#also obviously this is not beta-ed
natslilcorner · 3 months
part 5 of this fanfiction + art series
It’s pouring outside.
The usual sunny weather in Quesadilla Island is nowhere to be seen today. Which in normal circumstances would be nice. Sitting in front of a window watching the droplets hitting the patio, while your dads cook dinner for everyone to enjoy later in the evening. Unfortunately those times are over. For now at least.
Ramòn stares at the little fire he manage to make, with the only dry wood he quickly snatched before the rain drenched it. His clothes are all wet and dirty, his bandana ripped a bit when it got stuck on a branch and worse of all, his backpack.
Everything was going well before all this. He was walking towards the direction of the radio station that Fit showed him before he disappeared, but of course he had to come across some Federation workers. From their surprised expressions it didn’t look like they were scouts trying to find them, but it still didn’t stop them from running after him once they realized who he was.
He managed to quickly hide underneath a root of a massive tree, but he was still in danger. He could hear the Federation workers talking to each other not far away. There is three of them... maybe he could risk it and incapacitate them?
He hears them closing in to his location and pulls out his sword. Fit trained him to be able to defend himself, he knows what to do. He has a mission to fulfil he can’t waste time with them. Ramòn slowly crawls back from underneath the root making sure nobody can see him. He stands behind a tree and tightens his grip on his sword, as soon as he hears them he gets in position to attack-
Suddenly screams can be heard and Ramòn quickly hides again startled.
What? What is going on?
The little egg peeks from the side of the tree and the last thing he imagined was to see two little crows attacking the Federation Workers. The little creatures were vicious against the three workers, pecking them mainly on the face and arms. Then he notices what they were actually doing. While the slightly bigger one of the two was busy attacking, the other one was quickly stealing their communicators and weapons, throwing them off a ditch nearby. For being smaller, that crow sure was fast.
Luckily for the crows (and himself) the workers did not stay long, after a couple of falls they finally run away leaving them alone.
His shoulders finally relax and he looks at the crows. They are on a lower branch and the smaller bird looks like it’s checking the other pecking it around. He is not an expert but the two crows look smaller from the ones he often saw around Tio Phil. Maybe they are young? Would explain it. They also have little differences making it easy to difference them, aside for their size. The smaller one has a flufflier head and under the sun he can see a purplish shade on its feathers while the bigger one has a circular lighter colored shape around its stomach.
Ramòn circles the tree and slowly approaches the two crows. He doesn’t know why they attacked the workers, but for some weird reason deep down his heart, he knew he could trust them.
Close enough to reach them, the two little crows hop from the branch to his shoulders. One on each. And he freezes to not spook them.
“Hello crows.. do I know you? I don’t remember feeding any... did someone send you?” He feels the smaller crow move and he turns his head to it.
He feels its little fluffy head delicately peck his forehead. Immediately a memory of his sister, Tallulah, kissing his head flashes in his mind. She would always comfort his siblings like that. Ramòn was not much of an open feeling person, so when one day he accidentally showed that vulnerable part to his sister she immediately did her best to make him comfortable without ever making fun or push into it.
He treasures that memory close.
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The two crows get off his shoulders and start flying around him. He tries to look at them a bit better but with the way they are moving it’s a bit hard. The little’s crow fluffy head, the purple, the bigger one’s peculiar lighter patch around its stomach. There is also this weird feeling in his heart.
Ramòn eyes widen.
“Are you-!” The crows caw at him in what it looks like a laughter and then fly away. “ Wait!” He starts running but soon he loses sight of both of them. Was he wrong? No that can’t be... but how..
A loud thunder brings him out if his thoughts.
So here he is. Sitting in front of the fire, inside a small cave, trying to warm himself up. Ramòn looks to his right where his belongings sit trying to dry themselves from the rain, in particular he stares at his laptop. Luckily it didn’t get wet but as he already said before, luck was not on his side today, so of course while he was running away he slipped, and falling he heard a crack coming from his backpack and checking the laptop he saw that the screen got damaged, making 3\4 of it impossible to see.
The little egg puts his legs close to his chest and snacks on the protein bar that luckily did not get wet. With this big inconvenience his plan will have to halt for a bit. He had a lot of information on his laptop and this will make it hard for him to access it, so now he has to find another one to transfer all his information on it.
Ramòn checks his clothes and deeming them dry enough puts them on and lays down. That pc was very dear to him. Fit gave it to him one day out of nowhere, it shocked him. When he asked him where did he get it, he simply laughed it off saying he got it at work. The thing is Ramòn knows what Federation technology looks like.. and that was not a Federation laptop. So where did his dad get it? At first he thought maybe his “Boss” got him it, but he they barely were able to contact him let alone receiving gifts like that. Then probably in his other secret location?
The storm is getting harsher. Ramòn lays down his sleeping bag further into the cave and gets into it. He can’t do anything now anyway. Tomorrow when the storm stops(hopefully) he will continue travelling towards the radio station and use the computer he saw there. For now it’s best to rest.. it has been an eventful day.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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kiestrokes · 1 year
i like had this thought in the back of my head of like what ateez would be like with an S/O who has a physical illness bcs i actually have one which causes a lot of pain to my bones and i'm like in a constant state of pain and discomfort, been going on for about 12 years HELL YA ✊🏻, if i don't keep up on my meds (currently don't have the proper meds so it only tides me over for a little while-) then im basically fucked so IDK i feel like there isn't a lot of stuff written about this kind of stuff (im a sucker for shit i hardly ever am able to read abt) ALSO IM NOT 100% SURE IF YOUR REQS WERE OPEN BCS I DIDNT SEE ANYTHING POSTED ABT IT SO- YA- if you don't want to write it obviously you don't have to !! no pressure at all lovely
ATEEZ Caring for You: Chronic Illness Edition | SFW
Pairing: ATEEZ x Gender Neutral!Reader/You/Yn Rating: SFW Genre: fluff, slice of life, headcanons, imagines, scenarios. Warnings: chronic illness + immunocompromised talk.
🗝️ Note: Hey atiny anon! You actually asked the right person; I have fibromyalgia combined with a few other annoying chronic illnesses. Because you can't just have one 😓 I hope that you can find a decent fucking doctor and get on the proper medication soon. That's the biggest part of the struggle, finding a physician that will listen and is competent enough. I hope this was enough, I tried to assign each member a caring task that I felt fit them! Has not been beta-ed.
Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction; I do not own any of the idols depicted below. 
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He’s here to help you prevent all the chronic pain that he can. Booking you massage visits. Trips to the hot springs. All the arnica rubs. Silly little games the two of you play, to keep your mind off the pain and depression spirals. His favorite is seeing who can build their new Lego set the quickest. Hwa is the biggest advocate for you, he would never return a dish at the restaurant when its wrong. But he will fight for you at every appointment, every pharmacy, wherever you need him to. Because he knows you've grown tired of fighting all the time.
HJ's specialty is flexibility. You have a sudden burst of energy? He’s down to go explore that new pop-up market with you. You’ve come down with a bout of bone numbing pain? That’s cool, you’re getting changed into comfy clothes and piled up on the couch. Swaddled in your heating pad with all the snacks. Where he falls asleep on your shoulder. HJ never gets frustrated with your rapid change in mood or plans. Nothing but the most understanding partner you could ever have asked for, and boy is he so cute and snuggly when dozing on you. Small hands seeking your face for drowsy kisses that soothe your aches just a smidge.
The quiet presence, the one who knows what you need before you say it. Passing you tissues, making you a cup of tea and most importantly holding you so that you can cry. Shedding angry tears about how frustrated you are with your own body for betraying you. For feeling weak. For missing out on things. He's gently calming every frayed nerve in your brain. Reassuring you that you're exactly where you need to be in this moment, and he will bring all of the fun to you. And he does, in small, manageable doses.
His way of caring for you is through caring for your outside. All the skin masks, hair treatments, skin softening lotions because if you feel cruddy, at least he can make you feel cute and comfortable. They do heal though, in their own way. The extra moisture of the humidifier and every cream and essence he buffs into your skin helps keep some of the aches away. Subsiding the itchiness of the nerve pain, just a little. And you can’t get over how cute Yeosang looks in each animal themed headband or with his hair tied back into teeny space buns or how nice his hands feel every time they glide over your skin.
Where Yunho is quietly attentive, San is passionately attentive. You cry, he cries (while holding you). Quite literally your pain, is his pain and he’s here to be with you through each step. No judgment is ever passed when he has to pick up your extra chores around the house. Because to him, that is the smallest act of service he can perform for you. San is the one who wishes he could take on your pain, that he could fight it and destroy it and it pains him that he cannot. So he will simply have to do everything else.
He thrives on making you laugh and smile through tough days, because he understands feeling burdensome. Mingi never wants you to feel that way, he wants to make sure you verbally know that your presence is needed and welcome. His favorite thing is cuddled up in bed with you wrapped in your heated blanket watching shows. You looking so small in his arms, giving him the feeling of protecting something. He reassures you constantly, because he himself seeks constant reassurance. Mingi never tires of this, he will reaffirm every single self deprecating thought with a compliment even on his worst days.
He cares for you with his skinship, which is incredibly healing. His happy heartbeat encourages yours. His strong hands make you feel loved and needed. Who would cuddle him if not you? Woo often reminds you, whispering the phrase into your ear as he traces his nails through your hair, or while rhythmically drawing circles on your spine. Making you float into dream land and anchoring you in the moment with him at the same time. Woo also loves making you whatever dish you’re craving, knowing you need energy to fight off fatigue and pain. And cooking is one of his many, many love languages.
Needing to hoard all the extra rest you can get; you seek out solace at Jongho’s place for nap time. Jongho has taken notice, he’s also taken inventory as to which blankets of his you prefer, the pillows that keep you asleep the longest, what temperature you prefer the room to be based on what you’re wearing. All your favorite snacks before or after. New blackout curtains. He’s made his place your ultimate nap zone. New heated blankets. Duplicates of your fave lounge wear and socks. And he takes his payment in cuddles. Holding you tightly in his bed or sprawled on the couch. Sometimes he falls asleep himself and flips you onto your back to bury into your side like a full-sized teddy bear.
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© COPYRIGHT 2023 by kiestrokes All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced without written permission from the author. This includes translations.
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mariondeux · 1 year
My brain is meltin rn homeboy so I might msisepll some thigns bc my autodcorrect ain't workdin
Can I reuqest some ABO w 2wink (Aged up obviously!!) helping out a Transmasc reader??? To sum it up, Readers' been actin strange lately, not really actin like theiar usaul happy n energetic slef- So, the Aoi twins try n comfront their (bestie or s/o, either is cool) and they come across reader tryna get off bc he was in heat- (If the reader could be a catboy that would be amazing! )
Kinks? (Slight) Breeding, Overstim, Biting n Scratching (caused by reader), LOTS O PRAISE‼️
Im goig to ed now
Nighty night
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— SYNOPSIS ; You weren’t being your usual self, going as far as distancing yourself from the twins. Out of worry, they surprise you by showing up unannounced only to find you writhing in bed trying to relieve your heat.
CW ; NSFW, A/B/O Dynamics, Omegaverse, biting and scratching (caused by reader), hints of breeding kink, overstimulation, praise, double penetration, YUTA AND HINATA ARE AGED UP (18)
PAIRING ; Beta!Yuta Aoi x Omega!Catboy!Transmasc!Reader x Beta!Hinata Aoi
A/N ; The A/B/O roles weren’t specified so I just made Yuta and Hinata betas if thats okay !! Also eugh.. this isn’t my best work, but it’s whatever.
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Hinata crept up to your door, exchanging a careful look with Yuta, who was following from close behind. The two of them had noticed how strange you’d been acting lately. You were more quiet, distancing yourself from the two when they knew you enjoyed their presence as much as they enjoyed yours. Normally, you were much more energetic and happy, always so excited to hang out with both of them. They couldn’t help but worry about their dear best friend.
“Are you sure we should do this? I feel like we should’ve let him know we were coming over beforehand…” Yuta spoke up, giving his brother an unsure look.
“It’s fine! We know him. I’m sure he won’t mind it if we drop by to check on him. And anyway, what if he turned us down? We can’t back down now.” Hinata reassured his brother as he approached your door. Before Yuta could speak up to respond to him, he clamped his mouth shut as noises came out from behind the door. An intoxicatingly sweet scent wafted out from past the cracks of your bedroom door, reaching their noses.
Yuta immediately slapped his hand over his mouth, trying to keep himself under control as he connected the dots immediately. You were in heat. That explains why you were acting so weirdly. He looked over at Hinata, and before he could pull him back, Hinata threw your door open.
You didn’t try to scramble out of your bed, already so lost in the dizzying craze of your heat as you desperately a dildo in and out of your loose hole. Slick dripped onto your bed, fully coating the dildo as your hand pressed against your mouth. You couldn’t stop now. And you won’t.
Yuta’s body trembled at the sight before him. He quickly snapped out of it, noticing his brother already approaching your quivering figure.
Hinata crawled into your bed, pulling the dildo away from you, earning him a whine as he tossed the toy somewhere else. He got on top of you, gently pressing your wrists down into the bed.
“Why didn’t you tell us you were going into heat? You had Yuta, and I worried!” 
“I-I… I couldn’t burden you with… my problems…” You panted heavily, eyes glistening as you instinctively bucked your hips into Hinata’s. You clearly weren’t in your right mind. But Hinata didn’t stop you or push you away.
Yuta closed the door behind himself, locking the door before joining the two of you. “You know we can help you, right? We can’t just leave you here to deal with your heat alone…”
Yuta crawled onto your bed as well, moving over to sit on your right side. His hand placed itself onto your torso, caressing your body as you mewled from his touch.
Normally you would’ve double checked with them, but by this point, you were so unbelievably lost. 
“Please! Please, I need you two inside of me!” You cried out, leaning in for more of Yuta’s touch. 
The twins exchange looks, a silent agreement coming between them as Hinata climbs off of you. You looked up at him with a confused look, until he picked you up, sliding his body underneath yours to have you lie on top of him. Yuta got on top of you, now having you sandwiched between the twins.
“Are you ready, kitty?” Hinata grinned, wrapping his left arm around your torso as he used his right hand to unzip his pants, pushing them down to his thighs. Yuta pulled his own pants off, leaving him bare with his slowly hardening cock out on display. His hands ran up your thighs, slinging your legs over his shoulders.
You nodded eagerly, wiggling your hips with desperation. Hinata used his right hand, guiding the tip of his cock against your hole. Yuta pressed his length against your cunt, the two sliding inside of you simultaneously. You threw your head back against Hinata’s shoulder, a satisfied moan emitting from you.
“You’re taking us so well~” Hinata giggled into your ear, thrusting his upwards into yours, quick to drive his length into you as fast as he could. Both of his arms wrapped around your torso, keeping your body in place so he could fuck you without worrying about your body going anywhere. Your hands clawed at Hinata’s, your tail flicking at the air as you attempted to spread your legs wider.
Yuta kept your legs in place over his shoulders, thrusting into you at a more languid pace compared to his brothers. While maybe going crazy inside of you may be more efficient to relieve your heat, he wanted to get you to melt and relax around him. His hands massaged your thighs, burying his cock deep into you each time your hips made contact. One of his hands rode up your stomach, watching as their cocks entered in and out of you, causing your belly to bulge a little. “You look so pretty getting fucked by us, all teary-eyed and begging for more of us.”
You were blabbering any word you could mutter at this point. You don’t think you could think straight with both of the twins fucking you open like this. Your thighs trembled as you felt Yuta speed up his pace a little, the head of his cock massaging against just the right spot inside of you. Your head was going haywire. If this kept up for just a couple more seconds, you think you’d come the earliest you ever had in your life.
“A-Ah… I can feel you tighten around me… are you close? You can come…” Yuta panted, leaning over your body as his orange locks tickled your nose. You tried to close your mouth, trying to prevent any drool from making it path your lips, and yet, you failed, only making more of a mess of yourself.
“Come on, come on~ come for us!” Hinata urged on, feeling his cock twitch inside of you as your tail coiled around his leg.
You didn’t need to be told twice. Your walls spasmed and contracted around them, legs shaking uncontrollably as you came around Yuta’s cock. You felt like you were tossed onto a rollercoaster when Yuta and Hinata didn’t stop thrusting inside of you. Your arms outstretched and wrapped around Yuta, your nails wildly scratching at his back as you struggled to keep yourself composed. You were so overstimulated; the pleasure became too much to bear.
You pulled Yuta down, clamping your teeth down on his neck as your nails dug further into the flesh on his back. Yuta didn’t shove you off of him, letting you go crazy in between their bodies as they continued to fuck you.
“We’re gonna stuff you up so well~ Bury our cum deeep inside of you and have you bare our pups. Wouldn’t you like that, kitty?”
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TAGLIST ; @resluv @berrycolaa @noahrandom @1694 @raiiinydayz @rennie-1 @leoyayzies @harumagi @nazunis
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meowcatmutie · 1 month
hello. here's a post about homestuck characters' typing styles, but mostly focusing on punctuation because that's something i see a lot of people get wrong when they write homestuck characters
read this post if you care about writing them perfectly! if you don't give a shit about this feel free to scroll past. I'm very autistic about all of the little things in homestuck like this so maybe i'm the only one who always notices these things. idk! i want to talk about this anyway
john/june types in all lowercase and generally uses all proper punctuation.
dave almost never uses punctuation or capitalization! this is very important! he does not use apostrophes or periods practically ever unless it's in an ellipsis (instead of separating his sentences with a period, he just writes each sentence in a new message), commas very rarely, and he only uses question marks when they improve the clarity of a sentence (i.e. if it wouldn't have been easily understood as a question otherwise). he may use exclamation points or all caps if he is shouting, but he doesn't shout often. he also very occasionally writes a word in all caps for EMPHASIS.
jade almost never uses apostrophes or periods (unless in an ellipsis), and types in all lowercase unless she is shouting. she DOES use question marks and commas, and she uses exclamation points liberally.
rose, dirk, and jane all use perfect grammar. this is pretty obvious.
jake capitalizes the first letter of each sentence and puts a period (or whatever else) at the end, but in between those there is Nothing. no commas or apostrophes, and he doesn't capitalize proper nouns.
roxy types in all lowercase, doesn't use apostrophes or periods (unless in an ellipsis), only sometimes uses question marks, and uses exclamation points frequently. her typing style is the least consistent otherwise.
aradia's typing style is very similar to dave's, but with slightly more exclamation points.
mostly everything about tavros's typing style is pretty obvious and also not all that consistent so i don't have much to say about this, except that the word "i" is always lowercase, and he uses apostrophes in their normal places.
(CORRECTED FROM PREVIOUS VERSION) sollux uses periods at the ends of his sentences, but he uses apostrophes inconsistently.
karkat uses all proper punctuation, but on rare occasions might omit the period at the end of a sentence.
nepeta doesn't use apostrophes or periods (except in an ellipsis), DOES use commas, and uses exclamation points VERY frequently. also, she uses cat puns, but she doesn't shoehorn a cat pun in every 3 words, and she doesn't tend to replace very common words with cat words. (yes, this is about people having her replace "you" with "mew". it bothers me)
kanaya is pretty obvious, but i'm going to iterate anyway that she almost never uses any punctuation at all.
terezi DOESN'T use periods (except in an ellipsis), and frequently omits apostrophes, but not always. also, most people know this already, but sometimes i see people get it wrong, so i will note that she only replaces the letters A, I, and E with 413.
vriska uses perfect grammar and uses exclamation points liberally.
equius uses almost perfect grammar, except that he ALWAYS omits punctuation at the ends of his sentences.
gamzee uses all proper punctuation.
eridan NEVER uses any punctuation.
feferi mostly uses perfect grammar. obviously she uses a lot of exclamation points too, because she is -EXCIT-ED.
thx for reading. if you ask me to beta your fic i will do it btw
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sergeifyodorov · 2 months
please disregard if this isn't for you, and my apologies if that's the case, but if not. hello! i would like your opinion on what would be in the leafs' (or other hockey players if you wish!) scent profiles in the omegaverse
first couple lines of that scared me WHEW ok ok. im not like. an a/b/o Guy as in. like. it's not entirely my thing but ive been known to dabble occasionally if the going's good. that to say i'm taking "scent profile" to mean like. a) what "designation" they have (a/b/o) and b) what like their Smells are. if that's not the commonly accepted meaning of the terms that's ok but it Is the question i am answering
am34: to me in my beautiful world am34 is an omega BUT not in a standard way... he's transgender but re: a/b/o designation not gender. like a/b/o is essentially just a second sex class (there exist in the a/b/o universe 6 "sexes" (not accounting for intersex people in the normal way/intersex people in the a/b/o way): alpha male, alpha female, beta male, beta female, omega male, omega female) and auston is transitioning/has transitioned from alpha to omega. in my mind this works basically the exact same way transitioning does irl, but with different hormones, because obviously a/b/o hormones are diff from m/f hormones!) anyway he would smell similar but different pre- and post-transition: sharp, hot and chemical, like jet fuel and citric acid. eating grapefruit at the airport. it gets sweeter as his transition goes on. lemon slushy by a construction site. they're putting tar on the sidewalk.
mitch marner: mitchy's alpha thru and thru... the leafs uncles do Nawt enjoy this because why isn't he using his ALPHA VIBES to intimidate the other goaltender into sucking... ah well. anywhay... mitch smells animal. sticking your face into a cat. wet dog. wool. locker room, but how you imagine the locker room in gay porn fantasy smells. a little bit of light petrichor when things are getting Really weird.
william nilliam: ALSO alpha. when the leafs drafted am34 ppl were suddenly Weird about this realization there were 3 alphas on the team... were they gonna fight? for a while there was really only the one alpha (phil kessel) and now all of a sudden the big three prospects were all alphas. there was concern! they should trade the little swedish brat! and then auston transitioned and the core was balanced (2 alphas, 2 omegas, and morgan <3) and everyone was like. ok. okay. mitchy and willy (and auston pretransition) were all fun and cool with it they WERE. it's harder now that am34's an omega and they have to regularly resist challenging each other over him but it's all fun and good! they're friends! anyways william nilliam smells like open sky. the wind off the water. wild grasses and night air. ozone.
john tavares: jt has been bonded to his alpha wife since his isles days and understandably as a result he smells Super bonded, but also like leather and rubber and polyester. blue jeans. ironic for mr kombucha man but what can you do
matthew knies: OMEGA !!! two arizona omegas wrow! sidenote for the readers in this a/b/o world a's and o's aren't like. A huge section of the population but they also don't entirely tend to get filtered out of or into the nhl... alphas exist in the nhl at similar or higher rates to the genpop, and omegas at similar or slightly lower rates. if alphas and omegas are each 10-15% of the population (combined 20-30%) that means that there's usually ~4-6 alphas + omegas combined on any given nhl team, give or take a few because percentages don't usually work that way. leafs have 5 alphas (mitch, willy, max, benny, dewar) and 3 omegas (am34, jt, kniesy). kniesy is one of those handful of people who is randomly like super educated about a/b/o biology etc etc. like dude paid attention in sex ed class??? i guess??? he smells a little bit like cheap tequila and a Lot bit like breakfast food, scrambled eggs and that very specific diner toast smell and those maple breakfast sausages. don't forget your orange juice!!
max domi: max is an alpha, like his father. and he smells alpha like his father, salted caramel and bitter coffee and sour apple.
connor dewar: pine tar and unscented soap and smoke and a bloody steak. a lot of people don't always clock him as alpha because he doesn't have the often like. strong or dominant scents of a typical alpha, but he's just a Nervous Guy. get the right omega around him and you WILL be able to tell he's an alpha lol
simon benoit: also coffee like max, but much less of a cheap cup made by someone trying to stay awake and much more of a seven-dollar latte made by someone with a nose ring. a bowl of ramen noodles with the highest spice level they'd let you pick. spring onion. farmer's market in a big city with food you've never seen before.
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oh-stars · 6 months
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Third Wheel
a Stobin Month 2024 prompt | 497 words | CW: N/A | Rating: G
Eddie Munson didn’t know what true love meant until he was twenty. If he’s honest, he didn’t think he’d ever find out what romantic love even meant, so he’s pretty surprised he’s seen true love with his own two eyes. That he experiences it every single day, and will until the end of his time (if he has any say in it at least). He just assumed if he were to ever see it, to experience this magical true love from his stories, he’d be in the middle of it. 
Not the third wheel. 
“Is there a reason we’re at Buckster’s apartment?” Eddie asks with a sigh. He already knows the answer, obvious by the way he unbuckles himself and begins the process of gathering the strength to slide into the backseat. 
“She wanted to see this movie too,” Steve says, because obviously that’s what he should be thinking.
Eddie just hums as he starts to wiggle his way through the wedge between the driver and passenger seats. He flops into the back with a helpful push from Steve on his ass, one that definitely came with an unnecessary (but not unwanted) squeeze. 
As Eddie rights himself, he sees Robin running down the path, limbs just shy of flailing, and happily over to the passenger seat. “Sorry,” she pants, “my mom called after you did.” 
Steve winces. “Was it the cat again?” 
“Yes!” Robin groans as she goes on to describe.. Neighborhood cat drama? Back in Hawkins? Eddie just shakes his head and drapes himself in between the want-to-be-twins. 
She talks the entire time they’re driving to the theater, then continues the story effortlessly as they grab tickets and snacks and make their way to the theater. 
Steve sits in between them, popcorn in his lap and the arm rest between him and Robin up. She snuggles in as she wraps up her story, just as the previews start. 
Eddie leans over to glare at the both of them. “You do realize this is supposed to be a date for Steve and I, right?” 
Robin shrugs. “I was invited, thank you.” 
Steve at least has a sheepish smile. “I’ll take her home before we get dinner?” 
“You’re not going to feed me!” 
“Robs, I love you, but I also want to get laid,” Steve faux-whispers. 
“It’s a good thing I love you,” Eddie says as he grabs a handful of popcorn, gesturing towards Robin with it, “because this alone would make anyone else run.” 
Steve beams as he leans over to kiss Eddie’s cheek. “It’s one of the many reasons you’re the best, Eds.” 
“Gross,” Robin huffs. “Cut the lovey dovey shit while I’m sitting right here.” 
Eddie flips her off as he kisses Steve quickly, thankful for the dark of the empty theater. When he pulls back to shove the handful of popcorn in his mouth, Steve just smiles even brighter. 
Yeah, it’s worth sharing Steve if he gets to look like that all the time. 
Thank you @lady-lostmind for beta reading!
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epersonae · 4 months
Because you foolishly agreed to more than one of these: Director's Cut of "BIGFOOT STOLE MY HUSBAND!", please.
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before I even start on this, let me just say that I love that you've picked out my three OFMD fics that imho get the best comments in very different ways. for the benefit of all the broken hearts gets the in-depth analysis and plot-based screaming; I spit on your grave is full of I NEEDED THIS CATHARSIS; and BIGFOOT STOLE MY HUSBAND is about 80% "would it be weird if I wanted to kiss bigfoot/o no you've awakened something in me", which me too bud (actually this comment is one of my favorite comments on anything ever).
Sometimes you write something you're not into entirely out of spite, well, 80% spite and 20% as a gift to your friends lol.
Which is to say that someone posted a link to a pretty bad (and also at the time the only) Ed/Stede/Bigfoot fic in a server I'm in (come ON, "it was all a dream"?!?!?! COWARD) and we got chatting about what a good fic would be like, and then dammit now I have an actual idea.
I said in my previous director's commentary post that I often need a hook to get into a story, and the camping narration that it starts with was the hook.
My ex-husband (first spouse, the bad marriage, the divorce) was very outdoorsy in that Pacific Northwest way; in college he'd worked for a summer as a guide on Mt Rainier and then the following winter was the caretaker for a lodge. He was not as gung-ho about it as some of his friends, but he did always want for us to go on a "real" backpacking trip, and we did a lot of car camping. And like, we had some real awful arguments and terrible experiences, but also there was a lot I enjoyed about it, and I hadn't (still haven't) done that since before I got divorce. (iirc we didn't go out at all that last summer we were together, which feels like part of the "everything coming to a head" of that year.)
So apparently I had a whole bunch of pent-up feelings about camping, both the actual physical experience of being in the woods/mountains and the experience of doing something that your partner is into WAY more than you are. (Which, yes, is both about the camping and Bigfoot.)
One of the other things about that fic is the whole scent experience, obviously, and that is the 20% gift for a friend aspect of that story, because one of the people who I was more or less writing it for is someone who I thought would appreciate that particular aspect. My beta also pushed me to be more specific and detailed about the actual fragrance notes, so I did two things. One, I looked up perfume sites and stuff for the kind of language people use for that, and two, what ended up being the most notorious (?) details: I opened up my spice drawer and literally smelled all of my spices to find something that might be a little unusual but also felt right. And that is where the cumin thing comes from.
(I think the commenter experience of "would it be weird if I were into this" comes both from my commitment to sensory detail and to Ed's inner narration of "would it be weird if I were into this")
Finally, I knew it needed to end not with Bigfoot, but with them affirming their connection to each other, and I did seriously laugh out loud when I realized I could use "he's got nice hair". It's so stupid and so perfect.
(also the detail of the two of them having a selfie with a roadside attraction fake taxidermy Bigfoot is stolen from my experience going to the Portland Maine cryptozoology museum and doing exactly that with Ryn, who loved all things Bigfoot.) (I've had relationships with at least four people who are/were really into cryptids, I have no idea what that's about.)
[ask me for the director's commentary on a fic!]
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jalenay · 4 months
NWWD: Editing Update
Time for the Main Edit! 0 of 37 chapters done lol
i'm hoping to get this edit done in a month, no idea how realistic that'll wind up being but i gotta start with a goal. if you want some more detail on my personal editing process see below
also includes the reader name reveal, because i don't think i've shared that anywhere yet
my editing process, when i hav the time and i'm not rushing to post, is that i print out the chapters--in a different colored ink and in a different font--and hand write my edits with a red pen. then i type the edits up after.
there are a couple reasons for this but the main one is that i think i pick up and notice errors/places i want to revise etc when i see it on paper more than on a screen. this is something i noticed on my own but also something i've seen echoed elsewhere. the different font/color i definitely saw online first, put in to practice, and at least placebo-ed my way into think it helps me edit better too. the idea is that it makes things different but not too different and so u can pick up on stuff better. all of the fonts are still readable, but just not like times new roman/arial/calibri etc
obviously this takes a lot longer than just editing on the computer, but i think its worth it. also, i still do some longer revisions on the computer - i have a bad habit of just lik underlining or highlighting or just putting a star next to a paragraph i dont like as shorthand to myself for like "reword" "awkward phrasing" "confusing" etc and then 'typing up the edits' me is like shit, now i gotta actually come up with how to fix it lol so the typing up often takes the longer of the two.
if i'm really taking my time (in terms of like prewriting a lot before posting anything for a story/fic), i'll do this chapter by chapter, hard copy and typing all of one before the next. sometimes i'll do a bunch at once, especially if i'm also trying to fix overarching things. i think i did all of DSM hard copy and then typed it all? but i can't really remember. i've split NWWD into 5 mini-arcs and i'll probably do all the hard copy edits on the chapters in that arc and then type all of them up, etc. that way i can also send multiple completed chapters to my beta reader(s) at once and i can make sure that i can tackle some of the exposition structuring things i want to fix more cohesively across chapters (or so i hope).
wish me luck!
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P.S. shout-out to one of the AO3 comments who noticed all of the sibling's names were plant names and speculated that the reader would get a similarly themed name! you were right!
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
So I am going to step out of my comfort zone here... I have very little confidence when it comes to writing and I'm trying to be better about ignoring that angry little shit in my head that says it's total crap. I also have a weird mental block where I can copy-edit other people's work generally ok, but if I read my own it's like reading my own software code, I can't seem to QA it properly. Would anyone be willing to BETA an OFMD Modern Gentlebeard Convention AU for me? I'm about... 80K words that I didnt scrap.. and I'd like to get some feedback and start pulling it together to put on ao3. It's a slow burn fic, so no smut right away I'm afraid. I'd probably ask you to read it a couple chapters at a time so I can get feedback on continuity/believe-ability. General premise:
Ed's a famous street / visual artist similar to Banksy (Obviously codename is Blackbeard), Izzy's his manager. No one actually knows what he looks like because of his work, but he's agreed to have the "Blackbeard crew" show up to a famous Pirate Convention and he's there in disguise. Stede's a recently divorced / out Cosplay Merch Shop owner.
#EvenWritingThisSynopsisIsTriggeringAnxietyLOL If anyone would be willing to help me out I'd appreciate it, but if not, totally okay too, just wanted to put myself out there!
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ladyjudica · 1 year
Looking for a Sensitivity Beta
After reading another excellent post about how portrayals of Ed often slip into racism, it occurred to me that I would love to have a sensitivity reader for my OFMD fic. As far as I know, sensitivity reading is not generally part of fandom culture, and of course I would want to avoid piling labor on a person of color, but I think that having a sensitivity beta might be a good way to make my own little contribution to fandom as anti-racist as possible.
So I would like to start looking for a beta or betas to weigh in on my fic, specifically in regards to my portrayal of Ed and other characters of color.
In exchange, I can offer my own betaing for fic, writing image descriptions for art, and editing/proofreading for non-fandom works as well. Ideally I'd love to hear from people of color, but other white people are welcome as long as everyone agrees that the perspectives of people of color obviously should be prioritized.
My current fic is Oranges and Lavender (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38591859), an E-rated fic with omegaverse elements. It includes alpha Ed and omega Stede, which I am very aware could fall into harmful stereotypes, but which I hope I have avoided so far. (Most of the omegaverse elements so far have just been people's heightened sense of smell.)
If you're uncomfortable with reading this particular fic but might be interested in betaing others in future, I'd love to hear from you as well. I am strongly Izzy Hands critical. The fic so far is under 14k words (I am a very slow writer!).
Please reply or DM if you'd be interested or know someone who might be. I'm also happy to hear about resources on anti-racism, or recommendations for how I should handle looking for a sensitivity beta.
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scarrletmoon · 1 year
tumblr ate this ask but i still got the email for it?? anyway thank you @unadulteratedkr ily
@unadulteratedkr asked: FOR THE FIC WRITER ASKS: 3, 12, 14, 18 (SPECIFICALLY GLASS HOUSES 👀) , 25, 37, 39, 42, and 45 obviously you don't have to do ALL of them, but I fucking love ask games and want to know ALL THE ANSWERS
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
i use a lot of repetition? i focus a lot on how sentences sound so there's a cadence i like to follow, which means i end up saying the same thing in different ways which is kind of annoying but it's been my style.........forever 🥲
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
i dont think so? mostly it's been me discovering kinks i didn't think i'd ever be into bc i only started reading E fic last year. i have discovered that i can be into pretty much anything as long as it's written well!
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
yes. off the top of my head, the only age gap fics i'd read are from friends/writers i trust. same with tentacle fics too, i think? and most iffy tropes although i can't think of any rn
18. If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it involve?
i started writing one that was accidentally inspired by that one episode of Bob's Burgers where Bob's been on a waitlist for this fancy turkey and finally gets it, except this time it's Ed and Stede and Ed wants this fancy ham that'll take like, a 5 hour round trip to get, and Stede offers to drive. and then this happens bc i'm incapable of writing them as not being wildly horny for each other
“Have you?” Stede snapped out of his daydream, a little alarmed now how easy it had been to drift off while he was still driving. “Have I what?” “Dreamt about this.” Stede’s heart galloped in his chest. It was a miracle he could see the road at all, with his head full of the rumble of Ed’s voice, the heat of his body, his fingers light on Stede’s hand, no longer guiding but following the movement. “Why do you think I was so eager to drive you?” One of Stede’s favourite sounds in the world was Ed’s laugh, especially now when he was especially relaxed, warm and effortlessly, hypnotically alluring.  Stede circled his thumb over the head of Ed’s cock, shivering as he caught the pearl of moisture there, and Ed gasped. “Fuck.” Stede could feel the way his thighs tensed, the twitch as the fingers of his free hand curled on the seat. Stede could hear his breathing too, his panting growing heavier with every long, languorous stroke. This was usually the point where Ed got impatient, started bucking his hips or whining, but he was surprisingly patient. Watching Stede’s face through heavy-lidded eyes. Waiting for more. “Did you decide to behave for me today?” Stede flicked his eyes to Ed’s face and away. Ed’s expression was distractingly rapt, even in Stede’s periphery.
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
merriam-webster thesaurus is my best friend
i'll also use One Look occasionally if MW isn't quite cutting it
oh also the color dictionary my beloved
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
maybe it's good that no one read it bc i didn't get it beta read but take from me my lace was so fun to write. i wasn't going to rest until i'd put stede in those laced trousers from ep6, but sluttier
also i get why people dont read it bc it's a christmas fic but Last Christmas has my fave dom Stede outside of PB
39. Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people? If so, who?
god, all the time. the porn wars with stephanie made PB so much nastier than it could've been. @unadulteratedkr has the most incredible suggestions as a beta reader. @oatmilktruther makes me want to be a better writer bc they're so brilliant. and then for some reason i also take my fic writing cues from bexless, at least for longform?? thanks unholyverse
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
i got so so lucky with PB where i'd get such touching comments from several people, including @lokigodofsex and @oatmilktruther who kept me writing (also Holy Man on ao3, i hope you're doing okay 💖💖💖)
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
oh boy um everything? i finished a long form project for the first time in my entire life (i guess, not counting the time i wrote a "novel" when i was like, 13) and that really forced me to get better at continuity, character development, balancing an extended cast of characters and just writing smut in general. i had to end it before i could post all of it but i learned a lot 💖
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autisticandroids · 2 years
Obviously I am going to be biased towards a fic I beta-ed but I do have to say that goldfish is sooooooo. Lisa seeing herself and cas as parallels and what this says about how she’s perceiving jack & dean, and the fact that… well she doesn’t know about the soullessness etc but also she’s Not Wrong. I love recontextualisation and it is SUCH recontextualisation. Very dear to me
i literally obsessed over that fic for MONTHS beforehand because all i could think about was that cas lisa conversation, and then as soon as i'd written it i was like ok! done. and never thought about it again. which to me is the mark of a good fanwork. i successfully exorcised what i was trying to exorcise.
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brigdh · 2 years
1, 7, 41?
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? 
Oh, tough question! I mean, it all depends on what kind of thing the someone likes – fluff, angst, porn, gen – and what fandoms they know. That said, I'll recommend A Very Necessary Thing (Swordspoint, Alec/Richard), because I think it really did what I wanted it to do, and has a fairly clear theme and plot. Though I don't think it makes much sense unless you know the canon.
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
Hmm. I've never actually used this in a fic, but I quite like a theory I came up with once for how A/B/O genders might have evolved. Early human evolution did in fact take place during a period of marked instability, when drastic climate swings occurred fairly frequently. A/B/O-ness could be an adaptation to this, if you think of it as Alphas and Omegas as having increased fertility, and Betas having reduced fertility. In times of hardship and scarcity, Betas don't themselves reproduce, but bond with A/O pairs – three parents per child, allowing for increased food gathering and security. In times of abundance, Betas also reproduce, allowing the population to grow much faster than if there were only Alphas and Omegas. There, ta-da, it makes sense to have three genders.
I do think this would tend to lead to societies where threesomes were the default relationship structure rather than couples, but obviously more people have OTPs than they have OT3s, which maybe is why I've never seen anyone else come up with something similar.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
Oh, man, so many. A few recent ones:
The Nettles in the Garden Don't Go Away (OFMD, Ed/Stede) for fantastic characterization and writing
Hell or High Water (OFMD, Ed/Stede, Izzy/OMC) for well-laid plot and exciting action scenes
slow chariot, lay me down (OFMD, Ed/Izzy) for hot, hot sex, and excellent characterization through sex (also, this fic is my favorite, but honestly anything by Hymn could be substituted here)
Every time the sun comes up, I’m in trouble (OFMD, gen, Calico Jack) for perfection of voice and sharpness of language. Very excited for this fic to come off anon so I can read everything else the author has written
Thank you for the questions! :D
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thekaijudude · 7 months
Hey bro, since the Blazar series already ended, I thought it would be a good time to ask these questions.
For every Ultraman from Ginga till Blazar (including secondary and mini series Ultraman), which ones in your opinion have a better:
- series
- character
- design (if there is a specific form you can mention)
- grunt sounds
- fighting style
- signature finisher (if there is a specific form you can also mention)
- OTS and Ending theme part 1/2
For series it'll have to be UGF3 because there's just so many "wtf he's back" and "wtf it's actually happening" moments, coupled with Sakamoto's action scenes, it's literally a series made for me
In terms of character, it's obviously Orb due to the Gaia-Agul dynamic him and JJ had, which I elaborated quite a few times
In terms of design, it's either Magnificent, Solid Burning, Exceed X Beta Spark Armor or Lightning Attacker as I'm a sucker for bulky builds
In terms of grunts, for New Gen it's Exceed X
For fighting style, it's Victory's as he almost always pulls off the most dynamic of moves, so much so that it's literally idiosyncratic at this point
For finisher, I'll have to go with Orb Supreme Calibur since its the most unique imo
For OP, it has always been Ginga S' OP Eiyuu no Uta, for ED, its Taiga's 2nd ED Sign
Thanks for the question!
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KeyMates Progress Report!
One week after the poll has completed, and a lot has happened! Let's break it down, shall we?
Story Development Notes:
While the pilot takes place with the main characters in junior high, they are high school seniors for the majority of this run. (Aside from arc two, which is a flashback arc.)
Anne is confirmed aroallo. Flynn is alloallo all the way, but finds their QPR to be more emotionally fulfilling than any romantic relationship.
There's a lot of conversation about monogamy and societal expectations and where they stand on that. In simple terms, they lean more on the 'platonic' side of queerplatonic.
✨New Major Characters Mention✨: Another pair of psychics with only one link between them have been added into the mix! They have an electric current running between them, and when they make contact without earthing, lightning goes everywhere. Fire. Explosions. Amazing. Mica and Olivia are both punk lesbians, and are the inverse of Flynn and Anne in that they are romantic, but get "best friends"-ed all the time. I love them, and also they serve as interesting foils in the conversation I'm taking note of.
We are looking at around three to four plot-heavy arcs in this one season, not counting whatever requests and asks people send in (which I hope you will!)
Production Notes:
I have started college. The workload is a bit heavy, which is understandable. But I failed to account for how much commute times would cut in to my worktime?? Crazy.
This, added with rounding out my EndWalkers series, has slowed down my ability to develop this series as fast as I generally will be able to.
We'll be shooting for 60k~ words of plot, which is the lower bound of what is considered a novel.
Our little team has grown to three!! I have recruited an artist and a beta to join the crew behind this. They can't help much, because this isn't a profitable project and they are also starving college students, but we're trying our best!
There is some art on the way, so look forward to that ;)
So, where does that leave us? At best as my timeline is working, we might be ready to launch in November, but that's optimistic.
I'm still working on the perks of the prospective KeyMates-centric tiers on my Patreon. Early access is a given, obviously, but what else would you guys like? I'm always open to ideas!
If you'd like to help support this project, you can unlock three chapters more of content on my Patreon and ko-fi.
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climbing under skin
by ShowMeAHero
“Oh, God," Stede wheezes. "I just— I didn’t want to intrude or make you feel that I was— was treating your body inappropriately—”
Ed huffs a laugh, pulling the fastens on his leather trousers apart.
“Stede, love,” Ed says, “I am begging you to treat my body inappropriately.”
Stede’s heart— Ed’s heart— their heart, right now— pounds, and his brain fuzzes over, and he still feels that incredibly pleasant prickling, like he’s gone extremely sensitive all over his body.
“I mean,” Ed keeps going, navigating his way upwards to meet Stede’s eye while he separates the final joins on his pants for him. “How many chances like this are we gonna get, you know? If you don’t like it, I’m obviously not gonna make you, but— If you were thinking it. You know. I was thinking it, too.”
  for ofmd kinktober, day 22: denial!!
also for ofmd flufftober, day 22: body-swapping!!
Words: 5358, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 22 of a secret garden [our flag means death kinktober 2022]
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Kinktober, OFMD Kinktober, Flufftober, OFMD Flufftober, Established Relationship, Not Beta Read, Explicit Sexual Content, Bodyswap, Denial, Orgasm Denial, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Magic, Spells & Enchantments, Trans Stede Bonnet, Trans Male Character, Trans Character, Kink Negotiation, Body Worship, Self-Esteem, Self Confidence, Flirting, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Loves Stede Bonnet, Stede Bonnet Loves Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Fingerfucking, Vaginal Fingering, Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Frottage, Dirty Talk
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42583536
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