#also releasing this from my drafts
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tokutaiseichan · 8 months ago
[Ren voice] Senpai, you should kill them.
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title · 5 months ago
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Josh O'Connor 🚬 La Chimera (2023), directed by Alice Rohrwacher Challengers (2024), directed by Luca Guadagnino
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crazymecjc · 2 months ago
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look at yourself… you’re the true puppet.
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fernsnailz · 11 months ago
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some sketches/doodles of my dnd character, Gorb :] my stupid lizard boy with a -1 intelligence modifier
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somegrumpynerd · 24 days ago
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A bunch of doodles inspired by @wickjump saying Cross has an eternal kicked puppy look (and steadily devolving into dadmare because y'know. My Brand)
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asha-mage · 2 years ago
FFXVI really takes your hand and says 'come with me', then shows you a world that is broken and full of pain and heartache and selfishness and cruelty. It shows you the terrible things people are willing to do to each other for no good reason, it shows you how how leaders can be short sighed and foolish in their earnest desire to do the right thing for their people, and that causes no less pain then when they are corrupted and arrogant and vain monsters. It shows you how people's cruelty all to often is born of a world that beats them down that gives them no other choice but to be cruel if they want to survive.
And then it asks: is this worth saving? Is this worth protecting? Wouldn’t it be better if you just let it all go? Let it all be destroyed, and broken apart, and lost? Wouldn’t it be enough to just end the pain? Wouldn’t that be salvation?
And in the same breath it answers, no because salvation isn’t the point. Humanity is cruel, greedy, fractious and hateful and it always will be. Just as humanity is kind, generous, united and loving and always will be. Even as the world falls apart The Dame fights to keep Northreach together, even as monsters beat down her gates Martha takes in refugees and escaped slaves and refuses to stop, even as nations crumble and bandits flourish the Dragoons still battle for the sake of their people and country, while the Crusebreakers keep struggling to free the innocent and protect the weak. Even as Joshua is hacking up blood, even as his body is shutting down he keeps walking forward at Clive’s side inevitably, inexorably to the end, because he loves his brother and refuses to give him up to Ultima’s scheme.
FFXVI tells you that there are no promises, not guarantees, that the only people who can promise salvation are the ones who want to sell it. FFXVI says that no one is assured victory, or safety, or paradise. The point is not to save the world from it’s evils. The point is that we fight to try and reach the next dawn with the people we love. Humanity can never create a perfect world because we are imperfect creatures, but the battle to make a better world, a kinder world, a more free world, a more gentle more fair, more loving world is what defines us.
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odo-apologist · 7 days ago
I was looking up information for a completely different post but Red Dwarf was inspired in part by a prison sitcom? Like, from the beginning??
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The implications of this are getting to me
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ilonacho · 8 months ago
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kindaorangey · 1 month ago
hold on wait. wait. regime change between when show!armand leaves delhi, and when he's turned into a vampire. god. i'm thinking about his speech to madeleine, his "what will you do when there is nothing left of your era?". if he tried to visit the village he came from during his time with marius, he will likely have witnessed exactly that. within his mortal life. armand believes he is uniquely suited to endure immortal life, to adapt and survive no matter what. he might have seen the fall of the lodi dynasty while he was in his 20s; maybe that's why. but god. how devastating. his village might even have been destroyed in the fall of the lodi dynasty. what do you do if you are taken from your home and when you finally have the freedom and strength to return to it, it is unrecognisable to you. fuck.
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cultivating-wildflowers · 3 months ago
cozy horror game called “that’s not my cat” where you wander around a dark house trying to find your cat among an increasing number of vague, shadowy objects scattered across the floor and furniture
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ragsy · 8 months ago
[Shaking myself by the lapels] you have got to stop being harsh on your art for mistakes that you view as completely innocuous when other people do it!!! Why are you holding yourself up to a double standard like that!!! Look at this artist you look up to, they drew that leg really fucking weird, isn't that freeing? Look at this other person you respect, they can't draw anything from memory!! And this extremely famous artist? they don't know how to draw ears! And you were sitting there beating yourself up about how stiff your poses look or how out of proportion that face is. Yeesh!!!
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neixins · 4 months ago
ngl i’m very curious to see the dragons’ reactions to losing their powers (both the guilt of realizing that yona’s trapped bc she wanted to save them and in a practical sense (the disability allegory of it!!)), especially gija, who cares so so so much about his Duty as a dragon warrior and who doesn’t really have any combat skills outside of his dragon arm. there’s just so much potential there. on the combat skills note, if only there was someone who carried a whole stash of weapons on his person and could offer some guidance…..kusanagi if u give me this gijaeha-flavored treat i’ll pardon all of your diabolical crimes
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 2 months ago
years ago i set this as my medication alarm sound to remind myself to take the antidepressants i was on back then, thinking it'd be funny. it was, but now that i'm finally starting a different set of antidepressants after being off them for a few years, i (respectfully) didn't want fukase swearing at me first thing in the morning 😅
so, since he does exist in my computer, i made this little simpler audio just for funsies, and figured i'd upload it here too bc why not 🤷‍♀️ i don't know if i'll actually end up using it myself but if anyone else wants fukase reminding them to take their meds for whatever reason, here you go lmao
and here's a bonus oliver version as well for those who are more oliver-based lol:
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finalgirlsamwinchester · 9 months ago
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David Simmons, “There’s a ton of lore on unicorns too”: Postmodernist Micro-Narratives and Supernatural in TV Goes to Hell: an Unofficial Roadmap of Supernatural
started writing this mostly as a reflection on the above chapter from TV Goes to Hell. the show from its initial outset is based around a particular formula. the brothers often rely on a postmodern patchwork of stories to 'solve' their monster-of-the-week. on this show, everything can be real all together, all at once: from alternate myths and histories, to movie monsters, to urban legends, cultural gods, and folk tales. this cultural melange gets 'tamed' through the frame of the show's monster-of-the-week format itself, where everything gets solved to fit a singular narrative: identify the monster, find a way to defeat it, and successfully eliminate it (there are rare exceptions to this formula: bugs is the standout)
there's a tension between the characters' research, drawing from unofficial sources, local legends and civilian accounts versus the show's format demanding, in a sense, that fear of the unknown (really a fear of difference) be conquered through the simplified logic of its formula. unofficial sources and beliefs become incorporated into an official narrative, so to speak. they gain legitimacy and authority through our heroes use of them, not the other way around. magic is evil when a witch uses it, but somehow the rituals and spellwork our heroes use to defeat them don't count. you feel me. and that same logic applies to what monsters count as real and what doesn't. on this show, everything becomes real when our protagonists are able to see it and kill it.
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(1.01, 'Pilot')
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so a common show critique i see tends to separate the more episodic plots of the early seasons (1-3) from the more serialised grand epic narratives of 4-5 onwards. well my argument is this - nah, that impulse was there from the start! the mystery of the show was always going to dissipate, because explaining away the mystery was always a part of its initial premise. the concept that - 'the monster under your bed is no longer scary when you can name what it is and learn how to kill it' - turns into -> a fear of death? heaven and hell and everything else in between are now real, tangible places! fear over external, powerful forces meddling in your lives? demons, angels, leviathans, god himself! now all real and tangible beings! the air of horror and mystery shrouding s1-2 was never gonna last. the murky horror was always a means to a defeatable end.
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(5.19, 'Hammer of the Gods')
anyways. there's an obvious mythological hierarchy in this series and it's very funny to me. all gods and spirits and monsters, even the ones predating christian mythology, fall under its ruling (white, judeo-christian) narrative authority. the postmodern embrace of multiple narratives is a ruse. all incompatible things lead to a universal truth. the show doesn't dispell the existence of differences; rather everything is to be combined, united under a totalising front, despite the contradictory nature of that impulse. this narrative then, down to its bare bones formula, is a civilising mission. civilisation barreling in, banishing fear and uncertainty from the light. and in order to stay in that light, one must submit to its complete authority. by this show's logic, uniformity ultimately requires the subjugation of difference.
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tired-lamb · 2 months ago
If you were to rewrite the Lion Guard, what would you change there?
*cracks knuckles* get ready for a word blast.
Firstly, I would change the target audience of the show, mainly so that I could slide in much more serious plots in the show and also to raise the stakes. Target audience would be.. maybe preteens to teens. Think The Owl House, Amphibia, She-ra and the Princesses of Power, ah yes all the queer shows, Ducktales, Gravity Falls, etc. That’s what we’re trying to go for.
Secondly, characterisations. I want to add more depth to the main characters, i.e., the Guard. Give Bunga more of a role than being the comedic relief, give Ono more of a role than just being the one with the braincell, give Fuli more of a role than just snapping at Bunga all the time, give Beshte more of a role than just being Kind and Strong, give Kion more .. development, you get what I mean. Don’t get me wrong, I like the characterisations in the original show, it’s just I wish there was more to it. Give the characters flaws, maybe even have them all go through some sort of development arc (very much impossible what with industries these days cutting shows down </3). I’d like to see why these characters have been chosen for the Guard, because if you take the roles of bravest, fastest, fiercest, keenest of sight and strongest at just face value, Kion could have picked any animal. I want these roles that they’ve been given to mean something.
Thirdly, the concept of the Guard. Tying back to how I want the Guard and their roles to mean something, I’d change the main basis of the Guard’s concept to not just be a group of animals with certain qualities, but a group of animals that not only hold those qualities close to their chest but have the ability to work as a team with those qualities. The ability to combine these traits and use them for protecting the Circle of Life. This allows for moments in which, say, any of the Guard is unable to.. well, perform the role/quality they’ve been given (eg: Ono being unable to see, Fuli being unable to run fast), they still manage to be helpful to the team. This adds depth not only to the Guard members themselves but to the Guard itself, too. Also adds opportunities for fun dynamic exploration!
Fourthly (is that a word?), I’d change the fight scenes, or, rather, how the characters fight. I want to really showcase the animal side of the universe and characters, so I’d make it so that we see them fighting like or at least similar to their actual real life counterparts. Also since I’m making this a show targetted towards preteens and teens, I’d show the scars and effects characters face from these fights, too.
Another thing I would change is the Pridelanders. Not change the characters, per say, but change the atmosphere of the Pridelands. Again, I want to add stakes. The Guards before our current one usually have little to no trouble protecting the pridelands, but this new Guard that we follow as viewers is facing a land that is just recovering from the reign of a terrible king; Scar. Have the herbivores unable to trust the Guard due to the presence of two carnivores. Have the Guard face challenges in being accepted as protectors of the Circle of Life. Have carnivores themselves be hesitant to having a Guard with a lion for a leader protecting them. Have the Guard really struggle to find just how they can protect the Circle of Life. I want to see hostility. I want to see chaos. I want to see Simba struggling to be a king and thus rely on the Guard too much in order to help restore peace.
I also want the Guard to struggle. The Lion Guard has not existed for two decades. They have no one to look to for guidance. There is no former Guard member they can talk to who might know a thing or two about teamwork, about existing together as not just a unit of protection but as a part of the Circle of Life, too. They have nobody to go to … except the older lions. The older lions that remember the times of Scar’s Guard. Sarabi, even!! I love how much the og show gives time to other Pridelanders, but let’s not forget the lions maybe? Have Nala or Sarabi be a sort of mentor figure to them, maybe.
Speaking of Sarabi, I’d also get rid of Mufasa’s role in the show. I like that they wanted to include Mufasa in the show, but I dislike the way they went about it. If at all we need Mufasa in the show I’d give him a kind ‘haunting the narrative’ role except in a.. good sense? (Also to parallel with Scar’s own negative ‘haunting the narrative’ role). The Guard don’t know much about Mufasa, only that he was a great king. I’d try to add Mufasa in the story in bits and pieces, never directly and never outright. Honour him in a more quiet, in the background way.
While we’re talking about mentor figures, something I would really like to add, and I cannot emphasise this enough, is having the moments where we let the Guard be kids. I hc them to be pre teen age when they start, and I want to see these kids not only embrace this newfound role that they’ve been given in the Circle of Life, but also really think about what it means to them. What being a part of the Circle of Life means to them. I want to see moments where the Guard struggles in saving some animals or making decisions. I want to see the Guard mature as the show moves on but also really put into perspective that these are child soldiers. The things they face will and do have an affect on them. When I say let them be kids I also mean it in other ways. Let them be absolutely scarred (hah) after events like the burning of Mzimu Grove, the loss of Kilio Valley, and especially the Battle for the Pridelands. (I’m aware this kind of makes TLG a coming of age show).
I’m not quite sure what I would do with the villains. I honestly like them as they are, except I wish they got more screentime and had more of a logical reason as to why they’re villains, instead of just being animals that are ‘greedy’ for food. An idea I’ve been having for sometime however is to make the TLK2 villains serve as the villains in TLG aswell, plus making them the ones to resurrect Scar. Also, while we’re talking villains, change the Circle of Life concept to be a little more up-to-interpretation. Like, of course I’d let it have some concrete characteristics (such as the ones mentioned in the first TLK movie), but when it comes to the Guard and the show as a whole I’d make it more up-to-interpretation in order to avoid the whole issue the writers had with their villains (and how in a real life situation the outlanders’ whole ordeal being portrayed as ‘bad’ just.. doesn’t make sense).
For villains like Makucha, I would have given him much more build up or not put him in as a villain at all. If the main cast needs to face any struggle at all in season three, I would make it about them trying to recover from the Battle for the Pridelands. I think this would be a kind of arc for the Guard. They think they’re as good as they can get, but the BFTP hits them in the face, as does having to take the Journey to the Tree of Life. They’re forced in a new environment, and excuse me for how I’m about to describe this, freshly traumatised, and not only that but I would write some of the characters to regress back to older, bad habits they had when they were starting out at first. I’d write this to be an affect all of them face from the Battle for the Pridelands; a piece of ‘evil’ inside all of them instead of just Kion.
Alongside this arc of the Guard (wow thats catchy) I’d also have Makini have her own arc as well. The Guard is in shambles after the BFTP, and Makini is their closest friend. I would see this as an opportunity to build up Makini’s character, especially as a future Mjuzi (whether that be in the Pridelands or the Tree of Life). She finds herself in a position where she’s the only one who can somehow try to bring the Guard back together to what it was, or maybe even something stronger. Some development for my girl <3.
This arc resolves in the journey itself. I had thought of making it continue to their time in the Tree of Life, but hit a dead end there. The way I see this arc coming to a close is that it eventually erupts in a fight between the Guard members themselves. It’s nasty, with Makini and Anga trying their best to hold at least one or two of them back. This would take place around ‘Friends to the End’. In the prior episodes, I’d make it so that the fight that takes place here builds up. All the points I’ve mentioned above for this arc would be shown in the prior episodes, and eventually produce what happens in this one. I’m not going to write out the entire episode plan I have for this, but I’ll give some important points. The episode is pretty angsty, in a sense, and after Kion leaves I think the others would, too. Beshte, although not as mad as some ofthe others, is still deeply unsettled, and is also feeling some inkling of annoyance. Again, pieces of ‘evil’/Scar inside all of them. They’re not acting themselves, all of them, and when they split up, Makini and Anga are just trying to get them to reconcile. In the end, what brings them back together is Kion. I’m keeping his whole nearly-falling-off-a-cliff thing. The moment all of them find out he’s in danger, they rush and forget whatever they had said or done in the fight before. This is to sort of remind both the Guard and the viewers of why they’re on this journey, and why they’re together at all. Why does the Guard exist as a unit and why has the Circle of Life chosen them? All themes and questions that have been already addressed in the previous seasons, but something the Guard has forgotten due to the events of the BFTP. Trauma does that to you. To everyone. It’s not easy for them, especially as kids, but they find a way to come back together, because they’ve grown from ‘just the Guard’ now. They’re practically family to each other. What Scar and his army wanted so bad was to seperate them, and by the effects of the BFTP, they’ve unknowingly succeeded. It’s Makini who finally brings this realisation to them, and reminds them of all that they’ve learned and all that they’ve experienced, together. They’re the Lion Guard, and that’s where this arc sort of concludes. (Cough, can you tell I like found family themes?)
However we will still definitely see the Guard struggle after this, but not without wanting to make up for it, not without wanting to try and to heal. There’s no more spitefulness, and even if there is, what follows after is forgiveness and love. While this particular arc of the Guard will have come to a close by the time they reach the Tree of Life, I still want to show how it’ll take some time before they’re able to become what they once were. Healing is never perfect, after all.
Speaking of the Tree of Life, the Guard’s time there deserved waaay more episodes. The place had such a huge build up only for us to spend barely anytime there at all. I’d also like to see more time given to the Night Pride. I think they rushed a lot of things regarding them, such as their introduction, Queen Janna’s death, how we’re suddenly supposed to root for Rani as new Queen.. etc etc. I’d probably write it so that we spend some time with them before anything major happens. I’m not criticising Queen Janna’s death by any means, and although I really liked the entire episode and Rani’s coronation in general, I do wish we as an audience had more of a chance to connect with these characters first. I mean, I’m an emotional person, and while I did cry once or twice for Queen Janna, there was no basis for me in order to root for her or Rani’s character, you know? I’ve also seen one or two people talk about how they wish Queen Janna had more connection with the rest of the Night Pride, especially Baliyo, than with just Rani. I can agree with that, and so I’ll probably add that bit or two in my rewrite, as well.
Another idea I have in mind (and this is inspired by this particular night pride redesign/revamp) is to change Binga. I like her, don’t get me wrong, but I dislike that she’s just a genderbent Bunga whose supposed to be his love interest. Heck, I dislike the whole squeezing in love interests for the Guard (except Ono and Beshte, ofc) at the end of the series. If at all you want them to have love interests, let it build over time. I know Kion and Jasiri or Kion and Fuli would have made more sense that Kion and Rani. But for Bunga specifically the idea I have in mind is to make Binga an Indian-crested porcupine instead (an idea that was also inspired by this post). Idk much about them, but what I do know is that they’re tough and close to the honeybadger in terms of size and toughness against larger predators. I can see that what the writers were trying to go with for Binga was to kind of have Bunga meet ‘his competition’; someone who could stand up to Bunga. I think having this someone be a porcupine (especially with Bunga’s already established history with porcupines from Mama Binturong) would make sense and also be a lot more fun than having another honeybadger. I would also probably change Binga’s name, too, so as to not make them.. well, you know, genderbent Bunga. I don’t wanna go too in depth on this idea in this post specifically, but I’ll definitely be making a post on this idea someday (and maybe an OC, now that I think more abt it lol).
Also, although I’ve not finished the series I am aware of the fact that the Guard return to the Tree of Life after returning to the Pridelands. Now that.. is something I would change. If I go with Kion and Rani being love interests, then I’d make it that maybe Kion wants to go back, but this doesn’t mean the rest have to. I mean, they all have a life in the Pridelands after all, and I’m sure some if not all of them would like a break now that Vitani’s Guard is keeping the Circle of Life in balance, and whatnot. Not such a fleshed out idea but just wanted to add it in there.
I also really like @kaythefloppa ‘s idea of how the show ends (particularly his last point of his entire rewrite). It’s sweet and brings everything to a satisfactory close. I’d have to love to see it, honestly.
Aaand I think that’s it! There’s my ‘how I’d rewrite of TLG’ and things I would change! According to tumblr this post was started around 5 November and has been sitting in my drafts ever since so uh.. saying this is late would be an understatement. However, in my defense, I had a LOT of thoughts while writing this! A lot of my ideas were coming to dead ends the more I thought about them so I tried rearranging/changing some stuff so that wouldn’t happen, but I’m sure if this rewrite were to be the actual show’s writing there’d still be some dead ends and plot holes, lol. Ah well, good thing this isn’t then, huh?
Thank you so much for this ask!! I gotta say, you usually have really interesting and thought-provoking questions so whenever I see you in my inbox I get excited, haha. Hope my answer was as interesting to read as your question was!
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that-ineffable-devil · 10 months ago
I don't know what it is about Neil Gaiman's stories and characters that bring up so many visceral emotions and realizations but Dead Boy Detectives has gripped me in it's skeletal claws.
I'll admit I haven't read the comics--one more thing on my neverending tbr pile--so I came into this show without any preconceptions or foreknowledge of the characters or their histories. And I didn't do any research on the show beforehand a) to avoid spoilers and b) it's Neil Fucking Gaiman what am I gonna do NOT watch!?
Basically, I had no idea what to expect from it. Except that it'd be queer (praise be).
And I gotta tell you, Charles is getting to me. In ways and at depths I never could have expected. And, fuck, it's making me confront some things I didn't realize were affecting me...and some that maybe I did...
Like the anger. Gods, the deep-rooted anger at the injustice and cruelty of the world and the hands you're dealt. The fury of feeling helpless and alone and terrified during the worst experiences of your life. And the self-loathing you feel as you bury that rage for fear of becoming the very monsters that tormented you--unable to express it in even a healthy manner because you can only associate anger with violence. So you bottle it and bury it and hope against hope you can keep it down, but you fear the day you run out of burial ground.
Like the compulsion to act like everything's fine. To mask any negative emotions with a smile and a kind word or a laugh. To never be the reason someone else is in pain. To try so hard to undo the pain done by others. To be the person you needed most who was never there. Maybe you're trying to convince yourself that you're not a monster. Living in constant fear that you really are that monster, and all your goodness and light is a smokescreen to trick truly good people into allowing you to walk amongst them--and that one very bad day they'll all see the truth and your worst fears will be confirmed in their eyes.
Like the almost desperate need to cling to anything or anyone good that comes into your life, because it has happened so rarely and so fleetingly. The fear of taking certain risks with those things and people because any change can be the one that results in losing them. Yet constantly taking risks with yourself and your life (death?), likely boiling down to "If I go first, I don't have to lose them." Because, deep down, you think they could never miss you as much as you'd miss them.
And even specific moments...
Like using the word "rough" to describe abuse, because how else do you reference decades...or in his case, likely at least a decade...of trauma and abuse without upsetting someone? Without letting them know it's still affecting you?
Like equal parts fear and fury welling inside you as you watch something truly horrific happen. Memories wrapping your senses so tightly as that man brutalized his family for no reason. Being both unable to stop it and unable to look away. Desperate to do something about it but completely helpless. Again.
And reliving his trauma, forced to by someone else? Feeling that pain and misery all over again. The heartbreak as friends choose to hurt you for reasons you don't understand. The anguish as your brain tries to protect itself while a parent who's supposed to love you makes you wonder why you exist at all. The terror of being hunted. Not knowing why. Not knowing what you've done to deserve it. Wondering if somehow you do.
And confessing his fear that he's a "bad guy." Wondering if you're really the villain in your story. Fearing that the reason people treated you so cruelly is because they saw the monster within, and thought they could keep it contained and afraid. Fearing that you won't be able to.
And not every day is like this. Not every day has you feeling like you're at the edge of a precipice. Some days are quite good actually, especially if you have even one good person around. But any day could turn out like this.
But you keep on with the smiles and the positive attitude because the monsters can't win. Your monster can't win. And frankly, you don't know how else to deal with it, because no one ever taught you how to. Or maybe you never had the chance to learn. All you know is that it's all you know.
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