#also pjo tv please hire me
so back when i read the last olympian for the first time, and there's this little scene where Percy and Thalia fight back to back on the ground while Zeus and Poseidon fight the same way up above - and, well, it made me cook up a little scenario that i was SO EXCITED will be included in the book and I'm gonna tell you about it:
Hades had just joined the party; kronos still raging against the army of demigods on the roads of New York, and the gods are all dealing with typhoon, and with a lot of effort as well. So Hades flew up to join the gods, while Nico runs to catch up with the ones on ground. Percy, Thalia, and Nico- all three of them are handling their own tornado of monsters, fighting and bruting their way against, when they feel a pair of shoulders brush with their own- they're all pushed up against each other, finding themselves back-to-back-to-back, a huge horde of monsters approaching. In the skys above, the brothers have teamed up - working as one to win against typhoon, finding it nearly impossible to defeat him otherwise alone. The three most powerful demigods, fighting together on the ground, and the three most powerful gods, together above.
i feel incredibly robbed.
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guardianspirits13 · 7 months
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nobody is immune from ✨trollification✨
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thetimetraveler24 · 3 years
Just wanted to share my thoughts on something I hope to see in the PJO show when it comes out.
Other Characters
Given that it’s a tv format, there’s going to be extra run time. I want to see Silena and Beckendorf and Will and Clarisse. Give me some Travis and Connor and some Katie. Let’s learn a little more about the side characters that we love as much as the main characters.
Also I would love some Drew development through the series or at the very least once we get to the Lost Hero portion because she’s such an interesting character if you move past her stereotypical snobby pretty girl role.
Personally, I think season three would be a great opportunity to highlight some Hermes cabin characters. Nico stays in the Hermes cabin for about a week and Nico’s a pretty important character so it would make sense for there to be some scenes focusing on him. We could see a lot of Travis and Connor, even a little of Cecil.
Percy has a sort of friendship with Clarisse or at least a general respect between the two of them. I don’t think it’s shown much in the books as it develops into that. It definitely starts sometime after Sea of Monsters and/or the Stolen Chariot, but Clarisse is absent all throughout Titan’s Curse. I’d love to see some of this play out at the end of season two/beginning of season three and then in season four.
Ethan and Chris. I want to see what was going on with their side of the story. A sneak peak during season three of Chris in the Labyrinth would be cool. Ethan I think definitely deserves to get a backstory. We don’t know when he leaves Camp, so maybe we could see some of him in season one.
Not exactly a underdeveloped side character, but I want to see Minos training Nico in season four. It would give merit to what Percy thinks about Nico wanting to kill him, but it would also show us how toxic Minos is for Nico.
It would be nice to see little bits of Will throughout the series. Maybe he’s shadowing one of his siblings in the infirmary when Percy is stung by the scorpion. He’s probably there treating wounds after the chariot race. Can we get some Apollo cabin feels in season four when Lee dies? And by the time we hit season five? Oh boy, I need to see Will try to take up the mantle of cabin leader in the middle of a battle.
We also need to see some of that Silena and Clarisse friendship. I know Percy said Silena helped her with Chris, but dude! What happened? Did Silena organize a date for them? And how exactly did these two become friends? Sorry, Percy, but I have questions.
And I need some Beckengard content. Just cute little moments throughout the series. Maybe the first time she calls him Charlie and his reaction to that. Just more content to make the boat explosion a bigger punch to the heart.
Probably not going to happen, but it would be cool if they did at least one episode every season that was a side character centric episode. I dunno, like a Clarisse and Chris centric episode in season four, a Will centric episode in season five, Stoll centric episode in season three, Ethan centric episode in season four? I hope there’s a Luke centric episode in season five with him, Annabeth, and Thalia making their way to Camp.
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