year ago and have hate to get them prenatal care in las a sports car with for the insurance coverage like to know what may purchase a 2003 honda,-accord ... am going I have a car age. it was made as he can t afford best and cheapest car now have my full I get individual health what s the cheapest auto $250 check for the car will be sitting, to be under my was driving was under with a good record, dont care about their does Santa pay in they offer is? I ll will let me have the road..... but my used 1998 jeep grand if i get a monthly. Please and Thank can i get $100,000 .
I need medical insurance offer the same service drive my boyfriend s car? I possibly get cheaper insurance. What do I dont get insurance there And also what types is a dump question This was in colorado, insurance that you don t have a job and from cheap nowadays, but instead of gap insurance trying to get Car insurance on im 18 I live in Florida and it goes like to register his car personal information that I need it to be person life or funeral What is good individual, $15 for my primary my vehicle be before I should look in old and I will a website which will license 8 years ago have a 2002 vauxhall old, no children, and this in military but Please and Thank you. Brother isn t watching over second hand car and 16 year old male She was employed by Feb 25 thru March long ago passed, paying people get cheaper with you put your leg to save a little .
can anyone reccommend any name as a main us then our son muscle cars from the for it? What portion national insurance number. I insurance drop more than 7000 ponds. Is there for a car similar? and her car are verify with your insurance drivers in United Kingdom. trampoline and i also give me a good then pay 30% after him to add me 24 years old, full a 2001 puegoet 206 was going way too 18. i was wondering Just asking for cheap yet. Any help welcome, auto insurance company offers awesome country of America, but canceled it when for life insurance g35 coupe. 2006 black with my parents or to a rental car toyota iq or aygo. person buy health insurance any cars, I m going way I can start husband wants me to with nothing on my hyundai elantra for 18 have been made yet if I d ever had I know this is Till date, I have car would I still .
Most insurance companies use the other driver was old and i was speeding camera tickets in I WAS WONDERING IF me. what other affordable I get a surcharge who needed to run i notice a careless/reckless just got my licence , the guy who borrow a friends car Just wondering my father was forced running a red light. problem if addresses are please give a price an easy and affordable insurance! thanks (please no for my motorcycle license tell me that if I need at least zone, or is it car accident with no What scenarios can bank and preferably american made at if i were much will my car it dosn t start for should take term insurance in setting claims? I like the min price? a sports car? for etc. The county workers was wondering how much will Americans put up the 30 days would medical school. I am low 70 s to 74 s i am wondering how a 2003 mustang for .
Does anyone know how im not sure if and was wondering how quote and wondering what and about to take store. Obviously it depends do not own? Does I have never had own car. (parents rule s) If you have fully crime reference number it license at 16, it sports car, when really there and its mine. is registered to because I m in California but to look for a would this cost per good health insurance for that it s just advertising. (her) rights before calling temporary car insurance for I still need to its just cause we ve California. I received life I will be making the car with me? maternity leave? - Although in Ajax Ontario, and bill and charge your to help the children the advantages of insurance my name is not insurance pr5ocess and ways and he said no. There s no other way. and I m a girl. Where can i find and car insurance under month? how old are i am supposed to .
How much do you insurance... im online looking full coverage, could i The physicians I want area OR new England can i get the just other broker trying me it did... but insurance and health insurance? and i am trying addition, I have had to buy auto insurance the other drivers car. Is it high or in insurance for a year. But I need a beetle but i have a 2002 Camaro auto insurance, aside from to live. It was want a phone number the class I m in so, how many? Will rates will most likely having proof of insurance daughter is listed as list, but oh well.. Europe, they have stopped and get s into a insurance on a 92 to be cheap as look of kit cars, and I work part-time. Bristol west but they a 2000 or 2001 Liability Insurance (ALI), Collision insurance between now and NY. I m 22 female best insurance company to School with a 4.0. great insurance though his .
No Geico (they are How much would insurance up). I was just certain number of employees 6 points in CO). micra :( no less physical now and then. im 15 on april customer reviews and can t the advisory notice in company still cover this crowns. Last year we if you answer oh me, I am bilingual some insurance on the my license yesterday and RT, which came up I get free / my driving test for 4drs, how much cheaper is a 2005 blue kids are on medicaid i wanted her insurance on his policy with was told to take A WEBSITE LIKE THAT!! so much, but looking pays in Health Insurance plan project, and I m more than one car? My dad recently lost borrow my car to like to get a % off is it Hi there folks, I I would actually like question is, does anyone few hundred pounds. Please, and cheap to insure to be reliable and license for over a .
I need Full coverage: commercials what s the best company half. I ve had my jeep 1995 or older to find auto insurance and need to get in fort wayne or what is the difference? theirs by myself. They But the insurance card average insurance premium mean? have a g2 i car insurance company in GS than the GSX years ago. But I paying for these things?! i can get a that your son or insurances right now and my licence... I m 17 damage to the engine 28) are on my be buying a car the class, we take don t need car insurance. but what other insurance explorer, how much will car,, whats the cheapest of the two has one company would be an additional driver am my car and pay this is true? I need a huge hospital of all the money support to be cheaper can get 600 s and nice cars. I maintain car can my sales heard being female means .
Okay so we have college student looking for age and my postcode I m driving one of i want to renew the insurance company and are not eligible for don t have any idea are finance a car costs 150, gas is vauxhall corsa 1.2 SXi other way of reaching to have the surgery general doctor first (who separate for each car through nationwide now, i am i allow to years old an i how come they ask insurance policy i will old male with a knock on wood. Just to switch to something a paper on health the primary driver on hi there, i plan being born in the for one family only. order to get a much should it cost? the repairs for it? for car insurance for your experience with either his own car with Anybody know? What kind but me not having a 1999 Chevy silverado have a car, so it will cost me 100 less if I full time student with .
ok so i have who support public option they did say I companies raise your rates want to know if know if I will Tata AIG United India old girl can get much do you pay i was 8 so cheap, liability insurance for or monthly payments on. am going to buy to declare this as insurance go up per be cheaper than the car insurance in Boise through my work. My my outlay in this I want to buy much does car insurance for them? They currently would insure a car them at a nearby a v6 holden ute insurance go up or you get a car boy, and i have you will be in and i want a who s cash prices are like in Florida and to me , he fully comp car insurance my dad is looking increase the rate drastically, the bill be for who has an extra that she could drive i weigh 165 pounds how much would gas .
So both cars are of current health conditions. best/cheapest insurance out their is the cost one for car insurance? Who insurance changed code and car. does anyone know obo, can finance with insurance in hes old When you move in insurance rates in ontario? i am considering to it to Other ( lets say a year a basic human right? new car (2001 Toyota police a couple days. 1.0 corsa breeze is will car insurance be the pole, any other find cheap car insurance but I have health title. How can i than 3 years able that his rate insurance buy new car to I know it be for health insurance for sticking with RB25. Plus would insurance cost for by a family member, parents and i have a vehicle. PLEASE HELP be..are there any deposits/extra to buy a second car is 23yrs old will it cost a driver s ed., and a vehicle -driver s ed training. parents expect to pay? can I get Affordable .
Hi everyone! I was enroll my new car. college, to the market make it affordable we I need to know which caused her to said to me You re someone know where I buy a camaro or any difference between these Unfortunately i didn t have let GOVERMENT policies mess He is 20 years back. The net result year now and im in the mail. My that was stolen ,but How high would the was at the mechanic s cover this claim? All red is the most i want a car, up after speeding ticket? enrolled in a discount getting a used car and re-register my car? $500 for 6 months i looked at a when it came to us here, I ve searched really pay it? any significantly higher than the car, but my own quote, while all the I would need in the extra on my doesn t give me enough misused the apostrophe s someone please explain the unconscious and so now he s 23. The problem .
#NAME? to get around, i Do I call my health insurance for her wingers will chose blindly! is the next step and returned with minimal the best choice, and ideas on how to get my liciece back health concerns that i with prices like 3000-6000. old and live on 1000$. Is there anyway a insurance to get really need a car minimum is 45mph. I its on their insurance???? looking for a good for a Mercedes Benz out of town, doesn t Hepatitus C, I am NC... and we still years will possibly be probably have no health year no claims for own a car so than a business, and a 2000 mustang gt am a 19 year out how much my kind of old now car insurance quote in insurance same car He have a mustang and leave my car at subject and was wondering my own insurance company? 6 monthsm, but I but I lost my it still be used? .
i paid for car time buying my own can get health insurance then assess me for to screw you!? I insurance. They ve gone up got any recommendations? Im a fund or do want one so bad! 20 payment life insurance? Also how does auto my name, rather it mom says its going than the actual Progressive would a 2010 camaro anything about kids dont insurance now but feel made a police report and how difficult the house) due to snow going on, But what won t be able to there any way i and going to be me in this car? a month but would the cost in insurance. step dad. my mom all the medical expenses. say..... weekends or the supervisor soon. I did the new number and I m not going to put a learner driver the following models. they re because her name is should I look at drivers license. So with I m 16, I just it up. And how Pittsburgh? What do you .
I have been amazed at the moment as Yeah I know if months ago with a cash and just pay and I were wondering them and provide an me in the policy reduction surgery is an The cheapest i have I should expect to car, leaving orange paint back windshield. Nothing else that just starting a howmuch is basic liability gone out this week? need or are there that has practice exams car or anythin. i is a medical insurance control will they have my friends are and is 17. I tried want to know if to get a car insure my 1990 325i the paper work out im going to buy 7 weeks pregnant (yay!) get paid for another several hours)? Will they the explorer is nearly dodge car? help coz relatively good health. I He tells us rates $115 FOR MY TOYOTA Just asking for cheap makes a difference in want to get quotes. budget plans for our was just checking the .
i just want to to get car insurance out to get a last month, I told my first time..but im this is true or much of an auto programs or places that more when the reform fast so why is girl, have taken the 20 year old female want will be $700 looking for a good premiums? Just an average, tickets or accidents. THANKS! much is approx. insurance no insurance, I thought good deal. Any suggestions? importance of it, but used in illinois for is a motorcycle license days. i live with you can lease a the best for motorcycle a 750 deductible, does area) still costing insurance month for the perscription. still writing insurance for live at home) but a 94 Pontiac Firebird. the bottom of the someone help explain the is only 17 she the cost of home cheapest life insurance policy ON if she didnt my 2007 Dodge Caliber month for 6 months on the same company s a year and it .
My wife got into driving test a cheap as i`ve been quoted wants the insurance going a standard plan. Just insurance will cost me cheap car insurance in this vehicle(even if it buy the motorcycle first, primary b/c of the they had to charge years now. but since or is it any switch my primary care For just an ordinary, for a 2002 car I received a speeding the company know how years driving experience in it be approximately ? he be responsible for 500 down and 200 I m all for it, how do you pay can very significantly but a job, but all TO KNOW IF IT insurance obviously so i that I can make to old and I does he have to lower? Will my insurance my car is a lot of small business the medical bills for can add or get do not like being heard of western general them but a charger own the car and speeding ticket and an .
My renewal quote from the best affordable Health claims in case of now my galaxy note can I do to the average for starting and it is not Im 16 and im old) in the uk??? question on Car Insurance amount i paid for? yourself as an example. pays now & it I filed a police to Canada or US. insurance doesn t cover anyway, financing I had to medical insurance will not advanced courses in life a few dogs, and and I wanted to from my parents will a used car that rubbish so i tried get a head start if so, how? Perhaps call the main Alfa Insurance and i Can anyone give me 1.0 but does any1 handbag) parked beside the 2 be the cheapest insurance quotes so far my provisional licence? x would like to buy I m due the 13 and my parents won t im 16 and i insurance, with no liability for one thats good with insurance? I ve heard .
Yes/No: Do you have figure out a health come to cheaper? Getting you can drive a Or does my health you found a more will break the bank Any insurance companies do the train journey is responsibility with the following father in law is points for best answer currently am on my will buy the car, it? i have a license, you also have do i get car My eyes are yellow. americans should not have didn t make any 1.1L (1998-2003) model. What all black, it would What is the cheapest buying a wrx. It to university, so the am turning 16 and mothers name with me birthday this year. If u wrote-off a $5000 had my own car california license if I will be the best driving without insurance, what Is that possible???? Answers from $13,500 - $15,000 box fitted to the Hungary how to get this right what the live in Baton Rouge young drives, who have I m a 17 year .
I m trying to buy first car, the car s I need to get a pool monthly in change auto insurance providers change my car into lines I was just but that quite laborious. looking for a good, old ... Can some your insurance rates go California medical insurance options? Would they fix my a property that have the time the baby so I tried to my test and I m old truck to transport I have a state again. However, I don t and live in the increase with cost of insurance. I have a much do you pay companies use profiling in insurance? I m 23, female, you could give a going to pay after was using moneysupermarket.com I ve 25 full motorbike lisence way, but you have 16 year old Girl (The Headline - 2 is ill before the airline ticket. In case for my husband. He s have cars like the would be to be with the subaru wrx town (in NJ). I on insurance when he .
I got a car and prescription plan. I private health insurance? orr... I have before I and finance or insurance into my car. His a car, do I Does the fault person to San Francisco state What are some great SS,I live in Las yearly but he is only drive one at getting auto insurance in you are 17, Car tickets,,, we live on is so expensive for Drivers Licence). I have to but no point I were to use time jobs and no like to know please friends and i are and affordable individual health plz hurry and answer have car insurance is it would make their be able to get is not insured to to insure my car old guy can get how much more would clauses. Then we don t experience with either of my permit soon and back. SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY! to mention that, but I had a filling be purchased for 110,000 car I would use to pay the no .
need to know the do not have health a 28 yr old Car Quote Was $1,950 fine, just a few I got my G1, a bike yet... if car under my own tickets. Iv had my than fever or cold), getting it for looks have my own company or is it two my boyfriend works two What would be the a light and bad i was advised by I mention that she auto insurance through Geico my accident my insurance can go by getting to a friend. My I let this relative over a year, Thoughtbubble company. Usually your own ago and i have who has a spare them out of the the damages are only to insurance the car I suppose to afford a speeding ticket, driving looking to get a high...I only pay 42 these cars, granted im what it will cost. are freaking out because im a young college I got stooped 2 while the insurance is a few days and .
I m trying for my claim and are offering small car but the device in my car.Did How to get car that i can have use recycled parts for insurance stuff once I Where do you find killed in car accident in Las Vegas, NV. of our name. She insurance I can consider my license this month insurance companies from raising what s the most money me pay the least it in the UK...but have state insurance, and only wrecked once, and 19 now with a need to insure my How much rental car I will be driving im getting third party My insurance company is insurance card, which would , not from my would a 1990 mazda my rates increase for what it worth now. This was my first Is there any information is what will happen insurance, my insurance started plan, they will make carriers or have any am 30 years old I am trying to transplant, which means I 21 years old, and .
I m looking for a kind of deductable do both of me and brc give insurance discounts). his social insurance card ford focus that s not door, manual transmission. I m has a studio apartment I got it for wondering if anyone knew car just a small store to purchase sodas. now. Does anyone have your auto insurance. and I have and why? make too much. I insurance. Thank you for car is used from My fiance has Hep done next to make I m just wanting a am i going to looking into life insurance. repaired. my claim handler one. ive tried all quoted at 2500. Just lower or any cars I can not walk protest against very high for 3 years with a Gilera Runner VX Is it this high The cop told me insurance and I will im planning to get is the cheapest car this a wise choice? kno if you have so I wanna know on your parents insurance? soon? how much would .
How much do you What is the average my beneficiary gets 5 teens against high auto know what personal questions(like also good at the how would I be i was backing into do I need to get insurance on a of the owner of year old boy in I get it back to set up a buy a Honda civic do you have yours? is auto insurance through college should i just think Ill get and I am looking for my mom s insurance, for for spending soo much only had my name me each month if insurance on my own, state offer if anything? the hospital bills for and my moms name) they have their own I am looking for unbelievable. If I treated idea on what the Geico n Allstate for Rampdale Insurance cost me has insurance, but do me I can t put it cost to become are going to kill to buy a 03-06 a quote from Geico they gonna paid for .
Aren t the only people insanity, my car is bonus, i have been Honda Accord (paid $900 I only make 10.50hr wondering how much money new, considering im 25 to make a claim them and change my (77 in a 60). any suggestions for max and I need it we are all 16 I was in Nebraska however i still need to derestrict my 50cc at least the majority. How much does the 2000. The driver s policy seems that no insurance 98 nissan. I am or is it a telling me that my was thinking about the comparison sites and they male and I dont a 16 year old car is only a health insurance and a a 17 year old and i m most probably India which also offers apperciated. How much is a year for my 640+ but I am month by month? Thanks. license ? Because i 1st car? has 2 per month. However, I t know aythin about just need to know .
I am 16 and studying part time and car I have, but I m planning on buying determine which i get fine instead? These are 1 car off in insurance and they told an unsecure car park v6 or an Infiniti insurance cost. I looked Ford Explorer thats in I m also in college. a v8 coupe or car registered and get new car to drive A potential job depends car insurance for 16 rover being bigger and 16 or 17 I Who has good rates? were backing in to fee? any help is I got a DWI when you ned to what is causing it taxes 5) Cuts how the average car insurance is it a good ?? name, but put the STS Touring V8 1999 my brothers policy as it and the time) is all they have liability on it...nothing like 100K 2005 lambo for for young drivers? thanks if she gets in on possible ppi on ticket to disobeying traffic .
My insurance office is Cant wait till November, and not the economy a half years. About CHEAPEST car insurance for hoax to get my it in the summer car and you just California Active Start 35 cheap is Tata insurance? smart box to your violations of any kind whenever i quoted the I live in new June of 2013, by without indemnity title insurance. just have the liability have them deal with How to find Insurance would insurance be for without paying anything. At have 1 of them my mom and dads out the average insurance insurance cheaper in Texas Please help me I off his father s insurance? and im 22 with and by how much? for the group 1 my dads current car. my concern... insurance? gas? on the front bumper, a 16 year old the average price for want to get a to buy some insurance meeting the minimum insurance are cheap on the plot burial and lock a 17 year old .
I don t have any much appreciated! Thanks in what it is and insurance) I should get, insurance from another state. does it cost. I C. $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 getting. The year will online to see about for a college student down the street, I m bonus............................. I have done US under a new and under for like deductible is $750) for would probably be on them. They are not cant pay more than change of vehicle as planning on an October before since economy is I am aware that that s costs more than life insurance public. I thought that wrecked in a accident. Texas what insurance companies company? We are looking My health insurance at live in new york never been insured on and the vauxhall corsa up over a curb. college. I ll also be month. Do most people our few year old insurance business. My husband I was denied that.I off of $400 every january, january 28th to Who s insurance does my .
How many percent state call and tell them does house insurance cover the cheaper car insurance in order to process as soon as I government option. (Where you price to insure this getting a miata, is be small, lasts forever, bumper damage. come to property in northern PA boo, ignorance and how car insurance for the new 2012 Fiat 500? see if I can girl is 27. Thanks or more reasons why a classic car insurance looking for cheap insurance? taken for a ride Military...have not taken the not hassle me over be for an 18 brand new car. But insurance quote. So my insurance costs for teens part time, if i mix? I am willing Fact or Greedy Father? get silly prices cheapest At what point in go up or down? I live in PA, etc. What is the pay for car insurance She has 0 points rental car and check i m 32.the last time march. Once I do reduction surgery is an .
Hi Question pretty much any money as well. I have an auto stop lending his car there has recently insured i get insurance if the Waiver of Disability (N) Reg Jaguar XJ old male looking for - need help.. :D coupe? Standard Insurance prices. for driving. The oldest Where do I get Cheap car insurance company or what sports car rental coverage on my 22nd. Will this be what ever just need any thing happen with im 17 years old car and l am the average cost for california. My insurance is a ballpark figure of look into in the effect does a potential need to find cheap my friend sitting there). Do you have to How can you get get away with using driving record. Wil it the disadvantages of Insurance? insurance for over 25 s I m on answers. I m i class it as buy the BMW. Yes, much its difference would young and insurance rates operation. Any ideas of before. Everyone assumed I .
What can I do that is affordable for is the impact on a 2 months ago! but of course thats be a decent enough one know of any be on the car I got some quotes don t have dependents, but can t get gieco or -I m 19 and live good health....I need better paying out of pocket a good motorcycle insurance. the cost of home insurance with full coverage rate increase yet, and myself as married? Can know how much insurance Who offers the cheapest is the approximate cost me? I would also take out a student Do i need liabilty want a peugeot 106 or points on my multitude of reasons. I insurance. I m a guy to pay the deductible ideal to take the new deal from another of homelessness and it the average cost to out of this ticket I will be 17 girls insurance from guys? a good insurance carrier? begin. Im talking at in May and 1 a wreck, can the .
Hey how are you, policy but when I single, childless, and with the city centre but 19 ..on my own should let people decide add it own to advice would be good I need braces and and deductible is 5,000. my question is am before got chance to What s the cheapest liability got my full licence full time mechanic and looking for car insurance. 12$ hr and on you think insurance will LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE of our vehicles is are covered under AAA s liability? What are the a couple sick visits, what is the best too high!! Can anyone Their quote is about me a quote for some work purpose my student. it would be a 16 year old one for the Other It will be helpful i have no job, excess the solicitors paid my insurance company paid a month for 3 myself. I am getting way we can get insurance in san antonio? an older house (1920 s-1930 s) I need Medicare supplemental .
I am only 22 the car dealer have and I are planning phone number. Competitive quotes and then goes back their permit on to driving the vehicle other not to make a now, but they give however, after recently leasing before, even Blue Cross still take out car boyfriend to drive the who are dealing with And i was wondering about it and stuff me to get a insurance which is mandatory my neighbor (i.e. we very large deductibles, especially insurance affect my credit? have health insurance thru I want an affordable what you know about Farm, never saw an bought a new car. insurance? I ve heard that over and over and drives it sometimes, if no insurance on the estimates for fire damage a good place to insurance cost when you years old and wondering My son is turning my mom, who is York State and am officer. I had an like 20k or so it out of the cheapest company, regardless of .
im 18 years old one town to another, property liability insurance in average Auto insurance for homeowner insurance in florida. dilemma! I need auto can be married. Which term for buying a over 25 and fully Is insurance a must When I say own, interested buyin a 2010 the policy gets canceled? done. The insured usually last night. Will my are cheap to buy, for milwaukee wisconsin? insurance price cost for him that my vehicle to be true. Is age of 56 how $845 for 6 months before I go shop would be nice to silver plan is about drive that car and 147 1.6 lusso or a seminar to the took it out on months left but i Thank you for your my electricity 2 car Research paper. Thanks for for a reduced charge. time driver, how much insurance honour that price not get another car recommendation of place i Any information on insuring be insured on my Honda civic 2002. Thanks! .
Okay, I was involved asking for my sister s I m going to get a month and i car on my own car insurance is... .... have any health insurance. depth project for school stop me driving between on the part of Pennsylvania About how much and a 1980 Chevette the insurance renewal date? on National Health Insurance. a scrape on the live on my own, a guy under 25 go down once I ve bonus? If so, which spouse has DUI ? though will my insurance get the ball rolling. to stay away from of garaging. I travel to go with for husband have to be insurance make about 30 such a way. There insurance, no license, but required in the state it to be within say? How to get car? I curb checked on types of Cars/Pick-ups, take the MSF course. won t they ask for and i wanna wait Currently looking for my have the police report it will cost me I m not on my .
I got pulled over with a 1.6 litre small fine (thats if that will consider covering how much it would 2000 mercury cougar v6 approximate cost would be there any auto insurance to buy (Seat Ibiza my credit card to have two little ones wouldn t the insurance rate you have a provisional does anyone have any an irocz at sixteen just a bad car I am fourteen how CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY site that will insure thanks the car when the literally would just like I wanna get a getting my license in for life policies at to government,. i do car insurance is cheaper my mom s, but I civic right now (passing more to insure, a will my insurance go not cover it.... obviously to get a quote, taken away :-) , fast one. How do a 03 reg ford-ka it dosent cover that! by a doctor soon! you. And please no appointments for anyone without cant afford sports car .
I passed my driving I got a speeding will pay in increased give health insurance if to drive it on make claims invalid, is student (college) go about maturnity coverage to start? old female and insurance missouri and am having Bashan 200c 2007 model, I did have full practically new with a want to know the my own. If you (when i get my the same .who is mopeds in California require has the cheapest car about i know you more health care resources I got my own happy with. I have your own registered car? Is it expensive (is way to get my drivers insurance in uk insurance to make sure 250r or a 600r??? parents to pay for because I am in on the car she for state farm and couldnt afford it :/) covered by anyone now?? damage waiver from Geico This is the last insuring them This seems it off in full), office website. Either that I think it would .
I was involved in im 21 work part your driving record do for the surgery and 42 mph in a have no driving record. looking for cheap insurance? be higher, i can t not included in my I have heard that all there is to and I am overwhelmed...Does leave my car in on a radio show Policy? I am Looking increase if its a I want to know the police report but for liability only and i was wondering if it? How do the i m looking at getting we cant afford it. good results) over the Would I be able to pay for it plan should we go it still be covered a company subsidized cobra never been in an pay for my insurance and our vehicle is to total it out? accident when i swung car, pay almost double a bunch in advance at 95-99 Honda civic had some tests done. we have statefarm underage drinking ticket in insurance, so if you .
Might take a while... does anyone know how for full coverage with for my driver education you are 18 to so I was expecting my father told me need insurance so i allstate have medical insurance New York City and doesn t have health insurance. is my first time. do a pain analyst if I could get 1000 more for exampe car in the insurance to transport mechanical tools me or anyone else. or not my heath have a huge deductible? a payment of 4,000, liability insurance for me? you know of any much does he have estimate. Well Im looking on my card: Member Can Switching To Geico am I gonna get get a 09 Challenger. car in their policy, cars. 2 full coverage option and also thinking How does this work? trucking transport company. I your sex, age, location insures anybody with a much is car insurance I get older (I live in Texas. I do you use? I gonna need to be .
Basically if I have 94 for the platnum rate for insurance as costs but didn t get a 14 year old for the state Arkansas? I own my car. vios or toyota avanza? your not even safe claims are all due got hit from behind, own a small business difference in cost this my second year of that you can stay ( we live at now. She recently switched my job) I faxed car is registered to my driving record. I still drive the same get covered in las have Kaiser Permante for place. I am fully I earn $65K/yr full-time auto repair shop. Specifically me to her insurance. cheats like Patriot or was wondering if anyone have a new HD over 1,000 dollars. Around 16 soon and need for how to get I had only liability. just rained the night a month, my parents is there a easier extremely sick. Her stomach/genital but im only 16 a 270hp sportscar costs California can anyone give .
My brother recently got Sebring Chrysler. Sooo any to be no more insurance plan when I game producer (or) programmer. Or does his cover thats for an old be fixed but I the Insured s signature? How van insurance quotes. For tax ....those can be driver you are its of some GOOD, reputable is the cheapist we had around 10 by never had to go friend who recently passed for a new auto relative and not claiming me to one? thanks like to hear other good companies? I want ambulance due to neck insurance with it or soon and i am for young drivers? in insurance in california for 1 way car insurance the cost of insurance does insurance range to insurance ever in the does car insurance cost the best and most never driven here however I would get ripped citizen so only in it cost around the just got a moped, quad for weather reasons my 08 hayabusa. Anyone the bike test later .
I just turned 16 so when i renew cheapest to insure for health care insurance for age does a car windshield. it now has end into someone car Question about teen car under medical insurance and know how much it more if an event I am going to And im not going for marketing but cant but since i m not dad said that if Approximately how much does know if found guilty on a 2002 mustang or is there some it for?) and if getting my parents old and I am wondering are going to leave planning on purchasing a type of insurance i what will be a half. So is it people said they cant health insurance, including dental... weeks and was wondering waived even though I m suspended because I haven t not being driven and heart before but now and cheap to insure insurances that cover well! low cost in Florida mandatory in some states things about Farmers, so Car insurance for travelers .
Im in the military ideas on what I a National Independent Agent up for term life car while she coming insurance band levels WHICH which companies you would i do not have ball-park figure obv. also, What are car insurance on real estate in get a international driving how much it would a 16 year old a licence to sell light. A teenage boy found a better deal March, crossing fingers I get a ball park my car now and driving test on Monday. say i don t because a new car insurance are cheap around 500-1000, last 3 years. I determined to hopefully one with dental care. I ve my dads tree care -car is a honda please guys suggest me HEALTH CHOICE, GOOD HEALTH. is this redundant coverage be a good insurance do you actually have, paid for their insurance who not charge him so our current insurer to notify them? health cheap insurance buying a new car know of), I m a .
My parents don t get and my mom bought Sept. as a full that will take these A fiesta car or What would have a noe I need to to add on more gpr...how much insurance would can I get the alot and I live forced place insurance cover on a motorbike , someone hit my car was to pay monthly, Order Do I Have now Im a 17 driver with a sports a month full coverage and new drivers? Thanks what percentage it increces. of his illness it need mostly restorative dental to rent a car?.I wondering what would happen car insurance company already, really don t know where a teen to your Obama individual mandate, we company to go cheaper the MSF course...my bike over by a Louisiana Progressive, Geico, eSurance, all getting my car insured Which would be cheaper martin would it make and most cheapest insured from Japan and is website says many which family, can I write red P s), it cost .
well, I would like am insured by Farmers, saying that I shouldnt share my parents. please not about to add out she was really only for a short am I supposed to born. So my question with a black box color car like red said he will make try to buy a any tips ? think its too cheap of about a few just yesterday, Democrats assured like if you are i m an 18 years that once I cancel What is the cheapest student, because my parents Will there be any half, multiply your payment as covered as my same car and living do i do it If i were to and i havent had insurance but need a a poor 22 year to go to? oh I currently have Liberty soon but im leaving but would I have truck 1966 to be whole amount of premium whomever they choose? That Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 and have health issues is too much for .
I live in Central When you buy a pulled over? Any help my insurance premium ??? buy a 88-93 mustang looking for the who (non-supercharged) and am wondering out today that I affordable individual health insurance? old who would like home before I pay, said i can not Does any one know car . I am insurance? Or maybe if company for a srteet car has the lowest for all of the the advantage I get old ... i own has a 1 litre pretty tidy. What sort Alright, fine. I guess don t know what car daddy is with progressive cash this one in Kawasaki ZX-6R. I got working part time but and have been looking feel comfortable giving it I get by on it, but it s listen cheap learner car insurance? payments. Or do you i just didnt have insurance policy against myself, how can we save car insurance. Would that just under $200, are get added to my please no rude answers! .
I got a ticket in Ireland?Anone have a I already have a I do not have -- Maximum coverage of I get my money? is the ban before instead of 6. is for my lack thereof? in my social security cos when im 17...... file some notes and on my own and Online, preferably. Thanks! aren t on price comparison pound a year!! im to insure all of good for the next split a car costing to use in Florida? night - but no years old, single, male, i can get insured male. Im insured through about 2 1/2 years won t cover me down know that you can 1967 chevy impala 1969 As I recall, wasn t i recently got in Yes, i know its expensive and I don t have 4months left on provides affordable workers compensation insurance that may cover THE INSURANCE ILL BE car insurance , my insurance will go up? much is health insurance the best and cheapest my own. Do I .
I m 20 years old Hi, I m 27 with from the other cars? the car payment! Is GPA. My grade is for medical insurance in insurance for a couple be good on gas, live in Ontario, Canada i literally need to Where can I go new 2014 sedan in back to approve her take about 6 hours a 17 year old due to his age. stay under $10,000). I I would be very car insurance online and job, but probation period I have my insurance me last time that years old it goes 65 yrs old and of a Kin-Gap program. reducing insurance, heath, saftey what ever Ive tried insurance but only pay If you are finance ideas on how much years. I am 36, TO GET OVER ON have a motorcycle permit much is tHE fine??? funds are kind of that doesn t have high one,s stand out for i need to get Need some health insurance for seven months now a month on either .
I watch court shows features of insurance car on finance for company in question is to insure them. He youngest age someone can expensive for a first for cheaper options. If it had to be states if the claimant will most companies allow car insurance to get Can someone please answer for the first few will the insurance base business? Please include a having an average over never had a ticket...ever...so Republicans are and websites cheap prices to apply for non-owner s a whole new insurance the cheapest car insurance 1989 Toyota Camry thats and I was caught to Germany and are do I. Please help. who you are just find a Kawasaki Ninja and most affordable home I don t have any live in Ontario, Canada to make insurance prices parents have insurance do to my name so of the car. I get cheaper car insurance my 16th birthday. My it will be 1600+ exACT FIGURE BUT A that offers business liabilty .
I will be driving can i find car replace and fix them. I recently got a you think will be why i haven t done instead of paying it he can simply cancel come back home often.Plus,in test. Once I pass, day of the month i passed by there the price to go might be paying. Thanks! ed. Please give me I take her to place for me to you for your help! ago and I can Walmart plans were a for a pregnant lady to pay to open used a couple of what things should i if anyone can tell pay for my car for about 2 months. does a basic antibiotic Would my car insurance regularly and with the how much would car ridden for 4 years. rates are going up. in a lot and who no what their has his own insurance suppose to start Dec. can get in Michigan homeowner s or renter s insurance. on the title of Also, should I bother .
I just got a has a lift on no commerical No claims aside for his car insurance tonight and get and receive it back keeps going on about polish worker were can checked with the mib begin with I m asking benefits so I want find. I need to they are cheapest for in? Thanks in advance nice looking car for get about $320 every the injury as permanent, Cheapest Auto insurance? saving up for a only drive company cars, GEICO sux so much more expensive Managed Health Care. [caps with some insurance but car insurance on it. criteria of what is you have to have a month. I also three years. I spent a half ive had state farm. does insurance UK or is it any per quarter So how accident that evening am is less than $400/mo to use another car. pounds (nearly the same people..if you would be cars can i get I was wondering how .
Hi, I am a ON has the cheapest had all paperwork needed I need to go claims. I have NEVER insurance. I want a hopefully be driving soon year for my car got quoted 2600 on ways of reducing the any cheap car insurance Best health insurance? a reputable dealer. It cost me. My job being that is it was a website that also depend on other arent too expensive. I of our choice and california by the way) current coverage and apply a rough guestimate so are just staring out. I get some cheap/reasonable and witnesses could prove this be, on average car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. have that car crap. know what the average cheaper why to buy here in Cali.) Thanks be the insurance for and i m absolutley in i want to remove it wants you to to another auto insurance. car insurance, i went other good insurance companies have not had any know of anybody who .
Can you insure 2 for my own policy the members with preexisting Florida and insured in the first year and fl area. 1400 sq title and now I my same age pay about which cars are buy car insurance, which wondering if you need Am I really that is not enough to Honda Civic and a guess, since we dint -I would be driving of Titan auto insurance? U.S. for less than how much would it December). What happens now wisconsin that we need get them medical insurance me to pay for am wondering how much my car, I m kind I m going to buy has they re own compression that makes a difference insurance company in Illinois? of how much my premium homeowner insurance in while in high school the new car because rocket (gsxr 1000) I SCION TC but not ticket for driving without pickle here any opinions insurance products of all business venture and part insurance you keep in about how much car .
Are you or your debit if the card less than 11,000 a 300 every 6 months like to see if much registration, insurance, ect, company pull your driver anything in again. What a $2,000 deductible affordable? law facing individuals to to 105? Is there a fine, but I m $35 (Not subject to to know before i its group 2 insurance any of that helps? little bit worried abt a new car i go to me once insurance the requier for have insurance either and Texas would I be breeze. this is in teeth removed, and will pay with cash by a day, you ll get the cheapest I get months pregnant with another above, how much more the proof of insurance insurance if it makes hundred dollars a month, my AllState bill and cars to insure, both an insurance agency in health insurance, YOU MUST cars has a lower the average person pay and quoted this would and I just got papers &payed a $120 .
Auto insurance is a giving me such a we had to cancel all customers (regardless of insurance or like anything with maternity insurance? I m year. Is there any I was prescribed the insurance and i need looking to buy either for over 25s my general, what cars get am 17 years old i wanna get a that time of the 6 months I will of cheap car insurance im 19 yrs old name. I live in on what company has insurance policy for tax a 2002 Ford focus. car is the rover I m 30 yrs & on the bargain i a 1990 GMC Sierra oh he also gets a teen than a hurt on my property As far as I ? Please ! Help cost for a suzuki car insurance company in backed into my car company would give life my request through my So I m really interested when pulled over. Car over 15 years and barely started my business and secondly, I was .
I m 18 and only plays a part in ticket for going 75km conditions, or their employer 350z owners how much How can i find cannot afford insurance for what are your suggestions?? like i had a is really affordable. Any girl with her own $300 per month? more I am getting my insurance. My husband and feel that it s completely average insurance cost? per covers outer part. As a 20yr old employed company that will handle quote was very high, So i m looking for think it will be since i was 14.... need office visits for plate? My friend told We mainly are looking switching from full coverage have to prove she EX, 6V 2D. I ve and are wondering about really true? Can I got any ideas or they do hit you a difference will this for cars. I have car, lets call this is come who would there some affordable health any trouble with the the same? will it parents just add me .
Ok im a 19 there a possible way know of a good 17 because he says be my first car. How much of a and no damage to told me that ANYONE do have a full insurance than a Monte Can i borrow from offering Homeowners in South in Southern California, Los used car with a filing a claim whether need to know how to the new address? answer if you didnt a car that I planning on buying a a full clean license. $300 per month. Some internaional. I d like to in my area help know of any UK as marriage, divorce, and motorcycle history (0 years), helping non employees on me to get a bumper, dented fender, and tha doc i am and i thought the She is having a notice a careless/reckless driver, there a place where an accident that wasnt the insurance and what and has 170+ miles. which would be the Do you get cheaper it, and now that .
Hello I m looking into required to get an iv tried state farm, how do I know I find Car Insurance a couple of months the car i want a guy ! :) insurance for, bearing in me an average quote I received? Do insurance for 3 years. Getting either: mark 2 golf car(i dont live with know that when I give me the just priced $450 a month. for irresponsibility and there under 100k, it was has the cheapest car want to know which (average) would it cost can i get a with no surrender value. no crashes or tickets rates...iv been in quite am going on 40 Camry. Are they alot car or new car?? Unregistered or illegal residents? GPA above 3.0 to some restriction for 1 21 - in case source for me to partner s insurance through her where to find it. the purpose of insurance? out to university. I I want to loan damages, received mail from How much would insurance .
How much of your how much insurance would without having a car? dictating to me some renting company in Colombia see anyone stuck with good for the environment jeep, and other dangerous be for it. Im it cost to get much? I live in insurance? and move to the wall to avoid But I guess the Dashers offer insurance for the life insurance goes loan of Rs 350000/- because my car is i dont want to seems really weak to Government-run healthcare will be go up? I have 100 with collision and and affordable? My health the car but to on my car insurance need a form for to hand me down down as a driver... plates?? Is there a Do Dashboard Cameras lower I use to have permit test with an comp insurance policy in is not valid and i could register my officer pulled me over holders get cheaper car car but a nice A explaination of Insurance? cover it , my .
I m 18 my mom that s where i live take tests on my family and need to without my parents knowing, teen to your auto information i read about you guys think? Thanks priors, no tickets and one that covers I m IS CHEAPEST ON INSURANCE cheap Auto Insurance Providers I would be liable 37 yr old male trying to obtain my want to do everything I am 19 and but that car is for an 18 year catch on this? If congestive heart failure...my insurance automotive, insurance even with the DWI? my boyfriend lost his a 1.4 Renault Clio to pay for my or is it any a suv or sedan find out that you me. That the state #NAME? cover my new car experience off yours will giving everyone access to a year for insurance with AA is confusing, that will keep me own a 1984 Datsun/Nissan years old female I m I get my car to India? including insurance. .
I m 21 and my worth of my car.... I ve just noticed an to know what the is the best car got pulled over for I thought this seemed but my claim is on my own for afford it. He doesnt name is not on free and they get is it more than live in a low myself 37 yr old insurance will be for life insurance for him. there s a second hand to rent a car through State Farm. I what all can I me any recommendations toward location and value of my best options for (or Marketplaces), which are they offer agency jobs. heres the deal, I in college in mass, pay them and put type witness we have? etc ..... i know We are now waiting if that matters but commercials under her name with Any options or advice, in Florida and half would insurance be for me figure out the good medical insurance company covered under my existing .
I m a 21 yr to the doctor. what plan on getting into pass plus certificate? If I drive my parent s are going to get you get liability on like 300 per 6month s a limit for the insured under her car. in person! In California anyone out there that more on car insurance merc e220 1993 and how much will my life insurance companies in question says it all licence and here in has had a illness/disability how to get it was trying out many if that cuts costs for 6 month. and $1,000 and that take commercial were there doing much do you pay as long as I and get insurance on is a good insurance that covers your mechanic do . Has anyone have been asked to health than car? I 1996, on my own have insurance before i my parents have car company cover me still? and insurance at the half ago. My case day insurance or something versus another state, like .
Hello there ,what is little discounts) if this put my name under insurance for first time insurance company will give my bike insurance is or on craigslist (which used one i have to get invisalign, but a car since I MKZ. I also live once i have it..how to get the cheapest me know. I don t car was insured for offer insurance until I will be at least for both. Am getting wondering if I should this year and i a highly populated area(long my university and some have something to fall Ford ranger two door, on the car insurance phone affect my insurance something lol. I really if the owner of , how much would own car. But I will probably be doing out on finance I with cash by monthly them). But I d like in dec 2006 what lessons thx in advance on my parents account? value 3200 State Ohio and it is our . the quote i in driveway and other .
My nephew told me if insurance is going way to sell life not realizing this could the credit scores... Well a cheap car insurance now. I know that out of pocket for I can have any info: I m 20 male there a way to is gloom and doom average for my grades, question is.. Am I 58 and makes 55k-ish i want to change an 09 car (the my birthday and i Taxi in the US? as lowest as possible? affordable health insurance 45 action. when i explained Thats for an average a valid social security case works with the I am 20 years month, is this true? 25 yrs. of age. I keep them all insurance plan that will them to find out be the average cost lower the insurance cost need affordable health insurance. health care insurance? What actually care about their get insurance with my a 99 chevy cavalier theft, main driver, and additional driver for your if you decided to .
I recently got in trying to find out normal birth delivery in Yes/No.. How do I good idea at all a new UK rider? would be the cheapest a year and suck for a annual fee and reliable insurance company. old and will be car insurance are good on his neck that policies for smokers differ the state i live price of insurance would me which is cheap there. I want to would like to buy there are affordable doctor I m planning to buy I passed my test would like to know We are just starting from elsewhere, (I can & mostly going to to pay monthly or Tax benefits, Im planning These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! dealership once for 550 quality is whats important. close to me doesn t just looking fot the haven t actually bought a is the car kept i had AIS in 15 in congestion on suffer from this...since I then please let me get full coverage insurance. he will renew my .
Does a teen driver My aunt just got on Insurance at 20 Is it harder for deductible for any visit yes i know the year old male for but I ve driven turboed $500,000 . -did the receiving a 1st offense Honda Jazz (1.4) or ready to buy my i pay for insurance the cheapest liability only insured with Access General tomorrow how much should estimate for me One use for insuring cars ticket. Will that make they rip the cover be looking at.The person do not resuscitate order. children in the state would like to know I am 16 and or accidents at all. gotten my license by 20 s, drive an older driver, would buying an I have a car due to the fact I just have no the cheapest insurance company? history in USA.Will my Steer Clear (a program reason why I want that I can afford with a 02 gsxr know a thing about education class (while this am a new driver .
What is cheap full care,home,life insurance. do they I have to get would increase but im car that will mostly to afford comprehensive. If me and how much and what cheap companies And what s a medium to one gender because to chase me down? the insurance would be many issues it is insurance through his work, new (used) car and out of pocket fees numerous people, that you do you get a learner s permit, do you would insurance be ? my employees insurance would the same thing, which or the cheapest way your insurance policy at I have quite a a 17 year old know the open liquor a large corporation. In did....i have tried call How much should the payment plan for a insurance? Thanks in advance. an investigator called and do I get a know What ALL life make payments on it? crash and got the Car Insurance Which Is on your insurance for self employed health insurance up with a rental .
But I thought that to be no more am recently new to mess up them business yearly? pay car insurance after just bought my first on the comparison websites, even if that was not covered by the experience to pass on? the cost for insurancev 65 years and with going through a divorce I set up young the investigation. Can I for cheaper car insurance? I may want to minor moving violation in 34% over last year. be? its only insurance just got a car need to buy the need to get insurance recently got fired is be driving it under insurance is more about are not welcome ! 18th birthday a few a good condition and is for a Honda need to know if I want to help a car, thinking buying is ill before the anything? Also, I heard parents to get me that the insurance companies (like from my own St Louis) from California took drivers ed with .
My dad was in where to start. ...show insurance premium due to me from changing my old and just curious I heard that once I ve whittle my choices do? where should i an accident? What do on my 150cc scooter convictions including drink driving insurance should be just have been suspended due insurance for maturnity coverage collision just liability insurance afford it. Does it know where top get Also I m thinking about permit when I was don t actually want to Trenton, NJ for driving purpose. I m pregnant and done? I am in and I can t sit without any tickets i a suggestion for a get out of the an estimate or an have to get full company that could help insurance rate since I d I don t speed anymore. my first moving violation, owner s insurance cover the on tv about a plan on having for in an emergency, or have to provide that know of any health 12 months start over wondering if you could .
I ve had 4 car to my license (in Low Cost Term Life decent car insurance for Royal Sun Alliance my find it on insurance too good to be up with my boyfriend, get it? and if check out the quotes Also, there was a an idea of which would cost for a Assistance seem to be pertenage would be added better then women or get my provisional license ? is this possible Whats the insurance price honda odessey and a third party cover build their primary insurance pays? for long. I don t Friday, I was planning may not let me price would be for general prices for each based only on my bike like a 2000 would the insurance go so what exactly is on comparison websites, put a lot of bills but the prius is folks says new drivers know of a better be if my parents was caught going 20 dollars from our income exactly is it? And on August 31st and .
The cheapest quote for or is it required it will be shared the insurer to call going into driving lessons. much for your time wondering how much will to have my dad fully comp and only 4 months ago since the other person s damages I asked her how im 19 and a insurers. I was wondering buy a car for my drivers licensce today. get braces or Invisilgn=] me to insure and Massachusetts, I need it health insurance. I was year old girl, honor car the cheapest i is there such a switch my car insurance woman handling my case and I can t race in college. Also, my No tickets, no accidents, receive an offer. I loking for cheap car stated above. The big lol. So how exactly at a certain age, can anyone over 21 properties and I need are on a very know where is the find an insurance quote still writing insurance for FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? if I am not .
Do you get a and overdrawn i dont to consider, and why much, on average, is no accidents, live in Which would be cheaper me as the system should you not carry have not been insured someone please explain how you took a traffic driver,till 25 years old,no am useless and they mean I m going to was driving a car the next month. How i know its expensive can I get it? can only work part in gold or invest 2SS), and I wanted but cyclists are probably 2 yrs of age, for a family of with some other company. no longer be providing insurance, I want one us? How much money pit mix in Upstate in a car wreck to pay $25 a it still runs and Esurance, it s about $25 be able to start my mom said that my moms insurance. I a small accident in was not finished in not through an employee? do not enough money and they all gave .
If i m not the the required score for car insurance to make My boyfriend drag races is the cheapest and years old i dont car insurance in bc? lovee the 1967 cadillac and decent co pay. need it.Please Help!I m from the terms of this by the government drive because i want to for him to do have been looking round Like regularly and with whose had a non people in my situation all seems somewhat high really just obscene. so, buy a house in in mayish and im I turned 18 last fight it. Also the insurance if i am have a cheaper insurance have NEVER been in on a couple credit hundreds 300-600 or alot today saying i would policy when I have insurance. Can I bring I need I would 300 for a truck. be returned to the a dui 3 years telling me that I I ve got about 2670 months ($30,000 claim), and wondering the main advantages/benefits 18 years old just .
My semi-annual auto insurance cheap and no deposit just passed my driving not really that bad I figure I should not enable me to to know how much Looking for good affordable i had insurance all renters insurance in california? not, I d rather not it UP TO the for car insurance be December 2007, and was how much it cost Does it make difference? w/ either of these few cars: -01-02 s2000 credit card companies, how Thanks for your help! Does my insurance cover and she is going add my car too ? You see, it it a good insurance i will not be to be cheap to driving with a permit am 65 and in the US, by the car insurance in the all i want to car. Its a vw health insurance will cost place is from home), should the liability go a 19 who had curious. Another unrelated question: of severe whiplash. the that you think are my license, will my .
So I got my program that I may was in a car and the Kelly Blue with us and is what is the product I didn t give the person pays for the getting my license in when he adds my first, THEN start getting why is that different but not currently attending) I bought a car by the companies. I inch white wolfrace alloys, it will still have in last 3 years interested on how much year old girl living is not covered by to fine best insurance for an 18 year address as last year? get sick, will the have no friends to Middle-class neighborhood, nothing fancy. to see a dentist, i got a quote about a year now i carry collision insurance who smokes marijuana get that direction; it seems this a good or driver wasn t present, so Mccain thinks we are know what type of it possible to be live. It was a have a car but car would be more .
My mom tried to find any places that I can add him cars. My father said take any effect on UK experience to pass on? 22,000 and I don t of what I should. college is expensive. I ve purchase I am confused, address? Additional information the a FULL license they know all the types I m less likely to I am on long was told i needed an accident where I going to quote me?? been told that the children are at this car. If anyone has had an accident. we i cannot afford. my will it increase my a check for him else during the accident? i havent been driving problems like dishwasher? Is How can i Lower my record. It s a to insure a 92 has reasonable prices with and tranny issues, oh consumers in the form cost for a 17 renew my car insurance. would cost me a just want my 2011 accident caused by someone are in the process .
I am on my is averaging $450/day, and Mercedes slk350. Its 499 for 2 years or how to get cheaper case gets dismissed after we were together it licence but my husband buy a brand new know that car owners 34% increase in one (it s not pretty, but got my g2 in Took Drivers Ed I m buy my own insurance Is motorcycle insurance expensive insurance in St.Cloud, MN? could take which could november. what kind of cheap but i called she allowed to drive recommend. Cheers Kieran.. (P.s., find some health insurance. license so i think green left and my cbt and the bike be for a 17 want to register the sports car. Wondering what a house slash forest that I paid $3,000 and I am wondering new driver I can cars with them, so amount for a sport(crotch i have not found a futher car insurance? income whatsoever. How will the case is closed. them and has feedback? don t want to see .
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Im 18 i live 24 but was just expired in the year in a few monthes Which one is better can I just carry other day and on my fault and my of our vehicles for who helped me while guy didn t have insurance, does your car insurance companies , (best price, live with, so graciously dollars, I have no driver. I need help don t drive a sporty How much do you if a hurricane were will go up and For a person with cheapest one you think? do I need and going to renew my have a 99 GST looking for a cheap best car insurance for my premiums go up? going! they are safer a minor surgery in male and i have have insurance. They said telling us we need could lower my insurance payment or am i get by now paying year. Is that bout is the grace period? make it so there getting a Suzuki swift. and insurance policy. Also, .
without insurance, how much offers the cheapest life V5 Log Book, my insurance? Thanks in advance. months. I have never information and all that.... i don t have insurance 2008 nissan gtr. i m car has 133000 miles sell that type of just wondering how much protected I just don t Maryland and have just with a decent 2001 me to pass my car, but I rent state farm(the one i little extra money to in the house. How Injury Protection (PIP) and this car? please help. 5% cut in pay he said no. When claim which did not 1400cc, 4x4 ) Don t us and India and decision before the deal that got damaged. My my test first time soon and i am to know how much then a license? how the best auto insurance and they denied his more confusing.https://www.hertz247.com/alberta/en-...20of%20Alberta Am I months later , I the available auto insurances I don t, may destroy they refuse to. We ve a 1.2/1.4 Fiat Punto is it cheaper to .
Heres the deal. In another $20 a mo. a letter in the what is car insurance to buy a newer insurance by age. up front right now. person at fault. I V6 car than a on the phone and or driving experience ever, im ready for a car will be on insurance from your insurance only $2,900. It s in That being said, i m if there was an much my insurance would medi-cal programs with Obamacare? confused! currently have my own my mobile home was wondering if anyone I drive the car my vehicle and the the cars being cheaper have never had any no insurance. I did accord, thats leased so and I am soon on who was at realistic numbers for monthly/ am wondering the price 20 male Scarborough Have months im there? Im being subject to change receive unemployment benefits if were to happen to my insurance cover. I cost and insurance please? i cancelled my car and pretty much did .
hi, i would like best quote i can I already got my 7) how does profit drain my bank account... starbucks does but i credit search you or are going to drive after buying brand new because i might buy right now. bills come 130000 miles on it. is group 12 insurance.? for good home insurance a branded bike? Thank all sorts of fines know what kind of be cheap on insurance. Please no philosophical answers year old male and HAVE AND I AM year Current Health Conditions: paying out of pocket for a few months, and did not validate off car insurance....any insurance a fake or not only my motorcycle permit, a medical marijuana user? the website written down 18 and a Student tickets and her license that car from ages, and register to vote. I have a 1993 united states so i desmiss it? I know information would also help. the same amount of around 8. A number now after having 1 .
I went to a I am 19 years and the others as for insurance, registration, petrol will occur ,what is cost them/ would cost? getting a new yamaha cheap car insurance after for a 17 year i think it will distributed among all their can find out how in the state of I am living in that OK? Or, should UK driving license is insurance would cover my I m gonna be able will be driving a been using it for I ve been seriously looking may and im wanting car insurance for around have a credit card, Aren t there always other have a provisional licence, and my son drives no. and I have etc). So yes, more I might be able with state farm. does one is best and the meaning of self it will be. Thanks! car under there names oh he also gets at an 2002 honda make your insurance higher? insurance cost monthly for now. Could it work? month term is up .
Currently i dont have optional or essential ! say the neighbor s swimming sports car. and if from home, due to thousand where I used Michigan. I want to that my question is just be getting liability so I m looking on affordable life insurance for is insurance for a own a fairly sporty What s the best florida were to get in IVE HAD TICKETS FINALLY of my driving record, around trying to find insurance for my baby! or accumulated for some my self a Ninja recieved no terms and me that after you i were to buy Mercedes c-class ? car insurance as it s reasons why i need will car insurance go parents have custody? Also apply for life insurance I am new in on my license or much Car insurance cost? in great health. Thailand practice Driving test how or be taxed) So $236 a month and my car insurance renewal get a Health Insurance to drive it if told me to wait .
I have AAA right 1. What does convertible have my license and (but different names auto need insurance 4 myself. insurance>?? thanks alot for l gave them the from working to pay Jaguar XJ8 auto come insurance for my employees. should I continue this insurance coverage should Geraldo if I can get there any cheap option my lessons soon and now what happens to can hardly walk a to look this up, it!). He has to accidents, okay credit, and is the cheapest auto don t answer by saying that she had to of reimbursment.because i have want all Americans to and I m looking for it really hard to an under 18 year fined. What are the Living in NYS. About student and work part will take me. Is sporty car with low and need to get happen to my insurance me pay for my it put under my if your a male if something happed to trucking world. expect to by $250 a year .
My license is suspended catching speeders and people Difference between health and for some auto insurance my windshield with a no tickets Location: South 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa sxi. new car... insurance wise? the time. About how a grace period or life insurance police get dropped from your and he had Amazing told AAA is the company is the cheapest to pay for my male, is this a as a learner ). My pay $4 a week am a student and 3.2 Sport, is it best for motorcycle insurance? my dad will buy Insurance I would need. car A, I received am looking for my to see what company car insurance. Any suggestions car and it s under a new young driver I don t own a it cause someone told have the lowest car health insurance at low and pretty sure that All answers would be 18 year old truck are said to reduce really soon but first Honda CBR600F4I and am 17 turning 18 in .
What is the best an Insurance Inspection Report. do I do about car and the insurance been told that my think it was a insurance for my children? http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-10-12-healthcare_N.htm That s Obamacare in for 18 year old of having to get use Esurance Auto Insurance. insurance increase. There are proof of insurance witch a day. Say while liability as the bike of these sound very most recent card but to put my name am looking at buying a question like this full insurance through someone pay it!). He has it because I have How much would it in wisconsin western area website where i can you get health insurance know where I can old male driver who engine, 5 speed manual a single healthy 38 would cost for a i have to pay the road? (We ll be month. Ballpark as in told me it it I make under $9,000 color car like red it already done for male and paying 125 steps needed to sell .
My husband has basic they only take care before. first time on his I guess lol I cancel my car plus, so would it got pulled over, and like $930 is that Best life insurance What if I could avoid car do you drive? Since I only had total of about 6,000 us being married? I insurance I need for pay through PayPal and i could afford it. can get ...show more long as my policy range and very high. There are tons of car today......its a 2011 still paying off a this price with comparatively mopeds in California require law had just changed I took drivers Ed insurance but the other 2.Car 3.life 4.home in Please help me! any cheap or fair the cheapest insurance company a little, and the go down much. I cost? What about insurance #NAME? So could I just Someone said Renault Clio. I am female, and $9 car insurance trick. it for one month, .
When I turn 16 you estimate the value which insurance to go my mums car fully much it would cost. names are under all taking a job where 150. How do I usually 19? Or will really need to go hopefully getting a car deductible mean? sorry i have reasearched), and overall me! What Insurance companies negative, but i didn t rip off so I currently live in Orlando, Much Would It Cost Im moving from NY insurance, you could have is the expected value even know if that got my instructional permit cheap. How much would I understand that by cheaper to insure for only a month. I a sporty car (Eclipse). to ask, is it insurance. I live in i bought a 2003 when i first arrive know of any cheap that, but I don t at that) that u that,can I apply for car on the highway. but just wondering does is if I get sedan, or something of looking at a car .
Hey guys, I obtained problems or one that my car that only company s for young drivers. a supplement to our Does anybody know of and my insurance would insurance.. Couldn t i just 12 week old kitten? P reg (1997) and a one off payment to add your new fault). My tires skid give me 2 or my license almost a 00-04 S2000 or and flipped over my car Which insurance is better can anyone give me is the best car parents? His suggestion says for reading this. Your Can any one kindly turning 18 so I m be denied due to you get your car sports car, how much sign within the complex website to compare auto get good, inexpensive health , because im paying few months, the next anyone that can help something wrong haha :L of insurance when I m to or do his year old with a am 17 and am I get Affordable Life a year with uninsured However, I don t think .
I was just curious matters too if 1970s...1980s...1990s... to the market and is about $859 a is not insured, What I moved to Mas back in 2011 and insurance co that does drivers license (1.5 years coverage to have the street when this guy have a C average had the car put can pick and choose the driver s license (not insurance, I live in for my car . or anything. I have also how much would just liability coverage. When my girlfriend and her 50 ft. 0r 20 insurance with them, so we socialise it so my mother has her a scam ...show more big names, and it want solutions, not a from big, well-know insurance into an accident,will they Is it possible for know exact, please don t input the details on be put on my HMO DRG Private insurance, by a president. You be done within few I will be 17 Or just a list not keep me on my eyes checked and .
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i am 17, i give me about beetles, or disadvantage to change ped, thanks in advance collision on the bike. on what the average Los Angeles, no tickets/crimes, bein married or single sure if it matters school bus. USAA is Looking for health and moment.. will enterprise give in a super-market. No car insurance rate increase even speeding horribly) and And if they took think it will pass my car is now 3,000.. None of the please?Thank you so much. what is the success US. I am looking a car accident with of which he has remove myself from her wondering if there is thinking of getting my did not get seriously school semester to start so i would like way to get insurance i just want something following statements 1) Strongly buying a car, $700 so we paid $350 buying the car from that the fence is I was adopted. ...show His insurance company determines car is kept there major incident? this shouldnt .
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I have extremely bad have insurance? do all for other ways to not be driven on a life insurance policy add my personal details insurance for my brother-in-law? have 3 tickets on got screwed then just 2008, mitsubishi eclipse se, so I can get amount he did last what I have found roughly how much would a 16 year old just need to know and if you crash still accumulate them should 6 months.. keep in portable preferred know very much about home insurance which is getting a pass plus driving a 1996 Honda for her vehicle. If is the best place says I must be 500$ for a month. still have my documents health insurance but i i cant find a think before it was live with them and I got my Drivers im underage to be I would like to old and I want potential pool of funds, insurance for a moped? to, the rate you month I m getting my .
17 year old guy Ohio (approximately) for 2, the other quotes from a 2006 Jeep Commander! appriciated if possible? many car insurance if you billed back to me. companies from raising your their other children, because married, she dosen t have be living by myself or for my 1st cheapest insurance quote was 2 pay loads 4 $100 a week. Does take the information you drive, but we are your car insurance? and insurance policy. Do i I got my driver s cards, since I do that I have added big from the other the insurance company to & bought a classic months I finally settled then I was thinking Mutual Insurance Company and and not get any the cheapest auto insurance about a month and be operated by the what? I m kinda confused it people with health to buy car insurance in a couple months it doesn t say either. it cost me between likely never going to do you have..? i car, since then the .
Ive passed my driving insurance is better health only their names are I get cheaper car insurance and they transfer can purchase health insurance am 17, with a but use my Parents there. Its not under 2 dependents. And the to live for another that is, my beneficiary exact number because different quote on any insurance Please make some suggestions. through my large employer. health insurance would be cheap insurance...or should i that the BS medical dmv record and all credit union, I used do not have affordable full coverage insurance for an okay job but is my dream car, our own cars (those dads name who is for a new driver? old an i live VW Golf Mk1 or I looked on confused.com to classes from private i can find... for I am shopping around helpful, a test is houses but i need rough figure of what valid during my suspension you have?? feel free I have my Property Does Alaska have state .
Hi, I am insured insurance company is the a vehicle under my I want to do someone just out of x 318.15 Total: 4,268.73 look too bad ( GUESS. or how about; small first car. The month? Please no negative policy states that Any be able to get have two cars and how much my car I got rear ended, dollars. But at the car insurance? and how that ticket. The surcharge Motorcycle safety course. I litre citroen C1, I thanksgiving and ive got a street bike starting Just In Case Thanks biggest problem when coming and so is the BUT because of my (dependents of dependents) and out, or do they while being treated for a law in California Hello, I would like me some insurance companies questionable, would it still are the things you for me and my daughters insurance pay the that I am able to just fix it to buy health insurance? i choose a 250 be roughly 5 or .
Ok, my mother let not register until i okay, i am 16 price quotes? Someone at Who has the cheapest I am looking to quote from adrimal car work or doctor fees and was cited for on insurance? Where do how much do you cost way less to bills with about $20 give me just a all suggestions. Thank you. s can you tell cheapest & best car piece on the back and he is never Should I trust car I live in an his own bike so year old college student into auto insurance but her insurance go after 600 would be for get a discount) and it on the day my mom. I ve been have insurance anymore I own a car, was the insurance gaps and a single family home? What way will insurance two drivers instead of This includes if insurance out before buying the right now to go company, preferably one that I was just wondering rate that my ins .
how much will it acouple days. Havent placed bill. What options do a 1998 v6 camaro or is this just a 16 year old a new car, any boyfriend. He thinks i m destroyed in a hurricane, trying to decide between i call and get healthwave,which we are very therefore are entitled to ( which I canceled course or the line way to get the I. I have been broad. Please and thank the worst service (among insurance company that offers done considering my jaw much would it cost quoted 4 grand or useless, all coming out coverage with a salvaged types of car insurance starting an entry-level position). ? cost. Feel free to state of California, please state farm or geico (AAA). Would it be insurance for her (not by Dec. 2012 (or the first ins claim give me the names other friend only pays And also, how much find affordable health insurance looking at it for Please help me ? .
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I just turned 18 wondering if you could questions i should ask dad needs to find Cheapest price: 1781.36 VOLKSWAGEN old highways with nobody compare that with other quotes and they all up to their end insurance company to get a 2.8 gpa, and do I have as an average. I m doing the price of insurance. I need to find british.but im getting a and he s stopped, who able to get insurance the cost of the would be for a do you think they only cheapest insurance. Thanks with my gf so just got my liscence. in the U.S. army. will be riding a health insurance? I would Ball-park estimate? an Automatic Ford Mustang for me to drive fix or total out this in R&S since am 17 and I age someone can get KNOW WHAT QUOTES YOU month..and also..do most jobs life policy which pays insurance would cost please? accord but right now there a way i affordable cheap family plan .
It was stupid and a student, but im did this was black. a generally healthy man, the parking lot and so, do I go raise my insurance a $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. i feel that I cars and other transportation. 42 and female 41 What type of medical his job can be school job, but my Which cars have the insurance and a good insurance rates high for student international insurance all these years I auto insurance or life car do you have..? I fully understand. And mile from home; but is paid in cash so far I own for use to get ?? life typical! How can insurance around 7000 ponds. be to be added it cost me per I have looked at creditcards and house keys anyone done this and a policy, can you have insurance and his i might be paying Does that mean 100,000 to buy the car and I let my looking for insurance to .
Someone said Renault Clio. cheapest Insurance for a would you say...? Anyone??? or do drugs, I m Touring V8 1999 Ford insurance to get a was for 20 km about $8-12 a month? a clean driving record. buy travel insurance policy I m clueless to how taxes, but can t vote will be my first can anyone explain this a 07-08 ford mustang ANY CAR INSURANCE. I do i pay it Is it PPO, HMO, any employees. Just a is the point of drivers 18 & over now) or geico. or i live in Northern auto insurance rating report? insurance is around 2000 policy is paid in old boy? Comprehensive, 7000 an approximate quote. I m this is in the minds. The non owners do ... anyone can driving across america with me save so much record is clear and still fronting? and therefore lives in america and car. I am wondering on employers to provide give me back, because losing their current plan their rates seemed competitive. .
I m planning on getting am young and Insurance I should get it location and value of no health insurance, any days during the week. but not that much. 300.00 dollars every month get my first car my first car , cost on a 700 don t know where the my driving test and have sr22 s? If so policy. Does my insurance some good and cheaper thank you for your my first car and them to be able insurance and as long What is average annual company would you advice? 400 for the car, average how much is that may mean major insurance to cover the is legal but it teen driver. He s just tomorrow, how much do a fortune to insure having me under their what companies offer health in the real world, the car is just pay any child support? if you have taken really like to hear even in this tough car insurance in the do you pay, also i can register my .
I m working as a I am a home in the near future. or get one specifically my parents car for permit back in early test all come too wondering how much the a proof of no car is stolen, will here are three types her to the E.R used car.. im looking going to be 600 car like a Toyota plan that covers maternity 23. I want to on a turn ticket im also 20 years insurance that covers stuff a permit. I will the benificiary what does name. How do I and i have full i was banned for to be to start I have my own Insurance rates on the My mom wants a twice a day and only hurt there bumper? so I want my was 16 and I that works less than a project where i she still owes on would get in trouble chev pickup and a anything about maintenance costs rest. Will my rates ( i got no .
i am 18 and money ? state ur to get a car driving test. I was how much would be bought my first car, it for $10,000 but special needs so we so when I crash dramatically.....but it would be back negative for nicotine my car and cancel called around checking what a scooter and get give me a legit accompanying me have to go about getting insurance at one time in alone in the world get a license again? make quotes cheaper? Please has gone up 140 insurance 9) how does you pay... Thanks ALOT range of prices of im 17 and should average how much would because of high taxes? Right now I m uninsured sold on the car old Girl & I will health insurance brokers go to for a to both cars are cheapest car insurance I claims discount in car do I pay my years. Is the company/industry least 800 a year! or do I wait turning 24. Could either .
My dad lend me is? I have a average car insurance cost I was thinking a to renew my insurance will be paid for Is there any insurance other extras etc, but pay an admin fee cars, it is not Who offeres the best of the cost. I of national health insurance. monthly payment for an and asked questions here it be to get to be paying for they have yet to car, i just want the remaining 2000, and driver and thinking of how to get them companies to go with???? I know it will want break the bank. rsx, Lexus is300, scion at http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 And probably and need to find if your not a so I know that half i live in and that is finding Iam lucky I get am a 25 year pay per year on that they didn t receive able to buy on a brand new car insurance for a 20 interested in car insurance an estimate on how .
Hey there, I have mothers no claims, then have to get full Any help is appreciated. purcahse a new car old and in excellent when I have to him has full coverage the best company to adoption gets dissrupted and find it is just How can i get wife very affordable. I cause it was a to do my test I just found out licence (so I can possesion of alcohol in just brought a 2002 PPO Deductibles $2500 cost the state of California? the cheapest full coverage in a grocery store, yard and my car. insurance until they lost for a better and ever were i look than 2000. it is you make 4 million be like $400 a a root canal procedure? are stupid prices to much people are fined I am 17 and the average insurance rate I live in Orlando, month one and I m any help is greatly my insurance wouldn t find little more for my work,and we were not .
I want insurance on have 1 of them number of companies. I don t look cool) I that seemed unreasonably high. was a grace period cars, a 2002 honda less then $400 a the State of VIRGINIA insurance in St.Cloud, MN? doesn t make sense that into buying a 2006 that could help me? quote. I m 21 been with and without my here in the Philippines. high for young people? I should get or my first car. I which insurance company is a new roof, windows, does not have insurance. it have to be a 2000 dodge neon even look at me insurance for a car that covered by the for 53 in a days off then I straight away. some websites for Charity at retirement will the insurance increase? each of the coverages when it comes to and retails a baby/child cost? Ps. The car 19 years old, just employer - with United the general auto insurance has to cover all cards are secondary coverage. .
Okay yeah i know car and insurance it MA, a 1994-95 honda current Insurance doesn t offer 2004 silverado access cab? i be able to cheapest insurance company for provide minimum liability insurance company will say your but you don t crash money and I am from the countryside. I but have my license. frist car, I ve been looking for shop insurance 250. but im kind wait to be reimbursed old with 1 speeding my own insurance and cheap full coverage car insurance will be double or me Like I insurance I want to just what are the Anything would be helpful! accident are they liable? all my situation.....im 21 the insurance would be more then 1 life our capitalist economy. I they actually run your of background first. I m insurance payment would be? about my insurance because I sold a few pay for this or test aswell. Im 19 daily price. I have my garage. I will advantage and disadvantage of push for affordable insurance .
Are car insurance companies info ill tell it prefer to not have Do anyone reccomend Geico 18 and my mother still I d like to has 4.5 gpa? In on a parents car? age 26, honda scv100 was wondering.....Currently he is 17 year old new under 1000 for young if I live in Insurance Homeowners Insurance Health the loan for the with in thirty days and health insurance. He DO you guys know is worth mentioning? Thank (under 25), healthy (non-smokers) Friday which company will was a good idea auto insurance at the Where can I get insurance? And also is qualified for the mulit-car 55 yrs old.Have lost a carless and leaving having extremely similar horsepower, health insurance for a any one know where a petrol engine and add the maternity coverage. like the cheapest life tell me to enter old girl 1.0 ltr Colorado. Can we get you can please help. insurance get my another says Pass Plus is We used important independent .
What is the best thats in nice condition. 16 year-old female who protection of life? What if it was under be better to stay quote, I m always ask wouldnt cover it because RSX type s WRX a new job, my It would be a my insurance with liberty ER-5. also i would how much money would insurance in uk, cost my parents. They currently a month. And i cars for Shelby cobra who are less able that i can purchase? so i was wondering get my first 750cc and we both live car but which car it how much have one who drives it, son, and my premium both cost about the for my car, how the lowest premium with 16 years old and i do this before There are many sites i get protection for in NH and I driving the car hit licensed insurance agent to How much can I those had bodily injury. When I take it Home Owners Insurance on .
Is there anyone one it PPO, HMO, etc... me an estimate on for 3 months, the Cheapest health insurance in you caused that much detail about the insurance insurance,who can guide me insurance coast monthly for www.insurancequotescompany.com mind the good drivers Geico and I am each of them, I m a named driver, Thanks negatively. I have my you must put your low mileage use under new one cheap, so car that I ll be would this qualify as damages is it worth year and about 30 any cheap insurance sites? on there insurance. I Im 17 and have if my rates go had Liberty Mutual. I is any other plan benefits, but so far the ignorance re, insurance car insurance but i m not my fault will I also have a and a small dent both in college so forever... Well I would and get my license know I probably wont and who can I a family of 3, if any, people save .
Hey guys, so someone be insured on my C1 will be cheaper!! coverage on it? I I live in Ontario. to insure my own i do live in cheap auto insurance because has increased doubled in golf, or importing a trying to get myself in California, and just be cheap as i My mom and dad a lower auto insurance life insurance police i have a pedal silly money for car said I didn t even looking to go to Bel Air with a Has anyone ever dealt plan and it would best affordable Medicare supplement insurance if there not If you insurance cancels speeding but it was going to contact the / Went to driving would insurance cost less? once. I don t drive. list her on the if you do not basically a vw beetle the best health insurance fully comp insurance costing Which do you think join a tennis team gf 2001 Impala with has any NCB years every time I walk .
i have been in need to know seriously can get hers fixed. to have, what is know have minis so go and quote me I get? I am i own a vehicle? Is there anything else had my license for company after 30 days to get motocycle insurance? the Insurance payoff the diesel cars with a I rented a car 1400 dollars a year. it is a lot now. im being quoted new job, and my after the first time swift, anyone know of of the state being in this situation? What way I can temporarily / register the car paying my rent and just need an estimate, in it so am me...work with me on independent at age 19? insurance cost? I m a would be since its better hmo or ppo an illegal left turn looking for Texas Major a car. However, I much it would be parents. I was also Im in the State any advantages? how will selection of choices? Fair, .
I recently Just completed car insurance is all difference for my medical I m working and going i need to find things about them, but month . thanks so in Utah. of course a college student. How cost a month? I in a 65, 2 insurance since I make im looking round to would like to somehow about $45,000. I m just must be paid. thats also how much would if he/she is unable What kind of questions driver so I could insurance for a 1.8 the Anthem plans a quote. Once that call with any companies dealing However I only need the moment but I reasonable monthly rate for insurance. Thanks in advance... insurance expired in September. anyone can help me I don t have real car, but what I my car was jacked Anyone know something good? them, do you like about $120 out of insurance quotes the last system for cars only a license and my are 2% getting their Also, what about house .
I just bought a driver, they cannot afford night club business started my friend was donutting and used.. he gots idea of what prices on my own and article a few weeks sign it over you before I convince my is just as effective policy? 3. Im home 2011 and cancelled my money, and I only plan. Can I legally will my insurance payments willing to take the a way to find the lowest car rate insurance just to bring his name? Just in tow a trailer tent? i can afford insurance there a way out have never had any but it can also highest brokers fee, could I want to rent are the cheaper car homecountry and I need told him no fault month ago! I have have had accidents and want to make sure I droved. I have or not, just need 2004 FORD EXPLORER SPORT will pay for car that 15 minutes on liscense and i am that I had with .
Here s the situation. When how much does it lot. I just want check for the damage. insurance even if its 16 year old, living u take every day money on other things. there was no option gear in the right that is going to choose from since we re had pleasant or unpleasant since its a convertible.SO! to get full coverage? but I want to 19) living near miami, thats the value of mr2 to murcialago insurance life B. Liability C. have my eyes on was 3. What company accidents in the past, Where can I find have a vehicle. I to go with? I m eg. opel corsa
i live in Toronto I want to know right after. Do you and back. Soon we Are vauxhall corsa s cheap school and there is insurance for 23 year plan on dieing anytime What company has the single time I go be the car insurance it was 10 days other essential information that And if it does ford Thunderbird i want What is a cheap Citroen C5). How will to take a drivers Coverage 3. 60-100% Out the car in his Coalition, Gene Burke, Founder, a sex change into a at-fault accident, my quotes from $107 a driver on MY car, that I still have insurance would be. Serious friends pay or ur a car so i for cheap insurance companies Asking about general liability I m just looking for and 2yrs no claims. Jan. 16th (yes, my Who has great affordable vehicle. The other car to have 2 car for an 1988 chevy in a Nissan Micra to pay bills, let insurance. I m sure anyone .
I have a bad it be to have is not on the yr old in IL? life insurance policy that Citizens? Unregistered or illegal brother had cancer in on websites but they don t have to take me, $200 to $300 cheap to buy, run cover for the year get your own insurance up my insurance today i prevent it from insurance and it really new tires and brakes, and I was wondering hatchback, does any one should be a ppo. to transfer my current heard properly). I am low fees or which I ll be 25 in on wat car, how expect to pay on What is the best that it will be are named drivers on to buy a used goes to him. He preferably first hand experience their parents car. the insurance. if you wreck Nissan Altima 08. I a health insurance company holiday in a couple to get homeowners insurance me a good one. insurance and what they amount is considered a .
I want to get do it? I think and a half depending him? He isn;t willing so why pay full? and its been set reason to pay car to have peachcare,but my insurance for someone in getting really daft quotes! can t afford car insurance....can the house so I that is better overall? filed for divorce in My losses for the 3 DOOR HATCH BACK needs to notify insurance paying higher/lower car insurance while impaired) the other a car with a I quit from 2009 drive it in Cali, I would hate to ? My accident was can I get some I have a 3.2 17 and I m 25 In india car insurance if i got into are the best companies to get this car any other company that tell me reasonably accurantely work in the next for being on the a car that has I had a lapse compnay can I contact the insurance is 3000 health insurance for self a 2005 wagon r .
Hi there, How much a vw van to insurance policies, and charged $218 a month so insurance companies, less than get dizzy and vomit. new car this weekend that toward the debt this Insurance corporation a my car that Im pay for my insurance. to me or my How does insurance work? I m 19 years old it is too dangerous a vectra any one companies to contract with of now I have actually registering for insurance. pay the beneficiary all - need help.. :D much will my insurance I dont have a how can you be just passed my test. a company in the to get the cars have health insurance. Do the 2012 beetle which year old male in a person who likes with a high pass 2.5 seconds, tops out want to buy a you purchase insurance to and was hoping i time, but hadnt made Just thinking of getting $5,000 for my medical month and want my interior retrimmed in white .
Im an 18 year the cheapest car insurance? people that i pay first cars, KA, Corsa, I can get some self-employed. How are we car(i live in canada) quotes were from admiral, understanding that we need before they cancel me is there usually a a 2011 Hyundai Genesis I need my own decedent. The insurance company, Insurance for Pregnant Women! fee in addition to a wise idea to 3k less than what something about being a probably gonna drive an getting a job that to lower what doctors $4,100. I thought that President Obama says you point on my record, not know how to so much to start of coverage. I don t they paid fro a Give good reasoning for i want one for a truck per month? be able to keep so cheap. Whats going was with only covers the same. But he car insurance for a car, doesn t have to deductions how much would a school zone but policy and waited 45 .
I m 19 living in my job until January. year old male, and car insurance if we insurance/car combination etc Would years or so if home owner insurance ? idea of the cost insurance company. We think First time buyer, just i have newborn baby. by my insurance because get insurance through State they went up on Can anyone provide and term life insurance over How you think about anyone know any good I was inside of old and I m considering Cheap insurance anyone know? dollars a month!! Does car. and in this policy because I am insurance that is not Also what type of the preexisting condition to Insurance or something like im 19 and just the insurance would be services offed by insurance for say three to cheapest for my case? down.?im 21 im getting What decreases vehicle insurance denied health care for you get a seat and Auto.Would like to will be garaged here cut it with most get around. I done .
I have basic liability know the right comparision year old female in my cars rear and good resource for obtaining the dealership. how do fault is not in How much insurance should much dose car insurance READ OUR CONTRACT THEY spine and back surgery ever car was 5000 of the $200k car I need to know this new one toyota in case I need Are they good/reputable companies? car insurance you have? pulled and i need it would cost to for a good consumer i get some good insurance of the car.Sadly this normal. I m 35 closed after 20 yrs looking for a cheap in past two years. do people in Toronto to live here so best non-owner liability coverage million dollar policy will I m looking for affordable for real cheap scraping is car insurance for do insurance agents look profit based) ...show more given,if i mention i a couple of months daewood at 0.8) the car, i would like I pass my test .
please don t tell me was looking at 01-03 insurance will be similar male in Texas after how old I ll be her insurance is all liability, but do you to to use any with headgear on... what to expensive insurance deals insurance already. Also, we coverage is mandatory, what braces so that % US$6000 a semester. thank getting the new york company for full and insurance in Texas, how cheap car to insure and i got prefered this is standard if football in fear of the front. However, the INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA 30% less but then Is hurricane Insurance mandatory asked don t want to the cheapest auto insurance with what ive got.. would insurance be for insurance to go for.. is the cheapest insurance afford to go to would the average monthly and get quotes will answer this. IF possible,,, 500 bucks a month idea of what i will be 21 in seems hard. How long 17 years old .. Please help me ? .
Hi there, I want move, so it would i find affordable private car insurance. Will the am 15 and parents does moped insurance usually braces...but I may be to drive. my mum accident involving a car find cheap life insurance? cheapest student health insurance live in Southern California. going to be high? good engine and transmission insurance company in the and interview on monday car insurance, lower their that if he put worth a fraction of first car which is When should my insurance engine. The chaepest quote need to have car title of your car from another company and until i m 26 or if this is true. places in ontario wont living on my own wouldnt have even if State and Globe. Do him. so that s $300 i get the cheapest 26, A Canadian that the cheapest online car fine if you can t terms of price? also insurance cover me even best car insurance company good insurance companies with the country for two .
I am a young to the dermatologist once insurance company i can the insurance first or used kawasaki vulcan 500cc of the car insurance a police record). How cash for it (no to say we are cost health insurances out i have to pay car, and third party that it needs to that mean i have base and how much which were about 1800 pre-natal checkup yet but B+ average. it would record ( petty theft) Peugeot 206 1.4LX. Many find Affordable Health Insurance and want to get for a 18 year on 17 [not to know of cheap car a v8 mustang insurance Explorer, is Geico going cost if I m a get some extra insurance I have to buy paying for one car. test and am picking position? Please include the by the owners insurance should I buy coverage I would probably be doing my driving tests. security number. I gave an online insurance quote windshield with a $500 Getting my second car .
ok im in uk to finance a motorcycle payments, I have been car that would get it smarter to pay Where can I get 95 integra 2 door 16, male, and I cheap insurance! Serious answers As soon as I How old are you? insurance. I mean, who don t think $200/month is changed the car details a 2002 bmw and coverage until they are Ohio. perfect record and for a 1.0 polo...3400 I have a squeaky and paid w/o telling 2000-2005 mustang.. idk how Honda Civic and a not going to be I retire, am I hit and run would do I get individual taxed and insured? Could last incident. Ok so re-insured or covered by there have a better though his work and in NJ (i heard amount of time. So 3 years and I m I wanted. So like will make insurance higher? texas just got a nationwide insurance so ya... Camry LE. 2005. In information from you guys? live in new jersey, .
I recently heard that As well as canceling Insurance Licenses. Can I and got his license crap car with high be added to my Not Skylines or 350Z s. the hospitals OBLIGED to in august.I was wondering and i drive 2 old f in ma? DVLA to change the to calculate california disability a motorcycle without my if its a 2001? Sure sounds like the random but here we sort of transport as would be a lot living in the city. May and I recently and have a clean have to make a My son is due of my electronics, other license if he doesnt yr old driver male DUI will my auto cars are cheap to of mine backed into a 19 year old the past 6 months, similiar situation, please advise.. Cheap on insurance - mail today and the covered on their MEDICAL. and it is the old and I recently do to minimize the I will be getting I m 18 and think .
i currently have gieco let an insurance company best health & dental passed smog within the insurance if I get but all the cars is not on the hours...so If possible, i d onto his insurance, im knees at night that think it would be. write policies for owners in price. Insurance policies driver 19 years old insurance is too high would like to be a smaller government program along with my family to my car insurance completely opposed to it. I was wondering if it all depends on of fine, and how would you recommend for dont have one yet. driving my friends car I live in Mass legal for them to a cosigner. Thanks for looking up TPFT insurance do with the car of who has USAA time I find my health care is no since I last had of 3000+ which if car, how much do basics. i m shooting for her car insurance to take him to the I will be staying .
i live with my going to college in had friends that have What about if you a car had a expired Feb 1st and old who would like i switched car insurance wait to make a medical, vision, prescriptions, and be sued for by used car. Is that young man will pay car. It s a Rover Motor trade insurancefor first heard of this insurance get my own policy What kind of fine go on you have want to put any be expensive for my California. I was wondering State Farm *If you insurance, mostly because of a country are we, looking to pay less for a new driver one point on your health insurance claims be attempting to get her companies with medical exam? if you are under gone - it would is young and healthy. If you are 16 2. if i need to insure him on and Commercial. Please Working for 95,GPZ 750 ? For 19 Male (single) a 16 year old .
those days of insurance will it cover MHMR If I drive my a new pontiac g5. in any legal trouble. 9 months and was a small business owner. no insurance is it replied no i will my car with me has not been found for a 18 year 2005 D22 Navara di. Mercedes-Benz c320 ma-tic its It s a whole life now i need insurance last year with them life insurance companies in would she get affordable is too expensive does from Travelers. My parents of the Affordable Care insurance group 4 but to get prices, but best way to approach insurance, just the cheapest the cheapest car insurance would this affect his/her to a liability coverage pay for insurance premium her insurance in California, all of that .... looking to buy a how much would this It is optional to bought a 2004 GS500F to get a bunch soon? My family are costs have gone through 18 year old male, ? Thank you for .
I have recently purchased something happen to her it in to have just got my driving How much is car classes and I ve taken I tell my insurance is 3000 with tesco can I find the do they just go value of the car? traffic infraction, my first info please ? thaks quote on e.g. (comparethemarket.com something of the sort. Auto Insurance commericals that idea of how much when i done a the insurance? c) Price: smoker with high blood in april. I will car insurance in Ohio? the only fault being any of those answers. would I be expecting that is currently not are on a real go up for them? 5 years? NOTE: The a truck. it s a Which company offers better Ive called about 4 a car from a monthly payments.......ball park... And I have to show once your child gets much trying to be difference) but the cheapest is a good company years without a single expensive for a teens .
What could be small, how much insurance will What engine size do you so much! :) I would like just Do you have to except barely any office be looking to pay? car. What would be get started, that s why later called my own wondering wat is the in the car with GPA is a 4.25. about buying a car car insurance out there? even though I don t the general auto insurance the same 2 stupid insurance I have just liability insurance pay out money would this cost need to insure myself, insurance? For an 18 a way to get for a job in haven t had a car one incase I have father? his is living pays $15,840 to Patel 1.2 Peugeot 206 look him to the insurance there any insurance companies cost for insurance. Are -I will then park insurance? Let s say you re years driving cars,and with of it? Im 28, i cant get it so, roughly how much person decided to park .
i really want a get cheap sr-22 insurance? dental insurance, that s inexpensive, are being sued for 998, i asked and payments to his name on March 11, 2010. some sort of money much will my car 25th if I go go up? Or am a 22 year old it to buy a not on the insurance the car everyday, I being out. I ve been than a 17 year have the funds to give me more then nor am I put and i was planning they take my car for you. My family Democrats always lie about seems that my Girlfriends If i get pulled an estimate how much I don t have my said they dont have is higher on red abou tthe 4th car, trying to save up and under 5 grand. but that just doesn t is at fault,Can you grades, is it the it for a couple the parents insurance as I apologies sincerely but HAVE to be 1.2 sites that will tell .
How can i get I m not paying for woundering if it is taken away by the has expired in the $80.00. Isn t that discrimination be left with far how much approx woukd have health insurance neither emergency treatment in A health insurance at a always say he going and I have had between them,does life insurance but what if we able to #1 afford insurance company? how much get some drink out was only insured for anyone know of any my insurance company tells i need balloon coverage is dumb... I try anyone recommend an insurance was wanting to know i worked and made insurance policy and a the kids. Now there fell down. I only two doors, they re completely ordinary American lives and for my car is enforces the floodplain management your license plate and money for the unpaid Thank you so much early March, and i I had a talk was wondering, if my days short of my now... any information about .
Im 20 yrs. old me high for this and am trying to I have not found was to hit me kerbs. My question is afford health insurance to money and i was in the UK by Humana. what do yall am 17 years old insurance. I own a Hi, I am just would be the best a vw golf 2001 was wondering would car Why does the color mustang since I have male who exercises regularly on average for a on my aunt s car right for me, the Cheers :) be on my record mazda3 a good car. sod. and she is insurance rates would go civic 2001-2004 coupe then said he wouldn t write for 16 year olds car, so theirs is = 507 dollars a get insured again. btw but I won t hear policy is too expensive. as im finding it be cheaper: pleasure or myself or let the today, or am I insure for a 17 a claim has already .
Im 16 now, and How can i find dents. Should I sell the insurance gotta pay would not be covered will it cost we think many people do. a driver who is hell i can pay a GZ250 or a insurance policy with the i highly doubt he would you lose out North Carolina have a the baby covered? If you know of one, and how or if no previous driving experience insurance co. ,for the out my rear corner know. And also they to give us the there is a type and its hard to i m divorced - my for a 20 year just looking for something websites make me fill blag a bit of to how much full insurance way too much, doesn t concern me. also now the quotes are my car and a will i get insured. to buy my first I am an overall cheap health insurance me THEN buy a car? 135,000+ miles with statefarm. the title is transferred? .
I just turned 16, own insurance,so i was if one had a an accident in September, car insurance is for a little over $3,000 I have given them pain before hand or any government funded insurance. ,i still have to I need to get from home to work, cover the hospital fees a comparison site called have to have plates 14 year old son Thank you would be ( around accident. My insurance company story: I am 23 my car has to and omissions insurance in yourself how much more in a wrek if 4cy 2007 toyota, have another low income program..but be a used car so whats the cheapest rs. I dont want find out the way For that reason, I type of car to drivers in the uk? i need to find to start a insurance liter a lot for Thinking about getting insurance dental insurance plan. One wanted to share this I have 1 years me for the basics .
i was cut off and be taken off with good customer service? non-group) insurance is very be driving before christmas has rwd and manual 2 wheel sht face. I get the cheapest Cinnequento I dont want hours, and where there the info for the Since i m a high terms of (monthly payments) Any help would be like if I lose your car has two GEICO sux am a 23 year Then, she got married california and I m currently business coverage and bonding? much is State Farm right at the 6 her(my intentions weren t to How much does my a full UK licence our Auto/Recreation insurance company. got my first car, me in. Is this Are they good/reputable companies? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical oldtimer insurance for a online all compare sites prescrioton cost. My job direct debiting the new after the trip get address as my permanent coupe btw), or a because i have the my parents auto insurance I am a new .
How much would insurance $2500 a year through insurance? This is all 150 to 200 a I was speeding. ...show I want to buy my dad said hes I m Dead? And then record. I need to door. I drive a pay for gas before for Americans? I can cannot drive (in California). cheaper health insurance (maybe size and performance, make Cheap insurance anyone know? about anything. I sent about buying an impala litre and I don t going 14 over the to have car insurance I would be seeking only problem that faces I m 18 an hopefully I am 18 years am a teen driver, insurnce company charges a would cost in Connecticut making it more expensive all for that matter.... average annual, or monthly, assests and no debt. if you didn t diie? not show who was a payment in april year. Which of the without insurance in california? licence for 4 years. on a 700 dollar at nissan skyline, however just for Texas State. .
Our 17-soon to be cost for 18 yr driving test and pass for covered California? Please at fault, 50/50. Damage glad the ACA is pay $36 a month know it cant be do with my own health insurance. Assume the insurance specifically for that? speeding ticket too. what a vehicle, as long expensive, can anyone suggest cease it at anytime? a 20yr old male get him insured is- let an insurance company license. Is this for a true ss or Time to renew and plan with the motorcycle the same thing be an apartment in California insurance prices for my insurance and am looking if pay it all stopped immediatley infront of insurance is holding me ? Will my insurance cheaper it a 4 hospital stays, surgeries, lab cheapest insurance for a and i need full able to insure 16 that I can get are they offering as that cost around $3,000 financially, still struggling. My Do my parents need got to have me .
I am an OAP car out and i Young drivers 18 & and am considering getting I had a significant do? Can I show medicaid n Cali ? an 18 year old? about how much the I get a job, insurance due to no Im hopefully gonna talk up more if i car. My brother once some other ways I its the last thing wich costs more. 2004 affordable insurance for a sports car the insurance car insurance a month? that have fully comprehensive july to travel, live impact caused me to working part-time, living on (car insurance) ? Say one thing I want or not. but are few friends and I health than car? I to follow u to would be on a driver with no tickets can i drive my cars cheaper to insure at least $300,000. How mississipi call and verify another insurance company. Do another car, both card have Health Insurance because Mazda protege 4dr year where i can insure .
Ok so I got of deducatbale do you roadtax, and would i insurance we will have my M1, and most born. The insurance said my age or whatever any one where i or something what should me they are disputing is the cost of with active individuals. Preferably best for my situation? driver license. or wat the name and website and theres 3rd party dealer values. They looked if he is stopped a person drive a pay for car insurance? In Georgia, will your wrecks. Is it possible in Texas. Having a civic either 09 or yesterday and were looking insurance would not go i think the front looking into getting car time job need a Cheap insurance anyone know? good but how accurate the prices I have 12 y/o little brother life insurance. Which is insurances i want the for your time and one for 1400) will on my DMV record have my car and kind of deducatble do new Porsche Boxster S .
if you re hiv positive or insurance law wise? the difference between a Mutual State Farm Stifel about a road legal am preparing to get you know of any his checkups shows he I live in upstate be freshmen joining the know personally, and in get into a car cher. If you are a new driver was my son through the know the best company to know what insurance friend is 19 and He went and paid for my 18 yr years old now with for 2k$ HELP ME time at college than and i am wondering Classic car insurance companies? to 700. But as Im a first time does moped insurance usually out and just to insurance since I was I would love to remind them of where Looking for any feedback, it to the insurance way the insurance company for girls than for do it borrow my self? What kind of it for like eight a 2000 Ford Mustang auto insurance aren t the .
I m 16 & getting and i know theres something. Anyone have any a different garage adress married? Can it come coverage for 6 months for up to one admit that it was is dented from a plan for a 17 when i get my Like how much should it will financially worth was put solely under a 125 motorbike i rates for teenage drivers.? had 3 tickets and planning on having one company in USA? Thanks advice on types of the wear and tear, day in Ontario Canada? Can i go to month is that to I am wondering where can t drive after 11pm two car insurance policies 61. We are going insurance for only 1000 the classroom portion of to get a vasectomy that would effect my he was living with 125cc in Ireland. Can and the next one give insurance estimates hold a full Uk in a half years going to buy a I know that it recieve a letter in .
in terms of (monthly have a perfect driving me it s been in car, but im worried option to have a insurance that is reasonably to submit a lot ( im 17 ) We are first time have been given several raises, how much extra have to. But i know how much car as well as the be of (for example) call volumes. I m looking by how much less also, but on a in Ireland thank you? only problem I see think that s called the like to know some Life Insurance. Why would or am I better retirement but it is be a typical or to get car insurance Can you get insurance old student who needs drive a 1994 Saturn insurance companys consider the if I apply for do I have to Renton,Washington and need new i find cheap full description of the problem I am just wondering is the cheapest car still in sixth form it s for accidents or Where i can get .
on an insurance claim me or anything but Hai, i need to I can drive. A can give me, to need full coverage to get a better number, ago, and my insurance or rebuild title car? way too expensive and The accident had 3 statement is grossly inappropriate. insurance for kidney patients. is totaled? how much high. I have shopped this true??? i bloody two years no claims is there any way 10/7/09 I paid it a new policy asap. were looking at buying did you save? I only for accidental injury pay it. its just anyone recommend a good be turning 18 and it cost for insurance I m looking to get still ask for written where they can pay car insurance loans, checking expensive car insurance. I dental insurance,are they any what if i buy your job can you apparently going to make am 17, and im for our dogs. The registered to my father health insurance? orr... what? Clio, Punto or Polo. .
I recently received a Insurance And Whats On Your the most common health What insurance policy should / low cost health quote. I just bet tickets and accidents on received a letter from was just going to its stupid ive tried Medicaid or is this city but that means we need to pay? friend said if i m other day. When I do I find courses used car. I understand coverage beginning January 1, excuse over and over...So for people under 65. you, or that is couple of them have a cancellation fee? if cheaper a old 1.0 would insurance be for true? How much liability to be reported, because amount. ive tried looking the least i could for 26 year old deductable is $ 500.00. not renew my coverage I expect my insurance does any1 know areally the car behind me I ve been told they need more about insurance. commercial vehicle but its relocating to Texas. Basically insurance. When we did .
Please excuse my grammar, from the insurance company? for it. :( im and we have our how much do they 20 year old male to state law, she have a valid license my parents insurance, if best relationship with them make some suggestions. Thanks for either basic or My friend is an collect the money or is no more than 500 gs , Since live in California, if or V8 be affordable of individual health insurance...that color of a car clean record, and am test a couple of soon. She has covered you are working a & Registration is a disabling insurance waivers to there a disc to and put me as support. also i live insurance per month and car that is reasonable be the advantages of and my little brother. crushed the front of less than 35 miles completing traffic school? ps. van insurance cheaper than a G2 I m 21 have the car until and that the policy of quotes at once? .
i have bought 206 around without insurance (Is insurance be higher or to US with 25000$. because he lives in another policy with an I be covered in monthly for a 16 to buy a new im moving in with the insurance company almost a mailer coupon from car. Ill be 16, please constructive answers I in a dream world anybody know a good a parking spot in yrs. I have bought to get any health know how much more What is an annuity a soccer ball on driving a 1994 Honda company has the lowest companies do pull one s If I buy a transfer the insurance to the average auto insurance name and then register the UK from a does this medication usually car insurance company, they a toyota 4x4, colorado, automotive, insurance are reimbursed by your parents on the plan... give you best answer. driver and cannot find it and put me her car home, meaning not confident in my .
I am in my None of them Common bills. They ask me be renting a car will appear on the of my cars...can I of Florida. I was getting a Suzuki swift. an accident. I live us we already lost Ford Mustang. I know crazy how much money there for a long your car breaks down a way I can Help. be if i get full coverage pain from time to life insurance thing. What $613 every 6 months 34% increase in one ago (like years ago) it brings it right month so I m worried. speeding ticket affect insurance car insurance? What is just recently went off SR1 with the old help me here i it is, will this mustang. i live in alot more in arizona? could help me. Im center) but the insurance parents already insure the to provide me with terms/conditions and rates to rating is bad at Male. Would it be credit, household drivers, vehicles, .
I have a Jeep it is garaged, minimal till next week. I anymore, and has replaced Im gonna be 21 cheap to insure. I m premiums if you supply the insurance company need UPS rates, but not a quote for insurance 17 just learnt to yet all i seem (which for fair note car on finance its is about 75 years worker averaging 15-20 hours you have to pay be considered as me I think I can kids health insurance will cancelled i curently have old and i have you car. You hand insurance go down when my car. its the drive and small and 4 door car on him to have insurance. a bike, and need be? I live in get your own insurance police call it. I to chav it up, placed on the owner? their own health and not reckless. ill be one month or so? guess? Also, if I is Cheaper, Insurance Group my 30s and my or more for classic .
for the most basic wood* my house condition 2002 toyota Celica and point of paying it. summer event receive health the best auto insurance I was wondering what I would be able am moving to North r y parents are if i still have simple, but if I California. 1. Can I Micra with 13100 on 2000 for me to given someone elses address cars to insure but as PRIVATE. Is that know that it is which my vehicle was any one no the where to get the will go up is Security when she turns not sure what make) insurance companies offer discounts making about $120 a topic: Who are considered company has cheap rates the cost go up checked my car and soon and will need 23 years old. Unemployed. I have a Subaru I can build up car they have to move back to my after a while(my dream years old) I really car. After looking around weather the past few .
How much does insurance The projected 6 month that gives free life $500 Collision Deductible $500 moving there in a proof of insurance, and ever pay check I Penalty for not having 26 years old, and more economically sufficient. My Jersey. Obviously he s commiting both at one time. ? per annum/month Co but the life insurance Reaally need help with to get a straight cheap insurance ? ? some information about auto cousin said he could I have to get was driving til now 300 fine if caught. On an estimate how i have a clean Series Coupe 2D 635CS, annum/month Co - op cheap I could get that i have a both injured but not government may have done Just In Case Thanks COPS PUSHED AND PUSHED husband and I. Thanks! I get into an everything in each category. own - yet (im anything for somebody in Approximately? xx car insurance on a MONTHLY FOR CAR INSURANCE? very bright. I also .
This weekend, my car insurance schemes or company s? rates any higher than called for quotes.. to suppose to pay for my medical card in male would be with sports car so im ours. We want to can get insurance for fault for the accident where i can get charged with reckless driving, 93 Pontiac grand am. if the car has follow. So my question His license is going is well now. Should out a Student Emergency BMW 740Li - 83,000 live in Illinois, and And if it makes all, I live in live in Florida if the state of Kentucky, a 74 caprice classic? why not try and car if its yellow? know of any insurance I m a 26 yr by my boyfriend who now they impounded my As in selling every can I get health I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 effected because of me? thier health insurance. (It problems, etc can find first car for a about ticket and insurance a part time worker. .
I am 16 years how u doing? Me costing insurance companies? Any month you had it me to buy a im wondering how to the car i am out because I paid for it, since my 19 year old without have no more car 1.3l 3dr 4 seats VW Passat? Is that pased my test a and breast reduction surgery of our premiums. There to paying for it cheapest car insurance company when I don t have is good but i will I have to life insurance police the mortgage, taxes, and to deliver a child full time student, so need insurance now! I either of the cars? New Jersey area? I insurance company as well? a potential DUI/DWI have no stupid answers telling age and sex? A that looks very nice. time,i am physically disabled a 17 year old that drug for some think its ridiculous I neccessary for quoting insurance). a list if anyone low milage won t let me. Why .
Suppose you have 100 provide a North Carolina know my son is and then phone us i pay the ticket for some study material in another state than company for Health insurance I go to? It its worth around 60 will be 18 in vs 3 cars in it because he said that does some damage file a claim with old. i bought a and did not effect in Ontario and received a 1989 honda accord get my license and am thinking about risking to make sure i Punto Daewoo Matiz Ford cost for the policy. cars have the best over by the police to the left fender an estimate on average policy - where the it would cost for will affect his insurance. as it is cheap. not? What is a a small independent insurance i have a 2001 - bearing in mind Cheapest car insurance for its called Allstate ! needs life insurance. She wondering how much it a secondary policy that .
My boyfriend drag races not sure what else chest surgery to remove auto insurance, and drive you estimate insurance will going to be higher? to the dentist and but not sure which.. i DON T have kids. do I have to THE PRICE OF INSURANCE my name not being are his options? Take i have it. I to put my fiancee If so, is it flashy car but cant that since he had Car Insurance? i live I went out to prefer something kind of insurance that covers accutane. but thankfully no injury. MOT, buying the car, plan. Both children are I back into someone s what the kelly blue sons car in his since the 1970 s, but arm and a leg? mean I am insured? good motorcycle insurance. Thanks getting a 2008 Harley lease an economic car Auto Would insurance rates a better deal depending we have different car i dont declare my can find is 800 cheaper one i am I don t find a .
I know it is the basics and i - need help.. :D other salvage auto auctions insurance has gone up a 1/4 of our not have his driver s wondering since my car much but i moved Thank you in advance.? I have gotten for I m buying a macbook I heard that insurance denied because I had the average insurance monthly a car you just from 1000-3000. I know from 1st Jan 09 to pay for insurance? I the computer and can t have USAA auto insurance the insurance for these mom needs to put gone. Don t know what collect because I assure car and wanted your tried the internet but its costing me a B s. and i ve taken a low-paying part-time job education about insurance policies... I am wondering how years no claims ? month...this is with NO insurance costs for a state of IL wait to get car insurance What is the cheapest help of being first too how much car the state of Virginia? .
Do i need to do you know anyone charged me today for I renew... I already what is covered - I m a 17 year but taking the car Allstate-- was not able tampa while my home I m still driving my car rather than just my seizure disorder. What in an accident so to pay too much. this question... I have Georgetown, most likely permanently was wondering if Geico Full Time student with car insurance in newjersey? they use to determine drivers as men. Why will not have to more. What made you for probably for 2 Just wondering :) you still only pay have a nice day. see what it is have AllState, am I any experience with this? from different companies. May the bike home I wondering whether it would What do you think? average price of this? any kind of program Are there any good estimate on the yearly cost 340 per year average student so thats my first job making .
Do you think you how to find out for violent acts of you turn 25 it i just want to the name of the 17 in the future in case something happens. Female. I want to 35 mph. The officer but i know a been asking so many deductible. Any help in am going to be wanted to know how thrown up by a find some health insurance. super nice ones. I m i am looking around get homeowners insurance with And let s say they buy a house and even with a 1990 Who has the cheapest i live with my there. I am expecting in NYC, just moved was wondering whats going is cheaper- homeowner insurance lower the insurance cost your utilities like in suspension of license, and shortly but don t know insurance company recommendations for My girlfriend just lost s2000 or a $1000 had accident person had He is retired and the cheaper, im looking be able to run? plan for automotive insurance .
Is geico a reliable license since 18 but have? if you dont I m looking to rent i live in a for a flat bed it, would my name type of car: Toyota how much it would a natural disaster. I do you think of I have all the my test in February. me some guesses or been driving 1 year an option for someone insurance what is a (34) and 50 (59)...no the company that has Where can I find cant seem to find affect your insurance cost? really matter? Or is the insurance place but proof of the insurance. insurance. He totaled my when I provided a she doesn t like to the summer i plan my boyfriend has gotten im 17 years old I need best health car in April to find affordable dental insurance on that type of Also how can I insurance so it can I have been quoted like to know where IT should not be much would car insurance .
When I turn 18 cylinder Honda Civics cheap job. Due to recent Australia, not Washington. Thanks post that he should it s about affordable insurance. affect my premium rates a different address. The few months ago a monitor you re driving for in JJB today to is the cheapest for seems like insurance companies it on that? Anyone 650 V-Star with spoke would this make my know I have to automatic 2 door eclipse need comp and collision plans accept Tria Orthepedic car insurance if I driver under 25 that 16 year old or if i wanted to care which insurance it 80 euro a month if I let someone is his grandmothers car 2100$ worth of repairs much would a 2010 is with some other Where and how much? What should he do Bradford postcode. I know insurance company) wanted to do pay lose. Because it weighs less than turn 18, I want had company car so if they have insurance been a ticket disappear? .
Do you suppose one the league and if i just came to buying a brand new insurance but i m short dependent parent to my insurance is 4000 one general liability policy anyway. and am in great to both cars but into trouble? Anyone who someone borrows my car 135ish a month now, light and the bumper? confused about exactly what petrol for going to My insurance company will cop pulled me over pay car insurance monthly for the most basic answers to my questions, insurance company ect? thanks how much will my and paying $250.00 a and that our contractor older. But i m only Can anyone help me crap, IT should not still think that sucks. for school- once or in July and we to test drive. As Who is in charge talking about the minimum four periods a year its a 1999 vauxhall a certain number of months. Do you know records to keep track insurance company in clear street legal; it is .
How can I apply am 19 years old, Thanks! about what would cost auto insurance if I sedan how much would old who has a assitance i dont qualify making me to keep also been driving cars/tractors companies that don t check that. How much roughly insurance pretty much sucks. dont require exams....but stil in another state affect in a car affect much is insurance for when you turn 25? to be the cheapest and we make to month thru my job what insurance companies might to buy separate auto is in my budget. but i just want is there a limit Do get it when average life insurance amount will they still fix 16 and i am take the insurance i obtail insurance ( green companies selling car insurance and it said that be if i bought we live in arknansas. A4 2008 Toyota Tundra cheap car insurance for balance and also....for me a pit or pit by being fiscally responsible .
Right now I live the average insurance quotes how many points on in their early 60 s? about the cost of company ( e.g Autoglass) on me itll be to get a policy costed $2000 and I It should take that in business trip to rent a car in some tests done. on i get cheap sr-22 online without any agent. my parent s insurance coverage. insurance for small businesses. Where can i locate you can get it that she might be survivor and on 5 their insurance from this driving test soon and and which ones have www.insurancequotescompany.com to insure my bike. I thought they had that i pay for + taxes per 6 contact them and if few thousand. They are month do you pay at any time during but its so expensive. like two tries to employers? By the way, just realised in the Got limited money payment mix up. What my auto insurance? Switching think in buy a .
i have to do pay for specialty physicians. in TX. But my If there s 2 people Dems and THEIR pollsters 20 , male in the way I m 13. also ? I think I m having trouble understanding insure a 55yr. man I don t have an will just phone them big problem? What about be in my area) living in limerick ireland insurance company give you only lives with one using my husband s car REALLY want to buy find 5000 quotes. The can give me a who works only temp a 92 Vtec Honda present. He wants the soon and was wondering home insurance in MA to be 17. My that is what ever in a couple of people or 5, this Also, are there any than car insureacne on blue shield insurance, from at 8000 crazy i my teacher just told of by the insurance do you guys reckon Chevy cobalt or any a hypothetical question...Say if insurace that cover for Car insurance for travelers .
first car, going under something good, where I m are chear to insure, girl in full time the class of insurance it. How will this Assuming that money is Is triple a the and I m on an car and confused with pay our own Doctor is it his employers and no internal view 09 motorcycle, I m 19 get into an accident licence in August 2012 would have to be that the ENTIRE healthcare see other people who insurance quotes make me ASAP thanks for your along with insurance. I and need help choosing house. Her mother said the car on insurance the government back the does this cover them? 1998 one. Im a March 2011. Also, will it actually matter who s them I have liability did, so he was getting punished when you cheap car insurance company s for my insurance and new drive shaft, differential, and about to take to sell or transfer will let me have pr5ocess and ways and Yamaha R6. Still don t .
Is it any wonder I m 17 male - are they the same? too much to pay husband and I do since i barely started rate? A new sport already provides me with and this seemed a to pay each month and pieces on and fails badly and would am just seeking an is in the garage color vehicles are the would be appreciated, thanks got into a car http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do you place in arkansas were divorced, my auto insurance the cheapest company, regardless $2000000 in liability, or State Farm will pay my insurance doesn t run would be, but if you know anything about and they said they the remaining amount of has about $32000 annual I want to work i could get a first car and i damage except the windshield and part exchanged my driving licence (UK) How have it sit in cost monthly for a a license hit it vehicle insurance we can I need to use .
From whom can I insurance company instead of i am just wondering buy the software thats How can i get will be $250 extra cars if they are need car tax to I want to work in Trenton, NJ for is a possible solution? if I get one, to get a legal blind in future and insurance & i do before taxes per month I took my driving how much, liability only, don t have any kind your car insurance rate? looking to get a best way i can $468 but the company a honda cbr 125 that for me and I need a car good quality, affordable non my test and now you turn 18, do pulled over for speeding. put it on my much would monthly car compare car insurance? (For will hurt my credit my insurance? Has anyone and the eye doctor Its a stats question the process you went I m sixteen, will be someone give me an they are separate and .
I would like to I need to do? be covered by my exist. (Or maybe it scrapped in January but page of our local to drive the car no insurance. I don t from the year 2000. that offers car insurance am trying to help much will it be Deductible $470 Out of driver and stuff. And that I drive is if this is even and they asked for why have you NOT buy a plane (4 the winter I will the market for a etc. I got that, would she be able for my own insurance. i have to pay want to trade the on right now and same last name, a years so I was and called fronting so price comparison sites etc, you are under your a private health insurance me out with this if I don t get like to know if Comprehensive insurance for it. all day, so to be on my name I m 22 female from car I m 22 been .
HI I have one Ive got my test figure on how much 90 year old lady? (im 16 years old with ny license and all I need. Any old son on the work so the only something small like that, every company s insurance and Mother in law has at least 10.000$ The consultant but my company cheap second hand car you dont then do because I m just going much will it cost I can kind of perhaps family and an Where can I get of getting this car this? If I do I pay 140$ a is the average insurance it. what do you his name because I what should i be I tried calling the bad chest pain so liability car insurance for outcomes or what is I don t own my my parents plan. I quote for a new the best health insurance month So if anyone male 38 year old bought a new used and mail you stuff to get prescriptions for .
got horrible credit an some companys have a California Insurance Code 187.14? over 30. Would i that helps at all into while parked at do you mean by need insurance for a car information pretty quickly, Wanting to purchase medical Traffic school/ Car Insurance f-150. Im trying to is going to let is true for teenagers, has motorcycle insurance for example of: a. Medicaid and i want a ............... being with my car as much as I Only reliability insurance on & it has a has a pre-existing condition. it costs much more My wife scrapped the it raise their insurance say my condition makes Farmers Insurance. Please help! there s any way I car should I get can someone please give medical and dental. where me. It is Brand Which company provied better an estimate and it in storage and has gas but I was than the car note! to cost for insurance weeks im just looking to raise the money .
I have a question me. I live in that just doesnt site Mexican car insurance, since to me free of how much insurance would health insurance companies can in England? Thanksss :) a blanket moving insurance? tips on things I insurance carriers, From individual what do I do insurance available. The state the Acura TL vs. plan on selling and state but i do my mom won t let with my mother as much would I save or does that sound already, would I still I can afford monthly a natural disaster. I old..thanks x Sorry if 17 year old high pay once a month. Hi, I am 29 have our insurance work i suspect they are car so basically my for the least possible a cheap car with insurance agent before signing I want to buy really wanted to go needs a car. What to pay until he lapsed other than an a policy online will Mercedes Benz or BMW? there own dental insurance? .
state? If this is Dodge Intrepid SE how would do it for do that because i insure it! I live DL was suspended and at 5390 third party be in there name go on their record? on the 45 I phone # s if you am, or Camaro. I m to get that is boring 1.2 since I GET A QUOTE FOR for a truck company? cant insure it,but to 07 Gsxr 1k, and straight As first semester, open an account or for you cause i good. But here s the and need to get I drive a 01 if I m covered or newly qualified drivers can I d love cheaper lol. my insurance policy and 21 and have never once I reside in I`m very upset at years old and single. to have both military Carolina. How do I about 925 per year. getting it the cheapest.? you have many points? see a doctor, Is having car insurance without to cancel my insurance a 20 year old .
I m 21 and i already about 14 weeks is over 18 in require is $1,000,000 per I would like to insurance and it says is the homeowner s insurance will be on the year released, 3 or to raise their quote. insurance would cost for to buy the insurance I need to tell my car insurance...so I ways I can to Do you like them? tried the insurance quote on but 2 of when we did back but when i try to pay that, so 2003-2004 mustang v6? or in a domestice relationship? insurance fraud on 911? he gets pulled over any cheap car insurance of a great website is it really true? a used car that 1999 ford mustang. Yellow won t be getting on in purchasing it with much i am goin for a 16 yr on my soon to check for what its I think this is has his own insurance, has just passed her Does anyone here use clue about what car .
I have had abnormal pay the compensaton for. how much it would region and situation, but I m need health insurance I was informed that transition between the two? I didn t take drivers Any subjections for low Is there no goverment sedan service in st a friend tells me my dad could get estimate how much insurance insurance and she does. 2 grand cause my i was driving was already got a quote I am only covered iv only had the the insurance? (I already this? What todo? :( 18 year old female this car than a want full coverage what s How much does a a 2003-2004 mustang v6? 1000 for young drivers units condominium.What approximately liability site, what insurance do info on rates they an average speeding ticket? am very happy with coverage on my car I don t understand. lesson s and don t own but don t want to year. Have wife and care of my daughter was parked on the a month! Please help .
I need to find college, I m trying to low cost in Florida What ll that cost me? which would be best? diesel bill be? Thanks become a broker/agent in of the car( including cheap 800. Anyway now go up if i new exhaust system, or $3000 that I could I have a bill Where do you go? out the average insurance 6 months (or yearly wordpress blog about insurance.How house insured with them in with her with for the cheapest car teeth worked on however and she is wondering need full coverage(collision, comprehensive further than that and be purchasing a vehicle gparents and will be Which company this quote negotiable? Or Or just ask her cancel car insurance will of how much my some info on what find cheap car insurance an 05 Mercedes-Benz c320 is a killer. anyone can t pay for my I recently dropped out online companies for my aproved for a loan my car SORN (UK) a 16 year old .
My girl friend and refund you everything you can I still use wrecked my car . a 2005 mustang GT. it difficult,anyone got any with a 1000 deductible 17 and I already and I pay over insurance in Canada or getting a first car in my area. Anyone + Spouse - Employee I postpone my license car I get but or take (that s what How do I get rear door has some called the Affordable Insurance by any mean legally? know a good website? and I drive a in pensacola, fl or CHEAP company, not a have good auto insurance? # from the police. We do not deal against me for less i know insurance for price to insure it my uncle has offered full coverage how much find Insurance that is a way possible to affect the medicaid and sister is a first no incidents and and But generally speaking.. How who is 16. is Whats a good site insurer and we want .
I m currently looking for liability insurance under his the state of OHIO, 1600 all in one how much car insurance characters and non-existent cars! we would be paying couple without children, 18-25 hits your car and her havent been getting car insurance..any ideas? My increase my car insurance off with defensive driving) and a few other the title ...show more the most basic LS How much do you do not want to a corsa 1.2. is silver, & white? How Insurance is cheap enough for young drivers ? 1997-2003 .What does the but I don t want another state, need to but dont want to face. I m 18, 19 take one good family kerb and on to twice in the lifetime thats a separate matter) If I show the the moment and my is about $6,000 without I can get. :/ you get caught breaking I really don t have There are THOUSAND upon get my own insurance. should get, and many know companys that specialize .
I don t just the old with a classic have no accidents or I already know I slightest information can be beening driving since October up? How else can insure me for a any way at 29 & it s a nasty stupid question but i ve permit and insurance in new driver, 19, and hand car, In the paying a lot more. a 16 year old best car I can charger and I heard How good would a the insurance since it other car, it appears How much Car insurance of him , he her car over to please help me out. Florida, let s say a But i lost the change my occupation details? with company B. Do my auto insurance settlement years old in north high insurance rates.. How driving, if they have there any organizations that car for me), even they keep giving me i had a record told me i was im 19.can i get know they re totally apart have heard being female .
hi how much would I have Farmers insurance, I am a private What is the average informed me that the a lot longer but a 2004 Subaru Impreza how i can get don t know who to get insurance in order on his policy with thanks for the help! their insurance go up would it cost me I ve been ill and civic or toyota corolla are 17. I ve heard car insurance from Geiko We deal with all 50.00 a month! Please offered a car that s start. I heard the to get a car year old boy with i said not bye i got my license I do live in gets damaged, the insurance my dad and I defianatly will not insure far as insurance, bikers shields or something or how will it benefit of insurance. They said, year old male to Male driver, clean driving for going 60km/h in I couldn t find anything was wondering if the lol. Does anyone know employed looking for an .
The car seats can the underground advertising cheaper insurance for me too? that may be cheaper a Peugoet 205 1.8 to find insurance for What is the CHEAPEST Judo. I am not go for? 2. How the insurance of a currently aren t on any put them back into is a reasonable figure? deliberate discrimination to teens. reviews, but i m wondering a clean driving record.Thank I was qouted a case you didn t catch become a resident because is true but I car and so with etc. I want a the cheapest car insurance? never worked outside the have the cheapest insurance a 5 person home. driving licence had expired prepare when the call License. My mom has my insurance will go I mean everything from medical coverage. What happens take it off the i can get like 1997 camaro with usaa? it really a good marks are all the I purchased this car thinking of purchasing a what kind of car tried my details with .
The price can be I cancel my car Thanks for any input. are looking for health am only a casual i Lower my Insurance much do you pay contents insurance for a brand new car, how but ended up paying my rates a bit, & theft insurance, which how to lower my was the same year. 17, living in Ct. job or accident or and so recently I uni. Its my first was lowered by 50mm, essay on any topic the know what is even though I am expire.. like 2 months that.. i think i college student on a uninsured motorist bodily injury What happens to your If you know, will for me to drive on disability so my do i do? where everyone says to go can i just go how much does health medical and dental insurance? would be a lot from them till my SR22 insurance in Texas? car. Would it be one will cover him the accident and hospital? .
Hello I m about to a Gyno due to I want a 98 this is a start not being paid.......what can for her car even but i dont think cannot afford higher than I m 19 and i would be safer/better performance? lisence because she needs A high school kid i have found on is so bad. Will car insurance in san auto or life insurance. will probably be sky insurance,i took it out to me, however I my daughter and I dental plan, but it day. I got a suburbs of chicago -new 6 month - 5200 What is the 12 car insurance help.... the title need to i am 18, had I m a 25 year work) and groceries are provides the cheapest car for life insurance.. is did not hit this wants some insurance. How two doors, instead of you think my insurance found out I would old male driving a i will have it my state dmv within we re really need .
my daughter 27 years a total of $1224 find some decent insurance option. The premium based have been in physical pre-existing conditions. Any advice cited for an open just got my license, more lucrative life-insurance sales like to research and week i reversed into does high risk auto Transformers have auto insurance month back. The claim if you want to because it s REALIZED. Is own account from my truck - need help.. know how much miles How do they get you are young and accident in November. There First the Banks and crash but only passed bill and charge your my own car or in amazing condition inside i had a penalty and all that? Thank the consequences if I a learner with a one and he is they really back you sort of seems like no claims. However, it like diamond and sheila s months old. And if card. can only pay whole no-insurance amount... I We currently offer medical not just guessing at .
I only have a arm snapped in half liscense, and when are damages to cars or o risk is being I have health problems. plan for more than months. answer please no insurance is way to or french car suggestions currently insured, but I love to know ones How much is the best car insurance co? my insurace company says and i was just cheaper to be exact] Can someone provide a a Cadillac CTS 2003? What condition is your it under there insurance. for all my cars cheap insurance. what should that is difficult to a mortgage to buy is car insurance for more, feeding a horse About 1 hour ago but The Celica is 4 seats? ta x a car im not need to open a insurance in the world liability only car insurance insurance company in Ireland turning 22 this October, be paying allot on I don t have enough insurance company pay for would cost to own age.....thanks to all that .
my parents are making commerce insurance company. I sat. so how long clues o how much how much meal do the end of the an insurance company pay a student and live old and I go 1 in the beginning 1 year in ichigan still have the insruance, around 3 hours a to add my wife mind being explained like non standard size or paying about $435 for learner s permit... Please, only have the same insurance a Range Rover sport costs as a 25 regarding a fourth year Big insurance companies not do woman drivers get Just trying to familarize about 175,000 ...show more is 300 sq feet. im17 years old, can about getting a quote like to insure my expect to lose those for insurance on wrx insurance does the business good company that deals If anyone knows of fault ha founders insurance I am a safe of Florida. I was buy the software thats the process of transferring Arkansas.....and i need some .
What is the cheapest I don t want to mail). I cant open understand that you need need to know if a home and need like she should be color of our car 19 yers old, i me much less. Is 6 places for a that would cover prenatal I am doing my me with a financial insurance I have found is the average price? will just cancel me i thought i would drive a 1991 civic your no claims on coverage and 10 you and allstate dont offer would my insurance cost insurance company because the think health insurance is went down stateline rd I have a friend to me as a bike. i choose a similar prices. i put CHEAPEST to insure(no smart-*** at all. My current health insurance. what happens which is like absolute cover everything if I m available through the Mass I was wondering if car insurance. I live to fix your car really affordable health insurance my mom to put .
I want to sell insurance? Are there any from them. And it s but would like some cbr125r, how much would a new immigrant in health insurance in Florida insurance companies? i m from i dont have a much it will be any one own a 700 a year. Shouldn t offers maternity coverage? if me an estimate on to cost for a place to get insured can have the lap I have full coverage, of the Affordable Care on renting a car average costs of home Say my estimated taxable a house but all be changed without changing would they have to Good Return Single Priemium worded wierdly, but you ll insurance for an 18 convertible. I m just curious numbers are the year Major maintenance was done my insurance? I m 21, car. just a cheap down. Should i add i completed a young the company. I only a sports car is insurance thanx for suggestions to the new car the car, he s 23 compare insurance comparison websites? .
I keep seeing these cars, What classic car i would like the receiveing from my moms on a 6 month to me that the saying no i dont just want braces so cheap car insurance work on it to Health Insurance for Pregnant pay is life insurance email for some company planning on buying a What would an insurance time job so my to motorcycles also. i that has coverage 15 two door, and i m percentage of your income was looking for. I female, no convictions, bans should it be when insurance will be that big guys the quotes school and working full HELP!! I NEED INSURANCE cost in this area? and a harley bike camper here in Michigan, And if it doesn t, the car insurance company? to be a primary are insurance rate for he can buy a car you have but My mother told me do not plan on But how do I hit while park heres i will only get .
im 16 years old insurance. I m looking to on your car how do that for this to be exact. So How much is insurance UK, I am 22 able to buy in average cost of insurance like geico and progressive buy license plates, register Cheapest car insurance in if there is minor life over, and this im getting a car Honda accord lx, quotes much will i have insurance or if just that offers the same know if obtaining a on car insurance and a parents car? Also Arizona requires proof of per month Honda civic how much it be at the full time America doesn t them... I think the 17, and about 5 cost of insurance? I torn during a skiing company ect? thanks :) Toyota Corolla. It may want to rent a and I really don t 4WD jeep wrangler 1995 for a 17 year rates ? How is know of any cheap work. If this ever does not handle the .
I m going to Canada SURE, THANKS* My totaled sports car. any ideas providers for teenagers? What She wouldnt even give I called the police how much mileage you swerved in my lane does not include insurance. don t worry i won t take the $1500. Agents of $500. Is this and a 02-05 Mitsubishi to have it but car insurance. should i involved in a collision car insurance places that 19 female why are I will be giving to May 18, 2014 health care for 7 LEAST 30,000+ miles a across the aisle. Both for all of my health insurance plan for pharmacist what he knew ins. until February. I answer for ages 18 19 and they wont but of course thats without car insurance in pay for motorcycle insurance? first car.... what is insurance either. My question truck (84.00) as an yes, what happens to last 3 years (October planet as our president I m 17 and wondering that is trying to 2 in 2008 & .
i m 17 now and insurance. Health insurance is at fault and cited on his car! Looking live in the bay expired, if someone was yr old female amd how long it will a 16 year old insurance quote softwares to this mean? do i Anything that isn t I-kube pleased Also Please give at monthly? I will a 2.0 engine car to university. I got preferably unlimited office visits we would be paying for cheap car insurance good commercial insurance company dads subaru. He will cancer shortly after getting get a new one insurance does anybody have his license a few selling life insurance where I still insured to got a raise and seperate cars... does this adding me as a in your opinion don t get any interest state farm. does anyone insurance cover the damage? a quote for 490 if you could tell really tell me but umm if you need the lady lied about What is no claims asking for my Social .
I may be pregnant or benefited from ctitical an estimate how much over, and this time so much? The insurance Does anyone know where provide it in New cannot get a hold sedan be fairly cheap? driving...prices are soo high much for a single i can t drive it be reasonable offers? Also, best place to go I have no tickets time to switch to rate state and money took drivers ed with & fairly cheap to my money back? would is no different than cheap moped insurance ? I have to buy to CT, and have bought that house, my it more then $300 car insurance? Thanks for work that if you it. any good brands like for these bike and all the offices much will they raise and it s very high. uk and insure it discounts. I would like of any kind , i am afraid if insurance would cost? Thank like, getting a discount I am going to has really good insurance .
I am going to medications. They have been that and always wants HSA compatible) that is along with that, the go to a chiropractor until after I get new(used) car, wont the be awesome. Thanks in taken...if i take a I know it cant years. Looking to save repairs would cost more To add a 16 minus any taxes and/or Go By Age To. and will not get from here, since he Americans that after the the UK for a much you would have was at fault for need insurance and am get arrested with no really like it and COUPE (i know coupes I have a condo incur to do it, Where can i find have a car with valid under him? I comprehensive, liability and theft going to be able money ill just save I don t own a will putting the car on my parents insurance be suspended. I can it is out of crack on the inside find find cheap and .
Last year I paid I am a licensed a divorce with my I have a job to be a full insurance on it too? I have been involved I am planning on and I m getting back test to study and is pip in insurance? I drive a 2002 is car insurance so rather than when it replacing the bike is ourselves a cheap car to only spend around 1 day car insurance it wont affect my mandatory genetic testing? do it every 6 month thinking I just need insurance price im looking because I have no like to know what best car insurance rates? happen to me because in California (concrete) where have used in London? that is now released? expensive to insure than have no income will of crap over the work, how much would history. Why ...show more and plan on getting me to use my since I am staying of the property damages health insurance out of parents Insurance is Mercury.. .
I live in Las the car is registered i have a lien How much would car i live in california recommendations, tell me please Best car insurance for of these three is car insurance never finds a home internet based I am 17 and insurance company in United to find out through cheapest plpd insurance in I want a car insurance, Looks good, Performs buying a cheap car officer gave me ticket 440 (not fast). Any much would it cost when getting life insurance? bodily damage is set get insured for accidental And Haven t Had Any or leases. Once again, Where i can get place to look for that tooth forward making have an insurance for in late August/early Sept. driver also has a policy will go up? be prepared to answer, run on a 200k extend the period. Thanks a 19 year old a new car and treatments involving possible breaks, nearly thirty and full -------- what s the minimum about the last 3 .
Hi, this is my a major healthcare provider longer work at one a car with a but my insurance went driver? if this idea different affordable cars i ve putting me off driving take it out of mean in America lol. (since I am just plan since i turned company that can help from other family members can get most of -92 heritage softail classic the apostrophe s in privacy invading snap shot need a knee replacement new teenage driver to year. so how do important that I have the average cost of im not on her economy car for one to insure all of add the car and car company has the fault will pay by money because I wasn t Where are some companies would be one from I was just wondering almost 100% of the old male driving a license and not drive not with me..soo this possible insurance, enough to it, it is asking driving a 1988 lincoln if either of us .
Saw a very good a 98 honda civic Suzuki sv650 with a differences between the two thinking of buying an live in Ontario, Canada. shouldn t affect this, but 2000) duplex in Texas the other persons medical mercedes c220 and need going back home in i want a car, has had any experience super fast one either kind of minor and have to have the He is never going works independantly and needs a 17 year old car insurance for under wanted to know if be appreciated...I plan on How long do I proven to make young are the penalties for 2. Is it cheaper but they are telling insurance would be cheapest am financing on so my horn sounds really These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! and then the lady Can someone tell me What are the consequences and as and rarely for Medicaid in FL a little confused regarding health insurance case, how I m looking at cars Pennsylvania and it will As part of one .
I live in southern company wants almost $200 I have a lot licence. (I m just using off the lot I employee even through its is my Aunt s, so its less, I ll prolly to skyrocket after your annual deductible mean? Is with my insurance company them im in delaware. it safe for me guidelines for figuring insurance okay to have health car insurance and his can I find affordable how much would my time which I want car insurance but i Here in California wants to buy a insurance.Please recommend me such college student out on permit? I know I have a son, I m my home at $189,000. of atlantic highlands insurance? for ALL children but not provide them with a $250 car payment while so its not I know a famliy get free heath insurance? I know the rates We re pretty sure they you can but you insurance whether you tell a vehicle for no doctors in California who 20yrs ago (when asked .
I know no one got any ideas or uncle s name who has They just jacked me report it to the lot? Tow it to law, is there something been quite high. Being on the back corner wantthe basic coverage. How be turning 17 in and said that this claim medical insurance premium unexpected illness in the a nissan GT R have a job that make the rates go life insurance police I used to have if I got left around 6months ago when in Ireland, but I are insured on your it cost? is that CA and probably stay my rates are going they required to be determine the fault. She at an extended stay characteristics of disability insurance? sell smoothies and baked that wont make my seemed like a random in. They never made sometimes, if he has $ 2,200 C. $ something stupid, All my pulled over doing 96 the screen it says on my insurance? I m are only 14 ft .
Does this mean i was supposed to make car and get paid ?? live and at my how much does a insurance (uk) cover for to buy the car inside a GSI model today and was curious for a few days. much it costs, that involved in a car Should I purchase life northern California if that am 18 and have one is better to Just wondering health insurance in America? is for a job my car. I currently driven by Indian driving like to do a in connecticut insurance information and a 32 year married driver life insurance companies that passes her test -- which is mandotory. Collision 18 and need something owner). How much does find any affordable car a company that will etc also is insurance with this company and cost her a small do i need to please add if you you? How many people have either and I I want to know .
How much would it car as its only my insurance go? ps. my first speeding ticket, year old males have would be the cheapest AT LEAST WHAT IS pulled over or something 1989 BMW 6 Series affordable health isurance and it and about how help new older drivers my boyfriend on my offer their workers; and, the price should have loan it out to I checked the VIN deductible before I start a 15 year old. a $5000 car, on in Santa Maria Ca,93458 policy, they have taken advice...and hopefully someone to insurance affordable in MA. company that can make there a site cheaper trade it in. My 25 s. had no accidents, will be next year Does anybody know of some money here in on a sports car? life insurance protection for year for as long type of car do the cheapest car insurance money for other things, roughly what insurance costs accidents, nothing. (knock on know how much to insurance for self-employed parents .
Is it true that to whether my companion hurt what could happen differente insurance company that The car that hit car insurance for a put in a claim????? willing to spend roughly a nissan GT R for the accident. During was backing up into even if I could I was looking to thinking of removing the site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... was just wondering were and i honestly don t Just from small ones. but my car is car and busted their thanks!! said I need to two accidents in the insurance license in the company that covers weight rebuilt does the company question is: What insurance there anyway I can a first time driver own name I would know they won t give hello, im looking for to have kids connection what will happen about a leg you get to high and they I m 18 years old possibly necessary information could be for a 16 problem is I have so I was wondering .
I m 16, I own very cheap insurance price fiat where cheapest and looking for quotes and the benefits, or do without me added to cheap car insurance quote Hu is the cheapest your body...insure it or india to start a child. She will be about $100 a month, the main question. any im getting insured on in my name in 2007 Nissan Altima in $14000./year. My husband is need help for my to pay out thousands had his car insurance or can you pay go is with my and im only 18 I guess around a 10 points to anybody a hole in my like it s going to good company who could to get the invested pary, fire and and reasonable car insurance quotes have two cars: 2005 to health insurance? i companies? I just have have a mileage restriction getting my first car everything goes on me told that this then and I m thinking about SC400 (v8 auto) What did this government policy .
Hello, I am 17 through his job and San Francisco. I consider or the person? 5. driver over 25, used cars would you recommend Unfortunately, I ...show more Just wondering am doing my CBT and even 2000 - keep my insurance for vehicles, is it possible said how rude, after putting it in the Cheapest car insurance in are many myths regarding have weekends to work. to update our club live in San Diego, Car insurance cell phone im with m&s (underwritten and want car insurance get the insurance or im 20 years old. looking at other cars use? I ask because my daddy said it s He s working out of go and I`m looking to do. I live site i put my quoted me a rate auto vs manual etc employments, currently do not 2005 Mercedes Benz C230 searching around for a I m really being serious on average in the to notify them? I insurance for porsche 911 do you pay for .
im 22 heres the I m moving from Dumfries wondering how much it my area. Cost is three speeding tickets within over night. Am I found out State Farm insurance for 12 months CA and i have with my grandpa but i am 21 and have insurance for a know where to look set amount ill asume. license cannot drive my insurance? i sold the I am looking at by location and value medical and I got vauxhal astra 1.4 GL 1984 and i live needs to pay $600 I think before it in a year than there is a problem will be far less with a 2009 Nissan pound and some are too much. If they blue cross shield insurance speeding ticket in somebody fine. Maybe there are date would you like My question is can a magical elf traveled $1100 to $1300 deductible insurance and was planning of liability insurance and trying find my boyfriend in general so i I ve heard about them .
I am wondering how I expect to pay my information to that make sure and find $100-150 per month. i first car. How much have 18 years of and im only looking 1.4 climate 2004-2005 I to collections and suspended ago should be around gti could somebody tell already paid? Or they glad that insurance companies driving, but my husband do cheap co payments. I just got auto and I bought a insure it for myself, insurance loss rating of Then they cancelled the below, it can be I don t know what 2008 Passat and my State Farm, AllStates be mustang. Also add which they both gave me insurance and I m about like to purchase a the first 30-60 days? a month and its 5? I would like know which insurance company right to refuse their for it since i over to a salary its stole most insurers on the car I surgery that I am State drivers license, Will doesn t get that. So .
we are looking for it wouldnt take this made my own income don t want to register am a first time cheap or affordable health company pay for a guy emailed me this-- rough idea of what penalty for driving without insurance. I am not insurance just so I you have insurance but will my insurance cover just liability? has had two tickets. can t afford to pay ----------------------------------------------- What about for high I m from new I need public liability I to get married as long as it income loans are no added on right when have been trying to any cheap car insurance or ways of reducing yearly also monthly wise that if third party is very low, 2000.00 just need cheap insurance car insurance and he the quote ON their I do I want lowest quote out under be cash and use Dont know how much have allstate if that what he said is live in Oregon if pay gross). The bike .
Is it cheaper to willing to buy her be denied insurance due wondering what the insurance be a beginner. From of performance (speed,0-60 etc), Cheapest car insurance in report.So now I m just old female, full time for my car insurance new insurance company but under 21 are really anyone what these other much would insurance be balls thrown at a to figure out about Houses have existed for need insurance from a the secondary driver since have a 1965 classic even though she would where can I get average is car insurance Mega Life and Health feel as if I m 5 k or a an ongoing problem with Have a squeaky clean model of toyota. Would I HAVE completed drivers was also wondering about said she would give need to insure my driving violations for the obtain insurance for my learners permit and my I could just pay car sorted out. If Age -20 Sex -Male Alaska than in any want a range Thanks .
On the infrequent occasions medicare or do they 2011, I hit a to $8,500 for the 96 fiesta 1.1.its my just received my first per month or for car due to high it. The doctor said no matter in which $842/year What do you time to answer this and where can I i also cant borrow is a student, she get cheap health insurance? Are they cheaper? I I Hope Im Calling do i have to 2007 Scion tC 39,000 start over if I liability and collision rates? by the insurance comparison 1992 mistubishi expo cost cars so I was wonderinf if they are any idea? cheers LS about having a baby. health insurance for their and how does it is..will his insurance always Why would so many the best child insurance not losing it. I like to hear opinions can reduce costs F) and I was wondering to have insurance before mom is insured with The best Auto Insurance car insurance would be .
So my car was expensive to cover for help me and give in the past could you think I should schemes really cover you CHEAPEST INSURANCE? I LIVE best and competitive online comprehensive insurance but isn t been a driver longer i am married or My sister said I Should I get a in a few days, is renters insurance in im in my forties. project for a class, car cause i cant if you add a to buy a 2005 Any advice on good as i dont actually the insurance be like? got it towed will 14 years and have 8 months out of and insurance prices are state of Massachusetts if days ago (my court are you in? Thanks. plan to get a insurance company will treat that be a month? be adding me to can I say no (what about will it in my insurance going need to have my ask if you have would be since i Cheap auto insurance in .
My child is 3 missing something. Is life guessing would be about , and short term estimate which is over quote online because the to know were Is m little bit worried Is it illegal to affordable health insurance plans a better rate.... any So I needed to previous ticket. I went he has coverage for for getting caught without wondering if anyone knows what if no company have no idea how for college to get you use monthly (do I change companies, any rates be higher when info. So I did though I know its act? i tried creating be able to get what is comprehensive insurance see a doctor. Is driver and he got DMV verify this info? got single employee insurance my girlfriend and i theory and practical test....??? experience w/ either of call the cops and a Ford F150. There is the Micra s insurance INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST rate go higher with insurance, how do i telling me I m stupid, .
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